Health A-Z
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Plasma microRNA test boosts lung cancer screening
BDNF abnormalities may predict bipolar disorder
By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter The ability to screen for lung cancer is improved by the development of a...
By Laura Cowen, medwireNews Reporter Patients with bipolar disorder show abnormalities in the conversion of pro-brain derived...
Tooth extraction before heart surgery carries risks
Elevated homocysteine not genderspecific in schizophrenia
By Sara Freeman, medwireNews Reporter Dental extraction before cardiac surgery may not be as benign a procedure as some clinicians...
By Laura Cowen, medwireNews Reporter Japanese researchers have demonstrated that both men and women with schizophrenia have...
RECENT POSTS ORNL c ell-free protein synthesis is potential lifesaver NASA looks at deadly weather over the US Reptile fossils offer c lues about elevation history of Andes Mountains Gene-editing tec hnique heals mic e with musc ular dystrophy Mysterious Syndrome Can Cause People to Bec ome ‘Drunk’ Without Drinking Tales From the Emergenc y Room on New Year’s Eve
Home Detox: What’s The Worst That Could Happen?
When You Lose Your Patience: Sitting on a Ticking…
Imprisoned Saudi blogger’s health deteriorating, wife
Do-it-yourself detox programs make lofty promises, assuring addicts they can get clean ultra-fast, ultracheap. While easy...
It’s often believed that a major uproar between husband and wife must be triggered by a huge act of betrayal. “You did...
as She Battles Rare Brain Tumor
says Family Celebrates What Could Be Child???s Last Holiday Court bloc ks Utah governor from stopping Planned Parenthood funds World’s first soft-robotic surgery on a human body
Study links poor sleep quality to reduced brain gray matter in Gulf War vets A new study of Gulf War veterans found an association between poor sleep quality and reduced gray matter volume in the brain’s...
Innovative approaches to improve vision in children with tumors
World’s first soft-robotic surgery on a human body
Robert Avery, DO, MSCE, of Children’s National Health System and colleagues are establishing innovative approaches...
I Had to Give My Brother Permission to Die 20 Years Ago
How To Stic k To Your New Years Resolution, Really This Time on New Year’s Eve 7 Reasons Why You Need to Create a Vision Board in 2016 New Year 2016: How Consumers Will Roc k Health Care Ac hieve Your New Year’s Resolutions by Asking
Frequent childhood nightmares may indicate an increased risk of psychotic traits PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Researchers identify brain differences linked to insomnia Johns Hopkins researchers report that people with
Yourself This One Question First state raises smoking age to 21 Could helmet-free football prac tic e prevent c onc ussions?
Children who suffer from frequent nightmares or bouts of night terrors may be at an increased risk of
chronic insomnia show more plasticity and activity
Transition metal c atalyst prompts ‘c onjunc tive’
than good sleepers in...
c ross-c oupling reac tion
psychotic experiences...
New genes born by ac c ident lead to evolutionary innovation
Top 5 People You Spend M ost Time WILL Effect Your M ood
“Don’t Cry Over Spilled M ilk” & other non-effective coping…
Who is currently in your “Top 5 Friends?” That was
You may remember growing up with clichés like
the recent email I got from my extremely positive pal Victoria...
“do not cry over spilled milk” or “the past is the past…you should...
Vision improved by brain-training app
M an’s leg kept alive on his arm
A brain-training video game that improved the
28 February 2014 Last updated at 13:53 ET By
vision of college baseball players by as much as two lines on an eye chart...
Sharon Barbour BBC Look North health reporter Please turn...
The billion dollar game of strategy: The effec t of farmers’ dec isions on pest c ontrol Genetic ally c orrec ting a musc le disorder New tec hnique offers strong, flawless 3-D printed c eramic s A father’s diet affec ts the RNA of his sperm, mouse study shows Vestas Wind books highest order intake sinc e 2010 Anesthesiologists like blues, surgeons prefer top 40 hits Smokers more likely to get antibiotic s presc riptions than others How to do a ‘mental reset’ for 2016 2-year-old husky gets new set of prosthetic paws Creating safer polio vac c ine strains for the post-
Breakthrough drug on fast-track to help leukemia patients
Becoming disabled may up risk of developing diabetes
eradic ation era
Three very different people gathered recently at University of Colorado Hospital. They were linked
(HealthDay)—Functional decline and physical disability may increase the subsequent risk of
Gene-editing tec hnique suc c essfully stops progression of
by leukemia. Larry Rosenberg...
diabetes in older adults, according...
CRISPR treats genetic disorder in adult mammal
Areas of inc reased poverty assoc iated with higher rates of Ebola transmission Duc henne musc ular dystrophy Painkillers often gateway to heroin for US teens: survey
Common asthma meds may raise sleep apnea risk, study says
Funding tied to spinal study outcomes, levels of evidence
What Your Favorite Music Artists Say About Your Sex Life
(HealthDay)—Medicines commonly used to control
(HealthDay)—Source of funding for spinal research
The 4 Moves You Need in Order to Own the Weight
asthma may increase the risk of a potentially serious sleep problem in some...
is significantly associated with study outcome and level of evidence...
Room in 2016
The Relationship ‘Onion’
How Contaminated Is Your Doctor’s Stethoscope, Really?
We’ve arrived at the “R” of our Core Assets – Relationships. Humans are social beings by
Sure, your doctor makes a point to wash hands
before and after examining you. But have you ever wondered how often his or...
ACS chemistry mavens stir up hot sauce science
Frailty and quality of life: a crosssectional study of Brazilian patients with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease
The chemistry of Sriracha or “rooster” sauce joins the list of topics of interest for the American Chemical Society,... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Purpose: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) induces frailty and worsens quality of life (QOL), even in the
Men and Women in Long-Term Relationships Reveal How They Keep Their Sex Lives Hot
Exerc ise Habits of Ultra-Suc c essful People 7 Ways to Set Better Goals Daily Meditation: Set An Intention
early stages of the...
Efficiency of antenatal care and childbirth services in selected primary health care facilities in rural Tanzania: a cross-sectional study
Kawasaki disease in a girl with turner syndrome: a remarkable association
Cost studies are paramount for demonstrating how resources have been spent and identifying opportunities for more efficient...
female at increased risk...
Actor-partner effects associated with experiencing intimate partner violence or coercion among male couples enrolled in an HIV prevention trial
5 Rituals to Strengthen Your M arriage
We describe a girl with Turner syndrome, a genetic disorder of the X chromosome in a phenotypic
I’m a big believer in the power of ritual. When you do something over and over, you start to anticipate the feelings...
Intimate partner violence (IPV) and coercion have been associated with negative health outcomes, including increased HIV...
A parthenogenetic maternal and double paternal contribution to an ovotesticular disorder of sex development An ovotesticular disorder of sex development (OTDSD) was rarely found in human. The mechanism
The Effects of Withdrawal or Withholding Emotion on Your… Studies show that stuffing or denying emotions can be as harmful to a marriage relationship as anger blasts and other forms...
causing such condition is...
Co-sleeping: Is sharing your bed good for the baby?
Can an app help make life easier for children with ADHD?
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire welcomed their third child Friday, and there was word the couple...
We have tended to associate welfare technology with support for the elderly. Now researchers are looking at whether technology...
Hospital spends £500,000 putting 2,000 sick patients up in a PREM IER INN
Heartbroken mother whose twin babies died at birth discovers she is pregnant again nine weeks later
Royal Free Hospital in London uses the hotel to reduce pressure on beds In 2010 it spent £40,000 paying for 262 patients... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Barbara Short, 32, lost her first set of twins, Ava and Alfie Wallace, when they were born at just 23
weeks, each weighing...
Hope for pancreatic cancer patients as jab that kills rogue cancer cells is developed Vaccine will help immune system fight any remaining cells before they spread Will be given
‘He loved the NHS, but it let him down’: Councillor, 78, died after waiting 15 months for triple bypass and a new heart valve Ron Jones had heart disease and was told in May
after surgery, which 20 per cent...
2012 he needed surgery In autumn 2012 he had an angiogram but his GP was...
13 Workers Exposed To Radiation At N.M . Nuclear Waste Dump
Space M useum’s latest Omnimax film takes audience on adventure with king penguins
i i hide captionIn this undated photo provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, a shipment of nuclear
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Space
waste arrives...
Museum’s latest Omnimax show, “Penguins”, to be screened...
Personalized medicine: risk prediction, targeted therapies and mobile health technology
Effect of glomerular filtration rate impairment on diagnostic performance of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and B-type natriuretic peptide as markers of acute cardiac and renal failure in chronic kidney disease patients
Personalized medicine is increasingly being employed across many areas of clinical practice, as genes associated with specific...
IntroductionCardio-renal syndromes are characterized by the impairment of cardiac and renal functions. Plasma and urinary...
Deregulation of subcellular biometal homeostasis through loss of the metal transporter, Zip7, in a childhood neurodegenerative disorder
Intense focused ultrasound stimulation can safely stimulate inflamed subcutaneous tissue and assess allodynia
Aberrant biometal metabolism is a key feature of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s...
Potential peripheral sources of deep pain can require invasive evocative tests for their assessment. Here we perform research...
First Edition: February 28, 2014
Perrigo Company acquires basket of
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Today’s headlines include reports about the latest developments for those states that are running their own health...
value-brand OTC products in Australia
HM S Holdings’ fourth quarter revenue decreases 8.6% to $121.6 million
Xeltis completes enrollment for study of spontaneous tissue growth technology
HMS Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ:HMSY) today announced financial and operating results for the fourth quarter and full year ended...
Xeltis, a privately held medical device company dedicated to transforming standards of care in heart valve replacement and...
Why men are more likely to have autism: Their brains are more prone to genetic flaws, study finds
Cancer victim, 35, gets diagnosed for THIRD time in three years
Girls require more extreme genetic mutations to develop the condition So, it is less likely they will be pushed over the...
Perrigo Company plc (NYSE: PRGO;TASE) announced that it has acquired a basket of valuebrand OTC products sold in Australia...
Hannah from London first discovered a lump in April 2011 Had a lumpectomy and eight cycles of gruelling chemotherapy A week...
Could a bad marriage kill you? Stress of a bad relationship can lead to heart disease, doctors warn
Why are we fatter and sicker than ever? Sugar, fruit juice and margarine to blame
People in an unhappy marriage are also at higher risk of depression The stress of a bad marriage can raise blood pressure...
The graphs were gathered by Kris Gunnars, a nutrition researcher He says the obesity epidemic correlates with the time we...
A Strong Sex Life Helps Couples Cope With The Trials Of Aging
SFH visits Central and Western District
hide captionIntimacy in a marriage becomes even more important as we get older. Radius Images/Corbis Health problems...
Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, visited Central and Western District this afternoon...
Best of Our Blogs: February 28, 2014
Full Disclosure, It’s Not What You Think It Is
Living the Unknown On my fridge, there is a magnet with the following quote: “I beg you…to have patience with everything...
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Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Food and
How much information do you really owe your partner? The term “full disclosure” gets tossed about quite a bit these days....
Full Disclosure, It’s Not What You Think It Is
NHS Winter: Weekly A&E tracker Week 16
How much information do you really owe your
Download the data Continue reading the main
partner? The term “full disclosure” gets tossed about quite a bit these days....
story Notes Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital is missing data for 8 January....
Philippines claims record in organ donor pledges
Obamacare Hasn’t Stopped Insurers From Jacking Up Prices On Expensive Drugs
(AP)—The Philippines has broken India’s record of gathering the most organ donor pledges in an hour
By David Morgan WASHINGTON, Feb 28 (Reuters)
at a single site,...
– President Barack Obama’s ban on discriminatory...
Closest, brightest supernova in decades is also a little weird
A road map — and dictionary — for the arthropod brain
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert 510-643-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Daniel 520-626-4402University of Arizona By providing a
6998University of California – Berkeley Faster...
standardized nomenclature...
Experimental treatment developed at UCLA eradicates acute leukemia in mice
M ouse brain atlas maps neural networks to reveal how brain regions interact
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Shaun 310-2062805University of California – Los Angeles A
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary Beth O’ 617-397-2802Cell
Press IMAGE: Green and red fluorescent...
Study uncovers why autism is more common in males
LegCo House Committee passes motion relating to incident of attack on Kevin Lau
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary Beth O’ 617-397-2802Cell Press Males are at greater risk for
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The
Legislative Council...
China sees wave of violence against hospital staff
Inside a Victorian ‘lunatic asylum’
27 February 2014 Last updated at 19:31 ET By John Sudworth BBC News, Wenling, Zhejiang PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
27 February 2014 Last updated at 21:59 ET It is 150 years since Broadmoor Hospital opened its doors to patients of both sexes...
province Please...
Care package to help fight dementia
Study: Female brain ‘more resilient’
28 February 2014 Last updated at 05:01 ET Twothirds of dementia sufferers in the UK are women A new package of care for...
28 February 2014 Last updated at 05:28 ET By Helen Briggs BBC News More boys than girls are diagnosed...
Significant drop in measles cases
Supplement added to a standard diet improves health and prolongs life in mice
28 February 2014 Last updated at 06:30 ET There was a sharp fall in the number of cases of measles in England at the end...
10,000 years on the Bering land bridge [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lee J. 801-2445399University of Utah Ancestors of Native Americans paused...
Color of passion: Orange underbellies of female lizards signal fertility [ | E-mail ] Contact: Gozde Zorlugozde.zorlu@frontiersin.orgFrontiers Australian lizards are attracted to females with the...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary Beth O’ 617-397-2802Cell Press Activating a protein called sirtuin...
By zooming in on arteries, researcher gets to the root of pulmonary hypertension [ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary Beth O’ 617-397-2802Cell Press You might think building muscle is...
Esaote launches novel ultrasound technology that delivers new levels of accuracy and quality Enhancing the productivity, efficiency and value of ultrasound; Realising application of ultrasound through prevention, diagnosis...
Doctors’ stethoscopes are dirtier than their hands
Couple with cystic fibrosis have healthy baby boy
Among the microbes found on stethoscopes is the superbug MRSA Experts say that they should be disinfected after each patient Some...
Chris Kiernan has cystic fibrosis and his wife, Marylee, is a carrier 98% of men with cystic fibrosis are infertile and the...
M ultiple sclerosis linked to contraceptive pill: Risk could be up to 50% higher in women who have taken it
What the First Lady Wants New Nutrition Labels to Look Like
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This morning, First Lady Michelle Obama,
Study examined 305 U.S. women diagnosed with MS and 3,050 without it Those who had used the Pill were 35 per cent more likely...
Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and...
Why Jada Pinkett Smith Is Happy About Her Weight Gain
You Can Now Pay Someone to Cuddle With You
Jada Pinkett Smith took to her Facebook page this week to post this family photo, in which she’s wearing head-to-toe leather...
Need a hug? Just make a reservation: A new business in California called Cuddle Connection is selling snuggle sessions,...
Customs seizes 2.25kg of ketamine in Kwai Chung
Antinociceptive tolerance to NSAIDs microinjected into dorsal hippocampus
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs yesterday (February 27) seized 2.25 kilograms of ketamine and arrested a man...
Pain is characterized as a complex experience, dependent not only on the regulation of nociceptive sensory systems, but also...
Appointment to Occupational Retirement Schemes Appeal Board
House GOP group drafting health law alternative
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government today (February 28) announced that the Financial Secretary, in exercise of the power...
Also, Sen. Rand Paul takes aim at President Obama’s nominee for surgeon general over the pick’s political work,...
Researchers analyze impact of chocolate consumption in vascular health
Study: Rising prices is the best way to tackle tobacco-related diseases
It might seem too good to be true, but dark chocolate is good for you and scientists now know why. Dark chocolate helps restore...
Research reveals very unique evolutionary innovations in primate brain New research by UC Santa Barbara’s Kenneth S. Kosik, Harriman Professor of Neuroscience, reveals some very unique evolutionary...
Herbal M edicines: what do the labels say? PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
A recent study finds that rising prices is, by far, the best way to tackle tobacco-related diseases while ignoring tobacco...
DrinkWise’s cynical campaign shouldn’t fool anyone Alcohol industry-funded organisation DrinkWise has released a new advertising campaign titled Drinking – Do it properly...
Differential neuropathic pain sensitivity and expression of spinal mediators in
Table. Comparison of the Website vs. TGA Ingredient Concentrations Arthritis Cold Flu GI Stress PMS Total Ingredients...
Lewis and Fischer 344 rats
Renowned Russian pianists to perform in Great M usic 2014
Speech by SLW at International Conference: Overcoming Challenges in Active Ageing 2014
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The world-renowned Russian pianists Evgeny Kissin and Mikhail Pletnev will perform in Hong Kong...
Trends in access to water supply and sanitation in 31 major sub-Saharan African cities: an analysis of DHS data from 2000 to 2012 By 2050, sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA) urban population is expected to grow from 414 million to over 1.2 billion. This...
EPD to launch ex-gratia payment scheme on M arch 1 to phase out preEuro IV diesel commercial vehicles Hong Kong (HKSAR) – To improve roadside air quality and better protect public health, the Environmental Protection...
Altered hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity may be accompanied by a modulation of pain sensitivity. In a model...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the opening address by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung,...
SED to lead education delegation to international convention in Shanghai Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Education, Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, has been invited to lead a delegation from the...
Tickets for Force charity concerts on sale Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Police Force will stage two charity concerts in the Concert Hall, Hong Kong City...
Special traffic arrangements for Tai Kok Tsui Temple Fair
Love M eans–Wanting To Know Your Partner M ore
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police will implement special traffic arrangements on March 2 (Sunday) to facilitate the holding...
One of the most recognized signs of relationship potential is someone’s interest in knowing us. They want to know about...
New Companies Ordinance to take effect on M arch 3
Taiwan bans cosmetic surgery for under-18s
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) and its subsidiary legislation
Taiwan on Thursday banned “medically unnecessary” plastic surgery on under-18s in an
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(new CO) will commence operation...
attempt to protect beauty-obsessed...
Cambodia bans smoking shisha and ecigarettes
Boxer asks CDC to look into paralysis cases
Cambodia has banned e-cigarettes and shisha pipes saying the increasingly popular products contain damaging levels of nicotine...
(AP)—Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer is asking the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to initiate a formal investigation...
D.C. Insurance M ust Cover Treatment for Transgender Residents, M ayor Says
The taccalonolides and paclitaxel cause distinct effects on microtubule dynamics and aster formation
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Phospho-aspirin (M DC-22) inhibits breast cancer in preclinical animal models: an effect mediated by EGFR inhibition, p53 acetylation and oxidative stress The anticancer properties of aspirin are restricted by its gastrointestinal toxicity and its limited efficacy. Therefore,...
Tenders invited for North Point (East) Ferry Pier government property tenancy Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government Property Agency is inviting tenders for a three-year tenancy of a government property...
Microtubule stabilizers suppress microtubule dynamics and, at the lowest antiproliferative concentrations, disrupt the function...
Dual application of duckweed and azolla plants for wastewater treatment and renewable fuels and petrochemicals production Shortages in fresh water supplies today affects more than 1 billion people worldwide. Phytoremediation strategies, based...
The people who eat pizza every day 27 February 2014 Last updated at 20:23 ET By Gabriela Torres BBC Mundo health reporter In any given day,...
Sir Robert Ho Tung Fund allocates grants to 216 charitable projects
Effective treatment for youth anxiety disorders has lasting benefit
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund has allocated $9 million to 216 charitable projects in the...
A study published in the March 2014 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry found...
The Social Care Curry Club
Drug firms argue against $1.2B
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27 February 2014 Last updated at 20:57 ET By Damon Rose BBC News, Ouch An informal Twitter campaign has...
Arkansas judgment
Study reveals evolution at work: Analyses elucidate a part of the brain particular to primates
M ontreal researchers find a link between pollutants and certain complications of obesity
New research by UC Santa Barbara’s Kenneth S. Kosik, Harriman Professor of Neuroscience, reveals some very unique evolutionary...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 514-9875555Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal This...
Bisphenol A (BPA) at very low levels can adversely affect developing organs in primates
Household wealth still down 14 percent since recession
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 573-8823346University of Missouri-Columbia IMAGE: Vom Saal...
(AP)—A lawyer for two drug companies told the Arkansas Supreme Court that the state improperly relied on federal regulations...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Randall 614-442-7348Ohio State University New study contradicts rosier picture...
IUPUI study reveals how dogs detect explosives, offers new training recommendations
Nobelist James Watson proposes an unconventional view of type 2 diabetes causation
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Candace Beaty 317-2740685Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Peter 516367-5055Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory A new hypothesis published in the...
Death by Header? 1st Soccer Player Found With Concussion Disease
Judge sets terms for would-be Reagan assassin’s hospital outings
The first soccer player to be diagnosed with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) has drawn attention to the possibility...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Would-be presidential assassin John Hinckley will be required to stay away from government centers...
October trial date set for accused Colorado theater gunman
Oklahoma House passes new abortion restrictions bill
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By Keith Coffman CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Reuters) – A Colorado judge on Thursday set a new trial date in October for James...
By Heide Brandes OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) – The Oklahoma House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill on Thursday...
California senator seeks review of paralysis cases
14 Recommended Books for Psychiatry Patients
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer asked the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday...
An effective psychiatrist or psychologist will own a bookshelf stocked with recommended reading for his patients. He will...
Health of Toronto neighbourhoods ranked by St. M ichael’s research
Nutrition labels on food packaging under microscope in U.S., Canada
Out of Toronto’s 140 listed neighbourhoods, 23 have a very high premature death rate affected in part by other factors...
Nutrition labels that are found on just about every piece of packaged food could be getting a new look in the U.S., with...
High-tech medical research for severely wounded warriors
Early atherosclerotic plaques regress when cholesterol levels are lowered
North Carolina researchers are trying to make sure the U.S. military isn’t fighting the war of the future while treating...
Early but not advanced forms of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessel wall disappear when the levels of ‘bad’...
Study discovers novel therapeutic targets for Huntington’s disease
Why and how anti-retroviral therapy works even against HIV cell-to-cell transmission
A study led by researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) provides novel insight into the impact that genes...
The discovery of direct cell-to-cell transmission of HIV, and the finding that some anti-HIV drugs don’t seem active...
9 Strategies to Fight Your Enemy for Fat Loss
6 Habits That Ruin A Good Night’s Sleep
“It reared its ugly head about 11 p.m. the other night!” my friend dramatically proclaimed over brunch recently....
Journaling for Your Health Keeping a journal is like carrying on a conversation with yourself — or with your higher self, if you PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
SPECIAL FROM If you equate getting older with needing—or getting—less sleep, here’s a wake-up call:...
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Explains Why The Cosmos Shouldn’t M ake You Feel Small
prefer. As such,...
i i hide captionAstrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson hosts a new TV series called Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey. It’s...
U.S. Lets 141 Trillion Calories Of Food Go To Waste Each Year
Glatiramer acetate does not protect from acute ischemic stroke in mice
i i hide captionNectarines are sorted at Eastern ProPak Farmers Cooperative in Glassboro, N.J. Mel Evans/AP...
The role of the immune system in the pathophysiology of acute ischemic stroke is increasingly recognized. However, targeted...
Focused ultrasound development and clinical adoption: 2013 update on the growth of the field
Early strokes leave many young adults with long-lasting disability
The field of therapeutic focused ultrasound, which first emerged in the 1940s, has seen significant growth, particularly...
One-third of people who survive a stroke before age 50 are unable to live independently or need assistance with daily activities...
Fertility concerns common for young women with breast CA
Smoking adversely impacts renal cell carcinoma survival
(HealthDay)—Fertility concerns are common among young women with newly diagnosed breast cancer, although only a minority...
(HealthDay)—For patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma, smoking exposure adversely impacts cancer-specific survival...
HIV specialist training available for nurse practitioners
If Your Cat Is Fat, Try a High-M oisture Diet
(HealthDay)—A new curriculum with specialized HIV training has been developed for nurse practitioners (NPs) at the Johns...
A growing number of veterinarians are recommending what they call the “Catkins” diet for kitties who need to...
‘He’s Not M otivated’: How Can We Strengthen a Child’s Effort and M otivation to Learn?
Social workers’ roles in patient care expand under affordable care act
In a previous post, I discussed the problem of children’s lack of motivation and grit. Today, I would like to offer...
Bison ready for new pastures? PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ed 617-552-4826Boston College IMAGE: Former Harvard Pilgrim Health Care...
Purification, culture and multi-lineage differentiation of zebrafish neural crest
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Scott 718-220-3698Wildlife Conservation Society Quarantine protocol successfully...
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans’ health bill on budget worry
Teen helps scientists study her own rare disease
By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded...
WASHINGTON (AP) — A teenager who survived cancer decided to study her own rare disease, and helped point scientists to...
S&P 500 ends at record, now positive for 2014
First Soccer Player Diagnosed with CTE Brings Up Sport’s Risks
NEW YORK (Reuters) – The SP 500 closed at a record on Thursday and ended in positive territory for the year after Federal...
The first soccer player to be diagnosed with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) has drawn attention to the possibility...
TSX ends higher as Valeant, CIBC gain
UK seeks public input on making 3parent embryos
TORONTO (Reuters) – Canada’s main stock index rose on Thursday, boosted by advances in shares of Valeant Pharmaceuticals...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eric C. Liaocliao@partners.orgSociety for Experimental Biology and Medicine Researchers at the Massachusetts...
LONDON (AP) — Britain is inviting the public to weigh in on draft rules allowing scientists to create embryos using DNA...
New robotic surgical institute opens in the Dominican Republic
Recurrent lymphocytic myocarditis in a young male with ulcerative colitis
This week the Metropolitan Hospital of Santiago (HOMS), in the Dominican Republic, opened the first robotic surgery institute...
Awareness of myocarditis in association with inflammatory bowel diseases is crucial as it bears a rare but serious risk for...
Cerebrospinal fluid lactate level as a diagnostic biomarker for bacterial meningitis in children
Assessment of the normal and pathological alignment of the elbow in children using the trochleocapitellar index
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate is a potential biomarker for bacterial meningitis in children. To this end, we performed...
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The current research is a retrospective study that involves the description of a new trochleocapitellar index (TCI), on basis...
Phase 1 results of safety and tolerability in a rush oral immunotherapy protocol to multiple foods using Omalizumab Up to 30% of patients with food allergies have clinical reactivity to more than one food allergen. Although there is currently...
Dirty stethoscopes ‘bacteria threat’ 27 February 2014 Last updated at 13:05 ET Stethoscopes can pick up bacteria directly from a patient’s skin Doctors...
U.K. to consult on draft rules for 3parent embryos Britain is starting a public consultation on rules allowing scientists to create embryos using DNA from three people —...
Study reveals mechanisms cancer cells use to establish metastatic brain tumors New research from Memorial Sloan Kettering provides fresh insight into the biologic mechanisms that individual cancer cells...
Physicians’ stethoscopes more contaminated than palms of their hands
Type 1 diabetes: Vitamin D deficiency occurs in an early stage
Although healthcare workers’ hands are the main source of bacterial transmission in hospitals, physicians’ stethoscopes...
Vitamin D is known as a major regulator of calcium levels and bone metabolism. Furthermore, it also influences the immune...
Scientists uncover trigger for most common form of intellectual disability and autism
Vinegar M ay Be Cheap, Safe Way to Kill TB Germ
A new study led by Weill Cornell Medical College scientists shows that the most common genetic form of mental retardation...
THURSDAY Feb. 27, 2014, 2014 — A potent weapon against a dangerous class of bacteria may be as close as the kitchen...
FDA’s New Food Labels Would Focus on Calories, Sugar Content
Nickel Foam, Nanotechnology Enable Lightweight Lithium Batteries
THURSDAY Feb. 27, 2014, 2014 — The U.S. Food
Zhaolin Liu from the A*STAR Institute of Materials
and Drug Administration formally proposed Thursday updating the “nutrition...
Research and Engineering in Singapore, in collaboration with Aishui Yu...
Are you right-brained or left-brained? And what does it say about your personality? Take this interactive QUIZ to find out
Fully-formed teeth are found growing inside a baby’s BRAIN due to rare tumour
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The four-month-old was diagnosed after his head
Idea is we all have a dominant side of the brain – and this shapes personality People who are rightbrained tend to...
grew more than expected An MRI scan revealed he had a brain tumour which...
Samuel Starr’s parent’s heartbreak after crucial scan for boy, 3, was missed
Fears of needless mastectomies lead thousands of women to shun breast cancer screenings
Samuel Starr was born with a heart condition – had surgery at nine months He was recovering well and was meant to have...
New research reveals role of methionine in enzyme catalysis The first convincing evidence that the amino acid methionine plays a role in catalysis in an enzyme has been uncovered by...
The number attending screenings has fallen for the last two years Last year, 4.25 million women were screened – a drop...
Analysis of the impact of platinumbased combination chemotherapy in small cell cervical carcinoma: a multicenter retrospective study in Chinese patients Small cell cervical carcinoma (SCCC) is a rare, aggressive tumor with a poor prognosis. However, information in relation...
Worried about Teen Dating Violence? February was Teen Dating Violence Awareness month, so I didn’t want to let it pass without sharing about the prevalence...
US introduces food label overhaul 27 February 2014 Last updated at 12:12 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. The First Lady introduces...
Differences in a single gene may influence recovery from traumatic brain injury After an individual suffers from a traumatic brain PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
How Shame M akes Us Allergic to Receiving How deeply do you allow yourself to receive the good things in life? Do you notice when a kind act interrupts your busy...
Nutrition labels on food packages would now highlight calories and sugars Those “Nutrition Facts” labels that are plastered on nearly every food package found in grocery stores are getting...
Admiring my wife’s spirit Time for a hand-off from wife to husband. The new chemo clinical trial Noreen’s been on seems to be working; her markers...
injury (TBI), such as a stroke or concussion, the subsequent treatment...
Study reveals why autism is more common in males
Britain sets out plans for first "3parent" IVF babies
It has long been known that men have a greater risk for developing autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, compared...
LONDON (Reuters) – Britain proposed new regulations on Thursday that would make it the first country in the world to...
Secondhand Smoke Linked to M iscarriage Risk
Getting Teeth Pulled Before Heart Surgery M ay Pose Serious Risks
THURSDAY Feb. 27, 2014, 2014 — Breathing in someone else’s tobacco fumes might raise a woman’s odds for...
THURSDAY Feb. 27, 2014, 2014 — If you’re a heart patient, you might be wise to wait to have any infected teeth...
8 Signs Of Heart Disease That M any Doctors M iss
10 Truths That Will Help You Through Any Challenge
Most people have their blood pressure, heart rate, lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, and even vitamin D levels measured...
I recently took a trip to the Florida Keys, when I often sat on the porch along the beach, mostly alone, next to the ocean....
Babies delivered by C-section may be more likely to become obese
C-section babies are more likely to be obese as adults
By Sally Robertson, BSc Babies that are delivered by caeserean section are more likely to become overweight or obese as...
Data from more than 150,000 births from four continents studied by experts Researchers from Imperial College London say mothers-to-be...
Children born to older fathers have a higher risk of autism
Headaches. Hair loss. Even strokes and cancer: The terrible cost to your body of a broken heart
Those conceived to fathers over 45 are 3.5 times more likely to have autism They are 24 times more likely to have bipolar...
5 M inute Fat-Blaster: Crush Calories with This Quick Workout Saying you don’t have time to work out is no longer an excuse. We’ve got an amazing five-minute PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Bereavement increases the risk of depression and anxiety Also weakens your body’s defences – putting you at risk...
M other of 2 loses 9st after ditching 4,000-calorie a day junk food diet Dropped from 19st 3lb and size 24 to 10st 7lb and size 10 Snacked on family bags of crisps, sweets
workout that...
and sausage rolls Eating...
The Type of Fat That Leads to Greater Weight Loss
9 Reasons Guys Love Giving You Oral
Since you’re pretty much fluent in diet-speak, you know that consuming too much fat can lead to weight gain. But get...
FDA proposes updates to Nutrition Facts label on food packages FDA NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release: Feb. 27, 2014Media Inquiries:Theresa Eisenman, 301-796-2805, theresa.eisenman@fda.hhs.govConsumers...
It has come to my attention that there is a terrible rumor going around about men: that we’re selfish in bed. Hey,...
Outcome of acute East African trypanosomiasis in a Polish traveller treated with pentamidine African trypanosomiasis is a parasitic infection sporadically imported to Europe by tourists or immigrants returning from...
Health Tip: When Food and Drugs Interact
Vegan Cookie Dough Balls (Nom Nom Nom!)
– When food and drinks interact with medication, the medication may not work sufficiently or the drug can become too...
Cookie dough. It’s the reason I make cookies. Who doesn’t love to lick the spoon clean? In fact, I far prefer the...
Is Running *Really* Working For You?
10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Yoga
Running. It’s that thing healthy people do, right? If you’re spending a lot of time hanging out on healthy living websites,...
When you teach yoga for a living, you see and hear many things that kind of blow your mind. So I’ve been inspired to...
Hong Kong M useum of Art stages largest exhibition of works by Ju M ing
Government announces 2014-15 Land Sale Programme
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – “Ju Ming – Sculpting the Living World”, the largest exhibition of works by the...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan, announced today (February 27) the Government’s...
Uncontrolled sepsis: a systematic review of translational immunology studies in intensive care medicine
Bis maltolato oxovanadium (BM OV) and ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury in rats
The design of clinical immunology studies in
The aim of the present study was to test the
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sepsis presents several fundamental challenges to improving the translational...
potential protective effects of the organic vanadium salt bis (maltolato) oxovanadium...
Three-person baby details announced
Coping with Heightened Emotions When You Have ADHD
27 February 2014 Last updated at 06:03 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
People with ADHD tend to have a hard time
BBC News How...
regulating their emotions. For instance, they report going from zero to 100 in...
Taste Test: The Best Alternative Grain Pastas (PHOTOS)
7 Effective Ways To Stop Body Odor
Pasta is one of those comfort foods that we would eat every day if we could. With so many kinds of noodles and so many ways...
22 Priceless Travel M oments Every Twenty-Something Should Experience At Least Once Three words should describe your travels as a twenty-something: beautiful, rough, messes. Dancing until the sun comes up,...
5 Secrets to Better Gut Health Secrets for a Healthier Gut Chocked full of bacteria called probiotics, yogurt may not be magical, but it’s certainly...
SPECIAL FROM Ewwwww, Grandma, you smell bad!” Your worst nightmare, right? Who wants to be the grandparents...
5 Things We Can Learn About Aging Well From Japan Japan is winning the gray race. Today, one in five people in Japan is 65 or older and by 2035 that number is expected to...
Nutrition Labels Get a Facelift to Reflect Reality For the first time in more than two decades, the White House and the Food and Drug Administration are unveiling major changes...
Child care centers to follow first lady guidelines
Health myth: Are GM Os actually bad for you?
WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s second-largest for-profit child care provider is adopting Michelle Obama’s healthy...
GMOs, a term that’s thrown around all the time but rarely understood, have been taking a lot of flack lately. The latest...
Baby’s rare brain tumor had teeth
C-sections may boost child’s risk of obesity
A 4-month-old infant in Maryland may be the first person to have had teeth form in his brain as a result of a specific type... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Babies delivered by Caesarean section may be at increased risk of becoming obese later in life, a
new study suggests. In...
Britain sets out plans for first ‘threeparent’ IVF babies LONDON (Reuters) – Britain published draft regulations on Thursday that would make it the first country in the world...
The importance of communication <![CDATA[]]> A recent paper (see citation below) has helped to clarify the relationship between linguistic and musical...
Spanking correlates to reduced vocabulary and bad behavior
How to hypnotize a chicken
Posted on February 27, 2014 by Kate Blanchfield Spanking correlates to reduced vocabulary and bad behavior Researchers...
trick that can be used to hypnotize a chicken. In today’s post,...
Study raises concerns about use of acetaminophen during pregnancy
Scientists reveal two regulatory mechanisms that keep the body’s immune response in check
Acetaminophen, found in over-the-counter products such as Excedrin and Tylenol, provides many people with relief from headaches...
In the past, I had posted a video showing a cool
A Keck Medicine of USC-led team of microbiologists has identified previously unknown interactions between critical proteins...
New prostate cancer screening method combines existing tests to increase accuracy
Viewpoints: Health law’s forgotten taxes; ‘lame documentation’ by critics; hospital closing crisis
Northwestern Medicine- is the first health care provider in the country to offer a new non-invasive blood test for prostate...
The New York Times‘ Economix: The Affordable Care Act’s Multiple Taxes The Affordable Care Act contains at least...
Erin Andrews Will Co-Host Dancing with the Stars!
The Top 4 Times People Cheat on Their Diets
If you love watching Erin Andrews interview athletes on Fox Sports, get excited to catch the reporter on her new TV gig:...
In an ideal world, you on a diet would mean you living in a tropical paradise, with all the time you need to get plenty of...
You Can Now See EXACTLY What Kinds of Porn People Are Searching For
Residential mortgage survey results for January 2014
If you figured the Internet had already crossed the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
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final TMI threshold, think again. Just when we all assumed the Web couldn’t...
behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...
Exploring the first delay: a qualitative study of home deliveries in M akwanpur district Nepal
Poorer glycaemic control is associated with increased skin thickness at injection sites in children with type 1 diabetes
In many low-income countries women tend to deliver at home, and delays in receiving appropriate maternal care can be fatal....
A national survey of inpatient medication systems in English NHS hospitals Systems and processes for prescribing, supplying and administering inpatient medications can have substantial impact on medication...
HK bans import of poultry eggs from Vietnam Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today...
We aimed to assess the association between skin thickness and glycaemic control in children with type 1 diabetes. Forty-five...
LD launches exhibition on Employment Ordinance, M inimum Wage Ordinance, working hours issues and familyfriendly employment practices Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Members of the public are invited to visit an exhibition on the Employment Ordinance, the Minimum...
Auction of traditional vehicle registration marks to be held on M arch 16 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department today (February 27) announced that the auction of traditional vehicle...
Re-appointment of Executive Director to Securities and Futures Commission
Heroin antidote stirs debate in US as deaths rise
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Financial Secretary has re-appointed Mrs Alexa Lam as the Executive Director (Investment Products,...
(AP)—As deaths from heroin and powerful painkillers increase throughout the U.S., governments and clinics are working to...
New food labels would highlight calories and sugar
New blood analysis predicts risk of death
(AP)—Those “Nutrition Facts” labels on nearly every food package in grocery stores are getting a new look. Calories...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mika 358-401-977657University of Eastern Finland The...
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Self-rated physical fitness in midlife an indicator of dementia risk
Different eggs in adolescent girls and adult women
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Jenni 358-408-053568Academy of Finland How would you rate your own...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kui Liu 46-007-36205064University of Gothenburg IMAGE: There are different eggs in adolescent...
Briton gives birth on NYC street
Researchers study factors affecting self-reporting among people with TBI
26 February 2014 Last updated at 10:40 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Cian and Polly McCourt...
Sunburns strike twice: Skin inflammation following UV irradiation promotes cancer cell spread along blood vessels Melanoma is particularly dangerous because it can
West Orange, NJ. February 26, 2014. Kessler Foundation researchers have found that among individuals with TBI, depression...
Food companies teach US dietitians about nutrition (AP)—Snack and soda makers that often are blamed for fueling U.S. obesity rates play a surprising role in how Americans...
form metastases in vital organs such as the lungs, liver or brain. UV radiation...
Brain Trauma Extends to the Soccer Field
Pivotal Point Is Seen as M ore States Consider Legalizing M arijuana
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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
European Parliament Approves Tough Rules on Electronic Cigarettes
Health Law’s Small Co-ops Have M ixed Success So Far
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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Caesarean raises risk of obesity
Obama Administration Announces Sweeping Update To Nutrition Labels
Professor Neena Modi from the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London, the report’s senior author, said:... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Those “Nutrition Facts” labels that are plastered on nearly every food
package found in grocery...
Screen some patients with acute pancreatitis for pancreatic cancer, researchers suggest In a study published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saint Louis University researchers have found a link between...
Beta-catenin alters T cells in lasting and harmful ways Activation of beta-catenin, the primary mediator of the ubiquitous Wnt signaling pathway, alters the immune system in lasting...
Not all acute coronary syndrome patients get appropriate tx (HealthDay)—Nearly one in five eligible patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome do not receive American College...
Study ties father’s age to higher rates of psychiatric, academic problems in kids An Indiana University study in collaboration with medical researchers from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm has found that...
New York City Council Swiftly Passes Bill to Extend Paid Sick Days
U.S. and European Regulators Call Popular Diabetes Drugs Safe
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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Police Officer Is Shot in Legs in Brooklyn
Disbelief After Egypt Announces Cures for AIDS and Hepatitis C
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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
New F.D.A. Nutrition Labels Would M ake ‘Serving Sizes’ Reflect Actual Servings
Talking with Deepak Chopra about Timeless You
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Talking with Deepak Chopra Mike Ragogna: Hi Deepak, let’s talk about your six-part course Timeless You. Can you take...
UK troops’ mental health ‘resilient’
Baby-boomer drug and alcohol warning
26 February 2014 Last updated at 21:45 ET The study reviewed 34 published studies UK troops
26 February 2014 Last updated at 21:43 ET The baby-boomer generation drank more than its
who have served in Iraq and... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
predecessors There is a growing...
Researchers discover AfricanAmericans respond better to rubella vaccine (w/ Video) Somali Americans develop twice the antibody response to rubella from the current vaccine compared to Caucasians in a new...
New study looks at biomarkers in assessing pitch count’s bearing on injury In baseball lingo, pitch count is the number of pitches thrown by a pitcher during a game. The correlation between pitch...
Obamacare enrollment reaches 4 million (HealthDay)—Nearly 4 million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s federal...
Febrile illnesses in children most often due to viral infections Most children ill with fever in Tanzania suffer from a viral infection, a new study published in the New England Journal...
M aternal Acetaminophen Use Tied to Offspring Behavioral Disorders
What The Dalai Lama Thinks Of The M indful Revolution
New research suggests that children of mothers who use acetaminophen during pregnancy are much more likely to develop hyperkinetic...
In the past year, the idea of mindful living has gotten significant attention in the media and in pop culture. But is mindfulness...
Arizona Governor Vetoes Controversial Antigay Bill
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has vetoed a hot-button measure that would have permitted businesses in the state to deny service...
An old friend died several years ago. At the time, I wrote this poem. I don’t know why but I still can’t delete...
Decline of Bronze Age ‘megacities’ linked to climate change
California Slaughterhouse Allegedly Sold M eat From Cows With Cancer
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Louise 44-012233-32300University of Cambridge Climate change may...
The nearly 9 million pounds of beef recalled from a California slaughterhouse this month may have come from cows sick with...
M IT researchers make a water filter from the sapwood in tree branches
Improved prescribing and reimbursement practices in China
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Abby
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sue
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617-253-2709Massachusetts Institute of Technology Group shows xylem tissue... 301-8419962Health Affairs Bethesda, MD Pay-forperformancereimbursing...
M ajor enigma solved in atmospheric chemistry
New advances in the chronic lymphocytic leukaemia genome
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erhard Zeiss 49-261-611-841Forschungszentrum Juelich Nature: Researchers...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Juan Manuel Sarasuajuan.sarasua@crg.euCenter for Genomic Regulation This news release is available...
Kessler Foundation researchers study factors affecting self-reporting among people with TBI
A self-administered flu vaccine could be on its way
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carolann 973-3248382Kessler Foundation Depression and selfawareness...
The days of visiting a clinic to receive a flu vaccine may be over, a new study suggests. Researchers from the School of...
Kerry likens Uganda anti-gay law to antiSemitism and apartheid
Hillary Clinton defends Obamacare, but open to changes: report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday likened new anti-gay legislation in Uganda that...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Hillary Clinton, who leads the pack of potential Democratic 2016 presidential contenders, defended...
Imaging and management of a small cell lung cancer metastasis/adrenal adenoma collision tumor: a case report and review of the literature
Conscientious objection to referrals for abortion: pragmatic solution or threat to women’s rights?
ObjectiveWe report a case of an adrenal collision tumor composed of a small cell lung carcinoma and a benign adrenal adenoma...
Linking Sexual Shame and Addiction Flawed, Defective, Unworthy of Love and Happiness It’s no great secret that most alcoholics, drug addicts, and behavioral...
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Conscientious objection has spurred impassioned debate in many Western countries. Some Norwegian general practitioners (GPs)...
Over 80s often over-treated for stroke prevention People in their 80s are often prescribed drugs to ward off a stroke when the risk of a stroke is not that high and the drugs...
M ental health of most UK troops serving in Afghanistan and Iraq is ‘resilient’
‘SuperM um’ campaign results in startling improvements in people’s hand-washing behavior
Despite prolonged combat missions to Iraq and Afghanistan, there has been no overall increase in mental health problems among...
An analysis of a unique “SuperMum” (SuperAmma) handwashing campaign shows for the first time that using emotional...
Scientists wake up to causes of sleep disruption in Alzheimer’s disease
Uganda’s Anti-Gay Law Leads to Large Cuts in Foreign Aid
Being awake at night and dozing during the day can be a distressing early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease, but how the...
Uganda’s new anti-gay law is costing the East African country millions of dollars in lost foreign aid. The law imposing...
Children of Older M en at Greater Risk of M ental Illness, Study Suggests
New Autism Guidelines "Reduce Diagnosis by M ore Than 30%"
Children born to fathers over the age of 45 are at greater risk of developing psychiatric problems and more likely to struggle...
Last year, the American Psychiatric Association issued new guidelines for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. But...
Breast cancer cells less likely to spread when one gene is turned off
13000 GPs receive automatic bonuses for time served
New research suggests that a protein only recently linked to cancer has a significant effect on the risk that breast cancer...
Under the system, GPs receive “seniority payments” annually from the age of 29 until they retire. The new figures show...
Texas’ Family Planning Cuts Are A Human Rights ‘Disaster’: Report
The Dalai Lama On How Technology Influences Our Daily Lives (VIDEO)
More than two years after conservative Texas legislators cut funding of family planning clinics by two-thirds, a report has...
With more than 8 million Twitter followers, the outside observer may assume that His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama knows a...
Hitting Rock Bottom: Confessions of a Recovering Conformist
Pastor Perry Noble’s Brave Antidepressant Christian Blog Challenges The Church’s Role In M ental Health
Have you had one of those experiences where you feel so low that you just can’t go on? Whether from the loss of a job,...
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Pastor Perry Noble of NewSpring Church in S.C. used to believe that anxiety and depression could
be dealt with through prayer...
Surfing the Spiritual Sport Over the last few years, I’ve taken up summer surfing in a major way. For me, it’s an exhilarating and dangerous...
M ayo Clinic discovers AfricanAmericans respond better to rubella vaccine [ | E-mail ] Contact: Bob 507-284-5005Mayo Clinic Findings may help make immunizations more effective ROCHESTER,...
Kids’ body image shaped by parents, expert says (HealthDay)—Parents play a crucial role in helping children develop a positive body image and healthy eating habits, an...
Research maze puts images on floor, where rodents look [ | E-mail ] Contact: David 401-8631862Brown University PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University]...
New gas-phase compounds form organic particle ingredients [ | E-mail ] Contact: Tilo 49-341-271-77060Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) IMAGE: ...
M ore evidence that vision test on sidelines may help diagnose concussion A simple vision test performed on the sidelines may help determine whether athletes have suffered a concussion, according...
Huge study links older dads with kids’ psych woes
Researchers discover new mechanism of gene regulation
(AP)—Older fathers may face higher risks than previously thought for having children with psychiatric problems, including...
In the cells of humans and other organisms, only a subset of genes are active at any given time, depending largely on the...
The M ap M akers: The Brain’s Inner Language
M ental Illness Risk Higher for Children of Older Fathers, Study Finds
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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
When Seeking a Diagnosis, ‘Zebara Roulette’ Is No Game
I Feel Like Fred Astaire
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I feel like Fred Astaire to Dr. Ellen Langer’s Ginger
Today’s media messages about diagnosing cancer pose a dilemma: Get tested to detect
Rogers. You know the story of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers,...
cancer early, but beware of false...
Top 8 M ost Inspiring M oments From the Winter Olympics for Any Fitness Entrepreneur We can all learn a little something when it comes to the Olympics. Whether it’s newfound national pride, some competitive...
M astery, M asturbation and M embers of an Angry M ob Selectively seeking, finding, and/or citing those sources that affirm what we already believe and wish to be true is not...
Breast milk is no better for a baby than bottled milk, expert claims
Anorexic who ‘died’ after her heart stopped is saved
Dr Cynthia Colen says the benefits of breastfeeding are exaggerated She says comparisons of breastfed and bottle-fed siblings...
Lorna Dewhurst, 33, weighed just five stone when her heart stopped She had been battling anorexia for 10 years and her muscles...
The M ust-Try Tip for Thicker Lashes
On being treated well: reforming M edicare after 30 years
Chances are, you know how to apply mascara—but do you know how to sculpt richer, look-at-me lashes? You will after watching...
Yan Chai Hospital announces medical incident Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson for Yan Chai Hospital...
An evidence-based framework to measure quality of allied health care There is no standard way of describing the complexities of allied health (AH) care, or its quality. AH is an umbrella term...
High Tech Suicide Prevention (Video) PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Treasurer Joe Hockey and health minister Peter Dutton have been in overdrive this past week lowering expectations for the...
Hypercalcemia in a male-to-female transgender patient after body contouring injections: a case report IntroductionBody contouring injections by nonlicensed providers are frequently sought out by a subset of the male-to-female...
Physical and psychological long-term outcome after traumatic brain injury in children and adult patients Several studies have indicated that younger age is associated with worse recovery after pediatric traumatic brain injury...
Career and M otherhood? M otherhood
Two suicide prevention advocates from Grassroots Suicide Prevention talk about developments in ehealth, including search...
Then Career? What’s A Girl…
Ritalin shortage prompts call for Health Canada changes
Attitude during pregnancy affects weight gain
Pharmacists say the impact of a current Canadawide Ritalin drug shortage could have been reduced if Health Canada took...
Overweight or obese women with the mentality that they are “eating for two” are more likely to experience excessive...
Necks, butts growth areas for U.S. plastic surgeons
Researchers team up to find new target for dengue virus vaccine
(HealthDay)—Eyelid surgery and facelifts are up. So are butt augmentations and neck lifts, according to new figures from...
Creating a vaccine that protects people from all four types of dengue virus has frustrated scientists for decades. But researchers...
The natural history of IgE mediated wheat allergy in children with dominant gastrointestinal symptoms
Social stimulation and corticolimbic reactivity in premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a preliminary study
Wheat is one of the most common food allergens in children. The purpose of this study is to define the natural course of...
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), characterized by luteal phase-induced negative affect and loss of impulse control,...
Understanding Distortions Of Thinking
Poem: Your Face
When someone treats you with disdain and uses every verbal attack they can think to use on you, do you walk away thinking...
Outside your face Is a face From deep down Inside. You can put on a happy face Or cry your ears out But still have your face. Your...
EU vote to usher in tough new standards on tobacco
Introducing Psychology & Technology
Tough new anti-tobacco measures will go further than ever before in safeguarding health and helping to end the tobacco industry’s...
Health sector should learn from banks when it comes to service PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Tabitha: Overwhelmed By Both Roles I do make a mean apple pie! I met an amazing woman (let’s call her Tabitha) at a school...
How do therapists talk about technology with their clients? How do we think about our gadgets as tools that both help and...
Quebec Ritalin shortage prompts call for Health Canada changes
A new report says the health sector should take a
Quebec pharmacists say the impact of a current
page from the banking industry when it comes to serving patients. It says...
Ritalin drug shortage could have been lessened if Health Canada took a tougher...
AUDIO: Teen pregnancies fall to 40-year low
Private heart ops for NHS patients
Teenage pregnancies in the UK have fallen to their lowest level since 1969, Office for National
26 February 2014 Last updated at 09:32 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Brian Worsley from...
Statistics figures show. The...
The Delta Airlines Breastfeeding Policy, and Why I’m Not Afraid I wasn’t going to get involved in the debate about nursing on airplanes. I don’t even fly Delta. My baby
When Dying M eets Denial When Kei Okada, a spiritual care counselor, met recently with Alma Spitz, an 83-year-old New Yorker with end-stage liver...
is 9...
Sadly, Tech Addicts Have Taken a Page From Drug Abusers
Increase in ADHD Runs Parallel With Decrease in Physical Activity
Help! My Kid Is Addicted to His Laptop! Sometimes I think my son is addicted to online games. I can’t
Recent coverage drawing attention to the likely over-treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
seem to pry him...
Disorder (ADHD) in the...
Researchers find virtual computerbased world an effective learning environment
3D microgels ‘on-demand’ offer new potential for cell research
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gina 617-6388480Boston University Medical Center (Boston)– Boston...
Can a simple handshake predict cancer survival rates? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Clea 514848-242-45068Concordia University New research shows...
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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin 416-9468019University of Toronto Stars, diamonds, circles. Rather...
Ambitious new pollution targets needed to protect Lake Erie from massive ‘dead zone’ [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim 734-6471842University of Michigan ANN ARBORReducing the size of the...
UNC researchers team up to find new target for dengue virus vaccine
Research shows ovulation motivates women to outdo other women
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark
[ | E-mail ] Contact: KC 919-9230959University of North Carolina Health Care By re- 210-4587555University of Texas at San Antonio Ovulatory
cycle changes...
Our human ancestors only evolved black skin after losing all their hair, study claims
What M en Really Think About Sex on the First Date
Dark skin appeared a million years ago to stop
likely to say oral sex and intercourse are appropriate on a first date,...
ancestors dying of cancer Previously, they would have had pale skin under...
In today’s not-totally-shocking news, men are more
Involved-field irradiation in definitive chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
NF-kappaB-dependent M icroRNA-425 upregulation promotes gastric cancer cell growth by targeting PTEN upon IL1beta induction
Since there is high local failure and poor survival
Overexpression of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-
for unresectable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), the necessity...
1beta is associated with diverse diseases, including cancer. Alteration...
Strategies and opportunities to STOP colon cancer in priority populations: pragmatic pilot study design and outcomes
Kinematic evaluation of movement smoothness in golf: relationship between the normalized jerk cost of body joints and the clubhead
Colorectal-cancer is a leading cause of cancer
When the human body is introduced to a new
death in the United States, and Latinos have particularly low rates of screening....
motion or movement, it learns the placement of different body parts, sequential...
Transcript of remarks by FS at Budget press conference (with photo and video)
Trauma, Bush, and Broadening the Definition of PTSD (Without…
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
Tom Benning wrote about Former President George W. Bush:“Bush, speaking...
remarks by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at the press...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Last week in the Dallas Morning News, staff writer
Personalizing health system will improve care, says report
Caesar salad recalled over possible Listeria contamination
A new report says the health sector should take a
A third brand of salad on the recall list due to
page from the banking industry when it comes to
possible Listeria contamination. (Canadian Food
serving patients. It says...
Inspection Agency) The...
LDL cholesterol indicates an amino acid deficiency, researcher says
I’m So Sorry Our Disease Is Such an Inconvenience for You
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the “bad cholesterol”
It never ends. It seriously never ends. The constant
that doctors consider a sign of potential heart disease,...
ignorance out there and the constant need to defend ourselves about...
M id Staffordshire hospital trust to be dissolved
How This Ancient Roman Emperor Cracked The Code For Happiness
Administrators said it was set for financial ruin as
One of the greatest texts about happiness and
without changes it would face annual debts of £40 million by 2017. Under...
living well wasn’t written by a self-help expert, spiritual leader or...
A Cancer Patient’s Guide to Wedding Planning
Plan To Sequence King Richard III’s DNA Sparks M ajor Controversy (VIDEO)
My boyfriend proposed to me on a romantic walk
A new facial reconstruction of King Richard III,
along the California coastline. As he asked me to be his bride, the sun was...
based on the bones unearthed beneath a parking lot in Leicester, England,...
Virtual Reality Could Help Amputees With Phantom-Limb Pain
Caffeine-based gold compounds are potential tools in the fight against cancer
By: Tanya Lewis Published: 02/25/2014 04:01 PM EST on LiveScience Amputees who suffer from phantom-limb pain could get some...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-8726042American Chemical Society The side effects of ingesting...
M SU advances algae’s viability as a biofuel
SM A unveils how small cosmic seeds grow into big stars
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Layne
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christine 517-3538819Michigan State University IMAGE: The 617-4957463Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
IMAGE: ...
M edicinal marijuana grow co-op planned by P.E.I. group
Sick notes not necessary for short-term illness: M Ds
A co-op business could keep marijuana production local, says Keith Kennedy. (CBC) A group of Prince
The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association says patients often ask for a sick note
Edward Islanders who...
after they’ve recovered,...
Women need more obesity treatment
Fructose not responsible for increase in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
26 February 2014 Last updated at 07:56 ET More than twice the number of women than men needed hospital treatment because...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common chronic liver disease in developed countries, affecting up to 30 per...
Sweden slams EU for delay on hormone disrupting chemicals
Russia sees ‘nothing wrong’ in athletes inhaling xenon
Sweden threatened Wednesday to sue the
The use of the gas xenon to improve the
European Commission over a delay in identifying harmful chemicals in everyday products. The...
performance of athletes is not banned and there would be “nothing wrong”...
A Wise Woman’s 17 Tips For Staying Fit Forever
7 Foods Science Proves Will Help You Live Longer
This article originally posted on Better After 50. I
If you’re looking for the fountain of youth, stop
had a big surprise the other week on the tennis court that has turned...
looking in your medicine cabinet and take a closer look into your...
Daily M editation: Being One With The Earth
New risk gene illuminates Alzheimer’s disease
We all need help maintaining our personal spiritual
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marianne
practice. We hope that these daily meditations, prayers and mindful awareness... 778-7829017Simon Fraser University A team of international...
Julianne Hough’s Secret Workout Weapon
7 Things Your Yoga Teacher Wants to Tell You
We’re big fans of Julianne Hough—this triple threat
I’ve taught yoga for over 10 years to students
star is mega talented and rocks a down-to-earth,
around the world and I’ve come up with a few
real-girl vibe.... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
things that every yoga teacher...
Effects of short-term ingestion of Russian Tarragon prior to creatine monohydrate supplementation on whole body and muscle creatine retention and anaerobic sprint capacity: a preliminary investigation
Tender for re-opening of 3-year Government Bonds under Institutional Bond Issuance Programme to be held on M arch 7
Extracts of Russian Tarragon (RT) have been reported to produce anti-hyperglycemic effects and
Hong Kong Monetary Authority...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The
influence plasma creatine...
LCQ4: M ainland visitors convicted of criminal offences in Hong Kong
Patient engagement in research: a systematic review
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Lai Tung-kwok, to a
A compelling ethical rationale supports patient engagement in healthcare research. It is also
question by...
assumed that patient engagement...
Hospital Authority welcomes budget allocation in 2014-15
Concerned about kids’ screen time? The antidote is nature
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
While experts worry about the ills of the internet age
behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hospital Authority (HA) Chairman,...
and the health problems linked to kids’ hours of screen time,...
Will eldercare be as common as childcare?
VIDEO: Bid to improve teen cancer treatment
26 February 2014 Last updated at 04:49 ET By
Teenagers and young people diagnosed with
Andrew Bomford BBC Radio 4′s PM programme A number of...
cancer often struggle to recover to the same degree that children or older adults...
VIDEO: Uganda says healthcare is for all
Uganda health services ‘are for all’
Uganda’s health minister says homosexuals will
25 February 2014 Last updated at 21:47 ET Please
not be discriminated against when accessing healthcare despite the introduction...
turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Dr Ruhakana Rugunda...
Call to scrap or boost health boards
Obesity rate falls among US toddlers
25 February 2014 Last updated at 16:09 ET Plaid’s proposals have received a mixed response from
25 February 2014 Last updated at 17:56 ET The drop in childhood obesity was in part put down to
professionals Plans... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
higher incidence of breastfeeding...
Obesity rate drops 43 percent in young US children
Surgeons wait for answers on deaths
While many Americans struggle with extra weight,
concerns over heart patients follows last week’s row over whether an...
the obesity rate among US preschoolers has dropped by nearly half in recent...
Anti-vaccine conspiracy theories may have ‘detrimental consequences’ for children’s health [ | E-mail ] Contact: Martin 01-227-823581University of Kent A belief in anti-vaccine conspiracy...
26 February 2014 Last updated at 02:43 ET The
Using stolen computer processing cycles to mine Bitcoin [ | E-mail ] Contact: Ioana 858-8220899University of California – San Diego Who does...
Prevalence of high school seniors’ marijuana use is expected to increase with legalization
Talking in 3-D: Discussing and administrating complex construction models via a web browser
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christopher
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gordon 212-9986876New York University Researchers found that... 49-068130-270-741Saarland University IMAGE: New software...
FEHD to extend service hours of online cremation booking starting next week
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Bill to be introduced to LegCo
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) will
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government will introduce the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Bill
extend the service hours of its online...
into the Legislative...
LCQ19: Sewage treatment and utilisation of reclaimed water
Statement by CE on attack on M ediaNet Resources Limited COO M r Kevin Lau
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Chan Hak-kan, and a written reply by the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, today (February 26) issued the following
Secretary for the Environment,...
statement on the attack...
LCQ1: Development of Anderson Road Quarry site
Stafford Hospital trust decision due
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
26 February 2014 Last updated at 00:18 ET A public inquiry was triggered at Stafford Hospital
the Hon Chan Yuen-han and a written reply by the Secretary for Development,...
after a higher than expected...
Brain cell activity regulates Alzheimer’s protein
Recipes for Health: Gluten Free Penne With Peas, Ricotta and Tarragon
Increased brain cell activity boosts brain fluid levels
Log in to manage your products and services from
of a protein linked to Alzheimer’s disease, according to new...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Patients more likely to die if treated by nurses without degrees
The Guide to Being Happy
“All the hoo-ha about nurses being overeducated in
down by the countless homework assignments, the hours you spend...
our view is a gross exaggeration,” Prof Anne Marie Rafferty,...
As college students, it’s really easy to feel weighed
10 Protein-Packed Lunches to Help You Burn M ore Calories
The Secret to Better Orgasms: The CSpot?
By Leta Shy for POPSUGAR Fitness What’s the key to fast weight loss? Strong muscles and a healthy
Well, this could have a major impact on your bedroom forecast: The distance between your
diet that feeds them....
clitoris and vagina may affect your...
Is De-Stressing the Key to Weight Loss?
Food labels are about informing choice, not some nanny state
If you’re no stranger to dieting, then you’ve probably tried a lot of popular tactics: low-carb eating
Coalition MP Ewen Jones has spoken out against reinstating the health star rating website
controversially closed down by...
Vaccination coverage and its determinants among migrant children in Guangdong, China
Performance of ParacheckTM -Pf, SD Bioline malaria Ag-Pf and SD Bioline malaria Ag-Pf/pan for diagnosis of falciparum malaria in the Central African Republic
Guangdong province attracted more than 31 million migrants in 2010. But few studies were performed to estimate the complete...
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are the current complement to microscopy for ensuring prompt malaria treatment. We determined...
High-throughput screening and whole genome sequencing identifies an PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Asymptomatic intra-peritoneal rupture of hydatid cyst of the liver: case report
antimicrobially active inhibitor of Vibrio cholerae Pathogenic serotypes of Vibrio cholerae cause the life-threatening diarrheal disease cholera. The
Intra-peritoneal rupture of hydatid cyst is a rare complication and there is no consensus about its treatment.Case presentationThe...
increasing development...
M ajor components of metabolic syndrome and adiponectin levels: a cross-sectional study
Tumour protein predicts response to chemo in oesophageal cancer patients
Adiponectin is a major regulator of glucose and
oesophageal cancer are less likely to respond to chemotherapy when their tumours are...
lipid homeostasis by its insulin sensitizer
Patients with the most common type of
properties. Since decreased insulin...
Phantom limb pain relieved when amputated arm is put back to work (w/ Video)
Obesity prevalence remains high in US; no significant change in recent years
Max Ortiz Catalan, researcher at Chalmers
with about one-third of adults and 17 percent of children and teens obese...
University of Technology, has developed a new method for the treatment of phantom...
The prevalence of obesity remains high in the U.S.,
F.D.A. Weighs Fertility M ethod That Raises Ethical Questions
Kids Shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Get Primary Care From Clinics, Pediatricians Say
Log in to manage your products and services from
A display advertising flu shots stands in a CVS
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
pharmacy in New York, U.S., on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010. CVS Caremark Corp.,...
Depression Should Be Considered Risk Factor For Heart Disease, Panel Says
People Who Believe In Hell Tend To Be Less Happy, New Survey Shows
High blood pressure, smoking, obesity and
Fire, brimstone, eternal suffering â&#x20AC;&#x201D; hell is not a
diabetes are established risk factors for heart disease. And according to a panel...
pleasant concept. But research has pointed to the societal benefits...
Dying of a Heroin Overdose Does Not M ake You a Scumbag
How Cortisol Can Damage Your Body
In the wake of the tragic death of Philip Seymour Hoffman, I am shocked by the vast range of opinions and emotions that have... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
SPECIAL FROM Over the last few years, cortisol has been blamed for a surplus of health problems, including...
Sensor-based irrigation systems show potential to increase greenhouse profitability
Technique to create holes in graphene could improve water filters, desalination
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael W. 703-836-4606American
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Abby 617-253-2709Massachusetts Institute of
Society for Horticultural Science Study finds...
Technology New technique developed...
Detrusor muscle function declines with age
Brentiximab Vedotin removes cancer patient’s 70 lethal tumours in 12 weeks
By Joanna Lyford, Senior medwireNews Reporter Detrusor muscle function and efficiency decline
Ian Brooks, 47, was battling a rare form of NonHodgkin’s Lymphoma Had been given just weeks
with increasing age, a urodynamic...
to live after all other treatment...
Why Getting Good M ental Health Treatment is Complicated…
‘Wake-up call’ on domestic violence
As long-time readers of World of Psychology know, there’s no easy fix to the convoluted, second-class
Katherine Sellgren BBC News family reporter The
25 February 2014 Last updated at 19:56 ET By NICE says...
mental health care...
Study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery Patients are more likely to die after common
Virtual arm eases phantom limb pain 25 February 2014 Last updated at 20:07 ET By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Please turn...
surgical procedures when they are cared for in hospitals with heavier nurse...
M ore intensive radiotherapy is better than less for localized prostate cancer
Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin
A radiotherapy regime involving higher doses of
Early humans may have evolved black skin to
radiation is a better option than having lower doses for men with localised...
protect against a very high risk of dying from ultraviolet light (UV)-induced...
Stigma ‘key deterrent’ in accessing mental health care
Rick Warren To Host The Gathering on M ental Health and the Church A Year After Son’s Suicide
Mental health stigma is a key factor preventing people from accessing the care they need, according to new research from... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
This Monday, Feb. 24, 2014 photo Saddleback Church founder and senior pastor, Rick Warren
poses for a photo at the Saddleback...
M issed foot fractures in polytrauma patients: a retrospective cohort study
Risk of HIV infection is high during pregnancy and the postpartum period
Missed foot fractures are a known problem in the
Women living in world regions where HIV infection
care of the traumatized patient. They do not usually have an influence on...
is common are at high risk of acquiring HIV infection during pregnancy...
Novel blood screen reveals risk of dying among healthy people
Increasing brain acidity may reduce anxiety
A new screening technology reveals a signature of
Increasing acidity in the brain’s emotional control
mortality in blood samples. Researchers have identified four biomarkers...
center reduces anxiety, according to an animal study published...
Brainstem discovered as important relay site after stroke
People Committed Suicide At Golden Gate Bridge Nearly Once A Week Last Year
Around 16,000 people in Switzerland suffer a stroke every year. Often the result of a sudden occlusion of a vessel supplying...
A year after San Francisco celebrated the Golden Gate Bridge’s 75th anniversary, the landmark is facing a much more troubling...
Surprise: American Sugar Consumption Is On The Decline
What M akes M en (And Women) Happy? A 75-Year Study’s Revelation
It seems there’s always a new reminder of Americans’ poor eating habits. Michelle
What makes men happy? In 1938 Harvard University began a research study that followed
Obama today introduced a proposal aimed...
268 male undergraduate students and...
Want to Be a Better Leader? Let’s Follow the Science
6 Free Screenings You Should Get Now
We all know a leader (or two) who works excruciatingly long hours and boasts about his or
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many preventive tests are now available for free. But with such a comprehensive...
her lack of sleep. This person...
Breast-feeding benefits appear to be overstated, according to study of siblings [ | E-mail ] Contact: Cynthia
Smartphone-based voting technology may lead to fewer user errors [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lois 310394-1811Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Many U.S. counties have incorporated...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
ColenColen.3@osu.eduOhio State University Advantages of women who choose breast-feeding likely...
New approach to chip design could yield light speed computing
Brain cell activity regulates Alzheimers protein
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kara 617-373-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael C. 314-286-
2802Northeastern University IMAGE: Swastik Kar (right),...
0122Washington University School of Medicine Increased brain...
‘How well did you sequence that genome?’ NIST, consortium partners have answer
Prenatal acetaminophen exposure linked to ADHD risk
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael E.
Children born to women who take acetaminophen during pregnancy may be... 301-9753025National Institute of Standards and
By Anne Harding NEW YORK (Reuters Health) –
A signal that preschooler obesity is falling?
Veterans healthcare bill advances in U.S. Senate
ATLANTA (AP) — A new study may be another
By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – An
signal of a national decline in childhood obesity. The finding comes from a government...
expansion of healthcare and education programs for veterans of the wars...
Seizure a possibility in RFK daughter’s car crash -NY expert
Wall St. slips on day after S&P hits record high
By Victoria Cavaliere WHITE PLAINS, New York
By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) –
(Reuters) – Kerry Kennedy, daughter of assassinated U.S. Senator Robert...
U.S. stocks edged lower on Tuesday, easing back from record territory...
