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HOME » 2016 » MARCH
Penn researchers discover molecular mechanism that underlies common cerebrovascular disease Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) are clusters of dilated, thin-walled blood vessels in the brain that can cause stroke...
Beyonce’s New Video Will M ake You Sweat (And That’s the Point) This time, Queen B has bestowed upon us a beautiful ad for her new fitness line, Ivy Park. In it, Beyoncé recounts the...
5 Ways You’re Cheating Yourself Out of Seeing REAL Results at the Gym
U.S. Soccer Stars Are Taking a Stand Against Gender Wage Discrimination
?This Woman Just Ac hieved a Major Milestone on
The amount of rest you need will depend on three things: the intensity of your workouts, your ability
RELATED: Why This Women’s Soccer Player Got Naked for ESPN The Magazine’s Body
This Is What’s In Store For Your Sex Life This Month,
level, and your goals,...
Issue The filing cites data...
New York boy born with severe genetic mutation is
Avoiding A Future Crisis, M adison Removed Lead Water Pipes 15 Years Ago
FDA Approves Experimental Zika Screening For Blood Donations
i A Madison Water Utility Crew works to dig up and replace a broken water shut off box in preparation for...
On Wednesday, the FDA approved an experimental test that screens blood donations for the Zika virus. It’s a response...
‘Americ an Ninja Warrior’ Why Are Women Putting Wasp Nests in Their Vaginas?? Ac c ording To Your Zodiac Sign thriving Injec tions of young blood may protec t against Alzheimer’s Boy diagnosed with c hildhood Alzheimer’s on Mother’s Day Nevada patients offered suic ide pills instead of treament US offic ials OK option for men with HIV to father c hildren Trendy workout gear does NOT improve your performanc e Babies exposed to lead in womb have high risk of autism
The Secret, Social Lives Of M ountain Lions A lone hunter stealthily stalking its prey; a shrill cry in the night. Mountain lions may conjure terrifying images in our...
Learning to Love Your Label Carbohydrates. Carbs, you say? I don’t eat them because I’m gluten free! That’s nice, but too because...
Breastfeeding lowers endometrial c anc er risk, study says President Trump Dec ides To Pull U.S. Out Of Paris Climate Agreement China Steps Forward As Unlikely Leader In Fight Against Climate Change California State Senator Doubles Down On Efforts To Fight Climate Change
Why M editating Before Your Next Run M ight M ake You Happier
6 Things You Should Know About Your Credit Score
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President Trump Dec ides To Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Ac c ord U.S. Intelligenc e Warns Against Sec urity Implic ations Of
It turns out that both your marathoner friends preaching that “running is therapy†and your
This is your reminder to know your credit score and check it regularly. It’s easy to let your credit get
Leaving Paris Ac c ord
away from...
Montana Town Exemplifies Coal Country’s Unc ertain Using Music And Rhythm To Help Kids With Grammar
Biden’s Astronaut Takes Over M oonshot
The Instagramcation of Yoga
And Language Mars Inc orporated Critic izes Trump’s Dec ision To Leave
Of course, for every dark side, there is a bright side, and so too on Instagram. Trolling, thankfully, is
Paris Climate Ac c ord
medical research to the forefront of public agenda. According a recent Harvard...
mainly confined...
anesthesia works
NFL concussions more common on colder game days
Autism rate in U.S. kids remains steady
NFL players have a significantly greater risk of concussions when games are played at colder
United States has held steady in recent years, but it’s too early...
The launch of the cancer moonshot has brought
New evidenc e c hallenges popular hypothesis for how Why antibiotic s fail—biologists c orrec t a flaw in the way bac terial susc eptibility to these drugs is tested
The autism rate among school-aged children in the
temperatures, according to new...
Neurosc ientists rewire brain of one spec ies to have c onnec tivity of another Heavy-drinking Lithuania bans alc ohol ads, raises minimum age Some vaginal bac teria may weaken anti-HIV gel: study Wild ‘death c ap’ mushroom seriously sic kens 14 in California Quadric eps exerc ise relieves pain in knee osteoarthritis
New use for X-rays: A radar gun for unruly atoms X-rays have long been used to make pictures of tiny objects, even single atoms. Now a team of scientists has discovered a...
Pharmacy on demand CAMBRIDGE, MA — MIT researchers have developed a compact, portable pharmaceutical manufacturing system that can be...
Certain breast CA patients benefit from adjuvant c apec itabine New Elec tric al Brain Stimulation Tec hnique Shows Promise in Mic e Outrage Of The Month: House Passage Of Trumpc are ‘All Sc ientific Hands On Dec k’ To End The Opioid Crisis Trump Wants To Roll Bac k Birth Control Ac c ess. Women
US autism rate unchanged in new CDC report
Cardioprotective effects of lysyl oxidase inhibition
Aren’t Having It.
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health contributed to a new U.S.
Heart failure is a progressive condition, where structural and functional alterations of the ventricle
Mom Takes Joy-Filled Photos Of Son Who Likes To Wear
Centers for Disease Control...
limit the ability...
Infections of the heart with common viruses
RolyPOLY — A unique flexible shelter produced by robotic winding of carbon fibers
IMAGE:Â This is a photomicrograph of normal heart muscle. view more Credit: Dr. Sally Huber A review article...
IMAGE:Â 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing is the only peer-reviewed journal focused on the rapidly moving field...
This Father-Son Selfie Is Going Viral For The Sweetest Reason Dresses An Open Letter To Gwyneth Paltrow About GOOP When Loved Ones Die At Home, Family Caregivers Pay The Pric e MS-related brain c hanges may affec t soc ial skills Addic tion risk high at elite sc hools, study finds Patient rec ords stolen from plastic surgery c linic Poor understanding of ratios leads to bad shopping dec isions, says University of Miami study Rover findings indic ate stratified lake on anc ient Mars Georgia State neurosc ientists rewire brain of 1 spec ies to have c onnec tivity of another
U.S. FTC sues drugmaker Endo over ‘pay-for-delay’ deals
M etLife ruling bolsters other firms arguing systemic unimportance
What’s powering your devic es? ‘Instantly rec hargeable’ battery c ould c hange the future of elec tric and hybrid automobiles New c onsensus doc ument for appropriate use of drug
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By Natalie Grover (Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Trade Commission said on Thursday it had filed...
By Lauren Tara LaCapra NEW YORK (Reuters) – A federal judge’s ruling that MetLife Inc...
testing in c linic al addic tion medic ine Ethnic ity and breastfeeding influenc e infant gut bac teria Unc overing why playing a music al instrument c an
M enopause hormone clot risk lower for vaginal creams and skin patches
Rescued sea turtle undergoes experimental treatment in Seattle
protec t brain health
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Women who take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to
By Shelby Sebens (Reuters) – Seattle veterinarians will test a rescued sea turtle on
quark-gluon plasmas
Pfizer says press release on drug pricing fake
Trump meets with Republican leadership after backing away from loyalty pledge
(Reuters) – Pfizer Inc said a press release on drug pricing issued earlier on Thursday was fake and falsely...
Meet the most nimble-fingered robot ever built New model deepens understanding of the dynamic s of 10 Meditation Apps That Will Help You Totally Zen Out 24 Ways to Fight Without Destroying Your Relationship Does the Time of the Month Affec t Your Workout Results? Catc h of the day: The best and worst fish for your diet Metals and nutrients in baby teeth tied to autism risk Tiny blood vessel damage tied to depression among older adults Stric t bedtime rules c an help kids get enough sleep
By Steve Holland and John Whitesides
Breastfeeding linked to lower endometrial c anc er risk
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republican presidential front-runner...
L.A. health offic ials misstated some c ases of c hildhood lead exposure Catc h of the day: The best and worst fish for your diet
WHO sees scientific consensus on Zika as cause for disorders
CDC probing how lab worker acquired salmonella infection
First mosquitoes test positive for West Nile virus in Illinois
GENEVA/CHICAGO Researchers around the world are now convinced the Zika virus can cause the birth defect microcephaly as...
The U.S. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday it was investigating how one of its lab workers, recently...
Short, high-intensity exerc ise sessions improve insulin
Autism rate among U.S. children held steady 2010-2012: CDC
Study: Amateur football hits linked to later-life difficulty
ATLANTA Autism rates among U.S. children were unchanged between 2010 and 2012, but it remains too early to know whether...
The more hits to the head an amateur football player takes, the greater his risk of developing depression, difficulty making...
Extreme hoarding: NYC team tackles both mess and the mind
FDA allows use of investigational test to screen blood donations for Zika virus
A better dye job for roots — in plants
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced the availability of an investigational test to screen blood donations...
Zinc May Be Key to Fighting Liver Disease Gluten-Free: Pros, Cons, and Hidden Risks produc tion in type 2 diabetes Exposure to spec ific toxins and nutrients during late pregnanc y and early life c orrelate with autism risk Immunology: How anc estry shapes our immune c ells Why antibiotic s fail Video shows invasive lionfish feasting on new Caribbean fish spec ies How the Nazis invented nerve agents like sarin (video) Omega-3 fatty ac id stops lupus trigger, but how? Wayne State awarded over $460K from the Mic higan Health Endowment Fund
In the frantic aftermath of a gas explosion last year that leveled three nearby buildings, the firefighters who arrived to...
Smithsonian sc ientists release frogs wearing mini radio transmitters in Panama Beyond broke bones, CTs also detec t frailty and predic t Phagoc ytes in the brain: Good or bad? Spec ific neurons distinguish between reality and imagination
Pro-inflammatory miR-223 mediates the cross-talk between the IL23 pathway and the intestinal barrier in
High expression of ?-synuclein in damaged mitochondria with PLA2G6 dysfunction
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Soc ial laughter releases endorphins in the brain How to attac k Afric a’s neonatal mortality problem Gut mic robiota plays a key role in treatment with c lassic diabetes medic ation
inflammatory bowel disease IL23 is a crucial factor in the manifestation of intestinal inflammation in IBD. Through the
It is well known that ?-synuclein (?Syn) is a pathological marker of Parkinson disease (PD), because ?Syn/phosphorylated...
expansion of a pathogenic memory-activated...
HOX gene complement and expression in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea HOX genes are well-known, conserved regulators of axial body patterning during embryogenesis in
Traditionally, the surgical treatment for advanced active TB of the hip includes debridement,
The high mobility group protein HM O1 functions as a linker histone in yeast Genomic DNA is packaged into nucleosomes by association with core histones, which are among the most highly evolutionarily...
Letting Go of What You Think Should Happen I did not want to write a book with the kind of focus that I made it out to be. Because I was planning on writing it with...
arthrodesis, and resection...
You’re M ore Likely To Have A Heart Attack If You Have Endometriosis
Why Utah’s Nonsensical New Abortion Bill Is So Bad For Women
(Reuters Health) – Women with an excess growth of uterine lining tissue may also be at
This week Utah’s “adamantly pro-life†governor signed a bill that makes the state the first
higher risk of coronary heart...
in the country...
Take the Kind Ones With You
I Want! I Don’t Want!
After seeing this video, I started collecting memories of people who’d been kind to me. There are too many to count!...
M easles case shuts down California elementary school
For the first time scientists can observe the nano structure of food in 3-D
A case of measles shut down a California elementary school as officials try to prevent an outbreak in an area with one of...
reduc ing kids’ pain in emergenc y room Puberty hormones trigger c hanges in youthful learning Common c lass of c hemic als c ause c anc er by breaking down DNA repair mec hanisms
most studied animals [1–6]....
Two-stage total hip arthroplasty for patients with advanced active tuberculosis of the hip
Vibrating, c old devic e enables quic k IV insertion while
“There is still a lot we don’t know about the structure of food, but this is a good step on the way to understanding...
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Health News psychology
Race biases teachers’ expectations for students
Transparent wood could one day help brighten homes and buildings
IMAGE:Â When asked to evaluate the prospects of the same black students, black teachers and white teachers can come...
When it comes to indoor lighting, nothing beats the sun’s rays streaming in through windows. Soon, that natural light...
New details emerge on deep sea, marine-submerged bodies
Basketball games mimic nature
Findings of a new Simon Fraser University study could benefit investigators when bodies are recovered in deep water. It’s...
Why synthetic drugs are as scary as you think (video) WASHINGTON, March 29, 2016 — Synthetic drugs such as “bath salts,†“K2? or “Spice†have...
IMAGE:Â Researchers examined how teams structured themselves during 6,130 NBA games. view more Credit: Malingering Behind...
U.S. district judge strikes down designation of M etLife as ‘too big to fail’ By Lisa Lambert and Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer on Wednesday...
Uncertainty in Turkey as migrant returns set to start under EU deal
Valeant seeks lender approval to extend deadline for annual report
By Tulay Karadeniz and Dasha Afanasieva ANKARA (Reuters) – Five days before Turkey is due to...
By Ankur Banerjee (Reuters) – Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc VRX.TO said it was asking its lenders...
FDA permits use of Roche test to screen donated blood for Zika
Cyber insurance rates fall with lull in major hacks
(Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it would allow the use of an experimental test to...
By Jim Finkle (Reuters) – A lull in high-profile data breaches prompted insurers to cut cyber...
Saskatchewan shooting suspect dead after police track him down
Heroin addict whose story moved Obama dies
(Reuters) – The suspect in a fatal shooting on
“I have sobriety, good books, Netflix, and a
Tuesday in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan is dead after...
wonderful family,†Jessica Grubb wrote from a Michigan hospital...
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Woman says pedicure cost her a toe A woman is suing a nail salon in Santa Clarita, Calif., alleging a pedicure gone wrong caused her
FDA permits use of test to screen donated blood for Zika The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it
to lose a toe. Sonia Algara,...
would allow the use of an experimental test to screen donated blood for the...
Cancer charities closed following multistate lawsuit
Pennsylvania community college closed due to M RSA case
A multistate civil lawsuit filed last May against a group of family members who claimed to raise
A western Pennsylvania community college campus has been closed because of the superbug
money for cancer victims...
known as MRSA. Officials at Butler...
M assachusetts woman has twins a day after husband’s death
U.S. top court seeks more information in contraception insurance case
NATICK, Mass. –  Friends and strangers are rallying around a Massachusetts woman whose husband died unexpectedly...
By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday asked both sides...
Your Dentist Is M ore Important to Your General Health Than You M ay Realize
West Africa Ebola outbreak no longer poses global risk: WHO
Crohn’s Disease Many people are aware of the gastrointestinal condition called Crohn’s disease, which often...
GENEVA (Reuters) – West Africa’s Ebola outbreak no longer constitutes a threat to international public...
Report reveals doctor DUIs, botched surgeries and other medical horror stories in California
Woman’s lawsuit claims hospital flushed her miscarried baby
We’ve all heard stories of missed diagnoses that turned deadly or horrific surgeries gone awry, but a new Consumer...
Woman can remember every single detail of her life Some of us have trouble remembering what we had for lunch, but for one Australian woman, memory isn’t an issue—...
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. –  A woman is suing a Florida hospital, saying an employee flushed the remains of her miscarried...
18-year-old facing partial leg amputation after surgery for ingrown toenail An 18-year-old woman on track to become one of England’s best in karate had to put her dreams on hold after surgery...
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Should I take antibiotics for that cough that won’t go away?
Should I take antibiotics for that cough that won’t go away?
Antibiotics are excellent for treating bacterial infections. But viral illnesses? Not so much. ...
Antibiotics are excellent for treating bacterial infections. But viral illnesses? Not so much. ...
Research on risky sexual behaviors is lacking
Research on risky sexual behaviors is lacking
Sexual health research focused on men who have sex with men is lacking, according to health researchers, even in the midst...
Sexual health research focused on men who have sex with men is lacking, according to health researchers, even in the midst...
Remote Italian village could harbor secrets of healthy aging
Remote Italian village could harbor secrets of healthy aging
The average life expectancy in the United States is
The average life expectancy in the United States is
approximately 78 years old. Americans live longer, with better diets...
approximately 78 years old. Americans live longer, with better diets...
Gov’t panel backs drug for delusions in Parkinson’s patients
Gov’t panel backs drug for delusions in Parkinson’s patients
Federal health experts have endorsed an experimental drug intended to treat psychotic
Federal health experts have endorsed an experimental drug intended to treat psychotic
delusions and behaviors that often...
delusions and behaviors that often...
TSRI study shows hollowed-out version of CPM V could be effective in human therapies
TSRI study shows hollowed-out version of CPM V could be effective in human therapies
Viruses aren’t always bad. In fact, scientists can harness the capabilities of some viruses for
Viruses aren’t always bad. In fact, scientists can harness the capabilities of some viruses for
Embryos with abnormalities in initial stages of pregnancy may grow into healthy babies
Embryos with abnormalities in initial stages of pregnancy may grow into healthy babies
Abnormal cells in the early embryo are not necessarily a sign that a baby will be born with a
Abnormal cells in the early embryo are not necessarily a sign that a baby will be born with a
birth defect such as Down’s...
birth defect such as Down’s...
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6 Foods to Eat When You’re Working Toward a Six-Pack
6 Foods to Eat When You’re Working Toward a Six-Pack
Even if you work out regularly and can hold a plank for minutes on end, you have to dial in your nutrition to see the definition...
Even if you work out regularly and can hold a plank for minutes on end, you have to dial in your nutrition to see the definition...
What It’s Like to Be Engaged at the Same Time as Your Sister
What It’s Like to Be Engaged at the Same Time as Your Sister
We asked six women who survived this serendipitous coincidence to share their stories with us. 1. “We were...
We asked six women who survived this serendipitous coincidence to share their stories with us. 1. “We were...
7 Times Guys Are Totally Wrong About Us Being Clingy
There’s A Silver Lining To Stress Over Uncertainty
In it, Ben classily writes, “F—k man, there are some clingy ass girls in this world like goddamn.†While...
The unknown is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t mean we like it. Waiting to hear back about a job interview,...
Cigarette Smoke Can M ake Your Pet Sick
M y Struggle With Alcohol: Why I Said Goodbye
“Pet owners need to immediately quit smoking around the animal and wash their hands
Denial being one of the hallmarks of addiction, I was very good at finding logical reasons why I
thoroughly after smoking before...
couldn’t possibly...
The Reduction of Ego-Depletion
What Does That Have to Do With Health? Why I Got M y M PH
In commentaries on the replication effort, some concerns were noted. The original study authors, led by Chandra Sripada...
Obama urges more funding for opioid addiction treatment President Obama said Thursday that while steps are being taken to help address the epidemic of opioid addiction in the United...
Woolf, S.H., Johnson, R.E., Phillips, R.L., Philipsen, M. (2007). Giving everyone the health of the educated: an examination...
How hostile states’ immigration policies changed Latino migration in the late 2000s HANOVER, N.H. – March 29, 2016 – For many immigrants in this country, anti-immigration rhetoric is not just...
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Non-hormonal male contraceptive Vasalgelâ„¢ has proven efficacy in rabbits IMAGE:Â Histological examination (400X magnification) of contraceptive gel at wall of vas deferens. Upper left area...
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone 17S form IMAGE: NASA’s Terra satellite captured an image of the birth of Tropical Cyclone 17S in the Southern Indian...
In search of compromise among climate risk management strategies Balancing the impacts of climate change risks for all involved may not be within the realm of economics or physics, but a...
Nanoparticles deliver anticancer cluster bombs Scientists have devised a triple-stage “cluster bomb†system for delivering the chemotherapy drug cisplatin,...
Study explores carb-loading’s effect on the heart
GE to sell $1.4 billion U.S. hotel franchise loan portfolio
Drinking a high carbohydrate shake can have an acute and detrimental effect on heart function, a study published in the Journal...
(Reuters) – General Electric Co GE.N said it had agreed to sell GE Capital’s U.S. hotel franchise...
GE to sell $1.4 billion U.S. hotel franchise loan portfolio
Oscar-winning actress Patty Duke dies, age 69
(Reuters) – General Electric Co GE.N said it had agreed to sell GE Capital’s U.S. hotel franchise...
(Reuters) – Oscar-winning American actress Patty Duke, widely known for the 1960s show “The Patty Duke...
Oscar-winning actress Patty Duke dies, age 69
M any in US ignorant of key facts on Zika virus: study
(Reuters) – Oscar-winning American actress Patty Duke, widely known for the 1960s show “The Patty Duke...
Miami (AFP) – Many Americans are unclear on key facts about the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which has been...
M any in US ignorant of key facts on Zika virus: study
Bloomberg, others give $125 million for immunotherapy cancer research
Miami (AFP) – Many Americans are unclear on key facts about the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which has been...
(Reuters) – Billionaire Michael Bloomberg and other philanthropists are donating $125 million to Johns Hopkins...
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Bloomberg, others give $125 million for immunotherapy cancer research
Brazil’s confirmed, suspected microcephaly cases rise to 5,235
(Reuters) – Billionaire Michael Bloomberg and other philanthropists are donating $125 million to Johns Hopkins...
SAO PAULO (Reuters) – The number of confirmed and suspected cases of microcephaly in Brazil associated with...
Brazil’s confirmed, suspected microcephaly cases rise to 5,235
Even men need to cut back on coffee before pregnancy
SAO PAULO (Reuters) – The number of confirmed and suspected cases of microcephaly in Brazil associated with...
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Women already know they need to cut back on coffee during...
Even men need to cut back on coffee before pregnancy
Obama calls for more funds, new attitude to fight opioid epidemic
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Women already know they need to cut back on coffee during...
ATLANTA With a nod to his own drug use as a young man, President Barack Obama on Tuesday called for more funding and a...
Obama calls for more funds, new attitude to fight opioid epidemic
Painful uterus condition may boost risk for heart disease
ATLANTA With a nod to his own drug use as a young man, President Barack Obama on Tuesday called for more funding and a...
(Reuters Health) – Women with an excess growth of uterine lining tissue may also be at higher risk of coronary heart...
