Check Out the Field of Oncology in India

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Furtherance of the Field of Oncology in India

Cancer has been a menace among several people over the better part of the decade. The lack of self-care and ongoing bizarre life patterns have sped things up. A survey taken by the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) at Bengaluru, India, reveals that an estimate of 1.45 million cases of cancer was diagnosed in 2016. It is hard for even the best cancer hospital in Delhi to save all of these patients and this is the hard truth. The best cancer hospital in Delhi also specialises in various other centres, making them truly instrumental.

Present Day Cancer Affairs Elementary display of cancer symptoms revolves around a ludicrous growth and spread of cells throughout the body. A branch of science, known as Oncology, deals

with identifying, preventing, and treating cancer. The title Oncology encompasses 3 types, namely 1. Surgical Oncology 2. Radiation Oncology 3. Medical Oncology

Types of Cancers

Source: There are over 120 kinds of cancers that exist. The most commonly found cancers include Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Melanoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer and so on. The most prominently found cancers among men include lung, head and neck region (mouth, tongue and larynx), prostate and oesophagus. Cancers in children are not

very common. Women are most commonly affected by breast, cervix, ovary, oral cavity, and uterine cancer. There has been a rampant decline in Cervical Cancer. India is recognised to have 27 cancer centres, albeit there are more.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Source: Depending on the type of cancer, a course of treatment is chosen. The treatments fenced in, include Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy. 1. Chemotherapy: It is the most commonly used ailment for the prevention and treatment of cancer. By hindering the cancer cells from growing and dwindling their spread with means of medication. 2. Targeted Therapy: Obliterating of the proteins and genes which foster the growth of cancer cells. 3. Immunotherapy: Works on the enhancement of the body’s defence system to cope with the cancer cells.

Steps Taken by India in the Right Direction In spite of its shortcomings, India has taken a massive leap in staying abreast with treating cancer. Despite the lack of doctors and equipment, we have majorly coped with trying times. Counterintuitive to earlier. We are now a leading manufacturer of drugs to treat cancer. There have been some unconventional discoveries such as an Aum Voice Box. It was discovered by Dr Vishal Rao, enabling patients to get their voice back. As it is common for patients to lose their voices after throat cancer surgery. Cytotron has made a major breakthrough in the world of Cancer. It curbs the runaway decline of cancer cells by modifying certain proteins. This causes a derailment in the amplification of cancer cells. The procedure was discovered by Dr Rajah Vijay Kumar. Nano-particle carries an anti-cancer drug and releases it only in the cancerous cell. A scientist hailing from Hyderabad has made a groundbreaking invention alongside his colleague. Wherein, a release of an anti-cancer with the drug has been made in a cancerous cell. This prevents cancer from sabotaging the other cells.


Source: The objective is to provide an elaborate life for the patient in the best possible way. One way to achieve this would be early detection so as to adopt an effective course of treatment. It should also be encumbered by thoroughly educating the patient and their families about the disease. To equip hospitals with the best medical facilities. They should be cost-efficient and surrounded by proficient oncologists. Studies are suggesting a significant surge of cancer patients in the coming years. We as a country like well-oiled machines have to be ready to face the cancer woes. It is imperative that we give utmost importance to this disease. WHO has predicted a surge by 5 times in the number of cancer patients in the years to come.

Conclusion In hindsight, India has come a long way in terms of grappling cancer. From an absolutely under aided country, we have now set a benchmark for ourselves. We have picked up the slack considerably and realised the need of the hour. Just like any other country, we too have our demerits. With the ongoing endeavours, proteges and capital we will be far more endowed. It seemed like an elusive goal in the beginning. Although things seem to be at a precipice, we have swung back momentum. Doctors are working efficiently towards achieving our goals. Contact Us :

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