Data center Virtualization: Ensuring Business Continuity in a Globalized Environment

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Data center Virtualization: Ensuring Business Continuity in a Globalized Environment Surviving in an aggressively competitive and globalized business world demands continuity of business come what may. To ensure that the business operations are running round the clock requires organizations to work towards geographic redundancy. However, to combat geographic redundancy, most organizations think to establish data centers in various locations across geographical boundaries. But this may not be a feasible action as this leads to replicated applications and data duplication. The other option is to work out solutions which can help in replicating only the mission critical ones through data center virtualization. .

Datacenters which came into existence with the growing need for faster information storage and retrieval across various locations were built with a life span of nearly ten years. However, as the high density IT equipments came into use, it consumed power and generated heat more than the expectations leading to daily challenges for the organizations. By virtualization of the datacenter, the organization benefits through the successful use of infrastructure, availability of data and ensures operational efficiency. Besides, data center virtualization brings in savings in the form of reducing server, footprints, 40-80 % less power consumption and cooling requirements. Further, when considering the maintenance and management of the servers and systems in data centers, the concept of data center virtualization steals the show with reduction in hardware acquisition, overhead costs, secure and high performance architecture. As the demands for datacenter virtualization grew, the leading IT organizations with extensive experience in IT operations and management have become the favorable choice for many small and medium business organizations as well as the as large corporate giants. Besides the traditional virtualization across applications networks and systems, these IT giants have also included the data center virtualization as a part of the package deal in the virtualization-as-a- service offer. The client organizations benefits with facilities of virtualization without any upfront investment.

Datacenter Virtualization lifecycle can be enumerated as a 5-phase process starting from the Assessment- analysis of the existing infrastructure, applications, its performance statistics and business requirement. Architectural changes through creating operational design and defining the requirements for environmental changes. Implementation of virtual Infrastructure and integrating with application and network Facility Management and Transformation

However, even though datacenter virtualization offered the global organizations strategic benefits like agility, flexibility, better network capacity and on-demand data center hosting services across different locations, the green data center solutions offered the organizations sustainability in business operations. By assessing the energy usage and carbon footprints followed by gap analysis and feasibility study, this provided for more than 30% savings on operational costs. Read more on - IT outsourcing, Identity and access management

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