Painful uterus condition may boost risk for heart disease
FDA panel backs Acadia drug for psychosis linked to Parkinson’s
(Reuters Health) – Women with an excess growth of uterine lining tissue may also be at higher risk of coronary heart...
An advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended an approval for Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc’s...
FDA panel backs Acadia drug for psychosis linked to Parkinson’s
Obama Administration Offers Desperately Needed Help For People Addicted To Opioids
An advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended an approval for Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc’s...
The recent and alarming rise in overdose deaths across the country has exposed the need for more doctors to treat addiction...
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7 Truths For Families Trying To M ake It Out The Door In The M orning
For prostate cancer, more radiation may not improve survival
In the same way I tell myself, “If I put my hair in a ponytail, I can lie here and play on my phone for a few minutes...
(PHILADELPHIA) – New technology has enabled doctors to administer higher doses of radiation to prostate cancer patients...
Sanofi Pasteur uses novel technology for development of a 2nd-gen influenza vaccine
Researchers developed manufacturing method for batteries with organic electrode materials
Lyon, France – March 29, 2016 – Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi, announces published data on...
IMAGE:Â Researchers tested the material on coin cells. view more Credit: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto University With...
Study: CEO personality traits play role in incentive pay, compensation
Engineering black gold, as light as the bones of birds
IMAGE:Â Dr. Vikram Nanda is the O.P. Jindal Distinguished Chair of finance and managerial economics in the Naveen Jindal...
IMAGE:Â These are SME images that show the formation of nanoporosity in free corrosion dealloying for gold samples. ...
qPAINT counts biomolecules inside cells
WHO urges more oversight in wake of China vaccine scandal
IMAGE:Â With super resolution microscopy and qPAINT analysis, researchers will be able to quantify individual molecules...
BEIJING (AP) — The World Health Organization says China must exert stronger oversight over vaccines sold...
Utah governor signs anesthesia requirement for some abortions
Obama to announce steps to fight heroin, opioid epidemic
(Reuters) – Utah’s governor on Monday signed a bill requiring doctors to administer anesthesia to...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama is set to announce steps on Tuesday to expand treatment...
Obama to address nation’s growing problem with opioids
Biosimilar drugs could save up to $110 billion by 2020: IM S
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is issuing a proposed rule that aims to increase
LONDON (Reuters) – Lower-cost copies of complex biotech drugs, known as biosimilars,
could save the United...
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Obama to address nation’s growing opioid problem
Utah governor signs bill requiring abortion anesthesia (Update)
Everyone knows that exercise improves health, and ongoing research continues to uncover increasingly detailed information...
In this Feb. 17, 2016 file photo, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert speaks with reporters during a news conference at the...
Fertility goes down when cost of achieving social status goes up
Certain gut bacteria can influence the immune system to reduce severity of stroke
Competition for social status may be an important driver of lower fertility in the modern world, suggests a new study published...
Certain types of bacteria in the gut can leverage the immune system to decrease the severity of stroke, according to new...
Young people with Cushing syndrome may be at higher risk for suicide, depression
Simple blood test can help detect evidence of concussions up to 7 days after injury
Children with Cushing syndrome may be at higher risk for suicide as well as for depression, anxiety and other mental health...
Researchers at Orlando Health detected evidence of concussions in patients up to 7 days after their injury using a simple...
CCN5 protein reverses cardiac fibrosis in heart failure models
Scientists identify two enzymes that appear to play role in metabolism, inflammation
CCN5, a matricellular protein, has been found to reverse established cardiac fibrosis in heart failure models, according...
A team led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies has discovered...
Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection in a cohort of tuberculosis patients at M etema Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia: a 3Â years retrospective study Study settings and design A retrospective study was conducted on TB registries at Metema hospital DOTS clinic to...
Nature-inspired nanotubes that
Fairy circles discovered in Australia by researchers at Ben-Gurion U. and Helmholtz Beer-Sheva, Israel…March 22, 2016 – Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Helmholtz Centre...
Computer model explains sustained
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assemble themselves, with precision
eruptions on icy moon of Saturn
IMAGE:Â Precision meets nano-construction, as seen in this illustration. Berkeley Lab scientists discovered a peptoid...
IMAGE:Â This enhanced color view of Enceladus shows much of the southern hemisphere and includes the south polar terrain...
Researchers find mutation that causes rare disease and confirm a role for nucleic acids
Study: Simple blood test can detect evidence of concussions up to a week after injury
IMAGE:Â Dr. Ezra Burstein, Dr. Andrew Zinn, and Dr. Petro Starokadomskyy (l-r) led a study that identified the mutation...
Orlando, Fla – Researchers at Orlando Health detected evidence of concussions in patients up to 7 days after their...
Research on largest network of cortical neurons to date profiled in Nature
Utah governor signs bill requiring abortion anesthesia
IMAGE:Â This is a network of neurons
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The governor has signed
reconstructed with large-scale electron microscopy. view more Credit: Clay...
a bill that makes Utah the first state to require doctors to...
Smoke without fire: Japan becomes test ground for real tobacco e-cigarette
Czechs roll out red carpet for first visit by Chinese president
By Taiga Uranaka and Ritsuko Shimizu TOKYO (Reuters) – Two tobacco giants are seeing strong...
By Robert Muller and Jan Lopatka PRAGUE (Reuters) – China’s President Xi Jinping begins...
Popular music often takes negative view of aging
Driving to work linked to a fatter middle age
(Reuters Health) – Music can powerfully influence mood, and for older people, the negative depictions of aging in...
(Reuters Health) – Choosing an active way to get to work could make a big difference in how much weight creeps on...
Genetic research now integrated into M yHeart Counts app
Three Creative Ways Flowers Can Strengthen M emories of Loved Ones
More than 50,000 people have enrolled in the study available through Stanford’s MyHeart Counts app since...
The bright yellow pop of daffodils around my neighborhood reminds me of one of the most creative ideas I’ve come across...
Bring Passion With You Everywhere
Dads Invent Simple Device To Prevent
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You Go
Hot Car Fatalities
Have you ever stepped back and asked yourself, “Why do I do what I do? How did I get right here today (in...
“We live in a world full of distractions,†he added. “We’re always on our telephones, we’re...
Paralyzed Groom Stands On His Wedding Day Thanks To Spinal Implant
Zanshin: Learning the Art of Attention and Focus From a Legendary Samurai Archer
“My favorite part of the wedding was being able to dance with my husband, something I never thought would be possible,â€...
Exercise and aging: Good for mind and body March 25, 2016, 6:50 PM|If you’re an ablebodied senior citizen and can’t remember the last time you exercised,...
In the 1920s, a German man named Eugen Herrigel moved to Japan and began training in Kyudo, the Japanese martial art of archery. Herrigel...
Sternoclavicular joint septic arthritis with chest wall abscess in a healthy adult: a case report Alb albumin, ALP alkaline phosphatase, ALT alanine aminotransferase, Amy amylase, aPTT...
The 5 Best Remedies For Sinus Problems
HRC recognizes UChicago as ‘Leader in LGBT Health Equality’
Here’s an appetizing tidbit: Your sinus produces one to two liters of mucus every day—that’s the size...
The Human Rights Campaign is naming The University of Chicago Medicine as a “Leader in LGBT Healthcare Equality,â€...
Your Partner’s Coffee Habit Could Increase Your Odds of M iscarrying
7 Sports Bras That Could Double as Sexy Lingerie
RELATED: THE FINAL VERDICT ON EATING FISH WHEN YOU’RE PREGNANT Of the 344 women who became pregnant, 98 miscarried....
Like those young fellas from One Direction, it’s become hard to ignore how sexy sports bras have become in the last...
Will the FDA’s New Prescription Painkiller Warnings Really M ake a Difference?
M aking one lifestyle change at a time? M ake more for even better results says new study
RELATED: It’s Scary How Many Women Are Becoming Addicted to Prescription Painkillers The hope with the new warning,...
We’re now closing in on the end of March, which means for many, three months in to any New Year’s...
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First aid in the past could have present-day policy implications
Osteoporosis drugs market in the US estimated to cross US$ 4 billion by 2021
“…in the past, knowledge of first aid meant people were more able to manage their own accidents and illnesses...
According to Pharmaion report, “United States Osteoporosis Drugs Market Opportunities, 2011 – 2021“,...
Study identifies genetic differences in kidney tumors of African-Americans
M GH study finds that the brains of young marijuana users react differently to social exclusion
A University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center-led study has identified genetic differences in tumors...
A study from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers finds that the brains of young adult marijuana users react...
UC Berkeley biologists discover potential target for unisex contraceptives
New form of molecular tags enhance M RI signals by 10,000-fold
UC Berkeley biologists have discovered the switch
Duke University researchers have taken a major step towards realizing a new form of MRI that could
that triggers the power kick sperm use to penetrate and fertilize a human...
record biochemical reactions...
Pro-life Poles seek to tighten restrictive abortion law
Study reveals new hypothesis on evolution of hundreds of malaria species
Warsaw (AFP) – Pro-life activists in Poland want to tighten an abortion law that is already one of the most...
/ no comments Cornell University
Simple tips to help parents and children lead a healthy life
Stanford researchers develop machine for designing better contact lenses
Obesity is almost at epidemic proportions; it has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30...
When contact lenses work really well, you forget they are on your eyes. You might not feel the same at the end of a long...
Changing one atom in InsP6 inhibitor can increase its ability to neutralize toxins in the gut
6 M oms Share the Pre-Birth Beauty Routines That Gave Them Confidence During Labor
Infections with bacterium Clostridium difficile have rapidly become a significant medical problem in
You will birth best when you feel calm, safe, supported, and in control. And if it takes lipstick and
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hospitals and long-term...
a curling iron to...
Guys Share the Hottest Thing a Woman Has Ever Done to Their Balls
A Full Examination of Easter Peeps: What’s REALLY in Them?
Sure, the testicles can be tricky to handle, but there are plenty of creative ways to play ball that go beyond the cup-and-squeeze. Don’t...
The EWG’s Food Scores database ranks 80,000 foods based on their health merits, on a scale of 1 to 10 (one being...
GOES-R satellite could provide better data for hurricane prediction
Brain induces preference for caloric food for energy storage
The launch of the GOES-R geostationary satellite in October 2016 could herald a new era for predicting hurricanes, according...
Different brain circuits are invoked by the pleasure we derive from eating sweet foods and the calories they supply. Given...
Study: Children with simple skull fractures may not need hospitalization
Study finds vast diversity among viruses that infect bacteria
Challenging the longstanding practice of keeping all children with head injuries in the hospital overnight, new research...
IMAGE:Â Shown is a micrograph image of RNA bacteriophages attached to part of the bacterium E. coli. A new study at...
Ecological collapse circumscribes traditional women’s work in Iraq’s M esopotamian marshes
What an Injury Taught M e About Overall Fitness
IMAGE: A Marsh Arab (Ma’dan) woman carries freshly cut reeds, the traditional construction material of mats,...
Handful of nations see many unintended pregnancies despite sex with contraception
Growing up I was an avid athlete. I was captain of almost every team I was on. Basketball, softball, volleyball, tennis,...
So You Want a New Superfood? M eet M oringa
By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Nations from Brazil to Egypt and...
Paul Tarasenko via adobe stock images There’s a superfood that’s about to be huge, and you should know about...
Stripped-down synthetic organism sheds light on nature of life
M ost people would donate a kidney— especially for money
By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Scientists on Thursday announced the creation of a
People might be more willing to donate a kidney if they were paid for it, according to a new survey.
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Paying for organs is...
Osel scientists engineer vaginal lactobacillus to express neutralizing HIV-1 antibody fragments
Nearly 87 million children under seven live in conflict zones, brains not developing: UNICEF
Mountain View, CA (March 24, 2016): A normal, predominant bacterial species of the healthy vaginal microbiota can be engineered...
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Nearly 87 million children around the world under seven years of age...
Workplace status matters — but not in the way you think
NIST, partners set research agenda for protecting firefighters from harm
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Are employees more likely to help co-workers above them or beneath them in the corporate pecking...
If there is anything common among the 1.1 million firefighters — both career and volunteer — serving in the...
With education, child marriage drops in Bangladesh, study says
After Terror Attack Like Brussels, Parents Can Play Key Role So Kids Aren’t Traumatized, Experts Say
By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The rate of child marriages in Bangladesh...
The deadly attacks in Brussels have produced another wave of frightening headlines, videos of the bombing and new stories...
Collaboration Is Key to Advance Brain Health
CAF rejects Ebola fears as Guinea game goes ahead
A recent U.S. News World Report article notes that presidential candidates from both parties have talked publicly about...
CAIRO, March 23 (Reuters) – A request to move an African Nations Cup qualifier from Guinea, where two new...
Soccer-CAF rejects Ebola fears as Guinea game goes ahead
University holds early graduation ceremony for student whose dad has terminal cancer
CAIRO, March 23 (Reuters) – A request to move an African Nations Cup qualifier from Guinea, where two new...
Health experts call for improved TB care for refugees
Jim Brewer is nearing the end of his battle with pancreatic cancer, but one of his concerns was he wouldn’t live long...
Increased vitamin C in the diet could help protect against cataracts
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Refugees traveling across countries in Europe must have better access to Tuberculosis (TB) diagnostics and treatments in...
Vitamin C rich foods can cut cataract progression by a third, a new study shows. Credit: American Academy of Ophthalmology Higher...
For doctors behaving badly, which state’s the best? Team finds wide variation
Botswana study shows 96 percent rate of viral suppression for patients on HIV drugs
These maps show states’ physician discipline rates by decile, with the states with the lowest rates of...
HIV (yellow) infecting a human immune cell. Credit: Seth Pincus, Elizabeth Fischer and Austin Athman, National...
How much sugar is in your child’s fruit drink?
Your Contact Lenses Could Be Infested with Skin Bacteria
Researchers from the University of Liverpool and colleagues from Action on Sugar have assessed the sugar content of over...
Researchers say they’re not totally sure if this happens as a result of handling your contacts (and transferring...
6 Days of Not-So-Basic White ButtonDown Looks
9 Famous M en Who Are Spreading Femspiration and Helping Women Fight for Equality
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“There are way too many obstacles between girls and the opportunities they deserve,†he said in his speech....
Why Your Face Turns Red When You’re Angry Or Embarrased
Anti-Vaxxers Are Officially To Blame For The Rise In 2 Preventable Diseases
For some people, when a conversation gets heated, so do their faces. As explained in the SciShow video above, when...
The recent rise in the U.S. of vaccine-preventable diseases has been largely blamed on those who refuse to vaccinate their...
What Lab-Grown Human Hearts Could M ean For The Donor Crisis
Secondhand Smoke and Allergies in Kids
The study involved 73 human hearts that had been donated through the New England Organ Bank. They weren’t suitable...
By Drs. David Niesel and Norbert Herzog, Medical Discovery News You probably know at least one child who suffers from food...
Hilda Soto’s GPS Guide For Dealing With Challenges
Correction: Solar fuels: Protective layer for the ‘artificial leaf’
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Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but sometimes life takes...
The “artificial leaf†consists in principle of a solar cell that is combined with further functional layers....
New research shows quasars slowed star formation
Ultrasound-estimated fat content in muscles may be an indicator of physical health
IMAGE: In an artist’s conception, heated galactic wind shown in the hazy portion of the picture emanates from...
Oxytocin level in pregnancy predicts postpartum depression severity Higher oxytocin in pregnancy linked to depression symptoms postpartum Depression biomarkers should be screened in pregnancy,...
NASA data leads to rare discovery: Earth’s moon wandered off axis billions of years ago A new study published today in Nature reports discovery of a rare event — that Earth’s moon slowly moved from...
Ultrasound-estimated percent intramuscular fat of muscles in the lower extremity was inversely associated with physical activity...
New study suggests children with cardiomyopathy benefit from treating entire family DETROIT – A newly published national study by the Children’s Hospital of Michigan and Wayne State University...
Nearly 87 million children live in conflict zones, brains not developing: UNICEF LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Nearly 87 million children around the world have been growing up in...
Looming fiscal crisis could worsen food crisis in Yemen, Oxfam says
U.N. rights forum sets up group to pursue crimes by North Korea
By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Signs of a domestic financial crisis...
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations Human Rights Council on Wednesday...
China detains 37 people linked to vaccine scandal: Xinhua
UK cost agency says ‘no’ to pricey Vertex cystic fibrosis drug
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Chinese police have
LONDON (Reuters) – A new cystic fibrosis
detained 37 people linked to a vaccine scandal and are investigating...
treatment from Vertex Pharmaceuticals has been rejected as too...
Antipsychotic drugs may not be
Heavy, persistent pot use linked to
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effective against delirium In the largest study of its kind, an international team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has shown that both organic...
Is Everyone Having Threesomes Without You? RELATED: Should You Have a Threesome? 4 Things You Need to Consider The survey results, which were published in the...
Watching These Adorable Baby Eagles When You Should Be Working M ight Just Have Health Benefits Happy Family – D.C. Eagle Cam Things are going to get a lot more interesting with four in the D.C. Eagle Cam nest!...
The ATP-dependent RNA helicase HrpB plays an important role in motility and biofilm formation in Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri
economic and social problems at midlife Cannabis indica. Credit: Wikipedia A research study that followed children from birth up to age 38 has found that...
Common Loves ‘Deep’ and ‘Hard’ (and Psst, He’s Looking for a Wife) WH: You play a poet in Coco. Were you into poetry before this film? Common: Oh, yeah. Poets like Maya Angelou, Langston...
Donor-site closure using absorbable dermal staple for deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flaps: its efficacy and cosmetic outcomes Absorbable INSORB stapling is a straightforward technique that can be mastered with limited experience. Therefore, INSORB...
Global assistance in caring for Syrian refugees Received: 4 February 2016 Accepted: 23 February 2016 Published: 23 March 2016
Stable adhesion to an appropriate surface is the first step in biofilm formation [33]. The ability of X. citri to form biofilms...
A new way to determine the age of stars?
Warning: High-intensity training could hurt you if you’re not an athlete
Researchers have developed a new conceptual framework for understanding how stars similar to our Sun evolve. Their framework...
High-intensity ‘sprint training’ may be gaining popularity at gyms, but if you’re new to this form of...
M odeling to save a rare plant
‘Burnt Hot Dog’ sea cucumbers raise red flags for threatened global
Human activities continue to expand. At the same
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time, an increasing number of plants face habitat loss and fragmentation....
OHSU study: Tetanus shots needed every 30 years, not every 10
The Lancet Oncology: Study suggests most female childhood cancer survivors have good chance of becoming pregnant
IMAGE: Mark K. Slifka, Ph.D. view more Credit: OHSU PORTLAND, Ore. – Researchers at Oregon Health...
Asia sentiment brightens with turnaround in China view: Thomson Reuters/INSEAD By Saikat Chatterjee HONG KONG (Reuters) – Sentiment at some of the biggest companies across...
SAN FRANCISCO (March 22, 2016) — Holothuria edulis — a type of slow-moving sea cucumber about the size of a...
For women who have survived childhood cancer, the impact of modern chemotherapy regimens on the likelihood of becoming pregnant...
U.S. high court confronts Obamacare contraceptives challenge By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday will consider...
Texas executes man who killed city inspector in 2005
M odi under fire as rising costs put squeeze on ‘middle India’
By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – Texas on Tuesday executed a convicted killer who repeatedly shot...
By Suvashree Choudhury and Manoj Kumar MUMBAI/NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Sharp rises in education...
U.N. expert denounces scores of attacks on people with albinism
M erck patents on Hepatitis C treatment found valid in Gilead dispute
By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – At least forty people with albinism...
By Rory Carroll and Andrew Chung SAN JOSE (Reuters) – A federal jury on Tuesday upheld the...
Study suggests most female childhood cancer survivors have good chance of becoming pregnant
France sets cigarette plain package date, JTI to file appeal
For women who have survived childhood cancer, the impact of modern chemotherapy regimens on
In the largest study of its kind, an international team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has shown that both organic...
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the likelihood of becoming pregnant...
New guideline addresses long-term needs of head and neck cancer survivors
Renewed efforts to reauthorize Older Americans Act will solidify services for older adults
A new American Cancer Society guideline provides clinicians with recommendations on key areas of clinical follow-up care...
In the largest study of its kind, an international team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has shown that both organic...
Effect of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve-block on pain after total hip arthroplasty: a randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled trial
The role of neutrophils in immune dysfunction during severe inflammation
This prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled trial was approved by the Danish Medicine Agency, (EudraCT registration...
Chemotaxis The controlled process of phagocytosis and killing of microbes by neutrophils firstly requires chemotaxis...
Towards better guidance on caseload thresholds to promote positive tuberculosis treatment outcomes: a cohort study
Transcranial direct current stimulation as a memory enhancer in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial
TB cases A total of 67,869Â TB cases not diagnosed post-mortem, with treatment expected to last 12Â months or...
Study design and participants A randomized, placebo-controlled trial with a parallel group design was performed. ...
Using the Nine Common Themes of Good Practice checklist as a tool for evaluating the research priority setting process of a provincial research and program evaluation program
Spring Clean Your M ind, Heart and Schedule With These Tips Welcome to spring! With a new season upon us, one focused on renewal, rebirth, and awakening, let us take the time to cleanse...
Received: 26 October 2015 Accepted: 4 March 2016 Published: 23 March 2016
How to Discover Your True Talent and M ake It Profitable
The Dangers of Low Oxygen During Pregnancy
Admit it… You’re slaving away at your office job, but you’re secretly dreaming of creating
Health Complications of Sleep Apnea Co-authored by Keelyn Ross The period of time between
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your own success...
conception and birth holds tremendous...
Cars M ay Soon Warn Drivers Before They Nod Off
M ona Sultan’s GPS Guide On Positive Affirmations For Sleep
The dangers of drowsy driving have been widely documented. Most recently, a study found that car crashes become more likely in...
Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but sometimes life takes...
Adherence to nutrition recommendations and use of supplements essential for vegans
Immunoproteasome inhibits healing function of macrophages
Vegans adhere to nutrition recommendations in varying degrees, according to a new Finnish study. Some vegans who participated...
Scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum München, a partner in the German Center for Lung Research, have observed that the immunoproteasome...
No more washing: Nano-enhanced textiles clean themselves with light
Global spread of Zika linked to types of mosquitos that transmit it
IMAGE:Â Close-up of the nanostructures grown on cotton textiles by RMIT University researchers. Image magnified 150,000...
IMAGE:Â The circles depict the top 100 cities to which Zika virus might be imported from current infected regions of...
Scientists reveal how animals find their way ‘in the dark’
Deadly flatworm’s skin rejuvenation may explain its long-term survival in humans
IMAGE:Â Mapping neurons that control spontaneous swimming behavior across the zebrafish brain. Gray and cyan are anatomical...
Brazil confirms 907 Zika-linked microcephaly cases BrasÃlia (AFP) – Brazil has confirmed 907 cases of microcephaly and 198 babies with the birth defect who...
Syrian refugees denied critical healthcare in Jordan: Amnesty
IMAGE:Â This is the tegument (skin) of a schistosome. Underneath the tegument are newly born cells (highlighted in orange)...
Bhutan tackles violence against women for ‘refusing sex, burning the dinner’ By Saraswati Sundas THIMPHU (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Sonam Zangmo endured abuse at the...
FDA adds boldest warning to most widely-used painkillers
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LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Syrian refugees in Jordan are finding it very difficult to get medical...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal health regulators will add their strongest warning labels to the most widely-prescribed...
Does Convenience Simply Lead to M ore Health Care?
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes: An Urgent Call to Action
Is the ability to receive minor medical care at retail health clinics reducing overall health-care spending? It certainly...
The explosion of Type 2 diabetes following the epidemic of obesity in Western countries is well known. The implications for...
This Is How M any M en Have Paid for Sex Before
The Student Loan Struggle Is Getting Worse—and Women Are Suffering M ost
RELATED: A Prostitute Tells All: Inside the Bedrooms of a U.S. Brothel And here are some other eye-opening nuggets:...
RELATED: Why Women’s Health Is Talking About Politics In Cheryl’s defense, she didn’t get...
FDA announces enhanced warnings for immediate-release opioid pain medications related to risks of misuse, abuse, addiction, overdose and death
The Scientific Reason You Aren’t Enjoying Your Free Time
In a continuing effort to educate prescribers and patients about the potential risks related to opioid use, the U.S. Food...
Who Are You, Deep Down? Who are you, deep down? The Practice: Know you’re a good person. Why? For many of us, perhaps the hardest thing...
By Rozalynn S. Frazier How many of you live and die by your paper planner (yes, those still exist) or smartphone calendar?...
Food, Fish, Democracy and the Power of Our Vote This past weekend, my PBS station showed the work of a local documentary filmmaker. Michael Schwarz created a film collaboration...
5 M istakes You’re M aking Cleaning Your Ears
Students Design Backpack To Help Kids With Autism
By Jacqueline Andriakos Earwax is, well, pretty gross, so it’s no wonder most of us reach for cotton swabs on a regular...
“Think about walking through the hallways at school, or maybe going to a busy airport,†she added. “For...
Skin patch shows promise for pain-free
M ore veterans using marijuana for
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diabetes testing
An experimental device might one day literally take the pain out of managing diabetes, Korean
A growing number of states are weighing whether to legalize marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress
researchers say. The new invention...
disorder. But for many...
M ost families cherish a child with Down syndrome
?How Obamacare could expand transgender rights
Families of children with Down syndrome face challenges, but by and large their experiences are positive ones, a new study...
WASHINGTON – Big companies are pushing back against proposed federal rules they say would require their medical...
Discovery of extinct bat doubles diversity of native Hawaiian land mammals
‘Watchdog’ for greenhouse gas emissions
The Hawaiian Islands have long been thought to support just one endemic land mammal in the archipelago’s brief geologic...
IMAGE:Â For the model simulations, data from various measuring stations in Switzerland were integrated. Eg. on the former...
Tropical depression Emeraude a swirl in NASA imagery
Infrequent home computer use may be indicative of early cognitive decline
IMAGE: NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite captured a visible image of the remnant swirl of former Tropical Cyclone...
A new study sheds light on a powerful tool that may detect signs of Alzheimer’s disease before patients show any symptoms...
Study shows levels of panda hearing
M icrosoft’s Xbox Kinect breathes new life into respiratory assessment
A study published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation may help field conservationists better understand the potential...
IMAGE:Â Three-D scan taken by the system, and how respiration is detected. view more Credit: University of Warwick Xbox...
Lumber Liquidators settles with California clean air agency
FDA says it requires boxed warning on some opioid-based painkillers
(Reuters) – Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc LL.N said it had reached a settlement with the California Air...
(Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday it required shortacting opioid pain medications...
Can a drink a day keep the doctor
Rob Ford, notorious for smoking crack
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while Toronto mayor, dead at 46
By Lisa Rapaport Reuters Health – Lots of people think a glass of wine or beer at dinner can...
By Andrea Hopkins and Matt Scuffham TORONTO (Reuters) – Former Toronto mayor Rob Ford, whose...
Employers fight rule that could broaden transgender rights
Evidence on moderate drinking for health flawed, study says
WASHINGTON (AP) — Big companies are pushing back against proposed federal rules they say would require their...
Lots of people think a glass of wine or beer at dinner can help them have a longer and healthier life. But a new study suggests...
New diabetes patch analyzes sweat to detect blood sugar levels
House speaker says U.S. has ‘plenty of money’ for Zika
A stick-on patch that tracks, and even regulates, blood sugar levels could be used by people with diabetes one day, according...
WASHINGTON U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday that the federal government has “plenty of money†to...
M oderate drinking for health may be overstated, study suggests
Navy funds autism-screening app, hoping for help with PTSD
Lots of people think a glass of wine or beer at dinner can help them have a longer and healthier life. But a new study suggests...
The Navy is paying for research into an app to screen for autism in the hopes that it could eventually be tweaked to look...
France reports suspected mad cow case
High anxiety risk in adolescence linked to single gene
PARIS –  France has found a suspected case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (ESB), also called mad cow disease,...
Anxiety disorders often emerge in adolescence, when the brain goes through massive changes and new genes are expressed. Now,...
Nitrogen factories in the Cretaceous oceans
Genomes of chimpanzee parasite species reveal evolution of human malaria
Researchers have discovered a ‘bizarre’ microorganism which plays a key role in the food web of Earth’s...
Reverse your diabetes — and you can
PHILADELPHIA – Understanding the origins of emerging diseases – as well as more established disease agents...
British police will step up presence at
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stay diabetes-free long-term
key locations after Brussels blasts
People who have had Type 2 diabetes for up to 10 years can reverse their condition Keeping weight down means Type 2 diabetes...
LONDON (Reuters) – British police said they would step up their presence at key locations across the country,...
Bangladesh confirms first case of Zika virus
Proposed Georgia budget shifts money to community programs for juveniles
DHAKA (Reuters) – Bangladesh confirmed on Tuesday its first case of the Zika virus in an old sample of blood...
This story was reported by Sarah Barr for the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange. JONESBORO, Georgia —...
Eye-tracking device may lead to 60second concussion diagnosis
5 ‘healthy’ habits to avoid
A neuro-technology company has received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for a medical device that could detect...
With so much conflicting evidence and information out there, it’s no wonder some commonly accepted “healthyâ€...
What’s the deal with eating avocado seeds?
The evolution of altruistic defense in enslaved ants
If you’ve logged onto Facebook in the past few days, you may have seen a viral video demonstrating how you can...
New research looks at the evolution of an altruistic defense by enslaved Temnothorax longispinosus ant workers that rebel...
Depression, addiction common among young transgender women
Gawker, publisher slapped with punitive damages over Hulk Hogan sex tape
By Andrew M. Seaman Reuters Health – Mental health issues like depression and addiction are...
U.S. heart disease rates decline By Kathryn Doyle Reuters Health – Over the last 40 years, heart disease rates have dropped...
I’m Just Not Feeling It I’ll never forget my conversation with a woman
By Letitia Stein ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (Reuters) – A Florida jury awarded punitive damages...
Options traders still see huge risk after Valeant CEO ouster By Saqib Iqbal Ahmed NEW YORK (Reuters) – Options traders in U.S.-listed shares of Valeant Pharmaceuticals...
Doctors often disagree on when to call abnormal breast cells cancer
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I’ll call “Pam.†We were talking about her sexual...
By Lisa Rapaport Reuters Health – Doctors often disagree on whether women have breast cancer...
Reverse your diabetes—and you can stay diabetes-free long-term
Back to the essence of medical treatment in oncology
A new study from Newcastle University has shown that people who reverse their diabetes and then keep their weight down remain...
The latest article to appear on ESMO Open highlights ESMO’s hope that the 2015 WHO Model List of Essential Medicines...
Could a gene-editing tweak make pigs organ donors for ailing humans?
Genotype doesn’t predict A-fib in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Despite their slovenly habits in agricultural settings, pigs raised in biomedical labs are clean enough that many humans...
Statins are a popular and easy-to-swallow option for people looking to lower their cholesterol. But for a quarter of patients,...
Central corneal thickness influenced by body position
What If Exercise Were M ore Like Healthy Eating?
Researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Shiley Eye Institute, with colleagues in China,...
If exercise were more like healthy eating — none of us would be doing it. We would, instead, be perennially parked...
The Presidential Candidates Seriously Don’t Seem To Care About Our Food Supply
Ask JJ: Easy Gluten-Free Swaps
Last month, we noticed something. Though various media outlets have reported on how much the presidential candidates’...
Exercises for the Cat in Your Life Most pets in the U.S. today are overweight or obese. According to the most recent information from the Association for Pet...
Heart disease deaths decline, but some areas hit harder
Dear JJ: I took your three-week challenge and eliminated gluten. Initially I was skeptical, but after a few days I started...
The Secret I’ve Been Keeping (And Why It’s Important to You, Cancer Survivors) I confess: I’ve been keeping a secret from you. Something big’s been building in my life over the past year,...
Research provides insights on lethal blindness in a Scottish bird of conservation concern
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Deaths from heart disease have declined in the U.S. overall in recent years, but certain areas have seen less progress than...
Sleep suppresses brain rebalancing Why humans and other animals sleep is one of the
The Scottish bird population of red-billed choughs, which currently totals less than 60 breeding pairs and is of major conservation...
NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite sees Emeraude weakening
remaining deep mysteries of physiology. One prominent theory in neuroscience...
IMAGE: NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite captured a visible image of Tropical Cyclone Emeraude on Mar. 21 at 0819...
Record-breaking ultraviolet winds discovered near black hole
Caught for the first time: The early flash of an exploding star
IMAGE: This is an artist’s impression of a high-velocity wind (white) being launched from the surface of an...
IMAGE:Â The diagram illustrates the brightness of a supernova event relative to the sun as the supernova unfolds over...
Production of butter from shea trees in West Africa pushed back 1,000 years
Sequoia Fund sold 1.5 million Valeant shares: WSJ
IMAGE:Â University of Oregon-led research in Burkina Faso has found a long history of using nuts from the shea tree....
(Reuters) – Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc’s VRX.N largest stakeholder, Sequoia Fund, said...
Guinea monitoring 816 Ebola contacts following flare-up
M ichigan woman pleads guilty to trading diseased body parts
CONAKRY (Reuters) – Guinea’s Ebola coordination unit has traced an estimated 816 people who may have...
(Reuters) – A Michigan woman pleaded guilty on Monday to a scheme in which she and her husband used their...
Pianist’s wife charged with killing daughters in Texas
How a Grassroots M ovement Convinced Kraft to Drop Artificial Dyes
By Lisa Maria Garza DALLAS (Reuters) – The estranged wife of a celebrated Ukrainian pianist...
Kraft Mac Cheese hit the news earlier this month with a series of marketing videos announcing many of their most popular...
Former Toronto M ayor Rob Ford moved into palliative care -report
Eating polyunsaturated fats linked to slowing diabetes progress for some
TORONTO (Reuters) – Rob Ford, the former
A new research study has revealed an important
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mayor of Toronto who gained global notoriety for admitting to smoking...
relationship between proteins secreted by the heart and obesity, glucose intolerance,...
Pennsylvania dairy’s raw milk is linked to listeriosis death
Seeing isn’t required to gesture like a native speaker
(HealthDay)—Beef, dairy, fruit and certain types of vegetables are among the most common sources
People the world over gesture when they talk, and they tend to gesture in certain ways depending on
for the four major...
the language they speak....
Researchers disprove previously assumed behavior of macrophage immune cells
Advanced genomic sequencing tracks deadly blood infection in cancer patients
What happens when macrophage immune cells are activated in the course of an inflammation to
The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), working with international investigators,
combat pathogens such as bacteria...
have discovered the source...
N-KICS tool helps describes intensity of nursing care for children with CM C
KORs could be potential drug target for treatment of addiction, anxiety disorders
Recent medical advances have resulted in increased survival of children with complex medical conditions (CMC), such as cerebral...
ICUH 2016 aims to improve health in cities worldwide Hundreds of researchers, educators, community
/ no comments University of North Carolina Health Care System
Researchers develop conceptual model to help LGBTQ patients with multiple minority identities
leaders, practitioners, and policy makers from all regions of the world will...
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer
Houston Prepares Now For Zika’s Potential Arrival This Summer
How to Stop Being a Slave to Your Smartphone and Start Using It in a Conscious Way
i Standing water and abandoned tires make Houston’s Fifth Ward hospitable for mosquitoes. ...
(LGBTQ) patients who are also racial and ethnic minorities suffer significant...
If humans remain unconscious, robots will become like humans and humans will become like robots. – Fabian Markl Through...
The Secrets Hiding in Your Shadow
Don’t Let Glaucoma Steal Your Sight!
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
The shadow. It’s the part of ourselves we avoid at all cost–which is why it’s so hidden that we have...
M idway in Our Journey Sounds True recently published a new, expanded edition of Inside the Miracle: Enduring Suffering, Approaching Wholeness,...
Robert Ritch, MD Shelley and Steven Einhorn Distinguished Chair Professor of Ophthalmology Surgeon Director Emeritus and...
5 Reasons To Attend The Sat Nam Festival Here are 5 reasons why I am looking forward to attending the Sat Nam Fest this year: 1) MUSIC: World renowned musicians...
NASA study finds climate change shifting wine grape harvests in France and Switzerland
Wrinkles and crumples make graphene better
IMAGE:Â French vineyards like the one in the
placing graphene on shrinky polymers, can
photograph are experiencing earlier harvests in
enhance graphene’s properties. ...
IMAGE:Â Wrinkles and crumples, introduced by
recent years as the region’s...
Smaller corn particle size means more energy for pigs, lower costs for producers
Improving therapy for a very common disorder, generalized anxiety
The results of new research at the University of
and colleagues at York and Ryerson universities in Toronto wanted to...
Illinois indicate that it is possible for producers to reduce feed costs...
IMAGE: UMass Amherst’s Mike Constantino
IU biochemist finds solution to ‘acid shock’ in craft brewers’ sour beer production
ORNL-NIST team explores nanoscale objects and processes with microwave microscopy
IMAGE: The two strains of brewer’s yeast on
IMAGE:Â Nanoscale imaging in liquids is critical for
the left failed to carbonate without treatment with nutrient-rich...
understanding key electrochemical processes and the design of rechargeable...
Crash risk more than triples for truckers with untreated apnea
Doping-M eldonium can take months to leave body, says drug maker
By Kathryn Doyle Reuters Health – Commercial
* Drug’s staying power depends on dose,
truck drivers who don’t treat their sleep...
length of treatment * WADA says athletes made aware...
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Compensation program for sick nuclear workers plagued by problems, ombudsman finds
In Uganda’s Zika Forest, global health scare seems a world away
People who fell ill after working in the U.S. nuclear-
(Reuters) – In a tiny patch of tall trees and
weapons complex continued to struggle with a
By Elias Biryabarema ZIKA FOREST, Uganda
federal compensation...
Why Juicing Fruits and Vegetables Is Stupid
Fed approves Goldman acquisition of GE Capital’s U.S. online deposits
You’ve heard the story. A guy eats like crap his
By Olivia Oran (Reuters) – Goldman Sachs
whole life, visits the doctor to find out he’s “nearly...
Group Inc GS.N received permission on Monday to complete its $17...
People with autism are ‘dying younger,’ warns study
Pennsylvania dairy’s raw milk is linked to listeria death
Monday March 21 2016 Suicide rates in people with
HARRISBURG, Pa. –  A Pennsylvania dairy that
autism are worryingly high “People with autism are dying...
supplies raw milk around the country has been linked to two cases...
Nurse in Colorado accused of stealing powerful painkiller
PERK inhibition can be a promising therapeutic strategy for neurodegenerative diseases
BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. –  A nurse working in Colorado has surrendered to the Summit County sheriff after a powerful...
/ no comments Bentham Science Publishers
New type of nerve cells appears to control feeding behaviors in mice
Healthy Planet Essential for Global Health
While researching the brain’s learning and memory system, scientists at Johns Hopkins say
When it comes to human health, it is time to rethink the notion of a balanced diet. We use an area the
they stumbled upon a new...
size of South America...
Greater economic backwardness linked to increased civil unrest
Dr. M anny: Why I’m disappointed in how Cuba welcomed President Obama
Economically more backward countries are more likely to experience both violent and non-violent civil
To some degree, I felt immense pride and joy as the president of the United States entered Cuba
unrest, according to...
today, becoming the first...
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Circulating microRNAs are deregulated in overweight/obese children: preliminary results of the I.Family study
Alterations to mTORC1 signaling in the skeletal muscle differentially affect whole-body metabolism
Sorry, the page you requested is unavailable. The link you requested might be broken, or no longer
Modification of skeletal muscle mTORC1 signaling affects whole-body metabolism We have previously
exist. Why not start at...
reported that inhibition...
Clinical efficacy of combined therapy with peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis
Several type 2 diabetes-associated variants in genes annotated to WNT signaling interact with dietary fiber in relation to incidence of type 2 diabetes
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is recommended as a firstline renal replacement therapy (RRT) for end-stage renal disease...
Sorry, the page you requested is unavailable. The link you requested might be broken, or no longer exist. Why not start at...
Dengue virus infection in a French traveller to the hilly region of Nepal in 2015: a case report Received: 27 January 2016 Accepted: 23 February 2016 Published: 21 March 2016
Tocotrienol-rich fractions (TRF) supplementation in school-going children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): a randomized controlled trial Received: 28 October 2015 Accepted:
Evolution of visual art with dopaminergic therapy Sorry, the page you requested is unavailable. The link you requested might be broken, or no longer exist. Why not start at...
Simple equations for complex physiology: can we use VCO2 for calculating energy expenditure? See related research by Stapel et al., http://?www.? ccforum.?com/?content/?19/?1/?370 This comment...
24 February 2016 Published: 21 March 2016
Does homeopathic medicine have a preventive effect on respiratory tract infections? A real life observational study
Hair dye use, regular exercise, and the risk and prognosis of prostate cancer: multicenter case–control and caseonly studies
The main focus of this retrospective observational
Study populations To investigate the risk of
study was to explore the effect of the specific extract of duck liver...
prostate cancer, we conducted a hospital-based case–control ...
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IUPUI researchers use stem cells to identify cellular processes related to glaucoma
China vows crackdown on fake vaccines amid scandal
IMAGE:Â Assistant Professor of Biology Jason
pledged to crack down on the black market sale of vaccines...
Meyer, Ph.D. (seated) with IUPUI graduate students Sarah Ohlemacher (left)...
M ichelin-starred French chef rises to gluten-free challenge Lourmarin (France) (AFP) – A top French chef has transformed her Michelin-starred restaurant in Provence...
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Chinese authorities have
Does the gender composition of forest and fishery management groups affect resource governance and conservation outcomes? A systematic map Descriptive results After duplicates were removed, we screened 11,069 records by title and abstract. Common terms...
Indonesia’s mentally ill languish in shackles
Researchers use stem cells to identify cellular processes related to glaucoma
Brebes (Indonesia) (AFP) – In a small faith
Researchers at University of California, San Diego
healing centre in rural Indonesia, Sulaiman chanted in a confused...
School of Medicine and Shiley Eye Institute, with colleagues in China,...
Cobimetinib with vemurafenib may have added benefit in melanoma with BRAF V600 mutation
Dental study to elicit perceptions of oral health among youth
Cobimetinib (trade name: Cotellic) has been approved since November 2015 in combination
/ no comments International American Associations for Dental Research
with vemurafenib for the treatment...
APS strongly recommends National Pain Strategy to better educate physicians about pain
New study provides insight into HIVdependent immune dysfunction / no comments Journal of Clinical Investigation
The American Pain Society (APS) today endorsed the federal government’s National Pain Strategy for its recommendations...
Researchers reveal link between necrotizing enterocolitis and
New ultra-sensitive technique shows promise as diagnostic tool for cancers,
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
uropathogenic E. coli
Necrotizing enterocolitis is an intestinal disease
A common theme in medicine is that detecting a
that afflicts about one in 10 extremely premature infants and is fatal...
disease early on can lead to more effective treatments. This relies partly...
Young people’s views about consenting to data linkage: findings from the PEARL qualitative study
Completely resected follicular dendritic cell sarcoma of the posterior mediastinum: report of a case
Interviews were conducted with 55 young people
A 16-year-old otherwise healthy female visited a
aged 17 to 19Â years, of whom 60Â % were students and 56Â %...
local hospital because of detection of a mediastinal tumor at a...
