Top Ten Health Benefits Of Green Tea
.................................. ................................................................... The health benefits for green tea are countless , in addition to helping in weight loss green tea also help to clear the body from toxins and prevent several diseases , many people around the world and for centuries love to drink green tea in the morning for its soothing taste and freshening up effect on the body , The green tea also have a great effect on clearing the mind , create a peaceful state of mind and boost up the energy levels in the body , discover with the the Top Ten Health Benefits Of Green Tea . 10- Help Preventing Arthritis Green tea has epigallocatechin gallate and epichatechin gallate these two together work on preventing any risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis and even if your body has already started to develop Arthritis these two chemical s can help to delay the development of the disease for some time . 9- Helps Genital Warts Green tea can simply do wonders if you have genital warts and it is painful and uncomfortable , The green tea will effectively reduce the inflammation which will make you feel much better . 8- Help You Get Over Viral Hepatitis Green tea as mentioned before contain catechin which will help keep your body protected from viral hepatitis or even treat it so make sure to have at least two cups of green tea per day . 7- Protect Your Liver
The studies show that if you drink about eight cups of green tea per day you are less likely to develops any liver disease , the green tea can also protect your liver from alcoholic toxic substances , green tea also protect your liver from liver tumors . 6- Protect Your Body From Atherosclerosis If you wondering what atherosclerosis is , it is a coronary artery disease that can be prevented by drinking green tea , green tea reduce the chances of developing this disease so make sure to drink green tea every day . 5- Can Make You Lose Weight The green tea naturally work on boosting your body’s metabolism , which mean that calories can be burnt on a quicker base , studies prove that the dieters that consume green tea regularly lose more weight that dieters that are neglecting green tea consumption . 4- Protect Against Heart Diseases Green tea has a huge amount of antioxidants which will increase the functionality and flexibility in your blood vessels which reduces the risks of blood clotting . 3 – Protects Your Immune System Studies showed that by consuming green tea the numbers of T- Cells in your body increase and function better which maintain your immune system protected and efficient to fight against viruses and diseases . 2 – Maintain Cholesterol The green tea can increase the levels of the good cholesterol in your body which is known as HDL and reduce the levels of harmful cholesterol which is known as LDL which effectively reduce the risks of having any heart attach in the future . 1- Protect Against Cancer The green tea contains something called epigallocatechin gallete and it is responsible to protect your body from the growth of specific cancer cells , Green tea is specially effective in protecting your body from stomach , lung and esophageal cancers . After discovering only ten of the dozens of the health benefits of green tea make sure to have at least two cups of green tea every day to make your body enjoy the great health benefits of it .
Benefits Of Green Tea, benefits, Health, health care, Top 10