M ining images in biomedical publications: Detection and analysis of gel diagrams
Organ transplants in Canada see ‘moderate’ increase
Authors of biomedical publications use gel images
Canada thanks to an increase in the number of deceased donors, a new study says, but...
to report experimental results such as proteinprotein interactions or... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Organ transplants are on the rise in
M M R vaccine linked to lower rate of infection-related hospital admissions
NHS data project at risk, say M Ps
In a nationwide group of Danish children, receipt of
Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News was...
the live measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine on schedule after...
25 February 2014 Last updated at 14:06 ET By Nick
Continuous handling of receipts linked to higher urine BPA levels
US weighs unknowns of 3-person embryo technique
Study participants who handled receipts printed on
(AP)—Genetic experts are warning the U.S.
thermal paper continuously for 2 hours without gloves had an increase...
government that it could take decades to confirm the safety of an experimental...
M edical homes make small improvement in quality, do not cut costs, study finds
Obesity Rate for Young Children Plummets 43% in a Decade
A three-year pilot of a “medical home” model of
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
primary care yielded few improvements in the quality of care...
Atos awarded contract for NHS records During a three-hour select committee hearing yesterday there were bad-tempered exchanges between MPs, officials and ministers...
Log in to manage your products and services from
The Number Of People Who Can Actually Get By On Very Little Sleep Is Smaller Than You Think Two-thirds of Americans say they don’t get enough sleep — and a certain, very small group of people say they...
Vitamin D deficiency may compromise immune function
PFC exposure may spark metabolic changes in overweight children
Older individuals who are vitamin D deficient also tend to have compromised immune function,
Overweight children who were exposed to higher levels of perfluorinated chemicals tended to show
according to new research accepted...
early signs of developing...
Unusual Paralysis Appears in a Dozen Children in California
AAN: activity tied to on-the-job fatal CVD events
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
(HealthDay)—”On-the-job” cardiovascular events occur relatively frequently, especially after vigorous
York Times. ...
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Fear of ‘Designer Babies’ as F.D.A. Weighs Fertility Procedure
Ugandan Tabloid Prints List of "Homosexuals"
Log in to manage your products and services from
(CNN) — A day after Uganda passed harsh anti-
The New York Times and the International New
gay laws, a tabloid newspaper came out with a list
York Times. ...
of what it called the...
Room Lighting Affects Decision M aking, Study Suggests
How Do I Tell M y Son Everything About His Autism?
Crime dramas frequently depict detectives
So, we’ve got this guy in middle school now. And
interrogating suspected criminals under bright lights to get the truth out of them....
he is all sorts of cool. Savvy. Phrases like let’s play have...
Could You Die From Shaving Your Bikini Area? (VIDEO)
Got M ojo? 6 Tips to Boost Your SelfConfidence
Just about everybody has had an ingrown hair at
Got Mojo? 6 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence
some point. But did you know that that little irritation could possibly kill...
These six tips are “sustainable” forms of powering your self-confidence....
Ecotoxicity: All clear for silver nanoparticles?
Georgia Tech project ensures ‘what you see is what you send’
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Kristin
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sylvia
Schirmerkristin.schirmer@eawag.chEcole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne It is well 404-3852347Georgia Institute of Technology Prototype
Unhealthy attachments
Penn researchers show nuclear stiffness keeps stem cells and cancer cells in place
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sonia 805-8934765University of California – Santa Barbara
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Evan
IMAGE: ... 215-573-6604University of Pennsylvania IMAGE: To migrate to other...
Woman gives birth on New York City crosswalk
‘Scream rooms’ in schools are psychological sadism
A woman in labor stepped out of her home on the
In many states throughout the U.S., teachers and
Upper East Side of Manhattan to get to the hospital but ended up giving birth...
school administers will lock students in small spaces called “scream rooms”...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Harold Ramis’ condition: What is vasculitis?
Is cooked meat linked to increased dementia risk?
On Monday, Hollywood lost an iconic filmmaker to a
Tuesday February 25 2014 Roasting and frying
debilitating disease. Harold Ramis, the man behind numerous blockbuster...
meat increases AGEs levels Cooking...
Lilly weekly diabetes drug as effective as market leader Victoza-study
Skepticism grows as Vivus mum on plans to boost diet drug sales
(Reuters) – An experimental once-weekly medicine
(Reuters) – Vivus Inc’s silence on its strategy to
for type 2 diabetes developed by Eli Lilly and Co proved as effective...
boost sales of obesity drug Qsymia has increased doubts about...
Rules To Limit M arketing Unhealthy Food In Schools
Terminal C: Lessons Learned for Happiness
WASHINGTON (AP) — Even the scoreboards in high school gyms eventually will have to promote
I’ve learned a lot since starting the Time to Play, my “reminder to enjoy life” project. Here’s...
good health. Moving beyond the...
Oregon doctor presenting “genetically modified children” to FDA
Removing organs in central location may improve transplants
February 25, 2014, 10:07 AM|Oregon Health Science University’s Dr. Shoukhrat Mitalipov is
Researchers are reconsidering the process of how organs get donated for transplants. A new study in
going before the FDA to...
the Midwest found that...
Psychological side-effects of antidepressants worse than thought
New record set for data-transfer speeds
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jamie 44-151-794-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lyndsay 202-416-1435The Optical Society IBM researchers
2248University of Liverpool LIVERPOOL, UK 26 February...
set milestone, which suggests...
NHS Scotland reduces post-code lottery for hip replacement surgery
Researchers generate new neurons in brains, spinal cords of living adult mammals
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rosalind 44-015-807-64713SAGE Publications Tuesday 25 February A reduction in...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah 214-648-3404UT Southwestern Medical Center
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
IMAGE: ...
Does solitary confinement fuel more crime?
Small start-up businesses in rural areas must hustle for loans from far-off banks
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Terry
517-355-3294Michigan State University IMAGE: A study led by Michigan... 254-7103321Baylor University Many rural businesses instead...
Fast method to detect sepsis derived from missile launch technology Using analytical technology developed to detect launched missiles, Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT]
Strawberries lower cholesterol A team of volunteers ate half a kilo of strawberries a day for a month to see whether it altered their blood parameters in...
has discovered a way to identify...
Eureka: The Secret to a Bulletproof Antidoping Test? Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
These People Could’ve Let Cancer Get The Best Of Them. Instead, They Showed Cancer Their Best Cancer can be one of the most devastating diagnoses, and it takes a special kind of courage
Brené Brown On Self-Criticism, Judgment And The Power Of Compassion “My stomach looks so bulky.” “My job is stupid.” “I’ll probably never find someone.” We...
New Organ Retrieval M ethod Could Become New Standard For decades, surgeons have traveled to far-off hospitals to remove organs from brain-dead donors and then rushed back to...
to channel grief into something...
M ERS Virus Infecting Camels In Saudi Arabia Since 1992, Study Finds
5 Conversations All Women Should Stop Having
LONDON (AP) — Scientists say the mysterious MERS virus has been infecting camels in Saudi
By Amy Shearn It’s easy to share gripes about gray hairs and dimply thighs, but come on, we have
Arabia for at least two decades,...
more interesting things...
New study on Vitamin E, cancer, heart disease
The importance of (experimental) design
February 25, 2014, 9:14 AM|Daily health headlines:
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Richard
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends against Vitamin E to prevent... 43-148909-15831University of Veterinary Medicine —...
AM IC provides report on FDA premarket notification related to brachytherapy cancer product
Peer-to-peer abuse jeopardizes patient outcomes, reveals research
Advanced Medical Isotope Corporation (“AMIC”)
level of authority is jeopardising patient outcomes, research has revealed. A...
(OTCBB: ADMD), a company engaged in the development, production...
Healthy Directions launches Krill Omega Defense Healthy Directions, LLC, today announced the
Horizontal violence between nurses at the same
Being overweight will soon become ‘the norm’ thanks to junk food and sedentary lifestyles
launch of Krill Omega Defense™, a unique krill supplement formulated by Julian...
A third of teens are overweight, according to the
Researchers produce extremely accurate and detailed images of "toxic injections"
How having more sex ‘boosts your intelligence’
Bacteria have developed many different ways of
of neurons Increased sexual activity floods the brain with oxygen, scientists...
smuggling their toxic cargo into cells. Tripartite Tc toxin complexes, which...
How much hidden sugar is in YOUR diet? Leading professor has compiled a list of everyday ‘hidden sugar’ offenders These include flavoured water, yogurts,...
World Health Organisation Unhealthy food coupled with high levels of physical...
Research on mice finds sex increases production
Anorexic woman weighing just 5st stuns doctors by giving birth to healthy baby Jess Astill, 22, weighed just 5st 1lb when she learned she was pregnant She was 19 and had been anorexic for more than ten...
Case report: atypical fungal obstruction of the left ventricular assist device outflow cannula We describe a very rare case of outflow cannula obstruction with fungal infectious thrombus formation. Discussion includes... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Systematic review of effects on biodiversity from oil palm production During the past decade there has been a growing interest in bioenergy, driven by concerns about global climate change, growing...
Dynamics associated with spontaneous differentiation of ovarian stem cells in vitro
Association of plasma sRAGE, but not esRAGE with lung function impairment in COPD
Recent studies suggest that ovarian germ line stem cells replenish oocyte-pool in adult stage,
Rationale: Plasma soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Product (sRAGE) is considered as a
and challenge the central...
biomarker in COPD. The contribution...
HK Customs seizes cannabis buds and crack cocaine in Tin Shui Wai
CS visits Sham Shui Po District
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs yesterday (February 24) arrested two persons in
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited Sham Shui Po District this afternoon...
Tin Shui Wai and seized around...
HK bans import of poultry eggs from seven Vietnam provinces and cities
Obese ‘denied’ life saving treatment
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety
criteria for surgery is planned to be introduced following a review in...
(CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today...
25 February 2014 Last updated at 04:13 ET A new
M edic warns of hospital pressure
Selfies Spread Lice, Expert Claims
25 February 2014 Last updated at 05:23 ET Dr
Think twice before you get up close and personal
Dewhurst said there needs to be national standards for hospitals Doctors and...
for a selfie — because that head-rubbing contact could allow lice...
Rules would limit marketing of unhealthy foods in schools
OU researcher and team discover disease-causing bacteria in dental plaque preserved for 1,000 years
WASHINGTON – Even the scoreboards in high school gyms eventually will have to promote good health. Moving beyond...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jana
Greatbatch announces results for fourth quarter and full-year ended 2014
Regulators propose 1.9% cut to M edicare advantage payments
Greatbatch, Inc. (NYSE:GB), today announced results for its fourth quarter and full-year ended
Federal regulators late Friday proposed cutting payments to private Medicare plans by 1.9 percent
January 3, 2014 highlighted...
after recent lower health...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
405-325-1322University of Oklahoma Bacteria found similar to bacteria...
FDA approves Iroko Pharmaceuticals’ TIVORBEX capsules
Toshiba introduces strategy to establish healthcare business
Iroko Pharmaceuticals, LLC, a global specialty pharmaceutical company dedicated to advancing
Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO:6502) has introduced the strategy that it will promote to establish its
the science of analgesia, today...
healthcare business as...
Taking paracetamol during pregnancy ‘may raise risk of child developing ADHD’
You really CAN die of a broken heart: Losing a loved one doubles the risk of heart failure or stroke
Paracetamol could increase the risk of hyperactivity disorders by a third The risk is higher for women
The risk of a heart attack is highest in the first month after a bereavement The risk declines
who take the painkiller...
slowly during the first year...
New breast reconstruction that’s more natural looking than ever
Switching to a vegetarian diet could cut blood pressure
By Carol Davis PUBLISHED: 18:53 EST, 24 February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:51 EST, 24 February
Swapping to a vegetarian diet could have the same impact on blood pressure as losing three-quarters
2014 Cal Tason has...
of a stone in weight Diet...
LRC report proposes removing sentencing restrictions in Criminal Procedure Ordinance
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Finance M inisters’ M eeting
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Government (CPG) wrote to inform the Hong Kong Special Administrative...
behalf of the Law Reform Commission: The Law Reform Commission (LRC)...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Central People’s
GOP readies new votes on health law mandate repeal, M edicare advantage cuts
‘I starved myself to shrink my 34E breasts’: Anorexic woman plummeted to 4st 7lbs
In the meantime, one Democratic senator is pulling
Leanne McKillop, 30, developed anorexia nervosa
back from comments he made on repealing the health law. NBC News: GOP...
as a teenager She was anxious about the size of her breasts as she was teased...
‘I’m trying to give up smoking again as I eventually want a family’: Sophie Anderton under the microscope
Secrets of an A-list body: How to get Cindy Crawford’s toned calves
By Helen Gilbert PUBLISHED: 17:57 EST, 24
February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:03 EST, 24 February
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 17:52 EST, 24
February 2014 | UPDATED: 17:57 EST, 24 February
2014 We...
2014 Model Sophie ...
What You Need to Know About the Fitbit Force Recall
Jessica Biel’s Delicious-Looking Desserts
Fitbit announced today that they are issuing a voluntary recall of their $130 Fitbit Force—they’re
Jessica Biel is in the process of opening a restaurant called Au Fudge in Santa Monica,
offering refunds to...
California, and if looks are any...
Want Better Sex? There’s an App for That
Deadly M ERS Virus Circulates Among Arabian Camels
We already use technology to track how much we
i i hide captionJockeys take their camels home
eat, run, and sleep—but would you use an app to log your orgasms, too? Apparently,...
after racing in Egypt’s El Arish desert. The annual race draws...
A pilot study of FDG PET/CT detects a link between brown adipose tissue and breast cancer
Complex realities: community engagement for a paediatric randomized controlled malaria vaccine trial in Kilifi, Kenya
Breast cancer is the second most lethal cancer in women. Understanding biological mechanisms that cause progression of this...
Community engagement (CE) is increasingly
Infliximab drug shows promising results in treating children with Kawasaki Disease
UNM Cancer Center now adds stereotactic radiosurgery procedure to its list of treatment options
Kawasaki Disease (KD) is a severe childhood
The UNM Cancer Center can now add stereotactic
disease that many parents, even some doctors, mistake for an inconsequential...
radiosurgery to its growing list of treatment options. This non-invasive outpatient...
Pediatric docs argue against retail health care clinics
Novel two-pronged strategy targeting DNA synthesis treats leukemia in mice
In the meantime, a big push for greater price
A novel two-pronged strategy targeting DNA
transparency in what health care costs is readied, and the prominence of palliative...
synthesis can treat leukemia in mice, according to a study in The Journal of Experimental...
So that’s why sex is an anti-climax for many women: No, it’s not always your
ASK THE DOCTOR: How can I revive my sense of smell?
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
promoted for biomedical research conducted in resource poor settings for both intrinsic...
man’s fault. From the Pill to bad circulation, a health problem may be to blame
By Dr Martin Scurr PUBLISHED: 20:09 EST, 24 February 2014 | UPDATED: 20:09 EST, 24 February 2014 Carole...
By Chloe Lambert PUBLISHED: 20:07 EST, 24 February 2014 | UPDATED: 20:07 EST, 24 February 2014 Only a third...
M editerranean diet cuts risk of feeling blue, study finds By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 20:16 EST, 24 February 2014 | UPDATED: 20:16 EST, 24 February 2014 Mediterranean...
Prostate cancer breakthrough that the NHS won’t offer: It can spare men like Joe the side-effects of treatment. So why is it only available abroad? Joe Tuftnell, 70, from Andover, Hants, was told to do nothing about cancer Hee paid £16,000 for proton beam therapy in Prague...
Should pharmacists get $50 to give you a health check? The Pharmacy Guild has proposed a scheme that would see the Commonwealth government pay pharmacists A$50 to provide one-off...
Liver X receptor activation induces apoptosis of melanoma cell through caspase pathway Liver X receptors (LXRs) are nuclear receptors that function as ligand-activated transcription factors regulating lipid metabolism...
Local HIV/AIDS situation in 2013 reviewed
I Need Help – But Should I Expect Psych…
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A total of 559 new cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection
Mental Health Humor Cartoon – Gorski On Charting for Medivance Billing
were reported to the Centre...
—————————————————————— Here...
Precursor of multiple myeloma more common in blacks than whites, study finds (w/ Video)
Specialized cognitive therapy improves blood sugar control in depressed diabetes patients
Blacks may be twice as likely as whites to develop multiple myeloma because they are more likely to
Although maintaining good blood sugar control is crucial for avoiding complications of diabetes, it
have a precursor condition...
has been estimated that...
Study: M ERS virus infecting camels
Recipes for Health: Gluten-Free
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
since 1992 (AP)â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Scientists say the mysterious MERS virus has been infecting camels in Saudi Arabia for at least two decades, and early...
Spaghetti With Baby Broccoli, M ushrooms and Walnuts Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Tip to dieters: Beware of friends and late night cravings
EARTH M agazine: Tsunamis from the sky
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joan
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Maureen 49-622- 703-379-
148-78130Springer Dieters more likely to give in to...
2480American Geosciences Institute Alexandria, VA On a beautiful,...
Cardiovascular Institute researcher: Cancer drug may lower sudden cardiac death risk
A fast and effective mechanism to combat an aggressive cancer
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ellen 401-444-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: George 212-742-9070American Friends of Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University...
6421Lifespan Sudden cardiac death affects 50 percent...
M eteorite Impact On M oon Sets Record As Brightest Ever Seen A meteorite that smashed into the moon last September caused a bright flash that persisted for 8 seconds, setting a new record...
M icrodistribution of the resistance of malaria vectors to deltamethrin in the region of Plateau (southeastern Benin) in preparation for an assessment of the impact of resistance on the effectiveness of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) This study aims to research two areas, one with a resistant and the other with a susceptible profile of An. gambiae to deltamethrin...
Does the type of receptacle influence the crossmodal association between colour and flavour? A cross-cultural comparison
Hemoperitoneum in advanced abdominal pregnancy with a live baby: a case report
We report a cross-cultural study designed to
usually missed during prenatal assessment
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Abdominal pregnancy is a rare condition which is
investigate whether the type of receptacle in which
particularly in settings lacking...
a coloured beverage is presented...
Epidemiological aspects of HCV infection in non-injecting drug users in the Brazilian state of Para, eastern Amazon
A single mutation in the GSTe2 gene allows tracking of metabolically-based insecticide resistance in a major malaria vector
Currently, sharing of drug paraphernalia is the main form of HCV transmission worldwide. In
Metabolic resistance to insecticides is the biggest threat to the continued effectiveness of malaria
South America, consistent findings...
vector control. However,...
A Day Without a Smartphone: A Short Satire
NHS death rates ‘should be ignored’
After a mysterious blue fog surrounded the boundaries of America, there was a
24 February 2014 Last updated at 20:32 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News A key measure...
communication breakdown and all Smartphones...
Cooking meat ‘may be dementia risk’ 24 February 2014 Last updated at 20:41 ET Browning meat in the oven, grill or frying pan produces chemicals which may increase...
Parents’ attitudes about helping their grown children affect their mental health Older parents frequently give help to their middleaged offspring, and their perceptions about giving this help may affect...
M dm2 suppresses tumors by pulling the plug on glycolysis
Nearly half of uninsured children live in immigrant families, study reports
Cancer cells have long been known to have higher
Children from immigrant families now account for
rates of the energy-generating metabolic pathway known as glycolysis. This...
42 percent of uninsured children in the United States, reports a study in...
AAP still opposes retail-based clinics for pediatric primary care
The College Cold: It’s Coming for You
(HealthDay)—The American Academy of Pediatrics
chugging from a bottle of artificially flavored Cranberry juice from concentrate...
(AAP) continues to oppose retail-based clinics (RBCs) as a source of pediatric...
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Get in the Know PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
As I write this, I am fervently blowing my nose,
Jury Still Out On Vitamins For Cancer, Heart Disease Prevention: USPSTF
“I Had No Idea” is the theme of the 27th annual
By Andrew M. Seaman NEW YORK, Feb 24
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, which is Feb. 23 —...
(Reuters Health) – There is not enough scientific evidence to...
What M akes A Voice ‘Attractive?’ New Study Reveals Surprising Answer
#72 Communicating Values
New research on vocal attractiveness explains why
Compfight We parents want to impart our thoughts, ideas, and values about integrated...
people prefer a voice like Marilyn Monroe’s over the sound of other women’s....
High cancer rates on P.E.I. examined The P.E.I. government has established a
Howard Lake via Compfight Howard Lake via
Vitalité Health Network informs patients of privacy breach
committee to look at high rates of cancer and poor treatment outcomes in the province. The...
The Vitalité Health Network is informing some
Preventive pediatric health care recommendations updated
Landmark study examines Hispanic longevity paradox
(HealthDay)—Recommendations for preventive
(AP)—The government’s largest study of
pediatric health care have been updated, according to an American Association...
Hispanics’ health aims to answer why they live longer than other Americans,...
A paper diagnostic for cancer
Study shows association between diabetes and stroke in women but not men
Cancer rates in developing nations have climbed sharply in recent years, and now account for 70 percent of cancer mortality...
patients their personal medical records were accessed without authorization. The...
New research published in Diabetologia shows that diabetes in women is associated with an increased risk of stroke, whereas...
When Are Cupcakes M ore Important Than Compassion? Imagine, for a moment, that you see a little girl. There is a substance that will kill her if she gets too close to it,...
Pediatricians Update Checkup Guidelines For Infants, Children And Teens By Cari Nierenberg, Contributing writer Published: 02/24/2014 07:07 AM EST on LiveScience New guidelines released today...
Why Some Wealthy, Educated Parents Avoid Vaccines PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
New ideas change your brain cells: UBC research
By Marc Lallanilla, Assistant Editor Published: 02/22/2014 08:45 AM EST on LiveScience Health
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hilary 604-822-
officials in the San Francisco...
2048University of British Columbia UBC’s Shernaz...
Vegetarian diets associated with lower blood pressure
New study supports body shape index as predictor of mortality
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Yoko Yokoyamayyokoyama-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ellis JAMA Network Journals Eating a vegetarian diet appears to... 212-650-6460City College of New York In 2012, Dr. Nir Krakauer, an...
Volcanoes, including M ount Hood in the US, can quickly become active
Geosphere covers M exico, the Colorado Plateau, Russia, and offshore New Jersey
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cheryl 703-292-7734National Science Foundation Magma stored for thousands of years...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kea
Use of Tylenol in Pregnancy Tied to Higher ADHD Risk in Child
Death of Partner Boosts Risk for Heart Attack, Stroke, Study Says
MONDAY Feb. 24, 2014, 2014 — Expectant mothers suffering from fever or headache may face
MONDAY Feb. 24, 2014, 2014 — It’s often said that the loss of a spouse or partner leaves “a broken
a new dilemma when they open...
Ovarian Cancer Gene M ay Point to Early Removal of Ovaries: Study
Geoengineering Could Stop Global Warming, But Only Temporarily
MONDAY Feb. 24, 2014, 2014 — Women who carry a BRCA1 gene mutation and have their ovaries
Spraying reflective particles into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and then stopping it could
removed by age 35 appear...
exacerbate the problem of...
6 Signs Your Diet is Too Extreme
Do You Care If a Guy is Circumcised or Not?
Constant hunger pangs aren’t the only tip-off that your weight-loss plan has crossed over into potentially dangerous...
Gileskgiles@geosociety.orgGeological Society of America Geosphere articles posted online Feb....
Who’s afraid of a little extra skin? Maybe more women than you think. Over 54 percent of women said they prefer a...
5 Foods That Have M ore Sugar Than a Snickers Bar PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Sriracha Chemistry: How Hot Sauces Perk Up Your Food And Your M ood
There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a
Anyone who has ever drizzled, doused or — heck
candy bar every now and then, but we’re guessing you don’t...
— drenched their food with Sriracha knows the hot sauce can make almost...
Identification of fibrillin 1 gene mutations in patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) without M arfan syndrome
Human Wharton’s jelly-mesenchymal stem cells promote skin wound healing through paracrine signaling
Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most frequent
is predicted to increase due to the growing aging population. Despite the...
congenital heart disease with frequent involvement in thoracic aortic dilatation,...
A review of research on salivary biomarkers for oral cancer detection Using saliva for disease diagnostics and health
IntroductionThe prevalence of non-healing wounds
M aternal positioning to correct occipito-posterior fetal position in labour: a randomised controlled trial
surveillance is a promising approach as collecting saliva is relatively easy...
The occipito-posterior (OP) fetal head position
Hydrogen peroxide-independent production of alpha-alkenes by OleTJE P450 fatty acid decarboxylase
Confronting Your Ghosts of the Past: How to Assess…
Cytochrome P450 OleTJE from Jeotgalicoccus sp. ATCC 8456, a new member of the CYP152
during the first stage of labour occurs in 10-34% of cephalic presentations....
“In every conceivable manner, the family is the link to our past, the bridge to our future.” -Alex Haley If you were...
peroxygenase family, was recently found...
Death of partner associated with increased risk of heart attack, stroke
Global Health: Indonesia Urged to Spend to M ake Birth Less Risky
The risk of heart attack or stroke is increased in the 30 days after a partner’s death. Bereavement is
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
recognized as...
York Times. ...
Fashion Designer M akes Clothes With Fermented Tea (VIDEO)
Happiness After Holocaust: An Evening With Anne Frank’s Sister Eva Schloss
It’s time to put down that cup of tea and consider wearing it. Okay, you don’t have to do that right this
Smiling with Eva Schloss on the first stop of her most recent U.S. speaking tour It’s taken me over a
week to process...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
From Conception to an Olympic Athlete Would you like your child to be an Olympic athlete
Can Your Daughter Accept a Compliment?
one day? You would need to start the training early.
I started to see it happen last year when my
It starts in the...
daughter was in third grade. She and her friends lost all ability to accept...
Backstage at the Universe Over 30 years have passed since that summer’s
Texas family moving to Colorado to get medical marijuana for 8-year-old
day in late August. A day when sweat stained everything you touched and...
February 24, 2014, 3:14 PM|The Harmon family of
Building artificial cells will be a noisy business
Acupuncture holds promise for treating inflammatory disease
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah Williams-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob
Hedgesmr@caltech.eduCalifornia Institute of Technology Engineers like to make things... 973-9727276Rutgers University Rutgers-led study
Canyon, Texas, is moving to Colorado for access to life-changing medical...
suggests pathways...
The average obese woman gets just one hour of exercise a YEAR Researchers found that most of these people probably live a ‘typical’ life This means that they drive their children...
Chronic stress enhances microglia activation and exacerbates death of nigral dopaminergic neurons under conditions of inflammation Parkinson’s disease is an irreversible neurodegenerative disease linked to progressive movement disorders and is accompanied...
QEH reports loss of USB flash drive Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: A spokesperson for Queen Elizabeth...
8 Steps to Finishing Unfinished Business Sometimes it’s worth the risk of rocking the boat. Unfinished business, unresolved issues, emotional baggage, irreconcilable...
Ontario law to force calorie count on fast-food menus
Extra staff called in to Royal A&E
New legislation in Ontario that would require fast-
Measures are being put in place at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast Extra...
food chains to post calorie counts for each item on PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
24 February 2014 Last updated at 13:17 ET
their menu boards...
NHS medical records rules ‘broken’ 24 February 2014 Last updated at 12:56 ET By Nick
Op-Ed Contributors: Expand Pre-K, Not A.D.H.D.
Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News Medical records...
Log in to manage your products and services from
What I Wish I’d Known About Breastfeeding
New Stanford Study Paves the Way to a Diagnostic Blood Test for Narcolepsy
“Just give it two weeks,” my mother told me, as I sat
By Dr. Emmanuel Mignot In a recently published
on my bed, desperate and fumbling to get my new baby, Charlie,...
paper, Alberto De la Herrán-Arita and colleagues closed the loop on the autoimmune...
Physician performs research on cervical cancer
How old are you on the inside? A new device reveals how quickly you’re ageing. These three women dare to try it
Research on cervical cancer performed by a physician at the University of Arizona Cancer Center at St. Joseph’s Hospital...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Experts say biological age is the best indicator of how youthful you are Biological age is the physiological age of the internal...
Research: Interval-based team sport can make up for oestrogen loss
TOWIE’s Sam Faiers speaks out about her Crohn’s disease diagnosis
When women enter menopause, their oestrogen
She was ‘so excited’ about Celeb BB but was hit by
levels taper. This increases their risk of cardiovascular disease. New research...
cramps within days The weight was ‘just falling off...
The Bill actress’s daughter is diagnosed with a brain tumour after eye test for glasses
‘The only exercise some people get is moving from one chair to another’: Obese woman are active for just one hour a YEAR, study finds
Kaye Wragg played PC Diane Noble in The Bill and will star in Holby City Her daughter, Matilda, five, was diagnosed with...
Researchers found that most of these people probably live a ‘typical’ life This means that they drive their children...
An inexpensive device to treat postpartum hemorrhage: a preliminary PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Financial Secretary to outline 2014-2015 Government Budget
proof of concept study of health provider opinion and training in Nepal
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The
Obstetric hemorrhage remains the leading cause of maternal mortality in resource limited areas. An
Legislative Council...
inexpensive pneumatic...
LegCo M embers visit M an Kam To Food Control Office Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The Legislative Council...
Association of academic performance of premedical students to satisfaction and engagement in a short training program: a cross sectional study presenting gender differences It is important that students have a high academic engagement and satisfaction in order to have good academic achievement....
Costs vary widely for care of children with congenital heart defects across US hospitals [ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary 734-764-
‘Nearly Comatose’ Student Gets Visa Extension The State Department has extended the student visa of a nearly-comatose Pakistani student who was studying in Wisconsin,...
2220University of Michigan Health System Variations as much...
New Law in Oregon Aimed at Increasing Vaccinations
Company recalls 16 varieties of cheese after death
Oregon health officials fighting to lower rates of
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Delaware company has
unvaccinated children in their state will get some help March 1, when...
recalled 16 varieties of cheese after some of the cheeses were linked to a death...
S&P 500 hits record in broad market rally
‘Homosexual OCD’: Straight M en Who Suspect They Are Gay
By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) – Stocks rose on Monday, advancing in a broad rally as
Steven Brodsky, a psychologist who specializes in obsessive-compulsive disorder, says that at any
merger activity boosted...
one time he has a “handful”...
Ugandan president signs anti-gay bill, defying the West
Pediatricians update guidelines for kids’ checkups
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
By Elias Biryabarema ENTEBBE, Uganda (Reuters) – Uganda’s president signed a law
New guidelines released today by a leading U.S. pediatricians group recommend for the first time
imposing harsh penalties for...
that healthy teens be screened...
Scientists transform human skin cells into mature liver cells
Living organ donation: A solution to the organ shortage in the US?
In a medical first, scientists at the Gladstone Institutes and the University of California, San
In late 2012, 22-year-old Mollie Moreland was just starting a nursing job at the Cleveland Clinic in
Francisco (UCSF) have transformed...
Ohio when she made the...
PDL BioPharma releases fourth quarter and full year 2013 financial results for period ended 2013
First Edition: February 24, 2014
PDL BioPharma, Inc. (PDL) (NASDAQ: PDLI) today announced that the Company will release its fourth
range of stories about...
Today’s headlines include continuing coverage of Medicare Advantage payment rates, as well as a
quarter and full year 2013...
New range of genetically characterised FFPE tissue samples launched by AM SBIO
Nanoparticle analysis: an interview with Bernardo Cordovez, CEO of Optofluidics
AMSBIO has launched CancerSeq™ – a new range of genetically characterised FFPE tissue samples.
Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) What is nanoparticle analysis and
CancerSeq™ samples...
what biomedical applications...
‘I’ve almost died 80 TIM ES’: Woman, 40, has 23 allergies and risks death every time she leaves her house
‘I was in agony in the Big Brother house,’ says TOWIE’s Sam Faiers as she opens up about her Crohn’s disease shock
Karen Brammer is allergic to kiwi fruit, wasps, latex and many medications She risks going into anaphylactic shock if she...
She was ‘so excited’ about Celeb BB but was hit by cramps within days The weight was ‘just falling off...
WOM AN suffers from five-day erection of the clitoris after
Daughter, 21, saves mother by donating her kidney
29-year-old had been on a clinical trial taking
Milissa Hutchinson gave a kidney to her mother,
medication to boost her libido Had been taken the
Mandy, on February 14 Mrs Hutchinson, 49, was
medicines wellbutrin (bupropion)...
dependent on dialysis due to...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Engineering artificial cells Engineers like to make things that work. And if one wants to make something work using nanoscale components—the size of...
Ischemia modified albumin increase indicating cardiac damage after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage Cardiac complications are often developed after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and may cause sudden death of the patient....
Biochrom launches EZ Nin Reagent for use in ion exchange chromatography systems
Feds propose M edicare advantage payment cuts, could have election impact
Biochrom Ltd, a manufacturer of quality scientific instruments for applications in the life science,
Medicare Advantage is the managed care program, run by private insurance companies, for seniors
clinical, and analytical...
and disabled people. Politico:...
NHB announces new partnership with 3-time Gold M edalist Kerri Walsh Jennings
Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index 2013
In an effort to increase awareness of the multi-
Consumer Price Index (CPI) 2013 was published
faceted benefits of honey, the National Honey
by the Census and Statistics...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Annual Report on the
Board (NHB) announced a new...
Update on cluster of Influenza B cases in Siu Lam Hospital
Exhibition in Singapore showcases evolution of Hong Kong’s harbour
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A week-long exhibition
behalf of the Hospital Authority: Regarding the recent confirmation...
showcasing the evolution of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour and its harbourfront...
Correctional officers stop person in custody from hanging attempt
EPD clarifies reports on roadside API statistics
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Correctional officers
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to media
stopped a male person in custody who attempted to hang himself in Lai Chi...
enquires today (February 24) about reports on roadside Air Pollution Index...
5 Lesser Known ADHD Self-M edication Alternatives
5 Suggestions for Supporting A Loved One with ADHD
Some of us need alternatives Diagnosed or not,
Many well-meaning families and friends make
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
many of us self-medicate. And we often do it with
mistakes when trying to support a loved one with
things that can be dangerous. Marijuana...
ADHD because they misunderstand...
Researcher uses computational approach to speed up process of drug discovery
Blocking mechanisms for DNA repair may help to potentiate chemotherapy, says study
OIST researcher uses a computational approach in
Chemotherapies are cancer treatments that work
identifying proteins that will interact with potential drugs to speed up...
by inducing lesions in the DNA of tumour cells in order to inhibit their proliferation....
Older people who assess themselves as poor get sick more often, shows study
Researchers discover ‘microbial Pompeii’ preserved on teeth of skeletons around 1,000 years old
Being objectively low income leads to poor health
An international team of researchers have
and a shorter life. This much we already knew. But
discovered a ‘microbial Pompeii’ preserved on the
poverty can also be...
teeth of skeletons...
Influence of vanadium on serum lipid and lipoprotein profiles: a populationbased study among vanadium exposed workers
An improved dual-indexing approach for multiplexed 16S rRNA gene sequencing on the Illumina M iSeq platform
Some experimental animal studies reported that
To take advantage of affordable high-throughput
vanadium had beneficial effects on blood total
next-generation sequencing technologies to
cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride...
characterize microbial community...
Early life programming as a target for prevention of child and adolescent mental disorders
The Roots Of Shame
This paper concerns future policy development and programs of research for the prevention of mental
and an honor. In saying...
Whenever I meet someone and they strongly and positively impact my life, I consider it a blessing
disorders based on research...
VIDEO: Handy food bags help elderly patients
Social media affecting teens’ concepts of friendship, intimacy
Elderly hospital patients who have no one to care for them are being given food bags containing
Social media is affecting the way kids look at friendship and intimacy, according to researchers.
basic provisions to help...
The typical teenager has...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Public sector reduces part-time shifts to avoid health law Despite the administration’s delays of the employer mandate, cities, counties and public schools have limited part-timers’...
REACT clinical trial provides valuable new insights for community gastroenterologists that benefit patients The final results from an international clinical trial involving nearly 2,000 patients with Crohn’s disease support...
CUM C researchers find potential target for treating autism, schizophrenia, and other brain disorders New portal aims to help people live healthier lifestyle
Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC)
that aims to help people live a healthier lifestyle.
researchers have determined that a small region of the hippocampus known as CA2...
The website provides...
How Botox can help stroke victims: Anti-wrinkle treatment allows paralysed limbs to function better
Twice-a-day pill signals end to painful multiple sclerosis jabs
When injected into the ankle, it eases painful
relapses by 50 per cent Tecfidera has been licensed in Britain and could...
muscle spasms and allows the foot to function is a new health and wellness portal
The pill has been shown to reduce the rate of MS
more normally Thousands of stroke...
At 4.4 Billion Years Old, Oz Crystals Confirmed As World’s Oldest
Industry Challenges EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Rules In High Court
hide captionThe colors of the zircon crystals range
hide captionNot all energy producers find fault with
from transparent, to blue to deep red. Courtesy of
the EPA’s rules. Calpine, which helped build the
University of...
Delta Energy...
The effects of exercise on cognition in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review
Behavioural divergence of sympatric Anopheles funestus populations in Burkina Faso
Cognitive impairments are highly prevalent in
In Burkina Faso, two chromosomal forms of the
Parkinson’s disease (PD) and can substantially affect a patient’s...
malaria vector Anopheles funestus, Folonzo and Kiribina, are distinguished...
Cell therapy: A powerful treatment for cancer patients
M edicaid patients have longer lengths of stay for treatment of heart failure,
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Investigators from Memorial Sloan Kettering
shows study
Cancer Center have reported more encouraging
Heart failure accounts for 6.5 million hospital days
news about one of the most exciting...
a year, and a new study reported in the Journal for Healthcare Quality...
Political tactician applies skills to selling health insurance The Washington Post profiles a White House
Study links carbohydrate calorie-rich diets to greater risk for brain shrinkage, dementia and AD
staffer who went from being a field lieutenant in
Even small increases in blood sugar caused by a
President Barack Obama’s...
diet high in carbohydrates can be detrimental to brain health. Recent reports...
Estrogen receptor alpha-coupled Bmi1 regulation pathway in breast cancer and its clinical implications
Sex Addiction-Induced Perpetration (SAIP) Goes Undiagnosed and Untreated (Guest…
Bmi1 has been identified as an important regulator
The following guest blog was contributed by my
in breast cancer, but its relationship with other
colleague Dr. Omar Minwalla of The Institute for
signaling molecules...
Sexual Health The focus of...
A pipeline to extract drug-adverse event pairs from multiple data sources
Body Image Booster: Seeing Obstacles & Trials As Stepping…
Pharmacovigilance aims to uncover and
Every Monday features a tip, activity, inspiring quote
understand harmful side-effects of drugs, termed
or some other tidbit that helps boost your body
adverse events (AEs). Although the...
image, whether directly...
Rare ‘polio-like’ disease reports
Computerized checklist reduces type of hospital infection, study finds
24 February 2014 Last updated at 00:18 ET US doctors are warning of an emerging polio-like disease in California where up...
A computerized safety checklist that automatically pulls information from patients’ electronic medical records was...
Rapid advances and potential in 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies
Viewpoints: Docs on drugmakers’ payrolls; no comparison shopping in health care
A new era of manufacturing is upon us. Recent developments in 3D printing and additive
USA Today: Is Your Doctor On A Drug Maker’s Payroll? Our View Doctors have long gotten small
manufacturing technologies are set...
favors from drug makers:...
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Social/behavioral intervention strategies may help drug users avoid injection-related HCV, HIV infections
Researchers discover 11 DNA sequence variants in genes influencing high BP, heart disease
Despite a number of social/behavioral intervention
New research from Queen Mary University of
and educational programs, the spread of hepatitis C (HCV) in people who...
London has discovered 11 new DNA sequence variants in genes influencing high blood...
4 Ways to Deal When Your Partner’s Job Is Hurting Your Relationship
Health Check: how high heels harm and how to make it better
Warning: This article contains spoilers about the
High-heeled shoes are thought to characterise
episode of Girls that aired February 23. We never thought we’d...
femininity and beauty, making the wearer feel selfassured and elegant. But...
M B109 as bioactive human bone morphogenetic protein-9 refolded and purified from E. coli inclusion bodies
Firing practice for M arch 2014
The development of chemical refolding of
Tsing Shan Firing...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Firing practice will take place at the San Wai/Tai Ling Firing Range and the
transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily ligands has been instrumental...
Announcement of results of Pharmacist Registration Examinations December 2013
Poem: M ere Rejection by Wellbutrin
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Because I can see who You...
He calls Again another year After years Why are you still keeping in your life? Why do I let you in
behalf of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong: The Pharmacy...
Baby boy died after nurse removed him from a ventilator without permission at scandal-hit hospital trust Rohan Rhodes was born 14 weeks premature and needed heart surgery Was transferred to St Michael’s Hospital, Bristol...
Clean teeth can hold off arthritis: Scientists discover link between gum disease bacteria and early onset of the condition Link between gum disease bacterium and onset of rheumatoid arthritis Bacterium produces enzyme which reacts with residue...
Associations of retinol-binding protein 4 with oxidative stress, inflammatory PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
CHP notified of one additional human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) in
markers, and metabolic syndrome in a middle-aged and elderly Chinese population Retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), a novel adipokine
M ainland Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) yesterday (February 23)...
secreted by adipocytes and the liver, has elevated levels in type 2 diabetes...
Perfection I used to wish that I wasn’t bipolar or that I didn’t have anxiety disorder or that my OCD would leave me alone. I used...
Painter Robert Genn on Art and Happiness In an issue of his newsletter, artist Robert Genn notes that in his book “Against Happiness” writer Eric Wilson “disparages...
Say Goodbye to the Girls
New insights into the origin of birds
I woke up today without my beautiful breasts.
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hannah
Swapped them out for no cancer — a pretty good 44-117-
deal for me. I had cancer...
928-8896University of Bristol Mark Puttick and colleagues...
Policies to green the economy must underpin UK recovery: New report
Explorers’ Aim For Perilous Polar Trek: ‘Get Home In One Piece’
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ruth
i i hide captionBen Saunders and Tarka 44-079-90675947University College London Floods illustrate
L’Herpiniere trek from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and...
Hospital records of all NHS patients sold to insurers
M ysterious polio-like illness found in 5 California children
It boasts that “uniquely” they were able to combine these details with information from credit ratings
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 612-928-6129American
agencies, such...
Academy of Neurology PHILADELPHIA Researchers have...
M ysterious Polio-Like Illness Strikes Kids in California
Disconnecting Consciousness from the External Environment
SUNDAY Feb. 23, 2014, 2014 — A rare “polio-like
An very interesting report from a group of French
syndrome” has caused paralysis in about 20
neurosurgeons sheds light on the neural basis of
children from... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
consciousness and dreams. Guillaume...
Don't worry, be happy: Could optimism counteract the negative effects of pain?
Dignity: The Opposite of a Traumatic Event
How on earth could anyone be happy when they
treated. Even something as impersonal as getting cut off in traffic...
have pain, huh? Well, more about that in a minute,
Think of the last time you got angry at how you were
first let’s look at this...
7 Rules to Protect Your Children from M arital Conflict
Oldest bit of crust firms up idea of a cool early Earth
Healthy parenting nurtures children. A parent’s
[ | E-mail ] Contact: John
nurturing presence provides the emotional 608-263-
connection that not only helps...
5659University of Wisconsin-Madison IMAGE: A 4.4 billion-year-old...
Researchers have identified a novel immunological mechanism of great importance for vaccine developm
Governors say legalizing marijuana is a step too far
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marta 34-933-160-680IMIM
Washington and Colorado may have blazed the
By Aruna Viswanatha WASHINGTON (Reuters) – trail by legalizing marijuana,...
(Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute) This...
George W. Bush launches program to help veterans transition from war
Faulty pipe led to deadly carbon monoxide leak in NY: official
By Margaret Chadbourn WASHINGTON (Reuters) –
NEW YORK (Reuters) – A broken water heater flue
Former U.S. President George W. Bush on Sunday
pipe caused a carbon monoxide leak inside a
promoted a new initiative...
restaurant at a mall on...
Is cat poop making us crazy?
The star spider
T. Gondii is not only found in cat owners, however. Up to a ⅓ of the population in the developed world
Star Spider Reproduction The mating behaviours of star spiders have only been observed in laboratory
might harbor the...
and controlled environments,...
The Evolution of Societal Norms
How Julia M ancuso Became the M ost Decorated U.S. Female Alpine Skier— and Stayed Totally Grounded at the Same Time
Societal norms form because societies benefit from them over time. Societies, like organisms, evolve certain characteristics.... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
There’s nothing like watching Olympians at a medal ceremony: Years of hard work and dedication have amounted to that...
Scientists transform skin cells into functioning liver cells The power of regenerative medicine now allows scientists to transform skin cells into cells that closely resemble heart cells,...
Researchers identify novel immunological mechanism important for vaccine development Researchers have discovered the presence of a novel subtype of innate lymphoid cells in human spleen essential for the production...
Zero M otivation to Go to Work? 10 Tips We all need the occasional “mental health day” off from work to reboot our minds and bodies, but what if you...
How to Overcome the Negative Effects of Shift Work We’ve known for years that a shifting sleep schedule can lead to many health problems, but more recent studies have...
When We Use Fate As A Scapegoat Making decisions can be difficult, and making a hard decision can up the stress even more. A new study suggests that when...
A key protein is discovered as essential for malaria parasite transmission to mosquitos [ | E-mail ] Contact: Barbara K. 814-863-4682Penn State IMAGE: In blue are Plasmodium falciparum...
Stream of stars in Andromeda satellite galaxy shows cosmic collision
Nanoparticles target anti-inflammatory drugs where needed
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gertie
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sharon
45-28-75-06-20University of Copenhagen – Niels Bohr Institute IMAGE: ... 312-413-2695University of Illinois at Chicago Researchers at the University...
Researchers pinpoint brain region essential for social memory
M ERS death toll reaches 61 in Saudi
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joannie 917-539-
death of an elderly woman from the MERS
4924Columbia University Medical Center Potential target... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Saudi health authorities announced on Sunday the coronavirus, bringing the death...
5 Similarities Between Olympians And Olympics Viewers (INFOGRAPHIC) We all know it takes a focused fitness routine, a balanced diet and some quality sleep to power
8 Things About You That Increase Your Child’s Risk for Obesity and Unhealthy Eating Habits
Olympians to the podium. But...
I was recently called out for not being a “fun” mom because I wouldn’t buy artificially colored “fun”...
The Best Foods To Ease Anxiety
Your Weekly Travel Zen: Japan
Anxiety disorders typically require medication or
This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us
psychotherapy or both — but that doesn’t mean
from Kimberley Magain. Of her photo she says:
lifestyle changes...
“Many hikers say a prayer...
M indful Politics
At 90, Zimbabwe’s M ugabe says has energy of 9-year-old
We have seen a huge transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthiest one percent. In the late 1970s the top one...
By MacDonald Dzirutwe MARONDERA, Zimbabwe (Reuters) – Robert Mugabe celebrated his 90th birthday on Sunday, having...
Frequent School M oves M ay Harm Kids’ M ental Health
Talk the Talk: 10 Tips for Starting Therapy
SUNDAY Feb. 23, 2014, 2014 — Preteens who
A friend of mine recently told me about her
changed schools frequently when they were
experience of starting psychotherapy. She said she
children are at increased risk...
would have liked a list of...
Temporary suspension of fresh water supply in part of Kwai Chung and Tsuen Wan District
Egypt food supply shake-up sees official referred to prosecutors
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Attention TV/radio announcers: Please broadcast the following
(Reuters) – A shake-up of Egypt’s food import and
By Shadia Nasralla and Yasmine Saleh CAIRO storage authorities...
special announcement as soon as possible...
Avoid the ‘sitting disease’ at work
The 5 jobs most likely to make you sick
If you are like most working Americans, you sit all
Talk about an occupational hazard: 40 percent of
day at work. Add in the time you spend sitting on
Australian workers may be exposed to chemicals
your commute, as well...
that boost their risk of...
Afraid of the dentist? 9 tips to calm your child’s dental fears
A 7-Step Guide To Accomplishing Anything You Want In Life
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You were probably terrified of going to the dentist as a kid, but with consistent oral hygiene, regular
Whether you want more emotional intelligence, a job you actually love, or defined abs, there’s a
dental visits and...
process to getting what...
Residents learning ultrasound-guided catheterization are not sufficiently skilled to use landmarks
IntroductionUltrasound-guided (UG) technique is
that causes acute febrile...
IntroductionChikungunya is an arthropod-borne virus endemic to Africa, Southeast Asia and India
the recommended procedure for central venous catheterization (CVC). However,...
Government and public respect and treasure freedom of the press and speech
5 Spiritual Lessons I Learned From Obsessing Over Food
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Both the Hong Kong
food. I dieted, I starved myself, I worked out until I couldn’t work...
Special Administrative Region Government
For so long, I struggled with my relationship with
(HKSARG) and the public respect and...
Vegan M atcha Ice Cream (OM G!) I have been on a matcha kick lately. Matcha in my morning smoothie, matcha for my post-workout drink, and matcha for afternoon...
Easiest Brussels Sprouts Recipe You’ll Ever M ake Brussels sprouts may not be among the most wellliked vegetables, but they may just be the new kale! Brussels spouts are...
Blunders of 999 crew that failed to save heart baby
Worst hospitals cost NHS £300m
Its report found that: * The incident was not treated
hospitals paid £203 million into the scheme between 2008-09 and 2012-13....
as an emergency so blue lights were not used,
Based on their size and history of claims, the
slowing the journey...
China sends government teams to investigate pollution investigators to parts of the country worst hit by air
Piper betle induces phase I &II genes through Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway in mouse embryonic fibroblasts derived from wild type and Nrf2 knockout cells
pollution as part...
Nuclear factor-erythroid 2 p45 related factor 2 (Nrf2)
BEIJING (Reuters) – China has sent teams of
is a primary transcription factor, protecting cells from oxidative... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Low Blood Sugar And Panic Attacks: How Are They…
Johannes Duerr Suspended: Austrian Skier Fails Doping Test At Sochi Games
Suddenly, you feel sort of woozy in an nebulous
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia (AP) — Austrian
way. Something feels “off”, but you can’t put your
cross-country skier Johannes Duerr has been
finger on it. Then,...
kicked out of the Sochi Games after...
"Love at first sight is a myth," say Chicago researchers
A spoonful of moisturiser: Experts say you shouldn’t be rubbing on wrinklebusting cream
This, my friends, is a belated Valentine’s Day tale that went oh so wrong… On Feb 14, Scientific American ran...
Evidence suggests that ingesting collagen is better than moisturising Long-term use of moisturisers can make skin prone to...
Why Strictly darning on ice in the jungle can WRECK your body: Throwing yourself into a demanding new physical challenge puts you at high risk of injury
Risk analysis for occurrences of schistosomiasis in the coastal area of Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil
Several participants of celebrity reality TV shows have been injured Una Foden suffered a broken
severe public health problem in Brazil, where
Manson’s schistosomiasis continues to be a thousands of people live under...
toe, and Sinitta had a panic...
Electrical and M echanical Trades Expo to provide one-stop employment and training opportunities Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and Mechanical (EM) Trades Expo – Manpower Recruitment, will be held at VTC...
The relationship between hepatic resistin overexpression and inflammation in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis The relationship between resistin and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is not clear, some studies claimed that serum...
The role of quality of care and attitude towards disability in the relationship between severity of disability and quality of life: findings from a crosssectional survey among people with physical disability in China People with physical disability (PWPD) is the largest subgroup of people with disability (PWD) in PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The Power of REBT Rational emotive behavior therapy focuses on the way you think about yourself, the world and others. It is an empowering...
China, but few studies...
Pediatricians: ‘Get Out of Our Office’ Don’t be surprised if you start hearing a very hard line from your family doctor. Increasing numbers of physicians...
Code Lavender and Preventing PTSD in Health Care You have heard of code blue and code red. Well, there’s a new code in town: code lavender. Code lavender is a code...
‘Your M oney or Your Life!’ In one of Jack Benny’s classic comedy skits, a robber confronts him, demanding, “Your money or your life!”...
Health Notes: Posh ‘fixed her face with diet Victoria Beckham has admitted to having a breast enlargement However, she has not used botox or fillers, says her doctor By Mail...
The boys who’ve been injected with their own heart monitors: British first as 3G implants protect brothers against deadly cardiac condition
A weight off your chest: Scientists invent the lightest-ever breast implants that will prevent your bust from sagging
Ethan and Kyle Roper have been fitted with a heart rate monitor The 3G monitors were injected into the
year, will weigh 30 per cent less than any others on
B-Lite implants, to be introduced in Britain later this the market They...
brothers’ chests Device...
We are what we wear: Six savvy stylistas explain their choice of outfits By Julia Neel PUBLISHED: 19:01 EST, 22 February
Diversification of the Alpine Chipmunk, Tamias alpinus, an alpine endemic of the Sierra Nevada, California
2014 | UPDATED: 19:13 EST, 22 February 2014
The glaciation cycles that occurred throughout the
The real secret to putting together...
Pleistocene in western North America caused frequent shifts in species’ranges...
Cross-kingdom host shifts of phytomyxid parasites Phytomyxids (plasmodiophorids and phagomyxids) are cosmopolitan, obligate biotrophic protist parasites of plants, diatoms,...
Increased peripheral and local soluble FGL2 in the recovery of renal ischemia reperfusion injury in a porcine kidney auto-transplantation model Regulatory T cells (Treg) protect kidney against ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury via suppressing innate immunity, but the...
Health-related quality of life among PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The association between
patients treated with lurasidone: results from a switch trial in patients with schizophrenia
"hypertriglyceridemic waist" and subclinical atherosclerosis in a multiethnic population: a cross-sectional study
Patients with schizophrenia frequently switch
“Hypertriglyceridemic waist”(HTGW) phenotype, an
between antipsychotics, underscoring the need to achieve and maintain important...
inexpensive early screening tool for detection of individuals...
Five Tips For What…? Yourself that, or fix that which we don’t talk about. If I were a
The New Smoke: A Hot Debate Over ECigarettes as a Path to Tobacco, or From It
tips person,...
Log in to manage your products and services from
I don’t know how to say five tips to do this, or do
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Ugandan President Defends Antigay Law
New Depression Treatments Reported
‘; var fr = document.getElementById(adID);
medications, electrical and magnetic stimulation of the brain and long-term...
setHash(fr, hash); fr.body = body; var doc =
Depression treatments on the horizon include new
Are Elephants Capable of Feeling Empathy?
Google’s Director of Engineering Says Robots About to Rise
Elephants, we all know, are in peril. We humans
It’s hard to know where to start with Ray Kurzweil.
are waging what amounts to a war against them
With the fact that he takes 150 pills a day and is
because they have something...
Arizona Pizzeria’s Amazing Response to State’s Antigay Bill
Four family members die in Indianapolis house fire
An Arizona pizzeria is serving legislators a slice of
(Reuters) – Two children and their parents died
humble pie. Rocco’s Little Chicago Pizzeria in
and two other children were critically injured on
Tucson had a message...
Saturday in a house...
M edicare Advantage plans may face cuts
The 10 Strategies Identified by Adolescent Girls for M anaging Peer Conflict
WASHINGTON (AP) — Cuts are on the table next year for Medicare Advantage plans, the Obama administration says. The politically... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Many parents, teachers and teaching assistants will know that children and young adults will often
fall out and argue. As...
Forecasting The ‘Future’ By Tapping Into Human Consciousness Now more than ever before, we have the tools to study the mysteries of consciousness. Memory, dreams, the self are now being...
Impaired dopamine D1 receptormediated vasorelaxation of mesenteric arteries in obese Zucker rats Obesity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Renal dopamine D1-like receptor-mediated diuresis and...
Cosmopolitan urges GPs to take eating disorders more seriously
Celebrities Who Swear By Yoga Can Teach Us A Thing Or Two About Balance
The campaign is backed by Clare Gerada, a former chairman of the Council of the Royal College of
Yoga does as much good for the soul as it does to your body, with its innumerable benefits. Even
GPs, and Norman Lamb,...
celebrities are in on the...
Deepak Chopra And Oprah Discuss Being Present And Going With The Flow (VIDEO)
The Top 5 Excuses for Not Practicing M indfulness and How You Can Do It Anyway
Having spent part of his life in India and much of
Mindfulness has been featured recently on the
his adulthood in the United States, best-selling
cover of Time magazine, at the World Economic
spiritual author Deepak...
Forum at Davos, in The New York...
Celebrities Who Swear That Yoga Can Teach Us A Thing Or Two About Balance
Sleeping With the Band: M ike Watt
Yoga does as much good for the soul as it does to
series where Dr. Winter, a sleep specialist, sits
your body, with its innumerable benefits. Even celebrities are in on the...
down to talk...
Pros and Cons of Online Doctor Consultations
After Coal Ash Spill, Communities Worry About Threat To Health, Water Supply
Imtiaz Ibne Alam at Sunday, February 23, 2014
WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) — From his modest home
Tweet Print this article In these days of Dr. Google, it’s not surprising...
near the Cape Fear River, Sam Malpass can glimpse the tall stacks of Duke...
Consensual Sadomasochism M ay Actually Lead To Altered States Of Consciousness
Bill M aher Reads The M ost Ineffective Anti-M asturbation Pamphlet Ever
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
“Sleeping With The Band” is a recurring blog post
On Friday’s “Real Time,” Bill Maher took a moment
Sadomasochism, or sexual enjoyment from giving
to share a pamphlet released by the Mormon
or receiving pain, may be a meditative experience
Church in...
and in some cases may lead...
University Of Notre Dame Once Again Rejected In Battle Over Birth Control
Nailing down the Yang-M ills problem
CHICAGO (AP) — A federal appeals court on Friday
Millennium problems represent a major challenge for physicists and mathematicians. So far, the only
ruled against the University of Notre Dame in a
one that has been solved...
case over parts of the...
Hematopoietc stem cells respond more actively to infections than previously thought
Destination Certification: On the Path to Becoming a Personal Trainer
In the work, the researchers show that blood stem cells have all the components needed to detect an
questioning passions. She’s a deep thinker, this
About a year ago, one of my roommates was roommate. She asks perceptive...
invasion and to mount...
Daily M ultivitamin Use Linked With Lower Cataract Risk For M en
14 Things The 2014 Olympics Can Teach Us About Living Well
Taking a daily multivitamin is associated with a
We’ve had more than two weeks of jaw-dropping
decreased risk for cataracts in men, according to a
Winter Olympic glory. But doesn’t it feel like we just
new study. The study,...
donned our...
6 Scary Things You M ight Hear At Your Next OB-GYN Visit
Everything You Thought You Knew About Doing Laundry Is Wrong
By Corrie Pikul …And why you don’t need to freak
This is going to sound like an oxymoron, but there
out about them. 1. The Scary Thing: “You have a
is a genuinely amusing cleaning book out there.
Really. I’m not...
U.N. Security Council unanimously approves Syria aid access resolution
Are Best M emories M ade by Age 25?
By Michelle Nichols UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) –
40″ and “the best is still to come” may be encouraging...
The U.N. Security Council on Saturday
SATURDAY Feb. 22, 2014, 2014 — “Life begins at
unanimously adopted a resolution...
Students’ Health Habits Tied to School Success PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
I Won’t Eat, You Can’t M ake M e! (And They Couldn’t)
SATURDAY Feb. 22, 2014, 2014 — Eating a healthy
Robert Krulwich/NPR It was found in Baja
diet, getting enough sleep and being physically fit are important for...
California, in the water, scuttling about. It’s an isopod — a many legged,...
Prescription Drugs: When New And Expensive Is Really Just M oney For Nothing
7 Easy, Proven Ways To Get Thin (And Stay That Way)
How do doctors know if a new drug is really better
to losing weight, it is not quite as simple as “calories in minus calories...
than the ones already available? This is an
SPECIAL FROM When it comes
important question because...
Daily M editation: Dare To Be Happy We all need help maintaining our personal spiritual practice. We hope that these daily meditations, prayers and mindful...
Take It From the Stars, Aging Can Be Beautiful Age brings wisdom and beauty, even if it drags a few wrinkles along with it. However, it is something that some celebrities...
Peering into the black box: a metaanalysis of how clinicians use decision aids during clinical encounters ObjectiveTo quantify the extent to which clinicians use clinically-efficacious decision aids as intended during implementation...
Body mass index and metabolic parameters in patients with schizophrenia during long-term treatment with paliperidone palmitate There is a strong association between weight gain and metabolic events in patients with schizophrenia receiving many of the...
A correlation study between in-brace correction, compliance to spinal orthosis and health-related quality of life of patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
M otor and functional recovery after stroke: A comparison between rehabilitation settings in a developed versus a developing country
It has been proposed that in-brace correction is the best guideline for prediction of the results of brace
field of stroke rehabilitation. The structure and
Recovery post stroke is well documented in the process of rehabilitation...
treatment for...
About 800 students build spectacular display for flower show
17 Questions to Ask Your Partner to Deepen Your…
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – About 800 students from 25
Couples who have strong bonds remain interested
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
schools joined the activity Jockey Club
in each other. They remain curious about each
Mosaiculture Display by Students...
other’s experiences and inner...
Check Out The Incredible ‘Frozen Waterfalls’ Of Hierve El Agua
The Way We Used To Travel: 12 Ways Travel Has Changed In The Digital Age
Hierve el Agua is one of Mexico’s most beautiful
Once upon a time, smartphones and tablets didn’t
natural wonders that you probably haven’t heard of.
exist. And travel (well, life, in general) was very
different. Technology...
Protesters make noise over New York plan to kill off mute swans
Alison Sweeney’s tips to leading a more balanced life
By Victoria Cavaliere NEW YORK (Reuters) – The
It’s impossible not to like Ali Sweeney. When we
graceful mute swan, in lore long associated with romance and fidelity,...
meet for breakfast, the actress, 37, is dressed in total jean mode....
One dead, babies ill from listeria linked to cheese
Endo Health to pay $192.7M in gov’t settlement
One person has died and three newborns have
Endo Health will pay almost $193 million to resolve
become ill in an outbreak of listeria linked to Hispanic-style cheese. The Centers...
claims that it improperly marketed the shingles treatment Lidoderm for...
Fruit fly model shows how developmental gene influences sperm formation
Treat Yourself Right With This Raw Vegan Chocolate Smoothie!
These Hox genes control the activity of a multitude
one over and over. This recipe is ready in minutes and...
of other genes that are responsible for the early
If you’re a chocolate lover, you’re going to make this
development of an organism. According...
Paediatric autoimmune enteropathy: I did not know that
4 Truths About Sex In Relationships (That No One Wants To Admit!)
Consider this post one of my ‘other musings’
Perusing the covers of most mainstream
entries on this blog and also a slightly more
magazines while checking out at the grocery store
descriptive post than...
is usually enough to ignite a spark...
How To Rewire Your Brain & Get Happy Right Now
Epidemiology of Toxoplasma and CM V serology and of GBS colonization in pregnancy and neonatal outcome in a Sicilian population
For years, I felt swallowed up by life. I gained baby weight and hated my body. I sat at home, feeling PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
like I should be grateful...
Aim of our study is to analyze the immunological status in pregnancy for two main TORCH agents, Toxoplasma and Cytomegalovirus...
Incomplete recovery of mechanical and endocrine left atrial functions one month after electrical cardioversion for persistent atrial fibrillation: a pilot study
Case report: passive transfer of hepatitis B antibodies from intravenous immunoglobulin
Restoration of the mechanical and endocrine
the treatment of autoimmune inflammatory conditions, it is a requirement...
functions of the left atrium remains controversial
Prior to initiating immunosuppressive therapy in
after electrical cardioversion...
Reduction of conspicuous facial pores by topical fullerene: possible role in the suppression of PGE2 production in the skin Conspicuous facial pores are therapeutic targets for cosmeceuticals. Here we examine the effect of topical fullerene on conspicuous...
Screening and monitoring microbial xenobiotics’ biodegradation by rapid, inexpensive and easy to perform microplate UV-absorbance measurements Evaluation of xenobiotics biodegradation potential, shown here for benzotriazoles (corrosion inhibitors) and sulfamethoxazole...
Social M edia Bootcamp For Therapists Webinar Feb 27 Social Media Bootcamp: Attract Self-Pay Clients to Your Private Practice Date: Thursday Feb. 27 5:00 pm MST (4:00 pm PST,...
Evaluating the immune responses of mice to subcutaneous immunization with Helicobacter pylori urease B subunit Helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative bacterial pathogen that expresses a strong urease activity, is associated with the development...
HK SciFest 2014 opens programme HK SciFest 2014, organised by the
CE meets US Congressional delegation led by Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
Hong Kong Science Museum in...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The large-scale science
Leung, met the visiting United States (US) Congressional delegation...
In vivo anti-ulcer, anti-stress, antiallergic, and functional properties of
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20 Things to Do Besides Berate Your Body And Yourself
Gymnemic Acid Isolated from Gymnema sylvestre R Br
I used to spend many minutes criticizing my body
Gymnema sylvestre is a highly valued ethno
other traits like...
— specifically bashing my belly and my hips — and
pharmacologically important medicinal plant used currently in many poly-herbal...
Councils want Neknominate warnings 22 February 2014 Last updated at 00:00 ET The
F.D.A. Orders 4 Bidi Cigarette Brands Removed From Shelves
drinking game has been linked to several deaths
Log in to manage your products and services from
Social networking sites Facebook...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
On Religion: Alcoholics Anonymous, Without the Religion
U.S. Proposes Cuts to Rates in M edicare Payments
Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Prevalence and Determinants of Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) amongst a Cohort of HIV Positive Women Accessing Treatment in a Tertiary Health Facility in Southern Nigeria
Transcriptome sequencing of two parental lines of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) and construction of an EST-based genetic map
Background: Optimal adherence to HAART
preferred because they reflect transcribed portions
amongst women living with HIV/AIDS (WLHIV) accounts for more than half of all new...
of the genome. We report...
Three Hong Kong movies featured at Oregon’s largest film event
Dental care resistance prevention and antibiotic prescribing modification–the cluster-randomised controlled DREAM trial
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – “American Dreams in China”, “Bends”, and “The Way We Dance”...
Expressed sequence tag (EST)-based markers are
Bacterial resistance development is one of the most urgent problems in healthcare worldwide. In Europe, dentistry accounts...
How does commuting affect wellbeing? PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
NHS trusts with deficits rise to 39
21 February 2014 Last updated at 23:19 ET By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News
21 February 2014 Last updated at 23:37 ET The report said trusts had responded well to the AE
challenges this winter A...
Why There Will Be No Cure for Depression
M indfulness in Everyday Life: M y Day With the Dalai Lama — A Primer for Happiness
In an era of tight budgets, supporters of depression research argue that more funding is needed to find a cure. That’s...
After seeing President Obama meet with The Dalai Lama, I remembered my special day with him. On that day, The Dalai Lama...
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas may be a rare symptom of HLRCC
How to Build a High-Altitude Superdog
HLRCC is a kidney cancer predisposition syndrome characterised by skin lesions, uterine
serviceable sea-level dog....
No need to start from scratch. Here, someone else already took a wolf and made you a perfectly
fibroids and papillary renal cancers,...
Giving Yourself a Basic Education About Funeral Planning Now
Why I’ve Stopped Putting Anyone on a Pedestal
If you had to plan a funeral for a loved one tomorrow, would you know what to do and what not
This year has been quite an adventure. I’ve moved from having many of my heroes on my vision board
to do? Most of us are woefully...
to meeting nearly...
The Long Winter of Grief
Are You Counting Calories Wrong?
Because the ground is frozen, we won’t be able to
Most diet plans make eating right seem like a
bury your mother until the first thaw. These words crash like an...
numbers game: Consume X calories and add Y exercise, and you will reach Z ideal...
Garbage In, Garbage Out: A Flawed Study Cannot M easure the Value of M ammograms
Supplements Tied to Higher Prostate Cancer Risk
A study published in the British Medical Journal
thinking twice about taking supplements. The study, published today in...
(BMJ) denouncing the value of mammography tore
By Danielle Krol, M.D. A new study might have men
through the news cycle last...
NY Family Plans Ariz. M ove To Treat Infant with M edical M arijuana PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
U.S. government seeks to cut M edicare payments to insurers
A New York family is getting ready to move to
(Reuters) – The U.S. government on Friday
Arizona so that their 9-month-old son can be
proposed a cut in payments to private health
treated with medical marijuana. According...
insurers for 2015 Medicare Advantage...
“But I Didn’t Know!” People Show Prejudice-Based Aggression When It’s Easily Deniable
Somatic Cells Turned Pluripotent by Acid Treatment – M ajor Breakthrough, Or Too Good To Be True?
We’re taught from a young age that it’s not okay to
The potential use of induced pluripotent stem cells
discriminate or show prejudice against others. And this strong social...
in medicine has the power to completely revolutionize the way physicians...
FDA To Boost India Staff Overseeing Drug Imports
Why M indful Eating Is So Hard and Why You Should Do It Anyway
WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the Food and
I haven’t paused to taste and savor my food for at
Drug Administration says her agency will add more inspectors in India to better...
least 1.2 million minutes since 1975. That is a sobering stretch...
Because You Feel Sad Doesn’t M ean You Have to Be Sad
What Are You Waiting For?
Mindfulness check! What liberation, to become aware of our own mind. With all the recent attention
you’ve been flirting with for the past month? Well, in
Is it a promotion? A raise? A date with that person my case,...
on mindfulness, we are...
How One Teacher Helped A High School Student Who Weighed 510 Pounds Change His Life
What has happened to the tsunami debris from Japan?
For Eric Ekis, high school was a struggle. The 14-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gisela 808-956-
year-old entered his freshman year at Franklin
9252University of Hawaii ‑ SOEST Outcomes from
Community High School in...
Antibody may be detectable in blood years before M S symptoms appear
1 dead, babies ill from listeria linked to cheese
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel
WASHINGTON (AP) — One person has died and 612-928-6129American
three newborns have become ill in an outbreak of
Academy of Neurology PHILADELPHIA An antibody found...
listeria linked to Hispanic-style...
Wall St. dips with S&P 500′s record high
Flu jab "may cut" stroke risk by a
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
in sight
By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S.