Scalia’s death could affect politically tinged cases
Scalia death a blow to Obamacare contraception challengers
WASHINGTON (AP) — Challengers in two politically tinged cases before the Supreme Court
By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Christian groups asking the U.S. Supreme Court
this week face the...
WHO experts in Cape Verde to monitor Zika, microcephaly case
Tiny Vermont brings food industry to its knees on GM O labels
Colombia has now registered more than 37,000 cases of people infected with Zika, including more
In this Dec. 15, 2007 file photo, a box of General Mills’ Cheerios is seen on a shelf at a
than 6,300 pregnant women,...
Innovative treatment may help prevent brain swelling, death in stroke patients
UCM R researchers discover compounds that can attenuate virulence of Listeria monocytogenes
New research has provided more evidence that an innovative treatment strategy may help prevent brain swelling and death in...
Scientists at Umea Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR) have discovered chemical compounds which are able to attenuate the...
Novel plasmid-based microRNA inhibitor system effectively prevents microRNA activity in cells
Antibiotic treatment for mild appendicitis does not increase risk for complications
/ no comments International American Associations for Dental Research
Using antibiotics as the primary treatment for mild appendicitis does not increase the risk for complications at least in...
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Rare ADCY9 mutations linked to nonsyndromic oral clefts in Puerto Ricans / no comments International American
Study associates prevalence of homosexual relations in Uganda with increased health risks
Associations for Dental Research
The results are based on a survey with nearly 3,000 participating students in south-western Uganda. The students responded...
Why This M assage Bar Is Causing Plants To Grow In People’s Drains
The Least Healthy County In Each State
You’re not actually supposed to use the
keeping Americans healthy. Governments at all levels and individuals invest...
massage bar, which is made from plant butters and oils, in the shower. Lush’s...
An enormous amount of time and money is spent
Behavioral scientist shares insights about FDA’s proposed rule on banning tanning bed use among minors
Patients with schizophrenia demonstrate specific leftward asymmetry for globus pallidus volume
In late December 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug
A Japanese research group found that patients
Administration (FDA) proposed a number of new restrictions related to the use...
with schizophrenia demonstrated a specific leftward volumetric asymmetry for...
M anipulation of NAD could lead to potential therapy for acute kidney injury
Here’s How Often the Happiest People in America Go Out and Have Sex
Approximately one out of five hospitalized adults
Among the highlights, Match found that happy
and one out of three hospitalized children worldwide experience acute kidney...
people have sex, get out of the house, and go out to dinner more often than...
Kick Your Own Butt With This FitGIF Friday M ove
Yikes: Your Blood Type M ight Put You at Risk for These Diseases
Check out Women’s Health’s FitGIF Friday every week for fun and challenging new moves to
Do you know your blood type? Whether you’re A, B, AB, or O—it’s time to learn (your M.D. or
make your sweat sesh...
Rugby league-St Helens ‘outraged’ by Hohaia concussion claims
Efficiency of Canephron N in complex treatment of experimental heymann glomerulonephritis
March 20 (Reuters) – English rugby league club St Helens have reacted with “astonishment and
Animals Work with the laboratory animals was in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Laboratory Animals...
Effects of various freezing containers for vitrification freezing on mouse oogenesis
The role of etiopathogenetic aspects in prediction and prevention of discontinuous-hemorrhagic (M alloryWeiss) syndrome
The EM-grid represents high thermal conductivity and enables to quickly lower temperature since only small volume...
The emetic reflex is triggered on the back wall of
Survival and quality of life after surgical aortic valve replacement in octogenarians
Healthy planet essential for global health
This study of pre-TAVR patients showed that
the notion of a balanced diet. We use an area the size of South America...
surgical AVR in octogenarians could be performed with very low postoperative...
Only about half of suicidal patients asked if they have access to firearms AURORA, Colo. (March 21, 2016) – Despite
the throat. It prevents from intrusion of foreign objects into...
When it comes to human health, it is time to rethink
Gay, bisexual, lesbian Canadians experience high levels of mood and anxiety disorders
national guidelines urging emergency department doctors to ask suicidal patients...
/ no comments University of British Columbia
M icrobiome associated with severe caries in Canadian First Nations children
Longevity of restorative treatments in pediatric patients: EBD in the era of EHR
Los Angeles, Calif., USA – Today at the 45th
Los Angeles, Calif., USA – Today at the 45th
Annual Meeting Exhibition of the American Association for Dental Research,...
Annual Meeting Exhibition of the American Association for Dental Research,...
Evidence-practice gap for sealant application: Results from a dental PBRN
New biotechnology to inhibit microRNA activity and novel applications
Los Angeles, Calif., USA – Today at the 45th Annual Meeting Exhibition of the American
Los Angeles, Calif., USA – Today at the 45th Annual Meeting Exhibition of the American
Association for Dental Research,...
Association for Dental Research,...
New compounds discovered as candidates for new antimicrobial drugs
Things to know, ask if you’re considering bariatric surgery
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
against Listeria infection IMAGE:Â This image shows the infection and ability to grow inside the human epithelial cells with L.
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Finances and fear deter many morbidly obese patients from having stomach-reducing bariatric...
A Thank You to the Nurse Today you did your job, but you also went above and beyond. You not only took care of me, but you also took care of my babies. As...
Officials in Sierra Leone announce end of flare-up of Ebola FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — The World Health Organization and Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health...
Tobacco giant gave $250,000 to group representing black-owned newspapers
Sierra Leone Ebola flare-up over for now, but more likely
After National Newspaper Publishers Association
DAKAR (Reuters) – A recent flare-up of Ebola in
President Benjamin Chavis Jr. visited Reynolds American’s...
Sierra Leone is over after no new transmissions of the disease...
Pushy or rude patients ‘more likely’ to be misdiagnosed
A better surveillance system for tracking police homicides
Thursday March 17 2016 Doctors have feelings too
Official counts of homicides by police seriously
“‘Difficult’ patients are more likely to get...
undercount incidents, according to a study from Harvard T.H. Chan School...
Study shows bariatric surgery better than intensive lifestyle and drug interventions at reversing diabetes
M ore healthy foods offered in school lunches, study finds
New research shows that bariatric surgery (also
healthy food choices in school lunches, a new study finds. ...
known as obesity surgery) is much more effective than an intensive lifestyle/medication...
Harvard launches ResearchKit app to support football player health TeamStudy app image. Credit: The Football Players Health Study at Harvard University The Football Players Health...
(HealthDay)—American kids are getting more
Specialized nursing care needs assessment model developed for pediatric patients with complex conditions Recent medical advances have resulted in increased survival of children with complex medical conditions (CMC), such as...
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You’re Probably Eating M ore Processed Foods Than You Realize Health groups like the World Health Organization and the American Heart Association have been
I Got M ade Over by a Drag Queen Related: Our Beauty Editor Did My Makeup for a Week—Here’s What Happened To me, drag queens were the dream:...
giving major side-eye to added...
Periods Used to Really Blow: See How M enstruation Has Changed Through History
A case of Paget-Schroetter syndrome (PSS) in a young judo tutor: a case report
In biblical times, it was believed that women congregated in a red tent so they could, uh, bleed
UEDVT is classified into primary and secondary cases, with the latter accounting for about 80 %.
together. So when a woman...
This is directly related...
Sex-specific genetic effects associated with pigmentation, sensitivity to sunlight, and melanoma in a population of Spanish origin
Hericium erinaceus mycelium and its isolated erinacine A protection from M PTP-induced neurotoxicity through the ER stress, triggering an apoptosis cascade
Associations with melanoma risk by sex In a previous study published by our group, the association of 65 gene regions with...
Hericium erinaceus (Lion’s mane or Yamabushitake) is an edible mushroom with medicinal properties;...
Spatial and seasonal influences on culturable endophytic mycobiota associated with different tissues of Eugenia jambolana Lam. and their antibacterial activity against M DR strains
Barraquer–Simons syndrome: a rare form of acquired lipodystrophy The overall clinical and biochemical features of our patient led us to consider Barraquer–Simons syndrome as being...
Endophytes are taxonomically diverse and species rich microbes. In this study 24 culturable isolated belonging to 14 genera...
Chronicle of Health Creation: The Shadow in Berwick’s Call for a ‘M oral Era’ for M edicine
This M agical Device Could Fix Your Bad Posture For Good You’re going to want to stand up for this. On average, Americans spend 13 hours a day sitting.
The shadow of the U.S. medical industry is This sedentary lifestyle... shockingly apparent in the names of the priorities W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
its reformers declare. Most...
Confessions of an Addiction and Recovery Writer
M iley Cyrus Demonstrates Impressive Yoga Skills In Instagram Videos
When you’re doing coke for days on end alone,
Cyrus has long practiced yoga, evidenced by
you don’t imagine that you’ll one day be telling CNN audiences...
photos of her doing some moves on beach in Costa Rica in 2013. The singer is...
Temporary disconnects shed light on long-term brain dysfunction
VLA shows earliest stages of planet formation
IMAGE:Â Red and green dots reveal a region in the
New images of a young star made with the Karl G.
brain that that is very dense with synapses. A special fluorescent...
Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) reveal what scientists think may be the very...
New research shows how nanowires can be formed
Researchers find ancient DNA preserved in modern-day humans
In an article published in Nature today, researchers
IMAGE:Â This is D. Andrew Merriwether,
at Lund University in Sweden show how different arrangements of atoms...
Binghamton University. view more Credit: Binghamton University BINGHAMTON,...
Breakthrough: M icrobes protect plants with plant hormones
Study shows spinal cord stimulation reduces emotional aspect of chronic pain
IMAGE:Â The picture illustrates how an infection affects a plant treated with the beneficial bacterium.
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Researchers at The Ohio
State University Wexner Medical Center have shown that patients who have...
9 Ways to Up Your Hummus Game
M illennials Have No Idea Where Their Water Comes From
Can’t teach an old dip new tricks? Pshaw. We’ve got a whole matrix of produce-packed variations right here....
But when the responses were broken down by age, the youngest and oldest respondents were less likely to say they were worried...
Can I Still Be Italian If I Don’t Eat Pasta?
The Truth About Gay M en and Depression
Illustrated by Mallory Heller. “Cut out the booze and the coffee. And dial back your workouts.â€
It’s time to reveal the truth and I’m just going to say it: gay men and depression coexist.
That’s... Dark, unfathomable,... W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
8 No-Excuse Habits for a Healthier Workday A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to mean carving out two hours every morning for the gym or only
How to Stop Worrying By John Swartzberg, M.D. We’ve evolved to worry. From an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense that we do need to...
eating fresh produce...
EPA testing Newark kids for lead after school water contamination
Genetic testing results don’t change how most people behave
NEWARK, N.J. — The Environmental Protection
Genetic tests that let people know if they are at a
Agency says that over four years, the drinking water in 431 schools nationwide...
higher risk for developing certain diseases are becoming more common,...
5 years after chimp attack, woman helps doctors study treatment
Common treatment of TB in advanced HIV patients doesn’t save more lives
BOSTON — A few years ago, Charla Nash didn’t know if she would be alive today. After she was attacked by an...
In a report on the so-called REMEMBER (Reducing
Signed, sealed, undelivered: M echanisms underlying polycystic kidney disease
Adaptation to increasing flood risk in Europe should aim to reduce impact
In an article published online ahead of print on Feb.
investigated the benefits of four adaptation measures to reduce the increasing...
19, 2015 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC), investigators...
Early Mortality and Early Morbidity by Empiric Tuberculosis Treatment) study...
A JRC-led research published in Climatic Change
New cytoplasmic role for proteins linked to neurological diseases, cancers
M easuring chemistry: Local fingerprint of hydrogen bonding captured in experiments
IMAGE:Â Dr. Michael Buszczak and graduate
IMAGE:Â The team could observe for the first time
students Arnaldo Carreira-Rosario and Varsha Bhargava (l-r) contributed to...
with RIXS how the formation of hydrogen bonds does change C=O bonds...
Florida students hurt when performer catches fire during pep rally
M ommy, Why Do Politicians Act This Way?
By Karen Brooks (Reuters) – More than a dozen
When it comes to this year’s nasty presidential
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Florida high school students were injured when a performer...
election, we need to give it to kids straight. Because they can tell...
Getting abortions in Texas has become harder for some women
Lawmakers challenge Turing executives on drug price hikes
By Andrew M. Seaman Reuters Health – Some
WASHINGTON (AP) — The former top lawyer for
women in Texas have faced added obstacles in getting...
Turing Pharmaceuticals said Thursday that he and other executives...
Honor, the Therapy M ini-Horse, Brings Cheer to Ailing Kids at NYC Hospital
Wrangler Supercomputer speeds through big data
Pediatric patients got a surprise this week when they were greeted by a special four-legged guest at
IMAGE:Â This is the Wrangler data-intensive supercomputer. view more Credit: TACC Handling
the Kravis Children’s...
big data can sometimes...
Study: Divided parties rarely win presidential elections
Johnson & Johnson hit with $500 million verdict in hip implant trial
IMAGE:Â History shows that when one party is divided and the other party is united, the divided
By Jessica Dye NEW YORK (Reuters) – Johnson Johnson and its DePuy unit were ordered by a
party almost always...
Congress urges resignations of M ichigan governor, EPA chief over Flint
Lawsuit against Uber in name of murder suspect is found to be a hoax
By Valerie Volcovici WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. lawmakers on Thursday called for the
By Jon Herskovitz (Reuters) – A lawsuit filed against Uber claiming that the ride-sharing
company was to...
Why I Want to Be a Doctor: How M y M other’s Cancer Battle Changed M y Job
Cat stem cell trial could lead to human treatments
Ask any doctor in training why they want to be a
have been unbearable. Her owner recalls when her once playful and...
doctor and nine out of 10 answers will likely include, “I want to...
Davis, CA The past five years of Smokey’s life
OptumRx signs deal with Walgreens to grow in-store prescriptions
Physician gives vasectomy to wrong patient
NEW YORK OptumRx, the pharmacy benefit
An English physician made more than just a teeny
manager of UnitedHealth Group Inc, said on weiny error — performing a vasectomy on the W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Thursday it signed an agreement with...
wrong patient, a man...
Johnson & Johnson hit with $500 million verdict in trial over hip implants
BU researchers discover how RNA editing may promote tumor growth
Johnson Johnson and its DePuy unit were ordered
(Boston)–A new study provides insight on the
by a Texas federal jury on Thursday to pay a total of about $500 million...
potential role played by RNA (ribonucleic acid) editing in cancer. The...
Dead M ichigan resident had bacteria linked to Wisconsin outbreak
GlaxoSmithKline’s CEO Witty to bow out in M arch 2017
(Reuters) – A person who died in Michigan tested
By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) –
positive for a bacteria linked to as many as 17 deaths in...
GlaxoSmithKline said on Thursday its Chief Executive Andrew...
Helping parents apply for insurance may get more kids covered
M en join campaigns in India against FGM rituals among the Bohra
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Mentoring parents to help them navigate the byzantine...
By Rina Chandran MUMBAI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Men in India and Pakistan are joining...
GSK break-up? Don’t bank on it, says drugmaker’s outgoing boss
Too much smartphone time could be a sign of anxiety, study finds
By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) – News that GlaxoSmithKline will have a new chief executive...
According to an American study, published in Computers in Human Behavior, spending too much time using a smartphone...
M emories ‘taken’ by Alzheimer’s could possibly be retrieved Thursday March 17 2016 Memories may be stored in recordings known as engrams “Memories
Sierra Leone Ebola flare-up over for now, but more likely: WHO DAKAR –  A recent flare-up of Ebola in Sierra Leone is over after no new transmissions of the disease were detected...
wiped by Alzheimer’s...
In sweet-toothed Britain, sugary soda levy may have limited impact
Zika virus implicated in brain infection in adults: French study
LONDON –  With its surprise move to tax sugary
Transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of Zika
drinks, Britain joins several Western countries
virus. Credit: Cynthia Goldsmith/Centers for
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
battling a key suspect...
Disease Control and...
Puerto Rico may face 100,000 Zika cases by year’s end: CDC
New gene variants found in childhood body mass index
Puerto Rico may be on the brink of a massive
Credit: NIH An international team of scientists has
outbreak of Zika, a mosquito-borne virus which has been linked to birth defects,...
identified novel gene locations associated with childhood body...
Researchers find highly active gene in aggressive human lung cancer
New studies of the ‘natural history’ of schizophrenia raise hope for new treatments
Lung CA seen on CXR. Credit: James Heilman, MD/Wikipedia Scientists believe that “conserved†genes—those...
The term “schizophrenia,†with its connotation
Researchers develop new process for synthesis of potent anti-cancer agents
Brown fat may help to keep blood sugar steady in adults
/ no comments Rice University
Australian scientists have shown that brown fat –
of hopeless chronic brain disease, should be dropped and replaced...
a special type of fat that burns energy to produce heat –...
M aternal bacterial infections affect fetal brain anatomy and cognitive functioning after birth
Research focuses on aging, health among Hispanic women population – An AZoNetwork Site ...
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists have discovered how pieces of bacterial cell wall cross the placenta...
Single-step, rapid life-saving solution for pneumothorax treatment Pneumothorax is a medical emergency: the collection of air in the pleural space separating the lung from the chest wall,...
CYP3A7 gene may over-activate metabolism, reduce effectiveness of cancer treatments Some patients with breast cancer, lung cancer and leukaemia seem to fare poorly after treatment because of the effects of...
U.S., Canada Announce Shared Goals For Fighting Climate Change
M om Uses Victoria’s Secret Photo To Highlight Absurd Double Standard
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
i President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister
Corry shared another breastfeeding photo, but this
Justin Trudeau walk from the Oval Office to a joint press...
time covered her nursing baby with a picture of a lingerie-clad Victoria’s...
I’ll Get to See M y Children Grow Up Thanks to a Random Call to the Eye Doctor
Ask JJ: Protein Bars
There was a period of about two years that my
Dear JJ: I know you emphasize whole, real foods, but with my hectic schedule that’s not always possible. Whether I’m...
husband and I were focused almost solely on starting our family. Twenty-two...
Shannon Gwash’s GPS Guide On Celebrating Yourself Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all
What It Was Like For Holly Robinson Peete To Hear Her Son’s Autism Diagnosis
have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but sometimes life takes...
RJ was 3 at the time of his diagnosis, and Holly
California lawmakers approve raising smoking age
New class of drugs specifically induces cell death in B cell blood cancers
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California lawmakers
IMAGE:Â Chih-Chi Andrew Hu, Ph.D., is an
voted Thursday to make the nation’s most populous state the second...
associate professor in the Translational Tumor Immunology program at The Wistar...
Conservation sea change
Down the rabbit hole: How electrons travel through exotic new material
Beyond the breakers, the ocean is like the Wild West. While not completely lawless, its vastness and remoteness make it hard...
says that part of her sadness stemmed from not having any familiarity with...
IMAGE:Â Three-dimensional image using scanning tunneling electron microscopy of electrons on the surface of a Weyl semi-metal,...
HIV-infected young males have higher rates of bone loss than females
Fighting cavities could one day be as easy as taking a pill, research shows
Accumulating evidence suggests that rates of low bone mass are greater in HIV-infected males than
University of Florida Health researchers have identified a new strain of bacteria in the mouth that
in females. Researchers...
may keep bad bacteria...
How do hairspray and shampoo work? (video)
California lawmakers vote to raise smoking age to 21
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IMAGE:Â Thanks to chemistry, the products we use to clean and style our hair have evolved over
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – California lawmakers on Thursday passed a bill raising the legal
decades — even...
smoking age to from...
The 25 Fittest Cities in the U.S.
FDA sets new date for panel review of Sarepta’s muscle drug
Being fit is more than just working out, lifting weights and running on a treadmill. It’s about a healthy diet and...
(Reuters) – An independent panel of experts to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will discuss Sarepta...
How to Start a Daily Running Habit Many of us love the thought of running. But running every single day often seems like an impossible thing to do. However,...
Scientists find ‘good’ cholesterol can sometimes be bad LONDON –  So-called “good†cholesterol may actually increase heart attack risks in some people, researchers...
Can bright light at night lead to obesity? Obesity rates may surge in places where artificial lights blaze all night compared to communities where people tend to live...
Transcutaneous bilirubin monitoring predicts unexplained late-onset hemolysis in a very low birthweight infant A Japanese girl infant weighing 1154Â g was born at 29Â weeks and 6Â days of gestational age; her mother had received...
Genome-wide analysis identifies gain and loss/change of function within the small multigenic insecticidal Albumin 1 family of M edicago truncatula Legumes (Fabaceae) are important economic crops that provide humans with food, livestock with feed and industry with raw...
A review and content analysis of engagement, functionality, aesthetics, information quality, and change techniques in the most popular commercial apps for weight management There are thousands of apps available in the health and fitness categories of iTunes and Google Play (GP). The most popular...
Exposure to urban PM 1 in rats: development of bronchial inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness
A new algorithm to extract hidden rules of gastric cancer data based on ontology
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Received: 6 November 2015 Accepted:
Large data sets are idle in database of companies,
9 February 2016 Published: 10 March 2016
universities, etc. Using the hidden information in these data bases is...
Revolutionary Way to Be Healthy #18: Focus on the Fundamentals
Daily M editation: Dreams Of Home
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states that
practice. We hope that these Daily Meditations, prayers and mindful...
humans have an ascending set of fundamental requirements — first for...
We all need help maintaining our personal spiritual
Samantha Rhodes’ GPS Guide For Embracing A New Day
First Uterus Transplant In The U.S. Fails
Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all
failed and the Ohio hospital that performed the procedure said on Wednesday...
have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but sometimes life takes...
