Four Natural Masks To Lighten Skin Complexion
..................................................................................................... If you are looking for natural masks to lighten your skin color and remove dead skin cells while still nourishing and moisturizing your skin away from the harmful chemicals found in skin lightening products then you will surely find this article very helpful, the following masks will reverse the harmful and tanning effect of being exposed to sunlight everyday and get your complexion radiant and glowing in a short time with no side effects at all so read on. 1- Tahini Mask. What you need to prepare this mask is, one tablespoon Tahini paste, one tablespoon rosewater, five drops of almond oil, one tablespoon full cream milk, one teaspoon cornstarch. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl properly, you can increase or decrease the milk used to get an easy to spread paste, apply the paste on your skin for ten minutes then wash off with warm water, wipe your face with a cotton ball wet with rosewater after washing your face to close your skin pores. 2- Egg White Mask.
Beat two egg whites untill they double in size, apply the mixture on your skin and be generous, leave the mask on your skin untill it is completely dry then scrub it off gently using a wet cotton ball, avoid this mask if you have acnes or anytime of Scars or injuries on your skin. 3- Lemon With Avocados ( Three Times A Week ). Mix the juice of one lemon with half a ripe avocado, mash them up properly then apply on your face for twenty minutes, if you have sensitive skin reduce the lemon juice used and if you have Oily skin try to avoid this mask. 4- Honey Yogurt And Lupine Beans. Mix one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of full cream yogurt with one teaspoon of ground lupine beans, dilute with rosewater if needed to form a soft paste, apply the paste on your skin daily for 15 minutes untill the paste is not completely dry then wash off with warm water then wipe your face with rosewater.
Lighten Skin Complexion, Health, woman