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Moving Forward with Powys Mental Health Alliance
Draw your own front cover to colour in! H
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Spring 2015 Inside this issue:
Mindfulness and colouring books
“I was told to ‘grow up’ but I had a mental health issue” One woman’s story
Specialist care in Phoenix House Hospital . . . News and reports . . . The work of The Samaritans . . . Volunteering on Prescription . . .
From the Editor
Happy New Year to all our readers. The weather is cold and grey but Spring is around the corner bringing with it new beginnings and inevitably, unforeseen changes that the future holds. This year, I’ve started to put changes in place in my own life and am attempting to practise ‘mindfulness’ during stressful situations rather than worry about things I have no control over. You too can find out about mindfulness and the way a darkly humorous colouring book tackles the human condition on pages 10 & 11 Discovering how other people cope with life’s difficulties is highlighted in the article on page 9 where you can read about how Sarah Harmon reached her own goals after receiving a diagnosis and accessing the necessary treatment. Particular mental health problems require specialist care and Phoenix House in Welshpool is one such hospital. The article on page 12 describes what type of care can be expected in Phoenix Hospital and we hear from two patients about their own experiences on their journeys of recovery. Along with a feature about the work of the Samaritans, news and reports from around Powys and a review of PMHA’s Open Day back in November, I hope you’ll find this latest issue informative and interesting .
HeadSpace Spring 2015
Ed Space
. . . be kind to yourself
HeadSpace is the magazine for anyone in Powys but particularly for those who have had experience of mental health issues, either personally or professionally. HeadSpace believes that the stigma surrounding mental health needs to be broken down and that positive change can come about if individuals are well informed, especially from the viewpoint of people who have suffered from mental distress. HeadSpace is currently published twice a year and is available throughout Powys and online at www.powysmha.org.uk Editor, administrator and production: Carla Rosenthal
News and reports from around Powys and nationally
Borderline Personality Disorder
Copyright 2015 Published by PMHA Printed by Imprint, Newtown
Mindfulness and Colouring Books
10 - 11
Phoenix House Hospital in Welshpool
12 - 13
The Work of The Samaritans
14 - 15
PMHA Open Day
16 - 17
18 - 19
Advertising: If your organisation is interested in advertising in HeadSpace, please email info@powysmha.org.uk or ring 07926 862 414 News: If you have an idea for a feature or an article for future issues, please contact the editor at headspace@powysmha.org.uk HeadSpace welcomes letters and emails and would like to hear from all people, particularly those who have experience of mental health issues, who can write articles, provide interviews about their experiences, provide photographs or illustrations and can help to contribute towards features and news for further issues. Deadline for next issue: 31st October 2014 headspace@powysmha.org.uk or pmhamag@gmail.com or write to the address below. Powys Mental Health Alliance PO Box 146 WELSHPOOL SY21 1AZ HeadSpace and PMHA do not accept any responsibility for any unsolicited material including photographs or artwork. HeadSpace would like to thank the following for the advice and funding they have provided for this project.
If you would like to write an article or contribute to HeadSpace in any way, please use the contact details opposite to drop us a line. Enjoy the days getting longer and the weather getting warmer but most of all remember . . .
Ed Space
Corrections and clarifications: Nothing in this magazine can be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publishers. Opinions expressed by individuals in this magazine are not necessarily those of the PMHA. We reserve the right to edit the material to suit the presentation and available space. Online versions of the magazine can be found at: www.powysmha.org.uk
In the last issue, on pg 18, we published a poem by Stan WIlson entitled ‘Poetry Lark’ where we printed ‘poo’ instead of ‘po’ (a potty). Stan has pointed out that ‘poo’ doesn’t rhyme with ‘no’ and the contents of the aforesaid were actually being alluded to rather than being explicit. The Editor wishes to offer sincere apologies for this error and has duly sacked the sub-editor. In the same issue, on pg 7, a flash box contains a quote from a ‘carer’. Powys Carers have been in touch to explain that it should have been a ‘care-worker’ as these are people who are paid whereas ‘carers’ are generally unpaid. The Editor apologies profusely and has sacked the sub-editor again.
Carla Rosenthal
Reports and Updates
Horses, hedgehogs, second-hand sofas and mental health
Drama in Bronllys
such as ‘Nurse Jenny in a leather jumpsuit on a blind date in a safari park’ . . . telling stories through ‘freeze frames’ or simply using the spoken word (sometimes in the style of a radio announcer) to have a conversation in the style of a ‘grumpy’ person talking with an ‘excited’ one. We were acting-up without a doubt! Someone outside the room remarked on the amount of laughter coming from the room as they passed by down the corridor. It was such an uplifting activity on a dull winter’s afternoon that both staff and patients went back onto the ward in high spirits. All good for everyone's mental health. Sophie’s enthusiastic and confident manner instantly puts everyone at ease and she hopes to be able secure funding to continue the sessions and make them a permanent activity on the ward.
