Seven fantastic french beauty tips

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Seven Fantastic French Beauty Tips

..................................................................................................... We all want to look beautiful and attractive, and every morning we spend hours in front of the mirror to bring out our beauty and in most times we end up over doing it , However if you ever follow a French beauty regime you will focus more about your natural beauty without over complicated daily beauty routines , I have brought you Seven Fantastic French Beauty Tips to look the best you could ever look . 7- Don’t Show Too Much . Wear beautiful cloth but make sure not to show too much skin and specially at work , I’m not saying that you should wrap up yourself and don’t breath , no wear sexy and beautiful cloth that match your taste and don’t show too much skin , for example , if you want to wear a short skirt pair it with a matching top that don’t show too much skin . 6- Don’t Put On Heavy Makeup . Too much makeup don’t always look right , plus heavy makeup don’t give a chance for your akin to breath which can lead to acnes , put on minimal makeup , you don’t even have to put on foundation everyday , just love your bare skin , French ladies only use a touch of lip gloss , mascara and some blush , you don’t need a lot of makeup to look beautiful . 5- Wear Perfume Everyday . This is so obvious , however some women put on heavy makeup and forget to wear a nice scent everyday that help them to smell sweet and attractive during the day , French people in general and French women specially focus so much on perfumes and they have incredible scents. 4- Don’t Over Do It With The Jewelry .

Everyday look don’t require big and chunky pieces of jewelry , small and feminine jewelry pieces will give you a more delicate look that is similar to that of French ladies , opt for light and small earings and bracelets with a lovely and cute necklace , avoid statement rings and necklaces , they don’t suit every days look . 3- Don’t Wash Your Hair Daily . Breaking this habit of washing your hair daily and loading it with all the different types and brands of hair styling products will give you a healthier and prettier hair , washing your hair daily wash off its natural moisture , unless your hair is an oily hair try not to wash your hair everyday and keep its style simple and chic . 2- Eat Healthy Food . A healthy diet is essential for you to have a heathy body , high energy levels , radiant skin and beautiful hair , following a healthy eating pattern is also needed beside a healthy diet , that mean you should not skip meals , you should make healthy snack choices , eat a lot of fruits and vegetables . 1- Weekly Facial Mask . No matter how busy your schedule is you must make time to have a weekly facial mask to enhance your beauty and pamper your skin , a high quality facial mask will nourish your skin and make it radiant and fresh , it can help you looking beautiful and young without the need for makeup everyday .

French Beauty Tips, Health, health care, Top 10, woman

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