Friday February 21 2014 The flu virus may cause
stocks slipped on Friday on options-related trading,
blood vessels to become inflamed A...
with the SP 500 facing...
Converging genes reveal how plagues have shaped our genome
Classic Tetris game distracts dieters from food cravings
Evolution is shaped by numerous factors. Selection
Scientists found people playing Tetris don’t have
is one of such factors, but, contrary to popular
time to visualise snacks The puzzle game also
belief, it is not the...
distracts them from...
Could Your Doctor Be Keeping You From Losing Weight?
30 Smart Sugar Substitutes—And When to Use Them
Hopefully, your doctor is both helpful and
By Laura Schwecherl for Greatist You probably
supportive. But many women aren’t so lucky and
know that sugar isn’t the healthiest food, but the
often leave the doctor’s office...
risks go way beyond...
What to Do When Someone Needs CPR Sure, you’ve probably seen CPR performed dozens
Forget The Local Cold: Worldwide, It Was Another Hot January
of times on TV and in movies—but that doesn’t
i i hide captionA chart showing average
mean you’d be prepared...
temperatures around the world for January 2014. National Climate Data...
Tim Hortons bumped for dialysis clinic at Halifax hospital
M apping global road risk
The Capital District Health Authority is replacing a
East, you may want to stay off the roads. A dozen of
money-losing Tim Hortons in the Halifax Infirmary with a dialysis...
the world’s...
US bans bidis made by Indian tobacco company (Update)
Antibody may be detectable in blood years before multiple sclerosis symptoms appear
US regulators on Friday banned four types of small cigarettes known as bidis made by an Indian company, marking the Food...
()—The next time you go to Africa or the Middle
An antibody found in the blood of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) may be present long before the onset of the disease...
Selenium and vitamin E PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
US bans bidis made by Indian tobacco
supplementation over recommended dietary intake may raise prostate cancer risk A multi-center study led by Fred Hutchinson Cancer
company US regulators Friday banned the sale and import of small cigarettes known as bidis made by an Indian company, their first...
Research Center has found that high-dose supplementation with both the...
US ‘not targeting’ India, says FDA chief (Update)
‘Harrowing’ tales emerge of poor care in Wales
US regulators are not targeting India, despite a
Police have arrested three nurses at the Bridgend
series of import restrictions on drugs from the major US trading partner,...
hospital on suspicion of falsifying patient records. Mr Walsh said a...
Breath in M otion: Why Exhaling M atters M ost
M en Experience Increasing Happiness Until Late 60s, Study Says
Have you been in a yoga class wondering, “Why is
There’s good news and bad news for older men.
my breathing so shallow?” Have you been singing or performing...
You’ll experience increasing happiness after your early 50s —...
Average Obese Woman Gets Just 1 Hour Of Exercise A Year: Study
Feeding M y Voracious Passport With a Jellyfish-M unching Turtle in the Great Barrier Reef
A new study suggests that obese women get just one hour of vigorous exercise a year, while obese men don’t do much...
My passport is like the blood-sucking, voracious plant from Little Shop Of Horrors — the more I feed it, the hungrier...
Fitbit Recalls Fitbit Force After Complaints Of Severe Rashes
Why are thyroid cancer rates skyrocketing?
Fitbit has recalled its popular activity-tracking
Thyroid cancer rates have tripled since the 1970s,
wristband, the Fitbit Force, after a number of
but researchers say it shouldn’t be a cause for
customers complained of...
alarm that more people...
Obese women only get one hour of vigorous exercise a year
Kessler Foundation M S researchers find task meaningfulness influences learning and memory
A surprising new study shows that obese U.S. men get less than four hours of vigorous exercise a year, while obese American... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carolann 973-324-
8382Kessler Foundation Self-generation may be...
Will plug-in cars crash the electric grid? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Joshua 802-656-
Current ice melt rate in Pine Island Glacier may go on for decades [ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 925-
3039University of Vermont Vermont engineers
422-9799DOE/Lawrence Livermore National
invent new...
Laboratory A study of the Pine...
Is a ‘buttery’ molecule behind cystic fibrosis flare-ups?
Wall St. little changed with record high in sight
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Natalia
By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK (Reuters) – 619-594-
Stocks were little changed on Friday, with the SP
2585San Diego State University Katrine Whiteson and...
500 facing resistance as...
New, inexpensive production materials boost promise of hydrogen fuel
Feds to announce charges in California political corruption case: source
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kyoung-Shin
By Dan Whitcomb LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – 608-2625859University of Wisconsin-Madison MADISON,
Federal prosecutors will announce charges on Friday in a political corruption...
Wis. Generating...
Watch: Family Plans M ove to Treat Infant With M edical M arijuana
Clarification: US-Fentanyl-Heroin story
Family Plans Move to Treat Infant With Medical Marijuana Watch: Family Plans Move to Treat Infant
The Associated Press reported that more than 80
POINT PLEASANT, N.J. (AP) — In a story Feb. 16, people have died in recent...
With Medical Marijuana ...
FDA to boost India staff overseeing drug imports Drug Administration says her agency will add more
A cure for post traumatic stress disorder? Scientists pinpoint brain cells that prevent scary memories being formed
inspectors in India to better...
Scientists from Columbia University in New York
WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the Food and
have discovered neurons that prevent the formation of fearful memories in...
Want to lose weight? Play TETRIS: Classic game distracts dieters from PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
M ove over NekNominate, the latest craze is NIPNominate, where cleavage
food cravings
shots are posted online
Scientists found people playing Tetris don’t have
New viral hit sees people posting images of their
time to visualise snacks The puzzle game also
cleavage instead of drinking Started by Michelle
distracts them from...
Kent, 35,who was disgusted...
Now You Can Buy Shoes and Accessories Designed by Sarah Jessica Parker
The Simple (and Fun!) Way to Fight Cravings
If you’ve ever tried to channel your inner Carrie
gamers, though, playing Tetris can help you
Bradshaw while standing in front of the closet, it’s about to get a...
overcome cravings, according to a...
How Dogs Read Our M oods: Emotion Detector Found In Fido’s Brain
FDA issues first orders to stop sale, distribution of tobacco products
i i hide captionYou need me to lie still inside this noisy MRI scanner for 10 minutes? No problem.
For Immediate Release: Feb. 21, 2014 Media Inquiries: Jenny Haliski, 301-796-0776,
Just give me some... Consumer...
SCED concludes visit to Seoul
Consumer Price Indices for January 2014
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, had a packed programme on the...
Cravings are brutal. Luckily for smartphone
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) released today (February 21) the Consumer Price Index...
Post-office appointments for M s Julia Leung
Fruit-loving lemurs score higher on spatial memory tests
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for Former Chief
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robin Ann 919-668-4544Duke
Executives and Politically Appointed...
University Seasonal, hard-to-get food requires a mind...
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Guito exit the M ozambique Channel
Wall Street edges higher, on track for third weekly gain
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob
By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) – Stocks
edged higher on Friday, with the SP 500 within
Space Flight Center IMAGE: NASA’s Terra satellite...
grasp of record levels...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Iran’s rising executions dim U.N. hopes for reforms
Uganda leader puts anti-gay law on hold to seek more scientific advice
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – At
By Elias Biryabarema KAMPALA (Reuters) –
least 80 people and perhaps as many as 95 have been executed in Iran already...
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has put a bill imposing strict penalties...
NASCAR’s Brian Vickers returns to racing in Daytona 500 after fighting lifethreatening blood clotting condition
Researchers discover potential cure for noise-induced hearing loss
NASCAR driver Brian Vickers will compete in the
reversed, according to a new study from Harvard Medical School. Hearing...
Daytona 500 this weekend, marking his return to
Noise-induced hearing loss has the potential to be
racing after a life-threatening...
‘Princess parade’ for 5-year-old girl with terminal cancer draws hundreds of supporters
Flu jab may cut stroke risk by a quarter Friday February 21 2014 The flu virus may cause blood vessels to become inflamed A...
A 5-year-old girl with terminal cancer lived out her dream of becoming a princess when family and friends organized a ‘princess...
Gene tests for prostate cancer may be possible Friday February 21 2014 The researchers identified 13 different mutations “Scientists...
‘Don’t leave it too late to have children,’ M EN are warned, as research finds older dads are more likely to have ‘mutant sperm’ Studies have found that as a man ages, his sperm becomes poorer quality Mutations cause stem cells in the testicles to divide...
Why being an office ‘trooper’ ISN’T so good: Workers who soldier on when ill or tired will suffer in the long run
‘Cancer brought us together’: The brave young women who became best friends while fighting for their lives
Some workers also feel duty-bound to get in to
Robyn Duffy, 21, and Kirsten Smith, 23, both have
work early and stay late People in the creative
Hodgkin’s lymphoma Both diagnosed last year and
industries are the most likely...
treated in the same...
Unloading shoes for osteoarthritis of the knee: protocol for the SHARK
Five years of hospital based surveillance of influenza-like illness
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
randomised controlled trial Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common and disabling condition. Abnormalities in knee loading play an important role in disease...
and influenza in a short-stay geriatric unit Data on influenza in the healthcare setting are often based on retrospective investigations of outbreaks and a few studies...
Explaining socio-economic differences in intention to smoke among primary school children Smoking prevalence is higher among low socioeconomic status (LSES) groups, and this difference may originate from a higher...
Study Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of mentalization based therapy against specialist supportive clinical management in patients with both eating disorders and symptoms of borderline personality disorder The NOURISHED study: Nice OUtcomes for Referrals with Impulsivity, Self Harm and Eating Disorders.Eating Disorders (ED) and...
Generation Like: Why “Liking” Can Be Dangerous For Your… I just watched the PBS Frontline Generation Like. It was eye-opening in terms of how teens’ “liking” is becoming...
Acute organ injury is associated with alterations in the cell-free plasma transcriptome Despite a genomic revolution in biological sciences, clinical medicine has yet to integrate diagnostics based upon gene expression...
Thyroid cancer diagnoses nearly triple but many tumours harmless
The Butt Workout That’ll Lift, Tone, Tighten
A dramatic rise in thyroid cancer has resulted partly from overdiagnosis and treatment of tumours too
Ready to work your booty? We’ve got ten moves that’ll blast your buns (and work your abs while
small to ever cause...
you’re at...
12 Things You Should Never Say to a Friend Who Just Got Dumped
Look Good, Do Good: Cute Inspirational Tee
When a friend gets their heart broken, BFF instincts kick in and you want to say anything to make them
Sometimes we shop to make ourselves feel good, but what if a little retail therapy could actually DO
feel better. And while...
some good? We’re thrilled...
Using computers to speed up drug discovery
The effect and process evaluations of the national quality improvement
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology researcher uses a computational approach in identifying proteins that will interact...
programme for palliative care: the study protocol The nationwide integration of palliative care best practices into general care settings is challenging but important in improving...
Joint modelling rationale for chained equations
Speech by SJ at seminar entitled “Hong Kong
Chained equations imputation is widely used in
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a speech
medical research. It uses a set of conditional models, so is more flexible...
delivered by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, today (February...
Elevated depressive symptoms and adolescent injury: examining associations by injury frequency, injury type, and gender
SJ promotes Hong Kong’s legal and dispute resolution services in Cambodia
Key risk factors for adolescent injury have been
Rimsky Yuen, SC, delivered a keynote speech at a
well documented, and include structural, behavioural, and psychosocial indicators....
seminar in Phnom...
Restraints Banned After M an Killed A Boston Globe story on Sunday moved the
Are M ore Eccentric Artists Perceived As Better Artists?
governor earlier today to end the use of four-point
A study finds part of the reason people love Lady
restraints on the mentally...
Gaga and Vincent Van Gogh is that these are very eccentric artists, and...
Cross-country variation in additive effects of socio-economics, health behaviors, and comorbidities on subjective health of patients with diabetes
M olecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis delta viruses circulating in the Western Amazon region, north Brazil
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Justice, Mr
Purpose: This study explored cross-country
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis D virus (HDV) represent important public health problems in the
differences in the additive effects of socio-
Western Amazon region...
economic characteristics, health...
Clinical efficacy of posterior versus anterior instrumentation for the PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
A prospective study of age trends of high-risk human papillomavirus
treatment of spinal tuberculosis in adults: a meta-analysis
infection in rural China
The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of posterior vs. anterior instrumentation for
HPV) prevalence is unexpectedly high in older
In China, high-risk human papillomavirus (HRwomen, but the possible reasons...
the treatment of...
Police appeal to people intending to hold public event in M ong Kok to comply with the law
ADHD – What A Load Of Snow!
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following the recent public
snow load that was beyond...
How much more can it take? I was called out on a job yesterday. A small metal shed had acquired a
event in Tsim Sha Tsui in which Mainland tourists were verbally abused,...
Best of Our Blogs: February 21, 2014 I’ll be happy when I’m free of ____. (Fill in the blank with your personal physical or emotional affliction.) It’s...
Lottery Winners: Are M arried Women the Biggest Losers? I had planned to follow up my previous post, 6 psychological insights about solitude, with a related article about the 20...
NHS Winter: Weekly A&E tracker Week 15 Notes Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital is missing data for 8 January. This means that figures for the following categories...
Genetic study reveals 11 new genetic signals associated with blood pressure levels A large international study analyzing genes in tens of thousands of individuals has discovered 11 new genetic signals associated...
The Weird Thing That M akes You Less Likely to Break Up
31 Ways to Have M ore Fun With Your Boobs Every Day
All of those hours you’re logging at work could help
Let’s take a second to appreciate the wonder that
your relationship down the road: Couples with
is your chest. Seriously. Big or small or in between,
young children are...
your boobs are...
The 10 Stages of Going on a Diet
Worsened arterial stiffness in high-risk cardiovascular patients with high habitual carbohydrate intake: a crosssectional vascular function study
STAGE 1: Your jeans feel a little tight. How did this happen?! STAGE 2: That’s OK, though, because you will go on a diet...
Previous studies suggested that high dietary PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
carbohydrate intake is associated with increased cardiovascular risk through...
Beyond job security and money: driving factors of motivation for government doctors in India Despite many efforts from government to address the shortage of medical officers (MOs) in rural areas, rural health centres...
Glutathione S transferase theta1 and mu1 gene polymorphisms and phenotypic expression of asthma in Egyptian children: a case-control study Asthma is the result of a complex interaction between environmental factors and genetic variants that confer susceptibility....
Effects of production and market factors on ethanol profitability for an integrated first and second generation ethanol plant using the whole sugarcane as feedstock
Issue of official souvenir cover and pop-up card to commemorate closure of International M ail Centre on M arch 8
Sugarcane is an attractive feedstock for ethanol
Centre (IMC) official souvenir...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hongkong Post announced today (February 21) that an International Mail
production, especially if the lignocellulosic fraction can also be treated...
Personalized voices crafted for those with speech problems
100 GP surgeries could close under new rules
If you were a little girl who couldn’t speak, would you want to sound like Stephen Hawking?
The BMA says large areas of England could be left with no GP practice for local residents. The
Hawking, the renowned physicist...
Government has decided to...
HPV-positive SCCOP patients’ recurrence differs from HPV-negative patients
Feasible, safe to limit radiation to major salivary glands in head and neck cancer patients
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle 703-286- 703-286-
1600American Society for Radiation Oncology Data indicates...
1600American Society for Radiation Oncology Scottsdale,...
Previous rapid thinning of Pine Island Glacier sheds light on future Antarctic ice loss
Patients with oropharyngeal cancer report quality of voice and speech affected post-treatment
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 44-012-232-21437British Antarctic Survey New
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle 703-286-
research, published this week...
1600American Society for Radiation Oncology Study indicates...
Reducing RT dose to bilateral IB lymph nodes results in better patientreported salivary function
Unilateral radiation therapy for advanced stage tonsil cancer results in favorable outcomes
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle 703-2861600American Society for Radiation Oncology 703-2861600American Society for Radiation Oncology
China auto lobby, policymakers collide over foreign investment
First lady pays visit to new ‘Tonight Show’ host
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China’s auto lobby has
WASHINGTON (AP) — First lady Michelle Obama,
urged Beijing to support local carmakers after the
an outspoken advocate of healthy eating and
regulator said...
exercise, says the president and...
Colorado, Utah move to hike smoking age to 21
The State Where People Have the Longest Sex Sessions Is…
DENVER (AP) — Two Western states with some of
In case you were wondering, people in New Mexico
the nation’s lowest smoking rates are considering
are having the longest sex sessions, according to
cracking down even...
the relationship app Spreadsheet. MORE:...
Clinical characteristics of congenital cervical atresia based on anatomy and ultrasound: a retrospective study of 32 cases
Public stigma against family members of people with mental illness: findings from the Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center (GGFRC), Southwest Ethiopia
To explore the clinical characteristics of congenital
Public stigma against family members of people
cervical atresia. Methods: This retrospective
with mental illness is a negative attitude by the
analysis included 32...
public which blame family...
Biological health or lived health: which predicts self-reported general health better?
Audiences to participate in Ho Yingfung’s new installation theatre performance
Lived health is a person’s level of functioning in his
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Local theatre director Ho
or her current environment and depends both on PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Ying-fung will stage an installation theatre
the person’s...
performance titled “Special...
Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra and soprano Anna Baxter to perform works by Richard Strauss
How to Gently Break Up With Someone
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Pan Asia Symphony
is here. All...
Last week’s cartoon, about the most popular gift for Valentine’s Day, or Does She Really Love Me?
Orchestra will perform with soprano Anna Baxter this March in two concerts...
Governor Bans Restraints After Death of M an With Schizophrenia…
Researchers create powerful muscles from fishing line and sewing thread
A Boston Globe story on Sunday moved the
An international team led by The University of Texas
governor earlier today to end the use of four-point
at Dallas has discovered that ordinary fishing line
restraints on the mentally...
and sewing thread...
Bioengineered growth factors lead to better wound healing
WageWorks reports total revenue of $55 million for fourth quarter 2013
Scientists at École Polytechnique Fédérale de
WageWorks, Inc. (the “Company”) (NYSE: WAGE),
Lausanne have greatly improved the effectiveness
a leader in administering Consumer-Directed
of clinical growth factors,...
Benefits (CDBs), which...
Professor receives $17M NIH grant to support IM PAACT Network
War of partisan words ramps up for election season
Grace Aldrovandi, MD, CM, principal investigator at
A conservative group and “dozens of Democrats”
The Saban Research Institute of Children’s
are adjusting their messages for the midterm
Hospital Los Angeles,...
election. The Washington...
Certify Data Systems to introduce latest version of HealthLogix platform at HIM SS 2014 Certify Data Systems, Inc., a pioneer of inspired
Systematic review on what works, what does not work and why of implementation of mobile health (mHealth) projects in Africa
technology for life, will introduce the latest version
Access to mobile phone technology has rapidly
of HealthLogix™,...
expanded in developing countries. In Africa, mHealth is a relatively new concept...
Industry has a role in funding alternative medicine research
Prevalence and determinants of susceptibility to cigarette smoking
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
TESTING ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES – La Trobe University’s decision to accept funding from Swisse for a new centre to...
among school students in Pakistan: secondary analysis of Global Youth Tobacco Survey Susceptibility to smoke has been recognized as a strong predictor of smoking experimentation and taking up regular smoking...
Tenders invited for retrofitting noise barriers on Tuen M un Road-Town Centre Section
National Theatre of Scotland and Royal Shakespeare Company to stage "Dunsinane" in M ay
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Highways Department
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The National Theatre of
today (February 21) invited tenders for retrofitting
Scotland and the Royal Shakespeare Company will
noise barriers on...
stage David Greig’s...
Sick person in custody dies in public hospital
Prostate tests ‘will predict risk’
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A sick male person in
James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News DNA...
custody from Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre died in
20 February 2014 Last updated at 19:43 ET By
a public hospital today...
New apps may help detect seizures, treat strokes
NHS data critics ‘scaremongering’
Two new smart phone applications may help
Triggle and Adam Brimelow BBC News Opponents of the plan...
people detect epileptic seizures and get better
20 February 2014 Last updated at 19:41 ET By Nick
stroke treatment, according to...
Biopsies before transplantation do not determine success of donated kidneys Biopsies of donated kidneys provide little
Younger people, men and those without children more likely to drop out of HIV care in South Africa
information for determining the suitability of organs
Analysis carried out by an academic at Royal
for transplantation, according...
Holloway, University of London has revealed that younger people, men and those...
Skin tumor vaccine shows promise in wild mice, rising hope for transplant patients
Scientists Find Way To Use Body’s Own Immune System To Fight Cancer
Papillomaviruses (linked to cervical cancer when PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Fourteen out of 16 patients with advanced leukemia are now in remission after scientists
they infect the mucosal tissue in the female
found a way to genetically modify...
reproductive tract) can also...
Scientists Caution Harmful Chemicals Are Seeping Into Our Food
Thomas Stone High School Is About To M ake You Happy (VIDEO)
Chemicals commonly used to package, store and
Sometimes all you need to do to be happy is
process food items may be hazardous to your
dance. At least, this seems to be the sentiment at
health even though they are used...
Thomas Stone High School in...
Don’t Hide the Candy!
E-patient record system missed goal, says health minister
Don’t apologize for the lovely box of chocolates you have sitting around from Valentine’s Day! As a Registered...
The New Brunswick Medical Society has missed its original target for its new electronic patient record system, says the province’s...
HIV-prevention pill put to the test in Canadian trial A clinical trial to test a controversial pill for HIV prevention is set to begin in Toronto to determine how well it works...
M any kidney disease patients experience hazardous events related to their medical care In addition to experiencing negative health effects from their disease, patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are also...
Greece’s deepening health crisis: Study details signs of the nation’s deterioration in health
Team explains lower cancer incidence rate in patients with central nervous system disesase
Greece’s health crisis is worsening as a result of
Epidemiological studies demonstrate that
continued healthcare budget cuts, says a new study published in...
diseases of the central nervous system such as Alzheimer, Parkinson and schizophrenia...
Genetic screening can identify men with advanced prostate cancer
How Embracing Your Sweetness Can Benefit Your Well-Being
Screening men with a family history of prostate
“Make me sweet again, fragrant and fresh and wild,
cancer for a range of gene mutations can identify those who are at high risk...
and thankful for any small gesture.” — Rumi On a snowy...
State Senator Hopeful Soda Tax Can Succeed In The Heartland Despite Fizzling On The Coasts
Epilepsy Group Announces Support For M edical M arijuana
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
CHICAGO — With one of every 100 deaths of
The Epilepsy Foundation has recognized medical
obese people per year reportedly linked to a sugary
marijuana as a treatment for epilepsy, calling for
drink-heavy diet, the...
better access to the drug...
How Exercise Boosts M emory
Predictors of bone metastasis, skeletal events in lung cancer identified
The scientific evidence is now clear. If you want to keep your mind sharp as you age, you need to keep physically active....
By Joanna Lyford, Senior medwireNews Reporter Researchers have identified a range of factors that are associated with the...
Support for progranulin role in bipolar disorder
Psychotherapies have specific effects on psychosis symptoms
By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
Researchers have found reduced levels of plasma
Reporter There are small but robust differences in
progranulin in patients with bipolar...
the effects of different psychotherapies...
Scientists Fear Ecological Disaster In Nicaragua’s Planned Canal
Deep Learning: Teaching Computers To Tell Things Apart
hide captionA channel big enough to handle global
i i hide captionCat or dog? Sure, you can easily tell
shipping would require deep dredging throughout
the difference. But a machine may not be able to
Lake Nicaragua, the largest...
guess on the...
Keystone Greens See Pipeline As Crucial Test For Obama
M en Who Vandalized Egyptian Pyramid To Prove ‘Theory’ Face Charges
This week’s North American Summit is refocusing
i i hide captionDomique Goerlitz shown in one of
attention on the proposal to build the Keystone XL
the pyramid’s chambers in this screen grab from
pipeline. The issue’s...
their video,...
‘Piglet Smoothie’ Fed To Sows To Prevent Disease; Activists Outraged video released by the Humane Society of the U.S.
The relationship between DNA methylation, genetic and expression inter-individual variation in untransformed human fibroblasts
shows a pig in a...
DNA methylation plays an essential role in the
i i hide captionA screengrab from an undercover
regulation of gene expression. While its presence near the transcription start...
Evidence for synergistic effects of PRNP and ATP7B mutations in severe PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Arkansas Senate approves compromise M edicaid plan
neuropsychiatric deterioration Wilson’s disease (WD), a rare cause of neuropsychiatric deterioration, is associated with
The Arkansas Senate has voted to continue the state’s compromise Medicaid expansion plan, sending the funding bill...
mutations in the ATP7B gene....
The Joys of Screen-Free Thinking
Thrive and the $26 Philanthropist
This post was originally written by hand. I like my
Fourteen years ago, I began teaching history at a
Internet fast but my reading and writing slow. I have been writing, but...
public high school in the Bronx. My students and colleagues were awesome,...
Is M aple Water Going To Be The Next Coconut Water? (VIDEO)
Edgar’s M ission Has Saved Hundreds Of Farm Animals While M aking The World Kinder
Despite coconut water‘s recent world takeover (after all, anything endorsed by Rihanna is bound to rule the planet,...
“It all started with a pig,” Pam Ahern, founder of Edgar’s Mission, told Yahoo. In 2003, Ahern rescued...
Learn How to Take Criticism, or Be Prepared to Fail
Brain-dead teen’s mom says Jahi’s "much better physically"
Business owners: I feel your pain. How do you do
The mother of a brain-dead teen who was involved
it? How do you deal with it? How do you wade into
in a legal battle to keep her on a ventilator says the
our societal pool and...
girl is “much better...
CDC: Flu hit young, middle-aged adults harder this year
C-section guidelines urge doctors to wait longer before surgery
The age group also tends to have the lowest
WASHINGTON — Show more patience in the
vaccination rates, Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of
delivery room: That’s the prescription being given to
the CDC’s National...
the nation’s...
Dismantling pancreas cancer’s armor
Is Your Relationship Worth Saving?
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kristen 206-667-
We typically encourage people embarking on a new romance to make a decision of complete
2210Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
commitment to their partner, a decision...
Fearful & Frozen: Why Victims Don’t Act to Stop… PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Over Identifying With Your M ental Illness
On January 1, 2014 in Australia, anti-bullying
I’m guilty of it, and know that I am not the only one
legislation was introduced. Workers now can apply to to the Fair Work Commission...
out there who identifies themselves as mentally ill. But, there...
60 Seconds to a Stress-Less Life (and a M ore…
Watch heart surgery on Twitter: Follow Toronto doctors LIVE
The Now Effect is based on a very simple quote
Surgeons at Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health
from a psychiatrist and holocaust survivor named Viktor Frankl. He said, “Between...
Sciences Centre are live-tweeting a coronary artery bypass graft on a 57-year-old...
Call for hospital death rates probe
M ajor heart healing trial starts
20 February 2014 Last updated at 11:23 ET Please
20 February 2014 Last updated at 11:57 ET Article
turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to
written by Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent
play. The Welsh government...
More from Fergus Please...
Researchers uncover some of the ancient mysteries of leprosy
Rural primary care physicians are committed to professionalism, quality improvement
Research at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is finally unearthing some of the ancient mysteries behind...
The increased demand for primary care services expected to result from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may be felt strongly...
Researchers look for culprit behind oral health problems in HIV-positive patients
Unlicensed Doctor Ordered To Stop Treating Patients
Researchers want to help HIV-positive patients live
The Washington health department hopes a new court order will finally stop a man it says is treating
better by understanding why their essentially
patients without a medical...
dormant infection is still...
New Biologic Drug Is Targeted Treatment for Ovarian Cancer
Flu season waning; younger adults hit hardest
Researchers have announced the development of
ATLANTA (AP) — As the flu season winds down,
a new biologic drug targeted to treat ovarian
health officials say it wasn’t as bad as last year and
cancer. Its design could improve...
the vaccine worked...
The challenge of raising money
Baby-poop bacteria help make healthy sausages
Today will be a very intense day. It is our annual board of directors meeting for the Noreen Fraser PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Foundation. Board...
The trick to making sausage healthier may be baby poop, researchers say. Bacteria from baby poop can help make delicious...
What type of people choose assisted suicide?
Well-being poll reveals healthiest, happiest place to live
Thursday February 20 2014 Divorcees were more
Move over, Hawaii. North Dakota is now the
likely to choose assisted suicide “Women,...
happiest state in the union. For the first time in five years, Hawaii does not...
E-cig industry on tenterhooks ahead of U.S. regulation
Fears pregnant women are ignoring folic acid advice
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Lobbyists for electronic
Thursday February 20 2014 Folic acid helps
cigarette companies have been beating a path to
prevent birth defects “Women are...
the White House, hoping...
Life-Jacket Laws Spur Use, Could Prevent Drownings
Syneron M edical enters into agreement to acquire New Star Lasers
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Dr. Linda Quan lost
Syneron Medical Ltd. (NASDAQ: ELOS), the leading
count of the number of children she watched slowly
global aesthetic device company, announced today
die from drowning....
that it has entered into...
Cyberonics receives CE M ark approval in Europe for AspireSR generator
Nebraska To Appeal Ruling That Blocks Keystone Pipeline In State
Cyberonics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CYBX) announced
i i hide captionTransCanada President and CEO
today the CE Mark (Conformité Européenne)
Russ Girling comments on the approval of the
approval in Europe for the AspireSR...
Keystone XL pipeline route...
Cancer scan avoids exposing younger patients to radiation
Nurse ‘struck off’ in care home case
A new method of scanning young cancer patients
20 February 2014 Last updated at 11:01 ET By Marie-Louise Connolly BBC News NI Health
for tumours has been developed that avoids
Correspondent The...
exposing them to potentially harmful...
Computer simulation shows that knowing patients’ genetic profiles can save money, improve outcomes PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Significantly improved chance of heart attack survival with high-potency statin treatment
()—Genetic testing can help doctors choose the
()—A study looking at the data of thousands of
most effective and economical drugs to prevent
patients who suffered heart attacks has suggested
blood clots in the half a...
treatment with high-potency...
Researchers suggest fecal transplants should be regulated as tissue not drug
Are raw food claims overcooked?
()—A trio of researchers are suggesting in a
Eating only raw foods has emerged as a popular dietary trend. Proclaiming an emotive health
Comment piece in the journal Nature, that the FDA
message, it is enough to make...
should cease regulating...
To Cultivate Wonder Wonder is one of the arts of reverence. It is always very close to the surface, just behind the eye, below the tongue, in...
Access to Healthy Food Improves Health, Brings Economic Benefits Access to healthy food can bring triple bottom-line benefits to communities — better health, new jobs, and a revitalized...
Beware the Sleep Safety Gap! New M oms Are M aking Critical M istakes When it Comes to Baby Sleep
How Tragedy Led This Obese Twin To Finally Lose Weight (VIDEO)
Sleep. It’s the thing new moms crave more than a long, hot shower. Certainly more than they crave
on “The Oprah Show” in 2005, Mary weight 420
When 34-year-old twins Mary and Ruth appeared pounds — 300...
sex. But a good night’s...
Roadside Survey Of Impaired Driving Causes Outcry
What is El Nino Taimasa?
READING, Pa. (AP) — Orange cones and flashing police lights confronted Ricardo Nieves as he 808-9569252University of Hawaii ‑ SOEST IMAGE: This
rounded a bend on the way to...
Remote Antarctic telescope reveals gas cloud where stars are born
New research blows away claims that aging wind farms are a bad investment
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Maxine 61-293-857- 44-020-759-
307University of New South Wales IMAGE: A
46127Imperial College London The UK has a
With friends like these, who needs democracy?
Sustainable use of energy wood resources shows potential in North-
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gisela
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy
West Russia
517-355-3294Michigan State University IMAGE: A study on modern civil...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vadim 358-400-761310University of Eastern Finland Sustainable use of...
From a distance: New technique for repair work [ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 49-681-302-70870Saarland University This news release...
Sitting for an extra hour a day if you’re over 60 ‘doubles the risk of being disabled’ even if you take moderate exercise Previous studies have linked sedentary lifestyle and disability But new study shows sitting down is a risk even with exercise It...
Super morbidly obese women
Flu cases in the UK hit an all time low
Penny, 46, weighs 530lb and has been confined to
Only 3.1% of people visited a GP with flu-like
bed for four years Suffers many health problems
symptoms in early February This is less than a
and cannot look after her...
tenth of the number expected...
Stress DOES cause headaches, then causes us to become even more stressed
Opening remarks by SEN at press conference on “A Food Waste &Yard Waste Plan for Hong Kong 2014-2022″
There was a ‘clear link’ between the amount of stress people’s lives and how often they
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the opening remarks by the Secretary for the Environment, Mr
experienced a...
Wong Kam-sing, at the...
Undeclared allergen found in lecithin powder
Economic Development Commission holds fourth meeting
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A spokesman for the Centre
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Economic
for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and
Development Commission (EDC), under the
Environmental Hygiene Department...
leadership of the Chief Executive, Mr C Y...
SCED gains better understanding of creative industries in Seoul Commerce and Economic Development, Mr
“A Food Waste &Yard Waste Plan” outlines strategy for 40 per cent reduction of food waste disposal by 2022
Gregory So, continued his visit to Seoul...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Environment Bureau
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
today (February 20) unveiled “A Food Waste Yard Waste Plan for Hong...
Parents: Helping Your Child with ADHD Some hype in the media has been made about an “over-diagnosis” of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But...
GW SPHHS to hold public forum on prevalence and impact of eating disorders The George Washington (GW) University School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS) will hold a public forum on February...
Scientists find how brain plucks information out of working memory
Getinge secures 78.55% of outstanding shares in Pulsion M edical Systems
Keep this in mind: Scientists say they’ve learned how your brain plucks information out of working
Getinge (STO:GETIB) has secured 78.55% of the outstanding shares in Pulsion Medical Systems. All
memory when you...
conditions precedent stipulated...
Scientists discover seasonal flu vaccination may reduce risk of stroke
8 Foods Celebrity Fitness Trainers Won’t Eat
Having the seasonal flu jab could reduce the risk of
By Michele Foley for POPSUGAR Fitness Through
suffering a stroke by almost a quarter, researchers
interviews and Twitter, we asked the top celebrity
have found. Academics...
trainers one question: are...
How M any M en Really Need Extra-Large Condoms?
16 Things You Should Never Say to a New M om
Apparently size does matter—at least to New
New moms worry about a lot of things: whether
Yorkers: New York City will make extra-large
they’re nursing properly, what they can do to help
LifeStyles condoms available for...
their newborn avoid SIDS,...
CSD commended for promoting social harmony
Impressive 41 per cent growth in Florida-HK trade in 2013
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Convenor of the Non-
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong
official Members of the Executive Council, Mr Lam
Commissioner for Economic and Trade Affairs,
Woon-kwong, today (February...
USA, Mr Clement Leung, expressed optimism...
GEO launches "HK Landslides" e-book and "Are you in the Picture?" Campaign
M auna Kea installs flagship Cellvizio system at Apollo Gleneagles Hospital in Kolkata
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil Engineering PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
and Development Department today...
Mauna Kea Technologies (Paris:MKEA) (Euronext: MKEA, FR0010609263), leader in the optical biopsy market, announced today...
Research finds correlation between OCD, body dysmorphia and tanning addiction
UPV/EHU researchers develop method for diagnosis, prognosis of cutaneous melanoma
They keep tanning, even after turning a deep brown
UPV/EHU researchers have developed a method
and experiencing some of the negative consequences. Skin cancer is among...
for the diagnosis and prognosis of cutaneous melanoma, the type of skin cancer...
Travelers offers businesses tips on how to create safe workplace
CE meets UK Chancellor of the Exchequer
The four most common workplace injuries among
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y
Texas employers in 2013 included strains, sprains, fractures and contusions,...
Leung, met the visiting Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom,...
Speech by SJ at seminar on “Hong Kong
Huntington’s disease: Hot on the trail of misfolded proteins’ toxic modus operandi
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a speech by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, today (February 20) at...
Proteins are the workhorses of the cell, and their correctly folded three-dimensional structures are critical to cellular...
NuSTAR telescope takes first peek into core of supernova
A challenge to the genetic interpretation of biology
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Keith 510-643- 358-972-757-
6998University of California – Berkeley Image of...
104-922-892-9University of Eastern Finland IMAGE: ...
Two new butterfly species discovered in eastern USA
M arch 2014 adjustment in ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Nick V.
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and 214-6455952Pensoft Publishers IMAGE: “Intricate...
Mechanical Services Department today (February 20) announced an adjustment to...
M any US seniors get prescription
Cell therapy shows remarkable ability to
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
painkillers from multiple doctors
eradicate cancer in clinical study
(HealthDay)—About one-third of Medicare patients
Investigators from Memorial Sloan Kettering
who get prescriptions for powerful narcotic
Cancer Center have reported more encouraging
painkillers receive them from...
news about one of the most exciting...
E. cuniculi can cause febrile illness after transplant
LGBT youth face greater cancer risks
(HealthDay)—Solid organ transplant recipients
A new study led by City College of New York psychologist Margaret Rosario found that youths of
who become febrile weeks after transplantation
same-sex orientation are more...
may have acquired microsporidiosis...
Recipes for Health: Buckwheat Crêpes With Caramelized Apples
Quick Snacks You Can Feel Good About
Log in to manage your products and services from
managing calories is an important part of healthy
The New York Times and the International New
eating, it’s easy to lose...
Calorie counting is a tricky business. While
York Times. ...
How stick insects honed friction to grip without sticking
UNH research: M ost of us have made best memories by age 25
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Fred
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kristina 44-122376-5566University of Cambridge IMAGE: This is 330-4729284University of New Hampshire DURHAM, N.H.
By the...
Addicted to tanning?
It’s Never Too Late to Nourish Yourself
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jen
In the book It’s Never Too Late to Be What You
Sobolewskijsobole@bgsu.eduBowling Green
Might Have Been author BJ Gallagher shares
State University Research looks at correlation between...
stories of individuals who’ve...
‘Rise’ in children on adult wards 19 February 2014 Last updated at 21:44 ET By
Blood pressure medications given right after stroke not beneficial, study finds
Michael Buchanan BBC Social Affairs
A major study has found that giving stroke patients
correspondent Data was...
medications to lower their blood pressure during the first 48 hours after...
Does more stress equal more headaches?
HPV vaccination is associated with reduced risk of cervical lesions in
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
A new study provides evidence for what many
people who experience headache have long suspected—having more stress in your...
A reduced risk of cervical lesions among Danish girls and women at the population level is associated with use of a quadrivalent...
Insurance status may influence transfer decisions in trauma cases, study reveals
Promoting Health With Enticing Photos of Fruits and Vegetables
Emergency rooms are less likely to transfer critically injured patients to trauma centers if they
The New York Times and the International New
Log in to manage your products and services from York Times. ...
have health insurance,...
California Health Insurance Enrollments Rise, but Hispanics Still Lag
Why I’m Not Worried About Yoga M at Chemicals in M y Food
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
As you’ve probably heard, Subway, Starbucks, and other national fast food chains are scrambling to
York Times. ...
remove a chemical...
There Is No Such Thing As The Perfect Body (VIDEO)
Pharmacological considerations in the design of anti-malarial drug combination therapies – is matching half
Every teen who struggles with self-confidence should watch this blunt, powerful video about body image from YouTube star...
Anti-malarial drugs are now mainly deployed as combination therapy (CT), primarily as a mechanism to prevent or slow the...
Commissuroplasty for the anterior commissure defect caused by tricuspid valve endocarditis using patch closure and modified placement of a rigid ring The anterior commissure defect of tricuspid valve
A randomized controlled trial of standard versus intensified tuberculosis diagnostics on treatment decisions by physicians in Northern Tanzania
may leave remnant regurgitation with inadequate
Routine tuberculosis culture remains unavailable
leaflet coaptation after...
in many high-burden areas, including Tanzania. This study sought to determine...
Predictors of attendance at an obesity clinic and subsequent weight change PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Intragenic homogenization and multiple copies of prey-wrapping silk genes in
There is conflicting evidence regarding characteristics of patients most likely to have poor outcomes after referral to a...
Argiope garden spiders Spider silks are spectacular examples of phenotypic diversity arising from adaptive molecular evolution. An individual spider...
Depressed M an Tries to Feed Himself to Tigers
#71 Sexuality and the Inner Self
Mental Health Humor CartoonBengali White Tiger
Madariaga via Compfight Sexuality is an integral aspect of the energy that...
Cub: Mom, why didn’t we eat that man who tried to
Marcos de Madariaga via Compfight Marcos de
Feed Himself to us?Bengali...
‘Keep focus’ on Africa malaria fight
Drug lets blind eyes ‘see light’
19 February 2014 Last updated at 20:57 ET By
19 February 2014 Last updated at 20:53 ET By
James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News Malaria...
James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News A drug...
Children in adult psychiatric wards
What’s The Best Soundtrack For Sleep?
19 February 2014 Last updated at 20:07 ET By
Do you know anyone who actually falls asleep to
Michael Buchanan BBC Social Affairs
pre-recorded crickets or rain drops? Sleep studies
correspondent Data was...
can’t even agree...
Searching for Permanence
When Life Drags You Up a Hill
Someone who I went to school with died recently after a long battle with drug addiction. I remember
Have you ever felt like a horse being pulled along by a moving motorcycle? Okay, so maybe the
going to his house once...
image isn’t familiar,...
Penn Student Suicides Prompt Task Force Probe Of Campus Stress
Baby’s appetite may predict future obesity risk
The University of Pennsylvania on Wednesday announced a task force to examine stress and
Have a baby or child with a hearty appetite? It could increase their chances of obesity in the future. Two
mental health on the Philadelphia...
studies published...
Stress does give you more headaches, study shows
Reasons for becoming self-employed in later life vary by gender, culture
Ever feel that more stress gives you more headaches? Science is now saying you may be
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jesslyn 573-882-
right. A new study showed that people...
8353University of Missouri-Columbia Older male workers may...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
LGBT youth face greater cancer risks, CCNY-led study
Using holograms to improve electronic devices
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jay
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sean 212-650- 951-827-
7580City College of New York A new study led by
1287University of California – Riverside
City College...
Bevacizumab offers no benefit for newly diagnosed glioblastoma, M D Anderson-led study finds
Stereotype awareness impacts selfesteem in schizophrenia
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura
Reporter Patients with psychosis with higher selfesteem have less awareness of the... 713-745-
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
2457University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center HOUSTON...
M ixed state specifier in DSM -5 overlooks the core features
Nintedanib plus docetaxel shows second-line efficacy in recurrent NSCLC
By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter The
By Joanna Lyford, Senior medwireNews Reporter
replacement of “mixed episodes” with “mixed
Nintedanib plus docetaxel offers significant efficacy
features” in DSM-5 in...
in patients with non-small-cell...
Driver mutations found in more than half of adenosquamous lung carcinomas
If Yellowstone Could Talk, It M ight Squeak. Blame The Helium.
By Joanna Lyford, Senior medwireNews Reporter Analysis of a large cohort of Chinese patients with
Yellowstone National Park. Bill Young/Flickr A huge
hide captionSunset on the Firehole River, amount of ancient helium...
adenosquamous lung carcinoma...
What Is The Psychological Effect Of Naming Storms?
As Execution Drugs Run Dry, Attention Turns To Source Of Shortage
Nick Epley at the University of Chicago has been studying the effects of naming inanimate things like
The U.S. is experiencing a nationwide shortage of the drugs commonly used in lethal injections. The
storms. He finds that...
situation has stirred...
‘Bluish’ Light M ay Help Alzheimer’s Patients Find Bearings
USDOJ: Former Detroit Liquor Store Owner Sentenced for Tax Fraud and for Selling Cutting Agents to Drug Dealers
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Light has long been used to treat people with various illnesses, including Seasonal Affective Disorder. Now, researchers...
Poem: Patient Detroit
Bashar Saroki, a resident of Southfield, Mich ., was sentenced today in the United States District Court for the Eastern...
Detroit was a young kid Admitted to a psych
M others’ Voices Could Be The Extra Push Preemies Need To Feed (STUDY)
hospital His family was from Texas And he shook
my hand I gave him my Eminem...
2014 11:50am EST (Reuters Health) – A pacifieractivated recording of mother...
The Words That Remind M e of M y Daughter’s Strength
Child’s appetite may be predictor of future obesity risk
“Mom, when I grow up I want to be a nurse so I can
Have a baby or child with a hearty appetite? It could
help people…” “Mommy, will you teach me everything...
increase their chances of obesity in the future. Two studies published...
Every extra hour sitting on couch doubles seniors’ disability risk
Bevacizumab (Avastin) fails to improve survival for newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients
You may have heard this one before — sitting too much can be unhealthy. Recent studies have called out a sedentary...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 410-3288919University of Maryland Medical Center University of...
Whole genome analysis, stat 773-795-
Study shows in vivo endomicroscopy improves detection of Barrett’s esophagus-related neoplasia
5225University of Chicago Medical Center
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne
Supercomputer... 630-570-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: John
5635American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy DOWNERS...
RXTE reveals the cloudy cores of active galaxies
NuSTAR helps untangle how stars explode
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Francis
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 925- 301-286-
422-9799DOE/Lawrence Livermore National
4453NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center VIDEO:
Laboratory For the first time,...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
SDSC team develops multi-scale simulation software for chemistry research
One M an’s Quest To Find The ‘Sonic Wonders Of The World’
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jan
professor Trevor Cox explains that it has to do with
858-534-5111University of California – San Diego SDSC’s trestles...
the way lightning...
World’s Largest Oyster Is Size Of A M an’s Shoe
To curb rising HIV rates, we must target our human flaws
i i hide captionEven if you ignore the giant oyster’s
One of the most perplexing risks to public health is
size, its rich patina and rippling layers hint at its...
human nature. No matter how diligently public health campaigns lay out...
SCED begins visit to Seoul
LCQ4: Foreign domestic helpers
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a reply by the
Commerce and Economic Development, Mr
Secretary for Security, Mr Lai Tung-kwok, to a
Gregory So, arrived in Seoul, Korea, today...
question by the Hon...
Don’t Give Up
Psychotic traits tied to school move
When you have bipolar disorder there are so many challenges. Med changes. Therapy. Appointments.
19 February 2014 Last updated at 14:14 ET Children who are bullied at school may be more
Side effects from meds like...
likely to develop psychotic traits Children...
Top five low-value actions ID’d in emergency medicine
CAS, CEA equally effective for longterm stroke prevention
(HealthDay)—The top five tests, treatments, and/or disposition decisions that are of little value in
(HealthDay)—For patients with high-grade carotid artery stenosis, carotid angioplasty and stenting
emergency medicine...
(CAS) and carotid endarterectomy...
M any US hospitals fall short in preventing infections
Northera approved for rare blood pressure condition
(HealthDay)—Many U.S. hospitals don’t follow
(HealthDay)—Northera (droxidopa) has been
rules meant to protect patients from preventable
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
and potentially deadly...
to treat a rare, chronic condition...
Why She Ate: A Diet Story
Who Can You Touch? Finding
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
i i hide captionWhy does thunder rumble? Acoustic
Most people think diets work and that it is the
Inspiration Close to Home
dieters who “don’t work,” are undisciplined, self-
Think of an area in your life where you’d like to
make a change. Is it family, health related, professional? No matter...
Kindr CEO M att Ivester: Technology Can Lift People Up, Not Just Tear Them Down
Shirley Temple and the Newest Information on M ammograms: What They Tell Women to Do
Full of bullying and snark, the Internet can be a
After her death on Feb. 10, 2014, people recalled
scary place. Matt Ivester is trying to change that with Kindr, an app that...
Shirley Temple’s charm and charming movies, and her famous songs...
‘Vitruvian M an’ M ay Have Had A Hernia, Surgeon Says
Check your freezers: Hot Pockets recalled over meat safety
Leonardo da Vinci made it his mission to sketch
Hot Pocket fans may want to check their freezers.
the male body with ideal human proportions in the late 1400s. But it turns...
Some steak and cheese varieties of the popular frozen foods are being recalled...
M ore women choosing breast reconstruction after mastectomy
Water contamination a threat in California drought
Researchers are reporting that most women with breast cancer today opt to get breast reconstruction
SACRAMENTO, California – California’s drought has put 10 communities at acute risk of running out
after undergoing mastectomies. The...
of drinking...
Statistics research could build consensus around climate predictions
An Alternative to To-Do Lists for Getting Tasks Done
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karthika 267-350-
Most of us use some kind of to-do list, whether it’s tasks scribbled on a sticky note (like me), projects
6383Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
typed into a...
IMAGE: ...
Repeating the Past: Parenting Your Child as You were…
Parents of children with autism petition Quebec for $12.2M
Irene: “Why should I bother doing good things for
The parents of around 500 children with autism
my child if it’s all a one-way street?” Therapist: “Is
and other intellectual disabilities took their petition
that why...
for an increase in...
Kids, Poverty and M ental Health:
Sitting time linked to disability
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Anxiety a growing problem
regardless of physical activity
Tyler Chabot offers a shy smile as he talks about
Each hour spent sitting could raise the risk of
the social anxiety disorder that took over his life. “I
having trouble with tasks like dressing and eating
feel like I...
regardless of physical...
Online doctor reviews not commonly checked by patients
VIDEO: Action urged over self-harm sites
Doctor ratings in the U.S. are less popular than
The government has been told it must take action
those of toasters, cars and movies when it comes
to prevent more teenagers killing themselves after
to online consumer sites. That’s...
viewing online self-harm...
Anxiety highest in women over 60
Researchers study impact of head movement on fM RI data
19 February 2014 Last updated at 11:01 ET By Pippa Stephens Health reporter, BBC News Anxiety increases...
Kessler Foundation researchers have shown that discarding data from subjects with multiple sclerosis (MS) who exhibit head...
Couples, pay attention to your relationship work ethic Is a date with your partner as important to you as a meeting at work? A University of Illinois study recommends that couples...
Study finds potential solution for feeding, swallowing difficulties in children with autism [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa 202-994-3121George Washington University IMAGE: The research was featured...
U of I study: Couples, pay attention to your relationship work ethic
M anaging chronic bone and joint pain
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Phyllis Picklesimerp-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kayee 847-3844035American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 217-244-2827University of
ROSEMONT, Ill.Musculoskeletal...
Illinois College of Agricultural,...
Gene sequencing project discovers common driver of a childhood brain tumor
Arsenic Flowing Into NC River Hit by Coal Ash Disaster
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carrie 901-595-
coal ash spill near Eden, N.C. has sparked health
2295St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital St.... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
By Katie Moisse@katiemoisseFollow on Twitter A warnings. (Image credit:...
Special Contact Lenses Treat Glaucoma a New Way
Watch: Wash. M an Accused of Fraud in Treating Cancer Patients
The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: The
Wash. Man Accused of Fraud in Treating Cancer Patients Watch: Wash. Man Accused of Fraud in
following error was encountered: Socket...
Treating Cancer Patients
Sitting linked to increased risk for disability, study shows
M oney, sleep and love: What makes a happy parent?
For people over age 60, every extra hour of the day spent sitting is linked to an increased risk for
Who is happier: Parents or non-parents? It’s a conundrum that burns hot in the cultural discourse.
developing life-altering...
Are parents made...
20% rise in penile cancer: are STIs to blame?
Primary culture of avian embryonic heart forming region cells to study the regulation of vertebrate early heart morphogenesis by vitamin A
Wednesday February 19 2014 It can be embarrassing to talk about penis problems “The...
Important knowledge about the role of vitamin A in vertebrate heart development has been obtained using the vitamin A-deficient...
Using the intervention mapping protocol to reduce European preschoolers’ sedentary behavior, an application to the ToyBox-Study High levels of sedentary behavior are often
Antimicrobial activity, acute toxicity and cytoprotective effect of Crassocephalum vitellinum (Benth.) S. M oore extract in a rat ethanol-HCl gastric ulcer model
measured in preschoolers, but only a few
A decoction of Crassocephallum vitellinum (Benth.)
interventions have been developed to...
S. Moore (Asteraceae) is used in Kagera Region to treat peptic ulcers. ...
Hong Kong and Canada continue to strengthen ties in Year of the Horse
Use Your Envy As Helpful Life Tool
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Economic
belief in their own gifts. ~ Jean Vanier People
and Trade Office in Toronto (HKETO) and the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)...
stereotype women as being...
Getting to K(no)w One
Parents of autistic children petition Quebec for $12.2M
You? You’re just an ant crossing my path. I could PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Envy comes from people’s ignorance or lack of
stomp you. (Who would know?) Who would care?
The parents of around 500 children with autism
Who really cares about...
and other intellectual disabilities took their petition for an increase in...
Lack of sleep can lead to obesity, heart problems
M inor added benefit of indacaterol/glycopyrronium in COPD
Two Ottawa-based sleep doctors are sounding the alarm about the consequences of sleep
The drug combination indacaterol/glycopyrronium (trade name: Ultibro Breezhaler, Xoterna
deprivation. (Photo by Liz Beddall) â&#x20AC;&#x2039;Watch...
Breezhaler) has been approved since...
M ost of us have made best memories by age 25, research finds
Women, divorcees and atheists are most likely to choose assisted suicide
By the time most people are 25, they have made the most important memories of their lives,
By Anna Hodgekiss PUBLISHED: 07:41 EST, 19 February 2014 | UPDATED: 07:46 EST, 19 February
according to new research from...
2014 Women, highly...
Cell behaviour in low oxygen conditions mapped
Gender aspects suggestive of gastroparesis in patients with diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional survey
( â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Research at the University of Liverpool has explained how cells behave when placed in a low oxygen environment,...
It is suggested that symptoms related to gastroparesis are more common in female than in male patients with type 2 diabetes...
Oriental theileriosis in dairy cows causes a significant milk production loss Oriental theileriosis is a tick-borne, protozoan disease of cattle caused by members of the Theileria orientalis-complex....
Are the special educational needs of children in their first year in primary school in Ireland being identified: a cross-sectional study If the window of opportunity presented by the early years is missed, it becomes increasingly difficult to create a successful...
Feasibility and reliability of an automated controller of inspired oxygen concentration during mechanical ventilation IntroductionHypoxemia and high fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2) are concerns in critically ill patients. An automated... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Ethnobotany of dye plants in Dong communities of China Dyes derived from plants have an extensive history of use for coloring food and clothing in Dong communities and other indigenous...
Aerie Launches Spring 2014 Campaign: Unretouched M odels…
M anitoba’s STARS air ambulance slammed in draft provincial report
Copyright American Eagle/Aerie Aerie has launched its Spring 2014 campaign and guess
Manitoba’s STARS air ambulance crews lack adequate training, are not familiar with pediatric
what’s grabbing the spotlight? I mean,...
patients and do not understand... How did it go so wrong?
UH Case M edical Center cardiologists perform TAVR procedure under twilight
19 February 2014 Last updated at 08:50 ET Article written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More from Nick There...
University Hospitals Case Medical Center cardiologists Marco Costa, MD, and Dan Simon, MD, are among the first in the country...
Could nuts ward off pancreatic cancer? more than 75,000 women Found eating nuts two or
Analysis of Twitter reveals people are happier at breakfast but become grumpier by the hour
more times a week lowered...
The server is temporarily unable to service your
Harvard School of Public Health took samples of
request. Please try again later. Reference #15.2f4bf6d8.1392812533.1f96b042 Analysis...
Can Twitter predict post-natal depression
Higher BM I is associated with reduced brain volume in heart failure
The server is temporarily unable to service your
Heart failure (HF) patients are at risk for structural
request. Please try again later. Reference #15.4d4bf6d8.1392812529.3dd2787 Can...
brain changes due to cerebral hypoperfusion. Past work shows obesity...
Dutch General Practitioners?weight management policy for overweight and obese patients
Batch recall of Apo-Naproxen Tablet 250mg
General practitioners (GPs) can play an important
(DH) today (February 19) endorsed a licensed drug wholesaler, Hind Wing...
role in both the prevention and management of
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Department of Health
overweight and obesity. Current...
Cluster of M ultiple-drugs Resistant Acinetobacter cases in Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
Clusters of Influenza A and Influenza B cases in Siu Lam Hospital
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson
behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on for Siu Lam Hospital...
for Ruttonjee and...
6 Psychological Insights about Solitude have to themselves. In fact, when thinking about
Neuropsychological assessment efficiently tracks disease progression in memory clinic patients
spending time alone, just...
According to new study of memory clinic patients
People who are single-at-heart love the time they
published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Investigators at...
M oving deadlines is ‘wrong way’ to fix health law; expand M edicaid to close ‘racial’ health gap
Researchers examine impact of diet for preventing Alzheimer’s dementia
Commentators assess the health law and its implementation. Los Angeles Times: The Wrong
acid found in fish oil is being tested in patients with
A cocktail of ingredients containing omega-3 fatty mild cognitive...
Way To Fix Obamacare The sprawling...
Discrimination against transgender people need to be addressed by medical establishment
1 in 4 miscarriages ‘could be prevented with changes to a woman’s lifestyle’
Discrimination against transgender people -as
Scientists at the University of Copenhagen looked at 91,427 pregnancies Study found paying closer
many as one million Americans identify
attention to avoidable...
themselves as transgender – should...
Using an iPad ‘boosts vision’: Half an hour a day can improve sight by up to a third
‘Avatar’-inspired brain implant could help restore movement in paralysed patients
Participants often ended up with eyesight much better than 20/20 Basketball players at the
Scientists have made a breakthrough in understanding how we move During tests they
University of California, Riverside...
moved the arm of one monkey using the...
Anti-depressant Citalopram could help ease Alzheimer’s symptoms Drug Citalopram significantly relieved agitation in
Item response theory analysis of cognitive tests in people with dementia: a systematic review
Alzheimer’s patients Helped to reduce emotional
Performance on psychometric tests is key to
distress, excessive...
diagnosis and monitoring treatment of dementia. Results are often reported as...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
M orphometric, densitometric and mechanical properties of mandibular deciduous teeth in 5-month-old Polish M erino sheep
Antibiotics prescribed for children who have URIs does not prevent complications
Caries, enamel hypoplasia, molar incisor
who have upper respiratory tract infections (URIs)
hipomineralization, amylogenesis imperfecta, dentine dysplasia, hypophosphatasia...
in order to prevent...
Investor group to buy claims manager for $4.4B
Researchers reveal effectiveness of web-based weight-loss programs
MultiPlan processes 40 million health insurance
Researchers from The Miriam Hospital have found
claims annually. The Associated Press/Los Angeles Times: Starr Leads Purchase...
that DietBet, a web-based commercial weight loss program that pairs financial...
Highlights: Ohio gov.’s evolving stances; Conn. social services woes; abortion-ban push continues
LCQ5: Taxi drivers using mobile phones while driving
A selection of health policy stories from Ohio,
the Hon Wong Kwok-hing and a reply by the Secretary for Transport and...
Connecticut, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida,
Antibiotics are often prescribed for young children
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
California, New York,...
LCQ10: M aking video records during public order events
Acting SFH on supply of live chickens
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Acting Secretary for Food and
the Hon Emily Lau and a written reply by the
Health, Professor...
Secretary for Security,...
LCQ3: Oi Tak Street site
LCQ12: M TR service
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Christopher Chung and a reply by the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by Dr Hon Kwok Ka-ki and a written reply by the
Secretary for Development,...
Secretary for Transport...
How parasites manipulate us Humans infected with parasites could behave in
Scientists propose improved method of screening salmonella vaccines in small animal studies
surprising ways. Michael Mosley...
An innovative vaccine technology makes use of
18 February 2014 Last updated at 21:01 ET
reengineered salmonella to deliver protective PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
immunity. If such recombinant...
Taste receptors act as first line sentinels against infection in upper airway
Scientists produce reliable set of genotypes to benchmark human genome sequencing
The body uses mucus as a protective barrier to defend against pathogens, toxins, and allergens in
Led by biomedical engineer Justin Zook of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a
the upper respiratory tract...
team of scientists from Harvard...
Nanodiamond-drug embedded in contact lenses shows great promise for glaucoma treatment
LCQ14: Government’s requests for Internet service providers to disclose or remove users’ information
By 2020, nearly 80 million people are expected to
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
have glaucoma, a disorder of the eye that, if left
the Hon Charles Mok and a written reply by the
untreated, can damage...
Acting Secretary for...
LCQ17: Statistics on visitors to Hong Kong
LC: CS presents Government M inute in response to Report of Public Accounts Committee No. 60A
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a written reply by the Acting Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech (translated from Chinese) by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs...
LCQ18: Quality of sub-degree programme graduates
LCQ13: The arrangement for CE’s report to Central People’s Government
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
the Hon Abraham Shek and a written reply by the
the Hon Frederick Fung and a written reply by the
Secretary for Education,...
Secretary for Constitutional...
Children with Severe Behavior Problems: 5 Ways To Build…
Is your home harming you? Asthma, allergies and indoor mould
Most parents today desire children who do
It is hard to escape indoor mould. It is most
everything they’re told. It is so much easier to raise
commonly found in the wet areas of the home,
children who know how...
especially the bathroom and the...
Do early onset and pack-years of smoking increase risk of type II diabetes?
Systematic genome sequence differences among leaf cells within individual trees
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Type II diabetes is not only major public health problem but also heavy fiscal burden to each
Even in the age of next-generation sequencing (NGS), it has been unclear whether or not cells
nation’s health care...
within a single organism have...
LCQ9: M anagement and development of Asia World-Expo
LCQ1: Soliciting or accepting advantage by a public servant
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a written reply by the Acting Secretary for Commerce and
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Dennis Kwok and a reply by the Chief
Economic Development, Mr...
Secretary for Administration,...
LCQ11: Filing of Employer’s Return
Does Your Road to Recovery Have Heart?
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Tang Ka-piu and a written reply by the Secretary for Financial...
Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself, and yourself...
‘Talking’ medical devices, apps continue to evolve
Fitness, not fatness, linked to mortality in prediabetes
(HealthDay)—They remind you when it’s time to take your medicine, coach you through emergency
(HealthDay)—Unfit individuals with prediabetes have a higher mortality risk than fit individuals,
medical procedures...
regardless of adiposity...
Direct-to-consumer genomic testing concerns explored (HealthDay)—Various concerns relate to direct-to-
FDA grants accelerated approval to NORTHERATM (droxidopa) for patients with symptomatic NOH
consumer genomic testing, according to an ideas
Chelsea Therapeutics International, Ltd. (Nasdaq:
and opinions piece published...
CHTP) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
NHS delays plan to harvest your details: Victory for the M ail as database is shelved for six months
Enucleation of giant esophageal schwannoma of the upper thoracic esophagus: reports of two cases
NHS England announces hiatus over fears
Benign esophageal tumors are uncommon,
patients are in the dark Top clinical bodies have
leiomyomas being the most frequent. However,
blasted the plans to share medical...
esophageal schwannomas are exceedingly...
Transcriptome sequencing of Atlantic
Effects of mutations and deletions in
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
salmon (Salmo salar L.) notochord prior to development of the vertebrae provides clues to regulation of positional fate, chordoblast lineage and mineralisation
the human optineurin gene Optineurin is a gene associated with normal tension glaucoma (NTG) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Foci formation...
In teleosts such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), segmentation and subsequent mineralisation of the notochord during...
The link between nutritional parameters and bone mineral density in women: results of a screening programme for osteoporosis A positive association between handgrip strength and bone mineral density was demonstrated, but not all the investigations...
Analysis of the floral transcriptome of Tarenaya hassleriana (Cleomaceae), a member of the sister group to the Brassicaceae: towards understanding the base of morphological diversity in Brassicales Arabidopsis thaliana, a member of the Brassicaceae family is the dominant genetic model plant. However, while the flowers...
Why Is Lithium NOT The Go To Drug For… Mental Health Humor: Lithium Bottle: Was I your
Lithium NOT The Go-To Drug For Bipolar Disorder (Part… My Lithium Story Ain’t So Sunny! Because it is a fine
first… Bipolar Medication? Caption: Sooner or later you’ll breakdown...
line with lithium on therapeutic levels and toxic levels, you...
Lifestyle ‘link to miscarriage risk’
NHS plan to share medical records put on hold for 6 months
18 February 2014 Last updated at 20:29 ET By Pippa Stephens Health reporter, BBC News The lifestyles...
NHS England announces hiatus over fears patients are in the dark Top clinical bodies have blasted the plans to share medical...
About That Study That Says M ammograms Don’t Save Lives… What You Need to Know The idea behind getting a yearly mammogram starting at age 40 (or 50, depending on whose guidelines you’re following) is... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Do You Care If a Guy Has a College Degree? Here’s a major win for women: More wives than ever are more educated than their husbands, according to new data from...
Newsflash: You Can Be Skinny AND Strong Wonder Woman has certainly had to deal with a lot of crap lately. Actress Gal Gadot, who is prepping for her star turn as...
The association of depression and anxiety with glycemic control among M exican Americans with diabetes living near the U.S.-M exico border The prevalence of diabetes is alarmingly high among Mexican American adults residing near the U.S.-Mexico border. Depression...
Ratio of n-3/n-6 PUFAs and risk of breast cancer: a meta-analysis of 274135 adult females from 11 independent prospective studies Increased ratio of n-3/n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in diet or serum may have a protective effect on the risk...
Increased fairness in priority setting processes within the health sector: the case of Kapiri-M poshi District, Zambia The challenge of priority setting (PS) in health care within contexts of severe resource limitations has continued to receive...
Effect of moderate alcohol consumption on fetuin-A levels in men and women: post-hoc analyses of three open-label randomized crossover trials
Hepatic Hedgehog signaling contributes to the regulation of IGF1 and IGFBP1 serum levels
Fetuin-A, a liver-derived glycoprotein that impairs insulin-signalling, has emerged as a biomarker for
embryonic development, organogenesis and cancer. In the adult liver, Hedgehog...
Hedgehog signaling plays an important role in
diabetes risk. Although...
Disclosure in the Workplace: An Interview with Lisa Clark… Should someone with a mood disorder disclose her condition to her manager or anyone with whom she works? After more than...
GW spirituality and health pioneer publishes paper on development of the field [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa 202-994-3121George Washington University WASHINGTON (Feb. 18, 2014) ...
Neuropsychological assessment more efficient than M RI for tracking disease progression [ | E-mail ] Contact: Daphne 31-206-883-355IOS PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Researchers propose a better way to make sense of ‘Big Data’ [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jaclyn 516-367-8455Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory New application of a
Press According to new study of memory clinic...
Ohio gay couple sues after being denied Obamacare coverage
U.N. rights commissioner urges prosecution of North Korean crimes
(Reuters) – A gay couple in Ohio filed a federal lawsuit on Tuesday, charging they were unable to
GENEVA (Reuters) – U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay urged world powers on
obtain family coverage...
Tuesday to refer North...
Infections Rare in Outpatient Surgery Procedures, Study Finds
After Hip Fracture, Home Exercise Program M ay Boost Recovery
MONDAY Feb. 17, 2014, 2014 — The risk of infections to the area of incision after outpatient
TUESDAY Feb. 18, 2014, 2014 — A home exercise program provided added benefit to people
surgery is low, a new...
recovering from a hip fracture,...
Newborns Fed Formula in Hospital Less Likely to Be Breast-Fed Later
All eyes on bioprinting
TUESDAY Feb. 18, 2014, 2014 — New mothers are less likely to breast-feed their infants if the
Bioprinting is an emerging technology that promises to revolutionise the field of regenerative medicine. The idea is simple:...
newborns are given formula...
Penis cancer cases soar amidst fears symptoms are misdiagnosed as STDs
Baby fighting for her life is saved after her uncle donates half of his liver
Number of men diagnosed with disease has risen dramatically in 30 years May be due to changes in
Willow Turner was battling rare liver disease called biliary atresia Doctors warned that without a
sexual behaviour, greater exposure...
transplant, she would...
Calico cats inspire X chromosome research
FDA approves Northera to treat neurogenic orthostatic hypotension
Calico cats, renowned and beloved for their funky orange and black patchwork or “tortoiseshell” fur,
For Immediate Release: Feb. 18, 2014Media Inquiries: Sandy Walsh, 301-796-4669,
can thank...
sandy.walsh@fda.hhs.govConsumer Inquiries:...
In vivo characterization of rodent cyclic myocardial perfusion variation at rest and during adenosine-induced stress using cine-ASL cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Characterization of pilot-scale dilute acid pretreatment performance using deacetylated corn stover
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Dilute acid pretreatment is a promising process technology for the deconstruction of low-lignin lignocellulosic biomass,...
Assessment of cyclic myocardial blood flow (MBF) variations can be an interesting addition to the characterization of microvascular...
USDOJ: Former Virginia Subcontractor Pleads Guilty to Bribery Dwayne Allen Hardman, 44, of Charleston, W.V .,
USDOJ: Virginia-Based Contractor to Pay $6.5 M illion to Settle Allegations of False Claims on Navy Contracts
pleaded guilty today to paying bribes to public officials. Acting Assistant...
Vector Planning and Services Inc. (VPSI), an
USDOJ: Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Ganado School District to Ensure Equal Opportunities for English Language Learner Students
Difference Between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder…
The Justice Department announced today that it has entered into a settlement agreement with the Ganado Unified School District...
information technology, systems engineering, program management and consulting...
Recently on our Facebook Page, Vicky posted the following: I was diagnosed bipolar II at the age of 20 but because bipolar...
Brian Sinclair’s family loses confidence, pulls out of inquest
Kids, Poverty and M ental Health: How Hamilton schools reach kids
The family of a man who died in his wheelchair after waiting 34 hours for help in a Winnipeg hospital’s emergency...
Meagan Coote thought she was coming down with something when she began feeling sick at school one day. She had just started...
Pink eye outbreak shuts down BaieComeau hospital eye clinic
VIDEO: Giant NHS database rollout delayed
An ophthalmology clinic at a hospital in BaieComeau, Que., has been shut down after more than 400 people contracted pink...
A major project which would allow anonymous medical records from GPs to be shared with organisations outside the NHS, is...
Unnecessary medical tests need a rethink
5 Things Dogs Teach You About Life
Family doctors in the U.S. are being told not to do imaging for lower back pain within the first six weeks, unless red flags...
