Top Ten Most Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks
..................................................................................................... No one of us like the appearance of stretch marks on our skin , they are annoying no matter where they appear , our skin consist of three layers and stretch marks appear once the middle layer stretch too rapidly due to many reasons like pregnancy , putting on weight , too much stress , standing for long hours or using high heel shoes for long times , stretch marks are difficult to treat and take long time and a lot of care to disappear , there are many ways to prevent or treat stretch marks and in the following list we will mention to you the Top Ten Most Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks . 10- Cocoa Butter . Cocoa butter is known to be very effective in terms of treating stretch marks as it is rich with vitamin Ethat is needed for the natural growth and healthy appearance of the skin , in order to get maximum benefit of cocoa butter make sure to mix it with wheat germ oil and beeswax , apply the mixture to the area that have stretch marks daily and u will notice a huge difference after a month period of time . 9- Tomato Massage . The tomato is considered a beauty vegetable if included in your daily diet it will positively effect your skin , massaging the area where stretch marks present on your skin with tomato juice twice a week will give you magnificent results . 8- Lemon Juice . Vitamin C is also very needed for the skin elasticity and beauty , applying lemon juice on your skin daily and letting it dry for 15 minutes and then washing your skin with water will give your skin the needed vitamins for its healthy look . 7- Castor Oil Massage . Castor oil is a deep moisturizer for the skin and recommended by all skincare experts , massage your skin with castor oil after a warm shower twice a week until your stretch marks disappear . 6- Laser Therapy .
If you have sever stretch marks then the most effective way to get rid of them is by having Laser Therapy , a laser beam will be directed on the area where the stretch marks presents once or twice a month until the stretch marks disappear . 5- Aloe vera . Aloe vera is great to fix a lot of the skin problems including stretch marks , it is very effective to repair damaged skin , get the oil extract of aloe very that is available in the markets and apply it on your skin with stretch marks daily until they disappear . 4- Potato Juice . The potato juice is very effective for many skin problems including stretch marks which might be quit surprising for you , if you can juice the potatoes at home then save the juice in jars in the fridge and apply it daily on your skin where u have stretch marks or simply apply potato slices on the area directly . 3- Tropical Stretch Marks Cream . Tropical stretch marks cream is available in the markets and they are very effective if used at least once every day , make sure that the brand that you buy is known to be reliable . 2- Olive Oil . Olive oil is very recommended by skin care experts to prevent the aging of the skin , massaging your skin with olive oil daily before you go to sleep will fix your skin problems including stretch marks and will also nourish and moisturize your skin . 1- White Sugar Remedies . Apply a mixture of white raw sugar with olive oil or cocoa butter on your skin where the stretch marks are present at least four times a week and your stretch marks will disappear in a short period of time that may be only five to six weeks according to the severity of your stretch marks . Try the above ways to treat your stretch marks and enjoy a healthy , fresh skin that will remain young for many years .
Get Rid Of Stretch Marks, Health, health care, skin, Top 10