Health A-Z
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Interactive Tools
Key role for Fusobacterium adhesin in non-orthodontic periodontal inflammation By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter Researchers from China have found that patients with gingivitis and periodontitis...
4 Reasons You Should Totally Try a Fitness Fusion Class Maximize your time at the gym with a fitness fusion class. Here, four reasons you should try one, from Natalie Rado, a personal...
RECENT POSTS ORNL c ell-free protein synthesis is potential lifesaver NASA looks at deadly weather over the US Reptile fossils offer c lues about elevation history of Andes
Watch This Pregnant Woman Surfing Last year, Australian surfer Kristi Olivares was hitting the waves four days a week with her friends and documenting the...
Overhaul Your Beauty Routine with Small Changes For 7 Weeks
There’s no denying the desire to hit the refresh button during this time of year—especially if you live
Mysterious Syndrome Can Cause People to Bec ome
in a part...
Tales From the Emergenc y Room on New Year’s Eve
Gene-editing tec hnique heals mic e with musc ular dystrophy ‘Drunk’ Without Drinking Imprisoned Saudi blogger’s health deteriorating, wife
U.S. Issues Keystone XL Pipeline Environmental Review
State Dept. Delivers Unwelcome News For Keystone Opponents
i i hide captionPipefitters work on construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline’s southern portion outside Tulsa,...
The U.S. State Department made a muchanticipated announcement on the Keystone XL pipeline on Friday. Its report finds that...
Court bloc ks Utah governor from stopping Planned
Downington M an Indicted on Firearms, Fraud Charges
Federalsburg M an Sentenced to 40 Years in Prison for Producing Child Pornography
Istvan Merchenthaler, 43, of Downingtown, Pennsylvania, was charged yesterday by indictment with one count of possession...
BALTIMORE—United States District Judge J Frederick Motz sentenced Scott Zalewski, age 31, of Federalsburg, Maryland, today...
Family Celebrates What Could Be Child???s Last Holiday as She Battles Rare Brain Tumor Parenthood funds World’s first soft-robotic surgery on a human body World’s first soft-robotic surgery on a human body How To Stic k To Your New Years Resolution, Really This Time I Had to Give My Brother Permission to Die 20 Years Ago on New Year’s Eve 7 Reasons Why You Need to Create a Vision Board in 2016 New Year 2016: How Consumers Will Roc k Health Care Ac hieve Your New Year’s Resolutions by Asking Yourself This One Question
Santeria Follower Convicted on Federal Drug Charges
North Dakota Woman Charged with Theft
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First state raises smoking age to 21 Could helmet-free football prac tic e prevent c onc ussions?
BROWNSVILLE, TX—Francisco Javier Maya, 35, has been convicted of one count of conspiracy to
United States Attorney Brendan V Johnson announced that a Mandan, North Dakota woman
Transition metal c atalyst prompts ‘c onjunc tive’
possess and possession with...
has been indicted by a federal grand...
New genes born by ac c ident lead to evolutionary
Super Bowl Sunday Is Heart Attack Sunday
Breast Cancer Survivor Allison Gryphon: Don’t Call M e Brave
The Super Bowl and Heart Attacks It’s an annual
When novelist and filmmaker Allison Gryphon was
event. We all enjoy the pre-game hype, anticipate a round of fabulous...
diagnosed with breast cancer, friends kept telling her the same thing —...
Please, Carry Omm If you’re a high energy, quintuple A personality like
Go the Extra M ile: Run for Yourself, Run for a Cause
me, then perhaps you can relate to my years of frustration, futilely...
Running. You either love it or you hate it. You love feeling the wind on your face, the pounding of your
c ross-c oupling reac tion innovation The billion dollar game of strategy: The effec t of farmers’ dec isions on pest c ontrol Genetic ally c orrec ting a musc le disorder New tec hnique offers strong, flawless 3-D printed c eramic s A father’s diet affec ts the RNA of his sperm, mouse study shows Vestas Wind books highest order intake sinc e 2010
feet against the...
Anesthesiologists like blues, surgeons prefer top 40 hits Smokers more likely to get antibiotic s presc riptions than others How to do a ‘mental reset’ for 2016 2-year-old husky gets new set of prosthetic paws Creating safer polio vac c ine strains for the posteradic ation era Areas of inc reased poverty assoc iated with higher rates of
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn
Dartmouth scientists develop protocol to harvest mouse cell lines for melanoma research 630-7379700American Academy of Sleep Medicine Sub-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robin 603-653-
CRISPR treats genetic disorder in adult mammal
optimal sleep may...
9003The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Dartmouth...
Studies find new links between sleep duration and depression
Ebola transmission Gene-editing tec hnique suc c essfully stops progression of Duc henne musc ular dystrophy Painkillers often gateway to heroin for US teens: survey What Your Favorite Music Artists Say About Your Sex Life Men and Women in Long-Term Relationships Reveal How They Keep Their Sex Lives Hot The 4 Moves You Need in Order to Own the Weight
NASA catches Tropical Depression Kajiki over central Philippines
NASA’s Aqua satellite sees System 91S struggling
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard
Space Flight Center IMAGE: The AIRS instrument aboard...
Space Flight Center IMAGE: This false-colored infrared...
Dormant prostate cancer cells may be reawakened by factors produced in inflammatory cells
Down to EARTH: Interview with Department of the Interior Secretary, Sally Jewell
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cara 310-4237798Cedars-Sinai Medical Center LOS ANGELES (Jan. 31,...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Maureen 703-3792480American Geosciences Institute Alexandria, VA EARTH Magazine...
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Room in 2016 Exerc ise Habits of Ultra-Suc c essful People 7 Ways to Set Better Goals Daily Meditation: Set An Intention
HealthTap: Where Saving Lives is Just Another M arketing M essage…
The Cover of Time and The Reality of M indfulness
After receiving a generic, form email suggesting that I could become a “Founding Influencer” for a company called HealthTap,...
I finally got my hands on the latest edition of TIME Magazine–the one with the serene, skinny, white, blonde woman soaking...
M orning-after pill under review by Health Canada
M ore NHS trusts sliding into the red
Health Canada says if it decides action needs to
31 January 2014 Last updated at 13:08 ET By Branwen Jeffreys Health correspondent, BBC
be taken, it will work with manufacturers to update labels on emergency...
News Some trusts...
M odel can predict spine surgery complications
Inappropriate use of antibiotics in ERs remains high for adults
(HealthDay)—A new model can predict the risk of medical complications, including major
(HealthDay)—For patients presenting to the emergency department with acute respiratory tract
complications, after spine surgery,...
infections (ARTI), inappropriate...
Integrative medicine: New guidelines recommend statins for 30 million Americans
DNA of peanut-allergic kids changes with immune therapy, study finds
Breaking news: One quarter of Americans reading this article should be on a cholesterol-lowering
Treating a peanut allergy with oral immunotherapy changes the DNA of the patient’s immune cells, according to a new...
statin medicine per new...
See the Ball, Hit the Ball — See the Bottle, Don’t Hit the Bottle
Why ‘Fat Shaming’ Ourselves Doesn’t Lead to Weight Loss
“See the ball… hit the ball!” “Don’t over-think this!” “This is a simple game!” From...
If you were able to get inside my head and hear the nasty things I said to myself right after a binge, you’d have arrested...
The Power of Forgiveness — An Act of Restoring…
Do You Think I Know This Stuff?
<![CDATA[]]> Though not easy, letting go of past resentments, a process some call forgiveness, really works! Letting...
A Snow Day One day, I was reviewing with a high school student for a final exam in history. It was rough going; the material...
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Divorce rate cut in half for newlyweds who discussed five relationship movies
Potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
Discussing five movies about relationships over a
Researchers identify abnormal expression of
month could cut the three-year divorce rate for newlyweds in half, researchers...
genes, resulting from DNA relaxation, that can be detected in the brain and blood...
Docs detail healthy food choices for Super Bowl Sunday
Dutch cities wants cannabis cultivation decriminalised
(HealthDay)—Along with football, food is a major part of the Super Bowl Sunday experience—but it’s a good idea...
Dutch cities called Friday for the government to decriminalise cannabis cultivation and wholesale, which remain illegal despite...
State Health Dept. Defers Action on Troubled Agency
Fitness After 50: Tips for Starting Your Path to Healthy Aging
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
We don’t stop moving because we grow old, we grow old because we stop moving. Many people assume that they’re...
Yoga for Cold Hands and a Warm Heart
Fixing M y Wife When She’s Not Broken
by Holly Walck, devoted Iyengar yoga student and teacher My teacher, Patricia Walden, regularly
All Doug Zeigler wanted to do was fix what was upsetting his wife. When she finally got through to
advises us to “have...
him about what she needed…...
5 Things You Didn’t Know About P90X Creator Tony Horton
Is Vodka Why Russian M en Die So Young?
Legendary fitness personality Tony Horton, creator of P90X, has said before that he never tires of hearing from fans. Good...
Too much vodka could be to blame for Russia’s notoriously high death rate for young men, according to a new study. The...
How Sleep Can Heal Your Heart (VIDEO)
How Your Friend’s Stress Can Help You Defeat Your Own
We know that getting enough sleep is good for us — the people who sleep seven to eight hours are the ones least likely...
Tracking Asian air pollution aids policymakers
A stressful scenario may not seem as daunting if you go through it with someone who’s equally as stressed about it...
Early studies show microspheres may prevent bone infections after joint
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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jared 630-252-5549DOE/Argonne National Laboratory Recently, Beijing and the...
Teaching young wolves new tricks
Researchers identify 9 steps to save waterways
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Friederike 43-664602-576-252University of Veterinary Medicine...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert 713-5003030University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston IMAGE: ...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Heather 604-8223213University of British Columbia The key to clean waterways...
Quicker method paves the way for atomic-level design
S.Africa’s Bidvest ups Adcock stake to block rival $1.2 bln bid
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Johan 46-462223-870Lund University A new X-ray method will enable...
By Tiisetso Motsoeneng JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South Africa’s Bidvest said it had raised its stake in drugmaker...
Auto Draft
Prognostic analysis of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor with synchronous gastric cancer Many patients with gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and synchronous gastric cancer have been described, most...
Association of Promoter M ethylation Statuses of Congenital Heart Defect Candidate genes with Tetralogy of Fallot Although a lower methylation level of whole genome has been demonstrated in Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) patients, little is...
Decreased expression of key tumour suppressor microRNAs is associated with lymph node metastases in triple
Unexpected plateauing of childhood obesity rates in developed countries Surveys performed in the past 10 to 15Â years show a yet unexplained stabilization or decline in prevalence rates of childhood...
M indfulness Goes M ainstream
This week, the topic of mindfulness made the cover of Time Magazine! As a long time advocate for Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
negative breast cancer
mindfulness meditation,...
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy that develops in women, responsible for the highest cancer-associated death rates....
Best of Our Blogs: January 31, 2014 “Silence-whether called quietude, contemplation, meditation, or some other term-has been universally valued as an antidote...
Who Am I Now; A Post Diagnosis Discussion … because I’m just that lucky! Before my diagnosis, I was easily distracted. Now, I’m … easily distracted. Before...
‘I’m dying:’ Woman seeks $60K online for eating disorder care
NHS Winter: Weekly A&E tracker Week 12
Canadians with eating disorders can face such long wait times for publicly funded treatment spots that many patients depend...
Notes Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital is missing data for 8 January. This means that figures for the following categories...
CS celebrates Lunar New Year with the community
Sports drinks unnecessary, counterproductive for most people
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited the Caritas Harold H.W. Lee Care...
If you’re grabbing a sports drink to replenish your electrolytes after exercise, you could actually be working against...
Inactivity ‘pandemic’ in poor areas
Welsh drug testing can ‘save lives’
31 January 2014 Last updated at 04:24 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News A “pandemic”...
By Steve HoldenNewsbeat reporter in Cardiff Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. See how legal highs...
Sanofi sues Eli Lilly for patent infringement
Psychological well-being is important for physical health
French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi has said it is
In a comprehensive review published in the
suing US rival Eli Lilly in an American court for infringing four patents...
current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Carol Ryff described how major...
Faster X-ray technology paves the way for better catalysts
UT Austin engineers build first nonreciprocal acoustic circulator: A 1way sound device
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Thomas
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL! 49-408-998-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sandra
1666Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY Researchers observe... 512-4712129University of Texas at Austin IMAGE: A circulator...
UCSF team reveals how the brain recognizes speech sounds
Research shows wallabies lose on the pokies
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Peter
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 415-5026397University of California – San Francisco Shaping... 61-892-6444241Curtin University IMAGE: A tammar wallaby...
M olecular mechanisms associated with the strength of the anti-CM V response in nonagenarians
The utility of exome sequencing for genetic diagnosis in a familial microcephaly epilepsy syndrome
Infection with human cytomegalovirus (CMV) affects the function and composition of the immune system during ageing. In addition...
Despite remarkable advances in genetic testing, many adults with syndromic epilepsy remain without a molecular diagnosis....
Radioprotective effect of the Barbados Cherry (M alpighia glabra L.) against radiopharmaceutical Iodine-131 in Wistar rats in vivo
One M an Admits What Really Turns Him On
The increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables has contributed to the improvement of populational health, due in part,...
Evaluation of Swiss slaughterhouse data for integration in a syndromic surveillance system We evaluated Swiss slaughterhouse data for integration in a national syndromic surveillance system for the early detection...
Drinks giants forced to promote moderation or lose multi-million pound rights …
Last week’s cartoon, about what one woman decided she had to do to get a good night’s sleep, is here. All rights...
Half of maternity units are short of senior doctors, M Ps warn The committee said: “Although there have been substantial improvements in levels of consultant presence on labour wards...
Lazy Britain: we will soon use little more energy than if we stayed in bed
UK Active, a not-for-profit health health organisation, said Britain’s lifestyle has If the companies cannot demonstrate that they Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
have fulfilled the commitments they would automatically have to renegotiate...
deteriorated so badly that in less...
Scientists develop an engineered cardiac tissue model to study the human heart
NSA pursues quantum technology
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cody 301-6347104Federation of American Societies for
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 01-179-301032Institute of Physics In this month’s issue...
Experimental Biology New...
Simulating a population genomics data set using FlowSim
Research pinpoints neural circuitry that promotes stress-induced anxiety
The field of population genetics use the genetic composition of populations to study the effects of ecological and evolutionary...
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 18 percent of American adults suffer from anxiety disorders, characterized...
Football Concussions Poll Finds M any Americans Don’t Want Kids Playing
First report of management of pediatric trauma in England and Wales
Many Americans fear football concussions, a new poll suggests. Forty percent of Americans would rather have their children...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Alison 44-016127-58383University of Manchester Over 4,700...
Integration brings quantum computer a step closer
New study finds differences in concussion risk between football helmets
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hannah 44-117-331-8902University of Bristol An international research...
Secrets of potato blight evolution could help farmers fight back [ | E-mail ] Contact: Oxford University News Information 44018-652-80532University of...
New study finds no reason to replace fructose with glucose
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 540-231-4371Virginia Tech IMAGE: The ability of the Riddell Revolution...
Lemur lovers sync their scents [ | E-mail ] Contact: Robin Ann 919-668-4544Duke University The strength of a lemur couple’s bond...
Clostridium perfringens strains from bovine enterotoxemia cases are not
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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Geoff 416-864-6060 x6537St. Michael’s Hospital IMAGE: “Despite...
superior in in vitro production of alpha toxin, perfringolysin O and proteolytic enzymes Bovine enterotoxemia is a major cause of mortality in veal calves. Predominantly veal calves of beef cattle breeds are affected...
Signaling pathways in the development of infantile hemangioma Infantile hemangioma (IH), which is the most common tumor in infants, is a benign vascular neoplasm resulting from the abnormal...
Linguistic validation of the Alberta Context Tool and two measures of research use, for German residential long term care To study the association between organizational context and research utilization in German residential long term care (LTC),...
RNA profiling reveals familial aggregation of molecular subtypes in non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer families In more than 70 % of families with a strong history of breast and ovarian cancers, pathogenic mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2...
Tears for Tangy Tears for Tangy How many have i shed? surging rivers fed why?…he’s dead:( 1/30/14 Tears for Tangy The Amazing Feral Hero...
Area of ischemia assessed by physicians and software packages from myocardial perfusion scintigrams
FDA approves new M S treatment regimen developed at Wayne State University
The European Society of Cardiology recommends
Global research overseen by and conducted at the
that patients with 10% area of ischemia should receive revascularization. We...
Wayne State University School of Medicine will immediately change the treatment...
New genetic forms of neurodegeneration discovered
Video game teaches kids about stroke symptoms and calling 9-1-1
In a study published in the January 31, 2014 issue of Science, an international team led by scientists at the University...
Children improved their understanding of stroke symptoms and what to do if they witness a stroke after playing a 15-minute...
Up close and 3-D: HIV caught in the act inside the gut (w/ Video)
Responding to Critics, Gynecology Board Reverses Ban on Treating M ale
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The human intestinal tract, or gut, is best known for its role in digestion. But this collection of organs also plays a prominent...
Patients Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Brain Scans Help Predict Learning Problems
Study Finds Link Between Slow Reaction Time and Early Death
Brain scans may help identify children with learning difficulties much earlier by measuring their shortterm memory capacity,...
A new study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, has found that adults who have slow reaction times have a higher risk of...
Bulimics Four Times M ore Likely Than Others to Get Diabetes
Genital M utilation Affects a Fifth of Young Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa
The researchers’ results showed that people with diabetes were more likely to have depression, bulimia, binge-eating...
Almost one in five young girls in sub-Saharan Africa are still forced to endure female genital mutilation (FGM), according...
M ichael Grimm’s M entor Explains The Congressman’s State Of The Union M eltdown: "He Gets Very Little Sleep"
Hawaii to Cap Sizes of Sugary Drinks
Former Staten Island borough president Guy Molinari has come to the defense of Rep. Michael Grimm, insisting Grimm’s...
In New York City, we are patiently awaiting the court decision on whether or not a 16-ounce soda will become the default...
Are You Able to Choose What’s Good for You?
M ean Parent Confessions: M y Kids Eat What I Serve or They Don’t Eat at All
Why do we so often do things that we know are not good for us? Why do we choose a career we know is not going to make us...
First appeared on Food Riot, by Amanda Nelson What I’m about to say will remove me from the Hip Parent Club and place...
I am a Recovering Junk-Food Addict
Yoga may reduce fatigue after breast cancer
First appeared on Food Riot, by Susie Rodarme The first time I saw the episode of The Simpsons where Homer goes to the Land...
How Your Brain ‘Hears’ Speech
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Participating in yoga classes after treatment for breast cancer was linked to reduced fatigue...
What We Lose When We Bypass the
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THURSDAY Jan. 30, 2014, 2014 — New research into human understanding of language suggests that the brain comprehends...
Little M oments
Protein that culls damaged eggs identified, infertility reversed
Study shows independent association between diabetes and depression, impulse control disorders
()—A new discovery by Cornell researchers may lead to therapies that allow women who are made infertile by radiation or...
Stoptober 2012 encouraged an extra 350,000 attempts to quit smoking More than a third of a million people in England took part in Stoptober 2012, a national campaign to encourage people to...
During this past Christmas season, I ventured into Rockefeller Center to work on a project with my friend. I also wanted...
New research published today shows that depression and impulse control disorders (eating disorders in particular) are independently...
Large study confirms vodka as major cause of the extraordinarily high risk of early death in Russian men The high and sharply fluctuating death rates in Russia are due mainly to alcohol, particularly vodka, a new prospective study...
5 Ways to Build Your Daughter’s Confidence
Jennifer Lopez: ‘I Want A Bit Of Chaos In A Relationship’
Growing up, I had confidence issues. My daddy always told me I was beautiful. So, why didn’t I feel beautiful? Well,...
Jennifer Lopez may have one of the most sought after bodies in the industry, but the singer says she’s ready to hang up...
Software CEO On What ‘Lean In’ Got Wrong About Work-Life Balance
Dr. Strange Glove (Or How I Learned to Love Condoms and Stop Dropping Those Bombs)
When Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg encouraged women to fully realize their power in her bestselling book “Lean In,”...
I have always struggled with condoms. They remind me of something I hate, my HIV-positive status. My bad, you say? Nope....
5 Helpful Tips for Hanging Out With This Alcoholic
Simple hypomania checklist detects bipolar II disorder
For by Susan Linney Sober
By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter A 15-
karaoke? It’s shocking but true — I (far right) can do this now! (Photo...
item hypomania checklist has shown potential for differentiating bipolar...
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Psychiatrists urged to monitor metabolic changes in psychosis patients By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter Japanese psychiatrists are largely aware of the metabolic abnormalities...
Researchers Watch As Our Brains Turn Sounds Into Words i i Katherine Streeter for NPR To understand speech, the brain has to quickly recognize the sounds used...
Carl Ghattas Named Special Agent in Charge of the Counterterrorism Division at the Washington Field Office
Gregory D. Cox Named Special Agent in Charge of the Counterintelligence Division at the Washington Field Office
Director James B Comey has appointed Carl
Director James B Comey has appointed Gregory D
Ghattas special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Division at the Washington...
Cox special agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division at the Washington...
USDOJ: Justice Department Reaches Settlement to Resolve Claim of Citizenship Status Hiring Discrimination in Waterloo, Iowa
USDOJ: Federal Agencies Partner to Protect Veterans, Service M embers and Their Families Using Gi Bill Education Benefits
The Justice Department announced today that it has reached an agreement with the city of Waterloo, Iowa, resolving allegations...
The Departments of Veterans Affairs, Defense, Education and Justice, along with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau...
Refugee health-care cuts by Ottawa before the courts
Childhood depression may increase risk of heart disease by teen years
A federal court judge questioned Thursday whether
Children with depression are more likely to be
provincial governments have truly filled in the gap left by cutbacks to...
obese, smoke and be inactive, and can show the effects of heart disease as...
Researchers identify components in C. diff that may lead to better treatment
Nick Clegg warns that ‘illiberal’ car smoking ban WOULDN’T work
Rhode Island Hospital researchers have identified components in Clostridium difficile (C. diff) that may lead to new diagnostic...
Toxic smoke fumes in a car 11 times more concentrated than in open space Lords voted by 222 to 197 for the ban on smoking...
M edicare turns 30 and begins to show signs of ageing
Caught in the middle with multiple displacement amplification: the myth of pooling for avoiding multiple
Tomorrow marks an important Australian
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milestone: 30 years of Medicare and the guarantee of universal access to health care....
displacement amplification bias in a metagenome Shotgun metagenomics has become an important tool for investigating the ecology of microorganisms. Underlying these investigations...
Standard cigarette packaging one step closer after Lords approval
New study reveals how the brain recognizes speech sounds (w/ video)
Plans to introduce plain, standardised packaging for cigarettes have gained further momentum following overwhelming support...
UC San Francisco researchers are reporting a detailed account of how speech sounds are identified by the human brain, offering...
Does caregiving cause psychological stress? Study of female twins says it depends
Animal study reveals sex-specific patterns of recovery from newborn brain injury
When it comes to life’s stressors, most people would put caregiving at the top of the list. But according to Peter...
Physicians have long known that oxygen deprivation to the brain around the time of birth causes worse damage in boys than...
Study supports new safety rule for truck drivers
Changes in M odern M edicine: What Can We Expect?
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) today released the findings...
It is always interesting when established medical practices shift from standard to refuted, or even obsolete. As a women’s...
Return on Your Investments, for Life
6 Fertility M yths and M isconceptions Revealed
When you fall in love, at first it might feel like that relationship is the only thing that matters. If you stay in that...
These are many preconceived notions passed around about fertility. It’s normal to have questions, even if you aren’t...
The Great American Concussion
Four Wheat-free Crostini
Super Bowl mania is upon us. A din of media reports about the half-time extravaganza, Richard Sherman’s swagger, and...
Even though we’re through the holidays, we’re just starting a whole new season of eating: the Super Bowl, the...
The Weird Strategy Dr. Seuss Used to
Get a Real Physical: What Your Doctor
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Create His Greatest Work (And Why You Should Use It, Too) In 1960, two men made a bet. There was only $50 on the line, but millions of people would feel the impact of this little...
Zebra fish fins help Oregon researchers gain insight into bone regeneration [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim 541-3463481University of Oregon Bone regrowth in humans may be enhanced...
Should Be Checking It’s that time of year again, and you are trying to avoid it. A new year means time for another physical or annual...
NIST cell membrane model studied as future diagnostic tool [ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael E. 301-9753025National Institute of Standards and Technology...
Antipsychotic prescription for children and adolescents
Nearly everyone uses piezoelectrics — Be nice to know how they work
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Christian J. Bachmannchristian.bachmann@med.unimarburg.deDeutsches Aerzteblatt International Increasing...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Chad 301-975-4261National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) IMAGE: ...
Flying the not-so-friendly skies
New Haven Residential Treatment Center opens new residential home and school for young girls
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah 617-2538923Massachusetts Institute of Technology CAMBRIDGE, MA —...
Industry leader in family-based treatment for almost twenty years, New Haven Residential Treatment Center announced the opening...
2014 Safety & Health Expo to be held on 17-19 June, London
Overweight kindergarten kids may become obese teenagers
The largest UK national event reports 25 per cent growth in companies participating in the 2014 exhibition The UK’s...
By Sally Robertson, BSc The risk of children growing up into obese teenagers may be influenced by whether or not they were...
M issing breakfast increases risk of diabetes and obesity later in life
Welcome to the Age of the Fitness Snob
In 1981, researchers asked teenagers to record
Whether you work out a lot or not, you definitely
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their breakfast habits The same participants were asked to undergo a health...
know one: The weight-room warrior who accosts you mid-squat to correct...
Popular Testosterone Therapy M ay Raise Risk Of Heart Attack
Researchers find novel approach for controlling deadly C. difficile infections
i i hide captionSome men take testosterone hoping to boost energy and libido, or to build strength. But at what risk? ...
Researchers from the Alberta Glycomics Centre at the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta, in collaboration...
Acanthamoeba and bacteria produce antimicrobials to target their counterpart
Serum butyrylcholinesterase predicts survival following extracorporeal membrane oxygenation after cardiovascular surgery
In the microbial ecosystem, microbes compete for space and nutrients. Consequently, some have developed the ability to kill...
Biomechanical parameters of the cornea measured with the Ocular Response Analyzer in normal eyes
IntroductionRisk stratification in patients undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support following cardiovascular...
The Starling That Dared To Be Different Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen them. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve all seen them. i i wildxplore/Flickr Hundreds of...
To evaluate the relationships between Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) parameters corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal...
A randomized controlled trial comparing Circle of Security Intervention and treatment as usual as interventions to increase attachment security in infants of mentally ill mothers: Study Protocol
Neospora caninum infection during early pregnancy in cattle: how the isolate influences infection dynamics, clinical outcome and peripheral and local immune responses
Psychopathology in women after childbirth represents a significant risk factor for parenting
This work studies the influence of Neospora caninum intra-species diversity on abortion
and infant mental health. Regarding...
outcome, infection dynamics in terms...
Neuron-to-neuron wild-type Tau protein transfer through a trans-synaptic mechanism: Relevance to sporadic tauopathies
Calcineurin/NFAT signaling and innate host defence: a role for NOD1-mediated phagocytic functions The calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells
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In sporadic Tauopathies, neurofibrillary degeneration (NFD) is characterised by the intraneuronal aggregation of wild-type...
(NFATs) signaling pathway plays a central role in T cell mediated adaptive...
beta2-adrenergic agonists modulate TNF-alpha induced astrocytic inflammatory gene expression and brain inflammatory cell populations
M ed Shadow Interview Part 2: Treating Bipolar Disorder
The NF-kappaB signaling pathway orchestrates many of the intricate aspects of neuroinflammation. Astrocytic beta2-adrenergic...
M indful, Not M outhful Mindful-not-mouthful approach aims to automate mindfulness. Automate mindfulness? Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?!...
Depression: The absence of gratitude There was a time when I wanted a really big house. A two-story house with big bedrooms and
Please check out Suelain Moy’s excellent interview of Dr. Fink, “Treating Bipolar Disorder: A Q A with Dr. Candida Fink,...
You are Triumphing Over the Growing Pains I live in a neighborhood with lots of growing pains. Because of this, I now know it takes two full days (if they start early...
Does Vitamin E FUEL cancer in smokers? Supplements may speed growth of tumours
bathrooms with his and her’s...
Swedish researchers made their findings in mice but believe the results are relevant to humans University of Gothenburg researchers...
Why slow reactions could mean an early grave: Lacking alertness is ‘as dangerous as smoking’, claim experts
Have scientists found a way to cure peanut allergies in children?
People with slow reactions are 25% more likely to die in the next 15 years Slowing down of the brain could be a sign of more...
Children were initially exposed to just one 70th of a peanut The amount was gradually increased until some could tolerate...
Tuft of thick hair on three-year-old girl’s back reveals a hidden spinal condition
Newts help chemist and radiologists to locate source of pain
The Taiwanese girl was diagnosed with a form of spina bifida The only external sign of her condition was the hairy patch...
( —The California newts on the Stanford campus may be limited in physical range to the area around a small now-dry...
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Asteroid Belt M ay Be Just One Big M elting Pot Of Space Rocks hide captionAn artist’s concept of a narrow asteroid belt orbiting a star similar to our own sun. NASA/JPL-Caltech The...
HK bans import of poultry products from parts of Korea Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene
HKSAR Government responds to statement by Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to a statement delivered by the spokesperson of the Department of Foreign Affairs of...
Cluster of M ulti-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii cases in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Department announced today...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson for Pamela Youde...
Public warned against consuming prepacked candied winter melon containing sulphur dioxide
Study: Neuroscientists use lightwaves to improve brain tumor surgery
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department continues to...
Scientists shine spotlight on Herdwicks’ origins [ | E-mail ] Contact: David 44-019-04322153University of York A new study highlights surprising...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dwight 313-850-3471Henry Ford Health System DETROIT First-of-its-kind...
UM researchers find existence of large, deep magma chamber below Kilauea volcano [ | E-mail ] Contact: Diana 305-4214704University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine Atmospheric...
Rewards facilitate human cooperation under natural selection
Photon recoil provides new insight into matter
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Tatsuya 43-142-7750774University of Vienna Evolution of cooperation...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Piet O. 49-053-15924700Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) QUEST...
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Indonesia to face opportunity, risk as population grows by a third
Study finds most kids’ obesity risk determined at early age
By Kanupriya Kapoor JAKARTA (Reuters) – Family planning efforts have stagnated in Indonesia over a decade of democratic...
Those efforts to fight obesity in schools? Think younger. A new study finds that much of a child’s “weight fate”...
M ake This Guacamole For Your Super Bowl Party!
Wilted Kale With Horseradish Yogurt Sauce
It’s no secret that avocados are one of my favorite foods; and guacamole is my go-to snack. Pair it with flax chips or...
Deep winter is the perfect time to eat gently cooked green salads. The warm greens are easier for your body to digest and...
Overfed But Undernourished? 9 Signs You’re Nutrient Deficient
Researcher to study how to address shortage of mental health services in Vietnam
As a nutritionist, I know one thing’s for sure: the road to chronic disease often begins on our plate! While many people...
A Simon Fraser University researcher is going to Vietnam to study how to address the shortage of accessible and adequate...
USDOJ: Department of Defense Procurement Official Sentenced for His Role in Contract Bribery Scheme
Statistical optimization of fibrinolytic enzyme production by Pseudoalteromonas sp. IND11 using cow dung substrate by response surface methodology
A Utah man was sentenced to serve 24 months in prison for his role in a bribery and fraud scheme involving federal procurement...
A novel polyclonal antibody-based sandwich ELISA for detection of Plasmodium vivax developed from two lactate dehydrogenase protein segments Immunoassays for Plasmodium detection are, presently, most frequently based on monoclonal antibodies (MAbs); Polyclonal antibodies...
Fibrinolytic enzymes are agents that dissolve fibrin clots. These fibrinolytic agents have potential use to treat cardiovascular...
Bordetella pertussis in sporadic and outbreak settings in Alberta, Canada, July 2004 ProvLab Alberta provides all laboratory testing for Bordetella pertussis including sporadic cases and outbreak investigations...
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Auctions of traditional vehicle registration marks to be held on February 15 and February 16 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department today (January 30) announced that two auctions of traditional vehicle...
Neanderthals gave us disease genes 29 January 2014 Last updated at 13:46 ET By Paul Rincon Science editor, BBC News website Gene types that...
Sponge bacteria, a chemical factory [ | E-mail ] Contact: Joern 41-446330-755ETH Zurich Talented producers from stony sponge Sponges are...
Lister and the unknown operation 29 January 2014 Last updated at 03:19 ET By Beth Rose BBC News New research found Joseph Lister (far...
Study: Oropharyngeal cancer on the rise in young adults [ | E-mail ] Contact: Krista 313-874-7207Henry Ford Health System VIDEO: This video features...
M an Pleads Guilty to Transporting 16Year-Old Girl from California to Nevada to Work as a Prostitute LAS VEGAS—A northern California man pleaded guilty today to transporting a minor female from San Jose, California to Las...
M ember of 10th Street Gang Sentenced on RICO Conspiracy Charge
Uterine leiomyoma: understanding the impact of symptoms on womens’ lives
BUFFALO, NY—United States Attorney William J Hochul, Jr announced today that Melvin Medina, 29, of Buffalo, New York, who...
Most women report negative experience about the symptoms of uterine leiomyoma (UL) in their lives, such as abnormal uterine...
Emanuel Lebron Garcia and Edwin Colon Lamb Arrested for Carjacking
GET.ON M ood Enhancer: efficacy of Internet-based guided self-help compared to psychoeducation for depression: an investigator-blinded randomised controlled trial
Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Carlos Cases of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) San Juan Division announced the...
Major depressive disorder (MDD) imposes a considerable disease burden on individuals and societies. A large number of randomised...
Smartphone apps for diabetes: Do they really work?
ASA issues top five ‘Choosing wisely’ recommendations
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(HealthDay)—Managing diabetes requires a great deal of time, memory and math skills. There are carbohydrates to count,...
(HealthDay)—The top five anesthesiology-related pain medicine issues that physicians and patients should question have...
Photochemical imprinting of neuronal activity: A flash memory for spikes
Antioxidants speed lung cancer growth in mice, study finds
()—Animals experiments primarily serve two main functions. They give us insight into how biological systems might work,...
People who smoke or have lung cancer should think twice about taking vitamin supplements, according to a Swedish study Wednesday...
Brazil Cuts Smoking by Half in Two Decades
What does RIBA’s report into health in cities tell us?
RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan 27 (BERNAMA-NNNXINHUA) — The number of smokers in Brazil has shrunk by nearly half in almost two...
What did the report find? :: There is a clear link between land use and public health in cities :: It is the quality, not...
Infection control practices not adequately implemented at many hospital ICUs: study
A digital test for toxic genes
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Liz 202-454-2604Elsevier Health Sciences Washington, DC, January 29, 2014 ...
Study examines effects of corporate downsizing on managerial diversity [ | E-mail ] Contact: Daniel 202-5277885American Sociological Association WASHINGTON, DC, January...
Having a baby after fertility issues improves couples chances of staying together [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dawn 781-3888408Wiley New reseach reveals that women who have a child...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: George 212-742-9070American Friends of Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University...
New data contradict current recommendations for management of breast biopsy abnormalities [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeremy 215-4467109American Association for Cancer Research PHILADELPHIA...
What does RIBA’s report into health in cities tell us? What did the report find? :: There is a clear link between land use and public health in cities :: It is the quality, not...
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A digital test for toxic genes [ | E-mail ] Contact: George 212-742-9070American Friends of Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University...
Researchers identify new subgroup of patients suffering from schizophrenia with motor disorders Researchers led by Marta Barrachina, Institute of Neuropathology of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)...
Estimated and forecasted trends in domain specific time-use and energy expenditure among adults in Russia Examination of historical trends and projections in estimated energy expenditure in Russia is important given the country’s...
CHP notified of five additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in M ainland Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH)
Research shows how emotional similarity reduces stress Does giving a speech in public stress you out? Or writing a big presentation for your boss? What about skydiving? One way...
How can we avoid future ‘epidemics’ of heat deaths? Heatwaves are returning to southern parts of Australia. Temperatures in Hobart reached 38.7C on Monday, Adelaide has another...
In a maternity shared-care environment, what do we know about the paper hand-held and electronic health record: a systematic literature review The paper hand-held record (PHR) has been widely used as a tool to facilitate communication between health care providers...
How robust are the natural history parameters used in chlamydia transmission dynamic models? A systematic review Transmission dynamic models linked to economic
received notification yesterday...
analyses often form part of the decision making process when introducing new...
Proposed retrofitting of noise barriers on Tuen M un Road gazetted
What Lies Beneath Our Desire To Lose Weight
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government published a notice in the Gazette today (January 30) on the proposed retrofitting...
Years ago I was intent on losing weight. It was my goal for a long time (essentially a decade). Today, I realize that’s...
Why city life may be bad for you
Researchers discover treatment for
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29 January 2014 Last updated at 21:13 ET Article written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More from Nick People...
rare blood cancer
One in three Americans has used tanning beds, upping skin cancer risk
New ‘bioengineered skin’ gets closer to the real thing
(HealthDay)—More than a third of all Americans— and nearly six out of 10 U.S. university students— have used indoor...
(HealthDay)—People who need skin grafts because of burns or other injuries might someday get lab-grown, bioengineered skin...
Testosterone therapy might increase heart attack risk
What Oprah Winfrey Can Teach Us About Living Well
(HealthDay)—Testosterone therapy—widely advertised as a way to help men improve a low sex drive and reclaim diminished...
In her lifetime, Oprah Winfrey has created a media empire and made a difference in the lives of others by joining us through...
AAP’s New Dental Trauma Guidelines Help Parents And Physicians Before Dentists Step In
Do You Do It in the Rain?
(Reuters Health) – Kids with serious tooth injuries are often taken to emergency rooms or primary care doctors first,...
University of British Columbia researchers have discovered a potential new treatment for a rare blood cancer that may also...
It was a cold, January morning, and I was just finishing up a three-mile run. I was soaked to the bone. It had been raining...
How Fertility Rates Can Bounce Back (STUDY)
Better sweet corn research, better production
By: By Stephanie Pappas, Senior Writer Published: 01/28/2014 07:02 PM EST on LiveScience Almost the world over, women are...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Martin 217-2445476University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer...
Study finds nutritional value for coproducts from the human food industry in pig feed
Real glass that bends but doesn’t break
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hans 217-333-0013University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katherine Gombaykatherine.gombay@mcgill.caMcGill University Natural forms inspire McGill researchers...
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Lung and bladder cancers have common cell-cycle biomarkers [ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth Sundemgarth.sundem@ucdenver.eduUniversity of Colorado Denver IMAGE: Theodorescu and Dancik...
Don’t forget the customers after mergers [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 713348-6775Rice University HOUSTON (Jan. 29, 2014) Merging companies that...
Hudson County M an Sentenced to M ore Than Eight Years in Prison for Sexually Abusing Sleeping Woman on Domestic Flight NEWARK—Hudson County, NJ ., man was sentenced today to 97 months in prison for sexually abusing a sleeping woman aboard...
UF researchers develop blood test for devastating disease of boas and pythons [ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah 352-294-4242University of Florida IMAGE: Dr. Elliott Jacobson is shown...
U.S. Attorney Joseph Hogsett Announces Charges Against Indianapolis M an for Health Care Fraud INDIANAPOLIS—Joseph H Hogsett, the United States Attorney, announced today that Ronald Reed, age 46, has been charged with...
Virginia M an Pleads Guilty to Home Invasion CHARLESTON, WV—United States Attorney Booth Goodwin announced today that Robert L Barcliff, 29, of Wytheville, Virginia,...
FBI Releases Additional Photos in Armored Truck Robbery in M iami
M an Pleads Guilty to Child Exploitation Charge
The FBI announces a reward of up to $2,500 for information provided to the FBI leading to the identification and arrest of...
CONCORD, NH—Eric Morrison, 22, pled guilty in United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire to one count...
Red Brain, Green Brain
Peanut allergy in children reduced in experiment
I’ve written before about the anxious brain and what a difficult way it can be to experience life, constantly scanning...
Some children with peanut allergies who were given small doses of peanut product were able to build up their tolerance and...
Obesity Takes Hold Early in Life, Study Finds
Sandy, A Bowlegged Dog, Gets The LifeChanging Surgery He Needed
Log in to manage your products and services from
Who could turn away this lovable pooch? Sandy, a
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The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
severely bowlegged pup nicknamed “the wonky dog” by British...
Girl Scouts Introduce Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookie
Extra Hours in the Week! Atlanta’s Snow Slam 2014
Gluten-averse folks, rejoice! You will no longer need to stare, drooling and full of futile longing, at those tantalizing...
My city — the city of Atlanta — shut down yesterday. I love it when that happens. I admit that its no picnic...
The Time Is Now to Bring the Fight to Dementia
Are You Too Close for Sex?
My great-aunt Edna joined us for Christmas this year. She’s 96 years old. She was lucid at the
“This may sound strange, but at times I wish my partner were less available. More of a jerk, even. Not so willing to...
dinner table, but on...
Risk factors for obesity develop in early childhood, study shows
Obesity "fate" may be set by age 5, study suggests
January 29, 2014, 2:01 PM|More than one-third of U.S. children are overweight or obese. According to a new study, signs of...
Those efforts to fight obesity in schools? Think younger. A new study finds that much of a child’s “weight fate”...
U.S. facing concerning shortage of IV fluids
Susceptible loci identified for bipolar I disorder in Taiwanese
A nationwide shortage of intravenous (IV) solutions is concerning many health professionals. IV solutions, specifically sodium...
By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter Researchers have identified three genetic loci that may be linked to bipolar I...
Impaired cognitive insight linked to delusions in psychosis risk
A M ilk M ystery: Did Gloomy Weather M ake Us Love The Stuff?
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter High levels of self-certainty, one aspect of cognitive insight, are associated...
i i hide captionA new study on lactose tolerance among early farmers in Spain challenges a leading theory that humans...
Neanderthal Genes Live On In Our Hair And Skin
Adult Obesity M ay Have Origins Way Back In Kindergarten
hide captionLove your hair. Artists’ depictions of a hide captionPlaying outside can help kids — and Neanderthal man and woman at the Neanderthal their parents — maintain a healthy weight. Museum in Mettmann,... iStockphoto A lot of... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
El Paso County M an Pleads Guilty to the Sexual Exploitation of Children
Two Ohio Residents Convicted for Drug Trafficking in Harrison County
DENVER—Kenneth Wayne Hugo, age 37, of El Paso County, Colorado, pled guilty before United States District Court Judge Robert...
CLARKSBURG, WV—Two Chillicothe, Ohio men entered pleas of guilty before Judge Irene M Keeley for conspiring to sell drugs...
USDOJ: Convicted Sex Trafficker Sentenced to M ore Than 30 Years in Prison
USDOJ: Kentucky Hospital Agrees to Pay Government $16.5 M illion to Settle Allegations of Unnecessary Cardiac Procedures
United States District Court Judge Susan C. Bucklew sentenced Andrew Blane Fields, 62, of Lutz, Fla ., to serve 33 years...
USDOJ: Justice Department Sues to Stop Florida Tax Return Preparer from Preparing Federal Tax Returns for Others The United States has asked a federal court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla ., to per manently bar Keisha Stewart and her co mpany,...
Saint Joseph Health System Inc. has agreed to pay $16.5 million to resolve allegations that Saint Joseph Hospital violated...
Prostate cancer signal reawakens ‘sleeper agent’ cells in bones Dormant prostate cancer cells in bone tissue can be reawakened to cause secondary tumours, according to new research published...
5 Things You’re Probably Doing Wrong In The Shower
Organic Shmorganic? A Look At Organic Vs. Conventional Produce For Kids
Taking a shower seems pretty straightforward, no? You turn on the water, step into the stall, wash your body, rinse off the...
When my son was a baby, organic was a synonym for edible. If the apples I found at the grocery store weren’t certified,...
West Virginia Official Says He ‘Can Guarantee’ Some People Inhaling Formaldehyde After Chemical Spill
These Cringeworthy Restaurant Truths Will M ake You Think Twice About Dinner
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A state official said Wednesday that he “can guarantee” some West Virginians are breathing...
For peace of mind, we may prefer to imagine restaurants as sanitized bastions of total cleanliness. Their spotless surfaces...
Simple new technique may be stem cell game changer
‘The Fault In Our Stars’ Trailer: Shailene Woodley Is Thankful For Our Little
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NEW YORK — Scientists are reporting a stem cell breakthrough using a simple lab technique that may create reprogrammed...
‘Rogue’ asteroids may be the norm
Research finds elevated levels of DDT metabolite in patients with Alzheimer’s
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah 617-2538923Massachusetts Institute of Technology CAMBRIDGE, MA —...
When populations collide [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim 301-215-8858Howard Hughes Medical Institute The genomic landscape of Neanderthal...
The first trailer for Josh Boone’s upcoming adaptation of John Green’s “The Fault in Our Stars” has...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Remekca 214648-3404UT Southwestern Medical Center IMAGE: ...
State highlights: N.Y. mayors, governor press federal gov’t on M edicaid waiver, state gov’t for more aid; Dallas hospitals get biggest state fines; S.C. hospital M edicaid data posted A selection of health policy stories from New York, Texas, South Carolina, Virginia, Kansas, Florida, Rhode Island and Georgia. The...
NIBIB-funded researchers develop microscopic technique to improve M ohs surgery
FARA funds gene therapy-based research project to tackle Friedreich’s ataxia
A common surgery for non-melanoma skin cancer, known as Mohs surgery typically achieves excellent results but can be a long...
The project is the result of an initiative of Spanish people affected by this rare disease. FARA, one of the main patients’...
Douglas J. M athisen receives Distinguished Service Award from Society of Thoracic Surgeons
M ultiple sclerosis may be triggered by FOOD
Douglas J. Mathisen, MD was awarded a Distinguished Service Award by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons on Monday evening at...
Labelling obesity a disease ‘is an excuse not to diet’
Microbiologists from the Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City, built on previous research that suggested epsilon...
Leeds is UK’s top sport hotspot: Survey shows city has the most fitness fanatics
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By Fiona Macrae PUBLISHED: 19:25 EST, 28 January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:25 EST, 28 January 2014 US researchers...
Yorkshire city buys more sports and health gadgets per head of population There appears to be a link between buying equipment...
Ryan Griffiths, 31, drops from 22st to 15st after seeing a ‘shocking’ photo of himself
Elephant movement closely tracks precipitation-driven vegetation dynamics in a Kenyan forest-savanna landscape
Ryan Griffiths, 31, weighed 22st and lived off a diet of fast food Was diagnosed with diabetes aged 30 but still piled on...
Special traffic and transport arrangements for the 2014 International Chinese New Year Night Parade
This study investigates the ranging behavior of elephants in relation to precipitation-driven dynamics of vegetation. Movement...
A faster way to flag bacteria-tainted food — and prevent illness
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (January 29) reminded the public that special traffic and transport...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-8726042American Chemical Society The regular appearance...
Rise in wildfires may significantly degrade air quality, health in the future
Altruistic acts more common in states with high well-being
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael 202-8726042American Chemical Society As the American West, parched...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anna 202293-9300Association for Psychological Science People...
Poetry or prose? Russian literary dispute ends in stabbing death
Wary of Obamacare, some Republicans sign up anyway
MOSCOW (Reuters) – The lesson from a stabbing death in Russia: Alcohol and literature can be a lethal mix. A former...
By Sharon Bernstein SACRAMENTO, California (Reuters) – Julie Davis has every reason to be skeptical of Obamacare:...
Bacterial toxin may trigger multiple sclerosis, research finds
Simple breath test may help diagnose lung cancer, study finds
Multiple sclerosis (MS), a central nervous system disease that often leads to paralysis and vision problems, affects approximately...
An easy breath test may be able to indicate if a person has early-stage lung cancer, HealthDay News reported. In a new study,...
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WellPoint says it prices exchange products right
Woman gets pregnant thanks to chicken egg yolk
(Reuters) – WellPoint Inc said on Wednesday that based on the enrollment it had received so far, it has priced its...
After multiple miscarriages and spending more than $50,000 on in vitro fertilization (IVF), British couple Mark and Suzanne...
Smartphone Apps for Diabetes: Do They Really Work?
Dancer is diagnosed with rare and incurable disease after being stung by WASP
WEDNESDAY Jan. 29, 2014, 2014 — Managing diabetes requires a great deal of time, memory and math skills. There are...
‘I lost 7st and cured my diabetes’: Father, 31, drops from 22st to 15st after seeing a ‘shocking’ photo of himself on a night out Ryan Griffiths, 31, weighed 22st and lived off a diet of fast food Was diagnosed with diabetes aged 30 but still piled on...
On The Plains, The Rush For Oil Has Changed Everything Credit: Annie Flanagan for NPR. This chain store in North Dakota sells basic needs like boots and clothes for workers. A...
Opening remarks by CE at media session on M anila hostage-taking incident Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following are the opening remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, at a media session at the...
Public warned against consuming prepacked candied water chestnuts
Clare Fray, 44, has alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency which means her body is deficient in a protein that protects the lungs...
The UK’s fittest city? LEEDS: Survey reveals who spends the most on health gadgets Yorkshire city buys more sports and health gadgets per head of population There appears to be a link between buying equipment...
SED meets student awardees of IJSO Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Education, Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, today (January 29) met and congratulated a team...
Review of risk factors for human echinococcosis prevalence on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China: a prospective for control options ObjectiveEchinococcosis is a major parasitic zoonosis of public health importance in western China. In 2004, the Chinese...
Transcript of remarks by CE and S for S at media session
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containing sulphur dioxide Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Subsequent to a recently completed seasonal food surveillance project to assess the safety of Lunar...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, and the Secretary...
Lighting up in uniform: Study looks at what makes soldiers reach for a pack of cigarettes or not
NPS M edicineWise urges health professionals to take the pledge to fight antibiotic resistance
Is it possible to predict which soldier will start smoking and which one will maybe quit? Yes, says Christopher B. Harte...
NPS MedicineWise is urging all health professionals to take the pledge to fight antibiotic resistance after new research...
Adolescents who eat poor breakfasts display higher incidence of metabolic syndrome 27 years later
Griffith University and Gold Coast Health program aims to help teens better manage diabetes
It is often said that breakfast is important for our health and a study conducted by Umeå University in Sweden, published...
A Griffith University and Gold Coast Health program to help teenagers with diabetes better manage their condition has seen...
Researchers identify chemical substance to treat bacterial infections
Dying for a drink? Regular alcohol raises the risk of skin cancer by 55 per cent, claims study
Increasing numbers of bacteria are developing antibiotic resistance. This forms a significant challenge in the battle against...
Tuen M un Hospital response to media enquiries on confirmed human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: In response to media enquiries on...
SFH on confirmed human case of avian influenza A (H7N9)
Compound in drink can lead to greater chance of tumours Other factors include less care taken when drinking in sunshine Brits...
Customs achieves law enforcement and trade facilitation with professionalism Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Mr Clement Cheung, said today (January 29) at the 2013...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
Retail shop raided for illegal sale of slimming product with banned drug ingredient
remarks made by the Secretary for Food and
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A retail shop in Causeway
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Health, Dr Ko Wing-man,...
Bay was raided today (January 29) in a joint operation by the Department...
Government not to re-submit funding application for RTHK’s New Broadcasting House
Saudi Aramco, Johns Hopkins M edicine partner to strengthen health care services in Saudi Arabia
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB) said today
Joint venture to build a sustainable health care center of excellence and strengthen health care
(January 29) that the Administration...
services in the Kingdom...
M arine traffic control and safety measures to be followed at 2014 Lunar New Year Fireworks Display
Temporary traffic and transport arrangements in Causeway Bay
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – With regard to the 2014 Lunar New Year Fireworks Display to be held on
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (January 29) reminded the public that temporary traffic and...
February 1, the Marine Department...
Confirmed human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) in Hong Kong under CHP investigation Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH)
Residential mortgage survey results for December 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...
is today (January 29) investigating...
Special traffic and transport arrangements in So Kon Po and Causeway Bay on January 31 and February 3
4 Canadian Olympians share their favourite snacks
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) today (January 29) reminded the public that
and recover, it can be hard...
With an array of sports performance products on the market designed to help you refuel, recharge
special traffic and transport...
Low BM I tied to better surgical scoliosis curve correction
BM I thresholds predict metabolic syndrome in teens
(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing spinal
(HealthDay)—The U.S. Centers for Disease
fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), low body mass index (BMI)...
Control and Prevention and FITNESSGRAM (FGram) body mass index (BMI) thresholds...
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New M ERS death raises Saudi toll to 59 Saudi health authorities announced Wednesday a new MERS death, bringing to 59 the number of people who have died from the...
Study shows aortic valve replacement have improved with availability of TAVR technology The introduction of minimally invasive transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) for treatment of aortic stenos not only...
Conflicting news about health benefits of certain foods result in confusion against nutrition Exposure to conflicting news about the health
Scientists developed monoclonal antibodies that may lead to new, innovative treatments for cancer patients
benefits of certain foods, vitamins and supplements often results in confusion...
Using monoclonal antibodies to fight cancer is a
On The Plains, An Oil Boom Is Transforming Nearly Everything
Ancient Plague’s DNA Revived From A 1,500-Year-Old Tooth
Credit: Annie Flanagan for NPR. This chain store in
i i hide captionGraduate student Jennifer Klunk of
North Dakota sells basic needs like boots and clothes for workers. A...
McMaster University examines a tooth used to decode the genome...
The cost of a primary care-based childhood obesity prevention intervention
Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ views on a specialist smoking cessation service delivered in a United Kingdom hospital: a qualitative study
United States pediatric guidelines recommend that childhood obesity counseling be conducted in the primary care setting....
complex, yet promising area of study. At Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer...
Hospital admission provides a powerful opportunity to promote smoking cessation. We explored patients’and healthcare...
The potential impact of expanding target age groups for polio immunization campaigns Global efforts to eradicate wild polioviruses (WPVs) continue to face challenges due to uninterrupted endemic WPV transmission...
Noninvasive continuous versus intermittent arterial pressure monitoring: evaluation of the vascular unloading technique (CNAP device) in the emergency department Monitoring cardiovascular function in acutely ill patients in the emergency department (ED) is of paramount importance. Arterial...
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EM SD releases lift and escalator contractors’ latest performance ratings and maintenance cost of government lifts
CDC survey: One in four American families struggles with health care bills, lack of insurance adds to medical debt burden
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today
The survey, released by the National Center for Health Statistics, also found that one in 10
(January 29) announced the results...
families face medical costs...
Patients perceive voice changes after rhinoplasty, says study
Evaluation of the Di(2ethylhexyl)phthalate released from polyvinyl chloride medical devices that contact blood
Patients who have undergone plastic surgery to change the appearance of their nose may also notice changes in the sound of...
Extraction methods that simulate those used in the clinic are recommended for obtaining extraction solutions. For polyvinyl...
Waiting time reporting extended to Paediatric Service
RNF14 is a regulator of mitochondrial and immune function in muscle
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hospital
Muscle development and remodelling, mitochondrial physiology and inflammation are
Authority (HA) will further...
thought to be inter-related and to have...
HAB regrets voting down of proposed reprovisioning of Shanghai Street refuse collection point and street sleepers’ services units by LegCo’s PWSC
Gene expression-based comparison of the human secretory neuroepithelia of the brain choroid plexus and the ocular ciliary body: potential implications for glaucoma
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Home Affairs Bureau
The neuroepithelia of the choroid plexus (CP) in the
(HAB) expressed deep regret over the voting down of its proposal to reprovision...
brain and the ciliary body (CB) of the eye have common embryological...
60 M inutes Story M oves Nation
5 Signs A Loved One M ight Need Psychiatric Intervention…
Family mental illness is a top trending issue thanks to Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds’ speaking up on 60 minutes. The...
What are the signs of psychiatric need? How can you ever tell if someone is in need of help? Is it by the way that they look,...
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What Will Be Your Legacy, What M arque Will YOU… In drawing today’s Mental Health Humor cartoon, I have one movie to really thank, this movie is titled
First Edition: January 28, 2014 Today’s headlines include the findings of a new poll, which sets the scene for tonight’s State of the Union...
CD80+ and CD86+ B cells as biomarkers and possible therapeutic targets in HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis and multiple sclerosis
USDOJ: Cyber Criminal Pleads Guilty to Developing and Distributing Notorious Spyeye M alware
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1) is the causative agent of the incapacitating,
has pleaded guilty to...
Aleksandr Andreevich Panin, a Russian national also known as “Gribodemon” and “Harderman,”
neuroinflammatory disease HTLV-1-associated...
"Cool M et Stuff" for warm Lunar New Year
6 Ways Remaining Silent Creates Pain and Despair
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Do you know how warm or how cold Lunar New Year’s Day might be? While
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. Rudyard Kipling spoke these famous
an unseasonably warm...
words to the Royal College...
M ultiple sclerosis link to food bug
Agent Orange linked to skin cancer risk
28 January 2014 Last updated at 20:45 ET Some strains of clostridium secrete toxins A food
Vietnam War veterans with prior exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange may be at higher risk for
poisoning bacterium may be implicated...
certain types of skin cancer,...
Over-90s ambulance trips ‘up 81%’
Voice may change after rhinoplasty
28 January 2014 Last updated at 21:49 ET By Nick
Patients who have undergone plastic surgery to
Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News More than 300,000...
change the appearance of their nose may also notice changes in the sound of...
FDA panel considers first pill for ragweed allergy
Feelings of Guilt M ay Be Eased by Telling the Whole Truth
(HealthDay)—There may be good news coming in
People feel worse when they tell only part of the
the form of a pill for the millions of Americans who suffer from ragweed allergy. On...
truth about a transgression compared to people who come completely clean,...
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Toxin From Common Foodborne Bacteria Linked With M ultiple Sclerosis
CrossFit: Too M uch of a Good Thing Is Definitely Bad
A toxin produced by a common foodborne bacteria
I’m a strong advocate for daily cardiovascular-
could play a role in multiple sclerosis, a new study suggests. Researchers...
based physical education in our schools, along with regular exercise...
What’s Really In A Protein Bar?
Welcome to the World Letter — Wisdom From Your Dad
Protein is the hot ingredient of the moment in processed foods, joining the terms organic and low-fat as a major selling...
My wife and I decided to write a letter to our unborn
How Sleeping Apart Could Keep Your M arriage Together
Bye bye baldness? Researchers regrow hair using skin cells
Sleeping in separate beds is thought to be a sign
Could the cure for baldness be found within our
of marital trouble. But for many couples, that’s just not the case. A...
own skin? For the first time, researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine...
‘Natural’ engineering offers solution against future flooding
23andM e helps identify 11 new genetic associations for asthma-with-hay fever
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Louella 44-019-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kendra 415-658-
120-85108Newcastle University Back-to-nature...
976523andMe Inc. First ever genome-wide association...
Protein modifies thyroid hormone levels according to body temperature
Challenge: How Do You Add M ental Health into Retail…
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Professor Robin
One of the offshoots of our odd healthcare system 44-122-3312970University of Cambridge The thyroid
in the United States is the development of quick healthcare clinics, usually...
daughter welcoming her into the world. One of the goals of this letter...
Whole-body ‘snapshot’ could reduce need for myeloma biopsies
Number of nurses who smoke is down, report says
A specialised scan that takes a whole-body ‘snapshot’ could offer a less invasive way to
(HealthDay)—The number of registered nurses in the United States who smoke fell by more than a
monitor patients with the bone...
third between 2003 and 2011,...
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Finding points to possible new Parkinson’s therapy
Doctors say too few cancer patients enroll in studies
A new study shows that, when properly
One of every 10 clinical trials for adults with cancer
manipulated, a population of support cells found in
ends prematurely because researchers can’t get
the brain called astrocytes could...
enough people...
Research into ‘silent’ adrenal tumors detected by CT scans provides muchneeded guidance for clinical management
House Votes for Tighter Restrictions on Federal Payments for Abortions
CT scans are increasingly performed for a variety of
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
medical indications, including for general health screening, which is...
Former "M arlboro M an" Dies of Lung Disease
Yoga Benefits Breast Cancer Survivors
LOS ANGELES – Eric Lawson, who portrayed the
treatment may have even more reasons to sign up for a yoga class, with a new...
rugged Marlboro man in cigarette ads during the late 1970s, has died....
Women who are recovering from breast cancer
Homemade Upgrade: How to M ake Healthy Fettuccine Alfredo
China’s Jade Rabbit Rover M ay Be Doomed On The M oon
1 head cauliflower (2 lbs), cut into florets and
i i hide captionThe Chinese flag is seen in front of a
steamed 2 cloves garlic 1 can (15 oz) cannellini beans 1/2 cup vegetable...
view of the moon at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in December,...
Two Detained on Federal Drug Trafficking Charges as Rhode Island FBI Safe Streets Task Force Seizes Two Kilos of Cocaine
FDA Statement on Western Sugar Cooperative voluntary recall of beet pulp and tailings
PROVIDENCE, RI—Jose E Lopez Mauricio, aka
For Immediate Release: Jan. 28, 2014Media Inquiries: Siobhan DeLancey, 202-510-4177,
“Flaco,” 28, of Warwick, Rhode Island, and Jorge Guzman-Rivera, 28, of New...
Florida Attorney Sentenced to Six M onths in Prison for Laundering Purported Stock Fraud Proceeds
Norwich Resident Sentenced to 30 M onths in Prison for Role in M ortgage Fraud Scheme
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Michael J Scaglione, Esq ., an attorney in Coral Gables, Florida, was sentenced today in federal
Deirdre M Daly, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that Marc Jean,
court in Brooklyn, New York,...
44, a citizen of Haiti...
Six in Custody in Houston Armored Car Robbery Cases
Former Corrections Officer Sentenced for His Role in Providing Armed Security for Drug Transactions
HOUSTON—Seven men from Houston have been charged in two separate and unrelated cases involving the robbery or attempted...
A former Puerto Rico Department of Corrections officer was sentenced today to serve 811 months in prison for his role in...
Ontario to spend $20M to help treat mental, physical illness
M alaria screening unsuccessful in some schools
The province says it is joining forces with several
A school-based intermittent screening and
partners to help people get treatment for mental and physical illness. Health...
treatment program for malaria in rural coastal Kenya had no benefits on the health...
Will Addiction Be the Downfall of Your Family Business?…
Impact of battlefield-related genitourinary injuries described in Journal of M en’s Health
The odds are stacked against family businesses. Most new enterprises don’t survive longer than five years. Only 33 percent...
Modern combat and the global war on terror, with
FDA: Aleve may be safer on heart than rival drugs
Automated system could efficiently identify high-risk osteoporosis patients
Federal health experts say the pain reliever found
An automated system that identifies high-risk
in Aleve may be safer on the heart than other popular anti-inflammatory...
osteoporosis patients being treated for fractures and can generate letters...
Future directions for landmark diabetes study
When This New Zealand School Got Rid Of Playtime Rules, It Actually Got Safer
The two most highly cited diabetes research trials – Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
One school has found that eliminating rules can actually be a good thing. After Swanson Primary
(DCCT) and its follow-up...
School in New Zealand got...
Chobani Super Bowl Ad Features A Gigantic, Hungry Bear
Laurie Anderson Surprises Us All
increased use of improvised explosive devices, have led to a nearly 350%...
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Bob Dylan and a grizzly bear have just fired a salvo
Laurie Anderson once said on stage at the Rubin
in the Super Bowl’s Greek yogurt war. Chobani unveiled its first-ever...
that the essence of good art is that it should have the ability to surprise....
When Talking Fails, We Communicate Anyway
Snow, the Great Harmonizer
Here’s a solid fact: We cannot not communicate. We communicate even when we’re as mute as a
I remember the ride as if it was yesterday. It was a cold January morning back in 1996. Over 20″ of snow had descended...
tree stump or as...
Culling operation completed Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) has completed the poultry culling...
Pender County M an Receives 15-Year Sentence WILMINGTON—United States Attorney Thomas G Walker announced that today in federal court Senior United States District Judge...
Virginia Businessman Sentenced to 46 M onths in Prison for Role in Contracting Scheme Involving U.S. Army
HKETO promotes Hong Kong as Asia’s leading start-up hub
WASHINGTON—Oh Sung Kwon, 48, a Northern Virginia businessman, was sentenced today to 46
potentials in the Asia Pacific...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – To inform German seed and start-up companies about opportunities and
months in prison on federal charges...
Adults & ADHD: 7 Tips for Finishing What You Start
M ERS virus spread in hospitals should be focus of prevention, M Ds urge
Because of the nature of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), adults with the
The spread of MERS coronavirus infections in hospitals in affected countries is a significant but
disorder quickly lose interest...
underappreciated problem,...
M eeting Oxford’s research monkeys
Amnesiac Henry M olaison’s brain undergoes digital post-mortem
28 January 2014 Last updated at 12:00 ET Article written by Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent More from Fergus Please...
A detailed post-mortem look at the brain of a
RVH major incident review announced
What makes us human? Unique brain area linked to higher cognitive powers
famous amnesiac is revealing new clues to his memory. Henry G. Molaison, known...
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28 January 2014 Last updated at 12:33 ET A review
Oxford University researchers have identified an
is to be carried out of the major incident declared at
area of the human brain that appears unlike
Royal Victoria Hospital’s...
anything in the brains of some...
M agnet rods straighten curved spines
New brain-scanning technique allows scientists to see when and where the brain processes visual information
27 January 2014 Last updated at 21:34 ET By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online In most cases,...
Every time you open your eyes, visual information flows into your brain, which interprets what you’re seeing. Now,...
Total knee arthroplasty has economic benefit for society
Team develops way to make old antibiotic work against TB
(HealthDay)—For a 50-year-old working person,
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists
the total economic cost to society for treatment of severe knee osteoarthritis...
have discovered a promising new class of antibiotics that could aid...
Antibiotics in Animals Tied to Risk of Human Infection
7 Easy One-Pot M eals
Log in to manage your products and services from
Put all the ingredients together, bake, and then— oh, wait—you’re...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Easy and speedy is the name of the game here.
Banned Pesticide DDT Linked With Alzheimer’s Disease
M indfulness: Has Your Ego Slipped Inside Your Witness?
Higher blood levels of a byproduct of the nowbanned pesticide DDT is associated with
Orange was the new black. Now mindfulness has trumped orange and is indeed, the newest black.
increased risk for Alzheimer’s...
Talk in social media is that...
Breaching Our Inner Sanctum: Getting Off the Track to Nowhere
I Became a Hippie at 50, and It Feels Too Good to Be True!
I recently read that neuroscientists are confirming that we are not rational creatures. We have visceral
In 1975, when I left Riberao Preto to go to college in Sao Paulo, I waved goodbye from the back seat of
reactions, and then...
the car giving me...
BRAF mutations rare in Japanese NSCLC patients
South Korean lung SCC genetic secrets revealed
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By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter Research in a Japanese cohort of patients with
By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter Close examination of DNA taken from squamous
non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)...
cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lung...
Single-pill combination antihypertensives have mixed adherence effects
Olive oil may keep your bones strong: Study finds people who consume more have higher levels of osteocalcin protein
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter Switching to single-pill combination (SPC) antihypertensives results in...
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 19:53 EST, 27 January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:53 EST, 27 January 2014 Osteocalcin...
The women left in agony for years by doctors who say it’s just their periods: M istake cost M anuela her marriage
Could bleach heal bed sores and eczema? very diluted may help to heal irritated skin
By Rachel Ellis PUBLISHED: 20:04 EST, 27 January 2014 | UPDATED: 20:04 EST, 27 January
By Jennie Agg PUBLISHED: 20:11 EST, 27 January 2014 | UPDATED: 20:11 EST, 27 January 2014
2014 Manuela Brun...
Don’t try...
We’re pulling the plug on bathtime: Half of us never take time for a soak
The Scary Side Effect Associated with High-Protein Diets
In study the elderly people are the most likely to wash infrequently Most now see having a bath as a
Kim Kardashian says the Atkins diet was the secret to her post-baby weight loss, and plenty of studies
way to relax rather...
have suggested that...
Beyoncé M ay be Behind a Rise in Temporary Vegans
Reviving Wind Turbine Syndrome is just what you’d expect from a PM without a Science M inister
Remember when Beyoncé and Jay-Z became vegans for 22 days in December? The couple’s pre-Christmas “spiritual...
So it appears we are to be treated to another
Acute to chronic insomnia transition warns of depression risk
S. pneumoniae predicts acute sinusitis microbial response
By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter In
By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter
patients with acute insomnia, long periods of light sleep may be the key driver...
Research from the USA shows that confirmed nasopharyngeal colonization with Streptococcus...
pointless examination of a manufactured controversy in the name of health science....
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Cystoscopy imperative during female incontinence surgery
Sling technique boosts post-RARP early continence recovery
By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter US
By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter
researchers say that cystoscopy for lower urinary tract (LUT) injury should be...
Researchers have shown that addition of the bladder neck sling suspension technique...
Former M odesto Real Estate Broker Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison in M ortgage Fraud Scam
USDOJ: Joint Statement by Attorney General Eric Holder and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on New Reporting M ethods for National Security Orders
FRESNO, CA—James Lee Lankford, 74, formerly a Modesto-based real estate broker, was sentenced today by Senior United States...
Attorney General Eric Holder and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released the following joint statement Monday: ...
Virginia M an Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Traveling to Engage in Illicit Sexual Conduct and Possession of Child Pornography
Louisiana M an Sentenced for Orange, Texas Bank Robbery
WASHINGTON—Kaylan Joseph Cureton, 25, of Richmond, Virginia, was sentenced today to four
prison for bank robbery in the Eastern...
BEAUMONT, TX—A 50-year-old Cameron, Louisiana man has been sentenced to federal
years in prison on federal charges...
M anhattan U.S. Attorney and FBI Announce Insider Trading Charges Against Former Financial Adviser and Director of Investment Company
Support and Feedback From Friends Isn’t Always Helpful…
Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and George
secret affair for months....
Everyone in Joan’s life was telling her to get a divorce. Her husband Greg had been having a
Venizelos, the Assistant Director...
Chipotle’s New TV Show, ‘Farmed And Dangerous,’ Is M eant To M ake You Think Before You Eat
Interpreting Dream Interpretation
Chipotle’s wading into the television business. The much-loved restaurant chain’s new online series,
you had during the night,...
By Dr. Angel Morgan via DreamsCloud As morning arrives, you begin to remember the dreams that
“Farmed... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Cold remedies: What works, what doesn’t January 27, 2014, 1:12 PM|A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal reviews prevention and treatments...
Choosing Wisely — the politics and economics of labeling low-value services [ | E-mail ] Contact: Annmarie 603-653-0897The Geisel School of Medicine at...
What prevents, treats common cold? Study may have answer
Permanent changes in brain genes may not be so permanent after all
To prevent the common cold, wash your hands and
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vanessa
load up on zinc, Canadian researchers are reporting. To treat a cold, however,... 410-502-9410Johns Hopkins Medicine In normal development, all cells...
River of hydrogen flowing through space seen with Green Bank Telescope [ | E-mail ] Contact: Charles 434-296-0314National Radio Astronomy Observatory IMAGE: This composite...
Persistent HIV replication associated with lower drug concentrations in lymphatic tissues [ | E-mail ] Contact: Caroline 612-624-5680University of Minnesota Academic Health Center Drugs used...
GSA Bulletin covers the US, Italy, Iran, Jamaica, Chile, and Argentina, and China [ | E-mail ] Contact: Kea Gileskgiles@geosociety.orgGeological Society of
ORNL study advances quest for better superconducting materials [ | E-mail ] Contact: Ron 865576-0226DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory IMAGE: This is Minghu Pan’s...
America Articles posted ahead of print Jan. 7-24,...