NHS database put on ice PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
This is Chet. He is my 3-and-a-half-year-old rescue dog, the light of my life and the bane of my existence. What he lacks...
Gourami, aka Kissing Fish: New York
On Tuesday night, doctors groups and privacy campaigners welcomed the decision, which follows mounting criticism of the...
City, April, 2010 I’m staying in my Aunt Janet’s place on the upper west side while on a job in New York It’s a classic old...
This Is Coca-Cola’s Biggest Nightmare
3 Easy Steps to a Lifetime of Happiness
Americans are so over soda. And while that may be good for the their expanding waistlines, it’s bad news for the companies...
Really? You really thought you could be forever happy in just three easy steps? At the very least, that means you’ve...
Evaluation of a rapid device for serological in-clinic diagnosis of canine angiostrongylosis
Erie M an Indicted on Child Pornography Charges
Angiostrongylus vasorum is a potentially fatal canine nematode. Due to the high variability of clinical signs and the often...
Nashville Gang M ember Sentenced to Life in Prison for Drug Trafficking and Firearms Offenses Near Elementary School Christopher Ray Moody, 30, of Nashville, Tennessee, was sentenced today in United States
ERIE, PA—A resident of Erie, Pennsylvania has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Erie on charges of violating federal...
5 Sure Signs It’s Time to See a Therapist Psychotherapy is a wonderful treatment for many of life’s problems, with thousands of studies backing up its use as an...
District Court to life in prison,...
Is It Impossible To Control Your Thoughts? CBT Disagrees….
Unnecessary medical tests need a rethink
Change your thoughts, change your life. Sure, selfhelp gurus push this glib-sounding phrase in order
Family doctors in the U.S. are being told not to do imaging for lower back pain within the first six
to sell books and workshops....
weeks, unless red flags...
‘Lucy’s death has changed everyone’
Giant NHS database rollout delayed
Lucy Rayner took her own life in 2012 Suicide rates have fallen in the UK according to the latest figures
18 February 2014 Last updated at 12:32 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The start
from Office for...
of a...
M onkey’s brain moves sedated avatar
Healthy Lunchbox Challenge helps
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
18 February 2014 Last updated at 11:35 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News The...
influence healthy eating habits in children During the school year, 21 million children receive free or reduced-price lunches, yet less than 10% of those children participate...
Evaluation of three rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of human infections with Plasmodium knowlesi
A novel reporter system for neutralizing and enhancing antibody assay against dengue virus
Plasmodium knowlesi, a malaria parasite of
Dengue virus (DENV) still poses a global public
Southeast Asian macaques, infects humans and can cause fatal malaria. It is difficult...
health threat, and no vaccine or antiviral therapy is currently available....
Gene expression changes in aging Zebrafish (Danio rerio) brains are sexually dimorphic
Standardised neonatal parenteral nutrition formulations
Brain aging is a multi-factorial process due to both genetic and environmental factors. The zebrafish
routinely used in the neonatal intensive care units in Australia and New...
Standardised parenteral nutrition formulations are
has recently become...
Traffic distribution among RHCs Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In view of the latest traffic situations at the Cross Harbour Tunnel (CHT) and the Eastern Harbour...
Kids, Poverty and M ental Health: Hamilton fights back Poverty can be a powerful predictor of a child’s mental health. Data released exclusively to CBC Hamilton shows that Hamilton...
Study discovers new way to prevent some strokes
Researchers turn pain perception on and off in mice using light
Larry Ambrose woke up one night, wandered into his kitchen but couldn’t completely read the time on
()—A team of researchers at Stanford University has found a way to turn the perception of pain on
his microwave....
and off using only a...
Research team successfully grows human lung in lab
New drug candidate starves dormant cancer cells
()—A team of researchers with the University of Texas has, for the first time, successfully grown a
In a study published in Nature Communications, researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala
human lung in a lab....
University in Sweden present...
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Novel vision-saving surgery helped Olympic bobsledder Steven Holcomb realize his dreams Olympian Steven Holcomb led the U.S. bobsledding team to a bronze medal in the twoman bobsled competition on Tuesday –...
Health Highlights: Feb. 18, 2014 Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: Saliva Test May Spot...
Dynavax withdraws EU marketing application for Hep B vaccine (Reuters) – Dynavax Technologies Corp said it had withdrawn a European marketing application for its experimental hepatitis...
Drinking Early in Pregnancy M ay Harm Placenta, Study Finds TUESDAY Feb. 18, 2014, 2014 — Drinking moderate to large amounts of alcohol early in your pregnancy may damage your...
‘Talking’ M edical Devices, Apps Continue to Evolve
10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Therapy
TUESDAY Feb. 18, 2014, 2014 — They remind you
Being a therapist can be an amazing profession
when it’s time to take your medicine, coach you through emergency...
full of challenges, heartaches, and celebration. We see you at your worst...
Kale Chips With Nutritional Yeast
Suspected case of Cushing’s Syndrome with history of taking medicines prescribed by registered Chinese medicine practitioner
This deliciously crunchy snack is savory and packed with beneficial nutrients like calcium and vitamins A, C, and K (in the...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Department of Health (DH) today (February 18) alerted clients who have consulted a registered...
Caseloads, Budgets, and Care: Pills Trump People When It…
Difference between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder…
Here’s what a typical workday looks like for an employee at a mental health agency: Eight hours
Recently on our Facebook Page, Vicky posted the following: I was diagnosed bipolar II at the age of
minus two 15-minute breaks...
20 but because bipolar...
‘Deadly ambulance postcode lottery’
Pressure grows to halt sharing of medical records
18 February 2014 Last updated at 07:08 ET By Andrew Hosken BBC News Amy Carter is taking legal action... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
David Davis MP, a former shadow home secretary, said the new database would be “a honeypot for
hackers”. He spoke out...
Lose Weight, Lose Sleep Apnea?
The 5 Habits of Purposeful People
Losing weight — and keeping it off — could help sleep apnea from getting worse and could even
We often hear about certain people leading a purposeful life. This is usually in relation to some
reverse it, a small...
recent success they had...
Get Back In The Swing Of Things After A Long Weekend (PHOTOS)
10 Great Ways M indfulness Turns Fear Into an Ally
The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life — and
At first glance you might not put mindfulness and fear together or think that one can counterbalance
your well-being — off...
the other. But while...
Photographer Captures Beautiful, Loving Glimpse Into The NICU
Obese man Lee Jordan loses 275lbs after reconnecting with high school sweetheart
The first time Jessica Strom photographed a baby in a hospital NICU, she was a volunteer with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep,...
Did stress hormones in City traders trigger the global recession? High levels of the stress hormone cortisol over long periods can make people less risk-averse and more pessimistic New study...
Lee Jordan, 50, would eat up to 12,000 calories-aday He suffered from diabetes, lung disease, sleep apnea, high blood...
Consultative Committee on Economic and Trade Co-operation between Hong Kong and the M ainland holds second meeting Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Secretariat of the Consultative Committee on Economic...
M icroRNAs in bovine adipogenesis: genomic context, expression and function MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs found to regulate several biological processes
SFH on supply of live chickens Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man,...
including adipogenesis. Understanding...
M olecular detection of human rhinoviruses in respiratory samples: a comparison of Taqman probe-, SYBR PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
SCED to visit Seoul Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for
green I- and BOXTO-based real-time PCR assays
Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, will depart for a three-day...
Human Rhinoviruses (HRV) are major causative agents of acute respiratory tract infections in all age group and important...
Best of Our Blogs: February 18, 2014
No reclaim of implant removal costs
There’s a common dilemma that has tortured
18 February 2014 Last updated at 03:39 ET By
everyone I have ever known, including myself. The desire to be near the flame,...
India Pollock BBC News Over 900 Welsh women have either...
M oms of children on life-sustaining devices embrace tips for managing over-stressed lives
Researchers identify first biomarker for major depression
Many mothers with children on life-sustaining medical devices, such as ventilators and breathing
depressive symptoms and elevated levels of the ‘stress hormone‘ cortisol...
Teenage boys who show a combination of
or feeding tubes, suffer...
Duke University Eye Center ophthalmologist uses ReSure Sealant to perform first cataract surgeries Terry Kim, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology at Duke University Eye Center, performed the first procedures using the ReSure...
Sports medicine experts raise concern about female athlete triad syndrome When an adolescent female patient comes to Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Sports Medicine clinic, not only...
Acerde and a China-based medical imaging giant ink development contract Acerde, an innovative company specializing in the development of rotating anodes for X-ray tubes used in the medical imaging...
Saliva samples could predict boy’s risk of depression and mental illness later in life Saliva test checks for raised levels of the stress hormone cortisol Boys with this and depressive symptoms have 14-fold major...
The microscopic fishing rod that could beat cancer: Tiny rod can reel tumours out of brain
Too old to get lifesaving drugs: Anger at plan to deny treatment if you’ve had a ‘fair innings’
System uses nanofibers to drag tumour cells out of
Plans would consider ‘wider societal benefits’
the brain Takes advantage of the same technique
when giving out medicines NHS body fears the
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cancer uses to spread...
proposals would mean...
Taking a walk ‘makes your brain grow’: Energetic stroll three times a week can increase size of organ’s memory hub
Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade in December 2013
By Fiona Macrae Science Correspondent In
merchandise trade statistics in value terms for December 2013 released...
Chicago PUBLISHED: 19:51 EST, 17 February 2014 | UPDATED: 03:28...
Stall operator convicted for unfair trade practices
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Further to the external
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A mobile dried seafood stall
N-Acetylcysteine prevents congenital heart defects induced by pregestational diabetes
operator today (February 18) was convicted at Kowloon City Magistracy...
Pregestational diabetes is a major risk factor of congenital heart defects (CHDs). Glutathione is depleted and reactive oxygen...
SM E M entorship Programme invites applications Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The 2014/15 SME Mentorship Programme is open for application
A complex intervention to improve pregnancy outcome in obese women; the UPBEAT randomised controlled trial
from today (February 18). The programme...
Despite the widespread recognition that obesity in pregnant women is associated with adverse outcomes for mother and child,...
HK bans import of poultry eggs from four Vietnam provinces
Ninth batch of applications approved under Pilot Green Transport Fund
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (February 18) announced the approval of the...
The story of my abortion in tweets
VIDEO: Call for better tongue-tie care
17 February 2014 Last updated at 13:18 ET By BBC Trending What’s popular and why Janet Ni
Services for babies with breastfeeding problems caused by tongue-tie need to be improved, a
parenting charity has said. The...
M ore ambulance staff off with stress
Call for help for tongue-tie babies
18 February 2014 Last updated at 03:10 ET By Abigail Neal BBC News Almost three times as
18 February 2014 Last updated at 02:58 ET By Jane Dreaper Health correspondent, BBC News
many staff are... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The condition...
‘World’s first mask for polyphasic sleep’ to launch
ADHD and Gullibility – Part II
Sleep masks can be great if you want to improve the quality of your Zs, but a new nighttime
Gullibility – Part I I shared an incident where I nearly got caught by a telephone...
Don McCullough via Compfight In ADHD and
accessory claims to go one step...
‘It takes a village’—Community-based methods for improving maternal and newborn health A series of studies are published in a special supplement that presents results of the Maternal and Newborn Health in Ethiopia...
M itosis mystery solved as role of key protein is confirmed [ | E-mail ] Contact: Luke of Warwick IMAGE: This shows restarted endocytosis...
Recipes for Health: Apple and Bitter Lettuces Salad Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
‘It takes a village’ — Community-based methods for improving maternal and newborn health [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dawn 781-3888408Wiley Journal special issue highlights the Maternal...
Colo. pot aids kids with seizures, worries doctors
Saliva test could predict depression in teen boys
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — The doctors were out of ideas to help 5-year-old Charlotte Figi.
LONDON – A saliva test for teenage boys with mild symptoms of depression could help identify those
Suffering from a rare genetic...
who will later develop...
Dancing On Ice judge Robin Cousins under the microscope
Secrets of an A-list body: Charlize Theron’s washboard midriff
By Roz Lewis PUBLISHED: 17:56 EST, 17 February 2014 | UPDATED: 18:05 EST, 17 February 2014 Dancing On Ice...
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 18:15 EST, 17 February 2014 | UPDATED: 18:15 EST, 17 February 2014 How...
M e and my operation: Take the tube to end the misery of painful blood clots
Should the food industry resign from the health department too?
Andrea Fernandez, 25, Brixton, is first person to
Furore over links between Assistant Minister for
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undergo DVT treatment Revolutionary mesh tube holds damaged veins open...
Health Fiona Nash’s office and industry continues today with revelations...
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma
A study protocol: a community pharmacy-based intervention for improving the management of sleep disorders in the community settings
ObjectiveTo compare the treatment outcomes of intensity-modulated radiotherapy with
Sleep disorders are very common in the community and are estimated to affect up to 45% of
simultaneous integrated boost (IMRT-SIB)...
the world’s population. Pharmacists...
Impact of currently prescribed lipidlowering drugs on plasma PCSK9 concentration: single or in combination study in rats
Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting
An emerging data suggested a significant impact of statins on PCSK9 concentration, while the rapid impacts of other lipid-lowering...
media session...
Public engagement exercise on population policy to end on Sunday
Shifting the Social Field: Contemplation, Compassion, Collective Action
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The public engagement
In a previous post, I blogged about my impressions
exercise on population policy will end on Sunday (February 23). A spokesman...
of the World Economic Forum in Davos: about the increasing interest in...
Blood pressure effects unclear in longterm stroke survivors
Let a lavender pill ease your worries: It may be more effective than drugs at treating anxiety
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, at a
Reporter Long-term survivors of stroke whose blood pressure (BP) is at target levels...
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 19:21 EST, 17
Ask the doctor: I’m in constant pain but no one listens
How losing weight could be the key to controlling asthma
By Dr Martin Scurr PUBLISHED: 19:30 EST, 17
Asthma clinic nurse advised Sally Edwards, 45,
February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:30 EST, 17 February 2014 My main...
from Kent, to lose weight By Mary Gold PUBLISHED: 19:45 EST, 17 February...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:21 EST, 17 February 2014 Those...
You wouldn’t serve this food to pigs: A hospital head chef confesses Anonymous head chef of 30 yrs at an NHS hospital reveals all about food Used to prepare fresh meals from scratch in kitchen...
A phase II study of concurrent chemoradiotherapy with weekly nedaplatin in advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix To evaluate the efficacy and safety of concurrent chemo-radiotherapy with weekly nedaplatin for the treatment of advanced...
Perceived family support regarding condom use and condom use among secondary school female students in Limbe urban city of Cameroon HIV/AIDS prevention programs rooted in the social cognitive models are based on the theoretical assumptions that adoption...
Epidemiological study on behavioural and emotional problems in developmental age: prevalence in a sample of Italian children, based on parent and teacher reports The aim of this study is to examine the prevalence of behavioural and emotional problems in a sample of school children living...
Adeno-associated viral serotypes produce differing titers and differentially transduce neurons within the rat basolateral amygdala
First look: a cluster-randomized trial of ultrasound to improve pregnancy outcomes in low income country settings
In recent years, there has been an increased
In high-resource settings, obstetric ultrasound is a
interest in using recombinant adeno-associated viruses (AAV) to make localized...
standard component of prenatal care used to identify pregnancy complications...
A Big Bet on Gluten-Free
Football Helmets Not M uch Protection Against Hits to Side of the Head: Study
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
MONDAY Feb. 17, 2014, 2014 — Football helmets do little to protect against hits to the side of the head that can cause...
‘Nerve Block’ to Neck M ight Help Ease Hot Flashes
Coffee consumption linked with reduced risk of diabetes
MONDAY Feb. 17, 2014, 2014 — Women suffering
(HealthDay)—Higher consumption of coffee is
from hot flashes might get some relief through an injection of an anesthetic...
associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to research published...
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Researchers discover protein to better forecast prognosis of prostate cancer patients ()—Researchers at the Texas AM Health Science Center (TAMHSC) Institute of Biosciences and Technology in Houston have identified...
AAFP: Telemedicine can help with increased demand for docs (HealthDay)—Telemedicine offers a potential solution to the increased demand for physicianpatient interaction, according...
HRCT scans can identify deadly lung disease
Driving Under the Influence, of M arijuana
People who have suspected idiopathic pulmonary
Log in to manage your products and services from
fibrosis (IPF) without typical patterns on high resolution computed tomography...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Letters: Understanding Opioid Abuse (2 Letters)
An Interview With Gold M edalist Kristi Yamaguchi
Log in to manage your products and services from
Through Procter Gamble and Walmart, about a
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
month ago, I got to meet Kristi Yamaguchi. We were out at the Kips Bay Boys...
Facing the 7 Fears That Keep You From Getting Fit
M echanism of dengue virus entry into cells
SPECIAL FROM Next Avenue By Linda Melone
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates
Walking into a fitness facility for the first time can be scary even for seasoned... 240-535-4954American Institute of Physics Discovery by North Carolina...
Annals of Internal M edicine tip sheet for Feb. 18, 2014
Piroplasmosis in wildlife: Babesia and Theileria affecting free-ranging ungulates and carnivores in the Italian Alps
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 215-3512656American College of Physicians Embargoed news from Annals...
Piroplasmosis are among the most relevant diseases of domestic animals. Babesia is emerging as cause of tick-borne zoonosis...
Plasma adrenomedullin is associated with short-term mortality and vasopressor requirement in patients admitted with sepsis PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Drowning in Love: What’s Too M uch of a Good Thing? Definitions of smothering love: To express your love for someone too much; to cover someone or
IntroductionThe incidence of death among patients
something completely; to insulate,...
admitted for severe sepsis or septic shock is high. Adrenomedullin (ADM)...
Older Americans are early winners under health law
Social contact, regular exercise key to living longer
The quest for health care has been one obstacle
Social contact and regular exercise are key to aging
after another for many older Americans who lost jobs during the recession....
well and living a longer life, according to newly presented research. In...
Vimizim approved for rare childhood disorder
Non-traditional office hours can reap big financial benefits
(HealthDay)—Vimizim (elosulfase alfa) has been
(HealthDay)—Physicians can reap significant
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat a rare childhood...
financial benefits by extending their office hours to include non-traditional...
Itching: M ore Than Skin-Deep
Letters: Understanding Opioid Abuse (1 Letter)
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Letter: The Distinct Role of Nurses (1 Letter)
Body Image Booster: Walking M editation
Log in to manage your products and services from
Every Monday features a tip, activity, inspiring quote
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
or some other tidbit that helps boost your body image, whether directly...
Alternative test better at finding potentially dangerous holes in the heart
Quality program linked with faster stroke treatment and better outcomes
An alternative test for measuring blood flow to the brain detected a potentially dangerous hole within
on quicker stroke treatment was associated with better stroke treatment...
A national quality improvement initiative focusing
the heart of some...
Stress hormones in traders may trigger ‘risk aversion’ and contribute to market crises PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
First biological marker for major depression could enable better diagnosis and treatment
High levels of the stress hormone cortisol may contribute to the risk aversion and ‘irrational
Teenage boys who show a combination of depressive symptoms and elevated levels of the
pessimism’ found...
‘stress hormone’ cortisol...
The Ethicist: Fearing a Shootout at the E.R. Corral
Usual D.U.I. Tests Go Up in Smoke
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Global Health: Treating Tuberculosis and AIDS Together Saves Lives
Books: ‘The Answer to the Riddle Is M e,’ a Debut, Takes On M emory Loss
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Q&A: The Tall and the Small
DaVita signs major tender to treat dialysis patients in Saudi Arabia
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
DaVita, a division of DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc. (NYSE: DVA) and a leading provider of kidney care services, today announced...
New research points to potential target for treating triple negative breast cancer
Could EARWAX reveal where you’ve been, what you’ve eaten and if you are GAY?
Study sheds light on link between cancer stem
Researchers found earwax can carry similar
cells and inflammation New research from the University of Michigan Comprehensive...
information to underarm odour Could include information about personal identity,...
Forgotten your keys? M emory loss as you age is entirely normal, scientists conclude and even a ‘cure’ is in sight
Why a good dad loses interest in sex: New study reveals dad duties get in the way of time between the sheets
Experts found cognitive decline speeds up when people reach middle age The brain’s NDMA
Men that put the hours in being a good dad have less sex Study tracked lives of young men in the
receptors lose GluN2B subunits...
Philippine Islands Found...
Healthier men now OUTLIVE women in parts of England as they quit smoking
High prevalence and two dominant host-specific genotypes of Coxiella
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and get fit
burnetii in U.S. milk
In some areas males are outliving females by as much as 13 years Believed to be first time since
Coxiella burnetii causes Q fever in humans and Coxiellosis in animals; symptoms range from
records began that roles...
general malaise to fever, pneumonia,...
Diabetes mellitus and intermittent claudication: a cross-sectional study of 920 claudicants
Improving the retention rate for residential treatment of substance abuse by sequential intervention for social anxiety
IntroductionDiabetes mellitus (DM) and intermittent claudication (IC) are frequently associated health conditions. Our hypothesis...
Identification of type III secretion substrates of Chlamydia trachomatis using Yersinia enterocolitica as a heterologous system Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular human pathogen causing ocular and urogenital infections that are a significant...
Gender and genes play an important role in delayed language development ()—Boys are at greater risk for delayed language development than girls, according to a new study using data from the Norwegian...
Getting to the heart of sex and love Every which way you turn in our culture, you’ll find representations of sex and love—even if you’re not necessarily...
A M onth After Giving Birth, Kaseedee Jermain Embarked On A Journey To Lose 128 Pounds Got a success story of your own? Send it to us at PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Residential drug rehabilitation is often seen as a treatment of last resort for people with severe substance abuse issues....
SARS-like virus claims 60th victim in Saudi Arabia Middle East respiratory syndrome, or MERS, emerged in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since spread from the Persian Gulf to...
Apple-powered research We all know that fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. But Vasantha Rupasinghe, associate professor and Canada...
Environment influences ability of bacterium to block malaria transmission The environment significantly influences whether or not a certain bacterium will block mosquitoes from transmitting malaria,...
M indfulness: 5 Practical M ethods for Your Daily Life Mindfulness implies balance, focus and living in the moment. We often associate mindfulness with and you could be featured in our I Lost...
meditation and dedicated...
Why You Should M iss Out M ore
Bullying and loneliness could have long-lasting negative health effects
By Jan Bruce In 2012, comedian Mindy Kaling nailed the ever-festering fear that has emerged with the ubiquity of social media...
February 17, 2014, 10:23 AM|Daily health headlines: Loneliness could lead to premature death, physical and mental health...
Outsmarting nature during disasters
5 Signs You’re Taking Your Diet Too Far
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 847-491-
Signs You’re Taking Your Diet Too Far I’ve had clients tell me that they stopped spending time with
3115Northwestern University Instead of winging it, planners...
friends and...
North Korea says U.N. rights report based on ‘faked’ material
Group led by Greenberg’s Starr to buy M ultiPlan for $4.4 billion: WSJ
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – North
(Reuters) – A group led by former AIG boss Maurice
Korea said on Monday a United Nations report on its human rights record...
“Hank” Greenberg’s Starr Investment Holdings is...
M arry or move in together? Brain knows the difference
As obesity rates soar in M iddle East, more doctors turn to the knife
Marriage is linked with numerous health benefits
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – Daifailluh al-Bugami was
that simply cohabiting doesn’t seem to provide. Now, research suggests...
just a year old when his parents noticed that his lips turned blue as...
M other expecting triplets delivers ‘surprise’ quadruplets
Effects of bullying may add up in kids: study
A Mississippi woman expecting triplets got a shock
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The negative
when she ended up delivering four healthy baby girls last week, The Clarion...
physical and mental effects tied to bullying among children and teens may...
Health Tip: Pack the Right Sports Snacks
Researchers get closer to rejuvenating aging muscles
– Packing nutritious snacks can help your young athlete stay healthy and have the energy to succeed
Blau, a professor of microbiology and immunology and director of Stanford’s Baxter Laboratory for
on the field. The...
Stem Cell Biology, is...
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Health Tip: Practicing Pilates – Pilates is an exercise regimen that focuses on strengthening and flexibility. The Cleveland Clinic says potential...
Record of Discussion of the M eeting of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee Currency Board Sub-Committee held on January 9, 2014 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: (Approved for Issue by the...
Hong Kong Customs seizes heroin at airport (photo) Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs foiled a transnational drug trafficking attempt yesterday
Family planning practice and predictors of risk of inconsistent condom use among HIV-positive women on antiretroviral therapy in Cambodia
(February 16) afternoon,...
In Cambodia, while anti-retroviral therapy (ART) services are increasingly available, the unmet needs of family planning...
Argon gas: a potential neuroprotectant and promising medical therapy
HKPL and Hok Hoi Library to co-operate on digitisation of Hok Hoi Collection
Argon is a noble gas element that has
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Public
demonstrated narcotic and protective abilities that may prove useful in the medical...
Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department today (February...
I Think I Have ADHD ‘Cause I Like Shiny Things
Telltale Signs It’s Time to Treat Your Anxiety
ADOS ~ Attention Deficit … Oooh, Shiny! A lot of my
Anxiety is an adaptive process that is critical for our
friends are people with ADHD. And I hear a lot of things about life...
survival, said L. Kevin Chapman, Ph.D, an associate professor at...
Quebec’s ‘dying with dignity’ law would set new standards
Dying cancer patient’s daughter decries lack of care
Should Quebec’s national assembly pass — as
The daughter of a dying cancer patient is going
early as this week — the proposed legislation to allow medical aid...
public about how Ontario hospitals misdiagnosed her mother’s disease –...
HIV drug used to reverse effects of virus that causes cervical cancer
Research findings may help combat M RSA
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A commonly-used HIV drug has been shown to kill-
3-D structure of antibiotic-resistance protein,
off the human papilloma virus (HPV) that leads to cervical cancer in a world-first...
described at 58th Biophysical Society Meeting, may lead to new tools for...
Viewpoints: Parsing Obamacare numbers; experts on long-term care insurance; French cancer care
Johns Hopkins experts identify major sources of high cancer costs
Bloomberg: The Only Obamacare Number That Matters The monthly announcement of
care, medical imaging and new drug prices In a review article published...
Article cites potential to save money on end-of-life
Obamacare’s enrollment figures has...
Water samples from the Upper Ganges River shed light on the spread of superbugs The spread of antibiotic-resistance to one of the most pristine locations in Asia is linked to the annual human pilgrimages...
Candy Flavors Put E-Cigarettes On Kids’ M enu hide captionFranco Phan, 22, blows smoke rings using an electronic cigarette at a restaurant in Oakland, Calif. Jenny...
FEHD cancels licence of food factory in Tuen M un
Speech by CE at Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal Grand Opening Ceremony
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene today (February 17) cancelled the licence of a food...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, at the Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal...
Record of Discussion of the M eeting ofthe Exchange Fund Advisory Committee Currency Board SubCommittee held on January 9, 2014
Hong Kong’s trade in services statistics for 2012
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) released today (February 17) the trade in services (TIS)...
(Approved for Issue by the...
"Sounding Treasures" concerts to offer the purest sounds of Chinese music
Resolution of inflammation is altered in Alzheimer’s disease
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s Lingnan Music Series will
New research from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden shows that the final stage of the normal
present two concerts...
inflammatory process may be disrupted...
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Doctors miss opportunities to diagnose COPD at an earlier stage in primary and secondary care
Passive smoking worsens asthma symptoms, impairs children’s response to inhaled steroid treatment
A retrospective study of almost 39,000 patients shows that opportunities to diagnose chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...
Children exposed to cigarette smoke at home have lower levels of an enzyme that helps them respond to asthma treatment, a...
Thirty seven nominations for CPC election received
Consultation on Review of Family Procedure Rules begins
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Education Bureau received 37 nominations for the 11th election to the Council on Professional...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Judiciary: The Chief Justice’s Working Party on...
"M " M ark status awarded to Longines Hong Kong M asters 2014
Regulation of M cl-1 by constitutive activation of NF-kappaB contributes to cell viability in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Major Sports Events Committee: The Major Sports Events...
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is one of the most lethal malignancies with a 5-year survival rate less than 15%....
M olecular analysis of hyperthermophilic endoglucanase Cel12B from Thermotoga maritima and the properties of its functional residues
Hope for Scots homeopathic hospital 16 February 2014 Last updated at 19:01 ET By Eleanor Bradford BBC Scotland Health Correspondent The homeopathic...
Although many hyperthermophilic endoglucanases have been reported from archaea and bacteria, a complete survey and classification...
Is Australia facing an obesity crisis? 16 February 2014 Last updated at 16:04 ET By Katie Beck BBC News Sydney Please turn on
Women who drink alcohol during early stages of pregnancy might affect development of placenta
JavaScript. Media...
Women who drink alcohol at moderate or heavy levels in the early stages of their pregnancy might damage the growth and function...
Alternative medicine research must be PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Health Check: are raw food claims
publicly funded
Eating only raw foods has emerged as a popular
University’s decision to accept funding from Swisse for a new centre to...
dietary trend. Proclaiming an emotive health message, it is enough to make...
Effect of statins on cardiovascular events in patients with mild to moderate chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
Inactivation of miR-34a by aberrant CpG methylation in Kazakh patients with esophageal carcinoma
Statins are commonly used to lower total cholesterol levels in the general population to prevent cardiovascular events. However,...
high incidence and mortality in...
A software tool for the analysis of neuronal morphology data
Phonejoy uses Hong Kong to launch mobile gaming venture
Anatomy plays a fundamental role in supporting and shaping nervous system activity. The remarkable progress of computer processing...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Phonejoy, a technology start-up based in Hong Kong, announced today (February 17) that it has completed...
Size-dependent cytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles in human lung cells: the role of cellular uptake, agglomeration and Ag release
Death of M an in Restraints Questioned
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is an aggressive tumor with dismal prognosis and
Judge for yourself from this video showing the final moments of Joshua Messier’s 23 year-old life in state care. After...
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are currently one of the most manufactured nanomaterials. A wide range of toxicity studies have...
Creative People, Trauma, Addiction: Colin Farrell “Basically, I’d been fairly drunk or high since I was 14.” Colin Farrell Why do so many creative people
Knockout of CXCR5 increases the population of immature neural cells and decreases proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus
use and abuse...
The process of neurogenesis in which new neurons are generated by proliferation and differentiation of neural stem/progenitor...
CHP notified of three additional human
Serum TGF-beta1 and SM AD3 levels are
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cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in M ainland
closely associated with coronary artery disease
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) yesterday (February 16)...
common diseases leading to mortality and morbidity worldwide. There is considerable...
The Danish neonatal clinical database is valuable for epidemiologic research in respiratory disease in preterm infants We examined the quality of the information on the
Up-regulated M icroRNA-181a induces carcinogenesis in Hepatitis B virusrelated hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting E2F5
use of surfactant and the use of and duration of nasal continuous positive...
Accumulating evidence showed that microRNAs are involved in development and progression of multiple tumors. Recent studies...
Not Just the Blues
The Cat Will See You Now
Everyone feels sad sometimes. But depression,
I’m away this week and I will post again on 2/24, so
major depression, clinical depression or major depressive disorder is a serious...
for now my cat is holding down the fort. Truth in advertizing: my...
Comprehensive identification of novel proteins and N-glycosylation sites in royal jelly
Belgium’s child euthanasia law – implications for Australia
Royal jelly (RJ) is a proteinaceous secretion produced from the hypopharyngeal and mandibular
laws that granted children access to euthanasia. The laws have been controversial...
Late last week, the Belgian parliament passed
glands of nurse bees. It plays...
The Weight of Bipolar Disorder
The medicine in our minds
No one really warns you. You are expected to read all the fine print, all the side effects. What a long list
16 February 2014 Last updated at 20:08 ET By Olly Bootle BBC’s Horizon programme They are the
it is. But in...
Excessive radiation levels detected at New M exico waste site
Harvesting light, the single-molecule way
By Laura Zuckerman (Reuters) – Underground sensors have detected excessive radiation levels
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates 240-535-4954American
inside a nuclear waste...
Institute of Physics Work at Stanford that...
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Deep ocean needs policy, stewardship where it never existed
Global perspectives on human biology and health
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karl Leif
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hilary Hurd Anyasoh- 919-681-8054Duke University Duke scientists part of panel urging... 847-4914887Northwestern University Global environmental...
Nanoelectronics key to advances in renewable energy
Does not support an association…
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joe 480-9658122Arizona State University TEMPE, Ariz.
I want to briefly draw your attention to the paper by Fernando Navarro and colleagues* which concluded: “Our study...
Nanoscale technology...
Researchers hijack cancer migration mechanism to ‘move’ brain tumors [ | E-mail ] Contact: John 404-894-6986Georgia Institute of Technology
U of M study finds fertilization destabilizes global grassland ecosystems
IMAGE: Ravi Bellamkonda,...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 612-624-8723University of Minnesota A new study led by University of...
New study shows growing opposition to animal tests
M ount Hood study suggests volcano eruptibility is rare
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tasgola 404-907-4172People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals More than...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy 530-752-4533University of California – Davis IMAGE: Rocks ejected...
Volcanoes, including M t. Hood, can go from dormant to active quickly
‘Killer heroin’ causing fatal overdoses in East
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Adam 541-7371205Oregon State University IMAGE: Mount Hood,
POINT PLEASANT, N.J. (AP) — On an icy night last month, a man entered a grocery store here, walked past the displays of...
Scientists Get Closer to Rejuvenating Aging M uscles
Research Shows New Flu Viruses Often Arise In Domestic Animals
SUNDAY Feb. 16, 2014, 2014 — As millions of
hide captionThe 2009 H1N1 flu virus viewed under
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aging Baby Boomers know, muscle tone and strength declines with advancing...
the microscope. CDC/Cynthia Goldsmith As fluwatchers like to say,...
M r Abbott, make 2014 a year of health reform, not regression
Obesity in Samoa: A global harbinger?
This year is crunch time for Prime Minister Tony
American Samoa harbors a global health mystery that may seem both remote and extreme...
Abbott’s health policies. The financing and policy changes from the Rudd-Gillard...
The South Pacific archipelago of Samoa and
U.S. Urges Ugandan President Not to Sign Antigay Law
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Saves Time, M oney
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack
Results show that sleep improved in 86 percent of
Obama’s national security adviser urged Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni...
insomnia patients who completed at least three sessions of CBTI. In the...
Loneliness Twice As Unhealthy As Obesity for Older People, Study Finds
Cal Poly Bans Shots, Beer Bongs And Drinking Games At Greek Parties
Loneliness can be twice as unhealthy as obesity, according to researchers who found that feelings of
New rules at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo forbid students, including those 21 or older, from taking
isolation can have a...
shots at frat parties. Under...
Iowa State University’s Wintersteen talks partnerships at national science meeting
Scientists call for new stewardship of the deep ocean: Earth’s last frontier
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Fred 515-294-0704Iowa State University AMES, Iowa
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mario Aguilera or Robert 858-5343624University of California – San...
Wendy Wintersteen, dean...
New ‘pomegranate-inspired’ design solves problems for lithium-ion batteries [ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy 650-9264359DOE/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
House GOP attacks Obama on M edicare Advantage cuts The letter from the Republican leadership team is a sign the GOP will seize on the cuts and blame the administration, betting...
IMAGE: ...
Study finds shorter life expectancy for LGB individuals living in communities PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Some states beating others to health law enrollment punch
Shorter life expectancy of 12 years on average for
News outlets take closer looks at the Obama
LGB individuals in communities with high vs. low stigma In the first...
administration’s health law enrollment figures and find that some states...
Economy of bodily management responsible for widespread use of illegal steroids among M LB players
Woman addicted to sugar reveals how she turned her diet around
The widespread use of illegal steroids among Major League Baseball players has been fueled by
50tsp of sugar a day Mound of sweets left her depressed, listless and...
Nikki Oakley, 45, from Redditch, was eating a huge
an “economy of bodily...
Our experts analyse four healthy eaters’ diets
Kerry Warns Indonesia: Climate Change Threatens ‘Entire Way Of Life’
A ‘wannabe vegan’, a ‘fasting fanatic’, a yo-yo dieter and a health food freak go up against each...
i i hide captionSecretary of State John Kerry gestures while speaking about climate change in Jakarta on Sunday. ...
200 Reasons For Happiness
Trolls Just Want to Have Fun?
WOW aka walking on water…or Miraculous! How
According to a new study, researchers have found
about Walking on Wellness or Working on Wellness: takes a miracle? Takes hard...
that people who troll online often have nasty personalities. And, well,...
Saudi records 60th M ERS virus death
“How Does That M ake You Feel?” — The Therapy…
Saudi health authorities have announced the death of a young man from the MERS coronavirus, bringing the death toll from...
People love to make fun of the stereotyped therapy
If You’re Squeamish About The Germs In The Pediatrician’s Waiting Room… You’re On To Something
5 Things Not To Say To Your Partner About Losing Weight
For all you parents who feel like your children come down with something after going to the doctor for a
film Enough Said made me laugh out loud and cringe simultaneously. Julia...
party line: “How does that make you feel?” Yes, it’s one of the...
By Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD A scene in the fantastic
mere check-up, you’re...
The 3 M ost Important Questions You Could Ask Yourself When You’re Stressed PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
14 Of The Smartest Things Ever Said About Sleep
Do you secretly thrive on stress? While none of us would like to openly admit it, we sometimes indulge in the feelings that...
When it comes to our health, there’s little more important and yet more underrated than sleep. These wise words are...
Tighten Your Core With Ice Skater Gracie Gold’s Oblique Exercise
Using crowdsourcing to solve complex problems
By Thailan Pham, SELF Photo: Courtesy of Subject As the newly-crowned U.S. national champion, ice skater Gracie Gold showed...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 847-4913115Northwestern University Crowdsourcing systems ease...
What is known about the pathway to aging well?
Loneliness is a major health risk for older adults
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hilary Hurd 847-491-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Steve 773-702-
4887Northwestern University Exploring recent evidence...
8366University of Chicago IMAGE: University of Chicago...
Thinking it through: Scientists seek to unlock mysteries of the brain
Scientists Discover Universe’s Oldest Star
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hillary
The star is 4 billion years older than any other 41-797-034809Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne IMAGE: ...
found to date. NPR’s Rachel Martin talks to Timothy Beers of the National...
Floods or Family Conflict? Bad Dreams Differ By Gender
Correctional officers stop person in custody from committing self-harm
Men’s nightmares tend toward the catastrophic, while women often have bad dreams about interpersonal relationships,...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Correctional Services officers stopped a person in custody from hurting himself in Hei Ling Chau...
Lunar New Year lantern carnival being held in Tin Shui Wai tonight
Epicardial adipose tissue thickness and NGAL levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural Services Department is holding the New Territories West Lunar New Year...
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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with an increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and early atherosclerosis....
Growing medical marijuana is big business in Canada An hour’s drive south of Canada’s capital, past snow-covered pine forests and farmland, Chuck Rifici is growing...
8 Tips to Help Stop Ruminating Do you constantly replay or obsess over negative situations? Known as rumination, it can feel like a broken record. Your...
How to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy Add one more thing to the list of changes that can happen when you’re pregnant: varicose veins. Those twisted, bulging,...
6 places you’re most likely to get sick Holy ship! Earlier this month, not one, but two cruise ships cut their trips short due to illness outbreaks onboard. It’s...
Vegan Cashew-Cauliflower "Sour Cream"
SCED’s speech at Empowering Young Entrepreneurs Program kick-off ceremony Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So,...
Scott Stossel: Dealing with a lifetime of extreme anxiety Last year a prominent psychology magazine published a list of quotes about how to cope with anxiety. Quote number one: “You...
Are you at risk for liver disease? More than 30 million people in the U.S. have liver disease. Plus, cases of hepatitis C, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease...
A Simple Tool That Will Improve Every One Of Your Relationships Whether you’re a friend, a partner, an employee, a boss, a world leader, or a parent, you will inevitably encounter...
Five ingredients and fifteen minutes is all you need
Pseudopancreatitis on computed tomography in a patient with isolated blunt head trauma: a case report
to make this super yummy Cashew Cauliflower Cream. You can use it...
IntroductionComputed tomography is commonly used to exclude occult injuries in patients with trauma, but imaging can reveal...
Variably severe systemic allergic reactions after consuming foods with unlabelled lupin flour: a case series IntroductionLupin allergy remains a significant cause of food-induced allergic reactivity and PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
VIDEO: Anti-ageing ‘light-bulb moment’ Newcastle University researchers are working on a new product they believe may halt the process of skin ageing. They have...
anaphylaxis. Previous work...
Olympics-Russian skier stable after spine surgery
How To Get Centered Anytime, Anywhere In 7 Breaths
SOCHI, Russia, Feb 16 (Reuters) – Russian
It may look as if you are just standing there, but
Olympic skicross racer Maria Komissarova was in a serious but stable condition...
Mountain Pose also called Tadasana (tah-DAHSuh-nuh), is an active pose...
What I Learned From A Low-Sugar 28Day Detox To Treat Candida
SWD launches animation series on positive parenting
Initially, I made my commitment to detox (under my
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Children at different
doctor’s supervision), in order to clear a skin infection, which...
developmental stages face different challenges, while parents have to cope...
Genetics Heralds Exciting Era
Experts criticise restriction on lifeprolonging prostate cancer drug
PEN winning author of Stalking Irish Madness: Searching for the Roots of My Family’s Schizophrenia (Random House/Bantam...
The charities believe doctors should be able to
Quantifying the quantified self: health devices leading the pack
Gene Variant M ay Affect Intellectual Ability in Adolescents
With all of the buzz being created by wearable technology, one company has decided to try to take
It is time to return to specificity to address a recent study that was brought to my attention a few days
all of the data and numbers...
ago. 4 days ago...
In the Debate Over Health Care, ‘Real People’ Become Human Volleyballs
Vitamin C Linked With Reduced Stroke Risk
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
Making sure you get enough vitamin C could help protect you from stroke, a small new study
York Times. ...
suggests. Research presented at...
Health Notes: Leukemia suffering toddler M argot finally finds a match
Hong Kong Flower Show tickets available from February 17
Margot Martini, 18 months, has found a stem-cell donor More than 50,000 people signed up to
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Admission tickets for the Hong Kong Flower Show 2014 will be available
volunteer after campaign About...
from tomorrow (February...
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choose between the two drugs and prescribe the one they think their patient...
This is Total Bullshit The LA Times came out with this article on depression and the first sentences state: The numbers are staggering: Almost 7%...
Is YOUR diet a recipe for disaster? Our experts analyse four healthy eaters’ diets and find our if they are fighting fit or putting themselves at risk of long term illness A ‘wannabe vegan’, a ‘fasting fanatic’, a yo-yo dieter and a health food freak go up against each...
Burnt and left in agony by a fat-busting therapist Mail on Sunday’s ‘Stop The Cosmetic Surgery Cowboys’-campaign Sarah Hall developed lesions
The ultimate quit sugar handbook By Sarah Wilson PUBLISHED: 19:01 EST, 15 February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:02 EST, 15 February 2014 A sweeter life without the...
after ‘fat...
ARA 290, a peptide derived from the tertiary structure of erythropoietin, produces long-term relief of neuropathic pain coupled with suppression of the spinal microglia response
Electroablation: a method for neurectomy and localized tissue injury Tissue injury has been employed to study diverse biological processes such as regeneration and inflammation. In addition...
Neuropathic pain is a difficult to treat disorder arising from central or peripheral nervous system lesions. The etiology...
Fenofibrate induces apoptosis of triplenegative breast cancer cells via activation of NF-kappaB pathway There are a lot of unmet needs in patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Fenofibrate, a peroxisome proliferator-activated...
Synergism of peptide receptor-targeted Auger electron radiation therapy with anti-angiogenic compounds in a mouse model of neuroendocrine tumors Neuroendocrine tumors are well vascularized and express specific cell surface markers, such as somatostatin receptors and...
Poem: M y Child Doesn’t Sleep
M ore healing sleep for newborns
hypo mania shares itself with those that pay attention or who are educated in it most aren’t but it’s a tall truth...
15 February 2014 Last updated at 20:07 ET Sleeping like a baby is an oft-used cliche. But while sleep is crucial for sick...
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Suspected hazing death of New York student ruled a homicide
Female urethral diverticulum: cases report and literature
(Reuters) – The death of a New York college student from brain trauma in a suspected fraternity hazing incident in...
IntroductionA female urethral diverticulum is an uncommon pathologic entity. It can manifest with a variety of symptoms involving...
Why Novel Reading Reduces Anxiety
Computers select personal medicine
“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then
15 February 2014 Last updated at 18:11 ET By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC
you read. It was books...
News, Chicago Peter...
FDA warns about M edisca’s L-citrulline supplement
Blasting long-term potentiation with a M ega Buster
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Saturday certain lots of
Mega Man (1987) was one of the most entertaining games that I remember ever playing on Nintendo.
the supplement L-citrulline,...
You were Dr. Light’s...
Doctors paid up to £3000 a shift, official figures show
Cultural foundations of human social behavior
All the sums included fees paid to agencies, which usually take around 15 per cent of the bill. Some
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hilary Hurd 847-491-
doctors were rewarded...
4887Northwestern University Understanding how...
San Francisco Commuters Warned of M easles on BART
Putin visits Russian skier after broken back surgery
Commuters in the San Francisco Bay Area have more to worry about than missing the train. Officials
By Ossian Shine and Alexei Anishchuk SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) – Russian Olympic skicross
are warning that they...
racer Maria Komissarova underwent...
Olympics-Putin visits Russian skier after broken back surgery
Strokes ‘may be linked to temperature’, study finds – Health News – NHS Choices
* Russian skicross racer injures back, has surgery * Putin visits her in hospital, calls father (Updates with Putin meeting...
Thursday February 13 2014 Cold weather may lead to a rise in blood pressure “How...
Gluten-free diet, immune response and autism?
M odels of Anorexia Nervosa: A Few Insights from Our Animal Cousins
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Autism or autism spectrum conditions describe
Tweet Tweet In 1967, Routtenberg and Kuznesof
several presentations characterised by core issues with social affect and stereotyped...
reported a very peculiar phenomenon in rats: They discovered that when rats...
How many memory types?
Heroin and Painkiller Deaths Require Public Health Policies
What a lot of different memory types there are in the literature! This is made more confusing because so little is known...
The death of Philip Seymour Hoffman has brought public attention not only to rising heroin overdose rates, but also to the...
Top-down and bottom-up approach needed to conserve potato agrobiodiversity
Contemplating the workplace of tomorrow
[ | E-mail ] Contact: A’ndrea Elyse 847-4914887Northwestern University Research: Causes 814-865-9481Penn State IMAGE: These are diverse Andean potatoes,...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hilary Hurd Anyasoh-
Robotic fish aids understanding of how animals move
Research on urban ghettos must recognize differences among cities
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 847-491-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jann 773-702-
3115Northwestern University Mechanical Amazonian fish...
2272University of Chicago IMAGE: University of Chicago...
Stanford scientist to unveil 50-state plan to transform US to renewable energy
M aking biodiverse agriculture part of a food-secure future
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark 514-7174201McGill University Policy makers should value... 831-9150088Stanford University Stanford Professor Mark Jacobson...
Nutriom recalls dried egg products LACEY, Wash. (AP) — A Washington state company is recalling more than 100 tons of dried egg products over concerns about...
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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Chris
Kerry in Indonesia to talk climate change JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is in Indonesia to discuss climate change and press authorities...
Sleep and Language Development in Toddlers with William's Syndrome The Williams Syndrome Association states that: Williams syndrome is a genetic condition that is present at birth and can...
How to Use a Thought Diary Many psychologists and therapists use cognitive behavioral therapy to treat a variety of mental illnesses, including bipolar...
Higher HIV Infection Rates Seen in M ental Health Patients
Uganda’s Leader to Sign Anti-Gay Bill That Includes Life Imprisonment
Higher HIV Infection Rates Seen in Mental Health
KAMPALA, Uganda – President Yoweri Museveni of
Patients: Study THURSDAY, Feb. 13, 2014 (HealthDay News) — Americans...
Uganda plans to sign a bill into law that prescribes life imprisonment...
How M emory, Schizophrenia Are Connected
Certain Household Products Harm the Brain, Report Warns
The ability to hold transitory information — e.g.
memorizing a telephone number — is a fundamental function of...
size:9px;line-height:12px;padding-right:1px} .cnnstrylccimg640{margin:0...
Valentine’s Special: When Scientists Are M ad about Each Other
Families’ plea on Bristol heart scandal prompts action by NHS chief
Some people speak the same language at home
Families’ plea on Bristol heart scandal prompts
as they do in the office, even if the office is filled with microarrays and next-generation...
action by NHS chief
7 Things Only People Who Are Trying To Lose Weight Understand
What To Eat When You’re Sick
Trying to lose weight — whether it’s to boost heart health, keep sleep apnea at bay or have more energy —...
7 Strange, But Great, Alternative Uses For Honey
By Cindy Shih Even when you’ve done your best to fight off the winter blues and miserable flus, it’s almost inevitable...
From Networx’s Katie Marks: Honey sure is great
Is our weird weather linked to climate change? Oddly, sport can show us the score.
stuff. Bees may make it to provide nutrition to members of the hive,...
UK Met Office data shows some parts of the country had more than three times average rainfall levels in January, and the...
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PGE2 promotes cardiac stem cell activity
Performance Drinks Pour Liquid Fuel Into Olympic Athletes
Hsieh, Patrick Ching-HoCredit Researchers at the southern Taiwan-based National Cheng Kung
Olympic athletes burn huge numbers of calories. NPR’s Scott Simon talks to nutritionist Dr. Nanna
University (NCKU) recently announced...
Meyer about what...
Parenting in Wellness (Part 1)
Vitamin C Linked With Stroke Risk
Being a Partner in Wellness is no easy task. Being a Parent in Wellness is no easy task! (For related
Making sure you get enough vitamin C could help protect you from stroke, a small new study
context, please read:...
suggests. Research presented at...
How Not to Look Stupid on a Rower
Who Is Taking Sleeping Pills?
This calorie-torching machine is popping up
Diagnoses of insomnia have been on the rise —
everywhere. Here’s how to use it.By Marissa Stephenson, SELF Get this:...
and so has the use of medication to treat this sleep disorder. The popularity...
5 Secrets To Behavior Change
3 Anxiety-Provoking Situations — And How To Deal
By Art Markman, Ph.D. for At some point in your life, you have probably made a New Year’s resolution....
Andy Puddicombe is a former Buddhist monk and
Beat-keeping sea lion shows surprising rhythmic ability
The new Africa — green shoots in biosciences
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tim
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Richard 831-4592495University of California – Santa Cruz First example... 44-771-182-1527Richard Hayhurst Associates Biosciences...
University institutes are shaping future of research
PKC alpha regulates netrin-1/UNC5Bmediated survival pathway in bladder cancer
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 847-4913115Northwestern University Cross-pollination
the founder of Headspace, a project to make meditation accessible to busy people....
Netrin-1 and its receptor UNC5B play important
roles in angiogenesis, embryonic development, cancer and inflammation. However,...
Lunar New Year lantern carnival being
HK Customs seizes five kg of
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held in Tseung Kwan O tonight
suspected methamphetamine at airport
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) is holding the New
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs today (February 15) arrested an outgoing passenger at
Territories East Lunar New...
Hong Kong International...
Seeking Funding for Fight Like a Girl Documentary
US drug policy fuels push for legal pot worldwide
Jill Morley, director of the award-winning documentary “Fight Like a Girl,” is seeking funding
In a former colonial mansion in Jamaica, politicians huddle to discuss trying to ease
to cover expenses that...
marijuana laws in the land of the late...
The Fountain Of Youth For Those Post 50 — But It Doesn’t Come Easy
Anxious? 4 Ways Aromatherapy Can Help
Before we begin, I know there are lots of tonics, miracle vitamins, hormone therapy, cleanses and
Aromatherapy is the fastest way out of your head and into a better mood. The sense of smell is one
diets that have claimed...
powerful message-delivery...
ENHANCING CTR1-10 ETHYLENE RESPONSE2 is a novel allele involved in CONSTITUTIVE TRIPLE-RESPONSE1mediated ethylene receptor signaling in Arabidopsis
Living with Schizophrenia I’m sitting in a coffee shop at 7:53 a.m. and I’m minding my own business but I hear barely audible chatter and laughter...
The signal output of ethylene receptor family members is mediated by unknown mechanisms to activate the Raf-like protein...
Child obesity: Study suggests training kids to pay less attention to food might help them eat less
M LB largely responsible for players’ steroid abuse, researcher says
Among the multiple factors that can cause obesity is an abnormal neurocognitive or behavioral
Major League Baseball players has been fueled by an “economy of bodily...
The widespread use of illegal steroids among
response to food cues. The...
7 heart attack symptoms women shouldn’t ignore
Ginger & Turmeric-Glazed Carrots & Parsnips
An estimated 38,000 women under age 50 have heart attacks each year in the U.S. But heart trouble
Ever wondered how to cook parsnips? You’re in luck! They’re often a misunderstood and under-
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can easily be confused...
appreciated vegetable,...
How To GAIN (Not Lose!) Weight In A Healthy Way
10 Things I Learned From Being Divorced In M y 20s
A few months ago I was working with a group of five women who wanted to gain weight in a safe and healthy way. This was not...
I grew up in the UK and took what has now become a rite of passage, a gap year, when I was 18. A gap year serves the purpose...
Left ventricular torsional dynamics post exercise for LV diastolic function assessment
The temporal lagged association between meteorological factors and malaria in 30 counties in south-west China: a multilevel distributed lag nonlinear analysis
Aims2D speckle tracking echocardiography allows for assessment of left ventricular (LV) torsional deformation as a composite...
The association between malaria and meteorological factors is complex due to the lagged and non-linear pattern. Without fully...
M ultiple tutorial-based assessments: a generalizability study Tutorial-based assessment commonly used in problem-based learning (PBL) is thought to provide
Perception of pain and distress in intubated and mechanically ventilated newborn infants by parents and health professionals
information about students...
An understanding of perceptions of parents and health caregivers who assist critically ill neonates is necessary to comprehend...
Dual roles for ubiquitination in the processing of sperm organelles after fertilization
Attention modification programs help decrease overeating in obese children
The process of fertilization involves a cell fusion event between the sperm and oocyte. Although
food might help them eat less Among the multiple factors that can...
Study suggests training kids to pay less attention to
sperm contain mitochondria...
M obile compression device just as effective as blood thinners in preventing DVT after joint surgery Multicenter study finds mobile compression device to be as effective as blood thinners Research from PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
New treatments for depression on the horizon Biomarkers could help classify sub-types of depression New insights into the physiological causes of depression are leading...
The Shiley Center for...
Can Eating Chocolate Help You Lose Weight?
The Duggars Share Their Top Sex Tip
Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight. If the title of the new weight-loss book from neuroscientist Will Clower,
TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting, then the thought has surely crossed...
If you’ve ever caught so much as a few minutes of
Ph.D., isn’t...
Stamford Attorney Admits Role in M ortgage Fraud Scheme The United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut today announced that, on February 12, Christopher Brecciano, 35,...
Jacksonville M an Indicted by Federal Grand Jury for Receiving Child Pornography Over the Internet JACKSONVILLE, FL—United States Attorney A Lee Bentley, III announces that Shaun Andrew Copenhaver (28, Jacksonville) was...
Potential for intranasal drug delivery to alter cerebrospinal fluid outflow via the nasal turbinate lymphatics
USDOJ: Justice Department Finds Substantial Evidence of Gender Bias in M issoula County Attorney’s Office
Cerebrospinal fluid absorption (CSF) at the
Today, the Department of Justice issued a letter of
cribriform plate is mediated by direct extracranial connections to the lymphatic...
findings describing problems in the Missoula County, Mont ., Attorney’s...
Comparative studies on genital infections and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of isolates from camels (Camelus dromedarius) and cows (Bos indicus) in M aiduguri, northeastern Nigeria
Robbery of M &T Bank Branch in Philadelphia The Philadelphia Police Department and the FBI are seeking the public’s assistance to identify and locate the subject responsible...
A total of 160 genitalia of Camels and cows were investigated in Maiduguri, north-eastern Nigeria to compare bacterial isolates...
FBI Seeks Kevin Anthony Briggs The FBI Seattle Field Office joins the FBI Salt Lake City field office in looking for Kevin Anthony Briggs, who may be traveling...
The bionomics of the malaria vector Anopheles farauti in Northern Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands: issues for successful vector control The north coast of Guadalcanal has some of the
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most intense malaria transmission in the Solomon Islands. And, there is a...
Bladder cancer index: cross-cultural adaptation into Spanish and psychometric evaluation The Bladder Cancer Index (BCI) is so far the only instrument applicable across all bladder cancer patients, independent of...
Do I Have A Balloon Fetish Or Do I Just Love Balloons? Caption: Balloon Love ~~~ Mental Health Humor Cartoon by Chato Stewart other Balloon cartoons I drawn. Name That Phobia:...
Body Image Boosters From The Blogosphere 2.15.14 A positive body image goes beyond liking your looks. It encompasses taking good care of yourself and leading a fulfilling...
A new target for cancer and diabetes: A novel role for the adaptor protein p66shc in regulating glucose metabolism [ | E-mail ] Contact: Mohamed Solimanma.soliman@utoronto.caLunenfeldTanenbaum Research Institute IMAGE: Pictured is...
Scientists discover the mechanism of heart failure in fish exposed to oil spills
Screening wastewater biosolids for environmental contaminants
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rich
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ken National Marine Fisheries Service Researchers from NOAA Fisheries... 919-660-8414Duke University Simple, inexpensive method assesses environmental...
Age-correlated stress resistance improves fitness of yeast: support from agent-based simulations
CHP notified of two additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in M ainland
Resistance to stress is often heterogeneous
Hong Kong (HKSAR) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Centre for Health
among individuals within a population, which helps protect against intermittent...
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received notification yesterday...
Clinical significance of cerebrovascular complications in patients with acute infective endocarditis: a retrospective analysis of a 12-year single-center experience
Temporary suspension of flushing water supply to Wan Chai, Happy Valley, Causeway Bay and Tai Hang districts
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Hong Kong (HKSAR) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Water Supplies Department today (February 15) announced that,
Cerebrovascular complications (CVCs) frequently occur in patients with acute infective endocarditis
due to water mains connection...
(IE). The aim of this...
Successful adoptive transfer and in vivo expansion of haploidentical gammadelta T cells The primary aim of this pilot study was to determine the feasibility and safety of an adoptive transfer and in vivo expansion...
HG Wells: The first celebrity charity campaigner? 14 February 2014 Last updated at 22:24 ET By Caroline Parkinson Health editor, BBC News website HG Wells...
World Briefing : China Reports Another Case of New Bird Flu Strain
Op-Ed Contributor: Why I Never Got a M ammogram
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Disgraced Scientist Granted U.S. Patent for Work Found to be Fraudulent
M edicines M ade in India Set Off Safety Worries
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Communicating the way to the adoption of scientific technologies
Study suggests sleep apnea may contribute to fatigue in multiple sclerosis
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hilary Hurd 847-4914887Northwestern University How politicization...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 630-7379700American Academy of Sleep Medicine Obstructive sleep apnea...
Chinese closes poultry markets to stop bird flu
Early childhood education can pay big rewards to families, society
BEIJING (AP) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The major city of Guangzhou in southern China has closed its live poultry markets for two weeks as part...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Wen 773-7028356University of Chicago IMAGE: University of Chicago economist...
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China city closes poultry markets to stop bird flu
30 Sex Fantasies To Turn Into Reality
BEIJING (AP) — The major city of Guangzhou in southern China closed its live poultry markets on
been together for two years or 16, you know how important passion is...
By Michelle Toglia for YourTango Whether you’ve
Saturday for two weeks...
Independent Contractor in Afghanistan Pleads Guilty to His Role in Offering $54,000 in Bribes to a U.S. Government Official Earlier today at the federal courthouse in Brooklyn, Akbar Ahmad Sherzai, an independent contractor for a trucking company...
Identification of core T cell network based on immunome interactome Data-driven studies on the dynamics of
Transauricular balloon angioplasty in rabbit thoracic aorta: a novel model of experimental restenosis The aim of this study was to demonstrate a percutaneous transauricular method of balloon angioplasty in high-cholesterol...
Pressure- versus volume-limited sustained inflations at resuscitation of premature newborn lambs
reconstructed protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks facilitate investigation...
Sustained inflations (SI) are advocated for the rapid
Catching the Buzz
Enhanced detection of metastatic prostate cancer cells in human plasma with lipid bodies staining
What’s the buzz? the bees? (No, the stings.) What’s the fuss? the mees? (uh-huh, the rings, the chains!) What’s the...
establishment of FRC after birth in preterm and term infants requiring...
Reprogramming of energy metabolism of malignant cancer cells confers competitive advantage in growth environments with limited...
For a sugar-free Valentine’s day… (HealthDay)—If your loved one has diabetes, go easy on the Valentine’s Day candy, the American Association of Clinical...
EU plans more tests for horsemeat in food The EU will carry out a second round of tests to see if horsemeat is being passed off as beef, after a scandal last year...
M any US women prescribed narcotic pain meds during pregnancy (HealthDay)—More than 14 percent of American PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Philip Seymour Hoffman and M e The temptation is to try to explain it in scientific terms. We want to understand the mystery of a
women take powerful narcotic pain medications
man’s demise, particularly...
during pregnancy, according...
Why I Love Being Single on Valentine’s Day
M ore Toxic Chemicals Damaging Children’s Brains, New Study Warns
Did you read that right? Yep, I have no problems being single on Valentine’s Day. I even prefer it that
The number of industrial chemicals, heavy metals and pesticides proven capable of derailing normal
way. To all...
brain development —...
Heinrich Jaeger to discuss physics of granular materials at AAAS meeting
Growing number of chemicals linked with brain disorders in children
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Steve 773-702-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Todd 617-432-
8366University of Chicago IMAGE: The University of Chicago’s...
8413Harvard School of Public Health Boston, MA Toxic chemicals...
Survey: Americans struggle with science; respect scientists
New research reinforces danger of drinking alcohol while pregnant
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alison 517-4320920Michigan State University While most Americans could... 44-016127-58383University of Manchester Women who drink...
Passive smoking impairs children’s responses to asthma treatment
Physicists produce a potentially revolutionary material
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sam 44-207-5942198Imperial College London Children exposed to
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Britta Schlü 352-466-6446563University of Luxembourg Global recognition...
ACA Impact on Per Capita Cost of Health Care
Heritable bipolar phenotypes pinned down
Rep. Chris Van Hollen claims the Affordable Care Act “has resulted in significantly reducing the per
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter A large study has pinpointed brain and
capita cost of health...
behavioural traits that are genetically...
‘Healthy living’ programme fails to lower BM I in overweight psychosis
Illegal, Remote Pot Farms In California Poisoning Rare Wildlife
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patients By Joanna Lyford, Senior medwireNews Reporter A “healthy living” intervention focused on exercise and diet has failed...
1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says i i hide captionA view of Venus, black dot at top
hide captionFishers are among the small carnivores threatened by rat poisons used to guard plants at illegal marijuana farms. ...
Windber M an Sentenced to Probation with Home Detention for Conspiring to Distribute Cocaine
center, passing in front of the sun during a transit in 2012. A...
JOHNSTOWN, PA—A resident of Windber,
Poplar Bluff M an Sentenced to 50 Years on Child Pornography Charges ST. LOUIS, MO—Samuel Gonzales, Poplar, Bluff,
Hogsett Announces Sentencing of Parke County M an on Child Pornography Charges
Missouri, was sentenced to 600 months in prison Thursday afternoon by United...
INDIANAPOLIS—Joseph H Hogsett, the United States Attorney, announced today the sentencing of
Pennsylvania has been sentenced in federal court to five years of probation, the first...
Rockville resident Bradley...
Woman Pleads Guilty to Bank Robbery Spree in M arion and Pinellas Counties OCALA, FL—United States Attorney A Lee Bentley, III announces that Renita Mount Rayner (53, St.
HE4 tumor marker concentration in neoplastic peritoneal effusion and in peritoneal fluid associated with benign gynecological diseases
Petersburg) today pleaded...
The aim of our study was to evaluate the behaviour of the human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) in the peritoneal fluid encountered...
EM PowerPlus M ay Be Helpful in the Treatment of ADHD There are many treatments available for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But for various reasons, the treatments...
Can citrus ward off your risk of stroke? Eating foods that contain vitamin C may reduce your risk of the most common type of hemorrhagic stroke, according to a study... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Learning to Say “No” There is no reason why you have to say “yes” to everything and everyone. By agreeing to do things that you don’t want...
Indoor tanning laws help keep teen girls away, study finds (HealthDay)—Teen girls are less likely to go to indoor tanning salons if they live in states that
restrict their use of...
AAAS panel considers pandemic emergency response When a pandemic spreads, health officials must
Scripps researchers recommend mobile compression device to prevent DVT after joint surgery
quickly formulate a strategy to limit infections and deaths. That requires...
Research from The Shiley Center for Orthopaedic Research and Education at Scripps Clinic could change how patients are treated...
Virginia Judge Strikes Down Gay M arriage Ban
Study Links M ale Sexual Orientation to Specific Genes
U.S. District Judge Arenda Wright Allen, top center, presiding at the Feb. 4 hearing in Norfolk on
A study of gay men in the US has found fresh evidence that male sexual orientation is influenced
Virginia’s same-sex...
by genes. Scientists tested...
Beauty of M athematics Excites Emotional Brain
Women M ore Attracted to M asculine M ates During Ovulation
A new study suggests beauty may have a neurological basis. Using brain scans,
Stereotypical belief holds that the majority of women prefer dominant men with a masculine
researchers in the UK found appreciation of...
body type. But there is good news...
Can Talking With Strangers Actually M ake You Happier?
Wall Street ends higher; indexes up for second straight week
Talking to the stranger in seat 4B on a crosscountry flight is often considered one of the
By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) – Stocks closed higher on Friday, with major indexes
torments of air travel, to be...
notching a second straight...
Obama seeks to allay Democrats’ fears on Obamacare
Animal moms customize milk depending on baby’s sex
By Thomas Ferraro and Richard Cowan CAMBRIDGE, Maryland (Reuters) – President
WASHINGTON (AP) — A special blend of mother’s milk just for girls? New research shows animal
Barack Obama sought on Friday to ease...
moms are customizing...
Digital media could work as tool to improve health
Indoor Tanning Laws Help Keep Teen Girls Away, Study Finds
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – After a desperate mother in South Wales, UK, posted a video of her
FRIDAY Feb. 14, 2014, 2014 — Teen girls are less likely to go to indoor tanning salons if they live in
baby having a seizure... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
states that...
Three Groups M iss Out on Colon Cancer Survival Gains, Study Says
Fire-Safe Cigarette Law Reduces Home Fires: Study
FRIDAY Feb. 14, 2014, 2014 — Survival rates for white and Asian patients with advanced colon cancer have improved significantly,...
FRIDAY Feb. 14, 2014, 2014 — A Massachusetts law requiring that only fire-safe cigarettes be sold in the state reduced...
Lithium-Ion Batteries Get A Boost
M ake It A Grande: M ammoth Tusk Find Likely Seattle’s Largest
After lithium-ion batteries were introduced to the public in the early 1990s, they’ve charged all kinds of products,...
Here’s One M ore Reason To Play Video Games: Beating Dyslexia i i hide captionVideo games with lots of action might be useful for helping people with dyslexia train the brain’s...
i i hide captionPlumber apprentice Joe Wells touching what Burke Museum officials believe is the largest, most intact...
Appraisal Company Owner Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison for Participating in Two M ortgage Fraud Schemes PITTSBURGH—A resident of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania has been sentenced in federal court to 96 months’ imprisonment,...
Wanblee M an Pleads Not Guilty to Four Charges of Sexual Abuse
M an Pleads Guilty to Swindling M illions from Investors in Golf Course Scheme
United States Attorney Brendan V Johnson
RENO, NV—A man who fraudulently convinced 11
announced that a Wanblee, South Dakota man has been indicted by a federal grand...
persons to loan him a total of $3.6 million for the purchase of a golf course...
Pax6 regulates the formation of the habenular nuclei by controlling the temporospatial expression of Shh in the diencephalon in vertebrates
Assessment of morbidity due to Schistosoma japonicum infection in China
The habenula and the thalamus are two critical nodes in the forebrain circuitry and they connect the midbrain and the cerebral...
Traditions Are Fine, But Don’t Be Limited By Them PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
This paper presents a historical assessment of morbidity due to the Schistosoma japonicum infection in China. Due to the...
Sugary drinks need warnings, California lawmaker says
Ellen was an accomplished attorney who earned more money than her husband Herb. After Ellen
Sodas and most other sugar-sweetened drinks sold in California would be required to carry
gave birth to twin girls, they...
warning labels for obesity, diabetes...
Food price hikes may affect those with type 2 diabetes
Study suggests video games may improve learning skills in people with dyslexia
(HealthDay)—Food prices are linked to blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, a new study suggests. To reach...
For people with dyslexia, playing action video games may help them better manage shifting attention between audio and visual...
Is food insecurity on the rise among college students?
‘Boris bikes’ may be good for your health
Gaining the ‘freshman 15’ may no longer be the biggest nutritional issue facing some college
Friday February 14 2014 There are around 10,000 “Boris bikes” in...
students. A study recently...
M en’s and women’s brains found to be different sizes
Value of ice water soak for sore muscles still unclear
Friday February 14 2014 Brain size doesn’t necessarily equate to intelligence...
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The pain of a short soak in ice water is supposed to cure the longerlasting discomfort...
M atchmakers can get a happiness boost, too
Educating young men could expand ‘morning after pill’ use
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Fixing up your single friends this Valentine’s Day might pay off for them, and it...
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Young men know even less about emergency contraception than young women do, which may be...
Giving M agnesium to Stroke Victims Early Not Helpful: Study
Food Price Hikes M ay Affect Those With Type 2 Diabetes
FRIDAY Feb. 14, 2014, 2014 — Giving magnesium to stroke patients while they’re being taken to the hospital does...
