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Zika virus spreads fear among pregnant Brazilians

Athletes in Rio stay inside, lather on repellent for Zika

By Anthony Boadle RECIFE, Brazil (Reuters) – For scores of women in the epicenter of the Zika...

In this Oct. 22, 2011 file photo, Cuba’s gold medalist Lisette Hechevarria, left, competes with Brazil’s...

COG presents plan to effectively handle future pediatric cancer drug shortages

A plea for help in Brazil city where Zika first confirmed

/ no comments St. Baldricks Foundation; Children’s Oncology Group

Camacari was in chaos, its hospitals overflowing with sick people desperate to know what was happening to them, never suspecting...


RECENT POSTS ?This Woman Just Ac hieved a Major Milestone on ‘Americ an Ninja Warrior’ Why Are Women Putting Wasp Nests in Their Vaginas?? This Is What’s In Store For Your Sex Life This Month, Ac c ording To Your Zodiac Sign New York boy born with severe genetic mutation is

Coffee diet woos Americans with ‘Bulletproof’ pledge

Reaching For Your Fourth Cup Of Joe? Here’s How To Cut Back


Credit: George Hodan/public domain A new coffee diet claiming to help lose weight and improve IQ is gaining a...

“Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee.â€​Sound familiar? “I can’t survive without...

Boy diagnosed with c hildhood Alzheimer’s on Mother’s

8 Common Habits That Are Completely Killing the Chances of Living Out Your Dream

Syrian opposition delegates could quit peace talks: senior official

“The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken.â€​ — Warren...

AMMAN (Reuters) – The Syrian opposition delegation in Geneva for peace talks could walk out of the process...

Injec tions of young blood may protec t against Alzheimer’s Day Nevada patients offered suic ide pills instead of treament US offic ials OK option for men with HIV to father c hildren Trendy workout gear does NOT improve your performanc e Babies exposed to lead in womb have high risk of autism Breastfeeding lowers endometrial c anc er risk, study says President Trump Dec ides To Pull U.S. Out Of Paris Climate Agreement China Steps Forward As Unlikely Leader In Fight Against Climate Change

U.N. says Syrian government forces besiege 45,000 more civilians

Ethiopia seeks donor support to meet drought needs

California State Senator Doubles Down On Efforts To

GENEVA (Reuters) – The Syrian town of

By Edmund Blair OGOLCHO, Ethiopia (Reuters)

Climate Ac c ord

Fight Climate Change President Trump Dec ides To Remove U.S. From Paris U.S. Intelligenc e Warns Against Sec urity Implic ations Of

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Mouadamiya is newly under siege by Syrian government forces, the United...

– Ethiopia urged international donors on Sunday...

Leaving Paris Ac c ord Montana Town Exemplifies Coal Country’s Unc ertain Future

For Brazil’s rich and poor, disparate response to Zika

Coffee diet woos Americans with ‘Bulletproof’ pledge

Using Music And Rhythm To Help Kids With Grammar

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Two Brazilian women, two pregnancies, one nightmare. But two very

Credit: George Hodan/public domain A new coffee diet claiming to help lose weight and improve IQ is

Paris Climate Ac c ord

different stories. Regina...

gaining a...

anesthesia works

Research offers novel insights into root causes of schizophrenia

International Aspirin Foundation seeks applicants for Senior Science Award 2016

Schizophrenia is a mysterious and devastating disorder that afflicts one percent of the adult population worldwide. Its symptoms...

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Bile acid enables foetus to produce blood stem cells

Framework for improving chemical hazard assessment without animals

A research group at Lund University in Sweden has been able to show that bile acid is transferred from

A new paper published in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, co-authored by the Physicians

the mother to the...

Committee for Responsible...

And Language Mars Inc orporated Critic izes Trump’s Dec ision To Leave New evidenc e c hallenges popular hypothesis for how Why antibiotic s fail—biologists c orrec t a flaw in the way bac terial susc eptibility to these drugs is tested Neurosc ientists rewire brain of one spec ies to have c onnec tivity of another Heavy-drinking Lithuania bans alc ohol ads, raises minimum age Some vaginal bac teria may weaken anti-HIV gel: study Wild ‘death c ap’ mushroom seriously sic kens 14 in California Quadric eps exerc ise relieves pain in knee osteoarthritis Certain breast CA patients benefit from adjuvant c apec itabine New Elec tric al Brain Stimulation Tec hnique Shows Promise in Mic e Outrage Of The Month: House Passage Of Trumpc are ‘All Sc ientific Hands On Dec k’ To End The Opioid Crisis

Study provides vital information about mechanisms governing DNA repair

SLU clinical psychologist helps patients battle fears, phobias

Trump Wants To Roll Bac k Birth Control Ac c ess. Women

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Some fear is rational, keeping us appropriately


cautious in the face of dangerous animals, hot stoves and contagions that...

Mom Takes Joy-Filled Photos Of Son Who Likes To Wear

Aren’t Having It. This Father-Son Selfie Is Going Viral For The Sweetest

Dresses An Open Letter To Gwyneth Paltrow About GOOP

Researchers say Zika case found in Indonesia An Indonesian research institute said Sunday it had found one positive Zika case on Sumatra island, adding that...

Giant omphalocele: What every parent should know about this rare birth defect After being married just a few months, Bryan and Casey Kirsch, both 36, were overjoyed to find out they were pregnant with...

When Loved Ones Die At Home, Family Caregivers Pay The Pric e MS-related brain c hanges may affec t soc ial skills Addic tion risk high at elite sc hools, study finds Patient rec ords stolen from plastic surgery c linic Poor understanding of ratios leads to bad shopping dec isions, says University of Miami study Rover findings indic ate stratified lake on anc ient Mars Georgia State neurosc ientists rewire brain of 1 spec ies to

‘Prescription Thugs’: New documentary looks at America’s legal drug abuse problem

The brains of patients with schizophrenia vary depending on the type of schizophrenia

have c onnec tivity of another What’s powering your devic es? ‘Instantly rec hargeable’ battery c ould c hange the future of elec tric and hybrid automobiles New c onsensus doc ument for appropriate use of drug

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The United States makes up about 5 percent of the world’s population, yet consumes more than 75 percent of the world’s...

An international team, made up of researchers from the University of Granada, Washington University in St. Louis, and the...

Youngest ever conjoined twins separated in Switzerland: report

Syrian opposition delegates could quit peace talks -senior official

Swiss doctors have separated eight-day-old

AMMAN (Reuters) – The Syrian opposition

conjoined twin sisters fused at the liver and chest—the youngest ever...

delegation in Geneva for peace talks could walk out of the process...

Waste dumping probed in New York town with tainted water

Ohio EPA chief: Action on lead-tainted water took too long

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — The state of New York is investigating possible illegal dumping of

Ohio regulators should have clamped down right away on a village water system after its operators

commercial waste in...


testing in c linic al addic tion medic ine Ethnic ity and breastfeeding influenc e infant gut bac teria Unc overing why playing a music al instrument c an protec t brain health Meet the most nimble-fingered robot ever built New model deepens understanding of the dynamic s of quark-gluon plasmas 10 Meditation Apps That Will Help You Totally Zen Out 24 Ways to Fight Without Destroying Your Relationship Does the Time of the Month Affec t Your Workout Results? Catc h of the day: The best and worst fish for your diet Metals and nutrients in baby teeth tied to autism risk Tiny blood vessel damage tied to depression among older adults Stric t bedtime rules c an help kids get enough sleep Breastfeeding linked to lower endometrial c anc er risk L.A. health offic ials misstated some c ases of c hildhood lead exposure Catc h of the day: The best and worst fish for your diet

COG presents plan to effectively handle future pediatric cancer drug shortages

HIV protein alters activity of networked neurons

First mosquitoes test positive for West Nile virus in Illinois

/ no comments Bentham Science Publishers

Short, high-intensity exerc ise sessions improve insulin

Cohen Veterans Bioscience today announced two new collaborative partnership efforts that will provide critical research tools...

Gluten-Free: Pros, Cons, and Hidden Risks produc tion in type 2 diabetes

/ no comments St. Baldricks Foundation; Children’s Oncology Group

New partnership aims to study underlying neurobiology and genetics of PTSD, TBI

Zinc May Be Key to Fighting Liver Disease

Exposure to spec ific toxins and nutrients during late pregnanc y and early life c orrelate with autism risk

Graphene-based electrodes could be safely implanted in the brain Researchers have successfully demonstrated how it is possible to interface graphene – a twodimensional form of carbon...

Immunology: How anc estry shapes our immune c ells Why antibiotic s fail Video shows invasive lionfish feasting on new Caribbean fish spec ies How the Nazis invented nerve agents like sarin (video) Omega-3 fatty ac id stops lupus trigger, but how? Wayne State awarded over $460K from the Mic higan Health Endowment Fund A better dye job for roots — in plants

People injured by police officers more likely to have mental illness

Surgery for Bangladesh’s ‘Tree M an’ to remove warts

Smithsonian sc ientists release frogs wearing mini radio

People hospitalized due to an encounter with a law enforcement officer are more likely to have a mental illness, have longer...

A Bangladeshi father dubbed “Tree Manâ€​ for massive bark-like warts on his hands and feet will finally...


transmitters in Panama Beyond broke bones, CTs also detec t frailty and predic t Phagoc ytes in the brain: Good or bad? Spec ific neurons distinguish between reality and imagination

Human brain uses several frequency channels for communication

Human brain uses several frequency channels for communication

Soc ial laughter releases endorphins in the brain How to attac k Afric a’s neonatal mortality problem Gut mic robiota plays a key role in treatment with c lassic diabetes medic ation

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In the brain, the visual cortex processes visual information and passes it from lower to higher areas of the brain. However,...

In the brain, the visual cortex processes visual information and passes it from lower to higher areas of the brain. However,...

Lipofilling safe for breast reconstruction

Lipofilling safe for breast reconstruction

For women undergoing breast cancer surgery, a

For women undergoing breast cancer surgery, a

technique called lipofilling—using the patient’s own fat cells...

technique called lipofilling—using the patient’s own fat cells...

Applying ultrasound therapies for recovery of cardiac stem cells

Applying ultrasound therapies for recovery of cardiac stem cells

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Tech sector tackles America’s concussion epidemic

Tech sector tackles America’s concussion epidemic

Washington (AFP) – A number of technology startups are devising creative new ways of

Washington (AFP) – A number of technology startups are devising creative new ways of

detecting concussions...

detecting concussions...

Nearly 700 animals rescued from unlicensed North Carolina shelter

Into Zika’s heart: the Ugandan forest where virus was found

By Mary Wisniewski (Reuters) – Animal welfare

Zika (Uganda) (AFP) – Down winding paths

workers on Saturday were evaluating the health of almost 700...

through dense jungles, Gerald Mukisa kicks up the dry leaves noisily...

Sunday night deadline for 2016 health insurance enrollment

Colombia reports more than 2,000 Zika cases in pregnant women (Update)

Ahead of a Sunday deadline, consumers are stepping up to enroll for 2015 coverage under

Colombia announced Saturday that more than 2,000 pregnant women have been infected with

President Barack Obama’s health...

Zika, amid growing concern about...

M ore water problems in Flint, M ichigan

Concussions remain common even as awareness improves

FLINT, Mich. — The trouble with the water in Flint just doesn’t let up. Residents have been using water filters...

By Andrew Both (Reuters) – Two decades after the NFL brushed off concussion concerns as being...

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Vibrating, c old devic e enables quic k IV insertion while reduc ing kids’ pain in emergenc y room Puberty hormones trigger c hanges in youthful learning Common c lass of c hemic als c ause c anc er by breaking down DNA repair mec hanisms


Health News psychology


NFL-Concussions remain common even as awareness improves By Andrew Both Jan 30 (Reuters) – Two decades after the NFL brushed off concussion concerns...

What The Ebola Crisis Can Teach Us About Responding To The Zika Outbreak Every week, The WorldPost asks an expert to shed light on a topic driving headlines around the world. Today, we speak with...

Zika virus infects more than 2,100 pregnant Colombian women

Guatemala confirms 105 Zika cases, says more are likely

BOGOTA, Colombia — More than 2,100 pregnant women in Colombia are infected with the mosquito-borne Zika virus, the...

Guatemala City (AFP) – Guatemalan health officials said Saturday that at least 105 people there had been...

M ore than 2,100 pregnant Colombian women infected with Zika virus

Repeated traumatic experiences throughout infancy multiplies by seven the risk of psychosis

By Julia Symmes Cobb BOGOTA (Reuters) – More than 2,100 pregnant Colombian women are infected...

Colombia has more than 2,000 Zika cases in pregnant women: official Colombia announced Saturday that more than 2,000 pregnant women in the South American country have been infected with the...

50 pairs of siblings (one of them suffered psychosis while the other didn’t) participated in this research, published...

Scientific breakthrough could contribute to early diagnosis of osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s Scientists from the University of Granada have developed a new fluorescent dye capable of detecting, in a single test lasting...

Chronically victimized adolescents 6 times more at risk of attempting suicide at 15

Research points to potential use of radiotherapy in treating systemic cancer

A study to be published in the February 2016 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry...

An international team of researchers lead by the University of Granada (UGR) has proven that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)...

Zika Virus Is At Least 50 Years Old. Here’s Why You’re Only Hearing About It Now.

Why Bonding With Your Boss Is The Best Career M ove You Can M ake It’ll Make “That Talkâ€​ More Comfortable

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As the Zika virus spreads, so has widespread alarm and confusion. The leader of the World Health Organization said Wednesday...

You’ll be better positioned to ask for a raise, so think...

Colombia has more than 2,000 Zika cases in pregnant women: official rto/fj/jm/bbk

Children born to obese women with diabetes at higher risk of developing autism

Bogota (AFP) – Colombia announced Saturday that more than 2,000 pregnant women in the South American country...

Children born to obese women with diabetes are more than four times as likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder...

Researchers develop new sensor for continuous monitoring of blood flow in vascular diseases patients

Unobtrusive patch on the forehead provides relief from PTSD

Frequent measurement of blood flow changes could improve the ability of health care providers to diagnose and treat patients...

Young African Americans, Hispanics fare worse when faced with Hodgkin lymphoma African American and Hispanic adolescents and young adults fare far worse than their white counterparts when faced with a...

How Scientists Are Working To Eradicate Zika M osquitoes / no comments Can the spread of the Zika virus be curtailed by eliminating mosquitoes that carry it? Professor Anthony...

ICYM I: M apping Zika And Why Some People Can’t Let Breakups Go ICYMI Health features what we’re reading this week. This week, as news about Brazil’s Zika virus dominated...

An average of 30 years had passed since the traumatic events that had left them depressed, anxious, irritable, hypervigilant,...

Certain ethnicities diagnosed with colorectal cancer at younger ages Even though the possibilities of colorectal cancer increases with age, a new study found that certain ethnicities are starting...

12 Steps To Let Go Of A Grudge A grudge is a worn, ugly, itchy sweater you can’t get rid of – because if you do, how will you stay warm? Nursing...

Repeated traumatic experiences throughout infancy multiplies by 7 the risk of psychosis 50 pairs of siblings (one of them suffered psychosis while the other didn’t) participated in this research, published...

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7 Possible Reasons Why You’re Coughing

How I Stopped M y Cycle of Stress Eating and Lost Over 80 Pounds

2. Bronchitis (A Few Days to a Few Weeks) It’s the barky, hacking cough that quickly turns you into office enemy...

The Lifestyle My weight fluctuated for most of my life, but I hovered somewhere around 150 pounds, which wasn’t...

Break Out of Your Same Ol’ UpperBody Exercise Routine With This Rad M ove

Jimmy Carter To M ake Rare Address To Britain’s House Of Lords

Join the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make your weekend workouts...

LONDON (AP) — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter will make a rare address to Britain’s House of Lords on Wednesday...

Behold, San Francisco’s Open-Air Urinal

M RI safe for patients with implantable cardiac devices

The concrete circular urinal is out in the open, though plants and a screen offer some privacy. It’s a welcome addition...

The findings of a major study led by cardiovascular imaging specialists at Allegheny General Hospital (AGH), part of the...

U of M ’s ‘Ask About Aspirin’ initiative aims to reduce incidence of first heart attack or stroke

Early puberty may increase risk of developing gestational diabetes

/ no comments University of Minnesota

Women who began having menstrual cycles at a younger age are at greater risk of developing gestational diabetes, a disease...

M ild reduction in food intake slows development of autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease

Persistent organic pollutants found in fish populations across the world’s oceans

A small reduction in food intake—less than required to cause weight loss—dramatically slowed the development...

A new global analysis of seafood found that fish populations throughout the world’s oceans are contaminated with industrial...

You Can’t Unsee This Pic of an Actual Penis Dressed Like Bradley Cooper

What Exactly Is Cryotherapy—and Is It Safe?

Soraya tells the New York Post that she got her inspiration after she and her friends started trading

says Allen Huffman, a chiropractor who routinely uses localized...

“Most of what you’re seeing is anecdotal,â€​

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dick pics that had...

Can Women Get Blue Balls, Too? Women’s sexy bits can most definitely get the blues when they don’t get off, says Teresa

Far-Out Photos Reveal The Beautiful Bacteria Living In Our Teeth Who knew the microbes in our mouths could look

Hoffman, M.D., an...

so magnificent? A team of researchers in Massachusetts used a novel fluorescence...

How to get rid of stinky winter feet

Water crisis increases Zika threat in Venezuela

Let’s get one thing straight: for no reason—save taking a vacation somewhere warm and sandy—should your...

Yurman Torres is standing in line at the foot of Avila mountain, on the edge of Caracas, to fill a large jug with water,...

Ocean acidification affecting population demography, adaptation potential of marine species

FDA-approved blood pressure drug reduces cell damage linked to Alzheimer’s disease

Ocean acidification may be impacting upon the population dynamics of marine species and hindering their ability to genetically...

In laboratory neuronal cultures, an FDA-approved drug used to treat high blood pressure reduced cell damage often linked...

M GH study may lead to first nonsurgical treatment for seborrheic keratoses

Negative attitudes towards ageing seem to affect health in later years

An investigation into the molecular mechanisms responsible for the most common type of benign skin lesion may lead to the...

/ no comments Trinity College Dublin

Remicade co-developer funds new microscopy facility on Scripps Florida campus

Understanding military’s culture could help health care providers improve care for veterans

/ no comments Scripps Research Institute

Health care systems and providers need to understand the unique realities of military culture in order to work effectively...

IOC urges vigilance against Zika virus

Families need better psychological support after sudden cardiac death

By Karolos Grohmann (Reuters) – The

International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Friday In a world-first survey study, researchers from the assured... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Centenary Institute and the University of Sydney have highlighted the...

EC approves expanded use of Daklinza (daclatasvir) for patients with chronic HCV and HIV co-infection

Allergan and AstraZeneca partner to develop, commercialize ATM -AVI for M BL-producing pathogens

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Allergan plc (NYSE: AGN) today announced that it has entered into a global agreement with AstraZeneca to develop and commercialize...

New patient-friendly website launched for people diagnosed with KRAS-mutant lung cancer

NJHA honors several individuals and organizations with Healthcare Leader Awards

/ no comments LUNGevity Foundation

The New Jersey Hospital Association, the state’s oldest and largest healthcare trade association, today held its annual...

ProteinSimple expands Simple Plex immunoassay offering with launch of new single analyte cartridge

New type of nanowires, built with natural gas heating

/ no comments ProteinSimple

A team of Korean researchers, affiliated with UNIST has recently pioneered in developing a new simple nanowire manufacturing...

M en with ASD have differences in brain connections

Hearing aids improve brain function in people with hearing loss

Research at King’s College London has revealed subtle brain differences in adult males

A recent study by Jamie Desjardins, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the speech-language

with autism spectrum disorder...

pathology program at The University...

UI researchers remind US doctors to watch for two diseases that could be passed from mother to child

Researchers discover previously unknown mechanism that regulates neurogenesis

While world health leaders race to contain the spread of the mosquito-borne Zika virus in the Americas, researchers at the...

Bassem Hassan’s team at VIB/KU Leuven has discovered a previously unknown mechanism that is highly conserved between...

UCL-led researchers find way to assess viability of induced pluripotent stem

Family members affected by sudden cardiac death need better

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psychological support

A research team led by scientists from UCL have found a way to assess the viability of

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‘manufactured’ stem cells...

10 Celebs Who M arried Their High School Sweethearts 1. Snoop Dogg Snoop Dogg met his wife Shante when they were teenagers at Polytechnic High School in Long Beach, California....

8 Booty Calls Every Girl Can Relate To The booty call is a wonderful thing—it’s like orgasms on demand!—but it can also be a tricky business....

5 New Products for Chapped Lips That Blow Away Basic Balms

Did Brazil, global health agencies fumble Zika response?

Here are our favorites—you’ll be back to taking those duck-face selfies in no time. 1. Glamglow Poutmud Fizzy...

By Paulo Prada Rio de Janeiro (Reuters) – Last January, long lines formed outside health clinics...

Variations In A Gene Provide Clues About Schizophrenia

The Latest On Zika: One M other’s Story

i C4 proteins (green) are seen at the synapses in a culture of human neurons. (Heather de Rivera/McCarroll...

Fernanda Rocha’s son Luis Felipe was born with microcephaly, a birth defect that causes babies to have smaller than...

Writing an Obituary for M y Living Son Was Oddly Comforting

Dare to Be 100: God as Noun or Verb?

Alive shouldn’t be a relative term, but living is implicit when you use heroin. Opiate addicts function in limbo,...

We’re Losing The War On Bedbugs In the ongoing battle between bedbugs and the

As I contemplated writing a blog with this title I presumed that it had probably already been done. Boy was I right! Google...

7 Characters You’re Sure to Find in a Zumba Class

humans whose blood they suck, it seems the bugs may be winning — at...

As most of my close friends and family know, I’ve become a little bit of a Zumba addict in recent years. Like, I attend...

Zika survivor: "All of my joints felt like lead weights"

Polar vortices observed in ferroelectric IMAGE:Â The first ever observations of polar

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With the Zika virus “spreading explosively,â€​ according to the U.N.’s World Health Organization, one man...

vortices in a ferroelectic material could find potential applications...

Spotlight on both old, difficult issues and humanitarian visions that drive new patents

Acclaimed M edia Exec Explains How She Found The Key To Her Healthy M arriage

Tampa, Fla. (Jan. 29, 2016) – The current issue of Technology and Innovation, Journal of the National Academy of Inventors...

“Yes, sometimes I’ve got to steamroll through the day to get what I need done. But I have to also understand,...

We M ade It Our M ission To Be Happier In 30 Days — And It Worked

Your Esophagus Will Thank You, And Other Reasons To Skip Coffee

As we discovered, science is no joke. We felt lighter by the end of the month and are storming into February equipped with...

Like 264 million of our fellow Americans, we enjoy a good cup of coffee on occasion. These occasions include: when we wake...

?NFL says concussions were way up in 2015

UTEP professor shows that hearing aids improve memory, speech

The NFL says reported concussions rose 58 percent in regular-season games to the highest

IMAGE:Â A recent study by Jamie Desjardins, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the speech-language

number in any of the past four years. The...

pathology program at...

NASA sees developing depression threatening northwestern Australia

Asian countries urge sick travelers to report Zika symptoms

IMAGE:Â On Jan. 28, 2016 , GPM measured rain falling at a rate of 96.7 mm (3.8 inches) per hour in towering convective...

The Zika virus is spreading rapidly in Latin America, and Asian governments have issued advisories in a bid to contain...

Zika Virus Update: 36 People in US Infected, Houston Woman Recounts Infection

Ways for Your Child to Embrace M editation

As the Zika virus outbreak spreads across Central and South America, here are the latest details on the virus, which has...

‘Affluenza’ teen left in juvenile detention in Texas, for now

My clients are diversified in age from 8 to 80 years old, and many of them want to open themselves to meditation. Adults...

Factbox: Race to develop Zika vaccine

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By Marice Richter FORT WORTH, Texas (Reuters) – A Texas judge ruled on Friday that America’s...

(Reuters) – Drugmakers globally are racing to produce a vaccine for Zika, a mosquito-borne virus that has...

The M agic Wand of Tech for Teen Wellbeing

From mother to child, passing on disease

Harry Potter captured the imagination of young people worldwide as he showed daily that “it matters not what someone...

IMAGE:Â UI researchers are reminding US doctors to watch for two vector-borne and potentially lifethreatening diseases...

Ocean acidification impacting population demography and hindering adaptation potential

New biomarker to assess stem cells developed

Ocean acidification may be impacting upon the population dynamics of marine species and hindering their ability to genetically...

A research team led by scientists from UCL have found a way to assess the viability of ‘manufactured’ stem cells...

Discovery of mechanism that enables bacteria to elude antibiotics

The Latest: Obama, Brazil’s Rousseff discuss spread of Zika

IMAGE:Â This is a model of the behavior of a bacterial colony of Salmonella enterica due to the presence of antibiotics. ...

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The Latest on the Zika virus and fears it could be linked to birth defects (all times...

Obama speaks with Brazil’s Rousseff about Zika virus: White House

64 percent of U.S. survey respondents to cancel travel to Zika-hit regions

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama spoke on Friday with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff...

(Reuters) – A survey by travel risk manager On Call International found that about 64 percent of American...

Syrian rebel group says merges with others to boost Aleppo fight

M ichigan black lawmakers want Detroit school manager fired

BEIRUT (Reuters) – A Syrian insurgent group said on Friday it had merged with a number of other rebel groups...

By Mary Wisniewski (Reuters) – The Michigan legislative black caucus voted on Friday to ask...

The $302 Billion Reason Why M oms Around the World Should Breast-Feed

Suicide, drugs only partly to blame for rising deaths of middle-aged US whites

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Parents have long been told that “breast is

(HealthDay)—Death rates among middle-aged

bestâ€​â €”and with nearly 80 percent of all newborns...

white Americans were higher than expected in 2014, likely because progress...

FDA approves halaven for advanced liposarcoma

An Open Letter to the President About M ental Health Care

Everyone knows that exercise improves health, and ongoing research continues to uncover increasingly detailed information...

Dear Mr. President Obama (and future Ms. or Mr. President), I felt like I was in a deep, dark hole that was filling with...

Is Your To-Do List Taking Over Your Life? It M ight Be Time to KonM ari Your Calendar

21 Confessions From People Who Are Addicted To Social M edia

Thanks to organization expert Marie Kondo and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and...

When Your Fitness Tracker Is Kind Of A Dick Fitness trackers can be helpful, but there’s still a strange, judgmental quality to them. And yet, at least we haven’t...

The Lancet Oncology: Proton beam therapy offers potential to treat childhood brain cancer with fewer severe side effects than conventional radiotherapy

Can’t put your phone down? You’re hardly alone (which is ironic, considering the isolating effect of social...

A new class of drug slows growth of castration-resistant prostate cancer cells IMAGE:Â The signal for ABC294640 is detected only when the drug but not the vehicle was administered (upper panel)....

Cornell researchers create first selfassembled superconductor IMAGE:Â The Wiesner Group at Cornell University has synthesized the first block copolymer selfassembly-derived nanostructured...

Proton beam therapy–a more precise form of radiotherapy–to treat the childhood brain cancer medulloblastoma...

Finger tracing can lift student performance in maths

Survey shows Aussies’ love and concern for Great Barrier Reef

Students who trace certain maths problems with a A James Cook University researcher has found finger are able to solve them more quickly and more than three quarters of Australians regard the easily, University of Sydney... Great Barrier Reef as part... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Study shows US has greater link between low birth weight and inequality

Cyclone churns toward Australia’s northwest iron ore ports

Health disparities are common in developed countries, including the U.S., but at what age those

By Morag MacKinnon PERTH (Reuters) – A tropical cyclone gathered strength as it headed

inequities take root and...


Brazil’s Rousseff vows to win Zika ‘war’

Detroit-area couple in body parts business accused of fraud

Salvador (Brazil) (AFP) – Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff vowed to “win the warâ€​ against the...

DETROIT (AP) — A Detroit-area couple marketing body parts for medical training failed to disclose that heads...

Canada’s Trudeau visits aboriginal town after deadly shooting

UnitedHealth M edicare plan must cover U.S. sex reassignment surgery

By Matthew Smith LA LOCHE, Saskatchewan (Reuters) – Residents of the remote Canadian town of...

By Brendan Pierson (Reuters) – A U.S. government panel has ruled that a privately run Medicare plan must...

Ten Things Foreigners Love About America

NASA: Understanding the magnetic sun

It’s about time. America has been a target for almost every intellectual writer the last decades. They have followed...

IMAGE:Â (Illustration) This comparison shows the relative complexity of the solar magnetic field between January 2011...

Phase of the moon affects amount of rainfall

Phase of the moon affects amount of rainfall

IMAGE:Â Satellite data over the tropics, between 10 degrees S and 10 degrees N, shows a slight dip in rainfall when...

IMAGE:Â Satellite data over the tropics, between 10 degrees S and 10 degrees N, shows a slight dip in rainfall when...

Nanosheet growth technique could revolutionize nanomaterial production

Nanosheet growth technique could revolutionize nanomaterial production

IMAGE:Â The new nanoscale manufacturing process draws zinc to the surface of a liquid, where it forms sheets just a...

IMAGE:Â The new nanoscale manufacturing process draws zinc to the surface of a liquid, where it forms sheets just a...

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Oncologists issue guidance for allocating scarce chemotherapy drugs

Oncologists issue guidance for allocating scarce chemotherapy drugs

Claiming that clinicians lack formal and concrete allocation guidance when faced with a critical drug shortage, experts in...

Claiming that clinicians lack formal and concrete allocation guidance when faced with a critical drug shortage, experts in...

Study: Future for charismatic pika not as daunting as once feared

Study: Future for charismatic pika not as daunting as once feared

IMAGE: This is a pika. view more Credit: Clinton Epps CORVALLIS, Ore. – The American pika is

IMAGE: This is a pika. view more Credit: Clinton Epps CORVALLIS, Ore. – The American pika is



Zika virus spread may draw stock market investor attention

Zika virus spread may draw stock market investor attention

By Lewis Krauskopf (Reuters) – As the Zika virus spreads from Brazil through the Americas,...

By Lewis Krauskopf (Reuters) – As the Zika virus spreads from Brazil through the Americas,...

An ethical way to choose which kids get chemo during a shortage?

An ethical way to choose which kids get chemo during a shortage?

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – When chemotherapy is in short supply, doctors should choose...

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – When chemotherapy is in short supply, doctors should choose...

Factbox: Why the Zika virus is causing alarm in the Americas

Factbox: Why the Zika virus is causing alarm in the Americas

(Reuters) – Global health officials say the Zika virus, linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies...

(Reuters) – Global health officials say the Zika virus, linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies...

Syrian opposition to go to Geneva as peace talks open

Syrian opposition to go to Geneva as peace talks open

By Tom Miles and Tom Perry GENEVA/BEIRUT (Reuters) – Syria’s main opposition group agreed...

By Tom Miles and Tom Perry GENEVA/BEIRUT (Reuters) – Syria’s main opposition group agreed...

Tendon pain linked to type 2 diabetes

Tendon pain linked to type 2 diabetes

By Shereen Lehman (Reuters Health) – Exercise

By Shereen Lehman (Reuters Health) – Exercise

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is important to managing type 2 diabetes, but...

is important to managing type 2 diabetes, but...

Boeing 737 M AX jet successfully completes first flight

Boeing 737 M AX jet successfully completes first flight

By Alwyn Scott (Reuters) – Boeing Co’s BA.N 737 MAX aircraft completed its first flight on Friday,...

By Alwyn Scott (Reuters) – Boeing Co’s BA.N 737 MAX aircraft completed its first flight on Friday,...

Express Scripts drops coverage of Valeant diabetes drug Glumetza

Express Scripts drops coverage of Valeant diabetes drug Glumetza

NEW YORK Express Scripts Holding Co, the U.S. No. 1 pharmacy benefits manager, said on Friday it would stop covering Glumetza,...

NEW YORK Express Scripts Holding Co, the U.S. No. 1 pharmacy benefits manager, said on Friday it would stop covering Glumetza,...

Neurogenesis — discovery of a new regulatory mechanism

Laboratory-bred corals reproduce in the wild

Bassem Hassan’s* team at VIB/KU Leuven has discovered a previously unknown mechanism that is highly conserved between...

Researchers of SECORE International (USA, Germany), the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and the Carmabi Marine Research...

The Latest: Dominican Republic launches anti-Zika drive

The Latest: Dominican Republic launches anti-Zika drive

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The Latest on the Zika virus and fears it could be linked to birth defects (all times...

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The Latest on the Zika virus and fears it could be linked to birth defects (all times...

Boeing’s 737 M AX aircraft takes off on first flight

Boeing’s 737 M AX aircraft takes off on first flight

By Alwyn Scott (Reuters) – Boeing Co’s 737 MAX aircraft took off on its first flight on Friday from...

By Alwyn Scott (Reuters) – Boeing Co’s 737 MAX aircraft took off on its first flight on Friday from...

Among high risk kids, both boys and girls are victims of dating violence

Among high risk kids, both boys and girls are victims of dating violence

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – For kids and teens exposed to violence at home or in the...

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – For kids and teens exposed to violence at home or in the...

Blue light from screens, bulbs may be too weak to damage eyes

Blue light from screens, bulbs may be too weak to damage eyes

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By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) – Despite concerns that staring at devices putting out...

By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) – Despite concerns that staring at devices putting out...

Chicago announces new police training for dealing with mentally ill

Chicago announces new police training for dealing with mentally ill

By Mary Wisniewski CHICAGO (Reuters) – Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, facing sharp criticism over police shootings...

By Mary Wisniewski CHICAGO (Reuters) – Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, facing sharp criticism over police shootings...

California senators seek methane leak task force in U.S. energy bill

California senators seek methane leak task force in U.S. energy bill

By Valerie Volcovici WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The two U.S. Senators representing California said...

By Valerie Volcovici WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The two U.S. Senators representing California said...

Town welcomes first baby since 1987

Town welcomes first baby since 1987

Since the birth of baby Pablo last Friday, the hillside village of Ostana in northern Italy has rejoiced over the arrival...

Since the birth of baby Pablo last Friday, the hillside village of Ostana in northern Italy has rejoiced over the arrival...

Government says three Canadians infected with Zika virus after travel

Government says three Canadians infected with Zika virus after travel

WINNIPEG, Manitoba Three Canadians who are infected with the Zika virus traveled to Colombia and El Salvador before their...

WINNIPEG, Manitoba Three Canadians who are infected with the Zika virus traveled to Colombia and El Salvador before their...

Government says 3 Canadians infected with Zika virus after travel

Government says 3 Canadians infected with Zika virus after travel

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) – Three Canadians who are infected with the Zika virus traveled to Colombia and El Salvador...

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) – Three Canadians who are infected with the Zika virus traveled to Colombia and El Salvador...

Brazil leader vows to win war against Zika-carrying mosquito

Brazil leader vows to win war against Zika-carrying mosquito

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Friday announced a nationwide attack on the mosquito spreads that Zika virus, vowing...

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Friday announced a nationwide attack on the mosquito spreads that Zika virus, vowing...

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Hawaii Biotech joins race to develop Zika vaccine

Hawaii Biotech joins race to develop Zika vaccine

Privately owned vaccine developer Hawaii Biotech Inc has joined the race to produce a vaccine for the mosquito-borne Zika...

Privately owned vaccine developer Hawaii Biotech Inc has joined the race to produce a vaccine for the mosquito-borne Zika...

Arizona mom detects son’s eye cancer while looking at picture

Arizona mom detects son’s eye cancer while looking at picture

An Arizona mother’s keen eye detected something might be amiss while studying photos she had taken of her infant son....

An Arizona mother’s keen eye detected something might be amiss while studying photos she had taken of her infant son....

Climate change prompts makeover of New England’s forests, Dartmouth study finds

Syrian government delegation arrives for Geneva peace talks

IMAGE: Justin Richardson led a study that finds New England’s forest soils will store fewer nutrients and metals...

delegation led by its U.N. Ambassador Bashar al Jaafari arrived at...

Syrian government delegation arrives for Geneva peace talks

American Airlines says too early to tell Zika’s impact on travel

GENEVA (Reuters) – A Syrian government delegation led by its U.N. Ambassador Bashar al Jaafari arrived at...

By Jeffrey Dastin NEW YORK (Reuters) – American Airlines’ president on Friday said...

American Airlines says too early to tell Zika’s impact on travel

Peru reports first patient carrying the Zika virus

By Jeffrey Dastin NEW YORK (Reuters) – American Airlines’ president on Friday said...

LIMA (Reuters) – Peru said Friday a Venezuelan man in Lima, who recently traveled through Colombia, had contracted...

Peru reports first patient carrying the Zika virus

The Latest: Brazil to attack on mosquito breeding areas

LIMA (Reuters) – Peru said Friday a Venezuelan man in Lima, who recently traveled through Colombia, had contracted...

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The Latest on the Zika virus and fears it could be linked to birth defects (all times...

GENEVA (Reuters) – A Syrian government

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The Latest: Brazil to attack on mosquito breeding areas

Kate Winslet opens up about having incontinence

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The Latest on the Zika virus and fears it could be linked to birth defects (all times...

It might be hard to believe, but even famous actresses can suffer from not-so-glamourous health conditions. Actress Kate...

Kate Winslet opens up about having incontinence

Good Samaritan finds, returns stolen bike belonging to teen with special needs

It might be hard to believe, but even famous actresses can suffer from not-so-glamourous health conditions. Actress Kate...

Good Samaritan finds, returns stolen bike belonging to teen with special needs A good Samaritan found and returned a stolen bike Thursday that belongs to a California teen with special needs. ABC 7 reported...

A good Samaritan found and returned a stolen bike Thursday that belongs to a California teen with special needs. ABC 7 reported...

High-flavonoid foods, like berries and apples, ‘prevent weight gain’ Friday January 29 2016 Berries are a rich source of flavonoids “Get fruity to get fit: Eat more berries to...

High-flavonoid foods, like berries and apples, ‘prevent weight gain’

Brazil’s Rousseff calls for war on Zika-carrying mosquito

Friday January 29 2016 Berries are a rich source of flavonoids “Get fruity to get fit: Eat more berries to...

BRASILIA –  Brazil is losing the battle against the mosquito spreading the Zika virus, President Dilma Rousseff...

Brazil’s Rousseff calls for war on Zika-carrying mosquito

Review suggests breastfeeding could have multibillion dollar benefit for global economy

BRASILIA –  Brazil is losing the battle against the mosquito spreading the Zika virus, President Dilma Rousseff...

Review suggests breastfeeding could have multibillion dollar benefit for global economy That breastfeeding can provide a slew of health

That breastfeeding can provide a slew of health benefits for babies and their mothers isn’t news, but for the first...

Australian mother with viral maternity photos gives birth to rare quintuplets Kimberly Tucci, the Australian mother whose maternity photos are going viral, announced the

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benefits for babies and their mothers isn’t news, but for the first...

birth of her quintuplets on her...

Australian mother with viral maternity photos gives birth to rare quintuplets

Dole Foods’ listeria-contaminated salad affects 3 more people

Kimberly Tucci, the Australian mother whose maternity photos are going viral, announced the birth of her quintuplets on her...

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said three more people have been reported ill due to a multi-state...

Dole Foods’ listeria-contaminated salad affects 3 more people

Court: Chemicals caused Samsung chip worker’s ovarian cancer

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said three more people have been reported ill due to a multi-state...

A court said Friday that exposure to carcinogens at a Samsung chip factory caused a worker’s ovarian cancer in the...

Court: Chemicals caused Samsung chip worker’s ovarian cancer

Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation for tuberculosis-associated tracheal stenosis: a two case report and a literature review

A court said Friday that exposure to carcinogens at a Samsung chip factory caused a worker’s ovarian cancer in the...

Bee venom acupuncture alleviates trimellitic anhydride-induced atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in mice There have been few objective ways to determine the optimum dose of BV in clinics and animal studies. According to unpublished...

Hospice Is Allowing M y Father-In-Law To Die With Dignity Hospice. How do you envision it? It has become more common, it seems. Or maybe it only seems that way because we are becoming...

Case 1 All persons have given their informed consent prior to their inclusion in the study, and all human studies...

Complementary alternative medicine use among patients with dengue fever in the hospital setting: a crosssectional study in M alaysia Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a group of various medical and healthcare systems, products, practices, approaches,...

You Need M ore Japanese Food In Your Life, And We’re Not Talking About Sushi When most people think of Japanese food, sushi is the first thing that comes to mind. And it’s no wonder —...

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M osquitoes: "The most murderous animal on Earth"

Sensing the future of molecule detection and bioproduction

Dr. Angela Rocha (L), pediatric infectologist at Oswaldo Cruz Hospital, examines 2-month-old Ludmilla Hadassa Dias de...

(BOSTON) – Synthetically engineered biosensors, which can be designed to detect and signal the presence of specific...

Vaccine study shapes plan to wipe out rabies in free-roaming dogs

Harnessing the oxidising power of air

Rabies could be eradicated from street dogs in India with the help of a new smartphone app, a study has shown. Researchers...

Researchers report the catalysis of a highly specific chemical reaction where oxygen from the air is one ingredient and the...

Victimized adolescents more at risk of thinking about suicide or attempting suicide at 15

Scientists discover protein’s starring role in genome stability, and possibly cancer prevention

Washington D.C., January 28, 2016 – A study to be published in the February 2016 issue of the Journal of the American...

IMAGE:Â The scientists found that genome instability increases in cells as XPG levels decrease. The green spots mark...

Breakthrough enables ultra-fast transport of electrical charges in polymers

Brexit threat hangs over London-based EU medicines agency

IMAGE:Â Vertically aligned chains in the organic semiconducting polymer inside microscopic patterns. view more...

By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) – Fears of a British exit from the European Union are growing...

Syrian government to start peace talks on Friday: U.N.

In face of Zika virus, women ponder abortion, childlessness

GENEVA (Reuters) – The U.N. Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura will meet a Syrian government delegation in...

Maria Erlinda Guzman desperately wants a baby, and has been undergoing fertility treatments at El Salvador’s largest...

Tropical Asia braces for Zika as Thailand appears to steer clear

Germany says had five cases of Zika between Oct 2015 and Jan 2016

BANGKOK/KUALA LUMPUR –  Tropical Southeast Asian countries said on Friday they were bracing for the mosquito-borne...

BERLIN –  There were five confirmed cases of the Zika virus in Germany between October 2015 and January 2016, a...

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Expression of cell adhesion molecule CD44 in mucoepidermoid carcinoma and its association with the tumor behavior

Right ventricular systolic dysfunction and remodelling in Nigerians with peripartum cardiomyopathy: a longitudinal study

The most common type of malignant salivary gland tumor affecting both adults and children is mucoepidermoid carcinoma...

The present longitudinal study assessed RVSD and RV remodelling and its response to treatment and potential recovery in a...

Pressed On Obamacare Replacement, Ted Cruz Dodges The Question

Study assesses how to avoid unnecessary acute admission to hospital

For a moment during Thursday’s GOP debate, it looked like a leading Republican presidential candidate might actually...

A study investigating how hospitals try to avoid unnecessary emergency admissions has identified a series of innovations...

Want to rewire a neuron? You’ve got to take it slow

Giant gas cloud boomeranging back into M ilky Way

That very fine hair-line object that you see being pulled across the screen is actually a neuron being made. A research team...

IMAGE:Â This graphic shows how researchers used the Hubble Space Telescope to view three distant galaxies through the...

New research into the origins of the Austronesian languages

Life at Zika epicenter a struggle for afflicted family

IMAGE:Â This is Professor Martin Richards. view more Credit: University of Huddersfield THE languages known...

In this Jan. 26, 2016 photo, Daniele Ferreira dos Santos holds her son Juan Pedro, who was born with microcephaly,...

Researchers scramble to fight ‘brand new’ Zika virus

Costs of lower cognitive ability linked with not breastfeeding amount to over $300 billion each year

Zika virus is spreading rapidly through the Americas leaving researchers scrambling to understand the very basics, including...

When countries, rich or poor, support breastfeeding through meaningful investments and programs, it has an impact on their...

Researchers developing new methods to better analyze effects of e-cig flavorings

Refugee women have higher risk of giving birth too early than non-refugee immigrants

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Faculty and student researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf (RIT/NTID)...

Refugee women who come to Canada have greater risk of giving birth prematurely than nonrefugee immigrants, a study by a...

UCLA researchers find protein combination that could improve clinical bone restoration

New treatment could stop progression of ALS

A UCLA research team has found a combination of proteins that could significantly improve clinical bone restoration. The...

Education level influences cognitive training outcomes in older adults The first study to investigate the effects of cognitive training on the cognitive functioning of older adults by education...

Vital clues to future cancer development in normal breast tissue DNA Detecting molecular alterations in early breast cancer development is key in the development of more effective cancer prevention...

Researchers at Oregon State University announced today that they have essentially stopped the progression of amyotrophic...

Are Bedbugs Turning Into Superbugs? The small, itchy raised bumps that signal bedbugs’ presence in a home are just the start of aggravations to come....

Study reveals subtle brain differences in men with autism Research at King’s College London has revealed subtle brain differences in adult males with autism spectrum disorder...

Camouflage really does reduce the chances of being eaten

CU-Boulder study: Ancient extinction of giant Australian bird points to humans

A ground-breaking study has confirmed the long held assumption that camouflage protects animals from the clutches of predators,...

Ancient extinction of giant Australian bird points to humans The first direct evidence that humans played a substantial...

Landscape pattern analysis reveals global loss of interior forest

The CNIO uses the Internet network theory to decipher the first epigenetic communication network

Between 2000 and 2012, the world lost more forest area than it gained, according to U.S. Forest Service researchers and partners...

The truth about cleaning your ears with

IMAGE:Â The epigenomic communication system of embryonic stem cells can be explored interactively on the following website:...

New research into the origins of the

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cotton swabs

Austronesian languages

We all know that you’re not supposed to clean your ears with a Q-tip. And yet, people still do it all the time. Surely...

IMAGE:Â This is Professor Martin Richards. view more Credit: University of Huddersfield THE languages known...

Oil fires in Libya continue

Anticholinergics may not be best choice for rehab patients with dementia

IMAGE:Â The oil refinery fires in Libya that were started by attacks on oil terminals in Libya in very early January...

During rehabilitation following an acute hospital stay, medications that block neurotransmitters may be overprescribed to...

CDC says in full outbreak mode in response to Zika

Deformed babies also suffering eye damage linked to Zika in Brazil

By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S. disease detectives have moved into full outbreak...

RECIFE, Brazil (Reuters) – Children born with abnormally small heads and brain defects linked to the outbreak...

M aternal obesity, diabetes tied to increased autism risk in kids

Ali Health’s regulator role in spotlight after pharmacy chain lawsuit

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Mothers who are obese during pregnancy have almost twice...

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Alibaba Health Information Technology Ltd’s 0241.HK role in a regulatory platform...

New SBP research may lead to novel approach to treat heart failure

Study could open door for new treatment targets to help Parkinson’s disease patients walk more easily

More than 5 million people in the United States suffer from heart failure, according to the American Heart Association. Less...

Scientists trace one of the causes of ischemia renal failure / no comments Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association

Two secrets of one of the brain’s most enigmatic regions have finally been revealed. In a pair of new studies, scientists...

CNIO team uses network theory to build and study first epigenetic communication network One of the big questions for which there is still no clear answer in biology is how, based on the four universal letters...

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LM U researchers reveal how crystalline deposits induce cell death

Researchers create new neuronal connections for the first time

Crystal formation plays a defining role in the pathogenesis of a range of common diseases, such as gout and atherosclerosis....

That very fine hair-line object that you see being pulled across the screen is actually a neuron being made. A research team...

How to Keep a Breakup from Becoming Really M essy When You Live with Your S.O.

5 Crucial Things to Do if You’re Exercising for Weight Loss

Acknowledge How Much It Sucks and Be Respectful “If you got as far as living together, you believed enough in your...

Thanks, Super-Helpful Survey, for Telling Us How M any Sexual Partners We Should Have And the magic number seems to be…10. The majority of men and women both said they thought that getting busy with between...

‘I don’t think I’d be frightened if the statins went’: a phenomenological qualitative study exploring medicines use in palliative care patients, carers and healthcare professionals. This is the first study to describe the lived experience of patients, carers and healthcare professionals in the context...

A framework for scaling up health interventions: lessons from large-scale improvement initiatives in Africa Six existing frameworks for sequential scale-up from the literature The literature on achieving

If you’re logging miles on the treadmill and hours in cycling class in the hopes of torching more calories, that’s...

Vorvida: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of Internet-based selfhelp program for the reduction of alcohol consumption for adults Sorry, the page you requested is unavailable. The link you requested might be broken, or no longer exist. Why not start at...

Relationship between regulatory T cells subsets and lipid profile in dyslipidemic patients: a longitudinal study during atorvastatin treatment The complex regulatory network of T cells comprises a number of T cell subpopulations with distinct phenotypes and distinct...

Small is different This news release is available in German. In the production of margarine millions of tons of unsaturated fatty acids...

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results at scale describes...

M ulti-center study reveals unique subtypes of most common malignant brain cancer IMAGE:Â This is Roel Verhaak, Ph.D. view more Credit: MD Anderson Cancer Center An

In lung cancer, not all HER2 alterations are created equal IMAGE:Â Marileila Garcia, Ph.D., and colleagues show that mutation or amplification (but not both) leads to HER2 activation...

international collaborative...

Brain’s ‘amplifier’ compensates for lost inner ear function

Too-few proteins prompt nanoparticles to clump

Researchers from Massachusetts Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School have described, for the first time, the adult brain’s...

IMAGE:Â Rice University researchers observed nanoparticle aggregation induced by low concentrations of unfolded serum...

Intact nature offers best defense against climate change

WHO says Zika virus spreads explosively, four million cases forecast

Many climate adaptation strategies such as sea wall construction and new agricultural practices do more harm than good Native...

By Tom Miles and Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – The Zika virus, linked to severe birth...

How severe maternal inflammation can lead to autism-like behavior

How severe maternal inflammation can lead to autism-like behavior

CAMBRIDGE, MA — In 2010, a large study in Denmark found that women who suffered an infection severe enough to require...

CAMBRIDGE, MA — In 2010, a large study in Denmark found that women who suffered an infection severe enough to require...

Trump overshadows Republican debate even as he sits it out

Trump overshadows Republican debate even as he sits it out

By John Whitesides and Ginger Gibson DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) – Republican frontrunner Donald...

By John Whitesides and Ginger Gibson DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) – Republican frontrunner Donald...

Nearly 400 people ill after attending Kansas dinner theater

Nearly 400 people ill after attending Kansas dinner theater

By Kevin Murphy KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) – Nearly 400 people have reported feeling ill...

By Kevin Murphy KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) – Nearly 400 people have reported feeling ill...

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What You Need to Know About the Zika Virus

What You Need to Know About the Zika Virus

Here’s the latest information you need to know about the Zika virus based on new reports by health officials. The...

Here’s the latest information you need to know about the Zika virus based on new reports by health officials. The...

Sentencing of ex-House speaker Hastert delayed until April

Sentencing of ex-House speaker Hastert delayed until April

By Mary Wisniewski CHICAGO (Reuters) – A federal judge on Thursday postponed until April the sentencing date...

By Mary Wisniewski CHICAGO (Reuters) – A federal judge on Thursday postponed until April the sentencing date...

Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders in good health: doctor

Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders in good health: doctor

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is in “overall very good health,â€​...

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is in “overall very good health,â€​...

The Young M en and the Sea — The Finest Hours

Strap It Up With Strap Work

On February 18, 1952, a massive winter storm, a fierce nor’easter, struck New England. At sea, the SS Pendleton,...

NIH: Zika virus at "pandemic" level NEW YORK — The World Health Organization warned Thursday the Zika virus is “spreading explosivelyâ€​a nd...

I love strap work. Not only is it portable, but it requires you to stabilize your body and joints while suspended in space....

Treating Parkinson’s disease by solving the mysteries of movement IMAGE: These are neurons in the brainstem involved in walking are lit up using optogenetics. [Roseberry et al., Cell] ...

Researchers develop completely new kind of polymer

A step towards keeping up with M oore’s Law

IMAGE:Â Northwestern University researchers have developed a new hybrid polymer with removable supramolecular compartments,...

Along with the fast development of modern information technology, charge-based memories, such as DRAM and flash memory, are...

How bats recognize their own ‘bat

Social work conference urges greater

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‘father-friendly’ culture

Individual bats emit sonar calls in the dark, using the echo of their signature sounds to identify and target potential prey....

When family difficulties mean that children are at risk of abuse or neglect and face being taken into care or becoming candidates...

Necroptosis: How crystals precipitate cell death

Zika vaccine may be ready for emergency use this year: developer

Crystal formation plays a defining role in the pathogenesis of a range of common diseases, such as gout and atherosclerosis....

By Rod Nickel WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) – A vaccine for the Zika virus, which has been linked...

Copa Airlines offers refunds to pregnant travelers over Zika

FDA approves M erck’s new hepatitis C pill

PANAMA CITY (Reuters) – Panama-based airline Copa said on Thursday it would offer refunds or the option...

By Deena Beasley (Reuters) – U.S. regulators on Thursday approved a new once-daily pill for...

M ore airlines ease policies for bookings to Zika-hit areas

Beauty, Body Image and Being Gay

By Jeffrey Dastin (Reuters) – Lufthansa , British Airways and JetBlue on Thursday became...

What is perfection? I state this as my own observation and thoughts. I know many will not agree with what I say, but such...

IOC will ‘do everything’ to keep Rio Games safe from Zika virus: Bach

Canada-U.S. group targets Zika vaccine by year-end

Athens (AFP) – The International Olympic Committee will “do everythingâ€​ in its power to keep...

WINNIPEG, Manitoba A vaccine for the Zika virus, which has been linked to severe birth defects in thousands of infants,...

Teens take fewer risks around slightly older adults

IU, Regenstrief study: Cognitive training effects differ by older adult’s education level

Adolescents are known risk takers, especially when they’re surrounded by same-aged peers. But new research suggests...

Two cases hint at possible sexual transmission of Zika

IMAGE:Â Regenstrief investigator Daniel O. Clark, Ph.D. is a Indiana University Center for Aging Research scientist. ...

Life history effects on the molecular clock of autosomes and sex

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Miami (AFP) – As global health experts scramble to understand how the Zika virus spreads and may lead to...


The New Year With Your Old Self: M aking It Stick

Viacom’s Redstone to undergo mental exam on Friday

By this time of the year, many of us have settled into the proclamation that we made at or just after 12 midnight on December...

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Viacom Inc Executive Chairman Sumner Redstone will undergo an examination on Friday...

Teachers’ union sues Detroit schools, demands removal of emergency manager

Dole Foods’ listeria-contaminated salad affects three more people

(Reuters) – The union for Detroit public school teachers sued their district on Thursday demanding immediate...

Factbox: Facts about the Zika virus and the current outbreak (Reuters) – The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday the Zika virus, linked to severe birth defects...

Evolutionary geneticists date events using the number of mutations that have accumulated since they occurred. For instance,...

(Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said three more people have been reported...

For This Gay M an, the Gym Has Often Been the M ost Terrifying Place in the World Nicholas Snow in a recent self-portrait. Every time I go to a gym I am recovering from horrific childhood bullying and verbal...

WHO says Zika virus spreads explosively, 4 million cases forecast

U.S. on high alert for bird flu after Indiana poultry outbreak

GENEVA The Zika virus, linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies in Brazil, is “spreading explosivelyâ€​...

CHICAGO In the two weeks since bird flu reappeared in Indiana, U.S. veterinarians have swabbed the mouths of chickens and...

FDA approves Eisai’s drug Halaven for type of soft tissue cancer

US on high alert for bird flu after Indiana poultry outbreak

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Eisai Co Ltd’s drug derived from sea sponge for a rare type of soft...

CHICAGO –  In the two weeks since bird flu reappeared in Indiana, U.S. veterinarians have swabbed the mouths of...

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This Powerful Video Proves Depression Isn’t Always Obvious

When New Year’s Resolutions Conflict With Self-Worth

Here’s a thing to remember: Just because you can’t see someone’s illness, doesn’t

It’s now a month into the new year, and it is a good time to take stock of those resolutions you

mean it doesn’t...

made in the heat...

Having memory problems? Don’t forget to tell your doctor

Study offers new insights into Group A Streptococcus

Most people don’t bring up memory trouble

One bacterial pathogen is responsible for a range

during a routine check-up at their doctor’s

of diseases, from pharyngitis and impetigo to more

office, even when they...

severe diagnoses such...

NASA Sees developing depression threatening northwestern Australia

Oregon researchers document the work of leafcutter ants

IMAGE:Â On Jan. 28, 2016 , GPM measured rain

EUGENE, Ore. — Jan. 28, 2016 — Deploying

falling at a rate of 96.7 mm (3.8 inches) per hour in towering convective...

multiple videos in a University of Oregon lab, scientists have documented...

Adverse outcome pathways: Path to improved chemical tests without animals

Epigenetic switch for obesity

WASHINGTON–A new paper published in

This news release is available in German. It is well known that a predisposition to adiposity lies in our genes. A new...

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, coauthored by the Physicians Committee...

Fleeting fruit in a tropical forest IMAGE:Â Chimpanzee female eating Grewia fruit,

Olympics-IOC to issue Zika guidelines as Rio Games loom

and a variety of rainforest fruit eaten by chimpanzees in Uganda, Cote...

By Karolos Grohmann and Stephen Eisenhammer

Top US researcher says Zika vaccine is years away

Spread of Zika virus ‘explosive’, 4 million cases possible: WHO

Miami (AFP) – The hunt for a vaccine to prevent the Zika virus could take years, a top US health

By Tom Miles and Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – The Zika virus – linked to severe...

ATHENS/RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan 28 (Reuters) – The International...

chief said...

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JetBlue joins string of airlines refunding travel to Zika-hit areas

FDA finds Indian drug maker Wockhardt hid failed tests

(Reuters) – JetBlue Airways Corp joined a string

By Zeba Siddiqui MUMBAI (Reuters) – Indian

of airlines offering to refund customers with tickets to...

drugmaker Wockhardt hid the results of failed tests...

Want to feel better? M ove to Hawaii, Alaska

Antidepressants linked to suicide and aggression in teens

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — If you want to improve your sense of well-being, leave the Lower

Thursday January 28 2016 The increase in suicide and aggression risks were small

48. A new report ranking...

“Antidepressant use doubles...

U.S. official sees Zika vaccine trials starting by end of 2016

For African women with HIV, not breastfeeding is not easy

CHICAGO The United States has two potential candidates for a vaccine for the Zika virus and may

Healthcare providers need to understand that for HIV-positive African women, following advice not to

begin clinical trials in...

breastfeed in order...

Contraception may boost sex life, researchers say

WHO says extremely alarmed by Zika, could reach 4 million cases

If you’re looking to boost your sex life, birth control may be the answer, health experts say. A

GENEVA (Reuters) – The World Health Organization (WHO) expects the Zika virus, which is

study by the Johns...

spreading through...

Zika virus ‘spreading explosively’: WHO chief

Finnish ‘pulled oats’ maker wants a bite of the meat substitutes market

Geneva (AFP) – The Zika virus is “spreading

HELSINKI Nordic oats and broad beans are the

explosivelyâ€​ in the Americas, the head of the

main ingredients for a new plant-based product


that looks like pulled pork...

UN to decide if Zika virus is a global health emergency

The latest: Latin America, Caribbean leaders talk about Zika

GENEVA (AP) — Declaring that the Zika virus is

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The latest on the fight

“spreading explosively,â€​ chief of the World Health Organization...

against the Zika virus that health officials suspect is linked to a...

5 things to know about the mosquito

The Surprising Symptom That Could

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villain in Zika outbreaks

Signal a Heart Attack in Women

Behind the tropical disease outbreaks that have exploded in Latin America is a tiny menace that just

Yes, you might have pressure or pain in the center of your chest, but surprisingly, women might

won’t go away. It’s...

experience jaw pain while...

The Protein Source Everyone Who’s Anyone Will Be Loading Up on This Year

Scientists Reveal ‘GameChanger’ Schizophrenia Findings

But what, exactly, is a pulse? “Technically a seed that grows in a pod,â€​ explains Jillian

The result — accomplished by analysis of genetics, autopsy brain tissue and laboratory mice

Tuchman, R.D., the...

— is “going...

I Was Detained at an Airport Because of M y Stutter

Epigenetics: The importance of mixed motifs

Detained On Thursday, Jan. 21, when I returned to the U.S. to visit my family from my six-month study

Local modifications in histone proteins alter DNA packing density in the cell nucleus to regulate gene

abroad program in...

activity. They also...

Step training may reduce fall risk for the elderly

UN health chief: Zika virus is ‘spreading explosively’

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Step training focused on improving gait and balance

GENEVA (AP) — Declaring that the Zika virus is “spreading explosively,â€​ the World Health



IOC will "do everything" to keep Rio Games safe from Zika virus: Bach

4 Zika cases found in New York among returning travelers

Athens (AFP) – The International Olympic

Four people who had returned from travel abroad

Committee will “do everythingâ€​ in its power to keep...

have tested positive in New York state with infections with the mosquito-transmitted...

Researchers design wearable sweat sensor to track body’s biochemical data

Cancer centers urge increase in HPV vaccinations

It can be clammy and pungent, but human sweat

an increase in vaccination against the human papilloma virus, or HPV,...

turns out to have a positive trait—it can reveal clues about what’s...

LEGO creates first disabled figurine of

The top cancer centers in the U.S. jointly called for

1,000 Zika cases in Honduras since

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boy with guide dog

December: minister

LEGO plans to launch its first collection to feature a

Tegucigalpa (AFP) – Honduras has registered

disabled figurine in June. reported that the piece, which...

1,000 cases of the mosquito-borne Zika virus since December,...

VW chief casts doubt on whistleblower’s account of emissions scandal

‘The Biggest Loser’ trainer shares top heart healthy exercises

STUTTGART, Germany (Reuters) – Volkswagen

Quince, knows how to get anyone back in tip top shape. Now, he’s teamed...

VOWG_p.DE Chief Executive Matthias Mueller has cast doubt on a...

The Latest: Latin America, Caribbean leaders talk about Zika RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The latest on the fight

NBC’s The Biggest Loser trainer, Dolvett

U.S. government committed to helping Flint, M ichigan, fix water problem: White House

against the Zika virus that health officials suspect is linked...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. government

A roadmap to guide hematology research in Europe

NTCELL stops Parkinson’s disease progression one year after treatment

/ no comments

/ no comments

Study shows prevalence of clinically relevant depressive symptoms among Division I college athletes

CosmosID announces $6M in Series B funding round

Nearly a quarter of Division I college athletes reported depressive symptoms while enrolled at a

is committed to helping Flint, Michigan, succeed in fixing the...

CosmosID, the leading genomic big data company focused on microbiome research, outbreak investigations, and infectious disease...

liberal arts university...

We Had Our Sex Dreams Analyzed by an Expert—and It Got Deep

We Tested 7 Beauty Products That Infomercials Pimp on the Regular

Ever wake up mid-snooze feeling guilty about a sex dream that involved someone other than

A photo posted by Alyson Lopez (@malguevarra) on Aug 23, 2015 at 5:38am PDT But are all

your S.O.? Feel free to admit...

infomercial beauty products BS—or...

7 Things to Know About M egyn Kelly,

Effects on mobility training and de-

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the Woman Who Terrifies Donald Trump Here are 7 things to know about the spitfire who scares the pants off of Donald Trump. 1. She Won’t Call Herself...

adaptations in subjects with Spinal Cord Injury due to a Wearable Robot: a preliminary report This is a pilot single case experimental A-B (prepost) design study. A preliminary medical examination included...

Revolutionizing plant biology: multiple ways of genome engineering by CRISPR/Cas In August 2013, three studies were published in the same issue of nature biotechnology showing that Cas9 also works...

Tofacitinib, an oral Janus kinase inhibitor, as monotherapy or with background methotrexate, in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis: an open-label, long-term extension study The authors would like to thank the patients who were involved in this study, the A3921041 investigators and study...

What drives the consistent use of longlasting insecticidal nets over time? A multi-method qualitative study in midwestern Uganda Net usage Net use behaviour reportedly varied amongst respondents, and ranged from consistent

M onitoring subnational regional inequalities in health: measurement approaches and challenges Subnational regional health inequality is defined as the variability in a given health indicator between populations...

use to seasonal use...

Electric patch holds promise for treating PTSD

Nano-coating makes coaxial cables lighter

An average of 30 years had passed since the

HOUSTON – (Jan. 27, 2016) – Common

traumatic events that had left them depressed,

coaxial cables could be made 50 percent lighter

anxious, irritable, hypervigilant,...

with a new nanotube-based...

New detection method for Goby invasion

What DuPont’s deep R&D cuts mean for science

IMAGE:Â Ponto-Caspian goby (Neogobius

During the last century, private companies, as well

melanostomus) view more Credit: University of Basel, Department of Environmental...

as illustrious universities, were known for great exploratory research....

An alternative to platinum: Iron-

Novel nanotechnology technique

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nitrogen compounds as catalysts in graphene

makes table-top production of flat optics a reality

This news release is available in German. Fuel

Researchers from the University of Illinois at

cells convert the chemical energy stored in hydrogen (H2) into electrical...

Urbana-Champaign have developed a simplified approach to fabricating flat,...

Ex-top model holds fashion world to account on anorexiaÂ

Gambia president fires three ministers as departments merge

Paris (AFP) – It was the stuff of dreams: walking

BANJUL (Reuters) – Gambia’s President

down a Paris street one day to walking the runway as a...

Yahya Jammeh fired three government ministers in a department...

High lead levels found in five children from concerned Ohio town

DNA-binding sequence specificity of DUX4

SEBRING, Ohio –  Five children so far have elevated lead levels in a northeastern Ohio village

These studies have revealed a number of interesting properties of the DUX4 protein. First,

where lead-tainted...

multiple lines of evidence point...

Lifestyle including dietary habits and changes in coronary artery calcium score: a retrospective cohort study

Higher plasma levels of lysophosphatidylcholine 18:0 are related to a lower risk of common cancers in a prospective metabolomics study

Study population The participants consisted of individuals older than 18Â years who underwent a baseline comprehensive...

Since the metabolite levels in our study were measured in blood samples taken years before diagnosis, the present associations...

Public availability of results of observational studies evaluating an intervention registered at We evaluated the public availability of study results in a cohort of 481 observational studies evaluating

Porn and Critical Thinking: The Importance of Using Your Head When Looking at Scientific Results Recently, my colleagues and I accidentally reinvigorated public discussions of pornography’s impact on the treatment...

an intervention...

Recommendation to omit radiation therapy after lumpectomy is not

RAND survey shows that voters see little difference between candidates on

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frequently implemented


Chicago: (January 27, 2016): Nearly two thirds of U.S. women age 70 or older with stage I breast

IMAGE:Â Graph of Presidential Candidates Popularity. view more Credit: RAND Corporation

cancer1 who undergo lumpectomy...

Although much has...

Ancient rodent’s brain was big … but not necessarily ‘smart’

Welcome to the world: New chameleon emerges from wilds of Tanzania

IMAGE:Â U of T researchers recently reconstructed two endocasts of Paramys, the oldest and best-

NEW YORK (January 27, 2016) – WCS announced today that a team of scientists

preserved rodent skulls...

discovered a new species of chameleon...

New way to detect human-animal diseases tested in lemurs

M ore than 1 in 20 US children have dizziness and balance problems

IMAGE:Â A diademed sifaka lemur perches on a

More than 1 in 20 (nearly 3.3 million) children

tree trunk with her infant in Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Madagascar....

between the ages of 3 and 17 have a dizziness or balance problem, according...

Transplant: A Gift of Life With the Support of Science

Brazil urges joint Zika fight, airlines offer refunds

Maybe it is the secret that we all chose to hide from

Rio de Janeiro (AFP) – Brazil urged its neighbors

the people around us, trying to turn our gaze far from the ugliness...

to unite in fighting the Zika virus, blamed for a surge...

French lawmakers approve terminal sedation, not euthanasia

Experts Explain Key to Stopping Zika Virus From Spreading in the US

PARIS (AP) — France’s Parliament has

With the Zika virus spreading across South and

approved a bill that will let doctors keep terminally ill patients...

Central America, health officials are increasingly looking at how it could...

FTC sues DeVry for deceiving students on job prospects

What To Do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

By Diane Bartz WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit on

Does the beginning of the New Year overwhelm you a little? Perhaps you started 2016 with that

Wednesday against...

clean slate feel; you released...

These Adorable Videos Are Scientifically Proven To M ake You

These Adorable Videos Are Scientifically Proven To M ake You

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“Even if they are watching cat videos on

“Even if they are watching cat videos on

YouTube to procrastinate or while they should be working, the emotional payoff...

YouTube to procrastinate or while they should be working, the emotional payoff...

When Doing Nothing Is Doing Everything

When Doing Nothing Is Doing Everything

“Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving.â€​ Bell Hooks This time, after jumping in

“Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving.â€​ Bell Hooks This time, after jumping in

my car,...

my car,...

Urban sprawl stunts upward mobility, University of Utah study finds

Urban sprawl stunts upward mobility, University of Utah study finds

IMAGE:Â This is a Google Earth image of San Jose, CA, which has a low sprawl score and high upward

IMAGE:Â This is a Google Earth image of San Jose, CA, which has a low sprawl score and high upward

mobility. ...

mobility. ...

Good boss? Bad boss? Study says workers leave both

Good boss? Bad boss? Study says workers leave both

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — When fast-rising employees quit their jobs for better pay or more responsibility

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — When fast-rising employees quit their jobs for better pay or more responsibility

at another organization,...

at another organization,...

Soft robotic grippers non-destructively manipulate deep sea coral reef organisms

Soft robotic grippers non-destructively manipulate deep sea coral reef organisms

IMAGE:Â Soft Robotics, a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly online with Open Access

IMAGE:Â Soft Robotics, a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly online with Open Access

options and in print, combines...

options and in print, combines...

Fred Hutch endorses HPV vaccination for cancer prevention

Fred Hutch endorses HPV vaccination for cancer prevention

IMAGE:Â Dr. Gary Gilliland is president and director

IMAGE:Â Dr. Gary Gilliland is president and director

of Fred Hutch. view more Credit: Photo by Robert Hood /...

of Fred Hutch. view more Credit: Photo by Robert Hood /...

Schizophrenia’s strongest known

Schizophrenia’s strongest known

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genetic risk deconstructed

genetic risk deconstructed

IMAGE:Â The site in Chromosome 6 harboring the

IMAGE:Â The site in Chromosome 6 harboring the

gene C4 towers far above other risk-associated

gene C4 towers far above other risk-associated

areas on schizophrenia’s...

areas on schizophrenia’s...

Depressive symptoms prevalent among Division I college athletes

Depressive symptoms prevalent among Division I college athletes

IMAGE:Â Prevalence of clinically relevant

IMAGE:Â Prevalence of clinically relevant

depressive symptoms by sport and gender among 465 Division I athletes. ...

depressive symptoms by sport and gender among 465 Division I athletes. ...

Child abuse may play role in military suicides

Child abuse may play role in military suicides

By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) –

By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) –

Histories of child abuse are common among military...

Histories of child abuse are common among military...

Safety in spotlight in NFL after study reveals brain trauma in Giants player

Safety in spotlight in NFL after study reveals brain trauma in Giants player

New York (AFP) – Health risks faced by National

New York (AFP) – Health risks faced by National

Football League players were back in the spotlight Wednesday...

Football League players were back in the spotlight Wednesday...

Investor pressures J&J to consider split up: sources

Investor pressures J&J to consider split up: sources

By Carl O’Donnell (Reuters) – Artisan Partners, a major shareholder in Johnson

By Carl O’Donnell (Reuters) – Artisan Partners, a major shareholder in Johnson



Global health body under pressure to stop Zika virus

Global health body under pressure to stop Zika virus

By Julie Steenhuysen and Stephanie Nebehay CHICAGO/GENEVA (Reuters) – The World Health

By Julie Steenhuysen and Stephanie Nebehay CHICAGO/GENEVA (Reuters) – The World Health



M ost U.S. efforts to fight Zika virus to be informational: White House

M ost U.S. efforts to fight Zika virus to be informational: White House

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Most U.S. efforts to fight the Zika virus would be focused on sharing

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Most U.S. efforts to fight the Zika virus would be focused on sharing



Very few US doctors make up bulk of malpractice claims

Very few US doctors make up bulk of malpractice claims

Miami (AFP) – A small number of doctors make up a big share of malpractice claims in the United

Miami (AFP) – A small number of doctors make up a big share of malpractice claims in the United

States, according...

