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Judge rejects M aine’s bid to quarantine Ebola nurse Kaci Hickox

Double-gloving, better face protection added in new guidance on Ebola

A Maine judge gave nurse Kaci Hickox the OK to go wherever she pleases, handing state officials a defeat Friday in their...

The UN health agency is updating its guidelines for health workers dealing with the deadly Ebola virus, recommending tougher...

Remedy or ripoff? 5 things to watch out for

Canada won’t issue visas to residents of Ebola outbreak countries

With hundreds of natural-sounding treatments on store shelves vying for our attention, it’s hard to know what works. And...

Canada is following in Australia’s footsteps and has suspended, effectively immediately, the issuance of visas to residents...


RECENT POSTS ORNL c ell-free protein synthesis is potential lifesaver NASA looks at deadly weather over the US Reptile fossils offer c lues about elevation history of Andes Mountains Gene-editing tec hnique heals mic e with musc ular dystrophy Mysterious Syndrome Can Cause People to Bec ome ‘Drunk’ Without Drinking Tales From the Emergenc y Room on New Year’s Eve

VIDEO: Drinkers try the BBC booze calculator Alcohol should have a calorie content label in order to reduce obesity, according to public health doctors. But do members...

UN chief defends Ebola aid workers 31 October 2014 Last updated at 18:31 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. UN chief Ban Ki-moon...

Imprisoned Saudi blogger’s health deteriorating, wife says Family Celebrates What Could Be Child???s Last Holiday as She Battles Rare Brain Tumor Court bloc ks Utah governor from stopping Planned Parenthood funds World’s first soft-robotic surgery on a human body

With new spinal cord stimulator, Army veteran is finally free of pain

Color contacts are popular for costumes but bad for the eyes

World’s first soft-robotic surgery on a human body

Good news: Craig Hoffman separated his shoulder. Wait. Why is that good news? Let’s back up. Three months ago the 49-year-old...

On Halloween, Morgan Foy will transform into Elise, the Spider Queen from the online video game “League of Legends.” The...

I Had to Give My Brother Permission to Die 20 Years Ago

Drug tests on mothers’ hair links recreational drug use to birth defects

Tau, not amyloid-beta, triggers neuronal death process in Alzheimer’s

Drug tests on 517 mothers in English inner city New research points to tau, not amyloid-beta hospitals found that nearly 15% had taken (Abeta) plaque, as the seminal event that spurs PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

How To Stic k To Your New Years Resolution, Really This Time on New Year’s Eve 7 Reasons Why You Need to Create a Vision Board in 2016 New Year 2016: How Consumers Will Roc k Health Care Ac hieve Your New Year’s Resolutions by Asking Yourself This One Question First state raises smoking age to 21 Could helmet-free football prac tic e prevent c onc ussions?

recreational drugs during pregnancy...

neuron death in disorders such...

Transition metal c atalyst prompts ‘c onjunc tive’ c ross-c oupling reac tion

Big may be better when it comes to babies

Balancing the Patient Experience with Evidence-Based M edicine

New genes born by ac c ident lead to evolutionary

The study, published in the Federation of American

Recently, Dr. Peter Kramer published an intriguing,

farmers’ dec isions on pest c ontrol

Societies for Experimental Biology journal, set out to determine whether...

well-written, but poorly reasoned and potentially dangerous “thought...

Genetic ally c orrec ting a musc le disorder

IOM : The M ost Influential Organization You’ve Never Heard Of

9-Year-Old Boy Who Has Cancer Sworn In As Newest M ember Of Aurora Police Force

Many of my friends nodded politely a few weeks back when I told them that I had been elected to the Institute of Medicine...

Bad guys take note: There’s a new cop in town, and even though he’s only in fifth grade, he’s brave beyond...

innovation The billion dollar game of strategy: The effec t of

New tec hnique offers strong, flawless 3-D printed c eramic s A father’s diet affec ts the RNA of his sperm, mouse study shows Vestas Wind books highest order intake sinc e 2010 Anesthesiologists like blues, surgeons prefer top 40 hits Smokers more likely to get antibiotic s presc riptions than others How to do a ‘mental reset’ for 2016 2-year-old husky gets new set of prosthetic paws Creating safer polio vac c ine strains for the post-

Evidence That Heart Health And M ental Health Are Linked

Halloween and Grief: When the Nightmare Is Real

eradic ation era

A new study provides more evidence that mental health and physical health are linked. The study,

I’ve been meaning to write about Halloween. I’ve been meaning to write about Halloween since

Gene-editing tec hnique suc c essfully stops progression of

presented at a meeting of...

October 2009. This...

CRISPR treats genetic disorder in adult mammal

Oregon teen develops a way to detect cancer early

What the fall time change means for kids’ health

October 31, 2014, 10:50 AM|A Portland, Oregon, 14-

October 31, 2014, 1:51 PM|This weekend across

year-old has developed a way to detect cancer sooner, and as a reward he...

America, the clocks go back, but a British study says children’s health...

What changing the clocks back does to your health

Ebola treatment center opens in Liberia

Millions of Americans will welcome an extra hour of

have died in the world’s deadliest Ebola outbreak,

sleep this weekend as they turn back their clocks for the end of Daylight...


Is Social Psychology Biased Against Conservatives?

Debate Erupts on Halloween Costumes That M ock M ental Illness


Downing Street has declined to back calls by health minister Norman Lamb for retailers to stop

Areas of inc reased poverty assoc iated with higher rates of Ebola transmission Duc henne musc ular dystrophy Painkillers often gateway to heroin for US teens: survey What Your Favorite Music Artists Say About Your Sex Life Men and Women in Long-Term Relationships Reveal How They Keep Their Sex Lives Hot The 4 Moves You Need in Order to Own the Weight Room in 2016 Exerc ise Habits of Ultra-Suc c essful People 7 Ways to Set Better Goals Daily Meditation: Set An Intention

MONROVIA, Liberia – Remembering those who

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from a stage in the middle...

selling outfits that demonise...

Electronic Health Records: The New Lightning Rod in Health Care

Take A Peek Behind The Scenes At The Sriracha Factory

When Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital failed to diagnose the first known case of Ebola in the U.S., the hospital initially...

Sriracha has captured hearts and taste buds around the world, inspiring its own cult following. Today, you don’t have...

Why I Love Halloween — Now M ore Than Ever

Why Women Are the M oralist’s Favorite Scapegoat

All my life, I have loved Halloween. I know that’s nothing special, especially for gay men (or boys). For many of us,...

PARIS — What works up a moralist more than anything else? Women. Why? Because the most political organ that exists...

Progress and Challenge in Contemplative Studies

M edicare pays for dead patients’ prescription drugs

As most everyone is aware, meditation is

Call it drugs for the departed: Medicare’s

increasingly popular in the West. There has also been a marked increase in clinical,...

prescription program kept paying for costly medications even after patients...

Strange, fanged deer persists in Afghanistan

A new generation of storage — ring

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephen 718-220-3682Wildlife

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Jonathan 01-244-342878International Union of Crystallography@iucr

Conservation Society WCS study confirms that...

IMAGE: ...

Feeling Bad About Yourself? Why A Facebook Detox Could Help

5 Ways To Stay Optimistic (Even When You Think Everything Sucks)

What Your Spirit Guides Are Trying To Tell You Spirit guides are loving spiritual helpers, and we all have them. They can...

10 Toxic Thoughts To Ditch If You Want To Be Happier What are the thoughts you typically have throughout the day? Were they...

Halloween at the ER is no treat

Study confirms obesity-breast cancer link for blacks, hispanics

(HealthDay)—Carving pumpkins and trick-ortreating may seem like harmless fun, but Halloween injuries send many children...

(HealthDay)—Obesity increases the risk of certain types of breast cancer in postmenopausal black and Hispanic women, two...

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Insomnia increases risk of motor vehicle deaths, other fatal injuries New research suggests that insomnia is a major contributor to deaths caused by motor vehicle

Advance directives can benefit patients, families, and health care system

crashes and other unintentional...

Nearly one out of four older Americans say that either they or a family member have experienced excessive or unwanted medical...

M aine Judge Orders Ebola Quarantine for Nurse

Well: Low Vitamin D Tied to Asthma Attacks

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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Staying Lean This Halloween

Tools to Bring Social M edia Under Control

It’s that time of year when tricks and treats seem to find their way into your pantry, much to the dismay of your weight...

M enopause Symptoms

We all live fast-paced lives and, sometimes, that leads us to a frantic existence, running from one task to another without...

At Halloween time, you might be afraid you’ll eat all

The Homeless Need M ore Than Blankets

the Halloween candy before you hear your doorbell ring and that...

In this land of plenty and this land of opportunity over 600,000 American’s experience homelessness on any given night...

The Art of Losing Oneself

The Art of Losing Oneself

People say it like it’s a bad thing, to lose oneself. I don’t see it as such. What does it mean anyway, to be...

People say it like it’s a bad thing, to lose oneself. I don’t see it as such. What does it mean anyway, to be...

How M aggots Can Reveal Whether You’re Liberal Or Conservative

How M aggots Can Reveal Whether You’re Liberal Or Conservative

What do maggots have to say about your political leanings? A lot more than you might think. A strange new study shows that...

What do maggots have to say about your political leanings? A lot more than you might think. A strange new study shows that...

What Tripping On M ushrooms Looks

What Tripping On M ushrooms Looks

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Like In The Brain

Like In The Brain

We’ve all heard recreational hallucinogen users describe their trips as “consciousness expanding,” and...

We’ve all heard recreational hallucinogen users describe their trips as “consciousness expanding,” and...

Vinnie M yers’ Amazing Tattoos Help Breast Cancer Survivors With Transition

Vinnie M yers’ Amazing Tattoos Help Breast Cancer Survivors With Transition

One tattoo artist is using his talents to help breast cancer survivors who have undergone a mastectomy. In a HuffPost Live...

One tattoo artist is using his talents to help breast cancer survivors who have undergone a mastectomy. In a HuffPost Live...

Can your mental attitude reverse the effects of aging?

Can your mental attitude reverse the effects of aging?

October 31, 2014, 8:28 AM|In studies over four decades, Harvard psychology professor Ellen Langer showed that mental attitude...

October 31, 2014, 8:28 AM|In studies over four decades, Harvard psychology professor Ellen Langer showed that mental attitude...

Conventional police interview techniques are not effective for people with autism

Conventional police interview techniques are not effective for people with autism

Police find interviewing and interacting with witnesses and suspects with autism a real challenge, a new study from researchers...

Police find interviewing and interacting with witnesses and suspects with autism a real challenge, a new study from researchers...

British Beer Association ‘not against alcohol calorie labelling’

British Beer Association ‘not against alcohol calorie labelling’

Cheer up, our persistent gloomy mood is all down to our genes, apparently, says Rowan Pelling British Beer Association...

Cheer up, our persistent gloomy mood is all down to our genes, apparently, says Rowan Pelling British Beer Association...

What calories are in alcohol and how to burn it off

What calories are in alcohol and how to burn it off

How to burn it off: It would take more than 15

How to burn it off: It would take more than 15

minutes of jogging to burn it off. Go large on the Chablis with a 250ml...

minutes of jogging to burn it off. Go large on the Chablis with a 250ml...

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The 6 M ost Basic Bra Rules You Probably Didn’t Know

The 6 M ost Basic Bra Rules You Probably Didn’t Know

If you’ve never been fitted for a bra by a specialist,

If you’ve never been fitted for a bra by a specialist,

you should speed-read this article, run to the nearest lingerie...

you should speed-read this article, run to the nearest lingerie...

Butter vs. M argarine: What’s The Difference?

Butter vs. M argarine: What’s The Difference?

The butter vs. margarine debate is a confusing one. Which spread is healthier? Butter is made

The butter vs. margarine debate is a confusing one. Which spread is healthier? Butter is made

from milk or cream. That’s...

from milk or cream. That’s...

Caesarean section births and autism risk?

12 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Out Of Whack

It was a familiar story. Big media headlines such as: Caesarean sections ‘may increase risk of autism’ appearing...

13 Foods To Help Ease Anxiety Stress Anxiety disorders affect about 40 million American adults, which is about 18% of the...

TSC1 is required for iNKT cell maturation and function

What Your Sleeping Position Says About You

Invariant Natural Killer T (iNKT) cell development is highly regulated, starting at stage 0, where DP thermocytes become...

Ever wondered why certain sleeping positions feel better than others? Or what your sleep style might signify? So have our...

​4 Tips For Cooking Healthier & M ore Often

M ind Blowing Brain Cases: The M an With A Hole In His Head

3 Key Nutrients Kids Need To Feel Super-Powered Certain food-like products such as artificial colorings and additives found...

Posted on October 31, 2014 by Elisabeth Buhl Thubron Mind Blowing Brain Cases: The Man With A Hole In His Head This week...

Initiative may allow ‘instantaneous diagnosis of potentially fatal rhythm disorders’ in endurance athletes

Insilico M edicine, CCARL and Plantbiosis partner to advance research on aging

The condition of an athlete’s heart has for the first time been accurately monitored throughout the duration of a marathon...

Through this unique partnership, the Baltimorebased Insilico Medicine and Lethbridge-based CCARL will provide expertise...

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Dosing of antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV infection differs by sex

Sleep-wake cycles are genetically connected to the bladder

NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dosing of antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV infection differs...

New research in The FASEB Journal suggests that the regulation of circadian clock genes by receptors involved in contractile...

Special molecules mean that plants never get sunburn

China is at serious risk from Ebola outbreak, says Peter Piot

Researchers exposed the molecules to UVB radiation from a laser The molecules, named sinapate esters, block ultraviolet-B...

Peter Piot concerned Ebola could spread to world’s most populous country Large number of Chinese workers returning...

Why falling in love gives you spots and makes you feel like you’re on drugs

Obesity crisis in the young fuels demand for ‘fat’ ambulances

eHarmony study identified the stages as butterflies, building, assimilation, honesty and stability Stage one increases libido,...

East of England Ambulance Service Trust will introduce five bariatric vehicles, 16 stretchers and lifting cushions in the...

Virus Sleuths Chip Away At Ebola M ysteries

Parasite Turns Bees Into Zombie-Like Creatures

i i Stringy particles of Ebola virus (blue) bud from a

Biologists are reporting signs of a possible zombie

chronically infected cell (yellow-green) in this colorized,...

apocalypse. Well, at least for the honeybee population. A parasite that...

M edicare Working To Fix Rule That Paid For Drugs Even After Patients Were Dead

Disabled runners, volunteers team up for NYC M arathon

WASHINGTON (AP) — Call it drugs for the

Completing the New York City Marathon is a massive accomplishment for anyone. Volunteering

departed: Medicare’s prescription program kept paying for costly medications...

to run 26.2 miles alongside a...

Patents for humanity: Special edition of Technology and Innovation

Independent safety investigation needed in the NHS

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana 813-974-1347University of South Florida (USF

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rosalind 44-015-807-64713SAGE

Innovation) How universities...

Publications The NHS should follow the lead of...

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Even mild depressive symptoms result in poorer lumbar spinal stenosis surgery outcome [ | E-mail ] Contact: Maarit 358-171-

Four new dragon millipedes found in China [ | E-mail ] Contact: Liu Weixinda2000wei@163.comPensoft Publishers@Pensoft IMAGE: This image shows a

79385University of Eastern Finland@UniEastFinland Even...

male (left) and...

Identifying the source of stem cells

Together we are strong — or insufferable

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Layne 517-3538819Michigan State University@MSUnews IMAGE: Amy...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Kerstin 49-452-2763233Max-Planck-Gesellschaft@maxplanckpress Everyone...

Lawsuit: Surgical gowns let diseases pass through

Siemens seen picking EQT for hearing aids next week

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A $500 million lawsuit against Kimberly-Clark Corp. alleges the company falsely claimed its surgical...

MUNICH/LONDON (Reuters) – Siemens is likely to pick EQT [EQT.UL] next week to buy its hearing aids unit for about 2...

M ystery of why scratching makes us itch M ORE is solved

M ystery of why scratching makes us itch M ORE is solved

Scratching causes the brain to release serotonin, which intensifies itch Mice genetically altered so they couldn’t...

Scratching causes the brain to release serotonin, which intensifies itch Mice genetically altered so they couldn’t...

Hope for Harmonie campaign raises £20k for baby girl set to lose her arms and legs to meningitis

Hope for Harmonie campaign raises £20k for baby girl set to lose her arms and legs to meningitis

The Hope for Harmonie campaign has raised half its target of £40,000 Achieved this in just a fortnight after the campaign...

The Hope for Harmonie campaign has raised half its target of £40,000 Achieved this in just a fortnight after the campaign...

Will Ebola kill you? It depends on your genes

Will Ebola kill you? It depends on your genes

Study in mice suggests genetic factors are behind

Study in mice suggests genetic factors are behind

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mild-to-deadly range of reactions to the Ebola virus The latest WHO death...

mild-to-deadly range of reactions to the Ebola virus The latest WHO death...

Jack M artindale was left on brink of death but defied everyone to live independent life

Jack M artindale was left on brink of death but defied everyone to live independent life

Jack Martindale, 25, was hit by a car in early hours of New Year’s Day 2010 His new love interest, 19, never woke from...

Jack Martindale, 25, was hit by a car in early hours of New Year’s Day 2010 His new love interest, 19, never woke from...

CSD variety show "Support Offender Rehabilitation for a Safer and M ore Inclusive Society" to be broadcast

CSD variety show "Support Offender Rehabilitation for a Safer and M ore Inclusive Society" to be broadcast

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A variety show titled “Support Offender Rehabilitation for a Safer and More Inclusive Society”,...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A variety show titled “Support Offender Rehabilitation for a Safer and More Inclusive Society”,...

Survival rates for most cancers have improved in UK

5 Habits People Who Successfully Lose Weight Have in Common

Survival rates for 19 out of the 24 most common cancers have improved But they still lag well behind those elsewhere in Europe This...

Ever look at someone who’s managed to slim down and wonder: What’s her secret? We tapped the experts at MyFitnessPal,...

The M ost Amazing Veggie Dishes EVER

4 M yths About Your M etabolism

If you’ve ever been to one of Yotam Ottolenghi’s restaurants—or made one of his recipes—then you know: The...

It’s a word people love to throw around related to their weight-loss struggles: metabolism. Simply put, metabolism...

Pterostilbene, a molecule similar to resveratrol, as a potential treatment for obesity

Russian Engines Could Be Focus Of Antares Launch Failure Probe

In collaboration with the United States Department of Agriculture, researchers in the UPV/EHU’s ‘Nutrition and...

Rocket Explosion Comes At A Tough Time For NASA

i i The Orbital Sciences Corporation Antares rocket suffers a catastrophic anomaly moments after launch...

M onsanto Hired This Guy To Help It Win Over M illennials

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Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. MELISSA...

“We use the term ‘millennial,’ but it really has to do with new ideas out there, and listening to them,”...

Speech by SFST at CPA Congress 2014

Specialty waiting times updated on Hospital Authority homepage

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor K C...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hospital Authority (HA) has continued...

Navigation and location can occur without external cues

Pot-infused edibles: One toke over the line in Colorado?

Researchers from The University of Queensland have identified the amount of information the brain needs in order to navigate...

Marijuana shops have sprouted across Denver ever since Colorado legalized the drug for adults in January, but the popularity...

Removal of heart medications by dialysis may increase risk of premature death

Phys Ed: Sports Gels Can Improve M arathon Times, but Pace Them Right

Dialysis patients who take heart medications that are easily removed from the circulation through dialysis may be at increased...

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Well: Ask Well: Is the Ebola Epidemic Ending in Africa?

In New York, Protections Offered for M edical Workers Joining Ebola Fight

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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

North Korea Said to Impose Ebola Quarantine on All Travelers

Liberia’s Ebola Crisis Puts President in Harsh Light

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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

10 Annoying Food Trends That Need To End Now, Immediately, Pronto

Couple With 12 Sons Expecting Another Child; Will Baby Number 13 Be A Girl?

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When it comes to food, we are not hard to please. Ask anyone. We will pretty much eat anything that comes within a few yards...

Kateri and Jay Schwandt, the Michigan couple who have 12 sons, are expecting another child. Will baby number 13 mark the...

18 Student Science Experiments Lost In Rocket Explosion

VIDEO: You Don’t Know Jack-O’Lanterns

Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal,

Decorative gourd season has arrived, and we

noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. MELISSA...

decided to celebrate by investigating the science and history of pumpkins. Do...

Apps Aim To Guide You On ‘Sustainable Food’ (Whatever That M eans)

Saving The Amazon Will Take M ore Than Stopping Loggers

i i Confused about all the different sustainability ratings out there? The simplest option may be to...

In order to save the Amazon, it’s not enough for deforestation to stop; areas that have been denuded also need recuperation....

Ebola Researchers Banned From M edical M eeting In New Orleans

Explainer: multiple sclerosis

i i Don’t look for leading Ebola researchers at the Sheraton New Orleans. Louisiana health officials told doctors...

Your Fault You’re Fat? I Don’t Buy It. Flickr / August Brill This last week, my working week started in London and ended in Mexico City. Beginning on one side...

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease affecting almost 25,000 Australians and more than 2.4 million people worldwide....

Empowering Indigenous communities to prevent child abuse and neglect In some jurisdictions of Australia, the rate of Indigenous children in foster, kinship and residential care on any one night...

A rose by any other name: the low-down on ‘healthy’ Coke

Child protection: how to keep vulnerable kids with their families

Coca-Cola has announced it will launch its newest soft drink in the Australian market in April 2015. Strongly promoted as...

After a long period of expansion in the number of children living in out-of-home care, most modern child protection systems...

Scientists trigger self-destruct switch in lung cancer cells

Refugee health cuts: Tories prep contingency plan as deadline looms

Cancer Research UK scientists have found a drug Immigration officials are working furiously to combination that can trigger the self-destruct finalize contingency plans for refugee health care PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

process in lung cancer cells...

coverage in the event the...

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice

AUDIO: ‘We want sperm donors to be proud’

Dr. Lisa Monkman overcame some challenging circumstances on her path to becoming a physician. Now she works in Dauphin,...

The first national sperm bank is being launched to meet increasing demand – including from samesex couples. Birmingham...

VIDEO: UK national sperm bank starts work

VIDEO: Lab for world’s worst animal viruses

A UK national sperm bank – charged with reversing

A laboratory that will hold some of the world’s most

a growing shortage of donor sperm – has started work in Birmingham. Fertility...

contagious livestock viruses has opened in the UK. The BBSRC National...

Genes ‘play role in Ebola survival’

Alcohol ‘should have calorie labels’

31 October 2014 Last updated at 00:36 A burial team take away a victim of the Ebola virus Genetic factors could play an...

31 October 2014 Last updated at 00:10 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website Alcohol should...

M icroscope use doesn’t up infection risk in spine surgery

Adrenal sex hormone level may predict heart disease risk

(HealthDay)—Use of an operating microscope does not appear to have much impact on risk of infection or operating room times...

(HealthDay)—Blood levels of the adrenal sex hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate (DHEA-S) may predict...

Pre-angiography high-dose statins cut contrast-induced AKI

Oral bisphosphonate use cuts risk of post-implant revision Sx

(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing coronary angiography, pretreatment with high-dose statins reduces the risk of contrast-induced...

(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing total joint replacement, oral bisphosphonate use is associated with a reduction in...

Well: Is 10,000 Hours All I Need to Run a Faster M arathon?

A comprehensive resource of genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic sequencing data for the black truffle Tuber melanosporum

PhotoJen A. Miller (No. 1542) at the Run the Bridge 10K in Camden, N.J., in 2009.Credit Mary Miller I’m a runner. Not a...

Tuber melanosporum, also known in the gastronomic community as “truffle”, features one of

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the largest fungal...

Bare metal stent versus paclitaxel eluting stent for intermediate length femoropopliteal arterial lesions (BATTLE trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Psychometric evaluation of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) with Dupuytren’s contracture: validity evidence using Rasch modeling

Currently, endovascular treatment is indicated to treat femoropopliteal lesions Paclitaxel eluting stents have shown promising...

Dupuytren’s contracture is a progressive, fibroproliferative disorder that causes fixed finger contractures and can...

Crash test dummies getting fatter to match American drivers

HIV vaccine trial clears ‘important step’ in South Africa

Crash test dummies are getting fatter so they better represent the expanding waistlines and bigger rear

An experimental HIV vaccine is safe to use in South Africa, which paves the way for a larger trial,

ends of American...

researchers say. The...

Wheelchair-using students get level playing field in Grand-Digue, N.B.

M aine nurse defying Ebola quarantine set for standoff with state

Physical education teacher Rhéal Hébert of Grande-Digue, N.B., has gone an extra step to see that all students get moving...

Maine health authorities struggled Thursday to reach a compromise with nurse Kaci Hickox that would require her to keep her...

M icrobicides an ‘empowering tool’ to prevent HIV infection in women

VIDEO: No hugs for Ebola volunteers

Microbicides, products specifically aimed at protecting women from HIV without the need to negotiate condom use, are missing...

VIDEO: Care plan ‘to ease hospital pressure’ Vulnerable patients in England will get better support in the community as part of plans to ease pressure on hospitals, according...

M amma, Am I Beautiful? My 9-year-old daughter slinks into my office. It is the

The United Nations is appealing for thousands of healthcare workers to volunteer to help in those countries worst affected...

How Successful People Stay Calm The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. TalentSmart has...

Right-to-die advocate may postpone her own death

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night before the dreaded spelling test, and as usual we are now just...

PORTLAND, Ore. – A 29-year-old terminally ill woman who expects to take her life under Oregon’s death-with-dignity...

Himalayan Viagra fuels caterpillar fungus gold rush

2014 Antarctic ozone hole holds steady

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gerry 314-9356375Washington University in St. Louis@WUSTLnews Tibetans... 240-6840808NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

2014 Antarctic ozone hole holds steady

Hubble sees ‘ghost light’ from dead galaxies

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Audrey 240-6840808NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Audrey

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ray 410-338-4514NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: Massive...

Hubble sees ‘ghost light’ from dead galaxies

Unlocking the secrets of pulmonary hypertension

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ray

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ross

410-338-4514NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: Massive...

780-492-5986University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine Dentistry UAlberta...

Unlocking the secrets of pulmonary hypertension

Zombies: Science Fiction vs. Fact

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ross 780-492-5986University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine Dentistry UAlberta...

Well in the spirit of Halloween I thought I would make a nice little zombie post. Zombies, those brain loving little guys,...

Finally, New Research Shows That Chronic Fatigue Is Real

Novel tinnitus therapy helps patients cope with phantom noise

The 10 Best (And Worst) Countries For Overall Well-Being The latest Gallup and Healthways wellbeing survey has been released,...

Patients with tinnitus hear phantom noise and are sometimes so bothered by the perceived ringing in their ears, they have...

M aine Officials Fail to Reach Compromise With Nurse Over Ebola Quarantine

Genes Influence Ebola Infections in M ice, Study Suggests

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Rising numbers seek NHS help for alcohol problems

New figures show falling survival for some cancers

Separate figures show that over the last decade, there has been a 40 per cent rise in the number of people who died from...

The figures show that among women, survival is worsening for those with thyroid and bladder cancers, while progress has...

Secret of healthy ageing discovered in ground-breaking 35-year study

Dismissing Soul Cycle M oms Is Cheap and Easy

Retired teacher Leighton Jones, 80, rides 35 miles a week around the hills and valleys near his home in Caerphilly, South...

On any given morning, a favored haunt of mine, Irving Farm Coffee Shop on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, has at least...

Introducing Checky, The App That Quantifies How Often You Look At Your Phone Every Day

Scientists Implicate M ore Than 100 Genes In Causing Autism

Interested in knowing just how many times you check your phone per day? There’s an app for that. Checky not only shows...

Lose Yourself Behind a M ask Every culture and tradition around the world has masks, costumes, dances, puppets and ceremonial characters that teach or...

Nurse follows through on vow to defy Ebola quarantine Last Updated Oct 30, 2014 1:52 PM EDT FORT KENT, Maine – Maine Gov. Paul LePage says that negotiations with a nurse...

Fireball Whisky recalled in Europe for ingredient, American officials not worried

The hunt to find genes that cause autism has been a long slog, one hampered by a lack of technology and families willing...

Why You Believe In Ghosts, Even Though You Know Better When Halloween rolls around, talk of witches, haunted houses and black cats is all in good fun — right? Maybe not....

Kaci Hickox breaks her quarantine October 30, 2014, 10:16 AM|Nurse Kaci Hickox who treated Ebola patients in West Africa broke a quarantine order Thursday...

​Can lots of sex protect the prostate?

Don Juans of the world, take note: Men who sleep with lots of women may be less likely to develop PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

October 30, 2014, 8:21 AM|A popular type of liquor is being recalled in parts of Europe over an ingredient that can be found...

prostate cancer than men...

Gerber sued over baby formula health claims

Experts recommend tumor removal as first-line treatment for acromegaly

WASHINGTON – Federal regulators announced Thursday they were suing Gerber, the well-known baby food maker, for claiming...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jenni Glenn 202-971-3655The Endocrine Society@EndoMedia Endocrine Society...

Sustained local control for medically inoperable, early stage lung cancer patients

What do American babies eat? A lot depends on M om’s socioeconomic background

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle 703-286-1600American Society for Radiation Oncology@ASTRO_org Analysis...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ellen 716-6454605University at Buffalo@UBNewsSource Dietary patterns...

Twenty-first Eastern Pacific tropical depression born on Oct. 30

Die at home and cut the health coverups, Africans urge leaders

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: Tropical Depression...

By Ed Cropley JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – When dying Zambian president Michael Sata flew to London last...

FTC sues Gerber over claims on infant formula

Loading up on carbs before a race may not help, study says

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal regulators announced Thursday they were suing Gerber, the well-known baby food maker, for claiming...

Gebre Gebrmariam, of Ethiopa, throws out his arms before breaking the tape to win the professional men’s division at...

Inventor of ‘Operation’ game needs money for real operation

First two kids increase happiness; third, not so much, study says

The game Operation is on display at a Toys R Us store. (AP Photo/Mike Groll) The man who asked the world to remove funny...

(iStock) Parents’ happiness soars with their first child, but that increase is cut in half by their second, and there’s...

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Ebola health worker restrictions could deter others: U.S. envoy BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Some countries are yet to shoulder their share of the Ebola response burden and some restrictions...

Bristol immunotherapy shows encouraging survival in lung cancer trial (Reuters) – Treatment of a common form of advanced lung cancer with Bristol-Myers Squibb Co’s experimental immunotherapy...

U.S. nurse defies M aine’s Ebola quarantine, takes bike ride

Frailty Tied to Lower Survival Rates After Kidney Transplant

(Reuters) – A nurse who treated Ebola patients in Sierra Leone but has tested negative for the virus ventured out of...

THURSDAY Oct. 30, 2014, 2014 — Physical frailty may lead to worse five-year survival rates among kidney transplant...

Scientists Set Their Sights on First Whole-Eye Transplant

Depression influences post-op satisfaction in older patients

THURSDAY Oct. 30, 2014, 2014 — In the world of 21st-century medicine, organ transplantation is nothing new. The first...

(HealthDay)—For older patients undergoing revision lumbar surgery, preoperative depression influences patient satisfaction...

Amid Ebola Fears, School Bars a ThirdGrader for 21 Days

9 Things We’d Rather Do In A Running Romper Than Run In It

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

First it was Lululemon’s Runsie, and now Brooks is set to grace us with a running romper in 2015. Photo from Lululemon But...

How To M ake A Digital Detox Actually Stick

Nurse Kaci Hickox Defies Ebola Quarantine In M aine, Goes For Bike Ride

Imagine a weekend, a week or even a month without your iPhone, computer or any other devices. Chances are you’re not going...

The No-M akeup Fix For Puffy Eyes By Corrie Pikul We ask the experts for some DIY ways to deflate (plus, one last-resort procedure). The De-Puffing Diet What’s...

ROBERT F. BUKATY, Associated Press FORT KENT, Maine (AP) — A nurse who vowed to defy Maine’s voluntary quarantine...

Biology of Consciousness: Bridging the M ind-Body Gap? The mind-body problem was first raised, rather circuitously, as a non-problem by Aristotle more than 2,000 years ago. He...

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Yale grad student free from Ebola quarantine

Yale student says Ebola quarantine not based on science

A 30-year-old Yale epidemiology graduate student is free from quarantine after Connecticut officials feared he may have contracted...

October 30, 2014, 7:33 AM|A Yale graduate student is free from quarantine this morning after Connecticut officials feared...

Decoding autism: Studies link over 100 genes to developmental disorder

M odel by NIH grantees explains why HIV prevention dosing differs by sex

October 30, 2014, 8:14 AM|Two new studies have identified more than 100 genes involved in Autism spectrum disorders. Scientists...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura S. 301-4021663NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious...

Seeing dinosaur feathers in a new light

The geometry of RNA

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marie-Claire 49-022873-1786University of Bonn@unibonn University...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Federica 39-040-3787644International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA)@sissaschool A...

National Cancer Institute supports nextgeneration Austrian HPV vaccine

Google data could improve forecasting of influenza levels

The National Cancer Institute in the USA is supporting the new vaccine developed at the MedUni Vienna against the human papillomavirus...

A study published in Royal Society Open Science today reveals that data from Google searches could help improve estimates...

Social ties matter beyond bushfires

M aking lab-grown tissues stronger

In the first major release of findings from the Beyond Bushfires study of the aftermath of the

Lab-grown tissues could one day provide new treatments for injuries and damage to the joints,

Black Saturday bushfires,...

including articular cartilage,...

With M icrosoft Band and Health, a Jump Into the Growing M arket for Wearable Technology

Chain Restaurant Salads With 1,000 Calories ‌ Or M ore

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Oh how deceptive a salad can be. One would think that ordering a dish in which vegetables are the main event would be a more...

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20 Reasons To Run In The New York City M arathon At Least Once In Your Life Every year around this time, I get the New York City Marathon bug. My usual every-other-day run generally takes me to Central...

Why Ebola Aid Workers Are Quarantining Themselves When Scientists Say They Don’t Need To Allen Mann is a missionary, not a doctor. Yet when he returned from a trip to the Liberian capital of Monrovia with the group...

New diet advice for adults with epilepsy October 30, 2014, 5:34 AM|According to researchers in Maryland, adults with epilepsy should consider a low-carb, high-fat...

All Pain, No Gain? Put An End To Painful Sex During M enopause “Not tonight dear. I have a painful vagina.” Say what? If you’re making excuses to avoid sexual intimacy...

Ballot M easure To Drug-Test Doctors Draws Backlash A proposal to randomly drug-test doctors in California is stealing the spotlight from the medical malpractice reform measure...

Ebola quarantine changes for Yale grad student A 30-year-old Yale epidemiology graduate student is free from quarantine after Connecticut officials feared he may have contracted...

Whiskey pulled over antifreeze ingredient, but not in U.S.

Nurse fights M aine over state-imposed self-quarantine

One of the fastest-growing liquor brands in America is being recalled in Europe over an ingredient found in some types of...

October 30, 2014, 7:08 AM|Kaci Hickox, a nurse who treated Ebola patients in West Africa, is fighting Maine over its orders...

Obama pushes for states to follow CDC’s Ebola guidelines

David Beckham gives young fan a day to remember with surprise visit for Stand Up To Cancer

October 30, 2014, 7:09 AM|The Obama administration is trying to quell the Ebola fears of Americans and is asking states to...

Avid Manchester United fan and cancer patient Lloyd Burton’s dream came true when he met his hero David Beckham. The pair...

Public need better information about screening, say M Ps

Sleeping pill use by seniors too common, Canadian medical group says

People are not always provided with sufficient information about the risks of screening for chronic

A campaign to reduce inappropriate use of health care in Canada is calling for more prudent

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diseases such as cancer,...

prescribing of sleep aids among...

Kaci Hickox, M aine heading to legal showdown over Ebola quarantine

VIDEO: Tough laws ‘do not stop drug use’

State police in Maine plan to monitor the movements and interactions of a nurse who vowed to defy the state’s quarantine...

There is “no obvious relationship” between tough laws and levels of drug use, a government report has suggested. The...

VIDEO: ‘M y son died after taking legal high’

VIDEO: ‘Drug abuse should be a health issue’

A mother whose son died after taking a legal high is campaigning to criminalise the drugs after the death of her son. Karen...

There is “no obvious relationship” between tough laws and levels of drug use, a government report has suggested. The...

Health care overhaul doubts ease for insurers

FDA approves vaccine to block meningitis strain (Update)

What a difference a year makes. The nation’s biggest health insurers entered last fall cautious about a major coverage...

Federal health regulators have approved the first vaccine to block a strain of bacteria that has caused sometimes deadly...

Ebola expert says China at risk, seeks Japan aid

Low-carb, high-fat diets may reduce seizures in tough-to-treat epilepsy

A scientist who helped to discover the Ebola virus says he is concerned that the disease could

Diets high in fat and low in carbohydrates, such as the ketogenic or modified Atkins diet, may reduce

spread to China given the...

seizures in adults...

Study compares gastric bypass procedures in weight loss, complications

Adult eczema may be unrecognized risk factor for fracture, other injuries

In a study of two of the most commonly performed bariatric surgery procedures, laparoscopic Rouxen-Y gastric bypass (RYGB)...

Study examines availability of tanning beds on and near college campuses

Adults with eczema had a higher prevalence of fracture and bone or joint injury (FBJI), as well as other types of injury-causing...

Diabetes ‘out of control’ in most parts of England

Among the top 125 colleges on a list compiled by Baroness Young said: “This is just the latest in a U.S. News World Report, 48 percent have indoor long line of statistics that show that diabetes tanning facilities either... healthcare is hugely... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

NYU research: Tourism as a driver of illicit drug use, HIV risk in the DR

Prenatal phthalate exposures and anogenital distance in Swedish boys

[ | E-mail ] Contact: christopher 212-9986876New York University@nyuniversity The study...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carina 46-070-6015464Swedish Research Council The first study to examine...

Largest ever dataset of individual deaths in Africa & SE Asia reveals changing health

Aortic valve replacement appears safe, effective in very elderly patients

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Clare 44-020-76117262Wellcome Trust@wellcometrust More than

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cassie 312-2025865Elsevier@ElsevierConnect New study published in The Annals...

110,000 individual...

Support for fecal testing in familial colorectal cancer screening

5 Strategies To Avoid M indless Snacking

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 301-2721603American Gastroenterological Association@AmerGastroAssn Bethesda,...

5 Reasons To Read Self-Help Books (Even If You Think You Don’t Need To) I find it’s healing and inspiring to...

Can you cheat your way to fitness?

Ebola: The right to refuse to treat

29 October 2014 Last updated at 01:41 Not everyone can get to the gym – but is it really possible to get fit by just...

29 October 2014 Last updated at 11:24 Medical staff must wear protective suits whenever they treat Ebola patients The president...

Better radiologist performance on own recalled screens

Noneconomic damages caps cut malpractice payments by 15 percent

(HealthDay)—Radiologists’ screening performance improves with work-up of their own recalled screening mammograms,...

(HealthDay)—Adoption of noneconomic damages caps reduces average malpractice payments by 15 percent, according to research...

Four years in, payment model lowers medical spending, improves care

Polls show deep partisan divide over Affordable Care Act

A new study suggests that a plan that uses global A comprehensive analysis of data from 27 public budgets for health care, an alternative to the opinion polls conducted by 14 organizations, PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

traditional fee-for-service...

including a poll in September...

Bellevue Employees Face Ebola at Work, and Stigma of It Everywhere

New technology shows promise for delivery of therapeutics to the brain

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Could not connect to DB: 1040: Too many connectionsCould not execute ‘UPDATE pressrelease SET r_hits = r_hits+ 1, r_total_hits...

Smoke and haze over China

M icrorockets fueled by water neutralize chemical and biological warfare agents

Could not connect to DB: 1040: Too many connectionsCould not execute ‘UPDATE pressrelease SET r_hits = r_hits+ 1, r_total_hits...

Why plants don’t get sunburn Could not connect to DB: 1040: Too many connectionsCould not execute ‘UPDATE pressrelease SET r_hits = r_hits+ 1, r_total_hits...

Could not connect to DB: 1040: Too many connectionsCould not execute ‘UPDATE pressrelease SET r_hits = r_hits+ 1, r_total_hits...

Scientists rank thousands of substances according to potential exposure level Could not connect to DB: 1040: Too many connectionsCould not execute ‘UPDATE pressrelease SET r_hits = r_hits+ 1, r_total_hits...

Breastfeeding photo ‘goes viral’ 28 October 2014 Last updated at 18:13 Emma Bond said she has received hundreds of messages of support A photograph of a...

Affordable Care Act M edicare payment reforms improve patient experiences Beneficiaries enrolled in Accountable Care Organizations, a payment model that allows provider groups to share in the savings...

Frequent readmissions, high costs after cardiac arrest

Vitamin D may not prevent return of vaginosis after all

(HealthDay)—Frequent readmissions and high inpatient costs are seen among older survivors of in-hospital cardiac arrest,...

(HealthDay)—A new study suggests that high doses of vitamin D may not help prevent the return of bacterial vaginosis (BV)....

Frailty increases kidney transplant recipients’ risk of dying prematurely

California’s Proposition 45 Would Offer Public a Say on Health Insurance Rates

Regardless of age, frailty is a strong risk factor for dying prematurely after a kidney transplant. The

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finding, which comes...

York Times. ...

F.D.A. Approves Pfizer’s Trumenba, a Vaccine for a Rare M eningitis

New Scrutiny on Sweets With Ascent of M arijuana in Colorado

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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

After a Family Trip to Africa, a Connecticut Girl, 7, Is Unwelcome at School

M icrosoft Jumps Into the Growing M arket for Wearable Fitness Technology

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Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Obama calls health-care workers ‘heroes’ as nurse plans to end quarantine

Final arguments in dispute over chemotherapy for First Nations girl

U.S. President Barack Obama called health-care workers who are heading to Ebola-affected countries “American heroes”...

Ebola outbreak: Rate of new cases in Liberia slows, WHO says The Ebola death toll stands at 4,922 out of 13,703 cases worldwide, the World Health Organization says in noting signs of...

McMaster Children’s Hospital is challenging a First Nations mother’s decision to withdraw her daughter from chemotherapy....

NHS trusts counting on bailouts 29 October 2014 Last updated at 17:50 By Jon Manel PM, BBC Radio 4 A growing number of NHS trusts is...

Dementia tops female causes of death

Study points to new autism risks

29 October 2014 Last updated at 13:22 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website It is the second...

30 October 2014 Last updated at 01:04 The study linked 33 genes to autism. A massive international study has started to...

Care plan ‘to ease hospital pressure’

UK national sperm bank starts work

30 October 2014 Last updated at 00:46 By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News Vulnerable patients...

30 October 2014 Last updated at 01:00 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website A UK national...

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California announces Ebola quarantine rules

FDA cautions against ‘undeclared’ food allergens

California announced new quarantine guidelines Wednesday for people arriving in the western state deemed to pose a risk of...

(HealthDay)—Some food labels may not reliably list all possible food allergens, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration....

Nurse Says She Won’t Have Officials Violate ‘M y Civil Rights’

Ebola Nurse to Officials: Don’t Violate ‘M y Civil Rights’

As Maine officials said they were preparing to get a court order to enforce a mandatory quarantine, Ebola nurse Kaci Hickox...

As Maine officials said they were preparing to get a court order to enforce a mandatory quarantine, Ebola nurse Kaci Hickox...

New Ebola cases slowing in Liberia, but too soon to celebrate: WHO

Quarantined Ebola nurse goes outside; police watch

Geneva (AFP) – The rate of new Ebola infections appears to be slowing in hard-hit Liberia, but the crisis is far from...

FORT KENT, Maine (AP) — A nurse who treated Ebola patients in West Africa and has been under a voluntary in-home quarantine...

Experts update stroke prevention guidelines

Global fight against Ebola grows but far from won, U.S. envoy says

(Reuters Health) – Tools for preventing strokes include a healthy diet, home blood pressure monitoring and an online...

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – U.S. envoy Samantha Power said she will return from West Africa to the United States and the United...

M aine nurse fights Ebola quarantine, says will not be bullied

Health Highlights: Oct. 29, 2014

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Saying she will not be bullied by politicians, a Maine nurse is giving the state an ultimatum:...

Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: Hi-Tech Pill Would...

Ankle, knee strength generation slower with diabetic neuropathy

Breast and colorectal cancers remain more aggressive in children

(HealthDay)—When walking up and down stairs, patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) are slower at generating...

Breast and colorectal cancers rarely occur in children, but when they do, these conditions are more precarious, according...

Expectant mothers with epilepsy face

This Is Your Brain on Drugs

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tough choices over their medication A new study published today in The Cochrane Library, highlights the difficult decisions women with epilepsy have to face...

The New Health Care: A Formula to Find the Uninsured Around the Country Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Bellevue Workers, Worn Out From Treating Ebola Patient, Face Stigma Outside Hospital Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Ebola M ay be Slowing in Liberia, W.H.O. Says

Kaci Hickox Says She M ay Sue M aine Over Ebola Quarantine

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Extremely Violent Crimes Tied to Gene in Study of 700 Criminals

Kazakhstan Court Awards Damages Over Same-Sex Kiss Poster

Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 3:03 pm | Updated: 3:30 pm, Tue Oct 28, 2014. Extremely violent...

A court in Almaty has ordered an advertising agency to pay damages for designing a controversial poster showing two 19th-century...

NHS basic model to change, pledges Jeremy Hunt

Anonymous Donor Gives Home To Sandy Victim Who Lived In M otel For 2 Years

Mr Hunt said the changes would mean a transformation in the way care is delivered, to respond better to the needs of the...

Russelle Patterson’s life was turned upside down two years ago. The New Jersey woman’s home in Egg Harbor Township...

Health and Longevity: Chalk It Up to M ind

Kindness Really Does M ake You M ore Attractive

The concept of mind we’re all familiar with is fast becoming the mind of the past. The decision maker, the seat of...

If teen movies have anything to say about it, the hottest people are usually also the meanest, while the nice guys are the...

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John Barrasso, A Senate GOP Leader, Says Obamacare Repeal Is Unrealistic Even as the GOP looks poised to retake the Senate next week, a repeal of Obamacare remains unlikely, a top Republican senator...

Dare to Be 100: Either, or Or, or Both Black or white. Good or bad. Too much or too little. To be or not to be. Or maybe. The human brain insists on all or none,...

Hagel mandates 21-day Ebola quarantine for U.S. troops

Too much milk may be bad for your health

Last Updated Oct 29, 2014 11:54 AM EDT WASHINGTON – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Wednesday approved a recommendation...

Drinking lots of milk could be bad for your health, a new study reports. Previous research has shown that the calcium in...

Why do soldiers face stronger Ebola protocols than civilians?

M ajor study identifies genes leading to autism

The White House said there’s an emerging consensus among governors, the federal government and the military about dealing...

October 29, 2014, 4:22 PM|Researchers have discovered many more genes that contribute to the risk of autism. They analyzed...

Elton John has strong words for gay community

Ebola scares West Africans away from bush meat

Elton John is urging the LGBT community to “wise up” over the ongoing AIDS pandemic. The entertainer was joined...

ACCRA, Ghana – Yaa Kyerewaa cuts a lonely figure beside a pile of animal parts: the jaws of a giant rodent, the hooves...

Tiny carbon nanotube pores make big impact

Study identifies potential treatment target for cocaine addiction

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 925422-9799DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory@Livermore_Lab A team...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Terri 617-726-0954Massachusetts General Hospital@MassGeneralNews Small change...

Researchers track ammonium source in open ocean

Engineers develop novel ultrasound technology to screen for heart conditions

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin 401-8633766Brown University@brownlifesci PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ioana 858-8220899University of California – San Diego@UCSanDiego IMAGE: ...

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Innovative study using video games shows sleep apnea may affect memory of everyday events [ | E-mail ] Contact: Ryan 212-404-3511NYU Langone Medical Center / New York University School...

US sends health official to Cuban Ebola meeting HAVANA (AP) — U.S. and Cuban health officials sat together in Havana on Wednesday to discuss Latin America’s response...

Decades of research: Effectiveness of phone counseling for cancer patients still unknown [ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth Sundemgarth.sundem@ucdenver.eduUniversity of Colorado Denver@CUDenver IMAGE: Sonia Okuyama,...

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Nilofar being affected by wind shear [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: NASA’s...

How to M ake These Fear-Inducing 5 Yoga Poses a Little Less Scary This Halloween! Halloween can be a fright, but yoga should never be! It is true that sometimes you haven’t fully developed the strength...

Supersonic laser-propelled rockets [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lyndsay 202-416-1435The Optical Society@opticalsociety New hybrid approach may...

HPV infections in women eradicated by AHCC, Japanese mushroom extract

Penn vet professor investigates parasite-schizophrenia connection

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 212-4770472JMPR Associates, Inc. Results of human pilot study presented...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katherine Unger 215-898-9194University of Pennsylvania@Penn Many factors,...

Clean smell doesn’t always mean clean air

NIST ‘combs’ the atmosphere to measure greenhouse gases

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Britt 215-895-2617Drexel University@DrexelNews Drexel engineer studies indoor...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura 303-497-4880National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)@usnistgov IMAGE: ...

Funding to tame an Ebola outbreak has

French drugmaker Sanofi sacks CEO,

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fallen short

shares drop

The nation’s preparedness effort to fight outbreaks of Ebola and other infectious diseases has been under-funded and...

By Natalie Huet and Noëlle Mennella PARIS (Reuters) – Sanofi’s board ousted its chief executive...

Hagel orders quarantine for US troops returning from W. Africa

Nurse says she plans to end voluntary quarantine

Washington (AFP) – Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel on Wednesday ordered a 21-day quarantine for all US troops returning...

FORT KENT, Maine (AP) — A nurse who treated Ebola patients in West Africa said Wednesday that she plans to stop quarantining...

Weight-loss superfood: 6 tips for a healthy gut

M aine, nurse who tested negative for Ebola clash over quarantine

Over the years, I’ve noticed that clients who added a certain item to their diet seemed more likely to lose weight....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Maine’s governor said on Wednesday that he would seek legal authority to enforce a 21-day...

Liberians fast, pray for three days to break Ebola ‘curse’

U.S. attends Ebola meeting in Cuba called by leftist bloc

MONROVIA (Reuters) – Liberians began three days of fasting and prayers on Wednesday to seek salvation from the “curse”...

HAVANA (Reuters) – United States government health officials were among those from 31 countries in the Americas attending...

Stroke Prevention Guidelines Emphasize Healthy Lifestyle

Can Lots of Sex Protect the Prostate?

WEDNESDAY Oct. 29, 2014, 2014 — Want to lower your risk of a first-time stroke? New guidelines from the American Heart...

Women Often Ignore Signs of Heart Trouble WEDNESDAY Oct. 29, 2014, 2014 — When it comes to heart disease, a new study finds women are more likely than men to...

WEDNESDAY Oct. 29, 2014, 2014 — Don Juans of the world, take note: Men who sleep with lots of women may be less likely...

How Long Should You M editate? How An NFL Linebacker Became A Renowned Yoga Teacher When former New Orleans Saints linebacker Keith Mitchell suffered a...

5 M orning Rituals For Busy M oms

Projecting a robot’s intentions

7 Reasons You Need A Nap (Or At Least Some

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Abby

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Downtime) A recent survey revealed what many of us feel: millions of Americans...

617-253-2709Massachusetts Institute of Technology@MITnews A new spin on...

Walking workstations improve physical and mental health, builds healthier workplace

Go straight and publish: From Barcode of Life Data Systems to scholarly publishing systems

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Candace Beaty 317-2740685Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: FernandezTrianajftriana@uoguelph.caPensoft Publishers@Pensoft IMAGE: This image shows Pholetesor...

WHO: Ebola decline in Liberia could be real trend

M aine to go to court over quarantine of nurse who treated Ebola patients

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — The rate of new Ebola infections in Liberia appears to be declining and could represent a real trend,...

Maine Governor Paul LePage said on Wednesday he will seek legal authority to enforce the quarantine of a Maine nurse who...

Zambia’s Scott becomes Africa’s first white leader in 20 years

Governor: M aine will seek to enforce quarantine

By Chris Mfula LUSAKA (Reuters) – Zambia’s Guy

FORT KENT, Maine (AP) — The governor’s office

Scott became Africa’s first white head of...

and state health officials are seeking legal authority to enforce the...

Hagel orders quarantine for US troops returning from West Africa

Hagel approves 21-day Ebola quarantine for troops

Washington (AFP) – Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel on Wednesday ordered a 21-day quarantine for all US troops returning...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Wednesday approved a recommendation by military leaders that all U.S....

3 daily glasses of milk linked to higher mortality rate in women

Elizabeth Gilbert Reveals 3 Signs You’re Having A Soul Emergency

Milk is often touted as an elixir for bone strength, but new research suggests that those superpowers may be true only to...

Are you having a spiritual meltdown without realizing it? The author of Eat, Pray, Love reveals the critical, overlooked...

3 Ways To Get Better Sleep During M enopause

This Pouch Will Charge Your Phone Near (Not In) Your Bed At Night

Sleep is often one of the first things to go during the Guilty of falling asleep with your slowly dying PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

transition into menopause. These solutions can help you wake up on...

iPhone laying next to you? Or leaving it on the floor overnight, only to...

Chris Christie To Nurse Who M ay Sue Him: ‘Whatever. Get In Line.’

The Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy and a Woman Named Linda

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) brusquely

Hurricane Sandy hit New York City two years ago

dismissed a possible lawsuit from a nurse who was quarantined in his state after...

today. My fellow New Yorkers woke up to a world ripped up and watered down;...

M assachusetts town proposes ban on all tobacco sales

Tracking down "patient zero" in Ebola outbreak

October 29, 2014, 8:21 AM|A small town in central

In the Guinean village where the current West

Massachusetts is poised to take the next big step in the tobacco wars....

African Ebola outbreak began, 14 graves mark the spot where the lethal virus...

Does milk really do the body good?

Integrins losing their grip lead to activation of T cell immune response

October 29, 2014, 8:14 AM|A new study raises the possibility that high milk consumption may be linked with more fractured...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susanne Fagerholmsusanne.fagerholm@helsinki.fiUniversity of Helsinki@helsinkiuni Integrins are adhesion...

Planck 2013 results [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Jennifer Astrophysics Astronomy Astrophysics is publishing...

Evolution of competitiveness [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Sebastian A. 49-022873-5749University of Bonn@unibonn Scientists...

Gentle caffeine boost for premature babies [ | E-mail ] Contact: Luciano F. 41-587-657393Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science...

Ghrelin stimulates an appetite for drinking alcohol [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rhiannon 214-6480880Elsevier@ElsevierConnect Reports new study...

Google Fit hits the Play Store Hoping to inspire users to hit the gym, the app

Obama praising doctors fighting Ebola in Africa

Google Fit has just been released in the Android WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Play Store. Although it...

surrounding himself with health care workers battling Ebola in Africa to showcase...

5 high-fiber foods that help lower breast cancer risk

Healthy benefits of allspice and nutmeg

A high fiber diet is great for weight control and for

Halloween to New Year’s, various dishes and recipes call for spices...

promoting overall good health, but did you know that for women it can...

(iStock) During the long holiday season from

Florida football player vows to ‘pull through’ after knee injury, leg amputation

U.S. nurse fights M aine quarantine over Ebola fears

(My Fox Philly) A Florida teenager is leaning on his

nurse who has tested negative for Ebola after returning from West Africa,...

teammates after suffering from a knee-shattering injury that led to...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Kaci Hickox, a U.S.

Behind the scenes of Sanofi’s boardroom bust up

AUDIO: Carer: Low pay leads to poor care

PARIS (Reuters) – A boardroom tussle brewing for

Britain’s biggest trade union, Unison, has accused

months at Sanofi came to a head on Wednesday when France’s top...

councils in England and Wales of failing to ensure home care workers...

VIDEO: Samaritans app ‘could have helped me’

VIDEO: How to spot the signs of a stroke?

A new web application is being launched that monitors your Twitter feed for signs that friends

The Stroke Association has warned that women are unaware of the risk. Many wrongly believe a

may be struggling to cope. Samaritans...

stroke could never happen to...

‘Failure’ in care of injured veterans

Why skin cells are skin cells and not neurons

29 October 2014 Last updated at 10:43 By Sima Kotecha Today programme Please turn on JavaScript. Media...

A good helping of Carl Sagan and David Attenborough got me interested in science and the natural world as a child. My love...

Genome sequenced of enterovirus D68 circulating in St. Louis

Using hypnosis to understand symptoms of disorders of thought

Researchers at Washington University School of

Researchers from the Forensic and

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Medicine in St. Louis have sequenced the genome

Neurodevelopmental Science Department at

of enterovirus D68 sampled...

King’s College London’s Institute...

Oral contraception may become renewed option for HIV-positive women

Diet stops seizures when epilepsy drugs fail

Contrary to guidelines issued by the World Health Organization, new research has found that HIV-

When Jackson Small began having seizures at 7, his parents hoped and assumed at least one of the

positive women receiving...

many epilepsy drugs on the...

Chronic fatigue sufferers have brain abnormality, study says

Ebola in America: Stricter protocols get national support

October 29, 2014, 5:51 AM|Stanford researchers say that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have

October 29, 2014, 7:08 AM|Most Americans think the U.S. government should quarantine all U.S.

less white matter in their...

citizens returning from West...

Identifying ‘stance taking’ cues to enable sophisticated voice recognition

Identifying ‘stance taking’ cues to enable sophisticated voice recognition

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates 240-535-4954Acoustical 240-535-4954Acoustical

Society of America Future computers that...

Society of America Future computers that...

Ancient auditory illusions reflected in prehistoric art?

Ancient auditory illusions reflected in prehistoric art?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates 240-535-4954Acoustical Society of America Although sound is invisible,... 240-535-4954Acoustical Society of America Although sound is invisible,...

‘Reverse engineering’ materials for more efficient heating and cooling

‘Reverse engineering’ materials for more efficient heating and cooling

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jason Socrates 240-535-4954American Institute of Physics@AIP_Publishing A new... 240-535-4954American Institute of Physics@AIP_Publishing A new...

Giant tortoises gain a foothold on a Galapagos Island

Giant tortoises gain a foothold on a Galapagos Island

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Claire

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Claire

315-470-6650SUNY College of Environmental 315-470-6650SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Endemic species... Science and Forestry Endemic species... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Compensation and punishment: ‘Justice’ depends on whether or not we’re a victim

Compensation and punishment: ‘Justice’ depends on whether or not we’re a victim

[ | E-mail ] Contact: James

[ | E-mail ] Contact: James 212-998-6808New York University@nyuniversity We’re more likely... 212-998-6808New York University@nyuniversity We’re more likely...

Experts sound alarm as diabetes fuels cases of TB

Experts sound alarm as diabetes fuels cases of TB

By Ben Hirschler LONDON (Reuters) – Cases of

Thank you for your patience. Our engineers are

tuberculosis are set accelerate worldwide unless action...

working quickly to resolve the issue. Experts sound alarm as diabetes fuels...

New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied about his movements in city

New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied about his movements in city

The New York City doctor who became infected with the Ebola virus last week initially lied to health

The New York City doctor who became infected with the Ebola virus last week initially lied to health

officials about his...

officials about his...

UK charities group launches appeal for Ebola, first for a disease

8 Things To Look For In Your Organic Skin Care & Cosmetics

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain’s Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) launched an appeal

DIY: 5 Natural Ways To Make Your Own Facial Cleanser As a woman who struggled with acne for

to raise funds for the Ebola...

more than a decade, I understand...

Beyonce To Design A Line Of Fashionable Workout Wear

Autograft or Allograft: Autograft M ay be Better for Revision

Bono Reveals Why He Never Takes Off His Sunglasses In a recent interview with BBC1, U2

Subscribe: SMR Posts RSS Subscribe: SMR Comments RSS Become an SMR Facebook Friend

frontman Bono revealed that he wears...

Follow SMR on Twitter Autograft or Allograft:...

The stability of an Asperger syndrome diagnosis

Why You Should Chew Your Food Well (And Stop Using M outhwash)

“Asperger Syndrome, when considered as an

A Juice To Get That Golden California Glow In the

ASD/PDD [autism spectrum disorder/pervasive

City of Angels, juice is easy to come by. In fact, it is

developmental disorder] diagnosis,... a daily ritual... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Revealed: The best sex positions for women with a bad back

Video shows skater in New York with splinter of wood yanked from his leg

Scientists at the University of Waterloo in Canada conducted first comprehensive study of how the

Video of skater in New York, who had just had an accident with his board Bloody splinter hauled out

spine moves during sex Found...

of back of his thigh...

Toddler M argot M artini dies aged two

The Nutrient You’re Not Getting Enough Of

Margot Martini was just 14-months-old when diagnosed with both Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and Acute Myeloid Leukaemia...

This article was written by Julia Westbrook and

Hate Crowds? These Are the Best Days to Go to the Gym

The Crazy Thing That Could Be Killing Your Sex Drive

When the gym is bumpin’, it can be hard to get your

There are a few things that you already know can

sweat on without feeling frustrated and just plain claustrophobic....

mess with your libido: stress, depression, and too many martinis, to name...

A randomized controlled trial of acupuncture to treat functional constipation: design and protocol

LCQ7: Earn and Learn Pilot Scheme

Functional constipation (FC) is a common

provided by our partners at Rodale News. It’s been 20 years since the...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Kwok Wai-keung and a written reply by the Secretary for Education,...

gastrointestinal disorder (FGIDs) which has a major impact on the quality of life....

LCQ2: Food safety incidents Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

LCQ14: M easures to attract more people to visit Hong Kong Geopark

the Hon Steven Ho and a reply by the Secretary for Food and Health,...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

Generic aromatase inhibitors increase breast cancer treatment adherence by 50%

UCLA earns Get With The GuidelinesStroke Gold-Plus Quality Achievement Award

Although oral hormonal therapy is known to substantially reduce breast cancer recurrence in

UCLA Health Sciences UCLA earns Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Gold-Plus Quality Achievement

Dr Hon Elizabeth Quat and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment,...

women with hormone receptor-positive... Award PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Penn M edicine-developed drug gets FDA orphan status for PNH treatment A Penn Medicine-developed drug has received orphan status from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this month for the...

GE Healthcare launches startup campus Health Innovation Village to help entrepreneurs speed up health tech solutions Today GE Healthcare officially opens Health Innovation Village, its first health tech startup campus, at its Finnish headquarters...

Dunk a missing tooth in milk to save your smile Emma Stephens, 44, from Hertfordshire, slipped climbing out of the bath Landed on the rim smashing bottom tooth and knocking...

Footballer Louie Shields ‘died’ in his sleep for 25 M INUTES after cardiac arrest but makes recovery Louie Shields, 23 had a fit in his sleep and his mother had to perform CPR Was rushed to hospital where doctors said he had...

Doctors baffled by Iowa boy’s mystery illness causing loss of hunger and thirst Landon Jones, 12, lost his appetite and sense of thirst overnight On October 14, last year he woke up

Could this be the end of statin sideeffects? British doctors have discovered two genes that affect how well statins work Paves the way for a lifesaving blood test that...

with no desire to eat...

LCQ1: Declaration of interests by CE and ExCo members

Genome-wide analysis of Cyclophilin gene family in soybean (Glycine max)

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Albert Ho and a reply by the Chief Secretary

Cyclophilins (CYPs) belong to the immunophilin superfamily, and have peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans

for Administration,...

isomerase (PPIase) activity....

A case of lethal spontaneous massive hemothorax in a patient with neurofibromatosis 1

Correlation between reduction of superior interventricular groove epicardial fat thickness and improvement of insulin resistance after weight loss in obese men

Neurofibromatosis type 1 is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by multiple dermatological disorders amongst others....

It has been recognized that reduction of abdominal visceral fat and subcutaneous fat are associated with improvement in insulin-resistance...

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

LCQ10: Temporary traffic arrangements in response to road blockages Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by

Scientists identify key factor in relationship between diet, inflammation and cancer

the Hon Charles Peter Mok and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport...

A team of Children’s Hospital Oakland Research

Scientists uncover major factor in development of Huntington’s disease

California surgeon helps man who delivered him

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps

A Sacramento obstetrician is getting a late thank

Research Institute (TSRI) have uncovered a major contributor to Huntington’s...

you from a baby he delivered 45 years ago. The Sacramento Bee reports that...

Simple blood test may help spot pancreatic cancer

Dietary flavonoids decrease risk of developing epithelial ovarian cancer

Indiana University cancer researchers have found

University of East Anglia Dietary flavonoids

that a simple blood test might help diagnose pancreatic cancer, one of the...

decrease risk of developing epithelial ovarian cancer

Osteros Biomedica initiates M BC-11 phase 1 study in patients with cancerinduced bone disease

Did YOU know one glass of apple juice has SEVEN teaspoons of sugar in it

Russian Venture Company Osteros Biomedica

three Krispy Kreme donuts A fat-free yogurt contains as much as three scoops...

initiates MBC-11 phase 1 study in patients with cancer-induced bone disease ...

Watch what happens to your body when you die Video by American Chemical Society explains what happens when you die It explains the bodily functions that shut down after...

Institute (CHORI) researchers has found that a category of lipids known...

Glass of apple juice contains as much sugar as

Jordon M oody who lost part of her leg to cancer has new knee joint made using her FOOT Jordon Moody’s bone cancer meant her thigh had to be amputated The 22-year-old’s lower leg was then moved up...

NHS errors that left patients infertile, brain-damaged or dead REVEALED

Amy Poehler Explains How She Likes Her Porn

The report will renew fears that the NHS is struggling to provide safe care Last week officials

From her hilarious antics on SNL and Parks and Recreation to her adorably informative Ask Amy

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warned the health service...

web series, Amy Poehler definitely...

8 Easy Ways to Lose a Pound a Week

Dunkin’ Donuts Is Releasing Its Own Version of the Cronut

Lets do the math: To lose one pound in seven days, you need to subtract about 3,500 calories. The safest, most hunger-free...

Well, we suppose it was only a matter of time

UK medical schools are not attracting enough GPs

Unease Lingers in the Bronx Despite a Boy’s Negative Ebola Test

UK medical schools are not attracting enough

Log in to manage your products and services from

would-be GPs, argues a senior academic in The BMJ this week. Richard Wakeford,...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

New York’s Rules to Let Travelers Pick Site for Isolation

Cause of Children’s Paralysis Remains Unclear

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

In Liberia, a Good or Very Bad Sign: Empty Hospital Beds

Jeb Bush Slams Obama On Ebola Response

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Tuesday criticized President Barack

York Times. ...

Obama’s initial handling...

M aine nurse who treated Ebola patients will not observe quarantine

Physicists’ simple solution for quantum technology challenge

FORT KENT, Maine – Kaci Hickox, the nurse released from quarantine in New Jersey after she

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jacqui of Sussex A

had returned from treating...

solution to one of the key challenges in the...

Technique uses bacteria’s own CRISPRCas system to turn off gene

Researchers prove accuracy of mobile phone population mapping

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt 919-515-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Glenn 44-023-805-

before Dunkin’ Donuts unleashed its own donutcroissant hybrid on the...

6386North Carolina State 93212University of Southampton@unisouthampton University@NCStateNews Researchers... IMAGE: ... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

No coverage for Saskatoon woman’s $30K dental procedure so she can chew

Texas nurse leaves Emory University Hospital free of Ebola virus

Judy Perrin-Royer’s dental surgeon described her

Cleveland after being infected by her dying patient in Dallas was released Tuesday...

as an oral cripple in need of dental implants, but the provincial government...

A nurse who fuelled Ebola fears by flying to

South Africa aiming to be ‘leading player’ in HIV research

Google developing a cancer detector

South African doctors and researchers seem to be

Kelion James Gallagher Technology and health desk...

gaining confidence in their decades-long battle against HIV, international...

28 October 2014 Last updated at 17:35 By Leo

Disasters group launches Ebola appeal

Drinking milk ‘may not protect bones’

29 October 2014 Last updated at 00:00 The Ebola

29 October 2014 Last updated at 00:57 Milk is rich

outbreak is primarily affecting Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone An appeal...

in calcium, a key component of bones Drinking lots of milk may not lower...

Drugs fund ‘papers over cracks’

NHS screening advice ‘must improve’

29 October 2014 Last updated at 00:53 Lifeextending drugs that are not available on the NHS

29 October 2014 Last updated at 00:50 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website The

can be paid for through the...

NHS needs...

High milk intake linked with higher fractures and mortality

Neglect of culture in medicine is ‘single biggest barrier’ to achieving better health

A high milk intake in women and men is not accompanied by a lower risk of fracture and instead may be associated with a higher...

The systematic neglect of culture is the single biggest barrier to advancing the highest attainable standard of health worldwide,...

Amber Joy Vinson, Dallas Nurse Treated for Ebola, Is Released From Hospital

Connecticut Tries to Find Quarantine Compromise

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Obama Defends C.D.C.’s Ebola Rules as

Children and the Risk of Ebola

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‘Sensible, Based in Science’ Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

BY Emily B. Hager | Oct. 28, 2014 | 2:11 Donald G. McNeil Jr. discusses the risks and possible advantages children face...

York Times. ...

Whites of Their Eyes: Infants Respond to Social Cues from Sclera

Autistic Kids M ay Benefit from ParentLed Therapy

The eye plays a significant role in the expressiveness of a face, and how much sclera is

Parents can learn how to give effective therapy to their children with autism, a new study in the

shown can indicate the emotions...

Journal of Child Psychology...

In Cold War, U.S. Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis

5 Career Warning Signs Every Successful Woman Should Know

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Last December, I walked away from a six-figure job where I managed a billion-dollar book of business

York Times. ...

in the financial industry....

North Dakota Supreme Court Upholds Law Restricting M edication Abortion

Neighbors Are Outraged At This M an’s Ebola-Themed Halloween Home

Oct 28 (Reuters) – The North Dakota Supreme

James Faulk has covered the exterior of his

Court upheld on Tuesday a state law that restricts

apartment with alarmist signage, caution tape and

medication abortion,...

hazardous waste bins. But his...

Pinktober Is the Breast Time of Year

Fitting Into Your Skinny Jeans: Does it Really M atter?

I am currently living through my second October as a breast cancer patient/survivor. My first involved a lot less hair and...

Often times in our weight loss journey, we get

Obama struggles to streamline Ebola protocols

European consensus on methodological recommendations for clinical studies in rare cancers

October 28, 2014, 6:36 PM|President Obama struggled to explain why the federal government, states and the military are treating...

caught up in achieving an ideal weight, fitting into our smallest size jeans,...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: John Beanjohn.bean@eortc.beEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer One out of every...

Laser experiments mimic cosmic

IU researchers: Blood test may help to

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explosions and planetary cores

diagnose pancreatic cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Saralyn 512-694-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 317-278-0953Indiana

2320American Physical Society@APSphysics News from...

University@IUBloomington INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana...

Postcards from the plasma edge [ | E-mail ] Contact: Saralyn 512-694-

Insights into the physics of space weather that disrupts cell phones and creates Earthly havoc

2320American Physical Society@APSphysics

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Saralyn

News from... 512-6942320American Physical Society@APSphysics News from...

Are ‘flops’ a success in basketball? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrew 516-3532505American Associates, Ben-Gurion University

Fewer teens drink at parties in communities with ‘social host’ laws By Kathryn Doyle (Reuters Health) – When laws

of the Negev Ben-Gurion...

hold adults responsible when kids drink on their property,...

Teaching Teens Effective Bystander Intervention Techniques

Teaching Teens Effective Bystander Intervention Techniques

If your teen was at a party and saw someone

If your teen was at a party and saw someone

making sexual advances toward a student who was drunk, would she intervene? What...

making sexual advances toward a student who was drunk, would she intervene? What...

Three glasses of milk a day can lead to early death, warn scientists

Three glasses of milk a day can lead to early death, warn scientists

But lead author Professor Karl Michaelsson, of

But lead author Professor Karl Michaelsson, of

Uppsala University in Sweden, said: “Our results may question the validity...

Uppsala University in Sweden, said: “Our results may question the validity...

To Freeze or Not to Freeze: Eggs and Fallen Dominoes

To Freeze or Not to Freeze: Eggs and Fallen Dominoes

As you may have heard, Facebook and Apple announced last week that they are offering a new

As you may have heard, Facebook and Apple announced last week that they are offering a new

benefit for female employees:...

benefit for female employees:...

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Tokyo’s Number Of Homeless People Hits Historic Low: Report

Tokyo’s Number Of Homeless People Hits Historic Low: Report

Many American cities could learn a thing or two from Tokyo. Figures released by the Japanese

Many American cities could learn a thing or two from Tokyo. Figures released by the Japanese

government earlier this month...

government earlier this month...

‘I Am the M aster of M y Fate’ — A New Take on Free Will

‘I Am the M aster of M y Fate’ — A New Take on Free Will

Back when schoolchildren regularly read uplifting poetry, there was a famous Victorian poem that

Back when schoolchildren regularly read uplifting poetry, there was a famous Victorian poem that

affirmed the human birthright...

affirmed the human birthright...

Happy Birthday, Jonas Salk!

Happy Birthday, Jonas Salk!

Happy birthday, Jonas Salk, who got a Google

Happy birthday, Jonas Salk, who got a Google

doodle today. The man who discovered the polio

doodle today. The man who discovered the polio

vaccine would have celebrated...

vaccine would have celebrated...

Ebola nurse on defensive gets call from Obama

Ebola nurse on defensive gets call from Obama

ATLANTA (AP) — A nurse who fueled Ebola fears

ATLANTA (AP) — A nurse who fueled Ebola fears

by flying to Cleveland after being infected by her dying patient was released...

by flying to Cleveland after being infected by her dying patient was released...

Google seeks way to search bodies for disease

Google seeks way to search bodies for disease

San Francisco (AFP) – Google is exploring a way to

San Francisco (AFP) – Google is exploring a way to

search inside people’s bodies for early signs of deadly illnesses...

search inside people’s bodies for early signs of deadly illnesses...

Google Working on Pill That Searches for Illnesses

Google Working on Pill That Searches for Illnesses

FILE – This Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013 file photo

FILE – This Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013 file photo

shows Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Google’s...

shows Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Google’s...

Connecticut father sues after Ebola fears keep daughter from school

Connecticut father sues after Ebola fears keep daughter from school

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By David Ingram NEW YORK (Reuters) – The father

By David Ingram NEW YORK (Reuters) – The father

of a Connecticut third-grader sued her local schools...

of a Connecticut third-grader sued her local schools...

CHORI scientists identify key factor in relationship between diet, inflammation and cancer

CHORI scientists identify key factor in relationship between diet, inflammation and cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Melinda

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Melinda 510-4283069Children’s Hospital Research Center Oakland 510-4283069Children’s Hospital Research Center Oakland



Can the wave function of an electron be divided and trapped?

Can the wave function of an electron be divided and trapped?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin 401-8633766Brown University@brownlifesci 401-8633766Brown University@brownlifesci

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown...

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown...

Politics can interact with evolution to shape human destiny

Politics can interact with evolution to shape human destiny

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt 814-865-9481Penn State@penn_state Politics can

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt 814-865-9481Penn State@penn_state Politics can

have unintentional evolutionary...

have unintentional evolutionary...

The effect of statins influenced by gene profiles

The effect of statins influenced by gene profiles

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 514-376-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 514-376-

3330 x2641Montreal Heart Institute Personalized...

3330 x2641Montreal Heart Institute Personalized...

Obama to make statement about Ebola at White House at 2:55 p.m. ET

Obama to make statement about Ebola at White House at 2:55 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will make a statement about the Ebola

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama will make a statement about the Ebola

outbreak response on the South...

outbreak response on the South...

Politics of Ebola tricky for Christie,

‘Ambulance drone’ prototype unveiled

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in Holland

NEW YORK (AP) — Two ambitious governors — one Republican, one Democrat — known for their

The Hague (AFP) – A Dutch-based student on Tuesday unveiled a prototype of an “ambulance

no-nonsense, take-charge style...

drone”, a flying...

Politics of Ebola tricky for Christie, Cuomo

Obama says US can’t shy away from Ebola battle

NEW YORK (AP) — Two ambitious governors —

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama

one Republican, one Democrat — known for their

says the United States can’t be seen as shying

no-nonsense, take-charge style...

away from battle against...

Steps for doctors and patients to make anesthesia safer

Steps for doctors and patients to make anesthesia safer

Looking to reduce and prevent dangerous

Looking to reduce and prevent dangerous

complications from anesthesia and sedation during surgery, hospitals and surgical...

complications from anesthesia and sedation during surgery, hospitals and surgical...

Simple text message reminders may help fight malaria

Simple text message reminders may help fight malaria

Text message reminders to take malaria

Text message reminders to take malaria

medication may help fight the disease, found a new study published in PLOS ONE. Malaria...

medication may help fight the disease, found a new study published in PLOS ONE. Malaria...

Ibuprofen good as morphine, and safer, for kids with fractures, study says

Ibuprofen good as morphine, and safer, for kids with fractures, study says

SONY DSC The narcotic drug morphine is not the

SONY DSC The narcotic drug morphine is not the

best choice for pain relief in kids with broken bones, a new study suggests. Kids...

best choice for pain relief in kids with broken bones, a new study suggests. Kids...

Elizabeth Warren To Chris Christie: Show ‘Science, Not Politics’ On Ebola Quarantine

Governments should take active lead to create healthy food environments to prevent CVD

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday criticized New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s (R)

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eileen 732-238-

controversial Ebola quarantine,...

3628Elsevier Health Sciences In a policy statement published...

Ebola healthcare worker supply falling

Governments should take active lead

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short by the thousands ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – More than 5,000 additional health care workers are needed to fight Ebola in the three most...

to create healthy food environments to prevent CVD [ | E-mail ] Contact: Eileen 732-2383628Elsevier Health Sciences In a policy statement published...

Improving breast cancer chemo by testing patient’s tumors in a dish

Improving breast cancer chemo by testing patient’s tumors in a dish

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 615-343-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 615-343-

6803Vanderbilt University@vanderbiltu Tests...

6803Vanderbilt University@vanderbiltu Tests...

NASA gets a stare from Cyclone Nilofar’s 14 mile-wide eye

NASA gets a stare from Cyclone Nilofar’s 14 mile-wide eye

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: NASA’s...

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: NASA’s...

Top UN Ebola official: new cases poorly tracked

UC Davis scientists discover exact receptor for DEET that repels mosquitoes

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — Authorities are having trouble figuring out how many more people are getting Ebola in Liberia and...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Pat 530-752-9843University of California – Davis@ucdavis DEET has...

New York boy cleared of Ebola had respiratory infection

Figuring out how we get the nitrogen we need

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A New York boy who tested negative for Ebola had a fever from a respiratory

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah 626-395-

infection, the NYC...

3227California Institute of Technology@caltech Caltech...

Glacier song [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kea

Sierra Leone says Australia Ebola visa ban wrong, discriminatory

Gileskgiles@geosociety.orgGeological Society of

FREETOWN (Reuters) – Sierra Leone on Tuesday

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America@geosociety New Geology articles posted...

branded a visa ban imposed by Australia on Ebolahit nations in West Africa...

Sierra Leone says Australia Ebola visa ban wrong, discriminatory

Dogs Give Therapeutic Cuddles to M arysville After Shooting

FREETOWN (Reuters) – Sierra Leone on Tuesday

A Washington state town is still reeling from a high

branded a visa ban imposed by Australia on Ebolahit nations in West Africa...

school shooting last week, but three furry counselors have arrived to...

For 23rd time, U.N. nations urge end to U.S. embargo on Cuba

World Bank chief pleads for more medics to fight Ebola

By Mirjam Donath and Louis Charbonneau

Addis Ababa (AFP) – World Bank chief Jim Yong

UNITED NATION (Reuters) – The U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday...

Kim made an impassioned plea Tuesday for thousands more medics to help...

Scientists find genetic variants influence a person’s response to statins

Cuomo’s and Christie’s Shifts on Ebola Are Criticized as Politics, Not Science

A large analysis of over 40,000 individuals on statin

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

treatment has identified two new genetic variants which influence how...

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Efua Dorkenoo, Key Foe of Genital Cutting, Dies at 65

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness M onth

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

This year, nearly 300,000 women will hear one of the most frightening things a doctor can say: “You

York Times. ...

have breast cancer.”...

Are you addicted to thinking?

3 Big Breakthroughs In The Fight Against Breast Cancer

Ever feel like your mind just will not shut off? Most of us are addicted to thinking. Our addiction tends to intensify when...

Forty thousand women still die from the disease every year, but new research shows that hope may be on the horizon. By Rebecca...

7 Signs That Someone Is a M ember of Your Soul Group

Why Gay M en And Straight M en M ake The Best Friends: 4 Great Reasons

I believe that every person on the planet belongs to By Rick Clemons for Dear Tween, a soul group. A soul group is the inner most circle Teen, and Grown-Up Girls, you don’t know me but, I PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

of people in your...

hope after this letter,...

NYC boy, 5, gets Ebola test results

Lessons learned from SARS pandemic should inform current contagion protocols

NEW YORK – A five-year-old boy who was being tested for the Ebola virus has tested negative for the diseease, according...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lissa D. 703-858-4332American Roentgen Ray Society@ARRS_Radiology Adoption...

How to handle anxious kids on Halloween

HCA to acquire urgent-care provider, sets share buyback

SONY DSC Lots of kids love to scare, and be scared, on Halloween. But some parents may have

(Reuters) – HCA Holdings Inc (HCA.N), the largest U.S. hospital operator, on Tuesday announced a

children who get a little anxious...

deal to acquire a...

Britain to award benefits contract to U.S. firm M aximus: source

FDA staff recommends limited use of Daiichi’s blood thinner

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain is set to pick U.S. group Maximus Inc over UK-based Interserve Plc

(Reuters) – U.S. Food and Drug Administration staff reviewers recommended approval of a 60 mg

for a contract worth...

dose of Daiichi Sankyo...

Health Highlights: Oct. 28, 2014

M etformin Beats Other Type 2 Diabetes Drugs for First Treatment: Study

Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: More Than 31,000...

TUESDAY Oct. 28, 2014, 2014 — People newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who are initially given the drug metformin...

‘Social Host’ Laws M ay Help Curb Underage Drinking, Study Says

Stop Treating The Scale Like Your Worst Enemy

TUESDAY Oct. 28, 2014, 2014 — “Social host”

Stress-Busting, Sex Drive-Boosting 6-Minute

laws, which hold adults accountable for any underage drinking...

Workout After a long workday, it can be challenging to get down and dirty in...

7 Tips To Stop M aking Excuses About Why You’re Not Succeeding

New App Rates The Health Of M ore Than 80,000 Foods

The Next Time You’re Terrified To Do Something,

The Veggie Burger That Looks Tastes So Much

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Do This When I stepped onto the red circle to speak at TEDx last month,...

Like Meat, It Bleeds There’s a new burger in town: It sizzles, smells,...

VIDEO: How Lord Falconer lost 5.5 stone

Ultra-high-field M RI reveals language centres in the brain in much more detail

Former Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer has lost five

In a new investigation by the University Department

and a half stones by eating what ever he wants in his one meal per day...

of Neurology, it has been possible for the first time to demonstrate...

Pharmacologists identify switches that play an important role for the cardiac gene program

Back to basics approach to home cooking the key to turning around Australia’s poor eating habits

Freiburg pharmacologists have succeeded in

The back to basics approach to home cooking

mapping the epigenome of cardiac muscle cells. They hope the findings will lead...

taught through Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia program is successfully...

In M alaysian prison, researcher gains greater insight into the problem of addiction

Radical surgery creates knee joint using a foot

Recent Yale College graduate Aishwarya Vijay ’14 had never set foot in a prison until she traveled to

She stayed in America for the next year, enduring chemotherapy and an operation to remove the tumour. After being given...

Malaysia, where...

4 Ways Being Lonely Can Affect Your Health By Hallie Levine When you’re lonely, you may look for friends in all sorts of unexpected places. At least

A Season of Bedtime Challenges Fall is here. Along with the colorful leaves and nip in the air, kids are returning to the school year routine of early to...


13 Tips For Running Your First Race By Amanda Loudin for Life by DailyBurn So you’ve decided to run a race — congrats! Paying the registration fee...

How Our Views Of Obesity Have Changed, From Ancient Times Until Today Getting “fat” used to give us a genetic edge: When food was scarce, we needed to store backup reserves of energy,...

NUS researchers discover for the first time that a rare bush frog breeds in

Fish ‘personality’ linked to vulnerability to angling

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bamboo [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kimberley University of Singapore@NUSingapore Scientists observed...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura Härkö 358-503-436918University of Eastern Finland@UniEastFinland Individual...

U.S. isolates troops, Australia imposes visa ban on Ebola-hit West Africa states

Ga. hospital: Nurse who had Ebola to be released

By Phil Stewart and Matt Siegel WASHINGTON/SYDNEY (Reuters) – The U.S.

ATLANTA (AP) — An Emory University Hospital spokeswoman says a Dallas nurse who was

military has started isolating...

being treated for Ebola will be released...

Federal health official Fauci: States have options

Syria’s neighbors risk ‘host-country fatigue’, conference hears

WASHINGTON (AP) — For Americans wondering why President Barack Obama hasn’t forced all

By Stephen Brown BERLIN (Reuters) – Syria’s neighbors are approaching “host-country fatigue”...

states to follow a single,...

Ebola nurse who was quarantined now in M aine

Nurse who had Ebola will be released from hospital

FORT KENT, Maine (AP) — A nurse who was confined against her will at a hospital in New

ATLANTA (AP) — A Dallas nurse who flew from Texas to Ohio and back before being diagnosed

Jersey after treating Ebola patients...

with Ebola will be released from...

How much caffeine is too much?

Nurse who had Ebola to be released from Georgia hospital

(Reuters) “Caffeine intoxication” became official in the medical community when the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual...

An Emory University Hospital spokeswoman says

TD concerned over illegal acts in contravention of traffic ordinance caused by protests

Politicians line up to back NHS plan

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department

a Dallas nurse who was being treated for Ebola will be released Tuesday. Emory...

28 October 2014 Last updated at 10:30 Article written by Hugh Pym Health editor More from Hugh Follow Hugh on Twitter ...

(TD) today (October 28) said that, according to the Police’s information,...

Surgery halted by ‘incomplete’ data

Drug for rare paroxysmal nocturnal

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28 October 2014 Last updated at 11:19 Operations at the hospital’s unit were suspended over concerns about data on...

hemoglobinuria receives FDA orphan status A Penn Medicine-developed drug has received orphan status from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this month for the...

New research calls for more action to prevent childhood injuries

Finding out how the nation really feels about physical education

Young children from socially-deprived households

A nation-wide survey, launched today, will use our

are still most at risk from injuries in the home and more targeted accident...

memories of PE at school to identify how our experiences of sports days,...

Gene variation links to autistic-like traits

Jon Stewart Wants To Know Why Chris Christie Is ‘Such A D*ck About Everything’

Researchers have confirmed an association between a genetic mutation and a higher level of autistic-like traits in individuals. The...

Jon Stewart’s back, and he’s taken “The Daily Show” to Austin, Texas. There his team of correspondents...

M edical mystery: The boy who won’t eat Most children would jump at the chance to pig out on hamburgers, ice cream, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, tacos and...

M en and women react differently to chest pains, study says October 28, 2014, 5:32 AM|Harvard researchers say that men respond more quickly to chest pain and tightness than women. Also,...

CDC issues new guidelines for West Africa travelers

Ebola politics: Nurse’s forced quarantine sparks debate

October 28, 2014, 7:02 AM|In response to growing criticism, the Centers for Disease Control and

October 28, 2014, 7:05 AM|New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie took questions Monday on the decision to

Prevention released new guidelines...

quarantine nurse Kaci Hickox...

First atlas of body clock gene expression informs timing of drug delivery

Life science investment in Northern England: an interview with Dr Geoff Davison, CEO, Bionow

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen 215-349-

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) insights from industryDr. Geoff

5658University of Pennsylvania School of

DavisonChief Executive Officer,...

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Medicine@PennMedNews Implications...

Cleaver Scientific helps in UK fight against Ebola Cleaver Scientific helps in UK fight against Ebola

Imaxio awarded ANR funding to improve efficacy of vaccines for seasonal influenza Imaxio, a biopharmaceutical company specialized in vaccines, today announces that it has been awarded funding of EUR 600,000...

M yriad’s Prolaris test included in NCCN Guidelines for men with localized prostate cancer Myriad’s Prolaris test included in NCCN Guidelines for men with

Your immune system if why you feel ghastly when you catch a cold By Idan Ben-barak For The Daily Mail Published: 17:37 EST, 27 October 2014 | Updated: 19:55 EST, 27 October 2014 ...

localized prostate cancer ...

Joey Essex under the microscope By Brian Claridge Published: 17:01 EST, 27 October 2014 | Updated: 20:47 EST, 27 October 2014 61 View...

Why it’s not just the old at risk of dementia Karen Lewis, 51, a mother-of-three, has had dementia for at least ten years In her early 40s she was told nerve damage was...

Girl’s leg shrivels and turns BLACK after snake bite causes her leg to rot away

4 Tips for Rocking a Night Race

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Unidentified girl, 13, suffered severe necrosis from a snake bite

do, let alone something...

The idea of running 13.1 miles on purpose is not anything I ever thought I would willingly choose to

Necrosis is the premature death...

You Have to Check Out This New Hands-Free Vibrator

Free exhibition at Kowloon Park to introduce plants of rose family

Vibrators come in all kinds of fun and pleasure-

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – To arouse public interest in

producing varieties: silicon or stainless steel, penis- and other-shaped,...

horticulture and to enhance awareness of greening, the Leisure and...

Yonex-Sunrise Hong Kong Open Badminton Championships 2014 – part of the M ETLIFE BWF World Superseries

VIDEO: Robbie sings during wife’s labour

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Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Major Sports Events Committee: The Vice-Chairman of the...

Robbie Williams and his wife Ayda are celebrating the arrival of their second child, a baby boy weighing 8lbs 2oz. The pop...

VIDEO: Fears for Scope care home residents

Adverse drug reactions in children following use of asthma medications

Nearly 150 disabled care home residents face

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ebba Holme

being moved over the next few months as the charity Scope closes a number of... 45-40-14-6958University of Copenhagen – The Faculty of Health...

Which US airports are breastfeeding friendly?

New RCT: KoACT® beats calcium and vitamin D for optimal bone strength

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff Nedelman 914-740-2100Mary 703-628-6011 Strategic

Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News@LiebertOnline IMAGE: ...

Communications Pamela Stewart 303-570-1678 Essenza...

GW researcher adapting breakthrough technologies to combat parasitic worm infections

Boosting biogasoline production in microbes

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa

486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory@BerkeleyLab Joint... 202-994-3121George Washington University@GWtweets Paul Brindley,

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510-


What’s in a name? Everything — if you’re a fruit fly [ | E-mail ] Contact: Tony 61-417-697-

Viral switches share a shape A hinge in the RNA genome of the virus that causes hepatitis C works like a switch that can be flipped to prevent it from...

470Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre@PBCRC IMAGE: ...

Gladiator Gatorade? Ancient Athletes Had A Recovery Drink, Too i i After a hard day of bruising battle, ancient

M SEA: detection and quantification of mutation hotspots through mutation set enrichment analysis

gladiators reached for a post-workout drink, PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!


Many cancer genes form mutation hotspots that disrupt their functional domains or active sites, leading to gain- or loss-of-function....

M obster: accurate detection of mobile element Insertions in next generation sequencing data

Reducing INDEL calling errors in wholegenome and exome sequencing data

Mobile elements are major drivers in changing

regions of the genome, have been strongly associated with human diseases....

genomic architecture and can cause disease. The detection of mobile elements...

INDELs, especially those disrupting protein-coding

Local premiere of FDF-financed film "The Seventh Lie"

TCU’s second quarterly report of 2014 released

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Complaints

behalf of the Hong Kong Film Development Council: The local premiere...

Unit (TCU) of the Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) received 5 885 complaints...

Nun awake while heart valve replaced, procedure livestreamed

M ost Internet sources on prostate cancer disagree with expert panel’s recommendation

Less than an hour after having heart surgery on Monday, Sister Theresa Stickley was alert and in high spirits, and was looking...

Only 17 percent of top-ranked consumer health

M any older trauma patients would benefit from palliative care

Sandwich (Replacement) M onday: Soylent

Half of older adults who sustain injuries severe enough that they could die in the hospital or

i i Step 1: Start getting disappointed. NPR hide caption itoggle...

websites advise against screening for prostate cancer, a recommendation made...

become unable to function...

Ancient Viruses Lurk In Frozen Caribou Poo

Antidepressants may be no better than a placebo, so why take them?

i i Caribou doing their business in mountain ice have left a viral record hundreds of years old. ...

Seventeenth-century Oxford scholar Robert Burton’s lifework, The Anatomy of Melancholy, weighs in at a door-stopping 1,400...

Speech by Acting FS at CASBAA Convention 2014

Exploring the potential association between brominated diphenyl ethers,

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Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the keynote speech delivered by the Acting Financial Secretary, Professor K C Chan,...

polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, perfluorinated compounds, phthalates, and bisphenol a in polycystic ovary syndrome: a case-control study Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine-metabolic disorder that affects approximately 6-10% of women of child-bearing...

Differences in carbon source utilisation distinguish Campylobacter jejuni from Campylobacter coli Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli are human intestinal pathogens that are the most frequent

TAC welcomes Railway Development Strategy 2014 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Members of the Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) were briefed by the Government today (October...

causes of bacterial foodborne...

Over 200 orchestras and bands to participate in Hong Kong Youth M usic Interflows

Prescription opioids involved in most overdoses seen in emergency departments

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Over 200 orchestras and

In a national study of hospital emergency

bands from primary and secondary schools will compete with their musical...

department visits for opioid overdoses, 67.8 percent of the overdoses involved...

M aintenance opioid therapy for injection-drug users associated with lower incidence of hepatitis C

Report card on complementary therapies for breast cancer

In a group of young users of injection drugs, recent

United States use complementary therapies following a breast cancer...

maintenance opioid agonist therapy with methadone or buprenorphine for...

Over eighty percent of breast cancer patients in the

Higher copayments are associated with discontinuation of aromatase inhibitors

M erck Sales Down 4%; Profit Beats Forecasts

Discontinuation and nonadherence were higher

Log in to manage your products and services from

among breast cancer patients taking brand name aromatase inhibitors (BAIs) vs...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Political M emo: De Blasio Takes a

2016 Hopefuls Catch Ebola Flak | TheHill

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Businesslike Approach as Ebola Arrives in New York Log in to manage your products and services from

Potential 2016 hopefuls are facing political peril as they grapple with the spread of Ebola in their backyards. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Hugh Jackman Treated For Skin Cancer For Third Time, Urges Everyone To Wear Sunscreen

Chris Christie Says He Didn’t Reverse Himself On Ebola Quarantine After Releasing Nurse Kaci Hickox

For the third time in under a year, Hugh Jackman

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) is insisting that

has reportedly been diagnosed and treated for skin cancer. The actor’s...

his state’s tough new Ebola rules haven’t changed despite...

World losing 2,000 hectares of farm soil daily to salt damage: UN University

Screening with tomosynthesis and mammography is cost-effective

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Terry 416-538-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Linda

8712United Nations University Salt-spoiled soils worldwide: 20 percent...

630-590-7762Radiological Society of North America@rsna OAK BROOK, Ill....

Social host laws tied to less underage drinking

Is ‘Leaning In’ The Only Formula For Women’s Success In Science?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mallie J. 510-883-

i i Caltech biochemical engineer Frances Arnold was awarded a National Medal of Technology and

5753Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs@JSADJournal PISCATAWAY,...


M ost disappointing headline ever (No, chocolate will not improve your memory)

Complex trauma: how abuse and neglect can have life-long effects

This morning I woke to the most disappointing

for mental health. We’ve known this for some time but particularly since...

headline ever. “A Bite to Remember? Chocolate Is Shown to Aid Memory” was...

Experiencing trauma has significant implications

M ental health in immigrant men and women in Australia: the North West Adelaide health study

Cytotoxic potential of Anisochilus carnosus (L.f.) wall and estimation of luteolin content by HPLC

There is conflicting evidence of the healthy migrant

Anisochilus carnosus (L.f.) wall (Lamiaceae), an

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effect with respect to mental health. This study

annual herb which grows at high altitude is used

aims to determine if...

extensively in folk medicine...

M echanisms, predictors and clinical impact of early neurological deterioration: the protocol of the Trondheim early neurological deterioration study

Photosynthetic carbon from algal symbionts peaks during the latter stages of embryonic development in the salamander Ambystoma maculatum

10-40% of patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) suffer an early neurological deterioration (END),

It was recently discovered that symbiotic algae in the eggs of the salamander Ambystoma maculatum translocate fixed carbon...

which may influence...

Bird harvesting practices and knowledge, risk perceptions, and attitudes regarding avian influenza among Canadian First Nations subsistence hunters: implications for influenza pandemic plans

Sask. artist not letting autism hold her back An acclaimed Nipawin artist has returned from representing Canada at the World Autism Festival Scotland. April Griffin...

