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Putting A Price On ‘Dueling Dinosaur’ Fossils

Empathy Training for Robots

What would you pay for a fossil of two complete dinosaurs locked in what seems to be a fight to the death? An auction house...

with empathy training for robots is not software but hardware. Mirror-neuron...

M ysterious Illness In Las Vegas Afflicts Dozens Of Youth Football Players, Parents (VIDEO)

Finding Holiday Joy 10 M inutes at a Time

A mysterious illness swept through a Las Vegas youth football tournament earlier this week, leaving


Pattern Break #108-a Initial statement: the problem RECENT POSTS ORNL c ell-free protein synthesis is potential lifesaver

Santa is really a very wise man. He may not have gifted gold, frankincense or myrrh, but he knows the wisdom of making a...

dozens of players and...

NASA looks at deadly weather over the US Reptile fossils offer c lues about elevation history of Andes Mountains Gene-editing tec hnique heals mic e with musc ular dystrophy Mysterious Syndrome Can Cause People to Bec ome ‘Drunk’ Without Drinking Tales From the Emergenc y Room on New Year’s Eve Imprisoned Saudi blogger’s health deteriorating, wife

The Grieving Introvert and the Holidays: A Different Kind of Survival Guide All over the Web, people are posting “how to survive

An Attitude of Gratitude


Whenever you take a moment to celebrate an activity or a thought such as, “I love this shirt I am wearing,” “I...

as She Battles Rare Brain Tumor

Holidays really should be like commercials; they abound with happy people. From loving couples holding hands while walking...

Court bloc ks Utah governor from stopping Planned Parenthood funds World’s first soft-robotic surgery on a human body

the holidays” articles. It’s true — this time...

Can’t Bear the Holidays Alone? Plan a Singles Vacation

Family Celebrates What Could Be Child???s Last Holiday

World’s first soft-robotic surgery on a human body

Giving Thanks “Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception....

How To Stic k To Your New Years Resolution, Really This Time I Had to Give My Brother Permission to Die 20 Years Ago on New Year’s Eve 7 Reasons Why You Need to Create a Vision Board in 2016 New Year 2016: How Consumers Will Roc k Health Care Ac hieve Your New Year’s Resolutions by Asking

Unclear yet if crucial overhaul of Obamacare website a success

On the other side: variations in organising chunks in ELF

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Yourself This One Question First state raises smoking age to 21 Could helmet-free football prac tic e prevent c onc ussions?

By Sharon Begley and Roberta Rampton (Reuters) – Americans got their first look on Saturday at an

Variations in organising chunks aren’t that common, but they do tend to stand out.Source:

Transition metal c atalyst prompts ‘c onjunc tive’

overhaul of the troubled...

Livio Bourbon via The Telegraph When...

New genes born by ac c ident lead to evolutionary

Ways To Volunteer That Really Show Your Thanks

Just A Reminder: You’re Not Crazy for Being an Introvert

It’s strange how on Thanksgiving we spend so

I remember taking one of those “introduce yourself”

much time thinking about what we are thankful for, only to seemingly forget...

icebreaker surveys back in middle school and one of the questions...

Obamacare website faces crucial weekend after technology overhaul

New report of oldest known brown dwarfs in our galaxy

By Roberta Rampton and Sharon Begley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Americans are getting

WISE 0013+0634 – One of the new brown dwarfs in our galaxy. (Image credit: Pinfield DJ et al.) Main

their first look on Saturday at...

Point: Astronomers...

c ross-c oupling reac tion innovation The billion dollar game of strategy: The effec t of farmers’ dec isions on pest c ontrol Genetic ally c orrec ting a musc le disorder New tec hnique offers strong, flawless 3-D printed c eramic s A father’s diet affec ts the RNA of his sperm, mouse study shows Vestas Wind books highest order intake sinc e 2010 Anesthesiologists like blues, surgeons prefer top 40 hits Smokers more likely to get antibiotic s presc riptions than others How to do a ‘mental reset’ for 2016 2-year-old husky gets new set of prosthetic paws Creating safer polio vac c ine strains for the posteradic ation era

Innovative Coatings M ake Hydrogen Fuel Production Easier

Risk Factors M ay Point to Less-Safe Senior Drivers

Areas of inc reased poverty assoc iated with higher rates of

Hydrogen fuel production is a promising way to

By Allison Bond NEW YORK (Reuters) – Tests of

Duc henne musc ular dystrophy

achieve carbon-neutral fuels to power the transportation infrastructure including...

physical abilities, such as balance and strength, may reveal how well...

CRISPR treats genetic disorder in adult mammal

Gut Feel M ay Be Best Predictor of M arital Bliss

Childhood TV Exposure Tied to Lower Understanding of Others

Newlyweds who registered subconscious doubts about their partner on a psychological test were

Television is a powerful agent of development for children, particularly those in preschool. But when

more likely to be divorced...

could too much TV be...

6 Signs It’s M ore Than A Cold

Recessions Associated With Cognitive Decline In Old Age, Study Finds

By Jennifer Acosta Scott Medically reviewed by Niya Jones, M.D., MPH When you’re under the weather, it can be tempting...

The effects of economic recessions — including layoffs and having to work lower-status or lowerpaying jobs than you’re...

Am I Crazy? The Bizarre Experience of Sleep Paralysis

How Seeking Your Passion Boosts SelfEsteem

By Brandon R. Peters, M.D. Quite simply, the

Have you ever had times in life when you simply

experience of sleep paralysis sounds too crazy to weren’t happy with yourself? You didn’t feel good W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Ebola transmission Gene-editing tec hnique suc c essfully stops progression of

Painkillers often gateway to heroin for US teens: survey What Your Favorite Music Artists Say About Your Sex Life Men and Women in Long-Term Relationships Reveal How They Keep Their Sex Lives Hot The 4 Moves You Need in Order to Own the Weight Room in 2016 Exerc ise Habits of Ultra-Suc c essful People 7 Ways to Set Better Goals Daily Meditation: Set An Intention

be true. When it occurs, which...

about your...

Finding Happiness And Success By Giving Thanks

8 Immediate Stress Busters and Serenity Boosters

By Hannah Morgan for U.S. News Giving thanks and being grateful is trendy right now and this

Let’s face it, daily life can be beyond stressful. And between a demanding job and even more

season is the time to give thanks....

demanding home life, it...

Ancient Healing Techniques That Can Improve Your M odern Life

Adieu For Now

Ironically, when it comes to treating the ailments of modern life — which can be exacerbated by chronic stress and...

break from it for now. I’d like to thank all readers for their thoughts...

M alls Now Offer ‘Quiet’ Santa Visits For Kids With Autism (PHOTOS)

A familial element to homocysteine elevations in schizophrenia?

Meeting Santa Claus at a shopping mall can be

Homocysteine – the big H – really should have its

horribly hectic. There are large crowds, long lines, and holiday music blaring...

own Twitter hashtag… #thebigH. Not only because of the...

Science Reporter Emily Graslie Reads Her M ail — And It’s Not So Nice

Speech by CS at 2013 HK4As Kam Fan Awards Presentation Gala

I’ve said it before, so I’ll say it again: Emily Graslie’s “The Brain Scoop” is one of the...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech delivered by the Chief Secretary for Administration,

After two years of blogging I have decided to take a

Mrs Carrie Lam, at...

7 Tips for M anaging ‘In-Law Stress’ During the Holidays…

Visit Obamacare website off-peak: US health chief

Your mother-in-law takes over the kitchen at holiday time. So what? Your father-in-law drinks too much and sulks in the corner....

Individuals seeking to sign up for health coverage on the US government’s troubled website were urged to visit the...

Greece: HIV curbed among drug users (Update)

Japan’s top drugmaker appoints first foreign boss

Greek health officials said Friday they have curbed an alarming spike in the number of HIV infections among drug users, but...

Japan’s top drugmaker said Saturday it had picked a GlaxoSmithKline executive as its next president in a rare example...

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Energizing M orning Oatmeal We all know it can be hard to get the day started on chilly mornings. Here’s one of my favorite warming

The Forgotten Role of Individual Differences in the Stanford Prison Experiment

and energizing...

The Stanford Prison experiment (SPE) is one of the most famous, or indeed infamous, studies in the history of psychology....

Children being encouraged to smoke ecigarettes by ‘celebrity culture and excessive online advertising’

Beautician died aged 21 after her body rejected her transplanted heart TWICE and left her with a string of complications

Cancer Research found more than 1,000 individuals pieces of marketing Charity says they do not want them banned because they...

Amy Wild, 21, underwent a lifesaving heart transplant in 2002 Her body twice rejected the organ in 2004 and 2007, inquest...

Woman given ‘drug blacklisted on her medical notes’ by doctors

Ban smoking on all your grounds, hospitals urged

Megan Taylor, who has a blood clotting disorder, was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital with a severe nose bleed in October...

Staff would be banned from escorting patients outside for a cigarette Car parks, shelters and gardens would also become smoke...

These Cookbook Photos Redefine What Fresh Seafood Looks Like

Tech Leaders, Economists Split Over Clean Energy’s Prospects

How to make dead fish look attractive? That’s the challenge New York-based duo Shimon and Tammar Rothstein faced when...

Andres Quiroz, an installer for Stellar Solar, carries a solar panel during installation at a home in Encinitas, Calif. ...

From Lab To Lectern, Scientists Learn To Turn On the Charm

City Impression@Your Neighbourhood Photographic Competition prize presentation ceremony

Enlarge image i Physics professor Chad Orzel gives a TED talk in New York. In science, he says, public speaking is...

Establishing the effectiveness of patient decision aids: key constructs and measurement instruments

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The City Impression@Your Neighbourhood Photographic Competition prize presentation ceremony, in...

Coaching and guidance with patient decision aids: A review of theoretical and empirical evidence

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Establishing the effectiveness of patient decision aids (PtDA) requires evidence that PtDAs improve the quality of the decision-making...

Coaching and guidance are structured approaches that can be used within or alongside patient decision aids (PtDAs) to facilitate...

The 6ft 10ins teenager who can grow two inches in two WEEKS because of rare disorder (and he’s STILL growing)

Cancer costs families around £7,000 a year in lost income and travel costs

Josh Gott, 18, suffers from a bizarre ‘growth spurt’ condition which means he can suddenly grow up to two inches...

Research shows the financial burden for sufferers average £570 a month A third of those diagnosed with cancer experience...

Alzheimer’s more likely to develop with footballers and boxers

Clarifying values: an updated review

Clusters of a protein called tau on the brains of people with Alzheimer’s could be linked to neuronal damage caused...

decision aids include a process for helping patients clarify their values. We...

Presenting quantitative information about decision outcomes: a risk communication primer for patient decision aid developers

Fatal fire in Kwai Chung

Consensus guidelines have recommended that

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – An 63-year-old man died in a No.1 alarm fire in Shek Lei (I) Estate, Kwai Chung this morning (November...

Making evidence-based decisions often requires comparison of two or more options. Researchbased evidence may exist which...

Prognostic and predictive value of Phospho-p44/42 and pAKT in HER2positive locally advanced breast cancer patients treated with anthracyclinebased neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Reef Check 2013 finds corals in healthy and stable condition Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) announced today (November 30) that...

To evaluate the predictive and prognostic value of various molecular factors associated with the Ras/MAPK and PI3K/Akt signaling...

One Easy Way to Improve Family Relationships

The Phases of Shopping Addiction

The blight of Black Friday is upon us. What better time to look at a recent paper on compulsive Last week’s cartoon, on how depression can shopping? Sohn and Choi... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

affect (or enhance) creativity, is here. All rights reserved, and content...

Dead at 19, anorexic student Averil Hart let down by doctors Averil Hart was found collapsed at university, so weak she could not stand When she died it is thought her weight had dropped...

Balancing the presentation of information and options in patient decision aids: an updated review Standards for patient decision aids require that information and options be presented in a balanced manner; this requirement...

Basing information on comprehensive, critically appraised, and up-to-date syntheses of the scientific evidence: a quality dimension of the International Patient Decision Aid Standards

Ten years of the International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration: evolution of the core dimensions for assessing the quality of patient decision aids

Patients and clinicians expect patient decision aids to be based on the best available research

In 2003, the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration was established

evidence. Since 2005, this...

to enhance the quality and...

Communications Authority announces the revised sharing arrangement of the multiple frequency network for DTT service by ATV and TVB

Over 120 primary students pledge to "Use Less, Waste Less on M y Hand" charter

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Environmental Campaign Committee:

behalf of the Communications Authority: Taking into account its statutory...

Over 120 primary students...

Art Therapy – Do You Have To Know How…

We Are M ore Likely To Lie In the Afternoon

As we reach the end of National Health Blog Post Month 2013 I am privileged to been able to

Click here to listen to this podcast As the day wears on, we tend to get weary. Now a study finds that as

participated this second year. ...

a result we may...

Crucial weekend for Obamacare website, begins with a shutdown

Conscious feelings often fail to indicate happy marriage

By Roberta Rampton and Sharon Begley Main Point: Researchers have found that there are WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A crucial weekend for some unconscious feelings in the married couples the troubled website that is the... that can better predict... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Viagra DOESN’T improve relationships: M en who took the drug said their overall life satisfaction hadn’t changed Many men said their lives or relationships hadn’t improved significantly after taking the drugs – despite them...

Want to slim? Don’t feel guilty about that chocolate cake! Scientists find that people who don’t worry about snacks are less likely to gain weight Researchers say how we perceive treats is as important as the calorie count Feeling guilty is

Brian Galea bled to death after surgeons cut his artery by mistake Brian Galea went to the Royal Preston Hospital with low blood pressure Was diagnosed with a clot in his pulmonary artery...

Home-school Co-operation in Building an Inclusive School Culture Award Scheme launched today Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Teachers and parents from over 100 schools today (November 30) participated in the launch ceremony...

more likely to prompt us to...

Giving thanks could be good for you (HealthDay)—Thanksgiving may be an official day of gratitude, but research suggests that if you make time for “thank...

Health Care Site Rushing to M ake Fixes by Sunday But specialists said weeks of additional work lie ahead, including a major reconfiguration of the computer hardware, if the...

Abortion Cases in Court Helped Tilt Democrats Against the Filibuster


“These are the kinds of decisions we are going to have to live with,” a blunt Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic majority...

We all injure ourselves often- a cut finger when doing the washing up, that scab we can’t resist picking. We don’t usually...

What is the age of M ars crust?

Barefoot vs shod running: Effects on tibia loads

4.43-billion-year-old Martian meteorite NWA 7533. (Image credit: Main Point: Scientists have estimated the...

The man with his heart in his ABDOM EN: Chinese barber, 24, needs surgery to correct rare defect

One of the key reasons often suggested for transisitioning to a barefoot running technique is to reduce the impacts loads,...

Woman who grew moustache for M ovember considering KEEPING it Sarah O’Neill, 29, suffering from polycystic ovarian

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Ho Zhiliang, 24, has congenital cardiac exposure syndrome His heart can clearly be seen beating just below the skin in his...

syndrome (PCOS) Condition is the main cause of excess hair in...

Quarter of heart failure patients now have diabetes as obesity rates rise

A data mining approach for grouping and analyzing trajectories of care using claim data: the example of breast cancer

Experts warn that rates of the illness are reaching ‘epidemic’ levels Diabetes patients are far more prone to contracting...

With the increasing burden of chronic diseases, analyzing and understanding trajectories of care is essential for efficient...

‘I’ve been HIV positive for 28 years’ 29 November 2013 Last updated at 21:11 ET By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Isolation and fear...

Safety tips for holiday football games (HealthDay)—Pick-up football games are a Thanksgiving tradition for many people, but they can lead to injuries if you’re...

Holiday health and safety: another list to be checking twice (HealthDay)—Flu shot, check. Hand soap, check. Window washer fluid, check. Staying healthy and safe this holiday season...

Newlyweds know on subconscious level whether marriage will be unhappy, new study says Although newlyweds may not be completely aware of it, they may know whether their march down the aisle will result in wedded...

M emories are ‘geotagged’ with spatial information, study finds Using a video game in which people navigate through a virtual town delivering objects to specific locations, a team of neuroscientists...

Appeal for type O positive and A positive blood donation Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

Half of dementia patients failed by the NHS: Hundreds of thousands of sufferers do not receive medicine or support Jeremy Hunt says thousands are condemned to a life of fear and anxiety Fight against Alzheimer’s is as ‘significant...

Legislative amendments to enhance environmental performance in waste collection

behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hong Kong Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Waste Disposal Red Cross Blood Transfusion... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

(Designated Waste Disposal Facility) (Amendment) Regulation 2013 (DWDF Amendment...

Chromosomal organization and evolutionary history of M ariner transposable elements in Scarabaeinae coleopterans With the aim to increase the knowledge on the evolution of coleopteran genomes, we investigated through cytogenetics and...

A novel cost-effective technology to convert sucrose and homocelluloses in sweet sorghum stalks into ethanol Sweet sorghum is regarded as a very promising energy crop for ethanol production because it not only supplies grains and...

Can alcohol consumption be an alternative treatment for fibromyalgia? Treatment of chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia is challenging due to limitations of drug therapies. An initial...

Cpl. Ron Francis turns in RCM P serge after pot controversy The New Brunswick Mountie at the centre of a debate about smoking medicinal marijuana while wearing his police uniform turned...

Aboriginal long-term care experts call for beds, housing

M ERS virus strikes Jordan couple in UAE

Experts in Aboriginal health say that home care for seniors is failing to meet the needs of remote First Nations communities,...

Two new cases of the potentially deadly MERS respiratory virus, including a heavily pregnant woman, have been reported in...

N. Korea produces more food, but malnutrition persists: UN

Study finds way to regulate sleep patterns of children with brain disorders

North Korea has increased food production for a third straight year, but malnutrition remains widespread, UN agencies say,...

Could statins help prevent breast cancer? Study finds that high cholesterol may cause the disease

For parents of children with brain disorders or visual impairment, nights can be long and frustrating, leading to even more...

M aintaining antiretroviral adherence: An ongoing challenge for women with HIV

A by product of cholesterol could fuel the growth of Maintaining antiretroviral adherence is an ongoing breast tumours Statins can reduce people’s challenge and important aspect in achieving the cholesterol levels,... World AIDS Day 2013 aim... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Dementia patients were left hungry for hours at scandal-hit NHS trust because staff were ‘running about like headless chickens’

Grandmother, 82, is served with eviction notice in HOSPITAL where she’s been a patient for nine months… and she has to leave by today

The Ramsey Unit, in the grounds of Furness General Hospital, was closed to new admissions after the unannounced Care Quality...

Joan Parker suffered a brain injury during a fall at her home in February Former sheltered housing officer has been in hospital...

Why we should all go nuts for nuts

Exploring grape marc as trove for new thermotolerant and inhibitor-tolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for second-generation bioethanol production

People who regularly snack on peanuts live longer according to study Announcement result of 20 year investigation involving...

Robust yeasts with high inhibitor, temperature, and osmotic tolerance remain a crucial requirement for the sustainable production...

Antenatal and postnatal combined therapy for autoantibody-related congenital atrioventricular block Autoantibody-related congenital heart block (CHB) is an autoimmune condition in which trans placental passage of maternal...

The Netherlands Cohort Study — M eat Investigation Cohort; a populationbased cohort over-represented with vegetarians, pescetarians and low meat consumers Vegetarian diets have been associated with lower risk of chronic disease, but little is known about the health effects of...

USDOJ: Former KKK Leader Indicted for Cross Burning in Alabama; Second KKK M ember Indicted for Perjury

Could ALGAE be the secret to clear skin: Study finds fatty acids in marine plants can treat acne

Steven Joshua Dinkle, former Exalted Cyclops of a

The fatty acids produced by some algae have

chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in Ozark, Ala ., was arrested on Wednesday,...

cleansing qualities They could prevent the growth of the bacteria that causes...

‘people don’t realise how much sugar is in Coca-Cola,’ admits company’s PRESIDENT

‘Forecast Bust:’ Why 2013 Hurricane Predictions Were So Wrong Forecasters expected the 2013 Atlantic hurricane

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European president James Quincey also conceded that ‘things need to change’ and servings had to reduce in size But...

season to be really busy — the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...

Phantom Traffic Jams: What Causes M ysterious Highway Backups?

Residential mortgage survey results for October 2013

Sometimes highway traffic jams up for no apparent

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

reason. There’s no accident, and no real reason to step on the brakes...

behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...

Special traffic arrangements on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon

Licensed fresh provision shop convicted for extracting seawater from prohibited area for keeping live fish

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police will implement the following special traffic arrangements this Sunday (December 1) to facilitate...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A licensee of a fresh provision shop who extracted seawater from the Shau Kei Wan Typhoon Shelter,...

International conference shares latest trends in heritage conservation

7 Ways to Survive Black Friday With Your M ind…

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Over 300 academics, professionals and government officials involved in

This will be toppled to the floor in 3…2…1… Well, it’s that time of year again. They turkey’s barely

heritage conservation and...

settled and...

Fraudulent website:

Is S.Africa’s HIV treatment success breeding complacency?

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...

South Africa has been hailed as a model for HIV treatment, but some now fear its very success may be breeding complacency...

Scientists find mystery virus in camels in Qatar

Tongue-Controlled Wheelchair Helps Paralyzed People M ove

Health officials say they have found a mysterious respiratory virus in a herd of camels in Qatar linked to two human cases...

A new wireless device has allowed paralyzed people to drive a wheelchair simply by moving their tongues. In a clinical trial,...

Sexism Is Daily Reality for Girls, Says UK Report

Church of England Proposes "Blessings" for Gay M arriage

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29 November 2013 Last updated at 08:16 ET By Judith Burns Education reporter, BBC News Girls recognise...

By Belinda Goldsmith LONDON (Reuters) – Church of England clergy would be able to “bless” same-sex relationships...

Awe-Inspiring Sights Increase Belief in the Supernatural

Canadian Woman Refused U.S. Entry Because of Depression

Awe-inspiring moments – like the sight of the Grand Canyon or the Aurora Borealis – might increase our tendency...

A Toronto woman denied a flight to New York as part of a cruise trip wants to know who told U.S. border agents about her...

Dandelion Grows Inside Ear Canal Of Girl In China

M asked artist makes sticky issue out of radiation in Japan

When they say dandelions can grow anywhere, they mean it. A doctor in Beijing removed a dandelion that was growing in the...

By Sophie Knight TOKYO (Reuters) – With his face hidden behind sunglasses and a white surgical mask, the artist is...

WATCH: Just Say ‘Yes!’

Speech by SFST at BDO Asia Pacific Corporate Finance Summit 2013

Perhaps you’ve seen the Jim Carrey movie Yes Man. Yes? It’s about a guy who chronically says “no”...

LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold first public hearing on "M anagement of roadside skips" on December 2 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The Legislative Council...

SCED’s speech at DETOUR 2013 opening ceremony Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the welcome address by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory...

Famine Drives M adness for 150 Years

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor K C...

Hong Kong Week in Taiwan to feature six exhibitions and performances in culture and the arts Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Cooperation Committee: Organised...

M edication incident at General Out Patient Clinic in M adam Yung Fung Shee Health Centre in Yuen Long Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson of New Territories...

What I Hate

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Spare a Thanksgiving Day thought for the starvation

The Family Stew: Things I Hate Day 28 of the

that made us mad, literally. Maternal malnourishment red-lined rates...

National Health Blog Post Month just a few days left, I had to skip the 26th...

Biophilia: Not a Disease, But M aybe the Love of…

How to Help Your Bipolar Caregiver

One of the costs of matrimania – the over-the-top hyping of marriage and weddings and couples – is that so many other...

M eaning from Ashes Is creating meaning out of a traumatic event or the recovery afterward a key ingredient in recovery? Every major expert body...

People with bipolar disorder are often focused, even consumed, with how to get well and stay well (and rightfully so). With...

‘Fit M om’ Gets Temporarily Banned From Facebook Maria Kang, known as the “Fit Mom,” was temporarily banned from Facebook this week after she wrote a post complaining...

New Beer Glass Helps Boomers Control Their Drink

Saatchi says he still adores ex-wife Nigella Lawson

View gallery . New Beer Glass Helps Boomers Control Their Drink A new glass design will make it easier for aging beer drinkers...

By Alexander Winning LONDON (Reuters) – Millionaire art dealer Charles Saatchi told a court on Friday he still “absolutely...

7 simple ways to ward off holiday weight gain

Obama says ‘nowhere to go but up’ after debacle

It’s a season of indulgence, but that doesn’t mean your healthy habits go out the window. Follow these easy tips...

By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s popularity has taken a beating over the botched...

South Carolina free clinic model now replicated nationwide

Britain seeks to force plain cigarette packaging on tobacco firms

What began two decades ago on Hilton Head Island as a free clinic using retired physicians and volunteers to care for the...

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain signaled it would force tobacco companies to scrap branded cigarette packaging on Thursday...

EU bans South African citrus imports over disease fears

M ilitary deployments tied to teens’ depression

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Adolescents who banned most imports of South African citrus fruit on experience the deployment of a family member in W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Thursday for the rest...

the U.S. military may face...

Holiday Health and Safety: Another List to Be Checking Twice

M eeting goals for improved maternal health in M yanmar

THURSDAY Nov. 28, 2013, 2013 — Flu shot, check.

As a regional neighbour to Myanmar, the

Hand soap, check. Window washer fluid, check. Staying healthy and safe...

Commonwealth government has recognised Australia has a responsibility – and the...

First M ulti-Crew Pilot’s Licences issued in Hong Kong

STH’s keynote speech at Construction Industry Council Conference Luncheon

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Twelve cadet pilots graduated from the first Hong Kong Multi-Crew Pilot’s Licence (MPL) programme...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the keynote speech made by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony...

Childhood 13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Booster Vaccination Programme to start

Speech by SED at Award Presentation Ceremony of Early Career Scheme and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) announced today (November...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Education, Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, at the Award Presentation...

SWD provides cold weather support to disadvantaged

Labelling M ental Helth Issues: Good Or Bad?

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Social Welfare Department (SWD) appealed to members of the public to show concern and care...

There are good labels and bad ones I’m have ADHD. But I’m also ALFF or Always Looking For Fun. What’s in the word “label”...

Best of Our Blogs: November 29, 2013

Anger M anagement: Shopping for Disapproval

As I’m writing this, it’s Thanksgiving Day. If there ever was a day to be grateful, it’s today. But as I’m typing...

Pavel Somov, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and the author of “Eating the Moment” (New Harbinger, 2008), “Present...

You Can Do It – Whatever “It” Is

Five Strengths for Greater Happiness

12 years ago, I become Mommy to a precious grey and white feathery bundle. He came to me with

The science of positive psychology has revealed several character strengths that are particularly

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three missing claws and a busted...

connected with higher levels...

Cancer Research UK backs the Government move on standard packaging for tobacco products

Standardised cigarette packs could be introduced by next election

Cancer Research UK backs the Government move on standard packaging for tobacco products Thursday 28 November 2013 Cancer...

Standardised cigarette packs could be introduced by next election Thursday 28 November 2013 Cigarettes could be sold in plain,...

Aging Aboriginal Canadians have harder time staying healthy

Britain could have plain cigarette packets by 2015

First Nations, Metis and Inuit of advancing years often have poorer health than their non-aboriginal counterparts but don’t...

Cigarettes could be sold in plain packets in Britain from 2015 after the government moved Thursday to revive a policy aimed...

Simulating new treatment for retinal degeneration

Discovering Parkinson’s cell mechanism

For a few years now optogenetics has been seen as a very promising therapy for progressive blindness, for example when it...

A new doctoral thesis from University of Stavanger suggests possible explanations of how a specific protein associated with...

M arine algae can help acne sufferers

M atter: Linking Genes to Diseases by Sifting Through Electronic M edical Records

Scientists from the University of Stirling have discovered an unlikely treatment for acne – marine algae. Research by marine...

The federal government has been pushing for electronic medical records for a decade, arguing that they will improve health...

Your Black Friday Guide To Poison-Free Holiday Shopping

5 Hotels To Literally Be Surrounded By Nature

The holiday shopping season officially kicks off on Black Friday, and so begins that annual hunt for the perfect present,...

Sometimes you just feel the desire to be immersed in the natural world. If camping isn’t your cup of tea, these gorgeous...

7 Vintage Thanksgiving Pics Remind You Of Life Before Smart Phones Took Over Your Family

Using moving cars to measure rainfall

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Bárbara 49-892-180-6703European Geosciences Union IMAGE: An individual in... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

It might be easier to connect to family members thanks to our smart phones, tablets and Skype, but it’s also easier...

20 Surprising Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu

Foods That Will M ake You Thankful for Your Thanksgiving M eal

20 Surprising Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu “As a paramedic, I never know what germs I’ll be encountering. So...

Show This List to the Kid Who Won’t Eat Turkey If you’ve got someone complaining that the turkey is too dry,...

Teen With Half a Face Stands Up to Her Bullies on YouTube

Europe bans South African citrus imports over disease fears

Sarah Atwell always listened to her beloved grandmother, who taught her to love herself. “My nanny always told us when...

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union on Thursday banned most imports of South African citrus for the remainder of...

M ERS virus found in camels in Qatar, linked to human spread

Chicken Little Can Blame It On Her Epigenetics!

DOHA/LONDON (Reuters) – Scientists have found cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in camels in Qatar,...

While most of us will be hopping on the scale and hoping for a relatively low weight this holiday season, poultry farmers...

By Accident, Scientists Discover Lakes Beneath Greenland

Fields of Am-ness

There are hundreds of lakes beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, but nobody has found lakes under Greenland’s ice. That...

Fresh look at plain cigarette packs 28 November 2013 Last updated at 06:48 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Dr Peter Mackereth...

Exercise, diet and lifestyle changes can prevent diabetes in people at high risk

In the woods: my German shepherd runs a recon 20 or so paces ahead of me, her tail wagging as she snakes from left to right....

World first trial to improve prostate cancer care Researchers and clinicians from the University of Sydney and the Northern Sydney Cancer Centre are leading a world first...

Study of young parents highlights links among stress, poverty and ethnicity

()—People at high risk of developing diabetes can ()—An avalanche of chronic stress—driven by prevent its onset if they exercise, improve their diet concerns ranging from parenting to discrimination W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

and make one other...

—disproportionately affects...

Prenatal exposure to alcohol disrupts brain circuitry

Couples with different drinking habits more likely to divorce according to …

()—Prenatal exposure to alcohol severely disrupts major features of brain development that potentially lead to increased...

They defined ‘heavy drinking’ as drinking six or more drinks at one time or to the point of “intoxication”. Kenneth...

Sleep Drug M odafinil Could Be Used To Treat Depression

Karen Armstrong And Oprah Discuss How To Practice Compassion Every Day (VIDEO)

Anti-depressants are not a one-size fits all solution for people with depression and for some, they aren’t compatible...

People with exceptional autographical memory are just as prone to false memories It’s only in the last few years that researchers have documented the existence of a select group of individuals who...

A Smoothie To End All Sugar Cravings Been eating too much sugar? This delicious smoothie can help. The combination of healthy fat,

Best-selling author, religious expert and TED Prize winner Karen Armstrong has studied all of the world’s great religions....

We'd rather rely on others to do the hard work It’s called the collective action problem: we’d rather rely on others to do the hard work. In a cohesive community however,...

5 Reasons Why Gratitude Is Good For Your Health Gratitude: An intentional appreciation of what and

fiber, and protein keeps...

who you have; an acceptance and explicit acknowledgment of what life brings...

6 Causes Of Fatigue That Could Indicate An Underlying Problem

Study maps genetic markers of brain development in people with Williams syndrome

Do you often find yourself feeling sluggish and exhausted? Maybe it’s a struggle to get out of bed every morning because...

Risk-taking young people need better health services

Establishing links between genes, the brain and human behavior is a central issue in cognitive neuroscience research, but...

Genetic discovery could increase understanding of ADHD

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()—Comprehensive health assessments and supports need to be more widely available for young people attending secondary...

()—Scientists at Trinity College Dublin have discovered that a mutation in a single gene involved in the functioning of...

Protein released from cells triggers chain reactions that could cause Alzheimer’s disease

Viagra doesn’t make men happy, study finds

Researchers have shown that tiny quantities of the protein tau can be enough to kick-start an aggregation process which may...

Treatments that target “both physical and psychosocial” aspects of ED were therefore likely to be the most effective,...

‘Disturbingly poor care is too common in NHS’

Plain cigarette packaging could be brought in by 2015

In the case of Averil Hart, a 19-year-old student who suffered from anorexia, two NHS teams in East Anglia failed to care...

This morning Jane Ellison, the Public Health Minister, said this was the “right time” to implement the review dismissing...

‘Hoarding: Buried Alive’: M an Wants To Rent Duplex Unit Next To His Garbage Hoard

Latest health law delay: small business website

The situation was an absolute mess on “Hoarding: Buried Alive” for Kyle and his girlfriend of three years, Lynn....

OTC painkiller may blunt memory loss from puffing pot Pot’s not the best thing for your memory. Yes, I know there are functional potheads who enjoy their greens and get also...

Special traffic and transport arrangements for public processions on Hong Kong Island this Saturday Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (November 28) reminded the public that special traffic and...

CHICAGO (AP) — Small businesses interested in buying marketplace health insurance plans for their workers will have to...

Organizational readiness for knowledge translation in chronic care: a review of theoretical components With the persistent gaps between research and practice in healthcare systems, knowledge translation (KT) has gained significance...

Hong Kong’s unique advantages presented at Nagoya seminar Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Companies from Nagoya and other parts of Aichi Prefecture, Japan, were briefed on how they can...

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VIDEO: New mums group helps beat depression The government says it is hoping to have a dedicated mental health midwife by 2017 in all maternity units in England to tackle...

Elderly patients ‘left without food’ 27 November 2013 Last updated at 20:27 ET Trust officials said staffing had been boosted at the unit Elderly dementia patients...

Plea for rugby concussion lessons

Laser tattoo removal ‘on the rise’

28 November 2013 Last updated at 02:06 ET By Steffan Powell BBC News Ben Robinson died after collapsing...

By Tamsyn KentNewsbeat reporter Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. John has a Nazi and other tattoos...

New look at plain cigarette packets

Hospital Studies Link Heart Device to Clots

28 November 2013 Last updated at 02:26 ET A consultation on the packaging was carried out by the government last year The...

The number of patients developing potentially fatal blood clots soon after getting the implant seemed to be rising. Then...

National Briefing | Health: Retirement Secured for Chimpanzees

Guqin master Wang Duo to hold two recitals in December

Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @NYTNational for breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and Editors National...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Wu style guqin master Wang Duo will stage two recitals in December. In addition to classic...

Correlation of bevacizumab-induced hypertension and outcomes of metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated with bevacizumab: a systematic review and meta-analysis

How to Ask for Help? My clients often start by telling me the presenting problem that brought them into my office for counseling. I reply, that...

With the wide application of targeted drug therapies, the relevance of prognostic and predictive markers in patient selection...

Body piercing controls wheelchair

Patients ‘wait too long’ for therapy

27 November 2013 Last updated at 23:42 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News The...

27 November 2013 Last updated at 23:43 ET Campaigners want patients to have equal access to therapy Patients are still...

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New patients’ champion for the NHS 27 November 2013 Last updated at 23:39 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News Standards of...

National Briefing | West: California: Deal Reached in Suit Over Animal Abuse Opinion » Festive Family Feuds Over turkey or latkes, is it best for families to air their differences or keep the peace?...

National Briefing | Health: Abortion Numbers Down Again

Council Bill Aims to Limit Use of ECigarettes as Their Popularity Grows

Abortions in the United States have continued to decline, but not quite as steeply as in the past,

The city has long prohibited smoking in workplaces, and since 2002 under the

figures released Wednesday...

administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg...

A Part of Utah Built on Coal Wonders What Comes Next

Electronic health records review set to ignore consumer interests

But recently, fear has settled in. The state’s oldest coal-fired power plant, tucked among the canyons near town, is set...

The rollout of the Australia’s Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) has encountered various problems...

How Can I Be Grateful When I’m So Angry?

Scientists develop way to successfully give nanoparticle therapeutics orally

I’m stuck. And I’m angry, because people around me, people I love, are dying, cancer taking them down like dominoes:...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marjorie 617-525-6383Brigham and Women’s...

Turning to the Bible for Weight Loss with the Daniel Diet

Freezing Out Colds and Flu This Winter: The P’s and Q’s of Boosting Your Immune System

The new bible for dieting is, for many, the Bible. The Daniel Diet, inspired by the Biblical prophet Daniel, has become a...

It has arrived. The sneezing, coughing, fever-ridden season has officially begun. Affecting children and adults, winter...

U.S. delays online health insurance enrollment for small businesses

Researchers identify a rescuer for vital tumor-suppressor

By David Morgan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama administration on Wednesday postponed online health insurance enrollment...

A protector for PTEN, a tumor-thwarting protein often missing in cancer cells, has emerged from research led by scientists...

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Normal weight obesity ups cardiac deaths in older adults (HealthDay)—In older adults, normal weight obesity (NWO) is associated with cardiac abnormalities and increased risk for...

Researchers discover promising new treatment to help people with spine injuries walk better Scientists may have found a new treatment that can help people with spinal cord injuries walk better. The research is published...

US health law insurance site delayed one year (Update)

Physicists find a way to study coldest objects in the universe

The Obama administration is delaying yet another aspect of its troubled health care law, putting off until next November...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 01-179-301032Institute of Physics They are the coldest objects...

Global study reveals pandemic of untreated cancer pain due to overregulation of pain medicines

New clues to memory formation may help better treat dementia

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vanessa Pavinatomedia@esmo.orgEuropean Society for Medical Oncology IMAGE: The map summarizes the...

Pills of the future: Nanoparticles [ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah 617-2538923Massachusetts Institute of Technology CAMBRIDGE, MA —...

New research shows pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy greatly increases the risk of death of the fetus or infant child [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Ruth 44-788-6473422Diabetologia New research shows that preexisting...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa 713743-8192University of Houston Brain research by UH biologists provides...

Hysterectomized women may benefit from testosterone [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jessica 617-525-6373Brigham and Women’s Hospital Researchers see benefits...

Tips to Avoid Being Scammed This Holiday Season In advance of the holiday season, the FBI reminds shoppers to beware of cyber criminals and their aggressive and creative...

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Nine Defendants, Including Title Company Owners and Lawyers, Indicted in Two Separate M ortgage Fraud Schemes CHICAGO—A couple who owned a now-defunct suburban title company, a disbarred attorney, and an attorney are among nine defendants...

The Harmful Effects of Toxic Stress on You &… Are you staying in an unhealthy marriage for the children? I did. I was confused. I was ashamed. But mostly, I was afraid...

Hockey Canada and other minor leagues sued over concussions

Dementia developing at later ages, U.S. study shows

A 14-year-old boy is suing Hockey Canada and other minor leagues after he was cross-checked by an opponent, resulting in...

The risk of dementia appears to be falling despite an aging population, U.S. doctors say. In Wednesday’s issue of the...

Cigarette packaging review planned

US abortions had slower decline in 2010 than 2009

27 November 2013 Last updated at 17:34 ET A consultation on the packaging was carried out by the government last year The...

U.S. abortions have continued to decline, but not quite as steeply as before. The number and rate of reported abortions fell...

M ental-health disorders growing faster among kids than adults (HealthDay)—Young people are increasingly more likely than adults to be diagnosed with a mental health disorder, according...

Improved safety measures by mental health service providers help to reduce suicide rates Mental health service providers looking after patients at risk of suicide need to reduce absconding on in-patient wards and...

Study raises concerns over safety of implanted heart pump

Why having a good support system is important

(HealthDay)—An implanted heart pump for people with weakened hearts, called the HeartMate II, appears to be plagued by...

In my last blog I talked about bravely letting some people in your life go, those that are unable to “deal” with your...

Geriatric care may help older patients become independent again after car accident or other trauma

The good news about the global epidemic of dementia

Older patients who received extra geriatric care

It’s rare to hear good news about dementia. But that’s what a New England Journal of Medicine

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following a traumatic injury were able to return to roughly two thirds more...

Perspective article...

Are you carrying adrenal Cushing’s syndrome without knowing it?

Study unlocks trove of public health data to help fight deadly contagious diseases

Genetic research that will be published tomorrow in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests to Dr. André Lacroix, professor...

15 Dos and Don’ts for Helping a Friend With a Sick Child in the Hospital You want to help. Your friend just admitted her child to the hospital, and it’s serious. You don’t know what...

Giving Thanks for the Service of Alzheimer’s Caregivers This Holiday Season With Thanksgiving right around the corner, many people are taking the time to give thanks for those they have in their lives....

In an unprecedented windfall for public access to health data, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health...

How to Solve Life’s Worst Problems My friend’s response surprised me. He said, “Some problems need to ripen.” We had been talking about work,...

What Your Favorite Thanksgiving Food Says About You Thanksgiving is always delicious, but sometimes also unexpectedly enlightening. It’s the day that you realize the cousin...

Over the River and Through the Woods — To the ER We Go?

5 Ways to Help Kids Live Lives of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time for families to gather, but hopefully not in the ER! However, unfortunately every year with all the...

As we approach Thanksgiving, and images of roasted turkeys and heaping bowls of sweet potatoes fill our minds, we have an...

Tongue Piercing Lets The Paralyzed Drive Wheelchairs

Richard Simmons Recalls Being Bullied Severely In High School

WASHINGTON (AP) — An experimental device is letting paralyzed people drive wheelchairs simply by flicking their tongue...

In a pre-Thanksgiving appearance on HuffPost Live, legendary fitness guru Richard Simmons opened up about being bullied as...

The One Question Richard Simmons Has For Parents Of Obese Kids (VIDEO)

Ethical debate on face transplantation has evolved over time, reports Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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“This world is just filled with overweight kids. It’s just horrible,” Richard Simmons said between tears...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Connie 646674-6348Wolters Kluwer Health Once ‘morally...

Lasers deemed highly effective treatment for excessive scars

What’s the sound of a hundred thousand soccer fans?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Connie 646674-6348Wolters Kluwer Health Plastic and Reconstructive...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer Lauren 301-209-3099American Institute of Physics Brazilian researchers study...

Study finds new vulnerability in malaria parasite

Glaciers sizzle as they disappear into warmer water

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karin 212-3420508Columbia University Medical Center Highlights possible...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer Lauren 301-209-3099American Institute of Physics The sounds of bubbles escaping...

Paleotempestology and 2011′s Hurricane Irene

Impaired noradrenaline homeostasis in rats with painful diabetic neuropathy as a target of duloxetine analgesia

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kea Gileskgiles@geosociety.orgGeological Society of America December 2013 GSA Today Science Article...

KM 110329 in adult patients with atopic dermatitis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial — study protocol Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a high prevalence rate and a large socioeconomic cost. There...

Painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus that affects a large number of patients...

M alaria case management in Papua New Guinea following the introduction of a revised treatment protocol This paper reports on the availability of diagnostic tools and recommended anti-malarials in the 12month period immediately...

Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in primary school under CHP investigation

Having a Conversation About Having a Conversation

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is today (November 27)...

Setting the stage: It’s more important than you think. Linda: I had to learn this one the hard way. In the early years...

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LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold second public hearing on "Allocation and utilisation of public rental housing flats" on November 28

Cultivating Gratitude Every Day Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I wanted to share a bit more inspiration with you on giving thanks this week and year-round. In...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The Legislative Council...

Do I Need to Go Back on Psychiatric M edication?

AUDIO: Weight warning on morningafter-pill

It’s not the first time I have pushed it. This time, it was my (new) son. After being on a number of different medications...

Britain’s most popular emergency contraception pill is being reviewed by the UK drugs watchdog following claims it...

Narcotic-prescribing doctors hard to find in Sudbury

Estrogen M ay Not Help Prevent Fuzzy Thinking After M enopause

A local counsellor says hundreds of people who need narcotics in Sudbury are going without. “I’ve heard friends...

Enlarge image i Hormones clearly influence a women’s health, but figuring out how is a tricky business. ...

Court order keeps food company from production until it cleans up

FDA study helps provide an understanding of rising rates of whooping cough and response to vaccination

<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/27/2013 –> Page Last Updated: 11/27/2013 <!– ...

<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/27/2013 –> Page Last Updated: 11/27/2013 <!– ...

LCQ21: Statistics on the transactions of private residential properties

Two men and a company fined for illegal club operations

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Two men and a company

the Hon Abraham Shek Lai-him and a written reply by the Secretary for...

were fined $6,600 to $17,500 at the Kowloon City Magistrates’ Courts...

LCQ7: Assistance for operators of money changers to open bank accounts

Long Term Housing Strategy public consultation to end next M onday

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Long Term Housing

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the Hon Chan Han-pan and a written reply by the Secretary for Financial...

Strategy (LTHS) public consultation will end next Monday (December 2). The...

Hong Kong shares vision of green city

Why Yoga Is Both Awesome And Terrible, Part 2:…

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, the City of Magdeburg, state capital of Sachsen-Anhalt...

What does a panic attack and a yoga class have in common? If you’re anything like me, both panic and yoga can lead you...

M ore Tips To Help You Cope With Travel-related Stress From packing to driving to flying to returning home again, we invited more experts to share their lessstress travel tips...

Youth exchange session discusses RESCUE Drug Testing Scheme Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Commission on Youth: The Commission on Youth held an exchange...

LCQ12: Regulation of private columbaria and increasing supply of public niches Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Dr Hon Lam Tai-fai and a written reply by the Secretary for Food...

Exhibition at Dr Sun Yat-sen M useum reviews history of 1911 Revolution in Guangdong Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The latest exhibition to be launched by the Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum, “History in Prints: The...

Speech by Acting CE at APICTA Awards 2013 presentation ceremony

Woman jailed for possessing and using false instrument

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Acting Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the award presentation...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The District Court today (November 27) sentenced a 45-year-old expatriate female to an imprisonment...

Why cancer costs as much as a mortgage

Scalpel-free post-mortem UK launch

27 November 2013 Last updated at 05:29 ET Article written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More from Nick Nearly...

Higher than expected rates of U.S. alcohol abuse disorders

27 November 2013 Last updated at 07:14 ET By Shabnam Mahmood BBC Asian Network Pathologists zoom in to...

Pediatric skin ailments common in winter

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Disorders related to the abuse of alcohol contribute significantly to the burden of disease in the U.S., finds a new study...

As parents across the Chicago area prepare to take that perfect holiday photo to send to family and friends, they may want...

Study highlights impact of e-cigarette marketing on young people

The financial cost of cancer

Celebrity endorsements and social media are attracting young people to use e-cigarettes according to a new University of...

27 November 2013 Last updated at 05:29 ET Article written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More from Nick Nearly...

VIDEO: Can a hospital stub out smoking?

AUDIO: ‘I discovered I was a psychopath’

Smoking should be banned in all NHS hospital grounds in England, according to the National Institute for Health and Care...

Neuroscientist James Fallon has described to the BBC the moment he accidentally discovered he was a psychopath after studying...

Communication key to adolescent health outcomes

Video: Potential AIDS vaccine targets blood, mucosal tissue

Improved communication between pediatric providers and the parents and guardians of adolescents could lead to better health...

December 1st is the annual World AIDS Day, a perfect opportunity to look at how medical research is progressing to fight...

Two new HIV vaccine candidates: Q&A with Nicolas M ouz

Aggressive HIV strain causes faster AIDS development

European researchers have designed two new

A recently discovered HIV strain leads to

vaccine candidates to fight the HIV virus. These have been developed within the...

significantly faster development of AIDS than currently prevalent forms, according...

A fiery drama of star birth and death

L.A. judge tells hot sauce maker to curb smelly chili

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Richard 49-893-200-6655ESO IMAGE: The Large Magellanic Cloud is one of the closest...

Quick tips to turn your unhealthy home into a healthy one

By Dana Feldman and Eric M. Johnson LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A Los Angeles judge on Tuesday ordered a hot sauce maker...

LCQ3: Healthcare manpower planning in Hong Kong

Your home is a place to show off your sense of Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by style – but it can also have a profound effect on your the Dr Hon Leung Ka-lau and a reply by the W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

health and happiness. Maxwell...

Secretary for Food and Health,...

Case of Vibrio vulnificus infection under CHP investigation

LCQ11: Reproductive technology services

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (November 27) investigating...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Professor Hon Joseph Lee and a written reply by the Secretary for...

LCQ4: Primary and secondary school places allocation mechanism

LCQ5: Energy policy

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Mrs Regina Ip and a reply by the Secretary for Education, Mr...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by Dr Hon Elizabeth Quat and a reply by the Secretary for the Environment,...

M ass vaccinations for children in typhoon-hit Philippines

SC free clinic model now replicated nationwide

A mass vaccination programme has been launched in Philippine communities that were devastated by Super Typhoon Haiyan to...

What began two decades ago on Hilton Head Island as a free clinic using retired physicians and volunteers to care for the...

US gov’t to keep ban on paying bone marrow donors (Update)

US health watchdog curbs exports from India’s Wockhardt

Could paying for bone marrow cells really boost the number of donors? The Obama administration is taking steps to block a...

The US health regulator has restricted exports from a plant owned by Indian generic drugmaker Wockhardt in the latest ban...

41 Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Spouse

Bob Harper Comes Out As Gay To Help A Contestant On ‘The Biggest Loser’ (VIDEO)

This time of year offers the perfect opportunity to take a step back and reflect on who and what really matters in life....

To help a contestant struggling with his own sexuality, Bob Harper made the decision to come out publicly as a gay man on...

Syrian refugee women sexually harassed in Lebanon: HRW

Gov’t to keep ban on paying bone marrow donors

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Women refugees who escaped Syria’s conflict to find sanctuary in

WASHINGTON (AP) — Could paying for bone marrow cells really boost the number of donors?

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neighboring Lebanon have...

The Obama administration is taking...

Prenatal paracetamol exposure and offspring outcome

23andM e shutdown protects science from using tainted data

Pain. Nobody particularly likes it, but with the pharmaceutical arsenal of pain relief medication at our disposal these days,...

The FDA has ordered a shutdown of the internetbased genome testing company 23andMe, in a move which I believe will help...

Hell Won’t Sell

Salt in soluble drugs increases risk of heart attacks and strokes

In a summit at last week’s Warsaw UN Climate Conference, I gave a talk urging the Climate Change community to rethink their...

LCQ9: Lard boiling factory in Tai Tong Wu Village Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Emily Lau and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment,...

LCQ22: Vetting and approval of domestic free TV programme service licence applications Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Frederick Fung and a written reply by the Secretary for Commerce...

The salt found in common effervescent and soluble drugs may be exposing consumers to an increased risk of heart problems,...

LCQ10: International school places Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Jeffrey Lam and a written reply by the Secretary for Education,...

FEHD orders restaurant in Sham Shui Po to suspend business for two weeks Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene has ordered a restaurant in Sham Shui Po to suspend...

LC Urgent Q1: Invasive pneumococcal disease

Why do people hate the word ‘chemicals’?

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is an urgent question by the Dr Hon Kwok Ka-ki under Rule 24(4) of the Rules of Procedure...

26 November 2013 Last updated at 20:47 ET Chemistry is everywhere in the world around us – so why are we so scared...

Health Group Retracts Report on H.I.V. in Greece

LCQ1: Affairs which the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administers on its own in accordance with the Basic Law

Social media erupted on Monday. There were

headlines on The Daily Mail, the Drudge Report and Al Jazeera. Rush Limbaugh,... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Albert Ho and a reply by the Secretary for Constitutional and...

LCQ15: Copyright licences and copyright royalty charges

LCQ17: Billing disputes in relation to telecommunications services

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Christopher Chung and a written reply by

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Albert Chan and a written reply by the

the Secretary for Home...

Secretary for Commerce...

"M " M ark status awarded to Cathay Pacific Sun Hung Kai Financial HK Squash Open 2013 and HK Open Golf Championship 2013

Surviving A Family Tragedy: Suicide, Loss, & Grief

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Major Sports Events Committee: The

find purpose...

Note: Video length 40:53 and emotional. How can I find meaning in this? It’s very difficult to accept and

Major Sports Events...

Thanksgiving Poem: The Passive Aggressive Killing of a Pecan… Holidays are rough. We all have to meet together despite annoyances, disappointments, old buried resentments, or whatever....

Shortage of rheumatologists: In some US regions closest doctor may be 200 miles away A novel study published in the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) journal, Arthritis Rheumatism, shows that smaller...

Gynecologists M ay Treat M en, Board Says in Switch

N.F.L. Concussion Case Offers Clues for Hockey Lawsuit

A professional group that certifies obstetriciangynecologists reversed an earlier directive and

With so much money at stake, it was all but inevitable that players in other contact sports would

said on Tuesday that its...

seek damages from their...

M errell Williams Jr., Paralegal Who Bared Big Tobacco, Dies at 72

M ore than royal food

Merrell Williams Jr., a former paralegal who leaked

destined to become a queen are fed with royal jelly, a secretion of the hypopharyngeal...

mountains of internal documents of the Brown Williamson Tobacco Company...

Using phage display selected

In the honeybee Apis mellifera, female larvae

A randomized 3×3 crossover study to

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antibodies to dissect microbiomes for complete de novo genome sequencing of low abundance microbes Single cell genomics has revolutionized microbial sequencing, but complete coverage of genomes in complex microbiomes is...

evaluate the effect of Hass avocado intake on post-ingestive satiety, glucose and insulin levels, and subsequent energy intake in overweight adults The behavioral outcome of food ingestion is a complex process that involves psychological and biological factors. Avocados...

Nanoparticulate flurbiprofen reduces amyloid-?42 generation in an in vitro blood?brain barrier model

Chemopreventive effects of berberine on intestinal tumor development in Apcmin/+ mice

IntroductionThe amyloid-β42 (Aβ42) peptide plays

Berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid, has shown

a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD),...

inhibitory effects on growth of several tumor cell lines in vitro. The aim...

In All Things, Give Thanks

NHS told to get tough on smoking

Thanksgiving is coming up and it is a time when

26 November 2013 Last updated at 20:50 ET By

we take time to reflect on the people and things we are grateful for. During...

Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The guidance...

Salt in medicines ‘a health risk’

Genetics contribute to increased risk for end-stage renal disease for African Americans with chronic kidney disease

26 November 2013 Last updated at 21:13 ET By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Soluble painkillers...

In the United States, African Americans have approximately twice the risk of end-stage renal disease compared to white Americans,...

Researchers explore five new avenues for rehabilitation research

Salt in soluble drugs increase risk of heart attacks and strokes

Because the concept of permanent neurological injury has given way to recognition of the brain’s

The salt found in common effervescent and soluble drugs may be exposing consumers to an

potential for long-term...

increased risk of heart problems,...

Adjuvant therapy with minocycline for schizophrenia (The M INOS Trial): study protocol for a double-blind randomized

SNP genotyping reveals genetic diversity between cultivated landraces and contemporary varieties of tomato

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placebo-controlled trial Schizophrenia is understood to be a heterogeneous brain condition with overlapping

The tomato (Solanum lycopersium L.) is the most widely grown vegetable in the world. It was domesticated in Latin America...

symptom dimensions. The negative symptom...

Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa metalloendopeptidase, M ep72, a member of the Vfr regulon Pseudomonas aeruginosa Vfr (the virulence factor regulator) enhances P. aeruginosa virulence by positively regulating the...

Short-term impact of oral hygiene training package to Anganwadi workers on improving oral hygiene of preschool children in North Indian City Globally, dental caries is categorized in the list of public health problems in preschool children. In India, lack of availability...

Recognition of depression and anxiety and their association with quality of life, hospitalization and mortality in primary care patients with heart failure — study protocol of a longitudinal observation study

The Holy Holiday Season: Finding God? For some, the Holidays is a time to reflect and often times religion can take a new role in a person’s life. Or not....

International disease management guidelines recommend the regular assessment of depression and anxiety in heart failure patients....

Charity concerned for children as ecigarette market flourishes

M edical marijuana privacy breach sparks lawsuit

Charity concerned for children as e-cigarette market flourishes Wednesday 27 November 2013

A Halifax law firm has filed a proposed class-action lawsuit against Health Canada, accusing the

Cancer Research UK Press Release Celebrity...

federal department of violating...

Drug improves remission of Crohn disease among children and adolescents

M apping the entire brain with new and improved Brainbow II technology

Among children and adolescents with Crohn disease not responding to treatment, use of the

annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience

()—Among the many great talks at the recent were three special lectures...

drug thalidomide resulted in improved...

High salt levels in common medicines

Transferring fewer embryos doesn’t

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put patients at increased risk of cardiovascular events

reduce delivery rates if linked to reimbursing six IVF cycles

Researchers at the University of Dundee and

Research from Belgium has shown that if

University College London found that taking the maximum daily dose of some medicines...

governments legislate to restrict the numbers of embryos transferred during fertility...

W.H.O. Estimate of Swine Flu Deaths in 2009 Rises Sharply

One in 10 UK Women Report Being Forced Into Sex Against Their Will

About 203,000 people around the world died of flu

One in 10 women in Britain admit they have been

and respiratory problems during the 2009 H1N1 “swine flu” pandemic,...

forced into having sex against their will, the most comprehensive survey...

Postmenopausal Estrogen Drop Unrelated to Cognition, M ood Change

Police launch criminal investigation into cancer scandal

You don’t have permission to access

CQC inspectors found that there were

/releases/2013/11/131125164436.htm on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...

“inaccuracies” with waiting time data relating to cancer treatment. Staff told...

Obesity Linked With Hearing Loss

Are You A Perfectionist? (QUIZ)

Obesity is associated with a higher risk for hearing loss, according to a new study in the American

Perfectionism has its perks: It can inspire high standards and a healthy desire for success. But it

Journal of Medicine. On...

can also be a debilitating...

Kicking the Night Owl Habit

Cross These Dangerous Toys Off Kids’ Christmas List, Experts Say

I’ve always been intrigued by the concept of willpower. When there’s a will, there’s a way, right? So...

TUESDAY Nov. 26, 2013, 2013 — Toxic or dangerous toys can still be found on store shelves despite tough new federal...

Swine Flu’s Death Toll M ay Be M uch Higher Than Thought

Grave Robbing: Not Always What it Seems…

TUESDAY Nov. 26, 2013, 2013 — The worldwide death toll from the 2009 swine flu pandemic was

Death standing guard over the disturbed remains of the deceased via Flickr user Ephemeral Scraps

about 11 times higher than...

We’ve talked quite a bit...

M ultivitamins M ay Help Fight HIV Progression, Study Suggests

Head M ovement Is Bad News For Neuroscience (Again)

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

TUESDAY Nov. 26, 2013, 2013 — New research from Africa suggests that basic multivitamin and

Claims that children with autism have abnormal brain white matter connections may just reflect the

selenium supplements might...

fact that they move about...

If We Are Not Competent With Direct Laryngoscopy, We Should Just Say So

If A Tweet Falls In The Woods, Does Anyone Hear It?

Some Quotes – The basic trouble, you see, is that people think that “right” and “wrong” are...

With the Internet, we all have a virtual “microphone” that allows everyone to project our thoughts at any moment....

Researchers at Penn uncover mechanism behind blood stem cells’ longevity

M emo to big box retailers: Goodwill has a shelf life

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Evan 215-573-6604University 212-854-

of Pennsylvania IMAGE: Researchers have long...

Treatment target identified for a public health risk parasite [ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 514-934-1934 x71381McGill University Health Centre This...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 2747Columbia Business School New Columbia Business School...

Kessler stroke researchers explore five new avenues for rehabilitation research [ | E-mail ] Contact: Carolann 973-3248382Kessler Foundation Treatments based on behavioral...

Health insurance increases preventive care but not risky behaviors

National study finds donor age not a factor in most corneal transplants

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 916-734-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carole 916-734-

9064University of California – Davis Health...

9047University of California – Davis Health System (SACRAMENTO,...

Dying Chicago lesbian gets judge’s OK to wed ahead of new law

Being Thankful for M indfulness

By Mary Wisniewski CHICAGO (Reuters) – A

One way it can be achieved is by coming to our senses — literally. I...

Chicago woman who is dying of cancer could wed her lesbian partner as early...

Constant gratitude is a major key to happiness.

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10 Ways to Know It’s Time to Leave Your Relationship

Schoolies week: bad for the body, bad for the brain

“How do I know when it’s time to call it quits on my relationship?” I often hear this question from my...

In far-flung tourist destinations across Australia and overseas, people are managing and mopping up schoolies week, where...

Desmoplastic small round cell tumour: characteristics and prognostic factors of 41 patients and review of the literature Desmoplastic small round cell tumour (DSRCT) is a rare but frequently fatal sarcoma, and many of its

Pazopanib is an active treatment in desmoid tumour/aggressive fibromatosis Desmoid tumours/aggressive fibromatosis (DT/AF) are infrequent soft-tissue neoplasms. They usually behave as indolent diseases. ...

characteristics still...

Estimation of a linear model with twoparameter symmetric platykurtic distributed errors

Age-period cohort analysis of AIDS incidence rates in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1985–2009

Purpose: A linear regression model with Gaussian-distributed error terms is the most

IntroductionThe long average incubation time from HIV infection to AIDS makes it difficult to estimate

widely used method to describe the possible...

the recent tendencies...

Efficacy, safety and tolerability of tofacitinib in patients with an inadequate response to disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs: a metaanalysis of randomized double-blind controlled studies

The New Science of Smiling (It’s M ore Powerful than… Smiling is something almost all of us could do a bit more often. Past science shows that smiling – especially the kind...

This meta-analysis was conducted to determine the efficacy, safety and tolerability of tofacitinib in the treatment of rheumatoid...

Natural Compound Resveratrol Counteracts Effects of M eth Use…

Watch out for sleepy drivers this Thanksgiving holiday

Researchers at the University of Missouri have

(HealthDay)—Thanksgiving is a time of travel, but

found that resveratrol, a natural chemical found in various fruits and vegetables,...

one expert warns that sleep deprivation and darkness can cause drivers...

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Supreme Court to take up birth control religion case

Regrets About Sex M ay Depend on Your Gender

The US Supreme Court said Tuesday it will take up

TUESDAY Nov. 26, 2013, 2013 — If remorse over

a case involving a firm seeking to limit the availability of birth control...

sex strikes a man or a women, he’ll likely regret a lost opportunity...

How To Stop Online Bullying

Supreme Court to hear Obamacare contraception cases

Posted on November 26, 2013 by Flora Brils How To Stop Online Bullying Coping strategies for victims, schools and parents. Bullying...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme

Surrogates often make call to deactivate heart devices

New Clues to How Long-Term Drug Therapy Keeps HIV at Bay

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People who have implanted heart devices rarely have advance

TUESDAY Nov. 26, 2013, 2013 — A new study suggests that the replication of HIV may slow or

directives indicating whether...

stop altogether in patients...

As M ore M eningitis Cases Hit Colleges, Experts Urge Awareness

Regrets About Sex M ay Depend on Your Gender

TUESDAY Nov. 26, 2013, 2013 — A potentially deadly form of meningitis has now been reported

TUESDAY Nov. 26, 2013, 2013 — If remorse over sex strikes a man or a women, he’ll likely regret a

at three U.S. colleges,...

lost opportunity...

How To Stop Online Bullying

M ethane Emissions M ay Be 5 Times Greater Than Estimated

Posted on November 26, 2013 by Flora Brils How To Stop Online Bullying Coping strategies for victims, schools and parents. Bullying...

Court agreed on Tuesday to consider religious objections made by corporations...

According to a pair of new studies by Berkeley Lab scientist Marc Fischer and colleagues, current official inventories of...

Learning socially but not socially learning How do we distinguish learning from our friends from learning because our friends happen to be around? When I was younger,...

Virginia Tech professor named AAAS Fellow for contributions to plant science John Jelesko, an associate professor of plant pathology, physiology and weed science in the College of Agriculture and Life...

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Want to beat the winter chill? DON’T wear a woolly hat, but DO drink decaf and point your toes in bed By Angela Epstein PUBLISHED: 19:09 EST, 25 November 2013 | UPDATED: 19:12 EST, 25 November 2013 Winter chill:...

Could YOU have the binge drinking gene? Scientists discover some animals are wired to prefer the taste of alcohol to water Mice with the gene mutation much preferred taste of alcohol to water Those with it relied on alcohol for 85 per cent of their...

Becoming a BODYBUILDER helped me walk again: M other, 28, beats crippling spinal condition to walk down the aisle

New weight loss chip implant in the arm tells you when to stop eating

Lisa Bradley has a condition which causes cysts to grow in her spinal cord It left her in excruciating

the blood and, when someone has eaten too

The genetic chip would constantly check for fat in much, release a hormone that...

pain and requiring...

Born Wet, Human Babies Are 75 Percent Water. Then Comes Drying

Al Gore Goes Vegan, Following In Footsteps Of Bill Clinton

Look at this baby. Robert Krulwich/NPR Lovely, no?

Enlarge image i Former vice president Al Gore

Now think of this baby abstractly — as a sack of hundreds of millions...

talks during an interview, Jan. 29, 2013, in New York. Mark Lennihan/AP...

St Gallen molecular subtypes in primary breast cancer and matched lymph node metastases

Rb1 loss modifies but does not initiate alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma

The St Gallen surrogate molecular subtype

childhood sarcoma frequently associated with a translocation-mediated fusion...

definitions classify the oestrogen (ER) positive breast cancer into the luminal...

Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (aRMS) is a myogenic

Fluid biomarkers for diagnosing dementia: rationale and the Canadian Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia recommendations for Canadian physicians

Could you be allergic to your house? Katie couldn’t work out what caused chronic attacks that left her gasping for breath

Fluid biomarkers improve the diagnostic accuracy

eyes, coughing, eczema 4% of the population reacts to the spores, which can...

in dementia and provide an objective measure potentially useful as a therapeutic...

Mould spores can cause nasal stuffiness, itchy

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People with food allergies are more likely to be M URDERED than to die from a severe allergic reaction

Five-dimensional crystallography probes molecular structure

The risk of a person with a food allergy dying from

pharmaceuticals could be the payoff from fivedimensional crystallography, a...

an allergic reaction in one year is 1.8 in a million, for children and...

How To Enjoy Food This Holiday Season Today, I’m republishing an older piece to remind us to enjoy and savor the foods we’ll be eating this holiday season....

( —Successful development of new

Former NHL players sue league over concussions Ten former National Hockey League players, including all-star defenceman Gary Leeman, claimed in a class-action lawsuit that...

M orning-after pill maker warns of weight limit A French contraceptive maker says it will begin warning women that its morning-after pill is

Review of cancer hospital revealed 26 November 2013 Last updated at 09:56 ET Colchester Hospital is in special measures following the CQC report Details of...

ineffective when taken by women...

Boots recalls cough and cold remedies 26 November 2013 Last updated at 09:09 ET There are fears plastic may have got into the liquid Pharmacy giant Boots is...

Sleeping sickness treatment mystery unlocked ()—Scientists at the Universities of Dundee and Glasgow have discovered how drugs that have been used for 60 years to kill...

Ground-breaking scan may identify liver disease A ground-breaking scan that can identify and help to treat liver disease, could make painful and invasive liver biopsies...

M other with rare Ehlers-Danlos syndrome struggles to cuddle her children because her joints ‘pop out’ Emily Comber has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome – collagen in her body is weak She is in constant pain and her joints dislocate...

Jessica Holmes’ parents’ heartbreak as daughter’s ‘cold’ turns out to be leukaemia

How a toddler’s brain may indicate if they’ll get Alzheimer’s in old age

Jessica Holmes was taken to AE when her cold

November 2013 | UPDATED: 08:18 EST, 26 November 2013 Toddlers...

failed to improve She was given antibiotics for a

By Anna Hodgekiss PUBLISHED: 07:27 EST, 26

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chest infection and was sent...

Why watching TV as a child could be a lifelong recipe for weight gain: M ore screen time equals heavier adults For every extra hour a child spends watching TV

# 46 Surviving the Early Years epSos .de via CompfightThe early years of parenting are a test for any theory. Those years set the whole idea of abundant...

each day, their weight in adulthood increases by about half a pound –...

M edical marijuana privacy concerns spark legal action

Speech, not tones, produces better hearing test

A law firm in Halifax that is representing medical

It’s taken 70 years to invent a better hearing test.

marijuana users has filed a class-action lawsuit against the federal government,...

That’s how long we’ve been using the classic ‘beep’...

FDA bans personal genetic tests

Vitamins can damage the body’s own defences

26 November 2013 Last updated at 07:04 ET The service offers to read genetic code, but critics have questioned the results The...

Each year, we spend billion of dollars on dietary supplements. New research indicates that vitamin pills may upset the fragile...

Blood stem cell longevity explained

Oxytocin leads to monogamy

()—The blood stem cells that live in bone marrow are at the top of a complex family tree. Such stem

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. René 49-228-287-

cells split and divide...

19124University of Bonn Researchers at the Bonn...

When the living and the deceased don’t agree on organ donation

Surgically Implanted Eyeball Jewelry Is the New Piercing

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt

Lucy Luckayanko was at a night club in New York 773-7025894University of Chicago Medical Center All 50

City when a man approached her and said, “Oh, your eye is so shiny!” “Yeah,”...


Your Brain Has Two Clocks Did you make it to work on time this morning? Go ahead and thank the traffic gods, but also take a moment to thank your brain....

Connections Between Brain’s Left And Right Hemispheres Strengthened As Children Sleep, Study Finds

Here’s a good reason to make sure your child gets W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

adequate sleep each night. A new study in the journal Brain Sciences...

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Thanksgiving M eal When it comes to Thanksgiving, every year is

How to Help a Grieving Friend: 11 Things to Do When You’re Not Sure What to Do

delightfully repetitive: Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce...

I’ve been a therapist for more than 10 years. I

9 foods that boost metabolism naturally

Drugmaker warns on morning-after pill

Your metabolism is partly ruled by genetics, but you

PARIS (AP) — A French contraceptive maker says it

can rev it up naturally by eating right. Fill up on the following nine...

will begin warning women that its morning-after pill is ineffective when...

Syria polio cases spread to Damascus and Aleppo, WHO says

Researchers successfully target T lymphocytes which play key role in body’s immune response

The World Health Organization said on Tuesday

worked in social services for the decade before that. I knew grief....

that additional polio cases had been confirmed in two new areas of Syria, including...

Researchers at the University of California, San

Virginia Tech professor named AAAS Fellow for contributions to the field of plant specialized metabolism

Best of Our Blogs: November 26, 2013

John Jelesko, an associate professor of plant

Diego School of Medicine have successfully targeted T lymphocytes –...

In a few days, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving here in the US. The upcoming holiday brings about a lot of things: rest,...

pathology, physiology and weed science in the College of Agriculture and Life...

VIDEO: Fear of disease in Typhoon aftermath

FDA approves H5N1 avian influenza vaccine

A mass vaccination programme is getting under way in the Philippines, to immunise 33,000

(HealthDay)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first adjuvanted

children affected by Typhoon Haiyan. There...

vaccine for the prevention of H5N1...

Supreme Court weighs new health law dispute

Bayer bids 1.8 bn euro for Norway’s Algeta

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President Barack Obama’s health care law is headed for a new Supreme Court showdown over

German pharmaceutical group Bayer has made a bid for its Norwegian partner and competitor Algeta,

companies’ religious...

specialised in cancer treatments,...

‘Deep pragmatism’ as a source of morality

Kelly Ripa And Jimmy Fallon Get Fit With Orange Sauna Shorts On ‘Late Night’ (VIDEO)

You could be forgiven for believing that some of the most vexing issues of our time—partisan gridlock, abortion, climate...

When Kelly Ripa dropped by “Late Night,” Jimmy Fallon couldn’t help but bring up how incredibly in shape...

Night Owl V M orning Lark: Which One Of You Is M ore Likely To Have Depression?

