Top Ten Tips To Strengthen Your Immune System
..................................................................................................... Your immune system is what is responsible to protect your body from any foreign invade on your body by bacteria, viruses , parasites or toxins that could easily make you feel weak and unable to face your daily challenges as usual for long time a simpler way to know you how important the immune system in your body is by observing what happens to a dead body , Your immune system consist of organs and cells that already exist in your body but you can follow some ways to strengthen it in order to enable your body to remain healthy with less diseases . we will list to you below the Top Ten Tips To Strengthen Your Immune System . 10- Increase Your Intake Of Vitamin D Vitamin D can make your immune system stronger and it can be found in particular food or the sun or by daily vitamin supplies you just need 50 nmol/L to take advantage of the heath benefits of vitamin D. 9- Cut Off On Alcohol When you consume alcohol it is like you inject your body with a lot of toxins which will invade your immune system and by doing that you are making the cells in your immune system that are responsible of fighting any bacteria or illnesses unable to do its job properly which make you more susceptible to diseases. ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ 8- Use Healthy Oils
If you cut off on harmful oils like soybeans oil and start using healthy oil like canola oil or olive oil which have healthy fats that can cause your immune system’s cells to function better you will be boosting your immune system , also consider using oregano oils as it kill the harmful bacteria in your digestive system and help to strengthen your immune system at the same time. 7- Eat Lean Protein Lean Protein is great to increase the white blood cells in your body which fight infections and keep your body healthy with less chances of diseases , you can provide your body with Lean Protein from fish , poultry and beef . make sure to have a small portion of food that is rich with protein with every meal to get maximum benefit . 6 – Stay Away From Stress The Stress can cause the blood cells in your immune system to respond poorly to the inflammationwhich can increase the risks of getting sick , Hence staying away from stress and trying to do some activities that relax your body and you don’t have to think about problems or stressful things will surely boost your immune system . 5 – Make Sure To Exercise Exercising can do your body a lot of good such as weight loss , getting healthier and for sure strengthening your immune system , By exercising your body release some type of chemicals which allows you to have a better sleep and generally feel better , You only need 30 minutes of exercise everyday . 4- Become More Social Studies showed that being social and having friends effect by a great deal your general mood and state of mind which lead to better functioning of the white blood cells . 3- Don’t Neglect Sleep If you don’t have a regular sleep pattern with enough hours which is around 7 to 9 hours sleep at night it is highly likely that your body is exhausted and not efficient enough to fight against illnesses , Sleep also help to make your body relax which decrease the producing of the stress hormones in your body . 2- Eat Healthier Making your diet rich with vitamins, minerals and nutrition will surely help to strengthen your immune system , Have more fruits and vegetables and less carps and sugar in fact it is actually evident that consuming sugar weaken the cells in your immune system . Vitamins like vitamin C , D and E Are highly needed to support your immune system . 1- Eat Mushrooms Mushrooms in addition it its great taste it has a great medical benefits as well they help train your immune system to function at a high level , particularly consider Maitake , Tremella and Reishi mushrooms as they have Beta Glucans that support the immune system in your body . Now start following the Top Ten Tips To Strengthen Your Body immune System and enjoy a healthier body with less risks of getting sick .
Immune System, Health, health care, Tips, Top 10 52 Views