There is concern of avian influenza virus (AIV) infections in humans. Subsistence hunters may be a potential risk group for...

Agave nectar, placebo both perceived better than doing nothing for cough in kids

Fragile X protein in newborn dried blood spots

Pasteurized agave nectar and placebo were both

of the FMR1 gene that prevents expression of its gene product, FMRP. We...

perceived to be better by parents for treating nighttime cough and the resulting...

The fragile X syndrome (FXS) results from mutation

Natural history of hip instability in infants (without subluxation or dislocation): a three year follow-up

M ethylomic profiling of human brain tissue supports a neurodevelopmental origin for schizophrenia

The natural history of hip instability (without

Schizophrenia is a severe neuropsychiatric

subluxation or dislocation) and treatment in infants remain controversial....

disorder that is hypothesized to result from disturbances in early brain development....

Cancer Research UK and Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research team up to boost

Enterovirus D68 confirmed in Fredericton child

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blood cancer trials

New Brunswick has its first confirmed case of

Cancer Research UK, with its commercial arm

Enterovirus D68, which is the strain that has hospitalized children across...

Cancer Research Technology, and Leukaemia Lymphoma Research today (Monday) announce...

Nova Scotia doctor to charge employers for sick notes

U.S. Ebola quarantines sign of growing rift between politicians, health workers

Nova Scotia physician Ethel Cooper-Rosen is

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday night

going to start charging employers $30 for sick notes, saying they put unnecessary...

revised guidelines for the mandatory, 21-day quarantining of medical workers returning...

U.S. mandatory Ebola quarantines not ‘good science,’ Ontario health minister says

PSA test should be abandoned as screen for prostate cancer, task force says

Ontario’s health ministry issued its directive to hospitals and other acute-care settings that are

The blood test mostly commonly used to screen men for prostate cancer should be dropped,

considered higher...

because it can result in more...

Tribute to FGM ‘warrior’ Efua Dorkenoo

M ental health spending ‘too low’

27 October 2014 Last updated at 12:12 The FGM campaigner is remembered as “unstoppable” and

28 October 2014 Last updated at 00:00 Preventing mental health problems is as important as

a good listener Efua...

preventing physical ones, says...

Body has ‘rush hour’ transformation

How NHS staff will help treat Ebola

28 October 2014 Last updated at 01:05 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website A pair

27 October 2014 Last updated at 17:16 By Branwen Jeffreys Health correspondent, BBC

of “rush...

News Rachael Cummings...

VIDEO: Helping NHS staff cope in Liberia

Paperless hospital system goes live

The United Nations is calling for more health care

electronic patient record system that will eventually make two hospitals paperless...

workers to join the fight against Ebola in West Africa. More than 800...

27 October 2014 Last updated at 01:19 A £200m

Hair proteins are important in tooth enamel structure

Scientists identify lesion-healing mechanism in psoriasis

Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic

A UC Irvine-led study has revealed the underlying

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

diseases worldwide. While oral hygiene and

genetic factors that help repair skin lesions caused

dietary choices promote tooth decay,...

by psoriasis, which...

Niger cholera outbreak kills 51 people: UN

CDC: New restrictions for those at high Ebola risk

Niger has seen more than 1,300 cases of cholera

U.S. health officials are recommending that people

since the beginning of the year, with 51 people dying of the disease, the...

who are at highest risk for coming down with Ebola avoid commercial travel...

The New Health Care: Choosing a Health Plan Is Hard, Even for a Health Economist

The Scan: A M athematical Thriller and an Exhibition of What Could Go Wrong

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from

Public Health: AIDS Activists Oppose Cuomo on Ebola Quarantines

Q&A: Vitiligo and Vision

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Global Health: Latrines M ay Not Improve Health of Poor Children Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from

Books: M artha Weinman Lear Returns to M edical M emoir, With Less Fury, in ‘Echoes of Heartsounds’ Log in to manage your products and services from

York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

U.S. M oves to End Patchwork of Policies on Returning Ebola Workers

Food Scores, a New Web Service, Ranks Grocery Items on Ingredients and Nutrition

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

10 Ways To Strengthen Your Bond, As Told By Science

Baby Wipes Company Nutek Disposables Issues Recall After

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We all know that in chemistry, a bond is formed when two atoms are attracted to each other due to a redistribution of their...

Possible Contamination Nutek Disposables, Inc. has issued a “voluntary product recall at the retail level” of wipes sold under the brand...

Gratitude in Satisfaction I have this theory. If you’re going to live in gratitude, where you really take the time to appreciate this existence,...

How the #100HappyDays Challenge Helped M e Thrive I only made one New Year’s resolution this year. It was to do more of what I wanted and less of what anyone else told...

Hugh Jackman treated for skin cancer again

Banana Recipes for Athletes

Actor Hugh Jackman wants others to learn a

nutritional punch with high levels of potassium, vitamin B6 and fiber and (despite...

lesson from his mistakes — wear sunscreen. The “X-Men: Days of Future...

Bananas are an athlete staple. They pack a

Tips for Talking With Your Loved Ones About the End of Life

Nurse quarantined over Ebola fears in N.J. released

Recently there has been a big push to get people

Last Updated Oct 27, 2014 2:25 PM EDT The nurse

to start talking with their family members and other loved ones about their...

who had been forcibly quarantined in New Jersey over fears she was exposed...

Baby wipes recalled over bacterial contamination

Watching the hidden life of materials

Baby wipes manufactured by Nutek Disposables, 514-3984201McGill University@McGillU Ultrafast electron...

Inc., and sold at many major retailers are being voluntarily recalled because...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Chris

One-third of foster kids returned to their family are abused again

Where did all the oil go?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Benjamin 514- 805-893-

343-6796University of Montreal@uMontreal_news

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 7220University of California – Santa Barbara@ucsantabarbara A...


Whites of their eyes: Study finds infants respond to social cues from sclera

‘Integrated Play Groups’ help children with autism

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Fariss

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jonathan 434-924- 415-338-1743San

3778University of Virginia@UVA IMAGE: Infants at 7 months...

Francisco State University@SFSU Collaborative playgroup...

Where did the Deepwater Horizon oil go? To Davy Jones’ Locker at the bottom of the sea

Want To Improve Your M emory? Eat Chocolate

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cheryl

never thought we’d see the day that McDonald’s localized...

703-292-7734National Science Foundation@NSF

McDonald’s To Start Serving Local Specialties We

New analysis traces oil to...

The New Health Care: What to Look for in Judging the Affordable Care Act

Basics: Ebola and the Vast Viral Universe

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Author Eula Biss On Sexism, Fear And How ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ M irror The ‘One Percent’

How Two Accidents and a Bout of Depression Led to Intuitive Painting

Shots are unpleasant by nature, but award-winning

art and healing until nearly three years after the

writer Eula Biss explored just how complex the pain around the modern vaccination...

second major...

Battling Breast Cancer in ResourcePoor Countries

With a Conscience: ‘Decisions, Decisions’

Hundreds of thousands of women globally face a daily battle with breast cancer, the leading cancer

“Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part

in women worldwide. Their...

of your life...

Putting Ebola in America in Perspective

Ebola nurses ostracized after caring for virus patient

Several weeks ago a poll showed that 43 percent of Americans were “very worried” or “somewhat worried”...

I didn’t start to see a correlation between creating

October 27, 2014, 7:32 AM|Four nurses who risked their lives to save America’s first Ebola patient told their story...

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Child being tested for Ebola at NYC hospital

Cocoa compound may reverse agerelated memory loss

NEW YORK — A pediatric patient is being tested for

A lab-created cocoa drink appears to improve

Ebola at Bellevue Hospital, the New York City

normal age-related memory loss, a small study

Health Department...

suggests. After three months of...

Home test a new option for colon cancer screening

Study finds knowledge poor about stroke in Uganda

Last Updated Oct 27, 2014 12:00 PM EDT Colon

[ | E-mail ] Contact: George

cancer is the second leading cause of cancer 216-

deaths in the United States, but...

844-3667University Hospitals Case Medical Center@UHhospitals Survey...

Study: M enopausal symptoms may be lessened with young children in the house

Study: M enopausal symptoms may be lessened with young children in the house

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer 812-855-7686Indiana 812-855-7686Indiana

University@IUBloomington IMAGE: This is

University@IUBloomington IMAGE: This is



A GPS from the chemistry set

Study: M enopausal symptoms may be lessened with young children in the house

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cornelia 41-587-654-599Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer 812-855-7686Indiana University@IUBloomington IMAGE: This is Tierney...

A GPS from the chemistry set

A GPS from the chemistry set

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cornelia 41-587-654-599Swiss

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cornelia 41-587-654-599Swiss

Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and...

Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and...

A GPS from the chemistry set

The chemistry of death (video)

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cornelia

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 41-587-654-599Swiss 202-872-

Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and... 6042American Chemical Society@ACSpressroom PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

IMAGE: ...

The chemistry of death (video)

The chemistry of death (video)

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872- 202-872-

6042American Chemical Society@ACSpressroom

6042American Chemical Society@ACSpressroom

IMAGE: ...

IMAGE: ...

The First Year Without Her The first month feels like a year, and then a week,

How Large Is Large? M cDonald’s Cup Sizes Around The World Compared

and then a year again. A cold, long, drawn out year

All large-sized cups are not made equal. In a

with no seasons and...

fascinating Buzzfeed video posted to YouTube Sunday, watch a side-by-side comparison...

No Proof That ‘Brain Training’ Games Work, Some Experts Say

M innesota mom charged for giving son medical marijuana

By: Bahar Gholipour Published: 10/25/2014 12:49

October 27, 2014, 7:41 AM|Angela Brown’s son had

PM EDT on LiveScience Many “brain-training” games may be marketed...

a traumatic brain injury and Brown says she turned to medical marijuana...

Americans’ rights during mandatory Ebola quarantine

Flavonols in cocoa may boost brain function, study shows

October 27, 2014, 8:12 AM|The Obama

October 27, 2014, 8:05 AM|New studies show that

administration has voiced concerns over new Ebola quarantines policy in some states....

cocoa may boost your memory at an old age. A small group of healthy, older...

Gene analysis detects disease risk before conception

Nurse quarantined over Ebola fears in N.J. to be released

October 27, 2014, 8:12 AM|Genetic testing can

New Jersey officials say they plan on releasing on

prune diseases from the family tree, but where’s the line between healthy...

Monday the nurse quarantined over fears she was exposed to the Ebola virus...

Insightful mathematics for an optimal run

Diabetes patients report better outcomes with improved physician accessibility

Press Releases Breaking News Science Business Grants, Awards, Books Meetings Insightful mathematics for an optimal run ...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alison 323-442-

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3941University of Southern California – Health...

Stress-Busting Yoga M oves You Can Do at Your Desk

Child at hospital in New York being tested for Ebola after developing fever

By now, most of us have learned why sitting–and

(Reuters) – A child who was in West Africa within

especially at a desk in front of a computer– all day

the past 21 days is being tested for the Ebola virus


after developing...

Living well gluten free

FDA approves two faster Ebola tests

When I was diagnosed with celiac disease in

The Food and Drug Administration on Saturday

1976, there was no information and certainly none

authorized use of two new diagnostic tests for

of the tasty gluten-free products...

Ebola that can produce results...

Ebola may have existed over 20 million years ago, scientists find

FDA seeks more data on Sarepta muscle disorder drug, shares slump

The family of viruses that Ebola belongs to may

(Reuters) – Sarepta Therapeutics Inc said the U.S.

have existed longer than researchers previously

Food and Drug Administration had asked for

thought— a discovery that...

additional data on its...

M erck beats profit forecast with deep cost cuts

Boy observed in NYC hospital for Ebola; states firm on quarantines

(Reuters) – Merck Co reported lower than expected

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A 5-year-old boy who

third quarter revenue, hurt by sharply lower sales of

arrived from Guinea was being observed in

its Gardasil...

isolation at Bellevue Hospital...

Health Tip: Use Sidewalks When Trickor-Treating

Health Tip: Get Kids Outdoors

– When your little ones are out trick-or-treating on

– Kids should be outside, getting fresh air, exploring and playing, avoiding gadgets and getting

Halloween, make sure they aren’t so focused on

lots of exercise. The...

their candy...

Autism after high school

Autism after high school

Melanie Tyner-Wilson is facing one of her toughest battles yet. She wants nothing more than to help

Melanie Tyner-Wilson is facing one of her toughest battles yet. She wants nothing more than to help

her son Jay Tyner-Wilson,...

her son Jay Tyner-Wilson,...

Scientists try brincidofovir against Ebola

Scientists try brincidofovir against Ebola

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With the Ebola crisis ongoing, much attention is

With the Ebola crisis ongoing, much attention is

focused upon finding a drug capable of slowing – if

focused upon finding a drug capable of slowing – if

not stopping – the...

not stopping – the...

Is the Affordable Care Act Working?

Is the Affordable Care Act Working?

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Vegan 7-Layer M exican Dip Is Not Only Possible, It’s Delicious

Vegan 7-Layer M exican Dip Is Not Only Possible, It’s Delicious

Whether you’re having a few bros over to watch the

Whether you’re having a few bros over to watch the

game or submitting to a Netflix binge, 7-layer dip is

game or submitting to a Netflix binge, 7-layer dip is

always a welcomed...

always a welcomed...

Report: 5 Year Old Hospitalized In NYC With Possible Ebola Symptoms

Report: 5 Year Old Hospitalized In NYC With Possible Ebola Symptoms

WASHINGTON, Oct 27 (Reuters) – A 5-year-old boy

WASHINGTON, Oct 27 (Reuters) – A 5-year-old boy

who arrived from Guinea was being observed in

who arrived from Guinea was being observed in

isolation at Bellevue...

isolation at Bellevue...

With states stepping in, can Obama control the US Ebola response?

With states stepping in, can Obama control the US Ebola response?

For weeks, the White House has battled criticism of

For weeks, the White House has battled criticism of

its handling of the Ebola virus outbreak, but with

its handling of the Ebola virus outbreak, but with

Congress out of session...

Congress out of session...

Why making mistakes can be good for you

Why making mistakes can be good for you

October 27, 2014, 5:28 AM|Researchers in Canada

October 27, 2014, 5:28 AM|Researchers in Canada

say that adults who make mistakes while learning

say that adults who make mistakes while learning

can have improved memory....

can have improved memory....

Why the menopause has finally stopped me hating other women: Julia’s libido made her see every other woman as a threat. Now she has learnt the value of female friendship

How a cup of cocoa before bed ‘can help improve your memory': Chemical found in the beans could help fight against dementia

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Julia Stephenson was on a mission to make men

A key ingredient in chocolate may even reversed

fall in love with her She couldn’t relax and would ignore pretty house...

age-related memory decline People aged 50 to 69 who were given either a high...

Fear Of Blowing Big Calls M ay Affect How Umpires Do Their Jobs

Adherence influencing factors

New research suggests umpires are hesitant to make calls that change the course of the game,

Adherence is a crucial point for the success and

Non-adherence is widespread problem. the safe use of therapies. The objective...

especially in games with high...

Familial mixed nephrocalcinosis as a cause of chronic kidney failure: two case reports IntroductionNephrocalcinosis consists of the deposition of calcium salts in the renal parenchyma and is considered the mixed...

Acupressure for agitation in nursing home residents with dementia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Agitation is prevalent among people with dementia (PWD) in nursing homes. It frustrates both the PWD and their caregivers. ...

Residential M ortgage Survey Results for September 2014

Government to sell site in Kwai Chung by public tender

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Lands Department announced today (October 27) that a site, Kwai

Hong Kong Monetary Authority...

Chung Town Lot No. 495 at Kin...

Teen tests negative after Ebola scare in Australia (Update)

Cambodia-Thai kidney trafficking sparks fears of new organ market

A teenager who was in isolation in an Australian

The seven-inch scar runs diagonally across the left

hospital has tested negative for Ebola after she

flank of his skinny torso, a glaring reminder of an

developed a fever following...

operation he hoped...

Why You Don’t Need To Diet For Lasting Weight Loss

What I Learned About Communication From Teaching Yoga In Europe

I Didn’t Lose 200 Pounds. I Lost 1 Pound 200

How An NFL Linebacker Became A Renowned

Times Have you ever looked at a to-do list so

Yoga Teacher When former New Orleans Saints

staggering you didn’t...

linebacker Keith Mitchell suffered a...

Population Council to present research on novel approaches to HIV prevention

Family-focused intervention program leads to fewer drop-out rates among

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at HIV R4P 2014

M exican American children

The Population Council will present new research

Youth in program have lower rates of substance

on novel approaches to HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and...

use, more likely to value school New research findings from a team of prevention...

InSilico M edicine, CCARL collaborate to improve personalized medicine projects in multiple sclerosis

Study shows that obese children may mistake asthma symptoms, overuse rescue medications

InSilico Medicine, Inc. InSilico Medicine, CCARL

New research shows obese children with asthma

collaborate to improve personalized medicine

may mistake symptoms of breathlessness for loss

projects in multiple sclerosis ...

of asthma control leading to...

Neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander reveals stories of others who say they’ve ‘seen heaven’ while in a coma

Luisa Guerra dead after doctors failed to spot her cervical cancer

By Dr Eben Alexander Published: 16:02 EST, 19 October 2014 | Updated: 03:07 EST, 20 October

stress and early menopause The young mother

Luisa Guerra, 35, had her cancer diagnosed as died in February this year six...

2014 1.3k View...

Grandmother with Crohn’s disease died after pharmacy gave her wrong medicine in Kingswood, Bristol They were of similar shape

Comparison of intracellular and secretion-based strategies for production of human ?-galactosidase A in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei

and size to ones needed...

Trichoderma reesei is known as a good producer

Dawn Britton was given wrong tablets at pharmacy

of industrial proteins but has hitherto been less successful in the production...

Cytokine profiles by peripheral blood monocytes are associated with changes in behavioral symptoms following immune insults in a subset of ASD subjects: an inflammatory subtype?

Lands Department steps up enforcement and public education in respect of unauthorised structures on private agricultural land

Some children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by fluctuating behavioral

(LandsD) launched a new set of TV and radio

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Lands Department Announcements in the Public Interest...

symptoms following immune...

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Supplemental oxygen delivery to suspected stroke patients in pre hospital and emergency department settings

Japanese businesses in Kagoshima invited to leverage on Hong Kong’s advantages

Recent data suggests that high-flow oxygen started

Kagoshima prefecture are invited to seize the many trade and investment...

promptly after stroke symptom onset salvages

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Japanese businesses from

ischemic brain tissue. We...

Latest bone research abstracts summarized in slides and videos

Governors back home quarantine for Ebola workers

[ | E-mail ] Contact: L.

NEW YORK (AP) — The governors of New York and 41-229-940-

New Jersey are at odds with scientists over Ebola

100International Osteoporosis

as they back 21-day quarantines...

Foundation@iofbonehealth International...

Ebola drug maker Fujifilm to buy US vaccine maker

New York wants to encourage health workers to go Ebola zone -Cuomo

Tokyo (AFP) – Fujifilm said Monday it would buy a

NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York Governor

US vaccine maker as the Japanese firm boosts its

Andrew Cuomo said on Sunday the state wanted to

supply of an experimental...

encourage health workers to...

White House seeking to reverse NY, NJ’s Ebola quarantine orders -NYT

Smokers’ homes ‘as polluted as Beijing’ – Health News – NHS Choices

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White House is

Tuesday October 21 2014 Secondhand smoke is a

pressuring the governors of New York and New

risk factor for lung disease “Living...

Jersey to reverse their orders...

States stand firm on Ebola quarantines despite White House pressure

Early brain imaging studies may help prevent vascular diseases

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The governors of New York

Mount Sinai experts show neuroimaging tests can

and New Jersey on Sunday stuck to new plans to quarantine health workers...

reveal disruptive brain changes resulting from vascular disease risk factors...

U-M researcher wins AGA-Covidien Research & Development Pilot Award in Technology

M ost U.S. adults fail to meet recommended levels of key nutrients

The American Gastroenterological Association

recommended daily levels of 10 key nutrients, and

A new study finds that most U.S. adults fail to meet

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(AGA) Research Foundation is pleased to

those with disabilities...

announce that Richard S. Kwon, MD, MS,...

Study reveals that evening daylight plays role in increasing physical activity among children

German clinic scraps two machines worth £1m after Ebola patient threw up on them

New research published just before the end of UK

Patient was infected while treating Ebola victims in

daylight saving shows that proposals to permanently increase the hours of...

Sierra Leone Was airlifted to hospital in Hamburg for specialist care He...

Don’t look at dessert! Our brain has its own ‘calorie counter’ that kicks in when we look at a menu, researchers find

A cure for LOVE HANDLES? Scientists ‘melt’ muffin tops by activating brown fat

Brain works out the calorific density of each dish

Scientists discovered a way to ‘melt’ excess white

Could help explain why many people choose high

fat by turning it ‘brown’ White cells are responsible

calories foods By Mark...

for muffin...

The Welsh Government claims there are ten serious ‘inaccuracies’ in the M ail’s coverage of its NHS… Here we explain why every fact is correct

Health Check: the STI check-up – warts and all

Published: 14:51 EST, 20 October 2014 | Updated:

also be a source of anguish....

Sexuality is a means of pleasure, fulfilment and intimate connection with other humans. But it can

16:29 EST, 20 October 2014 The Welsh Government last night published...

Activation of caspases and inhibition of ribosome biogenesis mediate antitumor activity of Chijongdan in A549 non-small lung cancer cells cancer prevention and treatment, their scientific

Attenuation of early liver fibrosis by herbal compound "Diwu Yanggan" through modulating the balance between epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and mesenchymal-toepithelial transition

evidences still remain unclear...

Diwu Yanggan (DWYG) is a Chinese compound

Though herbal medicines have been used for

herbal preparation which consists of five Chinese herbs. This study investigates...

Intestinal tuberculosis in a child living in a country with a low incidence of tuberculosis: a case report

Small interfering RNA against CD86 during allergen challenge blocks experimental allergic asthma

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Relatively common in adults, intestinal tuberculosis is considered rare in children and

CD86-CD28 interaction has been suggested as the principal costimulatory pathway for the

adolescents. The protean manifestations...

activation and differentiation of...

Can a community health worker and a trained traditional birth attendant work as a team to deliver child health interventions in rural Zambia?

8 Ways Your Cowokers Are Getting You Sick, And How To Stop It

Teaming is an accepted approach in health care settings but rarely practiced at the community level

the harsher, scarier...

George R.R Martin’s favorite threat, “Winter is coming,” doesn’t hold a candle (or tissue box) to

in developing countries....

It’s better for memory to make mistakes while learning [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kelly

Economic impact of hypoglycaemia: an interview with Dr Klaus Henning Jensen 416-785-

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA

2432Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care@Baycrest

Hons (Cantab) insights from industryDr. Klaus


Henning JensenHead of Clinical,...

Jack Vettriano under the microscope By York Membery for the Daily Mail Published:

ASK THE DOCTOR: Is exercise safe with a faulty heartbeat?

17:44 EST, 20 October 2014 | Updated: 18:26 EST,

By Martin Scurr for the Daily Mail Published: 19:06

20 October 2014 ...

EST, 20 October 2014 | Updated: 19:06 EST, 20 October 2014 ...

Salt could make your immune system go haywire

M E AND M Y OPERATION: Tiny tubes in your neck that could cut the risk of a stroke

By Roger Dobson for the Daily Mail Published: 19:40 EST, 20 October 2014 | Updated: 19:40 EST, 20 October 2014 ...

By Diana Pilkington for the Daily Mail and Oliver James Published: 19:44 EST, 20 October 2014 | Updated: 19:44 EST,...

Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a maintenance programme for the SLIM M ER diabetes prevention intervention

Immunization knowledge and practice among M alaysian parents: a questionnaire development and pilottesting

Although lifestyle interventions have shown to be

Parents are the main decision makers for their

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

effective in reducing the risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus, maintenance...

children vaccinations. This fact makes parents’immunization knowledge...

M icrosatellite abundance across the Anthozoa and Hydrozoa in the phylum Cnidaria

Ombudsman invites public views on Education Bureau’s non-disclosure of list of registered teachers

Microsatellite loci have high mutation rates and

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

thus are indicative of mutational processes within

behalf of the Office of The Ombudsman: The

the genome. By concentrating...

Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau,...

Firing practice for November 2014

Is the NHS’s therapy for depression a total waste of time?

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Firing practice will take place at the San Wai/Tai Ling Firing Range and the Tsing Shan Firing...

By Oliver James Published: 19:26 EST, 20 October 2014 | Updated: 02:54 EST, 21 October 2014 22 View comments A...

Overweight pregnant women should be sent to slimming classes, say M Ps

Number of women suffering ruptured breast implants soars

All-party group of MPs and peers calls for new

1,543 cases of ruptured implants in 2012/2013, up

guidance from midwives Doctors ‘should

from 293 in 2009/2010 Plastic surgeon puts rising

challenge “fallacy”‘...

problem partly down to...

Dr Eben Alexander has lost his scepticism about the after-life

Andrew Cuomo Defends Ebola Quarantines But Loosens Policy

By Dr Eben Alexander Published: 19:29 EST, 20

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and New York

October 2014 | Updated: 03:11 EST, 21 October

City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced new

2014 870 View...

quarantine guidelines on Sunday evening...

Diabetes patients told they’ve got milder type 2 but in fact they have type 1

Diabetes patients told they’ve got milder type 2 but in fact they have type 1

Geoff Paul, 43, from London dropped from 13st to

Geoff Paul, 43, from London dropped from 13st to

10½ st in just a year His high blood sugar reading

10½ st in just a year His high blood sugar reading

meant he was diagnosed...

meant he was diagnosed...

Health refugees forced to sell up and move to England for life-saving care: Continuing our investigation into the

Health refugees forced to sell up and move to England for life-saving care: Continuing our investigation into the

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terrifying state of the Welsh NHS – run by Labour for the past 15 years

terrifying state of the Welsh NHS – run by Labour for the past 15 years

One pregnant woman travelled 55 miles in labour

One pregnant woman travelled 55 miles in labour

to avoid Welsh maternity Cardiff cancer patient had to get life-prolonging...

to avoid Welsh maternity Cardiff cancer patient had to get life-prolonging...

Baby Isla’s heart stopped for 26 M INUTES but she survived

Baby Isla’s heart stopped for 26 M INUTES but she survived

Midwives at Burnley General Hospital had almost

Midwives at Burnley General Hospital had almost

given up on Isla Simpson Born on September 21 but her heart was not beating and...

given up on Isla Simpson Born on September 21 but her heart was not beating and...

Now hospitals are saving babies born at just 22 weeks: M edical advances raise new doubts on abortion limit

Now hospitals are saving babies born at just 22 weeks: M edical advances raise new doubts on abortion limit

Babies are surviving after being born two weeks

Babies are surviving after being born two weeks

earlier than 24-week limit Top doctor said those

earlier than 24-week limit Top doctor said those

born at 22 and 23 weeks...

born at 22 and 23 weeks...

Expression level of a flavonoid 3[prime]-hydroxylase gene determines pathogen-induced color variation in sorghum

Expression level of a flavonoid 3[prime]-hydroxylase gene determines pathogen-induced color variation in sorghum

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)

accumulates 3-deoxyanthocyanidins and exhibits

accumulates 3-deoxyanthocyanidins and exhibits

orange to purple coloration on parts of...

orange to purple coloration on parts of...

Sugary soft drinks could age the body as much as SM OKING, scientists warn

INGROWN TOENAILS is caused ‘when the balance of growth and adhesion is broken’

Fizzy drinks appear to speed up the rate at which cells age People drinking two cans daily had DNA changes of cells 4.6 years...

Scientists at the University of Nottingham have come up with the first mathematical formulae that describe how human nails...

High blood pressure? You can’t beat eating beetroot

Low libido linked to additives used to soften materials found in every home

By Dr Christoffer Van Tulleken Published: 19:47

PVC flooring and plastic shower curtains could

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EST, 20 October 2014 | Updated: 08:34 EST, 21

lower women’s libido Women with high levels of

October 2014 ...

phthalates more likely...

From Brain To Computer: Helping ‘Locked-In’ Patient Get His Thoughts Out

Expert: Quarantine causes unintended consequences

i i Patients with certain kinds of brain damage can wind up with locked-in syndrome: they may be

workers returning from Ebola-ravaged West Africa,

Mandatory 21-day quarantines on health care like those put in place by...


Corner Office: Dr. Laurie Glimcher, on Putting Everything on the Line

First Patient Quarantined Under Strict New Policy Tests Negative for Ebola

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Cocoa M ay Hold Clue to Reversing M emory Loss

Nurse ‘disrespected’ in Ebola fight as White House weighs in

Paris (AFP) – Bioactive ingredients found in cocoa sharply reversed age-related memory decline in a

Washington (AFP) – The mayor of New York said Sunday that a quarantined nurse had been

group of volunteers,...


White House questions new Ebola rules, nurse plans to sue

Are YOU spreading germs every time you wash the dishes?

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White

Researchers analysed towels from five major cities

House has told states that have imposed

in the United States and Canada Coliform bacteria

mandatory quarantines for some travelers...

were detected in 89.0%...

How the number of eggs a woman has predicts her risk of a heart attack

Would YOU tell your family you had cancer? 25% of patients say no

Was known that hormone oestrogen has a

Main reason was to protect them worrying or

protective effect on the heart So an early

disrupting everyday life Others said they didn’t want

menopause puts woman at greater risk of...

sympathy or ‘special’...

Secrets of an A-list body: Naomi Watts’s arms

5 Ways You SHOULD Be Texting in Your Relationship

By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 18:41 EST, 20

To say that your bond changes between those early

October 2014 | Updated: 10:16 EST, 21 October days of dating and those first years of marriage PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

2014 14 View...

would be a serious understatement....

The M aximum Amount of Weight You Could Realistically Gain in One Day

Electrode Cap Helped ‘Locked-In’ Patient Get His Thoughts Out

Of course you try your very best to stick to a

i i Patients with certain kinds of brain damage can

relatively healthy diet and exercise plan. But some

wind up with locked-in syndrome: they may be

days, you’re bound...


How a tumor suppressor helps control changes in cell shape and motility that are central to metastasis

Drugmakers bet on Ebola vaccines, treatments

Ludwig Oxford researchers have discovered a key mechanism that governs how cells of the epithelia,

drugs to address the worst outbreak of Ebola in

Drugmakers are racing to develop vaccines and history. It’s unclear...

the soft lining of inner...

Teen tests negative after Ebola scare in Australia

Graphic designer is left paralysed from the neck down after suffering a COLD

Australian authorities said early Monday that a teenager who was in isolation in hospital had

Derek Ledingham, 41, went to play football despite not feeling well A few days later he woke up and

tested negative for Ebola after...

couldn’t move his...

Number of children lacking Vitamin D soars by more than 200% in five years

Saved from life on dialysis by the UK’s first ever keyhole kidney transplant operation

Worrying lack of knowledge by GPs and health workers on guidelines: study Campaigners say danger of returning to ‘Victorian’...

Brian Blanchard faced a lifetime of dialysis after suffering from kidney failure But a pioneering keyhole kidney transplant...

M other tells of heartbreak behind the hardest decision any parent could make

Researchers discover how microbes build a powerful antibiotic

Nancy Fitzmaurice was born blind, with meningitis

Researchers report in the journal Nature that they

and other complications She was unable to talk, walk, eat or drink and...

have made a breakthrough in understanding how a powerful antibiotic agent...

We remove kids from abuse and neglect, but are they better off in the long run?

Dietary cocoa flavanols reverse agerelated memory decline, study shows Dietary cocoa flavanols—naturally occurring

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Most people reasonably assume there is evidence

bioactives found in cocoa—reversed age-related

of good long-term outcomes for children who come

memory decline in healthy...

into contact with child...

Heart drug may help treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, mouse study shows

Real-time readout of neurochemical activity

Digoxin, a medication used in the treatment of

Scientists have created cells with fluorescent dyes

heart failure, may be adaptable for the treatment of

that change color in response to specific

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis...

neurochemicals. By implanting...

Gene link to seizures in children after M M R vaccine

Unsuspected gene found frequently mutated in colorectal, endometrial cancers

Scientists in Denmark said Sunday they had found genetic clues to explain why a small number of children have febrile seizures—brief...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 617-6324090Dana-Farber Cancer Institute@DanaFarber Mutation...

Activity in dendrites is critical in memory formation

Heart drug may help treat ALS, mouse study shows

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael C. 847-491- 314-286-

3115Northwestern University@northwesternu Study sheds...

0122Washington University School of Medicine@WUSTLmed IMAGE: ...

Team discovers how microbes build a powerful antibiotic

US disease expert argues against Ebola quarantine

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana

NEW YORK (AP) — The gulf between politicians

217-333-5802University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign@illinois_alma IMAGE: ...

and scientists over Ebola widened on Sunday as the nation’s top infectious-disease...

Florida to monitor health of travelers from Ebola-hit countries

White House seeking to reverse New York, New Jersey’s Ebola quarantine orders: NYT

(Reuters) – Florida will require 21-day health monitoring of people returning to the state from Ebola-affected countries...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White House is pressuring the governors of New York and New Jersey to reverse their orders...

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Hammond tells European leaders to pay up in fight against Ebola as figures reveal Britain and America shouldering burden

Cold sores may DOUBLE the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease

Philip Hammond tells foreign ministers to

virus lives in the body...

Cold sores are caused by an infection of the herpes simplex virus 1 After the first infection, the

contribute more to £800m fund Comes after PM said Europe needed to ‘start...

The baby born hooked on happy pills because his mother had PRE-natal depression

Children from frozen embryos are ‘more sociable’ than those born from fresh ones

By Sally Windsor Published: 18:28 EST, 21 October 2014 | Updated: 02:40 EST, 22 October 2014 18

IVF children were just as chatty and independent as those born naturally Children created from

View ...

frozen embryos were more sociable,...

13 Simple Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings

How to Ask If Your Relationship Is ‘Official’

Juggling is hard. Holding a crow pose for five minutes? Really difficult. But resisting the urge to eat an entire chocolate...

In a perfect world, the man you’ve been falling in love with would, after a few weeks or so of blissful dating, drop...

7 Weird Ways to Use Dry Shampoo


This article was written by Aly Walansky and

Hong Kong (HKSAR) –

repurposed with permission from Beauty High. Many of us are addicted to dry...


EDB’s statement on review of Liberal Studies

Concerns mount over US Ebola quarantine

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Liberal Studies (LS)

A controversial decision to impose Ebola

subject is a new core subject under the New Senior Secondary Curriculum...

quarantines in three US states sparked criticism Sunday, as the first American nurse...

Teenagers who smoke cannabis regularly do worse in exams, study finds

Teenagers who smoke cannabis regularly do worse in exams, study finds

Teenagers who smoked cannabis 50 times by age

Teenagers who smoked cannabis 50 times by age

15 did worse in exams Drinking, smoking and

15 did worse in exams Drinking, smoking and

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other drug use had an impact on...

other drug use had an impact on...

Ellie Harrington with Down’s syndrome who has learnt to talk by copying her sister Evie

Ellie Harrington with Down’s syndrome who has learnt to talk by copying her sister Evie

Ellie Harrington, two, from Cambridgeshire, has

Ellie Harrington, two, from Cambridgeshire, has

learnt to walk early Parents say she has developed so quickly through copying...

learnt to walk early Parents say she has developed so quickly through copying...

Woman who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth at GP surgery

Woman who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth at GP surgery

Clare Evans, 24, was complaining of abdominal pains and called her GP She was advised to visit

Clare Evans, 24, was complaining of abdominal pains and called her GP She was advised to visit

the surgery as she might have...

the surgery as she might have...

Are YOU fat because your husband is a control freak?

Are YOU fat because your husband is a control freak?

Maria-Louise Warne felt she had to eat large meals made by her ex-husband She quickly went from a

Maria-Louise Warne felt she had to eat large meals made by her ex-husband She quickly went from a

size 12 to a size 18 thanks...

size 12 to a size 18 thanks...

Top U.S. Health Official: Ebola Quarantines M ay Have Unintended Consequences

Top U.S. Health Official: Ebola Quarantines M ay Have Unintended Consequences

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mandatory 21-day

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mandatory 21-day

quarantines on health care workers returning from

quarantines on health care workers returning from

Ebola-ravaged West Africa, like those...

Ebola-ravaged West Africa, like those...

‘SNL’ M ocks President Obama, Ebola Czar Ron Klain In Cold Open

‘SNL’ M ocks President Obama, Ebola Czar Ron Klain In Cold Open

“Saturday Night Live” kicked off this weekend’s Jim

“Saturday Night Live” kicked off this weekend’s Jim

Carrey-hosted episode with some not-so-subtle

Carrey-hosted episode with some not-so-subtle



LGBT Wellness Roundup: October 24

LGBT Wellness Roundup: October 24

Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership

Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership

with bloggers Liz Margolies and Scout, brings you a

with bloggers Liz Margolies and Scout, brings you a

round up of some of the... round up of some of the... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Parkinson’s disease drugs can turn patients into gamblers, sex addicts and compulsive shoppers

William Pooley who survived Ebola returns to Sierra Leone

Impulsive and compulsive behaviour is common

capital of Sierra Leone He became the first

with dopamine agonists Dopamine agonist drugs were 277 times more likely to...

confirmed Briton to contract Ebola...

How arguing with your spouse could make you FAT

Why shift workers should avoid tucking into steak, brown rice or green veg at night: Iron-rich foods ‘disrupt the body clock’

Marital rows and a history of depression increases the risk for obesity This may be because it alters how the body processes...

William Pooley has returned to Freetown, the

Eating iron-rich foods disrupts the circadian clock in the liver Liver’s circadian clock normally regulates blood sugar...

"Conscious Uncoupling": The End of the Ugly Divorce

5 Orgasm M yths That Are Just Not True At All

There’s a new kind of happily-ever-after resonating in America—and ironically, it involves divorce. More

If you had to put your relationship status with orgasms on Facebook, admit it: It would probably


say: It’s complicated....

Serum ferritin levels and the development of metabolic syndrome and its components: a 6.5-year followup study

Tools for primary care patient safety: a narrative review

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between changes in serum ferritin

narrative review...

Patient safety in primary care is a developing field with an embryonic but evolving evidence base. This

concentrations and the development...

‘Nothing to hide’ over Welsh NHS 26 October 2014 Last updated at 12:56 Mark Drakeford says independent reports found the Welsh NHS to be ‘careful’...

The spray that claims to kill Ebola: Nontoxic chemical can get rid of deadly virus without damaging the body, British company says As it is non-toxic, DuoMax can apparently be used to treat large areas Company says it will not damage human skin like...

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Researchers discover exactly how the bubonic plague spread so effectively

BPA could raise risk of diabetes, obesity and cancer

Yersinia pestis bacteria causes bubonic plague Cacteria hitchhike on immune cells in the lymph

Substance used to produce receipts could be absorbed into the bloodstream Includes paper

nodes Could lead to new treatments...

receipts from shops, credit card...

I wish I’d aborted the son I’ve spent 47 years caring for: It’s a shocking admission

TD reminds members of the public to stay alert to traffic situation tomorrow

Gillian Relf, 69, regrets having her son, Stephen,

(TD) today (October 26) said that traffic flow on

47 Stephen was born with Down’s Syndrome and needs constant care She...

Sunday is less than...

‘Scandalous scaremongering’ over NHS 26 October 2014 Last updated at 10:52 Labour’s

Search for answers after Washington state school rampage

running of the NHS in Wales has come under

By Eric M. Johnson and Victoria Cavaliere

attack from the press and...

MARYSVILLE Wash. (Reuters) – Members of the Tulalip Tribes...

Indonesia president appoints technocrats to top economic posts

The new genetic disorder every mom needs to know about

By Gayatri Suroyo and Randy Fabi JAKARTA

image courtesy Sheila Kambin image courtesy

(Reuters) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Sunday assigned...

Sheila Kambin From the first time Dr. Sheila Kambin laid eyes on her newborn...

The back pain pills that many doctors won’t recommend anymore

Study suggests that objective hearing tests need to be refined for teenagers at risk for hearing loss

Taking prescription painkillers to ease chronic conditions, like an achy back or headache, is not worth the risk, the American...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department

Subjective screening questions do not reliably identify teenagers who are at risk for hearing loss, according to researchers...

Junior doctor is struck off for taking sick leave to work on show-jumping TV coverage

Women’s chances of motherhood plummet if partner is older than 43½

Ed Holloway returned to work after ‘sick leave’ with a suntan after US jaunt Urologist had been

Daily Mail Published: 19:27 EST, 22 October 2014 |

By Fiona Macrae, Science Correspondent for the Updated: 04:02...

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Researchers say breathing toxic air in the first two years of life linked to autism

A daily wine or beer is good for your memory and better than being teetoal

Researchers found links between increased levels

recalling events Their hippocampus – the area of

of chromium and styrene and childhood autism spectrum disorder Condition...

the brain controlling...

What women want: qualitative analysis of consumer evaluations of maternity care in Queensland, Australia Maternity care reform plans have been proposed at

Identifying and explaining the variability in development and implementation costs of disease management programs in the Netherlands

state and national levels in Australia, but the extent

In the Netherlands, disease management

to which these respond...

programs (DMPs) are used to treat chronic diseases. Their aim is to improve care and...

Identification of a virulence-related surface protein XF in piscine Streptococcus agalactiae by preabsorbed immunoproteomics

Country Parks Waste Reduction Campaign launched

Since 2009, large-scale Streptococcus agalactiae

Pensioners who enjoy a drink a day are better at

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) held the Country Parks Waste Reduction...

infections have broken out in cultured tilapia farms in China, resulting...

Update on Cluster of Enterovirus cases in Siu Lam Hospital Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: Regarding an earlier announcement...

OTSC placement therapy is safe, effective for closure of gastrointestinal defects An international multicenter study reports that overthe-scope clip (OTSC) placement is a safe and effective therapy for...

M onash University research explores long-term costs for two main causes of stroke

WHO holds meeting to discuss on how to fast track testing, deployment of Ebola vaccines

New data shows that healthcare and personal costs to support survivors of stroke remains high

The World Health Organization WHO holds meeting to discuss on how to fast track testing,

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10 years on. The Monash University...

deployment of Ebola vaccines ...

UCSF report: California Tobacco Control Program under threat

Natasha M ash discovers brown mark she thought was melted chocolate is CANCER

California’s position as a leader in tobacco control is under threat, according to a new report from the UC San Francisco...

Natasha Mash, 26, found a mark on her arm and thought it was chocolate Later realised it was a mole and went to the doctor...

Rachel Baker addicted to snacking sheds NINE stone Rachel Baker, 32, had been overweight since her teens due to a bad diet She ‘loves food’ and as an adult, ate...

Overweight people to be PAID to lose weight: Slimmers will be given cash or shopping vouchers under new NHS plans The amounts are still unclear, but may depend on extent of weight loss Employers will also be urged to offer incentives...

‘Fat people CAN’T take responsibility for their weight

7 Reasons Fall Is A Great Time to Jumpstart Your Weight-Loss Goals

Dr Sally Norton is an NHS consultant specialising

Basic fact: It’s hard to not love fall. There’s the

in weight loss Says rather than blame, overweight

crisp, fresh air, the excitement of new beginnings,

people need as much help...

the pumpkin...

The Fun Trick Every Single Woman Should Try

Quality of the information on Kinesio Taping

I try my best not to cringe when my friends and

I first became aware of the pretty colored tape and

family give me advice about finding love. I know

its methods when watching the London Olympics

more often than not, they’re...

in 2012. Ever since then...

UT Southwestern receives CPRIT grant to expand genetic screening services in North Texas

Hospital meals worth 89p that shame the NHS

Genetic screening services for rural and

food and ready meals Hospitals have slashed food

underserved populations will expand from six to 22 counties in North Texas under...

and drink budget by...

Allergic reaction to ibuprofen causes man’s skin to erupt in blisters

Labour-run NHS refusal to fund lifesaving treatment in Wales

Nutritionist condemns tiny portions of unappetising

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Paul Burkhardt, 36, bought a 70p pack of ibuprofen

Welsh cancer patients are being denied life-saving

from a corner shop Two days later he woke up with his face swollen and...

new treatments Labour-run Welsh government’s refusal to fund drugs...

Ancient Britons had less gum disease than people today

Poor health systems in Asia cause for Ebola alarm

Gum disease is a chronic inflammatory response to the build-up of plaque Just five per cent of 300

SINGAPORE (AP) — The longer the Ebola outbreak rages in West Africa, the greater chance a traveler

skulls examined which...

infected with the virus...

Stem cells, branching processes and stochasticity in cancer

M uscle Activity Differences in Forefoot and Rearfoot Strikers

When you were born, you probably had 270 bones in your body. Unless you’ve experienced some very

Different running techniques load different tissues in different runners differently which has

drastic traumas, and assuming...

implications for subject specific...

M iddle-aged swingers’ ‘drug-fuelled orgies’ fuelling rise in STIs

Pippa M iddleton reveals four steps she uses to keep her toned behind in shape

Dutch study found half of older swingers admitted taking illegal substances Half had six or more partners in past six months...

Pippa Middleton’s 30-minute total body workout includes ‘plié squats’ Each exercise takes two minutes,...

St Vincent’s Hospital performs transplant using dead hearts in breakthrough Doctors at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney conduct world-first transplants Surgeons successfully brought three dead...

Are YOU fat because your husband is a control freak? This woman put on four stone while married to a man who forced her to over-eat. And she is just one of thousands… Maria-Louise Warne felt she had to eat large meals made by her ex-husband She quickly went from a size 12 to a size 18 thanks...

Human-induced evolution caught in action: SNP-array reveals rapid amphiatlantic spread of pesticide resistance in the salmon ecotoparasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis

Barriers to the implementation of mobile phone reminders in pediatric HIV care: a pre-trial analysis of the Cameroonian M ORE CARE study Mobile health (mhealth) has emerged as a

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The salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, is

powerful resource in the medical armamentarium

an ectoparasite of salmonids that causes huge economic losses in salmon farming,...

against human immunodeficiency virus...

Salvage brachytherapy for seminal vesicle recurrence after initial brachytherapy for prostate cancer: a case report

Pharmacological inhibition of OGlcNAcase (OGA) prevents cognitive decline and amyloid plaque formation in bigenic tau/APP mutant mice

To report the efficacy and safety of salvage

Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs)

brachytherapy for seminal vesicle recurrence after initial brachytherapy in...

are the defining pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)....

Dazzling Café brings new coffee experience to Hong Kong

Samantha Power, U.S. Ambassador To United Nations, Travels To EbolaStricken West Africa

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Taiwanese coffee chain Dazzling Café officially opened its first shop in Hong Kong today (October...

By Michelle Nichols WASHINGTON, Oct 25 (Reuters) – The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, is traveling...

U.S. Journalist Ashoka M ukpo Says His Body Was ‘At War’ With Ebola

US: Power to visit Ebola-ravaged West Africa

JENNIFER McDERMOTT, Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United States

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Ashoka Mukpo knew he

ambassador to the United Nations is on her way to

really was in trouble when he saw the...

visit all three of the West African...

Swimming-induced pulmonary oedema cases higher among athletes taking part in triathlons

Safety and protocol measures for humanitarian volunteers in the Ebola epidemic

SAGE Publications Swimming-induced pulmonary oedema cases higher among athletes taking part

Society for Disaster Medicine and Public Health Safety and protocol measures for humanitarian

in triathlons

volunteers in the Ebola epidemic ...

Vancive and Aspen M edical partner to distribute absorbent wound dressing products in the UK, Ireland

University of Derby wins award for collaborative social media campaign

Vancive Medical Technologies™ and Aspen University of Derby wins award for collaborative social media campaign

Medical Europe Ltd. (“Aspen Medical”) today announced an agreement for the... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Women who lose 11lb conceive up to two weeks faster

Britain is worst in the West for inactivity

Those who were slim benefited just as much as

Report says the UK is now even worse than the US

those who were fat But those who were helped

for inactivity Lack of exercise can lead to

most were at the heaver end...

depression, heart disease and...

Europeans were lactose intolerant 5,000 years AFTER adopting farming

80 people die in Britain every DAY from flu and pneumonia more than anywhere in Europe

Discovery made from ancient DNA extracted from 13 skeletons Skeletons found in Hungary were dated from 5,700 BC to 800 BC The...

UK death toll from respiratory diseases 70% higher than EU average Some 138 people in every 100,000 in the UK die from...

What It Takes to Train for the Ironman World Championship

Divorce M ay Be Harder On Women

On October 11, Women’s Health fitness director

Gallup poll, women bear the brunt of the negative side effects. The results...

Jen Ator completed the 140.6-mile swim-bike-run

Breaking up is hard to do—and according to a new

Ironman World Championship...

UC San Diego Sanford Stem Cell Clinical Center named new ‘alpha clinic’

Study finds lower mortality at hospitals that treat high volume of SAH cases

Designation will help speed development of

Lower mortality at hospitals with more experience

emerging drugs and therapies In a push to further

treating subarachnoid hemorrhage, reports

speed clinical development of...

neurosurgery For patients with...

Study reveals subtypes, potential diagnostic and treatment clues for papillary thyroid carcinomas

Rates of type 1 diabetes increase significantly among non-Hispanic white youth

NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute Study reveals subtypes, potential diagnostic and

The rate of non-Hispanic white youth diagnosed with type 1 diabetes increased significantly from

treatment clues for papillary...

2002 to 2009 in all but...

Britain should become a ‘smoke-free’ country, Jeremy Hunt declares

Exposure to UV rays releases chemical which helps metabolism

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said we should ‘aspire to a smoke-free Britain’ Said Britain was

Moderate exposure to UV rays causes skin to release gas called nitric oxide Nitric oxide slows

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making ‘remarkable...

the development of obesity...

The experts’ guide on staying healthy and germ-free on flights

Doctors warn speeding of biological clock means women will take four years to conceive

Sitting in a closed cabin with up to 500 people is a breeding ground for germs According to air stewards, blankets are rarely...

Number of eggs needed for pregnancy rises ‘almost exponentially’ after 42 Careers and hunt for ‘Mr...

DH closely monitors first M ERS case in Turkey Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Department of Health

Argatroban versus Lepirudin in critically ill patients (ALicia): a randomized controlled trial

(DH) is today (October 25) closely monitoring the

IntroductionCritically ill patients often require renal

first case of Middle...

replacement therapy accompanied by thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia...

I Found What Worked For M e and Lost Over 70 pounds

The Squatting M istake That Hurts Your Knees

Before: 198 poundsAfter: 125 pounds The Lifestyle

This article was written by Tony Gentilcore and

As a teenager, it felt like I had no control over the amount of food I...

provided by our partners at Men’s Health. Whenever someone mentions...

4 M odels Share Their Secrets for CrazyPretty Hair

4 M odels Share Their Secrets for CrazyPretty Hair

This article was written by Bryn Kenny and

This article was written by Bryn Kenny and

repurposed with permission from Refinery29. Many of modeling’s most iconic...

repurposed with permission from Refinery29. Many of modeling’s most iconic...

How ‘Foodies’ Were Duped Into Thinking M cDonald’s Was High-End Food

How ‘Foodies’ Were Duped Into Thinking M cDonald’s Was High-End Food

YouTube High-end organic fare, or McD’s? (Click

YouTube High-end organic fare, or McD’s? (Click

“settings” to enable English subtitles.) We all know

“settings” to enable English subtitles.) We all know



European Scientists Conclude That Distant Comet Smells Terrible

European Scientists Conclude That Distant Comet Smells Terrible

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i i The Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

i i The Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

smells of rotten eggs, drunk people and horses. ...

smells of rotten eggs, drunk people and horses. ...

A Wisecracking Biochemist Shares Her Kitchen ABCs

A Wisecracking Biochemist Shares Her Kitchen ABCs

i i A selection of foods discussed by Shirley

i i A selection of foods discussed by Shirley

Corriher at the National Press Club on Oct. 22. ...

Corriher at the National Press Club on Oct. 22. ...

What Are The Origins Of The Universe?

What Are The Origins Of The Universe?

Part 2 of the TED Radio Hour episode How It All

Part 2 of the TED Radio Hour episode How It All

Began. About David Christian’s TED Talk “ We keep teaching that history...

Began. About David Christian’s TED Talk “ We keep teaching that history...

The use of the GIS Kriging technique to determine the spatial changes of natural radionuclide concentrations in soil and forest cover

The use of the GIS Kriging technique to determine the spatial changes of natural radionuclide concentrations in soil and forest cover

The distribution of radionuclides occurring naturally

The distribution of radionuclides occurring naturally

in the earth depends on bedrock characteristics. Therefore, the spatial...

in the earth depends on bedrock characteristics. Therefore, the spatial...

A qualitative exploration of the use of calendar landmarking instruments in cancer symptom research

A qualitative exploration of the use of calendar landmarking instruments in cancer symptom research

Late diagnosis is considered to be a major factor

Late diagnosis is considered to be a major factor

contributing to poorer cancer survival rates in the

contributing to poorer cancer survival rates in the

UK. Interventions have...

UK. Interventions have...

Anticoagulant treatment in German family practices ?screening results from a cluster randomized controlled trial

Anticoagulant treatment in German family practices ?screening results from a cluster randomized controlled trial

Oral anticoagulation (OAC) with coumarins and

Oral anticoagulation (OAC) with coumarins and

new anticoagulants are highly effective in

new anticoagulants are highly effective in

preventing thromboembolic complications....

preventing thromboembolic complications....

LegCo Panel on Development visits Ex-

LegCo Panel on Development visits Ex-

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Lamma Quarry Area

Lamma Quarry Area

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The

Legislative Council...

Legislative Council...

UAB offers M RI-US image fusion technique for prostate cancer detection

LUHS receives M agnet redesignation for hospital, outpatient clinics

The latest advancement in prostate cancer

Loyola University Health System LUHS receives Magnet redesignation for hospital, outpatient

detection is magnetic resonance imaging and


ultrasound fusion-guided biopsy, which...

M icrosoft co-founder Paul Allen pledges $100M to combat Ebola in West Africa

Ashya King waves after final proton treatment in Prague

Co-founder Paul Allen has pledged a donation of $100 million The amount roughly quadruples his

Prague this morning But he will not return to UK

Ashya King, 5, had the last of his 30 treatments in because parents fear...

earlier commitment of about...

‘I couldn’t see and everything was blurry': Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kyle Richards reveals she has eye condition that made filming nearly impossible

War on cancer is stalling because pharmaceutical firms only create drugs they know will make a profit, leading scientist claims

Kyle, 45, has been suffering with dry eye syndrome

Paul Workman is chief executive of Institute of Cancer Research in London Says despite huge

for five years Condition made her eyes dry and

advances in understanding cancer,...

uncomfortable and needing...

Why Do We Continue To Care About Dinosaurs?

Where Did Human Beings Originate?

Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode How It All

Began. “ I think that when you work on fossils …

Began. About Jack Horner’s TED Talk “ Even as a

you realize that...

Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode How It All

paleontologist, I...

Are All Human Beings Related?

Why Did Humans M igrate Out Of Africa?

i i Part 1 of the TED Radio Hour episode How It All

“ Humans have remarkably little genetic variation

Began. “ Written in our DNA, we have a historical

for a species of large apes. We’re remarkably

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inbred despite this...

When the bad news comes, be there and remain faithful

Woman isolated in NJ under Ebola rules tests negative

This is the final part of a four-part series on death,

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The first person

and life, and decisions we face going forward into

quarantined under strict new rules in the New York

our final twenty...

City area for people with...

M auritania closes border with M ali over Ebola fears

Illinois orders mandatory Ebola quarantine for high-risk travelers

BAMAKO/NOUAKCHOTT (Reuters) – Mauritania

(Reuters) – Illinois has ordered mandatory 21-day

has closed its border with Mali to prevent the

quarantines for all “high-risk” people who have had

spread of Ebola, officials...


New York, New Jersey to Quarantine All Travelers With Ebola Contacts

Breaking Research: WIDE AWAKE is a newly identified gene that explains how we become sleepy at night

SATURDAY Oct. 25, 2014, 2014 — On Friday, the governors of New York and New Jersey announced strict new quarantine...

The body’s biological clock is responsible for keeping track of time and synchronizing behavior with the environment, so...

The Oceans Link to Climate Change An estimated 35,000 walruses are resting on land because the sea ice has melted Photo credit goes to: Corey Accardo NOAA/NMFS/AFSC/ANML. Hold...

How bad breath could be a sign of liver disease and mouth ulcers could indicate cancer: Leading dentist reveals what your mouth says about your health Even ‘minor’ dental conditions can signal more serious health problems Dr Sameer Patel, Clinical Director at...

Ebola outbreak will ‘explode’ by midDecember, scientists warn

NYC Ebola patient Dr. Craig Spencer’s fiancee and TWO friends quarantined

This is unless international efforts to control virus

Dr Craig Spencer, 33, who returned to the U.S. from

are increased Researchers used mathematical modelling to predict infection...

Guinea, was admitted to Bellevue Hospital on Thursday He flew through...

Beekeeper who was allergic to bees killed by a single sting after he refused

Q&A: Is It Better to Eat Butter or M argarine?

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to give up his hobby despite his father’s desperate pleas Beekeeper Steven Adderson, 39, knew that he was

The question: “I know neither is the ideal healthy choice, but if I’m really craving butter or margarine, is...

allergic to bees Was begged by his father Graham to give up his hobby but...

Date Night: When You’re Single vs. When You’re M arried

13 Juicy Questions M en Are Dying to Ask Women

Let’s debunk one huge myth about your love life: Dating isn’t just for singles. Getting dressed up,

If your last bad date or fight with your guy was any indication, men and women don’t always

going out,...

understand each other all...

Researchers create designer ‘barrel’ proteins

Curiosity: It Helps Us Learn, But Why?

Proteins are long linear molecules that fold up to form well-defined 3D shapes. These 3D molecular

curiosity is piqued. LA Johnson/NPR ...

i i The Limbic Reward System lights up when

architectures are essential...

‘Freakish’ Sunspot Wows Astronomers i i NASA image of sunspot AR 2192 NASA hide caption itoggle caption ...

The big threats to humanity: it’s time to start talking about solutions When it comes to our biggest Global Health challenges, it’s easy to get bogged down in focusing only on the problems. How...

FDA approves new treatment for rare form of hemophilia The U.S. Food and Drug Administration yesterday approved Obizur [Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant), Porcine Sequence] for...

The effect of work-based mentoring on patient outcome in musculoskeletal physiotherapy: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Despite persistent calls to measure the effectiveness of educational interventions on patient outcomes, few studies have...

CHP investigates local confirmed case of dengue fever Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Controller of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH), Dr Leung...

Impact of high prevalence of pseudomonas and polymicrobial gramnegative infections in major sub-/total traumatic amputations on empiric antimicrobial therapy: a retrospective

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study IntroductionEmergency treatment of major sub/total traumatic amputations continue to represent a clinical challenge due...

Evaluating the impact of environmental interventions across 2 countries: the International Bikeshare Impacts on Cycling and Collisions Study (IBICCS) Study protocol

Unveiling nonessential gene deletions that confer significant morphological phenotypes beyond natural yeast strains

Few international studies examine public bicycle

phenotypic variation in the fitness and cell morphology of natural yeast...

share programs (PBSP) health impacts. We

Phenotypes are variable within species, with high

describe the protocol for the International...

Ebola patient who died in M ali had contact with at least 300 others

8 Hip Stretches Your Body Really Needs

Officials in Mali are working to identify everyone

intense lower body workouts that leave you beyond sore, when just...

who came into contact with a two-year-old girl who

By Ravelle Worthington, SELF We’ve all had those

has died from Ebola. She...

What Insomnia Really Feels Like Sleep has never come easy to me. As a schoolgirl I’d be in tears almost every night, watching the clock strike off...

10 Ways to Cope With Stress and Overwhelm You’ve got so much to do that you don’t know where to begin. That sickly feeling of anxiety is rising. Yet you’re...

What Is Emotional Health? Just a few days ago somebody asked me what I actually meant when I used the term emotional health. Now I found this really...

The Extraordinary Life Of A Flight Paramedic In The Canadian Arctic Flight Paramedic Hugh Gilmour works in the furthest reaches of the Canadian Arctic, evacuating patients from remote communities...

What Exactly Is Emotional Health?

Jones ‘not afraid’ of NHS scrutiny

Just a few days ago somebody asked me what I actually meant when I used the term emotional

25 October 2014 Last updated at 13:27 First Minister Carwyn Jones welcomes scrutiny of the

health. Now I found this really...

NHS in Wales First Minister...

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New Ebola Quarantine Protocol Seen as Barrier to Volunteers Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Strict Ebola Quarantine Set in New York Area; Preliminary Test Clears Nurse in Newark Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

There’s Now a Host of Ambitious Terminology for Women in the Workplace — Are M en Feeling Left Out?

Woman Quarantined In Newark Shows No Signs Of Ebola

Every study indicates Millennial males are an

International Airport from West...

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey health officials say a woman who arrived at Newark Liberty

evolved model of masculinity: kinder, more accepting, not intimidated by dirty...

11 Foods That Double As Cleaning Products

Here Are Some Real Reasons New Yorkers Shouldn’t Fear Ebola In NYC

Ketchup is delicious, sure, but did you know that

It’s happened: The Ebola virus has made its move

it’s also effective at polishing copper? Yea, bet you

to the big city, presumably with big dreams of

find it a little...

infecting the lot of...

Woman quarantined in NJ over Ebola fears gets preliminary test result

Ebola patient in NYC in "relatively stable condition"

A woman quarantined in New Jersey after recently

October 25, 2014, 7:07 AM|A New York City doctor

treating Ebola patients in West Africa has tested

who returned home after treating Ebola victims in

negative in a preliminary...

Guinea raised alarms when...

Officials curbing Ebola fear while adding safeguards

Ebola protocols, procedures under review

October 25, 2014, 7:10 AM|CBS News chief

October 25, 2014, 7:13 AM|As the government

medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook joins “CBS

considers tightening regulations on health care

This Morning: Saturday”...

workers returning from Africa,...

WHO: M ali case put many at risk for Ebola

AUDIO: Ebola health worker’s audio diary fears

BAMAKO, Mali (AP) — Many people in Mali are at

Hundreds of NHS staff have now volunteered to

high risk of catching Ebola because the toddler

travel to west Africa and help those affected by

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who brought the disease...

Ebola, but little is really...

Ebola outbreak cases pass 10,000 25 October 2014 Last updated at 12:13 Liberia

WHO eyes mass Ebola vaccines by mid2015

remains the worst affected country, with 4,665

Hundreds of thousands of Ebola vaccine doses

cases The number of cases...

could be rolled out to west Africa by the middle of next year, the World Health...

Aid group: Ebola contagion risk can’t be zero

M ali seeks to contain Ebola fears after girl dies (Update)

Despite stringent infection-control measures, the

Mali authorities on Saturday scrambled to calm

risk of Ebola’s spread cannot be entirely eliminated, Doctors Without...

fears over Ebola after the disease claimed its first victim in the African...

Ebola: Is "self-monitoring" good enough?

Ebola death toll tops 4,900 out of more than 10,000 cases: WHO

When Dr. Craig Spencer returned to New York from

By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – The

West Africa last week after doing volunteer work treating Ebola patients...

death toll from the Ebola epidemic rose to 4,922 out of 10,141...

Obama: Science, not fear, key to Ebola response

WHO: Number of Ebola-linked cases passes 10,000

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says the U.S. must be guided by science — not

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — More than 10,000 people have been infected with Ebola, according to figures

fear — as it responds to Ebola. In...

released Saturday by...

WHO: Number of Ebola cases passes 10,000

6 tricks to manage Halloween treats

Oct. 10, 2014: A man walks past a billboard warning people of the deadly Ebola virus in

kids— it’s a time to dress up in ghoulish garb,

(Armstrong Photography, Inc.) Halloween is fun for scream in haunted...

Monrovia, Liberia ((AP Photo/ Abbas...

6 strange-but-true health tips Many methods to improve your health are pretty straightforward: to lose weight, eat less and exercise more; to boost your...

Renowned British director Adrian Noble to stage Henrik Ibsen’s "Hedda Gabler" Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The pioneering New Vision Arts Festival-produced performance of Henrik Ibsen’s classic drama...

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Ebola quarantine in Liberia threatened by lack of food

Ottawa shooting: Nurse M argaret Lerhe tried to save Nathan Cirillo

Dozens of people quarantined for Ebola monitoring in western Liberia are threatening to break out of

Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was unresponsive when Ottawa nurse Margaret Lerhe rushed to his aid moments

isolation because they...

after he was shot at...

E-cigarettes to be banned in public indoor places in Nova Scotia

Polio cases in Pakistan increase to 220, WHO reports

The use of e-cigarettes will be banned from use in

A Pakistani volunteer gives polio vaccine to a

indoor public places with changes to existing

displaced tribal boy in Bannu, Pakistan, in June.

tobacco legislation, the...

The rugged Pakistani region...

Ebola crisis: ‘We need help, serious help’

VIDEO: Clock change ‘decreases activity’

24 October 2014 Last updated at 07:52 Please turn

Moving the clocks forward by an extra hour all year

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

in the UK could lead to children getting more

Mohammad Barrie lost...

exercise every day, according...

T2DM -linked hypoglycemia doesn’t impact brain pathology

Use of BM P doesn’t impact nonunion rates post spine fusion

(HealthDay)—Hypoglycemia related to type 2

(HealthDay)—The use of bone morphogenetic

diabetes mellitus (T2DM) doesn’t appear to impact

protein (BMP) is not associated with operative

brain pathology, according...

nonunion rates after spinal fusion,...

US lawmaker: New case raises questions on Ebola

M atter: As Ebola Spreads, So Have Several Fallacies

The new case of Ebola diagnosed in New York City

Log in to manage your products and services from

has raised “even more questions about

The New York Times and the International New

procedures in treating patients...

York Times. ...

Vaccine Trials for Ebola Are Planned in West Africa

M ali’s first Ebola case, a 2-yr-old girl, dies -officials

Log in to manage your products and services from

By Adama Diarra and Tiemoko Diallo BAMAKO

The New York Times and the International New

(Reuters) – A two-year-old girl who was Mali’s

York Times. ...


New York, New Jersey order Ebola

M edical worker quarantined in New

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Jersey under new Ebola safeguards

Both New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday they are ordering a

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A medical worker quarantined in New Jersey on her return from

mandatory, 21-day quarantine...

treating Ebola victims in West Africa...

Autism and intolerance of uncertainty

Anticoagulant treatment in German family practices ?screening results from a cluster randomized controlled trial

Good morning, gentlemen, the temperature is 110 degrees ‘Change’ is often mentioned as something potentially...

Oral anticoagulation (OAC) with coumarins and new anticoagulants are highly effective in preventing thromboembolic complications....

Large study sheds light on the genetic causes of thyroid cancer

Almost 2,000 lung cancer patients missing out on surgery every year

An in-depth US study into thyroid cancer has identified new genes responsible for the disease

Around 1,800 lung cancer patients may be missing out on life-saving surgery each year, according to

and could help doctors tailor...

the latest regional...

Gluten-free market booming, but researchers aren’t sold

Ebola vaccine could help ‘turn the tide of this epidemic,’ WHO says

Going gluten-free? You’re not the only one. Celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow and Miley

Two experimental Ebola vaccines won’t be a cureall for the Ebola epidemic, but testing and

Cyrus are aglow about the benefits...

development are being fast-tracked...

Sedentary living is the ‘new smoking’ and we’re paying for it, study says

2nd Dallas nurse to contract Ebola cleared of virus, hospital says

Spending the day sitting at your desk and the

A second Dallas nurse who contracted Ebola is

evening in front of the TV? You could be hurting

now free of the virus, Emory University Hospital in

your health and costing the...

Atlanta said on Friday. Amber...

Ebola outbreak: 2 U.S. states order mandatory quarantine for returning health workers

VIDEO: Could amputees re-grow lost limbs?

New York and New Jersey will automatically

limbs, according to researchers at Imperial

quarantine medical workers returning from Ebolahit West African countries and...

College London. The 25-year, £60m...

Amputees could one day re-grow their missing

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VIDEO: Ashya King ‘has really come along’

The Health Issue: Searching for the Fountain of Youth

Ashya King’s father has told reporters his son “has

Log in to manage your products and services from

really come along” while under going proton beam therapy...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Health Officials Expect to Start Vaccine Trials in West Africa as Early as December

Ebola patient in M ali dies: health official

Log in to manage your products and services from

who asked not to...

A toddler who introduced the Ebola virus to Mali has died, a health official says. The health official,

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Ashya’s family ‘unsafe for UK return’

‘Sunshine can slow weight gain’

24 October 2014 Last updated at 16:31 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

24 October 2014 Last updated at 00:45 Sunshine is an important element of a healthy lifestyle and

Ashya King’s father...

could help prevent obesity Exposure...

‘Sunshine can slow weight gain’

Roman gums ‘healthier than ours’

24 October 2014 Last updated at 00:45 Sunshine

24 October 2014 Last updated at 00:45 By James

is an important element of a healthy lifestyle and

Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website

could help prevent obesity Exposure...

People living...

Roman gums ‘healthier than ours’

First transplant of ‘dead’ heart

24 October 2014 Last updated at 00:45 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website

24 October 2014 Last updated at 13:00 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website The

People living...


First transplant of ‘dead’ heart

‘M any exposed’ to M ali Ebola girl

24 October 2014 Last updated at 13:00 By James

25 October 2014 Last updated at 05:04 People

Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website The console...

entering Mali from Guinea are having their temperature checked The authorities...

‘M any exposed’ to M ali Ebola girl

Cancer-killing cells made in the lab

25 October 2014 Last updated at 05:04 People

25 October 2014 Last updated at 00:27 Brain

entering Mali from Guinea are having their

tumours are often solid and hard to reach so stem

temperature checked The authorities...

cells are an effective way...

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APIC Ebola readiness survey: US hospitals lack infection prevention personnel and resources to confront disease

New York ‘fully prepared’ to handle Ebola case: mayor

Only 6 percent of U.S. hospitals are well-prepared

doctor who...

New York’s mayor said Friday that the city’s health system is fully equipped to handle Ebola after a

to receive a patient with the Ebola virus, according to a survey of infection...

New York ‘fully prepared’ to handle Ebola case: mayor

CDC charges Johns Hopkins to lead development of Ebola training module

New York’s mayor said Friday that the city’s health

Johns Hopkins Medicine has been tasked by the

system is fully equipped to handle Ebola after a

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to lead

doctor who...

a group and to design an...

CDC charges Johns Hopkins to lead development of Ebola training module

Breast cancer markers commonly used for routine surveillance

Johns Hopkins Medicine has been tasked by the

(HealthDay)—Breast cancer tumor markers are

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to lead

frequently used for routine surveillance in

a group and to design an...

nonmetastatic breast cancer, and...

Breast cancer markers commonly used for routine surveillance

NT-proBNP modestly improves CVD risk prediction in women

(HealthDay)—Breast cancer tumor markers are

(HealthDay)—N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic

frequently used for routine surveillance in

peptide (NT-proBNP) modestly improves

nonmetastatic breast cancer, and...

cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk prediction...

Panel’s G.O.P. Chairman Steps Up Criticism of Ebola Response

WHO: M ali case may have infected many people

Log in to manage your products and services from

The World Health Organization says a toddler who

The New York Times and the International New

brought Ebola to Mali was bleeding from her nose

York Times. ...

during her journey on public...

Neurophysiological assessment aids in identifying back injury

New treatment approved for rare form of hemophilia

(HealthDay)—For patients with lumbosacral disc

(HealthDay)—Obizur (antihemophilic factor

herniation, neurophysiological tests together with neuroimaging and clinical...

recombinant) has been approved to treat a rare, non-inherited form of hemophilia...

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NY and NJ say they will require Ebola quarantines

M ali Reports First Death From Ebola

The governors of New Jersey and New York on

The New York Times and the International New

Friday ordered a mandatory, 21-day quarantine for all doctors and other arriving...

York Times. ...

Cuomo and Christie Order Strict Ebola Quarantines

Ebola Patient in New York Is Called a Doctor at Ease in Danger

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Ebola Quarantines Seen as Barrier to Volunteers

Bellevue Back on Front Line in Another Crisis

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Disabled People Neglected in M any Developing Countries

Republicans question federal response on Ebola

The hundreds of millions of people living with disabilities in developing countries will remain

WASHINGTON (AP) — The new Ebola infection in New York City exposed flaws in the system and

invisible unless the world...

raised new concerns, lawmakers...

Kansas court upholds conviction in abortion doctor’s murder

Obama gives big hug to U.S. nurse who survived Ebola

By Kevin Murphy KANSAS CITY Kan. (Reuters) – The Kansas Supreme Court on Friday upheld a

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama gave a big hug on Friday to Nina Pham, the


Dallas nurse who survived...

Rules for returning Ebola health workers need coordination: U.S. official

For kids, psychological abuse may leave the deepest scars

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Top Obama administration officials met on Friday morning to

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Psychological cruelty to children from parents or caregivers can

discuss potential new rules for...

cause as much –...

Novo Nordisk receives U.S. subpoena

Autonomy, cost are key in decisions on

Log in to manage your products and services from

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related to Danish factory

long-term care insurance

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – Denmark’s Novo Nordisk, the world’s biggest maker of insulin, has

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Family discussions that emphasize older parents’ independence and

received a U.S....

their desire to avoid being...

Two in three middle-aged men will be obese by 2034

Ashya parents: It’s not safe for us to return home

The 87 page report shows how obesity will fuel a

“At the moment we don’t feel 100% safe, I suppose

rise in lifestyle diseases between now and 2034, if

you would call it, contemplating being in England

current trends are...

until perhaps they...

Fighting Depression and Suicide With Love As someone who openly struggles with

Warren Buffett’s ‘Two-List’ Strategy: How to M aximize Your Focus and M aster Your Priorities

depression, I’m frequently confronted by the

With well over 50 billion dollars to his name,

parents, siblings, and friends of...

Warren Buffett is consistently ranked among the wealthiest people in the world....

The Life You Want Imagine waking up everyday ready to conquer the

Newark Passenger Who Worked With Ebola Patients Develops Fever

world. Looking great and feeling great. No

A female healthcare worker who was quarantined

headaches, backaches or the medication...

because she had contact with Ebola patients in Sierra Leone has developed...

Expand CDC Precautions Based Upon Evidence-Based Science: Quarantine, Not a Ban

New risk for pregnant women with gestational diabetes

All major public health organizations, including the

researchers in California, the daughters of pregnant women who develop gestational...

International Red Cross, challenge the scientific

October 24, 2014, 5:25 AM|According to

merits of a travel...

"Honey, this is not my favorite case of Ebola"

Sex and Ebola: How risky?

Only a handful of people in the United States know

When Dr. Craig Spencer went to volunteer in West Africa with the humanitarian organization Doctors

first-hand what Ebola-infected doctor Craig

Without Borders, it took...

Spencer is going through right...

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What we know about Ebola patient Dr. Craig Spencer’s movements

Nurses who treated Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan tell their story

NEW YORK — Investigators are learning more about the recent activities of an emergency room

In their first interview, four nurses who treated Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan in Dallas talk

doctor who is being treated...

about going to great lengths...

Cutting the ties that bind

Abortion investigation: Group launches private prosecution

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kim 816-926-4015Stowers Institute for Medical Research@ScienceStowers Stowers...

Aisling Hupert, from Brighton, who works with antiabortion group Abort67, has instructed solicitors to bring action against...

It Takes A Special Ambulance Crew To Respond To A Potential Ebola Patient

Lights Go on Part XXVIII: M y Favorite Phone Call

When officials suspected Dr. Craig Spencer might

I lived in an 18-foot house trailer when I first went to

have Ebola, they sent two ambulances to his

college. So independent was I… I sucked at it —

Harlem apartment to transport...


Why New Yorkers Shouldn’t Panic About Ebola Health experts and officials are still confident that

How I Went From Veterinarian to Yoga Teacher and Launched M y Own Desk Yoga App

an Ebola outbreak here in America is highly

It was my dream to be a veterinarian for as long as

unlikely, considering you...

I can remember. My father was into horses and greyhounds, and our home...

What Would You Love? Two Signals of Your Emerging Dream I have

Was NYC Ebola patient’s selfmonitoring enough?

worked with people all over the world, helping them

October 24, 2014, 4:23 PM|Dr. Craig Spencer was

understand and apply the technology...

self-monitoring for symptoms of Ebola after returning from West Africa last...

NY-area airports quarantining passengers at high risk for Ebola

Kit allows parents to test Halloween candy for marijuana

NEW YORK — Passengers returning to the U.S. from West Africa and arriving at three New York-

October 24, 2014, 5:47 PM|With marijuana now legal in Colorado, the Denver Police Department is

area airports will be now...

concerned that pot-infused...

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Testing kit to spot marijuana in Halloween candy

CDC guidelines ‘insufficient’ for New York population density: Cuomo

Just in time for Halloween, a Colorado company is

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Federal guidelines for

releasing a home testing kit that allows parents to

screening and monitoring travelers from Ebola-

screen their kids’...

affected countries are “insufficient”...

New York City to check daily with people returning from West Africa

NY, NJ order Ebola quarantine for doctors, others

NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York City’s health

NEW YORK (AP) — Alarmed by the case of an

department will actively monitor anyone who arrives

Ebola-infected New York doctor, the governors of

in the city from...

New Jersey and New York on Friday...

Cuomo, Christie say they will require Ebola quarantines

Lantern gets early funding for mental health therapy app

NEW YORK – The governors of New Jersey and

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Lantern, a

New York said Friday they are ordering a

technology startup that offers online and mobile

mandatory, 21-day quarantine for...

coaching programs to support...

U.S. military starts training its Ebola rapid-response team

Two U.S. states to quarantine health workers returning from Ebola zones

SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) – As health officials were

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – New York

trying to manage a patient infected with Ebola in

and New Jersey will automatically quarantine

New York, U.S. military...

medical workers returning from...

Osteoporosis Screening Guidelines M ay M iss Younger Women at Risk

Knowing Genetic Risk for Cancer M ay Not Change Behavior

FRIDAY Oct. 23, 2014, 2014 — Current

FRIDAY Oct. 24, 2014, 2014 — As more genetic

osteoporosis screening guidelines and tools fail to identify many younger postmenopausal...

tests are developed that spot increased risks for certain cancers, one...

Dark Days Here for Folks With Seasonal Depression

Icelandic volcano sits on massive magma hot spot

FRIDAY Oct. 24, 2014, 2014 — October’s shorter,

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Charles

darker days can trigger a type of depression, known as seasonal...

Leshercelesher@ucdavis.eduUniversity of California – Davis@ucdavis Spectacular eruptions...

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Some like it loud [ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole

NASA identifies ice cloud above cruising altitude on Titan 919-668-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Liz

7993National Evolutionary Synthesis Center 301-6145438NASA/Goddard Space Flight

(NESCent)@NESCent Warning...

Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

Climate change caused by ocean, not just atmosphere, new Rutgers study finds

Prognostic factors identified for peripheral squamous cell carcinomas of the lung

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ken

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob 848-932- 720-325-

0580Rutgers University@RutgersU The study published in...

2952International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer DENVER...

Hinode satellite captures X-ray footage of solar eclipse

New York ‘fully prepared’ to handle Ebola case

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christine

New York (AFP) – New York’s mayor said Friday 617-4957463Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

that the city’s health system is fully equipped to handle...

VIDEO: ...

Wall St. boosted by earnings, S&P posts best week in nearly two years

Ex-Bank of New York M ellon employee pleads guilty to insider trading

By Yasmeen Abutaleb NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks closed out their best week in nearly two

By Joseph Ax NEW YORK (Reuters) – A former Bank of New York Mellon Corp employee on Friday

years on...

pleaded guilty...

Dallas nurse receives thanks, hug from Obama

Surgeons transplant hearts that had stopped beating

BETHESDA, Md. (AP) — A nurse who caught Ebola

British scientists described the development by

while caring for a Dallas patient who died of the

Australian surgeons as “wonderful”. Last year there

disease walked out of a...

were around...

Ashya King’s mother says she’s "happy treatment is finished"

Toddler With Ebola In M ali M ay Have Infected M any People: WHO

“Now he can sit on his own, he can play with the

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — The World Health

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toys and his motorics improved dramatically. He can also react to...

Organization says a toddler who brought Ebola to Mali was bleeding from her nose...

World Polio Day Cuts Through the Clutter

Jenny M cCarthy Claims She’s ‘Not AntiVaccine’ … Again

Amid a calendar jammed with scores of so-called

Jenny McCarthy might be the celebrity poster child

awareness days, World Polio Day — observed on October 24 — is...

for the anti-vaccine movement, but she is once again saying she’s...

M cDonald’s Announces Push For ‘Locally Relevant Ingredients.’ Here’s What That M eans.

Surviving Ebola: What It M eans for One M an

Following a 30 percent drop in profits, McDonald’s

presentations at the Incident Management Team meeting in Monrovia. The conference...

described plans Tuesday to cut down its menu, let

It was another busy morning of meetings and

customers customize...

Dr. Jon LaPook on calming Ebola fears in New York

Ebola patient in New York City: 5 things to know

October 24, 2014, 7:05 AM|Dr. Craig Spencer, the

Last Updated Oct 24, 2014 11:22 AM EDT An

Ebola patient diagnosed in New York City, rode the

emergency room doctor who recently returned to

subway, took a car service...

the city after treating Ebola patients...

Should chicken processors be allowed to self-police?

Ebola virus: Update on research in France

How chicken and turkey are inspected at

Standardisation of rapid, differential diagnostic

processing plants and who is responsible for food

tests (Ebola, other diagnoses) The Ebola fever

safety is at the center of a battle...

epidemic in West Africa...

APIC Ebola readiness survey findings

NASA sees Tropical Storm Ana still vigorous

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Liz 202-454-2604Association for Professionals in Infection Control US hospitals...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: The MODIS instrument...

Startups should seek quality — not quantity — in partnerships, study finds

Satellite catches lingering remnants of Tropical Depression 9

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matthew [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically! 716-645-


5455University at Buffalo@UBNewsSource

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: On

BUFFALO, N.Y. —...

Oct. 24...

Climate change impacts countered by stricter fisheries management

Newly released Dallas nurse to meet with Obama

[ | E-mail ] Contact: John

BETHESDA, Md. (AP) — A nurse who caught Ebola 718-220-3275Wildlife

while caring for the patient diagnosed in Dallas

Conservation Society WCS study finds strong

was released from a hospital...


NYC tries to ease Ebola fear after doctor infected

New York ‘fully prepared’ to handle Ebola: mayor

NEW YORK (AP) — Mayor Bill de Blasio (dih BLAH’-

New York (AFP) – New York is “fully prepared” to

zee-oh) says a team of disease detectives tracking

handle Ebola, the city’s mayor said Friday, after...

the movements...

WHO: M illions of Ebola vaccine doses ready in 2015

Second US nurse is cured of Ebola: hospital

LONDON (AP) — The World Health Organization

Washington (AFP) – A second US nurse has been

says millions of doses of two experimental Ebola

cured of Ebola but is not yet ready to leave the

vaccines could be ready for...

Atlanta, Georgia hospital...

New York Ebola patient is awake and talking with relatives

Liquid helium offers a fascinating new way to make charged molecules

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The doctor being treated

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrew

for Ebola in a New York City hospital is awake and talking to family... of Leicester@UniofLeicsNews University of Leicester chemist involved...

Decrease of genetic diversity in the endangered Saimaa ringed seal continues

Ebola’s evolutionary roots are more ancient than previously thought, study finds

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mia

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Charlotte 358-504-424- 716-645-4655University

404University of Eastern Finland@UniEastFinland IMAGE: ...

at Buffalo@UBNewsSource The family of viruses...

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M olecular beacons shine light on how cells ‘crawl’ [ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 404-7276171Emory Health Sciences@emoryhealthsci IMAGE: ...

Li-ion batteries contain toxic halogens, but environmentally friendly alternatives exist [ | E-mail ] Contact: Brian 804-827-0889Virginia Commonwealth University@vcunews Physics researchers...

Volunteer guidelines for clinicians in the ebola epidemic

Wall St. little changed as M icrosoft offsets Amazon

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alice

By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S.

O’ 240-833-

stocks were little changed on Friday, as

4429Society for Disaster Medicine and Public


Health@dmphsociety Safety...

Suspicious yellow powder sent to Canadian, Belgian, German, U.S. consulates in Istanbul

M ali isolates nurses amid alarm after first Ebola case

ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Packets of an unidentified

(Reuters) – Nurses and other people who have

yellow powder were sent to the Canadian, U.S.,

come into contact...

By Tiemoko Diallo and Adama Diarra BAMAKO

Belgian and German consulates...

U.S. nurse who had Ebola is virus free: health officials

With U.S. Ebola fear running high, African immigrants face ostracism

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A Dallas nurse who

(Note: Please be advised that the second

contracted Ebola is now free of the virus, U.S.

paragraph contains language that may be offensive

health officials said on...

to some readers.) (Reuters) –...

M ultiple Drug Use Raises Infection Risk for ‘Swinging’ Couples

Teens Who Dine With Their Families M ay Be Slimmer Adults

FRIDAY Oct. 24, 2014, 2014 — Multiple drug use

FRIDAY Oct. 24, 2014, 2014 — For those teens

put couples who “swing” at increased risk for

who try to avoid spending time with their parents

sexually transmitted...

and siblings, new research...

Somatic mutations in FLCN can cause cancer

The Friday Five for 10/24/14

The majority of research on FLCN is within the

we’ve seen lately. 2. A paralyzed man has been

Highlighting some of the coolest science news

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

context of BHD syndrome, which is caused by

able to walk again after a...

heterozygous germline mutations...

Want To Jumpstart Your Detox Before The Holidays? Try A Retreat In Costa Rica

A Congressman’s Tips On How To Eat Better Now

Why Dancer’s Pose Will Rock Your World In

you’ve probably heard about all the amazing health benefits of apple...

Sanskrit, Dancer’s Pose is called Natarajasana. In

Easy, Alkalizing Apple Cider Vinegar Drink By now,

English, its translation...

The Secret To Finding Unlimited Happiness In A Relationship

Gabrielle Bernstein On Finding Love After An Enormous Loss (VIDEO)

Life Lessons I Wish I’d Learned In My 20s If you

Four years ago, 25-year-old Eli suffered a tragic

want to put your success on the fast track, study

loss when his brother and father passed away

what has worked...

within six months of one another....

How To Shut Down Your Work Stress After You Leave The Office By Corrie Pikul Stop lugging home all of your job

Actually, Greek Yogurt Isn’t Your Favorite Kind Of Yogurt. Icelandic Yogurt Is.

stress and actually start enjoying your time away.

If yogurt is New York’s official snack, what is New

The Problem: The “Should...

Yorkers’ official favorite yogurt? We can’t speak to...

NYC doctor back from West Africa tests positive for Ebola

Ebola survivor Dr. Sacra on recovery and returning to Liberia

October 24, 2014, 7:03 AM|Dr. Craig Spencer

October 24, 2014, 7:32 AM|Ebola survivor Dr.

arrived back in the U.S. a week ago after

Richard Sacra says he wants to return to Liberia.

volunteering in Guinea with Doctors...

Also, from one doctor to another,...

"60 M inutes" preview: How gene sequencing can change a child’s destiny

Gov. Cuomo on plan to fight Ebola in New York

October 24, 2014, 7:36 AM|A new study shows how

Cuomo joins “CBS This Morning” to discuss how the state will handle...

DNA can predict a child’s risk of disease before he

October 24, 2014, 8:02 AM|New York Gov. Andrew

or she is even...

​WHO speeding up development of Ebola vaccine

Scientists uncover how protein ensures reproductive success

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Peter

plans on Friday to speed up the development and 81-075-753-9755Institute for Integrated

deployment of experimental...

Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto...

YEATS protein potential therapeutic target for cancer

Highest altitude archaeological sites in the world explored in the Peruvian Andes

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ron 713-7451898University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center@mdandersonnews Study...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Heath 403-2205089University of Calgary University of Calgary archaeologist...

Three-dimensional metamaterials with a natural bent

EU leaders agree to raise Ebola aid budget to 1 bln euros

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jens

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European Union leaders 81-048-462-

agreed on Friday to roughly double their financial

1225RIKEN Metamaterials, a hot area of research

support for efforts...


UK boy finishes proton therapy in Prague for tumor

Cameron: EU secures $1.25 billion for Ebola fight

PRAGUE (AP) — A clinic in Prague says British boy

BRUSSELS (AP) — British Prime Minister David

Ashya King has completed his proton beam

Cameron says that the European Union and its 28

therapy treatment for a life-threatening...

member nations have secured...

New York doctor diagnosed with Ebola; health officials say no cause for panic

Do dopamine drugs lead to compulsive shopping?

An emergency room doctor who recently returned to

Thursday October 23 2014 Dopamine agonists are

the city after treating Ebola patients in West Africa

used to treat Parkinson’s disease “Drugs...

tested positive Thursday...

Hikma Pharma shares slip on FDA warning for Portugal plant

WHO sending Ebola experts to M ali, 43 people monitored for virus

(Reuters) – Drugmaker Hikma Pharmaceuticals

GENEVA (Reuters) – The World Health

Plc said the U.S. health regulator had raised issues related to environmental...

Organization (WHO) said on Friday it was sending more experts to help Mali fight...

Doctor with Ebola in New York hospital

Who is at Risk for M edial Tibial Stress

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after return from Guinea


NEW YORK (Reuters) – A doctor who worked in

Subscribe: SMR Posts RSS Subscribe: SMR

West Africa with Ebola patients was in an isolation unit in New York City...

Comments RSS Become an SMR Facebook Friend Follow SMR on Twitter Who is at Risk for...

Blocking Key Gene To Stop M alaria Transmission

10 Signs You Aren’t Earning What You’re Worth

Posted on October 24, 2014 by Pieter Carrière

Life Lessons I Wish I’d Learned In My 20s If you

Blocking Key Gene To Stop Malaria Transmission This is an extended version...

want to put your success on the fast track, study what has worked...

One-Pan Baked Curry Cod Warming Fall Kale Salad With Sriracha Vinaigrette

5 Signs You Have An Addictive Personality

This fall kale salad keeps your body warm with

How Spending Time In Nature Helped Me Cope

grounding sweet potatoes...

With An Abusive Stepfather Spending time in nature just might have saved my life....

New insight on why people with Down syndrome invariably develop Alzheimer’s disease

Florida lizards evolve rapidly, within 15 years and 20 generations

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan 858- 512853-0506University of Texas at

795-5012Sanford-Burnham Medical Research

Austin@utexasresearch IMAGE: ...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christine

Institute@SanfordBurnham IMAGE: ...

Without swift influx of substantial aid, Ebola epidemic in Africa poised to explode

Cash aid for refugees succeeds despite donors’ doubts

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen N.

decades, aid groups have assumed they know what’s best... 203-432-1345Yale

By Oliver Holmes BEIRUT (Reuters) – For

University@yale The Ebola virus disease epidemic...

Official cites ‘epidemic of fear’ in US WASHINGTON (AP) — The likelihood of a significant outbreak of Ebola in the U.S. is remote, in the view of a top Health...

Watch: Ohio College Student Diagnosed with Brain Cancer Receives Final Wish Doctor Tests Positive for Ebola Watch: Ohio College Student Diagnosed with Brain Cancer

Receives Final Wish PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Eating this fruit every day can help you lose weight

How to feel calm before surgery

Could an apple a day keep the extra pounds away?

If you’re scheduled to have surgery, chances are you’re worried even if it’s not your first time. “Most

According to a recent study in Food Chemistry, yes,

people are...

because apples contain...

Do you know your ‘fitness age’? It may predict how long you’ll live

Hikma Pharma says US FDA issues warning on Portugal plant

How old are you? Before you jump to the quick

(Reuters) – Drugmaker Hikma Pharmaceuticals

answer​—I.e. the one you’ve celebrated every year

Plc said the U.S. health regulator had raised

with a progressively...

issues related to investigations...

Doctor with Ebola in M anhattan hospital after return from Guinea

Collective Structures in Software Projects

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A doctor who worked in

To understand the social dynamics of complex

West Africa with Ebola patients was in an isolation unit in New York on...

software development processes, it is necessary to analyze in which structures...

No-till agriculture may not bring hopedfor boost in global crop yields, study finds

Berkeley Lab study reveals molecular structure of water at gold electrodes

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Patricia 530-752- 510-4867254DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National

9843University of California – Davis@ucdavis No-

Laboratory@BerkeleyLab IMAGE: ...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel


How ferns adapted to one of Earth’s newest and most extreme environments

Researchers highlight acousto-optic tunable filter technology for balloonborne platforms

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hannah 44-117-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Philly 65646-65775World Scientific@worldscientific IMAGE:

928-8896University of Bristol@BristolUni Ferns

These are example...


Bristol team creates designer ‘barrel’ proteins

Uber Tests Bringing Flu Shots to Your Door

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hannah

Ride-service app Uber isn’t content sticking to the 44-117-

world of taxis and limousines, so they’re now

928-8896University of Bristol@BristolUni IMAGE: ...

working on changing...

After 1st Ebola case in NYC, 3 others quarantined

Australian doctors transplant ‘dead’ hearts in surgical breakthrough

NEW YORK (AP) — A doctor who became New

Sydney (AFP) – Australian surgeons said Friday

York City’s first Ebola patient was praised for

they have used hearts that had stopped beating in

getting treatment immediately...

successful transplants,...

‘Clever’ Japan firm donates high-tech masks for Ebola fight

Hikma Pharma says U.S. FDA issues warning on Portugal plant

Tokyo (AFP) – A little-known Japanese company

(Reuters) – Drugmaker Hikma Pharmaceuticals

has donated 10,000 high-tech face masks to

Plc said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

several Ebola-hit African...

had raised issues related...

Autism, siblings and DSM -5 Social Communication Disorder

Addendum to M editation With M useum Associates’ Giant Crystals Post

A quick post to bring to your attention the paper by

In my blog post of October 10, I wrote, “Since I’ve

Meghan Miller and colleagues [1] who concluded

visited the Masterpieces of the Earth Gallery a few

that: “Pragmatic...


Addendum to M editation With M useum Associates’ Giant Crystals Post

7 Cold And Flu M yths That Need To End Right Now

In my blog post of October 10, I wrote, “Since I’ve

Now that fall is in full swing, cold and flu season is

visited the Masterpieces of the Earth Gallery a few

also upon us. And with this rise of sniffling and


coughing come some...

7 Cold And Flu M yths That Need To End Right Now

NYC M ayor Bill de Blasio, Gov. Andrew Cuomo Urge Residents To Stay Calm After Doctor’s Ebola Diagnosis

Now that fall is in full swing, cold and flu season is also upon us. And with this rise of sniffling and coughing come some...

NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 23, 2014: Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City and Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York speak...

NYC M ayor Bill de Blasio, Gov. Andrew Cuomo Urge Residents To Stay Calm After Doctor’s Ebola Diagnosis

Herbal medicines could contain dangerous levels of toxic mold

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 23, 2014: Mayor Bill

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sacha

de Blasio of New York City and Governor Andrew 31-204-853-

Cuomo of New York speak...

564Elsevier@ElsevierConnect Medicinal plant market...

Herbal medicines could contain dangerous levels of toxic mold

‘Watch’ cites concern about flexible reamer breakage during anatomic ACL reconstruction

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sacha 31-204-853564Elsevier@ElsevierConnect Medicinal plant

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicola


Surgery@jbjs ‘Watch’...

‘Watch’ cites concern about flexible reamer breakage during anatomic ACL reconstruction

Dispositional mindfulness associated with better cardiovascular health

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicola 781-433-1245Journal of Bone and Joint 401-863-

Surgery@jbjs ‘Watch’...


Dispositional mindfulness associated with better cardiovascular health

Useful markers to predict response to chemotherapy in patients with liver cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 401-863-

781-433-1245Journal of Bone and Joint

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 1862Brown University@brownlifesci

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Arantxa

1862Brown University@brownlifesci 34-932-607-282IDIBELL-


Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute@idibell_en IMAGE: ...

Useful markers to predict response to chemotherapy in patients with liver cancer

Beware claims that activated charcoal can cure gut troubles

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Arantxa

body with a supplement known as activated charcoal may have instead triggered... 34-932-607-282IDIBELL-

(HealthDay)—A man who hoped to detoxify his

Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute@idibell_en IMAGE: ...

Even severe Ebola cases can be treated with intensive care

Roman-Britons had less gum disease than modern Britons

(HealthDay)—Even severe Ebola virus disease The Roman-British population from c. 200-400 AD PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

(EVD), with multiple complications, can be treated

appears to have had far less gum disease than we

effectively with routine...

have today, according to...

Paul Allen to Give $100 M illion to Tackle Ebola Crisis

Ebola Vaccine, Ready for Test, Sat on the Shelf

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Doctor in New York City Is Sick With Ebola

Teenage Self-Harm Linked to Problems in Later Life

Log in to manage your products and services from

Researchers at the University of Bristol, working

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

together with colleagues from the University of Oxford and University College...

