HCSA News 65

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HCSA News June 2012

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Hospital The Co n

Issue 65

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Where we stand on Pensions

Council Report Pay ‘Cartel’ Condemned SPF Stocktake 2012

news | views | people | contacts


HCSA News This Issue Organising & Recruitment 2 Where HCSA stands on Pensions 3 General Secretary Update 4

Contact Editorial: Eddie Saville Ian Smith Joe Chattin Annette Mansell-Green Design - David Woods Tel: 01256 771777 e-mail: hcsanews@hcsa.com www.hcsa.com

HCSA News Unions slam “Pay Cartel” 5 April 2012 Council Report 6 HCSA in Brussels 7 TUC 2012 Welsh Conference 7 Clinical Excellence Awards 8 Social Partnership Forum Stocktake 9

Cover: David Woods Published By: I.O Design Ltd www.iodesign.co.uk on behalf of the HCSA Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Editor, Publisher, Sponsors or Advertisers of HCSA News. Where links take you to other sites, the Editor, Publisher and Webmaster cannot be held responsible for the content of those sites. HCSA Logo, HCSA News and related devices are protected by registered copyright.

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Hospital Consultants &

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The success of the project will ensure not only the recruitment of new members but the retention of existing members. It will lead to a union which is proactive and inclusive by encouraging the involvement of members. In short our union will gain strength from an increase in the awareness, confidence and collective commitment of our members. So with that in mind we have produced some eye catching posters and recruitment leaflets in order to draw people to the message that the HCSA is the only Trade Union that is “DEDICATED TO YOU”.

Organising and Recruitment Over the next few months you will begin to see the HCSA having a more visible presence with some new posters and leaflets appearing around hospitals. This is all part of a pilot project being run by Dr Cindy Horst, Executive member and Annette Mansell-Green Regional Officer in the Midlands. The project aims to increase membership numbers, which will gradually deliver a stronger, more pro-active union. In HCSA terms this would manifest in becoming the authoritative voice of consultants and specialists both within the NHS and in the wider community.


You may have already met Eddie Saville our new General Secretary as he has been out and about recently but if you are in the Midlands please look out for posters and e-mails inviting you to events where you will be able to meet Eddie, along with local reps and officials and discuss the issues that are important to you. We would like to hear from you if you have any ideas on local or national issues that could be discussed in an informal meeting setting and we would particularly like to hear from any members who would welcome the opportunity to get more involved locally with our Midlands project.

HCSA News Issue No.65 - June 2012


It is important that we set out for members exactly where the HCSA stands on the pensions issue. Our president Umesh Udeshi has written to members giving details of our position which we hope you have found useful. Following our independent poll carried out over the period 27th April through until the 10th May on the Governments proposed final agreement on changes to the NHS pension scheme, the HCSA Executive committee met on the 23rd May 2012 to consider the poll findings. On what was a very low turnout just 25%, the result of the poll showed that whilst over 85% HCSA members felt the proposals were unfair, and over 71% of members rejected the proposals, just over 59% would be willing to take lengthy and sustained industrial action to demand change compared with just over 40% who would be against taking action.

The fact also that an agreement had been reached with all public sector unions back in 2008 which was sustainable for the future and would lead to billions of pounds in savings for the Treasury. In addition the imposition of contribution increases that will hit consultants hard. On the other hand there had been some improvements from the initial offer from Government and the protection for those within 10 years of retirement.

We know the Government have stated that they are not willing to re-open negotiations with the NHS trade unions, and it is recognised that for industrial action to be effective, it needs to cause disruption, inconvenience and hardship, which in turn may affect patient care. This is something the HCSA wants to avoid at all cost. So we found ourselves in a position where we had no mandate to endorse the proposed final agreement on pensions, nor did we have a mandate to ballot for industrial action, but want to continue in vocalising HCSA members’ views. Therefore we will work with fellow NHS trade unions and the Trade Union Congress to reject these proposals and raise awareness of the impact they could have on consultants, the NHS and patients. These proposals remain unfair, unjust and will lead to a downward spiral of goodwill and see morale at rock bottom. We will though continue to engage in the on-going negotiations on matters such as future contributions, the reviews on the impact of working longer and widening access to the NHS pension scheme and the future governance arrangements. Log onto our website to request our “Hands off our Pension” stickers, and the model letter to MP’s.

