6 WAYS YOU CAN STAY HYDRATED FOR SUMMER ‘16 Source- http://tipsforhealth-care.blogspot.in/2016/07/6-ways-you-can-stay-hydrated-forsummer.html
1WATER The first thing to come to mind is drinking water, of course! Water is probably the most reliable why to remain hydrated throughout a hot summer day. If you didn’t know already, water is non-caloric, it plumps up your skin, and it hydrates your muscles.
If water isn’t your first choice that comes to mind, beverages such as sodas, iced tea, coffee, and other drinks that contain caffeine are second best to good old-fashioned water. Caffeine drinks and flavored water act as diuretics, even though you’re getting water, you’re also pulling a little extra fluid from your body because of the caffeine.
3 FRUIT Let’s not forget about fruit! It’s hard to resist it since they contain a significant amount of sugar and flavor. You might want to consider eating fruit the next time you spend majority of the day doing outdoor labor work because of how much water it contains.
4 SOUP Sometimes you may become the unfortunate one of getting sick during the summer time which can be challenging due to how dehydrated you can become. Usually when you’re sick, you’re limited to eating and drinking certain things. Believe it or not, you can benefit from eating soup because of how much water it contains
5 MEAT The summertime is a good excuse for everyone to grill their own hamburgers, chicken breasts, steaks, and brisket. Is there a certain amount of meat you need to eat in order to stay hydrated? If you happen to be a meat lover, then you’re in luck! Amazingly, meat contains a high percentage of water, as much as 60 percent.
6 SMOOTHIES There’s many combinations of fruit and flavors that are incorporated into a single smoothie. The great thing about smoothies is you don’t always need to pay someone to make it for you. However, when you create your own smoothie at home, you are given the chance to put as many things as you’d like in order to stay hydrated.
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