5 Natural Ways To Clear Up Your Acne In Time For The Holidays

While there has been much said about the required hours of sleep needed to function and

The fastest, most effective path to radiant skin is by

Looking to clear your skin in time for the holidays? incorporating...

have a healthy immune system, not...

13 Ways Successful People Improve Themselves

Why You’ll Find Freedom In Forgiveness

I was surprised when I realized that the same

Years ago I was teaching a weekend workshop,

steps that I’d used to get into medical school are the same steps I’m...

and during the course of the first evening, I touched upon the subject of forgiveness....

Clinicians perform unnecessary Pap tests in certain groups of women, says researcher

22% of African-American adults in Cleveland use little cigars

For the past ten years, clinicians throughout the

Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods at Case Western Reserve University...

United States have been performing unnecessary Pap tests for cervical cancer...

A new data brief released by the Prevention

Director of Scheie Eye Institute honored with WIO’s Suzanne Veronneau Troutman Award

Researchers identify progenitor cells that are vital for successful growth of healthy placenta

Joan M. O’Brien, MD, the George E. de Schweinitz

Dr. Hanna Mikkola and researchers at UCLA’s Eli

and William F. Norris Professor of Ophthalmology, chair of the Department...

and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research...

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Nurse M aria O’Neill on why she’s devoted to the hospice movement: ‘We ALL deserve a dignified death’ Surveys show most people want to die at home or

What’s In It For U.S. To Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions? The chimneys of the Kolaghat Thermal Power Station loom above a field flooded for rice farming

in a hospice But most end up dying in hospital – often needlessly Hospices...

near Mecheda, West Bengal,...

Comet Fans Psyched For A Celestial Feast On Thanksgiving Day

VIDEO: Do dreams differ around the world?

Comet ISON on Nov. 14. Courtesy of Mike Hankey While most Americans are sitting down to

For most of us, dreams are notoriously difficult to recall in detail – and even harder to understand or

Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday,...

interpret. Hunter...

Child-on-child abuse ‘shocking’

Hospital care standards review urged

26 November 2013 Last updated at 02:32 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires

26 November 2013 Last updated at 03:23 ET By Owain Clarke BBC Wales health correspondent

JavaScript to play. Sue Berelowitz, Deputy...

The Welsh government...

Let’s talk about sex…

Ten Former N.H.L. Players Sue League Over Head Injuries

25 November 2013 Last updated at 19:35 ET Article written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More from Nick The...

The players, who were in the league in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, filed their suit in federal court in Washington. One...

Recipes for Health: Butternut Squash and Purple Potato Latkes

F.D.A. Orders Genetic Testing Firm to Stop Selling DNA Analysis Service

1/2 medium onion, grated 3 cups grated butternut

In a crackdown on genetic testing that is offered

squash (1 small squash) 3 cups grated purple potatoes ...

directly to consumers, the Food and Drug Administration has demanded that...

Bumps in the Road to New Cholesterol Guidelines

ID Verification Lagging on Health Care Website

Many leading cardiologists now say the credibility

Many users of the website have had their

of the guidelines, released Nov. 14, is shattered. And the troubled effort...

applications cast into limbo after they uploaded copies of documents like driver’s...

M ore transparency needed in hospitals

Women more liberated as attitudes to

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In her speech today Mrs Cummings will say: “Absolute transparency is the key to driving improvements in standards...

sex change Experts said a significant factor in the shift was a shift in attitudes towards sex, meaning that more women were willing...

Obesity associated with higher risk of hearing loss in women

Drug regimen may eliminate colonization with superbug CRE

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lori J

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Liz 617-525-

202-454-2604Association for Professionals in

6374Brigham and Women’s Hospital Physical activity...

Infection Control Washington,...

Research: Higher BM I liked with increased risk of hearing loss in women

Exposure of fetus to maternal mood disorders may lead to behavioral problems in offspring

According to the World Health Organization, 360 million people have disabling hearing loss, a condition that is often considered...

Posted in: Child Health News | Medical Research News | Medical Condition News Tags: Anxiety, Brain, Cortisol, Depression,...

Life without antibiotics – the rise and rise of superbugs

Strategies for Surviving Thanksgiving The Thomas-Kilmann Way…

Heralded as a “miracle of modern medicine” when they were first discovered, antibiotics have been

Day 25 of the National Health Blog Post Month, and I’m cracking the whip in my Mental Health Humor

overused for so long...

cartoon. This being...

‘Never too old’ to take up exercise

Nurse navigators help cancer patients cope early in care

25 November 2013 Last updated at 23:19 ET Taking up exercise in your 60s will still help stave off major ill health and dementia,...

When Group Health patients received support from a nurse navigator, or advocate, soon after a cancer diagnosis, they had...

Brain imaging differences in infants at genetic risk for Alzheimer’s

US overturns safety limits on diabetes drug

Researchers from Brown University and Banner

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is lifting

Alzheimer’s Institute have found that infants who carry a gene associated...

severe safety restrictions on the former blockbuster diabetes pill Avandia,...

Testosterone therapy doesn’t worsen

Frustration From a Deal on Flawed Hip

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

urinary symptoms


(HealthDay)—For hypogonadal men, testosterone

Now, some patients have found a new target for

replacement therapy is associated with a low risk of worsening lower urinary...

their ire: the legal system and the lawyers they hired to sue Johnson Johnson....

M odern life ‘turning people off sex’

Nebulizers deliver less than half of prescribed asthma Rx in kids

25 November 2013 Last updated at 21:14 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News More than 15,000...

(HealthDay)—The amount of corticosteroids

High abusive head trauma rates with new coding method

Kids hospitalized for flu need antiviral meds right away: study

(HealthDay)—Use of new coding algorithms show

(HealthDay)—Kids near death because of severe

the highest abusive head trauma (AHT) rates in children Pediatrics. Meghan...

flu infection have a better chance of survival if they are given antiviral...

Olysio approved as hepatitis C treatment

2-way traffic enable proteins to get where needed, avoid disease

(HealthDay)—Olysio (simeprevir) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Toni 706721-4421Medical College of Georgia at Georgia

to treat chronic hepatitis C...

Regents University IMAGE: ...

University Of M assachusetts M edical School scientists re-imagine how genomes are assembled

Drug interactions causing a significant impact on statin use

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim

delivered by nebulizers in children with asthma differs from the prescribed dose,...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt 503494-3657Oregon State University CORVALLIS, Ore. A new study has found that...

508-856-2000University of Massachusetts Medical School Using...

Turning autism upside down: When symptoms are strengths

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Alessia make landfall near Darwin

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob 585-4755061Rochester Institute of Technology Alternative

Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center IMAGE: NASA’s TRMM



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Why it could take THREE broken bones before you get checked for osteoporosis

New diabetes has little impact on outcomes in elderly hypertensives

Around 2.3m people in the UK, mainly women over 50, have the condition It leads to a huge risk of hip

Reporter Established, but not newly diagnosed,

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews diabetes is associated with reduced...

fracture, which is...

M other’s horrific allergic reaction to heart tattoo left her with growth so big she couldn’t wear boots Nicola Hickman got tattoo on her ankle as a sign of

Lupus symptoms Lupus is an autoimmune disorder affecting 50,000 in the UK It causes the immune system to turn on itself and attack healthy...

her love for her daughter It became ‘bumpy’ and then turned...

‘We ALL deserve a peaceful, dignified death’: After the dreadful care her dying grandfather endured, nurse M aria vowed to spare others the same indignity. So she devoted herself to the hospice movement

Holiday Social Anxiety: 7 Survival Tips “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt Unless you have the disposition of one...

Surveys show most people want to die at home or in a hospice But most end up dying in hospital – often needlessly Hospices...

Increasing the number of insured patients is not tied to higher ICU usage in M assachusetts

European drug experts sound warning on austerity

A multi-institution study led by researchers at the

Europe gathered in Athens to urge governments to exclude drug-abuse treatment...

Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania has found...

Drug experts and policy makers from around

Government grants reduce HIV risks for teenage girls in South Africa

Brits having less sex—but more variety

A large-scale study, led by Oxford University, has

getting less busy, but more creative. According to results from the latest...

identified that government grants in Southern Africa can reduce major...

When it comes to the bedroom, the British may be

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C-section rate for private patients double that of publicly funded patients

American medical groups protesting physician cuts

The rate of scheduled caesarean sections among

(HealthDay)—Medical societies are taking action

private patients is around double that of publicly funded patients, indicates...

against the mass cancellations of physicians in Medicare Advantage plans...

Whooping Cough Study M ay Offer Clue on Surge

Postcards From Lebanon: Part 12 in a Series of Cancer-Related Commentary (The Infusion Room)

Baboons vaccinated against whooping cough could still carry the illness in their throats and spread it, research published...

“I … find my strength in the beat of your heart.”

M iranda Lambert Slams Weight Loss Surgery Rumors As ‘Ridiculous’

Outdoor Recess Is Better For Kids Than Playing Indoors, Study Says

Miranda Lambert recently made headlines when

Not all recesses were created equally. According to

she arrived at the Country Music Awards with a noticeably slimmer physique....

a new study out of Washington University in St. Louis, urban public school...

Chicago E-Cigarette Ban? City Considering Updating Smoking Ban To Include Controversial Cigs

European M orning-After Pill Warns It’s Not Effective For Women Over 176 Pounds

Chicago may soon take a first step toward

The manufacturer of Norlevo, a European

becoming the first major U.S. city to regulate the sale of e-cigarettes. The Chicago...

emergency contraceptive pill identical to widely used American-made pills, reportedly...

How scavenging fungi became a plant’s best friend

GSA Bulletin posts new studies from China, Egypt and Israel, Argentina, M exico, California, Appalachia

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 925-296-5643DOE/Joint Genome Institute IMAGE: These are spores and...

(Haley Westenra) I like to think of myself as someone...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kea Gileskgiles@geosociety.orgGeological Society of America Posted online ahead of print Nov. 6-22,...

Researchers find ear infections down, thanks to vaccine

New method to increase survival in sepsis discovered

Otitis media, more commonly known as ear infection, is the leading cause of pediatric health

Sepsis, the body’s response to severe infections, kills more people than breast cancer, prostate

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care visits and the most frequent...

cancer and HIV/AIDS...

Repeatedly exposing yourself to a negative event may prevent it from affecting you

Study Finds Vaccinated Baboons Can Still Carry Whooping Cough

Psychology shows that it doesn’t take much to put you in a bad mood. Just reading the morning news

Baboons vaccinated against whooping cough could still carry the illness in their throats and spread it, research published...

can do it. And being...

Surgeon struck off for lying about removing brain tumour

Rock Your body!

“Cumulatively, these serious breaches

are so many factors that can affect the way we see

demonstrate conduct that falls far below the

ourselves. We...

Confidence shouldn’t come with a size chart. There

standards expected of all registered...

Yoga for Kids: How Yoga Helps Fix Six Kid Issues

Want Better Skin? Hit The Gym, Stat!

Childhood today is filled with challenges, stressors

to find time to get to the gym — much less want to. But, it...

and obstacles that can be overwhelming for parents and children alike....

Whooping Cough Vaccine M ay Curb Symptoms, But Not Spread ATLANTA (AP) — A government study offers a new

With the holidays ahead, it’s already hard enough

People Who Experience M igraines And Allergies Could Have Worse Headache Symptoms

theory on why the whooping cough vaccine doesn’t seem to be working...

Having allergies could make headache symptoms

Even just WATCHING sport can improve your fitness

How sushi might not be so good for you after all: M ercury in fish could increase the risk of heart disease

When people watch sport on TV their heart and

worse for people who experience migraines, according to a new study. The research,...

breathing rates increase They return to normal when the person they are watching...

The mercury in fish can cause problems with

NHS is ‘pulling out all the stops’ to deal with impact of bad weather, flu and the winter vomiting bug

An Omnivore’s Dilemma: Would You Eat M ichael Pollan M icrobe Cheese?

nervous system development It can also counteract the positive effects of omega-3...

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To try and avoid the chaos of last winter, more staff are being hired and several thousand more beds and GP appointments...

Itching for a fight: the motives behind alcohol-fuelled violence This weekend, yet another violent assault has reminded us of the need to curb alcohol-related violence in public spaces. For...

Making your own cheese and yogurt is all the rage these days. (Our friends at Kitchen Window broke down the process in a...

FDA requires removal of certain restrictions on the diabetes drug Avandia FDA NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release: Nov. 25, 2013Media Inquiries: Morgan Liscinsky, 301-796-0397, morgan.liscinsky@hhs.fda.govConsumer...

Are You a Good Husband?

AEIO…YOU & Sometimes WHY?

The media is full of experts giving people advice.

Do You know Your Vowels? -lol Of course, you say!

They tell us how to be good parents, loving spouses, supportive friends....

Vowel sounds are very important to some languages. (The vowels to which...

Why Yoga Is Both Awesome And Terrible, Part 1:…

Create an Attitude of Gratitude

Yoga stretches can feel soooo good sometimes.

a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep...

Case in point: three days ago, I had a bad panic attack brought upon by low...

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by

PCBs banned by the US 3 decades ago hurt seniors’ cognitive performance

Walgreen Co. to move employees into private health insurance exchange

Although PCBs have been banned in the United States since 1979, University of Montreal and CHU

Bloomberg: Walgreen CEO Says Employers Want To Offer Health Benefits Employers want to provide

Sainte-Justine researcher...

quality health care to attract...

What Happens to Your Body When You’ve Got PM S

A Very Seasonal Side Dish: Kale Salad with Cornbread Croutons

Two weeks before your period Your brain’s pituitary gland unloads two fast-acting agents, follicle-

The problem with corn bread is that it usually stuffs more than just the bird. But use it as a slightly

stimulating hormone...

sweet, crunchy topping...

"Can guys really tell when you go bare down there?"

Cyberchondria: Do M edical Websites Hurt M ore Than They Help?…

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Can guys really feel a difference when a girl is bare

Welcome to the world of online medical sites and

“down there”?—Kristi, Cordele, GA Well, yes, we can feel...

diagnostics — WebMD, Mayo Clinic, MedicineNet, take your pick. While it’s...

Paralympics boosts disability profile but no panacea

Pre-surgery weight courses roll-out

Walking with Paralympic Gold Medalist Tim

schemes at 10 GP surgeries have been seen as successful Smokers and obese...

Prendergast along one of London’s busiest streets, ‘disability’...

AUDIO: Carers ‘paid less than minimum wage’ Some care workers are being paid less than the minimum wage because they are only paid for the

25 November 2013 Last updated at 02:11 ET Trial

VIDEO: ‘Allow athletes to use drugs’ The medical ethicist Julian Savulescu tells HARDtalk’s Stephen Sackur the current doping rules in sport are not working. He...

time they spend at a person’s...

State roundup: Candidate Berwick floats ‘single payer;’ M inn. reps pushing against med device tax; restore M edi-Cal cuts? A roundup of state health policy news, today from Iowa, Minnesota, Massachusetts and California.

Researchers show for first time how influenza A viruses infect respiratory cells Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have shown for the first time how influenza A viruses...

Kaiser Health News: In...

Anti-epileptic drugs, bone loss and supplements: an interview with Dr. Antonio A. Lazzari, VA Boston Health Care System, Boston University School of M edicine

Top 5 faddy diets you should avoid in the New Year Top of the list is the Breatharian Diet which involves swapping food for air Second is the Biotyping Diet which sees slimmers...

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) What are anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) and how frequently do...

Chinese mother gives birth to huge baby weighing 13lbs 10oz The woman, 27, gave birth in a hospital in Shanghai – it is not known if the baby was born

‘Standing at the bus stop made me allergic to the cold’: M an who could be killed anything from a chilled beer to a single snowflake

naturally or whether it... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Bernard Ward’s skin explodes into hives if he comes into contact with anything cold – and he could even go into...

The photo frames made from PLACENTAS: Woman creates marbleeffect frames from crushed, dried offcasts Amanda Cotton, 25, adds cooked, crushed, dried

What to Do When We Don’t Know What to Do I have this question (myself) a lot. I also get this question (from others) a lot. Every time I ask my mentor this question,...

pieces of placenta to moulds filled with casting resin to create the picture...

Cognitive Rehabilitation for Bipolar Disorder: A new, complementary therapy…

3 Tips On Dealing With TRAVEL STRESS From Psychologist…

Bipolar disorder is a condition characterized by

his advice for dealing with the stress of travel: Traveling often poses unique...

recurrent episodes of depression and/or abnormally elevated mood (known...

Joining A Running Group Helped Andrew Phillips Lose 144 Pounds Got a success story of your own? Send it to us at

Manhattan psychologist Dr. Joseph Cilona offers

LOOK: Can You Guess How M any Calories Are On Your Thanksgiving Plate? and you could be featured in our I Lost...

Exactly no one sits down at the Thanksgiving table

Why Heirloom and Artisanal Foods Are Good for Losing Weight

Social Support And Feeling In Control At Work Are Good For Well-Being: Study

By Scott Mowbray, editor of Cooking Light One of

The happiest employees are those who feel like

our Social Diet members, Patrick Pittman, talks about expecting more from...

they have control at work and have a good emotional support system, a new...

GPS Guide: M indfully Celebrate Thanksgiving With These 5 Tips

The Psychology of Success

The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life — and

expecting a light meal. But between drinks, dinner, seconds and a slice...

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” — Maya Angelou In life, we...

your well-being — off... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

The dinner habit that’ll help you stay slim You know already that watching your calorie intake and using smaller plates can help you slim down. But new research from...

M eningitis victims hope for criminal charges against compounding pharmacy Dirk Thompson III doesn’t hold out much hope that he and the 750 other victims in a nationwide meningitis outbreak...

‘Digital lollipop’ allows people to simulate taste without eating Tasting all the ice cream you want and not getting fat? It sounds too good to be true. But researchers

Health Tip: Keep Pests Away – Keeping your home clean and tidy can help keep pests away without the use of pesticides. The Wisconsin Department...

from the National...

The M agic & Benefits of Emotional Attunement

What Color TV Has In Common With ADHD

Recently I was out to dinner with some friends. The restaurant was packed, and clearly the wait staff

ADHD Color TV(Image borrowed from Wikipedia CommonsAnd Modified by me) There are people in

was missing a person...

this world who feel that specific...

I’m a doctor and I have cancer

Krokodil hunt: Tracking the elusive, ‘flesh-eating’ street drug

How the hell did I wind up doing this? I think to myself. I’m staring at an 18-gauge needle, filled with a potent...

If headlines in the past few weeks are to be

VIDEO: Heathrow creates e-cigarette zone

Amazon workers face ‘illness risk’

Heathrow Airport says it is opening the world’s first e-cigarette zone. So-called “vaping” is banned in...

Online retailer Amazon employs more than 20,000 people across its eight warehouses...

Study finds honeybee venom triggers immune response

Study finds astrocyte role in shaping neural circuits

Allergy-like immune reactions could represent a mechanism of the body that protects it against

Stanford University School of Medicine neuroscientists have discovered a new role played

toxins. This surprising conclusion...

by a common but mysterious class...

A new target for diabetes treatment

Can a vegan diet can be safe for

believed, a “Flesh-eating ‘zombie’ drug” that could...

24 November 2013 Last updated at 21:17 ET

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In her synthetic biology lab, Karmella Haynes


focuses much of her effort on developing better ways of exploring how human...

A popular Instagram contributor has gained

New study led by CDC reports nearly half of US children are diagnosed with ADHD

In health law politics, redistribution is a toxic word

A new study published in the Journal of the

Law ‘Redistribution’ “Redistribution is a loaded...

particular attention recently because she is vegan, eats predominantly raw food,...

The New York Times: Don’t Dare Call The Health

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP) found that an estimated...

Researchers identify immune cell protein that sets off body’s initial response against viral infection

Research: Notch protein plays essential role in triggering T-cell development

Mice lacking GEF-H1 protein expression unable to

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, has studied the origins of T cells for...

mount immune defense against influenza A Massachusetts General Hospital...

Sugary drinks linked to womb cancer Study reveals link to the cancer – which kills 2,000

The lab of Avinash Bhandoola, PhD, professor of

Why walking within 30ft of a lit cigarette is a health risk

British women a year University of Minnesota researchers looked...

Walking any closer to smokers means inhaling

Alcohol is good for your health: Leading science writer claims tipple can prevent cancer and may help improve your sex life

M editation made easy: Give yourself a full body check-up

Tony Edwards is a science journalist and writer He has brought together leading research on the

November 2013 This week, a meditation...

100 times recommended limit Campaigners say indoor smoking ban has shifted passive...

By Madonna Gaulding PUBLISHED: 19:15 EST, 24 November 2013 | UPDATED: 19:15 EST, 24

effects of alcohol Found...

Clothing increases the risk of indirect ballistic fractures Current literature has shown the mechanism of how indirect fractures occur but has not determined

In vitro anti-mycobacterial activity of nine medicinal plants used by ethnic groups in Sonora, M exico Sonoran ethnic groups (Yaquis, Mayos, Seris,

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what factors increase the...

Guarijios, Pimas, Kikapues and Papagos) use mainly herbal based preparations...

Rasch analysis of the General SelfEfficacy Scale in a sample of persons with morbid obesity

Quarterly Report on General Household Survey July to September 2013 published

Self-efficacy is needed for effectuating lifestyle changes, and it is therefore an important target

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Quarterly Report on General Household Survey for July to September 2013 is

related to health. The...

now available for download. The...

"Hong Kong 2012" yearbook iPad and Android apps ready for download

Copy number variations in endoglin locus: mapping of large deletions in Spanish families with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia type 1

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Information Services Department (ISD) has today (November 25) launched both iPad and Android...

The hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome (HHT), also known as the Rendu–OslerWeber syndrome is a multiorganic...

HKAB issues Best Practice on NFC mobile payment in Hong Kong

Staying Hungry……

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

<w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" DefUnhideWhenUsed="true"

behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE


NHS Bed blocking increases to highest level in three years

Yuen Long Theatre X’mas Fun Day to offer free youth and family programmes

This month’s figures show 67.3% of all delays

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Yuen Long Theatre

were attributable to the NHS, while 26.3% were attributable to Social...

X’mas Fun Day, which is jointly presented by the Yuen Long Theatre...

Clinicopathological risk factors for recurrence after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical hysterectomy in cervical cancer

TID and HKTDC to hold "Ignite Your Brand for Asian M arkets" seminar series

Cervical cancer is one of the common

Department and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) will jointly...

gynecological malignancies with a high recurrence rate after surgery. This study aimed...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Trade and Industry

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Drama and Chaos in Relationships

Inside M y Depression

When drama characterizes a relationship it is often

Whenever I give speeches or interviews to the

because drama has become a drug in its own right. For sex addicts high...

media I’m almost always asked what it feels like to have depression....

PCBs still affecting our health decades later

Certain symptom clusters experienced after surgery for esophageal cancer predict poor prognosis

[ | E-mail ] Contact: William 514-343-7593University of Montreal Chemical banned...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Amy 201-7488844Wiley A new study has found that several months after...

Bonding together to fight HIV [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lori 617-680-5129Northeastern University College of Science (BOSTON, MA) A...

Women directors better at mergers and acquisitions [ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrew 604-3067137University of British Columbia The more women there...

Scientists capture ‘redox moments’ in living cells [ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom 509-3753772DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Better understanding...

Firing practice for December 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Firing practice will take place at the San Wai/Tai Ling Firing Range and the Tsing Shan Firing...

Allograft inflammatory factor 1 (AIF-1) is a new human adipokine involved in adipose inflammation in obese women Allograft inflammatory factor 1 (AIF-1) is a putative obesity gene. Our aim was to examine the expression of AIF-1 in human...

Effects of a fixed-intensity of endurance training and pistacia atlantica supplementation on ATPbinding cassette G4 expression Adenosine triphosphate-cassette binding protein (ABC) type G is considered as a part of reverse cholesterol transport (RCT)...

De novo characterization of the Anthurium transcriptome and analysis

Obtaining subjects’ consent to publish identifying personal information:

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of its digital gene expression under cold stress

current practices and identifying potential issues

Anthurium andraeanum is one of the most popular tropical flowers. In temperate and cold zones, a

In studies publishing identifying personal information, obtaining consent is regarded as

much greater risk of cold...

necessary, as it is impossible to...

Creating Income Stability: Publishing Success Story

Court Confronts Religious Rights of Corporations

Income stability in private practice can be challenging. Publishing is one way to create an

The stores play religious music. Employees get free spiritual counseling. But they do not get free

additional income stream. In...

insurance coverage for...

Work-Life Balance As an Entrepreneur

M eat, egg and dairy nutrient essential for brain development

Launching a startup is one of the most difficult things anyone can do. It feels like there’s always a never-ending...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: William Raillant-Clarkw.raillant-

Vinnie Jones and wife both battling cancer

I was helpless when Jimmy died in my arms… now I want EVERY child to learn first aid: The 16-year-old’s murder in a bakery shocked the nation. Here, the brother who held him in his final moments tell his devastating story

Former footballer, 48, discovered he was suffering from the condition when he had a lump under his right eye checked out He... 514-343-7593University of Montreal Deficiency...

Jimmy Mizen, 16 was murdered at a south London bakery in 2008 A local teen began a fight with Jimmy and ended up cutting...

Drinking doesn’t make you fat: A startling new book claims that nightly glass of wine won’t go straight to the hips

Cheap drugs ‘put heart rhythm patients at risk’: Doctors accused of giving patients nothing stronger than aspirin

By Tony Edwards PUBLISHED: 18:46 EST, 24

prescribed the latest drugs The condition is the most common heart rhythm...

November 2013 | UPDATED: 18:46 EST, 24 November 2013 It sounds too good to be true....

Escherichia coli YmdB regulates biofilm

One in 20 atrial fibrillation sufferers are being

M M Diff: quantitative testing for shape

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formation independently of its role as an RNase III modulator

changes in ChIP-Seq data sets

Ribonuclease III (RNase III) activity modulates

epigenetic modifications and transcription factor binding.While genome-wide...

hundreds of genes in Escherichia coli (E. coli). YmdB, a member of the macrodomain...

The Joy of Creating “Composing gives me great pleasure… there is

Cell-specific gene expression is controlled by

M y Weight Loss Journey: I’m Happier & Heavier

nothing that surpasses the joy of creation, if only because through it one...

It’s not insane to believe that once you lose weight,

How to Deal with Holiday Triggers

First Nations exposed to pollutants in ‘chemical valley’

Just thinking about it makes me tired. There are a lot of ways that a traumatic event can impact the experience of a holiday....

life gets better. For years, I’ve heard stories from those who...

A new study is drawing attention to the health problems being faced by a First Nations community living near one of Canada’s...

Friendship line for elderly launched

Scan cuts child radiation risk

24 November 2013 Last updated at 19:04 ET A free 24-hour dedicated helpline for older people across

24 November 2013 Last updated at 19:39 ET A new method for scanning children’s livers for

the UK has been launched...

tumours could prevent them...

Critic’s Notebook: M TV’s ‘Generation Cyro’ Links Families

M edicaid Expansion Faces M ajor Logistical Challenges Among the Homeless

The fascinating MTV show “Generation Cryo” follows Breeanna, daughter of a lesbian couple who conceived through sperm...

A wet cough punctuated Mr. Cannon’s often wry answers to Ms. Ward’s questions about his disability status, military service...

Stress vs. Comfort? Can Stress Be Good for You? Click here to watch the TEDTalk that inspired this

Cancer Research Suggestions – Part-3 Be the first to comment – What do you think? Posted by Usman Zafar Paracha – November...

post. When I think of the word stress it makes me nervous. The word itself...

Hundreds of convicted doctors still

Red-tape nightmare, Emma Thompson’s

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!


foresight and NHS websites

Of the convictions, 184 were for dangerous driving, 330 for drink-driving and four for driving under the

But these letters are only a small part of it. A manager once pulled me aside and explained that

influence of drugs....

if I didn’t complete...

A new, flying jellyfish-like machine

Nut eaters may have a longer life expectancy – Health News – NHS Choices

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates 240-535-4954American Physical Society Researchers present simplified...

Thursday November 21 2013 Nuts are known to be rich in unsaturated fatty acids “The...

Scientists Prove X-ray Laser Can Solve Protein Structures from Scratch

The Importance of Recognizing Your Resiliency: Strategies…

Featured articleScientists Prove X-ray Laser Can Solve Protein Structures from Scratch Menlo Park,

I was recently in a shop with a friend when a young man in his late twenties came in to get his hair cut.

Calif. — A study shows...

Friendly and likeable...

‘Story Within’ Essayists Gather for Symposium on Instant Classic…

Decay used to construct quantum information

If there were all-star team of memoirists exploring genetic misfortune, then the writers gathered in

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gertie 45-35-32-53-20University of Copenhagen – Niels

Boston on Friday for...

Bohr Institute IMAGE: ...

Diamond ‘flaws’ pave way for nanoscale M RI

NIST demonstrates how losing information can benefit quantum computing

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Mete 44-787-4996463University of Cambridge IMAGE: This image shows...

New genomic study provides a glimpse of how whales could adapt to ocean [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jia Liuliujia@genomics.cnBGI Shenzhen The latest study was published online in Nature Genetics November...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura Ostlaura.ost@nist.govNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) IMAGE: This is...

How living cells solved a needle in a haystack problem to produce electrical signals [ | E-mail ] Contact: Leila 206685-0831University of Washington Filtered from a vast sodium sea, more...

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Scientists prove X-ray laser can solve protein structures from scratch

Neuroscientist’s research leads to unique discovery: he’s a psychopath

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy 650-926-

A well-respected neuroscientist whose research into the biological underpinnings of psychopaths

4359DOE/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory SLAC’s...

fatefully revealed —...

M odern-Day Slavery "All Around Us," Says UK Home Secretary

Dad Beats Cancer Diagnosis To Walk Daughter Down The Aisle (VIDEO)

24 November 2013 Last updated at 04:36 ET Theresa May outlined the plans following

Hunter Finch and Haley Fountain’s love story is something like a fairy tale — not just because of

allegations women were kept in servitude...

how they found...

7 Incredibly Relaxing Soaking Tubs To Inspire Your #SanctuarySunday (PHOTOS)

X-rays reveal another feature of hightemperature superconductivity

There’s nothing like combing the design site Houzz for inspiring photos of dream homes. Our favorite,

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Claus 33-666-662-

as of late, has...

384European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Discovery...

UNL scientists develop novel X-ray device

Unusual greenhouse gases may have raised ancient M artian temperature

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Donald 402-202-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: A’ndrea Elyse 814-865-9481Penn State

5619University of Nebraska-Lincoln Research quality...

IMAGE: This is a split panel comparing...

Study identifies protein essential for immune recognition, response to viral infection

Even if emissions stop, carbon dioxide could warm Earth for centuries

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sue 609-2585729Princeton University IMAGE: Princeton 617-724-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Morgan

2764Massachusetts General Hospital Mice lacking GEF-H1...


Scientists find brain region that helps you make up your mind

Sanofi sued in France over Gardasil vaccine

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stan

BORDEAUX (Reuters) – A French teenager has 604-783-

filed a lawsuit against French pharmaceutical

8549University of British Columbia One of the smallest...

company Sanofi Pasteur and...

Enjoying Three Types of Thanksgiving Holidays

Practicing Self-Care During Stressful Times

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. This

When stress strikes, self-care often takes a

means different things for different people— traveling, planning and coordinating...

backseat. “The ability to care for oneself is predicated on the ability to...

Saudi announces 55th M ERS death The Saudi health ministry on Sunday announced a

White house extends enrollment deadline for health insurance

new MERS death, raising to 55 the number of

(HealthDay)—Consumers who want to enroll in a

people killed by the coronavirus...

health insurance plan through will get a few extra days to...

Nexavar approval expanded for common thyroid cancer

Authorities Knew of "Slave Family" for Decades But Felt Unable to Intervene

(HealthDay)—U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Social workers were aware for over three decades

approval for the anti-cancer drug Nexavar (sorafenib) has been expanded to...

of the dysfunctional “family” where three women were allegedly...

EPA Faces Challenges To Air Pollution Authority In Supreme Court Cases

30 Lessons You Learned After 20

By Lawrence Hurley and Valerie Volcovici WASHINGTON, Nov 24 (Reuters) – The U.S.

mothers who have managed to overcome the

I truly enjoy reading those blogs written by young pressures from society to be...


10 Characteristics of Good Problem Solvers

Intensive (Self) Care

Good problem solvers are good thinkers. They have less drama and problems to begin with and

family caregivers are growing every year — two out

By Becky Karush for meQuilibrium The ranks of of every five adults...

don’t get overly emotional...

5 Things Every Yogi Needs to Know

Are Separate Bedrooms the New Black?

One of the joys of being a yoga teacher is that I get

Lucy and Ricky. Laura and Rob. June and Ward.

to see a side of people that most people don’t get What did these famous TV couples have in W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

to see. During...

common? They slept in separate beds. From...

Dreading Pain M ay Be M ore Unpleasant Than The Pain Itself, Study Suggests

20 Healthy New Takes On Traditional Latkes

If you’ve ever gotten a flu shot, you know this to be

By Nicole McDermott This year, Hanukkah and

true: The time you spend waiting for the shot is often more unbearable...

Thanksgiving overlap for the first time since President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving...

Your Ideal Workout Is Sweaty, Effective And Fun

What Nutritionists Serve at Thanksgiving

Here at Healthy Living, we’re firm believers that the

As a dietitian, people often wonder what it’s like at

best fitness routine is one you will stick with. And one of the...

my house at Thanksgiving. They’ll ask me: Do I drink? Not...

Keeping Holidays Happy When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

Surviving The Great Holiday Depression

SUNDAY Nov. 24, 2013, 2013 — The holidays can

As we well know, while the holidays can be a

be a difficult time when a loved one has Alzheimer’s disease, but...

source of joy for many people, the holidays are also a source of sadness for...

Influencing–Rather than Controlling– Your Teen

Your Weekly Travel Zen: Spain

I think of this as something of a companion post to one from a week ago. Hopefully, taken together,

from Lynda Hanwell. Her photo of Gaudi’s Segrada

This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us Familia depicts...

they can help you get...

Great lakes waterfowl die-offs: Finding the source

The physics of beer tapping

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates Bardi 240-535-4954 American 240-535-4954American

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates Physical Society Fluid dynamics explains...

Physical Society New experimental data,...

The secrets of owls’ near noiseless wings

FDA approves GSK’s bird flu vaccine for national stockpile

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates 240-535-4954American

(Reuters) – The Food and Drug Administration said on Friday it has approved a vaccine made by

Physical Society Learning how owls use acoustic...

GlaxoSmithKline Plc for...

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Letting Go I’d like to lie to you. I’d like to tell you that the people who have always been there for you will still be there when...

Gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort: Should you be concerned? According to a new survey, 74 percent of Americans are living with digestive symptoms like diarrhea, gas, bloating and abdominal...

Amid holiday canned-food drives, U.S. food banks take up farming

M achine M ade Body Parts

GLENMOORE, Pennsylvania (Reuters) –

Machine Made Body Parts 3D printed skin may be stronger than mother nature’s I...

Surrounded by rows of kale and collard greens, Bill

Posted on November 24, 2013 by Rebekah Morrow

Shick ticks off statistics...

Kale Salad With A Kick This recipe (like my creamed corn) is also inspired by my visit to Tasilli’s Raw Reality in Atlanta. I ordered their cookbook...

Notch signaling pathway keeps immature T-Cells on the right track The new study describes the mechanism of action of Hes1, a repressor protein that acts in the nucleus of immature T cells...

3 Basic Rules For Happy, Healthy & Hot Holidays

US group seeks to block Gilead drug patent in India

Two years ago, around New Year’s Day, I got the

A US-based patient rights group said Saturday it

flu. A bad one. It laid me out for a week, and

has sought to block a bid by California-based

although I cut myself some...

Gilead Sciences to obtain...

M ore surgery for Indian baby with swollen head

6 technology trends that will change your family’s health forever

Doctors said Saturday they plan to carry out more

When the Affordable Care Act takes effect in

surgery on a two-year-old Indian girl to correct a

January, it will not only change the health care

rare disorder that caused...

system but how we manage our...

Denmark targets iPhone generation to keep edge in hearing aids

Could you tell if you were having a heart attack?

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – Tiny Denmark, with

By now, you’ve seen enough heart attack scenes

fewer than 6 million people, supplies half the

that you could spot one from a mile away: There’s

world’s hearing aids,...

the gasping for air,...

Yum! Holiday Stuffins That Will Knock

A bottom-up approach to autism

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Your Socks Off


Looking for a way to have a healthy Thanksgiving

If anything else, the recent discussions on the

this year? Why not try one of my sugar-free recipes

principles of RDoC – Research Domain Criteria

from my updated Christmas...

(see here) – being...

7 Things That Are Hurting Your Brain & M ood

Why You’ve Hit A Weight-Loss Plateau & What To Do About It

In my last article, 6 Science-Based Tips For A

I see people all the time who are rewarded by

Healthy Happy Brain, I gave natural ways to

seeing that number on the scale drop. But then, for

promote optimal mental health....

no identifiable reason,...

The KCTD family of proteins: structure, function, disease relevance

How statistics can help cure cancer

The family of potassium channel

23 November 2013 Last updated at 19:16 ET By Ruth Alexander BBC News Some of the best minds

tetramerizationdomain (KCTD) proteins consists of

in medical...

26 members with mostly unknown functions....

High incidence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans infection in patients with cerebral infarction and diabetic renal failure: a cross-sectional study

Chief Secretary unveils plaque at new Victoria Park Swimming Pool opening ceremony

Recent epidemiological studies suggest that periodontitis is a major risk factor for renal failure

to mark the opening of...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, unveiled a plaque

and cerebral infarction....

Unresolved Conflicts? Take Them To The M attresses #NHBPM … Unresolved conflicts – Take them to the mattresses Day 23 and 24 of the National Health Blog Post Month, I will have to...

UT Dallas professor awarded $2.3 million NIH grant to continue prosthetics, orthotics research Dr. Robert Gregg, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and bioengineering who joined the Erik Jonsson School...

The psychometric profile of chiropractic patients in Norway and England: using and comparing the generic versions of the STarT Back 5-item screening tool

Cryptococcus spp. isolation from excreta of pigeons (Columba livia) in and around M onterrey, M exico The presence of Cryptococcus spp. has been

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

and the Bournemouth Questionnaire Musculoskeletal pain and low back pain (LBP) in

reported in Mexico’s capital city; however, to our knowledge there are no...

particular is one of the more costly health challenges to society. The STarT...

Poems: Annoyed & Kneecaps

A Deeper Look at Suboxone Diversion

Poem: Annoyed I can never seem to adjust the light

In ‘Addiction Treatment with a Dark Side’, Deborah

Right The light From my childhood Of working at my

Sontag of the New York Times shared her

desk All night And...

observations of the clinical...

Sleep Therapy Is Expected to Gain a Wider Role in Depression Treatment An insomnia therapy that scientists just reported

Identifying influential metrics in the combined metrics approach of fault prediction

could double the effectiveness of depression

Fault prediction is a pre-eminent area of empirical

treatment is not widely available...

software engineering which has witnessed a huge surge over the last couple...

Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of T cell activation reveals differential gene expression associated with psoriasis

Urea immunoliposome inhibits human vascular endothelial cell proliferation for hemangioma treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease in

treatment as sclerotherapy. It shrinks vascular

which T cells have a predominant role in initiating and perpetuating the chronic...

endothelial cells and induces...

Symphonies, sand castles and design detours make for a creative week

Exhibit-goers revel in the details

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong’s largest

Chao Shao-an’s engaging paintings than

outdoor symphonic event of the year, the “Swire Symphony Under...

immediately meets the eye....

Opinion: Bringing Back M y Real Self With Hormones

Op-Ed Columnist: Why the Y?

I was not experimenting with hormone levels out of idle curiosity or in some kind of quirky science

between meiosis and parthenogenesis. Dr. David

Urea injection has been used in hemangioma

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – There is so much more to

But I was still struggling with the difference Page, the zippy evolutionary...

experiment. I was on...

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Adrienne Asch, Bioethicist and Pioneer in Disability Studies, Dies at 67

Health Notes: Flat shoes beat ‘rockers’ on back pain

The cause was cancer, said Randi Stein, a

Rockers have a curved sole and is said to improve

longtime friend. At her death, Professor Asch was

posture A study has found that flats, not rockers,

the director of the Center...

are the best for back...

After those pictures of Prince George, an anxious mother asks: When is it safe to swaddle like Will and Kate?

Boeing invites more than a dozen sites to bid on 777 jet work

Swaddling has been known to help babies sleep

dozen U.S. locations to compete in a bidding process to determine where...

sound at night It has also been linked to impaired

(Reuters) – Boeing Co has invited more than a

hip development and overheating By Sadie...

Poo Power! Global Challenge Poo Power! Global Challenge

M ost Teen M ental Disorders Go Untreated in U.S., Say Researchers Teens’ Mental Disorders Often Untreated: Study By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Nov. 21, 2013 (HealthDay...

Unspeakable Horrors in a Country on the Verge of Genocide

How Emotional Intelligence M ay Improve Decision-M aking

A massacre of the innocents is taking place in the

The secret to making smarter decisions that aren’t

heart of Africa as the world looks the other way.

swayed by your current emotions — particularly

One man describes how...

when your emotions...

Obamacare agency rushed in contractor without bids, documents show

M ore drivers testing positive for pot: Washington State Patrol

By Sharon Begley NEW YORK (Reuters) – Caught

(Reuters) – Significantly more drivers pulled over by

flat-footed by the challenges of building the financial-management and...

police in Washington...

People with superhuman memories still mistake fantasy for reality When I was young, the one superpower I craved above all was perfect memory. I’d picture my eyes

Toll-like receptor 4 signaling in trigeminal ganglion neurons contributes tongue-referred pain associated with tooth pulp inflammation

as camcorder lenses, recording...

The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the

By Jonathan Kaminsky OLYMPIA, Washington

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

mechanisms underlying tongue-referred pain associated with tooth pulp...

M ethanol extract of M elastoma malabathricum leaves exerted antioxidant and liver protective activity in rats Melastoma malabathricum L. (Melastomaceae) is a small shrub with various medicinal uses. The present study was carried out...

Novel design for a phase IIa placebocontrolled, double-blind randomized withdrawal study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CNV1014802 in patients with trigeminal neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a rare severe unilateral facial pain condition. Current guidelines in trigeminal neuralgia management...

Chalk River reactor back running after unplanned shut down

M aine Zumba teacher jailed for prostitution gets early release

The aging Chalk River nuclear reactor is back up

(Reuters) – A Zumba instructor who admitted using

and running after an unplanned shut down. The

her exercise studio as a front for a prostitution ring

control room at the Atomic...

was released...

Coping for the Seasonally Affected

Progesterone tablets for IVF recalled

It just so happens to be an incredibly gloomy day

Progesterone tablets prescribed for in vitro

today. And a Monday. The 1970s music group “The Carpenters” weren’t...

fertilization are under recall because the effectiveness of the pills could...

NHS bed blocking increases to highest level in three years

Could Stress Really Be Good for You?

This month’s figures show 67.3% of all delays were attributable to the NHS, while 26.3% were

post. I was just about to put on one of my standard

Click here to watch the TEDTalk that inspired this seminars on why stress...

attributable to Social...

Black Widows Found On Grapes At Supermarkets In Several States

Gratitude for Feeling Crappy

First bananas, now grapes? No fruit is safe! A Pennsylvania woman got quite the shock Thursday

post. I often don’t feel well due to stress hormones,

Click here to watch the TEDTalk that inspired this which act...

when she was washing some...

Thinking Before Eating Provides Time To Justify Giving In To Temptation: Study

New Recommendations to Doctors for Treating Sleep Apnea

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

While “thinking before eating” might seem like a

For adults with obstructive sleep apnea, using

good weight loss strategy, a new study suggests it

CPAP therapy or other airway-opening devices are

could actually...

one of the best courses of...

7 Healthy Takes On Popular Holiday Beverages

Have a Vegan-Inspired Thanksgivukkah

By Brianna Steinhilber, Associate Editor At the first

It happens only once in some 77,000 years — Thanksgiving and Hanukkah on the same night! As

sign of chill in the air, seasonal holiday drinks take

someone from a family of...

over coffee-shop...

Impact of obesity-related genes in Spanish population The objective was to investigate the association between BMI and single nucleotide polymorphisms previously identified of...

Infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) in Chilean Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture: emergence of low pathogenic ISAV-HPR0 and reemergence of virulent ISAV-HPRDelta: HPR3 and HPR14 Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) is a serious disease of marine-farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) caused by ISA virus (ISAV),...

The 9 Guests You’ll M eet This Thanksgiving (And How To Deal With Them)

Fear and Fertility: Why I Decided to Freeze M y Eggs

Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy a meal with family and friends, but also a time to answer the question:

I pulled into the parking garage at San

“Don’t be late, don’t be late,” I repeated to myself as Francisco’s...

“What is wrong...

Nail-Gun Injuries on the Rise Among Construction Workers

Lengthy Car, Plane Rides Pose Risk of Clots

SATURDAY Nov. 23, 2013, 2013 — Nail-gun

SATURDAY Nov. 23, 2013, 2013 — Traveling long

injuries are on the rise, and young, male

distances in cars and planes over the holidays

construction workers are at greatest...

could put you at risk...

Research shows a male can better recognize happy movements than a female

Our Earth may have clues to study universe through neutrinos

share Main Point: Researchers have found that

South Pole. (Credit: Emanuel Jacobi/NSF.) Main

share The IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the

Point: Scientists have found... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

females have better ability to recognize hostile angry movement of males while...

Oceanographers Genetically Engineer Fatter M arine Algae for Biofuel Production

Reverse causal reasoning: applying qualitative causal knowledge to the interpretation of high-throughput data

Researchers at Scripps Institution of

Gene expression profiling and other genome-scale

Oceanography at UC San Diego have developed a method for greatly enhancing biofuel...

measurement technologies provide comprehensive information about molecular...

Polysome profiling reveals translational control of gene expression in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

THOC5, a member of the mRNA export complex, contributes to processing of a subset of wingless/integrated (Wnt) target mRNAs and integrity of the gut epithelial barrier

In eukaryotic organisms, gene expression is regulated at multiple levels during the processes of transcription and translation....

THO (Suppressors of the transcriptional defects of hpr1 delta by overexpression) complex 5 (THOC5), an mRNA export protein,...

Awards announced for Green Video Competition for Secondary Students

The Keys to a Happy Holiday

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The award presentation

I can’t wait ‘til this is over. I just have to get through the next few months. I wish I could fast forward to

ceremony for the 3rd Moving Images Competition


for Secondary Students in...

Stuck on flu: How a sugar-rich mucus barrier traps the virus—and it gets free to infect

Sheila Bridges On Losing Her Hair: ‘I’ve Had To Redefine Beauty’ (VIDEO)

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have shown for the first

Magazine calls “one of design’s greatest talents”

Interior designer Sheila Bridges, who Time was first...

time how influenza A viruses...

CVD expert calls for mandatory screening of 18 year-old M exicans

Outsourcing M emory

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Press 33-049-294-

events and travel plans? Your coworker to

Do you rely on your spouse to remember special remember how to submit some frustrating...

8627European Society of Cardiology Mexican diet more dangerous... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

The model scientist who fixed the greenhouse effect Syukuro (“Suki”) Manabe in the 1960s at Princeton University, New Jersey, where he taught from 19681997. He was working...

Housing Authority celebrates first anniversary of Domain and launch of Santa’s M erry Land Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority: The Hong Kong Housing Authority...

Unravelling the Neospora caninum secretome through the secreted fraction (ESA) and quantification of the discharged tachyzoite using highresolution mass spectrometry-based proteomics

PinX1 suppresses bladder urothelial carcinoma cell proliferation via the inhibition of telomerase activity and p16/cyclin D1 pathway

The apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum

suppressor in several types...

PIN2/TRF1-interacting telomerase inhibitor1 (PinX1) was recently suggested as a putative tumor

causes neosporosis, a disease that leads to abortion or stillbirth in cattle,...

Police issue Letter of No Objection to public event to be held on November 24

Centralised Organ Donation Register celebrates fifth anniversary

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police so far received

Donation Register (CODR), which aims to

notifications from two organisations of their intention to hold public meetings...

encourage the public to register...

Where Are M y M ood Enhancing M uscles?

Healthy fights? 4 conflict styles that save—or sabotage—marriages

When you Smile you can use between 5 to all 53

What keeps a marriage healthy? Well, there’s

muscles. So it’s your face, where all your “Mood Enhancing Muscles”...

obviously no one answer or magic formula (if there were, the divorce rate...

7 nutrients lacking in your diet

Shredded Brussels Sprout Salad

Think you eat pretty well and get enough key

Need a last minute Thanksgiving side dish? My

nutrients? Hopefully you do, but unfortunately the

shredded brussels sprouts salad is a complement

diets of most Americans are...

to any Thanksgiving meal. ...

7 No-Nonsense Tips For Eating Healthy

Using metrics and sustainability considerations to evaluate the use of

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centralised Organ

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We all know that providing our bodies with nutrient dense foods full of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals will help our...

bio-based and non-renewable Br[latin small letter o with stroke]nsted acidic ionic liquids to catalyse Fischer esterification reactions Ionic liquids have found uses in many applications, one of which is the joint solvation and catalysis of chemical transformations....

2013 M ainland Higher Education Expo opens today Education Expo, jointly organised by the Ministry of

USDOJ: Former High School Football Player Pleads Guilty to M aking Racially M otivated Threats to African-American Assistant Football Coach

Education and the...

Jonathan Caine, 20, of Nashville, Tenn ., pleaded

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The 2013 Mainland Higher

guilty today to a federal hate crime for making racially motivated threats...

Li Fei and Zhang Rongshun conclude visit to HK Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress...

M iR-181a contributes to bufalininduced apoptosis in PC-3 prostate cancer cells Bufalin is a major active compound of cinobufacini, which comes from dried toad venom and has been used for treatments of...

USDOJ: Utility Company Sentenced in Wyoming for Killing Protected Birds at Wind Projects Duke Energy Renewables Inc ., a subsidiary of Duke Energy Corp ., based in Charlotte, N.C ., pleaded guilty in United States...

USDOJ: Alabama Sheriff’s Investigator Indicted for Unlawfully Detaining and Assaulting Handcuffed M an at County Jail The Department of Justice announced today that a federal grand jury in the Middle District of Alabama has returned an indictment...

FEHD orders restaurant in Tuen M un to suspend business for two weeks

CE to visit Guangxi

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and

Leung, will lead a delegation to visit Guangxi from

Environmental Hygiene has ordered a restaurant in

November 27 to...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y

Tuen Mun to suspend...

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LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold second public hearing on November 25

Where Are Is M y M ood Enhancing M uscles?

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

muscles. So it’s your face, is where all your “Mood

behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The Legislative Council...

Enhancing Muscles”...

Princeton reports 8th case of meningitis, plans vaccinations

Non-participation in chlamydia screening in the Netherlands: determinants associated with young people’s intention to participate in chlamydia screening

PRINCETON, N.J. – Princeton University reported another case of meningitis Friday, the eighth so far this year linked...

When you Smiles you can use between 5 to all 53

In the Netherlands, a national chlamydia screening program started in 2008, but the participation was low and the screening...

Force continues to deliver better service to the public

SFH on invasive pneumococcal infection

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Force constantly

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of

reviewed and improved its work procedures,

remarks made by the Secretary for Food and

upgraded the equipment and enhanced...

Health, Dr Ko Wing-man,...

AFCD promotes locally grown accredited vegetables

LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing on November 25

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Agriculture, Fisheries

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

and Conservation Department (AFCD), the

behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The

Vegetable Marketing Organization...

Legislative Council...

Dealing With Guilty Feelings

Pneumonia Is New Threat to StormBattered Philippines

Many of us feel a deep pang of guilt about many things. We feel guilty about eating certain foods. We feel guilty about not...

Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes and are living under tarpaulins and in makeshift huts across Leyte...

Extra Time to Sign Up for Health Coverage

Gynecologists Run Afoul of Panel When Patient Is M ale

Julie Bataille, a spokeswoman for the federal

The disease is rare, but it can be fatal and its

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said

incidence is increasing, especially among men

the government recognized...

and women infected with H.I.V....

Urbanites Flee China’s Smog for Blue Skies

Homestead M an Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison for Shooting at M unhall Club

She finished her run one morning beneath

PITTSBURGH—Edward Cook, 26, a Homestead

cloudless blue skies and sat down with a visitor

resident, has been sentenced in federal court to 12

from Beijing in the lakeside boutique...

years of imprisonment after...

FBI, Partners Help Clean Up Community Following Gang-Related Arrests

Sacramento Gang M ember Indicted for Drug Trafficking and Weapons Possession

The FBI and Los Angeles Police Department, working with multiple other agencies and non-profit organizations, are cleaning...

SACRAMENTO, CA—A federal grand jury returned a three-count indictment today against Omar Williams, 40, of Sacramento, charging...

Robbery of M idFirst Bank Branch in Warr Acres

CE meets President of European Commission

James E Finch, Special Agent in Charge of the Oklahoma City Division of the Federal Bureau of

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, met the visiting President of European

Investigation announced the...

Commission, Mr José...

CADDAC ADHD Conference Bound!

How I Learned to Trust Again

The Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada’s

My 7-year-old son, Jeremiah, has been sucking his

(CADDAC) 5th Annual ADHD Conference is this weekend. As it gets closer, I’ve been...

thumb since birth. When he began developing teeth, a callous started forming...

Ashley: Los Angeles, February 2009 I’m exiting the post office toward my car when she

During Your Depression: A Letter to M y Grandfather (Part 2 of 4)

walks by me, with her white hair, mocha skin,

continued from Part 1 of 4 Grandpa, During the

translucent eyes that...

beginning of your depression, you were vulnerable and laid bare. All pride...

Herbalife shares jump despite Ackman’s latest attack

Vasculitis damage swift, accumulating

(Reuters) – Herbalife Ltd shares rallied as much

Study findings reveal the significant burden of

By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter

disease among patients with... as 7 percent on Friday as investors rejected the latest salvo from... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Information Sought Regarding IED Tossed at State Probation-Parole Office

Former Bookkeeper Sentenced to Federal Prison for Embezzlement

The FBI; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and

CHARLESTON, WV—A former Spencer-based oil

Explosives; and Albuquerque Police Department are asking for the public’s...

and gas company bookkeeper who stole more than $800,000 from her employer was...

West Haven Woman Admits M aking Bomb Threats Against Connecticut Courthouses

A prospective observational study of associated anomalies in Hirschsprung’s disease

Deirdre Daly, Acting United States Attorney for the

Associated anomalies have been reported in

District of Connecticut, announced that Jennifer

around 20% of Hirschsprung patients but many

Chirico, 31, of West...

Authors suggested a measure of underestimation....

When Should You Go to the Hospital for Severe…

Two Pieces Of Peace From Nervous Suffering

Knowing when to commit yourself or a loved one to

For the longest time, I’ve been trying to read Peace

the hospital to be treated for severe depression

From Nervous Suffering by Dr. Claire Weekes. My

can be a very gray area....

therapist recommended...

Occupational differences, cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle habits in South Eastern rural Australia

How can an athlete enhance performance legally?

In rural and remote Australia, cardiovascular

Gabriela Torres BBC Mundo health reporter Cryotherapy chambers...

mortality and morbidity rates are higher than

22 November 2013 Last updated at 19:55 ET By

metropolitan rates.This study...

Prem baby steroids ‘may risk ADHD’

How to Handle the Fear of M issing Out

22 November 2013 Last updated at 19:13 ET By

Do you ever experience a fear of missing out? I

James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News Steroids...

admit that from time to time I get a bad case of FOMO. In this video I share...

U.S. scrambles to boost Obamacare enrollment as deadlines loom

Steroid injections for pre-term babies linked to mental health risk

By Roberta Rampton and Sharon Begley (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) – Steroid injections given to

– The Obama administration announced a flurry of fixes to its troubled...

pregnant women before they deliver a premature baby may increase the...

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Too much Tylenol in pregnancy could affect development

Study Compares Treatments for Arm Swelling Due to Breast Cancer

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Expectant mothers often take Tylenol, with the active ingredient

FRIDAY Nov. 22, 2013, 2013 — Simple compression bandages are as effective as

acetaminophen, to deal...

complicated massage treatments in treating...

U.S. FDA approves J&J hepatitis C pill

White House Extends Enrollment Deadline for Health Insurance

(Reuters) – U.S. regulators on Friday approved the use of Johnson Johnson’s Olysio, also known as simeprevir,...

FRIDAY Nov. 22, 2013, 2013 — Consumers who want to enroll in a health insurance plan through will get...

Sodas, Other Sweet Drinks Tied to Higher Risk for Endometrial Cancer

Frederick Sanger, 95, Twice a Nobel Laureate and a Genetics Pioneer, Dies

FRIDAY Nov. 22, 2013, 2013 — Older women who

His death was confirmed by Adrian Penrose,

drink lots of soda and other sugary beverages may

communications manager at the Medical Research

be at higher risk for...

Council in Cambridge. Dr. Sanger...

Steroid injections for premature babies could raise ADHD risk

Law may change so doctors can test new drugs on patients

Their findings, published in the PLOS ONE journal,

The peer described that decision as a “tragedy for

showed that those whose mothers had been

cancer patients and their families”. Lord Saatchi

treated performed worse on...

said that he had...

Kid President On The 20 Things We Should Say M ore Often (VIDEO) Kid President wants the world to be awesome. So

Hospital Team Goes Above And Beyond To Get Sick M om To Daughter’s Wedding

do we — which is why we’re sharing his latest

A week before her daughter’s wedding, UK woman

video (above),...

Frances Wilkins was rushed to the hospital, unable to move her arms...

Will Sleep Therapy Transform Treatment for Depression?

Trans Fats: Deadly Consequences of FDA Inaction

New research being presented this week at a meeting of the Association for Behavioral and

The U.S. Food Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced a proposed ban on trans fats, decades

Cognitive Therapies will show results...

after the science first...

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Steroid injections for premature babies linked to mental health risk [ | E-mail ] Contact: Sam 44-207-5942198Imperial College London Steroid injections given to...

Biodiversity higher in the tropics, but species more likely to arise at higher latitudes [ | E-mail ] Contact: Robin Ann 919-668-4544National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) Study...

Expert assessment: Sea-level rise could exceed 1 meter in this century

FDA approves Nexavar to treat type of thyroid cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Press 49-331-288-2507Potsdam Institute for

<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/22/2013 –> Page Last Updated: 11/22/2013 <!– ...

Climate Impact Research (PIK) In...

FDA approves first adjuvanted vaccine for prevention of H5N1 avian influenza <!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/22/2013 –> Page Last Updated: 11/22/2013 <!– ...

Dark side illuminated: imaging of Toxoplasma gondii through the decades In the more than 100 years since its discovery, our knowledge of Toxoplasma biology has improved enormously. The evolution...

Top court backs Ontario’s ban on pharmacy-brand generic drugs

M edical isotope supply interrupted across Canada

The Supreme Court of Canada has dismissed an

Canada’s supply of medical isotopes has been

appeal by Shoppers Drug Mart and the Katz Group, owner of the Rexall and Pharma...

interrupted after an unexpected interruption in production at an aging...

Cash incentives spur poor to buy healthier foods

CDC report says health disparities persist in America

(HealthDay)—A recent program encouraged

(HealthDay)—Despite progress in some areas,

healthy eating by offering extra spending power to poor people who get government...

health disparities remain for many Americans, health officials reported Thursday....

Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption increases endometrial cancer risk

Tiniest newborns often lead normal adult lives, study finds

Postmenopausal women who consumed sugar-

cling to life for weeks in intensive-care units while their parents worry...

sweetened beverages were more likely to develop

(HealthDay)—The tiniest premature infants often

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

the most common type of endometrial...

Different drinking habits raise divorce risk for couples Prof Kenneth Leonard, who led the study, said:

Overweight people ‘taste food differently’ and are less sensitive to sweet flavours

“Our results indicate that it is the difference

Being obese can change how food tastes on our

between the couple’s...

tongues Researchers found very overweight mice were less able to taste sweet...

Why couples who drink (or abstain) together, stay together: Those with one heavy drinker are more likely to divorce

Babies can tell the difference between their bodies and other people’s, study finds

Researchers followed 634 couples through the first

The finding could help scientists understand

nine years of marriage Almost half where only one

atypical development It could give clues about the

partner drank more heavily...

early signs of autism By Emma...

When Water Flows Uphill

ISON: The Comet of the Century… or Is It?

In the Leidenfrost Effect, a water droplet will float on a layer of its own vapor if heated to a certain temperature. This...

When astronomers spotted Comet ISON in 2012, some christened it the “Comet of the Century.” It initially failed...

A Handful of Nuts, a Lifetime of Benefits?

Stores Are Snooping Into Your Smartphone

In a study published in The New England Journal

Retailers have used various techniques to analyze

of Medicine, researchers reported an association

in-store buying behavior, such as surveys, video

between daily nut consumption...

surveillance, and buyer...

Budget Cuts Leave Curiosity and Cassini in Limbo

Special traffic arrangements on Hong Kong Island for public processions

Upcoming NASA budget cuts may force the agency

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police will implement

to choose between two of its flagship planetary

special traffic arrangements this Sunday

missions—the Mars Curiosity...

(November 24) to facilitate two...

HKM A launches "Consumer Education Programme"

Genomic analysis reveals key aspects of prokaryotic symbiosis in the phototrophic consortium ‘Chlorochromatium aggregatum’

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...

‘Chlorochromatium aggregatum’is a phototrophic

Is ADHD Overdiagnosed? It’s Complicated, Part 2

Who’s responsible when a sperm freezer defrosts?

Earlier this year, the CDC released data that

Sperm kept in a special freezer at UBC was

showed that diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) went...

accidentally destroyed when the power to the freezer was cut. (iStock) A man who...

Ontario can limit pharmacy-brand drugs, Supreme Court rules

The pressure of body image on women

The Supreme Court of Canada has dismissed an

Olympic medallist Rebecca Adlington got upset

appeal by Shoppers Drug Mart and the Katz Group, owner of the Rexall and Pharma...

about her body in the jungle When...

Continued increases in ADHD diagnoses and treatment with medication among US children

M any women with pelvic prolapse prefer to keep uterus

consortium, a symbiosis that may represent the highest degree...

22 November 2013 Last updated at 10:22 ET

A new study published in the Journal of the

(HealthDay)—More women may prefer uterine preservation to hysterectomy for the treatment of

American Academy of Child and Adolescent

pelvic organ prolapse symptoms,...

Psychiatry (JAACAP) found that an estimated...

50 years later, the Kennedy assassination still haunts a generation

Prognostic value of lipoprotein (a) with low cholesterol unclear

(HealthDay)—Alan Hilfer remembers precisely

(HealthDay)—Lipoprotein (a) (Lp[a]) has utility in

where he was when he heard the news 50 years

assessing cardiovascular risk in patients with

ago today. Hilfer was 15, and...

coronary artery disease...

Physical Activity Could Lower Women’s Crohn’s Disease Risk

New bill offers hope to HIV patients on transplant waiting lists

By Chioma Ihekweazu Apart from maintaining heart

Johns Hopkins research helps overturn

health, bone health and mental health, exercising

government ban on transplanting HIV-infected

also may help maintain...

organs A bill scheduled to be signed...

Study highlights need for ongoing surveillance for melanoma survivors

Putting off a visit to the dentist? Don’t worry: Fear of being hurt can be worse

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Melanoma survivors are being warned to stay

than pain itself, say scientists

vigilant about skin checks, with new research

Dreading pain can be worse than the pain itself,

showing a high risk of a subsequent...

say scientists Why we choose to confront pain rather than face stress of...

3D printed human hearts could be a reality within 10 YEARS, scientist claims A team of experts say they will be able to make whole hearts for transplant They will be made using the recipient’s...

He’s got his tail in a spin! The dogs that can operate a washing machine with a quick bark and a push of the paw The ‘Woof to Wash’ enables specially trained dogs to unlock the machine with a bespoke footpad and start it with a simple...

What does YOUR train station taste like? M an who ‘tastes’ words comes up with a flavour for each of the 274 London Underground stations, from jelly to Spam fritters and ‘wet sand’

Research team discovers "immune gene" in Neanderthals A research group at Bonn University, Germany, and international collaborators discovered a novel receptor, which allows the...

James Wannerton spent 49 years creating the map to raise awareness for his condition, synaesthesia Synaesthesia is a cross-sensory...

Characterizing the species composition of European Culicoides vectors by means of the Koppen-Geiger climate classification Biting midges of the genus Culicoides spp.

The arrestin-domain containing protein AdcA is a response element to stress Cell behaviour is tightly determined by sensing and integration of extracellular changes through membrane detectors such...

(Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are vectors for the Bluetongue virus, the African horse...

Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism for Alzheimer’s disease

14 Stores That Refuse To Ruin Your Thanksgiving

Drosophila melanogaster provides an important

Not all retailers are following the likes of Walmart,

resource for in vivo modifier screens of neurodegenerative diseases. To study...

Target and Kmart this year and kicking off Black Friday sales right...

9 Incredible Indoor Pools That Defy Winter’s Wrath (PHOTOS)

Kings County Hospital Center In Brooklyn Told Wrong Patients They Had

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Thanksgiving seems to be the point where we can no longer deny that winter is coming, the last moment of fall before temperatures...

HIV, Whistle-Blower Says By James Fanelli EAST FLATBUSH — Bad lab work at a Brooklyn hospital caused numerous patients to be told they had HIV...

Want To Be M ore Productive? Buy A Plant. Science Says So.

Sea level rise forecasts helped by insights into glacier melting

Cabin fever is creeping in, bringing with it all manner of winter ills, including colds, boredom and

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Catriona 44-131-651-

lack of productivity....

4401University of Edinburgh Predictions of sea level...

Research team discovers ‘immune gene’ in Neanderthals

LSUHSC research finds combo of plant nutrients kills breast cancer cells

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Norbert

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leslie 49-228-734-

504-568-4806Louisiana State University Health

343University of Bonn Early humans had a

Sciences Center New Orleans,...


Scientists have been able to grow artificial skin using stem cells from the umbilical cord

Satellite trio to explore the Earth’s magnetic field

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Antonio Campos Muñ 34-958-243-514University 49-331-288-1040GFZ

[ | E-mail ] Contact: F. Ossingossing@gfz-

of Granada 1 of the problems major burn...

GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Helmholtz Centre Textbook...

Copper promises cheaper, sturdier fuel cells

LegCo President meets with President of European Commission

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on 919-681-8057Duke

behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The

University Copper nanowires offer an efficient,

President of the...


Speech by FS at Renminbi seminar in Paris Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at the

Validation and development of a shorter version of the resilience scale RS-11: results from the populationbased KORA–age study

seminar “RMB... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

The aim of this study was to assess reliability and validity of the Resilience Scale 11 (RS-11) and develop a shorter scale...

Evaluation of islets derived from human fetal pancreatic progenitor cells in diabetes treatment IntroductionWith the shortage of donor organs for

Best of Our Blogs: November 22, 2013 When my grandfather was depressed, he would tell me things like: “Dane is so funny. I’m going to miss that about him....

islet transplantation, insulin-producing cells have been generated from...

Hyper What? I Can’t Focus On That Dr. Russell Barkley knows what’s what I’ve heard it

Bootcamp targets gap in radiation oncologist training

a hundred times. “Hyperfocus is so great!” And yet,

For the patient with laryngeal cancer – a cancer of

I’ve been...

the voice box – radiation therapy can be a lifeline. Alternately,...

M olecular effectiveness of peptides from African medicinal plants decoded

Obesity at age 66 predicts health at 85, study finds

Peptides are autologous substances that are formed from amino acids, are able to trigger

()—Women entering their senior years with a healthy weight and waist size have a significantly

specific reactions in the human...

better chance of reaching...

Electronic health records can measure patient-centered care

Different cellular mechanisms behind regenerated body parts

Although electronic health records (EHR) are primarily used to store patient clinical data, the

[ | E-mail ] Contact: The Press 46-852-486-077Karolinska

non-clinical data they collect...

Institutet Scientists at Karolinska Institutet...

Researchers identify lifestyle factors linked to a healthy pregnancy

Archaeologists discover largest, oldest wine cellar in Near East

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 44-020-738-36529BMJ-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leah 781-736-

British Medical Journal Modifiable factors such...

4027Brandeis University 3,700 year-old store room held 2,000...

Genetic defect keeps verbal cues from hitting the mark

Found: 1 of civilization’s oldest wine cellars?

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karl Leif

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kurtis 919-681-8054Duke

202-994-1849George Washington University Cellar

University Gene found in human speech problems...

held equivalent of nearly...

Smaller islands host shorter food chains

M odulation of host signaling and cellular responses by Chlamydia

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tomas

Modulation of host cell signaling and cellular

Roslintomas.roslin@helsinki.fiUniversity of Helsinki IMAGE: Figure legend: The diversity...

functions is key to intracellular survival of pathogenic bacteria. Intracellular...

Ethnobotanical assessment of plant resources of Banda Daud Shah, District Karak, Pakistan

A cure for AIDS: a matter of timing?

The Indigenous knowledge of plants is

requirement of life-long...

Despite the huge clinical success of antiretroviral therapy, several factors such as side effects,

scientifically and culturally very significant. This paper elucidates the empirical...

Police appeal to participants of public events in Sha Tin on November 24 to express their views peacefully and rationally

Overall strategic framework formulated to promote Hong Kong as regional IP trading hub

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police received notification

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Working Group on Intellectual Property (IP) Trading held its third

from one organisation of its intention to hold a

meeting today (November...

public meeting outside...

Not Lonely by Design

NHS Winter: Your stories

If you printed every article ever written about loneliness, you would probably need a whole room

21 November 2013 Last updated at 07:15 ET Every winter the NHS has to cope with extra pressures –

full of file cabinets to...

from bugs like norovirus...

Call to crack down on child drinking

Qatar announces fourth M ERS death

22 November 2013 Last updated at 00:35 ET

An expatriate living in Qatar has died of MERS,

Young people were more likely to get alcohol from

bringing to four the number of deaths in the Gulf

relatives than from a shop,...

state from the coronavirus,...

Poetry breaks through fog of Alzheimer’s sufferers

High court’s ‘alarming’ move on abortion; tragic attack in Virginia points

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The teenager’s voice breaks the silence that hangs over the dozing, grey-haired figures. “If you can keep your...

to needs in mental health services; a better way to reduce hospital readmissions The New York Times: Texas Women And Abortion Rights In an alarming 5-to-4 ruling, the Supreme Court turned away an emergency...

Efficient generation of recombinant RNA viruses using targeted recombination-mediated mutagenesis of bacterial artificial chromosomes containing full-length cDNA

A strategy for reducing maternal and newborn deaths by 2015 and beyond Achievement of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 for child survival requires acceleration of gains in newborn survival,...

Infectious cDNA clones are a prerequisite for directed genetic manipulation of RNA viruses. Here, a strategy to facilitate...

Alaska ecosystem carbon fluxes estimated from M ODIS satellite data inputs from 2000 to 2010 Trends in Alaska ecosystem carbon fluxes were predicted from inputs of monthly MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer...

The E3 ubiquitin ligases beta-TrCP and FBXW7 cooperatively mediates GSK3dependent M cl-1 degradation induced by the Akt inhibitor API-1, resulting in apoptosis The novel Akt inhibitor, API-1, induces apoptosis through undefined mechanisms. The current study focuses on revealing the...

Population genetics of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax and asymptomatic malaria in Temotu Province, Solomon Islands

Emotional scars of Typhoon Haiyan 22 November 2013 Last updated at 01:35 ET By Tulip Mazumdar BBC News, Guiuan, Philippines Please turn on...

Temotu Province, Solomon Islands is progressing toward malaria elimination. A baseline survey conducted in 2008 showed that...

