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Your Perks and Programs (continued)

Hearing Services

Get one routine hearing exam for a $75 copay when you see a TruHearing® provider and lowered rates on up to two TruHearing hearing aids per year. Learn more at TruHearing.com. Or you can get access to comprehensive hearing services at any in-network hearing provider (when medically necessary) up to a certain cost. See the Your Comprehensive Hearing Benefits flier for details or call Customer Service.

Preventive Care

We cover preventive services and tests to keep you healthy. Here is a partial list of the services included in your comprehensive preventive service bene fi t.*

•  One preventive service exam per member (no age limitations) per plan year.

•  One preventive service visit to a Women’s Principal Health Care Provider per plan year.

•  Well-child care.

•  The screenings, procedures and immunizations listed below, within the applicable preventive service bene fi t:

Blood sugar screening.

Cervical cancer screening (Pap smear).

Cervical cancer vaccine.

Childhood immunizations.

Chlamydia screening.

Cholesterol screening.

Colorectal cancer screening (flexible sigmoidoscopy, screening colonoscopy, fecal occult blood test, including FIT).

*Of fice visit copayment and/or coinsurance may apply.


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