How to Achieve a Green Data Center With power taking up more than half the operating costs in a data, it is no longer possible for data centers to pay scant attention to the rising costs of energy prices. An efficient, well-designed datacenter is essential for every organization. It can reduce down-time, increase output and reduce operation and maintenance costs. The biggest benefit of a properly maintained datacenter is the significant savings that it brings in capital expenditures. Here are a few tips that can help a greener data center Creating a baseline is the best way to track your data center’s energy usage. If the electrical consumption of a data center is lost in the total bill for the building, then start keeping track with the involvement of the IT department will certainly help. As most of the energy usage consists mainly of server and HVAC electrical consumption, there are several methods that can be used track efficiency. With the servers most likely to be on most of the time, there is bound to be a great deal of electrical power consumption. There may also be some servers running applications that are infrequently needed or simply no longer used. Fewer running servers will help reduce electrical and HVAC costs and free up existing server hardware. Using more efficient power supplies for your servers can go a long way toward reducing power consumption. Newer servers also have higher-efficiency processors with better cooling systems. HVAC costs also can be greatly reduced by properly segmenting a data center so that empty space and unused server racks are not climate-controlled. An air economizer is a great way to create a truly green data center, as it cycles outside air through the data center. To achieve a green datacenter, there are plenty of different energy efficiency calculators that can help put things in perspective. A business case that takes the long-term view will help to create a convincing ROI. When designing, remodeling or adding a few servers to a datacenter, it is crucial to take into account future as well as current loads. Datacenter virtualization also has the potential to play a much larger role in the quest towards Green IT.
By understanding your datacenter environment, you can save time and money, and also reduce energy consumption and emissions. Green energy-efficient data centers can help us reduce greenhouse gases and in turn help reduce global warming. An efficient datacenter hosting is not just good for your business but it is also an environmentally and socially responsible way to manage your operations. Click here to read more on - IT outsourcing, IT asset management