N332 The Growth and Development of Harry Potter

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The Growth and Development of

Chao Hu N332 California State University, San Marcos

Meet Harry

Harry’s Family Harry was orphaned as an infant when his parents, James and Lily, were murdered by the evil powerful wizard, Lord Voldemort. He was sent to live in a non-magical household with the Dursleys, whose members consist of his Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and their son, Dudley. Under their guardianship, Harry is emotionally abused, mistreated and neglected. He lives in the cupboard under the stairs and is constantly bullied by Dudley. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia tries to keep Harry oppressed so that he would not exhibit any magical tendencies. Harry keeps to himself most of the time to avoid trouble. One day, his life changed abruptly when a letter from Hogwarts arrived.

Harry Potter is an 11-year-old boy who wears round glasses, has messy black hair, bright green eyes, and a faint lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. He has a thin face and appears small and skinny for his age. He is a first year student at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry and known as “the boy who lived.” Harry is close friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. In his free time, Harry likes to read, play wizard’s chess, practice magic, hang out with his friends and play a wizarding sport called Quidditch.

Harry’s Growth and Development School Age (6-12 years) Physical Growth Harry is 11 years old, 4 feet and 6 inches tall and weighs 65 pounds. His BMI is 15.7, which places him at the 20th percentile for boys of the same age (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). His growth is within normal limits as it is usual for school-age children to gain about 4.4-6.6 lb and grow 2 inches per year (ATI, 2016). Harry will soon transition into an adolescent. He is currently at the beginning of the pubescent age range for boys and should see rapid growth in height and weight in the next few years. No visible sexual maturation is noted at this time. The majority of his permanent teeth have erupted.

Gross and Fine Motor Skills School-age children demonstrate increasing fine and gross motor abilities. Handedness is well established at this time (Perry, 2014). They engage in complex activities such as making crafts, buildings models, collecting things, solving jigsaw puzzles, playing board and card games, and joining organized competitive sports (ATI, 2016). Harry has well developed fine motor skills. At Hogwarts, he is energetic and creative. He draws and writes almost every day, makes arts and crafts, builds models, collects stamps, plays wizards chess and displays great wand control. Harry also has advanced gross motor skills. His movements are steady. He is constantly running around, climbing trees, hiking in the woods, playing chase and exploring the campus grounds with his friends. He is also on the Quidditch team and goes to practice games on a regular basis.


Concrete Operations Children in this cognitive developmental stage are able to master the concept of conservation, learn to tell time, solve problems, transition from perceptual to conceptual thinking and see from the perspective of others (ATI, 2016). Harry demonstrates appropriate development in this stage. He is constantly seeking solutions to problems and challenging himself to become a better wizard by reading, exploring and asking the professor questions. Harry is also highly imaginative and understands the relationship between things and ideas. For instance, through deductive reasoning and logic, Harry and his friends are able to figure out that Lord Voldemort is still alive.


Industry vs. Inferiority In this stage of psychosocial development, school-age children achieve a sense of industry by developing skills needed to become a contributing member of society and acquiring a sense of accomplishment (Perry et al., 2014). Children want to participate in activities that can be carried to completion in order to achieve a sense of independence. In his first year at Hogwarts, Harry displays industrious behaviors by studying hard, receiving strong grades in school, participating in cooperative and competitive play among his peers, and embracing his new identity as “the boy who lived” in the wizarding world. Harry also develops a sense of purpose in his determination to solve the mystery of the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Conventional Morality School-age children are able to judge the intention of an act rather than just its consequences and take into account different points of view instead of just whether or not an act is right or right. They are also able to understand the concept of treating others as they would like to be treated (Perry et al., 2014). Harry appears to have reached the conventional level of moral reasoning in all aspects. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, which guides most of his actions. Harry deliberately disobeys rules in order to do what he thinks is right. For instance, he gets in physical confrontations with Draco Malfoy in order to stop him from teasing his friends. At night, Harry sneaks out of bed to search for clues that might lead him to the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Nutrition Obesity is a great concern for school-age children. They should eat healthy foods and quality nutritious snacks. To ensure that a balanced diet is consumed, children should follow the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s healthy diet recommendations (ATI, 2016). Daily guidelines for boys ages 9-13 is as follows (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2015): Calories

1,600 – 2,600


1.5 – 2 cups


2 – 3.5 cups


5 – 9 ounces


5 – 6.5 ounces


3 cups

For an11-year old boy who is moderately active, Harry should be consuming around 2,000 calories per day. He should eat 1.5 cups of fruits, 2.5 cups of vegetables, 6 ounces of grains, 5 ounces of protein, and 3 cups of dairy (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2017.)