FRIDAY Feb. 14, 2014, 2014 — Food prices are linked to blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, a new study...
Want to Rekindle Romance? Try Double Dating
Researchers receive funding to develop treatments for Rett Syndrome
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FRIDAY Feb. 14, 2014, 2014 — Want to boost your
Researchers from Scotland and the US are taking
emotional connection with your romantic partner this Valentine’s...
a step towards reversing the effects of a debilitating genetic disease and...
Improper handling of intravenous saline leads to rare bacteria outbreak
Holly Keating ‘Viral M eningitis almost ruined my modelling career’
Improper handling of intravenous saline at a West
Holly Keating was diagnosed after getting a fever,
Virginia outpatient oncology clinic was linked with the first reported...
headache and vomiting She spent three days in hospital on a drip and two...
Formula milk should be made according to GENDER: Boys need more fat and girls more calcium, says expert
Children who watch three hours of TV a day could be left educationally stunted and prone to bullying
Dr Katie Hinde, from Harvard, says formula milk should be gender-specific She says monkeys
Study found that after two hours of viewing, every extra hour of TV has the potential to harm a child’s
produce milk that is fattier and...
Shiny And New: World’s Largest Solar Plant Opens In Nevada
Sexually Transmitted Food Poisoning? A Fish Toxin Could Be To Blame
i i hide captionNRG celebrates the future of solar energy at the grand opening of the Ivanpah Solar
i i hide captionBeware of the big guys: Red snappers from tropical waters sometimes
Electric Generating...
accumulate high levels of the...
How Does M isfortune Affect Long-Term Happiness?
Are We Happier When We Stay In The M oment?
Part 5 of the TED Radio Hour episode Simply Happy. About Dan Gilbert’s TEDTalk We’re
Part 2 of the TED Radio Hour episode Simply Happy. About Matt Killingsworth’s TEDTalk When
doomed to be miserable if...
are humans most happy? To...
Autophagy-lysosome pathway associated neuropathology and axonal degeneration in the brains of alphagalactosidase A-deficient mice
New insight into protein misfolding in neurodegenerative disorders
Mutations in the gene for alpha-galactosidase A result in Fabry disease, a rare, X-linked lysosomal storage disorder characterized...
93212University of Southampton IMAGE: This is Dr. Ayodeji...
Geographical passwords worth their
Antimicrobial preservation strategies to
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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Glenn 44-023-805-
prevent food contamination
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Albert
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki
Angpress@inderscience.comInderscience Publishers Protect yourself online with your secret 914-740-2100 x2156Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering
place It’s...
News Described...
New depression treatments reported
Geographic variation of human gut microbes tied to obesity
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim Ritterjritter@lumc.ede 708216-2445Loyola University Health System Biomarkers could help classify...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert 510-6436998University of California – Berkeley People...
Top 5 Winter Health Hazards Winter Health Hazards Heart attack rates peak in winter, and a new study links lower temperatures with higher rates of hospitalization...
Wall Street advances as industrial production discounted By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) – Stocks rose modestly on Friday, with the SP 500 on track for its first two-week...
M ath saving lives: New models help address kidney organ donation shortages On any given day in the United States, approximately 100,000 patients are waiting for a life-saving kidney transplant. The...
Belgium surprised at international euthanasia backlash BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Belgian media expressed
Olympic skater Gracie Gold’s secret to a tight, toned core As the U.S. national champion, ice skater Gracie Gold showed up to the Sochi Olympics on a swell of positive momentum. Now...
Study affirms new standard for detecting melanoma metastasis to the lymph nodes
rank incomprehension over foreign criticism of the country’s extension...
Long-term research that was initiated at UCLA’s
M edicinewise News’ edition examines latest evidence for determining absolute CVD risk, treatment options
Old FDA-approved drugs may hold promise for treatment of rare, drugresistant cancer
NPS MedicineWise is reminding health professionals that while various media reports
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI) scientists have shown that old drugs might be able
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Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center on lymphatic mapping and sentinel-node...
have recently linked statins to a variety...
to do new tricks. By...
First Edition: February 14, 2014
Solving a complex protein problem
Today’s early morning highlights from the major
Many proteins undergo processing within cellular
news organizations, including reports on the least expensive health...
compartments called the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. Transit...
Researchers discover antifreeze protein with water filled core ( —A team of researches with Queen’s
Evolution of host specificity in monogeneans parasitizing African cichlid fish
University, in Canada has found that the antifreeze protein Maxi, defies...
The patterns and processes linked to the host specificity of parasites represent one of the central themes in the study of...
A rapid sensitive, flow cytometry-based method for the detection of Plasmodium vivax-infected blood cells Plasmodium vivax preferentially infects Duffypositive reticulocytes and infections typically have few parasite-infected...
SFH meets poultry trade Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, today (February 14) met
Hong Kong Customs seizes cocaine and heroin at airport Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Customs officers yesterday (February 13) seized about 378 grammes of cocaine and 759 grammes of...
Huffington M agazine This Week: A New Kind of Love
the poultry trade to...
In this week’s issue, just in time for Valentine’s Day, Bianca Bosker looks at a kind of love that’s increasingly...
How Tragedy Led One Couple To Fall In Love All Over Again (VIDEO)
Blood clot risk for new moms longer than once thought
Bob and Gloria Farley’s unique love story began more than four decades ago. “Gloria and I were a blind date....
February 14, 2014, 8:23 AM|Daily health headlines: Chance of blood clots last 12 weeks after having babies, stopping smoking...
Put Down The Smartphone And Talk To A Stranger. (It Will M ake You Happier)
M etabolism gives a boost to understanding plant and animal nutrient evolution
By Stephanie Pappas, Senior Writer Published: 02/14/2014 08:08 AM EST on LiveScience Talking to the stranger in seat 4B... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joe 480-2588972Molecular Biology and Evolution (Oxford University Press) Recent...
Gene for dissected leaves [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Miltos 49-221-5062106Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Arabidopsis thaliana...
Our brain has switch board to guide behavior in response to external stimuli [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kris Van der 32-473-783435VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) How...
Inside out at the 2014 AAAS meeting: The impact of gut flora on diabetes and obesity
NASA’s IBEX helps paint picture of the magnetic system beyond the solar wind
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Isabelle 49-151-145- 301-2867745NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center IMAGE: A model...
32784INSERM (Institut national de la sant et de la...
Impaired recovery from inflammation linked to Alzheimer’s [ | E-mail ] Contact: Press 46-852-486-077Karolinska Institutet IMAGE: Dr. Marianne Schultzberg...
Government welcomes extension of Fair Winds Charter Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Environment Bureau and Environmental Protection Department (EPD) welcome the shipping industry’s...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan
Cancellation of screenings of Space M useum’s Omnimax show "Titans of the Ice Age" Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A spokesperson for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (February 14) that...
How well do modelled routes to school record the environments children are exposed to?: a cross-sectional comparison of GIS-modelled and GPSmeasured routes to school The school journey may make an important contribution to children’s physical activity and provide exposure to food...
CiteAb: a searchable antibody database that ranks antibodies by the number of times they have been cited PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
VDAY and Beyond: Healthier Relationships I’ve learned a lot about relationships from my
Research antibodies are used by thousands of scientists working in diverse disciplines, but it is
clients — in particular what makes relationships work better. What to...
common to hear concerns...
NHS Winter: Weekly A&E tracker Week 14
AUDIO: Quitting smoking ‘relieves stress’
Notes Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital is missing data for 8 January. This means that figures for the
Quitting smoking can relieve stress, according to a new study. Researchers at the Universities of
following categories...
Birmingham, Oxford and...
From music to medicine
Physician urges greater recognition of how "misfearing" influences women’s perceptions of heart health risks
The analytical tool was developed to analyse how we move to music. Now, it may also provide answers to the risk of premature...
()—While more women die from heart disease each year than all forms of cancer combined, many are more fearful of other...
Promise of a bonus counter-productive in brains with high dopamine levels
4 Things Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Love
Some people perform better and others worse when promised a high bonus. Brain researcher Esther Aarts of the Donders Institute...
Despite everything we know about human behavior and relationships, love remains a mystery to us. It causes us the greatest...
7 Religious Love Quotes That Will Ignite Passion For Valentine’s Day
Kansas Reporter Loses Fingers and Toes to Deadly M eningitis
Religions have a lot to say about love — from loving
One evening in his University of Kansas dorm
your neighbor, to acknowledging God’s love, to cherishing...
room, Andy Marso was experiencing flu-like symptoms and hundreds of purple blotches...
3 Bad Excuses for Skipping M editation
Can Sleeping Apart Help Your Relationship?
Meditation, long associated with unwashed hippies and robed gurus, has recently been shown to boost focus, reduce stress,...
Quitting smoking makes you happier, says study PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
A recent episode of Good Morning America profiled Arianne and Nate Cohen of Portland, Oregon—a married couple that sleeps...
M arriage Isn’t What It Used To Be Just in time for Valentine’s Day, a researcher at Northwestern University has revealed what grumpy
Moderate or heavy smokers who quit tobacco get a
old people have been...
boost in mental wellbeing that, for people who are anxious or stressed,...
FDA denies approval to wider use of J&J’s blood clot preventer
M editation may prevent work-related stress, burnout
(Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Regular doses of meditation might prevent work-
denied an approval to a wider use of Johnson Johnson’s heart...
related stress and burnout, a small U.S. study suggests. Teachers and support...
Physical inactivity in ‘healthy’ smokers raises health risks
Highlights: Vaccine exemption bills rarely become law; Ariz. group urges public hospital changes; Florida foster kids care
Smokers without signs of lung disease may be raising their chances of developing lung problems and other health issues by...
Rollies AREN’T safer than other cigarettes That rollies are more natural and healthier than other cigarettes is a myth Up to 40 per cent of rollie smokers think their...
A selection of health policy stories from Arizona, Florida, California and Pennsylvania. Reuters: Vaccine Exemption Bills...
Testicular cancer survivor’s bid to raise money for the hospital that saved his life: 24 hours non-stop cycling, 350 miles on foot and eight hours kayaking Charlie Penrose, 29, was diagnosed in December 2013 after finding a lump He had to have his testicle removed and he had a...
M en trying to bulk up may be unwittingly taking the BREAST CANCER drug Tamoxifen: Traces of medication found in supplements People trying to increase their muscle mass have been taking Tamoxifen to stop breast enlargement caused by the use of anabolic...
Would YOU have sex with someone you knew had an STD? 20% of young adults say they would 19% of 18 to 30-year-olds would sleep with someone they knew had an STD Of these people, 39% have had unprotected sex with...
Report: Burning Natural Gas Is Better Than Using Coal
A primary-school-based study to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity
Methane is both a fuel and a potent greenhouse
Obesity is one of the main determinants of
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
gas. A study in Science magazine suggests that
avoidable disease burden.To implement a
about 50 percent more methane...
program by university students acting...
Effect of gender preference on fertility: cross-sectional study among women of Tharu community from rural area of eastern region of Nepal Son preference is predominant in developing
d-2-Hydroxyglutarate producing neoenzymatic activity inversely correlates with frequency of the of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutations found type in glioma
countries especially south Asian countries and its effect is most visible when...
IDH mutations frequently occur in diffuse gliomas and result in a neo-enzymatic activity that results in reduction of alpha-ketoglutarate...
Posterior fossa and spinal gangliogliomas form two distinct clinicopathologic and molecular subgroups
TPI announces financial results for second quarter fiscal year 2014
Gangliogliomas are low-grade glioneuronal tumors of the central nervous system and the commonest cause of chronic intractable...
patented biopharmaceutical,...
Researchers find ‘missing’ genetic risk in cancer
M ore than 1 million people signed up for health plans in January — bringing the total tally to more than 3 million
A new study could help to answer an important
Tianyin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NYSE Amex: TPI), a pharmaceutical company that specializes in the
riddle in our understanding of genetics: why research to look for the genetic...
According to Obama administration officials, the
Researcher asks moms about obtaining consent for studies involving treatment of newborns
Brisk walking or playing a gentle game of tennis ‘cuts stroke rick by 20%’ in women
For years, obtaining parental consent for clinical research regarding newborn resuscitation in the
Gentle exercise has immediate effect on women’s stroke risk, study shows Taking a brisk walk or
delivery room has been...
playing a gentle game...
Judy Parfitt on the pain of losing her husband to dementia
Is zinc to blame for joint pain? Cartilage can be destroyed by molecular changes involved in processing the metallic element
By Judy Parfitt PUBLISHED: 18:52 EST, 13 PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
overall enrollment figure reflects people who enrolled in coverage through...
February 2014 | UPDATED: 02:34 EST, 14 February 2014 Slipping away:...
Korean study reveals zinc rich foods could be the cause for osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis type...
M en are 50% more likely to die from cancer than women, global figures show
HKETCO promotes HK at Nantou and Taichung lantern festivals
Globally, 4.6 million men die of cancer every year –
Trade and Cultural Office (ETCO) is participating for the first time at...
126 per 100,000 Each year 3.5 million women die of cancer –...
An analysis of changes in mobility and safety of older drivers associated with a specific older driver on-road licensing test: a population study From 1999 to the end of 2006, older drivers aged 80 plus in New Zealand were subject to an older driver licence test as a...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Economic,
Updating of Curriculum and Assessment Guides for 24 Senior Secondary subjects Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Education Bureau (EDB) today (February 14) announced that the Curriculum and Assessment (CA)...
Regression of vascular calcification following an acute episode of calciphylaxis: a case report
Association of anti-RNA polymerase III autoantibodies and cancer in scleroderma
IntroductionIn clinical situations, vascular
IntroductionWe assessed the profile and frequency
calcification tends to progress and is difficult to completely arrest or reverse....
of malignancy subtypes in a large single centre UK cohort for patients...
M en are 30 per cent more likely than women to die from cancer The four biggest cancer killers worldwide are of the
M oderate exercise cuts women’s stroke risk, helps offset increase risk from hormone thep
lung, liver, stomach and bowel. Together, they cause almost half of...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carrie 214-7061665American Heart Association Abstract: TMP67 (Room...
Ambulance magnesium treatment fails to improve stroke outcome [ | E-mail ] Contact: Carrie PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
An optical interferometric technique for assessing ozone induced damage and recovery under cumulative exposures 214-7061665American Heart Association Abstract: 214 (rm. 27) Giving...
for a Japanese rice cultivar Exposure to ozone (O3) causes reduction both in the growth and yield of rice (Oriza sativa L.). Commonly used Chlorophyll...
Boris bikes ‘good for users’ health’ 14 February 2014 Last updated at 02:23 ET The London cycle hire scheme was launched in 2010 London’s cycle hire scheme...
Science: Cortical convolutions controlled in sections [ | E-mail ] Contact: Natasha 202-326-6440American Association for the Advancement of Science Non-coding...
Wealthy neighborhoods fuel materialistic desires, study says
Builder bots ditch blueprints for local cues
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jonathan 415-338-1743San Francisco State University Individuals who live in
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Natasha 202-326-6440American Association for the Advancement of Science Guided...
Stanford, NOAA scientists discover mechanism of crude oil heart toxicity
America’s natural gas system is leaky and in need of a fix, new study finds
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Randall Kochevar, Stanford Department of Biology, Block
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark 650-724- 831-6556225Stanford...
1629Stanford University IMAGE: Above: This shows EPA...
Science is used to reveal masterpiece’s true colors
Obamacare enrollment push for the young enters 11th hour
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan
By David Morgan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – One of 847-4913115Northwestern University Chemist uncovers
the latest Obamacare pitches to get young adults to sign up for health...
paint details...
Longer looks: Women’s advantages in health law; health effects of the ‘American dream’
Women’s blood clot risk remains elevated for at least 12 weeks after delivering a baby, says study
Every week reporter Ankita Rao selects interesting
Women’s blood clot risk remains elevated for at
reading from around the Web. The Atlantic: How Women Get More Than Men... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
least 12 weeks after delivering a baby – twice as long as previously...
FDA-approved drug pregabalin effectively treats RLS symptoms with less side effects
Indoor exposure to radon gas may cause of lung cancer
A report in the Feb. 13 New England Journal of Medicine confirms previous studies suggesting
child health and other experts in Canada are ramping up calls for...
Pointing to startling statistics on lung cancer risks,
that long-term treatment with...
66 Percent of Young Women Don’t Buy Into Valentine’s Day—Do You? How’s this for killing the romance: Two-thirds of young women think Valentine’s Day is overrated, according to...
Sarah Hendrickson: “Accomplishing Your Goal Is the Best Feeling in the Entire World” This past Tuesday, 19-year-old ski jumper Sarah Hendrickson tweeted, “I am bib number one today. That means I will be the...
Explainer: the risks and benefits of bariatric surgery You don’t need an expert to tell you obesity has become a major health problem worldwide. The World Health Organization...
The human platelet: strong transcriptome correlations among individuals associate weakly with the platelet proteome
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and their ligands: nutritional and clinical implications Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors are expressed in many tissues, including adipocytes, hepatocytes, muscles and...
Company fined for wage offences Hong Kong (HKSAR) – RMJM Hong Kong Limited was fined a total of $53,000 at Eastern Magistrates’ Courts today...
For the anucleate platelet it has been unclear how well platelet transcriptomes correlate among different donors or across...
Class 7A to stage story of family love between father and daughter in M arch
Proposed footbridge in Central gazetted
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Class 7A Drama Group (Class 7A) will stage its latest production, titled
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government published a notice in the Gazette today (February 14) on the
proposed works of an...
Yau Tsim M ong District Ethnic Cultural Show 2014 to be held on Sunday
M ajor aging-associated RNA expressions change at two distinct age-
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Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Working Group on Ethnic Affairs of Yau Tsim Mong District...
positions Genome-wide expression profiles are altered during biological aging and can describe molecular regulation of tissue degeneration....
Four Essential Ingredients in Loving and Sustaining M arriages…
Global cancer death toll 50 per cent higher in men than women
In his latest book, Love Illuminated, Daniel Jones concludes, after culling over thousands of essays written to his Modern...
Global cancer death rates are more than 50 per cent higher in men than women, according to figures published today (Friday)...
Is zinc the missing link for osteoarthritis therapies?
When less is more: M icroglia deficit impairs functional neural connectivity, leads to autism-associated behaviors
Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of disability, characterized by the destruction of cartilage tissue in joints, but there...
()—Extensive research effort has been focused on determining the genetic and cellular factors leading to neurodevelopmental...
What makes the newborn immune system in the lungs different and vulnerable?
Intensive dialysis in pregnant women with kidney failure benefits mother and baby
Newborns are more susceptible to infections, presumably because of their immature and
Intensive dialysis treatments in pregnant women with kidney failure lead to a higher proportion of live
inexperienced immune systems. The most...
births than standard...
Induction of apoptosis through oxidative stress-related pathways in M CF-7, human breast cancer cells, by ethyl acetate extract of Dillenia suffruticosa
ER discharge deaths prompt new Winnipeg hospital checks Emergency rooms in Winnipeg will have a new “checklist” that will help ensure patients are discharged safely,...
Breast cancer is one of the most dreading types of cancer among women. Herbal medicine has becoming a potential source of...
Ex-M &S boss to advise NHS managers 13 February 2014 Last updated at 19:56 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent Sir Stuart headed MS PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Efficient treatment a step closer in the fight against cancer-causing herpes Herpes virus proteins are more ‘spaghetti-like’
than previously thought, which provides a vital clue in the search...
Head, neck injuries may increase stroke risk among trauma patients younger than 50
Stroke survivors often return to driving without being evaluated for ability
Suffering an injury to the head or neck increases ischemic stroke risk three-fold among trauma patients younger than 50,...
Stroke survivors often resume driving without being formally evaluated for ability—though stroke can cause deficits that...
Children living close to fast food outlets more likely to be overweight
Apprehensive, M any Doctors Shift to Jobs With Salaries
Children living in areas surrounded by fast food
Log in to manage your products and services from
outlets are more likely to be overweight or obese according to new research...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Some Fail to Pay Premium After Signing Up Under New Health Care Law
Belgium Close to Allowing Euthanasia for Ill M inors
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Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
4 Fashion Habits That Are Bad For Your Health
M adonna Speaks Up About Her Body Image Insecurities
By Perrie Samotin for StyleCaster Fashion can be a
Madonna recently made a confession to
lot of things: exciting, transformative, communicative, and, most importantly, fun....
Entertainment Tonight: “I have a love/hate relationship with my body,” she said....
USDOJ: Bridgestone Corp. Agrees to Plead Guilty to Price Fixing on Automobile Parts Installed in U.S. Cars
How Relationship Experts Connect with Their Partners
Bridgestone Corp ., a Tokyo, Japan-based company, has agreed to plead guilty and to pay a
just the way you are,’ and having that sentiment returned,”...
“To me, connecting is saying, ‘I see you. I love you
$425 million criminal fine for...
Cambridge woman fights breast cancer head on PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Emergency visits more frequent among children
Tanya Olsen got her first hena crown in November. Her current tattoo is her third and she hopes it will be her last. (Tanya...
Most patients spent 7.4 hours or less in emergency, new Canadian data suggests. (David Goldman/Associated Press) Children...
Hispanic stroke patients less likely to receive clot-busting drugs in
Researchers find breast cancer drug in bodybuilding supplement
Hispanic stroke patients admitted to hospitals in the border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas were less...
Researchers have found the breast cancer drug tamoxifen in samples of a widely available bodybuilding dietary supplement. In...
Stopping smoking linked to improved mental health
London’s bicycle sharing scheme has had positive overall health effect
The researchers say the effect sizes are equal or larger than those of antidepressant treatment for mood and anxiety disorders. It...
London’s bicycle sharing scheme has had a positive overall health effect, but the benefits of cycling in the cycle...
Like Watching Birds Fly: A Runner’s Journey With ARVD/C
Treat Yourself Well
When I see people running outside, it’s kind of like watching birds fly. Yet, only a year ago, I had run my sixth,...
The author at the beach * Photo by Kristen Bancroft Why did you choose to do what you do for a living? Was it because you...
Disconnect to Reconnect This Valentine’s Day
Blood clot risk may last at least 12 weeks after pregnancy
During a romantic dinner with my husband, I glanced up briefly from my iPhone long enough to observe an incredible sight....
Women may be at a higher risk for blood clots for at least 12 weeks after they give birth, according to new research. The...
A promising new approach for treating leukemia discovered
M ixed genes
[ | E-mail ] Contact: William 514-566-3813University of Montreal The essential...
Asian longhorned beetles pheromone could be used to manage pest [ | E-mail ] Contact: A’ndrea Elyse 814-865-9481Penn State PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Daniel 49-341-3550850Max-Planck-Gesellschaft An interactive world...
Amidst bitter cold and rising energy costs, new concerns about energy insecurity
IMAGE: Female Asian longhorned beetles...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 212-3054372Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public...
Rebuilding the brain after stroke [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dwight 313-850-3471Henry Ford Health System DETROIT Enhancing the brain’s...
Harvard scientists find cell fate switch that decides liver, or pancreas? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Joseph 617-4961491Harvard University Harvard stem cell scientists...
UofL professor named finalist for national award recognizing leadership in long-term care
Researchers reveal how genomeediting tool works as ‘guided missile’ to correct errors in genetic code
Patrick J. Murphy Jr., M.D., director of the University of Louisville Home Call Program and professor of geriatrics in the...
Work uncovers secret of how genome-editing tool works as a ‘guided missile’ to correct errors in the genetic...
Tips for performing hands-only CPR for out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest
Intravenous magnesium fails to improve stroke-related disability
The image you have in your head of CPR is
Abstract: 214 (rm. 27) Giving intravenous
probably some combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth
magnesium to stroke patients soon after the start of symptoms, in an attempt to...
Baby given NO chance of survival before she was born defies the odds to become a ‘healthy, feisty little girl’ Kaylyn Fry wasn’t expected to live when the placenta ruptured at 16 weeks She survived but at 21 weeks her mother’s...
The Counterintuitive Key to Work-Life Balance When you’re struggling with endless to-do lists at the office and at home, you might consider flaking on the gym in...
Real Guys Answer: When the Check Comes, Should a Woman Offer to Pay?
Robot Construction Workers Take Their Cues From Termites
We’ve all been there: You just had an amazing date with a great guy, and the waiter leaves the check smack dab in the middle...
i i hide captionClimbing robots, modeled after termites, can be programmed to work together to build tailor-made...
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‘I Will Fight Gravity For You,’ Said Superman To Lois Lane I saw this. And then I thought, more people should see it. So I waited till Valentine’s Day, so I could
Illegal prescription drug sellers arraigned on charges for smuggling illicit cancer drugs into the United States
share this...
For Immediate Release: Feb. 13, 2014Media Inquiries: Tara Goodin, 240-402-3157, tara.goodin@fda.hhs.govConsumer Inquiries:...
Chikungunya travel health warning for Caribbean expands
Health board rejects NHS shake-up
Chikungunya was originally found in Africa, Asia and the Indian subcontinent, the World Health Organization says. In recent...
Belgium approves child euthanasia 13 February 2014 Last updated at 12:48 ET The vote came after a heated debate Parliament in Belgium has passed a bill allowing...
How memory and schizophrenia are connected Many psychiatric disorders are accompanied by memory deficits. Basel scientists have now identified a network of genes that...
13 February 2014 Last updated at 12:35 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. A potential shake-up...
Protein switch dictates cellular fate: Stem cell or neuron Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have discovered that a well-known protein has a...
Immunologists disprove the hitherto conventional classification of immune cells An international team of scientists under the leadership of the University of Bonn disproves a dogma: To date, immunologists...
Can-do plan gets women trimmer, healthier, and cuts hot flashes
U.S. Backs New Global Initiative Against Infectious Diseases
A woman can beat middle-aged spread, her
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disease risks, and her hot flashes with the help of her healthcare provider. And...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
M obile phones ‘pose no health risk’
Up To 2,000 Bodies Now Thought To Be Buried On University of M ississippi Land, Officials Say
“This independent programme is now complete, and despite exhaustive research, we have found no evidence of risks... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
University of Mississippi officials have updated the body count after a land survey uncovered 800 to 1,000 more graves on...
The Bravest Thing I’ve Ever Done (Hint: It’s Not Fighting Cancer)
How Little Exercise Can You Get Away With? (And 3 M ore Questions)
“This looks like cancer,” the radiologist told me — no holds barred, no mincing words here — as the...
By Dr. Mehmet Oz I’m always fielding health questions from friends, acquaintances, even people on the street —...
‘Corneal M elt’: Arthritis Complication Lets Irises Slip Out
Pharrell Debuts Denim Line M ade From Recycled Ocean Plastic In Partnership With G-Star Raw
By Bahar Gholipour, Staff Writer Published: 02/13/2014 08:17 AM EST on LiveScience A 61year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis...
In The Darkest Of M oments, These People Responded In The M ost Beautiful Ways In dealing with the loss of a loved one, perhaps the
From Mother Nature Network’s Michael d’Estries: Fashion designer, singer, and Grammy-winning artist Pharrell...
Early signs of Alzheimer’s detected February 13, 2014, 9:31 AM|People whose parents both had Alzheimer’s may show early signs in brain scans, new research...
only remedy for those empty feelings is honoring their lives by helping...
Harms of solitary confinement examined in new study
M arriage’s ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’
NEW YORK — A first-of-its-kind study found that 847-4914887Northwestern University Changing
New York City jail inmates sent to solitary confinement are nearly...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hilary Hurd Anyasoh-
Why did the orangutan come down from the trees?
Data links quick fix
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marc 60-138-756-
Angpress@inderscience.comInderscience Publishers Software that can fix 90 percent of broken...
009University of Leicester New study reveals hitherto...
Weather changes may be linked with PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Albert
ADHD drugs not linked to increased
stroke hospitalization, death
stroke risk among children
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 214-7061392American Heart Association Abstract: WP123
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 214-7061392American Heart Association Abstract WMP110
(Room Hall...
(Room Hall...
Jawed vertebrates get a face
New research uncovers debilitating effects of disease on toy dog breeds
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Per 46-184-712641Uppsala University IMAGE: This is a computer model...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Peter of Surrey A new
Use of mortality as measure of stroke care questioned
Revision to rules for color in dinosaurs suggests connection between color and physiology
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark 585-
study from the University of Surrey, published...
273-4790University of Rochester Medical Center A new...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: J.B. 512-232-9623University of Texas at Austin IMAGE: The “rules...
New M ammogram Study Revives Old Debate
‘Nearly-Comatose’ Pakistani Student M ay Be Sent Home
By Katie Moisse@katiemoisseFollow on Twitter When should women start getting routine mammograms: In their 40s, 50s or 60s?
A nearly-comatose Pakistani student, who was studying in Wisconsin, may be sent back to Pakistan after his student visa runs...
Foul play suspected in death of Dutch politician behind euthanasia law
Avon fourth-quarter sales fall; more sales reps drop out
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – Dutch police said on Thursday they suspected foul play in the death this
(Reuters) – Avon Products Inc on Thursday reported lower-than-expected fourth-quarter
week of the former health...
revenue, as business fell in...
Woman discovers she has a M AGGOT living in her ear after suffering earache The 48-year-old went to hospital after having earache for 24 hours Doctors removed her hearing
The CtrA phosphorelay integrates differentiation and communication in the marine alphaproteobacterium Dinoroseobacter shibae
aid and found her ear was...
Dinoroseobacter shibae, a member of the
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Roseobacter clade abundant in marine environments, maintains morphological heterogeneity...
EXOSC3 mutations in pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 1: novel mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations Pontocerebellar hypoplasia (PCH) represents a group of neurodegenerative disorders with prenatal
Estimating the budget impact of orphan drugs in Sweden and France 2013-2020 The growth in expenditure on orphan medicinal products (OMP) across Europe has been identified as a concern. Estimates of...
onset. Eight subtypes have...
The effect of CD14 and TLR4 gene polimorphisms on asthma phenotypes in adult Turkish asthma patients: a genetic study Endotoxins stimulate T helper 1 cell maturation and send a negative signal to T helper 2 polarisation. This causes a decrease...
Why Does She Love Him? Last week’s cartoon, about a woman who doesn’t just have it all, but also has too much, is here. (It’s her...
Comparative genomics of unintrogressed Campylobacter coli clades 2 and 3 Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli share a multitude of risk factors associated with human gastrointestinal disease, yet their...
How Grief Connects Us — Even in the U.S. Senate I read with great interest that Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe has warmed up to his Democratic colleagues. What precipitated...
VIDEO: Breaking the silence on male rape
Health boards discuss NHS shake-up
Rape is a crime that affects thousands of people,
turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. A potential shake-up...
and for many victims one of the hardest things can be getting the help...
13 February 2014 Last updated at 06:02 ET Please
Engineers turn cells common in scar tissue into colonies of beating heart cells
UM M S launches Voyager Therapeutics to develop life-changing treatments for fatal diseases
Poets and physicians know that a scarred heart cannot beat the way it used to, but the science of
UMass Medical School (UMMS) recognizes the launch today of Voyager Therapeutics, a gene
reprogramming cells offers...
therapy company founded by four world...
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Obama: Latest employer mandate delay is method of ‘smoothing out’ health law transition
Researchers identify effective target for human autoimmune disease
President Barack Obama also said Tuesday
identified a new gene (PIM1), which could be an effective target for innovative...
during a joint press conference with French President Francois Hollande that...
Ancient DNA Ties Native Americans From Two Continents To Clovis Credit: Produced by Magus Film / Linus Dahomé Mørk and photographed by Zachary Halberd and Anders Thormann The mysterious...
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome/human immunodeficiency virus knowledge, attitudes, and practices, and use of healthcare services among rural migrants: a crosssectional study in China Today’s rapid growth of migrant populations has been a major contributor to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)...
Drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system and survival from cancer: a population based study of breast, colorectal and prostate cancer patient cohorts
Researchers at King’s College London have
EPD invites non-profit-making organisations to briefing session on Restored Landfill Revitalisation Funding Scheme Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) is inviting non-profitmaking organisations and national...
HIV risk behaviors of male injecting drug users and associated non-condom use with regular female sexual partners in north-east India In the context of increasing HIV prevalence among women in regular sexual partnerships, this paper examines the relationship...
Fever in sepsis: is it cool to be hot? Changes in body temperature are a characteristic feature of sepsis. The study by Kushimoto and colleagues in a recent issue...
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are commonly prescribed to the...
Study: Negative and positive moods may lead to preferences for different kinds of foods PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Some health law provisions raising questions, costs News outlets examined how Medicaid costs may
Emotional eating is something we’re all familiar with. Maybe you had had a rough week at work and all you want on Friday...
be affected by the ACA, and the dilemma the law poses for some IRS rules. Bloomberg:...
Researchers offer new options for men whose prostate cancer has spread to bones
Long-term physical activity improves cardiovascular health by targeting heart cells’ powerhouses
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center has treated three men with a recently FDA-
Whether lifting weights in a gym or just walking around the block, exercise has many benefits, such
approved treatment, which offers...
as helping people lose...
USDOJ: Department of Justice Proposes Remedy to Address Bazaarvoice’s Unlawful Acquisition of PowerReviews
USDOJ: Joint Statement by Attorney General Eric Holder and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the Declassification of Additional Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
The Department of Justice today submitted to the court a proposed remedy to address Bazaarvoice Inc.’s unlawful acquisition...
Attorney General Eric Holder and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released the following joint statement Wednesday: ...
CE to visit Guangdong Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, will visit Guangdong tomorrow (February 14) to meet leaders...
Reliability and concurrent validity of a novel method allowing for in-shoe measurement of navicular drop Increased navicular drop is associated with increased risk of lower extremity overuse injuries and foot orthoses are often...
Behavior in Real World Affected by Video Games, Reports Concludes PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Trade relations between Hong Kong and California remain strong Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong remained California’s sixth largest export destination in 2013. About US$7.8 billion...
America’s Teens Outscore Adults on Stress Jetta Productions / Getty Images Since 2007, the American Psychological Association (APA) has conducted a survey of different...
Suit Accuses Kroger of Deceit on How Poultry Was Raised
The debate on whether video games influence behavior in real life has raged on for some time. Now, a new study involving...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Op-Ed Contributors: We Need Proof on M arijuana
National Briefing | South: North Carolina: Residents Told Not to Eat Fish Near Spill Site
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Over 1 M illion Added to Rolls of Health Plan
Why Russia Is So Anti-Gay
Log in to manage your products and services from
homosexually is morally unacceptable, more than disapprove of other hot-button...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Nearly three-quarters of Russians believe that
Parents with Alzheimer’s: Troubling Signs for Their Grown Children
M ales and Females Differ in Specific Brain Structures
Research published Wednesday in the journal
The team, led by doctoral candidate Amber Ruigrok
Neurology finds that Alzheimer’s-related abnormalities were most pronounced...
and Professors John Suckling and Simon BaronCohen in the Department of...
Belgian Law on Child Euthanasia First in World
Is Height Important in M atters of the Heart? New Study Says Yes
Belgium is expected on Thursday to become the
The study, “Does Height Matter? An Examination of
first country in the world to abolish all age restrictions on the right to...
Height Preferences in Romantic Coupling,” was conducted in...
M oney, Being Uncool and Happiness “We’re lost in a cloud with too much rain We’re
Sleep apnea common among strokerelated brainstem injuries
trapped in a world that’s troubled with pain But...
People whose brainstems are affected by their stroke have a significantly higher prevalence of sleep apnea than those who...
What Love Looks Like
Why I Hate Valentine’s Day
You know the feeling, when that hard drive finally
I have to be honest, I am a little embarrassed for all
crashes. That panic, even if you’ve been good PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
of us. That we have taken something that is as
about backing things...
amazing as love and...
To the Romance-Resistant on Valentine’s Day
Creating Love and Joy in Your Life — M ore or Less
Valentine’s Day draws near, and the romance-
Most people say they want more love and joy in
resistant need a little push. On Feb. 14, some women (or men) wish for...
their lives, but they are often confused on how to create these experiences....
M astering the 5 Levels of Creativity (Part 1)
Waste from age-old paper industry becomes new source of solid fuel
Is everyone creative? Sure they are, but in very
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael
different ways and to varying degrees. There is a big difference between... 202-8726042American Chemical Society In today’s search...
Australian state has higher rate of hypothermia deaths than Sweden
Earwax: A new frontier of human odor information
[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 61-883-135414University of Adelaide Social isolation, lack...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leslie 267-519-4707Monell Chemical Senses Center Odor-producing chemicals in...
Helping preserve independent living
Traditional Chinese medicine and new concepts of predictive, preventive and personalized medicine in diagnosis and treatment of suboptimal health
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Marius Pflü 49-711970-1835Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ...
The premise of disease-related phenotypes is the definition of the counterpart normality in medical sciences. Contrary to...
Inverted terminal repeats of adenoassociated virus decrease random integration of a gene targeting fragment in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Effect of vildagliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor, on cardiac hypertrophy induced by chronic betaadrenergic stimulation in rats
Homologous recombination mediated gene targeting is still too inefficient to be applied extensively in genomics and gene...
Heart failure with left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy is often associated with insulin resistance and inflammation. Recent...
#69 We Band of Brothers
A Simple Way to Assess Your Self-Care
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Jan Truter via Compfight Jan Truter via Compfight “We few, we happy few; We Band of Brothers”
Sometimes, it’s hard to identify why we’re feeling so drained and depleted, why our frustration keeps
(Shakespeare, King...
building and building...
Worm infections in developing countries: Veterinary drugs improve the health of school children
M any stroke patients on ‘clot-busting’ tPA may not need long stays in the ICU
Hookworms and whipworms are detrimental to health. Children in many developing countries in particular are prone to regular...
A Johns Hopkins study of patients with ischemic stroke suggests that many of those who receive prompt hospital treatment...
CHOP introduces HLA typing by nextgeneration sequencing to its clinical services
M athematical beauty activates same brain region as great art or music
Immunogenetics experts at The Children’s
activate the same part of their brain when they look at aesthetically pleasing...
Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have developed a unique laboratory test to...
People who appreciate the beauty of mathematics
Hospitals’ Dialysis Plan Is Under New Scrutiny
Breast cancer fears and facts conflict over mammography
Log in to manage your products and services from
Women may perceive health threats such as
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
breast cancer based on fear rather than facts, but their feelings can’t be left...
UK study finds doctors are missing chances to diagnose COPD earlier
Quality of acupuncture needles is less than perfect and must improve
A retrospective study of almost 39,000 patients
The quality of acupuncture needles is high, but
shows that opportunities to diagnose chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...
should still be universally improved to avoid potential problems, such as...
Tobacco industry claims ‘plain’ packs won’t work based on weak evidence
Hospitals not always prepared for full costs of implementing electronic patient records
Tobacco companies lack strong, relevant evidence to support their claims that standardised (plain) packaging of tobacco products...
Hospitals don’t always take into account the full costs of implementing new electronic health record systems and should...
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Abortion clinics warned over gender selection
5 Workout Wardrobe Fails and How to Avoid Them
Since then health ministers have sought
By Lexi Petronis, Glamour Photo credit: Robert
clarification from the Attorney General. Last month an investigation suggested...
Mitra So, this happened to me on my morning run today: my pants fell off....
These Incredible Abs Belong To An Inspiring 70-Year-Old M an
Horse Sense: 10 Resolutions for the Year of the Horse
Do you see those abs? No, seriously — do you see
“To live as if we’re dying can set us free.” Anne
those abs? They belong to one Sam “Sonny” Bryant, Jr.,...
Lamott, Bird by Bird Kung Hei Fat Choy! Happy Chinese...
Californians Are M ore Worried About Kids’ Obesity Than Drug Use
M ore Findings, M ore Questions About Value Of M ammograms
Californians are far more concerned about children
A long-running study has been raising questions
becoming obese than using illicit drugs, a Field Poll released today reports. Since...
about the value of mammography for younger women, and recently it has produced...
Risky Tech Fixes For Climate Becoming Likelier, Critic Warns
Scientist Talks The Formulae For Olympic Success
Some strategists still see a small window of
In ski jumping, athletes hurtle off ramps at 60 miles
opportunity to address climate change before the effects become damaging and...
per hour and fly the length of a football field. How do they do it?...
Herbal medicines – toxic side effects and drug interactions
Insect repellent plants traditional usage practices in the Ethiopian malaria epidemic-prone setting: an ethnobotanical survey
The simple fact that herbal medicines are drugs is underappreciated or not understood at all by most people. They include...
The usage of insect repellent plants (IRPs) is one of the centuries-old practices in Africa. In Ethiopia, malaria remains...
Antimicrobial stewardship in long term care facilities: what is effective?
Platelet mitochondrial membrane depolarization reflects disease severity in patients with sepsis and correlates with clinical outcome
Intense antimicrobial use in long term care facilities promotes the emergence and persistence of antimicrobial resistant... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
IntroductionSepsis is still a leading cause of
morbidity and mortality even in modern times and thrombocytopenia has been...
Cholera transmission dynamic models for public health practitioners
Williams syndrome and psychosis: a case report
Great progress has been made in mathematical
IntroductionMental comorbidities, such as phobia,
models of cholera transmission dynamics in recent years. However, little impact,...
obsessive compulsive symptoms and anxiety disorders, are common in Williams...
Child’s Repose: A M indful Parenting Guest Post
Calcivis Caries Activity Imaging System receives CE M ark in Europe
I am so pleased to host Cindy Kaplan on the blog
New medical device and consumable combination
today. In this beautiful post, Cindy talks about how yoga helped her see...
for the assessment and management of tooth decay Calcivis, a medical devices...
Study to examine effectiveness of using video calls to deliver care for people with Parkinson’s disease
LA BioM ed researchers test investigational drug for treatment of Sanfilippo B syndrome
People living with Parkinson’s disease today often face challenges when seeking care, including
A promising new therapy has – for the first time – reduced damage to the brain that can be caused by
disability, distance...
Study examines forensic cases of hypothermia deaths in South Australia and Sweden
Former soldier who lost both legs in Afghanistan fitted with world’s most advanced bionic knee worth £70,000 which works with Wii gaming technology
New research from the University of Adelaide shows that the state of South Australia has a higher rate of deaths from extreme...
Gregg Stevenson, 29, lost both legs in Kajaki, Helmand Province, in 2009 Is the first person in the country to be fitted...
Doctors discover 44-year-old FOETUS inside Brazilian pensioner who complained of stomach pains
Victoria Liggatt ‘would still be alive if GPs hadn’t missed cancer 5 times’, claim parents
84-year-old woman had a 20-28-week-old ‘stone baby’ inside her Had become pregnant 44 years
Victoria Liggatt, 42, beat breast cancer after a mastectomy in 2011 In August 2013 she developed
ago bought sought...
a persistent cough and went...
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How a change in weather could trigger a STROKE
Another Reason You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep
By Jenny Hope Medical Correspondent PUBLISHED: 10:51 EST, 12 February 2014 |
Well, this is unfair: Your gender may affect how well you sleep, according to a new study published in
UPDATED: 14:17 EST, 12 February...
the journal Sleep...
Hate Chia? Can’t Stand Kombucha? You’ll Live
From artificial to natural, the food industry makes a major shift
Chia seeds in your pudding. Seaweed in your salad. Collard greens in your juice. To many health
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-
gurus, these sound like mouthwatering...
6042American Chemical Society Extracts from algae, rosemary...
Cities support more native biodiversity than previously thought
Solving an evolutionary puzzle
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 805-893- 508-289-3340Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution New Bedford...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Media Relations
7220University of California – Santa Barbara Researchers...
NIF experiments show initial gain in fusion fuel
Well-child visits linked to more than 700,000 subsequent flu-like illnesses
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Breanna
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tamara 925-4239802DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 202-745-5114Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America CHICAGO
Exclusive: Danone considers sale of tube feeding products arm
Watch: Comatose Pakistani Exchange Student Faces Deportation
By Sophie Sassard, Arno Schuetze and Anjuli Davies LONDON/FRANKFURT (Reuters) –
Canadian Baby Born to Mother on Life Support Watch: Comatose Pakistani Exchange Student
France’s Danone is weighing...
Faces Deportation
Brain Dead and Pregnant: Why One Baby Was Born and One Wasn’t
Cupid works magic as poll shows more happy couples than singles
With two stories gaining national attention this winter about brain-dead, pregnant women and their unborn children, it’s... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
By Marina Lopes NEW YORK (Reuters) – With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, an international poll released on...
Neknomination Deadly Drinking Game Takes Off on Internet Neknomination. It’s a strange term that may be more recognizable in the United States soon. The worldwide drinking...
Cook M edical introduces first endobronchial ultrasound needle in the U.S Cook Medical is introducing the first endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) needle in the U.S. that can acquire histological samples....
ChartM axx achieves 2014 Edition M odular EHR ONC Health IT Certification
Insurgical single-use orthopaedic power tools used in total knee replacement procedure
ChartMaxx, the enterprise content management
On February, 5, orthopaedic surgeon Thomas
(ECM) solution from Quest Diagnostics (NYSE: DGX), has achieved 2014 Edition...
Ferro, MD, successfully performed a total knee replacement procedure using Insurgical...
Stroke hospitalization and death rates associated with weather changes Abstract: WP123 (Room Hall G) Stroke
£1-a-month drug could HALVE risk of prostate cancer: Heart failure medication ‘stops cancer cells growing’
hospitalization and death rates may rise and fall with changes in environmental temperature...
Digoxin is currently used by the NHS to treat heart failure But it also stops prostate cancer cells growing by lowering levels...
Snorting cocaine increases the risk of a stroke by 700% in the 24 hours after use Within a day of snorting the drug, users are seven times more likely to suffer an ischemic stroke – one that occurs...
How a change in weather could trigger a STROKE: Very cold or humid temperatures can cause fatal clot to develop By Jenny Hope Medical Correspondent PUBLISHED: 10:51 EST, 12 February 2014 | UPDATED: 12:11 EST, 12 February...
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Grandfather with leukaemia given 18 months to live is saved by two babies’ UM BILICAL CORDS The transplant was David Pyne’s last hope after other treatments failed Leukemia patients need new blood stem cells...
Parents With Noisy Babies Shouldn’t Read This. They’ll Be Too Jealous iStockphoto; Stacey Dunn/University of Idaho If only … if only, instead of that noisy, bawling, crying little person,...
8 Reasons to Celebrate Love Valentine’s Day may be one of your favorite holidays. You see it as an occasion to celebrate your relationship. Or maybe...
The Earth’s ‘Sixth Extinction’ M ay Be One Of Our Own M aking Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. ROBERT...
USDOJ: M innesota M an and Woman Sentenced for Participating in a Sex Trafficking Conspiracy Today, the Justice Department announced that Andre James Hertzog, 29, was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison and eight...
Toys and children’s products safety notice and regulations to be gazetted
New NIST method evaluates response to oxidation in live cells ( —Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new method for accurately...
LCQ5: Facilities at bus termini Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Wong Kwok-hing and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport...
Traders reminded not to supply goods with false trade description Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Customs and Excise Department (CED) today (February 12) reminded traders not to supply products...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government will
Imported human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) in Hong Kong under CHP investigation
publish the Toys and Children’s Products Safety (Amendment) Ordinance...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is today (February 12)...
Police probe hospital pledges action 12 February 2014 Last updated at 09:58 ET
Valentine’s and the Single Girl February 14 adds a dash of discomfort in the lives
Colchester Hospital is in special measures following the CQC report The interim...
of those not in the throes of a bona-fide relationship. Just think...
A&E death families not told of delay
Ketamine to become Class B drug
12 February 2014 Last updated at 07:59 ET The patients died at the Royal Victoria Hospital last year Not all families were...
12 February 2014 Last updated at 08:40 ET There is new evidence that ketamine can cause severe bladder damage Ketamine,...
Researchers develop ultramodern
Study pinpoints job role specific
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forearm prosthesis
Researchers of the University of Twente (UT) and Roessingh Research and Development (RRD)
A world-first study of occupational carcinogen exposure has revealed that 40 per cent of
have developed a system which can...
Australian workers could be exposed...
New study evaluates the concept of "advance care planning"
Roll-your-owns less natural and at least as harmful as tailor-made cigarettes
For the first time in Germany, a new study evaluates the concept of “advance care planning”, a
Poorer smokers may favour “roll your own” and many falsely believe that use of loose tobacco is
regional approach...
less dangerous...
Study Reveals Surprising Link Between Age And Happiness
TV, Computer Ownership Linked With Obesity And Diabetes In Low-Income Countries
Besides basic survival, the pursuit of happiness is what consumes almost everyone, young and old. But what is happiness and...
Neuroscientists identify white matter "scaffold" of human brain For the first time, neuroscientists have systematically identified the white matter “scaffold” of the human brain,...
First Edition: February 12, 2014 Today’s headlines include reports about President Barack Obama’s comments yesterday on his administration’s...
Special traffic and transport arrangements for Hong Kong M arathon 2014 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (February 12) reminded the public that special traffic and... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Owning TVs, computers and cars is associated with obesity and diabetes rates, at least in lowerand middle-income countries,...
Scientists receive €85 million international drive to develop new and effective drugs An increasing biological resistance to antibiotics treatment is to be countered by Aston University scientists who will lead...
Cogstate technology to be applied in paediatric clinical trial in the U.S. Medical technology company Cogstate Limited (ASX:CGS) has today announced its technology will be used in a large paediatric...
LCQ21: Redevelopment of old buildings Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by Dr Hon Chiang Lai Wan and a written reply by the Secretary for Development,...
Transcript of remarks by STH before Legislative Council meeting
LCQ22: Elderly Suicide Prevention Programme
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Transport and
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Chan Chi-chuen and a written reply by the
Housing, Professor Anthony...
Secretary for Food...
LCQ16: M edical services of Prince of Wales Hospital
The M eaning of M arrying Late — in the Context…
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Dr Hon Elizabeth Quat and a written reply by the
Just about every time a new Census Report comes out, it shows that the age at which Americans first
Secretary for Food...
marry – among those...
Team USA Star Kelly Clark Dishes On Big Air & Charity Work
"Cheesy" Pine Nut Pesto On Quinoa (A Vegan Delight!)
Team USA halfpipe snowboard star Kelly Clark has already won two Olympic medals – a gold in 2002
Sometimes, I forget that vegan food can be cheesy, hearty and delicious. But then I remember this
and a bronze in 2010 –...
recipe and all is right...
10 Steps To M anifest Abundance
Researchers examine how evolution relates to health
What’s the one mindset shift that will improve your life forever? Switch from a “scarcity” mindset...
February 12 marks the birth of the 19th century naturalist Charles Darwin, who launched the scientific study of evolution....
Britain is the fattest nation in Europe ‘because of the cold climate’ Gut bugs that raise the risk of obesity thrive in low temperatures This could explain why 25% of UK women and 22% of UK men...
Secondary school students attend prison drama and music performance Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Correctional Services Department (CSD) invited around 300 students from six secondary schools...
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Chronic stress generates long-term changes in brain that lead to mental problems University of California, Berkeley, researchers have shown that chronic stress generates long-term changes in the brain that...
THB’s response to media enquiries Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to media enquiries on the Public Accounts Committee report on the management of skips...
Senior Police Call Official Launching Ceremony cum Elderly M ini Fun Day
EPD to hold briefing on community green stations
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Commissioner of Police, Mr Tsang Wai-hung, officiated at the Senior
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Environmental Protection Department will hold a briefing next
Police Call (SPC) Official...
Saturday (February 22) for non-profit...
Extension of collaboration on setting of Chinese herb standards with China M edical University in Taiwan
5 Reasons Why ADHDers M ake Better Lovers
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Department of Health (DH) today (February 12) signed a contract with China Medical University...
Facebook Helps Ease Loneliness in Teens More than a few studies have examined the impact
Valentine’s Day is coming … You know I’m going to forget Valentines Day, right? And your birthday, if there’s no...
Researchers discover highly accurate, noninvasive test to identify benign pancreatic cysts
of social media on teenagers and children today. All too often, media turn...
Researchers at the Indiana University School of
Viewpoints: Obama’s ‘lawless rewrite’ of health law; AOL’s CEO gets the villain wrong; CBO (politely) rebuts GOP on job loss
Study focuses on effects of weight loss on obstructive sleep apnoea
The Wall Street Journal: Obama Rewrites Obamacare “ObamaCare” is useful shorthand for the Affordable Care Act...
Medicine have discovered a highly accurate, noninvasive test to identify...
Even a moderate weight reduction can prevent the progression of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), and even cure it, according...
GAO: M edicine shortages remain stubbornly high
Carvacrol found in oregano ‘may help ward off winter vomiting bug’
Some experts say the solution is to pay more for generic injectable drugs. CQ HealthBeat: Progress On Drug Shortages...
Carvacrol strips away norovirus’ protein coat making it easier to destroy It could be used to make a long-lasting,...
Annual screening for breast cancer does not reduce a woman’s chance of dying from the disease, according to
One in four adults to be prescribed daily statin: Now patients with 10% heart attack risk will be offered drug
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25-year study
Statins were prescribed to those who had 30% risk
Canadian researchers say value of breast screening should be reassessed Screening was
or more of heart attack Threshold was lowered in 2005 to include patients...
found to be no more effective than...
Beth Whaanga shows cancer scars on Facebook
The Full-Fat Paradox: Whole M ilk M ay Keep Us Lean
Beth Whaanga underwent a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction Posed for photographer
i i hide captionA customer shops for milk at a Safeway in Livermore, Calif. Although it may seem
Nadia Masot to highlight the...
LCQ12: Cases of default of payment involving non-local pregnant women Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Gary Fan and a written reply by the
Two patients with respiratory symptoms and travel history test negative for M iddle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
Secretary for Food and Health,...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (February 12) provided...
LCQ14: Chiropractic services Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Paul Tse Wai-chun and a written reply by the Secretary for Food...
Hong Kong Science M useum dinosaur exhibition breaks attendance records with 500 000th visitor Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The “Legends of the Giant Dinosaurs” exhibition at the Hong Kong Science Museum today...
LCQ2: Hygiene of food utensils of food premises
Israeli-Palestinian cancer support group knocks down walls
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Steven Ho and a written reply by the
11 February 2014 Last updated at 19:38 ET By Shira Gemer BBC News, Jerusalem Their
Secretary for Food and...
friendship between...
Study finds NI drug deaths different
Cancer scandal chief pledges action
12 February 2014 Last updated at 01:20 ET The
11 February 2014 Last updated at 22:05 ET
study found that most NI drug deaths were linked to prescription drugs Drugs-related...
Colchester Hospital is in special measures following the CQC report The interim...
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M icrobiologists find way to use statins to fight Hantavirus
M IT develops robot that speed up drug development for stroke patients
Two Perelman School of Medicine microbiologists
The development of drugs to treat acute stroke or
may have found a way to use statins, the wellknown blockbuster cholesterol-lowering...
aid in stroke recovery is a multibillion-dollar endeavor that only rarely...
GOP wants to restore some military retiree pensions, tie it to debt-limit raise, extend M edicare cuts
Cedars-Sinai receives $1M grant to study molecular changes in brain due to air pollutants
Republicans are considering tying an increase in
Researchers at the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical
the debt ceiling to restoring pension cuts for military retirees and paying...
Institute and Department of Neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai will conduct a study...
LCQ20: Incidents of fresh water main bursts
LCQ9: Repair and maintenance of hospitals
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
the Hon Kwok Wai-keung and a written reply by the Secretary for Development,...
the Hon Cyd Ho and a written reply by the Secretary for Food and Health,...
LCQ10: Legal aid services Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
LCQ17: Regulation of intermediaries for Indonesian domestic helpers
the Hon Ng Leung-sing and a written reply by the Secretary for Home...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Leung Kwok-hung and a written reply by the Secretary for Labour...
LCQ19: Construction manpower training
Poem: Jail, M arijuana & Stupidity
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
I went to Twin Towers today Probably one of the
the Hon Abraham Shek and a written reply by the Secretary for Development,...
worse jails in the world Or at least in Los Angeles. I swallowed my intelligence And...
Don’t panic! Healthy consumers look online for medical advice
LCQ15: Public consultation on constitutional development
We’ve all heard the warnings against googling your
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
symptoms in search of a diagnosis: you’ll uncover a range of daunting...
Dr Hon Lam Tai-fai and a written reply by the Secretary for Constitutional...
New Hong Kong Commissioner
LCQ18: Development of cycle tracks
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celebrates Lunar New Year with guests in Dallas Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The new Hong Kong
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Alice Mak and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport...
Commissioner for Economic and Trade Affairs, USA, Mr Clement Leung, celebrated...
LCQ3: New acute general hospital in Kai Tak Development Area Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Wong Kwok-kin and a written reply by the Secretary for Food...
LCQ13: Project Phoenix Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Kenneth Chan and a written reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs,...
Do You Know The Shaky History Of The DSM ?
M other Begs for Help for a Boy and His Voices
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
A stunning portrait of a helpless family that was
Disorders (DSM) is one of the most complicated, scientifically-unsupported...
posted last night on CNN has gnawed at me all day long. The portrait...
Poem: Twin Towers, M arijuana & Stupidity
‘Lack of clarity’ over NHS savings
I went to Twin Towers today Probably one of the worse jails in the world Or at least in Los Angeles. I swallowed my intelligence And...
Rise in deaths from ‘legal highs’ 11 February 2014 Last updated at 22:41 ET By Tulip Mazumdar Global health reporter Richard Phillips (right)...
11 February 2014 Last updated at 23:07 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News There is a lack...
Slim pickings for two weight-loss drugs? Options are limited in America’s battle of the bulge. While diet and exercise can help in the short term, they are...
Dutch ex-neurologist jailed for wrong diagnoses
Smoking rates in England hit 80 year low
A Dutch ex-neurologist was sentenced to three
The number of people smoking in England has
years in jail on Tuesday for a series of wrong diagnoses that led to the suicide...
dropped to its lowest figure in around 80 years, say University College London...
Beware of She-Wolves
Heart safety claim for naproxen pain
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A woman becomes a she-wolf out of necessity to survive in the relational jungle of life. She feels that there is no other...
pills voted down Health experts are taking a second look this week at the heart safety of pain medications used by millions to treat arthritis...
‘M illions more should take statins’ 11 February 2014 Last updated at 21:43 ET By
Study challenges close link between recent weight gain, diabetes
Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Millions more...
It is a common notion that type 2 diabetes is precipitated by substantial progressive weight gain, but a study published...
Researchers identify protein that initiates the formation of stable, longterm memories Prions can be notoriously destructive, spurring proteins to misfold and interfere with cellular function as they spread without...
Cognitive development ‘growth charts’ may help diagnose and treat psychosisrisk kids Penn Medicine researchers have developed a better way to assess and diagnose psychosis in young children. By “growth...
New study shows potential for targeting aggressive breast cancers A new study led by University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center researcher Peter Zhou shows that targeting Twist, a nuclear...
For Women, a M ore Complicated Choice on M ammograms Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Creators Still in Demand on Health Care Website
A Simple Guide to Helping a Suicidal Person (Video)
Log in to manage your products and services from
Psychalive presents a practical, step-by-step video
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
guide on how to help someone you know who may be suicidal. Listening...
VIDEO: ‘She is my breast cancer sister’
Study reveals potential route to bladder cancer diagnostics, treatments
Palestinian housewife Ibtisam Erekat and Israeli Orthodox Jew Ruth Ebenstein share an unusual relationship. The two women...
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Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine conducted a comprehensive genetic analysis of invasive bladder cancer tumors to...
Teens’ stress levels rival those of adults, survey finds
US officials target escalating drug overdoses
(HealthDay)—If paying the bills and putting food on the table put adults’ nerves on edge, just imagine how today’s...
(HealthDay)—As deaths from heroin and prescription painkillers mount across the United States, government officials are...
Smoking cessation may improve mental health
Study Adds New Doubts About Value of M ammograms
Health professionals who treat people with
Log in to manage your products and services from
psychiatric problems often overlook their patients’ smoking habits, assuming...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Beyond Painkillers: Can Yoga Help Relieve Your Back Pain?
Eat Your Favorite Foods and Lose Weight
Musculoskeletal disorders, particularly low back
We have all seen that claim before touting the
pain and osteoarthritis, are the most common cause of chronic disability...
latest miracle pill, powder, cream, injection, you name it. “Eat as...
Death Runs in M y Family
Pooler Resident Indicted in Two Local Robberies
My beloved aunt died of cancer last week. We knew it was going to happen soon. She discontinued her treatments a few weeks...
SAVANNAH, GA—Bobby Joe White, Jr, 42, of Pooler, Georgia, was indicted last week by the federal grand jury sitting in Savannah...
Durable M edical Equipment Clinic Owner Sentenced for His Role in $11 M illion Health Care Fraud Scheme
Financial Adviser Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison in Investment Fraud Scheme
WASHINGTON—The former owner of a defunct
RENO, NV—A former bank financial adviser in
durable medical equipment (DME) clinic was sentenced today in Miami to serve 70...
Reno who defrauded six people of more than $2 million during 2010 and 2011...
Ojo Amarillo Woman Sentenced to Six Years in Prison for Using a Firearm During an Assault
Houston Second in Nation for Laser Strikes Against Aircraft
ALBUQUERQUE—Perfinna King, 34, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation who resides in Ojo Amarillo, New Mexico, was sentenced... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The FBI joined local, state, and federal partners today to announce a campaign and reward program to deter people from pointing...
4 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues The days are short and so is your ability to tackle the problems du jour. Everything, including the snow and the ice, seem...
Baby Iver’s birth ‘incredible,’ says father Dylan Benson Dylan Benson of Victoria is speaking out today about the weekend that changed his life, after his wife, who was on life-support,...
NC hospital: 18 possibly exposed to rare disease A North Carolina hospital says 18 patients may have been exposed to a rare neurological disease
Estimated one in 14 women worldwide sexually assaulted by someone other than a partner
after surgical instruments...
The estimates suggest that the global picture varies widely. Countries with the highest rates of sexual violence are those...
Women with breast cancer gene mutation more likely to survive cancer after double mastectomy
Walgreens collaborates with NM AC to improve treatment outcomes for African Americans with HIV
Women who carry a mutation on the BRCA breast
In collaboration with the National Minority AIDS
cancer gene – and are diagnosed with early stage breast cancer –...
Council (NMAC), Walgreens (NYSE: WAG) (Nasdaq: WAG) is furthering its commitment...
UAB’s Continence and Urogynecology Care Clinics reaccredited with Center Of Excellence designation
Here’s why we should research alternative therapies
The National Association For Continence (NAFC) has reaccredited the University of Alabama at
massage, and other therapies known collectively as complementary and alternative...
Acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicines,
Birmingham’s Continence...
Cordova M an Sentenced in Health Care Fraud Case
FBI Announces New Reward Program Aimed at Deterring Laser Strikes
COLUMBIA, SC—United States Attorney Bill Nettles stated that RL. Robinson-Taylor, age 46, of
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) today announced a new regional reward program to
Cordova, South Carolina, was...
deter people from pointing lasers...
FBI Pilots New Reward Program Aimed at Deterring Laser Strikes
Laser Incidents Targeting Aircraft on the Rise Nationwide; Incidents Up 39 Percent in New York Last Year
The FBI today announced a new regional reward program to deter people from pointing lasers at PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The FBI is offering new reward money for
aircraft. Reported incidents...
information that leads to the arrest of anyone who aims or has aimed a laser at...
Person of Interest Named in Kidnapping of Lyon Sisters; Others Victims Sought
Breast cancer death rates in Canada didn’t improve with mammograms
The Montgomery County Police Department Cold Case Squad and FBI agents in the Baltimore
Mammography screening makes no difference to breast cancer death rates but it can lead to harm
Division have named a person of interest...
from over-diagnosis, a 25-year...
Kidney failure risk for organ donors ‘extremely low’
St. Joseph’s Hospital opens new $20 million Heart Institute
The risk of a kidney donor developing kidney failure in the remaining organ is much lower than in the
St. Joseph’s Hospital entered the next era of cardiac care by opening a new $20 million Heart
population at large,...
Institute on Feb. 10,...
Surgeons now use minimally invasive robotic surgical system for Whipple procedure
New approach for reducing levels of toxic protein fragments associated with Huntington’s disease
The Whipple procedure, used to remove tumors from pancreatic cancer patients, is one of surgery’s most extensive and...
An innovative therapeutic strategy for reducing the levels of toxic protein fragments associated with Huntington’s...
Girl with cerebral palsy denied NHS surgery to help her walk due to ‘budget cuts’
Homes Under the Hammer presenter M artin Roberts undergoes hair transplant
Shannon Bowley can only move around on her
Mr Roberts had the £6,000 procedure after noticing
bottom or with a frame Was due to have surgery this Friday to loosen her muscles...
he had a bald patch He had 4,200 hairs moved from the back of his head...
Rumor Has It That The Biggest Loser Will Be M aking Some Changes
Jennifer Hudson’s Seriously Smart Weight Loss Advice
More news on The Biggest Loser front: Producers
Over the weekend, Jennifer Hudson shared some
are considering “small but significant tweaks” to the series’ production...
seriously inspiring words of wisdom for anyone who’s trying to shed pounds:...
You’re The Last. The Very Last One. Now What Happens?
Hot spot or not: a comparison of spatial statistical methods to predict prospective malaria infections
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What happens if you are the last (the very, very last) of your species and you die — and humans notice?
Within affected communities, Plasmodium falciparum infections may be skewed in distribution
We live, increasingly,...
such that single or small clusters...
Judge Sentences Fraudster to 121 M onths in Prison for Running Check Scheme
Exon skipping prevents formation of toxic protein fragments in Huntington’s disease
Phillip Eric Weems, 36, of Philadelphia, was sentenced today to 121 months in prison for running an elaborate check-cashing...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki 914-740-2100 x2156Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News IMAGE: ...
RI Hospital: Cognitive behavioral therapy benefits patients with body dysmorphic disorder
Excess weight linked to brain changes that may relate to memory, emotions, and appetite
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ellen 401-444-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ron 718-270-
6421Lifespan Patients reported considerable improvements...
2696SUNY Downstate Medical Center Being overweight appears...
Source of ‘moon curse’ revealed by eclipse
Data on today’s youth reveal childhood clues for later risk of STDs
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Molly 858-246-0161University of California – San Diego IMAGE: A lunar-ranging... 206-5432580University of Washington Here’s yet another reason...
Study: Resilience in parents of children undergoing stem cell transplant
Syria peace talks not making much progress, says envoy
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth
By Oliver Holmes and Khaled Yacoub Oweis
Sundemgarth.sundem@ucdenver.eduUniversity of Colorado Denver A child’s illness can challenge...
GENEVA (Reuters) – Peace talks between the Syrian government and opposition...
What’s Happening With Bob Costas’ Eye and How You Can Avoid It
New Device Could Lead to Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis in M inutes
Bob Costas put forth an Olympian effort, but his
A relatively low-cost new device the size of a credit
red, swollen eyes have gotten the best of him. For the first time since...
card could lead to the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in just minutes....
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M eet The Baby Born To A M om on Life Support
Henry Schein net sales increase 4.9% to $2.5 billion in fourth quarter 2013
Iver Benson was born on Feb. 8, 2014, after his brain-dead mother spent more than a month on life
Henry Schein, Inc. (NASDAQ: HSIC), the world’s largest provider of health care products and
support. (Credit: For...
services to office-based...
Cardiome Pharma’s subsidiary signs agreement with Tamro to distribute BRINAVESS in Sweden
M allinckrodt’s subsidiary to acquire all outstanding shares of Cadence Pharmaceuticals
Cardiome Pharma Corp. (NASDAQ: CRME / TSX: COM) today announced that its subsidiary, Correvio GmbH, has entered into an agreement...
Mallinckrodt plc (NYSE: MNK), a leading global specialty pharmaceuticals company, and Cadence Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:...
Cambrex fourth quarter sales increase 46.3% to $103 million
Hours before their wedding, Jane’s healthy fiance suddenly died. Her haunting story could help save your loved one’s life
Cambrex Corporation (NYSE: CBM) reports results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2013. Highlights Fourth...
Max Lowry, then 33, died of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome on Sept 24 2010 It was the day before his wedding to Jane Davies,...
M an drops 10st after he fails to fit into rollercoaster seat
PATSY KENSIT discusses her early menopause
Tom Cunningham, 37, dropped from 27st to 17st
Actress, 45, appeared on ITV’s This Morning to
7lb Lost 4in from hips and 5in from his waist Unhealthy diet included up to...
discuss her improved health Her rambling appearance last October had...
‘M y daughter is dying of cancer but my bosses want me to return to work’: Nurse lambastes her employer’s ‘insensitivity’
Ethnoveterinary plants of Ankober District, North Shewa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Michelle Campbell is caring for Nadejah Williams, 23, who has colon cancer Nadejah is being treated on the hospital floor...
Highland cattle and Radix labiata, the hosts of Fascioloides magna PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Traditional herbal preparations for addressing veterinary problems have been applied in Ankober District, Ethiopia, for generations....
US teens more stressed than adults
Fascioloides magna is a pathogenic fluke introduced to Europe ca 140 years ago. As it is spreading over the continent, new...
Teenagers in the United States are experiencing higher levels of stress than many adults, USA Today reported. As a part of...
Beauty works like a drug on the brain
Hundreds of cancer apps: Do they work?
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, consider this: The human desire to look at attractive faces plays a role in...
Smartphone apps aimed at preventing cancer, or helping people with the disease to manage it, have the potential to improve...
FDA asks for more trials of Sprout’s drug for low female libido
M allinckrodt adds pain drug with $1.3 billion Cadence deal
(Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has denied an appeal by Sprout Pharmaceuticals to approve its experimental...
(Reuters) – Specialty pharmaceuticals company Mallinckrodt Plc said it would buy pain drug maker Cadence Pharmaceuticals...
Early Treatment for Depression M ay Be Good for the Heart
Yoghurt Is Good For Type 2 Diabetes
TUESDAY Feb. 11, 2014, 2014 — Treating depression in its early stages might help reduce the risk of heart attack and...
Defect in Ikaros gene mimics human B cell leukemia A defect in Ikaros function causes an early block in B-lymphopoiesis and prevents the development of mature B cells. The...
