Summer 2015 health action magazine

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Health Acti n T h e

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Making health and wellbeing matter as we age Lifestyle counselling keys higher quality of life

By Dr. Hal Gunn, CEO and Co-Founder of InspireHealth


he BC Medical Journal recently forecasted cancer incidence to grow by 57% over the next 15 years. Long known as a haven for seniors who have moved from colder climes, BC is demographically more likely to have higher numbers of cancer cases. Strategies to reduce cancer incidence and address a growing number of people living with cancer are going to be pivotal over the next decade. Cancer prevention will be an important focus, and the work of Dr. Carolyn Gotay’s team at the Centre of Excellence in Cancer Prevention will be an important part of a lifestyle focused public health campaign. At the same time, services for people living with cancer will also need to be prioritized due to the increase in cancer cases. According to 2014 Canadian Cancer Statistics, 63% of Canadians diagnosed with cancer will survive at least 5 years after their diagnosis. For some common cancers, five-year survival is even higher: breast cancer (88%) and prostate cancer (96%). In a sense, we can no longer think of cancer as an acute illness, but one that requires a long-term management approach, similar to that of A combination of healthful nutrition, exercise, and emotional and spiritual other chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. counselling can help improve quality of life.

Just a couple decades ago, if you had heart disease it was considered a life-limiting condition that often led many people living with the condition to withdraw from life. American physician Dr. Dean Ornish published a study in 1990 showing that a healthy lifestyle approach could reverse the course of heart disease. His approach engaged patients to change their diets, increase their physical activity and use stress reduction techniques like yoga and meditation along with other psychosocial support to reduce chronic inflammation and positively impact the course of their disease. With the broad acceptance and incorporation of this approach, overall morality from heart disease has dropped substantially over the last 25 years. Dr. Ornish believes that this approach has equal applicability in cancer care. Lifestyle counselling for cancer survivors is now gaining acceptance as more evidence shows that cancer patients who adopt heathier eating habits, exercise more and manage stress can allow them to feel more empowered about their health and better manage side effects from treatment like fatigue and brain fog. This lifestyle-based approach is now broadly applied to many different chronic illnesses, and it is likely the next frontier for cancer care. There is growing evidence of the importance and value to the person living with cancer of “Quality of Life.” Beyond surviving an illness like cancer, we need to measure how healthy and happy a person is, and that is what “Quality of Life” is about. How do we help cancer survivors to rekindle health, passion and joy in living, and reinvigorate their place in their community? At InspireHealth, a not-for-profit I co-founded in 1997, we help cancer patients optimize health and well-being and to re-establish those important social and personal connections. At InspireHealth, people living with cancer re-establish health and find community and a sense of empowerment through learning opportunities and attending classes and support groups. Working with patients to co-create a healthy lifestyle plan helps them to feel in control of their health. Fitness motivation, healthy cooking, or being reminded to quietly mediate each day helps people to create positive lifestyle habits. The person living with cancer can end up leading a healthier life than before their illness, and the ripple effect to family and friends means that their broader community benefits from their new found knowledge and empowerment. Through lifestyle support services for people living with cancer and their loved ones and through public health programs that support cancer prevention, it is important that we pro-actively address the predicted increase in cancer incidence. Creating public dialogue is a good place to start in creating an effective long-term strategy to address this important challenge. InspireHealth is a team of family physicians, nutritionists, exercise therapists, clinical counsellors and administrative staff who offer cancer patients an opportunity to create an individualized plan to improve on aspects of health, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, how to deal with stress, healthy communication, rekindling passion and joy in living and their place in the community. InspireHealth’s programs are available to anyone who has had a diagnosis of cancer any time before, during and after standard cancer treatments. All services are now free-of-charge to Canadians living with cancer and their chosen supports. Learn more at InspireHealth’s website:

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Preventive Health Changing Lives— Pure North S’Energy Foundation How’s your vitamin D status? You may want to have it checked after reading this article. Writer Alexis Costello gives us a look at a visionary program that, since 2007, has helped thousands of people in Western Canada prevent and treat chronic disease through nutritional supplementation.


Natural Health Product Lawsuit Against Health Canada—Where’s It At?

Sensational Summer Berries

In September 2012, famed constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati filed a statement of claim on behalf of its plaintiffs against Health Canada’s regulation of natural health products. The case is still proceeding, but the wheels of justice turn slowly, as reported in this issue by John Biggs, BSc, NCP, OHP.

Berries may be little, but they pack a huge nutritional punch, and—lucky us—this is the perfect time of year to find them grown locally and oh so fresh. Treat yourself by trying one of these delicious recipes by culinary artist Eden Elizabeth, RHN, RYT


The Power of Affirmations and Cancer Treatment


When I first learned that I had colon cancer, I said, ‘Why me?’ And then I heard the answer, loud and clear, ‘Why not you,’” Dr. Anne Marie Evers told writer Roxanne Davies as part of a true story on the power of empowerment and affirmations in battling disease.


Updated Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines: Clear as Mud? Since last year, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC) no longer recommends screening for prostate cancer with the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test for any man not previously diagnosed with prostate cancer. Dr. Bryn Hyndman explains why.


Also in this issue Supplement Safety Beyond the Headlines............. 13 Your Underappreciated Gallbladder............................ 14 HANS Member News.................................................................... 16 Food Allergies—Behind the Scenes............................. 20 The Elimination Diet........................................................................ 24 Homeopathy for Headaches................................................... 32 Therapeutic Mushrooms for Anti-aging Skin Care.............................................................. 34 Antioxidants and Cancer Care............................................ 35 Cancer: Know Your Enemy..................................................... 36 Inconclusive Diagnosis? Check Your Ayurvedic Stage of Disease...................................................... 40 The “New” Canadian Safety Code for Electromagnetic Radiation........................................................ 41 Health & Green Shorts................................................................. 42 Seeing Vision Improvements with Traditional Chinese Medicine................................................44

Look to Antioxidants for Eye Health.......................... 45 Chinese Medicine Perspectives on Gynecology—Part 2......................................................................... 46 This Could Save Your Life: Focus on Magnesium........................................................................ 48 Taking Male Reproductive Health to Heart........ 49

The Homeopathic ABC of Injury and Recovery............................................................................................. 53

Four Treatments for Sports Injuries............................ 54 I’ll Take the Red Pill, Please!.................................................... 56

Adrenal Support and Stress Management............. 58 The Art of Transformation One Day at a Time............................................................................. 61

Health Action Summer 2015 Published quarterly by: Health Action Network Society Director of Operations: Michael Volker Executive Director: Lorna Hancock Managing Editor: Michelle Hancock Assistant Editor/Proofreader: Julie Cheng Layout & Design: Annette Spreeuw Contributors: John Biggs, Karen Bowers, Milt Bowling, Alexis Costello, Brenda Gill, Roxanne Davies, Nicole Duelli, Brenda Eastwood, Eden Elizabeth, Harris Fisher, Elizabeth Innes, Bryn Hyndman, Ted Kuntz, Trish Lim O’Donnell, Adam McLeod, Duane O’Kane, Deane Parkes, Christina Peressini, Ingrid Pincott, Jennifer Reed, Zoltan P. Rona, Chun-Kai Wang, David Wang, Angela Wright, Christy Zettl, Kemila Zsange Submissions: Letters to the editor and requests for article references may be sent to HANS reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. Health Action Network Society 214-5589 Byrne Rd. Burnaby, B.C. V5J 3J1 T: (604) 435-0512 F: (604) 435-1561 | publication mail agreement #40050050 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 330-123 Main St., Toronto, ON M5W 1A1 Health Action magazine is a free publication to its membership. The opinions expressed within are those of the writer and not necessarily those of HANS. Those with health concerns should contact their health-care provider. We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia

Relaxation Response to the Rescue.............................. 62

Mandating Vaccines?.......................................................................... 64 NHP Regulations: All about “Safety”.......................... 66

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Revolutionizing Revolutionizing

Mind and Body and Body Health! Health!


ts Produc e p o h e Tru ducts pe Pro o h e u r T

Revolutionizing Mind & Body Health

In Defence of Choice I might have beliefs and values that are different than the next person, but I wouldn’t want someone else making important choices for me.

by Lorna Hancock


s I sit here thinking about the most important thing that HANS—Health Action Network Society—and our magazine Health Action could possibly represent it would be, simply, the freedom to choose. And my right to choose something that makes sense to me. I might have beliefs and values that are different than the next person, but I wouldn’t want someone else making important choices for me— choices such as whether or not to vaccinate my children, whether or not to try a new

therapy for a health condition, whether or not to buy organic products, or whether or not take this nutritional supplement over another. I make those choices for myself because I think I know myself better than someone else, perhaps. But this doesn’t mean that I can’t consider someone else’s point of view, and I hope many HANS supporters and Health Action readers feel the same. We have excellent articles in this edition of Health Action and if we have made you consider a different perspective, well then, we have achieved something. For starters, there’s Ted Kuntz’s thought-provoking article on the issue of mandatory vaccinations, and Dr. Adam McLeod’s thoughts on integrated cancer care—the latter for all of those who have

chosen conventional cancer treatment but who would like to know what is being used in addition to what your oncologist recommends. Also in this issue is a profile on the work that Pure North S’Energy Foundation is doing in B.C. and Alberta. Their clinics are focusing on nutrition (including increased dosages of vitamin D) and dental health. Thousands of Canadians can already attest to improved health due to this innovative research. Way to change the world, and good on you, Pure North! It’s all about choices, and those are yours, mine and Pure North patients’ to make. Recently, we mailed a survey to HANS members and asked many important questions about what their priorities might be. We needed to know

how to plan for Health Action magazine and for the activities of the organization. The response (including membership renewals and donations) to that survey was definitely encouraging, and to those of you who replied, we thank you for your thoughts. Some practical suggestions came forward—ideas to consider so that Health Action Network Society can continue to serve the natural health consumer and to represent freedom of choice in health care.

Let’s connect! HansHealthAction joinHANS

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Preventive Health Changing Lives— Pure North S’Energy Foundation Accessible supplement and testing program fights chronic disease by Alexis Costello


Dental care The dental program combines amalgam replacement with specific supplements so that the toxic metals can be removed as easily and safely as possible, with minimal tissue exposure to mercury. “We have our own dental lab. The term for these specialists is a biological dentist. They use high volume evacuation and rubber dams; they cover the face with a barrier to prevent exposure and provide antioxidant supplements to minimize toxicity.” Amalgam fillings are replaced with porcelain crowns and porcelain fillings, and a list of den-


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All photos by Tom Gath

e have the belief system that health starts in the mouth,” says Dr. Mark Atkinson, director at the Pure North S’Energy Foundation in Calgary. “Good diet and supplements are important but if there are toxins there, then they need to come out.” Pure North S’Energy Foundation has a refreshingly different approach to health. Since its inception in 2007, the program has been offered to more than 34,000 people in Western Canada with the purpose of preventing and treating chronic disease through nutritional supplementation. tists that can perform this work is available if you cannot come in to the Pure North Centre. While most of us have been aware for many years of the damaging effects that mercury fillings can have on health, many people are not aware of the repercussions of other dental procedures such as root canals. “We have found that 100 percent of teeth with root canals are infected and this bacteria affects the ability of the mitochondria to work properly,” says Atkinson. “The only solution is extraction; everything else is temporary.” Atkinson points out that if an individual is fit and healthy they may be able

to tolerate it and compensate, but that in people with major health concerns this could be a big problem.

Comprehensive testing In an effort to stay at the cutting edge of health technology, Pure North has recently acquired a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) machine in order to perform the most accurate possible dental scans. According to the Pure North website, “The CBCT is a 3D xray that has the ability to show hard tissue as well as some soft tissue. It allows the health practitioner to ‘go inside’ some-

“Good health is a gift that each of us needs to protect and enhance.” Allan Markin, founder of Pure North S’Energy Foundation

one and look at them from a three-dimensional perspective without having other anatomy obscure their view. The CBCT provides additional information that is not available using traditional x-rays.”

Full health assessments are also conducted including blood work and biometric evaluations. While some of the testing done is similar to what you might see in the average annual checkup, it goes far beyond the status quo. This includes testing for precursors to disease like inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin resistance and pre-diabetes. Patients are assessed for heart disease risk and thyroid problems, but also issues such as food sensitivities, which are often ignored by the allopathic medical system. Levels of vitamin D3, vitamin B12 and iron are tested for, and these nutrients are part of the Vitality Packs that make up part of the treatment program. Many participants will also have a urine test that assesses the presence of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic. “I founded the Pure North S’Energy Foundation because I believe passionately that everyone has the right to be healthy,” says Allan Markin, founder of the Pure North S’Energy Foundation. “I know that good health is a gift that each of us needs to protect and enhance. Science has proven that there are simple and cost-effective

ways to maintain and improve our health and to prevent the onset of chronic disease. From my early experiences growing up and throughout my adult life, I have believed that access to information and to treatments that will promote health and prevent disease should be available to everyone on a fair and equitable basis.”

Need for higher vitamin D Vitamin D supplementation is a key part of the program and is an area where we as consumers can help push change forward. The team at Pure North is petitioning to have the daily recommended allowance for vitamin D raised from 600 to 800 international units (IUs) daily to an astonishing 6,000 to 9,000 IUs, a jump that research seems to support though some are trying to refute it. Allan Markin credits supplementation of 12,000 IUs of vitamin D daily for his own good health, and reports are coming out that our current low recommended daily allowances (RDAs) are based on a mathematical error that needs to be remedied as soon as possible.

In Canada, supplements are not allowed to contain more than 1,000 IUs without a prescription whereas in the U.S. supplements are capped at 7,000 IUs. In a recent presentation in front of the Canadian government’s Health Committee, Markin contended that the RDA needs to be raised and that supplements with higher amounts need to be available to people without a prescription as they are in the U.S. He says the research shows that if Canadians optimized their intake of vitamin D3, 37,000 premature deaths would be prevented annually and the economic burden would be reduced by $20 billion per year. “As a result of that speech, the Government of Canada will be bringing together the world’s leading health experts to determine the right amounts for Canadians,” Atkinson says. One of the interesting things about the way Pure North is approaching this subject is the fact that they are dosing according to the person’s body mass index (BMI) as it has been shown that individuals who are overweight or obese need much higher levels of vitamin D to maintain good health. Pure North S’Energy Foun-

dation is a nonprofit organization. Supplements and testing are offered at cost to participants and Markin has provided funding for many financially vulnerable people to take part in the program free of charge. There are so many success stories about people turning their health around with this program; for example, almost half of the individuals with prediabetes have completely normal blood sugar levels at the end of their first year. Atkinson says that people feel better right away on the supplements, that within a week most will feel an increase in energy and that will help give them the motivation to make other changes. We can all hope that Health Canada takes Markin’s claims seriously and looks into helping to make preventative medicine more affordable for everyone, ultimately saving government money and improving our quality of life. Alexis Costello is an instructor and practitioner of natural health who enjoys freelance writing. She is president of the Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology and owner of Happily Holistic. Health Action |


What’s Happening to the NHP Lawsuit Against Health Canada? by John Biggs, BSc, NCP, OHP


ealth Canada’s Natural Health Product Regulations (NHPR) started in 2004. In the years following, Canadians have lost domestic retail access to thousands of safe, effective natural health products (NHPs). Even though the situation has stabilized, there is still apprehension about where this regulatory path is heading and further loss of health-care choices. Canadians concerned about the products we’ve lost—or the possibility that the NHPR will hand control of NHPs to the pharmaceutical industry— may wonder what happened to the lawsuit against Health Canada. It is still proceeding, but the wheels of justice turn slowly.

Stall tactics In September 2012, famed constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati filed a statement of claim on behalf of its plaintiffs against Health Canada’s regulation of NHPs. It lists numerous constitutional and human rights violations by the NHPR and argues that unless a health product has either caused harm or has been adulterated, Health Canada has no jurisdiction over it. (On this, the Food and Drugs Act is very clear.) Since there has never been a death attributed to an NHP in Canada, the associated risks


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are not sufficient to justify Health Canada’s intervention. Hence, the claim asserts that the NHPR go beyond Health Canada’s legal authority. Health Canada’s reaction to the filing was a motion to strike, requiring them to prove on all counts that the suit was frivolous and vexatious. Galati’s immediate counter was a motion to stay, that is, if there is validity in the plaintiff’s allegations, the enforcement of the NHPR should be suspended until the case has been ruled on. At every juncture, Health Canada stalled, going past its submission deadlines. The dates to hear just the pretrial motions were announced in December 2013, more than a year after the case was filed. Shortly thereafter, all three plaintiffs in the case were audited by Canada Revenue Agency. The motions were heard in January 2014 and, in June 2014, the judge ruled that the courts would hear the case but only on constitutional grounds. In other words, as long as the plaintiffs withdrew their claims for financial damage, the suit could proceed. Health Canada appealed this ruling, maintaining the case should be thrown out. Galati appealed, asserting since one of the plaintiffs was an individual, not a corporation, that he had every right to seek damages. So, now the motions will be

judged in the Federal Court of Appeal. The dates have not yet been determined, but keep in mind that the courts are still only deciding whether they will hear the case—almost three years after the statement of claim!

Why classify NHPs as drugs? The case would likely proceed faster if the government had something to gain. Yet, with an entire Health Canada directorate at risk, getting any ruling is not expected to be quick or easy. Moreover, many in the industry would not want the directorate disabled, as that would suspend government oversight of NHPs. But would that be such a bad thing? Let’s look at what Health Canada was supposed to do and what they actually did with these regulations. The whole process made a mockery of our so-called democratic system.

In 1997, what was at the time the largest public protest in history made it exceedingly clear that Canadians did not want NHPs legally categorized as drugs. The 53 parliamentary recommendations that followed mandated that NHPs should be regulated in a way that clearly distinguished them from drugs, that is, pharmaceuticals. Despite this, Health Canada classified NHPs as a subset of drugs anyway, albeit with their own regulations and directorate. Why was Health Canada so insistent on classifying NHPs as drugs? The answer is at least two-fold. Firstly, the drug category controls NHPs based on what they are used for, instead of what they are, which is largely very low-risk, food-based nutrients or extracts. When you sprinkle cinnamon on your porridge, it’s considered a food. But if you take that exact same cinnamon, put it into a capsule and take it to lower

The hype expressed over safety concerns is dramatically out of proportion to any actual harm that natural health products realistically do.

blood sugar, it has just become a drug and now requires a long list of warnings and contraindications. Yet it’s still the same cinnamon—the only thing that changed was what you used it for. The real issue isn’t the safety, it’s the potential sale. When it comes to ultra-safe herbs and nutrients, this is a form of government censorship. Secondly, the drug category blurs the distinction between drugs and NHPs in the public’s mind. This is why so many thousands of products

like Nicorette gum and Crest toothpaste, which few, if any, would consider “natural,” were awarded natural product numbers. This is why the “Natural” Health Products Directorate changed its name to the “Natural and Non-prescription” Health Products Directorate, and boasts over 80,000 products, now including disinfectants. As the number of new pharmaceutical drugs slows to a trickle and the green revolution kicks into high gear, this is all continued on page

organic , o e l e a p , GMO fre / • vegan y o s / / dairy • gluten ega-3, m o n i igh • very h bre fi high in sugar • low in

S Fueled by Nature for Sustained Balanced Energy



A New Beginning for Probiotics Organic Fermented Herbal Probiotic Drink


No Sugar

No Dairy

No Gluten

No Preservatives

Olie™ Naturals New Beginnings™ is an organic European probiotic drink that links old traditions, innovative technologies and global leaders in the art and science of probiotics. Produced in Denmark, where it was developed over 20 years ago and is now available in over 30 countries. Olie™ Naturals, a Canadian company, is dedicated to producing high quality products that we believe enhance the health of people, pets and our planet. Distributed by

o l i e n a t u r a l s . c a Health Action |


NHP L awsuit continued from page


leading to the future of drug creation, where use-patents for isolated constituents from botanicals form the basis for next-generation drugs. Bayer, for example, already possesses hundreds of these patents and,

along with other pharmaceutical companies, has been highly involved with every committee or board convened as the regulations evolved. When these new-generation drugs arrive, with the distinction between NHPs and drugs being so blurred it will all seem, well, natural. And if, in the U.S., the biotech and pharmaceutical lobby succeeds in pressuring the United States Patent and Trademark Office so that natural substances can be patented, an entire raft of such drugs will quickly appear.