Harry lives at the school dorms and eats cafeteria food at the dining commons everyday. There is a variety of food choices and the portion sizes are usually unlimited. The magical community embraces healthy eating and include main dishes such as pork and lamb chops, steak, shepherd’s pie, stew, sprouts, peas, roast potatoes, salads and chicken or ham sandwiches. Harry’s breakfast usually includes some variation of sausages, fried eggs, bacon, porridge, toast and fruit juice. However, he often eats smaller portions of food than his peers and likes to indulge in sweet snacks and desserts such as apple pies, crumpets, chocolate eclairs and every flavor beans.

Orem’s self-care requisites Feelings

Family and friends

Harry is a mature school-age child who goes from being an unloved orphan to being part of the magical community, where he finds a sense of belonging and identity. He is generally positive, caring, determined and respectful while learning to navigate the world of witches and wizards. As Harry struggles to come to terms with his childhood and the truth about his parents, he faces many internal and external conflicts along the way. In times of uncertainty, Harry confides in his friends and mentors, who provide him with proper support and guidance. [Partially Met]

Although Harry’s parents are deceased and the Dursleys are mostly neglectful, he has a strong social network at Hogwarts. His best friends, Ron and Hermione, are extremely loyal, brave and supportive to Harry. They are all in the Gryffindor house, which is known as the house of the daring and brave. Harry, Ron and Hermione share similar interests and hobbies and are always looking out for each other. Harry also have caring mentors, Albus Dumbledore and Rubeus Hagrid, who act as fatherly figures in his life. [Partially Met]

Body image Harry has low self-esteem issues due to the lightning bolt scar on his forehead. He tries to hide the scar with his untidy hair most of the time because of its negative association with the evil Lord Voldemort and the death of his parents. Physical appearance aside, Harry is realistic about his situation, recognizes his strengths and weaknesses, and understands that no one is perfect. He forgives himself when he makes a mistake and sees it as a learning opportunity to improve. [Partially Met]

Drugs or alcohol use

Sex and sexuality

Harry does not have any interest in drugs or alcohol. In fact, all illicit substances are banned at Hogwarts and protected by strong spells. Butterbeer is an exception because of its extremely low alcoholic content. Due to its popularity in the wizard community, it is occasionally allowed for students to consume during special feasts. Harry only drinks butterbeer on school-sponsored occasions. [Met]

Harry is approaching puberty and is curious about his sexual development. Although no visible sexual characteristics is noted at this time, he understands appropriate social interaction and have become more modest. He shows romantic interest in the opposite sex but does not talk about or act on these feelings. Jokes and “dirty stories” are common among his peers at Hogwarts. [Partially Met]

Teachings Physical development Harry is skinny but falls within the normal BMI limits for his height and weight. He is sometimes bullied by his peers for his small stature. At this time, ost of his permanent teeth have erupted. As Harry approaches puberty, he is curious about his sexual development.

Interventions: ●

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Remind Harry that rapid growth in height and weight will occur as he approaches his teenage years and variations are normal Tell Harry that there are differences in the rate of growth and maturation between boys and girls Provide Harry with appropriate and accurate information regarding sex

Social development Harry has many friends and is involved in social activities at school but feels peer pressured by his infamous status as “the boy who lived.” He tries his best to be “normal” and conforms by not drawing attention to himself. However, Harry is constantly bullied by Draco Malfoy, who is determined to take him down.