Volunteering with Knighton Tree Allotments Trust
by Poe Larr
didn’t realise that walking and talking could be so difficult until I had to call out someone’s name whilst striding towards a different person. It became even more hilarious by the time I was miming brushing my teeth but telling the group that I was skiing! These activities were just the warm up session at Sophie Whittaker’s drama workshop in Felindre Ward at Bronllys Hospital. The drama course was held over six weeks and finished at Christmas. On the day I went along, a group of patients, staff and guests, including Phil Bowen from Shakespeare Link and his actress friend Amy, gathered together in the ward’s Recovery Room for an hour and half of drama. Although, perhaps ‘drama’ sounds a bit too serious to describe the amount of fun we were having. We were definitely adopting different roles, playing characters
Reports and Updates
Contact details for Powys Mental Health Alliance PMHA PO Box 146 WELSHPOOL SY21 1AZ
f you have ever suffered from any form of mental health distress, you will be aware how difficult it is to feel well enough to return to work . Research shows that volunteering gives people a sense of purpose and achievement giving a positive effect on mental health, and increasing the chances of employment. ‘Volunteering on Prescription’ is a project funded by a grant from The Henry Smith Charity and offers individuals a chance to get back into their communities through volunteering. This type of work helps to build confidence and gain self-esteem at a level that is non- threatening and manageable. These small steps up the ladder of success mean so much to people whose lives can often lack routine, meaning and purpose. Nowadays, volunteering placements go way beyond working in a charity shop. There are opportunities to learn new skills, pursue a particular interest, meet different people and undertake exciting ventures such as nursing sick hedghogs, planting trees, mucking out a stable or selling a second-hand sofa! The scheme provides a co-ordinator who is available to support each person to find a suitable, meaningful volunteering placement, matching interests and skills and to give help and support as it is needed. Examples of volunteering placements :Knighton Community Support Furniture Barn and Charity Shop, Air Ambulance Charity Shop, Judges Lodgings, Presteigne Community Support, RVS, Mid Powys Mind, Disability Powys, Howey Hedgehog Rescue, Underhill Riding Stables, Radnorshire Wildlife Trust , Ashfield Community Enterprise, Caring for God’s Acre, Knighton Tree Allotment Trust, Age Concern/ Feet First Project, Tools for Self Reliance, East Radnor Day Centre, St John’s Cymru, Knighton Luncheon Club, Bracken Trust , Knighton Community Support Allotment ,to name just a few. Referrals are via the Mental Health Team, GP’s, Job Centre, self referrals . The areas covered are Knighton, Presteigne, Llandrindod Wells, Rhayader and the areas in between.
For more information contact Catherine Plant at Knighton Community Support 01547 520 653
07926 862414 HeadSpace
“Knighton Tree Allotments Trust is a voluntary, not-for-profit group that manages woodlands. We are always looking for people who would like to learn about woodland management and ecology. Volunteering with those who are as passionate about a cause as you are is a great way to meet likeminded people. We need help with administrative tasks, hands-on woodland management and regular flora and fauna surveys - ranging from simple ‘walk over’ surveys to more detailed plant, bird, invertebrate, bat, butterfly and moth surveys. You can get plenty of fresh air and exercise and learn new skills” I enjoy working with the other volunteers. Everyone is so friendly and it’s easy to get to know new people. Although we have different levels of skill and physical strength there is never any pressure to work beyond one’s capability. Everyone is able to feel they have made a positive contribution. (Kate)
87% of employers think that volunteering can have a generally positive effect on career progression for people aged 16-25 Soucre: Youth Volunteering: Attitudes and Perceptions, 2008
headspacemag @ gmail.com
Reports and Updates
National News Pledge to end locking up mentally ill in police cells Authorities in England have pledged to bring an end to the practice of detaining people with mental health problems in police cells. The NHS, councils and police are now set to come up with plans for how they will achieve this, the government said. Care minister Norman Lamb said real progress had already been made, and added that “in many parts of the country it’s now a thing of the past”. But the mental health charity Mind said there needed to be more progress. Current guidance says police should take the mentally ill to a hospital or similar location in all but exceptional circumstances. Treated differently In October last year the health regulator the Care Quality Commission (CQC) said that too many people in the middle of a mental health crisis ended up in police cells often because of full wards or staff shortages at hospitals. Between 2012 and 2013, in total 21,814 people were detained by the police under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act, according to the CQC report. The law says those people should be interviewed by a registered doctor, or mental health professional, to make arrangements for care. But the CQC said 7,761 cases ended up in a police cell, rather than safe rooms in A&E, mental health trusts or children’s hospitals. To try to alleviate the problem Mr Lamb launched the Crisis Care Concordat, which is a commitment from the NHS, police and local authorities to work together so that anyone in crisis gets the relevant urgent care. And Mr Lamb said improvements were being made, but admitted some parts of the country were performing better than others. A spokeswoman for Mind said police cells made people feel punished for being unwell, and agreed that people were treated differently in different parts of the country. “There are some areas of the country like north west London where nobody ends up in a police cell. But then in other areas hundreds of people in a year will end up in cells,” said Sophie Corlett from the charity.