Canada has the highest quality natural products industry in the world. And though there have been some good things to come out of the NHPR, like site licensing, mandatory good manufacturing practices and testing of ingredients, the magnitude of hype expressed over safety concerns is dramatically out of proportion to any actual harm NHPs realistically do. So when Health Canada tries to make you believe that NHPs and drugs are the same, the stats speak for themselves: Zero deaths in over 60 years from over 70,000 products,

(many of which you can’t get here any more—see sidebar), versus hundreds of deaths yearly for both Aspirin and Tylenol that you can buy at a gas station. Once again, the issue isn’t safety—it’s the sale. John Biggs, BSc, NCP, OHP, is a member of Citizens for Choice in Health Care and the owner of Optimum Health Vitamins in Edmonton, Alberta. He has closely followed the history, context, and development of NHP legislation in Canada since 1997. www. | www.

Lost Access to Natural Health Products


ens of thousands of natural health products are no longer available for domestic retail purchase in Canada since the 2004 implementation of Health Canada’s Natural Health Products Regulations. These regulations were supposed to protect Canadians’ access to NHPs but, as reflected in the examples below, they have had the opposite effect. For the full list of products lost from the Canadian market, see List of Products Lost at www.citizens

Reasons for loss of products A. Imported and U.S. lines/products are withdrawn from the Canadian market due to regulatory and financial burden. Examples include products sold in Canada for more than a decade from Allergy Research Products (more than 650 extremely high-quality natural products), Gaia Herbals (hundreds of herbal tinctures), Solaray, Kal and all other products produced by Nutraceutical Inc. (over 5,000 of some of the best products anywhere in North America), Source Naturals (2,300 products in two lines of nutraceuticals). B. Natural product number (NPN) application is denied due to lack of evidence or evidence not recognized by Health Canada. After decades of safe sales and usage, approximately 28,000 products submitted for licensing have failed to obtain an NPN through Health Canada not because they were unsafe or ineffective, but because they failed to meet one specification or another. Most were sold here for decades. Examples include products by Nature’s Way/Enzymatic Therapy, Nutra Research, Olbas, Salus Tonics, Sambu Cleanse and Vita Plex.


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C. Forced withdrawal of all products on market containing one or more disallowed ingredients. Examples include nattokinase; Health Canada forced its withdrawal despite no reported problems or adverse events since its emergence onto the market in the 1990s. This caused hundreds of products to withdraw from the market or reformulate to omit. Other examples: emu oil (now only available for topical use), serrapeptase, pleurisy root, shark liver oil extracts and choline alfoscerate. D. Forced product reformulation to achieve NPN requirements and remain on Canadian market (due to disallowed potencies and/or ingredients), including Tracelabs Alcabasem Sisu Magnesium Citrate with Malic Acid (a top-selling magnesium formula), Absorb Science Viagreat-SX and Nature’s Sunshine HTP Power. Plus multi-ingredient formulas such as multivitamins and minerals with added greens, enzymes and mushrooms as well as vitamin D in doses higher than 1,000 IU and folic acid in doses higher than 1 mg (these dose limitations are widely available in the U.S.). E. Products discontinued voluntarily by Canadian manufacturers/distributors due to regulatory process and financial burden. Thousands of products have been discontinued both before and during the regulations because their sales did not justify the cost of compliance or because acceptance was unlikely. Elimination of all slower selling products has decreased the variety of NHPs on the Canadian market. Repetitions of the same products now dominate. To see the extensive list in this category, see – Citizens for Choice in Health C are

Supplement Safety Beyond the Headlines by Ingrid Pincott, ND


patient recently brought to me an article in the Times Colonist regarding a New York state crackdown on misleading supplements. These types of articles keep me on my toes! As she handed me the article, I commented that is why we encourage people to see naturopathic physicians.

Meeting high standards It is our job to find the highest quality remedies for our patients. Not only are we concerned about the remedy containing therapeutic amounts of the active ingredients, we are concerned about contaminants such as heavy metals. Professional companies that we use provide third-party testing on all of their remedies. What is happening more and more is that companies such as Thorne, Metagenics and Douglas Labs are sending back raw materials because they do not pass the stringent testing required. Mediherb, in Australia, is one of my favourites. Their qualitycontrol standards are even higher than those in Canada so it is much easier to get nat-

ural product numbers (NPNs) on their products. My motto is: If you think St. John’s wort or echinacea is not working then try a professional brand first before you give up.

Inside medical errors I asked my patient if she knew about the in-depth article in the Financial Post on January 16, 2015: “Inside Canada’s secret world of medical error.” In this article, adverse events and deaths in hospitals are reported by province per year based on a 2004 landmark study focused on adult care by Baker and Norton called The Canadian Adverse Events Study. In the year 2000, adverse reactions (AEs) accounted for 7.5 percent of patients admitted to acute care hospitals in Canada. By

If naturopathic medicine had the rate of adverse reactions found in mainstream care, we’d be in jail. extrapolation this suggests that between 141,250 and 232,250 AE reactions occurred and, of these, 20 percent or between 9,250 and 23,750 AEs result in either permanent disability or death. The most common AEs are surgery-related events and the second most common are drug- or fluid-related events. If this was the rate of AEs with naturopathic medicine, we would all be in jail! Even with the limitations in quality control of natural products over

the counter in the marketplace, their cause of death or disabling adverse reactions is extremely rare. According to the U.S. National Poison Data System, there were zero deaths reported in 2010 linked to nutritional supplements. The moral of my story is that naturopathic medicine is an adjunct to other healthcare providers. If you want to have the flu shot every year even though the efficacy may only turn out to be as low as 20 percent (as is the case of the 2014–2015 flu vaccine) or as high as 60 percent (2013–2014 version), then consider also using other high-quality immuneenhancing remedies provided by naturopathic physicians. The goal of naturopathic medicine is to keep you out of hospitals as much as possible. If it is not possible, inform your doctor that you want to participate in patient-centred care and take an advocate with you. Originally published on February 18, 2015, in the Campbell River MidWeek. Ingrid Pincott, ND, has been practising naturopathic medicine since 1985 and is currently practising in Campbell River. | (250) 286-3655

Take care of yourself and your family or find an amazing new career Specialized Kinseiology classes with Alexis Costello

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Your Underappreciated Gallbladder by Angela Wright, BSc, CNP, RNCP


very year, 50,000 Canadians and 600,000 Americans leave the hospital with this organ removed. It’s one of the most common surgeries performed, especially in women. Were they told about the side-effects and deficiencies that can result from a missing gallbladder? Here’s why the gallbladder is not the disposable organ we are often lead to believe it is. The gallbladder is an important part of the digestive system. It is a small thin-walled green sac that hangs just off the liver. It is a storage sac for bile—a yellow-green watery solution that is produced by the liver. Bile is comprised of bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, phospholipids and electrolytes.

Importance of bile Bile has a key responsibility in the digestion of fats. Bile salts break down large fat globules coming from our food into tiny ones so that lipase, our pancreatic fatdigesting enzyme, can break them down further to become small enough for absorption through the small intestines into the bloodstream or lymphatic system. Bile also is required for absorption of other fat-soluble

Did you know?


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Right hepatic duct Cystic duct Neck of gallbladder

Left hepatic duct Common hepatic duct

Mucosa with folds Common bile duct


Pancreatic duct

molecules. Bile surrounds fat-loving nutrients like the fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K, and many of our phytonutrients like beta carotene, lutein and lycopene, in a globe called a micelle. This allows the water-repelling fatty molecules to get through the water-loving digestive tract walls into our body for use. Bile has a detoxifying role to play. When the body is attempting to remove the fat-soluble toxins that are processed through our liver, they are bound with the bile components and secreted into our digestive tract where they can be eliminated via feces. These toxins can include internally created wastes like excess cholesterol,

hormones and byproducts of our microflora, or externally produced toxins like pesticides, drugs, and chemicals added to our food, water and cleaning and personal care products. The bile salts are then reabsorbed and recycled back in the liver to be used again. These all sound like pretty important roles. So what happens if the gallbladder has been removed or is barely functioning? In theory the liver still makes bile, but its ability to concentrate it and release it at the correct times is highly suspect. What if the liver is overworked and under functioning? Can all these roles be filled properly? If you are not optimally absorbing fats and detoxifying

wastes, the following are some symptoms that can occur.

Deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins and phytonutrients Low vitamin A levels can lead to issues with immune function, reproduction and eye and skin health. Low vitamin E levels can contribute to a damaged cardiovascular system, cancer and diabetes from cellular free-radical damage. Low vitamin D levels can have an effect on every cell in our body, specifically with bone, immune and emotional health. Low vitamin K levels can have an effect on blood clotting and menstrual flow. Low phytonutrients can contribute to a lowered immune function, as they are natural antibacterial, antifungal and anti-pest agents with many health-protective roles.

Hormonal imbalances A lack of cholesterol (a fat molecule acquired from sun exposure or animal foods) can contribute to premenstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms and andropausal symptoms; anxiety, depression and adrenal fatigue and dysfunction; and any other sex or stress hormonal imbalances. Cholesterol is the

ponsibility in the digestion of fats. s e r y e k sa Bile ha

backbone molecule of vitamin D, estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, aldosterone and cortisol. An imbalance in hormones can also lead to infertility, low libido and miscarriages and play a role in hormone-related cancers.

More symptoms of suboptimal function Issues with essential cellular production and repair can lead to unhealthy cell membranes, low brain function, low energy and an inability to heal. Pain and excess inflammation as fats are required for protecting the myelin sheath of neurons and balancing antiand pro-inflammatory reactions in the body. Excess weight issues as, with low fat absorption, faminelike signals created in the body lead to body fat creation and retention and improper signals of fullness. Gastrointestinal issues like fatty and bulky stool, gas and indigestion and microflora imbalance are a result of undigested fats passing through the digestive system. A lack of fats in the diet or digestive dysfunction can also contribute to these symptoms, but if you are lacking a gallbladder or have had problems in the past, take these as signals your body needs some fatabsorption attention. Some of these symptoms may show up after months and others not for decades. No matter where you are on the spectrum of health of your gallbladder, it’s prudent to support its functions. Gallstones, one of the major reasons the gallbladder is removed, take an average of eight years

No matter where you are on the spectrum of health of your gallbladder, it’s prudent to look after it and support its functions.

to form. Don’t wait until they form in order to mitigate their symptoms.

Gallbladder support Here are some practical options for supporting good gallbladder health and proper fat absorption. Drink plenty of filtered or spring water, including warm water with fresh lemon juice first thing in the morning. Eliminate digestive system damagers and then heal the gut. This is important for absorption of all nutrients, resorption of bile and elimination of toxins. Look first at your stress load, the biggest challenge to gut health. Do an elimination diet to determine your food allergies. With persons with gallstones, the most prevalent allergies are egg, pork, onion, fowl, milk, coffee, citrus, corn, beans and nuts. Eat healthy, whole-food sources of fats to help absorb those fat-soluble vitamins and phytonutrients also found within the food. Avoid damaged, altered and processed fats. Increase fibre intake by increasing the ratio of plant to animal foods in your diet. Fibre promotes bile production, binds to toxins and feeds our beneficial gut bacteria. Include foods high in

choline (eggs, liver, cauliflower, oranges, soy, sunflower seeds), methionine (meat, eggs, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts), betaine (beets, whole grains, spinach), folic acid (brewer’s yeast, dried peas, asparagus, walnuts) and vitamin B12 (liver, sardines, salmon, eggs). These all help move fats through the liver. Eat other liver- and gallbladder-friendly foods like artichoke, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onions, avocado, dark leafy greens, and herbs

and spices like turmeric and cilantro. If the gallbladder has been removed, consult with your holistic health care practitioner about adding an Ox Bile supplement to each meal. The body is a fantastic organism, where all systems and pieces work in harmony. There are no extra parts, so make now the time to look after all of them, including the highly underappreciated gallbladder. Angela Wright, BSc, CNP, RNCP, is the lead nutritionist at InspireHealth, a not-for-profit integrative cancer care centre with locations in Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna. InspireHealth services are now offered with no fee to anyone across Canada who has ever had a cancer diagnosis, along with their support persons!

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HANS Member News Second Annual Natural Wellness Career and Job Fair—A Success On May 30, 2015 Health Action hosted its second annual natural wellness career and job fair in Vancouver. It was a day of enthusiasm for all careers related to natural health and wellness including

chiropractic, massage, naturopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and much more. Approximately 300 attendees at the event, which was held at UBC Robson Square, milled around

This Year’s Exhibitors n Canadian Reiki Association n Langara College n Registered Massage Therapists Association of B.C. n Clearmind International n BC Therapeutic Touch Society n Pacific Rim College n Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine n Reflexology Association of B.C. n Happily Holistic Clinic n Common Ground n Whole Foods n Bowen College

n Boucher

more than a dozen exhibits. Thank you to our title sponsor, Pacific Rim College of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, our exhibitors and to everyone who came out.

Institute of Naturopathic Medicine n Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College n Acubalance/Medigogy/ProD Seminars n Beauty & Wellness TV n Edibles Demos n EcoIdeas n Dominion Herbal College n Lululemon n n Live Well Yoga n UBC Life + Career Programs

Heaven on Earth Owner Commits to Not Selling Genetically Modified Apples Auren Ruvinsky

Jim Lowes, HANS member and Heaven on Earth owner, commits to not selling genetically modified apples in his store in Qualicum Beach, B.C. The “Arctic” apple,


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which is genetically modified not to brown for 15 to 18 days after being cut, was approved in Canada last March. See page 40 for a media release. continued on page



and receive a free subscription to Health Action Magazine

Our Strength iS in numberS The Health Action Network Society (HANS) is a non-profit society incorporated under the British Columbia Company Act on July 25, 1984 and the publisher of this magazine. The Society believes in the human body’s own healing power, a power derived from man’s dynamic integration with the natural order. This natural healing power (or vis medicatrix naturae, as Hippocrates described it) is mediated through the body’s immune response system in ways which modern science is only beginning to understand. These innate curative mechanisms, if not interrupted by physical or psychological stressors, are

capable of maintaining a high level of personal and social well-being. As Paracelsus has said, “Nature cures; the doctor nurses.” As the society’s name implies, it has been created to “network” – to put people (individuals, public and private organizations) in touch with one another in the constant effort to maintain and enhance health. But it also seeks to stimulate this journey towards individual and collective well-being by encouraging and supporting research into factors related to “health” and the self-care and preventative health care strategies conducive to high-level wellness.

Please join us by calling toll-free 1-855-787-1891 or online at

HANS Member News continued from page


8th Annual Cancer Prevention & Healing Event: A Sellout “The worst thing you can eat is fear.” So said Dr. Adam McLeod of Yaletown Naturopathic Clinic at HANS’s eighth annual presentation on cancer prevention and treatment. A full house of approximately 150 attendees and exhibitors gathered at the Alan Emmott Centre in Burnaby, B.C., for the June 6th event. Known for his international best-selling Dreamhealer series of books and audios, Dr. McLeod gave an informative two-hour presentation, interweaving knowledge about cellular biology, practical food

and lifestyle elements, and the power of belief and guided intention when it comes to preventing and healing disease. InspireHealth Membership Now Free InspireHealth has announced that, for the first time in its 18year history, the organization will remove its membership fees for its personalized healthy lifestyle program designed for cancer patients. InspireHealth’s approach focuses on nutrition, exercise, stress management and counselling. Who can join? Starting on April 1, 2015, Canadian residents who have a recent or past cancer diagnosis and their sup-

Your Letters Re: Spring 2015 Health Action Focus on Fermentation I’ve been incorporating sauerkraut into my almost daily diet for several years, and very regularly before that. Being of Ukrainian background, I was introduced to sauerkraut at home as a young child, and absolutely love it! We didn’t usually eat it raw then, which I’ve done for a long time now, but I sometimes prepare it with onions and saute it a bit as my mother did. I look forward with great anticipation to reading your articles! – Josephine C., Toronto, ON

Fighting Back over Fluoride I picked up your magazine for the first time (Spring 2015 issue) and I’d like to respond to the letter “Tired of the Fight over Fluoride.” I must admit that this letter angered me. The issue of fluoride in our tap/drinking is an extremely important problem to address. Fluoride is so toxic that it cannot be put into the soil, so it is by design being dumped into our bodies. It damages our


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port people can join any one of the three locations of InspireHealth (Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna) or join their virtual centre, InspireLife Canada. A provincial health number (MSP) number is required to join. Why? InspireHealth donors have made it possible to remove membership fees after a successful trial of waiving the fee at its site in Victoria based on funding from the Victoria Foundation. Call 1-888-734-7125 or send an email to info@inspire InspireHealth has regular weekly education sessions available to any person curious to learn more.

Recognition for 35 Years of Service Peter Behr, BA, registered massage therapist, has a new feather in his cap. He has been both president of the Massage Therapists Association of B.C. and of the College of Massage Therapists of B.C. He received a pin for 35 years in practice at the spring 2015 Massage Therapy Association annual general meeting. “I still love serving people and feel blessed that I am able to continue practising,” he says. HANS Members, do you have news to share? Tell us what’s new with you. Email

Tell Us What You Think Send your comments and questions to, or HANS, 214-5589 Byrne Road Burnaby, B.C. V5J 3J1. nervous systems, especially in babies and young children, causes aggression and dumbing down of the masses, and along with other chemicals it causes acidity in our soil. Nothing much can grow properly in acidic soil. There is a great book called The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson that every person should read before speaking out on the subject. The evidence is out there in plain view. I believe that everybody around the world is entitled to a clean, healthy and safe tap water, and the fact that so many deadly chemicals are in our tap water is highly disturbing. – Sarah A. Calgary, AB

Kudos to Campaigning Hello HANS. Please keep up your great work! And especially keep up the feet-to-the-fire campaign on “No to GMOs.” – Scott C, Burnaby, BC





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Food Allergies—Behind the Scenes Relief starts in the gut by Jennifer Reed, RHN

run the show, which can lead to a multitude of symptoms, especially those of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). They release toxic byproducts and hoard our nutrients. For example, a strain of iron-loving microbes will consume the iron we digest, which can lead to iron anemia. A third type of microbe exists that we’re in contact with through food and drink, many of which are pathogenic. With an optimal digestive system and healthy microbe balance, our stomach acid, the immune system and good bacteria will neutralize and break down the pathogenic microbes before they cause problems.


hat symptoms or conditions come to mind when you hear “allergy?” Itchy eyes, runny nose, sinus congestion, asthma, hay fever, skin rashes or anaphylaxis? Would it surprise you to learn that arthritis, headaches, depression, digestive distress, malnutrition, gallbladder disease and hundreds more can be added to that list? Allergy is not the causal factor of every disease, but it can play a role in almost all disease development and can be behind any symptom in the body.