Nuestra Familia Leader and Three Associates Plead Guilty to Drug Trafficking Charges FRESNO, CA—Shawn Cameron, 36; his wife Vanessa Mojarro Cameron, 26; and Jonathan
Former Treasurer of M ayetta Fire District Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement TOPEKA, KS—The former treasurer of the Mayetta Rural Fire District #1 pleaded guilty Monday to embezzling from the district,...
Mojarro, 24, all of Hanford, and Carlos...
Former Official of Pop Warner Admits Stealing Hundreds of Thousands of
Scandalous Emotional Benefits of Lying and Cheating: Research…
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Dollars from the Organization
Lying and cheating are so commonplace that you
TRENTON, NJ—The former regional director of the
probably don’t have to look far to find them. In fact, your own neighborhood...
Eastern Region of Pop Warner Little Scholars Inc. (Pop Warner) today admitted...
An increase in adenosine-5′triphosphate (ATP) content in rostral ventrolateral medulla is engaged in the high fructose diet-induced hypertension
The Lesbian Community and Addiction The lesbian community has been vastly underserved in mental health and addiction services so it should come as no surprise...
The increase in fructose ingestion has been linked to overdrive of sympathetic activity and hypertension associated with...
Brains, M inds, and Institutions (Video) A fascinating look at reductionism and three parts of the brain: cells, mental states, and products of human brains ranging...
M indfulness: Is the M edia Harming or Helping? Well as you may know by now mindfulness has made the cover of Time Magazine. This means that mindfulness has arrived, right?...
How to Deal When Someone Rejects Your Love Whoo boy. NOT my favorite topic, this one. There are just so many issues with it. First of all, definitions. For instance,...
Choosing Wisely: The politics and economics of labeling low-value services The Choosing Wisely campaign, lists of services developed by physicians’ specialty societies, is a good start to spark...
Crowdsourced RNA designs outperform computer algorithms
Stricter Autism Criteria Unlikely to Reduce Services For Kids
An enthusiastic group of non-experts, working through an online interface and receiving feedback
i i hide captionClinical specialist Catey Funaiock took notes while observing a 5-year-old boy at the
from lab experiments, has...
Marcus Autism...
You’d Think We’d Have Baby-M aking All Figured Out, But No
Some reasons why you should avoid sleeping pills
i i hide captionWe know it’s not really about Mr. Stork. But we might not be up to speed on key
We’ve known for a long time that hypnotic drugs are not good to take for more than one to three weeks
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aspects of...
because they are...
Effects of paracentesis on hemodynamic parameters and respiratory function in critically ill patients
Field evaluation of the photo-induced electron transfer fluorogenic primers (PET) real-time PCR for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum in Tanzania
Ascites is a major and common complication of liver cirrhosis. Large or refractory ascites frequently
Accurate diagnosis of malaria infections remains challenging, especially in the identification of
necessitates paracentesis. ...
submicroscopic infections....
Uncovering by Atomic Force M icroscopy of an original circular structure at the yeast cell surface in response to heat shock
GIGANTUS1 (GTS1), a member of Transducin/WD40 protein superfamily, controls seed germination, growth and biomass accumulation through ribosome-biogenesis protein interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is a polyvalent tool that allows biological and mechanical studies of full living microorganisms,...
WD40 domains have been found in a plethora of eukaryotic proteins, acting as scaffolding molecules assisting proper activity...
Institution specific risk factors for 30 day readmission at a community hospital: a retrospective observational study
Working Families Can Create Secure Attachments, Too
As of October 1, 2012, hospitals in the United States with excess readmissions based on the
good Attachment Parenting (AP)...
Photo by Sebastian Danon of Buenos Aires, Argentina There is a widespread belief that to be a
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid...
Soil, Weedkillers And GM Os: When Numbers Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Tell The Whole Story
An unusual presentation of a swollen arm: a case report
hide captionFarm statistics: usually illuminating â&#x20AC;Ś occasionally misleading. Seth Perlman/AP I love
IntroductionSubclavian vein thrombosis is a rare but potentially fatal condition that most often occurs
iatrogenically or...
Retinal blood vessels extraction using probabilistic modelling
Experimental mouse model of optic neuritis with inflammatory demyelination produced by passive
The analysis of retinal blood vessels plays an
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important role in detecting and treating retinal diseases. In this review,...
transfer of neuromyelitis opticaimmunoglobulin G Although optic neuritis (ON) is a defining feature of neuromyelitis optica (NMO), appropriate animal models of NMO ON are...
Relationship between humoral response against hepatitis C virus and disease overcome Hepatitis C virus infection leads to liver disease whose severity can range from mild to serious lifelong illness. However...
Significant overlap between human genome-wide association-study nominated breast cancer risk alleles and rat mammary cancer susceptibility loci IntroductionHuman population-based genomewide association (GWA) studies identify low penetrance breast cancer risk alleles;...
The M any Faces of Empathy
Hug a Phone Tree
While empathy doesn’t come in as many varieties as are found in the cereal aisle, it is no more
Before (historically) too long there might be more phone trees than actual trees. Modern-day life
uniform than it is universal. Empathy...
(particularly of the urban...
Common cold prevention and treatment review points to tried-and-true
AUDIO: Girls’ life expectancy over 100
People sick with a runny nose, sore throat and cough from the common cold will try a myriad of
Girls born in parts of England can expect to live to over 100 for the first time, a report has found. Figures from government...
remedies, but only a few have...
Routine ops resume in north Wales
Payout for girl’s glue injection
27 January 2014 Last updated at 10:15 ET Most planned surgery was postponed at all of north
27 January 2014 Last updated at 10:27 ET Maisha Najeeb was receiving an embolisation treatment at
Wales’ hospitals Routine...
Great Ormond Street Hospital A...
Study on DSM -5 shows effects on autism diagnosis and prevalence
Robotic operation for heart valve reconstruction holds promise
A new study finds that the estimated prevalence of
A potentially fatal bacterial disease of the heart,
autism under the new DSM-5 criteria would decrease only to the extent...
infective endocarditis frequently affects the heart’s tricuspid...
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Punctured cell membranes lead to high blood pressure
Researchers discover new combination therapy to kill cancer
Researchers from the University of Southern
Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada
Denmark have identified how a mutated protein can lead to holes in a protein...
and is responsible for about 30% of all deaths, according to the Canadian...
Cabbage and Pepper Chakchoukah
Sherri Shepherd’s Advice About Type 2 Diabetics (VIDEO)
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Sherri Shepherd, Emmy Award-Winning Cohost of The View, had some excellent advice to share with people who have been diagnosed...
Dealing With Criticism, From Sherri Shepherd (VIDEO) Since Sherri Shepherd, Emmy Award-Winning Cohost of The View, is a public figure constantly in the limelight, she’s learned...
M y Doctor’s Nutrition Advice For M y Diabetes, From Sherri Shepherd (VIDEO) When it comes to planning meals as a diabetic,Sherri Shepherd, Emmy Award-Winning Cohost of The View, had some everyday tips...
ZO Skin Health launches new physician retail website ZO Skin Health, Inc., purveyor of innovative skincare solutions and brainchild of renowned dermatologist Zein Obagi, MD,...
When ‘good’ cholesterol turns BAD: Substance can clog arteries and cause heart disease, researchers claim ‘Good’ cholesterol can become dysfunctional and lose its protective properties – when this happens it starts...
NHI first quarter dividend increases to $.77 per common share National Health Investors, Inc. (NYSE: NHI) announced today it will increase its first quarter dividend to $.77 per common...
‘M y son will never be able to smile properly’: M other raises awareness of rare syndrome that leaves her toddler unable to move his face Warren Armstrong, one, has Moebius syndrome – a condition that affects the cranial nerves meaning patients struggle...
Taking multivitamins ‘can raise risk of a miscarriage’
Retail therapy: Buying something makes people three times happier
Study of 35,000 expectant women found link
Researchers found shopping makes a person feel
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between pills and miscarriage Finding ’causes
more in control of life Reflecting on recent
concern’ – while...
purchases combats sadness and...
Recombinant interleukin-21 plus sorafenib for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a phase 1/2 study
Serum proteomic analysis identifies sex-specific differences in lipid metabolism and inflammation profiles in adults diagnosed with Asperger syndrome
Despite the positive impact of targeted therapies on metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC), durable responses are infrequent...
The higher prevalence of Asperger Syndrome (AS) and other autism spectrum conditions in males has been known for many years....
Immunoglobulin-like transcript 2 (ILT2) is a biomarker of therapeutic response to oncolytic immunotherapy with vaccinia viruses
FEHD recovers sublet New Year fair stall
Oncolytic viruses represent a novel form of cancer immunotherapy. Vaccinia viruses encoding human
terminated the licence agreement of a...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has
T cell co-stimulatory molecules...
Immigration Department Review 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Immigration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, delivered a year-end review of the Immigration Department...
Body Image Booster: Some Tweets For Thought Every Monday features a tip, activity, inspiring quote or some other tidbit that helps boost your body image, whether directly...
Rufus Hound to swap laughs for votes 25 January 2014 Last updated at 20:13 ET The
Supermarkets exposing children to high calorific junk food at the checkout
comedian campaigned for the Liberal Democrats at the last election The comedian...
()—Convenience supermarkets are exposing
Electronic compendia develops new educational tool for nursing students
New innovations in booming 3D printing industry
This e-compendium solution was also unique
As global demand for new innovations in the
internationally when we launched it,» reports Atle Løkken, head of the NettOp...
booming 3D printing industry grows exponentially by the day, Rainbow Coral Corp....
children to high calorie, unhealthy junk food at the checkout area according to...
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Researchers discover devastating pest in India for saving up to $309 million Virginia Tech researchers who first discovered a
Boeing and Ethiopian Airlines partner with 2 non-profit organizations to transport educational, medical supplies
devastating pest in India and devised a natural way to combat it have now...
Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Ethiopian Airlines have
Lessons learned from the use of HRP-2 based rapid diagnostic test in community-wide screening and treatment of asymptomatic carriers of Plasmodium falciparum in Burkina Faso
SCED’s speech at luncheon to celebrate the 65th Indian Republic Day
partnered with two Puget Sound-based non-profit organizations, Seattle Alliance...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So,...
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are immune chromatographic tests targeting antigens of one or more Plasmodium species and offer...
Statement by Director of Audit Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to a report in Next magazine today (January 27) on Eric Hotung’s family trust,...
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis enterocolitis mimicking enteropathic gammadelta T-cell lymphoma with abnormal clonality Yersinia pseudotuberculosis generally infects the gastrointestinal tract and causes enteropathy symptoms suggesting infection....
On death and dying
ADHD Winter – Part I: Storm Stayed
Teaching in palliative care aims not only at providing students with specialized knowledge in
I am here! I live in the northern latitudes, compared to most of the United States. Alaska has me beat,
symptom therapy in advanced...
but the percentage...
Safety and effectiveness of adalimumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis over 5 years of therapy in a phase 3b and subsequent postmarketing observational study
Accidental cold-related injury leading to hospitalization in northern Sweden: an eight-year retrospective analysis
IntroductionPatients with active rheumatoid arthritis who had failed at least one disease-modifying anti-
of cold injury hospitalization,...
Cold injuries are rare but important causes of hospitalization. We aimed to identify the magnitude
rheumatic drug (DMARD)... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Effects of radio-tag characteristics and sample size on estimates of apparent survival Radio-tracking is increasingly used to assess key characteristics of population dynamics. Since in
External merchandise trade statistics for December 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) released today (January 27) the external merchandise...
many species re-encounter...
Research examines eating habits
Looks of early European revealed
26 January 2014 Last updated at 20:50 ET The
27 January 2014 Last updated at 01:00 ET By
study hopes to find out what drives people’s decisions of when and what...
Rebecca Morelle Science reporter, BBC World Service The team...
M illion sick claimants ‘found fit’
Call to ban e-cig sales to children
25 January 2014 Last updated at 07:03 ET Nearly a
26 January 2014 Last updated at 05:59 ET NI
million people who applied for sickness benefit have been found fit for...
Chest Heart and Stroke is calling for a ban on the sale of e-cigs to under-18s A...
GM purple tomatoes heading for shops
China ‘downgrades’ H7N9 bird flu description
24 January 2014 Last updated at 17:00 ET By David Shukman Science editor, BBC News The new tomatoes could...
China has reportedly downgraded H7N9 bird flu in
Scientists believe inter-sensory interaction model provides advance to research on social priming
Quality improvement initiative may enhance asthma control, outcomes for high-risk adolescents
Priming, an unconscious phenomenon that causes the context of information to change the
Researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center have successfully carried out what
way we think or behave, has frustrated...
is believed to be the...
Hols conveys product’s safety and cost effectiveness to managed care groups
Relationship of EM G/SM G features and muscle strength level: an exploratory study on tibialis anterior muscles during plantar-flexion among hemiplegia patients
Health Outcomes Liaisons (HOLs) play a critical role in conveying a therapy’s safety and cost effectiveness to managed...
humans, dropping its description as “infectious” in new guidelines...
Improvement in muscle strength is an important aim for the rehabilitation of hemiplegia patients. Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Presently, the rehabilitation...
Acute necrotizing colitis due to sigmoid colon cancer When obstructive colitis becomes fulminant, it is
Use of biomarkers in the context of orphan medicines designation in the European Union
known as ‘acute necrotizing colitis’. We report a
The use of biomarkers within the procedures of the
rare case...
Committee of Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP) of the European Medicines...
FKBP51 increases the tumour-promoter potential of TGF-beta FKBP51 (FKBP5 Official Symbol) is a large
Hong Kong M onetary Authority tenders to be held on the week beginning February 3
molecular weight component of the family of FK506 binding proteins (FKBP). In recent...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Liverpool Care Pathway ‘wrongly blamed’
Hospital told to remove life support
27 January 2014 Last updated at 02:43 ET By Dr
turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. BBC’s Beth McLeod:...
Claud Regnard Newcastle upon Tyne There is now debate...
behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: Tenders to be held on the...
24 January 2014 Last updated at 18:34 ET Please
City Gallery launches new smartphone application
Women say lack of confidence stops them getting to the top
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The City Gallery today
For more information about the Women of
(January 27) launched a brand new smartphone application called “City...
Influence initiative, please visit Research conducted by...
How to M ake Revenge Porn Illegal
Texas Woman Is Taken Off Life Support After Order
If you pose for a nude photo or make a sexual video of yourself should your ex-partner be allowed to post it on a “revenge...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Sports of The Times: For a Cowboys Star With Dementia, Time Is Running Out
Cannabis Legal, Localities Begin to Just Say No Log in to manage your products and services from
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
York Times. ...
Schumer Proposes ‘Avonte’s Law’ to Protect Children With Autism
Inside City’s Water Tanks, Layers of Neglect
Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
11 M istakes You’re M aking In The Bathroom (And How To Fix Them)
Cruise ending early after hundreds of passengers fall ill
Your bathroom is where you go to get clean, right?
KINGSTON, Jamaica – U.S. health officials on
Don’t answer that just yet… In the spirit of better bathroom experiences,...
Sunday boarded a cruise ship docked in the U.S. Virgin Islands to investigate...
Firing practice for February 2014
Visualizing Rape Trauma Syndrome
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Firing practice will take
Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS) is a way of
place at the San Wai/Tai Ling Firing Range and the Tsing Shan Firing...
describing post-traumatic stress symptoms that arise from sexual assault. Disclaimer: Individuals...
Pregnant, brain-dead woman at center of legal fight between hospital and family removed from life support A Fort Worth, Texas hospital has removed a pregnant, brain-dead woman from life support after
South Korea expands poultry cull on bird flu fears SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korea is expanding a poultry cull in a bid to contain the spread of bird flu that has been...
agreeing to comply with a judge’s...
M usic therapy ‘helps cancer young’ 26 January 2014 Last updated at 19:53 ET
Davos: M indfulness, Hotspots, and Sleepwalkers
Youngsters made their own music video to show family and friends Music therapy...
I just returned from the World Economic Forum
M ore than 300 fall ill on Royal Caribbean cruise ship
Drug to reverse breast cancer spread in development
(WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. I came away with three observations: mindfulness...
(Reuters) – More than 300 passengers and crew [ | E-mail ] Contact: Tomas Llewelyn Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
members fell ill aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship, many with vomiting... 44-795-079253Cardiff University Compound trialed on...
Poem: Children Learn What They Live
The Necessity of Developing Coping Skills
As I was cleaning out my desk draw, I came across a poem written by an anonymous writer. I like this poem because it speaks...
Our physical and psychological well-being is
Pregnant woman’s life support ended
Warnings over shortages of Intensive care beds
26 January 2014 Last updated at 17:13 ET Erick Munoz had filed suit to end his pregnant wife’s life support, arguing...
determined by three things: – Genetic predisposition – Life stressors ...
Dr Bruce Taylor, past president of the Intensive Care Society, said: “A lot of the units are having it very hard this...
U.S. health officials board cruise ship with ailing passengers
Health Check: are saturated fats good or bad?
KINGSTON, Jamaica – U.S. health officials on Sunday boarded a cruise ship docked in the U.S.
Dietary guidelines cite the fact that saturated fats can increase LDL cholesterol, which is also known
Virgin Islands to investigate...
as bad cholesterol...
How Online Gamers Are Solving Some of Science’s Biggest Problems
M en Report M ore M emory Problems Than Do Women, Study Finds
For all their virtual accomplishments, gamers aren’t feted for their real-world usefulness. But that
Men are frequently accused of forgetting birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and even something as
perception might...
simple as taking the trash...
Lord Saatchi’s personal appeal
Blue eyes and dark skin, that’s how the European hunter-gatherer looked
In 2013, Lord Saatchi introduced a Private Member’s Bill to promote “responsible” innovation, without the fear of...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ainhoa Goñ 34-915-681-473Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) The genome...
Texas hospital ends life support for brain-dead pregnant woman By Jana J. Pruet FORT WORTH, Texas (Reuters) –
Pregnant, brain-dead woman at center of legal fight between hospital and family, removed from life support
A Texas hospital removed a brain-dead pregnant A Fort Worth, Texas hospital has removed a woman from life support... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
pregnant, brain-dead woman from life support after agreeing to comply with a judge’s...
Harvard M edical School doctor becomes patient, and gets a crash course in America’s medical care
Researchers deliberately give volunteers the flu
After falling down a flight of stairs, breaking his
Government scientists are deliberately giving dozens of volunteers the flu by...
neck and nearly dying, a Massachusetts physician is now speaking out...
BETHESDA, Md. – Forget being sneezed on:
Process that turns ‘good cholesterol’ bad discovered
Health law tricky for parents of M edicaid kids
Cleveland Clinic researchers have discovered the
Parents shopping for health insurance through the
process by which high-density lipoprotein (HDL) – the so-called “good...
new federal marketplace are running into trouble when their children might...
US officials probe illnesses on Caribbean cruise
These Stunning Underwater Photos Taken By Free Divers Are NOT Photoshopped (PHOTOS)
U.S. health officials will board a cruise ship docked in the U.S. Virgin Islands to investigate an illness outbreak that...
If you’ve ever held your breath underwater, you’ve
Health Law Is Tricky For Parents Of M edicaid Children
17 Signs You’re Actually Addicted To The Ocean
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Some parents shopping for health insurance through the new federal
The ocean — or any brilliant, large body of water — is a powerful and beautiful thing. It gives you
marketplace are running into trouble...
special moments...
Engineers teach old chemical new tricks to make cleaner fuels, fertilizers
Cleveland Clinic researchers discover process that turns ‘good cholesterol’ bad
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom 650-736-2245Stanford School of Engineering Researchers from Denmark and...
technically been free diving. But the sport of free diving...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Laura 216-636-5876Cleveland Clinic Dysfunctional version of normally protective...
Sensitivity of carbon cycle to tropical temperature variations has doubled,
Shortening guide RNA markedly improves specificity of CRISPR-Cas
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
research shows
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Duncan 44-139-272-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sue 617-724-
2391University of Exeter The tropical carbon cycle has...
2764Massachusetts General Hospital A simple adjustment...
Tougher regulation for e-cigarettes
Visual Workout: Five-M inute Plank to Abs of Steel
Source: APTN and PA Tougher regulation for ecigarettes
The abdominal muscle group is the strongest muscle group in the body, and it influences every physical activity you can imagine....
7 Tips to Sleep Better Without M edication When it comes to sleep, this is one tired nation. According to the CDC, between 35 and 45 percent of Americans unintentionally...
U.S. Women Last In Life Expectancy Among Wealthy Countries, Thanks To Growing Inequality Although life expectancy continues to slowly rise in the United States, the truth is that we still lag behind peer nations...
Animal Photos Of The Week: German Shepherd Puppy Sees Snow For The First Time Some of the most popular animal stories from the last week include: A new species of river dolphin
Toddler Hears Clearly For The First Time, And His Reaction Is Priceless If you want to know what pure joy looks like, watch 22-month-old Dylan Lipton-Lesser hearing clearly for the first time. In...
was discovered in Brazil,...
You’ll Perform Better If You Think You Slept Well
Family ‘Preparing’ to Bury M other After Judge’s Life Support Ruling
Got a big day ahead? You’re better off thinking you slept well, even if you didn’t, a study suggests.
After a judge ruled that a brain dead woman should be taken off life support, the family of Marlise Munoz
is finally preparing...
Analysis: Replay of energetic dealmaking seen for drugmakers in 2014
When Self-Improvement Gets Boring, Try These 6 M otivational Strategies
(Reuters) – The torrid pace of deals in the
As human beings, we’re always striving to be
pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors through 2013 is not expected to...
better. The most common self-improvement goals people set, particularly...
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Save Energy AND M oney This Winter With These 7 Home Improvements
Want to get the flu? Volunteers sneeze for science
From DealNews’ Lou Carlozo: Energy savings is
BETHESDA, Md. (AP) — Forget being sneezed on:
certainly on a lot of people’s minds as winter 2014 has kicked...
Government scientists are deliberately giving dozens of volunteers the flu...
Law proposed for autistic NYC boy who vanished
It’s Not Just Anniversaries: M en Are the M ore Forgetful Sex
NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. Charles Schumer says
SUNDAY Jan. 26, 2014, 2014 — You must
new legislation proposed in the name of a New York City boy who disappeared from...
remember this: Men tend to forget more than women. That’s the message of...
‘Plays at the Plate’ Riskiest for Pro Baseball Players
PPAR alpha and PPAR gamma Polymorphisms as risk factors for Dyslipidemia in a Chinese han population
SUNDAY Jan. 26, 2014, 2014 — Professional baseball players are much more likely to be injured in tag plays at home...
The PPAR alpha and PPAR gamma are the key messengers responsible for the translation of nutritional stimuli into changes...
Five Skills that Predict Success in M arriage Relationships…
Caffeine and Bipolar Disorder Followup
Thanks to advances in research methodology and neuroscience, relationships are now a science.
Boy, oh boy, did you guys eat up the “Caffeine and Bipolar Disorder” post! A ton of views and a ton of
The science of love relationships...
comments – which...
Half the village at risk of blindness
VIDEO: New ‘legal highs’ pose challenges
25 January 2014 Last updated at 21:38 ET By Angela Robson BBC Health Check People queue for screening...
Scientists testing “legal highs” say they are coming across new mind-altering psychoactive substances. Forensic...
Green Burials Reflect Shift To Care For The Body, Soul And Earth
Analysis: Emerging markets rout a reality check for Davos elite
(RNS) Growing up in small-town Georgia, John B. Johnson had family friends who ran the funeral
By Paul Carrel and Ben Hirschler DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) – Just as they were getting
home down the street, so the...
their swagger back, the...
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M orton’s Neuroma: Treatment options for foot pain
Doctor Breaks Neck, Sees Reality of Hospital Care
Did you know you have 26 bones, 33 joints and
Arnold Relman was in pretty good shape for a 90-
more than 100 muscles in your foot? With such a
year-old—until the day he fell down the stairs and
complex structure, it’s no...
fractured three vertebrae...
Pig Virus Continues To Spread, Raising Fears Of Pricier Bacon
Customs conducts large-scale operation to combat counterfeits before Lunar New Year
i i hide captionPiglets at Hilldale Farm in State Center, Iowa in March 2013, just before porcine epidemic diarrhea...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Customs and Excise
How to Be Less Self-Conscious
Italy’s Berlusconi opts for wrinkles in new image switch
When you’re self-conscious, it’s as though you’re
Department (CED) carried out a large-scale operation before the Lunar New...
on stage, and the audience is scrutinizing your every step. Rationally,...
ROME (Reuters) – Former premier Silvio
Could a smile make your meds work better?
Family-centered cesarean: The future of C-sections
You know you should heed the glass-half-full
A cesarean section can make even the most calm
mentality—it’s been linked to a longer, happier, and healthier life. But...
of pregnant women to feel nervous, anxious, and straight up terrified, whether...
Why Everyone Should Try Sprouting Chia Seeds
A Gratitude Exercise You Can Do With Your Loved Ones (On Email!)
I have to admit, I was a little bummed at Christmas when at my family’s gift exchange, I was the
I’ve read a bunch of articles about how to practice gratitude, and every time I see one, I think, Yes! I
recipient of a Chia Pet....
should do...
The Best Vegan Alfredo Sauce You’ll Ever M ake
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance risk stratification in patients with clinically suspected myocarditis
This pasta sauce is rich, decadent, oh so creamy … and it’s vegan. What’s the catch? There isn’t one!...
Berlusconi, famed for his face lifts and hair implants, has opted for a sharp...
The diagnosis of myocarditis is challenging due to its varying clinical presentation. Since myocarditis can be associated...
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SFH on blood donation, powdered formula, and avian influenza A(H7N9) Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr
VIDEO: E-cigarette ban for under-18s Under-18s in England are to be banned from buying electronic cigarettes, the government has announced. Experts say it is...
Ko Wing-man, after...
What is educational neuroscience? © As someone who works at the interface of child development and neuroscience, I’ve been struck by...
15 Ways To Improve Your Health In 15 M inutes It’s estimated that Americans use social media for more than an hour a day. That’s quite a chunk of time! If you...
Women would rather do their hair than eat breakfast : 1 in 3 skip meal in order to get ready for the day
Poem: So…
Quarter of women skip breakfast once or more a week 29 per cent said they miss it as they are too
is this all pretend. -eml Comments This...
So… We’re friends Who are fucking We’re fucking Like we’re friends Can friends just be fucking? Or
busy getting ready By Jenny...
M ore than 300 people fall ill aboard cruise ship The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating how more than 300 people have fallen ill on board a ship...
NHS patients should ‘adopt American attitude and be more pushy to get the drugs they’re entitled to’ NICE chairman Professor David Haslam has urged patients to push their GPs for drugs they are entitled under NHS guidelines He...
NICE’s new cost curb could make it more difficult for NHS patients to get vital drugs, campaigners warn
Teenage girls ‘buying deadly abortion drugs online from Far East’
Reforms to the formula used to ration expensive
terrified to tell parents It means they can terminate pregnancies quietly and...
medicines will make it harder for patients to get new life-saving drugs,...
Girls using online drugs because they are too
Terminally ill mother writes cards for children’s future birthdays
Construction of Butterfly Valley Road Pet Garden completed
Debra McNaughton, 39, thought she had beaten
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The construction of Butterfly
appendix cancer Disease returned and doctors Valley Road Pet Garden has now been completed Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
have told her she has just three...
and it will open at...
Waiting list records ‘not falsified’, says Hunt
Parents of heart patient, 4, who died in hospital demand public inquiry
The NAO found that data was falsely recorded in 26
Mrs Turner, a foster carer, told BBC Breakfast why
per cent of cases examined – most often because NHS administrators...
she wanted a public inquiry into her son’s death. “Sean...
Applications for Work Incentive Transport Subsidy for January 2013 to close at the end of this month
Special traffic arrangements in the vicinity of Yau M a Tei Wholesale Fruit M arket
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Work Incentive
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police will implement the
Transport Subsidy (WITS) Scheme allows individual-based and household-based...
following special traffic arrangements in the vicinity of Yau Ma Tei...
Six additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) and one case of avian influenza A(H10N8) in M ainland closely monitored by DH
L’Isle-Verte fire prompts calls to end ‘patchwork’ safety rules
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – According to the latest reports of the Mainland health authorities as at
Quebec after deadly fire, many...
As rescue crews continue to comb through the frozen rubble at a seniors’ home in eastern
yesterday (January 25),...
E-cigarette ban for under-18s 25 January 2014 Last updated at 21:14 ET The UK smoking ban does not apply to e-cigarettes Under18s in England are to...
Doctors Abusing M edicare Face Fines and Expulsion Doctors Abusing Medicare Face Fines and Expulsion
Beijing’s Bad Air Would Be Step Up for Smoggy Delhi
You? An Expert? Really?
Beijing’s Bad Air Would Be Step Up for Smoggy Delhi
calling oneself an expert in one’s field is, well, unattractive. Quickly...
Hospital: No decision on order to end life support
Chemical tanks ordered removed in West Virginia after spill
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Executives from a
(Reuters) – The company whose storage tank
Texas hospital conferred with the county district
spilled a chemical that tainted the water supply of
A business coach I admire recently wrote that
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
attorney’s office Saturday...
300,000 people in West...
China reports second case of new bird flu strain
Antarctic Discovery: A M assive Valley Under The Ice
BEIJING (Reuters) – Chinese authorities have
i i hide captionGray terrain represents previously
confirmed the second human case of the new H10N8 strain of bird flu, contracted...
unrecorded areas beneath the ice in West Antarctica. The valley...
Why Women Avoid Dealing With Their Unhappiness In Relationships…
Reality Check #73
Why do we women try to deny our unhappiness in
the author of “Eating the Moment” (New Harbinger, 2008), “Present...
our relationships? Earlier in the week, I wrote about denial: the powerful...
Introducing the Psychology of Women Women grapple with their own unique challenges
Pavel Somov, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and
281 passengers ill aboard Royal Caribbean ship
everyday. Sometimes it helps to better understand those challenges and opportunities...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
E-cigarettes to be banned for under18s
A Psychology Breakthrough: Carnegie M ellon Researchers Use Sensory Integration M odel To Understand Unconscious Priming
Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, will back amendments to the Children and Families Bill to create a new “age of sale...
Prevention say 281 passengers have fallen ill aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship. The...
PITTSBURGH—Priming, an unconscious phenomenon that causes the context of information to change the way we think or behave,...
Humans Can Use Smell to Detect Levels of M ilk Fat
Eye M ovement Speed Linked to Impulsive Decision M aking
New research from the Monell Center reveals humans can use the sense of smell to detect dietary fat in food. As food smell...
One of the most frustrating things about shopping in a grocery store can be the long lines at the cash register. Do you stand...
From Yoga Dropout to Competitive Powerlifter and Boxer in One Year
4 Breakfast Foods To Avoid (VIDEO)
Last year, as my 40th birthday disappeared into the
After all, a well-balanced morning meal can
Here at Healthy Living, we’re big fans of breakfast.
improve cholesterol... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
distance in my rearview mirror, driven by a combination of vanity and...
Family Of M an Who Died In ER Waiting Room Speaks Out
Goldie Hawn: ‘If You Lose Wonder, You’ve Lost Everything’
John Verrier’s family first learned the terrible new details surrounding his death when Eyewitness
With a successful acting career and numerous accolades under her belt, what’s next for Goldie
News first broke...
Hawn? “There’s...
Hospital considers judge’s order on pregnant woman
Strifetorn Central African Republic names new PM
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Hospital executives in North Texas were conferring Saturday with the
BANGUI (Reuters) – Central African Republic’s new interim President Catherine Samba-Panza
district attorney’s...
has named Andre Nzapayeke,...
First detection of Leishmania infantum (Kinetoplastida: trypanosomatidae) in Culicoides spp. (Diptera: ceratopogonidae)
The Ab Workout You’ll Stick To All Year Long
Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) species are
It’s a new year, and it’s time to reconnect to your strong center. Pilates is a great way to strengthen
known to be the vectors of Bluetongue virus and African Horses Sickness...
Telling Only The Partial Truth Linked With Feelings Of Guilt And Shame
Don’t Just Sleep, Sleep Well: The Challenge of Good Sleep Hygiene
OK, just come clean already: A new study shows
In theory, the thirsty seek water, the hungry seek
that telling only part of the truth will make you feel
nourishment and the tired seek rest. Reality,
worse than telling...
however, rarely keeps it...
Wyoming M ay Update Well Setback Rule, Increase Distance Between Homes And Oil And Gas Drilling
Here Are Some Spectacular Beach Homes To Fantasize About During This Seriously Cold Winter
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — State officials said they
We don’t know about your hearths, but the recent
might consider increasing the current 350-foot minimum distance that oil...
sub-zero temperatures have left our homes and our hearts a bit cold...
Central African Republic names new prime minister
TSRI professor wins 2014 Wolf Prize in chemistry
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
BANGUI (Reuters) – Central African Republic’s
Chi-Huey Wong, professor of chemistry at The
new interim President Catherine Samba-Panza has named Andre Nzapayeke,...
Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), has won the 2014 Wolf Prize in Chemistry...
Sensient Technologies declares quarterly cash dividend on common stock The Board of Directors of Sensient Technologies
A comparison of three techniques (local anesthetic deposited circumferential to vs. above vs. below the nerve) for ultrasound guided femoral nerve block
Corporation (NYSE: SXT) has declared a regular
Fractured neck of femur generally requires
quarterly cash dividend on...
operative fixation and is a common cause of admission to hospital. The combination...
Exosomes: an overview of biogenesis, composition and role in ovarian cancer
Fluoxetine in Progressive M ultiple Sclerosis (FLUOX-PM S): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Exosomes are tiny membrane-bound vesicles that are over produced by most proliferating cell types during normal and pathological...
Currently available disease-modifying treatments acting by modifying the immune response are ineffective in progressive multiple...
USDOJ: Connecticut M an Convicted of Tax Evasion and Conspiracy Charges
Death Penalty for Psych Symptom
The Justice Department and the Internal Revenue
To be mentally symptomatic is to face execution. As of Thursday, at least, in Pakistan. That’s when a
Service (IRS) announced that John Cote, formerly
mentally ill elderly...
of Danielson, Conn ., was...
A Joyful Life Supports Good Health We all have the capacity to live a life that is filled with joy. This is the feeling of being truly happy with what you have...
Sitting Tall: Letting Go of Ego to Get Ahead We have altogether too much ego in our world these days. And before you nod sagely about that colleague or neighbor who is...
The High Cost Of M ultitasking (INFOGRAPHIC)
Fluoridation fails as America’s cavity crisis escalates
We’ve all been guilty of it — sending a quick email
Today is the 69th birthday of water fluoridation – the
during the middle of a meeting, checking Facebook
top public health blunder of all time, reports the
in the...
New York State...
Focused ultrasound exam may
Study: Patients feel safer when they
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
accurately identify athletes with heart problems
receive surgical safety checklist
Focused ultrasound exam accurately identifies atrisk athletes A young athlete in seemingly excellent
they receive a surgical safety checklist and request
Patients feel safer – and likely are safer – when that their...
health dies suddenly...
Environmental and capacity requirements are critical for implementing and sustaining a drug prevention program: a multiple case study of "Clubs against drugs"
Genome sequencing and analysis of the paclitaxel-producing endophytic fungus Penicillium aurantiogriseum NRRL 62431
“Clubs against drugs”(CAD) is a comprehensive
drug with a unique mode of action. The
program with a systems approach to prevention with the intention...
biosynthesis of paclitaxel had been...
Transcript of remarks by SLW on proposed enhancement measures to protect the interest of foreign domestic helpers
Public urged to cherish food over Chinese New Year holiday
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
Paclitaxel (TaxolTM) is an important anticancer
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – As Chinese New Year approaches, families and friends will be having meals together to celebrate...
remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung...
M alaria in overseas labourers returning to China: an analysis of imported malaria in Jiangsu Province, 2001-2011
Jordan to enforce smoking ban despite public fury
While great success in malaria control has been
that motorists can be seen puffing away on miniature water pipes in traffic,...
achieved in China, imported malaria has become a
In Jordan, a country where smoking is so popular
major challenge in the context...
Boston Consulting Group’s Rich Lesser, Wendy Woods Share Wellness Tips
5 Reasons Yoga & Strength Training Combine Perfectly
“To address climate change, I think you actually
always kept me skinny no matter what. And it’s
need to address the power of certain industries… and if you...
I’ve always had a fast metabolism. The kind that’s
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Antibe Therapeutics increases nonbrokered private placement to a total of 2.27 million units
White House health care adviser to leave his post
Antibe Therapeutics Inc. (“Antibe” or the
White House coordinator for health reform Chris Jennings resigned after six months, citing personal
“Corporation”) (TSXV:ATE) announces an increase
reasons and family considerations....
to the...
LA BioM ed’s physician-researchers honored America’s Top Doctors for the year 2014
Scientists provide new insights into molecular regulation of stem cell differentiation
Forty-two of Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute’s (LA BioMed’s) physician-researchers will
The findings of the scientists of the Institute of Diabetes and Regeneration Research (IDR) at
be ranked among...
Helmholtz Zentrum München...
From cheek swabs to consensus sequences: an A to Z protocol for highthroughput DNA sequencing of complete human mitochondrial genomes
Deregulation of the phosphatase, PP2A is a common event in breast cancer, predicting sensitivity to FTY720
Next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS)
are the oestrogen receptor...
The most commonly used biomarkers to predict the response of breast cancer patients to therapy
technologies have made huge impacts in many fields of biological research, but especially...
The supporting effects of high luminous conditions on grade 3 oral reading fluency scores common thread that defines humanity. Day light
Results of a multinational survey regarding the diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint involvement in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
affects us in a variety of...
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) involvement occurs
The universality of the impact of daylight is a
in up to 80% of patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Currently...
Labour Department holds "Think Big . Start Young
Taking Singles Seriously — in a Fun Way: Part 1
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Labour Department
[Bella’s intro: Well over 100 million Americans are
(LD) today (January 25) held the “Think Big . Start
single, yet as a group, they are not really taken all
Young – Youth...
that seriously....
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New biomarker for stress in wild animals facing global climate change
Health law enrollment hits approximately 3 million in January
Chemical analyses by neuroscientist Jerrold Meyer
Though this number is shy of earlier projections, it
and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts
is getting closer to hitting monthly expectations.
Amherst are helping to...
The administration,...
Strategic placement of trees near roadways may enhance positively impact public health
Actavis signs agreement with Zhejiang Chiral to acquire Actavis Foshan, China
Calif.-Strategic placement of trees and plants near
has signed and completed an agreement for
busy roadways may enhance air quality and positively impact public health. In...
Zhejiang Chiral Medicine Chemicals...
Accelerated evolution of the mitochondrial genome in an alloplasmic line of durum wheat
Risk of infection due to medical interventions via central venous catheters or implantable venous access port systems at the middle port of a three-way cock: luer lock cap vs. luer access split septum system (QSyte(R))
Wheat is an excellent plant species for nuclear mitochondrial interaction studies. . These lines exhibit different vegetative...
Actavis plc (NYSE: ACT) today announced that it
Many cancer patients receive a central venous catheter or port system prior to therapy to assure correct drug administration....
Atrial fibrillation alters the microRNA expression profiles of the left atria of patients with mitral stenosis
CSD holds 10km Distance Run
Structural changes of the left and right atria associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) in mitral
Services Department (CSD)...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – More than 650 people today (January 25) participated in the Correctional
stenosis (MS) patients...
Environmental protection event in Tuen M un promotes "Use less, waste less" lifestyle
VIDEO: Social media campaign to help toddler
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – To promote a “Use less,
More than 30,000 people have responded to a campaign to try to save the life of a toddler who has
waste less” lifestyle, the Environmental Protection
a rare form of cancer. Margot...
Department... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute adopt new medical device to treat patients with severe aortic stenosis
Scientists hope crowdfunding may boost crowdsourced research project
The Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute at Morristown Medical Center today became the first hospital in
phone users around the world, we could map
What if by collecting vital signs from individual cell symptoms of disease and...
the tri-state area to...
Researchers detect cancer cells using olfactory senses of fruit flies A research unit in an international cooperation project, led by the Konstanz-based neurobiologist and zoologist Professor...
Supreme Court gives nuns temporary reprieve on health law’s contraceptive mandate SCOTUS Blog: Partial Win For Little Sisters The Supreme Court on Friday afternoon gave an order of Roman Catholic nuns some...
SCED’s speech at luncheon co-hosted by HKETO Berlin, HKTDC and SHKBA in Zurich(with photo) Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So,...
Insecticide resistance mechanisms associated with different environments in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae: a case study in Tanzania Resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides is a growing concern in Africa. Since only a few insecticides are used for public...
Role of the vector genome and underlying factor IX mutation in immune responses to AAV gene therapy for hemophilia B
Hypoxia increases membrane metalloendopeptidase expression in a novel lung cancer ex vivo model
Self-complementary adeno-associated virus
cancer therapy. Responses to hypoxia have been
(scAAV) vectors have become a desirable vector for
extensively studied in vitro,...
Hypoxia-induced genes are potential targets in
therapeutic gene transfer due...
SFH on powdered formula, blood donation and influenza Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man,...
New drugs for treatment of prostate cancer may not target root cause of the disease NEW drugs being developed for the treatment of prostate cancer may not be targeting the root cause of the disease, according...
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Researchers develop novel instruments and software for inspecting food microstructure
Study shows that impulsive personalities more likely to report higher levels of food addiction
Applying imaging techniques to food structure is
The same kinds of impulsive behavior that lead
helping scientists devise ways of improving the quality of processed food Food’s...
some people to abuse alcohol and other drugs may also be an important contributor...
Scientists develop powerful RapidCaP mouse models for metastatic prostate cancer
SCED promotes Hong Kong as great place for Swiss firms to do business
Prostate cancer is the most common form of
Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, continued his official visit...
cancer in men. Affecting about 1 in 6 men, it is the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for
second deadliest cancer....
Force works closely with Food and Health Bureau Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Police have been working closely with the Food and Health Bureau on various fronts including...
Intermittent versus continuous androgen deprivation for locally advanced, recurrent or metastatic prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in older men in the United States (USA) and Western Europe. Androgen deprivation...
February 2014 adjustment in ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations
Hong Kong Wetland Park celebrates World Wetlands Day 2014
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department today (January
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Wetland Park (HKWP) held a ceremony today (January 25) to
25) announced an adjustment to...
celebrate World Wetlands Day...
Drugs take-up ‘should be higher’
Growth Chart for the Brain M ay Aid Early Interventions
24 January 2014 Last updated at 23:16 ET More patients should be asking for drugs approved for NHS use, the chairman of a...
Researchers at Penn Medicine have generated a brain development index from MRI scans that captures the complex patterns of...
Giving Up Smoking? Try Positive Psychotherapy
How to Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions
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The thousands of people who’ve resolved to stop
Yoga could be your secret weapon to actually
smoking this New Year might soon be able to
accomplishing your New Year’s resolutions. I
make use of a new method...
looked up the most common...
Pakistani Court Sentences M entally Ill Briton to Death for Blasphemy
Prostate Adventures: Another Reason to Appreciate the California Stem Cell Program
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Pakistan has handed a death sentence for blasphemy to a 69-year-old Briton with a history of...
“Scoot your bottom over,” said the nurse as I lay on my side in the backless hospital gown. I felt a sudden inclination...
Dr. Brian Weiss, Past-Life Regression Expert, Shares His Theory On What Happens When We Die (VIDEO)
Right-Brained Or Left-Brained? Actually, You M ay Be Neither
Psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss didn’t believe in souls
A leading psychologist says the left-brain/rightbrain theory is bunk — and that there’s a smarter
and reincarnation until one patient’s astonishing
place to draw...
Soul of a Drag Queen Drag queens: Can’t live with them; can’t live without
Carbon dioxide paves the way to unique nanomaterials
them. Well, at least that is how I feel sometimes.
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Janusz
Lewiń of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences IMAGE: ...
Nuns get partial win in U.S. Supreme Court contraception fight
Understanding Oxytocin, the ‘Love Hormone,’ & Its Effects on…
By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court said on Friday that, while
What occurs when we defy the body’s natural ability to begin the process of labor and to secrete peak
litigation continues,...
levels of oxytocin,...
Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves Us
Poem: Dismal Day
This week for Sas’s powerful Let It Go Project, I talked about letting go of “I can’t” thoughts. It’s so
Our fight Before Eggs And some sausage. -eml
Dismal day Beneath a Storm Hovering above. After Comments This post currently...
The Textbook Is Still A Great Learning
Calgary nursing home to change wound
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care after resident deaths
It seems like every year my students use their
Alberta Health Minister Fred Horne says a nursing
textbooks less and less. Teachers still hand out textbooks in September but...
home where two residents died from badly-infected sores over the last year...
Birch helps wounds heals faster centuries as a traditional means of helping the
Simple protein test could improve prediction of survival rates for patients with head and neck cancer
damaged skin around wounds to...
()—Scientists from The University of Manchester –
Extracts from the birch tree have served for
part of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre – used a simple...
Diagnosis: The Doctor-Go-Round
Passion, Passion and Passion
Log in to manage your products and services from
Atari 2600. This was my first meeting with a
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
computer. I was just a kid about 4-5 years old. I still remember those black...
5 Keys for Emotional Balance While Teetering on the Edge
Jennifer Aniston: "I Started to Enjoy Life a Little Bit M ore"
My life collapsed a few years ago after a divorce, and I found myself living on the brink of poverty. I
Everyone always focuses on Jennifer Aniston’s hair —but if you ask us, her toned physique is every bit
had gone from an...
as envy-worthy...
The Real Reason He Forgot Your Anniversary
How to Trick Yourself Into Being M ore Confident At Work
Before you chew out your guy for dropping the ball on an important date—again—listen to this: Men
If your heart doesn’t beat a little faster right before a big meeting with your boss, you might want to
report more memory...
check your pulse....
Tickety-Tock! An Even M ore Accurate Atomic Clock
Not Gone, Just Sleeping: Earthquakes M ay Reawaken In M idwest
i i hide captionComputer networks and GPS systems are only possible because of the
Not dead yet! That’s the news from the New Madrid fault line in the Midwest. For years geologists
precision timekeeping of atomic...
thought it was winding...
New Study Shakes Up Science On M idwest Quake Zone
Former Philadelphia Police Officer Convicted in Cover-Up
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i i hide captionMap showing seismic activity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. United States
PHILADELPHIA—Robertito Fontan, 42, a former narcotics officer with the Philadelphia Police
Geological Survey...
Department, was found guilty...
West Seneca M an Charged with Receipt of Child Pornography
Rochester M an Pleads Guilty to Six Bank Robberies Across New York State
BUFFALO, NY—United States Attorney William J Hochul, Jr announced today that Joseph S
BUFFALO, NY—United States Attorney William J Hochul, Jr announced today that Robert Stevenson,
Heleniak, 68, of West Seneca, New...
59, of Rochester, New York,...
Six Habits that Lead to Emotional Security doing certain things differently? Research
International Law Enforcement Efforts Result in Charges Around the World Against Operators and Customers of EM ail Hacking Websites
suggests that yes, you can. Doing what...
LOS ANGELES—As part of an international law
Can you become more emotionally secure by
enforcement operation involving Romania, India, and China, federal prosecutors...
How to Fix One Common Sleep Problem Last week’s cartoon, about a book of interesting case studies of mental health patients, one of which involved a...
Couple Sentenced for Sex Trafficking a 15-Year-Old Girl ALEXANDRIA, VA—Stephanie Olean Chapman, 28, of Fairfax, Virginia, and Ronnie Pierre Holmes, 30, with no fixed address,...
Ethics and M ental Health With a new corruption scandal every day, it got me thinking about the relationship between ethics and mental health. As...
Vitamin D supplements’ benefits panned in review of studies Taking vitamin D supplements to prevent cancer, heart disease, fractures and premature death provide few if any benefits,...
Gap in life expectancy between rural and urban residents is growing
Childhood cancer survivors experience a gap in care
Reducing health inequalities and increasing life
A recent study shows that many internists feel ill-
expectancy in the United States have both been
equipped to care for adult patients who are
primary goals of the national...
childhood cancer survivors....
Study finds epileptic activity spreads in new way
Keep it complex and improve your brain power
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Researchers in the biomedical engineering
()—If your New Year’s resolutions include toning
department at Case Western Reserve University
the brain as well as the body, the key could be a
have found that epileptic activity...
vigorous mental...
Is Sugar The New Cigarettes? A New Sundance Film Thinks So
15 Peanut Butter Recipes
Sixty years ago, Fred Flintstone hawked Winston
Don’t get us wrong, we can’t hate on our beloved PBJ but, just in case you’re looking for more ways
cigarettes. Today, he pitches cereal. And both can
kill. Stephanie Soechtig’s...
Box Tops Help Big Food’s Bottom Line The enactment of policies to curb marketing to children has been, to put it mildly, an uphill battle in the United States....
Arrests of Jayson Rodriguez Gonzalez, Jose Reyes del Valle, Angel Luis Resto M ojica, Angel Castro Caraballo, and Rafael M iranda Tolention Special Agent in Charge (SAC), Carlos Cases of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) San Juan Division announced...
Who Are You Really? Shed Your M asks to Find Out
Radiation exposure compared for lumbosacral epidural approaches
In our last article we introduced the importance of
(HealthDay)—For fluoroscopy-guided lumbosacral
authenticity. In this article we will expand on the
epidural steroid injections (ESIs), the kerma-area
theme by exploring...
product (KAP) of transforaminal...
Large-scale analysis of over 20 tumor types increases catalog of cancer genes by 25 percent
Stimulant, antipsychotic combo improves aggressive behavior
()—A landmark study across many cancer types reveals that the universe of cancer mutations is
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and
(HealthDay)—For children with attention aggressive disorders, the addition of...
much bigger than previously...
M ost patients at diabetes risk consider themselves healthy
Dr. Akudo Anyanwu Ikemba On Her Inspiring Fight In Africa
(HealthDay)—Nearly 80 percent of patients at
Dr. Akudo Anyanwu Ikemba, the CEO and founder
elevated risk for type 2 diabetes think they are in
of Friends Africa, joined HuffPostLive at the World
excellent or very good...
Economic Forum in Davos...
5 Ways the West Is Improving Yoga
The Ultimate M usic Playlist, According
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(And the World)
to Science
Just like the sun, which rises in the east but sets in
Finally. Evidence to support the most insanely
the west, yoga’s home is right here in the US of A.
obvious hypothesis. Music impacts health. Full
Here are...
disclosure: Although I curated...
Boston Named the Healthiest City in America
Scientists identify genetic alterations in pediatric soft-tissue cancer
With the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, everyone
Scientists have mapped the genetic changes that
seems to have something to say about the state of
drive tumors in rhabdomyosarcoma, a pediatric
health, fitness,...
soft-tissue cancer, and found...
FDA to make recommendations on safety of oral tablets used to treat ragweed allergy symptoms
M ayors also have a stake in the M edicaid expansion’s ‘promise and pitfalls’
There is more to seasonal allergies than a little
This health law topic is high on the agenda of this
congestion and sneezing. If you notice eating watermelon, cantaloupe or...
week’s U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Washington. Meanwhile,...
Looking at electronic health records diverts doctors’ attention from patients during office visits
Twin siblings were conceived at same time using IVF but born 8 years apart
When physicians spend too much time looking at
Jasmine Billington born in May 2005 and her ‘twin’ Simon eight years later Parents Lisa and Nigel first
the computer screen in the exam room, nonverbal
cues may get overlooked and...
SM S reminders to improve the tuberculosis cure rate in developing countries (TB-SM S Cameroon): a protocol of a randomised control study
The quinoxaline di-N-oxide DCQ blocks breast cancer metastasis in vitro and in vivo by targeting the hypoxia inducible factor-1 pathway
Tuberculosis is a public health problem in
Although tumor hypoxia poses challenges against
Cameroon, just like in many other countries in the
conventional cancer treatments, it provides a
world. The National Tuberculosis...
therapeutic target for hypoxia-activated...
Oral HPV infection in a clinic-based sample of Hispanic men Human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated to the
Effect of empathy trait on attention to faces: an event-related potential (ERP) study
pathogenesis of various cancers, such as
Empathy is deeply linked with the ability to adapt to
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma,...
human social environments. The present study investigated the relationship...
Adults & ADHD: 8 Tips to M ake Good Decisions
Big jump in M edicaid signups reported
Making decisions is a challenge for adults with
More than 6.3 million people were found eligible for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance
ADHD. The symptom of distraction is one reason
Program since October,...
decision-making is difficult....
Environmental endocrine disrupters may endanger embryonic heart valves Exposure to environmental endocrine disrupters, such as bisphenol A, which mimic estrogen, is associated with adverse health...
Researchers reveal role of extra thymus gland in the network of body’s natural defense systems The thymus gland is a critical component of the human immune system that is responsible for the development of T-lymphocytes,...
Could sweet wrappers help people with Alzheimer’s? Nestle claims vintage packaging could trigger happy memories in dementia patients
Women’s perception of quality of maternity services: a longitudinal survey in Nepal
Care groups believe vintage sweet wrappers could help revive positive recollections from dementia
assessment of quality is central because
In the context of maternity service, the mother’s emotional, cultural and...
sufferers’ long-term...
Health-related quality of life in adolescents with chronic physical illness in northern Russia: a crosssectional study
Race/ethnicity and HAART initiation in a military HIV infected cohort
Health related quality of life (HRQoL) is an
healthcare system,...
Prior studies have suggested that HAART initiation may vary by race/ethnicity. Utilizing the U.S. military
important subjectively evaluated outcome of adolescents physical, mental, and...
HKETO, Brussels hosts Chinese New Year receptions in 12 European cities continue to abound for European entrepreneurs in
glbase: a framework for combining, analyzing and displaying heterogeneous genomic and highthroughput sequencing data
Hong Kong in the Year...
Genomic datasets and the tools to analyze them
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Business opportunities will
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
have proliferated at an astonishing rate. However, such tools are often poorly...
New cause identified for children and adults with joint, skeletal and skin problems
First Edition: January 24, 2014
Scientists from The University of Manchester and
officials from...
Today’s headlines include reports that a federal district court judge in Missouri has blocked state
Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have identified...
Researchers locate two molecules involved in perpetuating chronic pain Setting the stage for possible advances in pain
Selective FAK inhibition within endothelial cells prevents spontaneous tumor metastasis
treatment, researchers at The Johns Hopkins
A team of scientists, led by principal investigator
University and the University...
David D. Schlaepfer, PhD, a professor in the Department of Reproductive...
Scientists aim to develop business plan to guide drug development for potential use in patients What if an experimental treatment for an
Why marrying a diabetic puts YOU at risk of the disease: Couples adopt each others’ poor eating habits and lazy lifestyles
aggressive breast cancer had the potential to save
Spouses of people with type 2 diabetes are more
women’s lives, but nobody...
likely to develop the condition themselves and should be tested regularly,...
Why taking vitamin D is ‘pointless’: Review finds taking supplement does little to prevent chronic disease or early death
End of the diabetes jab? New insulin implant controls blood glucose levels without injections
Review finds vitamin D supplementation does not prevent heart attacks, strokes, cancer, or bone
implanted into the abdomen It contains a reservoir
The wristwatch-size device can be surgically of insulin held in place...
fractures by more than...
Where does the pathological misfolding of the prion originate?
Targeted screening confirms low VRE prevalence in public hospitals
“When they are healthy, they look like tiny spheres; when they are malignant, they appear as cubes”
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The preliminary
stated Giuseppe... results of a 10-week... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
HA’s Corporate Plan and budget for 2014-15 endorsed
Ex-governor of Virginia in court on bribery charges
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority: In
By Gary Robertson RICHMOND, Virginia (Reuters) – Former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell and
2014-15, the Hong Kong...
his wife are scheduled...
Chinese state TV criticizes Wal-M art’s quality control
GSK says melanoma combination meets main goal
By Clare Baldwin and Alice Woodhouse HONG KONG (Reuters) – A state-owned Chinese TV
LONDON (Reuters) – GlaxoSmithKline said on Friday the first of its phase three studies into the
station which has run a string...
combination of Tafinlar...
Rome police pit Twitter against crazy parking
Nestle to spend $1 billion on new factories in M exico
ROME (Reuters) – The creativity of Italians in
LONDON (Reuters) – Nestle plans to invest $1
parking their cars and scooters – on traffic islands,
billion in Mexico over five years, building two new
the pavement...
factories and expanding...
How crossing your legs hurts your heart
M orning-after pill may not work in heavy women
You eat well, you exercise, and you even get the
LONDON (AP) — The European Medicines Agency
right amount of sleep (most nights, anyway; no
says it has started a review of emergency
one’s perfect). But...
contraceptives to see if they work...
First-time C-sections declining in many US states
EU committee recommends against PTC’s muscular disorder drug
The percentage of women having first-time
(Reuters) – PTC Therapeutics Inc said a
cesarean section deliveries is declining, according
committee of the European Medicines Agency did
to a new government study of...
not recommend conditional approval...
Energy efficiency measures in homes may lead to higher risk of lung cancer
NICE approves M abThera for treating severe forms of GPA and M PA
Sealing up houses to improve energy efficiency
MabThera® (rituximab) approved as the first and
also traps more radon inside and may lead to a
only licensed treatment for severe forms of
higher risk of lung cancer,...
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis...
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Drugs used to treat HIV not getting into lymphatic tissues to stop HIV replication
Water Companies Can’t M onitor All Chemicals, There’s Too M any
Drugs used to treat HIV penetrate poorly into
Nearly two weeks after a chemical spill
lymphatic tissues where most HIV replication takes
contaminated drinking water in West Virginia, the
place and there is persistent...
company involved revealed that...
Spousal diabetes as a diabetes risk factor: A systematic review and metaanalysis
Opening hours of LCSD’s public museums during Lunar New Year holidays
Diabetes history in biologically-related individuals increases diabetes risk. We assessed diabetes
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural Services Department today (January 24)
concordance in spouses...
announced the special opening hours...
Equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells are heterogeneous in M HC class II expression and capable of inciting an immune response in vitro
Polycomb group gene BM I1 controls invasion of medulloblastoma cells and inhibits BM P-regulated cell adhesion
IntroductionThe horse is a valuable species to
heterogeneous disease. Despite recent...
Medulloblastoma is the most common intracranial childhood malignancy and a genetically
assess the effect of allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in regenerative...
Creativity And ADHD; Is It True I’ve been creative all my life I’m always hearing that people with ADHD are the most creative people. I’ve never seen...
The effectiveness of faecal removal methods of pasture management to control the cyathostomin burden of donkeys The level of anthelmintic resistance within some cyathostomin parasite populations has increased to the level where sole...
Best of Our Blogs: January 24, 2014 After almost a decade of being a freelance writer,
NHS Winter: Weekly A&E tracker Week 11
you would think accepting disappointment would
Notes Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital is missing
be easy. But it’s not....
data for 8 January. This means that figures for the following categories...
Elderly ‘not too old for cancer aid’
Sleep Tips: Thinking You’ve Got A Good
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24 January 2014 Last updated at 05:34 ET The UK and Ireland have lower survival rates for many common cancers than their...
Night’s Sleep (Even If You Didn’t) Can Help Your Brain It may be hard to take on board, if you’re reading this exhausted from yet another night of bad sleep, but a new study...
Can walkies tell who’s the leader of the pack?
Experiments show hypothesis of microtubule steering accurate
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Oxford University News
[ | E-mail ] Contact: A’ndrea Elyse
Information 01- 814-865-9481Penn State
865-280-532University of...
VIDEO: This is a movie of a polymerizing...
Watching molecules morph into memories
What makes cell division accurate?
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kim
Zhengzheng@ciwemb.eduCarnegie Institution 7-181430-3101Albert Einstein College of Medicine
IMAGE: The images show the microtubule-based
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Yixian
Early onset of dietary treatment may slow down progression of Alzheimer’s, says research
Researchers discover mechanism that controls activity of LRRK2 in Parkinson’s disease
New research findings indicate that an early onset
In one variant of Parkinson’s disease, the enzyme
of dietary treatment may slow down the
LRRK2 plays a central role. Scientists at the
progression of Alzheimer’s...
University of Kassel...
USDOJ: M issouri M an and Woman Sentenced for Violating Civil Rights of Family in Racially M otivated Arson
HKO signs technical co-operation agreement with Environmental Radiation M onitoring Technical Center
Acting Assistant Attorney General Jocelyn Samuels for the Civil Rights Division and United States
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Observatory and the Environmental Radiation
Attorney Tammy Dickinson...
Monitoring Technical Center of the Ministry...
Stage 2 Public Engagement launched for "Study on the Action Plan for Livable Bay Area of the Pearl River Estuary"
Documentary theatre "Once Upon a Time in Choi Yuen Chuen" to be staged in M arch
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Planning Department
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Pants Theatre Production,
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(PlanD) launched today (January 24) the Stage 2 Public Engagement for the...
which specialises in exploring social issues, will present the documentary...
Post-office appointments for M s June Teng Qun-june
Aspirin intake may stop growth of vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas)
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for Former Chief Executives and Politically Appointed...
Researchers from Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Massachusetts...
China’s ‘King’ eater has more to stomach
Nepal doctors end strike after promise of reform
After swallowing two dozen bowls of noodles, the
Thousands of doctors in Nepal ended a five-day
surprisingly lean man described as China’s “Big
strike on Friday after the government assured them
Stomach King”...
there would be changes...
Johns Hopkins researchers reveal how calcium is controlled in the body
Neuroscientists how brain determines timing at which neurons take to create new memories
Scientists at Johns Hopkins report they have figured out a key step in how “free” calcium — the kind not contained...
Neuroscientists from the University of Leicester, in collaboration with the Department of Neurosurgery at the University...
BRI receives grant to lead ITN for evaluating novel therapies for transplantation, allergy and autoimmune diseases
Study: Partner’s touch improves individual’s performance
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia
according to a new study. The...
People improve their performance more when they practise with a partner rather than on their own,
Mason (BRI) a 7-year grant to...
USDOJ: Justice Department Settles Immigration-Related Discrimination Claim Against M assachusetts Staffing Agency
HK Film Archive’s "100 M ust-See Hong Kong M ovies" to screen historically significant films in February and M arch
The Justice Department reached an agreement
Archive (HKFA)’s flagship series “100 Must-See
today with SD Staffing LLC (SD Staffing), aka
Hong Kong Movies”,...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Film
Atwork Personnel Services Inc .,... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Standard Working Hours Committee holds fifth meeting
SCM A leads delegation to Zhuhai and M acau
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for
behalf of the Standard Working Hours Committee:
Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond
The Standard Working...
Tam, will lead a delegation of...
DH urges travellers to take precautions against avian influenza during Lunar New Year
In Rural Jails, E-Cigarettes Are a Calming Vapor
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – With the Lunar New Year
The New York Times and the International New
around the corner, a spokesman for the Department of Health (DH) today...
York Times. ...
Rapid and reliable detection of alphaglobin copy number variations by quantitative real-time PCR
SCED visits Zurich to foster stronger ties
Alpha-thalassemia is the most common human
Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, began his two-day visit to...
genetic disease worldwide. Copy number
Log in to manage your products and services from
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for
variations in the form of deletions of...
One Way to Cope with a Snoring Partner
Older cancer patients ‘written off’
Last week’s cartoon, about a book of interesting case studies of mental health patients, one of
23 January 2014 Last updated at 22:45 ET The UK and Ireland have lower survival rates for many
which involved a...
common cancers than their...
First-time Cesarean rates dipped in 2012, CDC reports
US takes another look at caramel coloring in soda
(HealthDay)—Efforts to curb cesarean birth rates in the United States might be working, with health
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says there’s no reason to believe that the coloring added
officials reporting...
to sodas is unsafe....
Dealing with the deep freeze
The evolution of drug resistance within a HIV population
(HealthDay)—As another blast of Arctic air sends millions of Americans into a prolonged deep freeze, doctors are offering...
Drug resistance mutations in HIV reduce the genetic diversity in the rest of the virus genome when they spread within an...
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The Healing Nature of Sleep by guest blogger Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, integrative medicine pioneer Why do we sleep? This is really a modern question....
Near error-free wireless detection made possible [ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah 44-012233-32300University of Cambridge The accuracy and...
Tenders invited for "Road Improvement Works in West Kowloon Reclamation Development"
‘No point in vitamin D for healthy’
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Highways Department today (January 24) invited tenders for “Road
is little reason to prescribe...
23 January 2014 Last updated at 21:50 ET Many healthy people take vitamin D supplements There
Improvement Works in...
Babies’ heart risk ‘shaped early on’
The rocky road to a better flu vaccine
23 January 2014 Last updated at 21:46 ET By
Currently approved flu vaccines are less effective in
Helen Briggs BBC News Heart risk could be set in
the elderly, yet an estimated 90% of influenza-
the womb,...
related deaths occur...
Sickle cell trait in African-American dialysis patients affects dosing of anemia drugs
Getting a cancer drug to patients takes both scientific and business smarts
The presence of sickle cell trait among African Americans may help explain why those on dialysis
aggressive breast cancer had the potential to save
What if an experimental treatment for an women’s lives, but nobody...
require higher doses of...
US halts drug imports from Ranbaxy plant in India U.S. health regulators said Thursday they are
TIM E M agazine’s Latest Issue Dives Into The Benefits Of M indfulness (VIDEO)
barring imported drugs from an overseas factory
Are we in the middle of a mindfulness revolution?
operated by Ranbaxy Laboratories,...
That’s what the cover of TIME Magazine’s latest issue claims...
FDA To Revise Nutrition Facts Label For The First Time In 20 Years
Kwan Should Stop Spinning for Coke
WASHINGTON (AP) — Those nutrition labels on
President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and
the back of food packages may soon become
Nutrition might find...
Michelle Kwan and the Obama Administration’s
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
easier to read. The Food and Drug...
Ultrasound training should be implemented early into medical education programs
Evidence rapidly building on utility of ultrasound in areas other than cardiology
A paper in this month’s edition of Global Heart (the journal of the World Heart Federation advocates
A paper in this month’s edition of Global Heart (the journal of the World Heart Federation) says there is
including ultrasound...
Diabetes: We are in it together responsibilities but it could also imply sharing your
Researchers discover simple amoeba holds the key to better treatment for Alzheimer’s
diabetes. A research...
Scientists have discovered the use of a simple
Living in a household implies sharing duties and
single-celled amoeba to understand the function of human proteins in causing...
New Yorkers Travel 12 Hours To Bring Clean Water To People In West Virginia
Why Intentions Are M ore Fun Than Resolutions
Twelve hours. That’s how long a trio of New
This is the point when it all starts to slide. It’s that
Yorkers drove to deliver clean water to West Virginia, where a chemical...
wicked time of year when good intentions hit real life. Your...
Solving the Problem of Grief: The Solution Is Not What You Think
I Quit Social M edia (And I Don’t M iss It Yet)
Solving the problem of grief is a problem in itself: if
A few weeks ago, I wrote about my decision to quit
the ways you are broken cannot possibly be fixed, why does everyone...
social media for 30 days. Now, more than halfway through my detox, I can...
Bad Times + Enough Time = Good Times When our daughter was little — old enough to
Better eating habits, not bad economy, stabilized obesity rates
speak, but barely — she begged my husband for a
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Thania
snow cone at the... 919-9628596University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill All those...
Social contact problems warn of future psychosis
Cortical thickness may distinguish bipolar from unipolar disorder
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
Reporter Difficulties with social contact in
Reporter Patients with depression have areas of
adolescents from the general population...
reduced cortical thickness, with...
Etoposide plus cisplatin remains best for limited-stage SCLC
Biomat USA Employee Sentenced on Identity Theft Charges
By Lynda Williams, Senior medwireNews Reporter
Michael J Moore, United States Attorney for the
Etoposide plus cisplatin, given alongside
Middle District of Georgia, announced that Bridgette
accelerated hyperfractionated thoracic...
Williams, aged 31, of...
Former District of Columbia Schools Compliance Officer Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud and Conflict-of-Interest Charges
Jury Convicts Long Island M an of Conspiring to M urder Federal Judge and Federal Prosecutor
WASHINGTON—Donnie Dukes, a former
BROOKLYN, NY—United States Attorney William J Hochul, Jr announced today that a federal jury
compliance officer for the District of Columbia
convicted Joseph Romano, 51,...
Public Schools, has pled guilty to charges...
Former City of Sweetwater M ayor Sentenced in Corruption Investigation
M ale Bio Clock Ticks for Schizophrenia, Autism, Developmentally Disabled…
Wifredo A Ferrer, United States Attorney for the
A large study released today reveals that men’s
Southern District of Florida, and Michael B Steinbach, Special Agent in...
biological time clocks are ticking away with major implications for their...
Home Health Agency Owner and Director of Nursing Indicted
Young Woman Attacks Panic (Video)
WASHINGTON—The operator and director of
Millie explains what it’s like for her to have panic
nursing of a home health agency based in Richmond, Texas, was arrested yesterday...
attacks and how...
CytRx initiates aldoxorubicin Phase 2 trial in HIV-infected patients with Kaposi’s sarcoma
Prosonix announces positive top-line results from PSX1002 Phase 2 study for COPD treatment
CytRx Corporation (NASDAQ: CYTR), a
First clinical data from PSX1002, a novel, orally
biopharmaceutical research and development
inhaled, drug-only, pMDI suspension formulation of
company specializing in oncology, today
glycopyrronium bromide,...
In a video diary style short shared by Anxiety BC,
announced... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
New easy-to-use risk calculator helps predict heart failure patients’ chances of survival
How the Dukan Diet could give you kidney disease: High protein diets can cause renal problems in the long term
A UCLA team has developed an easy-to-use “risk calculator” that helps predict heart failure patients’
Eating a lot of protein can also increase the risk of calcium kidney stones This is because it reduces
the body’s level...
Contagious Cancer In Dogs Leaves Prehistoric Paw Prints
Scientists identify a key to body’s use of free calcium
i i hide captionAlaskan malamutes were bred about 4,000 years ago and are the closest living
Scientists at Johns Hopkins report they have figured out a key step in how “free” calcium—the
relatives to the ancient...
kind not contained...
Explainer: what causes women’s fertility to decline with age?
Bonanno Family Captain Vincent Asaro Indicted for Participating in the 1978 Lufthansa $5 M illion Robbery at JFK Airport and the M urder of Paul Katz, Who Disappeared in 1969
We’ve known for over 50 years that reproductive ageing results in a gradual loss of fertility until about age 37, when...
BROOKLYN, NY—Earlier today, an indictment was unsealed charging five members of the Bonanno organized crime family of La...
FDA prohibits Ranbaxy’s Toansa, India facility from producing and distributing drugs for the U.S. market
Katy M an Indicted on Federal Hate Crime Charge for Assault of Elderly African-American M an
FDA NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release:
HOUSTON—A grand jury in Houston has just
Jan. 23, 2014 Media Inquiries: Christopher Kelly,
returned a federal indictment against Conrad Alvin
Barrett, 27, charging him with...
Sports medicine physical of the future could help athletes ‘ESCAPE’ sudden cardiac death
New clues may link hereditary cancer genes to increased risk of cancer from alcohol
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vanessa 410-614-2916Johns
617-919-3110Boston Children’s Hospital
Hopkins Medicine In laboratory experiments
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
New computer model may aid personalized cancer care
Lab-grown, virus-free stem cells repair retinal tissue in mice
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robbin
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Vanessa 617-632- 410-614-2916Johns
4090Dana-Farber Cancer Institute BOSTON Dana-
Hopkins Medicine Investigators at Johns Hopkins
A scientific first: Physicists, physicians, engineers photograph radiation beams in the human body through the Cherenkov effect
U.S. mayors want surcharge on dangerous rail shipments
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Donna
surcharge when they move...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Rail shipments of crude oil and other dangerous goods should face a 603-6533615The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth IMAGE: ...
Texting while walking impairs stride, poses risks: study
Exclusive: Obama health care adviser Jennings leaving White House
Texting while walking impairs a person’s ability to
By Jeff Mason WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Chris
follow a straight line and keep a normal pace, and may pose risks...