In Powys, a Multi Agency approach is working to improve the Police response to those with Mental Health needs Inspector Brian Jones reports
Legislation The legislation under the Mental Health Act stipulates that “if a Constable finds a person who appears to him/her to be suffering from mental disorder and to be in immediate need of care or control, in a place to which the public have access, the Constable may, if he/she thinks it necessary, in the interest of that person or for the protection of other persons, remove that person to a place of safety.” No one will disagree that a police cell is not a suitable place or environment for someone with mental health needs. However, there are occasions when there is no other suitable alternative and this is when there are signs of violence, substance misuse or criminal offences for investigation with evidence to be preserved. In order to make every effort to secure the correct and professional support for individuals, as well as avoiding police cells or any inappropriate use of police powers, a procedural pilot was introduced in Powys March 2014. This pilot requires the Police’s Inspector’s authority before police mental health powers can be used. The Inspector will take an independent overview of the circumstances which have led to consideration being given to utilising the powers under the Mental Health Act. Exceeding expectation The pilot is exceeding expectation and the police cells have only been used on three occasions, which was justifiable in the circumstances and not due to having no suitable beds available. At no time have the police powers been inappropriately used and at no time during this period have any youths under the age of 18 been detained. There is a strong partnership approach between the Police, Health and Social Care partners are working together to raise awareness amongst colleagues, as it has been agreed that training is required for people who come into contact with people suffering from psychological problems.
Taken from BBCwebite: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30869349 18-01-15
here are numerous UK Media articles highlighting the concern for teenagers and adults being placed in Police cells, because there are no suitable beds available. Inspector Brian Jones of Neighbourhood Development is pleased to report, “At Powys, we have not found ourselves in this position during 2014”. Inspector Jones explains that the Police are often called to assist with situations where someone has expressed concern for a family member, a friend or someone they have seen behaving in a manner which raises concern for their welfare. The Police currently have minimal training on how best to deal with incidents where people have mental health needs, but will strive to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Our first priority is to ensure that persons are safe and then to ensure that persons are cared for by specially trained experts at an agreed place of safety.
Reports and Updates
Please note the NEW email address for anything related to this magazine is:
Borderline Personality Disorder
Grow up and sort yourself B out!
orderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the most stigmatised disorders even amongst mental health professionals. If you read the
How a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder took one woman from the depths of despair to becoming a speaker at an International Conference and setting up a ground breaking project 8
diagnosis criteria, it can paint a picture of a selfish person who will play up when things don’t go their way. I am not like that and nor are so are many others. Most of my time is spent volunteering and fundraising. At 16 I had anorexia, I lost all my friends because I might be a ‘bad influence’ on them. It is heart breaking when you are so ill and no one wants to know you. If I had a physical illness people would flock to support me. After I narrowly escaped a hospital stay, I began self-harming. I was so confused lonely and sad I didn’t know how to control this hurt. I hated the spiteful comments and the attacks over social media sites. I was called ‘psycho’, ‘a nut job’, and told I should kill myself. At the time I was so distressed but looking back, I know why I was treated like this - it’s through ignorance, lack of knowledge & understanding and fear. Before my diagnosis, my moods rapidly changed, I would have extremely intense emotions that were over-whelming and disabling. At the time, they terrified me; the only way I could control the emotions was through this self-harming and eating disorders. I was very impulsive which got me into trouble. The extreme emptiness and loneliness was the worst. I couldn’t be left on my own
for more than an hour or I would get panic attacks. The insecurity of identity and the fear of abandonment was extremely difficult for me. It still can be - but not as much. I wasn’t treated as a serious case, just another person who had suffered childhood trauma. I was waiting to be seen by a psychologist, I was given Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) (although CBT doesn’t always work for those with BPD), I was told I wasn’t ‘trying hard enough,’ I needed to ‘grow up’ and take responsibility and ‘stop being a child’. I was only just 18! All this made me worse and everything became more stressful. I knew if I had a diagnosis, I would get the treatment I needed and would be treated as someone with an illness not someone wasting doctors time. Without it, it was like going to the doctor with a suspected broken leg and the doctor saying ‘we’re not going to x-ray it or bandage it, just take these tablets. You don’t need to know what’s wrong, just accept it’ and then you find you can’t walk months later because you actually had a broken leg that didn’t heal right. I had to get a mental health advocate and I finally got the diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder. I gained access to the right treatment and medication. It wasn’t until then that I could start to rebuild my life. The diagnosis gave me peace of mind and knowledge that I’d have access to appropriate treatment and be treated with respect and dignity. During this time, I was increasingly fed up with the ignorance that people
had regarding mental health and that’s when something inside me snapped. I decided if no one was going to educate the next generation, my generation, then I would be the person to do it!
Sarah on the telly!