M ale Y chromosome ‘could be scrapped’

Liver disease increase among teens

21 November 2013 Last updated at 21:14 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter,

Tara Mills BBC Newsline Patients as young as 20

22 November 2013 Last updated at 01:22 ET By have died...

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BBC News Scientists...

Lowering 3 risk factors could cut obesity-related risk of heart disease by more than half

Patients to have online access to their prescription data for improved safety

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Todd

health information exchange throughout California, 617-4328413Harvard School of Public Health Research

the UC Davis Institute...

As part of its mission to accelerate the adoption of

looks at blood...

U-M study explores exercise-induced iron-deficiency anemia in female runners

New M edicaid ‘doughnut hole’ creating some pressure on states, federal officials

When Kaitlyn Patterson’s fatigue progressed to

Health law advocates are concerned about low-

hyperventilating even during slow runs, and then forced her to quit...

income residents who are left out of health overhaul in states that are not...

BonAlive Biomaterials launches osteostimulative BonAlive putty

Exploring differences in Canadian adult men and women with Diabetes management: results from the Canadian community health survey

BonAlive Biomaterials Ltd, a manufacturer of implantable medical devices, today announced the launch of a patented, ready-to-use...

An estimated 17% of the Canadian population lives with diabetes. In addition to the economic burden placed on the healthcare...

Sale of M ainland and M acau philatelic products

Review of objections to 2013-14 rateable values completed

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hongkong Post today

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Rating and Valuation

(November 22) announced that selected philatelic products issued by the postal...

Department has completed its review of over 51,000 objections received...

USDOJ: Federal Court Shuts Down Two St. Louis Tax Return Preparers

USDOJ: Four Commercial Fishermen Indicted in M aryland for Illegal Harvest and Interstate Sale of Striped Bass from Chesapeake Bay

A federal district judge in St. Louis has permanently barred defendants Joseph Burns, Joseph Thomas and International Tax...

Four commercial fishermen and one company

were indicted yesterday by a federal grand jury in Baltimore for a criminal conspiracy... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Call for underage drinking crackdown Young people were more likely to get alcohol from

Auction of traditional vehicle registration marks to be held on December 8

relatives than from a shop,...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department

22 November 2013 Last updated at 00:35 ET

today (November 22) announced that an auction of traditional vehicle registration...

Danggui-Jakyak-San ameliorates memory impairment and increase neurogenesis induced by transient forebrain ischemia in mice Danggui-Jakyak-San (DJS), a traditional herbal prescription, has been used to treat insufficient blood supplies. Recently,...

Symptomatic treatment of the common cold with a fixed-dose combination of paracetamol, chlorphenamine and phenylephrine: a randomized, placebocontrolled trial The common cold and other viral airway infections are highly prevalent in the population, and their treatment often requires...

Affirmative Action for the M entally Ill After reviewing most of what I’ve written about my obsessive-compulsive disorder in the last year, I came to the conclusion...

AGG/CCT interruptions affect nucleosome formation and positioning of healthy-length CGG/CCG triplet repeats Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), the most common inherited form of mental retardation, is caused by expansion of a CGG/CCG repeat...

I Don’t Discriminate Against Depressed People

New study could enhance treatments for drug-resistant melanoma

Last week’s cartoon, on different approaches to commitment between men and women , is here.

Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, killing more than 8,000 in the U.S. each year.

All rights reserved, and...

Approximately 40 percent of...

Gut microorganisms may determine cancer treatment outcome

Cannabis use among teens is on the rise in some developing countries

An intact population of microorganisms that derive

It’s common to associate cannabis use with

food and benefit from other organisms living in the

affluent youth in wealthy societies. But the

intestine is required...

relationship between societal...

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Rutgers-Camden nursing scholar develops tool for ostomy care [ | E-mail ] Contact: Ed

Thinking ourselves into eating more, reinforcing female math stereotypes, and more 856-225-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa M.P.

6759Rutgers University CAMDEN Nurses caring for 703-9513195Society for Personality and Social Psychology



A study on cell migration provides insights into the movement of cancer cells

Infant galaxies merging near ‘cosmic dawn’

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sònia

434-296-0314National Radio Astronomy 34-934-

Observatory IMAGE: This composite...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Charles

037-255Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB...

Hardworking sisters enable insect colonies to thrive

5 tips for a better Thanksgiving: A new video by the American Chemical Society

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Catriona 44-131-651-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-

4401University of Edinburgh IMAGE: A spider ant...

6042American Chemical Society Whether you’re brining...

One child dies, four others injured after car crashes into M innesota pond

Laser toys can damage eyes, report says

By Todd Melby MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – One

(HealthDay)—Popular laser toys can cause

child died and four others were seriously injured

serious and potentially permanent eye damage, a

when the car they were...

new report warns. The high-powered...

U.S. Unveils Letters Insurers M ust Send About Health Plans

James H. Steele, Pioneer in Veterinary Public Health, Dies at 100

WASHINGTON — President Obama said last week

His death was announced by several organizations

that the Affordable Care Act would not stop

with which he had long affiliations, including the

Americans from keeping their health...

Centers for Disease Control...

California Encouraged by Health Plan Enrollment

Bio-based solar cell [ | E-mail ] Contact: Matthias

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Nearly 80,000 people have enrolled in health plans through California’s online marketplace, at a rate of

Rö 49-234-322-

several thousand...

3634Ruhr-University Bochum Photosynthetic proteins...

Researchers gain fuller picture of cell protein reactions

Study shows displaying lab costs upfront can save money

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin 847-491-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alexander 212-620-

4888Northwestern University Unique peptide array

8063Springer Science+Business Media Including...


Black hole birth captured by cosmic voyeurs

Optimal site for cell transplantation to treat spinal cord injury investigated

[ | E-mail ] Contact: James E.

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert 505-665-9203DOE/Los

Mirandacogcomm@aol.comCell Transplantation

Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos

Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair



License to Ill

VIDEO: Hospitals prepare for a winter rush

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sean 951-827-

Hospitals in England face growing pressure from

1287University of California – Riverside Firms

an increasing number of elderly people being


treated as emergency cases,...

You might see better in your eye doctor’s office

Researchers pioneer first patientspecific 3-D virtual birth simulator

(HealthDay)—Researchers warn that patients who

Computer scientists from the University of East

see perfectly well in their eye doctor’s office often end up seeing...

Anglia are working to create a virtual birthing simulator that will help...

3D imaging captures changes in port wine stains

Central adiposity linked to risk of esophageal cancer

(HealthDay)—Three-dimensional (3D) high

(HealthDay)—A systematic review and meta-

precision surface imaging can be used to monitor changes in the area and volume...

analysis of observational studies shows that central adiposity, independent of...

West Virginia University Gymnastics Team Signs On Krista M ae Peraldo, 8-

Florida Voters Overwhelmingly Support M edical M arijuana Legalization

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Year-Old With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (PHOTO) Krista Mae Peraldo is just 8 years old, but she’s

A large majority of Florida voters — 82 percent — supported legalizing medical marijuana, but were divided on...

already living one of her dreams. On Tuesday afternoon, she signed...

Newly discovered brown fat cells hold possibilities for treating diabetes, obesity

UCLA research could enhance treatments for drug-resistant melanoma

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathy 801-581- 310-2062805University of California – Los Angeles

7387University of Utah Health Sciences (Salt Lake


[ | E-mail ] Contact: Shaun


Study finds gene network associated with alcohol dependence

5 Tips for M inimizing Family Tensions Over Thanksgiving

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer Brownjennifer-l-

Family gatherings over the holidays usually involve 319-356-7124University of Iowa

heightened emotions of all kinds. Such events

Health Care Identifying network...

might begin with an atmosphere...

Questions and Claustrophobia: A Cancer Scare

Her Friends Want to Set M e Up With Other Women

Unanswered questions feel a lot like

It was only four days after she died that somebody

claustrophobia. So do MRIs. And news about

first broached the subject of the next phase of my

clustering of nuclei, of spindle cells. “The...

love life. The funeral...

A Day of Being ‘Stuck’ (And How to Deal!)

Actor Hugh Jackman reveals skin cancer scare on Instagram

I’ve encountered countless articles, case studies,

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Australian actor Hugh

even keynote addresses that speak to the power of the mind/body...

Jackman said on Thursday that he had a skin cancer scare when doctors...

During Your Depression: A Letter to M y Grandfather (Part 1 of 4)

Texting Your Way to Weight Loss

Dear Grandpa, “As a man thinks, so is he.” Those

texting and are trying to lose weight, a new study

were the words you spoke to Wayne and I as long as I can remember....

found that using texting...

THURSDAY Nov. 21, 2013, 2013 — If you like

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Start at the Healthier End of the Buffet THURSDAY Nov. 21, 2013, 2013 — Putting

Teens’ M ental Disorders Often Untreated in U.S., Study Finds

healthier foods at the start of a buffet table can help

THURSDAY Nov. 21, 2013, 2013 — Less than half

diners pass up more...

of American teens with mental health disorders receive treatment, and...

John F. Kennedy’s medical secrets linger

M edical marijuana users outed in Health Canada privacy gaffe

Doctors continue to look for clues to former U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s secret medical

Medical marjuana users are accusing the federal government of violating their privacy and

history, 50 years after...

jeopardizing their safety after...

Dreading pain can be worse than pain itself

Certain measures can help predict older dialysis patients’ prognoses

Faced with inevitable pain, most people choose to “get it out of the way” as soon as possible,

Simple measures of the severity of an older kidney failure patient’s illness when starting dialysis—

according to research...

such as whether...

Obama lifts research ban on HIV organ transplants

M ercury levels dropping in younger US women

President Barack Obama has lifted a ban on research into the possibility of transplanting organs

(HealthDay)—Mercury levels in American women of childbearing age have dropped about one-third

from one HIV-positive person...

over a decade, a new federal...

Victoria Rathmill, 17, Becomes The Youngest Stem Cell Donor In The World (PHOTOS)

One M iraculous Year In The Life Of A Baby Born Too Soon

Seventeen-year-old Victoria Rathmill forgot to tell

It is one thing to make a video of your baby’s first year as a surprise for your wife. When that baby

her mom when she signed up to become a stem

was born 15 weeks...

cell donor. But, hey, Paula...

Hugh Jackman Reveals Skin Cancer Diagnosis, Shares Photo PostTreatment

Researchers map brain areas vital to understanding language

Hugh Jackman revealed he suffered a health scare 217-333-5802University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign IMAGE: ...

today (Nov. 21) when he posted a photo of himself

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Chelsey B.

to Instagram with a bandage... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Is it time to ban hands-free mobile phones while driving? If you find it hard to put your mobile phone away,

HKSARG’s response to United StatesChina Economic and Security Review Commission 2013 Annual Report

you’re not alone – young adults check their mobile

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to media

phones around...

enquiries on the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission...

Nineteen New Defendants, Including 14 Correctional Officers, Indicted on Charges of Federal Racketeering in Baltimore City Jail Investigation

Durable M edical Equipment Clinic Owner Pleads Guilty in M iami for Role in $11 M illion Health Care Fraud Scheme

BALTIMORE—United States Attorney for the District

durable medical equipment (DME) clinic based in

of Maryland Rod J Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Stephen E Vogt...

Miami pleaded guilty today for...

M anteca M an with History of M olesting Children Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Distribution of Child Pornography

FS attends Renminbi seminar in Paris

WASHINGTON—The former owner of a defunct

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, attended a seminar titled “RMB Internationalisation...

SACRAMENTO, CA—Thomas Edward Aguero, Jr, 36, of Manteca, was sentenced Tuesday by United States District Judge William...

SPIRIT program eases seniors into not driving

Lung cancer kills more Canadian women than in ‘peer’ countries

A new program is being developed for older drivers on P.E.I. to help them decide when to stop driving,

Lung cancer death rates in Canada are among the highest in the world, especially among women, a

and make preparations...

new report shows. Thursday’s...

VIDEO: Hospitals prepare for a winter crisis

SU2C researcher identifies potential treatment option for melanoma

Hospitals in England face growing pressure from an increasing number of elderly people being

Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C), the charitable initiative supporting ground-breaking research

treated as emergency cases,...

aimed at getting new cancer treatments...

Li Fei and Zhang Rongshun conduct first day of visit to HK

2013 M id-term Review of Scheme of Control Agreements completed

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Deputy SecretaryGeneral of the Standing Committee of the National

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government has completed the Mid-term Review of the Scheme of

People’s Congress...

Control Agreements (SCAs) pursuant...

Geriatric study in Europe on health effects of air quality in nursing homes (GERIE study) profile: objectives, study protocol and descriptive data

Superseding Indictment Returned Charging Father and Son with Sex Trafficking Offenses

Indoor air pollution (IAP) that constitutes a major global public health problem requiring increasing

has returned an 11-count superseding indictment

WASHINGTON—A federal grand jury in Milwaukee adding David B Moore, 45,...

efforts in research...

Three Takata Corp. Executives Agree to Plead Guilty to Participating in Global Seatbelt Price Fixing Conspiracy WASHINGTON—Three high-level executives of

Is ADHD Overdiagnosed? Yes & No The widespread perception among many Americans is that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is overdiagnosed. This was...

Tokyo-based Takata Corp. have agreed to plead guilty for their participation...

Gut bacteria ‘control response to cancer treatments’

Hope for Asian boy after donor match

Gut bacteria ‘control response to cancer

Amrit Cheema BBC News Two-year-old Gaurav

treatments’ Thursday 21 November 2013 Bacteria in our intestines may...

Bains has leukaemia...

Anti-fungal drug ‘makes flu worse’ 21 November 2013 Last updated at 11:59 ET By

Canada: Vancouver shows doorknobs the door

James Gallagher Health and science reporter,

The city of Vancouver has banned doorknobs in

BBC News A drug...

new construction, a city official said Thursday. Wrist-twisting doorknobs will...

Fun at work promotes employee retention but may hurt productivity

Kessler Foundation study provides first Class 1 evidence for cognitive rehabilitation in M S

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sara 814-863-4325Penn

21 November 2013 Last updated at 08:00 ET By

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carolann

State Within the hospitality industry, manager 973-324-


8382Kessler Foundation MEMREHAB Trial shows

a... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Will 2-D tin be the next super material? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy 650-9264359DOE/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Theorists...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Helen affecting southeastern India [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center IMAGE: On Nov. 21 at 07:55 UTC...

NASA catches M elissa’s fickle life as a tropical storm

Statins for Women? Not for M y Patients

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

doctorly friends collectively make a bold move that shows their hand. Usually,...


Sometimes, pharmaceutical companies and their

Space Flight Center VIDEO: This is a simulated 3D...

Thanksgiving Calories: How M uch Exercise It Takes To Burn Off That Feast

Five children pulled from M innesota pond after car crash

Turkey with gravy, stuffing, buttery mashed

MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – Five small children

potatoes, pecan pie with vanilla ice cream — if

were pulled unresponsive from a car that plunged

you’re not careful,...

into a cold retention...

You Can Never Write Too M any Love Letters

Trial of accused Colorado theater gunman postponed

I saw “CBGB the Movie” just a few days before Lou

By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters) –

Reed died. A portrayal of the Velvet Underground

The trial of accused Colorado theater gunman

leading icon...

James Holmes was postponed...

32st woman who couldn’t lose weight is diagnosed with a hidden TUM OUR

One in five people with HIV are UNDIAGNOSED, with the number of cases in gay men reaching an all-time high

Naomi Benton, 34, baffled doctors for more than a decade She continued to pile on the pounds despite following an 800 calorie-a-day...

21,900 people out of 98,400 with HIV in the UK do not know they have it 50% of the 6,360 people diagnosed in 2012 were diagnosed...

Two paramedics struck off after telling dying woman she ‘had a stomach bug’

Toddler Gaurav Bains’ bone marrow transplant hope as donor is found

Sarah Thomas called ambulance after she Gaurav Bains, two, has a rare blood disorder called W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

struggled to breathe ‘Would have survived if she was taken to hospital and...

Monosomy 7 Unless he has a bone marrow transplant before Christmas he...

4 Genius Ways to M ix Orange and Fennel

Remember ‘French Fries Cause Cancer’? Here’s The Acrylamide Update

Some foods, weirdly enough, just taste better

French fries: There are probably other reasons

together. Try these four orange and fennel recipes to see for yourself. Orange-Fennel...

besides acrylamide to avoid these tasty snacks. iStockphoto Back in...

SJ speaks on meeting with Li Fei

Hospital Authority announces Cluster Chief Executive appointment

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, after...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hospital Authority (HA) today...

Screenings of Space M useum’s Omnimax show "Titans of the Ice Age" temporarily suspended

Consumer Price Indices for October 2013

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A spokesperson for the

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) released today (November 21)

Leisure and Cultural Services Department

the Consumer Price Index...

announced today (November 21) that...

Voxiva launches new mobile app for Care4life Diabetes self-management program

Study: Patients staying on medications does not lower hospital readmission rates

Voxiva, Inc. announces the launch of a new mobile app for its Care4life(SM) Diabetes self-

A targeted effort to help high-risk heart failure patients stay on their medications did improve

management program. Care4life...

adherence to drug regimens,...

Pharmaceutical powder characterisation and inhaler testing workshop to include expert presentations

The real-life X-ray specs that let nurses see THROUGH a person’s skin to locate veins

A new workshop organised by Monash University will include invited presentations from Copley

Epson to develop glasses They are designed to be

Evena Medical in Silicon Valley partnered with worn by nurses at the bedside...

Scientific, the world’s leading...

M icroplate readers: an interview with

Why hangovers get worse after 40:

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Ville Haaslahti, M anaging Director, Hidex Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) Please can you give an introduction to the Hidex Sense microplate...

We’ve got less muscle, we’re dehydrated and we’re more sensitive to the ingredients in alcohol Some older people develop sensitivities to the sulphites and tannins in wine, meaning drinking makes them suffer headaches...

M cDonald’s job saved the life of anorexic woman hospitalised within 6 months Spent 6 years battling

Toddler in need of a life-saving bone marrow transplant finds a match after campaign inspired 10-fold increase in Asian donors

illness and at lowest weighed 4...

Gaurav Bains, two, has a rare blood disorder called

Jo developed anorexia age 11 and was

Monosomy 7 Unless he has a bone marrow transplant before Christmas he...

Comprehending Grace Grace is not an easily digestible concept for me. The fact that it is still largely a concept in my mind is probably also...

Researchers explore links between learning disorders in children New interdisciplinary research from Western University has uncovered fundamental links among three major learning difficulties...

Twitter Could Tell You Where Flu Is Ramping Up, Study Suggests

6 Sources of Burnout at Work

A social media tool known for being a platform for

and financial professionals about preventing burnout and better managing...

breaking news, selfie photos and over-sharing the

I recently spoke to a group of women accountants

minutiae of day-to-day...

Female Hysteria: 7 Crazy Things People Used To Believe About The Ladies’ Disease

Alleged Animal Abuse At Former Walmart Pork Supplier Caught On Camera (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

Deeply disheartening though it may be, the practice of labeling women “crazy” is alive and well today,

A shocking undercover video released this week has allegedly exposed rampant animal abuse at a

and its...

farm in Oklahoma that supplies...

New publication studies urban environments of M anchester from a qualitative perspective

Captive breeding for thousands of years has impaired olfactory functions in silkmoths

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Silke 01-484-473- 49-364-157-

053University of Huddersfield Dr Alexander Bridger,

1416Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology



New materials with potential biomedical applications

Ultrasound, nanoparticles may help diabetics avoid the needle

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jouko

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt

Vepsälä 358-403- 919-515-

553-256University of Eastern Finland Bisphosphonates...

6386North Carolina State University IMAGE: A new technique...

Stress and isolation take toll on those under 50 with HIV; older people fare better

Rutegrs-Camden nursing scholar develops tool for ostomy care

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan 216-368-1004Case 856-2256759Rutgers University CAMDEN Nurses caring for

Western Reserve University Case Western


[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ed


New research highlights urgent need to address distress in long-term melanoma survivors

Antibiotic resistance holds stable in U.S. children’s hospitals

More than one-third of Queensland melanoma

studies published in the December issue of

survivors are suffering clinically significant

Infection Control and Hospital...

Findings coincide with CDC’s Get Smart Week Two

psychological distress, despite...

Unemployed men show signs of faster ageing in their DNA Men who are unemployed for more than two years

Bangladesh outperforms Asian neighbours despite low spending on health care

show signs of faster ageing in their DNA, a new

Exceptional improvements in the survival of infants

study has found. Researchers...

and children under 5 years of age, life expectancy, immunisation coverage,...

How living through a recession can make your brain slower: Being made redundant in middle age causes memory loss (especially in men)

How a man’s sex drive is linked to a breast milk hormone: M en who lack desire have low levels of it, study finds

Men with lower levels of prolactin had worse health W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

The effects of a recession have been linked to a

both sexually and overall Prolactin is best known

higher risk of cognitive decline affecting abilities

for its role as the...

such as memory, verbal...

Getting too much exercise can be as bad for you as getting none at all

Girl, 7, died 3 days after being discharged from hospital with BLUE lips

Teenagers who get too much exercise are as

Simran Dhesi was sent home despite her

prone to low self-esteem, anxiety and stress as

mother’s concern, inquest hears The schoolgirl

those who do little or no exercise...

was admitted to another hospital...

Additive may make wine fine for a longer time

Simplifying the Holidays & Shrinking Stress for Adults with…

An additive may help curb a chemical reaction that

“Holidays require exquisite skills in executive

causes wine to look, smell and taste funky,

functioning,” according to Terry Matlen, ACSW, a

according to food scientists. The...

psychotherapist and...

Has a nutty professor really invented booze that gets you drunk

Handful of nuts a day can lower death risk of cancer and heart disease by a fifth

Professor Nutt was sacked from his post as the Government’s chief drugs adviser in 2009 He declared that cannabis, Ecstasy...

Researchers say nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which lower cholesterol and...

Breakthrough in fight to overcome the deadliest cancers

‘Undruggable’ cancer molecule blocked by new approach

Find could lead to drugs for most difficult to treat

‘Undruggable’ cancer molecule blocked by new

cancers More pancreatic, bowel and lung cancers

approach Thursday 21 November 2013 An

could be cured New treatment...

important cancer molecule...

How addictive is crack cocaine?

VIDEO: Steve Evans moves to palliative care

Ever since Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted to having smoked crack cocaine, various city councillors and media observers have...

Two years ago, Steve Evans was told he had 12 months to live. For a while he underwent treatment that helped both to improve...

Elderly emergency admissions rising

Blow-up hospitals help Philippine typhoon effort

21 November 2013 Last updated at 05:34 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Urgent action...

Inflatable field hospitals have been erected in the typhoon-ravaged Philippines city of Tacloban, part of a huge international...

‘Dead’ baby wakes at China funeral parlour before cremation

US health care lottery: luck of the draw in Virginia

A Chinese baby boy who had been declared dead

Mossamat Jhumu is tickled pink, as she has just

was saved from being cremated alive when he started crying at a funeral parlour,...

won the lottery in Virginia. However, the prize is not money or merchandise...

Organic Farmers Bash FDA Restrictions On M anure Use

Women Entrepreneurs Getting Unstuck With M elody Wilder

Enlarge image i Jim Crawford hauls his vegetables to farmers’ markets in Washington, D.C. Dan

C.R. interviews Melody Wilding, LMSW, who specializes in psychotherapy for entrepreneurial


women. Welcome, Melody. Tell us...

Eating nuts ‘may prolong life’

Putting off HIV checks ‘never works’

21 November 2013 Last updated at 03:26 ET By

Interviews Greg Dawson, words Jimmy

James Gallagher Health and science reporter,

BlakeNewsbeat reporters Tom Hayes says he is

BBC News People...

‘lucky’ to have got tested...

USC Viterbi engineers cut time to 3Dprint heterogeneous objects from hours to minutes

Focusing on faces

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 213-821-1887University of Southern California

3227California Institute of Technology

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah 626-395Researchers...

New 3D printing process speeds...

Scientists create perfect solution to iron out kinks in surfaces

Novel material stores unusually large amounts of hydrogen

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Neha

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Thomas 020-788- 49-408-998-

27927Queen Mary, University of London A new

1666Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY X-


ray study reveals...

Study reveals higher levels of control and support at work increases wellbeing

Services fail to treat prisoners with schizophrenia — increasing risk of violent reoffending

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Charli 020-788-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Charli 020-788-

27943Queen Mary, University of London Research

27943Queen Mary, University of London New

from Queen...

research from...

M aine to pay $1M to ‘conservative’ consultant to study M edicaid expansion Maine’s health department will pay a firm led by

Henry Samueli School of Engineering receives grant from Bill & M elinda Gates Foundation

Gary Alexander, a controversial former welfare

The Henry Samueli School of Engineering at UC

chief, to review the...

Irvine will receive a $100,000 Grand Challenges Explorations grant from the...

Study identifies possible link between sudden drops in blood pressure and irregular heartbeat

Top-performing hospitals have fewer readmissions from all diagnoses and time periods after discharge

Results of a Johns Hopkins-led study have

Checking back into the hospital within 30 days of

identified a possible link between a history of

discharge is not only bad news for patients, but

sudden drops in blood pressure...

also for hospitals, which...

M ental Thoughts: Is Kayaking A Way To Lose Weight…

Study reveals how variant forms of APOE protein impact risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Mental thought: kayaking good way to lose weight??? It’s Day 20 and only 10 days left of the Month long blog party for...

Carrying a particular version of the gene for apolipoprotein E (APOE) is the major known genetic risk factor for the sporadic,...

Children in Typhoon Disaster Zone Vulnerable to Abuse, Trafficking

Illinois Legalizes Gay M arriage

Aid workers have warned that children in the disaster zone left by typhoon Haiyan are particularly

ceremony in Chicago Wednesday, making Illinois

Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation at a the 16th state to allow same sex...

vulnerable, as they set...

The closest relatives of papaya are 4 species from M exico and Guatemala

3 new wafer trapdoor spiders from Brazil

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Fernanda Antunes

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rogerio

Carvalhoantunesfc@gmail.comPensoft Publishers

IMAGE: This image shows the fruits...

Publishers IMAGE: This image shows the female...

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Caffeine in coffee might help small blood vessels work better The caffeine in a cup of coffee might help your small blood vessels work better, according to research presented at the American...

Researchers associate some insomnia symptoms with higher mortality risk in men Insomnia, the most common sleep disorder, affects up to one-third of the population in the United States. In new findings,...

Research: Introducing solid food with breast milk could reduce food allergies in babies

Australia could do so much more with its nurse practitioners

Introducing solid food with breast milk after the

services beyond that of registered nurses. They diagnose and treat health conditions,...

17th week of birth could reduce food allergies in

Nurse practitioners provide a level of health

babies, according to...

Transgender, Violence and Trauma Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. This year, 238 people were murdered due to transgender hate crimes. Transgender...

Tiny antisense molecules increase ‘good cholesterol’ levels in obese primates A strategy developed by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)-based investigators to increase levels of beneficial high-density...

Women prescribed combination HRT should use caution when taking apigenin supplement, study finds

Study finds brain abnormalities linked to impaired self-awareness in cocaine addiction

Hormone replacement therapies, or medications

New research from the Icahn School of Medicine at

containing female hormones that substitute those

Mount Sinai reveals long-term cocaine abuse may

no longer produced by the...

be associated with deficits...

Brain still injured from concussion after symptoms fade

24,000-Year-Old Body Shows Kinship to Europeans and American Indians

After a mild concussion, special brain scans show

The first is that the boy’s DNA matches that of

evidence of brain abnormalities four months later,

Western Europeans, showing that during the last

when symptoms from the...

Ice Age people from Europe...

Are You Under the Influence of Oxytocin?

When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Have you ever had this feeling…? You’ve

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, one of the kindest things you can do for yourself is to simply

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

started dating a guy who’s really good looking, sexy

acknowledge how you’re...

— and you two have...

#45 Triumph on Timpanogas

Procrastinating to Gain Control?

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE

What is the variable that organized and punctual

<w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" DefUnhideWhenUsed="true"

people have that others do not? It is called self respect. Without self...


Prostitutes who have sex, then use anti-HIV drugs

NHS electronic prescribing ‘patchy’

20 November 2013 Last updated at 19:31 ET By Zainab Deen BBC World Service, Nairobi In Kenya

Electronic prescribing may reduce patient harm

20 November 2013 Last updated at 21:36 ET due to medication errors There...

1.5 million...

Concussion damage ‘lasts months’

Sperm test hope for infertile men

20 November 2013 Last updated at 21:36 ET By

20 November 2013 Last updated at 21:25 ET By

James Gallagher Health and science reporter,

Helen Briggs BBC News Some men with very low

BBC News Manchester...

sperm counts...

PTSD raises risk for obesity in women Women with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Long-term unemployment may accelerate aging in men

gain weight more rapidly and are more likely to be

Men who are unemployed for more than two years

overweight or obese than...

show signs of faster ageing in their DNA, a new study has found. Researchers...

Jet of high-energy particles is actually coming out from Sagittarius A*

Trace evidences of life could potentially be found in craters on other planets

share Composite image of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. 9Image Credit:...

share Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a carbonaceous inclusion from Darwin glass. (Credit: Kieren Torres Howard...

Trace evidences of life could potentially be found in craters on other planets

Cognition and illness course predict bipolar employment

share Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image

Patients with bipolar disorder are more likely to be

By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter

successfully employed if... of a carbonaceous inclusion from Darwin glass. W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

(Credit: Kieren Torres Howard...

Childhood social functioning predicts schizophrenia risk

Asthma prolongs time to pregnancy

By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter Poor social functioning in childhood predicts an

Research shows that women with asthma take

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter longer to conceive than women without the...

increased risk for schizophrenia...

The Complexities of Trauma: A Basic Understanding

M ale infertility test closer

Complex Client Jeremy, a 28-year-old commodities trader, enters therapy with the presenting problem

that could save men with infertility problems both

Scientists in Toronto have identified two proteins pain and time. They...

that, “I can never...

Canada’s diabetes rates poor in global health ranking

Rich countries hit brake for health spending: OECD

In 2011, close to seven per cent of those aged 20 to 79 in OECD countries, or over 85 million people,

A third of the world’s rich countries cut health spending between 2009 and 2011, according to a

had diabetes. (Steve...

probe of 33 advanced...

Some NYC hospitals not taking new health plans

Recessions experienced in mid-life linked to higher risk of cognitive decline later on

New Yorkers buying a health plan on the state’s new insurance exchange should read the fine print if they’re...

People who live through economic recessions in early to mid-life may be at higher risk of cognitive decline in later life,...

Too much weekly sport seems to be as bad as too little for teen wellbeing

Too much exercise ‘as bad as too little’

Too much weekly sport seems to be as bad as too

excessive exercise which has been linked to

little for teen well-being, suggesting there’s an inverted U shaped...

poorer physical and mental health...

Global Fund Suspends 2 M osquito Net M akers

In Search Of M ore Primary-Care Doctors

The two top producers of mosquito nets for the war

Medical School’s Center for Primary Care, is

This could be due to inflammation caused by

Janine Knudsen, a third-year student at Harvard

passionate about becoming... on malaria have been temporarily banned as suppliers by a global disease-fighting... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

You Should Be Dating a CrossFit Girl. Here’s Why.

So Long, Pen Pal

You are probably sitting there going “Ugh. Is she

pencil? Some people believe that handwriting will

really going there?” YUP I AM. And let’s be honest, you...

become obsolete within a few...

Koch Brothers Use Actress To Portray Disgruntled Voter In M ark Begich Attack Ad

OxyElite Pro Recall Will Cost USPLabs LLC M illions

When was the last time you used a pen or a

WASHINGTON — Americans for Prosperity, the

USPLabs LLC, which produces the weight loss supplement OxyElite Pro, is having a rough year.

conservative advocacy group backed by the Koch

After more than 50 cases of...

brothers, released an attack...

Amsterdam alcoholics paid in beer to clean streets

Dartmouth-led study shows diet alone can be significant source of arsenic

Amsterdam has come up with a controversial way

[ | E-mail ] Contact: John

to get alcoholics off the streets: Pay them beer to 603-646-

clean said streets. AFP...

9130Dartmouth College IMAGE: A Dartmouth College-led...

Nuts linked to lower death risk The study did not prove a causal link between

Skiing Pioneer Celebrates Turning 100 By Skiing Because Of Course

eating nuts and longer life, but researchers said

One of the pioneers of skiing in Colorado

their findings backed up...

celebrated his 100th birthday on Tuesday the same way he always has — by...

‘Namaste’ To Tim J. Luddy Of M other Jones M agazine

How To De-Seed A Pomegranate In 3 Seconds, Like A Pervert

When the editors of Mother Jones recently

Pomegranates are one of the trickiest, yet tastiest

announced that longtime creative director Tim J Luddy was leaving the magazine...

fruits to eat. On the one hand they bear marvelously sweet arils, edible...

M any Babies Born Very Small Do Well As Adults Despite Early Challenges (STUDY)

Obese pilots to be grounded if they have sleep apnea


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) wants to start screening obese pilots for obstructive sleep

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

2013 1:29pm EST (Reuters Health) – Although

apnea, a medical condition...

babies who are born weighing less...

Eating nuts may lead to longer life Allow yourself to go nutty over nuts: Eating them may lead to a longer life, according to a new study. Researchers found...

Quitting smoking may reverse heart woes quicker than once thought Some cigarette smokers over 65 years old who kick the habit may be able to reduce their risk of dying from heart-related...

Evidence of destruction in Tacloban, Philippines

NASA’s TRM M satellite sees M elissa’s tropical transition

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob



Space Flight Center IMAGE: The ASTER instrument

Space Flight Center VIDEO: This is a simulated 3-



‘I just kept pressing play!’ Obese fast food fanatic drops ten dress sizes and 211lbs with fitness DVDs

Somali woman’s giant leg ballooned because of elephantiasis

By Sadie Whitelocks PUBLISHED: 19:13 EST, 19 November 2013 | UPDATED: 00:32 EST, 20

her childrenHer leg swelled because the drainage

Sadia Abdinur, 35, is immobile and unable to feed passages in it became...

November 2013 An obese fast food fanatic...

Even people who stop smoking in their SIXTIES can see significant health benefits in just a few years

In Conversation with Asha founder Dr Kiran M artin

People who quit smoking in old age cut their risk of

Watch the video of public health professor Rob Moodie interviewing Dr Kiran Martin below. Kiran

heart disease Within eight years their risk of heart

Martin is the founder of...

disease and of...

Are You Ready for a BIG Change?

Bringing Sexy Back into M otherhood

Have you been telling yourself for ages that it’s time to leave your job, (move, end the relationship, get

“Don’t you like my big boobs?”, said my client to her husband with a playful smile as they sat on my

out of debt…)?...

couch in couples...

Saint M ary’s University nurse quits writing sick notes

Food inspection agency shuts down M ontreal meat plant

Saint Mary’s University students can still go to a A Montreal ready-to-eat meat-processing facility W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

doctor when they are sick and ask for a note.

was shut down today by the Canadian Food

( A university...

Inspection Agency (CFIA), and its...

Surgeons emotionally affected by surgical complications

Kidney procedure might help ease tough-to-treat high blood pressure

(HealthDay)—Many surgeons are profoundly

(HealthDay)—A new therapy may help lower tough-

emotionally affected by surgical complications,

to-treat high blood pressure in people with chronic

according to a study published...

kidney disease, a new...

Tropical Cyclone Helen headed for landfall in India [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

Women prescribed combination HRT should use caution when taking apigenin supplement, M U study finds


[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff

Space Flight Center IMAGE: Visible/short wave 573-8823346University of Missouri-Columbia IMAGE: Hyder



Connections in the brains of young children strengthen during sleep, CUBoulder study finds

FAA To Require Obese Pilots To Undergo Sleep Apnea Screening

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Salome

Severely obese pilots will soon be required to undergo sleep apnea screening, and if they are 303-492-

diagnosed with the condition,...

4584University of Colorado at Boulder While young children...

Fat But Fit? Study Reveals That Fitness, Not Weight, Predicts Risk Of Early Death

No Tray, No Salad

When it comes to living a long and healthy life, a meta-analysis of mortality studies finds that being

cafeterias with heaps of food, leading to waste and

Students load their trays in all-you-can-eat perhaps also to overeating....

physically active,...

How to Find Yourself, When You’ve Lost Yourself

Limited patient choice next health overhaul issue

I had everything — a home, a loving husband, two gorgeous daughters, financial security. I wanted for

WASHINGTON (AP) — After they get the website fixed, then what? Keeping your doctors and

nothing. For...

hospitals may be the next vexing...

Too fat to fly: Stranded Frenchman’s

Children at risk of AIDS should be

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

ordeal ending

tested at birth, UN says

LONDON (AP) — He’s been turned down by planes, trains and even a cruise ship in his quest

More than a quarter of a million children each year are born infected with the virus that causes AIDS,

to return home — and...

but too few are being...

Nine Things You Probably Never Knew About Sperm (PHOTOS)

Breaking Dishes: A Lifetime With a Lesser-known Disability

How much do you know about sperm cells? You

When we inevitably meet at some point, you will

know guys make a lot of them–but how many? You

say, “Julia, are you okay? You’re shaking.” I’ll...

know they’re small–but...

California Doctors Prescribe M ore Name-Brand Drugs Than Any Other State California’s doctors led the nation in prescribing name-brand drugs, with a small chunk of those costs coming from...

S.S. Singh, Scatomancer, Predicts Future By Analyzing Fecal M atter In New Documentary ‘Journey To Planet Sanity’ There are terrible jobs, but few are literally as crappy as the one chosen by S.S. Singh. He’s a professional scatomancer,...

Sudden cardiac arrest may not be so unexpected

Kids less physically fit than parents were at their age

New research suggests we may soon stop calling

No kidding. This is the same decline that is ruining

sudden cardiac arrest events “sudden.” A study of

childrens’ schoolwork, toys, hobbies, and work

567 middle-aged...

ethic. They can’t...

Virtual sailing simulator shows key role of recreation

Doctor reverses amateur plastic surgeries

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan

Doctor reverses amateur plastic surgeries 202-587-

Venezuelan Maria Carolina Parejo (R) talks with

2581Kennedy Krieger Institute Kennedy Krieger

friends a day before undergoing...


Involving patients in their nurses’ shift change reduces medical errors and satisfies patients

What composes the human heart? U of T researchers crunch the numbers

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Geoff 416-9468019University of Toronto A foundational study 416-864-6060 x6537St.

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin

published... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Michael’s Hospital TORONTO, Nov. 20, 2013...

"Just Kidding" No Longer M akes Online Slurs Okay, Poll Suggests

Pastor Suspended After Officiating Son’s Same-Sex Wedding

… "Just Kidding" No Longer Makes Online Slurs

SPRING CITY, Pa. The Rev. Frank Schaefer gets to

Okay, Poll Suggests

keep calling himself a Methodist pastor – at least for the next 30...

Pilot Study Finds M editation M ay Slow Alzheimer’s Progression

How Seeing Fast Food Logos Can Reduce Happiness

It’s well known that the brains of meditators

Golden arches, red pigtails, a smiling Colonel

change, but it’s not entirely clear what those changes mean or...

Sanders — these iconic fast food symbols may seem harmless enough, but...

Surgeons Practice On Brains M ade On 3D Printers

Grain Brain: What A No-Carb Diet Looks Like

By Michael Dhar, Contributing writer Published:

Every time you tuck into a bowl of cereal or plate of

11/20/2013 10:08 AM EST on LiveScience How much practice would you want...

pasta, you’re killing your brain. That’s the dramatic diagnosis...

M ultiple Sclerosis Symptoms: 5 Signs To Watch Out For

When Is it Time to See a Fertility Doctor?

By Connie Brichford, Everyday Health It’s more important than ever to be aware of the warning

Difficulty conceiving is a common problem for couples in the United States. As many as one in

signs of multiple sclerosis,...

eight women and their partners...

Imagining The Post-Antibiotics Future what will medicine, agriculture and everyday life

Video: Va. state senator apparently stabbed by son, who then shot himself, police say

look like if we lose...

November 20, 2013 6:56 AM Creigh Deeds, a well-

After 85 years, antibiotics are growing impotent. So

known state senator in Virginia, is in a hospital recovering after, police...

DNA vaccine demonstrates potential to prevent and treat deadly M ERS coronavirus

EKF Diagnostics introduces new version of Lactate Scout+ analyzer

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE MKT: INO)

accuracy lactate analysis EKF Diagnostics, the

Built-in hematocrit compensation delivers high

global diagnostics business,... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

announced today that preclinical testing of a DNA synthetic vaccine for the...

First Edition: November 20, 2013 Today’s early morning highlights from the major news organizations, including reports that President Barack Obama places...

Using radiation models to improve cancer therapies: an interview with Adrian Treverton, COO of Xstrahl and Jean-Pierre Wery, President of Crown Bioscience Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) What are radiation models of cancer? Adrian: What we are...

Does your face turn red when you drink? You could be at greater risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and strokes People who turn red when they drink alcohol are

Women who fake orgasms are ‘more likely to cheat on their partner’ Women fake it a fifth of the time while men only fake orgasms one time in 20 Women orgasm 61% of the times they have sex,...

less able to break down acetaldehyde – a toxic substance produced when...

‘I lost 2 stone in 24 hours Last week MailOnline ran the story of Ross Edgley,

Frederick Sanger, double Nobel winner, dies at 95

a sports scientist on a mission to prove body

British biochemist Frederick Sanger, who twice

weight isn’t all about...

won the Nobel Prize in chemistry and has been called the father of the genomic...

Happiness versus M ania

Dementia patients learn to tango in Halifax

Yesterday was a good day, a very good day actually. I got very excited about something, even did a little song and dance...

A group of seniors in Halifax with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease have been trying an unusual treatment...

Rapid DNA biochip tests for screening disease-causing bacteria Patients affected by a bacterial infection can usually be treated with an antibiotic. But sometimes a resistant bacterial...

Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria anticipates and turns immune defenses against the host Around 20 percent of all humans are persistently colonized with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, a

leading cause of skin infections... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

TSRI researchers solve structure of key protein in deadly, but little known virus What began as a summer internship project designed for an undergraduate student evolved into a one-year study of one of the...

DNA-damaging drug and M K2 inhibitor combination could be effective against cancer About half of all cancer patients have a mutation in a gene called p53, which allows tumors to survive and continue growing...

Therapist Blog Challenge #11: Promote Gratitude

If I Had To Choose

Let the benefits of gratitude inspire your next professional blog post. It’s the time of year when

Hyperactive Person. My hyperactivity has been

It seems like I’m moving this fast … I’m a turned inward for the most...

Facebook posts, blogs,...

Don’t Blame NAM I for Whitaker

How to Stop Punishing Yourself

Nothing vexes me more than the sniping that goes

Do you feel stuck in chronic self-punishment? Do

on between psychiatry and the anti-psychiatry movements. I hesitate to...

you reflexively turn against yourself with anger or scorn whenever you feel...

Bulgaria’s departing doctors Emma Jane Kirby BBC News, Sofia In Bulgaria

French People Take The M ost Days Off Yet Feel The M ost Deprived, And Other Vacation Factoids

(from left)...

It’s weird to think the government mandates paid

20 November 2013 Last updated at 04:31 ET By

vacation time in pretty much every country besides the United States....

6 ways to feed 11 billion people Feeding the world’s growing population will not be an easy task. By 2100, it’s estimated that there will be 11...

How to drink and eat whatever you want without feeling guilty Strike a healthy balance in your diet and alcohol consumption. In Your DietAlcoholNumerous studies indicate that a little...

Another Reason to Kick the Habit Subscribe: SMR Posts RSS Subscribe: SMR Comments RSS Become an SMR Facebook Friend Follow SMR on Twitter Another Reason to...

6 Signs Your Diet Or Lifestyle Is Triggering Your Anxiety Anxiety is a mental health issue, effecting about 18% of the population. If you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety or find...

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Can’t Concentrate When You M editate? Read This

How M y Father’s Death Taught M e To Eat Without Guilt

I’ve been witnessing a disturbing trend recently.

It was a few weeks before Thanksgiving, the

Let’s call it the Protestant work ethic of meditation.

biggest (and best) food holiday, and my dad was

Instantly recognizable...

dying. He lay in his borrowed...

Nurse receives 2013 ARN DoctoratePrepared Researcher Role Award at 39th Annual ARN Educational Conference

State highlights: Calif. fines three insurers for denying therapy; Colo.’s Denver Health to shed jobs; Ambulance Co. agrees to pay feds $3M over fraud allegations

The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) presented Kathleen Brewer-Smyth, PhD RN CRRN, with the 2013 ARN Doctorate-Prepared...

A selection of health policy stories from California, Colorado, Kansas and Florida. Los Angeles Times: State Says 3 Health...

Elsevier launches two new open access journals in cardiology journals series

Questions raised in US over new anticholesterol guidelines

Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific,

New recommendations to expand the use of cholesterol-lowering medication to millions of

technical and medical information products and

adults to reduce heart attacks and...

services, today announced...

Supreme Court lets Texas abortion law stay for now A third of Texas’ abortion clinics will stay closed

‘The Biggest Loser’: Jillian M ichaels Apologizes To Her Team For Last Week’s Scandal (VIDEO)

after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene

It was a very subdued Jillian Michaels who had to

in an ongoing...

sit down her team and apologize on “The Biggest Loser.” Last...

NASA instrument determines hazards of deep-space radiation

Researchers test effects of LEDs on leaf lettuce

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael W.

Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard 703-836-4606American

Space Flight Center IMAGE: This is LRO’s

Society for Horticultural Science Mixture of blue...


Researchers develop technique to

The fashion scout and the cop:

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

convert thermoelectric material into high performance electricity

Scanning the streets with similar methods for different targets

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ramakrishna Podilarpodila@g.clemson.eduClemson University

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom 513-556-

IMAGE: Pooja Puneet, Ph.D., the lead...

1825University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati research...

Haemophilia gene therapy ‘solution’ 20 November 2013 Last updated at 02:49 ET By Helen Briggs BBC News Computer model of part of Factor VIII,...

Size, connectivity of brain region linked to anxiety level in young children Prolonged stress and anxiety during childhood is a risk factor for developing anxiety disorders and depression later in life....

Johnson & Johnson in Deal to Settle Hip Implant Lawsuits

Perks Ease Way in Health Plans for Lawmakers

Under the agreement, the medical products giant

That is true. As long as their constituents have

would pay nearly $2.5 billion in compensation to an

access to “in-person support sessions” like the

estimated 8,000 patients...

ones being conducted...

Weighing the Risks of Going Without Health Insurance

Researchers classify urban residential desert landscapes

Affordability, of course, will be a significant factor,

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael W.

especially for younger people with stretched 703-836-4606American

budgets. Going without...

Society for Horticultural Science Information...

New bale unroller design deemed effective

First-ever survey of Do-It-Yourself Biology community challenges myths

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael W.

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Aaron 703-836-4606American 202-691-

Society for Horticultural Science Offset round-bale...

4320Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars/Science...

Study: Odds of rehospitalization of cognitively impaired varies by discharge destination

Phthalate exposure linked to preterm birth

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cindy Fox 734-6471841University of Michigan ANN ARBORThe odds 317-843-2276Indiana

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laurel Thomas

of preterm... University INDIANAPOLIS — Cognitively impaired... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Serametrix launches new M DSC-based blood test for cancer patients

GOP candidates hope to use botched health law startup to their advantage

Serametrix Corporation has announced the launch

Some veteran Democratic lawmakers are being

of an important new blood test for cancer patients.

called to the carpet as a result of the difficulties with

The test measures a patient’s... and...

UT Dallas scientists develop mesh technique to create 3-D images

Study suggests role for brain imaging in potential treatment of chronic pain

UT Dallas computer scientists have developed a

A study in the December issue of Anesthesiology

technique to create 3-D images that finds practical

suggests a role for brain imaging in the

applications of a theory...

assessment and potential treatment...

Living With Trauma: Facing A Loved One’s Severe M ental…

The man who fixed his own heart

How did you feel when your loved one was

19 November 2013 Last updated at 20:25 ET By Smitha Mundasad Health reporter, BBC News

diagnosed with a severe mental illness such as

Please turn on JavaScript....

borderline personality disorder,...

Navigating a Transformed Insurance M arketplace

Pushing Patients to Seek Value, Whatever That Is

Welcome to what may be the most confusing year

That includes getting routine colonoscopies.

in the recent history of health care. The Affordable

Because he is insured, Mr. Kreutzer pays only a

Care Act is here...

$300 co-pay, a fraction of the...

You Plan Your Retirement, Then You Get the Health Bill

How Doctors Die

“Within health care,” he said, “there’s all kinds of

way into her liver and lungs and the tissue

uncertainties.” Mr. Strack hasn’t decided yet when...

surrounding her brain, she...

China hospital ship to set sail for Philippine typhoon zone

Small health insurers fear Obamacare woes will tilt playing field

By Greg Torode HONG KONG (Reuters) – China is

By Caroline Humer NEW YORK (Reuters) – As the

sending a state-of-the-art hospital ship to the

White House tries to address consumer anger and

Philippines following...

technical problems tied...

Rescue workers seek survivors after

Early Obamacare data show older

This spring, after Dr. McKinley’s cancer found its

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

South Africa mall collapses

Americans more apt to sign up

By Zandi Shabalala TONGAAT, South Africa (Reuters) – Rescue workers with sniffer dogs

(Reuters) – More older Americans than young adults so far have signed up for new insurance

picked through rubble in search...

coverage under the state...

Voters in Albuquerque, New M exico, defeat measure to limit abortions

Children ‘slower than parents were’

SANTA FE, New Mexico (Reuters) – Voters in

Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Children...

Albuquerque defeated a proposal on Tuesday that

19 November 2013 Last updated at 21:43 ET By

would have outlawed most...

Recessionary woes lead to adverse alcohol outcomes for men and middleaged Americans

Individuals who flush after drinking are at higher risk of alcohol-related hypertension

Although the U.S. recession officially ended in June

Excessive drinking is a known risk factor for

2009, many Americans still struggle to make ends meet. A recent study...

hypertension. Drinking that results in facial flushing indicates high sensitivity...

Treating alcohol dependence: M edication plus therapy leads to longer abstinence

Alcohol’s frontal-lobe damage may become evident before general mental status is challenged

Alcohol treatment that incorporates a stepped-care

Frontal lobe deficiency, characterized by executive

rationale, in which services are escalated, appears

dysfunction such as deficits in attention and

to increase the overall...

working memory, has been...

Essay: For Those at Death’s Door, a Case for ‘Life Panels’

About New York: M entally Ill, and Jailed in Isolation at Rikers Island

Three years earlier, when she was completely

Rikers Island exists to make the rest of New York

rational, my mother told me that while she had lived

City seem blissful; there, troublemakers, troubled

a full and rewarding life,...

people and the unlucky...

Doctors Say Heart Drug Raised Risk of an Attack

Health Insurance M arketplace Is Still About 40 Percent Incomplete, Official Says

Cardiologists have accused a small drug company of withholding data from a clinical trial showing that the company’s drug,...

The official, Henry Chao, made the assessment in testimony before a panel of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Lawmakers...

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In Stance on Renewal of Old Health Policies, States Run the Gamut Of the 13 states that have so far said they will allow consumers to renew canceled plans, all but four are led by Republican...

New mother found dead in maternity unit just hours before she was due to go home with first son… but doctors can’t agree how she died Jane Whiteside died just days after the birth of her son Ben She was due to take him home on the morning of her death The...

Bedtime aspirin ‘wards off heart attacks’ Painkillers taken by millions in UK to keep blood thin and cut risk of clots Major heart conference told of study showing...

M ovember Raises Awareness #Prostate, #Testicular Cancer and #M entalHealth #NHBPM … – It’s Day 19 and today’s Mental Health Humor cartoon pays homage to #Movember as Family Stew’s Chato Stewart...

For Bipolar Patients, M edication Compliance Is Difficult…

Short-Term Therapy for Insomnia Can Help Depression

Knowing you have to take medication for the rest of

Insomnia and depression have a “what came first,

your life is a tough pill to swallow. As a teenager, I

the chicken or the egg” sort of relationship. Most

fought my mother...

people who habitually...

Stats Can Lie: Don’t Let Divorce Statistics Dictate Your…

M edical marijuana sought for children with seizures

I’ll bet you’ve heard at least one of these statistics

A Canadian family has moved to Colorado to get a

about divorce, such as 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce...

medical marijuana extract not available in Canada that the parents say has...

VIDEO: The man who can taste the Tube map

VIDEO: The man who fixed his own heart

Most London commuters have a love/hate

As an engineer, Tal Golesworthy is no stranger to

relationship with the Underground depending on their experience of delays. But for...

taking things apart, figuring out what the trouble is and putting them...

Older sedentary adults reduced injury to heart through moderate physical activity

M onkeys can point to objects they do not report seeing

Moderate physical activity in sedentary older adults 212-620-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alexander

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

reduced the progression of injury to the heart,

8063Springer Science+Business Media The

according to research...


What water looks like to DNA

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013 news tips

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 240-535-4954American Institute of Physics New computational method... 214-7061392American Heart Association Disappearing stent continues...

Stanford study could lead to paradigm shift in organic solar cell research

Holistic cell design leads to highperformance, long cycle-life Li/S battery

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark 650-723-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Allan 510-486-4210DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National

9296Stanford University IMAGE: Stanford scientists

Laboratory Berkeley Lab battery...


Tea Party Florida congressman to be arraigned on drug charge MIAMI (Reuters) – U.S. Representative Trey Radel,

The Food Ties That Bind: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2013 Conference

a Tea Party Republican from Florida, is due to be

Last month, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

arraigned in a...

held its annual conference (The Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo,...

Toronto mayor vows to go clean while city hall changes the locks

The M ayor of M ayors

By Cameron French TORONTO (Reuters) – Toronto Mayor Rob Ford vowed on Tuesday he

With the recent elections of mayors in different

I never thought I wanted to be mayor until last week. cities, scandals anew...

would stay away from drugs, alcohol...

Rice: Obama not feeling down over low poll numbers

M indfulness & M editation: Resting in Stillness

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama is not depressed over his low job approval

I’ve written much about the benefits of meditation, from stress management to mood stability, from

ratings, a top adviser said...

increased creativity...

The Secret to Taking Stress Out of Holiday Travel…

Researchers suggest China consider national flu vaccination plan with staggered timing

Yes, you know it, I know it, the holidays are coming W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

up. With the holidays comes travel and when there are a lot of people...

China should tailor its influenza vaccination strategies to account for its three distinct flu regions, according to the...

Obesity and nutrition are keys to avoiding metabolic syndrome

J&J to pay $2.5B to settle hip replacement suits

Data reported by the Hearts Beat Back: The Heart of New Ulm Project reinforce the positive influence

Johnson Johnson says it will pay $2.5 billion to settle thousands of lawsuits brought by hip

of lifestyle factors...

replacement patients who accuse...

New study helps predict life expectancy in healthy people using complete blood count risk score

Hospital patients will be given a named nurse in wake of M id-Staffs

For years, doctors have been divided on how

The Health Secretary told the House of Commons: “One of the most chilling accounts of the Francis

effective annual testing and screenings are for

report came from Mid...

apparently healthy individuals....

Take aspirin before bed to cut morning heart risk

One M an’s Journey From Obesity and Diabetes to Health

However, the findings by researchers at the Leiden

I recently met John, a trim, silver-haired, energetic

University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, showed that taking aspirin...

man in his mid-60s who was a guest at our evening church service for...

Those Who M ind: The Case Against Trying to Win People Over

Kids less fit than parents worldwide

There’s always someone that you long to win over,

analysis of studies on millions of children around

isn’t there? In my experience there is often a few of those...

the world...

Blacks have less access to cancer specialists, treatment

Smoking increases risk of death for nasopharyngeal carcinoma survivors

Researchers at the University of California, San

Survivors of nasopharyngeal carcinoma who are

Diego School of Medicine say metastatic colorectal cancer patients of African-American...

former or current smokers are more likely to have their disease progress, relapse,...

Imaging the magnetically stimulated brain

New study finds no benefit to selecting dose of blood thinner based on patients’ genetic makeup

Today’s kids can’t keep up with their parents. An

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

()—MRI scanners have steadily increased in

A new study led by researchers at the Perelman

power, giving researchers ever finer-grained

School of Medicine at the University of

snapshots of the brain in action....

Pennsylvania has determined that a...

Jeremy Hunt: NHS culture needs ‘profound transformation’

What This Personal Trainer Wants in Her Gym Bag This Holiday Season

2:56PM GMT 19 Nov 2013 Comments Jeremy

Now that Halloween is over and the month of

Hunt: NHS culture needs ‘profound transformation’

November is in full swing, it’s time to start thinking about the holidays!...

Does Oil Pulling Work? We Tried It Out (VIDEO)


Oil pulling isn’t anything like it sounds. For one, the

I’d like to share this poem for all of those viewers of Super Soul Sunday who were moved enough by it

beauty routine consists not so much of pulling but

to ask me where...

of swishing,...

Eat Your Way to Clear, Healthy Skin With These 27 Super-M eals

DSM to fold pharma arm into venture with private equity firm

The expression “you are what you eat” may be

By Sara Webb and Euan Rocha

more accurate than you think. There are many

AMSTERDAM/TORONTO (Reuters) – Dutch food

factors that contribute...

and chemicals group DSM will spin off its pharmaceuticals...

U.S. official says Obamacare subsidies function due mid-January

The Weekly Rune: Othala

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama

reversed Runes, so working with them has seldom

administration said on Tuesday that the computer function needed to provide consumer...

been a concern...

Vaccination ‘a civil duty’ according to new report

Kids worldwide are less fit than their parents were, study shows

Tuesday November 19 2013 Vaccines could help

Today’s kids can’t keep up with their parents. An

battle the problem of antibiotic...

analysis of studies on millions of children around the world...

Study identifies marker for high-risk prostate cancers

Albuquerque, N.M ., voters to decide on abortion limits

Othala — property — I don’t generally draw

Tuesday November 19 2013 Higher levels of SANTA FE, New Mexico (Reuters) – Voters in W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

NAALADL2 were linked to aggressive...

Albuquerque will decide on Tuesday on an initiative that would outlaw most...

U.S. healthcare website has security bugs, expert warns Congress

Health Highlights: Nov. 19, 2013

(Reuters) – The website at the center of U.S. President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul

news developments, compiled by the editors of

Here are some of the latest health and medical HealthDay: Bill Could Give FDA...

has security flaws...

Security risks to U.S. healthcare portal, experts testify in Congress (Reuters) – Republicans opened a second front in their political battle against President Barack Obama’s healthcare...

Half of middle-aged men who have a heart attack have shown warning signs of it up to a M ONTH before Among 567 men 56 per cent had chest pain, 13 per cent had shortness of breath and 4 per cent suffered dizziness, fainting...

Can taking a pill banish winter wrinkles?

We spend 2.5 YEARS of our lives battling colds

The first clinical trial into the effect of a beauty

It is not true that you should ‘feed a cold and starve

supplement containing micro-nutrients found it

a fever’ – regardless of what is wrong with you,...

improved the condition...

How Google is rotting our memories: Young people today have ‘worse memories than their parents’

Office installs desk treadmills to ramp up productivity

People’s reliance on the Internet has caused

That’s what 22 Winnipeg office workers have done in an effort to be...

growing levels of forgetfulness Many people now

Would you trade your office chair for a treadmill?

see Google as an extension...

ADHD: What a Difference a Diagnosis M akes

Interim health care needs on the rise among older people

There I was in 2011, ready to hang myself in the

Marketers with privately run seniors’ residences

cold, dark basement as my wife worked upstairs in

are appealing to those who need a safe space to

her home office. I was...

recuperate after hospital...

Daycare gives kids crackers, fines mom for unhealthy lunch

Antibiotic resistance ‘crisis looms’ Excess and inappropriate use of antibiotics needs

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

A Manitoba mom is steamed after she packed

to be curbed because antibiotic resistant infections

lunches for her children in daycare and was slapped with a $10 fine for not including...

are increasing “at...

Gene tests on dogs boost hopes for haemophilia

Intraoperative RLN monitoring prior to thyroid surgery improves surgical outcomes

Scientists on Tuesday said they had treated haemophilia in dogs by fixing a flawed gene, marking a step forward towards treating...

Intraoperative recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) monitoring has gained popularity with approximately 53 percent of general...

Weill Cornell M edical College receives grant to support research efforts designed to end women’s cancers

Scientists announce successful installation of first Blue Gene Active Storage system worldwide

MasterCard today announced a $500,000 grant to Weill Cornell Medical College to support research

The ever growing complexity of various simulation tasks not only require a continuous increase of

efforts designed to end...

computing power but also...

Penn researchers advance towards new DNA sequencing technique using graphene nanoribbon proteins are contained in a person’s DNA, a string

£2 test may end needless prostate cancer treatment: Exam could distinguish between life-threatening tumours and those that are relatively harmless

of chemicals...

There are higher levels of the protein NAALADL2 in

The instructions for building all of the body’s

aggressive tumours Doctors can identify tumours that are likely to pose...

The secret to being skinny? Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day

Thought there was just one type of boredom? Think again: Scientists identify a FIFTH form of tedium

People who have regular sleep patters have lower levels of body fat Getting less than 6.5 hours, or

Researchers already knew about four types of boredom – indifferent boredom, calibrating

more than 8.5 hours,...

boredom, searching boredom...

Giving babies a combination of breast milk and solids from 17 weeks could prevent them developing food allergies

Poem: Bipolar Life I’m mad Then glad Then disappointed Then triumphant Make up your mind man! Self-

preservation Self-awareness Self-affliction SelfW ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Giving a baby solids while also feeding them breast milk could teach their immune system solid

defeat One...

foods are safe, meaning they...

Dr. George Doodnaught guilty of 21 sex assaults of patients A Toronto court has found Dr. George Doodnaught, an anesthesiologist, guilty of sexually assaulting 21 women while they were...

Bats harbour more deadly viruses 19 November 2013 Last updated at 11:00 ET By Rebecca Morelle Science reporter, BBC World Service The...

Doctor jailed for assaulting family

Threat to maternity care at hospital

19 November 2013 Last updated at 10:34 ET A doctor has been jailed for 15 months after being

19 November 2013 Last updated at 10:22 ET A Withybush hospital consultant called for the health

found guilty of carrying out...

minister to step in Staff...

GP service facing ‘crisis’ warning

Hunt pledges to restore trust in NHS

19 November 2013 Last updated at 10:54 ET By

19 November 2013 Last updated at 09:31 ET By

Owain Clarke BBC Wales health correspondent Dr Charlotte Jones...

Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News Please turn on...

Does doctor know best? A new approach to "evidence" based health care

Chronic diseases taking up more of GPs’ time

Leading health care experts have today called for a fresh approach to evaluating treatment amid

GPs in Australia are working three hours less per week in direct clinical care, however they are dealing with more health...

claims that dog walking and...

Aortic valve replacement improves survival and outcomes in elderly patients

Study shows mechanical chest compressions improve poor outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Jose Augusto Barreto-Filho, M.D., Ph.D., of the Federal University of Sergipe and the Clinica e Hospital Sao Lucas, Sergipe,...

Sten Rubertsson, M.D., Ph.D., of Uppsala University, Sweden and colleagues assessed whether cardiopulmonary resuscitation...

Privately insured patients shows more weight loss after bariatric surgery than government-subsidized insurance

Brain signals in fibromyalgia patients: an interview with Dr. M arco Loggia from M assachusetts General Hospital and Harvard M edical School in Boston

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Researchers found the biggest determinant of weight loss after bariatric surgery was not how long

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) Your recent research studied brain

a patient was on a medically...

signal disruption in fibromyalgia...

Dr. George Doodnaught faces sex assault verdict today

B.C.’s ‘bedroom dentist’ remains in custody in Toronto

A Toronto court is expected to deliver a verdict today in the case of Dr. George Doodnaught, the

A B.C. man accused of setting up an illegal dental practice in the bedroom of a house near Vancouver

anesthesiologist accused...

made a brief appearance...

Drinking milk in teen years questioned for bone benefits

AUDIO: Sanitation ‘biggest’ challenge

Drinking milk as a teen doesn’t necessarily prevent hip fractures later in life, according to a U.S. study

Toilet Day by the UN. Its aim is to draw attention to the huge impact that issues...

November 19th has been designated as World

that raises...

Teen girl ‘youngest stem cell donor’

Blueprint for restoring trust in NHS

19 November 2013 Last updated at 07:08 ET

19 November 2013 Last updated at 09:31 ET By

Victoria Rathmill signed up to the bone marrow register when she was 16 A schoolgirl...

Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The Francis...

How to buy the healthiest yogurt

Breast M RIs not always used appropriately, studies suggest

Yogurt has earned itself a reputation as a true health-food superstar. But know this: “Yogurt can turn into junk food...

The percentage of women undergoing magnetic

Horizon Pharma to buy U.S. rights to AstraZeneca’s arthritis drug

Albuquerque, N.M ., voters to decide on municipal abortion limits

(Reuters) – Horizon Pharma Inc said it would buy

SANTA FE, New Mexico (Reuters) – Voters in

the right to market AstraZeneca Plc’s arthritis drug Vimovo...

Albuquerque on Tuesday will decide on an initiative to outlaw most late-term...

M erck brings maternity program from poor nations to U.S. as deaths rise

Health Tip: Enjoy Raw Seafood Safely

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Merck Co on Tuesday said

raw seafood you’re about to enjoy is safe to eat. The U.S....

resonance imaging (MRI) exams of the breast has increased in recent years, but...

– Before you dig into your sashimi, make sure the

it is expanding its “Merck for Mothers” program, which aims... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Health Tip: When Your Child Is Overweight

Where is language located in the brain? There are two sides to this story

– If your child is overweight, encouraging him or her

Simple facts about the brain are rare, but one of

to eat healthy foods and get plenty of exercise can help in the...

them is that for most people language function is located mainly in their...

Scientists have spotted the movement of hot gas from NGC 5044

M iso Glazed Butternut Squash & Apple Soup With Coconut

share Astronomers say they are able to see hot

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I’ve

gas moving in this galaxy because of an interaction with another galaxy millions...

already got an abundance of squash in my kitchen. While miso is nothing...

New trial assess effects on hip fracture, colorectal cancer incidence in postmenopausal women

KLOX receives CE mark approval in Europe for non-invasive acne vulgaris treatment

New results are in from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) Calcium plus Vitamin D

LumiCleanseTM is a clinically-proven treatment now available for all severities of acne vulgaris

Supplementation Trial. These findings...

developed by KLOX in Canada,...

Can You Ride-Share Your Way to Friendship?

Best of Our Blogs: November 19, 2013

There is a question that is often attributed to children but actually spans all ages: How do I

Someone told me recently that I strongly identify with labels. Instead of saying, “I’m worried,” for example, I might...

make friends? You have probably...

Disability is not a negative label 18 November 2013 Last updated at 20:05 ET By Emma Tracey BBC News, Ouch When Cerrie Burnell joined CBeebies...

The problem with the phrase ‘battling cancer’ 18 November 2013 Last updated at 19:44 ET Are military metaphors such as “battling” always appropriate when it...

VIDEO: Staffing levels ‘behind misdiagnosis’ Hospitals will have to publish data on monthly staff levels from next April, in response to a report on the

Patient tells of hepatitis C concern 18 November 2013 Last updated at 13:34 ET Angela Richards is also concerned about any possible implications for her family...

massive failings... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

‘Baby in cupboard’ midwife guilty 19 November 2013 Last updated at 07:04 ET Yvonne Musonda-Malata had denied the allegations A midwife who left a baby face...

Zimbabwe warned on risk of cholera outbreak Human Rights Watch on Tuesday warned that Zimbabwe’s capital Harare was at risk of repeating a cholera outbreak five...

D.C. insurance commissioner fired after questioning Obama’s fix for ‘canceled plans’

Annual rates of CPR training vary widely across the U.S.

After publicly criticizing the president’s proposed fix

are low and vary widely across the country, but the communities most in...

for plans that had been canceled under the health law and...

Annual rates of CPR training in the United States

Long-term use of PDE3 inhibitors can lead to increased risk for sudden cardiac death

Patients treated with high-risk endoscopic procedure less likely to be admitted in hospital

Drugs known as PDE3 inhibitors save many lives by helping failing hearts do a better job of pumping

Patients who seek treatment from physicians who more frequently perform a high-risk endoscopic

blood. But those same...

procedure are less likely...

Connah Broom: The boy kept alive by love

Study: Commuting Adversely Effects Political Engagement

By Frances Hardy PUBLISHED: 18:08 EST, 14 November 2013 | UPDATED: 02:32 EST, 15

Researchers think an increase in commuting may be partly to blame for widespread political

November 2013 When Connah Broom was about...

disengagement among many Americans....

VIDEO: Inside a typhoon field hospital

Study analyses brain while shopping

The impact of Typhoon Haiyan is still taking its toll on the Philippines, with key infrastructure such as

19 November 2013 Last updated at 03:03 ET By Neil Prior BBC News Bangor University is using a

hospitals destroyed...

£3m medical...

Depression in pregnancy: New study shows preferences for therapy over medication

Women with regular sleep patterns could be skinnier, study says

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Connie 646-

This was proven by the fact that that women with 90 minutes of variation in sleep and wake time during the week had higher...

674-6348Wolters Kluwer Health Journal of W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!


Breast biopsies can affect short-term quality-of-life and effects are pronounced in younger patients

Study examines two surgical approaches for treatment of severe ischemic mitral regurgitation

Breast biopsies can adversely affect short-term quality-of-life, and the effects are more pronounced

The Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (CTSN), whose Data and Clinical Coordinating

in younger patients,...

Center is at Icahn School of Medicine...

GW SM HS takes applications for spring 2014 Bachelor’s Degree Program in Emergency Health Services

‘M y partner’s nagging saved my life’: M other who dismissed breast changes as ‘nothing’ eventually discovers she has aggressive cancer

The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the Emergency Health Services program is now...

Claire Norman, 41, was ‘not too worried’ when her

Twelve mistakes even good GPs make

Equine Therapy: One Directional #NHBPM

Rapid pace of advancement in medicine put

nipple became inverted Her partner, Francis, nagged her until...

pressure on GPs in 2013 They can struggle to remain current with all the latest...

Equine therapy Day 17 of Mental Health Humor

VIDEO: Hospitals to publish staff levels

Patient tells of Hepatitis C concern

Hospitals in England will be made to publish

18 November 2013 Last updated at 13:34 ET

monthly updates on nursing figures in their wards from April next year. Patients...

Angela Richards is also concerned about any possible implications for her family...

Child exposure to car smoke ‘common’

Recipes for Health: Dried Porcini Consommé

19 November 2013 Last updated at 02:46 ET Some parts of the world have already banned smoking in cars More than 430,000...

Scientists use new method to draw map of cancer’s family tree A new method to take the DNA fingerprint of

Family Stew and National Health Blog Post Month November Blog PARTY: (#NHBPM...

1 ounce dried porcini mushrooms (about 1 cup, approximately) 2 cups boiling water 1/4 pound fresh white mushrooms,...

M anipulating PRH protein can help prevent cancer cells from unnecessary migration

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

individual cancer cells is uncovering the true extent of cancer’s genetic...

Viewpoints: Obamacare has resisted death throes before; website success stories from 3 governors; health law taking a toll on choice of doctors in M edicare Advantage The New York Times: The Three Burials of Obamacare The first time Obamacare seemed

DNA regulator stops cancer cells in their tracks Understanding how and why cancer cells move away from their original location...

Research shows oral contraceptive use over three years could be a risk factor for glaucoma Research presented today, at the 117th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology in New Orleans, has found...

finished, doomed, doornail-dead, the...

High-tech plaster that tells you to stop snoring

Ask the doctor: Why do I keep having these dizzy spells?