Jennings, a top adviser to President Barack Obama who played a key part...
New criteria may reduce autism diagnoses
Doctor quizzed about drug info discussions with investors outside of SAC
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The number of U.S. kids diagnosed with autism has been on the rise, but that trend could...
By Nate Raymond NEW YORK (Reuters) – A doctor who says he leaked details of a clinical drug trial to SAC Capital Advisors...
Author Greg M cKeown On The Joy Of M issing Out
FDA Is Testing Caramel Coloring In Soda
Despite the all-encompassing fear of missing out,
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Food and Drug
Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism: The
Administration says it is conducting new studies of
Disciplined Pursuit of Less,...
the safety of caramel coloring...
A Kindergarten Teacher in Therapy
M en Behaving Badly
Not long ago, I nonchalantly remarked to a family
When Saturn transits our 8th House, we find
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
member that my son’s kindergarten teacher was in therapy to deal...
ourselves re-evaluating both our desire nature and our use of power. We even...
The M uppets Are Getting A M iniM akeover To Boost Kids’ Health
Tests reveal "too high" levels of carcinogen in some colas
Bert and Ernie jump rope and munch apples and carrots, and Cookie Monster has his namesake
Consumer Reports is warning the caramel coloring that gives cola it’s brown hue may be
treat once a week, not every day....
dangerous in the levels its...
New autism criteria would leave fewer kids diagnosed: Study
What you need to know after prostate cancer diagnosis
The latest edition of the “psychiatry bible” — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
January 23, 2014, 8:51 AM|CBS News’ Dr. Jon LaPook talks with prostate cancer expert Dr.
Herbert Lepor about how diagnosis...
Family moving to Colo. to get medical marijuana for ailing 3-year-old
Diagnosed with prostate cancer
January 23, 2014, 9:41 AM|The family of a 3-yearold girl who has a severe form of epilepsy has
brings about many questions. Dr. Jon LaPook,
Receiving a diagnosis for prostate cancer inevitably CBS News chief medical...
decided to move from Texas...
Ask the Guy Next Door: When Guys Don’t Kiss You During Sex
Weekly Innovation: A Radiation Detector In Your Smartphone
Does it mean something when a guy won’t kiss you during sex? —Kate, Baltimore, MD If this is a
i i hide captionScientists tested their radiation detection app on four smartphones, concluding
first-time hookup,...
that it works well...
M arine Department holds seminar to promote navigational safety
LegCo M embers meet with Kwun Tong and Tai Po District Council members
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – As Hong Kong is entering
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
the fog season, the Director of Marine, Mr Francis
behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:
Liu, has reminded coxswains...
Members of the Legislative...
"Sparkle! Collector Club" exhibition to explore the value of art
Direct inhibition of PI3K in combination with dual HER2 inhibitors is required for optimal antitumor activity in HER2+ breast cancer cells
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – An exhibition entitled “Sparkle! Collector Club” will be held at Oi! from
tomorrow... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
IntroductionDespite multiple advances in the treatment of HER2+ breast cancers, resistance develops even to combinations...
Elevated signal transducers and activators of transcription 1 correlates with increased C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 and C-X-C motif chemokine 10 levels in peripheral blood of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
10 Foods That Can Help You Fight Illness It’s flu-fighting season and time to stock up on vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, selenium, zinc,...
IntroductionThe present study examines the levels of recently reported biomarkers, ADAR, CCL2, CXCL10, STAT1, and miR-146a...
Emergency diagnosis more common for cancers of ‘unknown origin’
Sesame Street, heart doctor aim to boost kids’ health
Rarer cancers with an undefined origin are twice
The new Muppet, Dr. Ruster, centre, with, from left,
as likely to be diagnosed in AE than cancers where the initial tumour site...
Grover, Rosita, Elmo, Cookie Monster, Ernie and Bert. Dr. Ruster is...
Research reveals why people lose hearing as they become old
People with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids may have larger brain volumes in old age
Although the brain becomes smaller with age, the shrinkage seems to be fast-tracked in older adults with hearing loss, according...
People with higher levels of the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may also have larger brain volumes in old age equivalent...
First Edition: January 23, 2014 Today’s headlines include reports about a new survey indicating that the nation’s uninsured rate dropped modestly...
Gulf Coast Spine Care now offers new, improved treatment for degenerative disc disease Degenerative disc disease affects many individuals, and it can cause a significant amount of pain to those affected. Its...
It’s official! M en do forget more than women: Whether they’re 30 or 60 men forget a ‘surprising’ amount
Engineering student develops early detection methods for E. coli bacteria Loreen Lamoureaux, a University of New Mexico
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Women find it hardest to remember names and dates, say researchers Well educated people are
biomedical engineering graduate student, is working on ways to quickly detect...
less forgetful than poorly educated...
Identification of living Legionella using specific metabolic lipopolysaccharides ( —The bacterium that causes Legionnaires’ disease remains difficult to track. French researchers have now...
Generation of divergent uroplakin tetraspanins and their partners during vertebrate evolution: identification of novel uroplakins The recent availability of sequenced genomes from a broad array of chordates (cephalochordates, urochordates and vertebrates)...
Women’s views and experiences of antenatal care in Iraq: a Q methodology study perspectives of antenatal care services is
Three different situations and approaches in the management for anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left coronary sinus: case report
particularly critical for enhancing...
Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from
Understanding women’s experiences and
the left coronary sinus is rare but potentially dangerous if any ischemic...
Body Image M ysteries: Why You “Feel Fat”
How To Survive A Broken Heart
In my last post, I shared about a fascinating new
A few years ago we blogged about Dr. John Kennedy, who’s book, The 15 Minute Heart Cure
book I’m reading called “The Body Has a Mind of Its
discusses the very real phenomenon...
Own” by Sandra...
Laptop stolen with health information of 620,000 Albertans
Turn down the thermostat for weight loss, scientists propose
A laptop with the unencrypted personal health
Keeping homes a little chillier as temperatures
information of 620,000 Albertans was stolen last September, Health Minister...
drop outside might help people burn more calories and protect their health,...
‘Lost opportunities’ in boy’s care 23 January 2014 Last updated at 07:48 ET Sean
New recommendations ease challenges for Rett sufferers
Turner, from Wiltshire, died following major heart
The Telethon Institute for Child Health Research
surgery in March 2012 A...
together with international collaborators have created a comprehensive approach... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Twice-daily pill could turn leukemia into a highly treatable disease ()—Use of a twice-daily pill could turn a deadly blood cancer into a highly treatable disease, according to scientists...
Study identifies gene tied to motor neuron loss in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers have identified a gene, called matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9),...
Cohabitation plays ‘major role’ in number of long-term relationships
Subway Joins M ichelle Obama’s Healthy Eating Effort With Kids’ M enu Changes
A new national study provides surprising evidence
WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama is getting a
of how cohabitation contributes to the number of
new ally in her campaign to get kids to eat more
long-term relationships...
fruits and vegetables. The...
Another Lil’ Something Not To Fear
VIDEO: OECD: Employers must address stress
Fear neither abandonment nor abandon. Both states teach you about you: In abandonment, you learn to love your own company...
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, is using the World Economic Forum to highlight the issue...
‘M issed opportunities’ in boy’s care
Deadly bird flu cases surging
23 January 2014 Last updated at 07:48 ET Sean Turner, from Wiltshire, died following major heart
23 January 2014 Last updated at 07:56 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
surgery in March 2012 A...
BBC News A surge...
M orbidity higher in obese liver transplant recipients with diabetes, survival not impacted
Path to supreme court runs through ‘judicial monastery’
Researchers from New Zealand report that
There was a time when awaiting a decision by the United States Supreme Court actually held some
morbidity following liver transplant is highest
suspense. That ended in 2006,...
among obese patients with diabetes,...
Neutrons used to study model vascular systems
Symbiotic microbe sets immune-cell levels related to colitis
In what may be the first use of neutron scattering to
()—Humans need microbes and microbes need
study complex bio-medical systems under dynamic
humans, a symbiotic dance whose steps
conditions, Los Alamos...
scientists are just beginning to learn. Of...
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
The Importance Of Hiding Your Inner Crazy
Uninsured Rate Drops Amid Obamacare Rollout: Poll
I bumped into a woman the other day who I hadn’t
WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s uninsured rate
seen in a while. I knew from word on the street — or, more accurately,...
dropped modestly this month as the major coverage expansion under President...
ACM G’s Genomics Annual Clinical Genetics M eeting showcases latest breakthroughs in genetics research
New tools to increase precision and safety of radiation treatment in cancer patients
Do you cover genetics, genomics, healthcare or
A scientific breakthrough may give the field of
medicine? The media are invited to register now for
radiation oncology new tools to increase the
the American College of...
precision and safety of radiation...
How 73% of health trusts won’t fund full IVF treatment Around 3.5million couples in Britain – or one in six
Sorgenfresser Worry Eater cuddly toy wins award for making child’s worries vanish
– have fertility problems Guidelines state that
Experts believe toys can help youngsters deal with
women aged 23 to...
their problems By Sean Poulter PUBLISHED: 20:49 EST, 22 January...
Postprandial muscle protein synthesis is higher after a high whey protein, leucine-enriched supplement than after a dairy-like product in healthy older people: a randomized controlled trial
Results of surveys on supply and prices of powdered formula at retail level announced
Decreased ability of muscles to respond to
the improvement measures for...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – To follow up on the implementation progress and the effectiveness of
anabolic stimuli is part of the underlying mechanism for muscle loss with aging....
Response to media enquiries on review of disposal of forfeited ivory
Hospital Authority releases publications on risk management
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to media
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
enquiries on the result of the review of the disposal
behalf of the Hospital Authority: The latest quarterly
of forfeited ivory,...
issue of “HA...
Skin care products company fined by court for false origin tonic lotion
Pesticide residue on organics yet to be followed up by CFIA
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Customs and Excise
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has yet to
Department (CED) earlier prosecuted a trading-
begin sending pesticide residue test results to
cum-manufacturing company...
organic food certification...
California couple welcomes identical triplets
Wealthier women more likely to use fertility services
A California woman has given birth to identical
(HealthDay)—New U.S. government statistics
triplets, instantly doubling the size of her family.
show there’s still a major divide among women
April Dooley’s...
when it comes to infertility:...
States weighing labels on genetically altered food (Update)
Hypertension linked to post-cervical fusion readmission
In the absence of federal regulation, American
(HealthDay)—The readmission rate following
state governments are considering laws to require labels on food items containing...
anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is 2.5 percent, and hypertension...
Waiting list records ‘not falsified’, says Jeremy Hunt
Asthma: DM P is largely consistent with guidelines
The NAO found that data was falsely recorded in 26
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Anna-Sabine
per cent of cases examined – most often because NHS administrators... 49-022-135-6850Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health...
M en forget most 47-975-
Regenstrief, IU study: Half of hospitalized adults over 65 need surrogate decision-makers
67869Norwegian University of Science and
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Cindy Fox
Technology Gender... 317-843-2276Indiana
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jostein
University IMAGE: Alexia Torke, M.D., is a...
Virginia Tech-led pest-control plan saves up to $309 million for Indian farmers, consumers
Number of cancer stem cells might not predict outcome in HPV-related oral cancers
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrea
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Amanda J. 540-231-4691Virginia Tech Benefits of natural pest-control measures... 614-6855420Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center COLUMBUS,...
SEC judge bars "Big Four" China units
APNewsBreak: Poll finds drop in
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
for six months over audits
uninsured rate
By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Chinese units of the global “Big Four” accounting
WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s uninsured rate dropped modestly this month as the major
firms should...
coverage expansion under President...
Arkansas official: No back-up if ‘private option’ M edicaid expansion is blocked
New injectable material delivers drug therapies and sensor technology to targeted areas in human body
The head of Arkansas’ Department of Human Services said he doesn’t have an alternative budget if lawmakers block...
A new injectable material designed to deliver drug therapies and sensor technology to targeted areas within the human body...
Starpharma receives approvals to commence phase 1 human clinical trial for DEP-Docetaxel
EORTC trial follow-up shows chemoradiotherapy for patients with rectal cancer does not improve survival
Starpharma (ASX:SPL)(OTCQX:SPHRY) today
Appearing in Lancet Oncology, long term results of
announced that it has received the necessary
EORTC trial 22921 with 10.4 years median follow-
approvals to commence a phase 1 human...
up show that 5-FU (fluorouracil)...
Fish oil could help prevent Alzheimer’s and also give you a bigger brain
NHS ‘fiddles up to 1 in 5 waiting times’ says official study
Research shows people with higher levels of the
As many as a fifth of patients are having their waits
omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may also have
‘shortened’ when typed up by staff on computer
larger brain volumes...
databases On average...
How 73% of health trusts won’t fund full IVF: Thousands of women being denied treatment because of rules to save money
Award for the cuddly toy that makes a child’s worries vanish: Youngsters write or draw things that upset them before zipping them away in its mouth
Around 3.5million couples in Britain – or one in six
Experts believe toys can help youngsters deal with
– have fertility problems Guidelines state that
their problems By Sean Poulter PUBLISHED: 20:49
women aged 23 to...
EST, 22 January...
Visalia M an Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking of a M inor
Wanted by the Sacramento FBI: High School Juniors
FRESNO, CA—Alejandro Manuel Perez, 28, of
SACRAMENTO, CA—Are you a high school junior
Visalia, was sentenced today by United States
who is curious about the Federal Bureau of
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
District Judge Lawrence J O’Neill...
Investigation (FBI)? Do you wonder...
People may be able to keep weight off by using compact elliptical device while sitting
Researchers find that 20% of women with ovarian cancer had inherited mutations in gene pathway
People may be able to keep the weight off by using
A new study conservatively estimates that one in
a compact elliptical device while sitting at a desk or
five women with ovarian cancer has inherited
watching TV, according...
genetic mutations that increase...
Scientists give cautious welcome for new types of drug intended for use in place of antibiotics
Welfare to work: a different approach for people with mental illness
New types of drug intended for use in place of
illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
antibiotics have been given a cautious welcome by scientists. Researchers...
are unemployed and many...
Applications invited for 10th Hong Kong Literature Festival pre-festival competitions
SED concludes visit to UK
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Literary works not only
22, London time) concluded...
Between 80 and 90% of people with severe mental
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Education (SED), Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, yesterday (January
express the writer’s emotions, they also reflect a place’s...
"Restored Treasures" at HK Film Archive to screen four digitally restored gems from China
Change of performer for LCSD guqin recitals
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Film
Services Department announced today (January
Archive (HKFA) and the China Film Archive (CFA) have been working closely over...
23) that guqin player Cheng...
High Street Partners upgrades its operations in Hong Kong
Challenges of Diagnoses
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – International business software and services provider High Street
diagnosis is met with a sigh of relief. So THAT’S
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Leisure and Cultural
What’s in a diagnosis? For some people, a what’s wrong with me!...
Partners from the US announced...
Judge rules Kan. sperm donor must pay child support
Blood Vessel Treatment M ight Reduce Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
TOPEKA, Kan. – A man who provided sperm to a lesbian couple in response to an online ad is the
WEDNESDAY Jan. 22, 2014, 2014 — A new nonsurgical treatment for enlarged prostate might
father of a child born...
help ease symptoms such as...
Hospital Safety Improves for Heart Patients, Study Finds
Shy Women At Risk Of Poor Sex Life
WEDNESDAY Jan. 22, 2014, 2014 — Efforts to reduce “adverse events” that occur in the hospital
Women At Risk Of Poor Sex Life Study explores
Posted on January 22, 2014 by Flora Brils Shy relation between personality...
appear to...
Dad’s Deficient Diet Harms His Offspring: Epigenetics To Blame?
Doubts cast on UK heart-attack care
Doctors have long known that a pregnant woman
Sweden’s fast adoption of new technologies gave heart-attack victims more...
needs adequate levels of folate (also known as
22 January 2014 Last updated at 22:10 ET
vitamin B9) to help prevent...
NHS waiting time data ‘unreliable’ 22 January 2014 Last updated at 19:44 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News There are more...
M ajor South African trial did not improve tuberculosis control in gold mines A major trial aiming to cut the rate of tuberculosis (TB) among South Africa’s gold miners did not reduce the number...
Computer simulation of blood vessel growth (w/ video) University of Utah bioengineers showed that tiny blood vessels grow better in the laboratory if the tissue surrounding them...
Study shows one in five women with ovarian cancer has inherited predisposition ()—A new study conservatively estimates that one in five women with ovarian cancer has inherited genetic mutations that...
Idelalisib shows promise in treating indolent non-Hodgkin lymphomas
Uganda to Deport British M an Accused of Being Gay
Slow-growing, or indolent, non-Hodgkin
KAMPALA, Uganda – A Ugandan court on
lymphomas are difficult to treat, with most patients
Wednesday ordered the deportation of a British
relapsing repeatedly and the...
man facing criminal charges related...
January Baby, Counting M y Presents
A Sentence No Parent Should Ever Hear
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(Not to Be Confused With Gifts) This was my first Christmas tree in five years — four, if you count the austere Artistic Experiment of
I was in the hospital with my fiance when she died. When somebody dies, there are calling circles that need to be activated....
having a beefy...
Why Speaking Your Truth Isn’t Enough Truth has already become a powerful word for me this year. I find myself pushing my comfort level and speaking my truth in...
The Third M etric: Why Your M ileage Should Vary You can’t praise water to one who has never experienced thirst. But you can be ready for the moment when they will...
Did You M ake a Super-Sized New Year’s Resolution? Don’t Ditch It; Downsize It
Putting ‘Adam’ in his rightful place in evolutionary history
If you’re anything like me, once again you made a
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Amy 01-142-229-
New Year’s resolution. And once again, you feel
859University of Sheffield Our most common male
yourself beginning...
Lawrence Livermore ‘space cops’ to help control traffic in space
Particulate air pollution leads to increased heart attack risk
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Anne 925-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Annette
422-9799DOE/Lawrence Livermore National 49-893-
Laboratory A team of Lawrence...
187-4566Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen – German...
Review: Etymotic Bean is one step from hearing aid
App Smart: Watch What You Eat, Using Your Phone as a Guide
The loss of hearing can be a touchy subject. Want
Log in to manage your products and services from
to find out? Try suggesting a hearing checkup for your mother, father or...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
A Second Chemical Was Part of West Virginia Chemical Spill, Company Reveals
Cocaine Users Enjoy Social Interactions Less, Study Finds
Log in to manage your products and services from
/releases/2014/01/140120173338.htm on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...
The New York Times and the International New
You don’t have permission to access
York Times. ...
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Death of a Loved One Early in Life Linked to Psychosis Risk
Couch Potatoes at Risk of Heart Failure, Even with Exercise
A new study published in the British Medical Journal finds a small but significant increase in
Couch potatoes, beware! Sitting for long periods increases heart failure risk in men, even for those
psychosis risk for people...
who exercise regularly,...
Gay-Straight Alliances in Schools Reduce Suicide Risk for All Students
Obama Targets College Sexual Assault Epidemic
You don’t have permission to access /releases/2014/01/140121131038.htm on this
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama shone a light Wednesday on a college sexual
server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...
assault epidemic that is often shrouded...
These States M ay Be The Next To Require Labels On Genetically M odified Food
M indfulness in Everyday Life: How to M editate: 18 Tips to Successful Sitting Practice
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — In the absence of
In order to lead a more enlightened life, it is
federal regulation, states from Rhode Island to
important, first of all, to understand how the human
Hawaii are considering laws to...
mind works. We are often...
How Steve Jobs Saved The Day For This Bestselling Author Navigenics, may have never made it to the New
A Pilgrim’s Process To "The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Count Leo Tolstoy: DISCORD"
York Times’ bestseller...
Twenty-seven years ago I had an idea for a play.
Dr. David Agus, M.D., author and co-founder of
This week, it opens in Los Angeles at the NoHo Arts Center under the title...
BPA Among Toxic Chemicals Driving Up Health Care Costs, Experts Say Health care spending in the U.S. has surged more than eightfold since the 1960s. Skyrocketing in that same time: Rates of...
People who have heart attacks at the weekend or at night are 5% more likely to die Those who are having the most serious type of heart attack are 15% more likely to die if they fall ill outside of normal...
Driving after just ONE drink makes you more likely to have car crash Even drivers with a slight ‘buzz’ are more likely to
Rise of the PART-TIM E vegans: Number of people following in Beyoncé’s footsteps soars by 40% in a year
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
be at fault for accidents Those who had drunk just
More and more people are now doing ‘Veganuary’
one bottle...
– giving up animal products for the whole of January in...
How A Little Chill In The Air Could Help You Lose Weight thermostat a little lower can help you burn more
M artinez M an Sentenced to M ore Than 24 Years for Attempted Online Enticement of a M inor and Destruction of Evidence
calories. ...
AUGUSTA, GA—Fawad Shah Syed, 47, of Martinez,
i i hide captionResearchers say that setting your
Georgia, was sentenced yesterday by United States District Court Judge J...
North Tonawanda M an Sentenced for Selling Cocaine and Setting a Car on Fire BUFFALO, NY—United States Attorney William J Hochul, Jr announced today that William Hutchins, 37, of North Tonawanda,...
Capital District M en Appear in Federal Court on Charges Relating to the Development of a Lethal Radiation Device ALBANY, NY—Two men who were arraigned in June on a scheme to create a mobile, remotely operated, radiation-emitting device...
Campaign Services Professional Arraigned for Role in Campaign Finance Crimes
FBI Seeks Woman in Robberies of Woodforest National Bank Branch in Kingwood
SAN DIEGO, CA—Ravneet Singh, the proprietor of
The FBI is releasing photographs of an older
Washington, DC.-based ElectionMall Inc ., was
woman who has now robbed the same Kingwood
arraigned today on charges...
bank branch twice this month. The...
Poem: Non Pleasures
19 Beautiful And Inspiring Celebrity Body Image Quotes
The heat and pulse of My body Is so hot That my own ears burn To the tips Of hot pink blood Non pleasures. Is it the meds? Tampering...
We always find it particularly refreshing when Hollywood beauties use their gravitas for good and remind us that even in...
Lessons Learned While Starting the Biggest Creative Endeavor of M y Life
Weight loss pill turns into balloon when swallowed
Someone asked me the other day if I’ve been
A new pill that mimics the stomach-restricting
working such an exorbitant amount because I’m
nature of weight-loss surgery is helping some
trying to fill an emotional... patients shed pounds in early trials,... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
New drug shows promise in treating indolent non-Hodgkin lymphomas
Eating more omega-3 fatty acids may increase brain volume
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah
New evidence suggests that omega-3 acids are 206-667-2210Fred
linked to increased brain volume, which may equal
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Idelalisib
better brain health. “These...
Nighttime smartphone use zaps workers’ energy
Study shows 1 in 5 women with ovarian cancer has inherited predisposition
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Caroline
517-281-6949Michigan State University IMAGE: Using a smartphone to cram... 314-2860109Washington University School of Medicine IMAGE: ...
Study says sharks/rays globally overfished
Detecting chemicals, measuring strain with a pencil and paper
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carol 778-782-3035Simon Fraser University IMAGE: SFU
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Megan 847-491-
marine biodiversity...
3115Northwestern University Classroom project evolves...
Increase in hemlock forest offsetting effect of invasive hemlock woolly adelgid for now
Balancing public and private as health insurers move into primary care
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jane
Audit, health policy analysts have spent the first 651-649-5281USDA Forest Service – Northern Research Station
weeks of the year vigorously...
Prompted by the government’s Commission of
M utPred Splice: machine learningbased prediction of exonic variants that disrupt splicing
PIPE-CLIP: a comprehensive online tool for CLIP-seq data analysis
We have developed a novel machine-learning
CLIP-seq is widely used to study genome-wide interactions between RNA-binding proteins and
approach, MutPred Splice, for the identification of
RNAs. However, there are few tools...
coding region substitutions...
The effect of radiation therapy on the
A randomized controlled trial to
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mechanical and morphological properties of the enamel and dentin of deciduous teeth–an in vitro study Purpose: To evaluate the effects of radiation therapy on deciduous teeth.Materials and methods: The enamel and dentin microhardness...
evaluate the effect of incorporating peanuts into an American Diabetes Association meal plan on the nutrient profile of the total diet and cardiometabolic parameters of adults with type 2 diabetes According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the nutritional goals for patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are to...
Vitamin D deficiency in patients with Behcet’s disease
High mortality review at Sydney hospital finds no ‘silver bullet’
Behcet’s disease is an autoimmune, recurrent and
Dr. Rex Dunn, the chief of staff at the Cape Breton
multisystem disease. Vitamin D has
District Health Authority, has gone over notes on
immunomodulator role in immune...
mortality rates after...
Turn down heat to reduce obesity risk, scientists propose
M atter: Seeing X Chromosomes in a New Light
Keeping homes a little chillier as temperatures
Log in to manage your products and services from
drop outside might help people burn more calories
The New York Times and the International New
and protect their health,...
York Times. ...
App Smart: Watch What You Eat, Using Your Phone
Image or reality? Leaf research needs photos and lab analysis
Log in to manage your products and services from
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kevin
The New York Times and the International New 401-863-
York Times. ...
3766Brown University IMAGE: Time-series digital photos...
World’s dangerous neighborhoods produce aggressive children [ | E-mail ] Contact: Alison 919-681-8504Duke University DURHAM, N.C. — Children around...
Athletes’ performance declines following contract years, M U researchers show [ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 573-8823346University of Missouri-Columbia Results could help...
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U.S. anti-abortion marchers brave freezing cold in Washington
S&P 500 ends flat; IBM weighs on Dow
By Lacey Johnson WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Thousands of U.S. anti-abortion activists braved
flat on Wednesday, as the latest corporate
NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks closed mostly earnings came in mixed and...
frigid temperatures to rally...
Obama: Sex assault an affront to decency, humanity
When your doc’s directions differ from FDA recommendations
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama
Have you ever wondered why, your doctor’s
says sexual assault in the U.S. is an affront to
directions is different from the FDA when it comes
basic decency and humanity. He...
to taking certain medications? These...
Antipsychotics helpful in subset of kids with ADHD
U.S. hog producers take steps to guard against PEDv at winter meetings
An increasing number of kids with ADHD are not
(Reuters) – Concern among the top U.S. hog-
only taking stimulants to control their attention
producing states over a virus that is killing millions
issues – but are being...
of baby pigs has...
Omega-3 intake linked to signs of brain aging NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Older women with
High-protein diet increases chance of developing kidney stones, other renal diseases
higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood
An experiment by scientists at the University of
had slightly less...
Granada, Spain, shows a high-protein diet increases the chance of developing...
Toward fixing damaged hearts through tissue engineering
M ale Bio Clock Ticks for Schizophrenia, Autism, M ental Retardation…
In the U.S., someone suffers a heart attack every 34
A large study of Danish people released today
seconds—their heart is starved of oxygen and suffers irreparable damage....
reveals that men’s biological time clocks are ticking away with major implications...
A Call to Action: One Way to M ake Treatment Feel Safer
Should I Share M y M edications With M other?
Dealing with Shame and Vulnerability Few places call upon people to be more vulnerable, more
The healing touch of Mother Nature will have you questioning whether or not if she is having a fling
often, than addiction and behavioral/mental...
with Jack Frost. Another...
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Hate doctors’ waiting rooms? Get a text when it’s your turn Patients who are sick and tired of sitting in waiting
Long-term follow-up shows need for new chemotherapy strategies for rectal cancer
rooms at doctors’ offices may have the option of
Appearing in Lancet Oncology, long term results of
going home...
EORTC trial 22921 with 10.4 years median followup show that 5-FU (fluorouracil)...
European epilepsy consortium identifies new gene for severe childhood epilepsy
New avenue to treat diabetes-related vision problems
A European consortium of epilepsy researchers
Dopamine-restoring drugs already used to treat Parkinson’s disease may also be beneficial for the
has reported the discovery of a new gene involved
treatment of diabetic...
in severe childhood epilepsy....
Gene therapy leads to robust improvements in animal model of fatal muscle disease
Pope tweets backing for huge U.S. antiabortion rally
Preclinical studies show that gene therapy can improve muscle strength in small- and large-
Twitter to back an annual anti-abortion rally, the
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis has used March for Life, which...
animal models of a fatal congenital...
Wall St. little changed on mixed earnings
Novartis to cut 500 jobs in shutting U.S. Diovan plant
By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks were flat on Wednesday, as the latest mixed
ZURICH (Reuters) – Novartis plans to axe around 500 jobs in shutting a U.S. plant that makes its
bag of corporate...
blood pressure pill...
Flies with brothers make gentler lovers LONDON (Reuters) – Flies who play the mating
Turn down the thermostat to support weight loss, say researchers
game while also living with their brothers are
New research suggests weight loss isn’t just
gentler to females during...
about living a healthy lifestyle—the temperature of the space you live in...
2 sisters get lung transplants from same donor
Spanx and other shapewear can hurt your organs
They quibble, joke and share knowing looks,
Yet another thing women do for appearance’s
finishing each other’s thoughts and making snide
sake: squeeze their organs. Well, not intentionally,
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
comments, like many sisters....
perhaps, but as a...
Text messaging an effective way to track sports injuries
Health Highlights: Jan. 22, 2014
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Text messaging is
news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: Sisters Have Lung...
a quick and effective way to get recreational
Here are some of the latest health and medical
athletes to report injuries,...
Children Who Lose Close Relative at Risk of M ental Problems: Study
Worried? Quality of evidence FDA uses to approve medications…
WEDNESDAY Jan. 22, 2014, 2014 — Children who
An article published in today’s issue of the Journal
experience the death of a family member are at
of the American Medical Association has me kind
slightly increased risk...
of freaked out. According...
OCD as a Barometer & How it Can Help
Lungs transplanted from 1 donor to 2 sisters
Anyone who’s been around obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) knows that completely erasing OCD from a sufferer’s life...
They quibble, joke and share knowing looks, finishing each other’s thoughts and making snide comments — like many...
Double dose of genes can trigger poor cancer survival
Possible new druggable target in Ewing’s Sarcoma
Cancer Research UK scientists have shown that
Ewing’s Sarcoma is an aggressive pediatric
accidental DNA doubling in bowel cancer cells
cancer, most commonly caused by the improper
could predict which patients...
fusion of the gene EWS with...
High-protein diets, like the Dukan diet, increase the risk of developing kidney disease
HIV-infected women experience worse treatment outcomes after release from jail
High-protein diets, like the popular Dr. Dukan diet, increase the long-term risk of developing kidney
()—A Yale study has uncovered significant gender differences in the treatment outcomes of HIV-
disease and have a...
infected jail detainees who...
A Disordered Eating Researcher Comes Clean
Nothing to declare: Researchers find disclosure leads to avoiding conflicts of interest
Who’s happy with what they look like? As it turns out, pretty much no one. About 90 percent of
Professionals, such as doctors, lawyers and college-aged women ... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
financial advisers, face conflicts of interest (COIs) when they have a personal,...
Smoking Gun: 50th Anniversary of Tobacco-Cancer Connection On Jan. 11, 1964, Surgeon General Luther Terry dropped a bomb on the tobacco industry and the American public. He announced...
Embryo ‘adoption’: Clinic seeks to match unused IVF embryos with loving families Stephanie Hawkins is one of the 6.7 million women in the U.S. who struggle with infertility. But when she and her husband...
New judge to hear case of pregnant Texas woman on life support
Frostbitten student undergoes amputations after passing out in cold
FORT WORTH – A different judge will consider a
The University of Minnesota Duluth student
Tarrant County man’s request to remove his
recovering from severe frostbite has undergone
pregnant, brain-dead wife...
another amputation surgery. Alyssa...
NICE approves migraine magnet therapy
Gastric balloon pill launched in UK
Wednesday January 22 2014 It’s unclear why
Wednesday January 22 2014 Weight loss surgery is seen as a treatment of last...
magnetics can help “Hope for migraine...
Evoke Pharma’s inhaled gastro drug better than oral generic
Wealthier Women M ore Likely to Use Fertility Services: CDC
(Reuters) – Evoke Pharma Inc said its inhaled
WEDNESDAY Jan. 22, 2014, 2014 — New U.S.
version of a generic gastrointestinal drug was
government statistics show there’s still a major
found to be superior in...
divide among women...
Dissolving ‘Scaffolds’ Could Help Treat Leg Artery Disease
Smog Linked to Higher Heart Attack Risk
WEDNESDAY Jan. 22, 2014, 2014 — Drug-coated
WEDNESDAY Jan. 22, 2014, 2014 — Long-term
“scaffolds” that are placed in the arteries and then
exposure to smog increases the risk of heart attack
melt away...
and angina, the chest...
Depression: When Suffering Fails to Pay Off
Anger M anagement: Naiveté of Angry Denial
Tammy: “I remember that the only time my mother
Pavel Somov, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and
paid attention to me was the time I caught my finger
the author of “Eating the Moment” (New Harbinger,
in the screen door.” Therapist:... 2008), “Present... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
New technology aims to empty wait rooms at doctors’ offices
Feel-better flu drugs don’t make you less contagious
Patients who are sick and tired of sitting in waiting
Medication encourages spread of flu 2:09
rooms at doctors’ offices may have the option of
Medication encourages spread of flu 2:09 Taking
going home...
over-the-counter flu medication...
Imaging the brain’s energy usage
VIDEO: Twelve hours in A&E
A team of researchers led by Kai-Hsiang Chuang of the A*STAR Singapore Bioimaging Consortium
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham has one of the biggest and busiest accident and
has developed a new imaging...
emergency units in the UK, and...
Focusing in on high-resolution network biology
Hospice techniques for hospitalized patients provide better end-of-life care
A central challenge in genetics is to understand
A study by researchers at the Birmingham Veterans
how changes in DNA result in observable changes
Affairs Medical Center and the University of
in an organism; how genotype...
Alabama at Birmingham says...
Children of older dads more likely to suffer mental illness, study shows
Elizabeth Vargas Expected Back At ABC Soon: Daily News
()—Children with older fathers are more
ABC News’ Elizabeth Vargas is expected to back at
susceptible to mental health disorders a University
the anchor desk Friday, according to the New York
of Queensland (UQ) study has...
Daily News. Sources...
LCQ18: M aternal and child health services
How to Respond to Rude or Inappropriate Remarks
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
Sooo, you’ve been together for seven years; when
the Hon Alan Leong and a written reply by the
are you finally going to get engaged? How come
Secretary for Food and...
you two aren’t having...
8 Ways To Help Someone With ADHD In Crisis
LCQ16: Re-homing of animals
We all need help from time to time … Recent
the Hon Gary Fan and a written reply by the Secretary for Food and Health,...
events in my life have caused me to compare
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
ADHD to other mental health issues....
The Art of a M indful M ama M orning
Sensory Overload
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
I used to be somewhat of a socialite. I was an
For the longest time, from the moment I woke up,
editor of magazine in Austin, Texas and was always out moving and shaking....
my brain started spinning, turning, flipping, and flopping about what...
Guys: Get married for the sake of your bones, but wait until you’re 25
Zebrafish help researchers learn about cancer treatment
()—Marriage is good for the health of men’s bones
()—When Hatem Sabaawy began keeping tropical
—but only if they marry when they’re 25 or older, new UCLA...
fish as a hobby several years ago, he bought a few zebrafish, like many who...
Australia could learn from China’s foster care system
When healthy habits become risky business
UNSW research shows Australia has much to learn from China’s high quality, sustainable foster
“When people take precautionary measures, their behavior often changes as a result,” said Ravi
care system. Caring for...
Sundaram, an associate...
LCQ12: Financial position of bureaux and government departments
LCQ11: Catching stray dogs
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Ip Kin-yuen and a written reply by the
the Hon Albert Chan and a written reply by the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by Secretary for Food and...
Secretary for Financial...
LCQ6: Press coverage by Internet news web sites
LCQ22: Residential care services for the elderly and persons with disabilities
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Charles Peter Mok and a reply by the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Cheung Kwok-che and a written reply by
Secretary for Home Affairs,...
the Secretary for Labour...
LCQ19: Burglary cases
VIDEO: ‘Tougher clean air targets needed’
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Lai Tung-kwok, to a question by...
A study confirming a link between atmospheric pollution and heart attack risk strengthens the EU case for tougher clean air...
UN warns of surge in Haiti cholera deaths
M ore federal funding of health centers mitigates access issues
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A United Nations envoy warned Wednesday that cholera deaths in Haiti will surge and spread to
(HealthDay)—Since 2000, increased federal funding for community health centers has helped
other countries unless more...
low-income adults get access...
Obama targets college sexual assault epidemic
Index detects early signs of deviation from normal brain development
President Barack Obama is launching an initiative
()—Researchers at Penn Medicine have generated
to combat sexual assault, particularly on college
a brain development index from MRI scans that
campuses. Obama plans...
captures the complex patterns...
Study ultimately could lead to development of screening test for diagnosing bladder cancer
Ipsen decided to launch Somatuline for oncology indications
Findings from a Loyola University Medical Center
announced new governance in the United States,
study ultimately could lead to tests to screen for and diagnose bladder...
following its recently announced decision...
Researchers develop web-based course to prevent excessive weight gain in young adults
CytRx receives FDA approval to continue dosing aldoxorubicin for patients with soft tissue sarcomas
The transition from adolescence to adulthood
CytRx Corporation (NASDAQ:CYTR), a
presents individuals with many challenges.
biopharmaceutical research and development
Perhaps none are as important as...
company specializing in oncology, today
Ipsen (Euronext: IPN; ADR: IPSEY) today
Eat cake and STILL detox! The low sugar treats that you’ll never notice are healthy
Ancient And Vulnerable: 25 Percent Of Sharks And Rays Risk Extinction
We eat far too many sugar-laden soft drinks and foods, such as cakes With diets of refined
population of sharks and rays gets caught,
hide captionEach year, 6 to 8 percent of the global scientists say. The fish can’t...
carbohydrates, we end up with...
Emerging evidence of the physiological role of hypoxia in mammary development and lactation Hypoxia is a physiological or pathological condition
LCQ5: Offsetting severance payments and long service payments with the accrued benefits of M andatory Provident Fund schemes
of a deficiency of oxygen supply in the body as a Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by whole or within a... the Hon Tang Ka-piu and a reply by the Secretary Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
for Financial Services...
LCQ4: One-way Permit Scheme Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Lai Tung-kwok, to a question by the Hon...
LC: Speech by SCM A to move a motion on approving the District Councils Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 3) Order 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech (English translation) by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland...
LCQ21: Appointments of non-official members to advisory and statutory bodies Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
Head space: 3D surgery in the brain 22 January 2014 Last updated at 00:14 ET By Smitha Mundasad Health reporter, BBC News Please turn on JavaScript....
the Hon Kenneth Leung and a written reply by the Secretary for Home...
Baby unit closure ‘must not happen’ 22 January 2014 Last updated at 01:39 ET
Bird flu spikes in China ahead of Lunar New Year
Campaigners have vowed to try to save the special
A spate of bird flu cases since the beginning of the
baby care unit at Withybush A...
year in China has experts watching closely as millions of people and...
AstraZeneca’s diabetes drug Xigduo approved in Europe
Why Gluten Is Not The Cause Of All Evil + How To Find Out What Is
LONDON (Reuters) – AstraZeneca said European regulators had approved Xigduo for type 2
As a nutritionist, people often ask me whether or not they should go gluten-free. One thing’s for sure:
diabetes, in what was the first...
if you...
5 Steps To Avoid Getting Sucked Into Gossip
11 Life Lessons That Are True At Any Age
Gossiping has always felt tainted and fake to me. I never got any satisfaction from being a gossip girl,
Dear Future Self, Wherever you’re at in life, as long as you’re alive, here are a few important reminders
yet I noticed that...
that will...
The NHS trusts that won’t give patients new life-saving drugs: Huge disparity
Healthy BM I? 8M Britons at high risk of heart disease and diabetes despite
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
between numbers given new treatments
‘normal’ reading
One in three kidney cancer patients didn’t get drugs
are up to six times more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes, heart disease...
they were eligible for In some areas patients given
People of African, Caribbean and Asian descent
29 times as...
FEHD orders three food premises to suspend business Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and
Distribution of free tickets for final performance of Schools Creative M usic Showcase 2013/14
Environmental Hygiene has ordered a light
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Members of the public are
refreshment restaurant in Yuen...
invited to the final performance of the Schools Creative Music Showcase...
LCQ8: Compensation for persons wrongfully imprisoned
LCQ1: Unlicensed guesthouses
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
the Hon Christopher Chung and a reply by the
the Hon Dennis Kwok and a written reply by the Secretary for Justice,...
Secretary for Home Affairs,...
LCQ20: Working environment and rest facilities of the Government’s outsourced workers
M ystery dog killing disease may be Alabama rot
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
Specialists in Hursley, near Winchester, said 13 dogs had died at his practice...
the Hon Chan Hak-kan and a written reply by the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
Mr Walker, from Anderson Moores Veterinary
Secretary for Labour...
Why flu medication could make you more infectious
M agentic pulse can stop migraine
“No-one likes to feel miserable, but it turns out that
“We welcome NICE guidance and very much hope this treatment is made available to those in need.”
our comfort might be at the cost of infecting others.
Labour Department invites applications for appointment as approved assessors
The exclusive on exclusion diets
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Labour Department
As a dietitian, I’ve often wondered what makes Australians embrace fad diets with such zeal. Of
(LD) is inviting applications from eligible persons
course, the lure of instant...
for appointment as approved... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
LCQ10: Consulting residents’ views on applications for guesthouse licences and crackdown on unlicensed guesthouses
LCQ2: Hong Kong M arathon Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Leung Yiu-chung and a reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs,...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Starry Lee and a written reply by the Secretary for Home Affairs,...
LCQ9: Enforcement of the Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012
LCQ14: New Engineering Contract
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a written reply by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic
Secretary for Development,...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Tony Tse and a written reply by the
Development, Mr Gregory...
Raising Awareness: M ental Health Issues In The Workplace…
International deal to screen potential cancer drugs using DNA ‘barcodes’
The topic of mental illness has infiltrated our
An innovative screening technology that tags
society at increased rates. Our society was never
compounds with unique strands of DNA – like
as conversant of mental...
barcodes – will be used to...
Recipes for Health: Potato and Sorrel Gratin
Chief of Chicago Hospitals Will Return to New York
Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New
The New York Times and the International New
York Times. ...
York Times. ...
Study provides insight into physician recommendations to improve HPV vaccination
M utation in bone cells may cause acute myeloid leukemia: Study
The risk of developing cervical cancer can be
but for many patients the cancer may originate from
significantly decreased through human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. Despite...
an unusual source: a...
M esothelioma patients treated with radiation before surgery experience speedier recovery
New guidance recommends prevention of healthcare-associated infections transmitted through HCP attire
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a blood cancer,
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Results of clinical research that treated
Recommendations to help prevent health-care-
mesothelioma with radiation before surgery show
associated infections transmitted through clothing
the three-year survival rate more...
New guidance from the Society...
HKETONY’s Chicago film series commemorates late M aster Lau
M agnets ‘can treat some migraines’
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Doc Films of the
Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online There is...
University of Chicago with the support of the Hong
21 January 2014 Last updated at 20:34 ET By
Kong Economic and Trade...
Obesity measure ‘too high’ for many
EU pollution target ‘still too high’
21 January 2014 Last updated at 20:31 ET BMI is calculated as weight (in kilograms) divided by
21 January 2014 Last updated at 20:23 ET By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online
height (in metres) squared Millions...
Initiative improves timeliness of pediatric endoscopies
Hungarian Jews Threaten Boycott of Holocaust Commemoration
(HealthDay)—Quality improvement methods and tools can improve the timeliness of pediatric
BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungarian Jewish leaders said on Tuesday they may stay away from
endoscopic procedures, according...
commemorations of the Holocaust...
Time for docs to ditch the white coat?
Fever-reducing medications may aid spread of influenza, study finds
(HealthDay)—Could a doctor’s white coat or necktie help spread germs among patients? The jury’s still out on...
Contrary to popular belief, fever-reducing medication may inadvertently cause more harm than good. New research from McMaster...
Conflict: 7 Decisions to Learn Instead of Fight Conflict! What images come to mind when you visualize conflict? Fear? Fighting? Giving in? Shutting down? Distance between...
West Virginia Gov. Earl Tomblin: ‘It’s Your Decision’ To Drink The Water Or Not W.Va. Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin addressed ongoing concerns in parts of his state on Monday, telling residents “it’s...
New Year, New You A new year — ah, a clean slate to start from. Wait,
Adorable Couple Of 70 Years Shares Key To M arital Bliss
what is all that stuff following behind you? Old
Want to know the secret to marital bliss? Just ask
ideas, regrets,... Oregon couple Wally Christianson and Beth Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Robertson, who recently celebrated...
When it Is Time to Reinvent Ourselves At one time or another almost everyone has to
Device uses heartbeat to create electrical source in body
reinvent themselves. With the loss of work, partner,
Imagine if one day, a person’s heart and other
or simply growing older,...
organs could be used to power medical devices in their body that they need...
M any CV devices approved by process that often does not require new clinical data
Deaths higher for heart attack patients at night and weekends
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jessica 617-525-6373The JAMA 44-020-73836529BMJ-British Medical Journal Research: Off-
Network Journals Many cardiac implantable
hour presentation...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Emma
France saves 1bn euros on health insurance spending At a time of deep austerityacross Europe, France has managed to spend one billion euros ($1.4 billion) less than expected...
Elevated blood pressure at home but not in clinic can indicate increased heart attack risk In an individual patient data meta-analysis of studies published before July 2013, Jan A Staessen and colleagues (University...
How I Gave Up Facebook and Got a Life
For the Love of M y Sister
When I was in kindergarten, I believed my teachers
My sister Laurie was a year and a half older than
lived in the school building. The idea that they would venture beyond...
me and always two years ahead of me in school. She was also my best friend...
3 Essential Apps for Your Health
10 Ways Yoga Can Help Your M arriage
The phone. The thing we love. Love to hate. Hate
“Yoga” translates as “union.” The tradition teaches
being attached to. Love killing time with. We
that the union we’re seeking begins with...
pretend it makes us more productive,...
Can ‘Skull Theory’ Really Predict An Unborn Baby’s Gender?
M iddle school warns snorting Smarties may lead to maggots
By: By Stephanie Pappas, Senior Writer Published:
Add snorting Smarties to the list of dumb ways kids
01/21/2014 07:14 AM EST on LiveScience Parents
are mimicking YouTube videos and harming
dying to know their baby’s... themselves? Officials at a Portsmouth... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
M any hospitalized older patients need decision help: Study
M editerranean diet associated with lower risk of peripheral artery disease
NEW YORK — When the time comes for making
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Miguel A. Martinez-
critical medical decisions while in the hospital, a
Gonzalezmamartinez@unav.esThe JAMA Network
new study says older...
Journals A multicenter study that previously...
Biomarkers in blood show potential as early detection method of pancreatic cancer
Exercising more, sitting less reduces heart failure risk in men
Researchers have identified diagnostic microRNA panels in whole blood that had the ability to
in men, even for those who exercise regularly,
Sitting for long periods increases heart failure risk according to new research...
distinguish, to some degree,...
No rise of PTSD seen in children with cancer
Global Health: W.H.O. M ay Begin Webcast of Health M inisters’ M eeting
(HealthDay)—Children with cancer are no more likely than other children to develop post-traumatic
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
stress disorder, new...
York Times. ...
How M oms And Selfies Can Change The Course Of Social M edia’s ‘Beauty Story’
Health Trends 2014: 10 Ways To Get Fit And Relax This Year
When Dove launched its “Campaign for Real Beauty” 10 years ago, the campaign was a reaction
We’re already a full month into the new year, and for the most part, resolutions are still be made (and
to the unattainable beauty...
broken), goals...
Tips and Tools to Help Seniors Regain Their Flexibility
Why I’m Eating an Apple a Day
Dear Savvy Senior, Can you offer some good
forgotten or given up on some of your goals for 2014. My resolution arose spontaneously....
stretching tips and resources for seniors? I’ve
In all probability, by now you have probably
gotten so inflexible in...
Foods For Stress: What To Eat When The Pressure Is Getting To You Running out to the store to grab a bag of chips and
Infectious diseases experts issue guidance on health-care personnel attire
ice cream might be your first instinct when you’re
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tamara
feeling stressed,... 202-745-5114Society for
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Healthcare Epidemiology of America Recommendations...
Repetitive strain injury: is it real or imagined?
Vietnam confirms H5N1 bird flu death
Repetitive strain injury, or RSI, is a term which was
bird flu in nine months. To Duc Sinh, director of
developed to describe an epidemic of work-related arm and hand pain...
Preventive Medicine Center...
AUDIO: ‘I feel right to die pressure’ Legalising assisted dying is “selfish” and would
VIDEO: SPFL tackles fans’ weight problem
pressure ill people to consider taking their own
New research published in The Lancet has found
lives, a motor...
that a scheme which enlisted football clubs to help middle-aged men get fit...
Breast implant damages ruling upheld 21 January 2014 Last updated at 12:57 ET Some
Small elliptical exercise device may promote activity while sitting
400,000 women across the world were fitted with
()—People may be able to keep the weight off by
faulty PIP implants A French...
using a compact elliptical device while sitting at a desk or watching TV,...
Survey IDs factors influencing physician job satisfaction
Quinoa may be safe grain for people with celiac disease
(HealthDay)—Believing that they are delivering high-quality patient care is key to physician job
(HealthDay)—The grain quinoa seems safe for people with celiac disease, a new British study
satisfaction, according...
suggests. People with celiac...
Cochrane review of dihydroartemisininpiperaquine for treating uncomplicated malaria
Hospitals with fewer nurses on wards than M id Staffs – Telegraph
Vietnam has confirmed its first human death from
‘Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine is more effective
However, ministers have rejected calls for mandatory staffing levels. The RCN examined NHS
than artemether-lumefantrine, and has fewer side
staffing levels across the East...
effects than artesunate-mefloquine’...
M osquito-borne chikungunya virus infects people on 5 Caribbean islands Chikungunya, a viral disease spread by
Cancer patients ‘to double by 2030′ 21 January 2014 Last updated at 10:30 ET NHS England said cancer diagnoses need to be made
in earlier stages of the disease The... mosquitoes, has been confirmed in people on Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
several Caribbean islands, the Public...
Death doctor sues victim’s son 21 January 2014 Last updated at 11:33 ET Dr Daniel Ubani remains free to practise medicine in Germany A doctor who killed...
How to improve HPV vaccination rates? It starts with physicians, researchers say The risk of developing cervical cancer can be significantly decreased through human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. Despite...
Researchers discover an epigenetic lesion in the hippocampus of Alzheimer’s
British M uslims with diabetes need more healthcare support during Ramadan
Alzheimer’s disease can reach epidemic range in
British Muslims with diabetes may avoid attending
the coming decades, by the increasing average age of society. There...
GP surgeries to discuss fasting during the holy month of Ramadan – with...
Wait time to lumbar discectomy linked to post-op pain
M y Story: For M icah’s Birthday, His Grandfather’s Blessing
(HealthDay)—The likelihood of experiencing worse
Log in to manage your products and services from
pain at six months post-surgery is increased with a waiting time of 12...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
New Study Points To Possible Benefit Of Drinking (A Little) Wine While Pregnant (VIDEO)
7 Common M indfulness Questions, Answered
The debate over whether expectant mothers should
between the Institute for Mindful Leadership and Huff Post as we work together...
drink alcohol during pregnancy has been a long
This post is part of an ongoing partnership
one with inconclusive results,...
‘I thought I’d die two days before my wedding’: Anorexic who lost 4st in five months recovers after partner and daughter give her strength to turn life around
Finally, an excuse! Going to the pub ‘boosts a man’s mental health’ Sharing a round of drinks helped them ‘open up and discuss emotions’ Researchers say the findings quash the stereotype...
Kelly Furlonger, 31, tracked food intake and became addicted to exercise Abused alcohol as teen and found peace of mind through... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
M other discovers her ‘asthma’ is actually life-threatening cystic fibrosis
Treat Yourself To A ‘Huh?’
When Natalie Crawford, 31, was five months pregnant with her son, Preston, a scan and
lead. They each slip from your hand and tumble to
You drop a ball. You drop a key. You drop a piece of the ground. But you...
subsequent tests revealed he had cystic...
Intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection versus oral non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: a multi-center, randomized, open-label, non-inferiority trial
Do weight management programmes delivered at professional football clubs attract and engage high risk men? A mixed-methods study
IntroductionWhile many of the commonly used conservative treatments for knee osteoarthritis (OA)
likely than women to use existing...
The prevalence of obesity in men in the UK is amongst the highest in Europe but men are less
have been recognized to...
Circulating biomarkers that predict incident dementia Dementia is currently diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and signs, but significant brain damage has already occurred by...
The role of immunity in mosquitoinduced attenuation of malaria virulence A recent study found that mosquito-transmitted (MT) lines of rodent malaria parasites elicit a more effective immune response...
Hong Kong raises travel alert for Thailand (Bangkok) to black
The Value of Sturdiness During Organizational Change
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In view of the latest situation
When I was a child, things were “sturdy”. We built
of Bangkok, and the 60-day state of emergency
things that were “sturdy,” and our shoes were
announced by the...
“sturdy.” ...
Analysis of a sample of type 2 diabetic patients with obesity or overweight and at cardiovascular risk: a cross sectional study in Spain
Exploring mechanisms linked to differentiation and function of dimorphic chloroplasts in the single cell C4 species Bienertia sinuspersici
The multifactorial control of diabetes relies on
In the model single-cell C4 plant Bienertia
interventions that provide patients with the best
sinuspersici, chloroplast- and nuclear-encoded
knowledge and resources...
photosynthetic enzymes, characteristically...
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Protective effects of flavonol isoquercitrin, against 6-hydroxy dopamine (6-OHDA)
Exhibition of Professor Wang Dongling’s calligraphy work opens
Free radicals-induced neurodegeneration is one of
ever created in Hong Kong, “The Moon over the River on a Spring...
the many causes of Parkinson’s disease (PD).
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The largest calligraphy work
This study investigated...
Update on cluster of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci cases in North District Hospital Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Best of Our Blogs: January 21, 2014 As I’m writing this, it’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. While the holiday brings different meaning to different people,...
behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson for North District...
Did You Hear the One about the Single College…
Junky Desks M ight Cause Junky Diets, One Study Suggests…
It sounds like a joke, doesn’t it? A single woman is
Brian Legate | CC Do you do your best work at a
offered a job as a college president, where she will live in the college’s...
clean desk? Or, do you prefer a little mess? What about those of you who...
First motorway pub draws criticism
VIDEO: Webcams link care homes in US and UK
21 January 2014 Last updated at 04:16 ET The pub has opened at the Extra services off junction two of the M40 near Beaconsfield The...
Elderly residents in care with too little to do could find that boredom and lack of activity have a profound effect on their...
School surveys launched for New Academic Structure medium-term review
Update on cluster of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci cases in Pok Oi Hospital
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Education Bureau
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
(EDB) today (January 21) announced that the EDB,
behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson
the Curriculum Development...
for Pok Oi Hospital...
On Lawyer Suicides
7 Warning Signs Of a Troubled M arriage
There is an article on CNN on the high rates of suicide among lawyers (trailing fourth after
I’ve been counseling couples and families for over three decades and one thing stands out. Most
dentists, pharmacists and physicians). Over...
people wait too long before...
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Cervical cancer fears delay testing
VIDEO: M ove to improve care home life
20 January 2014 Last updated at 05:20 ET Many
Elderly residents in care with too little to do could
women are put off going for a cervical cancer test,
find that boredom and lack of activity have a
research found Confusion...
profound effect on their...
The rise of the part-time vegans
Critics hail Hayley’s Corrie exit
20 January 2014 Last updated at 19:31 ET By
21 January 2014 Last updated at 05:23 ET Hayley
Vanessa Barford BBC News Magazine Once
chose to end her life in the company of devoted
veganism was widely...
husband Roy The final scenes...
‘Urgent’ mental health services call
Vietnam reports first bird flu death in nine months
21 January 2014 Last updated at 01:45 ET Talking therapies are one treatment option for schizophrenia Rehabilitation services...
Vietnam has recorded its first death from bird flu in nine months, according to the country’s Health Ministry, amid...
SCED’s speech at HKACE 14th anniversary celebration cum award presentation ceremony
CS briefs CoP on poverty alleviation and support for the disadvantaged initiatives outlined in Policy Address
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Secretary for
the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So,...
Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam, conducted a briefing for members of the...
Consumer Price Indices for December 2013
Donations soar for Steve Evans fund
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) released today (January 21) the
described Steve Evans’ battle against cancer as
21 January 2014 Last updated at 03:17 ET Friends “an inspiration”. A...
Consumer Price Index...
Grieving mother’s NHS baby care plea
Jail called ambulance ‘almost daily’
21 January 2014 Last updated at 02:18 ET
20 January 2014 Last updated at 20:27 ET By
Withybush Hospital doctors saved Kate Sutton’s
Hannah Barnes BBC News HMP Oakwood opened
life but she lost her baby A...
in Featherstone near...
M other and sick baby in air ordeal
Death of girl, 4, ‘highly avoidable’
21 January 2014 Last updated at 01:19 ET By Marie-Louise Connolly BBC News NI Health
20 January 2014 Last updated at 16:13 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to
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Correspondent Laochra...
play. Freya Wells died in...
Roche’s schizophrenia drug misses goal in two late-stage trials
Pluristem stem cell trial to treat muscle injury meets main goal
ZURICH (Reuters) – An experimental Roche drug
TEL AVIV (Reuters) – Pluristem Therapeutics Inc
designed to treat the “negative symptoms” of schizophrenia...
said results from its early/mid-stage clinical trial indicated its...
Bariatric surgeon educates patients about bariatric surgeries to achieve healthy weight
Splicing factor SRSF6 promotes hyperplasia of sensitized skin
While many Americans make New Year’s
Normally, tissue injury triggers a mechanism in cells that tries to repair damaged tissue and
resolutions focused on self-improvement, those
restore the skin to a normal,...
who are overweight or obese likely...
Study examines how war can influence lives of survivors decades after fighting ends
LUM C receives grant for research into influence of ‘the family’ on child mortality, fertility and life expectancy
A novel examination of the long-lasting consequences that World War II had on continental
Radboud University historians and ageing researchers from Leiden University Medical Center
Europeans finds that living in...
(LUMC) will be receiving a grant...
Housewife too scared to sleep in her own bedroom after being bitten by false widow spider as she slept
Progress of illegal graves removal outside Diamond Hill Urn Cemetery
Doctors think Alison Blackburn was bitten by UK’s
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today
most venomous spider Surgeons had to drain the
(January 21) gave an update on the progress...
poison from 49-year-old’s...
TAC welcomes E-Ticketing trial Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) was briefed today (January 21) on the Government’s...
NHS staff receive millions in overpayments because of payroll blunders Researchers estimate that up to £63 million a year may be wasted in overpayments because systems do not keep track of...
Happiness is the key to health in old age
Lasting consequences of World War II means more illness, less education for
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“The study shows that older people who are
happier and enjoy life more show slower declines
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Warren
in physical function...
310-451-6913RAND Corporation Fewer chances to marry is another consequence A...
Tips to prevent winter sport injuries
Researchers identify molecular mechanism by which cocaine alters brain’s reward circuits, causes addiction
The first snowfall can only mean a few things: skiing, snowboarding and sledding. But some of the best things about the falling...
Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have identified a new molecular mechanism by which cocaine alters...
Virginia M ason and Vera Whole Health announce strategic collaboration
Shift work linked to cancer and diabetes because it damages genes
Virginia Mason and Vera Whole Health today
Shift work is thought to increase risk of cancer,
announced a strategic collaboration that brings Virginia Mason’s clinical...
heart disease and diabetes Disrupting the body’s natural 24 hour...
When dizzy spells mean your heart has stopped: Doctors thought Kitty was too young and fit to have a heart problem. But they were wrong
Toddlers throw tantrums because of their genes
When Kitty Buchanan-Gregory was 30 she saw GP
Research into identical and non-identical twins suggests genetics have a more important role to play than previously thought Genes...
about dizzy spells Was healthy and didn’t smoke, so could tell she wasn’t...
How to get Julia Roberts’ legs: Secrets of an A-list body
Brain death, pregnancy and ethics: the case of M arlise M unoz
By Daily Mail Reporters PUBLISHED: 19:38 EST,
In November, 33-year-old Texas woman Marlise
20 January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:38 EST, 20 January 2014 We reveal...
Munoz collapsed at her Fort Worth home after suffering a suspected blood clot...
US retailer Academy Sports + Outdoors to open its first global sourcing operations office in Hong Kong
SED participates in Education World Forum
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – US retailer Academy Sports
(SED), Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, will speak at the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Education
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
+ Outdoors (Academy) announced today (January
Education World Forum...
21) that it will open...
‘I had to work through a lot of anger and rage and took anti-depressants’: Paul M ichael Glaser under the microscope
SUGAR DETOX: Beware of the bagel… not to mention rice, dried fruit and crayfish salad. They’re ALL secretly sugar laden
By Brian Claridge PUBLISHED: 20:14 EST, 20
We eat far too many sugar-laden soft drinks and
January 2014 | UPDATED: 20:14 EST, 20 January 2014 Paul says...
foods, such as cakes With diets of refined carbohydrates, we end up with...
Buttock cupping and other health ‘cures’
‘Screen family’ after a sudden death
20 January 2014 Last updated at 21:03 ET Article written by Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent More from Fergus If...
20 January 2014 Last updated at 20:42 ET People deemed at risk will need a full medical assessment Relatives of people...
Football ‘can tackle male obesity’
Night work ‘throws body into chaos’
20 January 2014 Last updated at 20:40 ET Football helped men lose weight and keep it off Football participation is a good...
20 January 2014 Last updated at 20:35 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News Overnight...
A Pasture for the Pigs
Op-Ed Columnist: The Art of Presence
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
York Times. ...
York Times. ...
How Long Do I Have to Keep These Damn Heels on?!
Sunlight M ight Be Good for Your Blood Pressure: Study
Stilettos, red carpet award shows, black tie events and women wondering, “How long do I have to
MONDAY Jan. 20, 2014 — Sunlight is known to lower blood pressure, but now a team of British
keep these damn heels...
researchers has figured...
Turn Negative Emotions into Your Greatest Source of Strength…
AM A launches online resource to guide HTN management
I always say if there’s anything we’re assured of in life besides death and taxes, it’s stress and pain.
(HealthDay)—An online resource has been developed for improving the detection and
While that... management of high blood pressure. The... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Anatomic, not ischemic, burden predicts poor outcomes in CAD (HealthDay)—For patients with coronary artery disease treated with optimal medical therapy
Soccer fans get FFITer and lose weight An initiative that helps male football [soccer] fans feel better and live a healthier lifestyle by losing weight, taking...
(OMT), anatomic, but not ischemic,...
Toddlers’ aggression is strongly associated with genetic factors, study reports The development of physical aggression in toddlers is strongly associated genetic factors and to a lesser degree with the...
Observatory: Longer Life Span Tied to Energy Use in Primates Log in to manage your products and services from
Law’s Expanded M edicaid Coverage Brings a Surge in Sign-Ups Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Seeing X Chromosomes in a New Light Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
York Times. ...
Vancouver: Nearby Georgia basin may amplify ground shaking from next quake
January/February 2014 Annals of Family M edicine tip sheet
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nan 913-2692269American Academy of Family Physicians Self- 408-4319885Seismological Society of America SAN FRANCISCO —...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Angela
rated Health...
The sugar detox: Health experts are calling sugar the new nicotine
Friendships and ADHD: Helping my child maintain positive friendships…
Health experts calling for food manufacturers to reduce sugar levels At the lowest, a 50g serving of cereal contains two...
Having ADD/ADHD may affect the way a child can keep and make friends. Some of the problems that may arise in making friends...
Treating Addiction in the Transgender Community – What You…
How much do you make? Nova Scotia doctors want to know
It is estimated that 30 percent of the LGBT Healthcare workers in Nova Scotia may soon be population struggles with some form of addiction asking patients how much money they earn so Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
whether drugs, alcohol, sex...
doctors can point low-income patients...
Cocaine users enjoy social interactions less
Doctor urges colleagues to disclose conflicts of interest
Regular cocaine users have difficulties in feeling
(HealthDay)—A campaign to encourage physicians
empathy for others and they exhibit less prosocial behavior. A study at...
to disclose potential conflicts of interest has sparked ire from doctors...
Uninsured patients less likely to be transferred between hospitals, research finds
Forget about forgetting: The elderly know more and use it better
Uninsured patients with a variety of common
If your think our brains go into a steady decline, research reported this...
medical diagnoses are significantly less likely to be transferred between hospitals...
What happens to our cognitive abilities as we age?
Reviving a Life Saver, the Tourniquet
Letters: Treat Humans, Too
Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Is gut bacteria the secret to a LONG LIFE? Friendly flora reduces inflammation and prevents disease, claims study
The delusion of social smoking: A third of casual puffers light up between six and 20 times a DAY
Age-related changes to gut bacteria associated with cancer and diabetes These changes could be
as social smokers A third of so called ‘social smokers’ buy a...
Almost a quarter of smokers describe themselves
reversed using drug treatments...
Devoted father donates 20 per cent of his own liver to his critically ill son which will eventually become a replica of the original organ
Bad news, boys: Italian men are the best lovers
Muhammed Ali Tariq was diagnosed with liver
people are satisfied...
64 per cent of Italian men and women are happy with their love lives But only 54 per cent of British
disease at just nine weeks old His only hope was an urgent transplant as he became...
Rosetta Space Probe Gets Interplanetary Wake-Up Call
Let M edicare Locals find their feet and improve primary care
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i i hide captionRosetta, the European Space
Primary health care in Australia is a messy beast,
Agency’s cometary probe with NASA contributions, is seen in an...
with many heads and all sorts of body parts. But it’s centrally important...
#62 An Apprentice M odel
Promising new drug targets for cocaine addiction found
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" DefUnhideWhenUsed="true"
Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai have identified a new molecular mechanism by which cocaine alters...
Boosting vitamin D could slow progression, reduce severity of multiple sclerosis
M iddle-school girls continue to play soccer with concussion symptoms, study shows
For patients in the early stages of multiple sclerosis (MS), low levels of vitamin D were found
Concussions are common among middle-school girls who play soccer, and most continue to play
to strongly predict disease...
with symptoms, according to a...
Upscaling human papillomavirus vaccination in high-income countries: impact assessment based on transmission model
The association between pain diagram area, fear-avoidance beliefs, and pain catastrophising
The decrease in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine prices may allow upscale already started vaccination programmes but the...
Induction of nerve growth factor expression and release by mechanical and inflammatory stimuli in chondrocytes: possible involvement in osteoarthritis pain IntroductionNerve growth factor (NGF) level is increased in osteoarthritis (OA) joint and is involved in pain associated...
Vitamin “S” Prevents Depression A God In Therapy Post… Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could pop a vitamin and stave off depression?
The development of clinical practice guidelines for managing spinal pain have been informed by a biopsychosocial framework...
Implication of human herpesviruses in oncogenesis through immune evasion and supression All human herpesviruses (HHVs) have been implicated in immune system evasion and suppression. Moreover, two HHV family members,...
Even Great Relationships Can Recover From Great Difficulties… Relationship ordeals are inevitable but survivable.
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Research shows that...
Under the influence of the “happily ever after” myth, we may have...
Lifestyle disorders top health issues in Arab world
Language a hurdle as Germany seeks foreign doctors
Heart disease and stroke have replaced infectious
Germany is relying more on foreign doctors to fix a
disease as the top causes of early death in the Arab world, tracking the...
crunch in its healthcare system but a notoriously daunting language barrier...
US children’s hospitals vary widely in tonsillectomy care
Distrust of ethnic minorities ‘cancelled out’ by positive contact
(HealthDay)—A tonsillectomy is one of the most
()—A study reveals that the level of distrust felt by
routine surgeries for children, but what medication kids get during and...
white British people towards ethnic minorities rises in line with...
Avoid the Comfort Food Trap
U.S., EU Lift Some Iran Sanctions After Assurances On Uranium
The term comfort food is a bit of a misnomer. We indulge in stuff like milkshakes and cheeseburgers to soothe ourselves,...
i i hide captionAn IAEA team checks the enrichment process inside the uranium enrichment plant Natanz in central...
The enigma of the dog mummy from Ancient Egypt and the origin of ? Rhipicephalus sanguineus?
Evolutionary classification of ammonium, nitrate, and peptide transporters in land plants
Ticks belonging to the Rhipicephalus sanguineus group are amongst the most important vectors of
Nitrogen uptake, reallocation within the plant, and between subcellular compartments involves
pathogenic microorganisms...
ammonium, nitrate and peptide...
OFCA lays charges against commercial facsimile sender for contravention of Unsolicited Electronic M essages Ordinance
Students invited to enter HK Flower Show’s Jockey Club Student Drawing Competition
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) today (January 20) laid charges against a commercial...
Introduction to glycopathology: the concept, the tools and the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Primary and Secondary school students interested in joining the Jockey Club Student Drawing Competition...
No Innocent Bystanders:The Role We Play in Reducing Violence…
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perspectives Analyzing the flow of biological information is a fundamental challenge for basic sciences. The emerging results will then...
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” -Martin Luther King Jr. In a culture that...
How to Argue to Live Authentically (and Strengthen Your…
Will the New DSM -5 Over-Diagnose?
Do you find yourself in the same reactive
strengths, and focuses on obtaining optimal mental development (as opposed...
discussion with your partner again and again? Okay, the details may be different,...
Positive psychology emphasizes individuals’
Should You Have Weekly M eetings for a Better M arriage?
Health Canada library changes leave scientists scrambling
Every marriage takes work. Every marriage has
Health Canada scientists are so concerned about
issues. And, over time, in every marriage your tight bond as a couple may loosen. Having...
losing access to their research library that some are squirrelling away journals...
Canadian patients wait longest to see family doctors
Prosthetics firm reports sales surge
Canada ranks last among 11 OECD countries in a
limb ultra revolution” is designed for patients with upper...
new survey in terms of how quickly people can get in to see their regular...
20 January 2014 Last updated at 05:59 ET The “i-
Broadmoor worker admits misconduct
Ambulance wait man ‘may have lived’
20 January 2014 Last updated at 07:19 ET Ostler
20 January 2014 Last updated at 07:30 ET Fred
was employed as an assistant technical instructor at Broadmoor A former...
Pring was having treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease A man...
Nepal doctor strike leaves thousands without care
Childhood obesity can only be tackled with broad public health interventions
A strike by doctors in Nepal left tens of thousands
()—Public health researchers from The University
of patients with access only to emergency care Monday as physicians demanded...
of Manchester have found single dietary interventions are not effective...
‘Force strength’ could indicate bone health in ballet dancers
Genotyping of Aldehyde dehydrogenase2 (ALDH2) solves the mystery of Fanconi anemia
Ballet dancers’ bone health is under investigation
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in an attempt to understand the long associated risk of bone stress...
Kyoto University research group led by Prof. Minoru Takata has found the deleterious impact of the ALDH2 variant genotype...
EBCC-9: M ost exciting breast cancer conference in Europe’s back-end system still being built
What is EBCC? The most exciting breast cancer conference in Europe, it is the only one that
A top Obama administration official told Congress Thursday that the automated system to send
involves all the major players...
payments to insurance companies...
CNIC hosts most prestigious international conferences in cardiovascular area
Aptamer kits for cell isolation and flow cytometry introduced by AM SBIO
Organizing this conference is a great honor, and highlights the Center’s growing international profile, with the CNIC...
Association between hyperglycemia in middle and late pregnancy and maternal-fetal outcomes: a retrospective study The purposes of this study were to explore whether the maternal-fetal outcomes differed among
AMSBIO has announced the introduction of new aptamer kits for cell isolation and flow cytometry. Aptamers are oligonucleotides...
