Top ten most interesting facts about dreaming

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Top Ten Most Interesting Facts About Dreaming

..................................................................................................... For something that happen to us almost on daily bases dreams still considered as something mysterious and not explained , seeing strange and far away thing you almost never think about during your daytime , could it be messages , emotions expressions or some explain it as warnings still the reason for dreams is unknown scientifically , however some researchers could conclude some interesting facts about dreaming which we will mention to you ten of them below , we bet that you never knew these facts about dreaming before , discover with us the Top Ten Most Interesting Facts About Dreaming . 10- You Dream A lot . Studies showed that each person get about 100,000 dreams in his life time , even if you only remember one or two dreams you do dream really a lot , some people can remember one dream each night some remember two , some can remember up to 15 and some people don’t remember their dreams at all , science don’t have a clear answer for why exactly we are unable to remember all the dreams we have each night but they have conflations that say that during the sleep the brain slow down monitoring your thoughts . 9- You Can Actually Learn By Dreaming . Studies showed that most of the dreams you have during night is actually contributing with the events you had during the day , so if you had to sit in a course or a lecture during the daytime the information will be repeated to your brain while sleeping . 8- Women’s Cycle Can Influence Her Dreams . Studies proved that women have dreams that is more related to intercourses during their ovulating periods than any other periods and the reason behind that could be the natural desire of a woman to procreate .

7-Nightmares Can Be A Good Indicator . Studies showed that the dreams sometimes reflect the amount of stress or fear you are feeling towards something , for example if you are preparing for a big exam or presentation and you are doing your best because you are worried of failure it is most likely that you will get dreams that reflect your feelings which doesn’t mean that what you dream of is going to happen in real life . 6- You Dream Even In A Light Sleep. Maybe you have an idea that dreams only happen during a rapid eye movement which is not really so , science prove that dreams occur during all of your sleep but the content of the dreams change according to your sleep stage , which mean that your dreams get more emotional or aggressive during a rapid eye movement. 5- Even Unborn Babies Do Dream In The Womb . Studies showed that unborn babies do have the same brain waves as born babies same as adults and they pass through the same sleep stages as we do however the duration of their sleep stages might vary , so scientists concluded that as we dream they do dream like us perhaps of the sounds they hear in the womb . 4- Every One Do Dream . It is proved that every human being do dream during their sleep and the ones that reclaim that they don’t dream it is most likely that they are just forgetting their dreams , even blind people dream , the people that lost their sight after birth they can see images in their dreams why the people that were born blind it is believed that they don’t see images in their dreams but their dreams include their other senses such as sound , touching or feeling . 3- You Can Remember More Dreams By Waking Up More . Studies showed that waking up more frequently during the night result in helping you to remember more dreams , if you ever heard that people who eat a large meal before going to bed get more dreams they just might be waking up more often . 2- Dreams Can Be Really Long . It is believed by scientists that dreams mainly take a few second but it can also approach to almost an hour long depending on the different scenes the person see and long scenario , researches call it Epic dreams . 1- Dreams And Emotions . Unfortunately most of the emotions that are experienced in dreams are mainly negative emotions more than positive emotions and it is evident that dreams do affect our emotions , moods and general state of mind during the day. Dreams remain as a very interesting and mysterious phenomena that happens to humans and also animals some studies prove that animals have the same brain waves during their sleep like a human being and they make some sounds and their paws move rapidly which indicate that animals do sleep as well .

Facts About Dreaming, Health, man, other, Top 10, woman

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