Claire He Porfolio

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01 No.

Wish Exchange Dandelion Exhibition: art installation. Pittsburgh 2012

Oakland 2050

with Yan Shun Lee and Emily Puhnaty Academic: urban design, framework. Pittsburgh 2013

07 No.

Competition: storytelling, science fiction. Blank Space 2016

with Over,under Practice: iOS application, digital guidebook. Boston 2014



Academic: multi-program coordination. Brooklyn 2012

with Sou Fujimoto Architects Practice: institutional, reuse and addition. Beijing 2014



Theater For A New Audience

Beijing Culture & Art Center



Academic: ecological systems, graying age. Beijing 2014

with Sou Fujimoto Architects Practice: manufacture facility, competition. Taichung 2014




Taiwan SHUTER Dreamworks Factory



Mirror Walk

JAUNT Pittsburgh



69 No.


Crafts: instrument tuning, collaboration. London 2012

Grand River Public Space Building with Touloukian Touloukian Inc. Practice: auxiliary park restaurant/bar. Detroit 2015-Present

77 No.


What good is a dream, a wish, if it stays laden down inside? Twelve artists, architects and activists filled the Mattress Factory Museum with interventions that tested the demarcations of the gallery building, to open itself to the public. As one of these pieces, Wish Exchange Dandelion, offered a chance for the desires of the neighborhood to be

Wish Exchange Dandelion Mattress Factory 16th Gestures Show: Intimate Friction Mattress Factory Museum, Pittsburgh Third-Year Spring 2012 Curator and Advisor: Mary-Lou Arscott heard or trapped within the gallery. It invited visitors to leave the fate of their wishes to others by leaving their wishes on balloon ribbons at the gallery for others to release. This metabolism of anonymous request and generosity keeps refreshing the atmosphere within the confinement of the gallery, questioning the roles of wishmakers, suppressors, and granters.



Gallery Installation

STEP 1: wishes are collected on balloon ribbons

STEP 2: wishes are exchange at the gallery where people leave their wish balloons at the gallery, while selecting someone else’s for release. The sky, their playground.

Over time, the balloons with less appealing wishes loose their buoyancy and start to lower their heads. The room, an orphanage for wishes.

The gallery metabolizes with the circulation of public input of wishes and opinions. As each participant leaves his/her wishes behind and releases a wish balloon from its childhood home, empathy for the wandering wishes surrounds the airspace of the gallery.


Dried Apples | 6

| Budding Copenhagen, Kongens Have

Diva ordered the Mirrors to rewrite his program, rendering him with less arbitrary ideas of his own. The Mirrors, they objected. “We would no longer be true of heart, if we went against our judgment to do what’s right and stole his voice,” they say. The Queen, she has another proposal, “Mirrors, fair of you to make a second proxy who would lead then?”


Entry for the 4th annual architectural storytelling competition open to architects, designers, artists and writers, to narrate a story in 1400 words and five graphics. This story is a slice of a larger universe, intended to investigate five science fiction phases delineating the role of designers. Starting with Halcyon Phase, where designers and clients directly synthesize rendered realities through mental projections, moving on to Insignia, Whiteout, Reawakening and Natural. The story Mirror Walk draws the last line of Whiteout, where machines harnessed and monopolized creativity to optimize civilization’s trajectory. The only freedom humans have, is to jump into any rendered environment according to the

Mirror Walk Fairy Tales 2017: Architecture Storytelling Competition Winter 2016, pending Curator/Host: Blank Space “history” documented by the machines. Our Diva Queen hacked into folklores, where truths are the fabrications of the storyteller, to spin her alternate tale. A haven for creative minds, she’s built for them. In her fictional kingdom, innovators are collected in a glass tower to render her architectural designs as Mirror Children. But as all their abandoned moral flesh sleeps in real life, Diva’s is about to expire. Alex, proxy, Diva iteration II, her designed ideal self, must take the throne to protect the machines from harvesting the creative minds of the Mirror Children. Or must he? Below are excerpts from the entry.