Economic burden of seasonal influenza B in France during winter 2010-2011 In France, 2-15% of the population is affected annually by influenza, which causes significant socioeconomic disruption....
various types of hyperglycemia...
Response of an aggressive periosteal aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) of the radius to denosumab therapy
A bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1a strain in China: isolation, identification, and experimental infection in calves
Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC), once considered a reactive lesion, has been proven to be a neoplasia
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is one of the most important pathogens in cattle. Previously,
characterized by rearrangements...
BVDV sub-genotypes of 1b,...
M y Body Image Dream For 2014 Today, in the U.S., we honor Martin Luther King, Jr., who had an incredible dream and helped make it a
LegCo to debate a motion on safeguarding editorial independence and autonomy
reality. Inspired...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The Legislative Council... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
I Almost Quit Teaching Yoga. Here’s Why I Changed M y M ind
A Healthy Vegetarian Chili To Warm Your Bones
I’ve only been teaching yoga for about six months. I
Winter is the perfect time to whip out the chili
didn’t do teacher training to make a career change, so it’s...
recipe! Chili balances the colder weather and makes you feel warm and cozy....
An Open Letter To M y Future Self
The novel IGF-IR/Akt-dependent anticancer activities of glucosamine
Writing a letter to your future self is an intimate act of self-love. It’s a hopeful exercise that can help save you...
Recent studies have shown that glucosamine inhibits the proliferation of various human cancer cell lines and downregulates...
M inimally invasive, imaging guided virtual autopsy compared to conventional autopsy in foetal, newborn and infant cases: study protocol for the paediatric virtual autopsy trial
Giving cell phones to pregnant women and improving services may increase primary health facility utilization: a casecontrol study of a Nigerian project
In light of declining autopsy rates around the world,
pregnancy and childbirth. A...
Worldwide, about 287 000 women die each year from mostly preventable complications related to
post-mortem MR imaging is a promising alternative to conventional autopsy...
Unilateral instrumented fixation for cervical dumbbell tumors Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the radiological outcomes in patients with unilateral instrumented fixation...
Obama plays down marijuana dangers 19 January 2014 Last updated at 21:49 ET President Obama said he views smoking pot “as a bad habit and a vice” US...
Google unveils ‘smart contact lens’
Patients ‘not ill enough’ for funds
16 January 2014 Last updated at 22:47 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Google said the sensors...
19 January 2014 Last updated at 20:57 ET By Eleanor Bradford BBC Scotland Health Correspondent The NHS...
M any adults have ‘no-one to turn to’
Hospital withholds death findings
19 January 2014 Last updated at 20:45 ET Many people feared not being able to get around easily
19 January 2014 Last updated at 21:24 ET By Laura Devlin BBC News, East Victoria Harrison
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As many as a third of British...
was found unresponsive...
Stressed parents should treated as though they are physically ill, says Nick Clegg
3 Ways To Deal With Jealousy
“It’s damaging and unhelpful. At least one in four
I’m guilty. I compare myself to others, especially impeccably-styled girls on Instagram and friends who seem to be...
people will experience a mental health problem at some point in...
Breakthrough technology could provide new approach for treatment of chronic wounds
Research shows how architecture of brain shapes its functioning
A team of researchers led by an NIBIB grantee at Vanderbilt University has created a biodegradable
reminiscent of a circuit diagram with countless connections. But what role does...
The structure of the human brain is complex,
scaffold that enables...
New, "designer" dietary fiber may eliminate side effects of current IBS treatment A newly-developed, “designer” dietary fiber with an added potential prebiotic effect may eliminate the side effects...
State highlights: Battle over jail medical care in Texas jails; M edicaid coverage for inmates; N.C. docs sue over M edicaid billing system A selection of health policy stories from Texas, North Carolina, California, Virginia, Missouri and Massachusetts The Texas...
Plus ça change — evolutionary sequence divergence predicts protein subcellular localization signals
Emergency right hemicolectomy for inflammatory cecal masses mimicking acute appendicitis
Protein subcellular localization is a central problem in understanding cell biology and has been the
Unexpected inflammatory cecal masses of uncertain etiology, encountered in the emergency
focus of intense research....
surgical departments can be indistinguishable,...
Clegg attacks NHS mental health care
Dr. Donald M orton, M elanoma Expert Who Pioneered a Cancer Technique, Dies at 79
20 January 2014 Last updated at 01:02 ET By Michael Buchanan BBC News Mr Clegg says there is still “too...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
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Stressed M ums and Dads should treated as though they are physically ill, says … “It’s damaging and unhelpful. At least one in four people will experience a mental health problem at some point in...
Sound sleep linked to lower prostate cancer risk But those with above average melatonin marker levels were 75 per cent less likely to develop advanced prostate cancer than...
Improving accountability through alignment: the role of academic health science centres and networks in England
FSD expresses regret over public procession staged by Ambulancemen’s Union
As in many countries around the world, there are high expectations on academic health science
enquiries on the public procession staged by the Hong Kong Fire Services Department...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to media
centres and networks in England...
M artin Luther King Jr. on Dreams, Love, and Perseverance…
Why Partners of Sex Addicts Get Sick: A Vicious Circle
MLK, a pastor, humanitarian, and leader in the 1960s American civil rights movement, famously
That the partners of sex addicts seem to suffer both minor and major illness might not be a surprise to
employed a nonviolent approach...
those currently dealing...
NHL injuries cost an estimated $218M US a year
NHL teams pay more than $650 million to injured players over three years
About half of NHL players suffer an injury such as a concussion that benches them, costing the league
Most successful businesses would not accept spending $218 million on lost time, but that’s the
an estimated $218 million...
amount NHL owners pay...
Secondhand smoke exposure increases odds of hospital asthma readmission for children
Reviving a Life Saver
A new study shows that exposure to secondhand smoke at home or in the car dramatically increases the odds of children being...
Proposed Abortion Restrictions in Spain Face Backlash Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Nonprofit Clinic Offers ‘Bridges of Health’ to Philadelphia’s Illegal Immigrants
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The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
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Calling Yourself an Artist
Poem: The Break Up
How important is it to identify yourself as an artist – to others, and especially to yourself? What if you don’t get...
You listen to music You eat terrible food You bleed your eyes down Onto your face Rested in tears And you still don’t Feel...
Researchers identify possible explanation for link between exercise, improved prostate cancer outcomes
Got a Colicky Baby? Germs M ight Help
Men who walked at a fast pace prior to a prostate
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
For a new parent, nothing is as frustrating – and indeed, heartbreaking – as the sound of a crying infant. The...
cancer diagnosis had more regularly shaped blood vessels in their prostate...
Poverty and Obesity: Neighbours In Our Own Communities Tremonica is an obviously obese seven-year-old
Researchers identify possible explanation for link between exercise & improved prostate cancer outcomes
girl in Mississippi. She tells a nurse that she ate nothing for breakfast...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeremy 215-4467109American Association for Cancer Research SAN DIEGO ...
M ars Or Bust: Putting Humans On The Red Planet
Why People In Happy Relationships Don’t Worry About Being…
hide captionTracks from NASA’s Opportunity rover
When Kanya was in grad school, she had a
disappear toward the horizon on the Meridiani Plains of Mars. The...
professor who used to ask if students would prefer to be happy or right. At the...
Therapist Confesses: How I Really Feel About M y Clients…
M elatonin may lower prostate cancer risk
I have favorite clients. People are people and I
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeremy
experience a stronger connection with some clients than with others. For... 215-4467109American Association for Cancer Research SAN DIEGO ...
Keeping whales safe in sound
Exposure to pesticides results in
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[ | E-mail ] Contact: Terry Collins 416-5388712 Anete Berzina 41-22999-0703 International...
smaller worker bees
Island channel could power about half of Scotland, studies show
Ingredients in chocolate, tea and berries could guard against diabetes
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Catriona
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa 44-131-6514401University of Edinburgh Renewable tidal energy...
44-016-035-92764University of East Anglia IMAGE: Eating high levels...
M ilky Way may have formed ‘inside-out’: Gaia provides new insight into Galactic evolution
Letting Go of Blame
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Fred
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Paul 01-784-443-967Royal Holloway, University of London Exposure to a widely...
When something goes wrong, one of the first responses many people have is to blame someone. Being at fault may bring up... 44-788579-8680University of Cambridge A breakthrough using...
3 Ways To See The True Self In Others And In Yourself
Eight Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Click here to watch the TEDTalk that inspired this post. My first experience of seeing more of people than usually meets...
With a new year brings new goals to eat healthy and lose those few extra pounds put on over Christmas. Instead of aiming...
Obama: pot ‘a vice’ but no more dangerous than alcohol
P212121 – The most frequently seen space group in protein crystals
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama believes smoking marijuana is a “bad habit” but thinks legal...
Image Courtesy: PymolWiki It is a fact that there is a non-uniformity with which different space groups occur in protein...
Cancer, smoking-related mortality rates up in Quebec
Hospitals with fewer nurses on wards than M id Staffs
Around 150,000 Quebecers had cancer in 20112012, marking a significant increase in the number of cancer cases over the...
However, ministers have rejected calls for mandatory staffing levels. The RCN examined NHS staffing levels across the East...
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The Problem With Friday Night Tykes Wait, did he just say what I think he did? (Minute mark 1:18.) I want you to put it in his helmet… I don’t care...
The water cycle amplifies abrupt climate change [ | E-mail ] Contact: 49-331-288-1040GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Helmholtz Centre The...
Solar-power device would use heat to enhance efficiency
Distant quasar illuminates a filament of the cosmic web
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrew 617-253-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tim Stephensstephens@ucsc.eduUniversity of
1682Massachusetts Institute of Technology New approach developed...
California – Santa Cruz Astronomers capture first...
The calmodulin intergenic spacer as molecular target for characterization of Leishmania species
A world without antibiotics? The risk is real, experts say
Human leishmaniasis is a neglected disease caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania.
antibiotics, a world of plummeting life expectancy where people die from...
Humans face the very real risk of a future without
Clinical aspects of this disease...
Overexpression of splicing protein in skin repair causes early changes seen in skin cancer Normally, tissue injury triggers a mechanism in cells that tries to repair damaged tissue and restore the skin to a normal,...
New hope for Gaucher patients What causes brain damage and inflammation in severe cases of Gaucher disease? Little is known
M echanism in Alzheimer’s-related memory loss identified Cleveland Clinic researchers have identified a protein in the brain that plays a critical role in the memory loss seen in...
Vitamin D Linked to Better Cognition, M ood in Parkinson’s Patients
about the events that lead...
You don’t have permission to access /releases/2014/01/140116190206.htm on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...
Finding Pleasure in Chores M ay Boost Self-Control
New Record for Human Brain: Fastest Time to See an Image
Productivity can easily escape us after a tiring day
The human brain can achieve the remarkable feat
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at work. At times, it is easier to chill out in front of the TV and...
of processing an image seen for just 13 milliseconds, scientists have found....
Your Weekly Travel Zen: Turkey This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us from Arzu Çakar. Of her photo of Bodrum, Turkey,
‘SNL’: Nancy Grace Is Hysterical Over Weed, And Drake’s Katt Williams Is Perfect
she says: “Bodrum...
In this sketch from this weekend’s “Saturday Night Live,” a typically hysterical Nancy Grace (played here...
Can You Change Other People? By Art Markman, Ph.D. for Chances are, you have people in your life whose behavior you wish would change. Your...
Cancer patient’s treatment put on hold over ObamaCare A woman diagnosed with breast cancer, whose life-saving surgery has been postponed after she lost her doctors under ObamaCare,...
Walk, But Stay Safe: Tips for Pedestrians
Psychiatrists From Another Dimension (Part 1)
SUNDAY Jan. 19, 2014, 2014 — Walking is a great
Remember DSM-5? After all the criticisms, the
way to get exercise, but it’s important to follow certain safety...
street protests and the scholarly debates, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic...
Nanoscale Engineering of Lithiated Nanowires for Battery Electrodes
Caffeine and Bipolar Disorder
Engineers at the University of California-San Diego
had my morning latte or cup of hazelnut coffee and perhaps a pick-me-up...
have discovered a new method for growing lithium on heterostructures...
I used to be an avid coffee drinker, like, for years I
Smoking increases chances of child being gay in adulthood
Final Drinking Water Ban Lifted In West Virginia After Chemical Spill
“Pregnant women suffering from stress are also
By Kevin Murphy Jan 18 (Reuters) – West Virginia
more likely to have homosexual children of both genders because their...
authorities on Saturday completely lifted a 10-dayold...
How Does M indfulness Reduce Depression? An Interview with John…
8 drinks that calm The holidays are a time to indulge—in food, family,
gifts, and yes, drinks. But running around on sugary, boozy beverages... Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) can Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL! All over the world, research has shown that
halve the risk of future clinical...
How Pinterest can help you lose weight and get fit
10 ways to help your child handle school stress
Pinterest isn’t just for fashion and style inspiration
Between schoolwork, homework, standardized
—it can be a weight loss resource, too. In my new book, The Pinterest...
tests and test anxiety, after-school activities and bullying, kids are super stressed...
Saudi healthcare booms as state scrambles to close welfare gap
Sloth Fur M ay Help Scientists M ake Our Next Health Pill
RIYADH/DUBAI (Reuters) – Stock market listings planned by two of Saudi Arabia’s biggest private
Posted on January 19, 2014 by Dyani Lewis Sloth Fur May Help Scientists Make Our Next Health Pill
hospital operators...
Fungal extracts from...
Protein-Packed Raw Chocolate Brownies (Super Easy!)
Construction of a high-quality genomic BAC library for Chinese peanut cultivar Zhonghua 8 with high oil content
These small slices are moist, chocolaty and delicious! Super easy and quick to make, they are a great little snack to help...
Arachis hypogaea L. (2n = 4x = 40, AABB) is one of the most important oil and economic crop plants in the word. This species...
miR-302b is a potential molecular marker of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and functions as a tumor suppressor by targeting ErbB4
SED invited to address Education World Forum
ErbB4 expression has been noted in various
London, the United...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Education (SED), Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, will pay a duty visit to
tumors, but its regulatory mechanism in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC)...
STH to visit Shenzhen Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony Cheung Bingleung, will visit Shenzhen...
How I’m M aking M y Long-Distance M arriage Work
Food security, rural environment top China’s policy agenda in 2014 BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s top policy priorities for 2014 will be improving the rural environment and maintaining...
A Gentle Way To Detox A dear friend introduced me to this powerfully
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In my living room, there’s one big brown cardboard box stacked on top of several others. My luggage is
gentle broth when I told him about my chronic digestive issues. It quickly...
packed and I’m...
5 Simple Steps To Start Eating Healthier Today
New collaboration aims to push cancer diagnostics to the next level
I used to be a “chronic dieter.” I was always busy counting calories, watching my portion sizes and
A collaboration between National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) and Clearbridge BioMedics, in
making sure...
partnership with the Pathology...
Axxam, Cellectis bioresearch partner to offer cell-based assays to Life Science industry
House approves bill that would require weekly detailed reports on how health exchanges are working
Axxam (Milan), a leading provider of discovery services including assay development for high-
The measure is part of the GOP effort to maintain focus on the troubled overhaul. The Associated
throughput screening, and Cellectis...
Press/USA Today: House...
Telestroke appears to be cost-effective for society
Identification of intrinsic subtypespecific prognostic microRNAs in primary glioblastoma
Researchers have found that using telemedicine to deliver stroke care, also known as telestroke, appears to be cost-effective...
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most malignant type of glioma. Integrated classification based on mRNA expression microarrays...
PRH resident convicted for making false statement knowingly
Nine families fight for answers on child deaths
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Housing Department
Today, The Telegraph can disclose that the three
(HD) always spares no effort in combating abuses of public housing resources....
new families to have joined the legal case are: * The parents of Isabella...
‘We were losing him, but no one listened’
Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare applauds introduction of Better Care, Lower Cost Act of 2014
Now they are preparing, along with several other families, to sue University Hospitals Bristol Foundation Trust over its...
Medicare’s home health community is well-
Tricky politics affecting Arkansas,
Eye Center of Central PA goes live with
positioned to help strengthen the coordination of chronic care services for...
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Arizona M edicaid expansion
M edflow EHR
An Arkansas special election, which was held to
Medflow is pleased to announce the first
replace a Democratic senator who was forced to step down over ethics violations,...
successful deployment of Medflow version 8.1, the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2014 Meaningful...
Concurrent three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy and chemotherapy for postoperative recurrence of mediastinal lymph node metastases in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a phase 2 single-institution study
Enraged by Sounds: M isophonia in Eating Disorder Patients (Clinicians, Listen Up) Tweet Tweet Few people would claim to like the sound of chewing, lip smacking, or pen clicking. But while disliking these...
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of radiotherapy plus concurrent weekly cisplatin chemotherapy on the...
Fragmented mitochondrial genomes of the rat lice, Polyplax asiatica and Polyplax spinulosa: intra-genus variation in fragmentation pattern and a possible link between the extent of fragmentation and the length of life cycle
New glass bottle collection points set up at housing estates and schools Hong Kong (HKSAR) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; To further expand the glass bottle recycling network in the community, the Environmental Protection...
Blood-sucking lice (suborder Anoplura) parasitize eutherian mammals with 67% of the 540 described species found on rodents....
Safety and efficacy of bevacizumab combined with R-CHOP regimen in seven Chinese patients with untreated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Genome sequence of Anopheles sinensis provides insight into genetics basis of mosquito competence for malaria parasites
Rituximab plus CHOP (R-CHOP) significantly improved the outcome of diffuse large B cell
Anopheles sinensis is an important mosquito vector of Plasmodium vivax, which is the most
lymphoma (DLBCL), a common sub-type...
frequent and widely distributed...
Congenital toxoplasmosis and prenatal care state programs
Laugh and the World Laughs With You British researchers have tested the hypothesis that
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Control programs have been executed in an attempt to reduce vertical transmission and the
comedians might resemble other creative individuals in showing signs...
severity of congenital infection...
Differences Aren’t Inherently Problematic
China breaks up gang offering sexselective abortions
But denying them can be. As a little girl, I witnessed and experienced the pain caused by uncontrolled
BEIJING (Reuters) – China has broken up a gang that offered illegal services to determine the sex of
anger and I adopted...
unborn children...
Dennis Rodman checks into alcohol rehab center: agent
Treating little Lady Louise Windsor’s squint has combated risk to her sight
(Reuters) – Retired basketball star Dennis Rodman has checked himself into an alcohol treatment program, his spokesman...
Lady Louise Windsor, aged ten, has had an eye problem corrected Correcting a squint – known as a lazy eye – can...
Health Notes: A touch really is soothing
BABY STEPS: At seven weeks old isn’t Albie just too little for antacids?
Touching the skin near an area of pain can reduce its intensity The process of touching interferes with nerves dealing with...
Just nuts: Is the new craze for ‘activating’ your food the seeds of a great idea?
By Sadie Nicholas PUBLISHED: 17:00 EST, 18 January 2014 | UPDATED: 17:00 EST, 18 January 2014 THE PROBLEM Almost...
Ham product recalled due to Listeria risk
‘activating’ them ‘Activating’ involves soaking nuts...
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is recalling a ham product due to a possible Listeria contamination. The product is labelled...
Final drinking water ban lifted in West Virginia
Exorcism claimed in murders of two M aryland toddlers
By Kevin Murphy (Reuters) – West Virginia authorities on Saturday completely lifted a 10-day-
(Reuters) – A Maryland mother and another woman charged with murdering two of the mother’s small
old ban on the use of...
children believed...
Gene therapy offers hope for sight loss – Health News – NHS Choices
Do You Like Simple, Potato-Chip News & Gossip?
Thursday January 16 2014 Damage to the retina
I’ve identified sixteen strategies to use for fostering
Nutrients in seeds and nuts can be enhanced by
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
can lead to loss of vision Gene...
habits, and one strategy is the Strategy of Distraction. It’s...
Lift The Burden By Changing “Should” To “Want”
Are you a lark or an owl?
There’s a lot of guilt involved in having an anxiety disorder. (If you, reader, have an anxiety disorder, you know exactly...
18 January 2014 Last updated at 19:54 ET How you feel early in the morning is affected by your genetic makeup Whether...
Auburn researcher finds brain interactions differ between religious and non-religious subjects
Japanese M HLW approves ADCETRIS for relapsed or refractory CD30-positive HL and ALCL
AUBURN UNIVERSITY – An Auburn University researcher teamed up with the National Institutes
Posted in: Medical Condition News | Pharmaceutical News Tags: Anaphylaxis, Anemia,
of Health to study how brain...
Antibodies, Antibody, Biopsy, Biotechnology,...
Lives: M embers of a Very Small Club Log in to manage your products and services from
Patients’ Costs Skyrocket; Specialists’ Incomes Soar
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Rules for Equal Coverage by Employers Remain Elusive Under Health Law
Obamacare rules on equal coverage delayed: NY Times
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Obama administration is delaying enforcement of a
York Times. ...
provision of the new healthcare law that...
BioTime subsidiary releases version 1.5 of LifeM ap Discovery
ENA applauds the U.S. Senate for approving omnibus spending bill for emergency care programs
LifeMap Sciences, Inc., a subsidiary of BioTime, Inc. (NYSE MKT: BTX), announced today the release of LifeMap Discovery™...
2014 Omnibus Spending Bill Contains ENA Priorities The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) applauds the U.S. Senate for approving...
GOP asks Oregon for details on its health insurance exchange, including officials’ compensation
New Aspen Dental office to be opened in Jacksonville, FL
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The Republican National Committee has filed a public records request with the Oregon health insurance exchange seeking information...
A new Aspen Dental office is opening in Jacksonville, FL on Thursday, January 30. Located at 11806 Atlantic Blvd, the conveniently...
How M uch M oney 4 Women Spend On Health and Wellness Each M onth
4 Guidelines for a Healthy Budget and Healthy Lifestyle
Andrea Travillian, of financial website
1. Think First, Pay Later “One of the mistakes, on four women’s average monthly wellness expenditures. The...
people make is thinking, If I buy this, then I will use it,” says...
Western Scientists Look To Chinese M edicine For Fresh Leads
Shark Attack Survivor M ike Coots’s Stunning Instagram Photos Will Keep You Inspired
i i hide captionWorkers prepare Chinese traditional medicine for customers in Beijing. Alexander F. Yuan/AP...
This is Mike Coots. When he was 17 years old, he
Teen surrenders in Philadelphia school shooting
Probation recommended for Colorado farmers tied to listeria outbreak
By Daniel Kelley PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) – A 17-
By Robert Boczkiewicz DENVER (Reuters) – Two
year-old boy wanted in connection with a Philadelphia school shooting...
Colorado farmers whose listeria-contaminated cantaloupes killed 33 people...
Postpartum Depression: A Love Story
Can You Catch Up On Sleep?
Ten years ago, as my husband and I fumbled into
These days, it’s common to be so busy during the
line at Blockbuster Video with our too-large, overaccessorized first time...
week that you sleep less than the seven to eight hours recommended...
Chinese M edicine Promising In Preventing Diabetes Among Those AtRisk
Tumor profiling study of colorectal cancer to be presented at 2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium
A combination of Chinese herbal medicines could help to keep pre-diabetes from becoming full-
Caris Life Sciences®, a leading biosciences company focused on fulfilling the promise of
blown Type 2 diabetes, according...
personalized medicine, will present...
Gilead Sciences gets marketing authorization from European Commission for Sovaldi 400 mg tablets
ARIAD Pharmaceuticals’ Iclusig now commercially available to patients in the U.S.
lost his right leg to a shark attack while surfing off waters in his home...
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Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) today announced that the European Commission has
ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ARIA) today announced the commercial availability of Iclusig®
granted marketing authorization for...
(ponatinib) for adult...
President Obama signs law to increase funding for Alzheimer’s research, education
What’s Your Wellness Personality?
At the urging of the Alzheimer’s Association and its more than 600,000 advocates, the funding bill signed into law...
4 Healthy Lifestyle Choices That Save You M oney
Do You Need Wealth for Health?
Travel by Bike The U.S. is becoming more pedalhappy, which can save you money. If you’re just riding to and from work,...
Identifying your health M.O. can help you conserve funds, says Erin Frey, head of research at the
As anyone who’s ever worked out with a personal trainer or ordered a home-delivery cleanse can attest, healthy living...
Systemic treatment with CARengineered T cells against PSCA delays subcutaneous tumor growth and prolongs survival of mice
Adapting iron dose supplementation in pregnancy for greater effectiveness on mother and child health: protocol of the ECLIPSES randomized clinical trial
Adoptive transfer of T cells genetically engineered with a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) has
Currently, there is no consensus regarding iron supplementation dose that is most beneficial for
successfully been used to...
maternal and offspring health...
Feeding behaviour of Culicoides spp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) on cattle and sheep in northeast Germany
A Supersilly Super Bowl ‘What If … ?’ We’re only a few Sundays shy of the big game, so here’s a Super Bowl warm-up video, a “What if …...
Culicoides spp. play an important role in the transmission of several vector-borne pathogens such as Bluetongue and Schmallenberg...
Tailored support for type 2 diabetes patients with an acute coronary event after discharge from hospital Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with an acute
Integration opportunities for HIV and family planning services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: an organizational network analysis
coronary event (ACE) experience decreased quality Public health resources are often deployed in of life and increased distress.... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
developing countries by foreign governments, national governments, civil society...
A pilot study of the use of EEG-based synchronized Transcranial M agnetic Stimulation (sTM S) for treatment of M ajor Depression
B-type natriuretic peptide is neither itch-specific nor functions upstream of the GRP-GRPR signaling pathway
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is an effective treatment for Major
natriuretic peptide (BNP) as an important peptide for itch transmission...
A recent study by Mishra and Hoon identified B-type
Depressive Disorder (MDD), and is...
CHP notified of eight additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in M ainland Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (January 18) received...
10 Things That Keep Us Young At Heart From “50 is the new 30″ to “50 is the new sexy,” we’ve heard it all. We’re not denying...
Coping Strategies Used by Teens When Criticized by Their Peers for Their Brand Choice Remember back in high school, middle school, or elementary school when you were worried to go to school because your jeans...
3 Tips for Reconnecting to Your Family In many — if not most — of today’s households, life is hectic. The hustle, bustle and chaos starts early in the morning...
VIDEO: Vikings and yoga with dogs
Entrepreneurs and M editation: Using M editation in Your Business… Greg Hernandez | CC Want to start your day with more focus, clarity, and determination? Sure you do. We all do. But, what...
LGBT tolerance growing in Jamaica, push to repeal of anti-gay law By Aileen Torres-Bennett KINGSTON (Reuters) – Prince Jones says he will never go back to Jamaica, not even to visit. ...
Cross-strait four regions artistic exchange exhibition launched today Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The exhibition of a crossstrait four regions artistic exchange project showcasing works of art...
AUDIO: NHS ‘has upped game’ on stress disorder Ex-soldier Liam Culverhouse was was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder when he caused the death of his baby daughter. Dr...
Is Google bringing fitness support to
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January is traditionally the month when people decide to get fit. The Sunday supplements are full of fitness programmes promising...
How to embrace ‘clean eating’
Study M easures Turbulence Dissipation Rates of Wind Turbines
There’s a lot of chatter lately about clean eating,
Source code hints at health tracking features that could be integrated into smartphones in the future. The latest version...
and I couldn’t be happier about it. When I first made the switch...
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder
5 fitness apps that actually get results
New insight on how stem cells maintain the architecture of our skin
Looking for a new way to reach your fitness goals?
have performed the first direct measurements of turbulence dissipation...
Now’s the time to check out some of the hottest fitness apps for the...
The loss of cell adhesion between these cells is
Recipe discovered for drink Asterix and the VIkings: Nordic Grog
Integrated transcriptome analysis of mouse spermatogenesis
Posted on January 18, 2014 by Chiara Civardi
Differentiation of primordial germ cells into mature
Recipe For Asterix’s Drink Discovered Ancient cooking school: the Nordic...
spermatozoa proceeds through multiple stages, one of the most important...
The activation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase is required for dihydroartemisinin-induced autophagy in pancreatic cancer cells
Two students wounded in Philadelphia high school shooting
c-Jun NH2-terminal kinases (JNKs) are strongly activated by a stressful cellular environment, such as chemotherapy and oxidative...
related to inflammatory diseases and cancer, hence the special interest...
By Daniel Kelley PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) – Two students were shot and wounded on Friday afternoon at a charter high...
Biocon to start selling breast cancer drug in India in February
Got Adult Acne? 4 Signs Your Hormones Are To Blame
MUMBAI (Reuters) – Biocon Ltd said its generic version of Roche’s Herceptin breast cancer treatment would be...
One thing that still surprises me in my herbal practice is how many women come to me because they’re suffering from acne...
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Stay Warm & Nourished With This Healthy Hot Chocolate
Incredibly Quick-&-Easy Spiced Avocado Snack
Yes, hot chocolate can be very good for you. After removing dairy from my diet a few years ago, I realized that I couldn’t...
This is fast food at its best. Make the spice mix in advance and throw it in your bag along with an avocado, and you’ll...
USDOJ: Nationwide Contract Therapy Providers to Pay $30 M illion to Resolve False Claims Act Allegations
Government Youth Portal launches third Seeds Project cum Classic Film Appreciation and Sharing
Contract therapy providers RehabCare Group Inc .,
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The 3rd Inno-Action! HKBU
RehabCare Group East Inc. and Rehab Systems of Missouri and management...
Academy of Film Seeds Project, jointly organised by the Government Youth...
ACE holds briefing session on its role and functions Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Factors associated with small size at birth in Nepal: further analysis of Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011
behalf of the Secretariat of the Advisory Council on the Environment: The...
The global Low Birth Weight (LBW) rate is reported to be 15.5% with more than 95% of these LBW infants being from developing...
Free radical scavenging and formation by multi-walled carbon nanotubes in cell free conditions and in human bronchial epithelial cells Certain multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
Protein interaction networks as metric spaces: a novel perspective on distribution of hubs In the post-genomic era, a central and overarching question in the analysis of protein-protein
have been shown to elicit asbestos-like toxicological effects. To reduce needs...
interaction networks continues...
Effects of slaughtering operations on carcass contamination in an Irish pork production plant Microbiological standards within pork slaughter
Evaluating the composition and processing potential of novel sources of Brazilian biomass for sustainable biorenewables production
processing plants in the European Union are currently governed by Commission...
The search for promising and renewable sources of carbohydrates for the production of biofuels and other biorenewables has...
Reviewer Acknowledgement 2013
Shark Attack Survivor, M ike Coots’s
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Contributing reviewersA peer-reviewed journal would not survive without the generous time and insightful comments of the...
Self-Care And Simple Pleasures To Add To Your Life “Many of us are plagued by cultural messages that doing things that feel good, just for the fun of it, is irresponsible...
Stunning Instagram Photos Will Keep You Inspired This is Mike Coots. When he was 17 years old, he lost his right leg to a shark attack while surfing off waters in his home...
‘Revolutionary’ angioplasty turns 50 17 January 2014 Last updated at 22:45 ET Globally 60 million angioplasties have been performed in the last 50 years In...
The ‘No M ore Tears’ Shampoo, Now With No Formaldehyde
Your M oney Adviser: Navigating a New Health Plan, After the Surge
Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Visually-impaired patients report gene therapy trial improvements
Dr. Robin Smith, ‘Hungry’ Author, Explains Why She Felt Broken And How She Found Fulfillment (VIDEO)
Even though the trial has been limited to one eye in order to draw comparisons, Mr Stroh said he believed he has been released...
Dr. Robin Smith is hungry. Not literally — her
Defining Death: Four Decades of Ambivalence
Honduras approves shooting down suspected drug planes
By Sharon Kaufman, Ph.D. The case of Jahi
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) – Honduran lawmakers
McMath, the 13-year-old girl declared brain dead at Children’s Hospital Oakland...
on Friday approved legislation allowing the government to shoot down planes...
Intimate partner violence among women with mental health-related activity limitations: a Canadian population based study
WeGo Health: M aking The Cut
hunger is a figurative yearning for… something. As a licensed...
We are now entering in what some call the award season: Golden Globes, The Emmy awards, all leading up to the big one…...
There is strong evidence that women with serious or chronic mental illness experience higher rates of Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
violence than women...
Implementation of an intensive shortterm dynamic treatment program for patients with treatment-resistant disorders in residential care
Get advice early, unwell people told 17 January 2014 Last updated at 21:00 ET The campaign targets elderly people and urges them to speak up People with worries...
This protocol presents a systematic residential treatment- and research program aimed at patients who have not responded...
U.S. Court Upholds Prisoner’s Right to Taxpayer-Funded Sex Change
Physical Punishment Tied to Aggression, Hyperactivity
BOSTON (Reuters) – A Massachusetts prisoner suffering from gender identity disorder should be
By Kathleen Raven NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Regardless of the culture a child lives in, corporal
provided a sex-change...
punishment may...
Arrests Spreading Under Nigeria Antigay Law
Drinking Linked to PTSD Symptoms in College Students
Arrests have spread across Nigeria as dozens more people perceived to be gay have been
You don’t have permission to access /releases/2014/01/140116162109.htm on this
rounded up and questioned, activists...
server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...
Freedom Industries, Company Behind West Virginia Chemical Spill, Files For Bankruptcy
M ichael Pollan Pinpoints What’s Wrong With The Paleo Diet
The company behind the massive chemical spill that made tap water unsafe for more than 300,000 West Virginians has filed...
The paleo diet is hot. Those who follow it are attempting, they say, to mimic our ancient ancestors — minus the animal-skin...
EU warns of Bisphenol health threat
A new regulator of cholesterol levels
The EU food safety watchdog warned Friday that exposure levels to Bisphenol A (BPA), already
A high level of cholesterol in the blood is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular
implicated as a health concern...
disease. An LMU team has now...
Rich or poor, schools fall short on providing physical activity
Rise in Bird Flu Cases in China Stokes Worry Before Peak Travel Time
Schools in wealthier areas are more likely to have
Log in to manage your products and services from
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a physical education (PE) teacher on staff than are schools in poorer...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
A ‘No M ore Tears’ Shampoo Now Has No Formaldehyde
Parenting the World on Body Image
Log in to manage your products and services from
Maria Kochetkova, principal dancer with the San Francisco Ballet. It left...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Be Excellent “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle I saw this tweet...
I recently watched an interview with the stunning
Destitute M an With Cancer Who Had To Resort To Panhandling Thanks Generous Donors Scott Murray, 52, never thought he would have to beg strangers for money. But when the cancer patient could no longer afford...
What I Discovered by Beginning a M indfulness Practice
People, People Who Need Cheerleaders
It had been one of those years. Life kept handing me lemons, and instead of making lemonade
At 4:55 p.m. today I was covered with sweat, standing at the Post Office mailing a package off to
[eyeroll], I was losing my hair...
New York. Nothing was going...
Capturing lessons learned from evidence-to-policy initiatives through structured reflection
FDA warns consumers not to eat oysters from Copano Bay in Aransas County, Texas
Knowledge translation platforms (KTPs), which are partnerships between policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers, are being...
For Immediate Release: Jan. 17, 2014Media Inquiries: Theresa Eisenman, 301-796-2805, theresa.eisenman@fda.hhs.govConsumer...
Bidirectional promoters are the major source of gene activation-associated non-coding RNAs in mammals
A discussion of multiculturalism in Australia from educators’ perspective
The majority of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) involved in mRNA metabolism in mammals have been believed to downregulate the corresponding...
Effects of demand-side financing on utilisation, experiences and outcomes
This study is an exploration of the views of nonindigenous Australian tertiary educators (N = 22) on multiculturalism and...
Resurrecting social infrastructure as a determinant of urban tuberculosis
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of maternity care in low- and middleincome countries: a systematic review Demand-side financing, where funds for specific services are channelled through, or to, prospective
control in Delhi, India The key to universal coverage in tuberculosis (TB) management lies in community participation and empowerment of the population....
users, is now employed...
Chess, Stereotypes & Personality
Chess is a challenging game that requires great mental effort to succeed in at the higher levels. To
I just finished watching, “Life According to Sam.” This documentary follows a young man living with
make sense of the people...
progeria, and his...
Less is Strength Less is strength. More is weakness. WHAT???!!!!
FDA OKs mental disability blood test for infants
are you talking about girl (unnamed mind) behind the boney fingers typing...
The Food and Drug Administration has cleared a first-of-a-kind blood test that can help predict intellectual disabilities...
FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary M edicine M ichael R. Taylor’s Statement on the Institute of M edicine Report on Caffeine in Food and Dietary Supplements For Immediate Release: Jan. 17, 2014Media
Bolus ingestion of individual branchedchain amino acids alters plasma amino acid profiles in young healthy men Physiological conditions in humans affect plasma amino acid profiles that might have potential for medical use. Because the...
Inquiries: Theresa Eisenman, 301-796-2805, theresa.eisenman@fda.hhs.govConsumer...
Development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for specific and rapid detection of differential goat Pox virus and Sheep Pox virus Capripox viruses are economically important pathogens in goat and sheep producing areas of the world, with specific focus...
Novel regulatory roles of omega-3 fatty acids in metabolic pathways: a
Complete pathological response (ypT0N0M 0) after preoperative chemotherapy alone for stage IV rectal cancer Complete pathological response occurs in 10-20% of patients with rectal cancer who are treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation...
Assessing antibiotic sorption in soil: a literature review and new case studies
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proteomics approach
on sulfonamides and macrolides
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA)
The increased use of veterinary antibiotics in
have been shown to alleviate the symptoms of metabolic disorders, such as...
modern agriculture for therapeutic uses and growth promotion has raised concern...
Standardised cigarette packs trigger ‘rise in Quitline calls’
Diet drinkers sometimes end up eating more
Plain, standardised tobacco packaging sparked a
Overweight and obese adults who drink diet pop
78 per cent increase in calls to an Australian stopsmoking helpline just...
also tend to eat more calories each day from food, a finding that hints at...
Flu-related deaths rise to 12 in Saskatchewan
M eet Henry the Hand: A crusading doctor’s right-hand man
Five more people are dead after contracting
(HealthDay)—When Dr. Will Sawyer, an infection
influenza, bringing the total for this flu season to 12, the Saskatchewan Health...
prevention specialist, dropped off his young children at day care in the...
Police conduct thorough investigation into a wounding case involving an Indonesian domestic helper
Neurosymptomatic carvenous sinus meningioma: a 15-years experience with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to press enquiries regarding the Police investigation into a wounding case in which...
Colour influences sensory perception and liking of orange juice This study assesses the effect of slight hue variations in orange juice (reddish to greenish) on perceived flavour intensity,...
The tumor removal of Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas usually results in severe neurological deficits. Stereotactic radiosurgery...
An accelerated mouse model for atherosclerosis and adipose tissue inflammation Obesity and particularly the metabolic syndrome, which is often associated with obesity, combine a major risk for type 2...
Poem on TV: Parenthood vs. Grey’s Anatomy
Should allergy protection in schools be a human right?
Which one makes you cry Harder Parenthood or
Hamilton mom spoke with The Current about the
Grey’s Anatomy Both put in music during hard scenes. Both deal with drama And...
complaint she filed against her daughter’s school CBC News Posted:...
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Diet drinkers sometimes end up eating eat more Overweight and obese adults who drink diet pop also tend to eat more calories each day from food, a finding that hints at...
Baby born after 20 miscarriages 17 January 2014 Last updated at 13:06 ET Consultant Mr Shehata treated Kelly Moseley for her miscarriages, with husband...
M assage enhances fat reduction with cryolipolysis
Reliable emotion words ID’d to assess patient experience
(HealthDay)—Post-treatment manual massage
(HealthDay)—A reliable set of emotion words have
improves the efficacy of cryolipolysis on fat reduction, according to a study...
been identified that can serve as a tool for experience-based design questionnaires...
Copycats Sometimes Pave the Way to Problem-Solving Success
U.S. Surgeon General Adds to List of Smoking’s Harms
It is often better to be surrounded by copycats than
WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s no secret that smoking
innovators, according to a new Indiana University study. By creating...
causes lung cancer. But what about diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis,...
Ugandan President Blocks Tough Antigay Law
Fibromyalgia Pain and Fatigue Can Be Reduced by Vitamin D
17 January 2014 Last updated at 10:37 ET Some
Patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) typically
gay Ugandans have fled the country, saying they are being persecuted Uganda’s...
have widespread chronic pain and fatigue. For those with low vitamin...
Vladimir Putin: Gay People at Winter Olympics M ust "Leave Children Alone"
Huffington This Week: Full Steam Ahead
Vladimir Putin has said that gay people will be not
look at how Liz Cheney’s candidacy for a Wyoming senate seat fell...
be subjected to harassment at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, as long as...
In this week’s issue, Jon Ward takes a nuanced
3 Tricks That Will Keep You Happily M arried
Diet Drinks Weight Effects: Choosing Diet Pop Could Ruin Your Diet
Written by Ericka Souter on CafeMom’s blog, The Stir . There is a reason we are always in awe of
A new study has some unfortunate news for people who drink diet pop and soda in an attempt to cut
couples that have...
calories — it’s...
I’m Taking Anti-Depressants. For M y
Researchers Find New Genetic Clue To
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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw. Actor Marlon Brando.
By Jenni Laidman (Click here for the original article) It was a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
Comedian Jim Carrey. Princess...
moment in genetic evolution:...
Findings suggest possible clinical uses of ecstasy in treating anxiety and PTSD
Chinese herbal medicine slows the development of type 2 diabetes, study claims
Brain imaging experiments have revealed for the first time how ecstasy produces feelings of euphoria in users. Results of...
Alternative ‘tapping’ therapy could be used by the NHS to treat anxiety and depression The treatment involves tapping acupressure points
Researchers found mixture of 10 herbs called Tianqi prevented people with pre-diabetes – slightly elevated blood glucose...
‘I was so fat I derailed a TRAIN’: M other, 30, is shamed into losing seven-and-ahalf stone after her 20st bulk brought a miniature railway to a standstill
on the head and hands The researchers believe it should now be used by...
Kerry Hill, a mother-of-two, dropped to 12st 5lbs in
Does Diet Coke make you FAT? Sugarfree fizzy drinks make people eat more food
Cluster of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci cases in North District Hospital
People who opt for diet drinks do not consume fewer calories overall This could be because
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokeperson
artificial sweeteners in diet...
for North District...
FDA Commissioner M argaret A. Hamburg’s Statement on the 50th Anniversary Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health
Opening remarks by STH at press conference on Policy Address relating to housing development
FDA STATEMENT For Immediate Release: Jan. 17, 2014Media Inquiries: Jenny Haliski, 301-796-0776,
Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on Development Bureau
just a year after being embarrassed that her weight was too much for...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the opening remarks by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony...
NHFPC notifies CHP of four additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9)
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initiatives in 2014 Policy Address
in Shanghai and Zhejiang
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the opening
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
remarks by the Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan, at a press conference...
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received notification today...
Research findings could lead to lifesaving treatments to fight tumor metastasis
Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation selects UofL for newly established Care Center Network
A team of researchers from the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve School of Medicine
The University of Louisville is one of nine pilot sites selected by the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation
have identified critical complex...
(PFF) for its newly...
Study: Exposing skin to sunlight may help lower blood pressure
Patient’s EM R coupled with pharmacist intervention improves preventative care of shingles
Exposing skin to sunlight may help to reduce blood pressure and thus cut the risk of heart attack and stroke, a study published...
While people over the age of 60 account for more than half of all shingles cases, less than 15% get the vaccination that...
M indfulness based interventions in multiple sclerosis
Anti-infective and cytotoxic properties of Bupleurum marginatum
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a stressful condition; depression, anxiety, pain and fatigue are all common problems. Mindfulness...
Bupleurum marginatum Wall. ex DC (Apiaceae) is a perennial herb widely used in traditional Chinese and Kampo medicine for...
Genetic architecture of spring and autumn phenology in Salix
Silicosis: geographic changes in research: an analysis employing density-equalizing mapping
In woody plants from temperate regions, adaptation to the local climate results in annual cycles of growth and dormancy,...
Assessment completed on Hong Kong’s capacity to receive tourists Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government completed the Assessment Report on Hong Kong’s Capacity to Receive Tourists...
A critical evaluation of scientific efforts is needed in times of modified evaluation criteria for academic personnel and...
Best of Our Blogs: January 17, 2014 Everywhere I go, people seem to be in a rush. The holidays have come and gone, but the urgency associated with the season...
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White House enlists M agic Johnson, Alonzo M ourning to ‘jump start’ efforts to urge young people to sign up for insurance coverage This and other related marketing attempts are meant to spark young people’s interest in obtaining
Study: Outreach, education needed to help people use their coverage to seek appropriate dental care Providing people with dental insurance does not necessarily mean that they will use it and seek dental care, according to...
health coverage...
Researcher finds possible way to unravel misfolded proteins by reprogramming yeast protein
Researchers managed to replicate human pancreatic beta cells in mouse model
At the heart of brain diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s...
Klaus Kaestner, PhD, professor of Genetics and postdoctoral fellow Dana Avrahami, PhD, from the Perelman School of Medicine,...
Business expectations for the first quarter of 2014
Special traffic arrangements in Wan Chai, Central District and Tuen M un
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) released today (January 17) the results of the Quarterly...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police will implement special traffic arrangements on January 19 (Sunday) for events held in Wan...
Transcript of remarks by SLW on case of alleged abuse of Indonesian domestic helper Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
Opening remarks by SFST at press conference on Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau policy initiatives in 2014 Policy Address
remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following are the opening remarks by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor...
Results of Design Ideas Competition for Preservation Corridor for Lung Tsun Stone Bridge Remnants announced Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) announced today (January 17) the results...
Raw Almond-Coconut Energy Bites (Oh
Scolding Single M others about M arriage: Some Cautionary Facts… With the War on Poverty marking its 50th anniversary, the scolds are out in force. Their target? Single mothers – especially...
How I "Tricked" M y 2-Year-Old Into
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M y!)
Loving Veggies
Meet your new best friends: raw energy bites! They’re filled with lots of love and nutrients to keep
Before I became a father, culture and society had drilled it into my head that you had to bribe kids to
you going all...
get them to eat vegetables....
What Does It M ean To Age Gracefully?
Single stem cell injection after meniscus knee surgery may provide pain relief, aid in meniscus regrowth
I’m 42. I know it’s not old. Every time I slip into believing the cultural lie that I’m getting old, I...
A single stem cell injection following meniscus knee surgery may provide pain relief and aid in meniscus regrowth, according...
Docs, hospitals cope with ‘trickle’ of newly insured patients — but questions continue about the actual number
Diabetes research underlines the importance of achieving blood sugar goals
As the Wall Street Journal reports that one of the
Diabetes research led by the University of Exeter
biggest issues right now is making sure these newly insured people have...
Medical School has underlined the importance of people with diabetes achieving...
Variations in osmotic adjustment and water relations of sphaerophysa kotschyana: Glycine betaine, proline and choline accumulation in response to salinity
A meal or a male: the ‘whispers’ of black widow males do not trigger a predatory response in females
Sphaerophysa kotschyana Boiss. is naturally distributed in overly salty regions. The key to the completion of the life cycles...
IntroductionFemale spiders are fine-tuned to detect and quickly respond to prey vibrations, presenting a challenge to courting...
Review of pharmacological therapies in fibromyalgia syndrome
Phylogenetic analysis of CDK and cyclin proteins in premetazoan lineages
This review addresses the current status of drug therapy for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and is based on...
The molecular history of animal evolution from single-celled ancestors remains a major question in biology, and little is...
Altered expression of protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 22 isoforms in systemic lupus
Silver nanowire sensors hold promise for prosthetics, robotics [ | E-mail ] Contact: Matt
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erythematosus 919-515-
IntroductionA C-to-T single nucleotide
6386North Carolina State University IMAGE: A sensor based...
polymorphism (SNP) located at position 1858 of human protein tyrosine phosphatase,...
Researchers ‘detune’ a molecule [ | E-mail ] Contact: David 713348-6327Rice University Rice University experiment shows how to soften...
CSHL professor identifies two proteins that control structure of chandelier cells Chandelier cells are neurons that use their unique shape to act like master circuit breakers in the brain‘s cerebral...
Study links discrete area of brain to cognitive deficit in people at early stage of PD Research by a team of investigators in Finland suggests that the free recall memory deficits
Study: Use of statins may help prevent delirium in critically ill patients Continued use of statins may help prevent delirium in critically ill patients who received statins before hospital admission,...
common even in early stages...
Different subtypes of HER2+ breast cancer facilitate more effective treatment tailored to specific tumor Research led by the Translational Genomics Group at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) in Barcelona has not...
Bids sought for Central advertising area licence Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government Property Agency is inviting tenders for a licence for the management, operation...
Death in a hot climate: southern heatwave to take its toll Hopefully the southern Australian heatwave is coming to an end – for now. But for health-care providers and death investigators,...
Asthmatics with exacerbation during acute respiratory illness exhibit unique transcriptional signatures within the nasal mucosa Acute respiratory illness (ARI) is the leading cause of asthma exacerbations yet the mechanisms underlying this association...
A qualitative study exploring women’s beliefs about physical activity after stillbirth
Associations of HLA alleles with specific language impairment Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loci have been
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Research provides strong evidence for improvements in depressive symptoms as a result of physical activity participation...
implicated in several neurodevelopmental disorders in which language is affected....
Guqin master Zeng Chengwei to stage recitals with Zeng He in February
Supreme Court appears split on abortion protester ‘buffer-zone’
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Zeng Chengwei, one of the
Several justices expressed skepticism about the
most distinguished qin artists of the Shu Stylistic School today, will...
constitutionality of a Massachusetts law that prohibits protesters within...
Immune system plays important role in heart’s response to injury The immune system plays an important role in the
Kids bullied during P.E. class are less likely to participate in physical activity one year later
heart’s response to injury. But until recently, confusing data made...
A new study found that children who were bullied during P.E. class or other physical activities were less likely to participate...
Randomized clinical trial of the timing it right stroke family support program: research protocol
Lethal course of meconium ileus in preterm twins revealing a novel cystic fibrosis mutation (p.Cys524Tyr)
Family caregivers provide invaluable support to stroke survivors during their recovery, rehabilitation, and community re-integration....
In term newborns meconium ileus is frequently associated with cystic fibrosis. Reports on meconium ileus in preterm infants...
Regulation to introduce reduced fees for applications and renewal applications for small volume exemption from Nutrition Labelling gazetted
"Part of Port Shelter Sewerage, Stage 3, Sewerage at Tai Po Tsai" scheme approved
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government gazetted today (January 17) the Food and Drugs
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive in Council has approved a scheme for “Part of Port Shelter Sewerage,...
(Composition and Labelling) (Amendment)...
It’s All About Perspective Think about all the stressors we encounter in one day, and then realize that the only way they become stressors is because...
Change of implementation days for M ong Kok Pedestrianisation Schemes Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department today (January 17) announced that the
implementation days of some of the... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Telling the Truth: The Risk of Offending Tim’s girl friend, Nancy, is discouraged. These two people cooperate in perpetuating each pessimism.
Cleveland Clinic, CWRU School of M edicine team discovers key mechanisms to inhibit
Nancy doesn’t contribute...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Christine A. 216-3686287Case Western Reserve University Findings...
Stem cell therapy following meniscus knee surgery may reduce pain, restore meniscus
Warning! Warning labels can be dangerous to your health
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lauren Pearson 847-384-4031American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons First study...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: George 212-742-9070American Friends of Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University...
South Korea to cull more than 20,000 ducks after report of possible bird flu
Oklahoma Senator Coburn, battling cancer, says he will resign
SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korea will cull more than
(Reuters) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, a
20,000 ducks after reporting its first possible outbreak of bird...
Republican from Oklahoma, said Thursday that he would leave Congress at the...
Two million ‘may need weight op’
NCPA: Access to controlled substances often delayed
16 January 2014 Last updated at 20:08 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News The numbers having...
(HealthDay)—Most pharmacists report
Risk factor for life-threatening disease in preemies identified Many premature infants suffer a life-threatening
Parietal gray matter volume changes may be associated with early Parkinson’s disease memory deficits
bowel infection called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Researchers at Loyola...
Research by a team of investigators in Finland suggests that the free recall memory deficits
experiencing multiple delays or issues with their controlled substance orders, according...
common even in early stages...
Do diet drinks make you eat more? (HealthDay)—Overweight adults often turn to diet beverages to help them slim down, but this tactic
Overweight Americans Who Pick Diet Drinks Eat M ore Food, Study Finds By Susan Heavey WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters)
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
might backfire, new...
– Heavy Americans who drink diet beverages rather than...
Notable M edical News of 2013 So, it’s officially 2014, and the new year has begun.
Finding Your Power: Part II — Wings to Fly
I haven’t written in a while, but that’s only because...
The Gift of Forgiveness In my last post, I talked about the importance of loving yourself first. In this post, I want to...
Building a Smoke-Free Life in Recovery Five decades ago, tobacco was everywhere in
Google’s Contact Lens Glucose M onitor Unveiled
America. It was perfectly normal to enter a smokefilled restaurant for dinner,...
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google unveiled Thursday a contact lens that monitors glucose levels in tears, a potential...
Why sitting for too long can be deadly for older women… even if they go to the gym Women who sit down all day are also a fifth more likely to get cancer Women who sit for more than
About 6,000 Natural Gas Leaks Found In DC’s Aging Pipes i i hide captionA close-up schematic of leaks near the U.S. Capitol show high leak densities east of the building,...
11 hours a day are 12%...
USDOJ: Four M embers of Jewelry Theft Ring Plead Guilty Four men have pleaded guilty for their roles in a highly sophisticated and violent organization that targeted jewelry couriers...
M EFV gene mutations and cardiac phenotype in children with familial M editerranean fever: a cohort study Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is the most common autoinflammatory disorder in the world. It is characterized by recurrent...
Prevalence and severity of anemia among school children in Jimma Town,
Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency: an under-diagnosed disease in Chinese children Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID) is a rare genetic disorder. The prevalence of CSID in Chinese population...
Automated alignment-based curation of gene models in filamentous fungi Automated gene-calling is still an error-prone process, particularly for the highly plastic genomes of fungal species. Improvement...
This Is Only a Compassion Test
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Southwest Ethiopia Anemia is a major health problem worldwide. Because of health and socioeconomic problems,
This is a test. This Is Only A Test A Test of the Compassion Emergency (Sunshine) Broadcast System. If this had been a real...
the prevalence of anemia is higher...
Is It M y Fault? This seems to be the eternal question whenever
Obesity may shorten lives by almost four years, study says
something’s wrong with your child. They’re lagging behind other kids;...
(HealthDay)—Obese American adults die an average of almost four years earlier than those with normal weight, and middle-aged...
Natural 3D counterpart to graphene discovered [ | E-mail ] Contact: Lynn 510486-5375DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Researchers at Berkeley...
Survival rates of kids suffering cardiac arrest improve with new training approach [ | E-mail ] Contact: Erin 650-7249175Stanford University Medical Center STANFORD, Calif....
Urban night shift police more likely to suffer long-term job injuries, study finds [ | E-mail ] Contact: Patricia 716-645-
Walter Reed Searches For Patient M isdiagnosed HIV Negative Officials at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center are searching for an HIV positive patient, who was falsely...
4602University at Buffalo BUFFALO, N.Y. Police officers...
Dow, S&P 500 dip after bond trading bites bank profits
Senate approves $1.1 trillion bill to end government funding battle
By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Dow and SP 500 slipped on Thursday, with the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Washington’s battles over government funding ended with a whimper on
SP retreating from...
Thursday as the U.S....
Scientists seek cause of catastrophic fish kill in Nevada lake
U.S. budget watchdog eyes steps to control military health costs
By Laura Zuckerman (Reuters) – Biologists scrambled on Thursday to unravel the mystery
By David Alexander WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The most effective way to control the rising expense of
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behind a massive fish kill...
the military healthcare...
FDA advisory panel rejects J&J drug for acute coronary syndrome
Panel favors continuation of ArQule liver cancer drug study
(Reuters) – Johnson Johnson’s anticoagulant
(Reuters) – ArQule Inc said an independent
Xarelto should not be approved to prevent further heart problems...
committee recommended a late-stage study of the company’s cancer drug...
Hudson County M an Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison for Distribution of Child Pornography
Spotting Active Addiction in Friends, Family, and Clients…
NEWARK—A Hudson County, New Jersey man
They are those dirty, smelly, unkempt men hanging out under bridges, in...
was sentenced today to 96 months in prison for distributing images and videos of...
Addiction: The Myth Addicts are very easy to spot.
M emory Help: 4 Simple Tips on How to Remember…
Transgender person’s medical records faxed to school
One of the most common tasks we do as social
Saskatchewan privacy commissioner Gary Dickson
beings is to meet new people in different settings — parties, the workplace,...
said he’s disappointed in the lack of progress protecting faxed health...
Nova Scotia cracking down on ecigarettes
M ental health standard tested in 25 Canadian workplaces
E-cigarettes produce a water vapour that looks like
A three-year study beginning this month will help
smoke. (Ed Andrieski/Associated Press) Nova Scotia is planning to treat...
determine best practices for dealing with mental health issues in workplace. A...
Geography plays a major role in access to pediatric kidney transplantation in the US
AUDIO: Radio fame cancer patient dies
A new study has revealed large geographic variation in waiting times for children across the
A cancer patient who inspired thousands of radio listeners by talking about his illness has died aged 52. Steve Evans, a...
United States in need of kidney...
Same cell death pathway involved in three forms of blindness
Prion discovery could help keep deadly brain diseases in check
Gene therapies developed by University of
New research from David Westaway, PhD, of the
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Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine researchers have worked to correct different...
University of Alberta and Jiri Safar, PhD, Case Western Reserve University...
On Working Out In The New Year
Koito M anufacturing Co. Ltd. Agrees to Plead Guilty to Price Fixing on Automobile Parts Installed in U.S. Cars
“I really dislike working out.” That’s what Jillian Michaels — the trainer on The Biggest Loser — recently told...
WASHINGTON—Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd ., a Tokyo-based company, has agreed to plead guilty and to pay a total of $56.6...
Drug abusers at risk for suicidal thoughts, survey finds
US smoking rates drop to historic lows: CDC
(HealthDay)—American adults who use illicit drugs are much more likely to think about suicide than
(HealthDay)—Less than 20 percent of Americans still smoke cigarettes—a breakthrough called a
those in the general...
State health insurance marketplaces boost outreach efforts
FDA warns of fires from wart removers
(HealthDay)—Health insurance exchanges in five states with strong enrollment growth are ramping
removers have started fires, injuring at least 10 people in recent years, the...
(HealthDay)—Flammable over-the-counter wart
up efforts to reach even...
Kids with Autism Don’t M atch Sounds to Their Sources
M en Who Drink Heavily Lose M emories Faster with Age
Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have trouble processing information they hear with
Men who drink heavily lose their memories and thinking skills faster as they age, a new study
what they see, according...
suggests.(Photo: Samuel M....
Virtual Reality Dilemmas Show Just How Utilitarian We Really Are
Ditch the Resolutions: Try Joy-FilledNess Instead
You don’t have permission to access /releases/2014/01/140115075408.htm on this
The thing with New Year’s resolutions is this: We’re destined to fail. So for 2014, I’m doing
server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...
HDAC2 inhibitor could improve posttraumatic stress disorder treatment: Study
Women under 50 are most likely to need help for depression
Almost 475,000 women were referred for counselling or therapy last year Meanwhile, only Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
New study identifies drug that could improve
274,000 men sought treatment, according...
treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder Nearly 8 million Americans suffer...
Why boozy Britain is the gout capital of Europe: One in 40 diagnosed with condition
Preventing cell death from infection: Scientists demonstrate method to find new therapies
Around 1.5million people in the UK are affected by the condition Recent research suggests 21st
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have demonstrated the power of a new drug
century diets are fuelling...
discovery technique, which...
Three of 20 Defendants Sentenced in M eth Distribution Ring
Bonners Ferry M an Indicted for Violent ATM Theft in M cCall
BOISE—Kenneth Jones, 47, of Rio Linda, California; Robbie Gallegos, 43, of Boise, Idaho;
BOISE—Nathan Paul Davenport, 34, of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, was indicted yesterday by a federal
and Heidi Aguila, 34, of Nampa,...
grand jury in Boise for bank...
Pickens Woman Found Guilty of FEM A Fraud
Federal Inmate Charged with Possession of Handmade Weapon
JACKSON, MS—On January 10, 2014, after a fourday trial, a federal jury found Idella Jones, 47, of
The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that a federal
Pickens, guilty of theft...
grand jury in Scranton...
Three Harrisburg M en Charged Federally with Hobbs Act Robbery and Use of a Firearm During a Crime of Violence
When Endings are Quiet Sometimes, endings aren’t synonymous with an overt break, a startling shatter or a definitive finality. Sometimes, endings...
The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that Tory Dobbin, age 41; George...
Why Sugar M akes Us Feel So Good Last week, I reported that scientists are working their way toward a consensus that sugar is addictive. While some researchers...
Hospitalization risk of the 2009 H1N1
An Old Tree Doesn’t Get Taller, But Bulks Up Like A Body-Builder i i hide captionThe world’s biggest trees, such as this large Scots pine in Spain’s Sierra de Baza range,...
Extravascular lung water and
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pandemic cases in Hong Kong Reliable assessment for the severity of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza is critical for evaluation of vaccination strategies...
pulmonary arterial wedge pressure for fluid management in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Extravascular lung water (EVLW) is a sensitive prognostic indicator of pulmonary edema. Thus, EVLW may be an advantageous...
Hong Kong Customs seizes seahorses from importing containers Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs seized about 494 kilogrammes of dried seahorses from three 20-foot containers...
CHP notified of seven additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in M ainland Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (January 16) received...
Assisted suicide appeal to be heard by Supreme Court The Supreme Court of Canada said today it will hear an appeal by the BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) that could grant...
Transcript of remarks at press conference on poverty alleviation initiatives in Policy Address Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam; theSecretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr...
Why a better, longer-lasting flu vaccine isn’t around the corner Researchers are working to find a better, longlasting flu shot that doesn’t need to be given every year, but say they...
CCGs 16 January 2014 Last updated at 10:47 ET By Adam Brimelow Health Correspondent, BBC News A new assessment...
Grieving mother whose baby died shortly after birth claims TWO hospitals refused to admit her when she started bleeding heavily
What’s YOUR ‘body age’? Average Briton’s body is four years OLDER than its real age because of poor diet and lack of exercise
Christina Evans called an ambulance when she started bleeding 16 weeks before Jayden’s due
British Adults are, on average, four years and 37 days older, research by private medical insurer
date – she was staying...
PruHealth with Vitality...
CE’s Question and Answer Session on Policy Address
Florida Bill Would Allow M edical M arijuana For Child Seizures
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Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of the Chief Executive’s Question and Answer
i i hide captionMarilyn Budzynski takes care of her 20-year-old son, Michael, in Eustis, Fla., in
Session on the Policy...
September. Michael...
Volume and price statistics of external merchandise trade in November 2013
Best diagnostic approach for the genetic evaluation of fetuses after intrauterine death in first, second or third trimester: QF-PCR, karyotyping and/or genome wide SNP array analysis
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Further to the external merchandise trade statistics in value terms for November 2013 released...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the best diagnostic approach for the genetic analysis of samples from first, second...
Karyological, morphological and phytochemical characteristics of medicinal plants Sophora flavescens Aiton grown from seeds collected at different localities Dried roots of Sophora flavescens Aiton contain many phytochemicals that exhibit beneficial effects on human health. This...
Becoming M entally STRONG Becoming mentally strong is not for the mentally weak. If that isn’t just too incredibly obvious for words. Yet it wasn’t...
Retail shops raided for suspected illegal sale and possession of unregistered pharmaceutical products and possession of unregistered pCms Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Three retail shops in Mong Kok area were raided today (January 16) in a joint operation by the...
M indful Parenting on Slate’s Parenting Podcast! In case you haven’t come across it, Slate has a new parenting podcast called Mom and Dad are Fighting, and it’s great....
Warming Kale Salad With A Caribbean Twist
Key to Lyme disease’s locale may be found in the gut of a tick
I’m committed to a diet that’s over 60% raw
The prevalence of Lyme disease varies greatly
vegetables, but I’ll be the first one to admit that during...
between different locales throughout the Northeast, even though the deer ticks...
M onitoring inactive hepatitis B patients is cost-effective strategy for Shanghai
Typhoid Fever: A race against time
The life-threatening disease typhoid fever results from the ongoing battle between the bacterial A novel study determined that monitoring inactive pathogen Salmonella and... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
chronic hepatitis B (HBV) carriers is a cost-effective strategy for China....
Stem cells overcome damage in other cells by exporting mitochondria
Self-control isn’t in short supply (despite what it looks like)
A research team has identified a protein that increases the transfer of mitochondria from mesenchymal stem cells to lung...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary Beth O’ 617-397-2802Cell Press It might be true that people have a...
Camera-carrying falcons reveal mystery of raptor pursuit
Alaskan caribou and ptarmigan migrations recorded
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Kathryn 44-012-23425525The Company of Biologists Falcons head off
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jennifer Williamsjwilliams@aibs.orgAmerican Institute of Biological Sciences Automated cameras
DNA detectives able to ‘count’ thousands of fish using as little as a glass of water
Heart attack damage slashed with microparticle therapy
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sandra 206-543-2580University of Washington IMAGE: Sardines, tuna and turtles...
Speech means using both sides of our brain, NYU & NYU Langone researchers find [ | E-mail ] Contact: James 212-998-6808New York University We use both sides of our brain for...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marla 312-5038928Northwestern University First therapy to target...
Experimental infection of lambs with C and S-type strains of M ycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis: immunological and pathological findings The two main genotypes of recognized isolates of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) are cattle (C) and sheep...
Smoking in combination with antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides is associated with persistently high levels of survivin in early rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective cohort study
An experimental model to investigate the targeting accuracy of M R-guided focused ultrasound ablation in liver
Magnetic Resonance-guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRgHIFU) is a hybrid technology that aims to offer non-invasive... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
IntroductionHigh levels of the oncoprotein survivin may be detected in the majority of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis...
Physical activity and sedentary behavior among adolescents in rural South Africa: levels, patterns and correlates Physical inactivity is increasing among children and adolescents and may be contributing to the increasing prevalence of...
Case of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b infection under CHP investigation Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (January 16) investigating...
Science enters $1,000 genome era
Sight restored to partially blind man
15 January 2014 Last updated at 11:58 ET By Paul
15 January 2014 Last updated at 20:55 ET By
Rincon Science editor, BBC News website The HiSeq X...
Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, BBC News Please turn on...
Neuroscientists find the brain can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds
patients report gene therapy trial success
Imagine seeing a dozen pictures flash by in a
order to draw comparisons, Mr Stroh said he believed he has been released...
fraction of a second. You might think it would be impossible to identify any...
Even though the trial has been limited to one eye in
Oldest trees are growing faster, storing more carbon as they age
Florida Bill Would Allow M arijuana Extract For Child Seizures
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mark
i i hide captionMarilyn Budzynski takes care of her 541-7370783Oregon State University CORVALLIS, Ore. In a finding...
20-year-old son, Michael, in Eustis, Fla., in September. Michael...
Old Trees Grow Faster With Every Year
USDOJ: Three M en from Tennessee Charged with Sex Trafficking by Force, Fraud and Coercion in the New Orleans Area
i i hide captionThe world’s biggest trees — such as this large Scots pine in Spain’s Sierra de Baza...
Granville Robinson, 25, aka Bear and HB, Duane Phillips, 28, aka P-nut, and Anthony Ellis, 25, aka Anthony Deshun Lloyd,... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
An adult patient with Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and Hodgkin’s Lymphoma throughout Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS) is a rare autosomal recessive DNA repair disorder characterized by immune deficiency, microcephaly,...
Kyphosis and paraspinal muscle composition in older men: a crosssectional study for the osteoporotic fractures in men (M rOS) research group The prevalence of hyperkyphosis is increased in older men; however, risk factors other than age and vertebral fractures are...
Visual prosthesis wireless energy transfer system optimal modeling
Lingnan M usic Series to offer delightful variety of regional music programmes
Wireless energy transfer system is an effective way to solve the visual prosthesis energy supply
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Lingnan
problems, theoretical modeling...
Music Series offers performances...
A legitimate argument?
VIDEO: Sharp rise in UK gout rates
15 January 2014 Last updated at 10:26 ET Article
There has been a sharp rise in the number of
written by Mark Easton Home editor More from Mark Follow Mark on...
people suffering from gout in the UK. The disease, which is a type of arthritis...
20% of NHS work ‘does no good’
Ramularia and the 4 Rs
16 January 2014 Last updated at 03:41 ET By
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Zoe
Owain Clarke BBC Wales health correspondent Health minister:... 07-768-164185Norwich BioScience Institutes Resistance gene causes...
Women with a high economic status claim to have better sex
Study explores possible costs, benefits of making movies with ‘Oscar appeal’
[ | E-mail ] Contact: SINC 34-914-251-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Daniel 202-527-
820FECYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology A...
7885American Sociological Association WASHINGTON, DC, January...
UD-developed smart gels deliver medicine on demand
There’s a Placebo Effect For Sleep
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrea Boyle
somebody a sugar pill, tell them it’s aspirin, and they’ll feel better. What’s... 302-831-1421University of
The placebo effect is known far and wide. Give
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Delaware IMAGE: Xinqiao Jia and colleagues...
Psychiatry professor wins Presidential Early Career Award for research on post-traumatic stress disorder
EU-sponsored TumAdoR project targets relationship between immune system and cancer growth
Katherine Iverson, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry at the Boston University School of
A multinational set of seven teams is banding together to develop a drug that may potentially fight
Medicine (BUSM), has been named...
many different cancers...
In states opposed to health law, many low-income residents are left out
Study: Children who eat more fast food are not likely to become obese
Politico examines the stark differences in the impact of the Affordable Care Act between
For several years, many have been quick to attribute rising fast-food consumption as the major
Republican-led states fighting it...
factor causing rapid increases...
Cheap genome tests to predict future illness? Don’t hold your breath
Public forum on Population Policy
Sydney’s Garvan Institute is this week promoting its acquisition of an Illumina machine which it says
forums organised by the Steering Committee on Population Policy in November...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following the two public
can sequence the...
Hong Kong: Asia’s ICT hub Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong was ranked internationally the first in technological infrastructure in both 2012 and...
Rational selection and engineering of exogenous principal sigma factor (sigmaHrdB) to increase teicoplanin production in an industrial strain of Actinoplanes teichomyceticus Transcriptional engineering has presented a strong ability of phenotypic improvement in microorganisms. However, it could...
Association between blood cadmium levels and malnutrition in peritoneal dialysis
Freezing survey to commence within Fanling North and Kwu Tung North Proposed New Development Areas
Malnutrition is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular death and may cause protein-
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Lands Department announced today (January 16) the commencement
energy wasting in individuals...
of a freezing survey within...
Research shows how coevolution
CU researcher awarded NIH grant to
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between humans and bacteria can affect gastric cancer risk
study benefit of allopurino drug in lowering uric acid levels
Research carried out in two distinct communities in Colombia illustrates how coevolution between humans and bacteria can...
NIH awarding CU researchers funding to study uric acid Kidney disease poses one of the greatest burdens for people living...
State officials seek ways to undermine Obamacare
Two case reports of bilateral vertebral artery tortuosity and spiral twisting in vascular vertigo
Lawmakers in some states continue to look for ways to stop implementation of the health law, making proposals to ban state...
M aternal near miss and death among women with severe hypertensive disorders: a Brazilian multicenter surveillance study Hypertensive disorders represent the major cause of maternal morbidity in middle income countries. The main objective of...
An anti-inflammatory diet as treatment for inflammatory bowel disease: a case series report running head: Diet for inflammatory bowel disease The Anti-Inflammatory Diet (IBD-AID) is a nutritional regimen for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that
Tortuous blood vessels are commonly seen in the cerebral arteries. The association between vertebrobasilar artery tortuosity...
