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Maximize Revenue & Diversify Income!
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Program fees include program materials, meals, and coffee breaks. Fees will vary by organization need and scope of work. Contact HealthHIV at 202.232.6749 or with questions.
Fiscal Management
For Healthcare Nonprofits
Fiscal Management for Healthcare Nonprofits
Fiscal Management for Healthcare Nonprofits offers practical, financial
HealthHIV offers fiscal management group-level training and individu-
management infrastructure skills building to not-for-profit organizations.
alized consultation tailored specifically to the needs of healthcare
Trainings create a solid foundation by putting into place sound fiscal
nonprofits using an innovative approach to adult learning, knowledge
practices to support and sustain a stable organization.
acquisition, and skills building called Learning Communities.
A Tailored Training For Your Needs
Who Should Attend Trainings benefit individuals at all levels of expertise in nonprofit health
Gain expertise in:
organizations, health departments and other government-level agen-
■ Revenue generation
cies. These include:
■ Income diversification
■ Program Officers who manage multiple organizations
■ Program income
■ Executive Directors, CEOs and other nonfinancial managers
■ Revenue cycle management
■ Program Mangers
■ Budgets and their link to strategic plans
■ Finance Directors and Fiscal Managers
■ Tracking the flow of funds in a business ■ K ey elements of an adequate financial management system
About HealthHIV
■ Fundamentals of federal grants management
HealthHIV is a national HIV nonprofit that advances effective prevention,
■ Components of an annual audit ■ B asic components of an accounting system and how they relate to financial statements ■ T he differences between accrual basis accounting and cash basis accounting ■ Nuances of the new federal forms 990 Series
care and support for people living with, or at risk for, HIV/AIDS through education, technical assistance, and health services research to organizations, communities and professionals. HealthHIV designs and implements training and educational programs responsive to the needs of clinical, community-based, and faith-based organizations providing services at risk for, or living with, HIV by: ■ Implementing educational programs focusing on performance
■ Timekeeping practices ■ Indirect rate administration and negotiation ■ Contingency budgets ■ Estimating revenue and expense reserves
improvement; ■ Creating trainings based on adult learning principles; ■ Developing curricula responsive to user needs; and ■ Delivering trainings using state-of-the-art technology.
Fiscal Management and Accountability for Nonprofits
Program Outline
■ Basic components of a healthy financial management system ■ Basic financial statements ■ Internal accounting controls ■ Balancing mission and financial resources ■ Financial accountability
Income Diversification/Revenue Generation for Organizational Financial Sustainability
- Sarbanes-Oxley: Considerations for nonprofits
- Fiduciary accountability
- Staff management
■ E xpanding knowledge and tools for sustainability and fund development ■ I mplementing best practices to improve transparency and financial governance ■ A ssessing existing functions and programs on a profit centered basis ■ U sing selected impact factors to develop a matrix map of the current business models
Federal Grant Compliance: Managing Finances for Program Success ■ Federal grants management (OMB A-110) ■ Cost accounting principles ■ External audits and surveillance ■ Earned program income opportunities and donations
Fundamentals of Financial Management ■ Defining accounting terminology ■ Tracking the flow of funds in a business ■ Five concepts of a financial conversation
Budget Empowerment for Nonprofits
■ Developing and interpreting statements of position
■ Behavioral-based budgeting
■ Developing and interpreting statements of activity
■ 12 steps of effective budget building for nonprofits
■ Improving revenue cycle management
■ Critical budget considerations and common budget pitfalls
Outstanding Participant Feedback
Fiscal Management Trainers Jacqueline Coleman, M.Ed, MSM, VisionQue, has over 20 years of experience training and assisting faith based and public health entities within the HIV/AIDS arena to maximize their service to consumers, clients and the community. Ms. Coleman’s professional interests and expertise focuses on organizational development, capacity building, leadership development, community building and training.
“I appreciated the real-world application opportunities of the materials presented. These trainings were well worth my time!” - Tampa, Florida “The expert trainer did an excellent job in presenting the material such that it can be readily applied to my day-to-day work.” - New Orleans, Louisiana
A. Michael Gellman, CPA, Rubino & McGeehin, concentrates his practice on exempt organizations, including trade associations, public charities, private foundations, private operating foundations, fraternal organizations, and political action committees. His work is largely focused on management advisory services, including: working budget systems integrated with event calendars and responsibility budgets, cash management systems and investment policies, management reports, membership dues, billing analysis and program analysis, trend analysis, forecasts and projections, system documentation, and preparation of the application for exemption under Internal Revenue Service guidelines as well as articles of incorporation and by-laws and design of boards of directors and committees.
“This training was excellent for nonprofits and also helped reinforce some of the state requirements with regard to monitoring, reporting & allowable costs.” - Chicago, Illinois “It’s unusual to find this combination of excellent subject knowledge and great presentations and setting!”
Paul Calabrese, CPA, Rubino & McGeehin, is a Senior Manager and provides accounting, consulting, and training to nonprofit organizations and government contracting clients. He was a senior auditor with the Defense Contract Audit Agency. He has more than 28 years of extensive experience with all facets of government cost accounting.
- San Bernardino, California
“The training sessions made complex topics understandable.” - Columbia, South Carolina