By Pat Hagan PUBLISHED: 18:06 EST, 18 November 2013 | UPDATED: 18:26 EST, 18 November 2013 A sticky plaster worn under the...

By Martin Scurr PUBLISHED: 18:15 EST, 18 November 2013 | UPDATED: 18:40 EST, 18 November 2013 Once again I am stuck at home...

Why are more and more of us getting brain tumours? For Claire, it started with a tingle in her hand. Then came a terrifying diagnosis

How to get Jessica Biel’s legs: Secrets of an A-list body

Mother-of-two Claire Craig, 36, from surbiton had

By Peta Bee PUBLISHED: 18:47 EST, 18 November 2013 | UPDATED: 19:12 EST, 18 November 2013 How to get the enviable

tumour on her brain Discovered benign hemangioblastoma after MRI for suspicious...


M ovember: Supporting M en’s Health

Drinking more milk as a teenager does not lower risk of hip fracture later

Okay Ladies, let’s give it: a little helpful support to Movember! Wouldn’t You agree: Men’s health issues including...

Drinking more milk as a teenager apparently does

Cut risk of death from heart disease by eating more omega-3 rich tuna

Tiny ‘spider mites’ that may cause a blotchy red face

By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 19:43 EST, 18

By Jo Waters PUBLISHED: 20:02 EST, 18

not lower the risk of hip fracture as an older adult and instead appears...

November 2013 | UPDATED: 19:44 EST, 18 November 2013 | UPDATED: 20:02 EST, 18 November 2013 Eating tuna twice a... November 2013 Lisa Goldsmith had rosacea The... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Sorry, those ‘fast-acting’ painkillers are a waste of money

Australian women outlive men then struggle with disadvantage

By Cara Lee PUBLISHED: 19:56 EST, 18 November 2013 | UPDATED: 20:05 EST, 18

Women live longer and healthier lives than men but face lower rates of pay, are less likely to participate

November 2013 There’s no need to buy expensive...

in paid work and...

Is cycling getting more or less dangerous?

Beta-blockers before surgery appear associated with lower risk of heartrelated events

18 November 2013 Last updated at 19:42 ET By Sam Judah BBC News Magazine A cyclist in south London has...

Giving beta-blocker medication to patients with

Rural and southern regions lack annual training in CPR

Preterm birth risk increases for pregnant women exposed to phthalates

Annual rates of CPR training in the United States

The odds of preterm delivery appear to increase for

are low and vary widely across the country, but the communities most in...

pregnant women exposed to phthalates, chemicals people are exposed to...

Small vessel changes in eye, kidney provide clues to risky heart rhythm People with damage in the small blood vessels of

Flawed Gauge for Cholesterol Risk Poses a New Challenge for Cardiologists

the retina and kidneys are at increased risk to develop the most common...

Yet the outdated risk figures are the only ones available for researchers to use as assessment

heart disease undergoing noncardiac surgery appears to be associated with...

tools, cardiologists say,...

#44 A Paradox seyed mostafa zamani via Compfight seyed mostafa zamani via CompfightWe are talking about a paradox—a logical inconsistency,...

Celebrity Recovery From a Personal Perspective Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false"...

Overcoming Obsessive Thinking Julie had been a “worry wart” all her life. The morning of her big presentation, she found herself

82 per cent of children now survive childhood cancer 82 per cent of children now survive childhood

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

at it again. She worried...

cancer Tuesday 19 November 2013 Cancer Research UK Press Release More than...

Did Richard Nixon change the way people describe cancer?

Call to re-use pacemakers abroad

18 November 2013 Last updated at 19:44 ET Are military metaphors such as “battling” always appropriate when it...

VIDEO: Pacemakers recycled to save lives A British charity has said it wants to start sending pacemakers removed from dead people in the UK to developing countries...

Hospitals to publish staffing levels 18 November 2013 Last updated at 20:51 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News There has been...

18 November 2013 Last updated at 19:56 ET By Tulip Mazumdar Global health reporter Ganpat says he could...

Call to raise prescriptions to £10 18 November 2013 Last updated at 20:56 ET Prescription charges in England should be increased to £10 to fund cash-strapped...

National study finds renal stenting does not improve outcomes for renal artery stenosis patients According to the findings from a national research trial, people who suffer from a narrowing of the arteries that lead to...

6M WT does not reflect activity in primary care COPD patients

Chinese Supercomputer Retains Title Of World’s Fastest

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter Researchers have found that functional exercise

Enlarge image i The Cray-built Titan, at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, comes in second. Jason K.

capacity does not reflect physical...


Does Your Relationship Have IDD? Part 2

Do 12 Step M eetings Work for Sex Addicts?

Six steps to reverse it. IDD (Intimacy Deficiency Disorder) is an insidious relationship-threatening

As a sex addiction therapist I’m asked all the time, “How can I stop my sexual acting out behavior?”

condition that if unaddressed...

While the acting...

Bulk mixers of prescribed drugs get more scrutiny

Could vaccines someday improve heart health?

Congress has taken a half step toward increasing (HealthDay)—People routinely get vaccinations to federal oversight of so-called compounding ward off the flu or prevent infectious diseases such W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

pharmacies that custom mix medications...

as measles and whooping...

Tackling early socioeconomic inequality as important as encouraging smoking cessation

Some doctors challenge new statin guidelines

Although health behaviours such as smoking are directly linked to the majority of early deaths in the

(HealthDay)—A new online cholesterol risk calculator produced by two leading U.S. heart organizations is flawed and overstates...

UK, tackling these...

Peepoo Disposable Toilet Has Silly Name, But It Could Save Lives

Treating Insomnia to M ay Help Cure Depression

It didn’t take Tuesday’s World Toilet Day for a Swedish firm to get to work on the global sanitation crisis. Peepoople...

The new report affirms the results of a smaller pilot study, giving scientists confidence that the effects of the insomnia...

How And Where Should We Rebuild After Natural Disasters?

M AVEN Lifts Off On Nearly Half-BillionM ile Trip To M ars

Enlarge image i The wreckage in Tacloban, Philippines, on Nov. 16 was overwhelming, after Typhoon Haiyan plowed through. ...

Enlarge image i NASA’s MAVEN, short for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, with a capital “N”...

First Fuel Rods Plucked From TsunamiDamaged Fukushima Plant

M eat M ummies: How Ancient Egyptians Prepared Feasts For Afterlife

Enlarge image i In this handout image provided by Tokyo Electric Power Co, workers remove nuclear fuel rods from...

Enlarge image i Anyone up for meat mummies? Above, a mummified beef rib from the tomb of Tjuiu, an Egyptian noblewoman,...

Why Do Fools Fall in Love? Our Brains Have…

Drinking milk in teens years questioned for bone benefits

There are probably more books written, more movies made, and more opinions offered about love and relationships than just...

Drinking milk as a teen doesn’t necessarily prevent hip fractures later in life, according to a U.S. study that raises...

Atrial fibrillation hospitalizations, costs soar in United States

Newly developed antidote successfully reversed anti-clotting medication dabigatran

U.S. hospitalizations and costs of care for atrial fibrillation nearly doubled from 1998 to 2010,

For the first time, an antidote developed specifically

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

according to research presented...

for dabigatran successfully reversed the effects of the anti-clotting...

Review finds statin use not linked to a decline in cognitive function

Study questions hypothermia treatment for cardiac arrest

Based on the largest comprehensive systematic

Therapeutic hypothermia – cooling the body and

review to date, researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University...

brain down to 33°C – is the method used worldwide to treat cardiac arrest,...

Grandmother died after catching 4 superbugs at University Hospital of North Staffordshire

Patient was accidentally tipped off the operating table onto the FLOOR during surgery

Lillian Baddeley fell ill at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire Family say she was

Ten medics were gathered around the anaesthetised patient during surgery at the

‘systematically attacked’...

Western General Hospital in Edinburgh But...

In enzyme’s isoforms, hope for developing heart drugs that improve contractility, prevent SCD

M AVEN Lifts Off On Nearly Half-Billion M ile Trip To M ars

Drugs known as PDE3 inhibitors save many lives by helping failing hearts do a better job of pumping blood. But those same...

Enlarge image i NASA’s MAVEN, short for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, with a capital “N”...

Another voluntary euthanasia bill bites the dust

Body Image Booster: Your Body Is Not The Problem

When it comes to legislating voluntary euthanasia in Australia, success is rare and short lived. The Tasmanian Voluntary...

Every Monday features a tip, activity, inspiring quote or some other tidbit that helps boost your body image, whether directly...

How to Keep Your Friends

Verses of Awakening

Most adult friendships end not with a bang, but with a whimper. They peter out through unreturned

Interpreting poetry is a dirty business. Understanding why it affected you is not so bad.

messages or promises...

Here’s another verse that woke...

Gene plays major role in suppressing cancer

Global efforts needed to curb antibiotic resistance

Adelaide researchers have found that a specific (HealthDay)—Global efforts are needed to curb gene plays an important role in suppressing antibiotic resistance, according to a report W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

lymphoma, a type of blood cell...

published online Nov. 16 in...

Toddlers who use tablets or smartphones may develop long-term problems with their hands and fingers, experts warn

M ystery syndrome which causes pain worse than childbirth AND amputation that’s baffling docs

When children use touchscreens they are not

happen to anyone without any specific cause CRPS has no cure and causes chronic...

building up muscles needed for writing – which means they suffer from decreased...

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) can

Weight loss surgery could REVERSE the effects of ageing: Study finds it can protect against type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer

‘We’re worried he might eat himself to death’: Toddler has rare genetic condition which means he is always hungry

After surgery some patients’ telomeres – genetic biomarkers that play a role in ageing of cells – lengthened suggesting...

Geezer Buxton, has the rare genetic condition Prader-Willi syndrome The toddler is always hungry as has no ability to realise...

Poultry probiotic’s coat clues to ability to battle bugs

Keeping Teenagers Safe In Vehicles: Alcohol use is down…

IFR researchers have characterised the coat of a potential poultry probiotic, giving the first clues of how it may be used...

Driving accidents remain the number one cause of mortality among American teenagers. Alcohol use is often involved, and more...

Dr. Google is Calling & You can (M ostly) Trust Her

An Open Letter to Parenting Experts

Nowadays, nearly everybody turns to Google (and to a lesser extent, Bing or a Bing-powered website like Yahoo) to search...

Dear Parenting Expert, As part of the research I’ve been doing for the parenting book I’m currently writing, I’ve been...

Outdoor exercisers reap unexpected gains by moving indoors

Heart hospitalization a chance to improve relatives’ health

Road runners and cyclists may dread moving their exercise routines indoors as winter approaches but fitness experts say it...

Family members of heart disease patients get more physically active and eat more fruits and vegetables after counselling...

Even afternoon coffee disrupts sleep,

New smarter M edtronic pacemaker may

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study finds

cut future heart damage: study

Monday November 18 2013 Some shop-bought

DALLAS (Reuters) – A new generation of Medtronic

coffees contain up to 500mg of caffeine “Drinking...

Inc’s EnRhythm pacemaker programmed to kick in only when heart...

M erck trial shows more melanoma cancer patients respond to drug

New Study Paints Grim Health Picture for Obese Teens

(Reuters) – Early data from a small trial of Merck

MONDAY Nov. 18, 2013, 2013 — Severely obese

Co Inc’s experimental immunotherapy cancer drug, known as...

teens are at increased risk for a host of serious health problems as adults,...

College Students Feel Pull of Cigarette Ads, Study Finds

Kiadis reports successful Phase II enrollment for CR-AIR-007 ATIR blood cancer treatment study

MONDAY Nov. 18, 2013, 2013 — The influence of just one cigarette ad can last for seven days and increases the risk...

Kiadis Pharma B.V., a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing treatments for blood cancers, today announces the...

American Academy of Ophthalmology unveils comprehensive eye disease and condition patient database

Paragonix files second 510(k) with FDA for Sherpa Pak Cardiac Transport System

The American Academy of Ophthalmology today unveiled the nation’s first comprehensive eye disease and condition patient...

Paragonix Technologies, Inc. today announced that it has successfully completed filing of a second Pre-Marketing Notification...

U.S. M arshals seize more than $2 million in adulterated dietary supplements from Georgia company

VIDEO: Surrogates have ‘positive experience’

<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/18/2013 –> Page Last Updated: 11/18/2013 <!– ...

Care of brain injury victims ‘poor’ 18 November 2013 Last updated at 10:26 ET By Alison Holt Social Affairs Correspondent, BBC News The footage...

In India, producing surrogate babies is a booming business. Reproductive technology allows wealthy but childless couples...

M edication adherence after hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome Patients better adhered to their medication regimens in the year following hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome (ACS)...

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M ost teen mental health problems go untreated

Study validates new anti-cancer therapy based on cell division

More than half of adolescents with psychiatric disorders receive no treatment of any sort, says a new study by E. Jane Costello,...

Aurora-A is a protein involved in the cell division process that is highly expressed or synthesised in a large number of...

Therapy using stem cells, bone marrow cells, appears safe for patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy

11 Facts About Binge Eating Disorder

Alan W. Heldman, M.D., of the University of Miami

does he live that way?...

How many of the following have you heard or even thought: “Doesn’t she have any self-respect? How

Miller School of Medicine, and colleagues conducted a study to examine...

Prayers for (Very Hard or Very Good) Times

B.C. man accused of illegal dentistry turns himself in

I have experienced loss many times in my life – big

A B.C. man accused of setting up an illegal dental

loss, small loss, in-between loss. But every time it happens again...

practice in the bedroom of a house near Vancouver has turned himself in,...

A protein complex for the long haul

Big data, tailored care

A multiprotein complex called TREX plays a key

What looks like an old-school phone book is

role in expression of the genetic information. Moreover, as a new study demonstrates...

gripped by UCSF neuroscientist Pierre-Antoine Gourraud, PhD, MPH. But he soon...

M itochondrial mystery: Investigating cells’ power packs fuels understanding of rare, and common, diseases

Digging deeper into cancer

()—Mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells,

What a pathologist looks for in a Pap test sample, but hopes not to find, are oddly shaped cells with abnormally large nuclei....

would have been good models for the “Got Milk?” campaign; they...

Contraceptive pill ‘doubles risk of leading cause of blindness’

Test for aggressive prostate cancer

Researchers found that women who had used oral

cancer each year in the UK and about 10,700 die from the disease annually. Lead...

contraceptives for three years or more were twice as likely to have had...

Some 41,000 men are diagnosed with prostate

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Your Brain Processes Information Even When You’re Not Conscious Of It: Study

Vismodegib in basal cell carcinoma: Added benefit not proven

Even when you don’t see something, your brain does, according to a new study. Researchers from

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Anna-Sabine 49-022-135-6850Institute

the University of Arizona...

for Quality and Efficiency in Health...

M anipulation of protein could help stop spread of cancer cells

What The Twin Cities Can Teach Us About Living Well

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Caroline 44-011-792-

Our Living Well, On Location series explores cities and countries from around the world. How do other

88086University of Bristol DNA regulator stops...

people pursue health...

Find The Beauty In The Simplest Of Things

We Tried It: Yamuna Body Rolling

The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life — and

Where: At Yamuna’s flagship studio in New York City’s West Village....

What We Tried: Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR)

your well-being — off...

Brain Regions Responsible For Nicotine Withdrawal Pinpointed by Researchers By Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato Dustin Kennerley tried to quit smoking three times over the course of two years. The constant...

3 Things You Can Do to Improve Your M ood in 2 M inutes The mind-body connection is well-documented in research from neuroscience, psychiatry, and medicine. Findings have consistently...

Philippine Typhoon — A Devastating Wake Up Call

What wrecks your diet most at Thanksgiving

By Josh Karliner, International Team Coordinator, Health Care Without Harm Will climate change adversely impact human health?...

Want to make sure you’ll be able to button your jeans after Thanksgiving dinner? Limit your exposure to stealth fat...

Be cautious with antibiotics for kids, committee warns

Habitual dietary intake of human associated with fecal microbiota composition

Pediatricians should carefully evaluate kids with ear infections, runny noses and sore throats before giving them antibiotics,...

The establishment of microbial populations in the gastrointestinal (GI)-tract is a complex process, involving microbial and...

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Determining the benefit of using a dedicated aero medical response for neonatal and paediatric patients

New ways to monitor children’s respiration

Embrace, the Yorkshire and Humber Infant and Children’s inter-hospital transfer service wanted to

develop new equipment to monitor the respiration activity of patients....

Sheffield Children’s Hospital identified a need to

determine the potential...

Researchers create new hybrid heart valve that remained strong, durable throughout the tests

Eating a full English breakfast CAN help you lose weight: Protein – not cereal or fruit

A hybrid heart valve created from thin and highly elastic mesh embedded within layers of human

A meal high in protein instead of carbohydrate or fibre for breakfast can fight off hunger and avoid the

cells was strong and durable...

urge to over-eat...

Could symptoms of autism be ERASED by stimulating the brain? M agnets could boost social skills

Rise of drug-resistant superbugs could make routine operations deadly

Magnetic brain stimulation can help people with autism with interaction It can boost the part of the brain that is underactive...

NPR RSS Error NPR Services About NPR RSS Feeds NPR news and information is available through RSS feeds, which use a technology ...

Experts writing in medical journal said 19th century death rates will return Said scientists need an incentive to develop...

I Love To Go A Wandering, Among The M ental Paths Wander wither thou wouldst … Mental wandering, for many of us, is not a good thing. Okay, mental wandering is not a good...

Free Webinar: What is Group CBT for ADHD?

Gene associated with high risk of severe childhood asthma

Group psychotherapy specializing in helping

An international scientific team has discovered a

people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a relatively new...

gene associated with a high risk of severe childhood asthma. The specific...

Childhood cancer survivors face heart problems decades after treatment Abstract: 10400 (Poster 2186 – Hall F, Core 2)

Experts develop new working formulation for reporting of cardiac antibody-mediated rejection

Cancer treatment takes a toll on the hearts of child

Experts issue consensus statement in The Journal

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

survivors, according...

of Heart and Lung Transplantation Antibodymediated rejection of the transplanted...

DNA tells the story of how ancient humans first came to the Americas

Pair of lungs that live on after donor’s death give hope to transplant patients

University of Illinois anthropology professor Ripan

University of North Carolina found lungs kept alive

Malhi looks to DNA to tell the story of how ancient humans first came...

by air for up to 4 hours Surgeons could now recover organs from people...

New hope for asthma sufferers as scientists find gene that triggers condition

Time to get cooking: The secret to a healthy heart lies in a simple tomato sauce

Researchers hope findings will lead to better treatments for the disease Condition affects

Spanish researchers found tomato-based sauce contains as many as 40 antioxidants which are

5.4million Britons and caused...

believed to protect the heart...

Don’t try this at home! Scientists find new way to stop skin ageing

Philippines’ Aquino ‘tempted to despair’ at typhoon toll

A bleach dilution found to be effective in treating skin damage Scientists believe a 0.005 per cent

By Eric dela Cruz MANILA (Reuters) – The United Nations expressed fear on Monday that some

solution helps inhibit...

Philippine islands hit...

Assailant opens fire at Paris newspaper HQ

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics supports new cardiovascular guidelines

PARIS (Reuters) – An assailant opened fire at the central Paris office of left-wing daily newspaper Liberation on Monday,...

The reality of existing insurance coverage precludes effective implementation of four newly released cardiovascular guidelines...

Basic first aid tips for people with epilepsy

Argos Soditic-managed funds announce acquisition of Cisbio Bioassays

Ask Patricia Gibson and she can tell you numerous stories that convey the misconceptions associated with epilepsy. She will...

The funds managed by Argos Soditic announce the acquisition, together with the management, of Cisbio Bioassays. This cutting-edge...

Researchers take close look at medicine’s highest volume activity

Toxic shock death teen’s family plea

17 November 2013 Last updated at 09:28 ET Natasha Scott-Falber dreamed of a career starring W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Laboratory testing is health care’s single highest

in the West End The family...

volume activity, with over 5 billion tests performed each year in...

New ISHLT nomenclature and diagnostic criteria: Antibody-mediated rejection in heart transplantation

Seeking lung donors after at-home death

Antibody-mediated rejection of the transplanted

inflating as doctors measure how well they’ll breathe if implanted...

heart is a recognized clinical complication and a major limitation to survival...

The pair of lungs sits inside a clear dome, gently

Generators to light streets of Philippine typhoon zone

South Africa’s Netcare posts 25 pct rise in full-year earnings

By Aubrey Belford ORMOC, Philippines (Reuters) –

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South African private

Philippine engineers have salvaged generators from a flooded IT park...

hospital group Netcare Ltd reported a 25 percent rise in full-year profit...

New ISHLT nomenclature and diagnostic criteria: Antibody-mediated rejection in heart transplantation

Quitting Porn: The 6 Biggest M istakes

Antibody-mediated rejection of the transplanted heart is a recognized clinical complication and a

Most sex addicts who are trying to quit using internet pornography find it harder than they ever thought. Some simply can’t...

major limitation to survival...

ADHD and Looking For M emory Lane

Parsnip and Carrot Soup With Tarragon

Corie Howell via Compfight My friend (we’ll call her Cathy) met up with some of her old pals in the city

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 1 leek, white and light green part only,

where she used...


Princeton University Considers Use of Foreign M eningitis Vaccine

Risk Calculator for Cholesterol Appears Flawed

Despite the campaign, a male student last week was found to have bacterial meningitis, nearly eight

The apparent problem prompted one leading cardiologist, a past president of the American

months after the outbreak’s...

College of Cardiology, to call on...

Human error most common cause of birth asphyxia

Influence of pro-smoking media messages lasts 7 days, study finds

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dawn 781-388-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Warren 310-451-6913RAND Corporation Exposure to a

8408Wiley Compensation claims cite poor fetal monitoring...

single pro-smoking media message...

Ancient, modern DNA tell story of first humans in the Americas [ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana

New ISHLT nomenclature & diagnostic criteria: Antibody-mediated rejection in heart transplantation

217-333-5802University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign IMAGE: Anthropology...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Elsevier 31-204-853564Elsevier Health Sciences Experts issue consensus...

With board games, it’s how children count that counts

Health check: five sweeteners and what they mean for you

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ed

People have been eating sweet foods for eons. 617-552-4826Boston College Boston College and Carnegie Mellon researchers...

Fruit (fructose), milk (lactose), cane (sucrose), and honey (fructose and glucose)...

M indfulness Can Ease PTSD Symptoms

OCD & Trying to Catch Every Last Detail

There has been a lot of research in mindfulness meditation in the last decade. Mindfulness-Based

Last Christmas, I received as a gift Deepak Chopra’s book, Super Brain. As a person with a

Stress Reduction has been...

mental illness, I wasn’t sure...

Poem: Clouds

Antibiotics are ‘not for snot’

The black cloud Meets the white cloud And darkness takes over In your line of vision. And you

17 November 2013 Last updated at 20:56 ET Running noses and green phlegm do not mean

love the dark cloud You embrace...

patients need antibiotics, say doctors...

GPs ‘pressure from dental patients’ 17 November 2013 Last updated at 21:06 ET

Washington Insurance Official Is Ousted

Dentists are trained to spot signs of oral as well as dental health problems Patients...

This person said that the commissioner, William P. White, had requested but never received permission from the office of...

The Double-Edged Drug: At Clinics, Tumultuous Lives and Turbulent Care

Congressional M emo: Lesson Is Seen in Failure of 1989 Law on M edicare

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PITTSBURGH — The patient is an addict. His doctor is an addict, too. Over the last decade, both

The year was 1989, and the law was the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act, which was supposed

men hit their own versions...

to protect older Americans...

Cancer Research Suggestions – Part

Self-healing battery electrode

Be the first to comment – What do you think?

share Left: An electron micrograph shows cracks

Posted by Usman Zafar Paracha – November...

left in a self-healing polymer coating due to swelling of its silicon electrode...

Robots Allow Doctors To Remotely Advise, Diagnose Patients

Hybrid heart valve is strong, durable in early tests

CARMICHAEL, Calif. (AP) — The doctor isn’t in, but

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen

he can still see you now. Remote presence robots are allowing... 214-7061392American Heart Association Abstract 15923 (Hall F, Core...

Early statin therapy helps kids with inherited high cholesterol

Why Cuck Fancer?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 214-7061392American Heart Association Abstract 17837

Why Cuck Fancer.? It’s simple. In no way shape or form when you hear the words “you have cancer,” do you...

(Hall F, Core...

New effort launched to personalize medicine in heart treatment

Text M essage From Your Heart Doc: ‘Take Your M edicine’

Dallas (Reuters) – Cardiologists are taking aim at treating and preventing heart disease, the world’s

SUNDAY Nov. 17, 2013, 2013 — In the future, better care for heart patients may be just a text message

No. 1 killer,...

away. So says...

Things I Learned Wandering Around Europe for 7 M onths

Texting heart medication reminders improved patient adherence

These things, traveling taught. After five years a slave in the consulting world, I booked a oneway

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 214-706-

ticket to Iceland, and...

1392American Heart Association Abstract 15249 (Room D162) Getting...

Volcano discovered smoldering under a kilometer of ice in West Antarctica

Graphene nanoribbons for ‘reading’ DNA

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Aleksandra

314-935-5272Washington University in St. Louis Its heat may increase the... 41-216937-371Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne EPFL...

Protein coding ‘junk genes’ may be linked to cancer

Effect of lowering of body temperature for adults with cardiac arrest prior to hospital arrival

[ | E-mail ] Contact: The Press 46-852-486-077Karolinska Institutet By using a new analysis method,...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leila 206-

Effect of reducing blood pressure with medications immediately following ischemic stroke

Challenges ahead; Beijing sets sights on a new China

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Arthur 504-247-1443The JAMA Network Journals Chicago

pledged to make the most sweeping changes to the economy and the country’s...

941-4506The JAMA Network Journals Chicago Francis Kim, M.D., of Harborview...

By Kevin Yao BEIJING (Reuters) – China has

Jiang He, M.D., Ph.D.,...

Analysis: Republicans plan 2014 campaign around Obamacare chaos

Top Democrat Pelosi denies party members retreating from Obamacare

By Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Just a few short weeks ago, Republican elders could only

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The top Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Sunday that

hope that time would...

her party would not...

Novel gene variant found in severe childhood asthma

Paths out of uncertainty

[ | E-mail ] Contact: John 267-426- 41-796-559-214ETH Zurich Long-term and average changes are in the...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Reto

6055Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia CHOP genomics...

Scientists invent self-healing battery electrode

2 for 1 in solar power

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy

44-758-707-6777University of Cambridge IMAGE: Left: This shows laser... 650-9264359DOE/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory IMAGE: ...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Brian

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Oxygen, phosphorous and early life on Earth

Study compares outcomes of device for chest compressions vs manual CPR

[ | E-mail ] Contact: 49-331-288-1040GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Helmholtz

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sten Rubertsson, M.D., Ph.D.sten.rubertsson@akademiska.seThe JAMA Network Journals Chicago Sten Rubertsson,...

Centre Two...

Overeating Due to Stress? Click here to listen to this podcast Stress can make

Top Democrat denies party members retreating from Obamacare

some people (me included) lose our appetite. Other folks find comfort...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The top Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Sunday that her party would not...

Weight Loss Can Combat Irregular Heart Beat, Study Says

Fitness Linked to Lower Heart Attack Risk in Heart Disease Patients

SUNDAY Nov. 17, 2013, 2013 — Overweight or obese people can cut their risk of trouble with a

SUNDAY Nov. 17, 2013, 2013 — Being physically fit can help prevent heart attacks and increase

potentially fatal irregular...

survival in people with...

Birthdays & Age Expectations of Today’s Young Adult

Slowing Down The Internal M essage Center

“Your age is your age. But more importantly, your life is your life. Enjoy where you are. Here. Right

It always fascinates me when clients say that they are trying to become the person they were “before”

here.” ~ Today...

their mental health...

Body’s natural defence carries early warning system for recurring cancers

Heart disease no. 1 cause of pregnancy-related deaths in California (w/ Video)

Body’s natural defence carries early warning system for recurring cancers Sunday 17 November 2013 Cancer Research UK...

Drug shows early promise in treating seizures A study out today in the journal Nature Medicine suggests a potential new treatment for the seizures that often plague children...

Heart disease is the leading cause of women’s pregnancy-related deaths in California—but nearly one-third could be...

Researchers identify main genes responsible for asthma attacks in children An international team spearheaded by researchers

from the University of Copenhagen has identified W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

the genes that put some...

After Texas Gas Pipeline Explosion Evacuations, M ost Residents Can Return Home

David Greenwalt: 12 Tips to M aintaining Weight-Loss Sanity This Thanksgiving

MILFORD, Texas (AP) — Most residents of a rural North Texas town evacuated after a nearby gas

what we’re thankful for. It can also cause many well-intentioned...

Thanksgiving is a holiday that helps us reflect on

pipeline explosion can return...

Krokodil Could Be Spreading Across U.S. (GRAPHIC VIDEO) Krokodil could be spreading. Arizona may be the “epicenter” of the drug’s possible uprising in the U.S.,...

Angry Rumination Pavel Somov, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and the author of “Eating the Moment” (New Harbinger,

Johns Hopkins heart researchers develop formula to better calculate ‘bad’ cholesterol in patients [ | E-mail ] Contact: Ellen Beth 410-955-5307Johns Hopkins Medicine Findings follow previous study...

Pine That Stands At the Cavern’s Entrance

2008), “Present...

It was almost 11am and I was supposed to pick up my wife in about 20 minutes, a few blocks away. Caliban book store in...

Body Image Boosters From The Blogosphere 11.17.13

VIDEO: PM ‘will not lower age of consent’

A positive body image goes beyond liking your looks. It encompasses taking good care of yourself and leading a fulfilling...

The prime minister has rejected a call from a leading expert on public health to lower the age of consent to 15. Faculty...

‘Home circumcision’ doctor to resign

Bleach could reverse ageing, study finds

17 November 2013 Last updated at 09:35 ET By Nicola Dowling 5live Investigates In some cases circumcisions...

Your Weekly Travel Zen: Ski Vacations This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us from Johnny Volk. His panoramic photo of

As it is cheap and has no side effects, it could also be used in a variety of other treatments such as healing wounds like...

David Greenwalt: 12 Tips to M aintaining Weight-Loss Sanity This Thanksgiving

By David Greenwalt Thanksgiving is a holiday that Homewood Mountain Ski Resort... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

helps us reflect on what we’re thankful for. It can also cause many...

5 Leafy Greens You’ve Probably Never Eaten (But Should!)

Social Network Size Linked With Brain Region Size, Connectivity: Study

Modern cooks are rediscovering the wide world of leafy greens. But how do you buy, store and

The more friends you have, the bigger certain regions of your brain may be, a small new study

prepare these nutritious, delicious...

suggests. Researchers from...

Self-Relationship: 10 Ways to Create a Happy M oment

How getting a puppy changed my life

No, this isn’t meant to be a cure for depression, but we all deserve a good moment. A happy moment

In the fall of 2008 I was recovering from a suicide attempt. Everything was dark. Darker than it had ever been. My parents...

can both break a string...

Smartphone apps to help smokers quit come up short

As ban on printed 3-D guns ends, extension sought

Many of the 11 million smokers in the U.S. have downloaded smartphone apps created to help them quit smoking. But since most...

(AP)—As the technology to print 3-D firearms advances, a federal law that banned the undetectable guns is about to expire. Sen....

Sexual consent age should be lowered to 15, says government advisor

China reform winners consumer, healthcare stocks; losers, big banks

“I’m constantly urging (Education Secretary) Michael Gove and the Department for Education to update and modernise...

By Clement Tan HONG KONG (Reuters) – China’s mass consumer, healthcare and non-banking financial counters may...

Sunday Project: How To M ake An Edible Gratitude Jar

Tips for Talking About Tough Topics

I wrote a post a few weeks ago on how to create a gratitude jar. And it got me thinking: I have all this gratitude, but how...

Gestational diabetes on the rise: What every mom should know

You might find it tough to talk about physical intimacy with your partner, or reveal your real career goals to your parents....

4 minor measures that could save your life

The percentage of women diagnosed with Breathe easy: Simply switching inhalers could gestational diabetes is increasing in the United prevent more than half of the 2.1 million asthmaStates and the American Diabetes... related ER trips per year,... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Dairy-Free Pumpkin Ice Cream (Only 5 Ingredients!)

5 Fermented Foods Everyone Should Eat

This ice cream is perfect for the pumpkin season fall season. And the best part? Your milk-guzzling friends will have no...

Start Slideshow » 5 images It seems like every day, another scientific discovery is made showing the link between the...

How To Finally Get Enough Sleep No M atter What’s Going On In Your Life

Edmonton doctor trying to take alternative medicine mainstream

Ever wondered if you’re getting enough sleep every night? Or perhaps you already know that you aren’t —because...

An Edmonton doctor who recently won a major medical prize says that the only way to bridge the divide between traditional...

VIDEO: Asian bone marrow donors increase

PM ‘will not lower age of consent’

The number of Asian people signing up as bone marrow donors has increased tenfold thanks to a campaign centred on a two-year-old...

17 November 2013 Last updated at 04:26 ET Prof John Ashton called for a national debate on lowering the age of consent The...

One minute of CPR video training could save lives

Villagers mob U.S. aid choppers as Philippine relief effort spreads

Just one minute of CPR video training for bystanders in a shopping mall could save lives in emergencies, according to research...

By Aubrey Belford CABUNGAAN, Philippines (Reuters) – Mobbed by hungry villagers, U.S. military helicopters dropped...

Veto override will limit pesticide use, GM O crops on Hawaiian island

Call to debate 15 as age of consent

By Christopher D’Angelo LIHUE, Hawaii (Reuters) – The governing body on the Hawaiian island of Kauai voted on...

16 November 2013 Last updated at 20:16 ET Prof John Ashton called for a national debate on lowering the age of consent Lowering...

Residents of most polluted US cities have increased risk of dry eye syndrome

CPR for 38 minutes or longer improves chance to survive cardiac arrest (w/ Video)

Residents of major cities with high levels of air

Performing CPR for 38 minutes or longer can

pollution have an increased risk of dry eye syndrome, according to a study...

improve a patient’s chance of surviving cardiac arrest, according to a...

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Health care woes help Republicans in 2014 election

British medics could face jail for patient neglect

(AP)—Republicans are seeing the troubled launch of President Barack Obama’s signature health care

British doctors and nurses who neglect their patients could be jailed under government

overhaul as a chance...

proposals announced Saturday, in the...

Social Butterflies’ Brains Differ From Those Of People With Fewer Friends, New Study Shows

Are You Willing To Compromise In A Stand Off?

SAN DIEGO — Being a social butterfly just might change your brain: In people with a large network of friends and excellent...

Until I remember love Lobster… Days, 16 of Mental Health Humor Family Stew and National Health Blog Post Month November...

FDA warns of defective M edtronic devices

Praying in ruined churches, Filipinos face up to massive rebuilding

Federal health officials say that defects in some Medtronic devices used in heart procedures are severe enough that they...

By Aubrey Belford TACLOBAN, Philippines (Reuters) – Survivors of Typhoon Haiyan flocked to ruined churches on Sunday,...

For Yankees’ Sabathia, It Appears Less (Weight) Is Less (Success)

How Scientist Soldiers Are Directly Aiding Overseas M ilitary Efforts

But then there is the theory, maybe not that farfetched, that there is less life on Sabathia’s pitches because there is...

A Blog for Bacteria, Phages, and Science How Scientist Soldiers Are Directly Aiding Overseas Military Efforts

Tennessee Governor Hesitates on M edicaid Expansion, Frustrating M any

Contributing Op-Ed Writer: Alzheimer’s Anxiety

Mr. Haslam is only the latest Republican tailor trying to figure out whether to expand the state’s Medicaid rolls as prescribed...

All of us are afraid of Alzheimer’s. We worry about having a parent with it or getting it ourselves. Many believe they...

Ground-Shaking Noise Rocks N.F.L., and Eardrums Take Big Hit

Call to lower age of consent to 15

The Seattle Seahawks, who boast that their fans caused a small earthquake after a 2011 touchdown, acclaimed their crowd’s...

“I would not personally argue for 14 but I think we should seriously be looking at 15 so that we can draw a line...

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FDA issues stern warning on M edtronic devices

How to get a free health M OT from your GP

Federal health officials say that defects in some

Martin Daubney underwent free NHS MOT after

Medtronic devices used in heart procedures are severe enough that they...

worrying about his health Tests for everything from cholesterol to kidney function...

I’d never have survived breast cancer if it wasn’t for my best friend Barry M anilow (and my sister Liza M inelli): Judy Garland’s daughter Lorna Luft on her ten months of tears and pain

It was l-l-l-ove at first s-s-sight: How I’ve learned to accept my stutter with help from my stammering fiance

Lorna Luft, 59 is the daughter of Judy Garland and sister to Liza Minelli She was diagnosed with stage 2A breast cancer in...

job at 22 to see stammer treatment...

Sexual healing: Botox solves the problem of women’s uncontrollable arousal disorder

That Clam In Your Chowder M ight Be Hundreds Of Years Old

Botox has been proven to help control persistent

we heard on Morning Edition that a clam scientists had...

genital arousal disorder PGAD causes uncontrollable arousal that can last...

Katherine Preston, 29, withdrew when she struggled with words aged 8 She quit her London

Enlarge image i Mike Cardew /MCT/Landov First

Dragon Fruit Health Benefits Are Only Surpassed By Their Beauty

Giving CPR for M ore Than 30 M inutes M ay Be Worth It

When trying to eat healthy, monotony is the enemy.

SATURDAY Nov. 16, 2013, 2013 — Experts agree

Instead of that same old apple, reach for a stranger, prettier, nutrient-richer...

that after someone’s heart stops, the sooner CPR is started the...

The Double-Edged Drug: Addiction Treatment With a Dark Side

1100 women caught in breast cancer scandal

For Shawn Schneider, a carpenter and rock

This breached national guidelines which state that

musician, the descent into addiction began one Wisconsin winter with a fall from...

leaving tissue after a mastectomy increases the likelihood of cancer...

M orning Rounds: When should doctors prescribe statins for cholesterol?

CPR for 38 minutes or longer improves chance to survive cardiac arrest

CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carrie

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LaPook and CBS News contributor Dr. Holly Phillips joined “CBS This Morning:... 214-7061665American Heart Association RESS Abstract 154 (Omni...

The Double-Edged Drug: In Demand in Clinics and on the Street, ‘Bupe’ Can Be Savior or M enace

Princeton University M eningitis Outbreak Prompts CDC To Import Vaccine

For Shawn Schneider, a carpenter and rock

PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — Officials at Princeton

musician, the descent into addiction began one Wisconsin winter with a fall from...

University in New Jersey are considering measures to stop the spread of meningitis...

Newborn babies fight for life in chapelhospital

Transfusions During Hospital Transport M ay Help Trauma Patients Survive

TACLOBAN, Philippines (AP) — Althea Mustacisa

SATURDAY Nov. 16, 2013, 2013 — Giving blood

was born three days ago in the aftermath of the killer typhoon that razed...

transfusions to severely injured patients while they’re on the way...

News tips for Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013

1 minute of CPR video training could save lives

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 214-7061392American Heart Association More adult

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen

trauma patients... 214-7061392American Heart Association RESS Abstract 19453/157 (Omni...

Hospitalized children more likely to die after cardiac arrest during night shift

Princeton University can import vaccine to combat meningitis outbreak

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 214-7061392American Heart Association RESS Abstract

(Reuters) – A meningitis vaccine approved for use in Europe and Australia but not in the United States can be imported...

11975/11 (Omni...

Genetic mutations in parasite cause over 100 million cases of malaria annually in Africa

California exchange certified Health Insurance Agents are ready and willing to assist policyholders

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute have discovered recent genetic...

President Obama announced yesterday that he is requesting insurance carriers, who have provided cancellation notices to individual...

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M 1T invests $3.4 million in Cloud M edical

How to Go with the Ebb & Flow of Relationships

M1T, an American business active in the Health Care industry, has made an investment of $3.4

Relationships ebb and flow, like the waves of the sea. They swell with intimacy, passion, and energy

Million in Cloud Medical (“Cloud”),...

and then naturally wane...

8 Pinterest Ideas That Exist To M ake You Feel Bad About Your Life

8 Famous Ideas That Came From Dreams (Literally)

Pinterest is my favorite social network. There are no filters, there is no pressure to be witty in 140

Inspiration can strike in the most unexpected places, and often, the best creative ideas occur

characters, and no...

while we’re sleeping....

Flame-Retardant Chemicals Endanger Firefighters, Gymnasts

Grit M eans Getting Up Close and Personal With Failure

Flame-retardant chemicals permeate the world, and the bodies of nearly every person. But a new

Click here to watch the TEDTalk that inspired this post. Grit is the key to success, according to TED

film and a new scientific...

speaker Angela Lee...

Why Touch Is So Important In A Loving M arriage By Dr. Charles Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz for For starters, we all know that good

Residents of most polluted US cities — New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and M iami — have increased risk of dry eye syndrome

sex can be fun, romantic, exciting,...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Media Relationsmedia@aao.orgAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology Study suggests that environmental manipulation...

Research shows superiority of whey protein Research presented at SupplySide West shows the superiority of whey protein As science

Researchers update promising strategies and therapies to restore skeletal muscle health

continues to support the role of...

The progressive loss of skeletal muscle during aging, known as sarcopenia, underlies limitations in physical function and...

Cataract surgeries deliver 4,567% financial return on investment to society

M ount Sinai biologist wins NIH Director’s New Innovator Awards for High-Risk, High Reward Research

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Research shows the procedure supports premise that healthcare interventions create substantial patient value and economic...

$2.5 million high-risk, high reward award targeting ras protein, important in cancer initiation Arvin Dar, PhD, structural...

‘Huh’: A Word Uttered By The Bewildered, Worldwide

The Importance Of Diet In The First 1,000 Days

A new study from the Netherlands suggests that all languages share one word: “Huh?” Don Gonyea talks with linguistic...

New research from the International Food Policy Research Institute looks at the economic rationale for spending money to...

M ark Nepo And Oprah Discuss How We Can Live A M ore Poetic Life (VIDEO)

The Science Behind The Foods We Love (And The Ones We Hate!)

While most people would describe Mark Nepo, spiritual author of Seven Thousand Ways to Listen, Reduced to Joy and The Book...

By Kate Rockwood A platter of fresh, briny mussels. A juicy tomato, sprinkled with sea salt. A pint of icecold, malty beer....

8 Worst Foods For Your Digestion

Aid flows to typhoon survivors as Philippines struggles to rebuild

SPECIAL FROM Have you ever felt gassy, bloated or experienced an extreme case of heartburn after a meal?...

By Aubrey Belford TANAUAN, Philippines (Reuters) – Long-delayed emergency supplies flowed into the typhoon-ravaged...

Protein shed by HIV-infected brain cells alters synaptic connections between networks of nerve cells

Johns Hopkins undergraduate students win first and third prize in national Collegiate Inventors Competition

A protein shed by HIV-infected brain cells alters

A Johns Hopkins undergraduate biomedical

synaptic connections between networks of nerve cells, according to new...

engineering student team that devised a two-part system to improve the way life-saving...

Genetic mutations in parasite cause over 100M cases of malaria annually in Africa

Heidelberg scientists identify protein motifs that influence gene silencing

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute

the function of certain proteins, known as Argonaute (Ago) proteins,...

Bioscientists at Heidelberg University have studied

have discovered recent genetic...

How to Get a Friend to See a Therapist

3 meals vs. all-day snacking: How often should you eat a day to lose weight?

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You probably regularly come across people who need professional help. They may be in the midst

In the beginning, eating was simple—consume three square meals a day and you’re done (thanks,

of a crisis, an important...

Mom!). But then diets...

Vegan Chocolate & Almond Butter Fudge (Takes 5 M ins To M ake!)

5 Healing Foods That Changed M y Life

This recipe is not only delicious and decadent but it’s also good for you and super simple! It only

daughter, I was exhausted. This wasn’t the usual exhaustion...

Start Slideshow » 5 images After the birth of my first

takes five minutes...

An Open Letter To Anyone Thinking About Trying Yoga

State highlights: Dispute over what doctors can say at Catholic hospital

A student in my class had never done yoga before. He arrived late, and the only space available was in

A dispute between a Colorado cardiologist and a Catholic hospital over what he says is a ban on

the middle of the...

discussing abortion with...

Errors in medication common on admission to mental health services, shows study

Reengineered protein may lead to safer, more effective retroviral gene therapy

A recent study, published in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, involving Aston University (UK), South Essex...

A fusion protein engineered by researchers at KU Leuven combining proteins active in HIV and Moloney murine leukaemia virus...

In Airport Security Lines, You Are Being Observed

VIDEO: M edics may face jail for neglect

[This post is unrelated to the single-at-heart theme of this blog. I have another area of expertise, on the psychology of...

Patchy aid reaches typhoon survivors as Philippines struggles to rebuild By Aubrey Belford TACLOBAN, Philippines (Reuters) – Survivors began rebuilding homes destroyed by one of the world’s...

M D Anderson Cancer Center Orlando receives national accreditation for

Doctors and nurses found guilty of wilful neglect of patients could face jail, the government is proposing. Wilful neglect...

Collaborative initiative set up to create precision medicine treatment pathways for advanced cancers Dana-Farber, Brigham and Women’s, Boston’s Children’s Hospital and Broad Institute to collaborate to harness...

Are lab tests overused: Large-scale analysis finds inappropriate lab testing

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

treatment of breast disease

throughout medicine

MD Anderson Cancer Center Orlando has received

Laboratory testing is health care’s single highest

a prestigious national accreditation for its treatment of breast disease....

volume activity, with over 5 billion tests performed each year in...

China says not looking at broad onechild policy relaxation

Japan’s Tepco to shed more than 1,000 jobs: sources

BEIJING (Reuters) – China is not considering a broad relaxation of its strict one-child policy despite

TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan’s embattled Tokyo Electric Power Co plans to shed more than 1,000

an easing of...

jobs via voluntary...

New technique for fighting deadly pancreatic cancer using 2 types of nanoparticles

California shuts down 10 sites imitating state insurance marketplace

Researchers at UCLA’s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a new technique for

The California attorney general said her office shuttered 10 websites that had mimicked the state’s official health...

fighting deadly and hard-to-treat...

Harmful Urges and Cravings? Try this M indfulness Exercise… (Video)

Is Social M edia a Good Agoraphobia and Social Phobia…

A mindfulness exercise video to help you identify, understand, and ride out urges and cravings for

Chato Stewart: I MUST get friends! (hitting keyboard-follow-like-friend over and over

addictive, compulsive...

again)Caption: Agoraphobia and Social...

A Simple Exercise For Helping You Refocus

Health Site Infighting Detailed in Emails

Lately, I’ve been feeling more distracted than usual. My brain is buzzing with everything from random

The emails offer some of the first detailed evidence of which federal government officials had at least some knowledge that...

musings to worrisome...

Addiction Specialists Wary of New Painkiller

Water a pressing concern for typhoon survivors

An F.D.A. panel had earlier voted, 11 to 2, against approval of the drug, Zohydro, in part because unlike current versions...

TACLOBAN, Philippines (AP) — Since the typhoon hit, Danny Estember has been hiking three hours round-trip into the mountains...

CDC importing meningitis vaccine to

Emotional Support, With Fur, Draws

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fight Princeton outbreak

Complaints on Planes

PRINCETON, N.J. – Federal health officials have

They rarely go anywhere apart — even on

agreed to import a meningitis vaccine approved in Europe and Australia...

airplanes. Luna is certified as an emotional support animal, a designation...

House Approves Bill That Allows Policy Renewals The vote was 261 to 157, with 39 Democrats

Nanotech researchers’ 2-step method shows promise in fighting pancreatic cancer

bucking their party leadership and the White House to vote in favor of the bill....

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Shaun 310-2062805University of California – Los Angeles Researchers...

Scientists report human dietary supplement cures lab animals infected with human intestinal parasite

Inflammatory skin damage in mice blocked by bleach solution, Stanford study finds

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Preeti Singh

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Krista 301-2805722 Bridget DeSimone 301- 650-7255371Stanford University Medical Center STANFORD, Calif....

280-5735 Burness...

JCI early table of contents for Nov. 15, 2013

NIH-funded study finds donor age not a factor in most corneal transplants

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Corinne Williamspress_releases@the-jci.orgJournal of

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jean 301-496-

Clinical Investigation Tipping the balance between...

5248NIH/National Eye Institute IMAGE: In a traditional...

Cancer Patient’s Brain Gives Clues To How The Disease Spreads

Watch: Spicy Snacks Send California Boy to the Doctor

By Charles Choi, Contributing Writer Published:

Spicy Snacks Send California Boy to the Doctor

11/15/2013 10:24 AM EST on LiveScience One of the great mysteries of cancer...

Watch: Spicy Snacks Send California Boy to the Doctor

Will states accept Obama’s insurance exchange fix?

Can robots care for the elderly? 15 November 2013 Last updated at 20:36 ET By

Alex Hudson BBC News Please turn on JavaScript. Will states play along with President Barack W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Obama and his new plan to allow people who like their health insurance plans...

Media requires...

Balancing Your Feminine & M asculine Sides

British experts warn of rise in genital cosmetic surgery

Lately I’ve been hit with a lot of messages about women, masculinity, and femininity that I’ve begun

British gynaecologists warned on Friday that increasing numbers of teenage girls and women

to realize just...

are undergoing genital cosmetic...

Vigorous workouts give more bang for buck

The Skinny on Saturn Returns: What Doesn’t Kill You M akes You Stronger

A one hour high-intensity workout provides the same fitness benefits as 50 hours of walking, a

You have either gone through it, you are going to hit it, or you are currently deep in the turbulent

major Flinders University...

trenches of the infamous...

Study Suggests Bleach Can Reverse The Aging Process

What It Actually Feels Like to Stutter

Bleach may be key in treating skin damage and aging, a new study from the Stanford University

Anywhere, everywhere. When answering a question in class, talking to...

I’ve stuttered for as long as I can remember.

School of Medicine found. A...

Visionary M edicine: Neurosurgery Simulation and the Potential to Save Lives

Study shows being an elite male athlete protects against type 2 diabetes in later life

When I was 26 and pregnant with my eldest, a friend from college died of a brain tumor. I felt the

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr Merja 358-451-223-

loss keenly, not only...

950Diabetologia A study of almost 400 former elite...

‘Rethink Your Drink’ Campaign Helps Battle Hawaii Teen Obesity

M edics may face jail for neglect

All over the country, public officials are seeking ways to combat America’s obesity problem. Last

Neglect and abuse at Stafford Hospital led to hundreds of unnecessary deaths Doctors...

15 November 2013 Last updated at 17:48 ET

year, New York Mayor...

Britain’s oldest resident dies aged 113 Britain’s oldest resident died on Thursday just a

Student invention delivers better, safer heart shocks

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few weeks short of her 114th birthday, her local member of parliament...

Five flu myths debunked Scientists and flu researchers with the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Southern Research Institute shot down five...

Johns Hopkins undergraduate students have invented a system to shock a dangerously irregular heart back into normal rhythm...

House vote pressures White House on health care (Update) (AP)—Republicans in the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly Friday to expand President Barack Obama’s plan...

Aerobic Exercise Improves M emory, Brain Function and Physical Fitness

"Widowhood Effect" Strongest During First Three M onths

A new study conducted by researchers at the

By Shereen Jegtvig NEW YORK (Reuters Health) –

Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas published online...

When a husband or wife dies, the surviving spouse faces a higher risk...

Transgender Student’s Tuxedo Photo in Yearbook Banned

What a Dinosaur Brain M ay Have Looked Like

HOUSTON Jeydon Loredo, a South Texas

SAN DIEGO — Fossils have painted an often

transgender teenager, wants to be remembered in his high school yearbook wearing clothing...

colorful and sometimes feathery picture of what dinosaurs looked like in their...

Doctors and nurses face full force of law for neglect, says Cameron

You really CAN die of a broken heart: Surviving spouses have a 66% higher risk of dying in the three months after their partner’s death

Elderly patients at Stafford Hospital were left lying in their own excrement and had to drink water from vases in some...

The effect may be stronger in younger people, say the Harvard researchers May be because remaining partner sacrificed own...

Awkward M oney Talks You’ve Gotta Have

Federal Brain Science Project Aims To Restore Soldiers’ M emory

On a first date, there’s no need to tell a guy that you’ve failed to sign up for your 401(k) or that you

President Obama has pledged millions of dollars to fuel research into understanding the workings of


the human brain. ...

Study: Odds Of Being M urdered Closely Tied To Social Networks


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Enlarge image i Chicago police investigate a shooting in front of the Uptown Baptist Church in

Sometimes you feel things so deep That the tears remind you that your heart Bleeds And your soul

August. Five people...

Screams Softly. I stare...

Want to Help Fund a Feature Film About One…

Climate clues as dengue fever spreads in US

Jason Bee is a Texas filmmaker who also happens to have bipolar disorder. Luckily for us,

15 November 2013 Last updated at 16:43 ET By Jane O’Brien BBC News, Alexandria, Virginia

he’s decided to try and make...


Surgeons find woman’s lost IUD 20 years later

VIDEO: Frail patients to be given named GP

The Yukon Supreme Court has ordered two former Whitehorse doctors to pay $60,000 in damages to

The 100,000 most frail patients in England will be identified and given a named GP to co-ordinate

a patient for years of pain...

their care. The move has...

ASCO concurs with cancer care ontario for CRC follow-up

Research could refine next generation of drugs to help treat dementia

(HealthDay)—The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has endorsed Cancer Care

A £1.1 million grant to understand how one of the brain‘s key neurotransmitters called

Ontario (CCO) guidelines for colorectal...


Woman’s ear turns BLACK and dissolves after it is bitten by a spider

Drinking even one strong coffee in the afternoon can knock an HOUR off your sleep

The Dutch woman, 22, was bitten by a Mediterranean recluse spider in Italy Part of her ear was liquefied by the venom and...

M an removes wine cork from a bottle using a plastic bag Jorge Odón says the Odón Device could help deliver babies safely when complications arise during labour in areas with poor...

The stimulating effects of caffeine last for up to six hours The findings suggest coffee should not be consumed after about...

Teacher died in labour after she was ‘reluctantly persuaded’ to change her C-section birth plan to a natural delivery Frances Cappuccini, 30, died a few hours after giving birth to her son Jack by emergency Caesarean on October 9 last year Had...

‘Hatching Twitter’: A Tale of Booze and

The Other Golden Rule

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Backstabbing In Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal, New York Times

Did you know that most mammals, from a house cat to an elephant, take roughly the same amount of time to urinate? Researchers...

columnist and reporter Nick Bilton...

Searching for Earth 2.0 One in every five sunlike stars in the Milky Way may

Early Balloonists Took Science ‘Up, Up and Away’

have an Earth-sized planet circling it in the Goldilocks zone—the...

In Falling Upwards, writer Richard Holmes tells the story of early balloon flight—and of the nervy scientists who risked...

Should Sending Cash Be As Easy As Sending E-mail? PayPal, Chase Quickpay, Venmo: all ways to transfer money quickly to your friends. But none is as simple as sending an e-mail....

Extracts made from herbs may improve learning and memory, study finds Enhanced extracts made from special antioxidants in spearmint and rosemary improve learning and memory, a study in an animal...

Boys are 14% more likely to be born prematurely than girls: Study finds that even in the womb, females mature faster In the UK, 5,700 more boys than girls are born early each year In 2012, 34,400 boys were born

Study highlights major challenge faced by older adults with severe mental illnesses Although older adults with serious mental illness didn’t have more recorded physical illness and had fewer outpatient...

One in five patients visit their GP because they are LONELY rather than sick Family doctors say they see as many as 10 lonely patients a day One in 25 GPs say they see even more lonely patients than...

To cut stroke risk, walk for longer – not faster: Over For men walking more than 22 hours a week, risk is two thirds lower But strenuous ‘power walks’ were not required, teams...

prematurely compared to 28,700...

Doctors call for end to state-funded ‘designer vaginas’ after huge rise in procedures ‘driven by online porn’

Ultimate Beauty Tips From M ichael Kors

Number of labiaplasty procedures on NHS have


The luxe-sportswear designer Michael Kors is known for sending models down the runway with a

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risen five-fold in past decade In the past five years more than 250 girls under...

M isconceptions “You’re never more alive than when things get turned upside down.” — Malcolm Gladwell There are some...

What’s The Real Story Of David And Goliath? More From This Episode Part 1 of the TED Radio Hour episode Misconceptions. About Malcolm Gladwell’s TEDTalk The story...

How Can Deserts Turn Into Grasslands?

Are You in Denial?

More From This Episode Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode Misconceptions. About Allan Savory’s

So, let me tell you a story about this past week. I’ve worked in health care for 27 years and have told

TEDTalk About two-thirds...

many people...

Twins both diagnosed with breast cancer, one donates tissue to other in rare reconstruction

Drug offers promising approach to improve outcome for children with high-risk leukemia

CHICAGOIdentical twins Kelly McCarthy and Kristen Maurer have shared a lot in their lives so when one was diagnosed with...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Summer 901-5953061St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital St....

U of M researchers find HIV protein may impact neurocognitive impairment in infected patients

Penn Dental M edicine team identifies molecule critical to healing wounds

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Caroline 612-624-5680University of Minnesota Academic Health Center

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katherine Unger 215-898-9194University of Pennsylvania IMAGE: When cells...


Blocking signal-transmitting cellular pores may prevent damage to kidneys [ | E-mail ] Contact: Mike 617-724-

Researchers develop algorithm to identify individual grains in planetary regolith

6425Massachusetts General Hospital One of the most devastating...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ashley 225-578-3870Louisiana State University Instruments on the Curiosity...

A decline in creativity? It depends on how you look

Eliminate Your Negative Emotions, Keep Your Positive Emotions

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Peter 206-616-5903University of Washington But new

As I’ve explained in many posts in the past, it is possible to get rid of almost all your emotional

research from the University...

stress and suffering...

Pregnant Bloggers’ Extreme Diet M ay Not Be Healthy

Premature birth ‘a double whammy for boys’

A pregnant Australian blogger’s raw fruit and vegetable diet has sparked controversy, and while

Boys are slightly more likely to be born premature than girls, and they tend to fare worse, too, says a

health experts say...

new report on the...

GP 10-minute appointment rule axed

Britain’s Princess Anne suggests eating horsemeat

15 November 2013 Last updated at 08:24 ET By Caroline Parkinson Health editor, BBC News website There...

She may be known for her love of horses, but Britain’s Princess Anne has now suggested that her compatriots should...

Could weight-loss surgery help slow aging for some?

Technology helps Nigeria’s fight against polio

(HealthDay)—Beyond slimming the waistlines of morbidly obese patients, weight-loss surgery also

Mahmud Zubairu scrutinises the computer screen in front of him, watching the progress of healthcare

may help reverse the aging...

workers as they fan out...

Ambiguous results in screening for celiac disease among young people

The Conversation No Family Wants To Have — But Should

Most children who undergo screening to detect gluten intolerance, celiac disease, can handle it

Ellen Goodman and her 44-year-old daughter, Katie, recorded their own dialogue about Mom’s

well. However, many people...

end-of-life wishes. Here’s...

Four Cases Of Rare Infant Illness In Tennessee Linked To Parents’ Refusal Of Vitamin K Shots

UK Program Posts Calorie Counts For Taking The Stairs

ATLANTA (AP) — Health officials are reporting four Tennessee cases of a rare infant illness that have been linked to parents...

Coca-Cola’s Assault on Tap Water

To fight the war on pudge, the United Kingdom is backing an initiative to label staircases with calorie counts to encourage...

How Good is He at Reading Your M ind?

While public health advocates have sung the Last week’s cartoon, on how to tell your doctor praises of tap water for years, Coca-Cola has been what he should look for (or have your spouse do it), W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

focusing on its own covert...

is here. All...

ERCA bans smoking at beaches, conservation areas

Consumers want ingredient details, study shows

The Essex Region Conservation Authority has become the first of the 36 conservation authorities in Ontario to approve a total...

When a food label reads “Partially hydrogenated oils,” consumers want all the gory details – even the stuff...

Ten minute appointment rule removed

Age changes how young children read social cues

15 November 2013 Last updated at 08:24 ET GPs in England will no longer have to offer appointments lasting at least 10 minutes...

From infancy, children learn by watching and imitating adults. Even when adults show them how to open a latch or solve a...

Pitt team aims to change tissue microenvironment to fend off cancerous tumors

Research shows medication errors common on admission to mental health units

The magic to killing cancer cells might not be in the

Research published today in the International

bullet, but in the gunpowder that accompanies it, according to researchers...

Journal of Clinical Pharmacy shows that medication errors occurred in 212 of...

11 Things Super Successful People Do Before They’re Even Born! Want to be “super successful”? Based on Internet

Fit Links: Tips For A Vegetarian-Friendly Thanksgiving, Post-Workout Snacks And M ore

pseudoscience, it’s simple! All you need to do is alter your pre-8...

There are hundreds of wonderful sites on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. Here at Fit Links, we’ll...

Caitlin Flora Committed To Working Out At Home And Lost 187 Pounds Got a success story of your own? Send it to us at and you could be featured in our I Lost...

M ayo Clinic Cardio-Rheumatology Clinic for catching heart disease early in patients with arthritis Patients with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and other chronic forms of inflammatory arthritis can face lifethreatening complications,...

Study recommends cut point for clinical experience in pediatric ICUs

Smoking cessation apps provide counseling on how to quit

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Nursing leaders from 38 children’s hospitals, led by Patricia Hickey, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, vice president of critical...

Many of the 11 million smokers in the U.S. have downloaded smartphone apps created to help them quit smoking. But since most...

Best of Our Blogs: November 15, 2013

How Not To Be A Success With ADHD

We go to great lengths to avoid what is for what we think life should be. We numb ourselves with

Something worth pursuing How not to be a success? There’s an odd task. I guess I could be

drugs, alcohol, food, work,...

more positive. I could have written...

Warnings about beef-tenderizing E.coli risk rare in stores

Yoga can lead to hip injuries

Where’s the beef label? Six months after the federal government promised more information

Yoga is a good form of exercise, but experts warn it can lead to serious hip injuries in some women. Dr. Reza Awan, a sports...

about a process that increases...

No ‘designer vagina’ ops on NHS 14 November 2013 Last updated at 21:44 ET Genital surgery is not recommended before girls have reached 18 years old “Designer...

Hunt: new contract sees return of ‘family doctors’ A new contract between GPs and the Government which focuses on keeping more patients out of hospital will see a “return...

Stanford researchers home in on roots of Caribbean populations using new DNA analysis method

New microbicide gel formulation shows promise for safe vaginal and rectal administration to prevent HIV

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Krista 650-7255371Stanford University Medical Center

Researchers developed a first-of-its-kind microbicide gel formulation that shows promise for safe vaginal and rectal administration...

STANFORD, Calif....

FDA Advisory Committee votes in favor of Vanda’s tasimelteon NDA for Non-24Hour Disorder Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. (VANDA) (NASDAQ: VNDA) announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA)...

A Rancher And A Conservationist Forge An Unlikely Alliance

Scientists identify genetic signature of respiratory syncytial virus Scientists have identified the genetic signature of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the leading cause of infant hospitalizations...

FEHD orders siu mei and lo mei shop in Sha Tin to suspend business for two

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Trout fishing is big business in Montana, bringing in tens of millions of dollars annually. Tom Murphy/Getty Images/National...

weeks Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene has ordered a siu mei and lo mei shop in Sha Tin...

Lunar New Year Fair stalls at Lam Tsuen, Tai Po to be auctioned on November 29

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2014 opens for enrolment

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Food and

(HKICTA), a much celebrated annual event of the local information and...

Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) announced today (November 15) that a public...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong ICT Awards

Results of 2012/13 Common English Proficiency Assessment Scheme released

Economic situation in the third quarter of 2013 and latest GDP and price forecasts for 2013

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the University Grants Committee: The

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government released today (November 15) the Third Quarter Economic

University Grants Committee...

Report 2013, together with...

NHS-funded surf therapy to boost wellbeing

Reflecting on the methodological challenges of recruiting to a United Kingdom-wide, multi-centre, randomised controlled trial in gynaecology outpatient settings

14 November 2013 Last updated at 21:00 ET By Smitha Mundasad Health reporter, BBC News Please turn on JavaScript....

Successful recruitment of participants to any trial is central to its success. Trial results are routinely published, and...

Japanese trends in breastfeeding rate in baby-friendly hospitals between 2007 and 2010: a retrospective hospitalbased surveillance study The goal of Japan’s national “Healthy and Happy Parents 21″campaign is to increase the nationwide breastfeeding...

Poem: Insecurity

Stunning 3D juggling performance by M ark Nizer to be staged in December Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Mark Nizer, a US-based winner of international juggling championships, will return to Hong Kong...

Obama M oves to Avert Cancellation of

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I don’t know When this will end But it must


Because it can’t go on forever Not knowing Nothing At all. I am here for...

The decision to allow the policies to remain in effect for a year without penalties represented the Obama administration’s...

Daily 90-minute strolls ‘can cut stroke risk by a third’ for men

GPs to reveal their salaries from next year

Participants were questioned about the distance they walked each week and their usual walking

Last month official figures revealed thousands of doctors are paid more than the prime minister.

pace. The research showed...

Statistics from the Health...

1 in 7 students has dabbled in ‘smart’ drugs

Researchers from IM IM describe a new function of 2 molecules involved in metastasis

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Michael 41-444-481165University of Zurich This news release...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marta 34-933-160-680IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute) Transcription...

Low-dose treatment may block malaria transmission

Being poor in NSW means a longer wait to get into hospital

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katie 44-020-792-92802London School of Hygiene

Australia’s public health system is ostensibly based on the notion of equity of access. But

Tropical Medicine Lower doses...

research recently published...

Free admission tickets for demonstration by national diving athletes to be distributed this Sunday

Special traffic and transport arrangements in So Kon Po and Causeway Bay on November 19

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – National diving athletes will come to Hong Kong to display their skills at the opening ceremony...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (November 15) reminded the public that special traffic and...

Basic Law promoted in New York Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In his first visit to New York, the Convenor of the Working Group on Overseas

Spatial distribution of G6PD deficiency variants across malaria-endemic regions

Community under the...

Primaquine is essential for malaria control and elimination since it is the only available drug

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preventing multiple clinical...

Speech by STH at the 57th Assembly of Presidents of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung...

Abandoning Your Creative Fulfillment – Part 2 [Continued from Part 1] “The practice of any art isn’t to make a living, it’s to make your soul grow.” Kurt Vonnegut To...

Late afternoon and early evening caffeine can disrupt sleep at night

Future of NHS ‘depends on speedier healthcare outside hospitals’

A new study shows that caffeine consumption even

Senior doctors at NHS England acknowledged the

six hours before bedtime can have significant, disruptive effects on sleep. “Sleep...

problems the service has experienced, but said changes would be made to...

New GP contract heralds return of ‘proper doctors’

Long-Awaited Kidney Transplant Canceled Over Hospital Strike

Since then, there have been a succession of

Homer “James” Rivera spent seven years waiting

scandals in which patients were failed by locum doctors, including a notorious...

for a kidney, but the hospital called him Wednesday to cancel his Nov....

State insurance commissioners warn U.S. health policy fix threatens market

Senator Landrieu says Obamacare fix likely will require legislation

(Reuters) – An organization of U.S. state insurance

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democratic Senator

commissioners said on Thursday it was unclear how President Barack...

Mary Landrieu said on Thursday that President Obama’s one-year delay...

What Obama’s health care announcement means

NHS 111 pilot scheme ‘had teething problems’

On Thursday, President Barack Obama announced

Thursday November 14 2013 NHS 111 is a fast

that health insurance companies are no longer required to kick people off their...

and easy way to get the right help “NHS...

Type 2 diabetes ‘more likely’ with high acid levels Thursday November 14 2013 Acid is produced

Albuquerque Woman Sentenced to Eight Years for M ethamphetamine Trafficking Conviction

when the body breaks down certain...

ALBUQUERQUE—Reyna Carizoza, 51, a Mexican

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national illegally in the United States, was sentenced this morning to 97 months...

Dance Day 2013 to be held on December 15 at Sha Tin Town Hall Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Presented by the Leisure

Implementing a successful datamanagement framework: the UK10K managed access model

and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), Dance Day 2013 will be held from...

This paper outlines the history behind open access principles and describes the development of a managed access data-sharing...

North District Fun Arts and Cultural Appreciation Day to be held on Sunday

Exhibition on slope safety and longterm strategy for cavern development

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the North District Council: The North

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) is organising an

District Fun Arts and...

exhibition on slope safety...

Where Is The Best Place To Talk To Your…

‘Designer vagina ops not NHS role’

Chato Stewart: Thanks for agreeing to hanging around with me. I thought it’s best that we had

Genital surgery is not recommended before girls have reached 18 years old “Designer...

14 November 2013 Last updated at 21:44 ET

some alone time to talk about...

‘Kangaroo care’ key for prem babies 14 November 2013 Last updated at 21:22 ET By Caroline Parkinson Health editor, BBC News website Mothers...

Starting dialysis after—not before— conception may improve birth rates in women with advanced kidney disease Women with advanced kidney disease who start dialysis during pregnancy have superior live birth rates than those already...

Researchers home in on roots of Caribbean populations using new DNA analysis method Those of us who want to learn about our ancestors —who they were, where they came from and how they mingled (or didn’t)...

Inhibition of poly (adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase attenuates lung-kidney crosstalk induced by intratracheal lipopolysaccharide instillation in rats Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe form of lung injury that frequently occurs during pneumonia and sepsis....

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Insulin resistance determined by Homeostasis M odel Assessment (HOM A) and associations with metabolic syndrome among Chinese children and teenagers

Bipolar Disorder, Predicting Emotions, and Impact on Social and… I am interpreting and predicting others’ thoughts and emotions, almost unconsciously, every day. I do not know exactly...

ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to assess the association between the degree of insulin resistance and the different components...

Hey! Keep Your Eyes On Your OWN Yoga M at!

Self Punishment: Obsessive Thinking

Over the summer, I took a two-day Ashtanga yoga seminar with Barbara Stanley. It was pure and

prevent the problem from happening. For them, this implies guilt and...

Obsessors often feel that they have “failed” to

blissful Hell. Barbara Stanley...

GPs ‘to go extra mile’ for frailest 14 November 2013 Last updated at 20:28 ET By

Study identifies genes uniquely expressed by the brain’s immune cells

Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The over-75s...

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators have used a new sequencing method to identify a group of genes used by...

Leading health and philanthropic organizations outline plan to address global preterm birth burden Leading researchers and global health organizations today issued a call-to-action to

Study finds two drugs aren’t better than one for kidney disease (HealthDay)—Two drugs are not always better than one, a new study indicates. Combining two blood pressure medications that...

advance a comprehensive research agenda...

FDA approves implanted brain stimulator for epilepsy

Parkinson’s biomarker could be only skin deep

(HealthDay)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday gave its approval to a

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter Deposits of α-synuclein in cutaneous

new implanted device that lowers the...

nerves could represent a noninvasive...

Screening for nonmotor symptoms in early Parkinson’s urged

Depression link to Parkinson’s risk bolstered

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews

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Reporter Nonmotor symptoms (NMS) have a

Reporter A large retrospective study supports the

substantial impact on the health-related...

notion that depression may be an...

LLN spirometry inadequate to detect airflow obstruction

Tennessee Valley Authority To Close Several Coal-Fired Plants

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter Research published in Thorax indicates that use of

Enlarge image i An air-monitoring station near the TVA Kingston Fossil Plant in Kingston, Tenn.

a lower limit of normal (LLN) spirometric...

Stations such as...

What’s The M ost Important Thing Food Labels Should Tell Us?