HCSA News Issue No.65 - June 2012

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The key task for the Executive was to decide on the basis of the poll result whether a mandate to conduct an industrial action ballot had been achieved on such a low turnout. The Executive had a lengthy and extensive discussion where strong arguments both for and against conducting an industrial action ballot were aired. On linking the normal pension age to state retirement age which is due to rise to 66 in 2020, to 67 in 2026 and then to 68 in 2028, it was felt that this could result in members working well beyond a point at which they felt it was both physically and mentally appropriate to ensure they received their full pension. This in turn was a patient safety issue which the Government had clearly not considered.

It was clear though that HCSA members were angry about the Governments proposals, but why had 75% of the membership not engaged in this process? It was evident that around 15% of the HCSA membership had indicated a willingness to take industrial action and this it was agreed did not deliver a mandate to conduct an industrial action ballot.

Hospital The Co n

Where the HCSA stands on pensions

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General Secretary: Update I am now 3 months into the role as HCSA General Secretary, and it’s been a busy 3 months. With all new jobs it’s about getting to know the people you deal with day to day, identifying the priorities and rolling up your sleeves. What I have established is that the HCSA is in good shape and is an effective and forward thinking organisation, pragmatic and measured, yet always seeking to promote and protect the interests of members. The issues come thick and fast from a Coalition Government determined to push our resources as far as they can go. The pensions poll resulted in members rejecting the Governments proposed Final Agreement but with a very low turnout that did not deliver a sufficiently strong mandate to ballot. More about this inside this edition. The restoring of Clinical Excellence Awards was a welcome sign and we will be pressing for the process to be implemented as quickly as possible, again further details are on page 8. Then there are the consultations from the Department of Health, on language checks for doctors, and Liberating the NHS: No decision about me, without me - proposals to secure shared decisionmaking. All will be considered and responded to by the HCSA. The spectre of market facing pay, 24 hour working, and the reshaping of the medical workforce are again issues that the HCSA will also be responding to. We will also be organising a pilot recruitment drive in the Midlands area to explain the benefits of HCSA membership.


The HCSA was also in Brussels recently following an invitation from the TUC to attend the European Social partners’ seminar on the working time directive, more on this on page 7. I also met with my counterpart from The Association of Salaried Medical Specialists the professional association and union which represent doctors and dentists in New Zealand, who was in the UK on route to a conference in Germany. Although thousands of miles between us the issues both our organisations face, seemed quite similar. I have also been reviewing the legal services we currently offer to members, and have met with our lawyers to explore how we can improve services. On this issue I would suggest you watch this space! So as I move into the second quarter, the key issue for me is to see the HCSA continue to grow and develop in influence and stature, but always a union and professional association that is dedicated to its members. On a separate note can members please update their contact information, either on line or by contacting the Overton office? Please provide the exact name of your current employer (you may find that it has changed name in the last six months), and the full address of your main workplace. Please also update your current e-mail address and mobile phone number. Please call 01256 771777 or e-mail membership@hcsa.com, or visit our website www.hcsa.com

HCSA News Issue No.65 - June 2012



The proposal, leaked to health care unions, outlines plans that include the employment of a Director for the consortium and use of a management company as well as a significant time commitment for key trust management personnel. The unions believe these resources would be better utilised on working with staff locally to identify viable strategies for making efficiencies without risking quality patient care.

Health unions condemn regional “Pay Cartel” The issue of regional or market facing pay is becoming more important in some of the English regions, where there is a fear that this could be used as a means of driving down pay rates. In the South West trade unions and professional associations that represent staff working in NHS health organisations across the region have joined together to condemn plans by NHS Trusts to cut pay and terms and conditions for staff in the region. The Boards of sixteen South West NHS Trusts have already committed to join the “South West Pay, Terms and Conditions Consortium”, effectively a pay cartel, committing large sums of money – including £10,000 each to join - to a proposal that intends to cut pay and local terms and conditions by moving away from the nationally agreed framework.

Unions across the region are contacting all NHS employers asking for more information on their plans to engage with the pay cartel and to formally request that they return to working in partnership with trade unions and professional organisations to find solutions to financial challenges. In response the Trusts issued the following statement: A group of trusts across the South West region have agreed to work together to explore different ways of rewarding and incentivising staff so that high quality patient care can continue to be delivered in the most cost effective way possible. A working group will meet in the coming months to discuss how we can better use public money and the paybill, which is up to 70% of overall spend, to achieve improvements in patient care whilst ensuring that we continue to operate efficiently and reward and develop our staff. The working group has not yet met and no decisions have been made on any proposals that may subsequently be explored further. The group will work closely with trade unions and staff-side representatives and seek their involvement on any proposals that are developed.

