Paving Way for A Green IT Environment

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Paving Way for A Green IT Environment Technology enabled business world has paved way for a tech savvy customer and globalized organizations. The widespread branches of the business always challenges the organization in maintaining efficiency in managing its the various resources, communicating, accessing information and maintaining comfortable budget while ensuring high profit returns. However, technological innovations itself paved way organizations to overcome such hurdles.

The demands for better products and services are standard requirements from the customers. To meet such demands in an aggressively competitive world, organizations tend to spend more for upgrading of IT infrastructure and networking facilities. However, it needs to be understood that increase in the IT infrastructure also leads to more carbon footing of the organization. To provide cleaner and safer environment, most organizations have taken steps for a Green IT environment. The technological innovations in this direction have also given rise to the concept of cloud computing services. Green Computing or Green IT as it is popularly called, is the movement taken up by IT industry towards a more environmental friendly and cost-effective use of power and production in technology. At the core, green IT aims to increase the bottom line investment of the organizations by converting the existing structures and systems to a more conservative mode of operation. Some of the methods used for green computing include virtualization, telecommuting, mobile workforce, colocation hosting services in the datacenters as well as power management by using energy efficient computing devices. The managed service provider of data centres allow colocation hosting wherein the client organizations can make use of the datacenters to collocate their dedicated hosting servers. The cloud computing services on the other hand refers to computing as a service with sharing of resources, software and information over a secure network. Though working on a broader concept of data center environment, cloud computing offers faster functionality, manageability and lesser maintenance of servers, storage and networking components, thus enabling organizations to meet the fluctuating and ever-changing demands of the customers. Most cloud computing service providers offer their services based on any of the three fundamental models - infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), or software as a service (SaaS). The leading service providers however in their offer of Enterprise Platform as a Service (EPaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for their clientele, provide computing and storage and enterprise platform for testing environments. Cloud computing empowers the end users by facilitating control over the resources, paves way for cost reduction and provides an anytime access to the resources, irrespective of device and location

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