1 minute read
Daniel J. Vukelich, Esq., President and CEO of AMDR,
discusses reprocessing used medical devices, the role of healthcare in climate change and Right to Repair
Even before COVID-19, hospitals were (surprisingly) a major driver of greenhouse gas emissions. More patients in hospitals just made matters worse.
Though healthcare professionals likely engage in some sustainable behaviour at home – recycling, for example –in the world of healthcare, many medical devices are only used once then, due to contamination fears, are thrown away. Post-pandemic, it’s time to push the healthcare sector to recycle in the workplace.
Some healthcare organisations are starting to fight back against this waste. The Association of Medical Device Reprocessors (AMDR) is one such organisation focused on reprocessing used medical equipment for environmental benefit, with Daniel J. Vukelich, Esq., President and CEO of AMDR, on a mission to reprocess used medical devices.
“We collect, decontaminate, clean, repair, functionally test, disinfect, sterilise (when required), package and return, among