Posted on February 11, 2014 by Geetanjali Yadav Yogurt Is Good For Type 2 Diabetes Higher consumption fermented dairy products...
Vegan Buckwheat-M aple Cookies Buckwheat puffs are one of my all-time favorite healthy ingredients! You’ll love them for their nonallergenic, gluten-free,...
Want To Improve Your Posture? Try This
Who, What, Why: How easy is it to do the Heimlich manoeuvre?
Do you have your camera ready? You’ll want to take
11 February 2014 Last updated at 06:23 ET
some pictures of your posture after you finish reading this. ...
Magazine Monitor A collection of cultural artefacts Please turn...
Scientists launch advanced disaster planning and flu forecasting apps
Even moderate weight loss can prevent and cure obstructive sleep apnoea
Johns Hopkins scientists have developed three
()—Even a moderate weight reduction can prevent
new Web-based software tools designed to help PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
the progression of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA),
hospital emergency departments,...
and even cure it, according...
First real-time in-vivo molecular diagnostic system diagnoses precancerous tissues during endoscopy
Integrin cell adhesion receptors are risky cancer drug targets
National University of Singapore Biomedical
lead to increased metastasis in some cases. This finding from a team of...
Engineering team pioneers world’s first real time in-vivo molecular diagnostic...
A possible cancer treatment strategy might in fact
What You Need To Know About Refrigerating Your Cosmetics
10 Ways You M ay Be Cutting Your Life Short Without Knowing It
So, we heard a little rumor going around the
While we fully ascribe to the idea that you are only
Internet beauty-sphere, telling us that we should start keeping our beauty and...
as old as you feel, some of us still engage in behaviors that hurt our...
The Condom Commercial Every Boomer M ust See
Bode M iller Regrets Not Having Lasik Eye Surgery
SPECIAL FROM Next Avenue By Sue Campbell If anyone wonders whether boomers still have sex,
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia (AP) — The way Bode Miller skis, vision is everything. So it was
the resounding answer is yes....
somewhat surprising when the...
Winter Olympic Sports: One Size Doesn’t Fit All
It’s unfair asthmatics pay for prescriptions: Good Health viewpoint by Professor M ike Thomas
Training, grit, superb technique. It takes a lot to become an Olympic champion. Starting out with the innate body type for...
By Cara Lee PUBLISHED: 20:10 EST, 10 February 2014 | UPDATED: 05:13 EST, 11 February 2014 The Government...
Botox jab into your STOM ACH to slow digestion could help you lose weight
Stoicism can kill you! Warning to Brits who ignore signs of cancer
By Roger Dobson PUBLISHED: 20:17 EST, 10 February 2014 | UPDATED: 05:17 EST, 11 February
Britain has one of the worst cancer survival rates in Europe Many patients who notice symptoms are
2014 Botox, the...
waiting a month before...
Central role for RNase YbeY in Hfqdependent and Hfq-independent smallRNA regulation in bacteria
High prevalence and diversity of species D adenoviruses (HAdV-D) in human populations of four Sub-Saharan
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Conceptual parallels exist between bacterial and
eukaryotic small-RNA (sRNA) pathways, yet relatively little is known about...
Human adenoviruses of species D (HAdV-D) can be associated with acute respiratory illness, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis,...
2013 Year-end Review speech by Director of Fire Services
One more nomination for Southern District Council by-election received
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Director of Fire Services, Mr Chan Chor-kam, at
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – One more nomination for the by-election in the South Horizons West
the Fire Services...
Constituency of Southern District...
A consensus based template for reporting of pre-hospital major incident medical management
Parents unaware of smartphone danger
Structured reporting of major incidents has been advocated to improve the care provided at future incidents. A systematic...
about how they use their smartphones Many...
Delays ‘contributed to five deaths’
Dental care in schools for children wipes out social inequities
11 February 2014 Last updated at 06:31 ET The patients died at the Royal Victoria Hospital last year
10 February 2014 Last updated at 19:19 ET Parents are advised to set talk to their children
As many as five patients...
A new survey conducted by the University of Copenhagen and the World Health Organization (WHO) is highlighting the role of...
Study examines how political values influence public response to messages about health disparities
Analysis on long-term outcome in patients treated with pazopanib for metastatic soft tissue sarcoma
Policymakers and advocates discussing health
An EORTC analysis appearing in Annals of
disparities in the United States would be wise to consider the political affiliation...
Oncology confirmed the importance of known prognostic factors such as performance...
Denver Health and North Colorado M ed Evac announce provider agreement for air-medical transport
Pensioner, 77, claims to have waited EIGHT years for a hernia operation on the NHS
Denver Health and North Colorado Med Evac (a Med Trans Corp air medical program) are pleased
Frederick Bevan was first referred for the operation in 2006 It has been cancelled because of snow, a
to announce a contractual preferred...
shortage of beds and...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Stoicism can kill you! Warning to Brits who ignore signs of cancer because they do not want to waste their doctor’s time Britain has one of the worst cancer survival rates in Europe Many patients who notice symptoms are waiting a month before...
USDOJ: Two M en Sentenced for Federal Hate Crime Charges Resulting from 2012 New Year's Eve Attack The Civil Rights Division and United States Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California announced that two...
USDOJ: Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against the State of Rhode Island and the R.I. Department of Corrections Alleging Race and National Origin Discrimination
Deep-brain magnetic stimulation promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis and alleviates stressrelated behaviors in mouse models for neuropsychiatric disorders
The Justice Department announced the filing of a lawsuit today against the State of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Department...
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)/ Deep-brain Magnetic Stimulation (DMS) is an effective therapy for various...
Global miRNA expression analysis of serous and clear cell ovarian carcinomas identifies differentially expressed miRNAs including miR-200c3p as a prognostic marker
Feel woozy as you get out of bed? Your blood pressure could be dangerously low
Improved insight into the molecular characteristics of the different ovarian cancer subgroups is
Lynsey Sizer, 35, from Maidenhead, Berkshire, suffers from hypotension People can get injuries – even fractures –...
needed for developing a...
Can Poundland’s vitamins really be as good as their rivals? By Jonathan Cornall PUBLISHED: 18:18 EST, 10 February 2014 | UPDATED: 18:22 EST, 10 February
Lauren Conrad’s Favorite “Position” It’s no secret that some men will take advantage of almost any opportunity to sexualize women (emphasis on some—there...
2014 Last year,...
USDOJ: Attorney General Holder Announces Justice Department to Lift Hiring Freeze In a video message released today, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that, due to the PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of endophytic fungi isolated from Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell (Scrophulariaceae) Endophytes, which reside in plant tissues, have the
budget agreement approved by Congress...
potential to produce novel metabolites with immense benefits for health...
Effect of a short-term exercise program on glycemic control measured by fructosamine test in type 2 diabetes patients
A new technique combining virtual simulation and methylene blue staining for the localization of small peripheral pulmonary lesions
Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) and Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) are the two monitoring blood
Quickly and accurately localizing small peripheral pulmonary lesions can avoid prolonged operative
glucose tests most frequently used....
time and unplanned open...
Implementing a free school-based fruit and vegetable programme: barriers and facilitators experienced by pupils, teachers and produce suppliers in the Boost study
Study identifies a key cellular pathway in prostate cancer Mayo Clinic researchers have shed light on a new mechanism by which prostate cancer develops in men. Central to development...
Multi-component interventions which combine educational and environmental strategies appear to be most effective in increasing...
Design prototype chip makes possible a fully implantable cochlear implant Researchers from Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have...
Decline in the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease at a medical center in Taiwan, 2000-2012 It is essential to investigate the serotype distribution of pneumococcal diseases in each region and its associated clinical...
Peak picking NM R spectral data using non-negative matrix factorization Simple peak-picking algorithms, such as those based on lineshape fitting, perform well when peaks are completely resolved...
Eicosapentaenoic acid/docosahexaenoic acid 1:1 ratio improves histological alterations in obese rats with metabolic syndrome Marine polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have been associated with...
Poem: Intimacyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a Bitch PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
British lawmakers back car smoking ban
He said I was a great lover After avoiding my mouth
British members of parliament voted
During our Make out before you have it Sex. Up and down his body with...
overwhelmingly on Monday in support of a ban on smoking in cars carrying children. Lawmakers...
President’s panel calls for more girls, boys to get HPV vaccine
Corrective nasal surgery seems safe in pediatric patients
(HealthDay)—Too few American girls and boys are
(HealthDay)—Nasal corrective surgery prior to
getting vaccinated against the cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV),...
adolescence is safe for select pediatric patients with nasal obstruction...
Study quantifies childhood ASD-linked economic burden
Recipes for Health: Pasta e Fagiole
(HealthDay)—The cost of services for children with autism averages more than $17,000 per child each year—with school...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
In Arkansas, ‘Private Option’ M edicaid Plan Could Be Derailed
Caution Urged Over Weight-Loss Drugs Due To Potential Heart Risks
Log in to manage your products and services from
By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer Published:
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
02/10/2014 04:44 PM EST on LiveScience People should be cautions about using...
Global Forum on Transforming Ego to Eco Economies
Hidden crop pest threat to poorer nations revealed
Find below the link to the free live-streaming page
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eleanor
for the Global Presencing Forum On Transforming Ego-system to Eco-system... 07-827-309332University of Exeter IMAGE: A peach farmer...
Genetic discovery to keep crops disease-free
M atchmaking this Valentine’s Day: How it can bring you the most happiness
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa M.P. 61-892-6444241Curtin University New breeding technology could... 703-9513195Society for Personality and Social Psychology Austin...
Slowing down the immune system when in overdrive
‘Cut-and-paste’ gene defect hints at cause of developmental disease
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alison PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 61-292-958128Garvan Institute of Medical Research Many 212-450-1582 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Vanessa...
Breast cancer drug fights fungal disease
EU rules on child drugs ‘cost lives’
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim 202-942-9297American Society for Microbiology
rules must be changed to allow more testing of potentially life-saving cancer...
10 February 2014 Last updated at 20:34 ET EU
Tamoxifen, a drug currently...
Premature babies benefit from adult talk, study finds
M inisters ‘will ban car smoking’
(HealthDay)—Premature infants face a number of challenges, including a known risk of language
Parliament had spoken and a ban would happen, the source said The UK government...
10 February 2014 Last updated at 21:44 ET
delay. But a new study suggests...
Team announces new advance in 3-D printing and tissue engineering technology
Global imbalances in power undermine efforts to improve health and save lives
Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Carnegie Mellon University have introduced a unique micro-robotic...
The organization of political power within and between nations and citizens fails to protect the public’s health, according...
New blow for Obama health law
Some Employers Are Given Delay on Health Law
President Barack Obama’s health care law suffered a new blow Monday, as his administration delayed a key component...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Love M akes the World Go Round: How Finding Love Saved M e From a Life of M isery, and You Can Too
11 Ways to Emotionally Thrive
“Love is the energy that makes the world revolve.”
over our inner landscape...
Life can feel like an emotional roller coaster if we let it, but remembering that we have more control
Or is it, “What’s love got to do with it?”...
A Health Care Resolution for 2014: Let’s Retire the Fax M achine PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
# 68 The Teen Years Jeremy Piehler via Compfight Jeremy Piehler via
In 2009, President Obama and the Congress signed into law the HITECH Act as part of the federal Recovery Act. HITECH provides...
Compfight Despite all the warnings I had heard, the teen years were for us...
The Top 5 Worst Side Effects from Psychotropic M edications…
Alarm as Kabul records polio case
I am a 25-year-old woman with bipolar disorder,
David Loyn BBC News, Kabul Polio has been declining in Afghanistan...
and I have been taking psychotropic medications for over 13 years. Over...
10 February 2014 Last updated at 19:38 ET By
M ore kids hurt on bouncy castles than mechanical amusement rides
Sex is important to many midlife women
Bouncy castles have become a fun, familiar fixture at indoor playgrounds, carnivals, fairs and backyard
a bit more difficult after menopause, a new study finds. But most women will...
(HealthDay)—The mechanics of sex may become
gatherings, but...
New obesity weapon: Kids teaching kids
Residents concerned about lack of time with patients
(HealthDay)—When older kids teach younger children about nutrition and the benefits of
(HealthDay)—Many U.S. medical residents are concerned about reduced face-time with patients
exercise, the little ones seem to...
and report that engaging patients...
Low-dose statins good option for some heart patients, study finds
California’s Physician Directories Removed Because of Errors
(HealthDay)—A new analysis suggests that people at high risk for heart disease who can’t take high-
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
dose statin drugs...
York Times. ...
Drug Shortages Continue to Vex Doctors
Bipolar Disorder Q&A: How to Get Help for a…
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
Kim Asks… My nephew is 24 years old. He tried to kill himself. This has been going on since he was
York Times. ...
17. Just Saturday he...
M ore kids injured on inflatables than mechanical amusement rides
West Nile virus cost U.S. about $800M in the past 14 years
Bouncy castles have become a fun, familiar fixture at indoor playgrounds, carnivals, fairs and backyard PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Hospitalizations due to the West Nile virus have cost the United States’ health-care system
gatherings, but...
almost $800 million in...
Study uncovers possible genetic markers in breast cancer that spreads to the brain
UFO cult backs Africa’s first clitoris restoration hospital
The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) has uncovered possible genetic origins of breast cancer that spreads...
EU rules are denying children latest cancer drugs Children with cancer are being denied new, potentially life-saving drugs, because EU rules are allowing companies to trial...
A UFO cult is behind Africa’s first clitoral restoration hospital in Burkina Faso, set to open in March, which will...
CDC research finds West Nile virus hospitalizations cost nearly $800 million in US since 1999 In a study of the economic impact of West Nile virus (WNV) in the United States, a research team from the Centers for Disease...
Letters: New Approach to M ental Illness (2 Letters)
Global Health: Poor Nations Seek New Hepatitis C Drug
Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Health Insurance Enforcement Delayed Again for Some Employers
Little heroes who beat meningitis: M oving photos of children who suffered the disease released by charity to raise awareness
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Meningitis charities launch awareness campaign using images Childhood survivors of disease show the damage it has caused...
Thousands of children younger than 10 treated for depression
NuvaRing M anufacturer to Pay $100 M illion in Liability Lawsuits
More than 4,000 under-10s treated by two major NHS trusts over five years True scale of the
In big birth control news, Merck Co. will pay $100 million for product liability lawsuits that allege the
problem is likely to be much...
manufacturer didn’t...
This Tough Love Fitness App Ridicules
Do You REALLY Need to Shower Post-
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
You If You Gain Weight—Is It Crossing the Line?
Let’s face it: Reaching your goal weight means
class, and a quick glance at the wall clock tells you you’re gonna...
you’ve got to take an honest look at some of your less-than-healthful...
So you’re doing the wind-down during your pilates
The Science Of M unchies: Why The Scent Of A Burger Gives Us A High
Explainer: what is a virus?
i i hide captionResearch in mice offers new clues as to why Harold and Kumar were so motivated to
there is still debate over whether viruses should be considered a form...
It may seem like a fairly fundamental question, but
get to White Castle. ...
Wood County M an Pleads Guilty to Receiving Child Pornography HUNTINGTON, WV—A 22-year-old Wood County man who solicited and received sexually explicit
Former Bank of America Executive Pleads Guilty to Role in Conspiracy and Fraud Involving Investment Contracts for M unicipal Bonds Proceeds
images of a child pleaded guilty...
A former Bank of America executive pleaded guilty today to his participation in a conspiracy and scheme to defraud related...
Natural history and clinical assessment of Taiwanese patients with mucopolysaccharidosis IVA
Experimental care program keeps people with dementia at home longer, study shows
Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPS IVA) is a rare
An 18-month pilot program that brought resources
lysosomal storage disorder caused by Nacetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase deficiency,...
and counselors to elderly Baltimore residents with dementia and other memory...
Researchers discover immune signature that predicts poor outcome in influenza patients
Obese children more likely to have complex elbow fractures and further complications
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists have identified a signature immune response that
Pediatric obesity is currently an epidemic, with the prevalence having quadruped over the last 25
might help doctors...
years. Children diagnosed...
California’s Health Exchange Removes Its Physician Directories Because of Errors
Shortages of Critical Drugs Continue to Vex Doctors, Study Finds
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Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Prescription Painkillers Seen as a Gateway to Heroin
Uncommon Advice to Heal a Broken Heart (In Time for Valentine’s Day…)
Log in to manage your products and services from
A few years ago, I traveled across the country giving
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
talks based on my book, The Wisdom of a Broken Heart. I drove from...
Happy Love M onth! Tips on Spreading Love Everywhere You Go
Go Red for Women: Increasing Heart Disease Awareness
Marianne Williamson said: “The world is a
During the month of February, the American Heart
holographic universe, with every piece containing the whole. An enchanted...
Association promotes “Go Red for Women,” an educational movement...
10 Things People With Alzheimer’s Have Taught M e
5 Fat-Loss Foods That Belong in Your Detox Plan
I was a caregiver for my beloved Romanian life
“I would do anything right now for a bite of crème
partner for seven years. Furthermore, I currently volunteer to make weekly...
brulee or, really, pretty much anything edible,” my friend...
Should patients have direct access to their lab results?
Diabetes, obesity spreading in developing world
As part of their push towards more transparency of health care records, the Obama Administration is
The obesity and diabetes epidemic is spreading to parts of the world where historically the problem
now allowing patients...
has been less pronounced,...
High pollutant levels in Guánica Bay ‘represent serious toxic threat’ to corals
Treating Teen Bipolar Disorder with M edication
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ben 301-713-
If your child has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you might have already had a discussion with his or her psychiatrist...
3066NOAA Headquarters Effort creates ecological baseline to...
Think You’re Too Good For Your Partner? PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
AUDIO: Concern over new EU legal high rules
You might want to think again. Fran and Erik married when they were both very young. Fran had been a “Daddy’s girl,”...
New European rules on legal highs would slow down the response to legal highs, a government minister claims. Only the most...
Caffeine very common for kids, youths: study
VIDEO: Brittle bones mum achieves top goal
Nearly three out of 4 U.S. children and young adults consume at least some caffeine, mostly from soda, tea and coffee. The...
A woman who has had more than 200 fractures after being born with a rare bone disease has achieved her ultimate goal by becoming...
‘Early morning’ alcohol ban rejected 10 February 2014 Last updated at 08:45 ET The licensing hearing was held at Blackpool Town Hall
Supreme Court of Canada ruling on life support has wider impact: Hassan Rasouli
A ban on selling alcohol...
In the debate over whether to withdraw life support for patients who have no hope of recovery, the recent judgment by the...
Weakness exposed in most common cancer gene NYU Langone Medical Center researchers have
Obesity, type 2 diabetes epidemics spreading to developing world as more own TVs, computer
found a biological weakness in the workings of the most commonly mutated gene...
Lower income countries may soon be facing the same obesity and diabetes epidemics as their higher income counterparts. Ownership...
FDA reconsiders heart safety of common pain pills
Buzzed Kids Switching From Soda to Energy Drinks
Federal health experts are taking a second look this week at the heart safety of pain medications
By ABC News By Austin Chiang, M.D. Where are kids getting their caffeine fix these days? Not from
used by millions of Americans...
soda, according to a new...
Advocates Fight for Justina Pelletier, Teen Held by State in Psych Ward
Injured Ribery out of Bayern’s first leg against Arsenal
One day Justina Pelletier was a seemingly healthy teenager performing jumps and spirals at a
BERLIN (Reuters) – Bayern Munich winger Franck Ribery is out of the Champions League last-16 first
skating show and six weeks later,...
leg at Arsenal on...
Rice recalled after skin reactions in children
Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death: The face of heroin abuse is changing
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Food and Drug Administration is warning against eating Uncle
After Philip Seymour Hoffman’s tragic death last week of an apparent drug overdose, a media
Ben’s rice products served at...
spotlight has been placed on...
New crack pipe vending machines in Vancouver aim to curb spread of disease
How to cope with the loss of a pet
In an attempt to prevent the spread of disease, a Canadian non-profit installed the country’s firstever crack pipe vending...
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” — Anatole France Last summer, I was...
M inimum alcohol price would save UK lives, cut healthcare costs
Pregnant teens under age 15 face unique risks: study
LONDON (Reuters) – Setting a minimum alcohol price of 45 pence ($0.73) a unit in Britain would cut deaths and hospital...
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Girls who became pregnant before age 15 were more likely to report having sex with much...
WageWorks announces new partnership with Summit Health
Admedus obtains FDA clearance to market CardioCel in the US
WageWorks, Inc. (NYSE: WAGE), a leader in administering Consumer-Directed Benefits, today announced a partnership with Summit...
Admedus (ASX:AHZ) today announced it has received FDA clearance to market CardioCel® in the US. CardioCel® is the group’s...
Sarepta Therapeutics reports positive safety results from AVI-7288 Phase I study
M allinckrodt announces commercial launch of PENNSAID
Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: SRPT), a developer of innovative RNA-based therapeutics, today announced positive safety...
Posted in: Medical Condition News | Pharmaceutical News Tags: Abdominal Pain, AntiInflammatory, Aspirin, Asthma, Blood,...
Could a cure for the common cold be in sight? Scientists find compound that stops viruses infecting humans
Doctor creates new pelvis using a 3D printer: Bone cancer sufferer is walking again thanks to breakthrough treatment
They found a compound that stops the virus responsible for hand, foot and mouth disease
First of its kind transplant carried out on an unnamed man in his 60s He lost half his pelvis to
breaking open and releasing viral...
cancer that does not respond...
Cancer patient Diane Papazian says dog
Fruit juice should NOT be classed as
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
nuzzled into her chest until she saw a doctor Diane Papazian went for a mammogram after finding a lump in her breast She only found it
one of our five-a-day Juice is potentially ‘just as bad’ as sugary, sweetened drinks, say doctors 250ml of apple juice typically contains...
because Troy kept nuzzling into...
Study shows click chemistry could provide total chemical DNA synthesis
It Takes M ore Than A Produce Aisle To Refresh A Food Desert
An interdisciplinary study led by Dr Ali Tavassoli, a Reader in chemical biology at the University of Southampton, has shown...
hide captionEuclid Market, a corner store in East Los Angeles, recently got a makeover to promote healthier eating. It not...
M icrowaving your meals: Skipping 1 step can make you sick
M an born with tail worshipped in India
An outbreak of Salmonella that sickened 44 people highlights the need for consumers to follow all directions when it comes...
Sochi Olympics: Which winter sports burn the most calories? Regardless of whether they win gold, athletes at this year’s Winter Olympics will no doubt expend a significant number...
Health Tip: Storing Toys – Children’s toys should be safely stored to prevent trips and falls, and toy chests regularly inspected to look...
Health Tip: Trampoline Injuries – Trampolines may seem like the perfect way for children to bounce off excess energy. But if used
Chandre Oraon is the first to admit life with a tail is far from easy. But the 35-year-old tea picker said he wouldn’t...
Hamelin enjoys sweet victory over Ahn SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) – Canada’s Charles Hamelin, who grabbed gold in the men’s 1,500 meters at the Sochi...
FDA staff offer mixed view of M edicines Co’s blood clot drug (Reuters) – U.S. Food and Drug Administration reviewers are divided on whether an intravenous blood clot preventer...
2013 Update of the discovery of nuclides
improperly, they...
All about nuclear physics – research, news and comment. The author is a researcher in nuclear physics in the UK. 2013...
You Can’t Break Out Of Your Comfort
10 Questions For Figure Skating
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Zone Unless You Do This First
Legend Kristi Yamaguchi
In any personal journey, we often seek perfection.
In a sport that’s been rocked by scandals, Kristi
We try for the “perfect” job, or just the right clothes to make us...
Yamaguchi has had a flawless reputation, both on and off the ice....
Baby operated on INSIDE the womb survives despite being just a 10% chance of survival
How your stomach can RE-INFECT you with an STD: Doctors find that chlamydia can linger in the gut even after antibiotics
A 20-week scan showed that Hope Rollings had no diaphragm This meant her organs were pushing into her chest and squashing...
Women get sleep than men even though they spend M ORE time in bed Average woman spends 8 hours 47mins in bed – 15 minutes more than men Their average sleep is 6 hours and 48 minutes...
Researchers use Google’s cloud to simulate key drug receptor
Antibiotics sometimes manage to eradicate chlamydia from the genitals, but not from the gut, where it lingers benignly and...
Stephanie Sanpher died of meningitis after paramedics took TWO hours to get her to hospital Stephanie Sanpher collapsed on January 31 after suffering a sore throat Her mother noticed she had a red rash and called...
( —Roughly 40 percent of all medications
M icrobial production of sabinene–a new terpene-based precursor of advanced biofuel
act on cells’ G protein-coupled receptors. One of these receptors,...
Sabinene, one kind of monoterpene, accumulated limitedly in natural organisms, is being explored as a potential component...
Economic evaluation of rivaroxaban in stroke prevention for patients with atrial fibrillation in Greece To undertake an economic evaluation of rivaroxaban relative to the standard of care for stroke prevention in patients with...
Different contribution of extent of myocardial injury to left ventricular PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Production of shikimic acid from Escherichia coli through chemically inducible chromosomal evolution and cofactor metabolic engineering Shikimic acid (SA) produced from the seeds of Chinese star anise (Illicium verum) is a key intermediate for the synthesis...
ADHD’s Lesser Known Symptoms There’s more to this than some people think We all
systolic and diastolic function in early reperfused acute myocardial infarction
know about Distraction. I can’t even discuss ADHD without wandering...
We sought to investigate the influence of the extent of myocardial injury on left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic...
SFH on testing of avian influenza on live poultry
4 Tips for a Joyful Day
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
Anderson, a pain management coach, certified hypnotist and Reiki Master....
remarks made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man,...
A joyful day is different for everyone, said Bobbi
‘No target’ in UK animal tests plan
Vitamin C ‘gives chemo a boost’
7 February 2014 Last updated at 06:29 ET By
8 February 2014 Last updated at 20:50 ET By
James Morgan Science reporter, BBC News The UK government has...
Helen Briggs BBC News Vitamin C has long been used as an...
Cake for breakfast, a slap-up lunch and bone broth for tea: Why M arie Antoinette’s diet was the 5:2 of its day
Weight loss surgery patients are ‘more likely’ to become dependent on alcohol
Marie Antoinette ate cake in the morning and had
operations to treat obesity might alter the body’s chemistry and make alcohol...
her main meal at lunch She had a tiny 23in waist and remained trim after...
Researchers claim gastric bands and other
Hyperexpression of alpha-hemolysin explains enhanced virulence of sequence type 93 communityassociated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Development of the Comprehensive General Parenting Questionnaire for caregivers of 5-13 year olds
The community-associated methicillin-resistant S.
about how to best assess parenting....
Despite the large number of parenting questionnaires, considerable disagreement exists
aureus (CA-MRSA) ST93 clone is becoming dominant in Australia and is clinically...
Health-related quality of life in the Cambridge City over-75s Cohort (CC75C): development of a dementiaspecific scale and descriptive analyses PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Systematic characterization of small RNAome during zebrafish early developmental stages During early vertebrate development, various small
The assessment of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) is important I n people with dementia as it could influence their...
M edicine company raided for suspected illegal sale of unregistered pharmaceutical product with controlled drug ingredient Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A medicine company in Tsing Yi was raided today (February 10) in a joint
non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) such as MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and Piwi-interacting...
Cancer Research UK and The Royal M arsden collaborate to help GPs diagnose cancer earlier GPs across the country are set to benefit from a new partnership between Cancer Research UK and The Royal Marsden, aimed...
operation by the Department...
How Google Glass could revolutionize surgery
Caffeine common in US kids, youths; mainly soda
Given the significance and delicacy of their work, surgeons have always had access to state-of-the-
Nearly 3 out of 4 U.S. children and young adults consume at least some caffeine, mostly from soda,
art specialized medical...
tea and coffee. The rate...
The diabetes ‘disaster’: Obesity blamed as number of cases is up by ONE M ILLION in only seven years
Bride paralysed when abscess on her spine burst learns to walk again
The number of British adults with diabetes has hit 3.2 million A further 850,000 are believed to have undiagnosed type 2...
Belinda Johnson, 54, lost the feeling in her legs when an undetected abscess in her spine suddenly burst spreading poison...
IVF breakthrough as scientists discover chemical signal that can predict if embryo will be accepted by the womb
Takes M ore Than A Produce Aisle To Refresh A Food Desert
Promising embryos found to give off a chemical
Los Angeles, recently got a makeover to promote healthier eating. It not...
called trypsin Its function appears to be to prepare the womb for implantation If...
Facilitating myoelectric-control with transcranial direct current stimulation: a preliminary study in healthy humans Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) can electrically activate paretic muscles to assist movement for post-stroke neurorehabilitation.... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
hide captionEuclid Market, a corner store in East
Global small RNA analysis in fastgrowing Arabidopsis thaliana with elevated concentrations of ATP and sugars In higher eukaryotes, small RNAs play a role in
regulating gene expression. Overexpression (OE) lines of Arabidopsis thaliana...
EM SD announces latest sampling results for Legionella bacteria at fresh water cooling towers
Tender of 5-year Government Bonds under Institutional Bond Issuance Programme to be held on February 19
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (February 10) announced that the...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...
Dog Adoption Carnival to be held this weekend
The rise of drug overdoses in the US
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The “Pets With Love” Dog Adoption Carnival will be held at Soccer Pitch, Lai Chi Kok...
Belfast medics develop X-ray app
7 February 2014 Last updated at 20:14 ET By Ben Carter BBC News Philip Seymour Hoffman has become the latest...
10 February 2014 Last updated at 01:32 ET By Marie-Louise Connolly BBC News NI Health
Research reveals the give and take of urban temperature mitigating technologies
Correspondent A group...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Skip 480-965-4823Arizona State University IMAGE: Matei Georgescu has studied...
Swiss immigration vote ‘worrying’: French foreign minister
Tweaking an exercise routine to stay strong after 50
PARIS (Reuters) – French Foreign Minister Laurent
NEW YORK (Reuters) – People turning 50 may
Fabius said on Monday Europe would review its relations with Switzerland...
want to consider tweaking their exercise routines because as they age stiffer...
The One Question To Ask If You Want To Lead A Fulfilling Life
5 Tips To Help You Beat The Flu
It was a year ago this month that I sat across from my cousin who lay in a hospital bed, his body riddled with cancer. Forty-eight...
Why Healthy People Have Heart Attacks & What You Can Do To Prevent One PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
I’m trying to recoup from bronchitis that recently knocked me off my feet. The fever and body aches are gone, but a deep...
New study tracks spread of H5N1 variant in Egypt recently identified as major epicenter for virus
Every day, people are told by their doctors that they are healthy. That their likelihood of having a heart
Since its first identification in Asia, highly pathogenic avian influenza-H5N1-has caused
attack is miniscule....
significant alarm in the scientific...
New study co-led by scientists sheds light on role of genes, blood lipid levels in cardiovascular health
Young women smokers may have increased risk of developing common type of breast cancer
New genetic evidence strengthens the case that one well-known type of cholesterol is a likely
Young women who smoke and have been smoking a pack a day for a decade or more have a
suspect in causing heart disease,...
significantly increased risk of developing...
Viewpoints: Health law distorting–or ‘undistorting’ the labor market; gas stations should follow CVS’ lead; ways to fight heroin The New York Times: Health, Work, Lies On
A vector-free ECG interpretation with P, QRS &T waves as unbalanced transitions between stable configurations of the heart electric field during P-R, S-T &T-P segments
Wednesday, Douglas Elmendorf, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget...
Since cell membranes are weak sources of electrostatic fields, this ECG interpretation relies on the analogy between cells...
EM SD announces test results of LPG quality in January 2014
Applications invited for Basic Law Promotion Sponsorship Scheme
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (CMAB) is inviting the first
(February 10) announced the latest...
round applications...
New "Hong Kong Guide" and "Hong Kong Now and Then
Auction of personalised vehicle registration marks on M arch 15
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The “Hong Kong Guide” 2014 edition and “Hong Kong Now and Then – A
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (February 10) announced that the next
auction of personalised...
ADHD and Gullibility – Part I
Generation of orthotopic patientderived xenografts from gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Remember the first time someone pointed at something over your shoulder, you turned around and they pulled a fast one on...
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Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is the most common sarcoma and its treatment with imatinib has served as the paradigm...
Evaluation of carotid artery elasticity changes in patients with type 2 diabetes
Investigation of nanoscale structural alterations of cell nucleus as an early sign of cancer
Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common
The cell and tissue structural properties assessed
causes of cardiovascular disease as it causes arterial stiffness changes. The purpose...
with a conventional bright-field light microscope play a key role in cancer...
Impact of warming blood transfusion and infusion toward cerebral oxygen metabolism and cognitive recovery in the perioperative period of elderly knee replacement
Ovarian cancer initially presenting with isolated ipsilateral superficial inguinal lymph node metastasis: a case study and review of the literature
ObjectiveThis study aims to observe the impact of the temperature of blood transfusion and infusion toward the perioperative...
Ways to Cope with Panic and Anxiety Attacks Suffering from panic attacks or anxiety attacks are never fun and can be scary if you do not know what they are. This can...
Recovery in Partners of Sex Addicts I believe that sexual betrayal of the partners of sex addicts has a two-fold impact. It is both a trauma
Isolated superficial inguinal metastases without any extended intra-abdominal spread is a rare event in patients with ovarian...
Learning to Count Our Days Greetings Psych Central Beyond! I wish You Well, Peace, Happiness and Longevity of Life! THANK YOU for your precious time....
One M onth After Toxic Spill, West Virginians Face â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Crisis of Confidenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
and a serious...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Report Says Not Enough Children Get HPV Vaccine
Family Health Network grows by nearly 15% in 2013
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The Family Health Network (FHN), a nonprofit health plan serving Medicaid recipients, has seen its network of providers double...
Applied Biologics now certified to provide goods, services to Federal
Establishing a rabbit model of malignant esophagostenosis using the
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government Applied Biologics LLC, an integrated biotechnology
endoscopic implantation technique for studies on stent innovation
company engaged in the development and commercialization of innovative...
Stents are recommended in patients with dysphagia caused by esophageal stricture, but an ideal stent does not currently exist....
EPD invites electric taxi/vehicle suppliers to briefing session on setting up quick chargers at government car parks
"M " M ark status awarded to Standard Chartered Hong Kong M arathon 2014
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Environmental Protection Department today (February 10) invited electric taxi/vehicle suppliers...
Major Sports Events...
CHP closely monitors four additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in M ainland
Trusting Wisely
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
trustworthy or consistently...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Major Sports Events Committee: The
As you know from the last post, trustworthiness is not constant. People are not consistently
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is closely monitoring,...
Sensitivity and Creativity: Cheryl Richardson and Alanis M orissette… “The more you become your own best champion,
Public ignorant of smoking death toll but back move to ban tobacco marketing
supporter, cheerleader, and trusted confidant, the better able you’ll be...
Very few people are aware of the shocking level of devastation caused by tobacco each year in UK according to new figures*...
M Ps set to vote on car smoking ban 9 February 2014 Last updated at 19:01 ET Smoking could be banned if under-18s are in the car MPs are set to vote later...
Dietary supplementation of arachidonic acid increases arachidonic acid and lipoxin A4 contents in colon, but does not affect severity or prostaglandin E2 content in murine colitis model Arachidonic acid (ARA) is an essential fatty acid and a major constituent of biomembranes. It is converted into various lipid...
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Calling All Rebels: What’s Your Perspective? For my book Before and After, about habitformation, I’ve been developing my framework of
M arch 3, 2014 Is Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day — An Opportunity to Support the Cause
the four Rubin Tendencies. I’m...
March 3, 2014 marks the second annual Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day — a national day of awareness raising, advocacy...
Health Officials Increasingly Contemplate End Of Smoking
Fight or flight? Vocal cues help deer decide during mating season
ATLANTA (AP) — Health officials have begun to predict the end of cigarette smoking in America. They have long wished for...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Neha 020-78827927Queen Mary, University of London IMAGE: Male...
Analysis: U.S. college footballers tackle NLRB in bid to unionize
Study: M inimum Pricing for Alcohol Would Affect Poorer, High-Risk Drinkers
By Amanda Becker (Reuters) – Football players at Northwestern University have kicked off a daunting,
SUNDAY Feb. 9, 2014, 2014 — Setting a minimum price for alcohol would benefit the health of high-
but not necessarily...
risk drinkers with...
Fact checker skewers attack ads ‘based’ on CBO report on health law
Henry Schein and ADA join forces to celebrate annual Give Kids A Smile Day
The first ads are already out based on the Congressional Budget Office report on the health
Henry Schein, Inc. (NASDAQ: HSIC), the world’s largest provider of health care products and
law’s impact on the labor...
services to office-based...
Bananas in pyjamas: Boy, 3, is cured of insomnia after eating just half a piece of the fruit before bed each night
Triplets born FIVE YEARS apart: Twin boys born in 2008 but baby Elizabeth’s embryo was frozen until 2013
Aaron Battersby’s nights so disrupted he would wake up screaming Mother Maryann tried many methods to cure her son’s...
Nicola Brightey and her husband Kevin turned to fertility treatment when they were unable to conceive naturally Twins James...
Kansas M ayor Says Sustainability Is About Community, Not Politics
Poem: Sometimes You’re Living Your Life
i i hide captionThe community of Greensburg, Kan., was hit hard by an F-5 tornado in 2007. The event
Sometimes you’re living your life Free Happy Alone Comfortable Known Independent Normal Easy.
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inspired one...
Then you meet someone And...
M arried to Life
Portland Jogger Falls On Her Butt In Snow Right After Local News Interview
When do we commit to life? And how? We commit when we see our situation in context and when, seeing all the treasures and...
Like much of the country, Portland, Ore. has been hit by a major snowstorm over the last few days. But that did not stop...
AOL CEO sorry for ‘distressed babies’ remark; reverses retirement plan
Copenhagen Zoo Euthanizes Giraffe Despite Online Protest
(Reuters) – AOL Chief Executive Tim Armstrong
i i hide captionCopenhagen Zoo’s giraffe Marius
reversed his decision to cut employee retirement benefits and apologized...
was put down on Sunday by zoo authorities who said it was their...
For Valentine’s Day, I Give You M y (Single at) Heart
Get Killer Quads Like Ski M ogul Champ Hannah Kearney
To be single-at-heart is to feel that single life is, for
By Thailan Pham, SELF We are showing you
you, the most meaningful way to live. People who embrace their...
awesome fitness moves from some our favorite U.S. team all-stars. Get ready to get...
Tools for Fighting Prostate Cancer
A Practical, Holistic Approach to Complete Wellness
Whenever I discuss prostate cancer with the men in my integrative medicine clinic in San Jose, Calif., the perception of...
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Be
Be Bold, Be Vulnerable, Be a Unicorn
6 Signs of Bipolar Disorder
While I’m certain most of you are reading this post
I’m not a weatherman or -woman, but as a
at this very moment primarily because the word unicorn is in the...
psychiatrist I certainly know bipolar behavior when I see it. At the risk...
Cochlear implants — with no exterior hardware
Swiss vote to set limits on immigration from EU
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Abby
By Alice Baghdjian and Albert Schmieder ZURICH
617-253-2709Massachusetts Institute of Technology A cochlear implant that...
(Reuters) – Swiss voters on Sunday narrowly backed proposals to reintroduce...
FDA eyeing Army’s injectable sponges
Now that’s one for the album! Amazing
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
honest. Are you still on track? The strong-willed among you may still be...
that could stop bleeding in 15 seconds The Food and Drug Administration is now
picture shows how baby’s finger was saved after fox bit it off
considering an Army-funded technology – based on the expanding dinosaur sponges...
Dennie Dolan was just five-weeks-old when he
Enough to put you off your breakfast: What a single pound of human fat looks like
Erectile dysfunction may be more than just a problem in bed
By Ryan Gorman PUBLISHED: 08:53 EST, 9 February 2014 | UPDATED: 08:54 EST, 9 February
was attacked by the fox The animal sneaked into his home and dragged him off...
Erection problems are common but they can be embarrassing for men to discuss with partners and doctors. The sales of erection...
2014 A website has...
Lifetime’s “The Girl He M et Online” I watched a movie last night on the Lifetime channel here in the US. It was called “The Girl He Met Online.” Here is...
High-tech US project tackles lowincome word gap Six-month-old Jaiven James doesn’t even notice the pager-sized recorder that fits snuggly into the pocket of his shirt,...
US company recalls 8.7 million pounds of meat A northern California company is recalling more than 8.7 million pounds (3.95 million kilograms) of
4 Ways to Jumpstart the Day “Seriously?” I thought to myself sarcastically as I read the morning paper riding the bus to work the other day. I...
beef products because...
Workers off sick for a month to receive health assessments
The Addiction Poem Everyone Needs To Hear
Ministers believe the programme – covering England, Wales and Scotland – will save employers £70m a year and cut the...
“Make your heart the strongest muscle that you’ve got.” Those words are part of rapper IN-Q‘s “Addiction...
How A M ultiple Sclerosis Diagnosis Put M y M arriage In Perspective
DP stimulation in spinal cord-injured patients is successful in weaning patients from mechanical ventilators
By Diana Frustaci for I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2012. I was 27, turning 28 a few weeks later...
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A new study published in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery finds that diaphragm pacing (DP) stimulation in spinal...
Novel combined therapy for treatment of septic patients in ICU
AOL Blames health law for change in retirement benefits, without details
Septic shock is caused by excessive and systemic
AOL owns websites such as Huffington Post. The
reaction of the entire body against infectious agents, in most cases of...
Washington Post: AOL Chief Cuts 401(k) Benefits, Blames Obamacare And Two...
Sunshine Health and Orange Bowl partner to create special graffiti wall with messages of hope
Learning About Love From Prairie Vole Bonding
Sunshine Health, a subsidiary of Centene
voles with their offspring at the Yerkes National Primate Research...
Corporation, partnered with the Orange Bowl at the City of Fort Lauderdale Orange...
i i hide captionA monogamous couple of prairie
Is It Enough Rain For Drought-Stricken California?
Oil, Gas Drilling Seems To M ake The Earth Slip And Go Boom
i i hide captionThe cracked-dry bed of the Almaden Reservoir is seen on Friday, in San Jose, Calif.
i i hide captionInfrastructure used for oil and gas may be making more earthquakes. In Texas, there
10 times the...
Observe & Accept Your Thoughts, But You Don’t Have…
The Big Deal With “Little-t traumas”
Our minds are like cities. Some blocks are beautiful, safe, open and pleasant. Others are
events listed in the DSM V, which are often called “Big T” Traumas. ...
There are two definitions of trauma—qualifying
imaginative, colorful, creative...
Olympics often inspire short-term fitness goals
Herbal supplement dubbed ‘female Viagra’ goes on sale
The Olympic Games are meant to inspire future generations of fit athletes, but a Canadian expert in
New tablets on sale at health-food chain Holland Barrett this month They contain a French pine bark
physical activity is...
extract that improves...
Olympic Athletes and Self-Reliance
Your Weekly Travel Zen: Rainforests
This month we’ll once again get to watch the
This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us
spectacle that is the Olympics; hundreds of the world’s finest athletes...
from Lydia C. Lee. Her photo of Mossman Gorge in Australia’s Daintree...
David Levitz, YouTube Personality,
Swiss vote split on reintroducing
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Discusses Gay M ale Body Image, Eating Disorders David Levitz is a blogger and YouTube personality whose videos discuss issues affecting the lesbian,
immigration quotas ZURICH (Reuters) – Switzerland is split on reintroducing immigration quotas, early projections showed on Sunday, as...
gay, bisexual and transgender...
Gas Separation M embrane Can Reduce Chemical Industry Energy Consumption Researchers at the MESA+ research institute at the University of Twente, Netherlands, have developed
Gene therapy for the heart My post today is about state-of-the-art gene therapy that delivers genes straight to heart, where the genes activate proteins...
a new type of hybrid...
Why Confounding Coincidences Happen Every Day
Thriving with M ental Illness: Q&A with Elaina J. M artin…
David Hand, an emeritus professor of mathematics at Imperial College in London, believes that
Here’s a message we don’t hear nearly enough: Even though living with mental illness is hard —
miracles and rare events actually...
really hard — many...
Self, Easy
Warm Kale & Quinoa Salad
I don’t think that getting older is hard; I think that what’s hard is that as each year passes the
This is one of my favorite dishes to make for lunch during the winter. It’s full of protein and healthy fat,
so it...
New prosthetic devices allow people to function more effectively in daily activities
BGSU’s Olivucci leverages OSC systems to study retina’s melanopsin pigment
Thanks to advanced technologies, those who wear prosthetic and orthotic devices are now able to break previous activity boundaries....
Researchers have found that the melanopsin pigment in the eye is potentially more sensitive to light than its more famous...
Learning About Love From The Lifelong Bond Of The Prairie Vole
Beef Recall: Rancho Feeding Corp. Recalls M ore Than 8.7 M illion Pounds Of Beef Products
i i hide captionA monogamous couple of prairie voles, a male and female, with their offspring at the Yerkes National...
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PETALUMA, Calif. (AP) — A Northern California company is recalling more than 8.7 million pounds of beef products because...
Sliding rand boosts and burdens South African companies
11 ways to have a strong marriage after baby
By David Dolan JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – For corporate South Africa, the tumbling rand has been both a blessing and...
You’re head over heels in love with your spouse, but throw some kids into the mix and suddenly your rock solid bond starts...
Overcoming an addiction to stress
8 reasons you’re still hungry—even after you just ate
It’s one of the most important relationships in your life – and sometimes, one of the most ignored. It’s your relationship...
Do you sometimes feel ravenous, even though you just polished off a tasty lunch, a full dinner, or a midnight snack? Some...
10 Healthy Snacks To Always Have On Hand
Aussie Snowboarder Torah Bright Talks Sochi, Yoga & M ore
Start Slideshow » 10 images There’s much debate about whether we should eat small frequent meals and snacks...
Australian snowboarder Torah Bright is the kind of athlete who can make you feel like an underachiever. Not content to focus...
Infection contributes to higher risk of stroke death among blacks
Arkansas’ model M edicaid expansion plan in Jeopardy
Infection is a stronger trigger of stroke death in
Arizona’s efforts to expand the program are
African- Americans than in whites, a University of Michigan study shows. African-Americans...
also facing challenges while a new approach is being advanced in Virginia. The...
Researchers identify protein that promote growth of brain cells damaged by M S
First Edition: February 7, 2014
Vittorio Gallo, PhD, Director of the Center for
Today’s headlines include reports from Capitol Hill about the continuing efforts to overhaul Medicare’s payment...
Neuroscience Research at Children’s National Health System, and other...
Association between metabolic syndrome and bone fractures: a metaanalysis of observational studies
A minimum-labeling approach for reconstructing protein networks across multiple conditions
Emerging epidemiological evidence suggest an association between metabolic syndrome and
The sheer amounts of biological data that are generated in recent years have driven the
fractures. However, whether metabolic...
development of network analysis tools...
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Person in custody dies in public hospital Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A person in custody in Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre died in a public hospital today (February 9). At...
Experts increasingly contemplate end of smoking U.S. health officials have begun to predict the end of cigarette smoking in America. They have long wished for a cigarette-free...
Hypercapnia attenuates ventilatorinduced diaphragm atrophy and modulates dysfunction IntroductionDiaphragm weakness induced by prolonged mechanical ventilation may contribute to difficult weaning from the ventilator....
M oderate aerobic exercise helps to preserve nerve cells in retina after damage Moderate aerobic exercise helps to preserve the structure and function of nerve cells in the retina after damage, according...
Researchers create promising compound for cancer treatment
‘Risk corridors’ become key GOP antihealth law talking point
A promising compound for cancer treatment has
During a hearing of the House Oversight And
been syntesised in a laboratory by an RMIT University researcher during his...
Government Reform Committee, Republicans tagged this provision as an insurance...
Glass Delusion / Scholar’s melancholy
Clinicopathological analysis of pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Glass delusion is considered as a psychiatric problem that was reported in Europe in the late Middle Ages (15th to 17th centuries)...
Feasibility, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, multi-centre trial of hand-held NB-UVB phototherapy for the treatment of vitiligo at home (HI-Light trial: Home Intervention of Light therapy) Hand-held NB-UVB units are lightweight devices that may overcome the need to treat vitiligo in hospital-based phototherapy... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) of the lung is a rare malignant neoplasm. We aimed to investigate clinicopathological features,...
Prevalence and molecular characterization of Clostridium difficile isolated from European Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) during migration Clostridium difficile is an important bacterial pathogen of humans and a variety of animal species. Birds, especially migratory...
U.S. to Expand Benefits for All SameSex M arried Couples
Feeling Powerless "M akes Tasks M ore Physically Challenging"
In an assertion of same-sex marriage rights, U.S.
Do you ever have days when the simplest task can
Attorney General Eric Holder is applying a landmark Supreme Court ruling...
feel physically challenging? It could be down to your social and personal...
M ass Deception: Tests Find 1 in 3 Food Products Faked or M islabelled
The REAL Reason You’re Always Cold
Consumers are being sold food including
cold. Read the whole story at The...
mozzarella that is less than half real cheese, ham on pizzas that is either poultry...
The New Hypertension Guidelines: Should We Let Up on Blood Pressure Control? The recently updated guidelines of the Joint National Committee on the Detection, Evaluation Katelyn Heindel is always
Gosh, You’re Attractive It’s true. Sometimes it may feel like how goodlooking a person is (or isn’t) is the only thing that ever mattered...
and Treatment of High Blood...
How I Stay M otivated to M editate New York City is an incredible mirror. Some days, I leave my warm and bright Brooklyn apartment and walk down my tree-lined...
Retrospective evaluation of cotrimoxazole use as preventive therapy in people living with HIV/AIDS in Boru M eda Hospital Drug use evaluation is a performance improvement method that focuses on evaluating and improving drug use process to achieve...
The web of silence: a qualitative case study of early intervention and support for healthcare workers with mental illhealth
Increased expression of the homeostatic chemokines CCL19 and CCL21 in clinical and experimental Rickettsia conorii infection
There is a high rate of stress and mental illness among healthcare workers, yet many continue to
Based on their essential role in concerting immunological and inflammatory responses we
work despite symptoms that...
hypothesized that the homeostatic...
CHP closely monitors three additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9)
Posters recall silver screen’s golden era
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in M ainland Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is closely monitoring,...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Six larger-than-life movie posters that veteran artisan Chow Keung carefully crafted are at the...
Exotic Disease Detectives
Vitamin C ‘keeps cancer at bay’
8 February 2014 Last updated at 19:50 ET By Anna Lacey BBC Health Check People have long been warned...
8 February 2014 Last updated at 20:50 ET By Helen Briggs BBC News Vitamin C has long been used as an...
Viewers of ‘The Biggest Loser’ Question a Startling Weight Loss
Novelties: The Path to Reading a Newborn’s DNA M ap
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Empire to Reimburse Customers for Health Insurance Coverage Woes
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide level inversely associates with metabolic syndrome in elderly persons
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
AimsSerum N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) was lower in the general population with metabolic syndrome...
Investigating preferences for support with life after stroke: a discrete choice experiment
VIDEO: Tattoo boom brings potential dangers
There is little evidence of service user preferences
parlours in Britain. Today, there are more than 1,500, and three in 10...
to guide the commissioning and improvement of services that support...
A decade ago there were about 300 licensed tattoo
VIDEO: Can we erase memories entirely?
DR ELLIE CANNON: Weigh up your risk of deadly blood clots if taking the Pill
Most of us have terrible moments we’d rather forget, but if you could wipe parts of your memory
14 women a year die in France due to taking certain contraceptive Pills Third-generation Pills
entirely would you...
such as Yasmin and Marvelon...
M y face was wrecked by skin cancer…
Il Divo’s Urs Buhler wrecked his
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but my plastic surgeon left me looking 10 years younger Jackie Pillips, 67, had basal cell carcinoma, slowgrowing skin cancer After removal, her face was left lopsided –...
Dr. Wikipedia: The ‘Double-Edged Sword’ Of Crowd-Sourced M edicine i i giulia.forsythe/Flickr Wikipedia has become a goto source for definitions, celebrity facts, and...
shoulder moving a table Urs Buhler, 42, one quarter of Il Divo, is a selfconfessed gym addict Operation to repair torn muscle in his shoulder left...
Psych Treatment Gray Areas I recently heard parts of a lecture by a healthcare provider (not a psychiatrist), who was speaking to a group of general...
Depressed Teens Like to Use the Internet, Play Video…
Unconscious vision
When you show a correlation between two things,
evidence that the visual-motor control is not conscious. Visual...
you can’t say which way the relationship goes. Do people carrying umbrellas...
<![CDATA[]]> Milner (see citation below) reviews the
M ore bumetanide and autism discussion
192 Reasons for Happiness!
For those with their ear to the autism research
February 8, 2014: Time to reflect, meditate, ruminate our REASONS for happiness...
ground, the paper by Roman Tyzio and colleagues [1] must have sounded like...
Jordanian dies of M ERS virus
HAPPY Saturday to YOU! Busy week, eh? Me too.
A man has died in Jordan after being infected with
Former Chicago M ayor Daley leaves hospital
the MERS virus, the kingdom’s first fatality from the respiratory...
(Reuters) – Richard M. Daley, mayor of Chicago from 1989 to 2011, was discharged from a Chicago hospital on Saturday...
Depression: Ketamine Eyes Hath Seen The Glory? Ketamine: club drug, ‘horse-tranquillizer’, and… miracle antidepressant? I’ve blogged about the research behind the...
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A high M 1/M 2 ratio of tumor-associated macrophages is associated with extended survival in ovarian cancer patients Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are classified into two major phenotypes, M1 and M2. M1 TAMs suppress cancer progression,...
DO IT Trial: vitamin D Outcomes and Interventions in Toddlers
Virus Advances Through East Caribbean
Vitamin D levels are alarmingly low ( No study has
Log in to manage your products and services from
determined whether wintertime vitamin D supplementation can reduce the...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
How To Burn Calories Like A Winter Olympian
The Top 10 Workout Songs for February 2014
Starting with last night’s Opening Ceremonies, it’s
Flickr: Juanedc This month’s top 10 list is as
safe to say the biggest Winter Olympics fans among us may...
eclectic as they come. From the Top 40, you’ll find a trio of...
37 Things In Your Home To Get Rid Of Right Now
Nestle looking at options to reduce L’Oreal stake: Bloomberg
A few of us made resolutions this year to finally get our homes nicely organized so we can finally have
ZURICH (Reuters) – Nestle , the world’s biggest food company, is looking at ways to reduce its $30
people over without...
billion stake...
Former Chicago M ayor Daley to leave hospital
The Impact of TED Talks
(Reuters) – Richard M. Daley, mayor of Chicago from 1989 to 2011, was expected to leave a
<!——> Information Culture Information Culture HomeAboutContact By Hadas Shema February...
Chicago hospital on Saturday...
Fighting Procrastination Do you find that even though things seem important–especially when they seem important– you tend to put them off all the...
When ‘Thank You’ Blocks Receiving: Soulful Ways to Convey… When someone does a kind deed or favor for us, the proper response is to say “thank you.” We’ve been taught from an...
We Tried It: Indo Yoga Board What We Tried: Yoga practice on an Indo Yoga Board, a long wooden plank that has four curved ridges on its underside. The...
Why You M ight Want To Swap Out Your Low-Fat Diet For A M editerranean One When it comes to maintaining a healthy heart, eating more in line with a Mediterranean diet may do you more good than a strictly...
Is It Harder To Fall Asleep When You’re PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The Secret to Giving Love This
In Love?
Valentine’s Day
Do you remember being so in love that you hardly slept? Science is now providing some insight into
Have you ever had a conversation about where we learned to give love or how we show someone we
how and why our sleep...
love them? There are no lessons...
Philip Seymour Hoffman And Simon Critchley On What Influences Happiness
Exclusive: AIDS patients in Obamacare limbo as insurers reject checks
Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, who passed away last week, inspired many through his meaningful
By Sharon Begley and Julie Steenhuysen NEW YORK (Reuters) – Hundreds of people with HIV/AIDS in Louisiana trying to...
body of work. But in addition...
Old Wood Stoves a Costly Way to Keep Warm, Experts Say
Don’t Pressure Preschoolers to Overeat, Experts Say
SATURDAY Feb. 8, 2014, 2014 — Although many people use indoor and outdoor wood heaters to
SATURDAY Feb. 8, 2014, 2014 — Young children will better learn to recognize when they’re full if they
save money on fuel costs,...
serve themselves...
Paganism: An Overview Of One Of Least Understood M odern Religions
Warming makes flowers change dates, or don skates
With evil witches and flying wizards dominating entertainment media, it’s no wonder there is such
Blue Fleabane (Erigeron acer) has only moved its flowering date forward around by 3 days in 50
confusion about paganism...
years, and instead the places...
Retiring Procrustean Linguistics
Developing cartoons for long-term condition self-management information
Many of you are probably already aware of the Edge 2014 question: what scientific ideas are ready for retirement? The question...
Advocating the need to adopt more selfmanagement policies has brought with it an increasing demand for information about...
Speech by CS at launching of Elderly Visit Programme in Rural Villages(with photos/video)
Computerized tongue image segmentation via the double geovector flow
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by
Visual inspection for tongue analysis is a
the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie
diagnostic method in traditional Chinese medicine
Lam, at the launching...
(TCM). Owing to the variations...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Report aims to create more heart attack and stroke survivors
6 gluten-free ways to use nut butter
The results of a recent poll published in a report by
like you are cheating on healthy eating when you
the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada this week found that some...
load a fresh slice...
Toxin from Brain Cells Triggers Neuron Loss in Human ALS M odel
Raw Cacao Almond Truffles With Superfoods
Study in Human Cells May Improve Ability to Identify
Whether you’re rollin’ solo this Valentine’s Day or
Useful Drug Targets News release February 6, 2014 Columbia University...
you have a boo to spend time with remember, the day is always...
A Green Smoothie To Start Your Weekend With A Bang
Single? Here Are 4 Ways To Have An Amazing Valentine’s Day
Introducing the healthiest, greenest smoothie you’ll
Valentine’s Day is a holiday that floods us with
ever drink, filled with the super-est of superfoods: spirulina! ...
messages about what our lives and relationships should look like....
Comprehensive assessment of phenolics and antiradical potential of Rumex hastatus D. Don. roots
Single-stage surgical repair of airway gastric fistula after esophagectomy
Roots of Rumex hastatus (Polygonaceae) are
catastrophic complication after esophagectomy. Surgical repair with viable tissue...
traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments including liver and lung...
Effectiveness of adolescent suicide prevention e-learning modules that aim to improve knowledge and selfconfidence of gatekeepers: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Ah, the glorious world of nut butters. Doesn’t it feel
Airway gastric fistula (AGF) is a rare but
Long-term follow-up of nephrotoxicity in rats administered both melamine and cyanuric acid Melamine was recently identified as a risk factor for renal calculi following the milk powder contamination in China. However,...
Providing e-learning modules can be an effective strategy for enhancing gatekeepers’knowledge, self-confidence and...
Speech by CS at launching of Elderly Visit Programme in Rural Villages(with PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
How Hannah Kearney Eats & Trains For Peak Performance
Hannah Kearney is one tough cookie. And not just
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by
because this 27 year-old superstar spends her days flying down mountains,...
the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the launching...
7 Foods That Are Secretly Staining Your Teeth By Ashley Okwuosa for Beauty High If you want a
Bob Harper on the Controversial Biggest Loser Transformation: “I was stunned”
perfect smile, you need to keep your pearly whites,
After Rachel Frederickson won The Biggest Loser
well, white. And while...
on Tuesday by dropping 155 pounds and 60 percent of her body weight, it seemed...
The Hottest New Fitness Tool Since the Stationary Bike
Grapevine microRNAs responsive to exogenous gibberellin
When it comes to exercise, innovative new
MicroRNAs (miRNAs), involving in various
equipment and classes may sound fun, but they aren’t always efficient—or...
biological and metabolic processes, have been discovered and analyzed in quite a...
USDOJ: Justice Department Files Lawsuit to Stop Delaware Woman from Preparing Tax Returns
Electromyography and sonomyography analysis of the tibialis anterior: a cross sectional study
The Department of Justice filed a civil lawsuit in the
Foot dorsiflexion plays an essential role in both
federal court in Delaware today to enjoin Carmen J. Martinez and her...
controlling balance and human gait. Electromyography (EMG) and sonomyography...
Pirfenidone inhibits fibrocyte accumulation in the lungs in bleomycininduced murine pulmonary fibrosis
Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of Chinese pollination-constant nonastringent persimmon fruit treated with ethanol
Bone marrow-derived fibrocytes reportedly play important roles in the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Pirfenidone...
The persimmon Diospyros kaki Thunb. is an important commercial and deciduous fruit tree. The fruits have proanthocyanidin...
Gaps exist in patient-centered quality of CRC care at VA
Concierge-style practices increasing in popularity
(HealthDay)—Patient-reported quality assessment measures reveal substantial gaps in patient-
(HealthDay)—An increasing number of physicians are forming concierge practices, in which they
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
centered quality of colorectal...
collect monthly cash fees...
‘Aid in Dying’ M ovement Takes Hold in Some States
The FDA, Sexual Dysfunction and Gender Inequality
Log in to manage your products and services from
Throughout our society, gender inequality is evident
The New York Times and the International New
— in politics, employment, pay, attitudes and drug
York Times. ...
Stop Complaining About Snowflakes
Four Ways to Free Yourself From Your To-Do List
Let’s talk about something important. In a famous lecture, Mark Twain remarked that we all complain about the weather,...
I’ve got a confession to make. I’m in a dysfunctional relationship with my to-do list. No longer a useful list...
CVS Decision on Tobacco Sales Prompts M emory of Life With Cigarettes
5 Things That Weight M aintainers Do That You Don’t (And How to Fix It)
The announcement yesterday by CVS pharmacies
For years, I thought it was just me. Why did staying
that, as of Oct. 1, they will no longer sell cigarettes
slim feel so painful? How unfair. I would slim down
in their 7,600 locations...
with some diet,...
Ohio governor delays planned execution using two-drug method
Woody Allen denies adopted daughter’s renewed molestation accusations
By Kim Palmer CLEVELAND (Reuters) – Ohio on
By Eric Kelsey and Steve Gorman LOS ANGELES
Friday delayed its next scheduled execution to
(Reuters) – Film director Woody Allen defended
complete a review of a...
himself on Friday from...
Lawyers seek to protect Bieber’s ‘personal parts’ from media exposure
6 Crazy-Impressive Facts About the U.S. Olympic Team
MIAMI (Reuters) – Lawyers for pop star Justin
You already know that the U.S. Olympic Team is
Bieber are asking a judge to prevent semi-clad
filled with the very best of the best American
images of the teenage...
athletes. Show your Team USA...
Boom! Don’t M ess With This Chick!
3 M ust-Read Sex Secrets from Women Over 70
Each week, we collect the best #FitnessFriday photos and videos. These will definitely inspire you to get your butt in...
It takes a lot to shock Iris Krasnow. But when she set out to write her new book, Sex After…: Women How Intimacy Changes...
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USDOJ: New M exico Farmer Sentenced to Prison for Tax Fraud, Fraudulently Collecting Farm Subsidies Bill Melot, a farmer from Hobbs, N.M ., was sentenced to serve 14 years in prison today to be followed by three years of...
Effect of occupational mobility and health status on life satisfaction of Chinese residents of different occupations: logistic diagonal mobility models analysis of cross-sectional data on eight Chinese provinces Life satisfaction research in China is in development, requiring new perspectives for enrichment. In China, occupational...
The INSPIRED study: a randomised controlled trial of the whole person model of disease self-management for people with type 2 diabetes
Agreement of reported vascular access on the medical evidence report and on medicare claims at hemodialysis initiation
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased dramatically in the last decade, and is continuing to
The choice of vascular access type is an important aspect of care for incident hemodialysis patients.
rise. It is a chronic...
However, data from...
Effect of diabetic neuropathy severity classified by a fuzzy model in muscle dynamics during gait
‘I didn’t let bowel disease beat me’
Electromyography (EMG) alterations during gait,
Moody helped...
7 February 2014 Last updated at 20:13 ET By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Lewis
supposedly caused by diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy, are subtle and...
Women ‘fare worse after strokes’ 7 February 2014 Last updated at 19:00 ET Women over 75 were particularly affected Women have a poorer quality of life after...
Woody Allen denies adopted daughter’s molestation accusations LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Film director Woody Allen denied the recent accusations of his adopted daughter that he molested...
Wisconsin baby’s aunt charged in kidnap of six-day-old nephew
Woman Charged with Kidnapping Beloit Infant
By Kevin Murphy (Reuters) – A Colorado woman
MADISON, WI—John W Vaudreuil, United States
police believe faked a pregnancy was charged on
Attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin,
Friday with the kidnapping...
announced today that Kristen...
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Seven Defendants Indicted in Six Armed Robberies of Cell Phone Stores in Chicago Suburbs, Indiana, and Downstate Illinois
Return on Your Investments: For Life The Core Assets I mentioned in the previous posts never function individually in life. When you fall in love, at first it...
CHICAGO—Seven defendants were indicted on federal charges for their alleged roles in a series of at least six armed robberies...
Did ‘The Biggest Loser’ Winner Go Too Far?
Surviving a Spouse’s Health Kick
By Tara Weng for Credit: ‘The Biggest
With the new year often come resolutions to get in shape. But what happens when one partner gets
Loser’ via With more than a third of
on a health kick and leaves...
the country...
The Obamacare Conversation That M atters M ost Over the past few months, much of the national
New York Students Are Incredibly Stressed Out About Standardized Testing, Survey Says
health care discussion has focused on a single
Standardized tests are really stressing New York
element of the Affordable Care...
students out. Like, really stressing them out. According to a recent survey...
Dating is refined for the Atapuerca site where Homo antecessor appeared
Democrats say Republicans hammering U.S. IRS for ‘political purposes’
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Press
By Patrick Temple-West WASHINGTON (Reuters) – 34-914-251-820FECYT
Squabbling on Capitol Hill over the U.S. Internal
– Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology IMAGE: ...
Revenue Service continued...
Baseball-Yankees’ Rodriguez drops lawsuits against M LB
Disorganisation, verbal memory help shape QoL in schizophrenia
* A-Rod ends two legal challenges, court papers
By Joanna Lyford, Senior medwireNews Reporter
say * MLB applauds “prudent decision” by Rodriguez * Lawyer...
Disorganisation and cognition (particularly verbal memory) each influence quality...
Sleep disturbances could be bipolar disorder treatment target
7 Easy Tips to Boost Your Kitchen Confidence
By Joanna Lyford, Senior medwireNews Reporter
For some people, looking at all of the equipment at
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Both objective and subjective features of sleep
the gym—and trying to figure out what you’re
differ between people with...
supposed to do with...
3 Impressive Dishes You Can Totally M ake
The Lube That M akes It Harder to Get Pregnant
If your idea of cooking is whipping up a box of Annie’s Organic Natural Mac and Cheese, we have
Well, this is unfortunate: Most pleasure-boosting lubricants make conception more difficult for
some seriously good news...
couples, according to a new...
Former Virginia Beach Probation Officer and Husband Sentenced in Conspiracy to Distribute M ethamphetamine
Former M ayor of M analapan Arrested on M ortgage Fraud, Identity Theft, and Obstruction of Justice Charges
NORFOLK, VA—Katherine M Kephart, 31, of Norfolk, Virginia, was sentenced today to 78
TRENTON, NJ—The former mayor of Manalapan, New Jersey was arrested today on charges that he
months in prison for conspiracy to...
submitted falsified 2007 and...
Evansville M an Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison as Part of Operation Community Watch
Hong Kong welcomes the Year of the Horse in London with music
INDIANAPOLIS—Joseph H Hogsett, the United
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London (London ETO) greeted
States Attorney, announced today that Benjamin
the Year of the Horse by hosting...
David Thomas, age 58, of Evansville,...
Three M en Convicted of Defrauding Customers Through Bogus Debt Elimination Scheme
Will Your Child Grow Up To Be Slim Or Heavy?
COLUMBIA, SC—Bill Nettles, United States
slim or heavy? While genetics plays a big role, it
Attorney for the District of South Carolina,
turns out that there...
Can you tell if your child is going to grow up to be
announced today that Jerry Elmo Hartsoe,...
Study: How to get kids to eat their vegetables
Recovery from stroke harder on women than men
NEW YORK – Some parents say, no matter what
Every year close to 800,000 Americans suffer a
you do, kids just won’t eat their vegetables. In an
stroke, according to the CDC, and 130,000 die. For
effort to coax...
those who survive, recovery...
Protein structure: Peering into the transit pore
The biomass of ocean mesopelagic fish is 10 times higher than estimated
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Luise 49-892-180-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Irati 34-943-363-
2706Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen The
040Elhuyar Fundazioa The total stock of fish...
Beta blockers and perioperative care: EHJ editorial addresses controversy
New plant species a microcosm of biodiversity
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Céline
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eric J. 33-492-948- 01-513-376-
627European Society of Cardiology Zurich, 7
5539Pensoft Publishers IMAGE: This is the newly
February 2014....
Thinking skills take biggest hit from anxiety in midlife women with HIV
WASP gives NASA’s planetary scientists new observation platform
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eileen
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lori 216- 865-244-
696-0229The North American Menopause Society...
6658NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center IMAGE: Scientists...
Backlash hits AOL CEO after ‘distressed babies’ remark
Women fare worse than men following stroke
By Jennifer Saba and Lisa Richwine NEW YORK/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – AOL Inc Chief
The good news: More people survive stroke now than 10 years ago due to improved treatment and
Executive Tim Armstrong tried to...
prevention. The bad news: Women...
M ost Parents Underestimate Weight of Overweight or Obese Children
No Advantage Found for Single-Sex Education Over Coed Schools
In the idyllic town of Lake Wobegon, all the children are above average. And, judging by a new study by
Single-sex education does not educate girls and boys any better than coed schools, according to
University of Nebraska-Lincoln...
research published by the...
