Exercises to Ease Pain Due to Rotator Cuff Injury

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Treatment for rotator cuff tendonitis reduces the shoulder pain, thereby enabling the patients to do their everyday activities with much ease.

Exercises to Ease Pain Due to Rotator Cuff Injury

Treatment for rotator cuff tendonitis reduces the shoulder pain, thereby enabling the patients to do their everyday activities with much ease. Rotator cuff injury is a common musculoskeletal injury for which effective pain management services are available in Brooklyn, NYC. Treatment at a reliable healthcare center will reduce the pain and swelling due to the condition, and help patients achieve optimal functional ability, strength and mobility. Rotator cuff injury may be the result of a substantial injury to the shoulder or due to progressive degeneration or wear and tear of the tendon tissue. This injury is common in people who perform repetitive lifting tasks or overhead activities, athletes especially tennis players and baseball pitchers – painters, and carpenters. The symptoms of the condition are Pain at rest and at night, particularly if lying on the affected shoulder Pain when lifting and lowering the arm or with specific movements Weakness when lifting or rotating the arm Crepitus or a crackling sensation when moving the shoulder in certain positions Chronic shoulder and arm pain are indications to seek medical attention. Early treatment is important to prevent the symptoms from getting worse, reduce pain and restore function. Exercise is an important component of non-surgical treatment for rotator cuff injury. Physical therapy in NYC healthcare centers includes exercises aimed at restoring movement, strengthening the shoulder, and improving flexibility and range of motion. When performed correctly, exercise can relieve shoulder pain and prevent further injury. Exercises to Reduce Rotator Cuff Pain

 Doorway stretch – This is a stretching exercise. Initially, you have to warm up your muscles by standing in an open doorway and spreading your arms out to the side. Grasp the sides of the doorway with each hand at or below shoulder height and lean forward through the doorway until you feel a light stretch. Keep a straight back as you lean and shift your weight onto your toes.

 Side-lying external rotation - This exercise promotes scapular movement and stability as well as strengthens the rotator cuff and the posterior deltoid. Lie down on the side opposite your injured arm. Hold the dumbbell in the hand that's on the top with

the elbow bent at 90 degrees. Keeping the elbow bent, rotate your arm so that the dumbbell moves up across your chest and toward the ceiling. Return slowly to the start position. Repeat 3 sets of 10 up to 3 times a day.

 High-to-low rows - Attach a resistance band above shoulder height. Get down on one knee so the knee opposite your injured arm is raised. Rest your other hand on your raised knee. Hold the band securely with your arm outstretched and pull your elbow toward your body. Repeat 3 sets of 10.

 Reverse fly - Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bent your knees slightly. Keep your back straight and bend forward at the waist. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, extend your arms and raise them away from your body. You should not raise your arms above the shoulder level.

 Lawn mower pull - Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place one end of a resistance band under the foot opposite your injured arm. Hold the other end with the injured arm, so the band goes diagonally across your body. Keeping your other hand on your hip, bend slightly at the waist. Start a lawn mower in slow motion, straighten upright while pulling your elbow across the body to your outside ribs. Effective Non-surgical Shoulder Pain Treatment is Available in NYC At an established multispecialty healthcare and rehabilitation center in Brooklyn, NYC, you can expect customized treatment for shoulder pain. In addition to a physical exam and history taking, imaging tests such as X-ray (and MRI scan if necessary) may be used to diagnose your condition. Your age, activity level, general health, and the type of injury you have will be taken into account to plan your treatment. Besides exercise and physical therapy, shoulder pain treatment programs will include modalities such as: ice pack application, non-steroidal antiinflammatory medication, chiropractic care, trigger point injections, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), radiofrequency ablation and cold compression. Rotator cuff tendonitis treatment plans also include shoulder self-care guidance and pain management education.



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