Top ten harmful people foods for cats

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Top Ten Harmful People Foods For Cats

..................................................................................................... Anybody that own a cat will surely agree that cats actually like normal people food more than their own food and they like to take a few tastes from your plate while you might like watching this cute behaviors of cats you should be careful as some people foods can have potential harmful side effects on cats or can even cause death to a cat , discover below the Top Ten Most Harmful People Food For Cats. 10- Raisins . Raisins or grapes can be a healthy and filling snack for people but for cats it can be very dangerous , grapes or raisins can cause a sudden kidney failure for your cat which cal lead to death so never give your cat raisins or grapes and if they steel some watch out for any toxicity signs within 24 hours which include diarrhea , fatigue , increased urination or lake of appetite. 9- Onions . Onion is another harmful food for cats , as onion contain sulfoxides and disulfides that can break red blood cells in cats leading to many diseases including anemia so be careful of the ingredients of any food you are offering your cat.

8- Garlic . Garlic is same as dangerous for your cat as onions as they both cause the same harm for your cat’s red blood cells although garlic is considered to be more harmful than onions to be careful which food contain garlic and avoid feeding it to your cat. 7- Egg.

Like raw egg shouldn’t be eaten by human because of the bacterial risk of salmonella or E-coli it shouldn’t be eaten by cats either as these poisonous bacteria can cause certain death for your cats in addition the egg white can stop vitamin B absorption . 6- Alcohol. Alcohol for human and animals can cause alcohol poisoning and intoxications so they should never be offered to cats and you should watch out you cat steal a sip of your drink. 5- Caffeine. Careful not to share any drink that contain caffeine with your cat as the caffeine work as diuretic which can cause dehydration for your cat , the caffeine also work on stimulating the nerve system , it is not only limited to drinks chocolate is also harmful since it has both theobromine and caffeine which can be deadly for your cat. 4- Fat. Small quantities of fat can be pleasing for cats to eat but big quantities can be very harmful to your pet as they can cause digestive problems including diarrhea, vomiting and stomachache. 3- Bones . Cooked bones can be very dangerous to your cats as they splinter and can increase the risk of chocking hazard , the prices of bones can also cause internal lacerations or obstructions and many more digestive problems . 2- Dairy Products. The lactose in the dairy products can not be tolerated by your adult cat’s digestive system which will lease to diarrhea and vomiting that can cause dehydration and death to your cat. 1- Avocado. The whole tree of avocado is very poisoning to all animals including cats so be careful your cat play with the shell , seed or steel a bite as avocados contain person which is very toxic and can cause gastrointestinal issues, respiratory problems or fluids on the heart which all lead to death.

Harmful People Foods For Cats, Health, Top 10

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