States, according...

The Fourth Industrial Revolution M eets the Sleep Revolution

One Year Since a Layoff Reignited M y Depression

ROME — Last week more than 2,500 global leaders from more than 100 countries came

I was going to write this two months ago to mark a different anniversary, when I was laid off from a job

together in Davos for the annual...

that (up to that...

M eet Isla, The New Gerber Baby Contest Winner

HALT When Hungry

A panel of judges selected Isla out of 170,300

feel hungry, “HALTâ€​ and assess what is really happening.H —...

entrants to be the new Gerber “spokesbaby.â€​

. Param Dedhia eloquently suggested when you

As the winner, she...

Health officials battle to contain the Zika virus

You Can’t Take a Vacation From Sleep Apnea

NEW YORK — Health officials in Minnesota

Americans took 2.1 billion trips for business or

reported a new case of the Zika virus Wednesday. This month, ten cases have...

pleasure in 2014. That’s a lot of time away from the comforts of...

Small number of doctors behind many malpractice claims

Government: Theranos lab a danger to patient health

Just 1 percent of active U.S. physicians are

In another hurdle for one of Silicon Valley’s

responsible for nearly a third of the nation’s paid malpractice claims,...

high-flying startups, federal health inspectors are calling out blood-testing...

High-frequency ultrasound may ease cancer pain

New material with built-in vitamin A may reduce scarring

January 27, 2016, 5:20 PM|Researchers in London

While scarring is a natural part of any healing

are testing a new therapy to relieve pain in bone process, scar formation within our blood vessels Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

cancer patients. CBS News’...

can be deadly. “When...

This week from AGU: Indian Ocean warming, 2 data blogs, debris flow video, & 2 new papers

Basic research led to first FDAapproved immunotherapy for pediatric cancer

GeoSpace Rapid warming over the Indian Ocean reduces marine productivity Increasing water

IMAGE: This is Araz Marachelian, MD clinical investigator at the Children’s Hospital Los

temperatures in the Indian...

Angeles Director, NANT...

Ongoing HIV replication replenishes viral reservoirs during therapy

Using virtual reality to make experiments more realistic

WHAT: In HIV-infected patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART), ongoing HIV replication

IMAGE:Â Smile, please! Avatars should display realistic facial expressions such as smiles, raised

in lymphoid tissues such...

eyebrows and eye contact....

Long-term study shows impact of humans on land

Theranos lab poses ‘jeopardy to patient health’: regulator

IMAGE:Â The image on the left is a computergenerated landscape with the colors indicating the

(Reuters) – Deficient practices at a lab operated by blood-testing startup Theranos pose

meters of soil lost or...


Texas urges Supreme Court to uphold abortion law

Replace pipes that ‘poisoned’ Flint water, lawsuit demands

By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

Chicago (AFP) – The downtrodden US city of Flint

The state of Texas on Wednesday urged the U.S.

was poisoned in a misguided drive by penny-

Supreme Court to...

pinching officials...

Incyte stops tests on Jakafi to treat colorectal cancer

U.N. says Syria ignored most of its requests to deliver aid

(Reuters) – Incyte Corp said on Wednesday that

By Michelle Nichols UNITED NATIONS (Reuters)

it would stop a mid-stage study on its combination treatment...

– The Syrian government in 2015 ignored most United...

Brazil’s Rousseff calls for Latin American Zika fight Rio de Janeiro (AFP) – Brazilian President Dilma

Small number of physicians linked to many malpractice claims, researchers say

Rousseff called Wednesday for Latin America to

Credit: Petr Kratochvil/public domain A substantial

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launch a...

share of all malpractice claims in the United States is attributable...

Opioid prescribing for chronic pain—achieving the right balance through education

Drug provides better kidney transplant survival rates than current standard of care

Everyone knows that exercise improves health, and ongoing research continues to uncover

For the first time, an immunosuppressive agent has shown better organ survival in kidney

increasingly detailed information...

transplant recipients than a calcineurin...

A glance at Zika cases and complications in Latin America

Gene study points towards therapies for common brain disorders

A pregnant woman has been diagnosed with Zika

In the brain, the visual cortex processes visual

in Bolivia, authorities said Tuesday, the first time the mosquito-borne virus,...

information and passes it from lower to higher areas of the brain. However,...

National Park Service Launches Search For Next Ansel Adams

People Are Totally Clueless About What ‘Natural’ Food Labels M ean

The National Park Service is hiring a full-time

There’s a good chance the word “naturalâ€​

photographer to document the country’s natural landscapes. NPR’s...

doesn’t mean what you think it does. At least not when...

Troy Aikman: I ‘Knock On Wood’ Hoping I Stay Healthy After Concussions

Here’s Some Good News About Coffee And Your Heart

Troy Aikman captured three Super Bowl titles as

Researchers at the University of California San

the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. But the sixtime Pro Bowler also suffered...

Fransisco assessed the coffee, tea and chocolate intake of 1,388 healthy...

5 New Things You Need To Know About Zika Virus

Why a Career in Governmental Public Health M ight Be Right for You

Zika virus, which is spread by the aedes aegypti

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted a

mosquito, is the suspected culprit behind a wave of birth defects in Brazil....

career that would give me the chance to make a positive impact on the lives...

Scientists uncover clues to schizophrenia

Drugs and other contaminants found in private drinking wells on Cape Cod

NEW YORK — Scientists pursuing the biological Recent news about tainted water in Flint, Michigan, roots of schizophrenia have zeroed in on a potential and other parts of the country have called into Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

factor –...

question the safety of...

Researchers examine the unintentional effects of different fishing hooks and bait on sharks and rays

Coroporate philantrhopy can have a positive impact on employees

IMAGE:Â By examining relevant studies related to fishing in the open ocean, researchers have found

Corporate philanthropy benefits organizations in many ways: Giving enhances a business’s reputation and strengthens...

that while using...

Simplifying solar cells with a new mix of materials

NASA Webb Telescope mirrors installed with robotic arm precision

IMAGE:Â In this illustration, the top images show a cross-section of a solar cell design, called DASH,

IMAGE:Â A robotic arm called the Primary Mirror Alignment and Integration Fixture is used to lift and

that uses a combination...

lower each of...

Experts offer new approach to prioritizing research on the environmental impacts of pharmaceuticals

One percent of U.S. docs responsible for a third of malpractice payments By Gene Emery (Reuters Health) – Just one out of every 100 U.S. doctors is responsible for...

Researchers have developed a new way to prioritize investigations on the environmental impacts of the estimated 1500 active...

Incyte stops mid-stage study of colorectal cancer treatment

Libya’s health needs can’t wait for unity government, minister says

(Reuters) – Incyte Corp said on Wednesday that

By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) –

it would stop a mid-stage study on its combination cancer...

Donors must help Libya rebuild its devastated health...

The sweat of your brow: the future of health monitors?

M assachusetts official challenges Gilead’s hepatitis C drug prices

Paris (AFP) – Wristbands which track the number

By Ransdell Pierson and Bill Berkrot (Reuters) –

of steps you take, how many calories you burn and how fast...

Massachusetts’ attorney general is...

Brazil’s Rousseff declares war on mosquito spreading Zika virus

American Airlines expands refunds related to Zika virus

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RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – President Dilma Rousseff said on Wednesday that Brazil must

American Airlines Group Inc has expanded its refunds for pregnant customers visiting areas

wage war against the...

impacted by the Zika virus to...

Ukranian villagers say clean water main cause for high number of twin births

9 Famous Women Who Prove That M arriage Really Isn’t for Everyone

A Ukranian village dubbed “The Land of

Along with a great career, family, and friendships,

Twinsâ€​ for its extraordinarily common instances of twin births may be...

marriage has long been looked at as one of the signs you’ve made...

Why The Southeast Could Become The Napa Valley Of Oysters

Forget Chess. A.I. M asters Wickedly Complex, Chinese Game Of ‘Go’

i Capers Blades “singles on a half shellâ€​

i In the game Go, players use white or black stones

oysters grown by farmer Dave Belanger (aka Clammer...

to attempt to fence off territory. ...

Unusual pigments found in a painting by Giotto (c. 1266-1337) reveal diversity of materials used by medieval artists

Care About a Veteran with PTSD? Here Is How to Help

This work relied on close visual stereomicroscopy

He is a psychologist and neuropsychologist at the VA Medical Center in...

of the surface of the painting and air-path x-ray fluorescence...

Dr. William Gibson and I co-authored this article.

The Unconventional Way This Ad Campaign Is Promoting Breastfeeding

The Weird Way Taking a Shower Could M ake You M ore Creative

According to the BooneOakley website, “This

By Chloe Metzger, Allure Photo: John Huba

campaign was created to help promote the benefits of breastfeeding in...

You’re mindlessly shaving your legs when it comes to you: the next Emmy-winning...

Relapsed Alcoholic? This Is for You

New Year’s Resolution: Where Are You Now?

Hi, my name is Vivienne and my dead sister was an alcoholic. If you’ve fallen off the wagon (again), you don’t...

Here we are just a few weeks into 2016, and the biggest question going around is “How is the New Year’s resolution...

The caregivers

New strategy for reducing readmissions: Get the family involved

Eric, a registered nurse who works with children afflicted with complex medical disabilities, attends Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

to his adopted son...

IMAGE:Â This is Mark Ketterer, Ph.D., a clinical health psychologist in the Department of Behavioral Health Services...

American College of Prosthodontists issues guidelines on maintaining toothborne and implant-borne dental restorations

Study: Incentive pay not motivating enough for some managers

Patients with dental restorations such as crowns, bridges and veneers that are supported by natural

more Credit:...

IMAGE:Â Joyce Cong Ying Wang is a doctoral candidate at the University of Texas at Dallas. view

teeth, as well as those...

Penn medicine: Transplant centers often reject potential donor livers for sickest patients in need IMAGE:Â David Goldberg is an assistant professor of Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at

Groundbreaking journal, Gender and the Genome, to launch in summer 2016 New Rochelle, NY, January 27, 2016–The announcement in 2000 that the structure of the human genome had been successfully...

the University of...

High corporate taxes incentivize corporate debt

What It’s Really Like to Win a Beauty Pageant

Multinational American companies with significant operations in countries with low corporate taxes

This question originally appeared on Quora , the knowledge-sharing network where compelling

take on less debt than...

questions are answered by...

Before arrest, U.S. sought Shkreli’s communications with lawyer

Rio will be success despite ‘situation of crisis’: Bach

By Nate Raymond NEW YORK (Reuters) – Days before Martin Shkreli’s arrest for securities

By Karolos Grohmann ATHENS (Reuters) – This year’s Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro will...

fraud, U.S....

Study suggests genetic, physiological schizophrenia cause

Olympics-Rio will be success despite ‘situation of crisis’

Paris (AFP) – Variants of a gene which influences

By Karolos Grohmann ATHENS, Jan 27 (Reuters)

connections between brain cells can increase schizophrenia...

– This year’s Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro...

Adding behavioral therapy to meds

Chinese man dies after taking

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reduces depression long-term

traditional herbal supplement

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – When

A 26-year-old Chinese man died in December after

depression does not respond to antidepressant medication,...

consuming excessive amounts of an herbal supplement meant to cure hair loss. Central...

Scientists believe they’re close to a cure for Type 1 diabetes

Four Zika cases found in New York among returning travelers

Scientists believe they’re closing in on a cure

Four people who had returned from travel abroad

for Type 1 diabetes, and perhaps making daily insulin shots a thing...

have tested positive in New York state with infections with the mosquito-transmitted...

Teens who try e-cigarettes more likely to start smoking

Caught off-guard by Zika, Brazil struggles with deformed babies

(Reuters Health) – Teens who try electronic cigarettes may be more than twice as likely to

RECIFE, Brazil Angela Rocha, a pediatrician in northeastern Brazil, measures the head of a child

progress to traditional...

born with microcephaly,...

DR. M ANNY: 3 serious dangers of the Zika virus

Officials confirm at least 6 cases of Zika in US residents

The Zika virus, which is carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, has infected thousands in the

At least six U.S. residents have tested positive for the Zika virus, with officials in New York, Arkansas

Americas and the Caribbean,...

and Virginia confirming...

Study hints at biology of schizophrenia, may aid treatment

JAM A Viewpoint: Emerging Zika pandemic requires more WHO action now

Scientists pursuing the biological roots of schizophrenia have zeroed in on a potential factor — a normal brain process...

Daniel Lucey, M.D., M.P.H., is Senior Scholar at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law....

Experts: High drug price trend has ‘infected’ generics

Is Cervical Cancer Really the ‘Best One to Get’?

An article published online today in Blood, the Journal of the American Society of Hematology

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, and we definitely don’t want to sugarcoat the

(ASH), suggests that pharmaceutical...

disease—it strikes...

What to Expect When You’re

Queer Women Are Less Likely to Get

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Expecting an Abortion

Offered Jobs Than Straight Women

If you’ve decided that you want to have an abortion, you’ll need to be careful when finding

Guess who got the most responses? Researchers discovered that the women with the LGBT

a clinic. Many...

leadership received a whopping 30...

The Big Commit

How to Change Your Office — and Your Life — for the Better

Recently, I watched The Big Short, a film that explained the collapse of the Housing Market and the U.S. Economy. The film...

With practices like yoga and meditation in the spotlight for helping people find mind-body wellness, the corporate definition...

Now That Winter Finally Decided To Show, Here’s A Sweet Playlist

Everything You Need To Know About Our Look Good, Feel Good Challenge

It has taken a while for winter to rear its ugly head (whaddup, Jonas?) but now that it’s finally

What is the Look Good, Feel Good Challenge? We’re here to help guide you on a

here, we felt it...

transformative journey. Each day,...

It’s Time to Connect

New depression guidelines: Who should get screened?

Do you feel connected? Do you even know what the word connect means? The word ‘connect’ means to join together. We...

WASHINGTON — All adults, including pregnant women and new mothers, should be screened for depression as a routine...

El Nino rain spurring growth of deadly mushrooms

Report: Disney still has a big princess problem

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. — El Nino rain is helping to

In the Disney universe, gone are the days when

alleviate California’s drought, but it’s also spurring...

men are necessary to save the damsel in distress. No prince’s kiss...

Honeybees, ants may provide clues to suicide in humans

New findings point to central nervous system role in painful diabetic peripheral nerve disease

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Could human suicide have evolutionary roots in self-sacrificial behaviors like those seen in species...

January 27, 2016 – Emerging evidence suggests

Single no more: First females of a

Diabetes, heart disease, smoking

that the central nervous system (CNS) is a key contributor to the problem...

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M adagascan chameleon described with modern technologies

increase risk of death for older adults with dementia

The first females of a scarcely known chameleon

Dementia (a decline in memory and other mental

species from Northeast Madagascar have been described. Because of lack of...

abilities) is a serious condition, and its prognosis (the likely course of...

Asthma and allergies: A protective factor in farm milk

Treating major depression in older adults with diabetes may lower risk of death

Fresh, unprocessed cow’s milk has a higher content of omega-3 fatty acids than does pasteurized, homogenized or low-fat...

According to a new study published in the Journal

M assachusetts challenges Gilead’s hepatitis C drug prices

U.S. researchers call for WHO to take rapid action on Zika

By Ransdell Pierson (Reuters) –

By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S.

Massachusetts’ attorney general is studying whether...

researchers called on the World Health Organization...

Teen in Los Angeles County tested positive for Zika after travel abroad

Obama urges swift action on Zika virus

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A teenage girl in Los Angeles County who had traveled to El Salvador in

of the American Geriatrics Society, effective treatment for depression...

Washington (AFP) – US President Barack Obama has called for faster research on the quickmoving Zika virus,...

late November...

M ichigan governor appoints committee to fix Flint water system

The Latest: M aldives-related Zika case found in Finland

(Reuters) – Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on Wednesday named a group of experts and

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The latest on the fight against the Zika virus that health officials suspect

government officials...

is linked...

Washington boy suffers brain bleed after attempting ‘Duct Tape Challenge’

Apple Store employee’s kind gesture toward special-needs boy goes viral

A Washington teenager is in the hospital recovering after being wrapped tightly in duct tape

A Nashville-area Apple Store employee is receiving praise from across the United States after

and trying to break himself...

performing a good deed for...

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The latest on Zika: Doctor calls for more virus info in Venezuela

New app offers plastic surgery consultations from home

The latest on the fight against the Zika virus that health officials suspect is linked to a wave of birth

The number of Americans getting nipped and tucked is on the rise, with more than 15 million

defects in Brazil....

people going under the knife...

Uncovering hidden microbial lineages from hot springs

Edited stem cells offer hope of precision therapy for blindness

Although global microbial populations are orders of

IMAGE:Â Skin cells from a patient with X-linked

magnitude larger than nearly any other population in, on or around the...

Retinitis Pigmentosa were transformed into induced pluripotent stem...

Edited stem cells offer hope of precision therapy for blindness

Progress towards data sharing

IMAGE:Â Skin cells from a patient with X-linked

become the norm, according to a series of articles published this month in PLOS...

Retinitis Pigmentosa were transformed into induced pluripotent stem...

Progress towards data sharing Data sharing in medical research could soon become the norm, according to a series of articles published this month in PLOS...

Data sharing in medical research could soon

1 in 10 suicide attempt risk among friends and relatives of people who die by suicide People bereaved by the sudden death of a friend or family member are 65% more likely to attempt suicide if the deceased died...

1 in 10 suicide attempt risk among friends and relatives of people who die by suicide People bereaved by the sudden death of a friend or

Thailand is top Asia-Pacific tourist stop thanks to Chinese By Miral Fahmy SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Chinese tourists can’t seem to get enough of

family member are 65% more likely to attempt suicide if the deceased died...


Thailand is top Asia-Pacific tourist stop thanks to Chinese

Zika virus found in Danish tourist returning from South America

By Miral Fahmy SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Chinese tourists can’t seem to get enough of

Copenhagen (AFP) – A Danish tourist returning from Latin America has been diagnosed with the


Zika virus,...

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Zika virus found in Danish tourist returning from South America

Tropical Singapore, battling dengue, now warns of Zika virus

Copenhagen (AFP) – A Danish tourist returning from Latin America has been diagnosed with the

SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Tropical Singapore, already battling potentially fatal dengue fever, will

Zika virus,...


Tropical Singapore, battling dengue, now warns of Zika virus

Colombia issues alert over expanding Zika virus

SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Tropical Singapore, already battling potentially fatal dengue fever, will

Bogota (AFP) – Colombia issued an alert Tuesday over the Zika virus, which has already


infected 13,800 people...

Colombia issues alert over expanding Zika virus

3 strategies for sticking to your health goals in 2016

Bogota (AFP) – Colombia issued an alert

January can feel like a time of healthy new

Tuesday over the Zika virus, which has already infected 13,800 people...

beginnings, but even with the best intentions, determination sometimes fades...

3 strategies for sticking to your health goals in 2016

5 ways to finally lose your spare tire

January can feel like a time of healthy new

240. He’s not “fat,â€​ but he could spare...

I have this buddy who’s a big dude: 6’3â€​,

beginnings, but even with the best intentions, determination sometimes fades...

5 ways to finally lose your spare tire I have this buddy who’s a big dude: 6’3â€​, 240. He’s not “fat,â€​ but he could spare...

FDA expands use of Opdivo + Yervoy Regimen for BRAF V600 mutant and wild-type advanced melanoma Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE:BMY) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Opdivo...

PAHO recommendations for preventing or slowing spread of Zika virus / no comments

Early diagnosis, treatment of sleep apnea may reduce hospital readmissions for heart failure patients / no comments Thomas Jefferson University

M eningitis Now urges schools to

Quest Diagnostics to offer in vitro

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protect pupils from deadly meningitis / no comments

diagnostic test for use in detection of PD-L1 expression for melanoma testing Third offering in Quest’s precision medicine menu for oncology immunotherapies Quest Diagnostics (NYSE: DGX), the...

University of Leicester researchers publish structural details of protein linked to many types of cancer

Here’s Why the Less You Have Sex, the Less You Actually Want It

/ no comments

agonizing at first, but eventually you completely stop

Meanwhile, going through a dry spell might be thinking about sex—or...

Why Is the 21 Day Fix Diet Blowing Up Online—and Does It Actually Work?

10 Healthy Cold-Weather Snacks That’ll Warm You Right Up

Naturally, we had to ask the experts if it’s really

When it’s freezing outside, it’s like your

worth the hype, or if the 21 Day Fix is just another weight-loss...

very soul needs something warm. And while we could down packaged...

Non-invasive programmed stimulation to identify high-risk patients with implanted cardioverter defibrillator (the NIPS-ICD study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Increased mortality attributed to Chagas disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The study protocol was approved by the Ethics

The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines and checklist was used...

Committee of Regional Medical Chamber in Rzeszów and is in full...

Tetrapod V1R-like ora genes in an earlydiverging ray-finned fish species: the canonical six ora gene repertoire of teleost fish resulted from gene loss in a larger ancestral repertoire

The interaction between artemetherlumefantrine and lopinavir/ritonavirbased antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1 infected patients

The ora gene repertoire of an early-derived ray-

sequential, two-period, adaptive design, openlabel, pharmacokinetic and...

finned fish encompasses three genes specific to the lobe-finned...

Axillary surgery in women with sentinel

Subjects and study design We conducted a

Don’t blame grey squirrels: Their

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node-positive operable breast cancer: a systematic review with meta-analyses

British invasion had much more to do with us

The search identified 7436 unique records, of

DNA profiling reveals grey squirrels are not as

which 7273 were excluded based on the title and abstract while the...

good invaders as we think, and that humans played a much larger role in spreading...

A key mechanism has been discovered which prevents memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease

Community-level violence linked to teens’ risky sexual behavior

This news release is available in Spanish. Neurons communicate with one another by

Teens’ experiences with violence — either through fear of violence, observing violent events, or being victims...

synaptic connections, where information...

Better access to contraception means more sex for married couples Married couples in low- and middle-income countries around the world that use contraception

Energy harvesting via smart materials WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 26, 2016 — Energy harvesting is emerging as a viable method for electronic devices to pull...

are having more frequent sexual...

Antibiotic use in early life disrupt normal gut microbiota development

Danish man tests positive for Zika virus after Brazil trip

The use of antibiotics in early childhood interferes with normal development of the intestinal

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – A Danish man who returned from a trip to Mexico and Brazil has tested

microbiota, shows research...

positive for...

Thais turn to ‘child angel’ dolls as economy struggles

Denmark resident tests positive for Zika virus: DR

By Patpicha Tanakasempipat and Juarawee

COPENHAGEN A Danish man who returned from a

Kittisilpa BANGKOK (Reuters) – A craze for

trip to Mexico and Brazil has tested positive for the



Residents of Virginia, Arkansas test positive for Zika virus

New fluorescent nanomaterials whose inspiration was taken from plant antenna systems

Health officials in Arkansas and Virginia confirmed Tuesday that residents of those states had tested positive for the mosquito-born...

This news release is available in Spanish. These new multifunctional materials aim to imitate the photosynthetic organisms...

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The Latest: Obama calls for a speeding up of Zika research

The Latest: Obama calls for a speeding up of Zika research

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The latest on the fight

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The latest on the fight

against the Zika virus that health officials suspect is linked...

against the Zika virus that health officials suspect is linked...

M issouri bank robber who fled on bicycle gets nearly 5 years

M issouri bank robber who fled on bicycle gets nearly 5 years

By Kevin Murphy KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) – A

By Kevin Murphy KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) – A

Missouri man who admitted robbing six banks to pay for a heroin...

Missouri man who admitted robbing six banks to pay for a heroin...

Food with Soul: A Recipe for Sustainable Development

Food with Soul: A Recipe for Sustainable Development

Joan, Josep and Jordi Roca i Fontané Food has always been a central part of our lives: the food in

Joan, Josep and Jordi Roca i Fontané Food has always been a central part of our lives: the food in

our parents’...

our parents’...

Lizard lying in New Jersey pupil’s salad is now class pet

Lizard lying in New Jersey pupil’s salad is now class pet

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A tiny green lizard found by a New Jersey kindergarten student in a bundle

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A tiny green lizard found by a New Jersey kindergarten student in a bundle

of chilled...

of chilled...

Trump drug cost comments raise new risks for pharma stocks

Trump drug cost comments raise new risks for pharma stocks

By Lewis Krauskopf NEW YORK (Reuters) – Comments from Republican presidential front-

By Lewis Krauskopf NEW YORK (Reuters) – Comments from Republican presidential front-

runner Donald Trump that...

runner Donald Trump that...

What Cancer Taught M e About Business

What Cancer Taught M e About Business

About 16 years ago I was lying under a bench press in the basement gym of my parent’s

About 16 years ago I was lying under a bench press in the basement gym of my parent’s

home when I felt a lump about...

home when I felt a lump about...

Solitary confinement takes lasting toll

Embracing negative comments can help

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on mental health

corporations increase consumer trust

President Obama’s decision to ban the use of solitary confinement for juveniles and low-level

Washington, DC (January 26, 2016) – Public trust is incredibly hard won once a corporation has been

offenders in federal...

mired in negative...

UCR research advances oil production in yeast

E-cigarette vapor boosts superbugs and dampens immune system

IMAGE:Â This is a bright-field microscopy of Yarrowia lipolytica. Gene editing in this yeast strain

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs San

will lead to new...

Diego Healthcare System...

The developmental origins of osteoporosis

What do lentils have to do with geology?

IMAGE:Â Consequences of osteoporosis are not apparent until late adult life but it originates in early

Boulder, Colo., USA – When clayey materials are compressed and sheared, they commonly develop

life. ...

a “scaly fabricâ€​...

Heavy smokers who quit more than 15 years ago still at high risk for lung cancer and should be screened

Virginia resident tests positive for Zika virus: AP

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Expanding lung cancer

who traveled outside the United States has tested positive for...

screening to include people who quit smoking more than 15 years ago could...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A Virginia resident

U.S. judge rules against Louisiana abortion restrictions

Factbox: 12 facts about the Zika virus as outbreak spreads in the Americas

By Letitia Stein (Reuters) – A federal judge on

By Anastasia Moloney BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters

Tuesday found unconstitutional a 2014 law that...

Foundation) – The number of countries and territories in the...

‘Affluenza’ teen’s deportation to U.S. imminent: lawyer

Health care fines press millennials as deadline nears

By Anahi Rama and Lizbeth Diaz MEXICO CITY

WASHINGTON (AP) — Millions of young adults

(Reuters) – The wealthy Texas youth known as the...

healthy enough to think they don’t need insurance face...

Sanders blocks Obama nominee to lead

Frail patients more likely to die in the

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FDA, citing industry ties

year after surgery

By Toni Clarke WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S.

(Reuters Health) – Patients who have a

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders...

diagnosis of “frailtyâ€​ before surgery are more likely to die...

World’s Oldest Tea Discovered In An Ancient Chinese Emperor’s Tomb

These Are The 5 Leading Causes Of Death Among Kids And Teens Worldwide

i Loose-leaf green tea of the modern variety.

Five causes of death account for nearly half of all

Archaeologists have discovered ancient tea in the tomb of...

deaths in children and adolescents worldwide, a new report finds. Globally,...

Why This Doctor Believes Addictions Start In Childhood

Panel Recommends Depression Screening For Pregnant And Postpartum Women

What causes drug addiction? One Canadian physician argues that the problem isn’t the drugs themselves. Dr. Gabor Maté...

(Reuters Health) – U.S. adults should be

Be Heart Healthy Where It Counts — In Your M ind

From Cher To Girl Scouts To Churches, Here’s Who’s Helping Flint

The current Cheerios TV ad campaign, “Healthy Hearts Start Young, Healthy Hearts Stay Young,â€​

The toxic water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has garnered major media attention and public outcry.

with its young...

Now, a number of people...

New report finds near-term update to social cost of carbon unwarranted

Cardiac and metabolic risk factors significantly more likely in severely obese teens

WASHINGTON – There would not be sufficient benefit to updating estimates of the social cost of carbon (SCC) within...

screened for depression, says an influential panel of government-backed experts. Screening...

IMAGE:Â Childhood Obesity is a bimonthly peerreviewed journal, published in print and online, and the journal of...

For breast cancer patients, never too late to quit smoking

Early puberty associated with gestational diabetes

Documenting that it’s never too late to quit smoking, a large study of breast cancer survivors

Women who began having menstrual cycles at a younger age are at greater risk of developing

has found that those...

gestational diabetes, a disease...

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Ecotourism, natural resource conservation proposed as allies to protect natural landscapes

Cancer riddle, solved

Athens, Ga. – If environmentalists want to protect fragile ecosytems from landing in the hands of

tumors form. Two University of...

Cancer is a mysterious disease for many reasons. Chief among the unknowns are how and why


Zika, mosquitoes outwit Rio as Carnival, Olympics loom

P&G core sales return to growth due to price hikes

By Paulo Prada RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – As

By Yashaswini Swamynathan (Reuters) – Procter

Rio de Janeiro prepares to welcome hundreds of...

Gamble Co’s new chief executive is off...

Taking older drivers off the road tied to increased depression risk

U.S. boosts study of Zika, birth defect link, as virus seen spreading

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – When older drivers stop getting behind the wheel, they...

By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S. health officials are stepping up efforts to study...

No evidence of shots fired at Naval M edical Center: officials

To make transplant happen, medics had to beat blizzard

SAN DIEGO (Reuters) – An active shooter and

STONY BROOK, N.Y. (AP) — Melanie Chirichella

three gunshots were reported at the U.S. Naval Medical Center...

waited a year and a half for a kidney transplant. When the call...

DR. M ANNY: Why I support new guidelines that expand depression screening for mothers

Factory village’s trail of cancer leads to tap water probe

On Tuesday, a key panel of experts issued updated depression screening guidelines for American

HOOSICK FALLS, N.Y. (AP) — After his factory worker father died a painful death from kidney cancer at age 68 in 2013,...

adults, including—...

U.S. issues treatment guidelines for infants exposed to Zika

Top Canada watchdog worried about pesticide linked to bee deaths

CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S. health officials on Tuesday issued interim guidelines for health care

By David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada’s official environmental watchdog on



J&J profit beats forecasts, helped by

Canada energy regulator is monitoring

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lower taxes, cost cuts

pipelines poorly: watchdog

By Ransdell Pierson (Reuters) – Johnson

By David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) –

Johnson JNJ.N on Tuesday reported higher-thanexpected quarterly...

Canada’s energy regulator is doing a poor job...

Two-thirds of young adults would make the wrong decision about stroke symptoms

Biosimilar drugs get boost as UK cost agency backs their use

Most adults younger than 45 would make the

expensive biotech drugs received a boost in Britain on Tuesday when the...

wrong choice if they were experiencing the symptoms of a stroke: They’d...

LONDON Cheaper “biosimilarâ€​ copies of

Rio, Brazil, says it’s on guard against Zika virus

UN: Zika virus link to small-head condition ‘circumstantial’

RIO DE JANEIRO –  The more than 3,000 health inspectors in Rio de Janeiro are stepping up

GENEVA –  The World Health Organization says it suspects a link between the mosquito-borne Zika

inspections for mosquito...

virus and a rare...

Health minister: Brazil is ‘losing battle’ against mosquito

Baby born on FDR Drive during rush hour

RIO DE JANEIRO –  Brazilian newspapers say the country’s health minister has

Police officers helped deliver a healthy baby girl Tuesday along the FDR Drive. Nicola Wong came

acknowledged the country is...

into the world thanks to...

P&G second-quarter profit beats estimates on cost-cutting measures

P&G second-quarter profit beats estimates on cost-cutting measures

(Reuters) – Procter Gamble Co reported betterthan-expected second quarter profit, helped by cost

(Reuters) – Procter Gamble Co reported betterthan-expected second quarter profit, helped by cost



J&J forecasts 2016 sales below analysts’ estimates

J&J forecasts 2016 sales below analysts’ estimates

(Reuters) – Johnson Johnson forecast 2016

(Reuters) – Johnson Johnson forecast 2016

sales below analysts’ estimate and reported a 2.4 percent...

sales below analysts’ estimate and reported a 2.4 percent...

Long-term opioid use linked to

Long-term opioid use linked to

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People who take prescription opioids, which are used for treating pain, for longer than a month may

People who take prescription opioids, which are used for treating pain, for longer than a month may

have an increased risk...

have an increased risk...

2/3 of young adults would make the wrong decision about stroke symptoms

2/3 of young adults would make the wrong decision about stroke symptoms

Most adults younger than 45 would make the

Most adults younger than 45 would make the

wrong choice if they were experiencing the symptoms of a stroke: They’d...

wrong choice if they were experiencing the symptoms of a stroke: They’d...

Elite athletes try a new training tactic: M ore vitamin D

Elite athletes try a new training tactic: M ore vitamin D

Professional and college sports teams think they

Professional and college sports teams think they

have found a cutting-edge advantage hidden in one of the most basic nutrients:...

have found a cutting-edge advantage hidden in one of the most basic nutrients:...

GSK evaluating possibility of using vaccine technology for Zika

GSK evaluating possibility of using vaccine technology for Zika

GlaxoSmithKline Plc is concluding “feasibilityâ€​

GlaxoSmithKline Plc is concluding “feasibilityâ€​

studies to see if its vaccine technology might be suitable for...

studies to see if its vaccine technology might be suitable for...

Heart attack causes and symptoms are different in women

Heart attack causes and symptoms are different in women

The causes of heart attacks and the warning

The causes of heart attacks and the warning

symptoms that can signal the need for immediate medical attention are different...

symptoms that can signal the need for immediate medical attention are different...

Chinese scientists created monkeys carrying autism-related gene

Chinese scientists created monkeys carrying autism-related gene

Genetic engineers in Shanghai say they have created monkeys that carry a rare human gene

Genetic engineers in Shanghai say they have created monkeys that carry a rare human gene

related to autism, which could help...

related to autism, which could help...

P&G second-quarter sales drop 8.5 percent on strong dollar

Epilepsy drug could protect nerves from damage in M S

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(Reuters) – Procter Gamble Co reported an 8.5 percent drop in quarterly sales, hurt by a stronger

An epilepsy drug could lead to a new treatment that protects nerve damage in MS patients, according to

dollar. ...

research published...

Dolphin activist detained in Japan says he’s a ‘political prisoner’

New tiny arboreal toad species from India is just small enough for its own genus

By Elaine Lies and Ami Miyazaki TOKYO (Reuters) – A U.S. activist featured in the Oscar-winning...

IMAGE:Â A Blythophryne beryet toad sitting on leaf surface. view more Credit: Dr. Ramesh K. Aggarwal Found...

Siemens raises outlook as self help starts to pay off By Georgina Prodhan MUNICH (Reuters) – Shares in Siemens rose 7 percent on Tuesday after Europe’s...

A behemoth in Leviathan’s crypt: Second Cryptomaster daddy longlegs species Suggestively called Cryptomaster, the herein studied daddy longlegs genus, represented until recently by a single species,...

Top VW committee to meet Feb. 3 to discuss crisis: sources

Galaxy cluster environment not dictated by its mass alone

BERLIN (Reuters) – Volkswagen’s VOWG_p.DE top committee will meet for the third

IMAGE:Â A densely packed galaxy cluster. view more Credit: Kavli IPMU, adapted from Sloan

time in three weeks...

Digital Sky Survey An...

Philips bolstered by outlook for healthcare business

The secrets behind the most creative minds of all time

By Toby Sterling AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – Strong

New research shows people like Steve Jobs,

orders for its healthcare business helped to...

Beethoven and Van Gogh have a lot in common when it comes to their creative minds....

The secrets behind the most creative minds of all time

At least 50 deadly swine flu cases reported in Russia

New research shows people like Steve Jobs,

An outbreak of swine flu has claimed 57 lives since

Beethoven and Van Gogh have a lot in common

mid-November in Iran, where hundreds of people

when it comes to their creative minds....

have been diagnosed with...

Fambul Tok: Forgiveness And ‘Family Talk’ In Sierra Leone

Non-medical financial burden in tuberculosis care: a cross-sectional

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i Nyumah (left) and Sahr, just a few days after the dramatic bon?re ceremony that restored their friendship. ...

survey in rural China We designed and conducted a cross-sectional survey in TB patients. In China, the administrative demarcations move...

Scientists prove key aspect of evolutionary theory

Research team identifies rare dinosaur from Appalachia

Evolutionary theory predicts that pairs of chromosomes within asexual organisms will

IMAGE:Â The remains of the dinosaur are on display in McWane Science Center. view more

evolve independently of each other and...

Credit: Photo courtesy...

Highly organized structures discovered in microbial communities with M BL imaging approach

American Heart Association makes first ever statement on female heart attacks

IMAGE: A “hedgehog â€​ structure in dental

issued today by the American Heart Association

plaque, collected from a healthy volunteer using a toothpick....

underscores knowledge gaps...

Study finds shark hotspots overlap with commercial fishing locations

New mechanism of antitumor action identified

MIAMI–A new study from an international team of

In an article published New mechanism of

scientists found commercial fishing vessels target shark hotspots,...

antitumor action identified in Clinical Cancer Research, a team of researchers...

Longevity has its place but Serena just wants to have fun

Tennis-Longevity has its place but Serena just wants to have fun

By Nick Mulvenney MELBOURNE (Reuters) –

By Nick Mulvenney MELBOURNE, Jan 26 (Reuters)

Serena Williams, with 21 grand slam titles in her trophy...

– Serena Williams, with 21 grand slam titles...

Bikram yoga founder fined $924k in sexual harassment suit: media

Galapagos bowel drug fails in research trial

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The founder of the Bikram yoga practice was ordered to pay $924,500

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Belgian biotech group Galapagos said its experimental drug to treat

on Monday to...

bowel disease ulcerative...

Redemption in Liberia: a hospital’s

Liberia to slash spending 11 pct amid

COLUMBUS, Ohio – A new scientific statement

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painful recovery from Ebola

mining slowdown

By Kieran Guilbert MONROVIA (Thomson Reuters

MONROVIA (Reuters) – Liberia expects to slash

Foundation) – The cries of young children ring...

spending in the current 2015/16 budget by 11 percent due to...

Actelion receives Canada approval for Uptravi

Yes, You Can Die From Shoveling Snow

ZURICH Actelion Ltd (ATLN.VX), Europe’s

take extra care after last weekend’s Winter

biggest biotech firm, said on Tuesday that Health Canada had granted a notice...

Storm Jonas, according...

Carnegie M ellon team develops targeted photosensitizer for cell manipulation

Tel Aviv University discovers genetic trigger for asexual plant reproduction

Researchers led by Carnegie Mellon

in humans, animals and most plants. Both female and male organisms are required...

University’s Molecular and Biosensor Imaging

Middle-aged denizens of the Northeast should

The reproduction process is essentially the same

Center (MBIC) Director Marcel Bruchez...

Fishing for answers on bone loss in space

New theory aids search for universe’s origin

IMAGE:Â Comparing volume and activity of the cells

IMAGE:Â New research suggests that oscillating

that break down bone density in the upper and

heavy particles generated “clocks â€​ in the

lower jaw bones of...

primordial universe...

Health goes downhill when older adults stop driving

No more insulin injections?

January 25, 2016 — For older adults, driving a car

CAMBRIDGE, MA — In patients suffering from Type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks the

is an important aspect of having control over

pancreas, eventually leaving...

one’s life....

Tanzanians evicted from flood-prone city areas have nowhere to go

O, no: Ozone levels elevated in presence of wildfire smoke

By Kizito Makoye DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson

FORT COLLINS, COLO. – For those living with

Reuters Foundation) – “Free education but

the threat to life and property from wildfires,


Colorado State University...

Acoustic tweezers moves cells in three

Encapsulated human islet cells can

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dimensions, builds structures

normalize blood sugar levels in mice

IMAGE:Â Numerical simulation results mapping the acoustic field around a particle that shows the

For the first time ever, scientists studying a mouse model of diabetes have implanted encapsulated

physical operating...

insulin-producing cells...

Sex life of sleeping sickness parasite may lead to its downfall

Anti-abortion activists indicted in Texas for Planned Parenthood video

By Alex Whiting LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – An unusual sex life may spell the

By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – Two anti-abortion activists behind the filming of


videos on ...

What to know about the tropical Zika virus in Latin America

U.S. judge OKs class action in Arkansas Planned Parenthood lawsuit

NEW YORK (AP) — A rare tropical disease is

By Steve Barnes LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Reuters) –

spreading in parts of Latin America and the

A U.S. judge granted Planned Parenthood class

Caribbean. The mosquito-borne...

action status...

Nano-thin pressure sensor could aid breast cancer exams: study

Teen suspended for helping friend won’t return to school

Super-thin bendable sensors developed by

KILLEEN, Texas (AP) — The mother of a Texas

Japanese and US scientists could someday be

teenager who was suspended from school for

used in special gloves to detect...

helping a friend who...

Zika virus: your questions answered Don’t miss out … Exercise your right to choice

Plaintiffs’ lawyers wary of taking on Flint water scandal

in the NHS Learn about patient choice now

By Brendan Pierson (Reuters) – The water scandal in Flint, Michigan has many of the ingredients...

Former Wayne County prosecutor to lead probe of Flint water crisis

Congressional agency reduces health law sign-up predictions

By Fiona Ortiz (Reuters) – Michigan Attorney

WASHINGTON (AP) — Fewer people than

General Bill Schuette on Monday named a

expected are purchasing health insurance under


President Barack Obama’s...

Is Eating Healthy Really M ore Expensive?

How Having Cancer M ade M e Realize That Wellbeing Is About M ore Than Just

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Weight-A-Minute: “Care for, nourish, and love

M y Physical Health

your body. It’s yours for life. ~Margaret Marshall

People always ask me, “So how did you get


into all this wellbeing stuff?â€​ When I was 5 years old, I was diagnosed...

Playground equipment contains ‘toxic levels of lead paint’ Monday January 25 2016 Lead is highly poisonous

‘String of miracles’: M om hears son’s heart beat in man whose life he saved

“Paint on playground equipment has been

When Linda Meyer’s 19-year old son Taylor

found to contain high...

died from a tragic accident at the end 2014, she looked beyond her grief...

270 Chinese couples do yoga with dogs to try to break ‘doga’ world record

Graphene composite may keep wings ice-free

Dog and yoga lovers in China say they have broken

A thin coating of graphene nanoribbons in epoxy developed at Rice University has proven effective at

the world record for the number of people doing the

melting ice on a helicopter...

meditative exercise...

University of Oklahoma pledges changes after lab fined for animal mistreatment

Senator M arkey places hold on Obama’s nominee to lead FDA

By Heide Brandes OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) – The University of Oklahoma has changed the way it

Markey of Massachusetts said on Monday he has

(Reuters) – Democratic U.S. Senator Edward placed a hold on...

runs a lab that...

How M edical Schools Are Failing the LGBTQ Community

Healthcare IT firm Cerner’s CEO diagnosed with cancer

When Tara Benesch began applying for medical school, she thought her longtime mentor would

(Reuters) – Healthcare IT company Cerner Corp’s Chief Executive, Neal Patterson, said

write her a recommendation. “I...

he had been...

M SF calls for inquiry into deadly Yemen hospital attack

Saudi Arabia presents plan to move beyond oil

By Emma Batha LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Aid agency Medecins Sans

By Andrew Torchia and Katie Paul RIYADH (Reuters) – Saudi Arabia outlined ambitious

Frontieres (MSF)...

plans on...

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Dr. M anny: What took so long for CDC to sound alarm on Zika?

WHO Warns Zika Virus Will Spread Across The Americas

I remain very critical of the Centers for Disease

The mosquito-borne Zika virus, which has been

Control and Prevention (CDC) and its director, Dr.

linked to brain damage in thousands of babies in

Tom Frieden. During...

Brazil, is likely to spread...

Descendants of Black Death confirmed as source of repeated European plague outbreaks

HKUST scientists reveal similarities between gut microvilli and inner ear hair cell

IMAGE:Â Hendrik Poinar, Director of the McMaster

IMAGE:Â (A) The top panel summarizes the

Ancient DNA Centre view more Credit: McMaster University An...

detailed protein interaction network governing the assembly of the inter-microvillar...

Scientists shed new light on workings of genetic regulation

The best way to help homeless youth is hardly ever used

A team of scientists has uncovered greater intricacy

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Teens without homes, many

in protein signaling than was previously understood, shedding new light...

of whom have suffered at the hands of those entrusted with providing them...

Gene often lost in childhood cancer crucial in cells’ life or death decision

TU Dresden occupies top ranking among the ‘World’s M ost Influential Scientific M inds’

Jan. 25, 2016, New York, NY and Stockholm,

TU Dresden is listed with five designations and

Sweden – Neuroblastoma is the third most

thus, represents one of the leading German

common type of tumour in children....

universities among the “World’s...

Ex-drug CEO Shkreli gets green light to appear before Congress

Boeing sets first flight of 737 M AX for Friday

By Jonathan Stempel NEW YORK (Reuters) – A

By Alwyn Scott SEATTLE (Reuters) – Boeing Co

federal judge on Monday gave Martin Shkreli, a

said it had tentatively scheduled the first flight...

former pharmaceuticals...

30 Things I Learned the Year I Turned 30

Global Fund rushes HIV drugs to Uganda amid shortage

1. Being vulnerable leads to feeling heard,

By Edith Honan KAMPALA (Reuters) – The Global

accepted and relatable. 2. The difference and

Fund, a partnership that sends HIV drugs to poor...

benefits of responding vs. reacting.... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Zika virus set to spread across Americas, spurring vaccine hunt

Some colorectal cancers found before screening starts at age 50

By Tom Miles and Ben Hirschler

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – One in

GENEVA/LONDON (Reuters) – The mosquito-

seven colon and rectal cancers in the U.S. are

borne Zika virus, which...


Distracted at work? You might be a genius

Video captures moment dying teen realizes he survived

The modern world is rife with distractions, but new

“I’m so happy. I’ve been waiting so

research suggests those who find it most difficult to focus tend to be...

long. I can breathe again, and talk. I feel amazing. I’ve...

M ost child and adolescent deaths still preventable

Glaxo evaluating possibility of using vaccine technology for Zika

(Reuters Health) – Worldwide deaths among

GlaxoSmithKline Plc is concluding feasibility

children and adolescents have declined since 1990, but the vast majority...

studies evaluating whether its vaccine technology is suitable for the Zika...

Dole voluntarily withdraws packaged salads amid 6-state listeria outbreak

Number of obese and overweight children under 5 ‘alarming,’ WHO says

Dole Fresh Vegetables, Inc. has voluntarily withdrawn packaged salads processed at its Springfield, Ohio, facility linked...

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – At least 41 million children under the age of five are obese or overweight across...

South African authorities challenge Pistorius’ murder conviction appeal

The Dog Who Saved M y M om’s Life

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South African

returned her to the shelter because they wanted a bigger dog, which we couldn’t...

authorities are challenging Olympian Oscar

We picked up Macy when her previous family

Pistorius appeal against...

The Dog Who Saved M y M om’s Life

The Dog Who Saved M y M om’s Life

We picked up Macy when her previous family returned her to the shelter because they wanted a

We picked up Macy when her previous family returned her to the shelter because they wanted a

bigger dog, which we couldn’t...

bigger dog, which we couldn’t...

South African authorities challenge

South African authorities challenge

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Pistorius’ constitutional court appeal: local TV

Pistorius’ constitutional court appeal: local TV

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South African

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South African

authorities are challenging Olympian Oscar

authorities are challenging Olympian Oscar

Pistorius appeal against...

Pistorius appeal against...

South African authorities challenge Pistorius’ constitutional court appeal: local TV

M aternal M onday II — What Is Your M oment of Obligation?

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South African

Stories campaign, sharing the moments that inspired the Wellbeing Foundation...

authorities are challenging Olympian Oscar

Last week, we kicked off our #MaternalMonday

Pistorius appeal against...

M aternal M onday II — What Is Your M oment of Obligation?

M aternal M onday II — What Is Your M oment of Obligation?

Last week, we kicked off our #MaternalMonday

Last week, we kicked off our #MaternalMonday

Stories campaign, sharing the moments that

Stories campaign, sharing the moments that

inspired the Wellbeing Foundation...

inspired the Wellbeing Foundation...

Independent experts say OncoM ed cancer drug unlikely to succeed in study

Independent experts say OncoM ed cancer drug unlikely to succeed in study

(Reuters) – Independent investigators have

(Reuters) – Independent investigators have

informed OncoMed Pharmaceuticals Inc that its pancreatic cancer...

informed OncoMed Pharmaceuticals Inc that its pancreatic cancer...

I would not have played on if Sears had deteriorated: M urray

I would not have played on if Sears had deteriorated: M urray

By Greg Stutchbury MELBOURNE (Reuters) – Andy Murray would not have continued playing at

By Greg Stutchbury MELBOURNE (Reuters) – Andy Murray would not have continued playing at



I would not have played on if Sears had deteriorated: M urray

Walrus’s nose had surprising source

By Greg Stutchbury MELBOURNE (Reuters) – Andy Murray would not have continued playing at

No one likes a runny nose. But for one stuffed-up walrus, rivers of snot signaled a rare ailment. Siku,


a 22-year-old female...

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Walrus’s nose had surprising source

Walrus’s nose had surprising source

No one likes a runny nose. But for one stuffed-up walrus, rivers of snot signaled a rare ailment. Siku,

No one likes a runny nose. But for one stuffed-up walrus, rivers of snot signaled a rare ailment. Siku,

a 22-year-old female...

a 22-year-old female...

To fight growing threat from germs, scientists try old-fashioned killer

To fight growing threat from germs, scientists try old-fashioned killer

A hospital nurse soaked a bandage in a colorless liquid containing viruses drawn from a toxic sewer

A hospital nurse soaked a bandage in a colorless liquid containing viruses drawn from a toxic sewer

in Paris, a well in Mali...

in Paris, a well in Mali...

To fight growing threat from germs, scientists try old-fashioned killer A hospital nurse soaked a bandage in a colorless

Doctors concerned CDC guidelines on Zika may overlook some at-risk pregnant women

liquid containing viruses drawn from a toxic sewer

CHICAGO –  U.S. doctors are fielding a spate of

in Paris, a well in Mali...

calls from expectant mothers who recently traveled to countries...

Doctors concerned CDC guidelines on Zika may overlook some at-risk pregnant women

Doctors concerned CDC guidelines on Zika may overlook some at-risk pregnant women

CHICAGO –  U.S. doctors are fielding a spate of

CHICAGO –  U.S. doctors are fielding a spate of

calls from expectant mothers who recently traveled

calls from expectant mothers who recently traveled

to countries...

to countries...

Thailand quarantines 32 people after second M ERS case confirmed

Thailand quarantines 32 people after second M ERS case confirmed

BANGKOK Thailand has quarantined 32 people as

BANGKOK Thailand has quarantined 32 people as

it seeks to prevent the spread of Middle East

it seeks to prevent the spread of Middle East

Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)...

Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)...

Thailand quarantines 32 people after second M ERS case confirmed

US moms-to-be seek reassurance about Zika after trips abroad

BANGKOK Thailand has quarantined 32 people as

CHICAGO –  U.S. doctors are fielding a spate of

it seeks to prevent the spread of Middle East

calls from expectant mothers who recently traveled

Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)...

to countries...

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US moms-to-be seek reassurance about Zika after trips abroad

US moms-to-be seek reassurance about Zika after trips abroad

CHICAGO –  U.S. doctors are fielding a spate of

CHICAGO –  U.S. doctors are fielding a spate of

calls from expectant mothers who recently traveled

calls from expectant mothers who recently traveled

to countries...

to countries...

Lab keeps cancer treatment radiation machines honest

Looking to lose weight in 2016? Step on the weighing scales

Larry DeWerd, a professor of medical physics at

A new study, published today in the International

UW–Madison, directs the University of Wisconsin

Journal of Epidemiology, has dismissed the


concept of ‘fat but fit’....

Scientists find way to predict who is likely to wake up during surgery

NHS Blood and Transplant now offers more detailed blood testing for patients with haemoglobinopathies

Measuring certain kinds of brain activity may help doctors track and predict how patients will react to anaesthesia before...

Patients with blood disorders can now get detailed blood group typing to enable better matched and potentially safer transfusions. NHS...

Ageing 2016 summit to explore various aspects of processes, research on ageing and senescence

Scientists demonstrate effectiveness of ART in HIV-infected infants

Ageing 2016 will be held from February 9 to 11,

established that babies born with HIV should be

2016 at Cineworld: The O2 Peninsula Square London SE10 0DX United Kingdom....

treated with antiretroviral...

UC San Diego researchers develop rapid susceptibility test for Staphylococcus aureus

Violence against the world’s children is epidemic

A team of biologists and biomedical researchers at

against children across the globe – including kids here in the U.S. More...

UC San Diego has developed a new method to

Recent clinical trials conducted in South Africa have

A new study reveals an epidemic level of violence

determine if bacteria are susceptible...

New video game aims to help kids with ADHD

A new quantum approach to big data

In the not-so-distant future, will playing video

exploration, humanity continues to generate everlarger sets of data —...

games be part of the prescription for treating

CAMBRIDGE, MA — From gene mapping to space

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children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity...

The way to learn A well-known songbird, the great tit, has revealed its genetic code, offering researchers new insight into how species adapt...

Lizards camouflage themselves by choosing rocks that best match the color of their backs IMAGE:Â Aegean wall lizard resting on rock view more Credit: Kate Marshall Resting out in the open on rocks...

Record warm years almost certainly due to human-made climate change

Ethiopian drought is ‘code red’ for newborns and their mothers: NGO

Recent record warm years are with extremely high likelihood caused by human-made climate change.

By Katy Migiro NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Some 350,000 babies are

Without greenhouse-gas emissions...

expected to be...

Zika virus expected to spread throughout Americas: WHO

Kidnap trial of Swede who held woman in bunker starts

Geneva (AFP) – The Zika virus, a mosquito-borne disease suspected of causing serious birth

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – A Swedish doctor went on trial in Stockholm on Monday on charges of

defects, is expected...

kidnapping and...

Toxic chemicals found in most outdoor gear: Greenpeace

Britain and Bill Gates unveil billion dollar initiative to fight malaria

Berlin (AFP) – Greenpeace said Monday that hazardous chemicals were “widely presentâ€​

By Alex Whiting LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The British government and

in a range...


Britain and Bill Gates pledge 3 billion pounds to fight malaria

Secondhand smoke hazardous to hookah bar workers

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain will spend 500

Workers at New York City hookah bars are inhaling

million pounds ($700 million) per year for the next

hazardous levels of carbon monoxide and nicotine

five years...

while at work, signaling...

Case seeking cancer screenings for smokers heads to trial

One in seven colorectal cancer patients diagnosed before recommended screening age

A decade after a group of smokers from Massachusetts sued Philip Morris USA to try to

Nearly 15 percent of patients diagnosed with force the cigarette maker to pay for... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

colorectal cancer were younger than 50, the age at which screening recommendations...

One in 50 16-year-olds affected by chronic fatigue syndrome

At least 30 killed in snowstorm-related deaths (Update)

In what is believed to be the biggest study of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)—also known as

Passers-by help push a stuck car out of the snow as another motorist tows it out in Richmond, Va.,

myalgic encephalomyelitis...

Saturday, Jan....

New humidity sensors could help combat proliferation of bacteria

New robotic arm could support daily activities of patients with Duchenne M uscular Dystrophy

The engineer Aitor Urrutia has received his PhD with these devices that combine nanotechnology and fibre optics for use in...

Researchers from the University of Twente’s MIRA research centre, together with the VUmc, TU Delft and the Radboud...

Researchers reveal link between intensive instrument playing and movement disorders

Super-spaghetti of enriched pasta could help reduce risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases

/ no comments

Researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) and the Research and Development of Functional Food Centre (CIDAF, for its...

Heat waves increase mortality risk in patients with lung disease / no comments

New €5.6 million project aims to develop cell-based haemophilia A therapy / no comments

M assive Space Telescope Is Finally Coming Together

11 Easy, Natural Ways To Treat Nearly All Of Your Foot Problems

i A NASA team has attached nearly all of the

When it comes to my feet, I like to make sure that

hexagonal segments that will together make the

they are always in tip-top shape. Â

primary mirror...

Emotional Video Captures Teen Waking From Heart Transplant Surgery

NYU research: Secondhand smoke hazardous to hookah bar workers

Doctors discovered that Trevor’s heart was

This is the finding of the study, “Secondhand

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failing last February. The teen went to the

hookah smoke: an occupational hazard for hookah

emergency room after suffering...

bar employees,â€​...

Ethiopian drought is "code red" for newborns and their mothers: NGO

VW’s labor leader rejects efficiency drive

By Katy Migiro NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters

BERLIN (Reuters) – Volkswagen’s labor

Foundation) – Some 350,000 babies are

leader has rejected a push by management for a

expected to be...

big rise in...

WHO sees Zika outbreak spreading through the Americas

Fox’s Sandra Smith: ‘M y goal is to run every single day’

GENEVA (Reuters) – The mosquito-borne Zika

Like many who balance work and family

virus, which is suspected of causing brain damage

responsibilities, Sandra Smith, cohost of FOX

to babies in...

News Channel’s Outnumbered and...

The 7 worst (and 7 best) Chinese takeout dishes Chinese takeout is a fact of life—what other kind

‘Fat but fit’: How carrying excess weight can have long-term health consequences

of food are you supposed to eat when you’re

For decades, scientists believed that excess body

burning the midnight...

fat was mere storage for unused calories. However, research conducted over...

African-American pediatric lymphoma patients have inferior outcomes compared to white and Hispanic peers

Chronic exposure to environmental toxin may up risk of neurodegenerative illness

Researchers from Sylvester Comprehensive

A new study published today in the science journal

Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller

Proceedings of the Royal Society B indicates that

School of Medicine (Sylvester) today...

chronic exposure to...

Neurocutaneous disorders affect skin, nervous system

CNIC researchers identify how two proteins control heart growth and adaptation to hypertension

One of the most common genetic disorders is a condition called neurofibromatosis, which causes brown spots on the skin and...

Researchers at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) have identified how two proteins...

13 Products You Didn’t Know You Needed For Sick Days With Little Ones

Playground paints should be monitored to reduce potential danger to public

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Parents know the only thing worse than getting sick


yourself is when one of your kids gets sick (all of your kids getting...

Playground equipment should be monitored more regularly to ensure toxic metals contained within paints do not present a danger...

1 in 50 16-year-olds affected by chronic fatigue syndrome In what is believed to be the biggest study of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) — also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis...

1 in 7 colorectal cancer patients diagnosed before recommended screening age IMAGE:Â This is Samantha Hendren, M.D., MPH. view more Credit: University of Michigan Health System ANN ARBOR,...

M any colorectal cancer patients are younger than the recommended screening age

Britain and Bill Gates announce £3 billion to eradicate malaria

In a recent analysis of US data, one in seven

billionaire Bill Gates unveiled Monday a plan to

colorectal patients was younger than 50 years old,


Credit: CDC Britain’s finance minister and tech

the recommended age to begin...

Scientists find how APOBEC protein becomes dangerous when DNA replication process goes wrong

High proportions of obstetric referrals in Addis Ababa: the case of term premature rupture of membranes

Cancer is caused by the growth of an abnormal cell

Study settings The study was conducted in Addis

which harbours DNA mutations, “copy errorsâ€​

Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia as part of an

occurring during...

intervention project...

Defining the optimal cut-off values for liver enzymes in diagnosing blunt liver injury

GSK, Astra, J&J link with universities in new drug research fund

Based on the results from a previous study from

AstraZeneca and Johnson Johnson have joined

our institution published in a Japanese journal 16], all blunt trauma...

with three leading British...

Rat poison sales boom in Nigeria over Lassa fever fears

Cape Verde plays down US travel alert over Zika virus

Kano (Nigeria) (AFP) – Sales of rat poison have

PRAIA (Reuters) – Cape Verde’s health

taken off in Nigeria following an outbreak of Lassa

ministry said on Sunday concerns prompted by a

LONDON (Reuters) – GlaxoSmithKline,

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U.S. travel alert...

Uganda campaigners hope legal crackdown will stop acid attacks

Liberia Ebola survivors face health problems and fears the virus could return

By Evelyn Lirri KAMPALA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – After Gloria Kankunda was left badly...

By Kieran Guilbert MONROVIA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Traumatised by the death of eight...

Britain and Bill Gates announce £3 billion to eradicate malaria

Skin microbiota of first cousins affected by psoriasis and atopic dermatitis

London (AFP) – Britain’s finance minister and tech billionaire Bill Gates unveiled Monday a

This is the first study in which the skin microbiota of AD and psoriatic selected individuals subjected to

plan to...

the same lifestyle...

Samsung Elec says open to M &A for home appliances business

Britain and Bill Gates announce £3 billion to fight malaria

SEOUL (Reuters) – Tech giant Samsung

London (AFP) – Britain’s Chancellor of the

Electronics Co Ltd will consider all possible

Exchequer and tech billionaire Bill Gates unveiled a

options to grow its home...


Phylogenomic analysis reveals genome-wide purifying selection on TBE transposons in the ciliate Oxytricha

Highly efficient lipid production in the green alga Parachlorella kessleri: draft genome and transcriptome endorsed by whole-cell 3D ultrastructure

Transposable elements (TEs) are genomic parasites present in all eukaryotic genomes. There exist multiple different classes...

The Parachlorella genome was sequenced and 27.8-fold pyrosequencing reads were obtained (4,365,609 reads in total)....

An anatomical study of arcuate foramen and its clinical implications: a case report The Atlas, located at the cranio-cervical junction, is a ring-shaped vertebra. Normally, the vertebral artery glides...

Peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients in Japan: a 2013 retrospective questionnaire survey of Japanese Society for Peritoneal Dialysis member institutions Incidence of peritonitis From 114 institutions (26 university hospitals, 67 hospitals with more than 100 beds, 4...

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Factors that determine catastrophic expenditure for tuberculosis care: a patient survey in China

Better healthcare could reduce crippling personal costs of tuberculosis care in China

Data source Since 2009, the Gates Foundation, in

Improved universal healthcare is urgently needed

collaboration with the Chinese Ministry of

to lower catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) for

Health/China CDC, has...

low-income tuberculosis...

Samsung Electronics says open to M &A for home appliances business

Canada government: worried about aboriginal towns in wake of shooting

SEOUL (Reuters) – Tech giant Samsung

By David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) –

Electronics Co Ltd will consider all possible

Canada’s government, grappling with a fatal

options to grow its home...


Sanders, Clinton cool to Bloomberg’s possible entry into 2016 race

At least 25 killed in snowstorm-related deaths

By Steve Holland and Valerie Volcovici DES MOINES, Iowa/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S.

as another motorist tows it out in Richmond, Va.,

Passers-by help push a stuck car out of the snow Saturday, Jan....


Zika virus, a wolf in sheep’s clothing

Former Israeli president Peres back in hospital with chest pains: aide

The world’s latest health scare is a seemingly minor illness that carries a killer wrapped inside:

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli elder statesman Shimon Peres was hospitalized on Sunday for a

Zika, the mosquito-borne...

second time in...

Cape Verde plays down U.S. travel alert over Zika virus

Rio promises to protect Olympics against Zika mosquitoes

PRAIA (Reuters) – Cape Verde’s health ministry said on Sunday concerns prompted by a

Rio de Janeiro (AFP) – Rio vowed Sunday to protect Olympic athletes and fans from Zika-

U.S. travel alert...

carrying mosquitoes,...

Brazil Olympic venues to be checked daily to help stop Zika RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Rio de Janeiro’s

When A Chicken Farm M oves Next Door, Odor M ay Not Be The Only Problem

Olympic venues will be inspected daily during the

i A chicken house in Seagrove, N.C. North Carolina

games in...

is one of the country’s largest poultry

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Thriving After Bullying: A True Story People who meet me today often don’t believe that I was a victim of bullying for most of my young life. From the age...

Interview: If Yoga Can Save M e, It Can Save Anybody I got the chance to sit down with local donationbased yoga teacher Amanda Reh to talk about life before yoga, practice,...

How to Realign Your Identity With Your Truth

How and Why M edicare for All Is a Realistic Goal

Our identities are made up of our own opinion of

Hillary Clinton is wrong when she says that

ourselves, how we present ourselves to the world,

Medicare for all is not achievable. In fact, if she and

as well as the narrative...

her husband had embraced...

Former Israeli president Peres back in hospital after chest pains TEL AVIV (Reuters) – Israeli elder statesman

The Best Productivity App Is Already On Your Phone. You Just Don’t Know It Yet.

Shimon Peres was hospitalized on Sunday for a

This story is part of our monthlong “Work

second time in...

Wellâ€​ initiative, which focuses on thriving in the workplace. You can...

The Real Reason You Get Sick After A Stressful Period Has Ended

This Simple Workplace Change Could Improve Surgery Survival Rates

Have you ever wondered how you manage to get

Surgery patients do better when nurses have better

through a particularly stressful period – whether it’s an...

working environments, according to a new study. Hospitals with well-staffed,...

How to Love Your M ondays

Reimagining Your Bed

Mondays. People seem to either love them or hate

Typically undercover by day and out of awareness

them. I used to spend the second half of Sunday

throughout the night, the bed is the most primordial

dreading Monday morning...

of furnishings in our...

Tackling the subject of football’s violence

Jeb Bush Praises Rick Snyder’s Handling Of Flint Water Crisis

The names of this year’s Super Bowl

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential

contenders will be known by the end of today’s

candidate Jeb Bush on Sunday applauded

conference championship...

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s response...

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Zika Fears: El Salvador Health Officials Say Avoid Pregnancy For 2 Years

Rio steps up Zika fight in Olympics runup

SAN SALVADOR — Reacting to the rapid spread

Rio de Janeiro (AFP) – Rio de Janeiro promised

of the Zika virus in Latin America and the

stepped-up measures to eradicate Zika virus-

Caribbean, health officials...

carrying mosquitoes...

Bloomberg’s possible entry into 2016 race gets mixed reception

After baby dies at 22 weeks, Connecticut dad promises to run 22 marathons

By Steve Holland and Valerie Volcovici DES MOINES/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. presidential...

On New Year’s Eve 2015, Christopher Longo of Bethel, Conn. got a phone call that would forever change his life. “I’ve...

What’s ‘healthonism’? 3 emerging health trends in 2016

M iss Universe to push HIV awareness after crowning blunder

In December, J. Walter Thompson Intelligence

Manila (AFP) – The new Miss Universe, back in

published The Future 100, a report on 100 trends

the Philippines after an epic televised blunder

to watch in 2016. We’re...


Omani man tests positive for M ERS in Thailand

M att Damon brings call for clean water for all to Sundance

Bangkok (AFP) – Thai health officials are trying to

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — The water contamination

trace dozens of people who may have come into

crisis in Flint, Michigan, is something millions of



Ivanovic’s coach to leave hospital and fly home

Tennis-Ivanovic’s coach to leave hospital and fly home

MELBOURNE (Reuters) – Nigel Sears, the coach

MELBOURNE, Jan 24 (Reuters) – Nigel Sears,

of Ana Ivanovic and father-in-law of men’s

the coach of Ana Ivanovic and father-in-law of

world number...

men’s world...

Thailand reports 2nd M ERS case in a man from Oman

?Flint hospital suspected river, Legionnaires’ link

BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand has reported its

DETROIT — The head of a Flint hospital that

second confirmed case of Middle East Respiratory

found Legionnaires’ disease bacteria in its

Syndrome, or MERS,...

water system more than...

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Thailand reports second M ERS case as virus detected in Omani man

Dominican Republic confirms 10 cases of Zika virus

BANGKOK (Reuters) – Thailand has confirmed its second case of the Middle East Respiratory

Santo Domingo (AFP) – The Dominican Republic said it has 10 confirmed cases of the mosquito-

Syndrome (MERS)...

borne Zika virus,...

Cortical activation patterns in healthy subjects during the traditional Japanese word generation task Shiritori determined by multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy

Thailand reports second M ERS case BANGKOK (Reuters) – Thailand reported its second case of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus...

In this study we used NIRS, which can cover frontal and superior temporal surface areas, to determine the patterns of cortical...

Regulators approve health study on huge California gas leak

Sex And The Snowed-In Cities: Why This Blizzard Could Cause A Baby Bump

LOS ANGELES Regional air quality regulators in

i A man walks through the snow during a winter

California voted on Saturday to require the utility responsible for a ruptured...

storm at at JFK Plaza, commonly known as Love Park, in Philadelphia....

The relationship between foot arch measurements and walking parameters in children

Ex-drug CEO Shkreli asks U.S.court to consider blocking subpoena

Participants We first recruited and ran a total of 638

Lawyers for former pharmaceuticals executive Martin Shkreli...

participants in the Living Laboratory® at the

By David Ingram NEW YORK (Reuters) –

Museum of...

Northeast Ohio residents get bottled water due to lead fears

Here’s How To Improve Your Chances Of Surviving Cardiac Arrest

(Reuters) – Volunteers are distributing bottled

People who go into cardiac arrest (their hearts stop

water this weekend to residents in a northeast

beating) on the middle or upper floors of high-rise

Ohio village...

buildings may be...

M arriott CEO: Stop Applauding People Who Boast About Not Sleeping

Focused cardiac ultrasonography can discriminate LVSF

Arne Sorenson gets seven-and-a-half hours of

Physicians should not screen for cardiac disease

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sleep each night, and he’s proud of it. In a

in adults at low risk for coronary heart disease

Friday interview with The...

(CHD) with resting or stress...

Dance Returns The ‘Joy Of M ovement’ To People With Parkinson’s

Politicians Work To Remedy Flint Water Crisis

i The routines that students learn at Dance for PD

Hollins, the coordinator of Michigan’s clean-up

classes in Venice, Calif., can be quite challenging,...

efforts, about how the...

I Gave Up Coffee For A Week. Here’s Why I Won’t Be Going Back. This story is part of a 10-piece series for which

Cost- effectiveness of HPV vaccination regime: comparing twice versus thrice vaccinations dose regime among adolescent girls in M alaysia

HuffPost staffers agreed to experiment with

The Markov Cohort model predicted that both HPV

improving their health and...

vaccination schemes can avoid same number of CC 361 case, 126 Death...

Independent mitochondrial and nuclear exchanges arising in Rhizophagus irregularis crossed-isolates support the presence of a mitochondrial segregation mechanism

Your Smartphone, Your Therapist?

NPR’s Rachel Martin speaks with Harvey

All over the world, mental health is a growing challenge, but is still treated as a second-class condition by most health-care...

Growth conditions and maintenance of fungal cultures and roots Monoxenically produced spores of Rhizophagus irregularis isolates...

California marijuana growers face new crop of local bans

New York’s M TA to suspend bus service due to blizzard

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — When the California

NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York’s

Legislature passed the state’s first

Metropolitan Transportation Authority will suspend

comprehensive medical...

all bus service...

Study looks at impact of FDA safety alert on morcellation

ACOG supports CDC’s zika virus travel precautions

Scientists at Oregon Health Science University,

(HealthDay)—The American College of

Stanford University, University of Valencia and

Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)—the

IGENOMIX have discovered... largest organization representing... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Inhibition of mTOR restores corticosteroid sensitivity in COPD

CDC: increasing rate of gastroschisis seen in U.S.

Rapamycin, an FDA-approved drug, extends

(HealthDay)—As syphilis cases increase among

lifespan in mice up to 30%, making it of major

U.S. women, doctors are seeing more babies born

interest to researchers intent on...

with the serious infection,...

Glucose levels linked to cardiac surgery outcomes

So You Want To Eat Snow. Is It Safe? We Asked Scientists

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley,

i When foraging for delicious bites of snow, steer

have developed a novel way to engineer the growth

clear of plowed piles and manure, researchers

and expansion of...

say. ...

Effects of postoperative administration of celecoxib on pain management in patients after total knee arthroplasty: study protocol for an open-label randomized controlled trial

Validating survey measurement scales for AIDS-related knowledge and stigma among construction workers in South Africa

Study design This study is a single-center, randomized, prospective, open-label controlled

using the full final dataset For the convergent and

Convergent and divergent validity of the final scales divergent validity...

trial, performed in accordance...