The meaning of allergy A true allergy is determined by the presence of a specific antibody produced by the immune system for a specific substance like food, pollen or dander. Intolerance and sensitivity are terms used to identify adverse reactions to a substance that does not necessarily involve the immune system. Intolerance is also more difficult to detect as the reaction can be delayed several days, making it hard to link it to a specific substance. For the purpose of this article, “allergy” refers to adverse reactions to food and drink. Where does it all begin? As a holistic nutritionist, I always start at the beginning—digestion. If food is broken down into its smallest form in the digestive tract (fats into fatty acids, proteins into amino acids and carbohydrates into


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glucose) and absorbed through the gut lining into the blood or lymphatic system, the body should recognize it and no reaction should take place; therefore, no allergy. However, two imbalances are often present in the body when one is faced with food allergies: dysbiosis and leaky gut.

The good and the bad guys The small and large intestines are home to hundreds of microbes called symbionts, also known as good or beneficial bacteria. Symbionts share a harmonious relationship of give and take, depending on one another for survival. To name a few benefits, good bacteria:

roduce vitamin K and sevP eral B vitamins. n Produce lactic acid, which is needed to stimulate peristalsis. n Keep pathogens at bay by competing for space and nourishment. n Produce antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral-like substances to kill and neutralize pathogens. n Break down and neutralize toxins. We also host hundreds of strains of opportunistic microbes. In a healthy gut, the good guys keep their numbers under control and they participate in helpful functions such as digesting our food and breaking down bile acids. But, given the chance, these opportunists will try to n

Sources of microbial imbalance Dysbiosis is a term used for an imbalance of microbes in our digestive tract. This means the highly organized colonies of beneficial bacteria have been compromised and are being dominated by the opportunists. What can cause dysbiosis? Caffeine, alcohol, drugs, junk food, x-rays, pollutants, toxins and tobacco can inhibit the growth of our beneficial bacteria. Stress of any form, such as that from stimulants, lifestyle and over-exercising, will shut down our digestive system, leaving food for the microbes to feast on, promoting overgrowth. Starvation will deprive microbes of nutrients, decreas-

ing their numbers and inhibiting new growth. Antibiotics and chlorinated water can wipe out all microbes, allowing opportunists to dominate as the gut is repopulated. Poor eating habits, such as inadequate chewing, overeating, a low-fibre diet, poor water consumption, drinking too many liquids with food, eating too quickly and eating too close to bedtime, leaves undigested food in the intestines for microbes to feast on. This promotes microbial overgrowth, causing more acidity and less oxygen and nutrients for the good guys. The opportunists are more adaptable and will thrive in altered conditions while the good guys will decrease in numbers and become overpowered. What can happen next? Inflammation and unfavour-

able conditions caused by dysbiosis greatly affect our gut lining. Beneficial bacteria along with our immune system guard the mucous lining of our intestinal wall, protecting us from foreign invaders. When this front-line defence is compromised, so is the integrity of our gut wall. In particular, Candida albicans, a type of yeast that we all have in our body, is an opportunist waiting for the right conditions to proliferate. They are resistant to antibiotics, explaining why yeast infections and thrush remain common symptoms with antibiotic use. What is interesting about this particular yeast is its ability to take on a fungal form. It roots down into the intestinal lining and can enter the bloodstream, becoming a systemic fungal overgrowth called candidiasis.

Common symptoms are fatigue, brain fog, chronic yeast infections, fungal infections, and sugar and refined starch cravings.

Leaky gut connection A permeable gut lining, or leaky gut, can open up our entire body to whatever is residing in or passing through our digestive tract. Candida has the ability to cause leaky gut when it roots down into our intestinal lining. Food allergies occur when undigested food particles pass through our intestinal wall directly into our bloodstream or lymphatic system. For example, in a properly functioning digestive system, protein chains are broken down into amino acids small enough to pass through the tight junctions

between the cells of our intestinal wall. Our immune system recognizes these amino acids and, therefore, no reaction takes place. When our gut lining is compromised, the tight junctions between cells become larger or inflamed, allowing protein chains to pass through before they’ve been broken down into amino acids. Our immune system doesn’t recognize these proteins and reacts as though they are a threat. Leaky gut not only allows undigested food into our bloodstream, but it also allows those opportunistic bacteria and the everyday ingested pathogenic bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. This can lead to chronic inflammation and an overworked immune system, resulting in the development continued on page

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undigested food and pathogens to enter our bloodstream and lymphatic system, signaling an inflammatory response from our immune system. If left untreated, the toxicity and chronic inflammation can progress into virtually any disease. Food Allergies continued from page


of disease, deterioration of body tissues, and autoimmune conditions where immune cells no longer recognize their own tissue as self. To recap, food allergies are most often a result of dysbiosis due to poor dietary habits, poor digestion, stress, use of stimulants and antibiotics and toxic exposure that have progressed into a condition known as leaky gut. The leaky gut then allows

Take responsibility The first step toward any level of healing is to take responsibility for your health. Microbes are not the root cause of disease; they are only trying to survive. Neither are genes the root cause. Yes, genetics may play a part but the research field of epigenetics has discovered that gene expression can change in the matter of a few weeks just by changing our dietary habits! Our current state of health is an accumulation of how we process

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our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experiences, both positive and negative. About the mental block for food allergies, Lise Bourbeau, in her book Your Body Is Telling You: Love Yourself!, says, “We often become allergic to foods we enjoy, for example, dairy products. We love ice cream but can’t eat it because we are allergic to dairy. If you are allergic to a certain food, is it possible that you have difficulty allowing yourself to savour the pleasure that comes from the good things in life?”

Steps to regain gut health There are many conflicting regimens out there to relieve the body of allergies by reinstating a healthy balance of gut bacteria and healing the gut lining. Just as our symptoms are unique to each of us, so are the steps to reverse them. However, all regimens have these steps in common: n Eliminate refined and processed foods from your diet, especially those with refined sugar. n Avoid coffee, caffeine, carbonated beverages and alcohol. n Eat whole foods. Our body best recognizes and utilizes the nutrients from whole foods. n For the time being, eliminate the foods causing irritation and reaction. Once gut bacteria is balanced, the intestinal lining is healed and digestion is optimal, these foods can be slowly introduced and shouldn’t cause irritation when consumed moderately. (See page 24 for suggestions for your elimination diet.) n Increase pure water intake.

n Increase

fibre intake with a variety of colourful fruit and vegetables. Certain fibres, such as psyllium, flax seed and bran, can cause more harm than good by feeding the opportunists and causing irritation to the intestinal wall (if already inflamed). Psyllium husk can dehydrate the colon, causing constipation if sufficient water isn’t consumed. It is important to gauge your own body and identify which sources of fibre are best for you. n Take probiotics to reinstate the good guys. This can be in supplement form or lactofermented foods such as homemade sauerkraut. A small portion with each meal of the day is plenty. n Take digestive enzymes in supplement form to aid digestion and make up for the lack of enzymes your body may be producing due to digestive exhaustion. n Reduce stress by learning how to relate to what would normally cause you stress in a more positive way. We weren’t meant to be in fight-or-flight mode, day in and day out. n Talk to a professional—a naturopath, herbalist or nutritionist—to determine a plan best suited for you. A parasite or candida cleanse might be necessary along with herbs and additional supplements to heal the gut lining. Jennifer Reed, RHN, is a registered holistic nutritionist and owner of Spiral Health Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching in Quesnel, B.C. This article was originally published in her health and wellness newsletter, Nature’s Medicine Cabinet, and was reprinted with permission. www. | (250) 255-2449


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t e i D n o i t a n i m i l eE


istina Peressini Chr byby Christina Peressini

The Foods to Avoid Undiagnosed food sensitivities and intolerances are an underlying component of many common health issues. The very thing that is supposed to nourish and energize is often the thing that makes us sick and tired. For this reason, a comprehensive elimination diet can be extremely beneficial to improving one’s health. This challenging but worthwhile protocol can result in increased energy and focus, fewer joint aches and body pains, clearer skin and less digestive issues. Are you ready to put your food to the test?

The basic premise of an elimination diet is to temporarily restrict foods that commonly cause sensitivities. After that time, foods are then ‘challenged’ by gradually reintroducing them to the diet one at a time. If foods listed below are not typically in your diet, there is no need to start eating them in the challenge portion of the protocol. If eliminating all of these foods proves to be too challenging, you could choose instead to eliminate those you suspect are causing problems, specifically foods you tend to eat frequently.

Fruit & Fruit Juices Bananas, melons, strawberries, all citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, limes), all dried fruits unless it is free of sulfites Vegetables Nightshades – tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant Commercially frozen and canned vegetables Corn and corn oil

Dairy & Eggs Eggs and milk from all animals Soy & Soy Products Tofu, soy milk, soy sauce, tamari, miso and all other products containing soy

Christina Peressini is a graphic designer, writer and nutritionist. She is passionate about educating and informing people about natural health in a way that’s meaningful and memorable. 604-730-1123


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Oils All oils except cold-pressed virgin olive or flax oil Glutenous Grains Wheat (including spelt, kamut, khorasan, einkorn, farro/emmer), barley, rye, triticale (a wheat/rye hybrid), oats* *Oats are not inherently glutenous but can cause reactions in those with gluten intolerance so should be avoided.

Nuts & Seeds Peanuts, cashews, pistachios and their butters Roasted and salted nuts and seeds

Meat & Seafood Beef, pork, veal Processed, packaged and cured products – deli meats, bacon, sausages, hot dogs and canned meats Shellfish – clams, mussels, oysters, shrimp, squid, octopus, crab, lobster, scallops

Liquids Alcohol, coffee, soda, energy drinks, all teas except citrus-free herbal teas Sweeteners All sweeteners (white and brown sugars, honey, maple syrup, molasses, agave, high fructose corn syrup, etc) except stevia As well as… Chocolate Commercially bought bottled condiments such as salad dressing, ketchup, relish, chutney, vinegar (except apple cider vinegar), mayonnaise, sauces Artificial colours, preservatives, additives Any food you eat more than three times a week

Preparing for an Elimination Diet

Take stock of ingredients you have. Buy what you need. Choose organic ingredients if possible. Plan to eat generous quantities of fresh whole foods – fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes and grains not listed on the previous page. If you eat meat, choose organic poultry, wild game and wild cold-water fish. Plan simple meals and prepare enough for multiple meals. Eat meals regularly and have food on you when leaving the house. Depending on your suspected sensitivities, you may choose to allow a little honey or maple syrup. This is at your discretion. It will be challenging, if not impossible, to eat out in restaurants while still adhering to the diet. Eat only meals you prepare yourself or can build yourself, such as at a salad bar. Research suitable substitutions that will satisfy your usual cravings.

Food Prep Washing, chopping, and portioning ingredients in advance will save time in the kitchen. Less meal prep time means a greater likelihood you will enjoy your time in the kitchen because meals can be prepared with minimal fuss. This kind of prep is a bonus especially at the end of a busy or tiresome day when you might be tempted to bail on the plan altogether and eat out instead. Out of Sight, Out of Mind While you are stocking your kitchen with the foods you will be eating during the elimination diet, be sure to remove the foods you should be avoiding too. Give them to a friend, store them off-site or start the protocol when your cupboards and fridge are empty. Hydration Plan to drink ample hydrating beverages such as water and herbal tea. The general rule of thumb is to take your weight in pounds and half it. That is the number of ounces of hydrating drinks you should aim to consume each day. Keep a Food Journal Each day, make detailed notes of foods eaten and when they were eaten, sensations in the body and the characteristics and timing of bowel movements.

The Elimination Eliminate the foods on the previous page from your diet for two to three weeks (or until you start to feel improvement in your health). It is essential that you do not ‘cheat’ on this diet. The point of the elimination is to allow your body to take a break from foods that may be aggravating it. Within the first few days you may experience a “healing crisis” which can manifest as symptoms such as disturbed sleep, headaches, changes in bowel movements and joint or muscle aches. This is not uncommon and it typically subsides.

The Challenge After that two or three week elimination period, add in just one of the foods from the list on the previous page. Eat two generous amounts of the food each day for two or three days. In your journal, note which food you added back in and how you felt on those days. Be specific about any sensations you felt and their timing. If a reintroduced food disagrees with you, omit it entirely from your diet from this point on. Once the signs or symptoms have subsided completely, reintroduce another food for two or three days.

Cut out and keep nearby as a handy reference

Meal Planning Since you’ll likely be omitting some favourite foods during this protocol, it is critical that you have a plan – a meal plan. Decide what you will eat for each of your three main meals and snacks. Plan meals a week in advance.

If a reintroduced food agrees with you and does not cause any adverse reactions, keep it in your diet and challenge another food. Continue until you have challenged all of the foods that you wish to test.

The icons used in this document were sourced at are licensed as Creative Commons – Attribution CC BY 3.0 US. Modifications made to original artwork include: leaf removed from orange, cow markings removed from carton of milk, milk and cheese icons combined, pencil and journal icons combined.

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Sensational Summer Berries by Eden Elizabeth, RHN, RYT


erries may be little but they pack a huge nutritional punch. These lowglycemic gems are full of phytonutrients, making them a perfect treat for diabetics. Studies show that berries can help prevent and be beneficial for a myriad of serious health conditions including cancer and heart disease. According to research in the journal Neurology, people who eat at least two servings of berries a week have a 25 percent less chance of developing Parkinson’s disease. The high content of a phytonutrient called polyphenols found in berries has shown to also clean up the buildup of toxins that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Anthocyanins are what give berries their vibrant colour. They help to reduce inflammation in the body, making them a great go-to snack for those suffering from chronic inflammatory conditions such as


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Studies show that berries can help prevent and be beneficial for a myriad of serious health conditions including cancer and heart disease.

arthritis. Quercetin is also a phytonutrient found in berries that works synergistically with anthocyanins to help slow age-related memory loss. Use berries to add flavour and colour to your meals while improving your health. One to two cups per day of berries is enough to see noticeable health improvements.

It’s important to pick or purchase organic berries. A recent study has shown that organic blueberries contain more phytonutrients than conventionally grown berries. Conventional berries are often loaded with pesticides, so choose local and organic as often as you can. During the months when berries are in season, it’s a great idea to buy extra and freeze them for the winter months. Berries will last up to 10 months in the freezer without losing much nutritional content. To store berries, gently wash them in cool water, pat dry and freeze in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Once frozen, transfer to a freezer bag or tupperware container. Eden Elizabeth, RHN, RYT, is a registered holistic nutritionist, culinary artist and cancer thriver. She co-founded Feed Life, a Vancouver plantbased lifestyle company educating people on how to increase energy and heal their bodies through food. Courses are offered online and in person. | (604) 790-9358

Coconut Cream Pie with Blueberry Mint Compote

Colin Medhurst

This pie will delight even extreme skeptics of vegan desserts. It’s light and creamy and the blueberry mint compote provides a tangy pop of flavour, making every bite delicious. I use the compote on breakfast parfaits, as a dip for a fruit plate, on fresh baked scones—the possibilities are endless for this nutrientdense topping. Blueberry Mint Compote 2 cups blueberries 1 tbsp fresh mint, minced 1 tbsp coconut nectar 1 tsp lime zest

Method: Place all the ingredients into a high-speed blender and process until smooth. Refrigerate in a glass container for up to 4 days.

Coconut Cream Pie Crust: 1 cup shredded coconut 1 cup pitted dates 2 tbsp coconut oil 1 tbsp lime zest 1 tsp vanilla powder 1 tsp Himalayan salt

Method: Place all crust ingredients in a food processor and process until it begins to form into a ball. Remove and press into a pie plate or springform pan. Place in the freezer while making the filling, approximately 15 minutes.

Filling: 2/3 cup 2/3 cup 1/4 cup 2 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tsp 1/2 tsp

raw cashews, soaked for at least 4 hours coconut meat maple syrup coconut butter lime juice (or more if you like it a bit tangy) vanilla powder Himalayan salt

Place all the filling ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Pour onto pie crust and smooth the top with a spatula. Place in the fridge for at least 1 hour before serving. Will keep in the fridge for 5 days. To serve, cut a slice of the pie and pour berry compote over top. Add sprigs of mint for extra flavour.

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Quick Blackberry Apple Chia Jam

Colin Medhurst

So simple and quick to make, it’ll make you wonder why you ever made jam any other way. Freeze your berries to preserve the nutrients and thaw them out when you need some jam. Full of good anti-inflammatory fats, fibre and protein, it’s a great way to add nourishment to your breakfast or dessert.

Ingredients: 1 cup 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbsp

blackberries apple sauce lemon juice coconut nectar ground chia seeds coconut water

Method: In a small bowl whisk together lemon juice, chia seeds and coconut water. Let stand for 15 minutes. Place remaining ingredients in a high-powered blender and purée. Pour blackberry mixture into bowl with chia mixture and gently mix together. Add in more coconut nectar to sweeten to your desired sweetness. This jam will keep for 1 week in the fridge.


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Salted Maple Granola and Berry Parfait

Colin Medhurst

This parfait will have you leaping out of bed in the morning. It’s sweet, crunchy, creamy and slightly salty, giving it a perfect balance of flavours and textures. You may want to double the granola recipe as it goes fast! I prefer to use raspberries but any berry will taste delicious in this recipe. Makes 8–10 servings. Method: Mix together all granola ingredients and evenly spread out on a cookie sheet. Bake in the oven at 300 C for 30 minutes. Let cool. Break up into small pieces and refrigerate in a glass jar for up to 2 weeks.

Granola 1 cup 1 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 tsp 1/2 tsp

crushed almonds pistachios pumpkin seeds sesame seeds buckwheat grouts chia seeds coconut oil maple syrup cinnamon sea salt

Parfait 1/2 cup 1/2 cup

fresh berries per parfait (raspberries complement the granola nicely) coconut yogurt per parfait (unsweetened)

Method: To assemble the parfait, layer the yogurt, berries and granola in a glass jar or bowl. Enjoy for breakfast, dessert or as a snack.

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Homeopathy for Headaches Simple tips to manage pain during times of stress by Nicole Duelli


eadaches tend to appear when you least need it—usually when there’s too little time and far too much to do. But from a natural standpoint, a headache could well be telling your body to slow down and pay attention. So listen—slow down— and if you need the help, follow the instructions below.


Headache remedies Homeopathic medicine is impressive in acute situations like headaches and it’s not expensive to give it a try—a vial typically costs less than $10 and lasts for many treatments. The natural medicines typically help alleviate pain and shorten the duration of the headache, but it won’t work exactly like a painkiller—rather it helps your body cope, so that you feel better sooner. Even Dr. Oz and Oprah are on to homeopathic remedies.

