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Publisher’s Letter
We Need Wisdom, and We Need it Now
It’s often said that the true test of character is how you act when no one is looking. But it may be just as important to examine how one acts when everyone is looking. And that’s what’s happening today in our industry. The whole world has turned its attention to scientists, researchers, doctors, nurses, labs, hospitals, infectious disease experts, and especially healthcare companies, to see how we respond to the most threatening pandemic in ages. Thrown into the spotlight, how will we perform? CARI KRAFT It’s no surprise to me that all hands are on deck, and the industry is performing spectacularly. It may be frustrating to the general public that a cure was not on hand immediately, but the speed with which we have amassed our energy and expertise is truly astonishing. As you can see from the evidence just in this issue, the best minds we have are not only at work around the clock, but are providing a high level of hope to all of us. Just to cite a few examples from this issue, here are quotes from our leaders about what their companies are doing: • “Bayer became customer-obsessed, reaching out to all external partners, asking “What do you need from us?” – Sebastian Guth, President, Americas Region, Bayer • “We give our first thought to patients and their families, and to increasing the benefits health care provides.” – Ivan Cheung, Chairman, Eisai • “I think we are on the way to something great. I am very optimistic.” – David Loew, EVP and Head,
Sanofi • “[This era is] both accelerating changes that were underway and creating new things.” Rj Lasek,
VP Commercial Operation, Takeda. And that’s a small sampling. Along with this, our report on the Top 50 Biotech Companies shows how vibrant that sector is, accelerating, beyond even its normal speed, to take on the task of fighting the pandemic. There is wisdom, strength, expertise and determination aplenty in the industry. And we’re grateful, because we’ve never needed it more.
And as always, please keep the feedback coming. It all goes to making the magazine better for all of us.
Cari Kraft, Publisher
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