Craig Spencer Tests Positive For Ebola In New York City

Listening to Your M arshmallow

A New York City doctor who recently returned from

by knowing and playing the endgame before the

treating Ebola patients in Guinea, tested positive for the disease on Thursday. Dr....

end Lloyd I. Sederer, MD The...

Research Ethics and Ebola Every day we learn of new suspected cases of

Donald Trump Rips ‘Reckless’ NYC Ebola Doctor, Demands Obama Resign

Ebola infection in the United States, causing

Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to blast the

worries among the population and...

latest Ebola patient in the United States as “reckless” and demand...

Doctor in NYC tests positive for Ebola virus

What we know about NYC doctor with Ebola

October 23, 2014, 10:05 PM|In a news conference on Thursday evening, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio

NEW YORK – City health commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett said officials were still determining the

confirmed that a patient has...

recent activities and...

Precise and programmable biological circuits

Babies’ interest in faces linked to callous and unemotional traits

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Yaakov 41-613-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jamie of

Listening To Your MarshmallowSucceeding in work

873-338ETH Zurich@ETH_en This news release Manchester@UoMNews Scientists at the PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

is available...


Waste, an alternative source of energy to petroleum [ | E-mail ] Contact: Matxalen

Paperwork consumes one-sixth of US physicians’ time and erodes morale: Study 34-688-673-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark

770University of the Basque Country @upvehu The

312-782-6006Physicians for a National Health Program@PNHP Electronic health...


Beetroot beneficial for athletes and heart failure patients, research finds [ | E-mail ] Contact: David 785-532-4529Kansas State University@k_state_news MANHATTAN, Kansas...

Flu at the zoo and other disasters: Experts help animal exhibitors prepare for the worst [ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana 217-333-5802University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign@illinois_alma IMAGE: ...

Overeating at Work? Try This The Chipotle burrito with extra guacamole, eaten at my desk, as I put the finishing touches on a spreadsheet. The kale salad,...

Shorter TB treatment not a successful alternative [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jenny 44-020-792-72802London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine@lshtmpress A...

Treating ill health might not be enough to help homeless people get off the streets

New, faster therapeutic hypothermia techniques

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leslie 416-864-6094St. 914-740-2100Mary

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn

Michael’s Hospital@StMikesHospital Strategies...

Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News@LiebertOnline Needed...

Study: M any in US have poor nutrition, with the disabled doing worst

Potential Ebola patient in New York had contact with few people

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana 217-333-5802University of Illinois at Urbana-

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The doctor being tested for Ebola at a New York City hospital had direct contact

Champaign@illinois_alma IMAGE: ...

with very few...

Watch: NYC M ayor de Blasio Remarks on Possible Ebola Patient

California clinic doctor suspected of taking nude photos of patients

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NYC Mayor de Blasio Remarks on Possible Ebola

By Marty Graham SAN DIEGO (Reuters) – A doctor

Patient Watch: NYC Mayor de Blasio Remarks on

who volunteered at a San Diego-area health clinic

Possible Ebola Patient


Aid needed to stem explosion of Ebola in Liberia: study

Venezuela seizes warehouses packed with medical goods, food

Paris (AFP) – Without a massive scaleup of aid, the

By Andrew Cawthorne CARACAS (Reuters) –

Ebola epidemic in Liberia will explode, according to

President Nicolas Maduro’s government said on

a computer...


New York officials: Doctor has Ebola, 1st in city

Patient at New York City hospital tests positive for Ebola, reports say

NEW YORK (AP) — A Doctors Without Borders

Oct. 8, 2014: Health care workers display protective

physician who recently returned to the city after

gear, which hospital staff would wear to protect

treating Ebola patients in...

them from an Ebola...

Outrage of the M onth: Peddling Bad M edicine With Deceptive Advertising

Birds roosting in large groups less likely to contract West Nile virus

Health Letter, October 2014 Too often, companies

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Debra Levey

entice consumers into purchasing health care 217-244-

products based on deceptive...

2880University of Illinois College of Agricultural,...

Lucky star escapes black hole with minor damage

Pre-enlistment mental disorders and suicidality among new US Army soldiers

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Pam Frost

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 614-292-9475Ohio State University@osuresearch Closest near-miss 617432-0441Harvard Medical School@HarvardHealth



Cornell chemists show ALS is a protein aggregation disease

Reminiscing can help boost mental performance

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Melissa 607-255-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Melissa 607-255-

2059Cornell University@cornell Using a technique

2059Cornell University@cornell ITHACA, N.Y. – To

that illuminates...

solve a...

NYU researchers break nano barrier to engineer the first protein microfiber

Travel bans issued in reaction to Ebola

(Reuters) – The deadliest outbreak on record of the PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathleen 718-2603792New York University Polytechnic School of

Ebola virus has prompted some countries to respond with travel...

Engineering@nyupoly New...

M icrosoft co-founder Allen commits $100 million to Ebola fight

NY doctor being tested for Ebola has not been working at hospital

By Reuters Staff SEATTLE (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp co-founder Paul Allen said on Thursday he

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The doctor being tested in New York for Ebola has not been back to his

would increase...

hospital job or seen patients...

The Strategy That Helped One Woman Put An End To Her Impulse Shopping

M om Bares Her Soul For ‘What’s Underneath Project’ About Pregnancy, Body Image, And Loss

The world of “fast fashion” insists that we must buy the things we see and love today, because they will undoubtedly...

For the past five months, video website StyleLikeU has been interviewing women while they slowly remove their clothes for...

Liberians Quarantined For Ebola M onitoring Have No Food

Doctor being tested for Ebola in NYC

MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — Dozens of people

had been to West Africa was being tested for Ebola

quarantined for Ebola monitoring in western

in New York City Thursday,...

NEW YORK – A health care worker who recently

Liberia are threatening to break...

Fires in the southern United States [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

Cancer exosome ‘micro factories’ aid in cancer progression


[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ron

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: In this 713-7451898University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer


Center@mdandersonnews Tiny...

European multicenter harmonization study shows anaplastic lymphoma kinase immunohistochemistry testing comparable to, if not better than, fluorescence in situ hybridization testing

NASA HS3 mission Global Hawk’s bullseye in Hurricane Edouard [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob 301-2864044NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard Upper-level...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically! 720-3252952International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer DENVER...

Nation’s ‘personality’ influences its environmental stewardship, shows new study [ | E-mail ] Contact: Ken

Lifestyle: M edicine That Inspires I am the president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Lest you think I’m boasting, I hasten to note that...

McGuffinmcguffin@rotman.utoronto.caUniversity of Toronto, Rotman School of Management@rotmanschool Toronto...

Brain Games Profit from Anxieties About M emory Loss, Say Scientists

California Prisons Agree to End Racial Segregation Policy

Companies marketing “brain games” that are meant to slow or reverse age-related memory

California officials agreed Wednesday to end a policy in which it segregated prison inmates after

decline and enhance other cognitive...

riots based on their race...

Couch potato lifestyles could kill the welfare state, landmark report warns Its forecasts show that the population of England is

This M an Left Behind A Beautiful Legacy In Letters For Wife And Daughter To Find After His Death

20 per cent less active than it was in 1961. If trends

This man’s presence and love will never be

continue, we...

forgotten by his family, even after his death. Mitchell Whisenhunt, 26,...

Are Blocks and Fears Great? When it comes to blocks and fears, people think,

One Simple Thing That M akes You a Star

“Wow, those are terrible!” The truth about all blocks

Imagine five researchers in white coats come to

and fears...

your office to tell about a breakthrough discovery. It’s about one...

New York City Doctor Who Treated Ebola In Guinea Taken To Hospital With High Fever

The Upside of Early Loss

A New York City doctor who recently returned from

when I was a kid? Not...

How Losing My Mom Prepared Me for My Brother’s Suicide What could be good about my mom dying

treating Ebola patients in Guinea was taken to the hospital on Thursday... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Novel software application can stratify early-stage non-small cell lung cancer patients

Dartmouth study measures breast cancer tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robin 720-3252952International Association for the Study of Lung 603-6539056The Geisel School of Medicine at

Cancer DENVER...

Dartmouth@GeiselMed DOST...

Prosecutors accept proposed trial delay for Colorado cinema gunman

Insurer Epic offers Ebola cover for U.S. health and emergency workers

By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) –

By Carolyn Cohn LONDON (Reuters) – U.S. insurer

Prosecutors in the Colorado theater massacre

Epic said on Thursday it had launched Ebola

case do not oppose a...


‘Exposure therapy’ helps patients with prolonged grief

Ebola: A crash course in fear and how it hurts us

By Katherine Doyle NEW YORK (Reuters Health) –

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ebola is giving Americans a

Adding one-on-one sessions focused on reliving

crash course in fear. Yet, they’re incredibly less

the experience...

likely to get the...

U.S. government grants five open Ebola waste permits

Nigeria pledges 600 volunteers as Africa steps up Ebola fight

By Nick Carey CHICAGO (Reuters) – The U.S.

By Felix Onuah and Umaru Fofana

Department of Transportation has issued five “non-

ABUJA/FREETOWN (Reuters) – Nigeria pledged


on Thursday to send a contingent...

How hair can (and can’t) tell us if someone is dead

Green coffee bean extract study recalled: What it means for consumers

Woman in front of a mirror brushing her hair If hair

Dr. Mehmet Oz promoted green coffee bean extract

at a crime scene shows signs of a “fungal

as a “magic weight-loss cure,” but last week two

invasion,” forensic...

authors of the study...

How I feel when my numbers are low

WHO voices confidence no wider spread of Ebola in Africa

(AP) I have been exhausted for the past three weeks, which is one reason I was unable to post update my blog last week....

GENEVA/LONDON (Reuters) – The World Health Organization said on Thursday it was still trying to slow the rate of new...

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6 Secrets to Staying Sane (and M aybe Even M indful) for People Who Do Way Too M uch

M ore people in U.S. being watched for Ebola symptoms

Everyone talks about people having it all, doing it all. There have been plenty of thought-provoking

as ten people in the Seattle area and Connecticut,

Last Updated Oct 23, 2014 7:42 AM EDT As many many of whom arrived recently...

articles and books written...

Why I Run: The Big Picture Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to run the Boston Marathon, once said “If you are losing faith in human nature, go...

NASA’s Terra satellite shows a more organized Tropical Storm Ana [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: NASA’s...

Nine in Connecticut to be monitored for Ebola October 23, 2014, 7:15 AM|That includes three

Changes at the grocery store could turn the burden of shopping with children on its head

students from Yale and a family of six. Also, Texas

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Barbara

nurse Amber Vinson released... 410-614-6029Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health@JohnsHopkinsSPH Caretakers...

Dozens threaten to break Ebola quarantine over food Last Updated Oct 23, 2014 11:40 AM EDT

Wayne State researcher finds key signaling pathway in cause of preeclampsia

MONROVIA, Liberia – Dozens of people

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie

quarantined for Ebola monitoring in western...

O’ 313-5778845Wayne State University – Office of the...

Report card on NCAA concussion policies

Bradley Hospital finds sleep difficulties common among toddlers with psychiatric disorders

Colleges remain inconsistent in the way they handle athletes’ concussions, according to a Harvard University study...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jill 401-432-1328Lifespan Sleep disorders may be under-diagnosed in children...

Threat to break isolation in Liberia over

Oklahoma judge allows law banning

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abortion pills to take effect

MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — Dozens of people

By Heide Brandes OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) –

quarantined for Ebola monitoring in western Liberia are threatening to break...

(This story corrects name of group in third paragraph to Oklahoma...

Inside the minds of Denver teens who wanted to join ISIS

The science behind Renée Zellweger’s new face

Three Denver area teenage girls—one of Somali

Photographs of actress Rene Zellweger at the Elle

descent and two of Sudanese descent—were intercepted in Germany recently,...

magazine’s Women in Hollywood awards this week, showing her dramatically...

NICE wants tooth brushing to be taught in schools

Fixing ‘Ebolanomics’ in pursuit of vaccines and drugs

Wednesday October 22 2014 NICE recommend that nurseries teach children about...

LONDON (Reuters) – As researchers from Africa to China to America race to develop vaccines and treatments to fight...

WHO concerned but ‘reasonably confident’ on international Ebola spread

Two doctor visits a year linked to better blood pressure control

GENEVA/LONDON (Reuters) – The World Health

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People who went to their doctor’s office at least twice a year were more

Organization (WHO) said on Thursday it was

likely to keep...

“reasonably confident”...

Teen Conflicts Spill Over to Other Areas of Their Lives

Doctors Often Unaware Their Patients Have Catheters

THURSDAY Oct. 23, 2014, 2014 — Teens’ conflicts at home increase the risk of problems at school for up to two...

THURSDAY Oct. 23, 2014, 2014 — Hospital patients often have tubes placed in their veins to deliver medication or take...

The M onster M ash – Diseases That M ay Have Spawned M onster Legends

What I Learned From Weighing 300 Pounds

We’ve all been there. Sick with the flu, we stagger

As someone who spent the first 25 years of her life

around the house in a feverish state. With our baked minds marinating...

as a plus-sized individual, I can tell you firsthand how often plus-sized...

Did You Know You Can Juice A

Stress-Busting, Sex Drive-Boosting 6-

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Pumpkin? And Other Fun Facts

M inute Workout

Easy, Alkalizing Apple Cider Vinegar Drink By now,

After a long workday, it can be challenging to get

you’ve probably heard about all the amazing health benefits of apple...

down and dirty in the bedroom. When we’re stressed and exhausted,...

U.S. diets are leaner, but still need more work

New experiment provides route to macroscopic high-mass superpositions

October 23, 2014, 8:32 AM|A new study shows the

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Glenn

amount of trans-fat Americans eat has declined over the past three decades,... 44-238-0593212University of Southampton@unisouthampton University...

Added benefit of vedolizumab is not proven

Rare diseases: No reason for lower demands for studies

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Anna-Sabine 49-022-135-6850Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Anna-Sabine 49-022-135-6850Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health...

Sea turtles’ first days of life: A sprint and a ride towards safety

Chamber of secrets

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Maike 49-043-16002807Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sonia Furtado Nevessonia.furtado@embl.deEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory@EMBLorg How cells organize...

(GEOMAR)@geomar_en Scientists...

RF heating of magnetic nanoparticles improves the thawing of cryopreserved biomaterials [ | E-mail ] Contact: Philly 65646-65775World Scientific@worldscientific IMAGE: Rapid and uniform...

EU puts up 24 mn euros to find Ebola vaccine Brussels (AFP) – The European Union put up 24.4 million euros Thursday in a “race against time” to find...’s EZ form not for legal immigrants

EU leaders seek more Ebola funding at summit

WASHINGTON (AP) —’s new EZ application for coverage can’t be used by legal immigrants or naturalized...

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union has contributed another 24.4 million euros ($31 million) to the fight against Ebola,...

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Six surprising Ebola numbers

Six surprising Ebola numbers

23 October 2014 Last updated at 02:29 Continue reading the main story 1.7 people infected by each

23 October 2014 Last updated at 02:29 Continue reading the main story 1.7 people infected by each

Ebola sufferer in Liberia The...

Ebola sufferer in Liberia The...

Analysis: Plan ‘packs a punch’

Analysis: Plan ‘packs a punch’

23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:34 Article written by Hugh Pym Health editor More from Hugh

23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:34 Article written by Hugh Pym Health editor More from Hugh

Follow Hugh on Twitter ...

Follow Hugh on Twitter ...

Oestrogen possible treatment in menopause also at increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Oestrogen possible treatment in menopause also at increased risk of cardiovascular disease

A new population study from Karolinska Institutet shows that women with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease may benefit...

A new population study from Karolinska Institutet shows that women with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease may benefit...

Initiative to emphasize concussions are treatable

Initiative to emphasize concussions are treatable

At a time when the national concussion conversation instills fear and uncertainty among parents and athletes at all levels,...

At a time when the national concussion conversation instills fear and uncertainty among parents and athletes at all levels,...

What monkeys can teach us about pitching in the World Series

What monkeys can teach us about pitching in the World Series

Storied baseball pitchers are renowned for consistently throwing strike after strike, even under the pressure of the World...

Storied baseball pitchers are renowned for consistently throwing strike after strike, even under the pressure of the World...

M an Pleads Guilty After Faking 2 Year Coma to Avoid Court

Watch These Little Kids Explain Why They Love Yoga

A British man pleaded guilty this week to stealing 40,000 pounds from an elderly neighbor and pretending to be in a coma...

Sure, kids can effortlessly bend their bodies like a pretzel and pop up into a perfect Wheel Pose, but what kids really benefit...

Watch: Sweet Dreams

The #1 Change That Could Reduce Anxiety (That Almost No One Tries)

Sweet Dreams Watch: Sweet Dreams

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5 Things I Remind Myself Daily To Live My Best Life I’ve had my share of struggles. I’ve suffered with anxiety...

NHS chief executive calls on next government not to implement top-down …

Baby cries show evidence of cocaine exposure during pregnancy

“We call on the next government not to introduce 984974-1151University of North Carolina Health

any further top-down administrative reorganisations,” Mr Stevens...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom

Care@UNC_Health_Care The...

Association between air toxics and childhood autism

Aphthous ulcers: Causes of mucosal inflammation are unclear

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Allison

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Christos 412-6479975University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences@UPMCnews PITTSBURGH,...

Zouboulischristos.zouboulis@klinikumdessau.deDeutsches Aerzteblatt International A painful...

Sopping up proteins with thermosponges

BJOG releases M PT special supplement

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura 510-387- 617-8233468Brigham and Women’s

1739CAMI Health@CAMIhealth Broad-spectrum sexual...

Hospital@BrighamWomens Researchers...

The 2011 English summer riots: Courts accused of ‘collective hysteria’

Key features of rigorous new US Ebola monitoring

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kath 01-

CHICAGO (AP) — Rigorous monitoring of travelers arriving from Ebola-stricken West African countries

612-750-790University of Manchester@UoMNews A review...

is being implemented...

Extra powers to tackle deadly bat virus in Australia

Corporations, advocacy groups spend big on ballot measures

Sydney (AFP) – An Australian state is set to unveil

There’s more to this story. Click here to read the

tougher measures to tackle bats after three flying foxes were found...

rest at the Center for Public Integrity. This story is part of Who’s...

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5 reasons women live longer than men Life expectancy in the U.S. is at an all-time high, according to a report released last week by the Centers for Disease Control...

Tomato-rich diet found to lower risk of prostate cancer, study says When it comes to staying prostate-cancer free, there’s nothing like a routine checkup at the doctor’s office...

6 healthy things you can have too much of

North Korea to bar foreign tourists over Ebola concerns: tour operators

(REUTERS/Daniel Munoz) Sometimes it’s hard to

SEOUL (Reuters) – North Korea will bar entry to

know what’s healthy and what’s not. The science seems to go back and...

foreigners on tourist trips from Friday, because of worries over the...

Drugmakers may need indemnity for fast-tracked Ebola vaccines

Postpartum depression and the broader autism phenotype?

LONDON/GENEVA (Reuters) – Drugmakers are

“The findings suggest that pregnant women with

looking for some kind of indemnity from governments or multilateral agencies...

BAP [broader autism phenotype] have an elevated risk for PPD [postpartum...

Sunken U-Boats Off North Carolina Coast A Significant Find For Historians

Infographic: a snapshot of Australia’s child protection services

The North Carolina coast may be the last place

The Conversation is funded by Howard Hughes

you’d think to find a sunken German submarine from World War II. But...

Medical Institute, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Alfred P Sloan Foundation...

Risky business: how protection workers decide to remove children from their parents

Abuse and neglect: Australia’s child protection ‘crisis’

Imagine you’re a child protection worker who has received a notification from a teacher voicing

South Australia has raised concerns that the state’s child protection...

The tragic death of four-year old Chloe Valentine in

concerns about a child...

Will holding thermal printer paper really send your bisphenol A levels soaring?

Keeping people healthy is good for insurers’ bottom line

Bisphenol A is in the news again. A paper just published in the Public Library of Science with the

Australia’s population is in the midst of considerable demographic change, with a

alarming title of “Holding...

proportional rise in older age groups....

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Young choreographer Cherry Leung to stage "Beautiful Decay" in November

Police arrested seven men and one woman in M ong Kok

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Promising Hong Kong choreographer Cherry Leung will stage her latest

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police arrested seven men and one woman aged from 32 to 82 in 13 cases

work, “Beautiful Decay”,...

including common assault,...

Nutrition intervention for migraine: a randomized crossover trial

Effect of low birth weight on childhood asthma: a meta-analysis

Limited evidence suggests that dietary interventions may offer a promising approach for

Low birth weight is strongly correlated with an increased risk of adult diseases. Additionally, low

migraine. The purpose of this study...

birth weight might be...

Olive oil more stable and healthful than seed oils for frying food

New policymaking tool for shift to renewable energy

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Elisabeth 45-21-17-91-

6042American Chemical Society@ACSpressroom Frying is...

40Faculty of Science – University of Copenhagen Multiple...

Ebola sleuths scour DR Congo jungle for source of outbreak

Peace declared between Platini, Hayatou

IKANAMONGO (RD Congo) (AFP) – Medical sleuths are deep in the jungle of the DR Congo trying to

By Brian Homewood BERNE (Reuters) – Peace has been declared between UEFA president Michel

track down the origins...

Platini and...

Congo doctor Denis M ukwege wins Europe’s top human rights prize

Panama bars travelers from three Ebola-hit African countries

By Magdalena Mis LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A Nobel-prize nominated Congolese

PANAMA CITY (Reuters) – Panama has banned entry of travelers from Liberia, Sierra Leone and


Guinea, the three West...

Nestle keeps West Africa plants open, ready to act if Ebola spreads: CEO

AP-GfK Poll: M any doubt hospitals can handle Ebola

By David Alire Garcia LAGOS DE MORENO Mexico (Reuters) – Nestle has no plans to close any of its

WASHINGTON (AP) — A new poll finds most Americans have some confidence that the U.S.


health care system will prevent Ebola...

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Novartis reports positive results in spinal inflammation condition ZURICH (Reuters) – Swiss drugmaker Novartis said on Thursday two late-stage trials showed its drug secukinumab improved...

Epidemiology of multimorbidity and implications for healthcare: Crosssectional survey among 162,464 community household residents in southern China China, like other countries, is facing a growing burden of chronic disease but the prevalence of multimorbidity and implications...

Influence of testosterone replacement therapy on metabolic disorders in male patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and androgen deficiency Multiple epidemiological studies have shown that low testosterone levels are associated with and

Age-related differences in polyfunctional T cell responses A reduced number of naive T cells along with an accumulation of differentiated cell types in aging have been described but...

predict the future development...

Appeal for information on missing woman in Ta Kwu Ling

Keynote address by SLW at 6th Annual Cross Straits Pension System Forum

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police today (October 23) appealed to the public for information on a woman

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the keynote address by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare,

who went missing in...

Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung,...

Research reveals how lymph nodes expand during disease

Colic in babies reduced with probiotics, Canadian study finds

Cancer Research UK and UCL scientists have discovered that the same specialised immune

Roxy Sterbenz, seen here at 21 months, cried almost nonstop for almost six months, her mother

cells that patrol the body and spot...

says. Now researchers in Toronto...

How one hospital copes with change

The NHS plan: Five things we’ve learned

23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:36 By Jane Dreaper Health correspondent, BBC News Poole Hospital has...

23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:35 Article written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More from Nick The unveiling...

Eating disorders linked to adverse perinatal outcomes

Drug coupons shrink patients’ costs considerably

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(HealthDay)—Maternal eating disorders are associated with adverse pregnancy, obstetric, and

(HealthDay)—Drug coupons could reduce patients’ out-of-pocket costs by 60 percent, according to a

perinatal health outcomes,...

study published...

Depression tied to worse lumbar spine surgery outcomes

M any Americans in debt, bankruptcy paying for cancer care

(HealthDay)—Depressive symptoms are associated with poorer long-term outcome in

(HealthDay News) —Besides the danger and worry from the disease itself, many Americans battling

patients undergoing surgery for lumbar...

cancer are faced with high...

9 in Connecticut Being Watched for Symptoms of Ebola

Op-Ed Columnist: How to Defeat Ebola

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Carolyn Rovee-Collier, Who Said Babies Have Clear M emories, Is Dead at 72

Experimental drug shrinks lung cancer tumours in mice

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Tumours formed from lung cancer cells completely disappeared in mice treated with an experimental

York Times. ...

drug, US scientists say. “The...

Ashoka M ukpo, journalist, declared Ebola free

Ebola outbreak: Travel bans ‘irrational,’ says Red Cross head

An American video journalist with ties to Halifax being treated for Ebola has been declared Ebola

Closing borders will not effectively curb Ebola infections, the head of the Red Cross said on

free. Ashoka Mukpo, 33,...

Wednesday, amid debate over...

NHS five-year plan ‘packs a punch’

VIDEO: Clashes on English and Welsh NHS

23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:34 Article written by Hugh Pym Health editor More from Hugh Follow Hugh on Twitter ...

David Cameron and Ed Miliband accused each other of not answering questions as they clashed over NHS services in England...

‘M ore to do’ on disabled hate crimes

Obama ‘optimistic’ over Ebola in US

23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:45 The number of convictions for disability hate crime

22 October 2014 Last updated at 23:59 Some travellers in the US will have their temperatures

incidents have fallen Prosecutors... checked for signs of a fever President... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Experts aim to reduce stillbirths 23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:47 Midwives

Experimental infertility treatment seems effective, cheaper

said it was “vital to learn lessons” from tragic events A five-year...

(HealthDay)—A crucial part of conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF)—the incubation of embryos in a laboratory dish—can...

Discussing Ebola: children feel safe, calm when adults do, too

Laughter Trumps Nerves

(HealthDay)—With so much news focused on the Ebola epidemic in Africa, parents and other

substitute teaching training session. I can’t stop laughing...

There’s nothing like showing up a week early to a

caregivers should think about...

NBC Freelancer Ashoka M ukpo Leaves Hospital After Battle With Ebola

25 Things Ann Landers Could Have Learned From M y M other

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — An American video journalist who recovered from Ebola at an Omaha hospital

I was 11 when my mom and stepdad got married. Both parents had three kids, so the marriage

left the facility Wednesday...

instantly turned us into a large,...

Cameraman cleared of Ebola leaves hospital

A ‘Star Wars’ laser bullet — this is what it really looks like

OMAHA, Neb. – An American video journalist who recovered from Ebola at an Omaha hospital left the

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Yuriy of

facility Wednesday...

Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of...

Secret wing colors attract female fruit flies

Turning waste from whisky-making into fuel — Close to commercial reality?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jessica 46-462-229-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-

304Lund University@lunduniversity IMAGE: This...

6042American Chemical Society@ACSpressroom A start-up...

No silver bullet: ISU study identifies risk factors of youth charged with murder

Bipolar disorder discovery at the nano level

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin

515-294-8008Iowa State University@IowaStateUNews IMAGE: This is Matt... 847-4914888Northwestern University@northwesternu Tiny structures...

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NASA’s TRM M Satellite calculates Hurricanes Fay and Gonzalo rainfall

Risk of hack attacks on heart implants, insulin pumps probed

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is

Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard VIDEO: This rainfall...

investigating about two dozen cases of suspected cybersecurity flaws in medical...

TB claims ‘staggering number of lives,’ WHO says

NHS acting as ‘barrier to families’

Extensively drug-resistant TB, the most expensive and difficult to treat form of tuberculosis infection, has now been reported...

NHS ‘needs extra cash and overhaul’ 23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:00 By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The NHS in England...

Exposure therapy appears helpful in treating patients with prolonged grief Cognitive behavioral therapy with exposure therapy (CBT/exposure), where patients relive the experience of a death of a loved...

23 October 2014 Last updated at 00:46 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website The NHS in England...

Trans fats still weighing Americans down Good news, bad news: The amount of trans fats we eat has declined over the last 30 years, but we’re still consuming...

Online dermatologic follow-up for atopic dermatitis earns equivalent results An online model for follow-up care of atopic dermatitis (eczema) that gave patients direct access to dermatologists resulted...

M usic therapy reduces depression in children and adolescents

U.S. Plans 21-Day Watch of Travelers From Ebola-Hit Nations

Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast have

Log in to manage your products and services from

discovered that music therapy reduces depression in children and adolescents...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Dallas Hospital That Treated First Ebola Patient Posts Poor ER Benchmarks

Americans Show Distrust of M edical Profession in Survey

DALLAS (AP) — Diplomas from outstanding

WEDNESDAY Oct. 22, 2014, 2014 — Americans

medical schools. Records free of discipline. A team trusted by a president. For...

are less trusting of the medical profession than people in many other countries...

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Chikungunya, mosquito-borne virus, infects 201 Canadian travellers

Canadian experimental Ebola vaccine vials arrive in Geneva

Health Canada says more than 200 Canadians have been infected by a virus that has sickened hundreds of thousands of people...

The first 250 vials of Canada’s experimental Ebola vaccine arrived in Geneva on Wednesday for clinical trials that...

VIDEO: PM challenged on girl’s hospital letter

VIDEO: Wilko Johnson says he is cancer free

A letter written by a 10-year-old girl to David Cameron about the West Cumberland Hospital was raised at PMQs. Her MP Jamie...

Former Dr Feelgood guitarist Wilko Johnson says he has been cured of the terminal pancreatic cancer with which he was diagnosed...

VIDEO: UK Ebola planning ‘excellent’

WHO crisis team holds Ebola talks

England’s Chief Medical officer has said that early planning for the event of a potential outbreak of the

22 October 2014 Last updated at 19:36 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

Ebola virus...

Tulip Mazumdar reports...

‘Nine million have TB’

Hospice doesn’t offset intensive endof-life ovarian cancer care

22 October 2014 Last updated at 16:17 About 1.5 million people died in 2013 from TB, including 360,000 people who were...

(HealthDay)—Increasing use of hospice in the final days of ovarian cancer does not offset intensive end-of-life care in...

100 days in M ichigan: U-M team releases new analysis of state’s M edicaid expansion Right out of the starting gate, Michigan’s expansion of health coverage for the poor and near-poor holds lessons for...

Finally: A missing link between vitamin D and prostate cancer [ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth Sundemgarth.sundem@ucdenver.eduUniversity of Colorado Denver@CUDenver A University of

Researchers uncover powerful new class of weapons in the war on cancer An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch, and Winship Cancer Institute of Emory...

New insights on carbonic acid in water [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory@BerkeleyLab Berkeley...

Colorado... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Strengthening thin-film bonds with ultrafast data collection

NIST offers electronics industry 2 ways to snoop on self-organizing molecules

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 301-975-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 301-975-

2763National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)@usnistgov IMAGE: ...

2763National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)@usnistgov IMAGE: ...

Organic molecules in Titan’s atmosphere are intriguingly skewed

If you’re over 60, drink up: Alcohol associated with better memory

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Charles

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Donna Ramirez/Lisa

434-296-0314National Radio Astronomy Observatory@TheNRAO IMAGE: This... 713970-2145University of Texas Medical Branch...

Being a Couch Potato Could Harm You in Ways You Don’t Even Know

Hospital patients rarely wash their hands, may spread disease

Is your sofa bad for your health? A host of scientists

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Although healthcare

and advocacy groups say the answer may be yes — and some government...

workers are urged to wash their hands often and hand sanitizer dispensers...

Some U.S. hospitals weigh withholding care to Ebola patients

Family of Dallas nurse Vinson says she no longer showing Ebola: networks

CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Ebola crisis

(Reuters) – The family of Amber Vinson, one of two

is forcing the American healthcare system to consider the previously...

Dallas nurses infected with Ebola, said on Wednesday that tests...

Third substantial solar flare in 2 days

Seaweed engineers build crustacean homes; old forests store new nitrogen

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan 301-2867745NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

NASA-led study sees Titan glowing at dusk and dawn [ | E-mail ] Contact: Liz 301-6145438NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Liza 202-833-8773 x211Ecological Society of America@ESA_org Highlights from...

UTM B researchers uncover powerful new class of weapons in the war on cancer [ | E-mail ] Contact: Donna Ramirez/Lisa 713970-2145University of Texas Medical Branch...

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NASA-NOAA Suomi NPP Satellite team ward off recent space debris threat [ | E-mail ] Contact: Audrey 240-684-

Cancer patients should not hesitate to speak with their doctors about dietary supplements

0808NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Donna Ramirez/Lisa 713970-2145University of Texas Medical Branch...

Doctors to get bonus for dementia diagnoses

Exclusive: Uruguay presidential candidate would repeal marijuana law

London (AFP) – Britain’s National Health Service came under fire on Wednesday for setting up a temporary bonus...

By Esteban Farat MONTEVIDEO (Reuters) – Uruguay’s leading opposition candidate said on Wednesday...

Great expectations: Consumers think wearables will improve athletic ability

Wisconsin judge orders competency hearing for girl in ‘Slenderman’ case

Forty-two percent of consumers are placing their bets on wearable tech to dramatically improve their athletic ability in...

By Brendan O’Brien MILWAUKEE (Reuters) – A judge on Wednesday ordered a competency hearing for...

All U.S. Residents Returning From Ebola-Stricken Countries to Be Tracked, CDC Says

Controversial Chemical M ay Leach Into Skin From Cash Receipts

WEDNESDAY Oct. 22, 2014, 2014 — Public health officials plan to actively monitor all U.S. residents returning home...

WEDNESDAY Oct. 22, 2014, 2014 — Touching cash register receipts can dramatically increase your body’s absorption...

M any Americans in Debt, Bankruptcy Paying for Cancer Care

Converting Skin Cells to Neurons: A Fight Against Huntington’s

WEDNESDAY Oct. 22, 2014, 2014 — Besides the

A sad thought indeed. Photo credit goes to:

danger and worry from the disease itself, many Americans battling cancer...

Huntington Society of Canada PSA Neurological diseases are some of the hardest...

Ebola death toll edging to 4,900 mark: WHO


The death toll in the world’s worst-ever Ebola

loudest voice. Over the past weeks I’ve been mostly on the road. Argentina,...

outbreak has edged closer to 4,900, while almost 10,000 people have...

Photo: I.Rimanoczy Sometimes silence is the

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Feeling the Touch of Angels Many of us are feeling confusing emotions as the

U.S. to M onitor Travelers From EbolaHit Nations for 21 Days

world shifts into an entirely new paradigm of this new age. While teaching...

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Fast modeling of cancer mutations

Confessions of an Email Hoarder and 4 Tips to Tame an Inbox

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Abby

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

617-253-2709Massachusetts Institute of Technology@MITnews New genome-editing...

I am the cyber equivalent of the lady who’s rescued

Lessons from the ‘Spanish flu,’ nearly 100 years later

YouTube Star Grace Helbig Explains Why Being An Introvert Isn’t So Bad

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kristen 517-353-

Hilarious YouTube star Grace Helbig has a loyal fan base because of her fun personality and side-

8942Michigan State University@MSUnews Just in time...

splitting hijinks. But behind...

New study shows that shifting precipitation patterns affect tea flavor, health compounds

Food Day Highlights Injustices Connected to the Food Supply

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Evelyn

hour. Workers in food-processing plants who trim meat — and develop... 406-9945135Montana State University BOZEMAN, Mont. – A team of...

U.S. CDC announces new Ebola monitoring steps for travelers (Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday announced new measures to monitor for...

too many cats, collected too many tchotchkes and saved years worth...

Restaurant workers whose base pay is $2.13 per

Thermal paper cash register receipts account for high bisphenol A (BPA) levels in humans [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 573-8823346University of MissouriColumbia@mizzounews Using skin...

Ebola becomes a workplace concern

Cause of aging remains elusive

Imagine you’re a boss with a worker who tells you

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Markus

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he was exposed to the deadly Ebola virus. What would you do? An increasing...

Schwarzlä 49-022-873-54266University of Bonn@unibonn Study...

CDC to M onitor Travelers From EbolaHit Nations for 21 Days

Hospital logs staggering 2.5 million alarms in just a month

All people returning to the United States from Ebola-affected countries will undergo 21-day

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Scott 415-502-

monitoring, Centers for Disease...

6397University of California – San Francisco@ucsf UCSF...

WHO: Ebola responsible for 4,877 deaths

New 3-D display technology promises greater energy efficiency

LONDON (AP) — Ebola is now believed to have

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lyndsay

killed 4,877 people globally and that the spread of the lethal virus remains...

202-416-1435The Optical Society@opticalsociety LCD technology developed...

Biogen’s Tecfidera sales miss estimates; confirms first PM L case

Tropical Depression 9 forms in Gulf of M exico

By Bill Berkrot (Reuters) – Biogen Idec Inc said on

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

Wednesday sales of its big-selling new multiple sclerosis...

Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: NOAA’s...

What Sobriety M eans to M e

Twins Aren’t Hard

I rarely discuss my sobriety, yet alone, write about it. It’s not because I’m embarrassed by the

The four of us were close in college: Tina, Lisa, Jill and me. If we could have looked into a crystal ball,

admission of...

how shocked we...

Twins Aren’t Hard

Why M edical Conspiracy Theories Are Here To Stay

The four of us were close in college: Tina, Lisa, Jill and me. If we could have looked into a crystal ball, how shocked we...

Nearly half of Americans embrace some type of medical conspiracy theory, according to a study published this year by the...

Why M edical Conspiracy Theories Are Here To Stay Nearly half of Americans embrace some type of

What Americans Fear M ost What are Americans afraid of? No, it’s not Ebola. According to the first large-scale study on fear in

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medical conspiracy theory, according to a study

America, what...

published this year by the...

What Americans Fear M ost What are Americans afraid of? No, it’s not Ebola.

Ebola plush toys for kids "selling like hot cakes"

According to the first large-scale study on fear in America, what...

With the Ebola outbreak dominating the national discourse, parents and caregivers are inevitably going to be confronted with...

Ebola plush toys for kids "selling like hot cakes"

How to talk to your kids about Ebola

With the Ebola outbreak dominating the national discourse, parents and caregivers are inevitably

epidemic in Africa, parents and other caregivers should think about how to help children...

With so much news focused on the Ebola

going to be confronted with...

Baker Institute paper: Data indicate there is no immigration crisis

Baker Institute paper: Data indicate there is no immigration crisis

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 713348-6775Rice University@RiceUNews HOUSTON

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 713348-6775Rice University@RiceUNews HOUSTON

– (Oct. 22, 2014) – Is there...

– (Oct. 22, 2014) – Is there...

Ebola riot in S. Leone kills two as WHO to launch vaccine trials

Ebola riot in S. Leone kills two as WHO to launch vaccine trials

Freetown (AFP) – Tensions surrounding the Ebola epidemic raging in west Africa sparked a deadly

Freetown (AFP) – Tensions surrounding the Ebola epidemic raging in west Africa sparked a deadly

riot in Sierra Leone...

riot in Sierra Leone...

Cuban doctors, nurses land in Liberia to fight Ebola alongside U.S.

Cuban doctors, nurses land in Liberia to fight Ebola alongside U.S.

By James Harding Giahyue MONROVIA (Reuters) – A team of Cuban doctors and nurses arrived in

By James Harding Giahyue MONROVIA (Reuters) – A team of Cuban doctors and nurses arrived in

Liberia on...

Liberia on...

CDC: M onitoring for all coming from Ebola nations

CDC: M onitoring for all coming from Ebola nations

WASHINGTON (AP) — Significantly expanding their vigilance, federal health officials said Wednesday

WASHINGTON (AP) — Significantly expanding their vigilance, federal health officials said Wednesday

that they would begin... that they would begin... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

As virus spreads, insurers exclude Ebola from new policies

As virus spreads, insurers exclude Ebola from new policies

By Carolyn Cohn, Richa Naidu and Avik Das (Reuters) – As fear of Ebola infections spreads to

By Carolyn Cohn, Richa Naidu and Avik Das (Reuters) – As fear of Ebola infections spreads to



Researchers find facial width-to-height ratio predicts self-reported dominance and aggression

The Health Issue: What if Age Is Nothing but a M ind-Set?

()—A combined team of researchers from several institutions in the U.K. has found that facial widthto-height ratio can...

Ebola Epidemic In West Africa Can Be Contained In 6 M onths: Red Cross Official BEIJING (AP) — A top Red Cross official said

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Judgement: Why it Sucks Today is the day of my first post. It is also my third attempt to write it. I started off writing straight from the heart...

Wednesday that he is confident the Ebola epidemic that has killed thousands...

3 Ways to Live Like a Child (And Why You Should)

Permission to Play

Have you ever looked around and wondered why

embraced any opportunity to dress up in costumes. Through my elementary...

no one seems to be having fun? Do you spend time thinking about how simple...

Embrace Challenge to Grow I’d like to pay heed to a principle that underpins

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always

Unsafe, recalled supplements still being sold

reality and can bring boundless energy and happiness to our lives,...

Dietary supplements containing potentially

Producing solar power with impure silicon

Secret wing colours attract female fruit flies

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ursula

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jessica

dangerous prescription drug ingredients may still be for sale even years after... 46-462-22993336Norwegian University of Science and 304Lund University@lunduniversity IMAGE: This... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Technology Researchers...

Why do some celebrities dramatically alter their faces?

Drug-resistant tuberculosis at crisis levels, warns WHO

With recent drastic changes evident in Rene

Multi drug-resistant tuberculosis remains at crisis

Zellweger’s eyes, lips and cheeks—making her unrecognizable to some—it...

levels, with about 480,000 new cases this year, and various forms of...

Doctors who helped paralyzed man get back on his feet seek new patients

GSK eyes top slot in FTSE 100 index for standalone HIV drugs unit

WROCLAW Poland (Reuters) – A team of doctors

LONDON (Reuters) – GlaxoSmithKline (GSK.L),

who helped a paralyzed man get back on his feet by transplanting cells...

battered by weak U.S. drug sales and a bribery scandal in China, set out...

Biogen shares down on Tecfidera sales, first confirmed PM L case

Health Highlights: Oct. 22, 2014

(Reuters) – Biogen Idec Inc on Wednesday reported sales of its big-selling new multiple sclerosis drug, Tecfidera,...

Where Ebola Battles Are Won WEDNESDAY Oct. 22, 2014, 2014 — Four hospitals that are home to advanced biocontainment facilities have become America’s...

Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: Utility Workers Face...

Y Chromosome Loss M ay Predict Earlier Death for M en WEDNESDAY Oct. 22, 2014, 2014 — Elderly men who’ve lost the Y chromosome from their blood cells may be at increased...

Death By Haunted House

Video Tip of the Week: SeqM onk

One interesting connection amongst fight or flight, capture myopathy, and SCM is the catecholamine dump involved. Epinephrine...

Always on the lookout for effective visualization tools, I recently came across a series of videos about the SeqMonk software....

Scary part of Halloween is sugar, calories in trick-or-treat bag

Death rates in prisons from smokingrelated illnesses are higher than in the general US population

For most kids Halloween is all about the candy. It is estimated that each child’s bag of goodies contains about 4,800...

A research team led by Ingrid Binswanger, MD, MPH, associate professor, School of Medicine, recently published findings that...

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Cause of ageing remains elusive A report by Chinese researchers in the journal Nature a few months ago was a small sensation: they appeared to have found...

Doctor struck off after taking sick leave to commentate on show jumping events The University of Leicester graduate took time off to attend an event at Plantation Field, in Philadelphia, USA, commentated...

What To Do When You Can’t Sleep After A Workout

5 Creativity Lessons You Already Learned In Kindergarten

For the most part, evidence supports the fact that

Let’s be honest: Life — and work — was way more

exercise is good for sleep — it helps you drift off faster and sleep...

simple when we were in kindergarten. Not only did we approach...

How To Be Happier At Work (INFOGRAPHIC)

3 Things You Can Literally Learn In Your Sleep

Maybe you love your job, and maybe you don’t.

If someone suggested you play music or light a

Either way, there are good days and bad days at work for everyone —...

scented candle while you slept to better remember what you learned earlier...

Liberians Exiled By Ebola Pray For End Of Outbreak

Newark passenger being monitored for Ebola

BUDUBURAM CAMP, Ghana (AP) — Henry Boley

October 22, 2014, 7:12 AM|A passenger who

left Liberia to attend a conference in Nigeria just days after his twins were...

arrived at Newark Liberty Airport Tuesday night is undergoing Ebola testing at...

Biogen profit surges, but Tecfidera sales shy of Street view

Ebola gives U.S. ‘preppers’ another reason to prepare for worst

(Reuters) – Biogen Idec Inc on Wednesday reported much higher-than-expected third-quarter

(Reuters) – With the closest known U.S. cases of Ebola diagnosed about 160 miles away in Dallas,

profit and the company raised...

Cary Griffin is taking...

Drugmakers to join forces to make millions of Ebola vaccine doses

Health Tip: Breast-feeding With Diabetes

LONDON (Reuters) – Leading drugmakers plan to work together to accelerate development of an

– Diabetic moms, after talking with their doctors, should still try to breast-feed their babies, some

Ebola vaccine and produce...

experts say. The...

Health Tip: Anxiety Can Affect Your

Crucial gene for M alaria Transmission

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Posted on October 22, 2014 by Pieter Carrière

– A person with generalized anxiety disorder describes someone who worries excessively, often making it difficult to...

Crucial gene for Malaria Transmission How can malaria be exterminated? This...

How To Have A Healthy, Intuitive Relationship With Food

Why It Took M e 3 Years To Say I Was Raped

A Juice To Get That Golden California Glow In the City of Angels, juice is easy to come by. In fact, it is a daily ritual...

Want A Drama-Free Teenager? 5 Ways Yoga Can Help In my last 15 years of teaching yoga in schools, community centers and studios,...

3 Foods That Promote Beauty From The Inside Out (With Recipes)

New guide highlights ways to boost use of multi-sensory environments in dementia care

Easy, Alkalizing Apple Cider Vinegar Drink By now, you’ve probably heard about all the amazing health benefits of apple...

A new guide developed by two British academics has shed fresh light on the positive impact multisensory environments can...

3,080-mile race’s research to focus on runners’ response to extreme physical activity

3,080-mile race’s research to focus on runners’ response to extreme physical activity

Cardiovascular health, nutritional status and stress on the body are some of the human conditions

Cardiovascular health, nutritional status and stress on the body are some of the human conditions

under study during a 3,080-mile...

under study during a 3,080-mile...

M ost respond well to genetic testing results, according to study

M ost respond well to genetic testing results, according to study

()—People at high risk for psychological distress respond positively to receiving results of

()—People at high risk for psychological distress respond positively to receiving results of

personalized genetic testing,...

personalized genetic testing,...

Elhadj As Sy, Red Cross Head, Says Ebola Travel Bans Are Ineffective, Irrational

Elhadj As Sy, Red Cross Head, Says Ebola Travel Bans Are Ineffective, Irrational

Moroccan health screening team dressed in protective gear uses a thermometer on

Moroccan health screening team dressed in protective gear uses a thermometer on

passengers at the arrivals hall of the Mohammed...

passengers at the arrivals hall of the Mohammed...

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A Scientifically Proven Guide To Ordering A Delicious Chopped Salad Every Single Time

A Scientifically Proven Guide To Ordering A Delicious Chopped Salad Every Single Time

When you decide on a chopped salad for lunch,

When you decide on a chopped salad for lunch,

you prematurely pat yourself on the back. Good work, old me, for electing the...

you prematurely pat yourself on the back. Good work, old me, for electing the...

A Scientifically Proven Guide To Ordering A Delicious Chopped Salad Every Single Time

New warning for dietary supplement users

When you decide on a chopped salad for lunch,

found that two-thirds of dietary supplements that have previously been recalled...

you prematurely pat yourself on the back. Good work, old me, for electing the...

October 22, 2014, 5:35 AM|Researchers at Harvard

Insurer ACE says excluding Ebola cover on some new and renewal policies

Red Cross head says Ebola travel bans "irrational"

LONDON (Reuters) – U.S. insurer ACE said on

By Michael Martina BEIJING (Reuters) – Closing

Wednesday it was excluding cover for Ebola on some new and renewal policies. ...

borders will not effectively curb Ebola infections, the...

Red Cross head says Ebola travel bans "irrational"

J&J, GSK ready to collaborate on Ebola vaccine work

By Michael Martina BEIJING (Reuters) – Closing

LONDON (Reuters) – Drugmakers will work

borders will not effectively curb Ebola infections, the...

together to accelerate development of an Ebola vaccine and Johnson Johnson...

J&J, GSK ready to collaborate on Ebola vaccine work

Welsh patients in mass exodus to England

LONDON (Reuters) – Drugmakers will work together to accelerate development of an Ebola

Number of cancer ‘refugees’ quadrupled in a decade to 15,450 last year Nearly four times as

vaccine and Johnson Johnson...

many Welsh patients...

The Perfect 45-M inute Running Playlist Every week, Your New Favorite Playlist introduces

6 Ways to M ake Your Bedroom the Sexiest Place Ever

you to workout-worthy tunes from a different fitness brand. This week,...

Setting the mood for sex is important. Anyone who’s briefly considered getting busy while on vacation at a dirty/smelly/not-so-clean...

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9 Things You Do After an AM AZING First Date

September’s monthly ovitrap index for Aedes albopictus edges down further

They say love is a drug, but the intense afterglow of an amazing first date will get you just as high.

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD)

Chances are, you still...

announced today (October 22) that the monthly...

Eleventh batch of applications approved under Pilot Green Transport Fund

LCQ5: Regulation of electronic cigarette

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (October 22) announced the approval of the...

LCQ20: Elderly services Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Tang Ka-piu and a written reply by the

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Kwok Wai-keung and a reply by the Secretary for Food and Health,...

LCQ16: Regulation of person-to-person telemarketing calls

Secretary for Labour...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Charles Peter Mok and a written reply by the Secretary for Commerce...

Ebola myths: 5 assumptions that aren’t true

At least four months to contain Ebola: Red Cross chief

The current Ebola outbreak has claimed the lives of more than 4,000 people in west Africa, but medical experts say it has...

Beijing (AFP) – The Ebola epidemic will take at least four months to contain even if all necessary steps are taken,...

J&J aims for 1 million Ebola vaccine doses in 2015

French developer of ‘peanut allergy patch’ makes U.S. debut

LONDON (Reuters) – Johnson Johnson is accelerating work on its experimental Ebola vaccine and said on Wednesday that...

PARIS (Reuters) – French biotech firm DBV Technologies – developer of what it says is a breakthrough treatment...

How I Overcame A Weight Loss Plateau By Changing M y M indset

Sometimes, The Bravest Thing You Can Do Is Give Up

Are You Using Your Foam Roller All Wrong? Despite having been around for a long time, foam rolling has only recently become...

The 3 Questions I Always Get From People Who Want To Be Happier For the past decade I’ve been writing self-help books...

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Questions To Ask Yourself Before Ending A Relationship

Testing for Ebola Vaccines to Start Soon, W.H.O. Says

It took me four years to leave a relationship I knew wasn’t right for me. I spent my time hoping things

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

would get better,...

York Times. ...

Testing for Ebola Vaccines to Start Soon, W.H.O. Says

Testing for Ebola Vaccines to Start Soon, W.H.O. Says

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

M Ps probe claims of NHS drugs conflicts of interests

M Ps probe claims of NHS drugs conflicts of interests

The letter, by doctors including Lord McColl, a Tory peer and Kailash Chand, the deputy chairman of

The letter, by doctors including Lord McColl, a Tory peer and Kailash Chand, the deputy chairman of

the British Medical...

the British Medical...

M Ps probe claims of NHS drugs conflicts of interests

NICE ideas that have triggered controversy

The letter, by doctors including Lord McColl, a Tory peer and Kailash Chand, the deputy chairman of

• All obese patients should be send to slimming classes, said NICE in draft guidelines in July 2014

the British Medical...

• November 2012:...

NICE ideas that have triggered controversy

NICE ideas that have triggered controversy

• All obese patients should be send to slimming classes, said NICE in draft guidelines in July 2014 • November 2012:...

• All obese patients should be send to slimming classes, said NICE in draft guidelines in July 2014 • November 2012:...

Change in the way you walk could be key to Parkinson’s diagnosis

Change in the way you walk could be key to Parkinson’s diagnosis

Although the disease cannot be cured, early diagnosis can assist with the management of symptoms. Some degree of cognitive...

Although the disease cannot be cured, early diagnosis can assist with the management of symptoms. Some degree of cognitive...

Change in the way you walk could be

Children should get their teeth brushed

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key to Parkinson’s diagnosis

at school, says NHS watchdog

Although the disease cannot be cured, early diagnosis can assist with the management of

But last night patients groups said the plans were “simply daft” and would encourage parents to think

symptoms. Some degree of cognitive...

that basic childrearing...

Children should get their teeth brushed at school, says NHS watchdog

Children should get their teeth brushed at school, says NHS watchdog

But last night patients groups said the plans were “simply daft” and would encourage parents to think

But last night patients groups said the plans were “simply daft” and would encourage parents to think

that basic childrearing...

that basic childrearing...

Quantum holograms as atomic scale memory keepsake

Quantum holograms as atomic scale memory keepsake

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura

49-622-148-78414Springer Study demonstrates that quantum...

49-622-148-78414Springer Study demonstrates that quantum...

Diet for your DNA: Novel nutrition plan sparks debate around data protection

Diet for your DNA: Novel nutrition plan sparks debate around data protection

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Louella

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Louella 44-191208-5108Newcastle University@UniofNewcastle 44-191208-5108Newcastle University@UniofNewcastle



How would Australian hospitals respond to a case of Ebola?

Prevalence of five tick-borne bacterial genera in adult Ixodes scapularis removed from white-tailed deer in western Tennessee

As the Ebola outbreak continues in West Africa, hospitals and health systems are preparing for possible cases in Australia....

In the northeastern and midwestern regions of the United States Ixodes scapularis Say transmits the causal agents of anaplasmosis...

A short generic patient experience questionnaire: howRwe development and validation Patient experience is a key quality outcome for

Opportunities to improve storage and transportation of blood specimens for CD4 testing in a rural district in Zimbabwe using BD vacutainer CD4 stabilization tubes: a stability and

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modern health services, but most existing survey methods are long and setting-specific....

diagnostic accuracy study CD4+ T-cell testing of blood specimens collected in standard EDTA Vacutainer tubes and transported at ambient temperature,...

Characteristics of unit-level patient safety culture in hospitals in Japan: a cross-sectional study Patient safety culture (PSC) has an important role in determining safety and quality in healthcare. Currently, little is...

GPs to get ÂŁ55 for dementia diagnoses 22 October 2014 Last updated at 05:35 Family doctors in England are to be paid ÂŁ55 every time they diagnose a case of dementia,...

Study examines effect of hospital switch to for-profit status Hospital conversion from nonprofit to for-profit status in the 2000s was associated with better subsequent financial health...

miR-281, an abundant midgut-specific miRNA of the vector mosquito Aedes albopictus enhance dengue virus replication Emerging evidence indicates that microRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in host-virus interaction. We previously reported that some...

Hospital acquisitions leading to increased patient costs The trend of hospitals consolidating medical groups and physician practices in an effort to improve the coordination of patient...

Understanding drinking behaviors among women with unwanted pregnancies Most women reduce or stop drinking alcohol upon discovery of pregnancy. However, little information exists about changes...

Scientists take step towards drug to treat norovirus stomach bug

Flu vaccine may hold key to preventing heart disease

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Craig

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sacha 44-122376-6205University of Cambridge@Cambridge_Uni An... 31-204-853564Elsevier@ElsevierConnect A new study in Vaccine...

POLARBEAR detects B-modes in the cosmic microwave background

A legal trade in horn would improve rhino protection and help sustainable development

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan 858-246-0161University

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Enrico Di

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of California – San Diego@UCSanDiego Cosmologists... 358-503-185717University of Helsinki@helsinkiuni IMAGE: ...

Bite to the death: Sugarbag bees launch all-conquering raids

Two cured in US, Spain, as Ebola crisis widens

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Niki 61-731-382999Queensland University of Technology@qut Tiny

Washington (AFP) – A US photojournalist joined a Spanish nurse in being declared free of Ebola on Tuesday, as the United...


Bitter lessons from old Ebola frontline in Uganda

12 So-Bad-They’re-Almost-Good Pickup Lines

Bombo (Uganda) (AFP) – In Ebola-hit communities in west Africa, hope of stopping the deadly virus

First impressions are everything. So when you’re trying to spark a conversation with that smokeshow

may seem far away...

across the bar,...

The Super-Common Habit That’s Hurting Your Nails

The Super-Common Habit That’s Hurting Your Nails

If part of your daily beauty routine includes filing or trimming your nails, you might want to cross that

If part of your daily beauty routine includes filing or trimming your nails, you might want to cross that

task off your to-do...

task off your to-do...

Ebola Vaccine Could Start Testing In Africa By January

Ebola Vaccine Could Start Testing In Africa By January

i i This experimental Ebola vaccine, developed by the U.S. government, is just one of several

i i This experimental Ebola vaccine, developed by the U.S. government, is just one of several



Assessing environmental features related to mental health: a reliability study of visual streetscape images

Assessing environmental features related to mental health: a reliability study of visual streetscape images

An association between depressive symptoms and features of built environment has been reported in the literature. A remaining...

An association between depressive symptoms and features of built environment has been reported in the literature. A remaining...

‘Ultrasound is an invaluable third eye, but it can’t see everything': a qualitative study with obstetricians in

‘Ultrasound is an invaluable third eye, but it can’t see everything': a qualitative study with obstetricians in

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Obstetric ultrasound has come to play a significant

Obstetric ultrasound has come to play a significant

role in obstetrics since its introduction in clinical care. Today, most...

role in obstetrics since its introduction in clinical care. Today, most...

Animal evolution and atmospheric po2: is there a link between gradual animal adaptation to terrain elevation due to ural orogeny and survival of subsequent hypoxic periods?

Demand Jumps for Protective Equipment as Ebola Cases Spur Hospitals Into Action

Considering evolution of terrestrial animals as

York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

something happening only on flat continental plains seems wrong. Many mountains...

Demand Jumps for Protective Equipment as Ebola Cases Spur Hospitals Into Action

Procedure on Paralyzed M an Stirs Hope and Caution

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from

York Times. ...

Procedure on Paralyzed M an Stirs Hope and Caution

Let’s Discuss Pets During Domestic Violence Awareness M onth

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Years ago when I was training to volunteer for a local domestic violence hotline, the very first thing

York Times. ...

we discussed were...

Let’s Discuss Pets During Domestic Violence Awareness M onth

Haunted by Perfection

Years ago when I was training to volunteer for a local domestic violence hotline, the very first thing

been that simple. For me, big changes happen over time in many steps....

My life didn’t change in one moment. I wish it had

we discussed were...

Haunted by Perfection My life didn’t change in one moment. I wish it had been that simple. For me, big changes happen over time in many steps....

M othering through Breast Cancer: 5 Tips to Powerful M othering Through Adversity There is nothing more daunting to a woman who

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has children then to receive the diagnosis of breast cancer or any other type...

M othering through Breast Cancer: 5 Tips to Powerful M othering Through Adversity

Promising blood biomarkers identified for colorectal cancer: Is a screening blood test within reach?

There is nothing more daunting to a woman who has children then to receive the diagnosis of breast

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Samantha 01-444-811-

cancer or any other type...

099Spink Health UEG Week: Colorectal cancer screening IMAGE: ...

Rwanda Introduces Ebola Screening for Travelers From US, Spain

Travelers From West Africa M ust Enter US Through Only 5 Airports

In a turning of tables on Ebola monitoring, the East

All U.S.-bound travelers coming from West African

African nation of Rwanda is screening all visitors from the United States...

countries where there have been Ebola outbreaks will have to fly into one...

Travelers From West Africa M ust Enter US Through Only 5 Airports

Ebola becomes a business problem

All U.S.-bound travelers coming from West African countries where there have been Ebola outbreaks will have to fly into one...

Ebola becomes a business problem Imagine you’re a boss with a worker who tells you he was exposed to the deadly Ebola virus. What would you do? An increasing...

Imagine you’re a boss with a worker who tells you he was exposed to the deadly Ebola virus. What would you do? An increasing...

Why I No Longer Take M y Fear So Seriously I had been wanting to give a cooking class for almost a year now. But something kept holding me back. You’re not a...

‘Humbled’ NBC cameraman recovers from Ebola

Why I No Longer Take M y Fear So Seriously

Washington (AFP) – A US photojournalist said he

I had been wanting to give a cooking class for

was grateful to be alive after the hospital treating him declared him...

almost a year now. But something kept holding me back. You’re not a...

Tekmira begins limited manufacturing of drug targeting Ebola

Unsteady on your feet? Little touches could make all the difference

(Reuters) – Canadian drugmaker Tekmira When a toddler takes their first steps we observe PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Pharmaceuticals Corp has begun limited manufacturing of a drug targeting the...

an uncertain sway in their walking. Being unsteady on our feet is something...

Soothing Ebola’s M ental Scars

Same-Sex M arriage Spreads in U.S. "Red" States

The number of Ebola cases is roughly doubling every three weeks. With families being torn apart and thousands of children...


Positive Subliminal M essages on Aging Improve Physical Functioning in Elderly

Ebola Anxiety: Bigger Threat Than the Virus Itself, Say Experts

Researchers used a novel intervention method to examine for the first time whether exposure to

By Amy NortonHealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Oct. 21, 2014 (HealthDay News) — Headlines remain

positive age stereotypes could...

riveted on the three Ebola...

21 U.S. Cities Outlawed Feeding The Hungry Due To ‘M yths’ About Homelessness: Report

Bigger U.S. Health Crisis: Ebola or Addiction?

Ignorance regarding the root causes of homelessness have led many communities

size:9px;line-height:12px;padding-right:1px .cnnstrylccimg640margin:0...

Of all the pieces I’ve written about addiction over the years, this one is probably going to be the most controversial....

across the U.S. to restrict food-sharing around...

To Siri, With Love Just how bad a mother am I? I wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation

Ebola Survivors Are Feared, Even Though They’re Instrumental In Stopping The Disease

with Siri. Gus has autism, and...

In Sierra Leone, 76 percent of households said they would not welcome someone who was infected with Ebola back into their...

The Challange of Invasiveness

Ebola nurse’s status upgraded to good from fair

In a counseling session with Polly, we explored the issue of invasiveness, and Polly suggested that I write an article on...

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The medical status of nurse Nina Pham, who contracted Ebola when she helped treat the first patient...

Tire Company Sets Standard for Ebola Care in Liberia: CDC

Use Chia Seeds With Caution, Researcher Warns

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TUESDAY Oct. 21, 2014, 2014 — Measures taken by Firestone officials at the company’s rubber tree plantation in...

TUESDAY Oct. 21, 2014, 2014 — Despite potential health benefits, chia seeds may pose a risk if they are not consumed...

Dude, wheres my Hover Car? Oh wait…

Paralyzed man walks after cell transplant, rehab

Photo from Back to the Future We all (of a certain age) remember the Jetsons, a futuristic family with hi-tech gadgets and...

Darek Fidyka, a man who was paralyzed from the chest down, was able to take steps with a walker following extensive rehabilitation...

Ebola vaccine trials expected in West Africa in January, WHO says

VIDEO: Bondi Beach surfers fight depression

CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage to the Ebola crisis. On radio, television and online, we’ll explore...

Grant Trebilco and his friend Sam Schumacher started One Wave Is All It Takes just over a year ago on Bondi Beach. Every...

VIDEO: M ore UK medics travel to Ebola area

Cut in winter heating guidance

About 100 soldiers from the Royal Army Medical Corps have travelled to Sierra Leone as part of the UK’s efforts to...

‘Tissue of lies’ over health service

21 October 2014 Last updated at 16:16 Age UK suggests that older people have their living room thermostat at 21C Families...

21 October 2014 Last updated at 18:50 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Mr

Bar attendance supports heavy drinking by young adults in the USM exico border region

Drakeford accused...

Due to a legal drinking age of 18 years, cheaper alcohol, and marketing tactics of local bars that specifically target youth,...

Bogus recycling bins help identify drinking patterns among low-income seniors

Better academic support in high school crucial for low performers with ADHD

Substance abuse is the fastest growing health concern for older adults, a segment of the

with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are using an unexpectedly...

New research reveals that high school students

population that is likewise rapidly...

Clot dissolver tPA’s tardy twin could aid in stroke recovery

Sexual Preference for M asculine M en, Feminine Women Is Urban Habit

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Researchers at Emory University School of Medicine have identified a protein released by

But a groundbreaking new study suggests that, rather than being a preference passed down

neurons while the brain is recovering...

through a long process of social...

Immigration Wave Lifts U.S. Diversity to Record High

M ental Rest and Reflection Boost Learning, Study Suggests

SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. — From a distance, the small group of Haitian immigrants at the public

Scientists have already established that resting the mind, as in daydreaming, helps strengthen

library looks like a prayer meeting...

memories of events and retention...

Aspirin Seems to Benefit Schizophrenia Treatment

The Psychology of Edible "Willy Wonka" Packaging

For some time, doctors have believed that helping the immune system may benefit the treatment of

If Willy Wonka did packaging, it’d probably look something like the WikiPearl – a soft, durable and

schizophrenia, but until...

water-resistant edible...

Anger over ‘cash for diagnoses’ dementia plan

How The Tech In Your Smartphone Could Help Fight The Next Ebola Outbreak

GPs qualify for payment if they diagnose the patients themselves – with no checks on whether their assessment is correct...

The Ebola crisis has brought new perspective to concerns about how diseases — and people who carry them — travel....

M oving Ad Proves We Each Have The Power To Save New Yorkers From Preventable Deaths

M oving Ad Proves We Each Have The Power To Save New Yorkers From Preventable Deaths

In the city that never sleeps, locals would be hard-

In the city that never sleeps, locals would be hard-

pressed to imagine an abandoned Grand Central Station or a crumbling...

pressed to imagine an abandoned Grand Central Station or a crumbling...

The Role of Female Empowerment in World-Class Eye Care

The Role of Female Empowerment in World-Class Eye Care

The world’s largest provider of eye care isn’t

The world’s largest provider of eye care isn’t

located in Boston or San Francisco. Situated in the small town...

located in Boston or San Francisco. Situated in the small town...

How to Talk With Your Child (And Yourself) About Ebola

Kung fu stegosaur

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Dad, you’re coughing, what if you have a fever?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christa

What if it’s Ebola? What’s going to happen to you?!? What... 778-3317625Geological Society of America@geosociety Boulder,...

Super stable garnet ceramics may be ideal for high-energy lithium batteries

Super stable garnet ceramics may be ideal for high-energy lithium batteries

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Morgan 865-574-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Morgan 865-574-

7308DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory@ORNL IMAGE: ORNL...

7308DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory@ORNL IMAGE: ORNL...

Rising above the risk: America’s first tsunami refuge

Ebola serum for Africa ‘in weeks’

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christa

Roberts Health editor, BBC News Online Serum made from... 778-3317625Geological Society of America@geosociety Boulder,...

NHS drafts in extra A&E doctors 21 October 2014 Last updated at 16:06 Junior and overseas doctors will help bolster AE units over the winter, the Department...

21 October 2014 Last updated at 17:08 By Michelle

Studies suggest participants in group conflicts misunderstand opponent’s motives ()—A trio of researchers, Adam Waytz, Liane Young and Jeremy Ginge, has conducted several studies to better understand...

Impressions shaped by facial appearance foster biased decisions

CVS tacks tobacco payment to prescription network

Research in recent years has shown that people

First, CVS Health pulled tobacco from its store

associate specific facial traits with an individual’s personality. For...

shelves. Now, it plans to make some customers think twice about filling...

Research highlights extent and effects of school violence

Jeremy Hunt: English hospitals under ‘intolerable pressure’ from Welsh …

Six percent of U.S. children and youth missed a day

“I’ve written to the Welsh Health Minister to say that

of school over the course of a year because they were the victim of violence...

the NHS is happy to treat more Welsh patients. But the...

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Paralysed man walks again: pioneering treatment could help stroke victims “Now we have shown we can do it, not only in rats

M y Brain Cancer Patient Father Is Still Alive, Despite the Claim of a Commenter

but in one man, there’s no reason to restrict this to spinal cord....

I thought my sister wanted me to do something. To

Hilarious Parody Twitter Account ‘Los Feliz Day Care’ Pokes Fun At M odern Parenting

How to Love Yourself!

Parents looking for a laugh, rejoice! There’s a new parody Twitter account in town, and it’s got us in

say something. To write something. Lisa’s text message asked whether...

“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” — Louise L. Hay Selflove...

stitches. Los...

Gentleness Receiving depends on gentleness, which relaxes our boundaries. It lets us interact with what comes our way. It lets us lend...

How some patients manage to survive Ebola The Ebola virus has a horrific death rate — it is fatal in about 70 percent of patients in the current outbreak in...

Colorado health officials pursue ban of marijuana edibles

Less coffee, more booze, for successful IVF?

October 21, 2014, 10:30 AM|As a new law requiring marijuana edibles to be clearly labeled is debated,

A man’s love of coffee could hamper the success of a couple’s infertility treatment, a small new study

Colorado state health...

suggests. But...

Resetting the circadian clock: Shift workers might want to skip high-iron foods

UNH research highlights extent and effects of school violence

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Phil 801-5812517University of Utah Health

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Beth 603-862-1566University of New Hampshire@unhscience DURHAM, N.H. –...

Sciences@UofUHealthCare Researchers...

Preservation technique for marginal livers prevents biliary stricture

Could I squeeze by you?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dawn 515-294-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Breehan Gerleman

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically! 781-3888408Wiley IMAGE: This is Dr. Markus Selzner. ...

9750DOE/Ames Laboratory Ames Laboratory scientists...

Animal therapy reduces anxiety, loneliness symptoms in college students

5 M essages of Gratitude You Can Send Your Children

[ | E-mail ] Contact: LaTina 404-413-

gratitude in the lives of children and families. In this post, I will show...

In my last post, I introduced you to power of

1353Georgia State University@GSU_News IMAGE: Sophie, a...

Health Officials Release New Ebola Protective Gear Guidelines

Health Officials Release New Ebola Protective Gear Guidelines

ATLANTA (AP) — Federal health officials on

ATLANTA (AP) — Federal health officials on

Monday issued new guidelines to promote headto-toe protection for health workers...

Monday issued new guidelines to promote headto-toe protection for health workers...

Be ‘Ageful’ Not Ageless!

Be ‘Ageful’ Not Ageless!

What would it be like to be genuinely ageless? Would this give us the capacity to ward off permanently the encroaching years?...

What would it be like to be genuinely ageless? Would this give us the capacity to ward off permanently the encroaching years?...

Here’s What Your Second Puberty Is Going To Look Like (Hint: It’s Not Pretty)

Here’s What Your Second Puberty Is Going To Look Like (Hint: It’s Not Pretty)

You only get one chance at a second puberty — and maybe that’s a good thing. Reaching 30 can mean that hair now...

You only get one chance at a second puberty — and maybe that’s a good thing. Reaching 30 can mean that hair now...

Breast cancer "buddy program" forges healing connections

Breast cancer "buddy program" forges healing connections

October 21, 2014, 4:45 AM|The BOLD program at Montefiore Medical Center-Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York pairs...

October 21, 2014, 4:45 AM|The BOLD program at Montefiore Medical Center-Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York pairs...

New challenge for hospitals dealing with Ebola

New challenge for hospitals dealing with Ebola

A new challenge is emerging for hospitals already A new challenge is emerging for hospitals already concerned about dealing with potential cases of concerned about dealing with potential cases of PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Ebola. They now have to...

Ebola. They now have to...

Ebola vaccine could be ready for West Africa by January, WHO official says

Ebola vaccine could be ready for West Africa by January, WHO official says

GENEVA – The hunt for an Ebola vaccine will produce data soon about whether two experimental vaccines are safe and...

GENEVA – The hunt for an Ebola vaccine will produce data soon about whether two experimental vaccines are safe and...

Extremely high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging

Extremely high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christian

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christian 41-446-332-336ETH Zurich@ETH_en This news release is available 41-446-332-336ETH Zurich@ETH_en This news release is available



Natalie Burn Shares The Simple Truth That Brings Her Happiness With ORIGIN M agazine

Natalie Burn Shares The Simple Truth That Brings Her Happiness With ORIGIN M agazine

The following is an excerpt from ORIGIN Magazine. Interviewer: Maranda Pleasant Maranda Pleasant: What makes you come alive...

The following is an excerpt from ORIGIN Magazine. Interviewer: Maranda Pleasant Maranda Pleasant: What makes you come alive...

Smartphone Etiquette: 10 Tips for M indful Use

Smartphone Etiquette: 10 Tips for M indful Use

Neilsen research reports 65 percent of Americans now own a smartphone, a number that continues to grow. How we communicate...

Neilsen research reports 65 percent of Americans now own a smartphone, a number that continues to grow. How we communicate...

17 Adorably Nonsensical Things That M ake Zero Sense, And Therefore Are Perfect

17 Adorably Nonsensical Things That M ake Zero Sense, And Therefore Are Perfect

These 17 silly random things exist purely to make

These 17 silly random things exist purely to make

you smile. 1. This hedgehog who now knows he can fit perfectly inside...

you smile. 1. This hedgehog who now knows he can fit perfectly inside...

New research shows benefit of cows’ milk for kids

New research shows benefit of cows’ milk for kids

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October 21, 2014, 5:39 AM|Canadian researchers say that children who drink milk other than cows

October 21, 2014, 5:39 AM|Canadian researchers say that children who drink milk other than cows

milk are more likely to be...

milk are more likely to be...

Ebola outbreak becomes key topic in midterm elections

Ebola outbreak becomes key topic in midterm elections

October 21, 2014, 7:07 AM|With just two weeks until election day, the issue of the ongoing Ebola crisis

October 21, 2014, 7:07 AM|With just two weeks until election day, the issue of the ongoing Ebola crisis

has become a talking...

has become a talking...

BIDM C investigators develop threeminute assessment that identifies delirium in older hospital patients

Finding could help improve treatment of hearing loss caused by noise, normal aging

Delirium is a state of confusion that develops suddenly, often following an acute medical illness, a surgical procedure or...

Scientists have restored the hearing of mice partly deafened by noise, using advanced tools to boost the production of a...

Researchers find frequency, severity of medication errors among young children

Scientists identify potent inhibitors to combat common obesity gene

Nationwide Children’s Hospital Researchers find frequency, severity of medication errors among young children

Individuals who are genetically predisposed to obesity may soon have a therapeutic solution to combat their condition. A...

Beth Goodier with ‘sleeping beauty syndrome’ means she’s only awake for TWO hours a day

Paralysed fireman Darek Fidyka recovers thanks to UK research

Beth Goodier suffers from Kleine-Levin – or ‘Sleeping Beauty’ – syndrome Neurological

recover from chronic injuries Fireman was paralysed from the waist down...

Darek Fidyka is the first person in the world to

condition triggers...

Video shows a moth and tick pulled out from a man’s ear and the moth is still ALIVE

Obesity and alcohol may be more likely to trigger a heart attack than ‘bad’ genes

Man is seen lying on the ground shouting in pain as a moth flew into his ear Friends find a tick buried in his ear canal...

Lifestyle factors include eating fatty food, smoking and not exercising Scientists say heart attacks aren’t as strongly...

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High-sensitivity troponin T as a marker to predict cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients with adjuvant trastuzumab therapy The humanized monoclonal antibody trastuzumab

Consumer Price Indices for September 2014 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) released today (October 21) the Consumer Price Index...

has been in routine use for chemotherapy for human epidermal growth factor...

Paralysed man walks again after breakthrough treatment (Update)

A "lifeline" for women with breast cancer

A paralysed Bulgarian man can walk again after

One breast cancer survivor calls it her “lifeline” —

receiving revolutionary treatment in Poland in a breakthrough hailed by one...

the connection forged with a fellow patient through...

New research shows benefit of cow milk for kids

1980s American aircraft helps quantum technology take flight

October 21, 2014, 5:39 AM|Canadian researchers say that children who drink milk other than cows

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Verity 61-

milk are more likely to be...

293-514-312University of Sydney IMAGE: The...

New class of drugs shows promise in treating chronic diarrhea

New study demonstrates advances in creating treatment for common childhood blood cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sam 44-207-5942198Imperial College London@imperialspark A pilot study...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 212-404-3528NYU Langone Medical Center / New York University School...

Wild molecular interactions in a new hydrogen mixture

Facetless crystals that mimic starfish shells could advance 3-D-printing pills

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alex

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole Casal

Goncharovagoncharov@carnegiescience.eduCarnegie 734-647Institution@carnegiescience Washington, D.C.—... 7087University of Michigan@umich ANN ARBOR— In a design...

University of Tennessee study finds fish just wanna have fun

GAO takes on M edicare Advantage spending

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Whitney 865-974-5460University of Tennessee at Knoxville@UTKnoxville Fish just...

A Congressional committee has taken aim at waste in the popular Medicare Advantage health insurance program for seniors,...

The New Wedding Tradition That 55 Percent of Couples Do

Genetic and structural identification of an O-acyltransferase gene (oacC) responsible for the 3/4-O-acetylation on rhamnose III in Shigella flexneri serotype 6

It’s totally acceptable to ditch wedding traditions that feel outdated to you (like taking your husband’s last...

O-antigen (O-polysaccharide) of the lipopolysaccharide is a highly variable cell component of the outer membrane in Shigella...

Twenty-nine EPD convictions in September Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Twenty-nine convictions were recorded last month (September) for

UN to hear HKSAR report under CEDAW Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A nine-member team from Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR), acting as part of the...

breaches of legislation enforced...

Fraudulent website: Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...

Fraudulent website: Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...

Ebola outbreak: What you need to know now

US releases revised Ebola gear guidelines

CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage to the Ebola crisis. On radio, television and online, we’ll explore...

Federal health officials on Monday issued new guidelines to promote head-to-toe protection for health workers treating Ebola...

Researchers identify key factor in transition from moderate to problem drinking

Watch moment blind man sees again with bionic eye

A team of UC San Francisco researchers has found that a tiny segment of genetic material known as a microRNA plays a central...

He’s the seventh person in the United States to receive the visual aid since the device, known as the Argus II Retinal...

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UCSF researchers identify key factor in transition from moderate to problem drinking

Expert highlights research innovation and is optimistic about the future of IBS treatment

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Pete

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Samantha 415-5026397University of California – San Francisco@ucsf MicroRNA... 44-144-4811099Spink Health UEG Week presents new research...

Urgent-care clinics ill-equipped to treat Ebola

Ebola: Providing time to fight the virus

A new concern over the spread of Ebola surfaced recently when a Dallas County sheriff’s deputy who searched the apartment...

WASHINGTON (AP) — People who shared an apartment with the country’s first Ebola patient are emerging from quarantine...

Emotions Out Of Control? Try This Simple Breathing Trick

It’s time to fix the free trade bungle on the cost of medicines

The Skeptic’s Guide To Meditation (Infographic)

Ten years on from the Australia-US Free Trade

When ABC News anchor Dan Harris had a panic attack on live TV in 2004,...

Agreement, Australia is entering another round of negotiations towards the...

Diagnosis and staging of superficial esophageal precursor based on preendoscopic resection system comparable to endoscopic resection

Long-term persistence of Chikungunya virus neutralizing antibodies in human populations of North Eastern Thailand

Endoscopic treatments for early esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and the esophageal

in Thailand are unpredictable and separated by unexplained and often long...

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) outbreak recurrences

neoplasm are two types: endoscopic...

Differential expression of endogenous plant cell wall degrading enzyme genes in the stick insect (Phasmatodea) midgut Stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea) are an exclusively leaf-feeding order of insects with no record of omnivory, unlike...

Factors affecting the survival probability of becoming a centenarian for those aged 70, based on the human mortality database: income, health expenditure, telephone, and sanitation What are the factors that affect the survival probability of becoming a centenarian for those aged 70? Do the factors include...

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Pharmaceutical cost management in an ambulatory setting using a risk adjustment tool Pharmaceutical expenditure is undergoing very high growth, and accounts for 30% of overall healthcare expenditure in Spain....

VIDEO: Paralysed man walks after cell surgery This report contains scenes of surgery. A paralysed man has been able to walk again after a pioneering therapy that involved...

Ebola crisis: How Nigeria’s Dr Adadevoh fought the virus 20 October 2014 Last updated at 20:01 By Will Ross BBC News, Lagos Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires...

VIDEO: UK Ebola vaccine tests continue About 100 soldiers from the Royal Army Medical Corps are travelling to Sierra Leone as part of the UK’s efforts to...

NHS ‘to grind to halt’ with dementia

M ore UK medics travel to Ebola area

21 October 2014 Last updated at 06:58 Ministers acknowledge dementia is not being diagnosed fast

21 October 2014 Last updated at 06:35 The first British army medics arrived in Sierra Leone last

enough The NHS will “grind...

week About 100 soldiers...

ACG: Drug-induced liver injury mainly due to antimicrobials

Sustained benefit for parental tobacco control program

(HealthDay)—Idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is mainly caused by antimicrobials and

(HealthDay)—Practices that are part of a parental tobacco control intervention have higher rates of

herbal and dietary supplements...

delivering tobacco...

Should women take HRT before the menopause?

How too much light at night can make you ill

Recent survey found many menopausal women are struggling without HRT Some specialists say

By Pat Hagan Published: 18:17 EST, 20 October 2014 | Updated: 00:05 EST, 21 October 2014 28

they should take preventative action...

View comments Exposure...

12 Times You’d Rather Be Running

The Trait People With a Low BM I Have in Common

No matter how much you do or don’t love running, sometimes we all just want to lace up our running shoes and get the...

Can eating mini-meals and snacks throughout the day be the secret to maintaining a healthy weight? It’s something experts...

4 Tips for How to Create a Workout

Scientists discover new molecule from

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Habit—Even If You Have Zero Willpower In the early 1970s, scientists from Stanford

local herb with potential for drug development

University conducted an experiment since dubbed “The Marshmallow Test” on...

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) have discovered a new molecule which can join together chains...

M ajor step forward in understanding of viruses as scientists unlock exact structure of Hep A virus

Why Are The Great Lakes On The Rise?

Scientists have announced that for the first time, they have determined the precise atomic structure of the Hepatitis A virus....

other uses, prior permission required. AUDIE...

When Reassuring Isn’t: The Rush To Test Cruise Passenger For Ebola

M ining companies must dig deep in the fight against Ebola

i i The cruise ship Carnival Magic floats behind a catamaran off Cozumel, Mexico on Oct. 17. The ship...

The current outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa shows no signs of halting. More than 4,500 people have died and many thousands...

M editerranean, semi-arid ecosystems prove resistant to climate change

Once CD8 T cells take on one virus, they’ll fight others too

[ | E-mail ] Contact: George 212-742-9070American Friends of Tel Aviv University@AFTAUnews Tel

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 401-8631862Brown University@brownlifesci IMAGE: Once...

Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For


11 million will lose health insurance if ACA subsidies are eliminated, study finds

Two M ichigan high school students develop screening tools to detect lung and heart disease

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Warren 310-451-6913RAND Corporation@RANDCorporation Eliminating

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kristi 773-7509962American College of Chest

subsidies that...

Physicians@accpchest Sisters...

Even depressed people believe that life gets better

Troubled #hearts — in 140 Characters I joined Twitter in 2008, and I’ve always been

impressed by the diversity of this floating conversation. People will... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically! [ | E-mail ] Contact: Anna 202293-9300Association for Psychological Science@PsychScience Adults...

Valuable Ebola Lessons the US Can Learn From Nigeria

Watching movie sex and violence may desensitize parents: study

The Ebola virus continues to rage through West Africa, but a few countries in the region have managed to contain the outbreak....

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Parents may get so accustomed to seeing sex and violence in movies and television that...

White House halts funding on risky flu studies

Ebola-infected cameraman doing ‘quite well': Nebraska hospital

CHICAGO (Reuters) – The White House has temporarily stopped funding new research involving the flu and other pathogens...

(Reuters) – A U.S. freelance cameraman diagnosed with Ebola while working with NBC News in Liberia is doing “quite...

A randomized controlled trial on a multicomponent intervention for overweight school-aged children

The complete alk sequences of Rhodococcus erythropolis from Lake Baikal

Obesity amongst children is a growing problem

Rhodococci are bacteria able to degrade a wide

worldwide. In contrast to adults, little is known on the effects of controlled...

range of hydrocarbons, including the alkanes present in crude oil, due to...

UK’s second Stand Up to Cancer event raises over £14.5 million for vital research

Biological therapies get £10m boost from Cancer Research UK to offer patients more treatments

On Friday 17 October stars from TV, fashion, music, sport and film came together for Stand Up

Discovering and developing the next generation of biological based treatments are at the heart of

To Cancer, the joint national...

Cancer Research UK’s...

Downsizing: Taking on an uphill battle in my own backyard

‘Repeated exposure’ to movie sex, violence can desensitize parents: study

Have you ever sat back and thought about something you’d love to do — but then you

Parents who have “repeated exposure” to sex and violence in movies can become desensitized,

think, “God, there’s no way...

and more likely...

Ontario devotes $3 million to fight Ebola in Africa

‘A spectacular success story': WHO declares Nigeria free of Ebola

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Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says Ontario will

CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage

contribute $3 million to support the emergency response to the Ebola virus...

to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television and online, we’ll...

To walk again

Scans reveal cause of winter blues

21 October 2014 Last updated at 01:12 Article written by Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent More from Fergus Darek...

21 October 2014 Last updated at 02:21 Scientists say they have identified the underlying reason why some people are prone...

Living with smoker risks highlighted

M an walks again after transplant

21 October 2014 Last updated at 00:45 The researchers looked at data taken from four linked

21 October 2014 Last updated at 01:07 By Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent Before the treatment,

studies Non-smokers who live...

Mr Fidyka...

For infertility treatment, should he drink less coffee, more booze?

ACG: Yoga may benefit kids with inflammatory bowel disease

(HealthDay)—A man’s love of coffee could hamper the success of a couple’s infertility treatment, a

(HealthDay)—A formal yoga program may be beneficial for pediatric patients newly diagnosed

small new...

with inflammatory bowel disease...

Exposure to traffic pollution during pregnancy can damage future child’s lungs

Controlling Ebola in West Africa most effective way to decrease international risk

Women who are exposed to traffic pollution while

Controlling the Ebola virus outbreak at the source

pregnant are increasing the chances of damaging the lungs of their unborn...

in West Africa is the most effective way to decrease international risk...

ACG: Recent increase in incidence of young-onset CRC

Nigeria Is Free of Ebola, Health Agency Affirms

(HealthDay)—The incidence of young-onset

Log in to manage your products and services from

colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasing, and the disease is more aggressive pathologically....

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Donations for Ebola Relief Are Slow to Gain Speed

Global Health: Steroids Are No Boon to World’s Poorer Women

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New The New York Times and the International New York Times. ... York Times. ... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

What I Learned About M yself From Bandwagons I recognized I had a void in my life when I turned 25.

M arsha Blackburn Wishes Bill Frist, Who Disapproves Of Travel Ban, Were Ebola Czar

Even though I couldn’t understand why it was there, it felt...

WASHINGTON — Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-

Why You Should Be a Traveler in a New Land, Not a Tourist

These 11 Photos Capture The Strength Of Ebola Survivors

If you were to turn back time to a little more than a

The Ebola epidemic has claimed over 2,400 lives

year ago, you would find a 15-year old me, fully armed with an empty...

in Liberia alone, a harrowing number that accounts for more than half of...

Putting the Ebola Outbreak in Perspective (Video)

Dr.Oz-endorsed diet pill study was bogus, researchers admit

CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook on the facts about the outbreak in West

A diet study about the supposed benefits of green coffee bean extract, which got national attention

Africa, and how to deal with...

after Dr. Oz promoted...

CDC releases new Ebola guidelines

Gonzalo: First hand account in Bermuda, next stop: The United Kingdom

ATLANTA – Health officials released new guidelines Monday for how health workers should gear up to treat Ebola patients. The...

Tenn.) has taken to the airwaves in recent days with sharp criticism of Ron Klain,...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard Hurricane Gonzalo departed...

The quick life and death of Tropical Storm Trudy

NASA’s Terra Satellite sees Tropical Storm Ana over Hawaii

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: A GOES-West...

Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard VIDEO: This video...

Fires in the Egypt River Delta

Findings point to an ‘off switch’ for drug resistance in cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Salk PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: This NASA satellite...

Communicationspress@salk.eduSalk Institute@salkinstitute Salk research indicates a potential...

Pharmaceuticals and the water-fishosprey food web

Brain bank in Halifax opens its doors to researchers worldwide

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jen 850-469-150-0109Society of Environmental

Many scientists worldwide who need donated human brains for their research on Alzheimer’s

Toxicology and Chemistry@setac_world IMAGE: ...

and other neurodegenerative diseases...

No new medical personnel to West Africa’s Ebola outbreak for now, health minister says

VIDEO: Surfing to fight depression

CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television and online, we’ll...

ago on Bondi Beach. Every...

Study shows no relationship between moderate adolescent cannabis use and exam results, IQ

Researchers confirm the biochemical cause of seasonal depression

A large UK study has found that occasional adolescent cannabis use does not lead to poorer educational and intellectual performance,...

Enterovirus infection linked to incidence of T1DM in children

Grant Trebilco and his friend Sam Schumacher started One Wave Is All It Takes just over a year

New research confirms why some people suffer from the winter blues while others get through the winter without any problems....

(HealthDay)—The risk of type 1 diabetes is

Paralyzed man recovers some function following transplantation of OECs and nerve bridge

increased for children diagnosed with enterovirus infection, according to a...

Treating patients with a complete spinal cord injury (SCI), the condition in which no motor or sensory function is preserved...

Profiles in Science: The M alaria Fighter Log in to manage your products and services from

Reactions: Patient Records, O.C.D. Burdens, Teenagers Interrogated

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

‘You Sat In The Splash Zone': The

A Venusian M ystery Explored Once

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M essy Truth About Breast-Feeding

M ore

Breast-feeding advocates (and I count myself in their number) are eager to evangelize. We promote

Photo Credit goes to NASA. Venera 13 Russian Probe, offering some of the only color photos on

the image of a serene...

the surface of Venus. Fun fact:...

Ebola: WHO under fire over response to epidemic

AUDIO: Increase in liver disease deaths

20 October 2014 Last updated at 14:02 By Imogen Foulkes BBC News, Geneva The WHO has set up

liver disease has been triggered by an increase in alcohol consumption,...

A startling jump in the number of people dying of

health centres...

M ouse model provides new insight in to preeclampsia

Ebola: Five questions about the killer virus

Worldwide, preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal deaths and preterm births. This serious

The highly contagious Ebola virus, which has killed more than 4,500 people in west Africa since

pregnancy complication results...

December and has fueled global...

For inmates, pricey hepatitis C drug could make financial sense

New research software automates DNA analysis

New, significantly improved hepatitis C drugs have revolutionized how the disease is treated, but they

At the core of medical research is problem-solving, which is exactly what two PhD scientists did when

are also expensive....

they set out to eliminate...

Books: A Frightening Diagnosis Is Only Start of the Story in ‘Not Fade Away’ and ‘Now I See You’

Girl Who Was Called ‘Ugly’ After Donating Hair To Cancer Patients, Gets M ajor Support From Internet

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

A few snips at the hair salon turned Jetta Fosberg’s selfless act into a school nightmare. After the 10year-old Ohio...

Sexualized Culture Is Creating M ental Health Issues in Our Youth

A Lung Cancer Story

In 2008, the American Psychological Association released a report called The Sexualization of Girls. They made a case that...

Why Some People Just Can’t Say No

I still remember the day I met Michael. I had just returned from overseas to work in my law firm’s New York office...

Are You a Hero?

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The Brain Wants What the Brain Wants You’re sitting in a nice restaurant with your family. You’ve

The Science of Happiness, a UC Berkley edX distance learning opportunity in which

eaten your...

approximately 100,000 people around the...

Ebola quarantine ends, Duncan’s family seeks normalcy

New tracers can identify frac fluids in the environment

DALLAS – The people closest to Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan are trying to resume their

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cheryl 703-292-7734National Science Foundation@NSF

lives now that they have...

Scientists develop new geochemical...

Supercomputers link proteins to drug side effects

Stress-related inflammation may increase risk for depression

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ken 925423-7602DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory@Livermore_Lab LIVERMORE,...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Elizabeth 212-2419200The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine@mountsinainyc Preexisting...

Built-in billboards: M ale bluefin killifish signal different things with different fins

Patients who have left breast tumors have comparable OS to those with right breast tumors

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana 217-333-5802University of Illinois at Urbana-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle 703-286-1600American

Champaign@illinois_alma IMAGE: ...

Society for Radiation Oncology@ASTRO_org Study...

EU says ‘increased’ effort needed to tackle Ebola

Children who drink non-cow’s milk are twice as likely to have low vitamin D

European Union foreign ministers agreed Monday

Children who drink non-cow’s milk such as rice,

to step up efforts to contain Ebola to prevent it becoming a global threat,...

almond, soy or goat’s milk, have lower levels of vitamin D in...

As US economy worsened, vasectomy rates rose, study finds

Cam’ron Is Selling The ‘Fashionable’ Ebola M ask You Never Asked For

(HealthDay)—During the recent “Great Recession,” worries about the cost of raising children in an

Cam’ron’s response to the devastating outbreak of Ebola in West Africa? A new line of gimmicky Ebola


masks. “Ebola...

Why It’s Harder Than Ever For Women

The Power of M etaphorical Thinking

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Not To Obsess Over Their Appearances

I made very little noise as I entered my quiet home

We’re bombarded on a daily basis with images of ideal beauty. These images show up so often in our daily lives that...

at 11:30 p.m. My adult son lives there, attending college full time to...

M eredith Vieira Shows Her M ammogram Appointment On Air

Discovering the ‘Just Say Yes’ Approach to Daily Living

Meredith Vieira showed viewers the importance of getting a yearly mammogram by broadcasting her very own appointment in a...

“Just say yes, just say there’s nothing holding you back It’s not a test, nor a trick of the mind Only...

Viagra: Not just for the bedroom anymore?

Siblings of children with autism can show signs at 18 months

We’ve all heard of Viagra, the little blue pill that helps increase blood flow to a certain male body part. But, many...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen N. 203-432-1326Yale University@yale About 20% of younger siblings...

Obesity link to increased risk for orthopedic conditions and surgical complications

Positive subliminal messages on aging improve physical functioning in elderly

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kayee 847-3844035American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons@aaos1 ROSEMONT, Ill.—Obesity...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: 203-737-5151Yale University@yale Nobelist’s...

Top Allergan holder Paulson urges deal with Shire: sources

WHO chief promises transparency on Ebola failures

By Olivia Oran (Reuters) – Allergan Inc shareholder

GAMMARTH, Tunisia (AP) — The head of the World

Paulson Co is urging the Botox maker to merge with...

Health Organization says the agency will be upfront about its handling of...

M arathoner Covers 52 M iles to Run It Backward, Too!

U.S. Ebola ‘czar’ will not attend House hearing on Friday

Ryan Chukuske never imagined eight years ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White House has

that he would run a marathon, let alone one twice in one day. But the Minnesota...

informed a U.S. House of Representatives Committee that the newly appointed...

M arathoner Covers 52.4 M iles to Run It

M icrosoft to provide cloud, tools for

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Backward, Too!

tackling Ebola

Ryan Chukuske never imagined eight years ago that he would run a marathon, let alone one twice

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp will provide cloud-computing and research

in one day. But the Minnesota...

applications to medical researchers...

M others’ stress during 1998 ice storm shows up in children’s DNA, study says

This small brain bank has opened its doors to researchers worldwide

File photo of the aftermath of an ice storm. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) Just how bad was an epic 1998

When scientists worldwide need donated human brains for their research on Alzheimer’s and other

ice storm in Canada? You...

neurodegenerative diseases,...

Canada’s health minister, officials give an update on Ebola response

VIDEO: Professors on Ebola threat to UK

CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television

Experts advise there is no significant danger of an Ebola outbreak in western countries, but that more

and online, we’ll...

help is needed in...

VIDEO: Ebola survivors’ blood ‘saving lives’

AUDIO: Nursing morale at ‘heartbreaking’ low

William Pooley, the British nurse who successfully recovered from the Ebola virus, has returned to

A ward sister, involved in nursing for nearly 30 years, claims “heartbreaking” levels of low morale

work in West Africa. Subsequent...

are driving...

Jones dismisses health inquiry call

NHS radiographers strike over pay

20 October 2014 Last updated at 16:42 Carwyn Jones says problems in the Welsh NHS are being

20 October 2014 Last updated at 15:43 Staff joined picket lines outside hospitals across the UK,

addressed The first minister...

including in Middlesbrough Radiographers...

Circumcision past newborn stage poses risk for boys, study finds

‘Desensitized’ parents let kids watch more movie violence, sex

(HealthDay)—Circumcision is typically done in the first days or weeks of life, but about 6 percent of

(HealthDay)—When parents become desensitized to violence and sex in movies, they may also

U.S. boys have the...

become more lax about their children’s...

