Common Causes of hip pain Source
Some of the commonly occurring causes of hip pain are;
• Arthritis – Osteoarthritis is among the
common causes of chronic hip pain that worsen the condition as you age.
• Hip Fracture – Hip fracture is a
common condition among elderly individuals, especially those suffering from osteoporosis (low bone density).
• Bursitis - Trochanteric bursitis, is
another common cause of hip pain that occurs when a liquid-filled sac near the hip joint becomes inflamed
• Hernia – An inguinal hernia appears
when tissue, such as part of the intestine, protrudes through a weak part in the abdominal muscles.
• Meralgia paresthetica – It is a condition
marked by tingling, numbness and burning pain in your outer thigh. It is caused due to the firmness of the nerve that supplies sensation to the skin surface.
• Bone cancer - It is a rare condition that
begins in a bone. Bone cancer can start in any bone in the body, but it commonly affects the long bones that make up the arms and legs.
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