West Virginia Woman Sentenced to 27 M onths in Prison for Embezzling $1 M illion from Cincinnati Company

Enlarge image i Illustration by Daniel Horowitz for NPR Food labels have become battlegrounds. Just last...

CINCINNATI—Melissa Trenary Grove, 41, of Bunker Hill, West Virginia, was sentenced to 27 months in prison for embezzling...

Tuscaloosa M an Gets 25 Years in Prison for String of Convenience Store Robberies

Six Defendants Sentenced to a Total of 36 Years in Prison in National Prearranged Services Case

TUSCALOOSA—A federal judge today sentenced a

ST. LOUIS, MO—Six defendants were sentenced

Tuscaloosa man to 25 years in prison for his part in a string of armed gas...

today before United States District Judge Jean C Hamilton for their roles in...

Utah Woman Sentenced for Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury

Being In Love M akes You A Less Productive Person, Says Study

United States Attorney for the District of Wyoming

Being in the throes of new, passionate love is

Christopher A Crofts announced that on November 13, 2013, Tahlene Shaw...

exciting — so exciting in fact, new research suggests it may affect...

CDC: M ore teens smoking e-cigarettes, hookah

Eye test may reveal Alzheimer’s diagnosis

More middle and high school students are

The eyes may be the key to diagnosing Alzheimer’s

smoking electronic cigarettes, hookahs and cigars, according to a new government...

disease earlier and more accurately. Researchers found that loss...

UT Austin researchers grow large graphene crystals that have exceptional electrical properties

State child restraint laws leave many unprotected, NYU study finds

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sandra

[ | E-mail ] Contact: James 512-4712129University of Texas at Austin IMAGE: Yufeng Hao,... 212-998-6808New York University Child restraint laws across many...

Your brain ‘sees’ things even when you don’t

Pediatric ICU nurse staffing models with more experience and education cut inpatient mortality

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anna 202293-9300Association for Psychological Science

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin

The... 617-919-3110Boston Children’s Hospital Multiinstitutional...

JAM A Dermatology: Social media brings academic journals to general readers

Understanding a protein’s role in familial Alzheimer’s disease

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth Sundemgarth.sundem@ucdenver.eduUniversity of Colorado Denver A University of Colorado Cancer...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Scott 619-543-6163University of California – San Diego Novel genomic approach...

Toronto mayor says ‘I’m sorry’ again, to get help for alcohol problem

News stories may exaggerate hope for vision treatments

By Solarina Ho and Cameron French TORONTO (Reuters) – Embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, under huge pressure to quit...

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – News reports often overhype the potential benefits of novel treatments for disabling eye...

Obama: You Can Keep Your Health Plan . . . For a Year

Hey, Paleos & Vegans: You Have M ore In Common Than You Think!

THURSDAY Nov. 14, 2013 — Bending to political pressure, President Barack Obama on Thursday announced a plan to allow...

Now more than ever we’re bombarded by new diets. Today’s trendy eating plan is the Paleo diet, but I could list...

Teens Who Are Night Owls M ay Struggle in School

What You’ve Learned About Yourself

THURSDAY Nov. 14, 2013 — Teens who stay up late are more likely to have lower grades and more emotional problems, a...

Health care enrollments fall far short of

On Monday I included the following prompt for checking in with ourselves: Write what you’ve learned about yourself today. Asking...

Depression risk drops from pre- to

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white house estimates

post-final period

(HealthDay)—The Obama administration late Wednesday released a report revealing a

(HealthDay)—There is a higher risk of depression before and a lower risk after the final menstrual

disappointing number of health plan enrollments...

period (FMP), according...

Global Fund axes suppliers over Cambodia malaria graft

FDA approved immune-modulating drug unexpectedly benefits mice with fatal mitochondrial defect

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria announced Thursday it had suspended contracts with two international...

Jacqui Beck Learns She Was Born With No Vagina; British Teen Born With M RKH A British teenager said she was in “total shock” to learn that she had been born without a vagina. During a routine...

The transplant anti-rejection drug rapamycin showed unexpected benefits in a mouse model of a fatal defect in the energy...

Our Kids Are Growing Up Faster — So Should We It’s no news to most that the average age of puberty for girls is declining. Recently, at an American Academy of Pediatrics...

Does Spending M oney Help Shed Pounds?

How To Cope With Annoying Coworkers Who M ake Your Day M iserable (VIDEO)

You’ve probably heard people at the gym talk about

Your job can become particularly taxing when

“getting your money’s worth” during a workout....

you’re stuck working with someone you can’t stand. Colleagues become...

Asthma Could M ake It Take Longer For Women To Get Pregnant (STUDY)

Researchers analyze benefits of platelet-rich plasma therapy for tennis elbow

By: Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer Published: 11/13/2013 07:14 PM EST on LiveScience Getting pregnant may take longer for...

Researchers to study whether costly therapy touted

CD137 T cell activation molecule can help identify rare antitumor T cells in human cancers

‘Inquisitive’ toddler died after becoming entangled in window blind cord

Patients with tumors that contain increased numbers of T lymphocytes generally survive longer

Sophia Parslow’s mother left her in lounge watching TV for a few minutes In those moments in

by big name athletes works better than alternative methods for patients...

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than those with tumors without...

July 2012 the 17-month-old...

‘I lost nearly 2 stone in 24 HOURS’: Sport scientist proves rapid weight loss IS possible (if you’re prepared to exercise wearing bin bags, eat no carbs and drink nothing)

Should You Eat Before or After a Pilates Workout? Q. Should You Eat Before or After a Pilates Workout? Since Pilates involves moves that are concentrated around your center...

Ross Edgley, 28, set out to prove weight fluctuates based on many factors Spent 24 hours trying to reduce his water content...

Active demethylation in mouse zygotes involves cytosine deamination and base excision repair

Relative importance of climatic, geographic and socio-economic determinants of malaria in M alawi

DNA methylation in mammals is an epigenetic mark necessary for normal embryogenesis. During development active loss of methylation...

Malaria transmission is influenced by variations in meteorological conditions, which impact the biology of the parasite and...

What is the clinical course of transient synovitis in children: a systematic review of the literature

Promoting universal financial protection: health insurance for the poor in Georgia ?a case study

Transient synovitis of the hip (TS) is considered to

The present study focuses on the program ‘Medical

be a self-limiting disease in childhood. However, because the etiology...

Insurance for the Poor (MIP)’in Georgia. Under this program,...

The impact of implant treatment on oral health related quality of life in a private dental practice: a prospective cohort study

New Bird Flu Infects Human for First Time

Very few studies on the impact of implant therapy on Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) in

A strain of bird flu that scientists thought could not infect people has shown up in a Taiwanese woman, a nasty surprise...

partially edentulous...

Obama announces ‘keep your plan’ Obamacare fix

U.S. House Democrats to offer Obamacare fix: Pelosi

Under heavy pressure by congressional Democrats to fix Obamacare, President Barack

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are united on the need

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Obama announced Thursday that the administration...

for improvements to President...

Boehner says Obamacare administrative fixes won’t work

Obama offers fix for broken promise on keeping health care plans

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. House of

By Steve Holland and Susan Cornwell

Representatives Speaker John Boehner said on Thursday that he does not believe...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama bowed to political pressure from...

Is pickled turnip a miracle flu remedy? Hardly

Car mechanic invents new birthing tool endorsed by WHO

I’m annoyed. Yes, annoyed. Why? Because at least

A 59-year-old car mechanic from Argentina has

100 or more media outlets around the world have touted “Suguki” –...

invented a widely-endorsed new tool that promises to help women give birth...

Fast food meals have more calories than you think

‘Widowhood effect’ strongest during first three months

People eating at fast food restaurants aren’t very

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – When a husband or

good at estimating how many calories are in their meals, particularly...

wife dies, the surviving spouse faces a higher risk of dying over the...

Leaving the light on hampers sleep quality: study NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Falling asleep in

M edix Biochemica to launch antibody production services for IVD assays at M EDICA 2013

the glow of the TV or leaving a light on next to the bed can affect brain...

Advanced antibody production services for exceptional IVD assays Medix Biochemica, producer of monoclonal antibodies for...

Stanford bariatric program experiences lower hospital readmission rates

Cells sticking molecule over-produced in rheumatoid arthritis and cancers

The bariatric program at Stanford University saw hospital readmission rates drop by 75 percent and

A molecule that helps cells stick together is significantly over-produced in two very different

surgical-site infections...

diseases – rheumatoid...

Svelte completes enrollment in drugeluting coronary stent Integrated Delivery System study

M y Wine Won’t Stop Crying — A M ystery In A Wineglass

Mysteries, mysteries, mysteries — everywhere I look there are puzzles, questions with no obvious W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Svelte® Medical Systems today announced enrollment of the final patient in the DIRECT II (Direct Implantation of Rapamycin-Eluting...

answers: like why do I...

Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme extended to gas cookers

Evidence of the shifting baseline syndrome in ethnobotanical research

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (November 14) extended the voluntary...

The shifting baseline syndrome is a concept from ecology that can be analyzed in the context of ethnobotanical research....

Update on cluster of Rotavirus cases in Siu Lam Hospital

No asymptomatic malaria parasitaemia found among 108 young children at one health facility in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: Regarding the recent confirmation...

Asymptomatic malaria parasitaemia has been reported in areas with high malaria transmission. It may serve as a reservoir...

Phenotypic differentiation between wild and domesticated varieties of Crescentia cujete L. and culturally relevant uses of their fruits as bowls in the Yucatan Peninsula, M exico

Tribute pages can be a source of comfort and stress People who create online tribute pages for those who have died tragically can find support and comfort through the effort...

Selection criteria are important for analyzing domestication of perennial plant species, which experience a selection pressure...

Stories of opioid addiction and recovery

Diabetes cases hit record 382 million worldwide

More and more people are struggling with

The world is losing the battle against diabetes as

prescription painkiller addiction in Hamilton. According to statistics obtained...

the number of people estimated to be living with the disease soars to...

Fund suspends contracts over ‘bribes’

Oldest person in UK dies aged 113

14 November 2013 Last updated at 10:15 ET By

14 November 2013 Last updated at 10:20 ET

Jane Dreaper Health correspondent, BBC News Mosquito nets...

Grace Jones’s MP Simon Hughes visited her the day before she died The oldest...

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German firm liable over PIP implants 14 November 2013 Last updated at 10:12 ET Some 400,000 women across the world were fitted with faulty PIP implants A French...

‘Disease Science Investigators’ take on D.C. epidemic

Younger teens more likely to use alcohol if they live near bottle shops Deakin University researchers have found higher rates of underage drinking among young people who live in areas with a high...

For the first time, young scientists can help contain

New study examines link in college women’s use of substances and condoms

a disease outbreak in Washington, D.C.—in a game, that is. Disease...

A new study from researchers at The Miriam Hospital finds a link between alcohol consumption and reduced condom use among...

Physician argues for mandatory flu vaccinations of health care workers Should flu vaccines be mandatory for health care workers? That’s the question raised this week in the British Medical...

LegCo Finance Committee to examine funding proposal related to Disaster Relief Fund Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The Legislative Council...

LegCo Public Accounts Committee public hearing Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The

Wilms’ tumour suppressor gene 1 (WT1) is involved in the carcinogenesis of Lung cancer through interaction with PI3K/Akt pathway

Legislative Council...

Although studies have shown the oncogene WT1 is overexpressed in lung cancer, there is no data showing the implication of...

Asia Cultural Co-operation Forum 2013 promotes cultural co-operation in Asian economies Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Cultural ministers and senior officials of 10 Asian countries came together in Hong Kong for the...

Temporary traffic and transport arrangements for tram track renewal work on Johnston Road in Wan Chai from this Saturday Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (November 14) reminded the public that temporary traffic and...

Creativity & Play: Artists & Authors

Orlando Shooter Guided by Voices

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Share Their Favorite…

“I was halfway there, when he gets up, he turns

Play isn’t just inherently fun — it’s also a powerful way to connect to our creativity, loosen routine and

around, and he’s pointing a gun at me,” a griefstricken mother told...


Literacy depends on nurture, not nature, education professor says

Are probiotics a promising treatment strategy for depression?

A University at Buffalo education professor has sided with the environment in the timeless “nurture

Probiotics are not new, but their status as a nutritional buzzword is. Most folks have now heard

vs. nature”...

and seen the term countless...

One in seven students has dabbled in "smart" drugs

M illions more Britons could be put on statins to cut risk of heart attacks and strokes after US study says a third of adults should take them

American and European studies prove that students use prescription medication or drugs to enhance their cognitive performance....

New advice tells doctor’s they should consider a patient’s lifetime risk British experts are preparing two updated...

Could too many sugary fizzy drinks damage your brain?

‘I was told I would never eat again… but it has changed my life completely’:

Regular intake of fizzy drink leads to ‘hyperactivity’

Craig Shirley, 42, the first person in the UK to

study found Long term consumption alters ‘hundreds’...

receive the transplant And Amy Grime, 28, was the first woman to undergo...

Speech by PSFS at cocktail reception hosted by ACIIA, Securities Association of China and Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute

Structured Dialogue meeting between European Union and HKSARG forges close ties

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial...

"Band Fever" to be held at Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza this Sunday Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural Services Department will hold the outdoor concert

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The seventh annual Structured Dialogue meeting between the European Union (EU) and the Government...

Special traffic and transport arrangements for public parades in Causeway Bay this Saturday and Sunday Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department

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“Band Fever”...

(TD) today (November 14) reminded the public that special traffic and...

Join Thanksgiving Blood Donation Week and get a bookmark Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hong Kong

M other’s long fight for son’s care 13 November 2013 Last updated at 22:40 ET By Sukhi Hayer BBC Asian Network Ronak Patel suffered severe...

Red Cross Transfusion...

Cancer hospital in special measures 14 November 2013 Last updated at 06:35 ET The CQC report on Colchester General Hospital was published in early November A...

Appointment of SFC’s non-executive directors Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, has appointed Ms Mary Ma Xuezheng and re-appointed Mr...

FS to visit London and Paris Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, will visit London and Paris from next Monday (November...

SHA’s speech at Asia Cultural Cooperation Forum 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, at the Asia Cultural...

Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade in September 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Further to the external merchandise trade statistics in value terms for September 2013 released...

Why I take the stairs at the BBC 13 November 2013 Last updated at 21:19 ET Article written by Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent More from Fergus ...

US healthcare enrolment figures low

French ruling due on implant scandal

13 November 2013 Last updated at 22:34 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires

14 November 2013 Last updated at 03:13 ET Some 400,000 women across the world were fitted

JavaScript to play. Residents of Kentucky,...

with faulty PIP implants A French...

M SP launches new assisted dying bill

‘Unpredictable pandemics’ warning

13 November 2013 Last updated at 19:17 ET By

14 November 2013 Last updated at 02:49 ET By

Andrew Black Political reporter, BBC Scotland Margo MacDonald...

James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News The...

Kuwait reports second M ERS virus

Acceptance of disability and its

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case Kuwait has reported its second case of the deadly

predictors among stroke patients in Taiwan

MERS coronavirus for a man who just returned from abroad, the health ministry...

Modern medicine has increased the survival rate

Serum IGF-1 levels as a clinical tool for optimizing orthodontic treatment timing The study aims to associate serum insulin-like

A complex interaction between Wnt signaling and TNF-alpha in nucleus pulposus cells

growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels with cervical maturation stages (CS) 3, 4,...

IntroductionIncreased expression of the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in

for stroke patients; however, the patient’s psychosocial adaptation...

intervertebral discs (IVDs) leads to inflammation,...

Stage 2 public engagement for "Kowloon Bay Business Area Pedestrian Environment Improvement Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Energizing Kowloon East Office (EKEO) of the Development Bureau launched the Stage 2 public...

Am I Ready for M y Closeup, M r. DeM ille? ADHD and Fame It’s often said that acting is a great career for people with ADHD. After all, it’s a job with constant change: costumes,...

VIDEO: ‘Smart’ teddy monitors your child

With Enrollment Slow, Some Democrats Back Change in Health Law

A teddy bear that is able to monitor the health of the child hugging it has been developed to aid paediatric care. Teddy...

The dissent comes as the Obama administration released enrollment figures on Wednesday that fell far short of expectations,...

Crayons Down. Now Dig Into That Healthful Parfait.

Op-Ed Contributors: Don’t Give M ore Patients Statins

But when it came time to twist and shape clay into their favorite fruits and veggies, Lauren Williams, 4, had another idea....

This announcement is not a result of a sudden epidemic of heart disease, nor is it based on new data showing the benefits...

Brain Stimulation Shows Promise for Eating Disorders

New center launched to increase efficacy, reduce costs at four health care providers across Indiana

Brain Stimulation Shows Promise for Eating Disorders By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Nov. 12 (HealthDay News)...

In response to rising national health care costs, the Indiana University School of Medicine and Indiana

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Clinical and Translational...

Groundbreaking study reveals novel approach to treat, eliminate M RSA infection

Too early to proclaim the end of the war on childhood obesity

Recent work from University Distinguished Professor of Biology Kim Lewis promises to

Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveals, screamed the headline. Sounds like...

Parents winning childhood war on obesity,

overcome one of the leading public health...

Trends in chloroquine resistance marker, Pfcrt-K76T mutation ten years after chloroquine withdrawal in Tanzania Plasmodium falciparum resistance to anti-malarial

PftetQ and pfmdt copy numbers as predictive molecular markers of decreased ex vivo doxycycline susceptibility in imported Plasmodium falciparum malaria

drugs remains a major obstacle to the control of malaria. In 2001 Tanzania...

The objective of this study was to evaluate the

Selecting the right medical student

FBI Looking for M issing Ouachita County Teen

Medical student selection is an important but

distribution of a series of independent doxycycline inhibitory concentration...

difficult task. Three recent papers by McManus et al. in BMC Medicine have...

LITTLE ROCK—Howard S Marshall, Acting Special

The UKCAT-12 study: educational attainment, aptitude test performance, demographic and socio-economic contextual factors as predictors of first year outcome in a cross-sectional collaborative study of 12 UK medical schools

Elderly ‘face £150,000 care bill’

Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the state of Arkansas,...

13 November 2013 Last updated at 22:46 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The cap on care...

Most UK medical schools use aptitude tests during student selection, but large-scale studies of predictive validity are rare....

Poor eye care ‘leaving people blind’ 13 November 2013 Last updated at 22:34 ET By

The Academic Backbone: longitudinal continuities in educational

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James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News People...

achievement from secondary school and medical school to M RCP(UK) and the specialist register in UK medical students and doctors Selection of medical students in the UK is still largely based on prior academic achievement, although doubts have been expressed...

Construct-level predictive validity of educational attainment and intellectual aptitude tests in medical student selection: meta-regression of six UK longitudinal studies Measures used for medical student selection should predict future performance during training. A problem for any selection...

Interventions for increasing ankle joint dorsiflexion: a systematic review and meta-analysis Ankle joint equinus, or restricted dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), has been linked to a range of pathologies of relevance...

Rapid detection of Echinococcus species by a high-resolution melting (HRM ) approach High-resolution melting (HRM) provides a low-cost, fast and sensitive scanning method that allows the detection of DNA sequence...

Vigilance and prevention against diabetes urged on World Diabetes Day Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A spokesman for the Department of Health (DH) appealed to members of the public for continued vigilance...

#43 The Abundant Environment

The Award Of Participation #NHBPM

ukgardenphotos via Compfight ukgardenphotos via Compfight How do we translate our good intentions into actions that create...

Day 13 of National Health Blog Post Month November PARTY: (#NHBPM 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,6th,7th, 8th, 9th, 10, 11th, 12th,13th)....

Achieving Harmony through M indfulness

Phone app to locate defibrillators

“Amélie has a strange feeling of absolute harmony. It’s a perfect moment. A soft light, a scent in the air, the quiet...

Deadly brain illness discovered in British family

13 November 2013 Last updated at 21:00 ET The application’s GPS locates the nearest defibrillator in the area An...

C. difficile vaccine to be tested in Halifax

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(HealthDay)—A British family harbors a deadly inherited illness that destroys the brain in a way

Dr. Shelly McNeil, an infectious disease specialist in Halifax, is part of a worldwide drug trial to

that is similar to the...

develop a vaccine for...

Diabetes: Asia’s ‘silent killer’ 13 November 2013 Last updated at 19:37 ET By

US health care lags behind other affluent countries, study finds

Zoe Murphy BBC News Asia is in the grip of a diabetes epidemic. In...

(HealthDay)—American adults are far more likely than those in 10 other high-income countries to go without health care...

Women with asthma could face a delay in becoming pregnant

National project tracks the spread of UK flu and extends monitoring to schools

Women with asthma could take longer to conceive, according to new research. The study, published

Are Northerners really more likely to get flu? Does regular exercise help you to recover faster? And

online today (14 November...

what impact will the...

Cardiovascular complications of type 2 diabetes associated with levels of physical activity

1-Year-Old Wyatt Banks Amazes Parents And Doctors By Rolling Himself In Wheelchair

The risk of cardiovascular complications in people with type 2 diabetes is directly related to the frequency and duration...

Kids love to assert their independence, but Wyatt Banks can do something on his own that truly impresses his family and his...

How Blaming Others M akes Stress Worse: Own Up — And Stress Less

The Future of Stress M anagement

By Jan Bruce When problems overwhelm you, it’s temptingly easy to nail someone else with the blame. It makes Jean-Paul...

Chris Hadfield Offers Astronaut’s Guide To M ovember (VIDEO) By now you’re probably familiar with Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield and his five-month stint in space that came...

USDOJ: Justice Department Officials Raise Awareness of Disaster Fraud

In my last blog I gave you 10 reasons why most people don’t manage stress. In this blog, I’m going to give you...

USDOJ: City of Shreveport Agrees to $342 M illion Sewer System Upgrade to Comply with Clean Water Act The city of Shreveport, La ., has agreed to make significant upgrades to reduce overflows from its sanitary sewer system...

USDOJ: Attorney General Eric Holder Announces First Public Hearing of Task

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Hotline Following Typhoon Haiyan The Department of Justice, the FBI, and the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) remind

Force to Examine Impact of Violence on American Indian and Alaska Native Children

the public that there is a potential...

Attorney General Eric Holder today announced the first public hearing of a new task force to examine the impact of exposure...

USDOJ: Internet Pharmacy Website Affiliate Pleads Guilty to Filing False Tax Return

Unearthing & Ridding Yourself of Toxic Shame

Pamela B. Reid pleaded guilty last night to one count of filing a false individual income tax return for the 2006 tax year,...

Shame is inexorably tied to the question that many of us will eventually ask ourselves: “Are we a human doing or a human...

U of A patient stuck on gurney for 6 days after surgery

Harley Lawrence’s death spreads mental health awareness

A University of Alberta Hospital patient says he

The tragic death of a homeless man in Berwick,

spent six days on a gurney wedged between two hospital beds following abdominal...

N.S., has spread awareness about the problem of mental illness in the Annapolis...

Cholesterol-lowering statins more widely recommended in U.S.

AUDIO: Paramedic practitioner ‘quicker than A&E’

Cholesterol-lowering statins drug could be

A two-tier accident and emergency system should

prescribed to more American adults under new guidelines, raising questions about...

be created to ease pressure on an “emergency service at its limit”,...

Imbruvica approved for mantle cell lymphoma

Eating al desko DOES make you fat: Workers gorge on crisps, chocolate and Coke rather than having a proper lunch

(HealthDay)—Imbruvica (ibrutinib) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat mantle cell lymphoma...

Can you give YOURSELF the cancercausing HPV virus? Study finds some sex acts may increase the risk of throat

Around 40 per cent of people polled had lunch at their desk every day – and a further 20 per cent said they did this...

New anorexia treatment could CURE patients for up to a year by ‘re-tuning’ the brain to boost self-control

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cancer Human papilloma virus (HPV) is linked to cervical,

Treatment uses magnets to ‘turn up’ part of the brain involved in self-control It is already used to

head and neck cancers New study suggests it may be possible for people...

treat depression...

Baby born to brain dead mother as foetus survives from 15 to 27 weeks

Could Hunger M ake Us M ore Charitable?

31-year-old Hungarian mother suffered a stroke

Enlarge image i Researchers have a hunch that

when 15 weeks pregnant Tests revealed she was brain dead but the foetus was...

because we often had to share food to survive, we’re inclined...

US set to restrict trans fats, but should Australia follow?

U.S. Attorney Joseph Hogsett Announces Sentencing of Indianapolis Woman After Bank Fraud, Tax Evasion Convictions

The increased supply and marketing of processed food high in fat, sugar and salt are recognised as the major drivers of obesity...

INDIANAPOLIS—United States Attorney Joseph H Hogsett announced today that United States District Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson...

Total and high molecular weight adiponectin and ethnic-specific differences in adiposity and insulin resistance: a cross-sectional study

Three Detained in Central Falls Police, FBI Investigation into Alleged Crack Cocaine Trafficking Conspiracy

Ethnic-specific differences in insulin resistance

Falls Police, the FBI, and officers and agents assigned to the FBI-Rhode Island...

(IR) are well described but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Adiponectin...

FBI Seeks Information on 2009 Disappearance of Hackensack Resident Debra Feldman and Any Possible Contact She Had with Serial Killer Israel Keyes

PROVIDENCE, RI—Three men arrested by Central

Could Alzheimer’s be diagnosed with an eye test? Currently Alzheimer’s disease can only be diagnosed for certain by studying a patient’s brain after their death...

On March 18, 2012, Israel Keyes was arrested for the murder of 18-year-old Samantha Koenig in Anchorage, Alaska. While in...

Evidence that a tax on sugar

Spatial-temporal targeting of lung-

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sweetened beverages reduces the obesity rate: a meta-analysis

specific mesenchyme by a Tbx4 enhancer

Excess intake of sugar sweetened beverages

Reciprocal interactions between lung

(SSBs) has been shown to result in weight gain. To address the growing epidemic...

mesenchymal and epithelial cells play essential roles in lung organogenesis and homeostasis....

Low prevalence of the molecular markers of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to chloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine in asymptomatic children in northern Benin

Is the Sleep Deprivation of Infancy Straining Your Relationship?… “Excuse me, but I feel like I hate you.” This is what a client reported saying to her husband after waking him from a...

In Benin, very few studies have been done on the genetics of Plasmodium falciparum and the resistance markers of anti-malarial...

Ontario bill to ban sales of flavoured cigarellos, chewing tobacco Ontario will follow Alberta’s lead and introduce legislation to ban all sales of candy-flavoured tobacco products. The...

Wireless sensors used to study meditation’s effect on heart health

Eye cells help diagnose Alzheimer’s 13 November 2013 Last updated at 11:00 ET By Melissa Hogenboom Science reporter, BBC News Patients with...

Demystifying meditation with science, researchers

Newly discovered mechanism suggests novel approach to prevent type 1 diabetes

at the Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) have teamed with...

New research led by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) demonstrates a disease mechanism in type 1 diabetes (T1D) that...

M ystery explained: How a common chemo drug thwarts graft rejection in bone marrow transplants

Sunscreen application and skin cancer: an interview with Dr M ichelle Hunt, Inner Sydney Dermatology

Results of a Johns Hopkins study may explain why a chemotherapy drug called cyclophosphamide

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) How many people does skin cancer

prevents graft-versus-host (GVHD)...

affect and is it on the rise? Unfortunately...

Bruker releases application note on the

TopPac® 20 ml prefillable polymer

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analysis of carbendazim in orange juice and wine using the EVOQ Elite liquid chromatography mass spectrometer Bruker has released an application note on the evaluation of matrix effects on the analysis of carbendazim in orange juice...

syringe for infusion therapy introduced by SCHOTT SCHOTT expanded its range of TopPac polymer syringes to include a 20 milliliter (ml) format that can be used in combination...

SCHOTT announces the rebranding of its glass syringes

Clues to cocaine’s toxicity could lead to better tests for its detection in biofluids

The international technology group SCHOTT

A new study on cocaine, the notorious white

announced the rebranding of its glass syringes, now known as syriQTM (previously...

powder illegally snorted, injected or smoked by nearly 2 million Americans, details...

Why Can We Taste Bitter Flavors? Turns Out, It’s Still A M ystery

FDA approves Imbruvica for rare blood cancer

YouTube Love at first bite? Watch these kids react

FDA: Office of Hematology and Oncology Products

as they take their first bites of some “challenging” food...

FDA: Breakthrough Therapies FDA: Drug Innovation FDA: Approved Drugs: Questions...

Paediatric injuries at Bugando M edical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania: a prospective review of 150 cases Injuries continue to be the leading cause of death

M ild chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induces neurovascular dysfunction, triggering peripheral beta-amyloid brain entry and aggregation

and disability for children. There is paucity of published data on paediatric...

The Blood–brain barrier (BBB) controls brain supply with oxygen and nutrients, and protects the brain from toxic metabolites,...

What’s Behind the Popularity of Duck Dynasty?

A robust design for identification of the Parasite Clearance Estimator

I never would have thought that a redneck family from West Monroe, Louisiana would be involved in

Anti-malarial efficacy needs to be monitored continually to ensure optimal dosing in the face of

one of the highest-rated...

emerging anti-malarial drug...

M alaria in pregnancy in rural Gabon: a cross-sectional survey on the impact of seasonality in high-risk groups

A video clip of the biting midge Culicoides anophelis ingesting blood from an engorged Anopheles mosquito in Hainan, China

Malaria remains one of the most important

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infectious diseases in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa. Whereas seasonal malaria...

Biting midges are hematophagus ectoparasites of insects, humans and other animals. Culicoides (Trithicoides) anophelis Edwards1922...

5 EASY Ways to Start Scarfing Almonds TODAY

Breast cancer survivors offered free nipple tattoos

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like almonds, and if I do, they’ve kept it a secret from me–as they

Barbara Thompson, a breast cancer survivor, had a mastectomy and later paid to have a nipple

should. I LOVE...

tattooed. She was featured in...

New research shows how brain prepares to start searching

Does brain training make you smarter?

Many of us have steeled ourselves for those ‘needle in a haystack’ tasks of finding our vehicle in

No one who has kept their head out of the sand over the past several years needs to be told “brain training”...

an airport...

New study shows ‘slow-onset’ heart attack symptoms directly contribute to delay in accessing emergency treatment

Students advised to sleep it off Sleepless schoolies are being urged to take a nap or sleep-in when the party dies down, with new QUT research revealing young...

A major new Irish study carried out by researchers at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin and recently...

Look Good Feel Better Program Offers Argentine Cancer Patients M akeup, Skin Care Lessons

NGAGE signs five-year representation deal with SIEM ENS Healthcare

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — For cancer patients dealing with the physical and

five-year representation agreement with SIEMENS Healthcare of Malvern, PA....

NGAGE US LLC today announced the signing of a

psychological trauma of the disease, even...

Epstein-Barr Virus encoded LM P1 regulates cyclin D1 promoter activity by nuclear EGFR and STAT3 in CNE1 cells The principal Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) oncoprotein, latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is strongly associated with nasopharyngeal...

Optimal sampling designs for estimation of Plasmodium falciparum clearance rates in patients treated with artemisinin derivatives The emergence of Plasmodium falciparum

resistance to artemisinins in Southeast Asia threatens the control of malaria worldwide.... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Towards an HIV Cure: science and debate from the International AIDS Society 2013 symposium

Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service appeals for type B positive blood donation

The International AIDS Society convened the multi-

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

stakeholder “Towards an HIV Cure”symposium in Kuala Lumpur,...

behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion...

Deciphering the pathogenesis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with codon 129 M /V and type 2 abnormal prion protein

I Should Just Sing – ADHD In Public Places

Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is classified according to the genotype at polymorphic codon 129 (M or V) of the prion...

on my guard,...

7 Things a Depressed Parent Can Say to a Child

3 Things to Ask Yourself When You’re Just Not…

I’m usually pretty good at hiding my tears from my kids, but lately I’ve been busted a few times because they come so...

Do you ever wonder why you’re not bouncing back from things as fast as you usually do? Maybe you’re facing a big stressor...

‘DNA tag’ linked to development of womb cancer

LCQ17: North Lantau Hospital

‘DNA tag’ linked to development of womb cancer Wednesday 13 November 2013 A ‘DNA tag’ could play...

The link between chronic periodontitis and COPD: a common role for the neutrophil? The possible relationship between chronic inflammatory diseases and their co-morbidities has become an increasing focus of...

LCQ9: Goods and domestic helpers imported from and cultural exchanges

I’m a lot less likely to get myself in trouble … unless you’re a music critic If I’m out in public, and

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Dr Hon Kwok Ka-ki and a written reply by the Secretary for Food...

LCQ13: Control of unauthorised signboards Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by Dr Hon Chiang Lai-wan and a written reply by the Secretary for Development,...

Anapanasati M ind [from a little book, “Anapanasati 2.0,” I am working

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with Philippines Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Sin Chung-kai and a written reply by the

on] You are a vessel, a vehicle. For consciousness, for...

Secretary for Security,...

Heritage M useum exhibits paintings of insects by Chao Shao-an

M agnetic fields ‘help smokers quit’

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The exhibition “Sounds in the Grass: Selected Works of Insects by Chao

James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News Magnetic...

13 November 2013 Last updated at 04:13 ET By

Shao-an”, which...

Therapists help with Philippine typhoon mental health

House oversight panel probes health website woes

Dozens of psychologists were starting work in the typhoon-raked Philippines Wednesday to help

The House’s chief investigator will delve Wednesday into the technical issues behind the

dazed survivors deal with the...

dysfunctional rollout of President...

Bullies more likely to engage in risky sex, study finds

LCQ5: M easures to facilitate economic development

(HealthDay)—Teenage bullies are prone to engage in risky sexual behavior, a new study finds. Casual

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a reply by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic

sex and sex while drunk...

Development, Mr Gregory So, to...

LCQ4: Executive Council’s operation

LCQ11: Provision of education on the M ainland for children born in Hong Kong

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Paul Tse and a reply by the Chief Secretary for Administration,...

LCQ18: Employment services for the ethnic minorities Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Cheung Kwok-che and a written reply by the Secretary for Labour...

Is it right to pay people to be healthy?

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Leung Che-cheung and a written reply by the Secretary for Education,...

LCQ14: Hong Kong’s competitiveness Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Abraham Shek and a written reply by the Secretary for Commerce...

VIDEO: NHS shake-up proposes two-tier

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11 November 2013 Last updated at 19:41 ET Article written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent


More from Nick The...

England by creating a “two-tier” service are being put forward...

Clinton chides Obama on healthcare 12 November 2013 Last updated at 17:47 ET Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have had their ups and downs Former US President...

M ore Americans should take cholesterol meds, doctors say

Plans to transform emergency care in hospitals in

Brain differences seen in social butterflies (HealthDay)—A small new study suggests that parts of your brain may differ depending on whether you’re a social...

More Americans should take cholesterol-lowering

Politicization of health care preventing real changes to out-of-control system, researchers suggest

medication, according to new guidelines released Tuesday by the American...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 410-9558665Johns Hopkins Medicine Meanwhile, United States has...

Women who have undergone obesity surgery should be classed as at-risk during pregnancy, say research

Analysis of health care in US indicates that improvement in outcomes has slowed

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 44-020-738-36529BMJBritish Medical Journal Increased risk of small... 410-955-8665The JAMA Network Journals An examination of health care...

American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology and the Obesity Society Clinical Practice Guideline offers roadmap to treat adults affected by obesity, overweight

American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology joint clinical practice guideline

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 202-375-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 202-3756296American College of Cardiology Healthy lifestyle emphasized...

6296American College of Cardiology (Nov. 12, 2013) Healthcare...

Lumosity presents on Human Cognition

Exclusive: TPG shakes up Asia

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Project at Society for Neuroscience annual meeting

leadership in middle of fundraising drive

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erica 415-704-

By Stephen Aldred HONG KONG (Reuters) – One of the world’s biggest private equity firms, TPG

4533Lumosity Online open science and big data research platform...

Capital, is reshuffling...

Philippines forces in gunfight in typhoon-hit region: TV

Food allergy awareness heads to president’s desk

TACLOBAN, Philippines (Reuters) – Philippine

WASHINGTON (AP) — The deaths of two girls in

security forces exchanged fire on Wednesday with armed men amid widespread...

Illinois and Virginia from severe food allergies have helped spur efforts...

A new classification for the southern beeches

Nursing homes may not need to turn residents every 2 hours to prevent pressure ulcers

A new classification for the southern beeches

A study led by Nancy Bergstrom, Ph.D., associate dean at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)...

New data show positive results from Phase 4 study of Avonex Pen for treatment of RRM S patients

Using morphine to fight pain linked with abdominal surgery may prolong patient’s suffering

Patient satisfaction and ease of use with the pen was highly rated among patients New data presented at the 6th Pan Asian...

Using morphine to fight the pain associated with abdominal surgery may paradoxically prolong a patient’s suffering,...

Searching for a fix to the canceled policy problem

LCQ10: Street performance activities

Politico reports that finding a fix that won’t disrupt the insurance market is no easy task. Meanwhile, in California,...

LCQ16: North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by Dr Hon Kenneth Chan and a written reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs,...

LCQ6: Outsourcing of integrated family services Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Leung Kwok-hung and a reply by the

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the Hon Chan Hak-kan and a written reply by the

Secretary for Labour and...

Secretary for Development,...

LCQ15: Television licences and carrier licences for telecommunications services

LCQ2: Country Parks

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Charles Mok and a written reply by the Secretary for Commerce...

the Environment, Mr...

Future of NHS "depends on speedier healthcare outside hospitals"

LCQ21: M arine Parks

Senior doctors at NHS England acknowledged the problems the service has experienced, but said changes would be made to...

Self-care: 3 Ways To Care For Someone With M ental… I recently had a conversation with a representative of Bupta, a United Kingdom, Edinburgh based healthcare service. Our discussion...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Tony Tse and a reply by the Secretary for

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Wu Chi-wai and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment,...

An age-old assumption 12 November 2013 Last updated at 18:30 ET Article written by Mark Easton Home editor More from Mark Follow Mark on...

Using morphine after abdominal surgery may prolong pain, researchers find

Obama in Bind Trying to Keep Health Law Vow

Using morphine to fight the pain associated with

assuring Americans that they could retain their health plans if they...

abdominal surgery may paradoxically prolong a patient’s suffering,...

After the president’s apology last week for wrongly

Some State Insurance Exchanges Continue to Battle Technical Problems

New discovery on early immune system development

In Oregon, the computer system cannot accurately

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Charlotta

determine whether people qualify for federal subsidies or Medicaid, so the...

Bö 46-709-436812Lund University Researchers at Lund University...

Biomaterial-delivered chemotherapy could provide final blow to brain tumors

Stepparents are not always evil

[ | E-mail ] Contact: William Raillant-Clarkw.raillantW ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emma 44-011- 514-343-7593University of Montreal Parents’...

595-15793University of Nottingham A polymer originally...

No hot flashes? Then don’t count on hormones to improve quality of life [ | E-mail ] Contact: Eileen

Controlling the hormonal environment in endometrial cancer sensitizes tumors to PARP inhibitors 216696-0229The North American Menopause Society...

Modulating the hormonal environment in which endometrial cancers grow could make tumors

Clinical trial looks at impact of plateletrich plasma therapy on tennis elbow

Study aims to change traditional approach to preventing pressure ulcers

A procedure intended to help heal musculoskeletal injuries called platelet-rich plasma therapy, or P.R.P., has created a...

significantly more sensitive to a...

A study led by Nancy Bergstrom, Ph.D., associate dean at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)...

Cells show signs of faster aging after depression

Experts Reshape Treatment Guide For Cholesterol

(HealthDay)—The cells of people who have had depression may age more quickly, a new study

The new approach divides people needing treatment into two broad risk categories. Those at

suggests. Dutch researchers compared...

high risk because, for example,...

William Pollack Dies at 87; His Vaccine Saved Infants

Johnson & Johnson Said to Agree to $4 Billion Settlement Over Hip Implants

He had diabetes and heart disease, his son Malcolm said in confirming the death. Dr. Pollack was a senior scientist...

The tentative plan, which must win court approval, represents one of the largest payouts for product liability claims involving...

Legal bid over swine flu jab link to narcolepsy

Legal high that cost 18-year-old his life was a ‘walk into disaster’

Evidence compiled by the Health Protection Agency earlier this year suggests that about one in 55,000 vaccinated children...

The inquest heard that Mr Hunt told his friend that he had bought two grams of AMT and he intended to take it later that...

Technology is ‘a back injury time bomb’

Obesity, bipolarity may have common

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for children


“It’s vital we instil good habits and provide resources so children can be comfortable, be able

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter The presence of obesity in patients with

to concentrate, reach...

major depression could be a sign...

Protocol for a collaborative metaanalysis of 5-HTTLPR, stress, and depression

CCL3L1 copy number, HIV load, and immune reconstitution in sub-Saharan Africans

Debate is ongoing about what role, if any, variation in the serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) plays...

The role of copy number variation of the CCL3L1 gene, encoding MIP1alpha, in contributing to the host variation in susceptibility...

Co-expression network analysis and genetic algorithms for gene prioritization in preeclampsia In this study, we explored the gene prioritization in

What practices do parents perceive as effective or ineffective in promoting a healthy diet, physical activity, and less sitting in children: parent focus groups

preeclampsia, combining co-expression network analysis and genetic...

To support parents in improving the health of their young children, examples of effective parenting practices for a healthy...

FBI Seeking Information About a Suspected Child Sexual Predator

‘Flu watch’ coming to UK schools

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying an

Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Scientists...

12 November 2013 Last updated at 20:05 ET By

unknown male suspected of...

NHS shake-up proposes two-tier A&E 12 November 2013 Last updated at 19:47 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News Pressures have...

Switzerland bans e-cigarettes in public transport Use of e-cigarettes in public transport in Switzerland will be banned as of next month, the

Researchers find a new solution in detecting breast-cancer related lymphedem Viewed as one of the most feared outcomes of breast cancer treatment, doctors struggle detecting and diagnosing breast-cancer...

Fugitive Who Faces Charges Related to Pipe Bombs Found in Residential Neighborhoods Arrested in Banning BANNING—A Desert Hot Springs man who was

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national association of mass...

charged for illegally possessing pipe bombs he allegedly left in Palm Springs...

FBI Seeking Individuals Who M ay Have Information Regarding a Suspected Child Sexual Predator The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is seeking the public’s assistance with obtaining identifying information regarding...

Habitual Domestic Violence Offender Pleads Guilty to Assaulting Pregnant Girlfriend ALBUQUERQUE—Tayah Edwards, 40, pleaded guilty this morning to a felony information charging him with assault resulting...

Social M edia Ethics: What Private Practice Therapists Need to… Familiarize yourself with social media ethics and use technology intentionally to educate your community and to build your...

Belcourt M an Pleads Guilty to M urder BISMARCK—United States Attorney Timothy Q Purdon announced that on November 8, 2013, Daniel Greatwalker Jr, 23, Belcourt,...

"Implementation of the Basic Law in Hong Kong" luncheon held in Toronto Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Convenor of the Working Group on Overseas Community under the Basic Law Promotion Steering...

The Healing Power of Self-Disclosure Searching within ourselves and coming to terms with the issues and habits that have perhaps hindered us (and those that helped...

What One Clinician Learned about Coping with Loss

M agnetic brain stimulation may help smokers quit

Clinical psychologist Christina G. Hibbert, PsyD,

(HealthDay)—When willpower doesn’t work,

has experienced many losses in her life. When she was 10, her grandfather...

smokers who want to quit may have a new tool someday: magnetic brain stimulation. A...

Parental monitoring lowers odds of a gambling problem

Halifax food bank focuses on HIVpositive clients

Keeping an eye on your child can lower their odds

A food bank specializing in helping Halifax-area

for gambling by young adulthood, according to research conducted at Columbia...

residents with life-threatening illnesses says demand is rising this year. The...

TV appeal after Philippines typhoon

ACC/AHA release new guideline for assessing cardiovascular risk in adults

12 November 2013 Last updated at 16:05 ET

Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

JavaScript to play. The Disasters Emergency...

The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association today released a new clinical practice guideline to...

ACC/AHA publish new guideline for management of blood cholesterol

AHA/ACC joint clinical practice guideline

The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association today released a new

physically active is critical for preventing heart attacks, strokes and other...

Eating an overall heart-healthy diet and being

clinical practice guideline for...

Clinical Practice Guideline offers roadmap to treat adults affected by obesity, overweight Healthcare providers are on the front line of the obesity epidemic – poised to identify who needs to lose weight for health...

Disability and the Invisible American ‘Gulag Archipelago’ The escape, earlier this year, of three women from a home in Cleveland where they were held captive for roughly a decade...

Is Your Daily M ultivitamin Doing Anything?

What Animals Can Teach Us About Being Better Human Beings

While plenty of us dutifully pop a daily multivitamin, new research suggests that the benefits of doing so are a little lacking. Certainly...

Our animal counterparts have quite a few lessons to offer (the value of napping, for one). Humans are fundamentally social...

How We Can Stop Hospitals From OverBilling

UTHealth study aims to change traditional approach to preventing pressure ulcers

On Sept. 3, 2012, Jeff Kortan was involved in a bicycle accident and was taken by ambulance to Mercy San Juan Hospital in...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Edgar 713-5003307University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston IMAGE: ...

Taking a new look at carbon nanotubes [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley Lab researchers...

Studies explore potential origins of addiction and treatments [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kat 202-962-4090Society for Neuroscience Novel therapies for nicotine, heroin,...

M usical training shapes brain anatomy

NYU researchers find a new solution in

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and affects function [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kat 202-962-4090Society for Neuroscience Training before age 7 has bigger impact...

detecting breast-cancer related lymphedem [ | E-mail ] Contact: Christopher 212-9986876New York University Findings suggest affective...

Evidence of 3.5 billion-year-old bacterial ecosystems found in Australia

Why M ammogram Guidelines Would Have M issed Amy Robach’s Cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert M. Hazenrhazen@ciw.eduCarnegie Institution IMAGE:

Good Morning America host Amy Robach revealed on her show that a recent on-air mammogram had

A rock surface is displaying “polygonal...

found she has breast cancer,...

Senior House Democrat favors letting Americans keep health policies

Watch: Intra-operative M RI Brain Surgery

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The second-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives said on

Typhoon Haiyan Damage, Rescues Caught on Tape Watch: Intra-operative MRI Brain Surgery

Tuesday that Americans receiving...

U.S. Catholic bishops’ new leaders concerned with poor

Can damp, mouldy rooms increase risk of Parkinson’s?

By Mary Wisniewski BALTIMORE (Reuters) – U.S. Catholic bishops elected two centrist conservatives

Some mould emits a compound or vapour known as ‘mushroom alcohol’ Can cause two genes

as new leaders on...

involved in the transport...

Groom walks again in time for his wedding after having BOTOX injections in his legs

Great-grandmother died after being ignored for 12 hours at Tameside Hospital

James Taylor developed snapping hip syndrome after falling down stairs The condition is caused by the movement of a muscle...

Barbara White, 77, died from a bowel infection at Tameside Hospital Left unchecked for 12 hours so medics failed to realised...

Parasitologist grows parasite in her foot

Will Pilates Help You Lose Weight?

Marlene Thielecke took regular photos and videos of the flea in her foot After two months she became ‘uneasy’...

Yes, it can! This type of exercise moves the body in a way that optimizes circulation, betters digestion, and helps the...

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Property M anager Admits Role in M ultiM illion-Dollar M ortgage Fraud

M an Sought in Navajo Indian Reservation Shooting Arrested

CAMDEN, NJ—A property manager admitted today to conspiring to defraud financial institutions as part of a multi-million-dollar...

A Shiprock, New Mexico man wanted for the October 10, 2013 shooting of a woman at a housing complex on the Navajo Indian...

Five M ore Defendants, Including a Correctional Officer, Plead Guilty in Racketeering Conspiracy

Sparks M an Charged with Soliciting a M inor for Sex

BALTIMORE—Five defendants, all from Baltimore, pleaded guilty this week to their participation in a racketeering conspiracy...

RENO, NV—A Sparks resident has been arrested for soliciting a minor to engage in sex with him in exchange for a laptop...

Former Peoria Real Estate Developer to Serve Two Years in Prison for Role in Fraud Scheme

How love can warm you up: Feeling affection and even holding a heated object boost brain activity

SPRINGFIELD, IL—Former Peoria, Illinois real estate developer Shara Andrews, now of Mobile,

Declarations of support and affection actually leave us feeling physically warmer, claim scientists The

Alabama, was sentenced today...

findings suggest...

Cameron Park M an Pleads Guilty to Bank Embezzlement

Rosebud M an Sentenced for Sexual Abuse

SACRAMENTO, CA—Ethan George Banaszak, 35, of Cameron Park pleaded guilty today to one count

United States Attorney Brendan V Johnson announced that a Rosebud, South Dakota man

of bank embezzlement, United...

convicted of sexual abuse was sentenced...

Palm Beach County Gastroenterologist Charged with Filing False Tax Returns

Human Cytomegalovirus (HCM V) induces Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) transcription

Wifredo A Ferrer, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; Jose A Gonzalez, Special Agent in Charge,...

Video: Why Black & White Thinking Can Be So… “Why do we park in a driveway, but drive on a parkway?” my third grade teacher, Mrs. O’Malley,

Emerging evidence suggests that human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is highly prevalent in tumours of different origin. This virus...

Last M an Sentenced to Six Years in Federal Prison for Role in Sarasota M ortgage Fraud Conspiracy TAMPA—United States District Judge Richard A

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once asked during an...

Lazzara sentenced J Patrick Brester (41, Sarasota) yesterday to six years...

104 Reasons For Happiness

Winnipeg docs give Nicaraguans gift of new knees

HI HOORAY! Today, November 12, 2013, we’ve got 104 Reasons For Happiness… 1 week of time living/learning = 7 days +...

Innovative knee injury clinic saving money, doctor says Dr. Nick Mohtadi runs the Acute Knee Injury Clinic at the University of Calgary, a service he says is saving the Alberta...

Dozens of Nicaraguans have new knees thanks to a corps of Winnipeg medical professionals and an amazing three days of...

Being a bully linked to casual, risky sex NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Teens who bully other kids, or are both bullies and bullied themselves, are more likely...

U.S. FDA review supports Vanda sleep drug; shares surge

Dendreon to cut more jobs as cancer vaccine sales drop again

(Reuters) – An experimental sleep-disorder drug

(Reuters) – Biotechnology company Dendreon

made by Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc is safe and effective enough to warrant...

Corp said it would reduce annual costs by $125 million and cut about 150...

Could Low ‘Brown Fat’ Levels Be Tied to Higher Diabetes Risk?

Obesity Is Driving Surge in Knee Replacements, Study Finds

TUESDAY Nov. 12, 2013 — South Asian people

TUESDAY Nov. 12, 2013 — Rising rates of obesity

have lower amounts of so-called “brown fat” than white people...

among people younger than 65 may be the main reason for the rapidly...

M eat Products Could Raise Diabetes Risk: Study

5 Health Claims About Hot Yoga: True Or False

TUESDAY Nov. 12, 2013 — To avoid developing

Posted on November 12, 2013 by Elisabeth Buhl

type 2 diabetes, you may have been told to watch your calories and kick...

Thubron 5 Health Claims About Hot Yoga: True Or False Good or bad for your...

Found: The Brain's Rotten-Smell Button

M etamaterial Harvests Energy From M icrowaves

Window or aisle? Hamburger or hot dog? Bouquet of flowers or rotting flesh? Not all your preferences are up to you—some...

Researchers at Duke University’s Pratt School of

Engineering have created an inexpensive material capable of harvesting... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Vegetable Patties With Citrus M ango Salsa This light meal is so fresh and tasty, full of

iVUN: interactive Visualization of Uncertain biochemical reaction Networks

vitamins, and packs a protein punch with the addition of chickpeas. What’s...

Mathematical models are nowadays widely used to describe biochemical reaction networks. One of the main reasons for this...

Exploring cavity dynamics in biomolecular systems

M aTSE: the gene expression timeseries explorer

The internal cavities of proteins are dynamic structures and their dynamics may be associated

High throughput gene expression time-course experiments provide a perspective on biological

with conformational changes...

functioning recognized as having...

The endotoxin/toll-like receptor-4 axis mediates gut microvascular dysfunction associated with post-prandial lipidemia

Incident of electronic radiology reports

Postprandial lipidemia is important in the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). Consumption of a meal high in monounsaturated...

Authority (HA) spokesman...

Prescription painkiller abuse exploding in Hamilton

Hospital closures challenge fails

Hamilton has a prescription drug problem, and it’s getting dramatically worse. Where crack once reigned as the most dangerous...

Health challenge faces Philippines

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hospital

12 November 2013 Last updated at 09:45 ET A north London council has failed to get a judicial review of the decision to close...

12 November 2013 Last updated at 08:40 ET A mother recuperates after giving birth in a makeshift

World’s largest disease database will use artificial intelligence to find new cancer treatments

clinic in Tacloban city The...

A new cancer database containing 1.7 billion experimental results will utilise artificial intelligence similar to the technology...

Polish study on M RI-ultrasound for targeted prostate biopsy wins CEM award

A longitudinal study of grapheme-color synaesthesia in childhood What colour is H? Is 4 brighter than 9? For most

people these questions might seem baffling, but W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Ultrasound (MRIUS)- guided prostate biopsy has high

not for people with grapheme-color...

sensitivity to detect prostate abnormalities...

Successful grant applications and scholarly impact in neurosurgery

Dani Shapiro: 7 Places Where Your Pain Hides

Researchers have found a strong relationship between scholarly impact and success in receiving

The author of Devotion: A Memoir explains where to find those private, personal aches. 1. In Our Bones

awards from the National Institutes...

(Literally) Once,...

DJ Cavem, Denver Rapper, Urges Kids To … Eat Kale

Do You Struggle With the Doom Loop?

By Hannah Wallace Armed with a boom box and a blender, hip-hop artist Ietef Vita is using a typically

So many people never get to enjoy their life, their success, their excellence. Why? Because they live with an inner Gremlin...

tough-guy art form...

Real M en Go To Sleep

The 7 How-To’s of Love Relationships

The primary message – sometimes implicit, often boastfully announced – is that extended

Relationships were meant to be the joyful journey of two loving people striving towards fulfillment and

sleeplessness represents...

enlightenment. If...

Video: Hypochondria: Why medical students (and many others) worry about conditions they don’t really have

Hypochondria: Sifting through symptoms to diagnose disease

November 12, 2013 5:18 AM Doctors see it all the time — and sometimes experience it too. Hypochondria is when you’re...

In this digital age of medicine, it’s hard not to look up your symptoms online — and fear the worst. But hypochondriasis,...

Video: Straight talk about sex for cancer patients

Does the cold remedy your family swears by really work?

November 12, 2013 6:00 AM Cancer treatment can take a physical toll on patients, and the issue of sexual health is not often...

By Lucy Elkins PUBLISHED: 17:59 EST, 11 November 2013 | UPDATED: 05:31 EST, 12 November 2013 When a cold strikes, you can...

Woman’s weight plunged to 5st 7lb after OCD made her believe everything she ate was POISON

Obese mother loses 17 STONE and is crowned Slimming World’s Woman of the Year

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Samantha Brown, 27, was eventually diagnosed

Kim Freshwater, 45, dropped from an obese 29st

with unusual form of OCD Had she lost another half a stone, she may have suffered...

to a trim 11st 7lbs She was a size 38 but since her diet she wears size 10...

Identification of three new Alu Yb subfamilies by source tracking of recently integrated Alu Yb elements

Systematics of the Oswaldoi Complex (Anopheles, Nyssorhynchus) in South America

Alu elements are the most abundant mobile elements in the human genome, with over 1 million

Effective malaria control relies on accurate identification of those Anopheles mosquitoes

copies and constituting more...

responsible for the transmission...

Visual cavity analysis in molecular simulations

Cell-to-Cell Signaling Through Light: Just a Ghost of Chance?

Molecular surfaces provide a useful mean for analyzing interactions between biomolecules; such

Despite the large number of reports attributing the signaling between detached cell cultures to the

as identification and characterization...

electromagnetic phenomena,...

enRoute: dynamic path extraction from biological pathway maps for exploring heterogeneous experimental datasets

Public ‘seem to like’ e-cigarettes

Jointly analyzing biological pathway maps and experimental data is critical for understanding how biological processes work...

Association wants...

Best of Our Blogs: November 12, 2013 When faced with a challenge, do you confront it or hide from it? You may not identify with being an

Kaiser Permanente’s M edicare health plan website launches new seminar search tool

addict, alcoholic or...

Kaiser Permanente’s highly rated Medicare health

12 November 2013 Last updated at 04:03 ET By Graham Satchell BBC News The British Medical

plan website,, has launched a new feature that is...

FDA Advisory Committee votes in favor of Cochlear Nucleus Hybrid L24 Implant System

Revalesio to conduct RNS60 Phase IIa clinical trial in RRM S patients

Cochlear Limited (ASX: COH), the global leader in implantable hearing solutions, announced today

new collaboration with noted neurologist Dr. Roland Martin, Head of Neuroimmunology...

Revalesio Corporation is pleased to announce a

that an advisory committee... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Hebrew University to participate in new European research project on chronic pain The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is one of 11 universities, medical centers and research

Rick Stein: ‘I drink too much but life’s too short and wine’s too nice’ By Nick Mcgrath PUBLISHED: 20:16 EST, 11 November 2013 | UPDATED: 04:13 EST, 12 November 2013 Chef Rick Stein: ‘I’m...

institutes in seven countries...

Plasma neutrophil gelatinaseassociated lipocalin in acute kidney injury superimposed on chronic kidney disease after cardiac surgery: a multicenter prospective study

Hong Kong resident jailed for conspiracy to defraud Hong Kong (HKSAR) – One Hong Kong resident who arranged bogus marriages was charged with one count of conspiracy to...

IntroductionPlasma neutrophil gelatinaseassociated lipocalin (NGAL) is reportedly useful for post-cardiac surgery acute...

WHO Western Pacific Regional meeting in HK to address harmful use of alcohol by young people Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Representatives from countries/areas in the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization...

VIDEO: New mothers ‘paid’ to breastfeed New mothers are to be offered up to £200 in shopping vouchers to encourage them to breastfeed their babies. The pilot scheme...

Cluster of Rotavirus cases in Siu Lam Hospital Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson for Siu Lam Hospital...

Study provides new evidence underlining the significance of bitter taste perception It’s no coincidence that the expression “to leave a bitter taste in one’s mouth” has a double meaning;...

Nontoxic therapy shows encouraging results in blood samples from lupus patients

BioGaia plans to invest in first phase of project aimed at developing drug for NEC

Northwestern Medicine- scientists have

The board of BioGaia (STO:BIOG-B) has decided to

successfully tested a nontoxic therapy that suppresses Lupus in blood samples of people...

invest in the first phase of a long-term project aimed at developing a drug...

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ED visits associated with OTC pediatric cough cold medicines in children decline A new study, “Cough and Cold Medication Adverse Events After Market Withdrawal and Labeling Revision,” shows...

Gene aberrations of RRM 1 and RRM 2B and outcome of advanced breast cancer after treatment with docetaxel with or without gemcitabine The purpose of the present study was to retrospectively evaluate whether copy number changes of the genes encoding the ribonucleotide...

Ten-year changes in the prevalence of overweight, obesity and central obesity among the Chinese adults in urban Shanghai, 1998–2007 ¿ comparison of two cross-sectional surveys

Validation of miRNA-mRNA interactions by electrophoretic mobility shift assays MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs involved in gene expression regulation by targeting specific regions in the 3[prime]-UTR...

Growth of infants fed formula supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 or Lactobacillus GG: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Growth is an essential outcome measure for evaluating the safety of any new ingredients, including probiotics, added to infant...

How is intensive care reimbursed? a review of eight European countries Reimbursement schemes in intensive care are more complex than in other areas of healthcare, due to special procedures and...

In China, obesity is expected to increase rapidly in both urban and rural areas. However, there have been no comprehensive...

Blocking ‘lock and key’ site of lung cancer proteins could lead to new treatments Blocking ‘lock and key’ site of lung cancer proteins could lead to new treatments Monday 11 November 2013 Cancer...

New data plotting tool from F1000Research A condition of publishing in the Open Access life sciences journal F1000Research is that authors make the data underlying...

GOP sees potential in health law’s problems, as website issues and overhaul complications take toll on Obama’s ratings

Issa issues another subpoena about health law website — his target: Top White House tech officer

Even as Republican lawmakers took a hard line

congressional Republican efforts to speak with

So far, the White House has resisted

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during the weekend talk shows, Democrats still maintain the measure will,...

chief technology officer Todd Park about...

Researchers discover new pathway for treating allergic diseases

6-Shogaol induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells through a process involving caspase-mediated cleavage of eIF2alpha

A collaboration among researchers in Israel and the United States has resulted in the discovery of a new pathway that has...

6-Shogaol is a promising antitumor agent isolated from dietary ginger (Zingiber officinale). However, little is known about...

A simple three-dimensional stent for proper placement of mini-implant This paper deals with the fabrication of a threedimensional stent which is simple in design but provides an accurate placement...

M icroRNA-10b overexpression promotes non-small cell lung cancer cell proliferation and invasion miRNAs are a class of small non-coding RNA molecules that play an important role in the pathogenesis of human diseases through...

New mums ‘paid’ to breastfeed 11 November 2013 Last updated at 19:41 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The World Health...

Cantonese Opera Day 2013 to be held at HKCC on November 24

Porphyromonas gingivalis oral infection exacerbates the development and severity of collagen-induced arthritis IntroductionClinical studies suggest a direct influence of periodontal disease (PD) on serum inflammatory markers and disease...

Specialist Cyprus software developer sets up in Hong Kong Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Cyprus-based software developer InfoScreen announced today (November 12) that it has opened its...

How best to help the Philippines recover from Typhoon Haiyan Once again, a cataclysmic disaster has hit an Asian nation. But a well co-ordinated aid response mindful of lessons from...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural

Speech by SFST at Hong Kong M anagement Association Annual Conference 2013

Services Department (LCSD) will present the 11th Cantonese Opera Day on...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor K C...

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‘Hidden workforce crisis’ in nursing 11 November 2013 Last updated at 22:49 ET By

Poem: How Do You Write A Raison In The Sun

Jane Dreaper Health correspondent, BBC News NHS trusts trying...

How do I write a raison in the sun? Or a Poe’s Raven How ‘bout a Ginsberg Howl How do I write a poem To put me on the...

ASN: Bardoxolone methyl no benefit in T2DM , stage 4 CKD

Post-op prophylactic heparin poses very low bleed risk

(HealthDay)—Bardoxolone methyl does not reduce the risk of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or

(HealthDay)—The risk of hemorrhage seems to be very low when prophylactic low-molecular-weight

cardiovascular death in patients...

heparin (LMWH) is initiated...

Estrogen after menopause may blunt stress’ effects on memory

New study analyzes sharp rise in US drug poisoning deaths by county

(HealthDay)—Estrogen therapy after menopause may help reduce the memory problems associated

A new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine gives new insight into the

with stress in some older women,...

geographic variation in drug...

Amy Robach of ABC Says On-Air M ammogram Found Breast Cancer

M e and my operation: The nervetingling surgery that gives weak hearts a boost

Reluctantly, she agreed. “You know what, Amy,” her colleague Robin Roberts, a breast cancer survivor, told her, “if...

By Thea Jourdan PUBLISHED: 19:26 EST, 11 November 2013 | UPDATED: 20:29 EST, 11 November 2013 A device to treat heart failure...

Grandmother who’s been on a diet for 50 YEARS finally achieves her target weight of 9st 9lb at the age of 77

#42 Children Who Live Abundantly

Brenda Boxall started slimming in her late 20s after

happy, productive children...

ukgardenphotos via Compfight The overarching goal—the reason for all of this effort—is to raise

ballooning to 20st Now, after more than half a century of dieting and...

Teens may have less impulse control when faced with danger

APNewsBreak: M ilitary suicides drop; unclear why (Update)

(HealthDay)—Teens react more impulsively to

Suicides across the U.S. military have dropped by

danger than children or adults, which might explain why they’re more...

more than 22 percent this year, defense officials said, amid an array of...

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Study probes heroin addiction’s effect on the brain (HealthDay)—Long-term heroin use changes how

Overweight, obese are risks for heart disease regardless of metabolic syndrome

genes are activated in the brain, which leads to changes in brain function,...

Being overweight or obese are risk factors for myocardial infarction (heart attack) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) regardless...

World Briefing | Europe: Russia: Four Are Sentenced for Airport Attack The Moscow Regional Court sentenced three men on Monday to life in prison for their role in the 2011 suicide bombing at the...

M y Privates Have a Personal Trainer: Stories From Pelvic Floor Rehab (Part One) “Okay, now do a Kegel,” Ally says. I lie on the table with my heels touching each other, my knees splayed to...

The Lobotomists Are Back! Researchers at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada have published a new study of current psychosurgery at their facility,...

M etabolic syndrome components signal resistant hypertension By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter Chinese patients with hypertension that is difficult to treat often have...

Pneumococcal pneumonia linked to lung cancer risk By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter Pneumococcal pneumonia is significantly

Veterans, Suicide, War and Peace “If men could learn from history—what lessons it might teach us! But Passion and Party blind our eyes, and the light...

associated with risk for lung cancer, show...

Why PTSD makes you feel so out of control Someone with a healthy regulation system follows the yellow activation pattern: A) starts with a calm baseline B) gets activated...

Fewer ER visits for kids after cold medicine restrictions (HealthDay)— Restrictions placed on cough and cold medicines may be working, with fewer young children ending up in the...

New mums "paid" to breastfeed 11 November 2013 Last updated at 19:41 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The World Health...

Swine flu pandemic media pundits with pharma links more likely to talk up risks and promote drugs Academics with links to the pharmaceutical industry were more likely to talk up the risks of the

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2009-10 swine flu pandemic...

Protein illustrates muscle damage Researchers at McMaster University have discovered a protein that is only detectable after muscle damage, and it may serve...

Less ‘brown fat’ could help explain why a fifth of the world’s population is highly susceptible to type 2 diabetes Lower amounts of brown adipose tissue (BAT, or ‘brown fat’) could help explain why south Asians— who make up...

Global Health: 20 M illion in M ideast to Get Polio Vaccine

Insomnia hurts job performance of depressed patients

The region was polio-free for 10 years, until a Pakistani strain was detected in sewers in Egypt in

By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter Sleep disturbances in patients with current

January. It has since...

depressive or anxiety disorders are...

ICS overuse warning in COPD

Lifestyle changes boost QoL during long-term ADT

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter Researchers from the UK caution that inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are being overused...

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter A study shows that a lifestyle intervention, involving an exercise program and dietary...

Non-invasive method aids LUTS surgery decisions By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter Researchers say that non-invasive urodynamics could be used to assess prostatic obstruction...

Why Typhoon Haiyan Caused So M uch Damage Enlarge image i This map from the NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory shows the amount of heat energy available...

Examining associations between anxiety and cortisol in high functioning male children with autism Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by deficits in communication and social ability, as well as restricted interests...

Theoretical aspects and modelling of cellular decision making, cell killing and information-processing in photodynamic therapy of cancer The aim of this report is to provide a mathematical model of the mechanism for making binary fate decisions about cell death...

M odelling binding between CCR5 and CXCR4 receptors and their ligands

Has Contempt Crept into Your Communications? Watch Out!…

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suggests the surface electrostatic potential of the co-receptor to be a key player in the HIV-1 tropism

Contempt is a relationship killer. It can and does destroy marriages. It can wound a child’s self image, poison the workplace,...

CCR5 and CXCR4 are the two membranestanding proteins that, along with CD4, facilitate entry of HIV particles into the host...

Shut Off the TV: Parent-Child Interaction Best for Baby…

What Task Can YOU Complete Every Day for Better…

Very few parents can resist the urge to use

Sign:What task do you complete every day to help

television at least occasionally to entertain their children. And occasional...

you with your mental illness?Caption: I wake up!! Day 11 of National Health...

The “I” Word

Veterans Day: What We Fail To Acknowledge About M ental…

You don’t have to be a Buddhist to become enlightened. (Charlie) I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the “I” word....

Do you know a veteran? Do you know the thoughts

Body Image Booster: Check In

Corn, sunflower, safflower oil health benefits challenged

Every Monday features a tip, activity, inspiring quote

they think, the feelings they experience, or the fears they have? What about...

or some other tidbit that helps boost your body image, whether directly...

In 2012, Health Canada agreed to let

VIDEO: Walk-in closures ‘may cut GP access’

Obese older women at higher risk for death, disease, disability before age 85

Closing walk-in centres may make it harder for people to see GPs – and risks sending more

Obesity and a bigger waist size in older women are associated with a higher risk of death, major

people to AE, according to...

chronic disease and mobility...

Problem-solving education reduces parental stress after child autism diagnosis

Device may help doctors diagnose lethal heart rhythm in womb

A cognitive-behavioral intervention known as problem-solving education (PSE) may help reduce

manufacturers of cooking oils containing either omega-6 or omega-3 fatty acids claim...

A promising technology may enable doctors to diagnose and possibly treat in utero a common cause of stillbirth and sudden...

parental stress and depressive... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Study examines amyloid deposition in patients with traumatic brain injury Patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) had increased deposits of β-Amyloid (Aβ) plaques, a hallmark of Alzheimer Disease...

Bungling doctors told Emily and Chelsea to abort their ‘lifeless’ babies. Thank God they refused Emily Wheatley, 32, from Monmouth, South Wales, was told she had miscarried and given tablets to pass the tissue at just...

‘Desperately seeking a donor or I’ll die within months’: Woman in urgent need of a new kidney is forced to place an ADVERT in her local paper

Clarinet player who didn’t clean his instrument for 30 YEARS develops ‘saxophone lung’ from fungus

Janet Bell, 43, was first diagnosed with kidney failure 17 years ago She has already had two

and wheezing for a year He was allergic to a fungus growing inside his dirty...

The 68-year-old American man suffered coughing

kidney transplants from deceased...

Big Brother’s Josie Gibson reveals battle to avoid weight gain after slimming down Big Brother star is one of several yo-yo dieters in Channel 5 documentary Show reveals the

‘Ferrari Of Space’ Crashes And Burns In Earth’s Atmosphere Enlarge image i An artist’s rendition of the GOCE satellite shows the craft in its orbit around Earth. After...

depressing truth of weight loss...

Long-term outcome of vertebral artery origin stenosis in patients with acute ischemic stroke

Breast cancer follow-up strategies in randomized phase III adjuvant clinical trials: a systematic review

Vertebral artery origin (VAO) stenosis is

The effectiveness of different breast cancer follow-

occasionally observed in patients who have acute ischemic stroke. We investigated...

up procedures to decrease breast cancer mortality are still an object...

The proinsulin/insulin (PI/I) ratio is reduced by postprandial targeting therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a small-scale clinical study

Effect of sodium bicarbonate and betaalanine supplementation on maximal sprint swimming

An elevated PI/I ratio is attributable to increased secretory demand on beta-cells. However, the

supplementation of extracellular buffer sodium bicarbonate (SB) and intracellular...

This study examined the effect of simultaneous

effect of postprandial targeting... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Cardiovascular Disease Risk of Bus Drivers in a City of Korea

Veterans Day 2013: Honoring Our Vets with Better Access…

ObjectiveTo prevent the occurrence of CV events such as MI and stroke among professional drivers

This Veterans Day, we honor the sacrifices made by our veterans, fighting for freedom and liberty not

in Korea, bus drivers were...

only for Americans,...

World’s biggest cancer database to aid new treatment development

Corn, soybean, safflower oil health claims challenged

World’s biggest cancer database to aid new treatment development Monday 11 November 2013

In 2012, Health Canada agreed to let manufacturers of cooking oils containing either

A major new database funded...

omega-6 or omega-3 fatty acids claim...