The first uterus transplant in the United States has
Why You Should Seriously Never Use Q-Tips Inside Your Ears
Pistachios sold at Trader Joe’s recalled over salmonella
If a Q-tip is part of your shower routine, you might be using the cotton swab to clean out the wax from
At least 11 people have been sickened and two hospitalized resulting from a multi-state
your ear canal —...
salmonella outbreak linked to pistachios. The...
Hard-to-match kidney patients get new transplant option
First generic version of Viagra approved by FDA
Nearly 1 in 3 patients in need of a kidney transplant is especially hard to match. New research
The FDA has approved the first-ever generic version of Viagra. The Pennsylvania-based
suggests a painstaking treatment...
pharmaceutical company Teva will be...
Rice scientists synthesize anti-cancer agent
Algorithm allows a computer to create a vacation highlight video
IMAGE:Â A schematic shows a trioxacarcin C molecule, whose structure was revealed for the
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology unveiled a novel video-editing solution this week
first time through a new process...
that automatically sorts...
Climate change less politicized among minority groups
Study identifies possible marker for lung cancer chemotherapy
ITHACA, N.Y. – Race and ethnicity as a function of
Columbus, Ohio – The activity level of a particular
climate-change attitudes is the subject of a recent gene in lung tumors might identify lung-cancer W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
study by Jonathon...
patients who will...
Wealth doesn’t protect US blacks from greater chance of incarceration
Turn off the Alzheimer’s disease
The chances of incarceration in America are
structure of the dimer of the metal-binding domain of beta-amyloid peptide...
always higher for blacks than for whites or Hispanics, regardless of their level...
IMAGE:Â This image shows the three-dimensional
What the Dalai Lama Suggests Is the Key to Living a Happier Life
California pistachios recalled after Salmonella infects 11 people
For the Dalai Lama, finding inner peace is as easy
(Reuters) – A California pistachio producer has
as deciding that whatever is bothering you simply doesn’t...
recalled some of its pistachios after the nuts were linked...
Loss of U.S. boss seen hitting VW turnaround, but not talks with regulators
M others worldwide leaving hospitals too soon after childbirth
By Andreas Cremer BERLIN (Reuters) – The
Women around the world are leaving hospitals...
By Andrew M. Seaman (Reuters Health) – –
departure of Volkswagen’s U.S. boss is a blow...
Brain injury linked to increased risk of losing health insurance
Binge Eating: Self-Sabotage or SelfDefense?
By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) – – People who suffer traumatic brain injuries...
As a nutritionist, I understand the biochemical factors associated with eating disorders and the way in which proper nutrition...
Years of taking popular diabetes drug tied to risk of B12 deficiency
Timberwolves step up after patient loses beloved comfort toy
People taking metformin, a common type 2 diabetes medication, for several years may be at
When a social media campaign failed to locate a Minnesota woman’s beloved stuffed animal
heightened risk of vitamin B12...
that has endured as many...
Scientists suggest there is link between herpes virus, Alzheimer’s
Stem cells used to repair children’s eyes after cataracts
Roughly two-thirds of American adults have been exposed to the herpes type 1 virus (oral; type 2 is
Thursday March 10 2016 Cataracts can cause clouding of vision “Children with cataracts
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
the genital one), and...
regain sight after radical...
The danger of ignoring vaccines– and a solution
Low-level arsenic may impact fetal growth, Dartmouth-led study finds
In 2000 the U.S. considered measles eradicated,
IMAGE:Â Diane Gilbert-Diamond, assistant
but the picture has changed alarmingly since then.
professor of epidemiology at the Geisel School of
In 2014, 667 unvaccinated...
Medicine at Dartmouth College,...
CNIO scientists have discovered a code of signals that regulates genome duplication
Even plant-supporting soil fungi affected by global warming, UCI study finds
Three years ago, the research team directed by
Irvine, Calif., March 7, 2016 — On a cool, fog-
Óscar Fernández-Capetillo, head of the Genomic Instability Group at...
shrouded mountain of Costa Rica, University of California, Irvine biologist...
Toshiba to pick suitor for medical unit; Canon, Fujifilm lead: sources
If the Sound of Chewing M akes Your Skin Crawl, You Could Have This Condition
By Junko Fujita and Kentaro Hamada TOKYO (Reuters) – Toshiba Corp 6502.T is poised to settle...
With misophonia, not all sounds cause
Take Cover! ‘Super Lice’ Have Invaded 25 States
The Best—and Worst—States to Live if You’re a Woman
“Super lice†aren’t exactly the X-Men of
Minnesota, Vermont, and New Hampshire top the
bugs their name suggests, but they are super resistant to typical...
list, with the highest combined marks in economics, social well-being, health...
A giant mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the appendix: a case report and review of the literature
Unravelling the potential mechanisms behind hospitalization-associated disability in older patients; the HospitalAssociated Disability and impact on daily Life (Hospital-ADL) cohort study protocol
A previously healthy 63-year-old woman presented with a chief complaint of abdominal distention. She denied abdominal...
reactions—and we’re talking about different reactions than the ones...
Study design and setting The Hospital-ADL study is a multicenter, observational, prospective cohort study designed ... W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Devolution and grant-in-aid design for the provision of impure public goods In the previous section we showed that centralised provision does not allow to reach the FB allocation; here we...
Early days of life are crucial for child survival in Gamo Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia: A community based study Study area The study was conducted in Gamo Gofa Zone, which is one of the 14 Zones in the Southern Nations Nationalities...
Asthma symptoms linked to increased stress, anxiety levels in teens IMAGE: Cathryn Luria, M.D., is a Henry Ford Hospital fellow and the study’s lead author. view more Credit:...
Bill Gates Calls For ‘Energy M iracle’ In 15 Years. Do Experts Agree? i A world in light and dark: This satellite view shows where electric lights are in high usage. ...
Omalizumab decreases colds in innercity children with asthma, NIH study reports
Here’s How to Win at Life, According to a Former Pussycat Doll
Treatment with omalizumab significantly
check out Ashley’s secrets to conquering whatever the show—or...
decreases the number of colds in inner-city children with allergic asthma, researchers...
9 Possible Reasons Why You’re Feeling So Sluggish During Your Workout You started your workout feeling great, but a few
Ashley and Jen Ator squaring off. In the meantime,
7 Super Purr-etty Beauty Products Inspired by Cats We’re suckers for beauty products with pretty packaging, and lately, there’s one trend brands
minutes in you’re sucking wind and totally out of steam. It happens. But...
Do epinephrine auto-injectors have an unsuitable needle length in children and adolescents at risk for anaphylaxis from food allergy?
Aging, indebted Japan debates right to ‘die with dignity’
The patient characteristics for both group 1 (15–30 kg) and group 2 (30 kg) are presented
By Linda Sieg TOKYO (Reuters) – Retired Japanese airline employee Tarou Tanzawa said he
in Table 2....
VW chairman, CEO knew of defeat devices early: Bild
How Are You Changing the Game DISCLAIMER *Subscriber copies will feature the
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
BERLIN (Reuters) – Volkswagen AG’s
contest winner on a cover affixed to the national
VOWG_p.DE current chairman and chief executive were alerted by...
cover of the magazine....
Placental PHLDA2 expression is increased in cases of fetal growth restriction following reduced fetal movements
Bleeding, thrombosis, and anticoagulation in myeloproliferative neoplasms (M PN): analysis from the German SAL-M PN-registry
Placental PHLDA2 expression was significantly 2.3 fold higher in RFM pregnancies resulting in delivery
Arterial and venous thrombosis/thromboembolism significantly contributes to morbidity and mortality of
of a growth restricted...
MPN patients [18,...
Adherence to exercise referral schemes by participants – what do providers and commissioners need to know? A systematic review of barriers and facilitators
M odeling immune response and its effect on infectious disease outbreak dynamics Received: 3 September 2015 Accepted: 23 February 2016 Published: 5 March 2016
Goals and motivation Studies exploring scheme members’ goals and motivations reported a range of views from which...
Assessment of the effects of phenanthrene and its nitrogen heterocyclic analogues on microbial activity in soil
‘Strong evidence’ of Zika virus and Guillain-Barr? syndrome link
Soil is a complex microhabitat, supporting diverse microbial populations, which play an important role
amassed the strongest...
Tuesday March 1 2016 Zika virus disease is mainly spread by mosquitoes “Scientists have
in breakdown and transformation...
Omalizumab decreases colds in innercity children with asthma, study reports
Abuse Or The Flu? M y Autistic Son Couldn’t Tell M e What Was Wrong
Imagine you suffer from severe asthma, and you’ve tried every treatment available, but
i Nat Batchelder and his mother, Susan Senator, in Foxborough, Mass. Courtesy...
nothing has worked. You still...
American tests positive for Zika virus after Philippine trip
Flint becomes U.S. Democratic flash point, but residents want action
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The Philippine
By John Whitesides FLINT, Mich. (Reuters) – The
government says an American woman who visited the country in January...
Flint water crisis has united Democrats Hillary...
13 unconventional ways to end picky eating for good
How a quadriplegic guitar player defeated the odds
Having a picky eater on your hands can make you
Aspiring musician Ryan “Gooch†Nelson was
want to pull your hair out at every meal or give up and call out for pizza....
18 years old when a car accident changed his life forever. After a...
Scientists Find A Genetic Culprit For Gray Hair
Developing a point-of-care electronic medical record system for TB/HIV coinfected patients: experiences from Lighthouse Trust, Lilongwe, M alawi
Think you’ve gone gray from stress? Scientists say they’ve identified the first gene for gray hair. It accounts...
As the numbers of patients co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) increase in...
The health of Saudi youths: current challenges and future opportunities
These ‘Sleep Levitation’ Photos Show The Exquisite Bliss Of Bedtime
The Saudi Health Information Survey (SHIS) was a
There are few things more satisfying than crawling
cross-sectional national multistage survey of individuals aged...
into bed after a long day. Despite that fact, busy schedules make it increasingly...
How I Went from 250 Pounds to a Bodybuilding Competitor
If Your Love Passes These 9 Tests, You’re Ready For M arriage
Before: 250 After: 148 I’d always struggled with my weight growing up, but when I got pregnant at
So you think you might be ready to take the marriage plunge? Before you jump into the
19, I put on 70...
biggest decision of your life,...
Watch Adorable Penises and Vaginas Explain What Consent Actually M eans
Young baseball players could benefit from preseason arm injury prevention programs
The videos feature a cast of characters, including a butt, penis, boob (yup, just one), vagina, and hand, that act out scenarios...
Orlando, FL – Preseason prevention programs are beneficial to young baseball pitchers, according to research presented...
New procedure for massive rotator cuff
Fatigue contributing factor in kid’s
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
tears restores stability better, say researchers Orlando, FL -Repairing massive rotator cuff tears is often a tricky proposition, especially for those who
pitching injuries Orlando, FL – Shoulder and elbow injuries in adolescent pitchers are becoming more and more prevalent each year. Researchers...
have failed prior...
Rise in lower extremity injuries possible result of new concussion prevention rules
Gene variation in athletes might signify longer recovery following concussion
Orlando, FL – NCAA tackling rule changes that penalize head to head contact, and encourage
progressing in many different avenues. However,
Orlando, FL -Genetic research on concussions is researchers presenting their...
tackling of the lower extremity...
Single-bundle ACL reconstruction offers positive results for patients
Healthy soda swaps that aren’t water
Orlando, FL – Single and double-bundle
High fructose corn syrup and other added sugars
techniques may provide similar outcomes in patients undergoing ACL reconstruction,...
have received significant attention lately, and many people have dutifully...
Fighting Cancer By Putting Tumor Cells On A Diet
Why Women’s Health Is Talking About Politics
i Foods that fit the ketogenic diet are high in fat and
Yassssssss #StoptheSham
low in sugar. Matailong... — CenterforReproRights (@ReproRights) March 2, 2016 Being a...
An in vitro alveolar macrophage assay for predicting the short-term inhalation toxicity of nanomaterials
M ultiplicative noise removal using primal–dual and reweighted alternating minimization
Test material characterization Table 1 presents the test materials’ primary particle size (PPS;
As Huang et al. (2009]) has mentioned, let us consider the splitting form of Eq. (2) (5) where w
determined by transmission ...
is an auxiliary...
A new allele for aluminium tolerance gene in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genetic materials CXHKSL is a six-rowed Chinese
Evaluation of DISCOVAR de novo using a mosquito sample for cost-effective short-read genome assembly
variety that is tolerant to acid soils. The Al-sensitive
Basic assembly metrics With DNA from a pool of
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
38 females, we used DISCOVAR de novo to construct a de novo An. arabiensis...
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is a prognostic marker in bladder cancer patients after radical cystectomy
#M arch4Nutrition: Why Nutrition Is Still a Challenge
There is increasing evidence to show that the
National Nutrition Month and despite nutrition being a popular topic throughout...
presence of systemic inflammation is correlated with poorer cancer-specific...
Copyright: Karin Higgins/UC Davis March is
This String Cheese Packaging Is Oddly Sexist
Read This If You Use Your Smartphone To Avoid Reality
Consumerist points out this issue isn’t limited
Do you turn to your iPhone because you’re
to Galbani — the site wrote about a similar issue with Lucerne-brand...
bored — or because you’re trying to avoid dealing with stressful...
CO/NO dual sensor for real time brain event observation
By cloning mouse neurons, TSRI scientists find brain cells with 100+ unique mutations
IMAGE:Â Figure 2 is a schematic of the experimental setup for NO/CO and localized field potential (LFP) measurements...
IMAGE:Â Alberto Rodriguez, a research assistant at The Scripps Research Institute, uses a tiny strawlike micropipette...
New vulnerability revealed in blood cancer development
Studies add more evidence of Zika’s risk to pregnant women
IMAGE:Â Walter and Eliza Hall Institute leukemia researchers have pinpointed a protein that allows
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Zika virus may be linked to a wider variety of “grave outcomesâ€
blood cancers to...
for developing...
M ichigan criticized for weak oversight of drinking water
Two cans of energy drink a day can have negative effects on the heart, study finds
DETROIT (Reuters) – Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality failed to adequately monitor the...
New research, presented at a meeting of the American Heart Association, has highlighted the negative effects of...
Hybrid device delivers tobacco flavors with e-cig like vapor
Pat Conroy, author of ‘Prince of Tides’, dies at 70
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
IMAGE:Â This image shows aerosol emission abundance compared against a 3R4F reference
By Bill Trott (Reuters) – Pat Conroy, who turned the tales of his painfully dysfunctional family...
cigarette (% per puff). ...
Eating peanut in early years helps reduce risk of allergy even with later abstinence The early introduction of peanut to the diets of infants at high-risk of developing peanut allergy
M ore chest pain for women undergoing PCI with DES More than 15 years ago, David Warshaw, Ph.D., and coworkers discovered the precise malfunction of a specific protein in the...
significantly reduces...
Optimistic outlook may boost hispanics’ heart health
Latin dancing may have health benefits for older adults
(HealthDay)—For U.S. Hispanics, an upbeat
A four-month dance program helped older Latino
attitude may go a long way toward keeping a healthy heart, a new study...
adults walk faster and improved their physical fitness, which may reduce...
High intercorneal symmetry in corneal biomechanical metrics
Prevalence of left atrial enlargement and its risk factors in general Chinese population
ORA measurement Ten Japanese white rabbits (2–3 kg) from the Animal Breeding Unit at Wenzhou Medical University...
Study population From January 2012 to August
Feasibility study of short hydration using oral rehydration solution in cisplatin including chemotherapy of lung cancer
Sex-specific IL-6-associated signaling activation in ozone-induced lung inflammation
It was also determined that renal dysfunction could
regulation of IL-6 and IL-6R expression With oneway analysis of variance, ozone...
occur at high frequencies (28–36 %) when including...
Prolyl hydroxylase domain 2 deficiency promotes skeletal muscle fiber-type transition via a calcineurin/NFATc1dependent pathway
2013, a representative sample of participants aged ?35Â years was...
Ozone-associated lung inflammation and up-
Change Your Verbs, Change Your Life Tolerating, maintaining, doubting, arguing, hating. Embracing, nurturing, believing, inquiring, loving. When we change our...
Ethical approval All animal experimental W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
procedures were performed according to the protocols approved by the Guidelines...
Linda M atchain’s GPS Guide On Celebrating Love
ICYM I: Simple Answers To Complicated Health Questions
Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but
A: People tend to pair with partners who are similar to them. It’s not your imagination. According to
sometimes life takes...
a large-scale...
Unplugged: What a Day At an Internet Addiction Recovery Center Taught M e
Where Do All the Dogs Go?
After getting lost in the woods 45 minutes outside of Seattle, I finally found reSTART; an internet
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.†— Will Rogers I had to...
addiction recovery center...
High lead levels could impact Flint for years
M ore Sumatran orangutans than previously thought
FLINT, Mich. — There was a groundbreaking moment in Flint, Michigan on Friday as a plumbing
IMAGE:Â The Sumatran orangutans are threatened by the loss of their natural habitats. view more
crew dug up a corroded...
Credit: Perry...
Cosmochemists find evidence for unstable heavy element at solar system formation
Fungal pathogen sheds gene silencing machinery and becomes more dangerous
University of Chicago scientists have discovered evidence in a meteorite that a rare element, curium,
DURHAM, N.C. — For more than a decade, a rare but potentially deadly fungus called Cryptococcus
was present during...
deuterogatti has taken...
Likely biological link found between Zika virus, microcephaly
Florida State University researchers make Zika virus breakthrough
Working with lab-grown human stem cells, a team
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida State University
of researchers suspect they have discovered how the Zika virus probably causes...
researchers have made a major breakthrough in the quest to learn whether...
A proposed superconductivity theory receives exclusive experimental confirmation
China to scrap restrictions on foreign participation in some services BEIJING (Reuters) – China will scrap restrictions
on foreign participation in some service sectors W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
IMAGE:Â Chandra Varma is a distinguished professor of physics and astronomy at the
University of California, Riverside. ...
USOC forms medical group to guard against Zika in Rio
Evidence mounts linking Zika virus to birth defects
(Reuters) – The United States Olympic
By Stephanie Nebehay and Roberta Rampton
Committee (USOC) on Friday announced the formation of a medical advisory...
GENEVA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Evidence mounted on...
Questions remain after Bobbi Kristina Brown’s cause of death revealed
U.N. delivers aid in Syria, rebels say not enough
By David Beasley ATLANTA (Reuters) – Bobbi
BEIRUT (Reuters) – Humanitarian aid on Friday
Kristina Brown’s autopsy shows evidence of...
reached areas near the Syrian capital Damascus where fighting...
M odel aims to tell researchers how infection passes placenta
Peanuts for babies? Studies back allergy-preventing strategy
WASHINGTON (AP) — Researchers have created
Two new studies bolster evidence that feeding
a cellular model of the human placenta to help uncover how infections,...
babies peanuts or other allergy-inducing foods is more likely to protect them...
Video games, social media tied to shorter sleep for teens
ACOG issues recommendations on prenatal screening
Teens who play video games before bedtime go to bed later and those who use online social media
In a study to be presented on Feb. 5 in an oral plenary session at 8 a.m. PST, at the Society for
take longer to fall asleep,...
Maternal-Fetal Medicine’s...
Lens surface, care solution affect adhesion of Acanthamoeba
M isconceptions about acne still common
A chemical that could potentially be used in eye drops to reverse cataracts, the leading cause of
(HealthDay)—There are still plenty of negative and mistaken beliefs about people with acne, a new
blindness, has been identified...
study finds. ...
Consistent self-weighing might give your diet a boost
Protection against peanut allergy by early consumption persists after 1 year of avoidance
(HealthDay)—Want to boost the odds your diet might work? Head to those bathroom scales more W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
often. ...
With food allergies in children on the rise, parents often ask the question, How do I prevent food allergies in my baby?...
Are You in a Toxic Relationship with Your Fitness or Weight-Loss Tracker? On top of that, she gave up on her favorite group classes when she realized that she could burn
5 Hints You Could Be Lactose Intolerant 1. You Experience a Smorgasbord of Symptoms “Common signs of lactose intolerance include bloating, gas, diarrhea,...
more by exercising on her...
How to Keep Your Hair from Thinning 1. Fake It ‘Til You Make It Those hair commercials aren’t all full of fluff. “Hair density can be hard...
FDA permits marketing of device that senses optimal time to check patient’s eye pressure The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today allowed marketing of a one-time use contact lens that may help practitioners...
Why Failure Is a M irage “How much are you willing to suck?†This was the response I heard recently when a student asked a master coach...
First Likely M icrocephalic Babies Born In Colombia Three Colombian newborns could be the country’s first group of children with Zika viruslinked brain abnormalities...
Caregiving During Young Adulthood
Inequality of Sleep
When my mother’s relatively routine spinal
Gentrification is occurring in many cities across the
surgery went wrong nearly seventeen years ago, leaving her in chronic...
United States, leading low-income people to relocate. Usually they...
You Can Be So Happy It Breaks Your Heart
A little cha-cha may help your heart
File this under depressing things we didn’t
out. Two sessions a week appear to offer heart health benefits to older...
know. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or the temporary
Latin dancing may add up to more than a fun night
weakening of the heart’s...
Graphene slides smoothly across gold
Star Trek’s vision becomes reality
IMAGE:Â A graphene nanoribbon was anchored at the tip of an atomic force microscope and dragged
IMAGE:Â Juniorprof. Dr Alexander Szameit (r.) and Dr Marco Ornigotti from University of Jena
over a gold surface.... (Germany)with models of... W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Scientists develop very early stage human embryonic stem cell lines for first time
UNH researchers conduct first comprehensive study of NH oyster farming
Scientists at the University of Cambridge have for
IMAGE:Â Ray Grizzle pulls a cage holding first and
the first time shown that it is possible to derive from
third-year oysters out of Great Bay. view more
a human embryo...