I stepped up to the challenge by contacting Fixers UK, a charity that helps young people use their past to fix the future, I told them my grand plan. On the 5th December 2013 the ball began rolling and The Black Cat Project was set up. The aim of the project is to educate young people about mental health. I go into schools and colleges and deliver presentations which includes the radio play ‘Cara’ that I wrote.
If I had a diagnosis, I would get the treatment I needed
We discuss what the term ‘mental health’ means, what types there are, how to spot the signs, how to support friends or families with mental health problems and how to open up about mental health problems. We tackle stigma and discrimination and show where to get help. By March, I had delivered my first presentation at Newtown College to the Health and Social Care students. I appeared on ITV Wales News, I met Assembly Member Kirsty Williams, Roger Williams MP and I even met Keith Towler, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, . In the summer, we were at Radio Hafren to record my radio play Cara, which aims to get across what its like to suffer from a mental health condition. The radio play is hard hitting so a word of warning when you listen to it! In September, I attended the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child Conference. There were so many people from all over the world, lecturers professors. I gave a speech about the project and it went so well, I was approached to run my project in the Swansea area, Hafal showed interested in working with me and a professor from America said that his country needed more people like me! I can’t wait to make a huge difference in my local community and Powys wide. This is a journey of total amazement. I never dreamed this response and two years later, I have my life back! Sarah Harmon Black Cat Project
To find out more visit: https://m.facebook.com/blackcatproject To hear the radio play ‘Cara,’ go to: https:/soundcloud.com/fixers-cr-audio/cara-radio-play
Borderline Personality Disorder
At 18, Sarah Harmon was being treated as an attention seeking child who was told to take on some responsibilty and sort herself out. After receiving a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), she was able to access the care and support needed and has gone on to achieve extraordinary goals and set up a project to help educate the next generation. Here, she tells her story:
Clouds Floating Along © Marilyn Barbone | Dreamstime Stock Photos
Mindfulness . . .
According to the website www.bemindful.co.uk “Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the present moment, using techniques like meditation, breathing and yoga. It helps us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings so that instead of being overwhelmed by them, we’re better able to manage them. Practising mindfulness can give people more insight into their emotions, boost their attention and concentration and improve relationships. It’s proven to help with stress, anxiety, depression and addictive behaviours, and can even have a positive effect on physical problems like hypertension, heart disease and chronic pain.” A quick internet search brings up lots of information about mindfulness, it’s use in improving mental well-being, meditation and breathing techniques to try and ways to incorporate mindfulness into everyday life. However, one particular way of introducing the practice is to grab the felt-tip pens, find a black and white drawing and start colouring it in! In an article from www.huffingtonpost.co.uk Tiddy Rowan, author of The Little Book Of Mindfulness and Colour Yourself Calm says, "Colouring is a great way to introduce yourself to the concept of mindfulness. One gets so engrossed in colouring, it’s an extraordinary activity - in fact, if you watch children playing with crayons you can see just how absorbing it is." Tiddy believes colouring can make mindfulness more accessible to stressed adults as the action requires the mind to focus on the present moment. Colouring-in seems to be the latest fun activity for adults and if it helps reduce stress, even better! A further search on Amazon reveals ‘Coloring For Grown-ups’ written by Ryan Hunter and Taige Jensen and the review states “The artwork resembles that of a children's activity book, while actually offering an ironic look at the stereotypes, habits, and challenges of modern adulthood. Coloring for GrownUps includes more than 50 fun activities, such as; * 6 Steps for Compromising Your Integrity and Goals! * "Hipster or Homeless?" * Color the Potential Terrorists! * Draw the person you thought you'd grow up to be before you abandoned all your hopes and dreams! So, in order to start practising ‘mindfulness’, and bring in a light-hearted view to the stresses and strains of modern life, here is a selection of drawings reproduced with kind permission from the authors. Visit www.coloringforgrownups.com for more fun stuff!
and colouring books
Phoenix House
Two clients talk about their experiences.