The neuritogenic and neuroprotective potential of senegenin against A?induced neurotoxicity in PC 12 cells

To Stop A Flu Pandemic In Its Tracks, Close Schools And Classrooms

A major factor precipitating the pathogenesis of

pandemic, closing select schools or even just

neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s...

certain classrooms might...

ICYM I: Your Brain On Sleep And Why People Buy M ilk During Blizzards

1 hookah session has 25 times more tar than a cigarette

ICYMI Health features what we’re reading this

There’s a common misconception that

week. This week, we read up on a time-honored disappointment: institutions...

hookahs aren’t very dangerous. A recent Rutgers University study...

6 cholesterol-lowering foods you didn’t know about

Zimbabwe’s M ugabe back home after heart attack rumours

By Lisa Rapaport In the event of another influenza

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Certain foods have been shown to decrease heart

By MacDonald Dzirutwe HARARE (Reuters) –

disease risk by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe returned

levels and raising HDL (good)...

home late...

Zimbabwe’s M ugabe back home after heart attack rumors

Three people test positive for Zika in New York: authorities

By MacDonald Dzirutwe HARARE (Reuters) –

New York (AFP) – Three people in New York have

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe returned

tested positive for the Zika virus, which has been

home late...


About 2 percent of boys have undescended testis

Flu season stays mild, with slow uptick in activity

(HealthDay)—For patients with rheumatoid

(HealthDay)—Halfway through this year’s

arthritis (RA), bariatric surgery-associated weight

rather mild flu season, disease activity is still

loss correlates with...

increasing, albeit...

Pediatric nasopharyngeal CA has different patient demographic

Excessive mortality observed in anorexia nervosa

(HealthDay)—Diabetes mellitus is associated

(HealthDay)—Mortality is increased among

with worse prognosis in terms of progression-free,

patients with eating disorders, with higher mortality

overall, and cancer-specific...

for those with anorexia...

Curcumin cuts acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice Liver Damage (MALD), a mathematical model that

A preliminary evaluation of cytotoxicity, antihyperglycemic and antinociceptive activity of Polygonum hydropiper L. ethanolic leaf extract

utilizes commonly obtained...

Plant material collection Aerial parts (leaves and

(HealthDay) — Model for Acetaminophen-induced

stems) of Polygonum hydropiper L were collected from the Santosh, Tangail...

Anti-RANKL treatment inhibits erosive joint destruction and lowers inflammation but has no effect on bone formation in the delayed-type hypersensitivity arthritis (DTHA) model

BCR–ABL transcript type linked to TKI response, outcomes By Shreeya Nanda, Senior medwireNews Reporter The type of BCR–ABL transcript could have an impact on tyrosine kinase...

Animals Female 8–10-week-old C57BL/6 J mice were purchased from Taconic (Ry, Denmark). Animals were housed... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Parathyroid hormone may mediate antihypertensive fracture risk

Positive bosutinib response for elderly blast phase CM L patient

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter Parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels may be

A case study suggests that the third-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) bosutinib may be

elevated by use of some antihypertensive...

considered as induction...

Cardiovascular considerations crucial for CM L TKI patients

FDA resolves criminal and civil actions against cheese manufacturer

By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter

Delaware-based cheese manufacturer Roos

A review of BCR–ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors

Foods, Inc. has pleaded guilty to one criminal

(TKIs) highlights the...

misdemeanor count of violating the...

We Are All Foodies Now

An Illustrated Guide To The Zika Outbreak

With the price of gas falling below $2 a gallon in the U.S., consumers are reallocating spending not on more “stuff,â€​...

The countries and territories are:Â Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana,...

#Roe43: What Every (Progressive) Boy Should Know

How CVS Lost $2 Billion And Still Came Out On Top

A couple of years ago, the Pew Research Forum

For many of us, it’s a familiar process. You go

surveyed Americans under 30 years old, asking

through a crisis. You spend years soul-searching,

them questions about abortion...

wondering what...

If You Tend To Slip Up Under Pressure, This New Study Is For You

Flint mother: I’m worried my son will wake up different

Additionally, the MRI scans showed that the inferior

FLINT, Michigan — In the Flint, Michigan water

parietal lobe area of the participants’ brains

crisis, clinics are crowded with parents hoping to

became less engaged...

have children tested...

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Victor weakening under wind shear

Breakthrough in continuous monitoring of CO2 leaks from storage sites could assist CCS

After days at hurricane-force, NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite showed that Tropical Cyclone Victor in the South Pacific...

IMAGE:Â Analyzing seismic waves generated by an Accurately Controlled Routinely Operated Signal System (ACROSS) unit...

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Lung disease: Higher mortality during heat waves Heat waves are becoming more common in summer and have health-related consequences. In patients with chronic lung disease,...

UAB researchers find protein that improves mobility after spinal cord injuries IMAGE:Â Injured mouse spinal cord. view more Credit: UAB Spinal cord injuries cause severe functional disabilities...

How to detect and preserve human stem cells in the lab Human stem cells that are capable of becoming any other kind of cell in the body have previously only been acquired and cultivated...

The 5 bird species that Darwin couldn’t discover in M adeira and the Azores When Charles Darwin visited the Azores islands in the 19th Century, the birds he observed were familiar to him. However,...

M ondelez settles with California over lead in Nabisco Ginger Snaps

Five dead, two critically hurt in Canada school shooting: prime minister

By Jonathan Stempel (Reuters) – Mondelez International Inc has agreed to pay $750,000,

By Rod Nickel WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) – Five people were killed and two critically injured...


Evaluation of the effects of the Arm Light Exoskeleton on movement execution and muscle activities: a pilot study on healthy subjects

The critical care management of poorgrade subarachnoid haemorrhage

Muscle coordination was modified across natural

causes of this deterioration...

Delayed neurological deterioration occurs frequently in the first 2Â weeks after SAH. Common

movements and movements executed with ALEx in passive and assistive modality ...

Capturing judgement strategies in risk assessments with improved quality of clinical information: How nurses’ strategies differ from the ecological model Participants Sixty-three students and 34

Salient beliefs towards vaginal delivery in pregnant women: A qualitative study from Iran In all, 36 pregnant women participated in this study. The mean age of pregnant women was 27.8 (SD? =?4.5) years....

experienced nurses took part. The nurses had an average of 12Â years... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

M eaning of self-management from the perspective of individuals with traumatic spinal cord injury, their caregivers, and acute care and rehabilitation managers: an opportunity for improved care delivery

‘Skinny’ M om Offers Different Perspective On Body Shaming The mom’s second pregnancy brought more bodily changes like stretch marks and back pain, and now that her little ones...

Meaning of self-management in acute care/trauma and rehabilitation managers For the manager participants, the meaning of...

Viacom’s Redstone may undergo medical exam in competency suit

1 dead in listeria outbreak linked to packaged lettuce

By Dan Levine and Lisa Richwine (Reuters) –

WASHINGTON (AP) — Packaged salads

Viacom Inc’s 92-year-old Executive Chairman Sumner Redstone...

produced at a Dole facility in Ohio are linked to one death in Michigan. The...

Cooped Up by the Snowstorm: Tips on Avoiding Flu Virus When Caring for the Sick

Five dead, two critically hurt in Canada school shooting: prime minister

A massive snowstorm that is bearing down on the

Five people were killed and two critically injured...

By Rod Nickel WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) –

East Coast is arriving during the traditional peak of flu season, which...

Five dead, two critically hurt in Canada school shooting: prime minister

Five dead, two critically hurt in Canada school shooting: prime minister

By Rod Nickel WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) –

By Rod Nickel WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) –

Five people were killed and two critically injured...

Five people were killed and two critically injured...

M ichigan suspends workers, restores Flint mayoral powers in water crisis

M ichigan suspends workers, restores Flint mayoral powers in water crisis

By Serena Marie Daniels and Timothy Gardner

By Serena Marie Daniels and Timothy Gardner

FLINT, Mich/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Michigan

FLINT, Mich/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Michigan



M ichigan suspends workers, restores Flint mayoral powers in water crisis

Uganda bans maids working in Saudi Arabia amid complaints of mistreatment

By Serena Marie Daniels and Timothy Gardner

By Yasin Kakande KAMPALA, Uganda (Thomson

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FLINT, Mich/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Michigan Governor...

Reuters Foundation) – The government of Uganda said...

Uganda bans maids working in Saudi Arabia amid complaints of mistreatment

Uganda bans maids working in Saudi Arabia amid complaints of mistreatment

By Yasin Kakande KAMPALA, Uganda (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The government of

By Yasin Kakande KAMPALA, Uganda (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The government of

Uganda said...

Uganda said...

California judge rules Viacom’s Redstone may undergo medical exam

California lethal injection plan spurs capital punishment fight

(Reuters) – A California judge on Friday ruled that Viacom VIAB.O Executive Chairman Sumner

By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) – Advocates and opponents of capital

Redstone can...


California lethal injection plan spurs capital punishment fight

California lethal injection plan spurs capital punishment fight

By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) – Advocates and opponents of capital

By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) – Advocates and opponents of capital



E-cigarettes tied to reduced odds of quitting smoking

E-cigarettes tied to reduced odds of quitting smoking

People who use electronic cigarettes, or ecigarettes, are less likely to quit traditional

People who use electronic cigarettes, or ecigarettes, are less likely to quit traditional

cigarettes than people who don’t...

cigarettes than people who don’t...

E-cigarettes tied to reduced odds of quitting smoking

M ore evidence HIV/AIDS fight requires multiple approaches

People who use electronic cigarettes, or e-

A currently available pill could significantly curb new

cigarettes, are less likely to quit traditional

HIV infections among gay and bisexual men in the

cigarettes than people who don’t...

UK, if prevention...

M ore evidence HIV/AIDS fight requires multiple approaches

M ore evidence HIV/AIDS fight requires multiple approaches

A currently available pill could significantly curb new

A currently available pill could significantly curb new

HIV infections among gay and bisexual men in the

HIV infections among gay and bisexual men in the

UK, if prevention... UK, if prevention... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

M ore research needed to prevent elder abuse

M ore research needed to prevent elder abuse

Maltreatment and abuse have important effects on

Maltreatment and abuse have important effects on

the health, quality of life and even the lifespan of

the health, quality of life and even the lifespan of

elderly people, but...

elderly people, but...

Sunitinib versus everolimus trial highlights non-clear cell RCC patient response heterogeneity

Sunitinib versus everolimus trial highlights non-clear cell RCC patient response heterogeneity

By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter

By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter

Sunitinib offers significantly longer progressionfree survival (PFS) than...

Sunitinib offers significantly longer progressionfree survival (PFS) than...

Physiotherapy ‘should be targeted’ in Parkinson’s disease

Physiotherapy ‘should be targeted’ in Parkinson’s disease

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews

Reporter Physical and occupational therapy does not deliver quality of life (QoL)...

Reporter Physical and occupational therapy does not deliver quality of life (QoL)...

Physiotherapy ‘should be targeted’ in Parkinson’s disease

How To Hack Your M onday So You Can Have The Best Day Ever

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter Physical and occupational therapy does

1. Squeeze in a workout. Dragging yourself out of bed for a workout is challenging, but a morning

not deliver quality of life (QoL)...

sweat session can give...

How To Hack Your M onday So You Can Have The Best Day Ever

How To Hack Your M onday So You Can Have The Best Day Ever

1. Squeeze in a workout. Dragging yourself out of bed for a workout is challenging, but a morning

1. Squeeze in a workout. Dragging yourself out of bed for a workout is challenging, but a morning

sweat session can give...

sweat session can give...

What Type of Burnout Are You?

What Type of Burnout Are You?

Burnout is not a “one size fits allâ€​ state. We all

Burnout is not a “one size fits allâ€​ state. We all

respond to stressful situations in different ways

respond to stressful situations in different ways

and for...

and for...

What Type of Burnout Are You?

You Don’t Have To Be Artistic To Try

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Burnout is not a “one size fits allâ€​ state. We all respond to stressful situations in different ways and for...

Adult Coloring Adult coloring is all the rage right now, but as the least artistically talented person I know, I have been dragging my feet...

You Don’t Have To Be Artistic To Try Adult Coloring

You Don’t Have To Be Artistic To Try Adult Coloring

Adult coloring is all the rage right now, but as the least artistically talented person I know, I have been

Adult coloring is all the rage right now, but as the least artistically talented person I know, I have been

dragging my feet...

dragging my feet...

One M om’s Harrowing Journey To Save Her Daughter’s Life After A Car Crash

One M om’s Harrowing Journey To Save Her Daughter’s Life After A Car Crash

When the sun came up in the morning, Hiebert

When the sun came up in the morning, Hiebert

dragged herself out of the ditch toward the road to

dragged herself out of the ditch toward the road to

get help. She had two...

get help. She had two...

One M om’s Harrowing Journey To Save Her Daughter’s Life After A Car Crash

21 Things No Self-Respecting Person Should Do At the Gym

When the sun came up in the morning, Hiebert dragged herself out of the ditch toward the road to

Some negative aspects of hitting the gym are hard

By: Laura Williams Credit: Jason Hoffman/Thrillist to change — pack...

get help. She had two...

21 Things No Self-Respecting Person Should Do At the Gym

21 Things No Self-Respecting Person Should Do At the Gym

By: Laura Williams Credit: Jason Hoffman/Thrillist

By: Laura Williams Credit: Jason Hoffman/Thrillist

Some negative aspects of hitting the gym are hard

Some negative aspects of hitting the gym are hard

to change — pack...

to change — pack...

Zebra stripes not for camouflage, new study finds

Zebra stripes not for camouflage, new study finds

IMAGE:Â A zebra grazing on the grassy plains

IMAGE:Â A zebra grazing on the grassy plains

gazes at the researchers’ chart used for color-

gazes at the researchers’ chart used for color-

calibrating images....

calibrating images....

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Zebra stripes not for camouflage, new study finds IMAGE: A zebra grazing on the grassy plains gazes at the researchers’ chart used for colorcalibrating images....

Russian volunteer programmers helped the Lomonosov M SU to find the mysterious black holes IMAGE:Â A unique object called HLX-1 (HyperLuminous X-ray source 1) is now the only reliable candidate as the intermediate-mass...

Russian volunteer programmers helped the Lomonosov M SU to find the mysterious black holes

Russian volunteer programmers helped the Lomonosov M SU to find the mysterious black holes

IMAGE:Â A unique object called HLX-1 (HyperLuminous X-ray source 1) is now the only reliable

IMAGE:Â A unique object called HLX-1 (HyperLuminous X-ray source 1) is now the only reliable

candidate as the intermediate-mass...

candidate as the intermediate-mass...

Former House Speaker Hastert seeks sentencing delay due to poor health

Former House Speaker Hastert seeks sentencing delay due to poor health

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a

financial crime, asked...

financial crime, asked...

Former House Speaker Hastert seeks sentencing delay due to poor health

Advice to delay pregnancy due to Zika virus is naive, activists say

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a

By Anastasia Moloney BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Women in El Salvador and

financial crime, asked...


Advice to delay pregnancy due to Zika virus is naive, activists say

Advice to delay pregnancy due to Zika virus is naive, activists say

By Anastasia Moloney BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters

By Anastasia Moloney BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters

Foundation) – Women in El Salvador and

Foundation) – Women in El Salvador and



Fr House Speaker Hastert seeks sentencing delay due to poor health

Fr House Speaker Hastert seeks sentencing delay due to poor health

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Former U.S. House

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Former U.S. House

Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a

Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a

financial crime, asked...

financial crime, asked...

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Fr House Speaker Hastert seeks sentencing delay due to poor health CHICAGO (Reuters) – Former U.S. House

1 Dead, 11 Hospitalized After Listeria Outbreak Linked to Packaged Salad, CDC Says

Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a

A multi-state listeria outbreak has killed one

financial crime, asked...

person and hospitalized 11 others, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease...

1 Dead, 11 Hospitalized After Listeria Outbreak Linked to Packaged Salad, CDC Says

1 Dead, 11 Hospitalized After Listeria Outbreak Linked to Packaged Salad, CDC Says

A multi-state listeria outbreak has killed one

A multi-state listeria outbreak has killed one

person and hospitalized 11 others, according to the

person and hospitalized 11 others, according to the

U.S. Centers for Disease...

U.S. Centers for Disease...

A Virus Linked To Birth Defects Is Spreading Across The Globe

A Virus Linked To Birth Defects Is Spreading Across The Globe

The countries and territories are:Â Barbados,

The countries and territories are:Â Barbados,

Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Ecuador, El

Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Ecuador, El

Salvador, French Guiana,...

Salvador, French Guiana,...

A Virus Linked To Birth Defects Is Spreading Across The Globe

Battleground Colorado enters 2016 with abortion debates

The countries and territories are:Â Barbados,

DENVER (AP) — Colorado Republicans could be

Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Ecuador, El

forgiven for thinking that several years of fiery

Salvador, French Guiana,...

political contests...

Battleground Colorado enters 2016 with abortion debates

Battleground Colorado enters 2016 with abortion debates

DENVER (AP) — Colorado Republicans could be

DENVER (AP) — Colorado Republicans could be

forgiven for thinking that several years of fiery

forgiven for thinking that several years of fiery

political contests...

political contests...

EPA Faces Fallout From Flint, M ich., Water Crisis

Take a chill pill if you want to avoid the flu this year

A top EPA official resigned Thursday over the

Alexander Chaitoff, Case Western Reserve

handling of the ongoing water contamination crisis in Flint, Mich. The role...

University and Joshua Daniel Niforatos, Case Western Reserve University Avoiding...

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This Food Safety Expert Says Chipotle Is ‘Focused On Bulls**t’

10 Tips to Create a Yoga Practice That Changes Your Life

It’s been six months since the start of

Whatever the reason for taking your first yoga class,

Chipotle’s food safety crisis — a series of six outbreaks that...

the potential to go much deeper has always and will always be there....

How Sleep And M editation Really Affect Your Brain

This Buddhist M onk Is An Unsung Hero In The World’s Climate Fight

Scientists have long known that sleep and

So what did Thay teach her? Figueres illustrates

meditation can lower stress, improve memory, and might even help with maintaining...

this via a visit she made to his monastery in Waldbrol, Germany, which was...

1 dead from listeria outbreak linked to Dole salads

Biologists develop method for antibiotic susceptibility testing

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said one person died and about a dozen others

A team of biologists and biomedical researchers at UC San Diego has developed a new method to

were sickened from a listeria...

determine if bacteria are susceptible...

Tumor-suppressing gene restrains mobile elements that can lead to genomic instability

Will blocking IL-17A help treat kidney disease?

IMAGE:Â This is Dr. John Abrams and Dr. Annika

Many different diseases and insults can injure kidneys, resulting in kidney failure. Some

Wylie. view more Credit: UT Southwestern Medical

autoimmune diseases damage glomeruli...

Center DALLAS...

NASA eyes powerful winter storm spreading into mid-Atlantic

NASA sees Corentin reach hurricane strength

The winter storm that caused damage during the

IMAGE:Â When Aqua flew over Corentin on Jan. 22,

night along the Gulf Coast has deepened and has

2016, at 08:35 UTC (3:35 a.m. EST), the MODIS

started to spread heavy rain,...

instrument saw an eye...

Scientists overcome missing data to demonstrate ART effectiveness in HIVinfected infants

M ichigan restores some powers to Flint mayor amid water crisis

PHILADELPHIA–(Jan. 22, 2016) — Recent clinical trials conducted in South Africa have

FLINT, Mich/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Michigan

By Serena Marie Daniels and Timothy Gardner state...

established that babies... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Exclusive: U.S. FTC probes Turing over drug prices, Shkreli’s lawyer says

Health officials probe tie between Zika, paralyzing syndrome

By Nate Raymond and David Ingram NEW YORK

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) — Health

(Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is...

officials say they’re trying to determine if an unusual jump...

Zika Virus Link to Rare Paralysis Investigated as CDC Issues New Travel Warning for Pregnant Women

M ichigan governor urges action on Detroit schools before court intervenes

Health officials are now investigating if the

need to pass legislation quickly to overhaul Detroit’s...

mosquito-borne Zika virus is linked to a rare

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Michigan legislators

paralysis syndrome called...

U.S. moms-to-be seek reassurance about Zika after trips abroad

GVSU study: Are football players too obese?

By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S.

ALLENDALE, Mich. — In the world of American

doctors are fielding a spate of calls from expectant

football, there is a stigma that players need to


increase their overall...

The hideout of the Black Death

Pregnant women face virus threat ahead of Brazil Olympic games

This news release is available in German. Black Death, mid-fourteenth century plague, is undoubtedly the most famous...

By Adriana Brasileiro and Anastasia Moloney RIO DE JANEIRO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Unusually...

Does Your Company Have the Wrong Investment Focus for Employee Engagement?

Save the Children faces funding gap for Ethiopian drought crisis

Gallop Management Journal publishes a semiannual Employee Engagement Index (EEI). Their

Children charity said on Friday it had raised...

By Edmund Blair NAIROBI (Reuters) – Save the

most recent U.S. results show that: ...

Roe Reminds Us of Restrictions on Women’s Health Care

FTC probes Turing over drug prices, Shkreli’s lawyer says

On this 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision protecting a

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Turing

woman’s right to decide... Pharmaceuticals for possible antitrust... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Pope defends traditional marriage as Italy debates civil unions

Zika virus continues to spread; CDC expands travel alert to 22 destinations

By Isla Binnie VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis issued a stern reminder of the Catholic...

Health authorities have added eight tropical destinations to a travel alert about an illness linked with a severe birth defect...

Seasonal affective disorder ‘may be a myth’, study argues

Rapid early weight gain tied to higher childhood blood pressure

Friday January 22 2016 Winter blues or just the blues? “Stop blaming SAD for your bad

(Reuters Health) – Infants and preschoolers who gain weight rapidly may have higher-than-average

mood – it...

high blood pressure...

U.S. adds more countries to Zika travel alert

Researchers puzzled over why more babies being born with organs outside the body

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) extended its travel warning to another eight countries or territories...

Anna, Avery, Genevieve, Ian: Those are a handful of the names of American children with gastroschisis— whereby the...

How to keep your pet safe during a winter storm

Classroom standing desks may curb kids’ sedentary time

With weathermen across the East Coast sounding

Standing desks in classrooms could be an easy

alarm over an impending snowstorm that could bring blizzard conditions to...

way to help make kids’ time in school less sedentary, a new research...

7 Ways To Optimize Your Coffee Drinking Routine

M elinda Gates: One issue key in conquering poverty

If your morning routine starts with a cup of coffee,

DAVOS, Switzerland — Bill and Melinda Gates

chances are you’re doing it wrong. There’s actually an...

have three goals for 2016, and they all revolve around the idea that “poverty...

Environmental toxin may increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative illnesses

Storms, ozone may play pivotal role in rainforest cloud creation

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo., Jan. 20, 2016 – A new

canopy of the rainforest, influencing chemical processes that ultimately affect...

study published today in the science journal

Some storms transport ozone molecules to the

Proceedings of the Royal Society... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Government funds nearly two-thirds of US health care: AJPH study

Successful synthesis of threaded polymers

Tax-funded expenditures accounted for 64.3

Researchers have synthesized a material with a

percent of U.S. health spending – about $1.9

distinctive structure involving woven organic

trillion – in 2013,...

polymers that provide it with...

Empathy more common in animals than thought

Small farms benefit significantly from a few extra pollinators

A new study reveals that prairie voles console loved

Higher numbers of pollinators can significantly

ones who are feeling stressed – and it appears

increase crop productivity of small-sized farms,

that the infamous...

while large farms experience...

GE’s industrial profit falls 8 percent, hit by tumbling oil

Cigna says M edicare Advantage and drug plan enrollment suspended

By Alwyn Scott (Reuters) – General Electric Co on

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Health insurer Cigna

Friday reported an 8 percent drop in fourth-quarter...

Corp said on Friday that the government health agency had imposed...

What to expect when you’re expecting with two feet of snow imminent

Sierra Leone has 2nd Ebola case after epidemic believed over

With a huge winter storm looming over the eastern United States, many of the region’s residents

after health officials thought the epidemic was over,

A second case of Ebola emerged in Sierra Leone with a close relative...

will stock up on canned...

Formerly conjoined twin heads home year after birth, brother still recovering

Simple & Efficient Protocol for Native Chromatin Immunoprecipitation

One of the formerly conjoined twin boys born in Jacksonville in December 2014 is now at home. – An AZoNetwork Site ...

The Florida Times-Union reports...

Neat Freaks, Rejoice: Dudes Can Have ‘Dry Orgasms’ In layman’s terms, a dry orgasm “is when men shoot blanks,â€​ says urologist David Kaufman, M.D., of...

Here’s What The Bachelor Would Be Like with a 37-Year-Old Woman (Gasp!) on It Not only is Molly’s editing flawless, her hilarious cameos actually seem like they could be

on the show…because... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

M en Share the M ost Important Things They Learned from Their M oms About Love “She believed in giving me space to figure the world out for myself, one bad style decision at a time.â€​ Now,...

Retraction Note: Decompressive craniectomy without durotomy for traumatic coma and uncontrollable intracranial hypertension Journal of Trauma Management Outcomes 2016, 10:3Â doi:10.1186/s13032-016-0032-y The online version of the original article...

Associations between lifestyle behaviours and optimal wellbeing in a diverse sample of New Zealand adults Data for this cross-sectional study were obtained from the Sovereign Wellbeing Index (Round 1); a survey on the...

Effectiveness of additional follow-up telephone counseling in a smoking cessation clinic in Beijing and predictors of quitting among Chinese male smokers Study setting This was a non-randomized controlled study which was based on the retrospective analysis of data collected...

Association of household income and education with eating behaviors in Japanese adults: a cross-sectional study

Prenatal screening for psychosocial risks in a high risk-population in Peru using the KINDEX interview

Participants An Internet-based cross-sectional survey was conducted in February 2014 by a

KINDEX to interview pregnant women during their

In our study untrained midwives applied the daily clinical practice...

Japanese online research...

So THAT’S Why You Should Be Eating Quinoa

Frostbite and 5 other winter hazard to avoid

Quinoa boomed into popularity a few years back,

Whether you love a visit from old man winter or hate

so by now most of us have at least tried it and kind

the guy, knowing how to stay safe in cold, stormy

of know how to pronounce...

weather takes some...

Beetle-inspired discovery could reduce frost’s costly sting In a discovery that may lead to ways to prevent frost

Neighborhood watch and more: How reed warblers watch out when there’s a cuckoo about

on airplane parts, condenser coils, and even

IMAGE:Â A cuckoo chick ejects a reed warbler egg

windshields, a team of...

from a warbler nest. view more Credit: Richard Nicoll It’s... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

A new species and genus of ‘horned necked’ praying mantis from a French museum collection

M olecular-like photochemistry from semiconductor nanocrystals

IMAGE:Â This is Cornucollis masoalensis, the new

nanocrystal to molecule triplet energy transfer and established subsequent...

species named by Sydney Brannoch and Dr. Gavin

IMAGE:Â Illustration depicting semiconductor

Svenson for the appearance...

New study challenges popular explanation for why a social insect becomes a worker or queen

Study examines associations of HPV types, risk of head and neck

IMAGE:Â Above, individual members of a colony of

papillomavirus (HPV)-16 in the oral cavity was

clonal raider ants, Cerapachys biroi, have been tagged for behavioral...

associated with 22-times increased...

General Electric’s industrial profit falls 8 percent

Wave of kidnappings, violence hampering Congo aid delivery: U.N

(Reuters) – General Electric Co’s quarterly profit in its industrial businesses fell 8 percent,

KINSHASA (Reuters) – A spike in kidnappings and general insecurity in eastern Democratic


Republic of Congo’s...

UT Southwestern researchers reveal how CDK4/6-inhibitors alter pancreatic cancer cell metabolism

OSU researchers find no evidence that water births pose increased harm to newborns

UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have

There is no evidence that water births, where a

found that cancer drugs known as CDK4/6-

baby is intentionally born under water in a tub or

inhibitors alter the metabolism of...

pool, poses any increased...

OSU researchers find no evidence that water births pose increased harm to newborns

Bariatric surgery prior to knee replacement benefits morbidly obese patients with end-stage osteoarthritis

There is no evidence that water births, where a baby is intentionally born under water in a tub or

Previous research studies have linked obesity to adverse outcomes and increased costs following

pool, poses any increased...

total knee replacement surgery...

Bariatric surgery prior to knee replacement benefits morbidly obese

Oral drug ivacaftor appears to be safe, beneficial to pre-school children with

A new study suggests detection of human

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patients with end-stage osteoarthritis

specific type of cystic fibrosis

Previous research studies have linked obesity to

The oral drug ivacaftor appears to be safe and

adverse outcomes and increased costs following

could be beneficial to young children between the

total knee replacement surgery...

ages of 2 and 5 with a specific...

Oral drug ivacaftor appears to be safe, beneficial to pre-school children with specific type of cystic fibrosis

Amgen announces approval of cholesterol-lowering medication Repatha (evolocumab) Injection in Japan

The oral drug ivacaftor appears to be safe and could be beneficial to young children between the ages of 2 and 5 with a specific...

Amgen (NASDAQ: AMGN) today announced that the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has approved the cholesterol-lowering...

Amgen announces approval of cholesterol-lowering medication Repatha (evolocumab) Injection in Japan

7 Thoughts Every Woman Has While Having Sex After a Dry Spell

Amgen (NASDAQ: AMGN) today announced that the

severely prolonged sexless...

Here, seven thoughts a lot of women are bound to have while finally making the magic happen after a

Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has approved the cholesterol-lowering...

7 Thoughts Every Woman Has While Having Sex After a Dry Spell

Why Do Some People Sweat Way M ore Than Others?

Here, seven thoughts a lot of women are bound to

Uh, But This Is More Than Just a Glow… While

have while finally making the magic happen after a severely prolonged sexless...

sweating is totally natural, some 220 million people worldwide (about...

Why Do Some People Sweat Way M ore Than Others?

Abortion Activists Have Found a Way to Benefit Through the East Coast Blizzard

Uh, But This Is More Than Just a Glow… While

From there, people started using the hashtag

sweating is totally natural, some 220 million people worldwide (about...

#SnowvWade to tweet about preparing for the impending snowmageddon and national...

Abortion Activists Have Found a Way to Benefit Through the East Coast Blizzard From there, people started using the hashtag

Prevalence of using non prescribed medications in economically deprived rural population of Pakistan

#SnowvWade to tweet about preparing for the

A remarkably high response rate of 100Â % was

Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

impending snowmageddon and national...

obtained, due to proper explanation of research proposal and assurance...

Prevalence of using non prescribed medications in economically deprived rural population of Pakistan

The aliens are silent because they’re dead

A remarkably high response rate of 100Â % was

become extinct very quickly, say astrobiologists

obtained, due to proper explanation of research proposal and assurance...

from The Australian National...

The aliens are silent because they’re dead

Sensory function: Thalamus enhances and stores sensory information

Life on other planets would likely be brief and become extinct very quickly, say astrobiologists

This news release is available in German. Every day, we constantly absorb information through our

from The Australian National...

sensory organs, which...

Sensory function: Thalamus enhances and stores sensory information

M icrobes take their vitamins — for the good of science

This news release is available in German. Every day, we constantly absorb information through our

IMAGE: This is an illustration of the PNNL team’s technology where a vitamin mimic

sensory organs, which...

(small blue structure) binds...

M icrobes take their vitamins — for the good of science

Why some cuckoos have blue eggs

IMAGE: This is an illustration of the PNNL team’s technology where a vitamin mimic

to figure out how different female cuckoos manage

Life on other planets would likely be brief and

For roughly a century, researchers have been trying to lay such a variety...

(small blue structure) binds...

Why some cuckoos have blue eggs

Dazzling diamonds

For roughly a century, researchers have been trying

IMAGE:Â This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope

to figure out how different female cuckoos manage to lay such a variety...

image features the star cluster Trumpler 14. One of the largest gatherings...

Dazzling diamonds image features the star cluster Trumpler 14. One of

Neolithic megalithic tomb in Spain comprehensively examined for the first time

the largest gatherings...

IMAGE:Â Reconstruction of the original appearance

IMAGE:Â This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope

of the megalithic mound. view more Credit: Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

University of Basel,...

Neolithic megalithic tomb in Spain comprehensively examined for the first time

Children hit by slow aid flow for "unprecedented" Ethiopia drought: agencies

IMAGE:Â Reconstruction of the original appearance

By Katy Migiro NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters

of the megalithic mound. view more Credit: University of Basel,...

Foundation) – Donors are not responding fast enough...

Children hit by slow aid flow for "unprecedented" Ethiopia drought: agencies

Eliciting cytotoxic T lymphocytes against human laryngeal cancerderived antigens: evaluation of dendritic cells pulsed with a heattreated tumor lysate and other antigenloading strategies for dendritic-cellbased vaccination

By Katy Migiro NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Donors are not responding fast enough...

DC vaccines take advantage of the potent antigenpresenting capacity of DCs to stimulate primary and secondary T...

IgG4-related inflammatory pseudotumor of the renal pelvis involving renal parenchyma, mimicking malignancy

Clinical evaluation of panel testing by next-generation sequencing (NGS) for gene mutations in myeloid neoplasms

The first report indicating that serum IgG4 levels

Patient samples Fifty patient samples were

were elevated in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis and that...

accrued from April 2011 to November 2014. They comprised 19 males and...

Finance Industry’s ‘M acho Attitude’ About Sleep Has Serious Consequences

Veterans Aren’t Having Sarah Palin’s PTSD Scapegoating

If “I’ll sleep when I’m deadâ€​ is a

“The fact is, veterans who have PTSD are far, far more likely to harm themselves than they are to

common refrain in your office, there’s a decent

harm others,â€​...


How to Break Anxiety’s Power Over You and Enjoy Your Life Again

Shred Pounds While Shredding With The Air Guitar Workout

You gnaw your fingernails while you pant like a dog

Tired of sitting on your axe? Looking for a way to get

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shut in a car on a summer day. Your mind skitters through countless scenarios. What...

your motor running? A fitness writer and selfproclaimed “gym...

5 Health-Boosting Tips Pac-M an Gave the World

Kidney fibrosis in older transplants links to failure

Could it be that playing Minecraft (or whatever video game floats your boat) is the key to obtaining more

Clinically, kidney fibrosis can be used to assess stage, progression, and prognosis for both kidney

defined biceps...

transplants and kidney...

M HC class II molecules on graft endothelium promote acute rejection

Study reveals climate change impacts on Buzzards Bay

A limitation of organ transplant is acute rejection of the graft by the host immune system. Graft rejection

An analysis of long-term, water quality monitoring data reveals that climate change is already having

is mediated by...

an impact on ecosystems...

Study: M any clean-tech subsidies should be greater

The ?-1 adrenergic receptor and RAGE work together to break hearts

Governments often offer subsidies to consumers for clean-technology products, from home solar

Cardiomyopathies result from a remodeling process that can be initiated by a variety of

panels to electric vehicles....

pathological stresses. Activation...

New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors

Zika virus panic over birth defects in Latin America

CAMBRIDGE, MA – One of the biggest obstacles

Sao Paulo (AFP) – With the sting of a mosquito

to making fusion power practical — and realizing

bite and a fever, many pregnant women may not

its promise of...

know that they...

Formerly Conjoined Twin Waves Goodbye to Hospital Staff After a Year in Treatment

Finance exec arrested in murder of his pediatrician wife in NY suburb

A Florida family is welcoming their son home from

York finance executive was charged with second-

the hospital more than a year after he was born conjoined with his twin...

degree murder...

Rules to protect smaller waterways survive

Slow down your typing to improve your writing: Study

WASHINGTON (AP) — New federal rules to

The quality of your writing will likely get better if you

By Laila Kearney NEW YORK (Reuters) – A New

protect smaller streams, tributaries and wetlands simply type slower, according to a recent study. Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

have survived the...

Researchers from...

Slow down your typing to improve your writing: Study

Dartmouth scientists discover method to potentially repair nerve damage

The quality of your writing will likely get better if you

IMAGE:Â Dartmouth Professor Glenn

simply type slower, according to a recent study. Researchers from...

Micalizio’s new research advances the effort to synthesize rare natural products...

Dartmouth scientists discover method to potentially repair nerve damage

Cells talk to their neighbors before making a move

IMAGE: Dartmouth Professor Glenn Micalizio’s new research advances the effort to

To decide whether and where to move in the body, cells must read chemical signals in their

synthesize rare natural products...

environment. Individual cells...

Cells talk to their neighbors before making a move

M aterial may offer cheaper alternative to smart windows

To decide whether and where to move in the body, cells must read chemical signals in their

If you’ve ever blown up a balloon or pulled at a pair of pantyhose, you may have noticed that the

environment. Individual cells...

more the material...

M aterial may offer cheaper alternative to smart windows

Chronic stress and anxiety can damage the brain

If you’ve ever blown up a balloon or pulled at a pair of pantyhose, you may have noticed that the

Toronto, Canada – A scientific review paper warns that people need to find ways to reduce

more the material...

chronic stress and anxiety...

Chronic stress and anxiety can damage the brain

EPA official resigns over Flint water crisis

Toronto, Canada – A scientific review paper

By Timothy Gardner and Fiona Ortiz

warns that people need to find ways to reduce

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) – The head

chronic stress and anxiety...

of the Midwest region...

EPA official resigns over Flint water crisis

Bosom Buddies — The Day Before a Biopsy

By Timothy Gardner and Fiona Ortiz

Not the kind of thing you like to see, generally

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) – The head

speaking. The document I had to sign that said I

of the Midwest region...

would need a biopsy. I...

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Bosom Buddies — The Day Before a Biopsy

It Ain’t Personal: 7 Ways to Stop Taking Things So Damn Personally

Not the kind of thing you like to see, generally

I’m a very sensitive gal and have really worked

speaking. The document I had to sign that said I

hard at not taking things personally. It’s easier

would need a biopsy. I...

said than...

It Ain’t Personal: 7 Ways to Stop Taking Things So Damn Personally

Dating app Tinder adds STD testing locator, ending feud with non-profit

I’m a very sensitive gal and have really worked

By Anjali Athavaley NEW YORK (Reuters) – A feud

hard at not taking things personally. It’s easier

between the operator of popular “hook-upâ€​...

said than...

Dating app Tinder adds STD testing locator, ending feud with non-profit

EPA actions in Flint water crisis to be examined: White House

By Anjali Athavaley NEW YORK (Reuters) – A feud

By Ayesha Rascoe WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

between the operator of popular “hook-upâ€​...

President Barack Obama will ensure that federal officials...

EPA actions in Flint water crisis to be examined: White House

Global drug makers call for action on superbugs

By Ayesha Rascoe WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

Davos (Switzerland) (AFP) – Drugmakers from

President Barack Obama will ensure that federal

across the world called Thursday for governments


and industry...

Global drug makers call for action on superbugs

M itochondrial trouble makers unmasked in lupus

Davos (Switzerland) (AFP) – Drugmakers from

Lupus low-density granulocytes spontaneously

across the world called Thursday for governments

undergo NETosis — a process in which the

and industry...

immune cell throws...

M utations in TUBB8 linked to form of female infertility

Screening gets top marks for picking up bowel cancer early

In the most severe form of male infertility, men do

Routes to diagnosis and stage at diagnosis for all

not make any measurable levels of sperm. This condition, called azoospermia,...

cancers in England, 2012-2013. Credit: Cancer Research UK BOWEL...

El Salvador advises women to delay

Should India’s quacks be trained to

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pregnancies due to virus

deliver basic patient care?

Migraine headaches heat up as women approach

Should unqualified practitioners be trained to

menopause, according to a new study from

deliver basic patient care to alleviate India’s

researchers at the University of Cincinnati...

doctor shortage, asks...

Profound hypothermia best avoided in initial reperfusion

M ost Americans support smart guns, survey finds

Cornell biomedical engineers have discovered

Nearly 60 percent of Americans, if they buy a new

natural triggers that could reduce the chance of life-

handgun, are willing to purchase a smart or

threatening, congenital...

childproof gun—a weapon...

In Final Report, Experts Identify Remains At Notorious Reform School

Rough Night? Here’s Your No-Sleep Survival Guide

i Researchers from the University of South Florida

In a perfect world, you would have ample time to

found some of the remains of 55 people in a

unwind each evening, sleep soundly for eight


hours, and wake up feeling...

Why Is It Important to Live a M eaningful Life?

Tips to Get Unstuck From Your Fitness Blocks

Why is meaning important to life? Because the

Often people ask me why they can’t just-darn it-

energy invested in meaning allows you to connect

do what they say they want to do. I tell them that

with your deeper purpose....

there are usually...

ADHD Is Fuel for Adventure

To the Person Parked in Between the Handicap Stalls

ADHD Is Fuel For Adventure by: Florence Williams for Outside Magazine Some of the best medicine for kids with attention-deficit...

Dear sir in the Honda Accord, You have illegally parked and stolen not one, but two handicapped parking spots. By parking...

Zika virus likely to spread in U.S., experts say

Smithsonian botanist discovers new ground-flowering plant in Panama

As cases of the mosquito-borne Zika virus are

IMAGE:Â This is Calathea galdamesiana. view

spreading across Central and South America and

more Credit: Rodolfo Flores Rattlesnake, zebra

the Caribbean, experts say it’s...

and peacock plants...

Personal history with street gangs sparks U. of I. graduate student’s

Exact pol(e) position — precisely where the polymerase is changed

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Scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum München,

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — The allure of street gangs is

working with colleagues from the Ludwig-

something Gabriel “Joeyâ€​ Merrin knows

Maximilians-Universität München,...

firsthand, having...

Tiny Australian leech named for bestselling author Amy Tan

Weed blasting offers new control method for organic farmers

Researchers have named a new leech after best-

URBANA, Ill. – Weeds are a major scourge for

selling author Amy Tan based on an innovative

organic growers, who often must invest in multiple

method for peering inside soft-bodied...

control methods to...

Digital enhancement of cryoEM photographs of protein nanocrystals

New $130 million project aims to cut food waste from fields to tables

IMAGE:Â The spots that make up the lattice of the

By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters

real image are clearly visible. Because of mosaicity

Foundation) – More than a third of the

and crystal shape,...


EPA official to resign over Flint water crisis

FDA gives full approval to Amgen blood cancer drug

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The head of the

(Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug

Midwest region of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has offered...

Administration said on Thursday it has approved Amgen Inc’s cancer...

Film gives look at Gleason’s life with Lou Gehrig’s disease

Drug exec Shkreli, lawmakers clash ahead of congressional hearing

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Former New Orleans

By Nate Raymond and David Ingram NEW YORK

Saints player Steve Gleason was never going to turn a film documenting...

(Reuters) – Former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli was...

M ichigan governor will be called to congressional hearing on Flint water crisis

Surgery patients do better when hospitals are good to nurses

By Fiona Ortiz CHICAGO (Reuters) – Michigan

working environments, according to a new study. Hospitals with well-staffed,...

Governor Rick Snyder and other officials will be

Surgery patients do better when nurses have better

called to testify...

M utations in TUBB8 linked to form of

M utations in TUBB8 linked to form of

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female infertility

female infertility

In the most severe form of male infertility, men do

In the most severe form of male infertility, men do

not make any measurable levels of sperm. This condition, called azoospermia,...

not make any measurable levels of sperm. This condition, called azoospermia,...

Florida Researchers Complete Investigation Into Shuttered Reform School

Florida Researchers Complete Investigation Into Shuttered Reform School

/ no comments University of South Florida

/ no comments University of South Florida

researchers completed an investigation of

researchers completed an investigation of

unmarked graves at the now closed...

unmarked graves at the now closed...

California Examines Safety Of Gas Wells Amid M ethane Leak

California Examines Safety Of Gas Wells Amid M ethane Leak

New information has surfaced about conditions

New information has surfaced about conditions

surrounding the broken gas storage well releasing

surrounding the broken gas storage well releasing

methane in southern California....

methane in southern California....

Scientists Unearth Remains Of Ancient M assacre In Kenya

Scientists Unearth Remains Of Ancient M assacre In Kenya

NPR’s Robert Siegel interviews University of

NPR’s Robert Siegel interviews University of

Cambridge Professor Robert Foley, co-author of a

Cambridge Professor Robert Foley, co-author of a

study in Nature about...

study in Nature about...

When Warm Weather Refugees First M et Snow: Readers, Share Your Stories!

When Warm Weather Refugees First M et Snow: Readers, Share Your Stories!

Here at Goats and Soda headquarters, we were discussing the huge snowstorm expected to hit

Here at Goats and Soda headquarters, we were discussing the huge snowstorm expected to hit

D.C. this weekend, when we remembered...

D.C. this weekend, when we remembered...

5 Easy Steps That Will Help You Live A Full And M eaningful Life

5 Easy Steps That Will Help You Live A Full And M eaningful Life

Are you living the life you always dreamed of? However you might answer that question, consider

Are you living the life you always dreamed of? However you might answer that question, consider

this:Â Each day offers...

this:Â Each day offers...

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The Quote That Totally Changed M y Life

The Quote That Totally Changed M y Life

Whoever said your adolescence would be the

Whoever said your adolescence would be the

hardest and most uncertain years of your life was

hardest and most uncertain years of your life was

so wrong. I never felt more...

so wrong. I never felt more...

The Incredible Things Your Brain Does While You’re Sleeping

Disney Princesses Go To The Gyno And Live Happily Ever After

Until recently, sleep was something of a mystery to

She’s right. While most cases of HPV clear up

us. Scientists didn’t know why we slept — and

on their own, the virus is also responsible for

they thought...

genital warts and...

The Incredible Things Your Brain Does While You’re Sleeping

How Humility Will M ake You the Greatest Person Ever

Until recently, sleep was something of a mystery to

In light of the upcoming presidential race and the

us. Scientists didn’t know why we slept — and

increase in narcissism amongst our youth, I think

they thought...

it’s safe to...

How Humility Will M ake You the Greatest Person Ever

New campaign urges millions to check for prediabetes

In light of the upcoming presidential race and the

Are you at risk from prediabetes? Millions of

increase in narcissism amongst our youth, I think

Americans are and don’t even know it.

it’s safe to...

Prediabetes is a condition that...

New campaign urges millions to check for prediabetes

Algae bloom toxin linked to Alzheimer’s, other diseases

Are you at risk from prediabetes? Millions of

In the late 1990s, Paul Alan Cox, Ph.D., an

Americans are and don’t even know it.

ethnobotanist currently at the Institute for

Prediabetes is a condition that...

EthnoMedicine in Jackson Hole, Wyo....

Algae bloom toxin linked to Alzheimer’s, other diseases

Antibodies may provide ‘silver bullet’ for Ebola viruses

In the late 1990s, Paul Alan Cox, Ph.D., an

IMAGE:Â James Crowe, M.D., director of the

ethnobotanist currently at the Institute for EthnoMedicine in Jackson Hole, Wyo....

Vanderbilt Vaccine Center, watches graduate student Andrew Flyak plate antibody-producing...

Antibodies may provide ‘silver bullet’ for Ebola viruses

Study shows different genetic drivers of colorectal cancer in older and

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IMAGE:Â James Crowe, M.D., director of the

younger patients

Vanderbilt Vaccine Center, watches graduate

IMAGE:Â Christopher Lieu, MD, and colleagues

student Andrew Flyak plate antibody-producing...

show that colorectal cancer is genetically different in young patients...

Study shows different genetic drivers of colorectal cancer in older and younger patients

Removal of derelict fishing gear has major economic impact

IMAGE:Â Christopher Lieu, MD, and colleagues show that colorectal cancer is genetically different

Hogge with a derelict crab pot retrieved from the

IMAGE:Â This is Chesapeake Bay waterman EC York River. view...

in young patients...

Weaving a new story for COFS and M OFs

M itochondrial troublemakers unmasked in lupus

IMAGE:Â COF-505 is the first 3-D covalent organic framework to be made by weaving together helical

IMAGE: Lupus low-density granulocytes spontaneously undergo NETosis — a process in

organic threads,...

which the immune cell throws...

Removal of derelict fishing gear has major economic impact

M itochondrial troublemakers unmasked in lupus

IMAGE:Â This is Chesapeake Bay waterman EC Hogge with a derelict crab pot retrieved from the

IMAGE: Lupus low-density granulocytes spontaneously undergo NETosis — a process in

York River. view...

which the immune cell throws...

How do snowflakes form? (video)

How do snowflakes form? (video)

IMAGE:Â A huge snowstorm could dump more than

IMAGE:Â A huge snowstorm could dump more than

two feet of snow all over the East Coast, and that means trillions and...

two feet of snow all over the East Coast, and that means trillions and...

M ichigan governor called to congressional hearing on Flint water crisis

M ichigan governor called to congressional hearing on Flint water crisis

By Fiona Ortiz CHICAGO (Reuters) – Michigan

By Fiona Ortiz CHICAGO (Reuters) – Michigan

Governor Rick Snyder and other officials have...

Governor Rick Snyder and other officials have...

Parents’ debt may influence childrens’ emotional wellbeing

Parents’ debt may influence childrens’ emotional wellbeing

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By Kathryn Doyle Some kinds of debt, such as

By Kathryn Doyle Some kinds of debt, such as

home mortgages and education loans, are linked to better...

home mortgages and education loans, are linked to better...

El Salvador urges against pregnancies until 2018 as Zika virus spreads

El Salvador urges against pregnancies until 2018 as Zika virus spreads

SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) – El Salvador on

SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) – El Salvador on

Thursday urged women in the Central American nation to avoid getting...

Thursday urged women in the Central American nation to avoid getting...

Some older patients get unnecessary cancer screenings

Some older patients get unnecessary cancer screenings

By Lisa Rapaport Some older patients may receive

By Lisa Rapaport Some older patients may receive

screening for breast or prostate cancer even though...

screening for breast or prostate cancer even though...

Three migrants die in Lesbos from hypothermia after icy sea crossing

Three migrants die in Lesbos from hypothermia after icy sea crossing

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A

five-year-old child and two women died from hypothermia on the Greek...

five-year-old child and two women died from hypothermia on the Greek...

M onsanto sues to keep herbicide off California list of carcinogens

M onsanto sues to keep herbicide off California list of carcinogens

By Karl Plume CHICAGO (Reuters) – Monsanto Co stepped up its defense of a widely used weed...

By Karl Plume CHICAGO (Reuters) – Monsanto Co stepped up its defense of a widely used weed...

Helping Those Affected by Childhood Sexual Assault Find Hope

Baby M oon Nightmare?

Sue Mocker is a hope consultant. She sees the

You might want to change your mind about your

work she does as both a vocation and an avocation. After 30 years of being...

“baby moonâ€​...

Report Finds Dramatic Increase In Number Of American Centenarians

What National Hug Day Is Like For People Who HATE Hugs

The number of people living into triple digits is

Frankly, hugging is getting out of control in

Are you pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant?

rapidly increasing, a new government report says. American culture. It used to be that when you met a According to the National... new individual, you’d... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

UT Southwestern study shows how certain drugs alter metabolism of pancreatic cancer cells

Low reflective ability is risk for professionalism lapses during medical school and beyond

IMAGE:Â Dr. Erik Knudsen and Dr. Agnieszka

IMAGE:Â Richard M. Frankel, Ph.D. is a Regenstrief

Witkiewicz view more Credit: UT Southwestern

Institute investigator and an Indiana University

Medical Center DALLAS...

School of Medicine...

M ixed emotions a sign of emotional depth, not indecision, say researchers

Parents positive about classes

Experiencing mixed emotions shows emotional

IMAGE:Â This is Geoff Lindsay. view more Credit: University of Warwick Mums and dads are likely to

complexity, not indecision, and people living in

sign up...

different parts of the world...

New experiments challenge economic game assumptions Too much confidence is placed in economic games, according to research by academics at Oxford University. While traditional...

Soybean meal produced in US has greater energy values when fed to pigs than previously estimated URBANA, Ill. – Differences in soil type, variety of soybeans, climate, or processing conditions can cause the same...

Alkermes depression drug fails, shares plunge

Sanders health plan would be far more generous than M edicare

By Amrutha Penumudi (Reuters) – Alkermes Plc’s depression drug failed in two late-stage...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders calls his plan for a government-run health...

State Prisons Turn To Telemedicine To Improve Health And Save M oney

Aetna’s deal for Humana will push up costs for seniors: think tank

CONROE, Texas — Texas prison psychiatrist

By Diane Bartz WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Aetna

Pradan Nathan recalls an unsettling face-to-face

Inc’s plan to buy smaller insurer Humana...

session with a dissatisfied...

India issues alert to deter use of Roche’s Avastin drug for eyes

Low-fiber diet may change gut microbes for generations

By Aditya Kalra NEW DELHI (Reuters) –

Diets that are low in fiber may cause irreversible

India’s federal drugs controller issued an

changes to populations of gut bacteria, and those

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changes may be passed...

Video of premature twins holding hands goes viral

Company issues recall after cough syrup found to contain morphine

They may be small— a mere 2 pounds each—

Master Herbs, Inc. issued a voluntary nationwide

and born 11 weeks premature, but that hasn’t

recall of its Licorice Coughing Liquid after it was

stopped newborn...

found to contain the...

Eating healthy fats may reduce death from heart disease

Even centenarians are living longer

Encouraging people to eat healthy fats such as

report shows. In recent years, the death rate

those found in olive oil or fish could help prevent more than a million deaths...

among American centenarians...

M exican couple welcomes rare set of healthy quadruplets

Some 200,000 at risk in Turkey’s fight against Kurdish militants: Amnesty

A Mexican woman pregnant with quadruplets gave

By Ayla Jean Yackley ISTANBUL (Reuters) –

birth recently to four healthy babies: two boys and two girls. Central European...

Security operations in Turkey’s mainly Kurdish...

Alkermes depression drug fails in studies, shares plunge

GSK chief reiterates standalone consumer unit is an option

(Reuters) – Alkermes Plc said its drug for major

By Ben Hirschler DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) –

depressive disorder did not meet the main goal of improving...

GlaxoSmithKline’s chief executive, under...

New app helps doctors predict the risk of premature birth

New Ebola case in Sierra Leone: WHO

A new app developed by researchers at King’s

confirmed in Sierra Leone, officials said Thursday,

College London (UK) can help doctors identify women at risk...

the second...

Blizzard forecast may lead to a baby boom

Dissolving implants could monitor the brain one day, rat study shows

This weekend’s forecast: 100 percent chance of swiping right. Meteorologists predict up to 12

Tiny, wireless, electronic implants that melt away in the body could one day help doctors monitor the

inches of snow for NYC...

brain, new research...

The oldest of the old are living even longer, a new

Freetown (AFP) – A new case of Ebola has been

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Baking-soda ingredient may lower risk of premature death

Zika virus may infect up to 700,000 people in Colombia

Older people may be at increased risk of premature death if they have low levels of

BOGOTA –  The mosquito-borne Zika virus has already infected more than 13,500 people in

bicarbonate, a main ingredient in baking...

Colombia and could hit...

Zika virus may infect up to 700000 people in Colombia

Birth defects linked to Zika virus still rising in Brazil

BOGOTA –  The mosquito-borne Zika virus has already infected more than 13,500 people in

BRASILIA –  The cases of babies born with unusually small heads continue to rise in Brazil

Colombia and could hit...

where researchers said...

Drug firms ask governments to join fight against superbugs

M ore than 1000 tested for tuberculosis in rural Alabama

DAVOS –  DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) –

Tuberculosis, a global scourge, has mostly been

More than 80 international drug and biotech firms

eradicated in the United States, but minorities and

urged governments...

poor people who lack...

Pre-pregnancy obesity strongly linked to infant mortality Pre-pregnancy obesity is strongly associated with

M ultitask Your Way to a Fit Bod by Doing These 3 Dumbbell M oves on the Treadmill

infant mortality, and compliance with weight-gain

To solve those issues, I’ve created this wham-

guidelines during pregnancy...

bam-thank-you-ma’am treadmill workout that doesn’t waste...

7 Types of Bumps and Blemishes You Should Never Try to Pop

M ove Over, Starbucks: M eet The Alzheimer’s Cafe

When you look in the mirror for a midday makeup

There are support groups for Alzheimer’s

check only to spot a giant zit or you-have-no-ideawhat staring back at you,...

patients and there are support groups for their caregivers. But the latest...

Giving The Finger To M y Prostate Exam There is no shortage of humor regarding one

How Your Weight Affects Your Happiness, According To Science

particular part of a man’s physical exam: the

This goes out to anyone who made a weight loss

digital rectal...

resolution this year. When it comes down to it, weight is just a number on...

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Brain study reveals mindfulness could help prevent obesity in children Mindfulness, described as paying attention on purpose and being in the present moment with acceptance, could be an effective...

Study results leading to the development of a new type of anticancer agent IMAGE:Â The g-tubulin-specific inhibitor gatastatin (right)was developed by the research group from Glaziovianin A (AG1,...

Gene therapy for rare bleeding disorder achieves proof-of-concept

Clarifying the mechanism for making blood cells

IMAGE: Paris Margaritis, D. Phil., is a hematology researcher at The Children’s Hospital of

IMAGE:Â The proposed model for the mechanism of making blood cells from hemangioblasts is

Philadelphia. ...

shown. view more Credit:...

How a 2°C rise means even higher temperatures where we live

CU Anschutz study finds link between indoor tanning and substance abuse

IMAGE:Â The increase in regional average

AURORA, Colo. (Jan. 20, 2016) – Researchers

temperatures around the world when global

from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical

average temperatures reach 2°C...

Campus have shown a...

Goldman-run funds most popular with Republican candidates, disclosures show

Sierra Leone has 2nd Ebola case after epidemic thought over

By Luciana Lopez and Grant Smith NEW YORK

of Ebola emerged in Sierra Leone after health

(Reuters) – Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz has in...

officials thought...

Gas leak pollution monitoring took months to put in place

Colder weather doesn’t mean decline in allergies, experts says

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A massive natural gas

Many people believe that when the weather turns

leak that has driven thousands of Los Angeles residents from their...

cold, their allergies will disappear. But winter weather might bring problems...

Cleveland clinic finds pregnancyassociated melanoma is associated with higher death rates

Cleveland clinic finds pregnancyassociated melanoma is associated with higher death rates

Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, CLEVELAND:

Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, CLEVELAND:

Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is on

Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is on

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — A second case

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the rise in women of child-bearing...

the rise in women of child-bearing...

High-performance material polyimide for the first time with angular shape

High-performance material polyimide for the first time with angular shape

IMAGE:Â Gel crystallization produces salt, which is

IMAGE:Â Gel crystallization produces salt, which is

then turned into polyimide. view more Credit: TU

then turned into polyimide. view more Credit: TU

Wien Polyimides...

Wien Polyimides...

The indications of a new geological epoch marked by human impact are clear

The indications of a new geological epoch marked by human impact are clear

IMAGE:Â Artificial spheroids (left: carbonaceous; centre: plastic; right: metallic) and their respective

IMAGE:Â Artificial spheroids (left: carbonaceous; centre: plastic; right: metallic) and their respective



Quantum computing is coming — are you prepared for it?

Quantum computing is coming — are you prepared for it?

Quantum computing will change lives, society and the economy and a working system is expected to

Quantum computing will change lives, society and the economy and a working system is expected to

be developed by 2020 according...

be developed by 2020 according...

Zimbabwe court bans child marriage after challenge by former child brides

Zimbabwe court bans child marriage after challenge by former child brides

By Emma Batha LONDON (Thomson Reuters

By Emma Batha LONDON (Thomson Reuters

Foundation) – Zimbabwe’s Constitutional

Foundation) – Zimbabwe’s Constitutional



The importance of children at play

The importance of children at play

In the early stages of life, peer play is an important

In the early stages of life, peer play is an important

factor in the developmental growth of a child. It is during play and...

factor in the developmental growth of a child. It is during play and...

Newly discovered photosynthetic bacteria is surprisingly abundant

Newly discovered photosynthetic bacteria is surprisingly abundant

IMAGE:Â These are researchers samping bacteria

IMAGE:Â These are researchers samping bacteria

in freshwater lake in the Gobi Desert. view more Credit: Yonghui...

in freshwater lake in the Gobi Desert. view more Credit: Yonghui...

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Toward consistently good pinot noir

Toward consistently good pinot noir

The grapes used to make pinot noir, the red wine

The grapes used to make pinot noir, the red wine

of hit comedy “Sidewaysâ€​ fame, are known to

of hit comedy “Sidewaysâ€​ fame, are known to

be literally and...

be literally and...

Up to 50 percent of women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer could be cured with 1 treatment model

Up to 50 percent of women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer could be cured with 1 treatment model

Up to half of women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer might be cured, compared to the current 20

Up to half of women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer might be cured, compared to the current 20

per cent survival rate,...

per cent survival rate,...

How ocean acidification and warming could affect the culturing of pearls

How ocean acidification and warming could affect the culturing of pearls

Pearls have adorned the necklines of women throughout history, but some evidence suggests

Pearls have adorned the necklines of women throughout history, but some evidence suggests

that the gems’ future could...

that the gems’ future could...

Water supplies in Tibet set to increase in the future

Water supplies in Tibet set to increase in the future

The Tibetan Plateau has long been seen as a “hotspotâ€​ for international environmental

The Tibetan Plateau has long been seen as a “hotspotâ€​ for international environmental

research, and there have...

research, and there have...

Caltech researchers find evidence of a real ninth planet

Study finds strong link between prepregnancy obesity and infant deaths

Caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant

(BOSTON) – Pre-pregnancy obesity is strongly

planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the

associated with infant mortality, and compliance

outer solar system....

with weight-gain guidelines...

Sierra Leone vaccinates people quarantined after Ebola death

Sierra Leone vaccinates people quarantined after Ebola death

Freetown (AFP) – Sierra Leone authorities

Freetown (AFP) – Sierra Leone authorities

announced a vaccination programme for people

announced a vaccination programme for people

quarantined following...

quarantined following...

Official wishes air monitoring was

Official wishes air monitoring was

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better after gas leak

better after gas leak

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles County

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles County

public health official says he wishes air pollution monitoring had...

public health official says he wishes air pollution monitoring had...

Syria talks may not start on Jan. 25, ‘pressure, momentum’ needed: U.N. envoy

Syria talks may not start on Jan. 25, ‘pressure, momentum’ needed: U.N. envoy

GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations Special

GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations Special

Envoy for Syria said on Wednesday that peace talks

Envoy for Syria said on Wednesday that peace talks

might not...

might not...

Senate panel approves bill to make school lunches tastier

Senate panel approves bill to make school lunches tastier

WASHINGTON (AP) — School meals could

WASHINGTON (AP) — School meals could

become a bit tastier under legislation approved by

become a bit tastier under legislation approved by

a Senate committee. The...

a Senate committee. The...

Former M .L.B. Player Tells You How To Create A Fitness Routine That Works

Former M .L.B. Player Tells You How To Create A Fitness Routine That Works

How do you create a fitness schedule that works?

How do you create a fitness schedule that works?

originally appeared on Quora – the knowledge

originally appeared on Quora – the knowledge

sharing network...

sharing network...

NASA measures winds in Tropical Cyclone Victor

Coal formation linked to assembly of supercontinent Pangea

NASA’s RapidScat instrument found the

The consolidation of the ancient supercontinent

strongest winds in Tropical Cyclone Victor were

Pangea 300 million years ago played a key role in

occurring south of its center...

the formation of the coal...

Zuckerberg or Buffett — Is youth or experience more valuable in the boardroom?

Advance improves cutting and pasting with CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing

IMAGE:Â In a new study, Yore found that mandatory retirement policies for CEOs may not be an

bound to a double strand of DNA (purple and grey).

IMAGE:Â A view of the Cas9 protein (red and blue) After both strands...

effective solution for...

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Chickenpox, shingles vaccine may cause corneal inflammation in some patients

5 Easy Post-Holiday Cleansing Recipes

COLUMBIA, Mo. (Jan. 20, 2016) — In use for more


Hopefully by now we’ve mostly disconnected from the holiday glut. It was fun while it lasted (who

than 20 years, the varicella zoster virus vaccine for chickenpox and...

Sexual trauma raises suicide risk among veterans

M ore than 1,000 tested for tuberculosis in rural Alabama

By Roxanne Nelson (Reuters Health) – Men and

MARION, Ala. (AP) — Tuberculosis, a global

women veterans who experienced sexual assault...

scourge, has mostly been eradicated in the United States, but...

Political fallout from Flint, M ichigan water crisis spreads

FDA postpones panel meeting to review Sarepta’s DM D drug

By Jeff Mason and Timothy Gardner

(Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug

DETROIT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President

Administration postponed a meeting of its advisory

Barack Obama pledged...

panel to review Sarepta...

Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders Need Health Insurance Before the Jan. 31 Deadline

Fear, doubts obstruct efforts to contain Ebola in Sierra Leone

This year, 2 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders can gain health coverage from the

Sierra Leone are obstructing officials’ attempts

FREETOWN Community fear and suspicion in to stop the spread of...

Affordable Care Act...

Biopsy robot that combines M RI and ultrasound may improve diagnosis of breast cancer, muscle diseases

Anxiety can make people to walk in a leftward trajectory / no comments University of Kent

Researchers at the University of Twente in The Netherlands are working on a biopsy robot that combines the best features...

Robotic exoskeleton efficiently performs rehabilitation therapies for shoulder injuries

Traditional acupuncture no better than fake acupuncture for treating menopause symptoms

/ no comments

A new study has revealed traditional Chinese

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acupuncture treatments are no better than fake acupuncture for treating menopause...

Structure of protein complex that plays key role in modulating immune system revealed

Comparisons of biophysical properties and bioactivities of mono-PEGylated endostatin and an endostatin analog

Rhythmic expression of key genes is essential for

Proteins, antibodies, and cell culture The

maintaining proper timekeeping of the body’s

recombinant proteins used in this study were

clock. In addition,...

provided by Protgen Co., Ltd. (Beijing, ...

The pacemaker-twiddler’s syndrome: an infrequent cause of pacemaker failure

Genome- and epigenome-wide association study of hypertriglyceridemic waist in M exican American families

Continuous ‘twiddling’ or manipulation of the pulse generator within its skin pocket, by the patient, leads...

Study participants Participants in this study were from the San Antonio Family Heart Study 28], 29], an ongoing prospective...

Towards smart energy systems: application of kernel machine regression for medium term electricity load forecasting

Cocoa pod husk, a new source of hydrolase enzymes for preparation of cross-linked enzyme aggregate

Kernel machines Analytical models that can be

Extraction of hydrolase from CPH Optimum pH and buffer concentration are important factors for the

expressed as a function of a kernel are known as

extraction of protein. ...

kernel machines (Bishop...

Prayer Improves Health Spiritual/religious practices are used around the world to cope with and treat health illnesses. These tools are...

Tiny Quantum Dots M ay Spell Doom For Deadly Superbug Infections Previous research on nanoparticles showed that those made of metals like gold and silver can be harmful to healthy tissue...

Heart Failure Is the "Cancer" of Cardiovascular Disease

Conquer the Chaos and Improve Your Health

At a clinic I was working in last year, a patient of

Dealing with clutter is usually not high on the

mine came in very short of breath. On asking her

“to-doâ€​ list for most of us because it

some question,...


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These Were The M ost Popular Girls’ Names Over The Past Century

Do you need antibiotics? A new test may tell

Mary, the quintessential New Testament name, is

A new blood test is in the works that could help

the mother of all girls’ names, the most

doctors tell if a patient with a respiratory illness is

popular and enduring female...

suffering from a...

Childhood trauma associated with worse impulse control in adulthood, UM study finds

Neutral result charges up antimatter research

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — The scars of childhood

floor of the ALPHA-2 Cryostat and external solenoid assembly, with...

abuse and neglect affect adults’ brains for

IMAGE:Â This is a view from the Experimental Zone

decades to come –...

New species of bird discovered in India and China by international team of scientists

Preventative measures can help to control squash bugs

IMAGE:Â The Himalayan forest thrush was

tristis) female and eggs. view more Credit:

discovered in northeastern India and adjacent parts of China by a team of scientists...

Entomological Society...

This week from AGU: New atmos. ripples, Antarctic ice shelf melt, Cold drones, & 4 papers

Genetics and environment impact familial depression

GeoSpace Researchers discover surprising waves

depressed individuals, their children and offspring, a study published in...

in the Antarctic atmosphere Researchers who have

IMAGE:Â This is an ovipositing squash bug (Anasa

Building on a 30-year, three-generation study of

spent thousands of hours...

Snyder appeals Obama’s denial of disaster aid for Flint

Zika virus may infect up to 700,000 people in Colombia: government

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

BOGOTA (Reuters) – The mosquito-borne Zika

asked President Barack Obama on Wednesday to

virus has already infected more than 13,500 people

reconsider his...

in Colombia...

Dismantling Kynect Could M ean Higher Costs, Less Coverage for Kentuckians

Heath Care vs. Disease Care

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin’s plan to

In medicine, we don’t tell you what is about to happen because we don’t know. We react to

dismantle Kynect, the state’s health insurance


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exchange, and...

M otivations for Personalized Genetic Testing Include Explaining — Not Just Predicting

Suspected microcephaly cases in Brazil rise to 3893

Last week, I invited the venerable Lee Hood to

rare brain defect in babies, continues to rise in

speak to us at Harvard Medical School, and I was reminded again of...

Brazil, reaching 3,893...

Eating green leafy vegetables may lower glaucoma risk

Facebook users recruit friends for diet, supplement programs — but is it legit?

People who eat more green leafy vegetables, a good source of nitrate, may significantly decrease their risk of developing...

The suspected number of cases of microcephaly, a

Last winter, Natalie Vargas was nearing her mid30s, eating fast food for lunch, drinking about nine cups of coffee a day,...

Cost burden of Quebec’s carbon market seen as modest

Cost burden of Quebec’s carbon market seen as modest

This news release is available in French. The cost

This news release is available in French. The cost

burden of Quebec’s carbon-pricing policy, is

burden of Quebec’s carbon-pricing policy, is

likely to be...

likely to be...

Researchers prove surprising chemistry inside a potential breakthrough battery

Researchers prove surprising chemistry inside a potential breakthrough battery

IMAGE:Â Amin Salehi-Khojin, UIC assistant

IMAGE:Â Amin Salehi-Khojin, UIC assistant

professor of mechanical and industrial engineering (right), and postdoctoral...

professor of mechanical and industrial engineering (right), and postdoctoral...

A new study puts temperature increases caused by CO2 emissions on the map

A new study puts temperature increases caused by CO2 emissions on the map

IMAGE:Â This is a map of climate change. view more Credit: Nature Climate Change This news

IMAGE:Â This is a map of climate change. view more Credit: Nature Climate Change This news

release is available...

release is available...

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi sensing from mobile devices may help improve bus

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi sensing from mobile devices may help improve bus

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On any given bus ride, a good share of passengers are reading, texting or rocking out to music on their

On any given bus ride, a good share of passengers are reading, texting or rocking out to music on their

phones or tablets....

phones or tablets....

Neighbors would rather talk over the fence than online, study finds

Neighbors would rather talk over the fence than online, study finds

LAWRENCE – In today’s world, the old adage “good fences make good neighborsâ€​

LAWRENCE – In today’s world, the old adage “good fences make good neighborsâ€​

may be more like “good...

may be more like “good...

Revamped Airbus A320neo debuts as oil slide continues

Revamped Airbus A320neo debuts as oil slide continues

By Tim Hepher DUBLIN (Reuters) – European planemaker Airbus said on Wednesday it had

By Tim Hepher DUBLIN (Reuters) – European planemaker Airbus said on Wednesday it had

delivered the first...

delivered the first...

M ore charges for driver accused of plowing into Las Vegas pedestrians

M ore charges for driver accused of plowing into Las Vegas pedestrians

LAS VEGAS (Reuters) – An Oregon woman accused of plowing into pedestrians on the Las Vegas Strip faces dozens...

LAS VEGAS (Reuters) – An Oregon woman accused of plowing into pedestrians on the Las Vegas Strip faces dozens...

Skin cancer more deadly when caught during pregnancy

Skin cancer more deadly when caught during pregnancy

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, may be even...

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, may be even...

Obama determined to find out what went wrong in Flint water crisis: White House

Obama determined to find out what went wrong in Flint water crisis: White House

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) – President Barack Obama wants to find out what happened in

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) – President Barack Obama wants to find out what happened in

Flint, Michigan...

Flint, Michigan...