Ebola or not? Rapid test for the virus not here yet

Secrets of dinosaur ecology found in fragile amber

(HealthDay)—”Diagnosing Ebola is very different

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christa Stratton 778-331-

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from treating Ebola.” That assessment, by Dr.

7625Geological Society of America@geosociety

Daniel Varga,...

Boulder, CO, USA — Ryan McKellar’s...

Shopping for an egg donor: Is beauty, brains, or health most important?

Heavy metal frost? A new look at a Venusian mystery

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn 914-740-2100Mary

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christa 778-331-

Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News@LiebertOnline IMAGE: ...

7625Geological Society of America@geosociety Boulder,...

Design of micro and nanoparticles to improve treatments for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

VIDEO: The Internet sleeps — in some parts of the world

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matxalen 213-740-9226University of Southern California@USC Scientists track... 34-688-673770University of the Basque Country @upvehu At the...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert

Soccer-South African minister rules out Nations Cup hosting

U.S. Ebola czar invited to testify at House hearing on Friday

CAPE TOWN (Reuters) – South Africa will not step in as emergency hosts of the African Nations Cup if Morocco pulls...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. House of Representatives oversight committee has invited Ron Klain, President Barack...

Uruguay’s roll-out of marijuana experiment faces election risk

Video of woman giving birth outside Egyptian hospital triggers outcry

By Malena Castaldi MONTEVIDEO (Reuters) –

CAIRO (Reuters) – An Egyptian hospital director

Uruguay is struggling to roll out the commercial production...

was suspended on Monday after a video purporting to show a woman giving...

Nigeria declared Ebola-free in ‘spectacular success’

Grandmother dies after receiving wrong prescription

Abuja (AFP) – Nigeria was declared Ebola-free on

Her son Lee, 41, said: “We were told it was not in

Monday in a “spectacular success” in the battle to contain...

the public interest to prosecute, but how can people be allowed to...

Thinner on M onday: Keep Off Weekend Weight

Are E-Cigarettes A Public Health Hazard Or The Key To Quitting Smoking?

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You’re only human if, halfway through a workweek,

By Elizabeth Palermo, Staff Writer Published:

you’ve already begun a countdown to the weekend. What’s...

10/16/2014 11:27 AM EDT on LiveScience Scientific studies showing that electronic...

Are E-Cigarettes A Public Health Hazard Or The Key To Quitting Smoking?

‘Wild’ Author Cheryl Strayed On The Right Way To See Your Fear (VIDEO)

By Elizabeth Palermo, Staff Writer Published:

Following the death of her mother and a crumbling

10/16/2014 11:27 AM EDT on LiveScience Scientific studies showing that electronic...

marriage, Wild author Cheryl Strayed thought she had lost everything. With...

Why Are Black Women Dying of Breast Cancer, Even Though M ore White Women Are Diagnosed?

Why Are Black Women Dying of Breast Cancer, Even Though M ore White Women Are Diagnosed?

Statistically, black women are more likely to die of breast cancer than white women, even though

Statistically, black women are more likely to die of breast cancer than white women, even though

more white women are diagnosed...

more white women are diagnosed...

The Two Hardest Lessons I Learned From Oprah This Weekend

The Two Hardest Lessons I Learned From Oprah This Weekend

Image Credit: RYAN MCGUIRE via Gratisography I was born and raised in Singapore. As a Chinese

Image Credit: RYAN MCGUIRE via Gratisography I was born and raised in Singapore. As a Chinese

woman, I was raised to hold...

woman, I was raised to hold...

Seth Rogen Gets Serious To Fight ‘Ridiculously Underfunded’ Alzheimer’s Disease

NHS radiographers on strike over pay

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Seth Rogen let out a loud laugh when asked what he had done with Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader...

UK, including in Middlesbrough Radiographers...

Liver deaths rise linked to alcohol

M um’s health plays greater part in premmie babies

20 October 2014 Last updated at 12:28 Britain’s drinking culture has sparked a “worrying” rise in

20 October 2014 Last updated at 10:15 Staff have joined picket lines outside hospitals across the


An international study on premature babies has found medical conditions such as chronic hypertension and pre-eclampsia play...

New research means 360 million more people in India can be tested for autism

3-D printed facial prosthesis offers new hope for eye cancer patients following

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A research project by the University of Reading could lead to more people in India receiving earlier diagnosis and treatment...


M ales with IBS report more social stress than females, study finds

In U.S., Fear of Ebola Closes Schools and Shapes Politics

One of the few studies to examine gender

Log in to manage your products and services from

differences among patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has found that males...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

How To Wake Up On The Right Side Of The Bed

Fear — Let’s Face It!

The transition from a warm, dreamy bed to cold,

something is wrong. When I turn my attention to it, I go through my list: the...

hard reality can be a difficult one to make. No, it’s not always easy...

Researchers have developed a fast and inexpensive way to make facial prostheses for eye cancer patients using facial scanning...

Oftentimes, I have this uncanny feeling that

The Strength Behind People With M ental Illness

American doctor shares experience fighting Ebola

There’s a very uninformed, ongoing stigma that

October 20, 2014, 7:33 AM|Dr. Nahid Bhadelia has

mental illness is some sort of weakness. There’s an equally uninformed...

returned from caring for patients in West Africa to train other doctors,...

​Pentagon, CDC step up their responses to Ebola

Smog hinders runners at Beijing M arathon

The Pentagon says specialized training for a new, 30-member U.S. military Ebola response team will

October 20, 2014, 7:51 AM|Nearly 30,000 runners braved thick smog to compete in Beijing’s 34th

take place at Fort Sam...

annual international...

M ales with IBS report more social stress than females, UB study finds

Something in the way we move

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ellen 716-645- 613-5332877Queen’s University Queen’s researcher Nikolaus...

4605University at Buffalo@UBNewsSource Importance of gender-based...

Rapid agent restores pleasure-seeking ahead of other antidepressant action

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne

Fairness is in the brain

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jules 301-4434536NIH/National Institute of Mental

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alexander 47-93630179The University of Bergen@UiB IMAGE: This...

Health@nimhgov Depression...

Goldilocks principle wrong for particle assembly: Too hot and too cold is just right

When to count the damage?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: James 212-998-6808New York University@nyuniversity IMAGE: Microscopic...

814-049Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Economic...

Zambian president goes abroad for medical check-up

Traumatic brain injury causes selective, CD74-dependent peripheral lymphocyte activation that exacerbates neurodegeneration

LUSAKA (Reuters) – Zambian President Michael Sata has left for a medical check-up abroad at an undisclosed destination,...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Maria Jesus 34-935-

IntroductionTraumatic brain injury (TBI), a significant cause of death and disability, causes, as in any injury, an acute,...

The influence of iron on the proteomic profile of Chomobacterium violaceum

Unemployment and underemployment statistics for July

Chromobacterium violaceum is a bacterium commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – According to the latest labour force statistics (provisional figures for July –

and is associated with important...


SIRT3 and SIRT4 are mitochondrial tumor suppressor proteins that connect mitochondrial metabolism and carcinogenesis

Health Surveillance Questionnaire launched at airport

It is a well-established scientific observation that

disease (EVD), a spokesman...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In view of the latest situation regarding overseas outbreaks of Ebola virus

mammalian cells contain fidelity proteins that appear to protect against...

Could Ebola rank among the deadliest communicable diseases?

VIDEO: Nigeria’s ‘hero doctor’ who spotted Ebola

CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage

The World Health Organisation is expected to

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to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television and online, we’ll...

declare Nigeria free from Ebola on Monday. It has been six weeks since the last...

Nigeria declared free of Ebola

Earlier unknown molecular-level mechanism may contribute to the growth rate of breast cancer

20 October 2014 Last updated at 11:50 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Son of Nigeria’s...

Researchers at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, the University of Turku and the University of Oslo have discovered...

Nigeria officially Ebola free, World Health Organization reports

Exercise could help predict susceptibility to chronic pain

The World Health Organization on Monday declared

()—Scientists know that exercise helps the body

Nigeria officially Ebola-free, after 42 days—or two incubation periods—without...

tolerate pain. But some feel more benefits than others. That same variable...

EU tackles Ebola response

This Woman’s Powerful Video Shows Just How Terrifying Life With Narcolepsy Can Be

European Union foreign ministers thrashed out measures to help halt Ebola’s deadly spread on Monday, as Nigeria—Africa’s...

Frustrated by just how difficult it was to explain her condition to others, a young woman decided to post a video on YouTube...

Low vitamin D levels linked to poor brain function after sudden cardiac arrest

Low vitamin D levels linked to poor brain function after sudden cardiac arrest

Lack of vitamin D also increases mortality Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of poor brain function after sudden cardiac...

Lack of vitamin D also increases mortality Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of poor brain function after sudden cardiac...

Children infected with enterovirus more likely to have type 1 diabetes

Children infected with enterovirus more likely to have type 1 diabetes

A new study published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows that children...

A new study published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows that children...

Excess consumption of common pain relievers poses significant health risks

Excess consumption of common pain relievers poses significant health risks

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to Australians

to Australians

On the final day of Be Medicinewise Week 2014,

On the final day of Be Medicinewise Week 2014,

NPS MedicineWise is reminding people that excess consumption of common pain...

NPS MedicineWise is reminding people that excess consumption of common pain...

Daily M ail investigation reveals meltdown in Labour-run Welsh NHS

New preclinical imaging product line launched by M ILabs at the 2014 Annual European Association of Nuclear M edicine M eeting

Daily Mail has uncovered appalling cases of patients dying on waiting lists While some have been forced to move to England...

MILabs BV has launched a complete new preclinical product line at the 2014 Annual European Association of Nuclear Medicine...

A pint of beer a day ‘can double men’s fertility’

A pint of beer a day ‘can double men’s fertility’

Researchers from Boston studied 105 men whose wives were having IVF Biggest drinkers had far

Researchers from Boston studied 105 men whose wives were having IVF Biggest drinkers had far

better chance of conceiving...

better chance of conceiving...

A reference bacterial genome dataset generated on the M inION(TM ) portable single-molecule nanopore sequencer

A reference bacterial genome dataset generated on the M inION(TM ) portable single-molecule nanopore sequencer

The MinIONTM is a new, portable single-molecule

The MinIONTM is a new, portable single-molecule

sequencer developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies.It measures four inches...

sequencer developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies.It measures four inches...

When the average age of death was zero

When the average age of death was zero

20 October 2014 Last updated at 03:03 Small Data

20 October 2014 Last updated at 03:03 Small Data

Curious numbers in the news In 1964, the “mode age”...

Curious numbers in the news In 1964, the “mode age”...

VIDEO: Nigeria’s hero doctor who spotted Ebola

VIDEO: Nigeria’s hero doctor who spotted Ebola

The World Health Organisation is expected to

The World Health Organisation is expected to

declare Nigeria free from Ebola on Monday. It has been six weeks since the last...

declare Nigeria free from Ebola on Monday. It has been six weeks since the last...

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Nine hospitals hit by scan strike

Nine hospitals hit by scan strike

20 October 2014 Last updated at 07:09 Scan and xray appointments have been rearranged Over 400 scans and x-rays have been...

20 October 2014 Last updated at 07:09 Scan and xray appointments have been rearranged Over 400 scans and x-rays have been...

Nigeria to be declared Ebola-free

Nigeria to be declared Ebola-free

20 October 2014 Last updated at 08:19 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

20 October 2014 Last updated at 08:19 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

Son of Nigeria’s...

Son of Nigeria’s...

Esophageal tissue can be grown in vivo from human and mouse cells, say researchers

M M P-3 disrupts brain/spinal cord barrier, promotes hemorrhage

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Esophageal tissue can be grown in vivo from human and mouse cells, say researchers ...

People with severe mental illness use YouTube to provide, receive peer support People with severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder use a popular social...

Infographic: how UK health spending compares to other countries The Conversation is funded by the following universities: Aberdeen, Bath Spa, Birmingham, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Brunel,...

Findings suggest MMP-3 disrupts blood-spinal cord barrier and promotes hemorrhage, according to study published in The American...

Depression, anxiety after M I more common in women than men Women are more likely to develop anxiety and depression after a heart attack (myocardial infarction; MI) than men, according...

Clinical usefulness of lipid ratios, visceral adiposity indicators, and the triglycerides and glucose index as risk markers of insulin resistance To directly compare traditional lipid ratios (total cholesterol [TC]/high density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-C], non-HDL-C/HDL-C,...

Canine visceral leishmaniasis in an urban setting of southeastern Brazil: An ecological study involving spatial analysis.

Hepatic toxicology following single and multiple exposure of engineered nanomaterials utilising a novel primary human 3D liver microtissue model

The physical characteristics of the environment

The liver has a crucial role in metabolic

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influence the composition, distribution and behavior of the vectors and mammalian...

homeostasis as well as being the principal detoxification centre of the body, removing...

Traditional British sweet shop opens in Central

LRC releases report on adverse possession

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe, a traditional purveyor of British confectionery, announced today (October...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Law Reform Commission: The Law Reform Commission (LRC)...

Cannabis use during adolescence: an interview with Dr Edmund Silins

Cannabis use during adolescence: an interview with Dr Edmund Silins

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) Dr. Edmund SilinsTHOUGHT LEADERS SERIES…insight from...

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) Dr. Edmund SilinsTHOUGHT LEADERS SERIES…insight from...

Health Check: what to eat and avoid during pregnancy

Health Check: what to eat and avoid during pregnancy

As soon as women announce “I’m having a baby!”,

As soon as women announce “I’m having a baby!”,

the congratulations are quickly followed by long lists of dos and don’ts...

the congratulations are quickly followed by long lists of dos and don’ts...

Police strongly condemn adults bringing children to unlawful assembly

Police strongly condemn adults bringing children to unlawful assembly

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Regarding the unlawful

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Regarding the unlawful

assembly being held in illegally occupied area in Mong Kok yesterday (October...

assembly being held in illegally occupied area in Mong Kok yesterday (October...

Appointments to M useum Advisory Panels

Appointments to M useum Advisory Panels

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Home Affairs Bureau

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Home Affairs Bureau

announced today (October 20) appointments to three Museum Advisory Panels,...

announced today (October 20) appointments to three Museum Advisory Panels,...

Untested drugs bill a step closer

Untested drugs bill a step closer

20 October 2014 Last updated at 05:08 Conservative peer Lord Saatchi has proposed the Bill A new law that would allow terminally-ill...

20 October 2014 Last updated at 05:08 Conservative peer Lord Saatchi has proposed the Bill A new law that would allow terminally-ill...

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Suspected UK Ebola patient arrives at Lewisham hospital Source claims Lewisham hospital response to case was ‘farcical‘ Man was admitted despite plans to send Ebola...

Do neighborhood demographics, crime rates, and alcohol outlet density predict incidence, severity, and outcome of hospitalization for traumatic injury? A cross-sectional study of Dallas County, Texas, 2010 Unintentional injury leads all other causes of death for those 1 to 45Â years old. The expense of medical care for injured...

Is chronic inhibition of phosphodiesterase type 5 cardioprotective and safe? A metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials The myocardial effects of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i) have recently received

M y Sleeping Beauty syndrome nightmare 20 October 2014 Last updated at 00:54 By Bronwyn Jones BBC News Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires...

consideration in several preclinical...

Ebola Is Ruled Out After Cruise Ship Carrying Hospital Worker Returns to Texas Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Fear of Ebola Closes Schools and Shapes Politics Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Could symptoms of autism be improved by eating broccoli?

Dozens Declared Free of Ebola Risk in Texas Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Reporter’s Notebook: In Homeland, Liberia Native Finds Resilience Amid Horror Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Sulforaphane is a chemical made when we eat

Now NHS staff threaten a winter of walkouts: Surgery, scans and 999 service hit as health workers strike

broccoli, cabbage and sprouts Chemical – which gives broccoli its bitter...

Industrial action yesterday was first NHS strike over pay in 32 years Unions called mass walkout after

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Government failed...

Heart risk for the women who live near busy roads: Air pollution increases chance of dying by up to 38% Study analysed more than 100,000 women with average age of 60 Heart attack risk increased by 6% every 100m closer to roadway...

KPIs for your life Anyone who’s worked in a big organisation will know about KPIs – key performance indicators. Numbers to measure how the...

Half of patients failed by NHS never hear the word ‘sorry’ Findings revealed by official complaints watchdog Healthwatch England Report claims up to 250,000 incidents of poor care...

Diagnosing external ventricular drainrelated ventriculitis by means of local inflammatory response: soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 IntroductionExternal ventricular drainage (EVD)related ventriculitis is one of the most severe complications associated...

Temporal-spatial patterns of intestinal parasites of the Hooded Crane (Grus monacha) wintering in lakes of the middle and lower Yangtze River floodplain Parasites have adverse effects on the life and survival of many migratory waterbirds, especially

The effect of goal-directed therapy on mortality in patients with sepsis – earlier is better: a meta IntroductionThe Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines recommend goal-directed therapy (GDT) for the early resuscitation of...

birds on the endangered...

Exoskeleton enables paralyzed groom to walk down the aisle

Concern over new mums’ mental health

Matt Ficarra has been paralyzed from the chest down since an accident three years ago, but that

Depression, anxiety and psychoses such as bipolar disorder are all a risk for pregnant...

20 October 2014 Last updated at 00:06

didn’t stop him from...

Clinics see 300% rise in women seeking fat transfer to emulate curvy silhouettes

Women’s memories of childbirth are shaped around the WORST pain they felt, over length of labour

324% increase in fat transfer enquiries Involves

A woman’s memory of giving birth is shaped by

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transferring unwanted fat to breast and buttocks Women want to emulate...

different factors Women remember the peak point of their pain and the...

Frozen poo capsules ‘help cure hospital superbug Clostridium difficule (C. Difficile)

Don’t throw out cold pasta

Introducing ‘normal’ gut bacteria from healthy

increase its...

When starch in pasta is digested, it’s turned into sugar very quickly But cooking it then cooling it may

donors’ excrement helps ‘rebalance’ a C. difficile...

Two cups of coffee a day can harm fertility The research found that men who drank at least 22g of alcohol per day, or three units, were more

Who Says Financial Abuse Has to Be Romantic? 10 Signs You’re in a Financially-Abusive Relationship With Friends and Family

than twice as likely to...

We’ve learned that domestic violence victims typically stay in abusive relationships for two reasons: fear and finances....

Our Homes, Ourselves and Creating the Perfect Stress-Free Environment

Dallas Ebola Victims’ Families Speak Out

Our homes can serve as a utopia for our often busy

DALLAS, TX – OCTOBER 15: The Texas Health

and action-packed lifestyles. Home is a reflection of what’s important...

Presbyterian Hospital, where health care workers Amber Vinson and Nina Pham...

Change Is Hard, So Start Small

M etabolic genetics research paves way to treating diabetes and obesity

Any change is hard. I know this because as I visit with my clients I learn most of them actually do know what healthy eating...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nalini 301-6347346American Society of Human Genetics@GeneticsSociety Findings...

Group B streptococcus incidence rises significantly among newborns [ | E-mail ] Contact: Caroline Broganc.brogan@lancet.comThe

‘UK could see 10 Ebola cases by Christmas’ warns Jeremy Hunt as Heathrow airport screening starts

Lancet@TheLancet The findings suggest that this disturbing trend...

Passengers to be checked for virus on arrival into Heathrow from today Gatwick and Eurostar passengers will be screened later...

How many years is drinking, drugs and

Aluminium could be poisoning our

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smoking shaving off YOUR life? New website has calculated the cost of an

brains and causing Alzheimer’s, professor claims

addiction in years and hours Smoking a pack of 20 cigarettes a day cuts ten years...

Professor Chris Exley argues aluminium posioning

A hi-tech hospital mattress gave M ike Wilcock third-degree burns

M ore than revenge: when intimate images are posted online


“Revenge porn”. It’s when a partner or ex-partner

from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, suffered third-degree burns Mattress designed...

posts nude or intimate pictures or videos online and without consent....

CDC To Revise Ebola Protocol

How Acknowledging M y OCD Saved M e From It

WASHINGTON (AP) — Revised guidance for health

could cause Alzheimer’s Aluminium builds up in the brain until the...

care workers treating Ebola patients will include using protective gear “with...

Like many people, my descent into mental

Why Runners Can’t Stop Talking About Themselves

Don’t Be Dense: Put Your Breasts on Your To-Do List

Enough already! Has your Twitter feed been flooded with #tcsnycmarathon news? Have your

The new Working Mother Research Institute survey, “Diagnosis Anxiety: The Working Mother Breast

Facebook and Instagram accounts been...

Screening Report,”...

How to Become an Expert in the Field of Possibility

People who feel ugly ‘increase their risk of skin cancer': Those with low body confidence are more likely to sunbathe and avoid sunscreen

If you’re going to think thoughts you might as well think big ones. First off, it’s free. Second, it feels

instability wasn’t swift or sudden or even necessarily obvious. It was slow,...


Men and women unhappy with their looks are at greater risk of skin cancer People who with low body confidence more likely...

Ebola virus screening at Heathrow airport blasted ‘a complete joke’

Dr Hilary Jones strips for breast cancer examination on ITV’s Lorraine

Travellers arriving at Heathrow from West Africa walked through unchecked Government said the screening is needed ‘to...

Speaking on ITV’s Lorraine, Dr Hilary Jones explained a monthly examination should take several minutes – not...

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Lord Winston warns risk of Ebola spreading could dramatically increase if airborne

Drew Barrymore Feels M ost Beautiful When She’s Doing THIS for Her Husband (and It’s Not What You Think)

Disease is currently passed through bodily contact

Well, this just might be the most adorable thing

or fluids such as blood But Lord Winston asks Government how closely they...

Drew Barrymore has ever said (and that’s impressive, considering...

6 Times You Shouldn’t Strive for Perfection

Experimental Ebola vaccine expected in Geneva Tuesday: hospital

There are many times in life when striving for

Canada will start sending more than 1,000 doses

perfection is a good thing: When you’re operating a vehicle, for instance,...

of an experimental Ebola vaccine to Switzerland this week as part of the...

UK M inister Denies His "Economic Girlie-M an" Insult Is Sexist

Gamblers Get Less of a Buzz From Pleasure, Study Finds

Australia’s finance minister, Mathias Cormann, has

Getty Images New research presented at the

denied making any gender-specific insult in labelling the opposition...

European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress in Berlin sheds light on...

M ilitary M edical Team To Help Combat Ebola In The U.S.

Selfless Acts in Health Care

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Chuck

and discussed so much in the past few days, it has become part of our vocabulary....

Hagel has ordered the military to prepare and train a 30-member medical support...

The Gift That Should Have Killed M e “24 years. 364 days. Today. Just for today.” That was one of my first thoughts upon awakening this morning. You...

Quarantine. The word has been said and written

Diabetes and M y Personal Experience With Obtaining Health Care Coverage Through Obamacare Well… here I go. My job is ending, and I need health insurance coverage with a pre-existing condition (Type 1 diabetes)....

Sometimes I Forget I’ve Been Diagnosed With Depression

Improved electricity access has little impact on climate change

I consider myself a pretty happy, content person. Life is usually good. I have a loving family,

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katherine 43-223-680-

incredible friends and attend...

7316International Institute for Applied Systems...

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Crystallizing the DNA nanotechnology dream [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kat J.

World Health Organisation warns there could be 10,000 new cases of Ebola every week for next two months

617-432-8266Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired...

WHO assistant director-general gave the figure during a news conference He said if response to crisis isn’t stepped...

Shelby M agnani gives birth to TWINS after going to doctor over stomachache

Devon pensioner told she had dementia later told there is NOTHING wrong

Shelby Magnani went to the hospital with a

Winnie Hill, 88, was distraught after doctors told

stomach-ache on Thursday and hours later was giving birth in a hospital to rare...

her she had Alzhiemer’s Family were advised she would need round-the-clock...

Could stem cell jab help elderly blind see again?

Our Skulls M ight Have Evolved To Withstand Blows To The Face

Elderly people who received treatment had their

i i Rocky Juarez of the U.S. gets punched in the face

vision improved, study says Children who suffer from common form of blindness...

in July 2010 by Jorge Linares of Venezuela during...

SHA lauds Hong Kong athletes on winning eight Asian Para Games medals

Ebola nurse Pooley back in Africa

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Home

Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website William Pooley,...

Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, cheered the outstanding performance of the Hong...

19 October 2014 Last updated at 16:19 By James

Lab-developed intestinal organoids form mature human tissue in mice

New insight that ‘mega’ cells control the growth of blood-producing cells

Researchers have successfully transplanted

While megakaryocytes are best known for

“organoids” of functioning human intestinal tissue grown from pluripotent...

producing platelets that heal wounds, these “mega” cells found in bone...

M any older people have mutations linked to leukemia, lymphoma in their blood cells

Eating M editerranean diet with olive oil ‘can reverse heart disease’ Study of people who ate fresh fruit, vegetables and

fish with added olive oil A low-fat diet did not have At least 2 percent of people over age 40 and 5 same positive effect... percent of people over 70 have mutations linked to PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

leukemia and lymphoma in...

Ibuprofen can make your lungs younger and could help fight Tuberculosis

BBC to ban some guests from Ebola-hit countries from entering buildings

Researchers found lungs become more inflammatory with age Ibuprofen can lower that

Fiona Bruce says it is ‘not unreasonable’ for staff to be worried about Ebola Broadcaster said make-up

inflammation Old mice on ibuprofen were...


Scoliosis sufferer Ayesha Jones turned model QUITS as ‘beauty comes from within’

CE congratulates athletes on winning gold medals?in Incheon Asian Para Games for Hong Kong

Ayesha Jones, 24, suffers from scoliosis -which makes her spine curved At age 13 doctors advised a risky operation to put...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, extended congratulations to Hong Kong athletes Chan Yui-chong...

For many journalists Ebola’s invisible threat scarier than war

Father of woman’s children may determine her risk of rheumatoid arthritis: study

You can’t see shells falling, guns pointed or identify the bad guys: for many journalists the invisible threat of Ebola...

Liberian Leader Warns Ebola Risks Causing A ‘Lost Generation’ DAKAR, Oct 19 (Reuters) – The Ebola outbreak in West Africa risks unleashing an economic catastrophe that will leave...

Rheumatoid arthritis affects 580,000 people in England and Wales. Women are three times more likely to develop the condition...

U.S. Hospitals Brace For Ebola Panic NEW YORK, Oct 19 (Reuters) – A young woman complaining of abdominal pain and nausea who had traveled to Africa arrived...

Texas Lab Worker Tests Negative For Ebola After Cruise In Isolation

​Ebola: Should we be worried?

GALVESTON, Texas, Oct 19 (Reuters) – A Dallas

When you discover that stores around the country report selling out...

hospital lab worker who spent much of a cruise holiday in isolation after...

How do you know we’ve got Ebola on our minds?

Putting the Ebola outbreak in perspective

Spain gives US go-ahead to use bases against Ebola

October 19, 2014, 9:32 AM|CBS News senior

MADRID (AP) — Spain has agreed to allow the U.S.

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medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook on the facts about the outbreak in West Africa,...

to use two military bases in the southwest of the country to support its...

Fauci: Ebola protocols to call for no skin showing

Texas lab worker on cruise tests negative for Ebola

WASHINGTON (AP) — Revised guidance for health

GALVESTON Texas (Reuters) – A Dallas hospital

care workers treating Ebola patients will include using protective gear “with...

lab worker who spent much of a cruise holiday in isolation after possible...

Cruise ship docks with Ebola-watched health worker

Texas lab worker tests negative for Ebola after cruise in isolation

October 17, 2014: The cruise ship Carnival Magic

GALVESTON Texas (Reuters) – A Dallas hospital

passes near Cozumel , Mexico. The cruise ship with a Dallas health care...

lab worker who spent much of a cruise holiday in isolation after possible...

You CAN eat potatoes and lose weight as long as you stick to a caloriecontrolled diet

Cough medicines are ‘waste of money’ and you’re better off trying honey and lemon, say doctors

Study looked at dieters eating low calories and high GI or low GI foods They also included a control

Cough medicines are part of industry worth £3 billion a year But NHS Choices says ‘little evidence’

group who had no calorie...

to suggest...

Teenager Keiran Halliday grows 8 inches in a YEAR after brain tumour

Woman gives birth to CONSECUTIVE sets of twins at odds of 700,000-1

Keiran Halliday was diagnosed with a brain tumour after suffering headaches Surgeons at the

Annie Gladstone had first pair of twins, Lillie and Jayden, four years ago She has now given birth to

University Hospital of Wales...

twin girls Georgie...

How to Talk Dirty Without Feeling Ridiculous

It’s Time to Take Control of Your Health

Cat got your tongue? Dirty talking seems like a fun and easy way to spice things up in bed, but that’s

awareness for breast cancer, it’s important that we take the time to celebrate...

This October, as we join together to raise

mostly in theory....

The Personality Trait That Predicts Risky Sex

DOD: Climate Change Is A Volatile Factor In International Security

Being a planner and a goal-setter can help you The Department of Defense says climate change reap tons of benefits throughout your life— is an “immediate risk” to the nation. Admiral David PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

including your sex life. In fact,...

Titley talks...

M ountaineering Safety Promotion Day 2014

TD reminds motorists to obey traffic regulations

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Civil Aid Service (CAS) held the Mountaineering Safety Promotion Day

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (October 19) reminded members of the

2014 with several government...

public that as a number...

VIDEO: ‘We will bring social care into NHS’

VIDEO: The quest for an Ebola vaccine

Andy Burnham MP, Shadow Health Secretary talked to the BBC’s Andrew Marr about the NHS, Labour’s

the Ebola outbreak which has already claimed thousands of lives in...

Authorities in West Africa are struggling to deal with

cancer care...

This M orning hosts question Edward Smith who ‘lost virginity to a car’

Head lice infestation video will certainly make your skin crawl

Edward Smith, 63, is a mecaphile – he is sexually interested in machines Has had sex with 700 cars

Video shows a mother combing millions of insects out of her daughter’s hair It is estimated the child

as well as helicopters...

had been suffering...

Patients told to make fruit, veg and wholegrains focus of meals

United Nations worker infected with Ebola dies in Germany

Largest ever study into surviving illness advises eating very little meat Instead wholegrains, fruit and

The 56-year-old man arrived in the country five days ago from Liberia He was being treated in isolation

vegetables should...

unit at St Georg...

VIDEO: New research into body image fears

Canada to ship Ebola vaccine to WHO

Anxieties about looks and body image are traditionally associated with teenagers and young

19 October 2014 Last updated at 11:50 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website The effectiveness...

people as they find their way...

Do not succumb to Ebola ‘hysteria,’ Obama urges

Nigeria expected to be declared Ebolafree

US President Barack Obama urged against “hysteria or fear” Saturday in the face of a growing

Nigeria is expected to be declared Ebola-free on Monday, just three months after fears that the virus

Ebola crisis, as...

could spread like wildfire...

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CEO of Dallas hospital’s parent company apologizes for Ebola response

New program improving quality of life for M S patients

The CEO of the parent company of the Dallas hospital where two nurses have contracted Ebola from a patient who died there...

There are nearly 400 thousand people living with multiple sclerosis in the U.S. Although modern medicine is making big...

10 pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore

The ONLY Ways To Deal With Relationship Conflicts In A Healthy Way

Your body goes through so many changes throughout the nine months of your pregnancy, but when symptoms start to creep up—a...

9 Ways To Radically Improve Your Relationship All relationships have a system. Some systems work well and some are dysfunctional. Read ...

5 Reasons Happy People Stay Happy

14 Tips To M inimize Toxins If You’re Pregnant (Or Want To Be)

How To Get Just About Anything You Want I spend a lot of time imagining my perfect life. I think about the clients I want...

6 Red Flags Your Birth Control Might Not Be Working For You The pill is the most commonly prescribed form of hormonal management...

Can hypnosis stop you smoking when you drink?

Exercising regularly found to reduce chance of depression by 16%

By Sean O’hare For Mail Online Published: 05:40 EST, 14 October 2014 | Updated: 20:41 EST, 15 October 2014 ...

Being inactive from young age puts people at increased risk of depression Those who take exercise three times a week cut...

M others-to-be crave chocolate because pregnancy is the only time they can indulge

Woman terrified of spiders overcomes her fear in an HOUR on ITV’s This M orning

Women eat chocolate as pregnancy is a ‘socially

Donna Rees had been petrified of the creatures

acceptable’ time to indulge Nothing biological behind a woman’s...

since the age of three Phobia had ‘ruined’ her life and nearly...

This Sex and the City Drama M ay Crush Your Soul

How to M ake Healthy Pumpkin Pancakes at Home

Sex and the City has been off the air for over 10

Pumpkin Picking Everyone’s favorite autumn gourd

years, and yet most fans are still as enamored as ever with Carrie and...

is ultra high in nutrients: Each serving in this breakfast contains...

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What You’ll Never Really Understand Until You Train for a Race

Is bushmeat behind Ebola outbreak?

This article was written by Emily Abbate and provided by our partners at Fitbie editor

Hogenboom BBC Health Check Bushmeat is believed to be...

19 October 2014 Last updated at 01:16 By Melissa

Emily Abbate is training...

Scientists identify mutation associated with cleft palate in humans and dogs

GSK says Ebola vaccine development progressing at "unprecedented rate"

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nalini 301-634-

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain’s biggest drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline said on Saturday work to develop

7346American Society of Human Genetics@GeneticsSociety Findings...

a vaccine to...

Crash diets DO work, claim experts but can be dangerous

Anorexics ‘at risk’ as supermarkets sell laxatives to teenagers

Study of 200 obese adults published in top medical

Undercover survey involved 14-year-old actors at

journal The Lancet They followed either 12-week speedy diet or 36-week...

leading supermarkets Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Boots...

The five biggest physio myths BUSTED

How to stay as germ free as possible in the toilets

Top five physio myths busted by world’s largest physiotherapy clinical research group ‘The downside of following...

Cubicle closest to the toilet door is the cleanest, as

About 7 700 vacancies on offer at Tsuen Wan Job Fair

Speech by SLW at CENTRAL Rat Race 2014

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Labour Department will

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by

hold a large-scale three-day job fair at Discovery Park Shopping Centre...

the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, at...

Pharmacies ‘could save NHS £1bn’ 19 October 2014 Last updated at 06:02 Treating

Pathological gambling is associated with altered opioid system in the brain

common ailments like coughs and colds at community pharmacies could save the...

All humans have a natural opioid system in the brain. Now new research, presented at the ECNP

most people avoid it Surprisingly, the toilet seat is the cleanest...

Congress in Berlin, has found...

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Obama calls for end to Ebola ‘hysteria’ US President Barack Obama told Americans on Saturday not to “give in to hysteria or fear” over the deadly Ebola...

Women more likely to develop anxiety and depression after heart attack [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jacqueline 33-492-947756European Society of Cardiology@escardio Geneva,...

Video shows the speed at which germs spread around an office

Could YOU be immune to Ebola? Those naturally protected could play vital role

Video shows the speed at which germs spread around an office 1 in 4 office workers don’t wash their hands after using...

Experts in the US say a study into a past Ebola outbreak found 71% of people who had close contact with a victim and tested...

Peter O’Keefe a heart surgeon is suspended on full pay for two years

Ebola fears in American reach new levels as woman in hazmat suit waits for plane at Washington Dulles

Peter O’Keefe was sent on ‘gardening leave’ in April 2012 He is still being paid his £94,000 and the hospital...

Global infant mortality trends and attributable determinants ?an ecological study using data from 192 countries for the period 1990?2011 Infant mortality rate (IMR) is regarded as an important indicator of population health. IMR rates

Woman took no chances as she waited for flight in the captial By Ashley Collman for MailOnline Published: 20:53 EST,...

Partial suppression of M 1 microglia by Janus kinase 2 inhibitor does not protect against neurodegeneration in animal models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

vary substantially with...

Accumulating evidence has shown that the inflammatory process participates in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis...

Cultural continuity, traditional Indigenous language, and diabetes in Alberta First Nations: a mixed methods study

Genes involved in floral meristem in tomato exhibit drastically reduced genetic diversity and signature of selection

IntroductionWe used an exploratory sequential mixed methods approach to study the association

Domestication and selection of crops have notably reshaped fruit morphology. With its large

between cultural continuity,...

phenotypic diversity, tomato...

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SFH on "Occupy Central" movement Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Food and

Cognitive Function and Its Impact on Chronic Pain

Health, Dr Ko Wing-man,...

We all know that pain can cause all kinds of issues with our brain function, including making it hard for us to think or...

Why Healthy Lung M onth Is Something We All Need to Be Aware Of

5 Things You’ll Probably Do Wrong Shoveling Snow This Winter

I did not know that October was Healthy Lung Month until I was contacted by Heather Von St. James. Nor did I think that Healthy...

Winter will be here before we know it, and in some parts of the country, that means snow is coming. With snow comes snow...

Former ‘American Idol’ contestant Joanne Borgella dies at 32

Watch: Ebola Survivor Pleads for Focus to Shift to West Africa

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Singer and model Joanne Borgella, who competed on “American Idol” in 2008, died...

Uncle of Nurse With Ebola Says She Would Not Knowingly Put Others at Risk Watch: Ebola Survivor Pleads for Focus to Shift...

Vitamin D ‘could make childbirth less painful’

High-protein breakfasts reduce cravings later on

US study examined 93 pregnant women as they gave birth Measured vitamin D levels before the women delivered their babies All...

A protein-rich breakfast boosts levels of dopamine in the brain Dopamine is the hormone which regulates cravings and food...

Ashya King’s family attack cancer charity for refusing to hand over £50k donations

A ‘vampire op’ let me breathe again: How surgeons drain all your blood so lung clots can be removed

Ashya King’s parents took him abroad to get

Annette Malocco, from the West Midlands, had

specialist treatment for tumour NHS initially refused to fund the specialist...

blood clots in her lungs Condition was causing major breathing difficulties, diminishing quality...

4 Super-Easy Halloween Costumes M ade (M ostly) of Clothes You Can Actually Wear Again

How to Hit on Someone at the Gym (Without Being Creepy)

T-minus two weeks until Halloween—let the race to find the perfect costume begin! This year, instead

same get-healthy interests, the gym seems like a great place to meet...

If you’re looking for someone who shares your

of forking over $$$... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

The TRUTH About Quick Weight Loss (It’s Not What You Think) Conventional wisdom says that losing weight quickly is neither safe nor sustainable. If you crash

Choosing algorithms for TB screening: a modelling study to compare yield, predictive value and diagnostic burden

diet to drop pounds—or...

To inform the choice of an appropriate screening and diagnostic algorithm for tuberculosis (TB) screening initiatives in...

Temporary suspension of fresh water supply in Sha Tin District

Life in Quarantine for Ebola Exposure: 21 Days of Fear and Loathing

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Water Supplies Department today (October 19) announced that due to planned connection works...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Woman dies from blood poisoning after dirty drip stays in her arm for FOUR days

How you could get paid to POO: Collection bank pays $40 a sample to use in fight against superbugs

Claire Allnutt was recovering after suffering

Samples are being used to fight the deadly

necrotising fasciitis 28-year-old had been in hospital for two months but died...

superbug C. difficile Healthy stools are given to patients in form of faecal transplant This...

Call back when you’re unconscious: What 999 call handler told gallstones patient as he pleaded for an ambulance

2000 women in six months are recorded as victims of female genital mutilation

Mark Hemmings made desperate call for an ambulance on Good Friday last year Call handler

English hospitals They were ordered in April to begin recording cases for...

Since April, 1,746 cases have been identified in

told gallstones patient to take...

Transcriptomic portrait of human M esenchymal Stromal/Stem cells isolated from bone marrow and placenta

Cyr61 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition and tumor metastasis of osteosarcoma by Raf-1/M EK/ERK/Elk1/TWIST-1 signaling pathway

Human Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells (MSCs) are adult multipotent cells that behave in a highly plastic manner, inhabiting...

Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant tumor in children and young adults, and its treatment requires effective...

Self-care and risk reduction habits in older injection drug users with chronic

Neofunctionalization of a duplicate hatching enzyme gene during the

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wounds: a cross-sectional study

evolution of teleost fishes

We surveyed a population of injection drug users

Duplication and subsequent neofunctionalization of

(IDUs) frequenting the mobile Baltimore City Needle Exchange Program (BNEP)...

the teleostean hatching enzyme gene occurred in the common ancestor of...

The role of small RNAs in wide hybridisation and allopolyploidisation between Brassica rapa and Brassica nigra

Ebola crisis sparks worry over Canadian-U.S. border crossings

An allopolyploid formation consists of the two processes of hybridisation and chromosome doubling. Hybridisation makes a...

Gamblers’ brains ‘no endorphin rush’ 19 October 2014 Last updated at 00:03 Gambling addictions could be linked to the way the brain processes feelings of euphoria The...

How your walk affects your M OOD Changing the way we walk can improve our mood and boost happiness Previous research has

CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television and online, we’ll...

Ebola quarantine period is NOT long enough claims expert The World Health Organisation advises the incubation period for the Ebola virus is two to 21 days After that point a person...

M ore than half of babies born to women who have turned 30

shown that the our mood affects our...

In 2013, 51% of all live births were to mothers aged 30 and over Average age of first time mothers was hit record high of...

M an flu ISN’T a myth as men get sick because they don’t have oestrogen

The Two-for-One Exercise You NEED to Try

Harvard University scientists conducted ‘man flu’ study using mice Found female sex hormone oestrogen helped...

Join the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make your weekend workouts count....

10 Salon Rules Everyone Should Follow

I Stopped M aking Excuses and Lost M ore Than 100 Pounds!

This article was written by Jill Schuck Taylor and repurposed with permission from Refinery29. The rules of most customer-service...

Before: 230 poundsAfter: 123 pounds The Lifestyle I’m a mother of two girls—born 12 months apart— which caused...

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Police strongly condemn illegal road occupiers charging Police cordon

Health Canada warning: Stop using M iracle M ineral Solution immediately

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In the small hours of today (October 19), a large number of people who were illegally occupying...

Anyone who has used a product called Miracle Mineral Solution is advised to see a doctor and report health problems to Health...

Pathological gambling is associated with altered opioid system in the brain: Reduced feeling of euphoria when compared to healthy volunteers

Filing your nails daily does more harm than good and can lead to conditions that cause them to crack, split or bend

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Press

maintenance of finger nails The growth of highstreet nail salons may be behind...

39-349-238-8191European College of Neuropsychopharmacology@ECNPtweets Berlin,...

Scientists have completed study on daily

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity means Peter Lloyd can’t use ANY electric gadget

M ailOnline reporter reveals confusion among nurses during her own Ebola scare

Peter Lloyd is unable to use any electrical gadgets like TV or mobile phone He cannot use mains

Laura Collins was reporting on the outbreak in Dallas when she fell ill after interviewing family who

electricity to heat or light...

had contact with victim...

UK airport staff screening for Ebola banned from shaking hands with passengers

Perception of venipuncture pain in children suffering from chronic diseases

Immigration officials criticised for shaking hands with new arrivals this week Public Health England originally defended...

Venipuncture pain in children results from a variety of co-factors which increase the intensity of the nociceptive stimulus....

Does the 2013 GOLD classification improve the ability to predict lung function decline, exacerbations and mortality: a post-hoc analysis of the 4year UPLIFT trial

Genetic polymorphisms and risk of recurrent wheezing in pediatric age Wheezing during early life is a very common disorder, but the reasons underlying the different wheezing phenotypes are still...

The 2013 GOLD classification system for COPD distinguishes four stages: A (low symptoms, low exacerbation risk), B (high...

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Enhanced production of L-sorbose from D-sorbitol by improving the mRNA abundance of sorbitol dehydrogenase in Gluconobacter oxydans WSH-003

Spatio-temporal correlation networks of dengue in the state of Bahia

Production of L-sorbose from D-sorbitol by Gluconobacter oxydans is the first step to produce L-ascorbic acid on industrial...

means of spreading and the...

Why I Hope Not to Die at 75

Sugar Puffs renamed ‘Honey M onster Puffs’ because of parents

“That’s how long I want to live: 75 years …. Living too long … robs us of our creativity and ability...

Dengue is a public health problem that presents complexity in its dissemination. The physical

Sugar Puffs being rebranded as Honey Monster Puffs Made from new recipe with less sugar and 20 per cent more honey Manufacturers...

Five patients dead and dozens ‘came to harm’ under Dr Paul M iller

Five patients dead and dozens ‘came to harm’ under Dr Paul M iller

Paul Miller, 59, was suspended by Surrey and

Paul Miller, 59, was suspended by Surrey and

Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust A panel found 27 patients came to harm between 2006...

Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust A panel found 27 patients came to harm between 2006...

Tragedy as girl, 12, who dreamed of becoming a nurse, dies from FLU after the virus attacked her heart

Tragedy as girl, 12, who dreamed of becoming a nurse, dies from FLU after the virus attacked her heart

Olivia Diamond died four days after first

Olivia Diamond died four days after first

complaining of feeling ill with the flu She was diagnosed with myocarditis which...

complaining of feeling ill with the flu She was diagnosed with myocarditis which...

Leg or breast? M ale brains are wired to ignore food if they think sex is on the menu

How the menopause makes life a misery for a quarter of women

Study found that males suppress hunger to focus on finding a mate Research looked at a

menopause symptoms One in 50 on long-term sick leave and others suffer...

A fifth of women had to take time off work due to

microscopic roundworm called C....

Leg or breast? M ale brains are wired to ignore food if they think sex is on the menu

WebTalk24 Teen Chat Launches PreChristmas Giveaways Today,, a teen audio and video

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Study found that males suppress hunger to focus on finding a mate Research looked at a

chat has announced the launch of its PreChristmas Giveaways. Randomly selected...

microscopic roundworm called C....

WebTalk24 Teen Chat Launches PreChristmas Giveaways

Team of scientists tries to crack Ebola’s deadly code

Today,, a teen audio and video chat has announced the launch of its PreChristmas Giveaways. Randomly selected...

As the Ebola outbreak increases, scientists are searching for better treatments to combat the virus. Among the research...

WHO says it won’t discuss Ebola mistakes document

Ebola lapses persisted for days at Dallas hospital, medical records show

The World Health Organization said Saturday that it wouldn’t explain details contained in an internal document obtained...

Scores of staffers at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas were put at risk by lapses in the treatment of the first...

WHO says it won’t discuss Ebola mistakes document

Obama urges Americans not to give in to Ebola hysteria

The World Health Organization said Saturday that it wouldn’t explain details contained in an internal document obtained...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – With three cases of Ebola diagnosed in the United States but dozens of people being monitored...

Obama urges Americans not to give in to Ebola hysteria

Canada to ship experimental Ebola vaccine to WHO in Geneva

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – With three cases of Ebola diagnosed in the United States but dozens of people being monitored...

TORONTO (Reuters) – The Canadian government will ship 800 vials of its experimental Ebola vaccine to the World Health...

Canada to ship experimental Ebola vaccine to WHO in Geneva

Obama Urges Calm in Ebola Scare, Opposes Travel Ban

TORONTO (Reuters) – The Canadian government will ship 800 vials of its experimental Ebola vaccine to the World Health...

SATURDAY Oct. 18, 2014, 2014 — President Barack Obama on Saturday asked Americans not to give way to panic over Ebola,...

Obama Urges Calm in Ebola Scare, Opposes Travel Ban

Scientists call for exercise data to be printed on food and drinks packaging instead of calories

SATURDAY Oct. 18, 2014, 2014 — President Barack Obama on Saturday asked Americans not PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

to give way to panic over Ebola,...

Scientists discover most people ignore calories printed on food and drink Calls for data to be show in terms of how long...

How 10m hospital visits last year were caused by heavy drinking

The depressing state of the British child’s diet

Figures revealed in fullest analysis yet of alcohol’s burden on the NHS Experts in report by charity

A quarter of Britain’s children have never eaten a tomato Almost half of the country’s kids haven’t

Alcohol Concern...


Piling on the pounds? Blame it on jet lag

8 Reasons Every Single Woman Should Go on a Date at Least Once a Week

Jet lag discovered to impact the digestive system, causing weight gain Disruptions to our circadian

Earlier this year, my roommate and I were lazily lounging on our Ikea couch, splitting a bottle of $5

rhythm reduce the rate...

wine and bitching hard...

9 Signs He’s Ready to Settle Down I used to use one of those old-fashioned tea

Can You REALLY M ake Pasta M ore DietFriendly By Reheating It?

kettles, the kind that whistle when the water boils. Loved that thing. There...

You might want to stop ignoring those leftovers in your fridge. An experiment on the BBC show Trust Me, I’m a Doctor...

M ars Probes Give Scientists Box Seats For Rare Comet Flyby i i An artists rendering of the flyby with mars orbiters taking cover. Note that the image says “spacecraft...

Observational multicenter study to evaluate the prevalence and prognosis of subclinical atheromatosis in a Spanish chronic kidney disease cohort: baseline data from the NEFRONA study Cardiovascular events (CVE) are more prevalent in chronic kidney disease (CKD) than in general population, being the main...

Correctional officers seize suspected dangerous drugs and small amount of cash Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Correctional officers seized a small amount of cash in a laundry workshop and

6 Health Benefits Of Turmeric It’s a quintessential spice in curry, a relative of ginger and one of the healthiest ways to add flavor — and...

three pills of suspected... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

How to Cope With the Scariest Health Information You Find Online

Genome Canada awards $6M grant to CAM H and Assurex Health

By Adam Perlman, M.D Halloween brings with it a host of frightening images — the classic witches,

To study benefits of genetic testing to guide mental health medication decisions Assurex Health and

ghosts and ghouls....

Canada’s Centre...

Research roundup: M alpractice reforms and doctors’ practice; M edicaid expansion’s effect

State exchanges gird for round two

Each week, KHN compiles a selection of recently released health policy studies and briefs. The New England Journal of Medicine:...

Covered California hopes to enroll more than half a million new residents this year, bringing total participants to about...

State highlights: Calif.’s Prop. 45 fight; new benefits for same sex couples in N.C.; Aetna sheds jobs after M edicaid drop

Wine, nuts and chocolate ‘may prevent brittle bones': Compound in treats found to have anti-inflammatory properties

A selection of health policy stories from California, North Carolina, Delaware, New York, Georgia,

Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory proprties which protect against bone loss Compound is found in

Pennsylvania, New Jersey,...

red wine, grapes, cocoa...

Cancer survivor Zach Zeiler worked out every day to become a bodybuilder

‘Wonder drug’ which Truvada can reduce HIV risk by 92% could be offered on NHS

Zach Zeiler, 20, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma aged 15 His weight plummeted to 100lbs, so he began a strict...

Trial of the drug Truvada to be fast-tracked as results are promising Researchers said Truvada was ‘highly protective...

Ebola nurse Nina Pham as doctor tears up thanking her in video

Secret U.S. Space Plane To Land After 22 M onths In Orbit

Video shows Nina Pham saying goodbye to her doctor before she was transferred to a hospital in

i i This photo released by Vandenberg Air Force Base on Monday shows the X-37B Orbital Test

Maryland, Thursday evening Ms...


Dietary iron intervention using a staple food product for improvement of iron status in female runners

5 Ways To Beat A Buzzkill By Ellen Seidman Ever feel like it’s been one of those days? We’ve been there, too. Luckily, it’s

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Adequate nutrient intake is critically important for achieving optimal sports performance. Like all


athletes, female runners...

The M agic of a ‘What the Hell’ M oment “Jeez, Laura. I thought you were afraid of heights!” my husband, Glen, said in a rainforest preserve in Costa...

Down the Rabbit Hole: A Tale of Suicide and M acaroni A raisin, a razor, an Ikea rug. That’s all I remember of it now: flashes like yellowed projection slides in sixth grade...

The 7 Best Strength Exercises You’re Probably Not Doing By Eric Bach for Life by DailyBurn Every exercise in your strength program has a purpose — to help

Cracking the Ebola code October 18, 2014, 8:03 AM|As the Ebola outbreak increases, scientists are searching for better treatments to combat the virus....

you build muscle,...

Could reading glasses soon be a thing of the past? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Media relationsmedia@aao.orgAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology@aao_ophth Implantable eye devices that...

iPhones for eye health: Capturing ocular images in difficult-to-photograph patients [ | E-mail ] Contact: Media Relationsmedia@aao.orgAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology@aao_ophth Study demonstrates method...

Ebola monitoring inconsistent as virus spread

Food deliveries in Sierra Leone to fight Ebola

DALLAS (AP) — The top administrator in Dallas County rushed to Texas Health Presbyterian

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — The U.N.’s World Food Program on Saturday delivered

Hospital this week responding...

emergency food rations to 265,000...

M edical charity accuses US of pushing India to ease patent rules

VA officials leaving jobs after scandal

New Delhi (AFP) – Medical charity Medecins sans frontiers on Saturday accused the United States of

In Chicago, for instance, a Chicago-based regional chief for some VA hospitals stepped down earlier in October, around the...

ratcheting up pressure...

VA officials leaving jobs after scandal

The Female Athlete Triad: A medical condition in active girls and women

In Chicago, for instance, a Chicago-based regional PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

chief for some VA hospitals stepped down earlier

Sophie is a 15 year old cross country runner who

in October, around the...

has a history of a foot stress fracture and shin splints. Often she does...

The Female Athlete Triad: A medical condition in active girls and women Sophie is a 15 year old cross country runner who

DP M edical becomes first NHS Trust to adopt ZedScan as part of cervical cancer care pathway

has a history of a foot stress fracture and shin splints. Often she does... DP Medical becomes first NHS Trust to adopt ZedScan as part of cervical cancer care pathway

DP M edical becomes first NHS Trust to adopt ZedScan as part of cervical cancer care pathway

HFHS Innovations sponsors Walgreens Balance Rewards App Challenge to drive healthy behavior DP Medical becomes first NHS Trust to adopt ZedScan as part of cervical cancer care pathway HFHS Innovations sponsors Walgreens Balance Rewards App Challenge to drive healthy behavior

Are vegetative patients aware of their surroundings?’

HFHS Innovations sponsors Walgreens Balance Rewards App Challenge to drive healthy behavior

Scientists have found a ‘fingerprint of consciousness’ in these patients They used a simple test based on measuring... HFHS Innovations sponsors Walgreens Balance Rewards App Challenge to drive healthy behavior

Quarter of obese children missed by BM I tests could be at risk of diabetes and heart disease

New telehealth system could improve quality of life for M ND patients

BMI is a relative measure of weight based on height and body mass It calculates whether a

improve quality of life for MND patients New telehealth system could

person is underweight, normal,...

Clinical study of Proxima miniature inline blood gas analyser meets primary end point

Surgeons forced to carry out open heart surgery by M OBILE PHONE light after blackout

Method Comparison Study at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, confirms excellent

Heart clinic in Kyrgyzstan was plunged into darkness during blackout Dr Kaldarbek

agreement between Proxima and standard... Abdramanov, 45, was operating on Tagir... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Ebola no longer an epidemic ‘it’s a humanitarian crisis that may not be over until we find a vaccine’ Professor Peter Piot said ‘in theory Ebola is very

Cyclist Ryan Smith left in coma van crash visits ITV’s This M orning Ryan Smith, 17, was knocked off his bike on July 22, 2013 Wasn’t wearing a helmet because he

easy to control’ But he said this outbreak has got ‘completely...

was worried about spoiling...

U2’s Bono has suffered glaucoma for years so THAT’s why he wears sunglasses

15 Fantastic Reasons to Have Sex Tonight

U2’s Bono reveals he wears shades because he

and get busy—with your partner or solo. But sometimes life gets...

has had glaucoma Has secretly suffered the condition for two decades Glaucoma...

Obviously, you don’t need an excuse to hop in bed

The Low-Cal Cupcake Recipe to End All Low-Cal Cupcake Recipes

The Beauty Trick You Should Steal From Pharrell

Normally, if you want to find a really tasty cupcake,

A room without a roof. Tightlining. Both make me

you have to plan on taking in, oh, a meal’s worth of calories. Not...

happy. That’s why when I spotted Pharrell in all of his waterlined,...

Researchers developed world’s first instant fluorescent sensor to detect milk fat

Big junk vs people power: how we can fix our collective weight problem

A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has pioneered the world’s first

has outpaced other regions of the world with the largest absolute increase...

Over the past three decades, the Australasia region

fluorescent sensor...

How are nurses becoming infected with Ebola?

Coalition’s policy bodes ill for health in free trade negotiations

American nurse Nina Pham is the second health worker to contract Ebola outside of West Africa

Ten years on from the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Australia is entering another round of

while caring for patients with...

negotiations towards the...

Toxic playgrounds: Broken Hill kids exposed to poisonous dust

Bat’s immunity may hold key to preventing future Ebola outbreaks

In the shadows of Broken Hill’s rich mining history

Bats are the natural host species for Ebola and a

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

lies a legacy of contamination and regulatory failure that will likely...

variety of viruses, many of which can be fatal when transmitted to humans....

The specificity triad: notions of disease and therapeutic specificity in biomedical reasoning

Predictors of in-hospital mortality after mitral valve surgery for post-myocardial infarction papillary muscle rupture

Biomedicine is typically defined as the branch of medicine that is based on the principles of biology

Papillary muscle rupture (PMR) is a rare, but often life-threatening mechanical complication of

and biochemistry. A...

myocardial infarction (MI)....

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected methamphetamine at airport

Elderly people encouraged to lead fulfilling life and enhance intergenerational harmony

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs yesterday (October 17) arrested two outgoing passengers at Hong Kong International...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Elderly people play a vital role in the family, and the Government has always encouraged them to...

CE officiates at 2014 Honours and Awards Presentation Ceremony

Digital junk: food and beverage marketing on Facebook

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, presented honours and awards to 265 recipients at the 2014 Honours...

We all know obesity is a common, serious, and costly health issue. But while government action has stalled and the debate...

Obesity, cancer, mental health. What links them all?

Bugs as treatment: coming to a clinic near you…

There’s been a lot of discussion about obesity this week. Whether or not it’s a disease (as it is in the USA now) and...

When you’re sick, you want the most effective treatment to help get you back on your feet. But what if that involved bugs? Maggots...

GDETO holds photo exhibition in Zhaoqing to promote Hong Kong

Police arrest 26 people in M ong Kok operation

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A photo exhibition

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police completed an

organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong (GDETO) of...

operation to remove the illegal barriers in Mong Kok yesterday (October 17)...

Determinants of perceived quality of obstetric care in rural Tanzania: a cross-sectional study

Controlled delivery of BID protein fused with TAT peptide sensitizes cancer cells to apoptosis

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Patients’reported opinions of the health system

Low cellular level of BID is critical for viability of

need to be understood in order to provide patientcentered care. We...

numerous cancer cells. Sensitization of cells to anticancer agents...

Adenomyoma of the small intestine a rare pathological lead point for intussusception in an infant

Radio to the rescue: many saved

IntroductionIntussusception is a typical abdominal emergency in early childhood.Case description:

14 October 2014 Last updated at 11:49 By Tamasin Ford and Cathy Edwards BBC Health Check Comedian Lankoande...

We report a case of an...

Wobbling of a Saturn moon hints at what lies beneath

M orocco play down Nations Cup postponement call

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Syl 607-255-7701Cornell University@cornell ITHACA,

By Mark Gleeson CAPE TOWN (Reuters) – Morocco have played down talk of next year’s African

N.Y. – Using instruments...


African players in Europe feel Ebola backlash

New way to distinguish between ovarian tumours

By Mark Gleeson CAPE TOWN, Oct 17 (Reuters) – African footballers based at European clubs,

Thursday October 16 2014 Ovarian cancer affects around 6,500 women a year in...

especially those...

Treat or nasty trick? Denver police warn of pot-tainted candy DENVER (Reuters) – The two almost identical gummy bears sitting side by side, coated in sugar

FDA approves first drug-coated angioplasty balloon catheter to treat vascular disease

and tinged with the same...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the Lutonix 035 Drug Coated Balloon Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty...

FDA approves first combination pill to treat hepatitis C

FDA approves a new ultrasound imaging agent

Español The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Harvoni (ledipasvir and sofosbuvir) to treat chronic hepatitis...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Lumason (sulfur hexafluoride lipid microsphere) for patients whose ultrasound...

FDA permits marketing of urinary prosthesis device for women

Federal judge approves FDA consent decree with Ascend Laboratories

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today allowed marketing of the inFlow Intraurethral ValvePump, a replaceable urinary...

Media Tara Goodin 240-402-3157 Consumers 888-INFO-FDA Federal judge approves FDA consent decree with Ascend Laboratories ...

Improvement of an antibody-enzyme coupling yield by enzyme surface supercharging Protein cross-coupling reactions demand high

GM -CSF-loaded chitosan hydrogel as an immunoadjuvant enhances antigenspecific immune responses with reduced toxicity

yields, especially if the products are intended for bioanalytics, like enzyme-linked...

The application of vaccine adjuvants has been vigorously studied for a diverse range of diseases in order to improve immune...

Purification of protein C from canine plasma In order to characterize the functional properties of CnPC, the zymogen needs to be purified from

Detection and validation of stay-green QTL in post-rainy sorghum involving widely adapted cultivar, M 35-1 and a popular stay-green genotype B35

plasma. The goals of this...

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important dry-land cereal of the world providing food, fodder, feed and fuel....

Remarks by Commissioner of Police at media session

Ebola outbreak: Priority is stopping it at the source, CDC head says

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of the remarks by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Tsang Wai-hung, at...

To protect the U.S. from the Ebola virus, the disease needs to be stopped at its source in West Africa, CDC director Dr....

Dementia: Why putting my parents in a home will haunt me forever

VIDEO: ‘I won’t walk 800m to chip shop’

17 October 2014 Last updated at 09:31 Broadcaster Fiona Phillips reflects on the difficult decisions she faced when both...

Junk food outlets should be banned within 800m of schools because ”children don’t walk beyond in terms of junk...

VIDEO: M alta: The nurse of the M editerranean

AUDIO: Scientist develop new EEG brain scan

With soldiers facing up against new machines and

Researchers at Cambridge University say they

technology on the front lines, doctors in World War One were tasked with...

have found a new way of searching for signs of awareness in the brains of patients...

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AUDIO: M um’s job search for disabled child Karen Taylor was struggling to find a job for her 18year-old daughter Lily, who has global developmental delay. She said...

Scientists prove link between viral infection and autoimmune disease Common viral infections can pave the way to autoimmune disease, Australian scientists have revealed in breakthrough research...

The messaging on Ebola The World Health Organization said on Thursday the number of deaths in Africa due to the Ebola outbreak could reach 4,500...

A systematic review of active transportation research in Africa and the psychometric properties of measurement tools for children and youth Previous systematic reviews indicate that active transportation (AT; the use of non-motorized travel modes such as walking,...

FDA approves Esbriet to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

FDA approves Ofev to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Esbriet (pirfenidone) for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Ofev (nintedanib) for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis...

FDA approves labeling with abusedeterrent features for third extendedrelease opioid analgesic

Temporary suspension of M obile Library 2, 7 and 12 services

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved new labeling for Embeda (morphine sulfate and naltrexone hydrochloride)...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Mobile Libraries 2, 7 and 12 will suspend services during designated periods in October and November...

Ebola crisis sparks worry over Canadian-US border crossings

‘Blood in pee’ campaign set to tackle bladder and kidney cancers

CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage

Today sees the launch of an NHS awareness

to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television and online, we’ll...

campaign, backed by Premier League football clubs, to tackle bladder and kidney...

Soldiers’ mental health survey reveals fear of career stigma

Soldiers’ mental health survey reveals fear of career stigma

One-third of Canada’s soldiers worry that seeking

One-third of Canada’s soldiers worry that seeking

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mental health services would harm their career, according to newly...

mental health services would harm their career, according to newly...

Ebola outbreak: Harper tells Obama more help on the way

Protons hog the momentum in neutronrich nuclei

Canada is about to announce new measures in the fight against Ebola, Prime Minister Stephen Harper told U.S. President Barack...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kandice 757-269-7263DOE/Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility@Jblab IMAGE: ...

Engineers find a way to win in laser performance by losing

Engineers find a way to win in laser performance by losing

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie

314-935-5408Washington University in St. Louis@WUSTLnews IMAGE: ...

314-935-5408Washington University in St. Louis@WUSTLnews IMAGE: ...

Older adults satisfied with aging more likely to seek health screenings

White House says it expects Ebola ‘czar’ to be in job for five to six months

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jared

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Ebola “czar” 734-9367819University of Michigan@umich ANN ARBOR—

named by President Barack Obama on Friday to coordinate the...

Adults over 50...

Texas hospital aims to restore image after Ebola infections

Texas hospital aims to restore image after Ebola infections

By Anna Driver DALLAS (Reuters) – The Texas hospital accused of mishandling care for the first

By Anna Driver DALLAS (Reuters) – The Texas hospital accused of mishandling care for the first



Watch: Can Ebola Be Transmitted Through the Air?

Watch: Can Ebola Be Transmitted Through the Air?

What You Need to Know About Ebola Watch: Can Ebola Be Transmitted Through the Air?

What You Need to Know About Ebola Watch: Can Ebola Be Transmitted Through the Air?

Watch: What Precautions Should You Take While Flying to Prevent an Ebola Infection?

A systematic review of active transportation research in Africa and the psychometric properties of measurement tools for children and youth

What You Need to Know About Ebola Watch: What Precautions Should You Take While Flying to PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Prevent an Ebola Infection? ...

Previous systematic reviews indicate that active transportation (AT; the use of non-motorized travel modes such as walking,...

A mathematical model of dysfunction of the thalamo-cortical loop in schizophrenia

Scientists find molecular ‘breadcrumb trail’ that helps melanoma spread

Recent experimental results suggest that impairment of auditory information processing in the thalamo-cortical loop is crucially...

Cancer Research UK scientists have discovered that melanoma cells are drawn to follow the ‘trail’ of a naturally-occurring...

Smoke-free plans for London parks and squares

Study highlights need for improvements in lung cancer diagnosis

A move described as the biggest public health

One in three lung cancer patients die within 90

drive in the world includes plans to make 40 per cent of London smoke-free. “This...

days of diagnosis, research has found, highlighting the need to diagnose...

Experimental white blood cell treatment shows ‘remarkable’ promise in leukaemia

UK oesophageal cancer statistics are ‘worrying’

An experimental treatment that trains a patient’s immune system to attack their cancer caused

adenocarcinoma in the world, according to the International Agency for Research...

The UK has the highest rate of oesophageal

remission in 90 per cent...

Ebola diagnosis delayed after Air Canada refuses to transport blood sample CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television

WHO admits it botched initial response to Ebola’s explosive spread CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television and online, we’ll...

and online, we’ll...

Ebola virus aid adds $30M from Canada CBC News is dedicating a special day of coverage to the Ebola crisis on Tuesday. On radio, television and online, we’ll...

Enterovirus D68 linked to death of B.C. man with asthma The B.C. Centre for Disease Control has confirmed that a man in his 20s with a history of severe asthma has died after contracting...

Ebola screening for more UK airports

Sugary drinks warning posters ‘work’

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17 October 2014 Last updated at 14:53 Passenger screening for Ebola is to be extended to

17 October 2014 Last updated at 00:07 Some teenage shoppers were influenced by the signs

Manchester and Birmingham airports,...

and chose healthier drinks Signs...

Huge fake dental equipment haul

Labour pledges cancer test wait cut

17 October 2014 Last updated at 18:15 By

18 October 2014 Last updated at 01:43 Please turn

Branwen Jeffreys Health correspondent, BBC News More than 12,000...

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Ed Miliband: “Tobacco...

Biological clock disruptions increase breast cancer risk, study finds The disruption of a person’s circadian rhythm—

Study finds smoking during pregnancy alters newborn stress hormones and DNA

their 24-hour biological clock—has been linked to an increased risk...

Researchers from The Miriam Hospital have studied the effects of smoking during pregnancy and its impact on the stress response...

World fears mount that Ebola battle being lost

Asthmatic first to die from enterovirus in Canada

The World Bank warned Friday the fight to stop Ebola was being lost, as the UN pleaded for more

A young asthmatic has become the first Canadian to die in an international outbreak of the respiratory

money to combat the escalating...

enterovirus D68, officials...

Controls Poor in Dallas, Nurse Says Log in to manage your products and services from

For Ebola Health Workers, Risks and Duty Collide

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Ebola Fears Spark Backlash Against Latino Immigrants

Huge haul of fake dental equipment seized

Washington (CNN) — Conservative Republicans are painting Latino immigrants as Ebola carriers to

The MHRA issued a safety alert to all dentistry professionals in January, following an incident in

fan the anti-immigration...

November 2013 when a...

Brain Zapping for Weight Loss

Kay Hagan: Obama Should ‘Immediately’ Impose Ebola Flight Ban

Here’s a prediction: It’s only a matter of time before people start zapping their brain to shed weight. In

Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) said Friday that President the... Barack Obama should impose a temporary travel PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

ban to combat Ebola. (Tom...

Total Body Workout to Burn Fat and Build Lean M uscle

Health Goth Is M ore Than A Fashion Trend

If you have hit a plateau in your workout or just need a change of pace, sometimes all it takes is a new

What the heck is Health Goth? While the term may look strange at first glance, the idea behind the

routine to to get...

wearing of head-to-toe...

M editation and M y New Normal

Why isn’t there an Ebola vaccine?

I first heard the word “new normal” when I was completing my chemotherapy treatments for breast

One question many are asking is why — if Ebola has been around for decades — scientists have

cancer. It was...

not come up with...

Ebola options: Isolation, quarantine, self-monitoring

New catalyst could improve biofuels production

Self-monitoring, quarantine and isolation are three different techniques health officials use to try to

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Yoon 509-371-6273Washington State

contain and stop...

University@WSUNews Palladium makes iron work...

Ebola vaccine not before late 2016: GSK researcher

In Layers of Gear, Offering Healing Hand to Ebola Patients in Liberia

An Ebola vaccine by British pharmaceuticals giant

Log in to manage your products and services from

GlaxoSmithKline may not be ready for commercial use until late 2016 and...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Ron Klain, Chief of Staff to 2 Vice Presidents, Is Named to Lead Ebola Response

Waste From Ebola Poses Challenge to Hospitals

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from

York Times. ...

Staff in Texas Ebola Case Is Asked to Avoid Public Spaces

In Europe, Fear of Ebola Far Outweighs the True Risks

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ... York Times. ... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Accusations of Sexism in Video Games Prompt M ass Shooting Threat

Psychiatrist Appointments Hard to Get, Even for Insured, U.S. Study Finds

A lecture on video game culture was canceled at Utah State University this week after the school

The researchers, who posed on the phone as patients seeking appointments with individual

received threats of a mass...

psychiatrists, encountered numerous...

Energy Drinks M ay Pose Danger to Public Health, Researchers Warn

Sexism and a M urder M ost Foul: The "Provocation" Defense

Energy drinks are non-alcoholic beverages that contain caffeine, vitamins, and other ingredients for

15 October 2014 Last updated at 11:04 By Simon Maybin Producer, Woman’s Hour In much of the

example, taurine, ginseng,...

UK, men...

Dr. M anny: An open letter to the Ebola czar, Ron Klain

Woman who caused Ebola scare at Pentagon admits she made up story about traveling to West Africa

This undated handout photo provided by Revolution shows Ron Klain, a former chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden. ...

Oct. 17, 2014: A cordoned-off police area is seen near a charter bus after an Ebola scare in Washington. (REUTERS) A woman...

Obama names Ebola ‘czar;’ death toll rises in West Africa

U.S. requests production plans for Ebola drug ZM app

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama appointed a former White House adviser as U.S. Ebola “czar”...

NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. officials have asked three advanced biology laboratories to submit plans for producing the...

U.S. health agency chief faulted over confusing Ebola messages

Upbeat Walking Style M ight Lift Your M ood

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The widening circle of people potentially exposed to Ebola in the United States is calling into...

FRIDAY Oct. 17, 2014, 2014 — The way you walk can affect your mood, according to a new study. Previous research has...

Two-Pronged Program Looks Best for Helping Smokers Quit

Dads Face Guilt About Workouts, Just Like M oms Do

FRIDAY Oct. 17, 2014, 2014 — A combination of counseling and medication greatly increases smokers’ chances of...

FRIDAY Oct. 17, 2014, 2014 — Fathers face many of the same family and work barriers to exercise as mothers, new research...

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Bono Reveals Why He Never Takes Off His Sunglasses Watch Colbie Caillat Take Down Photoshop In New Music Video Messages about beauty and body image can have a dramatic impact...

Life Interrupted She never signed up for this… Barbie Ritzco signed up to be a Marine, to be on the front lines fighting America’s...

Getting It Right on Ebola: Start With Humility and the Right Questions

Cruise ship passenger monitored for Ebola

Remember those halcyon days before two nurses

Last Updated Oct 17, 2014 9:45 AM EDT

in Dallas contracted Ebola from Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan? People were alarmed...

WASHINGTON – A cruise ship with a Dallas health care worker aboard who is being...

Drinking soda can shorten your life, study says

Public confidence in CDC nosedives, poll finds

October 17, 2014, 6:41 AM|Researchers in

By Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Anthony

California found that sugar sodas can strain the body’s metabolism which could...

Salvanto and Fred Backus Americans’ faith in the agency charged with protecting...

Texas hospital releases tearful video of Ebola-infected nurse

Ebola defense options: Quarantine, isolation and self-monitoring

October 17, 2014, 7:02 AM|Texas officials asked

October 17, 2014, 4:22 PM|Since the first case of

the 75 health care workers who had contact with Ebola patient Thomas Eric...

Ebola was diagnosed in the U.S., government officials have talked extensively...

UCLA research could help improve bladder function among people with spinal cord injuries

First step: From human cells to tissueengineered esophagus

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stuart 310-206-

323-361-1812Children’s Hospital Los Angeles@childrensLA IMAGE: ...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Debra

0511University of California – Los Angeles@uclanewsroom Study...

High-fat meals could be more harmful to males than females, according to new obesity research

Presence of enzyme may worsen effects of spinal cord injury and impair long-term recovery

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eileen 310-423- 732-238-

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5215Cedars-Sinai Medical Center@cedarssinai LOS ANGELES...

3628Elsevier Health Sciences Findings suggest MMP-3 disrupts...

Divide and conquer: Novel trick helps rare pathogen infect healthy people

New pill-only regimens cure patients with hardest-to-treat hepatitis C infection

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Luke of Birmingham@unibirmingham New research into a rare...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Samantha 44-144-4811099Spink Health IMAGE: This image shows United...

What Are America’s Religious Organizations Doing To Prepare Ebola?

Hagel seeks info on Iraq chemical weapons exposure

Humans crowd closely together in houses of worship — and it’s supposed to be that way.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A defense official says Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has asked his

People greet each other with...

military chiefs and service-branch...

Wall Street bounces back, still off for the week

News Guide: A look at latest Ebola developments

NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks climbed more than 1 percent on Friday, with the SP 500 posting its biggest gain in...

President Barack Obama turned to a trusted adviser to lead the nation’s Ebola response as public-health officials expanded...

Ebola plush toys fly off the shelf for Connecticut company

Women must have a midwife with them at all times during labour: Nice

By Barbara Goldberg (Reuters) – It may be the only time you will find these words in the same sentence:...

Women must be looked after by a fully qualified midwife, the guidance says, and should not be left alone in the care of...

Ashya King has left intensive care after proton beam therapy

6 Essential Elements for Eradicating Ebola

He began treatment in Prague in mid-September, where he is put under general anaesthetic for the therapy, which is not...

As of Oct. 15, 2014, no one can accurately predict the potential magnitude of the Ebola epidemic either domestically or worldwide....

Dating NED

Colleges Isolate, Disinvite People Out Of An ‘Abundance Of Caution’ Over Ebola

I never thought I’d have a boyfriend after marrying my husband. I’m not that kind of girl. I’m a big PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!


Something is spreading on college campuses, and it appears to be an “abundance of caution.” The University of...

Jillian M ichaels Opens Up About Her Sexuality

5 Ways You’re Trading Incredible Sex for a M iserable Job

Jillian Michaels may not be as comfortable with her association with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You work hard for eight hours, even more if you’re getting over-time.

transgender (LGBT) community...

During those...

President Obama appoints Ron Klain as Ebola "czar"

Political blame game over Ebola funding

October 17, 2014, 8:02 AM|The president will appoint former White House aide Ron Klain to lead

Less than three weeks before the midterm elections, Washington’s Ebola blame game has

the government response to...

spread to the arcane world of...

NIH: Nurse with Ebola "very fatigued" but "in good spirits"

Biological clock disruptions increase breast cancer risk, UGA study finds

The first nurse to be diagnosed with Ebola after treating an infected Liberian man at a Dallas hospital is in fair condition...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sara Wagner 706-583-8149University of Georgia@universityofga IMAGE: Sara Wagner...

YouTube as peer support for severe mental illness

Ebola death toll soars to 4,555 out of 9,216: WHO

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Annmarie 603-653-0897The Geisel School of Medicine at...

Geneva (AFP) – More than 4,500 people have died in the deadly Ebola outbreak that began in west Africa at the beginning...

GM O labeling foes spend big on campaigns in Oregon, Colorado

White House says travel ban for Ebola not being considered now

By Carey Gillam (Reuters) – Opponents of GMO food labeling proposals on the ballot next month in Oregon...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama is willing to “keep an open mind” about imposing a travel...

World bank chief says ‘we are losing the battle’ against Ebola

Obama’s man on Ebola is former Biden staff chief

Paris (AFP) – World bank chief Jim Yong Kim said WASHINGTON (AP) — He’s tackled the financial Friday that the world was “losing the battle” crisis, served two vice presidents and been PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!


portrayed by Kevin Spacey...

Wall St. up one percent on earnings, data; housing shares jump

New technique helps find hidden consciousness in coma patients

By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks were up more than 1 percent in afternoon trading...

Some patients who are in a coma may be aware of their surroundings even though they can’t visibly communicate with...

All four suspected Ebola cases in Spain test negative

‘Red effect’ sparks interest in female monkeys

Two ambulances arrive at Madrid’s Carlos III Hospital October 16, 2014. The ambulance in the front was carrying a person...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Monique 585-276-3693University of Rochester@UofR Recent studies...

Study finds inconsistent achievement of guidelines for acute asthma care in hospital EDs

Image guided radiation therapy is commonly used to ensure accuracy in treating pediatric tumors

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cassandra 617-7246433Massachusetts General

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle 703-286-1600American Society for Radiation Oncology@ASTRO_org

Hospital@MassGeneralNews Evidencesupported...


Ebola special issue includes clinician primer

Wall Street rallies on sturdy earnings, data

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alice

By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S.

O’Donnelldmphpjournal@gmail.comSociety for Disaster Medicine and Public Health@dmphsociety Special...

stocks rose on Friday, with each of the major indexes...

Timeline of the Ebola Virus in America

Top 5 Tips for M anaging Your Diabetes

Ebola, a virus that is affecting people thousands of miles away in West Africa, is now in America with

Hispanics continue to be challenged by high rates of diabetes. According to national examination

two transmissions...

surveys, Hispanics are...

Food prices up 24 percent in Ebola-hit countries

Obama names Ebola ‘czar’ as precautions expand

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By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – Food prices have risen by an average of 24 percent across the...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama on Friday turned to a trusted adviser to lead the nation’s Ebola response...

M emory of accused Boston bomber’s friend could be impaired: expert

Ebola ruled out as passenger dies on Nigeria flight to JFK

By Daniel Lovering BOSTON (Reuters) – An expert

A passenger died on a Nigeria-to-JFK flight after a

on marijuana abuse testified on Friday that the drug...

vomiting fit Thursday — and a top lawmaker said officials gave the...

Chimerix gets FDA OK to test drug for Ebola

Nina Pham, first nurse stricken with Ebola, in ‘fair condition’ at NIH hospital

A North Carolina drugmaker plans to test its

The first nurse to be diagnosed with Ebola after

experimental antiviral drug in patients who have Ebola, after getting authorization...

treating an infected Liberian man at a Dallas hospital is in fair and stable...

Exercise data signs could cut sugary drink intake Friday October 17 2014 Fizzy drinks have a high

Dallas nurse flown to NIH for Ebola treatment in ‘fair’ condition: health officials

calorie count due to their sugar...

(Reuters) – Nina Pham, the nurse who contracted Ebola while caring for a patient in a Dallas hospital, is in fair and...

Family dinner-table dynamics linked to childhood obesity

Obama appoints Ebola ‘czar'; Texas health worker isolated on ship

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Families who

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

express more warmth, group enjoyment and positive reinforcement at family...

Obama appointed a former White House adviser as U.S. Ebola “czar”...

Tonsillectomy Complications M ay Be M ore Likely in Poor, M inority Kids

Why Dads M atter, According To Their Biggest Fans

FRIDAY Oct. 17, 2014, 2014 — Black and Hispanic children, and those from poor families, are at

If the fight for paternity leave or the backlash against ridiculous dads in ads and an actual

increased risk for complications...

obituary for Mr. Mom haven’t...

Ebola Outbreak In Senegal Over: WHO

7 M ovies That Prove Our Technology Addiction Is Out Of Control

GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. health agency officially

declared an end Friday to the Ebola outbreak in PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Senegal, a rare bit of...

With “Men Women Children” in theaters this month, it’s safe to say that technology dependence —...

Threats To Americans, Ranked (By Actual Threat Instead Of M edia Hype)

Rivers of Our M emory

Obsessing about possible threats is something of

“And it’s knowin’ I’m not shackled by forgotten words and bonds.” — John Hartford, Gentle...

a beloved national past-time here in America, which is objectively one of...

Dr. LaPook on whether U.S. hospitals are prepared to treat Ebola

Lawmakers push for travel restrictions over Ebola concerns

October 17, 2014, 7:08 AM|The Dallas hospital

October 17, 2014, 7:06 AM|Lawmakers are

where two nurses were infected with Ebola while caring for a patient is under...

slamming the CDC for its handling of the Ebola crisis and are calling for a travel...

Who’s leading the charge in Ebola containment and treatment?

"60 M inutes" preview: Nurse prosecuted for helping father take own life

October 17, 2014, 8:02 AM|There is backlash over the country’s response to Ebola that’s leading President Obama...

October 17, 2014, 8:06 AM|Pennsylvania nurse

Should flights be restricted from countries with Ebola outbreaks?

Wall Street climbs at open on solid earnings

October 17, 2014, 7:32 AM|CBS News travel editor Peter Greenberg joins “CBS This Morning” to

By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks were higher at the open on Friday, following

discuss the calls...


UN: We botched response to the Ebola outbreak

I’m a Hazmat-Trained Hospital Worker: Here’s What No One Is Telling You About Ebola

LONDON (AP) — The World Health Organization has admitted that it botched attempts to stop the now-spiraling Ebola outbreak...

Barbara Mancini was prosecuted for allegedly helping her terminally ill, 93-year-old...

Ebola is brilliant. It is a superior virus that has evolved and fine-tuned its mechanism of transmission to be near-perfect....

Heavily polluted India launches national air quality index

GE profit tops views as cost cuts drive margins; shares up

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

By Aditya Kalra NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India has

By Lewis Krauskopf (Reuters) – General Electric

launched a new air quality index to help citizens understand...

Co reported a slightly higher-than-expected quarterly...

Obama to name former adviser to coordinate U.S. Ebola response: CNN

M entoring kids in poverty helps lower their health risks, study says

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

African American adolescents growing up in

Obama will appoint former White House adviser Ron Klain as the Ebola “czar”...

conditions of worsening poverty are more likely than other kids to have risk factors...

M any US women use unapproved custom-compounded hormones for menopause

Study questions 21-day Ebola quarantine period

An estimated 1.4 million U.S. women take customcompounded bioidentical hormone therapy (CBHT)

patient near the end of their 21-day incubation period on Sunday, Oct....

As the 48 patients exposed to the first U.S. Ebola

for menopausal symptoms, and...

Texas health worker isolated on cruise ship, deemed low risk for Ebola

GE profit tops estimates as margins improve

(Reuters) – A Texas health worker who may have had contact with specimens from the first patient

By Lewis Krauskopf (Reuters) – General Electric Co reported a slightly higher-than-expected

diagnosed with Ebola...


Futures jump on Fed speculation, results

Kids, dogs touch same soft spots in the brain, study says

By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stock index futures jumped on Friday following a

Brain scans showing that human responses to our dogs are not unlike those evoked by our children


suggest a deep evolutionary...

E-cigarettes: Public health hazard or key to quit smoking?

Ebola outbreak: Why it’s so important to find patient zero

Scientific studies showing that electronic cigarettes actually help people quit smoking are few and far

Health care workers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention check the

between. But that...

temperature of a man in Conakry, Guinea...

Ebola crisis putting pregnant women, infants lives at risk: UN

Priest, air passenger among six hospitalized in Spain for Ebola tests

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DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The Ebola crisis is putting the lives of pregnant woman and infants at risk with...

MADRID (Reuters) – Spanish authorities reported four new patients with suspected Ebola symptoms on Thursday, including...

Yale student at Connecticut hospital being tested for Ebola

Large Sized M en Disadvantaged In Relationships

NEW HAVEN Conn. (Reuters) – Preliminary tests show that a Yale University graduate student evaluated at a Connecticut...

Posted on October 17, 2014 by Rangina Barakzai Large Sized Men Disadvantaged In Relationships Turns out it is not that...

The Friday Five for 10/17/2014

Ask JJ: Can a Low-Carb Diet or Night Shift Stall Fat Loss?

Highlighting some of the coolest science news we’ve seen lately. 1. People living with type I diabetes may have something...

Dear JJ: I work nights and do not plan on going back to dayshift for another couple of years. I’ve recently stopped...

Increasing Adult Immunization: Great Opportunities, Great Challenges

This Powerful PSA Challenges The Stigma That Comes With Suicide

The following is a summary of the presentation I

Meet Maximus Thor. He and his father, filmmaker

gave last month as the 2014 Jeryl Lynn Hilleman Lecturer at the 2014 National...

Benny Wonka, have a message for those who are struggling with mental illness:...

Creativity in M otion

Amber Vinson, Nurse Infected With Ebola, M ay Have Felt Ill As Early As Friday

You’re cruising down the highway, windows down, music blaring, when all of a sudden the brake lights from the car in...

Amber Vinson, the second person to be infected with Ebola after caring for patient Thomas Eric Duncan, may actually have...

Psilocybin, where science meets spirituality

Suiting up for safety in Ebola protective gear

The future may hold a surprising new approach to

October 17, 2014, 5:00 AM|The CDC recommends

treating addiction: using one mind-altering drug to stop the abuse of another. Dr....

a certain level of protection when treating Ebola patients, but with the stakes...

Science, spirituality, and psilocybin

What should Ebola health care workers wear?

October 17, 2014, 5:00 AM|?Dr. Stephen Ross,

director of the NYU Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship, PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

talks about his plans for...

As two nurses from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital who helped care the first U.S. Ebola patient now battle the deadly...

Ebola-infected nurse arrives in M aryland

The Lancet: Surgical Trauma Series media alert

October 17, 2014, 6:01 AM|Nina Pham, the first nurse who contracted Ebola at a Dallas hospital,

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Caroline Broganc.brogan@lancet.comThe

arrived in Maryland Thursday...

Lancet@TheLancet Surgical trauma 1: The systemic immune response...

How, when, and why industrial ecology is good for business

Poll shows Florida medical marijuana drive falling short

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin

By Bill Cotterell TALLAHASSEE Fla. (Reuters) – A 203-4364842Yale School of Forestry Environmental Studies Journal...

new poll shows a Florida ballot initiative to legalize...

Crystal meth-making chemistry teacher lives Portland’s own ‘Breaking Bad’

Ebola-infected Texas nurse starts trip to Emory hospital in Atlanta

By Courtney Sherwood PORTLAND Ore. (Reuters) – A Portland, Oregon, chemistry teacher has been arrested...

DALLAS (Reuters) – Ebola-infected Texas nurse Nina Pham on Thursday left the Dallas hospital where she has been receiving...

Obama weighs Ebola czar; Texas toughens monitoring

SPIN M ETER: Shaky claims on Ebola budgets

WASHINGTON (AP) — Facing renewed criticism about the U.S. response to Ebola, President Barack Obama is conceding that it...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Less than three weeks before the midterm elections, Washington’s Ebola blame game has spread to...

Kenya dismisses Catholic fears over tetanus vaccine

This gigapixel camera might help doctors detect skin cancer sooner

Nairobi (AFP) – Kenya on Friday said a tetanus vaccination campaign was entirely safe and would save children’s...

When the news concerns melanoma—the most type of dangerous skin cancer, which kills over 9,000 people every year in the...

6 superfoods to cut your cravings

Healthy nails, healthy life: what your nails are telling you

iStock (© 2010 Oliver Hoffmann) You eat healthy all PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

day but then, midway through a new episode of The Blacklist, you’re...

Deep, grooved lines They may be a sign of an

Andrew Cuomo Announces Random Ebola Drills On New York Subway

Surviving Suicide: A M other’s Search for M eaning

If you’re planning to ride the New York subway in

If a mother can only be as happy as her unhappiest

the next few days, you may get more than you bargained for. Gov....

child, the unhappiest of mothers are those whose children have died, particularly...

Obama Considering Appointing An Ebola ‘Czar’ To Lead U.S. Effort

You Are What You Eat, So Eat M emorably

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

The New York Times recently devoted much of its

Obama said on Thursday he is considering appointing an Ebola “czar”...

Sunday Magazine to the issue of childhood nutrition. Alongside a longish...

Dallas Health Care Worker Who Handled Specimen From Ebola Victim Quarantined On Cruise Ship

Ebola-infected nurse’s trip to Ohio prompts extra precautions

WASHINGTON (AP) — Obama administration officials say a Dallas health care worker who

second Dallas nurse infected with Ebola, flew round trip to Cleveland earlier...

illness that started a few months ago, chemotherapy, a previous injury and/or...

October 16, 2014, 7:05 AM|Amber Vinson, the

handled a lab specimen from an Ebola-infected...

Obama cancels campaign trip to monitor Ebola response

​Texas hospital denies breach of Ebola protocols

October 16, 2014, 7:07 AM|President Obama acknowledged breakdowns in the healthcare

A Texas hospital where the nation’s first fatal Ebola victim was treated has responded to complaints

system that led to the transmission of...

levied by nurses...

Dallas nurse with Ebola being transferred to new location

Roche, M erck extend immunotherapy fight to breast cancer

Last Updated Oct 16, 2014 5:07 PM EDT DALLAS – The first Dallas nurse to have contracted Ebola

LONDON (Reuters) – Swiss drugmaker Roche and U.S. group Merck Co are to present data on their

after treating an infected...

rival immunotherapy...

Texas health worker isolated on cruise ship over possible Ebola contact

Why Our Ancestors Had It Right By Going Barefoot

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(Reuters) – A Texas health worker who may have had contact with specimens from the first patient diagnosed with Ebola...

How Spending Time In Nature Helped Me Cope With An Abusive Stepfather Spending time in nature just might have saved my life....

9 Reasons Hating Your Body Is Keeping You Stuck In It

Dallas weighs declaring disaster over Ebola cases

9 Ways To Radically Improve Your Relationship All relationships have a system. Some systems work well and some are dysfunctional. Read We...

Last Updated Oct 16, 2014 5:47 PM EDT DALLAS – Dallas County commissioners have decided to not issue a disaster declaration...

Should first responders use acupuncture & integrative medicine in natural disasters & battle zones?

Texas nurse with Ebola moved to NIH in M aryland

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn 914-740-2100Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News@LiebertOnline IMAGE: ...

FREDERICK, Maryland – The first nurse to be diagnosed with Ebola after treating an infected Liberian man at a Dallas...

Researchers develop personalized ovarian cancer vaccines

Researchers develop personalized ovarian cancer vaccines

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kim 860-4860361University of Connecticut@UCToday It works

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kim 860-4860361University of Connecticut@UCToday It works

in mice; a...

in mice; a...

Staph ‘gangs’ share nutrients during infection: Vanderbilt study

Staph ‘gangs’ share nutrients during infection: Vanderbilt study

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leigh 615-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leigh 615-

322-4747Vanderbilt University Medical Center Antibiotic-resistant...

322-4747Vanderbilt University Medical Center Antibiotic-resistant...

Probing the past

Probing the past

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Georgia 44-781-6291261ESA/Hubble Information

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Georgia 44-781-6291261ESA/Hubble Information

Centre@hubble_space Most...

Centre@hubble_space Most...

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Top paleontological society presentations: Fossils, evolution, and extinctions

News from Annals of Internal M edicine: Conventional medical centers may be unable to prevent spread of Ebola

Session Highlight: T200. Advancing the Digitization

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan

of Paleontology and Geoscience Collections: Projects, Programs, and Practices. Morning:... 215-3512656American College of Physicians@ACPinternists 1. Conventional...

Experts fault changing U.S. guidelines on Ebola protective gear By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) – When Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for

Journey to the center of the earth [ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 805-893-


7220University of California – Santa Barbara@ucsantabarbara A...

Dallas health workers monitored for Ebola to stay out of public

Dallas health workers monitored for Ebola to stay out of public

By Anna Driver DALLAS (Reuters) – Some 75 healthcare workers being monitored for Ebola after treating...

By Anna Driver DALLAS (Reuters) – Some 75 healthcare workers being monitored for Ebola after treating...

UN: Ebola death toll rising to 4,500 this week

UN: Ebola death toll rising to 4,500 this week

GENEVA (AP) — The death toll from Ebola will rise this week to more than 4,500 people from the 9,000 infected and the outbreak...

GENEVA (AP) — The death toll from Ebola will rise this week to more than 4,500 people from the 9,000 infected and the outbreak...

Obama says considering appointing an Ebola ‘czar’ to lead U.S. effort

Obama says considering appointing an Ebola ‘czar’ to lead U.S. effort

By Steve Holland and Jeff Mason WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said on Thursday he is...

By Steve Holland and Jeff Mason WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said on Thursday he is...

Australia’s CSL, Ansell join global medical response to Ebola

Hospital Releases Video Of Ebola Patient Nina Pham

By Byron Kaye and Swati Pandey SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australian biotech firm CSL Ltd, the world’s...

Nina Pham, the first Texas nurse infected with Ebola, can be seen speaking in a video released by Texas Health Presbyterian...

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Why I Have a Favorite Student

Eczema: Studies for New Treatment

I’m not supposed to have a favorite student, but I do. Students come to you in all stages of life. They

Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Dermatology Immunology Director of

come to you...

the Center for Excellence in Eczema...

Ebola test results come in for quarantined Yale student

New drug-free treatment helps combat painful migraines

Last Updated Oct 16, 2014 7:30 PM EDT NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Hospital officials in Connecticut

October 16, 2014, 1:45 PM|Cefaly, a high-tech headband device, has shown promise preventing

quarantined a Yale University...

migraine headaches. Kathy Walsh...

U.N. fund to fight Ebola far from lofty goal

Dallas Ebola patient to be transferred to National Institutes of Health

UNITED NATIONS – Secretary-General Ban Kimoon said Thursday that a trust fund he launched

October 16, 2014, 4:45 PM|For the second time this week, an Ebola patient is being moved from Dallas

to raise $1 billion to provide...

to a specialized facility...

How long will it take to burn off that soda?

M ajor Hurricane Gonzalo gives an ‘eyeopening’ performance

Alerting teens about how much walking or running they would have to do in order to burn off the calories in a soda or other...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard VIDEO: NOAA’s...

Satellites tracking Central Pacific’s Tropical Storm Ana

Softer Care for Harder Cases, of Ebola and Everything Else

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard

The evolving Ebola outbreak is very disconcerting, to say the least. The situation in West Africa is,

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: On Oct. 15...

obviously, truly dire...

Ebola-infected Texas nurse starts trip to NIH hospital in M aryland

Stars mourn U.S. actress Elizabeth Pena, dead at 55

DALLAS (Reuters) – Ebola-infected Texas nurse

By Reuters Staff (Reuters) – Television stars and

Nina Pham on Thursday left the Dallas hospital where she has been receiving...

other celebrities mourned U.S. actress Elizabeth Pena,...

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Ebola: Rising call for ban on travel from W Africa

1st Dallas nurse with Ebola arrives in M aryland

WASHINGTON (AP) — Warning that Americans are

FREDERICK, Maryland (AP) — The first nurse to be

losing faith in their government’s ability to stop Ebola, Republican...

diagnosed with Ebola after treating an infected Liberian man at a Dallas...

Ohio health officials ID 8 contacts of 2nd Ebola-stricken nurse

CDC examines protective gear protocols amid US Ebola cases

An ambulance transporting Amber Joy Vinson, a

Health care workers display protective gear, which

U.S. nurse who has Ebola, arrives at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta,...

hospital staff would wear to protect them from an Ebola virus infection,...

Nina Pham, first nurse stricken with Ebola, arrives in M aryland

M entoring kids in poverty helps lower their health risks: study

FREDERICK, Maryland – The first nurse to be

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – African American

diagnosed with Ebola after treating an infected Liberian man at a Dallas...

adolescents growing up in conditions of worsening poverty are more likely...