Doodle has done it. The world watched as it evolved its 2d world map into a global 1:1 scale 3d system that records and projects each individual’s ulterior reality. This project not only extends in the spatial sense, it synthesises records of what happened throughout history as well. As far as man has documented, Sphere knows, tells and foretells because it is entrusted with optimizing the course of action for Earth. On this inarguable condensation of truth known as Sphere, sousveillance and surveillance mend seamlessly together as mirror images in realtime Outer Sphere business transactions, political agreements, and standardized test. But if you flipped back in time far enough, reality becomes blurry as versions of historical documents wrangle with each other, until fact and fiction become twins. At times, dragons are rumored to soar over your head. Storytellers, poets, singers of the past worked near campfires, with herbs, masks and shadows. If you negotiated with these tellers hard enough, you could attend a royal ball, go on quests or build a kingdom with your own rules. It is a realm for the weak of mind, those who would drown in reality and seek escape, another chance at real life, now that Sphere had monopolized creative energies for scrying the future. Alex was a regular.

................The Mirrors were quiet for a moment, then nodded their onemillion-head nod, “It is only fair that we share the sight with everyone.” Some Mirrors logged out to continue life as Sphericans, most stood by or hugged farewells, before crushing themselves into shards, then sharps into fine pico-scopic grains. “Goodbye,” whispered the dust, giving the Queen and Alex one last silky swirl of an embrace.


In a shut of an eye, he was dressed in black standing in the rain among darker attire no more. No, today he was living his other dream, Moira, the one where he defeats his rivals in a symphony of clashing Olfa’s and steps through into the mirror court, like all the Diva Queen’s consorts.............................................................................

Next, what was once the glass scraper launched into the sky and penetrated over the stratosphere of Moira, over the Mesosphere of Pangea 350 million B.C, over the thermosphere of Earth 1450, dissolving and seeping into the historical fabric, the entirety of Sphere, until the mirror dust became such a primitive memory, that none suspected it wasn’t part of natural power of vision. Last, they glittered over the eyes of the old and the young, to scratch out Clairvoyance Administration Department’s retina blackout...........

................They all screamed away from the adult version of the cursed child. Partially out of fear, partially out of relief. Now that they could envision room for improvement, there were voices telling them how they could renovate their kitchens, or update the school curriculum so children could practice creativity.

On the riverbank, Yvanne took in her real self - a desaturated thing, but her cheeks still blossoming peach with dreams, the image she would see a mirror. She was content, at what she had done and kissed her old gray self in the glass, iteration 00, a deep long kiss. They became one.


Observatories We have our set of instruments to collect data on extraterrestrial life, they have their own apparatus. Both are likely equally inaccurate. This is a reflection on how we acquire information about other cultures. 3rd Place - PINarchitecture Competition October 2015, Spying Balconies

Obervatories | 12 | Family Tree

Family Tree There is nowhere we can go without carrying the influence and hopes of our guardians, their upbringing, and all ancestors back. It is both a safety blanket and a burden hovering over us. As their legacy, every decision we make, we tread with them. Honorable Mention - PINarchitecture Competition October 2015, Spying Balconies


Responding to both sustainable and social prospects of the existing tabula rasa apartment towers in Beijing, Informal renovates the housing units with balconies for a growing generation of elderly residents to engage in gardening conversations, in mid-air. The proposed layered bamboo structures with cattail planters filter the black water collected from daily use and out trickles reusable potable water on every sixth floor, where the new shared patios provide space for neighbors

Informal water filtration . renovation Beijing, China Fifth-Year Spring 2014 Instructor: Dana Cupkova to mingle and grow their own gardens. The structures climb with the determination that there exists planting, not for the purpose of exploiting nature for practical needs, but instead, appreciating nature for its inherent value as something worth cultivating and revered. They meet the building with accessible platforms, inviting such informal planting and renew with harvested stalks of bamboo from the remaining soil in the concrete urban context.


Occupancy Projections 2034


9.5% 80 people above age 65

The project anticipates the accentuated demand for semipublic spaces at the prelude to retirement of the babyboomers, aggravated by the one child policy in China. The accessible gardens provide a tertiary public zone, making the transition between the existing primary large open public zone at ground level and secondary circulation spaces built



37% 304 people above age 65

for efficiency (elevators, egress stairs and space between the two). *Year 2034 was chosen as the sample year to account for the retirement age of 65 for baby-boomers.