Venezuela needs urgent foreign medical aid, pharma group says

Venezuela needs urgent foreign medical aid, pharma group says

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CARACAS (Reuters) – With scores of medicines in short supply due to a severe financial squeeze,

CARACAS (Reuters) – With scores of medicines in short supply due to a severe financial squeeze,



EPA expected to brief U.S. House committee on Flint water crisis

EPA expected to brief U.S. House committee on Flint water crisis

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to brief staffers on a

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to brief staffers on a

House committee...

House committee...

Calls for research into health effects of ultrasound exposure

Calls for research into health effects of ultrasound exposure

Wednesday January 20 2016 Some people may be more sensitive to ultrasound “Ultrasound in

Wednesday January 20 2016 Some people may be more sensitive to ultrasound “Ultrasound in

public places could...

public places could...

Florida, Illinois report travel-related Zika cases

Florida, Illinois report travel-related Zika cases

Travel-related cases of a mosquito-borne illness running rampant in Latin America have reached

Travel-related cases of a mosquito-borne illness running rampant in Latin America have reached

Florida and Illinois, officials...

Florida and Illinois, officials...

DR. M ANNY: Water crisis in Flint is just the tip of the iceberg

DR. M ANNY: Water crisis in Flint is just the tip of the iceberg

The water crisis in Flint, Mich., is just the tip of the iceberg – and if you think that it can’t happen

The water crisis in Flint, Mich., is just the tip of the iceberg – and if you think that it can’t happen



Artist draws Disney princesses going to OB-GYN to promote women’s health

Artist draws Disney princesses going to OB-GYN to promote women’s health

Artists have reimagined Disney princesses as everything from women with average body types to

Artists have reimagined Disney princesses as everything from women with average body types to

breast cancer survivors. But...

breast cancer survivors. But...

Vaccines alliance signs $5M advance deal for M erck’s Ebola shot

Vaccines alliance signs $5M advance deal for M erck’s Ebola shot

DAVOS/LONDON –  The Gavi global alliance for DAVOS/LONDON –  The Gavi global alliance for vaccines and immunization group signed a $5 vaccines and immunization group signed a $5 Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

million advance purchase...

million advance purchase...

When Should You Really Toss Your Kitchen Sponge?

Scientists Find Hints Of A Giant, Hidden Planet In Our Solar System

And if you think you can quickly rinse your sponge under the faucet and call it a day, try again:

i The imagined view from Planet Nine back toward the sun. Astronomers think the huge, distant planet

“When you clean...


Scientists Find Hints Of A Giant, Hidden Planet In Our Solar System i The imagined view from Planet Nine back toward the sun. Astronomers think the huge, distant planet

Field evaluation of the 22 rapid diagnostic tests for community management of malaria with artemisinin combination therapy in Cameroon


Overall, each of 22 different RDTs were tested on a total of ninety-seven venous blood samples. Three of the RDT...

Field evaluation of the 22 rapid diagnostic tests for community management of malaria with artemisinin combination therapy in Cameroon Overall, each of 22 different RDTs were tested on a total of ninety-seven venous blood samples. Three

This Is Why You Feel The Burn When You Drink Alcohol Feel the fire when you drink shots? Don’t blame the booze. It’s your body’s vanilloid type 1 receptor,...

of the RDT...

This Is Why You Feel The Burn When You Drink Alcohol

How to Control Portions and Reduce Food Waste

Feel the fire when you drink shots? Don’t blame the booze. It’s your body’s vanilloid

This article is co-written with Jonathan Bloom, my fellow food waste fighter, author of the award-

type 1 receptor,...

winning book...

How to Control Portions and Reduce Food Waste

There’s No M ore Denying Campus Rape Is A Problem. This Study Proves It.

This article is co-written with Jonathan Bloom, my fellow food waste fighter, author of the awardwinning book...

The Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women provided funding for the research through the Bureau of...

There’s No M ore Denying Campus

Here’s What Happened When These

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Rape Is A Problem. This Study Proves It. The Justice Department’s Office on Violence

Gay M en Touched A Vagina For The First Time

Against Women provided funding for the research through the Bureau of...

The video is humorous but has some important topics embedded within it too, including conversations around consent, safety,...

Here’s What Happened When These Gay M en Touched A Vagina For The First Time The video is humorous but has some important topics embedded within it too, including

5 Ways You Can Help Flint, M ichigan Amid The Water Crisis Flint Community Schools accepts both cash donations and bottled water, according to Lansing State Journal. You can make a...

conversations around consent, safety,...

5 Ways You Can Help Flint, M ichigan Amid The Water Crisis

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty: A promising new weight loss procedure

Flint Community Schools accepts both cash donations and bottled water, according to Lansing

IMAGE:Â Figure: Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty creation using a full thickness endoscopic suturing

State Journal. You can make a...

device. view...

Researchers measure fish abundance in a lake using a few water samples

Researchers measure fish abundance in a lake using a few water samples

Quebec City, Jan. 20, 2016 — Researchers from Université Laval and Quebec’s Ministry of Forests, Wildlife...

Quebec City, Jan. 20, 2016 — Researchers from Université Laval and Quebec’s Ministry of Forests, Wildlife...

Exercise for people with dementia improves balance and reduces dependence

New process enables easier isolation of carbon nanotubes

IMAGE:Â Regular exercise improves balance for people with dementia and reduces dependence on assistance. view...

IMAGE:Â Hydrogen bonding allows a fluorene based polymer to grow on specific carbon nanotubes. This changes the solubility...

New process enables easier isolation of carbon nanotubes

Depression experts question effectiveness of stress hormone drug

IMAGE:Â Hydrogen bonding allows a fluorene

Pioneering research by mood disorder experts at

based polymer to grow on specific carbon nanotubes. This changes the solubility...

Newcastle University has questioned the effectiveness of metyrapone, a drug...

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Depression experts question effectiveness of stress hormone drug Pioneering research by mood disorder experts at

Land management could help wildlife beat the challenges brought by climate change

Newcastle University has questioned the effectiveness of metyrapone, a drug...

Land management could help wildlife beat the

Land management could help wildlife beat the challenges brought by climate change

Airbus delivers first revamped A320 to Lufthansa

Land management could help wildlife beat the challenges brought by climate change The harmful

challenges brought by climate change The harmful effects of climate change on...

DUBLIN (Reuters) – European planemaker Airbus said on Wednesday it had delivered the first A320neo, a fuel-efficient...

effects of climate change on...

Airbus delivers first revamped A320 to Lufthansa

Zafgen soars on hope of reviving obesity drug tests

DUBLIN (Reuters) – European planemaker Airbus said on Wednesday it had delivered the first

By Natalie Grover and Amrutha Penumudi (Reuters) – Zafgen Inc reported positive data on

A320neo, a fuel-efficient...


VW brand revamps model development in drive to lift margins

VW brand revamps model development in drive to lift margins

BERLIN (Reuters) – Volkswagen has streamlined vehicle development at its core VW

BERLIN (Reuters) – Volkswagen has streamlined vehicle development at its core VW

brand as the troubled carmaker...

brand as the troubled carmaker...

M arijuana Inc. eyes M exico as drug liberalization looms

M arijuana Inc. eyes M exico as drug liberalization looms

By Gabriel Stargardter MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Many top companies cashing in on legal

By Gabriel Stargardter MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Many top companies cashing in on legal



NHS Health Checks ‘prevented thousands of heart attacks’

NHS Health Checks ‘prevented thousands of heart attacks’

Friday January 15 2016 The NHS Health Check is offered to 40 to 74-year-olds “NHS Health Checks scheme hailed...

Friday January 15 2016 The NHS Health Check is offered to 40 to 74-year-olds “NHS Health Checks scheme hailed...

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Eagles manager says arthritis pills played role in Frey’s death

Eagles manager says arthritis pills played role in Frey’s death

Eagles rocker Glenn Frey suffered from debilitating rheumatoid arthritis for years — and died partly because of the...

Eagles rocker Glenn Frey suffered from debilitating rheumatoid arthritis for years — and died partly because of the...

Pennsylvania man brought back to life after freezing in snow bank

Pennsylvania man brought back to life after freezing in snow bank

Last February, Don Smith found his son, Justin, frozen in a snow bank for at least 10 hours in a blistering snowstorm. For...

Last February, Don Smith found his son, Justin, frozen in a snow bank for at least 10 hours in a blistering snowstorm. For...

Office too dry? Try a travel-size humidifier

Office too dry? Try a travel-size humidifier

Q: The air at my office is very dry. Is there a humidifier I can use at my desk that will help? I work in an open-plan office. A:...

Q: The air at my office is very dry. Is there a humidifier I can use at my desk that will help? I work in an open-plan office. A:...

M ore would-be parents exploring overthe-counter products to aid conception

M ore would-be parents exploring overthe-counter products to aid conception

Juliana and Greg Tomlinson started trying to have a baby on their wedding night, October 8, 2011. After a year without success,...

Juliana and Greg Tomlinson started trying to have a baby on their wedding night, October 8, 2011. After a year without success,...

5 Easy Ways to Switch Up Your Brows for a Flattering New Look

Teen M om 2 Star Kailyn Lowry Got Something Called a ‘Brazilian Butt Lift’

One important message Crooks imparts to all of her clients: Stencils don’t work. “We teach people to find their...

From molecules to neural morphology: understanding neuroinflammation in autism spectrum condition Maternal-foetal transfer The involvement of an inflammatory pathogenesis in ASC likely originates during the gestational...

Talk about a jaw-dropping change: 23-year-old Kailyn Lowry, a married mother of two on MTV’s Teen Mom 2, underwent...

Validity and reliability of a portable gait analysis system for measuring spatiotemporal gait characteristics: comparison to an instrumented treadmill

The purpose of this study was to assess the Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

validity of the RehaGait® with a stationary treadmill and the reliability...

Effect of surgical shoes on brake response time after first metatarsal osteotomy—a prospective cohort study Our results reveal a statistically significant impairment in BRT at all postoperative

Utility of the Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (COGNISTAT) in differentiating between depressive states in late-life depression and lateonset Alzheimer’s disease: a preliminary study

measurement times when wearing the...

The first finding of this study was that late-onset AD patients suffered worse impairment of orientation and comprehension...

Genomic organization of repetitive DNAs highlights chromosomal evolution in the genus Clarias (Clariidae, Siluriformes) Karyotype variability among Clarias species Clariidae is a very well defined monophyletic family

The 10 Winter Health M yths You’ve Heard All Your Life — Debunked! Now that we’re entering the harsh winter months, we have a lot working against us: rapidly dropping temperatures,...

based on the presence of...

Gender gap closing in field of vision science, Dartmouth-Penn study finds

Study reveals why your brain makes you slip up when anxious

IMAGE:Â Dartmouth Professor Emily Cooper coauthored a new study that shows the gender gap is

As musicians, figure skaters and anyone who takes a driving test will know, the anxiety of being

shrinking in at least...

watched can have a disastrous...

Researchers find microbial heat islands in the desert

Study provides insights on sources of environmental contamination following Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

IMAGE:Â The desert outside Chandler, Ariz., shows a darkening of the biocrust (left) over its surface. view more...

Four years after Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster that led to major releases of radioactivity...

Young people after Obamacare: Some ER visits down, others way up

NSU researcher studying potential invasive species in S. Gulf of M exico

WASHINGTON –While emergency department

FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla. – In fairytales,

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visits for young adults ages 19 to 25 decreased slightly overall following...

it’s usually the damsel who is in distress. When it comes to the...

Zafgen says obesity drug succeeds in late-stage study

Physical therapy no help for Parkinson’s patients: study

(Reuters) – Zafgen Inc said its experimental

Routinely assigning people with mild to moderate

obesity drug, on complete clinical hold since last month after...

Parkinson’s disease to physical or occupational therapy...

Why you’re a jerk when you drink alcohol

Falls in stillbirth rates failing to keep pace with childhood, maternal mortality rates

It’s the excuse all rude drunks have been waiting for: You might just be wired to be a jerk when you drink alcohol....

Approximately 2.6 million babies were stillborn in

Batteries With A Less Fiery Future

An efficient approach to BAC based assembly of complex genomes

Lithium-ion batteries are extremely popular

2015, or around 7200 every day globally. Falls in stillbirth rates since...

because they are lightweight and pack a lot of power. But when they overheat,...

Determination of the optimal sequencing depth for

T cells from patients with Candida sepsis display a suppressive immunophenotype

Researchers examine effect of return policies on consumer behavior

The incidence of Candida bloodstream infection is increasing and Candida is currently one of the

BAC assembly To determine the level of sequence coverage for accurate BAC...

IMAGE:Â Ryan Freling is studying marketing in the Naveen Jindal School of Management at the University of Texas at Dallas. ...

most common nosocomial bloodstream...

Global analysis reveals why many bat populations are in decline

Airlines aren’t learning enough from near misses

Many of the 1,300 species of bat are considered to be threatened and declining. A new analysis

When it comes to flight safety, U.S. airlines are pretty good at learning from accidents. But new

reveals trends and causes...

research shows airlines...

Nanoparticles combine photodynamic and molecular therapies against pancreatic cancer

New research on inflammation and cancer: A prehistoric code regulates cell motility

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A nanoparticle drug-delivery system that combines two complementary types of anticancer treatment could improve outcomes...

Recent research demonstrates that an evolutionarily conserved molecular code, present on cell surface adhesion molecules,...

Open-source GPU could push computing power to the next level

Vaccines alliance signs $5 million advance deal for M erck’s Ebola shot

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. – Researchers at Binghamton University have become the first to use an open-source graphics processor...

4 ways to save money on your prescription medication

By Ben Hirschler and Kate Kelland DAVOS/LONDON (Reuters) – The Gavi global alliance for vaccines...

Throughout 2015, prescription drugs’ steep

Women who carry inherited fault in BRIP1 gene at higher risk of developing ovarian cancer

price increases were in the news over and over, and 2016 doesn’t...

Women who carry an inherited fault in the gene BRIP1 are over three times more likely to develop ovarian cancer than those...

Women who carry inherited fault in BRIP1 gene at higher risk of developing ovarian cancer Women who carry an inherited fault in the gene BRIP1 are over three times more likely to develop

Guess Why People M asturbated M ore Frequently in 2015 So what’s to blame/praise for the rise in selfsatisfaction? A few stab-in-the-dark guesses: Magic Mike XXL Hello,...

ovarian cancer than those...

Guess Why People M asturbated M ore Frequently in 2015

7 Totally Out-There Workouts You’ll Want to Try This M inute

So what’s to blame/praise for the rise in selfsatisfaction? A few stab-in-the-dark guesses: Magic Mike XXL Hello,...

Let the Force Be with You Calling all sci-fi fans: You can now take an actual Star Wars workout class—with a lightsaber....

7 Totally Out-There Workouts You’ll Want to Try This M inute

And the U.S. State That’s M ost into Casual Hookups Is…

Let the Force Be with You Calling all sci-fi fans: You can now take an actual Star Wars workout class—with a lightsaber....

Apparently they’re in it for the long haul in Virginia, Alabama, and New Jersey—those states were the least...

And the U.S. State That’s M ost into

Immobilization of cellulase on a silica

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Casual Hookups Is… Apparently they’re in it for the long haul in Virginia, Alabama, and New Jersey—those states were the least...

Can you estimate body composition in dogs from photographs? Animals Dogs were enrolled from referrals to the

gel substrate modified using a 3-APTES self-assembled monolayer Nitrogen adsorption analysis and enzyme loading of modified silica gel Nitrogen adsorption/desorption analysis was used to...

Influence of gestational salt restriction in fetal growth and in development of diseases in adulthood

Royal Canin Weight Management Clinic (RCWMC), University of Liverpool...

Salt is an essential nutrient for all cells and a

Immobilization of cellulase on a silica gel substrate modified using a 3-APTES self-assembled monolayer

Influence of gestational salt restriction in fetal growth and in development of diseases in adulthood

Nitrogen adsorption analysis and enzyme loading of modified silica gel Nitrogen

Salt is an essential nutrient for all cells and a reduction in salt intake results in the collapse of

adsorption/desorption analysis was used to...


Written survey on recently deceased patients in germany and switzerland: how do general practitioners see their role?

Written survey on recently deceased patients in germany and switzerland: how do general practitioners see their role?

The age and the gender of the GPs surveyed reflect

The age and the gender of the GPs surveyed reflect

the German national average and correspond also to the statistics...

the German national average and correspond also to the statistics...

Abnormal 18F-FDG uptakes in the prostate due to two different conditions of urine reflux: a mimicker of prostate cancer

Abnormal 18F-FDG uptakes in the prostate due to two different conditions of urine reflux: a mimicker of prostate cancer

It is known that the incidental focal FDG uptake lesions in the prostate are not always indicated

It is known that the incidental focal FDG uptake lesions in the prostate are not always indicated

cancer. Although...

cancer. Although...

To hear a pitter patter from afar:

To hear a pitter patter from afar:

reduction in salt intake results in the collapse of cardiovascular...

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Catching heartbeats with millimeterwave radar

Catching heartbeats with millimeterwave radar

IMAGE:Â Japanese researchers have come up with a way to measure heartbeats remotely, in real time, and under controlled...

IMAGE:Â Japanese researchers have come up with a way to measure heartbeats remotely, in real time, and under controlled...

Researchers pinpoint the drivers for low-priced PV systems in the United States

Researchers pinpoint the drivers for low-priced PV systems in the United States

Berkeley, CA — The price of solar photovoltaic

Berkeley, CA — The price of solar photovoltaic

(PV) systems installed on homes and small businesses spans a wide range,...

(PV) systems installed on homes and small businesses spans a wide range,...

Gene may be important in autism disorders, other neuropsychiatric syndromes

Gene may be important in autism disorders, other neuropsychiatric syndromes

IMAGE:Â Hakon Hakonarson, M.D., Ph.D., is the director of the Center for Applied Genomics at The

IMAGE:Â Hakon Hakonarson, M.D., Ph.D., is the director of the Center for Applied Genomics at The

Children’s Hospital...

Children’s Hospital...

Using LEGO® blocks to develop stretchable electronics

Using LEGO® blocks to develop stretchable electronics

A new article shows how toy bricks, such as LEGO® blocks, are not only for children–in the

A new article shows how toy bricks, such as LEGO® blocks, are not only for children–in the

hands of engineers,...

hands of engineers,...

Journal shares discoveries on women veterans’ long-term health outcomes

Journal shares discoveries on women veterans’ long-term health outcomes

A new supplemental issue of The Gerontologist contains 13 articles by Veterans Affairs (VA) researchers and colleagues looking...

A new supplemental issue of The Gerontologist contains 13 articles by Veterans Affairs (VA) researchers and colleagues looking...

Infant-friendly flu vaccine developed with key protein

Infant-friendly flu vaccine developed with key protein

IMAGE:Â Michael Sherman, M.D., professor emeritus in the Department of Child Health at the

IMAGE:Â Michael Sherman, M.D., professor emeritus in the Department of Child Health at the

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MU School of Medicine and...

MU School of Medicine and...

Colorado cinema killer James Holmes transferred to third prison

Colorado cinema killer James Holmes transferred to third prison

By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) – Colorado movie theater gunman James Holmes has been moved to a different...

By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) – Colorado movie theater gunman James Holmes has been moved to a different...

M ichigan governor on Flint water: ‘I let you down’

M ichigan governor on Flint water: ‘I let you down’

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

said he had failed Flint residents but pledged to take new...

said he had failed Flint residents but pledged to take new...

Johnson & Johnson to cut about 3,000 jobs in medical devices

Johnson & Johnson to cut about 3,000 jobs in medical devices

Johnson Johnson said Tuesday that it plans to cut

Johnson Johnson said Tuesday that it plans to cut

about 3,000 jobs over the next two years as the health care conglomerate...

about 3,000 jobs over the next two years as the health care conglomerate...

The Four Pillars of Longevity and WellBeing

Togetherness relieves stress in Prairie voles

by guest blogger Pam Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP,

DURHAM, N.C. — Many people feel anxious in

best-selling author and expert on health, fitness, and nutrition When...

crowds. But not so for prairie voles. When these mouse-like creatures...

Delirium is common in older gastrointestinal surgery patients

Physical attraction linked to genes that control height, study finds

A new analysis indicates that delirium commonly

Our choice of romantic partner can be determined

develops in the older patients who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery....

by genetics more than we might expect, a study suggests. Researchers have...

Watching electrons cool in 30 quadrillionths of a second RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( — Two

College students whose friends text and drive more likely to do it too, UM D study shows

University of California, Riverside assistant professors of physics are...

Texting while driving is a significant risk factor for automobile collisions, and cell phone use while

driving is especially... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Does greater scrutiny of transplant centers create disparities for the sickest patients? A new study indicates that transplant centers that receive low scores on performance evaluations

Pamela Anderson causes stir in French parliament over foie gras PARIS (Reuters) – Former Baywatch actress Pamela Anderson triggered scenes of chaos in France’s parliament...

tend to remove more patients...

What a Diet Really Looks Like From the Inside

10 Types Of Fish You Can Feel Good About Eating

Like so many of us that have become more aware of our own health and wellbeing, I took this

Lionfish are indigenous to the Indo-Pacific area. (Illustrations by John Burgoyne) By Mary Jane

knowledge and awareness...

Weedman Great:...

A(nother) Voice on M editation

M ichigan teen placed on life support after suffering toxic shock syndrome

It seems we can’t go a day without hearing something new about the health benefits of meditation. Earlier...

A Michigan family whose daughter was placed on life support after suffering toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is working to warn...

SIRIUS supports single-agent daratumumab in refractory multiple myeloma

Stem cell transplantation of neurotrophic factors shows promise in ALS

By Shreeya Nanda, Senior medwireNews Reporter

By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter

Phase II trial results show that daratumumab monotherapy elicits responses...

Mesenchymal stem cells cultured to secrete neurotrophic factors (MSC-NTFs) can...

Selexipag reduces clinical events in PAH patients

‘In A Different Key’ Traces History And Politics Of Autism

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews

i In the 1940s, a psychoanalytic approach to autism

Reporter Selexipag, alone or in combination with other classes of pulmonary arterial...

— “the refrigerator mother theoryâ€​...

7 Red Lipsticks M akeup Artists Swear By

Possibility Is Not a Promise, It’s a Call to Action

By Lisa DeSantis Finding the perfect red lipstick

One of my intuitive gifts has always been seeing

can be something of a lifelong challenge. Just

possibility. As we talk and I tune into your heart, I

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thinking about...

see what’s...

Dry Brushing Is The Age-Old Trick M odels Swear By For Smoother Skin How often should you do this treatment?

Integrative M edicine: What if Your Doctor Prescribed Actions Instead of M edications?

Everyone’s skincare types and needs are different, and this should be taken...

I spend a lot of my time thinking about ways that you can overcome illness and injury, boost your health and happiness,...

How Did He Die? Was he sick? Was it suicide? Was it a heart

B12 deficiency a concern for long-term care

attack? Overdose? Did he die instantly? Who found him? Did he have a...

A high proportion of older adults entering long-term care homes in Ontario are B12 deficient, with more developing deficiencies...

Nano-photonics meets nano-mechanics IMAGE:Â False colour scanning electronic

Dartmouth researchers explain how vestibular system influences navigation

micrograph (SEM) of hybrid graphene-NV near-field nano-optomechanical system. ...

IMAGE:Â In studying head direction cells and other neurons, Dartmouth Professor Jeffrey Taube and his colleagues have...

When older adults stop driving, they may experience health declines

Genetically modified cows may help combat bovine tuberculosis

In older adults, declining health is a major reason they stop driving. But when they stop driving, what

Researchers have used a technique called transgenic somatic cell nuclear transfer to

impact does this...

generate cattle whose cells express...

Immune 1-2-3 punch against parasites reveals potentially ancient cell death pathway

Paraguay could face threat from dengue, other fevers this year

The immune system’s killer cells deliver a tightly controlled, 3-phase knockout punch that kills intracellular parasites...

ASUNCION (Reuters) – Paraguay could face problems this year with dengue and other fevers transmitted by mosquitoes,...

Denver’s fire chief stabbed multiple times at stoplight

M ichigan governor apologizes for Flint water crisis

DENVER (Reuters) – Denver’s fire chief was

By Serena Maria Daniels LANSING, Mich (Reuters)

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stabbed multiple times on Tuesday by a woman

– Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, facing

who jumped...

protests, lawsuits...

EPA says its response to Flint water crisis too slow

‘Frozen’ M an Revived From the Brink of Death After Being Found in the Snow With No Pulse

By David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on...

A Pennsylvania man’s tale of survival is drawing attention to the dangers of cold weather exposure after a walk home...

VW picks ex-BM W manager to head brand in North America

Zika spreads to Bolivia, infecting pregnant woman

By Andreas Cremer and Jan Schwartz BERLIN (Reuters) – Volkswagen has picked ex-BMW manager...

La Paz (AFP) – A pregnant woman has been diagnosed with Zika in Bolivia, authorities said Tuesday, the first...

Zika spreads to Bolivia, infecting pregnant woman

M ichigan governor’s address to focus on Flint water crisis

La Paz (AFP) – A pregnant woman has been diagnosed with Zika in Bolivia, authorities said Tuesday, the first...

LANSING, Mich (Reuters) – Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, facing protests and lawsuits into the state’s...

M ichigan governor’s address to focus on Flint water crisis

Debt-laden Puerto Rico now has travel warning over Zika to worry about

LANSING, Mich (Reuters) – Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, facing protests and lawsuits into the state’s...

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The tourism industry in debt-burdened Puerto Rico urged precautions on Tuesday after...

Debt-laden Puerto Rico now has travel warning over Zika to worry about

EPA says response to Flint water crisis too slow

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The tourism industry in debt-burdened Puerto Rico urged precautions on Tuesday after...

By David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on...

EPA says response to Flint water crisis too slow

Warming Up in a Cold Snap

You can drink some hot cocoa. You can wear your thermal underwear, build a fire in the fireplace, do By David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) – shots of whiskey... The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL


Warming Up in a Cold Snap You can drink some hot cocoa. You can wear your thermal underwear, build a fire in the fireplace, do shots of whiskey...

U.N. seeks $1.3 billion in humanitarian funding for South Sudan NAIROBI (Reuters) – The United Nations is seeking $1.3 billion in humanitarian aid for South Sudan, where...

CDC issues guidelines for pregnant women during Zika outbreak

CDC issues guidelines for pregnant women during Zika outbreak

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention on Tuesday issued guidelines for doctors caring for pregnant women during...

Prevention on Tuesday issued guidelines for doctors caring for pregnant women during...

NREL theorizes defects could improve solar cells

US Supreme Court rejects Arkansas bid to revive abortion law

Scientists at the Energy Department’s National

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The U.S. Supreme

Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are studying what may seem paradoxical...

Court refused on Tuesday to revive an Arkansas law that would have...

High-deductible health plan enrollees aren’t shopping around

Ex-drug CEO Shkreli plans to replace lawyers

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – High-

By David Ingram NEW YORK (Reuters) – Former

deductible health insurance plans have been tied to...

drug executive Martin Shkreli plans to hire new...

Latin America’s biggest medical cannabis farm sprouts in Chile

10 Fish Species You Can Eat With a Clean Conscience

By Gram Slattery SANTIAGO (Reuters) – Latin

Lionfish are indigenous to the Indo-Pacific area.

America’s largest medicinal marijuana farm...

(Illustrations by John Burgoyne) By Mary Jane Weedman Great:...

M ysterious cancers of ‘unknown’ origin in men traced back to HPV

Cocaine can make your brain eat itself, say researchers

Some cancers are mysterious, in that doctors

Much like a rampaging zombie, brain cells on

cannot determine where they originate and how they will spread. These cancers...

cocaine can’t stop eating brains, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins...

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Researchers investigate why obesity can trigger bowel cancer

U.S. top court rejects new challenge to Obamacare

Tuesday January 19 2016 A high-calorie diet may

WASHINGTON The U.S. Supreme Court, which

cause cell damage “Excess calories ‘turn off a hormone...

delivered major rulings in 2012 and 2015 preserving President Barack Obama’s...

Families happier with less aggressive end-of-life cancer care

HIV testing uncommon in teens despite recommendations: CDC

Families may be more satisfied with end-of-life

Fewer than 1 in 4 high school students who’ve

care for loved ones dying of cancer when treatment is focused on comfort...

had sex have ever been tested for HIV. That’s according to a...

Study finds estrogen may help protect women against flu A new study suggests a protective advantage to

Aclidinium bromide in COPD: Proof of considerable added benefit for certain patients

estrogen, the quintessential female hormone that naturally circulates in women’s...

The drug aclidinium bromide (aclidinium for short; trade name: Eklira, Bretaris) has been approved since July 2012 and is...

Emotions matter — dogs view facial expressions differently

Physicists develop a cooling system for the processors of the future

A recent study from the University of Helsinki shows that the social gazing behavior of domestic

Researchers from MIPT have found a solution to the problem of overheating of active plasmonic

dogs resembles that of humans:...

components. These components...

Immunity genes could protect some from E. coli while others fall ill

M ost parents say they set limits on teen drivers — but teens don’t always think so

IMAGE:Â Ephraim Tsalik, M.D., Ph.D., is an assistant professor of medicine at Duke Health view more Credit:...

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Parents may intend to set strong limits on their teen drivers but their kids may not always be...

VW picks former BM W manager to head brand in North America: sources

Two Indian states halt sales of Roche’s Avastin drug

BERLIN (Reuters) – Volkswagen has picked former BMW manager Hinrich Woebcken to run the North American business...

By Aditya Kalra NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Two Indian states have put sales of Swiss drugmaker Roche’s...

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J&J to cut 3,000 jobs in struggling device division

High court rejects appeal over $63M judgment in M otrin case

(Reuters) – Johnson Johnson said on Tuesday it would cut about 3,000 jobs within its medical devices unit...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from the manufacturer of Children’s Motrin...

Supreme Court rejects Arkansas bid to revive abortion law

Ex-Twitter CEO Dick Costolo to start new company

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is refusing to revive an Arkansas law that would have banned abortions...

(Reuters) – Former Twitter Inc chief executive, Dick Costolo, said on Tuesday he is starting a new company...

156K chickens added to list of birds being euthanized in Indiana

M ichigan teen placed on life support after contracting toxic shock syndrome

Animal health officials investigating a bird flu strain that’s hit 10 turkey farms in southwestern Indiana have added...

A Michigan family whose daughter was placed on life support after contracting toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is working to warn...

Best way for teens to recover from overuse injuries

Is an annual physical necessary?

Last August, Garrett Tarbet, a kicker and defensive back on the varsity football team at Lakeside High School in Hot Springs,...

Every year on his wedding anniversary Louis Sinclair pays a visit to his family physician for what has become a ritual: the...

Brain training for anxiety, depression and other mental conditions

New clinical imaging method may enable doctors to tackle lung infections

A new treatment for psychiatric disorders like

A new clinical imaging method developed in

depression and anxiety uses real-time scans to show patients how their brains...

collaboration with a University of Exeter academic may enable doctors to tackle...

New study finds that living in high-rise buildings may affect survival after cardiac arrest

Prior Scientific’s OptiScan controller helps create stunning artistic designs

The number of people living in high-rise buildings

/ no comments

in rising, but along with the convenience and panoramic views of a downtown... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

What 6 Nutritionists Order at Panera But clean ingredients and all, it’s still pretty easy to go calorie crazy at Panera. Yes, we want a roll. And the...

Social Science Research Examines The Generosity Of The Wealthy Self-made billionaires are bigger philanthropists than those who inherit their wealth, research says. That might explain...

Will a cancer test backed by Gates, Bezos do the job?

Eradicating B12 deficiency for the elderly is as simple as screening for it

What if a company developed cancer-screening tests that examine minute changes in DNA to

New research published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism reveals that a high

detect the deadly disease in...

proportion of long-term care...

First study of arthropods in US homes finds huge biodiversity

Romania reopens Black Sea ports as weather improves

IMAGE:Â As part of their initiative to inventory the arthropods found in US homes, researchers found this search party...

BUCHAREST (Reuters) – Romania’s Black Sea ports including the main port of Constanta reopened on Tuesday...

World’s oldest man dies at 112 in Japan

India lifts ban on lentil linked to paralysis as M odi seeks self-sufficiency

The world’s oldest man, Yasutaro Koide, died on Tuesday at the age of 112 in central Japan, a local official...

By Krishna N. Das NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India is lifting a five-decade-old ban on a type of...

Low fiber diets: A bellwether of poor health

Russell Simmons on being a ‘Happy Vegan’

In the world of nutrition, it is difficult to study a nutrient in isolation – that is not how a real diet works. People...

Hip hop mogul Russell Simmons hardly needs an introduction — the co-founder of Def Jam records is also a largely successful...

Is caffeinated flour better for you than coffee?

Study quantifies faulty gene’s role in ovarian cancer risk

You’ve probably heard about all the research on the health perks of your morning brew. But the latest...

Intermediate magnification micrograph of a low malignant potential (LMP) mucinous ovarian tumour. HE stain. The...

Tobacco giant Philip M orris faces $2.2

Small units on a big surface = fewer

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billion Thai tax fine


Tobacco giant Philip Morris is facing an eyewatering $2.2 billion fine if found guilty of dodging

People who eat different types and brands of commonly available food items, such as pizza, are

tax on cigarette imports...

more likely to overeat than...

Touch Surgery, Enteric partner to improve safety and effectiveness of colorectal surgery

Researchers identify protein structure linked to pain and heat perception

/ no comments

Touch a hot stove, and your fingers will recoil in pain because your skin carries tiny temperature sensors that detect heat...

Combination of PARP inhibitors and cM ET may benefit breast cancer patients / no comments University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Prior Scientific’s OptiScan controller used to create stunning artistic designs / no comments

Omnicell’s revolutionary medication automation cabinet system saves cost, increases efficiency

BENEPALI granted marketing authorization in the EU for treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases

/ no comments

Biogen will manufacture and commercialize BENEPALI in the EU The joint venture between Biogen (NASDAQ: BIIB) and Samsung...

New tool puts accurate DNA analysis in fast lane

Easy Ways To Recognize And Treat Canine Arthritis

The Rice University lab of bioengineer David Zhang has created a new tool to analyze DNA “in the wildâ€​...

One of the most important parts of being a pet owner is looking out for my pet’s health and well-being.  Read...

A new method to improve the preoperative diagnosis of ovarian cancer based on ultrasound

Antivirulence antibiotics could evade resistance longer than traditional antibiotics

Intermediate magnification micrograph of a low

We’ve all seen the headlines. “Man found

malignant potential (LMP) mucinous ovarian tumour. HE stain. The...

to be shedding virulent strain of polioâ€​; “Virulent flu...

NIST researchers simulate new method

M ount Sinai Heart starts TANSNIP-PESA

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for fast, precise DNA sequencing Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have simulated a new concept for rapid, accurate...

study to determine how workplacebased lifestyle intervention reduces CV risk World-renowned cardiologist Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, Director of Mount Sinai Heart and Physicianin-Chief of The Mount Sinai...

Why It’s Not Too Late To M ake a New Year’s Resolution

Trauma transfers to a rural level 1 center: a retrospective cohort study

i We’re using social science to help our News Assistant Max Nesterak quit smoking. ...

The goal of this study was to determine whether injured patients are being transferred from referring facilities inappropriately...

Estimating the potential contribution of stroke treatments and preventative policies to reduce the stroke and ischemic heart disease mortality in Turkey up to 2032: a modelling study

Ileocecal resection for massive rectal bleeding due to Yersinia enterocolitica: a case report and review of the literature

Received: 23 September 2015 Accepted: 18 December 2015 Published:

facultative bacilli. Yersinia enterocolitica is one of the species in this genus...

Yersinia is a genus of Gram-negative aerobic

19 January 2016

In vitro antibacterial activities of ptoluenesulfonyl-hydrazinothiazoles and hydrazinoselenazoles against multidrug resistant Gram-negative phenotypes Bacterial multidrug resistance represents a major problem in the treatment of infectious diseases. In the present study,...

Size matters IMAGE:Â These findings are published in the inaugural issue of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Science. ...

Osseointegrated total hip replacement connected to a lower limb prosthesis: a proof-of-concept study with three cases We reported the feasibility of the first three attempts to combine an osseointegrated femoral implant with THR for prosthetic...

Fine-tuned test predicts risk of ovarian cancer with great precision Researchers from KU Leuven, Belgium, have improved a test for ultrasound diagnosis of ovarian tumours. Professors Dirk Timmerman...

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This Is When a Relationship Reaches Its Sexual Peak

Ask a Hot Doctor: Should I Seek Help for Occasional Anxiety Attacks?

For the study, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, researchers surveyed nearly

Meet Dr. Mikail Varshavski: The 26-year-old doctor, who was crowned People‘s “Sexiest Doctor

3,000 couples ages 25 to...

Aliveâ€​ in...

Build Your Hip and Glute Strength to Climb Like a Boss Through the Trails

Heading home after Ebola, Ivorian refugees in Liberia bear scars of war

Additionally, you’ll increase the length of your treadmill hike. Last week we did two miles, this

By Kieran Guilbert BAHN REFUGEE CAMP, Liberia (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Yamthe

week we’ll...


FDA approves redesign of endoscope tied to infections

Zika is latest mosquito-borne virus knocking on Texas’ door

Everyone knows that exercise improves health, and ongoing research continues to uncover

Another mosquito-borne illness is rapidly spreading across South and Central America, one

increasingly detailed information...

that may be linked to disturbing...

Should You Have Genetic Testing for Your Embryos? M aybe

I Thought M y Ivy League Degrees Would Protect M e From Bigotry. I Was Wrong.

Medical advances — such as genetic testing applied to reproductive medicine — offer helpful new techniques...

Recently, the wife of a prominent Boston businessman — one of my many wealthy, white patients at Massachusetts...

Untangling M yself From an Emotional Rock Bottom

Genetic determination of heightmediated mate choice

Not being able to see instant gratification from a

Genotype quality control We obtained data for

newly-incorporated healthier lifestyle can snuff out any enthusiasm...

152,736 individuals genotyped in phase 1 of the UK Biobank genotyping ...

Stent dilatation of atretic aortic coarctation in an adult-case report and literature review

Presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis in esophagus and its association with the clinicopathological characteristics and survival in patients with esophageal cancer

Due to high morbidity and mortality, the CoA should be diagnosed and corrected early in life. The common complications...

To the best of our knowledge, the composition and

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potential role of the esophageal microbiota in the patients suffering...

Patient outcomes of monotherapy with hypofractionated three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy for stage T2 or T3 non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective study This retrospective study was performed to investigate a possible a role for 3D-CRT as a

Change in trade wind inversion frequency implicated in the decline of an alpine plant Research Change in trade wind inversion frequency implicated in the decline of an alpine plant Paul...

monotherapy for patients who refuse...

5 Ways to Restore Balance in Under 5 M inutes

5 Ways to Let Go Gracefully

On the days when the alarm didn’t go off, you skipped your shower and were still late to work. On

you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let...

“In the end, only three things matter: how much

the days...

Juggling Bricks? Juggling bricks? The Practice: Step into the cloud. Why? I had a light bulb moment recently: I was feeling stressed...

Shared Decision M aking a Fantasy as Task Force Recommendations Put Women With Dense Breast Tissue at Risk for Undetected Cancers Despite touting the importance of shared decision making and empowering patients with information about benefits...

It’s Not ‘Just’ a Concussion In a society where the result of a severe bump on the head is often overlooked, misdiagnosed, and misunderstood,...

How to Keep Your Pet Safe and Warm in Cold Weather 1. Take your pet for a wellness exam. I recommend twice-yearly veterinary exams for all pets, and especially seniors,...

Untangling M yself From an Emotional Rock Bottom Not being able to see instant gratification from a newly-incorporated healthier lifestyle can snuff out any enthusiasm...

Call to Action: Appreciate Your Partner! In relationships, the tendency to criticize and search for shortcomings in our partner can often supersede all other...

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Study eyes candy-flavored e-cigarette ads targeted to kids

ACP and CDC issue advice for prescribing antibiotics

Ads featuring e-cigarettes with flavors like

Philadelphia, January 19, 2016 — In a paper

chocolate or bubble gum appear to increase kids’ interest in buying and...

published today in Annals of Internal Medicine, the American College of...

ACP, CDC offer advice on prescribing antibiotics for common illnesses

Zika virus scare spreads as Brazil gears up for Carnival, Olympics

1. ACP and CDC advise physicians to think twice

By Paulo Prada RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) –

before prescribing antibiotics for common respiratory infections Antibiotics...

Olympic and tourism officials in Brazil downplayed...

Women may have better flu defenses

Nonverbal cues may reveal a physician’s racial bias

The female sex hormone estrogen has anti-viral effects against the influenza A virus, commonly known as the flu, a new...

Sophisticated simulation techniques typically used for medical training could provide a powerful way of examining interactions...

US ban on gun research continues despite deadly shootings

Immune M onitoring Technology Primer: protein microarray (‘seromics’)

(HealthDay)—Mass shootings have prompted

Protein microarrays are used to identify targets of

agony, anger and angst in the United States, causing citizens to ask why...

drugs, small molecules, and enzyme substrates that may be modified...

Novel technologies and emerging biomarkers for personalized cancer immunotherapy

Should salvage surgery be considered for local recurrence after definitive chemoradiation in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer?

Emerging biomarkers for CTLA-4 immune checkpoint blockade immunotherapy Immune checkpoint blockade has led to durable antitumor...

The rates of local NSCLC recurrence after definitive CRT are even as high as 85Â % at 1Â year 17], 18]. Pain,...

Efficacy and feasibility of ambulatory treatment-based monthly nedaplatin plus S-1 in definitive or salvage concurrent chemoradiotherapy for early, advanced, and relapsed

DKK1 expression by synovial fibroblasts in very early rheumatoid arthritis associates with lymphocyte adhesion in an in vitro flow co-culture system

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esophageal cancer

Patients Synovial tissue samples were obtained by

A combination of radiation therapy (RT) with chemotherapy for esophageal cancer in

ultrasound-guided biopsy 13], 14] from patients recruited into the Birmingham...

randomized trials has been used...

When Your Knees Hit the Floor: Dealing With Guilt After a Suicide

Is Bipolar Still in Disorder Really the Best We Can Do?

Since writing a book about losing my brother to suicide, I’ve had the privilege of talking to a

A common refrain in the bipolar disorder community is, “I’m doing the best I can.â€​

couple of...

Every time...

Does Personal Training Work?

15 New Years Resolutions Happy Couples M ake

One of your New Year’s Resolutions involves getting in shape! You’re not sure how to proceed and you’re...

If you want a healthier year in your relationship, you need to start with clear intentions. Without a clear vision-...

The 2 Types of People to Eliminate From Your Life Forever

Travel warning issued for pregnant women amid Zika outbreak

They may be sipping coffee in the desk across from you, lurking in your corner of the classroom or occupying the...

There is a growing outbreak of a mosquito-borne virus called Zika virus. The infection has been linked to birth defects,...

To clean up ocean plastics focus on coasts, not the Great Pacific garbage patch

Study quantifies faulty gene’s role in ovary cancer risk

The most efficient way to clean up ocean plastics and avoid harming ecosystems is to place plastic collectors near coasts,...

Paris (AFP) – Women who carry an inherited fault in the BRIP1 gene are three times more likely to develop...

M ore than 7,000 babies stillborn every day

Khloe Kardashian Talks About Scott Disick’s Alarming Call

Paris (AFP) – About 7,200 babies are stillborn

Disick has openly struggled with substance abuse

every day — some 2.6 million per year — and...

and had a penchant for partying in the past. The 32-year-old reality...

Khloe Kardashian Talks About Scott

Portland State freshman linebacker

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Disick’s Alarming Call

dies suddenly

Disick has openly struggled with substance abuse

PORTLAND, Ore. — Portland State is mourning

and had a penchant for partying in the past. The 32-year-old reality...

the sudden death of a freshman linebacker. AJ Schlatter died Sunday night,...

Portland State freshman linebacker dies suddenly

Study questions link between teen pot smoking and IQ harm

PORTLAND, Ore. — Portland State is mourning

A new analysis is challenging the idea that

the sudden death of a freshman linebacker. AJ Schlatter died Sunday night,...

smoking marijuana during adolescence can lead to declines in intelligence. Instead,...

Study questions link between teen pot smoking and IQ harm

Lyme disease-carrying ticks spread to half of U.S. counties

A new analysis is challenging the idea that smoking marijuana during adolescence can lead

Ticks that transmit Lyme disease have significantly spread across the United States over the past 20

to declines in intelligence. Instead,...

years, according to...

Lyme disease-carrying ticks spread to half of U.S. counties

Why Spiderman can’t exist: Geckos are ‘size limit’ for sticking to walls

Ticks that transmit Lyme disease have significantly spread across the United States over the past 20

Latest research reveals why geckos are the largest animals able to scale smooth vertical walls –

years, according to...

even larger climbers...

Why Spiderman can’t exist: Geckos are ‘size limit’ for sticking to walls

First lady, school meal directors may be headed for truce

Latest research reveals why geckos are the largest animals able to scale smooth vertical walls –

WASHINGTON (AP) — A bipartisan Senate bill released Monday would revise healthier meal

even larger climbers...

standards put into...

Sleeping in on weekends may help reduce diabetes risk

First lady, school meal directors may be headed for truce

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Getting too little sleep during the week can increase some...

WASHINGTON (AP) — A bipartisan Senate bill released Monday would revise healthier meal standards put into...

Study questions link between teen pot smoking and IQ decline

Study questions link between teen pot smoking and IQ decline

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NEW YORK (AP) — A new analysis is challenging the idea that smoking marijuana during

NEW YORK (AP) — A new analysis is challenging the idea that smoking marijuana during

adolescence can lead...

adolescence can lead...

Jamaica advises women to delay pregnancy due to Zika virus

Jamaica advises women to delay pregnancy due to Zika virus

KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — Jamaica’s health minister is advising women to delay plans to

KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — Jamaica’s health minister is advising women to delay plans to

become pregnant...

become pregnant...

Letter from Granizal, Colombia, To The World…And Back

Letter from Granizal, Colombia, To The World…And Back

By Nicole Espy, Alexandra Montoya, Manasi Sharma, and Liliana Taramuel Graphic depicting

By Nicole Espy, Alexandra Montoya, Manasi Sharma, and Liliana Taramuel Graphic depicting

the cycle of incorporating...

the cycle of incorporating...

A healthy diet could be the key to more restorative sleep

A healthy diet could be the key to more restorative sleep

An American study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has found that what we eat

An American study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has found that what we eat

can influence the...

can influence the...

Community-based clinic volunteering: an evaluation of the direct and indirect effects on the experience of health science college students

M ethotrexate and actinomycin D chemotherapy in a patient with porphyria: a case report

The results of the present study can be better understood within the broader framework of the exchange theory that...

A 49-year-old Japanese woman (gravida 4, para 3) was diagnosed with AIP at the age of 27. Our patient had repeatedly...

I’m a Yogi, and I Eat M eat

9 Ways To Boost Your M etabolism

Once upon a time, many years ago, in far off India, I worked as a sort of governess/one-room schoolhouse teacher...

Ever notice how some people can seemingly shed pounds with ease or consume weekly containers of Ben Jerry’s without...

Plants Not Transplants: Oscar M unoz, Please Help Us

Very Important Life Lessons From Cats

If you want to live your best life, take a cue from your cat. Our feline companions have it all worked out. Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

The good news was announced this week that

They know...

CEO of United Continental Holdings Inc. Oscar Munoz underwent a heart...


Tiny electronic implants monitor brain injury, then melt away

When we have the flu, a fever, or other physical

IMAGE: This is an artist’s rendering of the

ailment, or are diagnosed with a serious disease like cancer or...

brain sensor and wireless transmitter monitoring a rat’s...

Living in high-rise buildings associated with lower survival rates from cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrests in high-rise buildings: Low survival rates above 3rd floor

IMAGE:Â A new study found that survival rates from cardiac arrest decrease the higher up the building

rates from cardiac arrests if they lived on the first few floors, and...

Residents of high-rise buildings had better survival

a person lives....

Researchers uncover core set of genes for plant-fungal symbiosis

Two medical colleagues duel over Sumner Redstone’s mental fitness

IMAGE:Â A fungus forms a microscopic, tree-like arbuscule inside a plant root cell, which enables

By Lisa Richwine and Dan Levine (Reuters) – Doctors Stephen Read and James Spar are

the fungus to transfer...


Limiting infants to almond milk can result in scurvy

The Surprising Link Between Road Rage And How Long You’ll Live

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – Plant-based beverages like almond milk can’t be...

Next time someone cuts you off or honks at you, you might want to take a deep breath and think hard before reacting. A new...

Cardiac arrest survival gets less likely the higher up you live

Ticks carrying Lyme disease in almost half of U.S. counties

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – In a study of residential high-rise buildings, people who...

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Ticks that can spread Lyme disease now live in almost half...

Argentina’s M acri will attend Davos forum despite cracked rib

Ticks carrying Lyme disease in almost half of US counties

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – Mauricio Macri will

Ticks that can spread Lyme disease now live in

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make his international debut as president of

almost half of U.S. counties, according to a new

Argentina at the...

study from the Centers for...

M ore Than 100 People Quarantined After Sierra Leone Ebola Death

Trader Joe’s Recalls Cashews Over Potential Salmonella Contamination

More than 100 people have been quarantined in Sierra Leone after coming in contact with a woman

Salmonella is a bacteria that can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps between 12 and 72

who died of Ebola last week,...

hours after infection, according...

How Your TV Choices At The Gym Affect Your Workout

Living Near A Highway Linked To This Common Health Problem

Do you tune into “Keeping Up With The Kardashiansâ€​ when you’re sweating on the

Women who live close to major highways where the air is polluted by traffic exhaust fumes may be

stairclimber, or do you...

slightly more likely to...

How to Stop Thinking During M editation: 10 Tips to Calm in 10 M inutes

3 Tips to Beat Blue M ondays

Have you tried meditation only to get frustrated because you can’t stop thinking or worrying? Maybe you...

classic 80s single...

Hawaii baby born with brain damage linked to Zika virus

Is it OK to snuggle your pet when you’re sick?

Health officials say a baby born in a Hawaii hospital is the first in the United States born with Zika virus. The U.S. Centers...

Cuddling with your dog or cat when you have a cold or flu is safe for both of you, an infectious-disease expert says. Your...

Rare case of scurvy seen in infant fed almond milk

14 million people face hunger in southern Africa: UN

In a rare case, an 11-month-old infant in Spain developed scurvy because the only food he ate was an almond-based baby formula...

Johannesburg (AFP) – Around 14 million people across southern Africa face going hungry after a prolonged...

M indfulness: An Holistic Approach to Business

Germany to revive state guarantees for exports to Iran after sanctions lifted

What is Blue Monday? When I mention Blue Monday, I’m not talking about the fantastic and

The Academi of Life set up an amazing conference BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany plans to revive a few months ago. Renewal Organized was about state export guarantees for companies that want to Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL


do business...

No reason to stop drug trials despite death: French minister

Pregnant women should consult doctors on Brazil travel -ministry

Paris (AFP) – There is no reason to stop

SAO PAULO (Reuters) – Brazil’s health

medicine trials in France, the country’s health minister...

ministry said on Monday pregnant women should consult their...

Bend and a beer: Yoga classes and craft breweries team up

Woman gives birth to baby boy on board Queen M ary 2

Call it detox and retox: Around the country, yogis are

The world’s largest ocean liner docked in

jumping up from savasana and hopping onto a barstool as yoga classes...

Brooklyn on Sunday with precious cargo — an infant born aboard. A...

UT Southwestern pediatric researchers identify key trigger of neonatal lung disease

UGA study helps solve mystery of how African trypanosomes communicate

Pediatric researchers at UT Southwestern Medical

trypanosomes cause sleeping sickness, they’ve been left scratching...

Center have identified a key component of the pathogenesis of bronchopulmonary...

While scientists have known for years that African

Less physically mature ice hockey players have significantly increased risk of prolonged concussion symptoms

Taking up new mental challenges may help maintain cognitive vitality

A study led by a Hasbro Children’s Hospital sports medicine physician found that male student

growing numbers of aged adults is how to maintain a healthy aging mind....

One of the greatest challenges associated with the

ice hockey players in...

Confessions Of A Fitbit Fanatic Last night as I was polishing off a pint of Ben Jerry’s Chunky Monkey and a couple of leftover

What It’s Really Like Having An Eating Disorder — Bingeing, Purging And Feeling Like A Fraud

holiday cookies,... A very good friend, whose daughter happens to be bulimic, asked me how I would describe binge behavior....

"Spermbots": Tiny motors could help sperm swim

New app can help doctors predict risk of preterm birth

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Could “spermbotsâ€​ someday revolutionize

A new app called QUiPP could help doctors to

infertility treatments? A German research team has developed tiny motors...

better identify women at risk of giving birth prematurely. The app, developed...

Thwarting abnormal neural development with a new mutation

Cancer doctor thanks Bowie for helping people face death

IMAGE:Â Axons were transfected with (A) wild-type ?

LONDON (AP) — A British doctor who works with

3-tubulin, (B) R262 mutant ?3-tubulin, and (C) R262 mutant ?3-tubulin...

terminally ill people has thanked David Bowie for helping open...

The Toll That 45 Years Of Bulimia Has Taken On M y Life

Five starve, dozens more at risk, in Syria’s besieged M adaya: U.N. A very good friend, whose daughter

GENEVA (Reuters) – Five people have starved to

happens to be bulimic, asked me how I would describe binge behavior....

death in the last week in the Syrian town of Madaya, where...

Breed-your-own insect ‘revolution’ for the kitchen

5 health foods that aren’t worth the money

Vienna (AFP) – A seething mass of larvae in the

There’s a special kind of pain you feel when

kitchen is not everyone’s cup of tea, particularly...

you turn over a bag of kale chips at the health food store and realize...

Newlyweds who survived Boston bombings reflect on injuries, healing

11 surprising ways to prevent a heart attack

At the 2013 Boston Marathon, Patrick Downes and

Chances are you’re still riding the New

Jess Kensky, newlyweds and avid runners who lived nearby in Cambridge, Massachusetts,...

Year’s high and you’re motivated and committed to eating healthy...

Innovative microfiber pad could improve diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection in infants and elderly patients

Gene linked to autism lays groundwork for crucial brain structure during prenatal development

Contamination of urine samples from infants and the elderly is so common that physicians often

A gene linked to mental disorders helps lays the foundation for a crucial brain structure during

needlessly prescribe broad-spectrum...

prenatal development, according...

Eisai’s lenvatinib sNDA receives FDA Priority Review for potential treatment of patients with advanced

Granulomatous hypophysitis: experience with eight surgical cases of a single center

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RCC Posted in: Medical Condition News | Pharmaceutical News Tags: Abdominal Pain, Alzheimer’s Disease, Angiogenesis,

Clinical profile The cohort included two men and six women with the mean (±SD) age of 36?±? 12.1 years (range...


Epidural spinal cord compression as initial clinical presentation of an acute myeloid leukaemia: case report and literature review The spinal cord compression revealing acute myeloid leukaemia is unusual. Nine cases have been reported from 2005...

Report identifies positive news on kidney disease in the US, yet challenges remain ANN ARBOR, Mich. – The annual data report from the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) reveals both positive and...

Seeing where energy goes may bring scientists closer to realizing nuclear fusion

Sanders lashes out at Clinton in contentious Democratic debate

An international team of researchers has taken a step toward achieving controlled nuclear

CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) – Democratic White House candidate...

By John Whitesides and Amanda Becker

fusion–a process that powers...

Knowledge of physicians on chronic kidney disease and their attitudes towards referral, in two cities of Cameroon: a cross-sectional study

Stress distribution patterns at miniimplant site during retraction and intrusion—a three-dimensional finite element study

We have found in this study that less than three quarters (58.8Â %) of the physicians interviewed were able to...

Various kinds of mini-implants have been used for orthodontic anchorage reinforcement ever since Kanomi et al. 13]...

Efficacious and safe orotracheal intubation for laboratory mice using slim torqueable guidewire-based technique: comparisons between a modified and a conventional method

M ultiphoton imaging of myogenic differentiation in gelatin-based hydrogels as tissue engineering scaffolds

Tracheal intubation of laboratory mice before proceeding to open-chest surgery remains an

Research article Effects of Collagen Grafting on Cell Behaviors in BCP Scaffold with Interconnected...

essential yet challenging... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

The ins and outs of muscle stem cell aging Muscle stem cell function and the aging environment The influence of the extrinsic environment on the efficiency of the...

Clinton goes on offense against Sanders at Democratic debate By John Whitesides and Amanda Becker CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) – U.S. Democratic presidential...

Assessing methanotrophy and carbon fixation for biofuel production by M ethanosarcina acetivorans Methane, the second most important greenhouse gas, is regulated primarily by microbial processes [1]. A renewed interest...

Paraneoplastic syndrome – unresponsive systemic hypertension and fever as expression of primitive ciliary body carcinoma in a blind painful eye: a case report Paraneoplastic syndromes may be the first signs of malignancy. They are defined as systemic tumor-associated signs...

In pursuit of objective dry eye screening clinical techniques

Association between dental amalgam fillings and Alzheimer’s disease

Clinical investigative techniques for the evaluation of dry eye The importance of proper and timely distinction between healthy...

Sun et al. 1] evaluated the association between dental amalgam fillings and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in a...

Primary spinal cord oligodendroglioma: a case report and review of the literature

A longitudinal genome-wide association study of anti-tumor necrosis factor response among Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis

A 46-year-old male was presented with progressive neck pain for a year. The symptoms began without any antecedent...

This is the first GWAS investigating genetic

The 62 Richest People On Earth Now Hold As M uch Wealth As The Poorest 3.5 Billion

Ads for candy-flavored e-cigarettes could encourage vaping among school children

The wealth of the richest 62 has increased an astonishing 44 percent since 2010, to $1.76 trillion.

Advertisements featuring e-cigarettes with flavours such as chocolate and bubble gum are more likely

Meanwhile, the wealth...

to attract school children...

biomarkers of response to anti-TNF therapy in Japanese patients with...

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Sanders releases universal healthcare plan before Democratic debate

Tightening Clinton-Sanders battle raises stakes for Democratic debate

By Amanda Becker CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters)

By John Whitesides and Amanda Becker

– U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie...

CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) – Tightening polls and rising...

Jesse Jackson says Flint residents ‘betrayed’ by water crisis

SLeone puts over 100 people in quarantine after new Ebola death

(Reuters) – Rev. Jesse Jackson said on Sunday that Flint, Michigan is a “disaster zoneâ€​ and

West Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia are most at risk from bat viruses ‘spilling


over’ into humans...

M an dies after taking part in botched French clinical trial

Hawaii reports first US case of Zikalinked brain damage

French Health Minister Marisol Touraine, left, and Professor Gilles Edan, the chief neuroscientist at

The United States has reported its first case of a newborn suffering from brain damage linked to the

Rennes Hospital,...

mosquito-borne Zika...

French volunteer dies in trial of cannabis-inspired drug

11 Tweaks to Your M orning Routine Will M ake Your Entire Day M ore Productive

PARIS – A man died in a French hospital Sunday after taking part in a drug trial for a painkiller based

I don’t know anyone who couldn’t use a little boost in their energy and self-control.

on a compound...


Thousands brave cold to attend Chicago anti-abortion march

Bernie Sanders To Release M edical Records After Pressure From Clinton Ally

By Renita D. Young and Mary Wisniewski CHICAGO (Reuters) – Thousands braved bitter cold temperatures for...

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he will make his medical health records available to the public, as is tradition for those...

M an dies after being left brain-dead in French drug trial

World Health Organization hopes to eradicate polio in 2016

Rennes (France) (AFP) – A man who was left brain-dead after suffering serious side-effects during a drugs...

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — An official says the World Health Organization hopes to eradicate polio in 2016, after...

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What’s Being Done To Address The Country’s Backlog Of Untested Rape Kits

M GH researchers find how metformin drug prevents progression of pancreatic cancer

i In his State of the State address on Monday,

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey announced his plan to create a task...

investigators may have uncovered a novel mechanism behind the ability of the diabetes...

Large-scale clinical trial to evaluate dengue vaccine launched in Brazil A large-scale clinical trial to evaluate whether a

Study reveals how imbalance of omega3 fatty acids affects brain development in offspring

candidate vaccine can prevent the mosquito-borne illness dengue fever...

/ no comments Tohoku University health No Related Posts

Researchers find association between obesity and VTE in pediatric populations

Novartis announces FDA approval of Cosentyx for treatment of adult patients with AS and PsA

/ no comments Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Posted in: Medical Condition News |

health No Related Posts

Pharmaceutical News Tags: Anaphylaxis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Antibody, Arthritis, Bone,...

The Truth About How to Become a M orning Person

10 Tips to Get the M ost Out of Light Therapy

By Brian Sabin The ringing of an alarm clock can

It’s not just the cold weather that is making you

be a dreadful sound, aggressively yanking people out of a deep...

sluggish and want to hunker down at home on the couch...

Ebola Is Over, But Could It Happen Again?

French drug trial volunteer dies: hospital

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — The World Health

RENNES, France (Reuters) – A man left brain

Organization announced Thursday that the world’s biggest-ever Ebola...

dead after a drug trial in northwest France died on Sunday, said...

Phones And Bedrooms Just Don’t M ix. I Learned That The Hard Way.

Porsch, Piech families support embattled Volkswagen CEO: sources

Day 5, Monday I seemed to have weakened my

BERLIN (Reuters) – The Porsche-Piech family

hold on this practice, as I found myself walking outside my bedroom after going...

clan, which control a majority of the voting rights in Volkswagen...

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Jesse Jackson to speak at rally about contaminated Flint, M ichigan water

M ore than 7,000 expected at Chicago anti-abortion march

By Serena Maria Daniels FLINT, Mich. (Reuters)

By Mary Wisniewski and Renita D. Young

– Civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson is...

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Anti-abortion organizers expect more than 7,000...

10 ways to have a healthy pregnancy if you’re overweight

?Digging for seeds of truth in GM O debate

Every woman wants to have a healthy pregnancy,

By some estimates, 80 percent of all processed

but being obese puts moms and their babies at an increased risk for a host...

foods — cereals, baby formula, canned soups and more — contain...

M an dies after taking part in French drug trial

M ore than 100 people quarantined after Sierra Leone Ebola death

PARIS (AP) — A man died in a French hospital Sunday after taking part in a drug trial for a

By Umaru Fofana FREETOWN (Reuters) – More than 100 people have been quarantined in Sierra

painkiller based...


Snowstorm wreaks havoc in Romania and Bulgaria, ports closed

Volunteer dies after troubles with French drug trial

BUCHAREST (Reuters) – Heavy snowfall and strong winds closed Romania’s Black Sea

PARIS –  One patient is dead after taking part in an experimental drug trial at a French hospital, and

ports including the...

five other...

The Secrets To Actually Being Happy On Vacation

Snowstorm wreaks havoc in Romania, ports closed

You deserve a vacation. Honest. Research shows 40 percent of Americans are either too scared or

BUCHAREST (Reuters) – Romania closed its Black Sea ports including the main port of

too stressed to use their...

Constanta and shut dozens...

First US case of Zika virus reported in Hawaii

How Olympic champ Dorothy Hamill’s greatest victory came outside the rink

HONOLULU –  A baby born in an Oahu hospital has tested positive for the mosquito-borne Zika virus. Health officials...

Forty years ago, a 19-year-old figure skater became a pop-culture icon overnight when she won gold at the 1976 Winter Olympics. Known...

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Obama declares emergency in M ichigan over bad water: White House

Turkeys test positive for bird flu at nine Indiana farms

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack

HUNTINGBURG, Ind. –  Turkeys tested positive

Obama declared a state of emergency in Michigan on Saturday...

for bird flu at nine more Indiana farms near the location where authorities...

Unintended pregnancy, contraceptive use, and childbearing desires among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women in Botswana: across-sectional study

Effectiveness of a behavioral incentive scheme linked to goal achievement: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

This is the first published data on unintended pregnancy, contraceptive use and HIV serostatus in Botswana, a country where...

Study design The study is a cluster RCT (Fig. 1) delivered within the context of the existing Go4Fun program with 10 week,...

Effectiveness of a behavioral incentive scheme linked to goal achievement: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Combining motivational and volitional approaches to reducing excessive alcohol consumption in pre-drinkers: a theory-based intervention protocol

Study design The study is a cluster RCT (Fig. 1)

Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with

delivered within the context of the existing Go4Fun program with 10 week,...

increased risk of acute (e.g., accidental injury) and chronic (e.g., cardiovascular...

Is adjunctive pharmacotherapy in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder cost-effective in Canada: a costeffectiveness assessment of guanfacine extended-release as an adjunctive therapy to a long-acting stimulant for the treatment of ADHD

An ectopic adreocortical adenoma of the renal sinus: a case report and literature review Ectopic adrenal tissue is estimated to occur in about 1Â % of the adult population and up to 50Â % of neonates [3]. It...

This economic evaluation indicates that, compared to long-acting stimulants as monotherapy, GXR as an adjunctive therapy...

Hawaii Baby Contracts The First Case Of Zika Virus In The U.S.

Pregnant women warned about Zika virus

The Hawaii mother and baby are not infectious according to the state’s Department of Health,

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is out with a warning for pregnant women: Do not

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so there is no risk of...

travel to certain places...

Singer Celine Dion’s brother dies days after death of her husband

Sierra Leone puts over 100 people in quarantine after new Ebola death

By Laila Kearney NEW YORK (Reuters) – The 59year-old brother of award-winning Canadian

Freetown (AFP) – Sierra Leone’s government on Saturday urged the public not to panic as it



California officials delay plans to mitigate massive gas leak

Samsung Bioepis’ Enbrel drug copy gets EU approval

By Phoenix Tso LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Southern California air quality officials on Saturday...

SEOUL (Reuters) – Samsung Bioepis Co Ltd said on Sunday it had received European Commission approval for...

8 Tips to Help You Avoid First-Date Awkwardness

?Obama signs emergency order over Flint water crisis

“I’ve always felt the best way to deal with first-date awkwardness is to acknowledge and accept that first...

FLINT, Mich. — President Obama signed an emergency declaration Saturday for Flint, Michigan, that clears the way for...

Baby born in Hawaii with brain damage confirmed to have Zika infection

Obama declares emergency over foul water in M ichigan

By Dan Whitcomb (Reuters) – A baby born with brain damage at a hospital in Oahu, Hawaii, has...

Washington (AFP) – US President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in Michigan on Saturday, freeing...

Your Sh*t M ight Not Stink in the Future: An Odor-Free Toilet Is in the Works

Your Sh*t M ight Not Stink in the Future: An Odor-Free Toilet Is in the Works

A British university is developing an innovative toilet that could change the way we all take dumps in a serious way. That’s...

A British university is developing an innovative toilet that could change the way we all take dumps in a serious way. That’s...

Do the Dumbbell Snatch for a M ean Total-Body Workout

Do the Dumbbell Snatch for a M ean Total-Body Workout

Join the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make your weekend workouts...

Join the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make your weekend workouts...

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Can You Actually Cure Your Hiccups?

Can You Actually Cure Your Hiccups?

“Hiccup bouts are usually caused by your stomach getting too inflated too quickly from

“Hiccup bouts are usually caused by your stomach getting too inflated too quickly from

overeating or even carbonated...

overeating or even carbonated...

Bernie Sanders Demands Resignation Of M ichigan Governor Over Flint Water Crisis

Bernie Sanders Demands Resignation Of M ichigan Governor Over Flint Water Crisis

But Sanders, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, said on Saturday that an apology wasn’t enough. “There...

But Sanders, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, said on Saturday that an apology wasn’t enough. “There...

Training taste buds to detect fat could help fight obesity

Training taste buds to detect fat could help fight obesity

A team of researchers think they may have found a

A team of researchers think they may have found a

new method to help combat the rising levels of obesity, by training...

new method to help combat the rising levels of obesity, by training...

Obama declares emergency in M ichigan over bad water

Obama declares emergency in M ichigan over bad water

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack

Obama declared a state of emergency in Michigan on Saturday...

Obama declared a state of emergency in Michigan on Saturday...

Happy People Tend To Value Time Over M oney

Pregnant Women Shouldn’t Travel To Countries With Zika Virus, CDC Says

To figure this out, researchers from the University

People traveling to Central America and South

of British Columbia surveyed working American adults, students at the...

America, as well as some islands in the Caribbean, should take special precautions...

It’s The Beginning Of The End For M eat Raised With Antibiotics

5 Awesome Questions to Ask Yourself in 2016

As Levy explained, these results did not square

Heels or flats? Sushi or sandwich? Subway or

with the prevailing beliefs about bacteria and resistance at the time. “It...

cab? Life is full of small questions. I love questions! In fact I...

Zika virus: US issues travel warning for

M ore Bad News For Coal M ine-Reliant

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pregnant women


The United States warned pregnant women Friday

On Friday, the Obama administration announced a

to avoid travel to 14 countries and territories in the Caribbean and Latin...

halt to new coal leases on federal land. In Wyoming, most of the federally-owned...

Flint Combats Lead-Contaminated Water Effects On Child Development

U.N. says has reports of starvation in Syria’s besieged Deir Al-Zor

Pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha discovered alarming levels of lead in the drinking water of Flint,

By Tom Miles GENEVA (Reuters) – Unverified reports say 15 to 20 people died of starvation in...

Mich. NPR’s Scott...

Three probes launched into tragic France drug trial

In Flint, M ichigan, daily life revolves around lead fears

Rennes (France) (AFP) – French authorities launched three investigations Saturday at a

FLINT, Mich. (AP) — The longest line at Freeman Elementary School’s Family Fun Night was not

research laboratory...

for face...

Flint Combats Lead-Contaminated Water Effects On Child Development

Autoantibody signatures defined by serological proteome analysis in sera from patients with cholangiocarcinoma

Pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha discovered alarming levels of lead in the drinking water of Flint, Mich. NPR’s Scott...

The design of the study is summarized in Fig. 1. Briefly, sera from a pool of ten normal subjects, and from eight patients...

To Cure Cancer, Biden Says Have To Overcome ‘Cancer Politics’

38 popular diets ranked from best to worst

WASHINGTON (AP) — Four weeks after announcing he wouldn’t run for president, Joe

Happy New Year’s resolution time! Are you looking to change up the way you eat? Well,

Biden returned to the world-renowned...

you’re not without choices,...

How This Fast Food and Red Bull Lover Finally Found Healthy Habits That Stuck

Seriously, Though, Why Is It So Hard to Cut Exes Out of Our Lives?

The Lifestyle Before I got pregnant, I was a big drinker and ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I also travel a...

Manhattan-based licensed clinical psychologist Joseph Cilona, Psy.D. isn’t shocked by the findings. “Post-breakup...

How to Create a Custom Eye Shadow

Arianna Huffington’s 5 Secrets To

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Palette That’s Totally You

Thriving At Work

“Pro palettes are great because they allow you to customize your own kit, using any brand you want,â€​ says Lauren...

This story is part of our monthlong “Work Wellâ€​ initiative, which focuses on thriving in the workplace. You can...

5 Rules I Break As a Food and Body Image Coach

ICYM I: How To Spot A Liar And Why ‘Curing Cancer’ Is M isleading

When I tell people I’m a food and body image

ICYMI Health features what we’re reading this

coach who helps women find peace, sanity and freedom around...

week. This week, we learned how to spot the seemingly invisible. First,...

Brazil to fund development of vaccine for Zika virus

5 Rules I Break As A Food And Body Image Coach

SAO PAULO (AP) — The Brazilian government

When I tell people I’m a food and body image

announced it will direct funds to a biomedical research center...

coach who helps women find peace, sanity and freedom around...

Zika virus: US issues travel warning for pregnant women

Ecuador hit with first Zika virus cases

The United States warned pregnant women Friday to avoid travel to 14 countries and territories in the Caribbean and Latin...

The Brazilian health ministry confirmed Saturday that there was a link between cases of microcephaly, a head deformity, in...

Carbon dioxide dialysis in a swine model utilizing systemic and regional anticoagulation

1 man brain dead, 5 others hospitalized in French drug trial

This in vivo study was conducted at the Department

others faced possible permanent brain damage after volunteering...

of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Experimental Laboratory, Maastricht...

We’re Salivating Over These Creamy (Yet Still Healthy) No-Bake Desserts That’s why Danielle Walker, the woman behind the food blog Against All Grain and New York

PARIS (AP) — One man was brain dead and three

President Obama Weighs in on the Problem with Tampons President Obama’s response to Ingrid was totally spot on: “I have to tell you, I have no idea why states would...