Five simple remedies In homeopathy, the closer the symptoms match the medicine, the better it will work, so always make your selection according to the characteristics you experience. Since homeopathic remedies are without side-effects and the results are quickly noticeable when the symptoms fit, you can experiment safely with any of the remedies below, but be sure to


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stop taking the remedy as soon as you feel better. In the natural world, less is always better than more. Belladonna has been recommended as “a wonderful acute remedy for a headache following either exposure to heat or cold” by Dr. Blackie, who was the Queen of England’s medical doctor back in 1968. This means that if your headache develops after going outside on a cold day with wet hair—or if you’ve been out in the sun too long—Belladonna is likely your remedy. You’ll find it useful for those pulsing, congested headaches that come on fairly quickly and are made worse by bending over or moving around and better with hard pressure, applying cold, sitting up or lying very still. Choose Belladonna if your headache is intense and throbbing, and feels full and congested. Bryonia is another great acute headache remedy when it feels like the head will burst

The closer the symptoms match the homeopathic medicine, the better it will work.

from movement. Choose Bryonia when the least motion aggravates the pain, even just moving the eyes. Similar to Belladonna, Bryonia works when pressure and cold applications feel good, but unlike Belladonna, typically the pain comes on slowly and builds over time to a dull, heavy or sharp ache. Another difference is that Belladonna often works better for right-sided—Bryonia for left-sided—pain. The person needing this medicine may feel irritable or just want to be left alone, and may be stuffed up with a cold. Choose Bryo-

nia if the main symptom is worse with any movement. Colubrina—also known as Nux vomica—is excellent in times of stress, when overwork, lack of sleep or too much alcohol have caused a headache— and the person may find themselves exceedingly irritable and sensitive to everything: noise, light—and conversation. The pain may begin in the morning on waking. It is the main remedy for a hangover, but it’s even good when too little sleep, too much work or overindulging in food is the cause. Choose Nux vomica if the headache is clearly from overwork and is irritating, but not severe. Cocculus is another remedy for stress headaches due to loss of sleep, but in this case excess worry and lack of sleep cause a nervous type of headache, with weakness, even dizziness. If you’ve been caring for a sick family member and your nerves are strained, Cocculus will relieve. Gelsemium is a good choice when exhaustion is the overwhelming characteristic associated with your headache. The pain typically feels tight, begins at the back of the head and may continue around to the forehead. Gelsemium is useful for a headache that builds slowly—when weakness and exhaustion stand in the forefront. As with the other headache remedies, motion aggravates, but sleep helps. If none of the above fit your symptoms, other remedies for

headaches are Natrum muriaticum, Lachesis and Pulsatilla— but these are just a few, so I recommend you consult a homeopath to find the most suitable fit.

Self-help dosages Take the remedy in a 30c potency, 3–5 pills on the tongue, every 1–2 hours depending on the severity for 3–4 times altogether. As the pain improves, stop the remedy and only continue if the pain returns; if there is no change after 4 doses or so, switch to a more suitable remedy. A word of caution: If headaches are unusually severe, accompany a fever and stiff neck or persist for days despite selftreatment, have a medical professional check out more serious causes—just in case.

Help for recurring headaches For recurring headaches, you need to seek the care of a homeopath since constitutional care is complex. Studies show that homeopathic remedies as constitutional treatment reduce the frequency, length and severity of recurring headaches naturally and without side-effects. Besides choosing remedies more accurately for when you’re sick, homeopaths can help you achieve long-term health goals, keeping you healthier longer— and pain free. Nicole Duelli is a classical homeopath with a background in naturopathic medicine (Germany), practising for 20 years. She enjoys teaching workshops, blogging and passionately sharing knowledge on all subjects homeopathic. www.

Three simple home tips with or without the remedy Drink water: Drink one or more glasses of water. Many times, water alone will help relieve the headache, so why not try it? If you’re not used to gulping down a tall glass of water, try heating it up—drinking hot water works better for some people. Water therapy: Foot baths can relieve congestion and heat in the head by bringing energy down to the feet. Simply soak your feet in comfortably hot water for five minutes, then, after a deep breath, place one leg in cold water for 20–30 seconds, then switch to the other. Repeat by soaking again in warm water for five minutes and ending with a 20-second cold rinse. Dry the feet well and put on warm socks. For headaches due to tense shoulders and neck, apply a hot compress to the neck area for a few minutes, covering with a towel to keep the area warm. Sleep: If you can, just lie down and rest. At the very least, plan for an extra hour or two of sleep tonight so you can fully recover. Pain is exhausting!

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Therapeutic Mushrooms for Anti-aging Skin Care by Karen Bowers


ushrooms are an important food source and medicine. In fact, 4,600 years ago in ancient Egypt, pharaohs thought them to be so special that they decreed them for royal use only. Neither a fruit nor vegetable, mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of certain fungi, and they’re related to molds, mildews, rusts and yeast. There are approximately 10,000 mushroom species, 200 of which have been identified as having therapeutic properties. A popular food and dietary

supplement, mushrooms are also being formulated in skin care products and treatments; they’re believed to have skinsaving benefits that range from curing hyperpigmentation, rosacea and acne and prolonging the life expectancy of skin cells.

Regenerating stem cells Mushrooms, like mammals, have stem cells. One major difference occurring in a mushroom stem cell is that it is totipotent, meaning that it is able to generate and develop an entire new mushroom from just one

Experience Homeopathy as a distinct and unique system of medicine. For acute or chronic conditions visit our website to find a qualified practitioner near you. 34

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cell. Human stem cells reproduce injured or dying stem cells; however, they can only reproduce stem cells for a prolonged period of time. Therefore, we must protect and maintain the health of the mother stem cell to ensure their potential to reproduce healthy cells throughout our entire body. Totipotent mushroom cells are being formulated to regenerate skin stem cells in the dermal layers. Research has shown that several totipotent mushroom cells are able to surround older dying skin cells and enable them to evolve into healthy stem cells again. Chaga mushroom is scientifically proven to inhibit tumour growth and regenerate bone stem cells and is considered to protect the longevity of skin stem cells. Chaga contains high levels of melanin pigment, which improves our skin’s immunity, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), an enzyme that halts damage. Cordyceps is a rare fungus that is rich in zinc, minerals, manganese and phosphorus. It has the rare ability to increase adenosine triphosphate (ATP) fuel in the mitochondria of the stem cell, adding to the longevity of cells. Reishi mushrooms contain polysaccharides to boost immunity; triterpenes, which possess anticancer activity; and ganoderma lucidum peptide, a unique protein that has antioxidant properties. The combination of these ingredients

is believed to add longevity to stem cells.

More healing benefits Turkey tail is known for being antiviral and preserving cells and protein. It is believed to provide healing elements by boosting the critical T-helper cells that tell all other cells in the immune system what to do and when to heal. Shitake mushrooms contain lentinan, a compound believed to be beneficial for defending against cancer. It also contains L-ergotheoneine, an antioxidant that helps prevent cell breakdown, and kojic acid, an extract that helps to defend against hyperpigmentation and sun damage. A tree fungus called Phanerochaete chrysosporium contains an enzyme called lignin peroxidase (LIP). The molecular composition of LIP enzyme can safely be used to break down dark spots of pigment and discolouration. Numerous exotic fungi have been displayed on dinner tables for years, and while they may at first seem unusual as a beauty aid, it is an exciting time to discover and understand their therapeutic and anti-aging benefits. Karen Bowers, the founder of New Visage Advanced Skin care and Anti-Aging, has 35 years of international training in natural skin care. | (604) 893-8872

Antioxidants and Cancer Care The writing on the wall by Zoltan P. Rona, MD, MSc


onventional cancer specialists (oncologists) are a rather dogmatic bunch and that’s putting it kindly. In the past year, the advice they have been providing about nutritional supplements is nothing short of scary. One of my cancer patients told me that his oncologist would refuse to treat him with chemotherapy if he took any antioxidants, especially high dose vitamin C. Another provided a six-page hospital-endorsed booklet censuring the use of any vitamin, mineral, herbal or antioxidant supplement for any patient receiving chemotherapy. The rationale for this advice was that antioxidants “protected cancer cells” and caused their spread. Yet a third oncologist stated that intravenous vitamin C would offset the benefits of chemotherapy or radiation therapy because the latter treatments are oxidizing while the former is antioxidizing. Is any of this advice supported by real science?

Science vs. myth Oncologists point to a poorly done study by the American Cancer Society’s Dr. Gabriella D’Andrea published in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (2005). In Ralph W. Moss’s books and recent journal articles, the numerous factual distortions and unproven assertions made in the Am-

erican Cancer Society’s position on the use of antioxidants are exposed as nothing more than superstition. Without exception the negative statements about antioxidants are myths based on faulty theoretical beliefs. In fact, recent scientific evidence published in peer-reviewed cancer journals concludes that the opposite is true. Antioxidants not only reduce the sideeffects of radiation and chemotherapy but they also make these mutilating treatments work much better in terms of enhanced patient survival.

According to Dr. Keith I. Block, lead author of one recent study and medical director of the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment: “This review demonstrates that there is no scientific support for the blanket objection to using antioxidants during chemotherapy. In addition, it also appears that these supplements may help mitigate the side-effects of chemotherapy. This is significant because it increases the likelihood that patients will be able to complete their treatment.” Further, co-author Dr. Robert Newman, professor of cancer medicine at M. D.

Anderson Cancer Center, said: “This study, along with the evolving understanding of antioxidant-chemotherapy interactions, suggests that the previously held beliefs about interference do not pertain to clinical treatment.” There is no evidence whatsoever that antioxidants protect cancer cells from being killed off by radiation or chemotherapy. The truth is that they support the cancerkilling properties of these mainstream treatments while preserving the integrity of healthy cells. The higher the dose of the antioxidant, the less the tumour thrives. The writing is on the wall: antioxidants are a must for anyone with cancer, especially for those who are being treated with either radiation or chemotherapy. Zoltan P. Rona, MD, MSc, practises complementary and alternative medicine in Toronto and is the author of several Canadian best-selling books. |

No interference found One recent example of this is the landmark study in the May 2007 issue of the peerreviewed journal Cancer Treatment Reviews that concluded there is no evidence that antioxidant supplements (vitamins A, C, E, selenium, zinc, coenzyme Q10 and others) interfere with the therapeutic effects of chemotherapy agents.


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Cancer: Know Your Enemy When considering which chemotherapy to choose by Adam McLeod, ND, BSc


hemotherapy is an effective tool at killing cancer cells when it is used appropriately. The biggest challenge is knowing which drug is best suited for an individual’s cancer. Over the years, we have learned that certain cancers tend to be more vulnerable to specific chemotherapies. This has resulted in specific protocols being assigned to patients in a cookie-cutter system. For example, if you have Hodgkin’s lymphoma you are given ABVD1. If you have non-

Dr. Rogers Prize Gala Award Dinner The $250,000 Dr. Rogers Prize for Excellence in Complementary and Alternative Medicine is awarded every two years to celebrate the achievements of individuals who’ve impacted the practice and progress of health care. Join us for the announcement of the 2015 winner! Friday, September 25, 2015 | 6:00 to10:00 pm Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, Vancouver, BC Event registration:


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Hodgkin’s lymphoma you are given CHOP2. This model is currently the standard of care with cancer treatment.

Personal protocol It is true that certain cancers tend to be susceptible to certain chemotherapies, but these generalizations are not universally correct. There is an incredible degree of variation between cancer cells in different people. Genetic variations are significant even between different cells within one tumour in an individual. In fact, very often there is a protocol different than the standard

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Bland, father of Functional Medicine and author of The Disease Delusion Early bird tickets on sale now! Individual tickets: $125 / table of ten: $1,250

Dr. Rogers Prize Colloquium: Traditional Chinese Medicine Saturday, September 26, 2015 | 1:00 to 5:00 pm Vancouver Convention Centre ~ West Building Dr. Joseph J.Y. Sung, SBS, JP Vice-Chancellor/President, Chinese University of Hong Kong “Measuring an Eastern Distance with a Western Ruler”

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Targeted cancer therapies are the future of oncology.

chemotherapy regimen that would be more effective. Unless tests are done there is no way of knowing which protocol will be the most effective. It is essential to run these tests first and have a clear rationale for the chemotherapy protocol rather than testing on the patient through trial and error. There is no question that targeted cancer therapies are the future of oncology. It is important for patients to realize that personalized cancer therapy is already available, although it is rarely encouraged by oncologists due to the costs, approximately $4,000.

Ask for testing The older chemotherapy protocols use extremely toxic compounds that target any rapidly growing cell. In recent years there have been major advances in drugs that target specific pathways in cancer cells. Testing allows these targeted drugs to be used effectively. When a surgery or biopsy is performed on a cancerous mass it is essential that the sample be sent to a lab that runs these personalized genomic tests. This is something that patients need to ask for before the surgery to ensure cells are adequately preserved for testing. The cancerous cells will be tested against hundreds of different chemotherapies and clear evidence will be obtained

about which drugs the cancer is actually susceptible to. As these tests become more affordable it will inevitably become the future standard of care because it is so much more effective than the current standard model.

More treatment options Personalized cancer therapy gives patients additional treatment options. If they do not tolerate the initial chemotherapy regimen well or if the cancer becomes resistant to the first line therapy, then there is a potential Plan B that is effective based on molecular evidence. This test will give your oncologist data that will give a distinct molecular profile of the cancer, allowing a customized treatment plan to be developed for you. If you’re interested in this customized approach, make sure you speak to your oncologist. Any naturopathic doctor who works with oncology will also be familiar with these tests. Contact your local naturopathic doctor to see if this test is right for you.

HealingRetreats Retreats Healing Retreats Healing on on Healingon Retreats GalianoIsland Island Galiano Island Galiano on Healing Retreats Galiano on Island Release Exhaustion Release Exhaustion

Release Exhaustion RaiseYour Your Energy Raise Energy Galiano Island Raise Your Energy RenewYour YourHealth! Health! Renew Release Exhaustion Renew Your Health! Raise Your Energy Release Exhaustion Step away from the hustle and bustle and Step away from the hustle and bustle and let yourself fully unwind, Your Energy Renew Your Health! Step awayRaise from the hustle and bustle and let yourself fully unwind, relax and nurtured this island paradise. let yourself fully unwind, relax and bebe nurtured inin this island paradise. Renew Your Health! relaxaway and be nurtured in this Step from the hustle andisland bustleparadise. and

Step away from the hustle and bustle and Retreat Create Your Own Personalized Retreat Create Your Own Personalized let yourself fully unwind, let yourself fully unwind, Create Your Own Personalized Retreat relax and this island paradise. relax andbe benurtured nurtured ininthis island paradise.

TraditionalHawaiian HawaiianShamanic ShamanicHealing Healing Traditional Lomi Lomi Create Your Own Own Personalized Retreat Lomi Lomi Create Your Personalized Retreat Traditional Hawaiian Shamanic Healing CrystalSinging Singing Bowl Sound Healing Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Lomi Lomi Ho’oponopono Life Coaching Traditional Hawaiian Shamanic Healing Ho’oponopono Life Coaching Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing Traditional Hawaiian Shamanic Healing Lomi Lomi Reflexology Reflexology Ho’oponopono Life Coaching Lomi Lomi Crystal Singing Sound Healing DeepTissue Tissue&Bowl &Relaxation Relaxation Massage Deep Massage Reflexology Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing Ho’oponopono Life Coaching Bodymind Acupressure Bodymind Acupressure Deep Tissue & Relaxation Massage Reflexology Ho’oponopono Life Coaching SRT-Spiritual Response Therapy SRT-Spiritual Response Therapy Deep Tissue & Relaxation Massage Bodymind Acupressure Reflexology Meditation Meditation Bodymind Acupressure Therapy SRT-Spiritual Response Deep Tissue & and Relaxation Massage Movement and Expressive Dance Movement Expressive Dance SRT-Spiritual Response Therapy Meditation Bodymind Acupressure Meditation and Expressive Dance "Receiving a Lomi Lomi healing treatment from Luannah Livermore, was a deeply “Receiving aMovement Lomi Lomi healing treatment from Luannah Livermore was a deeply "Receiving a Lomi Lomi healing treatment from Luannah Livermore, was a deeply SRT-Spiritual Response Therapy Movement and Expressive Dance moving experience and something far more authentic and powerfully healing than moving experience something farmore more authentic powerfully than moving experienceand and something far authentic and and powerfully healinghealing than Meditation any othe rmassage or Lomi Lomi session I had experienced. It was an eye-opening Adam McLeod, ND, BSc, is a any othe rmassage or Lomi Lomi session I had experienced. It was an eye-opening any other massage or Lomi Lomi session I had experienced. It was an eye-opening "Receiving a LomiLomi Lomi healing fromfrom Luannah Livermore, was a deeply "Receiving ainto Lomi healingtreatment treatment Luannah Livermore, was adialogue, deeply voyage the true wisdom of Hawaiian teachings, and one-to-one voyage into the true wisdom of and Hawaiian teachings, thethe one-to-one dialogue, voyage into the true wisdom of Hawaiian teachings, andand the one-to-one dialogue, moving experience and something farfar more authentic and powerfully healing than Movement Expressive Dance naturopathic doctor, First Nations moving experience and something authentic and powerfully healing than physical body work, traditional song,more and massage helped bring awareness, healer, motivational speaker and international best-selling author ( Dr. McLeod currently practises in Vancouver, B.C., where he focuses on integrative oncology. www.

physical body work,work, massage helped bring awareness, any othe rmassage ortraditional Lomi Lomi song, session I had experienced. It bring was an eye-opening physical body traditional songand and massage helped awareness, any othe rmassage orwisdom Lomi Lomi session had and experienced. Itenabling was an eye-opening connection, and release. It was a Iprofound experience healing, voyage into truth thetruth true of Hawaiian teachings, the one-to-one dialogue, connection, and release. ItItwas a profound experience enabling healing, connection, truth and release. was a profound experience enabling healing, voyage into the true wisdom of Hawaiian teachings, and the one-to-one dialogue, integration, and transformation within. Having worked with Luannah over the course physical body work, traditional song, and massage helped bring awareness, "Receiving a Lomi Lomi healing treatment from worked Luannah Livermore, was deeply integration, and transformation within. Having worked with Luannah over the course of integration, and transformation within. Having with Luannah over the a physical body traditional and massage bring awareness, connection, truth and release. It song, was aLuannah profound experience enabling healing, a few years, I have experienced to be ahelped wonderfully rich, joyful, a few years, Iwork, have experienced Luannah toauthentic be a wonderfully rich, joyful, moving experience and something far more and powerfully healing than course of a few years, I have experienced Luannah to be a wonderfully integration, and transformation within. Having worked with Luannah over the course of connection, truth and release. It was a profound experience enabling healing, compassionate therapist with purpose and vision. therapist with purpose and vision. anycompassionate othe orexperienced Lomi Lomi session I had experienced. It was an eye-opening aHer fewrmassage years, I have Luannah to be awith wonderfully rich, joyful, rich, joyful, compassionate therapist purpose and vision. integration, and transformation within. Having worked with Luannah over the course deep sense of caring and authenticity translate her work, practice and energy Her deep sense ofwisdom caring and authenticity translate to to her work, practice and energy.” voyage into the true ofpurpose Hawaiian teachings, and the one-to-one dialogue, compassionate therapist with andtranslate vision. Her deep sense of caring and authenticity to her work, practise and energy.” -Grace Park , Vancouver BC a few Iwork, have experienced Luannah to betoaher wonderfully -Grace Park , Vancouver BC Heryears, deep sense of caring and authenticity work, practice andjoyful, energy.” physical body traditional song, andtranslate massage helped bringrich, awareness, -Grace Park, Vancouver BC compassionate therapist with and vision. -Grace Park , Vancouver BCpurpose connection, truth and release. It was a profound experience enabling healing, Her deep sense of caring and within. authenticity translate hercall work, 604-782-9197 practice andcourse energy. or integration, and transformation Having workedtowith Luannah over the o or call 604-782-9197

-Grace , Vancouver BCLuannah to be or call 604-782-9197 a years, IPark have experienced a wonderfully rich, joyful, compassionate therapist with purpose and vision. Her deep sense of caring and authenticity translate to her work, practice and energy.” or call 604-782-9197 -Grace Park , Vancouver BC

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37 or call 604-782-9197

The Power of Affirmations and Cancer Treatment Insights from Dr. Anne Marie Evers by Roxanne Davies


hen Anne Marie Evers first learned that she had colon cancer, she was speechless. For a brief moment, she thought of giving up, of succumbing to this treacherous disease, but her daughter Aren said, “Mom, you have to fight this thing!” And so Evers went to work finding the specific words that would help reinforce her beliefs and contribute to her recovery. Words have always played a major role in the life of Dr. Anne Marie Evers. She is an Ordained Minister Doctor of Divinity, an author, radio, television and internet broadcaster of a popular radio show out of Seattle, Washington. After spending many years in the business world while raising her son and daughter, for the past 30 years she has worked in the personal growth field, is a member of the Canadian Guidance and Counselling Association and writes, teaches and conducts seminars and workshops for people of all ages. “When I first learned that I had colon cancer, I said, ‘Why me?’ And then I heard the answer, loud and clear, ‘Why not you.’” As the best-selling author of many books on the power of affirmations, it was now time to empower herself and then share with others undergoing similar health challenges.


