Zip Shape Kerfing with adaptive teeth for strip structure

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Zip Shape Kerfing

Students | Shuyao Dai Tutors | Vishu Bhooshan | Tommaso Casucci | Shajay Bhooshan

Bartlett AC Studio 3

Prior Works What



Future Work

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Previous study | Strip Kerfing | Physical Model Test

Adaptive Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Precedents | zip shape wood

Brad, Crane, McGee Andrew, Prado Marshall, and Zhao Yang. n.d. ‘Kerf-Based Complex Wood Systems’. Accessed 9 December 2019.

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Precedents | zip shape wood for furniture

Song, P., Fu, C. W., Goswami, P., Zheng, J., Mitra, N. J., & Cohen-Or, D. (2013). Reciprocal frame structures made easy. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 32(4), 94.

Zip Shape Kerfing

Student Names | Bartlett AC Studio 3

Precedents | zip shape wood for a small pavilion

Schleicher, Simon, Riccardo La Magna, and Joshua Zabel. 2017. “Bending-Active Sandwich Shells: Studio One Research Pavilion 2017.” Disciplines and Disruption - Proceedings Catalog of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, ACADIA 2017, 544–51.

Zip Shape Kerfing

Student Names | Bartlett AC Studio 3

Precedents | the Asymptotic Gridshell

Schling, Eike, Martin Kilian, Hui Wang, Jonas Schikore, and Helmut Pottman. 2018. “Design and Construction of Curved Support Structures with Repetitive Parameters.” Advances in Architectural Geometry, no. September: 140–65.

Zip Shape Kerfing

Student Names | Bartlett AC Studio 3

Research object: • 1) to develop a tool kit for the interlock kerfing structure and at the same time improve the tooth pattern generation strategy. • 2) to explore the integration of the interlock kerfing in a context of the asymptotic gridshell structure.

Why: • Lack specific digital generation tool for zip shape kerfing. • Lack fabrication considered tool. • Improve the zip interlock adaptive ability and border the range of application. • Explore the possibility of applying this system into a façade / architectural scare within a real design context.

Zip Shape Kerfing

Student Names | Bartlett AC Studio 3

Prior Works

What Results


Future Work

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Grasshopper Plugin of the tool kit with 6 components

Zip Shape Kerfing

Generate adaptive base points of teeth

Generate adaptive teeth

Unroll teeth for fabrication

Extracting Asymptotic Lines from a minimal surface

Layout the strips

Evaluate the deviation of unrolled model Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Grasshopper Plugin of the tool kit with 6 components

Zip Shape Kerfing

Generate adaptive base points of teeth

Generate adaptive teeth

Unroll teeth for fabrication

Extracting Asymptotic Lines from a minimal surface

Layout the strips

Evaluate the deviation of unrolled model Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

A Minimal Surface

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Asymptotic Curves _ Find zero curvature

Normal vector

Planes of curvature

Rotate planes

Until curvature is zero

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Asymptotic Curves _ Find path based on accuracy

When curvature K=0

Find next point that k = 0 too

Continue search the points based on accuracy

Connect to get the Asymptotic Curves

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Asymptotic Curves _ on a minimal surface

Base lines

Project lines to the surface

Get start points on base lines

Calculate the Asymptotic Curves based on start points

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Studies | Practice1 _ Minimal Surface _ Asymptotic lines _ without twist

Get the plane of the asymptotic curves

Get the strip along the plane normal

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Studies | Practice1 _ Minimal Surface _ Asymptotic lines _ with twist

Get the intersection points on curves

Get the surface normal directions based on points

Get the strip along the surface normal

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Studies | Practice1 _ Minimal Surface _ Asymptotic lines _ with twist

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Grasshopper Plugin of the tool kit with 6 components

Zip Shape Kerfing

Generate adaptive base points of teeth

Generate adaptive teeth

Unroll teeth for fabrication

Extracting Asymptotic Lines from a minimal surface

Layout the strips

Evaluate the deviation of unrolled model Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Asymptotic Curves _ Adaptive layout for fabrication

Al l asymptotic Curves

Zip Shape Kerfing

Layout all asymptotic Curves

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Adaptive teeth

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Grasshopper Plugin of the tool kit with 6 components

Zip Shape Kerfing

Generate adaptive base points of teeth

Generate adaptive teeth

Unroll teeth for fabrication

Extracting Asymptotic Lines from a minimal surface

Layout the strips

Evaluate the deviation of unrolled model Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Adaptive teeth _ Divide initial curve based on curvature