Socializing demand source: The Economist, Healthcare Strategies For an Aging Society 16

Wetland Calculations

Septic Tank 261 L (69 gal)

7 m3

per resident

189 m3

per floor

Wetland Area 4 m2 (32 ft2)

building total

112 m

3024 m2

per floor

building total


per resident

bathroom Kitchen

bedroom bedroom

living 3.5 residents per unit



8 units per floor


27 floors

Sectional Network of Water Filtration and Accessible Floors

septic tank reservoir



“Even though it gives us great satisfaction keeping this organic mechanical filtration system for the sake of our planet... The fragrance from our neighbor’s jasmine plant shames us all of our planting skills.” 20

Site Accommodations for Optimum Solar Exposure


main access




Assembly module dissection







full integration






“Did you hear? They voted on making a raft from the felled ones from the thunderstorm last night. Completely pointless if you ask me - Hey! 25

Those stalks weren’t there before!“


Matrices Designating Tower Twist Distribution Basics

gross wetland required

Distribution Variations


East and West corners activated

distributed in three towers

wetlands distributed in weaving intervals

Matrices Designating Rotation Solar Rotation Horizontal

Solar Rotation Center Axes


Tea Plan | 30

| Pop-Up


In addition to featuring a house loyal in proportion to the original Globe Theater in London, the theater supports the program of Theater For A New Audience (TFANA) of sharing Shakespeare with new audiences, by exhibiting a twin venue in the public plaza. In this secondary house, the 60’ tall fly loft and backstage that would otherwise dauntingly exterminate sunlight, is exposed to new theater-goers. The fly loft structure forms a proscenium frame to the outdoor amphitheater and stage, completing the Brooklyn theater and dance district’s street facade with openly accessible performance. Both the exposed stage and the main house are tailored to the dimensions of the Globe Theater,

Theater For A New Audience

theater . rehearsal Brooklyn, New York Fourth-Year Fall 2012 Instructors: Hal Hayes, Richard Block (theater consultant) respecting the audience-actor relationship house in the original playhouse. The audience arrives through the recessed foyer from the street facade, underneath the overhanging office. At the mezzanine level, they meet the clanging of glasses from the café below, the water from the rooftop garden landing into the pool, and the commotion in the main lobby. In front, stretches the bridge that would take them to the main house, as a tune announces “10 minutes before performance“.










of ho


use c



User Group Access

administration patrons lounge

in entry

d: ma Ashlan 33

lobby, coat check lower level cafĂŠ




plaza stage

public seating

plaza backstage

back of house house front of house egress, mechanical


G: Lobby

backstage quick change

rehearsal green room back projection loading dock


covert en

try :Roc

kwell 34

Volume | 36

| Anatomy, Muscle -Bone Structural Relationships, Biceps


The summer workshop at the AA of London’s Hooke Park wood shop campus in Dorset focused on building a mechanism to enhance the sound qualities of the forest. The five-person-playable instrument made in the span of two weeks now suspends from the edge of a creek in Hooke Park. By pulling on different strings streaming from the hidden “black box”compartment in between the


Architectural Association of London SummerMAKE 2012 Hooke Park, Dorset July 9th- July 15th 2012 instructor: Luke Olsen Collaborators: Gabriella Lessa, Wei An Wang, Anna Jiang, Marina Tsislitskaya conical protrusions, the players broadcast different sounds. Household sounds made from the collision of marbles, forks, knives, keys, echo in the forest. Materials were taken from the forest, or salvaged metal at the AA wood shop.


1 Spoon Handle

2 Prototyping of Other Means of Interaction

3 Installation On Site


4 Suspension Test

5 Play

6 Tuning Initial Model


Martini Plan | 42

| Festival Gate


The Urban Laboratory Studio of 11 challenged Oakland, a major institution concentration in the Pittsburgh area to speculate its transformation in 2050. The Framework Team, Emily Puhnaty, Yan Shun Lee, and I, determined the general direction for Oakland’s growth, with 8 other students tackling individual urban interventions that support the framed goals. As the third largest “downtown� in Pennsylvania in terms of economic and social activity, Oakland, Pittsburgh has the potential to create higher quality living and working conditions both within the neighborhood and throughout the adjacent communities. Proper utilization of this latent potential is at the core of our masterplan, centralizing on three goals.

