Top ten reasons you are not losing weight

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Top Ten Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight

.................................. ................................................................... Tens of millions of people around the world are starving themselves and pouring all their efforts on trying to lose weight and gain health, But despite the huge effort they are making to remain on strictdiets in order to loose weight sometimes they find themselves not losing any weight which could be very depressing and frustrating but fortunately there is always a reason why you are not losing any weight despite being on a very strict diets and we will list to you below The Top Ten Most Important Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight . 10- Your Diet Is Not Really Diet Your diet not being a real diet could be one essential reason why you are not losing any weight , I mean that some of the foods and drinks that might seem to you that they are perfect choices for dieters are in fact not necessary as suitable as u think for dieters , believe it or not but there are some fruit types that help to keep the weight stable or work on increasing it . 9- You Are Not Getting Enough Sleep If you over do your daily activities and neglecting sleep that could be a reason why you are not losing weight , your body simply need a regular pattern of sleep in order to function properly , an exhausted body instead of burning calories it will work on storing the calories to keep up with the hectic lifestyle. 8- You Are Actually Gaining A Muscle Mass

Some people end up getting a dream muscly body without losing one single pound of their total weight and this is because the muscle actually weight more than fat , in fact the way you know that your food diet and exercise is working successfully is by monitoring your body losing fat and building up muscle , which mean that your overall body weight may not go down at all . 7- You Are Putting Yourself Under Too Much Pressure Some people are setting for themselves a huge weight lose in a very short time and according to that they start putting themselves under too much pressure to achieve their goals which may end up frustrating to the extent of giving up hope in losing weight any more , Hence knowing that a huge transformation can not happen in a day and night will help you keep positive and remain on your diet . 6- You Are Not Having Enough Food A huge reason for not losing weight is not eating enough , some people might think that cutting off on calories all together and just having the least of nutrition will help them to lose weight faster but this is actually not correct , when the body is being starved it starts keeping its reserved fats for as long as possible and store all the new calories going into that body which will definitely end you up gaining weight and not losing any . 5- You Are Not Making Genuine Effort Some people think that having a little piece of chocolate cake here and another cookie there might not make a difference but this is not really so everything being consumed by your body has an effect on your weight watching closely and putting a genuine effort on your diet will help you reach your desired result . 4- There Are Too Many Temptations Around You Being surrounded by too many temptations that are difficult to resist is not an easy thing while being on a diet Hence being away from all the temptations as much as possible will cut down the chances you mess up your diet and blow your all your efforts . 3- You Are Not Following a Proper Exercise Regime If you are following an exercise regime that you have came up with all by yourself when you don’t have any background about physical fitness and health on a professional level then it is highly likely that your exercise regime is ineffective and not doing you any good , seeking an advice from a professional may help you to achieve your goal faster . 2 – You Are Not Being Honest To Yourself Many people around the world ask themselves ”i’m on a strict diet and I’m doing the best I could by exercise how is it possible I’m not losing any weight?” While they are actually only spending a few minutes every weak walking and not cutting off on all the treats or junk food they were consuming before . 1- You Need A Medical Advice If you have tried every possible advice to lose weight and you are really being strict and honest to yourself and following a genuine regime but non of your efforts is gaining an improvement them you might be needing a medical advice , there are some medical reasons why you could be not losing any weight despite exerting a lot of effort to lose weight . The above are some reasons why it could be that you are not losing any weight you need to be honest to yourself and genuinely believe in your abilities , don’t lose hope and remain on a realistic track

Losing Weight, Health, Top 10, Weight Loss

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