Top ten simple yet effective tips to lose weight for women

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Top Ten Simple Yet Effective Tips To Lose Weight For Women

..................................................................................................... Many people around the world are desperate to lose weight regardless of age or gender , Howeverwomen bodies and men bodies are not exactly the same , some weight losing tips are more effective for women and show less results in men , most women are aiming to stay in shape and enjoy a sexy looking body that give them more confidence and self-esteem, if you too are aiming to lose weight by the simplest yet most effective strategies then read on this article to find out the Top Ten Simple Yet Effective Tips To Lose Weight For Women . 10- Give Yourself A Reason . The success of your endeavor of losing weight depend greatly on having a strong reason , whether it is your overall look or you want to fit in your old jeans you must have a reason strong in your heart and mind to try to achieve . 9- Join A Support Group . Women are more exposed to stress and depression specially with the tough daily routine of hard working and stressful lifestyle , women usually tent to ease that by either speaking with a trusted one and getting sincere advises , or over eating which you is the last thing you want to do if you are trying to lose weight , if you join a support group where you can speak about your problems and get help to solve them is of course a better option . 8- Monitor Your Calories Intake . Make sure to keep an eye on your daily calorie intake , its not always easy for a beginner to accurately calculate calorie intake , the free online calorie calculators can help you count the amount of calories you take in daily , writing down your calorie count can be a huge motivation to help you focused on your goal . 7- Have An Active Lifestyle .

Women are less active when it comes to exercising than men , and that is why you should look for physical activities that will help you lose weight while keeping you entertained like swimming , dancing or yoga . 6- Use Every Possible Chance To Exercise . Working women are often involved in sedentary jobs which mean an inactive lifestyle that eventually lead to weight gain , if your lifestyle is not an active lifestyle you should use every possible chance to exercise and that depend on your creativity to a big extent, you don’t need to make time for the gym everyday if you do t have time , simples exercises can even be done in your work place , for example take the stairs instead of the elevator everyday , take a walk in your lunch break , or do simple exercises like set ups . 5- Set Yourself A Realistic Goal . It is important to set yourself a realistic goal that is challenging enough to keep you always motivated , typically losing one or two pounds a week is realistic and can be achieved if you stay discipline with your weight lose regime . 4- Determine Your Daily Calorie Intake . Determine your daily calorie intake according to your goal of how much weight need to be lost in how long , you need to burn more calories than you eat which is a basic weight loss principle , that give you two options , either you eat less and stick to a limited daily calorie intake or you adapt a more active lifestyle . 3- Eat Healthy Food . This is so obvious and greed about that eating healthy food is the fastest and most efficient safe way to lose weight , you need to avoid processed foods and foods that are high in sugar or fat content , fresh fruits and vegetables are more ideal for losing weight in shorter time . 2- Plane Your Meals . Most of us disregard this important step because of the easier , faster and cheaper alternatives of fast food which eventually will lead to obesity specially that most of the ready foods and fast foods are high in calories , although preparing your own food at home may sound tedious but this is the only way to control all the ingredients that are going in your body . 1- Maintain Your Body. All your hard working for losing weight will be pointless if you turn back to your old unhealthy lifestyle after losing weight which will turn you back to the start point disregarding the effort, time and money you invested to achieve your goal , maintain your healthy lifestyle of exercising and eating healthy will maintain your success and even protect your body from diseases .

Lose Weight For Women, Health, Tips, Top 10, Weight Loss, woman

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