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HCSA News Issue No.65 - June 2012



Where a consultant has booked leave well in advance only for the case to be cancelled and the leave spent. HCSA lawyers have been drawing up a model Medico-legal contract to go on the HCSA website in the near future. Role of Council

Council Report

It was restated that the executive authority within the HCSA continues to reside in its Council and the Executive reports to Council.

The HCSA Council met on 27th April 2012 in Nottingham. The President, Umesh Udeshi, is now entering his final year of his 3-year term and Dr John Schofield, histopathologist in Maidstone and current Chair of the Executive, was elected President-elect.

The Executive is exploring the idea of having an extended Representative Meeting once a year to help determine multiple policies across a broad front. In other Trade Unions this is provided by “motions” being put forward, debated and voted upon at their Annual General Meeting or Conference.

New Chief Executive Council also welcomed Stephen Campion’s successor, Eddie Saville to his first meeting. The President introduced Eddie detailing that he had come up through both Industry and Health Professional Organisations, led the podiatrist’s union department and for the past 8 years has led negotiations for all the health service unions with the Government over Pensions. Coming into the job, Eddie said that he was very pleased to be joining the HCSA. Presidential Report The Health Services Bill (much amended) has now traversed all of its stages in Parliament to become law with timing that almost exactly followed his prediction at our last Council Meeting in October 2011 of “Easter 2012”. The Commissioning Board is now up and running in a shadow fashion and will take over “for real” in April 2013. HCSA has been successful in lobbying for the inclusion of consultants and nurses on the Board and its subsidiaries. The new Commissioning Board is already seeking to make cuts of about 7½% each year for three years. Language skill testing for EU doctors entering the UK is at last on the national map again, and the HCSA is considering and will be responding to this consultation. Cancellation Charges for Expert Witnesses It was reported on the new drastically reduced Legal Aid fee scales for expert medical witnesses came into force in October 2011.


The Executive Committee noted the Midlands Recruitment Project and agreed to examine a number of member recruitment initiatives in detail at future meetings. LNC Matters At present, the BMA is the only negotiating body recognised by the DoH for negotiating purposes for consultants, although, unlike us, it is not affiliated to the TUC. It was felt that the HCSA needed to emphasise that HCSA members can serve and many do indeed serve on LNC’s and can play a key role at local level in negotiations. We would like to hear from members who serve on their LNC and can share their experiences with us. Pensions There was a discussion on the pension issues that applied at the time. The latest developments are covered in more detail in this edition of HCSA News. Regional Pay The Government had already signalled to the staff on Agenda for Change that regional pay or “zonal pay” was something being considered. It was felt that this could well creep onto the agenda for consultants in the future. This is not something that is supported in some of the devolved countries. The Council’s view is that it is determinedly against Regional Pay Rates.

HCSA News Issue No.65 - June 2012


NEWS HCSA goes to Brussels

from particular rulings this was not the time to generally relax the regulatory expectations or permit opt outs. The latter shifted the risks of long hours working on to individuals.

HCSA gives expert evidence to European Social Partners special seminar on the Working Time Directive. In May the HCSA was called to give expert evidence on the implementation of working time regulations in NHS Hospitals to a special fact finding seminar convened by the European Social Partners in Brussels. HCSA was invited to Brussels by the European Trade Union Confederation to provide evidence and viewpoint of trade unions on the application and impact of the Working Time Directive across NHS Hospitals and with particular reference to its impact on smaller hospitals. Joe Chattin, Northern Regional Manager, presented our evidence and views on the continuation of opt outs from the WTD weekly working limits and how and whether smaller hospitals cope with the effect of recent rulings of the European Court on compensatory rest, and the treatment of ‘on call’ duty hours. The HCSA drew attention to the fact that in 1998 around 133,000 hospital staffs worked in excess of 48 hours, since the introduction of the working time regulations in that year, this had fallen to 91,000. The reduction in the historical pattern of long weekly working hours by medical staffs in the NHS is attributable to a number of ingredients of which the EWTD is an important component which provides the regulatory imperative. The planned increase in medical staff under the NHS plan 2000-2005, the rationalisation and grouping of Hospitals, and new contractual arrangements for NHS doctors are the others. The impetus provided by the EWTD has spurred innovative responses by employers and unions in the organisation of work and resourcing. However as Hospitals, particularly in the UK, now faced severe budgetary cut backs and attendant pressure to reduce staffing they could find it tempting to sacrifice compliance with working time requirements rather than maintain the drive and resources necessary to achieve these. Although there were difficulties arising