Pathways to success Phoenix House in Welshpool - a provider of specialist support
or some people, having a mental health problem may result in a hospital stay, for others with complex needs this can mean finding a specialist centre. Phoenix House (above) is one of the few units in Wales that provides this support. It provides a pathway of services for men with complex mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder or depression and associated conditions including; substance misuse and personality disorder. I was kindly shown around the hospital by Kevin who talked me through the three main accommodation areas. On the ground floor is the initial assessment service area where patients will come when they first arrive. There are four bedrooms all en suite with showers and a separate bathroom for those wanting a bath. In this section, the men will be on some type of observation by staff. This could be as simple as monitoring mood and behaviour every 15 minutes or in extreme cases, a member of staff must never be further than an arms length away from the patient. Care and safety is paramount as the men who are admitted to Phoenix House, could have some very complex conditions which require specialist support and help. Although observations are common in any psychiatric setting, Phoenix House does not feel like a hospital. The building was originally constructed as a Care Home for the Elderly and it maintains the atmosphere of a communal home rather than a medical institution. There are two large and light sitting rooms for recreation containing a pool table, comfortable seating,
televisions and stereos. A spacious and well equipped kitchen is available for cooking and there is an IT suite with several computers for individual use. Activities are provided throughout the week including walks, cooking, trips to the local leisure centre and opportunities to take part in the Wildlife Trust work which is held on Wednesday. As the patients continue their recovery, they might be transferred to accommodation on the next floor where they do not need such close observation or into the Progressive Living Area (PLA) which has a slightly different set-up and where they are encouraged to live independently. Again, every resident has his own room and access to the facilities in the hospital. A weekly allowance is provided and each person is responsible for their own food and cleaning. A shared kitchen is available solely for these clients but once a week, a communal Sunday meal is cooked in the main part of the hospital and these residents can take advantage of a dayoff cooking and come together with the staff and other patients. The respect between and staff and clients is apparent just walking around. Doctors, nurses and admin. staff do not wear a designated uniform and it would be difficult to distinguish between the two at times. Everyone is friendly, approachable and going about their business in a relaxed and stress-free manner. Many of the staff have had personal first hand experience of mental health conditions or substance misuse and this experience is invaluable when working alongside vulnerable adults. A caring and sensitive environment is so important and Phoenix House manages to provide it all.
Steve has been in the care system for twenty years since he was aged four. He has been living at Phoenix House for nearly three years and we got together to chat about mechanics, mental health and volunteering with the Wildlife Trust. Although Steve has a room in the PLA unit, he still feels he needs more time in the hospital before moving out to supported housing. Ultimately, he’d like to do a mechanics course and get his driving licence so he can work in the family business in Cheshire. Whilst he states that he’d rather not be living in hospital, he knows that it has helped him enormously and he thoroughly enjoys his weekly trips to go and work with the Wildlife Trust. “It’s great to meet up with others outside of the service and we’ve done conservation work, ‘Green Woodwork,’ (using wood that would otherwise be thrown away) and litter picking.” No matter what the weather, Steve’s out there every week and it’s clear that providing this type of activity is incredibly beneficial; for physical health and offering a structured routine. We discussed how the stigma of mental health is still prevalent in society and he mentioned, “It’s good that the staff don’t wear distinguishing uniform because when we go out, no one would have any idea that we‘ve come from hospital.” Steve feels that people shouldn’t be afraid to discuss mental health and thinks that “millions of people probably have issues - they just don’t have a diagnosis. We should talk about it more.”
Sitting room
Kitchen in the PLA unit
One of the bedrooms
Dan had stayed in Phoenix House for 9 months previously but after a relapse in his condition, he was recently re-admitted after 4 months living away. He spoke of the experience during his time at Phoenix House as extremely positive. The staff were incredibly supportive, understanding and helpful. He explained in the past doctors and psychiatrists have sometimes come across as condescending but not at Phoenix House, “I’ve got mental health difficulties, but I’m not stupid. My psychologist is the most amazing person. He has a genuine warm and inviting smile and we talk things through - he asks me about what I want and what I think about the care being offered.” When Dan originally left Phoenix House he moved into supported housing that the hospital organized. This was a gradual discharge and it was only when his contact with the hospital ceased that he relapsed. Four months later, he reached a critical point and took the decision to contact the hospital and admit himself on an informal patient basis. He already felt that his latest stay was not going to be as long as before. Learning to ask for help especially when you are “stuck in the moment’ and unwilling to reach out is difficult but Dan believes that he’s on the right path. The Occupational Therapist had previously helped him get a place at college and the future may see his return to the course. Without Phoenix House, Dan doesn’t believe he’d have had the right treatment. Previous hospital admissions to other places had never really addressed his specific problems. Here, he is receiving the correct care.
Report by Carla Rosenthal 13
Phoenix House
Phoenix House aims to support people on their recovery and be able to move back home and into their community
I’ve got mental health difficulties, but I’m not stupid
Richard Haines wrote to HeadSpace to describe his experience as a volunteer Samaritan
I was involved with the Samaritans some years ago but the organisations has not changed much since that time. Samaritan volunteers are ‘prepared’ not trained because the Samaritan Organisation is all about befriending, supporting, providing a listening ear to the depressed, those who feel suicidal and feel life is just a struggle. The Good Samaritan volunteer is sensitive to the feelings of others and he or she will be non judgemental, leaving their personal opinions and prejudices outside the centre prior to beginning their shift. A caller will maybe, open up to a caring, kind, patient and understanding volunteer, for whatever is said, none of it will be reported to a soul outside of the organisation I was involved with the preparation of new volunteers. It’s quite surprising how many of the general public consider attempted suicide to be a selfish act; it needs to be seen as far from selfish for it requires a high degree of courage to consciously terminate one’s own existence.
Railway Track© Graphics1976 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
End of the line?