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From worst-case to hope One night in July 2013, as she was at home with her husband Reggie, a harsh pain would not go away. She told her husband to call an ambulance and was rushed to Lions Gate Hospital where she underwent emergency abdominal surgery. After recovering from surgery, she remembers sitting in the briefing room with her husband and daughter. “We were briefed on the negative side-effects of various cancer treatments and, of course, they had to share some worst-case scenarios. It was overwhelming and scary. The doctor said it was totally up to me to make the decision, but if I decided not to go for chemo treatment and the cancer spread then there would be nothing further they could do for me.” “He said there were no guarantees but they would monitor very closely what was taking place in my body and if the treatments were too harsh they would modify them or stop them completely. What a lot of information for anyone to digest!” Then and there Evers made the commitment to use her affirmation life tools during the chemo treatments and report to the doctors on how they worked for her. If the regimen was successful she would write a book and share her knowl-

If you use affirmations, you can ensure that you get what you want out of life. Dr. Anne Marie Evers

edge with other patients. The result is her latest book, 70 Ways to Cope with Chemo and Other Medical Treatments. “I wanted to give hope to other patients who are undergoing similar treatments. It is my goal to make this book available for all cancer patients who go through a briefing session so they can leave the doctor’s office with a degree of hope.”

Power of affirmations Affirmations are like nutrition for the mind, consisting of positive, controlled and directed self-talk that gives focus and impact to one’s plans and goals for personal growth and fulfillment. There are two ways to create reality— by consciously programming what we want out of life or simply accepting what comes

our way. Both ways work, but if you use affirmations you can ensure that you get what you want out of life. “I used affirmation life tools to help me cope with the negative side-effects of chemotherapy. The affirmations did not make the negative sideeffects go away, but they did make a positive difference in my life and kept me going even when I was tempted to stop taking chemo.” If dealing with cancer was not enough, Evers woke up one morning to find her beloved Reggie lying dead beside her. He had suffered a massive heart attack during the night. She experienced an overwhelming feeling of guilt that she did not wake up to help him. Amazingly, as if he had a premonition the evening before, he had said to her, “This is how I want

to die, in a warm, comfortable bed with you.” Despite this unexpected tragedy, she continued with her affirmations. One of her chemotherapy doctors, Dr. Sasha Smiljanic, who has written a testimonial for her new book, has been amazed how Evers’s affirmation teachings have transformed the lives of his patients. He has witnessed what can happen when you put time, energy, feeling and effort into this healing affirmation program. The results can be fantastic. “Experiencing cancer and chemotherapy can be a scary, lonely process with many distressing side-effects. Her book provides reassurance, inspiration, hope, practical tips, simple, proven affirmation life tools and empowering wisdom.” While Evers was interviewing Dr. Bernie Siegel on one of

Affirmations are like nutrition for the mind, consisting of positive, controlled and directed self-talk that gives focus and impact to one’s plans and goals for personal growth and fulfillment.

her radio talk shows, she asked if he would write a few words for her new book, and he agreed to write the foreword. Dr. Siegel’s ground-breaking book Love, Medicine and Miracles highlighted the power of the mind-body connection in health and healing. He writes from his own personal experience about affirmations, done daily to help his wife deal with multiple sclerosis. “We can generate health by having beliefs and

affirmations with a positive outlook. It’s really about having hope and conviction in your body’s innate capacity to heal itself.” Siegel is glowing in his praise for her new book. “Become a health warrior with Anne Marie as your guide. You can dance in the rain. I know that affirmations, when properly done, make a lifechanging difference.” “I truly believe that these simple yet effective and proven affirmation life tools will become

one of the cutting-edge tools in health care,” Evers says. “I am happy to be a pioneer in this process and I continue to learn as I create, use and review the tools. Both the tools and I are a work in progress, constantly evolving.” To learn more about Dr. Anne Marie Evers visit www. She interviews guests from all walks of life on internet radio. www. Roxanne Davies was first introduced to natural treatments for cancer prevention and treatment by her uncle Dr. Samuel Tomiuk (1924–1996), a pioneer in integrative medicine. She has published a family memoir and has coauthored a book with super senior athlete, Olga Kotelko, entitled Olga, The OK Way to a Heathy, Happy Life.

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Inconclusive Diagnosis? Check Your Ayurvedic Stage of Disease by Elizabeth Innes


ave you ever felt out of sorts and then gone to the doctor, who runs tests on you and finds nothing wrong? I have found an explanation for this in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, in which there are six stages of the development of a disease before it can be “capped” or named as some specific disorder.

Catch imbalance early In the early stages, the fundamental laws of nature that govern our physiology—the elements that create our “doshas,” which are one of three Ayurvedic energies with varying characteristics—certainly get out of balance as they accumulate and start to aggravate smooth functioning. Then they overflow and relocate. We might, for example, find that our digestion is off or we are not sleeping as well, then all of a sudden we get pain in our back or our joints. Eventually, we may be diagnosed with osteoarthritis. A skilled Ayurvedic practitioner will pick up these imbalances of the doshas in the

very early stages and make recommendations that will check the imbalance so that it does not manifest into something that needs to be “diagnosed.”

Mystery diagnosis Sometimes, a physician will be hard pressed to find a specific diagnosis. About 10 years ago, I was working in a pharmacy in the Okanagan Valley. A woman in her 30s arrived with a prescription and said, “Please print out the side-effects so I can decide if I will fill this.” The drug was for bowel inflammation as she was having about 12 bowel movements a day. The physicians were having

Six Stages of Development of Disease in Ayurveda 1. A ccumulation 2. Aggravation 3. Overflow (often appears on skin)


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4. Relocation 5. Manifestation 6. Diversification (this when illness is diagnosed)

A skilled Ayurvedic practitioner will pick up imbalances in the very early disease stages.

a difficult time coming up with a conclusive diagnosis. She carefully read the drug information sheet and then said, “Why would I take this drug? The side-effects are worse than my disease.” I was both shocked and pleased to have such a thoughtful client. I suggested that I could file the prescription, giving her time to decide, and she could call me the next morning and I would fill it for her then. In the meantime, I asked, would she try an herbal tea blend to see if it might make a difference for her? In my Ayurvedic tool box, I have a wonderful soothing tea of mint, coriander, fen-

nel and marshmallow root that supports kidney and liver function and lubricates the channels of excretion. She said she would try it for a couple of weeks and get back to me. Two weeks later, she arrived with a smile saying that she was only having two bowel movements a day and was feeling much better. The explanation in Ayurvedic terms of this seemingly miraculous event is that she was in the early stages of the development of her “dis-ease” and it had not been capped as yet. So this simple protocol had set things back into balance. Such a simple cure for something that could have become quite serious validates the need to consider Ayurvedic medicine. Elizabeth Innes is a community pharmacist on the Sunshine Coast in B.C., and also has a private practice as a certified herbalist and Ayurvedic educator. |

The “New” Canadian Safety Code for Electromagnetic Radiation by Milt Bowling


n March 2015, a Health Canada press release crowed about a new revision to Safety Code 6, our guideline for recommended human exposure limits to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic energy. This puff piece claimed that the revised standard was based on “the latest available scientific evidence.” What it didn’t say is that the same government that is regulating the safety of this technology is also gaining financially from its spread—a clear conflict of interest. Having already received billions of dollars by auctioning off the airwaves commons, which are owned by all Canadians, Minister of Industry James Moore announced that the government received $2.11 billion from the most recent auction in March. Another auction is scheduled for this fall. Apparently no one in government wants this goose to stop laying golden eggs. And none of this money is going towards research that might provide crucial information about the interactions of these humanmade signals with biological tissues.

Unsafe safety code? Safety Code 6 is founded on the premise that any possible damage to humans from radio waves could only occur through tissue heating. Tissue

can certainly be damaged if radiation heats it, but that is not the mechanism of harm from exposure to cellphones and other wireless devices. Rather, the harm comes from the reaction at the cellular level to these human-made signals, to which living things have had no evolutionary experience. More than 25,000 published, peer-reviewed studies show physiological effects to flora (such as changes in seed germination and root development) and fauna (such as decreased immune system and disruptions to the endocrine system) that are not caused by heating. They are ignored. In fact, Health Canada’s James McNamee admitted under oath in Quebec Superior Court in February 2013 that only studies that confirm the thermal mechanism of harm are selected. As government fails to perform its duties to protect, people are increasingly taking their concerns to court. In October 2012, Innocente Marcolini won his case in the Italian Supreme Court that his brain tumour was caused by the use of his cellphone. There are dozens more lawsuits wending their way through the courts in North America alone, with hundreds more waiting in the wings.

2B or not 2B In May 2011, the World Health Organization’s Inter-

national Agency for Research on Cancer classified radiofrequency radiation as a 2B carcinogen, a possible cancercausing agent. According to at least one scientist on the committee, without pressure from industry it would have been classified as 2A, a probable carcinogen. The insurance industry knows better: there has been an increasing use of an exclusion clause in insurance contracts exempting the industry from liability resulting from adverse effects caused by exposure to this radiation. Lloyds of London has recently reiter-

ated its position that it would not cover these damages—a telling assessment of safety regulations. Health Canada says it is “responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health.” Why then would it only pick 124 studies out of tens of thousands to support its safety regulations? What on earth are we paying them for? Milt Bowling is a senior associate of the non-profit Science and Public Policy Institute based in Washington D.C. and is a director of the Health Action Network Society.

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Health & Green Shorts Disappointing News That Health Canada Has Approved the GM (Arctic) Apple Health Action Network Society (HANS) is speaking out in response to the Canadian government’s approval of the first genetically modified (GM) apple on March 20, 2015. “We’re very disappointed,” says Michael Volker, HANS director of operations. “Health Canada has acted against consumer best interests and desires. Last month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the GM apple for growth and sale in the U.S., and almost exactly a month later Canada has followed suit. Within days of receiving approval in the U.S., Okanagan Specialty Fruit, the creator of the Arctic Apple, entered into an agreement to be purchased by Intrexon, a U.S. biotechnology firm. This will add further economic pressure to bring this apple to market as soon as possible. Volker states, “Concerns with health safety and freedom of informed choice are a couple of reasons we continue to oppose

Monsanto/Syngenta: From Gene Giants to Agri-behemoths If allowed, a proposed merger between two global agribusiness giants could further consolidate the power of a handful of companies over the global food sys-


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apple include the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network and Society for a GE Free BC. The BC Fruit Growers’ Association (comprised of both organic and conventional growers) officially opposes the GM apple. In 2012, a poll they commissioned found that 69 percent of polled Canadians didn’t want the GM apple. This apple doesn’t brown for 15 to 18 days after being cut. New genetic material, including a plant virus and two different bacteria, is inserted to “silence” the browning gene. The GM apple will look fresh, even when it’s not. “More and more stores and B.C. distributors have responded to our appeal not to purchase or sell the GM apples,” says introducing the GM apple into Canada. Volker. “I am confident this number will HANS will step up its campaigning to grow as the public expresses its disapproval introduce mandatory GM labelling, as over this unfortunate food product.” the goverments have in Australia, New Source: HANS Media Release, Zealand and most of Europe.” March 23, 2015 Other consumer groups to reject the GM tem through seeds, according to a report released by ETC Group in May 2015. The results of concentrating control over plant varieties in a few “Gene Giants,” the authors say, could have dangerous consequences. U.S.-based Monsanto and Swiss seed giant Syngenta are currently in negotiations over an attempted merger. Already, six companies control 75 percent of global seed and pesticide sales and related R&D. In the report, entitled Seedy Characters, ETC Group argues that rather than being allowed to consolidate further, these monopolies should be broken up. Source: ETC Group Bulletin, May 25, 2015

Documents Reveal Sugar Industry’s Influence on U.S. Dental Policy A new article published in the peerreviewed journal PLOS Medicine reveals that recently uncovered internal documents from 1959 to 1971 show that the sugar industry successfully manipulated the research on dental decay conducted by the U.S. National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR), a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The industry documents show that the NIH was directly influenced to focus on approaches to prevent tooth decay in American children without reducing sugar intake. This is probably a major reason why fluoridation propaganda replaced honest

information on dental decay in U.S. regulatory agencies. According to the study, the 319 documents included internal memos, correspondence, reports, and meeting minutes, and were from a time period when the NIDR was the primary source of federal funding for dental research and initiatives, including the promotion of fluoride and fluoridation. Authors found that “Seventyeight percent of the sugar industry submissions were incorporated into the NIDR’s call for research applications. Research that could have been harmful to sugar industry interests was omitted.” Source: Fluoride Action Network March 25, 2015 Bulletin Chondroitin and Glucosamine Appear to Work After All This combined alternative treatment for the pain of osteoarthritis has been around for a long time and generally debunked by mainstream medicine, partly because of a 2006 study which found the combination failed to reduce pain in knee arthritis. Ignored, however, was a result from a subgroup in this study that found, for

individuals with severe pain, this combination worked as well or even somewhat better than Celebrex (celecoxib) with 54 percent of patients experiencing a 50 percent or greater reduction in a standard pain score compared to 34 percent of the placebo group and 48 percent of the Celebrex group. A significant improvement in a standard joint function score was found only with the combination treatment versus the placebo. A recent randomized trial of the combination alternative treatment versus Celebrex has now confirmed these results in patients with severe knee pain and osteoarthritis. The combination was found comparable to Celebrex in reducing pain, stiffness, functional limitations and joint swelling after six months. It was also observed that the combination required longer than Celebrex to become effective, with the convergence complete at six months. The doses were 400 mg of chondroitin and 500 mg of glucosamine 2 times a day or 200 mg of Celebrex plus five placebos to maintain the blinded aspect of the trial. An important aspect of these results is that the combination therapy had no adverse

side-effects, where Celebrex along with the entire class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated with a number of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular risks. Source: International Health News June 2015 Newsletter Petition Wants EMF Adverse Reaction Reporting Last December, the Canadian EMF watchdog group Citizens for Safe Technology (C4ST) announced the launch of a federal petition asking Health Canada to specifically implement one of the recommendations of the December 2010 Report of the Standing Committee on Health: “Health Canada ensure that it has a process in place to receive and respond to reports of adverse reactions to electromagnetic radiation-emitting devices.” An estimated three percent of Canadians are currently sensitive to the radiation from wireless devices, with delayed effects forecasted for 30 percent of the population in the years ahead. The printable petition is available at

Fluoride in Drinking Water and Hypothyroidism Community water fluoridation goes back to the 1950s. The merits of this have been debated ever since. The level is typically 0.7 to 1.0 mg/L. Added to this is the fluoride absorbed from toothpaste unless one uses the fluoride-free product. Studies have suggested that fluoride is associated with hypothyroidism, which is biologically plausible since it is a member of the halogen family, which includes bromine and iodine, and it binds to iodine receptors. In fact, historically fluoride was used as a treatment to reduce thyroid activity. An interesting

study in the U.K. further addresses this concern. Two large residential areas were identified, one with and one without fluoridation. In each area, general medi-

cal practitioners were recruited, and the association between the incidences of hypothyroidism determined. In all, almost 800 practices were involved. Practices in the fluoridated areas were twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism prevalence as those in the non-fluoridated area. These results highlight a significant public health issue since hypothyroidism is far from a trivial disorder. Source: International Health News June 2015 Newsletter Health Action |


Seeing Vision Improvements with Traditional Chinese Medicine by Alexis Costello


hances are you’ve never heard of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) unless you are one of the 1.5 million people currently diagnosed with it. RP is a family of genetic diseases leading to progressive degeneration of the retina. It is characterized by progressive night blindness, loss of peripheral vision and, later, loss of the colour blue and day vision. Patients usually become legally blind before age 60. Conventional medicine deems RP incurable, which makes it a very odd thing to specialize in, and yet, Dr. Weidong Yu has done just that. Dr. Yu has practised traditional Chinese medicine in Belgium, the United States and Canada and is the author of more than 30 publications in Chinese and English medical literature. He has built a practice in Vancouver out of a

reputation for working successfully with RP patients. This happened organically as word got out he was able to help patients who had thought things were hopeless. “The eye is too small, people are not normally interested in specializing in it; especially not me,” Dr. Yu says. But now,

retinitis pigmentosa work accounts for about 90 percent of his practice. It all started in 1999 with a patient named Adrianna. When Dr. Yu took a medical history, she described the symptoms of RP and told him that she would probably be blind by the time she turned 50 or 60.

Clinical Protocol for Retinitis Pigmentosa Acupuncture: Very fine needles are placed on the face, arms and legs. Patients receive acupuncture once a day, twice a day or 2–3 times a week, depending on the patient’s individual situation. Each course of treatment consists of 15 to 20 acupuncture sessions. It will take 1–3 months before the start of the next course of treatments. Chinese herbal medicine: Guang Ming is a proprietary herbal formula consisting of 18 herbal ingredients. It is modified to meet individual patient’s needs. Patients are asked to boil the herbs as a decoction drink 2–3 times a day. One course of treatment lasts 3 months. Patients take the tea on a continual basis. Antioxidants: It is believed to be beneficial to take antioxidants to protect the eye from ßfurther free radical damage. Patients are asked to take antioxidants on a daily basis.


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Even though her vision wasn’t what had originally brought her to Dr. Yu’s door, she agreed to a three-month trial to see if he could help her. Within a month and a half, Adrianna had empirical evidence to show that her eyesight had improved. This led to her sister coming in for treatment and the rest, as they say, is history. When new clients come in, Dr. Yu begins with an evaluation where he checks history and five-element balance. His approach is then a combination of acupuncture, herbs and specific eye exercises. Alexis Costello is a health practitioner and instructor and owner of Happily Holistic Natural Health and Wellness in Kelowna, B.C. | office@

Look to Antioxidants for Eye Health by Brenda Gill, ND


re you reaching for “cheaters” or reading glasses? This can be due to a number of issues. The eye muscles that contract and expand to focus can get lax, so eye exercises certainly help (see sidebar). Also, degeneration of the macula, which is a portion of the retina in the back of the eye that is responsible for fine vision, is the leading cause of visual loss in persons 55 years or older. Macular degeneration is a result of free-radical damage similar to the type of damage that induces cataracts. The risk factors include aging, smoking, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Antioxidant nutrients, herbs and foods Anthocyanidins act as antioxidants. The strongest of these free-radical scavengers are found in bilberry extracts and ginkgo biloba. These plant extracts are also are more specific to the eye. Bilberry is also used for poor day and night vision, glaucoma and diabetic retinop-

athy. It reinforces the collagen structures of the retina as well. Ginkgo is also used for insufficient blood flow to the brain. It helps prevent lack of oxygen and free-radical damage to the retina and macula. The foods that have the highest anthocyanidins are berries, such as cherries, blueberries, blackberries, raspber-

ries, elderberries, strawberries and huckleberries. Vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc and beta carotene are all antioxidants and important to have in the diet or as a supplement to minimize damage to the eye by free radicals. The highest sources of vitamin C are dark-coloured fruit such as cherries, berries, plums and prunes. Vitamin E is highest in seeds and nuts as well as fish. Selenium and zinc are highest in seeds and nuts and beta carotene is found in red/orange vegetables like squash, carrots, yams and red peppers. Lutein is a specific antioxidant, a type of carotenoid found in kale, spinach and chard. Lutein is also specific to the eye and protects the retina from damage, especially from sunlight.

