Top ten weirdest medical conditions

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Top Ten Weirdest Medical Conditions

..................................................................................................... Sometimes reality shocks us with conditions that are weirder than fiction. The list here gather ten of the weirdest medical conditions that you won’t see every day. If you have other suggestions share them with us in comments. 10. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Fictions such as Alice in Wonderland and Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels feature dwarfed characters such as the Lilliputs. From these fictions micropsia, a neurological condition is often called Alice in Wonderland syndrome or Lilliput sight because suffers of the condition perceive living and non-living objects much smaller than normal. 9. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Exposure to electromagnetic fields is unavoidable these days and this is very unfortunate to those who suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Another unfortunate detail about this weird medical condition is that the WHO didn’t find a scientific basis for hypersensitivity from electromagnetic fields. 8. Elephantiasis Elephantiasis is a condition where different body parts like arms and legs swell up to huge sizes. The proper name for the condition is lymphatic filariasis and is caused by mosquito transmitted parasites. The parasite larvae can reside in the body for years and reproduce until they block bloodstreams thus causing the accumulation of fluids that result in enlarging different body parts.

7. Exploding Head Syndrome Don’t stress or tire yourself too much or you will result in the explosion of your head! Luckily, a literal head explosion is not the condition with exploding head syndrome. Suffers of the condition can hear extremely loud noises that seems to be coming from within their heads. Females are more likely to suffer from this condition, so ladies stay away from stress as it is probably a cause. 6. Jumping Frenchman Disorder We are get startled by a surprising sound or action. However, the reflexes seen by people suffering from the Jumping Frenchman disorder are above the ordinary. This condition got its name from French-Canadian lumberjacks who were the first to be identified with the disorder. 5. Ebola Drowning in water is scary enough, but not scarier than drowning in blood! What happens to those who catch the Ebola virus is that their internal organs such as the kidneys, brain and even the lungs start leaking blood which finally drowns the patient. This condition originates in Zaire and Sudan in 1976. 4. Blue Skin Disorder Do you believe that the Smurfs animation is too silly for featuring blue people? Well, there were actual blue people living in the hills around Troublesome Creek in Kentucky. The blue Fugates are members of a large family who suffered from nothing but blue skin. The family survived generation after generation until 1960. 3. African Trypanosomiasis Fans of sleeping and napping are countless, but African Trypanosomiasis otherwise known as sleeping sickness, doesn’t attract many fans. This condition is caused by a parasite that is passed through the bite of a tsetse fly. Early detection helps in curing the disease but progress of the disease elongates sleeping to make it become a coma and may finally end in death. 2. Nodding Syndrome The nodding syndrome is one of the weirdest conditions that children can suffer from. This condition, which first originated in Sudan in the 1980s, is described as a seizure of pathological nodding that a child suffers from during eating or feeling cold. Once the child stops eating or feels warm, the nodding stops. This condition is seriously dangerous as it stunts the growth of the child and finally leads to death. 1. Werewolf Syndrome Fictional werewolves have their bodies covered with hair, have sharp teeth and claws and all of this appears with the full moon. People with Human Werewolf Syndrome share only one characteristic with fictional werewolves, and that is having hair all over their bodies. Fortunately for them, they can touch silver as they like.

Weirdest Medical Conditions, Health, health care

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