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y! r e g in W & fé a C Welcome to WOW presen t our v We are pleased to

ision o f a fr esh ,

our passion ts c e fl re h ic h w t p nce exciting, unique co nit y unlike any u rt o p p o t n e tm s e v to please and an in you have considere WOW


2 0 01 in New in d e h c n u la s a w Café & W ingery

bout the Sauce, a te a n o si s a p rs e roth Orleans by three b Soul of Southern e th t n e s re p re t a th Sound, and Spice s tart ed cook ing rs e th ro b rd a ll a L ouisiana . T he B kids, working t s ju re e w y e th n w he up business ideas d ’s music s tore. a d d n a m o m ir e th together at

irections – d t n re fe if d e re th them in But their lives took union . T he re y il m fa a d e h c n a lau until one grea t ide and Sco tt had , n e v te S l, u a P t a th idea w as so W O W scribe their e d to t s ju rd o w nd ne w to dream up a bra spicy new creatio

n – W INGER Y!

osphere and tm a n a h it w t p e c n a co Paul’s V ision was would be proud e h t n ra u ta s re a r, menu like no othe rich flavors and e th y b d e c n e u fl to call his own, in d cooking. Paul’s e ir p s in s n a e rl O w heri tage of Ne develop a truly W O W d e lp e h s a il h dedication to deta r others to enjoy ! fo e c n e ri e p x e g in unique din

d to assis WOW is commit te c tion, fa s trategic site sele

ting you through

vorable lease

y s te m a tic d e s ig n s a d n a t n e m re u p roc r knowledgeable u O . s s e c ro p n o ti & cons truc cons tr uc tion d n a te ta s e l a re s ta ff o f led w it consult an ts coup

h a ne tw ork

will guide y rs e n rt a p l a rn te x of e lopmen t p the location deve f y our bu an ultimate goal o on time and within

ou through

rocess w it h

siness opening


Determine the area Engage a real es ta A ssis t with si te ev

of interest

te broker /agent in

aluation - A s is Co

Co-tenants, A ncho A ssis t with prepar

nditions of Space,

r, Ingress/ Egress,

ation of Letter of In

A ssis t with negotia Review business te

ting business term

rms of lease with

Recommend a Real Es

your market (if ne cessar y)

Park ing, Demogra ph

tent (s )

s of lease


tate Attorney to re

Visibilit y,

view final lease

ics, Etc.

A ssis t with orderin

g ex terior signage

Facilitate design pr ocess based on ex is A ssis t with securin A ssis t with Gener

g an A rchi tectural

al Contractor bid re

Consul t General Co A ssis t with facilitat

materials - floorin signage/ branding

/Engineering Firm

view and GC select

ntractor through co

ing the deliver y of

ns truction proces

all ow ner furnishe

g, lighting, millwor and furniture.

ting conditions




k, equipment, inte

















A World of Wing s... And So Much More!

t n e m p o l e v e D d n a Br & g n i t e k r a M l a Nation g developing marketin of ce an rt po im t ea the gr gery understands WOW CafĂŠ & W in ess. ease brand awaren cr in to ed gn si de campaigns

Social Media

Promotions Limited Time Offer g Campaigns Integrated Marketin Calendar Annual Marketing elopment S trategic Menu Dev Public Relations

Local Marketing

, arketing campaigns m ey -k rn tu , ve si ehen chisees with compr WOW provides fran of your e three mile radius th in ith w s er um ed to at tract cons specifically design t. s within your marke es en ar aw d an br lping you establish store; ultimately he

book , ms, including: Face or tf la P ia ed M l ia Soc Yelp , Urbanspoon and re ua sq ur Fo r, te it Tw otions Event Driven Prom y Programs Customer Frequenc

Comprehensive E ducation & WOW understand s how intimidating

the idea of star ting a

be. That ’s why we developed a multilevel trai

of on-line training

, classroom training

training at your loca


new business can

ning program deliv ered by way

, as well as certifi

cations and on-site

tion Held in New O rleans at Corporat e Headquarters an d at local franchised locations.

Franchisee & Ma na You will at tend the W

ger Training

OW CafĂŠ & W inge ry Academy and le arn the important aspect s of ow ning and operat ing your franchise. Cour se wor k includes operational, marke ting, nutritional an d customer servic e classes, plus plen ty of hands-on experie nce with our proven methods. A WOW Academy team travels to your store to conduct on -site training and st ore-se tup w ith you and your st af f. Ever yt hing is ba cked up w ith our proprietary WOW Manuals and on-g oing suppor t from our corporate of fic e.

Ongoing Consulti WOW is devoted to on br inging new cu

providing you with

st omer s in to your

ng & Support

year-round consul

loca tion w hile mai

ting and suppor t fo


nt aining a heal thy, local customer base. Yo ur performance co nsultant will ensure new marketing ca mpaigns and operational pr ocedures are ef fe ctively communic ated to you and yo ur team for implementation.

Onsite consulting &

training upon new

location opening Weekly analysis of revenue & expens es S tore level period analysis – tracks la bor cost , food cost and inventor y cont rols Annual Qualit y Ass urance site visits Annual Convention

ce enticing guest en ri pe ex ng ni di al ted, casu y, a fun, family-orien te ea cr s nt uring 17 proprietar ra at au Fe st s. en re sc WOW re on l televisi is the solution for tion on wall-to-wal u ac en d m an en ic iv us dr m p ef to ch winning, with nons ed all r ex tensive award ou , es uc tails and beers brew sa t ck en co er ff ed ir di ly sp in us io ns delic New Orlea rvice bar features se llfu ur O e. tit any appe around the world. made from scratch … bs ru e ic sp d an es eans inspired sauc Taste the New Orl udes : ur unique menu incl O s. nt ie ed gr in t with only the fines ➢

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

d salads Over-sized choppe raps Mouth-watering w fajitas Sizzlin’ sauce st yle as Signature quesadill rgers Big Texas toast bu tenders hite meat chicken w l al – e oz fr r ve Fresh – ne W ings (of course!)

r Big Easy inspired Indulge in one of ou : Our menu includes ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

signature drinks.

a WOW-rita Margatit ican Bloody Mar y er m A llA a dk Vo ’s Tito Frozen Hurricanes ed by ‘da Parish’ ir sp In n. io at lm ha Our signature C

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