Easy Eye Exercise


his exercise will get those lazy muscles in shape and help you focus much better. Close one eye and focus the other eye on print close to you until it comes into focus and then on print at least two to three metres from you until it comes into focus. Go back and forth at least 15 times. Repeat with the other eye.

Alpha lipoic acid is a wonderful antioxidant that is uniquely effective against both waterand fat-soluble free radicals. It improves eye health as well as heart health, since it helps to convert carbohydrates to energy. Food sources include nutritional yeast and organic liver. Eye health formulas are available in capsule form. Look for a combination of anthocyanidins like zeoxanthin, lutein and bilberry with a mix of vitamins A, C and E. Finally, it’s important to avoid rancid and deep-fried foods and other sources of free radicals. Increase legumes such as pinto, black, kidney, adzuki and mung beans. These are high in sulphur-containing amino acids that decrease damage. As always, make sure you flush out those free radicals by drinking half your body weight in ounces of water or herbal infusions. Brenda Gill, ND, is a naturopathic doctor who treats the cause of problems by rebalancing the body using herbs, supplements, homeopathy and exercise. She practises at the Natural Path Clinic in Rossland, B.C. (250) 362-5035

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Chinese Medicine Perspectives on Gynecology—Part 2 Three categories of gynecological complaints by Chun-Kai Wang, Dr. TCM, RAc


n Chinese medicine there is traditionally no specific emphasis on fibroids, endometriosis and other “modern” pathological anomalies of the reproductive systems. Instead Chinese medicine groups patients into various pathological categories called “patterns” to describe the inherent pathology behind their “disease.” In such tradition, patients with gynecological complaints largely fall into the following three categories.

1. Deficiency cold Deficiency cold is a term used in Chinese medicine to describe patients who have lowered energy and metabolism in the body, and especially in the lower abdominal areas where all the reproductive organs are located. Frequently these patients have dampened function of the reproductive organs. Such patients often complain of coldness and chills, whether on the entire body, their back, waist, lower abdomen or a combination thereof. This type of patient is either skinny with poor digestion and appetite or, conversely, fat, in the sense that their body is filled with excess water retention and not the real substantial tissue in healthy well-fleshed individuals. Such patients may


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Deficiency cold patients need to be warmed up internally so their blood circulation improves and their cellular functions are revitalized.

often complain of other things like fatigue, chronic pains and soreness of the lower body, especially around the period, aggravated by drops in temperature. Deficiency cold patients are one of the typical patients seen in North America largely due to the insensitivities towards food and their temperatures, usually in the form of not paying attention to the cold water

and raw foods taken over long periods of time, often thinking such practices are healthy, when it usually isn’t the case. To me this is almost like an artificially created disease state that in the past only happens to really poor people who have problems warming their food and maintaining adequate shelter. Deficiency cold patients need to be warmed up internally so their blood circulation improves and their cellular functions are revitalized. A combination of acupuncture and Chinese medicine is usually warranted, although Chinese medicine serves this purpose much better and faster.

2. Excess retention Excess retention refers to patients who have a buildup

of wastes and toxins in their guts and other interstitial body tissue spaces. This type of patient usually does not give the impression of disease, because their faces look quite well with brightness, lustre and rosiness. In Chinese culture these people may often be described as if there is “oil oozing from their face.” They are almost uniformly not skinny but are instead mostly overweight to some degree. Most of the time these patients have no subjective complaints and may even believe they are perfectly healthy, save for their size. The most they would have are usually headaches, the occasional constipation and maybe some neck and shoulder pains or chronic soreness, usually aggravated around the time of their menstruation. Other problems may include pimples, rashes and various-sized boils throughout the body. They usually do not know there is even something wrong with themselves until their doctor says they have too much cholesterol in their blood, high blood pressure and maybe diabetes, or that their fallopian tube is clogged or they’ve got fibroids and endometriosis. Excess retention patients are the type of patients who eat too well. The typical North American breakfast of eggs, bacon, cheese and syrup-laden pancake and other greasy lardy

foods is the main culprit behind this. It’s essentially a result of long-term consumption of high amounts of dairy and meat (whether that’s healthy or unhealthy varieties). Hence it is similarly a disease state which is artificially created. Technically speaking, this type of patient does not need to be treated at all, whether that be Chinese medicine or acupuncture, or anything else really. They may be given drugs for their high blood pressure and other things but such drugs are usually redundant, considering the close link to their diet.

Excess retention patients are the type of patients who eat too well.

What needs to be done is for these patients to completely, 360 degrees to be exact, change their diet. They need to follow a strictly vegetarian or vegan diet. After a few months, most of their cholesterol, blood pressure and other numbers should improve if they follow a guided non-meat and nondairy diet regimen. The problem, of course, is whether they have the mental resolve to actually make such changes.

3. Qi stagnation Qi stagnation refers to the difficulty of the flow of internal energy, qi, brought about mainly from stress. Together with the compromised flow, literally everything that flows

Qi stagnation is by itself a self-existing disease state and requires treatment to rectify.

in the body gets affected. Qi stagnation patients are usually the people who claim they suffer from PMS, a medical term that somehow has become a derogatory slang for uncontrollable mood swings. PMS refers to premenstrual syndrome, denoting the various uncomfortable sensations and signs that occur around the time of menstruation, with mood swings being only a part of it. Qi stagnation patients do often suffer with higher than usual fluctuations in their mood around their period. These patients also look as if they have something they want to say but do not want to say, or look like someone who others owe money to—the sort of unfriendly, unopen and negative energy that they give off. Their entire disease state is, therefore, highly tied to their emotional state, which is easily influenced by outside factors, whether that be environmetal or human-relational. What is interesting is that qi stagnation patients have no particular set of clinical presentations, because they come in multiple forms. From my experience qi stagnation patients cannot reverse their condition even if they switch their environment or learn to be happy (even going to clinical counselling to achieve it). The reason is because qi stagnation is by itself a self-existing disease state and requires treatment to rectify. The best analogy is of a

house fire caused by a cigarette bud. The fire can no longer be put out even if we take away the cigarette bud; the fire has become an independent problem of its own. In order to prevent another fire, caution needs to be taken to have the cigarette disposed of properly. So yes, learning to cope is important to prevent the qi stagnation from coming back once it is rectified. Qi stagnation patients are a common group of people in cosmopolitan societies and rarely, if ever at all, seen in rural villages. This is all tied into reckless and stressful life-

styles. The way it is treated in Chinese medicine is to simply open up blockages inside the body so the energy regains its free flow. Patients usually regain a sense of release after a period of treatment. Through the use of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, lifestyle and diet recommendations, most gynecological conditions are usually treatable. Patients should not believe they are very difficult problems because they are really not, at least from the Chinese medicine perspective. Chun-Kai (Jason) Wang, Dr. TCM, RAc, practises Chinese Medicine and acupuncture in Burnaby, B.C., and is the author of the eBook, The Diet Decoder: A Simple Guide to Seeing Food through Chinese Medicine. | (604) 836-3968

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This Could Save Your Life: Focus on Magnesium by Brenda Eastwood, RNCP


id you know that you can die from a heart attack due to an electrical imbalance in the body caused by a magnesium deficiency? Yet everywhere you look, the focus is on calcium. Drink more milk. Eat more yogurt. Put cheese on everything. The focus of attention needs to shift from calcium to magnesium. Yes, of course, we need calcium, but without enough magnesium, health problems will always be inevitable. There are three facts to remember about magnesium. Calcium contracts and magnesium releases. Are you wearing a night guard to protect your teeth? Taking medication for high blood pressure? Downing more calcium for muscle tension or cramps? Suffer with angina? These are typical contracted states caused by a magnesium deficiency. Calcium is directed by magnesium. Without enough magnesium, calcium does not go to your bones. Instead it ends up in the wrong places, causing such conditions as calcification of the joints and aortic valve or bone spurs.


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Magnesium is anti-inflammatory. All “itis” diseases such as rhinitis (inflammation of the nose), sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), asthma (inflammation of the airways), arthritis (inflammation of the joints) and dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), are all in part caused by a magnesium deficiency.

How you become deficient in magnesium Large amounts of calcium will diminish magnesium absorption, such as eating a lot of dairy products that are high in calcium and exceptionally low in magnesium, or taking high doses of calcium supplements. Diuretics, excessive sweating and alcohol and sugar consumption also cause you to lose magnesium. However, the biggest cause of magnesium loss is stress, stress and more stress!

Correcting magnesium deficiency Of the magnesium in your body, the concentration in the blood is only one sixth to one tenth that of magnesium in the cells, making blood tests for

magnesium levels quite useless unless you are suffering from a total depletion of magnesium. It is extremely difficult to correct a magnesium deficiency without the correct supplementation. You would need to eliminate all sugar, alcohol and diuretics and, most importantly, all of your stress. You would need to reduce your intake of calcium-rich food, such as dairy products, while simultaneously loading up daily on certified organic fresh green vegetables that are rich in magnesium, such as asparagus, broccoli, kale and beet leaves.

For real results Taking a magnesium citrate with L-taurine supplement along with making wiser lifestyle and dietary choices will give you the fastest and best results. L-taurine is an amino acid that helps magnesium (along with potassium, sodium and calcium — your electrolytes) get in and out of your cells. Because magnesium reacts and is used up in many metabolic processes, the body must be regularly supplied with as much magnesium as is elimi-

nated. If you are deficient in magnesium, expect to take between 250 to 700 mg of magnesium citrate daily. Brenda Eastwood, RNCP, is an author and a women’s health and hormone specialist. Her 33 years of experience include 17 years in private practice, seminars and workshops, radio and television interviews, a CD series, newsletters, teleclasses and an online coaching program. Her new book is Get Off the PMS and Perimenopausal Roller Coaster, Learn 9 Natural Fast Track Solutions to Balanced Hormones. www.

Taking Male Reproductive Health to Heart by Harris Fisher, Dr. TCM, FABORM


he most well-known medications for treating erectile dysfunction are used by millions of men worldwide. In 2014, total sales for Viagra (sildenafil) was over $1.68 million and Cialis (tadalafil) almost $2.3 million. There is also a huge industry of herbal-based alternatives with claims of improving male performance and virility. Although some herbal alternatives may also affect testosterone production or secretion, the common effect of all of these products is to increase blood flow and retention in the reproductive organs. What is also consistent with these products is a warning for those with heart disease.

Similar risk factors Consider the following list of non-psychological risk factors and causes of erectile dysfunc-

tion in middle-aged and older men: n Side-effects from medications (antihypertensives or antidepressants) n Active illness/infection n Diabetes n Smoking and/or excessive drinking n Being unfit or overweight n Deterioration of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and/or hypertension n Use of recreational drugs (cocaine) This is a very similar set of risk factors for heart disease. The male reproductive organs are comprised of vascular tissue that requires proper circulation of blood both for its function and also for its nourishment. The heart organ is also comprised of vascular tissue and multiple chambers that fill with blood and empty. The demands for their optimal performance should thus be very similar. The medications Viagra and Cialis as well as herbal alternatives yohimbe bark, gingko

Smoking is a potential cause of erectile dysfuction.

biloba and horny goat weed all function to increase blood retention within the vessels and reduce vascular resistance. This effect is temporary and not curative. The focus is on treating the symptom, not the mechanism causing the dysfunction.

Focus on the mechanics Effective treatment of both the symptom and mechanism should focus on vessel health and the contributing factors that damage the vessels. It is also advised to have a urologist check for any blockages in the vessels (varicoceles) and to have a semen analysis done to determine if the production (spermatogenesis) and maturation of sperm are taking place properly. Consider screening for diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia (cholesterol and triglycerides) and having a hormone panel done. Consider also your stress as it can affect reproductive hormone communication and

Natural Solutions to ED Holistic treatment for erectile dysfunction might look something like this: n Antioxidants CoQ10, resveratrol, vitamins C and E, zinc. n Omega 3 (pro EPA). n Regular exercise. n Quitting smoking, avoiding coffee and minimizing alcohol intake. n Acupuncture to regulate blood circulation and reduce the effects of stress. n Chinese herbal medicine such as the formula Shen Qi Wan (Kidney Qi Pill), composed of herbs to nourish blood, regulate blood pressure and circulation, normalize blood sugar levels and generate antioxidant effects.

The male reproductive organs are comprised of vascular tissue that requires proper circulation of blood.

causes vasoconstriction and elevated blood pressure. Supplements commonly prescribed for cardiac health should also be considered for erectile dysfunction. Harris Fisher, Dr. TCM, FABORM, is a doctor of Chinese medicine with a focus on reproductive health and fertility. He is a fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM) and the clinical manager at Yinstill Reproductive Wellness clinic in Vancouver, B.C. | (604) 873-9355 Health Action |


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by Bryn Hyndman, MD


his year your family doctor advises against testing your prostate specific antigen (PSA) level or, perhaps, doesn’t bring it up at all. You are surprised—why wouldn’t a screening test be recommended for one of the most common cancers that affects men? Then you read Prostate Cancer Canada’s recommendation to “know your number” and have your PSA tested. Confused yet? As is the way of the human body and disease, the explanation is nuanced,

and there is nothing simple about the PSA blood test.

What is the PSA test? PSA is a substance made by the prostate that was originally thought to correlate with prostate cancer. This test has been found to be flawed. Many factors can increase PSA: vigorous exercise, high dairy consumption or even riding a bicycle to the doctor’s clinic. PSA levels may also be elevated in men who have an infection or inflammation of the prostate or who have benign prostatic

An elevated PSA does not mean a man has prostate cancer.

Cancer Screening as Mud? hyperplasia (or BPH, a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate). The central theme of the updated prostate cancer guidelines is to understand the PSA test, what it can do for you and what it cannot. A normal PSA does not guarantee a man is cancer-free, and an elevated PSA does not mean a man has prostate cancer.

The nature of prostate cancer Not all cancers are created equal. In Canada, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed non-skin-cancer in men, and its incidence increases with age. Some 90 percent of all prostate cancers are confined to the prostate gland and are slow growing—most prostate cancers often grow so slowly that most men will die of other causes before the disease becomes clinically advanced. Since last year, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC) no longer recommends screening for prostate cancer with the PSA test for any man not previously diagnosed with prostate cancer. This applies for all ages, regardless of men at higher risk: black race/ancestry or strong family history.

More harm than good But why? At first glance, it seems like an obvious causal

association. Prostate cancer death rate has fallen since the introduction of the PSA test; therefore, the test saves lives. However, it is much more complicated than that. There is no conclusive evidence indicating what proportion of the decline in prostate cancer mortality is due to screening, improved treatment or other factors; it is likely that both screening and treatment have contributed. However, the CTFPHC found that the potential small benefit that can result from PSA screening is outweighed by potential significant harms of PSA screening and associated follow-up treatment, which may include chemotherapy, radical prostatectomy, brachytherapy, or external beam radiation therapy. Analysis of the studies to date indicates that to save a life, 1,100 men have to be treated for prostate cancer. And there are real potential risks associated with the treatment: urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction and infection from prostate biopsy, plus the risks inherent to the treatment itself. The bottom line is that we need more data and time to understand the best ways to screen, if at all, and treat prostate cancer. What this means for you is talking with your doctor about whether your risk factors warrant a PSA test, and understanding that the results continued on page

“I recommend Vitamin C and Lysine for Heart Health” W. Gifford-Jones, MD


ixteen years ago following my own coronary attack I decided to follow the research of Dr. Linus Pauling, Professor Williams Stehbens and Dr. Sydney Bush and take high doses of vitamin C plus lysine.

Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Noble Prize winner, was ignored for reporting that large amounts of vitamin C and lysine are needed to prevent coronary attacks. Twenty-five years ago Pauling reported that animals make vitamin C but humans do not and must supplement this important vitamin. Lysine must also be supplemented. Vitamin C is required to manufacture healthy collagen, the glue that holds coronary cells together, just like mortar is needed for bricks. Lysine, like steel rods in cement, makes collagen stronger. Pauling claimed it takes a mere 10 milligrams of vitamin C to prevent scurvy, but several thousand to prevent heart attack. Williams Stehbens, Professor of Anatomy at Wellington University in New Zealand, proved Pauling was right. Stebhens’ research showed that coronary arteries closest to the heart are under the greatest pressure. This causes collagen to fracture resulting in the formation of a blood clot and death. Dr. Sydney Bush, an English researcher, has now proven that vitamin C can reverse atherosclerosis. Bush took retinal photographs, then started his patients on high doses of vitamin C and lysine. One year later additional pictures showed atherosclerosis had regressed in retinal arteries. Now you can take the right combination of Vitamin C and Lysine in a powder form I developed called Medi-C Plus™. The dosage for Medi-C Plus is one flat scoop with breakfast and the evening meal, mixed in water or juice. Ask for at your local Health Food Store and Select Natural Pharmacy.


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Prostate Cancer Screening continued from page 51 are not conclusive, nor is the path forward should your PSA levels be elevated.

PSA test alternative? Dr. Craig Herrington, a naturopathic doctor who specializes in oncology at the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre, explains that the prostate cancer antigen 3 gene (PCA3), which was identified in 1999, is highly overexpressed in almost all prostate cancer tissue specimens, but not in normal or hypertrophied tissue. The PCA3 test is a more accepted alternative to measuring PSA, but not widely used yet, because there is insufficient data on clinical outcomes to currently support routine use.

Primed for disease We live in an experimental time: Never before have we eaten, inhaled and absorbed such a variety and amount of what we now know are carcinogenic chemicals. In addition, compared to our ancestors, we move less, eat more, spend less time outdoors, often have fewer community and social supports, and engage our adrenals and immune systems in a chronic stress response. All of this means our bodies are being primed for disease susceptibility.


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Although genetics might predict susceptibility, the field of epigenetics now directly links environmental factors as responsible for causing 70 to 90 percent of chronic disease risks. Top villains are heavy metals, pesticides, diesel exhaust and tobacco smoke. Xenoestrogens are found in industrial compounds like bisphenol A (BPA), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and phthalates—think plastic containers, tinned foods and food additives—and they are carcinogenic because they mimic estrogen in our bodies and can potentially promote tumour growth.

The potential small benefit that can result from PSA screening is outweighed by potential significant harms of PSA screening and associated follow-up treatment.

Then there’s inflammation. Inflammation occurs at the cellular level and is the origin of almost all disease processes. When I see a patient with an elevated PSA, and/or other symptoms or signs of inflammation, I investigate the root cause with a thorough health history and physical exam, and sometimes additional lab testing. While the PSA screening guidelines may not be straightforward, a proactive approach with your doctor about whether to test or not is best,

along with simple preventative measures. Bryn Hyndman, MD, has over 10 years of clinical experience as both a medical doctor and naturopathic practitioner. She treats

the patient, not the disease, and priorities lifestyle modifications. Dr. Hyndman works at Denman Care Point Walk-in Clinic and Qi Integrated Health in Vancouver. www.vancouverfunctional | (604) 742-8383

Prevention is the Best Cure


voiding environmental triggers and making the right lifestyle choices are the top preventative measures a man can make against prostate cancer. Here’s my to-do list:

n Mitigate stress: seek out

people and experiences that make you laugh, feel relaxed and joyful; keep your hobbies high on your priority list. n Replace household cleaning products and personal care products (detergents, stain removers, soaps) with natural choices ( is a good reference). n Choose a low-glycemic, plant-based diet. n Prioritize organic, pastureraised animal products (direct from the farm can be a more economical option) as many toxins are fat-soluble and very concentrated in animal products (butter, beef, fish, poultry, eggs, lard). n Eat foods high in diindolylmethane (DIM): cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale. n Choose foods high in vitamin E: nuts and pumpkin seeds, avocadoes, leafy greens, beef and oily (wild) fish like salmon and sardines. n Eat cooked tomatoes (from a glass jar, not tins), which are very high in lycopene, a potent antioxidant for the prostate n Limit alcohol to seven drinks per week maximum. n Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference; if you plan to lose weight, consider detox support as most toxins are fat soluble. n E xercise vigorously at least 30 minutes, three times a week. n Use saunas and follow gentle detox nutrition regimes (under the supervision of an experienced health professional).