Times bestselling book...

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Cosmetic Surgery Performed on Young People Has Spiked

Turkish soldier dies after clashes with Kurdish militants

The report, which polled 2,500 facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons around the world, also

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) – A Turkish soldier died early on Saturday from wounds

discovered that celebrities...

sustained during clashes...

Chia seeds: The anti-inflammatory superfood

Chia seeds: The anti-inflammatory superfood

When it comes to mainstream foods and beverages, chia seeds are a relatively new

When it comes to mainstream foods and beverages, chia seeds are a relatively new

ingredient in the marketplace. I was introduced...

ingredient in the marketplace. I was introduced...

5 Awesome Questions to Ask Yourself in 2016

Dengue fever prompts Hawaii campground, trail, road closures

Heels or flats? Sushi or sandwich? Subway or cab? Life is full of small questions. I love

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii officials closed a Big Island road, campground and hiking trail in an

questions! In fact I...

effort to stop...

Dengue fever prompts Hawaii campground, trail, road closures HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii officials closed a Big Island road, campground and hiking trail in an

An acetyl-L-carnitine switch on mitochondrial dysfunction and rescue in the metabolomics study on aluminum oxide nanoparticles

effort to stop...

Nanomaterials and animals Al2 O3 NPs were purchased from Plasmachem GmbH, Germany (99.8Â % purity). The...

An acetyl-L-carnitine switch on mitochondrial dysfunction and rescue in the metabolomics study on aluminum oxide nanoparticles Nanomaterials and animals Al2 O3 NPs were purchased from Plasmachem GmbH, Germany

Policing, massive street drug testing and poly-substance use chaos in Georgia – a policy case study The drug control regime in Georgia has been focusing primarily on law enforcement measures to target supply and...

(99.8Â % purity). The...

Policing, massive street drug testing and poly-substance use chaos in Georgia – a policy case study

Several wall-associated kinases participate positively and negatively in basal defense against rice blast fungus

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The drug control regime in Georgia has been focusing primarily on law enforcement measures to target supply and...

Plants have evolved the ability to detect potentially pathogenic microorganisms via pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs)...

Several wall-associated kinases participate positively and negatively in basal defense against rice blast fungus

Predictors of increasing injury severity across suspected recurrent episodes of non-accidental trauma: a retrospective cohort study

Plants have evolved the ability to detect potentially pathogenic microorganisms via pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs)...

Many children who are victims of NAT may not

Predictors of increasing injury severity across suspected recurrent episodes of non-accidental trauma: a retrospective cohort study

Frequency of bone mineral density testing in adult kidney transplant recipients from Ontario, Canada: a population-based cohort study

Many children who are victims of NAT may not experience abuse as a one-time event, but rather as a recurrence that is part...

In Ontario, Canada, we found that over half of the kidney transplant recipients underwent at least one BMD test...

Frequency of bone mineral density testing in adult kidney transplant recipients from Ontario, Canada: a population-based cohort study

California residents vent frustrations over state’s biggest gas leak

In Ontario, Canada, we found that over half of the

experience abuse as a one-time event, but rather as a recurrence that is part...

By Paula Lehman LOS ANGELES – California residents sickened and forced to evacuate their homes...

kidney transplant recipients underwent at least one BMD test...

California residents vent frustrations over state’s biggest gas leak

Correction: Cruise Ships-Stomach Bugs story

By Paula Lehman LOS ANGELES – California residents sickened and forced to evacuate their

NEW YORK (AP) — In a story Jan. 15 about illnesses on cruise ships, The Associated Press


erroneously described...

Correction: Cruise Ships-Stomach Bugs story

Follow This Devil Girl’s Workout for Basketball Dancer Abs

NEW YORK (AP) — In a story Jan. 15 about

To find out how Katherine keeps her abs in Devil

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illnesses on cruise ships, The Associated Press erroneously described...

Girl shape, we asked her for a few pointers. Vary Your Routine Though...

Follow This Devil Girl’s Workout for Basketball Dancer Abs

9 Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Tips from a Real-Life M onk

To find out how Katherine keeps her abs in Devil

“Rise above the bullshit and take charge of your

Girl shape, we asked her for a few pointers. Vary Your Routine Though...

life,â€​ says Pedram Shojai, author of The Urban Monk: Eastern...

9 Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Tips from a Real-Life M onk

How You Handle a Breakup Says a Lot About Who You Are as a Person

“Rise above the bullshit and take charge of your

“New research has found that the way you

life,â€​ says Pedram Shojai, author of The Urban Monk: Eastern...

explain a breakup to yourself has a direct impact on how easily you can...

How You Handle a Breakup Says a Lot About Who You Are as a Person

Singer Celine Dion’s brother near death: newspaper

“New research has found that the way you

(Reuters) – Canadian singer Celine Dion, whose

explain a breakup to yourself has a direct impact on how easily you can...

husband died earlier this week, is facing another family crisis...

Are M y Elbows Fat? Why Eating Disorders Should M atter to You.

90 took France trial drug that left 1 brain-dead, 5 hospitalised

With the New Year upon us we start to think about

Rennes (France) (AFP) – One person has been

weight and issues with our bodyAccording to the Nation Eating...

left brain-dead and three others face possibly irreversible brain...

United Continental CEO headed home after heart transplant

New Jersey wants lawsuit from Ebolaquarantined nurse tossed

(Reuters) – United Continental Holdings Inc

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Lawyers for Gov. Chris

UAL.N said on Friday Chief Executive Oscar Munoz is headed home...

Christie and state health officials asked a judge Friday to throw...

Plasma marker of vascular disease confirmed in type 1 diabetes patients

If we want medicine to be evidencebased, what should we think when the evidence doesn’t agree?

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a novel way to engineer the growth

Weighing the evidence. Credit: Maggie Villiger, CC and expansion of... BY-ND To understand if a new treatment for an Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

illness is really...

The science behind why you love a weekend lie-in Credit: Shutterstock Sleeping in over the weekend is one of life’s great pleasures. Yet some of us are...

M ost U.S. Egg Producers Are Now Choosing Cage-Free Houses i A view inside a cage-free “aviaryâ€​ chicken house, designed by Big Dutchman. ...

Study shows less physically mature ice hockey players have prolonged concussion symptoms A study led by a Hasbro Children’s Hospital sports medicine physician found that male student ice hockey players...

Is This Lip Balm Really Causing Rashes? What To Know About the Lawsuit Against EOS By Celia Shatzman Even if you don’t use EOS lip balm, you probably recognize the cute little orbs from checkout...

Can’t Sleep? Try M editation Throughout my years as a meditation teacher, I’ve encountered many students who come to meditation from a...

7 Reasons Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Are Failing and How to Fix Them to Succeed It’s only weeks into 2016 and your New Year’s resolutions are already on the fritz. Sound familiar? You’re...

The End of Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Want To Be M ore Productive? Take A Nap.

United States law mandates that Dietary Guidelines for Americans, containing

You might think spending more time snoozing will make your work pile up, but actually a little rest

“nutritional information and...

might be the best way...

What you need to know about Zika virus The mosquito-borne Zika virus has been making

VP Joe ?Biden says politics are impeding cancer cure

headlines in recent days. The virus, which has been spreading through Central...

PHILADELPHIA — Vice President Joe Biden launched a “moonshotâ€​ initiative Friday to hasten a cure for cancer,...

Botched drug trial harms patients in France

EARTH: Lake sediments suggest mild volcanic winter after massive Toba

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January 15, 2016, 2:14 PM|Several volunteers were hospitalized with serious complications after


something went wrong with...

years ago, and is thought to have been the largest eruption in the last...

Alexandria, VA – Toba volcano erupted 74,000

Who guided the national discussion on Ferguson?

Gregarious chimps harbor richer gut microbiomes

The fatal shooting of Michael Brown on Aug. 9,

IMAGE:Â Two adult male chimpanzees groom each

2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, set off a national wave of dialogue and protests,...

other in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. A study finds that frequent social...

Genetic ‘paint box’ shuffled between butterfly species to create new wing patterns

Weather-worn lizards might adapt to new climates

New research on butterfly genomes has revealed that the genetic components that produce different

lizards exposed to rain, hail and shine may cope better with extreme weather...

James Cook University scientists have found

splotches of colour on...

Autism-linked protein lays groundwork for healthy brain

Psychology patients with unmet preferences report poorer outcomes

IMAGE:Â The autism-linked protein MDGA1 (red) is found in the zones of the brain that give rise to new

By Andrew M. Seaman Psychological therapy may yield greater benefits if providers can meet

neurons (green). ...


Pentagon drops M aine from list of potential missile defense sites

Air pollution and traffic fumes tied to infertility risk

By Andrea Shalal WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) said on

By Lisa Rapaport Women who live close to major highways where the air is polluted by traffic



California residents to vent frustrations over state’s biggest gas leak

Canada’s Supreme court gives green light to assisted suicide

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – California residents sickened and forced to evacuate their homes

By Randall Palmer OTTAWA (Reuters) – The Supreme Court of Canada decided on Friday to

because of the...


Eleven Bio’s eye drug fails another

Geographic variation in HPV

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late-stage study

oropharyngeal cancer prevalence

(Reuters) – Eleven Biotherapeutics Inc said its lead eye drug failed in a late-stage trial in treating patients...

Even though the human papillomavirus (HPV) is a risk factor for certain head and neck cancers, its presence could make all...

Flu season continues to be mild, CDC says

Splenomegaly ups thrombosis in essential thrombocythemia

(HealthDay)—The mild flu season continues to be that way, U.S. health officials said Friday, but they expect activity...

(HealthDay)—Patients with polycythemia vera can be classified according to disease behavior, independently of Janus...

Intensified Tx doesn’t up survival in tuberculous meningitis

Gas Company Understated Benzene Exposure From California Leak

(HealthDay)—For patients with uncomplicated, smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis, moxifloxacin-containing regimens...

i This photo taken Nov. 3, 2015, shows SoCalGas crews and technical experts attempting to safely stop the...

2016: How’s It Going So Far?

How One Australian Pub Is M aking Breastfeeding M oms Feel Welcome

It’s nearing the end of January, and I have one question for you: how are those New Year’s resolutions...

The sign reads, “Breastfeeding mums — pop in and have a free cup of tea if you need a pit stop … no need...

How to Find the Best Yoga Teacher to Guide Your Practice

Why I/We Hate Exercise (And How to Circumnavigate Our Reluctance)

By Christine Chen Yoga is now nearly as popular as golf, according a recent report, which means more people are...

As the new year begins, thoughts about our health and how to improve it, naturally loom. I acquired an apple watch...

Do You Need a FitBit Intervention?

University of Alberta researcher tracks tyrannosaur’s trail

Are you FitBitten? Is that little device on your wrist ruining your life? Answer the following questions honestly...

Predictability of DNA markers for population-level study based on

IMAGE:Â Just outside the tiny town of Glenrock, Wyoming the footprints of a 66-million-year-old monster are cemented...

Former Hurricane Pali peters out near Equator

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species-level variation

IMAGE: NOAA’s GOES-West satellite captured

Biologists who use molecular data to study evolutionary dynamics between closely related

this image of the remnants of Tropical Depression Pali in the North...

organisms, such as populations,...

Tropical Cyclone Victor born in South Pacific Ocean, Cook Islands on alert

FAU study shows 45 percent increase in death from law enforcement

NOAA’s GOES-West satellite captured an image of newborn Tropical Cyclone Victor in the

IMAGE:Â Between 1999 and 2013 in the United States, between 279 (in 2000) to 507 (in 2012)

South Pacific Ocean. On Jan....

people were killed each year...

Report: Wide variation in cancer rates in Asian American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders

CDC says closely monitoring outbreak of new bird flu strain

ATLANTA-January 14, 2016–A new report describes cancer among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders...

Investigation faults U.S. Army lab’s leaders over mistaken anthrax shipments

CHICAGO (Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is closely monitoring individuals...

M ajor drugmakers push back in U.S. price debate

(Reuters) – Officials at a U.S. Army biodefense...

By Caroline Humer SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – With a backlash brewing over the price of medicines...

1 brain-dead, 5 hospitalised in French drugs trial

Lebanese court lets transgender man change legal status to male

Rennes (France) (AFP) – One person has been left brain-dead and three others face possibly-

By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A court in Lebanon has ruled that...

By Idrees Ali and David Alexander WASHINGTON

irreversible brain...

Russia has new objective to deliver humanitarian aid in Syria: ministry

Drug shortages in U.S. emergency rooms on the rise

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Friday a new objective of Russian

(Reuters Health) – U.S. emergency rooms are increasingly running short on medications,

forces in Syria...

including many that are needed...

NCAA autonomy group approves new

Public contributions to science

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concussion protections

increasingly common

The NCAA’s major conferences have approved

IMAGE:Â This photo shows Christopher Kullenberg

a rule that a school’s medical officials have a final say over when...

and Dick Kasperowsk. view more Credit: Monica Havström So-called...

FAU researchers investigate how light behaves in curved space

FAU researchers show how mother-ofpearl is formed from nanoparticles

IMAGE:Â In this image, a laser beam in an

Materials scientists at FAU have shown for the first

experiment propagates along the two-dimensional surface of a glass object...

time that the mother-of-pearl in clam shells does not form in a crystallisation...

Signs of second largest black hole in the M ilky Way IMAGE:Â Molecular clouds scattered by an

CU Anschutz School of Pharmacy study shows medical marijuana decreases migraines

intermediate black hole show very wide velocity dispersion. This scenario well...

AURORA, Colo. (Jan. 15, 2016) – Patients diagnosed with migraine headaches saw a significant drop in their frequency...

Appeals court upholds FDA’s right to use menthol cigarettes report

Portuguese pharma firm says best practice followed in French drug trial

By Toni Clarke (Reuters) – A federal appeals court upheld the right of the U.S. Food and Drug...

Lisbon (AFP) – Portuguese pharmaceutical company Bial insisted Friday that it had followed “international...

Keeping Children Healthy, In School, and Learning

New Ebola case emerges in setback for Sierra Leone

Brandon, a six-year-old in the Houston Independent School District, had two working

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — A woman who died this week in Sierra Leone tested positive for

parents until his father was...

Ebola, officials...

Botched French drug trial leaves 1 brain dead, 5 in hospital

Dozens feared exposed as Sierra Leone confirms new Ebola death

PARIS (AP) — One man is brain dead and three others are facing possible permanent brain

By Umaru Fofana FREETOWN (Reuters) – A woman who died of Ebola this week in Sierra

damage after volunteering...

Leone potentially...

Should doctors agree to do virginity

Alcohol nearly killer her; now her story

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is going viral

When doctors are asked to perform virginity testing, they should refuse because it’s not medically necessary and may...

Hanna Lottritz, then 20, went to a Nevada music festival with friends on July 25 and ended up in a 24-hour coma, having nearly...

Drug shortages in US emergency rooms on the rise

French drug trial disaster leaves one brain dead, five injured

U.S. emergency rooms are increasingly running short on medications, including many that are needed for life-threatening conditions,...

PARIS One person has been left brain dead and five others are in serious condition after taking part in a clinical trial...

U.S. finds first case of deadly bird flu in poultry since June

FDA clears Olympus duodenoscope with design modifications

CHICAGO An Indiana turkey flock has been infected with a deadly type of bird flu in the first new case of the disease in...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday cleared Japan’s Olympus Corp’s duodenoscope with changes...

Chipotle to shut outlets next month for food safety meeting

Cadbury maker M ondelez to switch to cage-free eggs by 2020 in U.S.

Popular burrito chain Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc will close its restaurants for a few hours next month to hold a meeting...

Mondelez International Inc (MDLZ.O), the maker of Cadbury chocolates and Oreo cookies, said it would stop using eggs laid...

Patient brain dead, 5 others injured after French drug trial disaster

Kidney stones rise in teens, women and blacks

PARIS –  One person has been left brain dead and five others are in serious condition after taking part in a clinical...

Kidney stones, long associated with white, middleaged men, have become increasingly common among adolescents, females and...

Photographer captures moment service dog calms bride down before vows

Court overturns tobacco company victory over FDA on menthols

A wedding photographer captured the touching moment when a service dog dressed in a pink tutu calmed a bride just moments...

WASHINGTON –  A federal appeals court has ruled that tobacco companies had no basis to challenge a Food and Drug...

Urine odor may help researchers detect Alzheimer’s disease

Oris™ 3D Embedded Invasion Assay – An AZoNetwork Site ...

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It may be possible to detect the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease through urine odor, potentially leading to a...

Building antimicrobial viruses from breast milk

U.S. Announces M oratorium On New Coal Leases On Federal Lands

Credit: Scientists from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and UCL have converted a breast...

i The federal government will stop issuing new coal leases on some 570 million acres of federal land, under...

FDA clears Olympus TJF-Q180V duodenoscope with design modifications intended to reduce infection risk

Purifying Your Body and M ind: An Organic Yoga Detox

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today cleared the Olympus TJF-Q180V duodenoscope

by guest blogger Holly Walck Kostura, certified Iyengar Yoga teacher First, if you are reading this blog, you have...

with modifications to the device’s...

The Triple Threat Solution to Your Workplace Woes

Breastfeeding M oms Take A Stand With First Ever Virtual ‘Nurse-In’

Our careers help to define who we are. We lead with “so what do you do?â€​ and everyone just

“I know you would never bring a fellow woman and mother, who represents everything beautiful


and miraculous about being...

1 Dead After Clinical Trial Of CannabisBased M edicine In France

The Evolution Of Workout Clothes Shows How Far We’ve Come Since 1910

UPDATE: The French health ministry said on Friday that the drug involved in the trial did not contain cannabis, Reuters reports. A...

Health benefits of chocolate milk? Doubts raised about study NEW YORK — A study by the University of Maryland touting the benefits of a small company’s chocolate milk is...

Imagine if you had to work out in high heels and a floor length skirt. Um, no. As functionless as it sounds, this was the...

CU researchers study hospital readmissions from post-acute care facilities AURORA, Colo. (Jan. 15, 2016) – Better coordination between hospitals and post-acute care facilities could reduce...

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UT Southwestern researchers identify process that causes chronic neonatal lung disease

Brothers-in-arms: How P53 and telomeres work together to stave off cancer

IMAGE:Â Members of a UT Southwestern team

IMAGE:Â Paul Lieberman, Ph.D., is professor and

whose research identified a key trigger of the neonatal lung disease BPD included...

program leader of the Gene Expression and Regulation program, director...

UGA researchers discover how trypanosome parasites communicate with each other

Simulator-based training in veterinary medicine

Athens, Ga. – While scientists have known for years that African trypanosomes cause sleeping

IMAGE: On the horse simulator ‘Breeding Bonny’ students can exercise gynaecological examinations. ...

sickness, they’ve...

M entally challenging activities key to a healthy aging mind

FDA staff unconvinced by Sarepta’s muscle wasting drug

One of the greatest challenges associated with the growing numbers of aged adults is how to

By Natalie Grover (Reuters) – Sarepta Therapeutics Inc lost more than half its market

maintain a healthy aging mind....


Joy over Ebola victory crushed by Sierra Leone death

M ichigan governor asks Obama for federal aid in Flint water crisis

Freetown (AFP) – The World Health Organization confirmed Friday a new death from Ebola in Sierra

By Ben Klayman DETROIT (Reuters) – Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said he asked President

Leone just...


Sierra Leone Ebola sample was in tests as WHO declared epidemic over

Probe faults Army lab’s leaders over mistaken anthrax shipments: paper

By Kate Kelland LONDON, Jan 15 (Reuters) – At around the same time the World Health Organization...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Officials at an Army biodefense lab in Utah had multiple warning signs of safety issues...

M erck agrees to pay $830 million to settle Vioxx securities lawsuit

French drug trial leaves one brain dead, five injured

(Reuters) – U.S. drugmaker Merck Co on Friday said it would pay $830 million to settle a federal class action...

PARIS One person has been left brain dead and five others are in a serious condition after taking part in a clinical trial...

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Severe malnutrition confirmed in Syria’s M adaya, 32 deaths reported in month: U.N. BEIRUT/GENEVA The U.N. children’s fund UNICEF on Friday confirmed cases of severe malnutrition among children in...

Dozens feared exposed as Sierra Leone confirms new Ebola case FREETOWN A woman who died of Ebola this week in Sierra Leone potentially exposed at least 27 other people to the disease,...

6 people in serious condition after medical trials go wrong in France

Texas student suspended for sharing inhaler

PARIS –  Six people are seriously ill after taking

A Texas middle school student was suspended

part in a medical trial for an unnamed European laboratory to...

after sharing her inhaler with an asthmatic student who was gasping for breath...

Eating certain fruits linked to lower risk of erectile dysfunction

Star doctor accused of drugging, sexually assaulting patient

Flavonoid-rich foods like blueberries, cherries,

A noted Mount Sinai emergency room doctor was

radishes and citrus fruits may reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction in...

being sought by police Wednesday for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting...

Breast cancer study suggests new potential drug targets and combinations

Study reveals how birds learn through imitation

The largest analysis of breast cancer cell function to date suggests dozens of new uses for existing

song to a younger finch as researchers record nerve circuits. ...

IMAGE:Â A tutoring male finch teaches a courtship

drugs, new targets for...

Preventing violent extremism requires new police programs DURHAM, N.C. — The U.S. strategy to prevent homegrown violent extremism through community policing holds promise,...

Donor’s genotype controls the differentiation of iPS cells — source tissue insignificant Pluripotent stem cells derived from different cell types are equally susceptible to reprogramming, indicates a recent study....

How malaria fools our immune system IMAGE:Â Malaria infected red blood cells (pRBC) with IgM (violet) and PfEMP1 (yellow) on their surface attract uninfected...

GE to sell appliances business to China’s Haier for $5.4 billion (Reuters) – General Electric Co agreed to sell its century-old appliance business to China’s

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Six people in serious condition after medical trials go wrong in France

UK’s Princess Kate to guest-edit Huffington Post

PARIS (Reuters) – Six people are in a serious

LONDON (Reuters) – Kate, the Duchess of

condition after taking part in a medical trial for an unnamed...

Cambridge and wife of Britain’s Prince William, is to act...

Princess Kate to guest-edit Huffington Post

One brain-dead, five hospitalised in French drug trial

LONDON (Reuters) – Kate, the Duchess of

Paris (AFP) – A “serious accidentâ€​ during a

Cambridge and wife of Britain’s Prince William, is to act...

drugs trial in France has left one person braindead...

M obile clinic on way to M adaya where 32 deaths in month reported: U.N.

How to start walking when you have more than 50 pounds to lose

GENEVA (Reuters) – A mobile clinic and medical

Have a hefty weight loss goal? Consider walking,

team is on its way to the besieged Syrian town of Madaya,...

not running, toward your best new body. A recent British study found people...

New Ebola case found in West Africa one day after outbreak declared over

5 reasons you’re not having an orgasm (and how to make it more likely)

A corpse has tested positive for Ebola in Sierra

When you can’t have an orgasm, it

Leone, an official said Friday, the day after the World Health Organization...

may seem like you’re missing out on the holy grail of sex. There...

How, when and where could affect outcome of psychological treatment In a research letter, Harlan M. Krumholz, M.D., S.M.,

UK teens heavily exposed to alcohol and tobacco content in YouTube music videos

from Yale University School of Medicine and colleagues, “sought...

UK teens are heavily exposed to alcohol and tobacco images and lyrics in digital YouTube music videos, indicates research...

Occupational textile dust exposure linked to rheumatoid arthritis

7 Women Recall the Shocking Times They Were M ommy-Shamed

Occupational exposure to textile dust is associated with a more than doubling in the risk of developing

Here, seven women share some truly offensive stories of times they were “mommy-shamed.â€​

rheumatoid arthritis,... 1. “There was... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Influences on eating: a qualitative study of adolescents in a periurban area in Lima, Peru From the pile sort analysis, six main food item clusters were identified to reflect the results of the activity...

Schizophrenia-spectrum patients treated with long-acting injectable risperidone in real-life clinical settings: functional recovery in remitted versus stable, non-remitted patients (the EVeREST prospective observational cohort study) Study design This was a multi-centre, prospective observational cohort study of 1554 adult schizophrenia patients...

First-in-human study and clinical case reports of the alveolar bone regeneration with the secretome from human mesenchymal stem cells

M edicaid prescription limits: policy trends and comparative impact on utilization

Cell culture and preparation of MSC-CM Human

Medicaid policies placing limits on the number of prescriptions reimbursed...

MSCs were purchased from Lonza Inc. (Walkersville, MD, USA) and cultured in ...

Data collection We gathered information on

Perspectives and experiences of new migrants on health screening in Sweden

Development of an evaluation platform capable of validating wide-area distribution systems

This study suggests that migrants, particularly asylum seekers acknowledge the need for health

IMAGE:Â This is the system of DESTCloud. view more Credit: Osaka University A Japanese

screening. However,...

research project developed...

Photovoltaics? On perovskites produced by mechanochemistry!

How will climate policy affect energy access goals?

IMAGE:Â A simple, fast and safe method of obtaining perovskites has been discovered by

Stringent climate policies would increase the cost of fossil fuels, including those used for the cleaner

scientists from IPC PAS in Warsaw,...

burning stoves (such...

Hay fever medicine reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

‘Bursting’ cells gain the brain’s attention for life-or-death decisions

Researchers from KU Leuven, Belgium, have identified the cause of abdominal pain in patients

IMAGE:Â Using optogenetics and other technology,

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with irritable bowel syndrome...

researchers have for the first time precisely manipulated bursting...

The S-stroke or I-stroke?

Dead Sierra Leone patient tests positive for Ebola

IMAGE:Â This image shows the locus and motions of the hand in crawl swimming. view more Credit: University of...

By Umaru Fofana FREETOWN (Reuters) – A body has tested positive for Ebola in Sierra Leone,...

WHO confirms new Ebola case a day after all clear

Dead Sierra Leone patient tests positive for Ebola: spokesman

Geneva (AFP) – The World Health Organization on Friday confirmed a new death from Ebola in Sierra Leone just...

FREETOWN (Reuters) – A body has tested positive for Ebola in Sierra Leone, a spokesman for the Health Ministry...

GE to sell appliances business to Haier for $5.4 billion

New tool may help predict patients’ motor function recovery after stroke

(Reuters) – General Electric Co said on Friday it

Graph theoretical analysis is proving to be helpful

has agreed to sell its appliances business to Qingdao...

in understanding complex networks in the brain. Investigators in the...

Study finds how diabetes drug metformin inhibits progression of pancreatic cancer

A preliminary phylogeny of the South African Lentulidae

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)

of the family Lentulidae. The clear split between the two main clades...

investigators may have uncovered a novel mechanism behind the ability of the diabetes...

Does working alliance have an influence on pain and physical functioning in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain; a systematic review The goal of this systematic review is to merge evidence from literature regarding the influence of patients’ perceived...

YC-1 induces lipid droplet formation in

The results provide first insights into the phylogeny

Patient preference in psychological treatment and associations with selfreported outcome: national crosssectional survey in England and Wales Sorry, the page you requested is unavailable. The link you requested might be broken, or no longer exist. Why not start at...

Electronic self-monitoring of mood

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RAW 264.7 macrophages Cell culture of RAW 264.7 macrophages A murine macrophage cell line, RAW 264.7, was purchased from the American Type Culture ...

using IT platforms in adult patients with bipolar disorder: A systematic review of the validity and evidence This is the first systematic review of the evidence of the validity of electronic mood self-monitoring tools using IT platforms...

Sex After Trauma (Pt. II): The Psychology Behind M y Promiscuity

Why Does Everybody Think They Can Ask If You’re Having Another Kid?

About a year ago, I wrote this column for my college newspaper’s special issue on sex, love and

This post originally appeared on The Cut. By Laura June. Before my daughter was born, no one ever


pressed me about...

Link between obesity and increased risk of colorectal cancer revealed

BESC study seeks nature’s best biocatalysts for biofuel production

(PHILADELPHIA) — Obesity has long been associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer,

IMAGE:Â The microbe Clostridium thermocellum (stained green), seen growing on a piece of poplar

but the link has never...

biomass, is among several...

Northwest Atlantic Ocean may get warmer, sooner

New study indicates students’ cognitive functioning improves when using standing desks

A new study by NOAA researchers suggests future warming of ocean waters off the Northeastern U.S. may be greater and occur...

IMAGE:Â Students may think best when on their feet. view more Credit: Texas AM University Do students think...

Zika virus has potential to spread rapidly through Americas

Forensic research on modern child abuse can shed light on past cultures

IMAGE:Â The Zika virus, possibly linked to serious birth defects in Brazil, has the potential to spread within the Americas,...

Biological anthropologists look at skeletal remains of past cultures to gain insight into how earlier peoples lived, and...

Utility understated levels of cancercausing chemical

Haier nears deal to buy GE’s appliances business for over $4 billion: WSJ

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The utility whose leaking natural gas well has driven thousands of Los Angeles residents...

(Reuters) – China’s Haier Electronics Group Co Ltd 1169.HK is nearing a deal to buy General

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Italian medieval village orders elderly to defy death Sellia (Italy) (AFP) – The Grim Reaper has got his work cut out in Sellia in southern Italy, thanks to a...

Study finds how diabetes drug metformin inhibits progression of pancreatic cancer Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators may have uncovered a novel mechanism behind the ability of the diabetes...

High-deductible plans linked to lower use of medical imaging studies

High-deductible plans linked to lower use of medical imaging studies

January 14, 2016 – Patients enrolled in highdeductible health insurance plans have lower rates of use and lower costs...

January 14, 2016 – Patients enrolled in highdeductible health insurance plans have lower rates of use and lower costs...

Youths with gender dysphoria have higher rates of Asperger syndrome

Youths with gender dysphoria have higher rates of Asperger syndrome

IMAGE:Â LGBT Health, published bimonthly online with Open Access options and in print, brings together the LGBT research,...

IMAGE:Â LGBT Health, published bimonthly online with Open Access options and in print, brings together the LGBT research,...

In record $1.6 billion lottery, states not such big winners: experts

In record $1.6 billion lottery, states not such big winners: experts

By Daniel Wallis and Fiona Ortiz DENVER/CHICAGO (Reuters) – The fervor around this week’s...

By Daniel Wallis and Fiona Ortiz DENVER/CHICAGO (Reuters) – The fervor around this week’s...

Utility may have understated health threat from gas leak

Utility may have understated health threat from gas leak

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The utility whose leaking natural gas well has driven thousands of Los Angeles residents...

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The utility whose leaking natural gas well has driven thousands of Los Angeles residents...

E-cigs make quitting harder, contested study claims

E-cigs make quitting harder, contested study claims

E-cigarettes, touted as an aide for giving up

E-cigarettes, touted as an aide for giving up

tobacco, in fact lowers the odds of quitting tobacco, in fact lowers the odds of quitting success, claimed research... success, claimed research... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Environmentalists Say ‘Threatened’ Status For Bats Not Enough

Did You Know M ost Dogs and Cats Over Age 3 Have Dental Disease?

i A scientist holds a northern long-eared bat

of three have periodontal disease. That’s a lot of dirty...

suffering from the white-nose syndrome in LaSalle County, Ill. ...

Seventy-five percent of dogs and cats over the age

How to Enhance Your Life in 7 M inutes, Daily

5 Steps for a Healthier, Happier You in the New Year

I played “7 minutes in heavenâ€​ when I was

“Who is the expert on your health?â€​ Most of

younger. I thought I was so cool being able to brag about...

my patients answer ‘my mom’, ‘my wife’...

A Scientific Explanation For The Annoying Reality Of Winter Weight Gain

Which Should You Do First: Cardio or Strength?

Many of us tend to pack on unwanted pounds in the winter, and it can seem extra-difficult to lose the

As a fitness trainer, one of the questions I hear most often is: which should I do first, cardio or

weight until the seasons...

strength training?...

Celebrity health trends worth trying in 2016

New theory of secondary inflation expands options for avoiding an excess of dark matter

The new year is a time many choose to focus on making healthier choices, whether it’s eating better, exercising more,...

January 14, 2016 — UPTON, NY — Standard cosmology — that is, the Big Bang Theory with its early period...

New particle can track chemo COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tracking the path of chemotherapy drugs in real time and at a cellular

UTSW researchers find a small protein that plays a big role in heart muscle contraction

level could revolutionize...

DALLAS – Jan. 14, 2016 – Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have identified a previously unrecognized...

Texas laws would limit access to abortions and create grave risk to the public health

Study of altruism during the Ebola outbreak suggests good intentions are in the details

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WASHINGTON, DC (Jan. 14, 2016)– Nearly 60 leaders in the field of public health submitted an

BUFFALO, N.Y. – A study of risk communication as it relates to altruistic behavior has found that

amicus brief to the Supreme...

portraying an event...

NASA sees formation of unusual North Atlantic Hurricane Alex

U.S. girls, women at risk of genital mutilation has tripled: study

The low pressure area known as System 90L developed rapidly since Jan. 13 and became Hurricane Alex on Jan. 14. Several satellites...

By Ellen Wulfhorst NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – More than half a million women and...

Singer Celine Dion’s husband, René Angélil, dies after cancer battle

Planned Parenthood files U.S. lawsuit against group behind secret videos

By Allison Lampert MONTREAL (Reuters) – René Angélil, the husband of award-winning Canadian...

By Curtis Skinner SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Planned Parenthood filed a federal lawsuit on Thursday...

Iran says it has removed core from Arak reactor in key nuclear deal step

U.S. patent office rules against Amgen Humira challenge

By Parisa Hafezi ANKARA (Reuters) – Iran has removed the sensitive core of its Arak nuclear...

By Bill Berkrot (Reuters) – U.S. patent officials on Thursday denied petitions by Amgen to...

Sleep disruptions in seniors tied to unhealthy brain changes

Workouts focused on motor skills may help ease lower back pain

By Andrew M. Seaman Reuters Health – Older

Reuters Health – Exercise focused on improving

people who have trouble sleeping through the night...

motor skills may work as well for easing lower back pain as other...

Oh, snap! What snapping shrimp sound patterns may tell us about reef ecosystems

Study: Deadly amphibian fungus may decline

IMAGE: The tiny snapping shrimp’s noisy habits could play a big role in reef ecology. view

chytrid in Africa’s Albertine Rift over the next century. Climate...

Scientists predict a major range contraction of

more Credit:...

U.S. women having babies later than ever -study

Congress Should Enact Obama’s M edicaid Proposal

By David Beasley ATLANTA (Reuters) – Women

Congress should quickly enact a proposal, which

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in the United States are waiting longer than ever...

President Obama will include in his 2017 budget, to give all states...

I Gave Up Coffee For a M onth

Obama says will focus on criminal justice reform, cancer research

I committed a mega-mom-atrocity and gave up coffee for one month. Giving up my morning fix of caffeine, mixed with...

By Roberta Rampton BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said on Thursday that...

EU Parliament delays vote on new car pollution limits

Dietary supplement sellers could face fresh challenges in 2016

By Alissa de Carbonnel BRUSSELS (Reuters) –

By Noel Randewich SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters)

The European Parliament on Thursday postponed a...

– GNC Holdings, Vitamin Shoppe and other dietary...

French duck, geese farmers plan to delay rearing due to bird flu

Should pregnant women avoid travel amid Zika virus outbreaks?

PARIS French poultry producers pledged to delay

A link between the mosquito-borne Zika virus and a

new duck and geese rearing to contain a bird flu virus outbreak which has...

surge in birth defects in Brazil is growing stronger as the U.S. Centers...

Gov’t watchdog: many gaps in FDA’s oversight of drug safety

Bulimic triathlete says cancer saved her life

The Food and Drug Administration is speeding up

In her new book, “Just Three Words,â€​ 54-year-

its review of new drugs, yet often fails to keep track of safety issues with...

old triathlon champion and registered dietitian Karen Newman writes...

Spike in dengue cases expected in Thailand in 2016, expert says

Genes may contribute to making some nations happier than others

BANGKOK –  The number of dengue cases in

© SpringerThe citizens of nations which rate

Thailand is expected to spike this year, a researcher said, as experts...

themselves happiest display a specific genetic feature: their DNA is more...

Evolutionary advantage of genetic recombination in the genome measured for first time

Liberia declared Ebola-free, signaling end to West African epidemic By James Harding Giahyue MONROVIA (Reuters)

– Liberia was declared free of the Ebola virus... There has been much discussion of the evolutionary role of genetic recombination: the Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

exchange of parental genetic material...

Liberia declared Ebola-free, signaling end to West African epidemic

FDA rejects BioM arin’s DM D drug

By James Harding Giahyue MONROVIA (Reuters) – Liberia was declared free of the Ebola virus...

Thursday the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had rejected...

FDA rejects BioM arin’s DM D drug

M osquito nets could be used for hernia repair: study

(Reuters) – BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc said on Thursday the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had rejected...

(Reuters) – BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc said on

Stockholm (AFP) – A Swedish-Ugandan study has found that mosquito nets can be used as an inexpensive alternative...

M osquito nets could be used for hernia repair: study

Killer whales risk extinction off Europe from banned chemicals

Stockholm (AFP) – A Swedish-Ugandan study

By Alister Doyle OSLO (Reuters) – Killer whales

has found that mosquito nets can be used as an inexpensive alternative...

are at risk of extinction off industrialized...

Killer whales risk extinction off Europe from banned chemicals

Liberia declared Ebola-free, signalling end to West African epidemic

By Alister Doyle OSLO (Reuters) – Killer whales

By James Harding Giahyue MONROVIA (Reuters)

are at risk of extinction off industrialized...

– Liberia was declared free of the Ebola virus...

Liberia declared Ebola-free, signalling end to West African epidemic

Turkmenistan pulls cigarettes from shelves in anti-smoking bid

By James Harding Giahyue MONROVIA (Reuters) – Liberia was declared free of the Ebola virus...

Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) (AFP) – Turkmenistan’s authorities have forced shops to stop selling cigarettes,...

Turkmenistan pulls cigarettes from shelves in anti-smoking bid

Herb from plant may aid in cold, flu prevention

Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) (AFP) – Turkmenistan’s authorities have forced shops

The Ache: Cold and flu season is here, and with it, a healthy dose of misery. The Claim: Echinacea, a

to stop selling cigarettes,...

herbal remedy made...

Herb from plant may aid in cold, flu

How to buy organic food the right way

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prevention The Ache: Cold and flu season is here, and with it,

This Saturday at my local grocery store in New York City, strawberries were priced at $4.29 per pound.

a healthy dose of misery. The Claim: Echinacea, a herbal remedy made...

Organic strawberries...

How to buy organic food the right way

Having a heavier waiter may cause diners to eat more

This Saturday at my local grocery store in New York City, strawberries were priced at $4.29 per pound. Organic strawberries...

In yet another blow to our sense of self-control (to say nothing of our waistlines), it now appears that overweight waiters...

Having a heavier waiter may cause diners to eat more

Why lying is a sign of healthy mental growth for small children

In yet another blow to our sense of self-control (to

Child-rearing trends might seem to blow with the

say nothing of our waistlines), it now appears that overweight waiters...

wind, but most adults would agree that preschool children who have learned...

Why lying is a sign of healthy mental growth for small children

Frozen poop is as good as fresh poop for C. difficile treatment

Child-rearing trends might seem to blow with the

For patients with the difficult-to-treat intestinal

wind, but most adults would agree that preschool children who have learned...

infection caused by a bacterium called Clostridium difficile, a “poop...

Frozen poop is as good as fresh poop for C. difficile treatment

New discoveries concerning Ötzi’s genetic history

For patients with the difficult-to-treat intestinal

A study was published last week on the DNA of

infection caused by a bacterium called Clostridium difficile, a “poop...

Helicobacter pylori, the pathogen extracted from the stomach of Ötzi, the...

Scientists uncover how part of a protein helps primates fight HIV

Why do some infections persist? Blame bacterial socialism, says new study

London, January 14, 2016 – Scientists have

New research to be published January 13 in the

uncovered part of a protein found in humans and other primates that can...

journal Scientific Reports shows that some bacterial cultures adopt an all-for-one/one-for-all...

Antisocial behavior: Understanding the influence of genes and the

The Lancet HIV: Preventing HIV infection with prophylactic drugs

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environment A gene involved in the regulation of emotions and behaviour could influence the long-term impact of violence experienced...

important to reversing HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in the UK The use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) taken as preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) [1] could lead to a marked decline in HIV...

Iran says has removed core from Arak reactor in key nuclear deal step

WHO declares Ebola outbreak over as Liberia gets all-clear

ANKARA (Reuters) – Iran has removed the

Monrovia (AFP) – The world breathed a sigh of

sensitive core of its Arak nuclear reactor and U.N. inspectors will...

relief Thursday as a two-year Ebola epidemic that killed 11,000...

Ukrainian health official says 25 people killed by swine flu

The Latest: German governor urges better refugee integration

KIEV (Reuters) – Twenty-five people have died

BERLIN (AP) — The latest developments amid

from swine flu in Ukraine since the start of the flu season,...

Europe’s immigration crisis. All times local. 11:25 a.m. The...

Ebola epidemic ended in West Africa but flare ups possible: WHO

Zimbabwe presidency dismisses M ugabe heart attack rumour

GENEVA (Reuters) – The World Health Organisation on Thursday announced an end to

HARARE (Reuters) – A rumour than Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has suffered a heart

the latest flare-up of the...

attack is a “grim...

This chore can make or break your weight loss goals

HPV vaccine uptake is highest among girls in high poverty and majority Hispanic communities

The beginning of a new year can offer a fresh start after the gluttony of the holidays. If you’re committing to some...

Bottom Line: Adolescent girls living in high-poverty communities and majority Hispanic communities were more likely to have...

Common gene mutation bad for liver values, good for blood lipids in children

Ebola orphans struggle to resume their lives

A common mutation in the TM6SF2 gene raises liver values but at the same time improves blood

Conakry (AFP) – Saa Mathias Lenoh, a high school student in the Guinean capital Conakry,

lipid values in healthy children,...

says he’s...

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Classification of fibroglandular tissue distribution in the breast based on radiotherapy planning CT Patient dataset The study datasets comprised planning CT scans of 23 patients. Datasets were originally collected...

Factors associated with utilization of maternal serum screening for Down syndrome in mainland China: a crosssectional study The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting the uptake of MSS by Chinese pregnant women so that suitable...

Nurses’ perceptions of and satisfaction with the use of automated dispensing cabinets at the Heart and Cancer Centers in Qatar: a crosssectional study

How bacterial communication ‘goes with the flow’ in causing infection, blockage

This study was conducted in two of the eight

medical stents and wastewater...

The destructive ability of bacteria to organize an infection or block pathways such as intestines,

hospitals run by HMC, HH, and NCCCR. It explored nurses’ perceptions...

American University’s business school finds DC is highly attractive to millennials

Emotion dysregulation in borderline personality disorder: A problem of too much drive and too little control?

IMAGE:Â The Kogod Greater Washington

Philadelphia, PA, January 13, 2016 – Borderline

Millennials Index found the Washington DC region remains a top city for Millennials...

personality disorder (BPD) is a diagnostic label applied to people...

NHS Health Check study estimates 2,500 heart attacks and strokes prevented over 5 years

M odifying the structure of wood alters plant microbiome

The first major evaluation of the NHS Health Check in England has found that the programme is

alter the endosphere microbiome, the bacteria that reside inside tree tissue....

Modifying the structure of poplar wood can also

effectively identifying people...

World’s largest canyon could be hidden under Antarctic ice sheet

Former Israeli president Peres hospitalized over heart attack: TV

The world’s largest canyon may lie under the Antarctic ice sheet, according to analysis of satellite

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli elder statesman Shimon Peres suffered a heart attack on Thursday

data by a team...

and was undergoing...

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Accused Colorado clinic shooter intends to plead guilty, expects execution: report By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) – The man accused of fatally shooting three people at a Planned Parenthood...

Obama to offer in budget to extend deadline for M edicaid expansion BATON ROUGE, Louisiana (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will offer a financial incentive in his fiscal...

Louisiana Tech University student coauthors research in ACS journal

Pfizer weighing sale of Hospira’s pump business: Bloomberg

IMAGE:Â This image shows Dr. Yuri Lvov (left) and

(Reuters) – Drugmaker Pfizer Inc is thinking

Joshua Tully. view more Credit: Louisiana Tech University RUSTON,...

about selling hospital products maker Hospira’s infusion...

The Intended Consequences of Paid Leave

Global mercury emissions down 30 percent as coal use drops: USGS

It’s as predictable as the terrible twos: Any time

By Reuters Staff WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

groups try to pass a progressive workplace policy, opponents...

Global emissions of mercury from manmade sources fell...

Scientist argues her case for UK licence to ‘edit’ human embryos

U.S. Peace Corps pulls out of El Salvador over violence, security

By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) – A scientist

By Anastasia Moloney BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters

set out her argument on Wednesday for being...

Foundation) – The U.S. Peace Corps has suspended...

The decades-long quest to cure cancer

An Open Letter to M y 19-Year-Old Self Who Just Fell Into Depression

US President Barack Obama’s announcement of a “moonshotâ€​ bid to cure cancer, continues a centuries-long...

Hi KC, I’m your future self. The version of you

Healing Trauma

Are Wraps Really Healthier Than Sandwiches?

trau·ma ?troum?,?trôm?/ 1. 1. a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. ? emotional shock following a...

that’s mature and bearded. I wrote this letter to...

By Bill Bradley for GQ. You know that thing you do at the deli where you decide you’re gonna get a healthy...

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The Strategic Decision to Outsource at Home

How often do vasectomies fail?

Many of us strive for quality recreational time and adequate work-life balance but it takes work to

expecting twins with his wife Terricka despite having undergone a vasectomy. The...

New York Jets cornerback Antonio Cromartie is

attain and hold...

New TSRI study: Flipping molecular ‘switch’ may reduce nicotine’s effects in the brain

An IRCM team unveils a mechanism that controls neuron production from stem cells

IMAGE: Loren ‘Larry’ Parsons, senior author of the new study, is a professor at The Scripps Research Institute. ...

Montréal, January 13, 2016 – A study conducted by a research team led by Michel Cayouette, Full IRCM Research Professor...

Couples’ quality of life linked even when one partner dies

Cutting down runway queues

When one spouse passes away, his or her characteristics continue to be linked with the surviving spouse’s well-being,...

Most frequent fliers are familiar with long lines at airports: at the check-in counter, the departure gate, and in boarding...

Nano-hybrid materials create magnetic effect

Protecting workers with stiffer safety penalties

Developing novel materials from the atoms up goes faster when some of the trial and error is eliminated. A new Rice University...

The new year could be a safer one for workers. A law passed by Congress last October will increase civil fines for violators...

Planned Parenthood shooter says he didn’t plan attack

Kansas governor orders Planned Parenthood funding cut

DENVER (AP) — A man who acknowledged killing three people at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic told a...

(Reuters) – Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has ordered state officials to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood...

Former Danish prime minister to run Save the Children International

Britain urged to give transgender people full legal equality

By Ellen Wulfhorst NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters

By Magdalena Mis LONDON (Thomson Reuters

Foundation) – Denmark’s first female prime...

Foundation) – Britain has “a long way to goâ€​...

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In Republican state, Obama talks with worried American mom

Report finds more infections from dirty scopes at hospitals

By Roberta Rampton OMAHA, Neb. (Reuters) –

SEATTLE (AP) — At least 250 people, mostly in

President Barack Obama visited a young family in...

the U.S., were sickened with life-threatening “superbugâ€​...

Scientists extend lifespan of lab mice by 40 percent

CDC: Evidence may link mosquito-borne virus, birth defects

Scientists have discovered a way to extend the lives

RIO DE JANEIRO — The U.S. Centers for Disease

of lab mice by 40 percent and suggest that it could one day be used...

Control says researchers have found the strongest evidence so far of...

Liver recovery difficult even with improved diet — but faster if sugar intake is low

Green pea galaxy provides insights to early universe evolution

IMAGE:Â Dietary sugar intake must come down, along with other improvements in diet and

of the compact green pea galaxy J0925+1403. The diameter of the galaxy...

IMAGE:Â This is a Hubble Space Telescope image

exercise, if there’s a...

Annihilating nanoscale defects IMAGE:Â Researchers from the University of Chicago and Argonne use the supercomputing resources at the Argonne Leadership...

New report provides conservation, management strategies for yellowcedar in Alaska The U.S. Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest Research Station today released a new report that outlines a climate adaptation...

The importance of public service broadcasting in politics and society

Surgical treatment restores penis length

A new article finds that people living in countries with public service broadcasting are better informed about government...

A new study shows that a surgical treatment can be effective for treating Peyronie’s disease, a disorder that leads...

Chipotle ‘confident’ it can stop outbreaks, shares rise

Global mercury emissions down 30 percent as coal use drops -USGS

By Lisa Baertlein and Noel Randewich LOS ANGELES/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Chipotle Mexican...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Global emissions of mercury from manmade sources fell 30 percent from 1990 to 2010,...

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Report: M ore infections from dirty scopes at US hospitals

Hens culled after bird flu strain found on Scottish farm

SEATTLE (AP) — At least 250 people, mostly in the U.S., were sickened with potentially deadly infections...

EDINBURGH (Reuters) – The Scottish government has ordered a cull of tens of thousands of hens after a mild...

Trump looms behind both Obama and Haley speeches

Paroxetine in early pregnancy once again linked to birth defects

By James Oliphant WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Donald Trump was not in the room during U.S. President...

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Women who take the antidepressant paroxetine (Paxil, Seroxat)...

Scientist argues her case for UK license to "edit" human embryos

Winter weather bad for your heart?

LONDON – A scientist set out her argument on Wednesday for being given a British license to conduct controversial...

It turns out that winter brings more than just cold temperatures, ice, and snow. We know that cold weather can cause influenza,...

"Before I go to heaven…" boy sees dream come true

De-mystifying the study of volatile organic plant compounds

When 8-year-old Dorian Murray learned last month

IMAGE:Â This image shows the impact of abiotic

that his terminal cancer was no longer treatable, he decided he had a goal:...

and biotic factors on plant VOC emission. The factors in red are affected...

New app ‘hides’ user location from third parties

Superoxide gives lithium-air batteries a jolt

IMAGE:Â Researchers have developed an app that

IMAGE:Â The lattice match between LiO2 and Ir3Li

blocks third parties from identifying an individual’s location...

may be responsible for the LiO2 discharge product found for the Ir-rGO...

NASA analyzes winds and rainfall in unusual Atlantic system 90L

Ancient going on nouveau

IMAGE:Â On Jan. 13, GPM saw rain in a few powerful storms was measured falling at a rate of over 94 mm (3.7 inches)...

Study: Workplace flexibility benefits

We’ve come a long way from the days of hunting and gathering. With advancements in science and technology, we’re...

M assachusetts, Boston offered GE $145

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million in perks to move: governor

WASHINGTON, DC, January 13, 2016 — New research released today shows that workers at a

BOSTON (Reuters) – The state of Massachusetts offered diversified manufacturer General Electric

Fortune 500 company who participated...

Co GE.N $120...

Controversial ‘pay-for-delay’ deals drop after FTC’s win in top court

GE moving headquarters to Boston to tap tech talent

By Diane Bartz WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Branded drug companies hammered out far fewer deals with generic drug...

By Alwyn Scott NEW YORK (Reuters) – General Electric Co said on Wednesday it will move its...

Putin claims Russia has developed Ebola vaccine

Infants can get into unsecured medicines

Moscow (AFP) – Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed Wednesday his country had developed a vaccine for...

By Kathryn Doyle Infants age six months and younger may not be very mobile yet, but they are still...

Judge leaning toward sealing some evidence in Cosby sex suit

Citing 2013 outbreak in Florida, CDC says strength of whooping cough vaccine may be waning

By Scott Malone (Reuters) – A U.S. judge on Wednesday brokered a compromise on whether to release...

A research article released Wednesday by the

American woman on campaign to find Chinese son’s birth parents before he goes blind

Citing 2013 outbreak in Florida, CDC says strength of whooping cough vaccine …

An American woman who adopted a Chinese boy is searching for his birth parents so that he can

A research article released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

meet them before he goes blind....

sheds light on the potential...

Nurse accidentally cuts off premature newborn’s toe

DR. M ANNY: The US is winning the ‘war on cancer,’ but the fight is far from over

A New Mexico newborn has gone through many medical challenges since his premature birth with his twin brother. The latest—...

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sheds light on the potential...

The first time finding a cure for cancer ever showed up on the presidential radar was in the early 1970s,

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when President...

American woman on campaign to find Chinese son’s birth parents before he goes …

X-ray therapy promotes structural regeneration after spinal cord injury in a rat model

An American woman who adopted a Chinese boy

In our earlier pre-experiments, the female rats had

is searching for his birth parents so that he can meet them before he goes blind....

a lower infection rates and mortality than male rats. In order to ensure...

M iR-548c impairs migration and invasion of endometrial and ovarian cancer cells via downregulation of Twist

What are the important surgical factors affecting the wound healing after primary total knee arthroplasty?

Targeting of metastasis-related miRNAs in human tumors may offer potential therapeutic strategies

The results of the present study would support out hypothesis that operative technique would affect wound healing in primary...

for these diseases [34,...

The Workplace Wellness Issue No One Is Talking About As more women remain in the workforce through their menopausal years, many employers may need to do a better job of adopting...

Concussion Film Reveals Dire Need to Learn M ore About Traumatic Brain Injuries and Treatments That Work to Heal

Daily M editation: You Are Here ALL SOULS BY EDITH WHARTON IA THIN moon faints in the sky o’erhead,And dumb in the churchyard lie the dead.Walk we...

Hidden Stressors in Daily Living As a stress management consultant, through dealing with clients over the course of years, I’ve discovered...

If you’ve gotten past the Star Wars hype, you may have noticed the film Concussion in movie theaters. And...

Apple’s Next iPhone Update Could Help You Get Better Sleep

Boy battling cancer realizes dream of becoming famous

As Tim Stenovec noted on Tech Insider, the

When 8-year-old Dorian Murray learned last month

function might remind you a bit of F.lux, a screenchanging app available on...

that his terminal cancer was no longer treatable, he decided he had a goal:...

Charlie Sheen quit HIV meds for

NASA sees Ula go extra-tropical

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"alternative" treatment

IMAGE: NOAA’s GOES-West satellite captured

Two months after he went public with the news that he’s HIV positive, Charlie Sheen is revealing

this infrared view of Extra-tropical Storm Ula being affected by...

new details about...

First human in vitro model of rare neurodegenerative condition created

TGen study targets SGEF protein in treating glioblastoma brain tumors

Researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Rady Children’s

IMAGE: Dr. Nhan Tran, is Associate Professor and head of TGen’s Central Nervous System

Hospital-San Diego have...

Tumor Research Lab and...

NASA analyzes Hurricane Pali’s rainfall rates

What do lasers and oranges have in common? A possible cure for citrus greening

IMAGE: The GPM core observatory satellite flew over Pali on Jan. 11 at 2121 UTC (4:21 p.m. EST). GPM’s Dual-Frequency...

IMAGE:Â A citrus leaf was lasered with dot matrix perforation pattern to increase penetration of antibiotics. ...

Shiny fish skin inspires nanoscale light reflectors

Judge leaning towards sealing some evidence in Cosby sex suit

A nature-inspired method to model the reflection of light from the skin of silvery fish and other

By Scott Malone WORCESTER, Mass. (Reuters) – A U.S. judge on Wednesday brokered a

organisms may be possible,...


M orphine for back pain tied to rapid changes in brain

Concussion Film Reveals Dire Need to Learn M ore About Traumatic Brain Injuries and Treatments

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Patients who take morphine pills for lower back pain may...

If you’ve gotten past the Star Wars hype, you may have noticed the film Concussion in movie theaters. And...

Patients urged to get revaccinated after refrigeration issue

Chief U.S. sugar lobbyist resigns amid crackdown on sweetener

LEBANON, N.H. (AP) — A New Hampshire

By Chris Prentice NEW YORK (Reuters) – The

hospital that discovered its vaccines were stored at inconsistent temperatures...

head of the main U.S. sugar marketing lobby has resigned after...

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General Electric to move headquarters to Boston: report By Daniel Bases NEW YORK (Reuters) – General Electric Co is set to move its global headquarters...

New Hampshire hospital urging children to get revaccinated after refrigeration issue A New Hampshire hospital that discovered its vaccines were stored at inconsistent temperatures is asking more than 800 children...

Chinese teen gives birth to conjoined twins

A potato-rich diet before pregnancy could up diabetes risk

A Chinese mother gave birth to conjoined twins who are being kept for observation before

Wednesday January 13 2016 Potatoes contain large amounts of starch “Eating potatoes

undergoing separation surgery. The...

before pregnancy increases...

Exercise is ‘most effective’ method of preventing lower back pain

9-year-old suffers third-degree burns after cell phone case leaks acid

Wednesday January 13 2016 Exercise can both help treat and prevent back pain “Exercise is the best medicine...

A 9-year-old girl in the United Kingdom suffered third-degree burns on her leg after the glittery case she used to protect...

New Hampshire hospital urging children to get revaccinated after refrigeration …

Officer who breastfed abandoned newborn credited with saving her life

A New Hampshire hospital that discovered its vaccines were stored at inconsistent temperatures is asking more than 800 children...

A starving newborn who was abandoned near a remote forest settlement in Colombia was saved by a responding police officer...

Parents of infant covered in large black moles raising money for laser removal

Burnout among after-hours home visit doctors in Australia

The parents of a two-month-old infant whose rare

172 respondents returned their questionnaires, but

skin condition left her covered in large black moles are raising money for...

4 of these did not complete the Basic Bio-Data Section and were...

Expanding the diversity of DNA base modifications with N 6 methyldeoxyadenosine

Expanding the diversity of DNA base modifications with N 6 methyldeoxyadenosine

Although m6 dA is a readily detectable feature of

Although m6 dA is a readily detectable feature of

bacterial genomes, it has been more difficult to

bacterial genomes, it has been more difficult to

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Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plant species used by communities around M abira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda

Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plant species used by communities around M abira Central Forest Reserve, Uganda

Characteristics of respondents Most of the respondents were men with an average age of

Characteristics of respondents Most of the respondents were men with an average age of

52Â years. African belief is ...

52Â years. African belief is ...

Ectoparasites may serve as vectors for the white-nose syndrome fungus

Ectoparasites may serve as vectors for the white-nose syndrome fungus

Material collection Using heat-sterilised forceps, we collected wing mites of the genus Spinturnix

Material collection Using heat-sterilised forceps, we collected wing mites of the genus Spinturnix

from 33 greater mouse-eared...

from 33 greater mouse-eared...

The role of childhood trauma in bipolar disorders

This One Thing M ight Help People Who Have Both Diabetes And Depression

Several mechanisms are likely to be involved in mediating the consequences of childhood trauma

(Reuters Health) – People who have both diabetes and depression may have an easier time

at the molecular...

keeping their blood sugar...

This One Thing M ight Help People Who Have Both Diabetes And Depression

Healthy Child Healthy World: Empowering Parents To M ake Safer Choices

(Reuters Health) – People who have both diabetes and depression may have an easier time keeping their blood sugar...

By Nancy and James Chuda, founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World Michael Weatherly, with his beautiful...

Healthy Child Healthy World: Empowering Parents To M ake Safer Choices By Nancy and James Chuda, founders of LuxEcoLiving and Healthy Child Healthy World Michael Weatherly, with his beautiful...

The First Vegan Butcher Shop In The U.S. Is Opening In M inneapolis

The First Vegan Butcher Shop In The U.S. Is Opening In M inneapolis If you’re wondering why, the vegan siblings provide a sound response. “A modest reduction in the consumption...

The Case for Calling the Dietary Guidelines What They Really Are

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If you’re wondering why, the vegan siblings

Call me crazy. Or Ishmael, for that matter. I think

provide a sound response. “A modest reduction in the consumption...

“Dietary Guidelines for Americansâ€​ should be something...

The Case for Calling the Dietary Guidelines What They Really Are

Aetna Promotes GeneticallyPersonalized Wellness Program, But Does It Really Work?

Call me crazy. Or Ishmael, for that matter. I think “Dietary Guidelines for Americansâ€​ should be something...

If I buy olives, sundried tomatoes and anchovies

Vice President Biden will lead new initiative to fight for cancer cure

Vice President Biden will lead new initiative to fight for cancer cure

Vice President Joe Biden has been tasked with leading a new national initiative to fight for a cure

Vice President Joe Biden has been tasked with leading a new national initiative to fight for a cure

for cancer after he lost...

for cancer after he lost...

Protein patterns — a new tool for studying sepsis

Protein patterns — a new tool for studying sepsis

IMAGE:Â This is a graph from the study: Tissuespecific protein in blood plasma. view more Credit:

IMAGE:Â This is a graph from the study: Tissuespecific protein in blood plasma. view more Credit:



What happens with the environment when your car moves?

What happens with the environment when your car moves?

IMAGE:Â This image shows Romashov and Rukhovich ( view more Credit:

IMAGE:Â This image shows Romashov and Rukhovich ( view more Credit:

AnanikovLab Engine is...

AnanikovLab Engine is...

Racial makeup of labor markets affects who gets job leads

Racial makeup of labor markets affects who gets job leads

The racial composition of a labor market plays a significant role in whether workers find out about

The racial composition of a labor market plays a significant role in whether workers find out about

job leads – regardless...

job leads – regardless...

The cellular protein shredder is impaired by cigarette smoke and in

The cellular protein shredder is impaired by cigarette smoke and in

from an Italian gourmet shop and put them in a blender, do I then...

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COPD patients

COPD patients

The immunoproteasome is a defined structure in mammalian cells that is specialized to degrade

The immunoproteasome is a defined structure in mammalian cells that is specialized to degrade

protein molecules that are...

protein molecules that are...

Environmental changes can elicit fast changes in pathogens

Environmental changes can elicit fast changes in pathogens

Environmental changes can elicit fast changes in pathogens: Meat beats the veggie menu in

Environmental changes can elicit fast changes in pathogens: Meat beats the veggie menu in

bacterial virulence Changes in...

bacterial virulence Changes in...

The evidence for saturated fat and sugar related to coronary heart disease

The evidence for saturated fat and sugar related to coronary heart disease

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (December. 23, 2015) — Atherosclerotic Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (December. 23, 2015) — Atherosclerotic Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is

responsible for one in every...

responsible for one in every...

M ichigan National Guard to help distribute supplies in Flint water crisis

Preparing for pandemics could cost less than $1 each a year, review says

(Reuters) – Michigan National Guard members were set to arrive in Flint as soon as Wednesday to

By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) – Investing less then $0.72 a year for each person would

join door-to-door...


Preparing for pandemics could cost less than $1 each a year, review says

The Drug Resistant Killers

By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) – Investing less then $0.72 a year for each person would

Every five minutes a child in Southeast Asia dies from an infection caused by drug-resistant bacteria — a...


The Drug Resistant Killers Every five minutes a child in Southeast Asia dies from an infection caused by drug-resistant bacteria — a...

Armenia says 10 people died from H1N1 swine flu YEREVAN (Reuters) – Ten people have died from H1N1 swine flu in Armenia in the last two months but there...

Zimbabwe declines comment on M ugabe health rumours

Zimbabwe declines comment on M ugabe health rumours

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HARARE (Reuters) – Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s spokesman declined to

HARARE (Reuters) – Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s spokesman declined to

comment on Wednesday on...

comment on Wednesday on...

Woman has catfish removed from stomach

Zimbabwe declines comment on M ugabe health rumors

A tourist swimming at a Sao Paulo beach resort ended up needing surgery … to have a catfish

HARARE (Reuters) – Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s spokesman declined to

removed. The fish embedded...

comment on Wednesday on...

M idlife crisis? Study finds most actually get happier

Texas toddler recovering after swallowing 9 magnets

There’s no such thing as a mid-life crisis, according to myth-busting Canadian researchers,

Ava Kendall, 2, was eating lunch at home in College Point, Texas, with her grandfather and

who said contrary to popular...

family when she suddenly started...

Texas toddler recovering after swallowing 9 magnets

Adorable video of 4-year-old exercising to impress crush going viral

Ava Kendall, 2, was eating lunch at home in College Point, Texas, with her grandfather and family when she suddenly started...

A 4-year-old Washington boy who’s determined to impress his crush is charming folks across the globe in quirky video...

Adorable video of 4-year-old exercising to impress crush going viral

Research finds reason advertising boosts stock prices for some companies and not others

A 4-year-old Washington boy who’s determined to impress his crush is charming folks across the globe in quirky video...

IMAGE: This is Niket Jindal. view more Credit: Indiana University BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — By 2017, total...

ISU prof: Teaching social justice to privileged students necessary for change

Antisocial behaviour: Understanding the influence of genes and the environment

IMAGE: Iowa State’s Katy Swalwell spent a

This news release is available in French. A gene

semester observing students at an affluent, private school to understand...

involved in the regulation of emotions and behaviour could influence...

‘No-buy’ lists could cut kids’ exposure to alcohol ads

New twists in the diffraction of intense laser light

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PISCATAWAY, NJ – Young people’s

A discovery by University of Strathclyde researchers

exposure to alcohol advertisements on television could be greatly reduced if...

could have a major impact on advancing smaller, cheaper, laser-driven...

People who experience rage attacks have smaller ’emotional brains’

Snyder activates National Guard in Flint, seeks federal help

Philadelphia, PA, January 12, 2016 –

FLINT, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

Neuroimaging studies suggest that frontolimbic regions of the brain, structures...

late Tuesday activated the National Guard to help distribute...

Obama launches mission to cure cancer ‘once and for all’

Desplazados: The Invisible Citizens

By Ayesha Rascoe WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday pledged

Villa, and Dee Dee Wei As we boarded the plane from Boston to Medellin,...

By Andres Hernandez, Andrea Martinez, Liliana

to undertake...

An interest in the arts can boost mental health

UCLA discovery could lead to new therapies for autism

In a recent study, a team of researchers from The University of Western Australia have found that

UCLA scientists have discovered that an overlooked region in brain cells houses a


motherlode of mutated genes previously...

Using statins before and after heart surgery can help reduce cardiac complications, mortality risks

Estrogen may protect women against flu

/ no comments Society of Thoracic Surgeons

The female sex hormone estrogen has anti-viral effects against the influenza A virus, commonly known as the flu, a new study...

First patient enrolled in ThromboGenics’ Phase II CIRCLE study of ocriplasmin in NPDR patients

Standardized treatment approach makes outpatient thyroid surgery a safe option for elderly patients

Assessing the potential of ocriplasmin to reduce risk of disease progression from NPDR to

A standardized treatment approach that starts with good screening and ends with patients going

sight–threatening Proliferative...

home to well-prepared caregivers,...

New clinical study reveals previously unknown risk factors linked to keratoconus

7 People in Long-Term Relationships Share What They M iss About Being Single

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A large new study reveals previously unknown risk factors associated with an eye condition that causes serious progressive...

1. “My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost two-and-a-half years, and living together for one. While he is...

8 People Reveal the Grossest Things They’ve Ever Seen Their Partners Do

5 Ways to Raise the Fun Factor in Your Fitness Regimen

1. “Have you ever heard of a thing called the ‘Dutch Oven’? It’s when you fart and then pull the...

Round of applause for Kyle Coletti, founder of the kickboxing-style circuit workout Focusmaster. Coletti won over the judges...

Epidemiological investigation of an outbreak of cutaneous sporotrichosis, Northern Territory, Australia

Fungus attacks new type of grain thanks to an evolutionary trick

Sorry, the page you requested is unavailable. The link you requested might be broken, or no longer

cross between wheat and rye. Since the 1960s, triticale has been cultivated...

Triticale is an artificial grain type stemming from a

exist. Why not start at...

Tough times for the tree of life on coral reefs

Overwhelming evidence? It’s probably a bad thing

Marine scientists are calling for a re-think of how marine protected areas (MPAs) are planned and

The old adage that says “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isâ€​ has finally been put to

coordinated, following...

the test –...

Abrupt excitation phenomenon in hightemperature plasma

How black men can succeed in IT careers

IMAGE:Â Figure 2: This shows the restoring force against the growth of fluctuations. When the

PULLMAN, Wash. – Expanding the range of black men’s career options in an increasingly

amplitude is lower than...

technology-oriented world...

A century after Endurance Shackleton diagnosed with ‘hole in the heart’

Obama knocks Trump, voices optimism in speech to set 2016 tone

On the 100th anniversary of the Endurance expedition to Antarctica led by Sir Ernest

By Jeff Mason and Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

Shackleton, doctors writing in the Journal...

Obama took aim on...

M ichigan National Guard, FEM A help Flint amid water crisis

Behind both Obama and Haley speeches, Trump looms

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FLINT, Mich. (AP) — Members of the Michigan National Guard are headed to Flint to help dole out

By James Oliphant WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Donald Trump was not in the room during

bottled water,...


Ebola: profile of a prolific killer

Obama knocks Republicans for antiM uslim rhetoric, seeks to set 2016 tone

Monrovia (AFP) – This is a factfile on Ebola ahead of Liberia’s expected announcement this week that...

By Jeff Mason and Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama knocked Republican...

Snyder activates National Guard to help with Flint

President Obama’s final State of the Union address

FLINT, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder late Tuesday activated the National Guard to help

(Reuters) – President Obama wrapped up his final State of the Union address with a forceful


statement of...

Anthem targets $3 billion in drug cost savings with Express Scripts

Obama says to launch mission to cure cancer ‘once and for all’

By Susan Kelly and Caroline Humer (Reuters) – Anthem Inc could save $3 billion annually on...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama on Tuesday said he would launch a new national effort to cure...

U.S. patent agency to decide inventor of powerful gene editing technology

Aetna CEO says he is not giving up on public insurance exchanges

By Andrew Chung NEW YORK (Reuters) – A showdown between two teams of top U.S.

The chief executive of Aetna Inc on Tuesday said the health insurer is not about to withdraw from the

scientists over...

public health exchange...

This Is What Happens When You Hit The Gym And The Gym Hits Back

5 Hidden Superfoods to Eat Healthy in 2016

So, perhaps you already broke your New Year’s resolution to get fit. Hey, it’s better than the resolution breaking...

It’s Jan. 2nd, you are serious about your New Year’s resolution. In addition to getting in good shape,...

FDA panel votes on new opioid addiction treatment

Top-5 achievements at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in 2015

A Food and Drug Administration committee voted IMAGE:Â From top left: 1.Magnetic island geometry today in favor of approval for an implant designed to revealing the mechanism for the density limit. Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

help people beat opioid...

(Reprinted with permission...

Immigrant kids’ diet is different, less nutritious than mom’s

Northern methane

The diet of Mexican immigrant children in the U.S. is different from what their mothers eat, according to Penn State sociologists,...

Not all sources of methane emissions are manmade. A new study shows that northern freshwaters are critical emitters of this...

Largest-ever study of cornea condition reveals hidden risk factors

A cultural look at moral purity: Wiping the face clean

IMAGE:Â These are the key findings from the study. view more Credit: University of Michigan ANN ARBOR, Mich....

IMAGE: Spike W. S. Lee is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of...

Brain monitoring takes a leap out of the lab

Shire says internal synergy goals from Baxalta deal higher

IMAGE:Â Bioengineers and cognitive scientists have developed the first portable, 64-channel wearable brain activity...

(Reuters) – The chief executive of rare disease drugmaker Shire Plc on Tuesday suggested that the company...

Experiments in Happiness: The Setup

Europeans urge employers to ease menopause for women

Recap: My New Year’s resolution is to stop externalizing my happiness. This year, I’m focusing on...

By Lisa Rapaport As more women remain in the workforce through their menopausal years, many employers...

Taking drugs for depression linked to better diabetes control

Probe reveals problems in Italy childbirth deaths

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – People who have both diabetes and depression may have an...

Rome (AFP) – Italy’s health ministry said Tuesday that probes into a spate of women dying in childbirth...

The 6 Things That Subconsciously Impact Your Restaurant Order

M om posts heartbreaking video to raise awareness of whooping cough after newborn’s death

By Korin Miller, Glamour Photo: Romulo A Yanes It’s no secret that there are a lot of things going on when...

An Australian mother is aiming to raise awareness about the dangers of whooping cough and the

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importance of vaccination after...

Children’s cough syrup recalled Healthcare product company Perrigo issued a voluntary recall Monday for two of its children’s cough syrups, as ...