M any U.S. women use customcompounded hormones for menopause

Sen. Rand Paul says dangers of Ebola underplayed

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – An estimated 1.4

With millions of Americans already worried about

million U.S. women take custom-compounded bioidentical hormone therapy...

the Ebola virus, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, fanned the flames by suggesting...

Nurse infected with Ebola emotional in video

How a molecular Superman protects the genome from damage

Nina Pham, one of the two nurses to be diagnosed

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jaclyn

with the Ebola virus after caring for Thomas Eric Duncan appeared in a YouTube... 516-367-8455Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory@CSHLnews Scientists find a...

First detailed map of aboveground forest carbon stocks in M exico unveiled

NASA’s Hubble finds extremely distant galaxy through cosmic magnifying glass

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eunice 508-4441509Woods Hole Research Center IMAGE: This is

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ray 410-338-4514NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: The...

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a map of...

NASA begins sixth year of airborne Antarctic ice change study

NASA spacecraft provides new information about sun’s atmosphere

[ | E-mail ] Contact: George 301-614-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Susan 301-286-

5853NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

7745NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

Explosion first evidence of a hydrogendeficient supernova progenitor

1st Dallas nurse with Ebola headed to M aryland

[ | E-mail ] Contact: James

DALLAS (AP) — The first Dallas nurse to have

Cohencohen@kavlifoundation.orgThe Kavli Foundation A group of researchers led by Melina Bersten...

contracted Ebola after treating an infected Liberian man was transferred Thursday...

M issouri Coalition Pushes State to National Leadership on LGBT Health

Ebola outbreak: CDC, Frontier Airlines hunt passengers who flew with nurse

Missouri might not top many LGBT people’s lists of great places to live, but after today you might want to rethink...

Authorities scrambled Thursday to contact the 132 passengers who flew from Cleveland to Dallas this week with a nurse who...

Ebola outbreak: CDC, Frontier Airlines hunt passengers who flew with nurse

Ebola spreads to last healthy district in Sierra Leone

Authorities scrambled Thursday to contact the 132 passengers who flew from Cleveland to Dallas this week with a nurse who...

FREETOWN (Reuters) – Ebola has killed at least two people in what was the last remaining district in Sierra Leone unaffected...

Crash diets ‘work best’ claim misguided

Ebola spreads to last healthy district in Sierra Leone

Thursday October 16 2014 Rapid weight loss may not be safe for everyone “Crash...

FREETOWN (Reuters) – Ebola has killed at least two people in what was the last remaining district in Sierra Leone unaffected...

U.S. lawmakers blast government’s Ebola response, urge travel ban

U.S. lawmakers blast government’s Ebola response, urge travel ban

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Congressional

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Congressional

lawmakers criticized the government’s response to lawmakers criticized the government’s response to PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Ebola in the United States...

Ebola in the United States...

Obama approves reservists for Ebola fight, government under fire

Obama approves reservists for Ebola fight, government under fire

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

Obama authorized calling up military reservists for the U.S. fight against...

Obama authorized calling up military reservists for the U.S. fight against...

M ost Kindergartners Are Getting Their Shots: CDC

M ost Kindergartners Are Getting Their Shots: CDC

THURSDAY Oct. 16, 2014, 2014 — Most American

THURSDAY Oct. 16, 2014, 2014 — Most American

kids entering kindergarten are getting their required vaccinations, a...

kids entering kindergarten are getting their required vaccinations, a...

Detergent Pods Pose Risk to Kids’ Eyes, Researchers Warn

Detergent Pods Pose Risk to Kids’ Eyes, Researchers Warn

THURSDAY Oct. 16, 2014, 2014 — The popular

THURSDAY Oct. 16, 2014, 2014 — The popular

“pods” that hold liquid laundry or dishwasher detergent can...

“pods” that hold liquid laundry or dishwasher detergent can...

U.S. Health Officials Resist Ban on Travel From West Africa

U.S. Health Officials Resist Ban on Travel From West Africa

THURSDAY Oct. 16, 2014, 2014 — In the face of

THURSDAY Oct. 16, 2014, 2014 — In the face of

blistering criticism from a Congressional oversight committee, top U.S....

blistering criticism from a Congressional oversight committee, top U.S....

Is Axon Guidance by Attraction and Repulsion, or by a Roll of the Dice?

Is Axon Guidance by Attraction and Repulsion, or by a Roll of the Dice?

This blog explains and speculates about the

This blog explains and speculates about the

significance of the research from the Wadsworth Laboratory at Rutgers Robert...

significance of the research from the Wadsworth Laboratory at Rutgers Robert...

Inherited M emories: Too Good To Be True?

Inherited M emories: Too Good To Be True?

In December last year, researchers Brian Dias and

In December last year, researchers Brian Dias and

Kerry Ressler made a splash with a paper seeming to show that memories...

Kerry Ressler made a splash with a paper seeming to show that memories...

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The “New” Roots of our Friend the M itochondria

Is public confidence in U.S. response to Ebola shrinking?

Image credit goes to biovisions, by Harvard

October 16, 2014, 8:02 AM|As the circle of possible

University [see video below] Mitochondria, the proverbial “powerhouse” of...

Ebola exposure grows, public confidence in what officials say about the...

Debunking diet myths: Gradual and crash diets have same effect, study finds

​Plane isolated at M adrid airport for Ebola check

October 16, 2014, 8:20 AM|A new study challenges the idea that gradual weight loss is better for long-

France plane at Madrid’s airport and activated emergency health...

MADRID – Spanish authorities isolated an Air

term success than a...

UCLA Doctor: "I have confidence in the CDC"

If nurses in safety gear got Ebola, why wouldn’t you?

October 16, 2014, 10:09 AM|Dr. David Eisenman, director of the UCLA Center for Public Health and

How come nurses wearing protective gear can catch Ebola from a patient, but health officials keep

Disasters, assesses how...

saying you almost certainly...

Dispelling a misconception about M gion batteries

M yth-conceptions: How myths about the brain are hampering teaching

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Philippa 44-117-928-

Laboratory@BerkeleyLab Supercomputer...

8086University of Bristol@BristolUni Myths...

First-ever patient care guidelines in prevention of acute exacerbations of COPD

Survey: Texans share lessons learned as second enrollment period of ACA health insurance nears

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kristi 773-7509962American College of Chest

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 713348-6775Rice University@RiceUNews HOUSTON – (Oct. 16, 2014) – While...

Physicians@accpchest Leading...

Light bending material facilitates the search for new particles

Cadavers beat computers for learning anatomy

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christian 46-317-723-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy 517-355-3294Michigan State

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395Chalmers University of Technology@chalmersnyheter IMAGE: ...

University@MSUnews IMAGE: This cutting-edge...

Suspected Ebola case taken from Air France flight in M adrid

Lawmaker: Gov’t credibility waning on Ebola

By Sarah White and Rodrigo De Miguel MADRID

WASHINGTON (AP) — A House GOP chairman

(Reuters) – Madrid authorities evacuated an Air France plane...

says the public is losing confidence by the day in the government’s strategy...

Roche extends immunotherapy fight to breast cancer

University knocks down tweet that Ebola airborne

(Reuters) – Swiss drugmaker Roche is to present

University of Minnesota officials are knocking down

data on its experimental immunotherapy drug in breast cancer next month,...

a tweet claiming its researchers say Ebola is airborne. University spokeswoman...

Youth suicide: M ore early detection and better coordination are needed [ | E-mail ] Contact: Florence

S-equol supplements associated with improved measures of reproductive health in postmenopausal women

Meneyflorence.meney@douglas.mcgill.caDouglas Mental Health University Institute This news...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrea 202-973-3604Porter Novelli Northridge, Calif....

Curious signal hints at dark matter [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Andy

Executive scandal hurts job prospects even for entry-level employees

44-011-625-25650University of Leicester@UniofLeicsNews Cutting-edge paper...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa M.P. 571-3540754SAGE Publications October 16, 2014 – There’s...

Brain’s compass relies on geometric relationships, say Penn Researchers

Second Texas nurse with Ebola receiving care at Atlanta hospital

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Evan

By Terry Wade DALLAS (Reuters) – The second 215-573-6604University of Pennsylvania@Penn VIDEO: The brain has a...

nurse to contract Ebola in the United States was being treated...

Plane isolated at M adrid airport for Ebola check

UN says Ebola death toll rising to 4,500 this week

MADRID (AP) — An Air France plane was isolated GENEVA (AP) — A top official with the U.N. health PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

at Madrid’s airport on Thursday because of a suspected Ebola case...

agency says the death toll from the Ebola crisis will rise to more than...

US steps up response as Ebola worries grow

EU reviews screening of passengers from Ebola-hit African states

WASHINGTON (AP) — The revelation that a second

Brussels (AFP) – EU health ministers agreed on

Dallas nurse who is ill with Ebola was cleared to fly the day before her...

Thursday to launch an immediate review of the screening of passengers...

WHO to test Ebola preparedness in Ivory Coast and M ali

M ajority of Americans believe Ebola spreads through air, poll says

GENEVA (Reuters) – The World Health

A Liberian woman holds up a pamphlet with

Organization will send teams of experts to test the Ebola-preparedness measures...

guidance on how to prevent the Ebola virus from spreading, in the city of Monrovia,...

Ebola cases in the United States

Nurses in safety gear got Ebola, why wouldn’t you?

An ambulance transporting Amber Joy Vinson, a U.S. nurse who has Ebola, arrives at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta,...

How come nurses wearing protective gear can

Connecticut hospital says evaluating patient with ‘Ebola-like symptoms’

Novartis psoriasis drug benefits outweighs risk-FDA staff

BOSTON (Reuters) – Yale-New Haven Hospital in

(Reuters) – The benefits of Novartis AG’s anti-

Connecticut is evaluating a patient with “Ebola-like symptoms,”...

inflammation drug outweighed the risks in using it to treat a...

Americans say avoiding international air travel over Ebola outbreak

ER Visits Linked to Synthetic Pot M ore Than Double, Report Finds

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Nearly half of

THURSDAY Oct. 16, 2014, 2014 — The number of

Americans are so concerned about the Ebola outbreak that has killed more than...

visits to U.S. emergency rooms linked to synthetic pot — also known...

Obesity and Depression Often Twin Ills, Study Finds

8 Reasons Why A School Teacher Wants Your Kids To Do Yoga

THURSDAY Oct. 16, 2014, 2014 — Depression and obesity tend to go hand in hand, U.S. health

5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Yoga Teacher I’ve been practicing yoga since a time

catch Ebola from a patient, but health officials keep saying you almost certainly...

officials reported Thursday. The... when the only classes available... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

What I Learned From M y Husband’s Sex Addiction

A Day In The Life Of A Personal Chef

How I Found The Clarity To Leave My Unhappy Marriage For most of my marriage, I struggled with

Ottolenghi Acclaimed London chef Yotam Ottolenghi’s fourth cookbook, Plenty...

Quinoa Like You’ve Never Seen It, With Yotam

one decision: stay or leave....

Hospitals’ spot check data published 16 October 2014 Last updated at 10:38 The

Risking your life without a second thought

Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend was at the centre of the Trusted to Care...

People who risk their lives to save strangers may do so without deliberation, according to an analysis of statements from...

Blinded by science: Trivial scientific information can increase our sense of trust in products Do you believe in science? Your faith in science may actually make you more likely to trust

Brain surgery through the cheek: A new way to treat severe epilepsy For those most severely affected, treating epilepsy means drilling through the skull deep into the brain to destroy the small...

information that appears scientific...

New research center to focus on family caregivers of elderly, disabled The University of Illinois at Chicago has received a five-year, $4.3 million grant from the National Institute on Disability...

Compassion in addiction treatment October 15, 2014, 5:28 PM|As co-founders of the non-profit, Addiction is a Dis-Ease, Dr. Gabor Maté and Vicky Dulai developed...

A cry for compassion in treating addiction

Ebola in the United States: How we got here

How is it possible to have compassion for someone whom you believe is choosing to live a life of drug addiction? Someone...

Ebola came to the U.S. and in many ways, it appears the U.S. wasn’t ready. Warning signs were missed at a Dallas hospital...

New guidance for early-stage lung cancer patients

Geologists dig into science around the globe, on land and at sea

October 16, 2014, 5:51 AM|Researchers in Texas say that removing the entire lung instead of part increases the chance of...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dawn 513-556-1823University of Cincinnati@UofCincy University of Cincinnati...

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Why pickles are the most surprising superfood

Ohio Health Department tracing contacts of second nurse with Ebola

Pop quiz: What do pickles, vinegar, tempeh, chocolate and wine have in common? Yes, they’re all delicious—and they’re...

(Reuters) – The Ohio Health Department said it is tracing contacts of a second Texas nurse diagnosed with Ebola who...

White House resists calls for Ebola point person

New breast cancer drugs boost sales at Roche

WASHINGTON Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:28pm EDT White House resists calls for Ebola point person

ZURICH (Reuters) – Swiss drugs firm Roche reported better than expected third-quarter sales on Thursday, boosted by...

M icroRNAs and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Why I Wasn’t Happy After Losing M ore Than 150 Pounds

“No one User wrote me! I’m worth millions of their man-years!” Not so long ago I posted an entry talking...

I had gastric bypass surgery in 2003 and lost over half my body weight in less than a year. Six months later I was fully...

The 3 Questions I Always Get From People Who Want To Be Happier

5 Barre M oves You Can Do Without A Barre (All You Need Is 10 M inutes!)

For the past decade I’ve been writing self-help books and preaching the “Gospel of Gabby” to lecture audiences...

Wouldn’t it be great if you had an hour each day to recharge and energize your body? You know it would. But let’s...

Ebola outbreak deaths approach 4,500:WHO

2nd Texas nurse who tested positive for Ebola should not have flown

Aid workers from the Liberian Medical

The Ebola crisis in the U.S. took another alarming

Renaissance League stage an Ebola awareness event in Monrovia today. The virus has...

turn Wednesday with word that a second Dallas nurse caught the disease...

VIDEO: Call for junk food ban near schools

VIDEO: How Ebola samples are processed

A report by London’s Health Commission has

Government scientists from Wiltshire are calling for

called for planning guidance to prevent new junk food outlets opening within...

micro-biologists to volunteer in the fight against the growing threat...

VIDEO: Laxative abuse and the damage

Call to halt child ‘laxative abuse’

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it can do Increasing numbers of teenagers are using laxatives to lose weight, with some taking dozens a

16 October 2014 Last updated at 08:46 The UK’s leading eating disorder charity has called for the sale of laxatives...

day and seriously risking their...

Ebola spread in West played down 16 October 2014 Last updated at 09:30 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Obama: “If Ebola...

Researchers find removal of entire lobe of lung offers increased survival benefit compared to partial resection Removal of the entire lobe of lung may offer patients with early-stage lung cancer better overall survival when compared...

Uncontrolled hypertension highest among patients with moderate-tosevere psoriasis Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin and cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension, are more...

Weight gain study suggests polyunsaturated oil healthier option Short-term modest weight gains in healthy, normal weight young adults was associated with more bad cholesterol levels in...

Ebola escalation could trigger major food crisis

Canada to contribute an additional $30M to Ebola fight

(AP)—The global famine warning system is

Canada will contribute an additional $30 million to

predicting a major food crisis if the Ebola outbreak continues to grow exponentially...

the fight against Ebola, CBC News has learned. SPECIAL REPORT | Ebola...

Ebola safety how-to lessons offered to Canadian hospital workers

Call for Trafalgar Square smoking ban

Health-care workers at Canadian hospitals receive training on the precautions to take when treating patients potentially...

15 October 2014 Last updated at 12:03 Smoking could be banned in Trafalgar Square as well as public parks Smoking could...

Passenger alert over US Ebola nurse

M istakes ‘costing NHS billions’

15 October 2014 Last updated at 21:59 Amber Vinson was not supposed to travel on an aeroplane, health officials said US...

16 October 2014 Last updated at 04:18 The Royal College of Nursing says mistakes are the result of understaffed wards Basic...

New ovarian cancer test developed

UK tops WHO gullet cancer table

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16 October 2014 Last updated at 01:12 Ovarian cancer can be difficult to identify accurately, the

16 October 2014 Last updated at 01:11 Men are much more likely to develop AC gullet cancer, WHO

researchers said A new...

said. The UK has the highest...

Health and Safety Executive advice on pneumonia jabs for welders ‘flawed,’ say experts

UK tops global league table for gullet cancer—adenocarcinoma—in men

Over the past 20 years, a growing body of evidence has linked exposure to metal fumes with a heightened risk of developing,...

Swiss drug maker Roche posts flat 3Q sales (AP)—Swiss drugmaker Roche Holding AG has reported “stable” or flat sales for the first nine months of 2013...

The study, from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialist cancer agency of the World Health...

Fewer depressive symptoms associated with more frequent activity in adults at most ages Physical activity can reduce the risk of death, stroke and some cancers, and some studies suggest activity can also lower...

Lax U.S. Guidelines on Ebola Led to Poor Hospital Training, Experts Say

Texas Abortion Clinics to Reopen Despite a Future in Legal Limbo

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Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Downfall for Hospital Where the Virus Spread

Planned Parenthood Is Expanding to Queens

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

C.D.C. Director Becomes Face of Nation’s Worry and Flawed Response Log in to manage your products and services from

Shepard Smith: ‘Do Not Listen To The Hysterical Voices’ In The M edia About Ebola

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Fox News’ Shepard Smith railed against the media’s Ebola hysteria on Wednesday. “You should have no concerns...

Why I’m Kicking M y Diet Coke Can to

With New Ebola Case Confirmed, U.S.

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the Curb

Vows Vigilance

If the story of diet-soda consumption had a tagline, it might be “The best intentions can result in

New shortcomings emerged Wednesday in the nation’s response to the Ebola virus after it was

unintended consequences.”...

revealed that a second nurse...

Second health care worker in Dallas tests positive for Ebola

Second sanity exam of accused Colorado cinema gunman completed

October 15, 2014, 7:03 AM|A second health care worker who treated Thomas Eric Duncan at Texas

By Keith Coffman DENVER (Reuters) – The sealed results of a second sanity examination of accused

Health Presbyterian Hospital...


New US Ebola case a nurse who treated man in Texas

Eating certain fats might offset some heart risk from weight gain

DALLAS (AP) — A dated yearbook picture of a smiling young woman has become the latest face

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – If you’re going to overindulge and gain weight, at least try to make

of Ebola in the U.S. The high...

sure the extra...

M ajority of Americans believe Ebola spreads through air: poll

Health officials probing death of Arizona boy for possible enterovirus

BOSTON (Reuters) – A majority of Americans believe the Ebola virus can be spread by sneezing

PHOENIX (Reuters) – Health officials are investigating whether a potent virus that has

or coughing and more than...

infected hundreds of children...

Health Tip: Take a Nap

Health Tip: Installing a Child’s Car Seat

– Sometimes you feel like you need a little rest to get through the rest of your day. Experts say that

– Proper installation of a rear-facing car seat, recommended for all infants and children up to age

may not be a...

2, offers protection...

Personalized cellular therapy achieves complete remission in 90 percent of acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients studied

‘The FDA, e-cigarettes, and the demise of combusted tobacco’

Ninety percent of children and adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who had relapsed multiple times or failed to...

of lives, but...

Giving physicians immunity from

Experts Offer Steps for Avoiding Public

The popularity of E-cigarettes could lead to the “demise” of cigarette smoking and save thousands

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malpractice claims does not reduce ‘defensive medicine’

Hysteria, a Different Contagious Threat

Changing laws to make it more difficult to sue physicians for medical malpractice may not reduce

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

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the amount of “defensive...

T-Cell Therapy Puts Leukemia Patients in Extended Remission

Op-Ed Contributor: Resurrecting Smallpox? Easier Than You Think

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

New Ebola Case Confirmed, U.S. Vows Vigilance

Obama Cancels M ore Travel to Oversee Ebola Response, Urging ‘Aggressive’ Action

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

How Differing Opinions Can Help You and Your Business

What Does It M ean if I Don’t Have M oney Dreams?

“You can’t do clear observation if you ain’t in the field. You can’t be a pure observer if you’re...

I know what you’re thinking (I’m so psychic). You think because you don’t recall dreaming about money there’s...

HHS secretary on accusations about Ebola response protocols at Texas hospital

Why kids sext: Closer look at what’s behind the teen trend

October 15, 2014, 7:05 AM|Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell heads the government department overseeing...

October 15, 2014, 8:32 AM|“The Atlantic” takes a deeper look in its November cover story, “Why Kids Sext.”...

Brittany M aynard: "Everyone’s been bending over backwards to make sure I don’t suffer"

Ebola outbreak: Latest Texas patient taken to Atlanta hospital

October 15, 2014, 12:05 PM|29-year-old woman with terminal brain cancer tells CBS News’ Jan

– A second Dallas-based nurse who was recently diagnosed with Ebola after...

Last Updated Oct 15, 2014 8:53 PM EDT ATLANTA

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Crawford about the emotional...

2nd nurse with Ebola called CDC before boarding flight

Treating sleep apnea in cardiac patients reduces hospital readmission

In the case of Amber Vinson, the Dallas nurse who flew commercially as she was becoming ill with

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 630-737-

Ebola, one health official...

9700American Academy of Sleep Medicine@AASMOrg Study is first...

Diversity in medical education: It’s not so black and white anymore

Study models ways to cut M exico’s HIV rates

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Steve

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 215-3495653University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine@PennMedNews PHILADELPHIA—A... 401-8631862Brown University@brownlifesci IMAGE: A model...

e-healthcare may help reverse the trend of high CVD and obesity in China

Eating breakfast increases brain chemical involved in regulating food intake and cravings

[ | E-mail ] Contact: ESC Press 33-492-948627European Society of Cardiology@escardio European...

Cough medicines ‘a waste of money’

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jesslyn 573-8828353University of MissouriColumbia@mizzounews Breakfast-skippers...

But the NHS Choices website advises: “There’s little evidence to suggest cough medicines actually

Here’s A Breakdown Of The Ebola Treatments Used So Far In This Outbreak

work, although...

As the Ebola outbreak rages on in West Africa and begins to slowly spread in the United States, the race for a cure or vaccine...

Dog Of Nurse Hospitalized For Ebola ‘Wagging His Tail,’ Safely In Quarantine Nina Pham, the Dallas nurse being treated for

The Psychological Choice Environment of Vaccine Decision M aking: Two Examples, One Warning

Ebola, has at least one thing she can stop worrying about: Her dog is being...

When Edward Jenner proposed to the parents of 8year-old James Phipps the risky idea that rubbing some stuff from sick cows...

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Amber Vinson, Dallas Ebola Patient, Says CDC Gave Her Green Light To Fly

Boehner Says Obama Should ‘Absolutely Consider’ Travel Ban

The Frontier Airlines plane that Amber Vinson flew from Cleveland to Dallas on Monday, flies out of

WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Wednesday that President Barack

Cleveland Hopkins International...

Obama should “absolutely consider”...

#14Days: When to stage an intervention People afflicted with the disease of addiction may

CDC develops faster test for enterovirus D68

be incapable of understanding that they are in trouble and need help....

October 15, 2014, 5:41 AM|The Centers for Disease Contril and Prevention has implemented a faster lab test to detect enterovirus...

Ebola outbreak: Latest Texas patient en route to Atlanta hospital

A day in the life of an Ebola nurse in Liberia

Last Updated Oct 15, 2014 8:28 PM EDT The second Dallas nurse infected with Ebola will be

MONROVIA, Liberia – Every morning Diana Sarteh prays before leaving for work. “Please protect my

transferred to Emory University...

family from...

Heroism Seems to Be a Spontaneous Act

Immune Therapy Induces Remission for M any With a Tough-to-Treat Blood Cancer

WEDNESDAY Oct. 15, 2014, 2014 — People who risk their lives to rescue others appear to do so without giving it much...

WEDNESDAY Oct. 15, 2014, 2014 — An experimental immune-system therapy can often lead to complete remission in leukemia...

Limiting M alpractice Claims M ay Not Curb Costly M edical Tests

A Random Walk into the Genetics of Axon Guidance

WEDNESDAY Oct. 15, 2014, 2014 — Malpractice reform may not keep physicians from ordering unnecessary and expensive...

The man claimed he was a wizard and had cast the “spell of attraction” on the target. Now the target would guide his...

Whole Foods Rolls Out "Responsibly Grown" Rating System For Produce

How closely do urologists adhere to AUA guidelines?

Quinoa Like You’ve Never Seen It, With Yotam Ottolenghi Acclaimed London chef Yotam Ottolenghi’s fourth cookbook, Plenty...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Linda 212-6333923Elsevier Health Sciences Urologists evaluate physician...

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NASA’s Aqua satellite watches Tropical Storm Ana intensifying

Satellite eyes first major Atlantic Hurricane in 3 years: Gonzalo

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: On Oct. 14...

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard VIDEO: This animation...

Study reveals optimal particle size for anticancer nanomedicines

M icrofossils reveal warm oceans had less oxygen, Syracuse geologists say

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jianjun

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob 217-2443924University of Illinois College of Engineering@EngineeringAtIL IMAGE: ...

315-443-3403Syracuse University Professor Zunli Lu uses geochemistry, micropaleontology...

NASA study finds 1934 had worst drought of last thousand years

African leaders: Ebola could lead to food crisis

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ellen

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Agriculture ministers 301-286-

from West African nations at the center of the Ebola

1950NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard A new study...

epidemic say only money...

M ajor indexes end down, but well off session lows

Obama promises more aggressive response to Ebola fears in United States

By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks fell on Wednesday on continued worries about...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

Finding Balance: The Four Questions You Need to Ask Yourself

2nd Texas health worker tests positive for Ebola

Like the proverbial saying, putting all your eggs in

DALLAS (AP) — The Ebola crisis in the U.S. took

one basket, many of us focus on just one thing — usually our career...

another alarming turn Wednesday with word that a second Dallas nurse caught...

Ebola-stricken nurse being transferred

You can tell [my mood] by the way I walk

DALLAS (AP) — A Dallas nurse diagnosed with

Ever see a guy walking down the street and know

Ebola is being transferred to Emory University

he’s depressed? Or how about someone happy,

Obama pledged on Wednesday that federal officials would oversee the response...

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Hospital in Atlanta. An ambulance...

with a little bounce in their...

First Person Treated For "Google Glass Addiction"

Ebola-Infected Health Worker Took Flight From Cleveland to Dallas

Can You Train Your Brain To Crave Kale Instead Of

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French Fries? Do you want to lose weight but feel like you can’t...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Ebola Death Toll In West Africa Nears 4,500

A Fitness Trainer Comes Clean About Exercise-Related Weight Gain

ABIDJAN, Oct 15 (Reuters) – A total of 4,493 people

It’s 1997. I’m 300 pounds. Every day I push my

have died from the world’s worst Ebola outbreak on record...

mom’s coffee table out of the way, press Play on the VHS...

The Secrets of Building Great Teams: Part II For those of you who love continuous improvement

Got Yoga? Insights and Breath Into the Heart and M ind of The Emotional M ojo Yoga Coach

here is the way to be the ideal team player – become a ‘charismatic...

As a yoga teacher who has been a practitioner of yoga since my college days in Buffalo, New York circa 1973, and teaching...

How To Nicely Tell Wedding Guests Their Phones Aren’t Invited

A grassroots battle at the Ebola epicenter

Just before Heather Letostak’s wedding ceremony began, the priest made an announcement: No

MONROVIA, Liberia – In the Liberian capital, CBS News’ Debora Patta says it’s clear that while

phones allowed. “He kind of...


Ebola protocols questioned despite government confidence

Blind man sees for first time with "bionic eye"

Despite the confirmation of a second heath care worker in Texas infected with Ebola, Health and

It seems like the stuff of science fiction. But for Larry Hester, this is an eye-opening change for the

Human Services Secretary...

rest of his life....

Latest Texas Ebola patient to be transferred to Atlanta hospital

M y Dog Comes First: The Importance of Pets to Homeless Youth

Last Updated Oct 15, 2014 2:03 PM EDT The second Dallas nurse infected with Ebola will be

CAPB is sometimes available for writing assignments; please get in touch to discuss your

transferred to Emory University... ideas. If you are a behavioural... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

How To Beat Procrastination With Procrastination

Wifi Connected But No Connection

10 Rules I Set For Myself Around Food I’m known for not really liking rules. It’s not that I’m rebellious;

International Airport of Dubai, waiting for my connecting flight. The...

Photo: I.Rimanoczy I was sitting at the gate in the

I’m more...

Dog of Dallas nurse with Ebola moved to naval air base

​Could vitamin D make childbirth less painful?

DALLAS – Officials say the year-old King Charles Spaniel belonging to the Dallas nurse hospitalized

Low vitamin D levels could make childbirth more painful, according to a new study. Vitamin D

with Ebola has...

deficiency is common during...

School buys new turf over cancer concerns

Taser’s 50,000-volt jolt can mess up your brain

October 15, 2014, 10:23 AM|A Catholic high school in Seattle has swapped out the artificial turf on its

A 50,000-volt shock from a Taser is powerful enough to immobilize a person, but how does such

football field out...

a strong jolt affect the brain? A...

Whole Foods to start ranking fruits and veggies

Product placement can curb TV commercial audience loss by more than 10 percent: INFORM S study

NEW YORK – Whole Foods plans to start rolling out a system that ranks fruits and vegetables as “good,”...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Barry 443-794-5182Institute for Operations Research and the Management...

Key moment mapped in assembly of DNA-splitting molecular machine

ORNL research reveals unique capabilities of 3-D printing

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Justin 631344-2347DOE/Brookhaven National

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Morgan 865-574-

Laboratory@brookhavenlab Surprising structures...

7308DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory@ORNL Innovative manufacturing...

Transforming safety net practices into patient-centered medical homes — progress report

Bullies in the workplace [ | E-mail ] Contact: Stacy 515-294-7138Iowa

State University@IowaStateUNews ISU researcher... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically! [ | E-mail ] Contact: Connie 646674-6348Wolters Kluwer Health@WKHealth Special issue...

New guideline in genetic testing for certain types of muscular dystrophy

10 Small Changes For Health, Balance & Peace

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Duska 507-284-

9 Questions I Often Get Asked About Being Vegan While many of you might know me as the founder

5005Mayo Clinic@MayoClinic Knowing the specific

of Jivamukti Yoga, I’m...


Botija Olives: Why We’re Obsessed Quinoa Like You’ve Never Seen It, With Yotam

What I’ve Learned About Love From A Decade Of Being A Couples Therapist

Ottolenghi Acclaimed London chef Yotam

How I Found The Clarity To Leave My Unhappy

Ottolenghi’s fourth cookbook, Plenty...

Marriage For most of my marriage, I struggled with one decision: stay or leave....

The Hazard Of A Healthy Life I am always surprised when I realize I’m in my 50s.

Health secretary: Hospital needed better oversight

I know the years are whizzing by, but I don’t really

WASHINGTON (AP) — Health and Human Services


Secretary Sylvia Burwell said Wednesday the federal government could have performed...

M ember states losing race against Ebola: UN

AbbVie cools on $55 billion Shire deal after U.S. tax changes

United Nations (United States) (AFP) – The world is

By Paul Sandle and Sarah Young LONDON

falling behind in a desperate race to gain the upper

(Reuters) – U.S. pharmaceutical company AbbVie

hand over...

said it was reconsidering...

London considers ban on smoking in parks, squares

Texas dept.: 2nd person tests positive for Ebola

London (AFP) – Smoking should be banned in

DALLAS (AP) — Officials in Dallas say the second

London parks and landmarks including Parliament

health care worker who has tested positive for

Square and Trafalgar Square,...

Ebola was in isolation...

Texas nurse was familiar with Ebola risks

News guide: The latest on Ebola Health officials announced early Wednesday that a

second health care worker at a Dallas hospital had A member of the CG Environmental HazMat team PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

disinfects the entrance to the residence of the first

preliminarily tested...

health worker at the Texas...

Stem cells from human embryos prove safe, improve vision, study says

London mayor urged to ban smoking in Trafalgar Square, royal parks

For the first time, researchers have created

LONDON (Reuters) – Smoking in London’s parks

functioning human lung cells from stem cells. The

and public spaces like Trafalgar Square should be

longest-running trial of stem...

banned, according...

Second Texas healthcare worker tests positive for Ebola

Drinking Decaf Coffee M aybe Good for the Liver

(Reuters) – A second Texas healthcare worker who

Researchers from the National Cancer Institute

treated the first patient in the United States to be

report that decaffeinated coffee drinking may

diagnosed with...

benefit liver health. Results...

ACL Reconstruction Provides Not So Good Long-Term Outcomes

How You Feel About People is Related to How You Feel About Cities

Subscribe: SMR Posts RSS Subscribe: SMR

I’m a senior lecturer in social psychology at the

Comments RSS Become an SMR Facebook Friend

University of Newcastle, Australia. I’m best known

Follow SMR on Twitter ACL Reconstruction...

for my work...

Hookworm infection and microchallenge for coeliac disease?

HIIT It! 6-M inute Killer Booty Workout

I’m getting rather baffled by some of the literature

Nutrition and hydration are two critical factors that

appearing with the autoimmune condition coeliac

help you get the...

The 5 Best Foods To Eat Before After Your Workout

(celiac) disease...

How To Eat Like A Yogi (Even If You Don’t Do Yoga)

Why Drugs Aren’t Always The Best Solution For Anxiety & Insomnia

9 Ways To Radically Improve Your Relationship All

I Had Agoraphobia For 30 Years. Here’s How I

relationships have a system. Some systems work

Healed Not all agoraphobics are so terrified of

well and some are dysfunctional. Read ...

being in the outside world...

£100 an hour for GPs under Government flagship scheme

£100 an hour for GPs under Government flagship scheme

An investigation by doctors’ magazine Pulse

An investigation by doctors’ magazine Pulse

discloses that pilot schemes are paying doctor

discloses that pilot schemes are paying doctor

rates of £100 an hour to... rates of £100 an hour to... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Ban smoking in public parks: Lord Darzi

Ban smoking in public parks: Lord Darzi

– Banning new fast food outlets from opening within 400m of a school – Using local government

– Banning new fast food outlets from opening within 400m of a school – Using local government

powers to introduce a minimum...

powers to introduce a minimum...

English booze culture fuels nearly 10 million hospital admissions each year

English booze culture fuels nearly 10 million hospital admissions each year

“The NHS is now facing an intolerable strain from alcohol-related illnesses,” said Jackie Ballard,

“The NHS is now facing an intolerable strain from alcohol-related illnesses,” said Jackie Ballard,

Alcohol Concern...

Alcohol Concern...

Parkinson: How toxic proteins stress nerve cells

Parkinson: How toxic proteins stress nerve cells

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jochen 0049-069-630-184-091Goethe

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jochen 0049-069-630-184-091Goethe

University Frankfurt@goetheuni Biomarkers...

University Frankfurt@goetheuni Biomarkers...

Researchers identify potential drug that could help treat cystic fibrosis

Researchers identify potential drug that could help treat cystic fibrosis

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer 44-012-238-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer 44-012-238-

55373eLife @#!/eLife_sciences By screening...

55373eLife @#!/eLife_sciences By screening...

First report of long-term safety of human embryonic stem cells to treat human disease

Why Are Americans So Fascinated With Extreme Fitness?

New research published in The Lancet provides the first evidence of the medium-term to long-term

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

safety and tolerability...

E.U. Urges States to Coordinate Efforts to Cut Risk of Importing Ebola

Spain Exposes Holes in Plans to Treat Ebola

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Breast Cancer Stories

Ebola Fight in Africa Is Hurt by Limits on

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1 N.Y. / Region A View That Costs $81 Million Breast Cancer Stories

Ways to Get Out Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

How Oh Honey Became The Fall’s M ost Buzzworthy Band

Why I Don’t Breastfeed, If You M ust Know

About two years ago, Danielle Bouchard was greeting customers at the Harry Potter exhibit at

The mothers in my “Baby Me Yoga Fit,” class looked down from their tree poses, surprised as I

Discovery Times Square in New...

poured some instant formula...

Want a Better Life? Embrace Chaos

U.S. School Officials Seek Healthy Eating Tips in French Classrooms

“You always have to take it to the edge of Chaos!!” sputtered my husband to me during a frantic getthe-kids-ready-for-school-and-out-the-door...

By Johnny Cotton PARIS, Oct 14 (Reuters) – A team of officials from the United States visited a French...

Teachable moments about climate change

New ‘tree of life’ traces evolution of a mysterious cotinga birds

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joan

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Pat 49-622148-78130Springer Mapping first-hand experience

607-254-2137Cornell University@cornell Ithaca, N.Y.—They are some of...


Current models for predicting outcomes after mild traumatic brain injury perform poorly

1934 drought was worst of the last millennium, study finds

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nanci 202-777- 914-740-2100Mary

7524American Geophysical Union@theagu

Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering

WASHINGTON, DC— The 1934...

News@LiebertOnline IMAGE: ...

Building a bridge from basic botany to applied agriculture [ | E-mail ] Contact: Richard

This week from AGU: Glacier health check, world ocean atlas, liquid brines on M ars 314-577-9557American

From AGU’s journals: Cultivating salt-loving

Journal of Botany@Botanical_ In a special issue...

microbes on Mars Some scientists suspect that life...

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VIDEO: In 80 seconds: Ebola vaccine Media playback is unsupported on your device

VIDEO: ‘I was screened for Ebola at Heathrow’

VIDEO: In 80 seconds: Ebola vaccine

Passengers arriving at Heathrow airport from Ebola-affected countries have been screened by health officials. Documentary...

Anti-Ebola text tech set to expand

Ebola screening begins at Heathrow

14 October 2014 Last updated at 13:25 By Leo

14 October 2014 Last updated at 16:32

Kelion Technology desk editor Texts from the Tera

Passengers arriving at Heathrow airport from


Ebola-affected countries have been screened...

Dying patients ‘lack home support’ 15 October 2014 Last updated at 00:35 Sue Ryder

Study Backs Use of Stem Cells in Retinas

said there is an “obvious inequality” between help

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and advice...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Bellevue Hospital to Be a Focus if Ebola Hits New York

C.D.C. Says It Should Have Responded Faster to the Dallas Ebola Case

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Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Your M oney Adviser: Back to HealthCare.Gov to Shop for Plans in Open-Enrollment Period for 2015

New Ebola Cases M ay Soon Reach 10,000 a Week, Officials Predict

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The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Colombia denying entry to recent travelers to Ebola-hit countries

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Treating school uniforms to reduce dengue: the Finances

BOGOTA (Reuters) – Colombia has begun denying

[A shorter version of this article first appeared on

entry to travelers who have recently visited West African countries affected...

SciDev.Net] Scientists working to reduce dengue among school children...

Vampire Diaries: Tales of Sleep

Ghost in the Lab

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Blood is making a comeback in neuroscience and psychology research. Centuries ago, Galen thought

Owl and ghost. Photo by Rodney Steadman. This is the first in a series of four blog posts on science

that personality and behavior...

and the ‘paranormal.’...

We M ust Improve Anti-Suicide and M ental Health Care Programs at the VA

U.S. Will Send Rapid Response Team For Any New Ebola Cases

America’s men and women in uniform bravely defend our nation and our values. Their skill,

WASHINGTON (AP) — The government will send a rapid response team to any hospital in the country

dedication and valor are...

that diagnoses another...

Supreme Court steps in over Texas abortion law

Nurses’ union: Dallas hospital lacked Ebola protocols

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked key parts of a 2013 law in Texas

A national nurses union is decrying an absence of protocols at the Dallas hospital where a man died

that had closed all but eight...

of Ebola and a nurse...

Stem cell discovery challenges dogma on how fetus develops; holds insights for liver cancer and reg

Fish oil supplements have little effect on irregular heartbeat

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Greg 212-2419200The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Julie 514-3763330 x2641Montreal Heart Institute Montreal, October...

of Medicine@mountsinainyc A...

Want whiter teeth? Fruit mixture is not the answer [ | E-mail ] Contact: Richard Lewisrichard-c-

Study shows relationship among broadband performance, pricing, and demand worldwide 319-384-0012University of

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan

Iowa@uiowa University of Iowa study... 847-4913115Northwestern University@northwesternu The 3-year...

EARTH M agazine: Kilauea eruptions could shift from mild to wild [ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan

New approaches needed for people with serious mental illnesses in criminal justice system 703-3792480American Geosciences

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jann 773-702-

Institute@AGI_Updates Alexandria,...

2772University of Chicago@UChicago

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Responding to the large...

Dallas nurse infected with Ebola ‘in good condition': hospital says

Sierra Leone soldier with Ebola is not peacekeeper

AUSTIN Texas (Reuters) – The Dallas nurse

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — A Sierra Leone

infected with Ebola is “in good condition,” the

soldier has tested positive for Ebola but he is not a

hospital that...

member of, and had no...

Supreme Court blocks Texas abortion restrictions

U.S. health workers rally for Dallas nurse with Ebola, students pray

By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

By Lisa Maria Garza DALLAS (Reuters) –

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked

Thousands of U.S. health workers have joined

certain restrictions...

social media campaigns...

AbbVie says to reconsider recommendation for Shire acquisition

Obama, Japan PM discuss TPP trade deal, Ebola by phone: Jiji

(Reuters) – AbbVie Inc said it intends to reconsider

TOKYO (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama

its recommendation to its shareholders to vote in

and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

favor of the...

discussed stalled trade talks...

U.S. school officials seek healthy eating tips in French classrooms

Report shows disparities in U.S. diabetes prevention, amputation

PARIS (Reuters) – A team of officials from the

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Differences in

United States visited a French primary school on

amputation rates for diabetes complications are a

Tuesday looking for...

sign that disparities...

Smoking Causes 14 M illion M edical Conditions In U.S. Each Year

How Back-Breaking Work Put M y Ego Back Together

By Megan Gannon, News Editor Published:

Three years ago, I spent the most trying six months

10/14/2014 03:01 PM EDT on LiveScience

of my life, followed by six months of big-fish-in-little-

Smoking is to blame for about 14 million...

pond victories....

Health Officials M onitoring 125 For Ebola Symptoms Health officials are now monitoring 125 people

Facebook And Apple Will Pay For Women To Harvest And Freeze Their Eggs

who had either definite or possible exposure to the

Apparently, Facebook and Apple want to be on

first person to be diagnosed...

more than just the cutting edge of consumer

technology. In January, Apple will... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

M ore people in Dallas being monitored for Ebola

Facebook, Apple to cover egg freezing for female employees

Last Updated Oct 14, 2014 3:45 PM EDT DALLAS –

In this modern world, young women are often faced

They drew his blood, put tubes down his throat and

with the contradictory demands of a flourishing

wiped up his diarrhea....

career and ticking biological...

Harvard student who took dying mom to M exico gets humanitarian visa

New test for enterovirus D68 in kids

Last Updated Oct 14, 2014 5:30 PM EDT LOS

been struggling to understand the size of a national

REYES LA PAZ, Mexico — Only hours after the

wave of severe respiratory...

For more than two months, health officials have

publication of an Associated...

American teacher now educating Liberians about Ebola

Rare genetic disease protects against bipolar disorder

MONROVIA, Liberia — Health care workers are on

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim

another run in the overcrowded slum of Westpoint in Liberia’s... 508-856-2688University of Massachusetts Medical School@UMassMedNow UMMS...

Facebook, Apple pay for egg freezing, sperm donors

Digital doctors: China sees tech cure for healthcare woes

NEW YORK (AP) — Free lunches, dry cleaning, massages — frozen eggs? Silicon Valley’s biggest

By Adam Jourdan HANGZHOU China (Reuters) – Liu Chunming almost died after a car crash in July

companies have long...

in Taihe,...

‘Bit of a Challenge,’ But Ebola Nurse’s Dog Has New Home

Feds could have done more in Dallas Ebola case, CDC director says

Dallas nurse Nina Pham‘s dog Bentley has been taken into custody by an animal shelter as the

Jason Sickles is a reporter for Yahoo. Have a story tip? Email him at Follow

pooch’s owner is...

him on Twitter (@jasonsickles). Health Public...

U.S. Supreme Court blocks Texas abortion restrictions

Embryonic stem cells clear key hurdle in eye trial

By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked

Paris (AFP) – Embryonic stem cells transplanted into 18 patients with deteriorating eyesight restored

certain restrictions...

some vision in...

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Spanish nurse with Ebola slightly better, doctors say

Facebook’s Zuckerberg to donate $25 million to tackle Ebola

Rainy clouds pass over Madrid’s Carlos III Hospital (L, brick building), where Spanish nurse Teresa

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, addresses a gathering during the

Romero Ramos who...

Summit in New Delhi October 9,...

Stem cells from human embryos prove safe, improve vision -study

U.S. Ebola fears fuel new demand for protective gear

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The longest-running trial of stem cells derived from a human embryo found

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Since the first U.S. Ebola diagnosis in Dallas last month, demand for

that the cells caused...

hazardous materials suits...

Watch: CDC Ramping Up Ebola Response

Olive oil, nuts may help reverse heart risk factors

CDC Ramping Up Ebola Response Watch: CDC Ramping Up Ebola Response

A Mediterranean diet enhanced with extra nuts or more olive oil improved certain heart risk factors among people who had...

CDC lays out new plan to counter Ebola exposure in US

US begins Ebola vaccine testing in humans

Embattled Centers for Disease Control (CDC) director, Dr. Tom Frieden, laid out a new game plan

A scanning electron micrograph of the Ebola virus. (Cynthia Goldsmith | CDC) Officials began

to counter further contamination...

testing a Canadian-made Ebola...

Vietnam preps for medical makeover to recoup lost billions in healthcare

CDC makes faster test for enterovirus strain behind outbreak

HANOI (Reuters) – With Vietnam’s public hospitals stretched beyond their limits and private healthcare

(Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has created a faster test for

a fledgling...

detecting a strain of...

U.S. sets up rapid-response Ebola team; Dallas nurse improves

Urinary Prosthetic Device for Women Approved

DALLAS (Reuters) – The United States is establishing a rapid-response team to help

TUESDAY Oct. 14, 2014, 2014 — A device to help women with a condition called impaired detrusor

hospitals “within hours”...

contractility (IDC),...

Nearly 1 in 20 Cancer Patients Die

CDC M onitoring 76 Hospital Workers in

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Within M onth of Surgery: Study

Dallas for Ebola Exposure

TUESDAY Oct. 14, 2014, 2014 — In a study of more than 1 million cancer patients who had surgery,

TUESDAY Oct. 14, 2014, 2014 — Public health officials are actively monitoring 76 Dallas hospital

Harvard researchers...

workers who may have...

Carbon’s Place in a Silicon World

M AVEN’s first look at M ars holds surprises, says CU-Boulder mission leader

Everything is silicon based, well mainly your computer, your TV, your ipad, and pretty much every piece of electronics in...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Bruce 303-4928004University of Colorado at Boulder@cubouldernews IMAGE: ...

Can big data make sense of climate change? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn

Dinosaur breathing study shows that noses enhanced smelling and cooled brain 914-740-2100Mary

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrea

Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News@LiebertOnline IMAGE: ... 740-597-2166Ohio

M ars One — and done?

New sequencing reveals genetic history of tomatoes

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Abby

University Researchers discover preserved nasal features...

617-253-2709Massachusetts Institute of Technology@MITnews MIT team independently...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy

Photopharmacology: Optical control of insulin secretion

Nurse infected with Ebola knew risks of her work

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Luise

DALLAS (AP) — A Texas nurse who contracted

49-892-180-3423Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Researchers at...

Ebola while caring for a Liberian man who later died of the disease understood...

U.S. company offers to sell domain name for $150,000

Romneys support neurological research

By Alex Dobuzinskis (Reuters) – A Las Vegas company, seeking to capitalize on the world’s

WASHINGTON (AP) — Their legacy already established in politics, Mitt Romney and his wife,

530-752-4533University of California – Davis@ucdavis IMAGE: The...

worst... Ann, are working to leave a lasting... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Watch: Alarming New Numbers on Future Ebola Cases

These Tiny Animals Live Only on Driftwood

Alarming New Numbers on Future Ebola Cases Watch: Alarming New Numbers on Future Ebola

Maybe you gave your last realtor a long series of must-haves: a washing machine in unit, proximity


to the train, a gas stovetop....

M elanoma Cells: A Fatal Attraction to LPA

M ark Zuckerberg Donates $25 M illion To Help CDC Fight Ebola

Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.

The Top 7 Causes Of Stress In America Today We all know stress wreaks havoc on the body, from

A beautiful day,...

weakening the immune system,...

Chris Brown Tweets: ‘Ebola Is A Form Of Population Control’

Due Diligence on Diabetes You’ve probably had a burning desire to know what Chris Brown thinks

idiosyncratic knowledge. Sports. Poker. Cars. Music. People belong to book...

Most Americans possess amazing amounts of

about the Ebola outbreak,...

WHO: Ebola cases could hit 10,000 a week

Sharp rise in liquid nicotine poisonings in children

GENEVA – The death rate in the Ebola outbreak has risen to 70 percent and there could be up to

Poison control workers say that as the e-cigarette industry has boomed, the number of children

10,000 new cases a week...

exposed to the liquid nicotine...

14 million cases of major illness tied to smoking

Brittany M aynard’s decision: a medical perspective

Cigarette smoking accounts for approximately 14 million major medical conditions that plague the

Brittany Maynard was diagnosed with the most aggressive and most common form of primary

lives of U.S. adults, according...

brain cancer. She thinks she may...

Zuckerberg, wife give $25 million to fight Ebola

NASA’s Aqua satellite sees ExtraTropical Storm Vongfong pulling away from Hokkaido, Japan

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Dr. Priscilla Chan are donating $25 million to the CDC Foundation to help fight...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: The

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MODIS instrument...

Future computers could be built from magnetic ‘tornadoes’

Institutional rearing may increase risk attention-deficit disorder

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Abigail

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rhiannon 44-113-258- 214-648-

9880University of Sheffield@sheffielduni Magnetic materials...

0880Elsevier@ElsevierConnect Reports new study...

Is this the dark side of emotional intelligence? High EI linked with more delinquency among young women

Banana-Almond "Raw-nola"

If, as research suggests, the psychological trait of

This homemade “raw-nola” is sweet, fragrant, and bursting with the taste of delicious coconut. Banana-Almond...

sensation seeking is the catalyst for youthful delinquency, might high...

The Knicks Up Their Game With M indfulness Training On Sunday, Phil Jackson, head coach of the New York Knicks, announced that he has hired someone to put the team through mindfulness...

Do You Think You Are Out of Options for Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? “Is there no hope for me?” John asks me in a shaky voice. His hands were chapped and bleeding from constant washing....

Regular People Who Changed The World, And How You Can Too In their first best-selling book, Half the Sky, husband and wife team Nicholas D. Kristof, a New York Times columnist, and...

Celebrities Snap Selfies In Bed For Latest Campaign To Help Syrian Children Some celebrities want their privacy. Others take pictures of themselves shirtless in the sheets of their bed and want you...

Let Jason Schwartzman Tell You A Charming Story About How He Wound Up In ‘Listen Up Philip’

5 Frightening, Lifesaving Things to Know About CT Scans, Side Effects, Blood and Cancer

Jason Schwartzman is one of the nicest guys in

My wife Briggs was driven so far down by

Hollywood, but his character in “Listen Up Philip” is

chemotherapy for her advanced rectal cancer. Yet


in the book I wrote in her memory,...

Doc finds bravery, hope on Ebola

Swiss scientists explain evolution of

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extreme parasites

MONROVIA, Liberia – Locals’ skepticism of Ebola

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Olivia

and its treatment are only helping the virus spread

Poissonolivia.poisson@unibas.chUniversity of

in West Africa,...

Basel@UniBasel_en IMAGE: This is an electronmicroscopic...

Spinal cord injury victims may benefit from stem cell transplantation studies

Treating cancer: UI biologists find gene that could stop tumors in their tracks

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Brittany Borghibrittany-

Mirandacogcomm@aol.comCell Transplantation Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair 319-384-0048University of Iowa@uiowa IMAGE: Here is a...


Scientists sniff out unexpected role for stem cells in the brain

What do we share with other primates in terms of cognition?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Barbara McMakinnindspressteam@ninds.nih.govNIH/National

Below a beautiful summary of the recent literature on the neurobiology of action

Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

imitation/understanding, language, and rhythmic...


Homemade Kimchi (It’s Easier Than You Think!)

10-M inute Pilates Workout To Reverse The Effects Of Sitting All Day

Not Into Kale? This Recipe Might Change Your

Stuck At Work? 6 Pilates Exercises You Can Do At

Mind We all know kale is an amazing nutrient

Your Desk With interest spreading at a rate that

dense vegetable. However, I’ve...

might have surprised Joseph...

What President Obama Said When I Asked Him About M indfulness

8 Tips To Thrive At Any Age (From An 88-Year-Old Wellness Rockstar)

Everything You Need To Know About Meditation

7 Free Ways To Fight The Effects Of Aging The

Charlie Knoles has been meditating his entire life.

essence of anti-aging medicine is not only

In this comprehensive talk,...

prolonging one’s life span, but...

How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night

11 Ways To Recognize When You’re Sabotaging Yourself

“I’m Not Skinny Enough” Other Yoga Myths,

7 Signs You’re Dealing With Your Past In A

Debunked As a yoga teacher I often hear, “I could

Destructive Way Past experiences can be our best

never do...

friends or worst enemies;...

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UN medical team member infected with Ebola dies in Germany

M ental health care gravely lacking at military base, soldier says

A United Nations medical worker who was infected

Mental health care at Canadian Forces Base Shilo

with Ebola in Liberia has died despite “intensive

in Manitoba has been “a nightmare for me and

medical procedures,”...

other patients,”...

Downsizing: Staring myself down in the gym mirror

When is someone dead? Debate rages on in science and medicine

To me, the thought of going to a gym was terrifying.

It’s not always easy to determine if someone is

Walking through gauntlets of people grunting and

dead. Science, medicine, law or religions don’t

flexing, all hooked...

always offer...

Why in a single year did life expectancy in the US drop by 12 years?

NHS spending warning by watchdog

13 October 2014 Last updated at 00:13 Public

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

buildings were turned into hospitals to cope will all

Huw Vaughan Thomas calls...

14 October 2014 Last updated at 07:29 Please turn

the cases A deadly...

New trust to run Stafford Hospital

UN worker dies of Ebola in Germany

14 October 2014 Last updated at 10:58 A new trust

14 October 2014 Last updated at 10:44 The Ebola

is being set up to run the scandal-hit Stafford

patient was being treated at St Georg hospital in

Hospital and a second hospital...

Leipzig A UN employee...

Fly genes hold clue to human illness

One signal means different things to stem cells versus their progeny

14 October 2014 Last updated at 10:21 By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Scientists have...

Two listeners might hear the same message, but understand it differently and take different actions in response. Something...

Ebola kills U.N. medical worker in Germany

#14Days: Yoga for relapse prevention

BERLIN – A United Nations medical worker who

(Y12SR), found salvation years ago in a 12-step

was infected with Ebola in Liberia has died despite

program, and ingraining...

Nikki Myers, founder of Yoga of 12 Step Recovery

“intensive medical...

Cooling cap could change breast cancer treatment

14 million major diseases caused by smoking in the U.S., study finds

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When Donna Tookes learned she had breast

October 14, 2014, 5:40 AM|More than seven million

cancer last winter, the 59-year-old thought she had

smokers have the lung disease emphysema,

no choice but to accept one...

roughly half of all smoking-related...

Light-activated drug could reduce side effects of diabetes medication

New forecasting method: Predicting extreme floods in the Andes mountains

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sam

[ | E-mail ] Contact: PIK Press Officepress@pik- 44-207-594- 49-331-288-2507Potsdam Institute for

2198Imperial College London@imperialspark Scientists have...

Climate Impact Research...

UN medical worker infected with Ebola dies at Germany hospital

The 7 worst things you can say to someone battling breast cancer

BERLIN – A United Nations medical worker who

When you find out someone has breast cancer, it

was infected with Ebola in Liberia has died despite “intensive medical...

can be hard to know what to say. Even if you have the best of intentions,...

U.N. medic dies of Ebola in German hospital

Sonova struggles to convince investors with new hearing aids

BERLIN (Reuters) – A U.N. medical official who

ZURICH (Reuters) – Sonova, the world’s biggest

caught Ebola while working in Liberia has died in the German hospital...

hearing aid maker, disappointed some analysts on Tuesday with...

M edicaid backlogs persist, raising concerns as enrollment season nears

Childhood obesity rates still high in Ireland and may begin to fall, say researchers

The Wall Street Journal reports that hundreds of thousands of people still don’t officially have the Medicaid coverage...

BioMed Central Childhood obesity rates still high in

Griffith researcher awarded $1.85m grant to accelerate diagnosis, treatment for CFS

New research shows impact of ulcerative colitis on patients’ quality of life, treatment satisfaction Griffith researcher awarded

NICE draft guidance says no to biologic treatments

$1.85m grant to accelerate diagnosis, treatment for CFS

for patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis – potentially...

Ebola fears see five passengers with flu-like symptoms removed from UAE

DENTAL problems may cost athletes a medal at the Olympics

Ireland and may begin to fall, say researchers

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Flight 237 Boarded United Arab Emirates Flight 237 at about 2.45pm on Monday Donning Hazmat outfits, they removed five fliers with ‘flu-like...

Oral problems affected a fifth of athletes performances at the 2012 Olympics Nearly half reported they had not visited a...

Why going private on health insurance can pay

Lung cancer is diagnosed far too late in the UK

By Rachel Ellis for the Daily Mail Published: 19:18

The disease is only discovered after death in one

EST, 13 October 2014 | Updated: 03:13 EST, 14 October 2014 ...

in 20 cases More than 35,000 people die of lung cancer in Britain each...

M isdiagnosis of bilateral tubal pregnancy: a case report

Dynamic preload indicators decrease when the abdomen is opened

IntroductionThe incidence of bilateral tubal

Optimizing cardiac stroke volume during major

pregnancy is rising due to the increase of pelvic inflammatory disease and assisted...

surgery is of interest to many as a therapeutic target to decrease the incidence...

Initial blood test shows Polish man does not have Ebola virus

China military-linked firm eyes quick approval of drug to cure Ebola

WARSAW (Reuters) – An initial blood test on a man

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – A Chinese drugmaker with

in Poland suspected of being infected with Ebola showed he does not...

close military ties is seeking fast-track approval for a drug that it...

Why I Feel Younger In M y 50s Than I Did In M y 30s

6 Fall Ingredients That Are Good For You + How To Use Them

7 Free Ways To Fight The Effects Of Aging The

Warming Fall Kale Salad With Sriracha Vinaigrette

essence of anti-aging medicine is not only prolonging one’s life span, but...

This fall kale salad keeps your body warm with grounding sweet potatoes...

VisionCare’s Implantable M iniature Telescope gets FDA approval for treating end-stage AM D

Fla.’s gubernatorial candidates at odds over M edicaid expansion

VisionCare Ophthalmic Technologies, Inc. (“VisionCare”), a developer of advanced visual

says he will consider using an executive order to expand the program for low-income...

Charlie Crist, the Republican-turned-Democrat,

prosthetic devices for...

Eyes watering all the time? You may

Using computers means it’s easier for

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need a Botox jab

GPs to make dangerous mistakes

By Lucy Elkins for The Daily Mail Published: 18:12

By Kate Wighton for the Daily Mail Published: 18:25

EST, 13 October 2014 | Updated: 18:12 EST, 13 October 2014 View...

EST, 13 October 2014 | Updated: 18:27 EST, 13 October 2014 ...

When a pear shape figure is a problem and why liposuction can make it WORSE

How the stress of work, smoking and drinking among women has narrowed life expectancy gap

Alison White, 32, has big legs in comparison with the rest of her body ‘My legs are like tree trunks all the way down...

Increasing numbers of women have joined the

6 Reasons Your Hair Is Thinning

18 Things You Do When You’re Alone— But Would NEVER Admit

The signs of thinning hair are pretty straightforward:

labour market over 50 years ONS says this has lead to more stress, smoking...

extra hair in the drain and on your brush, your hair tie looping around...

One of the best things about your alone time is that

What a 10-Year-Old Taught M e About Fitness

Slippery When Coated: Helping M edical Devices Prevent Blood Clots

A few weekends back, I was honored to be one of

i i The slide on the right has been treated with a

the presenters at the inaugural Women’s Fitness Summit in Kansas City,...

coating that repels blood. Wyss...

In Hawaii, NASA To Launch ‘Fake M ission To Fake Space’

M aking a will? Why not plan your endof-life care too

Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For

More than half of Australians have a will (59%) to determine how their property will be divided after

other uses, prior permission required. ROBERT...

they die. And 30% have...

Primary ectopic atypical meningioma in the renal hilum: a case report

Evaluation of two implementation strategies in 51 child county public service systems in two states: results of a cluster randomized head-to-head implementation trial

Primary ectopic atypical meningioma involving the renal hilum is rare. This is, to our knowledge, only the second case report...

you have the right to be as embarrassing (or gross or weird) as you...

Much is to be learned about what implementation strategies are the most beneficial to communities PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

attempting to adopt evidence-based...

Association of Gly972Arg variant of insulin receptor subtrate-1 and Gly1057Asp variant of insulin receptor subtrate-2 with polycystic ovary syndrome in the Chinese population

ECCPC Chairman to visit Taipei Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Secretariat to the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural...

ObjectivePolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrinologic disease in women. In the present study, we examined...

Hong Kong Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong – Thailand...

Police and FSD condemn people illegally occupying the roads for reinforcing barriers Hong Kong (HKSAR) – People illegally occupying the roads yesterday (October 13) reinforced the barriers with bamboo...

New computer method used to identify brain cancer gene

Healthy lifestyle choices add up to cut bowel cancer risk

US scientists have developed a new computerbased method of analysing biological data, and

The risk of developing bowel cancer can be reduced by adopting some or all of five key healthy

used it to unearth the genetic...

lifestyle changes, German...

Nuclear plants must give anti-radiation pills to nearby residents: regulator

Bad ecstasy batch puts two teens in hospital warn police in Saanich

Residents and businesses near nuclear power plants must be provided with potassium iodide

Saanich police are issuing a public warning about a bad batch of ecstasy after two youths on the drug

pills as a precautionary measure...

wound up in hospital...

12 latent tuberculosis cases found at Orleans high school

U.S. officials launch review of Ebola procedures

Twelve students at Gisèle-Lalonde High School in Orleans have tested positive for tuberculosis, but

The Texas nurse who contracted Ebola while caring for a dying Liberian man repeatedly visited

all cases are latent...

his room from the day he was...

Ottawa patient tests negative for Ebola virus

Heathrow to start screening for Ebola

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The Ebola virus risk remains low in Canada, government and health officials have stressed, but one person who recently returned...

14 October 2014 Last updated at 03:36 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website A spokesman...

Study sheds light on factors that may contribute to pancreatic cancer

Debate Over Ebola Turns to Specific Policy Requests

New research that provides a better understanding of pancreatic cancer may help identify individuals at

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

increased risk. The...

York Times. ...

Questions Rise on Preparations at Hospitals to Deal With Ebola

Scientists Rein In Fears of a Virus Whose M ysteries Tend to Invite Speculation

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Ebola Puts Nina Pham, a Nurse Unaccustomed to the Spotlight, in Its Glare

M atter: Rats and Their Alarming Bugs

Log in to manage your products and services from

York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Vatican Signals Change in Attitudes Toward Homosexuals

Broccoli Compound Shows Promise Against Autism

‘; var fr = document.getElementById(adID);

A compound extracted from broccoli sprouts may

setHash(fr, hash); fr.body = body; var doc =

improve some social and behavioral problems that


affect people with autism,...

Dad Captures Beautiful Photos Of Son’s Childhood After Almost Losing Him One morning in 2013, dad Adrian Murray and his

Ginger Unzueta Captures The Everyday Beauty In Her Family’s Life In 365-Day Photo Project

wife Michelle experienced every parent’s

Ginger Unzueta finds joy in the details: her

nightmare. They woke up to...

children’s messes, their big smiles, their cuddles. To document life’s...

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Ebola Survivor Donates Plasma To Sick Dallas Nurse

Can Shopping Help Anxiety? The Psychology Behind Retail Therapy

DALLAS (AP) — A Dallas nurse who has Ebola has been given plasma to fight the virus taken from the

Most people are guilty of emotional spending at one time or another. Whether you partake in retail

blood of a doctor who...

therapy while you’re...

Sonic Hedgehog protein causes DNA damage and the development child brain tumors

Watch: A Look At The Ebola Protective Suit Health Workers Use

[ | E-mail ] Contact: William Raillant-Clarkw.raillant-

CDC Director Would Not Be Surprised If Another Dallas Hospital Worker Is Infected with Ebola 514-343-7593University of

Watch: A Look At The Ebola Protective...

Montreal@uMontreal_news IMAGE: ...

Ebola in America: Timeline of a Deadly Virus’s Arrival in the US

5 Things You Are Doing That Keep You From Feeling You Are Good Enough

The Ebola outbreak, once thousands of miles

Time to be truthful with myself and you! As a

away, is now right in America’s backyard with the

licensed marriage and family therapist, and as

first transmission on...

someone who helps people overcome...

EU considers airport screening for Ebola

Chicago teachers’ union head won’t run against M ayor Emanuel

PARIS (AP) — France and other European

(Reuters) – Chicago Teachers Union President

countries are considering following the lead of the

Karen Lewis, who had surgery last week for a

U.S. and Britain to start screening...

serious illness, will not...

Health officials urge hospitals to ‘think Ebola’

VIDEO: Vaccine race for ‘enemy’ Ebola virus

DALLAS – Federal health officials on Monday

There is no known cure or vaccine for Ebola, even

urged the nation’s hospitals to “think Ebola” and

though it is nearly 40 years since the virus first


emerged. But there are...

GPs missing signs for lung cancer

Pfizer breast cancer drug to get FDA priority review

14 October 2014 Last updated at 00:15 By Pippa Stephens Health reporter, BBC News Lung cancer kills more...

Pfizer said Monday an experimental breast cancer treatment will be given an accelerated review by US regulators, speeding...

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Cautious optimism as childhood obesity rates in Ireland plateau

On the Road: For the Traveler, Ebola Is a Small Blip on the Radar

Childhood overweight and obesity rates have plateaued in primary school aged children in the

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Republic of Ireland, reveals...

York Times. ...

A Bank Chief M akes Ebola His M ission

On View: ‘Haunted Files: The Eugenics Record Office’ Recreates a Dark Time in a Laboratory’s Past

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Smell Turns Up in Unexpected Places Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Jeremy Hunt: Ebola crisis ‘could match Aids epidemic’ The first American to contract Ebola in the United States was yesterday identified by her family as Nina Pham, 26, from...

Emotional Yoga I have a friend who can go from the ‘bird of paradise’ yoga position into a ‘firefly’ and then easily...

‘Bionic Eye’ Helps This M an See For The First Time In 30 Years Larry Hester was 33 years old when doctors diagnosed him with retinitis pigmentosa, a disease where the eyes’ light-sensitive...

About 70 Hospital Staffers Cared For Dallas Ebola Patient, Records Show

Liberians cope with the fear and realities of Ebola

DALLAS (AP) — They drew his blood, put tubes down his throat and wiped up his diarrhea. They

MONROVIA, Liberia — It’s hard to escape the fear surrounding Ebola. Like every public place in the

analyzed his urine and wiped...

Liberian capital...

Oral health problems in elite athletes ‘must be addressed’

High carb diet, acidic sports drinks and eating disorders take toll on athletes’ teeth

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Harry 44-020-310-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emma

83844University College London@uclnews Poor 44-020-738-

oral health...

36529BMJ-British Medical Journal@bmj_latest But

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poor understanding...

Nearly 1 in 3 UK lung cancer patients dies within 3 months of diagnosis

Stenting safe and effective for longterm stroke prevention

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emma

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Siobhan 44-020-73836529BMJ-British Medical Journal@bmj_latest 44-020-76799041University College London@uclnews Using

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TV station, rector: 2nd Ebola patient is nurse, 26

Wall St. drops in late selloff; worst three days for S&P 500 since 2011

DALLAS (AP) — Media reports and a church rector have identified the second Ebola patient in Texas

By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) – The SP 500 dropped more than 1 percent and

as a 26-year-old nurse...

posted its worst...

About 70 hospital staffers cared for Ebola patient

Birth control pill threatens fish populations

DALLAS (AP) — They drew his blood, put tubes down his throat and wiped up his diarrhea. They

The lead researcher of a new study is calling for improvements to some of Canada’s waste water

analyzed his urine and wiped...

treatment facilities...

Ebola outbreak: 1st human trials of Canadian vaccine start in U.S.

Cancer patient calls for equal funding for take-home drugs

The first human clinical trials of a Canadiandeveloped Ebola vaccine, VSV-EBOV, begin in

A cancer patient from Sydney is speaking out, saying the provincial government should pay for all

Maryland today to assess the vaccine’s...

chemotherapy drugs, not...

2 people with Ebola-like symptoms in Ottawa, Belleville hospitals

Perpetual motion: how to deal with chronic vertigo

The Ebola virus risk remains low in Canada, government and health officials have stressed, but

For those with chronic vertigo, there is hope. Studies show that vestibular rehabilitation

two people who recently returned...

exercises can often help the brain...

ASA: lidocaine during breast sx may reduce long-term pain

Yoga pose may help reduce spinal curve of scoliosis

(HealthDay)—Lidocaine given to women undergoing mastectomy reduces their risk of

(HealthDay)—Asymmetric strengthening with yoga may reduce abnormal spinal curvature in patients

persistent pain after the procedure, according... with scoliosis, according... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Drug-coated balloon catheter approved catheter designed to clear narrowed or blocked

Frozen stool pills may make fecal transplants simpler and safer, study finds

arteries in the thigh and knee...

Would you swallow frozen stool in a pill? What if

(HealthDay)—The first drug-coated balloon

you were infected by a stubborn strain of Clostridium difficile and suffering...

On the Road: For Travelers, Ebola Represents a Small Blip on the Radar

Wall Street drops in late selloff; energy, airlines fall

Log in to manage your products and services from

By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) –

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The SP 500 dropped more than 1 percent and posted its worst...

California Ebola researcher seeks more money through crowdfunding

Factbox: U.S. funds to fight Ebola now top $1 billion, may rise

By Steve Gorman LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A

By David Lawder (Reuters) – The U.S. government

California-based immunologist in charge of an international...

now has more than $1 billion available to fight the spread...

Obama urges more action to fight Ebola crisis

Obama, Hollande discuss need for Ebola treatment centers

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack

Obama spoke to U.N. Secretary General Ban KiMoon on Monday and agreed the...

Obama spoke with French President Francois Hollande on Monday about the urgent...

No Ebola scare at Boston’s Logan Airport: CDC

Toxic mess: Agencies at odds over Ebola-waste disposal

(Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control

Oct. 12, 2014: A hazmat worker moves a barrel

and Prevention said there was no Ebola scare at Boston’s Logan...

while finishing up cleaning outside an apartment building of a hospital worker...

M olecule found in broccoli linked to improved autism symptoms

Texas nurse infected with Ebola identified

(© 2010 Oliver Hoffmann) A chemical found in

(Family Handout) The family of a nurse who

broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables may reduce symptoms...

contracted Ebola while treating Thomas Eric Duncan at a Dallas hospital has...

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France says will build more Ebola treatment centers in Guinea

Does the Road M ake the Difference? (PHOTOS)

PARIS (Reuters) – France said on Monday it had

We have all come to that point in the road — a

agreed to set up new treatment centers for Ebola in

decision we feel is a “make or break it” point. Many

Guinea after the...


Your Guide To Vegan Dating The most profound relationships are often the

NBC News Freelance Journalist With Ebola Says He’s Feeling Better

ones that challenge our beliefs and make us

The NBC News freelance journalist who contracted

question ourselves. When one partner...

Ebola while covering the crisis in Monrovia, Liberia, took to Twitter on...

​It’s OK If You Like Gaining Weight When Pregnant And OK If You Don’t

Worms? Ammonia? M cDonald’s takes questions

The battle royale over how much weight you are or

McDonald’s (MCD) wants to explain why its burgers

are not allowed to gain during pregnancy rages on:

may not rot and that there are no worms in its beef.

In one corner of the...

The world’s...

Ebola fears: La. waste facility won’t take Dallas man’s incinerated belongings NEW ORLEANS – A Louisiana waste disposal

Chemical present in broccoli, other vegetables may improve autism symptoms

facility said Monday it would not accept the ash

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cassandra

from the incineration of... 617-7246433Massachusetts General Hospital@MassGeneralNews Sulforaphane...

Greater rates of mitochondrial mutations discovered in children born to older mothers

Guideline offers direction in genetic testing for certain types of muscular dystrophy

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Barbara K. 814-863-4682Penn

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 612-928-6129American

State@penn_state Research could provide

Academy of Neurology@GreenJournal



Study estimates 14 million smokingattributable major medical conditions in US

No association seen between physical activity, depressive symptoms in adolescents

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jenny

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Umar 301-796- JAMA

0776The JAMA Network Journals@JAMA_current Bottom...

Network Journals@JAMA_current Bottom Line: A study...

Dysregulation in orexinergic system associated with Alzheimer disease [ | E-mail ] Contact: Claudio

Watch: CDC Director Would Not Be Surprised If Another Dallas Hospital Worker Is Infected with Ebola

Liguoridott.claudioliguori@yahoo.itThe JAMA Network Journals@JAMA_current Bottom Line: In...

CDC Director Would Not Be Surprised If Another Dallas Hospital Worker Is Infected with Ebola Watch: CDC Director Would Not...

Dog of Ebola-infected Dallas nurse to be cared for, officials say

NHS staff in first strike for 32 years

By Lisa Maria Garza DALLAS (Reuters) – The dog of the Dallas nurse who contracted Ebola when

in England’s state-run National Health Service went on strike...

London (AFP) – Hundreds of thousands of workers


Oklahoma attorney general asks for delay in three executions

Liberia medics on strike as WHO calls Ebola ‘worst health crisis’

By Heide Brandes OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) – Oklahoma’s attorney general has filed a request to

Monrovia (AFP) – Doctors and nurses across Liberia went on strike on Monday to demand


danger money to care for Ebola...

Q&a: Heavy Backpacks on Little Backs

C.D.C. Reviewing Procedures After New Case of Ebola in Dallas

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Famous Surgeon Condemns Healthcare System Over Brittany M aynard’s Assisted Suicide

Aslan and the White Witch

The case of Brittany Maynard — the 29-year-old woman with brain cancer electing to undergo

White Witch We always have the...

This passage speaks to the turning points of resilience that are always near. Aslan and the

physician-assisted suicide Nov....

Vive La Difference!

The Deadliest Threat to Success

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Linda: During our first few years together, Charlie

Amanda Brewer, a New Jersey school teacher,

and I knew what kind of a relationship we desired,

took this terrifying picture of a great white shark. For

but it took more than...

most of us, the close-up...

Adorable Photo Series Shows Preemies Sleeping Safely, Dreaming Big

Are health officials calming nerves or stoking panic amid Ebola outbreak?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics,

Anxiety was already running high in Dallas when a

sleep-related factors are a leading cause of infant

nurse who treated Ebola victim Thomas Alan

death. Children’s...

Duncan was diagnosed with the...

Some hospitals may be ill equipped to handle Ebola

CDC chief says U.S. must "rethink" how it handles Ebola

The idea that all U.S. hospitals may not be able to

In the wake of the first-ever transmission of the

safely treat Ebola patients seemed to find more

Ebola virus on U.S. soil, America must “rethink” the

acceptance Monday as...

way it...

Wall Street near flat after S&P 500 breaks support

NHS strikes: What next?

By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) –

written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More

U.S. stocks were nearly flat in early afternoon

from Nick The strike...

13 October 2014 Last updated at 16:29 Article


Liberia Ebola medics ignore strike 13 October 2014 Last updated at 16:08 Please turn

Heathrow Ebola screening from Tuesday

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

13 October 2014 Last updated at 16:54 By James

“Most people in...

Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website Ebola screening...

Sensors to simplify diabetes management

Spotting eye problems in pets

For many patients diagnosed with diabetes,

driver’s license or don prescription glasses to see

treating the disease can mean a burdensome and

the tiny text...

Pets don’t have to read an eye chart to keep a

uncomfortable lifelong routine...

Aluminium and its likely contribution to Alzheimer’s disease

Should white mom be paid for brown baby mistake?

A world authority on the link between human

What is the price of being forced to raise a brown

exposure to aluminium in everyday life and its likely baby? It’s an unusual question, arising from an PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

contribution to Alzheimer’s...

unusual lawsuit...

The New Health Care: Placebos Help. Just Ask This Health Economist.

New Questions of Risk and Vigilance After Dallas Nurse Contracts Ebola

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

The stigma of parental suicide: why bereavement is only the beginning of grief

New Type Of ‘Good’ Fat Could Help Cure Diabetes

Like many children whose parents take their own

“good” fats that help keep us healthy. So healthy, in

lives, Rosie struggled with her own suicidal feelings. “Being exposed...

fact, that...

Ebola outbreak: Rona Ambrose comments on recent developments

Ebola outbreak: Rona Ambrose comments on recent developments

On mobile? Watch Rona Ambrose speak live

On mobile? Watch Rona Ambrose speak live

starting at 10 a.m. ET Canadian Health Minister Rona Ambrose and chief public...

starting at 10 a.m. ET Canadian Health Minister Rona Ambrose and chief public...

VIDEO: ‘I want to do Stephen Sutton proud’

VIDEO: ‘I want to do Stephen Sutton proud’

Radio 1’s first Stephen Sutton Teen Hero Award

Radio 1’s first Stephen Sutton Teen Hero Award

winner has been given to Jack Marshall. The 16year-old was born with...

winner has been given to Jack Marshall. The 16year-old was born with...

Does social media impact on body image?

Does social media impact on body image?

13 October 2014 Last updated at 10:41 By Philippa

13 October 2014 Last updated at 10:41 By Philippa

Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Millions of pictures...

Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Millions of pictures...

Activity guidelines "being ignored"

Activity guidelines "being ignored"

Experts say official guidelines on physical activity

Experts say official guidelines on physical activity

are being “ignored”, creating a major public health

are being “ignored”, creating a major public health

challenge. Official...

challenge. Official...

Scientists have added a new type of fat to the list of

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Woman finds three-inch leech in nose

Woman finds three-inch leech in nose

13 October 2014 Last updated at 13:52 A

13 October 2014 Last updated at 13:52 A

backpacker found a 3in (7.5cm) leech that had

backpacker found a 3in (7.5cm) leech that had

been living up her nose for a month...

been living up her nose for a month...

New Dallas Case Raises The Question: Can All U.S. Hospitals Safely Treat Ebola?

New Dallas Case Raises The Question: Can All U.S. Hospitals Safely Treat Ebola?

A breach of infection control resulting in a Dallas

A breach of infection control resulting in a Dallas

health worker getting Ebola raises fresh questions about whether hospitals...

health worker getting Ebola raises fresh questions about whether hospitals...

How Ebola Got Its Name

How Ebola Got Its Name

By: Bahar Gholipour Published: 10/10/2014 11:35

By: Bahar Gholipour Published: 10/10/2014 11:35

AM EDT on LiveScience The Ebola virus that’s

AM EDT on LiveScience The Ebola virus that’s

causing the devastating...

causing the devastating...

The Best Workouts To Do When You’re Too Tired To Work Out

The Best Workouts To Do When You’re Too Tired To Work Out

By Corrie Pikul Even though the only exercise you

By Corrie Pikul Even though the only exercise you

feel like doing is a microwave-to-couch roll, the

feel like doing is a microwave-to-couch roll, the

right physical activity...

right physical activity...

This Is The M essy Truth About Ebola

This Is The M essy Truth About Ebola What happens when you get What happens when you get

Ebola? CNN’s Miguel Marquez explains (Sources:

Ebola? CNN’s Miguel Marquez explains (Sources:

CDC and WHO). ...

CDC and WHO). ...

How Clocks Could Be Harming Your Health, Happiness And Productivity

How Clocks Could Be Harming Your Health, Happiness And Productivity

The speed of life, it seems, is always increasing.

The speed of life, it seems, is always increasing.

Our to-do lists get longer, our deadlines loom

Our to-do lists get longer, our deadlines loom

closer, and constant access...

closer, and constant access...

Retroperitoneoscopic single site renal biopsy surgery: right indications for the right technique

Ebola outbreak: WHO calls it modern era’s worst health emergency The World Health Organization today called the

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Bacground: Laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) has been developed in an attempt to further reduce the morbidity and...

Ebola outbreak “the most severe, acute health emergency seen in modern...

How in a single year did life expectancy in the US drop by 12 years?

VIDEO: NHS strike: On the picket line

13 October 2014 Last updated at 00:13 Public

midwives and ambulance staff, are striking and working to rule in a row over...

buildings were turned into hospitals to cope will all the cases A deadly...

Thousands of NHS workers, including nurses,

AUDIO: ‘Despair’ of being 93 and lonely

Some Liberia nurses defy strike

A 93-year-old from Hampshire has described the

13 October 2014 Last updated at 13:22 Please turn

the “despair” and loneliness he has suffered since losing his...

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Many health workers have...

NHS staff strike in dispute over pay

Study looks at psychological solution for the problem of painful sex

13 October 2014 Last updated at 12:08 By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The strikes were...

A QUT psychology researcher is seeking couples

Single gene links susceptibility to rare infections with predisposition to autoimmune disease

What happens to your brain when your mind is at rest?

The mutations were familiar, but the patients’ conditions seemed baffling at first. A team lead by

examine changes in the brain that occur when people are attentively engaged...

who experience a sexual pain disorder that affects 12-17 per cent of couples...

For many years, the focus of brain mapping was to

Rockefeller University...

Arthritis sufferers excluded from everyday life

2nd Ebola Case in U.S. Stokes Fears of Health Care Workers

Arthritis is the second leading cause of disability in Australia with many sufferers so severely disabled

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

they cannot engage...

York Times. ...

Coloring Isn’t Just For Kids. It Can Actually Help Adults Combat Stress.

The Great Eastern Philosophers: Lao Tzu

Coloring is an activity that we tend to associate with Little is truly known about the Chinese philosopher children. As we grow older, we put aside our Lao Tzu (sometimes also known as Laozi or Lao PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

crayons and colored pencils...

Tze), who is a guiding...

Why Ambiverts Are M ore Successful And Influential Than Extroverts

Share a M eal: Fighting Childhood Hunger

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? You probably already have some idea. Personality-type testing is

Last year before Christmas, my wife kept asking me what I wanted for the holidays. I realized I didn’t

common in school and...

want any tangible...

Automated patient-ventilator interaction analysis during neurally adjusted non-invasive ventilation and pressure support ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Predictors and long-term outcome of seizures in human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV)-negative Cryptococcal meningitis

IntroductionDelivering synchronous assist during

complications of human immuno-deficiency virus

non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is challenging with

(HIV)-negative cryptococcal...

Seizures are one of the most important neurologic

flow or pressure controlled...

Government to sell site on Lantau Island by public tender Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Lands Department

"Hong Kong in M iniature" exhibition opens in Tokyo to showcase Hong Kong’s lifestyle and culture

announced today (October 13) that a site, Lot No.

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – An exhibition entitled “Hong

758 in Demarcation District...

Kong in Miniature”, which showcases Hong Kong’s...

Association between the unemployment rate and inpatient cost per discharge by payer in the United States, 2005?2010

How gentamicin destroys the inner ear

Several reports have linked the 2007-2009 Great

at the Schering pharmaceutical...

Gentamicin, the drug that destroyed Janice Mackay’s entire vestibular system, was discovered

Recession in the United States with a slowdown in health care spending and...

Assisted suicide: Where do Canada and other countries stand?

M isunderstood and often misdiagnosed, the mystery of vertigo

The debate on medically assisted death will be

Word went round Janice Mackay’s quiet

front and centre again this week as the Supreme Court of Canada hears arguments...

neighbourhood that she was hitting the bottle hard. She’d been seen more...

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AUDIO: M en ‘cannot talk about feeling lonely’ Loneliness is more associated with men because a lot of men “cannot talk about it”, according to the

Students advised of organ donor law 13 October 2014 Last updated at 11:09 Posters like these will be appearing across the train network New students arriving...

chief executive...

#14Days: Gabrielle Bernstein talks miracles and recovery The lives of family and friends of alcoholics and addicts are littered with tragedy, chaos, worry, and fear. An addict’s...

Stanford scientists create a ‘smart’ lithium-ion battery that warns of fire hazard [ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark 650-7239296Stanford University@stanford IMAGE: Stanford scientists...

California coverage plan for undocumented echoes earlier call by Schwarzenegger

Thousands of health workers in Britain strike over pay

Unlike former California Governor Arnold

in Britain will strike on Monday to protest against a pay freeze, the...

Schwarzenegger, a Republican, Democrats in Congress decided as they worked on health...

LONDON (Reuters) – Thousands of health workers

U.S.-based Steris to buy UK’s Synergy Health, tax savings eyed

What happens to your body when you hit the snooze button

(Reuters) – U.S. medical technology company

You know you’ve been there: Your alarm starts

Steris Corp offered to buy British sterilisation services provider Synergy...

blaring in the a.m., and with your brain consumed by a lethargy haze,...

Steris Corp to buy Britain’s Synergy Health for $1.9 billion

Smith & Nephew ‘spray-on-skin’ for leg ulcers flops in trial

(Reuters) – U.S. medical technology company

LONDON (Reuters) – A novel spray-on skin

Steris Corp offered to buy British sterilisation services provider Synergy...

treatment consisting of living cells made by Smith Nephew, which is designed...

Nordic walking strives to shed a stodgy image

Fatigue Does Not Have A Leg To Stand On

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Nordic walking, or walking

Subscribe: SMR Posts RSS Subscribe: SMR

with ski poles, is an effective, full body workout,

Comments RSS Become an SMR Facebook Friend

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fitness experts...

Follow SMR on Twitter Fatigue Does Not...

Girl had three-inch leech up her nose for a M ONTH

British mum Xynthia Hawke killed by ‘drunk’ doctor in C-section blunde

Daniela Liverani discovered head of a gigantic

Xynthia Hawke, 28, killed by ‘drunk’ doctor who

leech poking from her nose She had thought lump was congealed blood caused...

botched childbirth care Belgian Helga Wauters, 45, had equivalent...

British mum Xynthia Hawke killed by ‘drunk’ doctor in C-section blunde Xynthia Hawke, 28, killed by ‘drunk’ doctor who

Nine in ten UK care homes and hospitals fail dementia patients, says damning report

botched childbirth care Belgian Helga Wauters, 45, had equivalent...

CQC review finds widespread neglect, lack of care and poor training Report’s conclusion: ‘This unacceptable situation...

Nine in ten UK care homes and hospitals fail dementia patients, says damning report

NHS strike fiasco: M idwives and nurses to walk out and police to chase ambulances

CQC review finds widespread neglect, lack of care and poor training Report’s conclusion: ‘This

Unison persuades 9.5% of eligible members to vote for today’s walkout 400,000 nurses, midwives

unacceptable situation...

and others threaten...

What’s In A Name? It Could M atter If You’re Writing To Your Lawmaker

What’s In A Name? It Could M atter If You’re Writing To Your Lawmaker

i i And so continues Code Switch’s battle with illustrating studies about the subtle biases that...

i i And so continues Code Switch’s battle with illustrating studies about the subtle biases that...

In Hopes Of Fixing Faulty Genes, One Scientist Starts With The Basics

In Hopes Of Fixing Faulty Genes, One Scientist Starts With The Basics

i i Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues found an

i i Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues found an

enzyme in bacteria that makes it much easier to edit...

enzyme in bacteria that makes it much easier to edit...

Nurses’ views and experiences of caring for malnourished patients in surgical settings in Saudi Arabia

Blocking STAT3 in immune system cells increases anti-tumour immunity

Although the occurrence of malnutrition in hospitals Blocking STAT3 in immune system cells increases anti-tumour immunity

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is a growing concern, little is known about how hospital staff understand...

Health Check: cooking oils to eat and avoid

Entries invited for 2015 State Science and Technology Awards

Health conscious consumers are increasingly ditching old favourites vegetable and canola oil for

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Innovation and Technology Commission is inviting Hong Kong

trendy alternatives like...

people of Chinese nationality who...

Chronic pain treatment in children and adolescents: less is good, more is sometimes better

Statistics on Code on Access to Information for second quarter of 2014

In children with chronic pain, interdisciplinary outpatient and intensive inpatient treatment has

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government received a total of 1,298 requests for information under the Code on Access to Information...

been shown to improve pain...

The relationship between low maternal serum vitamin D levels and glycemic control in gestational diabetes assessed by HbA1c levels: an observational cross-sectional study

Study Details the Risk to Infants Put on Sofas to Sleep Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

A great association between vitamin D deficiency and type 2 diabetes mellitus has been suggested in literature. During pregnancy,...

M olecular diagnostics and blood screening systems: an interview with Dr Bos and Dr Koppelman Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA

Urinary albumin excretion and prevalence of microalbuminuria in a general Chinese population: a crosssectional study

Hons (Cantab) insights from industryDr. Harry BosDirector of the Diagnostic...

Microalbuminuria has been shown to be a risk

Police remove road barriers on periphery of areas occupied by protesters

Laparoscopic central pancreatectomy for solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas: our experience with ten cases

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police started an operation

factor for cardiovascular and renal disease in patients with hypertension and...

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to remove road barriers on periphery of areas occupied by protesters...

Solid pseudopapillary tumors (SPTs) of the pancreas are a rare neoplasm. There are few reports of laparoscopic central pancreatectomies...

Partial palivizumab prophylaxis and increased risk of hospitalization due to respiratory syncytial virus in a medicaid population: a retrospective cohort analysis

Liberia strike threat over Ebola 13 October 2014 Last updated at 03:56 Liberia has struggled to cope with Ebola cases in the country Liberian health officials...

Infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is common among young children insured through Medicaid in the United States....

NHS staff to stage four-hour strike 13 October 2014 Last updated at 04:13 By Nick

Bronx Hospital Is Set to Reopen Its Birthing Center After a Renovation

Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The

Log in to manage your products and services from

strikes are...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

M assachusetts M an Doesn’t Appear To Have Ebola, Hospital Says

CDC head criticized for blaming ‘protocol breach’ as nurse gets Ebola

(Updates that patient does not have Ebola) By

By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO (Reuters) – Some

Kevin Murphy Oct 12 (Reuters) – A man in

healthcare experts are bristling at the assertion by

Massachusetts who was being...


Boston patient does not appear to have Ebola, hospital says

Scientists unlock DNA secrets of family heights

(Reuters) – A man in Massachusetts who was

University of Exeter conduct largest study on height

being evaluated at a Boston hospital for a possible

variation in history Found there is one-in-five

Ebola infection does...

genetic chance someone...

Seeing a woman doctor might be better for your health: Patients are ‘more likely to take advice from female physicians By Anna Hodgekiss for MailOnline Published:

Number and appraisal of daily hassles and life events in young adulthood: the association with physical activity and screen time: a longitudinal cohort study

08:30 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 09:28 EST, 6

Young adults face radical life changes regarding

October 2014 ...

residence, marriage, family and work that may negatively impact their health... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

An assessment of student satisfaction with peer teaching of clinical communication skills Peer teaching is now used in medical education

Involvements of PCD and changes in gene expression profile during selfpruning of spring shoots in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis)

with its value increasingly being recognised. It is not yet established whether...

Citrus shoot tips abscise at an anatomically distinct abscission zone (AZ) that separates the top part of the shoots into...

U.S. Finds M any Failures in M edicare Health Plans

Dallas Nurse Contracts Ebola Virus, Elevating Response and Anxiety

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

For Infected Nurse’s Neighbors, Ebola Brings Worry to Doorstep

C.D.C. Will Offer M ore Ebola Training to Health Care Workers

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

New ‘scrotal shield’ which covers entire genital area is developed for safer sex

BETHESDA, Md. — As the federal government frantically works to combat the Ebola outbreak in

‘Scroguard’ has been developed by two entrepreneurs in the U.S. Made from latex, it covers

West Africa, and as it...

entire crotch area,...

Brain-damaged 17-month-old boy dies after judge orders life-support machine be turned off

Doctors discover three-inch cricket ALIVE inside patient’s head

A 17-month-old boy has died after his life support

Man arrived at the doctor’s complaining that his ear was itchy The medic looked inside to discover that

machine was turned off Ms Justice Russell ruled it

a live cricket...

was in best interests...

UK’s dementia care betrayal: Nine in ten care homes and hospitals fail patients,

VIDEO: Sir Ian Botham on his dad’s dementia

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says damning report

Former cricketer Sir Ian Botham has been

CQC review finds widespread neglect, lack of care

speaking about his father’s dementia and how

and poor training Report’s conclusion: ‘This

difficult it was to cope with...

unacceptable situation...

VIDEO: Dementia care training concerns BBC Inside Out examines the weaknesses in the

Breakthrough Replicates Human Brain Cells for Use in Alzheimer’s Research

quality of training and care on offer to people with

Log in to manage your products and services from

dementia in care homes...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Nurse Who Treated Ebola Victim in Texas Tests Positive for the Virus Log in to manage your products and services from

Hillary Rodham Clinton to unveil early literacy toolkit for pediatricians and parents

The New York Times and the International New

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jamie

York Times. ... 202-3478600American Academy of Pediatrics@AmerAcadPeds Pediatricianauthored...

City life key to harlequin ladybird invasion

Iowa premium increases affect small number

The page you are looking for has moved. Please go to the main EurekAlert! homepage to locate the

Less than 2 percent of Iowans will be affected by the steep premium increases announced this

section you are interested...

week, according to the Des Moines...

NAM S set to launch first-ever menopause mobile app

The simple test that predicts whether a child will have learning difficulties

New dual-mode clinical decision-support tool uses one-of-a-kind algorithm to help clinicians and

Language test carried out in the first year of school predicts writing abilities Children with good oral

patients work together to...

skills in first...

Alzheimer five minute test will allow patient to take preventative measures

Cancerous tumours ‘grow faster at night’ study finds

Scientists found they can distinguish whether memory will decline in healthy people from

Cancer cells grow and spread at night because of the activity of receptors Receptors are protein

measuring blood flow to their brains Those...

molecules on the cell’s...

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Pensioner had How M uch Is That Doggie in the Window in her head for 4 years

First US Ebola infection sparks fears about safety protocols

Susan Root has a rare form of tinnitus also known

A Texas health care worker has become the first person to contract Ebola on American soil,

as musical hallucinations She has had ‘How Much

authorities confirmed Sunday,...

is that Doggie...

US confirms first case of Ebola contracted on US soil

Chewing gum before surgery safe, report says

The US Centers for Disease Control and

(HealthDay)—It’s safe to chew gum while fasting

Prevention confirmed Sunday that a Texas health

before surgery, researchers report. Patients are

care worker has tested positive for...

usually told not...

Braintree, M assachusetts Clinic Evacuated, Patient Isolated Over Ebola Fears

Four UCLA researchers receive NIH Director’s New Innovator Award

Oct 12 (Reuters) – A patient in Massachusetts who

Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell

recently returned from Liberia and was displaying

Research at UCLA have received...

Four scientists from the Eli and Edythe Broad

symptoms of Ebola...

Social networking strategies encourage more at risk people to get tested for HIV

M edicare premium holds steady in 2015

Method 2-and-a-half times more effective than

2015 — $104.90...

The premium that most older people pay for outpatient, or “Part B,” care will stay the same in

traditional referral programs Old-school face-toface social networking is...

Rockefeller University researchers gain new insight into how cholesterol processes in our body

Research in ‘near-death’ experiences reveals awareness after brain shuts down

In spite of its dangerous reputation, cholesterol is

Scientists conducted study of those who suffered

in fact an essential component of human cells. Manufactured by the cells...

cardiac arrests Nearly 40% of those who survived described ‘awareness’...

M other of Nikki Westgarth dead from flu urges other pregnant women to have flu jab

New mother nearly dies after blood poisoning caused flesh in her legs to ROT

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Nikki Westgarth died four days after giving birth to

Samantha Cousans, 31, gave birth to her second

baby Eva Rose 21-year-old never got to meet her

daughter Megan Rose After going home she felt

daughter after emergency...

weak and exhausted and couldn’t...

Tragedy of Elliot Kerslake who went to bed for nap and never woke up

Are antimicrobial condoms the new frontier against STIs? Not quite…

Elliot Kerslake, two, died in his sleep due to

Australian biotech company Starpharma has

swelling in his brain from a virus He was put down

announced the imminent launch of a condom

for his afternoon nap at...

coated with an antimicrobial chemical...

Airport fever checks for Ebola ‘mostly a waste of time,’ doctor says

Liberia health workers treating Ebola patients threaten M onday strike

With the death of Thomas Eric Duncan, the first

Thousands of Liberian health-care workers are set

patient to be diagnosed with Ebola in the

to begin an indefinite strike at midnight on Monday

U.S., Canadian and American officials are...

which could undermine...

New Ebola checks for NHS 111 calls

Texas health worker with Ebola wore full protective gear

12 October 2014 Last updated at 20:20 Jeremy Hunt said medics would have protective equipment, as they did in UK test exercises...