The other expert witnesses who were called to provide evidence about the hospital sector were Prof Wendy Reid who gave an exposition of the ‘Hospitals at Night’ working arrangement and Eleanor Pattinson - NHS Employers, who presented the results of a study of working time issues in small rural hospitals. Carola FischbachPyttel, General Secretary of the European Federation of Public Service Unions presented authoritatively on the recruitment and retention issues which are central maintaining adherence to the EWTD It remains to be seen whether the Social Partners will reach agreement to any modifications to the EWTD.

HCSA at the Wales TUC Conference The HCSA is affiliated to the Wales TUC and for the first time this May had an HCSA delegate attending. We were represented by Annette Mansell-Green who reports below. The conference took place in Llandudno from 22nd to 24th May. It was worth missing the best of the glorious weather and magnificent north Wales coastline to have the opportunity to represent our members at this important event. This was an ideal opportunity for us to make our presence felt and have our voice heard in Wales. In his opening address, Wales TUC President Andy Richards pointed out that 9000 households in Wales are going to be £4000 worse off due to changes in working tax credits and much, much more. The TUC in Wales is running well organised campaigns in support of public services, against the cuts and are working hard in the fight against racism and anti-fascism with the support of the Welsh Assembly and their First Minister, Carwyn Jones.

continued on page 8

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continued from page 7

I was pleased to have the opportunity to speak in support of a large composite motion on regional pay. I pointed out to delegates that although our HCSA members would not be directly affected by the current proposals we do have major concerns, not least of which being the detrimental effect on the local health economy.

The HCSA has now urged all employers to get on with the awards locally as funding is readily available to complete the process. This news came soon after the HCSA made representations to both NHS employers and the Awards Advisory Committee (ACCEA) to push this matter on behalf of members.

Conference was addressed by the TUC General Secretary, Brendan Barber who had only days before announced his intention to retire later this year. Brendan was clear in his message that the aim of the TUC across the UK is straightforward “to reach out to anyone and everyone who shares our conviction that cuts are not the cure.” He went on to say “let’s campaign, let’s organise, and let’s mobilise, building a wide, diverse alliance against austerity, defending our public services and our welfare state and showing there is a real alternative to the cuts.”

Commenting on the announcement HCSA General Secretary Eddie Saville said: “This is welcome news, these awards recognise performance over and above the standard expected of Consultants, and recognises exceptional personal contribution. We now expect that the Clinical Excellence Awards scheme will continue without future interference.”

In conclusion, I certainly left the beautiful town of Llandudno with a sense that there is much to be done, that in Wales there is a unique sense of solidarity and support from the Assembly and that the HCSA really does punch above its ever increasing weight.

Clinical Excellence Awards The HCSA has welcomed the recent decision by the Minister of State for Health Simon Burns, that awards for Clinical Excellence made to highly performing Consultant medical staff, are to be restored for 2012. The Association had always believed that the Government was wrong to suspend these in 2011 and to treat them akin to “bonuses”. In our detailed submission to the review conducted by the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Pay Review Body (DDRB), we highlighted that these awards formed part of the total pay budget for Consultant medical staff and were considered by the DDRB in its deliberations. Clinical Excellence Awards are distributed to Consultants who are assessed against stringent criteria to be delivering sustained high quality clinical care.


Education and Standards sub-committee The Education and Standards sub-committee is currently considering two important consultation documents. These are: • Department of Health consultation on amendments to the Responsible Officer Regulations. This involves language checks and understanding of NHS processes and medicines to be included in the role of the Responsible Officer. More details are available at the following link. http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/ Liveconsultations/DH_133601 • “Liberating the NHS: No decision about me without me” further consultation on proposals to secure shared decision making. Members views on these are welcomed and will be fed in to the deliberations of the sub committee before the final response is submitted. As part of the re-launch of the HCSA Education and Standards sub-committee under the new Chairmanship of Professor Amr Mohsen, the terms of reference of the group and how it works have been reviewed and updated. These have been formally ratified by the Executive Committee and are available to view on our website. www.hcsa.com