Intervention in First 1000 Days Vital to Fulfilling Childhood Potential
Less Sleep, M ore Time Online Raise Risk For Teen Depression
Safeguarding the healthy development of the next generation is vital for the long term success of the
The teenage years are a tumultuous time, with about 11 percent developing depression by age 18.
United Nation’s...
Lack of sleep may increase...
The Alphabet of Happiness: ‘M ’
Loving Yourself Well
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The word happiness means many things to
I’m Starting With The Man In The Mirror I’m Asking
different people. Some would argue that happiness can be superficial, but they are...
Him To Change His Ways And No Message Could Have Been Any...
How to Get Yourself Back
M aking the M ost of the Waiting Room
One day I was out for a smoothie date with a friend.
You have just arrived at the doctor’s office or
She’s a mom to two young boys, and the youngest wasn’t in...
medical facility. You have an appointment, and you take a seat in...
Study provides surprising new clue to the roots of hunger
Two Of America’s Biggest Drug Problems Are Intertwined
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Bonnie
Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s tragic death last 617-6677306Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
weekend has placed a renewed spotlight on the nation’s heroin epidemic,...
Chad M ichael M urray Lost 25 Pounds To Play A Heroin Addict In ‘Other People’s Children’ Chad Michael Murray is pulling a Matthew McConaughey and seriously delving deep into his
Doctor diagnoses man’s mysterious illness with help from TV’s "House" If you’re unlucky enough to be stricken with a rare medical condition, you’d better hope your doctor watches...
latest character. The “One...
New FDA rules to ensure safety of infant formula
New patch showing promise in peanut allergy treatment
After nearly two decades of study, the Food and
February 7, 2014, 12:16 PM|For treating peanut
Drug Administration announced rules Thursday
allergies, doctors have tried under-the-tongue, or
designed to make sure that infant...
oral therapies, with only...
New peanut allergy patch could be a game-changer
Variability of contact precaution policies in US emergency departments
Nearly three million Americans suffer from some
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jessica M
form of nut allergy, and one of the most common is 617-525-6373Brigham
a sensitivity to peanuts....
and Women’s Hospital Researchers found...
Panel issues report on gray wolf science
Study shows drop in crime rates are less where Wal-M art builds
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Peggy 805-893- 803-777-
7220University of California – Santa Barbara
7704University of South Carolina Communities
IMAGE: ...
across the...
New application of physics tools used in biology
Red Is the New Black: Why It’s Fashionable to Be Healthy
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 925-
I have spent the majority of my adult life in retail and
422-9799DOE/Lawrence Livermore National
fashion. I have truly felt fortunate to be in the
Laboratory A Lawrence Livermore...
business of helping...
M any Hospitals Don’t Follow Their Infection-Prevention Policies
Fortification Follies: Lipstick on a Pig for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Checklists put into place by hospitals to prevent
A paper published online on January 27 in the
healthcare-associated infections are often not followed, according to a...
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic...
A Love Letter to All the Tired M amas Everywhere
Start Taking Action
Here’s the thing, I love you. I do. I love how you
share with every woman during this American
don’t even have to open your eyes to roll over in bed and...
Heart Month, it would be...
New evidence of growing diabetes epidemic
Study identifies protein to repair damaged brain tissue in M S
February 7, 2014, 10:22 AM|There’s more evidence
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joe
of the growing diabetes epidemic and scientists try to pinpoint the best... 202476-4500Children’s National Medical Center
As a cardiologist, if there’s a message I could
Analysis of calls to IBD clinic predicts emergency visits and hospitalizations, Pitt finds
Ice age’s arctic tundra lush with wildflowers for woolly mammoths, study finds
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cristina 412-586-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joseph 785-532-3062Kansas State University
9776University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health
MANHATTAN, Kan. — A recent...
Sciences PITTSBURGH,...
Bottom-up insight into crowd dynamics PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Shape-sifting: NIST categorizes bio
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Saskia 49-622148-78414Springer A new study proposes a method for...
scaffolds by characteristic cell shapes [ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 301-9752763National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) IMAGE: ...
Researchers use genetic signals affecting lipid levels to probe heart disease risk
Could this pill make you smarter?
[ | E-mail ] Contact: John
make older adults smarter. In...
A team of US scientists has created a pill packed with powerful antioxidants they claim could help 267-4266055Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia ‘Good’...
‘Baby Charli’ Takes First Steps on Prosthetic Legs
Watch: Limbless Haitian Boy Walks For First Time With Prosthetic Legs
By Gillian Mohney “Baby Charli” is just 18 months
Wisconsin Newborn, Kayden Powell, Missing
old and still working on his first steps. But the toddler has come...
Watch: Limbless Haitian Boy Walks For First Time With Prosthetic Legs
Why a Diagnosis Usually M eans M ore Accountability
Concussions in women’s soccer spark concerns
Sometimes when I’m reading an article or
Doctors who treat sport injuries are sounding the
watching television, I get the sense that many people view diagnoses like an excuse. ...
alarm about concussions among female soccer players, saying they’re...
Flu season a dilemma for many workers With flu and colds spreading through the P.E.I.
Human embryonic stem cells induced to spontaneously form cortical tissue
population, public health officials are asking
During development, the nervous system forms as
people to stay home if they...
a flat sheet called the neuroepithelium on the outer layer of the embryo....
Research reveals how emotional intelligence affects performance
Study prompts call for ban on manipulative junk food advertising to children
()—Musicians with high emotional intelligence are more likely to get in the ‘zone’, research from Goldsmiths,...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
()—A ban on manipulative junk food advertising to children is urgently needed to help fight increasing rates of childhood...
Physicians need to be prepared to talk antibiotics
Google Doodle Flies Gay Flag for Sochi Olympics
(HealthDay)—Patient pressure to receive antibiotic
San Francisco (AFP) – Google marked the Winter
prescriptions remains a challenge for providers who are trying to combat...
Games in Sochi by flying the gay flag Thursday in a search page Doodle...
7 Stress-Busting M antras That Keep You Relaxed
This Advice From Olympians Proves No Dream Is Unobtainable
The stress and strain of constantly being
What would you pursue if you knew you could not
connected can sometimes take your life — and your well-being — off...
fail? Regardless of the obstacles you may feel are in your way, science has...
Cancer Council Queensland launches an Australia-first study to assess concerns of cancer survivors
Research highlights need to integrate global strategies to tackle development within first 1000 days of childhood
Cancer Council Queensland will today launch an Australia-first study into cancer survivorship, to
Freely Available Special Issue published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
benefit millions of Australians...
Safeguarding the healthy development...
Researchers discover how ‘entrance exam’ set by womb determines if implantation of an embryo is successful
Glimmer of hope for Alzheimer’s disease sufferers
Researchers have discovered how an ‘entrance exam’ set by the womb determines if the
Hope may be on its way for sufferers of Alzheimer’s Disease as the Griffith Health Institute seeks participants for new...
implantation of an embryo...
The little girl with Down’s syndrome who’s learned to swim, dance and sing by copying her TWIN SISTER
The Right Way To Hug A Lion
Viola Fuller, six, has Down’s syndrome but her twin
totally separate, not...
Courtesy of Connie Sun There are different ways to think about animals. One way is to imagine them
sister, Nigella, does not It is usually expected that children...
Co-infection of Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus spp. among livestock in M alaysia as revealed by amplification and sequencing of the PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Capacity development in health systems and policy research: a survey of the Canadian context Over the past decade, substantial global
internal transcribed spacer II DNA region
investment has been made to support health systems and policy research (HSPR), with...
Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus spp. are reported to be the most prevalent and highly pathogenic parasites in livestock,...
First nomination for Southern District Council by-election received Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The first nomination for the by-election in the South Horizons West Constituency of Southern District...
HK imposes further bans on import of poultry products from three Korean provinces Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today...
Best of Our Blogs: February 7, 2014 How much time do you spend in impossibility versus what’s possible for your life? Negative outlooks are common and understandable....
Twenty-Twenty Isn’t Good Enough; ADHD And Hindsight Hey … I saw that! It seems like there’s a lot of talk about the past, when it comes to ADHD. Not the past history of...
Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in rehabilitation centre in Lantau under CHP investigation Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (February 7) investigating...
Company director sentenced to imprisonment for wage offences and defaulting on payment of Labour Tribunal offences Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The director of Well Rich Limited was sentenced at the Eastern Magistrates’ Courts today...
CFS announces test results on preservatives in preserved fruits and vegetables
NHS Winter: Weekly A&E tracker Week 13
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety
data for 8 January. This means that figures for the
(CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene
following categories...
Notes Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital is missing
Department today (February...
New research shows extended exposure to caffeine and sucrose impacts behaviour and brain chemistry PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Study suggests a sibling vaccine could prevent deaths of babies worldwide ()—New research from the University of Warwick
New research suggests the long-term consumption of caffeinated sugar-sweetened drinks in place of water can cause lasting...
Psoriasis researchers identify molecular changes responsible for skin discoloration ()—Itchy, painful rashes—such as those that occur with psoriasis—are uncomfortable, but at least they
into a common virus which can be fatal for babies under six months suggests...
Avian flu variant stalks Egypt ()—Since its first identification in Asia, highly pathogenic avian influenza – H5N1 – has caused significant alarm...
fade when the...
Fish biomass in the ocean is 10 times higher than estimated
Smithsonian reports GM O soybean pollen threatens M exican honey sales
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alda Ó 0034-915-681-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Beth 202633-4700 x28216Smithsonian Tropical Research
499Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Institute Mexico is the fourth...
The stock...
FEHD orders Tai Kok Tsui restaurant to suspend business for two weeks Environmental Hygiene has ordered a restaurant in
Vitamin D receptor expression controls proliferation of naive CD8+ T cells and development of CD8 mediated gastrointestinal inflammation
Tai Kok Tsui to suspend...
Vitamin D receptor (VDR) deficiency contributes to
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and
the development of experimental inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in several...
How to Know When to Stop an Obsession
Road closure for M TR Shau Kei Wan Station improvement works
Last week’s cartoon, about a sexual activity which
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government will close
surprised me by being so controversial, and has one word which some...
a portion of the footpath of Mong Lung Street near the Entrance/Exit...
VIDEO: Smoking in cars: What are the risks?
‘No leukaemia risk’ from power lines
Hundreds of doctors and health experts have
Caroline Parkinson Health editor, BBC News
signed a letter urging MPs in England to support a ban on smoking in cars carrying...
website Children...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
6 February 2014 Last updated at 20:03 ET By
Scots could ‘sleepwalk into obesity’ Professor Blair said exercise could be prescribed
Valentine’s Day advice: Don’t let rocky past relations with parents spoil your romance
by doctors Scots risk “sleepwalking...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Bev
6 February 2014 Last updated at 20:16 ET 780-4923808University of Alberta University of Alberta relationship...
Falcon feathers pop-up during dive [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kayla 415-590-3558PLOS IMAGE: The body of a falcon changes shape as they...
University of M ontana research shows converting land to agriculture reduces carbon uptake [ | E-mail ] Contact: Steve 406-2436311The University of Montana IMAGE: This image...
Loyola University toxicologist to talk about rise seen in heroin overdoses in recent years
Experts release stroke-prevention guidelines for women
In the wake of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman’s
consistent decline in the United States since the
death, Loyola University Health System toxicologist
early 1900s, more women are still...
While stroke occurrences have been on a
Christina Hantsch,...
SSOM to receive M oral Courage award from Faith in Public Life in recognition to accept qualified DACA
Association between circulating adiponectin levels and polycystic ovarian syndrome
Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of
Low adiponectin levels in polycystic ovarian
Medicine (SSOM) will receive the Moral Courage
syndrome (PCOS) have been largely attributed to
award from Faith in Public Life,...
obesity which is common among...
Effects of zinc supplementation and zinc chelation on in vitro beta-cell function in INS-1E cells
Hong Kong Chiuchow M usic Ensemble to open Lingnan M usic Series
Zinc is essential for the activities of pancreatic
Music Ensemble will stage two concerts in
beta-cells, especially insulin storage and secretion. Insulin secretion...
February to open the Lingnan Music...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Chiuchow
Rising choreographer Chen Kai to explore new dance movements in "Circle II"
Analysis of the torque capacity of a completely customized lingual appliance of the next generation
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – One of the most promising
IntroductionIn lingual orthodontic therapy, effective
choreographers in Hong Kong, Chen Kai, will
torque control of the incisors is crucial due to the
stage his latest work, titled...
Birds of a different color
Pacific salmon inherit a magnetic sense of direction
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lee J. 801-244-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary Beth
5399University of Utah 3 major genes set feather
O’ 617-397-2802Cell
hue in pigeons IMAGE: ...
Press IMAGE: This shows Chinook salmon...
Sequence dependent variations in RNA duplex are related to non-canonical hydrogen bond interactions in dinucleotide steps Sequence determines the three-dimensional
Effect of the loading duration on the linear viscoelastic parameters of tropical wood: case of Tectona grandis L.f (Teak) and Diospyros mespiliformis (Ebony) of Benin Republic
structure of RNAs, and thereby plays an important
Judicious and regulated use of wood as a building
role in carrying out various...
material is better than that of many other conventional materials in terms...
Deaf children of our time
M easles deaths fall to record low, but rebound in Syria
6 February 2014 Last updated at 22:18 ET By William Mager See Hear Of the many projects I’ve worked...
The number of people dying from measles has
Rett syndrome genetic variants now available for advance testing, diagnosis and research
New strain of stomach bug blamed for cruise ship illnesses
Despite the identification of gene mutations in
virus responsible for almost 700 recent illnesses on a Caribbean cruise...
methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2) being linked to Rett syndrome (RS),...
The ‘entrance exam’ that is key to a successful pregnancy PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
fallen to a record low, driven down by mass vaccination campaigns, but outbreaks...
ATLANTA – A new strain of stomach bug was the
Decoding dengue and West Nile: Researchers take steps toward control
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Luke of Warwick IMAGE: This is an expression of trypsinogen...
of health proble [ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura J. 734-6154862University of Michigan ANN ARBORDengue fever and West...
Link confirmed between salmon migration, magnetic field
Brain asymmetry improves processing of sensory information
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nathan
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Clare 205-
44-020-310-83846University College London Fish
218-5276Oregon State University IMAGE: A new study...
that have symmetric...
How Quebec beer and TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dr. House solved a medical mystery
Why sharing data is for greater good
A patient with a mysterious set of heart symptoms
Peter Johnson Cancer Research UK The recent announcement...
left doctors in Germany stumped until they noticed some striking similarities...
Health experts back car smoking ban 6 February 2014 Last updated at 20:19 ET
6 February 2014 Last updated at 22:02 ET By Prof
UK hospitals required to report female genital mutilation
Smoking was banned in most enclosed public spaces in England in 2007 More than...
British hospitals will be required for the first time to
Production of exceptionally large surface protein prevents bacteria from forming clumps
Cholesterol plays a critical role in hantavirus infection
A genetic mechanism that controls the production
become resistant to anti-viral drugs. But viruses also depend on proteins...
of a large spike-like protein on the surface of Staphylococcus aureus (staph)...
Toxin in seafood causes kidney damage in mice at levels considered safe for consumption A chemical that can accumulate in seafood and is known to cause brain damage is also toxic to the kidneys, but at much lower... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
record patients who have been subjected to female genital mutilation,...
Viruses mutate fast, which means they can quickly
M atter: A Catalog of Cancer Genes Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Done, or Just a Start Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Admit One: Technology Extends Theater’s Thrills to Blind Patrons
As Seen on TV, a M edical M ystery Involving Hip Implants Is Solved
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
York Times. ...
York Times. ...
It’s Amazing How M uch The ‘Perfect Body’ Has Changed In 100 Years
Leonard Nimoy Reveals Lung Disease Diagnosis, Urges Fans To Quit Smoking
A woman with a “perfect body” in 1930 would barely get a second look from Hollywood producers or
“Star Trek” star Leonard Nimoy, 82, revealed he is suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary
model casting...
disease (COPD)...
Cancer M essed With the Wrong B*tch: Cancer Is Not a Competition
Restless? Try Resting
Cancer is not a competition. I’m not very competitive. Of course, everyone likes a win, but I’m
Blaise Pascal was a clever man. He was a mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and philosopher. He also worked out the...
okay with taking...
Girl Writes Adorable Book To Raise $1 M illion For Sick Brother
California widens access to drug that can reverse heroin overdose
Gavin Lawrey’s rare illness often zaps his energy, making it difficult for him to do all the activities he
A new law in California will allow anyone to ask the doctor for a prescription for naloxone, a “miracle”
loves. But his...
drug that can...
U of T report finds millions of Canadians still struggle to afford food
A microchip for metastasis
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Suniya 416-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kimberly 617-253-2702Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT researchers design...
978-7752University of Toronto IMAGE: This image...
Fires in Victoria, Australia, Feb. 6, 2014
Fires in Northern Sumatra
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard
Space Flight Center IMAGE: Fires in and around
Space Flight Center IMAGE: Fires dot the coast of
Biggest Loser Winner Rachel
Who ‘Won’ The Creation Vs. Evolution
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Frederickson Says Her Weight Loss Was Natural
Rachel Frederickson sparked some major
whether creation is a viable model of origins in the
controversy when she won The Biggest Loser on
modern scientific...
i i hide captionBill Nye, left, and Ken Ham debated
Tuesday by dropping 155 pounds and a...
Socioeconomic inequalities in smoking in low and mid income countries: positive gradients among women?
Fallbrook Woman Arrested After Being a Fugitive for Four Years
In Southern Europe, smoking among older women
announces the arrest of Rosemary Sauter- Frett,
was more prevalent among the high educated than the lower educated, we call...
age 62, of Fallbrook, California....
M echanical ventilation with heliox in an animal model of acute respiratory distress syndrome
USDOJ: Georgia Dentist Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion
Heliox has a lower density and higher diffusion
guilty today in federal court in Columbus, Ga ., to one count of tax evasion,...
capacity compared to oxygen-in-air. We hypothesized that heliox ventilation...
Partial deficiency of HIF-1alpha stimulates pathological cardiac changes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice Diabetic cardiomyopathy is associated with a number of functional and structural pathological
FBI Special Agent in Charge Daphne Hearn
Dr Dayo Obebe of Muscogee County, Ga ., pleaded
Socializing and Sobriety in the LGBT Community – What… A common question that exists for many in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community facing addiction is...
changes such as left ventricular...
Does a boss have a right to know if you tried to commit suicide? B.C.’s privacy commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, says she is concerned about information being
M ore measles in Saskatchewan The Saskatchewan Health Ministry says people who have been vaccinated are protected against measles. There are now 10 confirmed...
released in police record...
M ost Smokers Don’t Buy Their Cigarettes At CVS When CVS said it will stop selling cigarettes and PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
M issouri Sues California For Requiring That Chickens Have Room To M ove Their Limbs
tobacco products at its 7,600 pharmacies by October, President Obama hailed...
From Mother Nature Network’s Melissa Breyer: The
9 Things You’re Doing Wrong With Your iPhone
What Tibetan Buddhism Can Teach Us About Happiness
If you’re anything like us, your smartphone is your
One of the most geographically isolated cultures in
precious baby. Unfortunately, you probably don’t treat it...
the world may contain the secrets to happiness that the rest of us have...
Overdose drug expected to save thousands of lives
Subway to remove chemical found in yoga mats from bread
February 6, 2014, 2:48 PM|Naloxone, a drug that
Subway confirmed on Thursday that they were
can reverse an overdose almost instantly, will soon be available to the public...
removing a chemical used to make yoga mats and rubber soles on shoes from their...
Critical factor (BRG1) identified for maintaining stem cell pluripotency
Global regulator of mRNA editing found
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki
619-543-6163University of California – San Diego Protein controls... 914-740-2100 x2156Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering
hens just can’t get a break. In 2008, California voters said “yes”...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Scott
News IMAGE: ...
Toxin from brain cells triggers neuron loss in human ALS model
New insight into an emerging genomeediting tool
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karin 212-342-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National
0508Columbia University Medical Center Study in
Laboratory Berkeley researchers...
human cells...
Deerwalk receives NCQA certification for 2014 Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
NextGen Healthcare to display patientcentered solutions at HIM SS14 conference
Deerwalk, Inc., a healthcare analytics and custom
NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, LLC., a
software development company, announced today that it has achieved full...
wholly owned subsidiary of Quality Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: QSII) and a leading...
Is this the smallest four-year-old in
Teenagers who consume energy drinks
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Britain? Daisy is 2ft 10in and weighs less than 2st
‘are twice as likely to use alcohol and drugs’
Average height of a four-year-old girl is 3ft 3ins,
This could be because ‘risk orientated’ teens are
according to NHS statistics But Daisy’s size
the most likely to use energy drinks and this trait
doesn’t hinder...
also makes...
Cat bites ‘inject bacteria deep into the joints and tissue’, doctors warn Middle-aged women are the people most likely to
Can’t lose weight? Blame your parents: Elder children tend to be heavier than their younger siblings
be bitten by a cat One in three people who are
Eldest sons tend to be heavier in middle age than
bitten have to be hospitalised Two-thirds...
those born second They also find it harder to process sugar and are at...
See Two Winter Olympic Events for the First Time EVER
NASA Probe Finds Newly Formed Crater On M ars
It’s game time in Sochi! For the next two and a half
i i hide captionAn enhanced image of a newly
weeks, we’ll be keeping you up to date on all the Olympic-sized...
formed crater on Mars. The feature, including the ejected material,...
The Clinician’s Illusion: How M ental/Behavioral Health Agencies Suggest and…
Flu shot offers good protection against serious illness for 2014
As a clinician, are you seeing a true cross-section
offered good protection to people who received it. The study says...
of people who could be diagnosed with mental illness, or only those who...
USDOJ: W.R. Grace Pays Over $63 M illion Toward Cleanup and Restoration of Hazardous Waste Sites in Communities Across the Country W.R. Grace Co, based in Columbia, Md ., paid over $63 million to the United States government under
A new Canadian study suggests this year’s flu shot
Cooperative activation of Xenopus rhodopsin transcription by paired-like transcription factors In vertebrates, rod photoreceptor-specific gene expression is regulated by the large Maf and Paxlike transcription factors,...
its bankruptcy plan...
M onitoring sedation for bronchoscopy in mechanically ventilated patients by using the Ramsay sedation scale PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
A pilot study of an in-vitro bovine trachea model of the effect of continuous positive airway pressure
versus auditory-evoked potentials
breathing on airway surface liquid
Appropriate sedation benefits patients by reducing the stress response, but it requires an appropriate
Continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) users frequently report troublesome symptoms of airway
method of assessment...
dryness and nasal congestion....
Fast urinary screening of oligosaccharidoses by M ALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry
The Powerful Parenting Tool of Validation
Oligosaccharidoses, which belong to the
The concept of validation comes from Marsha Linehan, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist and creator
lysosomal storage diseases, are inherited
of dialectical behavior therapy...
metabolic disorders due to the absence...
Powerful bacterial immune response defined by new study
Subway to end use of controversial chemical in bread
T-cells, the elite guard of the immune system in
Subway says it will be discontinuing use of a
humans and other mammals, ignore normal
chemical found not only in its bread, but also in
biologic protocol and swing into...
yoga mats, shoe soles and...
New disease gene discovery sheds light on cause of bone marrow failure
Bundles of nerves and arteries provide wealth of new stem cell information
The study, published in The American Journal of
A new Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC study not
Human Genetics, detected and identified a new
only uncovers new details on how bundles of
disease gene (ERCC6L2). In...
nerves and arteries interact...
Women with bipolar disorder shoulder heavy medication burden
Rare and de novo mutations flesh out schizophrenia picture
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
Reporter Study findings highlight the frequent use
Reporter Two studies in Nature show that rare
of complex polypharmacy in patients...
disruptive and de novo mutations may...
M aternal influenza link to bipolar disorder refined
Cognitive therapy promising for patients who shun antipsychotics
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
Reporter Research suggests that maternal
Reporter Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a
influenza during pregnancy may increase...
promising option for patients with...
The high-caffeine energy drink craze
The BRAILLE contact lens: Implant that
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
that’s putting young lives in danger Joshua Merrick’s death was linked to high-caffeine energy drink Gina Weaver, 15, became ill after consuming too much...
stimulates the eye is 600 times more sensitive than fingerprints The lens, which looks like a regular contact lens, is fitted with electrodes Beams ‘tactile’ signals from camera...
Insomniac cured sleeping problem by wearing Re-Timer sleep GOGGLES Penny Palmer, 29, suffered from insomnia since childhood She struggled to drop off or stay asleep for more than two hours...
Tia Pugh needs a bone marrow transplant as she battles TWO incredibly rare diseases Tia Pugh has a genetic immune condition called STAT1 deficiency This means she is very susceptible to viral and bacterial...
Updated FDA requirements for infant formula will maintain high-quality standards and help ensure healthy growth of infants
Two men sentenced to community service for obstructing FEHD officer in execution of duty
For Immediate Release: Feb. 6, 2014Media
who resisted a Food and Environmental Hygiene
Inquiries: Theresa Eisenman, 301-796-2805,
Department (FEHD) officer...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Two men, aged 22 and 36,
Nickel Nanoparticles cause exaggerated lung and airway remodeling in mice lacking the T-box transcription factor, TBX21 (T-bet)
Novel three-dimensional in vitro models of ovarian endometriosis
Nickel nanoparticles (NiNPs) are increasingly used
cavity. It affects...
Endometriosis is characterized by the presence of functional endometrial tissue outside of the uterine
in a variety of industrial applications, including the manufacturing of...
Introducing the concept of a new prereferral treatment for severely ill febrile children at community level: a sociological approach in Guinea-Bissau Innovative strategies are needed to tackle childhood mortality in the rural tropics. Artesunate
A novel echocardiographic imaging technique, intracatheter echocardiography, to guide venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation cannulae placement in a validated ovine model
suppositories were developed...
Echocardiography plays a fundamental role in cannulae insertion and positioning for
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)....
A retrospective analysis of the protective efficacy of tafenoquine and mefloquine as prophylactic antimalarials in non-immune individuals during deployment to a malariaendemic area
Why Social Networks Like Facebook Fail All online social networks eventually fail. Before Facebook, there was Friendster and Myspace — leaders of the social networking...
In 2000/2001, the Australian Defense Forces (ADF), in collaboration with SmithKline Beecham and the United States Army, conducted...
7 Habits of Existentially Vibrant Living The following are the seven Present Perfect habits that, in my opinion, comprise the basis of existentially vibrant living: (1) ...
How the heart of a Guelph teen saved a dad from Ancaster Kim LeBlanc wasn’t sure how she would react to meeting the man who received her 15-year-old son’s heart after...
Cancer ‘envy’ campaign criticised 6 February 2014 Last updated at 07:44 ET A campaign to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer has been criticised for suggesting...
Conservative, high-precision computed tomography A new CT scanner from Siemens reduces the radiation dosage for patients by as much as a half, depending on the examination....
Research focuses on health effects from wood burning With the winter weather still going strong, lots of people will be restocking the wood pile next to their
Study provides extensive review of incidence, risk factors and characteristics of skin cancer in people of color
fireplaces and...
While people of color have a lower risk of developing skin cancer than Caucasians, they are not immune to the disease. In...
Reports indicate rural women more likely to have depressive mood and anxiety symptoms
Biomechanics of the natural, arthritic, and replaced human ankle joint
Women living in rural communities are less likely
fundamental role in gait and other activities of daily
than urban-dwelling women to receive sufficient
living. At the same time, it...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The human ankle joint complex plays a
mental health care, in...
Lunar New Year auction of vehicle registration marks to be held on February 23
Retail shops raided for suspected illegal sale of unregistered pharmaceutical product
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Two retail shops in
today (February 6) announced that the Lunar New Year auction of vehicle...
Causeway Bay and Kwun Tong respectively were raided today (February 6) in a...
Re-evaluation of microscopy confirmed Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria by nested PCR detection in southern Ethiopia
Use of flavoured cigarettes in Poland: data from the global adult tobacco survey (2009-2010)
With 75% of the Ethiopian population at risk of
the ban of sale of flavoured cigarettes. There is growing evidence that certain...
malaria, accurate diagnosis is crucial for malaria treatment in endemic areas...
Sanofi earns soar on lower restructuring costs
Nowadays the European Union faces a debate on
French drug maker Sanofi said Thursday its
Presence of humans and urban landscapes increase illness in songbirds, researchers find
earnings soared in the fourth quarter as lower restructuring costs offset a hefty...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sandra 480-9659865Arizona State University Degree of urbanization predicts...
Toll like receptor (TLR)-4 as a regulator of peripheral endogenous opioidmediated analgesia in inflammation
Woolly M ammoths’ Taste For Flowers M ay Have Been Their Undoing
Leukocytes containing opioid peptides locally
flowering plants for protein. Did the decline of the
control inflammatory pain. In the early phase of
flowers cause...
i i hide captionWoolly mammoths depended on tiny
complete Freund’s adjuvant...
FEHD cancels licence of fresh provision shop in Shau Kei Wan
Sixteen building plans approved in December
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Buildings Department
Environmental Hygiene cancelled the licence of a
approved 16 building plans in December, with
fresh provision shop...
three on Hong Kong Island,...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
SFETO celebrates Lunar New Year with guests in San Francisco Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Economic
Genetic and functional evidence for a locus controlling otitis media at chromosome 10q26.3
and Trade Office in San Francisco (SFETO)
Otitis media (OM) is a common childhood disease
celebrated the Year of the Horse...
characterised by middle ear effusion and inflammation. Susceptibility to...
VIDEO: Has Stafford scandal changed NHS?
VIDEO: One family’s experience of FGM
A year after the inquiry into serious failings at Mid
log details of the injuries suffered by victims of
Staffordshire NHS Trust, a study has found that hospitals in England...
female genital mutilation...
Temporary blindness ‘boosts hearing’
New drug for pancreatic cancer hailed
6 February 2014 Last updated at 02:24 ET By
Experts said it was the first major step forward in
James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
the battle against the disease for decades. One
BBC News Fictional...
year survival rates...
Wnt/beta-catenin pathway as a potential prognostic and predictive marker in patients with advanced ovarian cancer
Southern District Council by-election nominations open tomorrow
beta-catenin is the key protein in the WNT
election in the South Horizons West Constituency
signalling pathway and it forms adherent junctions together with E-cadherin. In...
of the Southern District...
Corporations and M ental Health: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?…
Heroin’s resurgence as ‘problem drug’ in Canada
David Blackwell. via Compfight I thought twice
Heroin, a drug that had been dying out in use, is
about sharing the news about the academic scholarship from Shire (see Scholarship...
now seeing a resurgence in popularity that is worrying addictions experts. Over...
New analysis of endometriosis could help diagnoses, treatments
Stir-Fried Soba Noodles With Shiitakes and Baby Broccoli
Endometriosis, the invasive displacement of
Log in to manage your products and services from
uterine tissue into surrounding organs, affects at least 10 percent of women....
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Doctors and nurses in the UK will be required to
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Nominations for the by-
Tree roots in the mountains ‘acted like a thermostat’ for millions of years
New stem cell research removes reliance on human and animal cells
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Press
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Amy 44-018-652- of Surrey A
80534University of Oxford IMAGE: This is the...
new study, published today in the journal Applied...
Scientists create potential vaccine ingredient for childhood respiratory disease
Quarks in the looking glass
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mika
Accelerator Facility IMAGE: ...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kandice 757-269-7263DOE/Thomas Jefferson National 858-784-2052Scripps Research Institute The feat bolsters rational vaccine...
Scientists discover new mechanism governing brain stem cell proliferation
Crowdsourcing novel childhood predictors of adult obesity
Higher mammals, such as humans, have
Will your child be a slim adult? A novel new study
markedly larger brains than other mammals. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute...
published in PLOS ONE asked 532 international English speaking adults...
ABC TV’s ‘Kids on Speed?’ shows drugs are not the answer
Trends over time in prescribing by English primary care nurses: a secondary analysis of a national prescription database
The new three-part documentary starting on ABC1 at 8:30 tonight, “Kids on Speed?” is timely given attention deficit hyperactivity...
A growing number of countries legislate for nurses to have medication prescribing authority although it is a contested issue....
Stable time patterns of railway suicides in Germany: comparative analysis of 7,187 cases across two observation periods (1995-1998; 2005-2008)
Distinct chromatin features characterize different classes of repeat sequences in Drosophila melanogaster
The majority of fatalities on the European Union
Repeat sequences are abundant in eukaryotic genomes but many are excluded from genome
(EU) railways are suicides, representing about
assemblies. In Drosophila melanogaster...
60% of all railway fatalities....
Neither T-helper type 2 nor Foxp3+ PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
An evaluation of genotyping by
regulatory T cells are necessary for therapeutic benefit of atorvastatin in treatment of central nervous system autoimmunity
sequencing (GBS) to map the Breviaristatum-e (ari-e) locus in cultivated barley
Oral atorvastatin has prevented or reversed
(GBS) on a recombinant inbred line population
paralysis in the multiple sclerosis (MS) model
(GPMx) derived from a cross...
: We explored the use of genotyping by sequencing
experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis...
Good Enough: Do you Take Excessive Responsibility?
Poem: M arijuana’s Wax
We are all children of anger. Each one of us have
blow wax? What’s wax? It’s extreme marijuana for
seen our caregivers get angry and this had an
potheads. Even a pothead...
I smoke marijuana to help curb my anxiety. Do you
impact on how we express...
5 Beet Smoothies We Want to Drink ASAP
Can You Really Lose Weight By Eating Cake for Breakfast?
It’s hard to miss the memo when a smoothie
A new diet book, The Marie Antoinette Diet, claims
contains beets: The color pretty much gives it away.
that you can have your cake…and lose weight, too.
Of course, beet smoothies...
Basically, the premise...
Seeing Less Helps The Brain Hear M ore
Immersion in water for pain relief and the risk of intrapartum transfer among low risk nulliparous women: secondary analysis of the birthplace national prospective cohort study
iStockphoto A few days in the dark can improve an animal’s hearing, scientists report this week in the journal Neuron....
Immersion in water during labour is an important non-pharmacological method to manage labour pain, particularly in midwifery-led...
#67 Notes from a Family M eeting Paul Moody via Compfight Paul Moody via Compfight As I have indicated, the family meeting proved to be an extremely...
How to Support a Person with Panic Attacks or Anxiety: What is Anxiety and Panic Attacks? Anxiety is a part of life and normal to experience at some point or another. It’s a...
Familiarity With Schizophrenia Builds Better Outlook PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Family scarred by FGM speaks out 5 February 2014 Last updated at 17:05 ET By
It takes one to love one. People who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses make the most
Reeta Chakrabarti Social Affairs correspondent, BBC News Please...
positive mental health workers, a...
There’s still time to get a flu shot
CBT ‘effective’ in schizophrenia
(HealthDay)—It’s still not too late to get a flu shot, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said
5 February 2014 Last updated at 20:06 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
Wednesday. Flu...
BBC News Changing...
Study shows yogurt consumption reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
Cognitive therapy might be beneficial for people with schizophrenia not taking antipsychotic drugs
New research published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows that higher...
For people with schizophrenia who can’t or won’t take antipsychotic drug treatment, cognitive therapy could be...
CVS Vows to Quit Selling Tobacco Products
Knowing Your "Heart Age" M ay Improve Cardiac Health
Log in to manage your products and services from
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s
The New York Times and the International New
biggest killer(3), but doctors have long struggled to
York Times. ...
explain risk factors...
Large Drugstore Chain Plans to Stop Tobacco Products Sales
Caring for the Caregivers
CVS Caremark‘s decision to pull cigarettes and
Earlier today, at an event on the expanding role of caregivers in our society, I had the opportunity to tell
other tobacco products from its stores could ripple
the story of...
beyond the nation’s...
Social Psychology Network Signs Anne Frank Declaration
Polio: Why It M atters To You
The new Anne frank declaration The Anne Frank
On October 25th 2013, the New York Times published an article that seemed more fitting as a
Trust has created a new version of the Anne Frank
headline 30 years ago than it...
Declaration for organisations,...
Olympic Officials Reportedly Distribute 100,000 Condoms To Sochi Athletes It seems that officials at the Olympic Village in Sochi, Russia, are expecting their residents to be PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Why Long-Distance Relationships Never, Ever Work (Except When They Do)
getting busy in more...
I have a confession to make, but I want you to keep it just between us, okay? I love the movie Love Actually — love...
Intravenous vitamin C may boost chemo’s cancer-fighting power
New weight-loss surgery may not ease chronic heartburn
(HealthDay)—Large doses of intravenous vitamin C have the potential to boost chemotherapy’s ability
(HealthDay)—Obese people who are considering weight-loss surgery should choose their procedure
to kill cancer...
carefully if they hope to...
Common Alcohol M yths Debunked By Hannah Hart And M ental Floss (VIDEO)
Obamacare Opponents Freak Out At The Idea The Law Could M ean M ore Freedom
You know the old adage, “liquor before beer, never fear — beer before liquor, never been sicker?” Stop...
WASHINGTON — The idea that Obamacare could give people more freedom sure struck a nerve with those who hate the health...
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani Dubs New Health Care Initiative ‘RouhaniCare’
CBO Director: Actually, Obamacare Will Reduce Unemployment
While some Republicans may not like it, it looks
President Obama’s health care reform law isn’t going to kill 2.5 million jobs, Congressional Budget
like Obamacare has earned at least one important
Office director...
fan abroad. The English...
"Biggest Loser" 60 percent weight loss: Is it healthy?
Lady Gaga Reveals She ‘Became Very Depressed At The End Of 2013′
“The Biggest Loser” winner Rachel Fredrickson’s
You’d never know 2013 was a bad year for Lady
155-pound weight loss is turning heads — but not
Gaga. Artpop tracks like “Applause” and “Do What
Will your child be a slim adult?
Crossover sound
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sandra
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510- 607-254-
486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National
4960Cornell Food Brand Lab Crowdsourcing
Laboratory Unambiguous evidence...
Amazing 3D pictures that made Kate Wighton fall in love with her unborn PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
New bird flu claims its first human victim prompting fears of a pandemic
baby girl
A woman in China died after contracting a new
By Kate Wighton PUBLISHED: 17:58 EST, 4
sub-strain of H10N8 She is thought to have picked up the illness at a live...
February 2014 | UPDATED: 18:13 EST, 4 February 2014 Alice’s...
Tragedy as ‘healthy’ two-year-old dies just 24 hours after developing rare heart infection Tamael Cabe Robertson died of infective endocarditis on July 1, 2013 He was taken to Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital...
‘Look at the state of you. You’re disgusting’: Women loses over 10 stone after being humiliated when a man threw a drink over her on a night out because of her size Dropped from 22st 5lb and a size 26 to 11st 13lb and a size 12 Incident made her look at the risks of her unhealthy lifestyle On...
Why It’s Okay to Turn Down A Fitness Friend Date (And How To Do It)
Big Fish Stories Getting Littler
We can pretty much guarantee that you already know the main perks of working out with a friend.
Right in front of their Big Catch — and thereby hangs a tale. Courtesy...
They came, they fished, then snap! They posed.
She holds you accountable...
Ladies: Good Bacteria In Yogurt M ay Be Good For Waistlines, Too
An Artificial Arm Gives One M an The Chance To Feel Again
i i hide captionA probiotic commonly found in yogurt seems to help women lose more weight and fat, a
i i hide captionDennis Aabo Sorensen tests a prosthetic arm with sensory feedback in a
recent study...
laboratory in Rome in March...
Feeling sleepy? M aybe your brain’s too full
Fourth Circuit Affirms Convictions of Boyd Defendants
Sleep is an essential state of the brain but why do animals risk the vulnerability that comes with not
RALEIGH—United States Attorney Thomas G Walker announced that today, the United States
being conscious for...
Court of Appeals for the Fourth...
Luzerne County Woman Pleads Guilty to Tampering with Consumer Product The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that a 35-year-
Former Commodities Trader Sentenced to M ore Than Six Years in Prison for $5.3 M illion Loss to Victims in $10 M illion Fraud Scheme
old Wilkes-Barre resident...
CHICAGO―A former Chicago commodities trader
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
was sentenced to six-and-a-half years in federal prison for fraudulently...
Repeat Offender Sentenced for New Child Pornography Violation under supervised release for a previous conviction
Founders of Bankrupt SoCal Real Estate Investment Firm Indicted in Wide-Ranging Scheme That Led to M ore Than $110 in Losses
of possessing child pornography,...
SANTA ANA, CA—The owners of a now-defunct
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX—Arthur Gregg Hutchins, 67,
Southern California real estate investment firm were arrested today for allegedly...
Paying Kids For Good Grades? “A student asked his Zen master how long it would
Our Brains Rewrite Our M emories, Putting Present In The Past
take to reach enlightenment. “Ten years,” the master said. But,...
hide captionThe brain edits memories of the past,
Dutchess County Woman Convicted in White Plains Federal Court of Wire Fraud, Filing False Claims, Bank Fraud, and Corruptly Interfering with the IRS
Law Enforcement Task Force Announces First Federal Charges for Human Trafficking
Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that
updating them with new information. Scientists say this may help us function...
INDIANAPOLIS—Joseph H Hogsett, the United States Attorney, announced this afternoon the filing of a nine-count federal...
Melanie Ferreira, 61, was...
Asthma: Gln27Glu and Arg16Gly polymorphisms of the beta2-adrenergic receptor gene as risk factors Asthma is caused by both environmental and
Ethnomedicinal plants used to treat human ailments in the prehistoric place of Harla and Dengego valleys, eastern Ethiopia
genetic factors. The ADRB2 gene, which encodes
Traditional medicines remained as the most
the beta 2-adrenergic receptor,...
affordable and easily accessible source of treatment in the primary health care...
Generation of knockout rabbits using transcription activator-like effector nucleases
Discuss Betrayal BEFORE You Get M arried
Zinc-finger nucleases and transcription activator-
about your marriage, but it’s best to agree upon
It’s (almost) never too late to sit down and talk some guidelines before...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
like effector nucleases are novel gene-editing platforms that are contributing...
Anorexia patient told by ER nurse to ‘go get some supper’
VIDEO: Health warning on NHS spending cuts
A woman with a serious eating disorder says a
The Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has warned
nurse at a hospital in Clarenville, N.L., told her to
that public spending cuts will hit the NHS despite
get something to eat...
its protected budget. IFS...
‘I’m ashamed by dentist’s behaviour’
Health Highlights: Feb. 5, 2014
4 February 2014 Last updated at 19:39 ET By Fiona
Here are some of the latest health and medical
Walker Reporter, BBC Scotland Investigates A BBC
news developments, compiled by the editors of
HealthDay: Healthy Choice Chicken...
Humana says young people signing up for Obamacare
There’s Still Time to Get a Flu Shot
(Reuters) – Humana Inc said on Wednesday that it
WEDNESDAY Feb. 5, 2014, 2014 — It’s still not too late to get a flu shot, the U.S. Food and Drug
received 202,000 applications for Obamacare
health insurance plans,...
Shivering, Like Exercise, M ay Help Boost Weight Loss
5 Words You Should(!) Remove From Your Vocabulary
WEDNESDAY Feb. 5, 2014, 2014 — If frigid
Words carry power, and I’ve found called myself
weather is making you shiver, there’s an upside —
names I thought I didn’t mean,only to find out later
it might also...
that I did...
Girl died a week after hospital scan failed to pick up signs of deep vein thrombosis
Two managers suspended at ‘cancer betrayal hospital’ where clerical error left two dead and hundreds at risk
Laura Pincher went to her GP after noticing her
800 patients had cases reviewed at West
legs were different sizes Was referred to the local
Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust 686 have been
hospital for a scan by...
told there are no clinical concerns...
The 5-M inute One-Dumbbell Workout For Total-Body Toning
FDA Commissioner Hamburg travels to India
Want to get all-over toning fast? Of course!
<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 02/05/2014 –> Page
Women’s Health fitness editor Jen Ator, C.S.C.S.,
Last Updated: 02/05/2014 <!– ...
author of the book Shape-Up... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Establishment of a molecular cytogenetic analysis for native tumor tissue of meningiomas-suitable for clinical application
Poem: Text To Your Death I feel like it’s very simple Do not text him Do not walk down the street after happy hour and decide to text him A sudo...
Meningiomas are mostly benign tumors which arise from the meninges. They are among the cytogenetically best-studied solid...
Is It Hard to Claim Your Accomplishments? Are you good at claiming your accomplishments? I’m not. I always thought modesty was the way to
Getting Kids to Choose Reading Dear Friends, It’s a snow day here, and I crave nothing more than a cup of tea and a good book. But so many of my students...
go. Now that I’m older,...
When You & Your Partner Start Growing Apart
CVS pharmacies call it quits on selling cigarettes
“It’s incredibly easy for couples to grow apart
CVS Caremark, America’s second-largest
because we have such busy lives,” according to
drugstore chain, is quitting selling tobacco
Ashley Davis Bush, LCSW,...
products at its more than 7,600...
Utah District Hears Why School Lunches Were Taken
Control and Health
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Up to 40 students with
At any given moment, you may feel as though your ability to succeed in the world involves some
overdue food accounts had their school lunches
combination of your own efforts...
taken away last week because...
On 17 Years Of Loving A Dog
An Ode to M y Postpartum Body
Simon would have been 18 years old this April. I was planning to take him to a strip club and let him
Before I became pregnant, someone told me, “don’t have a baby, babies ruin your body.” It has...
buy a pack of cigarettes....
Are You Strong Enough to Love? I once read a story that greatly impacted me. A man (I will call him Sam) was visiting his friend (I will call him Michael)....
Electronically controlled drugs could minimize side effects [ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-8726042American Chemical Society Potential side effects...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Forest emissions, wildfires explain why ancient Earth was so hot
Approach helps identify new biofuel sources that don’t require farmland
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 203-4364842Yale School of Forestry Environmental Studies 202-8726042American Chemical Society While the debate
over using...
M ounting evidence links lead’s toxic effects to criminal behavior
How to tell when bubbly goes bad before popping the cork
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-
6042American Chemical Society When crime rates
6042American Chemical Society In the rare case
that New...
Role of antenatal care and iron supplementation during pregnancy in preventing low birth weight in Nepal: comparison of national surveys 2006 and 2011
Unilateral mechanical asymmetry: positional effects on lung volumes and transpulmonary pressure
Low birth weight (LBW) is a major cause of
stresses or strains...
Ventilated patients with asymmetry of lung or chest wall mechanics may be vulnerable to differing lung
neonatal deaths in developing countries including Nepal. Its social determinants...
The effectiveness of dual-phase 18FFDG PET/CT in the detection of epithelial ovarian carcinoma: a pilot study
Update on cluster of M ulti-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii cases in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
The aim of our study is to establish the potential role of dual-phase 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson
positron emission tomography...
for Pamela Youde...
Pleiotropic effects of a single gene on skeletal development and sensory system patterning in sticklebacks
3 Reasons Why We Love Jennifer Lawrence
Adaptation to a new environment can be facilitated by co-inheritance of a suite of phenotypes that are all advantageous in... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Martin Eckert | CC Is it just me, or has America (and possibly the globe) gone wild for Jennifer Lawrence lately? I mean,...
I know depression #DayOfLight Brave. I hear that word a lot. You think it’s brave that
Parenting: M aking the M ost of the M undane
I write this blog. You think it’s brave that I have
When I was trying to get pregnant, I saw happy
come out...
parents and children everywhere. I saw what I most wanted for myself. Now...
Cutting the Costs of Perfectionism Perfectionism isn’t cheap. In fact, it is existentially
How the heart of a teen from Guelph saved an Ancaster man
unaffordable. Here’s a review of these costs and of
Kim LeBlanc wasn’t sure how she would react to
meeting the man who received her 15-year-old son’s heart after...
Blood pressure problems can start young
Time is of the essence
February 5, 2014, 8:54 AM|Two new studies focus 972-893-
on heart disease, plus the key to keeping kids safe on the road, in today’s...
43856Weizmann Institute of Science New findings in mice suggest...
Researchers discover rare new species of deep-diving whale
Attractive professional cyclists are faster
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Erik 61-293-857307University of New South Wales IMAGE: Male... 41-446-354973University of Zurich In a range of species,
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Yivsam
National poll shows public divided on genetic testing to predict cancer risk
‘False memories’ — the hidden side of our good memory
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Linda 801-587-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Oihane Lakar 34-943-363-
7639University of Utah Health Sciences Only 35
040Elhuyar Fundazioa Justice blindly trusts
People who know their ‘heart age’ make greater improvements to their heart health
7 Food Swaps That Slash Calories
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emma
be overwhelming, focusing... 44-203-176PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
When it comes to weight loss, slow and steady wins the race. “While complete diet makeovers can
4715Kaizo Risk scores for diseases such as CVD are usually...
Business trip to Iran ‘not helpful’, Kerry tells France
5 Signs You M ight Have Winter Depression
By Mehrdad Balali DUBAI (Reuters) – U.S.
Sick of the snow yet? Bad news: There’s more on
Secretary of State John Kerry has told his French counterpart a trip to Iran...
the way. Much more. While the flurries are fun for some, an estimated...
Nine teaspoons of sugar in just a pint of real ale: The hidden amounts contained in your alcoholic drinks
Science Guy Bill Nye Debates Creationist Ken Ham
Gin and tonic contains five-and-a-half teaspoons of
“Answers in Genesis” squared off Tuesday night at the Creation...
sugar Mulled wine has 11 teaspoons but an ordinary glass of red has just...
Bill Nye, “The Science Guy,” and Ken Ham
A genomic perspective to assessing quality of mass-reared SIT flies used in M editerranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) eradication in California
Survivin but not Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand is up-regulated before the onset of rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot study
Temperature sensitive lethal (tsl) mutants of the tephritid C. capitata are used extensively in control
IntroductionAntibodies against citrullinated peptides (anti-CCP) and increased levels of
programs involving...
cytokines precede the development...
M itochondrial and sex steroid hormone crosstalk during aging
Report of an unusual combination of arterial, venous and neural variations in a cadaveric upper limb
Decline in circulating sex steroid hormones accompanies several age-associated pathologies which may influence human healthspan....
In this study an unusual combination of arterial, venous and neural variations discovered during dissection of cervical,...
Appeal for information on missing man in Castle Peak
ADHD? I’ve Got This! Employable Skills
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police today (February 5)
This looks like a job for Man of DistrAction! You say you want someone to do a job for you? Tell me
appealed for information on a man who went
about the job. You say...
missing in Castle Peak. Leung...
Lawmakers: Don’t Pass New Involuntary PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
AUDIO: Shivering ‘could cause weight
Commitment Bills Without Funding…
Nothing angers me more than when the media —
Shivering for 10-15 minutes a day could be
and the public — come down on those with a
equivalent to doing an hour of exercise, a study
mental illness when we hear of...
suggests. Scientists from Sydney...
Indian drug giant Ranbaxy trims losses but future is bleaker
Why M an V Food’s Adam Richman Quit Food: ‘I Didn’t Like M y Doughy Face’
Ranbaxy Laboratories, India’s biggest generic
Adam Richman’s Man V Food was sheer food porn
drugmaker by sales, reported a narrower quarterly
for those of us who watched him chomping his way
loss on Wednesday thanks...
around America, marvelling...
CVS To Stop Selling Tobacco Products Feb 5 (Reuters) – CVS Caremark Corp said on Wednesday that it would stop selling tobacco
Rain? Boredom? Or the Half-Term Holiday? The Big Barrier to Keeping Fit (And How to Beat It)
products at its 7,600 stores...
It is about this time of year that the streets of the United Kingdom start to undergo a subtle change. Only a couple of weeks...
Pattern of higher blood pressure in early adulthood helps predict risk of heart disease
Shivering could elicit some of the same benefits as exercise
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marla Paulmarla-
O’ 617-397-2802Cell 312-503-8928The JAMA
Press It’s common knowledge that shivering...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary Beth
Network Journals In an analysis of blood...
Do you have a sweet tooth? Honeybees have a sweet claw
The anatomy of an asteroid
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gozde
49-893-200-6655ESO IMAGE: This is a schematic
Zorugozde.zorlu@frontiersin.orgFrontiers IMAGE:
view of the strange peanut-shaped...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Richard
This photo shows a honeybee claw under an...
CVS to Ditch All Tobacco Products Updated: Feb. 5, 7:40 a.m. CVS Caremark
CVS Caremark plans stop selling tobacco products
announced Wednesday that it will remove
CVS Caremark is kicking the habit of selling
cigarettes and all tobacco products from...
tobacco products at its more than 7,600 drugstores nationwide. The nation’s...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Taking statins to lower cholesterol? New guidelines provide opportunity to discuss options with your doctor Clinicians and patients should use shared decision-making to select individualized treatments
Patients are ‘myth’-informed about their risk of cancer (HealthDay)—Fewer than half of Americans are aware that body weight and physical activity affect cancer risk, according...
based on the new guidelines...
How your memory rewrites the past [ | E-mail ] Contact: Marla 312-503-
Largest evolutionary study of sponges sheds new light on animal evolution [ | E-mail ] Contact: Joe
8928Northwestern University Your memory is no 480-258-
8972Molecular Biology and Evolution (Oxford University Press) Highlights...
Orca’s survival during the Ice Age [ | E-mail ] Contact: Joe 480-2588972Molecular Biology and Evolution (Oxford University Press) Highlights...
M editerranean diet linked with lower risk of heart disease among young US workers [ | E-mail ] Contact: Todd 617-4328413Harvard School of Public Health Boston, MA — Among...
Evidence that shivering and exercise may convert white fat to brown
The eyes have it
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alison 61-292-958- 44-012-23332300University of Cambridge IMAGE: This
128Garvan Institute of Medical Research IMAGE: ...
Business trip to Iran "not helpful", Kerry tells France
Gunwoman wounds employee at Washington state health office
DUBAI (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has told his French counterpart a trip to Iran
(Reuters) – A 46-year-old woman opened fire in a medical building on a U.S. Department of Veterans
by French business...
Affairs campus in...
Glycogenosome accumulation of the arrector pili muscle in Pompe disease
Studies of inactivation mechanism of non-enveloped icosahedral virus by a visible ultrashort pulsed laser
Glycogenosis type II or Pompe disease is an PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Becky
autosomal-recessive lysosomal storage disease
Low-power ultrashort pulsed (USP) lasers
due to mutations in the gene encoding...
operating at wavelengths of 425 nm and near infrared region have been shown to effectively...
ADAM 17 mediates OSCC development in an orthotopic murine model
CDC: M otor vehicle occupant death rates down for children (Update)
ADAM17 is one of the main sheddases of the cells
(HealthDay)—The rate of motor vehicle occupant
and it is responsible for the cleavage and the
deaths among children decreased from 2002 to
release of ectodomains of...
2011, but one-third of all...
Jordan hookah ban sparks public outcry
Speed appeal: Top male cyclists rated more attractive
There’s no smoke without ire: a ban on water pipes
Women rate top male endurance cyclists more
in restaurants and cafes has caused uproar in
attractive than lower-ranked ones even without
Jordan where $1 billion...
knowing who they are, a finding...
In US, ‘natural’ food may be anything but
Chinese scientists sound warning over new bird flu virus
In the United States, pre-packaged foods loaded
The Chinese authorities announced her death from
with artificial ingredients and chemicals can make
H10N8 on December 18. The Lancet study
it onto grocery store...
disclosed that a second case of H10N8...
M RIs help predict which atrial fibrillation patients will benefit from catheter ablation
Sucker-footed fossils broaden the bat map
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim 708- 919-681-8057Duke
216-2445Loyola University Health System Loyola 1
University Fossilized teeth show bat family belongs...
of main enrollers...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin
Tricks of the trade: Study suggests how freelancers can land more jobs
A healthy balance
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Pamela 43-120- 510-642-
577-5620University of Veterinary Medicine —...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mathias
2734University of California – Berkeley Haas School...
Happy people, safer sex [ | E-mail ] Contact: Timothy S. PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Herbicides may not be sole cause of declining plant diversity 212-3052676Columbia University’s Mailman School of
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matthew 814-865-5544Penn State
The increasing use of chemical herbicides is often...
How parenting styles can lead to childhood obesity
Could the Castaway Fisherman Really Have Survived at Sea?
Parents who regularly punish or dismiss their
In a strange turn of life imitating art–the art in this
children’s anxieties could be setting their kids up
case being the 2000 movie Cast Away, starring
for obesity, warns a...
Tom Hanks–a fisherman who...
Administration drills down to find the uninsured WASHINGTON (AP) — Uninsured Americans are
FDA approves new artificial heart valve device that does not require major open surgery
still procrastinating about President Barack
An artificial heart valve device that does not require
Obama’s health care law. With...
major open surgery has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The...
Findings explain molecular mechanisms underlying microvascular disease in diabetes patients
Quackademic medicine…coming soon to a uni near you
Patients with diabetes are at increased risk of
between supplement company Swisse and La
microvascular complications, which develop when the body’s small blood...
Trobe University to establish a Complementary...
Regulation of myelination in the Central Nervous System by Nuclear Lamin B1 and non-coding RNAs Adult-onset autosomal dominant leukodystrophy
SInC: an accurate and fast error-model based simulator for SNPs, Indels and CNVs coupled with a read generator for short-read sequence data
(ADLD) is a progressive and fatal hereditary demyelination disorder characterized...
The rapid advancements in the field of genome sequencing are aiding our understanding on many
The recent memorandum of understanding signed
biological systems. In the...
Developing core outcomes sets: methods for identifying and including patient-reported outcomes (PROs) Synthesis of patient-reported outcome (PRO) data is hindered by the range of available PRO PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
M etabolomic insights into system-wide coordination of vertebrate metamorphosis After completion of embryogenesis, many organisms experience an additional obligatory
measures (PROMs) composed of multiple...
developmental transition to attain...
Peritumoral ductular reaction: a poor postoperative prognostic factor for hepatocellular carcinoma
3 Tips to Getting Focused
The role of ductular reaction (DR) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains to be elucidated.
only makes for poorer cognitive...
In a study out of the Journal of Communication, researchers showed how media multitasking not
Methods: In this study, we...
Caring for Youth In Crisis: What Is A Family To Do?
M editation M itigates Effects of Cognitive Biases
How would you feel if a healthcare provider said to
There have been thousands of scholarly articles
you “come back with your son (or daughter) when
written about the myriad benefits of meditation, but
he/she tells you they...
the one I came across...
Phenotypic plasticity, learning, and evolution
Pain ‘dimmer switch’ discovered
Learning and evolution are eerily similar, yet
4 February 2014 Last updated at 20:42 ET By Helen Briggs BBC News About one in five people
different. This tension fuels my interest in
suffer from...
understanding how they interact....
Surgeon General nominee pledges focus on obesity
White House in damage control on health care jobs report
The Obama administration’s nominee for surgeon
The White House jumped to parry new attacks
general says his top priorities will be fighting
Tuesday against Barack Obama’s healthcare law,
obesity and helping...
after a congressional watchdog...
Is institutional racism happening in our hospitals?
Time to act on mobile phone use while driving, say experts
In a personal view published on today, a
It’s time to act on mobile phone use while driving,
medical director reflects on a case in which a
say two senior Canadian physicians in an editorial
hospital accepted the choice...
published in...
The Seeds of a New Generation
WellPoint, a Onetime Critic of Health Law, M ay Yet Profit
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
York Times. ...
In Texting Era, Crisis Hotlines Put Help at Youths’ Fingertips
Cases of New Deadly Bird Flu Surge in China, Experts Say
Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New
The New York Times and the International New
York Times. ...
York Times. ...
Yoga Tips for Newbies
Time to stub out misguided e-cigarette regulation
I’ve been devoted to practicing yoga for about eight months now. Though I’m altogether smitten and periodically...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katie 020-73248719SAGE Publications Los Angeles, London (February...
Faces we don’t forget jena.deFriedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
Smokers lack motivation, feel more tired and are less active than nonsmokers
Psychologists at the University...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ben
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ute Schoenfelderpresse@uni- 44-012437-70375Wiley While the results of smoking may be expected...
‘Severe reduction’ in killer whale numbers during last Ice Age
Diamond defect boosts quantum technology
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leighton 44-019-133-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Viktor 202-478-
46074Durham University IMAGE: This photo...
8952Carnegie Institution Washington, D.C.New research...
Sun spits out mid-level solar flare [ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan
Don’t remember your baby days? Blame new neurons! 301-286-
This post was originally published with slight edits
7745NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center NASA’s Solar...
at Knowing Neurons. Think back to when you were
Setting a Target Weight: An Arbitrary Exercise?
Pregnant women over 35 reduce the risk of having malformed babies by 40
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
two years old. Think...
Tweet Tweet Achieving a healthy weight is a major
goal of anorexia nervosa treatment. Indeed, a
Data came from second trimester ultrasound tests
healthy weight is often seen...
of 76,000 women By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 21:06 EST, 1 February...
Goodwin Charges West Logan Restaurant Owner with Laundering M oney Derived from Illegal Gambling Operation
Two Federal Inmates Found Guilty of Racially M otivated M urder
CHARLESTON, WV—United States Attorney Booth
second-degree murder. LaFond...
ATLANTA—A federal district court jury found Donald R LaFond and Jason Robert Widdison guilty of
Goodwin filed charges today against a West Logan restaurant owner for laundering...
Histoplasma capsulatum and Pneumocystis spp. co-infection in wild bats from Argentina, French Guyana, and M exico
Phenethyl isothiocyanate and paclitaxel synergistically enhanced apoptosis and alpha-tubulin hyperacetylation in breast cancer cells
Histoplasma capsulatum and Pneumocystis
Combination of phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC)
organisms cause host infections primarily affecting the lung tissue. H. capsulatum...
and paclitaxel (taxol) has been shown to work synergistically to increase...
Cannibalism in invasive, native and biocontrol populations of the harlequin ladybird
Schumacher: Waking up from a coma
Cannibalism is widespread in both vertebrates and invertebrates but its extent is variable between and
4 February 2014 Last updated at 19:16 ET By Maddy Savage BBC News, Grenoble As doctors continue their efforts...
within species. Cannibalism...
New strain of ‘deadly’ bird flu 4 February 2014 Last updated at 19:52 ET By
Chinese scientists report first human death associated with new bird flu virus
Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Experts are...
Tests on tracheal swab samples established that the virus was a new genetic reassortment avianorigin H10N8 virus (JX346)....
Clearer labels needed on drugs containing animal products Patients with specific dietary restrictions may be PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Over 70s who think they’re too old to get breast cancer: Elderly women dying needlessly as they are no longer
unwittingly taking medicines containing animal products, suggests an article...
screened Figures reveal more than half of deaths are in women aged 70 or older Despite this, the age group is not routinely screened...
Prostate drug that cuts risk of deaths by a third may be denied to thousands Three-year trial found enzalutamide cut odds of men in advanced stages Men able to wait 17 months longer before starting...
Tanning addict who used sunbed everyday left with massive tumour on face Anna Taylor used a sunbed for an hour every day for three years She stopped using sunbeds in her early 20s but the damage...
West Hertfordshire NHS trust gets investigation after clerical error leaves two dead
10 Life Lessons We’ve Learned From Facebook
A further 121 may have suffered life-threatening
way since it launched in 2004 as
delays in diagnosis MPs: ‘Managers at West
Today’s Facebook’s 10th birthday! It’s come a long
Hertfordshire NHS trust...
Blueberry, M ache, and Hazelnut Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette
Would You Go to a Women-Only Gym?
Gotta love blueberries. With the highest antioxidant
to go co-ed, the idea of a female-only gym sounds
punch of any berry, these blue wonders protect
like a total throwback—a...
At a time when even public restrooms are starting
against oxidative stress,...
Watch The Creationism Vs. Evolution Debate: Bill Nye And Ken Ham i i hide captionBill Nye, left, and Ken Ham take the
Six M ore Defendants Sentenced and One M ore Defendant Pleads Guilty in Staged Automobile Accident Scheme
stage to debate evolution and creationism Tuesday
Wifredo A Ferrer, United States Attorney for the
in Kentucky. ...
Southern District of Florida; Michael B Steinbach, Special Agent in Charge,...
Aracoma Contracting LLC Sentenced for Hiding M illions in Cash Withdrawals from Bank of M ingo
Free Webinar: Introduction to NLP
CHARLESTON, WV—United States Attorney Booth
system that has been changing...
Goodwin announced that Williamson, West PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
NLP stands for Neurolinguistic Programming, a popular therapeutic and personal development
Virginia-based employee leasing firm...
Zoloft and Klonopin Sing A Frustrating Lullaby
Is Quiet…
It’s no big secret or anything. Anxiety meds can
funny, not art…nor enlightenment. This...
make you sleepy. Like, really sleepy. From my bottle of Zoloft, an SSRI...
Drugs pact will see firms sharing data on Alzheimer’s, lupus A pact brokered by the U.S. National Institutes of
White Out?*
*It’s not Comments
Blood pressure drug combination increases health risk, Health Canada warns
Health will see a group of pharmaceutical companies and non-profit organizations...
Combining certain types of blood pressure
Added sugars in diet linked to heart disease deaths
Study shows potential usefulness of non-invasive measure of heart tissue scarring
Consuming too much sugar can increase the risk of premature deaths from heart disease, a finding that is fuelling calls for...
medications can be risky, Health Canada is warning doctors and patients. The regulator...
Scarring of tissue in the upper chamber of the heart (atrium) was associated with recurrent rhythm disorder after treatment,...
Your memory is no video camera, it edits the past with present experiences Your memory is a wily time traveler, plucking fragments of the present and inserting them into the past, reports a new Northwestern...
Educational toolkit did not improve quality of care or outcomes for patients with diabetes An educational toolkit designed to improve care of patients with diabetes was not effective, Baiju R Shah and colleagues...
Predicting cardiovascular events in sleep apnea Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) generally is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular (CV) disease. OSA is usually...
One fizzy drink per day raises heart risk and sugary diet could double chances of death One fizzy drink a day increases chance of dying from cardiovascular disease by a third, scientists say Those whose diet is...
Losing baby weight is as easy as one, two, Wii: Video games could help new PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Sky News’ Paula M iddlehurst on how son had to lose a foot in order to walk
mothers slim down in just three months
Paula Middlehurst’s 5-year-old son James was
Study showed new mothers lost average of 11lbs
born with a club foot Other leg had a short
in three months Just 45 minutes of exercise every
thighbone and other problems After...
other day was enough to...
How to get Celine Dion’s shapely legs: Secrets of an A-list body
Beyoncé is Going Vegan Again—For Now
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 17:53 EST, 3
Remember the media buzz last December, when
February 2014 | UPDATED: 20:22 EST, 3 February
Beyoncé and Jay-Z famously went on a 22-day
2014 We reveal...
vegan diet? Apparently, Beyoncé...
Call the M idwife: playing catch up with Australia’s maternity care
Kings Santy Pleads Guilty to Operating Illegal Gambling Business
In the much-loved British TV drama Call the
BOISE—Kings Daniel Santy, 44, of Meridian, Idaho,
Midwife, women are offered care from dedicated
pleaded guilty today to one count of operating an
midwives through pregnancy, labour...
illegal gambling business,...
Cambellsville M an Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Distributing and Possessing Child Pornography
Intelligence Specialist at Southern Command Charged with Accepting Bribes and Helping Steal Purported Drug Proceeds
LOUISVILLE, KY—A Campbellsville man who previously pled guilty to violating federal child exploitation laws was sentenced...
Wifredo A Ferrer, United States Attorney for the
Rosebud M an Sentenced for Possession of Child Pornography
Tinnitus sufferer can finally sleep after listening to BIRD SONG
United States Attorney Brendan V Johnson
Leo Bamford has heard ringing in his ears since
announced that a Rosebud, South Dakota man convicted of possession of child pornography...
he was a toddler It kept him awake at night meaning he was always tired Doctors...
‘M y heart is beating, my legs and arms are moving… just not in the same direction as everyone else’s! Zumba virgin Vince Graff gives in to the call of the keep fit craze
Shivering for 10 minutes ‘burns as many calories as an HOUR’S exercise’
Vincent has spent five years walking past posters PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Southern District of Florida, and Michael Steinbach, Special Agent in Charge,...
Both stimulate the creation of calorie-burning ‘brown fat’ ‘Bad’ white fat stores energy –...
advertising fitness craze Decided to join a class as part of a Flora challenge...
Want to lose weight? Try the WEEKDAY diet (because we all gain weight on the weekends)
M icrobial exposure alters HIV-1induced mucosal CD4+ T cell death pathways Ex vivo
Just as there are sleep cycles, there are also
Early HIV-1 infection causes massive CD4+ T cell
weight loss cycles U.S. researchers found it’s what we eat during the...
death in the gut and translocation of bacteria into the circulation. However,...
Cocksfoot mottle virus coat protein is dispensable for the systemic infection The Sobemovirus genome consists of polycistronic
Waist circumference and insulin resistance in elderly men: an analysis of Kahrizak elderly study
single-stranded positive-sense RNA. The first ORF encodes P1, a suppressor...
Diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome (MS) is crucial for health care practitioners to identify at risk people for early treatment....
Differences in breast carcinoma immunohistochemical subtypes between immigrant Arab and European women
Executive functions and information processing in patients with type 2 diabetes in comparison to pre-diabetic patients
There is a dearth of information on the
Diabetes is associated with cognitive decline or
clinicopathological differences, including the
dementia. The purpose of this study was to assess
molecular subtypes, of breast carcinomas...
the executive functions...
The #1 M yth of M ultitasking and 3 Tips to Get Focused
White House refutes CBO finding that Obamacare to reduce jobs
In a recent study out of the Journal of
Sorry, the page you requested either doesn’t exist
Communication, researchers showed how media
or isn’t available right now! Please check the URL
multitasking not only makes for poorer...
for proper...
Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of two million jobs: CBO By David Morgan WASHINGTON (Reuters) –
Family of 16-pound baby born in California seeks to claim state record for birth weight
President Barack Obama’s healthcare law will
A California couple is hoping to retroactively claim
reduce American workforce...
the state record for birth weight for their son – who weighed more...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Parents often underestimate children’s weight, study says
High-sodium diet linked to obesity in teenagers
Half of parents with an overweight or obese child
Teenagers who eat a high-sodium diet tend to be
think their kids are slimmer than they actually are,
heavier and have more body fat than those who eat
according to a new...
less salt, according to...