Chloroplast incorporation and longterm photosynthetic performance through the life cycle in laboratory cultures of Elysia timida (Sacoglossa, Heterobranchia) IntroductionThe Mediterranean sacoglossan Elysia timida is one of the few sea slug species with the ability to sequester...
Slurping Up Sunshine: Sunrise and Sunset SLURPING… I will continue to slurp…it all UP… sunshine: sunrise and sunset!:) Slurp, slurp, slurp and a big BURP!…OOPS,...
restricts the intake...
Termination of iPermit Scheme for Taiwan visitors Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Immigration Department announced today (January 16) that the iPermit Scheme will be terminated...
No evidence of survival advantage for type 2 diabetes patients who are overweight or obese Being overweight or obese does not lead to improved survival among patients with type 2 diabetes. The large-scale study led...
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Associations between interleukin-1 gene polymorphisms and sepsis risk: a meta-analysis Previous epidemiological studies have presented conflicting evidence regarding associations between interleukin-1 (IL-1)...
Skn-1a/Pou2f3 is required for the generation of Trpm5-expressing microvillous cells in the mouse main olfactory epithelium The main olfactory epithelium (MOE) in mammals is a specialized organ to detect odorous molecules in the external environment....
Toward brain-computer interface based wheelchair control utilizing tactuallyevoked event-related potentials
Wikipedia and Cancer Research UK to take cancer information to the next level
People with severe disabilities, e.g. due to neurodegenerative disease, depend on technology
*Data provided by comScore Media Metrix About Wikimedia UK Wikimedia UK is the Wikimedia
that allows for accurate wheelchair...
chapter for the UK. It works to...
How to Sabotage Your Group Experience
#61: To Help or Not to Help
In my last post, I shared about the benefits of group. In this one, I’ll share some things to avoid.
different. What worked for Aaron didn’t work for Matt. Matt had a utilitarian...
ccsdteacher via Compfight Each of the boys was
Fade into the background...
Gene therapy saves blind man’s sight
Comedians ‘have psychotic traits’
15 January 2014 Last updated at 20:55 ET By
15 January 2014 Last updated at 20:52 ET Some
Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, BBC News Jonathan Wyatt...
comedians may use performance as a form of selfmedication, say researchers Comedians...
Rates of gout in UK ‘soaring’
New drug combo cures toughest cases of hepatitis C, hints to future injectionfree therapies
15 January 2014 Last updated at 20:54 ET The condition causes pain in the joints The prevalence of gout – traditionally...
Efforts to cure hepatitis C, the liver-damaging infectious disease that has for years killed more Americans than HIV/AIDS,...
Brain blow leaves life-long dangers 15 January 2014 Last updated at 20:57 ET Injury
Experts urge ‘ыeismic shift’ in approach to better US health care
can cause vessels to bleed, compressing the brain Injuries to the head...
(HealthDay)—Medicine alone cannot improve the health of the nation—not when one in five
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Americans lives in unsafe neighborhoods...
Study identifies enzyme that plays crucial role in resistance to influenza
Experimental drug shows promise for genital herpes treatment
()—McGill researchers, led by Dr. Maya Saleh of the
(HealthDay)—An experimental drug could
Department of Medicine, have identified an enzyme, cIAP2 that helps...
eventually offer a new treatment option for genital herpes, a common and incurable...
H.I.V.-Positive Person, Told Otherwise, Is Being Sought
Raging About Road Rage?
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Road rage continues to be a huge problem, as streets and highways are often where people’s emotions, dramas, stress,...
A National Shortage of Velveeta? It’s a Start
Bikini Bridge Hoax or Not, I am Over Body Shaming
Well, the good news is official: Kraft confirmed
I like to think I’ve got a pretty good sense of humor.
there is indeed a Velveeta shortage in our nation’s near future. Not...
You have to, when you’re me — because I trip over...
New Sleep M edications: Thinking About Profits, Not Dreams
Unplugged: 10 Hilarious Games For Family Night
The Dec. 9, 2013, issue of The New Yorker
It’s no secret we should all be unplugging now and
published a detailed but rather misguided article by Ian Parker, “The Big...
then to maintain our health and sanity. In fact, unplugging is becoming...
Behind-The-Scenes Footage Of Batkid Is Sure To Put A Smile On Your Face (VIDEO)
Speech comes from both sides of the brain, not one, study finds
We’ve seen the newscasts. We’ve seen the trailer. But what we haven’t seen is the real-life behind-
discovery about the brain and how it processes speech. They say speech...
Scientists are claiming they’ve made a significant
Narcissism — to a point — can make a more effective leader, researchers find
2 diabetes studies in Jan. 2014 Health Affairs
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Chelsey B. 217-333-5802University
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sue 301-841-
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign IMAGE: ... 9962Health Affairs Jan. articles examine the toll of Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Researchers discover that coevolution between humans and bacteria reduces gastric cancer risk [ | E-mail ] Contact: Derik 603-650-
Ray of hope for magazines in digital era [ | E-mail ] Contact: Dominic 416-978-6974University of Toronto Targeted audiences and websites can...
1211The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth IMAGE: ...
Resisting the flu
Global warming’s biggest offenders
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Katherine Gombaykatherine.gombay@mcgill.caMcGill University New avenues for influenza control
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Clea 514848-242-45068Concordia University The US and
What Fetal Genome Screening Could M ean for Babies and Parents
Former Agriculture Commissioner Sentenced to 27 M onths for M isappropriating Department Funds
Today’s genetic technologies are not yet a crystal ball for seeing a child’s future, but doctors are closer than ever...
FRANKFORT, KY—Former Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture Richard Dwight Farmer, Jr was sentenced today...
Florida M an Sentenced for Witness Tampering
Norris M an Sentenced for Sexual Abuse of a M inor
United States Attorney Brendan V Johnson announced that a Bushnell, Florida man convicted of witness tampering was sentenced...
United States Attorney Brendan V Johnson announced that a Norris, South Dakota man convicted of sexual abuse of a minor was...
3 Ways to Beat Depression Through Exercise
New analysis shows fewer years of life lost to cancer
Exercise helps beat depression – that’s not just a theory, but scientific fact. Many people think exercise involves...
Since the enactment of the National Cancer Act in 1971, the U.S. has spent hundreds of billions of dollars in cancer research...
M ost practice guideline recommendations based on less-thanideal quality of evidence, study says
Breast cancer cells disguise themselves as neurons to cause brain tumors
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
()—A study published in the January issue of Mayo
Treatment and “cure” of breast cancer doesn’t
Clinic Proceedings shows that most clinical practice guidelines for interventional...
ensure that the disease won’t spread to the brain....
US urges acetaminophen limits due to liver risks
‘Abortion on demand’ gets Government ‘green light’
US regulators said Wednesday they are urging
But the new guidelines go further, suggesting that it
doctors to cease prescribing drugs that contain more than 325 milligrams of...
is not even a legal requirement for doctors to give individual requests...
Is M indfulness Harmful?
Innovation: A Charger That Keeps Your Phone Germ-Free
It seems counterintuitive that something like mindfulness could be harmful. If we pay attention when crossing the street...
hide captionPhoneSoap uses UV-C light to clean
It’s electrifying: non-invasive brain stimulation A simple procedure requiring only a nine-volt
Study finds later school start times improve sleep and daytime functioning in adolescents
battery and a few cords strapped to your head is gaining momentum with DIY...
Julie Boergers, Ph.D., a psychologist and sleep expert from the Bradley Hasbro Children’s
your phone while it charges. Courtesy of PhoneSoap Whatever our hands...
Research Center, recently...
US justices doubtful on abortion buffer zone law
M icroparticles fight inflammation postheart attack
The U.S. Supreme Court seemed likely Wednesday to strike down a state of
After a heart attack, much of the damage to the heart muscle is caused by inflammatory cells that
Massachusetts law setting a 35-foot (10 meter) protest-free...
rush to the scene of the...
‘Barcode’ profiling enables analysis of hundreds of tumor marker proteins at once
M inister warns over the deadly threat of legal highs
A new technology developed at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Center for Systems
he had been briefed by MI5 chief Andrew Parker and accused political...
In a wide-ranging interview, Mr Baker also told how
Biology (CSB) allows simultaneous...
Fat-Shaming Drove This Woman To
New Innovation in the AYA Cancer
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Cosmetic Surgeries That Nearly Killed Her (VIDEO)
M ovement: The Future Is Here
Amanda Sidwell Smith spent years of her life being insulted about her weight. The words were so
2 here. While attending the first annual Society of Adolescent and Young...
Part 3 of a 3 part series. Read part 1 here and part
harsh and so consistent that...
Why Women Need to Prioritize Themselves M ore Instead of focusing on ways to take better care of themselves, many women are now turning to
Phase II trial of Bevacizumab (Avastin) in locally advanced cervical cancer ‘promising’
alcohol to self-medicate in...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Garth Sundemgarth.sundem@ucdenver.eduUniversity of Colorado Denver IMAGE: University of Colorado...
M ost practice guideline recommendations based on less-thanideal quality of evidence
Finding pleasure in productive activities the key to boosting selfcontrol
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Shelly
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dominic 507-2845005Mayo Clinic ROCHESTER, Minn. Jan. 15, 2014 A study...
416-978-6974University of Toronto TORONTO, ON After a long, tiring day...
Wall St. advances after strong bank results and data
Troubling outbreak of drug-resistant bacteria a growing threat
By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks rose on Wednesday, with the SP 500 climbing to an all-time high...
With an outbreak of “nightmare bacteria” in a Chicago suburb hospital that has infected 40 people in the last year, the...
U.S. judge rejects challenge to ‘Obamacare’ insurance subsidies
U.S. supreme court skeptical on abortion clinic buffer-zone law
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A federal judge on Wednesday upheld the health insurance subsidies that are available in the...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Supreme Court justices expressed doubt on Wednesday about a Massachusetts law that mandates...
Health Highlights: Jan. 15, 2014
You've Got Red On You: Improving ZDay M odels
Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: Muscle-Building Exercises...
Yesterday I updated and expanded a long-ago post of mine called “Mmmm…Brains!: Using
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Mathematics To Save Us On...
3-D Photonic Crystals Help Thin-Film Solar Cells Absorb M ore Light
FDA accepts Iroko Pharmaceuticals’ ZORVOLEX sNDA for review
Researchers have shown how to increase the efficiency of thin-film solar cells, a technology that
Posted in: Medical Condition News | Pharmaceutical News Tags: Analgesia,
could bring low-cost solar...
Angiotensin, Anti-Inflammatory, Aspirin, Asthma,...
First commercial implant of Elixir’s DESolve Novolimus Eluting Coronary Scaffold performed in Germany
Varian M edical Systems’ updated ProBeam proton therapy system gets FDA clearance
Marking a milestone in the evolution of fullybioresorbable drug-eluting scaffolds for interventional cardiology, the first...
Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR) has received FDA 510(k) clearance for its updated ProBeam™ proton therapy system. Varian’s...
Leukaemia patient twice denied ‘lifechanging’ hair replacement therapy on the NHS finally gets it after expert comes to her rescue
British woman suffers paralysis and memory loss after swallowing poisonous algae
Samantha Green developed alopecia after her second battle with cancer She applied three times
microscopic ‘neurotoxic’ algae Felt ill, developed a fever and then had...
Nicoletta Stephanz says she swallowed
to have hair replacement therapy...
Army medic exposed to uranium in race to raise £25,000 for treatment
4 Delicious Ways to Detox
Katrina Brown, 31, developed a rare and potentially fatal autoimmune disease after being exposed to
holiday season can leave you feeling run-down, sluggish, and bloated come January....
The anything-goes extravaganza known as the
uranium near Basra in...
New strategy emerges for fighting drug-resistant malaria
Gay men at higher risk for meth abuse – …
Malaria is one of the most deadly infectious diseases in the world today, claiming the lives of
Methamphetamine, also called crystal meth, is highly addictive. It can be used by snorting,
over half a million people...
smoking or injecting. The...
Lack of outdoor play said to hurt children’s development
Grieving mother sues NHS after locum doctor refused to give her a scan DAYS before her daughter was stillborn
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Teachers, parents and health officials in southern Ontario say kids today simply don’t know how to play outside. “We’re...
Ammie Fearon, 26, thinks her baby, Lily-Ella, would have survived if the care she had received at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital...
168 Reasons for Happiness!
Poem: I’ll Call You Tomorrow
Hi Psych Central Beyond!:) You know the deal. You know what day this is?? It’s the day you: WAKE UP!
I’ll call you tomorrow. You’re obviously not a man of your word I don’t get mad Just disappointed. I’ve
It’s the day You...
given you...
Getting Students Organized for Exam Review
Congratulations to 5 Years of M indfulness & Psychotherapy…
Here in my school district, mid-year exams are on the horizon, but still far enough in the distance so
It’s been five years since we welcomed Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. to our blogging network here at
that there’s plenty...
Psych Central. Since then,...
H5N1 virus that killed Alberta nurse to be studied
Google ads target Canadians using personal health info
Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory has isolated live H5N1 virus from respiratory
Canada’s interim privacy commissioner says Google has been caught afoul of the law by
specimens taken from an Alberta woman...
displaying web ads linked to...
Alzheimer’s online test crashes university site
VIDEO: Japan’s chubby women
A new website that helps determine whether someone might have Alzheimer’s disease or
Japanese women are known for being petite and slim – but what is it like for larger women in the country? A conversation...
dementia is so popular that the...
M ultihormone reverses metabolic damage of high calorie diet Importantly, the scientists found out that treatment of obese mice with this GLP-1/Glucagon coagonist improves metabolism...
Alcohol consumption is the direct cause of 80,000 yearly deaths in the Americas Alcohol consumption is the direct cause of nearly 80,000 deaths in the Americas each year, according to a new study. Published...
Some banned chemicals being replaced by harmful substitutes, study shows
U.S. justices raise doubts about abortion clinic buffer-zone law
You may not be familiar with phthalates, but odds
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Supreme Court
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
are you come into contact with them every day – in
justices on Wednesday raised questions about the
products like plastics,...
scope of a Massachusetts...
Belgian clinic repairs bones with novel technique
Ban on Class of Chemicals Lowers Human Exposures, Study Finds
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Belgian medical researchers have succeeded in repairing bones
WEDNESDAY Jan. 15, 2014, 2014 — The banning of certain types of a common class of chemicals
using stem cells from fatty tissue,...
known as phthalates has...
Experts Urge ‘Seismic Shift’ in Approach to Better U.S. Health Care
Antidepressants in Pregnancy Tied to Slight Risk of Lung Disorder in Babies
WEDNESDAY Jan. 15, 2014, 2014 — Medicine alone cannot improve the health of the nation — not
WEDNESDAY Jan. 15, 2014, 2014 — Taking certain antidepressants in late pregnancy more
when one in five...
than doubles the odds of a lung...
Why M e? Perceptions of Justice Influence Pain Experiences
Drug Labeling Influences Effects Of Painkillers
Life has its many twists and turns – to make sense of all of it, people sometimes take a “just world”
Posted on January 15, 2014 by Agnese Mariotti Drug Labeling Influences Effects Of Painkillers
approach, reasoning...
New insights on the placebo...
New study on brown adipose derived stem cells by BioRestorative Therapies
5 Signs That You Could Be Happier
BioRestorative Therapies (BT), a life sciences company focusing on adult stem cell-based
As a little girl, fairytales and Disney movies taught me happiness is all that really matters. Apparently, the Dalai Lama...
therapies for various personal medical...
IUDs: 8 Things Every Women Should Know
5 M istakes People M ake at the Grocery Store
Women’s health advocates tend to be big fans of the intrauterine device, otherwise known as the
What do root canals, pelvic exams, filing taxes, car repairs, and grocery shopping have in common?
IUD. And there are...
Absolutely nothing, except...
Here’s How M oving To The City Can M ake You Calmer, Happier And M ore Connected
M ichelle Obama Won’t Rule Out Plastic Surgery
WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama, who turns 50 later this week, isn’t ruling out using plastic surgery or Botox in... drained, a city stress case heads for the hills. Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL! Here’s the classic trope: Nerves shot and pockets
Maybe she leaves...
FDA wants to limit acetaminophen in combination pills
IU study: Copycats pave the way to problem-solving success
The Food and Drug Administration is calling for
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Liz
stricter restrictions on treatments that combine acetaminophen with other... 812-8554507Indiana University IMAGE: This is a screen capture...
The internal clock and feeding rhythm set the pace of the liver
Gold nanoparticles help to develop a new method for tracking viruses
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah 41-216-932-107Ecole
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Docent Varpu Marjomä 358-405-634-
Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne Living organisms...
422Academy of Finland IMAGE: Figure:...
Easier said than done
New study shows: Large landmasses existed 2.7 billion years ago
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Federica 39-040-3787644International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) In...
BM H-21 chemical compound has ability to shut down a common cancer process Johns Hopkins scientists say a previously known but little studied chemical compound targets and
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Carsten Münkerc.muenker@uni-koeln.deUniversity of Cologne A Cologne working group involving Prof....
State highlights: M ass. health care system eyes new expansion; some health program cuts not addressed in Calif. gov.’s budget
shuts down a common cancer...
A selection of health policy stories from Massachusetts and California. The Boston Globe: Partners Promises A New Model...
Cognigram can detect early signs of M CI and Alzheimer’s disease
Research identifies new way for slow release drugs
For patients over the age of 50, a routine physical exam at the doctor’s office typically covers a wide spectrum of medical...
Reservoirs of pharmaceuticals could be manufactured to bind specifically to infected tissue such as cancer cells for slow,...
Woman who lost 22st after gastric bypass surgery has 3st of excess SKIN
Scientists say sex encourages growth of brain cells and improves long-term
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Pauline Mole Gibbons, 49, dropped from 40st to
Study found rats developed a greater number of
18st after the surgery Before the weight loss she was housebound and barely...
brain cells after mating This increase in neurons can restore cognitive function,...
Want to avoid diabetes? Take up yoga or weight lifting: Study finds 3.5 hours of exercise a week nearly HALVES the risk
Hospital Authority welcomes Policy Address
This amount of exercise can reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes by 40% Even just an hour’s workout every
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Chairman of the Hospital Authority...
seven days can...
Follow LegCo on YouTube and Flickr Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: The Legislative Council...
Want to Keep Your Resolution? These Foods Will Help Whether your resolution is to lose weight, become fitter, reduce stress or get more sleep – these foods can help you stick...
Education Commission Chairman welcomes CE’s 2014 Policy Address Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Education Commission: The Chairman of the Education Commission,...
Differences in rhythmic cognition between human and non-human primates? Merchant, H., Honing, H. (2014; provisional version online). Are non-human primates capable of rhythmic entrainment? Evidence...
Cross-Country Skiing may be Associated With an Increased Prevalence in Atrial Fibrillation
Bacterial “Syringe” Necessary for M arine Animal Development
Subscribe: SMR Posts RSS Subscribe: SMR
beach, you have bacteria to thank. Those bacteria, nestled in a supportive...
Comments RSS Become an SMR Facebook Friend Follow SMR on Twitter Cross-Country Skiing...
If you’ve ever slipped on a slimy wet rock at the
Cholesterol Leads to Alzheimer’s? Nonsense!
Sick Of Your Job? 5 Signs It’s Time To Quit
Recently, JAMA Neurology published a study that
As an executive coach who works routinely with
looked at the connection between cholesterol
individuals in job transitions, the number one
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
levels and Alzheimer’s...
question I get asked is how...
Yoga In Brazil (Incredible Slideshow) Start Slideshow » 13 images Brazil is a place famous for soccer, samba and carnival, a place
Exercise can reduce the risk of diabetes by nearly a half, new study finds
where joy and energy...
This amount of exercise can reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes by 40% Even just an hour’s workout every seven days can...
Peter Stone Can’t Get Enough Of Robots Playing Soccer
2014 Policy Address by Chief Executive (6)
Audio for this story from Morning Edition is not
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – VI. Environmental Protection
available. Computer scientist Peter Stone has taken his passion for soccer...
and Conservation 156. Environmental protection is one of the priorities...
2014 Policy Address by Chief Executive (5)
Lands Department releases figures on registered lease modifications, land exchanges and private treaty grants in fourth quarter of 2013
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – V. Land, Housing and Transport Land Supply 118. The housing shortage problem is serious.Apart from...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Lands Department registered 24 lease modifications in the Land Registry during the quarter...
Committee on Self-financing Postsecondary Education welcomes new initiatives in 2014 Policy Address Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Committee on Self-financing Postsecondary Education: The...
5 reasons to eliminate detox cleanses from your life Overindulge during the holidays? Looking to get your health back on track for 2014? You’re not alone. “Detoxing” is...
Private firms ‘win 70% of NHS bids’
Speech by FS at 4th Asia Private Equity Forum(with photo/video) Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech delivered by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at the 4th Asia...
M ental health cases ‘rise in young’ By Dan WhitworthNewsbeat reporter Danielle says struggling to find work made her mental health issues worse There’s...
Speech by FS at 4th Asia Private Equity Forum
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15 January 2014 Last updated at 03:54 ET By Dominic Hughes Health correspondent, BBC News More than 70%...
FS speaks on Policy Address Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a transcript of remarks by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at a media session...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech delivered by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at the 4th Asia...
January 2014 issue of the Hong Kong M onthly Digest of Statistics is now available Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) published today (January 15) the January 2014 issue...
CS speaks on Policy Address Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
Speech by FS at 4th Asia Private Equity Forum(with video)
remarks by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam,...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech
VIDEO: M ore NHS contracts won by private firms
VIDEO: M ental health issues rising
More than two thirds of all contracts for NHS services in England have been awarded to external
young people suffering from mental health issues since the recession, according...
delivered by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at the 4th Asia...
There has been a sharp increase in the number of
suppliers since April 2013,...
Nurse admits mistakes in boy’s care 14 January 2014 Last updated at 13:10 ET Sean
Tennis-Cancer survivor Hutchins delights in first win on return
Turner, four, was re-admitted to intensive care after suffering a cardiac...
Jan 15 (Reuters) – Britain’s Ross Hutchins had more than most to smile about on Wednesday after he and partner...
Cancer survivor Hutchins delights in first win on return
New system allows us to power our devices long after sun goes down
(Reuters) – Britain’s Ross Hutchins had more than most to smile about on Wednesday after he and
Solar energy has long been used as a clean alternative to fossil fuels such as coal and oil, but it
partner Colin...
could only be harnessed...
Rep. M iller, close Obamacare ally, to retire
Researchers look at age-related differences on how memories stored
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Rep. George Miller will retire at the end of his term,
and retrieved
he announced Monday. The California Democrat is a close ally of House...
It’s not that younger people are able to remember more than older people. Their memories seem better because they are...
M ore independent work environments may lead to reductions in autism symptoms More independent work environments may lead to reductions in autism symptoms and improve daily living in adults with the...
2014 Policy Address by Chief Executive (4) Hong Kong (HKSAR) – IV. Nurture the Next Generation 90. The Government fosters a culture of multi-faceted excellence...
Policy Address initiatives to nurture the next generation
CE lays out blueprint to tackle poverty, support the needy
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, has today (January 15) in his Policy Address highlighted initiatives...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, in his annual Policy Address today (January 15) set out a comprehensive...
Unleashing Hong Kong’s economic potential is key: CE
CE unveils major Policy Address initiatives to support the needy, youth and economic development
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, in his Policy Address today (January 15) said the Government...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, has today (January 15) unveiled major initiatives in his annual...
Why Depression Isn’t Always The Reason For Sadness
2014 Policy Address by Chief Executive (2)
Allow me to ask you a few questions about your
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – II. Economy 10. Hong Kong
feelings and mood today. Are you feeling a sense of hopelessness and lack...
needs sustained economic growth to address issues such as poverty, housing,...
2014 Policy Address by Chief Executive (1) Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the full text of
Dance and virtual reality: A promising treatment for urinary incontinence in elderly women
the 2014 Policy Address ¡V Support the Needy, Let Youth Flourish,...
Virtual reality, dance and fun are not the first things that come to mind when we think of treating urinary incontinence...
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Review finds lack of delirium screening in the emergency department
Swine flu kills two men in Spain (Update)
Delirium in older patients in an emergency room setting can foretell other health issues. But
Two men have died of swine flu in northern Spain, where an outbreak of the H1N1 virus has left over
according to a new study published...
40 people in hospital,...
As Parents Age, Asian-Americans Struggle to Obey A Cultural Code
US fertility clinic mix-up brings calls, questions
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
The suspect is dead, the fertility clinic where he reportedly replaced a customer’s sperm with his
York Times. ...
own no longer operates,...
Seeking Clues to Obesity in Rare Hunger Disorder
Even Supporters Question Cuomo’s M arijuana Plan
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
York Times. ...
York Times. ...
T-cell research sheds light on why HIV can persist despite treatment
Palm Beach County Resident Sentenced for Enticing a M inor to Engage in Unlawful Sexual Activity
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andrea Boyle 302-831-1421University of Delaware IMAGE: University of Delaware...
Wifredo A Ferrer, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, and Michael B Steinbach, Special Agent in...
Former City Clerk in Havana, Kansas Charged with Embezzlement
Nixa M an Sentenced for Child Pornography Offenses
WICHITA, KS—A former city clerk for the city of Havana, Kansas was charged Monday with embezzling funds from the city and...
SPRINGFIELD, MO—Tammy Dickinson, United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, announced that a Nixa, Missouri...
De Leon Springs M an Sentenced to Seven Years for Armed Bank Robbery
Do You Ever Want to Cry in Public? It’s Okay
ORLANDO, FL—Senior United States District Judge Gregory A Presnell yesterday sentenced Robert Gordon Shaw (37, De Leon...
I see women rushing for perfection and flawlessness all the time, but especially during important moments — like their...
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Federal Indictments United States Attorney Bill Nettles stated today that a federal grand jury in Greenville, South Carolina returned Indictment(s)...
Screening helps prevent cercical cancer in older women Women who do not have cervical screening over the age of 50 are six times more likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer...
VIDEO: Bewitching poison: alcohol as medicine For hundreds of years alcohol claimed a prized place amongst the pills, potions and purportedly
Women 50-plus urged to have smears 14 January 2014 Last updated at 21:25 ET By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Screening...
healing herbs of British...
Weightlifting ‘cuts diabetes risk’ 14 January 2014 Last updated at 21:26 ET By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online
Dayton Armed Career Criminal Sentenced to M ore Than 29 Years in Prison
Lifting weights...
DAYTON—Mickey Allen Fugate, Jr, 40, of Dayton, Ohio, was sentenced in United States District Court to serve 25 years in...
Public Service Announcement Regarding Fraudulent Scheme Targeting Oklahoma Utility Customers
Searching For Balance: A M ind-Body Connection
James E Finch, Special Agent in Charge of the
Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom by Dr. Rick Hanson and he...
Oklahoma City Field Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is providing...
I have been reading Buddha’s Brain: The Practical
Union County M an Admits Distributing Images of Child Sexual Abuse
Alcohol called ‘important cause’ of premature death
NEWARK—A Union County, New Jersey man today
Alcohol was behind nearly 80,000 deaths per year
admitted distributing images of child sexual abuse over the Internet, United...
in 16 countries in North, Central and South America, say researchers calling...
Risk of transient breathing difficulties in newborns of mothers on antidepressants
Researchers suggest risk of cervical or vaginal cancer higher in women previously treated for pre-cancerous cells on cer
Infants of expectant mothers who take antidepressant drugs, known as selective
Women previously treated for abnormal cells on
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serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), during...
the cervix (CIN3 or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3) are at an...
Study indicates the potential of new tests in long-term diabetes complications
Alcohol consumption is a necessary cause of nearly 80,000 deaths per year in the Americas
Monitoring glucose levels is imperative for diabetes patients, but for some the standard Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test is not...
A new study published in the scientific journal Addiction by the Pan American Health Organization, a branch of the World...
Resistance Training, M uscleStrengthening Exercise Could Lower Women’s Diabetes Risk
A Fowl Fable
Sure, aerobic exercise is good, but here’s a great
A Fowl Fable Lloyd I. Sederer, M.D. Conques, France My wife and I recently had a holiday dinner at the home of friends living...
reason to make sure to get that musclestrengthening training in:...
Huffington Issue 84: Liz Cheney, Legal M oonshine And Robot Love
The Emperor’s New (Yoga Clothes)
In this week’s issue of Huffington, we look at the
the yoga world, and it has nothing to do with poses, breathing...
amateur decision-making that led to Liz Cheney’s withdrawal...
What to Wear to Yoga There’s a storm brewin’ in
M uscle-strengthening and conditioning in women associated with reduced risk of diabetes
Study reveals senses of sight and sound separated in children with autism
Aerobic exercise is known to prevent type 2 diabetes, and muscle-strengthening alone or in
Like watching a foreign movie that was badly dubbed, children with autism spectrum disorders
combination with aerobic exercise...
(ASD) have trouble integrating...
Screening helps prevent cervical cancer in older women
Experimental vaccines may extend life in pancreatic cancer
New research from Queen Mary University of London reveals women over the age of 50 who
(HealthDay)—Patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly malignancies, may
don’t attend cervical screening...
live a little longer when...
PLUM EN 002 Is The CFL You’d Actually Want To Use (And Look At On A Daily
M aybe You’re Not Failing Enough
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Basis) If you like the energy-saving benefits of a CFL but kind of hate the light emitted from the bulbs, we present you with a...
I was honored to be asked to speak at the regional TEDx event in my hometown of Cincinnati. They said I could talk about...
Awesome Teacher Donates Kidney To Sick Student
I Know It’s Not Easy — But, Don’t Give Up! Problem-Solving Solutions
A Colorado physical education teacher went far beyond her role as an instructor and became an organ donor for a very sick...
This week’s article is going to concentrate on following your heart and your dreams and taking steps to make them happen. Too...
LOOK: ‘Teen M om’ And ’16 And Pregnant’ Helped Decrease Teen Pregnancies
Husband of brain-dead pregnant woman sues to remove ventilator
Who said reality TV was a bad influence on kids? A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research shows that two...
DALLAS The husband of a brain dead, pregnant Texas woman who is being kept on life support is suing the hospital for not...
Health Check: Should I use antibacterial hand sanitisers?
The Diagnosis: Social M edia Overload
I should start by saying that an important part of my
completely overstimulated I was when it came to social media. There were times...
job is encouraging hospital staff to clean their hands. The World Health...
I realized last month just how burnt out and
Dyslexia Is Not Actually Caused By Gray M atter Differences, Brain Anatomy Study Suggests
A New Year of Peace… Finding Healing and Resilience Amidst the Grief
Anatomical differences of the brain that were previously thought to be a root cause of dyslexia
people. If you are grieving, the moist poignant significance may be that now...
The new year represents many things to many
could actually be the result...
The Art of Listening In my monologue class the other day, my teacher
Bunions in Children: When Is Bunion Surgery Needed?
said something that surprised me: “In order to be a great actress,...
Kids get bunions too! In my NYC bunion surgery practice, parents commonly ask: “When is the best time to have bunion...
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"16 and Pregnant," "Teen M om" linked to teen birth rate drop
Baby wipe chemical tied to allergic reactions in some kids
A new study claims that two MTV television shows, “16 and Pregnant” and the “Teen Mom” spinoff,
Baby wipes appear to be the cause of allergic reactions in some children, pediatricians are
have helped reduce...
warning in a new report detailing...
M erck recalls all Liptruzet pills for effectiveness concerns
NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Colin coming ‘unwound’
TRENTON, N.J. – Drugmaker Merck Co. said Tuesday that it’s recalling a combination
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard
cholesterol drug, wiping...
Space Flight Center IMAGE: The TRMM satellite flew...
M an, TBoneTheOriginal, had to have buttocks SEWN TOGETHER after painful cysts
Woman’s face collapsed after botched facelift leaving her face SAGGIER than before
The man, known only as TBoneTheOriginal, suffers severe pilonidal cysts These are painful boils that
Yvonne, 57, left with badly sagging face after botched surgery Nurse, from Herefordshire, left
occur between the buttocks...
unable to leave the house...
Spinach Dinosaurs To Sugar Diamonds: 3-D Printers Hit The Kitchen
Short circuit in molecular switch intensifies pain
i i hide captionA mathematician’s sweet dream: For about $10,000, you can print out rainbow sugar
While searching for novel painkillers, researchers at KU Leuven in Belgium came to the surprising
conclusion that some candidate...
First Land-Walking Fish Looks Like It Had ‘All-Wheel Drive’
Abbotsford strikes down ban on harm reduction programs
i i hide captionUniversity of Chicago scientist Neal Shubin shows a model of Tiktaalik, the “missing
A 2005 zoning bylaw banning methadone treatment clinics, needle exchanges and supervised injection
sites in Abbotsford was...
Dutch recall 11 tonnes of French horsemeat
Residents want real-time clinical performance feedback
Dutch authorities said Tuesday they have recalled 11 tonnes of horsemeat that was trafficked from
(HealthDay)—Adaptations to an automated, nearreal-time perioperative management system can
France last year. The meat...
provide anesthesiology residents...
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Artificial sweeteners produce no glucagon response
Primary care work environment affects nurse practitioners
(HealthDay)—Artificial sweeteners do not produce any changes in glucose metabolism compared to
(HealthDay)—The organizational climate in primary care settings influences the professional practice
a glass of water, according...
of nurse practitioners...
Teen Brains Are Wired To Seek Rewards (STUDY)
One Health Care Reformer’s Plan To Fix Obamacare ‘Disaster’
By: Tanya Lewis Published: 01/13/2014 03:14 PM EST on LiveScience Teenagers often do things if
Hospitals and clinics across the U.S. are racing to upgrade their paper files to electronic ones in order
the payoff is great, and...
to comply with...
M edicare paid $172M for penis pumps from 2006-2011: Report
Welcome to Cancerland
WASHINGTON A new report questions why the U.S. government is paying so much for penis pumps.
A place where chemo drips freely. Hair is a rare sight to be seen. Tubes, treatment, and trials are common occurrences. Hospital...
Penis pumps cost the U.S. Medicare...
Younger people have ‘high definition’ memories
UNC researchers harness sun’s energy during day for use at night
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joan 49-622148-78130Springer Researchers look at age-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Thania 919-9628596University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
related differences...
IMAGE: ...
Research shows early promise of new drug for cancers caused by viruses
Illinois study identifies 3 risk factors most highly correlated with child obesity
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leslie 504-568-4806Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans,...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Phyllis 217-244-2827University of Illinois College of Agricultural,...
Scientists show how insulin-producing cells may fail in diabetes, how they might someday be restored [ | E-mail ] Contact: Peter 415-502-
NASA sees rainfall from System 94S over Australia’s Arnhem region [ | E-mail ] Contact: Rob Gutrorobert.j.gutro@nasa.govNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center IMAGE: NASA’s TRMM
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6397University of California – San Francisco These...
Depression as fashion…not
M en Feel Worse About Themselves When Female Partners Succeed…
I have a few questions about Urban Outfitters controversial “Depression” shirt – like who the heck would wear that? You’ve...
Some experts have called the last recession a
SGI ordered to build and maintain disabled man’s lap pool
India polio-free for 3 years
A man who was severely injured in a crash and
accomplishment that will lead to the formal dropping of the nation from the...
needs a water-based rehabilitation program has won a court case that will see...
A&E locum costs: Your experiences
“man’s recession,” since more men’s jobs evaporated than women’s. That...
India has been polio-free for three years, an
14 January 2014 Last updated at 10:35 ET
Study: CT scans could bolster forensic database to ID unidentified remains
Spending on locum doctors to plug the gaps in AE units in England has risen by 60%...
A study from North Carolina State University finds that data from CT scans can be incorporated into a growing forensic database...
Ruling will allow doctors to help patients die
Toxic chemicals found in children’s clothes, shoes, Greenpeace says
Aja Riggs has undergone aggressive radiation and chemotherapy treatment for advanced uterine
Children’s clothing and shoes made by a dozen globally-recognised brands have been found to
cancer. The 49-year-old remembers...
contain potentially harmful...
Victims of violent crime don’t fit mould A Murdoch University School of Law researcher
Hollywood’s Smoky Images Send Wrong M essage About Lighting Up
says traditional theories of forgiveness don’t work for victims of serious...
As far as we have come in the 50 years since the U.S. Surgeon General first warned of the dangers of smoking, many obstacles...
M utation V60L increases predisposition to skin cancer When Homo sapiens left Africa and had to adapt to less sunny climates, there was a mutation in one
A study analyses the health status of immigrant population in Raval neighbourhood in Barcelona
To know the incidence and risk factors for some of the genes responsible... diseases in Barcelona’s immigrant population in Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Spain is the main objective...
Preterm birth by Filipino women linked to genetic mutational change
How fiber prevents diabetes and obesity
()—Scientists at the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa have uncovered a genetic explanation for why Filipino women in the...
Scientists have known for the past twenty years that a fiber-rich diet protects the body against obesity and diabetes but...
Exercise Could Help You M aintain Work-Life Balance, Study Shows
‘Too Skinny’: Teen Boys’ Body Image Linked With Depression, Steroid Use, Study Finds
Carving out time for exercise in your day could help you feel more in control of your work-life balance, according to a new...
The 7 Lessons Life Will Teach You An education is an esteemed commodity in our society. Rightfully so, school will teach you the history of humankind, make...
Why Laughing Is Good for Your Health An old Yiddish proverb says, “What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.” Everyone knows that laughter...
Health Exchange Enrollment Picked Up in December
Teen boys who view themselves as “too skinny” when they are actually a healthy weight may face a higher risk...
M ake Over Your M orning M indset With These 6 Pieces Of Inspiration The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life — and your well-being — off...
Bald reef gets new growth with seaweed transplant [ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah 61-293-857307University of New South Wales IMAGE: This...
Log in to manage your products and services from
A brief visit to a neighborhood induces the social attitudes of that neighborhood
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Daniel 44-191-2088993PeerJ Spending as little as 45 minutes in...
Educated black men remembered as ‘whiter’
Dutch order recall of French horsemeat
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Camille
authorities ordered five Dutch companies to recall
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – Dutch food safety
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL! 805-410-
11,000 kg of improperly...
7441SAGE Publications IMAGE: These are images...
U.N. feeds record 3.8 million in Syria but concerned by malnutrition
Exclusive: Valeant, Actavis, M ylan eye Pfizer’s generics unit
By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) – The
By Nadia Damouni, Jessica Toonkel and Soyoung
U.N.’s World Food Programme (WFP) delivered rations to a record...
Kim NEW YORK (Reuters) – Drugmakers Valeant Pharmaceuticals International...
Hollande private life risks hijacking reform message
‘Dos’ and ‘don’ts’ for a longer life
By Mark John PARIS (Reuters) – President
minute, it’s bad. Then, we’re told wine will help you live longer...
Francois Hollande aims to lay out plans for the French economy on Tuesday...
Denmark’s Novo Nordisk sued in U.S. over generic Prandin
One minute, coffee is good for you – and the next
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – Denmark’s Novo
China doctor gets suspended death sentence for trafficking newborn babies
Nordisk has been sued by a group of healthcare purchasing companies in...
BEIJING (Reuters) – A Chinese court on Tuesday handed down a suspended death sentence on a doctor who sold seven newborn...
Poor GCSEs ‘increase’ self-harm risk
M other ‘begged hospital to help son’
By Dan WhitworthNewsbeat reporter Please turn
13 January 2014 Last updated at 14:05 ET Sean
on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Stacy Hawkins gives her advice...
Turner, four, was readmitted to intensive care after suffering a cardiac...
Research for Her, an online clinical research registry, honored with distinguished national award
US panel urges diabetes screening for all pregnant women
Research for Her , a Cedars-Sinai online medical research database aimed at increasing women’s
Force has released new recommendations that call for universal screening...
(HealthDay)—The U.S. Preventive Services Task
participation in clinical...
Access to medicaid-accepting substance use TX centers varies
Lumbar spinal stenosis surgery rates vary by race
(HealthDay)—Medicaid expansion to include (HealthDay)—Rates of hospitalization for lumbar Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
substance use disorder (SUD) treatment does not
spinal stenosis surgery vary significantly by race
guarantee access, particularly...
and ethnic group, according...
New M exico Right To Die Case: Ruling Will Allow Doctors To Help Terminally Ill Patients End Their Lives
Lawmakers unveil $1.1 trillion spending bill
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Aja Riggs has undergone aggressive radiation and chemotherapy treatment for advanced uterine cancer....
By David Lawder WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Negotiators in the U.S. Congress on Monday unveiled a $1.1 trillion spending...
Richter dismisses talk it is a takeover target for Forest
Charities pledge $400 million to Syria aid: Kuwait agency
BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungarian drugmaker Richter has dismissed as “entirely unrealistic” market speculation...
KUWAIT (Reuters) – Non-governmental organizations have promised to donate a combined $400 million for humanitarian...
Smokers more worried about their looks than their health
M eningitis B jab ‘must get green light’: Doctors call on Health Secretary to authorise vaccine that protects children
Biggest concern was discoloured teeth, followed by bad breath Also worried about missing teeth, wrinkly lips, bad skin and...
Bexsero is the first jab to protect against the main cause of life-threatening bacterial meningitis Dozens of children a...
USDOJ: Alabama M an Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud and Identity Theft
Tung Chung Job Fair 2014 to offer around 2 000 vacancies
Nakia Jackson pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and one
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Job seekers are welcome to visit the Tung Chung Job Fair 2014 to be held
count of aggravated identity...
from 10.30am to 5pm this...
USDOJ: Court Rejects Banking Associations’ Challenge to Regulations Addressing Offshore Tax Avoidance
The Loss of A Child to Suicide: Complicated Pain
Today the District Court in the District of Columbia dismissed a challenge filed by the Florida Bankers Association and Texas...
The monk’s guide to fasting
The loss of a child is an unspeakable trauma. When that death is caused by suicide, the pain becomes more complicated. There...
Green tea ‘can impede beta blocker’
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13 January 2014 Last updated at 19:41 ET By Tom de Castella BBC News Magazine Fasting is very
13 January 2014 Last updated at 20:39 ET By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online
much in vogue...
While some...
Brain Training Can Help Older Adults Stay Sharp for Years
Obese Britons would rather be fat than change their ways
CHICAGO (Reuters) – A brief course of brain exercises helped older adults hold on to
Dr Davina Deniszczyc, Medical Director of Wellbeing at Nuffield Health, said: “If you are
improvements in reasoning skills...
struggling financially, a cut-price...
‘They Got Away With M urdering M y Son’
5 Year Blog Anniversary and M y Top 10 Favorite…
The violence of this video shocks everyone–all the more so since two of the former California police officers who Tasered...
Believe it or not, five years ago starting a blog called Mindfulness and Psychotherapy seemed like a risky venture. At the...
Recipes for Health: Roasted Carrots With Turmeric and Cumin
Older Pool of Health Care Enrollees Stirs Fears on Costs
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
York Times. ...
York Times. ...
M ixed Reports on State Health Exchange
Children Have Skewed View of Gender Segregation
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
Children believe the world is far more segregated by gender than it actually is, implies a new study
York Times. ...
led by a Michigan State...
Simple Take-Home Test M ay Help Spot Early Alzheimer’s
Nigerian Law Criminalizes Same-Sex "Amorous Relationships"
Could a test using only a pen and paper be enough to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease? Researchers at The Ohio State University...
A new law in Nigeria, signed by the president without announcement, has made it illegal for gay people to even hold a meeting....
Teen Brains Really Are Wired to Seek Rewards, Say Researchers
Why Weather Affects Climate Change Belief
Teenagers often do things if the payoff is great, and
When frigid temperatures set much of the country
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
the reason may come down to how their brains
shivering last week, pundits took the opportunity to
respond to rewards, a...
scoff at the concept...
David Hasselhoff under the microscope By Sarah Ewing PUBLISHED: 17:00 EST, 13
GP consultations are often more complicated than you think
January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:55 EST, 13 January 2014 Actor and singer...
When we think of what defines a medical consultation, we quite reasonably think of the “presenting complaint”: the medical...
Staff ‘bullied’ at largest NHS trust
Over the previous weekend the morning magazine
13 January 2014 Last updated at 19:17 ET Staff
shows I have on during lazy mornings had 2 glamorous nutritionist types breathlessly...
members at all levels and across all sites of England’s largest hospital...
M ost students exposed to schoolbased food commercialism
US top court rejects Arizona abortion ban
Most students in elementary, middle and high
The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected Arizona’s
schools are exposed to food commercialism (including exclusive beverage contracts...
attempt to ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The decision...
Viral microRNAs responsible for causing AIDS-related cancer
Obamacare signs up 2.2 million, a quarter young adults (Update)
For the first time, scientists and engineers have identified a critical cancer-causing component in
About 24 percent of people who signed up online for President Barack Obama’s trouble-plagued
the virus that causes...
signature health care...
Op-Ed Columnist: Heroic M easures Log in to manage your products and services from
Older People Lead Sign-Ups for Insurance
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
How to get Sheryl Crow’s shoulders By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 17:01 EST, 13
The tiny laser that smashes kidney stones to pieces
January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:55 EST, 13 January 2014 We reveal...
By Carol Davis PUBLISHED: 19:57 EST, 13 January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:57 EST, 13 January 2014 Lasers are more...
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Terrifying toll of killer infection that strikes after an op Deborah Dendle, 37, from Greenford, had an operation to remove scar tissue On her second day
As scientists suggest that the bacteria in our guts may affect our brains and mood… Will taking a probiotic pill make you feel less anxious?
home, she felt lethargic and...
By John Naish PUBLISHED: 20:18 EST, 13 January 2014 | UPDATED: 20:18 EST, 13 January 2014 Claire Parkinson...
Hanna Rosin Dissed M indful Parenting Because She Doesn’t Understand…
Poem: Bored
Look how cute they are! You’d never know they
is boredom. And with mania your mind is prone to boredom. Poem: Bored Bored...
were plotting against me… As I have written before, I am pretty ambivalent...
Shedding Thick Skin SSSSSSSSSnake. When grass is tall, you cannot
Being hypomanic, Bipolar II, my biggest fear in life
A third of a million people now diagnosed with cancer every year
easily spot a snake. Time to cut some grass?? Short grass protective. I don’t...
The number of people being diagnosed with
Child shock guidelines ‘are deadly’
Green tea ‘can impedes beta blocker’
13 January 2014 Last updated at 20:40 ET By
13 January 2014 Last updated at 20:39 ET By
James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News Thousands...
Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online While some...
Does Everyone Lie?
VIDEO: India hails polio-free landmark
I am at the post office with two boxes of heavy books. I can send them book rate, which is far cheaper than first class if...
India is marking three years since its last reported polio case, a landmark in the global battle against the disease. It...
VIDEO: Shock tactics in fight on obesity
US state judge: Doctors can aid in dying (Update)
More than half of the people of Britain will be grossly fat by the middle of this century, according
cancer in the UK each year has hit more than 330,000 for the first time, according...
to the National Obesity...
Competent, terminally ill patients have a fundamental right under the New Mexico Constitution to seek a physician’s...
Assaults at schools send 90,000 kids to
Fresh contamination scare for New
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
ER each year, study finds
Zealand dairy giant
(HealthDay)—Children and teenagers who are assaulted at school account for nearly 90,000
New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra faced a new contamination scare Tuesday with the forced recall
emergency-room visits in the United...
of nearly 9,000 bottles of...
NHS cancer risk threshold ‘too high’ for patients, research indicates
Health Care Plans Attracting M ore Older, Less Healthy People
Patients have expressed an appetite for potential cancer symptoms to be checked out much sooner
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
than current NHS thresholds...
York Times. ...
A M ed Student’s Pretend Examination Saved This M an’s Life
America Gets A C- In Women’s Reproductive Health, No One Is Surprised
Medical students, as part of their training, are assigned to examine “patients” who pretend to have various maladies....
USDOJ: Justice Department Alleges “Buy Here, Pay Here” Used-Car Dealerships Engaged in Illegal Lending Discrimination The United States Department of Justice, the
This week, the Population Institute released their annual State of Reproductive Health And Rights report card. And most of...
USDOJ: Social Worker Pleads Guilty to Identity Theft, Tax Crimes Rakecia Matrese Brame, formerly of Greensboro, N.C ., and now of Grand Prairie, Texas, pleaded guilty on January 10, 2014,...
United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of North Carolina...
#60 Children’s Perspectives on Homework
Passenger Charged with M aking Threats to Take Down Airplane
anna gutermuth via Compfight Homework continued to be an issue with all the boys, but
Wifredo A Ferrer, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; Katherine Fernandez
never with the same intensity that...
Rundle, Miami-Dade County...
NEWSFLASH! Free Technique for Healing Pain Described
Is It Anxiety or Stress?
What if you turned on the news to the following headline…FREE new technique–with no known
in common. They have similar emotional symptoms, they result in similar...
Chronic anxiety and chronic stress often share a lot
side effects–is found to... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Campaign highlights valuable role of patient records in research
Antibody machinery linked to childhood leukaemia
Leading medical research charities have launched an advertising campaign to raise awareness of the
The cell machinery that helps fight off infection could be a driving force behind the most common
importance of sharing...
form of childhood leukaemia,...
U.S. FATCA tax law catches unsuspecting Canadians in its crosshairs
Good news on U.S. youth obesity rates may not tell the whole story
A Calgary woman’s developmentally disabled son is caught in a U.S. tax quagmire that she fears may
Childhood and teen obesity rates seem to be levelling in the U.S. overall but poorer youth are still at risk, say researchers...
cost him the money...
M y vitamin D levels are low, should I take a supplement? If your blood test results suggest you’re low on vitamin D, you’re not alone – nearly one-third of the Australian population...
Case of severe paediatric influenza A infection complicated by invasive pneumococcal disease under CHP investigation Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (January 13) investigating...
Hong Kong has entered winter influenza season
SCED visits Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (January 13) appealed...
Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, today (January 13) visited...
New regulation to introduce control on quality of marine light diesel
Chemical signaling simulates exercise in cartilage cells
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Air Pollution Control
Cartilage is notoriously difficult to repair or grow,
(Marine Light Diesel) Regulation will be gazetted this Friday (January...
but researchers at Duke Medicine have taken a step toward understanding...
How the immune system fights off malaria
Study questions anti-cancer mechanisms of drug tested in clinical trials
The parasites that cause malaria are exquisitely adapted to the various hosts they infect—so
The diabetes drug metformin is also being tested
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
studying the disease in mice...
in numerous clinical trials for treating different cancers, and several...
New test could simplify the diagnosis of coeliac disease
Wait Continues for Safe Tap Water in West Virginia
A new blood test being developed by Walter and
Log in to manage your products and services from
Eliza Hall Institute researchers can rapidly and accurately diagnose coeliac...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Scientists show how a subset of bacterial cells escapes being killed by many antibiotics
Study shows that high-blood pressure medicine may also prevent migraines
Scientists have made an important advance in understanding how a subset of bacterial cells
commonly prescribed propranolol when it comes to preventing migraine attacks,...
Candesartan is just as effective as more the
escape being killed by many antibiotics. Cells...
‘We buried her with her teddy, sticker book and comfort blanket’: Parents’ heartbreak as their daughter’s ‘winter virus’ turns out to be rare and aggressive cancer
M other who faced an abortion after being diagnosed with cervical cancer while pregnant survives surgery
Lizzy Bremer, 2, from London, died six months ago
one was abortion then...
Angela Marsh, 27, was diagnosed while pregnant with baby Zachary Faced two impossible options –
from neuroblastoma Was diagnosed after her parents found a lump on her...
We Have A Science Tumblr, And Its Name Is ‘Skunk Bear’
Inter-departmental working group on gender recognition
This week, we’re launching Skunk Bear, our new
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – To follow up on the
science tumblr. What will I find on this tumblr? Cool things! Cool science...
judgment of the Court of Final Appeal in the case of W v The Registrar of Marriages...
M an Charged in Savannah Bank Robbery Acting Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Ricky
Hong Kong and Vietnam sign second protocol to comprehensive agreement on avoidance of double taxation
Maxwell, FBI Atlanta Field Office, in conjunction with Chief Julie Tolbert, Savannah-Chatham...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor K C Chan, today (January 13) in...
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David T. Resch Named Special Agent in Charge of Little Rock Division Director James B Comey has named David T Resch special agent in charge of the FBI’s Little Rock Division. Mr Resch most...
Former Social Security Administrator Sentenced to Federal Prison for Aggravated Identity Theft, Unauthorized Sale of Stock Certificates, Tax Evasion Offenses PROVIDENCE, RI—Randolph Hurst, 50, of West Warwick Rhode Island, a former assistant district manager for the Social Security...
Obesity interferes with blood pressure control
Persistent insomnia symptom risk high
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
Insomnia symptoms are often persistent, report researchers who found that targeting...
Reporter Patients who are overweight or obese have a high risk for uncontrolled blood...
‘Acne medication left me partially blind’: M other prescribed common antibiotics can no longer drive due to blurred vision Rachel Yeo, 26, was prescribed Minocycline in a bid to cure her acne She developed severe migraines and her vision became...
By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter
First woman to have cervical cancer surgery while pregnant celebrates son’s first birthday Angela Marsh, 27, was diagnosed while pregnant with baby Zachary Faced two impossible options – one was abortion then...
Hope for women born without a womb: Swedish doctors perform nine transplants
‘M y headaches were a brain haemorrhage – but paramedics diagnosed me with a virus’: M other-of
The women were either born without a womb or
Anita Trewick, 42, had brain haemorrhages on
had theirs removed because of cervical cancer – they received the transplants...
December 16 and 18 On both occassions East Midlands Ambulance Service was called...
California’s Pot Farms Could Leave Salmon Runs Truly Smoked
SJ’s speech at Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2014
i i hide captionThis dead juvenile coho salmon was
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by
found in a tributary of California’s South Fork Eel River....
the Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, at the Ceremonial Opening...
Fifth Former Georgia Prison Officer
Sorting and identification of side
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Pleads Guilty in Connection with the Assault of an Inmate and the Cover-Up That Followed
population cells in the human cervical cancer cell line HeLa
WASHINGTON—Today, the Department of Justice and the United States Attorney for the Middle
cells (CSCs) exist in many types of solid tumors. Some studies have demonstrated...
Several reports have revealed that cancer stem
District of Georgia announced...
Nine Swedish women undergo uterus transplants
2 players produce destructive cascade of diabetic retinopathy
STOCKHOLM — Swedish surgeons have successfully transplanted wombs donated from
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Toni 706721-4421Medical College of Georgia at Georgia
relatives into nine women and they will...
Regents University IMAGE: ...
Shoulder replacement eases pain, improves motion in rheumatoid arthritis patients, M ayo Study finds
BU study: 1 question may gauge the severity of unhealthy drug and alcohol use
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sharon 507-2845005Mayo Clinic ROCHESTER, Minn. Jan. 13,
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lisa 617-571-6370Boston University Medical Center Primary care
2014 Shoulder...
Heart attack survivors paint a complex picture of adhering to medicine
Researchers investigating how to make PET imaging even sweeter
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Thania 919-962-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Lauren 212-241-
8596University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill IMAGE: ...
2836The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School...
Sam Berns, Boy With ‘Aging Disease,’ Dies at 17
Army Reservist Alleges Tainted Diet Pill Caused Insomniac Rage
The 17-year-old boy who became the face of the
Sainah Theodore, serving in the Army Reserves
progeria, the “Benjamin Button” disease, has died. Sam Berns died...
and with dreams of being an officer, says she turned to an herbal diet supplement...
5 Ways to Fight the Post-Holiday Blues
Supreme Court declines to hear Arizona abortion appeal
The days are short. The weather is dreary. And now
that the holidays are over, you probably won’t see a By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – lot of your... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to review an appeals court ruling...
Exploring the universe of biochemical reactions Scientists at EMBL-EBI have developed EC-BLAST: software that makes it easier to develop novel enzymes. Published in Nature...
YC-1 enhances the anti-tumor activity of sorafenib through inhibition of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in hepatocellular carcinoma Traditional systemic chemotherapy does not provide survival benefits in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Molecular...
Tear of peroneus longus in long distance runners due to enlarged peroneal tubercle
The expanding role of aerosols in systemic drug delivery, gene therapy and vaccination: an update
Tear of the Peroneus longus in association with a
Until the late 1990s, aerosol therapy consisted of
prominent peroneal tubercle is rare.Case presentationRecently we treated...
beta2-adrenergic agonists, anti-cholinergics, steroidal and non-steroidal...
Prospective evaluation of fluorescence-guided cystoscopy to detect bladder cancer in a high-risk population: results from the UroScreenStudy
HK bans import of poultry eggs from Bac Ninh, Vietnam Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today...
ObjectiveTo prospectively evaluate the role of fluorescence-guided cystoscopy in a high-risk bladder cancer population undergoing...
Part 2: Committed But Living Apart, Guest Post by… [Bella’s intro: Here is the second and final part of Diane Marty’s essay on her decision to live apart from her partner....
Doctors transplant wombs into 9 women who will attempt pregnancy Nine women in Sweden have successfully received
The Power of Being Who We Are Philippe. With Driss, his caretaker. Image courtesy of A few weeks ago I watched the...
Obesity: How worried should we be? 13 January 2014 Last updated at 09:01 ET Article written by Nick Triggle Health correspondent More
from Nick The... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
transplanted wombs donated from relatives and will soon try to become pregnant,...
Texas researcher receives U.S. patent for new class of compounds that protects against TBI
BRAF mutation associated with other cancers appears to drive papillary craniopharyngiomas
A researcher in the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio received a U.S. patent...
A team led by investigators from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and the Broad...
M aryland moves forward with bold hospital spending plan
Study: Variations in non-coding sections of genome might be main contributors to type 2 diabetes risk
Some say the deal will eventually change the way hospitals in all the states are paid for delivering health care and could...
CJ’s speech at Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2014
Variations in non-coding sections of the genome might be important contributors to type 2 diabetes risk, according to a new...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Housing Department responds to media enquiries on claim filed with Small Claims Tribunal
behalf of the Judiciary: The following is the full text of the speech...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – In response to media enquiries on a claim filed with the Small Claims Tribunal today (January 13),...
Clusters of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci cases in New Territories West Cluster Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: The spokesperson for New Territories...
7th AFF focuses on Asian markets powering global growth Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The 7th Asian Financial Forum (AFF) opened today (January 13), providing a high-level platform...
Can you answer these five questions?
SCED’s speech at opening reception of Hong Kong Fashion Extravaganza Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So,...
I Have ADHD, Grant M e The Serenity From y childhood … Being a non-practising alcoholic, even though I don’t attend Alcoholics Anonymous, I am familiar with...
Fruit juice ‘shouldn’t count in your 5 a
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The 15-minute home test that spots signs of Alzheimer’s
day’: Some brands have more sugar than cola says obesity tsar
Questions range from writing date to working out
Dr Susan Jebb said public should wean
change from shopping bill Others more vague such as ‘how are corkscrew...
themselves off certain products Some brands of orange juice contain as much sugar as...
Government capacities and stakeholders: what facilitates ehealth legislation? Newly established high-technology areas such as
Orthosis reduces breast pain and mechanical forces through natural and augmented breast tissue in women lying prone
eHealth require regulations regarding the interoperability of health information...
Breast implant displacement or rupture can cause aesthetic problems and serious medical complications. Activities with prone...
CHP investigates influenza A outbreak Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today
Synovial membrane protein expression differs between juvenile idiopathic arthritis subtypes in early disease
(January 13) reminded...
IntroductionJuvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatological disease of childhood with a prevalence...
JWGSDEP holds 13th meeting in Hong Kong
Dr. C: We’ve all got stories to tell, about cancer and more
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong KongGuangdong Joint Working Group on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection...
This is my last blog post as Dr. C. I’m done my chemotherapy treatment, and, I’m happy to say, I’m completely...
Chinese drug company targeted in corruption case
US boy whose premature aging inspired film dies
China’s biggest drug distributor says two former executives are the target of a corruption investigation, widening...
A teenager whose battle with a rare genetic condition that accelerates the aging process became the subject of an HBO documentary...
UGC’s review of CityU’s second veterinary school proposal
Do Sex Addicts Have M ultiple Personality?
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Sex addicts often seem to have two distinct
behalf of the University Grants Committee: The
personalities. Often they will report to me that they
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
University Grants Committee...
experience themselves...
The children who played with asbestos
A&E ‘crisis’ raised at NI Assembly
12 January 2014 Last updated at 21:46 ET By
13 January 2014 Last updated at 01:50 ET MLAs
Francesca Williams BBC News Caroline Wilcock used to play...
are to debate recent AE closures following a major incident at Belfast’s...
Junior doctor debts wiped under plan
India set for polio-free landmark
13 January 2014 Last updated at 03:26 ET Plaid Cymru wants to increase the number of bilingual doctors Junior doctors who...
13 January 2014 Last updated at 02:36 ET Over 2.4 million volunteers vaccinate some 170 million children in India during...
Police ‘used as paramedics’ concern
At-home test can spot early Alzheimer’s
13 January 2014 Last updated at 02:08 ET By Laurence Cawley BBC News Essex Police
The Self-Administered Gerocognitive Examination (SAGE test), which takes less than 15 minutes to
complete, is a reliable...
Fear of being too skinny may put teen boys at risk for depression, steroid use
India marks three years since last polio case reported
Teenage boys who think they’re too skinny when they are actually a healthy weight are at greater risk
India on Monday marked three years since its last polio case was reported, a major milestone in
of being depressed...
eradicating the crippling...
Obesity projections ‘underestimated’
M TV’s ‘16 and Pregnant,’ Derided by Some, M ay Resonate as a Cautionary Tale
12 January 2014 Last updated at 23:49 ET The report cast doubt over obesity predictions from a study seven years ago Estimates...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Aiming to Push Genomics Forward in New Study
School drug tests don’t work, but ‘positive climate’ might
Log in to manage your products and services from
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Michael
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ... 215-7460202Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs PISCATAWAY,...
Brief mental training sessions have
Study finds more targeted form of
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long-lasting benefits for seniorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cognition and everyday function
radiation improves survival in patients with head and neck cancers
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Ben 44-012-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Will 713-792-
437-70375Wiley Older adults who received as few as 10 sessions...
9518University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center IMRT...
Advanced radiation therapy for head and neck cancer may be better than traditional radiation at preventing side effects and cancer recurrence
White parents more likely to use ageappropriate car seats than non-whites
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Evelyn 201-748-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary 734-7642220University of Michigan Health System Race of parents remains...
6358Wiley Patients with head and neck cancer who...
Fear of being too skinny may put teen boys at risk for depression, steroid use
Taxes on severance pay? U.S. Supreme Court to hear case
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Audrey
By Patrick Temple-West WASHINGTON (Reuters) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 202-3365706American Psychological Association Steroid use more likely...
The Obama administration on Tuesday will fight before the Supreme Court...
Neurological impairment among heterozygote women for X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy: a case control study on a clinical, neurophysiological and biochemical characteristics
Low serum docosahexaenoic acid is associated with progression of coronary atherosclerosis in statintreated patients with diabetes mellitus: results of the treatment with statin on atheroma regression evaluated by intravascular ultrasound with virtual his
Neurologic impairments in female heterozygotes for X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) are poorly understood. Our aims...
Diabetes mellitus (DM) accelerates plaque progression despite the use of statin therapy. The purpose of the present study...
Estimation of sexual behavior in the 18to-24-years-old Iranian youth based on a crosswise model study
Wasting among Uganda men with pulmonary tuberculosis is associated with linear regain in lean tissue mass
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In many countries, negative social attitude towards sensitive issues such as sexual behavior has resulted in false and invalid...
during and after treatment in contrast to women with wasting who regain fat tissue mass: prospective cohort study Nutritional changes during and after tuberculosis treatment have not been well described. We therefore determined the effect...
Evolutionary origins of sensation in metazoans: functional evidence for a new sensory organ in sponges One of the hallmarks of multicellular organisms is the ability of their cells to trigger responses to the
Where Free Speech Collides With Abortion Rights Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
environment in...
China’s top drug distributor Sinopharm says ex-VP detained HONG KONG (Reuters) – Sinopharm Group Co Ltd, China’s largest pharmaceutical distributor, said its former vice...
Obesity UK Damning publication suggests half of Britons could be overweight by 2050 National Obesity Forum said GPs are failing to get...
Significance of CD44 expression in head and neck cancer: a systemic review and meta-analysis
Acute kidney injury due to antituberculosis drugs: a five-year experience in an aging population
CD44 has been reported to be involved with tumor
Patients on anti-tuberculosis treatment may
growth and metastasis and has also been implicated as a CSC marker in head...
develop acute kidney injury (AKI), but little is known about the renal outcome...
Child undernutrition in Kenya: trend analyses from 1993 to 2008-09
A path analysis of the effects of the doctor-patient encounter and expectancy in an open-label randomized trial of spinal manipulation for the care of low back pain
Research on trends in child undernutrition in Kenya has been hindered by the challenges of changing criteria for classifying...
The doctor-patient encounter (DPE) and associated patient expectations are potential confounders in open-label randomized...
Psychosocial, behavioural and health
Attention Coffee Drinkers: Caffeine
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system barriers to delivery and uptake of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Tanzania
Improves M emory, Study Finds
Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in
researchers at the Johns Hopkins...
Great news for coffee drinkers: caffeine improves memory. That is the conclusion reached by
pregnancy (IPTp) using sulphurdoxinepyrimethamine (SP) is one of key malaria...
Case-spinning, aquatic, snail-eating caterpillars Case-spinning, aquatic, snail-eating caterpillars
Navigating Relationships & Abandonment Fears: Losing Others, Losing M e…
January 12, 2014 by helikonios Let me begin by admitting that when I worked...
As I have struggled through some very dark days of
Bipolar and Depressed. What’s the rush?
Think Group Therapy Isn’t For You? Check Out…
picture courtesy of Christina Tsevis (Crosti) – see In our
I’ll be honest: to me, sitting in a room with a group of strangers sharing our deepest fears, secrets,
clinical work at BipolarLab,...
and motivations...
When Everything Irritates M e I found myself taking a lot of slow breathes in and
Science Times: A Busy Doctor’s Right Hand, Ever Ready to Type
out yesterday. You see, that nasty thing I’ve written about before...
Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New
trauma recovery, I have come to understand some universal laws that have...
York Times. ...
Restaurants reopen with bottled water after West Virginia spill
Your Daily Coffee Just M ight Jolt Your M emory
By Ann Moore CHARLESTON, West Virginia (Reuters) – Restaurants and shops were
SUNDAY Jan. 12, 2014, 2014 — Swarms of morning commuters clutch cups of coffee to kick-
reopening on Sunday in parts of West...
start the workday. But a new...
Scientists Design Targeted New Drug Candidates Based on Detailed Picture of M uscular Dystrophy Defect
11 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Save M oney Without Changing Your Lifestyle
Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have revealed an atomic-level
We always hear tip-based stories about clever ways to cut your spending, but many of them come with a lifestyle change to...
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view of a genetic defect...
Operation Safety Net, Free M edical Service For The Homeless, Is What We Wish American Health Care Really Looked Like
Study identifies population of stem-like cells where HIV persists in spite of treatment
Dr. Jim Withers is known in Pittsburgh, Pa., as the “street doctor” — a fitting nickname considering 617-7266126Massachusetts General Hospital Recently...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sarah Dionne
he’s been...
Scientists solve 40-year mystery of how sodium controls opioid brain signaling
9 Ways to Detox Your Home
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mika 858-784-2052Scripps
on our bodies—organic this, petroleum-free that. But when it comes to...
We carefully watch what goes into our mouths and
Research Institute The findings pave way for new therapies...
It’s all coming back to me now: Researchers find caffeine enhances memory
M asters Athletes: Long-Term Impact of Strength Training on M uscle Strength
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Latarsha
have about research on physiology, nutrition, environmental contaminants,... 443-997-9909Johns Hopkins University For some, it’s the tradition...
Running and Arthritis? It looks like running protects joints instead. We will do our best to answer questions you may have about research on physiology, nutrition,
We will do our best to answer questions you may
Joiner who had entire nose removed because of skin cancer has been given a new one made up of skin from his legs
environmental contaminants,...
Alan Dagless, 56, underwent two years of surgery after his nose removed Surgeons used bones and skin grafts from his legs...
Body Image Boosters From The Blogosphere 1.12.14
What’s the Point if Psychiatrists Don’t Accept Insurance, M edicare?…
A positive body image goes beyond liking your looks. It encompasses taking good care of yourself and leading a fulfilling...
For all of the hailing of mental health parity rules and the affordable care act over the past year, few advocates in these...
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Antibody machinery ‘leukaemia cause’
Caffeine pill ‘could boost memory’
12 January 2014 Last updated at 13:17 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter,
12 January 2014 Last updated at 13:07 ET Could beans be transformed into pills? A US study has
BBC News Acute...
raised the possibility that...
Immune system development linked to leukemia
Research uncovers key difference between our bodies’ fight against viruses and bacteria
Scientists have discovered a genetic signature that implicates a key mechanism in the immune system as a driving force for...
Study finds targetable mutation in rare brain tumor A team led by investigators from Massachusetts
Scientists at The University of Nottingham have discovered a key difference in the biological mechanisms by which the immune...
Tweaking M RI to track creatine may spot heart problems earlier, study suggests
General Hospital (MGH), Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and the Broad...
A new MRI method to map creatine at higher
Things I’ve Wondered Since Being Diagnosed With Cancer
Your Weekly Travel Zen: Caribbean Islands
When I was first diagnosed with cancer several
This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us
weeks ago, I didn’t have much time to think. I was just trying to survive...
from Lauren De Niro Pipher (@LDPgalactic). Her photo exemplifies the natural...
6 Delicious And Healthy Egg Breakfasts To Try Today
Breastfeed babies if you want, pope tells mothers in Sistine Chapel
Eggs are dirt cheap, versatile and tasty — morning,
By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope
noon or night. They’re also jam-packed with health benefits....
Francis baptized 32 babies in the Sistine Chapel on Sunday and told...
Hong Kong Customs seizes M ethamphetamine at Shenzhen Bay Control Point
Protective effects of hydrogen enriched saline on liver ischemia reperfusion injury by reducing oxidative stress and HM GB1 release
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs smashed a cross-boundary drug trafficking attempt, and seized about one kilogramme...
resolutions in the heart may help clinicians and scientists find abnormalities...
The nuclear protein high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is a key trigger for the inflammatory
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reaction during liver ischemia...
CHP verifies with NHFPC two additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in Zhejiang Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH)
10 Rules of Gym Etiquette for 2014 Congratulations! You’ve make it into the second week of the new year! Have you jumped back onto the workout wagon...
verified with the National...
Poor People M ay Suffer M ore After A Heart Attack, Study Finds
Beat Insomnia Tonight With 3 Tips From Dr. Weil
Socioeconomic status could play a role in whether a person becomes frail after a heart attack, a new
Having a hard time getting a good night’s sleep? You don’t have to down over-the-counter medicines
study suggests. Researchers...
night after...
Why Trying to Be Perfect Won’t Help You Achieve Your Goals (And What Will)
Professional Surfer Greg Long Details How M indfulness Influences His Life In ORIGIN M agazine
We all have goals that are important to us. But is it our drive to achieve a certain outcome that makes us better? Or something...
The following is an excerpt from ORIGIN Magazine. Interviewer: Scott Dunbar and Meghan Dunbar Greg Long is a professional...
Telescope eye implant restores sight in macular degeneration patients
Obamacare may get sick if young Americans don’t sign up
It sounds like science fiction: Tiny telescopes being implanted into the eyes of humans to restore sight in those with age-related...
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Now that more than 2 million people have signed up for private insurance plans created by President...
How I Create: Q&A with Coach & Author Jennifer Lee
White House, Accenture confirm Obamacare website takeover
In our monthly series, a variety of individuals — from authors to artists to creativity coaches to photographers — give...
Global consulting firm Accenture has been chosen to take over the running of the US government’s trouble-plagued health...
