Why Eating Red Meat Can Increase Your Risk Of Heart Diseases
..................................................................................................... It was just recently proven that eating saturated fats don’t necessarily increase the risk of heart diseases and we all were joyous to find out these news, however unfortunately, eating red meat is still considered a risk factor for heart diseases. A new study made by Cleveland Clinic shows why your guts bacteria turns to L-carnitine which is a nutrient in red meat, this in turn increase the formation of plaque in your artiries which is a sure cause for several heart diseases and even strokes. While carnitine is naturally produced by your body to generate energy, too high levels of carnitine due to consuming foods rich in L -carnitine such as red meat contribute to heart diseases, in fact a previous study by Cleveland Clinic showed that carnitine levels can be considered a more acute indicator for heart events such as heart attacks and strokes than cholesterol levels.
However the study claims that it is not exactly the L -carnitine is not exactly the blame for heart diseases, it is actually the way the microorganisms in your guts deal with it. However processed meats were found to contain lesser levels of L -carnitine than fresh red meats, however the high levels of sodium in processed meats have an even higher risks for the heart health than L -carnitine itself. Red meat is not the only L -carnitine contributor, energy drinks and specific Suppliments are rich with that nutrient, fish and chicken were found to contain it as well, however the levels of L -carnitine in fish and chicken are ten times less than red meat.
Heart Diseases, Health