A Texas health care worker who treated a Liberian man who died of Ebola was wearing full protective gear but was infected...

BGI issued patent for non-invasive prenatal genetic test technology Patent for non-invasive prenatal genetic test

Pneumococcal vaccine prevents illness, reduces severe antibioticresistant infections in young children

technology of BGI granted by European Patent

Important tool in combating superbugs The

Office and State Intellectual...

pneumococcal vaccine recommended for young children not only prevents illness and...

M aker of experimental Ebola drug scales up The manufacturer of the experimental Ebola drug

Hormone loss may cause colon cancer, say Thomas Jefferson University researchers

ZMapp says it has put other business on hold

Some cancers, like breast and prostate cancer, are

since August to boost production...

driven by hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, but to date, there...

M orrissey reveals he is being treated for cancer

The woman who’s battled symptoms of the menopause for 20 YEARS

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By Rebecca Davison for MailOnline Published: 07:29 EST, 7 October 2014 | Updated: 12:09 EST, 7

Penny Jacquet, 61, saw her periods stop when she was just 42 Suffered particularly badly with panic

October 2014 ...

attacks before regular...

Inspirational Lynda Bellingham opens up about her brave decision to end chemotherapy

Woman’s suffers permanent sight damage after allergic reaction to hair dye

By Bella Brennan for MailOnline Published: 05:02 EST, 7 October 2014 | Updated: 14:26 EST, 7

Jo Thomson, 39, dyed her hair using a Schwarzkopf XXL Live home dye kit Despite

October 2014 ...

carrying out the recommended patch test,...

American Intruder Lurks In Scottish Streams, Clawed And Hungry

Slippery When Coated: Helping M edical Devices Resist Blood Clots

i i In the northwestern United States, this crayfish would be just a friendly bit of local fauna. But...

i i The slide on the right has been treated with a coating that repels blood. Wyss...

Obama calls for action to ensure U.S. medical system can handle Ebola

Is the CDC in control?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama wants federal authorities to take additional

latest case of Ebola in Texas has me wondering whether the CDC is prepared...

Is the CDC in control? I am not sure anymore. This

steps to ensure the American...

Texas health worker becomes first person to contract Ebola in U.S.

Your Artificial Sweeteners, Your Bacteria, and Your Health

DALLAS Texas (Reuters) – A Texas health worker has contracted Ebola after treating a Liberian who

It seems like one cannot help hearing about this paper throughout the microbiome and related

died of the disease...

fields. The paper “Artificial...

Anorexia and bulimia ‘could be effectively treated with antibiotics’

Anorexia and bulimia ‘could be effectively treated with antibiotics’

Anorexia and bulimia could be treated with antibiotics, scientists said They discovered a

Anorexia and bulimia could be treated with antibiotics, scientists said They discovered a

bacteria in the gut which stops...

bacteria in the gut which stops...

How skin cancer leapt after bikinis hit the beaches: Between the 1930s and 1960s cancer rate went up 400%

How skin cancer leapt after bikinis hit the beaches: Between the 1930s and 1960s cancer rate went up 400%

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Twenties swimwear exposed around 20 per cent of

Twenties swimwear exposed around 20 per cent of

men and women’s skin Skimpy outfits meant rise to 80 per cent for women...

men and women’s skin Skimpy outfits meant rise to 80 per cent for women...

Lecturer who ballooned to 21st after gorging on ready meals sheds 9st

Lecturer who ballooned to 21st after gorging on ready meals sheds 9st

Daniel Sutton, 26, who lives in Bath, ballooned to

Daniel Sutton, 26, who lives in Bath, ballooned to

21 stone by age 26 Ate a diet of ready meals, takeaways and up to four...

21 stone by age 26 Ate a diet of ready meals, takeaways and up to four...

Vaginal orgasm doesn’t exist

Vaginal orgasm doesn’t exist

There is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm,

There is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm,

experts said in a review Women have been labelled with sexual problems based...

experts said in a review Women have been labelled with sexual problems based...

Chief Executive’s Office responds to statement by press unions

Chief Executive’s Office responds to statement by press unions

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive’s Office

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive’s Office

has the following response to a statement issued by the Hong...

has the following response to a statement issued by the Hong...

Smokers fall to fewer than one in five

Comfort food is ‘no more comforting than not eating’, experts claim

Both drinking and smoking falling rapidly among youngsters However, smoking still takes nearly 80,000 lives a year By Steve...

Comfort food may not comfort us any more than

Teenage boy who had B-cup breasts aged 13 sells his car to pay for ‘moob’ reduction surgery

Girl, 6, whose mother feared she had broken her back was left lying face down for THREE HOURS while she waited for an ambulance

Charlie Edgeworth, 19, grew breasts at age 13 and was bullied for years Suffers from gynaecomastia – a hormone imbalance...

other food – or not eating Students were induced into a bad mood by watching...

Kiera O’Brien, 6, fell off a bouncy castle at a family birthday party Was left lying face down in pain while mother...

The Food That Accounts for One-Fifth of Your Sodium Intake

3 Weird Ingredients Smoothie and Juice Shops Use—Explained

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There are the foods that are undoubtedly full of salt,

Chances are, you have a Juice Generation,

like potato chips and fast food, which you can try to avoid. Then...

Smoothie King, Juice Press, or one of the countless other smoothie shops in your...

VIDEO: Chief nurse in NHS strike plea NHS England’s Chief Nursing Officer has

Couples ‘turning into posh pair from Gogglebox’ by drinking more at home

appealed to health workers to “think carefully”

The couple concerned, Stephanie and Parker Dom,

about four hour...

from Kent, are known for enjoying a glass of something alcoholic on screen...

LGBT Wellness Roundup: October 10

So Just How Bad Is It To Eat In Your Bed?

Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership with bloggers Liz Margolies and Scout, brings you a round up of some of the...

Even if you don’t have a TV in your bedroom,

Watch: ‘Heroic’ Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola

Texas health worker tests positive for Ebola

‘Heroic’ Health Care Worker Tests Positive for

By Lisa Maria Garza SAN ANTONIO Texas

Ebola Watch: ‘Heroic’ Health Care Worker Tests Positive...

(Reuters) – A health worker in Texas at the hospital where the...

Health worker 2nd in US to test positive for Ebola

CDC: Protocol breach in treating Ebola patient

DALLAS (AP) — A Texas health care worker who

WASHINGTON (AP) — A top federal health official

was in full protective gear when they provided hospital care for an Ebola...

says the Ebola diagnosis in a health care worker who treated Thomas Eric...

8 infants test positive for TB at Texas hospital

Texas worker tests positive for Ebola, U.S. airports start screening

Health screenings reveal that eight infants have

SAN ANTONIO Texas (Reuters) – A health worker

tested positive for tuberculosis following the discovery that a nurse’s...

in Texas at the hospital where the first person diagnosed with Ebola...

Health worker who contracted Ebola wore protective gear: official

Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola in Preliminary Check

(Reuters) – The healthcare worker at a Dallas

Oct. 12, 2014, — A health care worker who helped

chances are you have Netflix on your laptop. And now that the weather’s...

hospital who has become the first person to treat the Liberian man who died of Ebola in a PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

contract Ebola in the United...

Dallas hospital last...

Anesthesia Complications Drop by Half, Study Finds SUNDAY Oct. 12, 2014, 2014 — Anesthesia-related

Largest methane hotspot in the US found in the Four Corners: fracking not to blame!

complications in the United States have fallen by more than half, while...

A current scientific challenge today is the accurate quantification of total methane emissions in the US. This can serve...

Pensioner spent 9 hours in STOREROOM at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

British hospitals on Ebola alert as scientists warn virus could be here in 16 days

Ian Semmons went to Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital with infection Needed to be

Prime Minister David Cameron is chairing a Cobra committee meeting today Minister Norman Baker

admitted, so was taken to a storeroom...

said Ebola screening should...

Lynda Bellingham urges others to talk about diseases like bowel cancer

Emotions Linger After Forgotten Events In Alzheimer’s Patients

66-year-old actress has spoken at length in the past fortnight about illness Had decided to stop

A new study suggests that people with Alzheimer’s can hold on to happy or sad feelings, even if they

chemotherapy after Christmas...

forget what triggered...

Ebola screening not perfect

‘Robust’ plans to counter NHS strike

12 October 2014 Last updated at 12:33 Boris Johnson has said the government is at risk of

12 October 2014 Last updated at 13:03 Patient safety must be our priority, says England’s chief

promising “stuff that doesn’t...

nursing officer, ahead...

Texas Health Worker Tests Positive for Ebola

Texas Health Worker Tests Positive For Ebola

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

DALLAS (AP) — A Texas health care worker who provided hospital care for an Ebola patient who

York Times. ...

later died has tested positive...

#14Days: Addiction affects the whole family

Spanish nurse infected with Ebola makes progress

When a person becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol, the entire family unit suffers. In a

MADRID (AP) — Spain’s government says an assistant nurse infected with the Ebola virus is

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household with active addiction,...

showing signs of “slight...

‘I followed protocols but still got Ebola': Spanish nurse under police guard after she contracted killer disease says she has ‘no idea’ how she got it

Drinking, smoking and eating too much fast food can sabotage your memory

Nurse Teresa Romero Ramos had been treated infected missionaries 44-year-old admits she

2014 34 View...

By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 18:51 EST, 7 October 2014 | Updated: 14:22 EST, 8 October

‘hasn’t got the slightest...

UK will deploy over 750 soldiers and medical ship to fight Ebola in Sierra Leone

How eating healthily can triple your shopping bill

Prime Minister David Cameron chaired a Cobra

Scientists compared the price of healthy and unhealthy foods for 10 years Healthy food costs

committee meeting today Health secretary Jeremy

increased from £5.65 for 1,000...

Hunt, defence secretary Michael...

3 Reasons to Watch Porn Together When you and your partner sit down to watch something together, you probably choose a light comedy, a thriller, or even go...

What Your Engagement Ring M ight Say About Your M arriage When a friend gets engaged, your first question usually is, “How did he propose?” And your second question, of...

9 Healthy Fast (Not Fat) Food Options We’ve all been there: tired, hangry, and without a

Vehicular access to CGO needs to resume normal

piece of fresh produce or healthy snack in sight…

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government today

and then...

(October 12) called on protesters to retreat from the junction of Lung Wo...

Antimicrobial co-resistance patterns of gram-negative bacilli isolated from bloodstream infections: a longitudinal epidemiological study from 2002?2011

To grow cheap marijuana, Italy calls in the army

Increasing multidrug resistance in gram-negative


By Steve Scherer ROVIGO Italy (Reuters) – Italy legalized marijuana for medical use last year, but

bacilli (GNB) infections poses a serious threat to public health. Few studies...

Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan’s

Geoffrey Boycott’s 16 vitamins a day to

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fiancée reveals anger following his death

keep cancer at bay

Thomas Eric Duncan died at 7.51am on

completely after beating cancer The former cricketer said he went online to find...

Wednesday at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas Hospital announced ‘with...

Geoffrey Boycott said he changed his diet

Liverpool man was put on end of life pathway without wife Liz’s knowledge

How grapefruit really can help us lose weight

George Watson was diagnosed with a brain

Scientists have discovered drinking grapefruit juice

tumour in March 2012 Widow Liz says doctors did not tell her husband was on end...

with meals is healthy The fruit juice could keep blood sugar levels...

Identification of glycoproteins secreted by wild-type Botrytis cinerea and by protein O-mannosyltransferase mutants

Comparison of innate immune agonists for induction of tracheal antimicrobial peptide gene expression in tracheal epithelial cells of cattle

Botrytis cinerea secretes a high number of proteins that are predicted to have numerous Oglycosylation sites, frequently...

Bovine respiratory disease is a complex of bacterial and viral infections of economic and welfare importance to the beef...

Quantification of right ventricular volume in dogs: a comparative study between three-dimensional echocardiography and computed tomography with the reference method magnetic resonance imaging

The Artificial Turf Your Child Plays On M ay Be Linked To Cancer Want To Prevent Cancer? Eat Right Exercise While we’ve made tremendous progress in treating and preventing cancer...

Right ventricular (RV) volume and function are important diagnostic and prognostic factors in dogs with primary or secondary...

Get Cozy This Fall With These 5 Warm Drinks

The Next Time You’re Terrified To Do Something, Do This

A Juice To Get That Golden California Glow In the

7 Tips To Manage Anxiety Sometimes, we know

City of Angels, juice is easy to come by. In fact, it is

what’s making us anxious and can negotiate calm.

a daily ritual...

Other times, our anxiety...

Sick of the sound of your partner’s

Daily fried food doubles diabetes risk in

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snoring? A simple calf stretch and an alarm that goes off when they roll on their back could be the solution A new alarm could train snorers not to sleep on their backs and bring sanity for many long-suffering

pregnancy Eating fatty foods dramatically increases the risk of ‘gestational diabetes’ One in 20 expectant mothers develops...

partners If the snorer...

Exercise and healthy eating reduces female stroke risk, experts claim

Don’t walk into A&E or doctors’ surgeries potential Ebola victims told

Researchers found that healthy living can reduce clot risk by two-thirds Moderating alcohol intake

BMA senior director said Britons who suspect they have contracted the virus to call for help rather than

and exercising can bring...

risk spreading the...

7 Fall Dates That Aren’t as Romantic as They Sound

How to Know What Your Normal Boobs Feel Like

Fall brings out some of the best things ever, like pumpkin spice lattes, flannel, new episodes of The

You notice when your chest is swollen, sore, or squeezed into a probably-too-tight bra, but do you

Mindy Project, and...

know what your normal...

The M ove You Need for a Strong and Sexy Upper Body

The loss of taste genes in cetaceans

Join the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make

Five basic taste modalities, sour, sweet, bitter, salt and umami, can be distinguished by humans and are fundamental for...

your weekend workouts count....

Protocol for the process evaluation of interventions combining performancebased financing with health equity in Burkina Faso The low quality of healthcare and the presence of

The Brucella TIR domain containing proteins BtpA and BtpB have a structural WxxxE motif important for protection against microtubule depolymerisation

user fees in Burkina Faso contribute to low

Summary The TIR domain-containing proteins

utilization of healthcare and...

BtpA/Btp1/TcpB and BtpB are translocated into host cells by the facultative intracellular...

Spanish Ebola nurse’s dog Excalibur is PUT DOWN over fears it could transmit the disease

Spanish Ebola nurse’s dog Excalibur is PUT DOWN over fears it could transmit the disease

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Fury erupts after health spokesman confirms pet

Fury erupts after health spokesman confirms pet

dog has been destroyed Teresa Romero Ramos’s animal was put to sleep...

dog has been destroyed Teresa Romero Ramos’s animal was put to sleep...

Does your toddler feel guilty after they’ve misbehaved and hate cuddles? Researchers warn lack of empathy in young children could lead then turning into violent and aggressive teens

Does your toddler feel guilty after they’ve misbehaved and hate cuddles? Researchers warn lack of empathy in young children could lead then turning into violent and aggressive teens

Children with callous and unemotional behavior may be the most at risk Affected children more

Children with callous and unemotional behavior may be the most at risk Affected children more

likely to become aggressive...

likely to become aggressive...

The groundbreaking mind-controlled BIONIC ARM that plugs into the body and has given wearers back their sense of touch

The groundbreaking mind-controlled BIONIC ARM that plugs into the body and has given wearers back their sense of touch

Igor Spetic, 48, first to be fitted with radical

Igor Spetic, 48, first to be fitted with radical

prosthetic Interfaces directly with the skeleton and

prosthetic Interfaces directly with the skeleton and

brain Spetic was...

brain Spetic was...

Jason Garnett had 17-hour erection and three pints of blood drained from his penis

Jason Garnett had 17-hour erection and three pints of blood drained from his penis

Jason Garnett insists he hadn’t taken any

Jason Garnett insists he hadn’t taken any

medication to cause the problem 23-year-old had been drinking heavily and...

medication to cause the problem 23-year-old had been drinking heavily and...

Transposable element-assisted evolution and adaptation to host plant within the Leptosphaeria maculansLeptosphaeria biglobosa species complex of fungal pathogens

Transposable element-assisted evolution and adaptation to host plant within the Leptosphaeria maculansLeptosphaeria biglobosa species complex of fungal pathogens

Many plant-pathogenic fungi have a tendency towards genome size expansion, mostly driven by

Many plant-pathogenic fungi have a tendency towards genome size expansion, mostly driven by

increasing content of transposable...

increasing content of transposable...

Jenna Gassew and Dan Haley who

M odel JODIE KIDD on how TWO rounds

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

completed bucket list for unborn baby pay tribute

of laser eye surgery finally sorted her sight

Jenna Gassew and Dan Haley, both in their early 20s, learned 13 weeks into Jenna’s pregnancy that

Jodie Kidd, 36, has worn glasses and contact lenses since the age of 12 She underwent laser

their baby would...

eye surgery for her short-sightedness...

Want to live to a grand old age? Drink beer and play billiards, researcher claims

Does drinking fruit juice give you high blood pressure?

Billiards involves long rests between shots and so

A daily glass of fruit juice increases the risk of a heart attack or angina The study goes against the

is perfect for pensioners Having a beer with

common perception...

billiards means they keep...

How to Lose Weight by Eating Healthy— for Just $3 a Day

Success Story: ‘I Lost M ore Than 40 Pounds and Got Super-Strong’

A diet that is healthy, tasty, and cheap can feel like

Before: 186After: 143 The Lifestyle When she was

an unattainable trifecta—especially if you want to

in high school, Josie Maurer, now 41 and a mother

go cheap cheap....

of four, was a track and...

6 Things You’ll Have to Give Up if You Want to Lose Weight FOR GOOD

Porosity and distribution of water in perlite from the island of M ilos, Greece

Juice fasting, low-carb, Paleo, the Master Cleanse

A perlite sample representative of an operating

—if you’re someone who struggles with her weight,

mine in Milos was investigated with respect to the

you might always...

type and spatial distribution...

Impact of whole-genome amplification on the reliability of pre-transfer cattle embryo breeding value estimates

Prognostic value of poorly differentiated clusters in invasive breast cancer

Genome-wide profiling of single-nucleotide

Our study aimed to assess the prognostic value of

polymorphisms is receiving increasing attention as

poorly differentiated clusters (PDCs) in invasive

a method of pre-implantation...

breast cancer. Methods: A...

He was already blind – then on the eve of his wedding, M ark shattered a his spine in a freak accident. But though he may never walk again, he and wife-to

The ‘C.sniff’ dogs that root out killer bugs: Hounds will provide an earlywarning system to seek out traces of infection on hospital wards

Blind adventurer Mark Pollock, fell out of a two-

Dogs could soon patrol hospital wards to seek out

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

storey-high window in 2010 He broke his back in

traces of infection Hoped they will provide an early

three places and is paralysed...

warning system for...

The drug-free way to fight depression: New hope to the one in five people threatened by the illness It is thought that one in five people succumb to

Now Kelly Brook is going to be beautiful on the inside too with a range of beauty supplements developed by celebrity make-up artist Gary Cockerill

depression, the most common mental health

Celebrity make-up artist Gary Cockerill has

problem But although prescription...

developed vitamin boosters He has sent boxes of the beauty drink to celebrity...

Frozen faeces in gut infection trial 12 October 2014 Last updated at 00:26 By Smitha

FDA: Akynzeo approved for chemorelated nausea / vomiting

Mundasad Health reporter, BBC News C.difficile

(HealthDay)—The combination drug Akynzeo


(netupitant and palonosetron) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

Keep it clean after ear piercings (HealthDay)—If you get your ears pierced, you need

New Ebola screening leaves some flights untouched

to take steps to protect against infection, an expert

Even with the enhanced screening measures that

says. “It’s...

the federal government started rolling out Saturday, it will still be possible...

Toddler first in M ichigan to die from enterovirus strain

Pregnant woman mistakenly injected with M M R vaccine wins £3k payout

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A 21-month-old girl is the

Heavily pregnant Emma Cave, 25 went for a

first in the state of Michigan and second in the U.S. to die this year...

whopping cough vaccination She was later informed she had accidentally been given...

Cold temperatures help us burn more fat

How cycling can give men a ‘third TESTICLE’

By Anna Hodgekiss for MailOnline Published:

Scientists documented a rare condition in which

11:34 EST, 9 October 2014 | Updated: 12:31 EST, 9 October 2014 ...

cyclists grow a nodule Forms due to pelvic bones rubbing against tissue...

Baby Lucas M oore who was given no chance of survival celebrates first birthday

The Tricky Nature Of Putting Science On Trial

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Lucas Moore from Rugby was born last summer

The appeal for seven Italian scientists convicted of

weighing a tiny 1lb 1oz At 23 weeks, this was a

manslaughter after downplaying the possibility of

week before the legal cut-off...

an imminent earthquake...

Extra-Permanent Ink: Preserving Your Tattoos After Death i i Tattoo artist Peter van der Helm, shown in his

Body contouring after bariatric surgery helps obese patients keep the weight off

studio in Amsterdam in December 2013, has set

Patients who have plastic surgery to reshape their

up a...

bodies after bariatric procedures are able to maintain “significantly...

US toddler dies from enterovirus D68

M ali holds Ebola vaccine trials

A 21-month-old girl is the first person in Michigan to

Mali’s health minister says the west African country

die from the virus that has caused severe

has started trials of an Ebola vaccine on scientific

respiratory illness across...

researchers. “It’s...

Britain feels ready after Ebola outbreak test

Parents told by Doncaster Royal Infirmary to buy bed from Argos

Britain is ready to cope with an Ebola outbreak,

Parents calling on NHS bosses to offer more beds

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt declared Saturday,

for parents Doncaster Royal Infirmary currently only

following a nationwide exercise...

offers one bed settee...

Experts fear Ebola virus COULD spread through the air transmitted by direct contact Experts warn that the

Condition of Spanish nurse with Ebola has worsened, hospital says, as SIX people in M adrid are placed under observation for disease

possibility it could become...

Teresa Romero Ramo’s ‘clinical situation has

Public is being told that Ebola can only be

deteriorated’ today Yolanda Fuentes, of Carlos III hospital,...

Being obese can cost you as much as missing three years of college

Barbara Walters Shares Her Breast Cancer Scare

Study of 150,000 male Swedish siblings Those

With one in eight women being diagnosed with

who were obese aged 18 grow up to earn 16% less than their peers Those slightly...

breast cancer in her lifetime, it’s clear that you rarely have to look...

The Problem with Having a Back Burner Romance

Q&A: ‘Why Do I Crave Junk Food As Soon As I Start Eating Healthy?’

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Chances are, you wouldn’t plan an outdoor wedding unless you had a backup rain venue, and

The question: “Every time I start trying to improve my clean-eating habits, my junk food cravings get

you probably wouldn’t...

out of control....

VIDEO: Ebola screening ‘not a PR stunt’ The chief medical officer for England has defended the UK’s Ebola screening programme, saying it will

8 Truths About Violence Against Girls. Plus Who’s Fighting It And What You Can Do

alert people...

Saturday marks the third annual International Day of the Girl Child, and the UN is focusing this year’s advocacy efforts...

The M ost Popular Drugs In Rock Lyrics And The Top Artists Talking About Them We’ve examined the most talked about drugs in

Oral capsule as effective as invasive procedures for delivery of fecal transplant

hip-hop and the rappers who were talking about

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Noah

them the most, and now... 617-6433907Massachusetts General Hospital@MassGeneralNews Capsule...

Body contouring after bariatric surgery helps obese patients keep the weight off

Treating C. diff infection with oral, frozen encapsulated fecal material

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dwight 617-643-3907The JAMA Network Journals@JAMA_current A 313-876-8709Henry Ford Health System@henryfordnews DETROIT –...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Noah

preliminary study...

New cough study demonstrates diphenhydramine to inhibit cough reflex with Dr. Cocoa form

No Ebola found in quarantined African patient: Brazil

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jonathan 646-561-

Brazil out of fear that he was infected with Ebola does not have the...

Brasília (AFP) – A Guinean man quarantined in

8459Robin Leedy Associates, Inc. Cough expert Peter...

Three Russian Ebola vaccines ready within six months: M oscow

Former Ballerina Teaches Students with Down Syndrome to Dance

Moscow (AFP) – Russia expects to produce three

About 30 students get ready for dance class every

Ebola vaccines within the next six months, Health Sunday at the Westside School of Ballet in Santa PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Minister Veronika...

Monica, California. But,...

M ichigan toddler dies from enterovirus D68

Nations step up measures to stem worsening Ebola outbreak

DETROIT (AP) — A 21-month-old girl is the first

Madrid (AFP) – Countries across the world

person in Michigan to die from the virus that has

scrambled Saturday to stem a deadly Ebola

caused severe respiratory...

outbreak that UN officials warn...

Ebola screening starts at New York’s JFK airport By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK (Reuters) – Medical

New Jersey officials order ‘symptomless’ NBC News crew into Ebola quarantine

teams at New York’s JFK airport, armed with

(Reuters) – New Jersey health officials have


ordered into mandatory quarantine an NBC News crew that worked with an...

Ebola-screening program launched at New York’s JFK airport

Efficacy of foetal stem cell transplantation in autism…

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Medical teams at New

The recent news that researchers might be one

York’s JFK airport, armed with Ebola

step closer to ‘curing’ type 1 diabetes following the

questionnaires and temperature...


Out-of-hours GPs ‘are fuelling a huge rise in drug-resistant bacteria’

Australian Red Cross nurse Sue Ellen Kovack tests NEGATIVE for Ebola

Prescriptions for antibiotics have risen by 6 per

Red Cross nurse Sue Ellen Kovack has tested

cent in four years Number given on nights and

negative for Ebola virus She had been volunteering

weekends has increased by...

in Sierra Leone –...

First e-cig TV adverts from next month will not be allowed to target young people

Woman loses four stone after getting divorced

Commercials showing electronic cigarettes will be

overeating after her divorce Eventually decided to

shown from November 10 Like with alcohol, adverts will not be allowed to...

join a gym and met personal...

Updates on prohibition of imports and sale of all edible oil of animal origins produced in Taiwan

TD urges protesters to release illegally occupied roads

Tina Lessiter, 38, was 18st and size 20 due to

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department

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Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (October...

VIDEO: How to report Ebola crisis safely More than 4,000 people have died of Ebola, nearly

(TD) today (October 11) again appealed to protesters illegally occupying...

Opinion: Can Celiac Disease Affect the Brain?

all of them in West Africa. BBC Global Health correspondent Tulip Mazumdar...

Log in to manage your products and services from

Woman receives kidney from stranger after making appeal in local newspaper

U.S. Begins Enhanced Ebola Screening Program At JFK Airport

Mr Joyce, a former soldier, was jailed for four years

By Sebastien Malo NEW YORK, Oct 11 (Reuters) –

for an assault in 2004, but has since turned his life around. He...

Stepped up efforts by the U.S. to halt the spread of...

CytoSorbents named Health sector winner at 2014 GREAT Tech Awards Gala

Airports screening shambles over Ebola

CytoSorbents Corporation (OTCQB: CTSO) is

Downing Street orders screening at Heathrow and

proud to announce that it was named the Health sector winner at the 2014 GREAT...

Gatwick and on Eurostar But passengers will only be asked a basic questionnaire about...

New book Birth of the Pill by Jonathan Eig charts the history behind oral contraception

Could this stem cell breakthrough offer an end to diabetes?

In the 1950s, before the Pill was approved, doctors Gregory Pincus and John Rock tested it on 50

end to insulin injections It has been hailed as the biggest medical...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Research into a cure for diabetes could result in an

patients in Massachusetts...

Lung cancer can go undetected for 20 YEARS before becoming aggressive

Why I Love M y Pedometer and Don’t Need an Apple Watch

First genetic mutations of the cancer could go undetected for 20 years New additional mutations

If it really does deliver on everything it promises to do, the Apple Watch could revolutionize fitness

trigger rapid growth of cancer...

tracking as we know...

Why Do We Feel M ore Tired When The Seasons Change?

Your Brain on Email Have you noticed that checking your email impacts

how you feel? For example, have you ever been in a PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

If you’re feeling a little sluggish this time of year,

situation in which you...

you’re not alone. Karina from St. Paul has been feeling...

Want to Be Healthier? Get Happy First Happiness, health and success are three things

Boris Kodjoe’s Explains His Inspiring Devotion To M ental And Physical Health

most of us want. The old school of thought is if you

Actor Boris Kodjoe couldn’t be happier with the

chase success and achieve...

relationship he’s forged with his wife and family, and he admits...

Brazil says man under observation for Ebola tests negative

How The Alexander Technique Healed M y Chronic Pain

SAO PAULO (Reuters) – Brazil’s health ministry

Stuck At Work? 6 Pilates Exercises You Can Do At

said on Saturday a man under observation for a possible case of...

Your Desk With interest spreading at a rate that might have surprised Joseph...

BCRF announces $58.6 million commitment to breast cancer research

Welsh doctor who spent three weeks confined to her flat after treating Ebola victims is now returning to Liberia to continue fighting the outbreak

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), announced its dedication of $58.6 million to breast cancer research today at...

Dr Nathalie MacDermott spent a fortnight in Liberia earlier this year She worked with Americans Dr Kent Brantly and aid worker...

The FIVE simple steps to help YOU beat bowel cancer: Lifestyle makeover can ward off disease that kills thousands every year Healthy lifestyle could prevent a fifth of cases in men and a tenth in women People should avoid

Passengers will now be checkedfor Ebola after Government U-turn Downing Street orders screening at Heathrow and Gatwick, and Eurostar Came just eight hours after Defence Secretary Michael...

smoking, drink alcohol...

Three cups of coffee a day could boost liver health

Apparently Strangers Know When Your Partner is Cheating

Drinking decaffeinated coffee may be good for liver health, scientists say Three or more coffees a day

Well, this might be why that chick in the coffee shop is giving you and your boyfriend side eye. A new

was linked with low...

study published in...

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Juan Pablo STILL Hasn’t Said I Love You to Nikki

The Songs Proven to Amp Up Your Interval Workout

You probably thought you had finally escaped all the gossip about former Bachelor Juan Pablo. After

Your favorite songs can inspire you to do crazy things, like sing karaoke, bust out those not-safe-

all, we’ve watched...

for-public-places dance...

SXSW Eco, Hub Of Environmental And Foodie Fervor

Lawmakers Grill Dallas Health Officials On Ebola Response

At the annual SXSW Eco, a conference in Austin, Texas, you’ll find a lot of serious discussion of the

The WHO says the Ebola virus has claimed more than 4,000 lives. In Dallas on Friday, members of

rapid decline...

Congress pressed public health...

Despite New Sources, Europe Still Relies On Russian Oil

Researchers Say Beavers Are M ore Than Simple Pests

Suma Chakrabarti, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, tells NPR’s

Most people think of beavers as pests — they cause floods and block irrigation. But as Mel Babik

Scott Simon about...

tells NPR’s Scott...

Griffith, M enzies Foundation to collaborate in world-class allied health research

Quick, forceful implementation of control interventions necessary to control Ebola outbreaks

Griffith University Griffith, Menzies Foundation to

New Ebola research demonstrates that quick and

collaborate in world-class allied health research

forceful implementation of control interventions are necessary to control...

Recent clinical study sheds light on potential approach to more personalized care for pancreatic cancer

Radio frequency identification technology for localizing breast tumors

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers.

advocacy and charitable giving than almost any

Even with aggressive treatment, the prognosis is

other disease besides HIV...

Breast cancer may inspire more public discussion,

poor, with various factors...

Number of deaths from flu, bubonic plague and Ebola around the world since 541

Researchers find new type of ‘good’ fat in the human body that can fight diabetes

Interactive map shows the reach of diseases, as

Fatty acid hydroxyl fatty acids, or FAHFAs, are

well as death tolls and their symptoms, such as

molecules found in fat cells as well as other cells

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

fever and rashes It details...

throughout the body Could...

Oestrogen is ‘fuelling male obesity epidemic and causing sperm counts to drop’

Luke Williams dead after fulfilling last wish to marry his soulmate

Female sex hormone oestrogen is known to cause weight gain This is because it inhibits the thyroid

on his 28th birthday He had an operation to remove half his tongue, and doctors...

Luke Williams was diagnosed with mouth cancer

which slows down metabolism Scientists...

Recovering species demographic history from multi-model inference: the case of a Neotropical savanna tree species Glaciations were recurrent throughout the Quaternary and potentially shaped species genetic structure worldwide by affecting...

A randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase the implementation of a healthy canteen policy in Australian primary schools: study protocol The implementation of healthy school canteen policies has been recommended as a strategy to help prevent unhealthy eating...

New York’s JFK starts Ebola checks 11 October 2014 Last updated at 09:37 Screening measures will include checking passengers for high temperature New York’s...

Brazil quarantines Guinean feared to have Ebola (Update) Brazilian health officials Friday quarantined a Guinean man feared to have Ebola, but stressed it was a precautionary measure...

Ebola patient’s temperature spiked (Update)

Ebola toll rises to 4,033

The temperature for the first person to die of Ebola

By Reuters Staff GENEVA (Reuters) – The number of people known to have died in the worst Ebola

in the United States spiked to 103 degrees (39.4


Celsius) during the...

M orocco calls for African Nations Cup to be postponed

8 foods to help you sleep

RABAT (Reuters) – Morocco’s government wants

Foundation, 63 percent of Americans say their

January’s Nations Cup soccer finals in the north

sleep needs are not being...

According to a recent poll by the National Sleep

African country...

A "parsimonious" Bayesian supertree model for estimating species trees

Yet more air pollution and autism risk research

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

When we have sequence alignments regarding

Air pollution and autism risk. It’s a topic which has

several genes from a group of taxa, we usually

cropped up a few times on this blog (see here and

want to extract the phylogenetic...

see here and...

This Is What Your Skeleton Looks Like Doing Yoga (Video)

You CAN Do A Perfect Push-Up! Here’s How

We often hear a lot of verbal cues and adjustments

Co-Workers Driving You Crazy? How To Stay Sane

in a yoga class that instruct us to do things from

At The Office As a life coach, one of the most

inside of our bodies....

common issues I hear from my...

Sanitation programme in India increases latrine coverage, not health A sanitation programme currently being widely

Blind man overcome at seeing his grandson for the FIRST TIM E after operation

implemented in low-income communities in India

Winesi March, 69 has been visually impaired for

significantly increases latrine...

the last 12 years He has been completely blind for the last two, forced to...

Two or three cups of tea a day can prevent you breaking your hip Tea drinkers are less likely to break a hip than

Nother of disabled Syrian refugee girl says IS advance has left her unable to get medical care

people who don’t drink tea People who drank two

Aya, five, has spina bifida and lives in a refugee

to three cups were...

camp near Tripoli More than a million Syrian refugees have fled across...

First Ebola vaccine trial starts in Africa as WHO says disease is ‘accelerating’

Scientists Share Chemistry Nobel For Breakthrough In M icroscopy

Two health workers in Mali have received an

i i The three winners of the 2014 Nobel Prize for

experimental vaccine The new clinical trial launched on October 8 and another...

chemistry: Americans Eric Betzig and William Moerner,...

The ‘Blood M oon’ Eclipse Was Quite A Show

Indonesian Cave Paintings As Old As Europe’s Ancient Art

Here are some photos taken of the eclipse in the

i i A stencil of an early human’s hand in an

U.S., China and Nepal: i i The eclipse...

Indonesian cave is estimated to be about 39,000 years...

How To Take A Nobel Prize-Winning

Comparison of inflammation, arterial

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Picture The Nobel Prize for chemistry just went to a team that discovered a better way to take a picture. Really. Eric Betzig, Stefan...

stiffness and traditional cardiovascular risk factors between rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease Inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The link between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and...

United Life Sciences partnership formed and Life Sciences M anifesto 2015 – 2020 published Bionow, the BioIndustry Association (BIA), BioPartner and One Nucleus (ON) announce the

Clinical pointers to bipolar, unipolar depression confirmed By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter A large study confirms several factors that can distinguish patients with...

formation of United Life Sciences,...

‘Priming’ may improve schizophrenia patients’ social skills

Surgeon who made history with womb transplant now aims to grow one

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter Study findings suggest that social priming

Mats Brännström carried out the world’s first successful womb transplant Baby Vincent was

can increase the use of nonverbal...

born weighing 4lbs last...

Ebola drills to be carried out this weekend to ensure they are prepared

Ebola false alarms mounts as panic grows over spread of disease

Two major trusts – one in the north and one in the south – to test response AE units told to have

Scare at Liverpool coach station after passenger collapsed and vomited Medical staff boarded coach


in protective gear and...

Friend of British ‘Ebola victim’ in M acedonia claims he was joking about virus

Can Exercising Your Vagina Lead to Stronger Orgasms?

Colin Jaffray, 58, is suspected of being the first UK

You might have a personal trainer at your gym who guides you through an individualized workout,

victim of Ebola But his friend claims ‘English sense

measures your progress, and...

of humour’...

Is This the Best Way to Structure Your Workout?

5 Simple Steps That M ake You Look Instantly Fresh-Faced

Regardless of your goal, any solid workout

It’s not often that we would recommend faking

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

program will include some cardio, strength

something, but when it comes to putting your best

training, flexibility, and exercises...

face forward when you...

Research M ay Give Potential Homicide Victims A Heads Up

Help Wanted: Unlikely Geniuses To Solve Public Health Problems

Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal,

i i Astrophysicist Szabolcs Marka has a radical

noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For

idea: Use light as a barrier between mosquitoes

other uses, prior permission required. STEVE...

and humans....

Impact of pharmacy worker training and deployment on access to essential medicines and health outcomes in M alawi: protocol for a cluster quasiexperimental evaluation

Spatial patterns and temporal trends of heavy metal concentrations in moss and surface soil specimens collected in Norway between 1990 and 2010

Access to essential medicines is core to saving lives and improving health outcomes of people

the spatial patterns and temporal trends of heavy metal concentrations...

The aim of this investigation was to inquire whether

worldwide, particularly in...

Insecticide resistance and its underlying mechanisms in field populations of Aedes aegypti adults (Diptera: Culicidae) in Singapore In Singapore, dose?response bioassays of Aedes aegypti (L.) adults have been conducted, but the

Talking about quality: exploring how ‘quality’ is conceptualized in European hospitals and healthcare systems Conceptualization of quality of care – in terms of what individuals, groups and organizations include in their meaning...

mechanisms underlying resistance...

Systems level mapping of metabolic complexity in M ycobacterium tuberculosis to identify high-value drug targets

VIDEO: How can magic help stroke survivors?

The effectiveness of current therapeutic regimens

with after...

People who have had a stroke – where the blood supply to part of the brain is blocked – are often left

for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is diminished by the need for prolonged...

Hand exercises improve function in rheumatoid arthritis patients

Americans increasingly anxious about Ebola: poll

A new study led by Professor Sallie Lamb of and

(HealthDay)—One-quarter of Americans now view

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the University of Warwick and the Nuffield

Ebola as a major public health threat to the United

Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology...

States, with many saying...

Structure of hepatitis C virus envelope protein an early step toward vaccine, therapies

Scientists Coax Human Embryonic Stem Cells Into M aking Insulin

( —Hepatitis C, an infectious disease of

clusters about the same size as the islets in...

i i Insulin is produced by the green cells that are in

the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV), affects 160 million...

Stephen Hawking Has A Guest Vocal On Pink Floyd’s New Album

Typhoon Vongfong Bears Down On Japan

i i British cosmologist Stephen Hawking gives a

i i Typhoon Vongfong in a photograph taken by

talk to workers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in

NASA’s Terra satellite. NASA...


Sloppy Splinting Can M ake A Child’s Broken Arm M uch Worse

Answering Your Questions About Ebola Treatments And Vaccines

A helmet and pads won’t prevent every fracture —

i i Icon Genetics’ Dr. Frank Thieme selects

but they help. iStockphoto hide...

samples of Nicotiana benthamiana, a relative of tobacco,...

Steroid injections added to the usual treatment of lumbar radicular syndrome: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial in general practice

Dietary advice for muscularity, leanness and weight control in M en’s Health magazine: a content analysis

Lumbosacral radicular syndrome (LRS) is a self-

magazines has not been closely scrutinised. Methods: We carried out...

limiting, benign, painful and impairing condition caused by lumbar disc herniation...

The dietary content of advice in men’s lifestyle

BRG1 overexpression in smooth muscle cells promotes the development of thoracic aortic dissection

M etformin induces a prompt decrease in LH-stimulated testosterone response in women with PCOS independent of its insulin-sensitizing effects

Here we investigated Brahma-related gene 1 (BRG1) expression in aortic smooth muscle cells

The use of insulin-sensitizing drugs has been shown to improve both the reproductive and the

(SMCs) and its role in the regulation...

metabolic aspects of PCOS. However,...

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New once-a-day pill for hepatitis C wins FDA OK

Family seeks medical consensus for California girl declared brain dead

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal health officials have approved a daily pill that can cure the most

By Steve Gorman (Reuters) – A lawyer for the family of a California girl declared brain dead after

common form of hepatitis C...


California officials report 32 enterovirus cases

FDA approves hepatitis C drug that costs $1,125 per pill

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California health officials said Friday that they have confirmed 32

FILE – This Thursday, March 12, 2009, file photo shows Gilead Sciences Inc. headquarters in Foster

cases of a virus that can...

City, Calif. (AP...

The red of bearded vultures—allure or cure?

A Liberian Doctor Comes Up With His Own Ebola Regimen

[This story first appeared on Earth Touch News] Soaring high among the mountains from Europe to

i i Dr. Gabriel Logan is one of two doctors at the Bomi county hospital, which serves a county of

China and to Africa, the...


Why hospitals need more generalist doctors and specialist nurses

Why I don’t see drug reps – a GP’s take on Big Pharma spruiking

New medical technologies and treatments over the past few decades have led to remarkable

Here’s what I remember. It was 14 years ago, and I was a junior doctor working in psychiatry. Some

improvements in treating older patients....

colleagues planned a...

Intersectionality of HIV stigma and masculinity in eastern Uganda: implications for involving men in HIV programmes

Using GPS-derived speed patterns for recognition of transport modes in adults

Stigma is a determinant of social and health

transport is of relevance for studies assessing

inequalities. In addition, some notions of

physical activity or addressing...

Identification of active or sedentary modes of

masculinity can disadvantage men...

M en in M acau SAR have higher prevalence in metabolic syndrome and among related metabolic components: a cross-sectional M acau Health Survey

Universal parental support-How to reach out: a cross-sectional random sample of Swedish parents

Macau has recently experienced expansive

health in comparison to children in other European

Young children in Sweden have good general

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socioeconomic growth, leading to lifestyle changes

countries. In contrast, teenagers...

that could have contributed to...

Favourable effects of consuming a Palaeolithic-type diet on characteristics of the metabolic syndrome: a randomized controlled pilot-study

New rules will help prevent e-cigarette advertisements targeting children

The main goal of this randomized controlled

prevent e-cigarettes advertisements...

From 10th November, new rules published by the Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP) will

single-blinded pilot study was to study whether, independent of weight loss,...

Initial Ebola tests on dead Briton in M acedonia discount likelihood of virus

Ebola volunteer work ‘not for everybody,’ Canadian doctor says

Macedonian authorities said on Friday there was

Dr. Joanne Liu, international president of Doctors

only a “small probability” a Briton who died in

Without Borders. The organization is sending

Skopje on Thursday...

doctors, nurses, psychologists...

Student concussion program sheds light on recovery

Ebola deaths top 4,000 as WHO calls for urgent action

An innovative concussion study for high school

The Ebola outbreak has now killed more than

students in Toronto includes a unique recovery

4,000 people, according to the World Health

protocol to ensure the brain...

Organization. The UN health agency...

Ebola outbreak: Canadians in 3 West African countries advised to leave

Premier League tackles mental health

Health Minister Rona Ambrose is urging

10 October 2014 Last updated at 07:40 By Dominic Hughes Health correspondent, BBC News Everton

Canadians in three countries in West Africa where

have been...

the Ebola virus is raging to consider...

‘Giant leap’ to type 1 diabetes cure

Ebola outbreak deaths exceed 4,000

10 October 2014 Last updated at 13:25 By James

10 October 2014 Last updated at 19:54 Please turn

Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. A

Scientists were...

group of volunteers...

SM oms who choose to breastfeed older babies motivated by health, nutrition benefits

Researchers looks at impact of patientto-physician messaging Email has become one of the most widespread

forms of communication, with its streamlined PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Mothers who decide to breastfeed their children beyond 1 year of age consider their child’s physical

interactions benefiting both businesses...

and social development...

NAM S to launch free menopause mobile app

Health improves for US photojournalist with Ebola

The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) is set to launch a first-ever menopause mobile app

A 33-year-old American photojournalist who became infected with Ebola while working in

designed for use by both clinicians...

Liberia has shown a modest improvement...

Six Senators Urge Stronger Warnings on E-Cigarettes

Dallas Official Confronts City’s Fear of Ebola in Person

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Chain to Pay $38 M illion Over Claims Of Poor Care

Public Health: The Unhealthy Politics of Ebola

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Longer-term outcomes of program to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions

Using a novel biological aging clock, UCLA researchers find obesity accelerates aging of the liver

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 267-426-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: K. 310-794-

6063The JAMA Network Journals@JAMA_current

2262University of California – Los Angeles Health


Sciences@uclahealth Finding...

New meningitis vaccine only costeffective at low price [ | E-mail ] Contact: Philippa

CNIO researchers associate 2 oncogenes with the aggressiveness and incidence of leukemia in mice 44-117-928-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nuria

8086University of Bristol@BristolUni The ideal...

Noriegannoriega@cnio.esCentro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas (CNIO)@CNIO_Cancer Proteins...

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Leaky galaxies lead researchers to better understand the universe

FDA approves Eisai drug for chemotherapy-associated nausea

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tracey

(Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration

443-997-9903Johns Hopkins

said on Friday it has approved Japanese

University@JohnsHopkins IMAGE: This is Sanchayeeta...

pharmaceutical company Eisai’s...

How to End Ebola

First wearable light therapy device to fight psoriasis

“I came in the following morning and she was covered in blood. She wasn’t breathing. I put her in a bag and left...

Philips is launching a wearable blue light therapy

GE unit in talks to buy M ilestone Aviation: WSJ

What you eat might depend on who you’re eating with

(Reuters) – General Electric Co’s finance arm is in

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Dining with an

talks to buy Milestone Aviation Group Ltd, as the U.S. conglomerate...

overweight person may cause people to eat more unhealthy food, according...

Counting pitches can save young players’ arms but not always used consistently

Splints placed improperly in 93 percent of suspected pediatric fractures

Youth baseball has morphed into a year-round sport, with some athletes playing on multiple

are splinted improperly in emergency rooms and urgent care centers,...

device that it says has been shown in clinical trials to reduce symptoms...

More than 90 percent of potential pediatric fractures

teams in the same season. One...

Research reveals that some adolescents adept at media multitasking Telling youths who are juggling multiple electronic devices to “focus on the task at hand” may not

The Ebola Ward: Heart-Rending Test in Ebola Zone: A Baby Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

always be...

A M ediocre Sleeper Back in the day when I traveled with high frequency for work, I often came across other travelers asleep on planes and in...

Kids and Concussion: Early Recognition Is Key to Recovery Shannon Babineau, MD Assistant Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, Icahn School of Medicine

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at Mount Sinai Director of...

6 Effective Stretches and Exercises for Back Pain Whether a couch potato, weekend warrior, or elite athlete, we’re all susceptible to back pain at some

Why It Takes Balls to Be Happy You say you want happiness. We all do. But the truth is, you’re scared shitless of it. Completely bat shit crazy of...

point during...

Is Ebola Scaring You? 5 Reasons You Don’t Have to Worry It seems like every time you turn on the news, you hear something about Ebola: The Texas victim has

Poll shows growing fear of Ebola in U.S. One-quarter of Americans now view Ebola as a major public health threat to the United States and say they may change their...

died. A sheriff’s...

BIDM C researchers looks at impact of patient-to-physician messaging

NASA gathering data on Super Typhoon Vongfong as Japan prepares

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kelly

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob 617-667-


7305Beth Israel Deaconess Medical

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: On

Center@BIDMChealth Findings...

Oct. 10...

No single explanation for biodiversity in M adagascar [ | E-mail ] Contact: Robin Ann

NASA sees intensifying Tropical Cyclone Hudhud headed for landfall in India 919-681-8057Duke

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

University@DukeU Climate, geography have varying effects...

Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: NASA’s...

Interactive history beats interactive chat for website engagement

The dwindling stock of antibiotics, and what to do about it

[ | E-mail ] Contact: A’ndrea Elyse 814-865-9481Penn

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana 314-935-5272Washington University in St.

State@penn_state Small cues that display a...

Louis@WUSTLnews Pharmaceutical...

Arthritis pain, lost sleep may lead to depression, disability

Spanish health workers jeer prime minister at Ebola hospital

By Kathryn Doyle NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – By Sonya Dowsett MADRID (Reuters) – Spanish PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Having sleep problems in addition to osteoarthritis

health workers angry about the government’s

may lead...

handling of an Ebola...

Use of placebos in Ebola drug trials unethical: experts

Ebola toll passes 4,000 as fears grow worldwide

Paris (AFP) – Health experts from around the globe said Friday it would be unethical in drug trials to

Madrid (AFP) – The death toll from Ebola has passed 4,000, the World Health Organization said

give non-active...

Friday, while a Madrid...

Ga. prisoner accused of lying about possible Ebola

Airplane held on tarmac at Las Vegas airport due to Ebola scare

ATLANTA (AP) — Prosecutors have accused a prisoner in Georgia of lying about potentially getting

LAS VEGAS (Reuters) – A commercial airplane was being held on the tarmac of McCarran

Ebola while traveling...

International Airport in Las Vegas...

Ebola patient arrived at ER with 103degree fever

Dining with overweight person could lead to unhealthy eating, study finds

Thomas Eric Duncan’s temperature spiked to 103 degrees during the hours of his initial visit to an

(AP) Dining with an overweight person may cause people to eat more unhealthy food, according to a

emergency room –...

study in the journal...

American journalist infected with Ebola shows improvement, Nebraska hospital says

United Nations $1 billion Ebola appeal severely underfunded: U.N. officials

The American journalist who contracted Ebola while working in Liberia is showing signs of

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – A $1 billion United Nations appeal to fight Ebola has only been 25 percent funded and senior...

improvement, The Nebraska Medical...

Nursing home chain to pay $38 million over claims of deficient care

Car Seat Errors Widespread Among New Parents

(Reuters) – Extendicare Health Services Inc has

Parents leaving the hospital with newborns are a

agreed to pay $38 million to the U.S. government

jumble of nerves and adrenaline, wondering what

and eight states to...

comes next and whether they’re...

U.S. troops deploy to aid with Ebola

U.S. Ebola patient raised red flags on initial ER visit

U.S. Army soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), who are earmarked for the fight

Last Updated Oct 10, 2014 2:08 PM EDT DALLAS – against Ebola, train before... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Thomas Eric Duncan‘s temperature spiked to 103 degrees during...

How simple changes may help you avoid bad food

Barbara Walters reveals breast cancer scare

In a new book, “Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life,” food psychologist and

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, often a time when celebrities speak publicly about how


breast cancer has impacted...

Barbara Walters: "I had a lumpectomy"

Professor examines terrorist propaganda

October 10, 2014, 1:30 PM|While speaking at the annual Breast Cancer Research Symposium and Awards luncheon, broadcast news...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 613-5332877Queen’s University Research could provide law enforcement...

Fingolimod in new therapeutic indication: Added benefit not proven

M echanism that repairs brain after stroke discovered

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Anna-Sabine

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Zaal 49-022-135-6850Institute 46-705-365-

for Quality and Efficiency in Health...

917Lund University@lunduniversity A previously unknown...

New technique enables increasingly accurate PET scan to detect cancer and heart conditions

Coffee can promote healthy liver function, study says

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tuomas Koivumä 358-447-175-

healthy liver function, said a report released this week by the National...

Drinking three cups of coffee a day may support

025University of Eastern Finland@UniEastFinland A...

Ebola death toll rises to 4,033

Antibiotic resistance continues to rise

Health workers wearing protective clothing prepare themselves before to carrying an abandoned dead

Friday October 10 2014 We are in danger of running out of antibiotics that work “Antibiotic...

body presenting with Ebola...

Ebola toll rises to 4,033: WHO GENEVA (Reuters) – The number of people known

U.S. senator lifts objections to $750 million Ebola funding shift

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

to have died in the worst Ebola outbreak on record has risen to 4,033...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Defense Department won permission to shift $750 million in war funds to fight Ebola...

U.S. troops take on invisible enemy in Liberia Ebola mission

Peers Best at Convincing High-Risk Individuals to Get HIV Test: Study

ROBERTS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Liberia (Reuters) – Marine pilot Captain Chris Legere has

FRIDAY Oct. 10, 2014, 2014 — The best way to get people at high risk for HIV tested for the AIDS-

dropped troops into combat...

causing virus is to...

Common Childhood Vaccine Cuts ‘Superbug’ Infection: Study

Those Little Gas Spills When You Fill Up M ay Harm the Environment

FRIDAY Oct. 10, 2014, 2014 — The childhood pneumococcal vaccine helps children avoid the

FRIDAY Oct. 10, 2014, 2014 — Routine small fuel spills at gas stations could cause long-term harm

suffering and danger of ear...

to communities as...

A Detoxifying Turmeric Tea To Relieve Inflammation

Rare ‘baby rattle’ molecules reveal new quantum properties of H2O and H2

A Juice To Get That Golden California Glow In the City of Angels, juice is easy to come by. In fact, it is

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gilead 44-020-

a daily ritual...

719-32010Institut Laue-Langevin The experiments were...

LSU Health tumor registry data find acadiana colon cancer rates among nation’s highest

An enzyme and synaptic plasticity

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leslie

7644International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA)@sissaschool Study...

504-568-4806Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center@LSUHSCHealth New...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Federica 0039-040-378-

Old textbook knowledge reconfirmed: Decay rates of radioactive substances are constant

M ineralization of sand particles boosts microbial water filtration

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Karsten

Hoganghogan@asmusa.orgAmerican Society for Microbiology@ASMnewsroom WASHINGTON, DC 49-053-15926110Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth


(PTB) PTB... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Dangerous blood clots: A serious global problem

Africa can end "child abuse" of FGM by 2035: activists

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole

By Katy Migiro NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters 201-

Foundation) – Africa can end female genital

748-5808Wiley A study on the global burden of venous...

mutilation (FGM)...

Love of coffee at least partly genetic: study

Ebola panic fears grow as Spanish nurse fights for life

By Kathryn Doyle NEW YORK (Reuters Health) –

Madrid (AFP) – A Madrid nurse infected with Ebola

Need that cup of joe to get going in the morning? Or avoid...

was fighting for her life Friday as authorities worldwide tightened...

U.S. senator lifts objections to $750 mln Ebola funding shift

Spain PM visits hospital treating Ebola patient

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republican U.S. Senator James Inhofe said on Friday he has

MADRID (AP) — Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy made a surprise visit Friday to the Madrid

approved a shift of $750 million...

hospital where a nursing...

Watch: Airport Workers Get a Crash Course in Ebola Readiness

New diabetes breakthrough ‘bigger than the discovery of insulin’

Airport Workers Get a Crash Course in Ebola Readiness Watch: Airport Workers Get a Crash

In this April 29, 2012, file photo, a 19-year-old diagnosed with diabetes gives herself an injection

Course in Ebola Readiness

of insulin at her home...

Lung cancer can stay hidden for 20 years before detection, study says

This couple lost their septuplets, but not their hope

Researchers in the United Kingdom have found that lung cancer can remain hidden up to 20 years

When Lindsey and Steve Justice found out they were expecting septuplets, they considered it “a

before it is detectable, suggesting...

miracle,” Lindsey...

Cure for type 1 diabetes ‘within reach’

United Nations says $1 bln Ebola appeal only one quarter funded

Friday October 10 2014 People with type 1 diabetes require regular insulin injections “Type...

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The United Nations said on Friday that its appeal for $1 billion to respond to the West...

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Alcohol, not Ebola, possible cause of Briton’s death in M acedonia

Brazil tests man for Ebola; ministry says in ‘good shape’

SKOPJE (Reuters) – Doctors in Macedonia have

BRASILIA/RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – Doctors in

“serious indications” that alcohol, not Ebola, may

Brazil were testing a West African man for Ebola on

have killed...

Friday, although...

Health Tip: Wearing High Heels – Wearing high heels may be fashionable, but they

Comment triggers Ebola scare on flight from Philadelphia: reports

can wreak havoc on your body. The American

(Reuters) – An incident on board a U.S. Airways

Osteopathic Association...

flight from Philadelphia caused an Ebola scare this week, leading officials...

Brazil tests man for Ebola; ministry says he’s in ‘good’ shape

Safety advocates seek stronger warnings on anti-smoking drug

By Pedro Fonseca RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) –

(AP) WASHINGTON – Public safety advocates are

Brazilian doctors on Friday were testing a man,

asking the federal government to strengthen

who had traveled...

warnings on Pfizer’s...

Florida high school cancels classes over widespread stomach virus

‘Love’ hormone oxytocin regulates female sexual behavior, study suggests

Photo courtesy A high school

Previous research shows that the hormone

in the Tampa Bay, Florida area canceled school

oxytocin stimulates social behavior in humans, but

Friday due to an unusually...

a study published Thursday in...

Stada secures third license for copycat biotech drug: CEO

Sri Lanka lifts temporary ban on some Fonterra product sales after tests

BAD VILBEL Germany (Reuters) – Germany’s

COLOMBO (Reuters) – Sri Lanka has lifted a

Stada plans to bring a copy of Eli Lilly’s Forteo

temporary ban on the sale of some Anchor milk


powder made by New Zealand-based...

‘Epidemic of fear’ could hurt Africa more than Ebola

Healthy Habits M ight Reduce Your Colon Cancer Risk

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – An Ebola victim who

FRIDAY Oct. 10, 2014, 2014 — A few healthy habits

traveled to the United States and a case of

could reduce your risk for colon cancer, according

contagion in Europe have triggered...

to a new study. Researchers...

High Cholesterol Tied to Prostate

Americans Increasingly Anxious About

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Cancer’s Return in Study

Ebola: Poll

FRIDAY Oct. 10, 2014, 2014 — After surgery for

FRIDAY Oct. 10, 2014, 2014 — One-quarter of

prostate cancer, elevated levels of cholesterol and

Americans now view Ebola as a major public

triglycerides may...

health threat to the United...

The Friday Five for 10/10/14

Why Factory Farming Is Even Worse Than You Thought

Highlighting some of the coolest science news we’ve seen lately. 1. We are one step closer to helping paralyzed people...

Millennials Don’t Go To McDonald’s Anymore Remember those restless summer nights, when all you could do for entertainment...

14 Ancient Bits Of Wisdom On Eating, Exercise & Life

5 Beliefs That Keep You From An Amazing Life

9 Ways To Radically Improve Your Relationship All

20 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Grief

relationships have a system. Some systems work

The toughest part about losing someone or

well and some are dysfunctional. Read ...

something you love isn’t saying...

Diabetes: the facts and figures

You Can Stuff Just About Anything Inside A Sweet Potato. And You Should.

What are the symptoms? According to the NHS, the main symptoms of diabetes are: “feeling very thirsty; urinating more...

Ladies and gentlemen, the sweet potato is more than just a fiber-rich spud that lends itself to being baked, fried, curled...

#14Days: Dying for pain relief In our attempt to relieve our pain, the U.S. is

#14Days: Dying for pain relief, the opioid epidemic

leading the world in popping prescription

October 9, 2014, 6:02 PM|For day five of the CBS

painkillers, and more and more...

News series #14Days on the Wagon, Dr. Chinazo Cunningham of Albert Einstein...

M ajor step toward diabetes cure October 10, 2014, 5:26 AM|Researchers at Harvard

Set of molecules found to link insulin resistance in the brain to diabetes

say they were able to produce cells that make

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mount Sinai Press

insulin from embryonic stem... 212-241-9200The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School...

New computational approach finds gene that drives aggressive brain

The cichlids’ egg-spots: How evolution creates new characteristics

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cancer [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lucky 212-305-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Olivia Poissonolivia.poisson@unibas.chUniversity of Basel@UniBasel_en IMAGE: The anal fin of the...

3689Columbia University Medical Center@ColumbiaMed Analysis...

Scientists discover a ‘good’ fat that fights diabetes [ | E-mail ] Contact: Salk

Understanding the bushmeat market: Why do people risk infection from bat meat?


[ | E-mail ] Contact: Craig

Institute@salkinstitute Researchers uncovered a new class of... 44-012-

New increase in antimicrobial use in animals in Denmark

Climate change alters the ecological impacts of seasons

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Yvonne

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. George

Agersø 45-23-65-32-55Technical University of Denmark@DTUtweet Antimicrobial... Max Planck

237-66205University of Cambridge@Cambridge_Uni Ebola,...


Intracranial stents: M ore strokes than with drug treatment alone [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Anna-Sabine 49-022-135-6850Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health...

‘These families are not victims:’ readers react to our prison bankers investigation Reporters here at the Center often spend weeks, months and sometimes years investigating a single subject, but when that...

6 life lessons I learned from having breast cancer: One survivor’s story

11 foods to never eat when you’re stressed (and 11 others to indulge in)

image courtesy of SELF/Geralyn Lucas I had a

We’ve all got that log of cookie dough in the back of

mastectomy the day after I turned 28, and I was

the freezer waiting to come out at the end of a bad

convinced there wouldn’t...

day. “People...

11 simple solutions for bad breath

In 2005 M arburg virus outbreak, some lessons for Ebola crisis

Everyone worries about bad breath from time to time especially after a spicy meal or a cup of coffee.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – When I see the footage In fact, about 9 percent... of health workers in protection suits taking up the PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

fight against Ebola...

Keep Calm and Evolve On Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to

The Amsterdam Patient Charter for Global Kidney Cancer Care

subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.

Kidney cancer patients face a number of

Lauren Richardson,...

challenges, such as lack of awareness both by patients and their doctors, difficulty...

Vitamin D supplement improves autistic behaviours?

A Juice To Get That Golden California Glow

I don’t want to get too ahead of myself with this post

A Detoxifying Tumeric Tea To Relieve Inflammation

talking about the paper by Feiyong Jia and

With the change of season often comes nagging

colleagues [1] (open-access)...

colds, seasonal allergies,...

7 Scientifically Proven Ways To Get Happier

The Skeptic’s Guide To M editation (Infographic)

Want To Find Your Purpose? The Skills You Have

When ABC News anchor Dan Harris had a panic

WILL Get You There I know you. You long to make a

attack on live TV in 2004, what was the most

career out of that thing...

embarrassing moment of his life...

M odified ACR criteria effective for fibromyalgia diagnosis

Androgen receptor signaling tied to insulin resistance

(HealthDay)—The 2011 modification of the 2010

(HealthDay)—Mouse models show tissue-specific

American College of Rheumatology (ACR)

androgen receptor (AR) signaling is involved in

preliminary criteria for the diagnosis...

regulation of metabolism,...

High-intensity ultrasound OK for cesarean scar pregnancy

Nanoparticle research could enhance drug delivery through skin

(HealthDay)—High-intensity focused ultrasound

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Steven

(HIFU) can play a role in treating cesarean scar 0238-059-

pregnancy (CSP), according...

2128University of Southampton@unisouthampton Scientists...

When judging art, men and women stand apart

‘Superglue’ for the atmosphere

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy

Kü 49-697-9840256Goethe University Frankfurt@goetheuni A...

517-355-3294Michigan State

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andreas

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

University@MSUnews IMAGE: A study by Michigan...

New advances in additive manufacturing using laser solid forming to produce metallic parts

All that glitters is… slimy? Gold nanoparticles measure the stickiness of snot

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn 914-740-2100Mary

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lyndsay 202-416-1435The Optical Society@opticalsociety

Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering

New laser-based method...

News@LiebertOnline IMAGE: ...

Drinking decaf coffee may be good for the liver

Liberian leader brings money and hygiene message to Ebola’s "hot zone"

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dawn

By Daniel Flynn GANTA Liberia (Reuters) – 781-388-

Normally bustling with trucks carrying rubber,

8408Wiley Researchers from the National Cancer Institute...

timber and other...

We still don’t know if domestic animals can spread Ebola

Combustion smoke-induced inflammation in the olfactory bulb of adult rats

Spanish authorities have euthanised the dog of Madrid nurse Teresa Romero Ramos, who contracted Ebola. The 12-year-old dog,...

The damaging effect of combustion smoke

Alteration in basal and depolarization induced transcriptional network in iPSC derived neurons from Timothy syndrome

Inorganic phosphate is a trigger factor for M icrobispora sp. ATCC-PTA-5024 growth and NAI-107 production

Common genetic variation and rare mutations in genes encoding calcium channel subunits have

inhalation on the lung is widely reported but information on its effects on the olfactory...

NAI-107, produced by the actinomycete Microbispora sp. ATCC-PTA-5024, is a promising lantibiotic active against Gram-positive...

pleiotropic effects on risk for...

Protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of Fast muscle Activation and Stepping Training (FAST) for improving balance and mobility in sub-

Factorial validity of an abbreviated Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale for seniors in the Nurses?Health Study

Using validated measures of individuals? PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

acute stroke

perceptions of their neighborhood built

Following stroke, many people have difficulty

environment is important for accurately...

activating their paretic muscles quickly and with sufficient power to regain...

Pharmacists lead the way in streamlining experimental cancer trials

Researchers reveal lung cancer can stay hidden for over 20 years

A new way of conducting technical pharmacy

Cancer Research UK scientists have discovered

reviews that cuts down on the bureaucracy of

that lung cancers can lie dormant for over 20 years

setting up clinical trials is being...

before suddenly turning...

Young nurses driven from profession by bullying

‘Like watercolours painting the sky:’ 9yr-old going blind sees Northern Lights

The Association of Registered Nurses of P.E.I. is

A nine-year-old boy from Dallas, Texas, visited

holding a conference Friday to deal with bullying in the workplace. The...

Alaska recently where he fulfilled one of his wishes of things to see before...

Hormone loss could be involved in colon cancer

Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides may increase the risk for prostate cancer recurrence

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Edyta 215-9555291Thomas Jefferson University@JeffersonUniv Like...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeremy 215-4467109American Association for Cancer Research@aacr PHILADELPHIA...

In-home visits reduce drug use, depression in pregnant teens

US warns Ebola could become next AIDS amid fears for Spanish nurse

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 410-955-7619Johns

Madrid (AFP) – A top US health official urged swift action Thursday to prevent the deadly Ebola virus

Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public

from becoming...

Health@JohnsHopkinsSPH Successful...

Ebola-hit Liberia facing recession, may need more IM F aid: finance minister

Gaining a Green Thumb for Grassroots Language Activism

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Liberia, the West

The researcher wearing a Zhuang employee’s

African nation hardest hit by the Ebola outbreak, is

work uniform at the Black Clothes Zhuang House

facing recession and...

in the Ethnic Minorities Village,...

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Ebola fight in Liberia ramps up as U.S. sends marines

Artificial hand that can really feel gets nearer

The U.S. military was ramping up its aid efforts in

Scientists are moving closer to an artificial hand

Ebola-wracked Liberia on Thursday, even as yet

that can feel: implanted electrodes have allowed

another doctor working...

some amputees to tell...

Fears spread as man with Ebola symptoms dies on M acedonian trip

VIDEO: Will minimum wage rise make carers poorer?

Fears that the Ebola outbreak will spread globally

A new minimum wage has come into force this

rose on Thursday with the deteriorating health of an

month, with the hourly rate going from £6.31 to

infected Spanish...

£6.50. It might sound like...

Children in Hepatitis A outbreak

Keyhole kidney transplant ‘success’

9 October 2014 Last updated at 13:57 Vaccinations

9 October 2014 Last updated at 17:09 By Dominic

are being offered as a precaution to around 20

Hughes Health correspondent, BBC News Please

people Public Health Wales...

turn on JavaScript....

UK announces Ebola screening plans

Antibiotic resistance rise continues

10 October 2014 Last updated at 00:31 The US

10 October 2014 Last updated at 00:01 By James

has already implemented checks for passengers

Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website

arriving at some American airports People...

Antibiotic prescriptions...

Airborne particulates beyond traffic fumes affect lung health

US military planes arrive at epicenter of Ebola

(HealthDay)—Ambient particulates with median

Six U.S. military planes arrived in the Ebola hot

aerodynamic diameters of Respirology. Rakesh K.

zone Thursday with more Marines, as West Africa’s

Kumar, M.D., Ph.D., from the...

leaders pleaded...

With Ebola’s Arrival at Nebraska Center, It’s No Longer a Drill

Britain to Screen for Ebola Amid Possible New Cases in Europe

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

West Africans M ake Plea for Long List of Ebola Needs

Assurances Are Given and a Deputy Goes Home, but Ebola Fears Persist

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

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The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Heart-Rending Test in Ebola Zone: A Baby

Catholic University Extends Benefits to Same-Sex Spouses

Log in to manage your products and services from

University of Notre Dame told its employees

The New York Times and the International New

Wednesday it will extend benefits to same-sex

York Times. ...

spouses, following a Supreme Court...

‘Ebola Scare’ Video Shows Airport Officials Aren’t Taking Any Chances

Clove oil tested for weed control in organic Vidalia sweet onion

At the airport, conventional wisdom keeps most

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael W.

travelers from joking around with words like “bomb” 703-836-4606American

and “explosion.”...

Society for Horticultural Science@ASHS_Hort Researcher...

Wild tomato species focus of antioxidant study

Nanoparticles get a magnetic handle

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael W. 617-253- 703-836-4606American Society for Horticultural Science@ASHS_Hort

1682Massachusetts Institute of Technology@MITnews New method...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrew


Amid Concern About Ebola Virus in U.S., New York Hospital Says It’s Ready for the Worst

The New Health Care: M edicaid, Often Criticized, Is Quite Popular With Its Customers

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Despite Assurances and No New Ebola Cases, a Fear It Will Spread

Schools Key to Reaching the 1 in 10 Kids with M ental Health Problems

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

The Series highlights that childhood is an important window for intervention because around

York Times. ...

75% of adults who access mental...

M en Work Together to Break the Cycle of Domestic Violence

To Quit Smoking, Combine Behavioral Support and M edication

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In the wake of high-profile cases of alleged

“Randomized clinical trials have a high internal

domestic violence by NFL players, the league’s

validity, but because they are conducted under very

team owners heard a presentation...

strict conditions,...

Why Teen Girls Are at Heightened Risk of Depression

Estonia Becomes First Ex-Soviet State to Legalise Same-Sex M arriage

The findings are published in Clinical

9 October 2014 Last updated at 20:43 The bill has

Psychological Science, a journal of the Association

taken years of preparation – and caused

for Psychological Science. “These...

passionate debate Estonian...

Just Let Go — Surrender Everything in M editation

Q&A About Boozing

For many years, I took my meditation practice very

Q. My name is Marie. In our marriage, my husband had one stretch of three years sober, three periods

seriously. I dedicated a significant portion of my life

of two years sober...

to daily practice...

Family of dead Texas Ebola patient grieve in isolation

5 Stretches Every Runner Should Be Doing

By Lisa Maria Garza DALLAS (Reuters) – Thomas

Stretching is an important aspect of any fitness

Eric Duncan died without his loved ones. Now the

routine and running is no exception. Stretching not


only feels good after...

U.S. House Republicans release $750 million in Ebola funds to Pentagon

Better diabetes remission after weight loss surgery than other methods

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A Republican senator

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – More than 20 years

on Thursday was holding up a $700 million

of evidence suggests that bariatric surgery

increase in the U.S. military’s...

produces greater weight loss...

M acedonia checking for Ebola after Briton dies, hotel sealed off

Ebola Screening to Start Saturday at JFK Airport in New York

SKOPJE (Reuters) – Macedonia said it was

THURSDAY Oct. 9, 2014, 2014 — Stepped-up

checking for the Ebola virus in a British man who

screening measures for Ebola will begin Saturday

died within hours of being...

at JFK International Airport...

M edicines Are Biggest Culprit in Fatal Allergic Reactions: Study

Complementary and Alternative M edicine in M ental Health – What Does it Take ?

THURSDAY Oct. 9, 2014, 2014 — Although food

allergies have garnered a lot of attention lately, a PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

new study reports...

“These are ways of treating illness that have developed outside the mainstream of modern medicine.” (The Royal College...

Have You Been Screened for Depression Today? In the past year, you might have visited your general health practitioner for a physical, your cardiologist for an EKG or...

This man has not seen his wife in 14 years. Watch what happens when he takes … The charity hopes its fundraising drive – match funded by the Department of International Development (DfID) – will...

Epidurals should be given to pregnant women as soon as they want them

what are stem cells?

There was no difference in scores given to the

A new study claims that there is no such thing as a vaginal, or clitoral orgasm. Oh, and apparently the

babies shortly after birth indicating their health

G-spot is a myth,...

either it was concluded. Lead...

Watch: blind man sees wife for first time in 12 years following eye surgery

The Suicides Need to Stop!

Telegraph Video” / <!– –> We no longer check to

As an inspirational speaker, I love my job. I am fortunate enough to travel around the country and

see whether displays properly in...

speak with a wide variety...

Why Running M akes M e a Better M om

In Life and Death, Thomas Eric Duncan Exposed Severe Gaps in Anti-Ebola Efforts on Both Sides of the Atlantic

“I’m not talking to you until Christmas!” T whined. “Fantastic!” I snapped back. “Mooooooooom....

How can you prosecute a man hanging onto a lifeline from an infectious disease? According to news reports published last...

An Actor, Writer, Law Student and Genius Award Recipient

M y Ex Is M y Best Friend: Friends for Life!

“Stigma is the result of ignorance…people fear or despise what they don’t understand.” — Eric...

Ten years ago tonight, it was storming. He arrived with a bouquet of lilies. We had met online, emailed, and spoken, and...

Lung Cancer M ay Lie Dormant for 2 Decades

Less Than Half of HIV-Positive U.S. Hispanics Are Getting Proper Care

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THURSDAY Oct. 9, 2014, 2014 — Lung cancer can remain dormant for more than 20 years before

THURSDAY Oct. 9, 2014, 2014 — Even though Hispanics in the United States become infected

suddenly becoming aggressive,...

with HIV at rates triple those...

Study Finds Hospital Patients Don’t Wash Their Hands Enough

3 Ways Your Gut Bacteria M ake You Fat & How To Fix It

THURSDAY Oct. 9, 2014, 2014 — Hospital patients don’t wash their hands often, even when they use

The Skinny On Body Fat: 4 Surprising Facts Fat: That bulge when you indulge. And yes, some of us

the restroom...

have quite a bit of bulge...

Chris Hardwick Celebrates 11 Years Sober By Sharing Photos Of His Former Self

3 Simple Ways to Overcome the 3 O’Clock Slump

Surely you’re familiar with Chris Hardwick, Nerdist frontman and host of “@Midnight.” But do you know

Do you ever wonder how some people seem to be so full of energy? And it all seems almost unreal? How can they do it? Do you...


Stuck? Don’t ‘Try Harder’…Do This Instead

Burning the Candle at Both Ends? Take Time to Recharge This Fall

What’s worse than feeling stuck in life and you aren’t sure where to turn? Having someone tell you

I met with my doctor last week, and he had some interesting news for me. My blood work showed

to “try...

that my cortisol level was...

"Our people are dying": West African leaders plead for Ebola aid at World Bank

Do-it-yourself flu vaccine could be safe, easy

MONROVIA, Liberia — Presidents of West African

Do-it-yourself flu vaccine? It could happen. Military folks who squirted vaccine up their noses were as

countries ravaged by Ebola pleaded for aid at the

well-protected as...

World Bank on Thursday...

Scientists developing lab-grown penis for transplant

Study warns about stimulants in diet supplements

Lab-grown penises could one day grace the groins

A new warning is out from researchers about a

of men who have congenital problems,

hidden and potentially dangerous stimulant. The

complications from cancer or traumatic...

study, published in the peer-reviewed...

Dallas sheriff’s deputy does not have Ebola, health officials say

Penn M edicine’s ‘sepsis sniffer’ generates faster sepsis care and

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DALLAS — The Dallas County sheriff’s deputy who

suggests reduced mortality

went into the apartment where an Ebola victim was living has...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lee-Ann 215349-5660University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine@PennMedNews Early...

M anipulating memory with light [ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy 530-752-4533University of California – Davis@ucdavis IMAGE: During...

Space-based methane maps find largest US signal in Southwest [ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole Casal 734-6477087University of Michigan@umich ANN ARBOR— An unexpectedly...

Plant communities in Holy Land can cope with climate change of ‘biblical’ dimensions

NASA’s Hubble maps the temperature and water vapor on an extreme exoplanet

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Helen 973-353-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ray 410-338-4514NASA/Goddard Space Flight

5262Rutgers University-Newark Middle Eastern

Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: This...


Electrically conductive plastics promising for batteries, solar cells

Dead star shines on

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emil

422-9799DOE/Lawrence Livermore National 765-494-4709Purdue

Laboratory@Livermore_Lab A supernova...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 925-

University@PurdueResearch WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. –...

NASA’s Aqua Satellite tracking Super Typhoon Vongfong in the Philippine Sea

A Legacy of Praying Women

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

kneeling around a small twin bed, our heads bowed, eyes closed: “Our...

Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: The

Our shoulders touched slightly like links in a chain,

MODIS instrument...

Watch: CDC Director Says Ebola Could Be the ‘Next AIDS’

Radioactivity spikes hit Santa’s helpers in Norway

CDC Director Says Ebola Could Be the ‘Next AIDS’ Oslo (AFP) – Almost three decades after the PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Watch: CDC Director Says Ebola Could Be the

Chernobyl disaster thousands of kilometres away,

‘Next AIDS’ ...

a jump in radioactivity...

Spain Ebola patient at ‘serious risk’ of dying

Ebola suspected in death of Briton in M acedonia

Madrid (AFP) – The Spanish nurse infected with Ebola is at “serious risk” of dying from the disease

SKOPJE (Reuters) – A British man suspected of contracting the Ebola virus has died in Macedonia,


a senior Macedonian...

Cardinal says Catholic Church will never bless gay marriage

Bucket list baby whose story went viral dies shortly after birth

By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – A leading Vatican cardinal said on Thursday the

This photo, posted September 8, shows Jenna and Dan Haley. (Prayers for Shane) The newborn son

Roman Catholic...

of a Philadelphia couple...

Contact sports athletes more likely to carry M RSA

Doctor: No evidence of life in braindead girl

iStock Photo College athletes who play football,

OAKLAND, Calif. – A court-appointed expert has

soccer and other contact sports are more likely to

told a California judge he sees no evidence that a

harbor the superbug methicillin-resistant...

13-year-old girl...

NASA eyes Tropical Cyclone Hudhud as Warnings posted for East-Central India [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

Discovery of new subatomic particle sheds light on fundamental force of nature


[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: On 44-024-767-

Oct. 9 at...

75910University of Warwick@warwickuni The discovery of a...

Satellite movie shows Hurricane Simon’s remnants moving through US

Eleanor Roosevelt, a radio pioneer, perceived as both ‘ordinary’ and ‘expert’

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard VIDEO: This animation...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Camille 805-4107441SAGE Publications October 11 marks the 130th...

‘Data smashing’ could unshackle

Unstoppable magnetoresistance

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automated discovery [ | E-mail ] Contact: Syl 607-255-7701Cornell University@cornell ITHACA, N.Y. – A little known...

Brynn Duncan Is Allergic to the World — And She’s Still M anaging to M ake It A Better Place

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tien 609-2586523Princeton University@Princeton IMAGE: This image shows...

Flavors fuel food industry, but remain a mystery

Brynn Duncan is not joking when she says she’s

NEW YORK (AP) — They help give Coke its distinctive bite and Doritos its cheesy kick. But the

allergic to life. At just 20-years-old, Brynn has

artificial and natural...

several serious chronic...

M edicare’s basic monthly premium unchanged in 2015 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Medicare “Part B”

Greek Bronze Age ended 100 years earlier than thought, new evidence suggests

premium that most older people pay for outpatient

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stuart

care will stay the... of Birmingham@unibirmingham Conventional estimates...

Coastal living boosts physical activity [ | E-mail ] Contact: Alex

Dark matter half what we thought, say scientists 0044-187-2258135University of Exeter@uniofexeter People who...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kirsten

UPM C investigation into GI scoperelated infections changes national guidelines

UPM C programs to improve hand hygiene reduced infections, increased compliance

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Allison

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Allison 412-6479975University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health 412-6479975University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health

Sciences@UPMCnews PITTSBURGH,...

Sciences@UPMCnews PITTSBURGH,...

EU well armed to prevent an Ebola epidemic, say experts

US adds extra level of airport screening for Ebola

Brussels (AFP) – The European Union must fill

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama 61-438361-876International Centre for Radio Astronomy...

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

gaps to stop the spread of Ebola now that an

calls it a “belt and suspenders” approach — an

infected nurse in Spain...

extra level of screening...

US military aircraft arriving in Liberia

Global Ebola response ‘slower than the disease': S.Leone leader

MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — The U.S. military was ramping up its aid efforts in Ebola-wracked Liberia on Thursday, even as...

Washington (AFP) – Sierra Leone’s president on Thursday assailed the global community’s slow response to...

11 California schools closed for asbestos testing

Two-time leukemia survivor returns to PGA Tour

School officials in California closed 11 Orange County schools to test the properties for cancer-

Jarrod Lyle takes another step back in his amazing return from twice beating leukemia, and this one

causing asbestos,

might be the biggest...

Skin exposure may contribute to early risk for food allergies, study shows

E-cigarettes set to appear in TV ads

(Reuters) Children who become allergic to peanuts before they eat them may have had early

9 October 2014 Last updated at 12:52 Most ecigarettes emit a vapour New rules will allow electronic cigarettes to be shown...

skin exposure which led to sensitization,...

New clues for the early detection of colorectal cancer

Pharmacists involved in stroke prevention

Researchers at the University of Luxembourg have identified potential new ways to test for the first

Many community pharmacists can now manage anticoagulant levels for people, using testing and

signs of one of the...

evaluation done at the pharmacy. This...

Pregnant women with psychiatric conditions require higher doses of neuroleptics

Text message service aids malaria care

The new generation of neuroleptics for psychiatric

health workers stick to new protocols...

A mobile phone text message reminder service has proved to be a successful way of ensuring

conditions has the advantage over older medications of fewer adverse side...

Watch live: blind man sees wife for first time in 12 years following eye surgery

9 Delicious Things To Do With A Jar Of Pumpkin Butter

Telegraph Video” / <!– –> We no longer check to

Fall’s in full swing, which means our dear pumpkin

see whether displays properly in... has reared its orange, bulbous head to flavor PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

everything edible....

Here’s Where To Buy The Gluten-Free Ingredients You Can Never Find

12 Ways Corporations Are Secretly M anipulating Your Emotions

It’s not impossible, or even difficult, to make

You might not realize it, but all sorts of companies

delicious, gluten-free chocolates, cakes, cookies,

have developed all sorts of tactics meant to

pastries and pies....

encourage you to take out...

M en at greater risk after hip fractures October 9, 2014, 5:42 AM|New statistics show that

M ind-controlled prosthetic arms that work in daily life are now a reality

the death rate in men with hip breaks is twice that

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Johanna

of women. Plus, researchers... 46-317-722029Chalmers University of Technology@chalmersnyheter For...

Amputees discern familiar sensations across prosthetic hand [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin 216-5347183Case Western Reserve University@casenews System providing...

Women who eat fried food regularly before conceiving are at increased risk of developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Cuilin 301-4356917Diabetologia New research published in Diabetologia...

Price gap between more and less healthy foods grows

Should we be worried about Ebola becoming airborne?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Fred

Suggestions the Ebola virus could “mutate” into a 44-122-

form that is transmissible by the respiratory route

376-5566University of

are speculative,...

Cambridge@Cambridge_Uni A new...

An economic assessment of embryo diagnostics (Dx) – the costs of introducing non-invasive embryo diagnostics into IVF standard treatment practices

An economic assessment of embryo diagnostics (Dx) – the costs of introducing non-invasive embryo diagnostics into IVF standard treatment practices

New techniques in assessing oocytes and embryo

New techniques in assessing oocytes and embryo

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

quality are currently explored to improve pregnancy and delivery rates per...

quality are currently explored to improve pregnancy and delivery rates per...

Atypical response to erlotinib in a patient with metastatic lung adenocarcinoma: a case report

Atypical response to erlotinib in a patient with metastatic lung adenocarcinoma: a case report

IntroductionTyrosine kinase inhibitors are widely

IntroductionTyrosine kinase inhibitors are widely

prescribed in thoracic oncology and have excellent responses as a first-line...

prescribed in thoracic oncology and have excellent responses as a first-line...

Hypomelanosis of Ito with a trisomy 2 mosaicism: a case report

Hypomelanosis of Ito with a trisomy 2 mosaicism: a case report

IntroductionHypomelanosis of Ito is a rare

IntroductionHypomelanosis of Ito is a rare

neurocutaneous disorder, characterized by streaks and swirls of hypopigmentation...

neurocutaneous disorder, characterized by streaks and swirls of hypopigmentation...

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected methamphetamine at Shenzhen Bay Control Point

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected methamphetamine at Shenzhen Bay Control Point

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs yesterday (October 8) seized about 5 kilograms of

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs yesterday (October 8) seized about 5 kilograms of

suspected methamphetamine at...

suspected methamphetamine at...

The retrieval of unerupted teeth in pedodontics: two case reports

M ining big data yields Alzheimer’s discovery

IntroductionThe retrieval of unerupted teeth in pedodontics is always significant to preserve the

Scientists at The University of Manchester have used a new way of working to identify a new gene

trophism of adjacent tissues,...

linked to neurodegenerative...

M ore research needed on benefits of psychedelic drugs

M ore research needed on benefits of psychedelic drugs

A University of Adelaide philosophy scholar is calling for more research into the therapeutic

A University of Adelaide philosophy scholar is calling for more research into the therapeutic

benefits of psychedelic drugs,...

benefits of psychedelic drugs,...

Optometrist helps get athletes’ eyes in shape

Optometrist helps get athletes’ eyes in shape

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Whether shooting pucks or catching fly balls,

Whether shooting pucks or catching fly balls,

athletes work hard to be at the top of their game and research shows that vision...

athletes work hard to be at the top of their game and research shows that vision...

Cancer drug destroys tumours in preclinical trials

Cancer drug destroys tumours in preclinical trials

Scientists at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research

Scientists at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research

Institute have used an experimental drug produced from the seeds of a rainforest...

Institute have used an experimental drug produced from the seeds of a rainforest...

Ebola virus lives in bodily fluids

Ebola virus lives in bodily fluids

October 8, 2014, 1:11 PM|CBS News chief medical

October 8, 2014, 1:11 PM|CBS News chief medical

correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook explains where the Ebola virus lurks in the...

correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook explains where the Ebola virus lurks in the...

M oderation, a radical option in treating addiction

“Early diagnosis resulted in my cancer experience being a positive one” – Clive’s story

Is it possible for people with alcohol use disorders to heal, resolve their drinking problems, and then safely continue to...

Left to right – Clive with Mark Menzies MP and

Citizen Science: “you don’t need to be qualified to do this”

News digest – imaging boost for neuroblastoma, Stoptober, mantis shrimps and more

If you could recruit a helping hand for some of the

fellow Campaigns Ambassador Alexander Whittam In the first in a series...

more time-consuming parts of your day to day job, would you accept it? Well,...

Our aim is to cover the latest cancer research,

Understanding how cells divide – the story of a Nobel prize

Two million reasons to beat cancer

Understanding how these yeast cells divide led to

are the words of our Chief Clinician, Professor Peter Johnson,...

a Nobel Prize The announcement of this year’s crop of Nobel Prizes is...

Ebola vaccine may be only way to bring outbreak under control in West Africa

including that funded by the charity. We also highlight other relevant material,...

‘We’re running ever harder just to stay still.’ These

Death of Ebola patient in Dallas renews questions about care

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While it was initially thought some of the vaccine

The death of the first Ebola patient diagnosed in

developed at the National Microbiology Laboratory

the United States renewed questions about his

in Winnipeg might be...

medical care and whether...

Ebola screening to be stepped up at U.S. airports, Canadian border

Patient’s near-death experiences during cardiac arrest tested

Travellers coming from Ebola-affected West African

Almost half of people who survived resuscitation

countries to the U.S. can expect enhanced

for cardiac arrest had some memory from

screening and temperature checks...

during the experience despite...

Ebola screenings to take place at airports in 6 Canadian cities

Laxative type might influence colon cancer risk, study finds

Canada will step up border screening to try to

(HealthDay)—A new study suggests that the type of

prevent an Ebola importation to this country, federal

laxative a person takes might be a factor in their

Health Minister Rona...

odds for colon cancer. The...

Chemo rx patterns changed before reimbursement changes

M ethodology addresses ‘awakenings’ under anesthesia

(HealthDay)—Other factors may affect

(HealthDay)—New methodology can be used to

chemotherapy prescription patterns more than

examine the incidence, predisposing factors,

changes in Medicare reimbursement, according...

causality, and impact of accidental...

Online intervention tool for physician trainees may improve care of substance users

Officials Cite Error With Gloves in Spanish Case of Ebola

Online learning interventions and small group

The New York Times and the International New

debriefings can improve medical residents’ attitudes and communication...

York Times. ...

Spain, Amid Protests, Destroys Dog of Ebola-Infected Nurse

Exploding M arijuana Soda Bottles Vex Cannabis Retailers In Washington

Log in to manage your products and services from

Stores in Washington state selling a marijuana-

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

infused soda are having an unusual problem with the inventory: It’s...

Study looks at cardiometabolic risk, schizophrenia and antipsychotic treatment

Gene therapy shows promise for severe combined immunodeficiency

Log in to manage your products and services from

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michelle

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hillary 516-465-2649The JAMA 301-402-

Network Journals@JAMA_current Bottom Line: The...

1663NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious...

New weapons against multidrug resistance in tuberculosis

M ore paramedics quitting NHS jobs

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nik

numbers of paramedics are leaving NHS 41-216932-105Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de

ambulance services, according to figures...

9 October 2014 Last updated at 04:26 Increasing

Lausanne@EPFL_en Using...

Bionic arm restores sense of feeling 9 October 2014 Last updated at 02:56 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website Igor Spetic and...

Women who eat fried food before conceiving are at risk of developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy New research published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows that women...

M ore Ebola screening to begin at five US airports

Women have greater atheroma regression with statins

The government plans will begin taking the temperatures of travelers from West Africa arriving

(HealthDay)—For patients with coronary atheroma, high-intensity statin treatment is associated with

at five U.S. airports as part...

greater regression...

Smoking ups pseudarthrosis after 2level fusion of lumbar spine

World Briefing: Lawsuit Against U.N. on the Spread of Cholera Epidemic in Haiti Advances

(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing posterolateral fusion (PLF) of the lumbar spine, smoking is associated with increased...

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Amid Concern About Virus in U.S., New York Hospital Says It’s Ready for the Worst

European Leaders Scramble to Upgrade Response to Ebola Crisis

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

Log in to manage your products and services from

York Times. ... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Easier Time in Health M arketplace Is Promised

7 Questions We Still Have About Enterovirus D68, Answered

Log in to manage your products and services from

By now, you’ve probably heard of the rapid spread

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

of a severe respiratory infection among children across the U.S....

Trying to fool a kindergartner? Not so fast [ | E-mail ] Contact: Clea

M anagers can boost creativity by ‘empowering leadership’ and earning employees’ trust 514848-2424 x5068Concordia University@Concordia

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff Falk 713-348-6775Rice University@RiceUNews Findings have


implications for management practice HOUSTON...

Gay and bisexual youth can thrive with positive family relationships

M edia celebrate female NFL referee, but fumble deeper issues

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Beth 848-932-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt 814-865-9481Penn State@penn_state The sports

5350Rutgers University@RutgersU Rutgers study

media’s positive reaction...

says parental...

Study finds potential link between breast cancer genes and salivary gland cancer

Neuroscientists use snail research to help explain ‘chemo brain’

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Darrell E. 713-500- 614-293-3737Ohio

3030University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston IMAGE: ...

State University Wexner Medical Center COLUMBUS,...

Death of Ebola Patient’s Dog Sparks Controversy A mix breed dog named Excalibur that was

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert

Lawyer for accused Pennsylvania stabber decries lack of treatment options

euthanized today has set off a controversy about whether pets can carry and transmit...

By Elizabeth Daley PITTSBURGH (Reuters) – The

Factbox: M oney trail in U.S. plan to fight Ebola in West Africa

Cardiac study raises questions about awareness in death

lawyer for a teenager accused of stabbing 21 people at...

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(Reuters) – The United States government has committed more than $350 million toward fighting

Paris (AFP) – Some people may retain awareness after they have technically died, according to an

the Ebola outbreak in...

unusual study published...

9 Things I Hated About Being M orbidly Obese

US, Canada increase Ebola screenings as toll nears 3,900

Author Kelly Coffey wrote a viral post about what she missed about being over 300 pounds. I do not

Washington (AFP) – The United States and Canada announced stepped-up airport screening

miss a thing. It has...

measures Wednesday to look for...

Questions about life after death remain unanswered

HIV’s infection tactics could guide AIDS vaccine, study finds

Wednesday October 8 2014 Near-death experiences: visions of the afterlife or...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – New research that sheds light on the methods and machinery used by HIV to infect cells provides...

Health Highlights: Oct. 8, 2014 Here are some of the latest health and medical

Circulating tumor cells provide genomic snapshot of breast cancer

news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: Large Generic Drug...

The genetic fingerprint of a metastatic cancer is constantly changing, which means that the therapy that may have stopped...

Officials Cite Error With Gloves in Spanish Case

Finding Clues in Genes of ‘Exceptional Responders’

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Death of Thomas Eric Duncan in Dallas Fuels Alarm Over Ebola

A 29-Year-Old Woman Plans To Die Nov. 1, And She’s Fighting For Others Like Her

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Brittany Maynard is planning to die on Nov. 1, and she’s fighting to expand end-of-life choices for others in similar...

Sarah Silverman Sends A Powerful M essage About The Wage Gap

New Review Provides Doctors’ Recommendations For When To Get An Epidural

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Sarah Silverman wants everyone to know the wage

For years, OB-GYNs and anesthesiologists have

gap is not OK, and she’s not afraid to get all Sarah Silverman to do...

grappled with the right time to give a laboring woman an epidural to help with...

This Illustration Of Ebola Coverage Shows How Problematic M edia Reports Can Be

‘Ebola Dog’ Excalibur Euthanized Against Owners’ Wishes

The first Ebola patient to be diagnosed in the U.S. died Wednesday. Three days earlier, government

spread Ebola. Now there’s worry that dogs — or one dog in particular...

Monkeys, bats and a menagerie of animals can

health officials in Sierra...

Invasive plant wins competition against its native cousin

Factbox: Ebola cases in the United States

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Debra Levey 217-244-

(Reuters) – The United States has seen six cases of the Ebola virus in recent weeks affecting five

2880University of Illinois College of Agricultural,...

Americans and a...

Watch: Hospital Treats Ebola Drill Like the Real Thing

How a coal miner’s autopsy proved a top doctor wrong

Sexting Teens Are More Likely to Have Sex, Researchers Say Watch: Hospital Treats Ebola

After working underground in the coal mines of southern West Virginia for almost 35 years, Steve

Drill Like the Real Thing

Day thought it was obvious...

Obamacare website likely ready for record-breaking traffic: official

Exclusive: Liberian leader sees signs Ebola in decline but aid too slow

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Obama administration officials on Wednesday said an improved

GBARNGA Liberia (Reuters) – International aid to battle the Ebola epidemic in Liberia is arriving too website should be...

slowly, President...

Seattle suburb lifts boil-water order after E. Coli scare

Schools Key to Reaching Kids With M ental Health Needs, Experts Say

SEATTLE (Reuters) – A Seattle suburb lifted a boilwater order on Wednesday after tests found no

WEDNESDAY Oct. 8, 2014, 2014 — Schools can play a crucial role in helping the 10 percent to 20

further trace of E....

percent of children...

Infection Rates in Nursing Homes on the Rise: Study

Five M ajor U.S. Airports to Screen Travelers From West Africa for Ebola

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WEDNESDAY Oct. 8, 2014, 2014 — Infection rates

WEDNESDAY Oct. 8, 2014, 2014 — Five major U.S.

within U.S. nursing homes are on the rise, and that trend will continue...

airports will begin screening travelers entering the country from the...

Foot Orthotics for Reducing Load in the Plantar Fascia

U.S. clinicians get crash course in treating Ebola patients in Africa

The generally accepted role of foot orthotics in

ANNISTON, Ala. – The World Health Organization

those with plantar fasciitis is to reduce the load in the plantar fascia...

estimates that more than 200 health care workers have already died from...