Ease into a workout program to prevent injuries
Andrew Lansley: it is inaccurate to claim sugar is as bad as smoking
(HealthDay)—If your New Year’s resolution was to
”You can’t simply slash the sugar in food otherwise
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get in shape, you should ease into your exercise
people simply won’t accept it. That is what they...
program, an expert...
Wean yourself off orange juice, says government health tsar
Feed your babies if you want, pope tells mothers in Sistine Chapel
“Fruit juice isn’t the same as intact fruit and it has got as much sugar as many classical sugar drinks.
By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis baptized 32 babies in the Sistine Chapel
It is also...
on Sunday and told...
6 sneaky cancer culprits
Can’t get pregnant? 5 surprising reasons for infertility
In the catalog of carcinogens, the sun is anything by subtle. It’s big, it’s bright, and come June, it’s...
Infertility affects approximately 6.7 million women in the United States and if you’re trying to get pregnant, you know...
How To Stop Flaking & Start Your Home Yoga Practice
Atopic disease and adolescent psychotic experiences
There are plenty of advantages to practicing in a class. We walk into a space dedicated to yoga (or,
I was intrigued to read the paper by Khandaker and colleagues [1] (open-access here) reporting
at least, physical activity),...
results based on a longitudinal...
Eating nuts caused tooth decay in hunter-gatherers: study
Controlling stem cells following transplantation, from the inside out
Eating nuts and acorns may have helped huntergatherers survive 15,000 years ago in northern
Harvard Associate Professor Jeffrey Karp, PhD (left), and James Ankrum, PhD (right). (Credit:
Africa but the practice wreaked...
Brigham and Women’s Hospital) At...
Stem cell replacement for age-related macular degeneration
iPSCs used to model disease causing abnormal bone growth
This is caused by damage to a cell layer under the retina, known as the retinal pigment epithelium
The new method involves taking skin cells from patients with the bone disease, reprogramming
(RPE). It coordinates...
them in a lab dish to their...
Association of glucose transporter 4 genetic Polymorphisms with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Han Chinese general population: a cross-section study
FEHD orders Kwai Chung restaurant to suspend business for three weeks Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene has ordered a restaurant in
Kwai Chung to suspend... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is strongly associated with the increasing prevalence of cerebrovascular events...
Cerebral M icrobleeds are associated with nocturnal reverse dipping in hypertensive patients with Ischemic stroke Abnormalities in nocturnal blood pressure dipping are well known for its relationship to cardiovascular diseases. Cerebral...
TD strives to enhance public transport services and road safety Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department (TD) actively promoted bus route rationalisation and implemented a number...
Permit to hunt endangered rhino sells for $350,000 despite protests
Tap water fix in West Virginia still days away after spill
By Jon Herskovitz (Reuters) – A permit to hunt a black rhino in Namibia sold for $350,000 at an auction in Dallas...
By Ann Moore CHARLESTON, W., Virginia (Reuters) – Tap water in Charleston, West Virginia, and nearby communities will...
5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Paleo
Green spaces ‘improve mental health’
You’ve probably heard of the Paleo diet by now. Unfortunately, if your only exposure to it has been through the popular...
Light-Bulb M oments for a Nonprofit Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Juarez, M exico Drug violence is out of control in Mexico. Thursday, President Felipe Calderon suggested prosecutors and judges aren’t...
How M uch Will BP Really Pay to Gulf Oil Spill Victims?
11 January 2014 Last updated at 22:10 ET By Mark Kinver Environment reporter, BBC News There is a growing...
The Wait Continues for Safe Tap Water in West Virginia Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Twins’ Ben Revere makes unbelievable catch (CBS/AP) Over the past two decades, Twins center fielders have made some unforgettable catches. In 1991, 5-foot-8 Kirby Puckett...
Eating to Prep for Exercise
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Last Updated May 5, 2010 9:34 AM EDT An ongoing charm offensive by BP chief executive Tony Hayward belies a known...
Getting ready for exercise is about according to registered nurse and nutritionist Keri Glassman. Glassman explained on “The...
10-year-old cancer patient delivers toys to children at LA medical center
Singer David Cassidy arrested on suspicion of drunken driving
LOS ANGELES — A 10-year-old cancer patient
(Reuters) – David Cassidy, a former teen idol and
Thursday delivered donated toys to children in the pediatric unit at the...
star of the 1970s U.S. television series “The Partridge Family,”...
Enteropathogen co-infection in UK cats with diarrhoea
Don’t Forget Yourself: The Importance Of Self Care
Individual enteropathogen infections in healthy and
We hear often in the self-help world how important
clinically ill cats are well described, but prevalence and patterns of...
self-care is. However, we don’t do it enough, and it’s because we...
Smart air quality tracker measures pollution in your home
If sugar is the ‘new tobacco’… what are the alternatives?
A French company has just launched a
Refined sugar, sucrose, is made up of two
crowdfunding campaign for a home air quality monitor, which sends alerts on the volume...
molecules, glucose and fructose Fructose excess converts to fatty acids and causes...
Now doctors say e-cigarettes do help you quit smoking, so why ban in public places?
How to Start Your Day Happy
Royal College of Physicians and GPs back them
We’re in the midst of a deep winter chill and long dark days as I write this. Doesn’t it always seem more difficult to...
as a safer alternative But last month, New York City banned them e-cigarettes...
Why You Should Walk (Hint: Not for the Exercise)
Agrochemical companies sue to block anti-GM O law in Hawaii
A few years ago, I was having my annual physical when my physician made one of those squinched-
By Christopher D’Angelo LIHUE, Hawaii (Reuters) – Three of the world’s largest agrochemical
up faces that sets off alarm...
Tap water fix in West Virginia still days away, official says
Accenture named lead contractor for Obamacare website: government
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By Ann Moore CHARLESTON, W., Virginia (Reuters) – Tap water in Charleston, West Virginia,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Accenture has been chosen to replace CGI Federal as the lead
and nearby communities will...
contractor for the Obamacare enrollment...
“Hypervelocity stars” have more speed than our galaxy
Poem: And I’m Damn Afraid Of It
Top and side views of the Milky Way galaxy show the location of four of the new class of hypervelocity
I feel weird not angry or depressed or anything. I feel nothing. And I’m damn afraid of it. Cause I know at some point I’ll...
stars. These are sun-like...
Stress, Brain Changes, and Depression You probably already know at an intuitive level that after feeling anxious and stressed for awhile, your mood tends to dip...
Scan offers baby hope to women with cancer The scan uses a probe in the patient’s uterus. It produces a greater resolution and contrast between tumour tissue and...
Ke$ha’s M om Checks Into Rehab A Week After Daughter
M cAuliffe sworn in as Virginia governor, as Clintons look on
Just a week after Ke$ha entered a treatment facility for an eating disorder, her mother has checked
By Gary Robertson RICHMOND (Reuters) – Terry McAuliffe, a former chairman of the Democratic
herself into rehab too. Pebe...
National Committee and...
Health Concerns Increased During The Recession, Google Search Study Reveals
Ask Healthy Living: Are Exercise Injuries M ore Common In The Cold?
If an analysis of Google searches is anything to go off of, America’s collective health got worse during the recession. A...
Welcome to Ask Healthy Living — in which you submit your most burning health questions and we do our best to ask the...
Helmholtz Coil M ay Help Lessen Fusion Instabilities
When You’re NOT the Parent You Want to Be
A surprising effect created by a 19th century device
I received this e-mail in response to my recent
called a Helmholtz coil offers clues about how to achieve controlled...
post, The Parent I Want to Be: “What about when you know you’re not the...
True Colors: Research Sheds Light On Body Emotions
Sleeping With the Band: Drivin’ N’ Cryin’
Sleeping With the Band is a recurring blog where Dr. Winter, a sleep specialist, sits down to talk Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Colors, like features, follow the changes of the
about sleep with touring...
emotions. ~ Pablo Picasso There is a saying in bodywork that your “issues...
Stop Wasting Your Time Off
The Simple Path to M indfulness
The increasingly popular refrain these days is that
When I was in the 10th grade, our science teacher
we (Americans in particular) are burning ourselves out by not slowing...
told us we only used 10 percent of our brains, and if we could learn how...
The One Simple Thing That Will M ake You Happier (VIDEO)
Parents Horrified After Hospital M ixup Allows Their Baby To Be Breastfed By Stranger
It’s been said that “Being happy is better than not being happy.” But just what is the key to happiness? According...
Jessica Escobedo gave birth to her third child,
Crowded Gym? 5 Ways to Cope
Agrichemical companies sue to block anti-GM O law in Hawaii
New year, new resolutions! For many of us this
Melanie, without a hitch on Dec. 10 at Oak Bend Medical Center outside of...
means eating right and regularly exercising, which often translates into crowded...
By Christopher D’Angelo LIHUE, Hawaii (Reuters)
Dr. M anny: Despite piglet virus, pork is safe to eat
5 Creative Ways to Cope With Food Cravings
There has been a lot of news regarding this new virus that has been affecting the U.S. pork industry.
I recently spoke with Elisa Zied, dietitian and author of the new book, Younger Next Week, about food
The disease has spread...
cravings. We all have...
The Top 10 Workout Songs for January 2014
So, Those School Supplies You’ve Hoarded Since Fifth Grade Can Be Recycled After All
Flickr: Stuart Grout Kicking off the new year is an eclectic bunch of workout jams. Pharrell Williams turns up with a jaunty...
– Three of the world’s largest agrichemical companies...
From Earth911′s Maria Carter: Winter marks the halfway point in the school year — the perfect time to de-clutter...
The 10 Best Ethical Travel Destinations For 2014
The M ost Popular Dog Names Of 2013 (PHOTOS)
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If international travel is on your docket for 2014, you may want to consider its environmental and ethical impact. Read the...
Calling all new puppy owners and pooch lovers: curious as to how your dog’s name compares to other canines? Well, you’re...
Former Israeli PM and military commander Ariel Sharon dead at 85
Ease Into a Workout Program to Prevent Injuries
By Dan Williams JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the trailblazing warrior-statesman...
SATURDAY Jan. 11, 2014, 2014 — If your New Year’s resolution was to get in shape, you should ease into your exercise...
Go Where Raisins Swell Into Grapes And Lemons Light The Sky
Differences in somatosensory processing due to dominant hemispheric motor impairment in cerebral palsy
There’s a book by the novelist China Mieville that describes two cities plopped one on top of the other. One is large-scale,...
Although cerebral palsy (CP) is usually defined as a group of permanent motor disorders due to nonprogressive disturbances...
CHP notified five additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) in M ainland Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH)
Heart beat irregularity condition ‘can lead to strokes’ A normal heart rate should be between 60 and 100 beats a minute when a person is resting, with a regular rhythm. Some people...
today (January 11) received...
Democratic insider M cAuliffe to take office as Virginia governor By Gary Robertson RICHMOND (Reuters) – Democrat Terry McAuliffe is set to be sworn in as Virginia’s governor...
Former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon dead at 85 By Dan Williams JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Ariel Sharon, the trailblazing former Israeli general and prime minister who...
After 23andM e, Another Personal Genetics Firm Is Charged with False Advertising It sounded like a miracle of science and convenience: swab your cheek and drop the saliva sample in the mailbox and GeneLink...
Autism and Alternative M edicine: Getting Real About the Benefits and Risks With no approved medications to treat autism,
more parents are turning to alternative therapies to help their kids. A new... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Stem cells repair injured peripheral nerves
The Reliability of fM RI Revisited
According to the researchers, autologous SDSCs
neuroscientists using fMRI to study memory: Across-subject reliabilities were only poor...
have advantages over other stem cells as they are an accessible source of...
Customs seizes 3.9 million sticks of illicit cigarettes and smashes a syndicate
A new paper brings worrying news for
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs mounted a one-week special operation before the
M odified ‘one amino acid-one codon’ engineering of high GC content TaqIIcoding gene from thermophilic Thermus aquaticus results in radical expression increase
Chinese New Year to enhance enforcement...
An industrial approach to protein production demands maximization of cloned gene expression, balanced with the recombinant...
Sleep Strategies for Adults with ADHD Sleep disturbances are common among adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). “I don’t know anyone...
The worst things to say to someone trying to lose weight What’s the worst thing anyone ever said to you when you were trying to lose weight? That’s the question we put...
West Virginia chemical spill leaves 300,000 without tap water By Ann Moore CHARLESTON, W., Virginia (Reuters) – Up to 300,000 West Virginia residents spent a second night unable...
The gut microbiome and autism… so far A micropost if you will, to provide readers with a link to the paper by Xinyi Cao and colleagues* (openaccess) reviewing...
Team Finds New Way to M ap Important Drug Targets
Start Your Weekend With This Pear & M ango Green Smoothie
Researchers have used new techniques and one
I’m on a super veggie-loving green smoothie kick
of the brightest X-ray sources on the planet to map the 3-D structure of an...
right now, and I’ve been enjoying not one, but two green smoothies a...
The warrior who gave his life to climate change
M y Ex Is Having A Baby & I’m Pissed
Steve Schneider juggled with the dilemma of
yesterday and told me his dad’s girlfriend is having
My son came home from his father’s house
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conveying the urgency of climate change, while conveying how we can be confident...
a baby. This is not bad...
Smokers scarce in America, 50 yrs after health warning
71 dead in cholera epidemic in Nigeria
Fifty years ago, almost half of Americans smoked cigarettes—at work, in restaurants, schools and even in hospitals. Then...
A Nigerian health official says a cholera epidemic has killed 71 people and infected 2,165 since November in northern Kano...
Survey: Fees, reimbursement top physician worries
Cataloging a year of blogging: from behavior to society and mind
(HealthDay)—The results of a new survey show
For psychologists, memory and learning are
that physicians are concerned about declining reimbursements and increasing...
intimately intertwined. In fact, during the years of behaviorism in the early...
In-Group Favouritism can be used to Get Even as well as to Get Ahead
Thai-Style Quinoa Salad (It’s Vegan, Too!)
I’m a senior lecturer in social psychology at the
If you resolved to eat more vegetables this year,
University of Newcastle, Australia. I’m best known for my work...
this dish makes it so deliciously easy. The combination of kale, shredded...
Researchers develop artificial bone marrow
5 Secrets Big Brands Don’t Want You to Know About Your Cleaning Products
The study appears in journal Biomaterials. Blood
The conventional cleaning industry has so many
cells, such as erythrocytes or immune cells, are continuously replaced by...
dirty little secrets. Here are a few of the big ones that you need to know...
USDOJ: Irish National Sentenced to Serve 14 M onths in Prison for Trafficking of Endangered Rhinoceros Horns
Territory-wide year-end clean-up campaign launched
Michael Slattery Jr, an Irish national, was sentenced in federal court in Brooklyn, N.Y ., today
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – With the approach of the Year of the Horse, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD)...
to serve 14 months in...
A prostate biopsy strategy based on a new clinical nomogram reduces the number of biopsy cores required in
Confusion over live/dead stainings for the detection of vital microorganisms in oral biofilms
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high-risk patients The nomograms used for prostate cancer risk assessment in Western countries are not directly applicable to Chinese males;...
Optimising cardioprotection during myocardial ischaemia: targeting potential intracellular pathways with glucagon-like peptide-1 Coronary heart disease and type-2 diabetes are both major global health burdens associated with
There is confusion over the definition of the term “viability state(s)”of microorganisms. “Viability staining”or...
Accenture in line to take over Obamacare website: report The White House is poised to sign a year-long contract with global consulting firm Accenture, worth roughly $90 million,...
an increased risk of myocardial...
Woman to give birth to own granddaughter in US
Survival improving after hip and knee replacement
A 58-year-old Utah woman is expecting a baby she is carrying for her daughter, with plans to give birth
(HealthDay)—Short-term survival after elective total hip (THR) and total knee replacement (TKR) has
to her own granddaughter,...
greatly improved since...
The Case For Crying In Public
9 Types Of Sex To Reignite The Spark In Your M arriage
By Jen Duchene for I see women rushing for perfection and flawlessness all the time, but especially during...
By Tina Tessina for Sexless marriage is a complaint I get often from clients. While sometimes, in case of...
In lumbosacral plexus injuries can we identify indicators that predict spontaneous recovery or the need for surgical treatment? Results from a clinical study on 72 patients Post-traumatic lumbosacral plexus injuries seem to be rare events, spontaneously recovering in high
Toll-like 4 receptor inhibitor TAK-242 decreases neuroinflammation in rat brain frontal cortex after stress The innate immune response is the first line of defence against invading microorganisms and it is also activated in different...
percentage: as surgery...
Changes in pulmonary tuberculosis prevalence: evidence from the 2010 population survey in a populous
Experience of physical violence and mental health among young men and women: a population-based study in
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province of China
This paper reports findings from the prevalence survey conducted in Shandong China in 2010, a province with a population...
In Sweden mental ill-health has increased among the young, especially among young women. Our aim was to investigate the association...
Complementary medicine in wide use to treat children with autism, developmental delay
Special traffic arrangements for Legal Year Opening 2014
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Phyllis
following special traffic arrangements in the vicinity of City Hall in... 916-7349023University of California – Davis Health...
Trafficking regulation of proteins in Alzheimer’s disease The beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptide has been postulated to be a key determinant in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police will implement the
Dual Oxidase M aturation factor 1 (DUOXA1) overexpression increases reactive oxygen species production and inhibits murine muscle satellite cell differentiation Dual oxidase maturation factor 1 (DUOXA1) has been associated with the maturation of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) producing...
Reducing bias in RNA sequencing data: a novel approach to compute counts In the last decade, Next-Generation Sequencing technologies have been extensively applied to quantitative transcriptomics,...
Self Care and Being Creative Part 2 [Continued from Part 1] Musician Henry Rollins commented about being a performer and staying healthy on road tours: “Eating...
Proteomic profiling of the phosphoproteins in the rat thalamus, hippocampus and frontal lobe after propofol anesthesia
Children’s brain imaging data bank could become a ‘Google’ tool for doctors
Propofol is a safe and effective intravenous anesthetic that is widely used for the induction and
architecture or shape in a child’s brain, it’s cause for concern: The...
()—When an MRI scan uncovers an unusual
maintenance of anesthesia...
Enrollees at Health Exchanges Face Struggle to Prove Coverage
Contractor for Health Portal Replaced, but Says ‘We Were Not Fired’
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Log in to manage your products and services from
Log in to manage your products and services from
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Thousands Without Water After Spill in West Virginia
A zoom into the nanoscale texture of secondary cell walls
Log in to manage your products and services from
Besides classical utilization of wood and paper,
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
lignocellulosic biomass has become increasingly important with regard to...
Efficacy of a text messaging (SM S) based intervention for adults with hypertension: protocol for the StAR (SM S Text-message Adherence suppoRt trial) randomised controlled trial
Sho-saiko-to, a traditional herbal medicine, regulates gene expression and biological function by way of microRNAs in primary mouse hepatocytes
Interventions to support people with hypertension in attending clinics and taking their medication have potential to improve...
The Game of Life HELLO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O…any body out there????? Greetings. Fellow-Breathing-FragileLife. Hope all is WELL! Life. Love. Living....
Sho-saiko-to (SST) (also known as so-shi-ho-tang or xiao-chai-hu-tang) has been widely prescribed for chronic liver diseases...
Process inhomogeneity leads to rapid side product turnover in cultivation of Corynebacterium glutamicum Corynebacterium glutamicum has large scale industrial applications in the production of amino acids and the potential to...
Poem: Girlfriend
Polar Ends of The Hoarding Vortex
We talked about how amazing our sex is We talked
Mental Health humor Cartoon – Sign: Florida Larry:
about me going on the pill We talked about our childhoods We talked about...
Told you Mable, one day I’d use my ice-scraper again… Caption:...
Should I Stop Talking About Bipolar Disorder?
Flu vaccine supply could be boosted by half-million doses
Should I stop talking about bipolar disorder? “We
Canada has identified an additional half-million flu
always talk about your illness”, my husband said. I don’t know if...
shots it could purchase to try to meet a soaring late-season demand...
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‘He can’t see clearly to hug me’ 10 January 2014 Last updated at 20:09 ET By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Thomas has had one...
Woman doctor probed after couple claim she ‘pushed their terminally ill daughter over the edge’ by telling her in graphic detail how she was going to die Dr Fiona Clark is a consultant at Worcestershire Royal Hospital She allegedly told Vickie Harvey, 24, details of her fatal...
Coffee DOESN’T dehydrate us: A few cups a day are ‘as hydrating as water’ Diuretic effect of caffeine is balanced by the amount
Simple blood test could give early warning of heart attacks by examining patients’ cells
of water in the drink Previous beliefs about coffee dehydrating people...
Heart attacks are one of the most common forms
Yoga ‘can ease pain of arthritis’
Six dollar co-payment to see a doctor: a GP’s view
Patients with osteoarthritis also see benefits from
of death in the UK Blood clots cause most of the 100,000 heart attacks in...
the activity Participants performed yoga for various periods for up to...
As a GP, when I prescribe a drug, I need to know its
Remodeling of the pulmonary artery induced by metastatic gastric carcinoma: a histopathological analysis of 51 autopsy cases
Genotyping of a microsatellite locus to differentiate clinical Ostreid herpesvirus 1 specimens
Gastric carcinoma remains the second commonest cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Presence of the carcinoma cell in the pulmonary...
Risk factors of postoperative recurrences in patients with clinical stage I NSCLC Despite advances in radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and newly developed molecular targeting therapies, long-term survival...
likely benefits and risks, and I need to base my decision-making on...
Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) is a DNA virus belonging to the Malacoherpesviridae family from the Herpesvirales order. OsHV-1...
Dependency of codon usage on protein sequence patterns: a statistical study Codon degeneracy and codon usage by organisms is an interesting and challenging problem. Researchers demonstrated the relation...
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USDOJ: 12th Former Officer at Roxbury Correctional Institution Pleads Guilty and Admits Assault of an Inmate
Autophagy predicts which cancer cells live and die when faced with anticancer drugs
Michael Morgan, formerly an officer at Roxbury
()—When a tumor is treated with an anti-cancer
Correctional Institution (RCI) in Hagerstown, Md ., pleaded guilty today to...
drug, some cells die and, unfortunately, some cells tend to live. A University...
January Got You Down? What’s Up With Blue M onday?
Y Chromosome Likely To Stop Shrinking, Study Suggests (Phew!)
There is some debate about when Blue Monday is.
Despite theories that the Y chromosome may one
That’s not surprising, since Blue Monday is supposed to be “the...
day disappear, new research suggests not only that the chromosome will continue...
Jahi M cM ath and the Dangerous Language of Hope
Tobacco Companies Will Publish Ads Saying They Lied About Smoking Dangers, According To Deal
The strange, sad case of Jahi McMath, the 13-yearold California girl who was declared brain-dead over her family’s...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — The nation’s tobacco
Vitamins Can Help Prevent Heart Attacks
Family uses DNA test, discovers switched insemination
A series of articles published on Dec. 17 in a
January 10, 2014, 11:06 AM|A couple who
prestigious medical journal, The Annals of Internal Medicine, received a lot...
underwent artificial insemination at a Utah clinic found out the husband’s...
Flu spreading in U.S.: How you should — and shouldn’t — treat it
Social media helps users embrace differences and provide support to one another, M U study finds
Flu season is in full force, newly released numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate. New data...
companies and the federal government have reached an agreement on publishing...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 573-8823346University of Missouri-Columbia Lady Gaga enables...
Paternity scare at Utah sperm donor clinic
Where flu vaccine demand outstrips supply in Canada
The University of Utah will provide free paternity
Provinces like Alberta struggling to find seasonal
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testing to individuals who used a fertility clinic on the campus years...
flu vaccine are responsible for ordering their own vaccine supply, say...
States urged to register compounding pharmacies
M ekinist plus tafinlar approved for latestage melanoma
The federal government has sent letters to states and other stakeholders across the country calling on them to encourage...
(HealthDay)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved Mekinist for use with another drug, Tafinlar, to treat...
How the brain makes myelination activity-dependent
M any Americans haven’t checked out health insurance marketplaces
()—A major question regarding how axons acquire a coat of myelin, is the role of spiking activity. It is known that in...
(HealthDay)—Despite a rush to enroll in December, many Americans who may be eligible for health insurance through the new...
High Net-Gain Nutrition
Can Chocolate M ake You Fit?
by guest blogger Brendan Brazier, athlete, author, and creator of Vega and Thrive Forward My nutrition
Can chocolate pave the way to a fitter you this year? Charles Duhigg says it can, and this isn’t some
philosophy, summarized...
miracle diet...
Rule #1: M ake Fewer Rules
Celebrities Speak Out Against Photoshop
by guest blogger Renee James, essayist and blogger According to Urban Dictionary–and maybe Liz Lemon–a deal breaker...
It’s no secret that publications and promotional material often use Photoshop to manipulate images of celebrities and...
Doctors Pull Cockroach From Australian M an’s Ear (PHOTO) Don’t bug out, but I think you have a large cockroach in your ear canal … Doctors in Australia
Heart Attacks, Depression and Suicide: The Toxic Fallout From the Foreclosure Epidemic and a Prevention Strategy That Just M ight Work
came to the aid...
photo courtesy of Vivien Feyer My hometown of Richmond is making national headlines as our courageous mayor, Gayle McLaughlin,...
Lessons From M y Father My old man taught me not to feel sorry for myself
‘Kangaroo Care’ M ay Have Positive Longterm Effects For Babies (STUDY)
because I was sick. I was a young man with MS, By: By Bahar Gholipour, Staff Writer Published: and the question “why... 01/10/2014 07:02 AM EST on LiveScience For Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
babies born prematurely, being...
Stop Changing! For years, many coaches and athletes have
Dr. Lilly Geyer Under Investigation After Death Of 3-Year-Old Finley Boyle
focused on trying to match a certain so-called ideal running form. The problem...
The state of Hawaii has begun an investigation of
Coffee as hydrating as water, study finds
Doctors lobby Congress against cutting food stamps
January 10, 2014, 7:42 AM|Daily health headlines:
WASHINGTON – Doctors are warning that if
Coffee may not be as dehydrating to your system as first thought, new test...
Congress cuts food stamps, the federal government could be socked with bigger...
Eating fresh avocados may chase away hunger pains
KIT researchers develop artificial bone marrow
Want to curb your cravings? A recent study shows
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Monika
chowing down on avocado may satiate your hunger between meals. Research... 49-721-60847414Helmholtz Association This news release is available...
Regorafenib: hint of minor added benefit
10 Ways Your Personality Affects Your Weight
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Anna-Sabine
10 Ways Your Personality Affects Your Weight 49-022-135-6850Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health...
People who prefer curling up with a book over a night out at the bar may have...
New Jersey braces for new disclosures in bridge scandal
Daily pot tied to age of first psychotic episode
By Dave Warner NEWARK (Reuters) – New Jersey
By Benjamin Stix NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – In
legislators on Friday planned to release nearly 1,000 pages of documents...
a study of adults who experienced psychosis for the first time, having...
Smuggled sperm brings baby joy to Gaza prisoner’s family
TSX hits 2-1/2-year high as resources gain after jobs data
By Nidal al-Mughrabi GAZA (Reuters) – The wife of
By John Tilak TORONTO (Reuters) – Canada’s
Dr. Lilly Geyer, the dentist whose three-year-old patient died earlier...
a Palestinian prisoner in an Israeli jail gave birth on main stock index climbed to its highest in 2-1/2 Friday to... years on Friday... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Fad diets like ‘Paleo’ plan can work, but experts find no magic slimming bullet
Simple blood test may predict patients at risk of heart attack
Resolutions to lose weight are often made in
Imagine knowing if you’re about to have a heart
January yet almost as frequently abandoned as heavy hopefuls find diets that...
attack. A new test may soon be able to tell you just that. Developed...
Hot tubs, spas can spread illness in winter
Long-term efficacy of Chelsea drug may pose problems for FDA
Disease outbreaks tied to swimming happen even
(Reuters) – A treatment developed by Chelsea
in the winter, often after people go in hot tubs or spas, according to a new...
Therapeutics International Ltd for a rare type of low blood pressure is...
Parent involvement can help kids get more active NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Very few kids get
Sequenom signs national agreement to provide coverage for M aterniT21™ PLUS test
the amount of physical activity they need every day, but a new study...
Sequenom, Inc. (NASDAQ: SQNM), a life sciences company providing innovative testing and genetic analysis solutions, announced...
New technology efficiently transfers investigational antibodies from blood via blood-brain barrier
Study shows wide-ranging variation in patterns of X chromosome inactivation in female mice
Posted in: Device / Technology News | Medical Science News Tags: Alzheimer’s Disease,
Producing brightly speckled red and green snapshots of many different tissues, Johns
Antibodies, Antibody, Blood,...
Hopkins researchers have color-coded...
SP Scientific to Supply lyophilizer with ControLyo Nucleation On-Demand Technology to AAIPharma
Biochemists target relief for crippling condition
SP Scientific, a leading provider of well-established and highly regarded scientific equipment brands, and AAIPharma Services...
Determination of the prevalence of African trypanosome species in indigenous dogs of M ambwe district,
( —A molecule nobody thought to explore may unlock a potential therapeutic target for a debilitating connective...
Continuous flow transformations of glycerol to valuable products: an overview
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eastern Zambia, by loop-mediated isothermal amplification Dogs have been implicated to serve as links for parasite exchange between livestock and humans
Glycerol conversion to valuable products has been a research avenue that attracted a significant interest in recent years...
and remain an important source...
Evidence for positive selection of taurine genes within a QTL region on chromosome X associated with testicular size in Australian Brahman cattle
A Decision Support System to Determine Optimal Ventilator Settings Choosing the correct ventilator settings for the treatment of patients with respiratory tract disease is quite an important...
Previous genome-wide association studies have identified significant regions of the X chromosome associated with reproductive...
Rationale and study design of the Japan environment and childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s study (JECS) There is global concern over significant threats from a wide variety of environmental hazards to which children face. Large-scale...
Cloning and heterologous expression of cellulose free thermostable xylanase from Bacillus brevis Xylanase gene isolated from Bacillus brevis was expressed in E. coli BL21. Sequencing of the gene (Gen Bank accession number:...
Inhibitory effects of aromatase inhibitor on estrogen receptor-alpha positive ovarian cancer in mice
Association between socio-economic status and hemoglobin A1c levels in a Canadian primary care adult population without diabetes Hgb A1c levels may be higher in persons without diabetes of lower socio-economic status (SES) but evidence about this association...
Comparative genomics of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O145:H28 demonstrates a common evolutionary lineage with Escherichia coli O157:H7 Although serotype O157:H7 is the predominant enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), outbreaks of non-O157 EHEC that cause...
Estrogen causes proliferation of ovarian cancer
Optimization of electrocoagulation process to treat grey wastewater in batch mode using response surface methodology
cells. Although hormone therapy with an anti-
Discharge of grey wastewater into the ecological
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estrogen agent is an optional...
system causes the negative impact effect on receiving water bodies. Methods: In...
Best of Our Blogs: January 10, 2014 Much of our youth is devoted to people-pleasing. It
Focus, Distraction, Procrastination, ADHD
was, in fact, detrimental to our survival. But as we grow, we need to...
Focus, I got! Focus? I can focus. I have no end of attention. I focus all the time, usually on things I should be ignoring....
Pesticide levels on some organic produce indicate deliberate use
NHS in England ‘misses A&E target’
As much as eight per cent of organic produce tested by Canadian inspectors has so much
Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News Attendances were...
10 January 2014 Last updated at 05:07 ET By Nick
pesticide residue that experts say...
Wildfire smoke exposure linked to reduced immune system, lung functions
IBM and OhioHealth collaborate to aid in prevention of infections in hospitals
()—California wildfires in 2008 led to a natural experiment with monkeys living outdoors at the
OhioHealth and IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced a collaboration to aid in the prevention of infections
California National Primate...
using a first-of-a-kind...
Hussey Copper launches new line of home improvement products that fight deadly bacteria
Hormone associated with improved glucose metabolism activates calorieburning brown fat
Hussey Copper, a leader in copper manufacturing, with support from Lynn Tilton and Patriarch Partners, today launches a new...
Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center have discovered that a hormone long associated with weight loss and improved glucose...
Nineteen new CDTs to be announced by Universities and Science M inister
When Big Carnivores Go Down, Even Vegetarians Take The Hit
Postgraduate training in a wide range of engineering and scientific fields important to the UK’s economy will receive...
hide captionAsk not for whom the wolf stalks … Holly Kuchera/IStockphoto Big, fierce animals — lions and tigers...
Secretary for Justice delegates authority to Director of Public Prosecutions to handle a traffic accident involving Secretary for
SLW encourages active ageing Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited
an elderly centre in... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Development Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A spokesman for the Department of Justice (DoJ) said today (January 10) that regarding a traffic...
Reciprocal regulation of M icroRNA-99a and insulin-like growth factor I receptor signaling in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells MicroRNAs (miRNAs), small noncoding RNA
Pharmacologic inhibition of Snitrosoglutathione reductase protects against experimental asthma in BALB/c mice through attenuation of both bronchoconstriction and inflammation
molecules can function as oncogenes or tumor suppressors in tumorigenesis. Oral squamous...
S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) serves as a reservoir
Specific CT 3D rendering of the treatment zone after Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) in a pig liver model: the "Chebyshev Center Concept" to define the maximum treatable tumor size
Nurses ‘crying’ over A&E problems
for nitric oxide (NO) and thus is a key homeostatic regulator of airway...
9 January 2014 Last updated at 11:21 ET Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Pat Neeson says he...
Size and shape of the treatment zone after Irreversible electroporation (IRE) can be difficult to depict due to the use of...
Scan and ultrasound waiting trebles 10 January 2014 Last updated at 02:17 ET Patients
New clues to how bacteria evade antibiotics
in Wales are waiting longer for scans than those in England The number...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sam 44-207-5942198Imperial College London Scientists have made an important...
Free public education that pays for itself? [ | E-mail ] Contact: Katie 020-73248719SAGE Publications London, UK (January 09, 2014)...
Researchers discover a tumor suppressor gene in a very aggressive lung cancer [ | E-mail ] Contact: Arantxa 34-932-607-282IDIBELLBellvitge Biomedical Research Institute IMAGE: ...
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Prediction of the future flu virus [ | E-mail ] Contact: Ilya Usovscience-
Kids have skewed view of gender segregation
release@rector.msu.ruLomonosov Moscow State University Every year, influenza outbreaks...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Andy
M any men start testosterone therapy without clear medical need
West Virginia chemical spill cuts water for up to 300,000
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jenni Glenn 301-941-0240The
By Mary Wisniewski (Reuters) – A chemical spill along a West Virginia river on Thursday has
Endocrine Society Study finds increased...
resulted in a tap water...
Fad diets can work, but experts find no magic slimming bullet
T2HemoStat detection of novel clot behavior could direct therapeutic choices for stroke, heart attack victims
LONDON (Reuters) – Resolutions to lose weight are often made in January yet almost as frequently abandoned as heavy...
517-355-3294Michigan State University IMAGE: A study led by Michigan...
T2 Biosystems, a company developing direct detection products enabling superior diagnostics, announced that scientists from...
Discovery opens new therapeutic avenue for chronic skin condition affecting millions
Remission from depression is delayed in adults who experienced physical abuse in childhood
Researchers from the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology have revealed a critical player in the cellular interactions...
Remission from depression is delayed in adults who have experienced childhood physical abuse or parental addictions, a new...
Prenatal exposure to maternal stress hormones predicts nicotine dependence for daughters
Business Wire announces opening of full service office in Hong Kong
Tobacco smoking by pregnant women has long been viewed as a public health risk because of smoking’s adverse effects...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Business Wire announced today (January 10) that it has opened a full service bureau in Hong Kong,...
Loans (Amendment) Bill 2014 gazetted today
USCM A answers questions at media session
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Loans (Amendment)
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
Bill 2014 is gazetted today (January 10). The Bill
remarks by the Under Secretary for Constitutional
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seeks to accommodate the...
and Mainland Affairs,...
Special traffic arrangements for cycling marathon in Central District
Proposed road and drainage works in Sha Tin gazetted
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Police will implement the following special traffic arrangements this Sunday
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The proposed road and drainage works in Areas 16 and 58D in Sha Tin
(January 12) from...
were gazetted today (January...
M ad Parenthood: What Works For Kids
FDA warns against misuse of laxatives
Now we have covered how to support ourselves in parenthood in the previous article. But how can we
(HealthDay)—If you are constipated and need to use a laxative, the U.S. Food and Drug
support our children directly,...
Administration wants you to know...
New drug combo might help older, sicker patients with leukemia
Study reveals structure of master regulator and new drug target for autism, cervical cancer
(HealthDay)—A new combination of drugs might prolong life in certain older leukemia patients, a new study suggests. The...
Ease up on workouts to aid flu recovery, expert says (HealthDay)—Exercising when you have a cold or the flu can cause more harm than good in some cases, an expert warns. U.S....
A team of scientists at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans has discovered the structure of the active form of E6-associated...
Your M oney Adviser: Understanding New Rules That Widen M ental Health Coverage Log in to manage your products and services from The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
Polio in Syria Is Said to Be Under Control
The Best New Year’s Resolution? M arry Yourself
Log in to manage your products and services from
Just shy of two years ago, I approached an
The New York Times and the International New York Times. ...
important life milestone for many women. I shook off my cold feet, I followed...
26 Fitness Trackers Ranked From Worst To First
Our Happiness Is Our Responsiblity
Fine. You didn’t buy a smartwatch. You were never
My mother used to describe individual responsibility in vivid terms. Whether it is a nightmare or a pleasant dream, you alone...
going to anyway. Meet the fitness tracker: a less expensive, more... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
The Sacred Art of Listening — Nourishing Loving Relationships To listen is to lean in softly With a willingness to be changed By what we hear – Mark Nepo What happens when there’s...
Cancer: An Inevitable Stage of Life? In a recent story by George Johnson in the New York Times, “Why Everyone Seems to Have Cancer,” it seems that...
Doctor In Ron Johnson’s AntiObamacare Story Refutes Claim
Genetic testing to produce more offspring
WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Barbara
long attributed his inspiration for entering Washington politics to a mission... 49-892-8922562Technische Universitaet Muenchen Scientists discover...
M inorities and poor have more advanced thyroid cancers when diagnosed, UCLA study shows
Novel potential approach to prevent infection in patients with liver failure
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 310794-2270University of California – Los Angeles...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dawn 781-3888408Wiley Findings published in the American Association...
SF State astronomers discover new planet in Pisces constellation
High costs of research at universities made worse by funding gap
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nan
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Judy 415-338-7108San Francisco State University SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 9, 2014...
813-974-3181University of South Florida (USF Innovation) ‘Real’...
Study: Heavy viewers of ‘Teen M om’ and ’16 and Pregnant’ have unrealistic views of teen pregnancy
California Hospital Sets Up Flu Tent
[ | E-mail ] Contact: George
treat patients, as the...
The Regional Medical Center in San Jose, Calif., has set up a flu tent near its emergency room to 812-855-0846Indiana University Many believe teen mothers have an enviable...
Watch: California Hospital Sets Up Tent to Prepare for Flu
Some motor proteins cooperate better than others
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Jeff Bezos: ‘Galapagos, Five Stars. Kidney Stones, Zero Stars’ Watch: California Hospital Sets Up Tent to Prepare...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jeff 713348-6775Rice University Rice University researchers view competition,...
Antipsychotic drug exhibits cancerfighting properties
Researchers develop tool to determine individual risk of prostate cancer overdiagnosis
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Irene 617-9193110Dana-Farber Cancer Institute In zebrafish model,...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Deborah 206-667-2210Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Nomogram aims to...
NIH-created toxin can kill HIV-infected cells that persist despite treatment
Brainy Watson Computer to Tackle Cancer and Other M edical Research
[ | E-mail ] Contact: aura S. 301-4021663NIH/National Institute of Allergy and
After vanquishing humans on Jeopardy!, IBM says its Watson computer is ready to help save human lives. The company on Thursday...
Wall St. finishes flat on caution before U.S. jobs data
SAC’s M artoma tried to cover up fraud at Harvard, documents show
By Angela Moon NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. stocks ended little changed on Thursday in a
By Nate Raymond and Joseph Ax and Emily Flitter NEW YORK (Reuters) – Years before he was
choppy session ahead of Friday’s...
accused of insider trading,...
Humana says mix of Obamacare enrollment worse than expected
Parents lobby Florida lawmakers on medical marijuana
(Reuters) – Health insurer Humana Inc said on Thursday that it projected its enrollment mix in
By Bill Cotterrell TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) – Parents of children suffering from severe
private plans through...
epilepsy and other illnesses...
13-Year-Old Brain-Dead Girl Highlights Need for Better Hospice Care
Treasurer of Charitable Organization Pleads Guilty to M aking False Statements
COMMENTARY | One month ago,13-year-old Jahi McMath went to the hospital for a routine tonsillectomy. Today, she is declared...
ALEXANDRIA, VA—Sheikh Javed Rehmat, a pharmacist in Little Neck, New York, pleaded guilty today to one count of making...
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Surviving a Friendship Break Up
9 Reasons Practicing Self-Care Is Vital
Best friends are meant to be forever, right? Men come and go but our girlfriends are the ones we
Many of us worry that practicing self-care is selfish. Or we assume we don’t have the time or resources
believe will stick by us...
to devote to self-care....
4 Winning Strategies to Foster Success in the Workplace…
Bosses should stop asking workers for sick notes, OM A head says
As an entrepreneur or professional, you face many fires that need to be put out every day, all the while
Bosses should stop asking their employees for sick notes from doctors because it could have a
doing your best...
“discouraging effect”...
Learning music early builds up brain’s reserves
Study demonstrates ‘guided missile’ strategy to kill hidden HIV
Childhood music lessons could pay off in protecting the brain against dementia decades
Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine have deployed a potential new weapon against HIV – a
later, even in those who don’t...
combination therapy that...
M oderate coffee consumption does not lead to dehydration
Discovery may aid vaccine design for common form of malaria
New research, published today in the PLOS ONE, has found no evidence for a link between moderate
A form of malaria common in India, Southeast Asia and South America attacks human red blood cells
coffee consumption and dehydration....
by clamping down on the...
Targeting certain kidney cells may help treat kidney failure New research reveals that certain cells contribute to kidney function decline, making them attractive
Characterization of a modified ROCK2 protein that allows use of N6-ATP analogs for the identification of novel substrates
targets for treatments...
The Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase-2 (ROCK2) is an important signaling transducer in the transmission of extracellular...
Autophagy involved in lipopolysaccharide-induced foam cell formation is mediated by adipose differentiation-related protein
Amyloid peptides ABri and ADan show differential neurotoxicity in transgenic Drosophila models of familial British and Danish dementia
Autophagy is an essential process for breaking down macromolecules and aged/damaged cellular
Familial British and Familial Danish dementias (FBD and FDD, respectively) are associated with
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
organelles to maintain cellular...
mutations in the BRI2 gene....
Using verbal autopsy to measure causes of death: the comparative performance of existing methods
Pregnancy-associated breast cancers are driven by differences in adipose stromal cells present during lactation
Monitoring progress with disease and injury reduction in many populations will require
IntroductionThe prognosis of breast cancer is strongly influenced by the developmental stage of
widespread use of verbal autopsy (VA)....
the breast when the tumor...
M ad Parenthood: A Series This is a scary topic. There is no getting around it.
Two Important Tips for Improving Your Relationship
I’ve been gnawing on how to approach this for quite sometime, because...
To be an authentic person in our romantic relationships and to experience spiritual communication we must learn to be true...
‘Immediate need’ for blood not met due to winter weather
M cM aster lab cracks genetic code for cholera outbreak in 1800′s
Canadian Blood Services says a lot of blood donors are cancelling their appointments to give
Researchers led by the Ancient DNA Centre at McMaster University in Hamilton have mapped the
because of the recent winter...
genetic blueprint of the cholera...
Death rate after hip, knee replacements has dropped sharply, study finds
Liberia to vaccinate 100,000 children
(HealthDay)—The risk of death from hip- or kneereplacement surgery has dropped substantially in
Health officials in Liberia have launched a campaign to vaccinate some 100,000 children against pneumonia. UNICEF representative...
recent years, a large...
Newly published survey shows drug shortages still have major impact on patient care According to newly published results from a survey of pharmacy directors, drug shortages remain a serious problem for patient...
US food companies cut 6.4 trillion calories Some of the largest U.S. food companies have cut more than 6.4 trillion calories from their products as part of a fight against...
Ask an Expert: Negotiating Conflicts, Part 3: The Office Bully
Into the Light: The Season for Seasonal Affective Disorder Is Real
Log in to manage your products and services from
I am a lucky person: My life is big and good. I am a
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
The New York Times and the International New
playwright, actor and educator. I am also well-
York Times. ...
medicated. A decade ago...
Half An Avocado At Lunch Helps Overweight People Feel Full For Longer, Study Finds
M akers Profile: Arianna Huffington
Avocado lovers, good news for you. A small new study in the Nutrition Journal shows that eating half of a Hass avocado at...
From her time as foreign student at Cambridge, to her foray into American politics, in this MAKERS interview Arianna Huffington...
Everyone’s Living Longer — But Especially Women, Study Says
How You Practice — Not Just How Long — M atters, Too
As the global life expectancy rises, women are outliving men and outpacing them as centenarians. A Canadian study found the...
Everyone knows that to get good at something, you need to practice. But a new study shows that it also matters how you practice,...
FDA: Exceeding laxative dose may be deadly
Google searches for abdominal pain and headaches rose during recession
Constipation can be quite unpleasant, and people
Google searches for stress-related illnesses rose
experiencing the condition may be tempted to run
during the recession Queries for stomach ulcer
to the drug store and buy...
symptoms increased by 228...
Has ‘bikini bridge’ become the new thigh gap? Disturbing new selfie fad circulating on social media
Fishermen Claims Appeal Board announces appeal handling procedures
Term, which has been around since 2009, is
Appeal Board (FCAB) announced today (January 9)
circulating on social media When bikini bottoms
the procedures and arrangements...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Fishermen Claims
are suspended between hip bones,...
Stepped care for depression is easy to recommend, but harder to implement: results of an explorative study within primary care in the Netherlands
Sera of overweight people promote in vitro adipocyte differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells
Depression is a common mental disorder with a
considered merely an aesthetic concern; rather, it can incur health risks since...
high burden of disease which is mainly treated in primary care. It is unclear...
BACE1 activity regulates cell surface
IntroductionOverweight status should not be
Advances in studies of disease-
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
contactin-2 levels Although BACE1 is a major therapeutic target for
navigating webs: Sarcoptes scabiei as a case study
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), potential side effects of BACE1 inhibition...
The discipline of epidemiology is the study of the patterns, causes and effects of health and disease conditions in defined...
Emotional Healing And The Power Of Poetry
Flu shot mistake by Dr. William Vitale concerns officials
Portrait of Dr. Gache by Vincent Van Gogh While music may be beneficial in cases of depression,
Dr. William Vitale has been suspended by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova
anxiety, and even anger,...
Scotia for mixing incompatible vaccines....
OM A’s Dr. Scott Wooder says bosses should stop asking for sick notes
Premature birth may be triggered by bacteria
Bosses should stop asking their employees for sick notes from doctors because it could have a
New research indicates that premature birth may be triggered by specific bacteria, BBC News
“discouraging effect”...
reported. Researchers from Duke...
The concussion epidemic: Should helmets be banned from football?
Ultramarathons: Is running 100 miles bad for your health?
American football: One of the country’s favorite pastimes is also one of the most dangerous.
Ultramarathons – races over 26.2 miles – have experienced an exponential surge in popularity over
Characterized by hard tackles...
the past decade, as...
Intercept liver drug meets main goal in study, shares quadruple
Swiss biotech firm starts new Alzheimer vaccine trial
(Reuters) – Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc’s drug to treat liver disease caused by fat buildup was found
ZURICH (Reuters) – AC Immune, a privately held biotech company based in Switzerland, has
launched the world’s...
Bedbugs Love a Crowd, Study Finds
M ouse Study M ay Explain Link Between Clogged Arteries, Immune Dysfunction
THURSDAY Jan. 9, 2014, 2014 — Something to think about when you have trouble sleeping: Bedbugs grow faster when they...
THURSDAY Jan. 9, 2014, 2014 — New research in mice suggests that a molecule linked to clogged arteries might activate...
Could Stem Cells Cure Drug-Resistant
7 Tips To Keep On Keepin’ On With
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Your M editation Practice
THURSDAY Jan. 9, 2014, 2014 — A patient’s own
If you want health, happiness and a quiet mind,
bone marrow stem cells might someday be used to treat multidrug-resistant...
you’ve probably considered starting a meditation practice. Here are...
How To M ake Healthier Food Choices (No Drastic Changes Required!)
Trevena doses first patient in TRV027 Phase 2b trial for acute heart failure
The word “diet” has such a negative connotation for
Trevena, Inc., a clinical stage pharmaceutical
me. It feels like it’s all about restriction, qualifying...
company involved in the discovery and development of G-protein coupled receptor...
Gastric bypass and cardiovascular disease risk: an interview with Dr. Brethauer, Cleveland Clinic
New study compares blood pressure management in the US and England
Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) What is gastric bypass surgery and
incomes with high blood pressure have their condition managed poorly compared...
In the US but not in England, patients on low
how many people undergo...
Want to stop snacking? Eat half an AVOCADO at lunch to banish hunger pangs People who eat avocado with lunch feel 40% less desire to snack They also feel more satisfied for the three hours after their...
Religious people ‘take fewer sick days and are less anxious’ because spirituality ‘offers a buffer against the strains of modern life’ People who are religious are less likely to be stressed at work They are also less likely to be depressed or exhausted They...
‘We’re proof that anyone can get leprosy’: White middle class couple are BOTH struck down with stigmatised disease
The test that could diagnose cancer within HOURS
Dan and Babs Izzatt, from Zimbabwe, were both
lengthy process...
Test would mean tissue samples no longer have to be sent off for analysis by specialists – this is a
struck down after she caught the disease from him seven years after he was...
A Rain Forest Begins With Rain, Right? Is This A Trick Question? MinuteEarth/YouTube Think of a rain forest — rich
Seasonal changes in expression of nerve growth factor and its receptors TrkA and p75 in the ovary of wild
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with trees, covered by clouds, wet all the time. Then ask yourself, how...
ground squirrel (Citellus dauricus Brandt) The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF) and its receptors tyrosine kinase A (TrkA)...
LegCo M embers meet with Yau Tsim M ong and Wan Chai District Council members
Federal report finds electronic health records push lacks key safeguards
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued
Digitizing Patient Files Although the federal government is spending more...
behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat: Members of the Legislative...
The New York Times: Report Finds More Flaws In
M ore standardised methods needed for extemporaneous preparation of paediatric medicines
Subset of TH17 cells linked to inflammation in Crohn’s disease patients, find TSRI scientists
More standardised methods are needed for the extemporaneous preparation of paediatric
Two-thirds to three-quarters of the estimated 700,000 Americans living with Crohn’s disease, an
medicines, indicates a doctoral dissertation...
autoimmune condition that...
K2M receives FDA clearance to market CAYM AN M inimally Invasive plate system
‘I lost 7st to save my son’s life’: M other diets so she can give her child part of her liver
K2M, Inc., the largest privately held spinal device company in the world focused on developing
Charlene Howard, 33, dropped from a size 18 to a size eight when she was told Elliot had liver
innovative solutions for the...
disease and might eventually...
Playing classical music to your child can improve their listening skills later on in life
Scientists discover gene that controls sleep patterns also determines how fat we become
Playing classical music to young children boosts
Scientists find gene that regulates biorhythms also
their concentration and self-discipline as well as
controls fat levels Discovery by researchers at
their social skills The...
Garvan Institute, Sydney, may...
Scientists discover test that heats the blood could diagnose cervical cancer
Arrangements for clearance of Long Bin Interim Housing
Heating the blood provides a ‘heatprint’ signature
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
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based on the melting temperature of different
behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority: The
proteins –...
Hong Kong Housing Authority...
Colchicine-free remission in familial M editerranean fever: featuring a unique subset of the disease-a case control study
Petition launched to take pregnant Texas woman off ventilator
To demonstrate and clinically, genetically and
declared brain dead off life support...
Abortion rights activists launched a petition Wednesday to take a pregnant American woman
demographically characterize familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) patients,...
Pharmaceutical giant Teva announces new CEO
Authorities in US sue Novartis in kickback scheme
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, the world’s largest
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. paid kickbacks to
maker of generic drugs, said Thursday it had appointed a new chief...
a specialty pharmacy in exchange for recommending refills of a blood transfusion...
M aternal stress hormones and maternal smoking increase daughter’s risk of nicotine dependence
Roche reports new method for efficiently transporting antibodies across the blood-brain barrier
Tobacco smoking by pregnant women has long been viewed as a public health risk because of
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Zuzana 416-168-
smoking’s adverse effects...
88268Roche Results published in Neuron demonstrate...
Elephant shark genome decoded [ | E-mail ] Contact: Caroline 314-286-
Symbiotic fungi inhabiting plant roots have major impact on atmospheric carbon, scientists say
0109Washington University School of Medicine
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Colin
New insights... 203-4448925University of Texas at Austin IMAGE: This is...
Quantum mechanics explains efficiency of photosynthesis
New study finds extreme longevity in white sharks
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Clare
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Media Relations
44-020-310-83846University College London 508-289-3340Woods Hole
Light-gathering macromolecules...
Oceanographic Institution Great white...
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Study: Seashell loss due to tourism increase may have global impact [ | E-mail ] Contact: Michal 352-2731944University of Florida GAINESVILLE, Fla. —...
High aerobic fitness in late adolescence may reduce heart attack risk later in life Researchers in Sweden have found an association between a person’s fitness as a teenager and their risk of heart attack...
M onitoring air pollution now possible with technological advances in air quality measurement methods
Full-service restaurant chains serve foods high in calories, fat
Recent technological advances in air quality
Education and Behavior Food prepared away from
measurement methods such as X-ray
home is typically higher...
According to a new study in the Journal of Nutrition
fluorescence spectroscopy now make it possible...
IVF births carry FIVE TIM ES the risk of complications: Babies born thanks to fertility treatment more likely to be stillborn, premature or die after a few weeks
M igraine tablets perform better when a patient is told they’re effective Researchers gave patients a mixture of medication and placebos Placebo had an affect when sufferers thought they took stronger...
Scientists analysed records from more than 300,000 births Adelaide University study: fertility drugs may cause complications 50,000...
Golden age of antibiotics is ending, says Professor Jeremy Farrar Professor Jeremy Farrar said everyday medical
Sugar is ‘the new tobacco’: Health chiefs tell food giants to slash levels by a third
practice would be affected Change gradual rather than the sudden emergence...
Doctors and academics say levels must be reduced by up to 30 per cent They found that even zero-fat yoghurts can contain...
There She Blew! Volcanic Evidence Of The World’s First M ap
Legal Loopholes Leave Some Kids Without Dental Insurance
i i hide captionAn analysis of pumice samples from Turkey’s Hasan Dagi mountain confirms the
hide captionKamora Cyprian got her teeth cleaned at a free health care event held inside the Los
volcano did erupt...
Angeles Sports Arena in...
Constitutive patterns of gene
Study finds nearly 70% of U.S. adults
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expression regulated by RNA-binding proteins
experience digital eye strain on using digital devices
RNA-binding proteins regulate a number of cellular processes, including synthesis, folding,
A report released today at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show by The Vision Council finds that
translocation, assembly and clearance...
nearly 70 percent of U.S....
GSK receives FDA approval for combination of M ekinist with Tafinlar for treatment of melanoma
USDOJ: Justice Department Obtains $317,000 in Discrimination Settlement with Euless, Texas, Apartment Complex
GlaxoSmithKline plc [LSE/NYSE: GSK ] announced
The United States has settled a housing
today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
discrimination lawsuit in Euless, Texas,
(FDA) has approved Mekinist®...
concerning discrimination against persons...
Test results of targeted surveillance on use of sulphur dioxide in meat (Phase III) released
Lung ultrasound in the critically ill
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Food Safety
diagnoses with immediate...
Lung ultrasound is a basic application of critical ultrasound, defined as a loop associating urgent
(CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today...
The assessment of a structured online formative assessment program: a randomised controlled trial
M ultivariate analysis of prognostic factors in patients with pulmonary actinomycosis
Online formative assessment continues to be an
There have been few studies of pulmonary
important area of research and methods which
actinomycosis, which is an uncommon anaerobic
actively engage the learner and...
infection. Consequently, the optimal...
A&E warning as hospital ‘log-jammed’ Maelor hospital has seen “very high levels of
Study: Two-sizes-too-small ‘Grinch’ effect hampers heart transplantation success
admissions since Friday” Wrexham...
Current protocols for matching donor hearts to
8 January 2014 Last updated at 13:01 ET Wrexham
recipients foster sex mismatching and heart size disparities, according to...
NY governor authorizes medical marijuana (Update)
M erck announces FDA approval of ISENTRESS for oral suspension
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced
Posted in: Child Health News | Pharmaceutical
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Wednesday he will authorize the medical use of
News Tags: AIDS, Antiretroviral, DNA, Drugs,
marijuana, making his the 21st US...
Efavirenz, Headache, Health Care,...
Feds develop ‘workarounds’ to make sure people who are eligible get covered by M edicaid expansion
Poor people more likely to become frail after a heart attack
Medicaid officials have developed methods to get around’s limitations in transmitting
Tel Aviv University researchers show that socioeconomic status is predictor of higher risk of disease and death after an...
applications to...
Implantation of sleep apnea device can lead to improvements for patients with OSA
Explainer: what is chronic fatigue syndrome?
Implantation of a sleep apnea device called
Chronic fatigue syndrome, or myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a highly debilitating, but often
Inspire- Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS) therapy
misunderstood, disorder. As its...
can lead to significant improvements...
Painful ophthalmoplegia with normal cranial imaging Painful ophthalmoplegia with normal cranial
Effect of dietary defatted diatom biomass on egg production and quality of laying hens
imaging is rare and confined to limited etiologies.
This study was to determine if feeding laying hens
In this study, we aimed to...
with defatted diatom microalgal biomass (DFA) from biofuel production...
Strength training versus robot-assisted gait training after incomplete spinal cord injury: a randomized pilot study in patients depending on walking assistance
Director of Health deeply saddened by death of Professor Lee Shiu-hung Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Director of Health, Dr Constance Chan, today (January 9) expressed her profound sadness at...
Task-specific locomotor training has been promoted to improve walking-related outcome after incomplete spinal cord injury...
SFH deeply saddened by death of Professor Lee Shiu-hung
What is a micro-sleep?
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Food and
Monitor A collection of cultural artefacts Almost half of...
8 January 2014 Last updated at 19:05 ET Magazine
Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, today (January 9) expressed his profound sadness... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
A child’s right to die?
Bereaved workers ‘need more support’
8 January 2014 Last updated at 19:11 ET By Linda
8 January 2014 Last updated at 22:29 ET The
Pressly BBC Radio 4, Belgium Belgium legalised the right...
report calls on the government to consider statutory bereavement leave Bereaved...
M arine bacteria to fight tough infections
Campaigners vow to cut sugar in food
Aggressive infections are a growing health
campaign group has been formed to reduce the amount of sugar added to food and...
problem all over the world. The development of resistant bacteria is rampant and,...
8 January 2014 Last updated at 20:52 ET A
On-field blood test can diagnose sports concussions
Study provides glimpse into health of most-extreme runners
A brain protein, S100B, which may soon be
For some runners, a marathon is not enough.
detected by a simple finger-stick blood test, accurately distinguishes a sports-related...
Participation in so-called ultramarathons—defined as any distance beyond the...
Scientists unlock evolution of cholera, identify strain responsible for early pandemics
U.S. Aims to Cut Racial Disparity in School Discipline
Working with a nearly 200-year-old sample of
new guidelines on classroom discipline, seeking to end the apparent disparities...
preserved intestine, researchers at McMaster University and the University of...
The Obama administration Wednesday issued
M arriage Promotion Has Failed to Stem Poverty Among Single M oms
Climate changes the distribution of plants and animals
As the United States marks the 50th anniversary of
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Olivia
the War on Poverty this month, a new report suggests one recent weapon...
Poissonolivia.poisson@unibas.chUniversity of Basel IMAGE: Plants are moving uphill due to...
Scientists find a new mechanism underlying depression
Calif. officer accused in transient’s death acted reasonably -lawyer
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dov 972-258-82844The
By Dana Feldman SANTA ANA, California (Reuters) – A former California police officer on trial in the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hebrew
beating death...
University... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
J&J petitions FDA to require ‘similar’ names for biosimilars, biologics
Farxiga Approved for Type 2 Diabetes
(Reuters) – Johnson Johnson on Wednesday said
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — Farxiga (dapagliflozin) has been approved by the U.S. Food
it submitted a citizen petition asking that U.S. health
and Drug Administration to...
regulators require...
Whites M ore Likely to Undergo WeightLoss Surgery: Study
Racial Disparities in Deaths After Heart Surgery Tied to Hospital Quality
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — Whites are
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — Racial
twice as likely as blacks to have weight-loss
disparities in patients’ death risk after heart bypass
surgery and people’s...
surgery are affected...
Support for DSM -5 mixed features specifier By Lucy Piper, Senior medwireNews Reporter
Previous infection with Staphylococcus aureus strains attenuated experimental encephalomyelitis
Study findings uphold the value of the DSM-5 mixed
Bacterial superantigens are potent T cell activators
features specifier of at least...
that can activate T cells with specificity for antigens of the central...
Those who want free, universal health care have obviously never tried to provide it which is clear, simple and wrong HL Mencken**
Study Protocol – Alcohol M anagement Plans (AM Ps) in remote indigenous communities in Queensland: their impacts on injury, violence, health and social indicators and their cost
The latest resurrection of...
In 2002/03 the Queensland Government
**For every complex problem, there is an answer
responded to high rates of alcohol-related harm in discrete Indigenous communities by...
The genetic basis of natural variation for iron homeostasis in the maize IBM population
A survey on robotic devices for upper limb rehabilitation
Iron (Fe) deficiency symptoms in maize (Zea mays subsp. mays) express as leaf chlorosis, growth
assisting physically disabled individuals at home isexpected to increase...
The existing shortage of therapists and caregivers
retardation, as well as yield...
High serum C1q-binding adiponectin levels in male patients with acute
#59 Homework Battles OakleyOriginals via Compfight When it came to
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coronary syndrome The complement system is part of the immune
homework, Bob and I still had baggage to unpack. For me, homework and my...
system in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Adiponectin has anti-atherogenic and...
Why the Connection Between Addiction and PTSD?
The rise of the young non-drinkers
In a previous post, I discussed integrative
Nye and Hermeet Chadha BBC Asian Network UK
treatment for addiction and PTSD. However, it
8 January 2014 Last updated at 19:59 ET By Catrin
didn’t address the question:...
Study Weighs Safety of Epilepsy Drugs in Pregnancy
Chest Implant M ight Help With Hard-toTreat Sleep Apnea
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — There’s long
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — A new kind of
been concern that certain drugs taken to control
implant may offer people suffering from sleep
seizures might be...
apnea an alternative to...
When It Comes to Heart Transplants, Size M ay M atter M ost WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — The “Grinch”
Age-related decline in cognitive control: the role of fluid intelligence and processing speed
effect may be curbing survival rates in some heart
Research on cognitive control suggests an age-
related decline in proactive control abilities whereas reactive control seems...
10 Signs You Aren’t Ready for a Great Relationship
Behavioral Addictions: A Basic Understanding
You don’t have to be single to wonder whether or
Who is the Addict? Devon is 22 years old. He
not you are ready for a relationship. In fact, millions
started drinking alcohol and smoking pot in his
of people who...
early teens. At first this was...
M illennials’ Problem? Depression & Few Skills in Conflict Negotiation…
Bird flu questions and answers
I’ll start off by saying I don’t think it’s fair to any
Dr. Howard Njoo (left) and Dr. Theresa Tam
generation to claim you know what’s ailing them. I
announced the first reported...
Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Gregory Taylor,
VIDEO: Smokers edge close to one
VIDEO: Click puts health tech to the test
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billion Although smoking is becoming less popular in many parts of the world, the total number of
There is a flood of new health related technologies on show at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. BBC Click’s...
smokers is growing, global figures...
M edical glue ‘can fix broken heart’
Simple test can indicate cervical cancer
8 January 2014 Last updated at 16:59 ET By Helen Briggs BBC News The glue is designed for use in
Researchers at the University of Louisville have confirmed that using the heat profile from a
person’s blood, called...
Study links nut intake with lower risks of obesity
Novartis sued by U.S. states over alleged kickbacks to pharmacy firm
A new study , published today in the online journal PLOS ONE, looks at the association between tree
(Reuters) – U.S. states have sued Novartis over accusations the Swiss drugmaker paid kickbacks
nuts (almonds, Brazil...
to a New York pharmacy...
Tight Blood Sugar Control M ight Not Help All Critically Ill Kids
Florida researchers developing football helmets to reduce concussions
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — Children who are critically ill after having heart surgery do not
ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) – Researchers in Florida believe they have come up with a low-cost
benefit from having...
way to improve football...
Ultramarathoners: How’s Their Health?
Premature ‘Water Breaking’ During Pregnancy Linked to Bacteria
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — As ultramarathons become more popular, researchers have launched a long-term study of...
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — High levels of bacteria are associated with water breaking prematurely in pregnant women,...
New Lignin Removal M ethod M akes Biofuel Production Cheaper Scientists at North Carolina State University have developed a simple, effective and relatively
Perfect Pitch Redux I can just hear the advertisement now. Do you have perfect pitch? Would you like to? Then Depakote might be right for you...
inexpensive lignin removal...
BOSS M easures the Universe to OnePercent Accuracy
Britain is reaching ‘a tipping point in its use of antibiotics’
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
“This will not be the contagion-like event of
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
makes the most precise calibration yet of the
somebody landing from Hong Kong in London with
universe’s “standard ruler” Today...
a pneumonia that we’ve...
FDA Says There Have Been 13 LaxativeRelated Deaths
First Fatal Case Of H5N1 Bird Flu In North America Reported
Fifty-four cases of serious side effects — including 13 deaths — have been associated with oral and
TORONTO (AP) — Canadian health officials say a fatal case of H5N1 bird flu has been reported in
rectal use...
Canada, the first such...
A Pill For Perfect Pitch? New Research Suggests There M ay Be One
Green Your Workout Routine
Before your next karaoke contest, you might want to visit a pharmacist: Researchers have found that a
The holidays are over and you have decided to sculpt a new and improved you. Your new year’s resolution is to lose all...
drug known as valproate,...
5 Ways ‘Feeling Fat’ M akes You Eat M ore, Not Less
Racism may cause African-American men to age faster
I work with women who can’t “control themselves” around food — women who think about food all
Being the victim of racism and internalizing racist beliefs may speed up the aging process, a new
study suggests. Research...
Hawaii investigating dentist after 3year-old girl’s death
Nociceptin: Nature’s balm for the stressed brain
HONOLULU — Hawaii has begun investigating a dentist whose 3-year-old patient died after falling
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mika 858-784-2052Scripps
into a coma while she...
Research Institute IMAGE: Marisa Roberto, Ph.D.,...
SURA reports findings from data management pilot
Study identifies risk factors for nonfatal overdoses
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Greg 202-408-2412Southeastern Universities Research
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jenny 617-638-
Association After 11 months...
6841Boston University Medical Center (Boston) Researchers...
Research suggests a blood test to locate gene defects associated with cancer may not be far off
Fossil pigments reveal the colors of ancient sea monsters [ | E-mail ] Contact: Johan 46-768-541[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL! 713-7920662University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer
491Lund University IMAGE: Preserved pigment...
Center HOUSTON,...
Toddler Hannah Erskine in walk to raise money for hospital that saved her life
Scientists say sleeping pill Stilnoct can increase the risk of heart attacks
Hannah Erskine was born with arteries in her heart the wrong way around She also had a life-
Research carried out among heart attack victims found a higher rate among those who took the
threatening infection she picked...
medication Experts in China...
Why sleepy teens need their beds: Letting youngsters lie in could boost exam results
Just 1 in 4 of U.S. teens meet minimum recommended fitness guidelines
Playing music and games in lessons also boosts academic performance Methods could be studied
By Associated Press PUBLISHED: 08:54 EST, 8 January 2014 | UPDATED: 13:39 EST, 8 January 2014 Young teens...
as part of a ÂŁ6million research...
M ind the gap: $6 GP visit proposal ignores the evidence
Sealant Inspired By Beach Worm Could Become Surgical Superglue
Incremental creep and massive holes in universal health coverage (think dental care) have left many
i i hide captionThe superglue developed by scientists sticks to wet, bloody surfaces.
Australians questioning...
Researchers hope the adhesive...
Increased expression of the leptin receptor in human ovaries affected by endometrioma and detection of high levels of leptin in the ovarian endometriomal fluid
Global target mRNA specification and regulation by the RNA-binding protein ZFP36
This study was designed to investigate leptin levels
relevant RNA-binding proteins...
ZFP36, also known as tristetraprolin or TTP, and ELAVL1, also known as HuR, are two disease-
in the fluid in ovarian endometriomas (OEs) and to compare the expression...
Infant motor development in rural Vietnam and intrauterine exposures to anaemia, iron deficiency and common mental disorders: a prospective community-based study
Surgical treatment of an invasive thymoma extending into the superior vena cava and right atrium Although invasive thymoma commonly infiltrates neighbouringmediastinal structures, its extension
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Antenatal anaemia, iron deficiency and common
into the superior vena cava...
mental disorders (CMD) are prevalent in low- and middle-income countries. The...
Engineers make world’s fastest organic transistor, herald new generation of see-through electronics
GPS traffic maps for leatherback turtles show hotspots to prevent accidental fishing deaths
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Tom 650-736-2245Stanford School of Engineering
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Rachel 215-895-2614Drexel
Teams from Stanford and the...
University IMAGE: In a new study in the Proceedings...
New smart pillbox with lots of bells and whistles
Dow, S&P slip ahead of Fed; M icron lifts Nasdaq
French startup Medissimo unveiled its book-
By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) – The
shaped smart pillbox that reminds you in myriad
Dow and the SP 500 declined modestly on
ways when to take your medicine,...
Wednesday as investors awaited...
Death Linked to Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment
Insurers push Obamacare payment deadline to late January
A Colorado woman died after injecting the
By Caroline Humer NEW YORK (Reuters) – Some
supplement cesium chloride into her breast as an
top U.S. health insurers are giving consumers
alternative treatment for breast...
more time to pay their Obamacare...
Temporary fever possible when kids given 2 shots at once
A medicine that can turbocharge learning?
The study followed 530 children aged 6 months to
Medical researchers have reported a truly
23 months for a week after receiving the two
astounding discovery. Giving the medication
vaccines, either separately...
valproic acid (trade name, Depakote)...
VA Program Reduces M RSA Germ Cases at Long-Term Care Centers
Just 1 in 4 U.S. Teens Gets Enough Exercise: Report
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — The number of
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — Although U.S.
infections with dangerous antibiotic-resistant
health experts recommend that kids engage in
bacteria at VA long-term...
moderate-to-vigorous physical...
FDA approves Farxiga to treat type 2 diabetes
Whales, Dolphins Are Collateral Damage In Our Taste For Seafood
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FDA NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release:
i i hide captionA sperm whale entangled in a drift
Jan. 8, 2014Media Inquiries: Morgan Liscinsky, 301-796-0397;
net. A report found commercial fisheries around the world kill...
Evaluation of pain and function after two home exercise programs in a clinical trial on women with chronic neck pain
Third confirmed human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) in Hong Kong under CHP investigation
Different types of exercises can help manage chronic neck pain. Supervised exercise
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is today (January 8) investigating...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
interventions are widely used, but these...
Rapid City M an Sentenced for Possession of a Firearm in Furtherance of Drug Trafficking Crime United States Attorney Brendan V Johnson announced that a Rapid City, South Dakota man convicted of possession of a firearm...