Interventions: ● ● ●

Provide Harry with resources to deal with peer pressure and bullying Teach Harry healthy ways to manage stress Encourage Harry to engage in competitive and appropriate play

More teachings Nutrition Harry does not have much interest in food but has a sweet tooth. He eats small portions of meals that the dining commons serve on a regular basis. Sometimes he forgets to eat when he gets too involved in a project or assignment. At age 11, school-age children should eat adult portions of food and healthy nutritious snacks (ATI, 2016).

Interventions: ● ● ●

Teach Harry to avoid skipping meals Involve Harry’s friends to model healthy eating behaviors Teach Harry to follow the guidelines on www.choosemyplate.gov to include variety from different food groups and eat appropriate portions for meals and snacks


The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative was developed to prepare future nurses to provide safe patient care through knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs). The education of nurses in pre-licensure programs are altered to provide consistent goals and cohesive core competencies that would improve quality and safety in the health care system (Windle, 2015). There are six core competencies that serve as guidelines to be integrated into nursing curriculums, including patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety and informatics (QSEN Institute, 2014). The QSEN competencies can help nurses integrate clinical skills with classroom knowledge and improve patient outcomes.

Safety Harry engages in many behaviors that puts him at great risk for serious injury. He plays Quidditch, a sport that involves flying on broomsticks and can be dangerous if he loses control or runs into someone. As his magical knowledge and skills are developing, Harry tends to attempt risky spells that he has not yet mastered. In addition, Harry and his friends are constantly involved in dangerous adventures at night without supervision.

Interventions: ● ● ●

Educate Harry on safe magical practices on and off campus Provide education on the use of protective gear and safe broom riding practices Tell Harry to inform his mentors of his night adventures

References ATI Nursing Education (2016). RN Nursing Care of Children: review module (10th ed.). Stilwell, KS: Assessment Technologies Instiute, LLC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). About child and teen BMI. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/children s_bmi/about_childrens_bmi.html Perry, S. E., Hockenberry, M. J., Lowdermilk, D.L, Wilson, D. (2014). Maternal child nursing Care (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. OSEN Institute. (2014). QSEN Competencies. Retrieved from http://qsen.org/competencies/pre-licensure-ksas/ U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2017). Myplate daily checklist. Retrieved June 25, 2017, from https://choosemyplateprod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files /myplate/checklists/MyPlateDailyChecklist_1800cals_Age9-1 3.pdf U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2015). 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for americans. Retrieved June 25, 2017, from https://www.cnpp.usda.gov/2015-2020-dietary-guidelines-a mericans Windle, M. (2015). QSEN: Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. MEDSURG Nursing, 9.

Images Harry title:: http://lazwah.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/HarryPotter.png Hogwarts logo: https://millionpages28.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/l_borders-rolled-h arry-potter-8.png Harry smiling: https://allgeektomeblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/harrypotters.jpg Harry with letter: http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/57e00893dd0895ef608b4b13 -1916/harry%20potter%20dursley%20house%20kitchen%20.jpg Harry with hat: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/okUNLqtHRP8/maxresdefault.jpg Harry with wand: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SaM8o9534Eg/UvLM509hdRI/AAAAAAAAGT A/iDH1I6N8oWU/s1600/blog_00852_ebay_find_original_prop_wand_fro m_harry_potter_and_the_philosophers_stone.jpg Hogwarts panorama: http://davidocchino.com/tutorials/harry-potter-text-photoshop-tutorial -art/harry-potter-photoshop-tutorial-background.jpg Harry, Ron and Hermione: https://hips.hearstapps.com/cosmouk.cdnds.net/16/12/1458749374-h arry-potter-and-the-sorcerer-s-stone-the-sorcerers-stone-23841509-128 0-544.png Hogwarts dining hall: https://cdn.mtlblog.com/uploads/054608a357e4ea26f42915335e2aafd a7af19145.png_970x400.png Harry with wand 2: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0Dj2kq5Neus/maxresdefault.jpg Malfoy with wand: https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/ad_157404777.jpg?w= 620&h=442&crop=1 Hermione with wand: http://www.hotflick.net/flicks/2001_Harry_Potter_and_the_Sorcerer_s_S tone/big/fhd001HPO_Emma_Watson_001.jpg Hogwarts under moonlight: https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/article_small/public /thumbnails/image/2016/10/29/15/hogwarts-0.jpg

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