Automated imaging system looks underground to help improve crops

Researchers develop reproducibility score for SNPs associated with human disease in GWAS

[ | E-mail ] Contact: John 404-894-6986Georgia Institute of Technology@GeorgiaTech IMAGE: Alexander...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robin 603-6539056The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth New...

UCLA researchers find that drug used for another disease slows progression of Parkinson’s

NuSTAR discovers impossibly bright dead star

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah 626-395- 310-794-

3227California Institute of Technology@caltech X-

2265University of California – Los


Angeles@uclanewsroom Researchers...

M ortality risk of overweight and obesity similar for blacks, whites

Two NASA satellites get data on category 5 Super Typhoon Vongfong

[ | E-mail ] Contact: David

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob



Cancer Society@AmericanCancer ATLANTA – October 08,...

Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: On Oct. 8 at...

Exclusive: Emergency centers needed to contain Ebola in West Africa

N.Y. school evacuated after ‘odorless gas’ makes students vomit

By Louis Charbonneau UNITED NATIONS

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A school in New York City’s

(Reuters) – The worst outbreak of Ebola on record can be contained...

suburbs was evacuated on Wednesday after an unknown gas caused...

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Ebola patient’s death renews questions about care

Next edition of is unveiled

DALLAS (AP) — The death of the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States renewed questions

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration unveiled a new version of on

about his medical care...

Wednesday, with some improvements...

Dallas hospitals set up Ebola wards as city watches for spread

Voluntary evacuations urged for some in Hawaii lava flow’s path

By Richard Valdmanis DALLAS (Reuters) – Hospitals in Dallas have set up Ebola isolation

By Malia Mattoch McManus HONOLULU (Reuters) – Officials tracking volcanic lava creeping through a

wards and revamped...


Letting Someone You Love Die: The Irony Behind a Living Will

Is Your Relationship Really Broken? 8 Rays of Hope

When my mother died, she died in a hospital. Hospitalized with a malignant brain tumor on her

By the time I see couples in my office, they have tried to do everything they can on their own to work

brain stem that caused a stroke,...

through the difficulties...

3 Ways Your Errors Can Lead to BIG Success

Dallas schools take steps to combat Ebola

“Always leave room for error.” You’ve heard this advice before, right? Essentially, it sets you up to

October 8, 2014, 5:06 PM|As health officials around the world race to stop the spread of the Ebola virus,


five Dallas schools...

M ichael J. Fox Foundation sues over lab samples

Schools screen kids for fever amid Ebola scare

CAMDEN, N.J. – Actor Michael J. Fox’s foundation is suing a New Jersey research organization,

DALLAS – Electronic scanners to check for fevers are being rolled out at five Dallas schools where

saying a freezer...

students are under...

Drug-infused nanoparticle is right for sore eyes

Community justice court associated with lower rearrest rates

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Pamela 519-888-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Warren 310-451-6913RAND

4777University of Waterloo@uWaterloo IMAGE:

Corporation@RANDCorporation Study supports

Shengyan (Sandy)...

notion such...

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Skin exposure may contribute to early risk for food allergies [ | E-mail ] Contact: Mount Sinai Press 212-241-9200The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School...

NASA’s GPM satellite’s find before Hurricane Simon was caught rapidly intensifying [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob 301-2864044NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

M an dies of Ebola in Texas, as world toll nears 3,900

Spanish Ebola nurse ‘touched face with infected glove’

Washington (AFP) – A Liberian man who was the

Madrid (AFP) – A Spanish nurse infected with Ebola

first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United

may have caught it when she touched her face with

States died in a Texas...

a glove after...

U.S. to screen air passengers from West Africa for Ebola

US Ebola patient dies; airport screening expanded

By Patricia Zengerle and Julia Edwards

WASHINGTON (AP) — The first person diagnosed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States said

with Ebola in the U.S. died Wednesday despite

on Wednesday it...

intense but delayed treatment,...

Ebola still rampant in three African countries as deaths near 4,000, WHO says

Possible 2nd Ebola patient was in apartment where Duncan stayed

Health workers carry the body of an Ebola virus

Ebola patient to a Dallas hospital. The patient, who

victim in Kenema, Sierra Leone, June 25, 2014.

was exhibiting symptoms...

Frisco firefighters transport a possible second

Picture taken June 25, 2014....

M an who complained of itch had live cricket in his ear

New gene therapy treatment showing promise against ‘bubble boy’ disease

A man who complained of an itch in his ear found

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – More than a decade

out the source of his discomfort was just that—

ago, doctors showed dramatic progress in helping

discomforting. Doctors...

infants born with a...

Healthy lifestyle may halve stroke risk for women: study

Ebola patient dies in Texas; U.S. orders airport screenings

Women who live the healthiest lifestyles have a

DALLAS (Reuters) – The first person diagnosed

54% lower risk of stroke than women who do not,

with Ebola in the United States died on Wednesday

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according to newly examined...

and the government...

Radiographers opt for new strike day

UK sending 750 troops to tackle Ebola

8 October 2014 Last updated at 13:52

8 October 2014 Last updated at 18:04 Please turn

Radiographers are set to go on strike a week after

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

the rest of the NHS workers involved...

Philip Hammond: “We...

Increased health risks linked to firstepisode psychosis

Support for M edicaid expansion strong among low-income adults

Many patients with psychosis develop health risks

Low-income adults overwhelmingly support

associated with premature death early in the

Medicaid expansion and think the government-

course of their mental illness,...

sponsored program offers health care...

Teens still sending naked selfies that substantial numbers of teens are sexting –

Anthropologists find that even among egalitarian forager-farmers, social status can impact health and happiness

sending and receiving...

In western society, where keeping up with the

A new study from the University of Utah confirms

Joneses—or, better yet, surpassing them—is expected and even encouraged,...

Spain, Amid Protests, Kills Dog of EbolaInfected Nurse

Watch: Blind man regains his sight in world-first live stream eye surgery

Log in to manage your products and services from

Telegraph Video” / <!– –> We no longer check to

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

see whether displays properly in...

Sometimes ‘No’ Can Be the Best Answer to Get: Here’s Why

Fear vs. Anxiety: Explained in 98 seconds (Video)

No. It is a word that every person confronts.

Fear is an emotional state triggered by real,

Absolutely everyone — CEOs, entrepreneurs, artists, celebrities, even...

objective danger. When there is an actual threat staring you in the face, fear...

Everything You Need To Know About Contracting Ebola, Enterovirus D68 Or Any Other Disease This Season

Pink and Beyond

It’s one of the easiest ways to protect ourselves

It used to be that orange and rust and goldenrod were top of mind October colors and atop seasonal blog pages like this....

from spreading germs, and some of the most common advice from medical... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

The Soda Tax Wars: Let’s Help San Francisco and Berkeley Crush Big Soda

M ind-controlled prosthetics let patients "feel" objects

Both San Francisco and Berkeley have approved

Increasingly sophisticated prosthetic limbs are

November ballot measures asking voters to support taxes on sugary drinks. Ballot...

beginning to resemble natural human limbs more and more, allowing amputees...

Ebola victim’s remains still infectious

Zoos exonerated in baby elephant deaths; Data support new branch of herpesvirus family

DALLAS — Health officials in Texas are working on a protocol to handle the body of Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth Hoganghogan@asmusa.orgAmerican Society for Microbiology@ASMnewsroom IMAGE: Kumari, an Asian...

Plant scientist discovers basis of evolution in violins

Dallas Ebola Patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, Dies

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Melanie

Log in to manage your products and services from 314-587-

The New York Times and the International New

1647Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Studies...

York Times. ...

Protests as Spain Plans to Kill EbolaInfected Nurse’s Dog

Americans Are Stocking Up On Ebola Survival Gear

Log in to manage your products and services from

A ‘stuffed animal’ of an Ebola virus hangs on the

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

wall of the U.S. Navy mobile laboratory near Gbarnga, Liberia....

The Power of Story and M etaphor Stories enchant us; they motivate us, but most of

8 Ways to Deal With Your Fear of ISIS and Ebola

all, they define us. We all want to live a better life —

Lately ISIS and Ebola stories have dominated the

be more...

headlines. It would be difficult to turn on a news network or open a newspaper,...

Living in the Shadow of a Gun Crime: 14 Years Later

Don’t Panic About Enterovirus D68 With all the news about Enterovirus D68 sending

hundreds of children to hospitals, it’s easy to panic when you hear... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically! Creative Commons image Shadow, courtesy of

Penny Lam on Flickr. I was tidying our apartment when I saw a dark flash out of...

Thomas Eric Duncan, Ebola victim in Texas, has died

How you make your decisions can affect happiness

Last Updated Oct 8, 2014 12:51 PM EDT Thomas

Making decisions is an important part of our daily

Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with the Ebola virus on U.S. soil, has...

routine, but did you know that our style of deciding may impact our emotional...

Doctors don "medical armor" to fight Ebola

Health Insurance 101: Choosing the best plan

The serious-faced physicians practice pulling on

Nearly 150 million Americans use employer-

bulky white suits and helmets that make them look more like astronauts than...

sponsored health insurance through the 55 percent of companies that offer benefits. It’s...

U.S. airports, border crossings to check travelers for Ebola

Study: Indian government health insurance reduced mortality among the poor

WASHINGTON — Homeland Security agents at airports and other ports of entry have begun observing travelers coming into...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert 213-740-9226University of Southern California@USC Researchers studied...

M aking sure antibiotics work as they should

Conspicuous tRNA lookalikes riddle the human genome

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nenad 41-446-332-785ETH

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Edyta 215-955-

Zurich@ETH_en This news release is available

5291Thomas Jefferson University@JeffersonUniv



Rivers recover natural conditions quickly following dam removal

EARTH M agazine: How the Spanish Invasion altered the Peruvian Coast

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Desirée

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 541-737-2038Oregon 703-379-

State University@oregonstateuniv IMAGE: ...

2480American Geosciences Institute Alexandria, Va. —...

Insomnia among older adults may be

Ports tighten ship entry procedures as

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

tied to sleep quality, not duration

Ebola fears spread

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jann

By Jonathan Saul, Gustavo Bonato and Ros Krasny 773-702-

(Reuters) – Brazil, Argentina and the United States

2772University of Chicago@UChicago Reports of insomnia are...


UK to send troops, aircraft and ship to tackle Ebola in Sierra Leone

Active aging is much more than exercise

By William James LONDON (Reuters) – Britain is

The global population is ageing rapidly, and the

sending extra troops, aircraft and a naval vessel to Sierra...

growing numbers of elderly people challenge our societal structures, not...

Safety advocates seek stronger warnings on Chantix

The New Health Care: M en Dominate List of Doctors Receiving Largest Payments From Drug Companies

Public safety advocates are asking the federal government to strengthen warnings on Pfizer’s anti-smoking drug Chantix,...

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First Ebola Patient to Be Discovered in U.S. Dies

This M ap Shows How Discussion Of Ebola Is Spreading Online

Log in to manage your products and services from

The Ebola virus hasn’t just crossed international

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

borders. Conversations about the epidemic are spreading fast across...

This Simple Blood Test Could Save Your Life!

Trick-or-Treat in High Heels

The next time you visit your doctor for blood work,

costumes, pumpkins, decorations, parties, and sugar. There are 36 million children...

make sure that along with your lipid profile you request a C-reactive...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Halloween conjures spirits, ghost, goblins,

Two M ore Womb-Transplant Babies M ight Be The Start Of A ‘New Wave’ Of Births

Are You Afraid to Be Alone? Good News: You’re Not

GOTHENBURG, Sweden (AP) — The world’s first baby born from a transplanted womb is soon to

example, when you are stopped in traffic, waiting on a elevator or a friend,...

POP QUIZ: When find that you are alone, for

have company. Two more... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Can dogs spread Ebola?

Taiwan probes fresh tainted oil claim

Monkeys, bats and a menagerie of animals can

Taiwan on Wednesday pulled several products

spread Ebola. Now there’s worry that dogs – or one dog in particular...

from shelves over fresh allegations that they were contaminated with oil intended...

US Ebola training focuses on astronautlike gear

Walmart to End Health Coverage for 30,000 Part-Time Workers

The physicians practice pulling on bulky white suits

Log in to manage your products and services from

and helmets that make them look more like astronauts than doctors preparing...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The M ost Important Breast Cancer Findings Of 2014

10 Things I Learned While Dealing With the Death of a Loved One

It’s estimated that 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop

It’s been two years since my father passed away

invasive breast cancer in their lifetimes, and about 40,000 American...

from cancer (Read: “For My Father”), and it was the hardest...

5 Important Reasons To Embrace A Little Adventure

Scientists Say ‘Life After Death’ M ay Be Possible, In A Way

Where would we be without a little adventure? As

What happens after we die? Are we snuffed out like

Eleanor Roosevelt once stated, “The purpose of life is to live it,...

lights, or do we continue to exist in some way? Those are age-old questions,...

10 Famous Authors Who Prove That Slowing Down Is Always Worthwhile

For 29-year-old newlywed, dying with dignity a personal quest

When I first learned that Virginia Woolf had spent seven years creating The Voyage Out, her first

Brittany Maynard has less than a month to live. And she wants to leave a legacy. As she describes in a

novel, and that she revised...

YouTube video, the...

New clue may explain how nursing aide got Ebola

Cost sensitive bushmeat hunters help out conservering hunted wildlife species

MADRID – Spanish health officials were investigating Wednesday whether a nursing assistant infected with Ebola got...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anders Sirénanders.siren@helsinki.fiUniversity of Helsinki@helsinkiuni Hunting of bushmeat is 1 major...

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Teenage girls are exposed to more stressors that increase depression risk [ | E-mail ] Contact: Anna

Scientists identify method of eradicating harmful impacts from manufacturing process 202293-9300Association for Psychological

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alan 01-752-

Science@PsychScience Adolescence...

588-004University of Plymouth@PlymUni The human and...

Smallest world record has ‘endless possibilities’ for bio-nanotechnology

The Economic Impact of Ebola

[ | E-mail ] Contact: University of Leeds Press

The outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has claimed thousands of lives — more than 3,000 and 44-011-334-

counting — and it has...

34196University of Leeds@universityleeds Scientists...

Doc: Spanish woman touched face with Ebola glove

Pharmacy chain Jean Coutu’s revenue rises on store additions

MADRID (AP) — Spanish health officials were

(Reuters) – Canadian pharmacy chain Jean Coutu

investigating Wednesday whether a nursing assistant infected with Ebola got...

Group Inc reported a 3 percent rise in quarterly revenue as an increase...

Food Rx JBF Award-nominated chef and restaurateur

Don’t shake hands, Uganda president urges in virus warning

Seamus Mullen shares his personal struggles and

Kampala (AFP) – Ugandan President Yoweri

triumphs with food and health. by...

Museveni on Wednesday called on people to stop shaking hands as the country...

Sick journalist to get blood from Ebola survivor

UK smoking rates continue to fall

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — The first American flown back

smoke in the country, according to figures from the

to the U.S. for treatment of Ebola this summer has donated blood to the...

Office for National...

VIDEO: M ental health stigma in the spotlight

VIDEO: M ental health stigma in the spotlight

Katharine Welby-Roberts, the Archbishop of

Katharine Welby-Roberts, the Archbishop of

Canterbury’s daughter, has lived with depression

Canterbury’s daughter, has lived with depression

The UK has seen a fall in the number of adults who

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

since she was a teenager...

since she was a teenager...

Hospital visits by smokers down

Hospital visits by smokers down

8 October 2014 Last updated at 10:44 The number

8 October 2014 Last updated at 10:44 The number

of people aged over 35 admitted to hospital in

of people aged over 35 admitted to hospital in

England due to smoking between...

England due to smoking between...

Doctors from Europe in UK increasing

Doctors from Europe in UK increasing

8 October 2014 Last updated at 09:31 By Pippa

8 October 2014 Last updated at 09:31 By Pippa

Stephens Health reporter, BBC News More women

Stephens Health reporter, BBC News More women

are working...

are working...

Six hospitalised in Spain Ebola scare

Six hospitalised in Spain Ebola scare

One more Spanish health care worker was

One more Spanish health care worker was

admitted to hospital for monitoring for Ebola on

admitted to hospital for monitoring for Ebola on

Wednesday, bringing to six the number...

Wednesday, bringing to six the number...

Nursing profession doing more to meet health needs

18 Desserts With 50 Calories Or Less

When a brother or sister is hurting, the whole family

A slice of pumpkin pecan cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory contains 1,080 calories.

feels it and worries about it. That is what happens

There is a time and a place for such...

in nursing as...

18 Desserts With 50 Calories Or Less A slice of pumpkin pecan cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory contains 1,080 calories. There is a time and a place for such...

UN M edic In Liberia Tests Positive For Ebola ACCRA, Oct 8 (Reuters) – An international medical official with the U.N. Mission in Liberia has tested positive for...

UN M edic In Liberia Tests Positive For Ebola

Tobacco users more vulnerable to HPV, study finds

ACCRA, Oct 8 (Reuters) – An international medical

October 8, 2014, 5:47 AM|Researchers say that

official with the U.N. Mission in Liberia has tested

smokers are more susceptible to the HPV virus,

positive for...

which can cause oral cancers....

Tobacco users more vulnerable to HPV, study finds

The sex difference in distance running has disappeared for participation but not for competitiveness

October 8, 2014, 5:47 AM|Researchers say that PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

smokers are more susceptible to the HPV virus,

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matthew

which can cause oral cancers.... 616-3312221Grand Valley State University@GV_Now New research by...

The sex difference in distance running has disappeared for participation but not for competitiveness

Is Internet-based diabetes selfmanagement education beneficial?

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matthew

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn 914-740-2100Mary 616-331-

Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering

2221Grand Valley State University@GV_Now New research by...

News@LiebertOnline IMAGE: ...

Is Internet-based diabetes selfmanagement education beneficial?

‘Ebola Dog’ Excalibur M ay Be Euthanized In Spain As Animal Lovers Rally Under #Salvemosaexcalibur Banner

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn 914-740-2100Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering

A dog belonging to the Spanish nurse suffering

News@LiebertOnline IMAGE: ...

from the Ebola virus may soon be euthanized, an animal lovers have launched...

Germ-zapping robot combats hospital infections

Dr. Drew says "addiction is not a moral failing"

Like a real life “Dalek,” Dr. Who’s robotic nemesis

October 7, 2014, 4:50 PM|Dr. Drew Pinsky, internist

in the British science fiction show, a Texas company’s...

and addiction medicine specialist, urges people to change the way they...

Asthma risk varies with ethnic ancestry among Latinos, UCSF team finds

Small molecule ‘jams the switch’ to prevent inflammatory cell death

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeffrey

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alan 61- 415-5026397University of California – San Francisco@ucsf

393-452-719Walter and Eliza Hall Institute@WEHI_research IMAGE: ...


Researchers pump up oil accumulation in plant leaves

JAM A findings reveal vaccine approach to fight pandemic bird flu

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen McNulty

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nancy 631-344- 314-977-8017Saint

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

8350DOE/Brookhaven National

Louis University SLU research: Combine old and

Laboratory@brookhavenlab Method...


Studies examine vaccination strategies for prevention, control of avian flu

Fruit flies reveal features of human intestinal cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Holly

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Barry 404-727-3990The


JAMA Network Journals@JAMA_current Two randomized...

IMAGE: This is a 4-week-old Drosophila gut with a...

Ebola training focuses on astronaut-like gear

Want To Become A Better Cook? A Personal Chef Reveals Her Secrets

CHICAGO (AP) — The serious-faced physicians

The Easiest Gluten-Free Granola You’ll Ever Make

practice pulling on bulky white suits and helmets that make them look more...

This granola is the perfect replacement for cereal and is gluten free...

How To M anifest Financial M iracles

Kelly Rowland Took the Prettiest Nude Pregnancy Pictures

How To Survive Your 9 To 5 When It’s Not Your Dream Job It’s taken me six years, but I’ve finally figured...

The physical changes that come with

I Tried It: Working Out in a Gym-in-a-Bus When the team first heard

One U.S. Hospital’s Strategy For Stopping Ebola’s Advance

that a gym-in-a-bus exists, we were fascinated. First, we wondered: How...

Ideally, the best place to care for someone ill with Ebola is at the end of a hall in a room with its own

pregnancy that come with pregnancy can be both exciting and totally disconcerting. That’s...

bathroom, anteroom...

Protests Disrupt Telescope Groundbreaking In Hawaii

CE’s Office responds to Apple Daily report

Big Island Video News/YouTube Big Island Video News sums up the years-long controversy

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to a report in Apple Daily today (October 8) alleging that the Chief

surrounding the Thirty Meter Telescope,...

Executive has...

An evaluative study of the benefits of participating in intergenerational playgroups in aged care for older people

Organic silicon protects human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells against hydrogen peroxide effects

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a toxic agent that PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Intergenerational playgroups in aged care are

induces oxidative stress and cell death. Silicon (Si)

limited and little is known about the perceptions of

is a biological element...

individuals who have participated...

Speckle tracking echocardiography in the diagnosis of early left ventricular systolic dysfunction in type II diabetic mice

Result of consultancy review on Pilot M ediation Scheme released

The leptin receptor-deficient db/db mouse is a well-

recommendations of the consultancy...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Development Bureau today (October 8) announced the results and

established type II diabetes animal model used to investigate diabetic...

VIDEO: Ebola: UK ‘must not be complacent’

Schools key to reaching the one in ten children with mental health problems

Doctors in Madrid have been testing several other

Schools are a vital way of reaching the 10-20

people for Ebola after a Spanish nurse became the first person known to...

percent of children and young people across the globe who would benefit from...

US to tighten controls on travelers to fight Ebola

American doctor exposed to Ebola allowed home

The United States will announce tightened controls

An American physician who was hospitalized in the

on international travelers in the coming days to prevent Ebola from spreading...

United States after being exposed to the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone was...

Study Reassesses Dengue’s Impact in India

Officials Question the Rising Costs of Generic Drugs

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

M inimum Wage and Overtime Protections Are Delayed for Home-Care Workers

Thousands of people wrongly diagnosed with M ultiple Sclerosis, experts warn

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Nice also suggested multidisciplinary teams made up of experts including neurologists, MS nurses,

York Times. ...

GPs, psychologists, speech...

Cytotoxic effects of cobalt and nickel

Up-regulation of hexokinase1 in the

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

ions on osteocytes in vitro Metal-on-metal prostheses undergo wear and corrosion, releasing soluble ions and wear particles into the surrounding environment....

right ventricle of monocrotaline induced pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a proliferative arteriopathy associated with a glycolytic shift during heart metabolism....

VIDEO: ‘Attitudes to mental health changing’ Young people are driving a change in attitudes towards people with mental health issues, Stan Collymore has claimed. The...

As Anxiety Increases, Agency Scrambles to Address Concerns of Health Workers Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

30,000 Lose Health Care Coverage at Walmart

Ebola Patient on Ventilator and Getting Kidney Dialysis, Officials Say

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Health Law Drug Plans Are Given a Check-Up Log in to manage your products and services from

The Ebola Ward: Life, Death and Grim Routine Fill the Day at a Liberian Ebola Clinic

The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from

York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

European doctors three times more likely to be struck off: GM C

It’s time to fight sepsis like we fight heart attack, UM researchers say

Doctors from Europe were more likely to have

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kara

allegations made against them regarding poor

734-764-2220University of Michigan Health

diagnosis and examination than...

System@UMHealthSystem National...

Global Village Consulting renamed as Gevity Consulting Global Village Consulting Inc. Global Village

GeneSolve to license its health optimization system to highly qualified doctors

Consulting renamed as Gevity Consulting

GeneSolve announced today that it will begin licensing its proprietary health optimization system

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

to a network of highly...

Elite dermatologic surgeon to deliver presentation at Syneron Investor Conference

Eppendorf’s new M astercycler® nexus X2 provides a multi-block solution for simultaneous PCR runs

Elite dermatologic surgeon Dr. David Amron was Eppendorf’s new Mastercycler®

among few physicians asked to speak at the Syneron Investor Conference Sept....

nexus X2 provides a multi-block solution for simultaneous PCR runs ...

Charging your phone or tablet in your bedroom could make you fat

Why M ary Berry is a role model for the those wanting to be healthy

Blue light emitted by gadgets harms the production

Mary Berry is a role model because of her attitude

of melatonin Melatonin promotes regular sleep which helps the body’s...

to food, scientists say Presenter is famed for making cakes but only...

No plans to screen travellers entering the UK for Ebola

Spanish nurse whose home is under police guard after she contracted Ebola

Minister Norman Baker said Ebola screening

Nurse Teresa Romero Ramos was in team that

should be brought in at airports Four hospitals in Liverpool, Sheffield, Newcastle...

treated Manuel Garcia Viejo Spanish missionary was brought back from Africa...

5 Ways to Lose Weight Every Day

Q&A: Is It Possible to M ake Your Hair Grow Faster?

This article was written by Leta Shy and repurposed with permission from POPSUGAR Fitness. Lorna Jane Clarkson, founder of...

The question: “I’ve tried all the buzzed-about DIY

Childhood eating difficulties could be a sign of underlying psychological issues

Ebola Patients in Nebraska and Texas Getting Experimental Drug

[ | E-mail ] Contact: William Raillant-Clarkw.raillant-

The American journalist who is being treated for 514-343-7593University of Montreal@uMontreal_news Restrictive...

Ebola at a Nebraska hospital is receiving the same experimental treatment...

Ebola patient in Dallas on dialysis, remains in critical condition: hospital

The Precarious Life of Enterovirus Victim’s Classmate

DALLAS (Reuters) – The patient being treated for Ebola in a Dallas hospital remains in critical

Every night as Tabatha Vassey puts her son to bed, she said she wonders whether he’ll wake up in the

hair masks and supplements, but my hair doesn’t seem...

condition, is on a... morning. His classmate... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Design, Intelligent or Otherwise, In Real Time

Ebola Patient’s Pet Dog to Be Euthanized as Precaution

Now that Ebola is here, it has captured the attention it arguably deserved from us long ago.

Spanish health authorities reacted forcefully today after a nurse’s aide was found to have contracted

The latest news is that the...

Ebola, putting...

M ore Options Emerge for Low-Gluten Communion Wafers

M akeup can improve life for children with skin diseases

For many years, Rachel Reiger, a 22-year-old Catholic from Cleveland, did not take communion

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Makeup works like medicine to improve the quality of life for children

because she feared she was allergic...

with visible birthmarks...

Smokers at higher risk for oral HPV: study

Working long hours tied to increased diabetes risk among poor

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Tobacco users are more likely than others to test positive for oral

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People in lowpaying jobs may be at higher risk of developing

human papillomavirus...

diabetes if they work long...

3 Win Nobel In Physics For New Light Source

3 Win Nobel Prize In Physics

Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For

U.S. scientist Shuji Nakamura won the Nobel Prize in physics on Tuesday for...

Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano of Japan and

other uses, prior permission required. STEVE...

Five Things You Need To Know About M ental Health This week is Mental Health Week in Australia. A time to recognise the common burden of mental illness, support those affected,...

Rotational thromboelastometry predicts thromboembolic complications after major non-cardiac surgery IntroductionThromboembolic complications contribute substantially to perioperative morbidity and mortality. Routine laboratory...

Statistical measures of transcriptional diversity capture genomic heterogeneity of cancer Molecular heterogeneity of tumors suggests the presence of multiple different subclones that may

Association between Hoehn and Yahr, M ini-M ental State Examination, age, and clinical syndrome predominance and diagnostic effectiveness of ioflupane I 123 injection (DaTSCAN?) in subjects

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

limit response to targeted...

with clinically uncertain parkinsonian syndromes IntroductionDiagnostic effectiveness of Ioflupane I 123 injection (DaTSCANâ„¢, DaTscanâ„¢, or [123I]FP-CIT or ioflupane...

Changes in transition times in ‘Ironman Hawaii’ between 1998 and 2013 Recent findings showed that elite Ironman

Adaptation to environmental factors shapes the organization of regulatory regions in microbial communities

triathletes competing in ‘Ironman Hawaii’improved both split and overall...

It has been shown in a number of metagenomic

Teachers key to connect children with mental-health treatment, doctors say

VIDEO: Can the humble radio save lives?

Schools can play an important role in reaching

In the isolated villages of Burkina Faso childhood

children and youth with mental illnesses that last into adulthood, say child...

mortality is high. Experts think that a lack of awareness about certain...

WHO warns of Ebola hospital risks

Even motivated dieters need close access to healthy food

8 October 2014 Last updated at 01:28 Please turn

studies that the addition and removal of specific genes have allowed microbiomes...

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. The Spanish hospital was...

You’re obese, at risk for diabetes and

US Coast Guard sector issues new Ebola protocol

Physician addresses stigma against patients and providers with disabilities

One U.S. Coast Guard sector says it will contact

Nearly 20 percent of Americans have a disability,

ships that have recently been to Ebola-affected countries to ask whether...

yet only 25 percent of medical schools include in their curricula caring...

Demands for an Explanation Grow After a Nurse in Spain Contracts Ebola

Thriving a year on, the boy born a week under abortion limit

Log in to manage your products and services from

His parents claim they were told that their son

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

would be severely disabled and they should consider switching off his life...

cardiovascular disease, and so motivated to improve your diet that you’ve...

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100 British military medics will set up Ebola hospital in Sierra Leone

Armed police stand guard outside home of nurse who caught Ebola

Personnel from 22 Field Hospital in York in training

Nurse Teresa Romero Ramos was in team that

for humanitarian mission Wearing protective suits

treated Manuel Garcia Viejo Spanish missionary

they have been treating...

was brought back from Africa...

The vaginal orgasm doesn’t exist

What If Buying Condoms Was As M uch of a Process As Buying Birth Control?

There is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm, experts said in a review Women have been labelled with sexual problems based...

Getting access to birth control can be a frustrating ordeal—from scheduling your gyno appointment to getting the exam to...

The Tool That Could Help You Build the Perfect Workout Playlist

9 Reasons Why Being Sick Is the WORST

If you like rocking out while you’re working out, then

You know how you kinda, sorta actually looked

chances are you’re always in need of new dramatic

forward to being sick as a kid because you got to


skip school and watch cartoons...

3 Scientists Win Nobel In Physics For Development Of Blue LED

‘Blood M oon’ Eclipse To Be Visible Throughout U.S.

i i A screen shows the laureates of the Nobel Prize

i i A “blood moon” captured on the night of Jan. 20,

in physics at the Royal Swedish Academy of

2000. Fred Espenak/NASA ...


Eating Comfort Foods M ay Not Be So Comforting After All

The Great Bluff That Led To A ‘M agical’ Pill And A Sexual Revolution

i i Feeling blue? That may not be a great excuse to

i i The history of how the birth control pill was

tuck into some mac-and-cheese. ...

developed in the 1950s is recounted in Jonathan Eig’s...

Antimicrobial use in hospitals appears to be common

Working memory hinders learning in schizophrenia

A one-day prevalence survey of 183 hospitals found

A new study pinpoints working memory as a

that approximately 50 percent of hospitalized

source of learning difficulties in people with

patients included in the...

schizophrenia. Working memory is...

Hospital: Dallas Ebola patient critical

The New Health Care:

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

but stable

Still Suffers From Lack of Transparency

Hospital officials say the man being treated for Ebola in Dallas is showing improved liver function,

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

though he remains in...

York Times. ...

Kenyan Transgender Activist Wins "Stunning" Legal Victory

M RI Detects Evidence of Cognitive Decline Before Symptoms Appear

7 October 2014 Last updated at 18:19 Audrey Mbugua is a prominent transgender activist who

The World Health Organization estimates that dementia affects more than 35 million people

has won two legal cases Kenya’s...

worldwide, a number expected to...

The Isis Propaganda War: A High-Tech M edia Jihad

U.S Troops and M ental Patients Used as WWII M alaria Guinea Pigs

In 1941, Hollywood director Frank Capra was commissioned to make a series of propaganda

Tens of thousands of mental patients and troops unknowingly became malaria test subjects during

films for the US war effort. He knew...

the 1940s — part of a secret...

"Broad Consensus" That Violent M edia Increase Child Aggression

5 Quick Ways to De-Stress on Campus

The study found that 66 percent of researchers, 67 percent of parents and 90 percent of pediatricians

As a senior at the University of Michigan, I can understand the multiple crash and burns that come after the … first...

agree or strongly agree...

Echium oil is not protective against weight loss in head and neck cancer patients undergoing curative radio(chemo)therapy: a randomisedcontrolled trial

M edical Innovation Bill to be discussed in House of Lords A new Bill that would allow patients who have exhausted all other options to be given experimental medical treatments is...

Therapy-induced mucositis and dysphagia puts head and neck (HN) cancer patients at increased risk for developing cachexia....

Ebola-killing robot deployed in U.S. hospitals

Ron Francis’s lawyer makes plea for PTSD help after M ountie’s suicide

On mobile and can’t see the video? Watch it here A

Cpl. Ron Francis’s lifelong friend and lawyer is

U.S. company is marketing a germ-zapping robot as a way to disinfect...

making a plea for help for police officers and other first responders...

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Coffee tastes influenced by DNA How much coffee do you drink every day? One cup

Ebola patient in Dallas on dialysis, hospital says

in the morning? Or do you gulp it all day? Scientists

The Ebola patient fighting for his life in a Dallas

have long known that...

hospital is on a ventilator and a kidney dialysis machine to help stabilize...

VIDEO: Are post-natal depression signs missed?

‘Instagram for doctors’ takes off

As many as one in five new mothers suffer from

Kleinman Technology reporter, BBC News Doctors

post-natal depression but some leading doctors say post-natal checks may be...

can also search...

Spain monitors Ebola nurse contacts

A closer look at the blood-brain barrier

7 October 2014 Last updated at 21:17 Please turn

()—Thousands of people today have various kinds

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

of stimulators placed deep in their brains in the

The hospital was reported...

hope of curing their...

Candidate H7N9 avian flu vaccine works better with adjuvant

It’s time to fight sepsis like we fight heart attack, researchers say

An experimental vaccine to protect people against

A decade ago, America’s health care community

H7N9 avian influenza prompted immune

took on heart attacks with gusto, harnessing the

responses in 59 percent of volunteers...

power of research and...

‘Instagram for doctors’ takes off 7 October 2014 Last updated at 16:19 By Zoe

Coast Guard issues new protocols to prevent Ebola

Kleinman Technology reporter, BBC News Doctors

One U.S. Coast Guard sector says it will contact

can also search...

ships that have recently been to Ebola-affected

7 October 2014 Last updated at 16:19 By Zoe

countries to ask whether...

Three Ugandans in isolation after Ebola-like M arburg virus death

Oral chelation for environmental lead toxicity

Three Ugandans are being monitored in medical

Treatment with dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA),

isolation for possibly contracting the Ebola-like Marburg virus, health officials...

an oral chelation agent, was linked to reductions in the amount of lead in...

Hypoglycemia link to HbA1c has declined in type 1 diabetes

We Have to Disconnect in Order to Connect

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The link between low average glucose blood levels and greater risk for severe hypoglycemia and

We complain that we’re bombarded with status updates and selfies, but we scroll through

hypoglycemic coma substantially...

Instagram to avoid eye contact...

Daydreams by Any Other Name Taste as Sweet

Is Your Health Care on a Spiritual Path?

Sometimes writers state the obvious, like this statement: We live in a scary world. The evidence of

For many, health care is no longer just about caring for their body. People are waking up to what they can do to contribute...

this “scariness”...

Trauma and Women Behind Bars in America: The Need for a Criminal Justice M akeover

Is 75 the Perfect Age to Die?

On September 30, 2014, President Obama issued a presidential proclamation declaring the month of

recently in an essay in the Atlantic...

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the well-known bioethicist and brother of the mayor of my town, argued

October 2014 National Domestic...

State policies can influence access to heroin treatment, study finds

Sleeping in dentures doubles the risk of pneumonia in the elderly

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Warren

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ingrid L.

310-451-6913RAND 703-299-

Corporation@RANDCorporation State policies can

8084International American Associations for


Dental Research Alexandria,...

Singer M orrissey reveals treatments for cancerous tissues

Canada to badly miss 2020 emissionscut target: official watchdog

MADRID (Reuters) – British singer Morrissey, who

By David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada

has had to cancel tours in recent years because of

is set to badly miss a 2020 target for cutting

ill health, has...


Nebraska hospital says treating its Ebola patient with Chimerix drug

Ebola patient in Nebraska gets same experimental drug as Dallas patient

(Reuters) – A Nebraska hospital treating U.S.

By Lisa Maria Garza and Richard Valdmanis

patient Ashoka Mukpo for the deadly Ebola virus

DALLAS (Reuters) – A Nebraska hospital is using

said on Tuesday it was...

the same experimental...

Ebola escapes Europe’s defenses; pet dog must die

Ebola aid held up at port in Sierra Leone

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MADRID (AP) — Health officials scrambled

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — An opposition

Tuesday to figure out how West Africa’s Ebola outbreak got past Europe’s...

politician says a shipping container filled with medical gear and mattresses...

Effect of caffeine may depend on genetics, study says

WHO warns against unprotected sex for male Ebola survivors

It seems there’s a different study published every

Sept. 10, 2014: Health workers load the body of a

month about the health perks and risks of consuming too many or too...

woman they suspect died from the Ebola virus onto a truck in Monrovia,...

‘Blood M oon’ Eclipse To Be Visible Throughout U.S.

Transitions in the Swedish school system and the impact on student’s positive self-reported-health

i i The “blood moon” eclipse in April. Nick Ut/AP hide...

To explore three school based transitions and their impact on positive self- reported- health (SRH), pre-school to elementary...

Extraction of incarcerated medial epicondyle from the elbow joint using conventional nerve stimulator: a case report

Study on salvianolic acid B in the reduction of epidural fibrosis in laminectomy rats

IntroductionIncarceration of the medial epicondyle

Epidural fibrosis (EF) is a common complication after laminectomy. Salvianolic acid B (Sal B) is a

is a well-recognised sequelae following closed

major bioactive component...

reduction of the elbow....

Accuracy of residential geocoding in the agricultural health study

Traffic congestion continues on HK Island and in Kowloon due to protests

Environmental exposure assessments often

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department

require a study participant’s residential location,

(TD) today (October 7) said that in view of

but the positional accuracy...

occupation of major trunk...

Abortion clinics in M aine see ‘spike’ in New Brunswick clients

Spain quarantines 3 after nurse assistant infected with Ebola

Abortion clinics in the State of Maine are reporting a

Three more people were put under quarantine for

marked increase in the number of New Brunswick

possible Ebola at a Madrid hospital where a

women seeking their...

Spanish nursing assistant became...

Daughter slams ‘inhuman’ way dad, 82,

Enterovirus D68: FAQ on an ‘emerging

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died in hospital supply room

respiratory pathogen’

An investigation has been launched into the death

Enterovirus D68, the respiratory virus currently

of Marcel Roy, an 82-year-old who died in August

sickening children in Canada and the U.S.,

after he was placed in a...

normally causes mild cold symptoms...

How not to catch Ebola Roberts Health editor, BBC News online As the

M any adults support equal access to healthcare for undocumented immigrant children


Access to health insurance is very limited for

7 October 2014 Last updated at 13:29 By Michelle

immigrants living in the U.S. – both undocumented immigrants and permanent...

M any adults support equal access to healthcare for undocumented immigrant children

Small spills at gas stations could cause significant public health risks over time

Access to health insurance is very limited for

gas stations—which occur frequently with fill-ups—

immigrants living in the U.S. – both undocumented immigrants and permanent...

could cumulatively...

Anguish and fear at Spain hospital where Ebola spread

Testosterone promotes prostate cancer in rats

At Madrid’s La Paz-Carlos III hospital, where a

A researcher who found that testosterone raised

Spanish nurse became the first person to contract Ebola outside of...

the risk of prostate tumors and exacerbated the effects of carcinogenic chemical...

Spain Seeks to Prevent Spread of Ebola After a Nurse Is Infected

Home remedies to fight flu

Log in to manage your products and services from

but it’s definitely not cooking, as raw garlic is

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

considered the most...

Elizabeth Gilbert On The Ugly Truth About Following Your Passion (VIDEO)

Construction Crew Hit With $67K In Fines After Lying About Asbestos, Says City

When we hear stories about people who follow their passion and make their dreams come true, we often focus on the uplifting...

A new study suggests that drops of fuel spilled at

Stock up on garlic This remedy may involve food

FORT WADSWORTH — The city has issued more than $67,000 in violations to builders working on the demolition of the historic...

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Thin As Thieves: M y M other, Her Eating Disorder and M e

First womb-transplant baby won’t be alone for long

Trigger Warning: This story contains a graphic

GOTHENBURG, Sweden (AP) — The world’s first

portrayal of my mother’s struggle with anorexia nervosa. If you are...

baby born from a transplanted womb is soon to have company. Two more...

Liberia justice minister quits, says president blocked investigation

Light bulb moment: Low-energy LED wins Nobel prize

By James Giahyue MONROVIA (Reuters) –

By Niklas Pollard and Ben Hirschler

Liberia’s justice minister has stepped down, saying President...

STOCKHOLM/LONDON (Reuters) – An American and two Japanese scientists...

Kids exposed to BPA before birth at risk of wheeze, study says

Spain quarantines 3, monitoring more than 50 after nurse gets Ebola

Young kids who were exposed to Bisphenol A

In this photo provided by the Spanish Defense

(BPA) before birth are more likely than others to have a wheeze before age five,...

Ministry, aid workers and doctors transfer Miguel Pajares, a Spanish priest...

Two more women pregnant after successful womb transplants

Bristol-M yers pulls U.S. marketing application for hepatitis C treatment

Oct. 6, 2014: Vincent, the first baby born to a

(Reuters) – Bristol-Myers Squibb said it withdrew

woman who had a womb transplant, is cradled by his mother at an undisclosed...

its U.S. marketing application for a drug combination to treat hepatitis...

Four hospitalized in Spain after first Ebola transmission outside Africa

M ore cases of Ebola spreading in Europe ‘unavoidable’, WHO says

MADRID (Reuters) – Four people have been

LONDON Oct 7 (Reuters) – More cases of the

hospitalized in Spain to try to stem the spread of Ebola after a Spanish nurse...

deadly Ebola virus will almost inevitably spread in Europe but the continent...

M RI M ay Spot Early Signs of M ental Decline, Study Finds

3 Scientists Win Nobel In Physics For Development Of Blue LED

TUESDAY Oct. 7, 2014, 2014 — An MRI scan that measures blood flow in the brain may help predict

i i A screen shows the laureates of the Nobel prize in physics at the Royal Swedish Academy of

which older adults...


Estimation of genomic breeding values

M utations in the voltage-gated sodium

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using the Horseshoe prior A method for estimating genomic breeding values (GEBV) based on the Horseshoe prior was

channel gene of anophelines and their association with resistance to pyrethroids

introduced and used on the analysis...

Constant and extensive use of chemical insecticides has created a selection pressure and favored resistance development in...

Failure of combined antiretroviral therapy intensification with maraviroc and raltegravir in chronically HIV-1 infected patients to reduce the viral reservoir: the IntensHIV randomized trial

M olecular insights into the anti-cancer properties of Traditional Tibetan medicine Yukyung Karne Yukyung karne (YK) is a traditional Tibetan formulation used for many centuries for the treatment of ovarian cancer. However,...

Ongoing HIV-1 replication in lymphoid cells is one explanation of the persistence of HIV-1 reservoirs despite highly active...

LegCo Panel on Development visits proposed site for reprovisioning of Harcourt Road fresh water pumping station Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The

Experimental HPV vaccine could boost cervical cancer protection worldwide A ‘next generation’ vaccine that protects against nine types of human papillomavirus (HPV) may prevent even more cervical...

Legislative Council...

Nasal spray flu vaccine still not covered by Ontario government

Husband of Spanish nurse with Ebola placed in quarantine

Flu season is around the corner, and for those reluctant to get jabbed in the arm with a needle,

In a case underscoring the perils of caring for Ebola patients, a nurse in Spain who cared for an

there is another option —...

Ebola patient has come...

VIDEO: Ebola: ‘Stringent procedures’ in UK

4 M yths That Keep You From Living Fully and Fearlessly

Investigations are under way at a hospital in Madrid after a Spanish nurse became the first person

One of the biggest lessons I learned from nearly dying of cancer is the importance of loving myself

known to have contracted...

unconditionally. In fact,...

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The 6 M ost Common Eye Problems At some point in our lives, most of us will

Your Perpetually Stuffed Nose Is Just Your Body Fighting The Good Fight

experience some form of vision loss — whether it happens in our youth or...

The question: Why do we get stuffy noses when

A Step-By-Step Guide To Coping With Jet Lag

M RI could be used to identify risk for dementia

Everyone knows that jet lag feeling: You’re groggy

October 7, 2014, 5:29 AM|Swiss researchers found

at dinner, but unable to sleep at night; you can’t muster...

that patterns in MRI brain scans could help diagnose dementia. Plus, new...

Scared mother waits for son’s child virus test result

Easy recipe to make bone and cartilage

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Vicentecatarina.vicente@biologists.comThe Company of Biologists Scientists at The

(CDC) has confirmed nearly 600 cases of Enterovirus D68. Most victims are...

we’re sick? And why does it feel like I could blow my nose until the...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Catarina


New air monitor planned for heavily fracked South Texas county

Britain leads Europe in biotech fundraising

Backed by results of a new air-quality study along

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain is the top European

with mounting pressure from local officials and the simmering discontent...

nation for biotechnology capital raised in the first half of 2014, a...

No hearing, no problem with sensory substitution vest

Classes of all kindergartens in Wan Chai and Central and Western districts to remain suspended on October 8

Technology experts are tapping into sensory substitution for the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer (VEST), a project now...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Please broadcast the following special announcement immediately and repeat it at suitable intervals: “Here...

Wounding case in Tsim Sha Tsui reclassified as murder Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police reclassified a wounding case in Tsim Sha Tsui on October 5 as murder today (October 7). About...

Test results of targeted surveillance on Staphylococcus aureus in ready-to-eat food all satisfactory Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has announced...

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Pharmacists still the ‘best placed health professionals’ to check drug risks Pharmacists are still seem as the best equipped health-care professionals to ensure the safety of

Devastating news from the Ebola clinic 7 October 2014 Last updated at 11:22 Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. The reality of living...

drug prescriptions, despite...

Patients ‘in the dark’ on EU op help

Alcohol abuse linked to availability

7 October 2014 Last updated at 07:04 By Owain Clarke BBC Wales health correspondent Health

7 October 2014 Last updated at 00:05 Researchers found death rates are more than

boards have...

double the average in areas where alcohol...

Tobacco display bans may lower smoking rates: Australia study

Spanish Ebola case ‘should not have happened': experts

Smoking rates have dropped among young Australians in recent years, and research released

The first home-grown European case of Ebola, in a Spanish nurse, was avoidable, virologists said

Tuesday suggests that banning tobacco...

Tuesday as the EU demanded...

I’ll take that brain to go: Advancements in the transport of human brain samples and epilepsy research

Husband of Spanish nurse with Ebola under quarantine

USC biomedical engineers, neurologists and

MADRID (Reuters) – The husband of a Spanish nurse who on Monday became the first person

neurosurgeons develop new methods to advance

known to have contracted Ebola...

the study of human brains and epilepsy...

Infection during pregnancy and offspring autism risk

6 Red Flags Your Birth Control M ight Not Be Working For You

The paper by Lee and colleagues [1] forms the

Want To Freeze Your Eggs? Here’s What You Need

starting material for today’s blog post looking at

To Know If you want to put off having a family and

hospitalisation for...

are considering freezing...

A 20-M inute Workout That Will Lift & Tone Your Booty

Stuck At Work? 6 Pilates Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

6 Moves For Total Body Transformation (All You

6 Exercises To Reverse Bad Posture Did you know

Need Is A Medicine Ball!) Just because summer is

that for every inch the head moves forward in

over doesn’t mean you can’t...

posture, its weight on your...

Indiana gov. pitches Obama on his

Only 40% of Canadians exercise to cope

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brand of M edicaid expansion

with stress, study finds

Gov. Mike Pence discussed his proposal to expand

A research study out of McMaster University has

Medicaid directly with President Barack Obama on

found that only 40 per cent of Canadians exercise

Friday. The Republican...

to cope with stress. The...

Researchers launch landmark new program to explore potential impact of medical marijuana

M any nursing homes still lack fire sprinklers

Thanks to a $500,000 gift from international best-

homes without adequate fire sprinkler systems, a

selling author and mental health advocate Patricia Cornwell, McLean Hospital...

year after the deadline set...

Asthma: You don’t need to make the telltale wheeze to have it

How tea ruins your teeth and so can swimming and hay fever medicine

By Cara Lee for the Daily Mail Published: 17:21

By Angela Epstein for the Daily Mail Published:

EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 02:09 EST, 7 October 2014 ...

18:44 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 02:29 EST, 7 October 2014 ...

Parkinson’s and the bad dreams that could be a warning sign

Nicole Scherzinger: ‘When I was 14 I started to get breakouts on my face’

By Diana Pilkington for the Daily Mail Published:

By Helen Gilbert Published: 20:58 EST, 6 October

19:23 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 02:41 EST, 7 October 2014 ...

2014 | Updated: 03:12 EST, 7 October 2014 23 View comments The...

Why Saying Is Believing — The Science Of Self-Talk

M anagement of pulmonary vasodilator therapy in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension during critical illness

i i From the self-affirmations of Stuart Smalley on Saturday Night Live to countless videos on youtube, saying nice...

More than 50,000 people are living in nursing

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is commonly treated with pulmonary arteriolar vasodilator therapy. When a patient on...

Fishing with bed nets on Lake Tanganyika: a randomized survey Malaria is among the most common causes of death along Lake Tanganyika, a problem which many aid organizations have attempted...

Viewpoints: Health costs and income inequality; vital matters when approaching life’s end The Wall Street Journal: Income Inequality And Rising Health-Care Costs Government data show

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that health costs are the biggest...

Reducing community transmission is key to containing Ebola outbreaks New analysis of first outbreak in 1976 shows community transmission played significant role Reducing community transmission...

Lund University researchers identify mechanisms that play vital role in development of type 2 diabetes By studying identical twins, researchers from Lund University in Sweden have identified mechanisms that could be behind the...

Calif. won’t challenge 2015 rate increases The state’s regulators didn’t raise concerns about

Tired GPs should work shorter shifts because they’re ‘more likely to prescribe wrong drugs’

premium increases for the 10 plans in California’s

Scientists have warned overworked doctors at risk


of making mistakes Study found weary medics made ‘inappropriate choices’...

Chickenpox isn’t what it seems By Jo Waters Published: 18:26 EST, 6 October

The extraordinary breakthroughs coming next in the fertility revolution

2014 | Updated: 18:38 EST, 6 October 2014 2 View

By Thea Jourdan for the Daily Mail and Rachel Ellis

comments ‘The...

for the Daily Mail Published: 17:05 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: ...

Tea can ruin your teeth: So can swimming, taking hay fever medicine

Amazing M edical News: First Baby Born Via Womb Transplant

By Angela Epstein for the Daily Mail Published:

It’s an incredible fertility first: A 36-year-old Swedish

18:44 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 00:24 EST, 7

woman gave birth to a healthy baby boy last month

October 2014 ...

after undergoing...

Deep-Fried Pumpkin Spice Lattes Are Now a Thing

As new Obamacare enrollment period approaches, challenges loom

The food blogger who brought the world deep-fried

Officials hope to renew coverage for the 15 million

tequila shots has now taken on the fall food trend

people who signed up last year as well as expand

people can’t get...

the pool by another...

Bristol-M yers Squibb, M D Anderson partner to evaluate multiple immunotherapies

M any US patients with liver cancer do not receive proper treatment Wiley Many US patients with liver cancer do not

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Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE: BMY) and

receive proper treatment

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center today announced a novel clinical...

Democrats spotlight women’s health issues The issue is figuring prominently in races in

Think yourself younger: You can be smarter and happier than ever and our series explains how

Colorado and New Hampshire, where Democratic

By Professor Andre Aleman For The Daily Mail

incumbents are highlighting their...

Published: 19:06 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 19:07 EST, 6 October...

The terrible truth about cannabis One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug

Half of new mums say GPs rush their six-week check up

become dependent It doubles risk of developing

Half of new mothers said their six-week post-natal

psychotic disorders, including...

check was not thorough GPs are meant to check blood pressure, urine and...

Parkinson’s: The bad dreams that could be a warning sign

What kind of research can we trust?

By Diana Pilkington for the Daily Mail Published:

universities: Aberdeen, Bath Spa, Birmingham,

19:23 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 22:54 EST, 6 October 2014 ...

Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Brunel,...

Oesophageal atresia with tracheooesophageal fistula in a preterm neonate in Limbe, Cameroon: case report &brief literature review

Zavation releases ZVPlasty Vertebral Augmentation System

The Conversation is funded by the following

Zavation Zavation releases ZVPlasty Vertebral Augmentation System

Oesophageal atresia is a congenital anomaly in which there is interruption of the oesophageal lumen resulting in an upper...

Correcting flaws in the Ebola response How hospital and health workers react to suspected cases of Ebola going forward is the subject of much scrutiny. But, even...

Allen Institute for Brain Science receives $8.7 million NIH grant to explore synapses The Allen Institute for Brain Science, in a project led by Stephen Smith, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, has been awarded an...

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M olecular breast imaging: an interview with Jim Calandra, CEO Gamma M edica

Amanda Holden waist: Secrets of an Alist body

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) insights from industryJim

By Peta Bee for Daily Mail Published: 19:46 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 19:47 EST, 6 October

CalandraPresident and CEO of Gamma...

2014 ...

Heartbreak of telling your children they may have a cancer gene

Nicole Scherzinger: ‘When I was 14 I started to get breakouts on my face… I was even called pizza face’

By Sharon Morrison Published: 17:12 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 20:39 EST, 6 October 2014 View comments Sitting...

By Helen Gilbert Published: 20:58 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 20:58 EST, 6 October 2014 View comments The 36-year-old...

Painless X-ray that can save failing eyes in 15 minutes By Jenny Agg Published: 21:01 EST, 6 October 2014 | Updated: 21:01 EST, 6 October 2014 View

Screening and characterization of extracellular polysaccharides produced by Leuconostoc kimchii isolated from traditional fermented pulque beverage

comments Patients with...

We report the screening and characterization of EPS produced by LAB identified as Leuconostoc kimchii isolated from pulque,...

Severe alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in composite heterozygotes inheriting a new splicing mutation QOM adrid

Opportunities and challenges of nanotechnology in the green economy

Severe Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a

capacity, the prevailing model of economic growth,

hereditary condition caused by mutations in the

founded on ever-increasing...

In a world of finite resources and ecosystem

SERPINA1 gene, which predisposes...

Emerging trends in diabetes care practice and policy in the Netherlands: a key informants study

Transcriptome sequencing of rhizome tissue of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum at two temperatures

Effective self-management is viewed as the

Sinopodophyllum hexandrum is an endangered

cornerstone of diabetes care. Many interventions and policies are available to...

medicinal herb, which is commonly present in elevations ranging between 2,400-4,500...

VIDEO: Womb transplant mother speaks

New vaccines targeting adults and teens are best chance to eliminate

A Swedish woman who gave birth to a baby boy

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using a transplanted womb has spoken about the breakthrough procedure. The 36-year-old...

tuberculosis by 2050 Targets to eliminate tuberculosis (TB) by 2050 are more likely to be met if new vaccines are developed for adults and adolescents...

Sex differences in distance running participation disappears, study says

Do no harm: Pediatrician calls for safely cutting back on tests, treatments

Even among contemporary U.S. distance runners,

When parents take a sick or injured child to the

men are still much more likely than women to have a competitive orientation,...

doctor or emergency room, they often expect tests to be done and treatments...

Effective treatments available for HIV patients not eligible for efavirenz regimens

So This Is What It’s Like to Film a Sex Scene

A new national clinical trial found HIV drug regimens that do not include efavirenz are effective

actors make it look so sensual, intimate, and unbelievably hot as...

In all the Hollywood sex we’ve seen on screen, the

as first-line antiretroviral...

How to Help Your Spouse Through Something You Can’t Fix

Why Aerial Yoga Is Awesome for Weight Lifters

In the past two years, my husband Chris has lost two people that he was close with. One was more

Since most of my physical pursuits are weightbearing—plus several hundred additional pounds

recent and unexpected, and...

of dumbbells or barbells,...

Blocking African sleeping sickness’ tiny culprit

3 Neuroscientists To Share Nobel Prize In Physiology Or M edicine

A tsetse fly bites a girl. She becomes itchy, feverish, and her joints ache. Weeks later, she loses

The $1.1 million prize will be split between John O’Keefe of University College in London and a

coordination and some...

husband-and-wife team,...

It’s your choice: how to plan for a better death

How much oxygen in adult cardiac arrest?

Have you thought about how you would want to be treated if you cannot make your own decisions?

Although experimental studies have suggested that a high arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2) might

You may be unconscious after...

aggravate post-anoxic brain...

Effects of patient health literacy, patient

Ileocolonic anastomosis after right

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engagement and a system-level health literacy attribute on patient-reported outcomes: a representative statewide survey The effects of health literacy are thought to be based on interactions between patients’skill levels

hemicolectomy for colon cancer: functional end-to-end or end-to-side? The purpose of this study was to compare shortterm clinical outcomes of ileocolonic functional end-to-end anastomosis (FEEA)...

and health care...

Hyperoxemia ?too much of a good thing?

BPA tied to breathing problems in kids: Study

While avoiding hypoxemia has long been a goal of critical care practitioners, less attention has been

Exposure in pregnancy to a chemical commonly found in plastics and cans — known as bisphenol

paid to the potential...

A, or BPA — may...

Blood levels of Vitamin D may affect liver cancer prognosis

Drug-loaded beads may help treat liver cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole 201-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole 201-

748-5808Wiley Vitamin D deficiency is linked with...

748-5808Wiley IMAGE: This is a fluorescent micrograph...

Sesame Street teaches physicians a lesson

Eating white meat and fish may lower risk of liver cancer

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Iqbal

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole

951-827-6050University of California – 201-

Riverside@UCRiverside Incarceration...

748-5808Wiley Eating lots of white meat (such as poultry)...

China’s economic boom thwarts its carbon emissions goals

Think and act alobally: Health Affairs’ September issue

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sue 44-016-03593007University of East Anglia@uniofeastanglia 301-8419962Health Affairs This issue was supported by


the Qatar Foundation...

Why Europe Is Doing the Ice Bucket Challenge With a Glass of Water

Ebola lawsuits would face high hurdles in Texas

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‘Grand’ gestures with minimal effects, Europe is

By Jessica Dye NEW YORK (Reuters) – Potential

doing the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ with a glass of...

suits against the Dallas, Texas hospital that sent home...

Nobel Prize for work on brain’s navigation system

OHL, CM HA target mental health problems among hockey players

STOCKHOLM (AP) — How do we remember where

The Ontario Hockey League and Canadian Mental

we parked the car? And how do we figure out a shortcut to work when there’s...

Health Association have announced their partnership in a program called Talk...

Uganda acting to contain possible M arburg outbreak

Ebola: Canada sends 1st shipment of protective gear to Sierra Leone

Transmission electron micrograph of Marburg

The Canadian government is shipping 128,000

virus. (Courtesy: CDC/ Dr. J. Lyle Conrad) Ugandan health worker recently died...

face shields to Sierra Leone to help frontline healthcare workers in the West...

Ebola update: Dallas officials say ‘crucial’ week’ for containment

Why people are so worried about NHS

Officials in Dallas gave an update today on their

written by Chris Cook Policy editor, BBC Newsnight More from Chris A...

investigation and containment processes connected with the first Ebola...

6 October 2014 Last updated at 15:25 Article

VIDEO: Anorexia in America’s thinnest city

VIDEO: Would you wear this to work?

The healthy living lifestyle of Boulder, Colorado, is

special role-playing kit for office workers, to help relieve stress at work –...

well-known across America. Everywhere you go in the town people are...

Japanese designer Tomomi Sayuda has made a

London cabbies streets ahead with ‘inner GPS': Nobel winner

Texas Ebola patient gets experimental drug

John O’Keefe, the US-British neuroscientist who

A Liberian man diagnosed with Ebola in Texas has

won the Nobel Prize for Medicine on Monday, told AFP the brain’s...

received an experimental drug, the first time the medicine has been used...

Report claims success treating Alzheimer’s memory loss

Cancer diagnosis can take toll on mental health, study finds

(HealthDay)— A researcher is reporting success in

(HealthDay)—One out of three people diagnosed

a small study of reversing memory problems with cancer also wind up struggling with a mental PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

associated with early stage...

health disorder such as...

Spain Reports First Case of Ebola Contracted Outside West Africa

U.S. Supreme Court Paves Way for Sweeping Expansion of Gay Rights

Log in to manage your products and services from

The US supreme court signalled a sweeping

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

expansion of gay rights across America on Monday, declining to hear appeals from...

Boy taken off life support after judge rules there is no hope of a ‘miracle’ dies

Woman Signs Song To Deaf Friend At Festival, Proves M usic Is A Universally Beautiful Language

But lawyers for the hospital successfully applied for a ruling that life-support treatment could be

This concertgoer understands that the best way to enjoy music is by sharing it with your friends. A

withdrawn, against...

video uploaded to Instagram...

How Doctors Test For Ebola By Tanya Lewis, Staff Writer Published: 10/06/2014

How Breast Cancer Changed M elissa Etheridge’s Relationship With Food

10:45 AM EDT on LiveScience Health officials are now monitoring 50 people...

Breast cancer changed a lot about Melissa Etheridge’s life, including her relationship with food. The singer-songwriter...

What Every Parent Needs To Know About Enterovirus D68 Just what is enterovirus D68, exactly? The virus, which began spreading rapidly across the U.S. this

Lights Go on Part XXIII: Step by Step “I want it all now!” How many times have I said this to myself? Too many to count. How often have I gotten what...

fall, has led to severe...

5th American with Ebola "very strong," parents say Last Updated Oct 6, 2014 1:42 PM EDT OMAHA, Neb. – An American photojournalist who contracted

Nurse in Spain diagnosed with Ebola Last Updated Oct 6, 2014 3:00 PM EDT MADRID — In what is the first reported incident of Ebola transmission in Europe,...

Ebola while working in...

How doctors test for Ebola

The Biology of Nagging

Health officials are now monitoring 50 people in Texas for signs of Ebola via twice-daily temperature

A female pied flycatcher can’t feed herself sufficiently while she incubates her eggs and

checks, and in recent...

newly-hatched chicks. Photo...

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GM O Corn Aims to Fight Vitamin A Deficiency

Where To Sit At A Restaurant If You Don’t Want To Overeat

Corneal blindness often affects people at a young age, such as this twelve year old girl who is blind

The 5 Best Foods To Eat Before After Your Workout Nutrition and hydration are two critical factors that

from vitamin A deficiency....

help you get the...

A Dream We’re Close to Living

Ebola: A Warning That We Need to Vaccinate Ourselves…From Excessive Fear.

This passage explores a different sense of destiny. A Dream We’re Close to Living I was given an insight when young,...

The common definition of risk is ‘the probability of an adverse outcome or event’…in other words, the chance...

This Small School Is M aking a Big Difference in the Fight Against Cardiovascular Diseases

Could You Survive One M onth Without Alcohol? Here’s How I M ade It

Kids growing up in Brighton, New York know they’ll

I’ve lived my entire life believing there are only two types of drinkers — those of you with a serious

be spending the third, fourth and fifth grade at


French Road Elementary...

U.S. looks at tighter Ebola travel screening

Gov. Rick Perry announces new strategy to battle Ebola, other diseases

Ahead of a White House meeting on the Ebola

AUSTIN, Texas — Gov. Rick Perry says he’s

outbreak, federal health officials said Monday the

creating a state task force to ensure Texas

U.S. is weighing whether to...

appropriately responds...

Ebola stirs panic in Liberia

Ebola patient in Dallas starts getting experimental treatment

October 6, 2014, 1:23 PM|People of Liberia are struggling with the out of control Ebola epidemic. Sky News Special Correspondent...

The first person diagnosed with Ebola on American soil has begun receiving an experimental medication, just as officials...

Nurse in Spain suspected of having Ebola MADRID — A Spanish Health Ministry official says a

Natural gene selection can produce orange corn rich in provitamin A for Africa, US

nurse who treated a Sierra Leone missionary for

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Natalie van

Ebola has tested... 765-496-

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2050Purdue University@PurdueResearch IMAGE: Orange...

Study: ‘Broad consensus’ that violent media increase child aggression [ | E-mail ] Contact: Brad 614-688-

A quick look at electron-boson coupling [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory@BerkeleyLab Berkeley...

8779Ohio State University@osuresearch Agreement found among...

US photojournalist’s Ebola symptoms ‘not extreme yet’

NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars apologize for Ebola prank by mascot

Washington (AFP) – An American photojournalist

(Reuters) – The National Football League’s

infected with Ebola in Liberia was able to walk off

Jacksonville Jaguars apologized on Monday after

the plane that carried...

their mascot used...

U.S. Ebola patient now receiving experimental drug: hospital

Solar companies fall on heavy volume

(Reuters) – The first Ebola patient diagnosed in the

solar power companies were sharply lower on

United States is now receiving an experimental

Monday, with...

By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) – s of

drug for the disease,...

U.S. to review travel screening for Ebola, but no ban: White House

Sunesis slumps after cancer drug fails late-stage trial

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama

By Anjali Rao Koppala (Reuters) – Sunesis

administration is not considering a ban on

Pharmaceuticals Inc said its experimental cancer

travelers from countries most affected...

drug did...

Feeling adventurous? Extraordinary experiences could hurt your relationships, study says

Researchers probe possible link between breast implants, rare form of lymphoma

(Copyright (c) 2009 by ROBERTO CAUCINO –

A team of international researchers investigated All rights reserved.) If you’ve just returned from...

the possible link between breast implants and a form of lymphoma that may...

Inside Sierra Leone’s Ebola clinics

Less than half of Canadians exercise to relieve stress

6 October 2014 Last updated at 16:58 Healthcare

workers need to be vigilant to avoid contamination A research study out of McMaster University has PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

BBC global health reporter...

found that only 40 per cent of Canadians exercise to cope with stress. The...

Oxycodone may be more dangerous than other addictive pain medication

M ost liver cancer patients do not receive proper care

While all prescription opioids can be abused,

Many US patients with liver cancer—even those

oxycodone may be more potent in its ability to promote changes in the brain...

with early stage disease that can often be cured— do not receive treatment...

How rabies "hijacks" neurons to attack the brain

The New Health Care: Health Plan Cancellations Are Coming, but for Relatively Few

Rabies causes acute inflammation of the brain, producing psychosis and violent aggression. The virus, which paralyzes the...

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The New Health Care: The Placebo Effect Doesn’t Apply Just to Pills

Ebola Patient in Dallas Still in Critical Condition, C.D.C. Chief Says

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Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Take Control Over Holiday Temptation Right Now

How to Show Up for Life Like Derek Jeter: It’s All About the Breath!

“It’s like a high-fructose corn syrup factory usurped

I know many of us have been watching or hearing

about one-third of the store,” my friend said, recounting...

about Derek Jeter’s last few games in Major League Baseball. During...

Swedish government strikes deal with Left to limit welfare profits

Ebola, M alaria and Our Empathy Deficit

By Johan Sennero and Niklas Pollard

threat to us all. No epidemic is just local.” -Peter Piot, Director,...

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Sweden’s government will limit the profits...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

“Epidemics on the other side of the world are a

No Time for Exercise? Let’s Do the M ath!

Four ‘Killer Apps’ to Feel Less Overworked and Overwhelmed

“Those who have no time for exercise will sooner

In a “do more with less,” hyper-connected world,

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or later have to find time for illness.” Edward Stanley, The...

it’s easy to end up feeling overworked and overwhelmed....

U.S. top court rejects challenge to ozone regulations

Watch: Breast Cancer: By The Numbers

By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) –

Me’ Watch: Breast Cancer: By The Numbers

After Dental Surgery, Teen Says, Beyonce ‘Lied to

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an industry challenge...

Being curious can boost your memory Everyone knows it’s easier to learn about a topic

Combatting weight gain after menopause

you’re curious about. Now, a new study reveals what’s...

If you are newly entering menopause, you might be

Deaths may be linked with enterovirus: Why some kids recover, others don’t

Nobel Prize for medicine goes to discoverers of brain’s ‘inner GPS’

The deaths of four children, possibly linked to their

STOCKHOLM/LONDON (Reuters) – British-

infections with enterovirus D68, are still puzzling to experts. A girl...

American John O’Keefe and Norwegians May-Britt and Edvard Moser won the...

Scientists say penises grown in lab could be tested on humans within five years

A four-long non-coding RNA signature in predicting breast cancer survival

Organs would be given to men with congenital abnormalities, or those who have

found to be a good marker for several tumors. Using lncRNA-mining approach,...

surprised to find yourself suddenly gaining weight —as if hot flashes,...

Many long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs) have been

undergone radical surgery for cancer or suffered...

Wolbachia lipoproteins: abundance, localisation and serology of Wolbachia peptidoglycan associated lipoprotein and the Type IV Secretion System component, VirB6 from Brugia malayi and Aedes albopictus

The Tudor domain protein Tapas, a homolog of the vertebrate Tdrd7, functions in piRNA pathway to regulate retrotransposons in germline of Drosophila melanogaster

Lipoproteins are the major agonists of Wolbachia-

class of small RNAs that provide defense against

dependent inflammatory pathogenesis in filariasis

transposable elements (TEs)...

Piwi-associated RNAs (piRNAs) are a special

and a validated target... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Comorbidity profile in dementia with Lewy bodies versus Alzheimer?s disease: a linkage study between the Swedish Dementia Registry and the Swedish National Patient Registry

How do you circumcise a nation? The Rwandan case study Voluntary medical male circumcision has been conclusively demonstrated to reduce the lifetime risk of male acquisition of...

IntroductionCompared to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is usually associated with a more...

U.S. boy died from Enterovirus D68 say health officials

‘JAKing’ up blood cancers, one cell at a time

A virus that has been causing severe respiratory

A solitary cell containing a unique abnormality can

illness a number of children is responsible for the death of a four-year-old...

result in certain types of blood cancers known as myeloproliferative...

Controlling Ebola in communities is critical factor in containing outbreaks Reducing community transmission and changing

Tumors might grow faster at night: Hormone that keeps us alert also suppresses the spread of cancer

behaviour in communities is key to containing Ebola outbreaks, according to...

They emerge at night, while we sleep unaware, growing and spreading out as quickly as they can. And they are deadly. In a...

Experiments show that ‘unsung’ cells are crucial to the process of bone loss caused by bone disorder Experiments in mice with a bone disorder similar to that in women after menopause show that a

Scientists identify genetic factors that influence height in individuals An international collaboration of scientists has identified a fifth of the genetic factors that cause height to vary between...

scientifically overlooked group...

John O’Keefe, M ay-Britt M oser and Edvard I. M oser win 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or M edicine

Ebola could hit UK ‘within three weeks’, scientists warn John O’Keefe, May-Britt Moser

Disease spreading rapidly across West Africa; more than 3,400 people dead and 7,500 infected

and Edvard I. Moser win 2014 Nobel Prize in

The first case was confirmed...

Physiology or Medicine ...

Liz Hurley speaks about pain caused by

The Chinese parents donating BLOOD

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grandmother’s death from breast cancer

to get their children better exam grades

Ms Hurley says her grandmother died in 1992 from

New policy from Pujiang county government

breast cancer ‘So little was written about breast

rewards blood donation Rewards include extra

cancer at the...

points on high school entrance exams Medical...

Nobel prize for medicine awarded to Brit and Norwegian scientist behind brain’s ‘inner GPS’

3 Win Nobel Prize In M edicine For Discovering Brain’s ‘Inner GPS’

British scientist John O’Keefe and Norwegian

in Medicine, U.S.-British scientist John O’Keefe...

i i A screen presents the winners of the Nobel Prize

couple May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser share the accolade They were...

CHP investigates suspected food poisoning cluster Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health

Remarks by the Chief Superintendent of Police Public Relations Branch at the press conference on protests

Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of

today (October 6) investigating...

opening remarks made by the Chief Superintendent of Police Public...

Nobel medicine laureate M ay-Britt M oser almost did not take the call

High risk Ebola could reach France, UK by end-October, scientists say

By Gwladys Fouche OSLO (Reuters) – Norwegian

Sept. 28, 2014: Kumba “survivor” Fayiah, 11, sits

scientist May-Britt Moser danced and drank champagne after...

with relatives in her St Paul Bridge home in Monrovia, Liberia....

Enterovirus 68 virus caused New Jersey boy’s death, official says

Possible case of E. coli on M ercer Island, report says

This undated photo shows Eli Waller, a four-year-

FILE – In this Sept. 29, 2006, file photo, an E. coli

old New Jersey boy who officials say died from Enterovirus D68. ( A...

screening test for “O” antigens is seen in the Gastroenteric...

Alcobra’s ADHD drug meets goals in late-stage study

Nobel Prize for medicine goes to discoverers of brain’s inner GPS system

(Reuters) – Alcobra Ltd said its drug to treat attention deficit disorder met the main goals of a late-stage trial,...

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – American-British scientist John O’Keefe and Norwegians May-Britt

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Moser and Edvard Moser...

An Instagram Superstar Who Will M ake You Want To Get Up & Dance!

6 Exercises To Reverse Bad Posture

Charles Riley — known more commonly as Lil

(Infographic) There is little more refreshing than a great night of rest —...

Buck — is a dancer from Los Angeles whose gravity-defying moves have helped...

10 Tips For Natural, Glowing Skin Why Chinese Herbs Are Great For Treating Acne As a holistic practitioner specializing in dermatology, I see a lot of patients...

The Best Sleeping Positions For Every Ailment

Prestigious Bionow Awards dinner to take place in Cheshire on 27th November Prestigious Bionow Awards dinner to take place in Cheshire on 27th November

Scottish veterans at lower risk of developing alcoholic liver disease than civilians

Doctors prescribe more analgaesia to women than to men, study finds Scottish veterans at lower risk

analgaesia to women than to men, study finds Doctors prescribe more

of developing alcoholic liver disease than civilians

‘Drunk’ doctor Helga Wauters in Csection death of British mum Belgian Helga Wauters, 45 was working at

Fluenz to be given to 700k pupils as children are virus superspreaders, say officials

maternity clinic in Orthez, France She has admitted

Pupils aged five to 17 will be offered nasal spray

that she has a ‘pathological...

treatment called Fluenz It is set to be the biggest school immunisation...

Trials to inject trees with hormones to stop hayfever are underway

Ebola could hit UK ‘within three weeks': Scientists warn of 50% chance virus will spread here

Pollen from London Plane trees is causing a nightmare for coffee traders and customers in Melbourne’s CBD Lygon Street...

Disease spreading rapidly across West Africa; over

Discovery Of ‘Inner GPS’ Wins Nobel Prize In M edicine

Exon resequencing of H3K9 methyltransferase complex genes, EHM T1, EHTM 2 and WIZ, in Japanese

U.S.-British scientist John O’Keefe and Norwegian

3,400 people dead and 7,500 infected The first case was confirmed in the...

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husband and wife Edvard Moser and May-Britt Moser have won the Nobel...

autism subjects Histone H3 methylation at lysine 9 (H3K9) is a conserved epigenetic signal, mediating heterochromatin formation by trimethylation,...

How do Australian maternity and early childhood health services identify and respond to the settlement experience and social context of refugee background families?

High-throughput multiplex HLA genotyping by next-generation sequencing using multi-locus individual tagging

Refugees have poor mental, social and physical

Unambiguous human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing is important in transplant matching and

health related to experiences of trauma and

disease association studies. High-resolution...

stresses associated with settlement,...

Susceptibility to klebsiella pneumonaie infection in collaborative cross mice is a complex trait controlled by at least three loci acting at different time points

TPB announces meeting arrangements Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Town Planning BoardSecretariat: The Town Planning Board...

Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) is a bacterium causing severe pneumonia in immunocompromised hosts and is often associated with...

Care lags for people who have stroke in hospital, study finds

New method for extracting potential bone-producing cells from human fat

At the first sign of a stroke, time is of the essence.

Within our fat lives a variety of cells with the

For every minute of delay in treatment, people typically lose almost...

potential to become bone, cartilage, or more fat if properly prompted. This...

Children’s oral language can be a good predictor of future writing difficulties Children’s future writing difficulties can be

New research on barcoding tool that tracks origin of blood cells challenges scientific dogma

identified before they even learn how to begin writing, according to...

A 7-year-project to develop a barcoding and tracking system for tissue stem cells has revealed previously unrecognized features...

Hayfever sufferers may soon breathe

M oment Dana Vulin removes recovery

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easier with trials underway to inject TREES with hormones to make them less irritating Pollen from London Plane trees is causing a nightmare for coffee traders and customers in

mask after two and half years on video Dana Vulin, 28, was set on fire by Natalie Dimitrovska on February 16, 2012 Dimitrovska doused her in methylated spirits...

Melbourne’s CBD Lygon Street...

Hunching over a screen means three in four of us have a bad back

Recovery! ACL reconstruction surgery

Three in four of us now suffer from bad pain, according to experts British Chiropractic

different surgeries By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 16:10 EST,...

Mail on Sunday’s series on recovering from

Association says sedentary lifestyles...

Assessment of new public management in health care: the French case The French health care system embraced New Public Management (NPM) selectively, and crafted their own version of NPM using...

Perspectives on human-human sensorimotor interactions for the design of rehabilitation robots Physical interactions between patients and therapists during rehabilitation have served as motivation for the design of rehabilitation...

Linking secondary school physical education with community sport and recreation for girls: a process evaluation

Researchers find potential new way to better control immune-mediated diseases

The purpose of this study was to undertake a

School of Medicine have discovered that T-cells – a

process evaluation to examine the reach, adoption

type of white...

Researchers at University of California, San Diego

and implementation of a school-community...

M odified form of niclosamide drug may hold key to battling type 2 diabetes

Scientists show how BRCA2 protein works to repair damaged DNA

Type 2 diabetes affects an estimated 28 million

Scientists have taken pictures of the BRCA2 protein

Americans according to the American Diabetes

for the first time, showing how it works to repair

Association, but medications...

damaged DNA. Mutations...

Researchers discover rare disease that affects heart rate, intestinal movements

Anti-proliferative of physcion 8-O-betaglucopyranoside isolated from Rumex japonicus Houtt. on A549 cell lines via

The genetic mutation involved would date back to

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12th century Vikings Physicians and researchers at CHU Sainte-Justine, Universit-...

inducing apoptosis and cell cycle arrest Lung cancers are leading causes of cancer death, and Rumex japonicus has been traditionally used in folk medicine as anti-microorganic,...

A motivational intervention for patients with COPD in primary care: qualitative evaluation of a new practitioner role Long-term conditions such as chronic obstructive

microRNA regulation of mammalian target of rapamycin expression and activity controls estrogen receptor function and RAD001 sensitivity

pulmonary disease (COPD) are growing challenges for health services. Psychosocial...

The AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)

Accuracy of the Berger-Exner test for detecting third-order selection bias in randomised controlled trials: a simulation-based investigation Randomised controlled trials (RCT) are highly influential upon medical decisions. Thus RCTs

Efficacy of transoral fundoplication for treatment of chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease incompletely controlled with high-dose proton-pump inhibitors therapy: a randomized, multicenter, open label, crossover study

must not distort the truth. ...

The aim of this randomized, crossover study was to

signaling pathway is regulated by 17alphaestradiol (E2) signaling and mediates...

determine if transoral fundoplication (TF) could further improve clinical...

Winter flu jab drive launched 6 October 2014 Last updated at 05:23 Children aged two to four are vaccinated with a nasal spray rather than an injection Four-year-olds...

M orris Collen, Pioneer in Computerized M edicine, Dies at 100 Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Nasal spray flu vaccine extended to two million children

Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not A Crime

Nick Phin, Head of Respiratory Diseases at Public

By some estimates, 1 percent of the male population continues, long after puberty, to find

Health England said: “The decision to include four-

themselves attracted to prepubescent...

year-olds as...

What Children Need M ost When Their Parents Divorce

Online games and remote experiments could reduce scientific fraud, cherry-

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When parents go through a divorce, children’s


psychological needs greatly increase as they live in the middle of an emotional...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Byron 412-268-9068Carnegie Mellon University@CMUScience Carnegie Mellon and...

Suicide prevention: an interview with Dr Shekhar Saxena, World Health Organization

Health Check: what you need to know about ear wax

Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA

substance produced in the ears of many mammals, including humans. Despite popular...

Hons (Cantab) Dr. Some PersonTHOUGHT LEADERS SERIES…insight from the...

Suspension of air-conditioning at Ping Shan Tin Shui Wai Leisure and Cultural Building Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (October 6) that a regular cleaning...

Ear wax, or cerumen, is a naturally occurring

Determinants of clinical improvement after surgical replacement or transcatheter aortic valve implantation for isolated aortic stenosis Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is an alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in patients...

A global patient outcomes registry: Cochlear paediatric implanted recipient observational study (CochlearTM PIROS)

VIDEO: First US Ebola case ‘critical’ The first person to be diagnosed with Ebola within the US has deteriorated from a serious to a critical condition, doctors...

Currently, there is a paucity of data concerning the long-term outcomes, educational placement and quality of life of children...

NHS ‘at breaking point’, medics say Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg have all

Innovative stroke patient management system cuts hospital bed usage by more than 25 percent

made pledges on the NHS in recent...

An innovative patient management system at the

6 October 2014 Last updated at 03:38 David

acute stroke unit of Kelowna (BC) General Hospital has reduced the number...

Sexting leads to increased sexual

A vicious cycle in osteoarthritis: Sleep

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behavior among teens


Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston say that sexting may be the

New research confirms that sleep disturbances are linked to pain and depression, but not

new “normal” part...

disability, among patients with...

Study finds that care lags for people who have a stroke in hospital

Ebola Help for Sierra Leone Is Nearby, but Delayed on the Docks

At the first sign of a stroke, time is of the essence. For every minute of delay in treatment, people

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

typically lose almost...

York Times. ...

Offering Help and Hope as Ebola Epidemic Unfolds

New York City Steps Up Preparations to Be Ready for Ebola Cases

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Ebola Victim’s Journey From Liberian War to Fight for Life in U.S.

Q & A with Arianna about Thriving during Expectation Hangovers

Log in to manage your products and services from

In 2006 I had the pleasure of being introduced to

The New York Times and the International New

Arianna Huffington. It was such an honor to begin

York Times. ...

blogging on the site...

M ugged in our hospital beds: The NHS’s hidden charges for everything from cold drinks and snacks to bedside TV sets and phones

Two more womb swap babies due in weeks: Expectant mums use organ of their own mothers to have children (and here’s the boy who made history)

Campaigners hit out at ‘hidden costs’ at NHS

The women have wombs transplanted by their own

hospitals across Britain Private companies

mothers The world’s first womb swap baby,

operate food, televisions,...

Vincent, has already been delivered Doctors...

IUTA: a tool for effectively detecting differential isoform usage from RNASeq data

U.S. Journalist With Ebola Headed To Nebraska Hospital

Most genes in mammals generate several

— An American photojournalist who contracted

transcript isoforms that differ in stability and translational efficiency through...

Ebola while working in West Africa...

JOSH FUNK, Associated Press OMAHA, Neb. (AP)

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5th American with Ebola returning from Liberia

Thailand hits party scene to combat rising HIV among gay men

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — An American photojournalist

By Alisa Tang BANGKOK (Thomson Reuters

who contracted Ebola while working in West Africa began his journey home...

Foundation) – Bare-chested male models strutted through the glitzy...

Becton Dickinson to buy CareFusion for $12 bln in cash, stock

Sierra Leone records 121 Ebola deaths in a single day

By Deena Beasley (Reuters) – Medical equipment

FREETOWN (Reuters) – Sierra Leone recorded

supplier Becton Dickinson Co has agreed to buy CareFusion...

121 deaths from Ebola and scores of new infections in one of the single...

The Playing Ground Part Two

Embedding sustainable physical activities into the everyday lives of adults with intellectual disabilities: a randomised controlled trial

Red monkey bars. Photo by Rodney Steadman “Come back daddy…DADDY!” But daddy was too busy talking on his phone while...

Adults with intellectual disability (ID) are physically very inactive. This study will compare two approaches to increasing...

American cameraman diagnosed with Ebola on way home for treatment

New web privacy system could revolutionize the safety of surfing

OMAHA, Neb. – An American photojournalist who contracted the deadly Ebola virus while working in

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rebecca 44-020-310-

West Africa has begun...

83846University College London@uclnews Researchers from...

Famine threatens South Sudan if conflict deepens

Patient being tested in Delaware for possible Ebola virus

By Kieran Guilbert LONDON (Thomson Reuters

A patient with Ebola-like symptoms is being tested

Foundation) – Famine could strike another million

for the deadly virus at a Delaware hospital, Fox

people across...

News confirmed Sunday. A...

Dolphins: Adorable, Playful, Not As Smart As You M ight Think

It’s Our Challenge, But We Need Your Face.

i i Some researchers have begun to question the

Fact: in 2013, four out of five global deaths resulted

notion that dolphins are the super-intelligent

from an NCD. Fact: the true face of the global

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epidemic of NCDs is...

Tall tale: scientists unravel the genetics of human height

Becton Dickinson to buy CareFusion for $12 billion in cash, stock

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – It’s no

By Deena Beasley (Reuters) – Medical equipment

secret that if your dad is tall and your mother is...

supplier Becton Dickinson Co has agreed to buy CareFusion...

Ebola patient in Dallas struggling to survive, says CDC head

Ebola Patient in Dallas Hospital Takes Turn for Worse: CDC

DALLAS/NEW YORK (Reuters) – The first person

SUNDAY Oct. 5, 2014, 2014 — The first Ebola

diagnosed with Ebola in the United States was fighting for his life at...

patient to be diagnosed in the United States has “taken a turn for...

A Brief History Of Yoga Selfies (Infographic)

What can parents do about their teenagers’ mental health?

So where exactly did this whole “yoga selfie” craze

Mental disorders are debilitating and often emerge

even come from? The folks over at Pure Health have broken...

in adolescence. Identifying these problems and intervening early helps...

Pharmacare: The buzzword that could bring relief to sky-high drug costs

M an dies from Ebola-like M arburg virus in Uganda

It’s a buzzword in the medical community, although

A hospital technician has died of the Ebola-like

one that hasn’t quite caught fire yet with Canadians at large:...

Marburg virus in Kampala, the Ugandan government announced on Sunday. The...

Ebola in US: People scared, but outbreak unlikely

Dallas Ebola Patient Not Receiving Experimental Treatment Right Now, CDC Says

Ebola has arrived in the United States and people are frightened. The nation’s top infectious diseases expert said...

As far as Centers for Disease Control and

Dallas officials track down homeless man at risk for Ebola

First pictures of BRCA2 protein show how it works to repair DNA

Last Updated Oct 5, 2014 2:58 PM EDT DALLAS –

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sam

Prevention officials know, Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan is not receiving...

Authorities in Dallas found a homeless person 44-207-594who might have had contact... 2198Imperial College London@imperialspark PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!


A tall story: Great strides in identifying genetic factors in height

In Dallas, African immigrants worry about backlash from Ebola case

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Louise 0044-776-851-

By Jon Herskovitz DALLAS (Reuters) – Some African immigrants in Dallas are worried that the

1866University of Exeter@uniofexeter An

case of a...


Soccer-Courtois head injury rings alarm bells

At Dallas church service, prayers of Ebola patient and families

By Martyn Herman LONDON, Oct 5 (Reuters) –

By Lisa Maria Garza DALLAS (Reuters) – It was like

Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho said losing

any other Sunday morning worship service at

goalkeeper Thibaut...


Officials locate possible Ebola patient contact

New Jersey boy’s death is first linked directly to enterovirus

DALLAS (AP) — A homeless man being sought

(Reuters) – A New Jersey boy who went to bed last

because of possible contact with the lone U.S.

month in seemingly good health and died in his

Ebola patient was found Sunday...

sleep is the first...

Using “Programmable” Antibiotics to Attack Drug-Resistant M icrobes

TD appeals to members of the public to stay alert to traffic situation tomorrow

The body is pretty great at self regulation, that is up

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department

until it isn’t. The antibiotic era was one that

(TD) today (October 5) reminded members of the

improved human...

public again that since...

Height differences ’caused by DNA’ 5 October 2014 Last updated at 18:57 Thousands

Scientists discover pain receptor on Tcells

of genes could be involved in height, according to

Researchers at University of California, San Diego

the study Subtle changes...

School of Medicine have discovered that T-cells – a type of white blood...

Discovery of a novel heart and gut disease: The genetic mutation involved would date back to 12th century Vikings

‘Unsung’ cells double the benefits of a new osteoporosis drug

The disease, which has been named ‘chronic atrial

to that in women after menopause show that a

Experiments in mice with a bone disorder similar

scientifically overlooked group... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

intestinal dysrhythmia syndrome’, is a serious condition caused...

GIANT study reveals giant number of genes linked to height

Ebola Patient in Dallas ‘Fighting for His Life,’ C.D.C. Director Says

The largest genome-wide association study

Log in to manage your products and services from

(GWAS) to date, involving more than 300 institutions and more than 250,000 subjects,...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Thousands of patients could have unapproved ‘mix match’ metal on metal hips …

Three-parent babies are ‘genetic engineering’ and be banned

A spokesman for the British Orthopaedic

mitochondria “play a key role in some of the most important features...

Association, which represents joint surgeons said: “While some components...

12 Things Every Lululemon Addict Knows To Be True They make see-through pants. You blew through

However, an editorial in New Scientist said

Doctor performs surgery on his OWN tongue to try and cure his snoring problem

an entire paycheck there once, and you know their new “going out”...

Dr Zhang Xiangmin says he wanted to stop snoring

Forget the iWatch, researchers reveal smart skin patch with 3,600 crystals than can constantly monitor your health

Are energy drinks making you M ORE tired? Products are blamed for soaring levels of iron deficiency – and exhaustion

‘Skin’ monitors tiny changes in the skin temperature to warn Device is an array of 3,600 liquid crystals Can...

so his wife could sleep Believes his years of snoring were caused by obstructive...

Health Food Manufacturers‘ Association warned caffeine inhibits the body’s uptake of minerals, including iron 40%...

Womb transplants: hope for tens of thousands of women in Britain However Dr Brannstrom, of Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, in Sweden, said womb

LGBT Wellness Roundup: October 5 Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership with bloggers Liz Margolies and Scout, brings you a round up of some of the...

transplants could be offered...

This Guy Is Going To Grab Coffee With

The Gay Dads In This Cheerios

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Every Single One Of His 1,000 Facebook Friends

Commercial Have The M ost Beautiful Love Story

Australian student Matt Kulesza is looking to get

As a gay man, André never expected to be able to

some good, old-fashioned face time with his social

be a dad, but when he and Jonathan met by

media “friends.” Over...

chance on a blind date they had...

​Passage: Born from a transplanted womb

Photographer covering Ebola: The world must see

It happened just this past week in Sweden . . . a

MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — The biggest danger in a

medical first that holds the promise of helping

war zone is not seeing the enemy. What people

thousands of women around...

face here in Liberia is...

Texas company recalls nearly 91,000 pounds of beef CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – The U.S. Department

Vitamin D supplement significantly reduces symptoms of winter-related atopic dermatitis

of Agriculture says a Texas company is recalling

A study conducted in more than 100 Mongolian

nearly 91,000 pounds of...

schoolchildren found that daily treatment with a vitamin D supplement significantly...

Children who require long-term parenteral nutrition are at risk of IAFLD

Blood pressure too high? Your salty SKIN may be to blame…

ESPGHAN statement emphasizes role of treatment

By Roger Dobson for the Daily Mail Published:

at specialized intestinal failure centers Children

18:29 EST, 29 September 2014 | Updated: 18:29

who require long-term parenteral...

EST, 29 September 2014 ...

Aztec seed that can help you lose weight: Chia seeds are high in nutrients and low calorie

The average Briton spends £50,000 on booze in their lifetime

By Ann Shooter Published: 17:05 EST, 29

average of £886 per year Spirits top the list as

September 2014 | Updated: 02:44 EST, 30 September 2014 54 View...

preferred tipple for 18-24...

GPs ‘creating a nation hooked on painkillers': Addictions to codeine, morphine and other drugs have reached dangerous levels

The World’s Largest Cave Chamber Rises 1,000 Feet

Addiction to opiod drugs is reaching dangerous

Londoners spend the most on alcohol – an

Newly measured, the world’s largest chamber is as tall as the Eiffel Tower. NPR’s Ari Shapiro talks to long-time...

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levels, top doctors warn American Academy of Neurology says painkillers...

Immunomodulatory effects of Stachytarpheta cayennensis leaf extract and its synergistic effect with artesunate

Doctors still befuddled about prescribing medical marijuana

The leaves of Stachytarpheta cayennensis C. Rich.

guidelines were released for...

Some Canadian doctors continue to have concerns about prescribing medical marijuana after new

(Verbenaceae) have been reported to possess potent anti-inflammatory and...

6 Impressive Home Gyms That Offer The Ultimate Personal Fitness Oasis

Silicon Valley using health care perks to lure talent

Motivating yourself to get up and go to the gym isn’t

Also, Facebook is readying a move into health care

always easy. But finding the energy to walk down

by offering online “support communities” and

the hall to...

preventive care...

Scientists shed new light on how LAM R1 and Gal-3 proteins can cause meningitis, septicaemia

New study suggests that family meals may be protective against obesity

University of Nottingham Scientists shed new light

likelihood that obesity will carry forward into

on how LAMR1 and Gal-3 proteins can cause meningitis, septicaemia

adulthood, have led to various...

CHLA selected as first Accredited Pediatric Heart Failure Institute on the West Coast

Yoga that makes joints worse and other health fads experts say do more harm than good

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is

By Jennie Agg for the Daily Mail Published: 20:30

honored to be selected the first Accredited Pediatric Heart Failure Institute...

EST, 29 September 2014 | Updated: 04:05 EST, 30 September 2014 ...

Bladder problem no one wants to talk about

32inch waist? Your heart could be at risk: Half of adults overestimate how large they need to be to be at greater risk of disease

By Lucy Elkins for The Daily Mail Published: 16:53 EST, 29 September 2014 | Updated: 04:14 EST, 30 September 2014 ...

Increasing rates of adolescent obesity and the

Women at increased risk of heart disease if their waist strays over 32 inches For men, medical

opinion is that anything over... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

New technology could save thousands of Brits facing loss of sight Diabetic retinopathy one of UK’s main causes of blindness in young people Occurs when high

Transport arrangements to tie in with resumption of classes of secondary schools in Wan Chai and Central &Western districts

blood-sugar levels damage...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (October 5) said that in view of the announcement made by the...

Government devoted to promote culture of respecting and caring for the elderly

M edicare fines 2,610 hospitals for excessive readmissions

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The current-term

fines will be higher this year. Kaiser Health News:

Government accords high importance to the well-

Medicare Fines 2,610 Hospitals...

The readmissions rate is dropping, but average

being of elderly persons, with...

M U researcher gets $1 million from CDC to enhance FASDs prevention efforts Grant provides funding for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum

Endocrine Society issues updated Clinical Practice Guideline on androgens in women

Disorders prevention efforts Fetal Alcohol

The Endocrine Society today issued a Clinical

Spectrum Disorders (FASDs),...

Practice Guideline (CPG) advising against the use of testosterone therapy in...

Obama, health law star in campaign ads more than 300,000 Obama-related ads this

The skin foam that can kill acne reduces number by 72 per cent in three months

election cycle. Elsewhere,...

FMX101 contains minocycline, an antibiotic long

The Center for Public Integrity says there have been

used to treat condition But in tablet form it can have side effects including...

New research reveals music in gym classes reach almost the same as jet engine

The girl with the 9lb HAIRBALL: M assive blockage meant teenager couldn’t even drink a glass of water

Circuit and spin classes have an average noise

Ayperi Alekseeva, had spent years eating hair

level of 93 and 94 decibels This is almost on par with a jet engine, which...

picked up from the carpet 18-year-old, Kyrgyzstan, also chewed the tips of...

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Boy left fighting for his life after suffering reaction to epilepsy medication Ellis Stacy was given the drug Tegretol after suffering an epileptic fit Within days, he had a rash which progressed to...

XPO1/CRM 1-Selective Inhibitors of Nuclear Export (SINE) reduce tumor spreading and improve overall survival in preclinical models of prostate cancer (PCa) Exportin 1 (XPO1), also called chromosome region maintenance 1 (CRM1), is the sole exportin mediating transport of many multiple...

Woman has baby after womb transplant in world first (Update)

8 Signs Your Friend Is Sabotaging Your Health Goals

A 36-year-old Swede has become the world’s first woman to give birth after receiving a womb

It’s Baaack! What Is Mercury Retrograde + What Does It Mean For YOU? Three to four times a year,

transplant, doctors said...

everyone’s favorite...

