2010 Healthcare Award Compliance Program - Best Practice News Alert 168

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7735 December 15, 2009 168

Welcome to Health & Life’s free email newsletter service. Tell a friend that we would be happy to add their email address to the distribution list. This service is to provide Health and Life’s clients and those who attended our presentations with up to date information on key financial and practice management issues that may affect your practice. Please do not use this as a substitute to seeking professional advice. Writer in charge: Mr David Dahm BA.Acc, FCPA, FTIA, Ffin, FAAPM, GLFG.

2010 Award Compliance Program, Template Quote & Xmas Shut Down

1.0 Confused? No Relief from the 1st January 2010 Deadline? Is there an easier way? As most of you would know, Health and Life have recently produced 2010 Award compliant employment contract templates for administration, nursing and medical staff which can specifically absorb over award payments in order to avoid the new penalty rates and allowances. Unless these agreements are in writing with the employees consent, any above Award payments will still make employers liable for additional penalties and allowances. Our templates have been carefully worded so they are in line with the new Awards which come into effect on January 1st 2010 irrespective of the transitional rules that may apply to your practice. We will explain this big issue in the New Year – sorry we ran out of time to tell you some of the sleeper issues we have come across. One extremely important example is you need to consider converting regular casual staff to permanent employees by 1.1.2010 and not later. We are advising all clients please make sure you have the right contracts in place to avoid the $33,000 penalties if there is a breach. We are very concerned that employer organisations are publishing inconsistent advice and incorrect interpretations of the law which is not legally correct and only creating more confusion. Unfortunately this only makes everyone’s work more stressful than is necessary. There are many issues not necessarily detailed in the Award that may affect the practice. The Health and Life Employment Template Kits go a long way to saving practices a lot of time, money and worry and we appreciate many of you have already purchased the documents and have provided excellent feedback.

2.0 Employment Kit – 2010 Award Compliant Template Contracts Quote To access a quote for the agreements and see a list of documents go to Download Employment Kit List of Documents and Quote at www.healthandlife.com.au see special announcements Latest Best Practice News Alert No. 168 or email us at pa@healthlife.com.au for more information.

3.0 Generous Funding Offer to Divisions of General Practice and Healthcare Associations The Australian Association of Practice Managers see www.aapm.org.au have just joined this national program which exclusively benefits its membership base. If your local association would like to source these same benefits such as new funding or an offer of free training on the Awards or any of our Practice Sustainability Seminar topics go to our website www.healthandlife.com.au and visit Training & List of Seminar Topics. We have had so much interest in our exclusive employment kit template product that we have decided to make a special offer to your local organisation which is a win for you and them. If you are interested and would like more information, please forward this email to them and ask them to email us at pa@healthandlife.com.au for further information on how we can sponsor your local education programs or activities.

Merry Christmas Dear Everyone, Many thanks for the valuable support of our clients and partners/organisations who if it was not for your interest, we would not be here. We greatly appreciate and are honoured with the opportunity to work with you. To our readers, thanks for the feedback and ongoing interest and we hope we have been of some assistance. On behalf of all of the staff at Health & Life we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Safe New Year. We look forward to seeing you in 2010 and may it be a very prosperous one. Please be advised that our office will be closing at 5.00pm on Wednesday 23rd December 2009 and reopening at 8.30am on Monday, 4th January 2010. During this time please contact Kylee Marsh on 0458 620 199 for any emergency enquiries or email pa@healthandlife.com.au and we will respond to your email as soon as we can. During this office closure our office will be working on skeleton staff and will respond to any emails as soon as we can.

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