Cameron takes centre stage on NHS

Camel tests positive for M ers virus

11 November 2013 Last updated at 12:28 ET

11 November 2013 Last updated at 12:18 ET

Article written by James Landale Deputy political editor More from James Follow...

Preliminary tests suggest the camel was infected with the same virus as its owner A...

Expanding primary care capacity by reducing inefficiency Producing more healthcare providers is often

Transforming the physician workforce through competitive graduate education funding

touted as the principle solution to the looming shortage in the primary care...

Graduate Medical Education (GME) has fallen short in training physicians to meet changes in the U.S. population and health...

Nurture impacts nature: Experiences leave genetic mark on brain, behavior

Changing the conversation: Polymers disrupt bacterial communication

New human and animal research released today demonstrates how experiences impact genes that

( —Artificial materials based on simple synthetic polymers can disrupt the way in which

influence behavior and health....

bacteria communicate with...

Effectiveness of Primary Care Triple P on child psychosocial problems in preventive child healthcare: a randomized controlled trial

Association of apolipoprotein A1 -75 G/A polymorphism with susceptibility to the development of acute lung injury after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery

Psychosocial problems in children have adverse

IntroductionApolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) is the major

effects on the children, their families, and society, thus early intervention...

apoprotein constituent of high density lipoprotein (HDL) which exerts...

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The anti-erbB3 antibody M M 121/SAR256212 in combination with trastuzumab exerts potent antitumor activity against trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer cells

Arthrogryposis in infancy, multidisciplinary approach: case report Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita is an etiopathogenetically heterogeneous disorder characterised by non-progressive multiple...

Elevated expression of erbB3 receptor has been reported to induce resistance to therapeutic agents, including trastuzumab...

Understanding childbirth practices as an organizational cultural phenomenon: a conceptual framework

Fed Up With Social M edia?

Understanding the main values and beliefs that

social fixes behind...

You are not alone. Users of sites like Facebook, Twitter and Friendster are leaving their digital

might promote humanized birth practices in the specialized hospitals requires...

Single-dose radiotherapy during surgery ‘effective in preventing breast cancer return’

Sourdough breadmaking cuts gluten content in baked goods

Single-dose radiotherapy during surgery ‘effective in preventing breast cancer return’ Monday 11

grow and sales are expected to double by 2017 in Canada. The anti-gluten...

The demand for gluten-free products continues to

November 2013 A...

M idwives ‘left baby in cupboard’

Independent cancer probe questioned

11 November 2013 Last updated at 10:45 ET The

11 November 2013 Last updated at 11:46 ET

alleged incident happened in April 2011 on a night shift at Queen’s...

Colchester General Hospital is being investigated by Essex Police The Royal College...

‘Spotlight’ drug detects lingering cancer cells

Study finds key link responsible for colon cancer initiation and metastasis

()—When a tumor is surgically removed, there’s

Chronic inflammation has long been known as a

always a chance the cancer will return. Even the tiniest bit of malignancy...

key risk factor for cancer—-particularly colon cancer —-but the exact mechanisms...

Obesity and high waist circumference are associated with low circulating pentraxin-3 in acute coronary syndrome

Commission on Poverty convenes eighth meeting Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Secretary for

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Long pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is a component of the pentraxin superfamily and a potential marker of

Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, chaired the eighth meeting of the Commission...

vascular damage and inflammation,...

Proteinase-activated receptors (PARs) — focus on receptor-receptorinteractions and their physiological and pathophysiological impact Proteinase-activated receptors (PARs) are a

Rapidly progressive dementia with thalamic degeneration and peculiar cortical Prion protein immunoreactivity, but absence of Proteinase K resistant PrP: a new disease entity?

subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) with four members, PAR1, PAR2,...

Human prion diseases are a group of rare fatal

LegCo to debate a motion on opposing the expansion of labour importation

Replacing Anxiety with Faith

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The

documentary film I watched last year on the life of Mother Teresa. I can’t remember...

neurodegenerative conditions with well-developed clinical and neuropathological...

More and more lately I have contemplated a

Legislative Council...

Cancer waiting times inquiry begins 11 November 2013 Last updated at 08:57 ET

When care is omitted—new research on a taboo topic

Colchester General Hospital is being investigated by Essex Police An independent...

Registered nurses in hospitals often lack the time for nursing care activities, such as comfort or talk with patients or...

Understanding immune system memory —in a roundabout way

Prosthetic hands viewed as eerie by the public, new study shows

While the principle of immune memory has been known for decades, the exact molecular

Members of the public would prefer to look at human hands or robotic hands rather than

mechanisms underpinning it have remained...

prosthetic hands which they view as...

Cycling champion Cadel Evans takes part in cutting edge cardiopulmonary research

Patrys initiates IST of PAT-SM 6 in combination with carfilzomib in multiple myeloma patients

As the first Australian to win the Tour de France, cycling champion Cadel Evans has already

Patrys Limited (ASX: PAB), a clinical stage biotechnology company has today announced that

pedalled his way into our hearts....

it is initiating an investigator-sponsored...

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Griffith University launches new online scholarly journal to fight against pneumonia Advancing the fight against pneumonia is the focus of a new online scholarly journal launched by Griffith University ePress. With...

HRT could help help prevent embarrassing ‘senior moments’ when the pressure is on

Experts join forces to address the future of stem cell research in Australia – The challenges of taking stem cell therapy tomarket – Australian stem cell experts are joining forces to...

Hormone Replacement Therapy boosts oestrogen

How to get the most health benefits from your veg? STEAM them: Study finds boiled or microwaved broccoli has no cancer-fighting properties left

levels in the over-50s Society for Neuroscience has heard it prevents memory...

Broccoli is a source of sulforaphane which is protective against cancer The enzyme myrosinase in broccoli is needed for sulforaphane...

How zinc starves lethal bacteria to stop infection ( —Australian researchers have found that zinc can ‘starve’ one of the world’s most deadly bacteria...

EM SD urges consumers to stop using four models of unbranded Christmas light chains Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (November 11) urged consumers to...

Hong Kong Government takes great interest in promoting arbitration services

SFH visits Sham Shui Po District

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Special

District this afternoon...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, visited Sham Shui Po

Administrative Region Government takes a keen interest in assisting the arbitration...

The easiest way to burn 600 extra calories a week

Shire to pay $4.2 billion for rare disease firm ViroPharma

What if you could work off that slice of pizza without

LONDON (Reuters) – London-listed Shire is buying

doing a single squat? Good news: You can. You can burn more than 40...

ViroPharma for $4.2 billion, attracted by a pipeline of potentially...

5 Qualities Of A Great Leader

7 Seasonal Foods A Healthy Chef Keeps In Her Kitchen

To be a leader is to be able to feel, express and

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intellectually articulate the needs, wants and desires of the greater collective...

Start Slideshow » 7 images Fall is a time of harvest, which is why it’s a great opportunity to eat seasonally....

6 Tips To Stay Happy & Healthy During The Holidays

Cantonese music to meet Shanghai music in two concerts

Some love it, others dread it. One thing’s for sure: we can’t avoid it, because the holiday season is

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble will perform two concerts titled

upon us. With...

“Birds and Flowers,...

Hongkong Post launches Christmas and New Year gift hampers

ACAD launches third-round funding exercise of Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – With the festive season approaching, Hongkong Post is pleased to

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

announce the launch of a series...

behalf of the Advisory Committee on Arts Development: The Advisory Committee...

Are there silver nanoparticles in your toothpaste and underwear?

AUDIO: Getting drunk… without the alcohol

Silver nanoparticles are being added to a range of

Almost 9,000 people die from conditions related to

common consumer goods, including the underwear pictured above. Knix Wear...

alcohol each year in the UK. A former government drugs advisor, Professor...

‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ Finale: Is Khloe Considering Leaving Lamar? (VIDEO)

Diet pill recalled due to links to liver damage

While remaining vague about any specifics, the

to liver damage Diet pill recalled due to links

season finale of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” continued to...

Shire buys ViroPharma in $4.2 billion deal

Novartis sells blood transfusion test unit to Grifols for $1.7 billion

LONDON (AP) — Drug maker Shire says it is

ZURICH/MADRID (Reuters) – Switzerland’s

buying the rare disease biopharmaceutical company ViroPharma in a deal worth...

Novartis has agreed to sell its blood transfusion testing unit to Spain’s...

Eat Like A Kid Again With This Caramel Apple Smoothie

M ultiple pregnancies: A major public health concern worldwide

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One of my favorite fall treats is a good, old sticky

Strategies to minimize multiple embryo transfer

caramel apple paired with a warm cinnamonflavored cup of apple cider...

should be considered, say researchers in the American Journal of Obstetrics...

M any Boston-area military veterans psychologically affected by Boston M arathon Bombing

Patients’ quality of life negatively affected by perceived discrimination, mistrust in health care

According to a new study, many Boston-area military veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic

Perceived discrimination and mistrust in health care can negatively affect patients’ quality of life,

stress disorder (PTSD) experienced...

according to...

GW Pharmaceuticals starts Phase 1b/2a clinical trial for Recurrent Glioblastoma M ultiforme

Lessons In Leadership: It’s Not About You. (It’s About Them)

GW Pharmaceuticals plc (Nasdaq: GWPH, AIM: GWP, “GW”) a biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering, developing...

Enlarge image i Ronald Heifetz draws on his training as a psychiatrist to coach aspiring leaders at Harvard’s...

Invest Hong Kong encourages Hunan companies to "go global" via Hong Kong

The loneliness of language difficulties

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Invest Hong Kong

people with...

9 November 2013 Last updated at 20:19 ET By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Young

(InvestHK) today (November 11) hosted a “Hong Kong – Your Platform...

‘M iracle’ baby born in Philippine typhoon rubble

Discovery may lead to new treatments for allergic diseases

Emily Sagalis cried tears of joy after giving birth to a

()—A collaboration among researchers in Israel

“miracle” girl in a typhoon-ravaged Philippine city,...

and the United States has resulted in the discovery of a new pathway that...

Spain’s Grifols backs blood diagnostics deal with $1.5 billion loan

Oman reports first death linked to M ERS virus

MADRID (Reuters) – Spanish pharmaceuticals

MUSCAT, Oman (AP) — Oman says officials are

group Grifols said on Monday it would finance its $1.675 billion acquisition...

widening health checks following the country’s first death blamed on...

Interview: Novartis CEO says might sell

Research provides new understanding

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animal health, OTC

of the effects of race on heart disease

ZURICH (Reuters) – Novartis might sell its non-

Thomas Jefferson University researchers have

strategic animal health and over-the-counter (OTC) businesses if it...

discovered that the formation of blood clots follows a different molecular route...

Identification of inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte development

Epidemiological urinalysis of children from kindergartens of Can Gio, Ho Chi M inh City

Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes, specifically mature stages, are the only stage in man

Recent studies on Vietnamese children have shown that kidney diseases are not detected early

transmissible to the mosquito vector...

enough to prevent chronic renal...

Long-term tolerability and maintenance of therapeutic response to sodium oxybate in an open-label extension study in patients with fibromyalgia

Neighborhood socio-economic disadvantage and race/ethnicity as predictors of breast cancer stage at diagnosis

IntroductionThe long-term safety and therapeutic

This study investigated the role of key individual-

response of sodium oxybate (SXB) in fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) patients...

and community-level determinants to explore persisting racial/ethnic...

4 Therapy Skills Everyone Should Have

Parents of Our M ilitary: Supporting Their Care and Courage…

You probably do some therapy every day without realizing it. A while ago I was driving to hear a talk near where I live and...

One group that is often forgotten in our recognition of the sacrifices of the men and women who serve our country is their...

South Park and the Innovation of Loneliness

Gun use in PG-13 movies has more than tripled since 1985

I recently came across the video, The Innovation of

The amount of gun violence shown in PG-13 films

Loneliness, by Shimi Cohen, which explores how loneliness continues to...

has more than tripled since 1985, the year the rating was introduced. In...

Salad And Sandwich Recall: M ore Than 90 Tons Of Food Recalled For E. Coli Contamination

Scientists receive $1.2M grants to explore development of AD in individuals with Down syndrome

RICHMOND, Calif. — RICHMOND, Calif. (AP) — More than 90 tons of ready-to-eat salads and

Donna Wilcock of the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging is the lead

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sandwiches by a California...

investigator on a recently-funded project...

It’s never too late for women to start a diet: Even switching to healthy food in middle age is likely to lead to a longer life

GOP seeking to rebound on the issue of the health law

Study evaluated the diet and medical records of

Republican leaders believe the problems with the rollout of the law’s website and the concerns about policy cancellations...

more than 10,000 women It found those on a Mediterranean diet were healthier...

Thanks OCD! You’ve been my saviour in the worst year of my life: M ichelle M one is convinced her obsession has helped her beat every setback – even a bitter divorce her beat every setback

One-stop breast cancer treatment: Radiation breakthrough will help thousands

Lingerie tycoon Michelle Mone was diagnosed with

weeks of the conventional...

‘Gentle’ X-rays is used to destroy any remaining tumour cells 30-min procedure removes need for

OCD in her 30s She has four dishwashers in her home as she cannot bare dirty...

Health Check: how do you choose overthe-counter painkillers? If you’re anything like me, your medicine cupboard is chockers with various non-prescription pain remedies: liquids, pills,...

Swallowing the M entally Ill Whole Injustice is always worse when it gets personal. I can’t stand the idea that my nephew, who is locked up for having what’s...

Surprises in hunt for environmental links to breast cancer

Talk of Penalty Is M issing in Ads for Health Care

A decade-long research effort to uncover the

The state and federal health insurance exchanges

environmental causes of breast cancer by studying both lab animals and a group...

are using all manner of humor and happy talk to sell the Affordable Care...

Leonard Herzenberg, Immunologist Who Revolutionized Research, Dies at 81

The Hole Swallowing Our M entally Ill

He went on to develop precisely that — and in doing so helped revolutionize immunology,

Injustice is always worse when it gets personal. I can’t stand the idea that my nephew, who is locked up for having what’s...

facilitate stem cell research and... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Elevated dry-season malaria prevalence associated with fine-scale spatial patterns of environmental risk: a case–control study of children in rural M alawi

Helping Kids with Trauma Succeed At School Those early school years, when children ages 6 to 12 are transitioning from a caregiving environment to an educational environment,...

Methods: Ten villages were randomly selected from TA Sitola (n = 6) and Nsamala (n = 4). Within each village, during June...

Alternative M edicine: Giveaway #NHBPM

Top Five Natural Remedies for Depression

Sign: It’s Taboo Chato Stewart: Fart-Burp-Belch

Nearly 20 million people in America suffer from

Caption: Digestive Health and Your Mental Health Wellness It’s ten days...

depression every year. The conventional treatment for depression that most...

Scan predicts heart attack risk

Walk-in closures ‘may cut GP access’

10 November 2013 Last updated at 20:14 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News Heart...

10 November 2013 Last updated at 20:14 ET By Caroline Parkinson Health editor, BBC News website Closing...

Editorial: High and Low Premiums in Health Care

Advertising: Using Humor to Talk About Birth Control

As it turns out, there are estimates of how many

The pro bono effort, called “We Get You,” promotes

people might fall into one category or the other. Up to seven million people..., a website that offers information on birth control....

Op-Ed Contributor: Daring to Complain About Obamacare

The boy who loves to bake but can’t eat (but at least Theo got to blow out the candles on his fifth birthday cake)

The Anthem rep cheerily explained that despite the company’s — I paraphrase — draconian rates and limited network,...

Theo Carnie cannot eat normal foods and is fed

Lighting Up The Investigative Path With Polonium-210 Enlarge image i Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat

As teens say ‘slim cigs are cool’ big tobacco profits while government stalls on packaging

boards a helicopter in Ramallah, the West Bank,

As teens say ‘slim cigs are cool’ big tobacco profits

through a tube daily He underwent surgery in 2009 after not being able to...

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for the start of...

while government stalls on packaging Monday 11 November...

5 Reasons the Friends You Never See Anymore Aren’t Bad People

‘Vodka Samm’ Is Totally Sober And Avoiding Social M edia (VIDEO)

When Sean was diagnosed, we knew we were going to face his cancer together. We counted on

Samantha Goudie, better known to Internet denizens as “Vodka Samm,” hasn’t had a drink

lots of doctors visits, lots of...

since she blew a...

Exercise during pregnancy gives newborn brain development a head start

‘Saving our fish’ needs more than a ban on discarding

[ | E-mail ] Contact: William 514-566-3813University of Montreal As little as...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa 44-016-035-93496University of East Anglia Banning the practice of throwing...

Fast-mutating DNA sequences shape early development; guided evolution of uniquely human traits

New evidence on the biological basis of highly impulsive and aggressive behaviors

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kat 415-7342534Gladstone Institutes Gladstone-led study reveals...

202-962-4090Society for Neuroscience For want of a receptor: Some behaviors...

Evaluation of ranges of motion of a new constrained acetabular prosthesis for canine total hip replacement

Prison ‘Holes’ Swallowing Thousands Upon Thousands of M entally Ill…

Total hip replacement (THR) is considered to be the most effective treatment option for advanced osteoarthritis of the hip...

Injustice is always worse when it’s personal. I can’t stand the idea that my nephew, who is locked up just for having...

Hospital noise complaints muffled with redesign

Video: Bodybuilder with stage 4 cancer competes at fitness show

The top complaint of patients in hospital is noise,

November 10, 2013 2:13 PM A Los Angeles-area

but some Canadian hospitals are finding ways to keep the din down. Acoustic...

bodybuilder with stage 4 cancer was told a year ago that he had about 8 months...

Research reveals new understanding,

Estrogen After M enopause M ay Blunt

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warning signs, and potential treatments for multiple sclerosis

Stress’ Effects on M emory

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kat

menopause may help reduce the memory problems associated with stress...

202-962-4090Society for Neuroscience SAN DIEGO Scientists are gaining...

Creepy crawly centipedes are a source of new high-strength painkillers

SUNDAY Nov. 10, 2013 — Estrogen therapy after

I’m dreading the day I get knocked up, since I know

‘M iracle’ baby at last for triple transplant woman, 43, who was told it would be unlikely to survive

that my incredibly low pain threshold will have trouble dealing with...

Tina Martin has suffered from Type 1 diabetes since age seven Had two kidneys and pancreas transplanted before falling pregnant Mother-oftwo...

Australian workplaces failing to create a healthy environment

Total smoking bans aren’t the answer to better prisoner health

Working Australians are showing increasingly

From May next year, Queensland prisoners will no

higher levels of stress and distress, according to the third annual Stress and...

longer be able to smoke cigarettes. Smoking in cells was prohibited in Queensland...

HK’s entry in 2013 Lord M ayor’s Show in London highlights HK comics and animation

2 Touchy Topics: Anger & Alcohol

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London (London ETO), took part

Oh, I know You want to…but, should You? Will You? Honest, deep, self-examination will help all of us discover: our attitudes,...

in the City of London Lord...

Doctors study effects of explosions on soldiers’ brains

Saudi M ERS toll reaches 53 as Oman records first death (Update)

The long-term impact of roadside bombings on the brains of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan is the

Saudi Arabia announced another fatality from the MERS virus on Sunday, taking its toll to 53, as

focus of two research projects...

neighbouring Oman recorded...

Sexually Explicit M usic Videos "Should Have Ratings System," Say Critics

Typhoon’s M ental, Physical Toll High in Philippines: How to Help

A growing clamour to tackle sexually explicit pop videos will find a new voice this week with the

(CNN) — The stories coming out of the Philippines are unimaginable. Rushing water and wind tearing

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launch of a campaign group...

children away from...

The Warning Label That Should Be On Lululemon Yoga Pants

Introducing After Trauma

“…Women will wear seatbelts that don’t work [with

understand the intricacies of trauma, trauma recovery, post-traumatic stress...

the pants], or they’ll wear a purse that doesn’t...

There is a growing need for people to better

Racial difference in blood clotting warrants a closer look at heart attack medications

Scientists offers way to disrupt fibrosis

Thomas Jefferson University researchers have

intervene in the molecular...

A team of scientists that includes Saint Louis University researchers has identified a new way to

discovered that the formation of blood clots follows a different molecular route...

Contribution of coding variants to psoriasis much smaller than thought

10 Serene Bedrooms To Inspire Your #SanctuarySunday (PHOTOS)

Coding variants in immune disease-related genes

Serene spaces come in many forms — that’s why

play only a small part in the overall genetic risk for psoriasis, according...

we’re rounding up the best of the bunch every week. Today,...

How to Detox Someone Out of Your Life

Romano Dias, British M an, Dies After Drinking Liquid M eth Worth $54,000 Hidden As Fruit Drink: Report

Detox has become a fad word lately. Do a few shakes, stay off the booze, stop processed food, have a few green juices and...

A British man has reportedly died after accidentally drinking liquid methamphetamine from a bottle he thought contained a...

‘The Adventures Of Puppi & Burma’ Photo Book Chronicles Homeless Veteran Stephen Simmons’ Triumph Over PTSD (PHOTOS) An Oregon Army veteran has discovered a revolutionary — and absolutely beautiful — way of dealing with the effects...

Hope for transplant patients as study finds key to organ scarring

The contribution of coding variants to psoriasis much smaller than thought [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jia Liuliujia@genomics.cnBGI Shenzhen The latest study was published online in Nature Genetics November...

When Dreams Turn Violent By Mark W. Mahowald, M.D. A 59-year-old man was

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eleanor 44-131-6506382University of Edinburgh Uni of Edinburgh

referred to the sleep clinic for evaluation of potentially violent behaviors...

news release Patients...

10 Common M istakes That Prevent You From Being Happy and Healthy Today, Backed by Science I’m fascinated by the link between the way we live our daily lives and the health and happiness we

The Perfect Abs Workout Playlist By Chris Lawhorn for Most workout playlists are designed to push you through routines that involve a lot of quick,...

enjoy. There are...

Life Lessons We’ve Learned From Running

Nuts Linked With Lower Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Runners come in all different shapes, sizes and ages, and they all come with different goals: losing weight, finishing a...

Good news for everyone whose go-to afternoon snack is a handful of almonds. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital...

Syria has used incendiary bombs dozens of times: rights group

Billions Of Planets Could Support Life

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Syria’s air force has used incendiary weapons in dozens of attacks over the last year, Human...

A study released this week found there could be as many as 40 billion habitable planets in the galaxy. Host Rachel Martin...

USPlabs LLC recalls OxyElite Pro dietary supplements; products linked to liver illnesses

Stress, Irritability, and Relationships

warning letter issued to USPlabs LLC on Oct. 11,

who see us at our worst–at...

You always hurt the ones you love, as the old saying goes. And the reason is, they’re the ones

2013, the FDA informed the company that OxyElite Pro and another dietary...

How I Cope with Anxiety I have problems with anxiety and have had for many years. Large crowds. Driving. The holidays. Many things contribute to...

Your Weekly Travel Zen: The American

15 M editation Books For Beginners Recommended By Buddhist Teachers Meditation is everywhere. From the baby room to the board room, everyone recommends meditation to help focus, calm, and...

Down on the farm with Schmallenberg

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virus: the full story

This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us from Anna Marie Jehorek. Of her photo she says: Taken on a recent hike,...

SBV is difficult to spot as the most dramatic clinical signs tend to be malformed offspring, which is a somewhat rare occurrence,...

Why Effort Will Beat Skill Any Day Of The Week

BS-Seeker2: a versatile aligning pipeline for bisulfite sequencing data

“Effort will beat skill any day of the week.” I found

DNA methylation is an important epigenetic

this quote awhile back and it really resonated with me. It...

modification involved in many biological processes. Bisulfite treatment coupled...

Recombinant lentogenic Newcastle disease virus expressing Ebola virus GP infects cells independently of exogenous trypsin and uses macropinocytosis as the major pathway for cell entry

Effect of intracellular loop 3 on intrinsic dynamics of human beta2-adrenergic receptor To understand the effect of the long intracellular loop 3 (ICL3) on the intrinsic dynamics of human beta2-adrenergic receptor,...

Using reverse genetics, we generated a recombinant low-pathogenic LaSota strain Newcastle disease virus (NDV) expressing...

Personality traits predict job stress, depression and anxiety among junior physicians

Degradation of lipoxygenase-derived oxylipins by glyoxysomes from sunflower and cucumber cotyledons

High levels of stress and deteriorating mental

Oilseed germination is characterized by the

health among medical students are commonly reported. In Bergen, Norway, we...

degradation of storage lipids. It may proceed either via the direct action of...

Anger M anagement: Living in the Gap

Abandoning Your Creative Fulfillment

Pavel Somov, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and

“Art is never finished, only abandoned.” That quote

the author of “Eating the Moment” (New Harbinger, 2008), “Present...

(attributed to both Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso) is most likely...

Body Image Boosters From The Blogosphere 11.10.13

How I Create: Q&A With Author Barbara Abercrombie

A positive body image goes beyond liking your

Barbara Abercrombie is the author of one of my

looks. It encompasses taking good care of yourself

favorite books: A Year of Writing Dangerously: 365

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and leading a fulfilling...

Days of Inspiration Encouragement. It’s...

Do not take all your patients to hospital, paramedics told

News Analysis: Good Deals on Pills? It’s Anyone’s Guess

Sir Bruce’s inquiry has heard evidence that more

Most developed countries do not even ask their

than 4,000 lives a year could be saved if hospitals were re-organised. Under...

citizens to be smart health care consumers; in one way or another, they control...

Corner Office: Bernard Tyson of Kaiser Permanente, on Speaking Your M ind

Economic View: The Co-Villains Behind Obesity’s Rise

Q. What were some early leadership lessons for

Why is obesity soaring? The answer seems pretty

you? A. I grew up in a large family, with two brothers and four sisters....

clear. In 1955, a standard soda at McDonald’s was only seven ounces. Today,...

Applied Science: Work Up a Sweat, and Bargain Better

Opinion: A Cure for the Allergy Epidemic?

New research from the Massachusetts Institute of

Allergies are often seen as an accident. Your

Technology offers a twist on the adage “never let them see you sweat,”...

immune system misinterprets a harmless protein like dust or peanuts as a threat,...

Aided by Army of ‘Vapers,’ E-Cigarette Industry Woos and Wins Europe

Con M en Prey on Confusion Over Health Care Act

The signatures had been collected via a website,, which proclaimed itself the voice of

To the list of problems plaguing President Obama’s health care law, add one more — fraud.

the “forgotten millions...

With millions of Americans...

Don’t worry doctors/don’t worry people

Now Is That Gratitude?

share Main Point: Researchers have found that

Now is that Gratitude, Or is it really love? Some

“July effect” has nothing to do with mortality of low risk heart patients...

kind of reality That fits just like a glove –Danny Elfman, Gratitude Praise...

No-carb rice, collagen drinks and dairyfree butter… Are ‘smart foods’ just a stupid idea? Vitamin-infused juice may be a fraud but dairy-free butter can really help By Anjana Gosai

Skiing injury girl whose knee was mended with her mum’s hamstring: British surgeons perform first live hamstring transplant in Europe to fix 11-year-old’s torn ligament

PUBLISHED: 17:00 EST, 9 November...

Erin Howett, 11, injured her knee while skiing in

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Lapland in 2011 Her mother Penny, 37, donated her hamstring for the operation Thanks...

‘Ferrari Of Space’ Crashing Back To Earth — M aybe Tomorrow Enlarge image i An artist’s conception of the European Space Agency’s GOCE satellite, which is now out...

Predictors of long-lasting, insecticidetreated, bed net ownership and utilization: evidence from communitybased cross-sectional comparative study, Southwest Ethiopia Malaria is the notorious impediment of public health and economic development. Long-lasting, insecticide-treated bed nets/insecticide-treated...

Characterization of PfTrxR inhibitors using antimalarial assays and in silico techniques

Wnt signaling in triple negative breast cancer is associated with metastasis

The compounds 1,4-napthoquinone (1,4-NQ), bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl)sulfide (2,4-DNPS), 4-

(BC), a close associate of the basal-like subtype (with limited discordance)...

Triple Negative subset of (TN) Breast Cancers

nitrobenzothiadiazole (4-NBT), 3dimethylaminopropiophenone...

The potential of hypoxia markers as target for breast molecular imaging — a systematic review and meta-analysis of human marker expression Molecular imaging of breast cancer is a promising emerging technology, potentially able to improve clinical care. Valid imaging...

Effects of cognitive remediation on cognitive dysfunction in partially or fully remitted patients with bipolar disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial A large proportion of patients with bipolar disorder experience persistent cognitive dysfunction, such as memory, attention...

Fart-Burp-Belch Digestive Health and Your M ental Health Wellness #NHBPM …

J.D. Salinger : Write to Write

Sign: It’s Taboo Chato Stewart: Fart-Burp-Belch

“Catcher in the Rye” he...

I just watched J.D. Salinger’s biography on Netflicks. After receiving worldwide fame for

Caption: Digestive Health and Your Mental Health Wellness November 9th...

How To Handle M ental Illness With Your Child &…

Simple dot test may help gauge the progression of dopamine loss in

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I remember myself as a pretty normal child. I was always singing, dancing, cracking jokes for my classmates, forgetting stuff,...

Parkinson’s disease [ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen Malletkm463@georgetown.eduGeorgetown University Medical Center Researchers hope the easy task...

500,000 person lumosity study examines optimizing cognitive training tasks to accelerate learning

Washington state Senate passes tax breaks, aiming to win Boeing work

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Melissa 570-498-

(Reuters) – The Washington state Senate on Saturday passed a measure to extend...

By Jonathan Kaminsky OLYMPIA, Washington

9018Lumosity Analysis of 2.2 million data points finds...

Island Group Prepares to Confront Dark History of Slavery in Court

In-Group Solidarity Heightened by Living Through War

St Vincent and the Grenadines. A string of islands

War experiences have a long-term effect on human

that stands out in Caribbean holiday brochures as the destination with...

psychology, shifting people’s motivations toward greater equality...

Antisemitism on the Rise, Suggests European Survey

Do You Know Where Your Children Go Online?

A survey of discrimination and hate crimes against

Thirty years ago, children were taught never to

Jewish people in Europe, released to mark the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht...

accept sweets from strangers, but the equivalent modern message, about staying...

Experts Praise Historic M ental Health, Addiction Parity Rule

M orning Rounds: Why is the FDA banning trans fats?

Health news 21 hours ago Video: Under the new

(CBS News) CBS News chief medical

rules insurers must cover mental treatments the same way they cover physical...

correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook and CBS News contributor Dr. Holly Phillips joined “CBS...

Acid levels in the diet could have profound effects on kidney health

Preeclampsia during pregnancy may be linked with kidney failure risk

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kurtis Pivertkpivert@asn-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kurtis Pivertkpivert@asn- 202-699-0238American Society of Nephrology Atlanta, GA (November... 202-699-0238American Society of Nephrology Atlanta, GA (November...

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alpha1-antitrypsin promotes SPLUNC1mediated lung defense against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mice

M aking News by Speaking Out… Yesterday, a speech I made about fighting discrimination and prejudice against people with mental illnesses through changing...

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infection is involved in various lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive...

Trans Fats Ban Could Have Devastating Effect On Popcorn Industry

Vikings’ wide receiver Simpson arrested on DWI charge

By Curtis Skinner NEW YORK, Nov 8 (Reuters) – Microwave popcorn makers could face a long and

(Reuters) – Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Jerome Simpson was arrested early on Saturday


on a charge of driving while...

Signs of Early Kidney Damage Found in Some 9/11 Responders

Sugary Soda Habit M ay Harm Kidneys, Study Suggests

SATURDAY Nov. 9, 2013 — Some first responders who toiled at the World Trade Center site after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks...

SATURDAY Nov. 9, 2013 — If you have a penchant for drinking sugary sodas, you might be raising your risk for kidney...

New paper: Removal of livestock alters native plant and invasive mammal communities in a dry grassland– shrubland ecosystem

New innovations in clinical science A variety of recent studies highlight new and innovative research efforts that could help improve individuals’ kidney...

A common mechanism for establishing new areas for conservation is to remove potential threatening processes and then let...

Chocolate-Eating Teens Have Less Total, Abdominal Fat: Study

Pope Francis Welcomes Hundreds With Disabilities In Wheelchairs.. One By One

Go ahead, indulge. Teens who eat a lot of


chocolate tend to have lower levels of total and abdominal fat, according to a...

Francis has greeted hundreds of people in wheelchairs one-by-one — part...

An Electric School Bus Could Be Coming To A School Near You

9/11 responders suffered kidney damage due to air pollutants

From Mother Nature Network’s Russell McLendon:

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kurtis Pivertkpivert@asn-

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American school buses have long run on diesel, 202-699-0238American Society of

pumping out toxic exhaust...

Nephrology The higher the exposure...

Gene puts African-Americans at higher risk for kidney failure

Do These M icrobes M ake M e Look Fat?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tim 410-955-

home to trillions of other organisms that influence our health—and...

Click here to listen to this podcast Our bodies are

7619Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Genetic...

U.S. seeks $864 million from BofA after fraud verdict

Utah doctor convicted of drugging, drowning wife in bathtub

By Nate Raymond and Jonathan Stempel NEW

By Noreen O’Donnell (Reuters) – A Utah doctor

YORK (Reuters) – The U.S. government urged that Bank of America Corp pay...

was found guilty early Saturday of murdering his wife by drugging...

Speaking From the Gut for Immune Health

Evaluation of parasite subpopulations and genetic diversity of the msp1, msp2 and glurp genes during and following artesunate monotherapy treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Western Cambodia

Posted on November 8, 2013 by Dyani Lewis Speaking From the Gut for Immune Health Intestinal cells communicate with probiotic...

Despite widespread coverage of the emergence of artemisinin resistance, relatively little is known about the parasite populations...

Securing a Love Relationship: Understanding the Core Issue In… How is it we can feel so connected one moment under the influence of certain substances — to include love — and wake...

A Shoulder to Sleep On or To Cry On? Empathy, we all need some! Some to give and some to get: No Excuses – Empathy Needed Empathy: What’s Your description?!...

Relationships and Social Anxiety: Who Are We Really Hiding…

New clinical trials reveal insights on treating patients with kidney disease

People often prefer to believe that it’s possible to

Recently completed clinical trials highlight the

hide pieces of ourselves that we don’t want people to see, often...

potential of new therapies for individuals with kidney disease. Below are...

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Genetic variation increases risk of kidney disease progression in AfricanAmericans

Perceived discrimination and mistrust in health care lowers patients’ quality of life

New research provides direct evidence that genetic variations in some African Americans with chronic kidney disease contribute...

Perceived discrimination and mistrust in health care can negatively affect patients’ quality of life, according to...

Soft drinks and sugar in the diet may have negative effects on the kidneys

What to Expect From a Sleep Study

Two new studies highlight the potential negative effects that soft drinks and sugar can have on kidney health. Results of...

The Top 10 Workout Songs for November 2013 Flickr: YoGeek Mami This month’s top 10 list pulls evenly from the worlds of rock and pop. On the former front, you’ve...

If you aren’t sleeping well or find yourself perpetually tired, your attempt to correct this condition should not necessarily...

9 Ways to Love Yourself The focus of my work is helping people to stop abandoning themselves and learn to love themselves. One of most common statements...

Caught in Reactivity? How the Acronym STOP Can Help You Find Calm

6 Weird Ways Your Environment Affects How M uch You Eat

A while ago, my meditation teacher told me the

If you’re trying to resist the mashed potatoes,

story of an older man who was struggling with anger issues. He had a teenage...

macaroni and cheese and bacon at the buffet, you might want to try...

Investigational drug effective in treating iron deficiency in kidney disease patients on dialysis

Domestic pigs as potential reservoirs of human and animal trypanosomiasis in Northern Tanzania

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emily 516-

Pig keeping is becoming increasingly common

562-2670North Shore-Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Health System ATLANTA, GA...

across sub-Saharan Africa. Domestic pigs from the Arusha region of northern Tanzania...

A twenty-year follow-up of canine leishmaniosis in three military kennels in southeastern France

ADHD in girls and boys — gender differences in co-existing symptoms and executive function measures

Canine leishmaniosis (CanL) is enzootic in southeastern France, and military working dogs

ADHD is diagnosed and treated more often in males than in females. Research on gender

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(MWD) posted in this area are highly...

differences suggests that girls may...

Re-evaluation of glycerol utilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: characterization of an isolate that grows on glycerol without supporting supplements

Housing Department promotes fire safety in public housing Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Housing Authority: The Housing Department today (November...

Glycerol has attracted attention as a carbon source for microbial production processes due to the large amounts of crude...

8 Ways To Handle Your Hangover Abroad (GIFs) Traveling and partying go hand in hand — there’s nothing like experiencing a foreign city by night, reveling...

7 Ways Travel M akes You Healthier Traveling the world and exploring new places can change your life. It exposes you to new cultures and can help shape your...

Airline Flies Obese M an To Destination — Then Refuses To Fly Him Home

Gay Relationship M istakes All Couples Should Avoid

Kevin Chenais flew to the United States from France for medical treatment a year and a half ago. But last week, when he tried...

By Rick Clemons for Before I open my mouth and insert my foot, before I get all you gay guys worked into a...

Argentina’s Fernandez given provisional greenlight to return to work

Disrupted default mode network connectivity in migraine without aura

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – Argentine President Cristina Fernandez should be able to resume some work after being given...

Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (RS-fMRI) has demonstrated disrupted default mode network (DMN) connectivity...

M ining and analysis of audiology data to find significant factors associated with tinnitus masker Objectives: The objective of this research is to find

Neuroprotective effect of Buyang Huanwu Decoction on spinal ischemiareperfusion injury in rats is linked with inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase 5

the factors associated with tinnitus masker from the literature, and...

Buyang Huanwu Decoction (BYHWD), a traditional Chinese medicine formula, has been shown to exert a variety of pharmacological...

Is educational attainment related to

Development of a PCR based marker

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end-of-life decision-making? A large post-mortem survey in Belgium Educational attainment has been shown to influence access to and quality of health care. However, the influence of educational...

system for easy identification and classification of aerobic endospore forming bacilli Restriction fragment length analysis of 16S rRNA gene of 52 different aerobic endospore forming Bacilli (AEFB) strains with...

5 Creative Cures for Writer’s Block

19 natural remedies for anxiety

It’s stressful when the words don’t come, when you’re sitting at your desk staring at the blinking cursor or the barren...

You’re anxious, worried, freaked. You’re upset about (pick one): money, health, work, family, love. Your heart...

10 Ways To Stop Stressing & Start Living Peacefully

A Dreamy, Creamy Green Smoothie To Start Your Weekend Right

If you’re anything like me, you might worry like it’s a second job: if the coffee is good or bad, if we’ll get...

Recently, I’ve been toying with different ways to develop the “mean green” smoothie. I enjoy a creamy...

7 Tips To Lose Weight Before Thanksgiving (If That’s A Goal)

High sensitive C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A are inversely related to serum bilirubin: effect-modification by metabolic syndrome

Focusing on your upcoming Thanksgiving dinner indulgences can often overwhelm you with guilt. But a few simple lifestyle...

Bilirubin has been implicated in cardiovascular protection by virtue of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties....

Significant improvement in temporary dental rehabilitation by notable miniplate application in the hard palate for a patient with a large anterior maxillary defect: a case report/technique article The present report describes the application of a miniplate in the hard palate of a 36-year-old patient

Transcriptional profiling of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection in CRFK cells and in PBM Cs from FIP diagnosed cats Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a lethal systemic disease, caused by the FIP Virus (FIPV); a virulent mutant of Feline...

with a large anterior...

Human papillomavirus and other genital

CEG: a database of essential gene

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infections in indigenous women from Paraguay: a cross-sectional analytical study The incidence of cervical cancer in Paraguay is

clusters Essential genes are indispensable for the survival of living entities. They are the cornerstones of synthetic biology, and...

among the highest in the world, with the human papillomavirus (HPV) being...

Saudi reports two new cases of M ERS virus

New rule demands parity for mental health coverage

Saudi Arabia has recorded two new cases of the

WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s final: Health insurance

MERS virus, the health ministry said on Saturday, a day after authorities...

companies must cover mental illness and substance abuse just as they...

Respiratory syncytial virus

Biomechanical regulation of in vitrocardiogenesis for tissueengineered heart repair

There are incomplete data on the global burden of viral lower respiratory tract infection, in particular the role of Respiratory...

The heart is a continuously pumping organ with an average lifespan of eight decades. It develops from the onset of embryonic...

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy versus radical prostatectomy in patients with localized prostate cancer: long-term follow-up

FEHD cancels licence of Tsuen Wan restaurant

The objective of this work was to assess the overall

restaurant in Tsuen Wan...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene cancelled the licence of a

survival, cause-specific survival and biochemical failure-free survival...

USDOJ: Former Belen, N.M ., Police Department Detective Indicted for Using Excessive Force Against Arrestee A federal grand jury in Albuquerque, N.M ., has returned a one-count indictment charging former

Women who eat nuts ‘less likely to develop pancreatic cancer’ The results, published by the British Journal of Cancer, come from a detailed study of more than 75,000 women in the US,...

Belen Police Department Detective...

Associations between employee and

Autophagy contributes to apoptosis in

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manager gender: impacts on genderspecific risk of acute occupational injury in metal manufacturing Prior research has shown increased risk of injury for female employees compared to male employees after controlling for job...

Transcriptome profiling of radiata pine branches reveals new insights into reaction wood formation with implications in plant gravitropism Formation of compression (CW) and opposite wood (OW) in branches and bent trunks is an

A20 and EL4 lymphoma cells treated with fluvastatin Convincing evidence indicates that statins stimulate apoptotic cell death in several types of proliferating tumor cells in...

Temperature of gas delivered from ventilators Although heated humidifiers (HHs) are the most efficient humidifying device for mechanical ventilation, some HHs do not provide...

adaptive feature of conifer trees...

Engineer Who M ade False Statements to Agents in Connection with Theft of Trade Secrets Sentenced Deirdre M Daly, Acting United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that Jian Mi, 39,

Dan Lurie, 90, Star and Promoter of Bodybuilding, Dies The death was confirmed by his grandson Cary Epstein. Not as recognizable a name as Charles Atlas, Joe Weider, Arnold...

a citizen of China...

Cuts in Hospital Subsidies Threaten Safety-Net Care

Is a glass of wine OK for pregnant moms? New study stirs up debate

Many of these patients were expected to gain health coverage under the Affordable Care Act

A new Danish study finds that pregnant women who drank a small amount of alcohol tended to be

through a major expansion of Medicaid,...

healthier in other ways than...

Health Tip: Keep Kids Safe Around Animal Exhibits

Non-Delivery Hospital Stay M ay Raise Clot Risk During Pregnancy

– Petting zoos are fun for children and a great way to expose them to different animals. But parents should take precautions...

FRIDAY Nov. 8, 2013 — Pregnant women are at an increased risk for blood clots if they’re admitted to the hospital...

The Challenges and Joys of Unplugging Your Smartphone

Texas School District Sex Education Compares Non-Virgins To Chewed Gum

By Carol Krucoff E-RYT, author of Yoga Sparks. Our

A Texas school district is apparently teaching

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digital devices keep us connected, entertained and informed. But they...

sexual education in the worst way possible: by trying to shame students into...

Three Ways M odern Technology Increases the Likelihood of PTSD Among Veterans

Football Player Quits NFL, Walks Away From M illions After Reading Chomsky & Dalai Lama

Over the last decade or so, the American public’s appreciation for soldiers has generally increased.

It’s often said that “money can’t buy happiness” and one NFL player appears to have found that

I’ve witnessed...


Putting HIV in Its Place (Part 1)

OHSU Vollum Institute research gives new insight into how antidepressants work in the brain

Close to 2 million individuals in the U.S. are living with HIV, out of a population of 310 million! Our segment continues...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Todd 503-494-8231Oregon Health Science University Vollum Institute scientist...

‘Tiger stripes’ underneath Antarctic glaciers slow the flow

Robotic advances promise artificial legs that emulate healthy limbs

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Morgan 609-258-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 615-343-

5729Princeton University Narrow stripes of dirt and rock...

6803Vanderbilt University IMAGE: This is...

JCI early table of contents for Nov. 8, 2013

White House tech expert gets subpoena to testify on

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Corinne

By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

Williamspress_releases@the-jci.orgJournal of Clinical Investigation Ion channel inhibition...

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee issued a subpoena on...

All I Want for Ramadan Is M y Own M utation

Uganda President Publicly Tested For HIV, ‘Leading By Example’

Demoralized and despondent, I was back in my

KAMPALA, Uganda — KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) —

doctor’s office for the umpteenth time in three years. Dr. Schorling walked...

Uganda’s president tested for HIV in public on Friday to encourage...

How I Caught Alcoholism

A Better Night’s Sleep For A Slimmer

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When I got to rehab in the spring of 2000, I was


entirely sure of exactly two things: that my life needed to change and that...

While Gov. Chris Christie celebrated a big public victory in New Jersey on Tuesday, he has also been privately enjoying another...

Drinking While Pregnant: Conflicting Research Doesn’t Give A Straightforward Answer By: By Karen Rowan, Health Editor Published: 11/08/2013 10:58 AM EST on LiveScience Whether drinking small amounts of alcohol...

Hay fever hits more kids in South due to climate, study suggests Hay fever is no fun for young sufferers, and new research suggests the seasonal allergy troubles may be more likely to strike...

Video: Obama admin. sets new rules to improve mental health care

Edited RNA + invasive DNA add individuality

November 8, 2013 4:25 PM New rules expanding

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David

access to treatment of mental illnesses will affect 62 million Americans. The... 401-8631862Brown University IMAGE: Fly eye color varies...

New rules improve mental health access for millions

Defending food crops: Whitefly experimentation to prevent contamination of agriculture

(CBS News) WASHINGTON — The Obama administration issued new rules Friday that will improve access to mental health...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel

Statistics of insect catch within historic properties IntroductionCertain species of insect are known to

Higher ventilatory responses during and after passive walking-like leg movement in older individuals

cause damage to historic collections. For more than a decade insects have...

Minute ventilation (V.E) during walking has been shown to be higher in older individuals than in 617-250-8451The Journal of Visualized Experiments VIDEO: On...

young individuals, but the...

A new double right border binary vector for producing marker-free transgenic plants Once a transgenic plant is developed, the selectable marker gene (SMG) becomes

Ion channel inhibition limits injuryinduced loss of kidney filtration The kidney is responsible for retaining essential proteins and removing waste products from the blood stream. Injury to the...

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unnecessary in the plant. In fact, the continued...

Republicans re-ignite abortion fight in US Senate

Steaming broccoli preserves potential power to fight cancer, study finds

Republicans revived the divisive issue of abortion

(HealthDay)—The way you prepare broccoli and

Thursday in the US Senate, introducing a bill that would ban the procedure...

related vegetables can alter their potentially cancerfighting powers, new...

Generic aciphex approved to treat chronic heartburn

Federal Serving Sizes Differ from Typical Portions: 10 Tips to Avoid Portion Distortion

(HealthDay)—The first generic versions of the antiGERD drug Aciphex (rabeprazole sodium) have been approved by the U.S....

As a portion-size researcher, I have been tracking

Dear M en: You Are Already Good Enough

Bullying Increasingly Seen As A Public Health Issue

I could write this as an open letter, but there are

By: By Michael Dhar, Contributing writer Published:

already enough of those telling you what you should do differently. I...

11/08/2013 11:13 AM EST on LiveScience Awareness of bullying has grown...

Government spending cuts within NHS increase risk of Clostridium difficile infection

Which Is It? Hurricane, Typhoon Or Tropical Cyclone?

72% of clinicians believe that Government spending cuts within the NHS increase the risk of

Philippine island of Palawan last December. NASA Goddard’s...

trends in growing food portions and how they compare to federal standards....

Enlarge image i Typhoon Bhopa scene over the

hospital acquired infections....

Can We Eat Our Way To A Healthier M icrobiome? It’s Complicated

FDA approves Aptiom to treat seizures in adults

Enlarge image i While no one’s sure which foods are good for our microbiomes, but eating more

<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/08/2013 –> Page Last Updated: 11/08/2013 <!– ...

veggies can’t...

The Secrets We Tell: Hair Dressers, Cab Drivers &… You tell your life story to one of the three or, all of

Pet Therapy- Part 2- Pet M irroring When you are living with chronic pain, there are many days when you wake up and think: “Today is

going to be one of those... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

them periodically throughout your life. Sometimes I wonder why...

What I’ve Learned In Four Years Of Writing Weightless…

Bedbugs confirmed at M oncton’s Dumont hospital ER

I mentioned several lessons I’ve learned

Bedbugs do not constitute a health risk to people,

throughout the four years I’ve been writing Weightless in this giveaway post...

Dumont hospital officials said in a statement. Bedbugs have been confirmed...

US now requiring equal mental health coverage (Update)

FDA seeks faster warning updates for generic drugs

A new Obama administration rule requires

The Food and Drug Administration is seeking a

insurers to cover treatment for mental health and substance abuse no differently...

rule change to allow generic drugmakers to quickly update their warning labels...

How a Light Blub Can Help You Sleep Better

Sex Survey Reveals What M en Lie About In Bed

Can exposure to light make you feel good, boost

As Meg Ryan famously demonstrated in “When

your resistance to disease, and make you more alert during the day and better...

Harry Met Sally,” women can — and do — fake orgasms in...

The M ost Important Lesson for M en Who Aspire to Greatness

Low Vitamin D Could Impair Kidney Health After Transplant

Lately I’ve been immersing myself in books and articles about entrepreneurship, startup

By Natalie San Luis A kidney transplant can give new hope for a healthy life to a patient with severe

companies and business development....

kidney disease. A new...

Industry shifted after NYC trans fat ban, but support still not universal

Photographing a full life, with a disability

New York City didn’t start the campaign against trans fats, but the Bloomberg administration can

Photographing a full life, with a disability In 1988, Patricia Lay-Dorsey experienced her first

take credit for using...

unexplained fall. Eight months...

NASA’s TRM M satellite sees Supertyphoon Haiyan strike Philippines

M other’s immunosuppressive medications not likely to put fetus at risk

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Craig Space Flight Center VIDEO: NASA’s TRMM 615-322W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!


4747Vanderbilt University Medical Center Women with...

Snap to attention: Polymers that react and move to light

New therapeutic target identified for ALS and frontotemporal degeneration

[ | E-mail ] Contact: John

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Debra

412-624-4148University of Pittsburgh PITTSBURGHMicrovehicles and other...

619-543-6163University of California – San Diego A team of scientists...

Breast cancer drug appears to protect cells against UV radiation, inflammation

Drug formulation services for highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredients provided by Evonik

Lab tests show it protects cells from UV radiation, inflammation and oxidative damage Exemestane, a synthetic steroid drug...

Evonik Industries has broadened its capabilities in finished drug product formulation and clinical supply manufacturing and...

Cancer detection programme using PENTAX M edical equipment achieves remarkable results PENTAX Medical equipment used for pioneering technique PENTAX Medical equipment has been used to set up a pioneering head...

Patrys gets second US patent for anticancer product PAT-LM 1 Patrys Limited (ASX: PAB), a clinical stage biotechnology company is pleased to advise that it has been granted a second...

Children as young as 12 given nicotine patches at school to help them quit smoking

Now your iPhone can even work as a THERM OM ETER: Device plugs into phone to check for fever

Advisers are being sent into schools for ‘Support to

Kinsa uses a thermometer which plugs into

Stop Smoking’ sessions In them, children are offered vouchers to...

phone’s jack to read temperatures It then displays the temperature on the...

Young mother with brain cancer given just a year to live BEATS the disease and gets married after having controversial treatment in the US

Biosecurity for the Age of Redesigned Life

Laura Hymas was told three years ago she had an incurable brain tumour But the now 28-year-old

Forget dissecting frogs and building potato batteries. High school students today are learning genetic engineering—and...

refused to give in and she... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

FDA approves first generic versions of Aciphex delayed-release tablets to treat GERD

Astronomers Find Bizarre ‘Lawn Sprinkler’ Asteroid

Last Updated: 11/08/2013 <!– ...

Enlarge image i These NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope images reveal a never-before seen set of six comet-like tails...

Obamacare adviser says healthcare website encountering new issues

Family of victim in Navy Yard shooting sues U.S. for negligence

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama administration’s adviser Jeffrey

By Kevin Gray MIAMI (Reuters) – The family of a victim in the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard

Zeints said on Friday that the...

accused two federal...

C-sections not tied to obesity later on, study finds

5 foods that face changes with trans-fat ban

Babies born by cesarean deliveries are no more

The Food and Drug Administration’s

likely to be obese later in life than babies born vaginally, says a new study. Despite...

announcement today (Nov. 7) that trans fats could be phased out means that some...

Fast food restaurants doing little to promote healthy options to kids

Boehringer to bid for poultry vaccine maker Lohmann: sources

Fast food restaurants may have added some

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Germany’s Boehringer

healthy options to their kids’ menus, but according to a new study, that’s...

Ingelheim, the world’s largest unlisted drugmaker, is looking...

M ixing caffeine, alcohol common for underage drinkers

Reducing bottle use doesn’t prevent toddler weight gain

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – College-age

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Toddlers who

drinkers who mix caffeine and alcohol are more likely to make risky decisions...

continue to use bottles beyond 12 to 15 months of age tend to be overweight....

Gelatin Allergy M ay M ean Extra Care Is Needed With Flu Shot

Poor Diet M ay Spur InflammationRelated Health Problems

FRIDAY Nov. 8, 2013 — If you’re allergic to gummy

FRIDAY Nov. 8, 2013 — People with diets that

bears or marshmallows, you may need to be careful when getting...

promote inflammation — such as those high in sugar and saturated...

New recommendations for patients with

Covidien fourth quarter net sales

<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/08/2013 –> Page

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

congenital heart disease

increase 2% to $2.56 billion

ESC Working Group and Association publish firsttime position paper The diagnosis and treatments

Covidien plc (NYSE: COV) today reported results for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2013 (July – September

of congenital heart disease...

2013). Fourth-quarter...

First Edition: November 8, 2013

Olympus hosts fourth annual neuroimaging symposium on functional brain imaging with cellular resolution

Today’s headlines include coverage of President Barack Obama’s apology to people who lost their individual market...

Olympus is hosting its fourth annual neuroimaging symposium in conjunction with the 2013 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience...

Judge rules that pensioner who ‘hates’ care home can return home High Court Judge says: ‘Long life isn’t always justified at cost of happiness’ He ruled woman can

Would YOU pass this binge-drinking test? Bosses should test their employees to check whether alcohol is affecting their work, campaigners warn

go back...

A ‘quarter of Britain’s workforce is drinking at a dangerous level’ Drinking costs economy £7.3bn a year...

Tragedy of mother, 41, who died from breast cancer just two M ONTHS after giving birth to her second child

When Is the Best Time of Day to Practice Pilates?

Mair Wallroth died just weeks after giving birth to

your body temperature is lower, allow yourself a

her son Merlin Had been diagnosed with with

little extra...

It’s up to you! If you work out in the morning, when

breast cancer in 22nd week...

In search of a sugar’s secrets The discovery of the origin of enigmatic ‘waste’

So Far, No Silver Bullet to Stop Lethal Bat Fungus

sugar molecules within the cell also hints that they

Since its appearance in the U.S. seven years ago,

serve some...

white-nose syndrome has decimated bat populations across eastern North...

Drug may guard against periodontitis, and related chronic diseases

Should kids with head lice be allowed at school?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth

WASHINGTONSome parents are scratching their

Hoganghogan@asmusa.orgAmerican Society for

heads over laxer head lice policies that allow

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Microbiology WASHINGTON, DC November 7, 2013 A...

children with live bugs in their...

A new scorpion species from ancient Lycia

Next-generation semiconductors synthesis

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ersen Aydın

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates

Yağmurersen.yagmur@gmail.comPensoft Publishers IMAGE: This image shows a female 240-535-4954American Institute of Physics Aluminum nitride



Penn study identifies new trigger for breast cancer metastasis

Gut reaction

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katherine Unger

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Joseph 805-317- 215-898-9194University

4243Texas AM AgriLife Communications Texas

of Pennsylvania IMAGE: Breast...


Dialysis for the elderly: New evidence from M ayo Clinic to guide shared decision-making

Obama wants attention on job creation, not healthcare woes

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Shelly

President Barack Obama will try on Friday to shift 507-284-

the national conversation...

By Mark Felsenthal WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

5005Mayo Clinic ROCHESTER, Minn. New research from Mayo...

Lady Gaga says went "cold turkey" to break marijuana habit

Japan and Partners Team up to Tackle Neglected Diseases

LONDON (Reuters) – Lady Gaga was smoking as

Infectious diseases that leave victims with cognitive

many as 15 joints a day to help relieve the pain of a hip injury before...

deficits or malnutrition instead of killing them do not typically elicit...

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics applauds FDA’s efforts to reduce PHOs in processed foods

Women really DO get more exhausted during exercise than men

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics applauds

chest muscles that control breathing – this makes it harder for...

the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts, announced November 7, to...

Rise of nip and tuck tourism: Nearly a

Women have ‘greater electrical activation’ of the

Soaring numbers of asthma suffers are

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

third of Brits who opt for cosmetic surgery now have their operation abroad

also developing CAT allergies

Worryingly, more than half are unhappy with the

likely to be allergic...

Asthma sufferers are 30% more likely to be allergic than other people are People with asthma are also

surgical results Many are seeking lower-cost procedures particularly in eastern...

Regularly brushing your teeth lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes

Thematic Household Survey Report No. 53 Published

Researchers looked into the link between gum

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Thematic Household

disease and atherosclerosis They found brushing helps reduce bacteria in the...

Survey Report No. 53 is published by the Census and Statistics Department...

Special traffic arrangements in Central District

PSCM A to lead delegation to Beijing

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police will implement

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Secretary for Constitutional...

special traffic arrangements in Central District to facilitate the holding...

FEHD continues stringent monitoring and control against avian influenza

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – At the invitation of the

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – With the advent of cold

DAFC inspects avian influenza prevention and control measures at wholesale poultry market

weather and sporadic human cases of avian influenza reported on the Mainland,...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, Mr Alan Wong, inspected the avian influenza...

Targeted VRE screening to control bacterial prevalence

Auction for Che Kung Festival Fair stalls on November 21

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hospital

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD)

Authority (HA) announced...

announced today (November 8) that a public...

M ake Friends with Puppet to stage exciting puppet adventure "M oM o’s Fancy Dress" in December

VIDEO: Charity finds lost dementia patients

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following their success with “The Child King”, Make Friends with Puppet

A charity scheme is being trialled that helps to search for people with dementia who go missing from home. The volunteer...

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

are set to...

Allergy and asthma risk is in the genes and how the environment interacts with them

Allergic to gummy bears? Be cautious getting the flu shot

Are men healthier than women when it comes to

Gummy bears make you itchy? If you’ve answered

allergies and asthma? Is one sex genetically at

yes and are allergic to gelatin,...

Do marshmallows make your tongue swell?

higher risk for chronic allergic...

Reducing 2.1 million emergency room visits, one count at a time

10 percent of US adults physically limited by arthritis, CDC reports

Asthma is the most common chronic illness and is

(HealthDay)—More than 50 million Americans have

responsible for 2.1 million emergency room visits

arthritis, and almost half of them can’t perform

annually. But according...

normal daily activities...

Gray Area: Unravelling the Inner Worlds of Vegetative State Patients

Review of hospitals promised after one in three elderly patients left without …

For a patient who sustains devastating brain

It will also examine the use of food packaging

damage, the outcome is often exceedingly grim: if

which can be too difficult for sick and frail older

they don’t show signs...

people to open, as well...

Study finds how domestic abuse might affect access to maternity healthcare for disabled women

A practical approach to Sasang constitutional diagnosis using vocal features

Recent research suggests that approximately 10%

Sasang constitutional medicine (SCM) is a type of

of women giving birth in the UK each year have

tailored medicine that divides human beings into

some degree of disability,...

four Sasang constitutional...

Population specific reference ranges of CD3, CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte subsets among healthy Kenyans

Functional analysis of microRNA and transcription factor synergistic regulatory network based on identifying regulatory motifs in non-small cell lung cancer

The enumeration of absolute CD4 counts is of primary importance for many medical conditions especially HIV infection where...

Lung cancer, especially non-small cell lung cancer, is a leading cause of malignant tumor death worldwide. Understanding...

Contribution of community-based

A narrative synthesis of the impact of

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

newborn health promotion to reducing inequities in healthy newborn care practices and knowledge: evidence of improvement from a three-district pilot program in M alawi

primary health care delivery models for refugees in resettlement countries on access, quality and coordination

Inequities in both health status and coverage of

primary health care services, both...

IntroductionRefugees have many complex health care needs which should be addressed by the

health services are considered important barriers to achieving Millennium...

Poem: Intimacy You have a fear of intimacy Don’t you? I can tell You

The great disappearing act: Bone marrow receiver cured of allergy

are guarded You can’t even look me in the eyes

Not only can bone marrow transplants be life-

When we make love You...

saving for children with acute lymphocytic leukemia, they may also cure peanut...

Allergy shots during pregnancy may decrease allergies in children

You can have a food allergy, and eat it too

Expecting mothers who suffer from allergies may

Have food allergies? If you answered yes, you

want to consider another vaccination in addition to

know the best way to prevent a severe allergic

the flu shot and Tdap....

reaction is to totally avoid...

Tenders open for fee-paying public car park licence and government property tenancy

Proposed Tolo Harbour Sewerage of Unsewered Areas Stage 2, Phase 1D

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government Property

Council has approved a scheme for Tolo Harbour

Agency is inviting tenders for the licence of a public car park at the...

Sewerage of Unsewered Areas...

Women ‘more prone to breathlessness’

Europe at ‘polio risk’ from Syria

7 November 2013 Last updated at 21:36 ET

7 November 2013 Last updated at 21:21 ET Article

Women’s lung muscles have to work harder than

written by Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent

men’s, making breathlessness...

More from Fergus ...

US court rules lesbian egg donor has parent rights The Florida Supreme Court has ruled that a

Researchers find acute kidney injury predicts poor outcomes for dialysis patients

woman who donated an egg to her lesbian partner

Two University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers, in

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive in

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

has parental rights to the child,...

collaboration with other investigators, have found that patients who suffered...

Prevalence of kidney failure treatment is skyrocketing worldwide The prevalence of dialysis therapy for kidney failure is increasing much faster than population growth in most parts of the...

Weight loss surgery effective in kidney disease patients, but side effects are high Kidney disease patients who undergo weight loss surgery can successfully lose weight, but many experience significant side...

Cut in Food Stamps Forces Hard Choices on Poor But for millions of poor Americans who rely on food

Updating the Toxic Substance Control Act and Haley’s Ribbon: Looping Back to Breast Cancer Prevention

stamps, reductions that began this month present

October is over and another Breast Cancer

awful choices. One gallon...

Awareness Month has generated billions of dollars for companies and a lot of controversy...

Researchers identify how body clock affects inflammation

Salix Pharma will buy Santarus for $2.12 billion

UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers

Salix Pharmaceuticals will buy Santarus for about

report that disrupting the light-dark cycle of mice

$2.12 billion to add to its roster of drugs. Salix will

increased their susceptibility...

pay $32 per share...

Urban Athlete: Tackling Obstacles, the Good Kind

Precious Eyes

Early on a Wednesday morning, I attended one of

said. “I shut my eyes, and I blinked. And I tried it

the gym’s signature classes, Spartan Inspired,

again several...

“It was like a light switch had been shut off,” she

which offered training for...

Apologizing, Obama Yields To Criticism Of Health Law

Startup Health Insurance: Choose Your Own Adventure

In an interview with NBC News, Mr. Obama said

Previously on HuffPost, I wrote about what the

that he did not do enough to ensure that the law did

Affordable Care Act (ACA) means for (justifiably)

not force the termination...

confused health insurance...

Lessons From a Box of Goldfish (Even the Whole Grain Kind)

Lose Weight, Find Health? Sleep On It We have long known that sleep is of profound

importance to health. It is a requirement for living, W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

I recently received an email from a parent of a Falls Church, VA preschool who was frustrated with the

much like breathing, but...

snacks her school...

Can’t You See You Need Help?

Why You Can and Will Succeed!

The problem with mirrors is that they lie. Or perhaps, more accurately, they don’t tell the whole

When you were a young child, you took it for granted that you would do anything you put your

truth. Mirrors will...

mind to. Young children do not...

UM M S researchers answer century old question about 3D structure of mitotic chromosomes

Jimmy Carter Fights to Eliminate Eye Disease That Plagued His Childhood

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was at Pfizer Headquarters in Manhattan on November 5th to honor the 15th anniversary...

508-856-2000University of Massachusetts Medical School New...

Superstitions Fuel Violence against Tanzania’s Albinos [Video]

U.S. veterans agency slashes claims backlog by a third since M arch

Click here to view the video Being born without skin

By Phil Stewart WASHINGTON (Reuters) – After

pigmentation in the U. S., a condition called

growing steadily for years, the backlog of U.S.

albinism, does not usually...

military veterans’...

Obama: regrets not ‘as clear as we needed to be’ on Obamacare pledge

M issing Wisconsin teen found alive in M exico 9 years later

By Steve Holland and Roberta Rampton

By Brendan O’Brien MILWAUKEE (Reuters) – A

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

Wisconsin woman who was a teenager when she

Obama apologized on Thursday to Americans...

disappeared nine years...

Special Report: How Big Formula bought China

Better mid-life diet linked to healthy aging

By Alexandra Harney SHANGHAI (Reuters) – In the

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The way women eat

two days after Lucy Yang gave birth at Peking

in their late 50s and early 60s may have some

University Third Hospital...

connection to how well...

C-sections not tied to obesity later on

10 Percent of U.S. Adults Physically Limited by Arthritis: CDC

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Babies born by

cesarean deliveries are no more likely to be obese THURSDAY Nov. 7, 2013 — More than 50 million W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

later in life than babies...

Americans have arthritis, and almost half of them can’t perform...

Schizophrenia patients fare well with outpatient care

Neonatal jaundice linked to pediatric asthma risk

By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter

Study findings corroborate that patients with

Researchers have found that neonatal

schizophrenia who receive outpatient...

hyperbilirubinemia is associated with an increased...

USDOJ: Home Health Agency Owner Sentenced for Role in $13.8 M illion M edicare Fraud Scheme

USDOJ: Dentist Pleads Guilty to Filing False Tax Return

Detroit-area resident Javed Rehman was sentenced to serve 60 months in prison today for

yesterday to willfully filing a false tax return in the United States District...

Jeffrey Paper of Potomac, Md ., pleaded guilty

his role in a $13.8 million Medicare...

USDOJ: Detroit-Area Home Health Care Agency Owner Sentenced for Role in $2.2 M illion M edicare Fraud Scheme The owner of a Detroit-area home health care agency was sentenced today to serve 65 months in prison for her leading role...

USDOJ: New Hampshire M an Charged with Passing Fraudulent Documents in Connection with His Sale of Black Rhinoceros Horns for $35,000 Ari B. Goldenberg, 46, of Milton, N.H ., was charged today with trafficking in and making a false record for illegally selling...

M alaria, a difficult diagnosis in a febrile patient with sub-microscopic parasitaemia and polyclonal lymphocyte activation outside the endemic region, in Brazil

Experts warn that Syria polio outbreak may threaten Europe Two infectious disease experts have written to The Lancet warning that a new outbreak of polio (due to infection with wild-type...

A case of autochthonous Plasmodium vivax malaria with sub-microscopic parasitaemia and polyclonal B-cell activation (PBA)...

Study finds high clot risk for women admitted to hospital during pregnancy

Obama says he’s sorry Americans losing insurance

Admission to hospital during pregnancy for

President Barack Obama says he’s sorry

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

reasons other than delivery carries a substantially increased risk of serious...

Americans are losing health insurance plans he repeatedly said they could keep...

Registered Sex Offender Convicted of Attempted Sexual Enticement of a M inor and Attempted Production of Child Pornography

Pierre Woman Sentenced for Theft from an Indian Tribal Organization

BINGHAMTON, NY—On October 10, 2013, a federal

United States Attorney Brendan V Johnson announced that a Pierre, South Dakota woman convicted of theft from an Indian Tribal...

jury in Binghamton found John Lawrence Dooley, 56, of Rochester, New York,...

Five Plead Guilty to Their Involvement in Kidnapping Case JACKSON, MS—Five defendants entered guilty pleas before United States District Judge William H Barbour, Jr in federal court...

Two Hartford M en Charged with M urdering Potential Witness in Federal Investigation Deirdre M Daly, Acting United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut; Patricia M Ferrick, Special Agent in Charge...

M ental Health WELLNESS Hammer Or Brass Knuckles #NHBPM

M en and Depression: Not Just the Same Sad Face

Chato Stewart: I lost my Wellness Recovery Action Plan’s “wellness toolbox”… I think I’ll just make my

Feeling Down? Scenario 1: Joan, a 32-year-old working mother of two young children Joan arrives


in therapy complaining that...

The Right to Live is the Right to Die

New web tool lets Canadians judge health care

New Scientist: “FEW situations could be more distressing. Femke, a girl aged 14, has terminal bone cancer, cannot tolerate...

A new website aims to provide Canadians with a user-friendly snapshot of how the health system is performing. The Canadian...

Trans fat ban proposal in U.S. may affect Canadians Canadians could benefit under a U.S. proposal to require the food industry to gradually phase out trans fats, says a consumer...

Climate may play a role in the distribution and prevalence of trachoma High temperatures and low rainfall are important factors which influence the occurrence and severity of the active stages...

Kevin Ware Plays First Game Since

Brazilian leader’s strategy bolsters re-

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election chances: poll

Kevin Ware, the college basketball star whose leg

By Anthony Boadle BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazilian

snapped during March Madness seven months

President Dilma Rousseff is coasting into an

ago, last night played his first...

election year as clear...

10 Worst Cases of Radiation Poisoning

Will M edicaid Expansion ‘Bankrupt’ Kentucky Hospitals?

This week, former Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat’s death was in the news in a case of suspected radiation poisoning....

Sen. Rand Paul says the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion may “bankrupt” rural hospitals in Kentucky. But state...

Is Crack Back? Cheap, easy to produce and packing a euphoric high, crack cocaine experienced a dizzying period of popularity in the 1980s,...

No more trans fat: FDA banning the artery-clogger WASHINGTON (AP) — Heart-clogging trans fats were once a staple of the American diet, plentiful in baked goods, microwave...

Swiss scientists say Arafat was poisoned

Testosterone and heart disease: Should men be concerned?

LONDON – The deadly radioactive element

A recent report in the Journal of the American

polonium first hit the headlines when it was used

Medical Association (JAMA) has found that men

to kill KGB agent-turned-Kremlin...

who undergo testosterone therapy...

Sicker heart attack patients fare worse in July

Adjust the Lights, Hold the M orphine?

By C. E. Huggins NEW YORK | Thu Nov 7, 2013

THURSDAY Nov. 7, 2013 — Changing lighting patterns in hospital rooms to more closely align

3:21pm EST NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Rumor

with normal sleep-wake cycles...

has it the...

Less-invasive option as effective as esophagus removal in early esophageal cancer

GP’s children not told she is missing

Use of a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure

New CCTV footage shows Dr...

Dr. Elizabeth Kinston, a mother of two, who has disappeared from her home in Nottingham (PA)

to remove superficial, early stage esophageal cancer is as effective as...

90′s Themed Flash M ob At University Of

How Work Can Improve M ental Health

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Delaware Promotes Awareness For Pediatric Cancer (VIDEO)

Among the Aging

Yo tell me what you want, what you really really

Last month celebrated Mental Illness Awareness, but you wouldn’t be at fault for not noticing. The

want! The University of Delaware will tell you what

event, meant to...

they want, what they...

