Are you afraid to pronounce specific words while giving a presentation or a speech? Well, suffering from embarrassment and anxiousness is understood when you have a lisp. Having a lisp is not permanent. You can get rid of it with concentrated efforts towards the same. Adults speech therapy in Dubai and elsewhere helps the adults with a lisp to overcome it through integrated activities and practices.
Here are a few tips to help you get rid of your lisp – 1.
The first step in solving a problem is evaluating it, isn’t it? Well, this is applicable even in this scenario! If you want to get rid of your lisp, you need to physically examine yourself first. Also, while consulting a speech therapist, this will keep you prepared.
Isolate the problem sound
Now that you have identified the problem, now what? Well, the next step is to pinpoint the sounds that you are pronouncing in the wrong way. For starters, start saying the sounds out loud. You can compare your mouth and tongue position while saying these words to the ideal or expected position. Won’t you definitely get a better idea of how it is to be done?
Activities and Practice
The saying – “Practice makes a man perfect’’, holds true in this case. Practicing the single syllables and then progressing to multi-syllables and sentences will do you good! This will ensure that your tongue moves to the different parts in your mouth with ease. Many speech pathologists also suggest drinking with a straw to develop oral-motor skills.
Pro tip: Practice in front of a mirror to ensure that you are on the right track.
Conclusion Do not stress over your lisp when you can eliminate it totally. Seek a credible speech therapist and talk your way to confidence!