.................................................................................... As we talked in the first part about the deadly foods we might come across, we are going here to continue with these foods so we can avoid eating them and save ourselves. We should be careful with nutmeg; if you take more than 0.2 oz., you could get convulsions or seizures and even a sense of impending doom. Glycoalkaloids can build up in the potato if left too long particularly in the light; eating it causes diarrhea, cramping or even death, so you better stay away from potatoes with greenish tinge. Raw honey does not go through pasteurization which kills all harmful toxins; consequently consuming a small amount of unpasteurized honey containing grayanotoxin can cause nausea, excessive sweating, vomiting and dizziness. Leaves and stems of tomatoes together with unripe green tomatoes contain alkali poisons that can lead to stomach agitation. Tuna is not recommended to be eaten a lot due to the mercury absorbed by the fish which either passes through the kidneys or goes directly to the brain; that is why according to the FDA recommendations, pregnant women and children are not supposed to eat tuna at all.
Cashews we buy from supermarkets are steamed to remove urushiol- the chemical found in poison ivy, but the raw not steamed kind has the same effect of poison ivy and thus considered dangerous. Blood clams are found in the Gulf of Mexico areas, the Pacific and the Atlantic; unlike the other kinds of clams which are safe to eat, blood clams can ingest bacteria and viruses such as typhoid and hepatitis A, so you are advised to avoid it especially that kind brought form Chinese waters that are notorious for hepatitis outbreaks. We end up with cassava which is a tropical root crop found in Asia, Africa and South America; it is used in cakes and chips. It is dangerous to eat it raw for containing a toxin called linamarin; the safest way is to peel it and boil it well before eating.
DEADLY FOODS, Food, Health