Can You Taste The Difference Of No Trans Fat? Probably Not

Introductions and Icebreakers Aside

NEW YORK — NEW YORK (AP) — What will food

Down to Business Session two of Slim Peace DC was jam packed with nutrition information and had

without trans fats taste like? You probably already

participants dive head first...

know. Artificial trans...

Nutrition Of Recipes From Popular Food Blogs Evaluated In New Study

23andM e: Could mass DNA testing change health care?

Sure, cooking at home can be a healthier

(CBS News) A simple genetic test could show

alternative to eating out because you control what

whether you’re likely to get a serious disease, and

ingredients go into your dishes....

it only costs $99....

NASA satellites see Super-Typhoon Haiyan lashing the Philippines [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

M ayo Clinic: Less-invasive option as effective as esophagus removal in early esophageal cancer


[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin

Space Flight Center IMAGE: This visible image of Super... 904-953-

Woman about to undergo mastectomy hosts dancing party before surgery

EU agency questions AstraZeneca over heart drug trial

Undergoing a double mastectomy can be a scary

By Ben Hirschler LONDON | Thu Nov 7, 2013

experience. Yet for one woman, her surgery became a much more upbeat occasion. Breast...

1:38pm EST LONDON (Reuters) – Europe’s medicines regulator...

FDA moves to ban trans fats, citing health risks

FDA to Ban Trans Fats in Foods

By Toni Clarke and Ros Krasny

announced Thursday a plan to phase out heartharmful trans fats in processed...

BOSTON/WASHINGTON | Thu Nov 7, 2013 1:45pm EST BOSTON/WASHINGTON (Reuters)...

2299Mayo Clinic JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Use of a minimally invasive...

THURSDAY Nov. 7, 2013 — U.S. health officials

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Upping Vegetable Protein Intake M ay Help People With Kidney Disease

Inside the Autistic Brain: New Research Challenges Current Beliefs

THURSDAY Nov. 7, 2013 — Eating more protein

THURSDAY Nov. 7, 2013 — The brains of children

sourced from vegetables might help people with chronic kidney disease live...

with autism have a higher-than-normal number of connections, and this...

If We Are Not Competent With Direct Laryngoscopy, We Should Just Say So

One in four Brits do not even do 30 minutes exercise a month

Some Quotes – The basic trouble, you see, is that

Speaking at a public health summit in London

people think that “right” and “wrong” are...

yesterday, experts said Britain’s sedentary habits are responsible for 17...

One fifth of maternity budget now spent on blunders

First Reported Case Of M ERS In Spain

Margaret Hodge, chairman of the Public Accounts

also known as MERS, has been identified in Spain, according to news reports. The...

Committee urged ministers to “buck up” and take responsibility for...

The first case of Middle East respiratory syndrome,

How to M anufacture the Best Night of Sleep in Your Life

When Your Temper Scares You

Ah, sleep: is there anything quite like it? So easily

you have kids. And then one night someone carves a pattern into...

discarded and discounted when nighttime attractions present themselves...

Sometimes you don’t realize you have a temper till

Tara M arie Segundo, M .A.: 10 Tips for Conscious Eating During the Holidays

The New York City M arathon: 26.2 M iles of Inspiration and Self-Discovery

By Tara Marie Segundo, M.A. The holidays are upon

I awoke at 4:30 and got dressed in my hotel room

us. Before you’ve had time to polish off your kids’ Halloween...

by the light of the open bathroom door. I knew I was about to embark on...

FDA eyes ban on trans fats due to heart disease risk

Video: Couple considering divorce to save on health care

Trans fats may be on their way out of U.S. foods.

November 7, 2013 8:37 AM Together as only a

The Food and Drug Administration has announced plans to have so-called...

family of two, Nona Willis-Aronowitz and Aaron Cassara make more than the $62,000...

M ERS case reported in Spain, M inistry

Research: Where positive information

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

confirms This undated electron microscope shows a novel

comes in bad-news conversation can influence outcomes

coronavirus particle, also known as the MERS virus, center. / AP Photo/NIAID...

There’s good news and there’s bad news. Which do you want to hear first? That depends on whether you are the...

Diets and the famine reaction: an interview with Associate Professor Amanda Salis, University of Sydney Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) You recently gave a talk as part of

FDA takes step to further reduce trans fats in processed foods <!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/07/2013 –> Page Last Updated: 11/07/2013 <!– ...

the 21st Century Medicine...

Atovaquone-proguanil in the treatment of imported uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria: a prospective observational study of 553 cases

PSCIT’s speech at Gala Wine Dinner of Hong Kong International Wine &Spirits Fair 2013

Each year, thousands of cases of uncomplicated

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Permanent Secretary for Commerce and

malaria are imported into Europe by travellers.

Economic Development (Commerce,...

Atovaquone-proguanil (AP)...

AHT-ChIP-seq: a completely automated robotic protocol for high-throughput chromatin immunoprecipitation ChIP-seq is an established manually-performed method for identifying DNA-protein interactions genome-wide. Here, we describe...

Carotid endarterectomy for treatment of tandem carotid stenosis in the presence of the anomalous origin of the occipital artery arising from the cervical internal carotid artery: a case report IntroductionBranches from the cervical portion of the internal carotid artery are rare. In most cases, atherosclerotic stenosis...

Human genetic polymorphisms in the Knops blood group are not associated with a protective advantage against Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Southern Ghana

SOS Dealing with Difficulty Gimme a Break, will Ya??… (PLEASE!) every now and again IF possible. You’re being difficult and You don’t even realize...

The complex interactions between the human host W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

and the Plasmodium falciparum parasite and the factors influencing severity...

Handling Hate M ail, Hateful Comments and Hate

New Roche leukemia drug shows clear advantage over Rituxan: study

In my own personal experience, I have found that

By Bill Berkrot Thu Nov 7, 2013 9:15am EST

the moment I allow myself to be seen, heard, or recognized in any way, two...

(Reuters) – Roche’s newly approved leukemia drug Gazyva helped...

Geron cancer drug highly effective in trial, shares soar

U.S. FDA moves to ban trans fats, citing health risks

Thu Nov 7, 2013 9:57am EST (Reuters) – Geron

WASHINGTON | Thu Nov 7, 2013 10:31am EST

Corp said 22 percent of patients treated by its experimental blood cancer...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday...

Health Highlights: Nov. 7, 2013

Despite M ajor Progress, Some Childhood Cancers Are Still Killers

Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: Trans Fats to be...

THURSDAY Nov. 7, 2013 — Recent decades have

For Children of Teen Parents, M ost Injuries Due to Falls: Study

New type of bacteria found in extremely clean and sterilized rooms of NASA

THURSDAY Nov. 7, 2013 — Falls are the most

Main Point: Scientists have found new type of

common cause of injuries suffered by children of teen parents, a new study...

microbes, probably bacteria, in the extremely clean rooms of NASA. Published...

7 Tips To Take Care Of Yourself Before The Holiday M adness Begins

M acadamia & Coconut Lemon Bars (Vegan & Gluten Free)

With a potentially stressful holiday season

Any recipe I create is free of most allergens,

approaching, NOW is the time to kick it up a notch in the self-care department,...

especially gluten, wheat, yeast, dairy, soy, eggs and genetically modified...

Stop Fearing Fat! Just Be Smarter With Your Choices

China Cord Blood Corporation releases financial results for second quarter and first half of fiscal year 2014

Over the past 50 years there’s been an endless

seen huge strides in treating childhood cancer, but certain types of tumors...

barrage of misinformation and propaganda against China Cord Blood Corporation (NYSE: CO) (the eating fat. Although... “Company”) today announced its plan to release W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

financial results...

SIgN scientist wins prestigious EM BO Young Investigator 2013 award

NIDDK director to receive Outstanding Achievement Award from NKF

Dr Florent Ginhoux from the Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) is the only scientist

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) will honor Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers, Director of the National

from Asia to win the prestigious award...

Institute of Diabetes and...

Study finds few beneficial effects of metformin drug for cardiovascular disease in people without diabetes

M an who was so fat he stopped breathing 80 times a night sheds 17 stone after fearing he’d die in his sleep

Despite high expectations for the commonly used diabetes drug metformin to improve risk factors for

Kayes Uddin, 32, weighed 30 stone and had severe sleep apnoea He had to sleep wearing a

heart disease in people...

breathing mask to ensure his throat...

Could a baby’s gaze indicate early signs of autism? The first signs can be picked up when a child is just two months old Children who are later

The secret to retaining self-control at a buffet? Eat the FRUIT first: People who start with healthier foods are less tempted by junk later on

diagnosed with autism show a...

Dieters who started with junk food consumed 31% more food during meal Around 85 per cent of people offered fruit at the start...

Early detection of cancer: Fluorophorelabeled cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors for imaging of overexpression

Caudalie opens its Asian flagship boutique in Hong Kong

Molecules that bind and illuminate proteins specific

Caudalie, opened its first boutique in Hong Kong

to tumor cells are key to detecting cancer as early

today (November 7), as...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – French skincare company,

as possible. The...

M etabolic reprogramming by viruses in the sunlit and dark ocean

Pumpkin Cacao Chip Superfood Smoothie

Marine ecosystem function is largely determined by

Craving a pumpkin spice latte? Just say no: they

matter and energy transformations mediated by

have almost 50 grams of sugar! Instead, try making

microbial community interaction...

a superfood pumpkin...

7 Steps To Finally Finish Your Writing

10-M inute Yoga Sequence For A Strong

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!


& Flexible Spine

I never planned on writing a best-selling book. In

Start Slideshow » 14 images To paraphrase

fact, I never planned on being a writer. As a feng

Kundalini Yoga Master Yogi Bhajan, “You may die,

shui expert, my passion...

but you will never grow...

Safety tops concerns for LGBT students on foreign exchange

Ontario town cuts 911 calls by seniors in half

When Marc Caporiccio embarked on a month-long

Several years ago, paramedics in Deep River, Ont.,

foreign exchange program to South Africa with a

came to the realization that most of their 911

group of fellow university...

emergency calls were coming...

’24-hour’ complaint process needed

Pink jumper could be key to finding missing GP

27 October 2013 Last updated at 20:08 ET By Dame Julie Mellor Health Ombudsman Patients need ‘better...

Detective Inspector Kev Broadhead said: “Were you in the area at the time? Do you remember seeing someone wearing this...

Climate change scientists must turn their attention to clean skies

Drilling for hydrocarbons can impact aquatic life

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kallie 44-113-343-

415-568-3162Public Library of Science Drilling

4196University of Leeds Natural aerosols, such as emissions...

sumps can leak into surface...

Earliest record of copulating insects discovered

The presence of human settlements has a negative impact on tiger connectivity

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kallie 415-568-3162Public Library of Science Fossil of copulating insects discovered...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kallie

Volume of nuclear waste could be reduced by 90 percent, says new research

New report calls for sustained public endorsement and funding for human stem cell research

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Abigail

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emma 44-079-60448532University of Sheffield The researchers,

44-203-176-4715European Science Foundation The European Science Foundation...

415-568-3162Public Library of Science Tigers are dispersing over much...

from... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Global food prices rise in October after five months of falls

Spain reports 1st case of M ERS virus

By Catherine Hornby ROME (Reuters) – Global

MADRID (AP) — Spain’s Health Ministry says the country has its first case of the new respiratory

food prices rose slightly in October after declining

virus known as MERS...

for the past five...

Probiotic pickled turnip touted as ‘flu wonder cure’

M icrobes can help in improving your social life

Wednesday November 6 2013 Suguki is

Main Point: Researchers have reported that the oral

historically associated with the city of...

administration of lactic acid microbes, having symbiotic relationship...

Bayer seeks wider use for eye drug Eylea in Europe

An unusual main-belt comet with many tails

FRANKFURT | Thu Nov 7, 2013 6:19am EST

Be the first to comment – What do you think?

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – German drugmaker

Posted by Usman Zafar Paracha – November...

Bayer said it filed for marketing...

Physical effort fuels a feeling of ownership over our movements

A Simple Yoga Sequence To Help Your Back

When you move your body, how do you know that it

Start Slideshow » 14 images To paraphrase

was “you” who chose to move it? One answer

Kundalini Yoga Master Yogi Bhajan, “You may die,

comes from a computational...

but you will never grow...

9 Things Everyone Should Know About Farmed Fish

Are You Suffering From "Grass-IsAlways-Greener" Syndrome In Love?

If you eat seafood, unless you catch it yourself or

When one of my closest friends started dating her

ask the right questions, the odds are pretty good it

now-husband 15 years ago, we quickly began

comes from a fish...

referring to him as a “he-she.”...

Diagnostic technology advancing but barriers prevent integration into care, IDSA report warns

UCLA launches first university-based military medicine center to care for wounded veterans

Despite advances in diagnostic technology, there

UCLA has launched the first university-based

is an urgent need for tests that are easy to use,

military medicine center on the West Coast, thanks

identify the bug causing...

to a generous donation from...

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

New hand-held device can help prevent thousands of unnecessary TB deaths

Sebelius faces new round of Capitol Hill questions — this time from a Senate panel

Thousands of deaths from tuberculosis (or TB), an

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen

infectious bacterial disease, could be prevented

Sebelius will face a new round of questioning as

using a new hand-held...

she appears before the Senate...

Living with werewolf syndrome: M other and children undergo laser treatment

Kidney failure linked to ACE inhibitor blood pressure pills

The Budhathoki family suffer from Congenital

Popular ACE inhibitor pills have been linked to

Hypertrichosis Lanuginosa, also known as ‘werewolf syndrome’ Mother...

sudden renal failure The lethal conditions kills up to 30 per cent of those...

£100 test that can reveal a woman’s breast cancer risk: Exam that will assess genes, weight and lifestyle could be available within three years

Women who have younger looking faces ‘have lower blood pressure and could live longer’

Breast cancer test would be offered to women in

been linked to looks High blood pressure affects a third of adults, raising...

their 40s Calculates risk using a woman’s DNA, weight, height and breast...

Researchers claim it is the first time lifespan has

Speech by FS at opening ceremony of Hong Kong International Wine &Spirits Fair(with photos)

USDOJ: Lutz, Fla., M an Convicted on Drug Distribution and Sex Trafficking Charges

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at the

Acting United States Attorney A. Lee Bentley III and Acting Assistant Attorney General Jocelyn Samuels

opening ceremony of...

of the Civil Rights...

Speech by FS at opening ceremony of Hong Kong International Wine &Spirits Fair(with photos/video)

‘New part of knee joint discovered’

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at the

7 November 2013 Last updated at 02:57 ET By Smitha Mundasad Health reporter, BBC News The anterolateral...

opening ceremony of...

VIDEO: Call for national care loans scheme

VIDEO: Britons ‘waste six meals a week’ Despite many households feeling the pinch with

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

A national deferred payment scheme to help people pay for their social care costs in old age

rising energy and food bills, research suggests that the average UK household...

should be created, according...

M ales more likely to be ‘fat and 40′ 7 November 2013 Last updated at 03:29 ET By Helen Briggs BBC News Men born in 1970 are far more likely...

Senators urge Obama to delay parts of health law Concerned Senate Democrats urged President Barack Obama to extend the enrollment period for his misfiring health care law,...

Paralyzed deer hunter chooses to end life support

IVF conception doesn’t seem to raise kids’ cancer risk, study finds

Tim Bowers got to decide for himself whether he wanted to live or die. When the avid outdoorsman

(HealthDay)—In a reassuring new finding, there appears to be no extra cancer risk among children

was badly hurt Saturday...

born after assisted conception. More...

Dolutegravir plus abacavir-lamivudine beats combo therapy

Volunteers sought for ‘open access’ genome project

(HealthDay)—For patients with HIV-1 infection and HIV-1 RNA of 1,000 copies per mL or more,

Researchers insist their data will not be up to a medical standard – meaning any concerning

treatment with dolutegravir...

results would have to be...

The health law’s impact on food stamp eligibility; will unions get the tax relief they are seeking?

Decision-making process may occur in localized region of the prefrontal cortex

News outlets offer the latest news on a range of

the conventional wisdom While eating lunch you

health law implementation issues. Politico:

notice an insect buzzing...

Multitasking neurons filter and decide, confounding

Obamacare Could Increase Food...

Viewpoints: Obama’s ‘sin of omission;’ Dems’ panic grows over health law woes; men should pay for maternity care

Researchers, clinicians discuss recent findings that could bring hope for people with HIV

The Washington Post: The Sin Of Omission In

three decades ago, researchers from the lab and

Obamacare “The big lie,” as the president’s broken Obamacare...

physicians in the clinic have...

USDOJ: Navy Commander Charged with

FEHD cancels licence of Yau M a Tei

Since the onset of the AIDS pandemic more than

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Accepting $100,000 Cash and Prostitutes in Widening International Bribery Scheme


A third senior United States Navy official has been

restaurant in Yau Ma...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene cancelled the licence of a

charged in a complaint unsealed today with accepting prostitutes, luxury...

Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in kindergarten under CHP investigation Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health

Zunyi Acrobatic Troupe from Guizhou Province to perform daunting acrobatics in December

Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is today (November 7) investigating...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Zunyi Acrobatic Troupe of Guizhou Province will perform in Hong Kong in December. Along with...

Dosimetric and clinical advantages of deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) during radiotherapy of breast cancer To investigate the potential dosimetric and clinical benefits of Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold (DIBH)

New £100 test for breast cancer It is hoped the test could provide an alternative to the NHS screening programme, where women in their 50s are routinely...

technique during radiotherapy...

Tea helps promote weight loss and improve bone health American Journal of Clinical Nutrition releases new proceedings from International Tea and Human Health Symposium Decades...

Cocaine addicts may become trapped in drug binges due to emotional lows, says study Cocaine addicts may become trapped in drug binges – not because of the euphoric highs they are chasing but rather the...

New study could help lead to prevention and treatment of heart failure in diabetics

New study uses genomic sequencing to develop treatments for castrationresistant prostate cancer

​R esearchers from the University of Texas Medical

A new study at Mayo Clinic is using genomic

Branch at Galveston have discovered one of the

sequencing to develop customized treatments for

pathogenic components...

men with castration-resistant...

Olympic Torch Relay Headed To Space

Donating breast milk helps bereaved mothers deal with loss

Flight Engineer Koichi Wakata of the Japan

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Aerospace Exploration Agency, left, Soyuz

The death of an infant is terrible for both parents,

Commander Mikhail Tyurin of the Russian...

but for many mothers, physical reminders such as lactation, can seem...

Long-term effects on carotid intimamedia thickness after radiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Transforming growth factor beta signalling controls human breast cancer metastasis in a zebrafish xenograft model

Vascular abnormalities are the predominant

IntroductionThe transforming growth factor beta

histologic changes associated with radiation in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)....

(TGF-beta) signalling pathway is known to control human breast cancer invasion...

Effects of tai chi program on neuromuscular function for patients with knee osteoarthritis: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Natural killer cells and natural killer T Cells in Lyme arthritis

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of disability as well as a burden on healthcare

IntroductionNatural killer (NK) and natural killer T (NKT) cells provide a first line of defense against infection. However,...

resources. Tai chi has been proposed...

SGO issues top five Choosing Wisely recommendations (HealthDay)—The top five gynecologic oncologyrelated issues that physicians and patients should question have been released...

Study finds mending ruptures in clienttherapist relationship has positive benefits In order for prolonged exposure therapy, an evidence-based psychotherapy for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), to reach...

Children who have autism far more likely to have tummy troubles Children with autism experience gastrointestinal

New research shows clear association between ACE inhibitors and acute kidney injury

(GI) upsets such as constipation, diarrhea and

Cambridge scientists have found an association

sensitivity to foods six-to-eight...

between ACE inhibitors (and similar drugs) and acute kidney injury –...

3-dimensional carbon goes metallic [ | E-mail ] Contact: Sathya Achia 804-828-1231Virginia

Clean Air Act has led to improved water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

Commonwealth University New metallic structure... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Amy 410-3301389University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Declines...

Research reveals possible cause of diabetic cardiomyopathy

‘Don’t get sick in July’

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kristen 617432-0441Harvard Medical School Real dangers for 409-7728772University of Texas Medical Branch at

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David


Galveston Findings...

Osteoarthritis medicine delivered ondemand

San Francisco sheriff details failed effort to find hospital patient

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-

By Ronnie Cohen SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Sheriff’s deputies searching for a patient at a San

6042American Chemical Society Scientists are

Francisco hospital...


W.H.O., Fighting Polio in Syria, Says M ore Children Need Vaccinations

Contamination: Why Some People Feel Perpetually Unclean

The official, Dr. Bruce Aylward, also said the

In Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” after Lady Macbeth

organization’s projection of a two-month

helps to murder King Duncan, she laments that no

vaccination campaign — envisaged...


Touch M ay Ease Existential Fears for People with Low Self-Esteem

Sweden Theaters Add Sexism Ratings for M ovies

You don’t have permission to access

STOCKHOLM – You expect movie ratings to tell you

/releases/2013/11/131106114039.htm on this

whether a film contains nudity, sex, profanity or

server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...

violence. Now movie...

Non-GM O Choices M ake Halloween Less Frightful

Bone M arrow Recipient Pens Beautiful Thank You Letter To Donor (PHOTO)

this graphic from the Non-GMO Project with family

Gratitude is a wonderful thing. A woman named

and friends to provide a quick reference for

Jillian (last name withheld on request), from

avoiding GMOs in Halloween...

Milwaukee, Wis., learned just...

How to Write a Condolence Letter: 5

Study Says M ore And M ore

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Suggestions After my book The Tiffany Box, a memoir was released, I received many emails from readers expressing how grateful they were...

Grandparents Are Raising Their Grandkids With single parenting on the rise, more and more grandparents are stepping up to help their adult children raise kids, a...

Learning another language may help delay dementia

Video: Study: IVF does not increase cancer risk in children

A key way to avoid dementia may be learning another language. Neurologists are reporting in the

November 6, 2013 3:29 PM A new British study finds children born through in vitro fertilization are

largest study to date on...

not at an increased risk...

Common diabetes drug fails to fulfill promise of improving cardiovascular risk in people without diabetes

As Polio Returns to M ideast, Health Agency Fights Back

Despite high expectations for the commonly used

The official, Dr. Bruce Aylward, also said the organization’s projection of a two-month

diabetes drug metformin to improve risk factors for

vaccination campaign — envisaged...

heart disease in people...

ACE inhibitor drugs linked to kidney damage

Telemedicine: An Innovation Whose Time Has Come

Although doctors have previously raised concerns

In the decades since I started practicing medicine,

about the impact of the drugs on kidney function,

the nation’s health care landscape has changed

the extent of any potential...

dramatically due...

How To M ake Your Own Pumpkin Puree

You Don’t Need M ore M otivation

Pumpkin, the jack (o-lantern) of all trades, does much more than add seasonal décor to the house.

Why does it usually seem so difficult to motivate ourselves? Let’s start with defining motivation so

The orange gourds are...

we’re all...

A Good We Starts With a Good M e This week I’ve seen the blog post, “Marriage Isn’t For You,” passed around Facebook and shared

15 percent of people don’t think bisexuality is real sexual orientation: Study


Wikimedia Commons A new study reveals that bisexual individuals may face stigmas that could negatively affect their mental...

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Hospitals with neurology residency programs more likely to administer lifesaving clot-busting drugs

UC’s SmartLight more than a bright idea, it’s a revolution in interior lighting ready to shine

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom 410-9558665Johns Hopkins Medicine tPA found 513-5561825University of Cincinnati The innovative solar

underused; getting...


Forget Barley And Hops: Craft Brewers Want A Taste Of Place

Another Election?! Relax, This One’s To Name A Baby Panda

Enlarge image i The brewers at Scratch Brewing Company add wild plants like spicebush,

Enlarge image i You can help select a name for the National Zoo’s new panda cub. Abby

goldenseal, wild ginger, chanterelles...


Syria’s polio outbreak is a global public health emergency the news of an outbreak of polio (poliomyelitis)

Biochemical interaction of anti-HCV telaprevir with the ABC transporters Pglycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein

signals that even more...

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters P-

As if the children of Syria had not suffered enough,

glycoprotein (P-gp)/ABCB1 and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP)/ABCG2...

Baltimore Police Officer Admits to Protecting a Heroin Dealer and Illegally Accessing Police Databases in Fraudulent Tax Refund Scheme

FBI Seeks Information in Search for Fugitive

BALTIMORE, MD—Baltimore Police officer Ashley

Federal Bureau of Investigation,...

CHICAGO—Robert J Shields, Jr, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Chicago Office of the

Roane, age 26, of Pikesville, Maryland, pleaded guilty today to extortion...

Surface anchored metal-organic frameworks as stimulus responsive antifouling coatings

Lung transplant ‘patient 45′ remembered 30 years on

Surface-anchored, crystalline and oriented metal

celebrating the 30th anniversary of the world’s first successful...

organic frameworks (SURMOFs) have huge potential for biological applications...

Lung transplant recipients, doctors and nurses are

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Speaking a second language may delay dementia, study shows

Spain reports first case of deadly M ERS coronavirus

People who speak more than one language and

Spain said Wednesday that a woman who just

who develop dementia tend to do so up to five

returned from Saudi Arabia has been infected by

years later than those who are...

the MERS coronavirus in the country’s...

Could eating blueberries add years to your life? Daily bowlful could protect against obesity, heart disease and diabetes

The woman who’s only eaten junk food for 16 years

Regular consumption of berries can improve or

Faye Campbell, 21, will only eat pizza, chips and cheeseburgers Until age 15 she only ate chips – she has never eaten...

prevent metabolic syndrome This is the medical term for a combination of diabetes,...

A third of young men have suffered from ‘manorexia’ – either by purging or abusing drugs

Boy, 10, born without an ear has a new one built from one of his RIBS

Eating disorders are a growing problem among teenage boys, say doctors May have a traditional

microsomia – a congenital disorder that affects the development of the lower...

Alfie Hazell,10, was born with hemifacial

eating disorder such as...

How To Levitate A Sandwich: ‘M odernist Cuisine’ Spills Photo Secrets Food porn or art? That’s for you decide. But one thing is for certain: The jumbo-sized images in The

Visual pursuit response in the severe disorder of consciousness: modulation by the central autonomic system and a predictive model

Photography of...

A visual pursuit response is reportedly observed in ~20-30% of subjects in vegetative state (VS/UWS) and predicts better...

One, two and three-dimensional ultrasound measurements of carotid atherosclerosis before and after cardiac rehabilitation: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial

Not so pseudo: the evolutionary history of protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 2 and related pseudogenes

It is still not known how patients who are post-

This view has however...

Pseudogenes are traditionally considered “dead”genes, therefore lacking biological functions.

transient ischemic attack (TIA) or post-stroke might benefit from prospectively... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

An etiological reappraisal of pancytopenia Peripheral pancytopenia is not a disease by itself;

Charleston M an Indicted by a Federal Grand Jury on Child Pornography Charges

rather it describes simultaneous presence of anemia, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia...

CHARLESTON, WV—A Charleston man was

M ental Health: Ridiculous Bipolar Treatments #NHBPM

VIDEO: Disabled people win fund case

Lobe Therapist: Stay sTill, Pops! I’m telling Ya it’ll

challenge to the government’s decision to abolish the Independent Living...

be worth it… Lobe stretching will cure your Bipolar and body...

Autism detectable ‘in first months’ 6 November 2013 Last updated at 13:02 ET By

indicted by a federal grand jury sitting in Charleston on November 5 for child pornography...

Five disabled people have won their legal case

Strength training may combat children’s decreasing activity

Helen Briggs BBC News Autism spectrum disorders affect one...

(HealthDay)—Strength training increases strength

Factors in long-term HCV morbidity, mortality analyzed

Wild blueberries: 2 cups a day may keep the doctor away

(HealthDay)—For patients with hepatitis C virus

Wild blueberries are a rich source of

(HCV), achieving an undetectable viral load correlates with reductions...

phytochemicals called polyphenols, which have been reported by a growing number of...

New report examines key scientific questions for human stem cell research The European Science Foundation reports on the

KAIST produces gasoline via metabolically engineered microorganism

scientific and policy issues surrounding human stem cell research across Europe A...

For many decades, we have been relying on fossil resources to produce liquid fuels such as

in boys and girls, and increases daily spontaneous physical activity (PA)...

gasoline, diesel, and many industrial...

How Pictures Of Infant Boy’s Eyes Helped Diagnose Cancer

LCQ5: Landfill extension

Enlarge image i A milky eye can be a sign of early cancer of the retina. Courtesy of Bryan Shaw A

the Dr Hon Kwok Ka-ki and a reply by the Secretary for the Environment,...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

milky... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

LC: Speech by SCM A in moving the District Councils Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2013

LCQ9: Body Searches

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech

question by...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Lai Tung-kwok, to a

(English translation) by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland...

LCQ17: Procurement procedures of Hospital Authority Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

Flowing through the CRISPR-CAScade: Will genome editing boost cell therapies?

the Dr Hon Lau Wong-fat and a written reply by the

Recent years have seen great advancements in

Secretary for Food...

genome editing technologies, allowing for efficient and specific targeting of...

Leaves of Perfection perfect, I am not being metaphorical. I mean this in

Educational video games can boost motivation to learn, NYU, CUNY study shows

the most literal...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: James

When I say – in my writings – that the present is 212-998-6808New York University Math video games can enhance students’...

‘Tearless’ onions could help in the fight against cardiovascular disease, weight gain

Burning biomass pellets instead of wood or plants in China could lower mercury emissions

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-

6042American Chemical Society Onions, a key

6042American Chemical Society For millions of



Georgia Tech develops inkjet-based circuits at fraction of time and cost

Companies close to reusing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joshua

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 678-231- 202-872-

0787Georgia Institute of Technology Researchers from...

6042American Chemical Society Reusing the major greenhouse...

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Natura Therapeutics product shown to improve decision making skills in older adults [ | E-mail ] Contact: Cyndy 813-866-

Here Is the Secret to M arriage Happiness It’s not easy to calm down and think straight during a heated exchange, but wives who do may have happier marriages. Every...

7818University of South Florida (USF Innovation) The...

Palestinian leader Arafat was murdered with polonium: widow

Food stamp cuts hit 9 million elderly and disabled people

By Paul Taylor PARIS (Reuters) – Palestinian

Cuts to the nation’s food stamp program hit 48

leader Yasser Arafat was poisoned to death in

million Americans this week, including more than 9

2004 with radioactive polonium,...

million elderly and disabled...

Introducing Rape-Preventing Panties (With Locks)

Bipolar primary care prevalence varies by assessment method

A new women’s garment company is developing a

By Sara Freeman, medwireNews Reporter The

line of stylish rape resistant clothing. Have gender

prevalence of bipolar disorder in primary care

relations come to this? The...

varies considerably according to...

Depression alert in Asian COPD patients from Taiwan indicate that patients with chronic

Advanced prostate cancer therapies: an interview with Dr. Nancy Dawson, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

obstructive pulmonary disease...

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter Data

Hons (Cantab) What is the prostate gland and how does it become cancerous? The...

Getting down to the heart cells of the matter ( —Virginia Commonwealth University

Over 200 orchestras and bands to participate in "2013 Hong Kong Youth M usic Interflows"

researchers have some new clues into what makes our tickers talk – on the...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Over 200 orchestras and bands from primary and secondary schools will participate in the “2013...

LC: Speech by SJ on Solicitors (General) Costs (Amendment) Rules

Plant management and biodiversity conservation in Nahuatl homegardens

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of the Tehuacan Valley, M exico

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the translation of the speech delivered by the Secretary for Justice,

The Tehuacan Valley is one of the areas of Mesoamerica with the oldest history of plant

Mr Rimsky Yuen,...

management. Homegardens are among...

SFH on human case of avian influenza A(H7N9)

A proposed mechanism for IS607-family serine transposases

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Food and

The transposases encoded by the IS607 family of mobile elements are unusual serine

Health, Dr Ko Wing-man,...

recombinases with an inverted domain order...

M aintaining Boundaries with Your Family

Nestle Pledges To Reduce Salt In Hundreds Of Products Per WHO Guidelines

Therapist: “You say you want a relationship with your mother. Well, you’ve got one, but it’s destructive. You cannot...

GENEVA — GENEVA (AP) — The world’s biggest food and drink company is pledging to speed up making hundreds of...

Did Trauma Cause M y Diabetes? What caused killer t-cells to attack the beta cells in my pancreas, preventing them from producing

Video: Testosterone hormone treatment linked to health problems, study says

insulin, making my blood...

November 6, 2013 5:26 AM A new study shows a link between hormone treatments and serious health problems, including increased...

Video: M usic lessons during childhood may lead to brain benefits November 6, 2013 6:04 AM Daily health headlines:

Long term results of EORTC trial for patients with resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer

Music lessons when young could have benefits

[ | E-mail ] Contact: John

later in life, a new warning...

Beanjohn.bean@eortc.beEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Long term results...

‘Path to 2025′ Alzheimer’s Disease Summit: Reforms urgently needed to streamline road to Alzheimer’s

For young baseball players, light bats don’t hit too fast

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana 401-863-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF! 212-298-8645New York Academy of Sciences New report provides

1862Brown University IMAGE: Many young baseball...


Prognostic value of baseline HRQOL for survival for 11 types of cancer pointed out by EORTC study

Nature’s great diversity: Remarkable 277 new wasp species from Costa Rica

[ | E-mail ] Contact: John

Marshswampy@wildblue.netPensoft Publishers

Beanjohn.bean@eortc.beEuropean Organisation

IMAGE: This image shows a male Heterospilus...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Paul M.

for Research and Treatment of Cancer Results of an...

Touch may alleviate existential fears for people with low self-esteem [ | E-mail ] Contact: Anna 202293-9300Association for Psychological Science As...

Sleep Science’s new OSA treatment to be presented in WHO Compendium of Innovative Technologies Sleep Science Partners’ mandibular repositioning treatment for obstructive sleep apnea has been accepted for inclusion...

PhotoM edex third quarter 2013 revenues decrease 19% to $45.9 million

First Edition: November 6, 2013

PhotoMedex, Inc. (NASDAQ:PHMD) today reported

contents of the health law’s “war room” notes as...

Today’s headlines include reports detailing the

financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2013. Revenues...

PDL BioPharma closes financing transaction with Durata Therapeutics PDL BioPharma, Inc. (PDL) (NASDAQ: PDLI) announced today that it closed a financing transaction with Durata Therapeutics,...

Safety and efficacy of long-term combination therapy with bezafibrate and ezetimibe in patients with dyslipidemia in the prospective, observational J-COM PATIBLE study There are numerous reports describing the efficacy of fenofibrate in combination with ezetimibe for treating dyslipidemia....

A genome-wide survey of maternal and embryonic transcripts during Xenopus tropicalis development

Factors associated with in-office influenza vaccination by U.S. pediatric providers

Dynamics of polyadenylation vs. deadenylation In the United States, influenza vaccination is W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

determine the fate of several developmentally

recommended for all children 6 months and older;

regulated genes. Decay of a...

however, vaccination rates...

The potential role of ‘non-rheumatic’ therapies in rheumatic disease The relationship between inflammation and insulin

Integrating multiple ‘omics’analyses identifies serological protein biomarkers for preeclampsia

resistance is complex and not fully understood.

Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-related vascular

Patients with rheumatoid...

disorder which is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality....

10 M ovies to Uplift You from Depression

Husband saved new wife’s by donating his kidney to her

Among my strongest tools to combat depression is

Sarah Dalton has reflux nephropathy – condition

distraction. And one of the best distractions is

occurs when tubes to the bladder are positioned

watching a movie. Watching...

wrongly so allow urine...

12% of Britons feel ‘utterly exhausted’ all of the time

Turning bacteria into chemical factories

53% of people are continuously tired and 41%

job as a professor: earn a PhD, spend a few years

sometimes feel exhausted This is thought to be

as a postdoc, then find...

Most academics follow a very traditional path to a

because people are too stressed...

LCQ11: Child care services Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Cheung Kwok-che and a written reply by the Secretary for Labour...

Study of the distribution and abundance of the eggs of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus according to the habitat and meteorological variables, municipality of Sao Sebastiao, Sao Paulo State, Brazil This study focused on the distribution and abundance of the eggs of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Methods: Eighty ovitraps...

Efficient BST2 antagonism by Vpu is critical for early HIV-1 dissemination in humanized mice

Evidence for overdispersion in the distribution of malaria parasites and leukocytes in thick blood smears

Vpu is a multifunctional accessory protein that enhances the release of HIV-1 by counteracting the

Microscopic examination of stained thick blood smears (TBS) is the gold standard for routine

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entrapment of nascent...

malaria diagnosis. Parasites...

Tender awarded for M urray Building at Cotton Tree Drive

The Deceptive Looks Of ADHD

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Lands Department

Sometimes I look like I have ADHD … sometimes not Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Things aren’t

today (November 6) announced that the tender for

always as they...

the Murray Building site,...

9 things you should know about crack cocaine

New research explores neuropathology behind hippocampal sclerosis

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said Tuesday that he had

As the population of older adults continues to grow,

smoked crack cocaine, probably “in one of my

researchers at the University of Kentucky Sanders-

drunken stupors,” about...

Brown Center on Aging...

Calif. nonprofit provides grant to get TV shows to include stories about health law

New drug combination therapy effectively kills cancer cells

The California Endowment is giving $500,000 to

that a new drug combination therapy being

ensure TV episodes add stories about the need to

developed at Virginia Commonwealth...

Results from a recent preclinical study have shown

enroll in health coverage...

Taking a walk in the park makes us happier and healthier Nature helps boost our self-control and optimism,

Colorectal cancer screening rates remain too low, reveals new Vital Signs report

a study has found It also encourages us to slow

Colorectal cancer screening (CRC) rates remain

down and better consider...

too low, with about one in three adults (ages 50 to 75 years) not being tested...

Playing an instrument as a child can help hearing in later life

ADHD diagnosis too broad causing ‘needless and harmful’ treatment

Music lessons in childhood help hearing in later

Wider classification of ADHD symptoms has seen

life, a study has found All instruments, including

rise in diagnosis Prescriptions for treatments

piano, accordion and...

increased twofold in children...

Probiotic drink made from Japanese pickle could provide wonder cure for flu

LCQ15: Hospital Authority’s occupational safety and health measures

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Lactobacillus bugs found in pickled turnip Suguki

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

boost immune system A probiotic drink is currently

the Hon Leung Yiu-chung and a written reply by the

being trialled on humans...

Secretary for Food...

Infaunal macrobenthic community dynamics in a manipulated hyperhaline ecosystem: a long-term study

LCQ21: M TR fares

Understanding the responses of ecological

Secretary for Transport...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Tang Ka-piu and a written reply by the

communities to human-induced perturbations is crucial for establishing conservation...

LCQ4: Prevention of animal cruelty Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

LCQ20: Planning for Kai Tak Development Area

the Hon Michael Tien and a reply by the Secretary

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

for Food and Health,...

the Hon Wu Chi-wai and a written reply by the Secretary for Development,...

LCQ18: Land supply for private housing

Hemingway Family Speaks Up

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

The Hemingway “curse” of mental illness is

the Hon Frederick Fung and a written reply by the

explored in a new documentary about Mariel

Secretary for Development,...

Hemingway, the actor granddaughter...

LCQ16: Clothes-drying racks in public rental housing estates

Should we get over our phobia of vaccines and act against chicken pox?

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

The older a person develops shingles, the more

the Hon Christopher Chung and a written reply by

likely they are to suffer the complication of severe

the Secretary for Transport...

long-term pain, which...

GPs should help lead obesity fight, says Jamie Oliver

Japanese superfood prevents flu infection

Oliver’s intervention came after the minister

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer

responsible for public health was replaced in David 44-124-377-

Cameron’s recent...

0633Wiley Scientists have discovered that bacteria...

Peak production of rhythmic proteins occurs at 2 times of day

M utual benefits: Stressed-out trees boost sugary rewards to ant defenders

[ | E-mail ] Contact: PLOS [ | E-mail ] Contact: PLOS W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Biologybiologypress@plos.orgPublic Library of Science Sleep disorders are reported to affect...

Biologybiologypress@plos.orgPublic Library of Science When water is scarce, Ecuador laurel trees...

Carbon storage recovers faster than plant biodiversity in re-growing tropical forests

SCIENCE CHINA chemistry special topic: Extraction of uranium from seawater

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Barnaby

86-106-400-8316Science China Press IMAGE:

44-079-202-95384Centre for Ecology Hydrology

Uranium extraction from seawater...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Bei

IMAGE: This is an intermediate...

Recipes for Health: Gluten-Free Raisin Pistachio Biscotti 120 grams (approximately 2/3 cup) golden raisins

New analysis challenges assumptions about bisexual men and HIV transmission

125 grams (approximately 1 cup) millet meal or

The number of HIV positive men who have sex with

fine cornmeal ...

both men and women is likely no higher than the number of HIV positive heterosexual...

Notes Reveal Chaotic White House Talks on Health Care Site

Advertising: AARP Sends a Thank-You to Caregivers

The documents were made public just as Marilyn

AARP and the Advertising Council are beginning a

B. Tavenner, the administrator of the Centers for

new advertising and social media campaign this

Medicare and Medicaid Services,...

week designed to illustrate...

Emissions pricing revenues could overcompensate profit losses of fossil fuel owners

M achines learn to detect breast cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: PIK Press Officepress@pik-

Publishers Software that can recognize patterns in data... 49-331-288-2507Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research...

Nanoscale ‘tsunami’ helps locusts tune in [ | E-mail ] Contact: Philippa 44-117-9287777University of Bristol The remarkable mechanism...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Albert Angpress@inderscience.comInderscience

Conversations between lovers about STIs are important in theory but difficult in bed [ | E-mail ] Contact: Margo Mullinaxmarbmull@indiana.eduIndiana University IMAGE: This is Margo Mullinax. Click...

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Ditty bag of condoms, home-use instructions lead to improved comfort and consistency with condom use

Pitt Public Health analysis challenges assumptions about bisexual men and HIV transmission

[ | E-mail ] Contact: William 812-855-7974Indiana

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Allison 412-647-

University BOSTON — A new and successful...

9975University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences BOSTON,...

ADHD diagnosis may have become too broad causing ‘needless and harmful’ treatment for children, warns study Wider classification of ADHD symptoms has seen

Effect of spaceflight on Pseudomonas aeruginosa final cell density is modulated by nutrient and oxygen availability

rise in diagnosis Prescriptions for treatments

Abundant populations of bacteria have been

increased twofold in children...

observed on Mir and the International Space Station. While some experiments have...

When do young birds disperse? Tests from studies of golden eagles in Scotland Dispersal comprises three broad stages –

Perspectives of pupils, parents, and teachers on mental health problems among Vietnamese secondary school pupils

departure from the natal or breeding locations, subsequent travel, and settlement....

Secondary school can be a stressful period for

Finding Comfort In Difficult Times

IVF success affected by ethnicity

Happiness. Anxiety. Delight. Frustration. Serenity.

5 November 2013 Last updated at 21:01 ET By

Impatience. In other words, emotions. We all have them. And so far nobody...

Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online The odds...

M usic lessons ‘sculpt the brain’ 5 November 2013 Last updated at 20:59 ET

Researchers uncover clues to how existing heart drugs work

Rehearsing may change the way the brain

Some of the most commonly prescribed drugs for

develops, scientists suspect Learning...

the treatment of heart failure are beta-blockers and nitrates, which help...

Daily walk cuts dementia risk, studies show

Never ‘Lose Yourself’ Again

adolescents, having to cope with many life changes. Very little research has...

If you’re experiencing unhappiness or lack of

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Everyone knows walking is good exercise, but it has another benefit: a daily 20-minute walk can

fulfillment in your life, there’s a good chance that at some point,...

also cut the risk of dementia...

Global impact of depression revealed 5 November 2013 Last updated at 19:13 ET By Helen Briggs BBC News Depression is common across the world Depression...

Testosterone therapy following angiography associated with increased risk of adverse outcome Among a group of men who underwent coronary angiography and had a low serum testosterone level, the use of testosterone therapy...

Breakthrough could lead to new treatment for heart attack The stop and start of blood flow to the heart during and after a heart attack causes severe damage to heart cells, reducing...

Study examines effect of sleep deficiency and possible surgical complications Surgeons who had operated the night before an elective daytime gallbladder surgery did not have a higher rate of complications,...

Just a few years of early musical training benefits the brain later in life

Rick Santorum Renews Call To Defeat UN Disabilities Treaty

Older adults who took music lessons as children

Ahead of Tuesday’s hearings on the Convention on

but haven’t actively played an instrument in

the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD),

decades have a faster...

held by the Senate Committee...

Is it Possible to Give Too M uch??

It’s OK to Talk to Your Daughter (and Son) About Weight

I’m a giver. Being born with a giant heart, I’ve spent my life compassionately trying to help others whenever...

Recently, a blog post (“How to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Body”) made its rounds on Facebook. Many friends...

The Only College Advice You’ll Ever Need

5 Reasons M illennials Are Going To Save The World (We Hope)

We know hindsight is always 20/20, but it becomes

Millennials catch a lot of flack. Some of it valid,

particularly practical when that hindsight can be

most of it ill-informed. Too often critics unfairly

used to benefit someone...

condemn a generation...

Community pharmacist program improves COPD care

Thanks To Parasites, M oose Are Looking M ore Like Ghosts

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By Sara Freeman, medwireNews Reporter Patients

Enlarge image i A large bull moose is inspected by

with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who receive a community...

a hunter at a weigh station in Maine. Lately, moose have been...

Philadelphia Police Department, FBI Seek Serial Bank Robber

Former M ember of M oreno Valley City Council Agrees to Plead Guilty to Federal Bribery Charge for Taking $2.3 M illion Cash Payment

The Philadelphia Police Department and the FBI are seeking information leading to the identification of a serial bank robber...

RIVERSIDE, CA—In a case stemming from what is believed to be the largest bribe ever accepted by a public official in an...

M ontrose County M an Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison for Possession of Child Pornography DENVER—David Anthony Roesener, age 32, of Montrose, Colorado, was sentenced yesterday by

Utah M an Pleads Guilty to Threatening CEO of Anti-Doping Agency DENVER—Robert Hutchins, age 60, of Sandy, Utah, pled guilty yesterday before Chief United States District Court Judge Marcia...

Senior United States District...

Three M ore Defendants Sentenced in Staged Automobile Accident Scheme Wifredo A Ferrer, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; Michael B Steinbach, Special Agent in Charge,...

Syphilis screening and treatment in pregnancy may be cost-effective in sub-Saharan Africa Screening and treating pregnant women in sub Saharan Africa for syphilis* may be a cost-effective use of resources, according...

Testosterone therapy linked with heart risks in men

Depression second leading cause of global disability burden

Some older men taking testosterone therapy may

A study published this week in PLOS Medicine

have a higher risk of heart attacks, stroke and

reports the most recent and comprehensive

death, say researchers raising...

estimates on how much death and disability...

Actual Things Doctors Have Said to Overweight Patients

Could strep scorecard save you trip to doctor?

That we have a widespread anti-fat bias and

WASHINGTONDebating whether to seek a strep

discrimination out there is no secret. But when this

test for that sore throat? One day there could be an

comes from the very people...

app for that: Researchers...

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Video: M illions of Americans putting themselves at risk for colorectal cancer

How pigeons may smell their way home

November 5, 2013 1:36 PM Despite fact that

49-892-180-6703European Geosciences Union

colorectal cancer is second-leading cancer killer in

Homing pigeons, like other...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Bárbara

U.S., millions of Americans...

Ethical research with minorities

A single-atom light switch

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leah

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Florian

202-642-9640Johns Hopkins Medicine Johns 43-158-801-

Hopkins bioethicist Nancy Kass...

41027Vienna University of Technology With just...

Clay may have been birthplace of life, new study suggests

AGU journal highlights — Nov. 5 2013

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Syl

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary Catherine 202-777-

607-255-7701Cornell University ITHACA, N.Y. Clay,

7530American Geophysical Union The following

a seemingly infertile...


Bringing out the best in X-ray crystallography data

Jimmy Carter works for global end to blindness caused by houseflies

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510-

By Ransdell Pierson (Reuters) – As Jimmy Carter

486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National

approaches 90, he is reaching for victory in a 15-

Laboratory IMAGE: Nathaniel...

year war against...

Health anxiety therapies: an interview with Professor Peter Tyrer, Imperial College, London

The worrying rise of cystitis superbugs that left Kelly fighting for her life – all because antibiotics are being over

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA

A urinary tract infection is an infection of the

Hons (Cantab) How is health anxiety defined?

kidneys, urethra, or bladder More than half of

Health anxiety is a relatively...

women will have one at some...

3 Foundations That Work Double Duty

How to Treat Irritation… Down There

Foundation Plus. . . BlushThe product: Givenchy

And It’s External. . . Switch your undies. Your lady

Teint Couture Compact, ($55, at Sephora) Two

parts are very sensitive to excess wetness, so keep

powders—one, a foundation;...

them dry by...

Get It, Girl!

One body becoming two: how women experience childbirth

The term girl power has been in the collective

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

vernacular since the late 1990s, so the phrase

There is a substantial literature on labour and

does feel a tad played out....

childbirth in medical, midwifery and social scientific research. But we still...

Towards an optimized inhibition of liver stage development assay (ILSDA) for Plasmodium falciparum

Dominant-negative activity of the STAT3-Y705F mutant depends on the Nterminal domain

Experimental vaccines targeting Plasmodium

STAT3 is a transcription factor of central

falciparum have had some success in recent

importance in chronic inflammation and cancer. In

years. These vaccines use attenuated...

response to cytokine stimulation...

Transcript of remarks by SCED on outcomes of domestic free television programme service licence applications

CRIM ALDDI: a prioritized research agenda to expedite the discovery of new anti-malarial drugs

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of

project funded by the EU Framework Seven Programme. It aimed to develop a...

remarks by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development,...

The CRIMALDDI Consortium has been a three-year

November story tips from Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Researchers find black hole in globular cluster

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ron 865-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom

576-0226DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory ENGINES Miniature maximization... 517-4320920Michigan State University Last year when researchers...

Temple researchers uncover clues to how existing heart drugs work [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeremy 215-707-

Breakthrough by Temple researchers could lead to new treatment for heart attack [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeremy

7882Temple University Health System Discovery 215-707-


7882Temple University Health System (Philadelphia,...

Calculating the risk: Child sexual assault

U.S. agency says working on plan for people hit by Obamacare rollout

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Amy Mattsonamy-

By David Morgan and Susan Heavey 319-384-0070University of WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Iowa Affluent girls residing in two-parent...

administration, beset by criticism over the botched...

Exclusive: Cargill to change beef labeling in wake of ‘pink slime’ furor

Toronto mayor’s comments on drug use

By P.J. Huffstutter CHICAGO (Reuters) – Cargill Inc, one of the world’s largest beef processors, will

made by Toronto Mayor Rob Ford made during a brief exchange with reporters...

TORONTO (Reuters) – Here are some comments


California insurer delays policy cancellations tied to Obamacare

U.S. skeptical of Syria chemical arms declaration: U.N. envoy

(Reuters) – Health insurer Blue Shield of California said on Tuesday it will delay policy cancellations for

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – After years of “broken promises” by Syrian President Bashar al-


Assad, the United...

Comorbid anxiety problematic for adolescents with bipolar disorder

M etacognitive training complements antipsychotic therapy

By Ingrid Grasmo, medwireNews Reporter Anxiety disorders are common in children and

By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter Metacognitive training (MCT) may benefit patients

adolescents with bipolar disorder and...

with schizophrenia who only...

Weight loss reduces pediatric exerciseinduced bronchoconstriction

Ambulatory BP best for assessing diabetes CV risk

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter A study has found that weight loss in overweight and

By Sara Freeman, medwireNews Reporter Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM)

obese children with exercise-induced...

should be used to monitor patients with...

OCD isn’t always easy to spot with invisible obsessions ruining lives

How to get M ichelle Williams’s shoulders: Secrets of an A-list body

Physical acts are the most common forms of compulsion But 10-15% of OCD sufferers carry out

By Peta Bee PUBLISHED: 18:20 EST, 4 November 2013 | UPDATED: 18:20 EST, 4 November 2013

their rituals entirely in their...

How to get the enviable physiques...

20% of teenage boys are ‘extremely concerned’ about their weight

Why India’s M ars M ission Is So M uch Cheaper Than NASA’s

Boys concerned about weight are more likely to take drugs or binge drink Boys with eating

Enlarge image i A rocket carrying the Mars orbiter lifts off from the east-coast island of Sriharikota,

disorders tend to be more worried... India, on... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

So who’s most at risk of heart attack? Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer. Here, seven brave souls have their risk assessed by our expert

Hong Kong Focus at the 7th Five Flavours Film Festival in Warsaw

By Angela Epstein PUBLISHED: 18:03 EST, 4

the Hong Kong focus of...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Berlin (HKETO Berlin) presents

November 2013 | UPDATED: 06:04 EST, 5 November 2013 Heart attacks only affect superstressed,...

Defendant Sentenced for Possession of Child Pornography

Insomnia concerns go unaddressed in heart failure patients

Michael J Moore, United States Attorney for the

By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter The

Middle District of Georgia, announced that Brandon Meredith Hardy, 23, Moody...

impact of insomnia on health and function is a major concern for patients...

High pneumonia incidence ups elderly COPD medical costs

Financial interests ‘driving IM RT uptake for prostate cancer’

By Sara Freeman, medwireNews Reporter Older

By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter A study

individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are almost six...

suggests that the recent rapid uptake of intensitymodulated radiotherapy...

Bruker to hold NM R webinar in late November

Girls are going through puberty earlier than ever

One of the world’s leading analytical

African American girls now start to develop breasts

instrumentation companies is presenting an educational webinar on nuclear magnetic...

at eight years and ten months, on average, and white girls at nine years...

Britons spend 11 hours a day looking at mobiles, tablets, laptops and TVs

New mother who beat cancer suffers heartbreak as her baby son is diagnosed with meningitis

The average Briton spends 77.3 hours a week looking at a screen They only spend 12 hours and 58 minutes quality time with...

Nikki Anderson, 28, had feared she would never

M other suffers third-degree burns in wickless candle accident just weeks

4 Delicious Ways to M ix Carrots and Ginger

have another child after suffering a rare cancer of the adrenal gland But...

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after her dream wedding

Some foods, weirdly enough, just taste better

Anna Cooper, 35, suffered first-, second- and third-

together. Try these four recipes to see for yourself. Maple-Ginger-Glazed Root...

degree burns when she was accidentally covered in vapour from a wickless...

How to Fight Food Waste Get this. While roughly 50 million Americans worry

The Best M akeup for Girls Who Wear Glasses

about their next meal, the rest of us discard enough

It’s now cool to be four-eyed. . .even if you don’t

food to feed them...

need vision correction. This year, there was a 20 percent...

CRIM ALDDI: platform technologies and novel anti-malarial drug targets

Second-day auction results for Victoria Park Lunar New Year Fair stalls

The Coordination, Rationalization, and Integration

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A total of 210 dry goods

of antiMALarial drug Discovery Development Initiatives (CRIMALDDI) Consortium,...

stalls and eight thematic dry goods stalls were successfully let on the...

Brain damage concussion fears seep into rugby and soccer

Immunogen halts trial of lung cancer drug; shares drop

By Kate Kelland, Health and Science

(Reuters) – Immunogen Inc said it would

Correspondent LONDON (Reuters) – Rugby and soccer players who suffer multiple...

discontinue a mid-stage trial of its experimental small-cell lung cancer drug...

Bariatric surgery improves sexual function, study shows

Exposure to pesticides linked to increased risk of endometriosis, study shows

Obese women who underwent bariatric surgery said they experienced better sexual function and quality of life after the operation,...

Women who have been exposed to two now-

Doctors lie to help get patients the care they need

Keryx kidney drug proved effective in trial; shares jump

A survey of rheumatologists highlights flaws in the

Tue Nov 5, 2013 9:08am EST (Reuters) – Keryx

healthcare system that encourage doctors to “embellish” the...

Biopharmaceuticals Inc said its sole drug in development, Zerenex, proved...

15 Healthy Practices You Already Know

How To Rebalance Your Stress

banned pesticides may have an increased risk of developing endometriosis, a chronic...

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(But Should Go Ahead & Start Doing)


Here are 15 things you already know that you

Do you want to heal? Look at how stress moves in

should really just go ahead and start practicing

your body and life. If stress is going into your body

now, because the older version...

and making a home...

7 Tips To Go Easy On Booze During The Holidays If you struggle to moderate your alcohol

Trophos completes efficacy study of olesoxime in patients with Spinal M uscular Atrophy

consumption and drinking has become less about

The French patients’ association AFM-Telethon

fun, and more about regrets and feeling...

supported the study which evaluates the ability of olesoxime to preserve...

Effective strategy for noninvasive detection of cancer

First Edition: November 5, 2013

Fluorophore-Labeled Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors

the implementation issues that are plaguing the

for the Imaging of Cyclooxygenase-2 Overexpression in Cancer Molecules that...

health law, as well...

Gentiva Health Services third quarter 2013 net revenues decrease 3.3% to $410.5 million

Wives really ARE the glue that hold marriages together: Those who calm down quickly after arguments have the best relationships

Gentiva Health Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: GTIV), the

Today’s headlines include continuing coverage of

largest provider of home health and hospice services in the United States...

Marriages in which wives quickly calmed down

Teacher bled to death after surgeon severed artery during routine operation

M other who suffered third degree burns in wickless candle accident just weeks after her wedding makes amazing recovery

Andrea Green died hours after the operation at Barnsley District Hospital Orthopaedic surgeons had warned management of ‘grave...

during disputes were ultimately shown to be the happiest, both in the short...

Anna Cooper, 35, suffered first-, second- and thirddegree burns when she was accidentally covered in vapour from a wickless...

Single women should ditch Facebook says relationship expert Zoe Strimpel says the social media site bombards

Chronic fluoxetine treatment reduces parvalbumin expression and perineuronal netsin gamma-

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singletons with pictures of ‘perfect’ weddings and babies, which causes...

aminobutyric acidergic interneurons of the frontal cortex in adultmice The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine (FLX) is widely used to treat depression and anxiety disorders,...

Impact of housing condition on indoorbiting and indoor-resting Anopheles arabiensis density in a highland area, central Ethiopia

Police probe cancer unit ‘failures’ 5 November 2013 Last updated at 08:06 ET The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out an unannounced inspection in August...

Exposure of individuals to malaria infection may depend on their housing conditions as houses serve as biting and resting...

Neurofibroma mouse model predicts response to therapy in humans

Biomarker may help predict aggressive cancers

A mouse model predicted that inhibition of the

For children with central nervous system cancers,

enzyme MEK using targeted therapy may provide an effective, single-agent treatment...

the presence of a specific genetic modification— hypermethylation of the...

Eribulin shows early promise in pediatric sarcoma treatment

Abusive head trauma injuries linked to socioeconomic status, age and gender

The drug eribulin, currently approved for the third-

()—A new study estimates that more than seven

line treatment of breast cancer, may represent a new treatment option...

children under the age of five with abusive head trauma were treated each...

Can You Really Sleep Too M uch? Really?

10 Decisions That Will M ake You Happier and Healthier

You may be aware that sleeping too little can

We can create health and happiness by choice.

increase your risk of serious and chronic health problems. But did you know...

Those choices are in how we think, act and react to the things we cannot control....

How To Really Focus On Your Breath

How Creative Are You? (QUIZ)

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen for YouBeauty Most of us

Creativity is not a one-size-fits-all kind of trait. As

breathe the way we dance — we think we’re doing it right, but...

author and artist David. B. Goldstein, who wrote “Creative...

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How to identify inflammatory demyelinating pseudotumor in the spinal cord?

Obese people experience substantial weight loss three years after bariatric surgery

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Meng 86138-049-98773Neural Regeneration Research

In 3-year follow-up after bariatric surgery, substantial weight loss was observed among

IMAGE: This is an enhanced...

individuals who were severely obese,...

Genkyotex announces initiation of GKT137831 Phase II study in patients with diabetic nephropathy

NTU establishes new $60 million research institute in Nanomedicine

Genkyotex, the leading developer of selective NOX

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is giving the development of nanotechnology a big boost, by

enzyme inhibitors, announced today the initiation of

establishing a new $60...

a multinational Phase...

Two surgeons discover previously unknown ligament in the human knee Two knee surgeons at University Hospitals Leuven have discovered a previously unknown ligament in the human knee. This ligament...

The app that tells your GP you have cancer: Programme costing just £50 could save hundreds of lives a year by diagnosing deadliest forms far more quickly Computer app to test for cancer signs developed by GP Checks for symptoms at every surgery no matter which doctor patient...

New prostate test that identifies less harmful tumours that do not need to be removed immediately will spare men from needless surgery

Women who follow a M editerranean diet are 40% more likely to live a healthy life past 70

There are 41,000 cases of prostate cancer in Britain every year Only half are deadly varieties

more than 10,000 women It found those on a Mediterranean diet were healthier...

Study evaluated the diet and medical records of

which are likely to spread But...

The 15-minute test for pre-eclampsia: Hundreds of babies’ lives could be saved a year Research found testing women’s blood for protein level identifies risk Current methods of diagnosis

4 Amazing Women Fighting Hunger An Entrepreneur With A Social ConscienceLauren Bush Lauren turned her passions for fashion and social change into a platform...

can take days... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

What It’s Like to Be Stranded in a Food Desert What did you have for lunch today? Think about that meal—the salad, or soup, or hurriedly grabbed sandwich—and imagine...

20 percent of nation’s GM E funds go to New York while 29 states get less than 1 percent, study says [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathy 202-9948354George Washington University School of Public Health...

Snoring: High Salt Intake Could Be Linked To Sleep Apnoea Could avoiding salt-laden takeaways and crisps be

No major complications in most teens undergoing weight-loss bariatric surgery

the answer to curing your snoring? That’s what a

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathy

new study by Brazilian... 502-8153313The JAMA Network Journals Most severely obese teenagers...

Stem cells linked to cognitive gain after brain injury in preclinical study

Improved sexual functioning, hormones after weight-loss bariatric surgery

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah 713-500-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kim 215-662-

3304University of Texas Health Science Center at

6183The JAMA Network Journals Women who

Houston UTHealth...

underwent bariatric...

Astronomers answer key question: How common are habitable planets?

Elusive bay cat caught on camera

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Smita 020-744- 510-643-

96288Zoological Society of London First time 5

6998University of California – Berkeley Based on...

species of wild...

Doping-UK players want lighter penalties for recreational drugs

M ortar hits Vatican embassy in Damascus, no casualties

LONDON, Nov 5 (Reuters) – A union representing

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – The Vatican Embassy in

British sportsmen and women has launched legal

Damascus was hit by mortar fire on Tuesday but

action in Switzerland...

there were no casualties,...

Shire’s ADHD drug succeeds in trial to treat binge eating

Time for M Ps to snuff it out? 4 November 2013 Last updated at 22:56 ET By Ed

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By Paul Sandle LONDON | Tue Nov 5, 2013 4:50am EST LONDON (Reuters) – Pharmaceutical

Lowther Political reporter, BBC News Please turn on JavaScript....

group Shire PLC...

Thousands of NHS appointments missed

Health job cuts plan under scrutiny

5 November 2013 Last updated at 00:52 ET Staff said there “lot of reasons” for patients missing

Roberts BBC Wales political reporter The Welsh Conservatives...

5 November 2013 Last updated at 02:21 ET By Carl

appointments About...

NI ‘must stem junior doctor loss’

Doctors sign patient ‘death warrant’

5 November 2013 Last updated at 01:19 ET By

5 November 2013 Last updated at 04:05 ET June

Marie-Louise Connolly BBC News NI Health Correspondent Students...

Brook is now back at home with her son after a spell in hospital Doctors...

Obama vows campaign to save Obamacare

Girl, 8, is China’s youngest lung cancer case

US President Barack Obama promised “one last campaign” to save his signature health care reform

An eight-year-old girl has become China’s youngest lung cancer patient, reports said, with

Monday and slammed...

doctors blaming pollution...

Triage system underperforms in children with chronic illness

No routine mental tests for seniors—at least not yet, panel says

(HealthDay)—For children presenting to the emergency department with infectious symptoms,

(HealthDay)—Physicians give screening tests to older adults who show signs of mental decline,

performance of the Manchester...

and some experts have theorized...

Sexual function dramatically improves in women following bariatric surgery, Penn study finds

Aberrant DNA methyltransferase expression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma development and progression

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kim 215-6626183University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Altered gene methylation, regulated by DNA methyltransferases (DNMT) 1, 3a and 3b,


contributes to tumorigenesis. However,...

USDOJ: Los Angeles Businessman Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Defraud the United States by Concealing Israeli

DrugM int: A webserver for predicting and designing of drug-like molecules

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Bank Accounts

Identification of drug-like molecules is one of the

Defendant is Latest in a Series of Defendants

major challenges in the field of drug discovery. Existing approach like...

Charged with Failing to Report Income from Undeclared Accounts in Israel David...

USDOJ: Debt Collection Employee and Son-in-Law Sent to Prison for Identity Theft Tax Scheme

USDOJ: Northern California Real Estate Investor Pleads Guilty to Bid Rigging at Public Foreclosure Auctions

Quentin Collick of Montgomery, Ala ., and Deatrice

A Northern California real estate investor pleaded

Williams of Duluth, Ga ., were sentenced November 1, 2013, to serve 85...

guilty today for his role in conspiracies to rig bids and commit mail...

Tylenol and alcohol a bad mix, study suggests

Don’t ask, just tell parents when it’s time for vaccines: study

(HealthDay)—Combining Tylenol and even light

(HealthDay)— The way a doctor talks about

consumption of alcohol can more than double someone’s risk of kidney...

vaccines can make a difference in whether or not parents resist shots for their...

Gaps in smoke-free workplace laws may leave many exposed

Anti-aging strategies can improve more than looks

(HealthDay)—State laws have reduced the overall

For many men and women older than 30, the fun of

rates of secondhand-smoke exposure for many workers, but people in certain...

birthdays fades with aging, but experts at the University of Alabama at...

Imaging studies may predict tumor response to anti-angiogenic drugs

The Princess M argaret Cancer Foundation launches innovative Fall advertising campaign

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katie 617-7260337Massachusetts General Hospital Study confirms...

Consumers losing their health policies could become potent political force

The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation (The PMCF) launches an innovative Fall advertising campaign this month which focuses...

Several news stories examine how this group is

M ost severely obese teenagers who underwent bariatric WLS experience no major complications

adept at generating attention, especially among its elected representatives. The...

Most severely obese teenagers who underwent bariatric weight-loss surgery (WLS) experienced no major complications, according...

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Atrial fibrillation doubles risk of heart attack in women and African Americans Doctors have known for years that atrial fibrillation (AF), or irregular heartbeat, increases the risk for stroke, but now...

Associations between physical activity and quality of life outcomes in adults with severe obesity: a cross-sectional study prior to the beginning of a lifestyle intervention Severely obese individuals who seek lifestyle interventions have impaired quality of life (QoL). Research suggests that physical...

A mill based instrument and software system for dissecting slide-mounted tissue that provides digital guidance and documentation

Non-invasive detection of hypovolemia or fluid responsiveness in spontaneously breathing subjects

Dissection of specific Areas Of Interest (AOIs) of

functional hemodynamic monitoring during

slide-mounted tumor samples is often used to

spontaneous breathing is debated....

In the assessment of hypovolemia the value of

enrich for cancer cells in...

Lignosulfonate-mediated cellulase adsorption: enhanced enzymatic saccharification of lignocellulose through weakening nonproductive binding to lignin

Transcript of media session by STH Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony...

Thermochemical pretreatment of lignocellulose is crucial to bioconversion in the fields of biorefinery and biofuels. However,...

Solving the pediatric obesity problem in rural communities

Breast cancer? But I’m fit, I’m healthy… and I’m a man!

Using telemedicine to unite clinicians and provide health education for them—and by extension, their

Breast cancer affects around 370 men in the UK a year The prognosis for men with the disease is

patients —is an...

worse than it is for women It...

5 Ways to Regain Your Sense of Inner Calm

5 Sneaky Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

Go Big—But Go Home Use short bursts of restlessness to your advantage when tackling

Your Thermostat If you’re not careful, the layers you put on this winter could be permanent. Research

challenges. Your fight-or-flight response...

has found that...

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What Happens To Your Body When You Wear Heels

Some ways to balance the benefits and harms of opioids

The average woman gets foot pain after a mere hour in pumps. But high heels impact your body

The use of opioid medication in Australia has grown considerably in the past 20 years, and so

beyond just making you wanna...

have related harms. This increase...

Baton Rouge M an Pleads Guilty to Threatening Former United States Attorney Jim Letten

Jacksonville Sex Offender Indicted on Federal Charges of Possession of Child Pornography

BATON ROUGE, LA—Acting United States Attorney

JACKSONVILLE, FL—Acting United States Attorney

Walt Green announced that the defendant, Gerald

A Lee Bentley, III announces that a federal grand

Estrade, 56, Baton Rouge,...

jury in Jacksonville has...

Impact of HbA1c criterion on the definition of glycemic component of the metabolic syndrome: the China health and nutrition survey 2009

Opening remarks by CE Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following are the opening remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, at a media session before...

In 2009, a unified definition of metabolic syndrome (MetS) was proposed, of which, the glycemic component is defined on the...

Human immune responses to Plasmodium falciparum infection: molecular evidence for a suboptimal THalphabeta and TH17 bias over ideal and effective traditional TH1 immune response Using microarray analysis, this study showed upregulation of toll-like receptors 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, NF-

The pill that can get arthritis sufferers moving again: A radical and surprising new option for patients crippled by painful joints Methotrexate is a drug licensed for treating rheumatoid arthritis Because it reduces inflammation, it’s thought it...

kappaB, TNF, p38-MAPK,...

‘The only way I’ll ever run a marathon is if I’m involved in the administration’: Under the microscope with actress Sally Phillips

Ask the doctor: How can you soothe a painful red face?

By Helen Gilbert PUBLISHED: 19:10 EST, 4

November 2013 My son’s girlfriend suffers...

By Martin Scurr PUBLISHED: 19:32 EST, 4 November 2013 | UPDATED: 19:32 EST, 4

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November 2013 | UPDATED: 19:11 EST, 4 November 2013 ‘I don’t have the...

Teenager overcomes spine condition scoliosis to become model

Businessman Convicted in Fraud Scheme

Leanne Roberts, 18, has scoliosis which makes her spine S-shaped It caused her severe pain

BOSTON—The former treasurer and chairman of the Board of Directors of Nevada-based First

every time she moved and damaged...

Global Financial Corporation was...

Former Umatilla Tribal Police Officer Sentenced in Federal Court

Collinsville M an Sentenced to Nearly 20 Years in Prison for Production of Child Pornography

PORTLAND, OR—Fermore Joseph Craig, Jr, 44, of Pendleton, Oregon, was sentenced today to 30 months in federal prison by...

A Collinsville, Illinois man was sentenced on November 4, 2013, on a charge of production of child pornography, the United...

Robbery of HSBC Bank Branch in M iami Beach The FBI is releasing photographs from a robbery that took place today, November 4, 2013, at approximately 1:15 PM at the...

Former Corrections Officers Sentenced for Federal Civil Rights Offenses and Obstruction of Justice in Connection with Beating Death of Inmate at Ventress Correctional Facility in Alabama WASHINGTON—The Justice Department announced today that United States District Court Judge Myron H Thompson sentenced four...

96 Reasons For Happiness! Hello Happy Monday! Today is November 4, 2013.

Brain tumor removal through a hole smaller than a dime

Time to reflect on many, specifically: 96 Reasons For Happiness! 1 week of...

