Need of End-to-End Solution to Ensure Information Security Information security is defined as “The protection of information and information systems against unauthorized access or modification of information, whether in storage, processing, or transit, and against denial of service to authorized users. Information security includes those measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats.” However, in today’ corporate environment where companies and organizations need to exchange vital information among employees, suppliers, partners and customers, risk of data breaches and cyber attacks increases manifold. Apart from external attacks in the form of malware infections, phishing attacks, web application attacks and so on enterprises need to be wary of internal attacks by employees like unauthorized access to information, disgruntled employees, and password mismanagement.
Though financial implications are one of the greatest outcomes of cyber attacks, companies have to face other problems such as legal liabilities, bad reputation, reduced productivity, brand erosion, and customer loss. The following are shocking statistics of a recent IT security consulting survey conducted by Ponemon Research.
Around 90% of businesses became victims to security breach at least once in the last year. More than half of the respondents faced two or more breaches in the last one year. The financial implications with regard to security breach came up to $500,000 and more for 41% of the respondents. The average cost of one data breach was $7.2 million and that of cyber attack was $6.4 million.
Today most companies and organizations depend on user names and passwords to protect their critical company information, employee details, financial transactions, client information and so on. However, in today’s hackerfilled world this is not enough to provide the ultimate protection. What is actually needed is an end-to-end solution, which is exactly the solution suggested by 75% of the respondents in the same survey. However, apart from putting in place an effective strategy, companies and organizations must also need to take strict measures to execute it proactively.
Enterprises need to collaborate with eminent market players who have the capability to provide end-to-end spectrum of information security services and the ability to address information security life cycle need for enterprises from any industry vertical. What the enterprises need is a service desk provider who can provide financial, strategic and technical benefits by taking the organization to the desired state of the information security robustness.
However, enterprises need to consider some important factors before selecting a service provider. This includes service provider qualifications, capabilities, experience, and trustworthiness.
Also read on - Datacenter Virtualization, Managed security services