5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Yoga Teacher

Why You’re Not Treating Yourself Kindly + How To Start

“I’m Not Skinny Enough” Other Yoga Myths, Debunked As a yoga teacher I often hear, “I could

What Successful People Know About Failure It’s easy to look at successful people and think life

never do...

comes easily to them....

Cathy Garvey and partner Dan Bowley have a baby thanks to egg yolk and soya treatment

Granny Smith apples may prevent diabetes and other overweight-linked illnesses

Cathy Garvey and her partner Dan Bowley spent six

Scientists at Washington State University found

years trying for a baby Had four unsuccessful

Granny Smiths contain high levels of a compound

rounds of IVF, including...

which promotes good bacteria...

Could UV light eradicate peanut allergies?Pulses eliminate 80% of allergens without ruining flavour or texture

Reclusive Charlotte Hawkins covered in tumours learns to live with appearance

A University of Florida scientist has used pulses of

neurofibromatosis type 1 At 15 she first noticed a

UV light to remove 80 per cent of allergens from

lumpy patch of skin at the bottom...

Charlotte Hawkins was diagnosed with

peanuts Dr Yang says...

Applying results from clinical trials:

CE praises Hong Kong athletes for their

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tranexamic acid in trauma patients This paper considers how results from clinical

outstanding performance at Incheon Asian Games

trials should be applied in the care of patients,

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y

using the results of the...

Leung, today (October 5) praised Hong Kong athletes for their remarkable...

Statement by ExCo Non-official M embers

Government response to HKFS’ statement

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A Government spokesman

behalf of the Executive Council Secretariat: The Non-official Members...

today (October 5) gave the following response to a statement issued by the...

M ore than 2000 care homes have no manager

M assachusetts doctor previously treated for Ebola hospitalized again

The figures, from the Care Quality Commission,

Sept. 25, 2014: Former Ebola patient Dr. Richard

showed that by October 1 this year, some 2,053 of England’s 17,222 registered...

Sacra arrives to a news conference at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha,...

Woman’s left paralysed on operating table after doctors didn’t give her anaesthetic

Is the cure for acne lurking in our ARM PITS? Sweat-eating bacteria could help clear complexions

Dianne Parr had gone into hospital to have two

Researchers found bacteria that metabolise

teeth extracted Was told she would be given drugs to paralyse her and general...

ammonia – a major component of sweat – may improve skin health Could...

Award-winning British athlete may never run again after breaking his neck as he dived into reservoir

M ore money, more babies: Why the birth rate plummets when America goes into recession

Acclaimed British middle distance runner paralysed in swimming accident Drew Graham

By Erin Clements for MailOnline Published: 17:36 EST, 30 September 2014 | Updated: 17:40 EST, 30

broke his neck when he dived into a creek...

September 2014 ...

Should You Tell Him You’re Seeing Someone Else?

Neovascular glaucoma after central retinal vein occlusion in pre-existing glaucoma

You know that saying “when it rains, it pours?” Well, sometimes that happens in your dating life, too. And if...

To determine the outcome of central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) in pre-existing glaucoma and the

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predisposing factors of...

Population genetics of neotropical Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Evaluation of occipitocervical neutral position using lateral radiographs

Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes can be found

occipitocervical balance during a fusion procedure

in almost every major city of Brazil and are vectors

is challenging. We designed this...

Intraoperative assessment of neutral

of filariasis and several...

Evidence summaries (decision boxes) to prepare clinicians for shared decision-making with patients: a mixed methods implementation study

U.S. Ebola patient in critical condition, no new cases amid scores of reports

Decision boxes (Dboxes) provide clinicians with

reported Saturday. Texas...

The lone U.S. Ebola patient is in critical condition, the Dallas hospital that has been treating him

research evidence about management options for medical questions that have...

Depression: Can holding a magnet against your head help defeat depression?

Practices told to reveal average earnings of GPs by M arch 2016

By Chloe Lambert for the Daily Mail Published:

doctors are taking home Family doctors in surgeries can earn an average...

19:14 EST, 29 September 2014 | Updated: 03:01 EST, 1 October 2014 Former...

Plan will give patients an idea of how much their

Hayley Fraser born without fingers is first to receive bionic ‘Iron M an’ style hand

Prostate patients ‘get second-rate NHS care’ says report

Five-year-old Hayley Fraser was born without any

women with breast cancer Prostate cancer sufferers are often older and in poorer...

fingers on her left hand Her parents were told the only option on the NHS...

Cancer charity Orchid: Men treated worse than

Chromatin structure is distinct between coding and non-coding single nucleotide polymorphisms

Protein and microRNA biomarkers from lavage, urine, and serum in military personnel evaluated for dyspnea

Previous studies suggested that nucleosomes are enriched with single nucleotide polymorphisms

We have identified candidate protein and microRNA (miRNA) biomarkers for dyspnea by

(SNPs) in humans and that the...

studying serum, lavage fluid, and urine...

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Tin Yip Road M ulti-purpose Sand Court and Park to open soon

VIDEO: Eating disorders in USA’s thinnest city

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Tin Yip Road Artificial Sand Court in Tin Shui Wai, the first multi-purpose

The healthy living lifestyle of Boulder, Colorado, is well-known across America. Everywhere you go in

sand court in Yuen...

the town people are...

Chagas disease

VIDEO: Chagas disease, silent ticking bomb

5 October 2014 Last updated at 02:53 By Gabriela Torres BBC Health Check Please turn on JavaScript. Media...

Imagine having a time bomb in your body that can explode during your lifetime or, if you are a woman, be passed to the next...

Hope for cancer patients as scientists discover why radiotherapy doesn’t always work

Smoking while pregnant or breastfeeding ‘endangers boys’ fertility by damaging their sperm’

More than half of cancer patients are treated with radiotherapy But some cancer cells become

Australian scientists found smoking while pregnant permanently damages the reproductive organs

resistant to it and grow into...

causing them to produce faulty...

Hospital’s errors left baby girl with severe brain damage, epilepsy and cerebral palsy

Womb transplants could become a common alternative to surrogacy

Cassie Wiggins was born at the Good Hope

completed in Sweden Baby boy born to 36-year-old

Hospital in Birmingham Her mother Sarah Myatt-

women in Gothenberg...

World’s first successful womb transplant was

Maley was induced 15 days after her...

Is There a Perfect Time to Get Your Flu Shot?

Am I Totally M isreading M y Date’s Signals?

The question: I’ve heard that getting your flu shot

Sometimes you go on an amazing first date and all

too early could make you more susceptible to the

of the “signs” seem to point to a second. And then,

virus, because...

he disappears into...

New Study Says Depression Really Is Increasing in America These days, it’s not as stigmatized as it once was

Verbascoside promotes apoptosis by regulating HIPK2-p53 signaling in human colorectal cancer

to talk about seeing a therapist or taking

We investigated the role of the HIPK2-p53

antidepressants. The National...

signaling pathway in tumorigenesis and resistance

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to the drug Verbascoside (VB)...

M eta-analysis of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug intake and prostate cancer risk

Non-specific physiological background effects of acupuncture revealed by proteomic analysis in normal rats

Epidemiological studies of the association between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

The total effects of adequate real acupuncture treatment consist of pathologic-specific and non-

(NSAID) intake and the risk of prostate...

specific physiological effects....

Fit in the City: Dump processed food and break diet ‘curse’

Saved from diabetic blindness

Transform your body and mind with our girl in New York By Ruby Warrington for The Mail on Sunday

blindness in young people Occurs when high blood-sugar levels damage...

Diabetic retinopathy one of UK’s main causes of

Published: 16:04 EST,...

Health notes: Davina M cCall’s life without sugar is so much sweeter TV presenter releasing book on how she banned sugar from her diet The recipe book, Five Weeks To Sugar Free, will be published...

Can man live on meal substitutes alone? They’re full of vitamins and promise all the benefits of a balanced diet. But when one volunteer tried to survive on bars and shakes for a week, he was shocked by the results… Sales of ‘meal replacements’ have grown by 85 per cent this year NICK HARDING swapped real food for meal supplements...

VIDEO: Intern invents ‘smart’ wheelchair

As U.S. Ebola Fears Widen, Reports of Possible Cases Grow

A 20-year-old summer intern at chip giant Intel has

Log in to manage your products and services from

created an internet-connected wheelchair. The

The New York Times and the International New

wheelchair collects data...

York Times. ...

U.S. disease control agents escort man off flight in Newark: report

Ashya King’s parents Brett and Naghmeh tell their story

(Reuters) – U.S. disease-control agents in

Brett and Naghmeh King tell their story for the first

biohazard suits removed a sick passenger and his

time since their arrest They took son, who has a

daughter from a United...

rare form of cancer,...

Eight-year-old ‘Jaws’ has two rows of

Acupuncture ‘does not improve chronic

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knee pain’

West Yorkshire eight-year-old suffers from

New study found needle and laser acupuncture

‘paediatric shark teeth’ condition Zak Brown’s

was no more helpful than sham acupuncture in

friends at school...

middle-aged patients with chronic...

Can’t stop snoring? Your FAT TONGUE might be to blame

You Will NOT Believe What This Woman Used as Birth Control

Being overweight or obese causes obstructive

Add this to the list of things that do not belong in

sleep apnoea (OSA) This is where the throat

your vagina: a potato. A 22-year-old woman in

closes repeatedly during the night Study...

Colombia went to the hospital...

27 Sex Facts You Need in Your Life

7 HOT Sex Tweaks You Need to Try

Even if you consider yourself a total sexpert, there

Chances are, you already have a pretty good sex

is always something new to learn about sex. From

life going on already. But what if you could bump

all the crazy ways...

that pretty good up a notch,...

A nested real-time PCR assay for the quantification of Plasmodium falciparum DNA extracted from dried blood spots

Police appeal to the public to exercise restraint

As public health efforts seek to eradicate malaria,

situation and confrontations occurred currently

there has been an emphasis on eliminating lowdensity parasite reservoirs...

(October 5) in the vicinity...

U.S. Ebola patient now in critical condition as reports of possible cases grow

Ebola patient in Dallas takes turn for worse

The lone U.S. Ebola patient is in critical condition,

diagnosed in the United States took a turn for the worse on Saturday, slipping...

the Dallas hospital that has been treating him reported Saturday. Texas...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Regarding the chaotic

DALLAS (Reuters) – The first Ebola patient

Washington hospital rules out Ebola for patient back from Nigeria

No New Ebola Infections in Dallas: CDC

(Reuters) – Howard University Hospital said on

Ebola have developed among more than four dozen people possibly exposed...

Saturday that a medical team has determined that a patient feared afflicted...

Ingredient in Viagra can permanently

SATURDAY Oct. 4, 2014, 2014 — No new cases of

‘Healthy’ red wine ingredient may

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

affect sight, doctors warn Viagra may cause loss of vision in men with

combat acne making existing treatments more effective

retinitis pigmentosa Retinitis pigmentosa is a rare inherited eye condition causing...

Resveratrol, antioxidant derived from grapes, can

Surprise pregnancies more common in women who live with partners but aren’t married

15st mother shared bottom selfies on social media to track weight loss

Around 50% of pregnancies in the UK and U.S. are unplanned Women in a cohabiting couple more

daughter Aimee, now four Size meant she was too ashamed to...

kill acne-causing bacteria So-called ‘healthy’ antioxidant...

Mel’s weight spiralled out of control after she had

likely to become accidentally...

First Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S. now in critical condition

First US Ebola case ‘critical’

Thomas Eric Duncan, the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, is now in critical

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Alastair Leithead reports...

4 October 2014 Last updated at 20:17 Please turn

condition, Texas Health Presbyterian...

Opinion: Of M edicine and M ushrooms Log in to manage your products and services from

Quarantined Family Of Dallas Ebola Patient Finally M oved Out Of Home

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The quarantined family members of Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan have finally been moved from the apartment where...

CDC Keeps Passengers On Plane At Newark Airport After M an Shows EbolaLike Symptoms A sick passenger on a flight from Brussels to Newark has been ruled out as having the Ebola

Thomas Eric Duncan, Dallas Ebola Patient, Now In Critical Condition Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan is now in critical condition, according to information released Saturday afternoon...

virus, reports. Centers...

Teenager left almost bald after she pulled her own hair out has confidence – and bouncy curls!

Tikker watch claims to calculate life expectancy based on your lifestyle

Phoebe Ottomar spent years tugging at her hair

The Tikker watch asks a set of questions about a wearer’s medical history Their age is subtracted

Left with golf ball sized bald patches but GPs didn’t

from the results...

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know what was...

Boy, 10, wins £5 million compensation after series of doctors’ blunders left him needing a kidney transplant

M other’s leg twice its size after false widow spider bite

Lucas Tuppeny was born in January 2004 with a

bitten in pub garden She rushed to hospital after

bowel defect He was admitted to hospital needing

her leg turned black,...

Shireen Larson, 33, from Enfield, Middlesex, was

a colostomy But due to a...

We Imagined the PERFECT Condom, and Here’s What We Came Up With

The Crazy-Awesome Way to Cut a Pineapple

You may have noticed lately that condoms have

Pineapples aren’t exactly the most user-friendly

come a long way from those boring rubbers that

fruit: You could buy an overpriced container with five

used to line the shelves. Not...

chunks of...

What Sex and Dating is Really Like for Single Parents Contrary to popular belief, single parents with

M embers of the public urged to pay attention to traffic situation on working day next M onday

young kids aren’t too busy for date nights—or sex,

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department

for that matter....

(TD) today (October 4) said that as protesters were still gathering on...

Dallas family moves from apartment where Ebola patient stayed

Canada sends 2nd mobile Ebola lab to Sierra Leone

After days of scrutiny about their treatment, a family

Canada has sent a second mobile laboratory and

that was living in the Texas apartment where an Ebola patient was...

team to West Africa to help fight the world’s worst Ebola outbreak since...

Dallas Hospital Backpedals On Reason For Releasing Ebola Patient

Authorities announce D.C. patient’s Ebola status

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, which

The deadly Ebola virus has been ruled out for a

is currently treating patient Thomas Eric Duncan for the Ebola virus, has...

patient hospitalized in Washington, D.C., authorities announced Saturday. Howard...

Why there’s no reason to panic about Ebola

Ebola casts pall over Eid al-Adha in West Africa

October 3, 2014, 12:52 PM|Many people are

CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) — The raging Ebola

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worried now that this deadly infectious disease has

outbreak that has killed more than 3,400 people in

arrived in the U.S., but CBS...

West Africa cast a pall Saturday...

Cynicism dies hard in Ebola-hit Liberian slum

Swedish woman world’s first to give birth after womb transplant

Monrovia (AFP) – In the narrow, gloomy alleyways

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – A Swedish woman has

of one of west Africa’s largest slums, Liberian

become the world’s first to give birth after having a

teenagers explain...

womb transplant,...

U.S. CDC: M any inquiries about possible Ebola cases, no new infections (Reuters) – U.S. health officials have fielded

Ebola patient at Dallas hospital was SENT HOM E before virus was diagnosed

inquiries about as many as 100 potential cases of

A Dallas hospital initially mistook a man’s case of

Ebola since the first...

the Ebola virus in a Texas hospital for something else and gave...

People who can no longer smell peppermint, fish, rose or leather ‘may have only five years left to live’

Pill could replace injections (but is covered in tiny needles)

Those who lose smell six times likely as others to

reaches the desired location, its coating dissolves, allowing the drug to...

die within next five years A poor sense of smell raises the odds of death...

Pill is coated with hollow needles When the pill

Schoolchildren exposed in US Ebola scare as patient named as Thomas Eric Duncan

4 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Honey

Five students attended four different Dallas

tasty goodness. The natural sweetener helps balance flavors, thicken sauces...

schools this week after possibly being in close contact with the Ebola patient...

By Rachel Swalin Most people love honey for its

The Top 10 Workout Songs for October 2014

Beating Breast Cancer: Lessons From a Survivor

Flickr: Carlos Newsome Pop rules in this month’s workout music recap. First off, you have the

I’m in awe of the amazing courage of those who battle breast cancer. I’m also in awe of the friends

lingering effects of...

and family...

Why Sharing Your Dreams Is So Important

What Is M indfulness? 10 Answers From 10 Teachers

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By Dr. Angel Morgan via DreamsCloud It’s time to

Sometimes I think there are as many ways of

normalize dream sharing. When I say dream

describing mindfulness as there are brands of

sharing, I mean learning...

shampoo. This can be confusing....

Woman gives birth to world’s first womb transplant baby Paris (AFP) – A 36-year-old Swede has become the

Cannabis ‘may trigger a heart attack': Risk increases FIVE-fold in the hour after drug is smoked

world’s first woman to give birth after receiving a

Marijuana could trigger a heart attack, according to

womb transplant,...

a new report Risk increases by 4.8 times in the first hour after smoking A...

GP retirement rush ‘could shut 500 surgeries’ as hundreds give up work At 543 practices 90 per cent of the GPs are over 60 and soon to retire The problem has been worsened by younger GPs quitting...

Duchess of Cambridge ‘hugely disappointed’ after being forced to pull out of yet another engagement due to morning sickness… as bookies suspend bets on twins The Duchess of Cambridge has been forced to pull out of a visit on Wednesday She was due to visit a charity for children...

Stem cells found on front surface of eye could lead to treatment for blindness By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 19:42 EST, 1 October 2014 | Updated: 03:09 EST, 2 October

Dancer Needed To M ove To Think From the TED Radio Hour, an idea worth spreading: When she was 7, Dame Gillian Lynne’s mother took her to a doctor,...

2014 6 View...

Video statement by CE

VIDEO: First womb-transplant baby born

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a translation of the video statement today (October 4) by the Chief

A woman in Sweden has become the first in the world to have a baby after having a womb

Executive, Mr...

transplant. The 36-year-old, who was...

Here’s The Ugly Truth About How People Use Facebook When In A Bad M ood

Ebola casts pall over Eid holiday in West Africa

How do most people try to get over a bad mood on Facebook? They search for friends who are even

CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) — The raging Ebola outbreak that has killed more than 3,400 people in West Africa cast a pall Saturday...

worse off than they are,... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

M ali struggles to filter passengers from Ebola-hit Guinea

Bowel cancer breakthrough that targets 80 PER CENT of tumours

KOUREMALE Mali (Reuters) – At a Mali border post in Kouremale about 130 km (80 miles) south of the

Australian scientists have found existing medicines can stop tumour development and growth ‘JAK

capital Bamako,...


Women who are anxious, jealous and moody are ‘twice as likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s in old age’

Living within 100m of a major road increases the risk of high blood pressure by a fifth

This was compared to their more calm and level-

Risk of high blood pressure rose in line with

headed counterparts Neurotics who were also shy

proximity to a road Living within 100m of a major

and introverted were at the...

road raised the risk by...

How your CLOTHES can give you a bad back: From pencil skirts to skinny jeans

The Scary Sleep Threat That’s On the Rise

If you have a bad neck, aching back or noisy knees

A good night’s rest is crucial to keeping both your

it could be your clothes Tight trousers and pencil

body and mind as healthy as possible. Plus, it can

skirts can damage muscles...

even help you drop...

This New Viagra Ad Features A Woman —and That’s All

Ashton Kutcher Has The Cutest Reaction To Paparazzi Baby Watch

The typical commercial for Viagra, the popular

Last night, Ashton Kutcher took to his Facebook

erectile dysfunction medication, usually consists of

page to share the first photo of his baby girl, Wyatt

a manly man doing manly...

Isabelle Kutcher. According...

Exploring the relationship between governance mechanisms in healthcare and health workforce outcomes: a systematic review

Impact of endometriosis on women’s lives: a qualitative study

The objective of this systematic review of diverse

are differences across...

This study aimed to explore women’s experiences of the impact of endometriosis and whether there

evidence was to examine the relationship between health system governance...

SCED meets with SM E organisations on impact of "Occupy Central" on businesses

Government committed to enhancing after-school learning support for grassroots students

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Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government attaches great importance to the well-being of the young

Gregory So, today (October 4) held a meeting...

generation and is committed...

Secretary for Security strongly rejects false claims about Police operation at M ong Kok

Sausage, chicken burger recall in Alberta linked to 4 illnesses

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a statement by the Secretary for Security, Mr Lai Tung-kwok, in

Missing Link Extraordinary Sausage is recalling frozen, raw and ground chicken products over concerns of E. coli O157:H7...

response to false...

Ebola test on patient at Toronto hospital comes back negative

Woman has baby after womb transplant in world first

A patient who was under quarantine at a Toronto hospital has tested negative for the Ebola virus,

A 36-year-old Swede has become the world’s first woman to give birth after receiving a womb

according to a spokeswoman...

transplant, medical journal...

Isabel M aude’s parents invent patient online sympton checker instead of suing hospital

Want to improve your child’s reading? Take them to the PARK: Fit children have better language skills, study finds

Isabel Maude caught chicken pox at the age of

Physically fit children have faster brain responses

three in the summer of 1999 Within days she

than less fit children Also have better language

developed a very high temperature...

skills even when reading...

Young husband and father-of-two dies just nine months after marrying when persistent cough turns out to be cancer David and Ava Jenkins married in July 2012, after

The patients having addictions literally BEATEN out of them: Bizarre form of psychotherapy sees people given up to 60 lashes with a cane

dating for 10 years Two weeks later Mr Jenkins’

Treatment includes being beaten with a cane and

persistent cough...

talking to a counsellor Heroin addicts receive 60 lashes whereas alcoholics...

The gap between calculated and actual calcium substitution during citrate anticoagulation in an immobilised patient on renal replacement therapy reflects the extent of bone loss

Systematic identification of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulations in human respiratory epithelial cells during influenza A virus infection

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Demineralisation and bone density loss during

Respiratory epithelial cells are the primary target of

immobilisation are known phenomena. However information concerning the extent...

influenza virus infection in human. However, the molecular mechanisms...

Perceptions on healthy eating, physical activity and lifestyle advice: opportunities for adapting lifestyle interventions to individuals with low socioeconomic status

A co-culture model with brain tumorspecific bioluminescence demonstrates astrocytes-induced drug resistance in glioblastoma

Individuals with low socioeconomic status (SES)

Although several studies suggest that stromal fibroblasts mediate treatment resistance in several

are generally less well reached through lifestyle

cancer types, little is...

interventions than individuals...

Transcript of remarks by S for S at media session

VIDEO: Womb transplant baby gives ‘hope’

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of

A woman in Sweden has become the first in the

remarks by the Secretary for Security, Mr Lai Tung-

world to have a baby after having a womb

kwok, at a media...

transplant. The 36-year-old mother,...

VIDEO: Womb transplant baby gives ‘hope’ A woman in Sweden has become the first in the

CytoSorbents announces launch of International CytoSorb Treatment Registry

world to have a baby after having a womb

CytoSorbents Corporation (OTCQB: CTSO), a

transplant. The 36-year-old mother,...

critical care immunotherapy company using blood purification to treat life-threatening...

Leading experts urge Canadian healthcare providers to improve care for people living with SCI

Iowa bride paralyzed from the waist down surprises wedding guests by WALKING down the aisle

Leading Canadian spinal cord injury (SCI) experts

Gina Giaffoglione, a former gymnast from

have launched the unprecedented Spinal Cord

McClelland, Iowa, was involved in a car crash six

Injury: A Manifesto for Change—a...

years ago that left her paralyzed...

Grandmother claims she can cure ailments by LICKING people’s eyeballs

Scientists discover chemical can send the immune system into overdrive

Hava Cebic, 77, claims her gifted tongue can cure

Asthmatics make more of an immune chemical

eye problems She can help with dry eyes, allergies,

when they have colds This triggers the release of

conjunctivitis and... other chemicals, which can cause... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Dana Vulin set alight by jealous wife removes her mask for the first time

Can Strong Arms M ake You a Better Runner?

Dana Vulin, 28, was set on fire by Natalie

As a runner, you’ve probably not given too much

Dimitrovska on February 16, 2012 Dimitrovska

thought to training your arms. After all, it’s the lower

doused her in methylated spirits...

body that’s...

Could Wine Fight Acne?

16 Things Your M om Was Right About

There have been plenty of studies over the years

When you reach a certain point in life, you realize

that show wine comes with a solid set of health

that your mom was…uh…actually right about a lot

benefits, from decreasing...

of things. (Don’t...

Indacaterol improves lung hyperinflation and physical activity in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo

Pakistan detects record number of polio cases ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan has detected a record number polio case already this year, a senior government official said...

Indacaterol is a long-acting beta-2 agonist for once-daily treatment of COPD. We evaluated the effects of indacaterol 150...

Eleventh child in Colorado treated for virus-related paralysis symptoms

Study Says Testosterone M akes People Greedy

DENVER (Reuters) – The number of children treated in Colorado for limb weakness or paralysis-

Small Talk With Strangers Could Make You Happier, Study Finds Feeling lonely is almost a

like symptoms after coming...

universal experience but often,...

Pakistan detects record number of polio cases

3 Foods That Helped M e Reduce M y Cholesterol

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A health official in Pakistan says authorities already have detected a record

10 High-Protein Vegetables You Should Start Eating Today On my weight loss healing journey,

number of polio cases this...

my starting place for radically...

TxCell to highlight development, progress of ASTrIA platform at 13th Annual BIO Investor Forum

Bitplane and microDimensions announce partnership to bring Voloom to the wider life sciences market

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

BIO Investor Forum to be held October 7-8 in San

Bitplane, an Oxford Instruments company and

Francisco, California TxCell SA (FR0010127662 –

microDimensions announce a partnership to bring

TXCL), a biotechnology...

Voloom, from microDimensions,...

Supreme Court to hear Idaho M edicaid rate case

Financial ties between doctors and health firms explored

The case centers on whether private health care

Federal data shows that doctors and other health

providers can force the state to raise its Medicaid

care professionals made more than $212 million

rates because of the...

in speaking and consulting...

Children given antibiotics before age of two ‘more likely to be obese by five’ Giving antibiotics to young children increased the

Doctors discover Chinese man’s pains due to acupuncture needle lodged in gut

risk of childhood obesity Those given four rounds

Xu Long, 60, had been given acupuncture for

were 11 per cent more...

stomach pain in 1974 As time went on, he began to suffer from chest and back...

Amy Guy can’t move facial muscles due to incurable condition that’s killing her muscles

M emory loss is reversed in Alzheimer’s patients for the first time, scientists say

Amy Guy, 34, has myasthenia gravis, a rare, life-

UCLA study found nine out of 10 patients saw

threatening condition Causes muscles – including those that control...

improvements in memories Results started to be seen within three to six months...

Usefulness of presepsin in the diagnosis of sepsis in patients with or without acute kidney injury

Comparing multilevel and Bayesian spatial random effects survival models to assess geographical inequalities in colorectal cancer survival: a case study

Presepsin is useful for differentiating sepsis from non-infection related systemic inflammatory response syndrome. However,...

Multilevel and spatial models are being increasingly used to obtain substantive information on area-level inequalities in...

Texas Women Forced to Reassess After New Ruling on Abortions

College Players Often Don’t Tell of Hits to Head, Studies Find

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

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Intervention Helps Decrease "M ean Girl" Behaviors

Drug Addiction Often Seen As "M oral Failing," Survey Finds

“Good outcomes can happen when priorities are set by schools and families to prevent and

By Robert Preidt, HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Oct. 3, 2014 (HealthDay News) — People with drug

eliminate relational aggression,”...

addiction are much more...

Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize Can Help with Exercise

Sexist Superhero Shirts Spark Outrage

“People are less interested in exercise if physical activity seems daunting, which can happen when

Superhero shirts licensed by DC Comics and sold at Walmart and are sparking outrage online. Video provided by...

distances to be...

Ready to Live a Richer Life With Others? What do these stories have in common? • Bruce Springsteen famously turned down Chrysler’s

Crews Race To Contain Ebola In Dallas DALLAS (AP) — A hazardous-materials crew on Friday decontaminated the Texas apartment where an Ebola patient was staying...

multi-million dollar offer...

Ebola Q&A: Dr. LaPook answers your questions

Sri Lanka seeks help from the U.N. to resettle asylum seekers

Now that Ebola has arrived on U.S. soil, public concern is growing and a lot of people have

COLOMBO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Sri Lanka has asked the United Nations refugee

questions about how the disease...

agency, UNHCR, for help to resettle...

Aflac announces new campaign to support National Breast Cancer Awareness M onth

Eli Lilly to discontinue development of tabalumab due to insufficient efficacy in Phase 3 Lupus trials

Aflac, the leading provider of voluntary insurance in

Eli Lilly and Company Eli Lilly to discontinue

the United States, announced a new campaign

development of tabalumab due to insufficient

aimed at helping stamp...

efficacy in Phase 3 Lupus trials ...

People may eat larger portions of unhealthy foods when eating with overweight person

Wake Forest Baptist dietitian offers tips to enjoy fair food

Cornell Food Brand Lab People may eat larger

tantalizing scent of fried candy bars, funnel cakes

portions of unhealthy foods when eating with

and candy apples. Local...

The cool, crisp air will soon be filled with the

overweight person PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Walking up to 6,000 steps or three miles a day ‘helps prevent arthritis’ Arthritis patients who kept active were more likely to

Bianca Atherton dead from ‘extraordinarily rare complication’ during sterilisation op

be mobile years later Walking 3,000 steps a day

Bianca Atherton was born with a chromosomal

stopped arthritis...

abnormality She knew the condition would be passed to any children she had in...

Colombian woman used potato as contraceptive hospitalised after it grew roots

Thomas Duffy dies after Redditch doctors repeatedly failed to diagnose condition

The 22-year-old Colombian woman had been

Thomas Duffy died of a cardiac arrest at a hospital

given the advice by her mother Went to hospital complaining of abdominal pains and...

in Redditch in 2011 An inquest into his death that year found he died...

Genomic comparison of 93 Bacillus phages reveals 12 clusters, 14 singletons and remarkable diversity The Bacillus genus of Firmicutes bacteria is

Pharmacy refill adherence outperforms self-reported methods in predicting HIV therapy outcome in resource-limited settings

ubiquitous in nature and includes one of the best characterized model organisms,...

Optimal adherence to antiretroviral therapy is critical to prevent HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) epidemic. The objective of...

Sculpt Your Upper Body This Weekend! Join the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to help you meet your fitness goals fast and make your weekend workouts...

Success Story: How One Woman Stopped Emotional Eating and Lost M ore Than 100 Pounds Before: 275 poundsAfter: 170 pounds The Lifestyle For Californian Diana Wehbe, 28, food was always an escape to dodge stressful...

Lifting Weights Can Help Your M emory Whether you’re going over notes for a big work presentation or cramming for an exam, new research from the Georgia Institute...

GM Os Are Old Hat. Synthetically M odified Food Is The New Frontier i i The vanillin made through synthetic biology will be used in flavorings sold in the U.S. by International...

Newly developed quantitative transactivation system shows

Autoimmune pancreatitis with colonic stenosis: an unusual complication and

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difference in activation by Vitis CBF transcription factors on DRE/CRT elements Agroinfiltration-based transactivation systems can determine if a protein functions as a transcription

atypical pancreatographic finding Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) often accompanies various systematic disorders such as sclerosing cholangitis, sialoadenitis,...

factor, and via which...

Care centres remain open Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Attention duty announcers,

M akayla Sault, prior First Nation child who refused chemo, relapsed: doctor

radio and TV stations: Please broadcast the following special announcement...

A Hamilton oncologist testifying at a hearing into an indigenous child who has quit chemotherapy in favour of traditional...

Womb transplant results in birth, a world first, doctor says In a medical first, a woman in Sweden has given birth after receiving a womb transplant, the doctor who performed the pioneering...

Ebola outbreak: 50 people being monitored in U.S., 10 considered high risk A hazardous-materials crew on Friday decontaminated the Texas apartment where an Ebola patient stayed, while public-health...

Curiosity helps learning and memory [ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy 530-752-4533University of California –

Soon to become a minority in the US, whites express declining support for diversity

Davis@ucdavis Curiosity helps...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stuart 310-2060511University of California – Los Angeles@uclanewsroom IMAGE: ...

Bioinspired materials enable new health-care options, reports Journal of Biomedical Optics

Strength as you age: 1 in 3 adults 50+ suffer progressive muscle loss, research shows

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Amy 360-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Molly

685-5478SPIE–International Society for Optics and Photonics@SPIEtweets New... 847-4209540Abbott@@AbbottNews Specific nutrition and exercises...

M assachusetts General study suggests neurobiological basis of human-pet

New study finds lack of adherence to safe handling guidelines for

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administration of antineoplastic drugs

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Noah 617-643-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole 703-856-

3907Massachusetts General

0700American Industrial Hygiene Association

Hospital@MassGeneralNews fMRI identifies...


Unethical Clinical Trials Still Being Conducted in Developing Countries

Things to know about respiratory bug plaguing kids

In 1997, Public Citizen’s Health Research Group

NEW YORK (AP) — A wave of severe respiratory

brought widespread international attention to

illnesses has swept the country in the last two

unethical clinical trials....

months, propelled by what...

The Shadow Demeter Complex: A Deeper Look at Codependency

Wall St. rallies; S&P 500 posts best day since August

Demeter and Persephone, Asia Minor, 100 BCE

By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) –

The term codependency comes out of the recovery

The SP 500 posted its best day since August on

movement with the reliably frequent...

Friday following...

Risk factors for early and delayed postoperative bleeding after endoscopic submucosal dissection of gastric neoplasms, including patients with continued use of antithrombotic agents

Prevalence and antibiotic resistance pattern of urinary tract bacterial infections in Dessie area, Northeast Ethiopia

Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has

infections frequently occur in both community and hospital environments...

become widely accepted as a standard treatment for gastric neoplasms. Antithrombotic...

Different studies have indicated that urinary tract

Study of ZHENG differentiation in Hepatitis B-caused cirrhosis: a transcriptional profiling analysis

Acquired heterotopic ossification in hips and knees following encephalitis: case report and literature review

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinical practice, ZHENG (also known as TCM syndrome)

Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a rare and potentially detrimental complication of soft-tissue

helps to understand the human...

trauma, amputations, central...

Womb transplant results in birth, a world 1st, doctor says

Ebola outbreak: 50 people being monitored in U.S.

A Swedish doctor says a woman has given birth to

After conversations with 100 people who might

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

a baby after receiving a womb transplant, a world

have been exposed to the Ebola patient in Texas,

first. The 36-year-old...

about 50 are now being observed...

Ebola vaccine trials will start in weeks, say WHO and company

Crew arrives to clean quarantined Texas apartment (Update)

Clinical trials of an experimental Ebola vaccine

A hazardous-materials crew arrived Friday at a

developed in Canada will start within weeks,

Texas apartment where the U.S. Ebola patient

confirm officials with the...

stayed to collect bed sheets...

Researcher measures frailty in intensive care units Since arriving at the University of Alberta seven

Certain autoimmune drugs in pregnancy may up newborn infection risk

years ago, Sean Bagshaw spends each day

(HealthDay)—When given to pregnant women, a

searching for ways to deliver better...

common treatment for ulcerative colitis may inadvertently lower their baby’s...

Satellite sees Tropical Storm Simon crawling up Western M exico’s coastline

Brain-dead girl reignites debate over death

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Debate over the definition 301-2864044NASA/Goddard Space Flight

of “brain-dead” reignited this week when a California family...

Center@NASAGoddard IMAGE: ...

M edical first: Baby born to woman who got new womb

Interview With Wendell Pierce, Part One: Why Food Deserts?

LONDON (AP) — In a medical first, a woman in Sweden has given birth after receiving a womb

By Maggie Borden, James Beard Foundation Although he’s best known for roles on hit television

transplant, the doctor who performed...

shows like The Wire and...

Suspected South Carolina child murderer earlier accused of domestic violence

U.S. official says West Africa travel ban would hinder Ebola response

By Harriet McLeod CHARLESTON S.C. (Reuters) – A South Carolina man charged with murdering his

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A ban on travel from West Africa would impede the response to the outbreak of the deadly Ebola...

five children...

Tough Texas abortion law may head to Supreme Court

What does ‘direct contact’ mean? The truth about Ebola transmission

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EL PASO, Texas (AP) — Abortion-rights lawyers are

In light of the first diagnosis of Ebola in the U.S.

predicting “a showdown” at the U.S. Supreme

earlier this week, concerns over whether the

Court after federal...

disease will spread—...

Nebraska M edical Center to receive second Ebola patient

Social support tied to outcomes among young heart patients

Sept. 27, 2014: WHO members and health

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Social support

directors stand outside the Port Loko District

helps older people recover from heart attacks, and

Hospital where the maternity ward has...

a new study shows the same...

FDA seeks permanent injunction against Pharmaceutical Innovations, Inc.

Outbreaks of Ebola virus disease in Africa: the beginnings of a tragic saga

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is seeking

occurring in West Africa since the end of 2013

a permanent injunction to stop Pharmaceutical

surprises by its remoteness...

The tremendous outbreak of Ebola virus disease

Innovations Inc., and its...

Outbreaks of Ebola virus disease in Africa: the beginnings of a tragic saga The tremendous outbreak of Ebola virus disease occurring in West Africa since the end of 2013 surprises by its remoteness...

A review of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Ethiopia: efforts to expand diagnostic services, treatment and care The emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB), particularly multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant...

A review of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Ethiopia: efforts to expand diagnostic services, treatment and care The emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB), particularly multidrug-resistant (MDR) and

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart rate variability: a literature update The literature indicates that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects cardiac autonomic control. In this study,...

extensively drug-resistant...

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart rate variability: a literature update The literature indicates that chronic obstructive

Creatine kinase elevation caused by a combination of fluvastatin and telmisartan in a patient heterozygous for the CYP2C9*3 and ABCC2 -24C >T variants: a case report

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pulmonary disease (COPD) affects cardiac autonomic control. In this study,...

Genetic factors as predictor of the individual outcome of drug therapy is one aim of personalized medicine approaches.Case...

Creatine kinase elevation caused by a combination of fluvastatin and telmisartan in a patient heterozygous for the CYP2C9*3 and ABCC2 -24C >T variants: a case report

Development of kinomic analyses to identify dysregulated signaling pathways in cells expressing cytoplasmic PrP

Genetic factors as predictor of the individual

in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. However, the dysregulated...

outcome of drug therapy is one aim of personalized medicine approaches.Case...

Dysregulated protein kinase signaling is involved

Development of kinomic analyses to identify dysregulated signaling pathways in cells expressing cytoplasmic PrP

Should Vancouver’s e-cigarette ban be adopted nationally?

Dysregulated protein kinase signaling is involved in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases.

sale of the devices to...

Vancouver city councillors voted unanimously this week to ban e-cigarettes in public spaces and the

However, the dysregulated...

Should Vancouver’s e-cigarette ban be adopted nationally?

Ebola outbreak: 50 people being observed for Ebola in U.S.

Vancouver city councillors voted unanimously this week to ban e-cigarettes in public spaces and the

After conversations with 100 people who might have been exposed to the Ebola patient in Texas,

sale of the devices to...

about 50 are now being observed...

Ebola outbreak: 50 people being observed for Ebola in U.S.

Texas Ebola flat to be sanitised

After conversations with 100 people who might have been exposed to the Ebola patient in Texas,

3 October 2014 Last updated at 19:30 The cleaning crew arrived at the block of flats in Dallas where the patient was staying...

about 50 are now being observed...

Texas Ebola flat to be sanitised 3 October 2014 Last updated at 19:30 The cleaning crew arrived at the block of flats in Dallas where the patient was staying...

M ore women having reconstruction surgery after breast cancer treatment (HealthDay)—A growing number of breast cancer patients in the United States are having breast

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reconstruction surgery immediately...

Canada Identifies Ship Found From 1846 Arctic Expedition i i The Erebus and the Terror among icebergs, as illustrated in The Polar World by G. Hartwig in 1874....

Differential in vivo expression of mycobacterial antigens in M ycobacterium tuberculosis infected lungs and lymph node tissues The clinical course of tuberculosis (TB) infection, bacterial load and the morphology of lesions vary between pulmonary and...

Bus services improved during implementation of special traffic arrangements Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (October 3) said that although protesters had continued to...

SCED meets with Hong Kong Retail M anagement Association to gain a better understanding of impact of "Occupy Central" on sales Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, today (October 3) met with...

In vivo dual targeting of the oncogenic Ether-a-go-go-1 potassium channel by calcitriol and astemizole results in enhanced antineoplastic effects in breast tumors

CE visits M TR Operations Control Centre Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, and the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony...

The oncogenic ether-a-go-go-1 potassium channel (EAG1) activity and expression are necessary for cell cycle progression and...

Vancouver ban on e-cigarettes should be national, says foundation

Docs offer advice for combating respiratory virus that’s striking kids

Vancouver city councillors voted unanimously this

(HealthDay)—As Enterovirus D68 infections

week to ban e-cigarettes in public spaces and the

continue to spread across the United States, the

sale of the devices to...

American Lung Association offers...

Lung cancer screening found costeffective for M edicare

Only DM duration independently tied to microvascular events

(HealthDay)—Low-dose computed tomography

(HealthDay)—In patients with type 2 diabetes, age

(LDCT) is a low-cost and cost-effective strategy for

or age at diabetes diagnosis and diabetes duration

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screening Medicare beneficiaries...

are independently...

California girl’s brain-death ruling back in court

Private contractor to clean up Dallas apartment after Ebola: officials

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An attorney for the family

DALLAS (Reuters) – A private contractor on Friday

of a California teenager who was declared brain-

will start a three-hour process of decontaminating

dead says doctors have...

the Dallas apartment...

The Appropriate Role of the Hospital Hospitals are often the most convenient setting for

U.S. DOT set to issue new waste management guidelines for Ebola

patients to receive care. Unfortunately, hospitals

CHICAGO (Reuters) – The U.S. Department of

also are by far the...

Transportation is expected to release new guidelines later on Friday that...

Wall Street rallies, S&P has best day since M arch

Utah mom of 6 given 24 hours to live defies odds, returns home

By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S.

This photo shows Kathy and Nate Taylor with their

stocks were sharply higher on Friday, with the SP

son, Luke. (Amy Hales, ‘Now I Lay Me Down to

500 posting...

Sleep’) This...

Does the brain’s cerebellum make humans special?

Patient admitted to DC hospital with Ebola-like symptoms

The brains of apes and humans evolved unusually

A patient exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms is being

quickly when it came to the cerebellum, a part of

treated at Howard University Hospital in

the brain involved in control...

Washington, D.C., a hospital spokesperson...

Study finds clue to why colds trigger asthma

M oderate regular drinking may still ‘damage sperm’

Friday October 3 2014 Around 1 in 12 adults have

Friday October 3 2014 Sperm quality is judged by

asthma The Mail Online reports...

looking at both shape and speed “Just...

Canada Identifies Ship Found From 1846 Arctic Expedition illustrated in The Polar World by G. Hartwig in

Homopolymer tract organization in the human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum and related Apicomplexan parasites


Homopolymeric tracts, particularly poly dA.dT, are

i i The Erebus and the Terror among icebergs, as

enriched within the intergenic sequences of PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

eukaryotic genomes where they...

Elevated preoperative peripheral blood monocyte count predicts poor prognosis for hepatocellular carcinoma after curative resection assessable parameter of systemic inflammatory

Strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M &E) and building sustainable health information systems in resource limited countries: lessons learned from an M &E task-shifting initiative in Botswana

response. The aim of this study...

The demand for quality data and the interest in

Peripheral blood monocyte count is an easily

health information systems has increased due to the need for country-level...

Comparison of expectations and beliefs about good teaching in an academic day release medical education program: a qualitative study In a professional learner-centered(ness) educational environment, communication and

SCED speaks on impact of "Occupy Central" on businesses Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development,...

alignment of expectations about teaching...

Another day, another tablet?

Radiographers to strike over NHS pay

3 October 2014 Last updated at 15:24 Article written by Hugh Pym Health editor More from Hugh

3 October 2014 Last updated at 16:05 By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website

Follow Hugh on Twitter ...

Radiographers have...

Pain words stand out more for those experiencing it Ache, agony, distress and pain draw more attention than non-pain related words when it comes to

Intestinal failure-associated liver disease—new position paper in Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition

people who suffer from chronic...

Children who require long-term parenteral nutrition are at risk of a potentially devastating complication called intestinal...

One in three adults 50+ suffer progressive muscle loss, research shows

Home where Ebola patient stayed awaits cleaning

As global life expectancy increases, adults want to

Friday to a Texas apartment where the U.S. Ebola

A hazardous-materials crew planned to return

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maintain healthy and active lifestyles well into

patient stayed to collect bed...

retirement. In fact,...

8 Healthy Food Upgrades That Are Totally Worth the Splurge

23 Things Only People Who Work Out Get Annoyed By

While it’s tempting to try to pinch pennies at the

Exercising gives you a dose of uplifting endorphins,

grocery store so you can save up for a sweet new

but some super-pesky problems can be a serious

leather skirt, that’s...

buzzkill. We feel your...

The Simple, Healthy Soup You HAVE to Try

VIDEO: Glimpse The History Of Life In A Beer

Creamy tomato soup tastes like a culinary hug, but

Beer is a collaboration between two species — a

canned versions can be full of sodium—plus,

multicellular animal called a human and a single-

anything with “creamy”...

celled fungus called yeast....

Impact of psychosocial factors on cardiovascular morbimortality: a prospective cohort study

Stroke, M ultimorbidity And Polypharmacy in a Nationally Representative Sample of 1,424,378 Patients in Scotland: Implications for Treatment Burden

Whilst it is well known that psychosocial determinants may contribute to cardiovascular diseases (CVD), data from specific...

The prevalence of multimorbidity (the presence of two or more long-term conditions) is rising internationally. Multimorbidity...

Synovial fluid and synovial membrane mesenchymal stem cells: latest discoveries and therapeutic perspectives

Stage-specific differential gene expression in Leishmania infantum: from the foregut of Phlebotomus perniciosus to the human phagocyte

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the ability to differentiate into osteoblasts, chondroblasts,

Leishmania infantum is the etiological agent of zoonotical visceral leishmaniasis in the

adipocytes, and even myoblasts....

Mediterranean basin. A recent outbreak...

Government urges people gathering in M ong Kok to leave

Rob Ford cites 50/50 survival rate for his cancer, but stays optimistic

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – As a large number of people opposing the “Occupy Central” movement

The hardest part of battling a rare and aggressive form of cancer has been explaining it to his school-

are surrounding...

age children, Toronto...

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HIV’s origins traced to Kinshasa in 1920s

US heroin deaths double in link to prescription painkillers, says CDC

Washington (AFP) – A new genetic history of HIV shows how the pandemic almost certainly took root

Powdered heroin is pictured in this undated handout photo courtesy of the United States Drug

in the 1920s in Kinshasa...

Enforcement Administration....

HIV treatment, awareness lacking among US gay, bisexual men

Employees who work in offices with plants happier, more productive, study finds

Scanning electron micrograph of HIV-1 budding from cultured lymphocyte. The multiple round bumps on cell surface represent...

People who work in a “green” office, literally surrounded by plants, are happier than people in “lean” offices without...

Health Tip: Exercise With Weights – Strength training with weights may help your muscles and overall health. But it’s important to train safely...

Health Tip: Are You at a Healthy Weight? – Looking in the mirror or at the tag of your pants isn’t the best way to see if you’re at a healthy weight. The...

The Friday Five for 10/3/2014 Highlighting some of the coolest science news we’ve seen lately. 1. Sci-fi fans across the universe were “stunned”...

7 Free Ways To Fight The Effects Of Aging Taco Dip With Chili-Spiced Cashew Cream Fall’s arrival is marked with warm sweaters, vibrant landscapes, pumpkin spice...

How An Elimination Diet Cleared M y Skin & Healed M y Gut

6 M orning Rituals To Help You Have The Best Day Ever

10 High-Protein Vegetables You Should Start

No-Bake, Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Eating Today On my weight loss healing journey,

(Just 5 Ingredients!) Raw cookies anyone? Read A

my starting place for radically...

morning ritual celebrates...

IRCM researchers discover mechanism that promotes progression of medulloblastoma

Diet may influence susceptibility to autoinflammatory bone disease in atrisk individuals

Researchers at the IRCM show that a protein

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital study finds

called Sonic Hedgehog causes DNA damage

diet may influence susceptibility to

Scientists at the IRCM discovered a mechanism...

autoinflammatory disease in...

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Researchers reveal that drug-food interactions may endanger mountaineer’s health

Blackflies infected with Onchocerca volvulus parasite may spread nodding syndrome

University of the Basque Country researchers have

New Transmission Theory May Offer Important

studied the nutritional and health situations existing at high altitudes...

Clues to Guide New Research, Reports International Journal of Infectious Diseases Despite...

UN Ebola chief raises ‘nightmare’ that virus could become airborne UN warns Ebola virus currently plaguing West Africa could become airborne The longer it moves between human hosts the...

M other who looked 9 months pregnant discovers her condition online as hyperparathyroidism Sallie Powell, now 47, suffered for seven years before being diagnosed Had horrific bloating, excruciating joint pain...

How just four pints of lager a week harms male fertility

HIV pandemic caused by ‘perfect storm’ in 1920s Kinshasa, scientists reveal

Drinking just half a pint a day can harm sperm quality, new study finds And the more a man drinks,

Oxford University and Belgian scientists studied virus’s genetic history They claim it originated in

the greater toll there...

Kinshasa, now...

Efficacy, predictability, and safety of small incision lenticule extraction: 6months prospective cohort study

Police appeal to the public to express views peacefully and rationally

To report our experience with small incision

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Regarding the chaotic situation arising from the protest currently (October

lenticule extraction (“SMILE”) for myopia treatment.

3) taking place in...

Methods: In...

FS to attend IM F and World Bank Group Annual M eetings Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Financial Secretary, Mr

Classes of all schools in Wan Chai and Central and Western districts to remain suspended on October 4

John C Tsang, will leave for the United States on

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Please broadcast the

Sunday (October 5)...

following special announcement immediately and repeat it at suitable intervals: “Here...

Blood test can help identify people at increased risk of atrial fibrillation,

State highlights: Infant mortality rises in D.C.; M edicaid managed care rates

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stroke Many of those who are genetically predisposed to develop atrial fibrillation, which dramatically raises the risk of stroke,...

A selection of health policy stories from the District of Columbia, Connecticut, Minnesota, New York and Massachusetts. The...

British nurse Will Pooley who survived Ebola tells international summit of ‘horror and misery’

Walkers warned of mushroom foraging after cases of poisoning

Will Pooley, 29, from Suffolk, told an international

foraging for wild mushrooms Around 84 people poisoned by mushrooms and toadstools...

summit the world must avoid ‘at all costs’ replicating the...

HIV pandemic was caused by a ‘perfect storm’ of factors in 1920s Kinshasa, scientists reveal Oxford University and Belgian scientists studied virus’s genetic history They claim it originated in

Walkers have been warned of the dangers of

Healthy young women ‘should freeze ovaries if they want a baby later’ Ovarian tissue is removed and frozen, then thawed and put back in Experts described operation as ‘straightforward’ and...

Kinshasa, now...

This Guy Spent 18 M ONTHS M aking a Wedding Ring for His Fiancée

10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Fine Lines

Both women and men like to be wooed with romantic gestures—whether it’s in a big way (think

This article was written by Lindsey Metrus and repurposed with permission from Beauty High.

Kanye’s proposal to...

Fine lines and wrinkles are just...

Stop What You’re Doing and Watch This Adorable M uscle-Flexing Baby

Diastolic wall strain: a simple marker of abnormal cardiac mechanics

Let’s be honest for a second: We all flex in the mirror from time to time to check out ourselves and

DWS, defined using posterior wall thickness (PWT) measurements from standard echocardiographic

our muscle-building...

images (DWS = [PWT(systole)PWT(diastole)]/PWT(systole)),...

New study first to document the voices of fish larvae

NYU study finds relationship between neighborhood drug sales and drug use

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana Udel 305-421-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christopher

4704University of Miami Rosenstiel School of 212-998-

Marine Atmospheric Science@UMiamiRSMAS 6876New York University@nyuniversity The Researchers... research... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Australia’s high survival rates shed doubt on global sepsis guidelines [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lucy Handfordmedia@monash.eduMonash University@MonashUni New research suggests treatment in Australia...

Judgment and decision-making: Brain activity indicates there is more than meets the eye [ | E-mail ] Contact: Liz 61-383-444362University of Melbourne@unimelb Published today...

WSU undergrad helps develop method for detecting water on M ars

Batteries included: A solar cell that stores its own power

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eric 206-799-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Pam Frost 614-292-9475Ohio State

9186Washington State University@WSUNews

University@osuresearch World’s first...

Findings appear...

M oisturising newborns prevents allergies: Japan study

Reversal sought in California girls’ brain-death

Tokyo (AFP) – Applying moisturiser to a newborn

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An attorney for the family

baby’s skin could help prevent eczema and even

of a California teenager who was declared brain-

food allergies...

dead says doctors have...

Reproductive rights on center stage for Democrats

How many memory slips are too many?

DENVER (AP) — When U.S. Sen. Mark Udall aired

name from time to time. But if you’re older than 60

the first television ad of his re-election campaign in

and feel like your...

Everybody misplaces cell phones or forgets a

April, the spot did...

Longer looks: Dying at home; losing religion; Obamacare 2.0 Each week, KHN’s Shefali Luthra finds interesting

Women survivors of sexual abuse may suffer emotional distress during pelvic examination

reads from around the web. The New York Times:

Explored in Violence and Gender journal Women

A Father’s...

who have a history of violent sexual abuse may suffer emotional distress during...

Cultural, historical forces contribute to rise in cases of melanoma

Genoscience Pharma to present novel cancer therapeutic strategy at EORTC-

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Researchers analyzed artwork, advertisements

NCI-AACR Symposium

and leisure time activities to estimate historic changes in UV exposure A century’s...

Genoscience Pharma, a company focused on discovering and developing small molecules to treat cancer by targeting cancer stem...

Scientists trace the birth of HIV: Urban change across capital of Congo in 1920s led to spread of disease into Africa and beyond

The average student gains almost a STONE in their first term at university

Oxford University and Belgian scientists studied

11lb, almost one...

67% of students gained weight in their first term of university Average weight gain in the first term was

virus’s genetic history They claim it originated in Kinshasa, now...

‘M ild alcoholics’ to be given £3 pill to reduce dependence

The woman with Foreign Accent Syndrome

New guidelines from health watchdog NICE

Kath Locket was born and bred in Stafford and

recommend drug nalmafene Nalmefene reduces alcohol cravings and helps people cut...

proud of her regional accent She went to bed with fatigue one night and woke...

Unlocking enzyme synthesis of rare sugars to create drugs with fewer side effects

Environmental exposures and the risk of multiple sclerosis investigated in a Norwegian case?control study

( —A team led by the U.S. Department of

Several environmental exposures, including

Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has unlocked the enzymatic...

infection with Epstein-Barr virus, low levels of vitamin D and smoking are established...

We DARE You to Try and Guess the M ost Popular Honeymoon Spot

4 Pushup M istakes You Don’t Know You’re M aking

They say a wedding takes about a year to plan, and

This article was written by Kelsey Cannon and

for some, the same can be said for the honeymoon. You want something that’s...

provided by our partners at Men’s Health. The pushup is a classic exercise...

What 4 Champions Wish They’d Known Before Their First Big Races

Scientists "resurrect" ancient proteins to learn about primordial life on Earth

Tackling a new fitness challenge can be beyond

Geological evidence tells us that ancient Earth

intimidating. So when I decided to train for my first Ironman, I turned to...

probably looked and felt very different from the planet we all recognize...

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Fat molecules influence form and function of key photosynthesis protein ( —A mysterious space within a protein

Attacking persister cells that are responsible for making bacteria resistant to new drugs

critical to photosynthesis is filled with fat molecules that influence...

( —We face an urgent global health problem because scientists are not developing new antibiotics as fast as bacteria...

Scientists manipulate molecules inside living cells with temperature gradients ( —The ability to make measurements of the biomolecular interactions that occur inside living cells is essential...

Chemists warn scientific community of research dollars and time being wasted on PAINS ( —Chemists Jonathan Baell with Monash University and Mike Walters with the University of Minnesota have together...

Aral Sea’s Eastern Basin Has Dried Out, NASA Photos Show

Instead Of Staring At Screens, These Kids Stared At Faces

i i Images from August 2000 (left) and August 2014 (right) show the drop in water levels in the Aral...

A recent study from researchers at UCLA found that kids who spent a week at outdoor camp — away from all electronic devices...

No, Seriously, How Contagious Is Ebola?

Explainer: everything you need to know about scoliosis

Holy moly! There’s a case of Ebola in the U.S.! That first reaction was understandable. There’s no

Scoliosis can affect children of all ages and can have particularly severe effects when it develops

question the...

early or in association...

Discontinuation of cART Postpartum in a high prevalence district of South Africa in 2014

Portrayal of electronic cigarettes on YouTube

Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is the

As the most popular video sharing website in the world, YouTube has the potential to reach and

current strategy to prevent mother-to-child

influence a huge audience....

transmission (PMTCT) of HIV....

Appointment of Lingnan University Council Chairman

Your Fellow Diners’ Size M ay Affect How M uch You Eat

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government today

i i In one study, people who were in a buffet line

(October 3) announced that the Chief Executive had

served themselves a lot more of an unhealthful

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appointed Mr Rex Auyeung...


M indfulness: how to be in the moment … right here, right now Remember then: there is only one time that is

Protesters urged to reopen blocked roads for Police to deliver food and water

important – Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The protesters currently (October 3) gathering outside the Office of the Chief Executive (CEO)...

A transcriptomic analysis of Chrysanthemum nankingense provides insights into the basis of low temperature tolerance

Development and validation of a clinical prediction rule to identify suspected breast cancer: a prospective cohort study

A major constraint affecting the quality and

The number of primary care referrals of women

productivity of chrysanthemum is the unusual

with breast symptoms to symptomatic breast units

period of low temperature occurring...

(SBU) has increased exponentially...

Supporting breastfeeding In Local Communities (SILC): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial

EM SD urges public to suspend use of one model of Linetek AC power cord

Breastfeeding is associated with significant

Mechanical Services Department today (October 3)

positive health outcomes for mothers and infants.

urged the public to suspend...

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and

However, despite recommendations...

11 million work days lost to smoking each year

Eilish Cleary helps fight Ebola’s spread in Nigeria

Health experts have warned that 11 million work

New Brunswick’s chief medical officer of health is

days are lost each year as a result of sick days

helping in the fight against the spread of Ebola in

linked to smoking. “Quitting...

western Africa...

M ERS patient in Austria assumed infectious on flight, WHO says

Texas monitors 100 people in US Ebola scare

A Saudi woman suffering from Middle East

Dallas (AFP) – Health officials in Texas were

Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is assumed to have

monitoring 100 people for signs of Ebola and

been infectious when she flew from...

ordered four close family...

Records Flaw Blamed for Initial Ebola Patient Release

M an Thought to Have Died From Ebola Awakens

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The Dallas hospital treating a patient with Ebola

MONROVIA, Liberia — Amid the deadliest Ebola

blamed a flaw in its electronic health records as

outbreak in history, it’s easier to get help if you are

the reason he was first...

dead than...

What does an Ebola patient in Dallas have in common with an Irish cook?

Four people close to U.S. Ebola patient quarantined in Dallas

A worker power washes the sidewalk in front of the

DALLAS (Reuters) – Four people close to the first

apartment unit at The Ivy Apartments where a man

person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States

diagnosed with the Ebola...

were quarantined...

Ebola test on patient at Toronto hospital a ‘precaution’

4 relatives of U.S. Ebola patient ordered to stay home

A patient at a Toronto hospital is being tested for

Four family members of the Ebola virus patient in

Ebola, though officials say it’s “very unlikely” the...

Dallas are under orders to stay home so officials can check that they aren’t...

NBC News cameraman diagnosed with Ebola in Liberia

Canadarm robotics technology performs breast cancer biopsies

An American freelance television cameraman

Canadarm robotic technology has been adapted to

working for NBC News in Liberia has tested

perform breast cancer biopsies inside an MRI

positive for the Ebola virus and will...

scanner, the Canadian Space...

Liberia’s Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says Ebola was like ‘unknown enemy’

Drug ‘could cut drink dependence’

Liberia’s president is urging Canada and other

reduces the urge to drink alcohol A pill designed to

countries to do more as the Ebola outbreak

reduce alcohol consumption...

3 October 2014 Last updated at 00:46 The pill

continues to ravage her West...

Asbestos victims win damages ruling

Early HIV drugs are ‘not a cure’

2 October 2014 Last updated at 17:25

3 October 2014 Last updated at 00:39 By James

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer caused by

Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website Giving

exposure to asbestos Government plans...

drugs within...

GP out-of-hours care ‘improving’

Aids origin ‘was 1920s Kinshasa’

3 October 2014 Last updated at 00:38 By Nick

3 October 2014 Last updated at 00:37 By James

Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News GP out-

Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website

of-hours care...

Kinshasa, pictured...

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Op-Ed Contributor: Young, Brilliant and Underfunded

Op-Ed Contributor: Young, Brilliant and Underfunded

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Appeals Court Ruling Closes 13 Abortion Clinics in Texas

Appeals Court Ruling Closes 13 Abortion Clinics in Texas

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

Heroin Overdose Deaths Doubled In M uch Of The Country: CDC

M oody women more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease

NEW YORK (AP) — A new government study found

After 38 years, 19 per cent of the women had

deaths from heroin overdose doubled in just two

developed dementia, the University of Gothenburg

years in much of the United...

study found. Those who scored...

This Cancer Patient’s Invention Will Warm Your Heart

This Cancer Patient’s Invention Will Warm Your Heart

When he was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric

When he was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric

cancer a year ago, 30-year-old New Yorker Alex

cancer a year ago, 30-year-old New Yorker Alex

Niles was shocked. He had always...

Niles was shocked. He had always...

CDC: Heroin Deaths Doubled In M uch Of The Country

Dare to Be 100: Humble Pie — Time Always Wins

NEW YORK (AP) — Deaths from heroin overdose

In September 1970, Dad died. I, an only child,

doubled in just two years in much of the nation, a

crashed. He was my alpha and omega. After a wild

new government study says. The...

week of dying, when he left...

The fat suit study

New study finds link between depression and abnormal brain response to visceral pain in patients with IBS

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sandra 607-2544960Cornell Food Brand Lab@CUFood_BrandLab The...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Samantha 44-144-4811099United European Gastroenterology This

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New study finds link between depression and abnormal brain response to visceral pain in patients with IBS

WATCH: M an Thought to Have Died From Ebola Awakes

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Samantha

dead than...

MONROVIA, Liberia — Amid the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history, it’s easier to get help if you are 44-144-4811099United European Gastroenterology This news...

WATCH: M an Thought to Have Died From Ebola Awakes

Watch: Elizabeth Hurley Shares An Inspiring Survival Story

MONROVIA, Liberia — Amid the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history, it’s easier to get help if you are

School Age Kids Possibly Exposed to Ebola Patient, Governor Says Watch: Elizabeth Hurley

dead than...

Shares An Inspiring Survival Story ...

Watch: Elizabeth Hurley Shares An Inspiring Survival Story

Obama pledges federal coordination on Ebola to Dallas mayor

School Age Kids Possibly Exposed to Ebola Patient, Governor Says Watch: Elizabeth Hurley

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama called Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings on

Shares An Inspiring Survival Story ...

Thursday to discuss the local, state...

Obama pledges federal coordination on Ebola to Dallas mayor

Telling Time: The Vintage Design of Alzheimer’s Clocks

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama called Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings on

There might be no clearer metaphor for mental clarity than that clock: we describe the timing of the

Thursday to discuss the local, state...

very punctual among...

Osteoporosis treatment may also benefit breast cancer patients

‘M ini-stroke’ may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder

Treatment approaches to reduce the risk of bone complications (metastasis) associated with breast

A “mini-stroke” may increase your risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),

cancer may be one step...

according to new...

Blood tests predict kidney disease patients’ risk of developing heart failure

Exercise linked with improved physical and mental health among dialysis patients

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Two blood markers are strongly linked with the

Aerobic physical activity is strongly linked with

development of heart failure in individuals with mild

better health-related quality of life, fewer depressive

to severe kidney disease,...

symptoms, and prolonged...

Delay in Dallas Ebola Cleanup as Workers Balk at Task

Contact Tracing Is Called Pivotal in Fighting Ebola

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Fake It ‘Till You M ake It a lot of my friends (and me) are just going through

White Woman Who Sued Sperm Bank Over Black Baby Says It’s Not About Race

a lot of...

An Ohio woman who sued a sperm bank after it

Right now, in my 20s, I think it’s pretty obvious that

mixed up donors and gave her sperm from an African-American man instead of the...

U.S. Ebola Patient’s Family Under Guarded Quarantine In Texas

M aybe Obesity Isn’t the Problem

DALLAS, TX – OCTOBER 01: A private security

bypass surgery in 2003 and lost over half my body weight in less than...

guard patrols The Ivy Apartments, where the confirmed Ebola virus patient...

Getting thin wasn’t my solution. I had gastric

Chronology: Worst Ebola outbreak on record tests global response

Girl’s family seeks reversal of braindeath ruling

(Reuters) – International agencies and

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The family of a California

governments are fighting to contain the world’s worst Ebola epidemic since...

teenager declared brain-dead after suffering complications from sleep apnea...

Caregiver training may help mentally disabled adults with dental care

Family of girl declared brain-dead wants death certificate revoked

By Janice Neumann NEW YORK (Reuters Health)

(Reuters) – The family of a California girl declared

– Helping adults with developmental disabilities brush and...

brain-dead after complications from a tonsillectomy has begun...

Tips to avoid weight gain after weight loss

Ebola patient’s family quarantined as officials search for possible exposures

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The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports

A worker power washes the sidewalk in front of the

Nutrition (PCFSN) reports that less than five

apartment unit at The Ivy Apartments where a man

percent of adults in the US participate...

diagnosed with the Ebola...

Ariad Pharma’s lung cancer drug gets breakthrough therapy status

Pay attention to pollution to combat asthma symptoms: case study

(Reuters) – Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc said its

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – For a 38-year old

experimental lung cancer drug was granted

professor who cycled to work every day, asthma

“breakthrough therapy”...

symptoms tended to be...

Green offices make employees happier and more productive: study

HIV M ay Have Emerged in Congo in 1920s: Study

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People who work in

THURSDAY Oct. 2, 2014, 2014 — A new study into

a “green” office, literally surrounded by plants, are

the origins of the AIDS virus suggests one strain of

happier than...

the disease appeared...

UK urges decisive action on Ebola 2 October 2014 Last updated at 15:23 Please turn

Program improves instrument cost efficiency of spine surgery

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

(HealthDay)—Applying principles of Lean

British nurse William...

management may optimize instrument utilization for spine surgery, according to...

Hydrocodone combo products reclassified as Schedule II

CDC offers Ebola guidance for health care providers

(HealthDay)—A new rule taking effect Oct. 6

(HealthDay)—In the wake of the first confirmed

reclassifies hydrocodone combination products as

case of a patient being diagnosed with Ebola in the

Schedule II controlled substances,...

United States, the U.S....

LGBT bioethics: Visibility, disparities, and dialogue

In Dallas Schools, Fear of Possible Ebola Exposure

Despite the legalization of same-sex marriage in

Log in to manage your products and services from

19 states and the District of Columbia and an

The New York Times and the International New

executive order to prohibit...

York Times. ...

Patient’s Soiled Home Left Untended as Officials Sought to Contain Ebola in Dallas

Care home restraint seven times level previously thought A scathing House of Lords committee report,

published just days before the Supreme Court PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Log in to manage your products and services from

ruling, also warned that legal...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

U.S. Ebola Patient Didn’t Have Fever When He Left Liberia: CDC

Elderly M an Gets Down To ‘La Bamba,’ Shows Everyone How It’s Done

Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan did not

This gentleman has some serious moves. And he

have a fever when he left Liberia to fly to the United

shows that anyone — at any age — can get down

States, the Centers...

to a feel-good beat,...

M an who brought Ebola to U.S. to be charged in Liberia

Officials announce Ebola findings of Hawaii patient

DALLAS — Liberia plans to prosecute the airline

HONOLULU — The Hawaii state Department of

passenger who brought Ebola into the U.S.,

Health said Thursday that it has ruled out the

alleging that he lied on...

possibility that a patient...

Study: Big-headed ants grow bigger when faced with fierce competitors

Blackflies may be responsible for spreading nodding syndrome

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Fiona

217-333-5802University of Illinois at Urbana- 44-207-424-

Champaign@illinois_alma IMAGE: ...

4259Elsevier Health Sciences New transmission theory...

A closer look at the perfect fluid 510-486-4404DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National

Supreme delay: Why the nation’s highest court puts off big decisions until the last moment

Laboratory@BerkeleyLab Berkeley...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Neil

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kate 314-9355235Washington University in St. Louis@WUSTLnews Washington...

Washington University review identifies factors associated with childhood brain tumors

Researchers discover gene that can predict aggressive prostate cancer at diagnosis

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Neil 314-935-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katrina 713-792-

5235Washington University in St.

8034University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer

Louis@WUSTLnews Brown...

Center@mdandersonnews Study...

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HIV pandemic’s roots traced back to 1920s Kinshasa

Face to Face with SHE — Insights from WPP Stream Health and TEDM ED 2014

By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) – Bustling

Two weeks ago I attended WPP Stream Health in

transport networks, migrant labor and changes to the sex...

Orlando, the “unconference” hosted by Grey Healthcare and ended...

Ebola drugs: A factfile

Study indicates possible new way to treat endometrial, colon cancers

There is no licensed treatment or vaccine for Ebola, which has killed more than 3,300 people in West Africa since the start...

Scientists love acronyms. In the quest to solve

Stopping liver cancer in its tracks

Does your sense of humor change as you age?

A University of Tokyo research group has

cancer’s mysteries, they come in handy when describing tongue-twisting...

discovered that AIM (Apoptosis Inhibitor of Macrophage), a protein that plays a...

A UA researcher and two co-authors examined

Limb Frailty in Children Is Studied for Link to Enterovirus 68

Enterovirus 68 Respiratory Illness Is Linked to Four Deaths

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Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Texas Says That Up to 100 Are at Risk of Ebola Exposure

‘Sitting Duck’ — The Poem and the Backstory

Log in to manage your products and services from

(This story appeared in a different version on

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

Tricia’s blog. The poem “Sitting Duck” appears in her new...

Liberia To Prosecute M an Who Brought Ebola To U.S. MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — Liberian authorities say

This Army Veteran Wakes Up At 5 A.M . To Help Feed 5,000 People In Need Each M onth

they plan to prosecute the man infected with Ebola who brought the disease...

About seven years ago, Arnold Harvey noticed rats crawling over homeless people sleeping on the

whether young, middle-aged and older adults found clips of inappropriate social...

streets during his night... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

HHS releases 13th Report on Carcinogens

Test Drive: Another Government Website Rollout That Is Found Wanting

Four substances have been added in the U.S.

Log in to manage your products and services from

Department of Health and Human Services 13th

The New York Times and the International New

Report on Carcinogens, a science-based...

York Times. ...

Enterovirus Respiratory Illness Is Linked to Four Deaths

U.S. Patient Aided Ebola Victim in Liberia

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New

The New York Times and the International New

York Times. ...

York Times. ...

New drug for ‘mild alcoholics’ drinking two glasses of wine a night

Doctors tell Health Secretary they are ‘exhausted, drowning and furious’

The plans will cost £288m per year and it is

She told Mr Hunt: “We are exhausted, drowning,

estimated to save 1,854 lives over five years and

and quite frankly furious with you, what are you

prevent 43,074 alcohol-related...

going to do about it?” After...

New drug for mild alcholics: how it works

5 Ways to Respond (Well) to Your Child’s Dyslexia Diagnosis

Q – Does it work? A – Two large clinical trials of

My daughter was diagnosed as dyslexic at the end

nalmefene showed that it can reduce alcohol consumption...

of second grade. Since then, I’ve had countless conversations with...

The Way to Fight Breast Cancer Is With a Vaccine — Not Another Pink Product

Lena Dunham Opens Up About Being A Rape Survivor

All the pink gadgets in the world will not end breast

“Girls” creator Lena Dunham writes in her new

cancer. To kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the satirical publication,...

memoir that she was raped as a 19-year-old college student. Over...

Creepy crawlers play key role in structure of grasslands

M arijuana use associated with lower death rates in patients with traumatic brain injuries

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin 203-4364842Yale School of Forestry Environmental Studies Study...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura 310-546-5860Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at HarborUCLA...

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Link between past sexual violence and distress on pelvic exam

Research from Penn and UCSB shows how giant clams harness the sun

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn 914-740-2100Mary

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Evan 215-573-6604University

Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering

of Pennsylvania@Penn VIDEO: Researchers

News@LiebertOnline Explored...


M RSA biofilms in joint fluid make infections tough to tackle

Socioeconomic factors, fashion trends linked to increase in melanoma

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Gail

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim 215-955- 212-404-

2240Thomas Jefferson University@JeffersonUniv Pre-treatment...

3525NYU Langone Medical Center / New York University School...

M ore than 80 people had direct or indirect contact with Ebola patient

Supreme Court takes up Idaho M edicaid challenge

AUSTIN Texas (Reuters) – More than 80 people

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said

were exposed in some way to the patient infected with Ebola, a spokeswoman...

Thursday it will decide whether private sector health care providers can force...

EU to extend Zimmer, Biomet probe, clear Eli Lilly, Novartis deal: sources

When Ebola Strikes the U.S

By Foo Yun Chee BRUSSELS (Reuters) – EU

every one’s lips in the U.S. is not “Could the Ebola virus strike...

antitrust regulators will open an extensive probe into Zimmer...

The one burning question that has been on nearly

Common painkillers combined with other drugs may cause high risk of GI bleeding

Dog’s epigenome gives clues to human cancer

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)— such as ibuprofen and aspirin—increase one’s

and ancient. From being the protector of the first herds in a faithful pet, dogs...

The bond between humans and dogs is strong

risk of upper gastrointestinal...

M aking old lungs look young again: Animal research suggests ibuprofen can reduce lung inflammation in elderly New research shows that the lungs become more

Officials: About 80 being monitored for Ebola About 80 people are now being monitored for symptoms of Ebola in Texas, a Dallas County

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

inflammatory with age and that ibuprofen can lower

Health and Human Services spokeswoman...

that inflammation. In fact,...

A Hospital From Hell, in a City Swamped by Ebola Log in to manage your products and services from

U.S. Will Increase Production of the Ebola Drug ZM app, but M ay Not M eet Demand

The New York Times and the International New

Log in to manage your products and services from

York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

16 Evening Habits To M ake Your M ornings Better

5 M indful Ways to Start Your Day

From “set your alarm on the other side of the room”

yourself constantly hitting the snooze button,

to “invest in a coffee pot with a timer,” you’ve...

fighting the inevitable? How you...

Anorexia, Anxiety and Letting Go

Antibiotics In Infancy M ay Be Linked To Childhood Obesity (STUDY)

I let anorexia rule my world for about eight years. For me, it ended up being more about anxiety, and a way of dealing with...

When you wake up each morning, do you find

BY KATHRYN DOYLE NEW YORK Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:46pm EDT (Reuters Health) – Kids who receive several rounds of antibiotics...

Ban On Single-Use Plastic Bags Is Enacted In California

Soil Doctors Hit Pay Dirt In M anhattan’s Central Park

i i California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed the

i i The Bronx may be up, and the Battery down but

nation’s first statewide ban on single-use plastic...

Central Park is where an amazing wealth of different...

‘I didn’t know who I was anymore’ – myths vs realities of early parenthood

Individual social capital and survival: a population study with 5-year follow-up

Becoming a parent is commonly imagined to be a

The concept of social capital has received

joyful and “natural” life event. The reality is often

increasing attention as a determinant of population

very different....

survival, but its significance...

Government urges immediate end to "Occupy Central"

Preconception care: it’s never too early

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government issued the

The preconception window has been recognized as one of the earliest sensitive windows of human

following statement today (October 2): The “Occupy

development, and interventions...

Central”... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Use of varenicline for smoking cessation treatment in UK primary care: an association rule mining analysis

Classes of all schools in Wan Chai and Central and Western districts remain suspended on October 3

Varenicline is probably the most effective smoking

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Please broadcast the

cessation pharmacotherapy, but is less widely

following special announcement immediately and

used than nicotine replacement...

repeat it at suitable intervals: “Here...

Study finds relationship between neighborhood drug sales and drug use

UN launches mission to halt worldwide Ebola spread

For decades, research has generally focused on

The UN launched a mission on Thursday to

individual, family and peer factors to explain illicit

prevent the worldwide spread of Ebola as the US

drug use, neglecting...

hunted for people who came in contact...

Teen pregnancies and abortions drop with free birth control, study finds

Origin of moon’s ‘ocean of storms’ revealed

October 2, 2014, 6:36 AM|A new study finds teen

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin

pregnancies and abortions drop dramatically when 401-863-

free birth control is available....

3766Brown University@brownlifesci IMAGE: A topographic...

To improve oral health of adults with developmental disabilities, support caregivers

Researchers develop novel gene/cell therapy approach for lung disease

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Siobhan 617-636- 513-8036035Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical

6586Tufts University, Health Sciences

Center@CincyChildrens CINCINNATI...

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nick

Campus@tuftspr First...

Keeping your eyes on the prize can help with exercise, NYU study finds

Study offers insight into challenges facing college athletes

[ | E-mail ] Contact: James

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt 212-998-6808New 919-515-

York University@nyuniversity New research

6386North Carolina State


University@NCStateNews A new study...

Novel approach to magnetic measurements atom-by-atom

Holistic wearable sheds new light on health tracking

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jan 46-701-679-

Salutron this week unveiled its new BRITE R450 smartwatch, which takes a holistic approach to

376Uppsala University@UU_University Having the

health with its tracking capabilities...


Pakistan set to record highest number of polio cases: officials

Cardiac arrhythmias and electrolyte disturbances in colic horses

Islamabad (AFP) – Health officials in Pakistan on

Despite increased focus on cardiac arrhythmias in

Thursday said the country was set to break its

horses, the nature and prevalence is still poorly

record for the highest...

described. Case reports...

Liberia’s Ebola outbreak saddles children with an uncertain future

Tooth decay in toddlers

There’s a beauty to the Liberian capital that belies

Helen Briggs Health editor, BBC News website A

what’s happening in the face of an ugly, killer

survey by Public...

30 September 2014 Last updated at 12:20 By


The battle over GP opening

Can antidepressants treat cancer?

30 September 2014 Last updated at 11:45 Article

2 October 2014 Last updated at 01:25 By Tom

written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More

Espiner Health reporter Research indicates that

from Nick GPs are...


Five Ebola cases per hour in S Leone 2 October 2014 Last updated at 09:50 Please turn

Australia lifts Ebola donation to $16 million

on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.

Australia more than doubled its donation to the

Mark Buttle from Save...

fight against Ebola in West Africa to 18 million Australian dollars ($16...

US hunts contacts of seriously ill Ebola patient

Five people contract Ebola every hour in S.Leone: charity

US health officials scoured the Dallas area

Five people are being infected with Ebola every

Wednesday for people—including schoolchildren

hour in Sierra Leone and demand for treatment

—who came in contact with a...

beds is far outstripping supply,...

Dallas ER sent Ebola-infected patient home

Volatile organic compounds and autism

A Dallas emergency room sent a man with Ebola

compounds (VOCs) might appear at first glance, all

As harsh as the phrase volatile organic

this refers to is a class of compounds... home last week, even though he told a nurse that PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

he had been in disease-ravaged...

7 Things I Learned From Living In A Forest In India

If You Get Leg Cramps, Try This Strange Harvard-Approved Cure

“I’m Not Skinny Enough” Other Yoga Myths,

It’s OK To Be Angry. Here’s How To Move Through

Debunked As a yoga teacher I often hear, “I could

It A friend recently did something that made me

never do...

truly question...

VIDEO: Warning over alcohol ‘preloading’

Ebola: ‘Five S Leone cases per hour’

A leading accident and emergency doctor, Clifford

Children says that as soon as authorities get on

Mann, has warned of a “dangerous epidemic” of

top of the virus in one...

2 October 2014 Last updated at 02:42 Save the

young people...

Hundreds of GP practices risk closure 2 October 2014 Last updated at 07:30 By Nick

Hypertension risk rises closer to major roadways

Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News

A new study in the Journal of the American Heart

Hundreds of GP practices...

Association reports a significant association between living near a major...

Worry, jealousy, moodiness linked to higher risk of Alzheimer’s in women

Hospitals with aggressive treatment styles had lower failure-to-rescue rates

Women who are anxious, jealous, or moody and

Hospitals with aggressive treatment styles, also

distressed in middle age may be at a higher risk of

known as high hospital care intensity (HCI), had

developing Alzheimer’s...

lower rates of patients...

Increased toxicity for many newly approved anticancer drugs

Eighty percent of bowel cancers halted with existing medicines

(HealthDay)—Newly approved anticancer drugs

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alan 61-

that do not have a specific molecular target on

393-452-719Walter and Eliza Hall

cancer cells are associated...

Institute@WEHI_research IMAGE: ...

Nanoparticles accumulate quickly in wetland sediment

Study finds acupuncture does not improve chronic knee pain

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ken

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 919-660-8414Duke 61-390-355-

University@DukeU Tendency for nanotubes to 380University of Melbourne@unimelb A new accumulate... research study... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Robot researcher combines nature to nurture ‘superhuman’ navigation [ | E-mail ] Contact: Debra

Snapshots of chemical reactions: Characterizing an important reactive intermediate 61-731-381-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Heikki M.

150Queensland University of Technology@qut Computer modelling... 358-408-053-

Omega-3 fatty acids may prevent some forms of depression

Ebola Patient Identified as Thomas Eric Duncan

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rhiannon 214-648-

The patient who became the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States has

0880Elsevier Reports new study in Biological

been identified as a former chauffeur...

713Academy of Finland@SuomenAkatemia IMAGE: ...

Psychiatry Philadelphia,...

Gluten timing does not prevent celiac disease

Rapists confess as Kenyan cleric takes up equality struggle

Two studies give disappointing news for parents

By Katy Migiro NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters

looking for a way to prevent celiac disease in

Foundation) – When the elderly man, in his black-

babies at higher risk for...

and-white striped...

Philips Electronics to appeal ruling in $467 million patent lawsuit

Driving cancer cells to suicide

(Reuters) – Dutch healthcare equipment company

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich researchers report that a new class of chemical

Philips said on Thursday it would appeal against a

compounds makes cancer cells more...

U.S court ruling...

The origins of handedness in life Handedness is a complicated business. To simply say life is left-handed doesn’t even begin to capture the blooming...

‘Human Flesh’ Burger Is A Treat To Tempt The Walking Dead i i Chef Jim Thomlinson is serving the burger, made of minced pork, minced veal and bone marrow, with...

Federal Judges Sends Wyo. Wolves Back To Endangered Species List

From Kale To Pale Ale, A Love Of Bitter M ay Be In Your Genes

Copyright © 2014 NPR. For personal,

i i The roots of your hankering for hoppy beers and

noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For

cruciferous vegetables may be genetic. ...

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

other uses, prior permission required. ROBERT...

Death Toll From Japanese Volcano Rises

Is That A Lark I Hear? A Nightingale? Surprise! It’s A Bat

i i Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF) soldiers and firefighters conduct rescue operations near the

Bats produce “pings” or “clicks,” right? They make these high-pitched sounds, too high for us to...


"Listening to the silence quietly": investigating the value of cultural immersion and remote experiential learning in preparing midwifery students for clinical practice

alpha9-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors contribute to the maintenance of chronic mechanical hyperalgesia, but not thermal or mechanical allodynia

Cultural immersion programs are increasingly

The current pharmacological treatments for chronic

offered to medical and health science students in an effort to provide experiential...

pain are limited. The first analgesic drug approved for clinical use in...

Sex-related differences in the association between waist circumference and bone mineral density in a Korean population

Non-traditional donor lungs appear safe for transplant

Large waist circumference is linked to poor health.

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cassie 312-202-5865Elsevier Cause of donor death should not automatically

Investigations of the relationship between waist circumference, as an...


Strict blood sugar control after heart surgery may not be necessary

Child mortality falls worldwide, but not fast enough, study finds

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cassie

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Stephanie 312-2025865Elsevier@ElsevierConnect Study results may 410-955-7619Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public

encourage hospitals...

Health@JohnsHopkinsSPH Preterm...

M edical discovery first step on path to new painkillers

‘Stealth’ nanoparticles could improve cancer vaccines

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emma 44-115-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-872-

951-5793University of

6042American Chemical Society@ACSpressroom

Nottingham@UoNPressOffice A major... Cancer vaccines... PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

Texas Ebola Patient Identified The patient who became the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States has been identified as a former chauffeur...

Ohio woman sues sperm bank after birth of mixed-race baby By Elizabeth Daley (Reuters) – A white Ohio woman is suing a sperm bank for mistakenly giving her and...

Pre- and Post-Race Beauty Tips From Women’s Health M agazine

Calpers says ruling by judge in Stockton case is not legally binding

By Jill Percia, beauty editor for Women’s Health Magazine Run, Beauty, Run! On Sunday, I laced up

(Reuters) – The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, or Calpers, on Wednesday

my sneakers and hit...

said it disagreed with...

Eyeing 2015 vote, Cameron pledges 7 billion pounds in tax cuts

Experimental Drug Jams Ebola Gene To Fight The Virus

By Andrew Osborn and William James BIRMINGHAM England (Reuters) – Prime Minister

i i A man stands above a new Ebola treatment center in Monrovia, Liberia. Health workers in

David Cameron promised...


When Can A Big Storm Or Drought Be Blamed On Climate Change?

On The Alert For Ebola, Texas Hospital Still M issed First Case

Melbourne visitors and residents took to the waters of Australia’s St. Kilda Beach in January 2013 to

i i Traffic moves past Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where a patient showed up with

escape a fierce...


Use your illusion: how to trick yourself and others into eating less

Why don’t we speak up when we see signs of domestic violence?

Science has a simple and incredible trick that will help you lose weight. The idea, it seems, is to

Have you cringed when a friend was degraded by her partner in public? Or felt uncomfortable

make portions appear...

because your friend’s partner...

Quarantine works against Ebola but over-use risks disaster

FDA awards grants to stimulate drug, device development for rare diseases

A man in the United States has become the first known international traveller to be infected in the

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced it has awarded 15 grants totaling more

West Africa Ebola epidemic...

than $19 million to boost the...

The FDA takes steps to strengthen

Air pollution exposure and lung

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

cybersecurity of medical devices To strengthen the safety of medical devices, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today finalized

function in highly exposed subjects in Beijing, China: a repeated-measure study

recommendations to manufacturers...

Exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) has been associated with reduced lung function. Elemental components of PM have...

Seroprevalence, risk factors and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii in domestic geese (Anser domestica) in tropical China

Canada vaccine shipped to Geneva, U.S. hospitals as precaution

Little information is available about the

for the Ebola virus to hospitals...

WINNIPEG Manitoba (Reuters) – Canada has shipped small amounts of its experimental vaccine

seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in geese (Anser domestica) in China....

GSK, NewLink working to bring Ebola vaccines online

Could a Fading Sense of Smell Point to Earlier Death?

Thomson Reuters is the world’s largest

WEDNESDAY Oct. 1, 2014, 2014 — Older adults

international multimedia news agency, providing

who have trouble smelling the roses — literally —

investing news, world news,...

may face...

A clinical study of thoracoscopyassisted mitral valve replacement concomitant with tricuspid valvuloplasty, with domestically manufactured pipeline products for cardiopulmonary bypass

A new human heart vessel identification, segmentation and 3D reconstruction mechanism The identification and segmentation of inhomogeneous image regions is one of the most challenging issues nowadays. The surface...

ObjectiveTo discuss the feasibility and experience of treating valvular heart diseases with thoracoscopy-assisted mitral...

Timing of (supplemental) parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients: a systematic review

The effects of the natural enzyme, Pectinex Ultra SP-L, on human cell cultures and bacterial biofilms in vitro

Supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) is used in a step-up approach when full enteral support is

Pectinex Ultra SP-L (Pectinex) is a microbialderived enzyme that is used in the food industry

contraindicated or fails...

and that has been shown to...

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Prospective evaluation of a complex public health intervention: lessons from an initial and follow-up crosssectional survey of the tuberculosis strain typing service in England

Classifying leukaemia: one size doesn’t fit all Many of us have a moment in our lives where everything changes irrevocably, for better or worse. A moment imprinted on our...

The national tuberculosis strain typing service (TBSTS) was introduced in England in 2010. The TBSTS involves MIRU-VNTR...

News digest – skirt size, early diagnosis, smoking graphics and more

Accelerating new treatments – our Centre for Drug Development

Our aim is to cover the latest cancer research,

Something extraordinary is happening right now.

including that funded by the charity. We also highlight other relevant material,...

Impelled by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, researchers, medics, funding...

Drug ingredients from 3 factories in India banned by Health Canada

Refugee health-cuts ruling appealed by Ottawa

Six months after the U.S. Food and Drug

The federal government is appealing a Federal

Administration sounded a warning on generic drug maker Apotex’s quality standards,...

Court decision that threatened to strike down its new policy on refugee health...

A Study Bolsters a Call to Use LongActing Contraceptives

Scrutiny in Texas to Detect Whether Ebola Spread

Log in to manage your products and services from

Log in to manage your products and services from

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...

How Kale Became M y Cause Last Wednesday, I found myself on the phone with

Pre- and Post-Race Beauty Tips From Women’s Health M agazine

the second largest purchaser of food in the United

By Jill Percia, beauty editor for Women’s Health

States, the New York...

Magazine Run, Beauty, Run! On Sunday, I laced up my sneakers and hit...

These Awkward Ballerinas Take Dancing To Your Own Beat To A Whole New Level

How Hospitals Should Prepare For A Potential Ebola Patient

These ballerinas each put their own spin on what

workers in New York seven minutes to isolate and

Back in August, it only took Mt. Sinai Hospital

PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

should be classical choreography, but that’s just why we love them. And...

start treating a man who...

Living in the M oment With Our Dogs

Enterovirus spreads across the nation

One of my best friends lost one of her best friends

There is another virus sweeping the country. The

this week. Sydney was a 13-year-old mixed-breed bundle of love and was...

enterovirus mostly strikes children and causes a severe respiratory illness....

Airline discloses flights Ebola patient traveled on

ZEB1, Oscar for leading role in fat storage

The first reported case of Ebola in the United

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Bart

States is spooking airline investors and raising the prospect that some frightened... 41-216-931821Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne@EPFL_en The...

‘Big Brother’ Winner Dick Donato Reveals He’s HIV Positive

‘Big Brother’ Winner Dick Donato Reveals He’s HIV Positive

Dick Donato is best known for winning “Big Brother 8″ back in 2007, with his attitude and gameplay

Dick Donato is best known for winning “Big Brother 8″ back in 2007, with his attitude and gameplay

earning him...

earning him...

How Health Officials Are Tracking Down Everyone Who Was In Contact With The U.S. Ebola Patient

How Health Officials Are Tracking Down Everyone Who Was In Contact With The U.S. Ebola Patient

Texas health officials, in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are

Texas health officials, in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are

currently combing through...

currently combing through...

How Health Officials Are Tracking Down Everyone Who Was In Contact With The U.S. Ebola Patient

Despite Concerns, CDC Says It Has No Plans To Amp Up Ebola Screenings At U.S. Airports

Texas health officials, in conjunction with the

News of the first Ebola diagnosis made on U.S.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are

soil prompted many to question if officials should

currently combing through...

be doing more to prevent...

Despite Concerns, CDC Says It Has No Plans To Amp Up Ebola Screenings At U.S. Airports

Despite Concerns, CDC Says It Has No Plans To Amp Up Ebola Screenings At U.S. Airports

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News of the first Ebola diagnosis made on U.S.

News of the first Ebola diagnosis made on U.S.

soil prompted many to question if officials should be doing more to prevent...

soil prompted many to question if officials should be doing more to prevent...

Questions surround Ebola patient’s first hospital visit

Questions surround Ebola patient’s first hospital visit

DALLAS – A team from the Centers for Disease

DALLAS – A team from the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention was in Dallas Wednesday investigating why a hospital...

Control and Prevention was in Dallas Wednesday investigating why a hospital...

Judge rules loss could be imposed on Calpers in Stockton bankruptcy

Judge rules loss could be imposed on Calpers in Stockton bankruptcy

By Robin Respaut SACRAMENTO Calif. (Reuters) –

By Robin Respaut SACRAMENTO Calif. (Reuters) –

The U.S. bankruptcy judge overseeing Stockton, California’s...

The U.S. bankruptcy judge overseeing Stockton, California’s...

Judge rules loss could be imposed on Calpers in Stockton bankruptcy

Liberia short on ambulances for Ebola patients

By Robin Respaut SACRAMENTO Calif. (Reuters) –

Residents of the village of Freeman Reserve, about

The U.S. bankruptcy judge overseeing Stockton, California’s...

30 miles north of Monrovia, Liberia, watch members of District 13 ambulance...

Liberia short on ambulances for Ebola patients

Liberia short on ambulances for Ebola patients

Residents of the village of Freeman Reserve, about

Residents of the village of Freeman Reserve, about

30 miles north of Monrovia, Liberia, watch members of District 13 ambulance...

30 miles north of Monrovia, Liberia, watch members of District 13 ambulance...

5-year-old boy’s skin ‘falls off’ after allergic reaction to medication

5-year-old boy’s skin ‘falls off’ after allergic reaction to medication

A 5-year-old British boy has made a full recovery

A 5-year-old British boy has made a full recovery

after suffering from a rare allergic reaction to the epilepsy drug Tegretol,...

after suffering from a rare allergic reaction to the epilepsy drug Tegretol,...

5-year-old boy’s skin ‘falls off’ after allergic reaction to medication

Ebola worries could keep some Dallas students home

A 5-year-old British boy has made a full recovery

DALLAS – Some nervous Dallas parents picked

after suffering from a rare allergic reaction to the up their children early from school Wednesday after PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!

epilepsy drug Tegretol,...

learning that five students...

5 Training Tips for First-Time 10K Runners

Teen Pregnancies, Abortions Plummet With Free Contraception

By Caitlin Carlson, Women’s Health Magazine

Though teen birth rates have dropped in the past

associate fitness editor The 10K-race distance is (unsurprisingly) one...

several decades, more than 750,000 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 still...

Why People Around The World Are Afraid Of Happiness

The Weight of M y World

This idea that happiness is not stable or

change his diet.” ― Margaret Mead I did a very courageous...

predictable may be the reason that East Asian cultures devalue happiness in favor...

“It is easier to change a man’s religion than to

M ichelle Obama Continues Fight Against Childhood Obesity Among Latinos

Stars help promote new Crotch Grab Challenge

Michelle Obama has been trying to get Americans to move for a while now. The First Lady has

stars who have been feeling nuts lately for a good cause. The U.K. charity group...

Hugh Jackman and Will Arnett are some of the

persistently tackled the issue...

#14Days on the Wagon Nearly 23 million Americans need treatment for a drug or alcohol problem, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services...

Hide and seek: Sterile neutrinos remain elusive [ | E-mail ] Contact: Karen McNulty 631-3448350DOE/Brookhaven National Laboratory@brookhavenlab Daya...

New approach can predict impact of climate change on species that can’t get out of the way

Spiders: Survival of the fittest group

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Amy

3039University of Vermont Nature paper provides 410-330-


[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joshua 802-656-

1389University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science@umces IMAGE: ...

New molecule fights oxidative stress; M ay lead to therapies for cancer and

M ontmorency tart cherry juice lowered blood uric acid levels and a marker for

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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 573-882-

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary 312-988-

3346University of Missouri-

2373Weber Shandwick Worldwide IMAGE:

Columbia@mizzounews IMAGE: ...


UM N research pinpoints microRNA tied to colon cancer tumor growth

Philips Electronics loses $467 million verdict in M asimo patent case

[ | E-mail ] Contact: Caroline

(Reuters) – A federal jury on Wednesday said 612-624-5680University of

Philips Electronics NA should pay $466.8 million to

Minnesota Academic Health Center@UMN_Health

Masimo Corp for having...


Foreign doctors, military guards: Bespoke care for North Korea’s Kims

Deal reached to help disabled people in disasters

By James Pearson SEOUL (Reuters) – In 1993,

NEW YORK (AP) — Advocates and city officials on

French neurosurgeon Francois-Xavier Roux received a phone...

Wednesday said they’ve struck a deal to protect nearly 900,000 residents...

GE to study shore in latest clean-up step for NY’s Hudson River

Free birth control cuts teen pregnancy, abortions

By Lewis Krauskopf (Reuters) – General Electric

Giving teens free birth control encourages them to

Co has agreed to conduct a study of shoreline contamination...

use long-acting methods and greatly cuts the chances they will become...

Ebola Patient Identified as Thomas Eric Duncan, Source Tells ABC News

The new form of infidelity

The patient who became the first person

typical affair: A mysterious, beautiful woman, a

diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, prompting a swift response from state...

discreet hotel room...

When we think of infidelity, most of us picture the

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