Credit: Credit:...
IVF, often cited for high twin birth rate, could reduce it
Aussie crayfish alpine hideout under threat
IMAGE:Â In 2014 US moms gave birth to more
Ecologists have found that Australian river crayfish
twins per 1,000 live births than ever, according to
numbers plunged 90 per cent in an alpine region
the CDC. Implemented...
after their habitat...
Olympics-USOC forms medical group to guard against Zika in Rio
Record-long U.S. spaceflight leaves astronaut feeling sore
March 4 (Reuters) – The United States Olympic
By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters)
Committee (USOC) on Friday announced the formation of a medical...
– Astronaut Scott Kelly said on Friday he returned from a record-long...
New range of serious fetal abnormalities linked to Zika: study
Latest Hillary Clinton bio for kids highlights successes and failures
By Bill Berkrot NEW YORK (Reuters) – Fetuses in
POTOMAC, Md. (Reuters) – As Hillary Clinton
29 percent of pregnant women with Zika virus...
sets her sights on becoming the first female president of the...
USOC forms infectious disease panel to address Zika concerns
The Importance of Detoxification for Health
DENVER (AP) — An infectious disease specialist
Spring is upon us, a perfect time of year for
from the University of Utah will chair a group formed by the...
detoxification. As the seasons change, many of us are motivated to do ‘spring...
M any lens implant patients may develop cataracts within 10 years
Job market study: M ore PAs enticed towards specialty care than primary care practices
(Reuters Health) – Many patients who get lens implant surgery to correct vision problems may develop cataracts or...
The job market is luring more physician assistants, or PAs, to jobs in specialty care rather than primary
care practices... W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Routine stress adversely affects women’s heart
Your Guide to Using Dildos During Sex
While the number of men dying from a heart attack
between the sheets—whether you’re banging a dude or a...
has been constantly decreasing during the past
Check out these hot-as-hell tips for working a dildo
twenty years, the fatal...
Doing This Very Simple Thing Could Help You Cut 1400 Calories Weekly For their study, published in the Journal of Human
The Trailer for the All-Female Ghostbusters Is Here–And It’s Everything
Nutrition and Dietetics, the researchers looked at
Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon,
the drinking and eating...
and Leslie Jones star in the film, so yeah, it’s going to make...
Unique Audio Recordings Find A Noisy M ariana Trench, And Surprise Scientists
How Free Are USDA Scientists To Speak Their M ind?
i Researchers lowered a specially designed
i A crop duster sprays a field with pesticides. Former USDA scientist Jonathan Lundgren claims
hydrophone mooring from a Coast Guard cutter
that he’s...
and down into the...
M ake Your Face Great Again With This Amazing ‘Trumping’ M akeup Tutorial
Natural Beauty Products That Celeb M akeup Artists Love
Is your face looking a little … “ethnic†lately? Well, you’re in luck, because the hottest trend...
season, and you can bet celebrities who walk it will
This Is The Airplane Bathroom We’ve All Been Dreaming About
Drink Up, Coffee Lovers! Your Black Brew Is A-OK With Nutritionists
Sometimes, the magic touch involves no human
Coffee has gotten a bad rap over the years from the
contact whatsoever. Take airplane lavatories, for instance, where the threat...
medical community. It’s been accused of stunting your growth,...
Caroline Taine’s GPS Guide For Finding Inner Strength
Is Colombia on the verge of a Zikalinked wave of birth defects?
Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but
Brazil was the first country to report a surge in newborns with microcephaly that parallels the
By Marissa Gold for Well+GOOD It’s red carpet be doing everything...
sometimes life takes... recent outbreak of Zika virus.... W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Boeing’s self-cleaning lavatory zaps germs with UV light
Brandi Chastain to donate brain for concussion research
For those who are worried about the cleanliness of airplane bathrooms (and who isn’t?), Boeing is
March 4, 2016, 12:21 PM|Retired soccer icon promises a new and surprising contribution to the
working on a solution....
world of sports medicine. After...
Lasers, polar ice and satellites: Navy S&T spotlighted in new issue of Future Force
NIST invents fleet and fast test for nanomanufacturing quality control
IMAGE:Â Cover of the Winter 2016 issue of Future
Manufacturers may soon have a speedy and nondestructive way to test a wide array of materials
Force. view more Credit: Image provided by the
under real-world conditions,...
Office of Naval...
Woodpecker drumming signals wimp or warrior Animal behavior researchers at Wake Forest University have found that the highly territorial downy woodpecker interprets...
CU researchers offer framework to integrate behavioral health and primary care AURORA, Colo. (March 4, 2016) – – Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, along with...
Building a better mouse trap, from the atoms up
M arine protected areas intensify both cooperation and competition
IMAGE:Â This is a schematic diagram of machine
IMAGE:Â These are baskets of freshly caught fish in
learning for materials discovery. view more Credit:
Baja California. Commercial fishers engage in
Chiho Kim,...
friendly rivalry to...
Latin America to tackle dual problems of hunger and obesity: U.N. By Anastasia Moloney BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters
WHO calls expert talks amid ‘accumulating evidence’ of Zika link to disorders
Foundation) – Latin American governments
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – The
World Health Organization, prompted by “accumulating...
Women file lawsuit arguing New York tampon tax is unlawful
Soccer-Swansea boss Guidolin still in hospital
NEW YORK (AP) — A group of women has filed a
LONDON, March 4 (Reuters) – Swansea City
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
lawsuit accusing New York of unlawfully taxing tampons and other...
manager Francesco Guidolin is still in hospital recovering from...
10 Hacks to Jumpstart a Healthy Lifestyle
5 Sleep M yths Debunked By An Expert
Being healthy shouldn’t be a choice one has to
articles on the topic of sleep deprivation, often
make — it’s a beneficial commitment to your overall well-being,...
involving the link between sleep...
Snacking on peanuts may help obesity epidemic
Can aspirin reduce bowel cancer risk?
Good news for those who like peanuts and aren’t allergic: Snacking on them three to four
side effects “Taking two aspirin a week could
The Huffington Post has published numerous
Friday March 4 2016 Aspirin can have some nasty protect against...
times a week could help lower...
21st Century Oncology says investigating cyber breach
New insights reported about the Angelina Jolie gene
Cancer care provider 21st Century Oncology Holdings Inc said it was investigating a breach of
Scientists from the Cancer Therapy Research Center (CTRC) in San Antonio today (March 4)
its computer network, but...
published work that provides...
Biomarker tests for molecularly targeted therapies need better evidence, oversight
New tests may help combat melanoma, expert says
Potentially useful biomarker tests for molecularly
Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is on the rise in women of child-bearing age. Those at
targeted therapies are not being adopted
the greatest risk, according...
appropriately into clinical...
Angry, easily frustrated young adult? M iddle age may bring problems of memory and planning
New study ‘strongest’ proof Zika causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome
In a year when anger, mistrust and frustration are
piece of evidence yet that that the Zika virus causes the neurological disorder...
driving many to the polls, new research offers
A study published this week was the strongest
some insight for the middle-aged...
CPAP appears to improve glycemic control in patients with OSA and type 2 diabetes
Hubble Sees A Galaxy 13.4 Billion Years In The Past, Breaking Distance Record
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Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP,
i A NASA video shows a long zoom-in to the view of
appears to improve glycemic control in patients
a galaxy 13.4 billion years in the past, in what the...
with obstructive sleep apnea...
M elanoma and the Importance of Performing Skin Checks
Another Common M osquito M ay Be Able To Transmit Zika Virus
The number of cases of melanoma is increasing
Research by scientists in Brazil indicates that a
faster than any other potentially preventable cancer in the United States....
mosquito more common than the one primarily known to transmit Zika infections...
Why You Need to Give Yourself Permission to Be Happy
Health Benefits of Taking a Vacation
Over the last week, I felt a weight lifted off my
their companies don’t take all of it. In two
shoulders. I’ve been actively searching for wisdom and fulfillment,...
separate surveys, one reported...
A Simple M editation To Improve Your Love Life
New study shows bias toward adopting children of certain ethnic, racial backgrounds
When you’re feeling frustrated with your love life or disconnected in your relationship, there’s no benefit...
Most Americans who are given paid vacation by
IMAGE:Â Nikki Khanna, associate professor of sociology, has written extensively on race and ethnic relations with a...
Sec Tom Vilsack’ USDA working to incentivize biomass feedstock development & strengthen supply chain
Transition to child care easier when parents and providers form partnership
IMAGE:Â Industrial Biotechnology, led by Co-
is an important...
URBANA, Ill. – A new University of Illinois study reveals that the transition from home to child care
Editors-in-Chief Larry Walker, PhD, and Glenn Nedwin, PhD, MoT, CEO and...
A case exemplar for national policy leadership: Expanding PACE program A new article “A Case Exemplar for National Policy Leadership: Expanding Program of AllInclusive Care for the Elderly...
Hostile young adults may experience thinking and memory problems in middle age MINNEAPOLIS – Young adults with hostile attitudes or those who don’t cope well with stress may be at increased...
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Understanding differences within species is critical to conservation efforts
Serial airplane stowaway gets six months in Chicago mental health center
A new study published in the journal Ecological
(Reuters) – A woman barred from airports around the United States for trying to evade security
Applications shows that differences within a
and board...
species across geographically...
Doctor quality ratings may be influenced by setting
Experiments show link between Zika and foetal brain damage
By Madeline Kennedy (Reuters Health) – Patients
Paris (AFP) – Scientists on Friday said they had
give the same doctors different ratings depending...
found the first evidence of a biological link between the...
Fetus of Venezuelan woman who likely had Zika dies; had microcephaly: doctors
NYPD is sued for using sound cannons at Eric Garner protest
By Alexandra Ulmer and Corina Pons CARACAS (Reuters) – A fetus whose mother likely had the...
The New York City Police Department has been
Study shows how Zika virus could cause fetal brain defects
What caused this man’s bladder to be encased in calcium?
By Andrew M. Seaman NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Zika virus is capable of quickly infecting and...
A man in Qatar who had blood in his urine and pain for more than a month when he peed found out that
By Jonathan Stempel NEW YORK (Reuters) – sued for having allegedly...
his symptoms were caused...
Psychosis plus pot could mean more hospital time
Obesity’s toll: 11 million doctor’s visits yearly
People who have certain psychiatric disorders and also use marijuana may spend more time in the
American adults may make 11 million visits to the doctor in a single year because of obesity,
hospital for their conditions,...
according to a new government...
Can happiness break your heart?
Drinking coffee associated with reduced risk of M S
Thursday March 3 2016 Joyful emotional events may damage the heart “Moments of joy ‘can damage heart’,â€...
Brew up another pot of joe: Drinking coffee (and a lot of it) is associated with a reduced risk of developing multiple sclerosis...
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Lab study supports linking Zika virus to brain birth defect A lab study has found that Zika can infect
Renishaw inVia to support development of nanomolecular probes in Kircher Laboratory at M emorial Sloan Kettering
embryonic cells that help form the brain, adding to evidence that the virus causes...
/ no comments
IDT continues to support International Genetically Engineered M achine competition
Watching detox enzymes work could lead to better medicines
/ no comments
Medicines that are easier on your liver, as well as on the environment, could one day result from a new experimental technique...
How Can We Prevent The Next Global Health Epidemic?
Exploring the spatiotemporal drivers of malaria elimination in Europe
Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode How Things Spread About Bill Gates’ TED Talk
The decline and elimination of malaria were likely the result of a combination of factors that affect the
Entrepreneur and philanthropist...
process of malaria...
Unexpected perturbations training improves balance control and voluntary stepping times in older adults
On Predicting lung cancer subtypes using ‘omic’ data from tumor and tumor-adjacent histologically-normal tissue
Participants Community dwelling older adults were recruited from two protected housing institutes. Eligibility criteria...
Datasets To test our hypothesis, we extracted datasets containing gene expression and DNA methylation beta values...
The prevalence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in a nursing home setting compared with elderly living at home: a cross-sectional comparison
Erratum to: Population attributable risks of modifiable reproductive factors for breast and ovarian cancers in Korea
In this cross-sectional comparison study we found
Goyang, Korea ...
1 Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy,
no difference in the prevalence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae...
How Jealousy Can M ake You Happier And M ore Successful
24 Things You Can Do With 24 Hours Of Tech-Free Time
We’ve been taught that jealousy is a shameful
15. Plan a vacation. Make those Hawaii fantasies a
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
thing to feel. But, as the School of Life video above
reality or finally live up to your promise to visit a
explains, all...
friend. Research...
M aya Rbeiz’s Guide To A Life Of Gratitude
New pain relief technique for ACL knee surgery preserves muscle strength
Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but
IMAGE:Â Anesthesiologists can significantly reduce loss of muscle strength in ACL knee surgery
sometimes life takes...
patients using a new...
Long-term aspirin use linked to lower risk for gastrointestinal tract cancers
Tapping into Twitter to help recruit cancer patients into #ClinicalTrials
Regular low doses of aspirin for at least six years was associated with a modestly reduced overall
PHILADELPHIA– Twitter may be an effective, untapped resource to stimulate interest in cancer
risk for cancer, primarily...
clinical trials and boost...
Blocking transfer of calcium to cell’s powerhouse selectively kills cancer cells
Regular aspirin use found to protect against overall cancer risk
IMAGE:Â The image illustrates the molecular
epidemiologic studies finds that the regular use of
diversity of V1 inhibitory interneurons (indicated in green) in the mouse...
aspirin significantly reduces...
Increase in the number of dog attacks on guide dogs in the UK
WHO convenes experts amid ‘accumulating evidence’ of Zika link to disorders
Reported dog attacks on guide dogs have risen
An analysis of data from two major, long-term
significantly over a five year period, finds a study published online in the...
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) –
Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death ‘clearly not due to natural causes’: report
Novo Nordisk says Victoza helps lower heart risks
There is “accumulating evidence†of a link...
ATLANTA (Reuters) – Bobbi Kristina Brown, the
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – Novo Nordisk said on Friday the results from a trial showed that its
daughter of singers Whitney Houston and Bobby
Victoza diabetes...
Brown, died from...
Pakistan police rescue nine-year-old girl from wedding
UNHCR issues six-point plan to resolve Europe refugee crisis
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By Mubasher Bukhari LAHORE (Reuters) –
GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations refugee
Pakistani police rescued a nine-year-old girl from being...
agency proposed a six-point plan to European Union heads of...
A cane for the blind that senses tall obstacles
Sex tied to better brain power in older age
As an undergraduate studying computer science
People over age 50 who are more sexually active
and engineering in New Delhi, Rohan Paul, the son of two doctors, took on a...
also have better memory and cognitive skills than people who get busy less...
WHO cites ‘accumulating evidence’ of Zika link to disorders
Happy events can spur ‘broken heart syndrome’
GENEVA –  There is “accumulating
A rare condition known as “broken heart
evidence†of a link between the Zika virus and two neurological disorders,...
syndrome†is usually brought on by an emotionally devastating or stressful...
CDC: Superbugs cause 1 in 7 infections caught in hospitals
Genital talc boosts ovarian cancer risk in study
NEW YORK –  Supergerms cause 1 out of 7 infections caught in hospitals, health officials said
The risk of ovarian cancer was one-third higher among women who regularly powdered their
Thursday. The bugs...
genitals with talc, a recent study...
M any melanoma patients may have few moles
Gene required for the control of behavioral state may be linked to autism
Checking out the moles on your skin is a common way to look for the deadly skin cancer melanoma, but a new study shows that...
“[W]e hope that our studies of vps-50 will provide insights into human neuropsychiatric disorders,â€...
Study highlights use of 10x Genomics’ GemCode technology platform for genomic analysis
Preterm neonatal progenitor cells may be a powerful tool for regeneration of damaged kidneys
10x Genomics, a company focused on improving and broadening the application of genomic
/ no comments American Society of Nephrology (ASN)
information across healthcare and...
Pregnant women with acute migraine more likely to experience adverse birth
Regular use of aspirin significantly reduces overall cancer risk
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
outcomes Women who have acute migraine attacks that are severe enough to prompt them to seek care may
An analysis of data from two major, long-term epidemiologic studies finds that the regular use of aspirin significantly reduces...
be more likely to have complications...
Scientists track rare potent antibodies in HIV-infected individual
Researchers uncover new pathway for mitochondrial cell death
One of the most crucial and elusive goals of an
Researchers at St. Jude Children’s Research
effective HIV vaccine is to stimulate antibodies that can attack the virus...
Hospital have uncovered a new pathway for mitochondrial cell death that...
Tribe Says Drilling Project Would Have ‘Heartbreaking’ Consequences
‘Bending current’ opens up the way for a new type of magnetic memory
i Solenex’s proposed well site is on the land
IMAGE:Â This image shows the experimental chip
known as the Badger-Two Medicine. ...
the researchers used for their measurements. view more Credit:...
Study offers clearest picture yet of how HIV defeats a cellular defender
Researchers overturn landmark study on the replicability of psychological science
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — A new study offers the first atomic-scale view of an interaction between the HIV capsid –...
According to two Harvard professors and their collaborators, a 2015 landmark study showing that more than half of all psychology...
Quantum computer factors numbers, could be scaled up
The BM J Editor unpicks row over Hunt’s use of seven-day NHS data
What are the prime factors, or multipliers, for the
Today, The BMJ‘s Editor in chief, Dr Fiona
number 15? Most grade school students know the
Godlee, unpicks the facts surrounding health
answer — 3 and...
secretary Jeremy Hunt’s...
How effective is Twitter to share cancer clinical trial information and recruit?
Exclusive: White House and states to craft Zika attack plan at summit
Could Twitter be a way to communicate with the
By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) –
public about cancer clinical trials and increase
The White House will gather U.S. state and local...
awareness and patient recruitment?...
South African state-owned drug firm
6 crazy things plastic surgeons have
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
seeks anti-retroviral supplies
By Wendell Roelf CAPE TOWN (Reuters) – South
It’s not all minor lifts and subtle tucks: With
Africa wants anti-retroviral drug suppliers to...
more than 15.6 million plastic surgeries performed last year, there...
Woman shares skin cancer photos to show effects of tanning habit Judy Cloud, 49, spent a lot of time in the sun as a
New study looks at efficacy of selfguided and accelerated post-surgical therapy programs
child. The Indianapolis, Indiana, legal assistant
Research presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of
grew up playing...
the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) challenges two common...
The maximum earthquake magnitude for North Turkey
When liquids get up close and personal with powders
03.03.2016: Geoscientists and natural disaster management experts are well aware of the risk
Every cook knows that dissolving powder into a liquid, such as semolina in milk or polenta in
prevailing in the megacity of...
water, often creates lumps....
Tumors contain the seeds of their own destruction
Asymmetry of an emotion
SCIENTISTS have made a groundbreaking discovery in understanding how the genetic
has demonstrated that when we look at other
There are two premises. First, scientific research people’s facial expressions,...
complexity of tumours can be recognised...
Desalination plants a ‘hidden asset’ for power, water
Questions grow about Zika’s risk to future pregnancy
IMAGE:Â Scientists say their findings can turn the tap on new options for urban water and energy
By Deena Beasley LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Few women have competed in the Olympics while
management. ...
S.Sudan oil production pollution threatens thousands: monitors
Annual visit rate for obesity is 49 visits per 1,000 persons
Nairobi (AFP) – Dangerous heavy metals used in
In the largest study of its kind, an international team
oil production in war-torn South Sudan have leaked
of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has
into drinking...
shown that both organic...
UTHealth’s M elissa Valerio named
Women often overestimate odds that
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Chancellor’s Health Fellow
early breast cancer will return, spread
Melissa Valerio, Ph.D., regional dean of The
(HealthDay)—Many women treated for early breast
University of Texas Health Science Center at
cancer overestimate the odds of it spreading to
Houston (UTHealth) School of Public...
another organ,...
Women need antiviral medication Truvada more than men to prevent HIV infection
Cannabis use in psychotic patients linked to 50 percent higher hospital admission risk
Women need daily doses of the antiviral
Cannabis indica. Credit: Wikipedia Cannabis use
medication Truvada to prevent HIV infection while
among people experiencing a first episode of
men only need two doses per week...
psychotic illness...
Study provides critical insight into Warburg effect
M oderate alcohol consumption can increase risk of heart attack and stroke
PGK1, a glycolytic enzyme, has been found to play
While the protective connection between moderate
a role in coordinating cellular processes crucial to
alcohol consumption and heart health has been
cancer metabolism...
well-studied, new research...
Peanut butter, peanuts can be key to fighting obesity
New deep brain stimulation improves symptoms in Tourette’s patients
Hispanic middle school children, at high risk for
Reported by new study in Biological Psychiatry
being overweight or obese, reduced their Body
Specifically-targeted deep brain stimulation
Mass Index (BMI) when they...
improves symptoms in patients...
M SU scientists identify new kind of stem cell that could advance regenerative medicine
M apping family health history could drive patients to more timely screenings
Scientists at Michigan State University have
Most doctors and nurses review a patient’s
discovered a new kind of stem cell, one that could lead to advances in regenerative...
family history to identify risk factors for heart disease and cancer, often...
Study Finds Women Who Want Abortions Are Often Given M isleading Information
AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana, LSU Health New Orleans create new fellowship program
It’s the law in 38 states that when a woman
AmeriHealth Caritas Louisiana, a Medicaid
chooses to have an abortion, a doctor has to
managed care health plan serving Louisiana, and
counsel her and give her...
the LSU Health New Orleans School...
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Discovery of a ‘neuronal big bang’
Clean energy could stress global water resources
IMAGE:Â This is an expression of all the genes of a
Climate mitigation efforts in the energy system
neuron during the first hours after its birth. Each
could lead to increasing pressure on water
circle represents...
resources, according to a new...
