Why Should You Opt For a Green IT Environment? To explain in simple terms, Green IT refers to the practice and study of using computing devices and other IT resources in an efficient manner and in an environmentally responsible way. Computing devices consume a huge amount of natural resources, for instance the raw materials requited to manufacture them to the power that is utilized to operate them. At the same time, there is also a concern of being able to dispose them when they have ceased their engine lifecycle. Why should you care about Green IT? Every business is increasingly dependent on technology, even the small scale businesses. We work on our personal computers, smart phones and notebooks every day and are connected to servers that operate 24 x7. Owing to the fact that technology refresh cycle is quick, these equipments become obsolete at some point of time or the other. Hence, we dispose of old devices and substitute them with the new ones. We make use of huge quantities of ink and paper to print documents that we send to circular files. In this process, most enterprises waste resources in various forms of money, time, paper, energy and other resources that you could have used to develop other services or products or train and hire employees.
Keeping all these concerns in mind, IT companies specializing in cloud computing services, software help desk, managed security services and the like have been taking proactive initiatives in fostering the concept of Green IT. It has been observed that virtualization today is becoming a leading choice for the CIO’s globally. Computing practitioners and experts agree on the fact that virtualizing data centers will only enhance the performance, reduced cooling and power expenses, makes the disaster recover process quick and easy.
Data center consolidation is yet another option for Green IT if you are not yet ready to opt in for virtualization project. The same can be carried on first by looking at an application optimization and then by drilling down the complete requirement mapping. After this you have to analyze the application server maps that are place and consolidate the servers accordingly.
Companies are adopting a holistic approach towards IT conservation and a Green Datacenter environment. The idea is that an organization needs to take care of all various aspects environmental effects rather than concentrating on any one or obvious one. There are times, when a certain plan on paper might give rise to results that might surpass original expectation. Hence, when you implement and plan in an organized manner you can attain a Green IT set up efficiently. Read more on - Information security, Asset management