After miscarriage, how long should couples wait to try again? After an early miscarriage, couples who try to conceive again within three months may be more likely to have a successful...

M om posts heartbreaking video to raise awareness of whooping cough after …

M an’s blurred vision caused by worm living in his eye

An Australian mother is aiming to raise awareness

redness, pain and floaters discovered he had a long, live worm living in...

about the dangers of whooping cough and the importance of vaccination after...

TRL becomes primary distributor of Kirkstall’s QuasiVivo system in the US and Canada – An AZoNetwork Site ...

A man who went to the doctor with reduced vision,

Apollo Care Connect acquires Healarium’s population health management technology and operating platform Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc. (“ApolloMedâ€​ or “the Companyâ€​) (AMEH), an integrated population health...

Ask a Hot Doctor: Why Is M y Sex Drive Through the Roof?

Why Guys Fall Asleep Immediately After Having Sex

Meet Dr. Mikail Varshavski: The 26-year-old doctor, who was crowned People‘s “Sexiest Doctor Aliveâ€​ in...

To find out why the hell dudes can go from doing the humpty dance to assuming the horizontal position, we asked the experts,...

Here’s What Gynecologists Think About ‘Over-the-Counter’ Birth Control Pills

Environmental Agencies Reject VW’s Plan For Recall Over Emissions

That being said, this does sound a heck of a lot

Calling the company’s plan incomplete, the

easier than booking face-time with your gyno and then hitting up your local...

California Air Resources Board has rejected Volkswagen’s plan to...

Analysis of trabecular bone microstructure in osteoporotic femoral

The effect of nucleus basalis magnocellularis deep brain stimulation

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heads in human patients: in vivo study using multidetector row computed tomography This study was performed in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the...

Radix puerariae extracts ameliorate paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis by attenuating follistatin-like 1 and nuclear factor erythroid 2p45-related factor-2 signalling pathways through downregulation of miRNA-21 expression

on memory function in a rat model of dementia Animals All experiments were conducted according to the guidelines of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee...

County-level heat vulnerability of urban and rural residents in Tibet, China This is the first study assessing and mapping heat vulnerability of urban and rural populations, in the Tibet Autonomous...

Preparation of RPE Radix puerariae, the root of Pueraria lobata (Willd) Ohwi (Shanghai Leiyunshang Pharmaceutical ...

Removal of dental implant displaced into maxillary sinus by combination of endoscopically assisted and bone repositioning techniques: a case report Implants placed in the posterior maxilla sometimes fail because of the presence of thin

Are You M aking Any of These 4 Common Nutrition M istakes? Nutrition: One of the most confusing topics in today’s generation. With different diets and fads coming out...

cortical bone with very...

Healthy Snacks for Hungry Kids By Megan Boyle, Editorial Director, Healthy Child Healthy World, and Dawn Undurraga, Nutritionist, Environmental...

10 Kidney Health Resolutions for 2016 Many of you resolved to face 2016 with a renewed commitment to improving your health. There are 10 things I prescribe...

Doctor Shares Tips For Becoming Your Healthiest Self This New Year With many people hoping to become their healthiest selves this New Year, there’s a lot of misinformation out there...

5 Tips to Preparing Healthy Snack Choices for Kids Healthy snacks for kids is important because they provide their daily nutrients, energy and help control hunger...

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M any bariatric surgery patients face mental health issues Many people having surgery for severe obesity also have mental health conditions, particularly depression and binge-eating...

NASA and NOAA satellite data see North Atlantic system more concentrated IMAGE: This visible image of the low pressure area in the Central North Atlantic Ocean was taken from NOAA’s...

U.S. pet obesity rate continues to rise The obesity epidemic is hitting our pets, too. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, roughly 53 percent...

Runaway stars leave infrared waves IMAGE:Â These images from NASA show fastmoving stars (in blue) and bow shocks (in red). view more Credit: NASA In...

Parents in dark about using epinephrine shot for kids’ food allergies

BU study finds geography influences government grading of medicare advantage plans

CHICAGO — When a child has a food allergy,

(BOSTON) Geographic location is an important

it’s critical for pediatricians and allergists to show parents when...

predictor of the quality grades assigned to Medicare Advantage insurance plans,...

New geological evidence aids tsunami hazard assessments from Alaska to Hawaii

Standardized approach makes outpatient thyroid surgery safe for even the elderly, super-elderly

WASHINGTON, DC — New data for frequent large tsunamis at a remote island near Dutch Harbor,

IMAGE:Â This is Dr. David Terris view more Credit: Augusta University Senior Photographer Phil Jones

Alaska provides geological...


U.N. envoy on Syria to meet major powers on Wednesday: statement

U.N. war crimes investigators gathering testimony from starving Syrian town

GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations Special Envoy for Syria will meet ambassadors from major

By Lisa Barrington and Stephanie Nebehay BEIRUT/GENEVA (Reuters) – Residents of a

powers in...


Zika virus case confirmed in Texas; person traveled to Latin America

New venture aims to fill customerservice void in healthcare

(Reuters) – A traveler who recently returned to the Houston area from Latin America has a confirmed

By Jonathan Weber (Reuters) – Three large U.S. venture capital firms are betting that hospitals...

case... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Roche, AbbVie get U.S. priority review status for leukemia drug

Obama nominee to lead FDA wins backing from Senate committee

ZURICH (Reuters) – Roche said on Tuesday that

By Toni Clarke (Reuters) – President Barack

the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted ‘priority...

Obama’s nominee to lead the Food and Drug...

New tool estimates looming risk of kidney failure in people with kidney disease

AliveCor M obile ECG to be integrated into LifeWatch’s remote cardiac monitoring service

This image shows a cross section of a kidney. Credit: Holly Fischer/Wikipedia An online tool

AliveCor, Inc.

combining results...

M echanical properties of bone revealed through micro-indentation testing

Credit Value Partners closes $12.0 million DIP credit facility with Health Diagnostic Laboratory

Unraveling the mechanical properties of bone with micro-indentation testing has significance in both

Credit Value Partners, LP

health and disease....

Liazon named winner of Fall 2015 Digital Health Awards Liazon, operator of the industry-leading private benefits exchange for businesses across the U.S.,

Salvat, Lee’s Pharmaceutical partner to market Duoxal ear drops in Greater China / no comments Laboratorios Salvat S.A.

was named a winner of...

Study examines impact of sit-stand workstations in reducing chronic low back pain in office workers

Chemists discover how a single enzyme maintains a cell’s pool of DNA building blocks – An AZoNetwork Site ...

The regulation of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase allows for just the right levels of deoxynucleotides, the...

The analysis of factors affecting municipal employees’ willingness to report to work during an influenza pandemic by means of the extended

Novel polymorphisms in caspase-8 are associated with breast cancer risk in the California Teachers Study

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parallel process model (EPPM ) A total of 1.566 employees answered the survey. The overall response rate was 26Â % of the total staff members....

Ethics statement This study was carried out in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration and approved by the Institutional...

Combining long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying for malaria prevention in Ethiopia: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

Secondary abdominal compartment syndrome required decompression laparotomy during minimally invasive mitral valve repair

Study setting This study is being carried out in the Adami Tullu part of the Adami Tullu-Jiddo-

cardiovascular pathologies that included severe mitral regurgitation (MR) and...

A 77-year-old man was presented with

Kombolchaworeda (hereafter...

The CII-specific autoimmune T-cell response develops in the presence of FTY720 but is regulated by enhanced Treg cells that inhibit the development of autoimmune arthritis

Sleep and Pain at the Consumer Electronics Show Half of our health status is bolstered through lifestyle and daily choices; only 20 percent of our individual health...

Mice The generation of DRB1*0101 Tg mice (DR1) has previously been described 25]. The human DRA1 and DRB1 transgenes were...

The Hidden Zen of my M other: Holding On to the Processes

A Guide to Staying Ridiculously Happy This Winter

At any given time, in my childhood home, you could

By: Jess Novak Credit: Shutterstock Between the

enter to find a half-full, delicate mug of tea, abandoned and...

family obligations, the weather, and the nagging feeling that the...

Drinking Just One Soda A Day Exceeds Health Experts Recommendations

When Should You Get A M ammogram? A Definitive Guide

Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages like soda daily may lead to more abdominal fat gain over

These guidelines won’t affect insurance coverage The task force’s previous update

time, according to a new study. So-called...

on mammography guidelines,...

Best approach to preventing low back pain

Researchers work on lowering greenhouse gas emissions from poultry

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Shoe inserts, back-support belts and other


gadgets aimed at preventing low back pain may be a waste of money. Instead, exercise...

IMAGE: The University of Delaware’s Hong Li, assistant professor in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences,...

CU-Boulder study: M ountains west of Boulder continue to lose ice as climate warms

Tropical Cyclone Ula’s winds, rainfall seen by NASA’s GPM and RapidScat

New research led by the University of Colorado Boulder indicates an ongoing loss of ice on Niwot Ridge and the adjacent Green...

IMAGE: GPM measured Ula’s rainfall on Jan. 11, 2016 at 1126 UTC (6:26 a.m. EST). GPM’s Microwave Imager...

Grazing towards sustainability

Spider web research shows promise for noninvasive genetic sampling

The first international Global Farm Platform conference hosted by the University of Bristol this week [12 to 15 January]...

Using web samples from black widow spiders fed with crickets, researchers at the University of Notre Dame have successfully...

Uncovering oxygen’s role in enhancing red LEDs

‘Heartbreaking scenes’ witnessed in starving Syrian town

IMAGE:Â This is a) shows the europium (Eu) distribution of the delta structure (DS) samples with alternating 10-nanometer...

By Lisa Barrington and Stephanie Nebehay BEIRUT/GENEVA (Reuters) – Aid workers who reached...

Exercise helps prevent low back pain

Why You Should Kiss Like Your Life Depends On It

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – Back pain is common and difficult to treat, but one effective...

When was the last time you kissed passionately? If you can’t remember you could be in trouble. Never mind...

Thousands of doctors walk off the job in pay dispute

Sugary drinks linked to increased fat levels around vital organs

LONDON (AP) — Thousands of junior doctors

Tuesday January 12 2016 Diet drinks or water are

have walked off the job in England in a dispute over pay and working...

far healthier for children “People who consume sugary drinks...

Validity and reliability of a food

The State Of Your New Year’s

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frequency questionnaire to estimate dietary intake among Lebanese children Compared with other dietary assessment methods, FFQs are the most practical and cost-

Resolution In 20 Hilarious Tweets There are two kinds of New Year’s resolutionmakers: people who set lofty goals for themselves and people who resolve...

effective means for assessing diet in...

This Small Company Offers On-Site Therapy To Workers

Avoiding errors and issues at the hospital

She will, however, give aggregate information to the company. A few years ago Bowden noticed a lot of workers were dealing...

January 12, 2016, 8:14 AM|More than 35 million Americans a year spend at least one night in a hospital, and the system may...

How to navigate differing breast cancer screening guidelines

Linking gene expression and DNA methylation in single cells

January 12, 2016, 7:35 AM|A new set of breast cancer screening guidelines is sparking debate. The U.S. Preventive Services...

IMAGE:Â Researchers can now study the direct relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression in the same cells...

PNAS: Childhood leukemias forged by different evolutionary forces than in older adults

New Stanford battery shuts down at high temperatures and restarts when it cools

IMAGE:Â James DeGregori, PhD, and colleagues

Stanford researchers have developed the first

show that ‘genetic drift’ shapes leukemia in very young patients,...

lithium-ion battery that shuts down before overheating, then restarts immediately...

Study: Second-generation biofuels can reduce emissions

Scientists pinpoint unbroken section of Nepal fault line and show why Himalayas grow

IMAGE: Plant biology professor Evan DeLucia and co-authors found that the renewable fuel standard’s greater...

‘Kink’ in fault explains long-term growth of

Global learning is needed to save carbon capture and storage from being abandoned

With standing ovation, music veterans bid farewell to Natalie Cole

Carbon capture and storage, which is considered

highest mountains in years between earthquakes Satellite technology...

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Music veterans, friends and family have paid tribute to Grammy

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by many experts as the only realistic way to dramatically reduce carbon emissions...

Award winner Natalie...

Russian grand master Bukavshin dies of suspected stroke aged 20

Chess-Russian grand master Bukavshin dies of suspected stroke aged 20

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia’s 20-year-old

MOSCOW, Jan 12 (Reuters) – Russia’s 20-

chess grand master Ivan Bukavshin died of a suspected stroke...

year-old chess grand master Ivan Bukavshin died of a suspected...

Sugary soft drinks associated with higher visceral fat according to new research

Doctors’ strike causes major disruption at English hospitals

According to new research published in the American Heart Association’s journal

doctors in England went on strike Tuesday, causing major disruption...

London (AFP) – Tens of thousands of junior

Circulation, drinking sugary...

Psychoactive plant may play key role in reversing diabetes

How to avoid low back pain: exercise and education

Site Index Sections Home Video Politics U.S. Opinion Entertainment Tech Science Health Travel

Shoe inserts, back-support belts and other gadgets aimed at preventing low back pain may be

Lifestyle World Sports Weather On...

a waste of money. Instead, exercise...

M erck, BioLineRX to study drug combo to fight pancreatic cancer

Texas pharmacy agrees to stop distributing adulterated drugs

JERUSALEM Israeli biopharmaceutical company BioLineRX Ltd said on Tuesday it would

A Dallas-area pharmacy facing government allegations of making contaminated drugs in

collaborate with U.S. industry heavyweight...

unsanitary conditions has agreed to...

Is community water fluoridation cost effective?

What should be the role of computer games in education?

Today during the 43rd Annual Meeting Exhibition of the American Association for Dental Research,

From “brain gamesâ€​ designed to enhance mental fitness, to games used to improve real-

held in conjunction with...

world problems, to games...

Experts call for more tailored liver cancer care in developing countries

Food preservative delivers one-two punch to cancer, antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Dr. Eloy Ruiz and his surgical team in the operating theater at the National Cancer Institute of Peru Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

(2013) Credit:...

Nisin, a naturally occurring food preservative that grows on dairy products, delivers a one-two punch to two of medicine’s...

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy emerges as fast, costefficient method for biomass analysis

NIH-funded analysis identifies three genes that contribute to most common form of glaucoma

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

An analysis funded by the National Eye Institute (NEI), part of the National Institutes of Health, has identified three genes...

M alaysian scientists join forces with Harvard experts to help revolutionize lung disease treatment

New studies provide insights into impact of vision loss among survivors of childhood cancers

Malaysian scientists are joining forces with Harvard University experts to help revolutionize the

Little is known about the long-term health of survivors of childhood cancers that affect vision, but

treatment of lung diseases...

two new studies provide...

Increasing levels of FGF21 hormone protects against loss of immune function in the elderly

How to Be Your Own Weight-Loss Tracker

/ no comments Yale University

So far, evidence suggests your inner ticktock may have an even bigger influence on your size than your metabolism or how...

What Being a Pinterest Addict Says About Your Eating Habits

9 New Next-Level Gadgets That Are Smarter Than You

For the survey, researchers polled 423,302 Americans who use Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram,

We’ve been pounding the pavement in Las Vegas this week (seriously, we’ve walked so

and Tumblr (they didn’t...

many miles our pedometers...

Glycemic control of diabetes patients under continuous rocket attacks

Patient-, organization-, and systemlevel barriers and facilitators to preventive oral health care: a convergent mixed-methods study in primary dental care

Our findings demonstrate that exposure to continuous rocket attacks was related to a progressive poor glycemic control, even...

This study used a convergent mixed-methods design 32]–34] incorporating the TRiaDS approach 26] and Behaviour Change... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

A retrospective analysis of eleven cases of invasive rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis presented with orbital apex syndrome initially

Ethnic variations in asthma hospital admission, readmission and death: a retrospective, national cohort study of 4.62 million people in Scotland

Mucormycosis is a rare filamentous and fatal fungal infection mostly encountered among immuno-suppressed patients [7, 8]....

Received: 6 July 2015 Accepted: 17 December 2015 Published: 12 January 2016

Barriers and facilitators to uptake of systematic reviews by policy makers and health care managers: a scoping review

12 Tweets That Prove No One Should Be Ashamed Of M ental Illness

Literature search A total of 6635 titles and abstracts and 201 full-text articles was assessed for

Every day, people with mental illness face judgment because of their condition. Given that one in four people will...

eligibility. ...

PLEASE READ: Your Email Habits Are Ruining Your Life Of course, email can also cut stress in many cases. For example, people in different time zones

Newly identified enzyme may be the culprit in Pierce’s disease grapevine damage

can swap information...

IMAGE: An enzyme appears to enable Xyllela fastidiosa bacteria to infect grapevines with Pierce’s disease, causing...

Will computers ever truly understand what we’re saying?

Researchers discover three glaucomarelated genes

IMAGE: As two people conversing rely more and more on previously shared concepts, the same area of their brains —...

IMAGE:Â An analysis funded by the National Eye Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, has identified...

Growth rings on rocks give up North American climate secrets

A nanophotonic comeback for incandescent bulbs?

IMAGE:Â This is a map of the predominant weather patterns in mid-latitude North American from 70,000 to 55,000 years...

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.–Traditional light bulbs, thought to be well on their way to oblivion, may receive a reprieve thanks...

New therapy aids bid to beat organ

Ivorian consumer inflation rises to 1.3

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failure caused by pancreatitis

pct in Dec: stats office

Patients suffering organ failure caused by a common inflammatory condition could be helped by a new therapy. Scientists have...

ABIDJAN (Reuters) – West African economic powerhouse Ivory Coast’s consumer price inflation rose to...

Briton, five Germans charged with running doping lab

U.S. says to suspend South Africa trade benefits on M arch 15

BERLIN (Reuters) – A British man and five Germans have been charged with producing significant amounts of...

(Reuters) – The United States will suspend dutyfree benefits for South Africa on March 15 because it has...

Tips for a skinnier soup

9 tips for your first time at a fitness class

Site Index Sections Home Video Politics U.S. Opinion Entertainment Tech Science Health Travel Lifestyle World Sports Weather On...

The Ultimate 2016 Cleanse

Site Index Sections Home Video Politics U.S. Opinion Entertainment Tech Science Health Travel Lifestyle World Sports Weather On...

Now that we are two weeks into 2016, past the juice cleanse cayenne pepper detox coffee enema

Taking statins before heart surgery can help reduce post-surgical complications

phase, it’s...

Using statins before and after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery can help reduce cardiac complications, such...

Heart valves made from tissue rather than metal may be better for middleaged patients

Small plates can help us lose weight when we self-serve

Patients between the ages of 40 and 70 who undergo aortic valve replacement (AVR) may fare

that we can take to tackle the burgeoning problem of obesity....

Credit: Brian Wansink There are small easy steps

better with tissue-based valves...

Study opens new door on the causes of vision issues in astronauts Just when you think you’ve seen it all, our eyes look to be victims of a low-gravity environments, too. According...

Discoveries could lead to development of novel therapies to prevent C. diff infection Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have obtained the crystal structure of a toxin from the bacterium Clostridium...

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Novel therapy may help in diagnosing, treating heart disease in humans A novel therapy tested by University of Guelph scientists for treating a fatal heart disorder in dogs might ultimately help...

Researchers take major step towards developing vaccine for river blindness The world’s first vaccine for a disease that causes misery for millions in Africa could be tested within five years. Researchers...

GPR119 could be a potential treatment target for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease / no comments Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

A G-Protein-Coupled Receptor may be a drug target for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease New research published in the January 2016 issue of The FASEB Journal suggests that the G-proteincoupled receptor 119 (GPR119)...

The ‘eyes’ have it: Astronaut vision and ophthalmologic problems explained

Researchers suggest playing American Football may be a risk factor for hypertension

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, our eyes look to be victims of a low-gravity environments, too. According...

As National Football League playoff games are underway, a new article published in the “Hypothesesâ€​ section of...

Potential heart disorder cause, treatment identified

Brain’s immune cells key to maintaining blood-brain barrier

IMAGE: Lynne O’Sullivan (back to camera) and Glen Pyle conduct a cardiology exam on Roxy. Doberman pinschers...

New research shows that the cells responsible for protecting the brain from infection and inflammation are also responsible...

How sensitive and accurate are routine NM R and M S instruments?

One in four children in conflict zones "risk losing their future": UNICEF

IMAGE:Â This image (Figure 1) shows a mind map

By Alex Whiting LONDON (Thomson Reuters

for spectral measurements. view more Credit: Just...

Foundation) – Nearly one in four children growing up...

A simple way to make lithium-ion battery electrodes that protect themselves

Rapid, low cost laser-based technique for biomass analysis described in Industrial Biotechnology

IMAGE:Â These are images of particles made from a promising battery cathode material called NMC. Scientists found a...

IMAGE:Â Industrial Biotechnology, led by CoEditors-in-Chief Larry Walker, PhD, and Glenn

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Nedwin, PhD, MoT, CEO and...

Creating ‘medical homes’ involves significant costs, study finds Substantial costs are involved with transforming primary care practices into “medical homes,â€​ which may pose...

M agic mold: Food preservative kills cancer cells, superbugs ANN ARBOR–Nisin, a naturally occurring food

InSilico M edicine presents advances in deep learning for drug discovery and aging research January 10, Baltimore, MD – On Tuesday, January 12th at 17.15 PM InSilico Medicine will present an update on recent...

International study reveals genetic associations that influence adult onset glaucoma

preservative that grows on dairy products, delivers a one-two punch to...

IMAGE:Â Graph shows the location of the genetic

South Korea says finds hogs infected with foot-and-mouth SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korea has detected

Kentucky governor to dismantle state’s health insurance exchange: newspaper

foot-and-mouth in a southwestern hog farm, the first such discovery...

(Reuters) – Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has notified U.S. authorities that he plans to dismantle

effect for the gene FOXC1. view more Credit: NEIGHBORHOOD Consortium Researchers...

the state’s...

Exclusive: State attorneys general joining probe of health insurer mergers

Why Are We Ignoring Diabetes Education?

By Diane Bartz WASHINGTON (Reuters) – About 15 state attorneys general have joined the Justice...

Diabetes is a self-managed condition. That means the person with diabetes must take care of it each and every day...

How 10 M inutes Can Change Your Life Ready for an intensive, all-encompassing process to change your life? Yeah, me neither. Kind of tough to fit in,...

What’s That Smell? That Which We Call ‘Dietary Guidelines’… Since the release last week of the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and in my case at least, a resulting...

4 Things To Know About Zika’s Potential Spread To The U.S.

M an Diagnosed With ALS Dies of Lyme Disease (Part 1 of 2)

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There is no vaccine for Zika virus, and no cure other

Tara and David Geraghty On Dec. 22, three days

than rest, plenty of fluids and perhaps over-thecounter medication...

before Christmas, 55-year-old David A. Geraghty died from complications...

12 Time M anagement Tips Successful People Live By

Breaking down the new mammogram guidelines

While we’d all like to fancy ourselves amazing

January 11, 2016, 6:47 PM|New mammogram

multi-taskers, that’s not always the case. With so much to do...

guidelines were released Monday by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Women...

Pros and cons of new mammogram guidelines

Two-in-one packaging may increase drug efficacy and reduce side effects

January 11, 2016, 5:52 PM|The U.S. Preventive

IMAGE:Â A new device creates tiny capsules filled

Services Task Force is recommending mammograms every other year for average-risk...

with multiple inner droplets by funneling different ingredients through...

Do video games affect college students’ capability for suicide? IMAGE: Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social

Single molecule detection of contaminants, explosives or diseases now possible

Networking is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal published monthly...

IMAGE:Â This is an artistic illustration showing an ultrasensitive detection platform termed slippery liquid infused...

PhD Project Plan published to invite community feedback early on IMAGE: The story is the tip of the iceberg. Open science — the pyramid. view more Credit: Viktor Senderov Development...

Consumer perception of organic foods affected by food type and where they’re sold IMAGE: U of I food economist Brenna Ellison and her team conducted an experiment with 605 people who evaluated a food...

El Salvador issues alert against illness-

Thousands of landslides in Nepal earthquake raise parallels for Pacific Northwest IMAGE:Â The massive subduction zone earthquake that hit Nepal in 2015 also caused thousands of landslides. view...

One in four children in conflict zones ‘risk losing their future’: UNICEF By Alex Whiting LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Nearly one in four children growing up...

U.N. official says starvation exists in

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bearing mosquitos

besieged Syrian towns

San Salvador (AFP) – El Salvador on Monday

By Suleiman Al-Khalidi AMMAN (Reuters) – U.N.

issued a national alert against a mosquito that transmits tropical...

and relief agency workers saw starving people...

Alcoa posts fourth quarter loss due to charges from shuttering capacity

Fact Check: PrEP is a Powerful Tool in the Fight M ore people should know about this powerful tool in the fight against HIV

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Metals company Alcoa Inc on Monday reported a quarterly net loss after charges related...

Effective health care is based on science, data and sound policy, not stigma. And stigma, not science or sense,...

10 Bad Habits M oms Need to Ditch This New Year

New wearables track much more than steps or heartbeat

This New Year I’ve made some resolutions to become a happier healthier me. Being a mom has made me realize...

Wearables that count steps and track heartbeats are a dime a dozen these days, but now some new health gadgets are aiming...

Conflict among honey bee genes supports theory of altruism

New University of Alberta study challenges ‘mid-life crisis’ theory

Using modern genetic approaches, a team of researchers has provided strong support for the long-standing, but hotly debated,...

Jan. 11, 2015 – For half a century, the accepted research on happiness has shown our lives on a U-shaped curve, punctuated...

Polymer puts new medical solutions within reach

A new way to print 3-D metals and alloys

IMAGE:Â The liquid crystalline hydrogel in a dry state. view more Credit: Patrick Mather Researchers, particularly...

NASA eyeing an interesting weather system in northern Atlantic IMAGE: On Jan. 11 at 0435 UTC, the AIRS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite saw coldest cloud top temperatures...

A team of Northwestern University engineers has created a new way to print three-dimensional metallic objects using rust...

Dog domestication may have increased harmful genetic changes, UCLA biologists report The domestication of dogs may have inadvertently caused harmful genetic changes, a UCLA-led study suggests. Domesticating...

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Louisiana governor pledges to expand M edicaid in inaugural address

VW CEO says 6.7 billion euro provisions enough to cover repairs

By Rory Carroll SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) –

DETROIT (Reuters) – Volkswagen VOWG_p.DE

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards laid out his...

does not expect additional costs from fixing U.S. cars capable of...

Daily sugary drinks tied to increased visceral fat

Five Steps to M anifesting Your Dreams in 2016

By Kathryn Doyle Drinking sugar-sweetened

I remember a particular New Year’s Day in my

beverages like soda daily may lead to more abdominal fat...

mid-twenties when I was full of resolve. I was living in a Chicago...

Celiac Disease Community: Looking to Go Beyond

Hundreds seek good health in ice bath during Tokyo’s annual Shinto ritual

A dear friend of mine watches her daughter battle

Men wearing traditional loin cloths and women

cancer. Each day, she fears that she will do what every parent...

clothed in white robes chant before entering an ice water bath during...

Zuckerberg wades into vaccine debate with baby shots photo

Converting skin cells to pancreatic cells may help protect against diabetes

NEW YORK Facebook founder and chief executive

In a step forward for diabetes treatment, scientists

Mark Zuckerberg has dropped himself into the riotous social media debate...

successfully converted human skin cells into pancreatic cells that created...

M ore Evidence of M edicaid Expansion’s Positive Effects

Nestle signs $120 million deal with Seres for ‘healthy gut’ drugs

Poor adults in states that have expanded Medicaid

ZURICH (Reuters) – Nestle is investing in U.S.-

as part of health reform have greater access to health care services...

based Seres Therapeutics for a third time in a year, this...

Nestle signs $120 million deal with Seres for ‘healthy gut’ drugs

South Africa’s Oscar Pistorius files papers to appeal his murder conviction

ZURICH (Reuters) – Nestle is investing in U.S.-

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South African

based Seres Therapeutics for a third time in a year, this...

Olympian Oscar Pistorius filed papers to appeal against his conviction...

South Africa’s Oscar Pistorius files

Deadly bacteria more prevalent than

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papers to appeal his murder conviction

previously thought: study

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South African Olympian Oscar Pistorius filed papers to appeal

An often deadly and difficult to treat bacterial disease is much more prevalent than previously

against his conviction...

thought and kills...

Deadly bacteria more prevalent than previously thought: study

Holistic Organic Self-Care for M others

An often deadly and difficult to treat bacterial disease is much more prevalent than previously

Self-care is a vital necessity in everyone’s life. Self-care is not just about everyday living and survival. ...

thought and kills...

Holistic Organic Self-Care for M others Self-care is a vital necessity in everyone’s life. Self-care is not just about everyday living and survival. ...

EU drug regulators review use of lastresort antibiotic in farming LONDON (Reuters) – European drug regulators launched a review on Monday of the use in farming of a key last-line...

EU drug regulators review use of lastresort antibiotic in farming

Acupuncture causes bacterial infection in rare case

LONDON (Reuters) – European drug regulators launched a review on Monday of the use in farming of a key last-line...

 Acupuncture is usually a safe alternativemedicine treatment, but in rare instances, people who receive the needling...

Acupuncture causes bacterial infection in rare case

Arthritis drug could also help combat ovarian cancer

 Acupuncture is usually a safe alternativemedicine treatment, but in rare instances, people who receive the needling...

Monday January 11 2016 Ovarian cancer can cause persistent bloating and pelvic pain “A rheumatoid arthritis...

Arthritis drug could also help combat ovarian cancer

Blue Bell finds areas in ice cream plant where listeria may be present

Monday January 11 2016 Ovarian cancer can cause persistent bloating and pelvic pain “A rheumatoid arthritis...

(This January 8 story has been corrected to say listeria was not found but that the company said it had identified areas...

Blue Bell finds areas in ice cream plant where listeria may be present

Woman makes plea for blood donor as friend fights for her life in Thailand

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(This January 8 story has been corrected to say listeria was not found but that the company said it had identified areas...

The friend of a British college graduate has made an online plea for anyone with a rare blood type to come forward as her...

Woman makes plea for blood donor as friend fights for her life in Thailand

Heartburn pills linked to increased risk of kidney disease

The friend of a British college graduate has made an online plea for anyone with a rare blood type to come forward as her...

People who take popular heartburn pills known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may be more likely to develop chronic kidney...

Heartburn pills linked to increased risk of kidney disease

Ice cream maker Blue Bell finds areas in plant where listeria may be present

People who take popular heartburn pills known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may be more likely to develop chronic kidney...

SAN ANTONIO –  Texas-based Blue Bell Creameries, which stopped production and distribution of ice cream to 25 states...

Ice cream maker Blue Bell finds areas in plant where listeria may be present

Two other tropical diseases pose new threats after Ebola outbreak

SAN ANTONIO –  Texas-based Blue Bell Creameries, which stopped production and distribution of ice cream to 25 states...

A little-known bacterial disease may be killing as many people worldwide as measles, scientists said on Monday, while a mosquito-borne...

Two other tropical diseases pose new threats after Ebola outbreak

3 M istakes You’re Probably M aking With Crunches

A little-known bacterial disease may be killing as many people worldwide as measles, scientists said on Monday, while a mosquito-borne...

Fact: Crunches can be an incredibly effective way to strengthen and sculpt your abdominals without a gym membership or single...

3 M istakes You’re Probably M aking With Crunches

Consumer Reports reviews sleeping aids and remedies

Fact: Crunches can be an incredibly effective way to

January 11, 2016, 8:32 AM|Consumers spent an

strengthen and sculpt your abdominals without a gym membership or single...

estimated $41 dollars this past year on sleep aids and remedies. That number...

Consumer Reports reviews sleeping aids and remedies

You can’t fool this activity tracker

Doctors and insurance firms depend on accurate data Repeat cheaters teach activity tracker how to spot deception ... estimated $41 dollars this past year on sleep aids Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL January 11, 2016, 8:32 AM|Consumers spent an

and remedies. That number...

You can’t fool this activity tracker Doctors and insurance firms depend on accurate data Repeat cheaters teach activity tracker how to spot deception ...

Researchers find shared molecular response to tobacco smoke and indoor air pollution (Boston)–Exposure to certain household air pollutants may cause some of the same molecular changes as smoking cigarettes....

Researchers find shared molecular response to tobacco smoke and indoor air pollution

Girls should expect poorer physics grades

(Boston)–Exposure to certain household air pollutants may cause some of the same molecular

that you are a female student and give the exact same answer to a...

This news release is available in German. Imagine

changes as smoking cigarettes....

Girls should expect poorer physics grades This news release is available in German. Imagine that you are a female student and give the exact

One hookah tobacco smoking session delivers 25 times the tar of a single cigarette

same answer to a...

PITTSBURGH, Jan. 11, 2016 – As cigarette smoking rates fall, more people are smoking tobacco from hookahs–communal...

One hookah tobacco smoking session delivers 25 times the tar of a single cigarette

Researchers closer to better treatment for leading cause of hospital-acquired diarrhea

PITTSBURGH, Jan. 11, 2016 – As cigarette

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical

smoking rates fall, more people are smoking tobacco from hookahs–communal...

Center have obtained the crystal structure of a toxin from the bacterium Clostridium...

Researchers closer to better treatment for leading cause of hospital-acquired diarrhea

Researchers film beautiful flower formations inside artificial cell membranes

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have obtained the crystal structure of a toxin

Every day all over the world, researchers work with artificial cell membranes. Despite the fact that they

from the bacterium Clostridium...

are so widely used,...

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Researchers film beautiful flower formations inside artificial cell membranes Every day all over the world, researchers work with artificial cell membranes. Despite the fact that they

U.S. justices reject Johnson & Johnson unit’s anti-psychotic drug appeal By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear...

are so widely used,...

U.S. justices reject Johnson & Johnson unit’s anti-psychotic drug appeal By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear...

DISPATCH: I Can Do It, You Can Do It Community equals immunity. Something good happens to your primordial grid when you’re

DISPATCH: I Can Do It, You Can Do It Community equals immunity. Something good happens to your primordial grid when you’re spending time with...

After Ebola, two other tropical diseases pose new threats

spending time with...

By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) – A littleknown bacterial disease may be killing as many...

After Ebola, two other tropical diseases pose new threats

Exclusive: ResM ed to buy oxygen therapy aid maker Inova Labs

By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) – A little-

By Bill Berkrot (Reuters) – ResMed Inc, a leading

known bacterial disease may be killing as many...

maker of breathing aids for people suffering...

Exclusive: ResM ed to buy oxygen therapy aid maker Inova Labs

Photo of M ark Zuckerberg getting daughter vaccinated spurs online debate

By Bill Berkrot (Reuters) – ResMed Inc, a leading maker of breathing aids for people suffering...

Photo of M ark Zuckerberg getting daughter vaccinated spurs online debate A photo of Mark Zuckerberg and his baby daughter that the Facebook founder and CEO posted on his page Friday has gone viral...

A photo of Mark Zuckerberg and his baby daughter that the Facebook founder and CEO posted on his page Friday has gone viral...

Woman left blind in one eye after botched anti-aging procedure A Chinese woman seeking an anti-aging injection has been left blind in one eye after the procedure cause an obstruction in...

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Woman left blind in one eye after botched anti-aging procedure

Powerball jackpot hits $1.3 billion: The psychology of compulsive gambling

A Chinese woman seeking an anti-aging injection

As the Powerball jackpot continues to roll

has been left blind in one eye after the procedure cause an obstruction in...

over—reaching $1.3 billion over the weekend—Americans are continuing...

Powerball jackpot hits $1.3 billion: The psychology of compulsive gambling

Condition causes toddler’s brain to grow into nose

As the Powerball jackpot continues to roll

The mother of a toddler with a rare condition that

over—reaching $1.3 billion over the weekend—Americans are continuing...

causes his brain to grow through a crack in his skull is hopeful that...

Condition causes toddler’s brain to grow into nose

Extended-release niacin lowers ApoB48 concentration in T2DM

The mother of a toddler with a rare condition that

In a recent report in Aging Cell, a multidisciplinary

causes his brain to grow through a crack in his skull is hopeful that...

team of Spanish scientists, led by Tim Cash and Manuel Serrano at the...

Cardiomyopathy etiology impacts catheter ablation outcomes

FDA approves device for diabetic foot ulcers

Cornell biomedical engineers have discovered

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley,

natural triggers that could reduce the chance of lifethreatening, congenital...

have developed a novel way to engineer the growth and expansion of...

Brains of compulsive video gamers may be ‘wired’ differently (HealthDay)—The brains of compulsive video

Finding cost-effective ways of lowering blood pressure among adults living in rural Southeast Asia

game players may be “wiredâ€​ differently, new research suggests. ...

Researchers from the Duke Global Health Institute and their international collaborators are launching a study to find cost-effective...

New strategy may reduce growth of pancreatic cancers in patients with KRAS gene mutation University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers have found a promising strategy that may...

UA researchers find genetic mutations associated with respiratory disease Asthma affects more than 278 million people worldwide and can lead to serious consequences later in life. While current approved...

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1 in 10 veterans and civilian patients experiences new ICU-related PTSD up to one year after discharge One in ten patients is at risk of having new posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to their ICU experience up to...

European clinicians to discuss broadcasts of latest research presented at 2016 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium

Intake of Bimuno in early life benefits brain development Clasado Biosciences Limited, the producers and suppliers of Bimuno® (B-GOS), a unique patented trans-galactooligosaccharide...

Anatomy Of Addiction: How Heroin And Opioids Hijack The Brain i Jack O’Connor became addicted to opioids when he was a teenager. Greta...

Today, Janssen-Cilag International NV announced that for the first time, European clinicians in six countries will meet to...

10 Surprising Things That Affect The Nature Of Your Dreams

11 Sleep Hacks Every Busy Person Needs To Know

Our brains work in mysterious and fascinating ways. From regulating our responses to external

We’re supposed to get anywhere from seven to eight hours of sleep every night, which isn’t just

stimuli to creating the complex...

medical advice...

M ark Zuckerberg Angers Anti-Vaxxers With Picture Of His Daughter Awaiting Shots

10 sneaky sources of too much salt in your diet

Mark Zuckerberg took a stand in favor of vaccines in this weekend, posting a picture to Facebook of his daughter about...

Fewer U.S. teens smoking, but a smoke problem persists CHICAGO — Even though fewer U.S. teens are smoking, secondhand smoke remains a big problem for them, a government...

Back to school for children displaced by Los Angeles-area gas leak

istockphoto Flavored potato chips, movie popcorn, even cereals – anything that comes in a box, can, or from a...

Future of lung treatment: M alaysian scientists join Harvard team creating safe, effective nano drugs IMAGE: Prof. Dr. Halimaton Hamdan leads the Institute for Innovative Nanotechnology, initiated in 2013 through Malaysia’s...

Suspected case of low risk bird flu found at Scottish farm

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By Alex Dobuzinskis LOS ANGELES (Reuters) –

LONDON (Reuters) – A suspected case of avian

In the latest disruption from the biggest methane...

flu has been discovered at a Scottish farm, Scotland’s...

Vietnam veteran brings marathons to her classroom Many athletes find satisfaction in running through

Researchers reveal specific enzyme responsible for sensing energy source that fuels growth of cancer cells

the finish line but Vietnam veteran Paula Steinbach, 60, finds comfort...

An international research team formed by a University of Cincinnati (UC) cancer researcher has shown for the first time that...

HM B-45 negative angiomyolipoma of the orbit: a case report and review of the literature An 80-year-old woman had a 2-year history of progressive fullness in the left upper eyelid. External examination...

Sanofi deepens cancer treatment research deal with Warp Drive PARIS (Reuters) – Sanofi and biotech company Warp Drive Bio said on Monday they had deepened their existing...

Thai king leaves hospital for first outing since admission last year

Alcoa gets $1.5 billion supply contract from GE’s aviation unit: WSJ

By Jutarat Skulpichetrat and Chaiwat Subprasom BANGKOK (Reuters) – Thailand’s King Bhumibol...

(Reuters) – Alcoa Inc has won a $1.5 billion longterm contract from General Electric’s aviation...

BioM arin CEO, waiting on FDA on Duchenne drug, eyes Europe

China to limit family size for up to 30 years, despite concerns

By Caroline Humer SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – BioMarin Pharmaceutical is expecting U.S. regulators...

By Sui-Lee Wee BEIJING (Reuters) – China will stick to family planning restrictions for up...

Study finds higher fat variation of DASH diet lowers blood pressure, triglycerides

UVA’s brain discovery hailed as one of 2015’s biggest scientific breakthroughs

With the wide availability of convenient foods

/ no comments University of Virginia Health System

engineered for maximum tastiness— such as potato chips, chocolates,...

U-M research could lead to new ways of

CTCA at Western announces launch of

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fighting X-linked diseases in girls and women

Phase II NivoPlus clinical trial

Nearly every girl and woman on Earth carries two X chromosomes in nearly every one of her cells —

Western Regional Medical Center (Western) in Goodyear, Arizona, has announced...

Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) at

but one of them...

Salk Institute scientists find new target for glioblastoma multiforme treatment Glioblastoma multiforme is a particularly deadly cancer. A person diagnosed with this type of brain tumor typically survives...

New classification of coronary congenital diseases helps surgeons identify secondary defects

Braces halt further progression of spinal curve, surgery in adolescent scoliosis patients / no comments American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from C.C. Scott / no comments Your account has been deactivated.

A new classification of coronary congenital diseases is set to help surgeons identify secondary defects in the operating...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Carl Jung

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Confucius

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Follow-up and tracing of tuberculosis patients who fail to attend their scheduled appointments in Cotonou, Benin: a retrospective cohort study

Determinants of anemia among 6–59 months aged children in Bangladesh: evidence from nationally representative data

This is the first study in Benin within the NTP to assess the results and impact of tracing activities

Explanatory variables A number of health, demographic and socio economic factors are

in patients with tuberculosis...

associated with children’s nutritional...

Diffusion tensor imaging in acute-tosubacute traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal analysis

Cardiovascular Health in Anxiety or M ood Problems Study (CHAM PS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

The main findings of this study are that white matter FA declined significantly between the acute and subacute stages of...

Study design This prospective study is a feasibility randomized controlled trial, of parallel design,

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CEO of Sweden’s Electrolux to step down

Sanofi deepens cancer drive with $1.2 bln of deals, Innate jumps

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Keith McLoughlin, the chief of Swedish home appliances maker

PARIS (Reuters) – Sanofi boosted its presence in cancer research on Monday by signing two deals

Electrolux will retire,...

with biotech...

Survey finds 73 percent unaware of stroke symptoms

What’s in store for survivors of childhood cancers that affect vision?

In a new survey by Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, people under the age of 45 were asked

Little is known about the long-term health of survivors of childhood cancers that affect vision, but

what they would do...

two new studies provide...

Secondhand smoke hits almost half of teens who don’t smoke

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Coco Chanel

Amanda Fallin, assistant research professor at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing, recently

/ no comments Your account has been deactivated.

published a study,...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from C. JoyBell C.

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Cheryl Strayed

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/ no comments Your account has been deactivated.

Observer roles that optimise learning in healthcare simulation education: a systematic review

M ultiplex cytokine levels of aqueous humor in acute primary angle-closure patients: fellow eye comparison

We sought reported factors that contribute to the optimisation of learning in the observer role. It is

The bead immunoassay revealed that the levels of G-CSF, IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, MCP-3, MDC, MIP-1?,

clear from this review...

and VEGF were significantly...

CHORI study finds higher fat variation of DASH diet lowers blood pressure, triglycerides

Could a cholesterol-lowering drug be a potential treatment for Parkinson’s?

Oakland, CA (January 11, 2016) – The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) dietary pattern, which is high...

A clinical trial using cholesterol-lowering treatment Simvastatin in people living with Parkinson’s is getting underway...

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Preschoolers who eat their veggies just as likely to eat junk food COLUMBUS, Ohio – Public-health experts have long expected that kids who eat more carrots and apples are less likely...

New coronary congenital disease classification aids identification of secondary defects Human heart. Credit: copyright American Heart Association A new classification of coronary congenital diseases...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Tushar Chauhan

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Tina Fey

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Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Stephanie M eyer

Baffling telemetry detections can be useful: an acoustic receiver design to monitor organisms along reserve boundaries and ecotones

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Tests here suggest that shrouded receivers can be an effective tool for improved edge detection in acoustic telemetry studies....

M iM edx signs definitive agreement to acquire Stability Biologics NEW YORK (Reuters) – MiMedx Group Inc finalized a deal Sunday to acquire Stability Biologics for $10 million...

Open access publishing in health and social care simulation research – Advances in Simulation DOI: 10.1186/s41077-015-0002-x ©  The Author(s) 2016 Received: 14 December 2015 Accepted: 18 December 2015 Published:...

Resveratrol ameliorates myocardial fibrosis by inhibiting ROS/ERK/TGF?/periostin pathway in STZ-induced

A systematic review: Children & Adolescents as simulated patients in health professional education Description of Studies There were 15 included studies; Tables 3, 4, 5 outline overviews of content and quality. Of these...

Erratum to: Clinical metagenomic identification of Balamuthia mandrillaris encephalitis and assembly of the draft genome: the continuing case for reference genome sequencing 1 Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, 185 Berry Street,...

Complexity in simulation-based education: exploring the role of hindsight bias

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diabetic mice Here we show that periostin is involved in

Simulation-based education for complex clinical practice When conducting or observing debriefings,

myocardial fibrosis in STZ-induced type 1 diabetic mice. Furthermore, resveratrol...

there are occasions where...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Anthony D’Angelo

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Anne Lamott

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Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Wiz Khalifa

Factbox: M icrosoft CEO, Syrian refugee among State of Union guests

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By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella and...

Utah fears thousands infected in hepatitis C outbreak after exposure to hospital nurse

Utah fears thousands infected in hepatitis C outbreak after exposure to …

More than 7,000 patients at a Utah hospital were

More than 7,000 patients at a Utah hospital were

potentially exposed to an “outbreakâ€​ of hepatitis C after coming...

potentially exposed to an “outbreakâ€​ of hepatitis C after coming...

Illumina, partners make $100 million bet to detect cancer via blood test

560-pound man continues his biking journey across the country

By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) –

When his weight tipped the scales at 560 pounds

Gene sequencing company Illumina Inc is going after...

and his marriage collapsed last summer, Indianabased artist Eric Hites knew...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from M ae West

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from M andy Hale

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/ no comments Your account has been deactivated.

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Beyonce

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Ayn Rand

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/ no comments Your account has been deactivated.

Iran tells U.N. envoy that row with

Response from KIND Snacks

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Saudis won’t derail Syria talks GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations envoy for Syria said on Sunday that Iran had assured him that its diplomatic...

Below is the response from KIND Snacks regarding a previous segment from ‘Sunday Housecall’: ·        ...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from M aya Angelou

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from M aya Angelou

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Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from M arilyn M onroe

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from M arilyn M onroe

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What Does El Niño Precipitation M ean For California Drought?

What Does El Niño Precipitation M ean For California Drought?

It’s finally raining in California, but will the El Niño storms be enough to refill the state’s

It’s finally raining in California, but will the El Niño storms be enough to refill the state’s



Heartburn Pills Are Linked To M ore Infections, And This M ay Be Why

Heartburn Pills Are Linked To M ore Infections, And This M ay Be Why

By Lisa Rapaport Popular heartburn pills known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may be making

By Lisa Rapaport Popular heartburn pills known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may be making

some people more prone to bacterial...

some people more prone to bacterial...

10 secrets to happy parenting

Easy Tips to Love Your Job Again

Between sleepless nights, toddler meltdowns and

On a Monday morning, you can find me rushing

kids pushing your buttons, parenting is no walk in the park. In fact, a study...

through an hour-long work-out so I can get back to my desk. I run through...

Easy Tips to Love Your Job Again

Too Scared to Sleep? What Can You Do?

On a Monday morning, you can find me rushing through an hour-long work-out so I can get back to my desk. I run through...

We all have lots of fears. Fears for our health,

Too Scared to Sleep? What Can You

6 Ways to Stay M otivated to Hit Your

family and for some personal safety. Our news headlines are full...

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Workout Goals

We all have lots of fears. Fears for our health, family and for some personal safety. Our news

Have you ever started a workout regimen only to get a little bit into it and then suddenly not have time,

headlines are full...


6 Ways to Stay M otivated to Hit Your Workout Goals

The Gift

Have you ever started a workout regimen only to get a little bit into it and then suddenly not have time,

and I were. Except one. My youngest brother, William. I was...

When my dad died, I was a mess. All my siblings


The Gift When my dad died, I was a mess. All my siblings

Sperm donor dad bonds with the kids he never knew he had

and I were. Except one. My youngest brother, William. I was...

January 10, 2016, 9:38 AM|Family ties are more than a bit ambiguous for children conceived with the help of a sperm donor....

Sperm donor dad bonds with the kids he never knew he had

?One sperm donor’s extended family

January 10, 2016, 9:38 AM|Family ties are more than a bit ambiguous for children conceived with

Family ties are more than a bit ambiguous for children conceived with the help of a sperm donor.

the help of a sperm donor....

And finally being able to...

?One sperm donor’s extended family

Emotions Impact Your Work — So Why Don’t Companies Take M ental Health Seriously?

Family ties are more than a bit ambiguous for children conceived with the help of a sperm donor. And finally being able to...

This story is part of our monthlong “Work Wellâ€​ initiative, which focuses on thriving in the workplace. You can...

Emotions Impact Your Work — So Why Don’t Companies Take M ental Health Seriously?

‘Projectile’ hits M edecins Sans Frontieres clinic in Yemen, killing four: M SF

This story is part of our monthlong “Work

DUBAI (Reuters) – A “projectileâ€​ struck a

Wellâ€​ initiative, which focuses on thriving in the workplace. You can...

clinic supported by international medical group Medecins...

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‘Projectile’ hits M edecins Sans Frontieres clinic in Yemen, killing four: M SF DUBAI (Reuters) – A “projectileâ€​ struck a

Focal colorectal uptake in 18 FDGPET/CT: maximum standard uptake value as a trigger in a semi-automated screening setting

clinic supported by international medical group Medecins...

Semi-automation in colorectal screening seems feasible with PET/CT. A focal colorectal FDG accumulation with SUVmax ...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Spock

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Salvador Dali

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Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from M ahatma Gandhi

M exican drug boss ‘Chapo’ Guzman loves his mom, feels no remorse

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By Simon Gardner MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Notorious Mexican drug lord Joaquin “Chapoâ€​...

13 Of The Best M ovies To Watch When You’re In A Bad M ood

Iraq bans poultry imports from 24 countries over avian flu threat

“A Goofy Movieâ€​ Because I’m 8 years old and the ending is so good. And they are dogs! Like

BAGHDAD Iraq has extended a ban on imports of frozen and live poultry products to cover two dozen

how hilarious...

countries, including...

Can laser hair removal cause cancer?

Prehospital paths and hospital arrival time of patients with acute coronary syndrome or stroke, a prospective observational study

For some women, laser hair removal treatments are worth the big price tag for smooth, hairless skin. The average price for...

Received: 19 May 2015 Accepted: 7 December 2015 Published: 9 January 2016

Prehospital paths and hospital arrival time of patients with acute coronary syndrome or stroke, a prospective observational study

The usefulness of school-based syndromic surveillance for detecting malaria epidemics: experiences from a pilot project in Ethiopia

Received: 19 May 2015 Accepted:

Overview of syndromic surveillance approaches

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7 December 2015 Published: 9 January 2016

Syndromic surveillance refers to the use of prediagnostic...

The usefulness of school-based syndromic surveillance for detecting malaria epidemics: experiences from a pilot project in Ethiopia

The comparison of the commonly used surrogates for baseline renal function in acute kidney injury diagnosis and staging

Overview of syndromic surveillance approaches Syndromic surveillance refers to the use of pre-

We conducted a retrospective cohort study to assess the effect of using different baseline SCr


methods, SCrGFR-75 and SCrADM,...

M y New Reality, Not M y New Normal

M y New Reality, Not M y New Normal

The date on the calendar I was desperately trying to

The date on the calendar I was desperately trying to

ignore screamed the news to me at 12:23 a.m. on August 4, 2015....

ignore screamed the news to me at 12:23 a.m. on August 4, 2015....

Invisible disaster drives people from upscale LA community

Invisible disaster drives people from upscale LA community

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Laura Gideon and her

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Laura Gideon and her

family endured the sickening stench from an out-ofcontrol natural...

family endured the sickening stench from an out-ofcontrol natural...

Jon Stewart joins NYC mayor in honoring 9/11 first responder

Jon Stewart joins NYC mayor in honoring 9/11 first responder

NEW YORK (AP) — Jon Stewart joined New York

NEW YORK (AP) — Jon Stewart joined New York

Mayor Bill de Blasio to honor a cancer-stricken Sept. 11 first...

Mayor Bill de Blasio to honor a cancer-stricken Sept. 11 first...

How This Woman Fought a Stubborn Weight-Loss Plateau—and Won

How This Woman Fought a Stubborn Weight-Loss Plateau—and Won

After her disks healed, Tamar knew she had to do something—so she joined Weight Watchers,

After her disks healed, Tamar knew she had to do something—so she joined Weight Watchers,

started walking her dog...

started walking her dog...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from James Dean

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from James Dean

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Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Immodesty Blaize

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Immodesty Blaize

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/ no comments Your account has been deactivated.

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Stephanie Piro

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Stephanie Piro

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/ no comments Your account has been deactivated.

How This Woman Fought a Stubborn Weight-Loss Plateau—and Won

6 Possible Reasons Why Your Hair Texture or Color Changed on Its Own

After her disks healed, Tamar knew she had to do something—so she joined Weight Watchers, started walking her dog...

2. Hot Heat Blow-dryers are the main culprit behind sizzled hair, and hot styling tools like flat irons and curlers make...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Julia Child

Cranial morphology in the brachygnathic sheep

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Dysgnathia appears as brachygnathia inferior [1–4] or brachygnathia superior [5]. Other terms used for brachygnathia...

Having more children could have an effect on rate of aging says new research

Antidepressant paroxetine use linked to risk of birth defects

New research suggests that the number of children a woman could affect the rate at which her body ages, with more...

Wednesday January 6 2016 Depression in pregnancy is quite common “Antidepressant ‘does increase your...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Joyce M eyer

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Jenny Fleiss

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Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Jane Fonda

Utilization of palliative radiotherapy for bone metastases near end of life in a population-based cohort

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We demonstrated that 4 and 10Â % of palliative RT courses were delivered to patients with bone metastases during the last... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Reporting back environmental exposure data and free choice learning Biomonitoring efforts are widely used in environmental exposures assessments beyond occupational and clinical settings...

Protective effect of Rhei Rhizoma on reflux esophagitis in rats via Nrf2mediated inhibition of NF-?B signaling pathway In present study, we identified a novel function of Rhei Rhizoma as a effective therapeutic modulator for Reflux Esophagiti...

The Jump Lunge Will Get You High

Get Your Inspirational Quote Today

Join the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge

The Women’s Health Choose the emoji below

to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make your weekend workouts...

that best represents your mood today, and we’ll reveal the motivational...

7 Delicious Cheeses with M ajor Health Perks

NGF eye-drops topical administration in patients with retinitis pigmentosa, a pilot study

It’s high-calorie. High-fat. Laden with sodium. Still, we each hoover 34 pounds of the stuff a year. Cheese is that...

The present pilot study (EudraCT n. 2008-004561-

Use of the data system for field management of a clinical study conducted in Kolkata, India

Jennifer Aniston Is Really Into The Taco Cleanse

Running a clinical study smoothly like ours is challenging due to its complex and long duration

26) followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved...

The Taco Cleanse cookbook was released in December. The authors, four residents of Austin, Texas, were inspired by a month...

visit schedule. In our study,...

Gay Guys Get Personal And Ask Straight M en All Of Their Burning Questions

The 11 Daily Habits of Supremely Happy People

What if you could ask a straight person any question you wanted to about relationships, sex

We all have different goals, values, beliefs, and experiences, but there is one universal thing that

and sexuality? Buzzfeed gave...

binds us all:...

The Top 10 Workout Songs for January 2016

Are Gay And Bi M en M ore Susceptible To Ads About Appearance?

Flickr: YoGeek Mami If your New Year’s Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership resolution involves getting (or staying) in shape, with blogger Scout, LGBT HealthLink and Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

this month’s...

researcher Susana Fajardo, brings...

Transgender US veterans suffer more illness than peers, study finds

Why the Heck Won’t Your Sinus Infection Go Away?

Transgender U.S. military veterans are more prone to dozens of illnesses, from heart disease to

Months? Yikes. So what’s the deal? Most sinus infections start as a viral upper respiratory infection.

depression and obesity, than...

And some of...

Why the Heck Won’t Your Sinus Infection Go Away?

8 Things We Do on Our Periods—That We Have No Shame Admitting To

Months? Yikes. So what’s the deal? Most sinus infections start as a viral upper respiratory infection. And some of...

2 Getting Really Creative with Paper Products You aren’t really tough until you’ve had to jerryrig a maxi...

8 Things We Do on Our Periods—That We Have No Shame Admitting To

Women Are 3 Times M ore Likely Than M en to Fool Around with the Same Sex, Says New Study

2 Getting Really Creative with Paper Products You aren’t really tough until you’ve had to jerryrig a maxi...

The study analyzed data on sexual attraction, behavior, and orientation collected from 9,175 men and women aged 18 to 44...

Women Are 3 Times M ore Likely Than M en to Fool Around with the Same Sex, Says New Study

New Orleans Prepares For M ississippi River Flooding

The study analyzed data on sexual attraction,

Officials in low-lying New Orleans don’t expect this time to be...

behavior, and orientation collected from 9,175 men and women aged 18 to 44...

The Mississippi River is expected to crest Sunday.

New Orleans Prepares For M ississippi River Flooding

#NPRreads: 3 Stories To Check Out This Weekend

The Mississippi River is expected to crest Sunday.

#NPRreads is a weekly feature on Twitter and on

Officials in low-lying New Orleans don’t expect this time to be...

The Two-Way. The premise is simple: Correspondents, editors and producers...

#NPRreads: 3 Stories To Check Out This Weekend

Biker Injuries And Deaths Soar After M ichigan Repeals Helmet Law

#NPRreads is a weekly feature on Twitter and on

By Madeline Kennedy In the three years after

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The Two-Way. The premise is simple:

Michigan repealed a mandatory motorcycle helmet

Correspondents, editors and producers...

law, deaths and head injuries...

Biker Injuries And Deaths Soar After M ichigan Repeals Helmet Law

5 old-time diseases that are making a comeback

By Madeline Kennedy In the three years after Michigan repealed a mandatory motorcycle helmet

Measles, tuberculosis… bubonic plague?! If headlines about old-time diseases on the

law, deaths and head injuries...

comeback have you worried, you’re...

5 old-time diseases that are making a comeback

Here’s What Happened When I Slept For An Extra Hour Each Night

Measles, tuberculosis… bubonic plague?! If headlines about old-time diseases on the

This story is part of a 10-piece series for which HuffPost staffers agreed to experiment with

comeback have you worried, you’re...

improving their health and...

Here’s What Happened When I Slept For An Extra Hour Each Night

Cholera kills 10 Somalis in world’s largest refugee camp: UN

This story is part of a 10-piece series for which

Some 3,000 cases of cholera have been reported

HuffPost staffers agreed to experiment with

in Tanzania, mainly among Burundian refugees

improving their health and...

fleeing political violence, the...

What to Do with the Other Guy in a Threesome

5 Answers to Your Burning Questions About M edical M arijuana

Here’s everything you need to know to help get

2. Not Everyone Will Have Access Obviously, these

the party started. Plan Your Trip to Pleasure Town

are medical marijuana dispensaries, so they’ll

It’s important...

only be selling...

What It M eans About You Sexually if You Use Emojis a Lot

Pattern of acute poisoning at two urban referral hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia

But wait, there’s more: Emoji users think about

In the present study, it was observed that the

sex more frequently and actually do it more often

majority of poisoning cases were in children

than those who...

involving accidental circumstances....

Intima-media thickness and arterial function in obese and non-obese children

National evaluation of strategies to reduce safety violations for working from heights in construction companies: results from a randomized controlled trial

Data collection was part of the prevention project

“Sternstunden der Gesundheitâ€​, a prospective Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL


Received: 10 March 2015 Accepted: 6 January 2016 Published: 9 January 2016

Oligogalacturonic acids promote tomato fruit ripening through the regulation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthesis at the transcriptional and post-translational levels

Beijing to shut 2,500 firms this year to fight pollution SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Beijing will close 2,500 small polluting firms this year in its latest effort to combat...

The ripening of fleshy fruits causes complex biochemical changes during the transformation from the developmental program...

Outrage in Kenya as woman stabbed in the face with 10-inch blade

ICYM I: Why M en Grow Beards And When Self-Care Goes Wrong

By Katy Migiro NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters

ICYMI Health features what we’re reading this

Foundation) – Kenyans called for swift action

week. This week, we read up on why men have


worn beards throughout history...

Afghanistan turns disused NATO camp into drug treatment base

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Paulo Coelho In Brida

By Mirwais Harooni KABUL (Reuters) – Afghan

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officials have opened a new drug treatment center...

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Oprah

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from M other Theresa

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Influence of EM S-physician presence on survival after out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation: systematic review and meta-analysis

M agnitude and factors associated with appropriate complementary feeding among children 6–23 months in Northern Ghana

The results of this meta-analysis show that CPR guided by EMS physicians is associated with

This study sought to quantify appropriate complementary feeding using a composite

improved rates of ROSC,...

indicator comprising three of the WHO recommended...

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Patients’ willingness to participate in clinical trials and their views on aspects of cancer research: results of a prospective patient survey

Solitary langerhans cell histiocytosis in an adult: case report and literature review

The majority of patients in our survey were happy to be approached about participating in cancer

proliferative disorders characterized by the infiltration and accumulation...

Histiocytosis comprises a diverse group of

research and were...

Post cardiac arrest care and follow-up in Sweden – a national web-survey

Racial disparity lies at intersection of HIV, Hodgkin lymphoma

Despite the need for structured post CA care for survivors and family members, few studies have

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — A new study finds a significant racial disparity within a

described these...

doubly troubled population...

Electronically connected graphene nanoribbons foresee high-speed electronics

Optimum band gap for hybrid silicon/perovskite tandem solar cell

IMAGE:Â Figure 1 shows interconnected graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). The interconnection points

Tandem solar cells based on silicon and perovskites have raised high hopes for future high efficiency solar modules. A tandem...

are observed as elbow...

Novel metasurface revolutionizes ubiquitous scientific tool IMAGE:Â Light from an optical fiber illuminates the metasurface and is scattered in four different directions. The intensities...

Chipotle Sued For Violating Federal Securities Laws Over Statements On Food Safety CHICAGO, Jan 8 (Reuters) – Chipotle Mexican Grill, under scrutiny for months over outbreaks of foodborne illness linked...

112-Year-Old’s Secret To A Long Life Is Being A Decent Human Being

Natalie Cole’s Family Reveals Singer’s Cause Of Death

Longevity isn’t just achieved by staying healthy,

NEW YORK (AP) — Natalie Cole’s family said

according to this supercentenarian. P.J. Lott of

the singer’s cause of death was idiopathic

Laurel, Mississippi,...

pulmonary arterial...

Germs & Politics: Why I Don’t Own a White Coat

Watch This Woman Bravely Face Her Disorder By Shaving Her Head

Imagine this: Your friends and family are gathered

“Hello, today’s video is very special. I am

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in the main auditorium of a 200-year old medical college. The...

shaving all my hair off. And I’m terrified.â€​ That’s...

Chipotle outbreak eyed by Justice Dept. consumer unit

New technology puts health care in palm of your hand

By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

Managing your health care is moving increasingly

The U.S. Justice Department’s consumer protection...

to the palm of your hand — with new smartphoneenabled technology...

27 Crazy Images Of M edical Treatments Through History

Pronoia and Passion: Finding Your Power

When Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the X-

“Pronoiaâ€​ is understood as the suspicion the

ray in 1895, the New York Times was so skeptical that the paper referred...

Universe is conspiring to help you — opposite of...

Novel metasurface revolutionizes ubiquitous scientific tool

New U.S. diet rule gets mixed response on social media

IMAGE:Â Light from an optical fiber illuminates the

By Gina Cherelus NEW YORK (Reuters) – A new

metasurface and is scattered in four different directions. The intensities...

health guideline suggesting people should cut consumption...

New U.S. cancer cases holding steady, deaths declining

Elephants infected seven Oregon zoo workers with tuberculosis: CDC

By Andrew M. Seaman The number of new cancer

By Courtney Sherwood KLAMATH FALLS, Ore.

diagnoses in the U.S. is largely steady while the number...

(Reuters) – Seven employees of an Oregon zoo contracted...

U.S. Justice Dept looks into Chipotle norovirus outbreak: sources

Pfizer hikes U.S. prices for over 100 drugs on January 1

By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

By Deena Beasley (Reuters) – Pfizer Inc , which

The U.S. Justice Department is looking into a norovirus outbreak...

plans a $160 billion merger with Ireland-based...

Aid to be delivered to starving Syrian towns as early as Sunday

How pigs are helping researchers tackle antibiotic resistance

By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters

Credit: thornypup, Flickr Scientists at UTS are

Foundation) – Humanitarian groups could begin tackling the growing health crisis of antibiotic delivering... resistance at... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Frank Sonnenberg

Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Elizabeth Gilbert

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Here’s Your Inspirational Quote from Dwayne Johnson

Say YES to YOU in 2016!

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making new year’s resolutions. A time for

YES! It’s that time of year again! A time for making a...

Want to End Bullying? Get the Popular Students to Help (Photo: Corbis) By Jesse Singal For all of the

Your M oney or Your Life: Why Paying for Cancer Treatment Can Be Nearly As Painful As the Treatment Itself

efforts schools put into reducing bullying,

A respected group of cancer specialists developed

there’s actually...

a chemotherapy program for a breast cancer patient. But then her...

Take Back Your Plate

Coming Off Antidepressants: Slow Dancing With Life

Shocked. Disappointed. Disgusted. I’m still struggling to find the right words to describe my reaction to...

I have suffered with bouts of depression and

Surrogate mother delivers special gift for daughter

Surrogate mother gives birth to own granddaugther

January 8, 2016, 7:05 PM|A woman in Texas went

PLANO, Texas — Kelley McKissack calls the birth

to great lengths to deliver on a promise she made to her daughter years earlier....

of her daughter Kelcey a little miracle. The 28-yearold shared the...

In defense of pathogenic proteins

Optimized Arctic observations for improving weather forecast in the northern sea route

IMAGE:Â Scientists found in yeast cells protein aggregates (light green spots). As cells age and divide, these aggregates...

anxiety ever since I was a child. I would guess that these seasons...

The current reduction in Arctic sea-ice extent causes unpredictable weather phenomena in the Arctic Ocean (strong winds,...

Stance that tourism harms wildlife refuted

Banning trophy hunting could do more harm than good

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COLLEGE STATION – Two Texas AM University

Trophy hunting shouldn’t be banned but

scientists highlighted the conservation benefits of

instead it should be better regulated to ensure

ecotourism worldwide...

funds generated from permits...

Gene editing technique improves vision in rats with inherited blindness

Student-built experiment integrated onto NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission

LOS ANGELES (Jan. 7, 2016) — A new technique

A student-built experiment aboard NASA’s

that has the potential to treat inherited diseases by

Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource

removing genetic...

Identification, Security-Regolith...

Black inmate’s suffocation death in Denver a homicide: autopsy

Chipotle outbreak eyed by Justice Dept consumer unit

By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) – A black

By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

Denver County jail inmate died last year after

The U.S. Justice Department’s consumer

choking on his...

protection unit is...

Exercise prescriptions important for type 2 diabetes

3 M arried Sex M yths You’ve Been Buying Into

By Kathryn Doyle Patients with type 2 diabetes

by Jillian Kramer, BRIDES Photo: Courtesy of CNP

should be given exercise “prescriptionsâ€​...

Montrose With our without knowing it, it’s likely you’ve...

Q&A on UK’s new drinking guidelines, alcohol link to cancer

Health minister: Lassa fever kills 35 in 10 Nigerian states

LONDON (AP) — British health officials say

WARRI, Nigeria (AP) — Nigeria’s health

drinking alcohol regularly increases the risk of

minister is urging Nigerians not to panic over an

cancer. And they’ve...


2015 in Review: Commemorating a Year of Key Global Health Achievements

Should your employer do more for your health?

Every January, the passing of another year brings a

As more and more evidence piles up about the

time for reflection and resolutions. For the U.S.

harmful effects a poor diet and lack of exercise

Agency for...

have on our health —...

Researchers’ metallic glue may stick it to soldering and welding

M onitoring scoliosis patients on brace use prevents curve progression, surgery

IMAGE:Â Hanchen Huang and colleagues, experts

in nanotechnology, have developed a glue that Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

binds metal to metal to...

ROSEMONT, Ill.–Bracing often is recommended for adolescents diagnosed with idiopathic adolescent scoliosis, and a...

NASA looks at storms hitting California

How seashells get their strength

Extreme rain events fueled by the current strong El Nino have started to affect California. NASA

RICHLAND, Wash. — Seashells and lobster claws are hard to break, but chalk is soft enough to

estimated rainfall over...

draw on sidewalks. Though...

Airline passengers face longer delays under DOT rule, Dartmouth-M IT study finds

Postnatal depression linked to challenges in parenting — could Oxytocin be helpful?

HANOVER, N.H. – It takes most air passengers

Jan. 8, 2016 – Caring for an infant is challenging

far more time to reach their destination despite a

for any mother — but especially so for women with

federal rule that...


Chipotle sued for misleading investors over food safety

Obama vetoes legislative bid to dismantle signature healthcare law

By Tom Polansek CHICAGO (Reuters) – Chipotle

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack

Mexican Grill , under scrutiny for months over...

Obama on Friday vetoed legislation passed by the Republican-controlled...

Chile researchers develop RSV vaccine for virus common in children

Obama administration seeks to burnish legacy with anti-trafficking efforts

Santiago (AFP) – Researchers in Chile said

By Ellen Wulfhorst NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters

Friday they have developed the first vaccine against

Foundation) – The administration of U.S.

a virus that...


The Amazing Relationship Between Your M ind and Body

Ice cream maker Blue Bell reports listeria found again in facility

In Woody Allen’s movie, Annie Hall, Diane

SAN ANTONIO –  Texas-based Blue Bell

Keaton is breaking up with Woody and wants to

Creameries, which stopped production and

know why he isn’t...

distribution of ice cream to 25 states...

Oregon Zoo staff infected by TB after exposure to elephants

New work on knee cartilage structure to aid better replacements and injury treatments

Seven staff members at the Oregon Zoo tested

positive for tuberculosis after an outbreak among Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

three elephants started in...

IMAGE:Â Heterogeneous tissue engineered constructs reproduce the microstructural, micromechanical, and mechanobiological...

New work on knee cartilage structure to aid better replacements and injury treatments

NASA sees stubborn Tropical Cyclone Ula kick up

IMAGE:Â Heterogeneous tissue engineered

IMAGE: On Jan. 7, RapidScat saw Tropical Storm Ula’s strongest winds (red) around the center

constructs reproduce the microstructural,

at 27 meters per...

micromechanical, and mechanobiological...

NASA sees stubborn Tropical Cyclone Ula kick up IMAGE:Â On Jan. 7, RapidScat saw Tropical Storm

Anglers’ gear, cooperation affect coral reef fisheries, Dartmouth research finds

Ula’s strongest winds (red) around the center

HANOVER, N.H. – Dartmouth College and

at 27 meters per...

University of California, Santa Barbara scientists studying a Caribbean fishing...

Anglers’ gear, cooperation affect coral reef fisheries, Dartmouth research finds

Living in the Past Condemns the Future

HANOVER, N.H. – Dartmouth College and

least, listening...

Its January, and lots of us have been talking about what happened over the recent holidays, or, at

University of California, Santa Barbara scientists studying a Caribbean fishing...

Living in the Past Condemns the Future

How to Change Through Inspired Action

Its January, and lots of us have been talking about

Numerous articles are written on how to change

what happened over the recent holidays, or, at

extolling the powers of will, goals, and visualization,

least, listening...

even advising...

How to Change Through Inspired Action extolling the powers of will, goals, and visualization,

Exclusive: U.S. considers ending program that lures Cuban doctors to defect

even advising...