The Homeopathic ABC of Injury and Recovery by Christy Zettl, BSc, Hom, RSHom (UK)


he treatment of injuries is a small but growing field of practice and research in homeopathy. A recent German poll reported that nearly 92 percent of all doctors working at German football league teams (including the national team) prescribe homeopathic remedies to players. The lead researcher reported that “the success stories are impressive … homeopathic substances don’t have any sideeffects, and we’re on the safe side where doping is concerned.”


Homeopathic remedies do not act on a chemical level like conventional over-the-counter and prescription medication and are instead designed to work with the body’s selfhealing abilities. Elite athletes like David Beckham and Canadian figure skater Elvis Stojko have

publicly credited homeopathy for improving recovery times from injury and strain. I’ve also seen some remarkable results in my practice, with clients consistently healing faster than predicted and without reinjury. Homeopathic remedies can assist the recovery processes of the body and help restore

Elite athletes like David Beckham and Canadian figure skater Elvis Stojko have publicly credited homeopathy for improving recovery times from injury and strain.

Arnica montana

Bellis perennis

Calendula officinalis

In homeopathy known as

The trauma remedy par excellence.

Arnica without bruising.

The homeopathic antiseptic.

Indicated for*

Concussions, contusions, compressions Injuries that lead to significant bruising First remedy to take post trauma

Post-operative recovery of deep/soft tissue incisions Soreness/fatigue from constant physical exertion Injuries sustained in cold and wet environments

Post-operative recovery of superficial incisions Granulation and closing of wounds/cuts (antiseptic properties)

Location of injury

Head/neck Muscoskeletal Anywhere with significant bruising

Abdomen, soft tissue Muscoskeletal


Arnica 30C** Arnica cream for minor bumps and bruises

Bellis 30C**

Calendula 30C** Calendula oil – apply a couple of drops before dressing

Things to keep in your first aid kit

* Always seek professional medical advice with any injury. ** Dosage depends on the type/severity of injury. Consult with a registered homeopath ( for your individual dosage requirements.

normal function. Additionally, they are safe, natural and non-toxic—safe for the whole family. Classical homeopathy’s greatest export, Arnica montana, is well known and has been used for over two hundred years in traumatic conditions. Today, it is commonly found in conventional and homeopathic preparations alike. But did you know Arnica has two cousins in homeopathy, Bellis perennis and Calendula officinalis, that can be used to treat the injuries Arnica can’t? Both have been used for well over a hundred years and can be just as invaluable in specific circumstances. For instance, Arnica shouldn’t be given (orally/topically) where there is an open wound or cut. In this case, Calendula is a better choice. Bellis is invaluable for people with injuries from intense training schedules or injuries in cold, wet environments. It’s the homeopathic ABC of injury and recovery: Arnica, Bellis and Calendula. Remember these little daisies and you will be able to naturally assist your body to bounce back, whatever the injury. Christy Zettl, BSc (Hons), Hom, RSHom (UK), is a London-trained classical homeopath with a passion for gardening and staying active all year round. Join her free enewsletter from to receive practical health tips and the latest news in homeopathy. | (604) 355-WELL(9355) Health Action |


Four Treatments for Sports Injuries



rolotherapy is a simple, natural technique which consists of using a fine needle to inject a natural or medicinal solution into areas of pain for the purpose of stimulating the repair of tendons, ligaments, and joints, thereby promoting joint stability and pain reduction. It can be used to treat many different types of injuries, including: n Sports injuries n Strains and sprains n Tendonitis n Meniscal tears n A rthritis n Joint pain (ankle, knee, hip, back, shoulder, neck, elbow, wrist, fingers) Prolotherapy works by exactly the same process that the human body naturally uses to stimulate the body’s healing system—inflammation. The injection of the prolotherapy solution causes a controlled inflammatory response which jumpstarts the healing process that may have been halted due to reduced blood flow to the injured site. The ligament and tendon tissue which forms as a result of prolotherapy is often thicker and stronger than previously injured tissue. Prolotherapy is also much less invasive than surgery. Dr. Danny Jui, ND; Ray Clinic #3-201 Morrissey Rd, Port Moody, B.C. | (604) 461-7900

Cold Pulsed Laser Treatment


old-pulsed laser light technology emits specific, scientifically tested wavelengths of light that bathe abnormal tissue with photons. Photons are particles of energy that are absorbed by cells, causing a number of positive physiological responses. In essence, light energy is converted into biochemical energy. The therapeutic light beam permits penetration of deep tissues without adversely affecting normal cells. The body’s natural healing processes are enhanced and tissues heal.


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Prolotherapy Cold Pulsed Laser Treatment Neural Therapy Chiropractic

The process is curative as opposed to just suppressing symptoms. Laser light therapy is non-invasive, painless, non-toxic, and highly effective with no known side-effects. Numerous scientific studies have pinpointed the mechanism by which it speeds healing. Specific wavelengths of light cause the following effects: n Improved cellular energy and metabolism n Reduced inflammation n Reduced edema n Reduced fibrous tissue formation n Improved lymphatic drainage n Increased ATP production n Faster cell growth, leading to faster repair of injured tissue n Enhanced DNA production; protein building blocks of tissue are substantially increased n Facilitation of nerve function n Modulation of macrophages, fibroblasts and other immune cells for tissue repair n Formation of new blood vessels, improving blood supply to healing tissue n Increased nutrient delivery into cells According to a study tracking 1,000 patients treated with the specific laser

light system in our clinic, 60 percent of patients feel benefits after six treatments and a further 20 to 30 percent go on to have significant benefit from this therapy. Occasionally, patients feel benefits after the first treatment, and some people feel improvement within three to five treatments. Dr. Brenda Gill, ND; Suite 1-1995 Columbia Ave, Rossland, B.C. (250) 362-5035


Neural Therapy

eural therapy is a nervous system regulation therapy effective in treating a wide variety of conditions by using injections into nerve sites, acupuncture points, scars, muscle trigger points and other tissues to relieve pain and dysfunction throughout the body. The more common conditions that benefit from neural therapy include back and neck pain, post-traumatic conditions, chronic pain from whiplash and head injury, joint pain, muscle pain, and athletic injuries. Jaw and head pain, post-surgical pain (including dental), digestive disturb-

ances, sinusitis, hypothyroid, muscle injuries, organ dysfunctions and scar disturbances also benefit from neural therapy. In order for the body to function properly, nerves need to flow freely. The nervous system controls all unconscious body functions from blood flow to perspiration. If nerves are not flowing properly, the function of the entire body is affected, leading to pain, disability and disease. Neural therapy unblocks the interference to normal functioning by using very specific injections into the areas of disturbance. The injections contain sterile homeopathic medicines and/or a local anesthetic such as procaine. The sites of injection are determined by your history of trauma and surgery, location of symptoms, autonomic patterns or through applied kinesiology methods. In neural therapy the intention is not to anesthetize or numb the nerve, but rather to change the membrane potential temporarily, with the expectation that when the anesthetic wears off, the membrane charges and nerve function will return to normal. A New Leaf Naturopathic Clinic, 4061 200 St, Langley, B.C. www. | (604) 514-8555



ne of the most common problems that chiropractors treat is an acute hip flexor sprain or a “pulled groin muscle.” It may arise as a result of a severe strain, as in a sports injury or a bad fall. But in some cases, it seems spontaneous, coming on for no apparent reason. It

may be gradual or a sudden spasm. The pain is in front of the hip joint and it may be difficult, if not impossible, to lift the leg. Often, people think of it as simply a muscle or tendon sprain and assume it will go away on its own. It is true that the pain often does resolve in days or weeks. But the underlying imbalance in the spine remains and can cause future episodes of groin pain or low back pain. The reason for this is that the groin muscle (iliopsoas) is a large one that goes from the front of the hip to the inside of the pelvis and on to the inside of the spine. Its upper part, the psoas muscle, is attached to every bone and every disc in the low back up to and including the bottom of the rib cage. It even has attachments to the diaphragm, which can cause pain on deep breathing, coughing or sneezing. The spine can compensate for imbalances set up by abnormal tension in the iliopsoas muscle, so the pain goes away. The imbalance remains, however, and can lead to more frequent episodes of a pulled groin, or recurring low back pain and spasms. In time, degenerative arthritis or disc problems can arise from chronic abnormal movement in the spine. If you have had a pulled groin, consult a chiropractor. A current episode of groin pain can be significantly shortened and future problems prevented. Dr. Karin Mattern, DC; Dr. Karin Mattern Chiropractic, 3648 Departure Bay Rd, Nanaimo, B.C. www.drkarinmattern.shawweb | (250) 758-7022

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I’ll Take the Red Pill, Please! Discover the true winner in you by Duane O’Kane, RCC, RCS


erhaps it’s age. Perhaps it’s growing up. Perhaps it’s an evolution taking place inside of not only me but in the minds of men everywhere. I am 64, a counsellor/ therapist by profession and also an avid tennis player. In my earlier years I was fiercely competitive—“winning at all costs” would certainly have been my guiding mantra. My identity was entirely wrapped up in my view of myself as an athlete. I can recall feeling frustrated and angry at myself for not winning matches. Tossing my racquet in disgust was not an uncommon occurrence. Beating my head with my hand and yelling at myself for all to hear was an experience my opponents were well versed in and a seemingly fitting response to my obvious incompetence. I was also unhappy most of the time while in pursuit of winning. Yet this didn’t factor into my assessment of my game. It does now.

From curse to blessing As I approached 40, I watched my body age and slow down, and my competitive edge became even more exaggerated. More racquets flew more often. Unable to live with the prospect of losing a game, I left it. If I couldn’t win, why play? Shortly after, in 1991, I came


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down with osteoarthritis in my left hip and was forced to quit any form of exercise. Not surprising considering how I treated my body. I believed that I would never be able to use my body again in any athletic activity. I couldn’t walk two blocks without having to sit down. This contributed significantly to my clinical depression, having defined myself as an athlete most of my life. Fifteen years later, I had a hip replacement and returned first to physiotherapy, then to exercise and, finally, to playing tennis again. Having to take it slow forced me to study my movements and my attitude towards both my body and my game. This slower speed was initially a curse but later became a profound

Having to take it slow forced me to study my movements and my attitude towards both my body and my game. This slower speed was initially a curse but later became a profound blessing.

blessing. The focus required in retraining my mind and attitude was akin to learning how to walk again.

In place of winning Something happened. I fell into a state of profound gratitude that I was the recipient of a modern medical procedure that was nothing short of a miracle. The hip replacement

was a life changer. Being able to walk without hiding a limping leg, moving on a tennis court and hitting a ball again was cause for celebration. With those slower movements of retraining my body I had no choice but to observe the mechanics of motion, which for years I had taken for granted. This study became a fascination for the fine art and beauty of motion itself. I had no idea what

was required in terms of focus, coordination, strength and agility in delivering an emphatic and effective ball across the net and perfect the stroke itself. The aesthetics of the stroke and the exquisite coordination of movements of this body machine astounded me. I can now spend hours hitting the ball against a practice wall and it’s a form of meditation. In the absence of focusing on winning, another world has opened up for me. It’s like The Matrix; there is an underworld beneath this illusionary reality that reveals an actual reality. To get there, Neo chooses the red pill over the blue pill. I’ll take the red pill, please. The pill is the cost of admission—curiosity, interest and continuing to walk towards what I don’t know rather than what I do. I didn’t know this alternate reality existed. In place of my addiction for winning has emerged a fascination for the secrets of eloquent power and the art of graceful motion. I look forward to the next time-out for more secrets to be revealed to me. I do this not to provide me with another weapon to win but rather a tool to get closer to something or someone I’ve had a glimpse of, say, tennis great Roger Federer in my onehanded topspin backhand. I get to know him even just for a second: “So that’s what it is like to be Roger—amazing!” Watch Federer at centre court completing his stroke. He looks down at the space where a ball has already left his racquet. It allows for a complete commitment to perfection. He is not even looking at where the ball is going! He’s in a relationship with something beyond outcome—his art.

I am discovering more of who I actually am and who I am deciding to be rather than my earlier obsession of who I thought I needed to be or what I thought I needed to accomplish.

Despite having millions on the line and equally as many people watching, I suspect Federer has taken the red pill and is more in relationship with the beauty (and, dare I say, divinity) of the stroke than what his stroke can accomplish or provide him. We may never see another quite like him. But it doesn’t stop there. I am also meeting myself. Who is this person emerging that smiles at his mistakes as often as his successes? That has new values that celebrate his opponent’s successes as much as his own? That wants to know the opponent beyond being an opponent? I am discovering more of who I actually am and who I am deciding to be rather than my earlier obsession of who I thought I needed to be or what I thought I needed to accomplish. I am less frustrated and more peaceful.

Doors open Much like the opening sequence in the TV series Get Smart, this is like walking through a door and taking in the lessons and splendour of a new room. And when I do, another door opens at the other end and another lesson greets me. To the degree that I remain curious, open and humble, it allows for a steady graduation or personal evolution as well as the discovery of so many

secrets unavailable in the previous rooms. The doors keep opening. How many are there? I don’t know. How is this different than meditation? It isn’t. A force beyond all of the distracting, frantic, desperate, human goaloriented behaviour is winking at all of us all of the time. I get glimpses. It becomes spiritual. Tennis has become my church. I study. I am now focusing on who I want to be rather than what I want to achieve.

One can only wonder what would happen if we took the red pill in every aspect of our lives, at home, at work, to witness the divinity in all. Duane O’Kane, RCC, RCS, is a registered clinical counsellor, family therapist, workshop facilitator, teacher and a dynamic and entertaining public speaker. He has a lengthy background in mental health and social services; 40 years and counting with 18 years in the field before forming Clearmind in 1991. Based in Vancouver, Clearmind International Institute is an organization that offers personal growth workshops in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, the U.K. and Sweden, as well as an accredited counsellor training program offering both in-person and cyber classrooms. duane.okane@clearmind. com |

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Adrenal Support and Stress Management Transitioning from summer to fall with more vitality by David Wang, ND


ummer is filled with sun and relaxation. Typically after the Labour Day weekend, everyone goes back to work or school and all of a sudden I see patients coming in droves with fatigue, exhaustion, colds and flus—all symptoms of stress and the inability to cope. Stress affects everyone, and yet it is the most underdiagnosed epidemic condition in the world! In the doctor’s office, 75 to 95 percent of all medical conditions are attributed to stress. In the workplace, the cost of stress is estimated at $20 billion per year in Canada, according to a 2010 survey by Statistics Canada.

Pay close attention to the body’s natural circadian rhythm.

Chronic stress can result from physical causes, such as cold, noise, trauma, malnutrition, exercise and surgery, or psychological stressors, such as worry about finances, family, career, interviews and exams. Stress symptoms can include fatigue, exhaustion, slow metabolism, weight gain, low mood,


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depression, pain, inflammation, frequent colds or flus, infertility, insomnia, anxiety, worry and panic attacks. These conditions can certainly set the stage for cardiovascular events and cancers, two of the most common causes of death in North America.

Adrenal-thyroid connection Chronic stress does not just affect your mind and spirit, but it can also profoundly affect your physical body. Chronic stress initially depletes adrenal glands of its cortisone and, in turn, less cortisol is released into the blood. Cortisol is necessary to maintain metabolism

and is secreted in larger quantities during times of stress to mobilize blood sugar, which is your body’s energy source. When the adrenal glands are depleted, the thyroid gland will work harder to make up for the lack of energy. As chronic stress continues, the thyroid gland will eventually become depleted as well and lead to symptoms of hair loss, weight gain and cold extremities. About half of all my patients with adrenal depletion have a compromised thyroid condition. Anyone who has gone through a life-changing event such as losing a loved one, having children or losing a job could potentially have adrenal depletion problems. Many

times this is in combination with thyroid depletion. Often, medical doctors will treat the thyroid gland when it has become deficient and fail to recognize that the original cause is adrenal deficiency, stressors or the inability to cope. The adrenal-thyroid connection has been established in studies and in my practice. Many do well with a dual-glandular support program, and nutritional support along with lifestyle management strategies.

Nutritional support Key to repairing adrenal and thyroid depletion problems is nutritional support, including B vitamins and vitamin C

from organic whole foods. This is because the body only recognizes, absorbs and assimilates nutrients that are made by nature. Only foods that are grown from the ground provide nutrients that are recognized by the body and supported by the required cofactors including minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids and phytonutrients in order to ensure assimilation. In addition, these restorative nutrients are bound naturally with proteins, carbohydrates and fats that your body recognizes and readily absorbs. On the other hand, synthetic nutrients are isolated compounds made by drug companies. For example, B vitamins are typically made from toxic chemicals including petroleum byproducts, coaltar derivatives, formaldehyde, acetone and cyanide. This why they often made my patients feel sick in the early part of my practice. During times of stress, it is important to eat wholesome foods regularly. Maintaining your blood sugar is paramount to reducing your cortisol level, since low blood sugar is one of the key triggers for cortisol release. So eating meals with complex carbohydrates, proteins and essential fatty acids from whole foods, and not from processed or packaged foods, will feel better for your body. Eating regularly means eating every three to four waking hours. Feeding your body good fuel regularly will also help to maintain your blood sugar level. This means that most people need to get into the habit of eating a good snack

Only foods grown from the ground provide nutrients that are recognized by the body.

at 3 pm when this transient low blood sugar state could potentially cause more cortisol release. A good idea would be to eat some organic nuts and seeds along with an apple or pear for a snack. Conversely, if you were to skip meals (because you forget to eat or you’re trying to lose weight), blood sugar drops, triggering a cortisol release, which means that your next meal will be packed away around your waist rather than being used. This is

because your body senses the stress of starvation and will store away the food as fat in the event there’s another bout of starvation. Remember that if you’re trying to fuel your body properly to get through your day or to lose weight, you need to eat good food regularly! Eating primarily a plantbased diet will offer more support by way of preventing diseases and being more easily digestible. It will also alkalize the body, meaning that it will

get more oxygen to the tissues and reduce tension in your muscles. Eating more organic food also makes sense due to the increase in oxidation from stress reactions. A recent study shows that plant-based organic foods have more antioxidants, are less toxic and have more phytonutrients. In addition to pushing themselves, those on the verge of adrenal collapse will also often consume artificial energy boosters like sugary snacks and caffeinated beverages. These “vices” cause sugar surges followed shortly by sugar crashes that can worsen their adrenal status. Coffees and caffeinated beverages can continued on page


Top 12 Dos and Don’ts for Adrenal Support and Coping with Stress Do


Take organic pure food supplements (vitamin Bs and C)

Take synthetic supplements that may be toxic

Be aware of breathing and breathe!