The Work of a Good Samaritan
There will always be those who need others to help them through crises
Callers need to build up a rapport with those to which they offload. It will take a number or conversations over a period of weeks before this may be possible for it requires trust and that first contact with a volunteer starts even before the phone number is dialled. That caller has probably had to summon great courage to even pick up the receiver. The volunteers of course, never know what to expect. I have spoken to doctors, nurses, teachers, those with jobs, those without, students, elderly, lonely people and school children. One primary school child phoned and told me he hadn’t done his homework and was worried about what his teacher would say. That may sound like
a trivial reason for ringing the Samaritans but all calls are taken seriously. I discussed with the child the options open to him and he finished the call quite happily. I felt I had helped and that maybe in later years, he may ring Samaritans again if ever he was overwhelmed with worries, depression or thoughts of suicide. During my time as a volunteer I have visited high schools to speak about working as a Samaritan volunteer to the children as one large group and afterwards on a one to one basis to those with problems who needed to speak to me privately. Some volunteers regularly befriended the inmates of a young offenders centre and have achieved outstanding results with their support. Samaritans work shifts at the centres during either daytimes, evenings or throughout the nights. Some of us are on standby to go out to peoples homes at night and I’ll always remember going with a colleague through a front door, up a flight of stairs and into a sitting room where we witnessed a woman holding a knife to her stomach. She was crouched on the floor, her leather sofa and armchair slashed to ribbons. We talked with her for four hours and at 2.00 am she was calm enough to speak to us calmly and logically and make us all coffee. Wherever there are people, there will always be those who need others to help them through crises. They do not necessarily need counselling. There are other organisations who willingly give that. Samaritans are different because they have the empathy, they care. They have the patience and time for those who need a listening ear. Volunteers have said to me after experiencing busy shifts, “The comfort and care we give to others comes back to us tenfold.” 15
PMHA Open Day
PMHA Open Day
PMHA Open Day
Photographs and review by Jackie Newey PMHA were pleased to welcome a number of other organisations on the day, including the following: top: Time to Change Wales middle: Powys Care & Repair bottom: Powys Carers
Out-going Chairman Bryan Douglas-Matthews and his wife Debbie look through HeadSpace for spelling mistakes with magazine Editor Carla Rosenthal
he mental health charity, Powys Mental Health Alliance, holds two open days each year, one in spring/summer and another each winter and last November, I went along to the Royal British Legion in Llandrindod Wells to find out more about the group's latest activities and also listened to invited speakers on subjects as diverse as mental health research and dogsitting. The Open Day was well attended with individuals travelling from far and wide across the county, including Ystradgynlais in the South and Llanfair Caereinion to the North. Many organisations had stands on the day as it's a great way to share information about their activities. The first business of the day was the charity's annual AGM, where members have the opportunity to sign off the annual report and accounts. The trustees are also voted in at this point for the coming year. First speaker of the day was Jenna Markham of the National Centre for Mental Health, a research organisation based in Cardiff and backed by Welsh Government, the NHS and Cardiff University. Jenna spoke about the current research programme which NCMH is running, and invited anyone who is interested to contact her to find out more. This particular research "is working to find out more about mental health conditions so that we can make diagnosis, treatment and support better in the future." Jenna explained that the research started in 2011, and has a target of 6000 participants. So far 3000 people, aged from 4 - 96, have taken part across Wales.
Top: Jenna Markham Middle: Phil Bowen Bottom: Julia Roberts
NCMH is interviewing people both with and without a mental health diagnosis, as a control group is required. She said that the process was very informal, and also offered the opportunity to discuss how effective people thought any medication they were taking was, and if they received benefits from other therapies or approaches to their mental health problems. After the serious matter of mental health research, it was time for some light relief in the form of Michele Hart's Stretch and Smile exercise session. This has proved extremely popular at previous Open Days, and this time was no different! Others took the opportunity for some gentle relaxation with Holistic Therapist Liz Gannon from Welshpool, who offered neck, shoulder and head massage and reiki sessions on the day. Liz told me that the benefits of massage included: • Relief from pain, stress and tension, and the release of endorphins - the body's feel good hormones. • Increased energy levels and feelings of vitality. • A general sense of health and well-being. A mask-making workshop, with former PMHA trustee Diane Hart, tempted others to put their creative skills to good use during the coffee break. Diane has created designs for a variety of animal masks which can easily be adapted and showed us her gorgeous lion, wolf and owl. Diane holds regular Harts & Crafts workshops at Ponthafren Association's Welshpool base. Next up to speak was a regular supporter of PMHA this year's Powys High Sheriff Phil Bowen. Phil has enjoyed
