AFAR: topografija projekta / AFAR: Topography of the Project

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Igrali smo kao nikada, a izgubili kao uvijek / We played like never before, and lost like always /

Am jucat ca niciodată, am pierdut ca întotdeauna, 2024. kombinirana tehnika / mixed media

cca 95 x 60 x 10 cm (skulptura), 33 x 195 cm (šal)


If you don´t like it…, 2024. vezen heklan ručno tkan ručnik / embroidery and crochet on handwoven towel 220 x 48 cm


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, he said, 2024. razglednice, video 15´, tekst / postcards, video 15´, text promjenjive dimenzije / variable dimensions


Paresthesia Holding The Spear That Never Missed Its Mark, 2024. cijanotipija na tekstilu, 100% pamuk / cyanotype on textile, 100% cotton 132 x 91 cm


More Foodhell, 2024. ručno rađena tapiserija / hand-hooked tapestry 87 x 58 cm


The Silly Goose Extinction, 2024. ručno rađena tapiserija / hand-hooked tapestry 130 x 80 cm

Školica / Schooly, 2022. drvo, šperploča, pamuk, vuna, filc / wood, plywood, cotton, wool, felt 30 x 50 cm

ZOYA LAKTIONOVA Malanka poganski ritual / Malanka pagan ritual, 2023. digitani print iz negativa / digital print from negative 26,5 x 40 cm

SARAH MCNULTY Lag, II, 2024. boja koja reagira na sunce, tinta kreda na raznim tkaninama / sun-reactive dye, ink & chalk on various fabrics, 37 x 33 & 39 x 38 cm


zegar kojarzący wszystkie czasy; 2024. objekt / object hemp fiber dyed with natural dyes, paper, glue, wood; 110 x 60 x 20 cm

WOODS Green Man’s Revenge, 2024. ručno dorađeni monoprint na papiru / hand embellished monoprint on paper 23 x 35 cm RADIONICA TEHNIKE TKANJA / WORKSHOP WEAVING TECHNIQUES

Datumi / dates: 23.3.2024. / 8.6.2024. / 3.7.2024. Voditeljica radionice / held by: prof. Nikolina Knežević Hrgović, Sudionici / participants: Larisa Crunţeanu (RO), Marta Dijak (HR), Megan Dominescu (RO), Helena Habijanec (HR), Anja Lückenkemper (DE), Samuel Matijević (HR), Elena Poljuha (HR), Maanvi Singh (IN), Laura Stojkoski (HR), Nika Šimičić (HR) i Iza Tarasewicz (PL)

Tkanje je postupak ispreplitanja najmanje dva sustava niti pod pravim kutem; osnove potke. Tim postupkom dobivamo plošne ili trodimenzionalne tekstilne tvorevine, ovisno o tkalačkim tehnikama koje koristimo. Primjena ručnog tkanja je vrlo široka; od odjevnih predmeta, kućnog tekstila, dekorativnih elemenata, prostornih instalacija itd. Na radionici Tehnike tkanja uplovili smo u tajne ovog vrlo starog cijenjenog zanata. Naučili smo nešto o povijesti tkanja u Hrvatskoj, upoznali dijelove tkalačkog stana i tkalačkog okvira te koji se materijali i alati koriste u ručnom tkanju. Svatko od polaznika je radio na vlastitom okviru za tkanje te naučio postupke narodnih tehnika čiju tradiciju suvremeni tkalci pokušavaju održati. Spomenute su neke «novije» tehnike tkanja te kako povezati tradiciju i suvremeni umjetnički izričaj kroz čaroliju niti. / Weaving is the process of interlacing at least two systems of threads at a right angle: the warp and the weft. This process results in flat or three-dimensional textile creations, depending on the weaving techniques we use. The application of hand weaving is very broad, ranging from clothing items, home textiles, decorative elements, spatial installations, etc. In the workshop Weaving Techniques we delved into the secrets of this very old and esteemed craft. We learned about the history of weaving in Croatia, got to know the parts of the loom and weaving frame, and which materials and tools are used in hand weaving. Each participant worked on their own weaving loom and learned the processes of traditional weaving techniques, which contemporary weavers are trying to preserve. Some “newer” weaving techniques were also mentioned, as well as how to connect tradition and contemporary artistic expression through the magic of threads.


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