Why Choose Health City

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 03338003006  0333 789 0012  info@healthcity.org.uk 


A Unique Touch

We use personnel from similar, close or different cultural or faith background to our service users and in a safe cultural, faith, social and professional environment. • Highly competent professionals and support staff. • Good experience in the UK National Health Service (NHS) and voluntary healthcare system. • Socially friendly and honest people • Excellent work ethics and registration with professional bodies.

Competitive Fees

We are a social enterprise with competitive fees and part of our income goes to community projects or to cover the cost of pro bono wellbeing services/products to families who cannot afford our fees. Legal aid available to eligible UK residents.

Our Fee Challenge

If you nd a better and cheaper written fee quotation elsewhere for the same level of service/product by a professional at the same level of quali cations, skills, and experiences, we may negotiate a fair discount for you on our original fee.

High Successful Treatment/Intervention

Outcomes.Examples: • Re-admission/re-referral rate: 1 % • 2016/2017: 98% of our clients in the UK national health service and in private practice reported good recovery on IAPT questionnaires. • 2015/2016: 95% of our clients in the UK national health service and in private practice reported good recovery on IAPT questionnaires. • 2014: 192 issues treated. Successful recovery rates: 95 to 100% for 142 issues, 80 to 94% for 49 issues, and -50% for 1 issue. GAD-7, PHQ-9, and other questionnaires used.

Doing The Right and Best Thing 100%

We and our partners strive to do the right and the best thing for our clients 100% each time to enable them to pick the right choices.

Due Diligence

Before we offer a service or product to our clients, we ask ourselves if we ourselves and our families will be happy to use the same service or product. We cannot offer to other families what is not good for us.

Filling Gaps Left in 14,000 Hours Formal Education On average an adult invested 14,000 hours in formal education. Only a small part of this investment covers literacy in setting life goals, emotional, physical health, nancial and legal wellbeing and the art of happy, resilient and safe living together in families. We can appreciate why only 5% of the population who made it to age 65, appear nancially secured. 95% seems to be working as ‘back to work’ retirees or have to ask the state and relatives for money. And an unknown percentage also have less resilient life coping skills. Complimentary Offers: We offer free: Awareness education on psychological, physical, nancial and legal well-being to enable families to decide right choices of service rather than advice. 10 to 15 minutes general consultation (on some services) to explore your areas of needs and how best we may support you. This session is not for detailed discussions that require a specialist nature to go in-depth. If we canceled one of your appointments, then you are entitled to one free appointment. This is fair because we charge you for unattended appointments. If you completed the full course of an episode of your Counselling or therapy sessions with us, then you are entitled to at least one off free follow up session.

And If You Don’t Like to Pay Cash! You may consider joining our Health Exchange Membership Programme where members may exchange health, business and technical knowledge, skills, experiences services or products without the need to pay money. We Serve UK Families, But Also…. Apart from offering excellent wellbeing solutions to families in the UK and overseas, we also offer the same solutions to the African, Caribbean, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Asian, Bulgarian, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Arabic speaking and the immigrant communities in the UK. One Firm, One Mobile Wellbeing Plan Families offered a chance to choose to address a speci c or all aspects of their well-being (psychological, physical, nancial or legal) under the coordination of one organization and one mobile/transferable care plan instead of multiple plans with multiple rms. Your Personal Information We consult and agree with you how your information may be used and shared. We uphold UK data protection laws.

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