By Jeff Mason and Daniel Trotta

Numerous articles are written on how to change

WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) – The U.S. government is considering...

Natalie Cole’s death due to rare

Natalie Cole’s death due to rare

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lung disease, heart failure

lung disease, heart failure

(Reuters) – Singer Natalie Cole died of a rare

(Reuters) – Singer Natalie Cole died of a rare

lung disease that was first diagnosed five years

lung disease that was first diagnosed five years

ago and led...

ago and led...

Exercise may improve quality of life for some cancer patients

Exercise may improve quality of life for some cancer patients

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Exercise

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Exercise

may help improve quality of life for some cancer...

may help improve quality of life for some cancer...

Campbell Soup becomes first major company to start GM O labeling

Campbell Soup becomes first major company to start GM O labeling

By Subrat Patnaik and Siddharth Cavale (Reuters)

By Subrat Patnaik and Siddharth Cavale (Reuters)

– Campbell Soup Co said it will label all its U.S.

– Campbell Soup Co said it will label all its U.S.



Targeting inflammation ‘could help treat Alzheimer’s disease’

Targeting inflammation ‘could help treat Alzheimer’s disease’

Friday January 8 2016 Another piece of the

Friday January 8 2016 Another piece of the

Alzheimer’s puzzle? “Blocking brain

Alzheimer’s puzzle? “Blocking brain

inflammation ‘halts...

inflammation ‘halts...

Philippines contraception funding cut will fuel HIV and maternal deaths: activists

Philippines contraception funding cut will fuel HIV and maternal deaths: activists

MANILA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The

MANILA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The

Philippines legislature’s decision to eliminate

Philippines legislature’s decision to eliminate

funding for contraception...

funding for contraception...

Heart surgeons use Google Cardboard to save baby’s life

Heart surgeons use Google Cardboard to save baby’s life

Thanks to a simple cardboard contraption and an

Thanks to a simple cardboard contraption and an

innovative set of surgeons, a Minnesota baby born

innovative set of surgeons, a Minnesota baby born

with only one lung and...

with only one lung and...

M ice subjected to aP2-Cre mediated ablation of microsomal triglyceride

“M onoallelic germline methylation and sequence variant in the promoter

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transfer protein are resistant to high fat diet induced obesity In this study, we asked whether MTP plays a role in

of the RB1 gene: a possible constitutive epimutation in hereditary retinoblastomaâ€​

adipocyte biology. Our studies showed that MTP is induced early during...

The studied family shows an autosomal dominant

Vitamin D deficiency and length of pediatric intensive care unit stay: a prospective observational study Our data suggests a high prevalence (74Â %) of

Integrating 400 million variants from 80,000 human samples with extensive annotations: towards a knowledge base to analyze disease cohorts

vitamin D deficiency in our study population. In two recently published...

As high-throughput sequencing technologies become more widely employed, variants detected

pattern characteristic of hereditary Rb with several family members...

in large resequencing studies are...

Sorry, Red Wine Drinkers. Your Favorite Beverage Isn’t That Healthy. LONDON (AP) — British health officials say drinking any alcohol regularly increases the risk of

How Quitting Smoking Can Become Creative Inspiration The ambulance bill ended up getting waived, which is lucky, as Barnett wasn’t in the position to easily pay for it....

cancer, and have issued...

Career and M otherhood After Postpartum Depression How do women measure success? Is it by mothering and having a career? How do they carry

9 Yoga Poses You Can Do At Work Hey, you! You — yes, you — might benefit from a little desk yoga. We’re not saying you should get up...

out both forms of work to...

7 Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy and Happy in 2016

Campbell announces plans to label GM Os in products

Now that the new year is upon us, many of us are focused on self-betterment, whether breaking bad

Campbell says that it will begin disclosing the presence of genetically engineered ingredients in

habits or starting...

its food products. In a...

M ore women report having same-sex relationships

NASA investigates Tropical Storm Pali’s temperatures, winds

Shedding new light on sexuality in U.S. adults

IMAGE:Â On Jan. 7, RapidScat saw Tropical

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under age 45, new research reveals women are

Depression 1C’s strongest winds (red)

almost three times as likely...

southwest of the center at 30...

Breakthrough in the early diagnosis of preeclampsia

The status quo on Europe’s mussels

The causes of preeclampsia, a multi-system

IMAGE: Most of the world’s mussel stocks are

disorder that affects women in pregnancy, have not

in decline and some species face extinction like

been fully elucidated. The...

the freshwater...

New report finds no significant increase in health risks for 1960s Project SHAD veterans

Turning on the thyroid

WASHINGTON — Veterans who participated in a

the activating antibody...

IMAGE:Â Model of a glycoprotein hormone receptor (white backbone ribbon) with bound hormone and

series of tests during the 1960s known as Project SHAD (Shipboard Hazard...

Postnatal depression linked to challenges in parenting — could Oxycontin be helpful?

Obama vetoes legislative bid to dismantle signature health care law

Jan. 8, 2016 – Caring for an infant is challenging

Obama on Friday vetoed legislation passed by the Republican-controlled...

for any mother — but especially so for women with postnatal...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack

Patient-funded biotech in $100 million funding deal for DM D drug

4 Deprivation-Free New Year’s Resolutions

By Amrutha Penumudi (Reuters) – Akashi

Now that the freshness of the new year is past,

Therapeutics Inc, a U.S.-based biotech funded by DMD...

those incredibly exhausting and strict resolutions might be sounding...

‘Affluenza’ mother enters no plea at Texas arraignment

Thai skin-whitening ad sparks outrage on social media

By Marice Richter FORT WORTH, Texas (Reuters)

By Amy Sawitta Lefevre and Jutarat Skulpichetrat

– Tonya Crouch, the mother of the Texas teenager ridiculed...

BANGKOK (Reuters) – An advertisement for a...

Questions and answers about new UK drinking guidelines

Youth hockey concussions similar to other contact sports

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LONDON (AP) — British health officials say

Concussion rates in youth hockey may be similar

drinking any alcohol regularly increases the risk of

to the injury risk with other high-contact sports,

cancer, and...

though many of the collisions...

Kids’ sports injuries in the emergency department on the rise

Optical and electron microscopy study of laser-based intracellular molecule delivery using peptide-conjugated photodispersible gold nanoparticle agglomerates

The number of U.S. kids ages five to 18 years old going to the emergency department for sports injuries increased yearly...

Laser-based generation of gold nanoparticlepeptide agglomerates Gold nanoparticle agglomerates were synthesized in a two-step...

Comparison of total, salivary and calculated free cortisol levels in patients with severe sepsis There were no statistical difference between the mean ages of the patients of SS and the control group (61.7?±?14.7...

M elittin induces in vitro death of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum by triggering the cellular innate immune response Venom collection Venom from Apis mellifera Africanized honeybees (AHBs), aged between 30 and 40Â days, was extracted by...

Numerical simulations of multicomponent ecological models with adaptive methods The study of reaction-diffusion problems in ecological context have gained a huge amount of scientific interest,...

SJNNV down-regulates RGNNV replication in European sea bass by the induction of the type I interferon system Although the RGNNV and SJNNV genotypes have been detected or isolated from European sea bass, RGNNV appears to be...

Five Life Lessons I Learned From Yoga Yoga is a practice. One I began not too long ago, with the intention of getting into shape. Yet, the

Researchers Just M ade An ‘Astonishing’ Finding About Americans’ Sexuality

practice has...

The Centers for Disease Control has released a new study that offers insight into American sexuality. The most noteworthy...

Campbell Soup Will Label All U.S. Products For Presence Of GM Os

Researchers M ap How Scientific M isinformation Spreads On The

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Jan 8 (Reuters) – Campbell Soup Co said it will


label all its U.S. products for the presence of

For the study, the researchers conducted a

ingredients derived...

quantitative analysis of articles shared on Facebook related to either conspiracy...

You’re Not Believable as a Love Interest

Why companies need chief health officers

Photo by Joe Mazza at Brave Lux Chicago I’m a

January 8, 2016, 8:13 AM|In a commentary in The

stage actor based in Chicago. I’ve been a working actor...

Wall Street Journal Friday, Dr. David Agus argues all companies should appoint...

Small males have more sex appeal, new research shows

BRCA1 deficiency increases the sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells to auranofin

Female burying beetles are more attracted to small partners because they are less likely to get into fights, a study by researchers...

An anti-rheumatic drug could improve the

M ilestone resource in wheat research now available for download

X-rays reveal details of plastic solar cell production

Leading on from The Genome Analysis

IMAGE: This photo shows Stephan Pröller (l.)

Centre’s (TGAC) previous announcement of their new bread wheat genome assembly,...

and Dr. Eva M. Herzig in their laboratory. Here they investigate the...

Visualizing atoms of perovskite crystals

Risk taking across life span: The effects of hardship

IMAGE:Â Methylammonium molecules

prognosis for ovarian cancer patients exhibiting a deficiency of the DNA repair...

(represented by a ball-and-stick model in the centre) in methylammonium lead bromide...

With increasing age, the propensity to take

Campbell Soup to label U.S. products for GM O ingredients

U.S. halts Bunge Canada canola meal shipment with salmonella

(Reuters) – Campbell Soup Co said it will label

By Rod Nickel WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) –

all its U.S. products for the presence of ingredients derived...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) halted...

Activists warn smog in Poland’s top

Sientra says medical implants found

physical, social, legal or financial risks decreases. Researchers from the University...

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winter resort denser than in Delhi

safe in independent review

By Agnieszka Barteczko WARSAW (Reuters) –

(Reuters) – Breast implant maker Sientra Inc

With days to go before the Polish ski season kicks...

said its medical implants were found to be safe during a third-party...

Suspected Lassa fever outbreak in Nigeria ‘kills 40?

Why Future Doctors Need M ore ZZZs

Abuja (AFP) – Forty people have died in Nigeria in

sleep to which most of us showed up sleepdeprived and in...

a suspected outbreak of Lassa fever in 10 states across...

The irony was not subtle — an 8 a.m. lecture on

Hiker carries injured 280-pound man on his back, bringing him to safety

New alcohol advice issued

A personal trainer who was hiking in California on

in the NHS Learn about patient choice now

Don’t miss out … Exercise your right to choice

New Year’s Day is making headlines this week after carrying a 280-pound...

Lassa fever kills 35 in 7 Nigerian states Nigeria’s health minister is urging Nigerians

FDA bans common chemical in pizza boxes

not to panic over an outbreak of Lassa fever that has killed 35 people...

The Food and Drug Administration has banned a

Photo of newborn and placenta goes viral

Tuberculosis kills 3, sickens 26 in Alabama

A photo of an Australian newborn attached to his

A tuberculosis outbreak in western Alabama has

placenta with the umbilical cord shaped to spell “loveâ€​ has...

killed three adults, the state department of public health confirmed on Thursday....

Woman battling cancer fired months before retirement

18 things you should never put in your vagina

A Connecticut woman battling blood cancer was

You’ve all heard horror stories of that one

just months away from early retirement when she was informed by officials from...

friend’s-cousin’s-classmate who put some random object inside...

Overcoming hurdles to climate change adaptation in the Arctic

New technology to provide insights into the health of students

chemical commonly used in pizza boxes because there’s a reasonable chance...

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Outdated land management practices, a dearth of

Cellphones, any parent can attest, play a central

local decision-making bodies with real powers, a lack of long-term planning,...

role in the lives of college students. Studies show that nearly all college...

VIB researchers discover possible strategy against stroke

How to pack tropical trees

Scientists at VIB and KU Leuven have identified the

the other trees compete to fill the space. Researchers found that...

oxygen sensor PHD1 as a potential target for the treatment of brain infarction...

Hold the 16-oz drink, limit salt _ gov’t offers guidelines

IMAGE:Â When a giant tree falls in a tropical forest,

WASHINGTON (AP) — Better cut down on sugar,

Oxygen sensor PHD1 identified as potential target for treatment of ischemic stroke

especially those 16-ounce drinks, and limit your salt. But you...

Scientists at VIB and KU Leuven have identified the oxygen sensor PHD1 as a potential target for the treatment of brain infarction...

UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, Janssen R&D partner to identify new therapeutic targets for Chagas disease Researchers at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of

Family income matters more than race in predicting obesity in children For a long time researchers have tracked high rates of obesity among black and Hispanic kids, but a closer look at communities...

California, San Diego have...

Ebola health-care workers develop guidelines for treating children during future outbreaks

High-fat diet-induced obesity triggers alveolar bone loss and spontaneous periodontal disease in growing mice

When the Ebola virus outbreak erupted in West

Significant increases in body weight and serum

Africa in 2014, children infected with the virus —

cholesterol levels, together with significant

particularly those...

decreases in bone quantity...

Coenzyme Q 10 defects may be associated with a deficiency of Q 10 independent mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes

A commentary on the 2015 Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines in glutamine supplementation to parenteral nutrition

While primary CoQ10 defects are rare, secondary

Glutamine (Gln) is a highly abundant free amino

defects have been observed in various

acid (AA) with multiple biological functions. It is

pathologies. In a previous work, we... also one of... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

In defence of pathogenic proteins IMAGE:Â Scientists found in yeast cells protein

Your symptoms? Evolution’s way of telling you to stay home

aggregates (light green spots). As cells age and

When you have a fever, your nose is stuffed and

divide, these aggregates...

your headache is spreading to your toes, your body is telling you to stay...

Tiny ‘flasks’ speed up chemical reactions

With the right algorithms: Optimizing cell cycle analysis

IMAGE:Â This is a cluster of gold nanoparticles

So far fluorescent stains have been used to assign

under a transmission electron microscope. Empty spaces between the nanoparticles...

cells to their cell cycle phase. These chemicals damage the cells and...

Penguins, food and robots

Zoning out or deep thinking?

IMAGE:Â University of Delaware researchers are

Everyone has at least a few non-negotiable values.

working to better understand foraging competition

These are the things that, no matter what the

between Adelie and...

circumstance, you’d...

Roche says encouraged by cancer drug atezolizumab study

Campbell Soup says supports mandatory GM O labeling

ZURICH (Reuters) – Swiss drugmaker Roche

(Reuters) – Campbell Soup Company said it

Holding released on Friday what it called

supports the enactment of federal legislation for a

encouraging results from...

single mandatory...

Clinical features of children hospitalized with influenza A and B infections during the 2012–2013 influenza season in Italy

Clinical features of children hospitalized with influenza A and B infections during the 2012–2013 influenza season in Italy

In this study, a comparison of the clinical features

In this study, a comparison of the clinical features

presented in children admitted to our hospital resulted positive for...

presented in children admitted to our hospital resulted positive for...

Rapid forest carbon assessments of oceanic islands: a case study of the Hawaiian archipelago

Rapid forest carbon assessments of oceanic islands: a case study of the Hawaiian archipelago

Island carbon stocks and distributions Total forest cover and aboveground carbon stock for seven

Island carbon stocks and distributions Total forest cover and aboveground carbon stock for seven

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main Hawaiian Islands was ...

main Hawaiian Islands was ...

You Should Probably Stop Drinking Energy Drinks

You Should Probably Stop Drinking Energy Drinks

You might turn to a Red Bull or Monster energy drink when you need a boost, but the habit is doing

You might turn to a Red Bull or Monster energy drink when you need a boost, but the habit is doing

your body, brain and even...

your body, brain and even...

Deepak Chopra’s Advice for Getting Started With M editation

Deepak Chopra’s Advice for Getting Started With M editation

By Sonia Jones When you’re first getting started, meditation can feel like a mysterious and

By Sonia Jones When you’re first getting started, meditation can feel like a mysterious and

daunting task....

daunting task....

How To Easily Tell If A Skin Condition Is Dangerous — Or Not

How To Easily Tell If A Skin Condition Is Dangerous — Or Not

Milia can be treated with a retinoid or retinol cream that increases the rate of skin turnover and coaxes

Milia can be treated with a retinoid or retinol cream that increases the rate of skin turnover and coaxes

keratin to come...

keratin to come...

When a Child Grieves, We All Should Help

When a Child Grieves, We All Should Help

Knowing how to help a friend or loved one who is in the throes of grief doesn’t always come

Knowing how to help a friend or loved one who is in the throes of grief doesn’t always come

naturally. ...

naturally. ...

Cancer leading cause of death in 22 states

Cancer leading cause of death in 22 states

January 7, 2016, 9:55 PM|As heart disease fatalities decline, cancer has become the leading

January 7, 2016, 9:55 PM|As heart disease fatalities decline, cancer has become the leading

cause of death in 22 states....

cause of death in 22 states....

Team identifies ancient mutation that contributed to evolution of multicellular animals

Single-chip laser delivers powerful result

A single chance mutation about a billion years ago

From their use in telecommunication to detecting hazardous chemicals, lasers play a major role in

caused an ancient protein to evolve a new function

our everyday lives. They...

essential for multicellularity... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Single-chip laser delivers powerful result

A ‘printing press’ for nanoparticles

From their use in telecommunication to detecting

IMAGE:Â This is a gold nanoparticle, brought into

hazardous chemicals, lasers play a major role in

contact to a DNA nanostructure, sticks to chemical

our everyday lives. They...

patches. Scientists...

A ‘printing press’ for nanoparticles

Portable NIST kit can recover traces of chemical evidence

IMAGE:Â This is a gold nanoparticle, brought into

IMAGE:Â NIST chemist Tom Bruno, who invented a

contact to a DNA nanostructure, sticks to chemical

method for recovering trace chemicals such as

patches. Scientists...

environmental pollutants...

Portable NIST kit can recover traces of chemical evidence

What lessons have we learned from the 2014 ebola epidemic in West Africa?

IMAGE:Â NIST chemist Tom Bruno, who invented a

An academic from the University of British

method for recovering trace chemicals such as

Columbia has analysed, in a review published

environmental pollutants...

today in the International Journal...

What lessons have we learned from the 2014 ebola epidemic in West Africa? An academic from the University of British

From Sherborn to ZooBank: M oving to the interconnected digital nomenclature of the future

Columbia has analysed, in a review published

IMAGE: Sherborn’s Index Animalium is

today in the International Journal...

available online through the Smithsonian Libraries. view more Credit:...

From Sherborn to ZooBank: M oving to the interconnected digital nomenclature of the future

Brothels, sex websites shuttered in Seattle-area prostitution bust

IMAGE: Sherborn’s Index Animalium is

of Seattle area men has been charged with using

available online through the Smithsonian Libraries. view more Credit:...

adult websites...

Brothels, sex websites shuttered in Seattle-area prostitution bust

Iceman’s gut microbes shed light on human migration

By Eric M. Johnson SEATTLE (Reuters) – A group

Miami (AFP) – The gut microbes of the Iceman, a

of Seattle area men has been charged with using

5,300-year-old mummy found frozen in a European

By Eric M. Johnson SEATTLE (Reuters) – A group

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adult websites...

glacier in...

Iceman’s gut microbes shed light on human migration

Tanzania’s new PM threatens to sack doctors for illegal abortions

Miami (AFP) – The gut microbes of the Iceman, a

By Kizito Makoye DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson

5,300-year-old mummy found frozen in a European glacier in...

Reuters Foundation) – Tanzania’s newly appointed...

Tanzania’s new PM threatens to sack doctors for illegal abortions

Brazil to hire doctors, nurses to help in Rio health crisis

By Kizito Makoye DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson

By Stephen Eisenhammer RIO DE JANEIRO

Reuters Foundation) – Tanzania’s newly appointed...

(Reuters) – Brazil’s health ministry promised...

Injuries soar after M ichigan stops requiring motorcycle helmets

6 Insightful Reflections on How to Change for the Better

By Madeline Kennedy In the three years after

By Meghan Rabbitt We all want to evolve. That

Michigan repealed a mandatory motorcycle helmet law,...

desire is what drives most of us to work toward becoming better versions...

Study shows beneficial effects of blocking brain inflammation in experimental model of Alzheimer’s

South London hospital cuts waiting times for mental health patients

Diagram of the brain of a person with Alzheimer’s Disease. Credit: Wikipedia/public

engineered for maximum tastiness— such as potato chips, chocolates,...

With the wide availability of convenient foods

domain. A University...

What lessons have we learned from the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa?

M en told to drink far less alcohol in new UK guidelines

The last known Ebola case in Guinea, a threeweek old girl, has recovered from the virus, the

With the wide availability of convenient foods engineered for maximum tastiness— such as

medical charity Doctors Without...

potato chips, chocolates,...

Snappy Sleep Stager system identifies gene related to shorter sleep

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend Us Your Toilets (Without Parasites)

Credit: Vera Kratochvil/public domain You may have wondered why some people seem to need less

i Romans would have gathered in this heated room during a visit to the bathhouse in Herculaneum, in

sleep. Is it in... what... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

The Pay Gap M ay Contribute To Women’s Anxiety And Depression

FYI, NASA’s Space Gyms Are The Weirdest Thing Ever

Academic studies can be fascinating … and totally confusing. So we decided to strip away all of the

For astronauts in space, exercise is not a choice. In order to prevent the loss of muscle mass and bone

scientific jargon...

density due to a...

2016: The Year to Go Long in D.C. The start of the New Year brings the resumption of

I Thought It Wouldn’t Happen to M y Family

the 114th Congress and the start of the NFL playoff season, both...

I want to challenge you to answer honestly when I say these two words: Mentally ill. What was the image you created...

Redefining Success in 2016 I love me some ambition. There is nothing more

Drug distributors under fire in West Virginia painkiller epidemic

fun than riding enthusiasm in the direction of your dreams. But without...

KERMIT, West Virginia —The state of West Virginia is suing pharmacies and drug distributors accused of making millions...

How does your diet stack up to new USDA guidelines?

Lawsuit targets drug suppliers in West Virginia’s painkiller problem

January 7, 2016, 6:48 PM|The USDA released new guidelines on how many calories people should

January 7, 2016, 6:41 PM|West Virginia’s prescription pain pill epidemic has the state suing

consume and where they should...

pharmacies and drug distributors...

Calif. declares state of emergency over gas leak

Exercise DVDs could be psychologically harmful for users, new OSU research shows

January 7, 2016, 6:39 PM|After 75 days of a massive methane gas leak, Gov. Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency...

IMAGE:Â Brad Cardinal is a professor of kinesiology at Oregon State University. view more Credit: Oregon State...

Having more children slows down aging process — study

NASA’s Fermi Space Telescope sharpens its high-energy vision

A study by Simon Fraser University researchers suggests that the number of children born to a

Major improvements to methods used to process observations from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray

woman influences the rate at...

Space Telescope have yielded...

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Increased legal liabilities limit prescribed fire use for brush control

Detecting when and why deadly blood clots form

COLLEGE STATION – Private landowners and managers tend to shy away from the use of

(BOSTON) – Scientists at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard

prescribed fire for maintaining...

University have devised...

‘Window of recovery’ can reopen after stroke

New U.S. diet rules would take 20 percent bite out of American sugar use

Using mice whose front paws were still partly disabled after an initial induced stroke, Johns

By Chris Prentice NEW YORK (Reuters) – If the U.S. government has its way, Americans would...

Hopkins researchers report...

New U.S. diet rules would take 20 pct bite out of American sugar use

Indian lawmakers, health officials spar over tobacco pack warnings

By Chris Prentice NEW YORK (Reuters) – If the

By Aditya Kalra NEW DELHI (Reuters) – A

U.S. government has its way, Americans would...

parliamentary panel in India reviewing whether to put...

M alaria treatment fails in Cambodia because of drug resistance: researchers

Transgender U.S. veterans suffer more illness than peers: study

By Alex Whiting LONDON (Thomson Reuters

Foundation) – Transgender U.S. military

Foundation) – Malaria-carrying parasites in parts


By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters


Report underlines recent worker hazards at old weapons plants

When We Became Ordinary: An Account of Authentic Love

The toxic morass that was America’s nuclear

By now, screens flood in celebrities begging

weapons complex is no secret. Hazardous

resolution: drop the weight; be fit; get healthy.

conditions in places...

Don’t commit...

31 Powerful Paintings That Capture The Beauty Of Birth And Pregnancy

What You Need To Know About The Government’s New Dietary Rules

Though she’s been working on the series

Sodium In keeping with the last guidelines issued

since 2007, the painter said she’s seen a

in 2010, the government still advises people to eat

positive shift in how people...

less than 10 percent...

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Up Against the Wall at Yoga The only thing I knew how to do was to keep on keepin’ on … — Tangled Up In Blue, Bob Dylan “Less...

New imaging technique "lights up" cancer cells A new imaging technique that “lights upâ€​ cancer cells may eventually help surgeons remove all of a cancer the...

Negotiation tip: Gain sympathy and gain the advantage

EARTH: Treated water that’s too pure lets arsenic sneak in


Alexandria, VA – In an effort to reduce water use


in California, communities are turning to

considered a sign of weakness or is...

wastewater purification....

In rainforests, battle for sunlight shapes forest structure

Galaxy quakes could improve hunt for dark matter

IMAGE:Â Rainforests around the globe have a

A trio of brightly pulsating stars at the outskirts of

remarkably consistent pattern of tree sizes. Now

the Milky Way is racing away from the galaxy and

researchers have found...

may confirm a method...

Authors of Science journal article strive to save world’s mightiest rivers

Lead exposure linked to ADHD in kids with genetic mutation

COLLEGE STATION – A group of 40 international

Exposure to small amounts of lead may contribute

scientists led by a Texas AM University System

to ADHD symptoms in children who have a

professor says three...

particular gene mutation, according...

Woman Says She Found Bug in Packaged M eal After Biting It in Half

Cost to fix Flint water infrastructure could reach $1.5 billion: reports

The packaging on her lunch promised an “extra

(Reuters) – Fixing Flint, Michigan’s lead-

source of protein,â€​ but one New York woman got

contaminated drinking water infrastructure could

more than...

cost as...

Techs and the City: Part 1 Starting Up Image courtesy of makelight CEO, Joanna Alpe

Heartburn pills may help grow infectioncausing bacteria in gut

and developer team It is the start of 2016. The

By Lisa Rapaport Popular heartburn pills known as

world’s largest...

proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may be making some...

Calorie cutting may help older obese

California governor proposes

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people with thinking problems

increased education funding

By Kathryn Doyle Older obese people with mild cognitive impairment who lose a small amount of

By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) – California Governor Jerry Brown on


Thursday proposed a...

Shire, Baxalta to announce merger as soon as M onday: sources

Waterless toilet uses nanotechnology to treat waste, banish smells

Rare disease drugmaker Shire Pharmaceuticals Plc (SHP.L) is preparing to announce its roughly

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A toilet that does not need water, a sewage system

$32.5 billion acquisition...

or external power but instead...

U.S. says 11.3 million Americans have signed up for 2016 Obamacare plans

M edellin: The Right Place and Time for Collaborative Learning in Public Health

NEW YORK About 11.3 million Americans have

by Negeen Darani, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative

signed up so far for individual health insurance in

Photo by Kevin Dooley. Today marks Day 2 of the

2016 through


Oral contraceptive use early in pregnancy not tied to defects

Oral contraceptive use early in pregnancy not tied to defects

By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) –

By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) –

Women who accidentally keep taking oral

Women who accidentally keep taking oral



Canadian cross-border M &A seen gaining momentum in 2016

Canadian cross-border M &A seen gaining momentum in 2016

By John Tilak and Euan Rocha TORONTO

By John Tilak and Euan Rocha TORONTO

(Reuters) – Lawyers expect cross-border deals

(Reuters) – Lawyers expect cross-border deals

to again...

to again...

Proud Women of Africa: the Beginning

Proud Women of Africa: the Beginning

Co-authored by Nick Schönfeld. In 2008, my world changed. After a decade working as a spark on

Co-authored by Nick Schönfeld. In 2008, my world changed. After a decade working as a spark on

commercials and...

commercials and...

Symptoms, hospitalizations common after gastric bypass

Symptoms, hospitalizations common after gastric bypass

By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) – The

By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) – The

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high rate of side effects and hospitalizations...

high rate of side effects and hospitalizations...

Doctor who collapsed after 16-hour surgery praised for saving patient’s mangled hand

Doctor who collapsed after 16-hour surgery praised for saving patient’s mangled hand

The Web in China is abuzz with praise for a doctor who recently collapsed after rushing to the hospital

The Web in China is abuzz with praise for a doctor who recently collapsed after rushing to the hospital

to operate on a patient...

to operate on a patient...

Woman swallows hair comb after using it to ingest pills

‘Remixed’ skin cells could lead to new diabetes treatments

In order to swallow pills, a Turkish woman stuck a hair comb down her throat, accidentally swallowing

Thursday January 7 2016 People with type 1 diabetes need frequent injections “End of

the comb and requiring...

injections in sight for...

‘Remixed’ skin cells could lead to new diabetes treatments

New York opens its first medical marijuana clinics

Thursday January 7 2016 People with type 1 diabetes need frequent injections “End of

NEW YORK New York’s first medical marijuana dispensaries are opening their doors on

injections in sight for...

Thursday, as the state launches...

New York opens its first medical marijuana clinics

Does cancer screening save lives? Unclear, researchers say

NEW YORK New York’s first medical marijuana dispensaries are opening their doors on

Reuters Health – Bigger studies are needed to tell whether cancer screening really saves lives,

Thursday, as the state launches...

according to a new...

Does cancer screening save lives? Unclear, researchers say

Cancer now No. 1 killer in 22 US states, ahead of heart disease

Reuters Health – Bigger studies are needed to tell whether cancer screening really saves lives,

Cancer is becoming the No. 1 killer in more and more states as deaths from heart disease have

according to a new...

declined, new health statistics...

Cancer now No. 1 killer in 22 US states, ahead of heart disease

Doctor who collapsed after 16-hour surgery praised for saving patient’s …

Cancer is becoming the No. 1 killer in more and more states as deaths from heart disease have

The Web in China is abuzz with praise for a doctor declined, new health statistics... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

who recently collapsed after rushing to the hospital to operate on a patient...

Doctor who collapsed after 16-hour surgery praised for saving patient’s … The Web in China is abuzz with praise for a doctor who recently collapsed after rushing to the hospital

Australian mom defends 3-year-old son’s 6-pack abs Photos of a 3-year-old with six-pack abs and toned biceps may seem startling to some people, but the boy’s mother...

to operate on a patient...

Australian mom defends 3-year-old son’s 6-pack abs

Fitness coach’s body-confidence photo goes viral on Facebook

Photos of a 3-year-old with six-pack abs and toned biceps may seem startling to some people, but the

A photo posted by an online health and fitness personality has gone viral for its message of self-

boy’s mother...

empowerment and body confidence. Molly...

Fitness coach’s body-confidence photo goes viral on Facebook

Teen dies from using too much deodorant

A photo posted by an online health and fitness personality has gone viral for its message of self-

A British teenager who used cans of deodorant in lieu of bathing died from inhaling gas. Police found

empowerment and body confidence. Molly...

42 aerosol cans in...

Teen dies from using too much deodorant

Elsevier’s new open access journal features novel method to make cancer clinical trials more effective

A British teenager who used cans of deodorant in lieu of bathing died from inhaling gas. Police found 42 aerosol cans in...

The first issue of Elsevier’s new open access journal Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications features a new method...

Does cancer affect memory? An interview with Associate Professor Janette Vardy

DNA damage may lead to mutation and changes in cell

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, MA

University has been studying DNA damage in living

(Cantab) Associate Prof Janette VardyTHOUGHT

cells to learn more about how...

A team of researchers from Colorado State


The 2013 measles outbreak in Sri Lanka: experience from a rural district and

A high-density SNP panel reveals extensive diversity, frequent

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implications for measles elimination goals In this study, we investigated a part of Sri Lanka’s most recent measles outbreak. The study showed that...

recombination and multiple recombination hotspots within the chicken major histocompatibility complex B region between BG2 and CD1A1 Analysis of SNP haplotypes The typing panel consisted of 101 SNPs that yielded reliable SNP genotype information ...

A single oral dose of Silodosin and Diclofenac sodium is effective in reducing pain after ureteric stent removal: a prospective, randomized, double blind placebo-controlled study

The Day I Knew I Had to Quit M y Job We all have distinct memories of pivotal moments in our lives. The day we got married, the day our kids were born,...

Ureteral stents are associated with significant pain and discomfort (Joshi et al. 2002], 2003]; Pollard and Macfarlane...

6 Ways To Fight The Flu You Probably Overlooked If you could avoid the misery of the flu — the fever,

Target’s Collaboration With Soulcycle Is Its M ost Unexpected Partnership Yet

the aches, the knives in your throat —

The two mega-brands have paired up to offer


shoppers free pop-up fitness cycling classes (usually $34) in ten cities —...

Adele’s Gym Photo Is The Best It’s Ever Going To Get

4 Things We Should All Stop Doing When We Text

Oh, Adele, let us count the ways in which we love

We all text. You, your friends, your boss, your

you. On Wednesday evening, the Grammy winner

grandmother, every 10-year-old ever — and a

shared a photo from what...

comedian and writer named...

M ore than 1.7 million cancer deaths averted since 1990s

Smart ways to save on your gym membership

The cancer death rate in the U.S. has plummeted

January 7, 2016, 8:21 AM|Health club

by 23 percent since 1991, new figures show. The steady decline over more...

memberships in America are at an all-time high at more than 54 million in 2014. But...

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Could exercise help speed concussion recovery in teens?

A carbon sink that can’t be filled

January 7, 2016, 8:13 AM|Concussions often go

including U of T Scarborough Professor Myrna

undiagnosed and unreported, but the National

Simpson reveals that as global...

IMAGE:Â A new study by a team researchers

Institutes of Health estimates...

Researchers gauge quantum properties of nanotubes, essential for next-gen electronics

Smokers diagnosed with pneumonia found to have higher risk of lung cancer

IMAGE:Â (a, b) MIM capacitance images overlaid on

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer

top of AFM 3-D surface topography of an array of

mortality in the United States, with a five-year

CVD grown aligned...

survival rate of just 17 percent....

1 in 4 kids sexually harassed by friends online

Religious beliefs don’t always lead to violence

IMAGE:Â Research led by Michigan State University

From the Christian Crusades to the Paris attacks,

criminologist Thomas J. Holt suggests 1 in 4

countless conflicts and acts of violence have been

children are sexually...

claimed to be the result...

Trees employ similar strategies to outcompete their neighbors

U.S. cracks down on Americans’ intake of sugar, saturated fat

How more than 1,000 tree species may occur in a

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The U.S. government

small area of forest in Amazonia or Borneo is an

issued new dietary guidelines Thursday, saying

unsolved mystery. Their...

Americans should...

How I Left a Life of Pain and BingeEating Behind

US diet guidelines urge people to eat less sugar

January 2009 is the month my life changed forever.

Miami (AFP) – Added sugars in foods should

And not just because I stepped on the scale at my doctor’s...

make up less than 10 percent of daily calories, said US government...

Black pudding hailed as a ‘superfood’ in Britain

One Surefire Way to Spot Bedbugs in Your Hotel Room

London (AFP) – Made out of pig’s blood, pork

Bedbugs are the ultimate travel nightmare, and you

fat and oatmeal, black pudding might seem an unlikely...

might not know you’ve brought them home with you until...

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South Africa’s trade minister says trade dispute with U.S. resolved

New dietary guidelines: lean meat OK, cut the added sugars

PRETORIA (Reuters) – South Africa has resolved

Some Americans may not have to cut back on eggs

a dispute with the United States over farm exports,

and salt as much as they once thought and eating


lean meat is still OK. But...

Wage gap may increase women’s risk of depression, anxiety

M en underestimate risk of sexual dysfunction after prostate surgery

The U.S. wage gap could be making women ill,

Men with sexual dysfunction after prostate cancer

says a new study showing women with lower

surgery are often surprised to learn that the surgery

incomes than their male counterparts...

had put them at risk...

Why are we more inclined to brush than to floss?

Leopard sharks navigate with their nose

Dear Dan, Is it more important to floss or to brush?

IMAGE:Â This is a shark with a reusable tagging

—Ting It’s a tricky question. In terms of dental

apparatus. view more Credit: Kyle McBurnie


Olfaction may...

Big-dollar baby formula thefts dog stores, police across US SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The recent arrests in

M en not having important discussions with health providers about prostate cancer screening, treatment

Utah of three people accused of stealing

Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical

thousands of dollars’...

Center and the University of Memphis recently published an article in the...

Stevens Institute of Technology professor receives $50,000 grant to advance research into thoracic catheter

Rutgers offers two-year fellowship program to enhance training of cancer surgeons

/ no comments New Jersey Health Foundation

a two-year fellowship program is now being offered

Aiming to enhance the training of cancer surgeons, by Rutgers Cancer Institute...

Injectable microwheels can effectively treat arterial blockages / no comments Colorado School of Mines

Study highlights impact of health and safety programs on companies’ investment value A study utilizing investment simulations for 17 publicly held companies with strong health or

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safety programs for employees...

Debate Over Bird Flu Research M oratorium Flares Up Again i The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, which causes MERS, is one of the microbes that has sparked...

Serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 vary based on diagnoses in individuals with lumbar intervertebral disc diseases The goals of this study were to examine circulating levels of inflammatory and degenerative mediators associated...

Nutritional considerations during prolonged exposure to a confined, hyperbaric, hyperoxic environment: recommendations for saturation divers The effect of dietary intake on metabolic and

Subtelomere organization in the genome of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi: patterns of repeated sequences and physicochemical signatures

physiological processes is vast, with the

Miropeat analysis The Encephalitozoon cuniculi

application of personalised...

genome analysis using Miropeat software detected large gap-free repeats at...

SEaRCHâ„¢ expert panel process: streamlining the link between evidence and practice

Why some women get broken-heart syndrome

The RAND method has been extensively described

some cases a broken heart is not just an expression — it can...

elsewhere in the literature. One of its essential features vis-a vis the NIH...

People often feel pain from the loss of love, but in

Researchers ride new sound wave to health discovery

Killer whales feast on salmon in summer

IMAGE:Â Dr Amgad Rezk and his research

Salmon are the primary summer food source for an

colleagues at RMIT University have created a new class of sound wave —...

endangered population of killer whales in the Pacific Northwest, according...

Twenty new freshwater fish species uncovered in Australia

NREL’s M in Zhang keeps her ‘hugs’ happy, leading to biofuel breakthroughs

It is the single greatest addition to the country’s freshwater fish inventory since records began and boosts the total...

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Senior Scientist Min Zhang has a special

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relationship with Zymomonas mobilis,...

First clinical practice guidelines call for lifelong maintenance of restored teeth

Inventive thinkers at NREL reach record number

UConn School of Dental Medicine’s Dr.

The eureka moments can come fast and furious at

Avinash Bidra is the lead author of the first national clinical practice guidelines...

the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),...

As population soars, India battles to tame malnutrition

Kenya’s hydropower dams fuel malaria risk for villagers

Darbhanga (India) (AFP) – As another

By Anthony Langat KAMBURU DAM, Kenya

dangerously underweight toddler balances precariously on his set of...

(Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Alfred Nyaga irrigates...

12 ways to make your office better for your health

The hottest fitness trends of 2016

You spend about half of your waking hours at your

you haven’t tried an infrared sauna, dandelion coffee, or a sound bath,...

job. While certain jobs like construction or manual labor have clear hazards,...

Cryochambers? Matcha? Meditation? So 2015. If

Veterans and civilian patients at risk of ICU-related PTSD up to a year post discharge

Long-term ozone exposure increases ards risks in critically ill

One in ten patients is at risk of having new posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to their

daily levels of ozone are more likely to develop acute respiratory disease...

Critically ill patients who are exposed to higher

ICU experience up to...

ISHLT issues updated candidacy criteria for heart transplantation

New open access journal highlights methods and clinical trial results

New York, NY, January 7, 2016 – To determine patient eligibility for heart transplant, the

Amsterdam, Jan. 6, 2015 – The first issue of Elsevier’s new open access journal

International Society for...

Contemporary Clinical Trials...

Lab discovery gives glimpse of conditions found on other planets

New CRISPR technology can be used to make designer babies

Scientists have recreated an elusive form of the material that makes up much of the giant planets in

How should we handle the new CRISPR technology that can both advance science and

our solar system, and... medicine, but also be used to make designer... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Study shows that twins may share cancer risk In a long-term follow-up study among approximately 200,000 Nordic twin individuals, there was an increased cancer risk in...

People with low sunlight exposure and vitamin D deficiency at greater risk of developing leukemia Epidemiologists at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that persons residing at higher latitudes,...

CUM C study reveals statins may help reduce heart disease risk in people with sleep apnea

FAU study shows benefits of regular mammography among elder women

A new study conducted at Columbia University

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women after skin cancer and occurred in

Medical Center (CUMC) has revealed some of the

230,000 women in the United States...

underlying mechanisms that may...

Discovery may pave way for more effective treatments for pandemics, seasonal flu

Flu virus hijacking tactics revealed by scientists, paving way for new treatments

Scientists at Imperial College London have

Scientists at Imperial College London have

discovered how flu viruses ‘hijack’ cell

discovered how flu viruses ‘hijack’ cell

machinery when they infect...

machinery when they infect...

Drought, heat take toll on global crops Drought and extreme heat slashed global cereal

Droughts hit cereal crops harder since 1980s

harvests between 1964 and 2007 – and the

Drought and extreme heat events slashed cereal

impact of these weather disasters...

harvests in recent decades by 9% to 10% on average in affected countries –...

Exercise to improve skill and coordination can help reduce lower back pain

Penn researchers identify cause of heart failure in pregnant women

A new Cochrane Review published today shows

1,000 pregnant women will experience peripartum

that targeting exercises to muscles that support

cardiomyopathy, an uncommon...

PHILADELPHIA – Each year approximately 1 in

and control the spine offers...

The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology: Reducing sugar content in sugar-

Friends Are As Important To Your Health As Diet And Exercise

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sweetened drinks by 40 percent over 5 years could prevent 1.5 million cases of overweight and obesity in the UK and 300,000 cases of diabetes

New year, new you, right? But while you’re shopping for healthy foods at the grocery store and booking that spin class,...

to an average reduction in energy intake of 38.4 kcal (calories) per day by the end of the 5th year and this would lead to...

7 Tips for Losing Weight — and Keeping It Off

How to Stop Procrastinating by Using the ‘2-M inute Rule’

Deena Adimoolam, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and

I’ve been following a simple rule that is helping me crush procrastination and making it easier for

Bone Disease Icahn School...

me to...

Yes Yes Hell No! How to Develop Total Trust in Your Ability to M ake Great Decisions

Wrapping up a year of landmark chemistry news

How do you make decisions? Do you know? It may be the single most important choice you make.

From a critical international climate pact to corporate mega mergers, 2015 was packed with history-making events in the chemistry...

It’s the...

Human activities trigger hypoxia in freshwaters around the globe

Scientists call for new tools to explore the world’s microbiomes

IMAGE:Â This is an underwater photo of gravel bottom of Yellowstone Lake and varved sediment

In October, an interdisciplinary group of scientists proposed forming a Unified Microbiome Initiative

core. view more...

(UMI) to explore the...

Archaeological discovery yields surprising revelations about Europe’s oldest city

Leaf-mimicking device harnesses light to purify water

Recent fieldwork at the ancient city of Knossos on

For years, scientists have been pursuing ways to imitate a leaf’s photosynthetic power to make

the Greek island of Crete finds that during the early

hydrogen fuel from...

Iron Age (1100 to...

Fish-flavored cat food could contribute to feline hyperthyroidism Over the past three decades, the number of cats

Solving the Health-Religion Puzzle Religion boosts health in the US. Yet, the most religious countries are the sickest. This paradox

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diagnosed with hyperthyroidism has increased.

can be explained...

According to research reports,...

Canadian doctor, pharmacist face probes after sports-doping video By Nicole Mordant VANCOUVER (Reuters) – A

Report says Virginia should require school police training and alter laws to reduce arrests

Canadian doctor and pharmacist face inquiries

Legislators should rewrite state codes to reduce


Virginia’s high rate of arresting young students, child...

Overweight young adults can reduce diabetes risk if they lose weight early enough: study

Southern California M oves To Protect Homeless As El Niño Rain Hits Region

New research has found that the risk of diabetes

the first of several El Niño storms makes its way across the...

associated with obesity can be reversed if obese young people make...

Rain, and lots of it, is falling in parts of California as

Wegmans Recalled M ore Than 1,000 Pounds Of Chicken

‘What Ebola Taught Us About The Power Of Stories’

Beloved supermarket chain Wegmans is recalling

Although we may see further resurgences of Ebola

1,125 pounds of chicken from its stores. The chicken was recalled for being...

in West Africa, we can now celebrate the end of widespread, active transmission...

Here’s What Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady Eat — Yes, It’s Ridiculously Strict

M om’s Spot-On Comics Show New Parenthood In All Its Chaotic Glory

No coffee, dairy, white sugar, tomatoes…By Bari Lieberman, SELF Photo: Steve Eichner/WWD The

Natalia Sabransky knows the ups and downs of parenting all too well. The...

As the mother of a toddler, Argentinian illustrator

private chef...

We’re Finally Eating M ore Veggies, Even at School

Digital eye strain a growing problem

I was heartened to hear that one of the big trends for 2016 is vegetables. According to NPR’s

more hours staring at computers, smartphones and TV screens, many experience...

January 6, 2016, 5:05 PM|As Americans spend

Bonny Wolf...

What to do about digital eye strain

NASA’s Spitzer, Hubble find ‘twins’ of superstar Eta Carinae in

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If you’re a modern consumer in the U.S. these days, chances are you experience digital eye strain fairly regularly. According...

other galaxies IMAGE: Eta Carinae’s great eruption in the 1840s created the billowing Homunculus Nebula, imaged here by Hubble,...

What motivates people to walk and bike? It varies by income

Humans adding less nitrogen to oceans than models predict

Lower- and middle-income King County residents who live in denser neighborhoods — with stores,

IMAGE:Â A new study suggests that most of the nitrogen deposited from the atmosphere into the

libraries and other...

open ocean comes from...

Ancient protein flexibility can drive ‘new’ functions

Scientists root out the ‘bad seeds’ of liver cancer

IMAGE: GR is part of a family of steroid receptor proteins that control cells’ responses to

IMAGE: “There are bad seeds in cancer, â€​ said Keigo Machida, senior study author. “Even

hormones such as...


Study: Bacteria attack lignin with enzymatic tag team

Congress sends bill to gut Obamacare, to certain veto

HOUSTON — (Jan. 6, 2016) — The molecules that impart strength to paper, bamboo and wood-

By Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Congress on Wednesday approved

frame buildings —...


Shortage of malaria drug points to better tool vs Ebola

Florida woman died after hospital thought she was faking: lawyers

Miami (AFP) – As doctors struggled to treat growing numbers of patients during the Ebola

By Bill Cotterell TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) – A Florida woman who collapsed and later died after

crisis in West Africa,...


Wage gap could drive women’s depression, anxiety, study finds

Widely used pesticide can harm bees in some cases -EPA

By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters

By P.J. Huffstutter CHICAGO (Reuters) – An

Foundation) – The U.S. wage gap could be

insecticide widely used on cotton plants and



5 Ways to Eat M ore Raw Food in 2016

M en underestimate sexual dysfunction risks of prostate surgery

We all know that eating more fresh, whole foods

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— especially fruits and vegetables — is good for

Reuters Health – Men with sexual dysfunction


after prostate cancer surgery are often surprised to learn that the...

Blood plasma from Ebola survivors fails to prevent deaths in field study Reuters Health – Treating Ebola victims with

Proposed link between liver cancer and adeno-associated virus challenged in human gene therapy

blood plasma donated by Ebola survivors failed to

Minor variants of flu strains, which are not typically

significantly increase...

targeted in vaccines, carry a bigger viral punch than previously realized,...

Less prostate cancer screening may delay treatment for earlier onset cancers

Is there a connection between your age at menopause and later depression?

Micrograph showing prostatic acinar

engineered for maximum tastiness— such as

adenocarcinoma (the most common form of

potato chips, chocolates,...

With the wide availability of convenient foods

prostate cancer) Credit: Wikipedia The...

High rate of symptoms, hospitalization following gastric bypass surgery for obesity

M any patients using e-mail as first method of provider contact

Although the vast majority of patients reported

the ability to communicate with their doctor via email may help...

improved well-being after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery, the prevalence...

(HealthDay)—For patients with chronic conditions,

US M arshals seize dietary supplements containing kratom

A New Take on the Oldest Resolution

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced

at a time when I was concerned for my health, and my cutting...

today that U.S. Marshals, at the agency’s request, seized nearly 90,000...

Once in my life I was successful at dieting. It came

Lessons From the Diet Clinic: SelfControl Is Best

Improve Your Health With Raw Foods in 5 Easy Steps

It’s check-out day at the diet clinic in Cannes,

You may have heard the buzz about raw foods —

France. I’m going home! I’ve been here for...

how eating a raw food diet can give you more energy, easy weight...

7 Ways Our Kids Can M ake Us Healthier

Forever 21 Launches New Plus-Size

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Baby weight, lack of sleep, no free time — this is the typical rhetoric for busy parents. But I’ve...

Activewear Collection Model Denise Bidot makes an appearance on the site, modeling various styles in the line. The collection is designed...

Next-gen wheelchairs help users stand MIAMI – The next generation of wheelchairs is

What causes women to experience broken-heart syndrome?

helping people stand whenever they want thanks to the use of robotics,...

January 6, 2016, 3:40 PM|Many elderly women have

Yeast infection drug linked to miscarriage risk

New hope against cancer in the nottoo-distant future

A well-known antifungal drug used for vaginal yeast

Are we finally gaining the upper hand in the

infections may be linked to a slightly increased risk of miscarriage,...

“war on cancer,â€​ declared 44 years ago by President Nixon? Dr. David...

New York medical marijuana program to begin

‘Dry eye’ linked to chronic pain syndromes

ALBANY, N.Y. — New Yorkers with cancer, AIDS,

IMAGE:Â This is Anat Galor, M.D., M.S.P.H.,

Parkinson’s disease or other qualifying conditions will soon...

associate professor of clinical ophthalmology at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute,...

New drug may overcome treatment resistance in a high-risk children’s cancer

Hitchhiking mites can provide clues to forensic entomologists

IMAGE: Yael P. Mosse, M.D., is a pediatric oncologist and researcher at The Children’s

mites is hitching a ride to their next meal on the fly Synthesiomyia nudiseta. ...

been hospitalized with what they believe is a heart attack, but it’s...

IMAGE:Â Carrion feeding Myianoetus muscarum

Hospital of Philadelphia. ...

Lung cancer clinical trial finds lung function without additional imaging

Factors in the blood during dieting may have anti-diabetes properties

A newly NIH funded clinical trial (NCT02528942) by University of Colorado Cancer Center investigators

Factors in the blood from calorie-restricted rats can modify energy-producing mitochondria within the

and collaborators at...

insulin-producing cells...

International CTCA study shows statins

Underage youth widely exposed to

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could be effective against small cell lung cancer

online alcohol marketing

IMAGE:Â Dr. Glen Weiss is Director of Clinical

half of underage people say they’ve seen...

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – More than

Research and Medical Oncologist at CTCA® at Western in Goodyear, Ariz.,...

ChemoCentryx shares fall as positive trial results fail to convince

Study: M exico violence caused drop in male life expectancy

By Rosmi Shaji (Reuters) – ChemoCentryx

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A new study suggests that

Inc’s experimental drug was found to be as effective...

Mexico’s drug violence was so bad at its peak that it...

DR M ANNY: Don’t put doctors in middle of gun control policies In a tearful address to the nation on Tuesday,

ALS protein dynamics highlight delicate balance between self-association and aggregation

President Obama sought to deliver on a promise he made to the American people...

Researchers at Oregon Health Science University School of Dentistry have discovered that TDP-43, a protein strongly linked...

Researchers link higher risk of leukemia to low sunlight and vitamin D A Wright’s stained bone marrow aspirate smear from a patient with precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic...

Walter Reed Army Institute of Research begins phase 2 clinical trial of Ebola vaccine A new Ebola vaccine regimen is being tested at the Clinical Trial Center in Silver Spring, Md. Credit: WRAIR The...

Study supports argument that declining PSA screening may lead to avoidable cancer deaths

Leukaemia drug could slow progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)

A drug commonly used to treat leukaemia is

recommendation against regular prostate specific

showing potential as a treatment that could slow

antigen (PSA) screening...

the progression of the muscle-wasting...

Rani Therapeutics, M edImmune collaborate to evaluate novel oral drug delivery platform

DURECT reports successful completion of DUR-928 Phase 1 study for acute use indications

/ no comments Rani Therapeutics

DURECT Corporation (Nasdaq: DRRX) today

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announced the successful completion of a Phase 1 clinical trial with an injectable...

Scientists Spot ‘Burping’ Black Hole In Nearby Galaxy

The 13 Best Snacks To Eat When You’re Trying To Lose Weight

i The inset image shows X-ray arcs that

When you’re eating healthfully in an attempt to

astronomers say are signs of galactic burping in the Messier 51...

shed some pounds, your snacks need not be as bland as cardboard....

The M arch of Heroin

5 Grab and Go, Super Healthy Snacks

“The junk merchant doesn’t sell his

If you’re serious about revving up your

product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to

metabolism you’re eating 6 times a day. That

his product....

means you’ll,...

Public Breastfeeding Experiment Reveals How People Really Feel About It

The Alarm Clock Of The Future Will Wake You Up With A Scent

It’s no secret women are often shamed and

of smell could have anything to do with how much

harassed for breastfeeding in public. This “social experimentâ€​...

sleep you get, but...

New FAU study suggests benefits of regular mammography extend to the elderly

This week from AGU: Blogs from #AGU15, ocean sounds & winds, & 5 new research papers

IMAGE:Â Charles H. Hennekens, M.D., is senior

GeoSpace Blog posts about research presented at

author and first Sir Richard Doll Professor and senior academic advisor...

the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting: Appliance upgrades that save the most water,...

DNA research offers clues on cell mutation

M easuring Africa’s unsustainable hunting on land — by sea

A team of researchers from Colorado State

IMAGE:Â Scientists hoping to help stem the rate of

University has been studying DNA damage in living cells to learn more about how...

unsustainable hunting in West and Central Africa have developed two...

Statins may lower risk of heart disease in people with sleep apnea

Science-driven strategies for more effective endangered species recovery

IMAGE:Â Arrows indicate that more CD59 is drawn

The Endangered Species Act (ESA), which quietly

LAS VEGAS — You might not think that your sense

into the cell in people with sleep apnea who are not passed its 42nd birthday last week, has shielded Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

taking statins...

hundreds of species in the...

Long before learning ABCs, tots recognize words are symbols

Philippine parliament scraps budget for contraceptives

WASHINGTON (AP) — Celebrate your child’s

The legislature in the mainly Catholic Philippines

scribbles. A novel experiment shows that even before learning...

has eliminated the government’s budget for contraceptives,...

Chipotle hit with federal subpoena over California norovirus outbreak

5 Easy Exercises to Get Rid of M uffin Top Right at Home

(Reuters) – Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc said it was served with a grand jury subpoena in relation to a

By Phil Mutz, writer at One of the biggest resolutions that people make at the start of


a brand-new...

Another New Year Past, Same Old Hangover?

Spotlight on health & fitness tech for women at CES

With New Year’s Eve behind us, and most hangovers forgotten, resolutions to not drink so

Among the many health and fitness technology products on show at this year’s Consumer

much are fading...

Electronics Show (CES)...

Do high doses of vitamin D increase falls risk in the elderly?

Wegmans recalls over 1100 pounds of chicken that were sold uninspected

Wednesday January 6 2016 We get most of our vitamin D from sunlight on our skin “Giving

The Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced Tuesday

pensioners high doses...

the recall of about 1,125...

Study links sugar to cancer: How to reduce your risk

M om of surviving conjoined twin gets visiting hours reinstated, claims ban was …

A new study from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center reveals diets that are high in sugar are a major risk...

A Minnesota mother who gave birth to conjoined twins in August, knowing that one likely wouldn’t survive, has had...

M an poses for first selfie after doctors build him a nose

Cancer drug shows promise for treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy

A 23-year-old man whose parents abandoned him as a newborn because of birth defects has a new

A drug commonly used to treat leukaemia is showing potential as a treatment that could slow

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nose thanks to a clinic in...

the progression of the muscle-wasting...

The FDA engages stakeholders on opportunities to improve hearing aid usage and innovation

6 Tips for Living Well in 2016

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced new efforts to better understand how

Happy 2016! Wow time flies — and here we are. How are things going? Off to a good year? Started the year...

the agency can appropriately balance...

The Artsy Apps That Justify Spending Time On Your Phone What is it? You might have to try this one out to see exactly what it involves, but I highly

The New You Revolution How about a “New You Revolution?â€​ That’s right. Not a New Year’s resolution, but a...

recommend it. From the...

The Hardest Part Is the Comeback

Daily M editation: Be Transformed

The fall is not the hardest part. The return… the rise… the comeback. That’s the hard part.

ALL SOULS BY EDITH WHARTON IA THIN moon faints in the sky o’erhead,And dumb in the


churchyard lie the dead.Walk we...

Chipotle faces criminal probe over novovirus

Twins study sheds light on family risk for cancer

NEW YORK – Chipotle (CMG) faces mounting legal trouble related to incidents of contaminated

A new study of twins sheds light on the shared roles of genetics and environment. Having an

food. The restaurant chain...

identical twin diagnosed with...

Promising new ways to prevent, treat cancer

Feds fine Lumosity developer over brain benefit claim

January 6, 2016, 8:30 AM|In his new book, “The Lucky Years,â€​ published by Simon Schuster, a

January 6, 2016, 7:35 AM|The company behind a popular “brain trainingâ€​ app will pay $2 million

division of CBS,...

to settle federal...

Last meal reflects spiral-shaped intestine

Nanowalls for smartphones

IMAGE:Â A last meal provides new insights: The fossilized food remains of the extinct predatory fish

This news release is available in German. From smartphones to the operating interfaces of ticket machines and cash dispensers,...

Saurichthys reflect... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Deep-water ocean circulation may have awakened marine biodiversity climate change

Is it all just a myth — does working too much actually affect your relationship?

The great increase in biodiversity took place during

London, UK (06 January, 2015). Traditionally we have been told that the longer you work, the harder

the geological period known as the Ordovician. –

it is to maintain romantic...

This was a time...

Globular clusters could host interstellar civilizations

Is your toddler ready for reading lessons?

Globular star clusters are extraordinary in almost

IMAGE:Â Rebecca Treiman, Ph.D., is the Burke

every way. They’re densely packed, holding a

Elizabeth High Baker Professor of Child

million stars in a...

Developmental Psychology in Arts...

Chipotle gets subpoena related to norovirus contamination

Gaza Strip gets first new hospital in a decade, two more due this year

(Reuters) – Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc said it was

By Nidal al-Mughrabi GAZA (Reuters) – The Gaza

served with a grand jury subpoena in relation to a

Strip’s struggling healthcare system...


Brazil cuts vaccine doses as health system under pressure

Valeant names interim CEO; timing of Pearson’s return unknown

RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – Brazil has cut the

(Reuters) – Drugmaker Valeant Pharmaceuticals

number of doses for vaccinations given by the

International Inc on Wednesday named Howard

public health...

Schiller as interim...

ChemoCentryx rare-disease drug as effective as standard of care

15 Foods For A Happier Stomach / no comments Also on HuffPost:

(Reuters) – ChemoCentryx Inc said its lead drug was found as effective as standard-of-care highdose steroids...

Partially blind Texas man adopts puppy with 1 eye

California legislators introduce bill to end tax on tampons

A partially blind Texas man met his perfect match

On Monday, two California legislators jointly

recently when he connected with Bear, a miniature

released a bipartisan measure to make feminine

Australian shepherd...

hygiene products exempt from...

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3 longevity herbs for the new year In the various healing traditions around the world,

Exercise could work as treatment for prostate cancer

certain herbs are deemed longevity-enhancers by virtue of their numerous...

Micrograph showing prostatic acinar

Local health departments could play vital role in tackling mental health issues in U.S.

Researchers find no evidence that prenatal exposure to antidepressants increases risk for autism, ADHD

Local health departments could play a significant

An analysis of medical records data from three

role in tackling mental health issues in the United States, according to...

Massachusetts health care systems finds no evidence that prenatal exposure...

New research looks at heavy users of mental health care While a small number of people account for a

Scientists demonstrate workings of CCL2 mechanism that stimulates nerve regeneration

disproportionately large portion of health services use, heavy users of mental...

The peripheral nervous system is a vast network of nerves that exists primarily outside of brain and

adenocarcinoma (the most common form of prostate cancer) Credit: Wikipedia A...

spinal cord and connects...

Insulin-producing pancreatic cells created from human skin cells Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) have successfully converted...

UNC researchers uncover new potential strategy to kill cancerous cells in the brain Rapidly dividing cells rely on an enzyme called Dicer to help them repair the DNA damage that occurs as they make mistakes...

Naturally occurring changes in brain wiring can help patients avert onset of bipolar disorder

Researchers identify mechanism that allows cancer cells to grow rapidly when blood sugar levels rise

/ no comments Mount Sinai Health System?

Researchers have identified a mechanism that allows cancer cells to respond and grow rapidly when levels of sugar in the...

M ajor bone fracture may increase risk of widespread chronic body pain in later life

UC San Diego School of M edicine study compares payments among different specialties

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Breaking a major bone may increase risk of

The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, passed

widespread chronic body pain in later life, a new study has found. Researchers...

under the Affordable Care Act, requires all pharmaceutical and medical device...

New study finds familial risk and heritability of cancer among twins

Comparison of the results of laparoscopic appendectomies with application of different techniques for closure of the appendicular stump

A large new study of twins has found that having a twin sibling diagnosed with cancer poses an excess risk for the other...

The proper closure of the appendicular stump during laparoscopic appendectomy is very important because it can prevent...

M icroRNA-26a suppresses epithelialmesenchymal transition in human hepatocellular carcinoma by repressing enhancer of zeste homolog 2

Depressive symptoms are associated with tumor necrosis factor alpha in systemic lupus erythematosus

Down-regulation of miR-26a is associated with

followed at the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic of

EMT in tumor cells In our previous study 18], the

State University ...

Design and subjects Consecutive SLE patients

expression levels of miR-26a...

M aspin enhances cisplatin chemosensitivity in bladder cancer T24 and 5637 cells and correlates with prognosis of muscle-invasive bladder cancer patients receiving cisplatin based neoadjuvant chemotherapy Maspin is a 42-kDa protein associated with various tumor related processes such as the inhibition of

Inability to access addiction treatment predicts injection initiation among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting Data for this study was obtained from the At-Risk Youth Study (ARYS), which is an open prospective cohort of street-involved...

cell migration, cell...

Women’s Health M agazine Bans Body-Shaming Phrases From Its Covers

How two-tone cats get their patches comes to light in cell study

For years, lifestyle publications — in particular, women’s magazines — have dominated the

Scientists have discovered how the distinctive piebald patches seen in black and white cats and

media landscape. Â

some horses are formed in...

M en over 60 who pay for sex use less protection and purchase more sex as

Tracing a cellular family tree

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they age IMAGE: A new study published today in the American Journal of Men’s Health (a SAGE

CAMBRIDGE, MA — By combining sophisticated RNA sequencing technology with a new device that isolates single cells...

journal) surveyed American...

Study raises questions about reporting incidental genetic findings

First ever digital geologic map of Alaska published

A genetic test that suggests a patient may be at increased risk for potentially fatal heart rhythms is

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – A new digital geologic map of Alaska is being released today providing

very often not as...

land users, managers and...

Fast & sharp: M edicaid expansion gives hospitals immediate relief from uninsured care

China’s Wanda plans $2.3 bn investment in hospitals

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Just six months after

Chinese conglomerate Wanda is venturing into healthcare, it said Wednesday, with a $2.3 billion

opening up health insurance to more low-income

investment in three...

people, states saw a huge...

5 steps to becoming a gym-goer in 2016 If you think about it, it’s a little insane that so many of our self-improvement plans launch on

CAM H researchers identify 428 distinct disease conditions that co-occur in people with FASD

some arbitrary January...

Researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have identified 428 distinct disease conditions that co-occur...

Exercise training could be a new treatment for prostate cancer

Our Beauty Editor Did M y M akeup for a Week—Here’s What Happened

A newly-launched Cancer Research UK study

Temporarily Unavailable The website that

could be the first step towards exercise training

you’re trying to reach is having technical

being introduced as a new NHS...

difficulties and is currently...

I Went to Sex Therapy—and It Was a Lot M ore Intense Than I Expected

These 5 Women Refuse to Let Their Physical ‘Flaws’ Define Them

Temporarily Unavailable The website that

Temporarily Unavailable The website that

you’re trying to reach is having technical

you’re trying to reach is having technical

difficulties and is currently...

difficulties and is currently...

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Post-entry blockade of small ruminant lentiviruses by wild ruminants Animals and samples 259 red deer (Cervus elaphus), 36 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), 40 fallow deer (Dama dama) and 16 mouflon...

Human milk microbiota profiles in relation to birthing method, gestation and infant gender This study revealed a range of bacterial genera in human milk, consistent with previous studies [20–22]. Interestingly,...

Discovery of variant infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) of European genotype in British Columbia, Canada

Ubiquitin phosphorylation in Parkinson’s disease: Implications for pathogenesis and treatment

Acknowledgements This work was supported by

PINK1 phosphorylates ubiquitin at Ser65 in

the Virology Research Laboratory at the Atlantic

response to mitochondrial depolarization

Veterinary College, University...

Mitochondria are double membrane-bound...

Longer time to antibiotics and higher mortality among septic patients with non-specific presentations -a cross sectional study of Emergency Department patients indicating that a screening tool may improve identification

A broken bone may lead to widespread body pain — not just at the site of the fracture Breaking a major bone may increase risk of widespread chronic body pain in later life, a new study has found. Researchers...

Study design This is a retrospective cross sectional study of three groups of adult patients presenting to the ED...

CNIO finds a possible new pharmacological target for one of the most important and elusive oncogenes

Let’s go wild: How ancient communities resisted new farming practices

The MYC oncogene intervenes in many types of

IMAGE:Â These are Cenchrinae starch granules

cancer, some of which are very aggressive;

from the Haua Fteah archaeological tools

researchers suspect that controlling...

compared to modern starch granules...

People face subconscious urges to over-eat in Winter, research shows

M ental synthesis experiment could teach us more about our imagination

People have evolved to have subconscious urges

IMAGE:Â Once selective neurons for Bill Clinton

to over-eat, and limited ability to avoid becoming

and the lion are identified, a subject can be asked

obese, especially in winter,...

to imagine Bill...

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Genetic changes in birds could throw light on human mitochondrial diseases

Hong Kong on holiday health alert after China bird flu death

Deakin University and UNSW Australia researchers

HONG KONG (Reuters) – A woman in the

have made a rare observation of rapid evolution in

southern Chinese city of Shenzhen has died after

action in the wild, documenting...

being infected with...

RGS Associates selected to develop recommendations report for future use of former Harrisburg State Hospital

Columbia Care’s first New York State medical marijuana dispensary opens in M anhattan’s Union Square

/ no comments Pennsylvania Department of

Columbia Care LLC, one of the nation’s

General Services

leading medical marijuana companies, announced today that its first dispensary...

Insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency and metabolic syndrome An assortment of epidemiological and clinical studies have stated glucose and lipid metabolism alterations, insulin...

M odeling leukocyte trafficking at the human blood-nerve barrier in vitro and in vivo geared towards targeted molecular therapies for peripheral neuroinflammation Mechanisms of leukocyte infiltration into the endoneurium are pathologically relevant to immune-mediated neuropathies,...

Randomized, active-controlled, comparative phase 3 efficacy and safety equivalence trial of Ovaleap® (recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone) in infertile women using assisted reproduction technology (ART)

The difference of disease perception by juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients and their parents: analysis of the JAM AR questionnaire

Subject disposition and baseline characteristics Of

evaluated items, as already...

We found substantial agreement between children’s and parents medians scores in all

the 398 women screened, 299 were randomized (ITT population) to receive...

Retrospective analysis of 14 cases of remote epidural hematoma as a postoperative complication after intracranial tumor resection

How you manage your emails may be bad for your health New research suggests that it’s not just the volume of emails that causes stress; it’s our

well-intentioned... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

The complication of intracranial hemorrhage after craniotomy is not uncommon. The statistics of 4992 surgical cases...

Ambitious women must use their social capital to reach top jobs

M ale workers in typically female jobs are not motivated by money

Aspirational professional women would benefit from a better understanding of how to build,

Men in typically female-dominated occupations tend to value the social aspects of their career over

maintain and use their social...

financial rewards. These...

The waiter’s weight

New methods help advance infectious disease forecasting

IMAGE: ‘No one goes to a restaurant to start a diet. As a result, we are tremendously susceptible to cues that...

KNOXVILLE–While tremendous progress has been made to eliminate malaria worldwide, about 3.2 billion people–nearly...

Researchers discover link between stress and unhealthy microbiomes Red squirrels living in a low-stress environment

Social connections as important for health as exercise and diet says new study

harbour healthier communities of micro-

A new US study from the University of North

organisms, a result that might hold...

Carolina at Chapel Hill has found that social relationships can be as...

Fast and sharp: M edicaid expansion gives hospitals immediate relief from uninsured care

Vision of Britain report shows more than 3 in 10 GPs ‘de-skilled’ in diagnosing eye conditions

Within months of the start of Medicaid expansion

/ no comments

under the Affordable Care Act, hospitals in a sample of states...

New report raises questions about potential risks of chromium therapies / no comments

Simple, computer-training task can alter the brain’s wiring to regulate emotional reactions American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Women who earn less than male counterparts more likely to experience

Study findings question validity of some genetic variations linked with cardiac

Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

depression, anxiety


The odds of major depressive disorder and

A review of medical records of patients with genetic

generalized anxiety disorder were markedly greater

variations linked with cardiac disorders found that

among women who earned less...

patients often did...

Diet or aerobic exercise improves ability to exercise for obese older patients with heart failure

Increased occurrence of protein kinase CK2 in astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease pathology

Among obese older patients with a common type of

Case selection Brain samples were obtained from

heart failure, calorie restriction or aerobic exercise

The Netherlands Brain Bank (NBB), Netherlands

training improved...

Institute for Neuroscience...

Kinetics of human myeloid-derived suppressor cells after blood draw

M etabolic correlates of subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat measured by ultrasonography: a comparison with waist circumference

Study subjects 42 individuals participated in the study after signing informed consent. The study was approved by...

In the present study, we evaluated whether dissecting abdominal fat in VAT and SAT using US may detect stronger...

Study: Bacteria, electrons spin in similar patterns

Novel RNA delivery system may treat incurable blood cancers

There are certain universal patterns in nature that

With a median survival rate of just five to seven

hold true, regardless of objects’ size, species, or surroundings....

years, Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) is considered the most aggressive known...

PPPL scientists simulate innovative method for starting up tokamaks without using solenoid

Radiation an important addition to treatment for pancreatic cancer surgery candidates

IMAGE:Â This is PPPL scientist Francesca Poli. view more Credit: Elle Starkman/PPPL Office of

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Radiation therapy was associated with a lower risk of cancer recurrence in

Communications Scientists...

pancreatic cancer surgery...

Autumn Symposium 2015: Presentations now online

Parkinson’s disease: New insights into a traveling protein

Real world data: a gain for benefit assessments? This question was the focus of the Autumn

In Parkinson’s disease, the protein “alphasynucleinâ€​ aggregates within neurons of patients

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Symposium of the German Institute...

and appears...

Snyder declares emergency in Flint over water problems

Conatus liver drug shows promise in mid-stage trial

DETROIT (AP) — Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

(Reuters) – Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc said

declared a state of emergency in Flint on Tuesday

its experimental drug reduced the presence of a

over problems...

protein fragment...

Valeant plans to appoint new CEO as Pearson remains hospitalized: WSJ

Eli Lilly’s diabetes pill takes market share from J&J, Astra

(Reuters) – Valeant Pharmaceuticals

By Ransdell Pierson (Reuters) – Eli Lilly and

International Inc is planning to appoint a new CEO

Co’s new Jardiance diabetes treatment...

as Chief Executive...

AH1N1 death of Cuban migrant alarms Panama

Axillary pCR linked to improved breast cancer survival

Panama City (AFP) – A Cuban migrant’s

Contrary to a trend in treatment, breast cancer

death from the AH1N1 influenza virus has alarmed

patients with suspicious lymph nodes should have


an ultrasound-guided axillary...