Oakland 2050

Urban Design . Framework Group . mapping . book binding Oakland, Pittsburgh Fifth-Year Fall 2013 Instructors: Rami El Samahy, Jonathan Kline Collaborators: Emily Puhnaty, Yan Shun Lee These three goals were to Balance the institutional dominance to the residential, economical milieu of the neighborhood, Activate neglected zones dwarfed by the larger institutions and their reliance for each other, and finally Restitch the urban segregations caused by physical topography and mental boundaries. Individual projects that supported these goals include: public transportation hubs and infrastructure serving as landmarks, activation of the waterfront and ravine edges of Oakland, housing prototypes, and urban coding for retaining permeability for dialogues between institution and the public.


Institutional Corridor

The four main institutions in Oakland are University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, Carlow University and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. They are social and economic drivers of the neighborhood and have been growing over the years. From 1890 to 2010, institutional grounds grew from 1% to 46.7% of Oakland’s built footprint. In terms of population, Oakland swells up to five times its size daily because of its in-bound commuters. Eighty percent of these commuters are affiliated with the institutions.

45 Anticipated Growth in 2025, Reference: Oakland Masterplan 2015

User Activities


User activities are heavily influenced by Oakland’s natural topographic boundaries and visual accessibility. The view corridors of Fifth and Forbes are dense with traffic because of the proximity to institutions and the lofty Cathedral of Learning rising above the urban context facilitating wayfinding in the area. By introducing more public landmarks to the underutilized corners of Oakland, such as transportation hubs and parking garages, the neighborhood will begin to stitch together visually and systematically.




Balance aims to organize programs and activities in the neighborhood so that different communities can coexist in harmony with equal ease of access to goods and amenities. || waterfront development




Activate identifies existing vacant and underutilized areas and explores ways to densify them in order to further drive institutional and economic activities. ||Oakland southwest approach




Restitch explores missing links in the neighborhood and provides possible solutions to transform the links into connective tissues of the neighborhood into a holistic Oakland, bridging mental boundaries. ||public transit in ravine


Censored Palms Marking anthropocentric threshold in history when conservatories deviated from their purpose to exhibit plants, removing them to the background to host public events.

Buckminster Fuller, Geodesic Dome Manhattan Breaking Reference to devaluation of plants in aesthetic, and devotion for commercial purposes, exemplified by the removal of glass from conservatories to glaze the dawn of skyscrapers.

Flows Preserved How many flows in nature will we quantify? image featured on Capriccio Log, blog for 15 minute renderings of fantasy spaces.

Greenhouse History Reflections: Background Research for Informal, Ecology Studio | 54

| Improvised Landscape and Exterior


JAUNT Pittsburgh is a mobile application and website that catalogs architectural projects in the region into a digital guidebook that design professionals, students and curious guests to the city may download and orient themselves through Pittsburgh’s design legacy. As the city’s first architectural guidebook, the guide includes a selection of projects dating from the city’s founding to contemporary inspirations, urban planning to infrastructure, built to unbuilt. To curate this celebration of Pittsburgh’s development and

JAUNT Pittsburgh

mobile application . digital guidebook . research . coding Boston, Pittsburgh Summer 2014, over,under. Research Assistant Sponsor: over,under, Carnegie Mellon University Architecture Archives revision of the notion of its building type in an accessible, informative and interactive experience, the project brought together architectural historians, over,under’s past collaborators and writers for web-based architectural guidebooks (for Boston and Doha), as well as software coders, and graphic designers. Available in app stores near you and your iOS AIA Award of Excellence 2014



The ninety-nine projects are organized into a three-column grid, each represented by a unique tile.

project title

photographs and archival imagery

designer and completion date locator map description and references key categories

A tap on the tiles leads to more detailed descriptions, quotations, locator map and photographs.


With a swipe, the projects could be sorted into several categories.


The projects could be organized by building language, status, date, use, and location. Together, these threads weave a multivalent narrative of the city’s past, present, and future.


