5 Interesting Causes of Dark Circles under the Eyes You May Have Not Known
..................................................................................................... Dark circles under the eyes make people look like they are constantly tired and appear like they always stay up late. However, these are not the only two reasons for darkness to appear under someone’s eyes; so don’t rush judging by appearance. Dark circles appear under the eyes because the layer of skin over there, known as periorbital skin, becomes thin and allows only blue and violet wavelength of light to reflect off veins. Reasons for this thinning of periorbital skin and dark circles include: 1. Genetics : Some individuals may just inherit thinner skin under their eyes and so develop dark circles more readily. 2. Aging : Since skin becomes less elastic and less able to regenerate with age, periorbital skin becomes thinner. Therefore, many seniors have obvious dark circles with or without the additional reason of lack of sleep.
3. Tiredness : This is the most well known reason for dark circles under the eyes. When the body becomes tired, cortisol levels increase significantly to provide you with sufficient energy to keep going. Cortisol makes the volume of blood increase and so blood vessels all over the body, including those under your eyes, swell; consequently, make dark circles more prominent. 4. Periorbital Hyperpigmentation : Unlike the cases mentioned above where dark circles are caused by thinning of periorbital skin or enlargement of vessels, hyperpigmentation is a case where dark circles are caused by the production of more melanin under the eyes than elsewhere. This condition is more spread among darker skinned people and is difficult to correct so those who have it usually resort to concealers to hide it. 5. Blood Leaking From Vessels : Blood leaking from periorbital vessels causes puffy dark circles under the eyes. This can be corrected with surgery but it is advised that you fix your lifestyle before any serious treatment.
Dark Circles under the Eyes, Health, woman