Simple, sensitive and quantitative bioluminescence assay for determination of malaria pre-patent period The first phase of malaria infection occurs in the liver and is clinically silent. Inside hepatocytes each Plasmodium sporozoite...
Control of malaria and other vectorborne protozoan diseases in the tropics: enduring challenges despite considerable progress and achievements
Getting (Appreciating) Gifts in 2014 photo-three-green-gift-boxes-isolated-on-whitebackground available at Shutterstock Got Gift(s)?? Milk = Gift Time =...
Vector-borne protozoan diseases represent a serious public health challenge, especially in the tropics where poverty together...
Cosmetic outcomes after breastconserving therapy may vary by race
Why Your Diet Can M ake or Break Depression Recovery
As perceived by both patients and doctors, the
You are what you eat. Almost. While depression
cosmetic results after “lumpectomy” for breast cancer differ for...
isn’t a labelled ingredient found in foods, depression impacts on your diet,...
Girl, 10, writes and records song in memory of sister who died from brain tumour
NASA Reportedly Gets OK To Keep Space Station Going Until 2024
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Charley Holmes lost her 10-year-old sister Katy two years ago Penned By Your Side as a tribute after starting music classes Mother:...
M anaging the changing burden of cancer in Asia Asia accounts for 60% of the world population and
i i hide captionAstronauts Mike Hopkins and Rick Mastracchio replace a pump on the International Space Station during...
Innovations in nutrition education and global health: the Bangalore Boston nutrition collaborative
half the global burden of cancer. The incidence of cancer cases is estimated...
India has a wide range of nutrition and health
A new animal model of spontaneous autoimmune peripheral polyneuropathy: implications for Guillain-Barre syndrome
Stochasticity and noise-induced transition of genetic toggle switch
Spontaneous autoimmune peripheral neuropathy including Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
autonomous, programmable,...
problems which require professionals with appropriate skills, knowledge and...
The ability to predict and analyze the function of genetic circuits will enhance the design of
represents as one of the serious emergencies...
Emergency medicine in the United Arab Emirates It has been a decade since emergency medicine was recognized as a specialty in the United Arab
Poem: Booty Call Wow Am I on your booty call speed dial? Ring ring Hello? There is a crippled background response Like I didn’t mean to...
Emirates (UAE). In this short...
M indfulness and M isconceptions: A M indful Parenting Guest Post…
AUDIO: Fad diets a ‘big risk,’ M cKenna warns
I’m so pleased to have Sarah Rudell Beach, author of Left Brain Buddha, back on the blog. In this post,
The TV hypnotist Paul McKenna has warned people against using fad diets to lose weight. The
she clears up some...
self-help guru claims that diets...
Doctors accuse UK government of caving in to alcohol lobby
New York’s medical marijuana law excludes some who seek the drug
LONDON (Reuters) – Senior doctors and antialcohol campaigners on Wednesday accused the
NEW YORK (Reuters) – When New York moves ahead with its planned legalization of medical
British government of dropping...
marijuana for the chronically...
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Health Highlights: Jan. 8, 2014 Here are some of the latest health and medical
Fitness in Teen Years M ay Guard Against Heart Trouble Later
news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay: SafeSpout and SafeShower...
WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — People who are aerobically fit as teenagers are less likely to have a heart attack in...
Cancer Prevention Guidelines Seem to Pay Off for Older Women WEDNESDAY Jan. 8, 2014, 2014 — Older women who follow cancer prevention guidelines are less
Exercise Puts M e To Sleep – You Too For a good resource on the structures of the brain, see Open College’s Interactive Brain map. Exercise Puts Me To Sleep...
likely to develop cancer...
The Confounding Contradiction of Depression
Google Biases Your Search for Scientific Information
If you currently have or have had depression then you may already be able to tell your MAOIs from
Posted on January 8, 2014 by Nura Rutten Google Biases Your Search for Scientific Information Top-
your SSRIs, among other...
ranked sites on Google...
Is Your M ental Diet Bringing You Down?
How I Cleared Up M y Skin In 10 Easy Steps
What we put in our bodies runs deep. Deep into our veins, deep into the cells that make up “us.”
Years ago, I started experiencing breakouts and was determined to heal myself naturally from the
This we know. We know...
inside out. I completely...
M ultiple A&E visits: Your experiences
Painkiller study helps tackle national headache of legal drugs addiction
8 January 2014 Last updated at 04:41 ET Some patients are going to accident and emergency units in the UK more than 50 times...
()—With MPs now calling for health services to urgently tackle painkiller addiction, a University of Derby study has identified...
We’ve got the iPhone habit, so what’s it doing to our brains?
Hospitals serving elderly poor more likely to be penalized for readmissions
I knew I had a problem when, in the five seconds before the lift arrived, I found myself checking
Hospitals that treat more poor seniors who are on both Medicaid and Medicare tend to have higher
newsfeeds on my iPhone. The...
rates of readmissions, triggering...
Report: States can transform health
In Hopes Of Building A Better Life,
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care system
Pedro Gomez Jr. Lost 232 Pounds
The nation’s governors and other state leaders can
Got a success story of your own? Send it to us at
transform the current health care system into one that is more coordinated,... and you could be featured in our I Lost...
Exercise Benefits Lie In M olecule Called BAIBA, Scientists Find
How One Company Is M aking A M indful Workplace Their Priority (VIDEO)
You can thank a little molecule called BAIBA for exercise’s health benefits. A new study in the
While many companies are focusing on stats, figures and incomes, one company is prioritizing a
journal Cell Metabolism...
different kind of prosperity...
11 Warm Weather Escapes To De-Stress From The Bitter Winter Blues (PHOTOS)
Forget Resolutions: Create Your Own Powerful Reality
The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life — and
By Jan Bruce I didn’t make a resolution this year, and I don’t have any plans to do so. Because if you
your well-being — off...
ask me,...
UM F M edical receives Amerinet Choice Contract award
No added benefit derived from aflibercept
UMF Medical, trusted manufacturer of Complete Exam Room Equipment Solutions, today
For the third time in one year, the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG)
announces its Amerinet Choice Contract...
dealt with the drug...
Emmaus completes all patient visits for Phase 3 trial of L-glutamine for treatment of sickle cell disease
Immunocore, M edImmune sign oncology research collaboration and licensing agreement
Emmaus Medical, Inc. (the “Company,” or “Emmaus”), a biopharmaceutical company
Immunocore Limited, the Oxford-based biotechnology company developing novel biological
engaged in the discovery, development...
drugs to treat cancer and viral disease,...
CHP appeals for vigilance against acute gastroenteritis
LCQ13: M anpower of Buildings Department
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Chan Han-pan and a written reply by the
(January 8) drew the attention...
Secretary for Development,...
LCQ15: Circulation of documents within
Noise annoyance through railway traffic
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the Government Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Gary Fan and a written reply by the Chief Secretary for Administration,...
This paper describes an assessment of noise caused by railway traffic in a large Latin American city. Measurements were taken...
NHFPC notifies additional human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) in Jiangsu
6 Ways to Become M ore Independent, Less Codependent
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
“Most of us live in a state of codependence, be it
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received notification today...
with our partners, friends or social group,” according to Isha Judd,...
FDA completes inspection of LSNE’s medical device manufacturing facility in M anchester
Study compares relative rate of molecular evolution between humans and chimps with their lice
Lyophilization Services of New England (LSNE), a
A new study compares the relative rate of
New Hampshire based contract manufacturing organization is pleased to announce...
molecular evolution between humans and chimps with that of their lice. The researchers...
Healthfirst invests in Infogix Cost Sharing Reduction Solution
Experts gather to bring mindfulness in youths
Infogix, Inc., a developer of software that helps
Experts in the field of mindfulness will gather in
businesses automate the monitoring and analysis of operational data, today...
San Diego from Feb. 7-9 to share the latest advancements in education,...
High-volume hemofiltration for septic acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Neuroanatomical domain of the foundational model of anatomy ontology
IntroductionHigh-volume hemofiltration (HVHF) is an attractive therapy for the treatment of septic
The diverse set of human brain structure and function analysis methods represents a difficult challenge for reconciling multiple...
acute kidney injury (AKI)....
Evidence-based de-implementation for contradicted, unproven, and aspiring healthcare practices
LCQ4: Property market demand-side management measures and "HK Property for HK People" measure
Abandoning ineffective medical practices and mitigating the risks of untested practices are
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Claudia Mo and a reply by the Secretary for
important for improving patient...
Transport and Housing,...
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Singles Day: China Has It, So Why Not an… For years, I have been talking about and celebrating National Singles Week (aka National Unmarried and Single Americans...
LCQ18: Cessation of an insurance company to sell life insurance policies through tied agents Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by the Hon Leung Che-cheung and a written reply by the Secretary for Financial...
Are Your Goals Achievable? 5 Questions To Ask Yourself
Smoking cessation reduces risk of cataract extraction
It’s that time of year again when we put the
(HealthDay)—Smoking cessation correlates with a
pressure on ourselves to set New Year’s
reduction in the risk of cataract extraction, although
resolutions. Resolutions and goal...
the risk persists...
Research shows molecular, protein targeting therapies may be best treatment for certain lung cancer
Feds crackdown on four bogus weight loss aids
University of Cincinnati (UC) Cancer Institute
return more than $26 million to consumers to settle
researchers have found that using therapies
federal charges that...
Makers of a weight loss additive called Sensa will
specifically targeting the molecular...
Study examines prevalence of smoking among health care professionals
High-fliers at risk of isolation and depression from internet addiction
A survey of health care professionals finds that in
“For overachievers it is worse and they are more
2010-2011, current smoking among this group,
likely to burn-out more quickly. They begin to lose
except for licensed practical...
judgement and make...
New M om’s Uncensored Photos Reveal The Beautiful, M essy Reality Of Home Birth
Thousands of prostate cancer patients told to avoid treatment
From the minute her contractions began, Ruth Iorio
radiotherapy, can have serious side effects, such
was posting her uncensored thoughts, feelings and photos on Facebook and...
as erectile dysfunction and...
Outcry as sex education chief warns forcing children to kiss relatives could …
Stem cells on the road to specialization
Miss Emmerson made her comments in the Sex
04-38University of Copenhagen Scientists at the...
Treatment options, including surgery and
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Joshua 45-51-68-
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Education Forum’s termly e-magazine while discussing the National Survey of...
Drugs related to cannabis have painrelieving potential for osteoarthritis [ | E-mail ] Contact: Tim
LCQ12: Restrictions imposed on drivers of M ainland commercial vehicles while driving such vehicles in Hong Kong 44-011-584-
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a question by
68092University of Nottingham Chemical compounds synthesised...
the Hon Poon Siu-ping and a written reply by the Secretary for Transport...
Temporary closure of URBTIX outlet at Youth Square
Quantification of EGFR mutations in primary and metastatic tumors in nonsmall cell lung cancer
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The URBTIX outlet at Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, will be temporarily closed from...
EGFR mutation detection has been widely applied
160 Reasons For Happiness!
What do You Want: M aking Requests with Confidence
I don’t feel like writing this post entry! As fragile-life
in the prediction of TKIs therapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)....
“attempting” to live up to my word, and show any “sincere”...
The truth is we never really know what is going to
Crime: Illness/Punishment: Death
Why Do We Have Little Security In Psychiatric Facilities?…
This poor kid. His poor family. All they did was dial
happen next. The unknown is always behind us, since cannot really look...
911 on Sunday when he was having a psychotic episode. How were they...
Have you noticed that there is hardly ever any
Day’s calories packed into 1 restaurant meal
Combination therapy does not improve ability to quit smoking after one year
Restaurant meals for adults at full-service chains
Among cigarette smokers, the combined use of the
topped the daily recommended levels for sodium by 153 per cent on average...
smoking cessation medications varenicline and bupropion, compared with varenicline...
CDC: Docs aren’t doing enough to discourage problem drinking
Clinical features of dementia with lewy bodies in 35 Chinese patients
security outside of mental health clinics, facilities, residential centers,...
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(HealthDay)—Doctors aren’t talking often enough
ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical features of
with their patients about the harmful effects of
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) in a Chinese
alcohol, even if...
population. Methods: Computer-based...
Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in bovine placentas DNA methylation is an important epigenetic
Loss of long-term depression in the insular cortex after tail amputation in adult mice
modification that is essential for epigenetic gene
The insular cortex (IC) is an important forebrain
regulation in development and...
structure involved in pain perception and taste memory formation. Using...
Determinants of health after hospital discharge: rationale and design of the Vanderbilt Inpatient Cohort Study (VICS)
How to survive extreme cold
The period following hospital discharge is a
7 January 2014 Last updated at 14:51 ET Magazine Monitor A collection of cultural artefacts An Arctic
vulnerable time for patients when errors and poorly coordinated care are common....
Should there be a word for an ‘almost alcoholic’?
Smokers edge close to one billion
7 January 2014 Last updated at 19:36 ET By Olivia
Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online There are...
Sorrel-Dejerine BBC News Magazine Everybody thinks they...
7 January 2014 Last updated at 21:24 ET By
50 years of tobacco control significantly extended lives of 8 million Americans
Conserving blood cuts transfusions in aortic valve surgery
The Surgeon General’s report of 1964 which
(HealthDay)—A blood conservation strategy (BCS)
outlined, for the first time, the effects of smoking on health, along with...
reduces red blood cell (RBC) transfusions in patients undergoing aortic...
Link found between intimate partner violence and termination of pregnancy
Racism M ay Accelerate Aging in AfricanAmerican M en
Intimate partner violence in women (sometimes
You don’t have permission to access
referred to as domestic violence) is linked to termination of pregnancy, according...
/releases/2014/01/140107093321.htm on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...
Anti-Smoking Efforts Have Saved 8 M illion American Lives
M editation Is As Effective As AntiDepressants in Some Cases
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Smoking increases the risk of 14 different types of
WASHINGTON (AFP) — Meditation may help ease
cancer.(Photo: 2006 AP photo) Story Highlights
anxiety and depression in certain patients, and in
Declines in smoking have...
some cases the practice...
Parents’ Attitude Linked to Kids’ Chronic Pain
Narcolepsy Is An Autoimmune Disorder, Study Confirms
By Allison Bond NEW YORK (Reuters) –
A recent study confirms long-held suspicions that
Adolescents whose parents suffer from chronic
the sleep disorder narcolepsy — a condition where
pain may be more likely to develop...
a person feels...
How to M ake Perfect Choices — Every Time
Your Best M antra for 2014
I woke up very early on the Saturday before Easter
If you were to ask me what one thing the vast majority of the thousands of clients I’ve seen in my
and took a beach walk. The sky and the sea were
clinical psychology...
the same shade of ever-lightening...
M ake 2014 Truly Awesome! Give M ore than You Receive
Jahi M cM ath Case Could Set Precedent For Parents’ Rights
If you were to do a study, who do you suppose
The tragic case of Jahi McMath, the 13-year-old girl
would finish at the bottom of the success ladder,
declared brain dead at Children’s Hospital
people who give a lot or...
Oakland following a tonsillectomy...
A CNIO research team discovers new regulators of the most prevalent liver disease
Tibial nerve decompression doesn’t cut cross-sectional area
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nuria
polyneuropathy (DPN), surgical decompression of
Noriegacomunicacion@cnio.esCentro Nacional de
the tibial nerve has no...
(HealthDay)—For patients with painful diabetic
Investigaciones Oncologicas (CNIO) AP-1 proteins...
U.S. health spending rising modestly, report finds
Neuroscience study uncovers new player in obesity
(HealthDay)—Even as consumers dig deeper to
A new neuroscience study sheds light on the
pay for health expenses, overall health-care spending in the United States...
biological underpinnings of obesity. The in vivo study, published in the January...
M eet The Bed Of The Future
You Think That’s Bad? I Lost a Testicle!
LAS VEGAS — When you think of mattress So we in the Midwest are just coming out of a little Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
technology, you probably think of springs and stuffing, not sensors and voice...
thing called a Polar Vortex, which up until recently might have been...
You M ight Be Living In One Of America’s Coziest Cities (And Not Even Know It)
Baby Born In SUV M akes Couple’s Frigid Day A Lot Warmer
The virtues of city life are largely in the eye of the
and fuzzy for one newly-larger family. With the D.C. area experiencing near-record...
beholder. Some may have moved to a city because that’s where...
The coldest day in decades turned out all warm
Placebo Surgery: M ore Effective Than You Think?
3D holograms help Israeli heart surgeons
Got arthritis? Sham surgery is highly effective.
An Israeli company has developed a first of its kind
Broken back? Sham surgery works. Torn meniscus? Have a sham. Last week the...
3D holographic technology it says, could pave the way to a new era of interventional...
Assisting surgery with 3D organ holograms
Texas hospital officials criticize proposal to limit Obamacare navigators
January 7, 2014, 1:12 PM|RealView Imaging LTD
Texas hospital officials and Democrats
has created imaging technology which allows doctors to physically interact...
complained about proposed state legislation to impose greater training requirements...
M innesota professor receives Hazelden’s Dan Anderson Research Award for hybrid CBT study
Health care spending grew at record slow pace
Matt G. Kushner, Ph.D., professor of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota (Minneapolis) has earned
relatively modest 3.7 percent in 2012 — slower than the growth of the...
Americans’ spending on health care rose a
the latest Dan Anderson...
Healthcare Trust of America executes new $300 million senior unsecured loan
M ischa Barton under the microscope
Healthcare Trust of America, Inc. (NYSE: HTA) announced today that it had executed a new $300
2014 | UPDATED: 18:36 EST, 6 January 2014 Mischa’s...
By Nick Mcgrath PUBLISHED: 18:34 EST, 6 January
million senior unsecured, 4-year...
Breastfeeding can halve the risk of arthritis
M editation ‘works just as well as antidepressants’: Half an hour a day offers as much relief as tablets
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Women who breastfed – especially if they did so for long periods of time – are half as likely to develop rheumatoid...
Study found meditation works as well as conventional anti-depressants It follows research in the U.S. involving 3,500 people By Jenny...
Sex burns almost as many calories as a 30-minute jog
dCLIP: a computational approach for comparative CLIP-seq analyses
Scientists say making love to be considered significant exercise An hour of romance between
Although comparison of RNA-protein interaction profiles across different conditions has become
the sheets burns almost as many...
increasingly important to...
SCED’s speech at Asian Licensing Awards presentation ceremony
Spoon-fed babies are ‘more likely to become obese’ because their bodies don’t recognise when they are full
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So,...
Babies who are spoon-fed during weaning are more likely to be overweight toddlers and are less able to tell when they have...
Dominic Rodgers killed in his bed by a carbon monoxide leak from house next door
Why we shouldn’t ditch the quest for new schizophrenia drugs
Dominic Rodgers, 10, from Huddersfield, West
mental disorders has changed over recent years,
Yorkshire, died in his sleep Poisonous carbon
with pharma companies abandoning...
The landscape of pharmaceutical development for
monoxide from neighbour’s...
A quantitative atlas of Even-skipped and Hunchback expression in Clogmia albipunctata (Diptera: Psychodidae) blastoderm embryos
A 45-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism of UCP2 gene is associated with metabolic syndrome
Comparative studies of developmental processes
a risk factor for insulin resistance and
are one of the main approaches to evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo)....
cardiovascular disease. The present...
Vitamin D manipulates miR-181c, miR20b and miR-15a in human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to a diabetic-like environment
Juvenile dermatomyositis in South African children is characterised by frequent dystropic calcification: a cross sectional study
High blood and tissue concentrations of glucose
To describe Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) that
Metabolic syndrome (MeS) is being recognized as
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and advanced glycation end-products are believed to play an important role...
has rarely been reported in Sub-Saharan Africa in children. Methods: Retrospective...
Identification and characterization of CBL and CIPK gene families in canola (Brassica napus L.)
Cancer Statistics 2014: Death rates continue to drop
Canola (Brassica napus L.) is one of the most
American Cancer Society finds steady declines in cancer death rates for the...
important oil-producing crops in China and worldwide. The yield and quality...
The annual cancer statistics report from the
New bacteria found in IV nutrient bags that caused French baby deaths
OM ICS Group acquires International Journal of Emergency Health
France’s Pasteur Institut said Tuesday a new type
OMICS Group proudly announces the acquisition of
of bacteria had been found in nutrient bags used by a hospital in...
International Journal of Emergency Health (IJEMH), a mental health emergency...
Crowdsourcing fungal metabolites with antitumor activity: an interview with Dr. Robert H. Cichewicz, University of Oklahoma
FOUR-year-olds offered DNA tests to help them beat obesity
Interview conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, BA Hons (Cantab) Historically, how important have
This is the first time a personalised diet and exercise regime based on genetic fingerprints has been targeted at British...
fungi been as a source of...
30-stone man who crashed car required TWENTY FOUR crew members to free him
Rugby star James Haskell shows M ailOnline readers how to get fit in 2014
Steve Wilson could have walked to ambulance and had a dented car Instead, car was reduced to scrap
Rugby ace James Haskell gives his top tips on how to work out From ages 20 to 60+, there is an
metal and had to be winched...
workout suitable for every...
Gareth Davies loses 15 stone in a YEAR after seeing ‘horrific’ pictures
Extraction process optimization of polyphenols from Indian Citrus sinensis
Gareth Davies, 39, had seen his weight balloon out of control The IT manager ate a diet of junk food
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by increased blood glucose level. It
and did no exercise But...
has become an epidemic...
Donor age negatively impacts adipose
Personal networks: a tool for gaining
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tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell expansion and differentiation source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for
insight into the transmission of knowledge about food and medicinal plants among Tyrolean (Austrian) migrants in Australia, Brazil and Peru
various regenerative medicine and...
Investigations into knowledge about food and
Human adipose tissue is an ideal autologous
medicinal plants in a certain geographic area or within a specific group are...
Doctor Admits Taking Bribes in Test Referrals Scheme with New Jersey Clinical Lab
FDA OOPD grants orphan drug designation to Alitair’s Erdosteine for treatment of bronchiectasis
NEWARK, NJ—A doctor with a family medicine
Alitair Pharmaceuticals, Inc., today announced that
practice in New Jersey admitted today to accepting bribes in exchange for test...
the Office of Orphan Products Development (OOPD) of the Food and Drug...
Low gut microbial diversity in intestines of infants can increase risk for asthma
Sverica’s additional investment supports RestorixHealth’s acquisition of Candescent Healing
Low gut microbial diversity in the intestines of infants can increase the risk for asthma development. These are the findings...
Sverica International Management LLC (“Sverica
Barostim Therapy: A cost-effective treatment for patients with drug resistant hypertension CVRx, Inc., a privately held medical device company, today announced findings from a health-
The Hox genes Ultrabithorax and abdominal-a specify three different types of abdominal appendage in the springtail Orchesella cincta (Collembola)
economic analysis published in...
In Drosophila and many other insects, the Hox
International” or “Sverica”), a private equity investment...
genes Ultrabithorax (Ubx) and abdominal-A (abd-A) suppress limb formation on...
Generation of iPSC lines from archived non-cryoprotected biobanked dura mater
Update on suspected food poisoning cases in a tour group
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today
from patients with neurodegenerative disease
(January 7) provided an...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
generally lack neuropathological... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
CHP notified by Guangdong HFPC of additional human case of avian influenza A(H7N9)
Green light to good eats? Traffic-style labels urged for cafeteria choices
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
then go when choosing hospital cafeteria foods,
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH)
after a two-year study in...
You may want to stop, proceed with caution and
was notified by the Health...
Antinociceptive properties of new coumarin derivatives bearing substituted 3,4-dihydro-2Hbenzothiazines
First Edition: January 7, 2014 Today’s headlines include a range of reports about state developments related to the health law’s online marketplaces...
Coumarins are an important class of widely distributed heterocyclic natural products exhibiting a broad pharmacological profile....
LabStyle Innovations files 510(k) with FDA for Dario Blood Glucose M onitoring System
Navidea Biopharmaceuticals, GM ST sign distribution agreement for Lymphoseek Injection in Taiwan
LabStyle Innovations Corp. (OTCQB:DRIO), developer of Dario™, a cloud-based, mobile health
Navidea Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE MKT:NAVB), a biopharmaceutical company focused
platform for diabetes and blood...
on precision diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals,...
Knipper acquires M ediM edia Health’s sample management lines of business
M other gives birth to 10lb 7oz baby on kitchen floor
J. Knipper and Company, Inc., the largest supplier of end-to-end samples management services to
Becci Woodward had Noah an hour after waking up with contractions He was delivered by her partner
the U.S. pharmaceutical industry,...
and her mother before help...
Can’t Stand The Cold Snap? Don’t Go To Antarctica
To M ake Healthier Choices, Color-Code Your Food (Green M eans Go!)
You think it’s cold? You ain’t seen nothing! Imagine what it’s like at science’s coldest places:...
i i hide captionAt NPR’s Sound Bites Cafe, all food gets coded with one of three circles: Green is reserved...
Knowledge of insulin use and its determinants among Nigerian insulin requiring diabetes patients
The effect of piperine on midazolam plasma concentration in healthy volunteers, a research on the CYP3A-
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Intensive insulin therapy is essential in the maintenance of strict glycemic control among insulin requiring patients with...
involving metabolism Some studies showed that piperine (the alkaloid of piper nigrum) can change the activities of microsomal enzymes. Midazolam...
Differential patterns of insulin secretion and sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease versus patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus alone
Ihealth unveils new wearable personal health devices at CES 2014 Today, iHealth Lab Inc., announced the extension of its suite of personal mobile health devices to include a line of wearable...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) often coexist and have adverse outcomes. The...
Elsevier’s new generation SciVal provides insights into research landscape
Synthetic cannabinoid molecule created for osteoarthritis
Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific,
laboratory, similar to those found in cannabis,
technical and medical information products and
could be developed as potential drugs...
Chemical compounds synthesised in the
services, today announced...
Europlasma to display nanocoating systems for electronic devices at CES 2014
Polar Vortex Blamed For Dangerously Cold Weather
Discover the machine behind the famous
available. A phenomenon called the Polar Vortex is responsible for one of...
technology and its applications at the Europlasma booth 35266, in LVCC South Hall...
Audio for this story from Morning Edition is not
SCED expresses condolences on death of Sir Run Run Shaw
CHP investigating case of severe paediatric influenza A infection
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, today (January 7) expressed...
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (January 7) investigating...
Official launch of "Bless Hong Kong" Campaign in February
Transcript of remarks by SHA Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Societal Engagement Task Force of
remarks made by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing,...
the Commission on Poverty: The...
Lands Department issues nine pre-sale consents in fourth quarter of 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Lands Department issued seven pre-sale consents for residential developments and two pre-sale...
Quality of life considerations are key when patients consider bariatric surgery While weight loss surgery offers one of the best opportunities to improve health and reduce obesity related illnesses, the...
Combined paracetamol and caffeine pill tested to target headaches
Proton beam therapy erases eye cancer in 30 seconds
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 21:01 EST, 6 January 2014 | UPDATED: 03:42 EST, 7 January
By Diana Pilkington PUBLISHED: 21:35 EST, 6 January 2014 | UPDATED: 03:51 EST, 7 January
2014 Taking...
2014 An X-ray helps...
Infertility is linked to early death
Prehospital risk factors of mortality and impaired consciousness after severe traumatic brain injury: an epidemiological study
Ciaran Hannington and Jennifer, from Milton Keynes, were trying for baby Found out his sperm count was so low he was told...
Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant health concern and a major burden for society. The period between trauma...
RIP-seq analysis of eukaryotic Sm proteins identifies three major categories of Sm-containing ribonucleoproteins
Consultation on establishing an effective resolution regime for financial institutions in Hong Kong launched
Sm proteins are multimeric RNA-binding factors,
financial regulators, namely the Hong Kong
found in all three domains of life. Eukaryotic Sm proteins, together with...
Monetary Authority, the Securities...
Efficacy and safety of artemether + lumefantrine, artesunate + sulphamethoxypyrazine-pyrimethamine and artesunate + amodiaquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine +
CE deeply saddened by death of Sir Run Run Shaw
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government and the
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Chief Executive, Mr C Y
Leung, today (January 7) expressed his profound sadness at the passing... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
amodiaquine in the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Bangui, Central African Re The efficacy of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has been established. The objective of the present study was...
Stone Age huntersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rotten teeth 6 January 2014 Last updated at 15:23 ET By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News Deep decay is...
DASH diet wins Best Diets Overall, while Weight Watchers continues to hold No. 1 spot for Best Weight-Loss Diets As many Americans resolve to lose weight and lead healthier lifestyles in the new year, U.S. News World Report today released...
Porter Adventist Hospital is first in Colorado to receive full Atrial Fibrillation Certification status from SCPC On January 2, Porter Adventist Hospital was notified that it is now the first and only health care
Adocia initiates phase IIa clinical trial of BioChaperone Lispro formulation The aim is to confirm on type I diabetic patients the positive results obtained during phase I Adocia (Euronext Paris: FR0011184241...
facility in Colorado to...
DePuy Synthes Spine announces the U.S. launch of new tissue implant for spine fusion surgery Aids in Formation of New Bone After Posterolateral Spinal Fusion Surgery DePuy Synthes Spine, in
Lose weight and cut your cancer risk with the M ailâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2-Day New Year Diet By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 18:18 EST, 6 January 2014 | UPDATED: 18:18 EST, 6 January 2014 On Saturday...
collaboration with DePuy...
Changes in volume of stage I nonsmall-cell lung cancer during stereotactic body radiotherapy
Extensive localization of long noncoding RNAs to the cytosol and mono- and polyribosomal complexes
The overall treatment time of stereotactic body
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) form an
radiotherapy (SBRT) for non-small-cell lung cancer
abundant class of transcripts, but the function of
is usually 3 to over 10...
the majority of them remains elusive....
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The implementation effectiveness of the ‘Strengthen your ankle’ smartphone application for the prevention of ankle sprains: design of a randomized controlled trial
Evaluation of steroidogenic capacity after follicle stimulating hormone stimulation in bovine granulosa cells of Revalor 200(R) implanted heifers
Ankle sprains continue to pose a significant burden
implanted with steroids to increase growth
to the individual athlete, as well as to society as a whole. However,...
efficiency thereby altering hormone...
Unilateral pedal lymphangiography with non-contrast computerized tomography is valuable in the location and treatment decision of idiopathic chylothorax
How to get Bradley Cooper’s torso: Secrets of an A-List body
Heifers not used as breeding stock are often
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 20:13 EST, 6 January 2014 | UPDATED: 20:13 EST, 6 January 2014 We reveal...
Purpose: To identify the value of unilateral pedal lymphangiography (LAG) with non-contrast CT in the location and treatment...
Good Health VIEWPOINT: Two part-time women GPs can be better than a fulltime man UPDATED: 20:31 EST, 6 January 2014 Last week,
Coffee painkiller to target headaches? Effectiveness of a combined paracetamol and caffeine pill testedCoffee painkiller to target headaches
Professor Meirion Thomas...
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 21:01 EST, 6
PUBLISHED: 20:30 EST, 6 January 2014 |
January 2014 | UPDATED: 21:01 EST, 6 January 2014 Taking...
Explainer: what is the immune system? The immune system is an integral part of our body, keeping us safe from diseases – from the common cold to more severe...
Hand grip strength and associated factors in non-institutionalised men and women 50 years and older in South Africa Little is known about the prevalence, predictors and gender differences in hand grip strength of older adults in Africa....
RNase-mediated protein footprint sequencing reveals protein-binding
Kung Chi-shing and three artists to host M ultimedia Talk Series
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sites throughout the human transcriptome Although numerous approaches have been
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, a series of talks on multimedia performance...
developed to map RNA-binding sites of individual RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), few...
Housing Authority exercises strict economy and re-prioritises where appropriate to make the best use of resources
Global regulation of mRNA translation and stability in the early Drosophila embryo by the Smaug RNA-binding protein
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
Smaug is an RNA-binding protein that induces the
behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority: The Hong Kong Housing Authority...
degradation and represses the translation of mRNAs in the early Drosophila...
The M ost Depressing Day of The Year Today is supposed to be ‘the most depressing day
ASK THE DOCTOR: When exactly should I take my medication?
of the year’… That is if you give into that theory:
By Dr Martin Scurr PUBLISHED: 21:12 EST, 6
January 2014 | UPDATED: 21:12 EST, 6 January 2014 I suffer from...
M e and my operation: Radiotherapy for eye cancer
Can eating too many doughnuts make men infertile? It’s not just about having children. Infertility is linked to early death
By Diana Pilkington PUBLISHED: 21:35 EST, 6 January 2014 | UPDATED: 21:35 EST, 6 January 2014 An X-ray helps...
Ciaran Hannington and Jennifer, from Milton Keynes, were trying for baby Found out his sperm count was so low he was told...
Final Defendant in M eth Trafficking Case Sentenced to 30 Years in Federal Prison POCATELLO, ID—United States Attorney Wendy J Olson announced today Juan Carlos Garcia, 36, of
Child Sex Trafficker Sentenced to M ore Than 21 Years in Prison GREENBELT, MD—Chief United States District Judge Deborah K Chasanow sentenced Daniel Burton, a/k/a Snoop, age 30, of Capitol...
Idaho Falls, Idaho, was sentenced...
Second generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the treatment of
Dynamic regulation of genome-wide pre-mRNA splicing and stress tolerance
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metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer Backgruond: Since their first description, activating epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations identify a distinct...
by the Sm-like protein LSm5 in Arabidopsis Sm-like proteins are highly conserved proteins that form the core of the U6 ribonucleoprotein and function in several mRNA...
Advancing the functional utility of PARCLIP by quantifying background binding to mRNAs and lncRNAs
Traumatic Life Events Are the Biggest Cause of Anxiety…
Sequence specific RNA binding proteins are
More than two thirds of all adults will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. It’s an
important regulators of gene expression. Several
event like this...
related crosslinking-based, high-throughput...
A&Es see some people 50 times a year 6 January 2014 Last updated at 21:09 ET By Nick Triggle Health correspondent, BBC News More patients...
Senator sues over Congress’ health coverage Sen. Ron Johnson is suing to stop the government from paying most of the medical insurance premiums for members of Congress...
Breastfeeding associated with lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis, new study finds
Green spaces deliver lasting mental health benefits
In a new study of over 7,000 older Chinese women
significant and sustained improvements in mental
published online today in the journal
health, finds a new study...
Green space in towns and cities could lead to
Rheumatology, breastfeeding – especially...
Study Ties Diabetic Crises to Dip in Food Budgets
Retirees to Look at Details After Agreement in N.F.L. Concussion Case
Poor people with diabetes are significantly more
The filing in federal court on Monday is a key step
likely to go to the hospital for dangerously low
toward resolving a long-running legal battle and
blood sugar at the end...
may serve as a blueprint...
Another M odest Rise for Health Costs declined slightly, to 17.2 percent in 2012, from 17.3
Science Says You CAN Pinpoint The Source Of Happiness.. And It’s Not What M ost People Think (VIDEO)
percent in the prior year....
Science confirmed what we’ve suspected all along:
As a share of the economy, health spending
Caring about others actively increases our own Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
personal happiness. Jacob...
So ‘M iracles’ Happen in Children’s Hospitals — Just Not for Jahi? There have been many references to “miracles”
Tired M om Amy Poehler Is ‘Looking Forward To Investigating [Sleep] In The Future’
from the family of Jahi McMath, who on Sunday night was transferred...
The benefits of sleep are many: A healthier heart, a
8 M otivational Tips From an Olympian
Baby girl has life-saving surgery while inside her mother’s WOM B so she can breathe when she is born
Photo courtesy of Nikki Stone With one month to go to the appearance of the world’s best athletes competing to reach...
better immune system, and a stronger mind. But when you’re a...
Sienna Smith was found to have a swelling on her neck during a scan Medics feared it would squash her windpipe, stopping...
I’m back in my pre-baby skinny jeans – and I only had to do 38 minutes of high Antonia Hoyle made it back into her normal clothes in 12 months She used HIIT – high-intensity interval training to...
Scientists invent edible gel that gives you a feeling of being full and stops you snacking Solid gel swells in the stomach and produces a feeling of fullness University of Birmingham researchers hope the gel can...
Proteomic screening of molecular targets of crocin
Looks Like The Paleo Diet Wasn’t Always So Hot For Ancient Teeth
Traditional drug discovery approaches are mainly relied on the observed phenotypic changes
i i hide captionSay aaaaaah! Dental caries and other signs of oral disease are plain to see in the
following administration of a...
upper teeth of...
A study on the extracts of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. in treatment of cyclophosphamide induced alopecia
Characterization of Shiga toxinproducing Escherichia coli isolated from healthy pigs in China
Alopecia is a dermatological disorder with
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is
psychosocial implications on patients with hair
recognized as an important human diarrheal
loss. Hair loss is one of the...
pathogen. Swine plays an important...
USDOJ: RBS Securities Japan Ltd Sentenced for M anipulation of Yen
USDOJ: Dallas-Based Companies Agree to Pay Civil Penalty to Settle Clean Air
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Libor RBS Securities Japan Limited, a wholly owned
Act Violations Stemming from Illegal Import of Vehicles
subsidiary of The Royal Bank of Scotland plc (RBS)
A Dallas-based group of companies and their
that engages in investment...
owner must either stop importing vehicles or follow a comprehensive compliance...
Not Enough Time for Intimacy? Try the Bic Cure. Jason and Carolyn are a power
Scientists link protein with breast cancer’s spread to the brain
couple. He’s an investment banker and she’s an
A cancer-research team at the University of
attorney. They also...
Wisconsin-Madison has identified a protein that may be a major culprit when breast...
Study Finds M ore Diabetic Hospital Visits When Food Budgets Dip
Global Health: A New Test for M alaria, No Blood Required
Poor people with diabetes are significantly more
The test has not yet been tried on humans with the
likely to go to the hospital for dangerously low
disease, but in experiments with blood samples
blood sugar at the end...
and mice, it detected malaria...
Supreme Court Puts Utah Same-Sex M arriage on Hold
Tunisia Votes for Gender Equality in New Constitution
The Supreme Court stopped gay marriages in Utah
‘; var fr = document.getElementById(adID);
on Monday pending appeals.(Photo: Evan Vucci,
setHash(fr, hash); fr.body = body; var doc =
AP) Story Highlights Justices,...
Loving Touch Critical for Premature Infants
Brain Rest After Concussion Linked to Quicker Recovery
You don’t have permission to access
By Kathryn Doyle NEW YORK (Reuters Health) –
/releases/2014/01/140106094437.htm on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server...
Most U.S. health authorities recommend people who’ve suffered a...
Autism Gags Autism Speaks is the largest autism charity in the
Screw Resolutions: M ake a Lifestyle Change Instead
world. Based in the U.S. and founded in 2005,
It’s a few days into 2014. Have you already broken
Autism Speaks (modestly)...
your New Year’s resolution? If so, you are not alone. According...
M indfulness M editation Improves
The memory cost of a snapshot
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Depression, Pain And Anxiety, Review Shows Mindfulness meditation programs can effectively
When I had a chance to tour the Louvre a few years back, I have to admit to not being that inspired by the Mona Lisa. Perhaps...
improve anxiety, pain and depression in some people, according to a new review...
Facebook is a Poor Predictor of Performance of Job Applicants
Polymer Solar Cell Efficiency Increased by 30%
A few months ago, I planned on writing more posts
Researchers from North Carolina State University
about academic research. I wrote one about spending your bonus on others...
and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have found an easy way to modify the...
Virus interference between H7N2 low pathogenic avian influenza virus and lentogenic Newcastle disease virus in experimental co-infections in chickens and turkeys
If You Can Name It, You Can Tame It Once in a while a moment occurs in your life that causes your jaw to drop open in awe. Recently, my wife, Stefanie Goldstein,...
Low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (LPAIV) and lentogenic Newcastle disease virus (lNDV) are commonly reported causes...
Taking Control: Why You Avoid Asking for What You Want When one person loves the other much more than is reciprocated, the power is all on the side of the
Change Your Attitude & Life Will Follow “They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.” -Confucius Each January, as the kids go back...
less loving Many people...
Lung cancer success and an alcoholfree new year
Alcohol abuse programs in B.C., Amsterdam use moderation
Kat: This is the Cancer Research UK podcast for January 2014. This month we’re discussing
Innovative alcohol abuse treatment programs in Amsterdam and Vancouver are abandoning the
exciting results from a lung...
idea of abstinence, instead letting...
Researchers target cancer stem cells in malignant brain tumors
AM A details top five federal issues for 2014
Researchers at the Cedars-Sinai Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute and Department of
(HealthDay)—Implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the repeal of Medicare’s failed sustained
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Neurosurgery identified immune system...
growth formula,...
Unrestricted hospital visiting hours up patient satisfaction
CDC addresses burden, threat of antibiotic resistance
(HealthDay)—Open visitation improves the patient and family experience and does not cause
(HealthDay)—The burden and threats posed by antibiotic resistance infections are discussed in a
interference for hospital staff,...
report published by the...
BioLife Solutions announces preliminary revenue of $9 million for 2013
Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center scientists to receive $90M in new funding for cancer research
BioLife Solutions, Inc. (OTCQB: BLFS), a leading
Ludwig Center at Johns Hopkins to receive $90
developer, manufacturer and marketer of
million in new funding Scientists at the Johns
proprietary clinical-grade hypothermic...
Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center...
Eating plenty of fruit and veg can protect against asthma immune cell development Consuming fibre alters
M an dubbed ‘The Human Doughnut’ sheds 29st to drop from 41st to 12st after morbid obesity left him housebound
the composition of bacteria in...
Rob Gillett had a BMI of 104 and his waist
Findings suggest what we eat can influence
measured 6ft 6ins He had severe sleep apnoea and had already had a mini-stroke Went...
Neurologist Dr Richard Saul claims ADHD is masking less serious problems Neurologist Dr Richard Saul claims ADHD is just a
Good news! The average commute burns more than 300 calories a day (and that’s equivalent to a jam doughnut)
collection of symptoms Patients he saw were, he claims, misdiagnosed with...
The average commuter burns 324 calories a day
Suspected gastroenteritis outbreak in a tour group
Comparison of two oral probiotic preparations in a randomized crossover trial highlights a potentially beneficial effect of Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461 in patients with allergic rhinitis
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is investigating a suspected...
getting to and from work On average, commuters spend 57 minutes a day travelling...
There is promising but conflicting evidence to Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
recommend the addition of probiotics to foods for prevention and treatment...
CHP advises special school with influenza A outbreak to suspend classes
SCM A answers media questions on constitutional reform
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health
the answers by the Secretary for Constitutional and
Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health has
Mainland Affairs,...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is the transcript of
today (January 6) advised...
The loving touch is critical for premature infants The benefit that premature infants gain from skin-
US Army identifies six critical research targets for improving outcomes in traumatic brain injury
to-skin contact with their mothers is measurable
The U.S. Department of Defense funds more than
even 10 years after birth,...
500 neurotrauma research projects totaling over $700 million. Yet there remains...
Laying money on the line leads to healthier food choices over time
Researcher looks at race and bariatric surgery
People are more likely to choose healthy options at
While weight loss surgery offers one of the best
the grocery store if they use the risk of losing their
opportunities to improve health and reduce obesity
monthly healthy...
related illnesses, the...
Lesser Known Symptoms Of Dehydration, From Joel Harper (VIDEO)
Surprising Foods That Burn Belly Fat, From Joel Harper (VIDEO)
What are some lesser known symptoms of
Did you know that certain foods could help burn
dehydration? Celebrity fitness trainer Joel Harper had some surprising facts to share...
belly fat? Celebrity fitness trainer Joel Harper had some great suggestions...
Why It Is OK to M ake the Same M istakes I dropped a hot iron on the carpet once. In college. I
How To Finally Quit Candy Crush (And M ore Ways To Kick Unwanted Habits)
was in grad school, a teaching assistant, and
By Corrie Pikul Because putting your mind to it
needed a wrinkle-free,...
hasn’t worked the past four times, we’ve rounded up five strategies...
Karen Armstrong: Finding Compassion For Yourself
M RSA infection rates drop in Veterans Affairs long-term care facilities
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We are so often the cause of our own misery. The
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Liz
TED Prize winner and author of Twelve Steps to a
202-454-2604Elsevier Health Sciences
Compassionate Life shows...
Washington, DC, January 6, 2014 Four...
Acadia Healthcare expands geographic presence in the US Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:
Scientists conduct clinical trial to determine silk clothing for treatment of eczema
ACHC) today announced the acquisition of
Three hundred children are being recruited for a
inpatient psychiatric facilities in Seattle,...
clinical trial to establish whether or not specialist silk clothing really...
Professor studies impact of different levels of physical contact on premature infants
Amneal launches generic Esomeprazole strontium delayed-release capsules 49.3 mg
The benefit that premature infants gain from skin-
Posted in: Medical Condition News |
to-skin contact with their mothers is measurable
Pharmaceutical News Tags: Abdominal Pain,
even 10 years after birth,...
Anaphylactic Shock, Angioedema, Atazanavir,...
Dose response of umeclidinium administered once or twice daily in patients with COPD: a randomised cross-over study
Renal recovery Acute kidney injury (AKI) research in the past decade has mostly focused upon development of a standard AKI definition, validation...
Umeclidinium bromide (UMEC) is an inhaled longacting muscarinic antagonist in development for chronic obstructive pulmonary...
Plasma-type gelsolin in subarachnoid hemorrhage: novel biomarker today, therapeutic target tomorrow?
M onocyte HLA-DR in sepsis: shall we stop following the flow?
There is growing interest in the potential neuroprotective properties of gelsolin. In particular,
alterations in critically ill patients (sepsis, trauma, pancreatitis, surgery,...
The best marker for the monitoring of immune
plasma-type gelsolin (pGSN)...
Identification of novel hypermethylated genes and demethylating effect of vincristine in colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer (CRC) arises as a consequence
Practices for Having a Happier Day at Work Most of us face various frustrating challenges at work that spike our stress â&#x20AC;&#x201D; everything from
burnout to boredom to increasing... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
of genetic events such as gene mutation and epigenetic alteration. The aim...
Global NIPT market to reach USD 3.62 billion in 2019
Scientists solve a sticky problem
According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research, “Non-Invasive
causing stomach bacteria, that has been linked to gastric cancer, sticks to and...
()—Scientists have uncovered how an ulcer
Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Market...
Testing the VEM CO Positioning System: spatial distribution of the probability of location and the positioning error in a reservoir
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the sero-epidemiological association between Epstein-Barr virus and systemic lupus erythematosus
Recent improvements in fixed acoustic monitoring receivers allow the tracking of individual aquatic
IntroductionInfection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been suggested to contribute to the
animals over long periods...
pathogenesis of systemic lupus...
Homozygous deletion of TNFRSF4, TP73, PPAP2B and DPYD at 1p and PDCD5 at 19q identified by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (M LPA) analysis in pediatric anaplastic glioma with questionable oligodendroglial component
Tender for the re-opening of 10-year Government Bonds under the Institutional Bond Issuance Programme to be held on January 15 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority...
Pediatric oligodendrogliomas are rare and appear to show a different molecular profile from adult tumors. Some gliomas display...
CHP notified by Guangdong HFPC of two additional human cases of avian influenza A(H7N9) Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH)
I, a Process Understand: You are not a thing, you are a process. You are not a fixed entity, you are change itself. You both are and aren’t. – Related:...
was notified by the Health...
Dr. C: I’m planning for recovery, but thinking about death
The ADHD Paper Freeze I try to look like I’m reading … I can read. I mean,
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
There’s a discussion doctors have at least 50 times in their careers. It occurs when you are looking after a patient...
Viewpoints: Stop ‘bailout’ of Obamacare; health law not to blame for all insurance woes; ‘theft’ of M edicare advantage money The Washington Post: Stop The Bailout -; Now Shrinking revenues and rising costs could bring on
one of the things I do to pay my way in this world is write, so,...
New study highlights the importance of beta3-integrin protein in cancer research A protein that has been at the centre of cancer drug design for the last 20 years should not be given up on according to...
the “death spiral”...
Kindergarten teacher diagnosed with rare neurological syndrome The journal Neurology is reporting an unusual and heart-rending case of a reading teacher who suddenly lost her ability to...
ADC values and diffusion weighted imaging can be used to detect early cerebral infarction Supratentorial cerebral infarction can cause functional inhibition of remote regions such as the cerebellum, which may be...
Toddler born with gastroschisis has had SIX operations and never tasted food
In eHealth in India today, the nature of work, the challenges and the finances: an interview-based study
Georgia Diamond, from Newport, south Wales,
India is a country with vast unmet medical needs.
was born with gastroschisis The 16-month-old
eHealth has the potential to improve the quality of
spent the first 14 months of her...
health care and reach...
The epidemiology of hospital treated traumatic brain injury in Scotland
Overexpression of PTEN suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced lung fibroblast proliferation, differentiation and collagen secretion through inhibition of the PI3-K-Akt-GSK3beta pathway
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is an important global public health problem made all the more important by the increased likelihood...
Abnormal and uncontrolled proliferation of lung fibroblasts may contribute to pulmonary fibrosis. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)...
Induction therapy with bortezomib and dexamethasone followed by autologous
Lunar New Year fair stalls for rent at upset prices starting January 13
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stem cell transplantation versus autologous stem cell transplantation alone in the treatment of renal AL amyloidosis: a randomized controlled trial
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A total of 66 Lunar New Year fair stalls which were not taken at auctions held in past weeks will...
Although the use of bortezomib alone and in combination with steroids has shown efficacy in AL amyloidosis, its role in combination...
Land Registry releases statistics for 2013 Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Land Registry today
Realities of replication: implementation of evidence-based interventions for HIV prevention in real-world settings
(January 6) released its statistics for 2013. Land
To have public health impact, evidence-based
registration—————– *...
interventions (EBIs) must be implemented appropriately at meaningful scale....
Robotic 3D scanner as an alternative to standard modalities of medical imaging
Why the Suboxone Doctor Shortage?
There are special medical cases, where standard
opioid dependence, why do some parts of the country report a shortage...
medical imaging modalities are able to offer sufficient results, but not...
With all the recent attention over the epidemic of
Discontinuities between maternity and child and family health services: health professional’s perceptions
Turn Down Perfectionism and Turn Up Success:Four Possible Ways…
Continuity in the context of healthcare refers to the
improve your success in any aspect of life is to turn down perfectionism. Perfectionism...
perception of the client that care has been connected and coherent...
One of the most productive things you can do to
Jahi M cM ath, Girl Declared Brain Dead After Tonsillectomy, M oved From California Hospital
Study: Half of black males, 40 percent of white males arrested by age 23
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — The family attorney of the California girl declared brain dead after a 803-7777704University of South Carolina First
tonsillectomy says she has...
contemporary findings...
California mother gets custody of brain-
Examining Transactions within a Supply
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Peggy
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
dead girl
Chain Context
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The body of a 13-
Related Examining Transactions within a Supply
year-old California girl who was declared brain-
Chain Context
dead after complications...
Jones Engineering Group to focus on pharmaceutical industries in Saudi Arabia
CDM receives 2014 William J. Gies Award for outstanding achievement in support of dental education
Jones Engineering Group is continuing to develop
The ADEAGies Foundation, the philanthropic arm
its presence in Saudi Arabia with a strategic focus
of the American Dental Education Association, has
on the food and beverage,...
selected Columbia University’s...
Who the health law’s first wave left behind, and who it embraced Health law coverage includes how the measure’s
Koch backed group launches ads against Senators who supported health law
implementation impacts a variety of different
Americans For Prosperity, a group backed by the
populations, as well as...
billionaire Koch brothers, said it will spend $2.5 million for TV ads targeting...
Health Check: how harmful is social smoking? If you only light up when you’re drinking or out with
Acute vulvar pain in a lady with post circumcision inclusion cyst of the vulva containing stones: a case report
friends, you probably don’t identify as a smoker or
Despite global eradication efforts, female genital
consider the...
cutting is still deep routed practice in some parts of Asia and East Africa....
Speech by SCM A at joint opening ceremony of HKTDC fairs
Adherence to artemisinin-based combination therapy for the treatment of malaria: a systematic review of the evidence
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Following is a speech by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam,...
Increasing access to and targeting of artemisininbased combination therapy (ACT) is a key component of malaria control programmes....
M om’s Big Epiphany Mom died 35 years ago today, Or was it 35 years
Surge of H1N1 flu in B.C. sends at least 40 to hospital
ago yesterday? as Camus would say. I’m sure it
At least 20 people in B.C. are in intensive care,
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
was today because for weeks...
some of them on ventilators, because of the H1N1 flu virus, according to...
Prevalence and associated factors of thrombocytopenia among HAART naive HIV positive patients at Gondar university hospital, northwest Ethiopia
Using Q-methodology to explore people’s health seeking behavior and perception of the quality of primary care services
Hematological abnormalities are common in HIV
Information on health seeking behavior and
positive patients. Of these, thrombocytopenia is a
beneficiaries’perception of the quality of primary
known complication which...
care can help policy...
SHA attends archaeological exhibition opening ceremony in Guangzhou
Lisa Sonora Beam On Success As A Creative Entrepreneur
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Secretary for Home
“The act of making something new makes us
Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, departed for Guangzhou
vulnerable.” That is a comment by artist and
this morning (January...
creative business consultant Lisa...
How Do You Recover from Dating a Narcissist?
Patient data to be collected from GPs
Have you ever felt distraught or found it hard to
collection has moved on from paper files in a GP
move on after dating someone who was self-
surgery The NHS in England...
5 January 2014 Last updated at 21:28 ET Data
centered? If so, your partner...
With M arijuana Access on the Horizon, Patients Fear Potential Restrictions
New York facility offers to care for brain-dead girl
Now her wish may be a step closer to reality as
(Reuters) – A 13-year-old California girl who was
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York plans to
declared brain-dead after complications from a
announce in the State of the State...
tonsillectomy will...
Toddler born with gastroschisis has already had SIX operations and has never tasted food
Deaths from oesophageal cancer up by almost 50 per cent in last 40 years
Georgia Diamond, from Newport, south Wales,
cancer – cancer of the gullet or food pipe – has
was born with gastroschisis The 16-month-old spent the first 14 months of her...
risen by 49 per cent in...
VIDEO: Tackling London’s dirty restaurants
VIDEO: Tackling drug-resistant TB in London
The number of people dying from oesophageal
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Inside Out looks at London restaurants and food outlets which fall below standard on food hygiene
Health experts are trying to tackle an increase in a highly infectious drug-resistant form of TB which
ratings. From Michelin-starred...
could leave London...
We Need to Stop Validating a Woman’s Place in Society by How Beautiful She Is
Italy’s former center-left leader Bersani suffers brain haemorrhage
Ah, January, the month I’m certain a woman’s anxiety about how she looks reaches its heights. A
ROME (Reuters) – The former leader of Italy’s center-left Pier Luigi Bersani was hospitalized for a
new year, a new...
brain haemorrhage...
Children as young as 11 being treated for sexually transmitted infections
Science Teacher John Cisna M anages To Lose Weight And Lower Cholesterol With 90-Day M cDonalds Diet (VIDEO)
Charities said the ready availability of online pornography meant thousands of schoolchildren who have just reached their...
It may sound like the dream diet free from caloriecounting, but there’s more to why John Cisna, an American school...
Understanding pain: can the brain provide all the answers? simply what is happening in the painful body part,
The afterload-dependent peak efficiency of the isolated working rat heart is unaffected by streptozotocininduced diabetes
and attention has turned...
Diabetes is known to alter the energy metabolism
We now know that there’s much more to pain than
of the heart. Thus, it may be expected to affect the efficiency of contraction...
Do you tell your date you have bipolar disorder?
Need Ideas on How to Play in the New Year?
Sharing your mental illness diagnosis is a very
Play is extremely important in both resilience and
personal thing. Who you tell and how you tell them is completely up to you....
self care for anyone, including trauma survivors. Whether you’re burning...
Research: Why Some Become Involved too Quickly with Total…
Factbox: Key issues that will help define Congress in 2014
In the beautiful children’s book Love You Forever,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Congress
Robert Munsch depicts the loving relationship between a mother and son. In...
begins its legislative year on Monday with an emphasis on economic and fiscal...
Need Ideas on How to Play in the New
Research: Why Some Become Involved
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
too Quickly with Total…
Play is extremely important in both resilience and
In the beautiful children’s book Love You Forever,
self care for anyone, including trauma survivors. Whether you’re burning...
Robert Munsch depicts the loving relationship between a mother and son. In...
Factbox: Key issues that will help define Congress in 2014
5,000 children under the age of consent were diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections last year… and some of them were aged as young as ELEVEN
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Congress begins its legislative year on Monday with an emphasis on economic and fiscal...
Charities say easy access to online porn is fuelling infection rate problem Figures may be just the tip of the iceberg as...
Renal nerve ultrastructural alterations in short term and long term experimental diabetes Despite the evidence that renal hemodynamics is impaired in experimental diabetes, associated with
Fathers, Daughters & Learning SelfEsteem A healthy father-daughter relationship is key for developing a girl’s positive self-esteem. For all little girls, dad is...
glomeruli structural alterations,...
Yeast’s lifestyle couples mating with meiosis
Ground-breaking work sheds new light on volcanic activity
[ | E-mail ] Contact: David 401-863-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hannah 44-011-
1862Brown University IMAGE: Green
792-88896University of Bristol Factors
Supervolcano eruptions are triggered by melt buoyancy
Pulsar in stellar triple system makes unique gravitational laboratory
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Press
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dave 41-446-324-
575-835-7302National Radio Astronomy
141ETH Zurich Jointly issued by ETH Zurich, ESRF...
Observatory Neutron star, 2 white...
Population stability ‘hope’ in species’ response to climate change
How many steps a day should I be walking?
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[ | E-mail ] Contact: David
Granted, this entry is a slight departure from the 44-019-04322153University of York Stable population trends
usual material to be found on this blog, but I’m going to post it...
Your Weekly Travel Zen: Switzerland This week’s Moment of Travel Zen comes to us from Bettina Hartas Geary. Her photo of Daubensee, a lake in Leukerbad,...
Cakebarring and Cancer: An Unlikely M arriage of 2013 This year — the one where I signed on to bake 50 cakes and take them to bars around Los Angeles in hopes of finally...
Vatican denies pope is open to recognition of gay civil unions By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – The Vatican on Sunday denied Italian media reports
Avoiding Injury During Winter Sports SUNDAY Jan. 5, 2014, 2014 — Skiing, skating, snowboarding and sledding are great ways to stay active during the winter...
that recent comments...
Words for odours <![CDATA[]]> Recent research by Majid etal. has found a language that has words for abstract odours. Here is the abstract: “From...
Searching For The Science Behind Reincarnation Audio for this story from Weekend Edition Sunday will be available at approximately 12:00 p.m. ET. Say a child has memories...
8 Tricks to Sustaining Sex in Your Relationship
Urgent care can be opportunity for practice expansion
Sex can be difficult to sustain in relationships. While there are some who are able to do it, there
(HealthDay)—Many physicians are exploring expansion into urgent care as a means to grow
are generally factors...
their practice, but some important...
Doctors discuss use of M enB vaccine at Princeton University
Poor sleep, fatigue linked to clinicaldecision regret in nurses
(HealthDay)—The planned use of an experimental Neisseria meningitides serogroup B (MenB)
(HealthDay)—Among critical care nurses, clinicaldecision regret is associated with sleep
meningitis vaccine at the University...
disturbances and the resulting...
Review quantifies benefits, harms of mammography
Paramore Singer Hayley Williams Reveals How She Keeps Centered In ORIGIN M agazine
(HealthDay)—The benefits and harms of screening Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
mammography have been quantified in a special
The following is an excerpt from ORIGIN Magazine.
communication published online...
Interviewer: Maranda Pleasant MP: What makes you come alive? Human connection....
Picking A M attress To Reduce Back Pain
Odor Receptors Exist In The Lungs, Too
It is probably no surprise that chronic back pain
smoke — researchers have found that odor
has been shown to significantly affect the quality of sleep. Read the...
receptors exist...
Smart Food Swaps for a Healthier 2014 It’s that time of year — a new year and a new
Searching For Science Behind Reincarnation
beginning. As a nutritionist, I often hear from new
Audio for this story from Weekend Edition Sunday
clients that...
will be available at approximately 12:00 p.m. ET. Say a child has memories...
Self-Care Strategies for Busy M oms
The Parent I Want to Be
When you’re a mom of young kids, it’s hard to find
The new year is always a great time for self-
the time and energy to take care of yourself. You’re
reflection. So I thought I’d post about some
too busy focusing...
general parenting tenets. These...
Ahimsa: M y First and Favorite Yoga Lesson
VIDEO: Elephant M an’s bones could help science
Al Muya | CC What if we lived in a world where no
Joseph Carey Merrick, better known as the
one thought, spoke, or caused hurt toward others?
Elephant Man, was born in Leicester 150 years
At least, not intentionally? What...
ago. The film starring John Hurt...
Gay One-Night Stands: Are They Keeping You From A Real Relationship?
Health reform’s grand experiment: Will it play in Peoria?
By Rick Clemons for We’ve all had
PEORIA, Illinois (Reuters) – By all accounts, Sandy
the regrettable one night stand. But can you picture being stuck in...
Wright of Mackinaw, Illinois, is a challenging patient. The spunky...
Oh Say, Can You See? A M usical Salute Some things are so familiar, so fixed in our heads,
A young man with myelosuppression caused by clindamycin: a case report
that we stop noticing them. Buckle-your-seat-belt
IntroductionClindamycin is used to treat various
instructions in an...
Your nose isn’t the only thing that senses cigarette
bacterial infections, but its administration can cause anaphylaxis, liver... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Pancreatic solitary and synchronous metastasis from breast cancer: a case report and systematic review of controversies in diagnosis and treatment
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance assessment of ventricular function and myocardial scarring before and early after repair of anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
Metastases from breast cancer cause the frequent
In patients with anomalous left coronary artery from
involvement of lung, bone, liver, and brain, while the
the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) left ventricular (LV)
occurrence of metastases...
dilatation and dysfunction...
Special needs kid: 10 simple solutions for healthy teeth
Israel’s ex-PM Sharon clinging to life: doctors
If your child has autism, a developmental delay or a
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Former Israeli Prime
disability, you know that brushing, flossing, and
Minister Ariel Sharon, in a coma since a 2006
dentist visits can...
stroke, is clinging to life...
What happens during a skin graft procedure?
Chow down, live longer
When skin becomes too damaged to heal properly,
into: Polishing off more chocolate, nuts,
your surgeon will perform a skin graft procedure,
blueberries, and wine can help...
Here is some diet advice you can sink your teeth
which involves transplanting...
Gluten-Free Blueberry Pancakes (Perfect For A Cold Winter M orning!)
7 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight + What To Do About It
These delicious and easy-to-make pancakes are
Weight loss can be a lifelong struggle for millions
perfect for a cold winter morning. Plus they’re
of people. Crash and fad diets, or trying the next
packed with good-for-you...
weight loss magic...
University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System to open new M ile Square Health Center
Fremont-based M emorial Hospital becomes member of ProM edica system
The University of Illinois Hospital Health Sciences
become a member of the ProMedica system. “We
System will open the doors to a new Mile Square Health Center Jan. 6. The...
are very pleased to have...
House plans vote on setting security requirements for health insurance exchanges
Columbia University’s College of Dental M edicine selected for 2014 William J. Gies Award
Fremont-based Memorial Hospital has officially
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
In what will likely be the GOP’s first effort in 2014 to
The ADEAGies Foundation, the philanthropic arm
undercut the health law, House Majority Leader Eric
of the American Dental Education Association, has
selected Columbia University’s...
Labour Department partners with catering industry to enhance work safety
Substrate-dependent gene regulation of self-assembled human M SC spheroids on chitosan membranes
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Commissioner for
Three-dimensional (3D) multicellular spheroids of
Labour, Mr Cheuk Wing Hing, today (January 5)
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are generally
called on stakeholders in the...
regarded to have beneficial...
CSD and Society for the Aged coorganise volunteer work for young persons in custody
6 Ways To M anifest The Life You Want
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Correctional Services
the gym,...
‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions! We get super excited to start the year by eating right, hitting
Department (CSD) and Hong Kong Society for the Aged (the Society) today...
We Often Hear That We Should Love Ourselves But How Do We Do That? It’s a popular phrase in the self-help/psychology
RegeneRx’s Tβ4 gets FDA Orphan Drug designation for treatment of Neurotrophic Keratopathy
world: love yourself. It’s much like Don’t Worry, Be...
RegeneRx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTC: RGRX) (“the Company” or “RegeneRx”) announced that it has...
DSD to hold Open Days Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Drainage Services
Battle over GM O labeling rumbling in US
Department will hold Open Days at Sha Tin
A GMO labeling battle is rumbling in the United
Sewage Treatment Works on January...
States, with those demanding full disclosure of genetically modified organisms...
France recalls contaminated baby IV nutrient bags after 3 deaths
New York may allow medical marijuana use: report
France’s government said Saturday it has recalled
New York is planning to loosen its marijuana laws
a batch of nutrient bags used by a hospital in the Alps to feed babies...
to allow limited use of the drug by people suffering serious illness, the...
M usic executive and film producer Saul
Design of a reversible single precision
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Zaentz dies at 92
floating point subtractor
By Chris Francescani NEW YORK (Reuters) – Saul
In recent years, Reversible logic has emerged as a
Zaentz, the music industry executive who became a film producer for...
major area of research due to its ability to reduce the power dissipation...
Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Resection of a Giant Bulla in Vanishing Lung Syndrome: case report and a short literature review A 36-year-old Caucasian man was admitted to our hospital with acute onset of left-sided chest pain.
The effect of changing the sequence of cuff inflation and device fixation with the LM A-Supreme(R) on device position, ventilatory complications, and airway morbidity: a clinical and fiberscopic study
Computed Tomography confirmed...
The conventional sequence when using supraglottic airway devices is insertion, cuff inflation and fixation. Our hypothesis...
The La antigen is over-expressed in lung cancer and is a selective dead cancer cell target for radioimmunotherapy using the Laspecific antibody APOM AB(R)
North Lantau Hospital extends A&E service to 16 hours Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority: North Lantau Hospital (NLTH) will...
The lupus-associated (La)-specific murine monoclonal antibody DAB4 (APOMAB(R)) specifically binds dead cancer cells. Using...
New study may aid rearing of stink bugs for biological control
One in five over-55s say they are staying away from their GP
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Richard
Six out of 10 over 55s admit to weight gain and joint 301-7314535Entomological Society of America IMAGE: A
problems One in five is diagnosed with high blood pressure in their...
female of...
Global obesity explosion: Third of adults worldwide are now overweight Those with body mass index of 25-plus are classed as obese or overweight Obese and overweight adults are at greater risk...
‘Janopause’ really DOES work… giving up alcohol for a month makes you thinner, fitter and helps you sleep Quitting alcohol for January can improve sleep pattern, says new study May also lower cholesterol, aid weight loss and help...
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M odulation of Ras signaling alters the toxicity of hydroquinone, a benzene metabolite and component of cigarette smoke
Rickettsial infection in Amblyomma cajennense ticks and capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) in a Brazilian spotted fever-endemic area
Benzene is an established human leukemogen,
Brazilian spotted fever (BSF), caused by the
with a ubiquitous environmental presence leading
bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii, is the deadliest
to significant population exposure....
spotted fever of the world....
Realist explanatory theory building method for social epidemiology: a protocol for a mixed method multilevel study of neighbourhood context and postnatal depression
Qin master extolls craft’s heritage Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A young Choi Chang-sau was enthralled to hear the extraordinary notes of the qin, also known as...
A recent criticism of social epidemiological studies, and multi-level studies in particular has been a paucity of theory....
Rates and Government rent due January 30
Exporting Gran to care homes abroad
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Demand notes for rates
Lacey and Imogen Foulkes BBC Health Check Is it wrong...
and/or Government rent for the January to March quarter 2014 have been issued,...
New York Gov. Cuomo to allow limited use of medical marijuana: paper
4 January 2014 Last updated at 20:22 ET By Anna
NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York will soon allow
Top gear for a winter workout: What to wear when exercising in the darker hours
the limited use of medical marijuana for seriously ill patients under...
By Nell Mcandrew PUBLISHED: 17:00 EST, 4 January 2014 | UPDATED: 17:57 EST, 4 January 2014 It’s dark for...
Fit In The City: Why I am on a spiritual journey to total wellbeing Columnist Ruby Warrington on her new ‘hippy’ life of wellness By Ruby Warrington PUBLISHED: 17:00 EST,...
Forget about boot camp – now it’s pooch camp: From exercising with the dog to warrior New fitness trends for 2014 include working out with your dog Other ‘new year’ workouts are African-inspired...
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M edical student spots life-threatening aneurism in actor who was posing as patient
Sucker Punched: A M indful Parenting Guest Post
Fake patient had no idea he had aneurism until
and mother of three boys, Logan Ritchie. Her
junior doctor spotted it Ryan Jones thought a decoy
response to her son when he...
My second guest post is a reflection by my friend
had been planted to test...
Effective gene prediction by high resolution frequency estimator based on least-norm solution technique Linear algebraic concept of subspace plays a
A tracking tool for long-lasting insecticidal (mosquito) net intervention following a 2011 national distribution in Benin
significant role in the recent techniques of spectrum estimation. In this article,...
Following a mass distribution of long-lasting
Why Are We Drawn to Horror Films?
A Lonely Quest for Facts on Genetically M odified Crops
My relationship with horror films is one massive
insecticidal nets (LLINs) in Benin, we used WHO guidelines to develop an assessment...
contradiction. On the one hand, I can’t peel my eyes away from the screen....
Public hearings were dominated by recitations of
New York State Is Set to Loosen M arijuana Laws
News Analysis: Why Everyone Seems to Have Cancer
The turnabout by Mr. Cuomo, who had long
Half a century ago, the story goes, a person was far
resisted legalizing medical marijuana, comes as other states are taking increasingly...
more likely to die from heart disease. Now cancer is on the verge of...
NHS hospitals suffer staffing crisis on top of scandals
Church in Italy’s ‘Triangle of Death’ demands cleanup of mafia waste
“Winter is upon us, and AE departments are really
ROME (Reuters) – Church leaders in southern Italy
struggling. Waits of two or three hours are increasingly commonplace,...
have demanded a cleanup of waste dumped illegally by the mafia in...
Hawaii girl, 3, dies after dental procedure
Dr. W.V. Cordice Jr., 94, a Surgeon Who Helped Save Dr. King, Dies
(Reuters) – A 3-year-old Hawaii girl who suffered
Dr. King, then 29, was taken to Harlem Hospital,
massive brain injuries last month after a dental
where three surgeons went to work. The blade had
the ills often attributed to genetically modified organisms, or G.M.O.s:...
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
procedure died late...
missed his aorta by millimeters,...
M olecular gastronomy gels could tackle obesity
Finley Boyle, 3, Dead After Dentist Visit, Parents File Lawsuit
“One problem is that foods have become softer, more easily digestible and therefore less satiating.
UPDATE: Finley Boyle died on Friday evening. A statement on behalf of her family was issued by
“This leads to...
Hospice Hawaii and read: “It...
CDC: Widespread flu activity in U.S. this season
Girl, 3, Dies Following Brain Damage During Dental Procedure
Phamacist Prakash Deshpande injects a patient with the influenza vaccine at a Manhattan pharmacy
A Honolulu girl has died after going into cardiac arrest during a dental procedure left her severely
Jan. 14, 2013, in New York...
brain damaged last month,...
NFL-High-tech attention, chicken soup combat icy game
High-tech attention, chicken soup combat icy game
By Larry Fine Jan 4 (Reuters) – High-tech equipment, vigilant medical care and perhaps even
By Larry Fine (Reuters) – High-tech equipment, vigilant medical care and perhaps even the time-
the time-worn comfort...
worn comfort of chicken...
Science Is Interpretation
You don’t need new data to produce new science. A re-analysis or re-interpretation can be just as
1414 aka 1.4.14 aka January 4, 2014. (For related context, Please check out post:1313) It’s Hammer
important and original...
time…and joanie’s...
