Top Ten Common Causes Of Death In The World
..................................................................................................... The average life span of a human being is estimated to be around 70 years , in this time duration more than 3.9 billion people die which make it 56 deaths per year , death can be caused by several causes whether it is disease or accidents some causes seem to be resulting in higher numbers of deaths than others , and on this article we will inform you of the Top Ten Common Causes Of Death In The World with statistics of percentages of death rates . 10- prematurity . 1.9 percent of deaths are caused due to premature birth of infants , a prematurely born infant will suffer complications struggling with the life with premature body organs until death , this problem is not only causing death for infants but also mothers , developing countries suffer the most of this problem due to lake of healthcare and life support facilities . 9- Road Accidents . The 9th most common cause of death for 2014 is road accidents , young people love to enjoy driving fast which increase the death rates due to road accidents to 2.2 percent of the total death rate . 8- Diabetes . Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world nowadays to the extend that it is causing about 2.6 percent of the deaths around the world , controlling the sugar intake and having healthy !meals can protect you from getting diabetic . 7- Trachea Bronchus Lung Cancer.
Lung cancer is a problem that face mainly smokers due to excessive intake of tobacco which is a very damaging and addictive to the body cells and particularly the lung cells . 6- HIV/AIDS. HIV is a viral sexual transmitted disease disease that trigger the immune system of the human body , this disease is killing over 35 million people yearly which is 3 percent of the total deaths in the world . 5- Diarrhoeal Diseases . Diarrhoeal Diseases is mainly caused by consuming unclean water which is a prominent problem in the developing countries and it lead to dehydration and salt deficiency in the body and eventually death , the condition occur more in kids and it cause about 4.7 of the total deaths in the world . 4- COPD. This is a condition that cause the airways to swell and get blocked preventing the body to get its needed amount of oxygen which may cause brain damages , the condition is mainly caused by smoking and air pollution and it cause about 5.8 percent of the total deaths in the world . 3- Lower Respiratory Diseases . Different infections such as pneumonia, influenza, and bronchitis that occur in the lower part of the lungs are responsible of killing around 6.7 percent of the deaths around the world and so it is ranked as the 3rd most common cause of death . 2- Stroke . Stroke happen due to a blood clot that block one or more vessels that feed the brain which cause damage to some parts of the brain followed by comma and losing one of the body abilities or death , strokes are responsible of causing 10.6 percent of the total deaths in the world . 1- Ischemic Heart Disease . This is the top cause of death in the world for 2014 causing 11.2 percent of the deaths around the world, it is mainly caused by cholesterol building up and blocking the arteries of the heart due to long term of consuming unhealthy fatty food .
Causes Of Death, Health, Top 10