Study highlights child burns dangers in the home
Sugar intake linked to heart disease deaths
Tuesday February 4 2014 Hair straighteners can
Tuesday February 4 2014 Sugar should only make
reach up to 80ºC in temperature “Hair...
up a small part of a balanced...
Parents often underestimate children’s weight: study
Fewer U.S. children dying in car crashes: CDC
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Half of parents with an overweight or obese child think their kids are
CHICAGO (Reuters) – Fewer U.S. children are dying in car crashes, with death rates falling by 43
slimmer than they...
percent from 2002...
Controlling Blood Pressure, Cholesterol M ay Not Boost Brain Health for Diabetics
Aesthetic Everything announces the 2013 Top 10 Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists in America
TUESDAY Feb. 4, 2014, 2014 — It’s well known
Aesthetic Everything®, the only online social
that having type 2 diabetes can increase a
networking platform for the global aesthetic
person’s chances...
industry, presents the 2013 Top...
First Edition: February 4, 2014 Today’s headlines include progress reports on health exchanges in Washington state and New
New sensor system provides highquality indoor air without energy losses linked with ventilation
York as well as poll results...
A research consortium being coordinated at Saarland University is developing a novel sensor system for monitoring airborne...
Woman who had £15k NHS-funded gastric bypass op is now obese again
Father battling SIXTH brain tumour may have just weeks to live
Lana Harber, 41, initially lost an impressive 8st
Tommy Kirkland was diagnosed with first tumour in
after the op five years ago But she has now piled
2006 after headaches He has since had five
3st back on and is obese...
lengthy operations – one...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
M E AND M Y OPERATION: Gene therapy for vision problems. How a tiny parcel can deliver DNA to stop eyes going blind
64% of adults in England are now overweight or obese
By David Hurst PUBLISHED: 19:05 EST, 3 February
worst affected, according...
New data reveals how the obesity crisis affects different areas of the country Areas in the North are
2014 | UPDATED: 10:44 EST, 4 February 2014 Toby Stroh from...
Scientists turn primitive artificial cell into complex biological materials with simple artificial microskopic building blocks
Combined exposure to cigarette smoke and nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae drives development of a COPD phenotype in mice
and end up with something...
Cigarette smoke (CS) is the major etiologic factor
It is a big dream in science: To start from scratch
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). CS-exposed mice develop...
What are the most important infectious diseases among those >=65 years: a comprehensive analysis on notifiable diseases, Norway, 1993-2011 As the population ages, the burden on the healthcare system might increase and require
Glacier Blamed For Berg That Sank Titanic Unleashes M ore Ice i i hide captionMassive sections of ice (center front) have broken away from the Jakobshavn glacier into the sea....
changed public health priorities....
Even Dead, Really Nasty Pets Are Still … Um … Trouble
Childhood has become the battleground of the unreasonable
The Inmans had a parrot. Grump (that was his name) was horrible, angry, scheming and nasty.
Reason is the slave to the passions. So said David Hume, whom I’ve always considered to be one of
But he was their parrot so they...
the sanest of the grand...
Allele frequency changes due to hitchhiking in genomic selection programs
Improvement in toxicity in high risk prostate cancer patients treated with image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy compared to 3D conformal radiotherapy without daily image guidance
Genomic selection makes it possible to reduce pedigree-based inbreeding over best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) by increasing...
Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) facilitates the PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
delivery of a very precise radiation dose. In this study we compare the...
ESR1 gene promoter region methylation in free circulating DNA and its correlation with estrogen receptor protein expression in tumor tissue in breast cancer patients
Performance criteria for verbal autopsy-based systems to estimate national causes of death: development and application to the Indian M illion Death Study
Tumor expression of estrogen receptor (ER) is an
Verbal autopsy (VA) has been proposed to
important marker of prognosis, and is predictive of
determine the cause of death (COD) distributions
response to endocrine...
in settings where most deaths occur...
Design and preliminary evaluation of the FINGER rehabilitation robot: controlling challenge and quantifying finger individuation during musical computer game play
The Dark Side of Chocolate As I mentioned during February’s Monthly Meditation, Valentine’s Day has never really been my thing; however, that doesn’t...
This paper describes the design and preliminary testing of FINGER (Finger Individuating Grasp Exercise Robot), a device for...
Cancer: A global threat
Patients ‘in dark’ over database
4 February 2014 Last updated at 08:18 ET Anti-
4 February 2014 Last updated at 08:20 ET By Nick
smoking campaigns are key to efforts to tackle growing cancer rates in poor...
Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News, a...
COPD? There’s an app for that
Why today’s reports about skin cancer and alcohol are misleading
A smart phone and a connection to the “internet of things” could allow people with chronic lung disease to avoid...
()—Let’s be clear – drinking alcohol carries health
Report shows poverty influences UK survival rates for treatable leukaemia
Chinese mind-body therapy boosts health for people with chronic disease
Patients from less affluent backgrounds have a
()—A University of Queensland study has shown
greater chance of dying from a form of chronic blood cancer than those from...
ancient Chinese mind-body movement therapy could offer dramatic health benefits...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
risks. It causes seven different types of cancer. And the more...
4 Ways M indfulness Transforms Your Life — Just Like the Seahawks!
Your Home In 2030 Will Be Smarter Than You (PHOTOS)
There’s an amazing epidemic sweeping America,
We already know that the home of the future will
and it’s a healthy, vital and enriching one. In every walk of life,...
connect your appliances to your phone and host a robotic butler that will...
This M an Faced Unimaginable Suffering, And Then Wrote The Definitive Book About Happiness
Black Death Altered European Genes, DNA Study Suggests
Thousands of self-help books are published each year, promising the keys to happiness,
into the DNA of survivors’ descendants, new research finds. The...
The Black Death of the 14th century may be written
transformation, and a meaningful life....
Project Wellness: M aking Your Eating Disorder Recovery Work “What does ‘recovered’ from an eating disorder look like?” This is a question commonly asked by those...
Scientists use SWI to study changes in brains of college-level ice hockey players with concussion Using susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI), researchers have identified microstructural changes in the brains of male and...
Furiex announces top-line results of Phase III clinical trials of eluxadoline in treatment of IBS-d
NeuroRehabilitation showcases different approaches to restoring mental functioning
Furiex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: FURX)
There is a growing need for Cognitive
today announced top-line results indicating the
Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT) due to the huge influx
company’s two pivotal Phase...
of soldiers returning from war...
Aesthetic Everything awards the 2013 Top 10 Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists in America
Better understanding of hardy bacteria enhances tool for biofuel creation
Aesthetic Everything®, the only online social
have charted a significant signaling network in a
networking platform for the global aesthetic
tiny organism that’s...
Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
industry, presents the 2013 Top...
Chemists develop new technique for improving stomach cancer surgery results PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Glacier Blamed For Berg That Sank Titanic Is Pushing M ore Ice Into Ocean i i hide captionMassive sections of ice (center front)
When Stanford surgeon George Poultsides removes a tumor in the stomach or intestines, he
have broken away from the Jakobshavn glacier into the sea....
takes out what he thinks is the...
Cancer: the world’s biggest killer The World Cancer Report 2014, the first global
Case of severe paediatric influenza A under CHP investigation
snapshot of cancer since 2008, shows the disease is now the world’s biggest...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (February 4) investigating...
Company and its director convicted for wage offences and defaulting on payment of Labour Tribunal award offences Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Fortune Grand Asia Limited and its director were sentenced to a fine of $69,000
FDA launches its first national public education campaign to prevent, reduce youth tobacco use FDA NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release: Feb. 4, 2014Media Inquiries: Stephanie Yao, 301796-0394,
and 100 hours’...
Accounting for cellular heterogeneity is critical in epigenome-wide association studies Epigenome-wide association studies of human
Out of the bush: the Asian bush mosquito Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald, 1901) (Diptera, Culicidae) becomes invasive
disease and other quantitative traits are becoming
The Asian bush or rock pool mosquito Aedes
increasingly common. A series...
japonicus japonicus is one of the most expansive culicid species of the world....
Disk repository with update management and select option for high throughput sequencing data
Best of Our Blogs: February 4, 2014
New technologies for analyzing biological
want to show off the shape that...
On Oprah’s Where Are They Now plus-size supermodel Emme Aronson says, “I always said I
samples, like next generation sequencing, are producing agrowing amount of data...
Anthropomorphizing a Neuron, Finally new technique for neuroscience, called a
Cancer Research UK launches ‘spaceship’ smartphone game to seek cancer cures
population and dimensionality...
Cancer Research UK today unveils Play to Cure:
Today, in Science Daily I read: ”This is a relatively
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Genes in Space – a world-first mobile phone game in which people across...
Download our revolutionary mobile game to help speed up cancer research
Worldwide cancer cases to rise 70 per cent over the next 20 years
It’s been an ambitious and challenging project but
The number of people diagnosed with cancer
the day to unveil it to the world has arrived. We’re delighted today...
across the globe will rise from 14 million to 24 million a year, an increase of...
China reports three new H7N9 bird flu deaths
M urderers who killed during robberies more likely to return to crime when paroled
Three Chinese people have died of the H7N9 bird flu, the state news agency Xinhua said on Tuesday, adding to a spike in cases...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt 919-5156386North Carolina State University Murderers who committed...
Written all over your face: Humans express 4 basic emotions rather than 6
White silk wrappings key to female spider’s heart
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stuart 44-141-330-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joan 49-622-
4831University of Glasgow Human beings are
148-78130Springer South American spider
females pick...
Quasi-particle swap between graphene layers
Satellites show ‘total’ California water storage at near-decade low
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Franziska
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Callie Brazilbrazilc@uci.eduUC 49-622-148-
Center for Hydrologic Modeling Advisory from UC
78414Springer Equations used to describe...
Center for Hydrologic...
UT study finds market forces influence the value of bat-provided services
Florida lawmakers to probe biometric scans of school children
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Whitney
By Barbara Liston ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) –
865-974-5460University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Florida lawmakers on Tuesday will begin tackling
The study’s results...
questions of privacy...
Clinicopathologic Aspects of Ecthyma Gangrenosum in Pediatric Patients a
M edigus launches device to treat acid reflux without surgery
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Case Series and Review of the Literature Figure 3: (a)Multiple purpuric papulovesicles
TEL AVIV (Reuters) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Israeli medical device maker Medigus expects revenue of a few million dollars in 2014 as it begins...
evolving into hemorrhagic bullae; (b-c) epidermal spongiosis and vesicular...
ACE protein overexpression elevates immune responses and prevents Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s-like cognitive decline
Sanford Hospital starts clinical trial to study dissolving device in patients with CAD
Many people with high blood pressure are familiar
Sanford Heart Hospital has started a clinical trial to
with ACE inhibitors, drugs that widen blood vessels
study a dissolving device in patients with coronary
by limiting activity...
artery disease...
Experts study transition from paediatric to adult health care services in youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Glacier Blamed For Sinking Titanic Pushing M ore Ice Into Ocean
In a study published today by the medical journal
have broken away from the Jakobshavn glacier into
Paediatrics Child Health, IRCM researchers address shortcomings in transitional...
the sea....
How American Food Companies Go GM O-Free In A GM O World
Effects of fluid overload on heart rate variability in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis
i i hide captionAllen Williams grows corn and
i i hide captionMassive sections of ice (center front)
soybeans for Clarkson Grain, which has been selling GMO-free grain...
While fluid overload (FO) and alterations in the
Prevalence of malnutrition and associated risk factors among adult visceral leishmaniasis patients in Northwest Ethiopia: a cross sectional study
USDOJ: Former Alabama KKK Leader Pleads Guilty to Cross Burning and Obstruction of Justice
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) causes considerable
Keystone Knights of the...
autonomic nervous system (ANS) such as hypersympathetic activity, are known...
Steven Joshua Dinkle, 28, former Exalted Cyclops of the Ozark, Ala ., chapter of the International
morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia. Data on the prevalence and associated...
The Vibrio cholerae diguanylate cyclase PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
PFClust: an optimised implementation
VCA0965 has an AGDEF active site and synthesizes cyclic di-GM P
of a parameter-free clustering algorithm
Diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) regulate biofilm
A well-known problem in cluster analysis is finding
formation and motility in bacteria by synthesizing
an optimal number of clusters reflecting the
the second messenger cyclic...
inherent structure of the...
Findings may help doctors personalize preterm birth prevention treatments New research findings may soon help doctors
Treating depression before onset of cardiovascular disease can cut risk of heart attack, stroke
personalize preterm birth prevention treatments by
Research led by Jesse C. Stewart, Ph.D., of the
identifying which women at...
School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, is...
Report: 5 states, including Texas, are Anti-Obamacare diehards The report by researchers at Georgetown
New prospective payment system contributes to improved patient choice, quality of care and costs
University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms
AcademyHealth today awarded its Health Services
looked at which states declined...
Research (HSR) Impact Award to work that contributed to the development of...
8 Reasons Guys Love it When You Orgasm
5 Juicy Questions for Alex Pettyfer
You’re familiar with the fortune cookie game, right?
upsetting to me when a woman has lost her
The one where you say “in bed” after you read
What’s a big, big turnoff? It’s not a turnoff, but it’s
Why Katie Leclerc Says Her Intermittent Hearing Loss is a "Huge Blessing"
Investigation of January 1 Arson Leads to Arrest
Ask anyone who watches Switched at Birth, and
On Saturday, February 1, 2014, the Seattle Police
they’ll tell you that Katie Leclerc is incredibly
Department, working jointly with the FBI and other
convincing in her role...
members of the Joint...
Hong Kong Park: a great place to visit during Lunar New Year holiday Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hoping for a special Lunar
Genotype-environment interactions for quantitative traits in Korea Associated Resource (KARE) cohorts
New Year holiday? Don’t miss the thematic
Due to the lack of statistical power and
exhibition on bulb plants...
confounding effects of population structure in
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
human population data, genotype-environment...
Bald? Now there’s a jab to make hair grow back By Roger Dobson PUBLISHED: 18:07 EST, 3
Why sex is good for your brain and also staves off everything from heart disease to cancer and headaches
February 2014 | UPDATED: 18:07 EST, 3 February 2014 Scientists may...
By Anna Magee PUBLISHED: 18:45 EST, 3 February 2014 | UPDATED: 18:47 EST, 3 February 2014 Having more sex...
Explainer: what is H7N9 bird flu? Australia’s federal Department of Health has advised general practitioners to be on the lookout for potential cases of...
Analysis of blood gases, serum fat and serum protein: a new approach to estimate survival chances of stranded Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups from the German North Sea Facing numerous challenges, such as illness, storms or human disturbance, some harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups lose contact...
Confirmation of warfarin resistance of naturally occurring VKORC1 variants by coexpression with coagulation factor IX and in silico protein modelling VKORC1 has been identified some years ago as
The DPP-4 inhibitor sitagliptin attenuates the progress of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein-Eknockout mice via AM PK- and M APKdependent mechanisms
the gene encoding vitamin K epoxide reductase
The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor sitagliptin, a
(VKOR) – the target protein...
new anti-diabetic medicine, is effective in treating type 2 diabetes...
Optimization of tomotherapy treatment planning for patients with bilateral hip prostheses
Year-end recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment helps people in need
To determine the effect of different imaging options
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Environmental
and the most efficient imaging strategy for treatment planning of patients...
Protection Department (EPD) has collaborated with 400 housing estates in organising...
Playing the Victim: Does Ingratitude M ake You Angry?
Case report on genetic diagnosis of fatal disorder in embryos before pregnancy
Let me tell you about Sam, whose father was a PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
bully and a tyrant. Sam is loyally following in his father’s footsteps. Sam...
Genetic testing of embryos for a fatal inherited neurodegenerative disorder allowed a woman to selectively implant two mutation-free...
When a trip to the NHS dentist leaves your teeth in worse shape
ASK THE DOCTOR: Liquid soap and this epidemic of sore skin
By Angela Epstein PUBLISHED: 19:39 EST, 3 February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:41 EST, 3 February
By Dr Martin Scurr PUBLISHED: 19:57 EST, 3 February 2014 | UPDATED: 19:57 EST, 3 February
2014 Warren Dent After...
2014 For some...
How smearing fat on your joints can ease arthritis
Women whose breasts won’t show cancer on a mammogram
By Jerome Burne PUBLISHED: 20:17 EST, 3 February 2014 | UPDATED: 20:17 EST, 3 February
By Jane Feinmann PUBLISHED: 20:31 EST, 3 February 2014 | UPDATED: 20:31 EST, 3 February
2014 Arthritis affects...
2014 Catherine ...
How to Train Yourself to Do a Split
10 Plyometric Exercise M oves That Burn M ajor Calories
No disrespect to Anthony Kiedis’ abs, but we were more blown away by Bruno Mars’ split during the Super Bowl halftime...
Ever seen people at the gym do a series of crazyintense, rapid-fire jumps, skips, and hops? You were probably witnessing...
Katie Leclerc Says Her Intermittent Hearing Loss is a "Huge Blessing" Ask anyone who watches Switched at Birth, and they’ll tell you that Katie Leclerc is incredibly convincing in her role...
The feasibility, patterns of use and acceptability of using mobile phone text-messaging to improve treatment adherence and post-treatment review of children with uncomplicated malaria in western Kenya Trials evaluating the impact of mobile phone textmessaging to support management of acute diseases, such as malaria, are...
Robbery of PNC Bank Branch in Baltimore
Internet Child Sexual Predator Enters Guilty Plea
The PNC Bank at 1100 Charles Street in Baltimore
Michael J Moore, United States Attorney for the
was robbed today, February 3, 2014, just before 2 PM The robber is described...
Middle District of Georgia, announced that John David Przenkop, age 47, of...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Local Woman Sentenced in Sex Trafficking Conspiracy ST. LOUIS, MO—Carla Mathews was sentenced to
FDA approves pediatric use of Dexcom’s G4 Platinum continuous glucose monitoring system
10 years in prison involving a conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of two...
<!– –> <!– Page Last Updated: 02/03/2014 –> Page
Las Vegas Attorney Pleads Guilty to Role in M ulti-M illion-Dollar Fraud role in multiple schemes to defraud his clients, to
Two N?etas Gang M embers and a Gang Associate Plead Guilty in Connection with the M urders of Two 17-Year-Old Rival Gang M embers
defraud the IRS, and...
Earlier today, two members of the Ñetas street
A Las Vegas attorney pleaded guilty today for his
Last Updated: 02/03/2014 <!– ...
gang, Alvaro Cabral, also known as “Boobi,” and Jason Cabral, also...
Leader of $28.3 M illion M edicare Fraud Scheme Pleads Guilty WASHINGTON—A Florida man who had been the
Aisan Industry Co. Ltd. Agrees to Plead Guilty to Price Fixing on Automobile Parts Installed in U.S. Cars
owner and operator of multiple physical therapy rehabilitation facilities pleaded...
WASHINGTON—Aisan Industry Co. Ltd ., an Obu,
Body Image Booster: Create A Collage
#66 M aking Each Child Special
Every Monday features a tip, activity, inspiring quote
lee via Compfight The special time developed out
or some other tidbit that helps boost your body image, whether directly...
of the determination to have one-on-one time with each child, to get to...
Robyn Benson on life support as husband awaits her C-section
Stopping liver failure from painkiller overdose
A community is rallying to help a 32-year-old
()—University of Adelaide researchers have
Victoria man facing an almost unimaginable set of circumstances as he awaits...
identified a key step for the future prevention of liver failure resulting from...
Ethics Questions Arise as Genetic Testing of Embryos Increases
Parmesan M ashed Cauliflower Will M ake You Forget About Potatoes
Log in to manage your products and services from
“Cauliflower is the perfect opportunity for culinary
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
experimentation,” Vancouver chef and restauranteur Vikram...
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Japan-based company, has agreed to plead guilty and to pay a criminal fine...
Too M uch Sugar Tied To Fatal Heart Problems CHICAGO (AP) — A big national study says too
Super Bowl Quarterback M indset: How to Focus, Feel and Perform Like a Champion
much sugar could be deadly, at least when it comes to fatal heart problems. It...
The Super Bowl is here and everyone is watching the quarterbacks. As a sports psychologist, when I work with professional...
Life Coach Help: 7 Ways to Find Your Happy
Gay, bisexual boys almost six times more likely to use steroids
Hiring a life coach can be confusing and unnerving! Whether you want more clarity, focus or need
Gay and bisexual adolescent boys in the U.S. are almost six times more likely to use illicit steroids
support navigating a tough...
than their straight...
Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death spotlights dangers of heroin addiction
EARTH M agazine: Warring trolls explanation for mysterious basalt pillars revised
Though actor Philip Seymour Hoffman’s struggles with addiction were well known, his untimely death still shocked many. Law...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Maureen 703-7372480American Geosciences Institute IMAGE: Clusters of moss-covered,...
Finding a target for tumor suppression 801-422-
Newly discovered signaling pathway could impact a variety of autoinflammatory diseases
9206Brigham Young University Study of proteins
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alaina
opens a new... 804-628-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joe
4578Virginia Commonwealth University Researchers from...
7 Timeless Truths That Words Just Can’t Describe (At Least Not In Every Language)
Coffee — Even Decaf — Could Help Cut Diabetes Risk
The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once said, “The limits of my language are the limits of my
seem extreme to some, but it could cut the risk of getting diabetes. For...
By Don Rauf Drinking six cups of coffee a day may
world.” Science...
Study challenges claims of single-sex PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Research shows that reported oil sands
schooling benefits
emissions greatly underestimated
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Janet
The page you are looking for has moved. Please
Hydejshyde@wisc.eduUniversity of Wisconsin-
go to the main EurekAlert! homepage to locate the
Madison MADISON As many American public
section you are interested...
school districts...
How a shape-shifting DNA-repair machine fights cancer
Data-driven team is key to sustaining positive behavior framework in schools
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dan 510-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim
484-5956DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National 541-346-
Laboratory Berkeley Lab’s...
3481University of Oregon Study is part of effort to monitor...
NIH scientists find mechanism that helps HIV evade antibodies, stabilize key proteins
U.S. asks jurors to convict SAC’s M artoma
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura S. 301-402-
Martoma sought out a “canary in the coal mine” to give him...
By Nate Raymond NEW YORK (Reuters) – Mathew
1663NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious...
German bishops tell Vatican: Catholics reject sex rules
Wall Street slumps to hit lowest level since October
By Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor PARIS
By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S.
(Reuters) – Germany’s Catholic bishops,
stocks slumped on Monday, with the SP 500 hitting
responding to a worldwide Vatican...
its lowest level...
Four more E.coli cases linked to Hydro
NHS sent users to malicious websites
3 February 2014 Last updated at 11:52 ET Health
3 February 2014 Last updated at 11:33 ET
officials are investigating whether burgers sold at
Hundreds of pages on the NHS site were affected
The Hydro may have...
A “coding error” on...
Recipes for Health: Stir-Fried Brown Rice With Red Chard and Carrots Log in to manage your products and services from
Five Facts You M ust Understand If You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach
The New York Times and the International New
1. Reducing calories consumed is the obvious
York Times. ...
start to any weight reduction programme but did you know that many packaged...
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What Was It Like Practicing M edicine in the Early 1980s, When People Started Dying Because of HIV/AIDS? This question originally appeared on Quora. Answer by Abraham J. Layon, MD This is a
How Do Financial Incentives Influence Doctors’ Judgments? A recent article in the New York Times highlighted the high costs associated with some types of subspecialty medical care,...
question that brings back nightmares....
Young women don’t engage in riskier sex after HPV vaccine The human papillomavirus (HPV) does not lead to riskier sexual activity among young women,
Finding M indfulness on the A Train When I heard that just 12 tiny little minutes of mediation practice a day helped practitioners “to keep their attention...
according to new research. The...
Vitamin C, E may hinder athletes training February 3, 2014, 11:10 AM|A new study suggests that taking high doses of vitamin C and E may make it harder for endurance...
Roxbury Correctional Institution Sergeant Convicted of Obstructing Justice The Justice Department, the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Maryland, and the FBI announced that Josh...
Leader of Alleged Sports Betting Ring Pleads Guilty to Racketeering Charges
Seven Plead Guilty in Widening Bribery and Kickback Case
Joseph Vito Mastronardo Jr, 63, of Meadowbrook,
Six former government contractors and a former
Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty today to conspiring to
Defense Department employee who called himself
participate in a racketeering...
the “Godfather of Camp Pendleton”...
Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine tested in Halifax clinic
Diabetic runner launches 9-month journey across Canada
Doctors in Halifax are testing a new vaccine that
A crowd of runners in St. John’s joined a Quebec
could protect children against a widespread — and
man on Sunday as he launched a cross-Canada
potentially deadly — respiratory...
campaign to raise awareness...
New cancer cases globally to rise from 14 million now to 22 million in 20 years Governments must make better use of vaccines
Biologic agents provide relief for children newly diagnosed with Crohn’s disease
and preventative public health policies in the fight
Children newly diagnosed with Crohn’s disease
against cancer as treatment... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
may benefit from early treatment with the biologic
drugs known as anti-TNF-α...
Invisible risk group among adolescents at risk of mental ill-health Adolescents with high media use, reduced sleep
Study first to find earlier depression treatment prevents heart attacks and strokes
and low physical activity comprise an ‘invisible-risk’
Research led by Jesse C. Stewart, Ph.D., of the
group that...
School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, is...
Women with schizophrenia at higher risk of pregnancy and delivery complications
M y Story: Enlisting Dad to Find a First Bra
Women with schizophrenia are nearly twice as
The New York Times and the International New
likely to experience pre-eclampsia, pre-term birth and other serious pregnancy...
York Times. ...
Teen Boy Is Youngest To Have Sporadic Fatal Insomnia
What Success M eant To Philip Seymour Hoffman
By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer Published:
An outpouring of grief spread across the Internet on
02/03/2014 07:36 AM EST on LiveScience For three years, a teen boy in North...
Sunday, as Hollywood insiders and fans alike mourned the loss of Philip...
Health, Prevention and Wellness: Our Focus This M onth, Every M onth
In Pursuit of True Happiness
This time last year, Arianna Huffington and I co-
again these days, as researchers continue to study the effects of lifestyle...
hosted the first Women in Media luncheon in New York City. It was a wonderful...
Log in to manage your products and services from
The ever elusive state of happiness is in the news
Lack of Knowledge on Long-Term Contraception Is the Real Danger for Women
Some vitamin supplements may hinder endurance training
My 27-year-old patient Carrie (not her real name)
muscle’s natural response to endurance training, a new study from Norway...
came to my office for her routine six-week check-up after delivering a...
Researchers develop ‘envy-free’ algorithm for settling disputes PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Certain vitamin supplements may blunt the
UC researchers at ground control in launching the fastest plane of the
[ | E-mail ] Contact: James 212-998-6808New York University Whether it’s season tickets...
Adolescents’ salt intake correlates with obesity, inflammation [ | E-mail ] Contact: Toni 706721-4421Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University IMAGE: ...
future [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dawn 513-556-1823University of Cincinnati IMAGE: Professor Randy Allemang...
Exploring necrotizing autoimmune myopathies with a novel immunoassay for anti-3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase autoantibodies IntroductionNecrotizing autoimmune myopathies (NAM) have recently been defined as a distinct group of severe acquired myopathies,...
Improving the transition from medical school to internship
Research on placebo analgesia is relevant to clinical practice
This study evaluates the impact of a new ‘Preparation for Internship’(PRINT) course, which
Over the decades, research into placebo responses has shed light onto several
was developed to facilitate...
endogenous (i.e. produced from within) mechanisms...
Arabic-speaking migrants’ attitudes, opinions, preferences and past experiences concerning the use of interpreters in healthcare: a postal cross-sectional survey
Inhibition of HSP90 attenuates porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus production in vitro
Good communication is an important prerequisite
economic losses to the swine industry...
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection leads to substantial
for equal treatment in a healthcare encounter. One way to overcome language...
Jenni Schaefer Book Giveaway and LIVE Podcast: In Honor…
AUDIO: Ex-drug user: addiction never leaves
Author, speaker, and eating disorders survivor
Tributes have been paid to Oscar winning actor
Jenni Schaefer is a longtime friend and collaborator of mine. She always motivates...
Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died aged 46 from an apparent drugs overdose. The...
AUDIO: Drinking game ‘form of bullying’
Doctor prescribed ‘elephant’ dose
The brother of a man who died after playing a
3 February 2014 Last updated at 09:35 ET Dr Lucy
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
drinking game known as ‘NekNomination’ has been speaking about...
Mahinda made an entry to administer a huge dose of insulin at the Western...
Smart and personal: dietary advice Tailoring people’s diet to optimise their health and
Researchers identify new approach to personalize prevention of preterm birth
minimise their risk of disease, is a new scientific
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki
approach called... 202-3749259Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine March of Dimes honors...
Patient-controlled analgesia not as effective as epidural for labor pain [ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki 202-374-
Study suggests women 35+ are at decreased risk to have anatomically abnormal child
9259Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Study finds
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki 202-374-
9259Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine In a study to be...
Study correlates neonatal and early childhood outcomes with preterm birth
Study finds increasing trend in home birth neonatal mortality rates
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki 202-374- 202-374-
9259Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Study reveals correlation...
9259Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine In a study to be...
Study finds obesity during pregnancy is risk factor for long-term cardiovascular morbidity
Cancer cases worldwide to jump to 22 million
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vicki 202-374-
cancer agency warns there will be 22 million new cases of cancer every...
LONDON (AP) — The World Health Organization’s
9259Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine In a study to be...
The jobs that make you most likely to be overweight
Why retirement might not be the best medicine for a longer life
We all know our jobs can affect our waistlines. But
Thinking about throwing in the towel and
according to a new study in Preventing Chronic
vacationing on the sunny shores of Florida after you
Disease, having the wrong...
have spent years toiling over...
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Pfizer breast cancer drug succeeds in mid-stage trial (Reuters) – Pfizer Inc said its experimental breast
‘Spontaneous’ changes in immune cells on a daily basis may lead to cancers, says study
cancer drug, in a mid-stage trial, showed a
Immune cells undergo ‘spontaneous’ changes on
statistically significant...
a daily basis that could lead to cancers if not for the diligent...
M ylan launches trastuzumab biosimilar for treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer
Five important numbers to keep cardiovascular system healthy
Mylan Inc. (Nasdaq: MYL), one of the world’s
numbers, clothing sizes and addresses. We all
leading generic and specialty pharmaceutical
have a lot of numbers in our heads,...
Pass codes, phone numbers, social security
companies, today announced...
Teen girls’ beliefs regarding HPV vaccine not linked to subsequent sexual behaviors A new study may alleviate concerns that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine leads to either the initiation of sex or unsafe...
Lotus tenuis x L. corniculatus interspecific hybridization as a means to breed bloat-safe pastures and gain insight into the genetic control of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in legumes Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are secondary metabolites that strongly affect plant quality traits. The concentration and the structure...
Characterization of the glutathione Stransferase gene family through ESTs and expression analyses within common and pigmented cultivars of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and transient thyrotoxicosis during combination therapy with interferonalpha and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C
Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) represent a
Thyroid dysfunction is a common complication of
ubiquitous gene family encoding detoxification
chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and its therapy.
enzymes able to recognize reactive...
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM)...
Using high-density DNA methylation arrays to profile copy number alterations
Reducing mortality in hip fracture patients using a perioperative approach and "Patient- Centered M edical Home" model: a prospective
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
The integration of genomic and epigenomic data is an increasingly popular approach for studying the complex mechanisms driving...
cohort study Hip fracture patients experience high morbidity and mortality rates in the first post-operative year after discharge. We...
E-cigs ‘re-normalising’ smoking
VIDEO: Illegally tattooed at the age of 13
2 February 2014 Last updated at 09:42 ET Please
It is illegal for anyone under 18 to get a tattoo, but it
turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Mark Drakeford did...
is claimed more young people than ever are trying to break the...
For infants, stress may be caught, not taught
Beneficial insects, nematodes not harmed by genetically modified, insectresistant crops
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anna 202293-9300Association for Psychological Science New...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Anthony 315-7295932Entomological Society of America IMAGE: This shows...
Transcendental M editation reduces teacher stress and burnout, new research shows
‘I know it but I won’t say it’
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ken
Development Tie between toddlers’...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hannah 202-289-0320Society for Research in Child 641-4701314Maharishi University of Management Effect of Transcendental...
Swimming-Thorpe admitted to rehab for depression
Thorpe admitted to rehab for depression: report
Feb 3 (Reuters) – Australian swimming great Ian
(Reuters) – Australian swimming great Ian Thorpe
Thorpe has been admitted to rehab after suffering from depression,...
has been admitted to rehab after suffering from depression, local...
Given Imaging gets FDA clearance for colon camera pill
What To Do (And What Not To Do) If You Think You’re Having A Heart Attack
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Camera-in-a-pill maker
You feel a crushing sensation in your chest, with
Given Imaging said on Monday it received U.S. Food and Drug Administration...
pain going down your left arm. Or you feel suddenly very tired, nauseous,...
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Weight rhythms: Weight increases during weekends and decreases during weekdays
Researchers find liver tumors in mice exposed to BPA during gestation and nursing
There are sleep cycles and there are also weight
In one of the first studies to show a significant
loss cycles. Almost everyone loses weight on weekdays and gains weight on...
association between BPA and cancer development, University of Michigan...
Controlling fast food consumption could reverse epidemic of obesity Governments could slow – and even reverse – the
Researchers identify protein critical to hematopoietic stem cell function, blood formation
growing epidemic of obesity by taking measures to counter fast...
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified a protein critical to hematopoietic...
Downregulation of Smurf2, a tumorsuppressive ubiquitin ligase, in triplenegative breast cancers: Involvement of the RB-microRNA axis The HECT family ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 regulates cell polarity, migration, division, differentiation and
High ALDH1A1 expression correlates with poor survival in papillary thyroid carcinoma High expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) has been confirmed in many tumors. This enzyme plays an important role...
death, by targeting...
Personal and social determinants sustaining smoking practices in rural China: a qualitative study IntroductionTobacco use in China is
Chronic effects of ambient air pollution on respiratory morbidities among Chinese children: a cross-sectional study in Hong Kong
disproportionally distributed among rural and
The chronic health effects from exposure to
urban populations with rural people smoking...
ambient air pollution are still unclear. This study primarily aims to examine...
Self Awareness: What it is and What it Isn’t
“Art &Culture@Hong Kong” available online
Many sex addicts enter recovery with little or no
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – “Art Culture@Hong Kong”, a
ability to identify what it is they are feeling. I had
publication which showcases the multifaceted
one client say...
Journaling to Bring Creative Ideas to
M ethod of Study Is Criticized In Group’s
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Health Policy Tests
Maybe you kept a diary – or still do. Or use a
Log in to manage your products and services from
notebook as a helpful tool for personal growth, to track thinking and inspiration. Artists,...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Police Stop Black Drivers M ore Often, UK Report Concludes
Infants Recognize Plants As a Food Source
Millions of cars are pulled over by the police every
Infants as young as six months old tend to expect
year without being officially recorded – and black drivers are significantly...
that plants are food sources, but only after an adult shows them that the...
New Research on the Psychology of Crying
Super Bowl 2014: Anthony Kiedis And His Abs Steal The Halftime Show
Why does one person get choked up over a
Fact. When Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the Red
Hallmark commercial, while another sheds tears only for the death of a loved one?...
Hot Chilli Peppers was born, the Beatles had not yet invaded America. Kiedis,...
February: Let’s Have Some Crazy Fun!
Giving vs. Receiving: Achieving an Effective Balance for a Rewarding Life
There are a lot of reasons why I look forward to February. For one thing, my birthday is on the 3rd, but February is also...
“Don’t you ever think of others?” “Make sure you
Obamacare computers not yet equipped to fix errors: report
Vitamin pills ‘lower exercise gains’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The
James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
website is not yet equipped to handle appeals by
BBC News Taking...
share!” “That’s you being selfish...
2 February 2014 Last updated at 20:18 ET By
thousands of people seeking...
‘Tinnitus risk’ of noisy nights out
‘Pocket optician’ trialled in schools
2 February 2014 Last updated at 20:17 ET Many
2 February 2014 Last updated at 20:16 ET By
over-ride the “safe” levels on their headphones
James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
About two-thirds...
BBC News A ‘pocket...
Plastic surgery ‘booming’ in the UK 2 February 2014 Last updated at 20:10 ET By
Fighting Against the Stigma of M ental Illness
James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
I have panic disorder. I manage chronic anxiety
BBC News Breast...
every single day. I had my first panic attack when I
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
was 15 years old and...
Abortions Declining in U.S., Study Finds Log in to manage your products and services from
Why Your Therapist Should Go ‘Back to the Future’
The New York Times and the International New
I recently spoke to psychology doctoral students
York Times. ...
about the innovative contributions of some pioneering psychoanalysts in...
New Year’s Resolutions Can Be M ade 365 Days a Year
Depressed? Could Be Your Diet!
Feb. 24, 2008 is not a special day for most. It was a
Need yet another reason to hold true to your New
Sunday. I could not tell you what the weather was
Year’s resolution about...
By Jessica DeCostole, RDN, for KnowMoreTV
like here in Orlando...
Super Bowl 2014: Anthony Kiedis And His Abs Steal His Half-Time Show Fact. When Anthony Kiedis, lead singer of the Red
First African study on biodiversity in genetically modified maize finds insects abundant
Hot Chilli Peppers was born, the Beatles had not
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Johnnie van den
yet invaded America. Kiedis,... 27-182-992376Entomological Society of America Biodiversity...
M aking Peace With Failure: A Love Story
Tighter economic regulation needed to reverse obesity epidemic — study
Allegedly, it is life at its best when we are
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Fiona 41-
succeeding and life at its worse when we are failing. How do we define success...
227-911-897Bulletin of the World Health Organization Fast food, body...
Obama spars with Fox News host in testy pre-Super Bowl interview
GSK to launch late-stage clinical trials on 10 new drugs: paper
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack
(Reuters) – GlaxoSmithKline is set to unveil plans
Obama accused Fox News on Sunday of keeping alive controversies the White House...
to launch late-stage clinical trials on 10 new drugs over the next...
Study finds deregulation fuelling obesity epidemic
The One Thing You Should Worry About on Superbowl…
LONDON (Reuters) – Governments could slow or
The myth that domestic violence calls to hotlines
even reverse the growing obesity epidemic if they introduced more regulation... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
spike during Superbowl Sunday has long since been debunked. We extensively...
How can you stop acting on a compulsion?
M ind your ears while attending pro sports events
I have obsessive compulsive disorder. I’ve written
Spectators at pro sports games like the Super
about this before. I’ve been known to wash my hands over and over...
Bowl need to protect their ears while enjoying the action, Canadian experts...
China’s unwanted babies once mostly girls, now mostly sick, disabled
U.S. abortion rate hits lowest level since 1973: study
By Li Hui and Ben Blanchard TIANJIN, China
NEW YORK (Reuters) – The abortion rate in the
(Reuters) – Fangfang was just a few days old when she was abandoned on...
United States dipped to its lowest since 1973, coinciding with a steep...
College skier dies during cross-country race in Vermont
US abortion rate at lowest level since 1973, according to survey
By Laura Zuckerman (Reuters) – A member of the
NEW YORK – The U.S. abortion rate declined to its
ski team at a prestigious U.S. college collapsed and died over the...
lowest level since 1973, and the number of abortions fell by 13 percent...
The Influence of Gratitude Intervention on Children's Positive Affect
Smokers’ lungs ‘are just as likely to keep transplant patients alive as nonsmokers’ organs’
Positive Affect (PA) can be defined as a set of characteristics such as confidence, self-efficacy, pro-social behaviour and...
Patients given smokers’ lungs are just as likely to
For breastfeeding in public, laws are not enough
Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman Dead at 46; Police Suspect…
It’s rare for a significant period of time to pass
Celebrity Psychings has sad news to report today:
before another debate about breastfeeding takes place in the media. The...
actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has died. The 46year-old Oscar-winning actor,...
Your Weekly Travel Zen: Deserts
Toddler With Down Syndrome Proves What M akes You Different Is What M akes You Beautiful
This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us from Caley Weyman. Her photo of wooly camels in Mongolia’s Gobi...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
survive, says new study 237 lung transplants carried out at Harefield...
Tara McCallan wants her little girl to know that different is beautiful. Her 1-year-old daughter, Pip,
has Down syndrome....
Take This Super Bowl Challenge You could spend Sunday’s Broncos vs. Seahawks battle chowing down on some of the 1.25 billion chicken wings or 1 million...
I Self-M edicated To Cope With M y Bad M arriage Written by Shanon Lee for Months before I made the decision to leave, for the final time, I found myself...
Canadian miner Teck reports spill at Columbia River smelter By Allison Martell (Reuters) – Canadian diversified miner Teck Resources Ltd is investigating another
Back to work I would like to have a lot more time to write on my blog. Indeed, time is something I have no often and also the connection...
spill at its...
5 Biggest M yths About Boundaries “Boundaries are everywhere,” according to Jan Black, author of Better Boundaries: Owning and Treasuring Your Life. Think...
Chopping kidney cancers down at their trunk could lead to new treatments A new study has discovered the genetic faults at the core of kidney cancers which could be targeted with new treatments,...
Noise at pro sports games can cause long-term hearing loss
Body kills ‘spontaneous’ blood cancers on a daily basis, research finds
Spectators at pro sports games like the Super Bowl need to protect their ears while enjoying the
Immune cells undergo ‘spontaneous’ changes on a daily basis that could lead to cancers if not for the
action, Canadian experts...
Vomiting bug shuts Blumenthal’s London restaurant
M aking your brain social: Failure to eliminate links between neurons produces autistic-like mice
Top British chef Heston Blumenthal has shut his London restaurant Dinner, which has two Michelin stars, for a week after...
In many people with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, different parts of the brain don’t talk to each...
Previously unknown process explains how brain regions work together, or alone
NHS M edical Director to meet family of heart death boy
Our brains have billions of neurons grouped into
genuine and Prof Sir Bruce’s office would arrange
An NHS spokesman confirmed that the Tweet was a meeting “at the earliest...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
different regions. These regions often work alone, but sometimes must join...
How to Survive the Big Game Just when you thought you finally got a hold of this whole “diet” and working out thing after all of the holiday...
Here’s What Football Players Eat During The Super Bowl While you’re chowing down on billions of chicken wings, Seahawks and Broncos alike will be eating (and drinking) for...
These Football Friendships Are Proof That You Can Overcome Differences (PHOTOS)
The Art of Self-Love
As two teams prepare to go head-to-head in
Admittedly, this combination...
I am a lover and a giver. I give without regret or restraint and rarely expect anything in return.
football’s ultimate showdown tonight, many fans are gearing up to cheer...
Jane Pauley And Sebastian Seung On Why Certain M emories Stick Out In Our Brains
M om Shows The M agic Of Surfing While Pregnant In Gorgeous Time-Lapse Video
Can you recall your first kiss? Or the first time you
At first glance, Kristi Olivares’ description of a surf
drove a car? What about your first school dance?
session with her girlfriends sounds pretty
The brain has a fascinating...
standard. But as...
Veterans dying because of treatment delays at VA hospitals, document says
A Survival Guide for Winter’s Threats
The Department of Veterans Affairs has linked the
Americans suffer broken bones, muscle tears,
recent deaths of at least 19 vets diagnosed with
sprains and strains from...
SUNDAY Feb. 2, 2014, 2014 — Every winter, many
cancer in 2010 and 2011...
Computer generated viruses By “computer generated viruses” I don’t mean bits
New drug Sovaldi heralds the end of hepatitis C in Britain
of code that can harm your desktop. I mean actual
Hepatitis C is estimated to affect 215,000 adults in
Britain New drug could be ‘game-changer’ in battle against...
Nicky Clarke’s girlfriend Kelly Simpkin reveals struggle with disease lupus PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Shadow Seen! Groundhog Predicts 6 M ore Weeks Of Cold
Fashion designer Kelly Simpkin, 32, has autoimmune disease lupus Lupus causes the body’s
hide captionPunxsutawney Phil is held by handler John Griffiths after emerging from his burrow to
immune system to turn on...
see his shadow and forecast...
Cost-effectiveness of a universal strategy of brief dietary intervention for primary prevention in primary care: population-based cohort study and M arkov model
Whitehorse residents line up for chance at family doctor People without doctors lined up outside the Klondyke Medical Clinic in Whitehorse at 7 a.m. Friday in hopes of registering...
Primary care services aim to promote health and delay the onset of disabling long-term conditions. A healthy diet is associated...
M itochondrial M ovements in Cancer The Greek expression Πάντα ῥεῖ (panta rhei) – “everything flows” has been attributed to the philosopher...
Biochemical characterization of a functional recombinant aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase from Taiwanofungus camphorata Aryl-alcohol dehydrogenases (AADs) have been known to involve in the metabolism of aromatic compounds. Results: One TcAAD...
Oil body-associated hazelnut allergens including oleosins are underrepresented in diagnostic extracts but associated with severe symptoms
Protective effect of Sadenosylmethionine on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury during hepatectomy in HCC patients with chronic HBV infection
Oil body-associated allergens such as oleosins have been reported for important allergenic foods
Although hepatectomy is often performed with the Pringle maneuver, the problem of hepatic
such as peanut, sesame and...
ischemia-reperfusion injury (HIRI)...
Confirmed case of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci carrier at Tuen M un Hospital
8 Ways to Find Real Happiness at Work
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
unhappy a major chunk of...
Most adults spend more waking hours at work than anywhere else. If you are unhappy there, you are
behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson for Tuen Mun Hospital...
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy
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Novartis to cut or transfer up to 4,000
could be ruled a crime
pharma jobs: paper
However, the Criminal Injuries Compensation
ZURICH (Reuters) – Swiss drugs group Novartis is
Authority challenged the judgment, and it was
planning to cut or transfer up to 4,000 jobs,
overturned in December by the...
newspaper NZZ am Sonntag...
3 fitness tests you should be able to pass
Dental health during pregnancy: How to care for your teeth and gums
Everyone has different fitness goals—running a
You’ve cut down on coffee, nixed sushi, and
marathon, performing 10,000 kettlebell swings,
exercise most days, but what you may not realize is
benching 1.5 times your body...
that oral health is just...
No-equipment workout moves to beat aging As we age, it’s even more important to keep in
Establishment of hairy root lines and analysis of iridoids and secoiridoids in the medicinal plant Gentiana scabra
shape. Exercise can alleviate many ailments like
Gentiana scabra is commonly known as
osteoporosis, heart disease...
‘Longdan’is an important herb in traditional Chinese medicines, commonly...
In silico design and in vivo implementation of yeast gene Boolean gates In our previous computational work, we showed
Folium Sennae protects against hydroxyl radical-induced DNA damage via antioxidant mechanism: an in vitro study
that gene digital circuits can be automatically designed in an electronic fashion....
In the study, Folium Sennae (FS) was firstly
Vaccination of sows against type 2 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) before artificial insemination protects against type 2 PRRSV challenge but does not protect against type 1 PRRSV challenge in late gestation
Effect of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccination on PCV2-viremic piglets after experimental PCV2 challenge
The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of the commercially available type 2 Porcine Reproductive... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
extracted by various solvents to obtain five FS extracts. Then, five FS extracts...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccines on PCV2-viremic and -seropositive...
Health watchdog attacks NHS culture
VIDEO: NHS warned it ‘could go bust’
2 February 2014 Last updated at 04:47 ET Health
The head of the health watchdog the Care Quality
regulator David Prior said the NHS could ultimately
Commission has made a strong attack on the NHS
go bust if change did...
in England, saying it will...
Indian state bars foreign supermarkets in latest blow for chains
6 Ways To Reset After Boozing A Bit Too M uch
By Tony Munroe MUMBAI (Reuters) – The Indian
The Zen Mama, The Guru Guy and even The Flow
state of Rajasthan has barred foreign direct
Junkie find themselves double-fisting beers rather
investment in supermarkets,...
than green juice from time...
5 Things You Should Never Say To Vegans
M anaging Overeating: The Art of Homework
I glance at my phone to see yet another text from
The focus on wellness, particularly on the
my friend asking about my diet. This time it’s a
management of overeating, in therapy can be a
question about how...
double-edged sword. While clients...
Begonia wui-senioris (sect. Platycentrum, Begoniaceae), a new species from M yanmar
The use of 2D fingerprint methods to support the assessment of structural similarity in orphan drug legislation
The flora of Myanmar is under-collected compared
In the European Union, medicines are authorised
with all other tropical Asian countries. An unknown
for some rare disease only if they are judged to be
Begonia was grown from...
dissimilar to authorised...
Economic View: Get Some Sleep, and Wake Up the G.D.P.
Glitches in State Exchanges Give G.O.P. a Cudgel
Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New
The New York Times and the International New
York Times. ...
York Times. ...
Dry January is over, but did it actually HARM your health? Expert claims having regular tipple is better for you than abstinence
M ilk and Brazil nuts will send you off to sleep: Scientists concludes certain minerals and acids are linked to a sound slumber
‘Best advice is to drink moderately throughout the
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 18:04 EST, 31
year,’ says professor By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: ...
January 2014 | UPDATED: 05:13 EST, 1 February 2014 Brazil...
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Peach Blossom Tree Recycling Campaign 2014 promotes waste recovery and recycling
Sand painting video showcases Hong Kong’s diversity
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – During the Lunar New Year (LNY), many people and organisations display
Horse, the Information Services Department (ISD) has today (February...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Racing into the Year of the
peach blossom trees to celebrate...
Poem: Broken
DDT and Alzheimer's disease risk
What it really feels like A horse stomped on your
Richardson JR, Roy A, Shalat SL, von Stein RT,
chest A lost smile Leaves your bed A deep breath that you can’t get Or...
Hossain MM, Buckley B, Gearing M, Levey AI, German DC (2014). Elevated Serum...
Shattering moment my darling mother said ‘I don’t know you’: From an extraordinary new memoir, an exquisitely poignant story of loss
Just like that! Heal damaged hands the Tommy Cooper way: Doctors use magic tricks on patients after surgery, strokes
By Sally Magnusson PUBLISHED: 17:23 EST, 31 January 2014 | UPDATED: 07:01 EST, 1 February
Practicing ‘slide of hand’ tricks could help patients recovery Magic routines could help restore hand movements...
2014 Everyone...
M iracle three-month course drug heralds the end of hepatitis C in Britain Hepatitis C is estimated to affect 215,000 adults in Britain New drug could be ‘game-changer’ in battle against...
Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania amazonensis amastigote extracts differ in their enhancement effect on Leishmania infection when injected intradermally It has been reported that repeated intravenous injections of a relatively large amount of Leishmania amazonensis amastigote...
CHP notified of two additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) and one case of avian influenza A(H5N1) in M ainland Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received notification yesterday... PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
‘We live with so many unknowns’ 1 February 2014 Last updated at 19:52 ET By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Nate loves music...
What happens when you poke, prod and pinch black widow spiders? You might be surprised…
Health Notes: The pearly-white TOWIE look ‘could leave you toothless’
This is guest post, written by the great
Fitting reality TV-star veneers means filing away healthy tooth enamel Every time you get the
Arachnologist Blogger, Catherine Scott. You can
veneers redone, more filing...
find her blogging over at spiderbytes. A...
All lifesavers – but who is YOUR young hero? From the 10-year Sam Herbert, 15, saved a stranger who fell over in the street Cody Hartley, 11, is fundraising to get defibrillators installed...
‘Some mornings I’m in so much pain Nicky has to dress me’: Girlfriend of celebrity hairdresser Clarke reveals her struggle with terrifying immune disease lupus Fashion designer Kelly Simpkin, 32, has autoimmune disease lupus Lupus causes the body’s immune system to turn on...
Deadly risk of pill used by 1m women: Every GP in Britain told to warn about threat from popular contraceptive Bestselling brands of birth control tablets linked to
Use of a three-band HRP2/pLDH combination rapid diagnostic test increases diagnostic specificity for falciparum malaria in Ugandan children
fatal blood clots They are believed to double the risk compared to...
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria provide a practical alternative to light microscopy for malaria diagnosis in resource-limited...
Possible role of the alpha7 nicotinic receptors in mediating nicotine’s effect on developing lung
RNA sequencing read depth requirement for optimal transcriptome coverage in Hevea brasiliensis
It is well known that maternal smoking during pregnancy is very harmful to the fetus. Prenatal
One of the concerns of assembling de novo transcriptomes is determining the amount of read
nicotine absorption, in particular,...
sequences required to ensure a...
Evaluating the drivers of and obstacles to the willingness to use cognitive enhancement drugs: the influence of drug characteristics, social environment, and personal characteristics
Go Deep, Rich & Wide
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”Just think positively.” Those words annoy me, perhaps because they are often misused by wellmeaning people. There is...
The use of cognitive enhancement (CE) by means of pharmaceutical agents has been the subject of intense debate both among...
FLCN deficient tumours may be sensitive to radiotherapy
At Least 14 Dead In Eruption Of Indonesian Volcano
Autophagy is the process through which cells
i i hide captionIndonesian villagers flee as Mt.
recycle proteins and organelles for energy, and is
Sinabung spews volcanic materials in Karo, North
often dysregulated in kidney...
Sumatra, Indonesia,...
Punxsutawney Phil Vs. The Farmers’ Almanac: Whom Do You Trust?
M eningitis vaccine approved for California college
i i hide captionTurns out that Phil’s only 39 percent
Health officials at a Southern California college will
accurate, about the same as The Farmers’
start offering a vaccine against bacterial meningitis
after an outbreak...
Thousands M arch Against Spain’s Plan to Restrict Abortion
Study Finds Same-Sex Parenting Is Not Harmful to Children
Tens of thousands of people have marched to
‘; var fr = document.getElementById(adID);
Spain‘s parliament to protest against the
setHash(fr, hash); fr.body = body; var doc =
government’s new law that...
Perceived Deprivation Can Wreak Havoc on Decision M aking
Venus Rising? How Leadership Styles Are Changing
This is the psychology of scarcity, says Princeton
The stereotypical 20th-century business leader
University psychology and public affairs professor
was a cross between the Lone Ranger and Perry
Eldar Shafir, PhD,...
White, the irascible newspaper...
Counterfeit Super Bowl Fan Gear M ay Be Tainted With Toxins
The Effect of Violent Video Games on Aggression
The price of a Russell Wilson game jersey found
I have always personally felt that there was no link
on one website is about $20. A Broncos infant
between video games and violence. I even watched
onesie on the same site sells...
the Penn and Teller:...
Prehistoric Southwestern Cultures M ore M ysterious than the “Vanishing Anasazi”
Punxsutawney Phil Vs. The Farmers’ Almanac: Who Do You Trust? i i hide captionTurns out that Phil’s only 39 percent accurate, about the same as The Farmers’
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Montezuma Castle, a Sinagua Village As I’ve mentioned before in reference to the Fremont
culture of what is now Utah, while...
Florida reviews thousands of drug cases for possible evidence tampering
Former Chicago M ayor Daley in intensive care at hospital
By Bill Cotterell TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) – Florida’s state police agency on Saturday
(Reuters) – Richard M. Daley, who was mayor of Chicago from 1989 to 2011, was in the intensive
announced a massive...
care unit of a Chicago...
Toronto mayor Ford gets jay-walking ticket in Vancouver -reports
Heat drives Pakistani migration
TORONTO (Reuters) – Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who gained global notoriety last year after admitting
Shahdadpur, Sanghar district, Pakistan: Residents collecting their belongings on a higher ground outside village during floods....
to smoking crack...
Using Smartphones for Occupancy Sensing Can Save Energy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) researcher Bruce Nordman had an idea several years ago to take advantage...
EXPERIM ENTAL TECHNIQUES EXPLAINED: THIN LAYER CHROM ATOGRAPHY (TLC) Thin layer chromatography, or TLC, is a technique used for the separation and analysis of molecules in a sample (Note- NOT...
Breathe Easy This Weekend With A Simple Web App
What Seattle Can Teach The Rest Of The Country About Living Well
Have you ever noticed your respiration rate
Our Living Well, On Location series explores cities
increase during periods of heightened anxiety? It’s
and countries from around the world. How do other
okay if you have — it’s...
people pursue health...
What Denver Can Teach The World About Living Well
Why Facebook and Twitter M ake Us Feel Rejected
Our Living Well, On Location series explores cities
We face a gauntlet of rejection all around us. Our
and countries from around the world. How do other
colleagues go to lunches without us; family
people pursue health...
members forget our birthdays;...
3 Keys to Lasting Love
5 Reasons To Turn Your Phone Off (Now!)
In many countries of the word, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
France and Australia, February...
Sometimes you need to turn off Twitter, forget Facebook, ignore Instagram, and get on and live … When I was a 10-year-old...
13 Healthier Super Bowl Recipes You’ve Never Tried Before
NFL Nutritionist On Why Healthy Eating M akes Champions
By Sophia Breene The Super Bowl is one of the biggest sports events of the year. Even people who
With its bodies nearly as big as its tackles, football might be the sport with the most obvious
can’t tell a running...
connection to food. But whereas...
Thousands march in M adrid against planned abortion limits
Shareholder DWS urges Lufthansa to appoint new CEO
By Inmaculada Sanz MADRID (Reuters) – Thousands of people marched in Spain’s capital
FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Deutsche Bank’s fund management unit DWS is growing impatient with
on Saturday to protest...
German airline Lufthansa’s...
Secure Those Sets for Super Bowl Viewing
M anchester is the laziest city in Britain with 40% of people doing less than half an hour of exercise a M ONTH
SATURDAY Feb. 1, 2014, 2014 — As you prepare for your Super Bowl party, make sure the televisions in your home are...
‘Pandemic’ of inactivity in poor areas is leading to premature deaths Manchester, Sandwell, the West Midlands,...
M en Filmed Toppling Ancient Rock Formation Are Charged In Utah
Celebrity Psychings: Officially Off Hiatus!
A former Boy Scout leader who toppled an ancient rock formation in Utah’s Goblin Valley State Park,
Some of you might remember, my father was diagnosed with malignant ascites and, eventually,
and another man...
stage four colon cancer, this...
M onthly M editation: Looking Outward With Love
Power Pointer: Get Better at Accepting Compliments
This post is part of Your Body, Your Mind’s “Monthly Meditation” series, designed to provide readers
I met some friends for dinner recently. Maddie and I got to talking about how we women are so bad at
with an idea or...
accepting compliments....
The Value of Therapy: Opening the Past…to Create Change…
VIDEO: M anaging a month without alcohol
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It can be difficult to appreciate who we are. There’s
Some people took on the challenge of giving up
so much each of us has to offer to each other, and so much to offer...
alcohol for 31 days in January. The aim was to make people think about their...
Khartoum stops Red Cross activities in Sudan: ICRC spokesman
How to Sap the Power from Insults
KHARTOUM (Reuters) – Sudan’s government has
collection of nasty and insulting words to refer to maligned groups....
suspended the activities of the International Committee of the Red...
Redefine “Enough” Mindful eating (at least the way I teach it) has its
The English language is filled with an ever-growing
Newly Diagnosed? What You Need to Know About Depression…
own version of “portion control” – it’s got to do not with how...
This new monthly series reveals tips and insights
S.Africa’s dogged dealmaker Joffe eyes Adcock victory
Celebrity chef shares tips for a healthier Super Bowl Sunday
By David Dolan JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) –
For many people, the Super Bowl is an all-day
Brian Joffe, the hard-headed South African entrepreneur whose empire spans...
couch and snack fest, but if you are watching your weight and trying to stick...
11 Tips To Help Anyone Get Healthier & Happier
10 benefits of eating less meat
Last year, I ate vegan for three months as an
reducing your meat consumption benefits your whole body. “The...
experiment. It didn’t work as I was constantly lightheaded and sluggish....
Regulatory role of TRIM 21 in the type-I interferon pathway in Japanese encephalitis virus-infected human microglial cells Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection leads to Japanese encephalitis (JE) in humans. JEV is
for individuals recently diagnosed with a mental illness. Future pieces...
Going green isn’t just good for the environment:
US regulators probing cardio risks in testosterone products US federal regulators said Friday they were investigating products containing testosterone after recent studies suggested...
transmitted through mosquitoes...
Intensive lifestyle reverses glucose abnormalities in youth PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Postmenopausal hormone Rx may cut risk for glaucoma
(HealthDay)—An intensive lifestyle intervention can
(HealthDay)—Use of estrogen-only
reverse early glucose abnormalities in obese
postmenopausal hormone (PMH) treatment may
youth, according to a...
help reduce the risk for primary open-angle...
Deal could trade tort reform for additional health reform
NFL and Players See Progress in Tackling Concussions
(HealthDay)—Physicians may be willing to make a
By Scott Malone NEW YORK (Reuters) – Fans
trade in accepting some additional health reform
watching Sunday’s Super Bowl can count on
efforts in exchange for...
seeing long passes, big...
Evidence That Childhood Trauma Can Lead to Psychosis
Kidney Donation M ore Common in U.S. States with High Well-Being
A review of 125 research studies in the last ten
People are much more likely to decide to donate a
years strongly supports the hypothesis that early trauma in childhood (including...
kidney to a stranger – an extraordinarily altruistic act –...
New Therapies Offer Hope Against the Darkness of Depression
Judge orders mentally ill woman to have forced caesarean
There are effective treatments for depression,
The case has echoes of the treatment of
including, researchers said recently, meditation. But neither talk therapy...
Allesandra Pacchieri, an Italian woman forced to have her baby delivered by c-section...
National M entor Holdings enters into new senior secured credit facilities with Barclays Bank
Keystone Symposia to convene conference focusing on the science of malaria eradication
National Mentor Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”)
Keystone Symposia, in collaboration with MESA
today announced that it has entered into new senior secured credit...
(Malaria Eradication Scientific Alliance), is convening its first conference...
Which Football Fans Will Be Having the M ost Sex This Sunday?
M echanical ventilation and clinical practice heterogeneity in intensive care units: a multicenter case-vignette study
Whether you plan to be glued to the TV or just stuffed full of nachos, it doesn’t seem like sex is topping many people’s...
Observational studies on mechanical ventilation (MV) show practice variations across ICUs. We sought to determine, with a...
Is the Timed Up and Go test a useful PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Uptake and sorption of aluminium and
predictor of risk of falls in community dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta- analysis
fluoride by four green algal species
The Timed Up and Go test (TUG) is a commonly
under conditions similar to those found...
We examined the uptake and sorption of aluminium (Al) and fluoride (F) by green algae
used screening tool to assist clinicians to identify patients at risk of falling....
A validated stability-indicating HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of pheniramine maleate and naphazoline hydrochloride in pharmaceutical formulations
Influence of type 2 diabetes on symbolic analysis and complexity of heart rate variability in men
A simple, rapid, and accurate stability-indicating
heart rate variability (HRV)....
Individuals with diabetes may develop cardiac autonomic dysfunction that may be evaluated by
reverse phase liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated...
India’s Rajasthan state bars entry of foreign supermarkets MUMBAI (Reuters) – The government of India’s
Onset Dermatologics announces nationwide availability of Tretin-X Cream 0.075%
western state of Rajasthan has barred foreign direct investment...
Onset Dermatologics, LLC, a leader in developing
New research report examines use EM Rs for various clinical trial activities
Ronald G. Crystal wins Pioneer Award from Human Gene Therapy
Research and Markets ( has
For developing first in vivo adenoviral gene delivery
announced the addition of the ”EMRs and Clinical Research: Current...
vector In recognition of his seminal work on adenoviral vectors, which...
New technique helps identify shrinkage of mood-regulating brain structure in women with M S
Lactococcus garvieae endocarditis presenting with subdural haematoma
Cedars-Sinai researcher leads multicenter team in study of automated imaging system linking
endocarditis (IE) in humans and the bacterium can easily be misidentified....
and commercializing prescription products for improving skin health, announced...
Lactococcus garvieae is a rare cause of infective
damage to a mood-regulating brain...
Russian National Sentenced to 30 PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Improving xylose utilization by
M onths in Prison for $1 M illion Trading Account Hack, Securities Fraud Scheme NEWARK, NJ—A Russian national living in New York was sentenced today to 30 months in prison for conspiring with others...
recombinant Zymomonas mobilis strain 8b through adaptation using 2deoxyglucose Numerous attempts have been made to improve xylose utilization in Z. mobilis including adaptive approaches. However, no...
Prevention of M other-to-Child Transmission (PM TCT) of HIV services in Adama town, Ethiopia: clients’ satisfaction and challenges experienced by service providers
Educating novice practitioners to detect elder financial abuse: a randomised controlled trial
The coverage and uptake of prevention of mother-
elder financial abuse. An...
Health and social care professionals are well positioned to identify and intervene in cases of
to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services has remained very low in Ethiopia....
Secondhand Smoke M ay Cause Kids’ Cavities New research suggests secondhand smoke could
Comparison of cognitive tests shows SDM T effective in differentiating employment status in M S individuals
play a causal role in kids’ cavities. The review, published in the Journal...
Researchers at Kessler Foundation have studied
Dormant prostate cancer cells in bone tissue can be reawakened, say researchers
Treating peanut allergy with oral immunotherapy changes DNA of immune cells
Researchers in the Cedars-Sinai Samuel Oschin
Treating a peanut allergy with oral immunotherapy
Comprehensive Cancer Institute discovered in preclinical models that dormant...
changes the DNA of the patient’s immune cells, according to a new...
ACOs’ efforts to coordinate patient care saved $380 million, M edicare officials report
Sterling M an Sentenced on Bribery Charges
In their first results of the heralded program — which was set up in the health law — federal
Virginia, was sentenced today to 30 months in prison, followed by three...
officials say about...
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
the measurement tools used in multiple sclerosis for their effectiveness in...
ALEXANDRIA, VA—Jose Calderon, 42, of Sterling,
Hydrophobins are required for conidial hydrophobicity and plant root colonization in the fungal biocontrol agent Clonostachys rosea
Coatesville M an Charged with M anufacturing and Dealing Explosive M aterials
Filamentous fungi produce small cysteine rich surface active amphiphilic hydrophobins on the
Pennsylvania, was charged yesterday by indictment with one count of possession of...
Ryan Joseph Hribick, 32, of Coatesville,
outer surface of cell walls...
Fetal demise and associated factors following umbilical cord prolapse in M ulago hospital, Uganda: a retrospective study
SLW visits elderly home to extend Lunar New Year greetings
Umbilical cord prolapse is an obstetric
the Salvation Army Hoi...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited
complication associated with high perinatal morbidity and mortality. A few interventions...
Dead eyes ‘may give blind sight’
How to Build Self-Esteem
31 January 2014 Last updated at 22:36 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
Most people feel bad about themselves from time to time. Low self esteem may be triggered by your
BBC News The...
own judgements or by the...
Poem: A Bed Stand With Weed
Retrieval practice improves memory in severe traumatic brain injury
YOUR BED STAND Sylvia Plath fell for a man That shot her in the heart And left her With Pills by a bed. The passion The...
Kessler Foundation researchers have shown that retrieval practice can improve memory in individuals with severe traumatic...
Scientists develop protocol to harvest mouse cell lines for melanoma research
Health reform differs across states, report finds
Dartmouth researchers have developed a protocol that permits cells harvested from melanoma
(HealthDay)—Californians’ experience with health reform is probably very different from that of, say,
tumors in mice to grow readily...
the citizens...
CDC to launch latest graphic antismoking campaign
How The Cedars-Sinai Art Collection Shines A Healing Light On Patients And Staff Alike
(HealthDay)—For the third year in a row, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
Art is many things: beautiful, controversial, funny,
poised to deliver a bold,...
expensive. But no matter what it looks like, art has the power to heal...
Nazi Scientists M ay Have Tried To Use M osquitoes As Weapons
What Happened When M y Doctor Found a Lump
Mosquitoes as weapons? It was nearly a real-life
It’s the moment every woman dreads. You’re lying
threat during World War II, new research suggests. Researchers now say that...
flat on your back, your feet in stirrups and your ObGyn, with...
5 M ust-Reads To Get You Through February
RNAi-based screening offers M PM treatment hope
The Invention of Wings By Sue Monk Kidd 384
By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter
pages; Viking This powerful story about the relationship between Sarah Grimké...
Research using RNA interference (RNAi)-based screening has identified several potential...
Azilsartan, an angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker, restores endothelial function by reducing vascular inflammation and by increasing the phosphorylation ratio Ser1177/Thr497 of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in diabetic mice
The development and validation of an LC-M S/M S method for the determination of a new anti-malarial compound (TK900D) in human whole blood and its application to pharmacokinetic studies in mice
Azilsartan, an angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor
threatening killer infectious diseases in the world,
blocker (ARB), has a higher affinity for and slower
and account for the deaths...
Malaria is one of the most lethal and life-
dissociation from...
Correction: Dispelling myths about rare disease registry system development noted that we inadvertently failed to include
Formative research to develop a community-based intervention for chronic disease prevention in Guatemalan school-age children
important Acknowledgments...
Noncommunicable diseases (NCD) are the most
CorrectionAfter publication of this work [1], we
common causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, even in low- and middle-income...
A metabolic biosignature of early response to anti-tuberculosis treatment
Why M aking Comparisons Hurts You M ore Than It Helps
The successful treatment of tuberculosis (TB)
At the start of a new year, many people make
PDF created w ith the PDFmyURL web to PDF API!
requires long-term multidrug chemotherapy.
resolutions and are inspired to make changes in
Clinical trials to evaluate new...
their lives. This year my resolution...
Limited microdiscectomy effective for disc herniation
Improved outcomes seen with ventricular assist devices
(HealthDay)—In patients with lumbar disc
(HealthDay)—Among Medicare patients receiving
herniation, limited discectomy with removal of the
implantation of ventricular assist devices (VADs) for
fragment is associated with...
advanced heart failure,...
College drinking may aggravate PTSD symptoms (HealthDay)—College students with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are likely to drink more alcohol than other students,...
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