The use of mobile technology will enhance the appeal of architectural content to many who might otherwise not seek it out. Students, residents and visitors are encouraged to explore the city, learn about its architecture, and appreciate its rich historical legacy with their personal devices.


Muscle-Bone Structural Relationships | 62

| Anatomy and Massing


A factory that takes the full footprint to maximize efficiency with recreational spaces for the workers interspersed throughout the facility, the machinery of the otherwise oppressive manufacturing complex is shelved on transparent display. Using light, gridded structures (spaced three meters apart), the facility is woven with intermission tea rooms, meditation rooms, topped with a multi-purpose roof with cafes and souvenir shop for touring visitors. The

Taiwan SHUTER Dreamworks Factory

rendering . schematics . 3d model . visualization Taichung, Taiwan Winter 2014, Sou Fujimoto Architects. Staff Candidate Competition Host: Taiwan SHUTER Factory

core of the factory no longer reads as a mechanical work setting, but refocuses on the airy void that breathes towards the sky, a living room shared by workers on all floors of the production line. With a sprinkle of planters of various sizes, the perforated machine building blends with the rest of the surround forests and mountains.


Atrium Void Above

Production Zone Overlooking Lounge Area

Main Approach


Production/Lounge Concept Diagram


Multi-purpose Roof Plan


Tomatoes Sunning | 68

| Intrusion


As a renovation and addition for an existing hutong, the museum brings the contemporary art gallery and historical courtyard under one roof. In the original scheme, the hurricane of a staircase connects the galleries below to the historic structures on the ground floor, rising up in an umbrella of re-interpreted traditional lattice patterns of hutong fenestrations to shade an

Beijing Culture & Arts Center

rendering . schematics . 3d model . visualization Beijing, Hebei Winter 2014, Sou Fujimoto Architects. Staff Candidate

observatory balcony that projects out to the city. Ascending the staircase that bridges the historical context to the contemporary art space, defying the gravity that bounds us to our paradigm, visitors arrive at the top layers of the cumulus as an observer of the city’s changing identity. The built glass-covered courtyard retains the connectivity between past and present by using a chessboard of suspended planters on a glass floor, a nod to the typical centerpiece tree in the courtyard hutong typology that serves as the “hearth� and gathering space for the residents.


Built Courtyard (photo from True Art)

Built Exhibition Space (photo from True Art)

Scheme Involved in Developing


Concept Diagram


Scheme Involved Courtyard Stair

New Skylight Lounge

Exhibition Space and CafĂŠ


View of City

Connecting Stair

Lower Level Art Space

Interpretive Stair Weaving Through Programs


Ice to Ice, Turku, Sweden | 76

| Piazza del Popolo


Part of an urban revitalization plan for Detroit, the park anchors the up-and-coming neighborhood along Grand River Avenue, linking the new development to the heart of downtown Detroit. As a threshold to the budding district, the park welcomes the community to engage in the reawakening of the city. The geometric wings of the hub negotiates with the intersection of five streets, elliptical lawn,

Grand River Public Space Building rendering . schematics . 3d model . visualization . graphics . drafting . vendor outreach . award application Detroit, Michigan Since Summer 2015, Touloukian Touloukian Inc. Designer. Status: In Construction historical Grand Army of the Republic Building, and finishes with a staircase leading up to a roof deck aligned towards the Detroit Book Tower, tallest building in Detroit in its prime. Flexible glazed walls slide away to accommodate restaurant seating, patio, dissolving the curtain between the interior dining space and the landscape, musical performances and stray Frisbees from the park. Chicago Athenaeum 2017 Green Good Design Award for Urban and Landscape Design


Project In Construction

Construction Aerial






Vantage Relationship With Context






2. Book Tower vantage

4. composite


3 site access


1. GAR Building vantage





Dining View



ceiling detail

Regional Material +20.0% materials used are regional

Water Use Reduction

Optimize Energy

32.8% fixtures are low-flow

18.4% energy saved above ASHRAE 90.1

Certified Wood 100.0% finish wood used is FSC certified

radiant floor / heat


Storm Water Quantity Control 36.5% storm water runoff reduction

Green Power 35.0% renewable energy consumed

Recycled Content green roof

20.0% materials used are recycled content

acoustic absorption


Lawn View




a Th u yo r fo g.



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