Professor Gerry Griffin Pro Vice Chancellor, Division of Business is pleased to invite
to UniSA's Great Debate
Money Buys Happiness on Wednesday 19 September from 7:30am-9:00am in The Bradley Forum Level 5, Hawke Building City West campus (see map) Breakfast provided Places are limited so please ensure you register your attendance online
Our panel
Dr Lynn Arnold Former CEO of Anglicare and World Vision, and Premier of South Australia (1992-1993)
Tammy May Director of MyBudget
Corinne Namblard Director of Codan Limited and Board member of QANTAS
David Dahm CEO and Founder of Health and Life
Julianne Parkinson Executive Director and Strategic Growth Markets Leader, Central Region for Ernst and Young
Dominic Lagana State President of St Vincent de Paul Society SA Inc.
Our MC
Dr Gerard Stone Program Director: School of Commerce, UniSA
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