Re-thinking renewable energy predictions
New way to control chemical reactions
IMAGE:Â Wind turbines, such as the ones pictured
IMAGE:Â This is professor Michelle Coote. view more Credit: Stuart Hay, ANU Scientists have
above create electricity when the wind spins the
harnessed static...
blades and rotor,...
DNA ‘scrunching’ occurs as RNA polymerase selects a position to begin synthesizing RNA
Greenland’s ice is getting darker, increasing risk of melting
A research collaboration that combines novel “big-data†informatics tools with expertise in
darker over the past two decades, absorbing more
Greenland’s snowy surface has been getting heat from the sun and...
basic biology has...
M odified protein reverses cirrhosis in lab rats
Brain connectivity reveals hidden motives
A protein modified to increase the amount of time it
To understand human behaviors, it is crucial to
circulates in the bloodstream appears to reverse
understand the motives behind them. So far, there
liver fibrosis and...
was no direct way to identify...
Black and brilliant? A female genius? Not according to RateM yProfessors, study finds
Breast cancer: The mental trauma of severe disease
IMAGE: A new study led by U. of I. graduate
Universitaet (LMU) in Munich researchers, a
student Daniel Storage, left, and psychology professor Andrei Cimpian...
majority of patients diagnosed...
Reports of deaths after 7.9 quake hits off Indonesia
Fewer than half of Rio Games tickets sold
JAKARTA (Reuters) – A massive and shallow
By Karolos Grohmann LAUSANNE, Switzerland
earthquake struck on Wednesday off the west coast of the Indonesian...
(Reuters) – Organizers for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro...
According to a study led by Ludwig-Maximilians-
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Olympics-Fewer than half of Rio Games tickets sold-organisers
M cKesson to buy drugstore chain Rexall Health for C$3 billion
By Karolos Grohmann LAUSANNE, Switzerland, March 2 (Reuters) – Organisers for the 2016
(Reuters) – U.S. drug distributor McKesson Corp said it would buy drugstore chain Rexall Health
from Katz...
Germany to cooperate with U.S. on IT standards to reboot industry
Doctors call for ban on rugby tackles in British schools
BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany has agreed to work with the United States to find common
LONDON (Reuters) – Doctors, academics and health experts have called for tackling to be banned
standards to connect...
in rugby played...
Texas abortion case goes before shorthanded Supreme Court
British company offers ‘period leave’ for women
WASHINGTON The U.S. Supreme Court takes up a major abortion case on Wednesday focusing on
In a new initiative aiming to sync up with female staff’s “natural rhythms,†a British social
whether a Texas law that imposes...
Cuba reports first case of Zika, imported via Venezuelan woman
Pennsylvania wife surprises husband with pre-flight pregnancy announcement
HAVANA –  Cuba reported its first case of Zika on Wednesday, with official media saying it was diagnosed in a 28-year-old...
A Pennsylvania woman who found out she was pregnant while vacationing in Las Vegas with her husband decided a pre-flight...
Doctors remove 26 tumors from woman’s womb
Essure birth control controversy: 5 things you should know
After a patient complained of stomach pains,
A permanent birth-control implant called Essure
surgeons were shocked to find the source— 26 different tumors in her...
will need to be labeled with a stronger warning that lists potentially serious...
Quantitative assessment of dynamic deformability and adhesion of red blood cells possible
The first principle study of electronic and optical properties in rhombohedral BiAlO3
IMAGE: This is an artist’s illustration of the
IMAGE:Â This is a diagram illustrating the variation
microfluidic system for probing red blood cell
of partial density of states for bismuth, aluminum
(RBC) dynamic...
and oxygen. ...
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The first principle study of electronic and optical properties in rhombohedral BiAlO3
No more headache after watching movies
IMAGE:Â This is a diagram illustrating the variation
IMAGE:Â The Lomonosov Moscow State University scientists developed software able to minimize the
of partial density of states for bismuth, aluminum
time of 3-D movies...
and oxygen. ...
No more headache after watching movies IMAGE:Â The Lomonosov Moscow State University scientists developed software able to minimize the time of 3-D movies...
An integrated evaluation framework for water storage strategies in Sub-Sahara Africa The current study proposes a multi-criteria decision aid framework to funding agencies for the integrated evaluation of water...
An integrated evaluation framework for water storage strategies in Sub-Sahara Africa
Sponge structure key to mopping up oil spills
The current study proposes a multi-criteria
flow through, is key to creating a highly effective
decision aid framework to funding agencies for the integrated evaluation of water...
mechanical sponge...
Sponge structure key to mopping up oil spills
Bayer opens office in Zambia
An interconnected structure, which water can easily
Zambia on Wednesday to focus on the local
flow through, is key to creating a highly effective mechanical sponge...
agricultural sector...
Bayer opens office in Zambia LUSAKA (Reuters) – Bayer opened an office in
Cuba reports first case of Zika in Venezuelan doctor
Zambia on Wednesday to focus on the local
By Marc Frank HAVANA (Reuters) – Cuba
agricultural sector...
reported its first case of Zika on Wednesday, diagnosed...
Cuba reports first case of Zika in Venezuelan doctor
British doctors call for rugby tackling ban in schools
By Marc Frank HAVANA (Reuters) – Cuba
London (AFP) – Over 70 doctors and medical
An interconnected structure, which water can easily
LUSAKA (Reuters) – Bayer opened an office in
reported its first case of Zika on Wednesday, experts sent an open letter to the British W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
government on Wednesday...
British doctors call for rugby tackling ban in schools
Share your fitness data for an Apple Watch — or cash
London (AFP) – Over 70 doctors and medical experts sent an open letter to the British
You know you need to exercise more, but there’s always next week, or the week after? To
government on Wednesday...
entice you to stop procrastinating,...
Share your fitness data for an Apple Watch — or cash
Women take heart: 3-step plan to lower heart disease risk
You know you need to exercise more, but there’s always next week, or the week after? To
Though we’ve done a great job moving the needle for better heart health with men, women are
entice you to stop procrastinating,...
still at high risk with...
Women take heart: 3-step plan to lower heart disease risk
‘The Lucky Years’: How to use medical breakthroughs now to live longer
Though we’ve done a great job moving the needle for better heart health with men, women are still at high risk with...
Advances in technology and personalized medicine are making it possible for people to live longer than ever. But how can...
‘The Lucky Years’: How to use medical breakthroughs now to live longer
Texas abortion case goes before shorthanded U.S. Supreme Court
Advances in technology and personalized medicine
The U.S. Supreme Court takes up a major abortion case on Wednesday...
are making it possible for people to live longer than
By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) –
ever. But how can...
Better targeting of treatment gives hope to people with severe asthma
Researchers find Achilles’ heel of a severe form of childhood leukemia
Imagine you suffer from severe asthma, and
Mouse spleens that were infiltrated by TAL1-
you’ve tried every treatment available, but
positive T-ALL leukemia cells taken from human
nothing has worked. You still...
patients, with leukemia...
Added benefit of aflibercept not proven in myopic choroidal neovascularisation
Impact of central catheter maintenance bundle on central line-associated bloodstream infections
/ no comments Institute for Quality and Efficiency in
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Health Care
A central catheter maintenance bundle developed to prevent a common healthcare-associated infection had an immediate effect...
New model identifies climate change as significant factor for expansion of lone star ticks in Kansas
Polyunsaturated lipids can alter binding rate of two receptors involved in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
Climate change may have a new way of getting
A study published in the prestigious journal
under your skin. Researchers in the College of
Scientific Reports from the Nature group
Veterinary Medicine at Kansas...
demonstrates, for the first time and...
Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy can help increase bone strength in babies born in winter months
Study links patient-perceived physician empathy with medical care satisfaction
Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy may
A study presented today at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), links patient-perceived...
lead to stronger bones in babies born during the winter months, a new Southampton...
The world’s newest atom-smasher achieves its ‘first turns’
Signposts to the muscles
One of the world’s top particle accelerators has
is the result of a complex and precisely-
reached a milestone, achieving its “first turns†–...
coordinated interplay of nerves,...
New research helps solve the riddle of the ocean carbon conundrum
Depression is more than a mental disorder: It affects the whole organism
About a quarter of the carbon dioxide we release
IMAGE:Â This photo shows Manuel Gurpegui
each year into the atmosphere ends up in the ocean, but how it happens is...
(UGR), Christoph Correll (Zucker Hillside Hospital, New York) and Sara Jiménez...
Around a third of workers fear for jobs and pay, research says
Internet domain space overcrowded and stifling demand, suggesting a future ‘not-com’ boom
The scale of workers’ insecurity since the economic crisis is revealed in research showing that 32% believed that...
In both humans and animals, voluntary movement
As the digital age dawned, pioneers successfully snapped up broad swathes of the most popular and memorable domain names,...
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Ex-Phoenix VA hospital exec failed to disclose yearly gifts
Slovakia confirms first case of Zika virus in country: minister
PHOENIX (AP) — The former director of the
PRAGUE A Slovak woman returning from South
Phoenix VA Health Care System — which had
America was confirmed as the first case of the Zika
management problems...
virus in the country, Slovak...
Timing control of gait: a study of essential tremor patients vs. agematched controls
Special series on “The meaning of behavioral medicine in the psychosomatic field†establishment of a core curriculum for behavioral science in Japan: The importance of such a curriculum from the perspective of psychology
Gait and balance impairments in ET have been described in numerous studies. These problems are not simply sub-clinical phenomena,...
Received: 9 November 2015 Accepted: 3 December 2015 Published: 2 March 2016
Genomic approaches for understanding dengue: insights from the virus, vector, and host
Clinical vignettes and global health considerations of infertility care in under-resourced patients
Impact of the mosquito microbiome on vector
The American Society of Reproductive Medicine
competence Mosquitoes harbor bacterial
(ASRM) estimates that the current average cost of
communities that have diverse impacts...
an in-vitro fertilization...
Experiments in Happiness: M editation, One M onth Recap: My New Year’s resolution is to stop
Suicide re-attempt risk substantially reduced after a novel psychiatric intervention
externalizing my happiness. This year, I’m
Trial shows risk of suicide re-attempt substantially
focusing on my own behaviors...
reduced after a novel psychiatric intervention A lowcost, alliance-based...
OLED displays and solid-state lightings in mass production, coming soon
What you know can affect how you see
A team led by Prof. Tae-Woo Lee (Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering) at POSTECH have
similar they looked to test participants who
IMAGE: This chart groups letters based on how didn’t know Arabic...
fabricated highly-efficient,...
Pharmaceutical company performance
Neutrophils ‘vacuum’ microbes
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
improves when innovation and execution align
away from the brain
East Norriton, Penn., March 1, 2016. A study measuring the impact of pharmaceutical
College Park, and Nanjing Medical University,
Researchers from the University of Maryland, China, have discovered a new way...
commercial operations on company performance...
High-carbon coal products could derail China’s clean energy efforts
Exclusive: SEC probe of Valeant began with review of short seller
DURHAM, N.C. — China’s plan to ramp up
By Carl O’Donnell and Sarah N. Lynch NEW
production of new chemicals and synthetic fuels
YORK (Reuters) – A U.S. regulatory probe of...
made from coal could...
Treatment of asthma in young children: evidence-based recommendations
Claim Your Queer
Sorry, the page you requested is unavailable. The
little weird now and then. Look, here’s the thing: we’re...
link you requested might be broken, or no longer
Let’s face it–everyone wants something a
exist. Why not start at...
Bill Cortese’s GPS Guide On Finding Courage
Vivian Ribeiro’s GPS Guide On Celebrating Your Unique Qualities
Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all
Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all
have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but
have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but
sometimes life takes...
sometimes life takes...
5 Simple Tips for Exceptional Communication Effective communication is the cornerstone of all
Cholera-like disease ‘piggybacking’ on El Niño to reach new shores
healthy relationships. Regardless of whether the
New research just published has highlighted how
relationship is with...
El Niño could be transporting and spreading waterborne diseases like cholera...
M oments of acute stress can cause molecular alterations in immune response
Celestial bodies born like cracking paint
Chronic psychosocial and emotional stress has
DURHAM, N.C. — A Duke theorist says there’s a very good reason why objects in the
well-documented negative effects upon the human
universe come in a wide variety...
immune system, measurably increasing... W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Kavli Lectures: Computers for drug discovery, clean energy Harnessing the power of computers to find new medicines and to explore the viability of alternative clean energy strategies...
Link between sleep and social participation may be key to healthy aging IMAGE:Â Jen-Hao Chen found that older adults with greater levels of social participation are getting better sleep. ...
The overlooked commotion of particle motion in the ocean
M ore than a third of people shot by LAPD in 2015 mentally ill: report
Most aquatic species sense sound via particle motion, yet few studies on underwater acoustic
By Sharon Bernstein (Reuters) – More than a third of people hit by Los Angeles police
ecology have included measurements...
officers’ gunfire...
South Dakota governor vetoes transgender bathroom bill
U.S. EPA moves to end use of Bayer, Nichino insecticides
By Brendan O’Brien (Reuters) – South
By Karl Plume CHICAGO (Reuters) – The U.S.
Dakota Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard on
Environmental Protection Agency said on
Ivy League mulls banning tackles at football practices
Top U.S. court set to consider contentious Texas abortion case
BOSTON (Reuters) – Football practices at the
By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) –
United States’ elite Ivy League universities may
The U.S. Supreme Court was set to hear its first
be a...
abortion rights...
5 Life Lessons From the Heart
5 Life Lessons From the Heart
I am in my room – alone – and everything is
I am in my room – alone – and everything is
quiet. The curtains are closed in that half-open sort of way,...
quiet. The curtains are closed in that half-open sort of way,...
Why Practicing Yoga Helps With M y Stutter
Why Practicing Yoga Helps With M y Stutter
My intention of writing this article is not to convince
My intention of writing this article is not to convince
you that yoga can cure stuttering. I am fully aware that everyone...
you that yoga can cure stuttering. I am fully aware that everyone...
How M indfulness Affects Your Blood
How M indfulness Affects Your Blood
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
To understand the relationship between glucose
To understand the relationship between glucose
levels and mindfulness, Eric Loucks, an assistant
levels and mindfulness, Eric Loucks, an assistant
professor of epidemiology...
professor of epidemiology...
Strongest evidence yet linking Zika to temporary paralysis
Strongest evidence yet linking Zika to temporary paralysis
Scientists may have the first evidence that Zika can
Scientists may have the first evidence that Zika can
cause temporary paralysis, according to a new
cause temporary paralysis, according to a new
study of patients who...
study of patients who...
FDA strengthens warning on birth control implant
FDA strengthens warning on birth control implant
Federal health regulators plan to warn consumers
Federal health regulators plan to warn consumers
more strongly about Essure, a contraceptive
more strongly about Essure, a contraceptive
implant that has drawn thousands...
implant that has drawn thousands...
Some jobs seem riskier when it comes to heart health
Some jobs seem riskier when it comes to heart health
If you’re 45 or older and in a sales job, you may
If you’re 45 or older and in a sales job, you may
be at higher risk for heart disease and stroke
be at higher risk for heart disease and stroke
compared to workers...
compared to workers...
Extinct otter-like ‘marine bear’ might have had a bite like a sabertoothed cat
Extinct otter-like ‘marine bear’ might have had a bite like a sabertoothed cat
New research suggests that the feeding strategy of Kolponomos, an enigmatic shell-crushing marine
New research suggests that the feeding strategy of Kolponomos, an enigmatic shell-crushing marine
predator that lived about...
predator that lived about...
Bees ‘dumb down’ after ingesting tiny doses of the pesticide chlorpyrifos
Bees ‘dumb down’ after ingesting tiny doses of the pesticide chlorpyrifos
Honeybees suffer severe learning and memory deficits after ingesting very small doses of the
Honeybees suffer severe learning and memory deficits after ingesting very small doses of the
pesticide chlorpyrifos, potentially...
pesticide chlorpyrifos, potentially...
Was author of famed ‘Gray’s
Was author of famed ‘Gray’s
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Anatomy’ textbook a plagiarist?
Anatomy’ textbook a plagiarist?
A new survey of historical evidence demonstrates
A new survey of historical evidence demonstrates
that Henry Gray plagiarized parts of the first edition
that Henry Gray plagiarized parts of the first edition
of his book, Gray’s...
of his book, Gray’s...
From M olecular Case Studies: Novel gene variants identified in male breast cancer
From M olecular Case Studies: Novel gene variants identified in male breast cancer
March 1, 2016- Male breast cancer (MBC) is a very rare tumor type, occurring in just 1% of all breast
March 1, 2016- Male breast cancer (MBC) is a very rare tumor type, occurring in just 1% of all breast
cancer cases, and the...
cancer cases, and the...
Early M RI screening reduces risk of breast cancer death for survivors of childhood HL
Early M RI screening reduces risk of breast cancer death for survivors of childhood HL
(TORONTO, Canada – March 1, 2016) –
(TORONTO, Canada – March 1, 2016) –
Researchers at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Researchers at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
have confirmed in a screening...
have confirmed in a screening...
The special theory of relativity has been disproved theoretically
The special theory of relativity has been disproved theoretically
At present, mainstream physicists seem to have
At present, mainstream physicists seem to have
fully accepted Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity (STR) and to...
fully accepted Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity (STR) and to...
Cheaper healthy food could save millions of lives: study
Cheaper healthy food could save millions of lives: study
Washington (AFP) – Scientists have been telling
Washington (AFP) – Scientists have been telling
Americans about the benefits of healthy eating for decades,...
Americans about the benefits of healthy eating for decades,...
Stuck in limbo, M auritania’s Syrian refugees dream of the West
Stuck in limbo, M auritania’s Syrian refugees dream of the West
By Kieran Guilbert NOUAKCHOTT (Thomson
By Kieran Guilbert NOUAKCHOTT (Thomson
Reuters Foundation) – Terrified of being dragged out...
Reuters Foundation) – Terrified of being dragged out...
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
Ethiopian mothers struggle to feed sick children as food aid runs out
Ethiopian mothers struggle to feed sick children as food aid runs out
By Katy Migiro SERIEL, Ethiopia (Thomson Reuters
By Katy Migiro SERIEL, Ethiopia (Thomson Reuters
Foundation) – The worst part of Mulugeta
Foundation) – The worst part of Mulugeta
Factbox: Spring rains bring some relief to Ethiopia’s hunger crisis
Factbox: Spring rains bring some relief to Ethiopia’s hunger crisis
By Katy Migiro ADDIS ABABA (Thomson Reuters
By Katy Migiro ADDIS ABABA (Thomson Reuters
Foundation) – Rain in parts of Ethiopia is
Foundation) – Rain in parts of Ethiopia is
UK cost agency rejects leukaemia drug from J&J and AbbVie
UK cost agency rejects leukaemia drug from J&J and AbbVie
LONDON (Reuters) – A new leukaemia drug
LONDON (Reuters) – A new leukaemia drug
viewed by industry experts as a future blockbuster
viewed by industry experts as a future blockbuster
has been rejected...
has been rejected...
Lead still found in some Flint, M ichigan, water: governor
Lead still found in some Flint, M ichigan, water: governor
(Reuters) – Five months after Flint, Michigan,
(Reuters) – Five months after Flint, Michigan,
changed its water supply due to problems with lead contamination...
changed its water supply due to problems with lead contamination...
New FDA guidelines aim to prevent Zika transmission via tissue, cell donation
New FDA guidelines aim to prevent Zika transmission via tissue, cell donation
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on
Tuesday issued new recommendations aimed at reducing the risk of Zika virus transmission...
Tuesday issued new recommendations aimed at reducing the risk of Zika virus transmission...
Researchers uncover expansion of lone star ticks in Kansas
Study shows high patient satisfaction with telemedicine-based care of sleep apnea
MANHATTAN, KANSAS — Climate change may have a new way of getting under your skin. Researchers in the College of Veterinary...
DARIEN, IL – A new study suggests that telemedicine-based management for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is as effective...
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From M olecular Case Studies: Novel syndrome resulting from multiple genomic lesions
Link between ADHD and academic expectations identified by University of M iami researchers
March 1, 2016 – Although genomic testing can be
IMAGE:Â Dr. Jeffrey P. Brosco. view more Credit:
useful for clinical diagnosis, most patients have no
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine A new
obvious genomic...
EARTH: Urban geology
M edicare Advantage reporting honored in health journalism contest
Alexandria, VA – More than half of the total human population on Earth lives in urban areas, where, like rural areas,...
Senior reporter Fred Schulte’s investigative series into systematic waste in the Medicare Advantage program...
3 Lessons for New Alliance to Fight Health Care Costs
15 Dirtiest Cities in the World
Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported that 20
Pollution is one of the most dangerous issues plaguing the world today. Water pollution causes a
large U.S. companies joined together to fight high
decline of safe drinking...
health care costs,...
Homeless people face age-related conditions earlier than people with homes
Exponential M edicine Conference and the "Last M ile" Problem in Genomic M edicine
By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – Health conditions usually seen among the elderly are
I was invited to speak at Singularity University‘s amazing Exponential Medicine event this winter,
and it was one of...
The War On Bacteria — Who Are We Really Harming?
U.S. panel not sure elderly need routine vision checks during physicals
Throughout my training and most of my career as a physician, the prevailing belief in medicine told us
(Reuters Health) – There isn’t enough evidence yet to say for sure whether primary care
bacteria are pathogenic,...
doctors should offer...
Supreme Court set to consider contentious Texas abortion case
Search for patient’s special toy ahead of chemotherapy treatment
WASHINGTON The Supreme Court was set to hear its first abortion rights case in nearly a decade on
Hannah Kiresuk, 19, was diagnosed with juvenile refractory myasthenia, a  rare autoimmune
Wednesday as it weighs...
neuromuscular disease, when...