Maximum Segment Length = x K = ( 1 / Curvature) / 100 Next Segment Length = D = x * K = x * ((1 / Curvature) / 100) Curvature Value is constrained in range of 0.01 to 1. Almost cover the effective range of bending, but it can be extended. Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Grasshopper Plugin of the tool kit with 6 components

Zip Shape Kerfing

Generate adaptive base points of teeth

Generate adaptive teeth

Unroll teeth for fabrication

Extracting Asymptotic Lines from a minimal surface

Layout the strips

Evaluate the deviation of unrolled model Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Adaptive teeth _ Adaptive teeth angles


Thickness of the section = T Segment length = D Compare D(i) and D(i + 1) Teeth Offset Value (TOV) = The smaller D * R Angle Ratio = R = TOV / D θ = arctan(TOV / ( T / 2 ))

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Studies | head and tail

Low curvature

High curvature

Studies | adaptive teeth _ density

Low curvature

High curvature

Studies | adaptive teeth _ thickness

Low curvature

High curvature

Studies | adaptive teeth _ angle

Low curvature

High curvature

Grasshopper Plugin of the tool kit with 6 components

Zip Shape Kerfing

Generate adaptive base points of teeth

Generate adaptive teeth

Unroll teeth for fabrication

Extracting Asymptotic Lines from a minimal surface

Layout the strips

Evaluate the deviation of unrolled model Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Adaptive teeth _ Teeth unroll

Segments length = A & B Teeth angle = θ Flatten the teeth base on keeping the teeth shape of both sides in order to facilitate fabrication

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Studies | unroll teeth and fabrication

Studies | 3D view of unroll teeth

Adaptive teeth

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Previous study | Strip Kerfing | Physical test

Adaptive Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Complex Behaviors _ kerfing lines

1 -- Kerfing lines with angle Type B

2 -- Kerfing lines without angle Type A

Zip Shape Kerfing

1 -- Kerfing result in twisting

2 -- Kerfing result in no twisting

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Complex Behaviors _ kerfing lines

3 -- Kerfing lines with angle and single side shrink Type C

4 -- Kerfing lines without angle and both sides shrink Type D

Zip Shape Kerfing

3 -- Kerfing result in one side twisting

4 -- Kerfing result in both sides twisting

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Studies | complex behavior_ ruling kerfing lines

Type C -- Kerfing lines with angle and single side shrink

Type D -- Kerfing lines without angle

Type C -- Kerfing lines with angle and single side shrink

and both sides shrink

Type B -- Kerfing

lines without angle

Type A -- Kerfing lines with angle

Zip Shape Kerfing

Type C -- Kerfing lines with angle and single side shrink

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Studies | complex behavior_ ruling kerfing lines

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Studies | complex behavior_ 3D tooth generation strategy

Bend and twist simulation

Map the ruling lines into a plane

3D tooth constructed from rulings Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Prior Works


Results Conclusions

Future Work

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Asymptomatic structure _ strip without twist

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Asymptomatic structure _ strip without twist

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Asymptomatic structure _ twisted strip

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Prior Works



Conclusions Future Work

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3


• Successfully develop a generation tool kit for zip shape kerfing. • Improve the adaptive ability of the zip interlock system by introducing an adaptive tooth strategy. • Develop the tool kit with consideration of fabrication.

• I find that within a real design context like the Asymptotic Gridshell, the zip interlock system needs further improvement of adaptivity: • The flat strip without twist which has been developed in the tool kit should be treated as a special condition of a twisted strip in the zip kerfing system. • Another is the twisted strip which can be achieved by controlling the angles of kerfing lines, but how to cooperate with adaptive teeth need further study and test.

Zip Shape Kerfing

Student Names | Bartlett AC Studio 3

Prior Works




Future Work

Zip Shape Kerfing

Shuyao Dai| Bartlett AC Studio 3

Future works

• Further develop the tool kit for the complex strip with adaptive tooth. • Develop a component for bending simulation and generate adaptive tooth pattern based on the simulation result. • Develop a component for finding the ruling lines on a simulation strip. • And more physical tests are needed in order to know the limitation of using this system to achieve bending and twisting strips.

Zip Shape Kerfing

Student Names | Bartlett AC Studio 3

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