Researchers work on device to let paralyzed limbs move

Side-to-side isoperistaltic strictureplasty helpful in Crohn’s

Researchers are making progress in a quest to

Radiation therapy was associated with a lower risk

create a device that would allow people who have

of cancer recurrence in pancreatic cancer surgery

been paralyzed by injury...

patients, making it,...

Aspirin may decrease death from prostate cancer, study finds

Prevalence of diabetic macular edema varies by test

(HealthDay)—Men who take aspirin regularly may

A chemical that could potentially be used in eye

have a lower risk of dying from prostate cancer, a

drops to reverse cataracts, the leading cause of

new study suggests. ...

blindness, has been identified...

Progress in defining clinically meaningful changes for clinical trials in nonrenal manifestations of SLE disease activity

Space, body, time and relationship experiences of recess physical activity: a qualitative case study among the least physical active schoolchildren

Depending on its definition and ascertainment, the

The present study set out to contribute to the

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prevalence of fatigue in patients with SLE varies

current literature on children’s recess PA by

among studies....

examining the least physically...

Doing This Could Help You Lose Weight Without Dieting Or Working Out

Vaginal Speaker Lets Unborn Babies Listen To M usic In Utero

HuffPost Live talks with fitness expert Jenna Wolfe,

Babypod is available online and in stores in select

who says that chewing slower can help reduce

countries. Pallarès Aniorte told HuffPost that the

calorie consumption.Â

product has...

3 Steps for Boosting Your Energy Naturally Energy is easily one of the most powerful

Heavy users of mental health care have substantially different patterns of health care use

currencies of our time. In a culture where faster is

TORONTO, January 5, 2016 – While a small

better, more is...

number of people account for a disproportionately large portion of health...

Biogerontology Research Foundation calls for a task force to classify aging as a disease

The dandelion uses latex to protect its roots against insect feeding

IMAGE:Â The increase in maximum lifespan in the

detested by most gardeners. Yet dandelions also have many insect enemies in nature....

laboratory was obtained in 5 animal species, both without any interventions,...

Racial disparities in kidney transplantation rates eased by new allocation system Year-old changes to the system that distributes deceased donor kidneys nationwide have

Dandelions are troublesome weeds that are

Coral, seaweed and fishy appetites IMAGE:Â Researchers at the University of Delaware find that butterflyfish avoid coral that has been in contact with...

significantly boosted transplantation...

Why white, older men are more likely to die of suicide

Valeant to appoint interim CEO as Pearson remains hospitalized: source

IMAGE:Â This is Silvia Canetto. view more Credit: Colorado State University In the United States,

By Sneha Banerjee and Carl O’Donnell (Reuters) – Valeant Pharmaceuticals

older men...


Behind the COP21 Climate Victory; a Human Victory?

Health agency takes on advertising for electronic cigarettes

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Now that the fireworks have faded along with some

NEW YORK (AP) — The nation’s lead public

of the afterglow from the very successful COP21

health agency on Tuesday focused its attack on

meeting in Paris...


Penn State frat members will not be charged in student’s suicide

Big Girl Pants

By David DeKok HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) –

that I can proudly proclaim that I am a woman. Ever

Members of a Penn State University fraternity will


I am 28 years old and this is the first time in my life

not face criminal...

Here’s How M uch Your New Year’s Resolution Will Cost You

7 Types Of People You Should Unfriend On Facebook ASAP

By Morgan Quinn, Contributor At the beginning of

1. The Political Ranter It’s like having the

every year, you pick a New Year’s resolution.

proverbial drunk uncle at the Thanksgiving table,


but now on your...

A Four Week Experiment That Will Change Your Life

New technology offers on-field head injury reporting

I teach a program with the audacious title of

Former NCAA football player and youth coach

“Living a Transcendent Life.â€​ Teaching this

Charlie Wund suffered his share of head injuries

program has...

during his years on the field. “Absolutely,...

Afraid of the dentist? This strategy can help

New plan to help head off concussions in sports

Many people are familiar with the fear that can

January 5, 2016, 4:58 PM|Washington D.C. schools

precede a visit to the dentist, but new research

will be using a new web-based system to track

shows that talk therapy...

head injuries in youth sports...

Cannabis-based drug reduces seizures in children with treatment-resistant epilepsy

Powerful protein promotes post-injury regeneration and growth of injured peripheral nerves

Children and young adults with severe forms of

The peripheral nervous system is a vast network of

epilepsy that does not respond to standard antiepileptic drugs have fewer...

nerves that exists primarily outside of brain and spinal cord and connects...

EARTH: The Snowmastodon Project

UTSA-led team finds black hole affecting galactic climate

Alexandria, VA – While expanding a reservoir in

Snowmass Village, Colorado, workers stumbled Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

upon a big bone. And...

IMAGE: Spiral galaxy NGC 5195 and the X-ray arcs Schlegel’s team identified. view more Credit: Eric...

During Great Recession employees drank less on the job, but more afterwards

Local health departments key to expanding mental health care in US

BUFFALO, N.Y. – Periods of economic

role in tackling mental health issues in the United

uncertainty tend to influence drinking problems

States, according to...

Local health departments could play a significant

among people who lose their jobs,...

How to Actually Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions this Year

Conatus liver drug shows positive results in mid-stage trial

The clean slate of a new year is seductive. The

(Reuters) – Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc said

over-indulgence of December is behind us. We

its experimental drug, emricasan, succeeded in

want to overhaul everything...

reducing the...

Virginia politician sues state over stabbing, son’s suicide By Gary Robertson RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) – A

5 Intentions You Need to Say ‘Hello’ to for Your Best (And Healthiest) Year Yet

Virginia state senator whose mentally ill son

I have a theory and it goes a little like this:

stabbed him 13...

We’re all beautifully messy, chaotic bundles of energy and...

The Greatest Diet M yth of All I was rather disheartened to discover that The New

For working-age cancer survivors, debt and bankruptcy are common

York Times decided to start off the year by

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – One third of

pretending to dispel...

working-age cancer survivors go into debt,...

What a ‘CERN’ for agricultural science could look like

What a ‘CERN’ for agricultural science could look like

The Large Hadron Collider, a.k.a. CERN, found

The Large Hadron Collider, a.k.a. CERN, found

success in a simple idea: Invest in a laboratory that

success in a simple idea: Invest in a laboratory that

no one institution could...

no one institution could...

What a ‘CERN’ for agricultural science could look like

What a ‘CERN’ for agricultural science could look like

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The Large Hadron Collider, a.k.a. CERN, found success in a simple idea: Invest in a laboratory that

The Large Hadron Collider, a.k.a. CERN, found success in a simple idea: Invest in a laboratory that

no one institution could...

no one institution could...

What a ‘CERN’ for agricultural science could look like

What a ‘CERN’ for agricultural science could look like

The Large Hadron Collider, a.k.a. CERN, found success in a simple idea: Invest in a laboratory that

The Large Hadron Collider, a.k.a. CERN, found success in a simple idea: Invest in a laboratory that

no one institution could...

no one institution could...

DASH, M IND and TLC Diets Are Top Ranked for 2016

DASH, M IND and TLC Diets Are Top Ranked for 2016

Just in time to coincide with any healthy eating resolutions, U.S. News World Report has named

Just in time to coincide with any healthy eating resolutions, U.S. News World Report has named

the DASH diet as the best...

the DASH diet as the best...

U.S. may lack resources to treat kids in disasters

U.S. may lack resources to treat kids in disasters

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – In the event of a natural disaster, epidemic or terrorist...

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – In the event of a natural disaster, epidemic or terrorist...

U.S. may lack resources to treat kids in disasters

U.S. may lack resources to treat kids in disasters

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – In the event

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – In the event

of a natural disaster, epidemic or terrorist...

of a natural disaster, epidemic or terrorist...

U.S. may lack resources to treat kids in disasters

Federal officials probe lead-tainted water in Flint, M ichigan

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – In the event

(Reuters) – Federal officials are investigating the

of a natural disaster, epidemic or terrorist...

lead contamination of drinking water in Flint, Michigan,...

Federal officials probe lead-tainted water in Flint, M ichigan

Federal officials probe lead-tainted water in Flint, M ichigan

(Reuters) – Federal officials are investigating the

(Reuters) – Federal officials are investigating the

lead contamination of drinking water in Flint,

lead contamination of drinking water in Flint,



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Federal officials probe lead-tainted water in Flint, M ichigan

Federal officials probe lead-tainted water in Flint, M ichigan

(Reuters) – Federal officials are investigating the

(Reuters) – Federal officials are investigating the

lead contamination of drinking water in Flint, Michigan,...

lead contamination of drinking water in Flint, Michigan,...

Federal officials probe lead-tainted water in Flint, M ichigan

Study shows higher cancer risk among twins, siblings

(Reuters) – Federal officials are investigating the

Twins share the same genes, and when one gets

lead contamination of drinking water in Flint, Michigan,...

cancer, the other faces a higher risk of getting sick too, according...

Study shows higher cancer risk among twins, siblings

Study shows higher cancer risk among twins, siblings

Twins share the same genes, and when one gets

Twins share the same genes, and when one gets

cancer, the other faces a higher risk of getting sick too, according...

cancer, the other faces a higher risk of getting sick too, according...

Study shows higher cancer risk among twins, siblings

Study shows higher cancer risk among twins, siblings

Twins share the same genes, and when one gets

Twins share the same genes, and when one gets

cancer, the other faces a higher risk of getting sick too, according...

cancer, the other faces a higher risk of getting sick too, according...

Study shows higher cancer risk among twins, siblings

Identical triplet girls head home from Houston hospital

Twins share the same genes, and when one gets

HOUSTON (AP) — Identical triplet girls who were

cancer, the other faces a higher risk of getting sick too, according...

born about 10 weeks premature at a Houston hospital have...

Identical triplet girls head home from Houston hospital

Identical triplet girls head home from Houston hospital

HOUSTON (AP) — Identical triplet girls who were

HOUSTON (AP) — Identical triplet girls who were

born about 10 weeks premature at a Houston hospital have...

born about 10 weeks premature at a Houston hospital have...

Identical triplet girls head home from

Identical triplet girls head home from

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Houston hospital

Houston hospital

HOUSTON (AP) — Identical triplet girls who were

HOUSTON (AP) — Identical triplet girls who were

born about 10 weeks premature at a Houston

born about 10 weeks premature at a Houston

hospital have...

hospital have...

Identical triplet girls head home from Houston hospital

E-cigarette ads’ wide reach among U.S. youth alarming: CDC

HOUSTON (AP) — Identical triplet girls who were

By Barbara Liston (Reuters) – E-cigarette

born about 10 weeks premature at a Houston

companies are reaching about seven in 10 U.S.

hospital have...

middle- and high-school...

E-cigarette ads’ wide reach among U.S. youth alarming: CDC

E-cigarette ads’ wide reach among U.S. youth alarming: CDC

By Barbara Liston (Reuters) – E-cigarette

By Barbara Liston (Reuters) – E-cigarette

companies are reaching about seven in 10 U.S.

companies are reaching about seven in 10 U.S.

middle- and high-school...

middle- and high-school...

E-cigarette ads’ wide reach among U.S. youth alarming: CDC

E-cigarette ads’ wide reach among U.S. youth alarming: CDC

By Barbara Liston (Reuters) – E-cigarette

By Barbara Liston (Reuters) – E-cigarette

companies are reaching about seven in 10 U.S.

companies are reaching about seven in 10 U.S.

middle- and high-school...

middle- and high-school...

E-cigarette ads’ wide reach among U.S. youth alarming: CDC

Ethicists say military doctors shouldn’t force-feed prisoners

By Barbara Liston (Reuters) – E-cigarette

(Reuters Health) – The U.S. military should

companies are reaching about seven in 10 U.S.

rescind directives that authorize health

middle- and high-school...

professionals to participate...

Ethicists say military doctors shouldn’t force-feed prisoners

Ethicists say military doctors shouldn’t force-feed prisoners

(Reuters Health) – The U.S. military should

(Reuters Health) – The U.S. military should

rescind directives that authorize health

rescind directives that authorize health

professionals to participate...

professionals to participate...

Ethicists say military doctors shouldn’t force-feed prisoners

Ethicists say military doctors shouldn’t force-feed prisoners

Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

(Reuters Health) – The U.S. military should

(Reuters Health) – The U.S. military should

rescind directives that authorize health

rescind directives that authorize health

professionals to participate...

professionals to participate...

Ethicists say military doctors shouldn’t force-feed prisoners

Study hints at link between yeast infection drug and miscarriage

(Reuters Health) – The U.S. military should

A prescription drug for yeast infections may

rescind directives that authorize health

increase chances for miscarriages when used

professionals to participate...

early in pregnancy, a large study...

Study hints at link between yeast infection drug and miscarriage

Study hints at link between yeast infection drug and miscarriage

A prescription drug for yeast infections may

A prescription drug for yeast infections may

increase chances for miscarriages when used early in pregnancy, a large study...

increase chances for miscarriages when used early in pregnancy, a large study...

Study hints at link between yeast infection drug and miscarriage

Study hints at link between yeast infection drug and miscarriage

A prescription drug for yeast infections may

A prescription drug for yeast infections may

increase chances for miscarriages when used early in pregnancy, a large study...

increase chances for miscarriages when used early in pregnancy, a large study...

Study hints at link between yeast infection drug and miscarriage

Thor’s hammer to crush materials at 1 million atmospheres

A prescription drug for yeast infections may

IMAGE:Â Sandia National Laboratories technician

increase chances for miscarriages when used early in pregnancy, a large study...

Eric Breden installs a transmission cable on the silver disk that is...

An apatite for progress Boulder, Colo., USA – Apatite has recently gained

Tropical Storm Ula weakens, moves south

considerable attention as a mineral with many

IMAGE: This image from NOAA’s GOES-West

uses within the Earth...

satellite on Jan. 5 at 1500 UTC (10 a.m. EST) shows Tropical Storm Ula...

Lipoprotein nanoplatelets shed new light on biological molecules and cells

What Obama’s Executive Action M eans for M ental Health Funding

An interdisciplinary research team from the

The president announced today that he is

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has proposing new steps that he says will help Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

developed a new material composite...

decrease injuries and deaths...

VW struggling to agree fix for U.S. test cheating cars: source

Rumor of neglect ups risk of later maltreatment for kids

By Andreas Cremer and Julia Edwards

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – When child

BERLIN/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Volkswagen is struggling...

protective services receives a report of neglect...

AT&T steps up ‘smart cities’ push, to offer more services

Actelion sees Uptravi price of $160,000170,000/patient

By Malathi Nayak NEW YORK (Reuters) – ATT Inc

By John Miller ZURICH (Reuters) – Swiss drug

will expand its smart city services to help...

company Actelion expects an average annual perpatient...

Infertility treatments ‘not linked’ to developmental delays

Yeast infection drug-miscarriage link is hinted in new study

Tuesday January 5 2016 Children born using IVF

CHICAGO –  A large study in Denmark

had no higher rate of delays “There is no heightened risk of...

suggests that a prescription drug for yeast infections may increase chances...

Woman in Reno hospital end-of-life case dies on life support

Nearly 7 in 10 students exposed to ecigarette ads, report says

A 20-year-old woman at the center of an end-of-life

ATLANTA –  For middle and high school

court battle over her treatment at a Reno hospital has died while still...

students, increased exposure to advertising for ecigarettes parallels the...

OCT may speed detection of pneumonia-related bacteria in ICU patients

M iriam Hospital, R.I. Community Food Bank study dispels belief healthy diets are costly

IMAGE:Â These are images from endotracheal

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Research conducted by The

tubes: a) 5000× SEM image of 120-h postintubation endotracheal tube showing...

Miriam Hospital and The Rhode Island Community Food Bank demonstrated...

Clinton pushes broader health coverage for autism

African boy mauled by chimps to undergo facial surgery in NY

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Democratic

STONY BROOK, N.Y. (AP) — Dunia Sibomana

presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would work

was considered the lucky one two years ago when

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with states to ensure...

a group of chimpanzees...

Gilead’s hep B drug as effective as Viread but safer

China says couples will not need approval to have two children

(Reuters) – Gilead Sciences Inc said its

BEIJING (Reuters) – China will not require

experimental hepatitis B drug was found safer than but as effective...

prospective parents to obtain approval to have two children under...

Chinese woman dies of H5N6 bird flu, another woman critical

Egg-shaped pods: Coffins of the future?

Health authorities in southern China said Tuesday

Italian designers have developed an egg-shaped

that a 26-year-old woman has died of a strain of bird flu, and another...

pod similar to a coffin that lets the deceased support new life after their...

Surrogate carrying triplets sues to stop forced abortion

Advice For The Thin Police

A surrogate mom who refuses to abort one of the

next to a woman who told me she had recently opened her own clothing...

triplets she’s carrying because the father only wants two of the kids...

A few weeks ago at a holiday lunch, I was seated

Wage gap could explain why women are more likely to be anxious and depressed than men

Cardiovascular disease in adult survivors of childhood cancer

January 5, 2016–The odds of major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder were

prevalent and occurs earlier in adult survivors of childhood cancer Abstract:

markedly greater among...

1. Asymptomatic cardiovascular disease is

doi=10.7326/M15-0424 URL...

Poor transparency and reporting jeopardize the reproducibility of science

Tackling the ‘credibility crisis’ in science — new PLOS Biology metaresearch section

Reported research across the biomedical

Widespread failure to reproduce research results

sciences rarely provides full protocol, data, and necessary level of transparency...

has triggered a crisis of confidence in research findings, eroding public...

It’s official! Element 113 was discovered at RIKEN

Prions made in SISSA “They will help us understand the precise

mechanisms by which prions cause illnesses like Element 113, discovered by a RIKEN group led by Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Kosuke Morita, has become the first element on the periodic table found in...

Mad Cow or Creutzfeldt-Jakob...

Guinea president reshuffles cabinet, aims to revive economy

Thailand’s road deaths surge despite junta’s hardline tactics

CONAKRY (Reuters) – Guinea’s President

By Andrew R.C. Marshall and Patpicha

Alpha Conde has appointed a close confidante as minister of...

Tanakasempipat BANGKOK (Reuters) – The number of deaths...

Turning New Year’s resolutions into questions helps them stick

US refocuses on testing to fight deadly hog virus

If you normally have trouble sticking to your New

CHICAGO –  The U.S. Department of Agriculture

Year’s resolutions, a new study may help: Psychologists have found...

will spend the rest of emergency money it received to fight a deadly...

Regular use of aspirin may lower risk of advanced prostate cancer

New clues why women get broken-heart syndrome

Add another disease to the list of ailments that may

Harmony Reynolds, a cardiologist at NYU Langone

be thwarted by regular aspirin use—prostate cancer. Researchers...

Medical Center, recently led a study that subjected 20 women to a host of...

What is the best water temperature for your bath or shower?

Back pain becoming more common in children and adolescents

Few things feel better than a hot soak on a cold

According to a new literature review in the January

day. But the right temperature for bathing has been hotly debated since...

issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,...

Understanding the brain’s cellular building blocks

M inor flu strains carry bigger viral punch

Understanding the cellular building blocks of the

Minor variants of flu strains, which are not typically

brain, including the number and diversity of cell types, is a fundamental...

targeted in vaccines, carry a bigger viral punch than previously realized,...

Children conceived through infertility treatments no more likely to have developmental delays

12 M odern Resolutions that Will Have You Embracing Boundless Beginnings in 2016

Children conceived via infertility treatments are no

There are no blank pages in life, only pages of

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more likely to have a developmental delay than children conceived without...

limitless creative potential. Pages for creating art, capturing...

Enough oxygen long before animals rose

Worldwide electricity production vulnerable to climate and water resource change

Oxygen is crucial for the existence of animals on Earth. But, an increase in oxygen did not apparently lead to the rise of...

Climate change impacts and associated changes

Aging stars stop slowing down, scientists discover

Rotational clock for stars needs recalibration

At a critical point in the life of a star like the Sun its

Pasadena, CA — New work from a team of

rotation stops ‘slowing down’, according to research...

astronomers led by Carnegie’s Jennifer van Saders indicates that one...

Using genes to understand the brain’s building blocks Understanding the cellular building blocks of the

Boosting farm yields to restore habitats could create greenhouse gas ‘sink’

brain, including the number and diversity of cell types, is a fundamental...

New research into the potential for sparing land from food production to balance greenhouse gas

in water resources could lead to reductions in electricity production capacity...

emissions has shown that...

Study finds West Africa at highest risk of bat-to-human virus spread

Robert Stigwood, music mogul behind Bee Gees and Clapton, dead at 81

LONDON (Reuters) – Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia are most at risk from bat viruses

By Matt Siegel SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australianborn music mogul Robert Stigwood, who

jumping to humans...


Britain set for first mass strike by doctors in 40 years

US sues VW over emissions-cheating software in diesel cars

LONDON (Reuters) – The British government said it was seeking to hold talks with doctors in its

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department sued Volkswagen on Monday over emissions-


cheating software found...

A comparison of the histopathologic pattern of the left atrium in canine dilated cardiomyopathy and chronic

A comparison of the histopathologic pattern of the left atrium in canine dilated cardiomyopathy and chronic

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mitral valve disease

mitral valve disease

Case selection Thirty-one dogs aged from 4 to

Case selection Thirty-one dogs aged from 4 to

19Â years (23 males and 8 females) with either

19Â years (23 males and 8 females) with either

CMVD or DCM were...

CMVD or DCM were...

An unusual cause of inspiratory stridor in the newborn: congenital pharyngeal teratoma – a case report

An unusual cause of inspiratory stridor in the newborn: congenital pharyngeal teratoma – a case report

A 4-day-old female Caucasian infant was admitted

A 4-day-old female Caucasian infant was admitted

to the neonatal intensive care unit of our hospital

to the neonatal intensive care unit of our hospital

because of...

because of...

The Sleep Habits Of These Successful M illennials Could Change The Way You Work

The Sleep Habits Of These Successful M illennials Could Change The Way You Work

To be a young, ambitious, hard-working

To be a young, ambitious, hard-working

professional in today’s always-on workforce often means skimping on...

professional in today’s always-on workforce often means skimping on...

New findings on embryonic heart valves may prevent congenital heart defects in newborns

New findings on embryonic heart valves may prevent congenital heart defects in newborns

ITHACA, N.Y. – Cornell biomedical engineers

ITHACA, N.Y. – Cornell biomedical engineers

have discovered natural triggers that could reduce the chance of life-threatening,...

have discovered natural triggers that could reduce the chance of life-threatening,...

Study shows high frequency of spontaneous mutation in Ebola virus

Study shows high frequency of spontaneous mutation in Ebola virus

IMAGE:Â In the paper, titled Determination and

IMAGE:Â In the paper, titled Determination and

Therapeutic Exploitation of Ebola Virus Spontaneous Mutation Frequency,...

Therapeutic Exploitation of Ebola Virus Spontaneous Mutation Frequency,...

Waste less at home

Waste less at home

IMAGE:Â These are findings of the inaugural issue

IMAGE:Â These are findings of the inaugural issue

of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. view...

of the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. view...

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DHEA improves vaginal discomfort after menopause

DHEA improves vaginal discomfort after menopause

CLEVELAND, Ohio (January 5, 2016)–A new phase III trial with positive results is taking

CLEVELAND, Ohio (January 5, 2016)–A new phase III trial with positive results is taking

intravaginal DHEA a step closer...

intravaginal DHEA a step closer...

M elting of massive ice ‘lid’ resulted in huge release of CO2 at the end of the ice age

M elting of massive ice ‘lid’ resulted in huge release of CO2 at the end of the ice age

IMAGE:Â A new study of how the structure of the

IMAGE:Â A new study of how the structure of the

ocean has changed since the end of the last ice

ocean has changed since the end of the last ice

age suggest that the...

age suggest that the...

Strong magnetic fields discovered in majority of stars

Strong magnetic fields discovered in majority of stars

IMAGE:Â Stars like the Sun puff up and become red

IMAGE:Â Stars like the Sun puff up and become red

giants towards the end of their lives. The red giants

giants towards the end of their lives. The red giants



Case report: acute bowel obstruction with an isolated transition point in peritoneal dialysis patients; a presentation of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis?

Obama Administration Wants The Supreme Court To Strike Down Texas Abortion Law

Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a rare

more of the state’s...

If allowed to take full effect, U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli wrote, the law would close many

but devastating complication of long-term peritoneal dialysis (PD). It...

M en Are Twice As Likely To Love Their Bodies As Women

How Emotions Change The Way M usicians’ Brains Work

Academic studies can be fascinating… and totally

Instead, the researchers found that when the

confusing. So we decided to strip away all of the scientific jargon...

musicians are attempting to express emotion during their creative process, parts...

4 Secrets for Surviving Tough Times

How Do You Fight The World’s ‘Largest Environmental Health Problem’? Harness The Sun.

By Julie Mazziotta Whether you’re facing a small setback or a serious life challenge, it helps

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to have coping...

It was sometime in 2007 or 2008 when Catlin Powers — now CEO of One Earth Designs, whose solar stove was featured...

Recurrent acute and chronic pancreatitis in children has high disease burden, health care costs

Ames Laboratory scientist’s calculation featured on cover of Physical Review Letters

January 4, 2016 – The burden of recurrent acute

Research performed by U.S. Department of

and chronic pancreatitis in children may be higher

Energy’s Ames Laboratory Associate Scientist

than previously...

Durga Paudyal was recently featured...

Pioneering artificial pancreas to undergo final tests

The brain-computer duel: Do we have free will?

IMAGE:Â Boris Kovatchev, PhD, is director of the

IMAGE:Â This image shows a participant during the

University of Virginia Center for Diabetes

experiment. view more Credit: Copyright: Charité,

Technology. view...


The first European farmers are traced back to Anatolia

Students with influence over peers reduce school bullying by 30 percent

Human material from the Anatolian site Kumtepe

PRINCETON, N.J.–Curbing school bullying has

was used in the study. The material was heavily

been a focal point for educators, administrators,

degraded, but yielded enough...

policymakers and parents,...

Actress Kimberly M cCullough Opens Up About Her M iscarriage

Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?

“General Hospitalâ€​ star Kimberly McCullough

On New Year’s Day, Oregon became the first

shared her journey suffering a miscarriage in a

state where women can buy birth control pills or

touching blog post. In...

contraceptive patches...

FDA labels pelvic mesh as "high-risk" medical device

What’s new in M edicare for 2016

Mesh surgical implants used to repair pelvic organ

end-of-life counseling or an experimental payment

prolapse in women, a condition that frequently

scheme for common...

WASHINGTON — Whether it’s coverage for

develops after childbirth,...

Asian carp could cause some Lake Erie fish species to decline, others to increase

M ind of blue: Conveying emotion affects brain’s creativity network

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If they successfully invade Lake Erie, Asian carp could eventually account for about a third of the total

The workings of neural circuits associated with creativity are significantly altered when artists are

weight of fish...

actively attempting...

Beam-beam compensation scheme doubles proton-proton collision rates at RHIC

How to train your bacterium

IMAGE:Â Brookhaven Lab accelerator physicist

thermoacetica has been induced...

Trainers of dogs, horses, and other animal performers take note: a bacterium named Moorella

Wolfram Fischer stands next to the electron lensing apparatus at the Relativistic...

Challenges to conserving freshwater mussels in Europe

Stellar revelations

New research looks at the status of the 16 currently

IMAGE:Â Internal magnetic fields of red giants are up to 10 million times stronger than the

recognized freshwater mussel species in Europe,

Earth’s. view...

finding that information...

Risk of heart damage follows some childhood cancer survivors

New York governor’s order on homeless deepens chill with city mayor

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Childhood

By Barbara Goldberg NEW YORK (Reuters) –

cancer survivors may face an increased risk of...

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio on Monday called an...

Wearable device works to predict lactate threshold

Health Diplomacy: A Step Towards Peace

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – A wearable

Following the attacks in Paris late last year,

device appears to be just as good at measuring...

Somali-British poet Warsan Shire’s poem, What they did yesterday...

12 Parenting Cartoons That Show Being A New M om Is An Adjustment

7 Sure-Fire Strategies to Reaching Your Health and Fitness Goals

When Bonnie Kimmerly gave birth to a baby boy in

If it’s not already the topper on your list, it’s

May, she found a new kind of creative inspiration.

probably in the top five. Getting fitter and or...

The new mom draws cartoons...

Striking Equinox Ad Puts Public Breastfeeding In The Spotlight

The Best New Science for Weight Loss in 2016

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The Equinox ad is part of a campaign called “Commit to Something,â€​ a collection

We scoured through hundreds of weight loss studies published in the past year and identified

of seven bold images by iconic...

the top five most surprising,...

Report: U.S. disaster preparedness neglects kids

Critical clues on cartilage

Despite significant efforts over the past decade, the U.S. remains ill-equipped to respond to the unique

tissues, such as the knee meniscus and the intervertebral disc, have significant...

Injury and degeneration of fibro-cartilaginous

medical needs of...

Improving access to clinical trials when biopsies are required

Checklist completed for cultivars of Salix L. (willow)

DENVER – The requirement for tumor tissue specimens and associated analyses in order to

IMAGE:Â A comprehensive resource is now available for horticulturalists, plant breeders, and

participate in clinical trials...

gardeners. The photo of...

M anure applications elevate nitrogen accumulation and loss

New research could help build better fighter planes and space shuttles

SHENYANG, CHINA – Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for plant growth, and nitrogen

IMAGE:Â Researchers tested the force required to pluck a boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) from a

fertilization – including...

polymer by welding a cantilever...

Virgin births may be common among snakes

Dead college football player leaves clues of concussions’ toll on brain

A new review provides intriguing insights on parthenogenesis, or virgin birth, in snakes.

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – A 25-yearold former college football player who sustained...

Interestingly, facultative parthenogenesis,...

M edicare is changing: What’s new for beneficiaries

10 Easy Ways To Burn 100 Calories / no comments Also on HuffPost:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Whether it’s coverage for end-of-life counseling or an experimental payment scheme...

Infertility treatment not inherently tied to developmental problems

Strategies and approaches to vector control in nine malaria-eliminating countries: a cross-case study analysis

Children conceived with assisted reproductive technology have similar early childhood Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

development as other children, after...

The review of case studies showed that all countries implemented a range of vector control interventions, whether...

#TeamNoSleep: When I Finally Stopped Thinking Not Sleeping Was Cool If you were to ask anyone who knew me or followed

U.K. Approves E-Cigarette Prescriptions To Help People Quit Smoking

me online, one thing that they could all agree on is that a night...

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain’s drug regulators have given the go-ahead for a British American Tobacco electronic-cigarette...

5 Steps to Help You Actually Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

The Awesome Change American Girl Is M aking In 2016

It’s December 31st and you have written goals for the upcoming year. You have ambition, plans,

When the Busse family heard about the new diabetes care kits, they were overjoyed. Ingrid told

and so much...

HuffPost that Anja said, “I’m...

Competition and Jealousy Among M en: It’s Often Real And Potentially Destructive

First-of-a-kind drug approvals the highest in years

A few weeks ago, I contacted an acquaintance (yes, acquaintance, not a close, personal friend) with

Last Updated Jan 4, 2016 11:08 AM EST WASHINGTON — Approvals for first-of-a-kind drugs climbed higher last year, pushing...

whom I had not...

Is your child’s achy back more than just growing pains? ROSEMONT, Ill.–According to a new literature review in the January issue of the Journal of the American Academy of...

Climate change altering Greenland ice sheet & accelerating sea level rise, says York University prof IMAGE:Â These are rivers of meltwater forming on the Greenland ice sheet and flowing toward the sea. view more...

NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite sees Ula moving away from Fiji

Clarified mechanism of rotation of node cilia-principal for asymmetry of the body

IMAGE: On Jan. 4 at 2:20 UTC, NASA-NOAA’s

IMAGE:Â This image shows the motion and

Suomi NPP satellite captured a visible image of

microtubule arrangement of node cilia in the

Tropical Cyclone Ula,...

mouse embryo. view more...

M ayo Clinic researchers reduce stem

Gene thought to suppress cancer may

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cell dysfunction and metabolic disease in aged mice

actually promote spread of colorectal cancer

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic researchers

IMAGE:Â University of Missouri School of Medicine

have taken what they hope will be the first step

researcher Sharad Khare, Ph.D., found that a gene

toward preventing and...

that is known to...

Baxalta in deal to expand immunooncology business (Reuters) – Drugmaker Baxalta Inc has signed a

Two civilians, three security officers killed in Turkish action against Kurd rebels

deal with privately held Symphogen under which

By Seyhmus Cakan DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters)

the companies...

– Two civilians, two soldiers and a police officer...

FDA tightens clinical requirements for transvaginal devices

First-of-a-kind drug approvals continued rise in 2015

(Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug

WASHINGTON (AP) — Approvals for first-of-a-kind

Administration said on Monday it had taken steps

drugs climbed last year, pushing the annual tally of

to strengthen the data...


The Collagen of Consciousness

Why Not to M ake a Resolution

It’s on the quiet, cool days of May, when soothing fog and buffering dove grey clouds float

It’s that time again; the time of workout ads and inspirational quotes about making this the

snugly across...


This leaf gets people off drugs, but there’s a cost

Study finds kids are better off in smaller families

There’s a little green leaf that relieves pain and helps people kick heroin, but is also addictive—so

It turns out a nation of annoyed older siblings might not be wrong; their younger sisters and brothers


really might be ruining...

Toddler with 1 arm adopts kitten with 3 legs

First-of-a-kind drug approvals continued to rise in 2016

A Southern California girl who had her left arm amputated after a rare cancer diagnosis is

Approvals for first-of-a-kind drugs climbed last year, pushing the annual tally of new U.S. drugs to its

recovering with the help of a...

highest level in...

How does virtual reality affect your body and mind?

The ‘Dangerous Disconnect’ That Keeps Us From Realizing Our Dreams

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Software worker Erin Bell inched across a wooden

Today, the industries in which we’ve worked

plank suspended over a deep, rusted pit. When a

are disappearing altogether, entirely new kinds of

Stanford University researcher...

businesses are arising...

The ‘Dangerous Disconnect’ That Keeps Us From Realizing Our Dreams Today, the industries in which we’ve worked

Printable Organs Are Closer Than Ever Thanks To Three Bioprinting Breakthroughs

are disappearing altogether, entirely new kinds of

Over the next few weeks, while browsing cuties on

businesses are arising...

the dating app, Tinder, you may find an image of a celebrity with an ‘organ...

Printable Organs Are Closer Than Ever Thanks To Three Bioprinting Breakthroughs

16 Healthy Resolutions That Aren’t Losing Weight

Over the next few weeks, while browsing cuties on

to meditation, from lower blood pressure to an

the dating app, Tinder, you may find an image of a celebrity with an ‘organ...

improved immune system....

16 Healthy Resolutions That Aren’t Losing Weight

Acadia buys private behavioral health services provider

1. Meditate more often. There are so many benefits

(Reuters) – Acadia Healthcare Co Inc said it was

to meditation, from lower blood pressure to an improved immune system....

buying Priory Group, a private behavioral care provider...

Acadia buys private behavioral health services provider

South Africa’s trade minister says still working to meet AGOA conditions

(Reuters) – Acadia Healthcare Co Inc said it was

PRETORIA (Reuters) – South Africa is aiming to

buying Priory Group, a private behavioral care provider...

meet requirements set by the United States as part of the...

South Africa’s trade minister says still working to meet AGOA conditions

Baxalta inks deal to expand immunooncology business

PRETORIA (Reuters) – South Africa is aiming to

(Reuters) – Drugmaker Baxalta Inc has inked a

meet requirements set by the United States as part of the...

deal with privately held Symphogen under which the companies...

Baxalta inks deal to expand immunooncology business

Drug approvals at 19-year high belie industry challenges

1. Meditate more often. There are so many benefits

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(Reuters) – Drugmaker Baxalta Inc has inked a

By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) – 2015 was

deal with privately held Symphogen under which

a good year for innovation in medicine with the...

the companies...

Drug approvals at 19-year high belie industry challenges By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) – 2015 was

Sugar in Western diets can increase the risk of cancer according to new study

a good year for innovation in medicine with the...

A new U.S. study has found that the high levels of sugar in the typical Western diet could increase the risk and...

Sugar in Western diets can increase the risk of cancer according to new study

AXIM bags pot discount for gum to treat multiple sclerosis

A new U.S. study has found that the high levels of

based company with ties to the Netherlands, says

sugar in the typical Western diet could increase the

it has a trump card in its...

AXIM Biotechnologies Inc, a small, Manhattan-

risk and...

AXIM bags pot discount for gum to treat multiple sclerosis

M any doctors don’t urge HPV shots for preteens, study says

AXIM Biotechnologies Inc, a small, Manhattan-

In a national sample, many pediatricians and

based company with ties to the Netherlands, says

primary care physicians reported communicating

it has a trump card in its...

about HPV vaccination with parents...

Researcher reveals that self-criticism can be lethal in new book The book, “Erosion: The Psychopathology of

Sugary Western diet may increase risk of breast cancer and metastasis to the lungs

Self-Criticism,â€​ (Oxford University Press 2015),

The high amounts of dietary sugar in the typical


Western diet may increase the risk of breast cancer and metastasis to the...

New Penn study shows that social behavior in carpenter ants can be reprogrammed

Study unravels mechanisms by which saffron-based crocin prevents liver cancer

In Florida carpenter ant colonies, distinct worker

/ no comments Bentham Science Publishers

castes called minors and majors exhibit pronounced differences in social...

health No Related Posts

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Researchers successfully use CRISPR to treat adult mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Ocular pulse amplitude and retina nerve fiber layer thickness in migraine patients without aura

Researchers have used CRISPR to treat an adult mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

This prospective observational cross sectional study was approved by the Ethical Committee of

This marks the first time that...

Pamukkale University...

The efficacy and safety of the Shaoyao Shujin tablet for knee osteoarthritis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Guided, internet-based, ruminationfocused cognitive behavioural therapy (i-RFCBT) versus a no-intervention control to prevent depression in highruminating young adults, along with an adjunct assessment of the feasibility of unguided i-RFCBT, in the REducing Stress and Preventing Depression trial (RESPOND): study protocol for a phase III randomised controlled trial

Study design This is a multicenter randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. General ethical approval...

Study Design Phase III efficacy study The phase III study will consist of a single (researcher) blind parallel-group randomised-controlled ...

Nose bandages symbolise Iran cosmetic surgery craze Tehran (AFP) – Lying on an operating table in northern Tehran, Nazanine says she wants it all: a third nose...

Boston College researchers develop new type of ‘cross coupling’ chemical reaction By employing a third reactant, researchers at Boston College have developed a new type of ‘cross coupling’ chemical...

Araim Pharmaceuticals forms new strategic collaboration with Vault Bioventures to market novel peptides

UT Southwestern scientists use new gene-editing technique to prevent progression of DM D in young mice

Araim Pharmaceuticals has formed a long-term

Using a new gene-editing technique, a team of

strategic partnership with Vault Bioventures to

scientists from UT Southwestern Medical Center

facilitate the advancement to...

stopped progression of Duchenne...

New book reveals that self-criticism can be mentally and physically harmful

World’s largest database for cancer drug discovery revolutionised by 3D

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A new book by Prof. Golan Shahar of Ben-Gurion


University of the Negev (BGU) reveals that selfcriticism can be both mentally...

THE world’s largest database for cancer drug

NCCLC patients with KRAS-related gene mutations may benefit from triple therapy

Systemic therapy for vulval Erosive Lichen Planus (the ‘hELP’ trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Although the most common type of lung cancer –

discovery has been revolutionised by adding 3D structures of faulty proteins...

non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – has recently seen major...

Study design The ‘hELP’ trial is a multi-

Healthcare seeking behaviour among self-help group households in Rural Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India

Comparative transcriptional profiling of orange fruit in response to the biocontrol yeast Kloeckera apiculata and its active compounds

Summary statistics Table 1 shows summary statistics for the full sample, and separately for the three different ...

centre, four-armed, open-label pragmatic RCT. The trial has...

Global changes in citrus gene expression profiles To obtain an overall picture of the gene regulation, biocontrol yeast,...

Epigenetic modification with trichostatin A does not correct specific errors of somatic cell nuclear transfer at the transcriptomic level; highlighting the non-random nature of oocytemediated reprogramming errors

Guatemala’s Fuego volcano spews ash but no evacuations ordered GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) – Guatemala’s Fuego volcano belched black ash high into the sky on Sunday...

Unless otherwise specified, all chemicals and media were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) and Gibco...

Biggest database for cancer drug discovery goes 3-D THE world’s largest database for cancer drug discovery has been revolutionised by adding 3D structures of faulty proteins...

M y Friend Died 10 Years Ago, And I Never Imagined The Ways It Would Change M e Co-authored by Jody Porowski, CEO of Avelist Whenever I mention that my best friend died 10 years ago, I feel the...

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This Is Bob Harper’s 5-M inute FatBurning Workout

4 Resolutions Every Runner Should M ake

Fire up your muscles from head to toe.By SELF

Ready to take on the new year with some running

Staffers, SELF This do-anywhere workout takes only five minutes —...

resolutions that will make you stronger and faster? By setting some simple...

Should You See A Therapist Or A Life Coach?

M oving into the New Year

Everyone can use a little extra support when

be another year of change and transition. In fact, we are literally...

handling life’s challenges — and one way to get it is by talking...

What a year 2015 has been, and 2016 promises to

Italy in shock over spate of childbirth deaths

Italy in shock over spate of childbirth deaths

Italian health authorities on Sunday order ordered

Italian health authorities on Sunday order ordered

investigations after five women died in childbirth in seven days, shocking...

investigations after five women died in childbirth in seven days, shocking...

Breast milk banks tackle high infant mortality in S. Africa

Breast milk banks tackle high infant mortality in S. Africa

Patrick, a premature baby weighing a minuscule

Patrick, a premature baby weighing a minuscule

1.2 kilos (2.65 pounds), was “savedâ€​ by a breast milk bank in...

1.2 kilos (2.65 pounds), was “savedâ€​ by a breast milk bank in...

?The quiet power of meditation

?The quiet power of meditation

This about it: Whether it’s improving our day-to-

This about it: Whether it’s improving our day-to-

day lives or surviving a sudden calamity, there’s no substitute...

day lives or surviving a sudden calamity, there’s no substitute...

?The quiet power of meditation

As U.S. abortion case looms, both sides seek personal touch

This about it: Whether it’s improving our day-today lives or surviving a sudden calamity, there’s no substitute...

By Joan Biskupic AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – As

As U.S. abortion case looms, both sides seek personal touch

Healthy ways to approach your child’s weight

the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear its first abortion...

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By Joan Biskupic AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – As

If you think your child is overweight or too skinny,

the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear its first

it’s normal to be concerned especially if you


have also struggled...

Healthy ways to approach your child’s weight

An Artistic Time Capsule Prepares To Hitch A Ride To The M oon

If you think your child is overweight or too skinny,

i This platinum-engraved sapphire disk, part of a

it’s normal to be concerned especially if you

set illustrating Earth’s biodiversity, will be...

have also struggled...

Best New Year’s resolutions for your age

New Hampshire woman to give kidney to boyfriend

A new year brings hope and can trigger a desire to

MANCHESTER, N.H. –  A New Hampshire man

change an aspect of your life. An optimistic spirit of

found his perfect match in more ways than one

“new year,...

when he first met his girlfriend...

M ob dumping contributes to higher cancer, death rates in Italian city

6 Ways Sleep Benefits Your M ind

ROME –  An Italian parliament-mandated health

early for your mental well-being. Research shows

survey has confirmed higher-than-normal incidents

that long-term sleep loss...

1. Sleep boosts your mental health. Hit the hay

of death and cancer...

Work ability and associated factors of Brazilian technical-administrative workers in education

A case of treatable hypertension: fibromuscular dysplasia of renal arteries

We found the prevalence of reduced work ability

FMD is an uncommon angiopathy that

among technical-administrative workers in education at Federal University...

predominantly affects young to middle-aged females 5], which is non-atherosclerotic,...

Why We Should Learn M ore About M oringa

Execution of Saudi cleric latest blow to hopes of rapprochement with Iran

As a 20-year cancer survivor, I thought that I had

By Sam Wilkin DUBAI (Reuters) – Iranian clerics,

heard of everything possible to promote good health. Then again,...

officials and students attacked Sunni Muslimruled...

Work ability and associated factors of Brazilian technical-administrative workers in education

Work ability and associated factors of Brazilian technical-administrative workers in education

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We found the prevalence of reduced work ability

We found the prevalence of reduced work ability

among technical-administrative workers in

among technical-administrative workers in

education at Federal University...

education at Federal University...

Total regression of brain metastases in non-small cell lung cancer patients harboring EGFR mutations treated with gefitinib without radiotherapy: two case reports

Total regression of brain metastases in non-small cell lung cancer patients harboring EGFR mutations treated with gefitinib without radiotherapy: two case reports

NSCLC with multiple brain metastases is

NSCLC with multiple brain metastases is

associated with a poor outcome; the overall median survival time of NSCLC...

associated with a poor outcome; the overall median survival time of NSCLC...

WEIRD SCIENCE: 2015’s Strangest M edical M ysteries

WEIRD SCIENCE: 2015’s Strangest M edical M ysteries

Scientists and medical experts have solved many

Scientists and medical experts have solved many

of the mysteries regarding the human body. But for every medical problem...

of the mysteries regarding the human body. But for every medical problem...

3 Secrets for Increasing Your Happiness

3 Secrets for Increasing Your Happiness

How many moments of your life are happy? If

How many moments of your life are happy? If

you’re like most people your life is a mix of up and downs....

you’re like most people your life is a mix of up and downs....

What You Need to Know About the Connection Between Sleep and Pain

What You Need to Know About the Connection Between Sleep and Pain

Is pain keeping you up at night? See how sleep

Is pain keeping you up at night? See how sleep

and pain interact and what it means for you. If you’ve ever...

and pain interact and what it means for you. If you’ve ever...

3 Signs You Should Change Your M orning Routine

3 Signs You Should Change Your M orning Routine

Being awesome in the morning takes discipline

Being awesome in the morning takes discipline

and time to master. Early waking hours are not easy, which is why...

and time to master. Early waking hours are not easy, which is why...

Premature Birth Could Impact Fitness

Premature Birth Could Impact Fitness

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Later In Life

Later In Life

(Reuters Health) – Young adults who were born

(Reuters Health) – Young adults who were born

prematurely may have weaker muscles than their peers born at full term,...

prematurely may have weaker muscles than their peers born at full term,...

How to start and sustain New Year’s health resolutions

How to start and sustain New Year’s health resolutions

January 2, 2016, 7:38 AM|Now that the ball has

January 2, 2016, 7:38 AM|Now that the ball has

dropped and 2016 is underway, we look at how to tackle some popular New Year’s...

dropped and 2016 is underway, we look at how to tackle some popular New Year’s...

Executed Saudi preacher gave voice to anger of Shi’ite minority

Executed Saudi preacher gave voice to anger of Shi’ite minority

RIYADH (Reuters) – When Saudi Arabian security

RIYADH (Reuters) – When Saudi Arabian security

forces arrested Shi’ite cleric Nimr al-Nimr in July...

forces arrested Shi’ite cleric Nimr al-Nimr in July...

Health care repeal vote to open a political year in Congress

Health care repeal vote to open a political year in Congress

WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s been like a long-

WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s been like a long-

delayed New Year’s resolution for Republicans. But...

delayed New Year’s resolution for Republicans. But...

Poor drug adherence and lack of awareness of hypertension among hypertensive stroke patients in Kampala, Uganda: a cross sectional study

20p12.3 deletion is rare cause of syndromic cleft palate: case report and review of literature

This cross-sectional descriptive study of

psychomotor delay and unusual...

The proband was referred for chromosome analysis when he was 5 years old because of

hypertensive subjects with stroke underscores the magnitude of the lack of awareness...

20p12.3 deletion is rare cause of syndromic cleft palate: case report and review of literature

Intravesical migration of an intrauterine device

The proband was referred for chromosome

7 December 2015 Published: 2 January 2016

Received: 7 June 2015 Accepted:

analysis when he was 5 years old because of Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

psychomotor delay and unusual...

Intravesical migration of an intrauterine device

The Joy List: How to Recapture Joy After Loss

Received: 7 June 2015 Accepted:

Have you had a loss in your life? How do you

7 December 2015 Published: 2 January 2016

overcome it and move forward? Think about creating a joy list —...

The Joy List: How to Recapture Joy After Loss

The Surprising Benefit Of Going Through Hard Times

Have you had a loss in your life? How do you

This excerpt is from the new book Wired to

overcome it and move forward? Think about creating a joy list —...

Create: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind, by psychologist Scott...

The Surprising Benefit Of Going Through Hard Times

Italy confirms higher cancer, death rates from mob dumping

This excerpt is from the new book Wired to

ROME (AP) — An Italian parliament-mandated

Create: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind, by psychologist Scott...

health survey has confirmed higher-than-normal incidents of death...

Italy confirms higher cancer, death rates from mob dumping

ICYM I: Silicon Valley’s Homeless And Female Friendship Psychology

ROME (AP) — An Italian parliament-mandated

ICYMI Health features what we’re reading this

health survey has confirmed higher-than-normal incidents of death...

week. During the lull between the holidays this week, we caught up on...

30 easy tips to get slimmer in 30 days The New Year signals a clean slate (and a clean

Should You Be Blow-Drying Your Face Every Day?

plate!). The good news: Implementing even small

Setting Spray These mists of hydration are fast and

everyday diet and exercise...

easy to use and are meant to be applied to the surface of the skin...

Five Ways to M ake Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

9 Reasons Why You Should Have Sex with the Lights on Tonight

Work with Your Personality—Not Totally Against It

“With lights on you expose yourself more to

Don’t set yourself up for failure. If you’ve never...

your partner and create the opportunity to generate even greater trust...

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How to Help Friends In a Shame Spiral We’ve all felt the power of shame. We feel

Brother of executed Shi’ite cleric hopes any reaction will be peaceful

exposed, totally flawed, and hopeless to do

DUBAI (Reuters) – The brother of prominent

anything about it....

Saudi Shi’ite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr said on Saturday...

Stop Googling Your Weird Health Symptoms for a Sec to Search for a Yoga Pose

I Tested 7 Different Fitness Trackers—at the Same Time

Raise your hand if a yoga teacher’s ever told

devices with one big exception: I couldn’t get the Withings Acrtivité...

you to do a pose…and you’ve looked around the room frantically...

5 Beauty Resolutions Your Skin Wants You to M ake

Setup was pretty seamless with most of the

1. Ban Bacteria Wash your makeup brushes—for

Brother of executed Shi’ite cleric hopes any reaction to killing will be peaceful

real—this year. Aim for once a week in order to keep yucky bacteria...

DUBAI (Reuters) – The brother of prominent Saudi Shi’ite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr said on Saturday...

Fact: Half of Your Canned Food Donations Get Dumped

Why So M any Women Body-Shame Themselves

Want to help feed the poor? Ditch the canned goods and donate money. Adam Ruins Everything

For the Notre Dame study, researchers showed college-aged women photos of other women with

outlines why. (via truTV) Posted...

different body sizes. Each had...

7 Unexpected Health Resolutions Doctors Want You to M ake in 2016

This Peppy Playlist Is Here To Put You In A Happy M ood

Admit it: You’re fed up with making the same New Year’s resolutions year after year, only to

On the road to happiness, it’s crucial to have good music. Research shows your favorite tunes

flake out on them...

can boost your mood....

How to Get a Great Core Workout During Any Exercise

Why Penises Don’t Like the Cold

You might think the only way to toughen up your tummy is to dedicate part of your workout to abs-

shrivel by about 50 percent in length and 20 to 30 percent in girth when you’re...

One urologist says you can expect a penis to

only moves. But you would... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Guys Reveal What Really Goes Down at Bachelor Parties

Encore: M eteorologists Launch Balloons To Collect Weather Data

But, as I gear up for my own wedding next year, I have to wonder: Do guys really aspire to The

Member station KUCB tagged along with a meteorologist at one of America’s most remote

Hangover-level debauchery?...

weather stations. This story...

‘Concussion’ Forces Football Players To Contemplate Safety Risks

Can Psychology Teach Us How To Stick To New Year’s Resolutions?

/ no comments The new film Concussion has many football players thinking about the possible

Research out of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania suggests that people

long-term health risks of...

see New Year’s Day, their...

Oil Production Fuels Earthquake Surge In Oklahoma

The End of the Desistance M yth

NPR’s Audie Cornish talks with Todd Halihan, a professor in the school of geology at Oklahoma

Over the past few years, an endless parade of “concernedâ€​ people (trolls) have trotted out the same...

State, about how Oklahoma...

How to Help Friends Struggling With Shame

Extra care required when dying parents have young kids

We’ve all felt the power of shame. We feel exposed, totally flawed, and hopeless to do

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – End-of-life care for parents of young children may need...

anything about it....

Why to learn more about M oringa As a 20-year cancer survivor, I thought that I had heard of everything possible to promote good health. Then again,...

How much exercise you need to keep your New Year’s resolutions NEW YORK — A recent survey finds about 41 percent of Americans are making a New Year’s resolution to live a...

Oxley, co-author of landmark U.S. antifraud law, dies at 71

John Krasinski Talks About Having New M uscles in Private Places

By Kim Palmer CLEVELAND (Reuters) – Former U.S. Representative Mike Oxley, a 12-term

Is it ever okay to lie to your partner? I don’t think so, unless it’s for something fun. Emily [Blunt,

Republican congressman...


The 6 Oddest Public Apologies of 2015

How to Piece a Relationship Back

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There was no immediate update on whether Carlos’ grand gesture worked (Jessica, we must know: #DidYouForgiveHim?),...

Together After Someone Cheats 1. Give It Time When something as serious as cheating happens, chances are you’re not going to be all lovey-dovey...

New Year’s Day Quake In Oklahoma City Amid Increasing Seismic Activity

Love After Death

i Charles Lord, left, senior hydrologist, explains the

Strangely, I still felt loved. My former partner stopped breathing, holding my hand; just as

mapping procedure used by the Corporation

intimately as in life....


How To Hack Your New Year’s Resolution For Success

Kids With Allergies Are M ore Likely To Have Anxiety And Depression

I’ve never liked the words “objectiveâ€​ or

By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – Kids who

“goal.â€​ Perhaps my distaste for such terms

have allergies at an early age are more likely than

can be...

others to also have...

Try These Tricks For Better Sleep Tonight

M osquito-borne Zika virus raises fears of birth defects

Dark, quiet, cool but not cold, not too humid or dry,

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico is

calm and uncluttered – that’s the perfect

reporting its first case of Zika virus, an illness

setup for sleeping....

transmitted by mosquitoes...

Astronomers find new way to measure the pull of gravity at the surface of distant stars

Better results offset costs of prostate surgery at specialty centers

IMAGE:Â How much would you weigh on another

get prostate cancer surgery at hospitals that do...

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Men who

star? The timescale of turbulence and vibration at a star’s surface,...

Liquid salts deliver drugs through the skin with enhanced efficacy and reduced toxicity

Researchers find that in race stereotypes, issues are not so black and white

IMAGE:Â An antihypertensive drug propranolol

Recent race-related events in Ferguson, Mo., St.

hydrochloride is converted into a transparent liquid

Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, Charleston, S.C., and

salt by combining...

New York City —...

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9 Lipsticks That’ll Survive a M akeout Session Tired of seeing your bright red lipstick smeared across the rim of your coffee mug? Sick of kissing someone hello and getting...

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About The 20/20 Diet (Including Whether It Works) The Diet’s Claim to Fame The 20/20 Diet consists of eating 20 specific power foods that take a lot of energy to...

Fresh Off the Boat‘s Constance Wu Shares Her Workout Essentials

5 Things M y Substitute Spin Instructor Taught M e About M y Body

1. Sneakers “They’re really supportive, and I’m good about getting new ones every six

Don’t judge a blog by its title — it’s not what you think. My Wednesday morning spin

months so they...


Simple Ways To Be Happier In 2016

20 Things To Stop Giving A Sh*t About In 2016

Do you make New Year resolutions? I don’t bother because they usually fall off my radar by mid January....

The new year is a perfect time for self-reflection and resolution-making. It’s also a great time to hit “refreshâ€​...

Scientists sequence first ancient Irish human genomes

Tens of millions of trees in danger from California drought

IMAGE:Â Excavated near Belfast in 1855, she had lain in a Neolithic tomb chamber for 5,000 years;

IMAGE: This image shows progressive water stress on California’s forests. view more

subsequently curated...

Credit: Courtesy...

New study opens new door for ALS drug discovery

Everything You Wanted to Know About Hangovers

December 28, 2015 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – To create treatments for a disease without any,

Happy New Year! Nearly everyone who has overindulged on alcohol on New Year’s Eve

scientists need to study and...

has woken up on New Year’s...

Researchers describe role of STING protein in development of colorectal cancer

What a difference a year makes as Ebola zone brings in 2016

A new study published today by researchers at

Banned from gathering in public as the death toll crept towards five figures, the people of west

Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the

Africa’s Ebola-hit...

University of Miami Miller School... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

Saffron-based crocin prevents liver cancer

New memory drug moves into Phase 1 clinical study

Inflammation has been shown to be a driving force

A new study by researchers at the University of Bari

behind many chronic diseases, especially liver

Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, Geriatric Unit Laboratory of

cancer, which often develops...

Gerontology and...

How to Help Friends Dealing With Shame

Want to lose weight? Fewer Americans say yes

We’ve all felt the power of shame. We feel

More Americans are happy with their weight, a new

exposed, totally flawed, and hopeless to do

poll suggests. In a recent Gallup poll, 49 percent of

anything about it....

Americans said they...

How to treat your New Year’s hangover

M ore patients may be able to safely shower after surgery

A fun night of imbibing on New Year’s Eve can

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Many

quickly turn into a horrendous hangover the next

patients may be able to shower just two days

day, leaving you with...


Researchers find that in race stereotypes, issues are not so black and white

9 M en Share the M ajor Life Changes They M ade to Get Over a Breakup

Recent race-related events in Ferguson, Mo., St.

breakup toward the end of my sophomore year. In

Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, Charleston, S.C., and

an effort to push through...

When I was in college, I went through a terrible

New York City —...

Your Unborn Baby Can Now Listen to Adele Through Your Vagina

Is Giving Up Dairy a Good Way to Lose Weight?

After studying the effects of music on infant brain

So should you give a dairy-free diet a try? Only if

development and communication, the researchers

you’re allergic and definitely not if you want to

found that unborn babies...

lose weight,...

A Physicist Dreams Of Catching Dark M atter In The Act

New Year’s resolutions are so last year

i Astrophysicist Richard Gaitskell, from Brown

Every New Year’s, lists of personal aspirations

University, leads a team hunting particles of dark

for the next 12 months are likely to grace many of


our journals, calendars,...

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New acoustic technique reveals structural information in nanoscale materials

M yopia-related differences in eye structure may help in developing ‘customized’ intraocular lenses

IMAGE:Â This is a schematic representation of the

December 28, 2015 – The presence of myopia,

atomic force microscope interacting with the material surface. ...

or nearsightedness, significantly affects the muscles used in focusing...

Body tightly controls inflammatory response to pathogens, study finds

SUNY Downstate researchers identify areas of plague risk in western US


Researchers at SUNY Downstate Medical Center


have identified and mapped areas of high probability of plague bacteria in the...

Psychotherapies have long-term benefit for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome

James Webb Space Telescope mirror halfway complete

For some time doctors have known that

Center’s massive clean room in Greenbelt, Maryland, the ninth flight mirror...

psychological therapies can reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in the...

Inside NASA’s Goddard Space Flight

7 things that happen when you stop weighing yourself

What happens to your body when you binge on sugar

Is stepping onto the scale part of your morning routine? How about post-workout? Before bed? All

As mouth-watering as a sugar-laden sundae or icing-topped cupcake is, we should all know by

of the above? For some...

now that sugar isn’t exactly...

Scientists prevent, reverse diabetesrelated kidney destruction in animal model

A new metamaterial will speed up computers

IMAGE:Â Dr. Ganesan Ramesh, Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University. view more

IMAGE:Â This is an example of a metasurface, which can create negative refraction. view more Credit: Source...

Credit: Augusta...

To bolster a new year’s resolution, ask, don’t tell PULLMAN, Wash. — “Will you exercise this year?â€​ That simple question can be a game-

Nanoworld ‘snow blowers’ carve straight channels in semiconductor surfaces IMAGE: This is a cartoon. view more Credit: NIST

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changing technique...

In the nanoworld, tiny particles of gold can operate like...

Second contagious form of cancer found in Tasmanian devils

Humans probably not alone in how we perceive melodic pitch

IMAGE:Â This is a photograph of a Tasmanian devil

IMAGE:Â This is a photograph of a marmoset

with facial tumor. view more Credit: Gregory Woods, Menzies...

monkey. view more Credit: Yunyan Wang, Johns Hopkins Medicine The...

Researchers find that in race stereotypes, issues are not so black and white

M ost patients still prescribed opioids after nonfatal overdose, study finds

Recent race-related events in Ferguson, Mo., St.

(BMC) indicates that most patients with chronic pain who are hospitalized...

Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, Charleston, S.C., and New York City —...

How to cure your New Year’s hangover It’s the first day of 2016 and already, some of you wish you could rewind to the year before and put down...

Boston – A study led by Boston Medical Center

Estimating malaria parasite prevalence from community surveys in Uganda: a comparison of microscopy, rapid diagnostic tests and polymerase chain reaction Cross-sectional surveys estimating parasite prevalence offer a practical method for malaria surveillance and are...

Childhood asthma may increase risks of shingles

Cell harm seen in lab tests of ecigarettes

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nearly 1 million incidences of herpes zoster, which is also known

IMAGE:Â E-cigarettes were the target of lab investigations at the VA San Diego Healthcare

as shingles, occur every year...

System. view more Credit:...

Scientists detect inherited traits tied to sleep, wake, and activity cycles

Carnegie M ellon develops new method for analyzing synaptic density

IMAGE:Â This is Dr. Joseph Takahashi. view more Credit: UT Southwestern Medical Center DALLAS

IMAGE:Â This image shows synapses in the somatosensory cortex stained with ethanolic

– December...

phosphotungstic acid and visualized...

Satellite animation shows powerful

Hypnosis may provide new option for

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storm in central US

‘awake surgery’ for brain cancer

An animation of satellite imagery over the course of

December 28, 2015 – Could hypnosis help to

two days shows a massive low pressure system

reduce the psychological trauma associated with

that generated severe weather...

“awake craniotomyâ€​...

10 Wellness Tips for Attainable New Year’s Resolutions

Why Sledding Will Help Your Resolutions Become Reality

Do you use the new year as an annual health

By Annalicia of I grew

seminar with yourself? In the past, I would host my

up in Minnesota. One thing’s for sure: I know a

own personal white...

lot about...

Why Sledding Will Help Your Resolutions Become Reality

The Things They Don’t Tell You

By Annalicia of I grew

When I thought about writing this post I battled with it for a long time. It’s raw, it’s honest, and...

up in Minnesota. One thing’s for sure: I know a lot about...

The Things They Don’t Tell You When I thought about writing this post I battled with it for a long time. It’s raw, it’s honest, and...

Being anxious could be good for you — in a crisis New findings by French researchers show that the brain devotes more processing resources to social situations that signal...

Being anxious could be good for you — in a crisis

M odeling Amazonian transitional forest micrometeorology

New findings by French researchers show that the

IMAGE:Â This 42-meter-high tower, upon which the

brain devotes more processing resources to social

micrometeorological was mounted, is located in

situations that signal...

the middle of the transitional...

Clinical research experts comment on the state of their fields

Clinical research experts comment on the state of their fields

In an Editorial published this week in PLOS

In an Editorial published this week in PLOS

Medicine, editors ask an international panel of

Medicine, editors ask an international panel of

eleven expert researchers and...

eleven expert researchers and...

Expanded regimens associated with improved treatment response in M DR-

Expanded regimens associated with improved treatment response in M DR-

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Treating multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) with regimens that include a greater number of

Treating multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) with regimens that include a greater number of

drugs may improve outcomes,...

drugs may improve outcomes,...

Increased long-term death risk for adolescents hospitalized for adversityrelated injury

Increased long-term death risk for adolescents hospitalized for adversityrelated injury

Adolescents discharged from hospitals in England

Adolescents discharged from hospitals in England

after an admission for violent, drug- or alcohol-

after an admission for violent, drug- or alcohol-

related, or self-inflicted...

related, or self-inflicted...

Plain packaging effective in reducing misperceptions of tobacco products among Australian Indigenous

Plain packaging effective in reducing misperceptions of tobacco products among Australian Indigenous

TORONTO, Dec. 29, 2015 – Following the

TORONTO, Dec. 29, 2015 – Following the

introduction of plain packaging on tobacco

introduction of plain packaging on tobacco

products in 2012, Australian Aboriginal...

products in 2012, Australian Aboriginal...

Puerto Rico reports first case of Zika virus, spread by mosquitoes

Puerto Rico reports first case of Zika virus, spread by mosquitoes

SAN JUAN (Reuters) – Puerto Rico has reported

SAN JUAN (Reuters) – Puerto Rico has reported

its first case of Zika, a mosquito-borne virus that

its first case of Zika, a mosquito-borne virus that

has been...

has been...

Federal judge blocks Arkansas restrictions on abortion pill

Federal judge blocks Arkansas restrictions on abortion pill

By Steve Barnes LITTLE ROCK, Ark (Reuters) – A

By Steve Barnes LITTLE ROCK, Ark (Reuters) – A

federal judge on Thursday granted a two-week

federal judge on Thursday granted a two-week

restraining order...

restraining order...

China December factory activity shrinks, more stimulus needed in 2016

China December factory activity shrinks, more stimulus needed in 2016

BEIJING (Reuters) – China looked set for a

BEIJING (Reuters) – China looked set for a

soggy start to 2016 after activity in the

soggy start to 2016 after activity in the

manufacturing sector...

manufacturing sector...

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Do M ental Health Apps Help Anyone? I probably don’t need to tell you this but there

How epigenetics can affect ants’ behavior

are some dumb apps out there. An app that displays the word...

By applying compounds that cause epigenetic

Penn-led team reprograms social behavior in carpenter ants using epigenetic drugs

Human-machine superintelligence can solve the world’s most dire problems

IMAGE:Â Florida carpenter ants, minor caste (left) and major caste, are shown. view more Credit: The

The combination of human and computer intelligence might be just what we need to solve

lab of...

the “wickedâ€​ problems...

ORNL cell-free protein synthesis is potential lifesaver

Hawaii Becomes First State To Raise Smoking Age To 21

IMAGE:Â This section of a serpentine channel reactor shows the parallel reactor and feeder

Ninety-five percent of adult smokers in the U.S. begin smoking before the age of 21, according to

channels separated by a nanoporous...

the Hawaii Department...

5 Tips for Starting a M indfulness M editation Practice, and Staying M otivated

Peace Out, ‘Bikini Body’—We’re Kicking You Off of Our Covers for Good

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.â€​ ~ Buddha Many

Now, where we need to improve… You told us you don’t love the words shrink and diet, and

people these...

we’re happy...

5 Healthy Food Trends That Will Rule 2016

Is Bill Clinton’s Scandalous Sexual History Hillary Clinton’s Problem?

Photograph by Shutterstock1. Everyone Will Be

On Monday, Donald took to Twitter to accuse Bill of

Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Out of a Bowl

having a “terrible record of women abuse,â€​

It all started with smoothie...

while saying...

A systematic review of geographical variation in access to chemotherapy

Why You Are Living A Better Life If Others Are In It

Characteristics of included studies Twenty-four

It’s a fuller life when we have other people in it.

cohort studies [28–32, 34–43, 45], one

It’s a healthier and longer one, too. Have you...

changes to ants, researchers were able to change the insects’ behavior....

correlational study... Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically w ith PDFmyURL

How to Stick to Your New Years Resolution, Really This Time

Building a Design for Life in 2016

What are tips you’d use to stick to New Years

It’s taken me three years to discover American Author, David Wong’s brutal article listing

resolutions? originally appeared on Quora – the

harsh truths...


A clue to generate electric current without energy consumption at room temperature

St. Jude researchers develop powerful interactive tool to mine data from cancer genome

IMAGE:Â Sb atoms and Te atoms serve as the glue

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

to fix the N-S orientations of Cr atoms in Cr-doped

scientists have developed a web application and

(Sb, Bi)2Te3. This...

data set that gives researchers...

NTU scientists unveil social and telepresence robots

High-throughput evaluation of synthetic metabolic pathways

Say hello to Nadine, a ‘receptionist’ at

IMAGE:Â Three different strategies are reviewed for

Nanyang Technological University (NTU

evaluation of synthetic metabolic pathways. view

Singapore). She is friendly,...

more Credit:...

PRO as a sustainable energy production system is crippled by biofouling

Early-life exercise alters gut microbes, promotes healthy brain and metabolism

SEDE BOQER, Israel…Dec. 29, 2015-

over 100 trillion microorganisms, and researchers

Researchers at the Zuckerberg Institute for Water

at the University of Colorado...

The human gut harbors a teeming menagerie of

Research at Ben-Gurion University...

One Simple Thought for the Best Year Ever

One Simple Thought for the Best Year Ever

“When you begin to live from your heart, you

“When you begin to live from your heart, you

suddenly have an antidote to fear.â€​ – Richard...

suddenly have an antidote to fear.â€​ – Richard...

Brain Fitness Tips to Improve Attention and M emory in 2016

Brain Fitness Tips to Improve Attention and M emory in 2016

Concentration — or attenÂ​tion — and memÂ​o ry

Concentration — or attenÂ​tion — and memÂ​o ry

are two cruÂ​cial menÂ​tal skills and are directly...

are two cruÂ​cial menÂ​tal skills and are directly...

Seahawks’ Richard Sherman: ‘I

Seahawks’ Richard Sherman: ‘I

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See A Concussion M ovie Every Sunday’

See A Concussion M ovie Every Sunday’

Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman

Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman

has never been scared to call out the National Football League. He’s been...

has never been scared to call out the National Football League. He’s been...

Thermal microscopy of single cells

Thermal microscopy of single cells

IMAGE:Â On the left, a classical phase contrast

IMAGE:Â On the left, a classical phase contrast

image of a cell obtained via a standard microscope. On the right, a...

image of a cell obtained via a standard microscope. On the right, a...

Improving accuracy in genomic mapping with time-series data

Improving accuracy in genomic mapping with time-series data

WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 29, 2015 – If you

WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 29, 2015 – If you

already have the sequenced map of an organism’s genome but want to...

already have the sequenced map of an organism’s genome but want to...

‘Spectre’ villain fails neuroanatomy in latest Bond film

‘Spectre’ villain fails neuroanatomy in latest Bond film

TORONTO, Dec. 29, 2015 – James Bond’s

TORONTO, Dec. 29, 2015 – James Bond’s

nemesis in the most recent film likely failed neuroanatomy, said real-life...

nemesis in the most recent film likely failed neuroanatomy, said real-life...

The chemistry of hangovers (video)

The chemistry of hangovers (video)

WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2015 — It’s almost

WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2015 — It’s almost

New Year’s Eve, and many will be ringing in

New Year’s Eve, and many will be ringing in

2016 with champagne,...

2016 with champagne,...

Study ties insurgency phase of Iraq War to higher PTSD rates

Study ties insurgency phase of Iraq War to higher PTSD rates

Guerilla tactics such as suicide attacks and

Guerilla tactics such as suicide attacks and

roadside bombs may trigger more posttraumatic

roadside bombs may trigger more posttraumatic

stress than conventional warfare,...

stress than conventional warfare,...

Temple study finds opioid prescribing guideline significantly decreases prescription rates

Temple study finds opioid prescribing guideline significantly decreases prescription rates

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(Philadelphia, PA) – Emergency medicine

(Philadelphia, PA) – Emergency medicine

physicians at Temple University Hospital have found that an opioid prescribing...

physicians at Temple University Hospital have found that an opioid prescribing...

Action on Climate Change Creates a Circle for Health and Economic Growth

Action on Climate Change Creates a Circle for Health and Economic Growth

Joint comment: Incoming chairwoman of Gavi

Joint comment: Incoming chairwoman of Gavi

Alliance Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and WHO Assistant Director General Dr...

Alliance Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and WHO Assistant Director General Dr...

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