Top 12 wonderful benefits of lemons

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Top 12 Wonderful Benefits of Lemons

.............................. ....................................................................... Worldwide, lemons are considered a group of the most resourceful and multipurpose fruits on earth. They are known for their unmatched flavor, aroma, and bright color. Above all, lemons encompass countless benefits that can significantly alter and improve your health. Here is a list of the countless reasons lemons are favorably considered a super-fruit. 12. Balance Your pH While you may think lemons are acidic, surprisingly, lemons are alkaline. In fact, they can help you restore balance to your body’s pH. 11. Cleanse Your Intestines Lemons help in peristalsis, which is the muscle contractions in your intestines. This facilitates bowel movement and gets rid of wastes and toxins regularly. Not only that, but it also helps in relieving symptoms of indigestion. Try a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning to do the job. 10. Cleanse Your Organs The citric acid found in lemons can help dissolve kidney stones, calcium deposits and gallstones maintaining smooth function of your organs. 9. Detoxify Your Liver Fresh warm lemon juice is a great liver detoxifier and a dissolvent of uric acid and poisons. It is a brilliant stimulant for bile production in the liver and a liquefier for bile as well.

8. Vital Nutrients Source Lemons and citrus fruits in general are rich in vital nutrients our bodies can’t survive without. They are full of potassium, calcium, phosphorus acid, magnesium and more vital minerals. 7. Potassium Bananas are great sources of potassium, but they aren’t the only ones since lemons share this advantage. Not only are they rich in vitamin C, they also offer a fair amount of potassium that are good for the brain and nerve function as well as sustaining a strong and graceful body. 6. Brain Health Lemon peels contains a potent phytonutrient called tangeretin. This special nutrient have proven effective in treating brain conditions such as Parkinson’s disease as it keeps the brain cells from decaying. 5. Boost Defense Against Infections Drinking warm lemon juice is the most efficient way to reduce viral infections, it also fights off bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and much more due to its antibacterial properties and kills intestinal worms. Besides, Vitamin C and flavanoids work against infections such as flu and colds. Accordingly, lemons can effectively boost your immune system. 4. Fights Cancer Lemon has an anti-cancer property, it helps fight off cancer due to the nutrients and compounds it contains. It has 22 anti-cancer nutrients and compounds, including limonene, an oil that stops or slows the growth of tumors and flavanol that prevents cell division from cancerous cells. The effects of lemons have proven more effective than chemotherapy at several times. 3. Helps Your Cardiovascular System Lemons are also rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C distinctly improves your heart health. It lowers blood cholesterol levels, increases production of HDL “good cholesterol”, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, fight off free radicals and lower blood lipoprotein. As lemons are rich in vitamin C, it helps protect your heart. 2. Weight Lose Lemons help you lose weight as they contain pectin fiber that helps in fighting off your hunger cravings. 1. Clears Your Skin Antioxidants in lemon can improve your skin. By applying lemon juice onto your skin, you can get rid of dark patches and even wrinkles. It can lighten your skin tone if used as a daily application. It can also be used to reduce scars and age spots. Furthermore, it is a suitable cure for acne since it contains antibacterial properties that fights off the P. acne bacteria. Rubbing a bit of lemon juice on your skin will help you maintain a radiant appearance.

Benefits of Lemons, benefits, Health

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