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Americans who see God as ‘a secure base’ tend to be more committed, satisfied on the job
Americans who see God as ‘a secure base’ tend to be more committed, satisfied on the job
People who see God as a “secure base†for
People who see God as a “secure base†for
intimacy and attachment are more likely to be emotionally committed...
intimacy and attachment are more likely to be emotionally committed...
U-M ’s Lee: Current vision screening recommendations for older adults have merit
U-M ’s Lee: Current vision screening recommendations for older adults have merit
The chair of ophthalmology at the University of
The chair of ophthalmology at the University of
Michigan examined a recent report investigating the
Michigan examined a recent report investigating the
value of vision screening...
value of vision screening...
M ichigan family welcomes 2nd child born on Leap Day
M ichigan family welcomes 2nd child born on Leap Day
southeastern Michigan couple is celebrating the
southeastern Michigan couple is celebrating the
unique occurrence of both their children...
unique occurrence of both their children...
Doctors’ marriage habits may be contributing to care shortage in rural US
Doctors’ marriage habits may be contributing to care shortage in rural US
Doctors are increasingly marrying other well-
Doctors are increasingly marrying other well-
educated people with careers, and that may be exacerbating the shortage of doctors...
educated people with careers, and that may be exacerbating the shortage of doctors...
Hey boss: Workers prefer consistent jerk to loose cannon
Hey boss: Workers prefer consistent jerk to loose cannon
IMAGE:Â Employees appear to be better off if their boss is a consistent jerk rather than being a loose
IMAGE:Â Employees appear to be better off if their boss is a consistent jerk rather than being a loose
cannon who’s...
cannon who’s...
Indian construction worker survives being impaled by iron rod
Indian construction worker survives being impaled by iron rod
An Indian construction worker who was speared by an iron rod through his abdomen is improving
An Indian construction worker who was speared by an iron rod through his abdomen is improving
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daily, Central European News...
daily, Central European News...
NREL collaboration boosts potential for CdTe solar cells
NREL collaboration boosts potential for CdTe solar cells
A critical milestone has been reached in cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cell technology, helping pave
A critical milestone has been reached in cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cell technology, helping pave
the way for solar energy...
the way for solar energy...
Toddler recovering after screwdriver pierces brain
Toddler recovering after screwdriver pierces brain
A Chinese toddler narrowly cheated death after tripping while holding a screwdriver, causing the
A Chinese toddler narrowly cheated death after tripping while holding a screwdriver, causing the
tool to become lodged in...
tool to become lodged in...
Joey Feek’s diagnosis: Understanding cervical cancer
102-year-old woman gets to play with team she’s supported for over 90 years
As country singer Joey Feek, 40, continues her battle with cervical cancer, for which she stopped receiving treatment in...
Many a sports fan can only dream of playing alongside their favorite athletes, but one woman has seen her wish come true....
102-year-old woman gets to play with team she’s supported for over 90 years
Surgery, anesthesia not linked to longterm cognitive impairment in older adults
Many a sports fan can only dream of playing
Chicago – New research suggests older patients
alongside their favorite athletes, but one woman
should not feel reluctant to have quality of life
has seen her wish come true....
enhancing surgeries...
Campuses need safety planning to protect abuse victims, study finds IMAGE:Â Lisa Muftic is an associate professor in
Aflibercept in myopic choroidal neovascularization: Added benefit not proven
the Department of Criminal Justice and
Aflibercept (trade name: Eylea) has been approved
Criminology at Sam Houston State...
since October 2015 for adults with impaired vision due to myopic choroidal...
U.S. moves to end use of Bayer Cropscience, Nichino America insecticide
Europe seen on cusp of new humanitarian crisis at GreeceM acedonia border
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S.
By Stephanie Nebehay and Gabriela Baczynska
Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday
GENEVA/BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The build-up of
it is issuing a notice of...
Exclusive: U.N. to hold next round of Syria talks on M arch 9
U.S. top court rules for Liberty M utual over Vermont healthcare law
By Tom Miles GENEVA (Reuters) – The United
By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) –
Nations will begin the next round of Syria peace...
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that Vermont...
Giving Your All Without Giving Up I recently had the opportunity to connect with a friend from high school who like me, is a cancer survivor. We met for a...
How to gain weight during pregnancy in a healthy way Gaining weight during pregnancy is both natural and essential. But limiting the weight gained during pregnancy to a healthy...
Bacteria or virus? New tests may identify what’s causing your infection
Sloan Kettering’s quest to prove exercise can inhibit cancer
Duke University researchers are working on an intriguing idea—a blood test to determine whether
for patients battling cancer: rigorous physical
Researchers are testing an intriguing new weapon exercise. Studies and clinical...
a respiratory infection...
What you should know about how supplements interact with prescription drugs
Viral photos show M ichigan golden retriever that got braces is all smiles
As millions of Americans consume over-the-
Most people who get braces do so because they seek the confidence a straight smile can bring, but
counter herbal and botanical supplements in a bid
a Michigan golden retriever...
to boost health, there is increasing...
Analysis questions benefit of female libido drug Women may experience small benefits with a drug approved last year in the U.S. to treat low sexual desire in women, but at...
Lady Gaga’s Emotional Oscar Performance Has Inspired Hope and Admiration At last night’s Oscars, Lady Gaga performed her nominated song, “’Til It Happens To You,†from...
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Understanding the cancer-killing properties of a chemical commando
Scott Kelly Reflects On His Year Off The Planet
Imagine you wanted to know how much energy it took to bike up a mountain, but couldn’t finish
i NASA astronaut Scott Kelly takes a selfie inside the cupola, a special module that provides a 360-
the ride to the peak...
Our ‘Golden M ole’ Winner Used To Paint Wasps For A Living
Where CDC Guidelines Fail, Leading Lyme Doctor Succeeds (Part 1)
i Think wasps all look alike? Look again. USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring...
Dr. Steven E. Phillips is a Yale-trained, worldrenowned Lyme specialist who has treated over 20,000 patients in the last...
Daily M editation: The M ountain ALL SOULS BY EDITH WHARTON IA THIN moon faints in the sky o’erhead,And dumb in the churchyard lie the dead.Walk we...
M indfulness in the Workplace: Benefits, Risks, Complexities There is an increasingly nuanced understanding of the potential benefits and risks of mindfulness strategies (including meditation...
What Everyone Can Do During Sex To M ake It Even Better
An Open Letter to M y Anxiety
It’s one of the most basic facts of long-term
potential dangers in the world. I’m really thankful that you’ve...
relationships: Intimacy can ebb and flow. As
Dear Anxiety, I get that you want to warn me about
relationship expert and...
M aine woman meets kidney donor for first time
Review raises concerns about women’s libido drug flibanserin
March 1, 2016, 8:43 AM|A social media campaign
March 1, 2016, 7:36 AM|There are new concerns
to find a kidney donor could have life-saving
about the safety of the only female libido drug
results. Linda Deming put her...
approved by the FDA. Flibanserin,...
Lifetime breakthrough promising for low-cost and efficient OLED displays and lights
Protein revealed as glue that holds biomolecules within the nucleolus
IMAGE:Â Using the OLED structure in this
nucleophosmin (NPM1) serves as glue that holds
schematic, researchers were able to delay the degradation in brightness of...
proteins and RNA together in...
Researchers have determined that the protein
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Studies explain adolescents’ vulnerability to addictive drugs
Drugs that treat osteoporosis also can cause small risk of thigh bone fractures
Researchers have discovered one reason why
MAYWOOD, Ill. – Osteoporosis drugs have
adolescents are more prone to drug addiction than
significantly reduced the risk of bone fractures for
adults, with findings that could...
millions of people, but...
Life or illusion? Avoiding ‘false positives’ in the search for living worlds
Publication in Nature one of string of discoveries using Texas-developed technology
Research from the University of Washington-based
SAN ANTONIO (Feb. 29, 2016) — How do some
Virtual Planetary Laboratory published Feb. 26 in Astrophysical Journal...
viruses–comparable to HIV–insert their genetic information...
Novo Nordisk and AstraZeneca seek tonic from key drug trials
Anti-torture committee warns Greece on over-crowded prisons, police violence
By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) – Novo Nordisk and AstraZeneca, two drugmakers whose financial...
ATHENS (Reuters) – The Council of Europe, which safeguards human rights and the rule of law across the region,...
49ers’ Torrey Smith shares unborn child’s health scare, asks for prayers
National Zoo closes attraction after E. coli discovered
San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Torrey Smith opened up to fans Monday about the medical scare
Kid’s Farm exhibit after E. coli was found in
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo shut down its some animals. National...
he and his pregnant wife...
Lack of sleep may cause same ‘munchies’ as smoking weed
University at Buffalo player dies a week after medical issue
Lack of sleep gives you the “munchies†just like smoking weed, a new study claims. Sleep-
The University at Buffalo says defensive end Solomon Jackson has died a week after
deprived people crave...
experiencing a medical emergency during...
Former M arine, wife use experience of traumatic injury to help others
‘Need for Sleep’: Even elite students are not spared
Justin and Dahlia Constantine had only known each other for a few weeks when he was deployed
The legendary work ethic of East Asian students may have driven them to the top of the
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
with his Marine Corps unit to...
standardised test leaderboard but...
‘Need for Sleep’: Even elite students are not spared
Biological clocks orchestrate behavioral rhythms by sending signals downstream
The legendary work ethic of East Asian students may have driven them to the top of the standardised test leaderboard but...
Different groups of neurons program biological clocks to orchestrate our behaviors by sending messages in a unidirectional...
Biological clocks orchestrate behavioral rhythms by sending signals downstream
Lower limit for future climate emissions needed, research says
Different groups of neurons program biological
than previously estimated if global warming is to be kept under control, a...
clocks to orchestrate our behaviors by sending
The world can emit even less greenhouse gases
messages in a unidirectional...
Lower limit for future climate emissions needed, research says
U.N. chief, Lavrov uphold Syria agreement, call for talks
The world can emit even less greenhouse gases
GENEVA (Reuters) – U.N. Secretary-General Ban
than previously estimated if global warming is to be
Ki-moon and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
kept under control, a...
Lavrov agreed on...
U.N. chief, Lavrov uphold Syria agreement, call for talks
How to build a better salad
GENEVA (Reuters) – U.N. Secretary-General Ban
not mean they have to be boring piles of lettuce. If done right they...
Ki-moon and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
Salads are a dieter’s best friend. But that does
Lavrov agreed on...
How to build a better salad Salads are a dieter’s best friend. But that does not mean they have to be boring piles of lettuce. If done right they...
Three ‘twisted’ photons in 3 dimensions IMAGE: Long-exposure photo of laser beams with a twisted wavefront. The beams have holes in the middle due to destructive...
Research demonstrates that air data can be used to reconstruct radiological releases
Europe on cusp of self-induced humanitarian crisis: UNHCR GENEVA (Reuters) – The rapid build-up of
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New research from North Carolina State University demonstrates that experts can use data from air
migrants stuck at Greece’s northern borders risks leading...
sampling technology to...
Clinton campaign says TV spot shows commitment to fight predatory drug pricing
Russia has not violated Syria truce: Deputy Foreign M inister
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A television
cessation of hostilities in Syria, and it has not had
advertisement set to air on Tuesday from the
GENEVA (Reuters) – Russia has not violated the
presidential campaign of...
HRW slams Afghan ‘virginity tests’ as sexual abuse
Study links Zika virus to temporary paralysis
Kabul (AFP) – Human Rights Watch has
LONDON –  Scientists may have the first
slammed “virginity exams†conducted on Afghan women and...
evidence that Zika can cause temporary paralysis, according to a new study...
Chrissy Teigen’s go-to healthy meal It’s no secret that Chrissy Teigen has a
Soda Is Out, Seltzer Is In: 5 Better-forYou Bubblies
seriously impressive kitchen game. But now the
By Alex Orlov for Life by Daily Burn Love the joyous
model is sharing all her best meals...
bubbles and sugary sweetness of diet cola? The calorie-free carbonation...
Talcum Powder: Just How M uch Risk Does It Pose?
Drowsy Driving Causes 100,000 Accidents A Year. Why Aren’t We Doing M ore To Stop It?
Johnson Johnson is a trusted name whose baby powder has long been a staple of many homes. The powder absorbs excess moisture...
We’re all well aware of how risky it is to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs — so much so that...
M aggi Hutchason’s GPS Guide On Expressing Gratitude During Stress
How Long Gay And Bi M en Live in San Francisco M ight Affect Their HIV Risk
Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. We all
Each week HuffPost Queer Voices, in a partnership
have a center of wisdom and balance within us, but
with blogger Scout, LGBT HealthLink and
sometimes life takes...
researcher Susana Fajardo, brings...
Restaurants get temporary reprieve in New York salt war
Study: 1st evidence that Zika may cause temporary paralysis
W eb page converted to PDF w ith the PDFmyURL PDF creation API!
In the largest study of its kind, an international team
In this Saturday, Feb. 13, 2016 file photo, army
of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has
soldiers set up a sign that reads in Portuguese
shown that both organic...
“A mosquito...
Preventing Alzheimer’s in AfricanAmericans by strengthening the brain
FDA announces availability of $2 million for rare disease research
Zumba class at New Hope Baptist Church in
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today
Newark, N.J. Credit: Dr. Mark Gluck A major effort is
announced the availability of $2 million in research
underway to reduce...
grants to fund natural history...
Osteopathic manipulative treatment improves function in patients suffering from chronic low back pain
New findings about prostate cells may identify future strategies for treating aggressive prostate cancer
/ no comments American Osteopathic Association
A study that revealed new findings about prostate cells may point to future strategies for treating aggressive and therapy-resistant...
University of Louisville cardiologist on the verge of breakthrough in predicting heart disease in women
Hospitalization of patients with myelomeningocele in the 21st century
Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality in
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (MARCH 1, 2016). Myelomeningocele is a neural tube defect affecting
women worldwide, including in the United States.
many systems in the human body and...
Although deaths from...
New software provides and overview of the big data of genome sequencing IMAGE:Â This is a selection of the many data visualization options provided by EaSeq. view more Credit: Mads...
ICES Journal of M arine Science publishes special issue on ocean acidification Today, the ICES Journal of Marine Science publishes a special issue on ocean acidification, the most-studied single topic...
NYU study defines social motivations of urban farms Two thirds of urban farmers have a social mission
Is anti-TNF therapy safe for inflammatory bowel disease patients with prior cancer?
that goes beyond food production and profits, finds
February 29, 2016 – A previous history of cancer
new research led by...
doesn’t necessarily preclude treatment with antibodies against...
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Immune therapy breaks down wall around pancreatic tumors for chemo to attack
AstraZeneca sells drug for $70 million as divestment drive continues
PHILADELPHIA–Many facets of the immune
rights to a non-core drug to a unit of Kyowa Hakko Kirin for an upfront...
system can be manipulated to combat cancer,
LONDON (Reuters) – AstraZeneca has sold
including macrophages, an immune...
Vegas outbreak makes Nevada’s syphilis rate highest in West
How Long Gay And Bi M en Live in San Francisco M ight Affect Their HIV Risk
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Nevada is experiencing the
Each week HuffPost Queer Voices, in a partnership
highest rate of syphilis in the West following an
with blogger Scout, LGBT HealthLink and
outbreak in...
researcher Susana Fajardo, brings...
M OOC instructors may need more support for successful courses
Forensic botany uses plant DNA to trace crimes
Supporting instructors of massive open online
IMAGE:Â Dr. David Gangitano is an associate
courses — MOOCs — may be just as important
professor in the Department of Forensic Science at
to the creation of...
Sam Houston State University. ...
New NIST method may find elusive flaws in medical implants and spacecraft
M etabolic phenotyping of blood plasma allows for the detection of lung cancer
IMAGE:Â NIST researchers demonstrated an
DENVER – Metabolic phenotyping of blood
approach for detecting hidden flaws in ceramic
plasma by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (H-
capacitors, which store energy...
NMR) identified unique metabolic...
M utated gene associated with colon cancer discovered in 18th-century Hungarian mummy
Study celebrates the success of EU air quality policy amidst Brexit uncertainty
IMAGE: A Hungarian mummy’s genes are helping scientists better understand the causes of
deaths prevented each year due to the introduction
IMAGE:Â This map shows the number of premature of European Union...
colorrectal cancer. ...
Health groups aim to make medical records easier to access
Women’s Health Staffers M odel Their Favorite Ego-Boosting Outfits
WASHINGTON (AP) — Technology companies, hospital systems and doctors’ groups have
Every woman has her go-to outfit or article of clothing. You know, the one that makes you feel
agreed to take steps...
every bit yourself. For some...
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9 Guys Reveal the Questions They’ve Never Had the Guts to Ask a Woman
6 Light Workouts for When You Don’t Feel Like Sweating Buckets
That’s why I gave a bunch of dudes a safe
perfect way to get a feel-good stretch and work your
space to dish on what they really want to ask
core. In other words,...
1. Wake Up Your MusclesThis sequence is the
women. Here are their burning...
Originals: How To Spot One, How To Be One i Adam Grant is a professor at the Wharton School
Analysis of secondary structural elements in human microRNA hairpin precursors
of the University of Pennsylvania and the author of Originals. ...
Received: 21 July 2015 Accepted:
Congenital intestinal malrotation in adolescent and adult patients: a 12-year clinical and radiological survey
11 Pieces Of Anti-Aging Wisdom From Women Around The World
19 February 2016 Published: 1 March 2016
Intestinal congenital malrotation should be
Aging ideologies differ greatly across the globe, but each country possesses a wealth of brilliant
recognized as a reason for abdominal pain also in
customs for gracefully...
adults which has also been...
Renter beware: Study finds Craigslist catches barely half of scam rental listings
Family support buffers the physiological effects of racial discrimination
BROOKLYN, New York–Apartment hunters in big cities know the drill: They spot a listing for a well-
African American adolescents who experience high levels of racial discrimination show cellular wear
priced, attractive...
and tear, according to...
New national study finds Crohn’s disease diagnosis difficult to obtain and life altering
New biomarker identifies uveal melanoma patients at high risk for metastasis
Philadelphia, March 1, 2016 – In a new national
IMAGE:Â This is J. William Harbour, M.D. view more
survey of Crohn’s disease patients, Health Union reveals that...
Credit: Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer CEnter MIAMI, March...
What if extraterrestrial observers called, but nobody heard?
Imaging shows impact of PTSD in earthquake survivors
HAMILTON, March 1, 2016 – As scientists step
IMAGE:Â Maps of statistically significant cortical
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up their search for other life in the universe, two astrophysicists are...
thickness differences between patients with PTSD and healthy survivors...
Afghan women, girls face invasive virginity tests, says rights report
M exico says 11 pregnant women infected with Zika
By Josh Smith KABUL (Reuters) – Afghan
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico has confirmed
women and girls accused of so-called moral crimes are...
11 pregnant women are infected with the Zika virus, out of a...
A characterization of L 3 (4) by its character degree graph and order
Sedentary behavior and subclinical atherosclerosis in African Americans: cross-sectional analysis of the Jackson heart study
Proof We know from Conway et al. (1985, p. 23), that ({mathrm {cd}}(L_3(4))={1, 20,35,45,63,64})....
In this community-based sample of African Americans, longer daily TV viewing, a leisure-time sedentary behavior, was associated...
The M eat You Eat Is M ore Likely To Be Antibiotic-Free This Year
90-Year-Old With Cancer Says No To Chemo And Yes To Travel And Camper
In a Friday news release, Perdue Farms announced that by sometime in May, all of its value-
She decided to snub assisted living and treatment, in favor of going on a road trip with her son, Tim,
added chicken products will be...
daughter-in-law, Ramie...
UPenn PhD Student is 10th Suicide in Three Years
Answering the Question: What Am I M eant to Do With M y Life?
Have you been mourning? I have, or at least I have tried to. It’s hard, you know, in college. To
What am I meant to do with my life? I’ve asked this question of myself often enough. I’m sure
mourn. To remember....
at some point...
You Could Absolutely Die Tomorrow
Hawaii faces challenges fighting dengue outbreak
It seems impossible, but we are already two months into 2016. Life is passing by at warp speeds. In order to get the most...
On a farm in the heart of Hawaii’s ongoing dengue outbreak, coffee grows wild among the ferns, and vanilla vines climb...
First evidence that constant stress causes organisms to program changes in offspring
A new way to discover DNA modifications
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IMAGE:Â This is Matthew Walsh, UTA assistant
CAMBRIDGE, MA — DNA is made from four
professor of biology. view more Credit: UTA
nucleosides, each known by its own letter — A, G,
Researchers have...
C, and T. However,...
M icroorganisms duke it out within algal blooms
How useful are microsatellites?
An unseen war rages between the ocean’s
IMAGE: Schematic representation of the repeats, flanking regions, and fragment length — the basis
tiniest organisms, and it has significant
of the three...
implications for understanding the...
Engineered swarmbots rely on peers for survival DURHAM, N.C. — Duke University researchers
Cancer patients with limited finances are more likely to have increased symptoms and poorer quality
have engineered microbes that can’t run away
IMAGE: If you’re a lung or colorectal cancer
from home; those that...
patient, finances could determine your level of suffering and quality...
China state planner says will keep prices stable in 2016
For Ethiopia’s famine survivors, new drought stirs hunger and fear
BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s state planner
By Katy Migiro ESTAYISH, Ethiopia (Thomson
says it will keep consumer prices stable in 2016,
Reuters Foundation) – When drought and pests
Lebanon struggles to help Syrian refugees with mental health problems
In Vietnam, an unlikely haven for gays
By Dana Halawi BEIRUT (Thomson Reuters
business a decade ago, Nguyen Anh Thuan’s...
Foundation) – Syrian refugee Fatmeh fled to
By My Pham HANOI (Reuters) – If it had been in
safety in...
The Best Natural Cures for Chapped Lips By Dr. Janet Zand Q: My lips get very dry and chapped in the winter months and I find drugstore remedies only provide temporary...
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