Top ten most effective home remedies for cold

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Top Ten Most Effective Home Remedies For Cold

..................................................................................................... It is agreed about that there is no cure for the seasonal cold that all of us catch which is caused by catching an infection of different types of viruses , However there are many natural ways that prevent cold in the first place , strengthen the immune system and even give a relief of the symptoms that are mostly associated with cold like headache , runny nose , soar throat , cough and body aches , on this article we will present to you a list of the Top Ten Most Effective Home Remedies For Cold so let us take a look at these remedies . 10- Ginger . Ginger is rich with antiviral, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties , ginger can relief soar throat and cough , drink ginger tea with lemon and honey twice a day or take half a teaspoon of ginger paste twice a day . 9- Red Onion . Red onion syrup can do magic in terms of relieving cold symptoms , what you need to do is , cut a large red onion into slices , place them in a bowl and cover with raw honey , then leave it for at least three hours , when you come back you will find a think liquid like syrup , take a full teaspoon of that syrup twice a day . 8- Pepper . Pepper is a traditional way to help a stuffed and runny nose symptoms , make sure to add pepper to your food or gargle with water that is mixed with pepper to have the benefit of pepper . 7- Mullein Tea . Drinking lots of liquids is highly recommended while you have a cold , and nothing will feel better than having a warm cup of mullein tea , boil a spoonful of dried mullein herb in a cup on water mix with honey and lemon juice to enhance the benefit .

6- Milk . Milk is believed to increase the production of mucus which make cold feel worse but this is not true , having a cup of warm milk mixed with turmeric and ginger powder and sweetened with honey is effective to relief the body aches associated with cold . 5- Cinnamon . Cinnamon as well can provide a great relief for sore throats , boil a full teaspoon of cinnamon mixed with ginger powder and use honey to sweeten it , have this tea twice a day for a relief of soar throat symptoms . 4- Honey . Honey can provide an immediate relief for irritated throats and help you get rid of your cold much faster , what you need to do is mix a tablespoon of honey with half a lemon and black sesame , consume this mixture every two hours and even after you get rid of your cold make it daily habit to consume this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach to strengthen your immune system . 3- Garlic . Garlic is a great anti-inflammatory and it is rich with antibacterial and antiviral properties , crush two gloves of garlic into a paste , add one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of red chili powder and consume twice a day . 2- Spice Tea . Spice tea is a very effective way to beat the symptoms of cold , add a teaspoon full of coriander seeds , fennel seeds , cumin seeds and fenugreek seeds to two cups of water , bring the solution to boil , let it simmer for 10 minutes , strain the solution and sweeten with honey . 1- Chicken Soup . Chicken soup is a traditional common home remedy for seasonal cold , the essential vitamins and nutrients in it can speed up the healing process of cold ,make your own chicken soup at home should be of more benefits for you .

Home Remedies For Cold, Health, health care, man, other, Top 10, woman

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