Diane Hart and others show off their mask making skills
an extremely busy year so far - the following week he was due to support the Lord Lieutenant at Princess Anne's visit to the Royal Welsh Winter Fair in Builth Wells. In his role Phil has provided huge support to a variety of mental health organisations and activities since April, including opening the new Wellness and Recovery Learning Centre at Bronllys Hospital and introducing new drama activities for mental health patients on Felindre Ward at the same hospital. The Open Day then welcomed Julia Roberts of Dementia Friends, an initiative of the Alzheimer's Society. Julia, who works in ‘Tower House Gallery’ and coffee shop in Knighton and is also busy as a school governor, recently took part in a Dementia Friendly Information Session, and became a Dementia Friend. The Knighton Dementia Friendly Community held its first steering group meeting last week and Julia hopes that the initiative will prove as successful as that already underway in Brecon. Julia had taken away many messages from her Dementia Friendly session, including that it is possible to live well with dementia, and that there is always more to a person than their dementia. She said that she hoped to help make a community in Knighton where "I can feel safe, loved and valued if I develop dementia." And then to Barking Mad. Local organiser Steve Gibbon was unable to attend the Open Day, but, luckily for us, Headspace Editor Carla Rosenthal had two moving doggy tales to tell; Last summer Carla sadly lost her own much-
loved dog and felt very miserable as a result. Whilst writing an article on Bob the Dog for the magazine she realised how depressed she was because she didn't have a dog any more, and then found out about Barking Mad. Before long Carla found herself looking after a Staffordshire bull terrier called Nancy while her owners went on holiday. She took Nancy for a walk Barking Mad! around Clun on a lovely sunny day and HeadSpace Editor spoke to lots of other dog walkers. Her Carla tells her doggy tale. spirits were lifted. She felt energised. "It changed the whole weekend for me." Carla has since looked after Ozzie for 10 days and went walking every day. She sent a postcard to the owner on behalf of Ozzie and even texts. "I had all the fun of a dog without commitment!" By the end of Carla's talk everyone seemed sold on the idea! Not to be left out, even the cat lovers were throwing out ideas about cat sitting and cat cafes! If you want to find out more about the future activities of Powys Mental Health Alliance, you can check out the organisation's website wwwpowysmha.org.uk You can also tweet the charity at @powysmha This article can be found on Jackie’s Blogspot at http:// powysmentalhealth.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/powys-mental-healthalliance-open-day.html
Powys Independent Mental Heath Advocacy Service. Provide a free, confidential and independent advocacy service for people with mental health difficulties. Brecon & Radnorshire 01874 624 206 Montgomery 01686 627 632 www.advocacy-in-powys.org.uk Powys Carers Service Provides services to carers of all ages throughout the County. 01597 823800 www.powyscarers.org.uk info@powyscarers.org.uk Hafal Powys Seibiant Family Support Service Supporting carers of people with a mental illness diagnosis in Powys. www.powysmentalhealth. blogspot.co.uk/ 07875 373525. powys@hafal.org www.hafal.org and their Powys page at www.hafal.org/hafal/powys.php BEAT Cymru Supports people from all walks of life to beat eating disorders. 07581208935 www.b-eat.co.uk/beat-cymru/ s.llewellyn@b-eat.co.uk Powys Mental Health Alliance PMHA aim to ensure that individuals across Powys who have experienced mental distress, and those around them, have the opportunity for their voice to be heard. www.powysmha.org.uk 07926 862 414 info@powysmha.org.uk headspace@powysmha.org.uk pmhamag@gmail.com
Healthy Friendships Aim to support people who experience mental health distress live happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives. 01686 626221 www.healthyfriendships.org. info@healthyfriendships.org
Kooth Online and face-to-face support and counselling to people under 25 across Powys. www.kooth.com
TOWIP An interactive website that aims to help young people get all the things they are entitled to as a young person in Powys. www.towip.co.uk Powys Agency for Mental Health Information Line Offers information on local mental health services and mental health issues. Self-help booklets on anxiety, depression, etc. 01597 822191 pamhinfo@pavo.org.uk www.powysmentalhealth.org.uk Powys Against Workplace Bullying 01597 825020 vbxllandrindod@tiscali.co.uk Mid Powys Mind Llandrindod Wells, Builth Wells, Knighton, Rhayader,and Presteigne. A local charity running services in Radnorshire and North Brecknock that offers advice and support to those who may have mental distress. 01597 824 411. www.midpowysmind.org.uk info@midpowysmind.org.uk Ponthafren Association Newtown, Welshpool and Llanidloes. A member-led mental health charity for people who experience mental health issues, those who are socially isolated or excluded, or those who may just wish to make new friends or gain new skills. 01686 621 586 www.ponthafren.org.uk admin@ponthafren.org.uk Dan24/7 Point of contact for anyone in Wales wanting further information or help relating to drugs and or alcohol 0808 808 2234 Text DAN to: 81066 www.dan247.org.uk