HCSA News Issue No.65 - June 2012


Seven Recommendations

Social Partnership Forum Stocktake 2012 We reported in the last issue of HCSA news the important role the Social Partnership Forum (SPF) plays in bringing together trade unions, employers and the Department of Health, to consider policy initiatives at the earliest opportunity and how we, the HCSA, play our part as members of the wider SPF group to deliver better engagement. To continue the theme, the SPF commissioned UK Work Organisation Network (UKWON) earlier this year to carry out a stocktake of the national SPF looking at how it currently operates and how it can remain effective in the future. Members of the SPF fed into the stocktake through an online questionnaire, interviews and also a workshop which was held on 14 March 2012. UKWON has produced a final report based on responses to the questionnaire and the views expressed by partners at the workshop; the report includes key recommendations for the forum. You can see the full report on the HCSA website at www.hcsa.com The stocktake report and the action plan were both agreed and endorsed by the national SPF at their meeting on 26 April this year. Below are the recommendations which should be implemented at local level as quickly as possible. The stock take found that, an engaged workforce enhances patient experience and leads to better quality of care. The evidence is clear then that social partnership in the NHS both nationally and locally is vital.

The overall aim is to create a two-year vision and plan in which policy levers, tools, advocacy, effective forms of working between partners and resource provision reinforce each other in strengthening, disseminating and sustaining partnership throughout the changing NHS landscape: 1. Develop and promote the core values reflecting the mutual benefits of social partnership in the NHS, its implications for existing and emerging partners at national, regional and local levels, and the potential role for the national SPF in assuring the quality and dissemination of partnership working throughout the system. 2. Explore the extent to which social partnership can be extended to wider NHS policy beyond “workforce implications�, and consider the stages in the policy cycle at which partnership dialogue is most effective. 3. Identify means of deploying policy levers such as the NHS Constitution to strengthen, disseminate and sustain partnership working amongst existing and emerging partners at all levels of the NHS. 4. Identify the most effective means of communicating with current partners and instigating dialogue with emerging partners, including investigation of the Equality Delivery System as a potential model for dissemination effective partnership practice. 5. Recognise the need to consider the future of the regional SPFs as a means of engaging local employer and union representatives, and as a vehicle for two way communication with the National SPF. 6. Examine the potential for new ways of working within the National SPF including proactive contributions by employer and union representatives on partnership issues and experiences. 7. Consider measures to build the competence and capacity of partnership representatives throughout the NHS To find out more about the Social Partnership Forum visit www.socialpartnershipforum.org

HCSA AT WORK HCSA News Issue No.65 - June 2012



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Chairman of the Executive Immediate Past President Honorary Treasurer Honorary Secretary Honorary Secretary Honorary Secretary Honorary Secretary Honorary Secretary Chairman - Ed & Stan S-C Independent Healthcare

Dr. Umesh Udeshi Dr. John Schofield Mr. Christopher Welch Dr. Mukhlis Madlom, Mr. Gervase Dawidek Dr. Bernhard Heidemann Dr. Cindy Horst Dr. Claudia Paoloni Mr. Ross Welch Professor Amr Mohsen Mr. Christopher Khoo

EDUCATION & STANDARDS SUB-COMMITTEE Chairman - Professor A. Mohsen Dr. M. Madlom Mr. G. Fowlis Mr. O. Sorinola Professor B. Heidemann Dr. U Udeshi Dr. B. Chang Dr. H. Mehta Mr. C. Welch Dr. T. Goodfellow Dr. S. Ariyanayagam FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE Chairman - Dr. M.M. Madlom Mr. M.J. Kelly [Trustee] Mr. R.M.D. Tranter [Trustee] Dr. R. Loveday [Trustee]

Dr. U. Udeshi Dr. J. Schofield

HCSA OFFICERS AND STAFF General Secretary Mr. Eddie Saville esaville@hcsa.com Head of Business Services Mr. Steve George sgeorge@hcsa.com Northern Region Manager Mr. Joe Chattin jchattin@hcsa.com Business Manager Mrs. Sharon White swhite@hcsa.com Advisory Service Manager Mr. Ian Smith ismith@hcsa.com Membership Secretary Mrs. Brenda Loosley bloosley@hcsa.com Employment Services Advisor Mrs. Gail Savage gsavage@hcsa.com Midlands Regional Officer Mrs. Annette Mansell-Green amansellgreen@hcsa.com The Hospital Consultants & Specialists Association, 1 Kingsclere Road, Overton, Basingstoke.Hants RG25 3JA Office Telephone: 01256 771777 Office Fax: 01256 770999 E-Mail: conspec@hcsa.com website: www.hcsa.com www.twitter.com/thehcsa www.facebook.com/thehcsa

