Information Security Solutions for the Digital World Information being the essential ingredient in the success of any business, organization today has made technology an indispensable part of the business environment. Storage of information as well as exchange of data between employees, suppliers and customers has become easy with technological involvement. However, the exponential rate of data growth takes the IT professionals through a challenging task of providing efficient data security solutions. Information security thus is a major concern in an environment where the entire process of storing, distribution, accessing of every single sensitive and confidential data is done digitally. All organizational data ranging from personal details, to client lists, bank details, marketing strategies, sales information,and any other organizational details need to be well protected from both external and internal threats. Over the years a number of software applications have been developed to provide firewall protection to ward away threats and virus scanners to protect against data damage. However, today's dynamic business environment with involvement of a number of IT outsourcing companies, large amount of digital data transfer and storage requires a competent information security system that would involve the elements of risk analysis and risk management. The globally networked world has made data and information accessible from any location and any device irrespective of the distance. Further, with the every single detail pertaining to the organization and the global workforce stored on computers, organizations need to have a continuous process of identifying,assessing and managing security risks while responding to the ever changing customer demands, legal and industry requirements. Though there are number of service providers in the arena, organizations look forward to partner with service providers who can establish a business aligned information security framework along with enhanced Returns on Security Investment. The wide range of security solutions offered by these service providers include:· Ability to establish a Security Framework for business verticals. · Call for lesser investments on new technology · Ability to manage intricate multi-vendor and heterogeneous client environments · minimizes operation expense with hassle free handling of domain experts · increased profitability and efficiency Further to cater to the ever increasing demands for accessibility across various horizontal and vertical layers, the leading service providers offer a wide spectrum of services that includes Identity & Access management, Information security consulting and Managed Security Service. All these cuts through the diversified information security products, technology and compliance requirement of the organizations at large. Related links: Green datacenter, Data center transformation