More than two decades ago, Ryan Vincent had

‘Smarter’ blood pressure guidelines could prevent many more heart attacks and strokes

M editerranean diet tied to better health late in life

A new way of using blood pressure-lowering medications could prevent more than a fourth of

midlife maintained their health and well-being past age 70, a large U.S....

open brain surgery to remove a malignant brain tumor, resulting in a lengthy...

Women who followed a Mediterranean-style diet at

heart attacks and strokes –... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

New strep throat risk score brings patient data and big data together to potentially reduce unnecess A new risk measure called a “home score” could save a patient with symptoms of strep throat a trip

Health woes in US teens seeking obesity surgery U.S. teens seeking weight-loss surgery have a startling number of health problems that used to be seen only in adults, according...

to the doctor,...

365 Invocations to Create an Extraordinary Life, Week 10

Huffington Issue 74: Gay Bars, Obama’s Big Request And M ore

So, how are you feeling about your connection to the universe? Has your mind quieted down enough

In this week’s issue of Huffington magazine, we step inside a small town in Mississippi that

for you to begin to remember...

blocked a gay bar from...

#TriggerHappiness On a medical mission for Operation Smile in Panama. Photo by Marc Ascher The first time I felt

Don’t Become a Survivor: 8 Resilience Behaviors That Help You M ove Beyond Trauma

the velocity of an emotional...

Several months ago, I received an email from a woman named Cheryl Hunter in California who reached out in thanks for my work...

Video: Potential breakthrough in preeclampsia detection could be lifesaving

Father battling his FIFTH brain tumour lives long enough to celebrate daughter’s first birthday

November 4, 2013 1:48 PM Researchers in Britain

Tommy Kirkland, 44, was diagnosed with a fifth

say they have developed a test that may accurately

deadly brain tumour just weeks after his daughter

predict preeclampsia,...

Anna was born last October Underwent...

Why Are Pig Farmers Still Using GrowthPromoting Drugs?

To dye for? Jury still out on tattoo ink causing cancer

Enlarge image i Hogs at a farm in Buckhart, Ill. in

Scientists have recently raised alarm over the

June 2012. In recent years, pork producers have

possibility that some inks used for tattoos contain

found ways to...

cancer-causing chemicals. To...

Former Cameron County Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by FBI Special Agent in Charge April Brooks at Press Conference

BROWNSVILLE, TX—Sonia Leticia Solis, 55, has

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entered a plea of guilty to voting more than once in connection with the 2012...

Concerning SAC Capital The following remarks were prepared for delivery by FBI New York Special Agent in Charge April Brooks at a November 4, 2013...

M anhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Guilty Plea Agreement with SAC Capital M anagement Companies

Eating disorders more common in males than realized

Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the

rarely affect males. However, a study of 5,527 teenage males from across...

Southern District of New York, and George Venizelos, the Assistant Director...

Turn Your Stress Down with this Simple Practice

Parents and doctors assume eating disorders very

You may remember the story of Pavlov’s dog. Ivan

Researchers find way to reduce unnecessary lab tests, decrease patient costs by modifying software

Pavlov was a Russian psychologist who made the conditioned reflex famous....

When patients undergo diagnostic lab tests as part of the inpatient admission process, they may wonder why or how physicians...

Hospital costs from gun injuries topped $16B over 9 years

Hot-air balloon rides—researchers advise, proceed with caution

(HealthDay)—Gunshot injuries in the United States resulted in more than $16 billion in hospital care

Recent data show that helicopter and fixed-wing commercial air tour operations in the U.S. have

costs between 2000...

high crash rates compared...

Hepatitis C, a Silent Killer, M eets Its M atch

Global Update: Vaccine Approved for Brain Fever

But this year, Dr. Rubens, a professor of management at Florida Gulf Coast University,

The World Health Organization has approved a new vaccine for a strain of encephalitis that kills

entered a clinical trial testing a...

thousands of children and...

Johnson & Johnson to pay $2.2B in drugs-marketing probe

Study looks at safety, effectiveness of generics for treating depression

Johnson Johnson and its drugs unit will pay $2.2 billion to the U.S. government and 45 states to end

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis are studying the quality,

civil and criminal...

effectiveness and safety of...

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J&J to pay $2.2B to settle marketing allegations (Update)

AAO-HNSF clinical practice guideline: Bell’s palsy

Johnson Johnson and its subsidiaries have

A multidisciplinary clinical practice guideline to

agreed to pay over $2.2 billion to resolve criminal

improve the accurate and efficient diagnosis and

and civil allegations that...

treatment of Bell’s...

Learning and memory: How neurons activate PP1 A study in The Journal of Cell Biology describes

Usain Bolt Ate Insane Number Of Chicken M cNuggets During 2008 Olympics

how neurons activate the protein PP1, providing key

What does it take to power an elite athlete to

insights into the biology...

Olympic gold? If the athlete in question is Usain Bolt, who is known as the...

Kashi Cereal Got Too ‘M ainstream,’ Says Kellogg CEO

Christina: Aventura, Florida, October, 2013

NEW YORK — NEW YORK (AP) — Kashi cereal,

I’m in Best Buy checking out televisions but no

once a favorite of the health-food set, has gotten

one’s in that section, so I go to the adjacent section

too mainstream. That’s...

and ask...

Anger M anagement Is Fear M anagement

Johnson & Johnson to pay $2.2B in U.S. health care fraud settlement

I see anger as essentially a form of fear. And I see

Like Rick Scott, the Governor of Florida. May 20,

anger management as essentially a form of fear management. There are...

2010|By Sally Kestin, Sun SentinelIt was and still is the biggest Medicare...

Hospital Costs From Gun Injuries Topped $16B Over 9 Years

Health Highlights: Nov. 4, 2013

MONDAY Nov. 4, 2013 — Gunshot injuries in the

news developments, compiled by the editors of

United States resulted in more than $16 billion in hospital care costs...

HealthDay: Perrigo Recalls Infant...

Brush Your Teeth, Help Save Your Heart?

UAB experts offer advice on how to slow aging, boost self-esteem

MONDAY Nov. 4, 2013 — Having healthy gums is

For many men and women older than 30, the fun of

good for your heart, a new study says. Researchers found that as people’s...

birthdays fades with aging, but experts at the University of Alabama at...

Here are some of the latest health and medical

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Biomedical testing: an interview with Ed M oriarty, General M anager of the ElectroForce Systems Group of Bose Corporation

Rapping Biology? Why Science And HipHop Works

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA

the University of Oklahoma,...

Science and technology are often hard sells for students. But according to a research scientist at

Hons (Cantab) Bose is best known as an audio company. How did Bose come...

Bergen County M an Sentenced to 33 M onths in Prison for His Role in $3.5 M illion Foreign Currency Investment Ponzi Scheme

Pennsylvania Woman Pleads Guilty in $1.8 M illion Tax Fraud Conspiracy

CAMDEN, NJ—A Bergen County, New Jersey man

announced that Stephanie Patterson,...

WILMINGTON, DE—Charles M Oberly, III, United States Attorney for the District of Delaware,

claiming to run New Jersey-based hedge funds using a secret computer program...

New Canaan M an Sentenced to 33 M onths in Prison for Role in Organized Crime-Controlled Gambling Ring

Two Jackson Residents Sentenced in Connection with Narcotics Investigation in the City of Jackson

Deirdre M Daly, Acting United States Attorney for the

JACKSON, MS—Fredrick Darnell Ford, 38, and

District of Connecticut, announced that Joseph Borea, 56, of New Canaan,...

Shamika Y Fulford, 34, both from Jackson, were sentenced on Thursday, October...

Hong Kong sets the tone at World Harmonica Festival

Why You Shouldn’t Text Your Argument

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A strong delegation of close to 100 members from Hong Kong has enchanted

wonderful shorthand method for communicating with others, especially your...

Texting — or textese, as some call it — is a

the audiences at the 7th...

When He (or She) Just Doesn’t Want to Talk About It

Retro Report: Hopeful Glimmers in Long War on Cancer

Nasrudin was a mythical figure, a teacher from the Sufi tradition, who supposedly lived in what we now

Since then, the United States government has spent over $100 billion on research. For a look at

call the Middle East....

the course of the war on...

Early to Rise: M y father and Ben Franklin Were Right

Sorority Girls Really Like Yogurt, Apparently (PHOTO)

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

My friend Julie van Amerongen, whom I met

We’ve heard of Greek yogurt, but this is ridiculous.

through our association with Conscious

The photo below, posted to Reddit by user DubSak,

Capitalism, asked me to participate in her...

allegedly shows...

M y Child Has a Tumor: What NOT to Say to M e

A ‘Serious’ Problem

A few months ago, my son was diagnosed with a

found it to be true again and again: The more

cancerous tumor. I’m not going to go into the

troubled or distressed...

The following statement might surprise you, but I’ve

details of where it is,...

Silence and the Soul Today I was at a meeting where everyone checked

Video: Obesity may trigger early puberty in girls

their phones and emailed throughout. Grrr. I had

November 4, 2013 6:51 AM Daily health headlines:

lunch with a friend who...

HPV vaccine usually given in three doses but new study found protection...

Video: HPV vaccine: One dose just as effective as three, report says

Is it safe to drive with my arm in a cast?

November 4, 2013 8:38 AM A new study funded by

4035American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

the National Cancer Institute says just one dose of

Authors of article on dangers,...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kayee 847-384-

the HPV vaccine may be...

NASA video shows birth and death of Tropical Storm Sonia [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard

Impact of operational effectiveness of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) on malaria transmission in pyrethroidresistant areas

Space Flight Center VIDEO: A 36 second video that...

A dynamic study on the transmission of malaria

Transcript of remarks by TPB Chairman

Why Are Your Parents So Critical?

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of

Barb had been trying for years to improve her

remarks by the Chairman of the Town Planning

relationship with her mother, Sandra. Barb tried

Board (TPB), Mr Thomas...

everything. She would go over...

M editations on M oney

Body Image Booster: Rethink Your Shoulds

As I have continued my journey of self exploration,

was conducted in two areas (R+ area: Low resistance area; R+++ area: High...

more and more I realize the need to learn to W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

manage energy. I don’t...

Every Monday features a tip, activity, inspiring quote or some other tidbit that helps boost your body image, whether directly...

Vega One nutritional shakes ‘completely safe’, say firm

Studies show wide support for schoolbased health centers

A Burnaby, B.C.-based supplements company is

Two new studies show that parents and students

refusing to recall two of its nutritional shakes,

have highly positive views of school-based health

which Health Canada say contain...

centers (SBHCs) and suggest...

Scientists discover new genetic mutation linked to eczema Scientists collaborating on an international

Two research groups find link between gene mutation and resistance to estrogen cancer therapy

research project led by Trinity College Dublin and

()—Two teams of researchers, both made up of

the University of Dundee...

members from a wide variety of research institutions in the U.S. have independently...

Special camera detects tumors Tumor removal surgeries pose a great challenge

Nuclear Power Needed To Slow Climate Change, Experts Say

even to skillful and experienced surgeons. For one


thing, tumor margins are...

the world’s top climate scientists say wind and solar energy won’t...

Kids Who Get M ore Sleep M ay Consume Fewer Calories

M orning Routines for Productive People

Getting adequate sleep may not just ward off

What do Benjamin Franklin and Anna Wintour have

attention and behavioral problems in kids — a

in common? No, it’s not their personal style.

small new study suggests...

They’re both (or...

The Real Reason You’re Stuck in a Rut I’ve finally cracked the code. The why you’re stuck in

GPS Guide: Wise Words From Kids We Can All Learn From

a rut code. You know what I’m talking about —...

The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life — and your well-being — off...

Virginia Tech researchers explore natural way to displace harmful germs from household plumbing

Spurs criticised for letting knocked-out Lloris play on

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: John 540-231-5646Virginia Tech Probiotics may be

By Mike Collett LONDON (Reuters) – Tottenham Hotspur boss Andre Villas-Boas has been

helpful for keeping bad germs...

criticised for allowing France...

Japan’s Fukushima operator mulls overhaul to counter break-up plans

GOP’s Sen. Ayotte wants health care ‘time out’

By Yoshifumi Takemoto and Kentaro Hamada TOKYO (Reuters) – The operator of Japan’s

WASHINGTON (AP) — A moderate Republican senator is calling for a “time out” in the

wrecked Fukushima nuclear...

implementation of President...

Strength training may boost kids’ activity, study finds

Listening to your favourite tunes adds 19 minutes to the average workout, a study has claimed

Whether children can and should participate in strength training has been a contentious issue. But new research suggests...

Sportswear firm Sweatband surveyed 1,600 adults who exercise regularly A typical gym or jogging session to music will last...

Swap sandwiches for pasta to beat breast cancer: Diet rich in bread after the menopause can raise risk

How meditation can ‘melt away’ tension once it’s felt with full mindful awareness

By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 20:06 EST, 1

When stress is ‘delivered’ as awareness moves in,

November 2013 | UPDATED: 03:53 EST, 2

peace fills the void This week it’s the Tension

November 2013 A simple switch from sandwiches...


Natasha, 16, complained of headaches. She died after 13 doctors failed to diagnose a brain tumour

Viewing Catalyst’s cholesterol programs through the sceptometer

Natasha Simmonds was seen by doctors 24 times

program set off a chain reaction of protest from sections of the medical...

before she died Teenager complained of headaches, back pain and eyesight problems

On the past two Thursdays, the ABC’s Catalyst


Antibiotic prescribing in women during and after delivery in a non-teaching, tertiary care hospital in Ujjain, India: a prospective cross-sectional study

Accident Bulletin on Robinson R22 Beta II helicopter released Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In accordance with the Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of

Accidents) Regulations (Chapter... ObjectivesAntibacterial drugs (hereafter referred to W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

as antibiotics) are crucial to treat infections during delivery and...

Cantonese opera master Yuen Siu-fai to showcase variety of roles in December Hong Kong (HKSAR) – With 60 years of experience

Imported case of severe paediatric enterovirus infection under CHP investigation

behind him, the versatile Cantonese opera master

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health

Yuen Siu-fai will...

Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (November 4) investigated...

Confirmed case of Japanese encephalitis under CHP investigation Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is today (November 4) investigating...

Increased expression of CD25, CD83, and CD86, and secretion of IL-12, IL-23, and IL-10 by human dendritic cells incubated in the presence of toll-like receptor 2 ligands and Giardia duodenalis Effects of Giardia duodenalis on dendritic cell (DC) functions may contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic giardiasis....

VIDEO: Home care system under pressure

The bully in the next bedroom

The home care system in the UK is under increasing pressure due to a combination of

William Kremer BBC World Service Siblings routinely pick on...

31 October 2013 Last updated at 20:17 ET By

budget cuts and a growing number of people...

‘Low health risk’ from fracking

Female genital mutilation ‘alert’

31 October 2013 Last updated at 14:32 ET Article written by David Shukman Science editor More from

3 November 2013 Last updated at 23:18 ET By Jane Dreaper Health correspondent, BBC News

David The risks...

Female genital...

M alaysia warns on dengue as deaths spike

AAP reaffirms support for condom use in adolescents

A Malaysian health official on Monday warned citizens to take steps to eliminate mosquito

(HealthDay)—The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports the use of condoms as an effective

breeding spots as dengue fever...

method of contraception...

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Doctors complicit in torture at CIA, military prisons: study

FTO linked to BM I, BM I-for-age Z score in children

Doctors and nurses tasked with monitoring the

(HealthDay)—For children from the Brazilian

health of terror suspects were complicit in abuses

Amazon, FTO rs9939609 allele is associated with

committed at prisons run...

increased body mass index (BMI)...

Deprived of chance to die at home greater weight in care plans has borne fruit. But

DCE@urLAB: a dynamic contrastenhanced M RI pharmacokinetic analysis tool for preclinical data

there were wide variations...

DCE@urLAB is a software application for analysis

It suggests that a drive to give people’s wishes

of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging data (DCE-MRI)....

Use of alternative medicine for hypertension in Buikwe and M ukono districts of Uganda: a cross sectional study

Diagnosis pathway for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: retrospective analysis of the US M edicare longitudinal claims database

Use of alternative medicine for chronic diseases

Initial symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

such as hypertension is common in low as well as high income countries....

(ALS) are often subtle and can delay diagnosis. This exploratory analysis...

Chinese herbal medicine (M a Zi Ren Wan) for functional constipation: study protocol for a prospective, doubleblinded, double-dummy, randomized controlled trial

Poor ‘penalised’ in cancer survival gap – study Macmillan Cancer Support and the National Cancer Intelligence Network analysed official data on cancer diagnosis and survival...

Functional constipation is a common clinical complaint. Although the effectiveness of Ma Zi Ren Wan for alleviating functional...

Earlier onset of puberty in girls linked to obesity

Teens in child welfare system show higher drug abuse rate

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nick 513-803-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Debra 619-543-6202Journal of Studies on Alcohol and

6035Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Drugs PISCATAWAY, NJ Teenagers...


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1 dose of HPV vaccine may be enough to prevent cervical cancer [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeremy 215-446-

DoD, CIA required military M Ds to breach ethics in dealing with detainees: New report [ | E-mail ] Contact: Janet

7109American Association for Cancer Research


301-280-5701Burness Communications Medical, military,...

Kids who sleep more, may eat less, new study finds

The value of radiographic findings for the progression of pandemic 2009 influenza A/H1N1 virus infection

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kim 215-2047479Temple University It seems everyone is looking for a...

Cholesterol accumulation caused by low density lipoprotein receptor deficiency or a cholesterol-rich diet results in ectopic bone formation during experimental osteoarthritis IntroductionOsteoarthritis (OA) is associated with the metabolic syndrome, however the underlying

Most illnesses caused by pandemic influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 virus (A/H1N1) infection are acute and self-limiting among children....

Cluster randomised controlled trial of a peer-led lifestyle intervention program: study protocol for the Kerala diabetes prevention program India currently has more than 60 million people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and this is predicted to increase by...

mechanisms remain unclear....

Special stamp issue Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hongkong Post today (November 4) announced that a set of special

Surgical approach for the treatment of aortoesophageal fistula combined with dual aortic aneurysms: a case report

stamps entitled “Innovation...

Aortoesophageal fistula is a rare disease with a high mortality rate. The disease is with high mortality due to aneurysm...

Helping Your Student Face Test-Prep Fear

Dating Younger Women

I’ve been a test-prep coach for decades, tutoring

The attraction to younger women, I mean much younger women, is almost a cliché in our society. I

students for the SSAT, ISEE, SAT, and ACT, and of

am reminded of a cartoon...

course I’m very comfortable...

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Genital mutilation ‘abuse’ alert

Blood test hope for skin cancer

3 November 2013 Last updated at 23:18 ET By

3 November 2013 Last updated at 23:20 ET

Jane Dreaper Health correspondent, BBC News Female genital...

Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer A simple blood test could be...

Families cut back on fresh food

Estrogen replacement modulates voltage-gated potassium channels in rat presympathetic paraventricular nucleus neurons

3 November 2013 Last updated at 23:22 ET By Christine Jeavans BBC News Fruit has risen in price by 34%...

The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is an important site in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system. Specifically,...

Children’s puppet theatre "What time is it, Uncle Fox?" to be staged in December

Announcement of Results of Friends of Social Enterprise Award Scheme 2013

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Produced by the Ming Ri

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Home Affairs Department (HAD) announced today (November 4)

Institute for Arts Education, which has many years

that four Outstanding Mentors of...

of experience in puppet...

Cancer Research Technology and Nuevolution sign multiple-target deal to seek potential cancer drugs

Routine smear test in women under 25 would cause more harm than good

Cancer Research Technology and Nuevolution

cause more harm than good Monday 4 November

sign multiple-target deal to seek potential cancer

2013 National Cancer Research Institute...

Routine smear test in women under 25 would

drugs Monday 4 November 2013 Cancer...

Unemployed youth in Britain are a ‘public health time bomb’, World Health …

World Bank urges better cookstoves in developing states to curb deaths

“I would say to any government that cares about the

(Reuters) – (Release at 2301 GMT, Sunday Nov 3)

health of its population: look at the impact of their

Simple measures to...

By Environment Correspondent Alister Doyle OSLO


In political messaging wars, White House deploys a Twitter army

Britons turn to junk food after financial crisis

By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

LONDON (Reuters) – Britons hurt by lower

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Besieged by unflattering stories about the launch of

incomes and rising food prices after the financial

President Barack Obama’s...

crisis have cut back on...

Eight dead after plane crashes in northern Bolivia: hospital

As M irrors Beam Light To Town, Norwegians Share Patch Of Sun

LA PAZ (Reuters) – A Bolivian plane carrying 18 people crashed on Sunday while trying to land

Enlarge image i Mirrors erected on a Norwegian mountainside reflect sunlight onto the town below,

during bad weather in...

which is cut off...

Hand, foot, and mouth syndrome in an immunocompetent adult: a case report

What’s Your Protective Armor in Relationships?

Hand, foot, and mouth syndrome (HFMS) is a common acute illness. It is characterized by mild

When you are emotionally sensitive, your feelings are quicker to come about, more intense and last

clinical symptoms including...

longer than those of other...

Why Do Flashbacks Happen?

The puzzling end of a black hole

Trauma symptoms are really strange to most people, especially to someone having to deal with

Introduction Do black holes exist for ever ? According to Hawking radiation, a black hole

them. Understanding why they’re...

completely evaporates away within...

Study finds molecular link between gut microbes and intestinal health

Herbal Supplements Are Often Not What They Seem

It’s well established that humans maintain a symbiotic relationship with the trillions of beneficial

Using a test called DNA barcoding, a kind of genetic fingerprinting that has also been used to

microbes that...

help uncover labeling fraud...

3 Reasons Divorce Is Harder On M en Than Women

Republican Ayotte seeks ‘time out’ on Obamacare as anxieties grow

By Tiffany McHugh for Post originally published on It turns out

By Lisa Lambert WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte wants to press

that in the age-old battle of...

“pause” on rolling...

Penn researchers identify molecular link between gut microbes and intestinal health

Toronto mayor urges police to release video, apologizes for ‘mistakes’

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 215-349-

By Jeffrey Hodgson TORONTO (Reuters) – Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on Sunday urged his police chief to release a video...

5658University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

IMAGE: ...

Tales of Neuro-Terror At this time of year, people are fond of telling scary

Going to the M ovies: The Story of a M oney Pit (Part 1)

tales – generally involving ghosts, ghouls, and

I love movies. Love to sit and watch them at home.

other frightening...

Love to have movie nights with my friends. Love going to see them at the...

Climate Change Report Predicts Warming Will Only M ake Human Ills Worse

Shrimp Parasite Causing M ass Die-Off In Georgia, South Carolina As Black Gill Disease Spreads


By Harriet McLeod CHARLESTON, S.C., Nov 3

the ills of the modern world — starvation, poverty,

(Reuters) – The size of wild shrimp hauls off the

flooding, heat waves,...


Is DNA from mom or dad? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel

Cancer M essed With the Wrong B*tch: Awareness Is the New Ignorance 212-450-

Well, we made it through Pinktober, and past the

1582Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research New technique...

parades of pink ribbon crap, and people bragging about how they’re...

Singapore scientists expose molecular secrets of bile duct cancers from different countries

M cM aster scientists unlock secrets of diabetes drug

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 90-552-591-4022169McMaster University How and why metformin 659-7540842SingHealth SINGAPORE – A team of

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Veronica



York researchers discover important mechanism behind nanoparticle reactivity

Lasers might be the cure for brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Caron 44-190-432-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Johanna Wildejohanna.wilde@chalmers.seChalmers

2029University of York An international team of

University of Technology IMAGE: This is a drawing...


Nanotube-based sensors can be

M erck experimental vaccine shows

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implanted under the skin for a year

promise in cancer trial: WSJ

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah

Sun Nov 3, 2013 12:19pm EST (Reuters) – Merck 617-253-

Co Inc’s experimental cancer vaccine appeared to

8923Massachusetts Institute of Technology CAMBRIDGE, MA —...

provide broader...

M DM 2 SNP309 polymorphism contributes to endometrial cancer susceptibility: evidence from a metaanalysis

Grief is Not Trauma In a recent article called “The Trauma of Being Alive”, psychiatrist Mark Epstein described how people often feel rushed...

ObjectiveThe SNP309 polymorphism (T-G) in the promoter of MDM2 gene has been reported to be associated with enhanced MDM2...

7 Incredibly Relaxing Bathrooms To Inspire Your #SanctuarySunday (PHOTOS)

Bria Roberts, Contortionist, Attempts World Record For M ost Skips With Leg Behind Head (VIDEO)

Last week, we brought you tips on how to create

All her life, actress Bria Roberts wanted to be a

your own sanctuary. Today, we kick off

Guinness World Record holder. When her

#SanctuarySunday, which shares the...

opportunity came, she had a leg...

Your Weekly Travel Zen: Fjords

The Amazing Powers Of Just One Extra Hour Of Sleep

This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us from Erica Sackett. Her photo was taken on a trip to Kenya’s Mara...

The end of Daylight Saving Time is one of our favorite excuses to sleep for an extra hour — a decadent, once-a-year,...

10 M arathon Day M istakes

Video: The Fast Draw: M arathon

By Lisa Marshall for Runner’s World Just hours after completing a recent marathon, I raised a

November 3, 2013 7:48 AM Just how much energy does it take to run a 26.2-mile-long race? Josh

bittersweet toast to...

Landis and Mitch Butler of...

Parasite depletes wild shrimp haul off southeast Atlantic coast

10K Races in U.S. Attract New Breed of Runners

By Harriet McLeod CHARLESTON, South Carolina (Reuters) – Wild shrimp hauls off the southern

SUNDAY Nov. 3, 2013 — Ten-kilometer races have become increasingly popular in the United States

Atlantic coast have plunged...

over the past decade...

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What is Love & What is Not

Friday was a nice day here on the East Coast. The weather was warmer than it should be for the first

Love is already inside of us, it is not something we need to find in another. Love is the currency of life

of November. The sun...

and is what connects...

‘Tis the Season to Eat Sugar

3 Powerful Steps to Combat Fear

With Halloween right behind us and the holiday season just ahead, many people are dreading the

“There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” –Aristotle

onslaught of so-called “treats”...

Fear. It’s...

Baking And Cooking Blueberries Affects Polyphenol Levels: Study

The 5 Best Organizing Websites To Help The Perpetually M essy

What’s your favorite way to enjoy blueberries? Raw, in cereal? Cooked in a pie filling? Baked into

Some of us were born with the “organized” gene. These lucky souls swan through life with perfect

muffins? If it’s...

closets, pristine...

One Thing at a Time All of us have had the experience of doing too many

Insight: U.S. farm kids lavish shampoos and drugs on their prize cattle

things at once. Of driving while listening to the radio, eating a burrito...

By Lisa Baertlein and P.J. Huffstutter DALLAS (Reuters) – For more than a century, ranchers and their kids have paraded...

Roche poised for deal to get back into antibiotics: paper GENEVA | Sun Nov 3, 2013 8:10am EST GENEVA (Reuters) – Swiss drugmaker Roche is poised to get back into antibiotics...

Transcript of remarks by SLW on importation of labour and adjustment of social security allowances Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung...

Body Image Boosters From The Blogosphere 11.3.13

The Gift of Adversity: An Interview with Dr. Norman…

A positive body image goes beyond liking your looks. It encompasses taking good care of yourself

Today I have the privilege of interviewing Dr. Norman Rosenthal, the noted research psychiatrist

and leading a fulfilling...

about his new book, “The...

Anger M anagement is Fear M anagement

A Partner with Special Needs Life is precious. Life is privilege. Life is fragile. Life

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Pavel Somov, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and

is fleeting! LIFE IS SPECIAL. A special gift from the

the author of “Eating the Moment” (New Harbinger,

giver of...

2008), “Present...

8 healthy trip tips from mega-travelers With long flights, decadent foods, and little time for

Are heartburn medications safe during pregnancy?

the gym, traveling can take its toll. How can you

Most moms-to-be suffer from heartburn at some

avoid that nasty...

point during their pregnancies, but are medications safe to take? Dear Dr....

Egg freezing: Should you do it? Egg freezing has garnered a lot of attention in

15 Ways To Reduce Endocrine Disruptors In Your Kitchen

recent years as the newest trend in baby making.

When patients come to me for help in taking

And although it’s becoming...

charge of their health, one of the essential changes I encourage each of them...

Competence demonstrated in Police Dog Trial

Road Safety Council 40th Anniversary Ceremony

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – More than 3 000 dog lovers

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

were impressed by the skills of police dog

behalf of the Road Safety Council: The Road Safety

handlers and the performance...

Council 40th Anniversary...

Funding for cancer research increases by over 60 per cent in 10 years Funding for cancer research increases by over 60

Leadership void, not lack of money, slows efforts to address cervical cancer

per cent in 10 years Sunday 3 November 2013

A study by Indiana University public health

National Cancer Research Institute...

researchers found that the opportunity for significant progress in addressing...

M ore Cuban doctors due in Brazil to work in poor areas

Increased rate of offspring autism among migrants

Some 3,000 more Cuban doctors are to arrive in

In the eternal search for the various potential

Brazil from Monday to join a government program to fill vacancies in the country’s...

factors (yes, there are probably going to be several) to account for the...

This M onth in Blastocystis Research (OCT 2013)

M asculine M en Experience Greater Sexual Satisfaction

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Thanks to Google Scholar and PubMed feeds I can

Posted on November 3, 2013 by Eva de Lozanne

keep myself relatively up-to-date with emerging

Masculine Men Experience Greater Sexual

Blastocystis data and ‘breaking...

Satisfaction Why manly men may have...

Roasted Veggie & Swiss Chard Polenta Pie

I Had Panic Attacks For 20 Years. Here’s How I Overcame Them

I love polenta. A mainstay of Italian cuisine, it’s

I suffered from daily anxiety and panic attacks

often overshadowed by the likes of its older

almost every day for over 20 years. I tried

stepsisters, pizza...

EVERYTHING to soothe myself and...

FEHD orders food factory in Tsuen Wan to suspend business for two weeks

The vertebrate ancestral repertoire of visual opsins, transducin alpha subunits and oxytocin/vasopressin receptors was established by duplication of their shared genomic region in the two rounds of early vertebrate genome duplications

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene has ordered a food factory in Tsuen Wan to suspend...

Vertebrate color vision is dependent on four major color opsin subtypes: RH2 (green opsin), SWS1 (ultraviolet opsin), SWS2...

The Health Issue: Broccoli’s Extreme M akeover But there is some change in the air when it comes to marketing healthful food in America, and in anticipation of that, I...

Dinosaurs and Po Leung Kuk celebrations among this week’s top events Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Giant robotic dinosaur models are set to impress at the “Legends of the Giant Dinosaurs”...

M ei Ho House a revitalised refuge

I Think I Can I Know I Can #NHBPM

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong’s first and only remaining resettlement estate, Mei Ho House, has

Yes, this November Is National Health Blog Post Month (#NHBPM) and the second year The Family

been transformed...

Stew cartoons well be participating...

November Is National Health Blog Post M onth #NHBPM

Clocks fall back to end daylight time

Chato Stewart: Next right walk 1028 steps for Mama’s Pizza.Caption: I exercise with my Pizza

the switch from daylight saving time to local standard time, and they can...

Most Canadians will be adjusting their clocks for

GPS Pedometer App This is... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Call for national dementia database

Diagnosis: The Tell-Tale Green Heart

2 November 2013 Last updated at 23:37 ET Sir

Try a Digital Subscription Today for Just 99¢ for

Peter says police morale is affected by having to deal with people with dementia A...

Your First 4 Weeks Get unlimited access to and NYTimes apps. Diagnosis:...

Fields of Study : Disability Studies: A New Normal

Novelties: If a Young Child Wanders, Technology Can Follow

That foreboding forecast is driving growth in

The new devices use GPS, Wi-Fi and other

disability studies, a field that didn’t even exist 20 years ago. The reasons...

location-tracking technology and can be linked to apps on a parent’s phone. One...

The Health Issue: Jumper Cables for the M ind With the electrodes in place, J. León Morales-

It’s offal good for you! M ost parts of a butchered animal not belonging to the carcass are lean, nutritious and cheap

Quezada, senior research associate at Harvard’s Laboratory of Neuromodulation,...

Offal was a staple on the housewife’s shopping list during and after the war because it was not rationed By Jackie...

New Electronic Tip Line for Los Angeles Airport Shootings

News Analysis: Women’s Flexibility Is a Liability (in Yoga)

The FBI and its law enforcement partners are seeking the public’s assistance in the collection of

Even so, last year, after my book on yoga came out, letters from injured guys prompted me to see if the

digital media pertaining...

practice, despite...

Screening for HPV M ay Be Better Than Pap Test, Study Suggests

Richard Osman reveals why nystagmus has helped make him a star

SATURDAY Nov. 2, 2013 — Screening for the human papillomavirus (HPV) is more effective than

Osman, 42, is host of Pointless and a ‘guru of the TV quiz show’ Was born with nystagmus, eye

Pap tests for protecting...

condition that...

Health notes: Diet warning as Rush star Chris sheds the pounds for new role

When being naughty is an illness: Classroom tantrums could be a sign of autism or ADHD

Chris Hemsworth lost 2st from muscle-bound Thor to star in Rush last year Now has been asked to lose weight again for his...

It is believed that up to five per cent of children have ADHD Runs in families and is thought to be down to brain function...

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The pom pom workout: A silly hobby for schoolgirls? No, cheerleaders are fitter than the athletes themselves… as our man found out

Poem: The Human Race Track It’s like a human race track For the mentally deranged Around and around and around They go Walking in a loop Around the...

Matt warren went for a training session at the Pineapple Dance Studios Trained with The ROAR cheerleading squad of the Jacksonville...

One Way to Boost Happiness? Connect With Your Past

Poem: The Ending Can’t Be Good

Last weekend, I went to Washington, D.C., to attend

Bipolar relationship. But you can’t help yourself

the reunion of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s

From calling Or...

You don’t want the rest of your life To live in an a

clerks. This event made...

Is Adoption an Option for Women with Bipolar Disorder?

What Does A Panic Attack Look Like? Watch This…

I used to come home after high school and watch

To the outsider, panic is often invisible. You can’t

an adoption show. Parents-to-be tell their story of

see the tachycardia or palpitations. You can’t see

how they tried for years...

the adrenaline,...

Nicaragua’s dengue death toll rises to 16

DC on fast track to decriminalizing pot possession

A dengue epidemic sweeping Nicaragua has

It took nearly 15 years after voters approved

claimed the life of a 13-year-old boy, raising the

medical marijuana for it to become available in

disease’s death toll there...

Washington, D.C., but the next...

Youth in Sports Face Peer Pressure When Reporting Concussions

M indfulness Training Reduces AntiSocial Behavior

Youth involved in sports face a “culture of

You don’t have permission to access

resistance” when it comes to reporting possible

/releases/2013/10/131031140622.htm on this

concussions and complying...

server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...

Comfort Eaters M ay Consume Less in Good Times

Cheating Varies by Time of Day, Study Finds

When faced with stress, does the very thought of

Our ability to exhibit self-control to avoid cheating or

food turn your stomach, or do you instantly reach for

lying is significantly reduced over the course of a

a burger and fries...

day, making...

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Surgeon faced investigation for refusing to treat health tourist

Climate Change Report Sees Violent, Sicker, Poorer Future

Prof Meirion Thomas, senior cancer surgeon at the


Royal Marsden Hospital in London, said he

draft of an international scientific report forecasts

believed that around 5 per...

that man-made global...

Underestimating Strength with Chronic Pain

M usic Helps You Work Harder

Part of my gym membership includes two personal

get through hard, physical work. Think of the songs

training sessions with the handsome trainer at the

produced by soldiers...

Click here to listen to this podcast Music helps us

gym who seemed nice…until...

Rethinking M ental Illness: Q&A With Two-Time Academy Award-Winning Director Barbara Kopple

Wisconsin Community Rallies Around Boy Born With No Eyes

Ernest Hemingway was the writer for a generation

Wisconsin toddler born deaf and without eyes is

with an unmistakable family legacy. With a history plagued by many suicides...

turning to their local community...

Obamacare website to be down again for maintenance late Saturday

Correctional Services Department’s 61st Autumn Fair

WASHINGTON | Sat Nov 2, 2013 12:51pm EDT

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Correctional Services

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The glitch-ridden website used to sign up for...

Department Sports Association held its 61st Autumn Fair at the football...

Depression is Different for Everyone

Ten treated in France after kitten dies of rabies (Update)

Each and every person who has ever experienced

View gallery . Calvin Brezgel The family of a

depression will have his or her own take on what it’s like. There are many...

Ten people would be preventatively treated for

Reinstatement of abortion law closes Texas clinics

Sticker shock often follows insurance cancellation

Many pregnant women in Texas are facing limited

Millions of people across the country are trying to

options after an appeals court allowed most of the state’s new abortion...

figure out what to do after receiving notices that their individual health...

rabies after coming into contact with a kitten that died of the disease, which...

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‘Wonder Woman’ Lynda Carter Opens Up About Her Battle With Alcoholism (VIDEO)

7 Things Fit People Do

“Wonder Woman” Lynda Carter twirled her way into

of track...

Fit is a lifestyle. It’s about making the right choices on a daily basis. As a fitness junkie and the owner

our living rooms as one of television’s first female superheroes....

New York City M arathon 2013 Playlist

3 Yoga Poses For Better Sleep

If you run any marathon, our hats are off to you. The

A little yoga before bed, or even in bed, can be the

discipline, strength and intensity of training is an

perfect way to wind down and prep for a good


night’s sleep. Here...

A Sonnet For The Daylight Saving Time Haters

How to Heal Through Journaling

Daylight saving time is nearly over, hooray! Don’t

At the age of 28, I found myself sitting in the office of a divorce attorney. Never in a million years had I

forget to set your clocks back one hour this

thought that...

weekend, specifically...

The M eaning of Om By Valerie Reiss Ommm. It’s often the first and last sound in your ears in a yoga class. But what does it mean? Perhaps...

6 Apps To Help You De-Stress In M inutes There’s no doubt that technology can be stressful. While 24/7 connectivity certainly makes some things more convenient,...

10 Awesome People Who Turned Challenges Into Amazing Halloween Costumes (PHOTOS)

Obamacare Insurance Changes Can Lead To Sticker Shock For Some

Here’s what we learned this Halloween: When life

insurance he purchased for himself and his wife

throws you a curve ball, you just have to hit it out of

three years ago...

MIAMI — MIAMI (AP) — Dean Griffin liked the health

the park. Cases...

High cure rates seen with M erck oral hepatitis drugs: study

Bristol seeks Japan approval of all-oral hepatitis C treatment

By Bill Berkrot Sat Nov 2, 2013 9:37am EDT

By Bill Berkrot Sat Nov 2, 2013 9:38am EDT

(Reuters) – A combination of two oral hepatitis C

(Reuters) – Bristol-Myers Squibb Co has filed with

treatments developed...

Japanese health...

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Comparing long term impact on ovarian reserve between laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy and open laprotomy for ovarian endometrioma

AUDIO: Terminally ill man ‘degraded’ by voucher

ObjectiveTo compare the long term impact on

amid delays...

A terminally ill man has told the BBC of feeling “degraded” after being handed a food bank voucher

ovarian reserve between laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy with bipolar electrocoagulation...

4 Pointers for Using M indfulness to Stop People Pleasing…

Prospects for organ regeneration without stem cells

Wanting to please and take care of others is

After injury, mature kidney cells dedifferentiate into

natural. But when pleasing others is based in fear

more primordial versions of themselves, and then

of being unloved, it can...

differentiate into...

Start Your Weekend Right With This Vegan Chocolate Smoothie!

VIDEO: Poverty ‘linked to cancer deaths’

This smoothie will take five minutes to make and

New research reveals that hundreds of women

will fill you up with great energy. I love it because

from the poorest backgrounds in England are dying


needlessly of breast cancer. A...

VIDEO: M an who answered first Samaritans call

Hopkins M edicine suspends black lung X-ray service

The Samaritans is marking sixty years since it was

Johns Hopkins Medicine says it has suspended a

founded. The charity was started by Dr Chad Varah

service in which radiologists give second readings

in London, and now has...

on X-rays of coal miners...

The 10 states most addicted to smoking Cigarette packaging got graphic new warning

The underprepared figurehead that led climate science from calculation to negotiation

labels (though they’ll...

Bert Bolin discussing weather maps in Stockholm

Antismoking efforts are hard to avoid nowadays.

circa 1955. Image copyright Tellus B, used via Creative Commons license,...

Deadly bioterror threats: 6 real risks

3 Delightful Ways To Ditch Dairy

Bioterrorism is back in the news with word of a

I remember the day I finally admitted to myself that I

dangerous new strain of botulism, for which there

was lactose intolerant. It was my second quarter of

is no antidote. The strain...

college, and I...

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Why I’m Excited To Turn 40 In a little over a month, I will officially hit the big 4-0! So many people dread these major birthdays, but I am actually...

Pomegranate vinegar attenuates adiposity in obese rats through coordinated control of AM PK signaling in the liver and adipose tissue The effect of pomegranate vinegar (PV) on adiposity was investigated in high-fat diet (HF)induced obese rats. Methods: The...

A novel strategy for classifying the output from an in silico vaccine discovery pipeline for eukaryotic pathogens using machine learning algorithms An in silico vaccine discovery pipeline for eukaryotic pathogens typically consists of several

Iodine nutritional status and risk factors for goitre among schoolchildren in South Tajikistan Iodine deficiency affects nearly 1.9 billion people worldwide, but it can be prevented by salt iodization. This cross-sectional...

computational tools to predict...

Criminal law experts participate in debates on criminal justice reform Hong Kong (HKSAR) – More than 200 criminal lawyers and experts today (November 2) participated in a one-day conference,...

Protein kinase RNA- like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) signaling pathway plays a major role in reactive oxygen species (ROS)- mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress- induced apoptosis in diabetic cardiomyopathy Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is considered one of the mechanisms contributing to reactive oxygen species (ROS)- mediated...

Why Clearing Out Your Garage Is Good For Your Soul As a writer and an artist, it’s difficult to find time to

Hypertension and prehypertension among adolescents in secondary schools in Enugu, South East Nigeria

practice my craft. But practicing my craft is how I get

Hypertension is a prevalent cardiovascular disease

in touch...

risk factor among blacks and adolescent hypertension can progress into...

M icroRNA-124-3p inhibits cell migration and invasion in bladder cancer cells by targeting ROCK1

Cathepsins: a new culprit behind abdominal aortic aneurysm

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a fatal disease W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Increasing evidence has suggested that dysregulation of certain microRNAs (miRNAs) may

defined as an abdominal aortic diameter of 3.0 cm or more, where the abdominal...

contribute to human disease including...

Sex differences in the expression of lupus-associated miRNAs in splenocytes from lupus-prone NZB/WF1 mice

Correctional Services Department 61st Autumn Fair

A majority of autoimmune diseases, including

Autumn Fair at the football...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Correctional Services Department Sports Association held its 61st

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), occur predominantly in females. Recent studies...

M an awaiting execution for Tennessee fast-food murders dies in hospital

Obamacare woes frustrating Democrats’ 2014 prospects

By Tim Ghianni NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Reuters)

By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The

– Death row inmate Paul Dennis Reid, who killed

chaotic launch of President Barack Obama’s

seven young people in...

healthcare law has Democrats...

Federal Charges Brought Against Eight Accused of Dealing Narcotics in Chicago

Xenia M an Sentenced to 20 Years for Distributing Child Pornography

CHICAGO—A federal investigation targeting

sentenced to 240 months in prison and will be

narcotics trafficking on the west and south sides of

under court supervision for...

DAYTON—Brian Rohrback, 29, of Xenia, Ohio, was

Chicago has resulted in...

Abnormal expression of paxillin correlates with tumor progression and poor survival in patients with gastric cancer

Further evidence for an antiinflammatory role of artesunate in experimental cerebral malaria

Paxillin (PXN) has been found to be aberrantly

resulting from Plasmodium falciparum infection. A

regulated in various malignancies and involved in tumor growth and invasion....

wide range of clinical manifestations...

Albuquerque M an Sentenced to Seven Years for Using a Firearm to Rob a Pharmacy of Prescription Painkillers

Court Rules Contraception M andate Infringes on Religious Freedom

Cerebral malaria (CM) is a clinical syndrome

The case, Gilardi v. the Department of Health and

Human Services, was the latest setback for the Obama administration as... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF! ALBUQUERQUE—James Phillip Tafoya, 43, of

Albuquerque, New Mexico, was sentenced this afternoon to seven years in federal...

Texas Clinics Stop Abortions After Court Ruling

Doctors Fear Losing Leukemia Drug Deemed Risky

“Patients are walking through the door, they are

That question was at the heart of a decision

crying — they are freaking out,” said Amy Hagstrom Miller, chief executive...

announced Thursday by the Food and Drug Administration to suspend sales of a...

Business Briefing | Regulatory News: F.D.A. Clears New Cancer-Fighting Drug From Roche Opinion » The Stone: Psyching Us Out “Priming”

‘Hundreds of women may have aborted perfectly healthy babies’ after NHS staff at a major teaching hospital routinely failed to make vital checks

show that human reason is highly susceptible to suggestion, but do the...

Women at the University Hospital of Wales were given botched scans, which could have wrongly told them they had miscarried...

Life based on phosphite: a genomeguided analysis of Desulfotignum phosphitoxidans The Delta-Proteobacterium Desulfotignum phosphitoxidans is a type strain of the genus

CD26 Expression on T-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) Line Karpas 299 is associated with increased expression of Versican and M T1-M M P and enhanced adhesion

Desulfotignum, which comprises to date...

CD26/dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) is a multifunctional membrane protein with a key role in T-cell biology and also serves...

The role of c-Src in integrin (alpha6beta4) dependent translational control

M ultisource feedback analysis of pediatric outpatient teaching

Integrin alpha6beta4 contributes to cancer

communication skills of medical students via

progression by stimulating transcription as well as

multisource feedback, which may be...

This study aims to evaluate the outpatient

translation of cancer related...

Brief mental health interventions in conflict and emergency settings: an overview of four M edecins Sans Frontieres — France programs

Prehistoric Food Cravings Last week’s cartoon, on an essential thing to keep in mind when you do any online dating, is here. All rights reserved,...

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IntroductionMental health problems, particularly anxiety and mood disorders, are prevalent in the setting of humanitarian...

Performance Anxiety & Sexual Dysfunction

Deprivation responsible for 450 breast cancer deaths each year

When clients complain about sexual anxiety —

Deprivation responsible for 450 breast cancer

whether it’s the inability to achieve erection or toorapid ejaculation...

deaths each year Saturday 2 November 2013 National Cancer Research Institute...

Poverty ‘linked to cancer deaths’ Scientists looked at what stage of the cancer the

Wyoming M en Plead Guilty to Involuntary M anslaughter and Aiding and Abetting

tumours were being diagnosed Hundreds...

United States Attorney for the District of Wyoming

1 November 2013 Last updated at 22:03 ET

Christopher A Crofts announced today that on October 29, 2013, Alan Brown,...

Blood test reveals skin cancer spread Blood test reveals skin cancer spread Saturday 2 November 2013 National Cancer Research Institute Press Release A simple...

Lower HPV vaccination rates putting girls from ethnic minorities at risk of cancer Lower HPV vaccination rates putting girls from ethnic minorities at risk of cancer Saturday 2 November 2013 National Cancer...

Five preventively treated in France after rabid kitten found

VIDEO: Fines for free formula milk

Five people were given preventive treatment for rabies after coming into contact with a kitten that

always best for the health of both babies and their mothers. But in Venezuela...

Research shows that breastfeeding is nearly

died of the disease,...

Study finds aerobic exercise benefits memory in persons with multiple sclerosis A research study headed by Victoria Leavitt, Ph.D. and James Sumowski, Ph.D., of Kessler

Fruit, veggie intake has no impact on insulin resistance (HealthDay)—For individuals at high risk of cardiovascular disease, increased consumption of fruits and vegetables has...

Foundation, provides the first evidence...

Doctors, vets explore shared medical

The Connection Between Sleep and

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problems (Update)


What do Siberian tigers and older women have in common? That is among the questions related to

Eating and sleeping are two of the most basic human functions, both essential to survival. They

fighting diseases that affect...

are also two biological processes...

Are You M anifesting Your Dreams?

Video: Why don’t ballerinas get dizzy?

Most of us have heard a lot about the law of attraction, yet many people seem unable to

November 1, 2013 11:03 AM The brains of ballet dancers may hold the key to treating dizziness.

manifest what they want. Is there...

Researchers say ballet dancers’...

What I Learned From ‘Sober October’

Sara Bareilles Surprises Nurses Behind Amplatz Children’s Hospital’s ‘Brave’ Cover (VIDEO)

The tenth month of the year has a cornucopia of reasons for excitement: beautiful fall in New York; the fun of picking a...

The good news keeps rolling in for the staff and patients of University of Minnesota’s Amplatz Children’s Hospital,...

CDC: M alaria case toll in U.S. highest in 40 years

Global warming led to dwarfism in mammals — twice

The number of malaria cases in the United States is the highest in more than 40 years, according to a

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim 734-647-

new report from the...

1842University of Michigan ANN ARBORMammal body size decreased...

Neuroscientists determine how treatment for anxiety disorders silences fear neurons

New study: Rising temperatures challenge Salt Lake City’s water supply

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Siobhan 801-557- 617-6366586Tufts University, Health Sciences Campus

3783University of Colorado at Boulder In an example of...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tim


Pitt treats gum disease by bringing needed immune cells to inflamed tissue [ | E-mail ] Contact: Anita 412-7202058University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health

GenSeq: Updated nomenclature for genetic sequences to solve taxonomic determination issues [ | E-mail ] Contact: Prosanta Chakrabartyprosanta@lsu.eduPensoft Publishers

Sciences PITTSBURGH,... W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

IMAGE: This image illustrates the logic...

Kessler Foundation neuroimaging study sheds light on mechanisms of cognitive fatigue in M S [ | E-mail ] Contact: Carolann 973-324-

Prehistoric Food Obsessions Last week’s cartoon, on an essential thing to keep in mind when you do any online dating, is here. All rights reserved,...

8382Kessler Foundation Neuroimaging findings...

Introducing First Comes Love: Relationship Solutions for Parents…

Acute kidney injury increased for some over last decade

Parenting is a challenge, especially for first-time parents. But it’s even more challenging on the

(HealthDay)—Over the last decade there has been an increase in the incidence of acute kidney injury

relationship that mom...

(AKI), but a decrease...

With flu season here, docs offer tips to stay healthy

For some women facing angioplasty, wrist entry may be better, study finds

(HealthDay)—With another flu season fast approaching, those in the know offer ways to guard

(HealthDay)—For women at high risk for bleeding during angioplasty, the wrist may be a better entry

against infection or deal with...

site than the groin,...

Bipolar drugs lose effect during pregnancy, so women need higher doses to stay well

Harley Street psychologist struck off for inappropriate relationship

New Northwestern Medicine research offers one of the first in-depth studies of how physiological

Ms Levett began treating her for free and during the session told her she “thought it best that I did not have contact...

changes during pregnancy...

The Story Of Frank ‘Bopsy’ Salazar, M ake-A-Wish’s First Wish Kid, Will Stay With You Forever

Put the Toilet Seat Down! How M any Times Do I Have to Tell You?

The story of a 7-year-old boy named Bopsy has

Sound familiar? Many couples are challenged with these little irritants that just don’t seem to go away.

been told countless times before. It’s been

It ranges...

forwarded in email chains,...

White House: Initial Obamacare Numbers Won’t Be High

M indful individuals less affected by immediate rewards

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

WASHINGTON — WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says enrollment numbers for the first

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rimma 416-648-

months of new health care exchanges...

3843University of Toronto IMAGE: Ph.D. candidate Rimma...

Bipolar and pregnant [ | E-mail ] Contact: Marla Paulmarla-

Study finds a patchwork of genetic variation in the brain 312-503-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kat

8928Northwestern University Bipolar drugs lose effect...

619-296-8455Salk Institute Salk scientists find a

HIV Hot Spots a Stark Reminder of Deadly Disease

Utah Woman Gives Birth to 14-Pound Baby

HIV is something that many Americans hear about,

By Gillian Mohney A Utah mom has been shopping

maybe learn about, but remain unaffected by.

for larger diapers after giving birth to a 14-pound

Nevertheless, there continue...

baby boy. Sara Brandon...

Lone suspect in L.A. airport shooting used assault rifle: police

U.S. TSA employee killed in L.A. airport shooting: spokesperson

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The suspect in the Los

(Reuters) – A U.S. Transportation Security

Angeles International Airport shooting appears to

Administration employee was shot and killed and

have acted alone and...

another was injured in a...

For Some Women Facing Angioplasty, Wrist Entry M ay Be Better: Study

With Flu Season Here, Docs Offer Tips to Stay Healthy

FRIDAY Nov. 1, 2013 — For women at high risk for

FRIDAY Nov. 1, 2013 — With another flu season

bleeding during angioplasty, the wrist may be a

fast approaching, those in the know offer ways to

better entry site...

guard against infection...

Domestic Violence Travels Down Through Generations, Study Finds violence often is passed from parents to their

Current evidence for the hepatoprotective activities of the medicinal mushroom Antrodia cinnamomea

children, a new study finds. Researchers...

Antrodia cinnamomea (AC) is an endemic

FRIDAY Nov. 1, 2013 — The risk of domestic

surprising degree of...

mushroom species of Taiwan, and has been demonstrated to possess diverse biological...

Locoregional therapy in luminal-like and

If You Don’t Want Her to Be a Nag,…

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HER2-rich patients with de novo stage IV breast cancer Locoregional therapy is rarely the standard of care

No one likes a nag, and no one likes to be a nag. Having been on the receiving end of what I used to refer to as Linda’s...

for De Novo stage IV breast cancer but usually used for palliation of...

Bipolar activity revealed! Dr Yanni’s custom made actigraph – courtesy of Dr

‘Gameboy back’ more common in kids slouching over gadgets

Kristof Van Laerhoven! Bipolar disorder has been found to be “the...

Some children and teens are spending so much

A father and daughter’s race to beat leukemia

Smaller belly, less deli may reduce kidney disease risk, study finds

(HealthDay)—Bruce Cleland has vivid memories of

(HealthDay)—Losing belly fat and limiting

the day in 1986 when he learned that his daughter Georgia, then 2, had...

processed foods and other sources of dietary phosphorus might help reduce your...

What age should women start mammograms? The two sides of the screening debate

Fluoride treatments may help fight cavities

Mammography works: It can detect cancer. On that point, at least, most experts agree. For the past two

fluoride directly to the teeth can benefit patients at increased risk for cavities,...

time hunched over their electronics that the poor posture is leading to back...

(HealthDay)—Applying prescription-strength

decades, however,...

Hospital wrongly diagnosed miscarriage Peter Tyndall, Public Service Ombudsman for

Premature birth rates hit 15-year low, but U.S. still lags behind

Wales, said staff at UHW had made the “unacceptable mistake” of...

Premature birth rates continue to fall in the United States, according to a new report from the March of Dimes, but the country...

Kessler researchers find aerobic exercise benefits memory in persons with multiple sclerosis [ | E-mail ] Contact: Carolann 973-3248382Kessler Foundation Collaborative study

Segregation in American schools still problematic, despite best efforts [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeremy Fieljfiel@ssc.wisc.eduUniversity of WisconsinMadison MADISON, Wis. As American schools struggle...

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International team identifies earliest galaxy ever detected [ | E-mail ] Contact: Janet 413-5450444University of Massachusetts at Amherst In a major...

Animal welfare scientists reveal infrequent and inconsistent acceptance of existing data by EPA to satisfy endocrine disruptor testing requirements [ | E-mail ] Contact: Tasgola 770-518-1675People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Norfolk, Va....

Brushing your teeth could prevent heart disease

Toronto mayor’s lawyer tells police to release alleged crack video

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Timothy S.

By Cameron French TORONTO (Reuters) – 212-3052676Columbia University’s Mailman School of

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s lawyer said on Friday his client was not smoking...


Fighting Premium Spin with M ore Spin In a mailer to Virginia voters, the conservative Heritage Action calls out President Obama for breaking his promise to save...

White House says Obama briefed on incident at Los Angeles airport WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama was briefed on a security incident at the Los Angeles International Airport...

Suspect in Los Angeles airport shooting in custody: police

M anaging HIV/hepatitis C co-infection in the era of direct acting antivirals

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A suspect in a multiplevictim shooting incident at Los Angeles

Morbidity and mortality from co-morbid hepatitis C (HCV) infection in HIV co-infected patients are

International Airport has been...

increasing; hence, the...

Bipartisan M ental Health Bill: Why We Need It, How…

Totality of Contentment

I wanted to call attention to a bipartisan movement (yes, you read that correctly–BIPARTISAN!!!) in the

There are days, like today, when, on a walk with my dog, wrapped into a restless blanket of a balmy breeze, my mind sways...

Senate to improve...

An Update on How the U.S. Affordable Care Act…

20 M ore Journal Prompts For Getting To Know Yourself

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

I last wrote what the Affordable Care Act (also

A few days ago, I shared 15 journal prompts for

known as Obamacare or the ACA) will mean to

peeling back the layers of our very complex selves.

mental health treatment in the...

Today, I’m sharing...

Have a Nice Day: Being Gentle, Tactful & Helpful

Sugary drink tax may cut obesity rates in UK

Happy Greetings Beautiful-Breathing-Fragile-Life

Slapping a 20 per cent tax on soda pop in Britain

taking precious moments of Your precious life to

could cut the number of obese adults by about

read this. THANKS for reading...

180,000, according to a new...

Gum disease treated by bringing needed immune cells to inflamed tissue

Liver tropism is key for B cell deletion immunotherapy

The red, swollen and painful gums and bone

Antibodies against the B cell surface protein CD20

destruction of periodontal disease could be effectively treated by beckoning the...

have been used successfully to treat B cellmediated autoimmune diseases...

LSUHSC simulation or team training improves performance and patient safety

Solution for enzyme-based diagnostic testing in remote locations to be exhibited by Sherwood Scientific at M EDICA 2013

A study conducted by an inter-professional team of LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans faculty found that simulation-based...

Sherwood Scientific Ltd will exhibit the CHROMA

Low Profile Screw Caps designed in conjunction with the Hannover Unified Biobank launched by M icronic

Chemists develop new way to kill cancer cells resistant to the chemotherapy drug cisplatin

Designed in conjunction with the Hannover Unified Biobank – Micronic has introduced a new range of

A new study from MIT and the University of Toronto offers a possible way to overcome that resistance.

Low Profile Screw...

The researchers found...

Seeing In The Pitch-Dark Is All In Your Head

Can You Smile Your Way To Success?

Enlarge image i I think I can see something. I think I can see something. ...

Is Having Grit The Key To Success?

Model 260uv Programmable Colorimeter for the first time at MEDICA 2013 (20...

More From This Episode Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode Success. About Ron Gutman’s TEDTalk Smile! It just might...


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“ Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint. –

“There is real danger of a disconnect between

Angela Duckworth More From This Episode Part

what’s on your business card and who you are


deep inside, and it’s...

FDA approves Gazyva for chronic lymphocytic leukemia

An alternative protocol for Plasmodium falciparum culture synchronization and a new method for synchrony confirmation

<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 11/01/2013 –> Page Last Updated: 11/01/2013 <!– ...

Although the Percoll/sorbitol synchronization method is widely accepted, its use for achieving tight synchronizations is...

Ixmyelocel-T, an expanded multicellular therapy, contains a unique population of M 2-like macrophages

Home visits lessen emergency care for infants

IntroductionM2 macrophages promote tissue

expensive, way to help newborns get a good start in life. New research from Duke...

repair and regeneration through various mechanisms including immunomodulation and...

Home visits from a nurse are a proven, but

Is it a boy or a girl? Germany allows babies to be neither

U.S. M alaria Cases Highest In 40 Years

Germany on Friday became the first European

10/31/2013 02:28 PM EDT on LiveScience The number of malaria cases in the...

country to allow babies born with characteristics of both sexes to be registered...

By: Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer Published:

It’s Time We Talk About M ental Health in America

It’s Just Food!

Why is it that, as a society, we don’t like talking

study mindful eating. For them, the candy is exciting, but it is only one...

about mental health? An estimated 26.2 percent of adults age 18...

Killing M y Goldfish: Thoughts on Power and Personhood

Watching children at Halloween is a great way to

I killed my first pet. It was a goldfish, orange flicker

Not All Pedophiles Have M ental Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Says In New DSM

in a plastic baggie I carried carefully home from Lankenau Fair....

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical...

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Video: Nurses as good as doctors in some cases November 1, 2013 6:55 AM Daily health headlines: New study compares nurses and doctors, the FDA has plan to reduce drug shortages,...

New IOF review provides guidance on fracture prevention in cancerassociated bone disease [ | E-mail ] Contact: L. 41-229-940100International Osteoporosis Foundation International...

Nationwide disparities of deaths reported to coroners [ | E-mail ] Contact: megan

Immunocore’s Phase IIa clinical trial for IM Cgp100 in melanoma initiates in the UK and USA 01-484-473-

Immunocore Limited, the Oxford-based

053University of Huddersfield IMAGE: Findings from the...

biotechnology company developing novel biological

HIV vaccine on the horizon thanks to major breakthrough

Falling Into The Sky And Other Tales Of Gravity

Scientists have begun to understand the structure

For most of us, gravity is the tug that pulls us home.

of HIV’s ‘envelope’ The ‘envelope’ is what...

Every time we slip off a ladder or somersault into a

drugs to treat cancer and viral disease,...

swimming pool,...

Cytokine response to pregnancyassociated recrudescence of Plasmodium berghei infection in mice with pre-existing immunity to malaria During childhood, residents of areas with stable

PGBD5: a neural-specific introncontaining piggyBac transposase domesticated over 500 million years ago and conserved from cephalochordates to humans

transmission of Plasmodium falciparum parasites acquire substantial protective...

piggyBac domain (PGBD) transposons were discovered in the cabbage looper moth Trichoplusia ni and subsequently found in organisms...

Applications for new indicative area of Public Policy Research Funding Scheme welcomed Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Central Policy Unit

Working Group makes recommendations on differentiating between medical procedures and beauty services

(CPU) today (November 1) announced that to

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Food and

encourage academics and researchers...

Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, today (November 1)

W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

presided over the second...

Does a Dinosaur Cartoon M ake You Anxious? Last week’s cartoon, on an essential thing to

SFH on differentiation between medical procedures and beauty services Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of

keep in mind when you do any online dating, is here. All rights reserved,...

remarks made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man,...

Best of Our Blogs: November 1, 2013 What’s it mean to truly take care of yourself? I’ve

How protein suicide assure healthy cell structures

been thinking a lot about that lately since becoming

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ana

a work-at-home... 351-214-407959Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia This news release...

Can an oil bath solve the mysteries of the quantum world? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 44-117-9301032Institute of Physics For the past eight years,...

Racism linked with gun ownership and opposition to gun control in white Americans [ | E-mail ] Contact: Alison 44-016127-58383University of Manchester A new study...

A new way to monitor induced comas [ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrew 617-253-

NIH scientists develop candidate vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus

1682Massachusetts Institute of Technology

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne A.

Automated system... 301-4021663NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious...

New faces of health overhaul: Still all smiles

Intracellular location may control mTOR and FLCN activity

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (AP) — It didn’t take long for

The mTOR signalling pathway acts as a buffer,

the friendly-looking young woman whose face was

modulating energy expenditure in response to

splashed across

cellular environment. The mTORC1...

Is Double (Bundle) Always Better?

New Aids therapy works on monkeys

Subscribe: SMR Posts RSS Subscribe: SMR Posted on November 1, 2013 by Agnese Mariotti W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

Comments RSS Become an SMR Facebook Friend

Anti-HIV Antibodies May Launch New AIDS

Follow SMR on Twitter Is Double (Bundle)...

Therapies Nature just published two...

How To Write A Deliciously Effective Online Dating Profile

Sexist Driving Tips by Beijing Police Spark Outrage

Ladies and gentlemen: How would you like to wake

Peter Parks / AFP – Getty Images A woman gets in

up the morning after a life-alteringly delicious date

her car on a street in Shanghai on October 30,

to discover a...

2013. Suggestions given...

Silent Victims: Epidemic of Children Exposed to Domestic Violence

Kenya Rape: Protests After Attackers Given Grass-Cutting Punishment

You don’t have permission to access

Link to video: Nairobi protests over grass-cutting

/releases/2013/10/131030185719.htm on this

punishment for gang-rape The placards waved

server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...

outside the office of Kenya‘s...

Lefties M ore Likely to Have Psychotic Disorders Such As Schizophrenia

Germany to Allow Parents to Choose No Gender on Birth Certificates

You don’t have permission to access

On Friday, Nov. 1, Germany will become the first

/releases/2013/10/131031125319.htm on this

country in the world to allow parents to leave the

server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...

gender box blank on their...

Critical gene in retinal development and motion sensing identified

Gene found to foster synapse formation in the brain

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Shawna

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Shawna 410-955-8236Johns 410-955-8236Johns

Hopkins Medicine Discovery aids in understanding...

Hopkins Medicine Implications for language development,...

‘Flipping the switch’ reveals new compounds with antibiotic potential [ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael

Opportunities abound for nonprofit hospitals aiming to address obesity through community benefit 541737-4845Oregon State University IMAGE: The...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Melissa 202-6096010Chandler Chicco Agency New STOP Obesity Alliance report...

New stem cells go back further

Poor agreement between interferongamma release assays and the

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Yivsam W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

43856Weizmann Institute of Science Scientists

tuberculin skin test among HIV-infected individuals in the country of Georgia

isolate new...

Improved tests to diagnose latent TB infection 972-893-

(LTBI) are needed. We sought to evaluate the performance of two commercially...

Speech by SFST at CPA Congress 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by

Community carnival "Fun Fun Sheung Shui" to be held this Sunday

the Secretary for Financial Services and the

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural

Treasury, Professor K C...

Services Department will hold the community thematic carnival “Fun...

Results of the ARCTIC-INTERRUPTION trial presented

Results of DUTCH PEERS (TWENTE II) trial reported

According to a new study, patients that do not

Results of the DUTCH PEERS (TWENTE II) clinical

experience a major cardiac event in the first year

trial demonstrate comparable safety and efficacy of

after receiving drug-eluting...

two third-generation...

AstraZeneca profits and revenues fall British drugmaker AstraZeneca reported Thursday

Suzaku study points to early cosmic ‘seeding’

that third-quarter net profit fell 17.5 percent to 1.25

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Francis

billion pounds ($200... 301-2864453NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center IMAGE: Suzaku...

Simple plants aren’t always easy: Revision of the liverwort Radula buccinifera complex [ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt Publishers IMAGE: This image shows Radula

Patient in ‘vegetative state’ not just aware, but paying attention [ | E-mail ] Contact: Genevieve 44-012-23765542University of Cambridge Research raises possibility...

buccinifera. ...

Defective nanotubes turned into light emitters

Prostate cancer death rate falls

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Aitziber

cancer typically affects older men The death rate 34-943-363-040Elhuyar

from prostate cancer...

31 October 2013 Last updated at 20:42 ET Prostate

Fundazioa UPV/EHU-University of the Basque W ith PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!


NHS apology for miscarriage error turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to

M icrobleeds important to consider in brain-related treatments, neurologist says

play. Emily Wheatley said...

As growing numbers of America’s baby boomers

31 October 2013 Last updated at 20:14 ET Please

reach retirement, neuroscientists are expanding their efforts to understand...

US preterm birth rate drops to 15-year low Six states – Alaska, California, Maine, New

Public health policies and practices may negatively affect marginalized populations

Hampshire, Oregon and Vermont – earned an “A” on the March of...

Despite the best intentions of those working in public health, some policies and practices inadvertently further disadvantage...

Results of the FREEDOM sub study reported

Serious Danger of Blood Clots Halts Sale of Leukemia Drug

According to a recent study of diabetic patients who underwent revascularization for multi-vessel

Sales of a promising leukemia drug, Iclusig, are being suspended because of “the risk of life-

coronary artery disease...

threatening blood clots and...

World Briefing | The Americas: M exico: Junk Food Tax Is Approved

Welcomed With Kisses, Stanford Freshmen Risk the ‘Kissing Disease’

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In the Quad, thousands of students mill around, some bobbing drunkenly, some giggling nervously,

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most of them wearing clothes....

When Insurers Drop Policies: Three Stories

Put 20% tax on soft drinks to cut obesity: Price levy will help 285,000 lose weight, says study

One expects to pay more. One expects to pay less. And one is just trying to figure it all out. Each, in a different...

Researchers say price hike would drive down sales of sugary beverages Tax would raise £276million a year to help NHS treat...

Early results of an integrated maternal, newborn, and child health program,

Vitamin D intake in mid-pregnancy and child allergic disease — a prospective

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Northern Nigeria, 2009 to 2011 This paper describes early results of an integrated maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) program in Northern Nigeria...

study in 44,825 Danish mother-child pairs Past studies suggest that maternal vitamin D intake during pregnancy may protect against child wheeze but studies on asthma...

Removing the entropy from the definition of entropy: clarifying the relationship between evolution, entropy, and the second law of thermodynamics

Efficient bioconversion of 2,3butanediol into acetoin using Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 2003

Misinterpretations of entropy and conflation with

However, a value-added process...

2,3-Butanediol is a platform and fuel biochemical that can be efficiently produced from biomass.

additional misunderstandings of the second law of thermodynamics are ubiquitous...

Priming BCL-2 to kill: the combination therapy of tamoxifen and ABT-199 in ER+breast cancer

Do We Need to be Crazy to be Creative?

The B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 2 protein (BCL-2)

gods.” Plato “People who are getting into this archetype of the...

may help many types of cancers to evade cell death. However, identifying exactly...

“Creativity is a divine madness… a gift from the

The Questions that Free Limiting Thought Patterns

Prostate cancer deaths fall by a fifth in the last 20 years

You may have heard that the person asking the

Prostate cancer deaths fall by a fifth in the last 20

questions is the one who controls the direction of a conversation. It’s true....

years Friday 1 November 2013 Cancer Research UK Press Release Death...

M icrosatellite DNA analysis reveals genetic change of P. vivax in Korea, 2002-2003

99 Lessons Reluctantly Learned from a Guru M aster

Malaria is one of the major infectious diseases

Eat, Pray, Love and being jealous of Elizabeth Gilbert’s journey,...

transmitted by mosquitos, with enormous impact on quality of life. According...

"Vampire facials:" A spooky-sounding way to rejuvenate skin?

Finally, I made it to the ashram. Ever since reading

Chinese media reports girl receives new face first grown on chest

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In the quest against aging, some people are turning to the same substance vampires use to

A Chinese burn victim has a new face reportedly thanks to skin that was grown on her breast.

stay young forever: blood. They’re...

Chinese state media organization...

Leading cause of heart disease ignored in North America’s poorest communities

M icrobleeds important to consider in brain-related treatments, UCI neurologist says

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah 202-621-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom

1691Public Library of Science Inaction has

949-824-6455University of California – Irvine Stroke


prevention strategies...

NYU study on incarcerated youth shows potential to lower anti-social behavior and recidivism

NIH-funded scientists reveal structure of HIV protein key to cell entry

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christopher 301- 212-998-

402-1663NIH/National Institute of Allergy...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: NIAID Office of

6876New York University The researchers investigated...

Scientists capture most detailed picture yet of key AIDS protein

Virginia Boy Dies After Collapse on Football Field

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah

A 15-year-old football player at a Virginia high 646-3177401Weill Cornell Medical College Finding

school reportedly collapsed during practice on Tuesday and later died at...

represents a...

Taking a Closer Look at How M editation Improves Our Brains [Video] Click here to view the video The practice of meditation can sharpen our attention, strengthen memory and improve other mental...

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