HealthInfi | We Secure Your Health

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Healthinfi Healthinfi.Com Provides Valuable Health Information, Tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. You can trust that our content is timely and credible. Healthinfi.Com offers credible and in-depth medical news, features, reference material, and online community programs. We are proud that others in the fields of media and health have recognized our efforts over the years. Healthinfi has created an organization that we believe fulfills the promise of health information on the Internet. We provide credible information, supportive communities, and in-depth reference material about health subjects that matter to you. We are a source for original and timely health information as well as material from well known content providers. Healthinfi.Com delivers relevant information in clear, jargon-free language that puts health into context in peoples’ lives. Through medical content, insights from experts and real people, and breaking news, we answer: how it happened, what it feels like, what you can do about it, and why it matters. Healthinfi.Com is produced by editors and journalists dedicated to delivering accurate, trusted, upto-date health and medical information, for consumers. We focus on problemsolving content to help you make decisions during complicated, stressful times. We write in plain English. This contains general information on home remedies for certain health conditions and certain treatments for such medical conditions. The information is not a notice, and should not be treated as such., its affiliates or its employees do not directly or indirectly practice medicine or provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or any other medical service that is part of this Site. This Healthinfi.Com website also contains some of the Health tips to solve problems related to Health. Just we share simple remedies to solve such problems. But consult your family doctor before going to follow all these remedies.

Our policy is a Private website offering reliable information and tools to help you and those you care about stay healthy. When you visit our website, we do not collect any personal information about you unless you choose to provide that information to us. links to other websites. Once you leave the site to visit a linked site, the privacy policy of that site applies. understands how important the privacy of personal information is to our users. This Privacy Policy will tell you what information we collect about you and about your use of and its services. It will explain the choices you have about how your personal information is used and how we protect that information. We urge you to read this Privacy Policy carefully. This Privacy Policy applies to Web sites owned and operated by that are intended for use by consumers (non-professionals) for non-commercial personal, family or household purposes, including and including the mobile optimized versions of these sites and our Mobile Device Applications or “Apps” (we refer to these sites and Apps collectively as the “ Web Sites”). This Privacy Policy also applies to the consumer-facing version of the Health Manager Product. However, if you are an employee or health plan member who has enabled access to your health record at by registering at your employer’s or health plan’s website, the privacy policy applicable to your information at your employer’s or health plan’s website remains applicable to your personal health record at Advertising Policy is committed to providing you with premium quality, comprehensive and unbiased health information. Healthinfi accepts advertising on the Healthinfi Network from third parties (“Advertisers”), which may include third party banners, badges, contextual advertising and content created or

provided by an Advertiser (collectively referred to as “Advertisements” or “Advertising”). While we are a for-profit business that accepts and is supported in part by sponsorships and paid advertising, we recognize the importance of maintaining a clear separation between our editorial content and sponsorships. All advertisements and sponsored content are clearly marked as such on the site. Sponsor and advertiser messages and content are clearly identified. We will clearly distinguish sponsorships and advertisements from health information content, using identifying words (such as “sponsored,” “advertiser,” etc.), design, or placement. In addition, as used in this policy, the terms “Advertising” and “Advertisements” include third party banners, modules, links, microsites, native advertisements and other content provided by or on behalf of Advertisers. Healthinfi has the right to refuse any advertisement that is inappropriate or incompatible with our mission and this policy. Advertisement” or “Sponsored” is used to label the most common forms of advertising on our sites. The content of this form of advertising is controlled by the advertiser. Ads are labeled with the word “Advertisement” or “Sponsored” adjacent to the advertisement. Clicking on Advertisement Clicking on a third-party advertisement will direct you to the advertiser’s site; you will navigate away from , at your own risk. Healthinfi has no control over such websites and our security and privacy policies do not cover cookies posted by these websites. Healthinfi has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this policy and all other issues associated with Advertising on the Healthinfi Network. The guidelines in this policy govern issues like acceptance of Advertisements by healthinfi, how Advertisements are displayed on the Healthinfi Network, and the removal of Advertisements from the Healthinfi Network. Healthinfi has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this policy and all other issues associated with Advertising on the

Healthinfi Network. Healthinfi may change this policy at any time in its sole discretion by posting a revised policy to the applicable Healthinfi Property. Corrections Policy Healthinfi is committed to making corrections or clarifications to original content when it deems necessary. We take prompt action to edit even minor errors like spelling, grammar, or stylistic changes. Because style changes do not change the meaning of the content, those kinds of “style” changes will be updated on our site without notice. This corrections policy only applies to Healthinfi original content, including, but not limited to, news, feature articles, or original medical reference material. Any corrections to licensed or third party content are the responsibility of the publisher. If you believe you have found an error in any of our content, let us know by sending an email to our Customer Service team using the “Contact Us” links in the footer section of our Site. Editorial Policy Our mission is to bring you the most objective, trustworthy, and accurate health information. Our daily goal is to ensure that Healthinfi is your practical and relevant content source for health and medicine. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our site or any site. Our Content Is Different Our news and feature stories are based on our editors’ selections of the most important and relevant health events occurring on a given day. Our news articles are more than a short summary of a study or an event. They often contain interviews with the medical researchers who authored them, plus interviews with

objective experts who can put the research into context and tell the reader what it means in today’s world. Privacy Policy Healthinfi understands how important the privacy of personal information is to our users. We understand that your privacy matters and we respect your privacy choices. Healthinfi understands how important the privacy of personal information is to our users. This Privacy Policy will tell you what information we collect about you and about your use of Healthinfi. and its services. It will explain the choices you have about how your personal information is used and how we protect that information. We urge you to read this Privacy Policy carefully. What Choices Do I Have? If you do not want your Personal Information used by Healthinfi as provided in this Privacy Policy, you should not register as a member or for any specific tool or application that collects Personal Information. Most browser software can be set to reject Cookies, and you can opt out of Cookies for several companies that serve ads on behalf of Healthinfi. on the Healthinfi Web Sites and on third party sites and for companies other than Healthinfi who serve ads for advertisers on the Healthinfi Web Sites. Privacy of Children We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. The Healthinfi Web Sites are not designed or intended to attract children under the age of 13. The Healthinfi Web Sites do not collect Personal Information from any person we actually know is under the age of 13. A parent or guardian, however, may use Healthinfi Health Manager to establish a personal health record and a Healthinfi Health Manager home page for a minor. The parent or guardian is solely responsible for providing supervision of the minor’s use of Healthinfi Health Manager. The parent or guardian assumes full responsibility for ensuring that the

registration information is kept secure and that the information submitted is accurate. The parent or guardian also assumes full responsibility for the interpretation and use of any information or suggestions provided through Healthinfi Health Manager for the minor. For more information visit us our website:

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