VIDEO: Brazil plugs gap with foreign doctors
Things You Should Know If You’ve Got a Lot of Weight to Lose
When millions of Brazilians took to the streets asking for better public services, President Dilma
Back in 2010, when I first joined a gym, I weighed 290 pounds, and I used crutches to walk. My knees
Rousseff responded with...
couldn’t function...
14 Foods to Add to Your Diet in 2014
Shingles M ay Raise Later Stroke, Heart Attack Risk
Every January, I post the top foods that you should try in the coming new year. My suggestions are based on trends, availability...
Having shingles is associated with a higher risk of stroke and heart attack later in life, a new study shows. Researchers...
9 Life Hacks That Came Straight From A
M ali, Niger evacuate citizens from
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Lazy Boyfriend (PHOTOS)
Central African Republic
We’ve seen so many “life-changing lifehacks” that we think in the Impact font. While some hacks have
By Paul-Marin Ngoupana BANGUI (Reuters) – African countries have started evacuating their
citizens from the Central...
Former first lady Barbara Bush leaves hospital
The Benefits Of A M orning Walk For A Good Night’s Sleep (VIDEO)
HOUSTON (Reuters) – Former first lady Barbara Bush was discharged from the Houston Methodist
Having trouble catching your 40 winks? The key may be when you choose to exercise. According to
Hospital on Saturday morning...
care expert Dr. Vonda Wright,...
Feeling Anxious? Get Psyched And Carry On
Hiking Etiquette
The sweaty palms, shaky voice, and crippling discomfort associated with anxiety are
A quote from Lewis Carroll in my book, A Traveler’s Passport to Etiquette, says it all. “If you don’t know...
uncomfortable just to think about, but...
African American Women Have A Harder Time Losing Weight
Just Take Our M oney And Give Us This Star Wars Ice Cave Dog Bed (PHOTO)
(Reuters Health) – African American women who follow the same diet as white women and exercise
Remember in The Empire Strikes Back, when poor Luke Skywalker goes to the planet Hoth and gets
just as much tend to...
dragged back to the ice cave...
New Cancer Research Suggestions – Part
Saving Babies’ Lives Starts With Aquarium Pumps And Ingenuity
Be the first to comment – What do you think? Posted by Usman Zafar Paracha – January 4,...
i i hide captionNeonatal nurse Florence Mwenifumbo monitors a newborn receiving bubble CPAP treatment in Blantyre,...
Want Perfect Pitch? You Could Pop A Pill For That
Billboards That Drop Angels On Your Head
i i hide captionJazz singer Ella Fitzergerald was
There you are in the middle of the city, traffic all
said to have perfect pitch. Klaus Frings/AP Jazz
around, planes buzzing above and you notice a little
boy on a giant...
Optimal set of grid size and angular increment for practical dose calculation
Risk factors for late death of patients with abdominal trauma after damage
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using the dynamic conformal arc technique: a systematic evaluation of the dosimetric effects in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy
control laparotomy for hemostasis IntroductionIn this study, we explored the possible causes of death and risk factors in patients who overcame the initial...
Purpose: To recommend the optimal plan parameter set of grid size and angular increment for dose calculations in treatment...
Gregory Slingluff, Former Hawaii Inmate, Gets M illion Dollar Settlement For Castration
Ke$ha Checks Into Rehab For Eating Disorder
Gregory Slingluff, a former inmate in a Hawaii high-
rehab to treat an eating disorder. The “Tik Tok”
security correctional facility, has been awarded
singer said in a...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ke$ha has checked into
$983,395.29 by the state...
Broadway Star Fights Back After Cancer Diagnosis
Flame-Retardant Furniture M ay Leave A Toxic Legacy
NEW YORK (AP) — Valisia LeKae has a New
Arlene Blum was trekking in the Himalayas when
Year’s resolution that has nothing to do with weight
new regulations to reduce the pervasiveness of
loss, money or watching...
flame retardants hit the books...
Hospital, Jahi M cM ath’s family agree to move teen’s body
Early days of Obamacare bring trickle, not flood, of patients
Attorneys for Children’s Hospital Oakland and the
By Sharon Begley and Lewis Krauskopf NEW
family of Jahi McMath came to an agreement on
YORK (Reuters) – U.S. medical providers are
Friday to allow the 13-year-old...
seeing only a trickle of patients...
M otor racing-Schumacher’s condition critical but stable
Schumacher’s condition critical but stable: agent
PARIS, Jan 4 (Reuters) – Michael Schumacher’s
PARIS (Reuters) – Michael Schumacher’s
condition remains critical but stable on Saturday,
condition remains critical but stable on Saturday,
the German’s...
the German’s...
When the climate change fight got ugly Steve Schneider talks about climate and energy
7 Feng Shui Tips To Boost Happiness & Vitality This Year!
with Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show in 1977,
Now is a perfect time to feng shui your space for
early on in his efforts to...
health, happiness and vitality! These seven tips will
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help create a home...
Tree-Incarnation: Christmas Trees Return To Nature (A Poem) i i hide captionAlexandra Jones-Twaddell and
Clinical manifestations of tension pneumothorax: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Malley Chertkov add a Christmas tree to the growing line in Island Beach...
Although health care providers utilize classically
The temporal foliar transcriptome of the perennial C3 desert plant Rhazya stricta in its natural environment
How to actually make changes that stick
The perennial species Rhazya stricta (R. stricta)
described signs and symptoms to diagnose tension pneumothorax, available...
How do you actually make the changes you aspire to solidify in 2014? In surveying over 3,000 people, British psychologist...
grows in arid zones and carries out typical C3 photosynthesis under daily...
4 ways to embrace your age When I was 13, I wanted to look like Cheryl Tiegs. It
The Best Weight Loss Advice You Can Use This Year
was the late â&#x20AC;&#x2122;60s and she was the epitome of beauty. She was...
If your 2014 goals included weight loss plans, how
Citrus Kale Salad With Blueberries & Pumpkin Seeds
How M editation Brought M e Deep & Lasting Happiness
Looking for a tasty but clean and nutrient-packed salad? Try using kale as a base for your salads!
At age 13, I had my first breakup, and my fears and codependent patterns had already hatched. My
The trick to avoiding...
parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; version of...
T1-mapping in the heart: accuracy and precision
Targeting the programmed cell death 1: programmed cell death ligand 1 pathway reverses T cell exhaustion in patients with sepsis
The longitudinal relaxation time constant (T1) of the myocardium is altered in various disease states due to increased water...
did you define them? Was it to lose 2, 20 or 200 pounds, followed by...
IntroductionA major pathophysiologic mechanism in sepsis is impaired host immunity which results in failure to eradicate...
Quantization and diagnosis of Shanghuo (Heatiness) in Chinese
RNA-Seq derived identification of differential transcription in the
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medicine using a diagnostic scoring scheme and salivary biochemical parameters
chrysanthemum leaf following inoculation with Alternaria tenuissima
This study aims to establish a diagnostic scoring
ornamental species chrysanthemum is black spot
scheme for Shanghuo (Heatiness) and to evaluate
which is caused by the necrotrophic...
A major production constraint on the important
whether Shanghuo is associated...
Customs seizes $10 million worth of illicit cigarettes
VIDEO: M ental health staff to help police
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Hong Kong Customs
Mental health nurses are to be based in police
mounted a two-week special operation from mid-
stations and courts in 10 areas of England as part
December, 2013, targeting cross-boundary...
of a pilot scheme aimed...
GPs ‘paid £1500 a night for A&E shifts’ It comes after a poll found that a third of GPs think
M ove considered for girl declared brain dead
the public should be charged to attend AE to deter
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Legal counsel for a
those who do not...
California hospital and the family of a 13-year-old girl declared brain dead...
Additional human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) in Shanghai verified by NHFPC
The pot calling the kettle black: the extent and type of errors in a computerized immunization registry and by parent report
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (January 4) verified...
Accurate classification of children’s immunization
Soluble apoE/Abeta complex: mechanism and therapeutic target for APOE4-induced AD risk
Feeling Crappy About Winter, Part 1: Drowning In All…
The APOE4 allele of apolipoprotein E (apoE) is the greatest genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease
and every one of your comments — even though I don’t always...
status is essential for clinical care, administration and evaluation...
I love my blog readers. (Hey, that’s you!) I read each
(AD) compared...
Dr. W.V. Cordice Jr., 95, a Surgeon Who Helped Save Dr. King, Dies
Rochester M an Sentenced for Fraud and M oney Laundering
Dr. King, then 29, was taken to Harlem Hospital,
ROCHESTER, NY—United States Attorney William
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where three surgeons went to work. The blade had
J Hochul, Jr announced today that Kenneth Griffin,
missed his aorta by millimeters,...
46, of Rochester, NY .,...
M apping for maternal and newborn health: the distributions of women of childbearing age, pregnancies and births
Potential regenerative treatment strategies for intervertebral disc degeneration in dogs
The health and survival of women and their new-
disease is common in dogs. In chondrodystrophic (CD) dogs, IVD disease...
born babies in low income countries has been a key priority in public health...
10 M ORE Tips for Resolving Conflict My best PsychCentral article in 2013 was 10 Tips
Pain due to spontaneous intervertebral disc (IVD)
Beyond The ‘New Year, New You’ M indset
for Resolving Conflict. It inspired me to create the following YouTube video: Click...
You can’t turn the TV on, visit a bookstore or read a
Justices Are Asked to Reject Nuns’ Challenge to Health Law
Access to Abortion Falling as States Pass Restrictions
The Justice Department said the requirements did
Advocates for both sides are preparing for new
not impose a “substantial burden” on the nuns’ exercise of religion...
political campaigns and court battles that could redefine the constitutional...
App City: An App That Helps Users Cut Calories
Gray M atter: How to Keep Your Resolutions
CalCutter tries to help users find less caloric
First, make a concrete plan. When you do so, you
alternatives to their favorite recipes. After you enter the ingredients to...
both embed your intentions firmly in memory (which reduces forgetting) and...
A Brain Is Dead, a Heart Beats On
A morphometric and histological study of placental malaria shows significant changes to villous architecture in both Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infection
The girl, Jahi McMath, was declared brain-dead after complications from surgery on Dec. 9 at Children’s Hospital Oakland,...
magazine without seeing something with the slogan “New Year, New...
Malaria in pregnancy remains a major health problem. Placental malaria infection may cause pathophysiological changes in... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
Femur performed better than tibia in autologous transplantation during hemipelvis reconstruction Pelvic reconstruction after hemipelvectomy can
Improving malaria knowledge and practices in rural M yanmar through a village health worker intervention: a cross-sectional study
greatly improve the weight-bearing stability of the
Since 2008 the Sun Primary Health (SPH)
supporting skeleton and...
franchise programme has networked and branded community health workers in rural Myanmar...
M ental health staff to help police 3 January 2014 Last updated at 20:47 ET The pilot
M aster the Psychology of Success in 2014
could be extended across England by 2017 if
“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and
successful Mental health...
liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou In life, we are each...
O.J. Simpson Has Brain Cancer, Begs Obama For Release: Report
Jahi M cM ath’s M om Can Remove Her From Hospital, Judge Says
O.J. Simpson has reportedly asked President
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — A judge says the mother of
Obama to set him free so he can treat his life-
a 13-year-old girl who was declared brain dead
threatening brain cancer outside...
after having tonsil surgery...
Best Places to Unplug (PHOTOS) The phrase “digital detox” was added to the Oxford
Table Talk: Family Dinners As An American Tradition
Dictionaries Online in August 2013 along with,
This week’s Family Dinner Table Talk, from
HuffPost and The Family Dinner book: Topic: Why families sit down and eat...
Finley Boyle, 3, Brain Dead After Dentist Visit, Parents File Lawsuit
First Edition: January 3, 2014
A family in Hawaii is suing a dentist after a visit for
examining how Oregon’s ER usage increased after
a root canal procedure left their three-year-old
expanding Medicaid. Kaiser...
Today’s headlines include coverage of a new study
daughter brain dead....
Former JPD Detective Sentenced on Bribery Charge
Espanola M an Pleads Guilty to Robbing Espanola Bank in September 2013
JACKSON, MS—Robert Nikita Shegog, of Terry,
ALBUQUERQUE—Stephen Gurule, 34, of
Mississippi, was sentenced in United States District Court today to 22 months...
Espanola, NM ., pleaded guilty this morning to an indictment charging him with bank...
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Axonal BACE1 dynamics and targeting in hippocampal neurons: a role for Rab11 GTPase BACE1 is one of the two enzymes that cleave
Perceptions of adult trauma patients on the acceptability of text messaging as an aid to reduce harmful drinking behaviours
amyloid precursor protein to generate Alzheimer’s disease (AD) beta amyloid...
Brief interventions (BIs) have been shown to be
Demographic, clinical, pathological, molecular, treatment characteristics and outcomes of nonmetastatic inflammatory breast cancer in M orocco: 2007 and 2008
Untreated Psychosis Triples Violence
effective in modifying hazardous drinking behaviours in a range of settings....
Imprisoning violent psychotics without treatment only encourages them to commit more acts of violence–and now a new London...
We analyze the epidemiological characteristics and outcomes of 72 patients diagnosed with nonmetastatic inflammatory breast...
An ADHD Christmas M iracle Putting the gravy on ADHD I am aware that some people with ADHD are perfectly capable of
‘NJ Weedman’ Edward Forchion Launches ‘Say No To Chris Christie’ Campaign
managing in the kitchen. I am not...
Perennial New Jersey political candidate and marijuana activist Edward Forchion, who goes by “NJWeedman,” has launched...
Please Don’t Feed the M orons With the exception of rare and particularly bleak
‘First-line’ role for sleep deprivation in suicidal bipolar patients
days, I don’t tend to think of myself as a moron —
By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews
nor, as...
Reporter Chronotherapy, involving total sleep deprivation and light therapy, brings...
Negative symptoms and cognition ‘relatively independent’ in schizophrenia By Joanna Lyford, Senior medwireNews Reporter
Phase 1 trial of the oral AKT inhibitor M K-2206 plus carboplatin/paclitaxel, docetaxel, or erlotinib in patients with advanced solid tumors
Diminished expression (DE), a core negative
Inhibition of AKT with MK-2206 has demonstrated
symptom in people with schizophrenia,...
synergism with anticancer agents. This phase 1 study assessed the MTD, DLTs,...
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Introduction of a mathematical model for optimizing the drug release in the patient’s body
Armed Robbery of First Priority Bank Branch in Blue Bell
IntroductionDrug release in a patient’s body is of particular interest to the pharmaceutical industry.
FBI are seeking the public’s assistance to identify and locate the...
The Whitpain Township Police Department and the
One of the most...
Jicarilla Apache M an Pleads Guilty to Involuntary M anslaughter Charge ALBUQUERQUE—Jeremiah Burns, 32, a member of the Jicarilla Apache Nation who resides in Dulce, NM ., pleaded guilty this...
USDOJ: Department of Justice Takes Steps to Strengthen Federal Background Check System for Firearms Transfers The Department of Justice today announced it is proposing a regulation that will clarify who, due to mental health reasons,...
Tips for Talking to Your Teen Many parents turn to lecturing to reach their teens. But lecturing doesn’t get you very far — and it usually backfires. “Lecturing...
GM O seeds resistant to 2,4-D considered for U.S. approval The U.S. Department of Agriculture is considering whether corn and soybean seeds genetically modified to resist the weed...
Smoking affects the heart, lungs … and bones
A Twin M om’s Post-Infertility Survivor Guilt
As the new year begins, many people will resolve to quit smoking. Although most smokers realize the
It still startles me that people make babies with sex. Privately. Easily. Fast. Then there’s a birth, and
habit isn’t good...
no one looks...
9 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Reverse Your Slob Habits At Home In 2014 (PHOTOS)
40 Brave Acts of Health and Wellness
If you weren’t born with the organizing gene, you’ve
Jane emailed...
What does it mean to be brave? I’ve been thinking a lot about this question this week after my friend
probably surveyed the pile of clothing where your bedroom...
Dry January: 10 Ways To Quit Drinking For A M onth
New Year’s Resolutions: 6 Ways to Achieve Lasting Change
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Maybe it was the New Year’s Day hangover. Or the seven pounds you gained from wine in December.
Despite the burning desire for chocolate, extramarital sex, blackjack, cocaine, alcohol,
Perhaps you just like...
cigarettes, and the like that usually...
Hormone shows promise at negating marijuana’s high effect
Loss of function of a single gene linked to diabetes in mice
Researchers may have found a hormonal way to block pot smokers from getting high. They say the
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Sharon 312-413-2695University
findings could someday lead...
of Illinois at Chicago Gene defect prevents insulin...
UC research uncovers how ancient artists used palace floor as a creative canvas
5-Hour Energy ‘Refused’ to Supply Full Documents in Lawsuit
[ | E-mail ] Contact: M.B. 513-556-
View gallery . Credit: Richard B. Levine via Newscom More than a year after the launch of a 33state investigation into 5-Hour...
1824University of Cincinnati IMAGE: This is a watercolor...
Colo. Teen Addiction Centers Gear Up for Legal Pot
Albertans urged to get flu shots to fight H1N1 surge
View gallery . Colo. Teen Addiction Centers Gear
Alberta Health Minister Fred Horne says too few
Up for Legal Pot While many Coloradoans rang in
people have gotten flu shots in light of a recent
the new year by lining up...
surge of cases of the illness,...
Vitamin D ‘boosts child muscles’ 3 January 2014 Last updated at 12:34 ET Higher
Worsening of shortage of residency slots feared
levels of maternal vitamin D during pregnancy have
(HealthDay)—Despite a looming physician
been linked to better muscle...
shortage, the number of residency positions in the United States has not changed...
Positive outcomes with improved hemorrhoidectomy information
Patient experience of service quality predicts CRC survival
(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing day-case
(HealthDay)—For patients with colorectal cancer,
hemorrhoidectomy, improved quality of patient
satisfaction with quality of care is associated with
information is associated with...
survival, according...
Scientists make advance in cancer research
Genetic Discovery Could Help Researchers Reverse Aging And
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A protein that has been at the centre of cancer drug
Prolong Lifespan
design for the last 20 years should not be given up on according to...
A new genetic discovery suggests the battle against aging could be as simple as flipping a switch. Studies have shown calorie...
Stanford’s Historic Role in Sleep Advances With Study of Children
The Alchemy of Tragedy
By Rafael Pelayo, M.D. Perhaps nowhere else
Boston Marathon bombing earlier this year. He was
does modern neuroscience and psychiatry merge
seriously injured and he...
James Costello was one of the victims of the
as naturally as in a discussion...
How Long Will A Brain-Dead Person’s Body Keep Working?
Is It Possible To Live With The Voices In Your Head?
By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer Published:
“ We don’t have to live our lives forever defined by
01/03/2014 11:12 AM EST on LiveScience A 13-
the damaging things that have happened to us. –
year-old girl in California continues...
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer significantly reduces number of yielded lymph nodes by axillary dissection
A Principled and Cosmopolitan Neuroethics: Considerations for International Relevance
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NC) is an established
prescribing alterations to conceptions of self and society, and for prescriptively...
therapy in breast cancer, able to downstage positive axillary lymph nodes,...
Chemical composition and in vitro evaluation of the cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of supercritical carbon dioxide extracts of pitaya (dragon fruit) peel Hylocereus polyrhizus and Hylocereus undatus are two varieties of the commonly called pitaya fruits,
Neuroethics applies cognitive neuroscience for
Diminishing Return for Increased M appability with Longer Sequencing Reads: Implications of the k-mer Distributions in the Human Genome The amount of non-unique sequence (nonsingletons) in a genome directlyaffects the difficulty of read alignment to a reference...
and pitaya fruits have...
DNA fingerprinting in botany: past, present, future
Can a Single Study Have Such Influence Over ADHD…
Almost three decades ago Alec Jeffreys published
Imagine that in a world where thousands of new
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
his seminal Nature papers on the use of
studies are published every year, and hundreds of
minisatellite probes for DNA fingerprinting...
studies are conducted on...
Sleeping pill lowers dose to minimize risk of next-day drowsiness
Few persons with metabolic syndrome adhere to nutrition recommendations
The maker of a type of sleeping pill is lowering the
Adherence to dietary recommendations is weak
dose to minimize the risk of next-day drowsiness.
among people suffering from metabolic syndrome
The drug, Sublinox,...
or having increased risk for...
New tool assesses quality of work relationships in the clinic
Premier mulls program to support saving for old age care
(HealthDay)—The Work Relationships Scale
Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says he is toying
(WRS) seems to be a valid tool for measuring the
with the concept of a government program that
quality of relationships in primary...
would assist people to save...
Original Cheerios to go GM O-free General Mills says some Cheerios made without
Impact of transitions in doctors’ careers discussed
genetically modified ingredients will start
(HealthDay)—Transitions and their associated
appearing on shelves soon. The...
challenges are encountered throughout a doctors’ medical career, according...
Pregnancy tops list of most googlesearched symptoms
Isotonic fluids safer for pediatric maintenance IV therapy
(HealthDay)—The top 10 most Google-searched
(HealthDay)—For children requiring maintenance
symptoms in 2013 included those for pregnancy,
intravenous (IV) fluids, isotonic fluids are safer than
influenza, and diabetes, but...
hypotonic fluids...
A little respect for skin pickers, hair pullers
EE Cream Is The Latest Double Letter Trend To Hit The Beauty Scene
Do you pick your skin until your arms are pitted with
Did you think the beauty industry wasn’t going to try
scabs? Bite your nails down to bloody nubs? Tear
to convince you that you need yet another double
the calluses off your...
letter cream?...
Terri Schiavo’s Family: ‘It’s What No Family Should Ever Have To Witness’ (VIDEO)
Compound In Corydalis, Chinese M edicine Plant, Promising For Chronic Pain Relief
It was a question that bitterly divided the nation in
Scientists have identified a compound in the
the ’90s: Should Terri Schiavo be “kept alive” or... Corydalis plant that effectively relieves pain — and Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
the same plant has...
Yes, I Am Critical and Controlling. So What!
Bingers ‘pub pregnancy test’ plea
Yes, I am Critical and Controlling. So What! By Kipp
Julie Cush BBC News Samantha Marchant binge drank during...
Friedman [Kipp Friedman is the author of the new childhood memoir, “Barracuda...
31 December 2013 Last updated at 19:51 ET By
NHS probe into ‘porters’ drinking’
Adding a new baby to plan not easy
3 January 2014 Last updated at 06:27 ET NHS
(AP)—Another quirk has surfaced with the Obama
Lothian has launched an investigation at the Western General Hospital Six porters...
administration’s new health insurance system: There’s no easy...
Five minute saliva test to identify smokers rolled out to health schemes
Fear of childbirth predicts postpartum depression
Smokers who need extra incentives to quit the
Expectant women with prenatally diagnosed fear of
cigarettes this new year should take note that even private health insurance...
childbirth are at an increased risk of postpartum depression, according...
Higher vitamin D levels in pregnancy could help babies become stronger
It’s Really Hard To Add A Baby To Obamacare
Children are likely to have stronger muscles if their
WASHINGTON (AP) — There’s another quirk in the
mothers had a higher level of vitamin D in their body during pregnancy,...
Obama administration’s new health insurance system: It lacks...
This Is How You Should Be Shampooing Your Hair
10 Ways To Find (Or Not Find) The Perfect Gym
Shampooing your hair may seem like second
Since moving to a new town, I’ve been on a
nature to you after all these years, but you could be doing it all wrong. While...
mission. I’m in the market for a new gym. Yes, my building has one...
Why does my jaw hurt in cold weather? bone this winter – for some people, it can actually
Unseen stream of rubbish flowing through London could be a serious threat to aquatic wildlife
trigger pain. We...
Thousands of pieces of plastic have been
A drop in temperature may not just chill you to the
discovered, submerged along the river bed of the upper Thames Estuary by scientists... Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
EcoHealth Alliance joins Bat Conservation International to conserve bats, safeguard human health
Fear of childbirth puts women at higher risk of postpartum depression
EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization that focuses on local conservation and global health
childbirth are at an increased risk of postpartum depression, according...
Expectant women with prenatally diagnosed fear of
issues, and Bat Conservation...
Children are likely to have stronger muscles if mothers had higher level of vitamin D during pregnancy
Bodybuilding father diagnosed with BREAST cancer after finding lump while at gym
Children are likely to have stronger muscles if their mothers had a higher level of vitamin D in their
Phil Clarke, 50, visited his doctor after finding a ‘hard ridge’ in his nipple He went for a
body during pregnancy,...
mammogram and was...
How shingles in under-40s raises the risk of a stroke or heart attack later on in life
A systematic review of barriers to and facilitators of the use of evidence by policymakers
According to NHS – 189,000 adults get shingles in
The gap between research and practice or policy is
the UK every year Shingles is caused by
often described as a problem. To identify new
reactivation of the virus...
barriers of and facilitators...
Adenosine A2B receptors induce proliferation, invasion and activation of cAM P response element binding protein (CREB) in trophoblast cells
2D-DIGE proteome analysis on the platelet proteins of patients with major depression
Placental hypoxia is a result of abnormal and
psychopathology of major depression. We
shallow trophoblast invasion and involved in the
attempted to search and identify...
IntroductionPlatelet activation is related to the
pathophysiology of preeclampsia....
Atypical behavior of NFATc1 in cultured intercostal myofibers The NFATc transcription factor family is
Uneven distribution of cellular organelles during cell division may enhance bacterial population’s survival
responsible for coupling cytoplasmic calcium
Although a population of bacteria may be
signals to transcription programs in...
genetically identical, individual bacteria within that population can act in radically...
Women In Government announces
AstraZeneca to take over Probiodrug’s
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launch of Pulmonary Hypertension Legislative Toolkit
CDK9 inhibitor program
Women In Government (WIG) today announced the launch of its Pulmonary Hypertension Legislative
transfer of its experimental cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDK9) inhibitor program...
Probiodrug AG (Probiodrug) announced today the
Toolkit, designed to provide...
Study explores safety and efficacy of scoop and run approach in Philadelphia
Our £400m stockpile of Tamiflu flu medicine that might not even work
Philadelphia ‘Scoop and Run’ penetrating trauma victims studied over 5-year period A new study from
Some £424m has been spent on supplies of Tamiflu since 2006 Yet report says there is no clear
the Perelman...
evidence available that it...
10% of us go through winter without ever seeing sunlight during the week, increasing our risk of mental health problems
Charge £10 for A&E visits, say a third of GPs: Doctors want to impose basic fee to deter patients turning up with ‘trivial’ complaints
Mental Health Research UK says people who go
Survey GPs believe patients go to AE at the ‘drop of
without daily sunlight risk developing lethargy,
the hat’ But findings will prompt anger among
depression and seasonal affective...
members of...
Pregnenolone hormone could block marijuana effects, scientists discover hormone pregnenolone cuts the brain’s sensitivity
Pigs fed Camelina meal increase hepatic gene expression of cytochrome 8b1, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and thiosulfate transferase
to THC – the high-inducing...
Camelina sativa is an oil seed crop which can be
University of Bordeaux researchers found the
grown on marginal lands. Camelina seed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids...
How can diagnostic assessment programs be implemented to enhance inter-professional collaborative care for cancer?
iRhythm Technologies’ ZIO Service detects more cardiac arrhythmias than Holter monitor
Inter-professional collaborative care (ICC) for
services company, today announced that a prospective study by Scripps Translational...
cancer leads to multiple system, organizational, professional, and patient...
Research may unlock enzyme’s role in
iRhythm Technologies, a healthcare information
The postoperative morbidity index: a
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disease A UT Arlington chemist doing National Science Foundation-funded research on enzymes that regulate human biology has uncovered...
quantitative weighing of postoperative complications applied to urological procedures The reporting of post-operative complications in the urological field is lacking of a uniform quantitative measure to assess...
Study of the effects of oral zinc supplementation on peroxynitrite levels, arginase activity and NO synthase activity in seminal plasma of Iraqi asthenospermic patients
Applications invited for funding support for development of apps for underprivileged
Low concentrations of nitric oxide (NO) are
today (January 3) launched a support...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
necessary for the biology and physiology of spermatozoa, but high levels of NO...
Nine building plans approved in November Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Buildings Department
Auctions of traditional and personalised vehicle registration marks to be held on January 19 and 25 respectively
approved nine building plans in November, with
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Transport Department
five on Hong Kong Island,...
(TD) today (January 3) announced that the auctions of traditional and...
How best to go about getting seed money through crowdfunding
Earthquake lights linked to rift environments, subvertical faults
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jerry
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nan 972-258-82904The 408-431-
Hebrew University of Jerusalem It can be by...
9885Seismological Society of America IMAGE: Earthquake...
Longmanshen fault zone still hazardous, suggest new reports
Overweight minority women less aware of the increased risk of cardiovascular disease
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nan 408-4319885Seismological Society of America Seismological Research...
Minority women tend to be less aware of the increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) they face by being overweight...
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‘Breast is best’ obsession and postnatal depression led new mum to take her life
2014′s health law tactics: Republican midterm hopes, Democrats re-selling law
By Jill Foster PUBLISHED: 17:51 EST, 2 January
The health law will be a major factor in 2014′s
2014 | UPDATED: 21:11 EST, 2 January 2014 Last
midterm elections, with Republicans — some
August, little...
candidates even doctors...
Southern District Council by-election nomination period to start on February 7
Effect of 12 weeks of yoga training on the somatization, psychological symptoms, and stress-related biomarkers of healthy women
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Nominations for the byelection in the South Horizons West Constituency of Southern District Council...
Previous studies have shown that the practice of
Proposed footbridge in Sham Shui Po gazetted
Applications invited for students’ study room admission cards for exam season
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Government published
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Students intending to use
a notice in the Gazette today (January 3) on the proposed works of a footbridge...
the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) students’ study room service...
Appeal for O-positive blood donation
Dare to Be 100: A Tale of Two Runners
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on
We are both 83 years old. We’re both fervent
behalf of the Hospital Authority: The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion...
runners, having put thousands of miles on accessible trails and tracks,...
Preparing for the New Year: Are Old Patterns Really Comfortable, or Just Familiar?
Emergency Visits Seen Increasing With Health Law
I laugh at myself on a regular basis, because I
compared thousands of low-income people in the Portland area who were randomly...
hang onto things, thoughts and ways of being that are familiar but are really...
yoga reduces perceived stress and negative feelings and that it improves...
The study, published in the journal Science,
I Will Not Fix Everything in 2014
Will 2014 Really Be a ‘New’ New Year?
Gosh, I learned so much in 2013, and although I
Tradition has it that January is the time to think
am not an official resolution-maker, I am a fan of reflecting on the past...
back on what we have done and look forward to what we will do. As 2014...
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Fondue and Vision Boards: A New Take on New Year’s Traditions
8 Reasons to Develop Your Spiritual Connection
Years ago, we started a family tradition of staying in
I grew up in a household with a very religious
on New Year’s Eve. I don’t exactly remember why, but it...
grandmother and atheist parents. My grandmother’s judgmental God didn’t...
Environment affects an organism’s complexity
We Can M ake a Difference!
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Dr. Joshua
Things I Learned from Cancer,” but I didn’t realize it... 802-2394955Public Library of Science Press release from...
This could have been number 13 on my list of “12
El Nino tied to melting of Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier
Brain training works, but just for the practiced task, say Oregon researchers
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Hannah
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Jim 206-543-2580University of Washington Pine Island Glacier is one of the... 541-3463481University of Oregon Revealing pattern of changes detected...
M ass spectrometer detection of 10 protein spots after acute high-altitude HBI
Differences in brain structure in patients with distinct sites of chronic pain
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Meng 86-
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Meng 86-
138-049-98773Neural Regeneration Research
138-049-98773Neural Regeneration Research
IMAGE: Following exposure to...
IMAGE: In low back pain patients,...
Diffusion tensor M RI-based tractography in evaluation of nerve root function
Neogen acquires the stock of ChemTech
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Meng 86-
today that it has acquired the stock of Chem-Tech
138-049-98773Neural Regeneration Research
Ltd., a manufacturer of insecticides...
Neogen Corporation (NASDAQ: NEOG) announced
IMAGE: Fiber-tracking images...
Healthcare Trust of America closes $156 million of acquisitions in fourth quarter 2013
Work Out World announces grand opening of new health club in Cranston, RI
Healthcare Trust of America, Inc. (NYSE: HTA)
Work Out World (WOW) is proud to announce the
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
announced today that it had closed approximately
grand opening of its newest health club in
$156 million of acquisitions...
Cranston, RI! This brand new,...
Shingles may increase risk of stroke in later life, study finds
Tonight’s M eteor Shower: Live, From Space, It’s The Quadrantids
Having shingles may increase the risk of having a
i i hide captionThe Quadrantid meteor shower is
stroke years later, according to research published
seen shortly after 5 a.m. on Jan 3, 2013. This
in the January 2, 2014,...
year’s shower...
A single nucleotide polymorphism in the coding region of PGC-1alpha is a male-specific modifier of Huntington disease age-at-onset in a large European cohort
Protocol for a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of benefit of so-called lung-protective ventilation settings in patients under general anesthesia for surgery
Genetic modifiers are important clues for the
Almost all patients under general anesthesia for
identification of therapeutic targets in neurodegenerative diseases. Huntington...
surgery need mechanical ventilation. The harmful effects of short-term intra-operative...
Correction: changes in the lifetime prevalence of suicidal feelings and thoughts among Norwegian doctors from 2000 to 2010: a longitudinal study based on national samples
Commentary on a trial comparing krill oil versus fish oil Considerable interest exists presently in comparing the performance of krill oil (KO) and fish oil (FO) supplements. Ramprasath...
CorrectionAfter the publication of this work [1], we became aware of some typing errors. The correct spelling of the item...
Chinese herbal medicine Guizhi Fuling Formula for treatment of uterine fibroids: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials
Girl was given just months to live after she downed six LITRES of cider a day
Guizhi Fuling Formula is widely applied for uterine
to suffer shakes and hallucinations Her...
Phoebe Haffenden started drinking at 15 and was addicted by 16 Went on 18-hour binges and started
fibroids in China. Many clinical trials are reported. This study assessed...
The four body shapes that hold the key to a woman’s weight loss, according to celebrity personal trainer
On Planet GJ1214 B, Expect Exotic Cloud Cover
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By Laura Cox PUBLISHED: 19:11 EST, 1 January 2014 | UPDATED: 16:54 EST, 2 January 2014 You’ve eaten...
Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available at approximately 7:00 p.m. ET. From the journal Nature,...
M ove Over Electric Car, Auto Companies To M ake Hydrogen Vehicles
M an Arrested After Fatal Crash on Navajo Nation
Audio for this story from All Things Considered will
Fanderick Chiquito, 23, of Upper Fruitland, NM .,
be available at approximately 7:00 p.m. ET. Toyota,
was arrested today (12/31/2013) in connection with
Honda and Hyundai...
a vehicle collision...
Zujeily Heredia-M aldonado Arrested on Extortion Charge Cases of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Effects of Eleutheroside B and Eleutheroside E on activity of cytochrome P450 in rat liver microsomes
San Juan Division, announced...
Chemicals of herbal products may cause
SAN JUAN—Special Agent in Charge Carlos
unexpected toxicity or adverse effect by the potential for alteration of the activity...
Complete resolution of steroidresistant organizing pneumonia associated with myelodysplastic syndrome following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation Pulmonary complications in patients with hematological malignancies are often caused by infection but are sometimes associated...
Attitudes, practices and information needs regarding novel influenza A (H7N9) among employees of food production and operation in Guangzhou, Southern China: a crosssectional study As of 30 May 2013, 132 human infections with avian influenza A (H7N9) had been reported in 10 Chinese cities. On 17 May 2013,...
10 Strategies for Helping Kids with ADHD Build Self-Confidence… It’s common for kids with ADHD to feel bad about themselves. ADHD creates challenges in all areas of their lives, from...
Comparing the feasibility, acceptability, clinical-, and cost-effectiveness of mental health e-screening to paperbased screening on the detection of depression, anxiety, and psychosocial risk in pregnant women: a study protocol of a randomized, parallelStress, depression, and anxiety affect 15% to 25% of pregnant women. However, substantial barriers
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
to psychosocial assessment...
Contraception for adolescents in low and middle income countries: needs, barriers, and access
Helping Our Kids and Teens (and Us) Achieve Excellence…
Substantial numbers of adolescents experience
wander on average about 46.9% of the time from
the negative health consequences of early, unprotected sexual activity –...
what we’re intending to pay...
Flu surge in Alberta prompts mass immunization plans
Young adults, parents embrace flu shots, poll suggests
Alberta will open mass immunization clinics this
Increasing numbers of adults in their child-rearing
week in four communities to deal with a surge of flu cases. As of Friday,...
years are becoming convinced that getting a flu shot for themselves and...
Jumping DNA in the brain may be a cause of schizophrenia
M en’s and women’s soccer: Physical or technical?
Stretches of DNA called retrotransposons, often
When the sports performance of elite men and
dubbed “junk DNA”, might play an important role in schizophrenia....
women soccer players is compared using absolute criteria, the differences are...
The mouse that ROR’ed: ROR1 oncogene combines with another to accelerate, worsen blood cancer
Shingles linked to increased risk of stroke in young adults
Researchers at the University of California, San
stroke years later, according to research published in the January 2, 2014,...
Diego School of Medicine report that an oncogene dubbed ROR1, found on chronic...
Access to Health Care M ay Increase ER Visits, Study Suggests
Science points to the statistic that our minds
Having shingles may increase the risk of having a
The study, published in the journal Science,
Sneaky smokers beware: Now there’s a saliva test which shows if you’ve had a cigarette in the last three days
compared thousands of low-income people in the Portland area who were randomly...
The Saliva SmokeScreen test requires people to spit into a cup so their saliva can be tested for a breakdown product of nicotine,...
Goodbye, goji berry! The buffaloberry is the new superfood of 2014… but what the heck IS it?
Want a good night’s sleep? Quit smoking: Cigarette smoke disrupts the body clock
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Native to North America and traditionally eaten by Native Americans Bears also eat the small, tart, red
Smoking can prevent good quality sleep, causing depression and anxiety Lack of sleep can also
berry that grows...
cause other mood disorders...
High blood pressure is more dangerous for WOM EN than men: They need earlier and more aggressive treatment, say doctors
3 Fab Healthy Snack Subscription Services (Yes, Really)
There are significant differences in the
post-vending-machine sugar...
Women, on average, grab three snacks per day, according to the NPD Group. Bypass the inevitable
mechanisms that cause high blood pressure in women when compared to men, the researchers...
A Graduate Program Works To Diversify The Science World There is a widespread narrative in higher education that goes something like this: Colleges and universities have always...
A novel oncolytic viral therapy and imaging technique for gastric cancer using a genetically engineered vaccinia virus carrying the human sodium iodide symporter Gastric cancers have poor overall survival despite recent advancements in early detection methods, endoscopic resection techniques,...
Lentiviral Nef suppresses iron uptake in a strain specific manner through inhibition of Transferrin endocytosis
Early-onset colorectal cancer patients without family history are "at very low risk" for lynch syndrome
Increased cellular iron levels are associated with high mortality in HIV-1 infection. Moreover iron is an
IntroductionSeveral studies evaluated the prevalence of Lynch Syndrome (LS) in young onset
important cofactor...
colorectal cancer (CRC) patients...
A case of masked toxic adenoma in a patient with non-thyroidal illness
Having M edicaid increases emergency room visits
Non-thyroidal illness (NTI) refers to changes in thyroid hormone levels in critically ill patients in the
Adults who are covered by Medicaid use emergency rooms 40 percent more than those in
absence of primary...
similar circumstances who do not have...
Animal cells can communicate by reaching out and touching, team discovers
Terri Schiavo Group Reportedly Advising Jahi M cM athâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Family In Fight To Keep Teen On Life Support
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In a finding that directly contradicts the standard
The family of Jahi McMath is reportedly receiving
biological model of animal cell communication, UCSF scientists have discovered...
advice from a group linked to Terri Schiavo as they fight to keep the 13-year-old...
4 Recipes to Start Your New Years Cleanse
Why Should Exercise Be a Luxury?
Sara Dickerman, photos by Michael Graydon and
waving around in the air, grunts and groans came
Nikole Herriot I’m a cook, not a nutritionist. So to create the annual...
from the free weight area,...
6 Foods That Speed up Your M etabolism
A Call for Clarity on M ammography’s Benefits and the Value of Early Detection
Alessandra Bulow If you’re already inhaling
The health club was packed. Legs and arms were
Christmas cookies like it’s your job this holiday season, take a...
It’s a holiday week. But when the New York Times
Calif. man’s $55,000 appendectomy bill goes viral January 2, 2014, 9:00 AM|After receiving a $55,000
Scientists uncover image of muscular dystrophy defect & design targeted drug candidates
hospital bill following an appendectomy, 20-yearold Nic Gonzalez took...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eric 267-337-3859Scripps
published another op-ed by Dr. H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute...
Research Institute IMAGE: Scripps Florida scientists...
Atlas M ountains in M orocco are buoyed up by superhot rock, study finds 213-740-9226University
The value of muscle biopsies in Pompe disease: identifying lipofuscin inclusions in juvenile- and adult-onset patients
of Southern California IMAGE: This is a profile...
Pompe disease, an inherited deficiency of
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert
lysosomal acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA), is a metabolic myopathy with heterogeneous...
Identifying which septic patients have increased mortality risk using severity scores: a cohort study Early aggressive therapy can reduce the mortality
M itogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3 (M AP3K3/M EKK3) overexpression is an early event in esophageal tumorigenesis and is a predictor of poor disease prognosis
associated with severe sepsis but this relies on Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
prompt recognition, which...
Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase3 (MAP3K3/MEKK3) was identified to be differentially expressed in esophageal...
Back to Work Blues: Protecting Yourself from Energy Vampires…
Health care worker shortage looms as staff retire
Holidays from work can elicit relief and dread in
Nova Scotia’s new health minister is being warned
equal measure when you know you’ll be going
the province could face “alarming” shortages
back to a co-worker who seems...
Biologists discover solution to problem limiting development of human stem cell therapies
Plant used in Chinese medicine fights chronic pain
Biologists at UC San Diego have discovered an
Chinese medicine may be just what the doctor
effective strategy that could prevent the human immune system from rejecting...
ordered, especially when it...
Opioid tolerance and pain hypersensitivity associated with mTOR activation
Doxorubicin-associated mitochondrial iron accumulation promotes cardiotoxicity
Currently, opioids are the standard treatment for
Doxorubicin is a widely used as a component of
chronic pain. Patients on opioids for long periods of time become desensitized...
chemotherapy regimes; however, the use of doxorubicin is associated with severe...
Ditch the Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions: The best apps to reach your goals
Well, that’s a little controversial for so soon in
A plant used for centuries as a pain reliever in
January, don’t you think? Aren’t resolutions simply...
On the first day of your New Year’s resolutions,
Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall wants ER waits to end
Are e-cigarettes safer than regular smokes?
Premier Brad Wall says if fewer people went to
Quitting smoking is always one of the top New
emergency departments with non-emergencies, it would mean faster service for...
Year’s resolutions. But while e-cigarettes are marketed as a non-tobacco...
AUDIO: A ‘dry January’ is good for health
End protection of NHS spending
whether you want to break a harmful habit or jumpstart a better one,...
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People abstaining from alcohol in January could
2 January 2014 Last updated at 08:16 ET Liam Fox
see immediate health benefits, a study suggests.
made a call to end the ringfencing of NHS
Researchers from University...
spending last year The automatic...
Brain training works, but just for the practiced task, say researchers
These States Could Benefit From The M ost Popular New Year’s Resolution
Search for “brain training” on the Web. You’ll find
Americans think most people gain about five
online exercises, games, software, even apps, all
pounds during the holiday season. While studies
show it’s actually far...
Exercising Your Fears: The Gym
5 Steps to Solve Your M igraines
This will be the first in a four-part series about some of the mental blocks that we as obese
Migraines are a big problem. They affect millions of people and are responsible for billions of dollars in
people MUST overcome in order...
health care costs....
Greg Behrendt And Amiira Ruotola Explain How To Attract The Right Person (VIDEO)
M onthly M editation: Keep On Keepin’ On
As the author of the popular bestseller He’s Just
of Your Body, Your Mind’s “Monthly Meditation”
Not That Into You, Greg Behrendt has had a lot to
series, designed...
World Bank Photo Collection | CC This post is part
say about dating...
Fighting New Year’s Regrets Many people greet the new year with renewed hope
Sanaz Nezami’s family in Iran watches her final hours online
and a sense of purpose. That’s what New Year’s
A nurse in a Michigan hospital kissed the patient’s
resolutions are all...
forehead. Nearly 9,700 kilometres away, Sanaz Nezami’s family...
VIDEO: Ainsley’s tips for a healthier diet
Schizophrenia: CBT ‘little help’
Families are being urged to remove fatty and
2 January 2014 Last updated at 07:18 ET Talking
sugary foods from their diets, in a new campaign
therapies are one treatment option for
by Public Health England. Experts...
schizophrenia Talking therapies...
Health overhaul benefits take effect with new year (AP)—After a troubled rollout, President Barack
Scientists identify key structural qualities that distinguish novel anticancer agent
Obama’s health care overhaul now faces its most
A team led by Fengzhi Li, PhD, of Roswell Park
personal test: How... Cancer Institute has reported significant new Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
findings regarding the chemical...
1st legal recreational pot industry opens in US
Gay Seniors Find Housing, Safe Haven At M innesota’s Spirit On Lake
(AP)—The first recreational marijuana industry in
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Lucretia Kirby was on her
the U.S. opened in Colorado, kicking off an
own for the first time in years after her partner’s
experiment that will be watched...
death. She felt...
Vitamin E M ay Slow Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
AUDIO: Does the NHS need to be improved?
Researchers say vitamin E might slow the
Clive Stafford Smith, founder of the legal charity
progression of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s
Reprieve, looks at whether the NHS needs to be
disease — the first time any...
improved. Coleman Pratt,...
Hydrocephalus: sensors monitor cerebral pressure
Treating chronic kidney disease using clay minerals
If the pressure in a patient’s brain is too high,
Clay has healing powers. This natural product is
physicians implant a system in the head that
destined to help treat chronic kidney disease: a
regulates the pressure....
well-tolerated agent based...
The meaningful life is a road worth traveling
Ugly in the brain of the beholder
A Stanford research project explored the key
image, the first thing that usually comes to mind is
differences between lives of happiness and
anorexia or associated...
When people think of mental illness related to body
meaningfulness. While the two are...
Gross Facts About Poo And Farts That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Former Israeli leader Sharon’s condition deteriorating: hospital
The human body is a wonderful thing, full of
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Former Israeli Prime
mysteries and marvels. It can also be downright
Minister Ariel Sharon, comatose since a 2006
disgusting, if these fart and...
stroke, is in a critical, life-threatening...
Relapse of ‘cured’ HIV patients spurs AIDS science on
Stem cell therapy for human skin disease still effective after 7 years
LONDON (Reuters) – Scientists seeking a cure for
The researchers took skin stem cells from
AIDS say they have been inspired, not crushed, by
Claudio’s palm, corrected the genetic defect in
a major setback...
these cells, and then transplanted...
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Why You Should Never Drink From Plastic
French Women Don’t Get Facelifts: How Eating Right Can Help You Age Well
Running out of ideas for New Year’s resolutions?
To manage our aging well, we need to look into the
Have you considered hydration? Proper hydration
mirror to see our self as we truly are on the inside
is essential for...
and the outside....
14 Ways To M ake 2014 The Year Of The Greatest Love Of Your Life After 30 years of working with couples and
Surgeon highlights factors that can prevent revision surgery after hip or knee replacement
researching how people repaired their
Hundreds of thousands of hip and knee
relationships, I suddenly realized that...
replacement surgeries are performed in the United States each year, and they are highly...
Tech Collective’s IT On Demand program held in Warwick
TAVI is an effective alternative to AVR for treating aortic stenosis in very elderly patients
Tech Collective, Rhode Island’s IT and Bioscience industry association, held its “IT On Demand” program...
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)
Blood conservation strategy during AVR can reduce costs, complications
Comparison of lignin derivatives as substrates for laccase-catalyzed scavenging of oxygen in coatings and films
Incorporating a blood conservation strategy (BCS) during aortic valve replacement (AVR) can reduce the likelihood of transfusion-related...
appears to be an effective alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement...
Lignin derivatives are phenylpropanoid biopolymers derived from pulping and biorefinery processes. The possibility to utilize...
Analysis of swimming performance in FINA World Cup long-distance open water races
Youth Band M arathon 2014 to be staged at HK Cultural Centre Piazza this Sunday
Age and peak performance in ultra-endurance athletes have been mainly investigated in long-
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Five popular pop-rock groups – Supper Moment, Chochukmo, Blaster,
distance runners and triathletes,...
Deep Inside and SilHungMo...
Cross-protective effect of a combined L5 plus L3 Leishmania major ribosomal
Provisional statistics of retail sales for November 2013
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protein based vaccine combined with a Th1 adjuvant in murine cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Census and Statistics Department (CSD) released the latest figures on retail sales today (January...
Two Leishmania major ribosomal proteins L3 (LmL3) and L5 (LmL5) have been described as protective molecules against cutaneous...
Five ways to help give up smoking 1 January 2014 Last updated at 19:30 ET The new
Texting, dialing while driving raises crash risk
year is traditionally a time when many people aim to ditch their cigarettes...
A sophisticated, real-world study confirms that
10 New Year’s Intentions For Yoga Teaching
15 Signs You’re Living In A Depressed State + What To Do About It
I’d never be so presumptuous to suggest
There are different levels to depression, but when
intentions for the New Year for anyone but myself. But as I share my thoughts...
you’re depressed, you know it. There’s an internal collapse....
5 Easy Ways To Get (And Stay!) Healthy
Efficacy and tolerability of adding coenzyme A 400 U/d capsule to stable statin therapy for the treatment of patients with mixed dyslipidemia: an 8week, multicenter, double-Blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
Hoping to live healthier, feel better, and make this year your best year yet? Luckily, adapting a healthy lifestyle can be...
dialing, texting or reaching for a cellphone while driving raises the risk...
Patients with mixed hyperlipidemia usually are in need of combination therapy to achieve low-density lipoprotein cholesterol...
VIDEO: New push to inspire healthy habits
Why 2014 Will Be A Better Year
Families are being urged to remove fatty and
2013 has come to a close. I’ve spent the first day of 2014, in part, reflecting on the past 365 days – all
sugary foods from their diets, in a new campaign
the opportunities,...
by Public Health England. Experts...
VIDEO: Revolution for soft tissue repairs?
Critical Shopper: For Fitness Gear and Workout Clothes, Sweaty Betty and
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Researchers at Oxford University have developed a
new implant which they say could improve the
Though she was not the biggest star in the Spice
success rates after surgery...
Girls, Melanie C., née Chisholm, was always the group’s best singer (last...
‘Biggest Loser: Australia’ Trainer Brings Weight-Loss Program to U.S.
Skin Deep: Dermatologists and Skin Care Lines Give Beauty Lessons
In the six months the firm was given to make
Valerie Rothman, 48, a lawyer who lives in the East
Americans aware of Ms. Bridges and her online
Village, had come with her sister. “It gives us a
weight-loss program, 12 Week Body...
chance to get away...
Don’t tempt friends on a diet with cakes – health watchdog
High blood pressure potentially more dangerous for women than men
“They also must understand it’s not helpful or a
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Marguerite
joke to tempt people deliberately. Some do – it’s... 336-7162415Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center WINSTON-SALEM,...
Kessler Foundation to conduct pilot study on improving memory, function in M S patients
Study: Alpha tocepherol, fat-soluble vitamin E, antioxidant may slow functional decline AD patients
Kessler Foundation has been awarded a new
Difficulty with activities of daily living often affect
grant by the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society for a pilot study of memory...
Alzheimer’s patients, which is estimated to affect as many...
Study shows good night’s sleep may be critical for maintaining brain health A new study from Uppsala University, Sweden,
Viscoelastic evaluation of fetal umbilical vein to repair middle cerebral artery injury
shows that one night of sleep deprivation increases morning blood concentrations...
Umbilical vein has been substituted for artery in vascular transplantation, but it remains unclear whether the stress relaxation...
Guqin masters Cheng Gongliang and Dai Xiaolian to stage recitals in February
M usic Office Youth Choir and Children’s Choir to perform joint concert in January
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – World-renowned Guangling stylistic school guqin masters Cheng Gongliang
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – Organised by the Music Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services
Convert w ebpages or entire w ebsites to PDF - Use PDFmyURL!
and Dai Xiaolian will collaborate...
Department, the Music Office...
Preoperative assessment and treatment of appendiceal mucocele complicated by acute torsion: a case report
Validation of the International Prostate Symptoms Score in Chinese males and females with lower urinary tract symptoms
Mucus-producing tumours of the appendix or
Objectives: To evaluate the translation of the IPSS
mucoceles can, if left untreated, lead to
(Hong Kong Chinese version 1) and to assess the
dissemination of its contents into the...
applicability, validity,...
A genome-wide association study of seed protein and oil content in soybean
Can You Find Forgiveness?
Association analysis is an alternative to
There are many obstacles to forgiveness. Below are some common questions and answers to help
conventional family-based methods to detect the
achieve forgiveness: 1. “Why...
location of gene(s) or quantitative...
Breast cancer jab ‘prevents the disease in 75% of cases’: Treatment could spare thousands of women the trauma of surgery
M ore Than 300 Sharks In Australia Are Now On Twitter
New intravenous drug fights development of ductal
Australian man was...
i i hide captionA shark warning is displayed near Gracetown, Western Australia, in November. An
carcinoma in situ In Britain 5,000 women a year are diagnosed with the...
5 M illion Untreated, Severely Ill Hit Hard To read the news from 2013, you’d think that
Tripling tobacco taxes to prevent 200 million premature deaths
mental illness was spinning out of control. And
Tripling tobacco tax globally would cut smoking by
maybe that’s because 5 million...
a third, and prevent 200 million premature deaths this century from...
Finding (Knowing) Love in 2014
Gout: Why I don’t find it funny at all
Anything or Something unearned is/or/and
1 January 2014 Last updated at 19:57 ET Gout is
undeserved…is a GIFT! APPRECIATE
traditionally associated with port-quaffing Victorian
Everything/Anything or Something and do not expect...
gentlemen of excess...
World Health Organization Launches M ental Health Action Plan
One Key to a Smooth Retirement: Tend Your "Psychological Portfolio"
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Having a mental disorder in the developing world
The questions most people think about before
can be grim. Up to 85 percent of people with severe
retirement are “How much money will I need?” and
mental disorders in...
“Am I saving...
Rapist’s Plea for Euthanasia Stirs Debate on Right to Die
Heroic Imagination Project Helps Students Take Action
For more than half his life, Frank van den Bleeken,
Kris Leppien-Christensen, PhD, was driving his
a rapist and murderer, has been detained in the
wife and then-5-year-old son home late one night
Belgian penal system,...
when he saw a bicyclist crash...
50 Years of Keeping a Daily Diary
Research into fruit fly cells could lead to cancer insights
When I was 15 years old, I decided to keep a daily journal. I was partly motivated by the fact that my father had started...
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Eleanor 44-782-7309332University of Exeter New research by scientists...
Persistent pain a problem year after breast cancer surgery NEW YORK — Lingering pain after breast cancer
Virginia Tech researchers find novice teen drivers easily fall into distraction, accidents
surgery remains a significant problem for many
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Steven
women, new data suggest. One...
540-231-4787Virginia Tech Cell phones, other distractions pose greater...
Tripling tobacco taxes worldwide would avoid 200 million tobacco deaths
US global share of research spending declines
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Leslie
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Nicole 416-864-6094St. Michael’s Hospital Controlling tobacco marketing... 734-7642220University of Michigan Health System New analysis shows...
Drivers engaged in other tasks about 10 percent of the time
Elderly Couple Ran a M arathon Every Day of 2013
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Robert 301-496-5133NIH/National Institute of Child Health
Janette Wakelin-Murray and Alan Murray ran a marathon every day in 2013. (Credit:
and Human Development NIH,...
RunRaw/Facebook) A couple in their 60s...
Trebling tobacco tax ‘could prevent 200
Distracted driving bigger problem for
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million early deaths’
novice drivers
LONDON (Reuters) – Trebling tobacco tax globally
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – If you’re a novice
would cut smoking by a third and prevent 200 million premature deaths...
driver, dialing a phone is more dangerous than retrieving text...
M etabolism and Body Size Influence the Perception of M ovement and Time
Editing Your Life’s Stories Can Create Happier Endings
When we watch TV or a movie, we are essentially
Daniel Horowitz for NPR It was a rainy night in
watching a series of still images presented in rapid succession… so rapid,...
October when my nephew Lewis passed the Frankenstein statue standing in front...
Researchers Create New ‘M emory’ M etals That Could Improve Safety
Stereotactic body radiotherapy with or without external beam radiation as treatment for organ confined high-risk prostate carcinoma: a six year study
Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available at approximately 7:00 p.m. ET. Some metal alloys will “remember”...
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) has excellent control rates for low- and intermediaterisk prostate carcinoma.The role...
12 Funny New Year’s Resolution Quotes for Curmudgeons…
Alcohol, tobacco, drug use far higher in severely mentally ill
I don’t make new year’s resolutions because I am always working toward one goal or another, with
In the largest ever assessment of substance use among people with severe psychiatric illness,
varying degrees of success. So,...
researchers at Washington University...
The New Year’s Resolutions You Won’t M ake for 2014
What M y Year of Yoga Taught M e About Having Patience With M yself
As you nurse your NYE hangover on January 1st, you’ll probably start thinking about what you want to
Like 40 percent of people, I set New Year’s resolutions. Year after year, I resolve to give up junk
do differently...
food, call my grandma...
5 Steps To Actually Accomplishing Those New Year’s Resolutions
Ex-Israeli Prime M inister Sharon’s condition worsens: reports
By Kellee Khalil for As each new year approaches, so many of us start thinking about our
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, comatose since a 2006
resolutions — but...
stroke, has deteriorated to...
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Gym-Goers Tweet Venom for New Year’s Newbies: ‘I Hate You … Go Home!’
Ask Women’s Health: Tampon Safety, Calories, and LinkedIn Etiquette
Now that the holidays are over and people have
sure I burn more than I eat?—Lilli, DeWitt, IA. You
resolved to lose weight in 2014, gyms across the country are packed with the...
should feel hungrier...
3 Strength-Training Tips for Beginners Use these three tips from Neghar Fonooni, a
Her Bipolar Life’s First Year: Reflection and Hope for…
fitness coach in Santa Monica, to stay injury-free in
Thanks to Dr. John Grohol, I started Her Bipolar
the weight room. Start...
Life on January 17, 2013. It has been a fantastic first year for HBL—a...
Top 13 Weightless Posts Of 2013
M ourning 2013 for a Better New Year
I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful New Year’s
First, although this is a post about New Year’s
Eve last night! Today, I’m looking back at the posts
Eve/Day, I once again reiterate the fact that it is a
you guys visited...
ridiculous and stupid...
4 Daily Habits that Can Hamper Your Relationship
US ready to usher in ‘Obamacare’
A marriage is made up not just the big moments —
reforms take effect on Wednesday, granting
the wedding, moving in together, starting a family — but of an infinite...
coverage to millions of previously...
Supreme Court exempts nun group from Obamacare birth control clause (Update)
New US health law needs youth to sign up
US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has
success of the U.S. health care overhaul that takes effect Wednesday that both...
granted a temporary reprieve to a group of nuns challenging a requirement of...
I’m hungrier on days I exercise—how do I make
President Barack Obama’s landmark health care
Healthy young adults are so important to the
Novel noninvasive therapy prevents breast cancer formation in mice
Hundreds monitored in Taiwan after bird flu case
A novel breast-cancer therapy that partially reverses
Taiwanese authorities are monitoring hundreds of
the cancerous state in cultured breast tumor cells and prevents cancer...
people who may have had contact with a mainland Chinese tourist infected...
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2.1 million sign up for ‘Obamacare’ health insurance
27 eagle deaths in Utah caused by West Nile Virus
More than 2 million people have signed up for
The mystery illness that has killed 27 bald eagles
private health insurance through President Barack
in Utah this month appears to be West Nile Virus,
Obama’s signature reform...
state officials said...
M arketing efforts to uninsured youth ramp up
How Sleep Deprivation Decays The M ind And Body
The so-called “young invincibles,” are so important
Getting too little sleep can have serious health
to the success of the Affordable Care Act that
consequences, including depression, weight gain,
and heart disease. It is...
Why I’m Quitting Social M edia for 30 Days
Hello 2014: 21 Ways to Live a Resilient Life
In my completely unscientific and unfounded
Here are 21 ways to lead a resilient life: 1. Set
opinion, there are two types of social media users:
healthy boundaries that work for you and not
the persistent posters and...
everyone else. Put this phrase...
Link Between Crime & Chilly Weather Is Complex, Controversial
The Science Behind Successful New Year’s Resolutions
Heat gets a bad rap for fueling human hostility. But
Even though the new year can be exciting and full of
what’s the deal when the mercury drops? The cold
possibility, it can also be pretty stressful. You might
effect has been...
be saying things...
Antioxidant-rich foods may reduce cataract risk Women who eat foods rich in antioxidants may
Dome Homes Could Save Everyone From Hurricanes, Earthquakes And Flying Cars (PHOTOS)
have a lower risk of cataracts as they age,
Though milder than previous years, 2013 saw its
according to a new Swedish analysis. “Oxidative...
share of extreme weather, the increasingly alarming phenom that experts say...
M edical controversies sparking debate in 2014
7 health predictions for 2014
In January of 2013, the Food and Drug
breakthroughs, medical research, or changes in
Administration announced “sweeping” rules aimed
healthcare policy, it’s...
Whether we’re talking about treatment
at food safety, but 2014 may be...
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Health Tip: Little Kids and Some Pets Don’t M ix
Health Tip: New M om, Protect Your Back
– Pets can be a lot of fun to play with, and to help kids learn responsibility. But some pets may not be
– A new baby can put a strain on mom’s back, sometimes leading to injury and pain. The
safe for young...
American Academy of Orthopaedic...
M ark Nepo On The Real M eaning Of Sacrifice (VIDEO)
How to create your own home gym
Author and poet Mark Nepo says that we’re like the cliffs worn down by the sea — that’s how our
A few key pieces (starting at just $8) will give you a full-body workout at home. For Small SpacesThese items can transform...
Reddit User Posts $55,000 Hospital Bill for Appendectomy
New habits to start with your children in 2014
When a 20-year-old man got over the pain of having
This year, instead of just resolving to spend more
his burst appendix removed in October, he got hit
quality time with your children, come up with a list
with a hospital bill...
of new habits to...
Got a New Year’s hangover? Don’t get behind the wheel
Why I Gave Away M ost Of M y Belongings (And Why I’m Happy I Did)
Sure, you know that drinking alcohol and driving are
The new year is a great time to resolve to get
a dangerous mix. But if you rang in 2014 a little too
yourself in shape. But what about your home?
heartily last...
When things are ordered and...
3 M yths About Raw Food Everyone Should Drop
A Homemade Vegan M ayo Recipe That Will Blow Your M ind
If you’ve never eaten or even considered a raw food
After you try this you will wonder why you haven’t
diet before, congratulations for even clicking on the
made your own all along. It’s way cheaper than
link to this...
buying vegenaise...
Testicular seminomatous mixed germ cell tumor with choriocarcinoma and teratoma with secondary somatic malignancy: a case report
Temporal mismatch between pain behaviour, skin Nerve Growth Factor and intra-epidermal nerve fibre density in trigeminal neuropathic pain
IntroductionTesticular tumors are a heterogeneous
The neurotrophin Nerve Growth factor (NGF) is
group of neoplasms exhibiting diverse
known to influence the phenotype of mature
histopathology and can be classified...
nociceptors, for example by altering...
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Association between individual quadriceps muscle volume/enthesis and patello femoral joint cartilage morphology
Suspension of fresh water supply in Western Island
IntroductionThe aim of this study was to determine
that owing to a water main of 450mm...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Water Supplies Department (WSD) today (Jannary 1) announced
the association between individual quadriceps muscle volumes and the quadriceps...
Age, sex and (the) race: gender and geriatrics in the ultra-endurance age Ultra-endurance challenges were once the stuff of
Stop smoking, lose weight? The best apps to keep your New Year’s resolutions
legend isolated to the daring few who were driven to take on some of the...
On the first day of your New Year’s resolutions, whether you want to break a harmful habit or jumpstart a better one,...
VIDEO: Victim Support ‘helped me recover’
To grow or to defend: How plants decide
It is 40 years since Victim Support was established in the UK. The charity was originally the idea of a
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Zoe 44-776-816-
group of public-spirited...
4185Norwich BioScience Institutes Crop breeding for semi-dwarfed...
Schumacher ‘stable’, media urged to respect privacy GRENOBLE, France (Reuters) – Former Formula One champion Michael Schumacher’s condition is “stable”,...
Federal Flood Insurance Program Drowning in Debt. Who Will Pay?
M alawian Farmers Say Adapt To Climate Change Or Die
hide captionEven when a flood obliterates homes,
i i hide captionVillages in the Lower Shire valley of
as Superstorm Sandy did in 2012 in the Rockaway
Malawi like this one named Jasi, rely heavily on
neighborhood of Queens,...
RoboCop? How About RoboPenguin!
Clinical and microbiological characteristics of tigecycline nonsusceptible Klebsiella pneumoniae
i i hide captionTwo African Penguins stretch their flippers at the Maryland Zoo. Adam Cole/NPR Two
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bacteremia in Taiwan Resistance among Klebsiella pneumoniae to most antibiotics is on the rise. Tigecycline has been considered as one of the...
Does intermittent fasting work? 1 January 2014 Last updated at 02:55 ET If losing
Brain biomarker cue to the soundness of sleep
weight is on your January wish-list, you’re not alone – it’s...
Swedish scientists on Tuesday said they had found further evidence that sleep helps to promote the health of brain cells. The...
Justice delays health law’s birth control mandate
Researchers say Vitamin E may slow spread of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s
WASHINGTON (AP) — Only hours before the law was to take effect, a Supreme Court justice on
Researchers say vitamin E might slow the progression of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s
Tuesday blocked implementation...
disease — the first time any...
How Yoga Helped M e Heal From Deep Depression
Art and the self
Although I never planned to take my own life, I wanted it taken from me. I was done. I stopped
happening when we react to the aesthetic in our lives? Vessel, Starr...
<![CDATA[]]> How is it that art moves us? What is
eating, not because I forcefully...
CCF to accept new applications for "One-off Living Subsidy for Low-income Households Not Living in Public Housing and Not Receiving CSSA"
A Failed M ental Health System: The Top 5 Failures
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The following is issued on behalf of the Community Care Fund Secretariat:
condition? How are...
Are you a parent, family member, or caregiver of a loved one with a severe or untreated mental health
The Community Care Fund...
NHS groups look to new start in 2014 1 January 2014 Last updated at 00:04 ET The letter said staff were busy providing “high-quality healthcare to millions” The...
Recipes for Health: Farro and Swiss Chard Salad With Grapefruit Vinaigrette 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1/2 cup diced chard stems 1 garlic clove, minced 1 cup coarsely...
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Insight into likelihood of retinal detachment following open globe injury
Doctors, hospitals expect some confusion as Obamacare plans start
[ | E-mail ] Contact: Mary
By Lewis Krauskopf and Julie Steenhuysen
LeachMary_Leach@meei.harvard.eud 617-5734170Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
(Reuters) – Hospitals and medical practices across the United States are...
Findings published...
10 Self-Care Strategies For Private Practice Shrinks
New Year Wishes
Compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and caregiver burnout are common among helping
and successful 2014. I hope that the new year brings with it all the...
I want to take time out to wish you all a very happy
professionals, including psychotherapists....
Insight into likelihood of retinal detachment following open globe injury
Teens And Docs Abstain From Sex Talk
Ocular trauma causing open globe injury, or a breach in the wall of the eye, remains an important
about sex—but not enough with their doctors. A North Carolina-based...
Click here to listen to this podcast Teenagers talk
cause of vision loss, with...
Gay couple to exchange vows on Rose Parade float
U.S. justice grants exemption in contraception mandate challenge
By Dana Feldman LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A gay Los Angeles couple plans to exchange
By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Roman Catholic Church-affiliated organizations on
wedding vows on a flower-covered...
Tuesday asked the Supreme...
Space M useum 3D full-dome show to present search for alien life
Six additional overseas cases of M iddle East Respiratory Syndrome closely monitored by DH
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Hong Kong Space Museum’s latest 3D full-dome show, “We are Aliens 3D”, was...
Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Department of Health (DH) is today (January 1) closely monitoring six additional cases of Middle...
4 Types of Friends: M ust Friends, Trust Friends, Rust…
Ski Helmet Use Isn’t Reducing Brain Injuries
Ancient philosophers and contemporary scientists agree that one of the keys to happiness is strong
BEAVER CREEK, Colo. — The fact that Michael Schumacher was wearing a helmet when he
relationships with other...
sustained a life-threatening head injury...
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M illions Gaining Health Coverage Under Law
Wal-M art offers 30 days of prescriptions to backlogged Obamacare enrollees
Starting Wednesday, health insurance companies can no longer deny coverage to people with pre-
(Reuters) – Wal-Mart Stores Inc said on Tuesday it will provide a month’s supply of certain
existing conditions and cannot...
prescriptions at...
West Nile virus blamed for death of bald eagles in Utah
Former first lady Barbara Bush hospitalized in Houston
By Laura Zuckerman (Reuters) – An unprecedented wintertime outbreak of West Nile
(Reuters) – Former first lady Barbara Bush has been hospitalized in Houston for treatment of early
virus has killed more than two dozen...
signs of a “respiratory-related...
FBI Denver Seeks O2 Bandit in Three Denver Bank Robberies
Poem: How Not To Live
The Denver Police Department and the FBI Rocky
It gets exhausting to dive into the self Left and right In and out Everything Everywhere And live there. -
Mountain Safe Streets Task Force (RMSSTF) are
eml Comments This...
investigating three bank robberies...
New Year’s Resolutions
Vitamin E ‘beneficial’ in dementia
Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions: I’ll lose weight. I’ll stop smoking. I’ll spend more time with
31 December 2013 Last updated at 19:46 ET Vitamin E is found in foods such as eggs, nuts and
my partner...
oils A daily dose of vitamin...
Ski Helmet Use Is Up, but Brain Injuries Aren’t Down
Foods For Liver: 20 Detoxing Things To Cook With This Year
BEAVER CREEK, Colo. — The fact that Michael Schumacher was wearing a helmet when he
We’ve had our fair share of holiday turkeys and treats and of course, booze on New Year’s Eve. If
sustained a life-threatening head injury...
your New Year’s...
Swiss Apline Skier Daniel Albrecht Recalls 2009 Crash, Brain Injury After M ichael Schumacher Accident
Time to Get BYOB — Get Back Your Own Body
GRENOBLE, France (AP) — Daniel Albrecht counts
This is the time of year to Get BYOB, which stands for Get Back Your Own Body. It’s time to stop
himself among the lucky. The Swiss Alpine racer
moaning and start...
left spectators gasping...
New Year, New Jobs
Signs Of Cranial Surgery Seen In
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Thanks to several key trends in aging and health care, one of the fastest-growing jobs in 2014 is expected to be that of...
Peruvian Skulls Dating Back 1,000 Years (PHOTOS) Feeling a little off your game today? How about a nice hole in your skull? University of California researchers have found...
Catholic groups ask U.S. Supreme Court to block contraception coverage
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the M issing Replication
By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
In 1959 at the University of Cambridge, C.P. Snow
Roman Catholic Church-affiliated organizations on
delivered his (now infamous) Rede lecture on the
Tuesday asked the U.S....
Two Cultures of science...
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