Mind Aberystwyth Machynlleth. Working to improve the life of people affected by mental distress. They are an independent charity in their own right, run by local people, for local people. www.mind.org.uk/help/mind_in_ your_area/279 info@mindaberystwyth.org 01970 626225 Brecon and District Mind Brecon & District Mind is a local charity that supports people in the community affected by mental illness diagnosis and mental distress. 01874 611529. www.breconmind.org.uk info@breconmind.org.uk Ystradgynlais Mind Works to improve the life of people affected by mental distress - this includes the people themselves, as well as carers, family, friends and supporters - based on the ‘Wellbeing’ framework. 01639 841 345 www.minditv.org.uk info@minditv.org.uk Cruse in Powys Bereavement counselling 01686 610220 Cruse.powys@btinternet.com www.cruse.org.uk National Helpline: 0844 477 9400 Association for Post Natal Illness Can put you in touch with other mothers who have come through Post Natal Depression 0207 3860868 info@apni.org www.apni.org Bi Polar Organisation Cymru A user-led mental health charity providing help and support to all affected, whether sufferers, family or friends, with bi-polar disorder. 01633 244 244 www.mdfwales.org.uk
Mind Infoline The leading mental health charity for England & Wales and works for a better life for all who experience mental distress. 0845 766 016 www.mind.org.uk Journeys National organisation for people affected by depression. Provides symptoms and treatments for depression and details of local groups 0292 069 2891 www.depressionalliance.org information@depressionalliance. org No Panic Helpline A charity that specialises in helping people suffering from anxiety, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders and tranquilliser withdrawal. 0808 8080545 (Available 10am – 10pm daily) www.nopanic.org.uk ceo@nopanic.org.uk CALL Helpline (Community Advice and Listening Line) A confidential listening and support service. 0800 132 737 (open 24/7 365 days a year) callhelpline@dialpipex.com www.callhelpline.org.uk NATIONAL Health at Work Advice Line A pilot service providing managers in small businesses with easy access to professional occupational health advice over the telephone to help you support your employees. All calls are confidential and advice is free. 08001070900
Benefits Enquiry Line Contact details for the Benefit Enquiry Line which provides advice and information for disabled people and carers on the range of benefits available. The person taking your call will not have your personal papers but will be able to give you general advice. Please visit the Directgov page detailed below to learn about these benefits first 0800 882 200 bel-customer-services@dwp.gsi. gov.uk The Samaritans The service is available 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. 08457 90 90 90 jo@samaritans.org Young Minds Help and advice for young people who are worried about the mental health of a parent, carer, or other family members. 020 7336 8445 enquiries@youngminds.org.uk www.youngminds.org.uk Alzheimers Society Alzheimer’s Society is the UK ‘s leading support and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. We provide information and support to people with any form of dementia and their carers through our publications, National Dementia Helpline, website, and more than 2,000 local services. 0300 222 1122 www.alzheimers.org.uk
POWYS ONLINE SERVICE DIRECTORY One Place to Find Everything You Need to Know About Services in Powys. Powys Info Engine is an online database of voluntary and community groups in Powys and the services and activities that they offer. If you want to find out about more services across Powys or if you want more people to know about the service you have to offer then visit http://powys.info-engine.org.uk/ If you have any questions about Powys Info-Engine or the contents of these Directory pages then please email pamhinfo@pavo.org.uk or call the PAVO Mental Health Team on 01686 628300. There are many organisations providing services around mental health and the few featured here are just an example. Please let us know if you would like to see your organisation added to this directory.
• Just ask! We are here to try and answer your questions about mental health and wellbeing. • We will try to get you the information you need or do our best to find out. • Tell us your news! Got something that you want to tell others about? Then get in touch. • Take a browse! You can access information on our website anytime at powysmentalhealth. org.uk • Get Involved! Interested in finding out how you might get involved in shaping mental health services across Powys and Wales, contact us. • Join the debate! You can access our blog at http://powysmentalhealth. blogspot.co.uk/ or follow us on twitter @powysmh • Get in touch! Call us on 01686 628 300 or 01597 822 191 or email us at pamhinfo@pavo.org.uk We are available Monday to Friday 9 am – 5 pm.
POWYS MENTAL HEALTH ALLIANCE MISSION STATEMENT: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We believe the collective voice of individuals has the power to improve the world of mental health.â&#x20AC;? For information regarding the Trustees of PMHA please email: pmhamag@gmail.com or write to: PMHA PO Box 146 WELSHPOOL SY21 1AZ
We work to ensure that individuals across Powys who have experienced mental distress, and those around them, have the opportunity for their voice to be heard. PMHA will endeavour to ensure that all mental health organisations and other providers, hear this voice. We will do this by creating authentic and innovative opportunities for people in contact with mental health services, enabling them to articulate their voices, through lobbying, the publication of a regular magazine and the holding of Open Days.
Join PMHA for FREE
We also look to create these opportunities for those people outside these service providers. MEMEBERSHIP FORM POWYS MENTAL HEALTH ALLIANCE Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS Full Name: Address:
Contact Telephone number: Email: Age/date of birth (optional) Where did you hear about PMHA? Skills/expertise you can volunteer:
Send completed form to: Powys Mental Health Alliance (PMHA) PO Box 146 WELSHPOOL SY21 1AZ