Infection Control in Dental Prosthetic Laboratories in Fiji.

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Infection Control in Dental Prosthetic Laboratories in Fiji. Lal P, Sailo A, and Morse Z. Aims: To evaluate the current infection control Guidelines for Fiji dental laboratories, the measures taken by laboratory staff to prevent cross Contamination and the Hepatitis B immunization status. Setting 3 government and 3 private dental laboratories. Participants: 17 dental officers, 13 dental technicians from government and 5 dental officers and 3 dental technicians from private clinics. Methods: Questionnaires were filled and laboratories visited and observed. Results: 35.3% of dental officers and 38.5% technicians from government laboratories reported there was no standard infection control guideline, 40% dental officers and 33.3% technicians from private reported the same. 23.5% dental officers and 61.5% technicians from government reported very poor standard of infection control. 20% dental officers and 66.5% technicians from private also reported very poor standard of infection control. 70.6% used autoclaving, 5.9% cold sterilization and 23.5% using disinfectants as methods of sterilization in government while 40% used autoclaving and 60% cold sterilization in private. 94.1% dental officers and 100% technicians from government and 100% Dental officers and 66.7% technicians from private had hepatitis B immunization. Conclusion: No proper standard infection control guideline is available for Dental Laboratories in any government and private Dental practices. Key words: Dental Infection Control, Dental Immunization, Dental Laboratory, Dental Technician. Correspondence to: zacmorse(at)

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