North East

West Midlands

South West

Dr. Paul D. Cooper, MRCA pdcooper@blueyonder.co.uk Mr. Rotimi Jaiyesimi, FRCOG LL.M (Medical Law) r.a.k.jaiyesimi@ncl.ac.uk Dr. Olamide Olukoga, FFARCSI OOlukoga@aol.com

Dr. A.R. Markos, FRCOG FRCP atef.markos@midstaffs.nhs.uk Dr. Pijush Ray, FRCP Pijush.Ray@uhcw.nhs.uk Mr. Olanrewaju Sorinola, MRCOG sorinola@sky.com Dr. Umesh Udeshi, FRCR umesh.udeshi@worcsacute.nhs.uk

Dr. Claudia C.E. Paoloni, FRCA drclaudiap@aol.com Professor Michael Y.K. Wee, FRCA m.wee@virgin.net Mr. Ross Welch, FRCOG ross.welch@phut.swest.nhs.uk

North West Dr. Magdy Y. Aglan, FFARCSI FRCA magdyaglan@doctors.org.uk Dr. Syed V. Ahmed, FRCP syed.ahmed@stockport.nhs.uk Mr. Ahmed Sadiq, MRCOphth FRCS a.sadiq@manchester.ac.uk Mr. Augustine T-M. Tang, FRCS augustine.tang@bfwhospitals.nhs.uk Deputy - Mr. Shuaib M. Chaudhary, FRCOphth FRCS shuaibc@gmail.com Yorkshire and The Humber Dr. Mukhlis Madlom, FRCPCH FRCP mukhlis.madlom@dbh.nhs.uk Professor Amr Mohsen, FRCS(T&O) PhD amrmohsen@doctors.org.uk Mr. Peter Moore, MD FRCS Enid.Bridge@nlg.nhs.uk East Midlands Dr. Cindy Horst, MB ChB DA FRCA cindy.horst535@btinternet.com Dr. Mujahid Kamal, MRCP FRCR Mujahid.Kamal@ulh.nhs.uk Dr. Gorajala Vijayasimhulu, FRCR g.vijay@btinternet.com


Wales East of England

Mr. Simon Hodder, FDS FRCS simon.hodder@swansea-tr.wales.nhs.uk

Mr. Andrew Murray, FRCS andrewmurray@qehkl.nhs.uk Scotland London Mr. Gervase Dawidek, FRCS FRCOphth dawidekfamily@aol.com Mr. Andrew Ezsias, FDS RCS FRCS Andrew.ezsias@homerton.nhs.uk Mr. George Fowlis, FRCS FEBU gafowlis@btinternet.com

Dr. Bernhard Heidemann, FRCA b.heidemann@ed.ac.uk Mr. Sean Laverick, FDS FRCS sean.laverick@nhs.net Deputy - Dr. David Watson, FRCA, DipHIC d.watson@ed.ac.uk david.watson@luht.scot.nhs.uk Northern Ireland

South East Coast Dr. Paul Donaldson, FRCPath donaldson@winning-blue.co.uk Dr. John Schofield, MRCPath John.Schofield@mtw-tr.nhs.uk Dr. Sriramulu Tharakaram, FRCP stharakaram@nhs.net

Dr. William Loan, FRCS FRCR Willie.Loan@bch.n-i.nhs.uk Specialist Registrar National Representative Dr. Sucheta Iyengar, MRCOG sucheta.iyengar@gmail.com

South Central Mr. Callum Clark, FRCS(Tr&Orth) callumclark@mac.com Mr. Paul A. Johnson, FRCS, FDSRCS pauljohnsonmaxfac@btconnect.com Mr. Christopher Khoo, FRCS ctkkhoo@bakersbarn.net

HCSA News Issue No.65 - June 2012

Non-Consultant Career Grade National Representative Vacancy

Hospital Consultants & Specialists Association Number One, Kingsclere Road, Overton, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 3JA Tel: 01256 771777 Fax: 01256 770999 e-mail: conspec@hcsa.com website: www.hcsa.com

Membership Application 2011 Title ........... Surname ......................................... Forenames ........................................... Male/Female ....... Qualifications .................................................... GMC No ........................ Specialty ............................................ Year Qualified ............... Year of Birth ...................... Main Hospital ................................................................................................................ Preferred Mailing Address ................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................

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