Hold your breath and be tense

Exercise in the morning

Exercise in the evening or night

Stay focused on one task at a time

Multi-task all day at work and home

Relax in the evening with yoga, a bath, reading

Work, email or watch TV in the evenings

Engage in creative activities like art, music in the evenings

Think or always keeping busy in the evenings

Have a regular sleep-wake cycle and get a full night’s sleep

Work irregular shifts, have late night socials and reduce sleep

Give thanks and relax before eating “slow foods”

Rush and work through your meals, eat “fast foods”

Eat balanced meals and regularly

Skip meals or consume sugars and coffees

Say “no” to some things and set boundaries

Say “yes” to everything and over commit

Incorporate more breaks, laughter and be happy

Work overtime at a dead-end job, being sad and depressed

Stay balanced and be present

Over-reacting, obsessing over desires or being anxious

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Transitioning from Summer continued from page 59 further deplete your adrenals by stimulating the release of already depleted cortisol level.

Slow down People are forgetting to relax. Many continue to push themselves, not realizing that their bodies work on natural cycles of being energized and relaxed, using up (catabolism) and restoring (anabolism). People who are heading toward a nervous breakdown or burnout often feel that the demands on their lives are increasing, and thus they feel that they must work even harder. This is because relative to their low adrenal reserves, their work and

stressors seem to be mounting. Instead of slowing down, they take on more stress and in turn cause even further depletion. Chronically stressed individuals are not taking the time to be present, breathe deeply, relax, meditate and slow down before eating—nor are they getting adequate sleep. What I recommend to my patients is to pay close attention to the body’s natural circadian rhythm. The natural rise in cortisol during the day should be matched with exercise and work while the natural dip in cortisol level in the evening should correspond to a period of rest and relaxation. After dinner, everyone should take at least an hour of “me” time for a quiet walk, meditation, light reading, relaxing music, hatha yoga or hot bath before bed. Oh yes, this means putting away your electronic equipment, turning off the TV and logging off your emails or social media messaging for at least one hour before bedtime! The importance of maint-

aining proper circadian rhythm cannot be overstated. During daylight savings time, when we lose or gain one hour of daylight, there is an increase in health risk associated with this change in our sleep-wake cycle. Car accidents increase by eight percent, workplace accidents increase by six percent and heart attacks increase by 10 percent. Studies have also shown that people who do shift work run increased risks of type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, depression, gastric ulcers, infertility and cancer. It’s important to lead a purposeful life and to achieve your professional and personal goals. But if you find that your desire turns into an obsession or that your goals and desires turn into anxiety then you need to find your balance. According to Eastern philosophy, suffering comes from deep-rooted mental issues that stem from cravings and aversions. Finding your centre is key to reducing your tension. Being equanimous means to neither crave and

Reflexology and Stress


eflexology is a non-invasive, manual method of stimulating reflexes in the feet, hands or ears that correspond to every part, gland and organ in the body. This stimulation effectively reduces stress and tension in the body. Typically, the reflexologist will, step by step, address the whole body and focus on parts of the body that show signs of stress with pain, tightness or malfunction. Each session will alleviate stress and move the body in increments towards wellness. If stress has accumulated over a long time, it will take a number of reflexology sessions to return to a healthy balanced state. Once this is attained, it’s recommended to have regular reflexology sessions to cope with everyday stress and maintain wellness. —Pacific Institute of Reflexology, 535 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver , B.C. (604) 875-8818 | (800) 688-9748 | www.pacific


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cling nor to be averse or anxious about something or someone. Adopting a new attitude of letting go, accepting what is, being in the here and now will reduce your blood cortisol levels and spare your adrenal glands. In my practice, when patients follow these simple steps and take the right food supplements, about 80 percent of them experience significant improvements within 30 days! Can you imagine going back to work after a restful summer and having more energy and focus, better metabolism, less weight, improved mood, reduced inflammation, stronger immunity and much happiness? David Wang, ND, is the past president of the BC Naturopathic Association and founder of the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. He currently teaches at the Boucher Institute and offers seminars across Canada. Dr. Wang also maintains a practice in Vancouver, B.C. www.vancouverholistic |

The Art of Transformation One Day at a Time by Trish Lim O’Donnell, CCP


n every person’s life that is attached to family, friends or spouse the opportunity to grow spiritually is limitless. We do it because it is an inner call for perfection and grace: When we succeed to grow our child to the degree that it is perfect and gracious in our ability to carry ourselves and our truth into the world, the fulfillment is unparalleled. When you love those sacred to you, the journey is to share your past pain in a spirit worthy of the hurt you went through. You also practise sacred trust that this someone you share it with possesses the heart to care about you and can look past his or her own pain to be there for you. You need vulnerability as big as the ocean for that. If you are like me, where you are separated by thousands of miles (7,973 from Vancouver to Singapore), time with family then is also about doing your spiritual, emotional healing with one other. You tell truth to each other amidst some stress accommodating each other’s ways versus being by yourself. It is an important space for us to get a sense of where we have grown and

“Long insatiable yearning of the mortal creature, for absolute union-never accomplished; each mortal love the symbol, the promise, and the part-fulfillment of that for which all life exists.” Edward Carpenter where we still need refined work. We are a family capable of deep soulful moments as well as fun, ragging humour at another’s dictatorial ways. We are different in our approaches to dealing with life and love, stress and pain. Our sacred time together is our time to grow to love, care and meet one another with more and more freedom from demanding from each other

what the other can’t give. We owe it to our loved ones to copy each other in the best possible spirit you can muster up to share your truth and be OK with it. The next attempt will be sweeter and even better because you will be more aware as to how to share it. This healing work will heal your heart even more if you allow it. The sweet comfort is—and this I have seen

countless times—when you dare to disclose your heart, those who love you will meet you. You will have your own brand of making up, whether it is your husband hugging you like you were the most precious thing on earth, or your sister’s voice filled with softness, which shows her heart is wide open and has heard you and she is mustering up to meet your needs, or another loved one giving you a sweet hug to say she is sorry and what you thought was not correct, which comforts your heart to no end. We are the keepers of each other’s heart just so we don’t give up and grow cynical for our beloved earth. By taking care to feel another’s hurt means you are extraordinary because you choose to care. That—in turn—fulfills our human need of experiencing this beatific union where we are, indeed, one. Trish Lim-O’Donnell, CCP, is a relationship coach and spiritual guide, ISMT teacher and E.Q. Music recording artist with 28 years of personal and professional life-coaching experience. www.

nother’s hur t means you are ex tra a l e e f o t ordina ng care ry o h c o s u e i o y t o e k c s a u a r a e t c . be By Health Action |


Relaxation Response to the Rescue

by Kemila Zsange, RCCH


he fight-or-flight response is built into our human biology. The reptilian brain, by far the oldest and simplest part of our brain, is responsible for our survival. It is a system from ancient times that caused an individual to either fight or run for protection when faced with real physical danger, such as a large hungry animal. Today, people don’t have to face the issue of survival on a daily basis. Yet this component still exists in our biology and can be easily activated, in most people,


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when a danger is real or when it is just imagined to be real, such as with fear of abandonment or fear of not being good enough. When we go about our dayto-day tasks in the workplace, engage in family or relationship interactions, or encounter something unknown such as a new situation that we don’t yet know how to handle, we can unknowingly activate this fight-or-flight mechanism, generate fear within ourselves, and flood the thought process to such an extent that we lose sight of what’s really going on in a situation. No large animals need to be present. We

Stress and relaxation cannot coexist in the same body at the same time.

only need to believe that we are threatened. Humans are so imaginative that a perceived danger can be treated as a real danger. For example, the moment we think, “What if people laugh at me

when I present this tomorrow?,” we forget that we started the whole sentence with “what if,” which literally means it’s not necessarily true. Yet we often treat it as a fact, and we get stressed. Thankfully in the human genetic structure, we also have this innate built-in mechanism called the relaxation response.

Activating the relaxation response The relaxation response can be easily accessed by simply taking a few deep breaths. In the moment of suspending

thoughts and taking a few deep breaths, the relaxation response can be instantly activated. Activities such as a relaxing bath, listening to soothing music or a walk out in nature can extend and expand this further. Stress and relaxation cannot coexist in the same body at the same time. Stress is normally caused by ways of unconscious thinking. It manifests in body sensations such as heaviness, muscle tightness and even pain. These body sensations are signals telling us where our thinking is at, so we can do something about it. After all, continuing to feel stressed doesn’t really help any situation.

Stress less with self-hypnosis There are many things that we can do to ward off stress. Some are more organic and less costly than others. Self-hypnosis is a way to induce trance by hypnotizing oneself. It works with the unconscious mind to create relaxation. Dr. Herbert Benson, a professor at Harvard Medical School, in his book The Relaxation Response, first published in 1975, recommended selfhypnosis as a tool to elicit the relaxation response. The word hypnosis may paint different pictures to different people, yet

the practical use of self-hypnosis may be simpler, and learning the techniques may be easier, than you think. There are many self-hypnosis techniques (see below). Like any tools, one is not necessarily better or worse than the other. It depends on the individual and how one uses them. It is a good idea to pick techniques that resonate with you and test them out. When you find one that works for you, you can stay with it for as long as you still benefit from it. Apart from the natural side-effect of the relaxation response, the purpose of selfhypnosis is twofold. First it

can create an open, receptive state of mind so that you can give yourself positive suggestions or affirmations without resistance. Second, in this state, as you drift deeper into the unconscious, it is natural to access your inner wisdom, inner solutions, inner memories and inner creativity. Kemila Zsange, RCCH, is a registered clinical counselling hypnotherapist with a full-time practice in Vancouver. She helps people find inner wisdom using hypnosis to interrupt patterns. She also teaches eight-week-long self-hypnosis classes. | (604) 687-4325

Easy Self-Hypnosis Techniques to De-stress


ou can learn more advanced selfhypnosis techniques from a class or hypnotherapy practitioner. Here are two simple, effective techniques that you can start practising today. 1. Eye Fractionation Technique Sit in a comfortable position. Let the muscles in your body go limp and loose. Look at a spot in front of you, slightly above eye level. Count down silently from 10 to zero. On each count, blink your eyes once. Tie this into your breathing as well. When you breathe in, open your eyes, and when you breathe out, close them. When you reach zero, your eyelids are probably too tired to keep open, so you can gently allow your eyes to remain closed. With your eyes closed, you have already entered a hypnotic trance state. You can deepen the state by relaxing each part of your body—from head to toes or from toes to head, muscle group by muscle group. This is the moment that stress naturally leaves the body. Practice this twice a day. When you first start, you can simply give yourself

five to 10 minutes each session. Aim at relaxation only. Like bicep muscles, trance muscles need exercise. When you can get into the self-hypnotic state sooner and deeper, you can start doing it for other purposes, such as suggestions for better sleep, concentration or performance. 2. Simple Statement Technique Rather than spending time stressing about a future that we don’t know, we can actually do something about it to ensure a better outcome. First we do whatever we can to practically prepare for the future, then we can prepare energetically by practising self-hypnosis. The following Simple Statement Technique allows us to do that. I am going into self-hypnosis for ___ minutes for the purpose of __________, so when I re-emerge I will be __________ and ready for ____________. For example: I am going into selfhypnosis for 10 minutes for the purpose of peak performance for tomorrow’s job interview, so when I re-emerge I will be refreshed, energized and confident and ready for the job offer tomorrow.

The steps for practising this simple, effective technique are as follows: n Hand write the above statement on a piece of paper. n Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. n Read the statement three times, preferably out loud. Drop the paper. n Take three deep breaths with your eyes fixed on a spot in front of you, slightly upward. n On the third exhale, close your eyes. Enjoy the mini-trance. Let your subconscious mind do the timing. You may be amazed how accurate it can be or can be trained to be.

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Mandating Vaccines? A consideration of the issues by Ted Kuntz


ntense efforts have been underway in the United States to eliminate the voluntary and informed consent status of vaccinations and to make some or all vaccinations mandatory. While mandating vaccinations in Canada would require a change to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, there is increasing pressure on parents to have their children vaccinated, and upon employees if they want to be employed in certain sectors. If we are to seriously consider the idea of mandatory

vaccinations, it is important we be aware of the consequences this change would mean. It is also important to identify appropriate safeguards prior to any change of this significance.

Loss of personal self-determination Mandating vaccinations would mean that individuals no longer have self-determination over their own bodies or that of their children. Instead, industry and government agents would have the authority to forcibly impose medical interventions.

Research trials that produce an unfavourable result can be withheld from public and governmental scrutiny.


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This would establish a dangerous precedent. While the context of the current debate is about the measles vaccine, the potential impact is more significant than the mandating of a single vaccine. This decision threatens our right to decide what goes into our body and the bodies of our children.

A change in medical ethics Mandatory vaccination would also mean a significant change in how medicine is practised. Presently, every physician embraces the motto, “First do no harm.” Forced vaccinations would disregard this medical ethic. Vaccination has known risks including death. In 2011 the Supreme Court in the United States deemed vaccinations “unavoidably unsafe,” meaning

that even when used as directed an unknown number of individuals will be injured or killed by vaccines. Our current medical ethics supports the right that no one should be forced to undergo an invasive medical treatment without his or her consent to the treatment and as a collective we have condemned numerous historical examples of this. Yet today we are considering ethical practices similar to those we have previously shunned.

Loss of charter rights Forcing Canadians to submit to vaccinations against their will would deprive citizens of their Charter rights to fundamental freedom of conscience and religion, and their legal right to security of the person. It can be expected

that this attack on our rights and freedoms will result in a legal defence of our Charter rights.

Industry and government agents would have the authority to forcibly impose medical interventions.

Prerequisites to mandating vaccinations Prior to any consideration of making a vaccination mandatory, a number of foundational prerequisites ought to be in place. These prerequisites include: Mandatory reporting of all adverse effects of vaccinations. Much of the data we have about the frequency of adverse effects of vaccinations comes from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. VAERS is described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as “a passive reporting system.” It is estimated that only two to 10 percent of actual vaccine damage incidences are reported. A rigorous and accountable system to ensure the tracking of all adverse reactions to vaccines needs to be implemented. Training of physicians to diagnose vaccine damage. Physicians need training in diagnosing and treating vaccine injury prior to any mandatory vaccinations. Without proper training in the diagnosis of vaccine injury, how can we trust vaccine injury data to make decisions on benefit/ risk assessments? How can we subject children to the risk of vaccine injury and then not be able to treat the injury? Mandatory compensation for all vaccine injury. Currently there is no national vaccine injury compensation program in Canada. Canada and Russia are the only remaining countries of the western world

not to have a vaccine injury compensation plan. Is it acceptable to force families to expose their children to the risk of vaccine injury or death and then fail to compensate families when injury or death occurs? While the U.S. has a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the U.S. vaccine court within the U.S. Court of Federal Claims has been criticized for its reluctance to acknowledge and provide compensation for vaccine injury, and for the lack of transparency and accountability of its vaccine court masters. A Canadian compensation system needs to be implemented and provide easily accessible compensation for vaccine-injured individuals. Mandatory evidence of long-term vaccine safety. Currently there are no long-term clinical trials that demonstrate vaccine safety. Most safety trials are limited to a few weeks. Most effectiveness trials are limited to the measurement of antibodies/ titters in the blood rather than producing verifiable evidence that the vaccine actually prevented the targeted disease. No safety trials exist that determine the safety of giving multiple vaccinations at once. No large safety trials exist that use an unvaccinated population as the control group. Most safety trials use control groups consisting of other vaccinated populations or placebos containing aluminum and other vaccine ingredients

minus the immunizing agent. This failure to use a proper neutral placebo undermines the integrity of vaccine safety claims. Without adequate safety trials, how can we accurately assess benefit/risk? How can families make a responsible choice? Access to legal recourse. The ability to sue manufacturers for vaccine injury is severely compromised in Canada due to the legal requirement that both causation and negligence be proven. This is an unnecessary barrier to holding vaccine manufacturers liable for vaccine injury. In the U.S., vaccines manufacturers were exempted from vaccine injury liability in 1986 due to the substantial number of liability cases against vaccine manufacturers. Without the risk of liability, vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to make the safest products possible and the public has no means to hold manufacturers accountable. Oversight by an independent body. A judicial body would need to be established to provide independent evaluation of product safety claims as well as evaluate the justification for imposing medical treatments without an individual’s consent. This body ought to be independent of both industry and government influence and have the investigative powers and independence of the judiciary.

Mandatory reporting of all vaccine research trials and outcomes. Currently pharmaceutical manufacturers are able to withhold evidence of research trials and outcomes and only publish or acknowledge those trials that produce the outcomes favourable to their cause. As a consequence, research trials that produce an unfavourable result can be withheld from public and governmental scrutiny. How can we make informed decisions when important research data may be being withheld? Mandatory quarantine of all vaccinated individuals receiving live and attenuated viruses. If we are genuinely serious about stopping the transmission of viruses and achieving herd immunity (a theory that has never been proven), then the quarantine of individuals vaccinated with live/attenuated viruses (chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, intranasal influenza, shingles) needs to be implemented. These vaccines have the potential to transmit viruses to the general population due to viral shedding. Viral shedding can occur for up to six weeks following vaccination.

Loss of Charter rights Short-circuiting the dialogue on vaccinations won’t serve us well. We need to be thoughtful and vigilant before mandating a medical procedure that will undermine democracy and take away personal rights and freedoms, now and for generations to come. Psychotherapist Ted Kuntz is the author of Peace Begins with Me. Health Action |


NHP Regulations: All about “Safety” by Deane Parkes

What do the regulations mean to us now?


ealth Canada has been challenged from the outset in 1997 to create regulations to control the safety of products that have had no serious safety issues in 50 years. How could they create regulations to make safe products safer? A recent CBC Marketplace series that questioned the validity of Health Canada’s regulation of natural health products (NHPs) came as no surprise to many. As far back as 2002, a Fraser Institute report concluded that the regulations should be abolished. For example, it has been known for years that NHP companies applying for a natural product number (NPN) licence could send in multiple applications for the same product, receiving multiple rejections but one, yet needing only that one to go to market. Government and industry have bungled the process to the tune of over a billion dollars in taxes to protect us from products that have less chance of causing us to suffer serious side-effects than being hit by lightning.

Should there be any regulation? Yes. Even knowing that supplements are as safe today as when the regulatory process started in 1997, I believe Health Canada should continue to regulate the manufacturing process and, in addition, have post-market random testing to


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Although safety was the initial purpose of the regulations, Health Canada currently seems most concerned about managing health claims.

ensure what is on the label is in the bottle. This would ensure suppliers remain diligent in maintaining Canada’s high standards. But as a consumer of dietary supplements, I really have only one requirement—that what is on the label is in the bottle. No more, no less. Still, although safety was the initial purpose of the regulations, Health Canada

currently seems most concerned about managing health claims. In our high-tech world, validating health claims should be easy to manage. If a consumer wants proof to support a product’s health claim, they should check the company’s website or call the company in order to make an informed decision. And consult with whatever reference they trust.

Let’s keep in mind that the products are as safe today as in 1997. Yet NHPs are still classified as drugs, though industry members have fought for a distinct categorization. Health Canada has since allowed melatonin, 5HTP, MSM, amino acids and other previously restricted ingredients back onto the market. Some see this as a victory when really these products should never have been banned in the first place. In the meantime, most combination formulas used prior to NPNs being required have changed. In many circumstances, companies using natural health experts with decades of experience in research and formulation were told to change the formula or take the product off the market. Health Canada staff were far less qualified to analyze the application. Often these changes caused confusion and higher costs and, ultimately, reduced choice for consumers. Nowadays, you will also see extreme cautions and warnings on labels, most of which are unsubstantiated. Homeopathy, herbs, vitamins, minerals, greens and other supplements have been sold in Canada for more than 50 years. Safe is safe. So why, all of a sudden, do we need all these serious side-effects on labels? Since 2001, Deane Parkes has been the president of Preferred Nutrition, a distributor and manufacturer of natural health products available in health food stores.

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